june 2015 spectrum
The Spectrum The Spectrum is a monthly electronic publication of the Autism Support Center. This newsletter is published to inform parents and professionals of resource information, upcoming events, and other autism-related topics. ASC is funded primarily by the Mass. Dept. of Developmental INFORMED. EMPOWERED. CONNECTED. Services. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the funding source. ASC does not endorse any product, service or theory referred to in this newsletter. Articles, resources and announcements are included for information only. Anyone wishing to contribute information for this newsletter should send it to asc@ne-arc.org or to our mailing address Parent contributions are encouraged. Announcements are included as space is available. The Autism Support Center is celebrating 23 years of supporting and empowering families in northeastern Massachusetts. VOLUME 23 The Autism Support Center The Spectrum PLEASE CONTACT Autism Through My Lens ASC AT 978-777-9135 OR VISIT HTTP://NE-ARC.ORG/SERVICES/AUTISM-SERVICES/ Contact us: FOR MORE INFORMATION. SUSAN GILROY CO-DIRECTOR 978-624-2302 GLORIA RICARDI CASTILLO CO-DIRECTOR 978-624-2301 6 SOUTHSIDE ROAD, DANVERS MA 01923 ISSUE 12 JUNE 2015 WHITNEY RYAN POSADA SENIOR COORDINATOR/BROKER 978-624-2305 ALLIE KEOUGH COORDINATOR/BROKER 978-624-3721 STACEY CRUWYS COORDINATOR/BROKER 978-624-2347 The film “Autism through My Lens” was shown recently at the Bright Family Screening room to an enthusiastic crowd of 129 people. The film is a collaboration between Emerson College and the Spotlight Program of the Northeast Arc, which provides social skills training for children and young adults with autism spectrum disorder and other social communication deficits. The screening of this film marked the conclusion of a year-long project following several teens enrolled in the program as they used improv and theater techniques to explore how they relate to their diagnosis, difficult social experiences, and self-advocacy. Students from Visual Media Arts and Communication Sciences Disorders collaborated to work with the teens at Spotlight in weekly sessions and create an hour-long documentary that had the audience enthralled, culminating in a standing ovation and repeated rounds of applause as the teens came forward to answer questions from the audience and articulate their very positive impressions of the film and the year-long project. The project was funded by a grant from the Emerson Consumer Awareness Project, awarded to Ruth Grossman in Communication Sciences and Disorders and director of the FACE Lab, which explores issues of social communication in children with autism spectrum disorder. After the screen, the cast and crew got together for a group shot (left). They are (back row, L-R): Yuval Shapira, VMA, editor/director, Jarryd Alfaro, VMA, videographer, Jason, Adam, Nick, Brendan. Front row, L-R: Ryan, Carrie Breaux, Director of the Spotlight Program, Nikola, Ali Forman, CSD, support counselor, Carla Castillo, Spotlight instructor, Kevin Pasternak, CSD, support counselor, Ruth B Grossman, CSD, Director of the FACE Lab, Sharane Connell, Spotlight instructor (crouched in front). IT’S A FACT: SIBSHOPS Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. SUPPORT GROUPS Sibshops Sibling Support Group for youth ages 12-15 Fridays 6:30—8:00 June 26, 2015—Movie Night: The DUFF—6 Southside Rd, Danvers July 31, 2015—Pizza and Videogame Night—6 Southside Rd, Danvers August 28, 2015—Ice Cream Social—6 Southside Rd, Danvers Cost: $15 per event Come To One To One or Come To Them All! Space is limited! To register, please contact Virginia Flister 978-624-2380 or Vfllister@nearc.org Group Topics Include: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Getting to know the group Sharing and relating to one another Learning about your sibling’s strengths and challenges Coping with stress and strong emotions Responding to questions about your sibling MEET THE NEWEST MEMBER OF OUR TEAM! My name is Stacey Cruwys and I am thrilled to be joining the Autism Support Center team as a Broker/Coordinator. I have spent the past nine years working with children on the Autism spectrum and their families as the Assistant Director of The Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program for youth with social-emotional challenges that is also housed here at the Northeast Arc. I’m looking forward to continuing to offer support to families navigating the waters of autism in my current role, and I look forward to meeting the parents, caregivers and children that look to ASC for assistance. Prior to working with the Northeast Arc, I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from NYU and my Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Boston College. I spent five years working with adolescent girls at the Germaine Lawrence residential facility, specifically with those faced with substance abuse issues, as well as in the diagnostic assessment unit. I am a wife and the mother of two small children, ages 4 months and 2 ½ years, who attend the amazing First Steps day care right here in my office building. In my spare time I enjoy traveling, cooking, reading, and catching up on TV and movies (when I have the chance). The Autism Support Center has been such a wonderful resource for families for over twenty years and I am privileged to now have the opportunity to work with them directly. Here’s to an exciting new adventure! Acton ASC Sponsored; Target Group: Mandarin-speaking parents. Acton Memorial Library, 486 Main St (Rt. 27) Acton; bimonthly meetings TBA; Parent facilitator: Wen Li Contact ASC 978-777-9135 or asc@ne-arc.org for info. ASC sponsored; Target Group: Spanish-speaking parents of children with disabilities Community Action Program, 112 East Haverhill St., Lawrence; 2nd Friday, 9:30-11:30am Contact facilitator Gloria Castillo 978-624-2301 or gcastillo@ne-arc.org Danvers Lynn Family Resource Center sponsored; Target group: Spanishspeaking parents of children with disabilities Contact: Aymee Lucifora 978-6242381 Danvers AANE/ASC sponsored; Adults with Asperger’s Pizza and Game Night 6 Southside Road, Danvers, 1st Thursday, 6-8 pm $12 for pizza, salad, dessert, beverage. Prior registration required. Facilitator: Gail Kastorf 617-393-3824 Danvers AANE/ASC sponsored; Target Group: Parents of adults with Asperger’s 6 Southside Rd, Danvers; 2nd Thursdays, 6:30 to 8pm Facilitator: Gail Kastorf 617-393-3824 Fee: $90 for 6 sessions, $45 for 2nd parent of same adult Danvers ASC sponsored; Target Group: Parents of children under 5 6 Southside Road, Danvers; 3rd Thursday, 5:307pm Contact: Gloria Ricardi Castillo at 978-624-2301 Danvers ASC/AANE sponsored; Target Group: Adults (18+) with Asperger’s syndrome 6 Southside Road, Danvers; 3RD Thursdays, 6:45 to 8:00pm Contact facilitator Gail Kastorf at 617-393-3824 or gail.kastorf@aane.org Lawrence Newburyport ASC sponsored; Target Group: Parents of children with ASD Newburyport 5 Cents Savings Bank, State St, Newburyport; 2nd Thurs., 7 p.m. Parent facilitator: Nancy Lucier Contact: Susan Gilroy at 978-624-2302 or sgilroy@ne-arc.org Reading ASC sponsored; Target: parents of children with ASD Reading Senior Center, 49 Pleasant St, Reading; Date: TBA Parent facilitator: Kim Gargano RSVPl kimgargs@yahoo.com or call 1-781-526-9171 IT’S A FACT: African Drum Class Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. Where words end, music begins Kites at the Beach! A Special Drum Class for Special Needs Northeast Arc in collaboration with Kites Over New England May 21-June 25; Thursdays 4:30 to 5:30 INSPIRE US studio, 161 Eastern Ave Unit 4, Lynn Contact: Cindy Armano, DC, 781-864-3054 Or djembeinspiration@gmail.com Playing the Djembe offers a unique, fun way to interact with others and the world in a nonverbal way. It encourages social interacon within a group and students gain confidence and pride in themselves as sounds, rhythms and relaonships are created. With his kind, fun-loving paent personality Mamadous' classes are well received by children, adults, the elderly and his Special Needs students. It is through his desire to serve and the special joy that comes from giving to his present special needs drummers, that this program has evolved. MUSIC CLASSES The Real School of Music is pleased to announce the launch of our new program: Reach for Real, Adaptive Music Programs! Our group music and theatre classes are for those with developmental, physical, and intellectual disabilities. The goal of Reach 4 Real is to enhance the life experiences of those with Special Needs through music enrichment. We offer affordable onsite and offsite classes for ages elementary through adult, which we pair with live performance opportunities. Through innovative experimental learning, students develop creative ways to (a) express their feelings, (b) develop social relationships, and (c) improve communication skills. Students learn individually, but in a group setting, through the creation of original pieces from the pop, rock, or musical theatre genre. They will write, rehearse, and choreograph the numbers, culminating in an exciting live performance for friends, family, and the general public. All Reach for Real programs are customizable to fit your needs. Please let us know how we can best serve you. Pilot Class Schedule: Every Thursday starting July 9 through August 6; 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Elementary - Jr. High; 5:45 PM 6:45 PM High School - Adult. All Pilot Classes held at 3 Dundee Park Drive, Andover, MA. 01840 Cost: $25.00 per class, $125.00 for all five weeks. Be one of the first 20 students to enroll and receive $25/class pilot class pricing for all future Reach for Real programs! For more information: (888) 881-REAL X1277 kelly.surette@therealschoolofmusic.com Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. IT’S A FACT: Ask the Advocate Question: “My daughter is on an IEP and I think she could benefit from an Assistive Technology Assessment, can the school refuse my request?” THE HEALTH U. RESEARCH STUDY Parents, are you looking for a way for your adolescent with intellectual disabilities to: Eat Healthier Foods? ♦ Become more physically active? ♦ Lose weight? Answer: Yes The school district can refuse but must provide you with the reason for that action in writing. ♦ Learn more about Health U.! If you need an advocate, please call our Advocacy Intake Coordinator at: 1-978-762-8352 Northeast Arc and the E.K.Shriver Center invite you to a 1 hour informational workshop about Health U. which will include a sampling of activities. Join us and see if the Health U. Research Study is right for your family! When: Saturday, June 6 at 11am Where: Northeast Arc, 6 Southside Road, Danvers RSVP: Kathy Kelly 978-762-3980 by June 5th. AUTISM EATS LAWRENCE MOTHERS’ LUNCHEON Autism Eats At Polcari’s Restaurant 309 Montvale Ave, Woburn Private Room Kids Eat Free!! June 9, 6:00 to 8:30 pm Autism Eats provides autism-friendly non-judgmental environments for family dining, socializing and connecting with others who share similar joys and challenges. Visit www.AutismEats.org for more information and to purchase tickets for your family dinner buffet. Gloria Ricardi Castillo joined some of the members of the Lawrence Spanishspeaking support group for a recent Mothers’ Day Luncheon. IT’S A FACT: Northeast Arc is the fourth largest Arc in the coun- Sensory friendly movies at AMC theatres Join AMC Theatres and the Autism Society special showings of the following movies. Movies will be shown at 10 a.m. local time in participating theatres nationwide. Saturday, June 27, 2015 - INSIDE OUT Saturday, July 18, 2015 - MINIONS Local theatres: AMC Burlington, 20 South Ave, Burlington AMC Braintree, 12 Grandview Road, Braintree AMC Framingham 15, 22 Flutie Pass, Framingham, Mass. 17014 AMC Tyngsboro 12, 440 Middlesex Road Tyngsboro, Mass. 01879 AMC Loews Methuen 20, 90 Pleasant Valley St. Methuen, Mass. 01844 AMC Theatres (AMC) and the Autism Society have teamed up to bring families affected by autism and other disabilities a special opportunity to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment on a monthly basis with the "Sensory Friendly Films" program. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL THEATER TO CONFIRM DATE, TIME & PRICES. This is NOT an ASC program! AUGUST VACATION WEEK SPOTLIGHT PROGRAM 978-624-2335 The Spotlight Program is offering social skills programs for the week of August 17 to 21. On Cue: For kids 6-9, a therapeuc play-based friendship skills group will be held 9am to 12noon. Tuion is $400. Social Scenes: for youth 9-22, atherapeuc drama-based social pragmacs groups will be held 9am to 2pm. Tuion is $650. For more informaon or to register, call Chris Curn at 978-624-2335. MOTHERS’ RETREAT All shows are at 10:00 am local time. Dates and films are subject to change. During a IT’S A FACT: Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the United States. Autism Insurance Update The Autism Insurance Resource Center has developed a tool to help you determine if your health insurance provides coverage autism-related treatment. This tool helps determine if a person's current insurance is subject to the Massachusetts Autism Insurance Law (aka ARICA). ARICA requires insurance to cover medically necessary treatment for autism, including but not limited to, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. This tool, as well as their technical assistance and other resources, are available at no charge to the user. Go to http:// amicovered.disabilityinfo.org/ The Autism Insurance Resource Center is a resource for consumers, providers, clinicians, employers, and educators on issues related to medical insurance for autism treatment. You may call 800642-0249 or email info@disabilityinfo.org AANE CONFERENCE FOR ADULTS Asperger/Autism Network presents The Jody Acford Spirit Conference 2015 Managing an Anxious Mind Co-sponsored by the Northeastern University Disability Resource Center June 13, 2015; Fee: $50 Northeastern University, Egan Research Center 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA The Jody Acford Spirit Conference 2015 -- Managing an Anxious Mind -- is AANE's ninth annual conference designed for adults (post-high school and older) with AS and related autism spectrum profiles. This year our conference is being co-sponsored by the Northeastern University Disability Resource Center. The conference combines a diverse program of workshops with networking and social connection. We look forward to seeing you there! Contact: Karen Doran, Asperger/Autism Network karen.doran@aane.org or 617-393-3824 x10 Rec & Leisure Programs BY ADAM QUINN, DIRECTOR Zumba Dance Exercise Class Ages: 14+ Fee: $65 Location: Northeast Arc Center for Excellence, Danvers MA Time: Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Join us as we take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity ADAPTIVE moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Super effective and really fun! Golf Class For All Skill Levels! Ages: 13+ Fee: $90.00 / 8 weeks (Includes clubs, Basket of balls, mini golf) Location: Paradise Family Golf, Middleton MA Time: Tuesday's 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Have you always wanted to learn how to play golf?? This is the perfect class to do so! We will be meeting at "Paradise Family Golf Center" to learn proper swing techniques, putting, driving and chipping. Mini golf games are included and don't forget money for ICE CREAM! Don't miss this! Adult Yoga Ages: 18 + years Fee: $65.00 Location: Northeast Arc Center for Excellence, Danvers MA Time: Wednesday's 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Join Kayla Lemieux, yoga teacher and manager of Treetop Yoga Studio, for this fun, challenging, all levels yoga class. Students will learn basic yoga postures to increase overall health and wellness. We will also explore how breathing and meditation techniques can be used both on and off the yoga mat to calm our minds and release tension. Students will be encouraged to challenge themselves while staying safe in their bodies and maintaining a lighthearted, playful approach. Sports and Games Class Ages: 13+ years Fee: $65.00 Location: Please contact 978-624-2308 for more info Time: Please contact 978-624-2308 for more info Let's play some games! We will be going through a whole variety of fun games and different sports each week. We will be able to play outdoors and on basketball courts throughout the session, so get ready to put your game face on! To sign up for these programs or for information on the array of other offerings, please contact Recreation@ne-arc.org or call (978) 6242308 Adam Quinn, Director of Recreation and Leisure, Northeast Arc, (978) 624-2308 AQuinn@ne-arc.org
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