PILGRIM GUIDE INTRODUCTION DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS! With great joy I welcome you to Krakow, the beloved city of the founder and patron of World Youth Day – St. John Paul II. I am pleased that, after three years of preparation and waiting, we can meet here in the capital of Divine Mercy devotion, in the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, to create a large community of witnesses of mercy and to enthusiastically proclaim the truth of God’s love, which never tires of forgiving, longs for us, and continues to seek the path to our hearts. Welcoming you is a city of many saints and blesseds, a city of two apostles of Divine Mercy: St. John Paul II and St. Sr. Faustina. It is here that the Lord Jesus, through the humble nun, reminded the world of the message of God’s infinite love, for it is from here that for 80 years, since September 13, 1935, an unceasing prayer for Divine Mercy has flowed over the world, rising in the simple words of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, dictated to St. Faustina by the Lord Jesus. Here, Karol Wojtyła, the future Pope John Paul II, spent 40 years of his life as a student of Polish studies, worker, seminarian, priest, bishop, and cardinal – until the day he went to Rome for the conclave in 1978. It is in Krakow that he entrusted the world to Divine Mercy so that mankind will find in it salvation and the light of hope. 4 | wyd krakow 2016 I invite you to an unforgettable journey in the footsteps of these two witnesses and apostles of Divine Mercy. The streets of Krakow on which they traveled and the churches in which they prayed will lead you to Łagiewniki – to the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, where the Merciful Jesus waits to touch your hearts and overcome their deepest fears, longings, and desires. Do not be afraid of this encounter with His love! We want to put in your hands the spark of God’s love that is coming out of Krakow. Take it and spread it in your communities: in your families, at school, among friends, at work, and when you rest. Make a real “mess of mercy,” a revolution of God’s love that is so needed in today’s world, which is absorbed in the confusion of values, lives in fear of terrorism, is shaken by wars, experiences injustice, and neglects the weakest and neediest. I firmly believe that these extraordinary days will fill you with hope and strength, that they will be a source of joy and an experience of living faith for the youth of the Church. Let us pray together – during World Youth Day and beyond: “Allow the spark of God’s love that you have enkindled within us become a fire that can transform hearts and renew the face of the earth!” With all my heart, I bless you for the duration of World Youth Day in Krakow, and I pray that our meeting will bring into your life the most beautiful fruits of faith, hope, and love. Bishop Damian Muskus OFM General Coordinator World Youth Day Krakow 2016 Local Organizing Committee THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 WHAT IS WORLD YOUTH DAY? COLOGNE PARIS 2005 | 1,2 million 1997 | 1,1–1,2 million 1989 | 0,6 million 1991 | 1,5–1,8 million 2002 | 0,8 million ROME 1985 | 0,3 million 1986 | 0,35 million 2000 | 2–2,5 millions 1993 | 0,5–1 million MADRID 1995 | 4 millions 2011 | 2 millions RIO DE JANEIRO 2013 | 3,7 millions 2008 | 0,5 million 1987 | 0,9 million Previous World Youth Days World Youth Day is an international meeting of youth from all over the world who gather together in one place with their catechists, priests, bishops, and the pope in order to profess their faith in Jesus Christ. The founder and first host of the event was Pope St. John Paull II, who gathered young people from all over the world ten times: in Rome (1984, 1985, 2000), Buenos Aires (1987), Santiago de Compostela (1989), Częstochowa (1991), Denver (1993), Manila (1995), Paris (1997), and Toronto (2002). When St. John Paul II passed away, this dialogue between the Church and the youth was continued by Pope Benedict XVI, who presided over the meetings in Cologne (2005), 8 | abcs | wyd krakow 2016 Sydney (2008), and Madrid (2011). Pope Francis met with youth in Rio de Janeiro (2013), and it was there that he announced where the next World Youth Day would take place: Krakow, Poland in 2016. The established objective of World Youth Day is to experience the great community of the universal Church, listen to the word of God, and celebrate the sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance, as well as to joyfully proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. World Youth Day is a multiday meeting. Since 1997, it has consisted of two parts: the first – “Days in Dioceses,” during which the youth stay in different areas of a host country, and the second called “Main Events” – a one-week stay in the primary host city. World Youth Day lasts two weeks. However, it is important to remember that the meeting requires both long spiritual and organizational preparations. Therefore, the real period of World Youth Day begins when the decision is made to participate and finishes when the mission of the meeting bears desirable fruits – even if this is long after the actual meeting. wyd krakow 2016 | abcs | 9 THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 WYD SYMBOLS World Youth Day is represented by two symbols – the Jubilee Cross (World Youth Day Cross) and the Icon of Our Lady Protectress of the Roman People (Salus Populi Romani). During the World Youth Day celebrations, the symbols are present on the site where the Main Events take place, and during the period of preparations for the event they are carried throughout the host country as well as neighbouring countries by WYD advocates. Carrying these symbols points out the main purpose of WYD – getting to know Jesus better in the Mystery of Redemption and surrendering our lives to the protection of Our Lady. THE WORLD YOUTH DAY CROSS The wooden cross was made in 1983 on the occasion of the beginning of the Holy Year of the Redemption. At the end of the Holy Year’s celebrations, on Easter Sunday, April 22, 1984, the cross was passed on to youth by the Holy Father. He asked them to carry it throughout the world as a proclamation of their faith. This was the beginning of its journey around the world and the herald of World Youth Day. First, the cross made its way to the Catholic Days in Germany (1984), and then further to other European countries. In 1987, the Cross was taken outside Europe for the first time – to Buenos Aires, where it stayed during the 2nd World Youth Day. To date, the cross has been present on all continents, including in countries facing wars and conflicts. THE ICON OF OUR LADY SALUS POPULI ROMANI The painting of Our Lady Salus Populi Romani (dating back to the 6th century) rates among one of the most venerated images of Mary in Italy. The title “Protectress of the Roman People” refers to the miraculous protec- 10 | abcs | wyd krakow 2016 tion of Rome from the Bubonic Plague. Today, the Icon of the Mother of God, renowned for its graces, is located in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, which the Romans visit on pilgrimage. Starting and finishing apostolic journeys at “Saint Mary Major” is also a custom of Pope Francis. Our Lady appeared in this image at World Youth Day for the first time in 2000, when a copy of the icon was displayed on the papal altar at Tor Vergata. Three years later, during the Days in Dioceses, the pope handed the copy over to the youth so that they could carry it around the world. This was also when he passed his testament “Totus Tuus” onto the youth. wyd krakow 2016 | abcs | 11 THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 THEME The theme of the 31st World Youth Day in 2016 is: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Mt 5:7). At the meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Pope Francis told the youth: “Read the Beatitudes, it will do you good” (the meeting with young Argentinians in the Metropolitan Cathedral of St. Sebastian, Rio de Janeiro, 25 July 2013). As a motto for the meeting in Krakow, he has chosen the fifth of the eight Beatitudes, given by Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. In his sermon, Christ highlights the importance of happiness in the lives of Christians and of the heart of the Kingdom of God itself. All of the World Youth Day meetings – according to the idea of their founder and patron, St. John Paul II – have focused on one biblical thought, which often refers to the spirituality of the particular host city. Not only does the main topic accompany young people at the preparatory stage, but it is also discussed during the Main Events – at catechesis with the Bishops and in the messages and homilies delivered by the Holy Father during the Main Events. The choice of Krakow as the place for the meeting and the given World Youth Day motto aims to lead participants to the Spark of Mercy which, since the Merciful Jesus appeared to St. Sr. Faustina, has been radiating from Krakow’s Łagiewniki to the whole universal Church. Krakow is widely known as the capital of the Divine Mercy; we warmly recommend visiting the places of the revelations – Sr. Faustina’s tomb and the sanctuary where St. John Paul II entrusted the world to the Divine Mercy. 12 | abcs | wyd krakow 2016 © L'Osservatore Romano BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL FOR THEY SHALL OBTAIN MERCY Mt 5:7 wyd krakow 2016 | abcs | 13 THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 PATRONS St. Faustina and St. John Paul II are the main patrons of World Youth Day in Krakow. When 18-year-old Karol Wojtyła arrived in Krakow to begin his studies at Jagiellonian University in 1938, 33-year-old Sr. Faustina already lived in a Cracovian convent. She died on October 5, 1938, when Karol began his first semester of studies at the Faculty of Polish Studies. They never met, but Divine Providence tied their fates together in a special way: it was Pope John Paul II who canonized St. Faustina and instituted the feast of Divine Mercy in the entire Church. These two Saints of Krakow have been recognized as special apostles of Divine Mercy. Their lives are great examples of deep trust in Divine Mercy, clearly expressed in the words of the Diary by St. Faustina: “Jesus, I trust in You.” © Archives of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy 14 | abcs | wyd krakow 2016 JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU wyd krakow 2016 | abcs | 15 Polish Polski PL THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 English Angielski EN LOGO Arabic Chinese Japanese The circumstances surrounding the creation of the logo are unusual. Being in the Vatican for the canonizations of Pope John Paul II and Pope Italian Italiano IT Monika Rybczyńska, the creator of the logo, prayed before John XXIII, the Polish Pope’s tomb with the words: “Holy Father, I need an inspiration. If this is God’s will, please intercede for me to receive it.” “It was a specific prayer. And the answer was immediate!” said Monika. “That Portuguese Português PT very evening, I sent a finished version of the logo to the Youth Ministry’s Head Office in Warsaw!” But there was one more person who worked on the design at the final stage – Emilia Pyza, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Having taken part in World Youth Spanish Day inES Cologne (2005), which was an important experience for her, she Español wished to contribute to WYD in some way, and eventually succeeded! French Français FR SYMBOLISM German Deutsch DE OF THE LOGO All of the elements of the World Youth Day Krakow 2016 logo have meanings. Russian русский Slavic Slavic Slovenian Croatian Slovak 16 Tchaco RU SL Mercy HR Jesus Christ SL | abcs | wyd krakow 2016 CS Poland Krakow and youth Main components: Jesus Christ and youth In the logo, you can see the symbol of the cross, which represents Jesus, and a full circle pictured inside Him, representing young Christians. The place of the meeting: Poland and Krakow The circle represents Krakow – the city of St. John Paul II and St. Sister Faustina Kowalska. It is all encircled by the outline of the Polish borders – the host of World Youth Day. Theme: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy The theme of the 31st World Youth Day is Divine Mercy. The red and blue flame is a reflection of the theme since it directly alludes to the image of the Merciful Jesus. The red represents blood and the blue represents water. When you entrust God completely, with abandon, He will change your life in a way you have not even dreamt. I would never have come up with such a plot for my life! Monika Rybczyńska When I desperately search for the meaning of certain events, when I do not have any plans anymore, because they all have not appealed to You, when I need forgiveness and when I abandon the illusions that I will manage on my own – then I relentlessly repeat the words: “Jesus, I trust in You.” Emilia Pyza wyd krakow 2016 | abcs | 17 THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 THE THEME SONG The theme song of the 31st World Youth Day in Krakow, Blessed are the Merciful, refers directly to the theme of WYD Krakow 2016, the fifth Beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Mt 5:7). The story of how the theme song was created is a story of trusting God and His promises. Jakub Blycharz, its composer, submitted his composition to the contest in an envelope with the hand-written inscription: “Dt 31:19.” This verse reads: "Now, write out this song for yourselves.” As is turned out, Jakub received this word during a prayer when he was asking God to reveal His will. He recollects, “I would like to emphasize the fact that my adventure with this theme song isn’t a story of my fidelity. When waiting for the results of the contest, I doubted the promise given to me by God. Everything got postponed, there were different forecasts. Meanwhile, as if to abash us all, the Lord revealed Himself as omnipotent, gracious, and loyal.” Blycharz’s composition was chosen among 94 propositions. The Polish version of the theme song was recorded in 2014 in a popular film studio “Alvernia Studios.” Over 80 musicians were invited: three vocalists, a 30-person orchestra, and 47 choristers from Cracovian ministries. An official clip was recorded as well, in which it wasn’t actors that appeared but ordinary people: a mother with a child, an artist who spontaneously creates a mural depicting the Merciful Jesus, international volunteers, and Artur – a homeless man from Krakow. 18 | abcs | wyd krakow 2016 Since the beginning, I knew that the lyrics of the theme song must be the Word of God and not some theology of mine. Taking from the Word, I was sure that it will make us good, fertile soil for God’s influence because his Word is alive, powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. Jakub Blycharz (composer) We were all absolutely certain that God was blessing us the whole time we worked on the theme song. There was a deadline we had to meet. If God wasn’t acting, we wouldn’t have finished it on our own. But as we can see, it was His will. And that’s why we succeeded. Aleksandra Maciejewska (vocalist) Photos from the recording of the music video for Blessed are the Merciful, photo. M. Jończyk SEE THE CLIP 19 THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 TEXT OF THE SONG 1. I lift my eyes to the mountains; from where shall help come to me? My help will come from the Lord, my God, for He is merciful! Blest are the merciful; blest are the merciful, for it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy. 3. Unless the Lord forgives when we fall, We wouldn’t be able to stand. But He forgives, He pardons us all. Let us do the same. 4. God paid our debts with the Blood of His Son, Who rose alive from the tomb. The Spirit within cries out to the world: Jesus is the Lord! [BRIDGE] So cast aside your fear and have faith, give your cares to the Lord and trust in Him, for He is risen: the Lord, your God, is alive! 20 | abcs | wyd krakow 2016 Photos from the recording of the music video for Blessed are the Merciful, photo. M. Jończyk 2. When we are lost, He searches for us, To hold us in His arms, His holy Blood will heal our wounds, To breathe new life into us! 21 THE ABCs OF WYD KRAKOW 2016 OFFICIAL PRAYER The official prayer consists of three parts. In the first part, we entrust every man and woman to Divine Mercy, especially young people in their everyday lives, on their paths to WYD and the meeting in Krakow 2016. In the second part, we pray for the grace to be merciful, for the gift of testimony expressed in our whole life, and we pray that God will kindle in us the spark of merciful love to renew the face of the earth. In the third part of the prayer, we address the Holy Mother and our patron saints, so that they will implore the graces needed for the preparations and fruitful experience of WYD. 22 | abcs | wyd krakow 2016 “God, merciful Father, in your Son, Jesus Christ, you have revealed your love and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, We entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every man and woman”. We entrust to you in a special way young people of every language, people and nation: guide and protect them as they walk the complex paths of the world today and give them the grace to reap abundant fruits from their experience of the Krakow World Youth Day. Heavenly Father, grant that we may bear witness to your mercy. Teach us how to convey the faith to those in doubt, hope to those who are discouraged, love to those who feel indifferent, forgiveness to those who have done wrong and joy to those who are unhappy. Allow the spark of merciful love that you have enkindled within us become a fire that can transform hearts and renew the face of the earth. Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us. Saint John Paul II, pray for us. Saint Faustina, pray for us. 23 WYD PLACES 24 | places | wyd krakow 2016 PLACES WYD KRAKOW 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | places | 25 WYD PLACES 26 | places | wyd krakow 2016 POLAND Poland is a country of 38 million people in Central Europe, called by some a mini-Europe. It offers not only high mountains, a seacoast, forests, and lakes, but also medieval monuments and modern cities. It has the second-highest percentage of Catholics among all countries in Europe. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 27 WYD PLACES 28 | places | wyd krakow 2016 In 996, most likely during Easter, the ruler of these lands, Mieszko I, and his wife Dobrawa, received baptism. Thus, the Church Community in Poland has been around for 1050 years. The Poles experienced God’s protection many times during this period. They survived despite the fact that Poland disappeared from maps for 123 years (1795–1918), and soon after they regained their independence, they had to face the cruelties of World War II. From Poland came the message of Divine Mercy, which was revealed to St. Sr. Faustina and proclaimed to the world by St. John Paul II. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 29 WYD PLACES 30 | places | wyd krakow 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | places | 31 WYD PLACES 32 | places | wyd krakow 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | places | 33 WYD PLACES 34 | places | wyd krakow 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | places | 35 WYD PLACES 36 | places | wyd krakow 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | places | 37 WYD PLACES THE CHURCH IN POLAND There are 44 dioceses in Poland, including two Greek Catholic dioceses and the Military Ordinariate of the Polish Army: approximately 10,000 parishes altogether. The Polish Church is vibrant and evolving dynamically, as demonstrated by its many communities. The LightLife Movement, Ruch Światło-Życie (widely known as the Oasis Movement), has 100,000 members: children, teenagers, and families. The Catholic Youth Association, which was created 80 years ago, now has around 30,000 members. Many students belong to Academic Ministries, Neocatechumenate communities, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, School of the New Evangelization, and many others. Charity initiatives are very common. 38 | places | wyd krakow 2016 An important part of the responsibility for the church community rests on numerous religious congregations and convents. The Church in Poland unites many centuries of tradition with modern evangelization. The devotion to the Virgin Mary is particularly strong. In summer, thousands of pilgrims walk to the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa, to the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Poland, for the Marian celebrations. For the past few years, in January, a joyful Epiphany “Three Kings” procession has been organised on the streets of several hundred cities in Poland. Every year on the first Saturday of June, there is an all-night youth vigil on Lednica Lake; young people from all over Poland gather to reveal through prayer, song, and dance the joy that flows from faith. Youth Meeting LEDNICA 2000, photo. www.lednica2000.pl wyd krakow 2016 | places | 39 WYD PLACES 40 | places | wyd krakow 2016 THE CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF KRAKOW The Archdiocese of Krakow is one of the oldest in Poland, dating back to the year 1000, and its establishment is tied to the Congress of Gniezno and the recognition of Polish statehood in Europe. The archdiocese played a vital role in creating our national identity, especially in the centuries when Krakow was the capital of Poland. The main patron saints of the Archdiocese of Krakow are: St. Stanislaus of Szczepanów (bishop and martyr, murdered by order of the Polish king) and St. John Cantius (a professor in the middle ages of Poland’s oldest university – the Jagiellonian University). Throughout the ages, the archdiocese has been the birthplace of many blessed persons and saints, and its bishops have been unique and great people, recognized both in the country and abroad. The archdiocese is the main place of Divine Mercy devotion, and of its zealous follower: St. John Paul II, who was the diocesan Bishop here until 1978. The most famous sanctuaries and pilgrimage sites in the archdiocese are: Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Ludźmierz, and Mogiła. The Church in Krakow today is a vivid community, bringing together about 1.8 million people in over 490 parishes. Many movements, lay communities, and monasteries make up this colourful mosaic of different forms of devotion and offer ways of engaging in Church life. For over 400 years, Catholic high schools, monastic, and diocesan seminaries in Krakow have been helping young people to discover their vocation and prepare for responsible and conscious adult life. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 41 WYD PLACES Another characteristic of Krakow’s Church environment is its many communities of university ministries. They initiate many spiritual, catechetical, social, and charitable activities. 42 | places | wyd krakow 2016 The piety of its people shows also outside of the geographical boundaries of the archdiocese through traditional pilgrimages to sanctuaries, especially the annual diocesan pilgrimage of a few thousand people to Jasna Góra. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 43 WYD PLACES DIVINE MERCY SANCTUARY Łagiewniki, ul. Siostry Faustyny 3. The capital of Divine Mercy devotion. Here, St. Sr. Faustyna lived and died shortly before World War II (October 5, 1938). The convent of the Sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy was built in the second half of the 19th century. In 1891, the convent chapel was consecrated. It was dedicated to St. Joseph and later became the centre of Divine Mercy devotion. After 100 years, it became a sanctuary. The relics of St. Faustina are kept in this chapel. Above the coffin that holds her relics hangs the world-famous image of the merciful Jesus, Jesus, I trust in You by the painter Adolf Hyla, consecrated in 1944 by the first confessor of St. Sr. Faustina, Father Józef Andrasz. The growing devotion – especially after Sr. Faustina’s beatification on April 18, 1993, and canonization on April 30, 2000 – contributed to the expansion of the place. As the years went by, not only the town inhabitants, but also more and more followers of Divine Mercy and its “Secretary” visited the sanctuary. Huge crowds came here especially to meet with John Paul II in 1997 and 2002 and with Benedict XVI in 2006. In 2002, the Polish Pope consecrated the new part of the sanctuary (built between 1999 and 2002). The sanctuary resembles an arc and has two levels: the upper and lower basilica. There are five chapels in the lower basilica, with the central Chapel of St. Faustina, the upper Basilica has room for a few thousand people. There is a large stone altar in the presbytery with a tabernacle shaped like Earth behind it. The tabernacle is surrounded by a sculpture of a shrub’s branches and a large image of Jesus, I trust in You hangs above it. Pictures of the apostles of the Divine Mercy: St. Sr. Faustina and St. John Paul II, hang to the left and right of the image. On the walls of the upper basilica 44 | places | wyd krakow 2016 we also find an image of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn (i.e. Our Lady of Mercy) and a board with the Act of Entrustment of the World to the Divine Mercy, which was performed by John Paul II during the consecration of the Basilica. An indispensable part of the shrine’s decoration is also its stained-glass windows; the largest window above the choir depicting the cross and the sun in its background immediately catches one’s attention. Recently, during the Jubilee of Mercy, the main entrance to the basilica was opened as a Door of Mercy. A decoration prepared for this occasion presents the Works of Mercy. Within the sanctuary grounds, the tallest observation tower in Krakow (76m; 249ft), the Chapel of Perpetual Adoration of the Holy Sacrament, and the convent’s cemetery, where Sr. Faustina was also initially buried, are found. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 45 photo. M. Mazur WYD PLACES ST. JOHN PAUL II SANCTUARY The sanctuary is located in the so-called White Seas (Białe Morza), a hill neighbouring the Shrine of the Divine Mercy. It is the site of the quarry of the Solvay chemical company where Karol Wojtyła worked during the Nazi occupation from 1940 until 1944. The sanctuary was built very recently: Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz established it on June 11, 2011, two months after the beatification of the Polish pope. The sanctuary consists of the lower church – the so-called relics church – and the upper church. In the octagonal lower church, an altar with the Holy Father’s relics was placed in the middle. The papal pastoral cross stands next to the altar and is surrounded by passages to St. John Paul II Sanctuary Archives 46 | places | wyd krakow 2016 chapels which encircle the heart of the temple like a wreath. In one of the chapels, the Priest’s Chapel, designed after St. Leonard’s crypt beneath the Wawel Cathedral (where Karol Wojtyła celebrated his first Eucharist as a priest), we can find the tombstone of John Paul II with a reliquary containing the Saint’s blood. The interior of the church is decorated with mosaics with evangelical motifs by Fr. Marko Rupnik SJ. A mosaic above the high altar shows Christ the Redeemer of Man. One of the most precious relics – the cassock worn by the Holy Father during his attempted assassination in 1981 – is kept in a side chapel. Indulgences in the sanctuary are granted on the feast day of St. John Paul II, which is held on October 22. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 47 St. John Paul II Sanctuary Archives WYD PLACES BŁONIA PARK Krakow’s Błonia Park is unique, as it is one of the largest inner-city meadows in Europe, with an area of 48 hectares. The walk from the Main Square takes only 15 minutes. Once grasslands for cattle, it is now one of the favourite places for Krakow’s residents: they hike, run, rollerblade, and ride bikes here. They are immensely proud of this piece of city green. Błonia Park is the site of concerts, military parades, and during papal visits, it becomes the largest church in Krakow. This is where most of the Main Events of World Youth Day will take place. The Opening Ceremony on Tuesday, July 26, the Welcoming Ceremony of the Holy Father on Thursday, July 28, and the Way of the Cross on Friday, July 29 will all take place in Błonia Park. This is not the first time Błonia Park will be witnessing a papal visit. John Paul II came here four times: in 1979, 1983, 1997, and 2002. Thousands of people participated in these meetings with the pope. This is where people gathered to pray also after the death of the Polish pope. It was here, in 2006, that the meeting with his successor, Holy Father Benedict XVI, took place. Now, during World Youth Day, Błonia Park will host a third pope. There is a site remembering the visits of St. John Paul II: a granite stone brought from Morskie Oko Lake in the Polish Tatra Mountains, placed in 1997. The inscription on the stone reads: YOU ARE PETER. 48 | places | wyd krakow 2016 wyd krakow 2016 Krakow City Hallplaces Archive/photo. Mazur | | P.49 WYD PLACES CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE At Brzegi near Wieliczka, an area of over 200 hectares has been prepared at which the two Main Events of World Youth Day Krakow 2016 will take place: on July 30 – the evening Vigil of youth with Pope Francis and July 31 – the Final Mass at the end of WYD 2016. This area, called Campus Misericordiae (Field of Mercy) will be part of Wieliczka’s Economic Activity Zone. A characteristic point at Campus Misericordiae is the World Youth Day 2016 Roundabout, in the center of which is a cross with the symbols of WYD, designed and made by Stanisław Anioł, a miner and sculptor from Wieliczka. Two roads leading from the WYD 2016 Roundabout were given symbolic names: John Paul II and Francis. THE MEANING OF THE NAME UMIG Wieliczka/ photo. A. Rogalska 50 | places | wyd krakow 2016 The word “campus” in Latin means "field." This field, the fertile soil cultivated by God Himself, is our hearts and our everyday life. The Vigil on Saturday and the Final Mass on Sunday will be a holy time of grace on the “Field of Mercy”: millions of young hearts will open themselves to the merciful love of God and allow themselves to be filled with His tenderness. The word “campus” in modern Western languages has an additional meaning – the area of a university, a domain of young people who seek wisdom based on the universal and unchanging values of goodness, truth, and beauty. World Youth Day in Krakow and Campus of Mercy are places where young people will study in the school of mercy with excellent masters – St. Faustina and St. John Paul II. It will also be a school of sensitivity to the needs of others and of the love expressed in the everyday reality of life: in attitudes, words, and gestures. WORKS OF MERCY AT CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE The "Misericordiae" Community Center has been established near the World Youth Day Roundabout in Campus Misericordiae, in which the elderly and persons with disabilities can count on support and care. It is with them in mind that specialized activities will be organized together with various therapy treatments intended to improve health. This center will be consecrated by Pope Francis and will be run by Caritas. The Bell of Mercy, which will ring for the first time at the welcoming of Pope Francis, will hang right next to the Center. Another work of mercy in the area of Campus Misericordiae is the “Bread of Mercy” logistics center, in which Caritas will store food and distribute it to those in need. These works of mercy will become a permanent footprint and at the same time a meaningful symbol of the meeting of youth from the whole world with Pope Francis. i website: www.campusmisericordiae.pl wyd krakow 2016 | places | 51 WYD PLACES WIELICZKA Wieliczka is a place where two worlds meet: an underground salt kingdom and the mining town built above it. The over 700-year history of the city is inseparably connected with one of the oldest salt mines – a UNESCO national heritage site, visited yearly by over one million tourists from all over the world. The salt mine in Wieliczka is the only mining site in the world that has been in constant operation since the Middle Ages. Its original excavations (sidewalks, ramps, chambers, lakes), with a total length of 300 km, are found on 9 levels and reach a depth of up to 327 m. After a walk through the underground corridors, it is worth visiting the city – the second world – an outdoor one, but equally captivating in its beauty. Attention is drawn primarily to the nearby Saltworks Castle (Zamek Żupny), headquarters of the Żupy Krakowskie Museum, which boasts, among other things, the world’s largest collection of salt shakers. In the immediate vicinity of the castle is the parish church of St. Clement with the Baroque-style Morstin Family chapel. Fitting into the architectural panorama of the city is, among other things, the larch wood St. Sebastian’s Church with unique stained glass windows and a polychrome of Włodzimierz Tetmajer, as well as a stately silhouette of the monastery of the Franciscan order with the church – the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace the Duchess of Wieliczka. Drawing attention to itself in the center of town is the renovated Upper Square with a three-dimensional painting on the pavement. 52 | places | wyd krakow 2016 During World Youth Day Kraków 2016, on the Małopolska Sports Arena – a modern sports stadium – the Youth Festival will take place. Many interesting meetings are also planned for the “Salt City” Education and Recreation Centre. i website: www.wieliczka.eu www.kopalnia.pl Underground chapel of St. Kinga in Wieliczka Salt Mine, photo. R. Stachurski wyd krakow 2016 | places | 53 WYD PLACES JASNA GÓRA Jasna Góra – Clarus Mons – this is the name of the historic monastery that towers over Częstochowa, the heart of which is the Sanctuary of Our Lady Queen of Poland. For more than six centuries, the miraculous image of Our Lady with the Child Jesus has been worshipped here. In 1382 prince Vladislav II of Opole founded the monastery and brought there the Hungarian Pauline Fathers – the spiritual children of St. Paul the First Hermit. He entrusted the monks with watching over the place and handed over the icon of the Mother of God to them. They continue to conduct this ministry today. According to legend, the author of the icon is St. Luke the Evangelist. The Portrait of the Mother of God was believed to be one of several paintings made from the table top at which the Holy Family ate. In fact, the picture was painted in the early Middle Ages on boards of linden wood. In the 20th century, Our Lady of Jasna Góra came to be called the Black Madonna due to the dark shade of the face of the Mother of God in the image. On Mary’s right cheek, there are two cracks at the height of the nose, and other, less-visible ones are one Her neck. These scars were painted to commemorate the desecration and destruction of the miraculous image during a robbery at the monastery in 1430. With time, the scars on the face of Our Lady took on symbolic meaning, becoming a sign of the compassion of Mary toward the Polish people during difficult moments in its history. In such moments, the Poles prayed with great faith to their Mother and Queen for rescue. Especially fixed in the memory of Poles is the miraculous defence of Jasna Góra in 1655, when the Protestant Swedish army tried to conquer Poland. 54 | places | wyd krakow 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | places | 55 © Jasna Góra Press Office WYD PLACES 56 | places | wyd krakow 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | places | 57 WYD PLACES The monastery was besieged for 40 days, but in spite of overwhelming forces, it did not give up and the repelling of the Swedes was attributed to the intercession of Mary. The next year (1656), Polish king John II Casimir made solemn vows, entrusting the care of the whole country to the Mother of God, recognizing her as Queen of Poland and the Polish nation. Three hundred years later, on 26 August 1956, the vows of King John II Casimir were renewed at Jasna Góra. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Polish primate, named Primate of the Millennium by St. John Paul II, made Vows of the Nation at Jasna Góra. The oath took place in a difficult period of Polish history when, after World War II, instead of the long-awaited freedom came times of Communist regime and the persecution of the Church. Cardinal Wyszyński could not be at Jasna Góra himself for the ceremony, as he had been imprisoned by the Communist authorities. His absence was symbolized by an empty chair with the Primate’s coat of arms and a bouquet of red and white roses. The taking of the oath was an extremely important event for the nation that gathered nearly a million people at the foot of Jasna Góra. The Polish people once again entrusted their care to Mary, believing that if victory came, it would be Her victory. And so it happened: 22 years later, Cardinal Karol Wojtyła became Pope, the first Pole elected to the See of Peter, a man from behind the Iron Curtain, and 11 years later, Poland was the first country in the Communist bloc to see this criminal system collapse. John Paul II repeatedly came to Jasna Góra as a young man, priest, bishop, cardinal, and then as pope. In 1991, he selected Częstochowa as the site for the VI World Youth Day and entrusted the youth to the Jasna Góra Mother of the Church. This year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of that meeting. Nearly 2 million young people came 58 | places | wyd krakow 2016 to Jasna Góra then, including for the first time people from a number of countries of the former Soviet Union. Our Lady venerated at Jasna Góra continues to attract people to Her Son. Initially, these were just Poles, from near and far, rulers and the powerful, poor and simple people. With time, pilgrims began arriving from neighbouring countries, and today from all over the world. About 4 million people come here every year. The most important place at Jasna Góra is the Chapel of Our Lady. It is here, in the oldest, 15th-century Gothic part of the chapel, in an ebony and silver altar from the 18th century, that the miraculous image of Our Lady is found. Throughout the walls of the chapel are countless votive offerings – gifts of thanksgiving from pilgrims, testimony to the graces obtained through Mary. The most valuable votive offerings are placed on the altar: a golden rose donated by St. John Paul II, and the belt of his cassock, which the pope was wearing on the day of his assassination attempt, with a visible blood stain. There is also a rose of Bl. Paul VI, donated by Pope Benedict XVI. The miraculous image of Our Lady is decorated with golden crowns and beautiful dresses. i Jasna Góra Information Center www.jasnagora.pl; www.jasnagora.com email: jci@jasnagora.pl Pauline Monastery Jasna Góra ul. o. A. Kordeckiego 2; 42-225 Częstochowa tel.: +48 /34/ 365 38 88; +48 /34/ 37 77 777 wyd krakow 2016 | places | 59 WYD PLACES KALWARIA ZEBRZYDOWSKA THE SANCTUARY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD AND THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY IN KALWARIA ZEBRZYDOWSKA The sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is one of the largest and most-visited pilgrimage sites in Poland. Built in the Beskid Mountains, the complex of churches and chapels symbolizing the stations of the Passion of the Lord is modeled after the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem. “Kalwaria” is the equivalent to the Latin “Calvaria,” which is the translation of the name “Golgota.” 60 | places | wyd krakow 2016 The sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is currently made up of a Baroque church with the miraculous image of Our Lady of Calvary, a monastery, and a group of churches and chapels that make up a pilgrimage route, or paths: for the contemplation of the Passion of the Lord and of the mysteries of the life of the Mother of God. The path service, celebrated at 28 stations of the Passion and modeled after the celebrations in Jerusalem, was developed in the first few years of the existence of Kalwaria and remains the main form of devotion to the Passion in this place to this day. In the mid-17th century, the celebration of Holy Week acquired a Passion Play nature with certain scenes being played out at individual stations. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 61 WYD PLACES The history of the sanctuary dates back to the 17th century. On 1 December 1602, the founder of the monastery, Mikołaj Zebrzydowski, wojewoda of Krakow, signed the place over to the Bernardines (Franciscans). Two years later, when construction of the church and monastery began, the Bernardines came to Kalwaria and have been guardians and protectors of the sanctuary ever since. From this order comes bishop Damian Muskus OFM, general coordinator of the preparations for WYD Kraków 2016, who has been associated with the sanctuary at Kalwaria for many years. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is the destination of many pilgrimages and there is no lack of young people among pilgrims. Thousands of pilgrims come to Kalwaria especially during the traditional Glorious Passion Play in Holy Week and during the Mystery of the Funeral and Assumption of the Mother of God in August. Young adult meetings took place in Kalwaria on the initiative of Archbishop of Krakow Karol Wojtyła, which are still continued today. From an early age, Karol Wojtyła himself traveled to Kalwaria from nearby Wadowice. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska was his favorite place of prayer and rest. He peregrinated there as bishop of Kraków and cardinal, and twice as Pope: during his pilgrimages to Poland in 1979 and 2002. He came here to entrust to 62 | places | wyd krakow 2016 the Virgin Mary all of the troubles facing the Church and Poland. On the paths of Kalwaria he found peace, hope, and trust in the Divine Mercy. The Sanctuary of Kalwaria, often called the Papal Kalwaria, from the beginning of the pontificate of John Paul II, was upon his request a place of great prayer in his intention. In 1999, due to the beauty of the landscape, the richness of the architecture, and the unceasing tradition of mystery, the sanctuary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (the basilica, monastery, and paths) was added to the UNESCO List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 63 WYD PLACES WADOWICE Wadowice is a small town located approx. 45 km southwest of Krakow. It was here that Karol Wojtyła was born and spent 18 years of his life. Many people come to Wadowice to see the places that were close to him, especially the parish church of The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in which Karol was baptized, and received his first communion and confirmation. As Pope John Paul II he raised the church to the rank of minor basilica. In Wadowice you can visit the primary school and secondary school where the future pope received his secondary school diploma, as well as the Catholic House and the building of the former Gymnastic Society “Sokół,” where Wojtyła took his first steps on stage and developed his passion for theatre. photo. W. Winter 64 | places | wyd krakow 2016 The most important place in Wadowice, however, is the Family Home of John Paul II, located at ul. Kościelna 7, where, on 18 May 1920 at approx. 6 pm, Karol Wojtyła was born. Today it houses a museum dedicated to the life, activities, and teachings of the papal saint, visited every year by nearly a quarter of a million people from over a hundred countries. The heart of the museum is the Wojtyłas’ apartment, reconstructed based on the memories of Karol’s neighbours and friends. There are period furniture and original objects once used by the Wojtyłas, including decorative napkins embroidered by Karol’s mother, the family tableware, and photographs from the family album. The permanent modern multimedia exhibition at the museum describes all the stages of Karol Wojtyła’s life. It is a tale about a wise, respectful man full of understanding and openness to others; a man for whom spiritual and intellectual development was of great importance; a man who in the beauty and power of nature saw the beauty and power of God; a man full of passion and joy for life; an athlete, actor, and poet; a priest and shepherd, who loved young people, whom he named his hope and the hope of the Church, and for whom he initiated World Youth Day; a man totally devoted to God and people. At the Family Home of John Paul II in Wadowice, you can see not just another statue of the papal saint, but discover him as a man of flesh and blood. i website: www.domjp2.pl wyd krakow 2016 | places | 65 WYD PLACES AUSCHWITZ For the world, Auschwitz is a symbol of terror, genocide, and the Holocaust. The camp was created by the Germans in 1940 on the outskirts of the city of Oświęcim, which like other Polish territories, was occupied by the German Third Reich during World War II. The name of the city was changed to Auschwitz, which also became the name of the camp. Over the years, the camp was expanded and consisted of three main parts: Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II-Birkenau, Auschwitz III-Monowitz, and nearly 50 sub-camps. © 2015 | The State Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum 66 | places | wyd krakow 2016 Initially, Poles were imprisoned and died in the camp. It later also included Soviet prisoners of war, Roma, and prisoners of other nationalities. From 1942, the camp became the site of the largest mass murder in the history of humanity, perpetrated against European Jews under the German plan of total extermination of that nation. The majority of Jews deported to Auschwitz – men, women, and children – were sent to their deaths in the gas chambers of Birkenau immediately upon arrival. In total, the Germans killed at least 1.1 million people in Auschwitz: mostly Jews, but also Poles, Roma, and Soviet prisoners of war. wyd krakow 2016 | places | 67 WYD PLACES At the end of the war, the SS, trying to erase the traces of their crimes, began the dismantling and destruction of the gas chambers, crematoria and other facilities, as well as burning documents. The prisoners capable of marching were evacuated to the Reich. Those who remained in the camp were liberated by Red Army soldiers on 27 January 1945. Under the Act of July 2, 1947 Polish Parliament, a Museum was established in the area of two preserved parts of the camp, Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau. In 1979, it was entered on the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites. The Museum is visited each year by more than a million people from all over the world. Auschwitz is the place of martyrdom of two saints – Maximilian Maria Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan who voluntarily gave his life for another prisoner, and St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Edith Stein, a philosopher and Discalced Carmelite born to a Jewish family. In the past, two popes have visited the memorial site – John Paul II in 1979 and Benedict XVI in 2006. i 68 website: auschwitz.org virtual tour: panorama.auschwitz.org bookstore: ksiegarnia.auschwitz.org Facebook: AuschwitzMemorial Twitter: @AuschwitzMuseum Instagram: @AuschwitzMemorial | places | wyd krakow 2016 MAXIMILIAN MARIA KOLBE EDITH STEIN wyd krakow 2016 | places | 69 WYD PROGRAM 70 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 PROGRAM WYD KRAKOW 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 71 WYD PROGRAM WYD PROGRAM The program of World Youth Day consists of Main Events, Catecheses, the Pilgrimage of Mercy, and the Youth Festival. Main Events are five meetings during which all participants gather together in one place. Catecheses are held in close to three hundred places where young people in different language groups simultaneously engage in dialogue with invited bishops. The Pilgrimage of Mercy is a meeting of two major Apostles of Mercy: St. Sr. Faustina and St. John Paul II. The Youth Festival presents a wide range of prayer, evangelization, and cultural offers (concerts, performances, exhibitions), presented by WYD participants and young artists from all over the world. Main Events are preceded by Pre-Events, which begin about three hours before the start of each Main Event. At that time, an artistic-prayer program will take place, during which selected pilgrims, musicians, bands, and youth fellowships from around the world will share their talents and lead pray of word, song, and dance on the main stage, in order to prepare for the Main Events together with the youth. To complement the program, there are also special zones and projects, such as the Zone of Reconciliation, the Vocations Center, and the City of Saints. 72 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 MORNING MONDAY JULY 25 TUESDAY JULY 26 MIDDAY EVENING ARRIVAL OPENING CEREMONY: HOLY MASS ARRIVAL VOCATIONS CENTER WEDNESDAY JULY 27 YOUTH FESTIVAL YOUTH FESTIVAL PILGRIMAGE OF MERCY THURSDAY JULY 28 CATECHESES WELCOMING ZONE CEREMONY OF RECONCILIATION OF THE HOLY FATHER WAY OF THE CROSS FRIDAY JULY 29 SATURDAY JULY 30 SUNDAY JULY 31 PILGRIMAGE TO THE VIGIL SITE VIGIL WITH THE HOLY FATHER VOLUNTEERS MEET WITH THE HOLY FATHER FINAL MASS JULY 18 – JULY 31 INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF EVANGELIZATION WYD KRAKOW 2016 MAIN EVENTS wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 73 WYD PROGRAM MAIN EVENTS Main Events are the most important meetings of World Youth Day; during these events, all of the young pilgrims will experience a great celebration of faith together. In Krakow in 2016, it will proceed as follows: 1. OPENING CEREMONY: HOLY MASS (Tuesday, July 26, Błonia Park) THEME: KRAKOW AND POLAND WELCOME THE YOUTH OF THE WORLD The fire of mercy needs to be passed on to the world. […] I entrust this task […] to the Church in Krakow and Poland, and to all the votaries of Divine Mercy who will come here from Poland and from throughout the world. May you be witnesses to mercy! (John Paul II, homily during Holy Mass in Krakow-Łagiewniki, August 17, 2002) World Youth Day in Krakow will officially begin with the Opening Ceremony, the highlight of which will be Mass presided by the diocesan bishop – Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, long-time personal secretary of St. John Paul II. This is the moment when the international nature of the event is stressed. Mass will be celebrated for the intention of all those who came and will come to World Youth Day in Krakow – asking for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and good fruits for that time. During this first meeting, we will direct our thoughts towards St. John Paul II – the creator of the idea of WYD, priest, bishop, and pope from Krakow. Pope of Mercy, and saint. 74 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 2. WELCOMING CEREMONY OF THE HOLY FATHER (Thursday, July 28, Błonia Park) THEME: THE YOUTH OF THE WORLD GREETS POPE FRANCIS; JOYFUL INVITATION OF YOUTH TO HOLINESS Come to Him and do not be afraid! Come to him and say from the depths of your hearts: “Jesus, I trust in You!” Let yourselves be touched by His boundless mercy. (Message of Pope Francis for the XXXI World Youth Day 2016) The first meeting, or Welcoming Ceremony, with the Holy Father is an important moment of WYD: a time of special joy on the occasion of the presence of the Vicar of Christ and our chance to pray together with him. During this service, pilgrims will listen to the Word of God and to the first address of the Holy Father. The ceremony will be international in nature. 3. WAY OF THE CROSS (Friday, July 29, Błonia Park) THEME: THE WAY OF THE CROSS BY WAY OF MERCY Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. (Mt 5:7) The Way of the Cross will take place on Friday, during which the youth, connecting spiritually with the suffering Jesus, will try to see Him in those suffering around them. Young representatives will bear the WYD cross in a procession, and all will listen to the contemplation of the Way of the Cross alluding to the works of mercy in relation to the body and soul. At each station, different problems dealt with by contermporary youth will be addressed. wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 75 WYD PROGRAM 4. VIGIL WITH THE HOLY FATHER (Saturday, July 30, Campus Misericordiae) THEME: JESUS IS THE SOURCE OF MERCY Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy. (Diary, 300) The most personal moment of the Main Events for the participants of World Youth Day is the Vigil with the Holy Father. It is a very intense time of prayer and encounter with Christ, full of concentration and joy. In this way, the youthful nature of WYD is stressed. The main idea behind the Vigil is the theme “The Road to Jesus” – an indication of the Merciful Jesus, who is the Source of Mercy. He bestows mercy upon us and teaches us to share it with our neighbor. The essence of our lives is to find the road to Him, and this is shown to us by the apostles of Mercy – St. Faustina and St. John Paul II. DEAR YOUNG PEOPLE, I SEND YOU FORTH! 76 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 5. FINAL MASS (Sunday, July 31, Campus Misericordiae) THEME: UNIVERSAL DIGNITY RESULTING FROM BAPTISM, WHICH IS THE GATEWAY TO DIVINE MERCY; THE DISMISSAL OF YOUNG CHRISTIANS AS WITNESSES OF MERCY As often as you want to make Me happy, speak to the world about My great and unfathomable mercy. (Diary, 164) The last of the Main Events is the Final Mass celebrated by the Holy Father. It is a solemn summary of WYD – the culmination of all the meetings. During the Eucharist, the Pope sends the youth out to the whole world. This sending-out will strengthen them, so that they may consistently apply the theme of WYD to their daily lives. The theme of baptism accompanied the pastoral preparation for WYD, and will therefore deepen the awareness of the importance of this sacrament. The last Eucharist of WYD will be the culmination of this process. At the end of the Mass, during the Angelus, Pope Francis will announce the place and date of the next World Youth Day. wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 77 WYD PROGRAM CATECHESES Catecheses will introduce pilgrims to the message of the beatitude, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Mt 5:7), chosen by the Holy Father as the theme of the 31st World Youth Day in Krakow. Catecheses will be preached in 34 languages by bishops from around the world and will be held from 9:30am to 1:00pm from Wednesday, July 27 to Friday, July 29 throughout the zone of accommodation: in churches, stadiums, parks, etc. During Catecheses, pilgrims will be able to take advantage of the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. All Catecheses will end with the Eucharist. 78 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 PILGRIMAGE OF MERCY One day of the pilgrims’ stay in Krakow will be designated for the Pilgrimage of Mercy, intended as a kind of catechesis “on the road.” The pilgrimage will begin in the St. John Paul II Sanctuary, and from there, the faithful will go to the Divine Mercy Sanctuary. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed along the way. In the Sanctuary in Łagiewniki, the image Jesus, I trust in You and the relics of St. Sr. Faustina will be displayed, and pilgrims will also be able to benefit from the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. The pilgrimage will take place from Tuesday, July 26 to Friday, July 29. Each group will be individually informed of the date and time of their pilgrimage. Detailed information and a comprehensive plan of the pilgrimage routes are described in the mobile app specially created for this time. © flickr.com/photos/jmjrio2013/ wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 79 WYD PROGRAM ZONE OF RECONCILIATION During World Youth Day in Krakow, on the occasion of the Jubilee of Mercy, pilgrims will be able to take advantage of the sacrament of penance or individual pastoral conversation in many places. The main Zone of Reconciliation is located in the so-called “Valley of Mercy” near the Divine Mercy Sanctuary in Łagiewniki. Two other confession areas can be found in Jordan Park, next to Błonia Park, where the Main Events will be held, and in St. Mary’s Basilica in the Main Square. In addition to this, the sacrament of reconciliation will also be available during all morning Catecheses. In Jordan Park – near the confessionals – an Adoration Tent will stand, where adoration of the Blessed Sacrament alongside the symbols of World Youth Day will last from morning until evening. i Hours of Confession: Jordan Park and St. Mary’s Basilica Tuesday, July 26: 9:00am–5:00pm Wednesday, July 27: 9:00am–9:00pm Thursday, July 28: 9:00am–5:00pm Friday, July 29: 9:00am–5:00pm Valley of Mercy Tuesday, July 26: 8:00am–2:00pm Wednesday, July 27: 8:00am–8:00pm Thursday, July 28: 8:00am–2:00pm Friday, July 29: 8:00am–2:00pm 80 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF EVANGELIZATION The International Center of Evangelization – ICE 2016 is an additional evangelization initiative which has been in effect in Krakow since July 18. The ICE campus is located at ul. Piastowska and brings together evangelizers from all over the world. The main objective of the Center is evangelization, i.e. the proclamation of the Good News to the people of Krakow and all those who will come to the city before World Youth Day. During WYD, volunteer evangelizers will also be present on the stages of the Youth Festival, where they will share their testimonies. A detailed program of initiatives organized in the framework of the International Center of Evangelization is available on the website: www.krakow2016.com and in the app prepared specially for this occasion. © flickr.com/photos/jmjrio2013/ wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 81 WYD PROGRAM YOUTH FESTIVAL The Youth Festival is one of the initiatives of World Youth Day in which young people from all over the world will have the chance to showcase their artistic talents through a variety of means of expression. The main aim of the festival is to enable youth to share their passions and talents while discovering God in others. All the initiatives of the Youth Festival strive to present the young and living Church – multicultural and full of variety. A detailed program of the Youth Festival is available on the website www.krakow2016.com and in the mobile app for pilgrims. Inforamtion about the Youth Festival, as well as directions to the locations of the events can also be found using the app. 82 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 YOUTH FESTIVAL wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 83 WYD PROGRAM VOCATIONS CENTER The Vocations Center is a place where young people can discover and learn to recognize their calling, as well as discern how to fulfill their vocation. The Vocation Center will be located in the Cracovia Stadium near Błonia Park. Here you can meet both laypeople and consecrated persons from over one hundred religious orders, movements, and communities who will talk about their work and encourage the search and answering of vocations. An additional element of the Vocations center are four Academies: Academy of God – focuses on finding vocations to religious life and to the priesthood; Academy of Family – focuses on the establishment of families; Academy of Work – focuses on the search for vocations in work and in a chosen career path; Academy of Mercy – focuses on reminding pilgrims that doing good deeds and works of mercy towards neighbors is man's privilege and at the same time the greatest good. A list of participants in the Vocations Center and a detailed program of the Academies are available on the website www.krakow2016.com and in the mobile app for pilgrims. 84 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 VOCATIONS CENTER YOUTH FESTIVAL wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 85 WYD PROGRAM CITY OF SAINTS – EXPERIENCE THE SPIRITUAL SIDE OF KRAKOW! Krakow is sometimes called “Altera Roma” – Northern Rome – because it contains several dozen places associated with saints and blessed persons. Among these important figures, we have chosen 12 saints and 13 sites associated with their devotion to introduce to the pilgrims. All of these saints lived in Krakow in different periods of time throughout the over one-thousand-year history of Christianity in Poland. It is worth knowing about them because they were extraordinary people of this city. Some of them are well-known all over the world, but there are a few whose popularity has not yet exceeded the limits of Poland. Thanks to the City of Saints project, we can get to know these twelve figures and learn specific practices from their lives that will help us follow Christ. In each of the 13 sites, volunteers or hosts of the place will answer questions about the given saint, clarify their spirituality, and indicate places specifically associated with them. They will also propose a concrete form of imitating them, e.g. through a different type of prayer or other religious practice. i 86 Date and time: July 18-25: 9:00am-6:00pm, July 26-29: see WYD Day-By-Day Location: 13 points in Krakow – see map 3 website: http://www.krakow2016.com/en/city-of-saints | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 WYD PROGRAM ST. JOHN PAUL II (1920-2005) Pilgrim pope. Lover of theater and literature. Eminent theologian and thinker. Athletic scholar. Admirer of nature and active recreation in the open air. A favorite of young people – he himself was young at heart until the very end! Wholeheartedly devoted to Mary – as he said: Totus Tuus. Advocate and promoter of Divine Mercy devotion. He beatified and canonized almost two thousand special people. Initiator of World Youth Day – so much more can be mentioned! Many unique keepsakes of the pope have been gathered in the John Paul II Sanctuary, but traces of his activities are almost everywhere in Krakow. In St. Mary’s Basilica, the confessional in which Fr. Karol Wojtyła regularly heard confessions in the ‘50s, can be found. During WYD, you will also be able to take advantage of the sacrament of reconciliation here. i 88 Site: St. John Paul II Sanctuary (Sanktuarium św. Jana Pawła II), ul. Totus Tuus 32 St. Mary’s Basilica, Rynek Główny (Main Square) | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 ST. SR. FAUSTINA KOWALSKA (1905-1938) Jesus pulled her to Himself… during a dance. She humbly accepted Christ’s admonition, and from then on, she desired to fulfill the mission entrusted to her with all her might. Before she found herself behind the walls of the monastery, she underwent a baptism of fire, working, among other occupations, as a babysitter and a shopkeeper. She wholeheartedly listened to the recurrent voice of the Merciful Jesus, who told her to carefully note what she hears in a diary, and to paint the One who spoke to her. This unusual relationship between Sr. Faustina and Jesus was ransomed by the bearing of crude treatment and humiliation on the part of those in her immediate surroundings. Thanks to her obedience to God, total trust in Jesus, and support from her confessor, Sr. Faustina endured the spiritual and corporeal sufferings with superhuman patience. All of this was done in order to save sinners from damnation and to immerse them in the Divine Mercy. In the chapel of the monastery in Łagiewniki is the original image of the Merciful Jesus – the way He appeared to Sr. Faustina in Płock. Under this image are the relics of the brave Missionary of Mercy. i Site: Convent Chapel of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (Sanktuarium Bożego Miłosierdzia), ul. Siostry Faustyny 3 wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 89 WYD PROGRAM ST. STANISLAUS, BISHOP AND MARTYR (1039–1079) St. Stanislaus is the only martyr among our chosen saints. He was the bishop of Krakow in a time when Christianity was just born in the newly established state. At that time in Krakow, two bold and uncompromising personalities clashed: the gentle, but firm Bishop Stanislaus, and the inflexible, power-hungry prince Bolesław the Bold. One intensely evangelized Poles, the other fiercely fought to expand Polish borders. Bishop Stanislaus reached out a helping hand to the needy, spreading Divine Mercy; Bolesław drew his sword, sowing terror. Only Bishop Stanislaus did not fear the unpredictable prince. He steadfastly admonished the man with whom he once shared the bond of friendship. Bolesław, however, was adamant and finally silenced the “voice of conscience,” the bishop was killed and his remains dismembered. Still, good triumphed. After his martyrdom, St. Stanislaus implored miracles and graces for people who still needed them. He also allegedly implored the grace of conversion for Prince Bolesław. Legend has it that the dismembered body of the saint miraculously reintegrated. In times of district fragmentation (12th – 14th centuries) and later during the partitions of Poland (19th century), the legend became a symbol, and from it was drawn a hope to reunite the country. i 90 Site: The Pauline Church at Skałka (kościół Paulinów na Skałce), ul. Skałeczna 15 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 It is in the Church on the Rock that Bolesław the Bold slew Bishop Stanislaus during Holy Mass, which was celebrated by the bishop in the intention of, among others, the king. The altar and tomb of the saint are located in the central part of Wawel Cathedral. ST. KINGA (1234–1292) St. Kinga was the daughter of the King of Hungary, wife of Polish Prince Bolesław V the Chaste, generous founder of monasteries and of… a salt mine. After years of exile caused by the constant threat of the Tatars, she settled down with her husband at Wawel Castle. With dedication and love, she supported the governments of the prince and willingly assisted in his work. From an early age, she served Jesus first and foremost. Thanks to her faithful endurance with Him, she also infected her spouse with this love. Together they made vows of chastity and lived a celibate marriage for 40 years until the death of the prince. Kinga then entered the contemplative monastery of the Poor Clares in Stary Sącz, where she died and was buried. At the monastery of the Poor Clares, located along the Royal Route on ul. Grodzka, is the very old, eleventh-century church of St. Andrew. Inside the church are the relics of St. Kinga. The second place that houses the relics of the saint is the salt chapel of St. Kinga in the St. John Paul II Sanctuary. i Site: St. Andrew’s Church (kościół św. Andrzeja), ul. Grodzka 54 wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 91 WYD PROGRAM ST. JADWIGA OF POLAND (1374–1399) St. Jadwiga was the youngest daughter of Louis the Great of Hungary. When she was 4 years old, she was engaged to eight-year-old prince William, Duke of Austria, but ultimately, at the age of 12, she married a Lithuanian Prince 23 years her senior: Władysław Jagiello. She then moved to Krakow to live with her husband at Wawel. At this cathedral, Jadwiga entrusted every day of her life as well as the fate of Poland, which she ruled, to the Crucified Christ. She devoted her inherited wealth to the development of the Polish Kingdom and handed out the royal jewels to the poor. She was a girl with a great and noble heart. She boldly “put out into the deep,” mobilized by Jesus himself, who, with the words “do what you see,” spoke to her from the cross when she prayed. She acted in accordance with this guideline, trusting Christ in all things until the very end. She died young, shortly after the birth of her first child. In her will, she allocated all of her valuables for the reconstruction of the Jagiellonian University. Today we can pray in the same place St. Jadwiga prayed; the “Black Cross” from which Christ spoke to the Queen is located behind the presbytery in Wawel Cathedral. i 92 Site: Wawel Cathedral (katedra wawelska), Wawel 3 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 SERVANT OF GOD FR. PIOTR SKARGA (1536–1612) A controversial and brave warrior of Christ, Piotr Skarga was a very talented pupil and student, later a teacher, liked by students and their parents. He devoted his teaching career to the priestly life. He was an outstanding preacher – known for his blunt, moving sermons preached in excellent Polish, understandable by all. Relentless in the fight against the Reformation, he was a respected spiritual leader. After many years of priesthood, he entered the Jesuit order. He encouraged prayer and tirelessly sought sponsors to support his various charitable initiatives. Many of these works of mercy were innovative for that time. He financed, for example, dowries for poor marriageable young women, enabled a good start for the poor by providing them with interest-free loans, and organized fundraisers. Servant of God Fr. Piotr Skarga is buried in the church of Sts. Peter and Paul, the church for which he acquired construction funding from King Sigismund III Vasa. i Site: Saints Peter and Paul Church (kościół św. św. Apostołów Piotra i Pawła), ul. Grodzka 52a wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 93 WYD PROGRAM ST. ALBERT CHMIELOWSKI (1845–1916) Albert Chmielowski was an extremely talented saint – one of the best Polish painters of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In his youth, he lost a leg during one of the battles for Polish independence. He abandoned his artistic career and good connections to help the poor, support people in the margins of society, and live with them. He founded the Congregations of the Albertine Brothers and Albertine Sisters, which still care for the homeless and abandoned. The saint’s relics and his famous painting depicting Christ scourged and crowned with thorns – Ecce Homo (Behold the man) can be found in the Sanctuary. i 94 Site: “Ecce Homo” Sanctuary (Sanktuarium “Ecce Homo”), ul. Woronicza 10 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 ST. JÓZEF SEBASTIAN PELCZAR (1842–1924) St. Józef Sebastian Pelczar was a priest and later the bishop of the Diocese of Przemyśl. He disliked vanity and – having an empty calendar. His daily schedule was always full – with prayer and work. He did not waste a single hour. The fruits of his consistency and perseverance are visible in the many hospitals, churches, and rural libraries established by the saint. Through his initiative, the new headquarters of the Jagiellonian University was built, where he was rector (Collegium Novum). Together with Blessed Mother Klara Szczęsna, he founded the Congregation of the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Sacred Heart Sisters). The relics of both founders of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart Sisters can be found in the chapel of St. Joseph Pelczar in the church on ul. Garncarska. i Site: Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (kościół Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa), ul. Garncarska 24 wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 95 WYD PROGRAM ST. JOHN CANTIUS (1390–1473) St. John Cantius was a man of learning, prayer, and charity, and is a representative of “30+ vocations” (he was ordained a priest at approx. 30 years of age). He studied for more than half of his life – a sort of “eternal student” among the saints of Krakow. From his studies until his death, he was associated with the Jagiellonian University; he was a professor at the university for almost half a century! He gained knowledge and shared knowledge. Out of both passion and need, he hand-copied books. Sensitive to human misery, he supported, among others, the poorest students, and he encouraged the other University professors to do the same. Inside the Church of St. Anne there is a beautiful altar and the tomb of St. John Cantius. i 96 Site: Church of St. Anne (kolegiata św. Anny), ul. św. Anny 11 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 ST. HYACINTH (1183–1257) St. Hyacinth and his relative, Blessed Czesław, were the first Polish Dominicans, and also the last brothers to receive the habit from the hands of St. Dominic! They also initiated the construction of the first Dominican monastery in Poland – precisely the one in Krakow. Inside the church is the tomb of St. Hyacinth – a tireless missionary-evangelizer who, with rosary in hand, traveled half of Europe. He especially loved Mary, and it is thanks to this extraordinary closeness that he performed many miracles in Jesus’ name during his lifetime. Many sick and ailing people pray to St. Hyacinth, as do young people – asking for a good spouse. i Site: Holy Trinity Basilica (bazylika Trójcy Świętej) – Dominican Basilica ul. Stolarska 12 wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 97 WYD PROGRAM ST. SZYMON OF LIPNICA (1437-1482) St. Szymon of Lipnica was the son of a baker. Even as a young child he gave bread away to the poor. Generous, astute, and intelligent, he studied in Krakow. He was one of Krakow’s first Bernardine brothers, famous for his good sermons. He was not afraid of death; despite the threat to life, he courageously and with great faith brought Christ and His forgiveness to people dying of the plague. He buried the infected bodies of the dead, and he viewed the times of plague as a jubilee and death in its course an enormous privilege. He died while caring for the terminally-ill. He has his own chapel in the Bernardine Church, where his tomb and several priceless keepsakes are located. i 98 Site: Church of St. Bernardino (kościół Bernardynów), ul. Bernardyńska 2 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 ST. STANISLAUS OF KAZIMIERZ (1433-1489) (STANISŁAW KAZIMIERCZYK) Stanislaus of Kazimierz has always been associated with the Corpus Christi Basilica. Here he was baptized, taught in the parish school, and returned after studying at the Jagiellonian University in order to care for the education and spirituality of the younger brothers at the adjacent monastery. Here, too, he died and was buried. He was a tireless ascetic and penitent. Above all, he loved the Eucharist. He preached the Word of God with a power that penetrated the hardened hearts of the parishioners. After such sermons, repentant sinners lined up at his confessional. Although the other brothers sometimes joked about his extremely pious and ascetic lifestyle, there was not one brother who did not cry when Stanislaus died. And at the end, he blessed each one of them. i Site: Corpus Christi Basilica (bazylika Bożego Ciała), ul. Bożego Ciała 26 wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 99 WYD PROGRAM BE LIKE FRASSATI! START LIVING, DON’T SCRAPE BY! “Think big […]! Open your hearts! As Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati once said, ‘To live without faith, to have no heritage to uphold, to fail to struggle constantly to defend the truth: This is not living, this is scraping by. We should never just scrape by, but really live.’ (Letter to I. Bonini, February 27, 1925.). In his homily on the day of Pier Giorgio’s beatification […] John Paul II called him a ‘man of the Beatitudes.'" (Message of Pope Francis for the XXIX World Youth Day 2014, 2) Visit the relics of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati and be inspired by his life! i Program of events • Prayer before the relics – in the Dominican Basilica every day, 6.00am– 12.00am (except during common liturgy). • “The Man of the Eight Beatitudes” – an exhibition about the life and work of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati – cloister of the monastery every day, 6.00am–12.00am. • Hour of Mercy of Bl. Pier Giorgio – common prayer at the relics in the Basilica, daily (except Tuesday, July 26), 3.00pm–4.00pm. • Be like Frassati! Meet Bl. Pier Giorgio and his friends – the chapel of the monastery, daily, 4.00pm–5.00pm. • Night of the Dominican saints (Bl. Pier Giorgio – Dominican tertiary) – an all-night vigil of Dominican youth with the General of the Order, Fr. Bruno Cadoré, OP, beginning on Wednesday, July 27 at 7.30pm. • Frassati Cafe, in the monastery gardens and orchards (entrance through the monastery or the gate from ul. Dominikańska), daily, 10.00am– 6.00pm. • Information point about Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati. Site: Dominican Basilica, ul. Stolarska 12 Facebook: www.facebook.com/belikefrassati 100 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 wyd John Paul II at the opening of the Pier Giorgio Frassati exhibition in St. John Lateran Basilica, 1984 © Associazione Pier Giorgio Frassati Roma krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 101 WYD PROGRAM 102 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 © Associazione Pier Giorgio Frassati Roma A full-time saint Pier Giorgio Frassati was born in Turin on April 6, 1901. He was the son of an agnostic, Alfredo Frassati, owner of the daily newspaper "La Stampa," and a painter, Adelaide Ametis. The witty, handsome, athletic, well-born young mine engineering student could have benefitted from the opportunity to run wild and be set in life. But he chose a life of faith combined with active charity. He devoted most of his time to the service of the sick, the poor, the lonely and abandoned, in whom he saw Christ. He drew strength from the daily Holy Communion, the nocturnal adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and praying the rosary. He was a member of Catholic Action and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. In May 1922 he entered the secular branch of the Order of St. Dominic. He was also active in political life. Verso l’alto (Toward the top) Pier Giorgio wrote these words on a photograph from his last climbing expedition. They reflect his entire life: for God and with God, “even when it costs." Pier Giorgio loved the mountains, especially climbing, which he practiced with a group of friends – they jokingly called themselves Tipi Loschi (Shady Characters). In addition to mountain trips, talks and helping the poor, the friends shared joint prayer. Their motto: “Few but good, like macaroni” also applies to the groups of Tipi Loschi that have formed worldwide since Frassati’s death. Pier Giorgio’s life ended abruptly. Before his master's exam he contracted polio from one of his charges. After a few days of suffering he died on July 4, 1925, at the age of 24. His funeral drew crowds, especially the poor, whom he had helped. When Frassati's coffin was opened during his process of beatification in 1981, witnesses were surprised by the smile on his face and unchanged appearance. John Paul II beatified Pier Giorgio on May 20, 1990. This boy showed that life with God is an incredible adventure, and holiness is accessible to everyone. You should try it, too! wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 103 WYD PROGRAM TRAIL OF DIVINE MERCY The Trail of Divine Mercy is a new tourist trail that is being prepared specially on the occasion of World Youth Day 2016 and will be permanently inscribed in Krakow and its surrounding areas. The Trail Route is marked by places, buildings, and works of art tied to 19 catholic saints, including St. John Paul II, St. Faustina Kowalska, St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, and St. Albert Chmielowski. What unites them is that in their lives they were guided by the idea of mercy; most of them were beatified in Krakow. 104 | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 The Trail of Divine Mercy is an initiative of the WYD Krakow 2016 Local Organizing Committee, implemented in cooperation with the National Cultural Center, the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland, the Małopolska Tourist Organization, and the Polish Tourist Organization. Information on the Trail will be found in guides published in seven languages. On a website dedicated to the Trail, which also functions in seven languages, there will be an online forum where users can share their feelings, thoughts and comments, express emotions, and in this way create an emotional map of the Trail. wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 105 WYD PROGRAM MARIA. MATER MISERICORDIAE. EXHIBITION Continuing the tradition of the great exhibitions of sacred art associated with World Youth Day (previously in Denver, Manila, Toronto and Madrid), the National Museum in Krakow, in cooperation with the Vatican’s John Paul II for Youth Foundation, has prepared an exhibition called Maria. Mater Misericordiae, which is the only official exhibition organized as part of World Youth Day. The exhibition, which presents images of Mary Mother of Mercy created in different eras, is also part of the celebrations of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy announced by Pope Francis. For the first time, it will be possible to see works of masters such as Giotto, Donatello, Mantegna, Dürer, Rubens and Vasari, borrowed from the best European collections, all in one place. Everyone, especially the young, is invited to visit the exhibition, which during World Youth Day will also be accessible outside normal hours of the Museum. i 106 Site: National Museum in Krakow, Main Building, al. 3 Maja 1. Opening Hours: June 26–31, 2016: 10:00am–8.00pm June 25 (Monday): Closed | PROGRAM | wyd krakow 2016 Hans Memling, Maria Lactans, oil on canvas © Museum Mayer van den Bergh, Antwerpen wyd krakow 2016 | PROGRAM | 107 ŚDM DZIEŃ PO DNIU 108 | DZIEŃ PO DNIU | śdm kraków 2016 WYD DAY-BY-DAY WYD KRAKOW 2016 July 26 8:00am–2:00pm Pilgrimage of Mercy from 2:30pm Pre-events BŁONIA PARK MAIN EVENTS 5:30pm–7:30pm Opening Ceremony: Holy Mass BŁONIA PARK 9:00am–3:00pm 8:00pm–11:00pm Youth Festival 9:00am–5:00pm Vocations Center 9:00am–3:00pm City of Saints 8:00am–2:00pm 9:00am–5:00pm Zone of Reconciliation: Valley of Mercy Jordan Park and St. Mary’s Basilica 9:00am–5:00pm Adoration Tent NOTES JULY 26 July 27 8:00am–8:00pm Pilgrimage of Mercy 9:30am–1:00pm Catechesis ZONE OF ACCOMMODATION 2:00pm–11:00pm Youth Festival 9:00am–10:00pm Vocations Center 9:00am–6:00pm City of Saints 8:00am–8:00pm 9:00am–9:00pm Zone of Reconciliation: Valley of Mercy Jordan Park and St. Mary’s Basilica 9:00am–9:00pm Adoration Tent NOTES JULY 27 July 28 8:00am–2:00pm Pilgrimage of Mercy 9:30am–1:00pm Catechesis ZONE OF ACCOMMODATION from 2:30pm Pre-events BŁONIA PARK MAIN EVENTS 5:30pm–7:00pm Welcoming Ceremony of the Holy Father BŁONIA PARK 2:00pm–4:00pm 8:00pm–11:00pm Youth Festival 9:00am–10:00pm Vocations Center 9:00am–4:00pm City of Saints 8:00am–2:00pm 9:00am–5:00pm Zone of Reconciliation: Valley of Mercy Jordan Park and St. Mary’s Basilica 9:00am–5:00pm Adoration Tent NOTES JULY 28 July 29 8:00am–2:00pm Pilgrimage of Mercy 9:30am–1:00pm Catechesis ZONE OF ACCOMMODATION from 2:30pm Pre-events BŁONIA PARK MAIN EVENTS 5:30pm–7:00pm Way of the Cross BŁONIA PARK 2:00pm–4:00pm 8:00pm–11:00pm Youth Festival 9:00am–5:00pm Vocations Center 9:00am–4:00pm City of Saints 8:00am–2:00pm 9:00am–5:00pm Zone of Reconciliation: Valley of Mercy Jordan Park and St. Mary’s Basilica 9:00am–5:00pm Adoration Tent NOTES JULY 29 July 30 from 4:00pm Pre-events CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE MAIN EVENTS 7:30pm–9:00pm Vigil with the Holy Father CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE 9:00pm-11:00pm Adoration Concert CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE NOTES JULY 30 July 31 from 7:00am Pre-events CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE MAIN EVENTS 10:00am–12:30pm Final Mass CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE NOTES JULY 31 PILGRIM ABCs 122 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 PILGRIM ABCs WYD KRAKOW 2016 wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 123 PILGRIM ABCs PILGRIM PACKAGE Registered pilgrims will receive a Pilgrim Package consisting of: 124 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 A BACKPACK: • multifunctional shawl • rain poncho • rosary bracelet • scarf AS WELL AS THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: • Pilgrim Pass • meal tickets • Pilgrim Guide • Pilgrim Guide to Krakow • Prayer Book • Jesus Trusts in You wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 125 PILGRIM ABCs PILGRIM PASS The Pilgrim Pass is a document that confirms the pilgrim’s status during World Youth Day. Those coming for WYD will receive it together with the Pilgrim Package. Immediately after receiving the Pilgrim Pass, it must be filled out with the following personal information in the appropriate spaces: first and last name, country, group number, phone number to the group leader, and address of accommodation. Enter personal information here Pilgrim Pass number Enter address of accommodation and location of catechesis here i It is very important that the Pilgrim Pass be worn visibly at all times. Possession of a Pilgrim Pass authorizes the use of public transportation during WYD. 126 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 ENTRY PASSES In addition to the Pilgrim Pass, pilgrims will receive entry passes to certain sectors of Błonia Park and Campus Misericordiae: Pilgrims who chose package A at registration will receive one ticket to Błonia Park authorizing entry to the three Main Events held there (Opening Ceremony, Welcoming Ceremony of the Holy Father, and the Way of the Cross) and one ticket to Campus Misericordiae authorizing entry to the two Main Events held there (Saturday Vigil and Final Mass). Pilgrims who chose package B at registration will receive one ticket to Błonia Park authorizing entry to the Way of the Cross, and one ticket to Campus Misericordiae authorizing entry to the two Main Events held there (Saturday Vigil and Final Mass). Pilgrims who chose package C at registration will receive one ticket to Campus Misericordiae authorizing entry to the two Main Events held there (Saturday Vigil and Final Mass). wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 127 PILGRIM ABCs ACCOMMODATION Krakow warmly welcomes Pilgrims! Accommodation has been prepared for those who have chosen the following packages: A1, A1+, A3, A3+, B1, B1+. 4 zones of accommodation have been organized: ZONE I – THE CITY OF KRAKOW ZONE II – KRAKOW-REGION – travel time to the center of Krakow up to 60 minutes ZONE III – TARNÓW DIOCESE (4 deaneries selected) – Bochnia-Brzesko route – travel time to Krakow up to 60 minutes ZONE IV A – KIELCE DIOCESE (6 deaneries selected) – travel time to Krakow up to 60 minutes ZONE IV C – KATOWICE DIOCESE (1 deanery selected) – travel time to Krakow up to 60 minutes Each of the 4 zones of accommodation is divided into deaneries, and deaneries into parishes. To locate your accommodation, you must know the name of the zone, deanery, and parish in which you are staying. Pilgrims are accommodated according to language groups. In each of the nearly 500 parishes that have opened their doors to pilgrims, there is a Parish Organizing Committee. Committee members are involved in receiving and looking after pilgrims during their stay and providing all information on WYD. 128 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 KEY – ZONE Rabka, Zator – NAME OF DEANERY wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 129 PILGRIM ABCs TYPES OF ACCOMMODATION We offer two types of accommodation: in host families and collective (e.g. in schools, sports halls or small campsites). Places of accommodation are divided into language areas. Collective accommodation Collective accommodation will be open from Monday (July 25) to Monday (August 1) during the accommodation period. The exact opening hours will be individually agreed with the groups of pilgrims staying at a given facility. Remember that the majority of collective place of accommodation will not be available for pilgrims during the day. The exception will be only those places where lunches or dinners will be served. Information about additional opening hours of the place of accommodation for the time of meals will be provided to the pilgrims on the spot. After closing the place of accommodation, no member of the group nor anyone with responsibility for the group will have access to it. Time for personal hygiene will be determined on the first day of stay by the person responsible for the place of accommodation. Host families Accommodation with host families will be available between the hours of 9.00pm to 7.00am the following morning. Possible changes in hours of availability must be individually agreed upon with the families. You must remember, however, that families are not required to change the hours. On the day of departure – i.e. on Monday, August 1, and for those who have chosen a “+” package (stay an additional day), on Tuesday, August 2 – the place of accommodation must be vacated by 8.00am. If necessary, luggage on that day will be deposited in a specially designated place, which will be indicated by the Parish Organizing Committee. 130 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 You cannot return to your place of accommodation during the day unless otherwise agreed upon with the family. In the case of problems or important need, the pilgrim should contact the person responsible for the group or a representative of the Parish Organizing Committee. COORDINATOR Each place of accommodation has its own coordinator. The main group leader or their deputy should contact this person in case of any doubt or need. A pilgrim who is planning not to return to the place of accommodation (whether host family or collective) before midnight should inform the leader of the group and the person responsible for the house (for those staying with a host family) or accommodation coordinator (for those accommodated collectively) in advance. PERIOD OF STAY Accommodation will be available from July 25 to August 1, 2016. A responsible person who has previously informed the WYD Local Organizing Committee about the need to extend the accommodation period for their group should report the matter to the accommodation coordinator immediately upon arrival at the site. PERSONAL ITEMS The Accommodation Coordinator is not responsible for valuables left in the place of accommodation. We recommend that each pilgrim lock their luggage with a padlock. Pilgrims accommodated in collective accommodation should give their valuables, e.g. passports or documents, to those in charge of the group, who may ask for them to be deposited. Keep in mind that you should take all necessary items with you, since it will not be possible to return to the place of accommodation during the day. wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 131 PILGRIM ABCs PILGRIM MEALS Pilgrims who chose a package that includes meals will receive meal tickets to exchange for warm meals in places specially marked with the WYD logo. These will be restaurants, food courts, food trucks, school and academic cafeterias, bars, and canteens. Pilgrims will be able to redeem meal tickets throughout the entire zone of accommodation. These places will be marked in the mobile app. PILGRIMS WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING MEAL TICKETS FOR EACH DAY: • 2 x TICKET 10 (worth 2 x PLN 10) – these tickets can be redeemed separately. Each ticket entitles the pilgrim to receive one warm meal or one packed meal. • – 1 x TICKET 15 (worth PLN 15) – this ticket entitles the pilgrim to receive one warm meal. For the time of the Saturday-Sunday Vigil and Sunday Final Mass with the pope, pilgrims will receive a one-time PACKED MEAL TICKET. It can be redeemed on the path leading to Campus Misericordiae. The packed meal is equivalent to the following meals: Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast, and Sunday lunch. Only pilgrims who have chosen a package with meals are entitled to a packed meal. The order in which meal tickets are redeemed throughout the day is up to the pilgrim. 132 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 Pilgrims will receive breakfast at their places of accommodation, prepared by parishes and the Parish Organizing Committees. Only pilgrims who have chosen a package with accommodation are entitled to receive breakfast. MEAL TICKETS: * * * * Ticket can be redeemed from July 25 to July 26. Tickets can be redeemed from July 30 to August 1. wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 133 PILGRIM ABCs TRANSPORTATION In agreement with the WYD Local Organizing Committee, the municipality of Krakow, which manages public transportation, and in agreement with railway transportation, a transportation plan for the time of WYD that covers the city of Krakow and zones of accommodation outside the city has been developed. Public transportation and urban rail ensures a connection from the city center to the airport and with the municipality of Wieliczka. 134 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 During WYD, public transportation will be strengthened and it will run longer hours. ENTITLEMENT TO USE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND RAIL Each registered pilgrim is entitled to free use of public transportation including transportation in the city and the surrounding areas (buses and trams) and rail. Free rides on public transportation are guaranteed with the possession of a pilgrim pass, which is why it should be kept on you at all times. wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 135 PILGRIM ABCs This entitlement covers the dates included in the package chosen by the pilgrim and ends on the last day covered by the package chosen by the pilgrim. TRANSPORTATION FROM ZONES OF ACCOMMODATION II-IV TO KRAKOW DURING WYD Parish Organizing Committees (POC) possess detailed information on the movement between the different zones of accommodation in Krakow. Always follow the instructions given by the POC. Commuting from zones of accommodation II-IV is carried out first by rail. The POC will indicate the starting train station – you should be directed to this station. Transportation of pilgrims from the municipalities covered by the agglomeration of Krakow (16 municipalities surrounding Krakow) will also be carried out by public buses. The starting stop will be indicated by the POC – you should be directed to this stop. In case of an absence of a nearby railway line, a lack of public transportation, or unforeseen circumstances, the POC will indicate other means of transportation: • Organized by the WYD Local Organizing Committee • Personal coach for group – in this case, the POC will assign a pass authorizing entry to the City of Krakow. i Important! The pass will indicate a prepared parking place, and only in this place will it be possible to park the bus. Remember! You will return to the zone of accommodation from Krakow the same way you came to Krakow. In terms of rail transportation – you will get on the same station you got off. 136 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 RULES FOR NAVIGATING THE CITY OF KRAKOW FOR GROUPS ACCOMMODATED IN THE CITY OF KRAKOW (ZONE I) Private and hired cars and personal buses will not be able to move around the city and around the places where the Main Events are held. Use of public transportation is advised. Distances in the city center are not big and you can move around on foot. Therefore, we recommend taking only necessary items with you to avoid carrying heavy luggage all day. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMMUTING AROUND BŁONIA PARK, ŁAGIEWNIKI, AND CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE On the route to the Events, follow the signs in the color of your sector. BŁONIA PARK From the train station or parking, Błonia Park can be reached on foot or by using public transportation. For reasons of safety, public transportation can be disabled in the area surrounding the event before the start of the Pre-events. Moving from railway stations and parking lots Use the dedicated and additionally marked entry routes. ŁAGIEWNIKI To reach Łagiewniki, you must use public transportation going in the direction of Borek Fałęcki or Kurdwanów and get off at the last stop. wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 137 PILGRIM ABCs CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE To reach Campus Misericordiae, you must use public transportation and rail. Final stops will be at a considerable distance from the location of the Main Events, so we advise you to plan out your walking time. Packed meal distribution points will be located on entry routes to Campus Misericordiae for pilgrims who have chosen a package with meals. 138 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 After Saturday and Sunday’s events, pilgrims will return to their place of accommodation. Therefore, we recommend not bringing all your luggage with you for the time of the Vigil – there will be time to pack up and eat breakfast on Monday. i website: www.krakow.pl – WYD tab www.malopolska.pl ADVICE ON USING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUTING AROUND THE CITY When using modes of public transportation, exercise extreme caution and always follow the instructions given by maintenance services. Before entering, wait until everyone intending to exit has exited. Never travel on the exterior of the vehicle. wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 139 PILGRIM ABCs INSURANCE WORLD YOUTH DAY You can always count on getting assistance Do you need medical assistance? 1. Before taking any action, call our Emergency Center at +48 22 . 505 17 55 2. Give us the necessary information so that we can help. Say your name and surname, your pilgrim ID number and the telephone number of a person we should contact. 3. Keep calm. We will tell you by telephone what to do. Do you see any direct threat to life or property? Immediately call the emergency number 112. Remember, as a participant of WYD, you are insured. Use our assistance. We are here for you. +48 22 505 17 55 140 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS CALL CENTER: +48 12 446 73 33 After dialing the number, you must choose the English language (2) Information can also be obtained by email: info.es@krakow2016.com TOURIST EMERGENCY HELPLINE: +48 608 599 999 INFORMATION FOR FOREIGN TOURISTS: +48 22 278 77 77 +48 801 888 844 (only for calls from Polish phone numbers) www.polska.travel / e-mail: cc@pot.gov.pl wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 141 PILGRIM ABCs INFORMATION POINTS INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION CENTERS These are places located on access routes to Krakow, airports, and railway stations. Registration for World Youth Day takes place here. You can also get all the information related to the organization and celebration of WYD and tourism in the region. Our volunteers and employees of many institutions work here 24 hours a day. Locations of the Information and Registration Centers are marked in the mobile app. In Information and Registration Centers: • representatives of insurance companies are present, from whom you can get detailed information about insurance; if necessary – eg. in the case of extension of stay – there is also the possibility of buying individual insurance; • staff of the Department of Nationals’ and Foreigners’ Affairs at the Małopolska Provincial Office in Krakow are present, who will answer any questions related to visas, travel documents, and the stay of foreigners in Poland. STATIONARY INFORMATION POINTS Located within Krakow city limits (zone I), and in larger areas of the remaining zones of accommodation. Information Points are marked with signs that show which language they serve. The locations of Information Points are marked in the mobile app. 142 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 In Information Points, you can: • obtain information about the organization of World Youth Day, as well as tourist information associated with Krakow and its surroundings; • receive flyers, informational-promotional materials about the region and WYD events, as well as maps. In certain Information Points: • you can update your WYD mobile app; • charge your phone’s battery. MOBILE INFORMATION POINTS In places where Main Events are held, as well as in many important points in the city and the entire zone of accommodation, information can also be obtained from mobile information points. They are composed of a few dozen blue stands scattered in all of the important places of World Youth Day celebrations. In addition, walking among pilgrims are two-person teams of information volunteers. It is easy to recognize them by the huge blue hand symbol they carry. 143 PILGRIM ABCs APP “Pilgrim” is the official app designed for pilgrims. It performs the functions of a mobile guide, map, and informant. The app is free, available in 9 languages, and available for download on Android, IOS, and Windows devices. Offline functions: • map and route planning • schedule of WYD events • most important locations in the area (Youth Festival, Catechesis, places to redeem meal tickets, water sources, and many more) • guide • phrasebook, liturgical texts, prayer and song books • emergency phone numbers and contact information to embassies • general information Online functions: • weather forecast • notifications and messages • connections to social media Each participant will have the option to personalize the app by providing their place of accommodation, catecheses they would like to attend, or places they would like to visit. 144 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 PILGRIM OFFICIAL APP APP.KRAKOW2016.COM wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 145 PILGRIM ABCs POLISH CURRENCY The currency in Poland is the Polish złoty (PLN), 1 PLN = 100 grosze. In circulation are coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 grosze and 1, 2 and 5 złotys and banknotes: 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 złotys. In larger stores, e.g. hypermarkets, you can pay in euros at selected cashiers. You must notify the cashier that you will be using the European currency. Paying in euros is still not popular in Poland, and often the change is issued in złotys. CURRENCY EXCHANGE Currency exchange takes place in KANTORS (currency exchanges), where you can also check foreign exchange rates. Avoid exchanging currency in the street with unknown people. Exchanges can also be made in banks, but usually at a less favourable exchange rate. Banks in Poland are generally open between the hours of 10:00am and 6:00pm. ATMS AND PAYMENTS BY CARD In Poland, you can use cards issued by foreign banks. In some ATMs you can make withdrawals in euros. Information about the type of card that a given ATM supports is placed directly on the ATM in the form of a sticker or is displayed on the ATM screen. Any limitations on the use of cards are set by the card issuer. 146 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 Some ATMs offer the opportunity to check the exchange rate without having to use the card. On ATMs providing this service, the “Check exchange rates” (“Sprawdź kursy walut”) button on the screen displays information about current rates. In the center of Krakow, the ATM network is dense and there is no problem finding one. Most ATMs are available round the clock. There is a vast network of card payment acceptance, allowing noncash payments to be made in Krakow, so in many cases it is not necessary to withdraw cash at an ATM in order to pay for goods or services. The cardholder may, by making a purchase at a store terminal, take advantage of services such as cash back (i.e. withdrawal from the store to the amount of 300 PLN). The cash back service is available in stores in Poland, and information about its availability is located at store terminals. wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 147 PILGRIM ABCs PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES All WYD 2016 events have been prepared with the means necessary disabled people to participate. WHAT KIND OF AMENITIES WILL BE INCLUDED IN ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPORTATION? Persons with disabilities will not be separated from their groups during accommodation. For people with a particular disability, especially those in wheelchairs and those making up a group of people with a significant disability, we have prepared special accommodation in schools and in centers for people with disabilities, adapted to their needs. People with physical disabilities will be provided with transportation to the sectors dedicated to them. All people with disabilities will be able to move around in properly-adapted public transport with the help of members of their group. WHAT KIND OF FACILITIES WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE IN ORDER TO ENSURE A GOOD EXPERIENCE OF MAIN EVENTS AND CATECHESIS? Help for people with disabilities will be given by volunteers, both in the locations of Main Events and on the routes to these places. Each volunteer will have a specially marked identifier. Specific sectors have been prepared at Błonia Park and Campus Misericordiae adapted for pilgrims with various disabilities: persons with physical disabilities, persons with visual impairments, persons with intellectual disabilities, and persons with hearing impairments. Persons with disabilities will be able to participate in events in all other sectors along with their group. Special separate catecheses for persons with disabilities are not foreseen; they will participate in the catechesis intended for their 148 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 given language group. Eucharist will be celebrated in places of catecheses, in which people with disabilities will be able to participate. Similarly, in the Zone of Reconciliation, confessionals tailored to the needs of people with disabilities have also been prepared. To facilitate communication and provide support to people with disabilities, the following special markings have been assigned: persons with physical disabilities persons with visual impairments persons with intellectual disabilities persons with hearing impairments © flickr.com/photos/jmjrio2013/ wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 149 PILGRIM ABCs VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are an indispensable part of World Youth Day – it is thanks to them that the organization of this celebration of youth is possible. In Krakow, there will be approximately 25,000 volunteers. Most are young people – between the age of 18 and 35 years, and the majority of them are residents of Krakow and the surrounding area – parish and diocesan volunteers. In the period between July 18 and August 1, an additional 3,000 volunteers from all Polish dioceses and more than 3,000 volunteers from around the world will also serve in Krakow. Volunteers will be dressed alike – in clearly-visible blue t-shirts bearing the WYD logo. Their task is to help pilgrims in all situations that require intervention, as well as to ensure a fruitful experience of World Youth Day. Their service will allow the faithful to make the most out of their time during WYD, leaving Krakow satisfied and wanting to come back! Volunteers will be present at airports and railway stations to meet pilgrims as they arrive in Krakow, as well as in important areas of the city. They will be there to provide information, make sure everything is in order, support medical services, and to help with the organization of catecheses and the Youth Festival. There 150 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 will also be volunteer evangelizers, guides throughout Krakow within the context of the City of Saints project, as well as media center volunteers, who will share information about World Youth Day with the whole world. In preparation for WYD in Krakow, in addition to employees in the Local Organizing Committee, approximately 50 long-term volunteers from around the world and more than 200 volunteers from Poland have also been engaged in preparations. They underwent a series of trainings, including, among others, Volunteer PLUS (preparing for work as a leader) and WYD Youth Ambassador. Parish volunteers also underwent special training. Additionally, all short-term volunteers took part in a oneweek training in safety, basic first aid, communication, and transportation, and a WYD program in Krakow, as well as specific training in preparation for their respective jobs. Spiritual formation of volunteers was overseen by Fr. Dr. Wojciech Węgrzyniak, who has written a series of reflections on the Divine Mercy specifically for them. Volunteers are those who walk with courage in order to serve! Do not hesitate to ask for their help! wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 151 PILGRIM ABCs SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on Social Media! News, photos, videos, messages and special content for WYD Facebook*: facebook.com/worldyouthday Twitter**: twitter.com/wyd_en Periscope: @wyd_en Youtube Channel: youtube.com/Krakow2016 Instagram: instagram.com/wydkrakow2016 Snapchat: worldyouthday Tumblr: krakow2016.tumblr.com Flickr: flickr.com/krakow2016 Foursquare: foursquare.com/sdm_pl 152 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 #krakow2016 *Facebook is available in the following languages: Arabic, Croatian, Czech, English, Filipino, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese. **Twitter is available in the following languages: Arabic, English, Filipino, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish. wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 153 PILGRIM ABCs INFORMATION FOR FOREIGNERS If you are a foreigner (a person who does not hold Polish citizenship) and your travel document (passport, identity card) is missing: • Check your luggage and place of accommodation carefully. If, however, you have lost your travel document, immediately report it to your group leader or their deputy in order to convey the information to the Information and Registration Center. • If you came alone, contact the nearest Information and Registration Center or mobile information volunteers. • If your travel document has not reappeared, you will have to contact your embassy or consulate to obtain a new travel document. • A current list of foreign diplomatic missions in Poland is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: www.msz.gov.pl – zagraniczne placówki dyplomatyczne w Polsce. If you are a foreigner and an unforeseen situation has occurred that prevents your departure from Poland (does not apply to citizens of EU countries, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway, as citizens of these countries benefit from the freedom of movement of persons): • If there has been an unforeseen situation that prevents your departure from Poland (e.g. illness, emergency, loss of passport and inability to obtain a new travel document), be sure to make your stay in Poland legal. • If the date of validity of your visa is nearing, or you have concerns about the legality of your stay, immediately contact consultants 154 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 of the Department of Nationals’ and Foreigners' Affairs at the Małopolska Provincial Office in Krakow. If you cannot do this in person, ask another person (group leader, volunteer), to do it on your behalf. i i Consultants at the Department of Nationals’ and Foreigners’ Affairs at the Małopolska Provincial Office in Krakow Telephone information: + 48 12 392 18 55 e-mail: sdm@malopolska.uw.gov.pl www.malopolska.uw.gov.pl Information points of the Małopolska Provincial Office: Krakow: ul. Basztowa 22, ground floor, tel.: +48 883 334 989 Krakow: ul. Przy Rondzie 6, ground floor, tel.: +48 833 334 990; + 48 12 392 18 04 wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 155 PILGRIM ABCs 156 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 TRANSLATION OF MAIN EVENTS Main Events will be translated into 10 languages, and these translations will be broadcast on FM airwaves. To receive translations, listeners will need a radio or cellphone with radio function and headphones. Remember to charge the battery or back-up battery (it is worth investing in a power-bank for cellphones). Frequencies are listed on the website and in the mobile app. BŁONIA PARK (Tuesday–Friday) CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE (Saturday–Sunday) wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 157 PILGRIM ABCs PICTOGRAMS PLACES Campus Misericordiae Divine Mercy Sanctuary Błonia Park St. John Paul II Sanctuary first aid point, hospital information point WC Wi-Fi access bus stop tram stop railway station airport drinking water access point phone battery charging parking INFO 158 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 persons with physical disabilities persons with visual impairments persons with intellectual disabilities persons with hearing impairments place of accommodation packed meal distribution point registration point Pilgrim Package distribution point Zone of Reconciliation Adoration Tent Holy Communion gluten-free Holy Communion Volunteers Youth Festival PILGRIM SPIRITUAL EVENTS OTHER wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 159 PILGRIM ABCs 1 BŁONIA PARK 2 CAMPUS MISERICORDIAE 3 CITY OF SAINTS 4 PILGRIMAGE OF MERCY MAPS 160 | PILGRIM ABCs | wyd krakow 2016 AMAZING POLAND INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT POLAND NICOLAUS COPERNICUS WAS THE FIRST TO DISCOVER THAT EARTH IS NOT AT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE HISTORIC PORT CRANE IN GDAŃSK 80% OF THE WORLD’S AMBER COMES FROM THE TRICITY – THREE COASTAL POLISH CITIES: GDAŃSK, GDYNIA AND SOPOT POLAND IS THE LARGEST PRODUCER OF APPLES IN EUROPE BIAŁOWIEŻA FOREST IS THE OLDEST FOREST IN EUROPE. ALMOST HALF OF POLAND’S POPULATION OF FREE-RANGING BISON IS CONCENTRATED IN THE BIAŁOWIEŻA FOREST THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MOUNTAINS ARE THE OLDEST MOUNTAINS IN EUROPE WARMIA AND MAZURY ARE SOMETIMES CALLED THE LAND OF A THOUSAND LAKES. MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND OF THEM HAVE A SURFACE AREA OF 1 HA. MORSKIE OKO – THE BIGGEST LAKE IN THE TATRA MOUNTAINS THE TATRA MOUNTAINS ARE THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN RANGE IN POLAND. THEY BELONG TO UNESCO’S WORLD NETWORK OF BIOSPHERE RESERVES OSCYPEK. THIS HARD SMOKED CHEESE MADE FROM SHEEP’S MILK IS A PRODUCT ASSOCIATED WITH POLISH MOUNTAINS, ESPECIALLY PODHALE PIEROGI HAVE BEEN KNOWN IN POLAND PROBABLY SINCE THE XIII CENTURY THE LONGEST RIVER IN POLAND IS WISŁA – IT IS 1047 KM LONG OUR SPONSORS STRATEGIC PARTNERS MAIN PARTNERS MEDIA PARTNERS wyd krakow 2016 | PILGRIM ABCs | 183 G OT P THE A P DY? A LR E A Be part of the Pope s dream. 1 million young Christians can change the world. Start now, be part of the #DOCAT movement and download the free app* to make the Pope´s dream come true. More information on DOCAT-APP.COM * As a personal gift from the Pope you receive the whole DOCAT book for free during World Youth Day. The content of the book will be available as an in APP purchase afterwards. OFFICIAL STORE WORLD YOUTH DAY KRAKOW 2016 There are many young people in the world who need support to practice their faith. They are the hope for the future of their countries... and YOU are their hope! at the World Youth Day in Krakow: theVocations VocationsCenter, Center, • • InInthe wherewe wewill willbe bewaiting waitingfor foryou youatatour our33info info where standswith withall allthe theinformation informationneeded. needed. stands Time: Wednesday to Friday, July 27–29, in the afternoon Place: WYD Vocations Centre at the Cracovia BłoniaPark Park Stadium, close to Błonia • In the Missionary Church, where bishops, who help people all over the world thanks to ACN’s support, will share their testimonies and pray with you. Monday,July July25, 25,from from6:00pm 6:00pmtoto8:00pm 8:00pm Time: Monday, (HolyMass Massatat7:00pm) 7:00pm)and andWednesday, Wednesday, July (Holy July 27,27, from6:00pm 6:00pmto to9:00pm 9:00pm (Holy (Holy Mass Mass)atat7:00pm) 7:00pm from Place: Church of St. of Paul ChurchofofConversion the Conversion St.inPaul in Krakow, Stradomska 4 Street • During Duringthe the“Because "BecauseofofMy MyName” Name"Oratorium, Oratorium, where you will be able to listen to the amazing music, dedicated to persecuted Christians, by one of the most famous modern Polish composers. July concert starts 9:pm, Time: Friday, July 29,29, concert starts at at 9:pm, butwe wewill willbe bethere therefor forthe thewhole wholeday, day, but just come over and say hi! Place: Krakow’s Main Square (Rynek Główny) – – The Blueanker Traveller – Safety and contact with friends in one app! Want to stay in touch with your friends during WYD 2016 at all times? Easy! http://blueanker.com/traveller/ Download and use the Blueanker Traveller app during World Youth Day 2016! Marcin Subotowicz: Marcin.Subotowicz@blueanker.com More information: www.blueanker.com/pl 1. INTRODUCTION3 2. ABCs 7 • What is World Youth Day? 8 • WYD Symbols 10 • Theme12 • Patrons14 • Logo16 • The Theme Song 18 • Text of the Song 20 • Official Prayer 22 3. PLACES25 • Poland27 • The Church in Poland 38 • The Catholic Archdiocese of Krakow 41 • Divine Mercy Sanctuary 44 • St. John Paul II Sanctuary 46 • Błonia Park 48 • Campus Misericordiae 50 • Wieliczka52 • Jasna Góra 54 • Kalwaria Zebrzydowska 60 • Wadowice64 • Auschwitz66 TABLE OF CONTENTS PILGRIM GUIDE 4. PROGRAM71 • WYD Program 72 • Main Events 74 • Catecheses78 • Pilgrimage of Mercy 79 • Zone of Reconciliation 80 • International Center of Evangelization 81 • Youth Festival 82 • Vocations Center 84 • City of Saints 86 • Be like Frassati! 100 • Trail of Divine Mercy 104 • Maria. Mater Misericordiae. Exhibition106 5. WYD DAY-BY-DAY 109 • July 26 110 112 • July 27 114 • July 28 116 • July 29 118 • July 30 120 • July 31 6. PILGRIM ABCs 123 • Pilgrim Package 124 • Pilgrim Pass 126 • Entry Passes 127 • Accommodation128 • Pilgrim Meals 132 • Transportation134 • Insurance140 • Important Phone Numbers 141 • Information Points 142 • App144 • Polish Currency 146 • Persons with Disabilities 148 • Volunteers150 • Social Media 152 • Information for Foreigners 154 • Translation of Main Events 157 • Pictograms158 7. MAPS160 8. AMAZING POLAND 161 © Copyright by Archdiocese of Kraków & Wydawnictwo św. Stanisław BM Publishing Co., Kraków 2016. All rights reserved Translated by: Jan Kulka, Tomasz Stephan, Natalia Śledzińska-Brzezińska, Barbara Wudarczyk, Thomas Harbeck and ExLibro Translations Agency (p. 54–58, 64–68, 100–103, 106, 128–131, 146–147, 154–155) Revised by: Sonja Larson, Barbara Wudarczyk Genaral coordination of translations: Aleksandra Żak, Mateusz Zimny Grafic Design: Maciej Szymon Cieśla, Marta Dudek, Gustavo Huguenin, Kinga Kostka, Eduard Nuñez, Katarzyna Orłowska, Krzysztof Procajło, Monika Rybczyńska, Monika Szybiak Cover Design: Rachel Lanz Layout: Emilia Bober Typesetting: Wydawnictwo JAK Technical Editing: Agnieszka Lipińska Photos (if not indicated otherwise): www.istockphoto.com/pl, Wikimedia Commons, Monika Rybczyńska Fragments of writings of Pope Francis and of writings of St. John Paul II © Copyright Libreria Editrice Vaticana Quotes from the Diary of St. Sister M. Faustina Kowalska used with permission of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. Stockbridge, MA USA ISBN: 978-83-7422-770-4 Issue: 90,000 copies Printing: Drukarnia Bałtycka Sp. z o.o. Printed in Poland. Kraków 2016