November 2013 - Aquinas College
November 2013 - Aquinas College
183 Pyes Pa Road, Tauranga AQUINAS Inside Phone: 07-543 2400 Fax: 07-543 2403 email: Hold Fast to Truth A Newsletter from Aquinas College - 4 November 2013 Tene Veritatem Dear Parents, Caregivers, students and supporters of the college, Exams Our Year 11, 12 and 13 students will very shortly be heading away to sit their final NCEA and Scholarship exams. We wish them all the best and trust that they will be able to perform to their potential. I have emphasized to the students how important it is to maintain a regular revision and study programme leading up to all their exams. Reports for seniors have been posted home. The students must now take heed of the advice given by their teachers and maintain their focus as they prepare for the final exams. Year 9 and 10 students will sit their end of year exams on November 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th. These exams give important feedback about the student’s progress during the year and also provide strong signals regarding classes and subject choice for the following year. I encourage parents to ensure that the students have set themselves a regular study and revision programme also. Good work habits developed at this stage of their secondary schooling will have a great influence on their success as they move into the senior school. No exam study leave is given for the junior exams and normal class programmes will continue once the exams are finished. The exams will be reported on in the final report that the junior students receive at the end of the year. Celebrating Success Kia mau ki te pono Dogs on School Property There have been a number of instances reported of dog foul left on grounds, dogs jumping up on people and dogs running around on the Astro Turf, the latter which will be damaged very quickly if this continues. The committee did consider an immediate dog ban but at this time ask that all dogs on the school property are on a leash and dog foul be cleaned up immediately. If the situation continues we will need to apply a No Dogs rule. School Buses Go Bus the providers of our school buses has advised us that on a number of the school bus routes the buses are overloaded, due to the fact that some students are boarding unassigned buses. We wish to reiterate to parents/caregivers that the school buses are provided to transfer students from home to school and return. They are not to be used for the transfer to co- curricular or other after school activities. Our prime concern is for the safety of our students travelling on the school buses. Pip Palmer Business Manager CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES We encourage you to participate in Masses in your parish over the Christmas period. Mass times are: St Mary Immaculate, Tauranga This time of the year is very busy as we acknowledge and celebrate the success of our students in a wide variety of areas. Tuesday 24 December: 5pm, 7pm, midnight (11:30pm carols) Wednesday 25 December: 8am and 10am On Wednesday 3oth October we had our Annual Sports Prizegiving where we celebrated the success of our students in a huge range of sporting activities. Congratulations go to all involved. We were fortunate to have as our guest speaker Liz van Welie, an ex-Olympic and Commonwealth Games swimmer. Liz spoke about her experiences, the challenges and rewards that have come from her involvement in international sport, as well as her other life experiences. Her story will have provided inspiration to many of our students. St Thomas More, Mount Maunganui rd On Wednesday 23 October we celebrated our Performing Arts evening at the Otumoetai Baptist Church. This occasion is always a special one where the cultural talents of our students are on display. The range of talent in the college in this area is truly remarkable and it is fabulous for them to have the chance to perform in front of their peers and the community. Well done to you all! Teacher Only Day - 25 November 2013 On Monday 25th November we will take the second Teacher Only Day provided by the Ministry this year for schools to work on the new NCEA Standards implemented this year, and to review programmes that have been put in place. Year 7 – 10 students do not attend on that day but NCEA exams will continue as normal. Ray Scott PRINCIPAL Tuesday 24 December: 6pm, 11pm (10:30pm carols) Wednesday 25 December: 8am (no 9am Mass) St Patrick’s, Te Puke Wednesday 25 December: midnight, 10am St Joseph’s,Te Puna Wednesday 25 December: midnight, 9am St Therese’s, Bethlehem Tuesday 24 December: 7pm The Special Character Committee invites and encourages all students returning for 2014 to purchase at least one extra 1B8 notebook or other stationery product when you do your school shopping. These items will be collected in February 2014 and sent to Fiji as a gift for less fortunate school children. Just imagine how much of a difference 800 notebooks from our college would make to poor schoolchildren in Fiji. We hope you get involved! God Bless, Gregory Cross & Kate Gilday, Special Character Leaders MISSION STATEMENT To educate students in the Catholic tradition of faith and love, recognising the uniqueness of the individual, and challenging them to realise their potential in a multicultural environment that constantly strives for excellence. STUDENT REFLECTION Millie Thompson is a Year 13 student here at Aquinas College. As part of her English internal assessment portfolio which included two formal articles on topics selected by the writer, Millie chose to reflect back on her path through high school. crucial senior years. There are a lot of opportunities that I missed out on such as school plays, sports teams and leadership positions. I decided to let these opportunities slip because I continued to convince myself that I wasn’t Some say that life is a tapestry capable or it simply was “not my woven by the decisions that thing.” we make. “I am not what has happened to me, I am what I As a Year 13 university applicant, I am beginning to wish that I had choose to become.” made important decisions with the Experiences in our lives shape who future in mind. High School we are, and subsequently have an students need to realise that the effect on our character. The decisions they make early in their coming and going of people in our education have an immense impact lives, the stupid and sometimes on their future. They need to dangerous mistakes we make and acknowledge that although study later learn from, the split second may be boring and tedious, it will decisions we may encounter that mean the difference between an will change our lives. Our major Achieved and Excellence grade, experiences may never really be and that Excellence is what they that major, they may not be those will want to see on their Record of life threatening tales of near-death Achievement that will ultimately experiences that some have to tell. determine their future career. However, reaching a milestone in our lives makes us reflect on what It is imperative that younger it has taken to reach our students are presented with the opportunities and furthermore, the temporary destination. encouragement to seize As a school leaver this year, it is opportunities, early in life. fair to say that the decisions that I have made throughout my time at Whilst applying for scholarships, I school are certainly going to affect have learnt that not only are the where I end up next year. As a universities basing a student’s Year 10 student, I would have to “worth” on their academic results, admit that I chose the easiest but they are also basing it heavily subjects to take, I mucked around on the cultural activities, sporting and thought that I was far “too endeavours and leadership cool for school.” My skirt was too positions that one has been involved in throughout their time at high, and my tie too loose. school. Therefore, it is clear that it I don’t like to say that I have is highly important that students regretted anything that I have are notified and informed on the done in my life so far. However, if importance of getting involved and I could go back and change a few taking part in everything that their minor details, I probably would. school has to offer. Most of those mistakes would inevitably be found throughout Even beyond tertiary study, it is those five years of my High School becoming increasingly obvious that education. I would make sure that just being “smart” isn’t enough. I seized every opportunity that With the number of students came my way, especially in those attending university constantly increasing, a degree is similarly becoming just as common. Many students nowadays are finishing university with degrees, but they end up working in a job that requires little qualification. This is called “Education Inflation.” Employers are looking for something different. That’s why students should be taught to be pro-active and seize every opportunity to gain work experience, leadership positions and involvement in as many extracurricular activities as possible. Another vital area of concern for teenagers these days, is attitude. Whilst walking down the street, it is easy to spot the good ones from the bad ones. The way they walk, the way they talk, the way they dress. Attitude is everything. Students need to be taught to have an awareness of the way that they are presenting themselves to others, especially adults. It is important that they are taught manners and respect from a young age, to ensure they grow into admirable young adults that are seen as an asset to potential employers. The youth of today need to be told that pulling gang signs in the streets is not cool, and smoking by the bus stop is not making them look more mature. They need to be informed of the dangers of plastering drunken photos and obscene language on Facebook. It is not enough to simply have a qualification; students must have a positive attitude, passion and an excellent work ethic. By ensuring students make themselves available for every opportunity possible, and by helping them learn vital life skills, we are making a positive impact on their future. Millie Thompson CAN YOU CO-ORDINATE THE SECOND HAND UNIFORM SALES OFFICE? Michelle Dromgool has voluntarily made available one afternoon a week second hand school uniforms for sale but Michelle is moving on next year and we’re keen to see another volunteer help families in this way. If you can help, contact Moira Ramsbottom on 543 9032, or email SECOND HAND UNIFORM MARKET DAY 21 January 2014, 10am-2pm CURRICULUM MATTERS Cosmos Science Magazine: The latest Cosmos science magazine has arrived. It is available in the school Library, but also students can login to the Cosmos website to read the current or previous issues. Username: aquinas Password: cosmos1 Learn about using dogs to sniff out cancer, who really were the first to fly a plane, dinosaurs and much more. Go to: myschool Aquinas Company ‘For Keepsake’ wins Innovation Award at Young Enterprise Regional Awards Dinner Year 12 and 13 Aquinas Business Studies students recently attended the Regional Awards dinner for the YES competition at Mills Reef. The dinner celebrated student success in the Business world, and was the final event in a busy schedule for Aquinas Business Studies students. Congratulations to ‘For Keepsake’ who won the Award for most Innovative Company. These students produced their own marshmallow. The innovation came from the way the students used R & D, to develop their unique flavours of passionfruit and manuka honey. Ingredients were sourced from local suppliers and manufactured by the Bake Shake Tauranga. For Keepsake NCEA then marketed and branded the product themselves and were The academic year is rapidly approaching its conclusion for our able to successfully up-scale their distribution through Nosh senior students. The year will culminate in the NCEA Supermarkets. CEO Kate Burn said in her thank-you speech examinations that begin on November 8th (Scholarship Drama). “we are absolutely sick of marshmallows, but have enjoyed It is very important that students use the remaining time at every step of the process”. school, and during their study leave, to refine and sharpen their skills before the examinations. Success in these examinations is important for a number of reasons: As entry requirements for options in 2014 As an important part of an individual’s Curriculum Vitae As entry into University courses and Halls of Residence etc We wish all of our examination candidates the best of success. A copy of the examination timetable can be found on the NZQA website at: qualifications/ncea/ncea-exams-and-portfolios/external/ examinations-timetable-2013/ Year 9 and Year 10 Examination Period Students in Year 9 and Year 10 don’t escape the examinations either! The examination period for students in these year groups is set for Thursday 7th November – Tuesday 12th November. The examination timetable is available on the school website. National Standards and Student Portfolios in Year 7 & Year 8 The student portfolios (containing information about your child’s progress against the National Standards and evidence of learning in other curriculum areas) will be sent home in week 8 of this term. These portfolios are a valuable record of your child’s learning throughout the year. We trust that families find these both valuable and informative. ICAS English Competition Results Once again our results in this Australasian competition were excellent. Nineteen students achieved Distinction, placing them in the top 10% of NZ and a record four students were awarded High Distinction placing them in the top 1% of NZ. Congratulations to the following students on their outstanding achievement. Distinction Yr 7: Holly Brittain, Issie Dekker, Michael Graham, Finn Hoare, Lucy Maher, Jack McManaway, Carmell Scott, Rachel Seo, Noah Van Oudenaaren and Jessica Wylie. Yr 8: Daisy Vahey Bourne. Yr 9: Alexander Hawkes, Ryan McCarthy and Luke McGlone. Yr 10: Ellen Lellman, Hannah Skelton. Yr 11: Lauren Watson. Yr 12: Cole Maguire, Charlotte Skelton. High Distinction Y8: James Hwang. Y13: Kate Gilday, David Stone and Matthew Thompson. KEY DATES NOVEMBER-DECEMBER Nov Dec 7-12 13 14 25 28 29 2-5 3-4 9 9 10 10 Junior Exams Transition Day St Mary’s School Y6 students Transition Day St Thomas More & Others Y6 Teacher Only Day BOT Meeting, 5.30pm, Library Year 7/8 Disco Y10 Camp Y9 Activities Day Y7-10 Awards Ceremony Leavers Mass and Dinner Full School Main Prize Giving 2013 Last Day for students Do you have an hour or two to spare? St Vincent de Paul Storage Facility Needs You! Desperately seeking someone to help with sorting, cleaning, checking baby gear, bric-a-brac and other donated goods. Your help will make all the difference to us and other people’s lives. Our storage facility is located in the Gate Pa area. If you can help we would love to hear from you. Please phone Sonje Steer on 021 075 4291 or 543 3881, or email Needed also is a person to help load and deliver furniture to those in need, on a Friday from 9am-12noon. If you can help please phone Malcolm on 022 636 4793. St Mary’s School, Ellerslie Reunion St Mary’s Catholic School, Ellerslie, is celebrating its Centenary over Queen’s Birthday Weekend 2014 (May 30 - June 1). We are looking forward to celebrating with past and present pupils and staff, and the school’s community. Please refer to the Centenary website for more information. Events include a mix and mingle on Friday evening, school tours, photos and other events during the day on Saturday, followed in the evening with a dinner and dance; and on Sunday a special celebration Mass. Performing Arts Evening On Wednesday 23 October we celebrated our Performing Arts evening at the Otumoetai Baptist Church. This occasion is always a special one where the cultural talents of our students are on Aquinas LEO Club display. The range of talent in the college in this area is truly We have established the Aquinas College Leo Club, consisting of remarkable and it is fabulous to see them perform in front of 25 members ranging from Year 7 to Year 13. their friends, family and the community. President: Alice Houghton Vice President: Millie Van Kol Secretary: Lauren Watson Treasurer: Sam Boggiss Directors: Virginia Barnett and Thea James Items from our three choirs were a treat with the Man Choir getting a huge response to their version of Dry Bones. The Girls Choir and Mixed Choir were also popular with the audience. The college Jazz and Concert Bands performed a variety of pieces and featured a large number of our students as soloists. Leo Clubs are sponsored by Lions Club International and provide youth with volunteer opportunities. Aquinas Leo Club is the twenty-first Leo Club in New Zealand - there are clear links with our touchstones of Service, Family and Joy. The induction of members took place on Thursday 17th October 2013 with a grand ceremony in the college library. Representatives from all the Lions Clubs in the BOP region as well as the Regional Governor Richard Norris attended the evening. The Leo Club is giving our students the opportunity to work together as a group to provide service to the community whilst advancing their leadership, organisation and communication skills. Our Senior String Ensemble is growing fast and sounded fantastic. The Ukulele Band led by Jemma and Philippa Bridge also impressed the audience once again. There were three very entertaining drama items which were well received. Dance LEO is the acronym for Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. items were varied and Angus, Ronan Projects we have on the horizon include Collecting for the Blind, and Duncan Hendry gave stunning Raffles and helping with the maintenance of the bush walk at the performances ranging from a Sailors Hornpipe to an outstanding Historic Village. New members are welcome! Irish Jig and Drumming Fanfare. Ron Collicutt (left) from Greerton Lions Club, and Phoebe Scherer (right) proudly hold the new Aquinas Leo Club Certificate of Organisation. The newly formed Aquinas Leo Club A huge thanks to our Itinerant tutors Rima Barlow, Paul Sanders, Christine Martin and Kate Candy for their contribution to making this a successful evening. Lynda Wing, Alison Fitzpatrick, Maggie Marriner. LONDON INTERNATIONAL YOUTH SCIENCE FORUM 2013 Ben, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. Other tourist attractions like Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral were also visited – both amazing feats of architecture in their time, and equally as impressive now. This year Phoebe Scherer and Virginia (Ginny) Barnett had the privilege of attending the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). This is a two week programme of lectures as well as trips to leading scientific and research Ginny and Phoebe also participated in the Europe extension trip of the LIYSF programme where they travelled to Paris and Geneva for the following week after the LIYSF programme had concluded. Of the original 350 LIYSF participants only 29 went on to Europe and most of these were Australians or Kiwis. The girls had an absolutely fantastic time in Paris, taking in the sights of the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre. From Paris Phoebe and Ginny went on to Geneva, to see the large hadron collider at CERN. We had a day long tour around the complex and saw the ATLAS detector workshops and testing facilities. They took a 20 minute drive to the other side of the collider to see the CMS detector. As the collider is shut down for the next few years, the girls were able to go underground and see the actual CMS detector. Phoebe really enjoyed her time at CERN. “I learnt so much institutions and attracts around 350 participants from all about particle physics and have a new appreciation for the around the globe (although it is fair to say that they were the work untaken by the scientists at CERN.” ones who had travelled the furthest). Phoebe states her trip to LIYSF and CERN as an unforgettable “We had some fantastic lectures from world leading scientists experience which has inspired her to pursue a career in with topics ranging from ‘the worldwide race to discover dark science. “I want to be able to use my expertise, and through matter’ to ‘the magic of soap bubbles’.” Phoebe’s favourite collaboration with specialists in other areas, help find was a lecture by Professor Lord Robert Winston on Crossing everyday applications for the future discoveries in science. over Biology, where he talked about the problems that Additionally, I have made some lifelong friends from around biology will face in the future and how our honesty and ethics the world, experienced a different academic based lifestyle will depend on the direction of progress. The another and lived in a different country. I whole-heartedly recommend highlight of the lectures was when it was shown that tonic LIYSF to any aspiring scientists because the experience it water fluoresces, and watched in the dark while the lecturer truly life changing.“ drank a (large) glowing gin and tonic in front of 350 students! There were also student debates and presentations of student based research. There were various trips to research institutions: Phoebe enjoyed visiting the Department of Crime Science at University College of London. She learnt that attitudes have been changing recently from solving crime to preventing crime from ever happening by manipulating not only the potential criminals but also the victims and environment. Additionally the girls had a busy social calendar with welcome and farewell parties, the ‘Great Crossword Hunt’, regular trips to Burger King and Snog (a frozen yoghurt shop), the LIYSF Olympics and the International Cabaret. In their spare time, they explored London with their new friends. They visited all the museums and art galleries and went to the main tourist attractions such as Tower Bridge, Big Phoebe Scherer (left) and Ginny Barnett (right) had an unforgettable experience in London and Europe at the Youth Science Forum. FROM THE CAREERS DESK adventurous spirit, be able to communicate well and have good customer service skills. Before I went to PIHMS I was already interested in travel. I'm actually heading to Vietnam in December as part of World Challenge - a school service trip View the job descriptions, qualifications required and range of helping in a 3rd world country. Our featured careers from ‘Just the Job’ this month are · Surveying Technician · Veterinarian income expectations on the Careers Noticeboard and watch a I liked the fact that at PIHMS you learn all the skills onsite in short video each week on our Facebook site. The ‘Just the Job’ resource folder is available from the Library and the Careers Department for student use. Do also check out the Just the Job interactive website on – designed for career-seekers this site showcases over 240 Career Profiles in a range of job industries. So go online and watch clips on jobs and industries and start thinking about your own career path. the working hotel in a particular area (i.e. food & beverage) and then you go out for 6 months paid work experience. I met some lovely people, with similar interests, on the course. I like the idea of this course because of the job opportunities as it is an internationally recognised qualification. - Teagen Parker-Lee I found it was a great opportunity to meet other people my own age who have a passion for Hotel Management. We had lots in common and because we were roomed with new people Have you found us on Facebook it was a chance to make good friends. The organisers went yet? ‘Like’ Aquinas College through what is covered each stage/ year of the course. I Careers Department to receive found this helpful. They also detailed the types of actual hotel regular updates of career-related events and interesting information about jobs and study. placements we would end up working in (for the work Remember to also keep an eye on our careers noticeboard in experience part of the course). H Block and the Room32A Window. Term 4 is proving to be busy as we wrap up for the year. Students looking to get a summer job should check out templates and advice for CVs which are available on the Careers NZ website at Off to Study Next Year? Year 13 students who are planning to head to university next year should, by now, have sent in their Applications to Enrol. The first round of Halls applications deadline was on the 1st October, so students should be hearing back soon, if they haven’t already. Many scholarships have closed, but a few still remain open. It is possible to access the BreakOut Scholarship Database at the school to search for scholarships you may be eligible for. Students looking to attend University or Polytechnic should also be organising how they plan to fund their studies. Studylink is a great place to start - online at or call the local Outreach Office on 0800 88 99 00 to make an appointment. Now is the time for Year 11s and 12s to investigate their future career options. Come in to the Careers Department or the main office and collect a Career Consultation Form to fill out. Gateway Application Forms are also available in Careers (Room 32A) for next year’s programme. Because the place is set up to operate just exactly how a real hotel would be, I got to get a real feel of how it would be to work at a reception desk and take bookings etc. We even made a few different types of cocktails and got experience in plating up, serving. It was fun and I learnt so much. I would thoroughly recommend this fabulous opportunity to other students interested in this area of work. -Jess Van Oosterhout In the second week of the last school holidays I attended the PIHMS career week, in New Plymouth with two other Aquinas College Students. The objective of this week was to give prospective students an overview of the diploma and degree in hotel management courses. During the week we found out the different career paths the qualification can lead you. We also did some fun activities including an amazing race around New Plymouth which helped us to build a great team atmosphere. The experience I gained has given me a clear indication of the career path I would like to take when I have completed Year13 at Aquinas College. -Joshua Collins Site Safe Training Course This course was a great opportunity to be involved in because I now have a passport to get access to building sites. In this course we identified risks and Experiences of PIHMS Career Week (Pacific learnt how to stay safe in fun-based team work scenarios. International Hotel Management School) I really enjoyed the PIHMS experience. I learnt that in the -Joel Sheely hospitality you need to have an outgoing personality, During Term 3 and over the holidays, Aquinas College raised enough items and money to complete 64 boxes (many more than in previous years). Thank you to all those families who contributed. A special thanks to Hayley Steel and Alannah Symes (both Year 12) who spent many hours fundraising, negotiating special deals with suppliers and packing the boxes ready for shipping. FINAL DAY MADNESS Tradition decrees that certain staff members become targets for a tad bit of fun from Y13 students on their last day. This year Peter Byrne‘s office AQUINAS COLLEGE SPORT GYMNASTICS: Millie Burton attended New Zealand Gymsports Championships held in Napier where she came third overall in Step 7 overs and won gold on floor in the apparatus finals. HOCKEY: Isaac Amaru, at only 14, has recently been selected The Culprits! as goalie for the New Zealand Maori Under 21 hockey team. Front: Larissa Cherry Back Left: Kate Gilday, Matt Thompson, Jemma Bridge, Angus Hendry. Absent: Phoebe Scherer. underwent a makeover - not sure if the theme is reflective of Mr Byrne‘s teaching style, or his i m p e n d i n g retirement status! BOT Policies for Review November 2013 Enrolment Policy These policies can be viewed in full on the school website Policies up for review are highlighted - simply click on the policy name to view it. Any amendments/ comments should be made on the Review Response Form (download from the same website page) and returned to the school by Monday 11th November. Renee Hutchinson - Culture & Ethos Committee SURF LIFESAVING: Michelle Dykes did well in the pool champs gaining a first in the Mega Relay & Open Manikin Relay and second in the U16 Obstacle Relay, Medley Relay and 100m Manikin Tow while at the Northern Regions gaining 9 medals. SWIMMING: Grace Eglinton competed at the New Zealand Short Course Swimming Champs in Wellington. Grace won silver in the U16 girls 200m butterfly. SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING: Sophie Ning and Larissa Wilson placed 2nd in the Secondary Shool Duet, and were part of the Tauranga Free Combination Team that placed 3rd. WATER POLO: Three young Aquinas students cleaned up the competition in an Olympic Hopefuls water polo tournament in Auckland over the holidays. Loui Schuler, Kiahi Horan and Marshal Barker competed as members of the Tauranga A U12 team. Further accolades for Loui, who was announced as a member of the tournament team. In the B grade, Aquinas students Tom Wilson and Georgia Jones were part of a team that brought home a silver medal. At U16 division one level at the Nationals in Wellington, Cayne Dew, Morgan Brockelsby and Patrick Low secured a Bronze medal. Grace Eglinton also competed in NZ Water polo champs held in Wellington, playing for Waikato - the team won silver. A healthy number of Aquinas water polo players have been selected for the Tauranga U14 Club - Sam Wylie, Daniel Dennehy, Hamish Low, Josef Schuler, Jake Hoffart and Charlie Wood for the boys’ A team; Kayla Dew for the girls’ A team, Reece and Leon Castle for the boys’ B team; and Zac Watson and Tom Wilson for the boys’ C team. FOOTBALL: Players are able to register for next year’s football now - forms are available from Mrs Gallagher at the Sports Office in the gym foyer. Payments are not due until next term and will not be put onto your school account until 2014. SPORTS PRIZEGIVING The annual Sports Prize Giving was held on Wednesday 30th October in the college gymnasium. Once again it was incredible to hear and witness, the amazing depth of talent we have with our young sportsmen and women. Mr Bill Kite (Director of Sport) highlighted some statistical information regarding the number of our students actively engaged in sport (70%) and spoke on the importance of fostering coaches and managers within the staff and parent community. It was great also to farewell and thank Mr Peter Byrne who has been in charge of cricket since Aquinas began. Our guest speaker Ms Liz van Welie gained a silver medal in the 400m Individual Medley at the 2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games was fantastic with her message that it is all about hard work, dedication and sacrifice in getting to the top. Another highlight was the revelation of just how many regional and national representatives we have here at Aquinas. Over a hundred students have gone on to represent either Tauranga, Western/Bay of Plenty or National teams. This is a staggering performance and one that the school and the many sports within can be proud of. Mrs Ange McManaway our MC clearly and expertly explained each category of awards so that the audience was fully engaged in understanding how all of the awards were decided upon. As the various winners came across the stage the tension built to the awarding of our top Sporting Awards. We congratulate the award winning students and teams for their achievements. Aquinas College Hockey Prize Giving Award Winners for 2013 were: Most Valuable Player Most Improved Player Coaches Award Boys 1st XI Davin Franks Blair O'Connor Gavin Powell Girls 1st XI Georgia Childs Megan McCarty Lisa Robertson Boys 2nd XI Jarrod Karl Joshua Presley Blake Dawson Girls 2nd XI Virginia Barnett Samantha Johnson Courtney Ryan-Colgan Intermediate Boys Max Greer & Joshua Sutherland Caleb Parker - Lee Jack Egan Intermediate Girls Teri Dawson & Madison Cleaver Abby Wills Caitlin Thomson Intermediate 8-a-side Jack Taylor Hannah McCulloch Georgia Jones Adams Family Cup Y7/Y8 Girls Hockey Player of the Year Teri Dawson & Madison Cleaver Burn Trophy Y7/Y8 Boys Hockey Player of the Year Max Greer & Joshua Sutherland Gregory Cup Y9/Y10 Girls Hockey Player of the Year Nikki Anderson Childs Cup Y9/Y10 Boys Hockey Player of the Year Liam Burn McNabb Trophy Senior Girls Hockey Player of the Year Georgia Childs Gibbs Trophy Senior Boys Hockey Player of the Year Davin Franks Representative Honours Umpire Certificate U18 Premier Girls Georgia Childs Liam Burn U15 Premier Boys Blair O'Connor Macy Adams Isaac Amaru Nikki Anderson Liam Burn Adam van Leewen U15 Premier Girls Nikki Anderson Quinn Youngman Hatch Boys Josh Sutherland Davin Franks Hatch Development Fergus Lellman Matthew Davison Max Greer Jack Egan Collier Girls Alice Williams Collier Development Ana Sutherland Aquinas College Hockey club would also like to thank our very generous sponsors for their support throughout the year. Aquinas College 2013 Sports Prize Giving Awards th Wednesday 30 October 2013, Aquinas Action Centre, 7pm SPORTS TEAM AWARDS Y7/Y8 Badminton Player of the Year Jackson Fowler Y9/Y10 Badminton Player of the Year Breanna Brooker Senior Badminton Player of the Year Jin Won Macown Cup Senior Service to Badminton Gregory Cross Wilson Cup Y7/Y8 Basketballer of the Year Briarley Rogers Merrill Cup Y7/Y8 Basketballer of the Year Jack McManaway Herewini Cup Y9/Y10 Basketballer of the Year Olivia McManaway Forrest Cup Y9/Y10 Basketballer of the Year Andrew Cooper Dunham Cup Senior Basketballer of the Year Courtney Wilson Braid Cup Senior Basketballer of the Year Dion Collins Y7/Y8 Cricket Player of the Year Dominic Crombie Doherty Family Trophy Y9/Y10 Cricket Player of the Year Sean Dykes Shanley Family Trophy Senior Cricket Player of the Year Tia Robinson Byrne Cup Senior Cricket Player of the Year Ryan Foord AC Football Club Y7/Y8 Football Player of the Year Helen Brumby AC Football Club Y7/Y8 Football Player of the Year Jeremy Guernier Foord Family Cup Y9/Y10 Football Player of the Year Nikki Arns O'Shea Family Cup Y9/Y10 Football Player of the Year Andrew Norman Capper-Wheelton Cup Senior Football Player of the Year Hayley Bresnahan Wellington Family Cup Senior Football Player of the Year Angus Hendry Y7/Y8 Golf Player of the Year Jake Broadmore Y9/Y10 Golf Player of the Year Alanna Campbell Ormrod Family Trophy Competitive Gymnastics Millie Burton Edge Family Trophy Novice Gymnastics Danielle Robinson Campbell Family Trophy Adams Family Cup Y7/Y8 Hockey Player of the Year Madison Cleaver / Teri Dawson Burn Trophy Y7/Y8 Hockey Player of the Year Max Greer / Joshua Sutherland Gregory Cup Y9/Y10 Hockey Player of the Year Nikki Anderson Childs Cup Y9/Y10 Hockey Player of the Year Liam Burn McNabb Trophy Senior Hockey Player of the Year Georgia Childs Gibbs Trophy Senior Hockey Player of the Year Davin Franks Skelton Cup Y7/Y8 Netball Player of the Year Elise Barlow McManaway Cup Y9/Y10 Netball Player of the Year Taylah Stack Regan Cup Senior Netball Player of the Year Ellie McManaway Y7/Y8 Rugby Player of the Year Ethan Mackay Y9/Y10 Rugby Player of the Year George Wood Mike Dean Memorial Cup Senior Rugby Player of the Year Jesse Church Crosby Cup Senior Skier of the Year Lachlan Meehan Aquinas College Y7/Y8 Squash Player of the Year Sean Dykes Aquinas College Senior Squash Player of the Year Luke Cooper Y7/Y8 Tennis Player of the Year Jordan Sonneveld Stack Family Trophy Y9/Y10 Tennis Player of the Year Taylah Stack Mark Hodson Cup Senior Touch Player of the Year Maihi Bidois Banbury Cup Y7/Y8 Triathlete of the Year Matthew Lochhead Crombie Cup Y9/Y10 Triathlete of the Year Dana Welten Senior Triathlete of the Year James Sharp Y7/Y8 Volleyball Player of the Year Victoria Sage Graham Cup Y9/Y10 Volleyball Player of the Year Ethan Sage Webb Cup Senior Volleyball Player of the Year Kisanna Brandon Braid Family Cup Senior Volleyball Player of the Year Ryan Foord Victoria Watt Cup Y7/Y8 Water Polo Player of the Year Kayla Dew Dew Family Cup Y9/Y10 Water Polo Player of the Year Morgan Brockelsby Hewitt Cup Senior Water Polo Player of the Year Cayne Dew / Joanne Parry Sharp Cup INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL EVENT AWARDS Y7 Fuller Cup Sharp Family Cup Vermeulen Trophy Cooney Lees & Morgan Cup Armstrong Family Cup Kirk Family Cup Kirk Family Cup Kirk Family Cup Athletics Champion Holly Brittain Y8 Athletics Champion Jessica Robinson U14 Athletics Champion Dana Welten U16 Athletics Champion Kimberly D'Mello Senior Athletics Champion Anneke Grogan Y7 Athletics Champion Jack McManaway Y8 Athletics Champion Jack Broadley-Ryan U14 Athletics Champion Sam Wylie / Ryan Young U16 Athletics Champion James Sharp Senior Athletics Champion Ryan Foord Y7 Cross Country Champion Lizzy Skelton Y8 Cross Country Champion Alice Williams U14 Cross Country Champion Dana Welten U16 Cross Country Champion Hannah Skelton Senior Cross Country Champion Anneke Grogan Y7 Cross Country Champion Jack McManaway Y8 Cross Country Champion Louis Grindrod U14 Cross Country Champion Jake Hoffart U16 Cross Country Champion Timothy McDonnell Senior Cross Country Champion Seth Merrett Y7 Swimming Champion Jessica Wylie Y8 Swimming Champion Alice Williams U14 Swimming Champion Phoebe MacIntyre U16 Swimming Champion Grace Eglinton Senior Swimming Champion Lauren Dennehy Y7 Swimming Champion Loui Schuler Y8 Swimming Champion Lochlainn O'Connor U14 Swimming Champion Sam Wylie U16 Swimming Champion Mickey Ellis Swimming Champion Stanley O'Toole Athlete with a Disability Spencer Kirk Senior COMBINED SCHOOL CHAMPION AWARDS Y7 Girls Holly Brittain Y7 Boys Jack McManaway Y8 Y8 U14 U14 U16 U16 U19 U19 Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Jessica Robinson Jack Broadley-Ryan Dana Welten Ryan Young Michelle Dykes James Sharp Lauren Dennehy Reuben Stovold NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Isaac Amaru Hockey Maddison Black Tae Kwon Do Thomas Carter Cycling Luke Cayne Jamie Grace Anneke Cooper Dew Egging Eglinton Grogan Squash Water Polo Equestrian Water Polo Cross Country Brooklyn Shania Heath Heath Football Football Patrick Courtney Low McManaway Water Polo Ellie Olivia Cairyn Justin Courtney McManaway McManaway Rogers Sangster Wilson Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Tae Kwon Do Basketball REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES SENIOR YEAR 9/10 Cont. YEAR 7/8 Cont. Georgia Childs David Cooper Kayla Dew Jesse Church Daniel Dennehy Jack Egan Dion Collins Michelle Dykes Alex Fourie Luke Cooper Sean Dykes Jackson Fowler Cayne Dew Grace Egan Max Greer Denise Egging Jamie Egging Louis Grindrod Kevin Egging Luke Fasching Jeremy Guernier Grace Eglinton Reuben Fitzgerald Brooklyn Heath Anneke Grogan Brendan Fletcher Kiahi Horan Callum Hoare Leith Franks Darcy Hoskin Patrick Low Reilly Gardner Georgia Jones Denton McCarty Petra Gough Jack McManaway Liam McFall Joshua Healy-Ormrod Izzy Northcroft Courtney McManaway Shania Heath Jordan Priestley Ellie McManaway Jake Hoffart Briarley Rogers Larise Nield Jennifer Hume Kelsey Russell Sophie Ning Hamish Low Loui Schuler Cairyn Rogers Olivia McManaway Katy Scott Justin Sangster Blair O'Connor Ethan Stevenson Charlotte Skelton Andrew Randrup Ana Sutherland Courtney Wilson Jarod Schneebeli Joshua Sutherland Larissa Wilson Josef Schuler Noah van Oudenaaren Reed Wilson Hannah Skelton Aimee Watene James Wood Taylah Stack Zachary Watson Jin Won Dana Welten Alice Williams Charlie Wood Tom Wilson Sam Wylie Oscar Wood Jessica Wylie YEAR 9/10 Isaac Amaru Nikki Anderson YEAR 7/8 Zeb Barry Rebecca Almond Maddison Black Marshall Barker Morgan Brockelsby Jack Broadley-Ryan Liam Burn Jake Broadmore Millie Burton Patrick Burtenshaw Alanna Campbell Leon Castle Shaun Campbell Te Rina Coffin Rhys Castle Dominic Crombie Andrew Cooper Issie Dekker MAJOR AWARDS Aquinas Sports Academy Y7/Y8 Girls Sportswoman of the Year Aquinas Sports Academy Y7/Y8 Boys Sportsman of the Year Alice Williams Jack McManaway Aquinas Sports Academy Y9/10 Girls Sportswoman of the Year Dana Welten Aquinas Sports Academy Y9/10 Boys Sportsman of the Year Sam Wylie Y7/Y8 Mixed Team of the Year Water Polo AIMS Mixed Y9/10 Mixed Team of the Year Basketball Junior Girls Jaime Lee Cup Senior Mixed Team of the Year Water Polo Senior Mixed Megan Braid Trophy Senior Girls Sporting Achievement - Performance Grace Eglinton Sidwell Cup Senior Boys Sporting Achievement - Performance Justin Sangster Active Outdoor Clothing Cup Senior Girls Sportswoman of the Year Lauren Dennehy Judge Richard Kearney Memorial Cup Senior Boys Sportsman of the Year Ryan Foord Left: Sportswoman of the Year - Lauren Dennehy Right: Sportsman of the Year - Ryan Foord