the attic - Attic Needlework
the attic - Attic Needlework
Where Samplers Rule Just 15 m SE inu CO 183 RNER O tes from 7W t F . Gu DOBSO he Airpo rt ad N Mes alupe & GUAD at the Rd, a, A AL S Z u ite 1 UPE 852 TEL (48 EP 0)8 HONE 98183 8 02 TO 1.8 LL-FRE 88. E: 94. ATT IC 09 THE ATTIC 2014 October 1 When I saw this beautiful sampler at the St. Charles market, I fell in love with it ... its verse, all of the birds, the roses, the butterflies, the floral bands, and other of its lovely motifs. And I was so happy to see another sampler from Moira Blackburn. We have had several of her samplers as models in the shop for more than a decade, and seen many others our customers have stitched over the years,all wonderful. And then when we pulled the colors for “Hope,” it was confirmed: This would be perfect as a Sampler of the Month. I was curious about the sampler’s history/origin, intrigued by the “Jane 1843” at the bottom, so I emailed Moira with my questions. Here’s some of what she said: I'm so pleased that you like the Hope sampler....verse borrowed from Emily Dickinson....the original verse had disappeared...along with Jane's surname.....something about dark brown thread. So Jane’s sampler is necessarily an adaptation and not an exact reproduction, which is perfect because my reproductions are frequently adaptations anyway, as I modify the colors to my liking. Issue No. 14-20 October Sampler of the Month Moira Blackburn’s “Hope Sampler” During October save 15% when you purchase a minimum of 2 of the following: Chart: $17 (charted for DMC) Linen: Varies, depending on the count & margins ~ 40c w/2-inch margins is $23 Silks: Tudors $89.25; 12-ply Gloriana, $136; Au Ver A’Soie, $73.10 I’m stitching mine on 52/60 w/ Tudor silks. I darkened several of the colors a bit, as you can see, for example, in the floral bands. And I wanted the beautiful birds to be more colorful. I can only imagine that when Jane stitcher her sampler in 1843, before the ravages of time took their toll on her beautiful needlework, that she, too, had brighter colors. For the verse I “softened” the brown a bit. The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Some of My Moira Blackburn Favorites PAGE 2 These have been shop models (model numbers in the lower right corner that a few who come into the shop think it its price!) for more than a decade and still are very popular with our customers. Clockwise from below left: “Growing Like a Tree” $2, 331 x 2361 ~ “Three Things” $22, 263 x 331 ~ “Time and Season Sampler” $21, 325 x 205 Below, “Maria Short Sampler” $17, 211 x 271, has been one of my favorites for years! In fact, it was a Sampler of the Month in 2008. I can’t finish it when it’s in our display cabinet! I’ll see if Sheila will share hers next issue! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! More of My Moira Blackburn Favorites PAGE 3 What a wonderful thing, that we sampler lovers still have Moira’s beautiful samplers available to us and our needles! A collection of stunning samplers charted for DMC but easily converted to beautiful silks. “Pains of Love” $21, 271 x 235 “Keep Me Sampler” $22, 247 x 247 “Peaceful Garden Sampler” $21, 327 x 211, always reminds me of Katherine, who finished this beautiful sampler shortly before she lost her battle with cancer. I know that she is stitching beautiful samplers in her peaceful garden! “Adam and Eve Sampler” $11, 89 x 148 The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! October As an Attic Addict save 15% in October on: * Moira Blackburn Charts * All in-stock Gloriana Silks * All in-stock Lakeside Linen Special Cuts Friday, October 17, Autumn Lock-In, 6 - 11 ~ After our Spring LockIn, you told us you wanted more so we’ve scheduled another fun stitching-with-friends-at-The-Attic night, beginning with supper served at The Gathering Place, chocolate, pre-Halloween costume contest, bluelight specials, door prizes & more. Fee $15 ~ Please note: Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Please allow us time to get ready for our special party. There will be plenty of seating for all of our guests ~ and who knows, you might meet a new stitching friend! Sunday, October 19, Sampler Sunday, 1 - 4 ~ It’s a busy weekend, but this is the 3rd Sunday of the month and time for our monthly gathering of sampler devotees. Refreshments served; please register; fee $10 PAGE Finishing Deadlines Stocking & pillow finishing ~ Wednesday, October 29 (after that date there will be an additional “rush” fee, increasing as it gets closer to Christmas) Ornament Finishing, Monday, December 1 Our Holiday Hours Wednesday, Nov 26, Close at 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov 27, Thanksgiving Day, Closed Wednesday, Dec 24, Close at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec 25, Christmas Day, Closed Wednesday, Dec. 31, Close at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan 1, New Year’s Day, Closed Saturday, October 25, Sampler Stitches 301, 1:30-3:30 ~ Linda continues this very popular series, covering popular sampler stitches with demonstrations and a comprehensive handout to take with you. Fee $20 November Saturday, November 1, 10:30-12:30, Beginning Linen This class is appropriate for both beginning stitchers and anyone wishing to refine their skills. The class project is Linda/Needlemade Designs’s Tulip needlebook design, and the $30 fee includes her expert instruction + materials. Class fee is due upon registration. S h e r r i Jo n e s / P a t r i c k ’s Wo o d s Workshops Nov 7 - 9 ~ See pages 5 & 6 Saturday night, November 22nd, Our 17th Annual Silent Auction for Breast Cancer Research, 6-8 pm, at The Gathering Place, 1837 West Guadalupe, Suite 107, Mesa, right NEXT DOOR to our shop! Donations now being accepted, through mid-November! December Saturday, December 20, 1 - 4 ~ Our Annual Kris Kringle Party. Hopefully by this date you will have all of your Holiday preparations done and will be ready for a relaxing and fun afternoon! Special Seasonal sweet treats and the Attic’s famous fruit punch + ornament exchange for those wishing to participate. Please register for our planning purposes. 4 We only have a few BCRF cookbooks left! Support a great cause (all net proceeds go to breast cancer research) by buying a copy(s) of the Recipes for a Cure cookbook for a donation of $14.95 (or more) with fabulous time-tested recipes as well as complimentary designs from 11 designers. January 2015 Two weekends for our 2015 Sampler Symposium and Merry Cox’s optional class on the following Monday (Monday classes are sold out/waiting list only) ~ See pages * - * August 2015 Save the Date ... for Summer School 2015, August 21 - 23 (please note new date) ... for some History Lessons ... with a needlework bent! 2015 Summer School at The Attic ons History Less 0 August 28-3 The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! PAGE Nov 7 - 9 Workshops w/Sherri Jones of Patrick’s Woods 5 Blue Ribbon Sewing Box - Friday, November 7 Class is Full ~ Waitin g Lisbox This handsome sewing made t Only RICK’S OODS ESSONS W L exclusively for Patrick’s Woods is an exquisitely handcrafted adaptation of an antique sewing broidery and fine hand sewing box. The box is made of fine cherry wood and measures approx. 6 ¼” wide x 4 ¾” tall (with legs) and 3 ½” deep. Both sides of the Order form for The Attic Workshop, November, 2014 box open wide for access. The interior is finished with two silk-lined panels that have 1. stitched slip pockets. The pockets are embellished with hem stitching, ribbon weaving, and embroidered floral sprays. 2. 4. Smalls include a needlebook, pynkeep, and 3. berry scissors ornament. Stitches include hem stitching, long-arm cross, overlap stitch, stem stitch, tent stitch, and cross stitch1. over one.for front of box. These are made from the piano end keys, and there are only 2 of Medallion these keysison a piano. Marcy has set aside some of these very special pieces just for us. The linen is a 32c antique white. The box secured with hidden magnets. The bottom of $90 each ___________ the box is fitted with a silk-lined tool pad and 2. Ruler and thread winder set with bird motif. $66 set ___________ a removable mattress style pyn pillow. (No substitutes please.) Scrimshaw pieces shown in 3.theThread photo, winder with floral spray. $38 each ___________ and below, not included in the kit, but can be ordered separately. Workshop Fee $310 4. Thread winder with monogram of your choice. $38 each ___________ Please specify. (Alphabet matches stitched alphabet.) Pre-stitching kits have been shipped. Monogram (one letter please) ___________ Total ___________ T UÄâx e|uuÉÇ fxã|Çz UÉå x e|uuÉÇ fxã|Çz UÉå Lesson Proposal Please mail this form or email order list to Patrick’s Woods August 1,by an antique needlework bag found in the Cotswolds, your The petite reticule style bag by is inspired 2014.(Sorry, no additional orders will be taken during or after class.) From England, With Love - Saturday, Nov 8 in England, circa 1840. The bag measures approximately 4” tall and is stitched with luscious silk silver cut beads that closely resemble the is lined with silk, drawn closed with silk taffeta ribbons. The silk purse strings are threaded through silver rings. The sentimental smalls are NAME:___________________________________________________________________ inspired by Victorian tokens and include a beaded bolster style cushion-scissors rest made with pearl cut beads, a heart-and-hand needle keep with the silver cut beads, and a cut paper pinkeep PATRICK’S WOODS with a Victorian paper scrap embellishment. No pre-stitching for this project; Workshop Fee $210 icy blues mocha browns and accented with DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY.pearls THESEinPIECES WILLand BE CREATED FOR YOU AND DELIVERED TO YOU AT THE WORKSHOP. YOURso TOTAL IS DUE AT THE OF DE- The bag cut steel beads popular with the TIME Victorians. LIVERY. THANK YOU! 2539 ALBERT DRIVE, SE GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49506 uisitely crafted and engineered adaptation of an antique sewing box. It is es approx. 6 ¼” wide x 4 ¾” tall (with legs) and 3 ½” deep. sides thesilk lining fabric, silk taffeta ribbons, beads, perforated paper, Victorian Kit includes linen, Both silk pearls, silkof floss, ished with two silk lined panels that have stitched slip pockets. The pockets style scrap, Ultrasuede, wools, lace, needles and templates. Kit does not include glass head straight pins. Paper weaving and embroidered floral sprays. The bottom ofvary. theAbox fittedofwith a reproduction scraps will be presented for personal choice. scraps will largeisvariety old and style pyn pillow. Smalls include a needle book, pyn keep and berry scissors ng arm cross, overlap stitch, stem stitch, tent stitchStudents and cross stitchto over will need bring one. to class basic sewing supplies, plus perforated paper cutting tool and cutting ox is secured with hidden magnets. Class time willmat, be paper divided between scissors, tape measure, straight pins, neutral basting thread, glue pen or stick, double stick the interior panels, so please bring the supplies listed below. tape, and twisted cording tool. For the best perforated paper cutting tool, Sherri recommends an X-Acto floss, ribbons, interfacing, stiffener, muslin, wool felt, X3000 magnetknife buttons and tapestry or X2000 knife with a NEW blade. Or, if paper cutting scissors are preferred, the Dr. Slick t included, but can be ordered separately. Microtip Arrow, 3 1⁄2” straight scissors used by anglers for tying flies and available at large sporting goods stores like Bass Pro Shops or Cabela’s, or online through Amazon and other retailers. If a less expensive, one-time-use tool is preferred, the Revlon cuticle scissors with precise curved blades will work. e, pins, sewing needles, marking pencil, and other basic sewing supplies xes) The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) ESIGNS BY SHERRI JONES E, SE GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49506 616-285-3238 THE ATTIC! PAGE November’s Sherri Jones Workshop 6 Patriot Patty and her Pin Perch - Sunday, Nov 9 Patriot Patty is inspired by the Flapper garter buttons that were popular in the 1920's. She perches on a navy velvet cushion at one end of the doubled cushion box. Patty is constructed of vintage French patriotic ribbon, and her face is printed on fabric, reproduced from a vintage flapper garter button printed on silk ribbon. The pin box is embellished with motifs inspired by vintage Army and Navy needle books that were printed after both World Wars. The pin box measures approximately 6 1⁄2” long by 2” wide and 2” high. There are two velvet cushions; one at each end of the box. The center opening of the box features a slip pocket, and will house patriotic smalls. The smalls include two needle keeps, scissors and a scissors sheath and fob. There will be available for separate purchase a set of ivory scrimshaw pieces (below right), including two thread winders, a petite ruler, and a star shaped charm with a monogram. Workshop Fee $195 ~ prestitching kits are available; fees must be paid in full prior to kit shipment. ctàÜ|Éà ctààç tÇw {xÜ c|Ç cxÜv{ Scrim order form for The Attic, November, 2014 Stitches include Cross Stitch, Tent Stitch, Chevron, Rice, Tied Oblong Cross Stitch, Oblong Cross Stitch, Stem Stitch and Portuguese Knotted Stem Stitch. Kit includes linen, silk floss, pearl cotton, vintage patriotic ribbon, velvet ribbon, printed fabric pieces, suede, wool, printed card templates, cotton batting, interfacing, petite scissors, dipped pins, beads and vintage star sequins. Students will need to bring to class basic sewing supplies, plus paper scissors, tape measure, thin sharp sewing needles, sewing needle with an eye large enough for 4 plies of silk, straight pins, neutral basting thread, glue pen or stick, double stick tape, and small rotary cutter, mat and ruler set (if you have one), and pliers for pulling needles. 1. Art Deco style thread winder with patriotic banner. 1. 2. 4. 3. 2. Art styleInformation thread winder with plane and flag banner. Registration andDeco Hotel $40each ___ $44 each ___ Please register by email. We are happy to take your phone calls with questions, but because an email address is needed for each 3. toPetite withscrimshaw pinwheel style flower. __ of you to provide additional information along the way, sendruler you the ordering forms, etc., we are looking$30 to each email registration as the best method for the entire process, to ensure that we register you for the proper workshops, most importantly. Friday, Nov 7, Blue Ribbon Sewing Box, 2 - 9 PM with an hour break from 5 - 6 PM for dinner. 4. Cut out star button/pendant with monogram of your choice. $44 each ___ Saturday, Nov 8, From England with Love, 9 - 4 PM, with an hour break at lunch Saturday evening, reception at the shop from 5 - 8 PM, withPlease dinnerspecify servedONE at The Gathering next door shoppin with a jump ri letter choice. Place Optional: attachtotothe a stick Sunday, Nov 9, Patriot Patty, 9 - 4 PM, with an hour break at lunch provided. Monogram ___________ Your registration fees for each workshop include dinner or lunch as well as coffee/tea breaks during the day and a continental breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, as well as Saturday night reception and dinner. Total ___ Please email your order list or mail this form to Patrick’s Woods by Aug (Sorry, no additional orders will be taken during or after class.) DO NOT SEND ANY M All classes will be held in Meeting Rooms A+B at Hyatt Place Mesa, where they available an Attic room blockYOUR TOTA PIECES WILL BE CREATED FORhave YOU AND DELIVERED TO Needlework YOU AT THE WORKSHOP. with prices of $104 for King rooms and $114 for Queen/Queen rooms. Here is their Website. Free shuttle service to the shop is TIME OF DELIVERY. THANK YOU! provided (airport transportation is not), so renting a car is really not necessary. NAME:___________________________________________________________________ The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) PATRICK’S WOODS 2539 ALBERT DRIVE, SE GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49506 THE ATTIC! January 2015 Sampler Symposium . . . Registration and Hotel Information Registr ation is Fu ll ~ Wa iting L is PAGE 7 ... Friday night, January 9 thru Sunday, January 11 OR ... Friday night, January 16 thru Sunday, January 18 t Only Please register for the weekend of your choice by email. All of the email addresses that you may have for me and the shop all work so it is not necessary to send more than one email. Please do not phone the shop to register. We will be happy to answer your questions, but registrations will only be accepted by email. Receipt of your email registration will be acknowledged by email, and after your email registration has been received, you will be notified by email and asked to phone our toll-free number with payment information. A nonrefundable deposit of $50 completes your reservation. Space is limited by the size of the room to 49 students. Because an email address is needed for each of you to provide additional information along the way, we are looking to email registration as the best method for the entire process, to ensure fairness for everyone, most importantly. I am very pleased to present the weekend faculty for this event: Friday night, 6 - 9 PM, Merry Cox’s ‘Souvenir Book’ with a 5 - 6 PM supper. Saturday morning, 9 AM, “19th Century Mourning Practices,” a PowerPoint presentation by Sandra Ball that includes mourning samplers and embroideries as well as a coffin quilt and many other interesting facts from the Victorian era. Following a midmorning break, Sandra will also present a lecture on gravestone art, also touching on the vampire scare in early New England. Saturday afternoon, 1 - 4 PM, Holly Rison will teach the “Gentle Art of Scrimshaw.” Saturday evening, 5 - ? PM, reception at The Attic, with food, refreshments including adult beverages served. Sunday, Merry Cox’s ‘Eternal Love’ Stitching Tray w/Accessories, 9 - 2 PM, with the last hour for lunch. Your $495 fee for the Symposium includes all classes, kits, and lectures, a light supper on Friday night, breakfast, lunch, and coffee/tea breaks on Saturday, a Saturday night reception at the shop with refreshments and supper, and Sunday breakfast and lunch. All classes will be held in Meeting Rooms A+B at Hyatt Place Mesa, where they have available an Attic Needlework room block with prices of $134 for King rooms and Queen/Queen rooms. Here is their Website. Free shuttle service to the shop is provided (airport transportation is not), so renting a car is optional and really not necessary. ‘Souvenir Book’ by Merry Cox Friday night, 6 - 9 PM. A souvenir is a memento which serves as a reminder of past events or a keepsake with sentimental value. What better way to remember a special trip or event or our love of stitching than with this unique souvenir pull-out book. There is a stitched bookplate for the first inside page plus a lovely miniature sampler for the 4th page. You will construct the book with beautiful paper and use scrapbooking techniques to make pockets with fun embellishments with lots of space for pictures and personalization. In addition to making the souvenir book, you will make a drawstring bag with vintage ribbons for your book. Stitched on 35-count linen with Nun Stitch, Feather Stitch and ‘over 1’ tent stitch. Kit includes all stitching materials and finishing materials. The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! PAGE January 2015 Sampler Symposium (continued) 8 Saturday morning, 9 - 10:30 AM, “19th Century Mourning Practices.” Sandra Ball’s PowerPoint presentation will include mourning samplers and embroideries, mourning clothing, jewelry, and other Victorian mourning customs, including a “coffin quilt.” Following a mid-morning break, at 11 AM Sandra will continue with a presentation on gravestone art, also touching on the vampire scare in New England. The Scarlet Letter’s “Mourning Sampler 1832” with the name and date left blank to be filled in with the name of your loved one. Examples of Holly’s scrimshaw Saturday afternoon, 1 - 4 PM, “Learn the Gentle Art of Scrimshaw.” Embellish your beautiful pieces of needlework with colorful scrims! You can do it! Become a scrimshander! Holly will teach you two methods, freehand and transfer. The class will use vintage piano keys to achieve lovely works of art that you can take home from the class! You will create a monogram piece and a lovely colorful painted piece. You will receive all the tools necessary to create these pieces. ‘Eternal Love’ Stitching Tray with Accessories by Merry Cox Sunday, 9 - 1 PM. ‘Eternal Love’ is the name of a poem Merry wrote for the foreword of Sampler Motifs and Symbolism by Patricia Andrle and Lesley Rudnicki. Merry has always wanted to incorporate her poem into a needlework project, so she designed this 6”x 6” stitching tray with the poem, charming birds and vines. Of course, we must have accessories to complement the tray and then, of course, we must also have a box ... a wonderful papier-mâché painted box with a stitched nameplate on top. The accessories include a mattress type pincushion/pin keep and a scissors holder, both finished with ultra suede. Stitched on 35-count linen with Cross Stitch, Cross Stitch ‘over 1’ and Nun Stitch. Kit includes all stitching and finishing materials. (Scissors not included) The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) Classes are THE ATTIC! Monday, January 12, 2015 Full ~ Waitin g Lis t Only PAGE 9 OR Monday, January 19, 2015 A Young Lady’s Workbox Imagine a very young lady being at school (‘Dewitt Academy for Young Ladies’) in the 1800’s and receiving her first sewing workbox. As the instructress issues each painted workbox, she informs the young ladies that they will be perfecting their sewing and stitching skills with examples to fill the compartments within this special workbox. Inside the painted workbox is a stitched tray with a poem Merry wrote. The tray (with a very unique finishing) can be removed to hold threads, buttons, scissors, ruler etc when working on a project. Pincushion to the right lifts out to reveal the perfect place for a thimble and other treasures. Pinkeep is placed in the back compartment along with ribbons and threads. Needlecase features the ‘Dewitt Academy’, a basket of flowers and personalization. Inside the case is a stitched needle page, an ultra suede scissors holder and scrimshaw ruler holder. (Scissors and ruler not included in kit.) When ready to close the workbox, the needlecase is placed inside the linen tray. This is an all-day class with Merry Cox, an optional class, i.e., not included in the Symposium Weekend. Registration for this class will be accepted by email only. We will be happy to answer your questions, but registrations will only be accepted by email. Receipt of your email registration will be acknowledged by email, and you will be notified by email of the status of your registration and asked to phone our toll-free number with payment information. In addition to your kit, the workshop fee includes breakfast, lunch, and a mid-morning break. Workshop fee, $230. Because an email address is needed for each of you to provide additional information along the way, we are looking to email registration as the best method for the entire process. A nonrefundable deposit of $50 completes your reservation. The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! “Something Wicked” from SamSarah Designs PAGE 10 Patti/SamSarah designed a 3-part mystery sampler on this fabulous 32c Belfast linen, natural w/brown polka dots ~ design size 119w x 186h ~ + a bonus piece, 50 x 153, that can be stitched horizontally or vertically (on 30c Peoria Purple). The designs use 29 skeins of Weeks and buttons for embellishment. Each chart, $9 ~ button packs vary ($4, $7 & $3.50) ~ Belfast cut, $11 ~ Weeks Peoria Purple, $10. Parts 1 & 2 came in August & September, and Part 3 is shipping today, October 1. Left, Part 1 ~ the rest of the mystery will be revealed this week! The Ackfeld hanger shown above is available for $11.50 ~ and the Jack-O-Lantern, left, ($9) used for the bonus piece. Several people wrote to Patti to request an alter nate version to create the words “Something Wicked” in Part 2, so Patti charted it, and you may click on this link to download the alter nate portion of the Part 2 graph. Coming Soon: Lizzie Kate’s “Things Unseen” Lizzie Kate Mystery Sampler, “Things Unseen,” a 3-part stitching adventure that starts in November and focuses on heartfelt words to live by ... all year ... always, a lovely quotation from Helen Keller. (It is not a Seasonal design.) Here are the details: * 3-par series will ship in November, December, and January, perfect for holiday stitching and gifting. * stitch count, 165w x 205h * model is stitched on 32c Picture This Plus Wren ~ order yours in linen, 28c, 32c, 36c or 40c Wren linen ($21) OR 14c or 16c Wren Aida ($15) * threadpack ($32.20) has 14 skeins of Weeks overdyed cottons, including an exclusive new color, Busy Lizzie ~ of course we’ll be doing a conversion to silk overdyes when we receive the thread legend * Embellishment pack ($17 optional) will include 2 exclusive buttons (not available separately) from JABCO and a host of other pretty embellishment goodies. Embellishment pack also includes goodies for the BONUS design. * BONUS design will also be revealed in 3 parts, a bit with each monthly shipment. Stitch count is 165w x 34h and is stitched with the same threads. We must submit our order in the first part of October, so if you want to be in on the first “wave” of shipments, make your reservations now. The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! More Fun Stuff in/coming to Our Attic Fern Ridge Collections’ “Bird Tool Set” $12 was designed and handmade by Images Stitchery Design, perfect accessories for our “stuff ” ~ and would be lovely in Merry Cox’s “Eter nal Love Stitching Tray” project in January! This is here now! This year’s 4-inch “Eve” scissors in Gingher’s Annual Designer Series is in very limited supply since the manufacturer delivered less than half of the amount ordered. Thanks to Cathe’s help, we have a few of these popular collector’s scissors. $40 PAGE 11 Paulette/Plum Street Samplers’ newest charts are on their way to us as we speak. “Ghoul Tidings” was published in last year’s Just Cross Stitch Halloween issue, and “Jack’s Bash” was taught at a 2013 retreat, but for all of us who missed both of these, they are now available in chart form! Both are charted for Gentle Art Sampler Threads on overdyed linen. “Ghoul Tid ings” $10, 13 3 x 89 “Jack’s Bash” $14, 168 x 185 The Stitcherhood’s “Halloween Tree” $9 The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! A New Designer coming to our Attic . . . PAGE 12 . . . later this week, Scattered Seeds Samplers ~ Tammy’s from Wisconsin, and admittedly, I have a soft spot in my heart for my fellow cheeseheads, but I think you’ll agree with me that her designs are very charming! Clockwise from upper left: “Prince of Peace Sampler & Pinkeep” $12 ~ “Bittersweet Gatherings Pinkeep Drum” $12 ~ “Miss Isabelle Black” $12 ~ “Harvest Hares Pinkeep” $12 The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! PAGE New from . . . 13 . . . Little House Needleworks, Counterclockwise from the left: “Moonlight” $8; I love the elegance of this one! ~ “Firehouse” $6 ~ “Calendar Girls-October” $6 . . . Classic Colorworks, a new line featuring designs by Diane Williams using Classic Colorworks thread, fine hand-dyed cottons ~ and if you haven’t stitched with these yet, you’re missing out on a very pleasurable stitching experience, fabulous colors that I find glide through my fabric without the annoying knotting that just slows down the stitches! The first design,“Little Red Riding Hood” $8 ~ and “Cinderella” is coming next month! . . . Country Cottage Needleworks , “Classic Collection 3-Snow Love” $6 (brand new, not here yet!), “Classic Collection 2-Dear Santa” $6 ~ “Let Us Rejoice” $8 The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Foxwood Crossings’ Sleds Introduced last year, these adorable sled ornaments continue to be very popular, with new designs coming out regularly. They’re a quick stitch (on 14c perforated paper) and an easy finish (cut and glue) ~ we’re having trouble keeping them in stock! Yes, even in Arizona stitchers love sleds! led Folk S w o n S “ ~ rt, $6 s” cha t n e m Orna 5 sled $ 14 “Apples and Berries” $6 “Santa Folk” $6 “RFD “Tw PAGE iligh t Sa nta” $8 ~ ing” Sledd 7” W ood en S led $1 2 $7 w/ Santa ilight w 5 T $ y ool” “Tin rup W y S le Map / titcher od, “S o w x o rom F ce” $8 Also f esiden R in r Quilte on” $8 ’ Seas in z e e r “F The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! PAGE Treasures in Our Attic 15 Harvest Home Pynboxe A collaboration between two of your favorites brings us another wonderful design in this Pynboxe Series that began with the Berrie Pynboxe in 2006, now sold out. This kit includes a hand-painted box by Liberty Hill and a chart by Historic Stitches for the box’s lid liner, plus detailed instructions for making the wool pumpkin pincushion. $48 Materials needed to complete the crow design and the pumpkin pincushion include 35c linen, Weeks Cognac houndstooth and Chestnut solid wools, and threads by The Gentle Art. From Nikyscreations Just Nan’s “Batty Boris & Embellishments” $13 has just arrived, this next in her Limited Edition Ornament Series ~ the kit includes beads, 2 orange bow ties, spiral hanger & banner (stitched on 32c linen w/DMC & metallic) We only have a few of these sweet owl pin sets ~ what a special way to embellish your favorite pincushion! $24 3-piece set The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! PAGE New from The Sweetheart Tree 16 “Today Is a Good Day for a Good Day” $25 is a limited-edition kit that includes 35c linen, DMC floss, Mill Hill petite beads, crystal-clear paillettes + a Sterling Silver charm for the center top (unfortunately, the “Bow” charm is no longer available.) With a design size of 50 x 29, this is a quick stitch! Right, “House on Pumpkin Hill” $27 is a complete kit w/linen + floss, 2 o r a n g e Luminescent hearts & petite beads 2 in the Wishes For You Series, “Friendship” & “Health” $27 for each kit with 28c linen + floss, crystal paillettes & beads. “Shades of Halloween” $11 includes jet-black paillettes to make this Halloween design really sparkle! “Honest Santa” $11 includes the adorable mini Christmas lights to complete the finishing! “Snowman & Friend” $11 includes the tiny white snowflake embellishments The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! More New in Our Attic PAGE 17 Some of these came in a month or so ago but haven’t been featured in our eNewsletter just yet. Lone Elm Lane’s “True Friends” pattern ($12) and their beautiful 8” Crown box $160 (ND) e’s Lan n e lm e E o w e wn l Lon h s o a l $12 lack “ H ection” 8” B 0 r rr i u e s h e R $15 in t nted er box u o m Shak Iron nn Mary A Lane’s “ y r r e b 3 Pine 151 x 13 rd” $14, Appleya The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! WorkBasket New in The Shop PAGE 18 Clockwise from the left: “Hootenannies” $12 ~ “Deer Tree” $11.50 & “Quaker Holidays” $11.50 e y to se it’s eas d e n a th , owl, orite e, the old fav id ls n il a h f the 1.50 lease o overing ry’s” $1 A re-re McMa imals c n ld a O e “ h ! why! T g willow weepin e th , x fo “Quaker Band & Bookmark” Kit $25 complete with 35c Weeks linen & Needlepoint, Inc. silk in 2 hues, one dominant & one a darker accent color, photo of finished piece packaged as a bookmark in a plastic sleeve. This one is August’s ~ more to follow! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Also New in the Shop PAGE 19 DVD’s that include years of issues of your favorite needlework magazines: The Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly Collection 1991-2000 with 21 issues of this magazine $44.95 Just CrossStitch Christmas Ornament Collection 1997-2013 celebrating 17 years of ornaments with 1000+ patterns $29.95 Do you love making your table special for Christmas dinner? Karen/Rosewood Manor’s “Pomegranate Christmas” chart $15 provides a wonderful opportunity to do just that! These stockings will add beautiful decorations to your table while you share the Holiday with family and friends at your table. s ead’ T h r ild” e l p e Gu Pur at th ampler The s l r i G ful s eauti ntiment: “ T he b a 0, y se , your $18.5 lovel a work h your nd. wit o t e ru rie “Be t nd your f a , word The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! More New in the Shop PAGE 20 Above, From Heart in Hand, “Wee Santa 2014” $8.50 w/buttons ~ “Vintage Greeting” $5 ~ “Christmas Means More” $14 w/accessories. Below, From The Trilogy, 2 in the Daily Reminder Series, “Choose Joy” & “Just Laugh” $5 each ~ “Happy Whoo Whoo Day” $8.50 w/accessories The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! More New in the Shop PAGE 21 Above, new from SamSarah Design, “Snow Magical” chart w/accessories (linen + hanger + buttons) $30 ~ “Home for Christmas” $14 w/buttons & the Ackfeld holder is $10.50 ~ “Steampunk Sea Serpent” $12.50 w/buttons & Ackfeld holder is $10.50 Left, Just Another Button Company’s softcover book contains instructions and full-size foldout pattern pages for seven 16” pillows & a quilt $18 ~ and, below, their newest pincushion, “Seymore the Otter” is too adorable for words, $38 kit The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! More New in the Shop PAGE 22 2 from Long Dog Samplers, above, “Dawn Chorus” $13, 293 x 126 ~ the digital picture on the chart cover really doesn’t do this justice, so I went to Julia’s blog and found the stitched version, which is much more lovely. The colors are wonderful! Below, “Hare Presumptive,” $13, 131 x 258, a companion piece to the very popular “Hare Apparent” $13 “Snowflake Mini Trees” $9 from ScissorTail Designs The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! New from Erica Michaels These have been shipped and will no doubt be here by the time you’re reading this! Love them all! Each includes a piece of 40c silk gauze. Wish I could just stitch all day! I don’t have prices because the order/invoice hasn’t come yet. PAGE 23 “Joy,” a little word that says a lot about the holiday season! The background here is a pretty tonal damask pattern that really adds dimension and polish to the simple central motif. The little frame turned on its point makes a pretty ornament – but the frame isn't necessary if you prefer to finish it otherwise. Just keep in mind that you will be working with the gauze on a bias when finishing. “Every Moment” ~ Something for any occasion, any time of year... The model is shown stitched with a rich golden brown background – but is easily brightened if you like. Simply select a lighter neutral shade to fill the background, or if you are stitching on fabric, there are many lovely options. “Winter Messenger,” 74 x 74 ~ Even in the gloom of winter, a cardinal will always brighten a day! He's the centerpiece of this little design and is easy to imagine him as the messenger. I so love this one ~ but then I love red ~ and I love cardinals! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! PAGE Just In from . . . 24 . . . Jeannette Douglas. Love these gift tags ~ or they could also be sweet ornaments! The chartpacks $6.50 are packaged with the overdyed cottons to complete the design, 2.2 x 2.9 on 32c linen ~ the wooden tags are $7.50. What an easy finish! Nun-stitch the edges, iron-on interfacing under the stitched portion, and then Jeannette suggests using 1/4” doublesided tape on the top and bottom of the stitched portion and center and place on the tag. Add a length of baker’s twine for attaching/hanging. On the Way . . . This very collectible tin celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Whitman’s Sampler ~ it’s packed full of assorted chocolates, but it’s not the chocolates (I know, hard to believe) that makes this so appealing to needleworkers but it’s the tin! We can never have too many tins or totes, so confounding to husbands and nonneedleworkers who just don’t get it! We have a few of these tins on the way. Reserve one if you wish. $22 (ND) The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! GPA’s Grethel Pincushion Doll PAGE 25 GPA’s “Grethel” We are Kitting This Doll . . . ... from Giulia/GPA Designs, “Grethel - A Dutch Maiden Pincushion Doll” (chart $20) ... a limited supply of the gorgeous blue/ecru-striped fabric from Italy, and below is a preview of the materials we’ve selected, including the 36c Lakeside linen & 4 Gloriana silks ~ also shown, the vintage lace that Giula enclosed, some more than 80 years old, from her mother and grandmother ~ she wanted to be a part of your doll in this very generous way ~ we are kitting with it as long as it lasts. Gr e Ste t h e l ’ rlin s C g S AB S ilve h a t e silv lai r b rem er ne u ain , use ckle ing d but par ts ~ in th $35 (ND e ) (the aterials le m g in ish & fusib the fin e ribbon clude k in il s o 20, th ls e ill a , th hart $ Kits w he ecru felt cludes the c x , t $69 (e Skirtex $35). ). Kit g telaine in a c h a f c e h t inter ,& oll $30 half d Eliz a Ster beth’s ling Silv Chate la er, ~ $76 ine, (ND ) Robe rta’s C Sterlin g Silve h a t e l a i n e , r, ~$1 05 (N D) The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Our Customers Share PAGE 26 Lisa’s sweet Halloween “pillows,” left, Shepherd’s Bush’s “Halloween Trifles” on that adorable Fabric Flair spider-web fabric & Lizzie Kate’s “Halloween” kit that comes complete w/everything! Both of these were beautifully finished by The Attic’s Beth. Right, Blackbird’s “Without a Mouse” is so fun as it’s changed up a bit in this special gift being stitched for a friend, adding touches of “pumpkin” in the moon, house & elsewhere ~ and although not apparent through the camera’s eye, the blacks are also not all black, some a dark purple! Such fun to add your personal touches to your needlework! Barbara is all ready for her November “Blue Ribbon Sewing Box” workshop with Sherri Jones. Her work is very inspiring! She did a remarkable job on the embroidered bird. I only wish I was this far! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Our Customers Share PAGE 27 Marcie’s beautiful lady that, I’m sorry, I don’t know the name of, but she’s similar to the ladies from John Clayton/Heritage Crafts. Diane’s “Midnight Watch” with her “personalization” of this fun Blackbird Designs Seasonal treat Above, Sheri’s beautiful finish of “Elizabeth Sheffield” from The Scarlet Letter, an heirloom piece for sure! Robin’s wonderful finish of Jackie du Plessis’s “Sew Darling” ~ to my knowledge, it’s the first finish of this Attic-exclusive kit from Jackie. Thanks for sharing your inspiring finish with our readers, Robin! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Bénédicte’s Incredible Work PAGE 28 The original of “Helena Willems 1817” from Gigi’s collection. “Helena Willems 1817” $24 is a beautiful Dutch sampler that was stitched on uneven-weave linen with silk threads. The original is almost square, but on even-weave linen the sampler (276 x 342) is more rectangular. The reproduction calls for 13 overdyed cotton threads, but if you prefer silk, we are in the process of doing that conversion now. Thank you, Bénédicte, for sharing your beautiful needlework with our readers! And while we’re showing beautiful Gigi samplers, here’s a lovely one for this beautiful season, “Sampler Chanson d'Automne” $18 ~ thank you, Sue, for reminding me about this one! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! PAGE Our Customers Share 29 Here’s some of what was being stitched tonight at the shop! Margie’s “Elizabeth Clarke” from With Thy Needle & Thread ~ love the silks that Linda chose for it ~ and the sweet motif in the upper left in blue! Lee Anna’s “Miss Mary Mack” from Carriage House Samplings Amy’s “Peacocks & Posies” from Rosewood Manor Below left, Melanie’s “Volevo un gatto nero!”from Madame Chantilly and, below right, Patty’s “Quaker Christmas Samplers” from Carriage House Samplings The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Fresh from Sandy’s Studio PAGE 30 L e f t , D e b ’s “A p o s t l e ’s Creed” from My Big Toe is made even more stunning by the perfect frame that Sandy found for this heirloom piece! Above, Deb’s “Freedom House” from Little House Needleworks T o n y a ’ s “Garden by the Sea” from F i r e s i d e Originals ~ beautiful skylike fabric! Below, Betsy’s beautiful finish of Erica Michael’s “Hark” on 40c silk gauze is stunningly enhanced by the frame Sandy has put it in! You should be able to see this in person someday soon ~ although Betsy’s model will ship to her in California very soon, she has agreed to stitch another one for the shop! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Helen’s beautiful finish of Amy Mitten’s reproduction of “Ann Wade,” taught at The Attic in her workshop last January. Exquisite needlework, Helen! More from Sandy’s Studio PAGE 31 “Birth Sampler” from Chessie & Me is one of my all-time favorite samplers, and now, thanks to Be’s beautiful needlework, we have it as a shop model. I love everything about it, but especially the verses. Brings tears to my eyes each time I read it. Right, last year Beth stitched this charming “Winter Skate” $9 from With Thy Needle & Thread and THEN finished it into this very lovely Seasonal decoration. I only wish you could see this in person. It’s adorable, perfect to hang on an ornament hanger or on a tree or ...? It’s stitched over one on 20c Weeks linen with just a few colors and finishes up so sweet! Beth has made up a few kits that include the Weeks 20c linen that she used, the skate “blade” material, the stocking lining & the furry cuff stuff, $15. The “true” linen color is shown in the below photo looking at the lining fabric. And, of course, if you want to stitch this and leave the finishing to someone else, Beth’s finishing services are available. The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! September Sampler Sunday PAGE 32 Left, Molly’s “November” by The Sweetheart Tree, a lovely gift for her granddaughter ~ and her border start on The Scarlet Letter’s “Dorothy Walpole,” one of the most beautiful samplers ever reproduced! Angelic a’s hu swife fr NeedleW om orkPress’s project our 2nd at Summe r Soirée Barbara’s “Little Red Chair Sampler,” The Scarlett House’s project from this year’s Summer School Angelica has most of the border finished on her “Christmas at Hollyberry Farm” from Stacy Nash Primitives ~ I love that border! ~ and that’s saying a lot from someone who finds borders boring! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! More from Sampler Sunday PAGE 33 Janet’s “Fancey Blackett-Shoo” from Pineberry Lane Designs & her start on Stacy Nash’s “Halloween at Hollyberry Farm” on Colorscapes’ Nocturne Debi’s “Blessings be Thine,” an out-of-print Blackbird Designs favorite that we’re hoping they’ll republish someday soon! Above, Gloria’s “Topiary in Bloom,” a Reward of Merit Pinkeep by Blackbird Designs Right, Debi’s “Plymouth Sampler” by Brenda Keyes overlaying “Quaker Virtues” from ByGone Stitches The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! More Inspiring Needlework ... PAGE 34 ... from Sampler Sunday’s Show & Share L i n d a L’s “ H a r v e s t Ke e p e r ” f r o m P l u m Street Samplers ~ what a fabulous Autumn border! Below, Evelyn’s “Stained Glass Nativity” from Ladybug Designs &, right, her “Christmas Tree Farm” from Prairie Schooler Below, Adria’s “Needleworker’s Sampler” &, right, her “Pink Sparrow Sampler,” both from Brenda Gervais/With Thy Needle & Thread The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Deb’s 2 starts on Stacy Nash’s “Christmas” & “Halloween at Hollyberry Farm” ~ the photo doesn’t at all capture Deb’s great fabric choices for both of these! & e Do d a M s a ’ s “ edleWorkPres e Ta n y N ” from Mend sen” Thom n e n i r t o “K a mbered Julie’s s Reme lks r e l p m a dor si from S w/Tu n e n i l 45c And More Sampler Sunday Needlework! PAGE 35 Jean C shared her birthday gift, this wonderful a n t i q u e sampler that she brought from her “home” ~ a lovely birthday remembrance! Thanks for bringing it to share, Jean! 2 of Tanya’s wool pieces, and the one below has a basket of wool bundles ($6 each) on the beautiful pumpkin tablerunner The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! And More Sampler Sunday Needlework! PAGE 36 Susan’s “Stone House on the Brandywine” from Heart’s Ease Examplar Workes ~ I wish you could have heard the gasps of sampler pleasure when Susan showed her work, another amazing & stunning sampler design featuring an original verse by Theresa. We are indeed fortunate to have Theresa and her incredible talent available to us sampler lovers! Carol’s start on “Harriette Elizabeth Coe, 1844” from Brenda Gervais/With Thy Needle & Thread The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! And Even More from Sampler Sunday! PAGE 37 er ovemb N e h t or hing f triot Patty” e-stitc r p ’s , p “Pa D Linda nes worksho Jo Sherri Right, Nita’s “Waiting for the Harvest” from Blackbird Designs One of the highlights for all of us at Sampler Sunday was viewing the “unveiling” of Ellen Taylor’s lovely sampler that Vickie/NeedleWorkPress brought to share. While its frame was very lovely, it was hiding some of the most beautiful features of Ellen’s sampler, the border! You’ll get much better views of it when it’s reproduced by NeedleWorkPress, aided by the reveal of the back as well, where the colors are so lovely. The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! It’s Halloween at The Attic! PAGE 38 Above, “Halloween Chronicles” Kit $30 ~ below, “Pins Coffin” $25, both adorable Halloween designs from Cherished Stitches With her interior design background as well as years of retail experience, Beth has a demonstrated gift for shop displays. Here she’s putting finishing touches on the Halloween table. NeedleWorkPress’s “Moon & Spider Apple Cider” $7 ~ The Scarlett House’s “Death by Candy Corn” $6 ~ “Button-Eyed Cat $8 ~ “Pumpkins & Bittersweet” $8 Several Liberty Hill treasures: Halloween Threadboard set $48 ~ Scissors Block, Fob & Tray set $50 ~ Kelmscott Cat Snips Scissors $9.50 The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842) THE ATTIC! Epilogue Here’s Rosy, Sandy, Jane & Sue, long-time needlework friends from Nebraska who visited the shop a few weeks ago and stitched with us on Saturday afternoon, along with other Attic customers, for an impromptu stitch-in! It’s always special for us when needleworkers from afar make The Attic a destination on their visits to Arizona. Yup, it happened again! Torrential rainstorm in our desert! This is the view in our parking lot as I looked out the shop’s front door last Saturday afternoon after another 2-inch downpour ... but nothing like we had several weeks ago. But our monsoon season is officially over and we’re having Autumn-like temperatures! This is why we endure the summer heat! For glorious weather the rest of the year! PAGE 39 Zoe’s grandpa, and father, are devoted fishermen, and so it was inevitable! Here she is, the most adorable fishergirl ever! October 3, brother Jer’s birthday! Everyone should have a dear brother like Jer, and the world would surely be a happier place. Everyone who knows him loves him! The beautiful bouquet of zinnias that he just picked are from our mother’s zinnia plants that he transplanted years ago and nurtures every year. I only wish there weren’t 1800 miles between us. But in a few months he and sister-in-law Nancy will be here! The Attic, Mesa, AZ Toll-Free: 1.888.94-ATTIC (1.888.942.8842)
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