Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae
Approved in Council of Faculty of Agriculture 12.02.2012 _____________Z. Gaile Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture HIGHER EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM SELF-EVALUATION REPORT Professional Bachelor’s Study Programme “Agriculture” – Educational classification code 42621 for the obtaining of a qualification: AGRONOMIST with specialization in field-crops or AGRONOMIST with specialization in horticulture, or ZOOTECHNICIAN IN BREEDING, or MANAGER OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE. Jelgava – 2012 TABLE OF CONTENS 1. The Aims and Objectives of Higher Education Program, the Results to be Obtained after the Acquisition of Higher Education Program ......................................................................4 1.1. The Aim of the Implementation of Study Program....................................................5 1.2. The Results to be Achieved within the Program.........................................................5 2. The Organization of Higher Education Program, the Conformity of the Plan of Higher Education Program with the Aims and Objectives of a Higher Education Institution, as well as the Functioning of the Internal Quality Mechanism of Higher Education Program ....6 2.1. The Conformity of the Plan of Higher Education Program with the Aims and Objectives of a Higher Education Institution.....................................................................6 2.2. The Functioning of the Internal Quality Mechanism of Higher Education Program ................................................................................................................................................6 3. Higher Education Program and the Description of Courses, Practical Sessions, Seminars included into It and the Description of Other Study Events ................................................9 3.1. Professional Higher Education Bachelor's Study Program “Agriculture”..............9 3.2. The Methodological Provision of the Study Program and Its Improvement.........12 3.3. Material and Technical Basis of Studies....................................................................12 3.4. Library Stocks and Available Data Bases .................................................................15 4. The Evaluation System and the Analysis of Study Results.............................................16 4.1. Evaluation System........................................................................................................16 4.2. The Analysis of Study Results.....................................................................................16 5. The Practical Implementation of Higher Education Program.......................................17 5.1. Study Methods and Forms ..........................................................................................17 5.2. Academic Staff’s Research Activities.........................................................................18 6. The Perspective Evaluation of the Higher Education Program, taking into Consideration the Objectives of Latvia for the Implementation of the Common Strategy of European Union........................................................................................................................................20 6.1. The Conformity of the Higher Education Program to the Standards of Professional Higher Education ................................................................................................................20 6.2. The Surveys of Employers on the Employment of Graduates during the Coming Six Years ....................................................................................................................................25 7. Students ...............................................................................................................................26 7.1. The Number of Students in the Program ..................................................................26 7.2. The Surveys of Students and Their Analysis.............................................................27 2 7.3. Students’ Participation in the Improvement of Study Process................................29 8. The Evaluation of the Academic Staff involved in the Implementation of the Higher Education Program ................................................................................................................30 8.1. The Number of the Members of Academic Staff, indicating the Number of Academic Positions and the Number of Persons with a Doctoral Degree or a Master’s Degree ..30 8.2. The Conformity of the Academic Staff’s Qualification to the Implementation of the Aims and Objectives of Structural Unit ...........................................................................31 8.3. At the Higher Education Institutions and Universities There are at Least Two Members of Academic Staff have a Doctoral Degree or They are Professors in the Branch of Science or Branches of Sciences, in which the Higher Education Program is being implemented ........................................................................................................................31 8.4. The Academic Staff’s Selection, Renewal, Education and Development Policy for the Coming Six Years................................................................................................................32 8.5. The Academic Staff, involved in the Implementation in the Higher Education Program, shall be Highly Qualified and Competent in order to Ensure Students with an Opportunity to Acquire the Necessary Research Skills, Theoretical Knowledge, Skills and Competences........................................................................................................................33 9. Sources of Financing and Provision of Infrastructure....................................................35 9.1. Sources of Financing....................................................................................................35 9.2. Study-Rooms, Laboratories, Their Equipment and Material and Technical Basis39 10. External Relations ............................................................................................................43 10.1. Collaboration with Employers..................................................................................43 10.2. Collaboration with the Latvian and Foreign Higher Education Institutions implementing Similar Higher Education Programs........................................................43 11. Documents Confirming that in the Case of the Liquidation of Higher Education Program the Applicant would Ensure the Students of the Respective Higher Education Program an Opportunity to Continue Their Studies in Another Higher Education Program or at Another Higher Education Institution ........................................................................44 12. The Development Plan for the Higher Education Program .........................................47 3 Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” – Educational classification code 42621 Licence No.04056-83, issued on April 28, 2011 Licensed until April 28, 2014 Director of the study program Dr. agr. Daina Kairisa. phone 63005661 The qualification to be obtained: –agronomist with specialization in field-crop cultivation or horticulture Field-crop cultivation – director of the specialization trend Andris Berzins, phone 63005632 Horticulture – director of the specialization trend Ieva Zukauska, phone 63005677 – zootechnician in breeding – director of the specialization trend Lilija Degola, phone 63005661 – manager of an agricultural enterprise – director of the specialization trend Daina Jonkus, phone 63005661 1. The Aims and Objectives of Higher Education Program, the Results to be Obtained after the Acquisition of Higher Education Program Until the study-year 2011/2012 the studies at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture were implemented in two types of study programs: Bachelor's study program or the academic study program and the second level professional higher education study program, but in May 2011 there was licensed a new Professional Higher Education Bachelor's Study Program that replaced the academic Bachelor's study program and the second level higher professional program. The consolidation of both above mentioned programs has been implemented in conformity with the recommendations given by the experts who carried out the previous accreditation. The newly-developed Professional Higher Education Bachelor's Study Program comprises the best aspects of the academic and the second level professional higher education study programs, ensuring the acquisition of both theoretical courses in the Bachelor's part of studies and the study courses of specialization in conformity with the chosen trend of specialization, as well as wide and diverse practical training in production that ensures the link between the theory and practical manufacturing. The new program is so-called an 'umbrella' program, where, while obtaining one and the same degree, the graduate has an opportunity to obtain also one of 4 professional qualifications: - agronomist with specialization in field-crop; - agronomist with specialization in horticulture; - zootechnician in breeding; - manager of agricultural enterprise. The general position of the Latvia University of Agriculture is not to decrease the volume of studies less than 160 CP in the undergraduate studies in order the graduates of the faculties could be able to compete in the labor market without the acquisition of a Master's study program. The implementation of the Professional Bachelor's Study Program increases the graduates' competitiveness in the labor market, because theoretical knowledge has been consolidated in practice. The Cabinet Regulations No.481 “Regulations on the State Standards for the State Second Level Professional Higher Education” provides that the volume of studies is at least 160 CP; in 4 its turn, Part 2 of Section 57 of the Law on Institutions of Higher Education provides: “Professional higher education Bachelor's degree shall be awarded, if the duration of a program of full-time studies is at least 4 years”. 1.1. The Aim of the Implementation of Study Program – to prepare educated specialists in agriculture with the skills and abilities necessary for the fulfillment of professional duties, and able to: • use modern scientific conclusions for the improvement of the production technologies of industry; • understand the significance of the sustainable agricultural production and its unity with the environment; • acquire independently the necessary practical skills in a particular specialization; • continue their studies at a master's study program. Objectives: to provide the students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills as planned according to the study program in order the graduates could successfully work in the following directions: • agricultural production processing companies; • pedagogical and scientific research activities; • consultancy service; • institutions of environmental protection; • institutions of self-government and public administration; • public and political organizations. 1.2. The Results to be Achieved within the Program: The students, studying in the Professional Education Bachelor’s Study Program, acquire knowledge, skills and competences, corresponding to the 6th level of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). While acquiring the program, the students obtain the knowledge on chemistry, physics, mathematics, biometry, biology, agricultural entrepreneurship and legislation, psychology, foreign languages and other theoretical courses; on the biological peculiarities of the varieties of field-crops and garden-stuff, and those of the breeds of animals, and their suitability for obtaining or processing certain produce; on the application of techniques for growing and rearing of plants and animals; on the evaluation of economic profitableness gained from the applied technologies. After the successful acquisition of the program, the graduates will be able to: work independently and creatively; self-educate themselves; use modern scientific conclusions for the improvement of the production technologies of industry; understand the significance of the sustainable agricultural production and its unity with the environment; acquire independently the necessary practical skills in a particular specialization; observe the laws and regulations of the European Union and the Republic of Latvia regarding the production of agricultural produce; prepare documents in conformity with the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning record-keeping; use the special software; aggregate, systemize and analyze data; use special literature on agriculture-related issues in foreign languages. The prospective specialists of agriculture will be competent to: organize agricultural production; know the laws and regulations related to the agricultural industry; evaluate the industry-related risk factors and competitiveness; develop the sustainable development strategy of agricultural industry; know the EU Common Agricultural Policy and the possibilities of support; elaborate the applications for receiving the support payments of the European Union and state and the project applications for attracting investments to the enterprise; observe individually 5 the regulations for labor safety and organize the appropriate training for and inspection of the subordinate staff on a systematic basis; to continue their studies in a Master’s Study Program. 2. The Organization of Higher Education Program, the Conformity of the Plan of Higher Education Program with the Aims and Objectives of a Higher Education Institution, as well as the Functioning of the Internal Quality Mechanism of Higher Education Program The particular aims of action policy defined in the strategic development plan of the Latvia University of Agriculture envisage ensuring the study quality corresponding to the standards of a national and regional university what would allow educating the competitive specialists for the Latvian and international labor markets in the field of agriculture and other spheres, developing the scientific potential of the Latvia University of Agriculture to perform the internationally important research, integrating the higher education and research of the field that would ensure the introduction of innovative, knowledge-based technologies into the national economy of Latvia, including agriculture, as well as developing the Latvia University of Agriculture as a national and regional centre for the sustainable development of education, science and culture. The action policy of all nine Faculties of the Latvia University of Agriculture has been developed in compliance with the strategic development of the Latvia University of Agriculture. – the resource has been viewed on October 28, 2011. 2.1. The Conformity of the Plan of Higher Education Program with the Aims and Objectives of a Higher Education Institution The mission of the Faculty of Agriculture is to carry the studies, scientific and consultancy activities according to the agricultural tendencies in Latvia and the world and to ensure the education of qualified specialists for agriculture at three levels of studies: undergraduate studies, master studies and doctoral studies. The strategic aim of the Professional Bachelor's Study Program “Agriculture” is in conformity with the main aim of the activities of the Latvia University of Agriculture - to ensure an opportunity to obtain higher academic education in the sphere of agriculture, as well as to develop science, to preserve and cultivate the intellectual potential of Latvia. 2.2. The Functioning of the Internal Quality Mechanism of Higher Education Program The studies at the Latvia University of Agriculture are organized and administrated in conformity with the standards and guidelines for quality ensuring in the common European space in higher education. Taking into consideration these guidelines, there had been the necessary internal normative documentation elaborated for the organization of studies. In the year 2011 the Latvia University of Agriculture has received “Diploma Supplement Label” that proves – the diploma, issued by the Latvia University of Agriculture, are in compliance with the developmental requirements of common European space in higher education, as well as the information presented in the supplements shall be clear for other European higher education institutions. Quality ensuring policy and measures are defined in the action strategy of the Latvia University of Agriculture for the planning period 2010 – 2016; the strategy has been actualized and approved by the decision No.7-10, made by the Senate on March 09, 2011:, but the procedure for the recognition of study courses acquired and practical training undergone at a state recognized higher education institution and/or study program in Latvia and abroad is determined in the rector’s decree No.03-12 of February 16, 6 2011 “On the Procedure of Academic Recognition at the Latvia University of Agriculture”: The approval, monitoring and regular control of programs and degrees to be awarded are implemented in conformity with the external normative documentation: The Classification of Professions (at the website of the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia). The Classification of Education in Latvia: Regulations on the National Standard for Academic Education: Procedure for the Licensing of Higher Education Programs: Procedure for the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions, Colleges and Higher Education Programs: The internal normative documents, as well as the CV forms for the development, licensing and accreditation of study programs had been approved at the Latvia University of Agriculture: The Regulations for the Development of Study Programs at the Latvia University of Agriculture: Regulations for the Development of Study Courses and Documents of Practical Training: By the decision No.6-122, made by the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture on May 15, 2008, there were approved the Regulations on a Director of a Study Program, but by the decision No.6-107, made by the Senate on April 09, 2008, there were approved the Regulations of the Methodological Commission of the Latvia University of Agriculture. The fundamental document for the organization and evaluation of study process are the Regulations of Studies, approved by the decision No.7-28, made by the Senate on June 09, 2010: By the decision No.1/09, made by the Council of Studies on January 28, 2009, there had been approved the Regulations for the Development of Study Courses and Documents of Practical Training: By the decision No.7-29, made by the Senate on June 09, 2010, there had been approved the Regulations on the Final Examinations of Studies: , but by the decision No.7-81, made by the Senate on February 09, 2011, there had been approved the Regulations of Practical Training of the Latvia University of Agriculture. In order to ensure the academic staff’s quality, the Senate, by the decision No.4-182, made on May 14, 2003, approved the Regulations for the Election of Academic Positions at the Latvia University of Agriculture: The procedure for the election of Professors and Associated Professors is determined in the regulations:, but the criteria for the evaluation of the quality of junior lecturers and lecturers’ work had been determined in the decision No.07/9, made by the Council of Studies on November 28, 2007. The Social Research Group organizes students’ surveys on the academic staff’s work on a yearly basis. By the decision No.6-6, made by the Senate on March 14, 2007, there had been approved the program for the improvement of the professional skills of educators employed in higher education “Innovations of the Didactics of Higher Education”. 7 By the decision No.4-198, made by the Senate on October 08, 2003, there had been determined the procedure for relating scientific subdisciplines to the Faculties of the Latvia University of Agriculture: An essential part of the quality of studies is the provision of study aids. The Fundamental Library of the Latvia University of Agriculture supply textbooks and study aids in conformity with the respective regulations: The study process at the Latvia University of Agriculture is being administrated by the Department of Studies and monitored by the vice-rector of studies and his deputy by determining the fundamental principles of studies and eliminating the dissimilar approach to the implementation of study process at the Faculties, but the Faculty organizes, manages and monitors the studies. The Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” is implemented at the Faculty of Agriculture. The organization of study process at the Faculty is ensured by the dean together with the director of study program and the directors of specialization trends, and two secretaries employed at the Dean’s Office (one secretary who deals with the issues related to the full-time studies, but the other – with the issues regarding the parttime studies and assisting to the activities of the Methodological Commission of Studies). There is also a vice-dean of studies and a deputy dean concerning management issues involved in the organization of studies. The Methodological Commission of Studies is very active; it deals with the organizational issues related to the plans of study programs and the programs of study courses, as well as makes decisions regarding the matriculation of students, when the students would like to resume their studies after a period of discontinuation or when they want to be transferred from another study program. The members of the Methodological Commission of Studies participate also in the Commission for Granting Scholarships. The Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences and the Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology are managed by the directors, elected from the academic staff of the Faculty; the candidates are nominated by the structural unit, but elected by the Board of Faculty. The decision, made by the Board of Faculty, is approved by the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture. The management of the Training and Research Farm (TRF) “Peterlauki” and the Horse-Breeding Training Farm (HBTF) “Muski” is ensured by the director, approved by the rector of the Latvia University of Agriculture. The action strategy of structural units is included into the strategy of the Faculty of Agriculture. The semiannual report on the fulfillment of action plan is prepared on a regular basis. It is reviewed by the Board of Faculty and the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture. The report on the fulfillment of strategy is available at: The self-evaluation report of the Faculty of Agriculture on the achieved results is prepared on annual basis. As a result of assessment, the study programs are specified, and the study courses are updated or modified. The results of the implementation of program are first assessed by the Methodological Commission of Studies of the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Agriculture Board, the Council of Studies of the Latvia University of Agriculture, and the annual self-evaluation report is approved by the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture. The selfevaluation reports are published in the home page of the Faculty: At the end of each study-year the control of the quality of academic staff’s performance is carried out at the Latvia University of Agriculture by means the students’ survey (available at the directors of the institutes of the Faculty of Agriculture), as well as the summary of the results of work done during the study-year, submitted by each member of academic staff (the summaries are available at the vice-rector of studies of the Latvia University of Agriculture). 8 3. Higher Education Program and the Description of Courses, Practical Sessions, Seminars included into It and the Description of Other Study Events The development of the study programs takes place on the base of Agricultural Science, and the specialization trends of the study program are in conformity with the subdisciplines of this science: plant sciences and animal sciences. The content of the study program has been developed taking into account the content of the Agricultural Science and the needs and specificity of agriculture as a production industry. It is planned every year to educate 60 – 70 Professional Bachelor’s of Agriculture, who would be awarded one of the offered qualifications. Opportunities of further education: after the obtaining of a Professional Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture and the respective qualification, the graduates are entitled to continue their education at a master study program, if they meet the enrollment requirements set for the respective master study program. 3. 1. Professional Higher Education Bachelor's Study Program “Agriculture” The studies in the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program are implemented in the forms of full-time and part-time studies. The study plans for the acquisition of study program are available at the portal of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture. The annotations of study courses are available in the Information System of the Latvia University of Agriculture: The full programs of study courses are available at the dean's office and at the university lecturer delivering the particular study course. The students are informed on them at the beginning of the study course. The study program has been developed in conformity with the provisions of Regulations No.481 “Regulations on the State Standards for the State Second Level Professional Higher Education” adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia, planning the full-time studies of 4 years and part-time studies of 5 years. The standardized part of the study program ensures the obtaining of the Professional Bachelor’s degree and it comprises the following study courses in the amount of 52 CP: 1. Chemistry 4 CP 2. Biometrics 3 CP 3. Agrophysics 4 CP 4. Botany 2 CP 5. Zoology 2 CP 6. Physiology of Plants 2 CP 7. Physiology of Animals 2 CP 8. Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics 3 CP 10. Ecology and Environmental Protection 2 CP 11. Organizational Psychology and Management Studies 3 CP 12. Labor Safety and Civil Defence 2 CP 13. Foreign Language for Professional Purposes 4 CP 14. Research Methodology 3 CP 15. Microbiology 2 CP 16. Theory of Economics 2 CP 14. Bachelor's Thesis 12 CP 9 The sections of the study plan for full-time studies are shown in Table 1, but the study plan for part-time studies – in Table 2. The study plan for the part-time studies is shown in Table 2. The study plan envisages practical training in the amount of 26 CP; 6 CP of this amount would constitute the practical training for study purposes (Practical Farming – 1 CP, Fundamentals of Agriculture – 2 CP, Agronomy – 3 CP) organized for all students of the 1st and 2nd year; the practical training is supervised by the academic staff and takes place on one of the training farms. During the practical training the students consolidate their theoretical knowledge of the agriculture-related study courses. The main place for practical training is “Latvia University of Agriculture TRF “Vecauce””, Ltd., where the students acquire basic practical skills of growing field-crop and garden-stuff and rearing of animals, botany, zoology, plant and animal physiology. Table 1 Professional Higher Education “Bachelor's Study Program” STUDY PLAN (For the full-time studies) Year 1 The groups of study courses General education study courses Basic theoretical courses of the field and the study courses of information technologies Professional specialization courses of the field Optional courses Practical training Bachelor's Thesis TOTAL Year 2 Year 3 CP Ter m1 Term 2 Term 1 Term 2 20 4 8 4 4 36 15 10 5 6 60 9 6 26 12 160 2 1 20 2 20 20 Year 4 Term 1 Term 2 5 17 15 2 3 2 20 1 20 4 1 20 Term 1 Term 2 14 16 4 20 6 20 Professional practical training in the amount of 20 CP will be organized according to the qualification to be obtained, in order to ensure the acquisition of skills and abilities defined in the profession’s standard. During the professional practical training the students perform also research or experiments related to the development of their Bachelor’s Theses. Table 2 STUDY PLAN For the part-time studies The groups of study courses General education study courses Basic theoretical CP Year 1 Term Term 1 2 Year 2 Term Term 1 2 Year 3 Term Term 1 2 Year 4 Term Term 1 2 Year 5 Term Term 1 2 20 7 2 4 3 4 - - - - - 36 9 8 10 4 3 2 - - - - 10 courses of the field and the study courses of information technologies Professional specialization courses of the field Optional courses Practical training Bachelor's Thesis TOTAL 60 - 3 2* 4 7* 14 15 9* - 6 6 26 12 160 16 3 16 16* 2 3 16 2 16* 16* 1 16 2 4 1 16* 16 16 4+6 16 *Deviations in the amount of 1 CP depending on the specialization trend The possible places of professional practical training are the agricultural enterprises, professional organizations, agricultural services related institutions and public administration institutions, as well as scientific research institutions. The plan of students’ practical training according to terms and the volume of each practical training is described in the study plans. Available at: The full description of study plans is available in the Latvia University of Agriculture portal in the section of the Faculty of Agriculture: When comparing the newly developed study plans of Professional Bachelor’s Study Program and those of the Bachelor’s Study Program, it was established that the difference between them is insignificant and it is possible in the study-year 2012/2013 to involve in the new program also the 3rd students specializing in field-crop cultivation, horticulture and animal husbandry; thus the transition to the new program would be ensured sooner. Thus, starting from the next study-year, the 1st-3rd year students will study in the Professional Bachelor’s Study Program. Table 3 The Comparison of Study Plans Bachelor’s Study Program Professional Bachelor’s Study Program Organizational Psychology and Management Studies 3 CP Biometrics 3 CP Management Studies – 1.5 CP Mathematics I and II 4 CP Term Paper 1 CP Physics 2 CP Agrophysics 4 CP Radiobiology 2 CP Agrometeorology 2 CP Anatomy and Physiology of Physiology of Animals 2 CP Animals 4 CP For zoot. also – Anatomy and Physiology of Animals 3 CP Physiology of Plants I 3 CP Physiology of Plants I 2 CP Physiology of Plants II 2 Physiology of Plants II 2 CP CP Soil Science 5 CP Soil Science 4 CP Difference, notes - 1.5 CP + 2 CP Planned for term 6 Equated + 2 CP Equated as an optional course + 2 CP Planned for term 6 - 1 CP + 1 CP Planned for term 5 + 1 CP 11 Soil Science,1.5 CP Theory of Economics 1.5 CP Agricultural Resources 5 CP Term Paper 1 CP Zoology, 1 CP (zoot.) Physiology of Plants 2 CP (zoot.) Soil and Agrochemistry 2 CP Theory of Economics 2 CP - 0.5 CP - 0.5 CP Agricultural Resources 4 CP + 2 CP None None + 1 CP + 2 CP Equated Planned for term 5 3.2. The Methodological Provision of the Study Program and Its Improvement The theoretical courses consist of classes in the study-rooms (lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory work and practical sessions) and independent work. The proportion of lectures and seminars differs between the study courses. As a result of independent work, there had been literature reviews, reports and essays developed. For the purposes of independent studies there is a library available with a wide range of agricultural literature and accessibility to different data bases, the wireless Internet at the premises of main administrative building (palace) of the Latvia University of Agriculture, a computer classroom with a connection to the Internet, materials and collections collected by academic staff. The academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture takes part in the annual methodological conferences of the Latvia University of Agriculture, where the presentations are given and the discussions take place on the themes related to the didactics of higher education and the organization of study process. Within 3 years the courses in the Moodle environment of e-studies had been acquired by 43 members of academic staff or 50% of academic staff involved in the implementation of study process. A positive factor is the aspect that regardless of the limited financial resources the members of academic staff improve their professional competence both in Latvia and abroad. In total, within 3 years there were 13 courses for the improvement of professional skills attended in Latvia and 71 – in other countries. The improvement of the academic staff’s pedagogical skills and abilities takes place through the attendance of courses of didactics at the Latvia University of Agriculture that are compulsory once in 6 years. During the last 3 years this course had been acquired by 24 members of academic staff. An essential part of studies are lectures at which the latest technologies are applied, including multimedia, interactive presentations, and educational films. A part of the materials on lectures are available at the portal of the Latvia University of Agriculture or they are sent individually by means of e-mail. While studying independently, the students, individually or in groups, prepare reviews on scientific or popular-scientific literature and the presentations regarding the themes that could be related to the topicalities of the study course to be acquired. The academic staff’s e-mail addresses are available to students; the students can send their questions regarding the successful acquisition of the study course, as well as concerning the organizational issues. 3.3. Material and Technical Basis of Studies 12 The Faculty of Agriculture uses study-rooms of general significance, the planning of the use of such study-rooms is centralized at the Latvia University of Agriculture: study-rooms No.123; 126; 130; 134; 127 109, 115, 224, 227, and 233 and at Strazdu Street, as well as laboratories. The study-rooms had been renovated or are being renovated from December 2011 till March 2012 through the implementation a part of the ERDF project “The Improvement of the Infrastructure of Studies of the Latvia University of Agriculture”. The study-rooms are equipped with the multimedia equipment; there is also the INTERNET in the study-rooms. It is possible to use wireless Internet at the premises of palace. Each member of the teaching staff is provided with an individual stationary or portable computer and the basic software for the development of visual aids for study process. In the study-rooms 109, 123 and 224, and in the room 24 in the building situated on Strazdu Street there is a stationary multimedia equipment available; in addition, the Faculty of Agriculture has at its disposal 14 portable projectors, 11 graphoprojectors and 2 units of video equipment that ensures an opportunity to show educational films. The laboratories and equipment for the implementation of the Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture”: o Agrophysics laboratory is equipped with the equipment necessary for the determination of the physical features of soil. o Agrochemistry laboratory is equipped with the equipment necessary for the studies of chemical qualities of soil, the analysis of plants and fertilizers. o Plant biochemistry laboratory is equipped with the equipment for the determination of the biochemical parameters of plants; the equipment for the simpler biochemical analysis. The students determine the amount of pigments in leaves, the amount of soluble and reducing sugar in plants, the activity of dehydrogenase, catalase, the antiradical activity in plants. o Microbiology laboratory is equipped with the microscopes and equipment for the studies of microorganisms. o Plant physiology laboratory is equipped with the equipment necessary for the determination of growing, development and physiological parameters of plants. o Grain and seed laboratory for studies and research is equipped with the equipment necessary for the determination of grain and seed quality indicators; the equipment is modern and certified, and it enables that the analysis are being performed in conformity with the Latvian and international standards. The laboratory is equipped with the Central Seed Analyzer of the Grain Network of Latvia — Infratec 1241 by means of which the indicators of grain quality is being identified according to the express method. The Central Seed Analyzer is monitored and, if it is necessary, regulated according to the approved Standard methods. It is possible to determine the following quality indicators of seeds at the laboratory: purity, viability, germination power, mass of 1000 seeds, seed leveling and other parameters. If it is necessary, it is possible to perform also the phytopathological analysis of seeds. It is possible to determine the following indicators of food grain: purity, coarseness, hectolictric weight, gluten content and quality, falling number, sedimentation value (Zeleny index), glassiness, film content and fractional structure. The students perform laboratory work and practical work at the laboratory, while acquiring study courses Crop Production and Breeding and Seed Breeding, as well as they carry out experiments for the development of their Bachelor’s Theses. There are samples of all plants and their seeds grown in Latvia, necessary for studies, at the laboratory. o Garden-stuff and apiology laboratory is equipped with modern equipment both for the implementation of study process and research on apiculture and horticulture. The laboratory is used for the following purposes: the propagation and breeding of fruit crops and ornamental plants, preservation, observation and pasportization of the genetic resources of 13 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o medicinal and aromatic plants, preservation of the genetic resources of vegetables, the preservation and instrumental insemination of the gene pool of local honey-bees of Latvia. The students of the specialization of horticulture perform research for the development of their Bachelor’s Theses. Plant pathology and entomology study laboratories — with 12 places for students to work in each of the laboratories — are equipped with the microscopes, lenses and microscopy instruments that enables to study insects, pathogens and damage caused by them. The acquisition of the study courses Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany takes place at other Faculties, where there are respectively equipped laboratories necessary for the acquisition of such courses. The set of instruments and equipment for determining the grading composition of soil. The collection of rocks and minerals. The collection of soil profiles, where there are 190 profiles displayed in 19 stands. The equipment for determining the soil breathing intensity within the study course Soil Science. The equipment for determining photosynthesis and transpiration. Laminar boxes for the work with the pure microorganisms and for the propagation of plants in vitro for the purposes of the development of Bachelor’s Theses; The collection of rhizobia comprises unique, the most spread in Latvia papilionaceous symbiotic stems. There is a complex of greenhouses at the improvement stage (it is planned to improve it during the coming 2 years, using the means of ERDF envisaged for the improvement of scientific infrastructure). At present there is one Rischel-type greenhouse, where the research takes place and the students develop their Bachelor’s Theses on the methods of vegetative propagation and growing technologies of garden-stuff. The greenhouses are equipped with the measuring instruments and equipment for ensuring measuring and registration of microclimate indicators for the purposes of students’ research activities. The basic collection of the genetic resources of aromatic and medicinal plants. The collection of spices and spices and nectar plants. The reserve collection (safety collection) of the genetic resources of vegetables. The collection of bush bilberries and the plantation of dwarf apple-trees. The following items had been purchased for the practical training in Animal Husbandry and for the development of Bachelor’s Theses in the specialization of animal husbandry: feed probe, analyzer of gas for the determination of gas concentration at in the buildings where the animals are kept, luxometer, a device for measuring the relative humidity of air, pH meter, air flow meter for measuring the speed of air flow, electronic weighting scale, DeLaval cell counter DCC for the somatic cell count, a microwave oven for the determination of the dry matter of feed, measuring tapes for measuring the animals, a portable computer and 3 stationary computers with the software. In the home page of the Faculty of Agriculture the following materials are available: “Laboratory Exercises in Plant Pathology”, study material “Mites harmful for Plants” and “Practical Guide for the Acquisition of the Classification of Plant Protection Means”: The students of the Faculty of Agriculture use “Latvia University of Agriculture TRF “Vecauce”” Ltd. as a place for their practical training. On this farm the students acquire the basic practical skills regarding growing or rearing of field-crop, garden-stuff and animals, as well as they acquire knowledge of botany, zoology, physiology of plants and animals. 14 The organization of practical training is implemented in conformity with the Regulations of Practical Training of the Latvia University of Agriculture approved by the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture (the decision No.6-263, made by the Senate on February 10, 2010), available at:, and in compliance with the program of practical training prepared and approved at the Faculty of Agriculture. The methodological materials of practical training developed for the program of professional practical training for study purposes at the horticultural enterprises; the materials are available at: The journal of practical training has been developed for the students of the specialization of horticulture: The students, studying in the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program, complete 20 weeks of professional practical training individually at the agricultural enterprises. Before they start their practical training, the students submit a defined form of application to the supervisor of practical training. When the trilateral agreement has been signed and submitted at the Dean’s Office, a dean’s decree is prepared, where there is a place, time of practical training and also the supervisor of practical training from the Faculty of Agriculture indicated. After the completion of practical training, the students submit reports to the leading institute; the reports comprise sections indicated in the program of practical training. It is planned that the students shall defend their reports on practical training in front of the commission consisting also of the representatives of professional organizations. 3.4. Library Stocks and Available Data Bases All students and the members of academic staff have access to the Fundamental Library of the Latvia University of Agriculture, its large reading-room and subscribed data bases. The library supplies with the textbooks for the acquisition of study courses, but in the reading-room there are available also scientific monographs that could be found only in one copy. Whether a particular book is in the library stocks, it is possible to find out by means of electronic catalogues available in the online data bases, developed at the Fundamental Library of the Latvia University of Agriculture, for example, in the electronic catalogues of the Fundamental Library of the Latvia University of Agriculture; the home page of the Fundamental Library ensures the access to the electronic catalogues of the information centers and rooms of the Latvia University of Agriculture (BIS ALEPH500), the publications of the academic staff and researchers of the Latvia University of Agriculture; etc. It is possible to find the full texts of articles published in collection “LLU Raksti” since 2005, also the full texts of collection “Agronomijas Vestis” and the full texts of other publications. There is information on the Latvia University of Agriculture. It is possible to have access to the online data bases BIS ALEPH500; to the electronic common catalogue of eight national importance libraries ( It is possible to have electronic access also to the full texts of dissertations defended at the Latvia University of Agriculture since 2003, to the materials of different conferences. The Fundamental Library also subscribes many international data bases that provides both the students and the academic staff with the access to a wide range of the results of scientific research, as well as to the books published in European countries and in other countries: E-journals, e-books, Taylor&Francis Group CRCnetBASE ebooks, subscribed online data bases, for example, CAB abstracts, EBSCOhost; AGRICOLA, Environment Complete, LETA archive, Lursoft, Science Direct journals, NAIS etc. (See 15 4. The Evaluation System and the Analysis of Study Results The evaluation principles and criteria are in compliance with the Regulation No.481 “Regulations on the State Standard of the Second Level Professional Higher Education” adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers, the Regulations of Studies of the Latvia University of Agriculture (Appendix to the decision No.7-28, made by the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture on September 09, 2010) and the developed programs of study courses. 4.1. Evaluation System The following principles are observed: ° the transparency of the assessment of knowledge and skills — there is a set totality of requirements regarding the positive evaluation of educational progress; ° the principle of the obligation of evaluation — it is necessary to achieve the positive assessment on the acquisition of the compulsory content of program. The basic forms of evaluation in the program are a test and an exam. In order an exam shall be organized, the volume of the study course shall be at least 2 CP. The assessment of the exam is both qualitative (according to ten-point system) and quantitative (obtained CP). The tests are assessed by “pass” or “fail”, or according to ten-point system (Tg – test with a grade). By passing a test, also the quantitative assessment is obtained – CP provided by the study plan. The final assessment in the course may be also accumulative – it means that the regular work during the term influences the final assessment in the study course. There may be organized different small-volume intermediate assignments – tests, tutorials, etc. – during the term within a course. The program envisages the term papers with the separate qualitative (according to ten-point system) and quantitative (amount of CP) evaluation – the procedure for their development and defence has been described in the methodological guidelines approved by the Board of the Faculty of Agriculture. Knowledge is assessed according to ten-point system, where 10 – with distinction, 9 - excellent, 8 – very good, 7 - good, 6 – almost good, 5 - satisfactory, 4 – almost satisfactory, 3 - poor, 2 – very poor, 1 – unsatisfactory. The criteria and procedure for the evaluation of knowledge are set in the Regulations of Studies of the Latvia University of Agriculture: – resource viewed on October 27, 2011. The forms for the control of independent work: the control of laboratory practical works on a regular basis, the control of the understanding of different issues at the seminars, the development of term papers and projects, a test or an exam at the end of each study course, the defence of complex practical trainings. The regular control of independent work within the process of the acquisition of separate study courses by controlling the fulfillment of laboratory works, controlling the understanding of issues at the seminars, as well as during the defence of term papers and projects. At the end of each study course there is envisaged a test or an exam. If the acquisition of the study course is planned for a period of several terms, the test shall be taken at the end of each term, but the exam – after the completion of the whole study course. 4.2. The Analysis of Study Results The first-year studies are the time for adaptation for the new students within the new study environment. Therefore particular attention is paid to the attendance of study courses and 16 the process of the fulfillment of planned individual work. The academic staff delivering the study courses every month submits to the dean of the Faculty of Agriculture the written information on the attendance of classes and the pass of planned work. The students, whose participation in the classes and progress are the reason for concern, are asked to appear at the director of the program for a discussion on these issues. The discussions concern the reasons of nonattendance and the unsuccessfully fulfilled study work, and there is also the plan for further work is being developed. The results of the acquisition of each study course are discussed and analyzed by academic staff together with students after the development of each individual work or taking of a test. The general analysis of study results takes place at the meeting of the Methodological Commission of Studies of the Faculty of Agriculture. The study results are defined in the programs of study courses and practical training, the academic staff instructs students in them, when the students start the acquisition of the study course. 5. The Practical Implementation of Higher Education Program 5.1. Study Methods and Forms The theoretical courses consist of classes in the study-rooms (lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory work and practical sessions) and independent work. The proportion of lectures and seminars differs between the study courses. As a result of independent work, there had been literature reviews, reports and essays developed. For the purposes of independent studies there is a library available with a wide range of agricultural literature and accessibility to different data bases, the wireless Internet at the premises of main administrative building (palace) of the Latvia University of Agriculture, a computer classroom with a connection to the Internet, materials and collections collected by academic staff. An essential part of studies are lectures at which the latest technologies are applied, including multimedia, interactive presentations, and educational films. A part of the materials on lectures are available at the portal of the Latvia University of Agriculture or they are sent individually by means of e-mail. There have been electronic study materials developed: • Practical Guide for the Acquisition of the Classification of Plant Protection Agents registered in LATVIA. Compiled by I. Turka; • Ticks that are Harmful to Plants. Compiled by E. Plise. • There have prepared the study materials for the support in the e-environment (Moodle) of the Latvia University of Agriculture for the following undergraduate study courses delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dz. Kreismane: Agrarian Policy (2 CP); Forage Production (2 CP); Agricultural Legislation (Part 2) LauZ3005; Agricultural Entrepreneurship (Part 2) LauZ3004 • Dace Sterne prepared the study material for the support in the e-environment of the Latvia University of Agriculture: Science of Patenting and Standards (2 CP). • Biruta Bankina — study materials in the e-environment for the undergraduate studies are being used for the delivery of the study course “Plant Pathology” Lauz3031 (2 CP). While studying independently, the students, individually or in groups, prepare reviews on scientific or popular-scientific literature and the presentations regarding the themes that could be related to the topicalities of the study course to be acquired. 17 The academic staff’s e-mail addresses are available to students; the students can send their questions regarding the successful acquisition of the study course, as well as concerning the organizational issues. The study plans for the acquisition of study program are available at the portal of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture. The annotations of study courses are available in the Information System of the Latvia University of Agriculture: The full programs of study courses are available at the dean's office and at the university lecturer delivering the particular study course. The students are informed on them at the beginning of the study course. The academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture takes part in the annual methodological conferences of the Latvia University of Agriculture, where the presentations are given and the discussions take place on the themes related to the didactics of higher education and the organization of study process. A positive factor is the aspect that regardless of the limited financial resources the members of academic staff improve their professional competence both in Latvia and abroad. In total, within 3 years there were 13 courses for the improvement of professional skills attended in Latvia and 71 – in other countries. The improvement of the academic staff’s pedagogical skills and abilities takes place through the attendance of courses of didactics at the Latvia University of Agriculture that are compulsory once in 6 years. During the last 3 years this course had been acquired by 24 members of academic staff. 5.2. Academic Staff’s Research Activities The study program is in compliance with the subdisciplines of Agricultural Science - Plant Science and Animal Science. The academic staff also performs scientific research in these trends within the different research programs financed by the EU and Latvia. In the year 2009 there were implemented 7 international projects, 23 projects financed the state of Latvia, and there were executed 18 contracts with the companies. In the year 2010 the scientific activity regarding the attraction of funding increased and 31 projects started during the previous year had been continued also in 2011. The academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture actively leads and/or participates in the scientific projects, as a result of which there are relatively many publications and presentations at the international conferences and congresses. According to the ranking of the structural units of the Latvia University of Agriculture, depending on the scientific activities, the Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, already since its establishment (in 2005) has taken the first place, but the Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences — places 2-5 (depending on the year) out of 32 structural units of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Data on the participation of the academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture in the implementation of projects has been summarized in Table 3. On the whole, in 2011 the members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture were involved in the implementation of 31 scientific projects of different levels, out of which 16 projects were internationally and co-financed by ESF, 5 projects were financed by the Latvian Council of Science, 1 project was of State Research Program and 9 were commissioned. Table 4 The Academic Staff’s Participation in the Implementation of Projects in 2011 Types of projects Number of projects Projects co-financed internationally and by European 16 Funding attracted by the Faculty of Agriculture, LVL 248914.00 18 funds Projects financed by the Latvian Council of Science State Research Programs Other projects financed in the Republic of Latvia (for example, projects financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education and Science) TOTAL 5 1 66348.00 50020.00 9 71907.00 31 437189.00 Research results have been published in more than 170 scientific and scientific-popular issues, as well as presented at the conferences and seminars. The information on scientific publications has been summarized in Table 5. Table 5 Scientific Publications, 2011 Types of publications The number of publications published in the internationally reviewed scientific periodicals Anonymously reviewed international scientific publications, including proceedings The number of published scientific monographs in the evaluation period Publications in LLU Raksti Other scientific publications Materials of international conferences (Abstracts) Scientific-popular and methodological publications Books TOTAL Number 28 46 7 15 55 26 – 177 Every year the scientists of the Faculty present up to 100 reports at the international scientific conferences; they also actively participate at other conferences, as well as take an active part in the organization of conferences (See Table 6). The members of the academic staff of Faculty, within their limits (particularly – within limits of financial resources), take part in the events organized by NJF, participate in the seminars organized by the agricultural scientists of the Baltic States, at the conferences of the animal breeders and geneticists of the Baltic States. Table 6 Publicity in 2011 Types of conferences Reports at the international scientific conferences Number of reports presented at other conferences and seminars Seminars and conferences organized by the Faculty of Agriculture or the Faculty of Agriculture in cooperation with some organization Number 98 47 5 19 The following events are being organized on an annual basis: “Harvest Festivity in Vecauce”, seminars – field-days at the Latvia University of Agriculture TRF “Vecauce”, “Peterlauki” and other scientific institutions. The development of the scientific themes that have received support from ESF, the Latvian Council of Science, Ministry of Agriculture or other institutions is being continued. The proof of cooperation between the Faculty and agricultural scientific institutions in Latvia is the annual scientific seminar “Harvest Festivity in “Vecauce””. In the year 2011 the scientific seminar was devoted the 90th anniversary of the training and research farm, and there were also the reviewed collected articles of the seminar published (ISBN 978-9984-48-053-4) in cooperation with such companies as Baltic AGRO, Konekesko, BASF and Agromatco. The collected articles had been cited in the data base AGRIS ( keyword for search: Vecauce). The students of all levels and study-years, studying at the Faculty of Agriculture, also take part at this annual event as the audience – it is a perfect opportunity for them to see everything that had been achieved and is topical in the agricultural science. On February 23 and 24, 2012, there was held the scientific-practical conference “Science for the Future of the Agriculture of Latvia: Foodstuffs, Forage, Fiber and Energy” organized by the Faculty of Agriculture, the Latvia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Latvian Society of Agronomists. There have been published collected articles with more than 50 scientific publications of the academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture and cooperation partners on the themes of horticulture, field-crop cultivation and animal husbandry. The academic staff uses the conclusions drawn as a result of scientific research for the delivery of the study courses they teach. There were several textbooks developed on the basis of research results, supplementing them with the theoretical material. The academic staff’s CV, the list of publications and information on the activities regarding the development of projects had been summarized in the appendices. 6. The Perspective Evaluation of the Higher Education Program, taking into Consideration the Objectives of Latvia for the Implementation of the Common Strategy of European Union. 6.1. The Conformity of the Higher Education Program to the Standards of Professional Higher Education The study program has been developed in conformity with the provisions of Regulations No.481 “Regulations on the State Standards for the State Second Level Professional Higher Education” adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia on November 20, 2001. 20 Table 7 The Conformity of the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” to the State Standards The provisions of Regulations No.481 adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia on November 20, 2001 The total duration of studies The volume of the Bachelor’s study program is at least 160 CP General education study courses in the amount of at least 20 CP, including the courses in humanities and social sciences that develop social, communication and organizational basic skills. The Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” implemented by the Faculty of Agriculture at the Latvia University of Agriculture 4 years of full-time studies and 5 years of part-time studies The volume of the program is 160 CP 20 CP Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics; Applied Psychology and Management; Foreign Language for Professional Purposes; Ecology and Environmental Protection; Labor Safety and Civil Defence, Entrepreneurship, Science of Patenting and Standards. Basic theoretical courses of the field and 36 CP the study courses of information Biometrics; Agrophysics; Chemistry; Zoology; technologies in the amount of at least 36 Physiology of Plants I; Physiology of Animals; CP. Botany; Research Methodology; Accounting and Investments; Microbiology; Agricultural Resources; Agricultural Legislation; Theory of Economics. Professional specialization courses of the 60 CP field in the amount of at least 60 CP. In conformity with each qualification to be awarded, the program covers professional specialization courses in the amount of 60 CP, for example, AN AGRONOMIST with the specialization in field-crop cultivation: Biotechnology of Plants; Physiology of Plants II; Soil Science; Field-Crop Cultivation; Agrochemistry; Entomology; Plant Pathology; Plant Protection; Grassland Management; Field-Crop Production I; Field-Crop Production II; Genetics and Breeding; Animal Feeding; Land Survey; Agricultural Mechanization; Horticulture; Apiculture; Marketing. Optional courses of the Bachelor’s program 6 CP in the amount of at least 6 CP. The students can choose optional courses from the list of optional courses offered by the Latvia University of Agriculture. Practical training in the amount of at least 26 CP 26 CP. Practical trainings “Practical Farming”, “Fundamentals of Agriculture” and “Agronomy” are completed by all students studying in the program, but the practical trainings “Field-Crop Cultivation”, “Horticulture”, “Animal Husbandry”, “Agricultural Entrepreneurship” – according to the specialization. State examination, a part of which is the State examination – Bachelor’s Thesis – 12 CP. development and defence of a Bachelor’s Thesis or a Graduation Paper (a Graduation Project) and the amount of which is at least 12 CP. 21 The conformity of the study plan to the standards of profession – on the conformity of the study plan to the drafts of the standards of profession there have been the opinions of the following professional organizations received that could be considered the independent expertise of program: Latvian Society of Agronomists, State Agency “Agricultural Data Center” and the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre (the next three pages). The standards of profession had been adopted on July 26, 2011. Regulations No.579 “Amendments to the Regulations No.461 “Regulations on the Classifier of Professions, the Corresponding Basic Tasks for a Profession and Qualification Requirements and on the Procedure of the Use and Updating of the Classifier of Professions” adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers on May 18, 2010” adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers (“LV”, 118 (4516), July 29, 2011) [came into effect on July 30, 2011]. They have been included into the Appendices. TO: Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture FROM: Latvian Society of Agronomists REFERENCE The Board of the Latvian Society of Agronomists (LSA), at its meeting, considered and proposed for the updating of the Standards of an Agronomist’s Profession. Taking into consideration that the changes have taken place in the fields of field-crop production and horticulture, in cooperation with the members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture there were several corrections made to the above mentioned Standards. In the summary of the basic tasks of professional activities the emphasis is laid on the fact that an agronomist plans and manages the production process in field-crop cultivation or horticulture, consults the agricultural workers of a lower level, as well as performs research activities in the field. There have been specified the competences necessary for the professional activities, determining the particular professional tasks to be fulfilled by an agronomist. On the basis of the Standards of the Profession, the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture has developed the Professional Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” providing that the students will have an opportunity to obtain the Professional Bachelor’s degree and an agronomist’s qualification that would enable them to continue their studies in both academic and professional master study program. The Board of LSA has acquainted with the newly developed study program and finds that it ensures the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for An Agronomist’s Profession. The Chairperson of the Board of LSA agr. signature Maris Grinvalds (Māris Grīnvalds) On December 02, 2010 22 (The National Emblem of the Republic of Latvia) State Agency “AGRICULTURAL DATA CENTER” 3 Citadeles Street, Riga, LV-1010, phone 67027241, 67027240, fax 67027006,, e-mail At Riga On December 03, 2010 Reply to: No.1-8/314 No. TO: Zinta Gaile, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture, at 2 Liela Street, Jelgava, LV-3001 Opinion on the Conformity of the Study Plan to the Draft of the Standards of a Zootechnician’s Profession In reply to your letter, we inform that we have acquainted with the developed study plan for the acquisition of the Professional Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” in order to obtain the qualification A SPECIALIST OF ZOOTECHNICS in breeding. The study courses planned for the acquisition of the study program will provide the prospective specialists with the theoretical knowledge of agriculture, but the planned practical trainings in the total amount of 26 CP — with the practical abilities and skills necessary for the qualification to be awarded. We find that it is not necessary to include in the study plan the study course Sports, because healthy lifestyle is a self-initiative of each member of society. Instead there should be included a study course that would facilitate the acquisition of profession. The study plan has been developed in conformity with the draft of the Standards of Profession “A Specialist of Zootechnics in breeding”. Director signature I. Vorslovs I. Slice, 67095054 23 (Logo) “Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre”, LTD 34 Rigas Street, Ozolnieki Rural Municipality, Ozolnieki Amalgamated Municipality, Jelgava District, LV-3018, Latvia Phone: +371 63050220, fax: +371 63022264 E-mail:, Reg. No.: 40003347699, VAT reg. No. LV 40003347699 Bank: JSC SEB Unibanka, Jelgava branch, bank account LV50UNLA 0008 0004 6901 6 At Ozolnieki, Ozolnieki Rural Municipality, Ozolnieki Amalgamated Municipality On November 22, 2010 Reply to: No.01-12.4/492 No. TO: Zinta Gaile, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture, at 2 Liela Street, Jelgava, LV-3001 On the Conformity of the Study Plan to the Standards of Profession The Professional Bachelor’s Study program “Agriculture”, developed by the academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture, where it is envisaged to award a Bachelor’s degree of agriculture, as well as the qualification A MANAGER in agriculture, is very important in current situation. It is important that the managers of farms acquire knowledge of the organization of production processes on the farm by means of the latest technologies, as well as the knowledge of attracting the funding of European Union for the development of farms, and the knowledge of planning further development of industries. The study program is very significant for the national economy, because, through the acquisition of the study course, there will be educated the specialists of the field with a high level of qualification. The prospective specialists, having completed the Professional Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” in the specialization of a manager/director in agriculture, will have valuable knowledge to ensure the managing of a farm and long-term production process. Having evaluated the study program, we find that the implementation of it would provide significant contribution for the development of farms and it is in conformity with the developed Standards of Profession. The Chairperson of the Board signature M. Cimermanis Skudra 63050577; 63050220 24 6.2. The Surveys of Employers on the Employment of Graduates during the Coming Six Years According to P. Strautins, the DNB expert of economy: “The field of agriculture has a perspective. The young people, who choose to study in the field of agriculture, do not make a mistake; they will have a perspective in the future – they will have an opportunity to earn. The society believes that agriculture is a valley of tears, but the facts are in contrast with the dominating point of view. In fact, the development of agriculture, if compared with all the sectors of economy, is not rapid, as we can see it in other sectors, but its development has been stable already for the last 10 – 12 years”. (The newspaper “Diena”, February 13, 2011) THE RESULTS OF SURVEY on the Necessity of Specialists with Higher Education in Agriculture There were 127 respondents involved in the survey; 31 respondents or 24% of them were related to the scientific activities, but 27 respondents or 21% of them were related to the field-crop production (See Fig. 1). Fig. 1. What type of agricultural entrepreneurship is your company engaged in? The answer to the question, whether they feel a scarcity of specialists in the sector, was given by 60 respondents; 49 respondents or 81% of them admitted that there is a scarcity of specialists (See Fig. 2). 25 Fig. 2. Do you feel the scarcity of agricultural specialists in your sector? Fig. 3. The specialists of which qualification will be necessary for the sector represented by your company during the coming 6 years? The information summarized in the figures proves that the educated specialists will be demanded in the labour market. 7. Students Until the study-year 2011/2012 the studies at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture were implemented in two types of study programs: Bachelor’s study program or the academic study program and the second level professional higher education study program, but in May 2011 there was licensed a new Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program that replaced the academic Bachelor’s study program and the second level higher professional program. 7.1. The Number of Students in the Program 26 The implementation of the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program had been started in the study-year 2011/2012. There had been 112 students matriculated in the study program: 87 students of full-time studies and 25 students of part-time studies that constitute 32% out of all students, studying in the undergraduate study programs (as of September 20, 2011 there were 353 students in total studying at the Faculty of Agriculture). It is planned that 30 secondyear students, at present studying in the Academic Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture”, would also be transferred to the Professional Bachelor’s Study Program starting from the studyyear 2012/2013. 7.2. The Surveys of Students and Their Analysis In the home page of the Latvia University of Agriculture a wide range of information on the supplied study programs, the structure of the Faculty, the academic staff, the trends of studies and scientific research is available for the students of the Faculty of Agriculture at the Latvia University of Agriculture and the secondary school pupils. There is a wide range of information on the study opportunities available in the following brochures: Higher Education in Latvia and Abroad, Educational Guide, informative brochure of the Faculty. The variants of answers given to the question: Where did you get information on the possibilities to study at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture? are summarized in Figure 4. Figure 4. Answers to the question: Where did you get information on Faculty and study programs offered? According to the answers given, in 48 cases the information is retrieved from the home page of the Latvia University of Agriculture, in 27 cases it is obtained at the event School…., in 26 cases – from friends, and only in 5 cases – from the mass media. Regardless of the above said, in order to provide more information to society on the necessity and ensuring of specialists, the Faculty of Agriculture collaborates with the Editorial Board of journal “Saimnieks LV”. In cooperation with the Seedling Growers Association, the exhibition “The Show of Latvian Seedlings” is organized at which the professional consultations are being provided and the popularization of horticultural industry takes place. 27 Horse-Breeding Training Farm “Muski” every year organizes and participates in the competitions of equestrian sport at which the popularization of studies in the specialization of animal husbandry takes place. The results of the 1st year students’ survey show that most of them had been to agricultural industry already before they started their studies (Fig. 5). Figure 5. Answers to the question: Are you related to any of these companies? Most of the respondents – 55 respondents indicated that either their parents or they themselves own a farm, 9 respondents indicated that they are related to some kind of agricultural limited liability companies. Thus the studies are related to the necessity of knowledge for the rational management of farms. The results of the 1st year students’ survey on the choice of the study program showed that 13 students have a family member who has studied or is studying at the Faculty of Agriculture, 5 students indicated that their friends are studying, 33 consider the studies to be perspective, but 43 respondents are related to the agricultural production (Fig. 6). Figure 6. Answers to the question: What encouraged you to choose studies at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture? 28 The students’ survey on their future plans shows that most of them (57) plan to become the managers of companies, consequently – the employers, but 14 respondents plan to continue their studies (Fig. 7). Figure 7. Answers to the question: What have you planned to do after graduating the Faculty? 7.3. Students’ Participation in the Improvement of Study Process The students, studying at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture, take an active part in the decision-making process of different levels. The students’ representation is ensured at the Commission for Granting Scholarships, Board, the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture, the Convent of the Latvia University of Agriculture, etc. There had been established the Students’ Self-Government at the Faculty of Agriculture and it is very active. The students and academic staff’s responsibilities and rights are determined in the Regulations of Studies and in the Code of Ethics of the Latvia University of Agriculture. There had been determined also the procedure of appeal regarding dealing with the issues, where the students are not satisfied with the made decisions. The studies are implemented in conformity with the normative documentation, adopted at the Latvia University of Agriculture and the Faculty of Agriculture: Regulations of Studies of the Latvia University of Agriculture1, Regulations for the Development of Study Courses and Documents of Practical Training2, Regulations of Practical Training3, Methodological Guidelines on the Development and Designing of Study Papers4. 1 2 3 29 8. The Evaluation of the Academic Staff involved in the Implementation of the Higher Education Program 8.1. The Number of the Members of Academic Staff, indicating the Number of Academic Positions and the Number of Persons with a Doctoral Degree or a Master’s Degree In the study-year 2011/2012, the academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture is as follows: 5 elected Professors: Inara Turka, Zinta Gaile, Aleksandrs Adamovics, Aldis Karklins and Dainis Lapins; 12 elected Associated Professors: Mintauts Abolins, Dzidra Kreismane, Daina Kairisa, Daina Jonkus, Ina Alsina, Maija Ausmane, Andris Berzins, Inara Lipenite, Roberts Vucans, Biruta Bankina (principal work — a senior researcher), Dzintra Kreita, Guntis Rozitis; 5 elected Assistant Professors: Lilija Degola, Aiga Trupa, Kaspars Kampuss, Gunita Bimsteine (principal work — a senior researcher); Ilze Vircava; there are 6 guest-lecturers – Assistant Professors: Ieva Zukauska, Elga Plise, Inguna Gulbe, Antra Balode (principal work — a senior researcher), Arta Kronberga; Liga Paura; 5 elected Lecturers: Elita Aplocina, Indulis Melngalvis, Antra Berzina, Laila Dubova, Aija Dizgalve; 2 guest-lecturers – Lecturers: Anda Linina; Janis Bartusevics; 1 elected Junior lecturer: Marta Liepniece; 6 guest-lecturers – Junior lecturers: Iveta Klavina, Indra Eihvalde, Dace BarzdiĦa, Dace Sterne, Gundega Dinaburga and Irina Sivicka. There are 20.40 staff’s loads determined, but there are also members of academic staff from other study programs and even directions involved in the implementation of the program as the university lecturers. As of September 01, 2011 there are 7 elected hired senior researchers working at the Faculty of Agriculture: Antons Ruza, Ziedonis Grislis, Uldis Ositis, Vilhelmine Steinberga, Antra Balode, Biruta Bankina, Gunita Bimsteine. There have been received 74 letters of intention of the academic staff, employed at the Faculties of the Latvia University of Agriculture, on the implementation of the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” of the Faculty of Agriculture. For 68 members of academic staff, involved in the study process, the Latvia University of Agriculture is the place of principal work, but for 6 it is the place for additional work (See Table 7). In order to implement the study program, there have been involved in total 74 members of academic staff, out of which 43 have a Doctoral degree, but 30 – a Master’s degree (See Table 8). Table 8 Summary on the Qualification of Academic Staff, involved in the Implementation of the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” Degree Dr. habil. Dr. Mg. Professional qualification Total 4 Scientific or academic degrees Staff with the Status at the Latvia University of Agriculture respective degree Principal work Additional work Number % Number % Number % 3 4.2 3 100 0 0 40 54.2 38 95 2 5 30 40.2 27 90 3 10 1 1.4 0 74 100 68 0 1 100 6 30 Only for 5% of academic staff with a Doctoral degree and 10% of academic staff with a Master’s degree the Latvia University of Agriculture is not the place of principal work. The academic staff for whom the Latvia University of Agriculture is a place of principal work, use their energy, scientific and professional skills for the education of prospective specialists of agriculture. 8.2. The Conformity of the Academic Staff’s Qualification to the Implementation of the Aims and Objectives of Structural Unit There have been received 74 letters of intention of the academic staff, employed at the Faculties of the Latvia University of Agriculture, on the implementation of the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” of the Faculty of Agriculture. For 68 members of academic staff, involved in the study process, the Latvia University of Agriculture is the place of principal work, but for 6 it is the place for additional work (See Table 9). Table 9 Summary on the Academic Staff, involved in the Implementation of the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” Position Professor Associated Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Junior Lecturer Senior researchers Total Staff with the respective position Numb % er 8 10.8 Status at the Latvia University of Agriculture Principal work Additional work Number % Number % 8 100 0 0 17 23.0 16 94 1 6 18 24.3 16 89 2 11 18 8 24.3 10.8 16 7 89 88 2 1 11 12 5 6.8 5 100 0 0 74 100 68 6 8.3. At the Higher Education Institutions and Universities There are at Least Two Members of Academic Staff have a Doctoral Degree or They are Professors in the Branch of Science or Branches of Sciences, in which the Higher Education Program is being implemented 43 members of the academic staff, involved in the implementation of the study program, have a doctoral degree. Alongside with the pedagogical activities, they are also the experts of the Latvian Council of Science, chairpersons and members of the Doctoral Promotion Councils of the Branch of Agricultural Science and Professors’ Council. Doctoral Promotion Council of the Branch of Agricultural Science in the Sub-Branch of FieldCrop Cultivation (LLU Rector’s decree No.04–605 of December 17, 2009). A. Karklins I. Turka Z. Gaile D. Lapins 31 M. Ausmane A. Adamovics Doctoral Promotion Council of the Branch of Agricultural Science in the Sub-Branch of Animal Husbandry (LLU Rector’s decree of May 12, 2010). D. Kairisa D. Jonkus J. Spruzs L.Paura The experts of the Latvian Council of Science: A. Karklins – plant sciences I. Turka – plant sciences D. Lapins – plant sciences B. Bankina – plant sciences G. Bimsteine – plant sciences I. Alsina – plant sciences D. Kairisa – animal sciences D. Jonkus – animal sciences J. Spruzs – animal sciences A. Adamovics – plant sciences Z. Gaile – plant sciences A. Ruza – plant sciences A. Kronberga – plant sciences Z. Grislis – animal sciences A. Balode – plant sciences L. Paura – animal sciences Professors’ Council of Agricultural Branch A. Karklins I. Turka D. Lapins M. Ausmane A. Ruza Z. Gaile J. Spruzs 8.4. The Academic Staff’s Selection, Renewal, Education and Development Policy for the Coming Six Years The structure of the academic staff, involved in the implementation of the study process, shows that it is necessary to attract new members of academic staff actively. Partially this problem is being solved by involving in the study process the master and doctoral students of the Faculty of Agriculture. Doctoral students – academic staff and employees of the Bachelor’s Study Program: • Gundega Dinaburga – guest-lecturer – Junior lecturer, • Oskars Balodis – researcher in the ESF project, • Dace Sterne – guest-lecturer – Junior lecturer, • Indra Eihvalde – guest-lecturer – Junior lecturer, Training and Research Farm “Vecauce” at the Latvia University of Agriculture – deputy director concerning studies, • Dace Smiltina – head of the Molecular genetics laboratory, • Andris Balins – engineer at the Molecular genetics laboratory, • Janis Bartusevics – guest-lecturer – Lecturer, 32 Irina Sivicka – guest-lecturer – Junior lecturer. The guest-lecturers from the professional or scientific organizations are invited to deliver separate study courses or themes. The problem is caused by the fact that the guest-lecturers’ main task is to deliver the classes, but the organizational work shall be carried out by the members of academic staff who are the members of the permanent staff and the number of whom decreases year by year, but the real load - increases. • 8.5. The Academic Staff, involved in the Implementation in the Higher Education Program, shall be Highly Qualified and Competent in order to Ensure Students with an Opportunity to Acquire the Necessary Research Skills, Theoretical Knowledge, Skills and Competences According to their qualification, the members of academic staff are involved in different working groups (in total – in 38 different working groups): scientific and professional ones (See Table 10). Table 10 The Participation of the Academic Staff of the Faculty of Agriculture in Scientific and Professional Working Groups Name, surname Aleksandrs Adamovics Working group Head of the experts of feed plants group at the Latvian National Council of Plant Varieties. Member of the Public Council of journal “Darzs un Drava”. Mintauts Abolins Member of the Council of International Society for Horticulture Science /ISHS/. Antra Balode Member of the Public Council of journal “Darzs un Drava”. Chairperson of the Latvian National Council of Plant Varieties. Zinta Gaile Head of the experts of cereal crops and leguminous plants group at the Latvian National Council of Plant Varieties. Head of the experts of oil plants and fibrous plants group at the Latvian Dzintra Kreita National Council of Plant Varieties. Member of the European Cooperative Program for Crop Genetic Ieva Zukauska Resources Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Working Group. Member of the Genetic Resources Council at the Ministry of Agriculture Arta Kronberga of the Republic of Latvia. The expert, responsible for the genetic resources of field crops. The Ministry of Agriculture — member of the interinstitutional working Daina Jonkus group of animal husbandry and genetic improvement of livestock. Member of the Board of the Latvian Centre for the Improvement of Livestock. Member of the Sheep Farming Advisory Council at the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture — member of the Advisory Council. The Ministry of Agriculture — member of the interinstitutional working Daina Kairisa group of animal husbandry and genetic improvement of livestock. The representative of the Latvia University of Agriculture at the URN Council for Cooperation. Chairperson of the Board of the Society “Latvian Association of Sheep Breeders”. The expert of Latvian National Accreditation Bureau (animal husbandry, 33 processing of animal husbandry products). Member of the Board of Zootechnician’s Society. Member of the Board of the Latvian Society of Agronomists. Member of the Board of the Latvian Association for Biological Farming. Expert of the Rural Support Service for the evaluation of the sub-activity “The Development of Biological Farming” of the activity Dzidra Kreismane “Agroenvironment” within “Rural Development Program, 2007-2013”, contract No.LAD 081111/L169, of November 08, 2011. Member of the Council of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), representative of Latvia. Chairperson of the Board of Latvian Breed Horse Breeders’ Association. The expert, responsible for the genetic resources of agricultural animals. Guntis Rozitis Parliamentarian of the Council of Ozolnieki Amalgamated Municipality. Deputy of the chairperson of the Council of Ozolnieki Amalgamated Municipality. Antons Ruza Expert of the Rural Support Service, contract No. LAD 081111/ L168. European Environment Agency and European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) — national expert for the theme “Soil”. The letter No. 9–07/2888 of July, 06, 2005 from the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Latvia and the decree No.286, passed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Latvia on September, 01, 2005. Expert for the development of “Report on the Indicators of Sustainable Development”. The letter No.1–07/216 of January, 17, 2006 from the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Latvia. Latvian National Standardization and Metrology Centre — member of the technical committee Environmental Quality. Aldis Karklins Deputy of the head of the working group “The Working Group for the Coordination of the Planning of Fertilization”. Decree No.38, passed by the Ministry of Agriculture on February 21, 2007. Expert in conformity with Paragraph 35 of Regulation No.530 (June 27, 2006) “Regulations Regarding the Identification, Quality Conformity Assessment and Marketing of Fertilizers” adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers. Decree No.137, passed by the State Plant Protection Service on October 03, 2007. Expert: European Commission, Enterprise and Industry DirectorateGeneral. Latvia national non-government expert of the Fertilizers Working Group” since December 2010 (decree of the Ministry of Agriculture). Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia — member of the State Commission for Registration of Plant Protection Products (decree Biruta Bankina No.422, passed by the Cabinet of Ministers on November 25, 2004). Latvian Center of Plant Protection Research — member of the scientific council. 34 Inara Turka Andris Berzins Inara Lipenite Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia — member of the State Commission for Registration of Plant Protection Products (decree No.422, passed by the Cabinet of Ministers on November 25, 2004). Latvian Center of Plant Protection Research — member of the scientific council. The Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Latvia — expert regarding GMO (No.3-07-3/1788). The Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Latvia — member of the Council of Experts for the Control of Hogweed (decree No.426, passed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia on June 06, 2006). Member of the Board of the Ploughmen’s Organization of the Republic of Latvia, deputy of the chairperson (Decision, made by the Board of the Ploughmen’s Organization of the Republic of Latvia on March 04, 1989, minutes No.3). Ministry of Agriculture — Procedure No.22 “Procedure for the Coordination of European Union Issues and Circulation of Documents at the Ministry of Agriculture and Its Subordinate Institutions”. Member of the interinstitutional working group on fertilizers (decree No.189 of October 01, 2009, passed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia). In addition to the activities of the working groups, the academic staff has close collaboration with the farmers’ non-governmental organizations; Farmers’ Parliament; Council for the Cooperation of Agricultural Organizations; State Plant Protection Service; the Latvian Fund for Nature; other scientific institutions in Latvia (the State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute, State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute, Pure Horticultural Research Center, the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing, Latvian Center of Plant Protection Research, Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia, Agriculture Science Center of Latgale, Faculty of Biology at the University of Latvia); the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre; Editorial Boards of the professional journals of industry “Saimnieks-LV”, “Agrotops”; the Centre for Lifelong Education at the Latvia University of Agriculture. At all the above mentioned organizations the professionalism and expert qualification of the academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture are highly appreciated. 9. Sources of Financing and Provision of Infrastructure In general, the resources available to the Faculty of Agriculture at the Latvia University of Agriculture ensure the achievement of the aim defined in the Professional Higher Education Study Program “Agriculture”. There has been provided the minimum of the necessary material and technical, labor force financial resources. 9.1. Sources of Financing The state financed study places had been taken by 75 students of undergraduate studies, studying in their 1st year. Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” — Approximate Costs and Estimation of Positions 35 The program shall be implemented as a budget financed program, because the programs implemented until now: Academic Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture”, Educational classification code — 43621, and the Second Level Professional Higher Education Study Program “Agriculture”, Educational classification code — 42621, shall be gradually closed. Alongside with the beginning of the implementation of new program as a study program of full-time studies, there will be no new students admitted to the previously implemented programs. Every year we will admit 70 - 75 students for the budget financed study places (this number shall be specified for each year separately). 5 full-time students shall be admitted for a partial tuition fee, as well as 20 part-time students shall be admitted for a partial tuition fee. The formula for the calculation budget financing: F = n (knoz. k fb + Sn) = 207 (1.8 1.0 937.09 + 115.50) = 207 (1686.76 + 115.50) = 207 1802.26 = LVL 373 067.82 n = 207 knoz. = the coefficient of costs for the study program = 1.8 k = degree coefficient = 1.0 fb = base costs of a study place = LVL 937.09 Sn = social security costs of a study place = LVL 115.50 The costs of a study place according to the present model = LVL 1802.26 The estimated sum is necessary from the state budget in the 4th year after the commencement of studies in the program. In the first year, when starting the studies in the program, the additional means, in comparison to the means allocated to the Faculty of Agriculture for the study programs, are not necessary, because the students shall not be anymore admitted to the previously implemented programs. The possible tuition fee, when studying for the partial tuition fee, could be the same as determined by the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture for the present students of the Faculty of Agriculture: • For the full-time students: LVL 1200.00/year. • For the part-time students: LVL 800.00/year. Estimation of positions for ensuring the study program: The calculations had been performed for the full program; the additional positions, in comparison to the programs implemented until now, shall not be necessary. FULL-TIME STUDIES THEORETICAL COURSE: 115 CP; in total: 207 budget students + 20 students for a partial tuition fee 1st year: 37 CP (57 + 5) 1.2 = 2752.8 SCP 2nd year: 36 CP (50 + 5) 1.2 = 2376 SCP 3rd year: 30 CP (50 + 5) 1.2 = 1980 SCP 4th year: 12 CP (50 + 5) 1.2 = 792 SCP Theoretical course in TOTAL: 7901 SCP INDIVIDUAL WORK: in total 1671 SCP with the term papers — 7 CP 2nd year: 1 CP (50 + 5) = 55 SCP 3rd year: 4 CP (50 + 5) = 220 SCP 4th year: 2 CP (50 + 5) = 110 SCP Term papers in TOTAL: 385 SCP 36 with the Bachelor’s Thesis: 12 CP (50 + 5) = 660 SCP Regarding the supervision of practical trainings – practical trainings in the amount of 26 CP; out of them — practical trainings for study purposes in the amount of 10 CP, professional practical training in the amount of 16 CP 1st year practical training for study purposes: 3 CP (57 + 5) = 186 SCP 2nd year practical training for study purposes: 3 CP (50 + 5) = 165 SCP 3rd year practical training for study purposes 4 CP (50 + 5) = 220 SCP 4th year professional practical training: 16 CP: 1 CP (50 + 5) = 55 SCP Practical trainings in TOTAL: 626 SCP In total, the amount of work to be included in the academic staff’s load, when working with the full-time students, in SCP: 9572 SCP PART-TIME STUDIES THEORETICAL COURSE: 1/3 of the full-time studies 1st year: (29 CP 20 1.2) / 3 = 232 SCP 2nd year: (28 CP 20 1.2) / 3 = 224 SCP 3rd year: (30 CP 20 1.2) / 3 = 240 SCP 4th year: (22 CP 20 1.2) / 3 = 176 SCP 5th year: (6 CP 20 1.2) / 3 = 48 SCP Theoretical course in TOTAL for the part-time studies: 920 SCP INDIVIDUAL WORK for the part-time studies in total 600 SCP with the term papers – 7 CP 2nd year: 1 CP 20 = 20 SCP 3rd year: 2 CP 20 = 40 SCP 4th year: 4 CP 20 = 80 SCP Term papers in TOTAL: 140 SCP the supervision of practical trainings: 26 CP 1st year practical training for study purposes: 3 CP 20 = 60 SCP 2nd year practical training for study purposes: 3 CP 20 = 60 SCP 4th year practical training for study purposes: 4 CP 20 = 80 SCP 5th year professional practical training: 16 CP: 1 CP 20 = 20 SCP Practical trainings in TOTAL: 220 SCP with the Bachelor’s Thesis: 12 CP 20 = 240 SCP In total, the amount of work to be included in the academic staff’s load, when working with the part-time students, in SCP: 1520 SCP IN TOTAL FOR THE FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME STUDIES: 9572 SCP + 1520 SCP = 11092 SCP When calculating the normative load 720 SCP, the number of the academic staff’s positions in the program is: 15.4 The number of the support staff’s positions: 1 support staff’s position per 1.5 academic staff’s positions: 10.3 37 Financing sources: State budget: ~ LVL 373,068 Partial tuition fee: LVL 104,000.00 (20 students TOTAL: LVL 477068.00 1200) + (100 students 800) The division of the costs of study program: State budget financing: Wages for the academic staff and support staff (83% out of 373,068.00 = LVL 309,646) Expenditure for ensuring study process: (17% out of F = LVL 63,422) Income from the partial tuition fee: Wages for the academic staff and support staff (50% out of 104,000.00 = LVL 52,000) Expenditure for ensuring study process: (50% out of F = LVL 52,000) The succeeding students have an opportunity to take part in the competition for the following scholarships: At the Department of Studies: • KārĜa UlmaĦa stipendijai (Karlis Ulmanis scholarship) – an applicant may be only an undergraduate or a master student who has taken the state financed study place and has developed and defended a research paper about K. Ulmanis. • LLU Senāta stipendijai (The scholarship of the Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture) - an applicant may be only an undergraduate or a master student who has taken the state financed study place and has achieved excellent success in studies, and is socially active for the benefit of the Latvia University of Agriculture. • Elzas un Arvīda Lazdupa vārdā nosauktajai stipendijai (The scholarship, named after Elza and Arvids Lazdups) – an applicant may be an undergraduate or a master student who has either taken the state financed study place or is paying for his/her studies and who lives in Dzelzava Rural Municipality of Madona District. nd rd th • Open Mind stipendijai (Open Mind scholarship) – an applicant may be the 2 , 3 , 4 year undergraduate student and the 1st, 2nd year master student of full-time studies, if he/she is developing a term paper/a project/a Bachelor’s Thesis or other type of paper on a theme announced. At the Development Fund of the Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU Attīstības fondā): • "Labā prakse" stipendijai (“Positive Practice” scholarship) – an applicant may be an undergraduate or a master student of full-time studies who has achieved success in studies and would like, in conformity with the regulations of the scholarship, in summer, July, complete practical training in an enterprise in Latvia, corresponding to his/her specialty. • Artūra un Ērikas Gerhardu stipendijai (Arturs and Erika Gerhards scholarship) – an applicant may be AN ENTRANT of undergraduate studies, who has registered for the fulltime studies in the undergraduate programs at the Latvia University of Agriculture. • JāĦa Čakstes stipendijai (Janis Cakste scholarship) - an applicant may be an undergraduate or a master student who has either taken the state financed study place or is paying for his/her studies and has developed and defended a research paper about J. Cakste. • JāĦa Rūvalda stipendijai (Janis Ruvalds scholarship) - an applicant may be an undergraduate student of full-time studies who in the previous study-year has passed the exams with an excellent or outstanding grade in the following study courses: Physics, Mathematics or Chemistry. • Edgara Kleinberga stipendijai (Edgars Kleinbergs scholarship) - an applicant may be an undergraduate, a master, a doctoral student, studying in the study programs “Veterinary 38 Medicine” or “Agriculture”, who has either taken the state financed study place or is paying for his/her studies and who perfects his/her knowledge abroad. • JāĦa un Millijas Kāvušu stipendijai (Janis and Millija Kavuss scholarship) - an applicant may be an undergraduate, a master, and a doctoral student who undertakes and proves by means of documents his/her willingness to perform certain research tasks, to study, complete practical training or present the research results at the conferences at the higher education institutions and scientific organizations of the European Union Member States, as an exception – in other countries. • BALTIC BREEDERS stipendijai (BALTIC BREEDERS scholarship) – an applicant may be an undergraduate student of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, who would like to complete the practical training at Baltic Breeders, LTD., or is performing research for the development of a term paper/a graduation paper on the problems of agronomy, animal husbandry or veterinary medicine topical for the enterprise. At the Faculty: JāĦa Berga stipendija (Janis Bergs scholarship) and Paula LejiĦa stipendija (Pauls Lejins scholarship). The regulations are available at: In addition, there had been means received from the Latvian Council of Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education and Science and European funds (ERDF and ESF) for performing research and for the improvement of study and research infrastructure. Participation in projects ensures continuous obtaining of new knowledge that ensures both the modernization of the study process and the improvement of the material and technical basis. During the previous periods most of the equipment envisaged for research that is also significant for the study process, had been purchased from the means of different projects. 9.2. Study-Rooms, Laboratories, Their Equipment and Material and Technical Basis There are 9 Faculties of the Latvia University of Agriculture involved in the implementation of the study program. The acquisition of the study courses of different levels takes place at the Faculty of Food Technology (Chemistry, Processing of Animal Husbandry Products), Faculty of Information Technologies (Agrophysics, Biometrics), Faculty of Social Sciences (Foreign Language, Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics, Organizational Psychology and Management Studies, etc.), Faculty of Economics (Theory of Economics, Accounting, etc.), Forest Faculty (Botany), Faculty of Engineering (Agricultural Mechanization), Faculty of Rural Engineering (Ecology and Environmental Protection), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Zoology, Physiology of Animals, etc.) using the material and technical basis of these Faculties. In order to obtain the qualification, the students acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills in such study courses as, for example: Agricultural Resources, Physiology of Plants, Microbiology, Genetics, Soil Science, Horticulture, Apiculture, Field-Crop Cultivation, Rearing and Feeding of Animals, at the laboratories and training bases of the Faculty of Agriculture under the supervision of professional academic staff. The study-rooms are equipped with the multimedia equipment; there is also the INTERNET in the study-rooms. It is possible to use wireless Internet at the premises of palace. Each member of the teaching staff is provided with an individual stationary or portable computer and the basic software for the development of visual aids for study process. The Faculty of Agriculture has at its disposal 14 portable projectors, 11 graphoprojectors and 2 units of video equipment that ensures an opportunity to show educational films. There had been 9 laboratories arranged and equipped at the Faculty of Agriculture. Table 11 Description of Material and Technical Basis 39 # 1. Structural unit The Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences Subordinatio n of a structural unit Faculty of Agriculture Name of unit Premises: studyrooms Equipment for demonstration purposes, computers Laboratories: Agrophysics laboratory, Agrochemistry laboratory, Plant biochemistry laboratory, Microbiology laboratory, Plant physiology laboratory A complex of greenhouses and experimental fields at Strazdu Street Training Base “Daviddzirnavas” Description The study-rooms of general significance, the planning of the use of such studyrooms is centralized at the Latvia University of Agriculture: study-rooms No.123, 126, 130, 134, 127, and at Strazdu Street. The study-rooms are equipped with the multimedia equipment; there is also the INTERNET in the study-rooms. Each member of the teaching staff is provided with an individual stationary or portable computer and the basic software for the development of visual aids for study process. In the study-room 123 there is stationary multimedia equipment available; in addition, there are 6 portable projectors, 5 graphoprojectors and 2 units of video equipment. Agrophysics laboratory – equipped with the equipment necessary for the determination of the physical features of soil, it is also used for the study course Radiobiology. Agrochemistry laboratory – for the studies of chemical qualities of soil, the analysis of plants and fertilizers. Plant biochemistry laboratory – equipment for the determination of the biochemical parameters of plants. Microbiology laboratory – equipped with the microscopes and equipment for the studies of microorganisms. Plant physiology laboratory – equipped with the equipment necessary for the determination of growing, development and physiological parameters of plants. The greenhouses are equipped with the measuring instruments and equipment for ensuring measuring and registration of microclimate indicators for the purposes of studies and students’ research activities. Experimental fields – for the students’ research activities, growing of study materials, as well as for the collection of garden-stuff genetic resources. A place, where it is possible to organize practical training in geology and soil science. It has premises (a large tent) for studies, as well as accommodations in order 30 students and 2 university lectures could stay there during the period of 40 practical training. 2. The Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology Faculty of Agriculture Premises: study-rooms Equipment for demonstration purposes, computers 3. Training and Research Farm “Peterlauki” 4. HorseBreeding Training Farm “Muski” 5. Agronomic analysis scientific laboratory 6. Latvia University of Agriculture TRF “Vecauce” 7. Production enterprises in Latvia Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Laboratories: Grain and seed laboratory for studies and research, Molecular genetics research laboratory; Apiology laboratory. A place for research activities to develop Bachelor’s Thesis and for completing practical training both under the supervision of a university lecturer. A place, where the students acquire skills necessary for horsebreeding and equestrian sport, perform research for the development of their Bachelor’s Theses. The study-rooms of general significance, the planning of the use of such study-rooms is centralized at the Latvia University of Agriculture: study-rooms No.109, 115, 224, and 233. The study-rooms are equipped with the multimedia equipment; there is also the INTERNET in the study-rooms. Each member of the teaching staff is provided with an individual stationary or portable computer and the basic software for the development of visual aids for study process. In the study-rooms 109 and 224 there is stationary multimedia equipment available; in addition, there are 5 portable projectors, and 6 graphoprojectors. Equipped with modern equipment, necessary for performing research and study activities of the respective nature; the technical provision of laboratories is being improved on a regular basis. The farm is well-provided with the machinery; it functions on a high production level on the best of types of Latvian soil; it is both base for studies and scientific research activities. HBTF “Muski” has a modern hall for practice that ensures an opportunity to organize practical sessions and practice in the evening, as well as in winter. There are not only the sport horses, but also Latvian horses used for transportation purposes kept at the centre – these horses are included into the program for the preservation of genetic resources. A modern, internationally accredited laboratory, where it is possible to perform the diverse analysis of plant, soil, animal husbandry products according to the internationally recognized methods. Latvia University of Agriculture A place for research activities to develop Bachelor’s Thesis. Latvia University of Agriculture A place for research activities to develop Bachelor’s Thesis and for completing practical training both under the supervision of a university lecturer (Practical Farming, Fundamentals of Agriculture) and professional practical training. 1800 ha of land at its disposal, about 1000 cattle, a modern dairy farm, where there is a milking unit, biogas production unit, experimental fields of both conventional and biological farming system; there is a good hostel there. A place for practical training. The information is available in the home page of the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre — a list of recognized farms for 41 8. Fundamental Library Latvia University of Agriculture Loan for study purposes, a readingroom, interlibrary loan, scientific library, online data bases. practical training purposes: The students have access to different information obtaining opportunities; one of the most modern reading-rooms in Latvia; the Internet, equipment for xerocoping and printing. 42 10. External Relations 10.1. Collaboration with Employers The academic staff’s scientific and practical activities are closely related to other scientific institutions in Latvia, as well as abroad. The cooperation projects with following institutions are being implemented: State Plant Protection Service, the Latvian Fund for Nature, State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute, State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute, Pure Horticultural Research Center, the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing, Latvian Center of Plant Protection Research, Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia, Agriculture Science Center of Latgale, Faculty of Biology at the University of Latvia, the Latvia University of Agriculture Agency “Sigra”. The students are developing their scientific research papers at the above mentioned scientific institutions. The students of the Faculty of Agriculture actively participate in the activities of the New Farmers’ Club and use the courses and opportunities of practical training abroad offered by the Club. The information on the activities of New Farmers’ Club is available at the home page: 10.2. Collaboration with the Latvian and Foreign Higher Education Institutions implementing Similar Higher Education Programs The implementation of the program has been started only in the study-year 2011/2012. Therefore there has been no possibility to attract foreign students and academic staff. There has been close collaboration established between the Faculty of Agriculture and the following agricultural higher education institutions of the Baltic States: Estonian University of Life Sciences, Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU) in Lithuania, Šiauliai University, as well as with the higher education institutions of other countries. The information on the studies and scholarships at the foreign higher education institutions is available at the portal of the Latvia University of Agriculture: The exchange of students takes place. There are study courses offered that are very similar to the ones offered by the Faculty of Agriculture according to their content; thus our students can acquire such a course or a block of courses within the exchange program at another higher education institution, and these courses could be equated to our courses and vice versa, for example, Agrochemistry, Microbiology, Agricultural Mechanization, Field-Crop Cultivation, Soil Science, Research Methodology, Rearing of Animals, Genetics of Animals, Feeding of Animals, Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, Accounting and Finances, the courses related to the law and economy, etc. Taking into consideration that the studies of agriculture do not take place at other HEIs, there is no offer to acquire study courses or modules at other higher education institutions in Latvia. Taking into account the specialization the students have chosen, starting from the 3rd year they acquire the volume of study courses (the module) that ensures knowledge, skills and competences for obtaining the following qualification: an agronomist with the specialization in field-crop cultivation or horticulture, or a specialist of zootechnics in breeding, or a manager of an agricultural company. The students, studying at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture, have an opportunity to acquire the study courses at foreign higher education institutions that later, in conformity with the Academic Recognition Regulations of the Latvia University of Agriculture, are equated to the corresponding content study courses of the approved study program. There have been agreements on cooperation concluded with the foreign agricultural higher education institutions, and the students are offered an opportunity to acquire separate modules, courses and to undergo practical training. 43 The academic staff’s mobility may be considered according to the foreign language skills. The information, used for the aggregation regarding the foreign language skills, concerns 74 members of academic staff involved in the implementation of the study program (See Table 12). Table 12 Academic Staff’s Foreign Language Skills Foreign language Russian English German Polish French Swedish Total Level of language skills Excellent Good Average 27 43 3 7 28 27 2 12 10 1 1 1 36 84 42 Total 73 62 24 1 1 1 162 According to the aggregated information, 27 members of academic staff have excellent speaking skills in Russian, 7 - in English, but 2 – in German. Some members of academic staff have good speaking skills in 2 foreign languages – Russian and English or Russian and German. In total 35 members of academic staff could deliver lectures in English, but in German – 14 members of academic staff. The attracting of new members of academic staff in order to implement the study program would increase the level of mobility in future. In order to implement the new Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program, especially regarding the acquisition of professional study courses, it is planned to involve the guest professors from foreign countries. The experience of the Faculty of Agriculture proves that the guest-lecturers and students, within the framework of ERASMUS program, gladly deliver or acquire separate study courses. 11. Documents Confirming that in the Case of the Liquidation of Higher Education Program the Applicant would Ensure the Students of the Respective Higher Education Program an Opportunity to Continue Their Studies in Another Higher Education Program or at Another Higher Education Institution There has been a written agreement concluded with the University of Latvia on the opportunities of studies in the study program “Biology” for the students who wanted to obtain the agronomist’s qualification after the graduation. There has been a written confirmation received that the students whose planned professional qualification is a specialist of zootechnics in breeding will have an opportunity to study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Latvia University of Agriculture, but the students whose planned professional qualification is a manager of an agricultural company will have an opportunity to study at the Faculty of Economics of the Latvia University of Agriculture. AGREEMENT between the University of Latvia and the Latvia University of Agriculture Riga On December 09, 2010 The University of Latvia (hereafter — LU), represented by Marcis Auzins (Mārcis AuziĦš), who acts in conformity with the LU Constitution, as one contracting party, and the Latvia 44 University of Agriculture (LLU), represented by its Rector Juris Skujans (Skujāns), who acts in conformity with the LLU Constitution, as another contracting party, hereafter together called contracting parties, conclude the agreement on the following: 1. If the implementation of the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study program „Agriculture” (Educational classification code — 42621) (Professional qualification AN AGRONOMIST with the specialization in field-crop cultivation or horticulture, or A SPECIALIST OF ZOOTECHNICS in breeding) of the Latvia University of Agriculture is discontinued, the Faculty of Biology of LU will ensure the students of the above mentioned study program to continue their studies in the state accredited Bachelor’s Study Program “Biology” in conformity with the following conditions: 1.1. LLU informs the students of the above mentioned study program on the provisions of this agreement. 1.2. LU does not overtake the liabilities of LLU in relation to the students of the respective study programs. 1.3. The students of LLU, who have concluded agreements with a credit institution on the credit for studies, will be ensured this credit after the coordination with the Fund of Studies and the credit institution ensuring the credits for studies. 1.4. The matriculation of the students of LLU at the LU, as well as the equation of the volume of studies in the study programs take place in conformity with the LU admission regulations and matriculation procedure, as well as other documents regulating the study process. 2. The agreement comes into effect upon its signing. 3. The agreement is signed for an indefinite period of time. 4. The agreement shall be discontinued or amended upon the initiative of LLU or LU. 5. The agreement is signed by: University of Latvia 19 Raina Blvd. Riga LV - 1586 Latvia University of Agriculture 2 Liela Street Jelgava LV – 3001 signature M. Auzins (M. AuziĦš), Rector On December 09, 2010 (Imprint of the Official Seal: The University of Latvia, the Republic of Latvia) signature J. Skujans (J. Skujāns), Rector On December 09, 2010 (Imprint of the Official Seal: The Latvia University of Agriculture) CERTIFICATION The Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU) certifies that, if the implementation of Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” (Educational classification code — 42621) (Professional qualification: A MANAGER of an (agricultural) company), implemented at the LLU Faculty of Agriculture, is discontinued, LLU Faculty of Economics shall ensure the students of the above mentioned study program with an opportunity to continue their studies in the state accredited Bachelor s Study Program “Entrepreneurship and Business Management” (Educational classification code — 42345). Vice-Rector of Studies signature Arnis Mugurevics (Arnis Mugurēvičs) 45 Concerted: Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture signature Zinta Gaile Dean of the Faculty of Economics signature Irina Pilvere 46 12. The Development Plan for the Higher Education Program The Latvia University of Agriculture is the only higher education institution in Latvia, where the agricultural specialists for production and science are being educated. The graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture work at every company the activities of which are related to agriculture. The study program is in conformity with the aim of dealing with problems related to personality, democratic society and development of science, as well as meeting labor market demands. There had been the development strategy elaborated for the period 2007 - 2013: It provided for combining of the Academic Bachelor’s Study Program and the Second Level Professional Higher education Study Program, implemented at the Faculty of Agriculture, and to develop the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program providing that the implementation of the program would ensure the rational use of human resources and the material and technical basis of the Faculty. When the Academic Bachelor’s Study Program and the Second Level Professional Higher Education Program would be closed, the Faculty of Agriculture will continue to offer one study program that would enable to obtain the professional qualification in 4 the above mentioned specializations, thus ensuring a wide range of choice opportunities for the prospective students. The implementation of the study program of the full-time and part-time studies would enable, if necessary, the students to transfer from one form of studies to another, thus decreasing the students’ dropout. Separate study courses could be acquired at the Centre for Lifelong Education at the Latvia University of Agriculture in the status of a listener. There is more emphasis laid on the proportion of practical training in the newly developed Professional Bachelor’s Study Program, thus the graduates would be more ready to meet the needs of labor market. The academic staff, involved in the implementation of the Bachelor’s Study Program, will continue to implement also the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program; therefore the started regular improvement of professional skills is not discontinued. A good opportunity for the improvement of academic staff’s skills is working in the field of lifelong learning, where the academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture offers the following courses: Care for and Artificial Insemination of Agricultural Animals, Apiculture, Production of Crop and Animal Produce on a Biological Farm, Preparation of Horses and Riders, Fundamentals of Horse-Breeding, Growing of Plants and Business, Spices and Vegetables in a Modern Garden. The leading members of academic staff take part in the establishment of the State National Research Centre, where there are determined and evaluated the topical scientific directions. SWOT Analysis Strengths The Faculty of Agriculture at the Latvia University of Agriculture is the only one offering and implementing the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture”. The academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture, out of which more than 90% are the permanent staff of the Latvia University of Agriculture, is qualified and competent to implement the offered study program. The studies at the Faculty of Agriculture are closely related to scientific research. The academic staff and scientists of the Faculty of Agriculture are actively involved in the commissions of the Ministry of Agriculture for the development of different regulations of the 47 Cabinet of Ministers and laws and regulations, as well as they actively collaborate with different social organizations, thus improving their professional qualification. Weaknesses Insufficient involvement of new academic staff in pedagogical activities. Only insignificant part of the university lecturers, employed at the Faculty, prepare and offer study courses in foreign languages. Insufficient collaboration with similar study programs abroad. Insufficient base financing for maintaining and renewal of infrastructure. Opportunities The Faculty of Agriculture is involved in the development of many projects related to agricultural production and research that helps to elaborate modern content of study courses and thus also to improve the study process. Training and Research Farm “Peterlauki”, Horse-Breeding Training Farm “Muski” and Training Base “Vaives Dzirnavas” that are a part of the structure of the Faculty of Agriculture, as well as the Latvia University of Agriculture Training and Research Farm “Vecauce” enable to ensure the organization of qualitative practical training. The opportunity to participate in ERASMUS program enables to acquire the foreign experience. To attract more youth from both Latvia and other countries to studies by modernizing the material and technical base and offering new study programs. To develop the career-guidance activities at secondary schools by involving the New Farmers’ Club and employers who are short of qualified specialists in the agricultural industry. Threats Demographic crisis and uneven regional development in the state exposes to danger the implementation of the study program. Uncertain national policy regarding the allocation of state funding for the implementation of study programs. Increase of competitiveness among higher education institutions. 48 APPENDIX 49 Appendix 1 The Comparison of the Professional Higher Education Bachelor’s Study Program “Agriculture” with the Higher Education Programs of the Same Level implemented in Other Countries For the purpose of comparative analysis we have chosen the study programs implemented by the universities of the nearest neighboring countries – Estonian University of Life Sciences (in Tartu) and, Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU) in Lithuania (in Kaunas). It is impossible to perform the complete comparison of programs, because the differences exist already in the basis of the educational systems: in both above mentioned countries these are the academic educational programs the graduates of which are awarded a Bachelor's degree of Agricultural Sciences (B. sc.) irrespective of the specialization. Besides, the studies in Estonia are organized in conformity with the system 3+2 years or 120 + 80 CP, where the duration of undergraduate studies is 3 years, but the duration of master studies – 2 years. In Lithuania the duration of studies 4 years and the volume – 160 CP, but the academic programs at any of the universities chosen for the comparison do not envisage practical training of large amount; the volume of practical training in the study plans is 4-6 CP. We found out that in these countries there are no educational programs in agriculture implemented with the aim to award both a Bachelor's degree and a professional qualification. The general position of the Latvia University of Agriculture is not to decrease the volume of studies less than 160 CP in the undergraduate studies in order the graduates of the faculties could be able to compete in the labor market without the acquisition of a Master's study program. The implementation of the Professional Bachelor's Study Program increases the graduates' competitiveness in the labor market, because theoretical knowledge has been consolidated in practice. The Cabinet Regulation No.481 “Regulations on the State Standards for the State Second Level Professional Higher Education” also provides that the volume of studies is at least 160 CP; in its turn, Part 2 of Section 57 of the Law on Institutions of Higher Education provides: “Professional higher education Bachelor's degree shall be awarded, if the duration of a program of full-time studies is at least 4 years”. The similarities • The study process is organized in a form of lectures, seminars, practical sessions and laboratory works. • There are planned oral and written tests, as well as final or accumulative exams. • At both chosen universities, like in our newly developed program, the graduates are awarded a Bachelor's degree of Agricultural Sciences and during the last study-years specialization in one of the treands of agricultural branch: 50 • • • • In Estonia it is possible to specialize in Animal Production, and Production of Field Crops and Garden-Stuff. • At the Lithuanian University of Agriculture it is possible to specialize in three trends: Horticulture and Cultivation of Greenery; Agronomy; Agricultural Technologies and Management. The exchange of students takes place. There are study courses offered that are very similar to the ones offered by the Faculty of Agriculture according to their content; thus our students can acquire such a course or a block of courses within the exchange program at another higher education institution, and these courses could be equated to our courses and vice versa, for example, Agrochemistry, Microbiology, Agricultural Mechanization, Field-Crop Cultivation, Soil Science, Research Methodology, Rearing of Animals, Genetics of Animals, Feeding of Animals, Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, Accounting and Finances, the courses related to the law and economy, etc. “Regulations on the State Standards for the State Second Level Professional Higher Education” provide for the general education courses in the amount of at least 20 CP, as well as the Standards of the Profession provides for the specialist's ability to communicate in foreign languages; therefore our program comprises also the courses of foreign languages. In Estonia and Lithuania the academic study programs also comprise similar study courses, for example, English or German for Professional Purposes, Ecology and Environmental Protection, Labour Safety and Civil Defence; Philosophy, Agrophysics, etc. Alongside with their pedagogical activities, the members of the academic staff perform also scientific research that is the basis for the offered theoretical courses in the field and the professional specialization courses. The differences Both in Lithuania and Estonia these are academic educational programs; the program developed at the Faculty of Agriculture differs from the program implemented in Estonia according to the duration of studies and the total amount of CP. • There a significant difference regarding the volume of practical training that is an integral part of professional education, but in academic education there is no need for such a relatively significant volume of practical training: our program envisages for the practical training in the amount of 26 CP, in the programs implemented in Estonia and Lithuania – in the amount of 4-6 CP. • There is a difference regarding the volume of the Bachelor's Thesis; in our program, according to the Standards, its amount is 12 CP, but in Estonia – 5 CP and in Lithuania – 4 CP, besides, there is an opportunity to take, instead of the Bachelor's Thesis, an exam – in this case the exam has the same volume as the Bachelor's Thesis. The Regulations No.481, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers provide foe the Bachelor's Thesis in the amount of at least 12 CP, as well as we find that the research of such a volume performed within the development of Bachelor's Thesis help to the students to consolidate their theoretical knowledge, as well as to specialize even in a narrower field of agriculture. • Conclusion: The Professional Higher Education Bachelor's Study Program “Agriculture”, developed at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Latvia University of Agriculture is in conformity with the generally accepted principles for the development of higher education study programs. 51 Appendix 2 Confirmed in the Board of the Faculty of Agriculture 28th of October, 2011. Chair of the Board.............................Z.Gaile Secretary of the Board.........................E.AplociĦa Study plan for study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Agronomist with specialization in Field Crops Amount CP No. Code Study course Test theory course paper 1st year 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2nd year 3rd sem. 4th sem. 3rd year 5th sem. 6th sem. 4th year 7th sem. 8th sem. CP 1. General study courses 1 Filz1018 2 3 4 5 Psih1011 ValoP031 ValoP032 ValoP034 ValoP035 VidZ3006 6 7 8 Citi4016 LauZ3004 Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management Professional English in Agriculture I Professional English in Agriculture II Professional German in Agriculture I Professional German in Agriculture II Ecology and Environmental Protection Labour and Civil Protection Agricultural Entrepreneurship Patent Science and Standards E 3 3 E T E T E E E E Tm 3 2* 2* 2* 2* 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 Total amount of CP in part 1 20 20 4 8 4 4 2. Field theoretical basic courses and courses in information technologies 9 10 Biol1015 Fozi2036 11 Ėīmi1012 12 13 14 15 16 Biol1010 LauZ4146 Biol1001 LauZ2109 Biometry Agrophysics Chemistry Zoology Physiology of Domestic Animals Plant physiology I Botany Agronomy Experiment Design E E 3 4 3 4 E 4 4 Tm Tm Tm E E 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 52 17 18 19 20 21 22 LauZ4010 Ekon2126 Biol3008 LauZ2046 LauZ3005 Ekon2130 Agronomy Experiment Design Accounting and investment Microbiology Agricultural Resources Agricultural Legislation Theory of Economics c.p. Tm E Tm E 1 3 2 4 2 2 1 3 2 4 2 2 Total amount of CP in part 2 36 35 1 15 3. Field professional specialization courses 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 LauZ4031 LauZ3087 Biol4002 LauZ4020 Biol3006 LauZ2042 LauZ3138 LauZ3053 LauZ3137 LauZ3010 LauZ4228 LauZ4030 LauZ3028 LauZ3031 LauZ4003 LauZ4229 LauZ4230 LauZ4231 LauZ4006 LauZ4097 Mechanisation of Agriculture Horticulture Apiculture Plant Biotechnology Marketing Plant Physiology II Soil Science Soil Science and Agrochemistry Field Cultivation Field Cultivation Agrochemistry Crop Protection Crop Protection Entomology Phytopathology Grassland Management Crop Production I Crop Production II Crop Production and Grassland management Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding Animal Nutrition Land Use Planning Total amount of CP in part 3 4. Elective courses 5. Practice 45 46 LauZ1002 LauZP051 Farm Management Basics of Agriculture E Tm Tm E Tm E E C.p. E C.p. E E C.p. Tm Tm E Tm E 10 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 5 5 3 5 5 c.p. E Tm Tm 4 2 2 2 2 60 53 6 6 26 26 1 T T 1 2 1 4 2 2 7 2 9 5 17 2 2 2 3 15 4 14 16 2 53 47 48 49 Agronomy Field Cultivation I Field Cultivation II LauZP050 LauZP055 LauZP056 6. Bachelor Thesis T T Tm 3 4 16 12 12 1 1 50 Bachelor Thesis I T 1 51 Bachelor Thesis II T 1 52 Bachelor Thesis III T 4 53 Bachelor Thesis IV E 6 In total 54 55 56 57 SpoZP001 SpoZP002 SpoZP003 SpoZP004 Sport I Sport II Sport III Sport IV 160 152 T 0.75 T 0.75 T 0.75 T 0.75 163 3 3 4 16 1 4 6 1 4 6 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 * students can choose one of professional languages E - Exam Tm - Test, evaluated with mark T - Test withouth mark CP * 1,5 = ECTS 54 Study plan for study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Agronomist with specialization in Horticulture Amount CP No. Code Study course Test theory course paper 1st year 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2nd year 3rd sem. 4th sem. 3rd year 5th sem. 6th sem. 4th year 7th sem. 8th sem. CP 1. General study courses 1 Filz1018 2 3 4 5 Psih1011 ValoP031 ValoP032 ValoP034 ValoP035 VidZ3006 6 7 8 Citi4016 LauZ3004 Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management Professional English in Agriculture I Professional English in Agriculture II Professional German in Agriculture I Professional German in Agriculture II Ecology and Environmental Protection Labour and Civil Protection Agricultural Entrepreneurship Patent Science and Standards E 3 3 E T E T E E E E Tm 3 2* 2* 2* 2* 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 Total amount of CP in part 1 20 20 4 8 4 4 2. Field theoretical basic courses and courses in information technologies 9 10 Biol1015 Fozi2036 11 Ėīmi1012 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Biol1010 LauZ4146 Biol1001 LauZ2109 LauZ4010 Ekon2126 Biol3008 Biometry Agrophysics Chemistry Zoology Physiology of Domestic Animals Plant physiology I Botany Agronomy Experiment Design Agronomy Experiment Design Accounting and investment Microbiology E E 3 4 3 E 4 4 Tm Tm Tm E E c.p. E Tm 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 3 2 55 20 21 22 LauZ2046 LauZ3005 Ekon2130 Agricultural Resources Agricultural Legislation Theory of Economics E Tm E 4 2 2 4 2 2 Total amount of CP in part 2 36 35 1 15 3. Field professional specialization courses 23 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 42 45 47 49 51 52 53 LauZ4031 Biol4002 LauZ4020 Biol3006 LauZ2042 LauZ3138 LauZ3053 LauZ3010 LauZ4228 LauZ4030 LauZ3028 LauZ3031 LauZ4004 LauZ4027 LauZ4024 LauZ4021 LauZ4028 LauZ4159 LauZ3022 LauZ3023 LauZ3014 Mechanisation of Agriculture Plant Biotechnology Marketing Plant Physiology II Soil Science Soil Science and Agrochemistry Field Cultivation Agrochemistry Crop Protection Crop Protection Entomology Phytopathology Apiculture Crop Production Decorative Gardening Orcharding Vegetable Production Floriculture Greenery Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding Alternative Horticulture Horticulture Total amount of CP in part 3 4. Elective courses 5. Practice 54 55 56 57 LauZ1002 LauZP051 LauZP050 Farm Management Basics of Agriculture Agronomy Horticulture I E 3 E T E E c.p. E E E c.p. T T T T E E E E E E c.p. T c.p. 2 2 2 4 60 6 26 54 6 26 T T T T 1 2 3 4 10 5 6 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 0 9 2 5 2 17 2 15 14 1 2 3 4 56 58 Horticulture II 6. Bachelor Thesis Tm 12 T T T 16 12 1 1 4 59 60 61 Bachelor Thesis I Bachelor Thesis II Bachelor Thesis III 62 Bachelor Thesis IV E 160 6 153 Sport I Sport II Sport III Sport IV T 0.75 T 0.75 T 0.75 T 0.75 163 3 In total 63 64 65 66 SpoZP001 SpoZP002 SpoZP003 SpoZP004 16 1 1 1 4 6 1 4 7 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 6 20 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 57 Study plan for study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Zootechnician in Breeding Amount CP No. Code Study course Test theory course paper 1st year 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2nd year 3rd sem. 4th sem. 3rd year 5th sem. 6th sem. 4th year 7th sem. 8th sem. CP 1. General study courses 1 Filz1018 2 Psih1011 3 ValoP031 4 5 ValoP032 ValoP034 ValoP035 VidZ3006 6 7 8 Citi4016 LauZ3004 Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management Professional English in Agriculture I Professional English in Agriculture II Professional German in Agriculture I Professional German in Agriculture II Ecology and Environmental Protection Labour and Civil Protection Agricultural Entrepreneurship Patent Science and Standards E 3 3 E 3 3 T 2* 2 E T 2* 2* E E E E Tm 2* 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 Total amount of CP in part 1 20 20 4 8 4 4 2. Field theoretical basic courses and courses in information technologies 9 10 Biol1015 Fozi2036 11 Ėīmi1012 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Biol1010 LauZ4146 Biol1001 LauZ2109 LauZ4010 Ekon2126 Biol3008 LauZ2046 LauZ3005 Ekon2130 Biometry Agrophysics Chemistry Zoology Physiology of Domestic Animals Plant physiology I Botany Agronomy Experiment Design Agronomy Experiment Design Accounting and investment Microbiology Agricultural Resources Agricultural Legislation Theory of Economics E E 3 4 3 E 4 4 Tm Tm Tm E E c.p. E Tm E Tm E 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 58 Total amount of CP in part 2 36 35 1 15 3. Field professional specialization courses 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 LauZ4085 LauZ3046 LauZ4093 37 38 39 LauZ4031 40 ParZ3065 LauZ1002 LauZP051 LauZP050 6 E E c.p. E E c.p. E E c.p. E E E E E Mechanisation of Agriculture Obstetrics and Gynaecology Basics of Veterinary E E E 3 3 3 Processing of Agricultural Products E 3 60 6 26 54 6 26 T T T T Tm 1 2 3 4 16 12 12 1 1 Farm Management Basics of Agriculture Agronomy Livestock I Livestock II 6. Bachelor Thesis 3 3 5 Animal Anatomy and Physiology Feed materials Feed materials Forage Production Animal nutrition Animal nutrition Genetics Animal husbandry and breeding Animal husbandry and breeding Dairy Husbandry Pig Breeding Aviculture Horse breeding Mazie atgremotāji Total amount of CP in part 3 4. Elective courses 5. Practice 41 42 43 44 45 10 2 4 2 4 5 4 5 2 2 4 4 3 3 6 T 1 60 Bachelor Thesis II T 1 61 Bachelor Thesis III T 4 Bachelor Thesis IV 3 2 Bachelor Thesis I In total 2 3 4 59 62 3 3 E 6 160 153 4 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 6 0 0 1 2 9 2 5 2 3 17 2 15 4 14 16 1 2 3 4 16 1 4 6 1 4 6 7 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 59 63 64 65 66 SpoZP001 SpoZP002 SpoZP003 SpoZP004 Sport I Sport II Sport III Sport IV T 0.75 T 0.75 T 0.75 T 0.75 163 3 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Study plan for study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Manager of an Agricultural Enterprise Amount CP No. Code Study course Test theory course paper 1st year 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2nd year 3rd sem. 4th sem. 3rd year 5th sem. 6th sem. 4th year 7th sem. 8th sem. CP 1. General study courses 1 2 3 4 5 Filz1018 Psih1011 ValoP031 ValoP032 ValoP034 ValoP035 VidZ3006 6 7 8 Citi4016 LauZ3004 Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management Professional English in Agriculture I Professional English in Agriculture II Professional German in Agriculture I Professional German in Agriculture II Ecology and Environmental Protection Labour and Civil Protection Agricultural Entrepreneurship Patent Science and Standards E 3 3 E T E T E 3 2* 2* 2* 2* 3 2 E E E Tm 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 Total amount of CP in part 1 20 20 4 8 4 4 2. Field theoretical basic courses and courses in information technologies 9 10 Biol1015 Fozi2036 11 Ėīmi1012 12 13 14 15 16 17 Biol1010 LauZ4146 Biol1001 LauZ2109 LauZ4010 Biometry Agrophysics Chemistry Zoology Physiology of Domestic Animals Plant physiology I Botany Agronomy Experiment Design Agronomy Experiment Design E E 3 4 3 4 E 4 4 Tm Tm Tm E E c.p. 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 60 18 19 20 21 22 Ekon2126 Biol3008 LauZ2046 LauZ3005 Ekon2130 Accounting and investment Microbiology Agricultural Resources Agricultural Legislation Theory of Economics E Tm E Tm E 36 3 2 4 2 2 35 E Tm E E Tm E E C.p. E C.p. E E E E E E E E Tm C.p. C.p.* C.p.* C.p.* 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 0 2 3 2 4 2 2 Total amount of CP in part 2 1 15 3. Field professional specialization courses 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 LauZ4031 LauZ2047 Ekon 2087 Ekon1013 LauZ4020 LauZ2012 LauZ2040 LauZ2041 LauZ2044 LauZ2043 LauZ 3017 LauZ 3018 LauZ 4012 LauZ 4013 ParZ3065 LauZ2048 Ekon2127 Mechanisation of Agriculture Agrarian Policy Macroeconomics Microeconomics Marketing Crop Protection Soils and Fertilizers Soils and Fertilizers Field Cultivation Field Cultivation Horticultural production I Horticultural production II Horticultural production III Crop Production I Crop Production II Livestock production II Livestock production I Processing of Agricultural Products Forage Production Accounting and Investment Business horticulture * Business livestock* Business crop cultivation * Total amount of CP in part 3 4. Elective courses 5. Practice 41 42 43 LauZ1002 LauZP051 LauZP050 Farm Management Basics of Agriculture Agronomy 10 5 6 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 5 3 2 3 3 5 4 4 5 3 2 2 2* 2* 2* 60 6 26 54 6 26 T T T 1 2 3 2 2 4 0 9 2 5 2 17 2 15 14 1 2 3 61 48 49 Agricultural Entrepreneurship I Agricultural Entrepreneurship II 6. Bachelor Thesis T Tm 4 16 12 12 1 1 59 Bachelor Thesis I T 1 60 Bachelor Thesis II T 1 61 Bachelor Thesis III T 4 62 Bachelor Thesis IV E 6 160 153 T 0.75 T 0.75 T 0.75 T 0.75 163 3 In total 63 64 65 66 SpoZP001 SpoZP002 SpoZP003 SpoZP004 Sport I Sport II Sport III Sport IV 4 16 1 4 6 1 4 6 7 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 62 Study plan for study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Agronomist with specialization in Field Crops Amount CP No. Code Study course Test theory course paper 1st year 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2nd year 3rd sem. 4th sem. 3rd year 5th sem. 6th sem. 4th year 7th sem. 8th sem. 5th year 9th sem. 10th sem. CP 1. General study courses 1 2 3 4 5 Filz1018 Psih1011 ValoP031 ValoP032 ValoP034 ValoP035 VidZ3006 6 7 8 Citi4016 LauZ3004 Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management Professional English in Agriculture I Professional English in Agriculture II Professional German in Agriculture I Professional German in Agriculture II Ecology and Environmental Protection Labour and Civil Protection Agricultural Entrepreneurship Patent Science and Standards E 3 E T E T E E E E Tm 3 2* 2* 2* 2* 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 Total amount of CP in part 1 20 20 7 2 4 3 2. Field theoretical basic courses and courses in information technologies 9 10 Biol1015 Fozi2036 11 Ėīmi1012 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Biol1010 LauZ4146 Biol1001 LauZ2109 LauZ4010 Ekon2126 Biol3008 LauZ2046 Biometry Agrophysics Chemistry Zoology Physiology of Domestic Animals Plant physiology I Botany Agronomy Experiment Design Agronomy Experiment Design Accounting and investment Microbiology Agricultural Resources E E 3 4 E 4 Tm Tm Tm E E c.p. E Tm E 2 2 2 2 3 0 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 63 21 22 LauZ3005 Agricultural Legislation Theory of Economics Tm E 2 2 2 2 Total amount of CP in part 2 36 35 1 9 3. Field professional specialization courses 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 LauZ4031 LauZ3087 Biol4002 LauZ4020 Biol3006 LauZ2042 LauZ3138 LauZ3053 LauZ3137 LauZ3010 LauZ4228 LauZ4030 LauZ3028 LauZ3031 LauZ4003 LauZ4229 LauZ4230 41 42 LauZ4231 LauZ4006 43 44 LauZ4097 Mechanisation of Agriculture Horticulture Apiculture Plant Biotechnology Marketing Plant Physiology II Soil Science Soil Science and Agrochemistry Field Cultivation Field Cultivation Agrochemistry Crop Protection Crop Protection Entomology Phytopathology Grassland Management Crop Production I Crop Production II Crop Production and Grassland management Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding E Tm Tm E Tm E E C.p. E C.p. E E C.p. Tm Tm E Tm E c.p. E 4 Animal Nutrition Land Use Planning Tm Tm 2 2 60 6 26 53 6 26 I I I I Ia 1 2 3 4 16 12 12 Total amount of CP in part 3 4. Elective courses 5. Practice 45 46 47 48 49 LauZ1002 LauZP051 LauZP050 LauZP055 LauZP056 Farm Management Basics of Agriculture Agronomy Field Cultivation I Field Cultivation II 6. Bachelor Thesis 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 8 10 4 3 2 3 2 2 2.0 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 5 5 2 2 3 5 5 2 2 4 2 2 7 0 3 2 4 2 6 2 14 15 10 2 6 1 2 3 4 16 64 50 Bachelor Thesis I I 1 51 Bachelor Thesis II I 1 52 Bachelor Thesis III I 4 4 53 Bachelor Thesis IV E 6 6 160 152 In total 1 1 8 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 17 16 16 65 Study plan for study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Agronomist with specialization in Horticulture Amount CP No. Code Study course Test theory course paper 1st year 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2nd year 3rd sem. 4th sem. 3rd year 5th sem. 6th sem. 4th year 7th sem. 8th sem. 5th year 9th sem. 10th sem. CP 1. General study courses 1 2 3 4 5 Filz1018 Psih1011 ValoP031 ValoP032 ValoP034 ValoP035 VidZ3006 6 7 8 Citi4016 LauZ3004 Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management Professional English in Agriculture I Professional English in Agriculture II Professional German in Agriculture I Professional German in Agriculture II Ecology and Environmental Protection Labour and Civil Protection Agricultural Entrepreneurship Patent Science and Standards E 3 E T E T E E E E Tm 3 2* 2* 2* 2* 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 Total amount of CP in part 1 20 20 7 2 4 3 2. Field theoretical basic courses and courses in information technologies 9 10 Biol1015 Fozi2036 11 Ėīmi1012 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Biol1010 LauZ4146 Biol1001 LauZ2109 LauZ4010 Ekon2126 Biol3008 LauZ2046 LauZ3005 Biometry Agrophysics Chemistry Zoology Physiology of Domestic Animals Plant physiology I Botany Agronomy Experiment Design Agronomy Experiment Design Accounting and investment Microbiology Agricultural Resources Agricultural Legislation E E 3 4 E 4 Tm Tm Tm E E c.p. E Tm E Tm 2 2 2 2 3 0 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 2 4 3 2 4 2 66 22 Theory of Economics E 2 2 Total amount of CP in part 2 36 35 1 9 3. Field professional specialization courses 23 26 27 25 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 LauZ4031 Biol4002 LauZ4020 Biol3006 LauZ2042 LauZ3138 LauZ3053 LauZ3010 LauZ4228 LauZ4030 LauZ3028 LauZ3031 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 51 52 53 LauZ4004 LauZ4027 LauZ4151 LauZ4152 LauZ4153 LauZ4154 LauZ4028 LauZ4159 LauZ3022 LauZ3023 LauZ3014 Mechanisation of Agriculture Plant Biotechnology Marketing Plant Physiology II Soil Science Soil Science and Agrochemistry Field Cultivation Agrochemistry Crop Protection Crop Protection Entomology Phytopathology Apiculture Crop Production Decorative Gardening Orcharding I Orcharding II Vegetable Production I Vegetable Production II Floriculture Greenery Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding Alternative Horticulture Horticulture Total amount of CP in part 3 4. Elective courses 5. Practice 54 55 56 57 58 LauZ1002 LauZP051 LauZP050 Farm Management Basics of Agriculture Agronomy Horticulture I Horticulture II E E T E E c.p. E E E c.p. T T T T E T E T E E E E c.p. T c.p. 3 2 2 2 2 4 8 10 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 1 4 4 1 3 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 60 6 26 53 6 26 T T T T Tm 1 2 3 4 16 7 2 0 3 2 4 2 6 2 15 15 9 2 6 1 2 3 4 16 67 6. Bachelor Thesis 59 60 61 62 Bachelor Thesis I Bachelor Thesis II Bachelor Thesis III Bachelor Thesis IV In total 12 T T T E 12 160 152 1 1 4 6 1 1 4 6 7 16 16 16 16 15 17 16 16 16 16 68 Study plan for study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Zootechnician in Breeding Amount CP No. Code Study course Test theory course paper 1st year 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2nd year 3rd sem. 4th sem. 3rd year 5th sem. 6th sem. 4th year 7th sem. 8th sem. 5th year 9th sem. 10th sem CP 1. General study courses 1 Filz1018 2 Psih1011 3 ValoP031 4 5 ValoP032 ValoP034 ValoP035 VidZ3006 6 7 8 Citi4016 LauZ3004 Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management Professional English in Agriculture I Professional English in Agriculture II Professional German in Agriculture I Professional German in Agriculture II Ecology and Environmental Protection Labour and Civil Protection Agricultural Entrepreneurship Patent Science and Standards E 3 E 3 T 2* E T 2* 2* E E 2* 2 E E Tm 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 Total amount of CP in part 1 20 20 7 2 4 3 2. Field theoretical basic courses and courses in information technologies 9 10 Biol1015 Fozi2036 11 Ėīmi1012 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Biol1010 LauZ4146 Biol1001 LauZ2109 LauZ4010 Ekon2126 Biol3008 LauZ2046 LauZ3005 Biometry Agrophysics Chemistry Zoology Physiology of Domestic Animals Plant physiology I Botany Agronomy Experiment Design Agronomy Experiment Design Accounting and investment Microbiology Agricultural Resources Agricultural Legislation E E 3 4 E 4 Tm Tm Tm E E c.p. E Tm E Tm 2 2 2 2 3 0 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 2 4 3 2 4 2 69 22 Theory of Economics E 2 2 Total amount of CP in part 2 36 35 1 9 8 3. Field professional specialization courses 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 LauZ4085 LauZ3046 LauZ4093 LauZ4031 ParZ3065 Animal Anatomy and Physiology Feed materials Feed materials Forage Production Animal nutrition Animal nutrition Genetics Animal husbandry and breeding E E c.p. E E c.p. E 3 3 E 5 Animal husbandry and breeding c.p. E E E E E E E E E 4 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 60 6 26 54 6 26 T T T T Tm 1 2 3 4 16 12 12 Dairy Husbandry Pig Breeding Aviculture Horse breeding Mazie atgremotāji Mechanisation of Agriculture Obstetrics and Gynaecology Basics of Veterinary Processing of Agricultural Products Total amount of CP in part 3 4. Elective courses 5. Practice 54 55 56 44 45 LauZ1002 LauZP051 LauZP050 Farm Management Basics of Agriculture Agronomy Livestock I Livestock II 6. Bachelor Thesis 10 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 5 2 2 4 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 4 2 3 6 2 14 15 9 2 4 6 16 1 2 3 4 16 59 Bachelor Thesis I T 1 1 60 Bachelor Thesis II T 1 61 Bachelor Thesis III T 4 4 62 Bachelor Thesis IV E 6 6 1 70 In total 160 153 7 16 16 17 16 15 16 16 16 16 16 71 Study plan for study program Professional Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, qualification Manager of an Agricultural Enterprise Amount CP No. Code Study course Test theory course paper 1st year 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2nd year 3rd sem. 4th sem. 3rd year 5th sem. 6th sem. 4th year 7th sem. 8th sem. 5th year 9th sem. 10th sem CP 1. General study courses 1 Filz1018 2 3 Psih1011 4 5 ValoP031 ValoP032 ValoP034 ValoP035 VidZ3006 6 7 8 Citi4016 LauZ3004 Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management Professional English in Agriculture I E 3 E T 3 2* Professional English in Agriculture II Professional German in Agriculture I Professional German in Agriculture II Ecology and Environmental Protection E T E E 2* 2* 2* 2 Labour and Civil Protection Agricultural Entrepreneurship Patent Science and Standards E E Tm 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 Total amount of CP in part 1 20 20 7 2 4 3 2. Field theoretical basic courses and courses in information technologies 9 10 Biol1015 Fozi2036 11 Ėīmi1012 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Biol1010 LauZ4146 Biol1001 LauZ2109 LauZ4010 Ekon2126 Biol3008 LauZ2046 LauZ3005 Biometry Agrophysics Chemistry Zoology Physiology of Domestic Animals Plant physiology I Botany Agronomy Experiment Design Agronomy Experiment Design Accounting and investment Microbiology Agricultural Resources Agricultural Legislation E E 3 4 E 4 Tm Tm Tm E E c.p. E Tm E Tm 2 2 2 2 3 0 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 2 4 3 2 4 2 72 22 Theory of Economics E 2 2 Total amount of CP in part 2 36 35 1 9 3. Field professional specialization courses 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 LauZ4031 LauZ2047 Ekon 2087 Ekon1013 LauZ4020 LauZ2012 LauZ2040 LauZ2041 LauZ2044 LauZ2043 LauZ 3017 LauZ 3018 LauZ 4012 LauZ 4013 ParZ3065 LauZ2048 Ekon2127 43 Mechanisation of Agriculture Agrarian Policy Macroeconomics Microeconomics Marketing Crop Protection Soils and Fertilizers Soils and Fertilizers Field Cultivation Field Cultivation Horticultural production I Horticultural production II Horticultural production III Crop Production I Crop Production II Livestock production II Livestock production I Processing of Agricultural Products Forage Production Accounting and Investment Business horticulture * Business livestock* Business crop cultivation * Total amount of CP in part 3 4. Elective courses 5. Practice 41 42 43 48 49 LauZ1002 LauZP051 LauZP050 Farm Management Basics of Agriculture Agronomy Agricultural Entrepreneurship I Agricultural Entrepreneurship II 6. Bachelor Thesis E Tm E E Tm E E C.p. E C.p. E E E E E E E E Tm C.p. 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 0 2 8 10 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 5 4 4 5 3 2 3 3 3 5 4 4 5 3 2 2 2 C.p.* C.p.* C.p.* 2 2 2* 2* 2* 60 6 26 54 6 26 T T T T Tm 1 2 3 4 16 12 12 4 0 3 2 4 2 7 2 14 15 9 2 6 1 2 3 4 16 73 59 Bachelor Thesis I T 1 60 Bachelor Thesis II T 1 61 Bachelor Thesis III T 4 4 62 Bachelor Thesis IV E 6 6 160 153 In total 1 1 7 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 74 Appendix 3 Descriptions of Study Courses General study course Course title Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Course code Filz1018 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Number of lectures 24 Course developers Juris Vuguls, Leonards Leikums, Ināra Leikuma Course abstract Students will acquire the history of philosophical thought, development of ethical ideas and conceptions, the ethical and aesthetical values. During the study course students analyze ethical and aesthetical ideas nowadays. There are lectures and discussions at seminars, group work and presentations as the methods are used in study course. Learning outcomes Knowledge: The study course gives enlarged understanding about main development periods of ethics, aesthetics and philosophy; knowledge about main paradigms, philosophical ideas and conceptions. General knowledge about human, personality, his/her value and position in the changing world. Skills: During the study course students will elaborate skills of analyzing ethical and aesthetically ideas nowadays. The material and approaches in this study course help elaborate skills to view problems in wide contexts; learning skills; critical thinking and ability to make independent and sound judgments; skills of listening, dialogue and communication. Competence. Capability to create a world outlook, evaluate the relationship between the individual and society in the context of current affairs and the chosen specialty. Course title Organizational Psychology and Management Course code Psih1011 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Vizma Vanovska, Guntars Deičmans Course abstract Organizational psychology and management examines theoretical and practical aspects of organization work management activities, principles and perfection of potentialities, as well as interpersonal communication in organization. During the course the role of manager in managing processes is analyzed, psychological aspects of group and team building is considered, communication in organization, employee motivation as increaser of work effectiveness. Learning outcomes Knowledge about: organizational theories, organization management principles and functions of management.Understanding influencing factors of organization, effective communication in organization, dealing with conflicts, psychological peculiarities of team building.Skills in understanding internal and external processes of organizations and make decisions according to change of situation.Skills in analyzing management situations by using different cognitions of theoretical schools. Work in team/ group and individually.Effective planning and organizing of work.Competencies- to deal with problems make decisions and foresee development in different situations of organization. Course title Professional English in Agriculture I Course code ValoP031 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 75 Course developers Andris Gaters Course abstract The course is aimed at the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence in professional foreign language to extend the students` professional qualification and improve their communication ability with foreign students and specialists (for better work placement abroad, participation in guest lectures, work in joint venture companies, etc.). The study course envisages the mastering of language skills in various forms and levels of communication – reading, speaking, listening, writing focusing on the terminology of agriculture and related fields. Learning outcomes After completing the course the student will have: *knowledge – terminology of agriculture, including the specialisms in agrotechnologies, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, agricultural policy, ecology and knowledge of terms in related branches – crop science, horticulture, animal husbandry, information in a foreign language; the knowledge of the language use in the professional area. Skills - students are able to apply the knowledge and communicative skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing in their professional activities, participating in discussions, creating dialogues, making presentations. Students are able to use professional terminology in various communicative situations (telephone talks, job interviews, business correspondence, electronic documents, etc.). Competence - students have improved the competence of professional English in order to apply a foreign language creatively in spoken and written communication for professional activities, student mobility. Course title Professional English in Agriculture II Course code ValoP032 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Andris Gaters Course abstract The course is aimed at the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence in professional foreign language to extend the students` professional qualification and improve their communication ability with foreign students and specialists (for better work placement abroad, participation in guest lectures, work in joint venture companies, etc.). The study course envisages the mastering of language skills in various forms and levels of communication – reading, speaking, listening, writing focusing on the terminology of agriculture and related fields. Learning outcomes After completing the course the student will have: knowledge – terminology of agriculture, including the specialisms in agrotechnologies, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, agricultural policy, ecology and knowledge of terms in related branches – crop science, horticulture, animal husbandry, information in a foreign language; the knowledge of the language use in the professional area. Skills - students are able to apply the knowledge and communicative skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing in their professional activities, participating in discussions, creating dialogues, making presentations. Students are able to use professional terminology in various communicative situations (telephone talks, job interviews, business correspondence, electronic documents, etc.). Competence - students have improved the competence of professional English in order to apply a foreign language creatively in spoken and written commu Course title Professional German in Agriculture I Course code ValoP034 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Oksana Mališeva 76 Course abstract The course is aimed at the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence in professional foreign language to extend the students` professional qualification and improve their communication ability with foreign students and specialists (for better work placement abroad, participation in guest lectures, work in joint venture companies, etc.). The study course envisages the mastering of language skills in various forms and levels of communication – reading, speaking, listening, writing focusing on the terminology of agriculture and related fields. Learning outcomes After completing the course the student will have: knowledge – terminology of agriculture, including the specialisms in agrotechnologies, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, agricultural policy, ecology and knowledge of terms in related branches – crop science, horticulture, animal husbandry, information in a foreign language; the knowledge of the language use in the professional area. Skills - students are able to apply the knowledge and communicative skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing in their professional activities, participating in discussions, creating dialogues, making presentations. Students are able to use professional terminology in various communicative situations (telephone talks, job interviews, business correspondence, electronic documents, etc.). They are able to find the necessary information in a foreign language on-line, work with dictionaries of terminology and industry. Competence - students have improved the competence of professional German. Course title Professional German in Agriculture II Course code ValoP035 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Oksana Mališeva Course abstract The course is aimed at the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence in professional foreign language to extend the students` professional qualification and improve their communication ability with foreign students and specialists (for better work placement abroad, participation in guest lectures, work in joint venture companies, etc.). The study course envisages the mastering of language skills in various forms and levels of communication – reading, speaking, listening, writing focusing on the terminology of agriculture and related fields. Learning outcomes Knowledge – terminology of agriculture, including the specialisms in agrotechnologies, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, agricultural policy, ecology and knowledge of terms in related branches – crop science, horticulture, animal husbandry, information in a foreign language; the knowledge of the language use in the professional area. Skills - students are able to apply the knowledge and communicative skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing in their professional activities, participating in discussions, creating dialogues, making presentations. Students are able to use professional terminology in various communicative situations (telephone talks, job interviews, business correspondence, electronic documents, etc.). They are able to find the necessary information in a foreign language on-line, work with dictionaries of terminology and industry. Competence - students have improved the competence of professional German. Course title Ecology and Environmental Protection Course code VidZ3006 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Viesturs Jansons Course abstract Humans, environmental issues, their causes and sustainability. The ecological background: biosphere, ecosystems and its components, energy flow and matter 77 cycling. Resources and sustainable resource management. Nature protection. Biodiversity in aquatic and terrestrial systems. Environmental quality: assessment and mitigation of water, air and soil pollution. Impact of agriculture on biodiversity, soil erosion, pesticides and nutrients. Solid and hazardous waste. Environmental problems: climate change, depletion and air pollution. Environmental economics and politics. Learning outcomes 1. The course develops knowledge and understanding of the conceptual foundation of ecology and environmental science, describe solutions for most important environmental problems, gives students insight to the theoretical and practical issues of Ecology and Environmental Protection. 2. The course enables students with an ability of critical thinking to discern facts and will help them to analyze environmental issues relevant with the scope of course works, projects and graduation works in their field of studies. 3. The course elaborates competence to use the basic ecological principles that govern the solving of environmental problems, that students can then bring to elaborate their projects and research approaches on relevant issues of their field of studies. Course title Labour and Civil Protection Course code Citi4016 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Imants Bērtaitis, Uldis Karlsons, Pēteris KaĜeiĦikovs Course abstract International and Latvian labour protection and emergences conventions, rules and regulations. Labour safety training order. Labour environment supervision and inspection. Electrosafety. Fire safety. Emergency situations in Latvia (risk awareness, preventive measures, preparation, response, elemination of consequences). People duties, rights, beheviour and protection in emergency situations. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: The knowledge and critical understanding of the role and place of labour safety and civil protection in the work process of organizations and companies. The skills of creating a civil protection system in a company instructing of employees at work place and training the employees for safe work methods. Competences of carrying out the indoor work environment monitoringi in cooperation with a labour safety specialist and knowing how to act in emergency situations. Course title Agricultural Entrepreneurship Course code LauZ3004 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Dzidra Kreišmane, Linda SiliĦa, Iveta KĜaviĦa Course abstract Study course is dedicated to raising awareness of the nature of the business, business creation and their security. Course of study is divided into two parts, which are included in the general part of business principles, an analysis of the business environment, business planning, analysis of risk factors, aspects of competitiveness and leadership principles. The specialized section depth is acquired agricultural sector-specific and companyspecific organization of work, the prerequisites for building, choice of specialization; work planning, business financing and management, cooperation. Learning outcomes Knowledge of the business management nature, the implementation aspects of it and influencing factors, the company's business and financial performance evaluation forms and the possibilities of competitiveness. Skills and abilities in drawing up business plans, corporate business analysis and risk assessment of farms. Appreciate yourself as a manager of the company and establish criteria for staff selection and remuneration of the company. Competence. Students are competent to carry out the establishment, determine its 78 nature and specialization trends, assess the business plan and carry out economic analysis of agricultural enterprise, to evaluate the financial and cooperation opportunities. Course title Patent and Standard Course code LauZ4240 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Dace Šterne Course abstract Essence of patent, causes of origin and development. Organization and patent management in Latvia. Inventions, their objects. Invention formula. Compiling announcement of patent and procedure of presentation. Rights of author and announcer. Trademark. Prototype of design, the patent tender of prototype of design. Copyright. Modern tendency of production and service standard and certification. World - wide certification practice. International cooperation of production quality assurance and liquidation of trade technical barriers. International agreements and their organizations. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • Knowledge about intellectual property rights and their use in national economy; • Skills of trademark, design prototype, patent search, announcing and presentation; • Competence to find necessary information about different intellectual property rights and its registering. Field theoretical basic courses Course title Biometrics Course code Biol1015 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Līga Paura Course abstract Student acquire parametric data analyses methods, as also check the model assumptions violations. During the studies the real examples related to agriculture sciences are using. Statistical software is provides for problem tasks solving. The course topics are the following: descriptive statistic, hypothesis testing for two samples a mean, analyse of variance (ANOVA), correlation and regression. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: knowledge and critical understanding about data analysis methods; apply data analyses methods in students research projects; skills to define test hypothesis; to choose according to the research project test hypothesis and data analysis method; to interpret results; to formulate conclusions; competences in collaboration with supervisor to realize research in bachelor work; to use data analysis methods in research projects and bachelor work. Course title Agrophysics Course code Fizi2036 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Ilze Pelēce, Andris BērziĦš, Uldis Gross Course abstract Course of agro physics consists of three parts and it is mastered within lectures, laboratory works and individual studies. Physics uses basic knowledge to explain conditions such as water, heat, light and exchange of gases- that are essential for existence of biological objects. Meteorology. Gives knowledge on atmosphere processes, determining weather and plants growing conditions. Radiobiology. The aim of this course is to master 79 basis and units of measure of ionizing radiance in radiobiology, the biological impact of ionizing radiance, application radiance and measures of precaution. Learning outcomes After completing the course students will have: knowledge about regularity of essential concepts of agrophysics and critical understanding of how to use it in real-world process description; skills to use measurements of physical quantities and apply knowledge in calculation for their branch of research, summarize and analytically describe the results; competences to evaluate results of measurements and calculations, problem solving and understand what influence their professional activities have on environment. Course title Chemistry Course code Ėīmi1012 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Māra Kūka Course abstract The students are provided with knowledge of chemical elements and their composition; classification, nomenclature, chemical properties and transformations of inorganic and organic compounds. To improve knowledge and skills individual work-tasks, training materials and tests are provided. Written exam. Learning outcomes Knowledge on general conception and generality of chemistry, interactions of chemical compounds and critical understanding of role of chemistry in various processes and occurrences; skills to apply theoretical knowledge of chemistry to solve issues during further specialization, professional perfection and in protection of environment; competence to acquire, critically analyze and use chemical information, to understand the role of it in ones study process and professional work. Course title Zoology Course code Biol Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Gunārs Pētersons Course abstract Zoology is an introductionary course providing insights into general principles of the structure and functions of animal body and basic physiological processes, as well as their evolution. The course also covers taxonomic diversity of the animal kingdom, basic laws of ecology, the role of animals in ecosystem processes and information on the impact of agriculture, particularly animal husbandry on the ecosystems. Learning outcomes knowledge on structure and physiological processes of animals of different taxonomic groups; on diversity of the kingdom of animals and on the role of animals in ecosystems; skills to search for zoological and ecological information and to analyze it; to carry out sections of animals, to identify species of animals by the identification guide; competence to evaluate the importance of wild animals in the protection of animal and public health and in the protection of environment, to be competent and to be able to find information on the taxonomic status of different animal species. Course title Animal Physiology Course code LauZ Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 10 Course developers Dace Keidāne Course abstract Animal physiology is the fundamental biological science that studies the life processes in the body, certain organs, tissues and cells, as well as the function of regulatory 80 principles and mechanisms. Students will gain knowledge of the processes which take place in the body and how these processes affect animal behavior. Learning outcomes •knowledge of the animal ongoing physiological processes and the process control; •skill acquired knowledge in animal husbandry and the evaluation of operating conditions. •competences in matters subject of cell and tissue mechanisms of action, for processes that take place in the central nervous system and sensory system works and how all of these consists of animal behavior in general. Course title Plant Physiology I Course code Biol3014 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Ina AlsiĦa, Valdis Klāsens Course abstract Students acquire knowledge about carbohydrates, fat, protein, nucleic acids, biologically active compounds and their role in the cells, tissue and organism. Enzymes and the factors influencing their activity. Plant cell physiology. Respiration, anaerobic and aerobic stage, substratum and the influencing factors of environment. Photosynthesis. Plant pigments. Plant water regime. Transpiration. Mineral nutrition, uptake in plants. The biological nitrogen fixation. The moving of organic substances in plants. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge about plant growth and development, physiological processes in plants, effects of internal and environmental factors on plants and yield formation. Students are able to determine main physiological parameters of plants. Students can assess plant growth and development and affecting and limiting plant ontogenesis factors. Course title Botany Course code Biol1001 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Viesturs Šulcs Course abstracts The structure and functions of plant cell. The classification and functions of plant tissues. The structure and functions of plants vegetative and generative organs. The morphology and anatomy of root, stem and leaf. The morphology and anatomy of flower. The reproduction of plants. He classification of plants. The characterization and importance of plant groups. Learning outcomes Knowledge of plant morphology, biology, ecology and their significance in plant communities, taxa migration, geographical occurrence and floristic status in Latvia. Skills to analyze and evaluate the morphological features of the woody plants, to evaluate their taxonomic value and to identify taxa. Competence to evaluate and explain the expressions of the interaction of woody plants taxa and the environment, to discuss the suitability of the taxon to the particular ecological conditions. Course title Agronomy Experiment Design Course code LauZ2109 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Zinta Gaile, Indulis Melngalvis, Dainis LapiĦš Course abstract Students acquire the experimental designe (single and two or three factor experiments, design of field observations, planning of funds for research work), the statistical 81 processing of obtained research data and profesional evaluation of obtained results. In addition, students acquire skills, how and where to study scientific literature, and how to draw up course and bachelor papers. Learning outcomes After completing the study course students will have: • knowledge and understanding of theoretical and empirical research in agriculture and its basic concepts; • skills to formulate, critically evaluate and coordinate key issues, according to goals and objectives of the study work, choose research and data processing methods, to interpret the obtained data, to formulate conclusions appropriate for results; • competences in cooperation with advisor to carry out final research paper, to use other research results for discussion. Course title Agronomy Experiment Design Course code LauZ4010 Credit points 1 ECTS creditpoints 1.50 Total Contact Hours Course developers Indulis Melngalvis Course abstract Subject choiece and research task determination. Studies of scientific literature. Research hypothesis highlighting. Design of experiments. Planing of resources for a research. Planing of observation in experiments. Research data mathematical processing and a professional interpretation of results. Analysis of variance, correlation and regression. Design of tables, diagrams and charts. Learning outcomes After completing the course paper students will have: • knowledge and understanding of agricultural research planning, data processing and interpretation; • skills to formulate, critically evaluate and coordinate key issues, according to goals and objectives of the study work, choose an appropriate research and data processing methods of particular study, to interpret data results, to formulate conclusions appropriate for results; • competences in cooperation with advisor to carry out final research paper, to use other research results for discussion. Course title Accounting and Investments Course code Ekon2126 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Irina Pilvere, Inguna Leibus Course abstract Students learn accounting, company financial accounting double entry system and tax, introduced to basic accounting principles, the company's products and their sources, tracking objects, assets evaluation methods, as well as revenue and expenses reflected in the simple entry system. Students acquire an in-depth understanding of agriculture and rural development accessible to the national and EU aid modalities and funding conditions Latvian, and practically acquainted with the investment support measures. Learning outcomes Knowledge of general accounting, financial accounting and taxation for businesses, as well as for agricultural and rural development aid modalities and conditions. Skills to prepare favorite books and tax records, registers and accounts, use of agricultural and rural development from existing national and EU support. Competence through the course gained theoretical knowledge and practical skills to organize the accounting work in the company, to attract investment. Course title Microbiology 82 Course code Biol3008 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Laila Dubova, Valdis Klāsens Course abstract The students acquire microorganisms’ physiological processes, the cell structure and the functions of main organic matters - carbohydrates, fat, protein, enzymes, nucleic acids, biologically active compounds and their role in the microorganisms. The students acquire knowledge about systematic principles and identification methods of bacteria, fungi. Structure and functions of viruses. The students study about growth and reproductions of microorganisms, their types of metabolism and symbiotic relations with plants and animals. Factors influencing the development of microorganisms. Learning outcomes Knowledge about microbiological processes, their regularity and influence on the agricultural yield formation and quality have been acquired. Students obtain knowledge about the influence of microorganisms to the soil quality, fertility and sustainability. Students are able to recognize the major groups of microorganisms and their metabolites. They can assess necessity to use microbiological preparations for improvement of agricultural yield. Course title Agricultural Resources Course code LauZ2046 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 72 Number of lectures 36 Course developers Zinta Gaile, Aldis KārkliĦš Course abstract Study course introduces students with organization of learning at LLU and gives very basic knowledge in profession. Students acquire with the role and classification of natural resources in agriculture: climate, water, soil resources, mineral deposits and its use; plants, animals and microorganisms and its role in agricultural production. Students acquire sense of agriculture and its branches as components of national economy. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge on different kind of resources, their classification and possible use: on climate, soil, mineral deposits, plants, animals, microorganisms. Study course gives knowledge on agriculture and its branches as part of national economy. Students will obtain skills to identify rocks and minerals; to evaluate importance of climate, soil and mineral deposits. Students are skilled to distinguish suitable resources for agricultural production from harmful organisms; they comprehend classification of agriculture as production branch and importance of different sub-sectors. In result students are competent to choice their further specialization in agronomy, zootechnics or management in agriculture, and they are ready to acquire next, special study courses. Course title Agricultural Legislation Course code LauZ3005 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Dzidra Kreišmane, Ilze Upīte Course abstract Study course is dedicated to raising awareness of the legislative process in Latvia, on the public an opportunity to engage in this process and influence it. State functions to ensure business in the countryside. Legal basis of economic mechanisms and instruments. Legal basis of credit relations and credit institutions. Functions of local government in rural entrepreneurship. Laws regulating businesses. Legal and regulatory laws in agricultural sector. 83 Learning outcomes Knowledge of regulatory development and approval process related to business fields and about involved institutions in it, the possibility of farmers' associations to participate in the legislative process and influence it. Skills: navigate the laws and regulations of the range, find an appropriate basis for concrete situation in regulatory documents and apply the laws and regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers for doing business in agriculture. Competence: to participate in the legislative process through agricultural associations and organizations, provide an explanation of the situation and analysis on the basis of the normative documents. Course title Theory of Economics Course code Ekon2130 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Linda GriĦēviča, Course abstract The aim of subject is, by acquiring theoretical basics and economical regularity as in micro, as in macro economical level, to understand its practical opportunity to use it. To understand macro economical relation ship and tendencies in Latvia Economy. Learning outcomes Knowledge – students can present their comprehensive knowledge on theoretical basic principles and micro- and macroeconomic relationships, get a comprehensive understanding of the most important scientific and practical basic principles; skills – based on their theoretical knowledge, students can practically analyse basic micro- and macroeconomic problems, model changes in market equilibrium, analyse motivations for market behaviours of consumers and producers, forecast the performance of market mechanism depending on the extent of competition in a market; competence – based on their theoretical knowledge and the economic relationships learnt, students can independently obtain, select, and systemise necessary information, independently analyse and tackle problems, make justified decisions, hear out and discuss practical solutions, and make proposals according to an economic situation. Field Professional specialization courses Agronomist with Specialization in Crop Science Course title Mechanisation of Agriculture Course code LauZ4031 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Jānis Palabinskis Course abstract Energy carriers. Energetic machinery. Field, Horticulture and Animal breading mechanising technologies, implements and machinery for its introduction, principal schemes of machines, action, its place in the technological chine in the production of concrete products. Estimation of the quality of implements and machines, usage costs. Learning outcomes Knowledge -in agricultural mechanization issues, technologies and applied machinery, machine constructive solutions, operation and adjustment. Skills – to evaluate the necessary plant breeding tasks, technological solutions for operation of the applied machinery and technical solutions. Competence – the acquired knowledge and skills give a possibility to know competently the issues of mechanization, to choose the appropriate technologies and machinery for their implementation as well as organize work with the machinery. Course title Horticulture Course code LauZ3087 84 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developer Kaspars Kampuss Course abstract The aim of the course is to find out diversity of horticultural plants and individualities of their cultivation and utilization. Students know a status of horticulture in Latvia and worldwide. They acquire biology of horticultural plants in relationship with providing of ecological conditions. Students can manage a process of horticultural plant production in scientific way. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge about horticultural plant - fruits, vegetables and ornamentals – diversity, their use for different purposes; learn about propagation and production of the most important horticultural crops in relationship with providing the necessary ecological conditions; • skills to manage the agronomical processes of the horticultural crops’ cultivars growing; • competence to evaluate agronomical processes during growing of different horticultural crops and cultivars in relationship with the growing purpose and conditions. Course title Apiculture Course code LauZ3122 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developer Marta Liepniece Course abstract Students know importance of bee-keeping in national economy and ecology. They study bee - keeping history, races of bees, the honey - bee colony, colony life, honey bee products, the management for honey other bee products production, important nectar plants and their nectar yields, diseases and pest control of the honey bee. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge about the honey-bee colony, colony life, races of bees, variety of bee products and beekeeping methods, food base of bees, nectar plants, bee diseases and pest control; • skills to choose the most appropriate beekeeping methods different bee products- honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly, bee venom production, methods of bees diseases and pest control; • competence to assess food base of bees and organize works in the apiary. Prepare a plan of the pollination of the main crops and evaluation of the pollination efficacy. Course title Plant Biotechnology Course code Biol4002 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developer Ina AlsiĦa, Laila Dubova Course abstract The possibilities of application and the essence of biotechnology methods of plants. The problem of protein. The ability and changeability of synthesis of microorganisms. The decisive factors of preservation of plants’ production. Transformation of the products photosynthesis. The problem of sugar and its solution. The biotechnological obtaining of ethanol, amino acids, vitamins and other compounds. the obtaining of biogas. The cultivation of mushrooms. The biotechnology method in preserving environment. The clearing of sewage. Composts. The degradation of pesticides. Learning outcomes Knowledge about plant diseases and these causal agents and influence of environment to the development of diseases have been aquired. Students obtain knowledge about the most wide-spread and harmful diseases of agricultural crops. 85 Students are able to recognize the most important diseases under field conditions, have the skills to characterize casual agents of diseases and konwledge on the basic principles of epidemiology. Students are able to estimate harmfulness of diseases, to understand life cycles of diseases and will be competent to evaluate risk of disease development in the specific situation. Students are able to integrate knowledge in the plant pathology with practical agronomy. Course title Marketing Course code LauZ Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours Course developer Inguna Gulbe Course abstract Study course is dedicated to raising awareness of the principles of market operation. Preconditions for development of marketing as a science and its stages of development. Marketing environment. The process of marketing strategy planning, it's development concepts and process. Theoretical conclusions of strategy planning with analytic approach. Research of practical problems. Emphasized theories and concepts. Comtemporary communication problem, it's research. Use of quantitative methods in marketing research. Basic international marketing, management and co-ordination. Learning outcomes • knowledge on the development of marketing and elaboration of respective communication system, considering the distinction between companies. In-depth knowledge on advertisement. Analytic perception on communication tools of integrated marketing and their applications. • skills - able to independently analyze, evaluate and develop marketing programs. Able to assess the impact of diverse marketing strategies on business economic performance, to find a new approach to marketing strategy; • competences - able to independently formulate and scrutinize different marketing strategies, substantiate own conclusions and bring proposals for problem solving in marketing environs. Course title Plant Physiology II Course code Biol3006 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Valdis Klāsens, Laila Dubova, Ina AlsiĦa Course abstract Students acquire knowledge about the growth and development of plants. Plant hormones and growth regulators. Photoperiods and the physiology of flowering. Dormancy. The physiology of stress of plants and adaptation to unfavorable conditions of environment. The pathophysiology of plants. The processes of changes of substances during the ripening, dormancy and germination of seeds. The physiological processes during yield formation at the different groups of agricultural crops. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge about plant growth and development, physiological processes in plants, effects of internal and environmental factors on plants and yield formation. Students are able to determine main physiological parameters of plants. Students can assess plant growth and development and affecting and limiting plant ontogenesis factors. Course title Soil Science Course code LauZ2042 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 86 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Aldis KārkliĦš Course abstract General scheme of the soil forming processes and factors. Soil profile development. Soil organic matter, formation, composition and properties of soil humus. Soil chemical composition, soil colloids, absorbing processes, soil reaction, buffer capacity. Soil physical properties. Soil genesis and classification. Soil degradation, mapping and land evaluation. Soil water management. Land reclamation. Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding about the basic geological processes, soil formation and genesis, principal soils’ properties, about soil classification, geography, mapping, evaluation. To obtain skills in morphological, physical and chemical analytical methods, in critical analysis of obtained information, in data processing and interpretation methodology. Development of ability for decision making and advisory activities in the field of soil related issues. Course title Soils and Fertilizers Course code LauZ3138 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Ināra Līpenīte, Aldis KārkliĦš Course abstract Case study for real farm or proposed model farm. Farm soil fertility survey and fertiliser use planning. Calculations of manure (peat, compost, growth media etc.) production and use. Soil fertility management. Field or greenhouse crops’ fertilization planning. Diagnostics of plant nutrition. Plant nutrient balance calculation. Learning outcomes Improvement of theoretical knowledge on plant nutrient resources and fertility management of soil. Skills of soil fertility survey and field crops’ fertilization planning, ability to evaluate economics of fertilizer application and analyze environmental aspects, ability to produce solutions on available arrangements and technologies. Course title Field Cultivation Course code LauZ3053 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Andris BērziĦš, Maija Ausmane Course abstract The aim of this course is to provide students with soil management as a branch of science, objects and methods of research; regularities in soil management; Plant life-related factors; possibilities of practical regulation. Biological peculiarities and classification of weeds; Estimation of weed pressure under field conditions and in the yield of crop. Weed control; Systems of crop rotation, soil management and field cultivation systems. Crop plants in crop rotation; Substation of proper soil tillage. Methods and ways of soil tillage. Soil tillage systems; Co-ordination of measures relating to Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge and are possible to direct the critical understanding of this knowledge about scientific basics of field cultivation, crop rotation, weed's species, their biological individualities and control, soil tillage, field management systems. To knew put into practice the knowledge about different weed species. Students acquire skills to estimate weediness of sowings, to choose optimal weed control methods. Know how estimate the necessary of crop rotations, and planning soil tillage technologies. Be able self-dependency to carry the decisions and to find creative development in different conditions. In the result the students will be competent to direct soil management or advisory the peasants for different questions in field cultivation. Course title Field Cultivation 87 Course code LauZ3137 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Andris BērziĦš, Maija Ausmane Course abstract The aim of work is studys and charakterization of the crop production level of farm. Design of crop rotation system for farm in connection with the soil and climat conditions. Planning of soil tillage and weed control in the crop rotation. Course project has to be carried out for real or model farm or based on results of experimental work. Learning outcomes Students will obtain the knowledges and skills necessary for planning crop rotation in farm, for valuation of farm's production level. They will raise competence to rational land use, to motivate decisions related to the complex measures for crop rotation design, soil tillage and weed control. This competences is necessary for students as future farmer or farmer advisors. Course title Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Course code LauZ3139 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Ināra Līpenīte, Aldis KārkliĦš Course abstract Plant nutrient uptake, soil fertility – assessment and optimisation. Fertilizers nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, micro-, multinutrient - production, characteristics, principles of use, interactions with soil. Technology of fertilizer use. Manure and organic fertilizers. Crop's fertilisation in field and greenhouses. Plant nutrient cycles, optimisation of fertilizer use, reccomendation systems. Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding about the basic processes dealing with formation of soil fertility, methods and technologies of soil fertility management. Materials, used for soil improvement and plant nutrition – understanding and practical skills for its use. To obtain skills in fertiliser use planning and management. Ability to evaluate and critical analysis of obtained information, in data processing and interpretation methodology. Development of ability for decision making and advisory activities in the field of soil fertility and plant nutrition issues. Course title Crop Protection Course code LauZ4228 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Ināra Turka Course abstract The students are acquainted with the selection of agrochemicals and application methods for crop protection which are based on the physical, chemical and toxicological properties and economic indices of agrochemicals. Knowledge of mode of action of pesticides on pests and elements of environment, resistance of pests and pathogens against to pesticides are the fundamentals of crop protection as integrated science are the essential parts of academic programme. Learning outcomes Students acquire a broad theoretical knowledge of the registered plant protection products (PPP) in Latvia. Students acquire classification of PPP, routes of exposure and mechanisms of toxic properties, use of technology and the effects on the environment. Prevent the development of resistance against PPP. Acquired skills and competences will allow in the practice to select and use PPP on different crops against harmful organisms and to take into account the laws and regulations and safety. 88 Course title Crop Protection Course code LauZ4030 Credit points 1 ECTS creditpoints 1.50 Total Contact Hours Course developers Ināra Turka, Gunita Bimšteine Course abstract The goal of the course work is to acquire skills for practical drawing up the agrotechnical and plant protection project of field and greenhouse crops. In the project the special impact on chemical and biological plant protection systems for control of pests is obligatory. The plant protection system should be draw up based on registered in Latvia plant protection products. Learning outcomes Theoretical knowledge of the registered plant protection products in Latvia and their use of technology allow to prepare a draft for the choice of crop protection products against harmful organisms. The obtained competence allows to draw up projects and publicly defend. Course title Entomology Course code LauZ3028 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Elga Plīse Course abstract Subject includes studies on most important pests, their taxonomy, biology, ecology and control measures. Students will learn useful organisms as well, their main systematic groups. Study of most important pest complex in the agricultural crops. Learning outcomes Students acquire knowledge on plant pest taxonomy, biology, ecology and control measures. Know the most important and most common Latvian agricultural crop pests and their damage. Students know how to identify pests and their damage to crops and familiar with the plant pest biology and ecology. Are competent to assess the damage caused by pests, understands the most important pests and the need to control a given situation. Able to integrate knowledge of plant pests with practically agronomy. Course title Phytopathology Course code LauZ3031 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Biruta Bankina Course abstract Subject includes studies on plants diseases and their causal organisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses). Students will study process on infection, influence of environmental, ways and possibilities spreading and survival of pathogens. The students are acquainted with the most important diseases of agricultural crops, their causal agents and life cycle of diseases. Learning outcomes Knowledge about plant diseases and these causal agents and influence of environment to the development of diseases have been acquired. Students obtain knowledge about the most wide-spread and harmful diseases of agricultural crops. Students are able to recognize the most important diseases under field conditions, have the skills to characterize casual agents of diseases and knowledge on the basic principles of epidemiology. Students are able to estimate harmfulness of diseases, to understand life cycles of diseases and will be competent to evaluate risk of disease development in the specific situation. Students are able to integrate knowledge in the plant pathology with practical agronomy. Course title Grassland Management Course code LauZ 89 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Aleksandrs Adamovičs Course abstract Grassland management is a part of forage production, and is closely connected with the establishment of stable forage basis, thus promoting animal production. The main goal of grassland management is to provide animals with quality grass forage produced in pastures and meadows As a branch of science grassland deals with morphological traits and bioecological properties of herbage, the formation of plant groups and possibilities of their regulation. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge on agro-ecological factors influencing field of herbage yield, and their interaction. Students get knowledge on seed production, on morphology, agro – ecological demands, legumes and grasses management and yield quality of herbage.Students are skilled to evaluate role of agro – ecological factors on herbage yield formation, they are skilled to identify different legumes and grasses, to detect forage quality parameters, and to use them. Students are able to choose herbage management operations and to draw up grass forage management plan for hay, hay-crop silage and wilted grass silage.In result, students are competent to organize a hall forage production, harvesting, first stage processing, storage and sale, to choose suitable cultivation, to study scientific literature and to carry out further self - education on topics included into the study course. Course title Crop Production I Course code LauZ4229 Credit points 5 ECTS creditpoints 7.50 Total Contact Hours 80 Course developers Zinta Gaile, Dzintra Kreita Course abstract Students acquire theoretical base of yield formation: agro-ecological factors exerting an influence on field crops yield, their unity and interaction; levels of yield and methods to calculate them. Students acquire seed science and organization of seed production, morphological and anatomical differences of different seeds. Seed quality, certification and sales processes. Students acquire knowledge in importance and distribution of cereals, their demands for growing, developmental peculiarities, agricultural practices and evaluation of cereals yield quality. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge on agro-ecological factors influencing field crops yield, and their interaction. Students get knowledge on seed production and seed certification in Latvia, on morphology, agro-ecological demands, crop management and yield quality of cereals. Students are skilled to evaluate role of agro-ecological factors on yield formation, they are skilled to identify different seeds, to detect seed and grain quality parameters, and to use them. Students are able to utilize seed certificates and to calculate cereals’ yield according to given values of agro-ecological parameters. Students are able to choose crop management operations and to draw up crop management plan for cereals. In result, students are competent to organize cereal production, harvesting, first stage processing, storage and sale, to choose suitable cultivars, to manage seed production branch, to study scientific literature and to carry out further self-education on topics included into the study course. Course title Crop Production II Course code LauZ4230 Credit points 5 ECTS creditpoints 7.50 Total Contact Hours 80 Course developers Zinta Gaile, Dzintra Kreita 90 Course abstract Students acquire knowledge in importance, distribution, morphological and biological characteristics, agro-ecological demands, and peculiarities of growing and development of crops included into several field crops’ groups: tuberous, leguminous and fibre plants, root, oil and essential oil crops; their agricultural practices and evaluation of yield quality. Students study also seed quality and seed production of crops included into mentioned groups. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge on plants’ morphology, agro-ecological demands, crop management, yield quality and seed production of crops included into following crop groups: tuberous, leguminous and fibre plants, root, oil and essential oil crops. Students are skilled to evaluate role of agro-ecological factors on yield formation of crops included into study course. They are able to identify crops, their cultivars and seeds, to detect seed and crop yield quality parameters and to use them. Students are able to choose crop management operations and to draw up crop management plan for all the plants included into mentioned crop groups. In result, students are competent to organize crop production, harvesting, first stage processing, storage and sale, to choose suitable cultivars, to manage seed production of plants included into mentioned crop groups. Students are competent to study scientific literature and to carry out further self-education on topics included into the study course. Course title Crop Production and Grassland Management Course code LauZ4231 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours Course developers Zinta Gaile, Aleksandrs Adamovičs, Dzintra Kreita Course abstract Course project consists of two parts that can be or can not be interrelated: crop production and grassland management. Project can be carried out as experimental work or wide scientific literature survey. It is also possible to analyse in detail crop production technology or grassland management in chosen farm and to carry out project of improvement of management practices. Also development of new business plan for crop production or grassland management in farm is possible. Learning outcomes Students strengthen their knowledge acquired in study courses Crop Production I and II, and Grassland Management. Students are skilled to develop analytical survey of scientific literature on field crops, grasses and legumes; they are able to describe and analyse results obtained in field experiments with plants included into study course. Students are able to analyse plant production technology of specific farm, to notice weaknesses and strength of management and to submit suggestions for its improvement. In result, students are competent to organize, analyse and improve plant (field crops, grasses and legumes) production in farms, and to take part in experimental work. Students are competent to study scientific literature and to carry out further self-education on topics included into the study course. Course title Genetics and Breeding Course code LauZ Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Arta Kronberga Course abstract During the studies we get acquainted with the cytological bases of heredity, the role of mitosis and meiosis in the transfer of genetic information. There have been studied Mendel's heredity theory and molecular backgrounds of heredity, variability of organism, 91 polyploidy, inbreeding and heterosis. The objective of the course of plant breeding is to familiarize students with theoretical and practical aspects of plant breeding: the initial material, the breeding methodology based on the hybridisation, mutation, poliploidy, heterosis, CMS, genetic engineering, mass and individual selection Learning outcomes Knowledge about theoretical backgrounds of genetics and field crop objectives. Relationship between genetics and breeding. Main breeding schemes and methods, principle of its choice. Skills and abilities to calculate of genetic solutions, to compile breeding plan. Competence. Students are competent to carry out the field crop breeding, to define breeding objective and directions, to evaluate breeding results. Course title Animal Nutrition Course code LauZ4097 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Lilija Degola Course abstract Zootechnical and economical evaluation of feedstuffs, nutrient role in animal nutrition and production. Ration composition of different species, age and productivity of animals groups to achieve maximum results with minimal of feed consumption, while maintaining good animal health, reproductive capacity, longevity. Learning outcomes Course of study provides knowledge of the agricultural animal nutrition, of the feed rationing and effective use. Students will acquire skills to draw up a ration for animals and plan for the economical use of feed. Learning the course, students will be competent to discuss about the importance of farm animal nutrition in production process. Course title Land Use Planning Course code LauZ Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Aldis KārkliĦš Course abstract Land as a segment of environment and production resource. Objectives of land use. Land cadastre. Land use type: classification, characterization, designation on maps. Land evaluation: objectives, methodology. Specification of land evaluation for agricultural, forest land and urban areas. Cadastre of real estate. Land register. Specialization of production depending on land qualities. Agricultural land: status and development. Land use planning. Specifics of land use planning for arable land, pasture, orchards, etc. and for the whole farm level. Institutions in Latvia involved in the land use planning and cadastre. Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding about the basic issues in land use planning on the farm level. To obtain skills in the use of cartographic and normative materials. Development of ability for land use and resources planning on the farm level. Agronomist with Specialization in Horticulture (part of courses the same as for Crop Science specialization) Course title Crop Production Course code LauZ4004 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Dzintra Kreita 92 Course abstract In crop production course students acquire certain crop species and its form varieties and breeds of morphological and biological characteristics, yield and quality formation regularities in different soil and weather conditions as well as crop farming skills acquired in the planning and resulting product quality evaluation. Learning outcomes Theoretical knowledge of Latvian economically important crop species, those agroecological requirements of the cultivation and exploitation. Skills to recognise and distinguish between crop species in different plant development stages, choose the growing conditions of species and varieties suited to analyze the various factors on crop yield and quality. Students are competent to choose the management model and the specific circumstances of the perfect breeding technology planned crop production. Course title Ornamentals Course code LauZ4027 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Aija Dižgalve Course abstract Aim of the course is to know principles of dendrology and introduction, classification and biological, and ornamental properties of flowers and trees, to get know methods of ornamental plant propagation. Students can evaluate new scientific findings and personal experience in growing and propagation of ornamental plant in Latvia and abroad. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge about nursery plant production , dendrology, propagation and growing technology and their application; • skills for practical use of the information; • competence independently work in the sphere of nursery plant growing. Course title Fruit Production Course code LauZ4024 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Mintauts ĀboliĦš Course abstract The aim of this course is to provide students with fruit plants production areas; species and varieties; temperate fruits, subtropics and tropics. Gain knowledge of organografy of fruit plants; biology of fruit plant’s growth and development. Ecology of fruit plants. Propagation of fruit plants. Generative and vegetative propagation. Rootstocks. Nurseries. Establishing the planting. Cultural practices. Pollination and fruit set. Plant efficiency, growth and yield. Crop maturity. Harvest. Postharvest storage. Marketing. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: knowledge of the climatic zones of fruits, species diversity, morphology, fruit-growing technologies in nurseries and orchard, storage and market requirements. Skills to critically assess fruit plant propagation techniques, plant quality and high output production cycle techniques. Competence to assess fruit and berry orchard establishment plan, the diversity of species and varieties, as well as analysis of seedlings and orchard used for growing technology. Course title Fruit Production I Course code LauZ4151 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Mintauts ĀboliĦš 93 Course abstract Students know a status of horticulture in Latvia and worldwide. They acquire relationship between biology and ecological conditions of fruit plants. Fruit plants, the botanical composition and distribution of geography. Organografy of fruit plants. Fruit plant growth and developmental biology. Propagation of fruit plants. Generative and vegetative propagation. Learning outcomes Learning outcomes: After completing the course student will have: • knowledge of fruit-growing areas, species diversity, organografy, fruit plant propagation techniques; • skills to critically assess fruit plant propagation techniques; • competence to assess and analyze the fruit and berry propagation methods and technologies. Course title Fruit Production II Course code LauZ4152 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Mintauts ĀboliĦš, Kaspars Kampuss Course abstract Students gain knowledge about the types of fruit propagation, nurseries and plant sales. Orchard types: self-sufficiency, traditional, intensive gardens. Establishing the planting. Cultural practices. Pollination and fruit set. Plant efficiency, growth and yield. Crop maturity. Harvest. Postharvest storage. Marketing. Learning outcomes Learning outcomes: After completing the course student will have: • knowledge of the fruit-growing technologies in nurseries and orchard, storage and market requirements; • skills to critically assess fruit plant propagation techniques, plant quality and high output production cycle techniques; • competence to assess fruit and berry orchard establishment plan, the diversity of species and varieties, as well as analysis of planting material and orchard used for growing technology. Course title Vegetable Production Course code LauZ4021 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Ieva Žukauska Course abstract Vegetable biological characteristics and environmental requirements. Impact of agro-ecological factors on development, growing and yield formation of vegetables. Propagation material and methods. Vegetable growing technologies in open field. Economical and ecological conditions for selection assortment of varieties. Advanced techniques and innovations in vegetable sector. Learning outcomes After completing the course students acquire: • knowledge of vegetable biological characteristics and environmental requirements, vegetable growing technologies in the open and closed areas; • skills to choose the appropriate production technology or a separate method in specific agro-ecological conditions, to justify choice of a practical, ecological and economic point of view; • competence theoretical knowledge and skills to link, analyze, use and improve for decision-making professional tasks in a changing world. Course title Vegetable Production I Course code LauZ Credit points 2 94 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Ieva Žukauska Course abstract Vegetable biological characteristics and environmental requirements. Impact of agro-ecological factors on development, growing and yield formation of vegetables. Propagation material and methods. Vegetable growing technologies in open field. Economical and ecological conditions for selection assortment of varieties. Advanced techniques and innovations in vegetable sector. Learning outcomes After completing the course students acquire: • knowledge of vegetable biological characteristics and environmental requirements, vegetable growing technologies in the open and closed areas; • skills to choose the appropriate production technology or a separate method in specific agro-ecological conditions, to justify choice of a practical, ecological and economic point of view; • competences theoretical knowledge and skills to link, analyze, use and improve for decision-making professional tasks in a changing world. Course title Vegetable Production II Course code LauZ Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Ieva Žukauska Course abstract Vegetable biological characteristics and environmental requirements. Impact of agro-ecological factors on development, growing and yield formation of vegetables. Propagation material and methods. Vegetable growing technologies in open field. Economical and ecological conditions for selection assortment of varieties. Advanced techniques and innovations in vegetable sector. Learning outcomes After completing the course students acquire • knowledge of vegetable biological characteristics and environmental requirements vegetable growing Technologies in he open and closed areas; • skills to choose the appropriate production technology or a separate method in specificē agro ecological conditions to justify choice of a practical ecological and economic point of view; • competences theoretical knowledge and skills to link analyze use and improve for decision making Professional tasks in a changing world. Course title Floriculture Course code LauZ4028 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Antra Balode, Antra BērziĦa Course abstract Students know importance of ecological factors in flower production, biological and economical descriptions of cut-flower cultivars get skills to select cultivars depending on preferable flowering time and coverage of ecological conditions. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge of flower production, introduction and breeding; • skills to practice the knowledge in horticultural companies, to understand the growing conditions of species and cultivars; • competence of identification and characterization of various flowers. Course title Site Systems and Planting Design 95 Course code LauZ4159 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Aija Dižgalve Course abstract Students know history and evolution of gardens and parks and principles of landscape composition. Students can characterise and design different greenery types country gardens, street greenery, parks, and city gardens. They know how to use trees, flowers, rockery gardens, open-air pools, fountains etc. in design. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge about landscape composition, plant types, design principles and landscape maintenance; • skills for analyzing landscape design and to develop landscape design; • competence independently work in the sphere of site systems and landscape design. Course title Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding Course code LauZ3022 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Mintauts ĀboliĦš Course abstract Students learn physical bases of heredity, the role of nucleic acids DNS and RNS in heredity and synthesis of protein. Traits formation in plant hybridization and the divergences, happened in the result of genes interaction. Linkage. Genetical bases of plant breeding – hibridization, variability, polyploidy, heterosis, somatic cell genetic, genetic engineering and population genetic. Learn about the importance of plant genetic resources and conservation. The breeding process and variety testing organization. DUS test for the evaluation of newly developed varieties. Plant variety protection. Learning outcomes After completeing the course students will have: • knowledge of the horticultural breeding bases– genetic, are acquainted with selection process, selection methods and specific selections; • skills for self-pollinate and cross-pollinate plant breeding characteristics, to produce horticultural breeding plan and understand the variety test the usefulness of the organization; • competence selection of horticultural plants to evaluate different selection methods use high-quality varieties of mining. Course title Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding Course code LauZ3023 Credit points 1 ECTS creditpoints 1.50 Total Contact Hours Course developers Mintauts ĀboliĦš Course abstract The purpose of the course work is to improve obtained theoretical knowledge and to get experience in working out breeding program of horticultural plants. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge of the horticultural breeding bases– genetic. Are acquainted with selection process, selection methods and specific selections; • skills for self-pollinate and cross-pollinate plant breeding characteristics, to produce horticultural breeding plan and understand the variety test the usefulness of the organization; • competence selection of horticultural plants to evaluate different selection methods use high-quality varieties of mining. 96 Course title Alternative Horticulture Course code LauZ3014 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Ieva Žukauska Course abstract Spice and medicinal plants. Conservation of Genetic Resources. Relevant conservation methods. Herbs in the Europe and Latvia. Botanical classification of herbs. Agro-biological and economic characteristics Growing technology of herbs and medicinal plants. Site and soil. Planning the garden. Companion planting. Direct seeding and transplanting. Generative propagation. Vegetative propagation. Pests and diseases. Winterizing. Harvesting and storage. Herb marketing. Special - use vegetables,. Marketing. Field mushrooms. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge of herbs, aromatic and medicinal plants, cultivated mushrooms and nontraditional vegetable agro-biological and economic characteristics, production techniques, the necessary resources and the economic performance; • skills calculate the resources and economic indicators for the development of nontraditional farming; • competence evaluate the economic and ecological conditions and choose the direction of the specialization. Course title Horticulture Course code LauZ4238 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Course developers Ieva Žukauska Course abstract Course project can be summary of experimental results, production experience and analytic description of the horticulture sector, growing technology comparison. Students conduct research independently. Collects, analyzes and systematizes the information. Carry out calculations and data analysis the obtained results are analyzed and draw conclusions. Learning outcomes Students acquire: • knowledge to independently carry out experimental, theoretical and analytical researches work in horticulture sector. Collect and raise theoretical knowledge combined with practical horticultural production; • skills to collect and analyze information, compared and evaluate different species and cultivation technology. Draw conclusions and make proposals in different situations; • competence study and analyze the scientific and professional literature in horticulture sector. Specialist of zootechnics in breeding Course title Animal anatomy and physiology Course code Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.5 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Dace Keidāne Course abstract Animal anatomy and physiology are fundamental biological sciences, the study of life processes in the body, certain organs, tissues and cells as well as the function of regulation principles and mechanisms. Students will gain knowledge of the anatomical 97 structure as well as the processes which take place in the body and how these processes affect animal behavior. Learning outcomes •knowledge of the animal's body anatomical structure, physiological processes taking place and this process controls; •skill apply the learning of keeping and operating conditions of the assessment; •competences in matters of domestic animals will be subject to animal welfare in the anatomical structure and physiological characteristics. Course title Feedstuffs Course code Credit points 3 KP ECTS creditpoints 4.5 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Aiga Trūpa Course abstract : IThe study course acquaints the students with the feed components necessary for the feeding of animals - energy, crude protein, carbohydrates, crude fat, etc. and their biochemical and physiological role in metabolism and requirement of nutrients the animals for different species and physiological groups.The students are able to apply the acquired skills for the use of latest information technologies and information, appearing before the audience and discussions, independent preparation of presentations and professional defence of them. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) The students acquire knowledge on the chemical composition of feed: protein, carbohydrates, lipids, mineral substances and vitamins and their significance for the metabolism on the animal organism and for meeting the requirements regarding the use of the most appropriate types of feed and norms of additives envisaged in relation to feeding norms. The students acquire skills regarding the main principles of nutrient rationing for animals of different species and groups, and how to choose the most appropriate types of feed and additives to meet the requirements. The students are able to apply the acquired skills for the use of latest information technologies and information, appearing before the audience and discussions, independent preparation of presentations and professional defence of them. As a result, the students are competent to apply the acquired skills and abilities within the process of professional development, as well as to analyzethe scientific literature. Course title Feedstuffs Course code LauZ Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours Course developers Aiga Trūpa Course abstract The temp paper is developed by students according the experimental data base at the farms or by summarising the scientific literature on the chosen theme. The theme for the paper is chosen by the student and submitted for the approval to the lecturer delivering the study course.The objective of term paper is formulated. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences): The students improve and control their knowledge about the nutrients necessary for animals as well as about the feedstuffs used in Latvia, their total provision in the country and in a particular farm. The students also acquire practical skills in the principles of rationing of nutrients and feedstuffs for differentbreed and group animals. In the result, the students are able to speak in public, prepare a presentation independently, and defend it professionally. They also are competent to apply the gained knowledge and skills in analyzing the scientific literature. 98 Course title Feed Production Course code LauZ Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Aleksandrs Adamovičs Course abstract A thorough knowledge of biological properties and growth characteristics of field crops and herbage are significant in the choice of proper forage grass production technologies and in preparation of top quality feed.Breeding of field crop and grass species, their suitability to high and quality yield perform manse in different locations of Latvia are discussed in the course.Considerations of breeding species and families of diverse plants in forage production, the timing of harvests, the primary treatment and storage of the harvested crop are included in the course. Learning Outcomes Students obtain knowledge on agro-ecological factors influencing field of field plant and herbage yield, and their interaction. Students get knowledge on seed production, on morphology, agro – ecological demands, legumes and grasses management and yield quality of herbage. Students are skilled to evaluate role of agro – ecological factors on herbage yield formation, they are skilled to identify different legumes and grasses, to detect forage quality parameters, and to use them. Students are able to choose herbage management operations and to draw up forage management plan for hay, hay-crop silage and wilted grass silage. In result, students are competent to organize a forage production, harvesting, first stage processing, storage and sale, to choose suitable cultivation, to study scientific literature and to carry out further self - education on topics included into the study course. Course title Animal Nutrition Course code LauZ3145 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Lilija Degola Course abstract Zootechnical and economical evaluation of feedstuffs, nutrient role in animal nutrition and production. Utilization of feed in animal production. Principles, requirements in the organization and planning of animal feeding. Animal Nutrition and rationing. Ration composition of different species, age and productivity of animals groups to achieve maximum results with minimal of feed consumption, while maintaining good animal health, reproductive capacity, longevity. Computer programms for feed ratio optimization. Learning outcomes Course of study provides knowledge of the agricultural animal nutrition, of the feed rationing and effective use. Students will acquire skills to draw up a ration for animals and plan for the economical use of feed. Learning the course, students will be competent to discuss about the importance of farm animal nutrition in production process. Course title Animal Nutrition Course code LauZ3146 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Independent Study 32 Course developers Lilija Degola Course abstract The course project in the animal nutrition about feed stuffs zootechnical, economical evaluation, of the nutrient requirements for animal. Calculation the ration of animals, the planning the feed of various species, age, productivity of groups of animals to 99 achieve maximum results with minimal production of feed consumption. Analyse of feeding according on the their different live processes - ages, sex, reproductivity and longevity. Learning outcomes The course project obtain the students with the knowledge of the livestock feeding in practical way. Students will be able to calculate the quantity of feed for animal and feed ration. They will be competent to judge, analyze and argue the animal nutrition and choose the best animal feeding technology. Course title Genetics Course code Credit points 4 KP ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Daina Jonkus Course abstract: Students get acquainted with heredity and variation in different global levels of organization - molecular, cellular, characteristics of individuals and populations. Gain insight into the functioning of the gene, its regulation and possibilities of interaction with the external environment. Course of study provides knowledge of the principles of quantitative genetics for use in livestock breeding. The genetics is a theoretical base for animal breeding and selection. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences). After completing the course student will have: • Knowledge about the realization of genetic information from generation to generation. Know what factors can alter the hereditary information and how it affects the animal characteristics. Learn about the genetic parameters used for different species of livestock economically useful traits estimation. • Skills to explain the genetic mechanisms of molecular, cellular, trait, individual and population levels, as well as methods based on genetic principles for farm animal breeding. • Students will be competent in their knowledge to use in animal production and breeding of the theoretical course of learning, as well as a bachelor or diploma paper development. Course title Animal Breeding and Breeding Plans Course code LauZ Credit points 5 ECTS creditpoints 7.5 Total Contact Hours 80 Course developers: Līga Paura., Daina Jonkus Course abstract: The course will focus on understanding, analyzing and utilizing the knowledge about the domesticated animals economic and genetic quality estimation and method for its using. In that program students are acquaited with the process of domestication and onthogenesis of farm animals, use the principles of population and quantitative genetics in selection and mating, estimation and prediction of the genetic gain in animal populations. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences). After completing the course student will have: • Knowledge: knowledge and understandings about the domesticated animals economic and genetic quality estimation and method for its using; knowledge about animal pure breed and hybridization breeding plans. • Skills: essential communication skills in the principles of quantitative genetics in selection and mating, estimation and prediction of the genetic gain in animal populations, to use previous topics in breeding plans. 100 • Competences: to realize project work; define and critically analyze the project results. The ability of consulting and cooperating with colleagues, biologically trained people and herd managers. Course title Animal Breeding and Breeding Plans Course code LauZ Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours – Course developers Līga Paura., Daina Jonkus Course abstract For the course project will be used trait measures of certain real farm animals. The data will be processed biometrically and statistically evaluated. Animal species and stocking for the project selected student and agreed with the teacher. Herd size should be such that in the course project could finally get statistically sound results, as well as draw conclusions and make suggestions. Learning Outcomes: On the base of the course project students strengthens the knowledge what they will get on the study of course Animal breeding and Breeding Plans. Students know how to build a scientific literature review and analyse them, can describe the results of studies on livestock productivity indicators, their relationships, capable of evaluating the impact of various factors on productivity traits, as well as estimate the animal breeding value and predict the genetic gain for the next generation. Students will be able to analyze the individual farm strengths and weaknesses and make proposals for improving the breeding farm. As a result, students are competent to study the scientific literature and make the research work necessary to carry out bachelor’s degree work, organize the work of animal breeding farms, as well as to participate in scientific research and to continue self-education. Course title Dairy Husbandry Course code LauZ3046 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Daina Kairiša Course abstract Dairy husbandry as an important sphere of economics. Perspective of development of dairy husbandry in Latvia and othe contries. Cow breeds, history of forming, directions of retilization, prevalence. Factors, affeeting milk and meat productivity. Reproduction of herd. Growing of heirs. Evaluation of cattle. Organization of pedigree record. Course title Pig Production Course code LauZ4093 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Lilija Degola Course abstract Pig biological characteristics and its use level, variety characteristics and justification of choice, pig ethology, pig constitution and exterior, it evaluation, breeding, pig breeding methods, herd reproduction, pig production cycle technology, the fattening of pigs, pig farming technology, pig farms operating principles. Learning outcomes Students will gain knowledge of pig production, of pig farming technologies and production methods. Learn skills to organize work on pig farms and learn ability to choose the best pig keeping technology. Students will be competent to judge and analyze the pork production technologies and argue their views. Course title Poultry Course code LauZ 101 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.5 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Aiga Trūpa, Dace BārzdiĦa Course abstract: The study course acquaints the students with the topics, related to the situation of poultry in the country, European Union and the world, the biological and economically useful qualities of poultry, the characteristics of poultry breeds, their selection for the production of eggs and meat, and knowledge on feeding and breeding, welfare requirements and technologies in the poultry husbandry.The students are competent to apply the acquired skills within the process of professional development, as well as to analyze more profoundly the scientific literature. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) The students acquire knowledge how to apply correctly the biological peculiarities of poultry for the production of highly valuable and economically profitable produce of poultry husbandry, as well as the students are acquainted with the technologies applied in the poultry husbandry. The students know to breeds of poultry, feeding and welfare requirements. The students well as know how to use literature and knowledge for the acquisition of economically profitable produce of poultry husbandry. The students are able to evaluate, discuss and consult on the issues of poultry husbandry. The students are competent to apply the acquired skills within the process of professional development, as well as to analyze more profoundly the scientific literature and to perform independent scientific research in the poultry husbandry. Course title Horsebreeding Course code LauZ Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.5 Total Contact Hours 40 Course developers Guntis Rozītis Course abstract Indications of profitable horse, potentialities of assessment and use for horse breeding. Results of locus studies of quantitative indications and prospects of use. Available gene pool of breeds, description and suitability for conditions in Latvia. Breeding-value assessment methods and prospects of use. Use of selection indices. Efficiency of pure stock breeding. Breeding programmes for horse, provision of information and potential application in the horse breeding field in Latvia. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences): After completing the course student will have: • knowledge in the following fields: 1) horse breeding methods and application of such methods; 2) Ability to work; 3) assessment criteria for breeding indications for horse of different purpose; 4) development of breeding programmes and analysis of results.. • skills to organize work on horse stable and learn ability to choose the best horse breeding technology. • competences 1) assess breeding indications for horse of different purpose; 2) consult and manage development of breeding programmes; 3) organise development of research work in horse breeding. Course title Small Ruminats Course code Credit points 6 ECTS creditpoints 9 Total Contact Hours 96 Course developers Daina Kairiša, Elita AplociĦa Course abstract: Completing the course will give the possibility to assess the goat and sheep farming situation in Latvian and in other European countries, it will be possible to understand 102 the feeding and housing requirements of goats and sheep, based on production of different products. It will help to understand the importance of appropriate breeding methods to increase profitability. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) Students get basic knowledge of the small ruminants (goats and sheep) biological traits, breeding and feeding technologies, animal products and quality assurance principles. Students have skills to evaluate of appropriate farming technologies for different species and groups of livestock, to fill out the required documents, to evaluate the indices of product quality. After completing of course students are competent to assess the conformity of different goats and sheep breeds for production, to evaluate the applied breeding technologies, to advise a livestock holders in animal management and nutrition, to improve breeding methods in goats and sheep herds. Course title Obstetrics and Gynaecology Course code Vete Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.5 Total Contact Hours 48 Course abstract The subject of Veterinary obstetrics gives an insight of female animals reproductive and mammary glands physiology before and during pregnancy, parturition and post partum periods as well as the pathology of delivery, postpartum period and udder and newborn problems. Gynecology course examines female and male animals’ infertility. Learning Outcomes Knowledge about the female and male reproductive organ neural and humoral regulation, as well as processes of fertilization, pregnancy, parturition and peri-partal period; skills to organize and carry out animal management prevent reproductive organ diseases and fertility problems, the skills to assist dystocia; competence assess an animal’s reproduction and, in collaboration with veterinarians to develop and implement a plan of preventive measures to limit fertility. Course title The Principles of Veterinary Course code LauZ Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.5 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Modris Trompets Course abstract During the course of studies students are acquainted with most widespread animal contagious diseases (infectious and invasive) and non-contagious diseases (internal, obstetrics and gynaecology), symptoms, principles of diagnostics, and prophylaxis. Learning Outcomes − Knowledge and understanding about pathogenic agents of infectious diseases, their influence on organism and spread in environment, control and prevention of infectious diseases. − Skills to be able to make discussion about possible infection agent and perform preventive and control measures due the epidemiological data and clinical signs. − Competences to take part in the prophylactic measures, organised by competent authorities and animal owner against infectious diseases. Course title Processing of Agricultural Products Course code PārZ3065 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 103 Course developers Lilija Markeviča, Daina KārkliĦa, JeĜena Zagorska Course abstract In the study course “Processing of Agricultural Products” students gets knowledge about crop-cultivation (cereals, vegetables, fruits, potatoes) and animal breeding products (milk, meat) obtaining, production and processing properties and conditions, as well as acquired product quality and its importance in a diet. Learning Outcomes After the course student wil have: theoretical knowledge in basis of agricultural food processing; skills to determine agricultural raw materials and food quality; competences – evaluate quality and suitability of agricultural raw materials for processing. Manager of an agricultural company Course title Agrarian Policy Course code LauZ2047 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Dzidra Kreišmane Course abstract Agrarian reform in Latvian and agricultural policy formation. Energy issues and renewable energy production in agriculture. Latvian agricultural policy and its strategy, the relationship with Europe and the world's agrarian policy. EU and Latvian agricultural and rural policy-makers and the implementing institutions, farmer organizations and participation effects. Formation of EU common agricultural policy, its objectives, principles, methods. Latvian integration into the EU single market, the advantages and disadvantages. Agriculture and Rural Development program. EU support programmes. Learning outcomes Students of study course acquire knowledge of agricultural policy formation, the factors influencing it, the place in policy spectrum. Students acquire skills to identify factors that influence agricultural policy, to analyze the policy formation process and the impact on production. Students are competent to participate in policy-making process through farmers' organizations or institutions Course title Macroeconomics Course code Ekon2087 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Zane Bulderberga Course abstract The objectives of this course concern obtaining of theoretical knowledge about economic circumstances on level of macroeconomics in order to understand it’s practical use and to analyze basic problems of macroeconomics in respect of real economy. Consequently the students are expected to be able to draw up suggestions about the possibilities for economical development and growth. Learning outcomes Knowledge – on macroeconomic indicators, their analysis and importance, as well as impact of certain country’s economic policies (fiscal, monetary, employment promotion, etc.) on the national growth and development, and understanding of regularities and guidelines of macroeconomic theory. Skills – to analyze and critically evaluate economic processes at the national level, as well as skills to develop conceptual proposals for institutions responsible for policy improvement, with the aim to promote smooth and stable economic growth. Competence – ability to acquire, filter and analyze economic information that is necessary for the development of conceptual proposals for achieving goals of the economic growth and employment promotion. Course title Microeconomics Course code Ekon1013 Credit points 3 104 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Zane Bulderberga Course abstract The course deals with microeconomic analysis. It introduces students to essence of economics, market laws, household and consumption theories, It deals with various types of competition and their indications and provides an understanding of efficient use of resources and of conditions for resource markets. Learning outcomes Knowledge acquired extensive micro-economic sub-theoretical basis, the ability to understand and be competent in opinions and scientific achievements of the world's economic schools. Understanding of the key market economy scientific and practical principles and regularities. Skills are able to make a practical micro-level analysis, independent findings and the proposal, the market equilibrium model, to analyze the consumer's market behavior motivation. Competence independently select and systematize the information necessary to analyze the company's economic performance, listen to and discuss practical solutions to make decisions and to develop proposals in line with economic realities. Course title Crop Protection Course code LauZ2012 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Ināra Turka Course abstract Study Course Pest Management introduce students with organization structure, laws and regulations of Plant Protection in Latvia. Introduce with most important pests and diseases, methods and means of their control, losses caused by pests and diseases and the economics of different control measures. Learning outcomes Integrated knowledge of the harmful organisms, control opportunities and the economic efficiency of all measures allowing to students assess the situation in individual farms and make a decision on plant protection systems. Competently evaluate the effectiveness of protective measures, as well as a compliance with plant protection law and regulatory documents, and draw up the projects. Acquired skills and competences will allow in the practice to select and use PPP on different crops against harmful organisms and to take into account the laws and regulations and safety. Course title Soils and Fertilizers Course code LauZ2040 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Ināra Līpenīte, Aldis KārkliĦš Course abstract Course of soils and fertilizers imparts knowledge on soil development, main soil properties, soil organic matter, soil fertility and plant nutrition, organic and mineral fertilizers, soil and environment quality, soil degradation, water management in soil, soil resources inventory characterization and classification of soils. Students acquire elaboration of fertilization system and its evaluation. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge and insight on soil development, properties, soil fertility and plant nutrition, soil fertility survey, fertilization systems and their evaluation. Students acquire skills to identify soils, and evaluate their suitability for crop production; to choose appropriate fertilizers and norms, evaluate its effect on environmental quality. As a result student will be competent to make decision and creative solutions in different conditions of soil and fertilizer use. 105 Course title Soils and Fertilizers Course code LauZ2041 Credit points 1 ECTS creditpoints 1.50 Total Contact Hours 24 Course developers Ināra Līpenīte, Aldis KārkliĦš Course abstract The work includes farm soil fertility survey and fertility management planning, manure production calculations and proposals for storage and use, field crops’ fertilization planning, calculations of agronomic and economic effectiveness of fertilizer use. Expected plant nutrient balance calculation. Case study for real farm or proposed model farm. Learning outcomes Improvement of theoretical knowledge on plant nutrient resources and fertility management of soil. Skills of soil fertility survey and field crops' fertilization planning, ability to evaluate economics of fertilizer application and analyze environmental aspects, ability to produce solutions on available arrangements and technologies. Course title Basics in Field Cultivation Course code LauZ2044 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Andris BērziĦš, Maija Ausmane Course abstract Objectives of the study subject are to provide students with basics and actualities in soil tillage, crop growing factors and its control. Weed biology, classification and control. Yield lost estimation and effectiveness of weed control. Crop rotations and soil tillage systems. Learning outcomes Students will obtain the knowledge in soil tillage, weed biology and control, the scientific basis for crop rotations and tillage system planning. They will obtain the practical skills in weed systematics, estimation of crop weedness, planning of weed control, soil tillage technologies and crop rotation design. This competence is necessary for students as future farmers or farmer advisors. Course title Basics in Field Cultivation Course code LauZ2043 Credit points 1 ECTS creditpoints 1.50 Total Contact Hours Course developers Andris BērziĦš, Maija Ausmane Course abstract The task of the Coarse Paper is to study and analyse crop farming for the model farm. It includes design of crop rotations related to given soil and climate conditions, planning of activities for soil tillage and weed control in relation with production specialization. Learning outcomes Students will obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for planning and optimisation of crop production, design of crop rotations, planning of soil tillage operations and weed control measures. They will raise competence to analyse the overall situation in crop production, to motivate decisions related to the complex measures for crop rotation, soil tillage and weed control. To carry out evaluation of planned farming activities within the agronomic, economic and environmental dimension. This competence is necessary for students as future farmers or farmer advisors. Course title Production of Horticultural Products I Course code LauZ3147 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 106 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Kaspars Kampuss Course abstract Students know an importance of fruit growing to food supply. They inquire the role of fruits and berries in food production and market. They obtain skills to evaluate market value of fruits, berries and plants, the best realisation ways, and how to ensure sufficient income of producers. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge of the climatic zones of fruits, species diversity, morphology, fruit-growing technologies in nurseries and orchard, storage and market requirements; • skills to critically assess fruit plant propagation techniques, plant quality and high output production cycle techniques; • competence to assess fruit and berry orchard establishment plan, the diversity of species and varieties, as well as analysis of seedlings and orchard used for growing technology. Course title Production of Horticultural Products II Course code LauZ4239 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Ieva Žukauska Course abstract Vegetable sector, the situation and development prospects. Vegetable agricultural-biological and economic characteristic. Entrepreneurship as one of the vegetable production development directions. Sustainable technologies, high quality of the output, preprocessing, storage and realization of vegetable production. Medicinal plants, herbs, mushrooms, non-traditional vegetables: biological characteristics and environmental requirements. production technology. Economic motivation. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge of biological and ecological requirements of vegetables, herbs, aromatic and medicinal plants, cultivated mushrooms, non-traditional vegetable their respect in various cultivation technologies in the open field and greenhouses and the main prerequisites for starting; • skills economically evaluate the range of vegetable species, their production methods and techniques in specific ecological and economic conditions; • competence evaluate market situation and choose the most appropriate vegetable, herbs, aromatic and medicinal plants, cultivated mushrooms, non-traditional vegetable production direction and specialization of farming. Course title Production of Horticultural Products III Course code LauZ3148 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Ieva Žukauska, Aija Dižgalve Course abstract Students acquire specialization in ornamental horticulture, production organization and growing of greenery plants, trees and shrubs, trends in greenery design, organization, and cultivation, development of services. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge about nursery plant production, propagation and growing technology and their application; • skills for practical use and realization; • competence independently work in the sphere of nursery plant growing and independently work in the sphere of site systems and landscape maintenance. 107 Course title Production of Plant Crop I Course code LauZ4236 Credit points 5 ECTS creditpoints 7.50 Total Contact Hours 80 Course developers Dzintra Kreita Course abstract Students become familiar with several field crops groups, forms or varieties economical importance, utilisation, classification, breeding sorts, them morphological and biological qualities, agroecological requirements, growing and development individuality, yield and it’s quality forming rules, agrotechnics for some cultivated plants under different soil and meteorological conditions, calculation of the production costs and gross weight discharge. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge about morphology, agroecological requirements of field crops, and influence of different factors on yield and quality indexes. They know how to identify species of field crops in different growth stages, to estimate a suitability of varieties for growing in particular agrometeorological conditions. Students have skills to determine quality indexes of produce. Students are competent to work out the technological schemes of crop management for the planed yield level, to calculate cultivation costs, to organize and manage production procedures of field crop produce, to evaluate their execution quality. Course title Production of Plant Crop II Course code LauZ4237 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Dzintra Kreita Course abstract Students become familiar with several field crops groups, forms or varieties economical importance, utilisation, classification, breeding sorts, them morphological and biological qualities, agroecological requirements, growing and development individuality, yield and it’s quality forming rules, agrotechnics for some cultivated plants under different soil and meteorological conditions, calculation of the production costs and gross weight discharge. Learning outcomes Students obtain knowledge about morphology, agroecological requirements of field crops, and influence of different factors on yield and quality indexes. They know how to identify species of field crops in different growth stages, to estimate a suitability of varieties for growing in particular agrometeorological conditions. Students have skills to determine quality indexes of produce. Students are competent to work out the technological schemes of crop management for the planed yield level, to calculate cultivation costs, to organize and manage production procedures of field crop produce, to evaluate their execution quality. Course title Animal Husbandry Production I Course code Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Daina Jonkus, Aiga Trūpa Course abstract: Acquiring the course of training will enable students to learn about the growth and development peculiarities of different stocks of farm animals, farm animal breeds, methods of their productivity estimate. Get acquainted with the animal sampling and selection and its role in the selection work. The students will also learn about animal nutrition issues 108 where one of the key principles of a successful management is appropriate for the animal breed and productivity level, economically based composition of the feed ration. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) After completing the course student will have knowledge about growth and development peculiarities of different breeds of farm animals, productivity assessment methods and importance of the selection work in the improvement of the breed and herd. The students acquire knowledge about the role of nutrients in animal nutrition, animal production, animal feed rationing and learn the basic principles of ration composition. The students to have skills how to evaluate productivity level of the given breed and age group of animals, make animal sampling according to the pedigree assessment results, choose the most appropriate feed for each animal breed and draw up suitable feed rations.The students are competent to choose animal breeds suitable for the direction of farm production and farming technology, plan a balanced animal feeding and apply the acquired knowledge in developing course works and diploma papers. Course title Animal Husbandry Production II Course code Credit points 5 ECTS creditpoints 7.5 Total Contact Hours 80 Course developers Daina Kairiša, Lilija Degola, Guntis Rozītis Course abstract: Students have been introduced with importance of animal husbandry in national economics, characterization of branch and development perspectives in Latvia and other countries. Students get knowledge in species and breed of domestic animals, their forming history, different animal breeding technologies, methods of estimation of productivity, organization of pedigree recording system in Latvia. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) Students get basic knowledge of the different species of livestock and poultry biological traits, breeding and feeding technologies, animal products and quality assurance principles. Students have skills to evaluate of appropriate farming technologies for different species and groups of livestock and poultry, to fill out the required documents, to evaluate the indices of product quality. After completing of course students are competent to assess the conformity of livestock and poultry for production, to evaluate the applied breeding technologies, to indicate a livestock holder to the mistakes in documentation and in production of high quality animal products. Course title Fodder Production Course code LauZ2048 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Dzidra Kreišmane Course abstract Forage production is a system of agrotechnical measures and management with the aim to produce forage in the fields, meadows and grassland to meet the physiological needs of livestock for nutrients in summer and winter.Breeding of grass species, their suitability to high and quality yield performance in different locations of Latvia are discussed in the course. Considerations of breeding species and families of diverse plants in forage production, the timing of harvests, the primary treatment and storage of the harvested crop are included in the course. Economic evaluation of crop plants. Learning outcomes Knowledge about economically biological properties of perennial grasses, the use of high-quality forage grass facility, forage technologies and seed growing of perennial grasses. Skills: to recognize and describe the species of perennial forage grasses, to make grass mixtures, to choose conditions appropriate forage technologies, to assess their economic feasibility. Students are competent to evaluate forage quality and agronomic and economic assessment of forage technologies 109 Course title Accounting and Investments Course code Ekon2127 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours Course developers Irina Pilvere, Inguna Leibus Course abstract The course project consists of a theoretical part and practical calculations. Theoretical part students choose topics that are related to the company's financial accounting, tax accounting, accounting objects or revenue and expenses in the simple entry system. Practical part the students prepare a business plan under the current conditions of the EU investment support to access funding for agriculture and rural development. Learning outcomes Knowledge of accounting and taxation for businesses, for investment in the development projets. Logical skills and professional writing to outline the work to express their thoughts, to formulate opinions and conclusions, develop a business plan. Competence to practice a course of study theoretical knowledge, research skills, ability to logically and professionally present the work to draw conclusions on its findings and put forward appropriate proposals with a mastery of performance-presentation. Course title Entrepreneurship in Horticulture Course code LauZ3144 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours – Course developers Ieva Žukauska, Dzidra Kreišmane Course abstract Course work can be summary of experimental results, production experience and analytic description of the horticulture sector, growing technology comparison. Students conduct research independently. Collects, analyzes and systematizes the information. Carry out calculations and data analysis. Obtained results are analyzed and conclusions are drawn. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge to independently carry out experimental, theoretical and analytical researches work in horticulture sector. Collect and raise theoretical knowledge combined with practical horticultural production; • skills theoretical knowledge use for different horticultural production planning, determine the types of risks and mitigation options, technology costs, product quality and the factors influencing the competitiveness of the the market; • competence to assess the specific types of horticultural production technology, the relevance and competitiveness. Course title Entrepreneurship in Crop Production Course code LauZ3143 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Course developers Dzidra Kreišmane, Dzintra Kreita Course abstract Course project development is based on the theoretical knowledge acquired in study courses Entrepreneurship in agriculture and crop production. In course project students are planning arable production under certain conditions, calculating costs of technologies, evaluating product competitiveness and planning production risk management. Course project development is based on a particular farm's data or start-up a business plan for arable production. Learning outcomes During the course project design students obtain: 110 - Knowledge about influencing factors and potential risks in crop production, technology costs, factors influencing product quality and about products competitiveness in the market; - Skills to use theoretical knowledge in planning specific arable production, calculation of production costs, determine the types of risks and mitigation options; - competence to assess certain arable production technology and competitiveness in the market. Practices Course title Practical Agriculture Management Course code LauZ1002 Credit points 1 ECTS creditpoints 1.50 Total Contact Hours 48 Course developers Daina Kairiša, Indra Eihvalde Course abstract History and current characterization of Research-training farm "Vecauce", prospects of development. Production resources and capacity, their development. Crop production, horticulture, animal husbrandry as production branches, their role and importance in farm economy. Agricultural products processing. Supplementary production lines. Farm machinery, use energy, farm buildings and equipment. Non-traditional production lines. Strategic, everday and financianal management-model and implementation. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge about different agriculture industries operation, interconnection, production technologies processes, agriculture management; • skills in planning economical activities and management in many-branched farm; • competence in group work or doing individual work independently, systematization of gained knowledge and forming a report. Course title Basics of Agriculture Course code LauZP051 Credit points 2 ECTS creditpoints 3 Total Contact Hours 80 Course developers Indulis Melngalvis Course abstract The goal of complex practical training is to get practical skills in agriculture. Soil properties. Peculiarities of anatomical, morphological of crop plants species. Soil tillage. Weed grasses. Orchard crops. Principles of animal breeding and live-stock feeding. Construction of the transport unit of a tractor, driving and manoeuvring. The methods of determination of wild plants. Learning outcomes After completing the praxis students will have: • knowledge and understanding of available agricultural production resources, tractor transport unit up and viable crop cultivation machinery; • skills to recognize the main plant species in field conditions, including crops, horticultural plants and weeds, make their records, to evaluate soil characteristics and tillage quality; basic skills of tractor driving, to evaluate technologies used in animal husbandry; • competences of primary practical work in agriculture. Course title Agronomy Course code LauZP050 Credit points 3 ECTS creditpoints 4.50 Total Contact Hours 120 Course developers Indulis Melngalvis 111 Course abstract Practical training includes study trips, field seminars in Soil science, plants and animals physiology. Students visits to scientific institutions, agricultural advisory centres and agricultural enterprises. Experimental and Demonstration fields establishment. Agricultural exhibition organization. Investigation and classification of soils. Linear evaluation of cows exterior. Learning outcomes After completing the praxis students will have: • knowledge and understanding how to practically use theoretical knowledge gained in soil science, animal husbandry, plant and animal physiology, and agronomy experimental design; knowledge on organization of agricultural research institutions and exhibitions; • skills to evaluate the characteristics of soil, animal and plant physiological processes, to carry out observations during experiments, to choose the data processing methods, as well as to carry out animal pedigree records; • competences to take practical action in soil evaluation, cattle breeding, animal and plant physiology, as well as to carry out research and evaluate obtained results. Course title Practical Agronomy I Course code LauZP055 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 160 Course developers Andris BērziĦš, Indulis Melngalvis Course abstract Possibility to combine theoriretical knowledge with practical skills. Acquaint with and gain experience about soil tillage techniques, management of cultivated crops, fertilization peculiarities, plant protection systems. Collect, systematize and describe collections about different themes in crop science. Apiculture. Comparison and estimation of methods used in agricultural practice. Learning outcomes After completing the praxis students will have: • Strengthen knowledge and understanding in the sphere of crop, grassland management, field- crop cultivation, arable and breeding, crop protection and agrochemical; theoretical aspects will be compared with the practical experience and actual problems in the holding practice; • Skills to identify and assess the dissemination of harmful organisms, to collect their collections, identify crop species and to assess the crop situation as soon as the applied crop-tech efficiency; • Competences in cooperation with the foreman to realise the farm agro-technical measures in the planning, direction and control. Course title Practical Agronomy II Course code LauZP056 Credit points 16 ECTS creditpoints 24 Total Contact Hours 640 Course developers Andris BērziĦš, Indulis Melngalvis Course abstract During the practice students depending on farm specialization are able to obtain practical skills and experience in crop technologies and its evoluation. Learning outcomes After completing the praxis students will have: • Strengthen the knowledge and critical understanding in agronomic issues, theoretical conclusions will be compared with the practical experience and problems in the farm practice; 112 •Skills to assess crop status, identify and assess the dissemination of harmful organisms, as well as the applied effectiveness in crop technologies; will be able to manage and organize the agricultural labour; • Competences- the ability independently to manage the grain, rapes, potatoes and other field crops, using the latest scientific findings and economic patterns to improve the branch, independently to manage farm production work and raise their qualifications Course title Horticulture Management I Course code LauZP058 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours 64 Course developers Aija Dižgalve Course abstract During the practice students depending on farm specialization are able to obtain practical skills and experience in horticulture crop technologies and its evaluation. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge and understanding in the sphere of horticulture management and cultivation, crop protection and agrochemical; theoretical aspects will be compared with the practical experience and actual problems in the holding practice; • skills to identify and assess the dissemination of harmful organisms, to collect their collections, identify crop species and to assess the horticulture production; • competence in cooperation with the foreman to realise the horticulture measures in the planning, direction and control. Course title Horticulture Management II Course code LauZP059 Credit points 16 ECTS creditpoints 24 Total Contact 640 Course developers Aija Dižgalve Course abstract During the practice students depending on farm specialization are able to obtain practical skills and experience in horticulture crop technologies and its evaluation. Learning outcomes After completing the course student will have: • knowledge and understanding in the sphere of horticulture management and cultivation, crop protection and agrochemical; theoretical aspects will be compared with the practical experience and actual problems in the holding practice; • skills to identify and assess the dissemination of harmful organisms, to collect their collections, identify crop species and to assess the horticulture production; • competence in cooperation with the foreman to realise the horticulture measures in the planning, direction and control. Course title Animal Husbandry I Course code LauZP060 Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Course developers Lilija Degola Course abstract During practice, students estimate productivity indices of cows, pigs, sheep, horses and poultry, exterior signs, housing and feeding technology. Students to make acquaintance with the animal pedigree and evaluate the importance of breeding in the farms. Students have to compare data acquired during the practice with given standards and make conclusions. Learning outcomes During practice, students acquire practical knowledge, measuring, assessing animals and evaluating the animal pedigree in the farms. Learn skills to make 113 exterior measurements, to assess the animals, to describe animals feeding and to determine the feed quantity and quality of feed. In carrying out practical tasks in practice, students acquire professional competence to argue animal production. Course title Animal Husbandry II Course code LauZP061 Credit points 16 ECTS creditpoints 24 Course developers Lilija Degola Course abstract During the professional practice students do practise task in farm. Student deepened the practical skills for different animal and poultry breeds assessment for productivity, exterior features and solution of feeding technology. Acquainted with the animal pedigree in the farm, assess breeding efficiency. Learning outcomes Students acquire practical knowledge of animal nutrition, breeding and keeping of the animal. Acquire the skills and abilities to assess the animal, to calculate feed rations and forage production plan, to organize work on the farm. Students will be competent in animal husbandry and may discuss the practical issues of animal husbandry. Course title Agricultural Enterpreneurship I and II Course code LauZ Credit points 4+16 ECTS creditpoints 30 Total Contact Course developers Dzidra Kreišmane, Iveta KĜaviĦa Course abstract Professional practice is one of the most important components of the study program "Agriculture" in specialization "Entrepreneurship in agriculture." It creates an opportunity in the first three years of theoretical knowledge to strengthen in practical work the specialty of agriculture or its related companies. Since at the same time is also seen in undergraduate practical study, the student chooses placement in the chosen theme of graduation. Students can select from the following themes: entrepreneurship crop production, horticulture, animal husbandry or ornamental horticulture. Learning outcomes Knowledge of technological processes in the sectors of agricultural production, management, organizational, accounting principles and financial flows, economic integration in the business environment, cooperatives, market conditions and agricultural organizations, as well as learn and get to know a particular county cultural environment. During practice, student learning ability to link specific soil and climatic conditions in agricultural production, to choose the specific conditions of appropriate technologies to address the practical issues and problems in the enterprise, to analyze the agricultural production process and develop recommendations. Skills reflect the student in accordance with design review practices. In the end of practice the student is competent to use in their further work acquired knowledge and skills for agricultural production, processing and marketing. Bachelor's thesis Course title Bachelor Thesis I Course code LauZ Credit points 1 ECTS creditpoints 1.5 Total Contact Course developers Daina Kairiša Course abstract Students choose research topics, and Bachelors manager, acquiring skills in undergraduate work order the preparation of the aims and objectives of the development. 114 Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences): Knowledge of the sector and subsector studies carried out, the need a new study, research subjects in the Faculty of Agriculture and other Latvian agricultural research institutions, the formulation of the target and the associated task setting. Skills – know how to formulate the study objectives and tasks to be raised in its execution and presentation of Bachelors terms of reference for approval in the meeting of the Institute. Competence – the student is competent to assess the topicality and the need and to formulate the research topic, as well as to adapt it according to their ineterests and abilities. Course title Bachelor Thesis II Course code LauZ Credit points 1 ECTS creditpoints 1.5 Total Contact Hours Course developers Daina Kairiša Course abstract Students acqure skills to choose relevant literature on Bachelor Thesis topic, make a targeted review of the literature, to use their acquired skills in research methodology for desing and arrangement of the study. Students working out the methods of bachelor Thesis. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences): during development of Bachelors working methods students is obtained: - Konwledge about using of appropariate research methods for data collection and analysis techniques in the fields of arable or livestock production, as well methods of economic calculation, if it is necessary for achieving Bachelor Thesis objectives; - Skills to select the appropriate research methods to specific objective and describe their realizing process; - Students are competent to evaluate study and to make their conformity assessment with the tasks of Bachelot Thesis. Course title Bachelor Thesis III Course code LauZ Credit points 4 ECTS creditpoints 6 Total Contact Hours Course developers Daina Kairiša Course abstract Students demonstrante their ability to preparē the summary of literature review for their Bachelors Thesis and references list according to the requirements. Reinforces the speaking skills. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences): - Knowledge of scientific research and the results of bachelor Thesis subject. Acquire enlarge knowledge about study question of Bachelor Thesis; - Skills to carry out the appropriate literature selection according to theme, prepare a summary of the literature, desing it according to instructions. Draw up a list of references in accordance with the provisions of bibliography. Publicly present the literature review: - Competent to collect and analyze different views of scientists on the study question. Course title Bachelor Thesis IV Course code LauZ Credit points 6 ECTS creditpoints 9 Total Contact Hours Course developers Daina Kairiša 115 Course abstract Sudents demonstrante their ability to work with the Bachelor Thesis data base obrain during research period, to make the resulting data analysis and interoretation of results, to preparē conclusions arising from results of the work. Shows the ability of the Bachelor Thesis defense and using thetheory in specific problem solving. Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences): Students will acquire: - In-depth theoretical knowledge of the study question, the knowledge of undergraduate work preparation conditions, the results of research collection and analysis; - Skills to collect and analyze results, draw conclusions and publicly present the work of Bachelor State exam commission; - Students are competent are competent to carry out research work in the agricultural sector, to analyze research results and to make suggestions for practical agricultural production. Course title Sport I Course code SpoZP001 Credit points .75 ECTS creditpoints 1.13 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Inta Alksne, Inta Ozola, Viktors Valainis Course abstract The course provides theoretical knowledge and develops practical skills of the students. The human organism is designed to be physically active. The theoretical knowledge deals with the physiological impact of physical excercises on the bodys familiarises students with competition rules and principles of their proper organization. The practical classes strengthen the student skills and facilitate development of their physical condition and health of students, the programme offers opportunities to go for different kinds of sport in accordance with the capabilities and interests of the students. Learning outcomes Students acquire knowledge abaut physical characteristics and its connection to development of functional abilities, biomechanical reasons of the movement. Acquire skills to use different exercises and vary movements to develop skills and physical characteristics, properly dose volume and intensity. They are competent to excersise independently or in groups. Course title Sport II Course code SpoZP002 Credit points .75 ECTS creditpoints 1.13 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Inta Alksne, Inta Ozola, Viktors Valainis Course abstract The course provides theoretical knowledge and develops practical skills of the students. The human organism is designed to be physically active. The theoretical knowledge deals with the physiological impact of physical excercises on the bodys familiarises students with competition rules and principles of their proper organization. The practical classes strengthen the student skills and facilitate development of their physical condition and health of students, the programme offers opportunities to go for different kinds of sport in accordance with the capabilities and interests of the students. Learning outcomes Students acquire knowledge abaut physical characteristics and its connection to development of functional abilities, biomechanical reasons of the movement. Acquire skills to use different exercises and vary movements to develop skills and physical characteristics, properly dose volume and intensity. They are competent to excersise independently or in groups. Course title Sport III Course code SpoZP003 Credit points .75 116 ECTS creditpoints 1.13 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Inta Alksne, Inta Ozola, Viktors Valainis Course abstract The course provides theoretical knowledge and develops practical skills of the students. The human organism is designed to be physically active. The theoretical knowledge deals with the physiological impact of physical excercises on the bodys familiarises students with competition rules and principles of their proper organization. The practical classes strengthen the student skills and facilitate development of their physical condition and health of students, the programme offers opportunities to go for different kinds of sport in accordance with the capabilities and interests of the students. Learning outcomes Students acquire knowledge abaut physical characteristics and its connection to development of functional abilities, biomechanical reasons of the movement. Acquire skills to use different exercises and vary movements to develop skills and physical characteristics, properly dose volume and intensity. They are competent to excersise independently or in groups. Course title Sport IV Course code SpoZP004 Credit points .75 ECTS creditpoints 1.13 Total Contact Hours 32 Course developers Inta Alksne, Inta Ozola, Viktors Valainis Course abstract The course provides theoretical knowledge and develops practical skills of the students. The human organism is designed to be physically active. The theoretical knowledge deals with the physiological impact of physical excercises on the bodys familiarises students with competition rules and principles of their proper organization. The practical classes strengthen the student skills and facilitate development of their physical condition and health of students, the programme offers opportunities to go for different kinds of sport in accordance with the capabilities and interests of the students. Learning outcomes Students acquire knowledge abaut physical characteristics and its connection to development of functional abilities, biomechanical reasons of the movement. Acquire skills to use different exercises and vary movements to develop skills and physical characteristics, properly dose volume and intensity. They are competent to excersise independently or in groups. Appendix 4 ACADEMIC STAFF INVOLVED IN REALIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL BACHELOR’S STUDY PROGRAMM “AGRICULTURE” LIST IS CONFORMED IN PERSONAL DEPARTMENT OF LATVIA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE № Name, Surname Faculty, department / institute LF, Soil and Plant Sciences institute (AAZI) 1. Aldis KārkliĦš 2. Ināra Turka LF, AAZI 3. Ināra Līpenīte LF, AAZI Position, scientific degree Professor, Dr. habil. agr. Professor, Dr. habil. agr. Associate professor, Dr. agr. Status in LLU Study course Main job Soil Science, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, Land Use Planning Main job Crop Protection Main job Soil Fertility and Fertilizers, Soils and Fertilizers 117 Associate professor, Dr. agr. Associate professor, Dr. biol. Associate professor, Dr. biol. Docent emeritus, Dr. agr. Professor, Dr. agr. Associate professor, Dr. agr. Associate professor, Dr. agr. 4. Roberts Vucāns LF, AAZI 5. Biruta Bankina LF, AAZI 6. Ina AlsiĦa LF, AAZI 7. Elga Plīse LF, AAZI 8. Dainis LapiĦš LF, AAZI 9. Andris BērziĦš LF, AAZI 10. Maija Ausmane LF, AAZI 11. Gunita Bimšteine LF, AAZI Docent, Dr. agr. Main job 12. Vilhelmīne Šteinberga LF, AAZI Leading researcher, Dr. biol. Main job 13. Ilze Vircava LF, AAZI Docent, Dr. geol. Main job 14. Laila Dubova LF, AAZI 15. Antons Ruža LF, Agrobio-tehnology institute (ABTI) 16. Aleksandrs Adamovičs LF, ABTI 17. Mintauts ĀboliĦš LF, ABTI 18. Uldis Osītis LF, ABTI 19. Antra Balode LF, ABTI Lecturer, Mgr. agr. Leading researcher, Dr. habil. agr. Professor, Dr. agr. Associate professor, Dr. agr. Leading researcher, Dr. agr. Guest lecturer docent, Dr. agr. Main job Soil Science Main job Crop Protection Phytopathology Main job Plant Physiology, Plant Biotechnology Main job Entomology Main job Field Cultivation Main job Main job Main job Main job Main job Advisor of bachelor thesis Agricultural Resources, Soil Science Microbiology, Plant Physiology Advisor of bachelor thesis Grassland Management, Feed Production Main job Fruit Production; Horticulture; Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding; Production of Horticultural Products I Main job Advisor of bachelor thesis Main job Floriculture 20. Lilija Degola LF, ABTI Docent, Dr. agr. Main job 21. Zinta Gaile LF, ABTI Professor, Dr agr. Main job 22. Inguna Gulbe LF, ABTI 23. Ziedonis Grīslis LF, ABTI 24. Daina Kairiša LF, ABTI Guest lecturer docent, Dr. oec. Leading researcher, Dr. agr. Associate professor, Dr. agr. Field Cultivation Agricultural Resources; Agrophysics Field Cultivation; Weeds and Weed Control Crop Protection; Phytopathology Animal Nutrition, Pig Production, Animal Husbandry Production II Crop Production I, Agricultural Resources Additionaljob Marketing Main job Advisor of bachelor thesis Main job Dairy Husbandry, Small Ruminats, Animal Husbandry 118 25. Kaspars Kampuss LF, ABTI Docent, Dr. agr. Main job 26. Dzidra Kreišmane LF, ABTI Associate professor, Dr. agr. Main job 27. Arta Kronberga LF, ABTI Guest lecturer docent, Dr. agr. Additionaljob 28. Aiga Trūpa LF, ABTI Docent, Dr. agr. Main job 29. Daina Jonkus LF, ABTI 30. Guntis Rozītis LF, ABTI 31. Dzintra Kreita LF, ABTI 32. Ieva Žukauska LF, ABTI Guest lecturer docent, Mg. paed. 33. Līga Paura 34. Elita AplociĦa ITF, Management System department, LF, ABTI LF, ABTI Associate professor, Dr. agr. Lecturer, Mgr. agr. Main job 35. Antra BērziĦa LF, ABTI Lecturer, Mg. agr. Main job 36. Aija Dižgalve LF, ABTI Lecturer, Mg. paed. Main job Associate professor, Dr. agr. Associate professor, Mg. agr. Associate professor, Mg. agr. Main job Main job Main job Main job Main job Production II Fruit Production; Horticulture Agrarian Policy, Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Legislation, Fodder Production Genetics and Breeding Poultry, Feedstuffs, Animal Husbandry Production II Animal Breeding and Breeding Plans, Genetics Horsebreeding, Animal Husbandry Production II Crop Production I and II; Production of Plant Crop I and II Production of Horticultural Products II and III, Vegetable Production; Alternative Horticulture Biometrics; Animal Breeding and Breeding Plans Small Ruminats Floriculture, Ornamentals Site Systems and Planting Design; Ornamentals; Production of Horticultural Products III; practices: Horticulture Management I, II Agronomy Experiment Design; practices: Basics of Agriculture; Agronomy; Practical Agronomy I and II Agricultural Entrepreneurship, practices: Agricultural Enterpreneurship I and II 37. Indulis Melngalvis LF, AAZI Lecturer, Mg. agr. Main job 38. Iveta KĜaviĦa LF, ABTI Guest lecturer assistant, Mg. oec. Main job 39. Marta Liepniece LF, ABTI Assistant, Mg. agr. Main job Apiculture 40. Dace Šterne LF, ABTI Main job Patent and Standard 41. Gundega Dinaburga LF, AAZI 42. Dace BārzdiĦa LF, ABTI Guest lecturer assistant, Mg. agr. Guest lecturer assistant, Mg. agr. Guest lecturer assistant, Mg. agr. Main job Main job Practices: Basics of Agriculture Poultry, Small Ruminats, Animal 119 Guest lecturer assistant, Mg. agr. 43. Indra Eihvalde LF, ABTI 44. Irina Sivicka LF, ABTI 45. Inguna Leibus EF, Accounting and Finance department 46. Irīna Pilvere EF, Economics department (EKON) Professor, Dr. oec. Main job EF, EKON Guest lecturer lecturer, Mg. oec. Main job EF, EKON Lecturer, Mg. oec. Main job Theory of Economics EF, Business and Management department (UZND) Guest lecturer docent, Mg. oec. Main job Agricultural Legislation Docent, Dr. oec. Main job Agricultural Entrepreneurship Main job Agrophysics Main job Agrophysics Main job Agrophysics 47. 48. Zane Buldenberga Linda Grinēviča 49 Ilze Upīte 50. Linda SiliĦa EF, UZND 51. Uldis Gross ITF, Physics department (FIZI) 52. Ilze Pelēce ITF, FIZI 53. Valdis Pandalons ITF, FIZI 54. Ilze Čakste 55. Māra Kūka Lilija Markeviča JeĜena Zagorska 56. 57. Guest lecturer assistant, Mg. agr. Associate professor, Dr. oec. Associate professor, Dr. phys. Guest lecturer docent, Mg. phys. Guest lecturer docent Additionaljob Husbandry Production II Practices: Practical Agriculture Management Vegetable Production, Alternative Horticulture Main job Main job Accounting and Investments Accounting and Investments Macroeconomics, Microeconomics PTF, Chemistry department (KIMI) PTF, KIMI PTF, Food technology department (PART) Docent, Dr. chem. Main job Chemistry Docent, Dr. sc. ing. Guest lecturer docent, Dr. phys. Main job PTF, PART Docent, Dr. sc. ing. Main job Chemistry Processing of Agricultural Products Processing of Agricultural Products Processing of Agricultural Products 58. Daina KārkliĦa PTF, PART 59. Viesturs Šulcs MF, Forestry department (MEZK) 60. Aigars Indriksons 61. Uldis Karlsons 62. Dace Brizga MF, MIZM 63. Jānis Palabinskis TF, Agricultural Technical institute (LTEH) 64. Juris Priekulis TF, LTEH 65. Kaspars Vārtukapteinis TF, LTEH 66. Vizma Vanovska TF, Education and housekeeping Institute 67. Kaspars Abramenko LIF, Environment and Water department (VIDE) 68. Linda Grinberga Professor, Dr. sc. ing. Associate professor, Dr. biol. MF, MEZK Docent, Dr. silv. MF, Forest use department (MIZM) Guest lecturer lecturer Guest lecturer – assistant, Mg. sc. soc. Associate professor, Dr. sc. ing. Professor, Dr. sc. ing. Professor, Dr. sc. ing. LIF, VIDE Lecturer, Mg. paed. Guest lecturer lecturer, Mg. sc. ing. Guest lecturer – assistant, Mg. sc. Main job Main job Main job Botany Additionaljob Botany Main job Labour and Civil Protection Main job Labour and Civil Protection Main job Mechanisation of Agriculture Main job Main job Main job Main job Additionaljob Mechanisation of Agriculture Mechanisation of Agriculture Organizational Psychology and Management Ecology and Environmental Protection Ecology and Environmental 120 ing. 69. Ēvalds Dreimanis 70. Gunta Bagrade 71. Gunārs Pētersons VMF, PREKL 72. Dace Keidāne VMF, PREKL 73. Līga KovaĜčuka VMF, PREKL 74. Vita Antāne VMF, Clinical Institute (KLIN) 75. Ilga Šematoviča VMF, KLIN 76. Modris Trompets VMF, KLIN 77. Andris Gaters SZF, Languages department (VALO) 78. Dace Skrupska SZF, VALO 79. Oksana Mališeva SZF, VALO 80. Ināra Leikuma SZF, Philosophy department 81. Jānis Ābele SZF, Sociology Department LIF, VIDE VMF, Preclinical Institute (PREKL) Guest lecturer – docent, Dr. biol. Guest lecturer lecturer, Mg. biol. Associate professor, Dr. biol. Guest lecturer docent, Mg. med. vet. Guest lecturer docent, veterinarian Associate professor, Dr. med. vet. Docent, Mg. med. vet. Guest lecturer – assistant, veterinarian Guest lecturer lecturer, Mg. art. Guest lecturer lecturer, Mg. paed. Lecturer, Mg. art. Lecturer, Mg. psych. Associate professor, Dr. agr. Main job Protection Ecology and Environmental Protection Additionaljob Zoology Main job Zoology Main job Main job Animal Physiology, Animal anatomy and physiology Animal Physiology, Animal anatomy and physiology Main job Obstetrics and Gynaecology Main job The Principles of Veterinary Main job The Principles of Veterinary Main job Main job Main job Main job Main job Professional English in Agriculture Professional English in Agriculture Professional German in Agriculture Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics Organizational Psychology and Management 121 Appendix 5 Academic Staff's Scientific Research Biographies (CV) CURRICULUM VITAE Professor , Dr. habil. agr. Aldis KARKLINS Professor of Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences Latvia University of Agriculture. Born: February 6, 1951. Education: • Agronomist, Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Agronomy), 1977 • Dr. agr. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Lithuanian Agricultural Academy, 1982 • Dr. habil. agr., Latvia University of Agriculture, 1997. Professional Experience: Latvia University of Agriculture : • Agronomist and Senior Researcher, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1977 – 1982. • Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1983 – 1996 • Head, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1983 – 2005. • Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, 1993 – 1998. • Professor, Department of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, 1997 – • Director, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, since September 1, 2005. Interests: Soil Fertility, Soil Diagnosis and Classification, Soil Testing methods. Languages: Latvian, English, Russian. Honours and Awards: • Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, since 1997. • Full Member, Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science of Latvia, since 1992. • Foreign Member, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, since 1998. Professional Activities and Memberships: • Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Agriculture, 1994 – 1996; 2001 – • Vice–president, Latvian Society of Agronomy, 1994 – 1998. • President, Latvian Society of Soil Science, since 1994. • Member, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, 1997 – 2004. • Member, International Society of Soil Science, since 1997. • Member, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, since 1996. • Member, European Confederation of Soil Science Societies, since 2005. Publications: (since 2003) 122 Publications Total Since 2005 8 1 1 10 7 1 1 10 12 52 14 98 11 46 10 86 Conferences Total Since 2005 International Latvian TOTAL 36 28 63 29 23 51 Monographs, books Textbooks SCI cited articles Research papers in peer reviewed international journals/proceedings Other scientific Conference materials Periodic TOTAL 9. Presentations in conferences: (since 2003) Recent/Representative Publications (2005 – 2011) • A. Karklins. Soil information in Latvia. In: Soil Resources of Europe, second edition. R.J.A. Jones, B. Houškova, P. Bullock and L. Montanarella (eds). European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 9, EUR 20559 EN, (2005), 420 pp. Office for Official publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, P 201 – 209. • A. Karklins, I. Lipenite. Potassium balance in selected farms of Latvia / Fertilizers and Fertilization: Journal of the Polish Fertilizer Society – CIEC, Nr 3 (24), 2005, P. 81 – 88. • A. Karklins. Fertilizer use strategy for sustainability – Latvian approach // Почвоведение и агрохимия / Институт Почвоведения и агрохимии Национальной Академии Наук Беларуси, No. 1 (34), январь-июнь 2005 г., с. 22 – 27. • A. Karklins, I. Lipenite. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. I. Farm „Rudeni”, Jelgava region // Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava: LLU, 2006. – Nr. 16 (311). – 1 – 9 pp. • A. Karklins, I. Lipenite. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. II. Farm „Kalnamuiza”, Cesis region // Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava: LLU, 2006. – Nr. 16 (311). – 1 – 7 pp. • I. Lipenite, A. Karklins. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. III. Farm „Darznieki”, Dobele region // Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava: LLU, 2006. – Nr. 16 (311). – 8 – 15 pp. • I. Lipenite, A. Karklins. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. IV. Farm „Ogre”, Ogre region // Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava: LLU, 2006. – Nr. 17 (312). – 11 – 20 pp. • A. Karklins, I. Lipenite. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. V. Farm „Mareni”, Valmiera region // Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava: LLU, 2006. – Nr. 17 (312). – 21 – 28 pp. • I. Lipenite, A. Karklins. NPK balance studies in farms of Latvia. VI. Farm „Tereni”, Jelgava region // Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava: LLU, 2007. – Nr. 18 (313). – 9 – 16 pp. 123 • • • • • • • • • • Csathó, P., Sisák, I., Radimszky, L., Lushaj, S., Spiegel, H., Nikolova, M.T., Nikolov, N., Čermák, P., Klir, J., Astover, A., Karklins, A., Lazauskas, S., Kopinski, J., Hera, C., Dumitru, E., Manojlović, M., Bogdanović, D., Torma, S., Leskošek, M., Khristenko, A. Agriculture as a source of phosphorus causing eutrophication in Central and Eastern Europe / Soil Use and Management, 2007, No. 23 (Suppl. 1): pp. 36 – 56. Guidelines for soil diagnosis and description: Field book / Ed. by A. Karklins. – Jelgava: LLU, 2007. – 120 p. Guidelines for soil diagnosis and description / Ed. by A. Karklins. – Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – 336 p. Geology, Soils, Fertilizer Use / Ed. by A. Karklins. – Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – 88 p. R. Kõlli, A. Karklins, S. Marcinkonis, A. Astover, A. Toomsoo. Soil phosphorus status in Baltic countries and its sustainable management. In: Book of abstracts // NJF Seminar 401 “Phosphorus management in Nordic-Baltic agriculture – reconciling productivity and environmental protection”, held in Uppsala, Sweden, September 22 – 23, 2008, Ed. by Gitte H Rubæk / NJF Report, Vol 4, Nr 4, 2008, pp. 92 – 96. A. Karklins, I. Lipenite. Methodological Approach for Development of Manure Reference Values. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – Nr. 21 (315). – 11 – 23 pp. (in Latvian). Taxonomy of Latvia soils / Ed. by A. Karklins. – Jelgava: LLU, 2009. – 240 p. Soil conservation and sustainable use / O. Nikodemus, A. Karklins, M. Klavins, V. Melecis. – Rīga: Academic Press, 2008. – 254 p. Līpenīte I., KārkliĦš A. Soil quality within the context of land use changes. I. Introductory notes and soil organic matter. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. LLU, 2011. – No. 26 (321). – 1 – 17 pp. (in Latvian). CABI Abstracts. Līpenīte I., KārkliĦš A. Soil quality within the context of land use changes. II. Soil physical and agrochemical properties. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. LLU, 2011. – No. 26 (321). – 18 – 32 pp. (in Latvian). CABI Abstracts. Research Projects (2005 – 2011): • A. Karklins. (Head of the Project). Development of Integrated Soil Information System in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2001 – 2008). • A. Karklins (Project leader, Latvia). Environmental Assessment of Soil for Monitoring, Cranfield University. EU (2006 – 2007). • A. Karklins, Member of Steering Committee, participation of realization. Project 00040670 ‘Building Sustainable Capacity and Ownership to Implement UNCCD objectives in Latvia”. GEF/UNDP (2006 – 2007). • A. Karklins (Head of the Project). Change in soil properties related to the nontraditional agricultural land use. Latvian Council of Science (2009 – 2012). 124 LIETIŠĖĀ BIOGRĀFIJA (CV) Ināra Turka Vārds Uzvārds Dzimšanas vieta:Rīga Dzimšanas gads: 1942 LLU LF Augsnes un augu zinātĦu institūts, profesore Darba vieta un ieĦemamais amats Darba vietas adrese: Jelgava, Strazdu iela 1 LV3004 630 21998 630 27238 TālruĦa Nr. Fakss: E-pasts: Izglītība Pamatstudijas, maăistrantūra, doktorantūra (aspirantūra). Mācību iestāde, valsts Latvijas Valsts universitāte Zinātniskā kvalifikācija Zinātniskā padome, iestāde, valsts • Harkovas Lauksaimniecības institūts, Ukraina • Latvijas Habilitācijas padome • un Universitātes promocijas LLU habilitācijas un promocijas padome, Latvija Gads Studiju laiks Specialitāte Kvalifikācija 1965- 1971 Biologs-zoologs Bioloăijasėīmijas skolotājs Specialitāte 1980 Entomoloăija 1992 Entomoloăija Zinātniskais grāds Bioloăijas zinātĦu kandidāta grāds Diploma Nr. C-D 000199 Dr.biol. 1994 Augu aizsardzība G-dh 000020 Dr.habil.agr • LLU paplašinātās Habilitācijas un promocijas padome, profesoru ievēleēšana 1997 Augu aizsardzība 2004 Augu aizsardzība 2010 Augu aizsardzība profesors LLU-PR 008 Darba pieredze No 2005.gada - līdz šim LLU Augsnes un augu zinātĦu institūta profesore No 2001- līdz 2005.g. LLU , Augu bioloăijas un aizsardzības katedras vadītāja, profesore No 1997. – 2001 LLU, LF, Augu aizsardzības katedras vadītāja, profesore. 1997- 2001.- LLU LF Augu bioloăijas un aizsardzības katedras vadītāja 1994-1997 – LLU, LF Augu aizsardzības katedras profesore. 1986-1994 – LLU, LF Augu aizsardzība katedras docente. 1980-1986 – LLU Augu un kukaiĦu vīrusu slimību problēmu laboratorijas vec. zinātniskā līdzstrādniece. Zinātniskās darbības virzieni, projekti, granti, maăistrantu un doktorantu vadīšana Kultūraugu kaitīgo organismu monitorings. Datorizētas prognozēšanas un brīdinājumu sistēmas integrētā augu aizsardzībā. ĂM kultūraugu, konvencionālā un bioloăiskā saimniekošanas veida līdzāspastāvēšana. Starptautisks projekts. Sustainable use of natural resources. PD training programme. Apakštēma: Epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) 2000 – 2005.g. Starptautisks projekts: Dānijas- Latvijas kopprojekta “Development and Implementation of an Internet based Decision Support System for Integrated Pest Management”1998 -2003. LZP granti Līdzdalība (I.Turka) LZP granta tēmā Nr. 04.1049 ( 2004-2009) Augsnes patogēnu izpēte bioloăiskajai lauksaimniecībai lielražošanā – ( vad. B.Bankina). Līdzdalība (I.Turka) LZP sadarbības projektā Latvijas lauksaimniecības risku un krīžu vadības sistēmas. SadaĜā: Augu veselības risku un krīžu vadības sistēma .Vad. P.Rivža. LLU pētniecības projekti , projekta vad..I.Turka. 2008) Dažādu laterālās plūsmas ekspress metožu pārbaude un ieviešana kultūraugu latento infekciju 125 diagnostikai . Līgumdarbu ar uzĦēmumiem . Vad. Turka I. (2008) Līgums ar LR ZM, VAAD : Kultūraugu kaitēkĜu, patogēnu un nezāĜu rezistence pret augu aizsardzības līdzekĜiem. Teorētisks pētījums pretrezistences stratēăijas izveidei Latvijā. Līdzdalība (2007) (I.Turka) Līgums ar LR PVD:Pamatojuma izstrāde Nacionālā bioloăiskā drošuma sistēmas attīstības stratēăijai 2008.–2013.gadam Nr. PLJ-2007-0153-B, projekta vad. L. Melece, VA Latvijas Valsts Agrārās ekonomikas institūts. LR ZM subsīdiju projekti, projekta vad.. LR ZM subsīdiju projekts Nr.050606/S224 Ekonomiskais pamatojums potenciāli brīvām zonām no ăenētiski modificētiem (ĂM) kultūraugiem Latvijā- 2006.g. ZM subsīdiju projektsNr. 270605/S220 Ăenētiski modificētu organismu, ăenētiski modificētu kultūraugu iespējamās ietekmes uz konvencionālo , bioloăisko lauksaimniecību un vidi Latvijā novērtējums - 2005.g. I.Turkas vadītie, aizstāvētie promocijas darbi . Māris Bisnieks: Promocijas darbs Epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV).Vad. No Zviedrijas puses prof. R. Sigvald, no Latvijas puses- prof. Ināra Turka - promocijas darbs aizstāvēts 2006.gadā. Gunita Bimšteine: Promocijas darbs: Phytophthora infestans populācijas inventarizācija un prognozēšanas datormodeĜu optimizācija – promocijas darbs aizstāvēts 2005. gadā. Ilze Apenīte promocijas darba tēma: DzērveĦu dzinumu pangodiĦa Dasineura vacinii. bioloăija, ekoloăija un ekonomiskā nozīme Latvijā. 2005.05. - 2009.07.- promocijas darbs aizstāvēts 2010.gadā. Doktoranti: Arturs Stalažs promocijas darba tēma Cecidophypsis ăints pumpurērču sugu sastāvs, izplatība un to loma Ribes ăints augu vīrusslimību pārnešanā Latvijā.2008.03.-2011.03. Neda Pūpola promocijas darba tēma ĀbeĜu vīrusu ăenētiskais raksturojums un to ietekme uz dažādiem saimniekaugiem. 2008.09.-211.09. Ingrīda GrantiĦa promocijas darbs Krustziežu stublāju un sēklu smecernieku (Ceuthorrhynchus spp.) un krustziežu pāksteĦu pangodiĦa (Dasyneurea brassicae ) bioloăija, ekoloăija un ekonomiskā nozīme Latvijā. 2009.01.- 2012.01. Maăistranti Anna Kāle – Potenciāli nozīmīgāko vīrusu izplatība komerciālās ābeĜu šėirnēs. Darbs aizstāvēts 2008.gadā. Aija Rebāne – Latvijā reăistrēto augu aizsardzības līdzekĜu salīdzinājums izmantošanai ogulāju integrētās sistēmās. Darbs aizstāvēts 2008.gadā. Zane Grigale – Ekspresmetožu lietderība Rizoctonia solani noteikšanai kartupeĜu sēklas bumbuĜos. Guna Logina - KartupeĜu irdenā kraupja Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea Lag. izplatība Latvijā. Darbs aizstāvēts 2010.gadā Laura Ludevika - KartupeĜu Y vīrusu (PVY) diagnostikas ar laterālās plūsmas imunohromotogrāfijas ekspress metodi ekonomiskais vērtējums. Darbs aizstāvēts 2010.gadā Uzstāšanās konferencēs (2005.g. - 2011.g.) 126 1. 2. 3. Turka. I., Bimšteine G. Importance of potato variety choice in integrated pest management.24th NJF Congress , NJF Report, Vol.7, No.3, 2011, Upssala, Sweden, June 14-16, 2011. Mutisks ziĦojums. Turka I., Bimšteine G. Does potato scab Rhizoctonia solani compete with powdery scab Spongospora subterraneaf.sp.subteranea in the field conditions? NJF Seminar 446, isk assesment/ risk management, forecasting pests and diseases of field crops in a changing climateNJF Report, Vol. 7, No.9, Uppsala Sweden,Kristianstad,Sweden, 30.11.-01.12.2011. Vol.Stenda referāts. GrantiĦa I., Turka I.(2010). Brassica stem weevil Ceuthorrhynchus spp. on winter oilseed rape in Latvia. NJF conference 430, Climate Change and Agricultural Production in the Baltic Sea Region, Uppsala Sweden,04.05.-06.05.2010. Stenda referāts. 4. Turka I., Bankina B. (2010) Latest changes in the list of potato diseases in Latvia/NJF conference 430, Climate Change and Agricultural Production in the Baltic Sea Region, Upsala, 04 - 05. 05. 2010. Stenda referāts. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. GrantiĦa I., Turka I.(2010).Krustziežu pāksteĦu pangodiĦš/ LU 68 konference. Zooloăijas un dzīvnieku ekoloăijas sekcija. 2010. gada 2. februāris. Stenda referāts. Turka I. Monitoring and inspection problems of potential GM crops situated close to organic and beekeeping farm/NJF conference 422 Fostering healthy food systems through organic agriculture – focus on Nordic-Baltic region, 25-27 augusts, 2009.Mutisks ziĦojums. Bankina B.,Turka I., Priekule I., Gaile Z.(2009). Cereal diseases as important risk factor for organic farming /5th International Conference Research and conservationof biological diversity in Baltic region, Daugavpils 22-24 April,2009. Bimšteine G., Turka I. (2009).Screening and implementation of lateral flow assays for diagnosticēs of latent infections of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn//5th International Conference Research and conservation of biological diversity in Baltic region, Daugavpils 22-24 April, 2009. Turka I.Status and problems of co-existence of conventional and GM crops in Latvia(2008)./NJF seminar 410. Risks assessment of global agrifood production chains NJF` s 90 year Symposium, 5-6 November,2008. Turka I. (2008). Economically important potato tuber diseases in organic farming in Latvia / International Congress of Plant Pathology) Turin, Italy , 23-29.08.08. Mutisks ziĦojums sekcijā: Diseases and pests in organic farming. Turka I., Vanags J. (2008).Economical aspects for growing of genetically modified rapeseed crop in Latvia/ Lietuva, Lietuvas Lauksaimniecības institūts 09.09.08 - 12.09.08. Mutisks ziĦojums konferences atklāšanas plenārsēdē. Turka I.,Ruža L. (2007) Resources and risks growing genetically modified crops in Latvia/ International Conference Multifunctional Agriculture at the outset of XXI century:Challenges and risks 22.03-23.0 3..07 Jelgava. ZiĦojums plenārsēdē. Bankina B., I.Turka, Priekule I. (2007) Challenges and risks for organic cereals in Latvia/NJF kongress Nordic Agriculture Trends&Perspectives, 26-29.06.2007, Kopenhāgena, Dānija. Turka I. (2007).Cereal viruses in the Baltic region/NJF seminar Virus vector management in a changing climate, 09.10.07-11.10.07 , Bäckaskog, Kristianstad, Sweden Turka I. (2006) Referāts starptautiskās konferences plenārsēdē Igaunijā, Puhajarvē, 0 5. - 07. 09.06. „Modelling possibilities of disemination of GMO–s by honey bees”. Turka I.,Bimsteine G.(2005) Potato pathogens in organic farming in Latvia// Bilbao, Basque country (Spain), July 17-22. p. 694-695. Turka I. (2005). Co-existance of GMO in seeds and agricultyral production, Vīne, 22-23 februāris 2005. EK Vides un mežsaimniecības direktorāta organizēta apaĜā galda diskusija. ZM delegāte no Latvijas puses. Studiju kursi (studiju priekšmeti) 1. Augu aizsardzība – pamatstudiju priekšmets • laukkopības, • dārzkopības • uzĦēmējdarbības • pārtikas higiēnas specialitātes studentiem 2. Kaitīgo organismu bioloăija – maăistrantūras studiju priekšmets. 3. Integrētā augu aizsardzība- maăistrantūras un doktorantūras studiju priekšmets. Publikāciju skaits :170, no tām 75 zinātniskas publikācijas un 7 mācību grāmatas (autore, līdzautore). Nozīmīgākās zinātniskās publikācijas 2005.-2011. g. 1. GrantiĦa I., Turka I. Korolova J. (2011) Cruciferous stem and seed weevils as the main pests of winter oilseed rape. Proceedings of 13th International Rapeseed Congress, Czech Republic, 05-09 June, 2011. p. 1148-1151. 2. Turka I., Bimšteine G. (2011) Dažādu kartupeĜu šėirĦu bumbuĜu slimību skrīnings un to nozīmīgums 127 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. integrētās augu aizsardzības sistēmās = The screening of different potato varieties for tuber diseases and its importance in integrated pest manegement. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitātes Raksti. Jelgava : LLU. Nr.26, 54.-59.lpp. GrantiĦa, I.Turka. (2010) Monitoring of Brassica pod midge Dasyneura [Dasineura] brassicae (Winnertz) on winter oilseed rape in Latvia. The XIth ESA congress International Scientific Week around the Agronomy, AGRO2010 , Montpellier 29.08.- 03.09.2010.641-642. Vanags J., Turka I. (2009) Economic Arguments for Establishing Free Zones in Latvia. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Nr.22(317)p.30 -42. Vanags. J., Turka I. (2009) Economic Aspects of Growing Genetically Modified (GM) Rapeseed in Latvia. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Nr.22 (317).p.18. - 29. Turka I. (2009) Monitoring and inspection problems of GM crops situated potentially close to organic and beekeeping farms. Agronomy Research 7, (Special issue II), p. 749 – 754. Turka I., Bankina B. (2009) Plant protection. From: Research activities of the latest decades in the Faculty of Agriculture. Proceedings of International Scientific conference. Research results Actualities – Prospects, Jelgava, October 29,2009, p. 8-9. Turka I., Vanags J.(2008). Economical aspects for growing of genetically modified rapeseed in Latvia (I)/Zemdirbyste – Agriculture.T.95, Nr.3., p.115 -220. TurkaI.(2007). Ăenētiski modificēto(ĂM) augu audzēšanas iespējas un riski Latvijā. No: Lauksaimniecības un pārtikas risku vadīšana. P.Rivžas red..Jelgava. lpp.186 -209. Bisnieks M.1,2, Kvarnheden A.3, Turka I.2, Sigvald R.1 (2006). Occurrence of Barley yellow dwarf virus and Cereal yellow dwarf virus in spring cereals and pasture grasses in Latvia. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica B-Soil and Plant Science, 56. p. 171-178. Turka. I., Merkurjevs J., Bardačenko V., Solomenikova I. (2005). Ăenētiski modificēto augu izplatīšanās modelēšana. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitātes Raksti. 15(310), lpp. 50-55. Turka. I., Merkurjevs J., Bardačenko V., Solomenikova I. (2005). Apputeksnētāju blīvuma ietekme uz ăenētiski modificēto organismu (ĂMO) izplatības dinamiku. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitātes Raksti. 15(310). lpp. 56-63. Hansen J. G., Koppel, A.Valskyte , I.Turka, J. Kapsa (2005). Evaluation of foliar resistance in potato to Phytophthora infestans based on an international field trial network. Plant Pathology, 54, p.169-179. Tālākizglītība un profesionālā pilnveide (pēdējo trīs gadu laikā) 1. Dānija, Orhūzas universitāte , Lauksaimniecības zinātĦu fakultātē , 2008.gada marts. Lēmumu atbalsta sistēmu ieviešana un to attīstība augu aizsardzībā Eiropā. lai organizētos jaunām aktivitātēm ES projektā ENDURE. 2. Kvalifikācijas celšanai piedalīšanās Starptautiskā darba seminārā par pārtikas drošību - mikotoksīnu un ĂMO diagnostiku pārtikā 19.02-220.02.2008., Parīze. 3. Potato powdery scab Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterraneain Latvia/ 2nd European Powdery Scab Workshop August 2007, 29. -31, Langnau, Switzerland. 4. Itālijas DārzeĦu audzētāju kooperatīva „ORTOSOLE” darba seminārs: „Augu aizsardzības izmēăinājumi pesticīdu reăistrācijai un atlieku noteikšanai svaigu dārzeĦu produkcijā”, Itālija, Roma, 3.- 4. februāris, 2006. 5. Eiropas Komisijais Vides un mežkopības direktorāta darba seminārs, nozarē” Coordination network on the co- existence of genetically modified crops with conventional and organic agriculture”, 2005. gada februāris, Vīne. Dalība akadēmiskajās un profesionālajās biedrībās, dažādos vēlētos amatos LLU Lauksaimniecības nozares promocijas padomes locekle LLU LF profesoru padomes locekle LU Bioloăijas fakultātes profesoru padomes locekle līdz 2008.gadam LLU Konventa sekretāre – līdz 2007.gadam. LLU Senāta priekšsēža vietniece līdz 2003. g. LLU Senāta locekle – līdz 2007. gadam. LLU zin.padomes locekle līdz 2008.gadam. ZiemeĜvalstu lauksaimniecības zinātnieku asociācijas (NJF) biedre. Agronomy Research (Baltijas valstu zinātnisks izdevums) redaktore no Latvijas puses Latvijas augu aizsardzības pētniecības centra zinātniskās padomes locekle. LR ZM Valsts Augu aizsardzības līdzekĜu reăistrācijas komisijas locekle. Goda nosaukumi, apbalvojumi LR ZM medaĜa Par centību, 1998. g. LLU Atzinības raksts, 2002. g. LLU Atzinības raksts, 2007.g. 128 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Ināra Līpenīte 2. Date of birth May 21, 1954 3. Education (institution, graduation date, specialty, degree) Dr.agr. in soil fertility, LR, 1992, Diploma H-D Nr. 000004 Dr. agr. (Ph.D.) in soil fertility 1990, Byelorussia Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Minsk. Diploma CX Nr. 013143 Dipl. in chemistry (analytical chemistry) 1977, Latvia State University, Chemistry faculty, Riga • • • 4. Professional carrier LUA Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of soil and plant sciences – assoc. professor (2006 – ) LUA Faculty of Agriculture, Department of soil science and agrochemistry – docent (2000 – 2006) Latvia Research Institute of Agriculture, Researcher and Senior Researcher, Head, Analytical Laboratory (1985 - 2000) Olaine Pharmaceutical Plant, Chemist analyst (1977 – 1985) • • • • 5. Research areas Soil and plant nitrogen diagnostics; environmental issues concerning lime and fertiliser application; plant nutrient norms, cycles and balances; soil quality changes 6. Projects (2005–2010) Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia • • LZP 09.1530 Effect of land use change on soil properties. Nr. XP-125 “Analysis of substrate composition fed into biogas fermenter and after fermentation in RSF „Vecauce” of LUA” • Nr. lluzp 07-30 “Development of new technique for soil phosphorus availability assessment in calcareous soils: Olsen`s method calibration under field experiments” • Nr. 06.4-xi11 “Development of new technique for soil phosphorus availability assessment in calcareous soils” 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2010) 1. Development and management of Moodle e-courses, 07.09.2010–21.09.2010, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia. 2. Innovations in high education didactics. Program of professional development, 01.10.2010 – 25.03.2011, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia. 129 8. Publications 2005–2011 Total - - 2 4 32 21 46 1 3 11 12 5 105 32 Monographs, books Study materials Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total List of most important publications, 2006–2011 1. A.KārkliĦš, I. Līpenīte. Pētījumi par NPK bilanci zemnieku saimniecībās. V. Valmieras raj. Rencēnu pagasta „MareĦi” // Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes Raksti. – Jelgava: LLU, 2006. – Nr. 17 (312). – 21. – 28. lpp. 2. I.Līpenīte, A. KārkliĦš. Pētījumi par NPK bilanci zemnieku saimniecībās. VI. Jelgavas raj. Vilces pagasta „Terēni” // Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes Raksti. – Jelgava: LLU, 2007. – Nr. 18 (313). – 9. – 16. lpp. 3. A.KārkliĦš, I. Līpenīte (2008) Daži kūtsmēslu normatīvu izstrādes metodiskie aspekti // LLU Raksti. – Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – Nr. 21 (316), 11.-23. lpp. 4. I. Līpenīte, A. KārkliĦš (2011) Augsnes kvalitāte zemes izmantošanas maiĦas kontekstā I. Problēmas nostādne un augsnes organiskā viela. LLU Raksti, Nr.26 (321), 1. – 17. lpp. 5. I. Līpenīte, A. KārkliĦš (2011) Augsnes kvalitāte zemes izmantošanas maiĦas kontekstā II. Augsnes fizikālās un agroėīmiskās īpašības. LLU Raksti, Nr.26 (321), 18. – 32. lpp. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 14 7 21 From 2006 7 2 9 10. Languages Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills English excellent good average X excellent good average X excellent good average X Russian X X X 130 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Roberts Vucans 2. Date of birth August 23, 1956 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Latvia University of Agriculture, 1992, Dr. agr. Latvia Academy of Agriculture, 1983, Master of Science Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1974–1979, agronomist 4. Professional carrier Associate professor, Institute of Soil and Plants sciences, Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), from 2005 – present Associate professor, Department of soil science and agrochemistry, LUA, 2002 – 2005 Docent, Department of soil science and agrochemistry, LUA, 1999–2002 Lecturer, Department of soil science and agrochemistry, LUA, 1992–1999 Assistent, Department of agrochemistry, LUA, 1983–1992 5. Research areas Soil organic matter changes in crop rotation. An environmental issues concerning fertiliser application. Available phosphorus research in calcerous soils. Plant nutrient norms and balances in crop rotation. 6. Projects (2005–2011) Nr.06.4-xi 11“Development of new technique for soil phosphorus availability assessment in calcareous soils” (2006) 2. Nr.lluzp07-30 “Development of new technique for soil phosphorus availability assessment in calcareous soils: Olsen`s method calibration under field experiments” (2007) 7. Publications 1. 2005–2011 Total - - 1 9 10 22 1 3 – 5 9 42 18 Monographs, books Study materials Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total 131 List of most important publications, 2005–2011 1. 2. 3. R. Vucans, I. Lipenite (2005) Effect of fertilizer on nutrient balance in crop rotation. CD: ISTRO 2005 International Conference “Soil - agriculture, environment, landscape” - June 29 – July 1, 2005, Brno, Czsch Republic (ISBN 80-86908-01-1) – p.265 – 271. R. Vucans, J. Livmanis. (2005) Efficiency of oil radish growing in crop rotation.. Agronomy research. Vol. 8, 81-85. Vucāns R., Lipenīte I., Livmanis J. (2008) Comparision of methods for determination of phosphorus in carbonatic soils. Agronomy research. Vol. 11, 299-305. 8. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 9 9 18 From 2005 4 1 5 9. Languages Reading skills English Russian excellent good average X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X X 10. Professional memberships Member of NJF soil, water and enviromental section 132 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Biruta Bankina 2. Date of birth: 23 June, 1960 3. Education Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy 1979-1984 agronomist Institute of Plant Protection, Sanct-Peterburg, Russia, 1986-1990, plant protection Latvia University of Agriculture, Master of Sciences, 1993. Latvia University, Faculty of Biology, 1995, Dr. biol. 4. Work experience Senior researcher and associate professor, Institute of Soil and Plants sciences, Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU) from 2005. LLU, Department of Plant Protection, associate professor, 2000-2005. LLU, Department of Plant Protection, lecturer, 1990-2005 LLU, Department of Plant Protection, technician, researcher, 1983-1990. 5. Scientifical work Occurrence of important plant diseases in Latvia. Dynamic of disease development and peculiarities of life cycle. Possibilities of warning and forecast diseases. Biological peculiarities of causal agents. Wheat and rape diseases epidemiology: possibilities of overwintering and distribution. 6. Projects (2005-2011) International project: 1. EUREKA E!5363 „Optimization and adjustment of post-harvest parameters of Baltic vegetables in controlled atmosphere (BALTVEGSTOR)”. 1. Population genetic analysis of pest insects, mites and fungi of economic importance in the Baltic region (2009-2011). 2009-2011. Project leader Rimantas Rakauskas, Dr.habil., professor of Vilnius University. 2. COST 873 activity „Bacterial diseases of stone fruit”. 2007. g. 3. Inga Moročko "The role of endophytic and non-pathogenic Fusarium fungi in cropping systems", supervisors B. Bankina, Jan Stenlid, 2004-2006. Projects funded by Latvian Council of Sciences and Ministry of Agriculture 1. State Research Program “Sustainable Use of Local Resources (Earth, Food, and Transport) – New Products and Technologies (NatRes)” (2010-2013); project No.3. “Sustainable Use of Local Agricultural Resources for the Development of High Nutritive Value Food Products (Food)”, Sub-project No.3.1 “Sustainable Use of Soil as the Main Resource for the Production of Safe and Qualitative Food and Feed from the Main Agricultural Crops” – senior researcher. 2. Monitoring and developing peculiarities of harmful, less-investigated populations of plants pathogens in different agrocenozes (2009-2011) – leader of project. 133 3. Investigations of pests distribution, harmfulness and life cycle for economical and biological thresholds in integrated plant protection (2008-2013) – leader of project. 4. Investigations of soil-borne pathogens under large scale organic farming (2004-2008) – leader of project. 7. Postdoctoral training (2005-2010) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Management of development system of e-courses Moodle. Latvija, Jelgava, LLU, 01.10.2010-29.10.2010. Course on monitoring of Leptosphaeria spp. in air samples. 20-21 May, 2008. Institute of Plant Genetic, Poland. Progress and prospects with the implementation of DSS for crop protection in Europe. 17-19 March 2008, Denmark. Forest pathology. Spring Foray, EMA, 25-28 April, 2007, Greece. Forest pathology. University of Helsinki, 8-15 August, 2006, Finland. Use of ICT in distance learning. NOVA/BOVA, 27-29. April, 2005, Lithuania,. 8. Publication 2006-2010 Total 5 (with co-authors) 1 (with co-authors) 16 11 22 13 10 18 7 69 38 Monographs, books Materials for studying Peer-reviewed publications Other scientifical publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature KOPĀ 9. Most important publications (2008-2011) 1. Bankina B., Priekule I. 2011. A review of tan spot research in the Baltic countries: occurrence, biology and possibilities of control. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. Vol. 98 (1): 310. 2. Bankina B., Balodis O., Gaile Z. (2010) Advances of Fungicide Application for Winter Oilseed Rape. In: Fungicides, ed. By O. Carrise, Vienna: Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-2661, 157-177. 3. Bankina B., Gaile Z. (2009) Evolution of barley disease development depending on varieties. Agronomy research. Vol. 7 (Special issue 1), p.198-203. 4. Bimsteine G., Lepse L., Bankina B. (2009) Possibilities of integrated management of onion downy mildew. Sodininkyste ir darzininkyste. 28 (3), p.11-17 5. Jarmoliča S., Bankina B. (2009) Powdery mildew of strawberries in Latvia under field conditions. Sodininkyste ir darzininkyste. 28 (3), p.79-83 6. Balodis O., Bankina B., Gaile Z. (2008). Fungicide use efficiency for disease control on winter rape. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. Vol .95, No.3, p. 13-18. 134 10. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 38 10 48 From 2006 28 8 36 11. Languages Reading skills English excellent good average X Russian X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X 12. Other important dates Member of NJF board of plant sciences section Member of British Plant Pathology society Member of Association of European agronomists Member of Society of Latvia Mycologists 135 Curriculum Vitae 1. Family name: 2. First names: 3. Date of birth: 4. Nationality: 5. Civil status: 6. Education: Institution AlsiĦa Ina 26.07.1960 Latvian married higher education [ Date from - Date to Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: ] Jelgava Secondary school Nr 1967-1978 Diploma for secondary education 2 Latvia University Faculty of 1978-1983 Biologist, lecturer of biology and Biology chemistry Latvia University of 1992 MSc degree in Agriculture Agriculture Latvia University of 1992 MSc degree in Pedagogy Agriculture Latvia University 1993 Dr.biol. 7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 - excellent; 1 - basic) Language Reading Speaking Writing Latvian (mother tongue) 5 5 5 English 4 4 3 Russian 4 4 3 8. Membership of professional bodies: 9. Present position: 1. Head of Science Division Latvia University of Agriculture 2. Assoc. prof. Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences Latvia University of Agriculture 10. Years within the firm: from 1983 11. Specific experience in the region: Country Date from - Date Organization Responsibilities to Sweden Aug. 1992 Swedish Courses in soil University of microbiology Agricultural sciences Taiwan Nov.- Dec. 1993 Precise instrument Courses of the use Development of scientific Centre, instruments Finland Jan.- march, 1995 Helsinki Univ., Plant biotechnology, obtaining of transgenic plants Finland Febr.1997 Helsinki Univ., obtaining of transgenic plants Sweden Oct. 1999 Swedish Acquaintance with University of departments Agricultural connected with sciences microbiology, plant 136 Finland June, 2000 University of Helsinki, Finland Great Britain University of Helsinki, Finland Latvia 06.2000 October, 2002 Newcastle university, Norfa course 05.2003 NOVA BOVA Etnobonatny course Stakeholders’ Meeting of European Network of GMO laboratories ( ENGL) International Visitors program of United States Department of State “Biotechnology and Food Safety” NOVA BOVA „Biodegradation course of plant materials” NOVA course “Crop Physiology” The first Baltic sea region symposium and postgraduate course on agrobiotechnology focused on root-microbe systems University of Training course Illinois ”Enhancing Biotechnology at Latvia University of Agriculture” September, 2003 The USA May, 2004 Latvia 09.2004. Sweden 01-03.2005 Lithuania May, 2005 The USA 01-02.2006 12. Professional experience Date Location Company from Date to From Latvia Latvia Univ. of 2001 Jelgava Agriculture Latvia Jelgava Latvia Jelgava Norfa course 08.2002 Bulgaria 19982001 18871998 Helsinki Univ., biotechnology Courses of symbiotic nitrogen fixation Forest Microbes and their Role in biodeterioration, biodegradation and bioremediation Acquaintance with departments connected with agriculture, plant biotechnology Symbiotic nitrogen fixation Latvia Univ. of Agriculture Latvia Univ. of Agriculture Position Assoc. prof. Docent Lecturer Description Dept. of Plant Biology and Protection/Institute of soil and plant sciences Dept. of Plant Biology Dept. of Plant Biology/ Dept. of Plant Physiology and Microbiology 137 1983Latvia Latvia Univ. of Assist. Prof. Dept. of Plant Physiology 1987 Jelgava Agriculture and Microbiology 13. Other relevant information (eg, Publications) Patents 1. L.Parādniece, I. Melgalve, I. Strokša, J. Lepsis, U.KauliĦš Karotīna koncentrāta iegūšana no ziedputekšĦiem// Patents, Patenti un preču zīmes (Latvijas rep. Patentu valdes oficiālais vēstnesis, 2000, Nr.8, 905.lpp.( Latvian Patent – Extraction of carotene from pollen). 2. AlsiĦa I., Dubova L., GobiĦa V., Torstere S., KauliĦš U. Patent Nr. 13439 „Lauksaimniecības produktu ražošanas intensifikācijas paĦēmiens” ( Intensification of production of agriculturel products). Published 20.08.2006. 3. I. AlsiĦa. L. Dubova. U. KauliĦš, K. Kveksis, L. ZariĦa Augu augšanas stimulēšanas paĦēmiens Method of Plant growth stimulation. Patent Nr. 13690. Published 2008. 4. Jūlija Volkova, Ina AlsiĦa Bioloăisko lauksaimniecības produktu ražošanas intensifikācijas paĦēmiens, ( Intensification of biological agriculture production) Published 2011. g. Publications skaits Books Mācību metodiskie līdzekĜi ISI publications Proceedings and other scientific publications Popular-science Total 3 5 6 >50 >15 >70 Main of last of them: 1. AlsiĦa I., Dubova L. Physiological Activity of Sapropel Decomposition Products / Suistainable development in the Baltic and Beyong. Peter Lang Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2006. Vol. 23, P. 551-559. 2. Steinberga V, Alsina I., Ansevica A., Dubova L, Liepina L. The Evaluation of Effectiveness of Rhizobium lupini Strains; Multifunctional agriculture at the outset of XXI century: Challenges and Risks, Jelgava 2008, Nr. 10, P.193-196. 3. Алсиня И. И., Петрова Г. А. , Дубова Л.Я. , Алсиньш Я.Г.(2010) Влияние цветного полиэтиленового покрытия на рост и химический состав базилика, Девятая международная научно-практическая конференция “Исследование, разработка и применение высоких технологий в промышленности”, Санкт- Петербург, c.88-92. 4. Duma M., Alsina I., Dubova L. Stroksa L., Smiltina Z. ( 2011) The effect of sodium selenite and selenate on the quality of lettuce. Food balt2011, Jelgava ,p 39-44 5. I.Alsina, L. Dubova, Z. Krūma, J. Krainis, I.Žukauska, R. Galoburda. (2011) Antibacterial activity of extracts from different Origanum vulgare clones grown in Latvia. . Microorganisms in Industry and Environment (From Scientific and Industrial Research to Consumer products. Ed. A. Mendez-Vilas World Scientific. p 355-358 6. Dubova L., Steinberga V., Mutere O., Jansone I., Alsina I.( 2011) Influence of organic and conventional soil tillage system on soil respiration and enzymatic activity. Microorganisms in Industry and Environment (From Scientific and Industrial Research to Consumer products. Ed. A. Mendez-Vilas World Scientific. p 61- 65 138 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Elga Plīse 2. Date of birth: 9 October, 1936 3. Education University of Latvia, 1958 – 1960. Latvia Academy of Agriculture, 1974, Candidate of Dr.biol. Latvia University of Agriculture, 1992, Dr.biol. 4. Work experience Docent emeritus, Institute of Soil and Plants sciences, Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU) from 2005. LLU, Department of Plant Biology and Protection, docent, 2001 - 2005 LLU, Department of Plant Protection, docent, 1982 - 2001. LLU, Department of Plant Protection, assistant, 1974 - 1982. LLU, Department of Plant Protection, senior laboratory assistant, 1972 - 1974. LLU, Department of Plant Protection, assistant, 1970 - 1972. LLU, Department of Plant Protection, senior laboratory assistant, 1962 - 1970. 5. Scientifical work Entomology of agriculture and forestry 6. Projects (2005-2011) Projects funded by Latvian Council of Sciences and Ministry of Agriculture 5. Investigations of pests distribution, harmfulness and life cycle for economical and biological thresholds in integrated plant protection (2008-2013). 8. Publication Total 19 Monographs, books Materials for studying Peer-reviewed publications Other scientifical publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature TOTAL 31 13 1 41 105 9. Most important publications (2006-2011) Plīse E. (2004) DārzeĦu kaitēkĜi [Pests of Vegetables]. SIA „Latvijas Lauku konsultācijas un izglītības centrs”: Ozolnieki, 98 p., in latvian Plīse E. (2004) Kokaugu kaitēkĜi [Pest of Trees]. Jelgava: LLU. 240 p., in latvian 139 Plīse E. (2007) Latvijas kokaugu kaitēkĜi [Pests on Trees in Latvia]. Ozolnieki: SIA Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. 230 p., in latvian Plīse E. (2009) KukaiĦi mežā un dārzā. [Pest in forest and garden] Jelgava: LLU, 368 p., in latvian Plīse E. (2011) Augiem kaitīgās ērces [Plant harmfull mites]. Jelgava, 41 p. (electronical issue). 11. Languages Reading skills excellent good average Germany X Russian X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X 140 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Dainis Lapins 2. Date of birth August 24, 1944 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Agronomy, 1963 – 1974, certified agronomist Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Agriculture, 1974 – 1978 postgraduate Latvia University of Agriculture, Promotion Board, 1992, Dr. agr. 4 Professional carrier Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, professor (since September 1, 2005) Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Management, the head of department (2003 - 2005), professor (since 2001) Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture, the head of institute (1997 - 2000) Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, associated professor (1986 - 2000), lecturer (1979 - 1986) 5. Research areas 1997 – 2000 – the main tasks of scientific work were to develop ecologically grounded management systems for weed control, soil tillage and crop rotation to increase soil fertility and crop productivity Since 2004 – scientific work is connected with technologies of precision agriculture using GPS in connection with soil tillage and weed control. 6. Projects (2005–2010) International projects (including ESF, EUREKA, COST and others): 1. ESF project „Support LUA doctor studies” Nr. 2009/0180/1DP/ G. Dinaburga doctor studies foreman. 2. Socrates – Erasmus contract Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture and University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture in German (Bonn ). (Head Prof. W. Kübauhs, 2003. -2005, and college in Bingen (German). Series of lectures.) . 3. Baltic Ecological Recycling and Society (BERAS), Baltic Sea Region Interred 3 B, Community Initiative Concerning Transnational Cooperation on Planning 2000 – 2006, head A. Granstedts, Sweden. Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia 1. LSC Project Nr. 09.1530 „Changes in soil properties depending on the agricultural land use “(2010 – 2011, subdivision head) 141 2. LSC Project Nr. 09.1448 “Plant Growth Circumstance Efficiency Estimation to Technology Optimisation Causation” (2009, head) 3. ESM Project Nr. 06.6-xi13 “„Creating the system of field history record keeping in LLU MPS “Vecauce” for optimization of field management technologies, its interdisciplinary aspects.” (2006, head) 4. LSC Project Nr. 05.1604.1” „Development of Theoretical Basis of Soil Tillage and Weed Control for Provision of Precision Farming” (2004 - 2008, head) 5. LSA and Ministry of Agriculture Project Nr. 310706/S433 and Nr. 050407/S60 “Foresight methodology in Research Infrastructures policy and Latvia rural developmental strategies formulation” (2005 – 2006, subdivision head) 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2010) 3. Development and management of Moodle e-courses, 01.10.2010–29.10.2010, certificate Nr. 0303, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia. 4. Seminary on introduction problems GIS and GPS in agriculture, 09.11.2010. – 12.11.2010., Belarus, SSTC. 5. Seminary on optimization soil tillage and sowing technology systems, Väderstadt, Sweden, 19.06.-01.07.2005. 6. Seminary on optimization soil management (soil tillage, weed control) systems in precision agriculture. Field management and historical methodology to avail AGRONET-NG (company AGROCOM, Germany) 06- 09.06.2005. 8. Publications Monographs, books Study materials SCI publications Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature (Periodic) Total Total (from 2003) 1 5 12 12 20 1 51 From 2005 1 5 9 12 11 1 39 List of most important publications, 2006–2010 1. Lapinsh D., Korolova J., Berzinsh A. (2008) Crop rotation influence on the weed incidence in cereals. In: Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. Ed. by Z. Dabkevičius, I. Brazauskiene, S. Raudonius et al. Akademija: Kẻdainiụ. T. 95, Nr. 3, p. 433 - 439. ISSN 1392-3196 2. Lapins D., Vilde A., Berzins A., Dinaburga G., Plume A., Rucins A. (2008) Investigations of Technologies for the Precision Agriculture and Estimation their Efficiency. In: Proceedings of the International Conference “Biosystems Engineering and Processes in Agriculture”, Raudondvaris, September 25 - 26, 2008. No. 13, p. 157 - 161. ISSN 1822-2706 3. Dinaburga G., LapiĦš D., BērziĦš A. (2009) Neregulējamo faktoru ietekme uz ziemas kviešu augšanu un attīstību. No: VII starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāliem „Vide. Tehnoloăija. Resursi.” 1. sējums, Rēzekne: Rēzeknes augstskola, 25. - 27. jūnijs 2009, 92. - 99. lpp. ISSN 1691-5402 ISBN 978-9984-44-027-9 4. Dinaburga G., LapiĦš D., Berzins A., Kopmanis J., Plume A. (2010) Interconnection of altitude of stationary GPS observation points and soil moisture with formation of winter wheat grain yield. Risks in agriculture: “Environmental and Economic Consequences”, Tallinn, Estonia, June 8 - 10, 2010. p. 403 - 408. ISSN 1406-894X 5. Dinaburga G., LapiĦš D., Kopmanis J. (2010) Evaluation of effect of unregulated factors on development and yield of winter wheat. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium 142 on Agricultural Engineering “Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering”, Opatija, Croatia, February 22 - 26, 2010. Ed. by S. Košutić. No. 38, p. 225 - 234. ISSN 1333-2651 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total, from 2003 16 31 47 From 2006 15 20 35 10. Languages Reading skills excellent Russian English German good Writing skills average excellent good averag e Speaking skills excellent X X good averag e X X X X X 11. Professional memberships Member of NJF plant science Member of Association of Latvian agronomists Member of the Latvian Soil Science Society Member of Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (LAAFS) 143 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname 2. Data of birth Andris Berzins 22.04.1940. 3. Address Lielā 5-3, Jelgava, LV 3001; LATVIA 4. Phone number +371 63005632, +371 26221214 5. e-mail: 6. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Latvia University of Agriculture Latvia University of Agriculture Soviet Union, Moscow Latvia Academy of Agriculture Latvia Academy of Agriculture associated professor Dr. agr. docent Cand. Sc. (Agr.) Agronomist 2001 1992 1982 1974 1964 7. Professional carrier Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Faculty of Agriculture (AF), Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, associated professor (since September 1, 2001) LUA, AF, Department of Soil Management, the head of Department (1997 - 2003) LUA, AF, Institute of Agriculture, the assistant director of institute (1997 - 2000) LUA, AF, the assistant dean of Faculty (1995 - 1997) LUA, AF, Department of Soil Management, assistant professor (1982 –2001) LUA, AF, Department of Soil Management, lecturer (1976 - 1982) 8. • • • Research areas Develop ecologically grounded management systems for weed control and soil tillage Minimal soil tillage Technologies of precision agriculture using GPS in connection with soil tillage and weed control 9. Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia (2008 -2010) Project Nr. 06.6-xi 13 Support for Infrastructure Stock of the Precision Field Management Science Laboratory of LUA Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences. 2008. Project Nr. 09.1448 “Plant Growth Circumstance Efficiency Estimation to technology Optimisation Causation” 2009. Project Nr. 09.1530. „Changes in soil properties depending on the agricultural land use “ Project Nr. 070410/S36. “Influence of minimal soil tillage on its fertility maintenance, development and distribution of pests as well as crops’ yield and quality in resowings”. 2009 2010. 144 10. Publications Total 1970-2011 1. Monographs, books 2. Study materials 3. Peer-reviewed publications 4. Other scientific publications in professional literature 5. Proceedings of conferences Total 14 (with co-authors} 19 30 62 2006–2011 1 (with co-authors) 2 8 5 66 191 13 28 11. List of most important publications, 2006–2011 1. Korolova J., Lapinsh D., Berzinsh A. (2006) Weed dynamics in differently managed fields. Agronomy Research. Estonia: Volume 4 Special ISSUE, pp. 241 – 245. 2. Lapins D., Rucins A., Vilde A., Cesnieks S., Berzins A., Aizsilnieks A., Kopmanis J., Plume A. (2006) Investigations in Precision Agriculture in Latvia: Soil Tillage Management. NJF seminar 378. Tillage Systems for the Benefit of Agriculture and the Environment. Nordic Agricultural Academy: Odense, Denmark, NJF Report. Vol 2. Nr. 4, pp. 168 – 176. 3. Dinaburga G., Lapins D., Berzins A., Plume. (2008) Efficiency estimation of soil deep –tillage for winter wheat by using precision technologies of crop cultivation. Latvian Journal of Agronomy. No. 11, Jelgava: LLU, ISSN 1691-3485, pp. 211-217. 4. Gundega Dinaburga, Dainis LapiĦš, Andris BērziĦš (2009) Neregulējamo faktoru ietekme uz ziemas kviešu augšanu un attīstību. VII starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli „Vide. Tehnoloăija. Resursi”. 1. sējums. Rēzeknes augstskola, Inženieru fakultāte, Latgales ilgtspējīgas attīstības pētniecības institūts. Rēzekne: ISBN 978-9984-44-027-9, 92.-99.lpp. 5. Д. Лапиньш, д-р агр.; Г. Динабурга; А. Плуме; А. Вилде, д-р инж. наук; А. Берзиньш, д-р агр; А. Руциньш, д-р инж. наук; Е. Королева (2009) Исследование эффективности точного земледелия и проблемы его внедрения в производство. Материалы 6-й международной научно-практической конференции «Экология и сельскохозяйственная техника» Том II. Санкт-Петербург: ISBN 978-5-88890058-1 СПб, c. 16 - 22. 6. Dinaburga G., LapiĦš D., Berzins A., Kopmanis J., Plume A. (2010) Interconnection of altitude of stationary GPS observation points and soil moisture with formation of winter wheat grain yield. Risks in agriculture. “Environmental and Economic Consequences”, Tallinn: Estonia, June 8-10, 2010. pp. 403-408. Abstracted and indexed: Thompson Scientific database (ISI Master Journal List): Zoological Records, Biological Abstracts and Biosis Previews, AGRIS, ISPI, DOAJ, CAB Abstracts, AGRICOLA (NAL; USA), VINITI, INIST-PASCAL. Online: Agronomy Research is available online at ISSN 1406-894X 7. LapiĦš D., Dinaburga G., Kopmanis J., A. BerziĦš A. (2010) Assessment of statistical description, linear relationships and technological optimization for sowing depth of winter wheat as yield affecting factor. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference” Applied Information and Communication Technologies”, Jelgava: LLU, April 22-23, ISBN 978-9984-48-022-0 (on CD) p. 102-109. 145 12. Languages Reading skills excellent good average English Russian Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average X X X X X X 13. Professional memberships Member of the ISTRO –International Soil Tillage Research Organization Member of the Latvian Society of ploughman Member of the Latvian Society of agronomists 146 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Maija Ausmane 2. Date of birth January 26, 1944 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1993, Dr. agr. Latvia University of Agriculture, 1992, Master of Science Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1977–1982, agronomist 4. Professional carrier Associate professor, Institute of Soil and Plants sciences, Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU), from 2007 – present Docent, Department of Soil Management, LLU, 1998–2007 Lecturer, Department of Soil Management, LLU, 1994–1998 Assistant, Department of Soil Management, 1985-1994 Laboratory assistant, Department of Soil Management, LLU, 1971–1985 5. Research areas Weeds, weed management. Soil tillage. Reduced soil tillage. Crop weediness in crop rotation in organic farming. 6. Projects (2005–2011) Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia 1. No. 09.1448. “Plant Growth Circumstance Efficiency Estimation to Technology Optimisation Causation”, researcher. (Head of project professor D. LapiĦš) 2. “Dynamics of Crop Weediness in Crop Rotation of Organic Farming System” Head of project. 2004 – 2009. 3. No.200309/S18 “The Influence of Minimal Soil Tillage on its Fertility Maintenance, Development and Distribution of Pests as well as Crop’s Yield and Quality in Resowings”, researcher, (Head of project professor A. Ruža) 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2011) 7. Development and management of Moodle e-courses, 01.10.2010–29.10.2010, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia. 2. International seminar for future perspectives of joint international BOVA doctoral courses „Planning of international BOVA Ph.D. courses” 05.-06.12.2006., LLU. 8. Publications 2006–2011 Total Monographs, books Study materials Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences 21 6 12 2 3 2 147 Publications in professional literature Total 13 8 52 16 List of most important publications, 2006–2011 1. Ruza A., Berzins A., Ausmane M. Effect of minimum tillage on soil sustainability.(2011). Book of abstracts. 24th NJF Congress. Food, Feed, Fuel and Fun. Nordic light on future land use and rural development. SLU, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14-16, 2011. pp. 224. 2. M. Ausmane, Z. Gaile, I. Melngalvis (2008) The Investigation of Crop Weediness in the Crop Rotation of Organic Farming System. Latvian Journal of Agronomy. No.10, Jelgava: pp.25 -31. 3. M. Ausmane, I. Melngalvis.(2007) Minimalization of Primary Soil Tillage in Crop Rotation. III. The Changes in Weediness of Sowings. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture., vol. 18 (313)Jelgava: pp.1-8. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 10 2 12 From 2006 2 2 4 10. Languages Reading skills excellent good average Speaking skills excellent good average X English Russian Writing skills excellent good average X X X X X 11. Professional memberships Member of International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) Member of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) Member of Association of Latvian agronomists 148 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Gunita Bimšteine 2. Date of birth: 9 May, 1975 3. Education Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy 1997, agronomist Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1997, bachelor’s degree Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1999, Master’s degree Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 2005, Dr. agr. 4. Work experience Senior researcher and docent, Institute of Soil and Plants sciences, Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU) from 2006. LLU, Department of Plant Biology and Protection, assistant, 2001 - 2006 LLU, Department of Plant Protection – assistant, 2000 - 2001. 5. Scientifical work Phytophthora infestans population in Latvia. Vegetable diseases biology and epidemiology. Biological peculiarities of causal agents. Possibilities of warning and forecast vegetable diseases. 6. Projects (2005-2011) International project: 2. EUREKA E!5363 „Optimization and adjustment of post-harvest parameters of Baltic vegetables in controlled atmosphere (BALTVEGSTOR)”. Projects funded by Latvian Council of Sciences and Ministry of Agriculture 6. Investigations of pests distribution, harmfulness and life cycle for economical and biological thresholds in integrated plant protection (2008-2013). 7. Sub-project No.3.1 “Sustainable Use of Soil as the Main Resource for the Production of Safe and Qualitative Food and Feed from the Main Agricultural Crops” of State Research Program “Sustainable Use of Local Resources (Earth, Food, and Transport) – New Products and Technologies (NatRes)” (2010-2013). 8. Monitoring and developing peculiarities of harmful, less-investigated populations of plants pathogens in different agrocenozes (2009-2011) 9. Investigations of soil-borne pathogens under large scale organic farming (2004-2008) 7. Postdoctoral training (2005-2010) 7. 8. Moodle e-courses modelling and administration system. Latvia, Jelgava, LLU, 01.10.2010-29.10.2010. Progress and prospects with the implementation of DSS for crop protection in Europe. 17-19 March 2008, Denmark. 149 8. Publication 2006-2011 Total 3 (with co-authors) 1 (with co-authors) 17 1 10 6 7 8 4 37 20 Monographs, books Materials for studying Peer-reviewed publications Other scientifical publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature TOTAL 9. Most important publications (2006-2011) 1. Bimsteine G. (2008) Oospores of Phytophthora infestans in potato leaves in Latvia. In: Book of Abstracts. ICPP 9 th International congress of Plant Pathology, held in Torino, Italy, August 24 – 29. 2008., p. 156. 2. Bimsteine G., Lepse L., Bankina B. (2009) Possibilities of integrated management of onion downy mildew. Sodininkyste ir darzininkyste. 28 (3), p.11-17 3. Bimsteine G. (2009) Phytophthora infestans populations in Latvia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B: Natural, Exact and Applied Sciences. Vol. 62, No. 6, p.223 – 226. 4. Lepse L., Bimsteine G. Bankina B. (2010) Effectiveness of Decision Support System in Integrated Management of Onion Downy Mildew in Latvia. In: Book of abstracts: 28th International Horticultural Congress “Science and Horticulture for People”, held in Lisbon, Portugal, August 22 -27, 2010. Vol. 2, (Symposia), p.601 – 602. 5. Turka I. Bimšteine G. (2011) Dažādu kartupeĜu šėirĦu bumbuĜu slimību skrīnings un to nozīmīgums integrētās augu aizsardzības sistēmās. LLU Raksti [The Screening of Different Potato Varieties for Tuber Diseases and its Importanc in Integrated Pest Manegement] Proceedings of tha Latvia University of Agriculture Nr. 26 (321) 54 – 59 lpp. 10. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 22 5 27 From 2006 10 1 11 11. Languages Reading skills English excellent good average X Russian X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X 12. Other important dates Member of NJF plant protection section Member of Society of Latvia Mycologists 150 CURRICULUM Name Vilhelmine Place of birth Work place and position Steinberga Surname Ludza VITAE 26 March, 1941 Year of birth Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences of Latvia University of Agriculture, Senior Researcher Work address LLU Faculty of Agriculture Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001 Telephone E-mail +371 63010612 Education Higher education, doctoral studies Ed. Establishments, country Study period Latvia University, Faculty 1963-1968 of Biology Latvia Academia of Agriculture (post graduate course) 1970-1973 Speciality Qualification Biologist Microbiologist Biologist Microbiologist Research degrees Institution awarding degree LLU Promotion board in Biology science Year 1992 Speciality Biology Degree Dr.biol. Diploma No Dipl.E-D Nr.000809 Employment 1968-1970 Latvia Academia of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, laboratory assistant 1970-1973 Latvia Academia of Agriculture, post graduate course, Faculty of Agronomy 1973-1975 Latvia Academia of Agriculture ,Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology, laboratory assistant 1975-1980 Latvia Academia of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology, assistant professor 1980-1985 Latvia Academia of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy , lecturer 1985-1999 Latvia University of Agriculture , Faculty of Agriculture, associate professor From 2006 Istitute of Soil and Plant Sciences of Latvia University of Agriculture, senior Researcher Scientific research interests Projects • Grant of Latvia University of Agriculture Nr. XP-96 „The Nodule Bacteria strain’s distribution in Soils of Latvia the Collection up on inventory and to retain”2006-2008, responsible executor. • Grant of Latvian Academy of Science, „Changes of soil Biological activity during cultivation of grain in different agricultural Systems”2009-2010, head of the project. • Grant of Latvian Academy of Science, „Changes in soil properties depending on the agricultural land use” 2010-2012, responsible executor. 151 • • ES structural finds. „Influence the extract Products of Organic to cultivation of the Plants” 2011-2013, responsible executor. Market oriented project ”Nr TOP 0706 2007, responsible executor. Contributions at conferences (last five years) Ansevica A., Steinberga V., Dubova L., Alsina I., Karpova I. Evaluation of Rhizobium strain efficiency in peas and garden beans grows in different soils. Lithuanian University of Agriculture. International Scientific Conference; Actualities in Plant Physiology, 12-13 June, 2008. Ansevica A., Steinberga V., Alsina I., and Dubova L. Evaluation of Rhizobium leguminosarum Strains Effectivenes, Virulence and Ability of Competitiveness in Field Beans ( Vicia faba ). 5th International Symposim of Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganismus. November, Chile. 2008. Limane B., Mihailova A., Potapova K., Steinberga V., Mutere O. The role of Phytotoxicity study in the soil remediation tehnologies. Joint PSE-SETAC Conf. Ecotoxicology in the real world. September 16-19, 2009. Krakow, Poland. Ansevica A., Steinberga V., Alsina I., Dubova L Nodulation process and nitroge fixation effectiveness in field beans ( Vicia faba ). Biomicroworld 2009, 2-4 December, Lisbon. Portugal. Dubova L., Steinberga V., Alsina I. Effect of Soil Microorganisms an Vegetable Quality.International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon. Portugal. August 22-27, 2010. Dane S., Šteinberga V., AlsiĦa I., Dubova L. The influence of onions and red beet on the soil microbiological characteristics, First International Symposium on Microbial Horticulture. May 15-19, 2011, Alnarpa, Sweden. Dubova L., AlsiĦa I., Steinberga V.,Gmizo G.Influence of additional microorganisms preparation on growth of lettuce, 1st International Symposium on Microbial Horticulture May 15-19, 2011, Alnarpa, Sweden. Dubova L.,Ruža A., AlsiĦa I., Steinberga V. (2011). The effect of tillage on same biological parameters of soil. Scientific conference “Agricultural Chemistry in agriculture and environmental protection” Warsaw, Poland, June 20 – 21. Steinberga V., Dubova L., Mutere O., Jansone I., AlsiĦa I. (2011). The influence of field management system on the soil biological activity. Scientific conference “Agricultural Chemistry in agriculture and environmental protection” Warsaw, Poland, June 20 – 21. Number of publications – 79, including textbooks 2, scientific articles 67, laboratory manuals 9. Main Publications 1. Ina AlsiĦa, Anita Anševica, Laila Dubova, Inta Dudare, Maiga Niedrīte, Vilhelmīne Šteinberga. The evaluation of effectiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains in different host plants. 6. starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference „Vide.Tehnoloăija. Resursi.”, 2007.gada 20-22 jūnijā Rēzeknē. Rēzeknes Augstskola, p 190-194. 2. Steinberga V. Alsina I., Ansevica A., Dubova L. Liepina L. The evaluation of Effectiveness of Rhizobium lupini Strains; Multifunctional agriculture at the outset of XXI century: Challenges and Risks, Jelgava 2008, P.193-196. 152 3. Anita Anševica, Ina AlsiĦa, Vilhelmīne Šteinberga, Laila Dubova. The evaluation of effectiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum in field beans (Vicia faba). Research for rural develpoment 2007. International scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava, 2007. p.42-45. 4. Dubova L., Mutere O., Mihailova A., AlsiĦa I., Šteinberga V., Limane B., ZariĦa Dz. Growth of peas Pisum sativa L. in the presence of diesel and bacteria consorta in peat and sandy soil. The 2nd. WSEAS/IASME Conf on Waste Managament, Water Pollution. Air Pollution and Indoor Climate (WWAI`08) Corfu Greece, October 2628, 2008. (Proceedings,6 lpp.) 5. И.И. Алсиня, В.К.Штейнберга, О.А.Мутер, И.Я.Янсоне, Л.Я.Дубова. 2010. Динамика показателей биологической активности почвы в севообороте зерновых. Высокие технологии, исследования, промышленность. Том 4. Сборник трудов. Под редакцией А.П.Кудинова. Санкт-Петербург, 2010, стр. 130136. 6. Dubova L., Šteinberga V., Mutere O., Jansone I., Alsina I. 2011. Influence of organic and conventional soil management system on soil respiration and enzymatic activity. BioMicroWorld 2009. Conference Proceedings Book. World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd., p.61-65. Membership at Scientific Organizations • Member of Latvian Society of Microbiology. • Member Latvian Society of Agronomy. Language skills Reading Language excellent Latvian Russian German English Polish good Writing average x x excellent good Speaking average x x good average x x x x x excellent x x x x x x 153 CURRICULUM VITAE Ilze Name Riga, Latvia Place of birth Vircava (b. Lūse) Surname 1980 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, docent Work place and position Work address: Lielā street 2 Jelgava, Latvia LV 3002 +371 63005635 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Higher education, LU, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences Master’s studies, LU, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences Doctoral studies, LU, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences Study period 1998.– 2002. 2002.– 2004. 2005.– 2008. Speciality Qualification Geology Bachelor of geology Master of geology Doctor of geology Quarternary geology Applied geology Research degrees Institution awarding degree Doctoral Committee of Geology University of Latvia, Latvia Year 2010 Speciality Aplaid geology Degree Dr.geol. Diploma No. Sērija D, Nr. 0301 Employment 1996-2008 1998-2001 2003-2007 2007-2011 2010-2011 From 2011 SIA ZRF Relika, Laboratory of quality, laboratory assistant Latvia University, Laboratory of Quarternary environment, laboratory assistant Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, assistant Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, lecturer University of Latvia, Department of Applied Geology, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, researcher Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, docent Scientific research interests 2010–2011The national research program. 2010.10-4/VPP-5 Project No. 1 - Development of new technologies for innovative products for the creation of the Latvian mineral resources, researcher 2009–2011 Compendium on Science & Research cooperation between the European Union and the Russian 154 Federation. Scientific cooperation between researchers of Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Latvia University of Agriculture and Laboratory of Crystal Chemistry of Minerals, Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Science 2010 Estonian-Latvian cooperation project “BUY LOCAL“, The leader and coordinator of group of experts from Latvia 2006 The research project of the University of Latvia, project Nr. 2006/1-229717 “The glacial geological structure of bluff coasts of Baltic sea and its near territory in section Sensala-Pāvilosta and the surroundings of Ziemupe” (assistant).” Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. Lūse, I., Bregman, E.P.H., Segliņš, V., Stunda, A., 2009. Illite 1Md polytype in the tills of Latvia and the Netherland. Book of abstracts: Clay minerals and Layered Materials 2009, Clay minerals and Layered Materials, Zvenigorod, Russia, 148 2. Lūse, I., Krupskaya, V. V., Randers, M., Kisileva, I. A., Melchakova, L. V., Ogorodova, L. P., 2009. Possibilities to determine kaolinite group mineral structures applying Quanto software. Book of abstracts: Clay minerals and Layered Materials 2009, Clay minerals and Layered Materials, Zvenigorod, Russia, 67 3. Bregman, E.P.H., Lūse, I., 2009. Clay minerals as a tool for paleoreconstruction of ice flows and glaciations in Drenthe, the Netherlands, with a reference to NW European glacial landscapes. Book of abstracts: Clay minerals and Layered Materials 2009, Clay minerals and Layered Materials, Zvenigorod, Russia, 142 4. Stunda, A., Luse, I., Berzina-Cimdina, L., 2009. Intensive unbasal peak data acquisition for 1Md polytype. Book of abstracts: Clay minerals and Layered Materials 2009, Clay minerals and Layered Materials, Zvenigorod, Russia, 55 5. Lūse, I., Segliņš, V., Stunda, A., 2009. Illite polytype diagnostics between primary and secondary mineral phases. Proceedings, 4th annual meeting of the Nordic Mineralogical Network, Helsinki, Finland, 20 6. Lūse, I., SegliĦš, V., Stunda, A., BērziĦa-CimdiĦa, L., 2009. Autigēno minerālu asociācija glacigēno nogulumu un pamatiežu kontaktzonā. LU 67. zinātniskā konference: referātu tēzes, Rīga, 216 7. Irbe, Z., Lūse, I., 2009. Mālu daĜiĦu izmēru sadalījuma analīze izmantojot lāzera granulometriju. LU 67. zinātniskā konference: referātu tēzes, Rīga, 192 8. Lūse, I., SegliĦš, V., Stunda, A., BērziĦa-CimdiĦa, L., 2009. Iespējamie illīta politipi Latvijas glacigēnajos nogulumos. LU 67. zinātniskā konference: referātu tēzes, Rīga, 215 9. Bambergs, K., Lūse, I., 2010. Mālu minerāli morēnu augšĦu cilmiežos. LU 68. zinātniskā konference: referātu tēzes, Rīga, 274 10. Randers, M., Lūse, I., Stunda, A., Karpovičs, A., 2010. Augšdevona Katlešu svītas mālaino nogulumu krāsu neviendabība un ăenēze. LU 68. zinātniskā konference: referātu tēzes, Rīga, 360 11. Irbe, Z., Karpovičs, A., Popovs, K., Lūse, I., 2010. Lāzerdifrakcijas granulometrijas izmantošanas specifika mālu granulometriskā sastāva noteikšanā. LU 68. zinātniskā konference: referātu tēzes, Rīga, 298 12. Lūse, I., Karpovičs, A., SegliĦš, V., Stunda, A., Randers, M., 2010. Clays and authigenic minerals composition of the glacigenic and bedrock contact zone. The 5th Mid-European Clay Conference, MECC 2010, Budapest, Hungary. 13. Randers, M., Lūse, I., Stunda, A., Karpovičs, A., 2010. Natural pigments in clayey sediments of Kuprava pit in Latvia. The 5th Mid-European Clay Conference, MECC 2010, Budapest, Hungary. 14. Bregman, E.P.H., Lūse, I., Stunda, A., Karpovičs, A., Randers, M., 2010. Clay mineral composition: a significant tool for glaciation till studies and paleo reconstruction, with a reference to the glacial history in Drenthe, the Netherlands, North-West Germany and the Baltic. The 5th Mid-European Clay Conference, MECC 2010, Budapest, Hungary. 155 15. Krupskaya, V.V., Luse, I., Randers, M.A., Melchakova, L.V., Vigasina, M.F., Ogorodova, L.P., Kiseleva, I.A., 2010. Kaolinite-dickite relation by thermodinamic data. The 5th MidEuropean Clay Conference, MECC 2010, Budapest, Hungary. 16. Randers, M., Lūse, I., Stunda, A., Karpovičs, A., 2010. Kupravas karjera mālu minerālais sastāvs. 51. RTU Studentu Zinātniskās un tehniskās konferences materiāli, Rīga 17. Lūsis M., SegliĦš V., Vircava I., 2011. Tendences of latvian clay resources extraction. ПРОБЛЕМЫ НЕДРОПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ, Международный форум-конкурс молодых ученых, сборник научных трудов, Часть 1, САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ 18. Stunda A., Vircava I., Krieke G., Berzina-Cimdina L., 2011. Latvian clays for medical and cosmetic applications. ПРОБЛЕМЫ НЕДРОПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ, Международный форум-конкурс молодых ученых, сборник научных трудов, Часть 1, САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГ 19. Lūsis M., SegliĦš V., Vircava I. 2011. Tendencies of sand and gravel extraction in the Baltic States and Sweden in 2005 – 2008. Abstrtacts of the 2nd Student`s International Geological Conference, Rīga, LU, 15 p. 20. Pipira D., Vircava I. Kupravas mālaino nogulumu minerālā un granulometriskā sastāva neviendabība. Abstracts of the 52th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University. 80. p. 21. Vircava I., Pipira D., Stunda A., SegliĦš V. 2011. Apriėu un Lažas mālu iegulu ăeoloăiskais raksturojums. Abstracts of the 52th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University. 81p. Courses delivered Engineering geology, field practice of Engineering geology, Resources of Agriculture. Lifeless resources, Geology and Soil Science, Field practice of Geology and Soil Science, Resources exploration, Active tourism. Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Киселева И. А., Огородова Л. П., Крупская В. В., Мельчакова Л. В., Вигасина М.Ф., Луcе И. (2010). Термодинамика минералов каолинитовой группы. In: Геохимия. ISSN PRINT: 0016-7525. Zinātniskās publikācijas Latvijas izdevumos Lūse, I., SegliĦš, V., Stunda, A., BērziĦa-CimdiĦa, L., 2008. Paraugu sagatavošanas metodikas nozīme illīta politipu pētījumos. RTU Zinātniskie raksti. Materiālzinātne un lietišėā ėīmija, 1(18), 135–147. Lūse, I., SegliĦš, V., Stunda, A., BērziĦa-CimdiĦa, L., 2008. Illīta politipu pētījumi glacigēnos nogulumos. LLU raksti, 21 (315), 106–115. Lūse I., SegliĦš V., Stunda A., Randers M. (2011) Minerālā sastāva un illīta politipu variācija augšdevona Katlešu svītas un Latvijas apledojuma glacigēnajos nogulumos. Latvijas Universitātes raksti. Zemes un Vides ZinātĦu sērija, 762.sēj., 102-113. Stunda A., BērziĦa-CimdiĦa L., Lūse I. (2011) XRD uzĦemšanas parametru ietekme uz vāji kristālisku materiālu difraktogrammām. Latvijas Universitātes raksti. Zemes un Vides ZinātĦu sērija, 762.sēj., 93-101. Vircava I., Pipira D., SegliĦš V., Stunda A. (2011) Rentgenstaru pulverdifrakcijas metodes illīta, illīta-smektīta noteikšanai un to pielietojums Latvijas māliem. RTU Zinātniskie raksti, Materiālzinātne un lietišėā ėīmija, 24. sēj., 14-19. SegliĦš V., Sedmale G., Vircava I. (2011) Latvijas minerālās izejvielas: īpašību apkopojums. RTU Zinātniskie raksti, Materiālzinātne un lietišėā ėīmija, 24. sēj., 116135. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 156 12.12.–18.12. 2010 11.05. – 15 .05. 2009. 15.04.–17.04. 2009. Structural State of Minerals and its Applications, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Clays: mineralogy, geochemistry and geotechnical properties, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden PHARE 2009 – Module1, Crystal Structure solution and refinement from powder data, workshop, Martina Franca, Italy Academic and social societies (membership) Member of Latvia Soil society Awards First place at the 49th scientific and technical conference of Students, Riga Technical University (Stunda, A., Lūse, I., 2008. New solutions for the analyses of clayey sedimentary rocks with XRD; Diploma for the best young scientist poster presentation (I. Lūse, E.P.H. Bregman, V. SegliĦš, A. Stunda. Illite 1Md polytype in the tills of Latvia and the Netherland. I. Lūse, V. V. Krupskaya, M. Randers, I. A. Kisileva, L. V. Melchakova, L. P. Ogorodova. Possibilities to determine kaolinite group mineral structures applying Quanto software), Clay minerals and Layered Materials, Zvenigorod (Moscow region), 2009. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian English 157 CURRICULUM VITAE 1.1. LAILA Name Rīga Place of birth DUBOVA Surname 1970 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences Work place Lecturer position Work address: LLU Faculty of Agriculture Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001 Telephone + 371 3010612 E-mail: • Education: 1999. - 2002. PhD study Latvia University of Agriculture (theoretical course). 2000. Latvia University of agriculture (master study). Diploma No. 001645. 1989. – 1994. Latvia University, Faculty of Biology Qualification: biologist, plant physiologist. Diploma No 104346. 1.6. Research degrees Master degree in the agricultural sciences 1.7. Employment: From 2003 september lecturer in the Latvia University of Agriculture Institute of Soil and Plant sciences (till 2005. september Department of Plant biology). Since 1994 till 2003 asissistant in the Department of Plant biology, Latvia University of Agriculture Since 1988 till 1989. Laboratory assistant in the Laboratory of microorganisms ecology and selection of Institute of Microbiology and Virusology by Latvia Research Academy. 1.8. Foreign languages: excellent Russian German Writing skills Reading skills Language good X average excellent good Speaking skills average X X excellent good average X X X 158 English X X X 2. Scientific research interests and publications. 2.1. Scientific fields • Plant and soil microorganisms intreractions • Soil microbiological and enzymatic activity 2.2. Patents: 1) AlsiĦa I., Dubova L., GobiĦa V., Torstere S., KauliĦš U. Lauksaimniecības produktu ražošanas intensifikācijas paĦēmiens / Latvian patent LV Nr. 13439, 2006. 2) AlsiĦa I., Dubova L., KauliĦš, U., Kveksis K., ZariĦa L. Augu augšanas stimulēšanas paĦēmiens /Latvian patent LV Nr. 13690, 2008. 3) Mutere O., Limane B., Mihailova A., Dubova L., Strikauska S., Zarina. D. Isolation of consortium of microorganisms-destructors MDK-825 for oil product degradation in soil. Latvian patent LV 14133 A, 4/2010, 624-625. 2.3. publications (last 7 years): • Ashihmina O., Dubova L., Potapova K., Muter O. (2011) Eco-toxicity of nitroaromatics: comparative study for different conditions. Ecoligy& Safety, Vol.5. (pieĦemts publicēšanai: publicēšanas sertifikāts No. BG2011-ISP-ES-5-2563). • Dubova L., Šteinberga V., Mutere O., Jansone I., AlsiĦa I. (2011) Influence of organic and conventional soil management system on soil respiration and enzymatic activity. BioMicroWorld2009 Conference Proceedings Book. World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd., p.61-65. • AlsiĦa I., Dubova L., Krūma Z., Krainis J., Žukauska I., Galoburda R. (2011) Antomicrobial activity of extracts from different Origanum vulgare clones grown in Latvia. BioMicroWorld2009 Conference Proceedings. World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd., p.355-358. • Алсиня И. И., Петрова Г. А. , Дубова Л.Я. , Алсиньш Я.Г.(2010) Влияние цветного полиэтиленового покрытия на рост и химический состав базилика, Девятая международная научно-практическая конференция “Исследование, разработка и применение высоких технологий в промышленности”, Санкт- Петербург, c.88-92. • Л.Я. Дубова , И.И.Алсиня, В.К.Штейнберга, О.А.Мутер, И.Я.Янсоне. (2010) Динамика показателей биологической активности почвы в севообороте зерновых Девятая международная научно-практическая конференция “Исследование, разработка и применение высоких технологий в промышленности”, Санкт- Петербург, c.130-136. • B. Limane, J. Juhanson, J. Truu, M. Truu, O. Muter , A.Versilovskis, L. Dubova, and Dz. Zarina. Changes in microbial population affected by physico-chemical conditions of soils contaminated by explosives // Current Research Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology. - World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd -2009. p. 637-640. • L. Dubova, B.Limane, O. Muter, A. Versilovskis, Dz. Zarina, and I.Alsina. Effect of nitroaromatic compounds on the growth of potted plants. // Current Research Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology. - World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd 2009. p.24-28 • Dubova L., Muter O., Mihailova A., Alsina I., Steinberga V., Limane B., Zarina Dz. Growth of peas Pisum sativum L. in the presence of diesel and bacteria consortia in peat and sandy soil. 10th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical methods, computational techniques, non-linerar systems, intelligent systems (MAMECTIS'08). 159 • • • • • • Corfu, Greece, October 26 -28, 2008. Published by WSEAS Press, 403-407. Steinberga V, Alsina I., Ansevica A., Dubova L, Liepina L. The Evaluation of Effectiveness of Rhizobium lupini Strains; Multifunctional agriculture at the outset of XXI century: Challenges and Risks, Jelgava 2008, P.193-196 Anita Anševica, Ina AlsiĦa, Laila Dubova. The evaluation of effectiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum in field beans (Vicia faba) / Research for rural development 2007. International scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava 2007, p. 42 – 45. Ina AlsiĦa, Anita Anševica, Laila Dubova, Inta Dudare, Maiga Niedrīte, Vilhelmīne Šteinberga The evaluation of effectiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains in different host plants / 6. starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference "Vide. Tehnoloăija. Resursi", 2007.gada 20.-22.jūnijs Rēzekne, Rēzeknes Augstskolā 190.-194. lpp. AlsiĦa I., Dubova L. Physiological Activity of Sapropel Decomposition Products / Suistainable development in the Baltic and Beyong. Peter Lang Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2006. Vol. 23, P. 551-559. Dz. Zarina, L. Dubova, A. Berzins, U. Viesturs, S. Strikauska. Effect of inoculum on the survival of pathogenic agents in different composts / Modern multidisciplinary applied microbiology: exploiting microbes and their interactions. - Wiley-VCH, 2006. – P.737.743.. Alsina I., Dubova L., Krulikovskis J. Biological activity assessment of fertiliser Agrovitkor Agronomijas vēstis Nr. 8, Jelgava 2005, p 301-305 2.4. Conferences (last 7 years): • • • • • • • • • Muter O., Dubova L., Zarina D. Microbial activity in the soils contaminated with nitramines and nitroaromatic compounds. Int. Conf. on Environ. Biotechnology, 9-13 July, 2006, Leipzig, Germany. Muter O., Dubova L., Saulite L., Grube M., Zarina D. Microorganisms isolation from soils contaminated with nitramines and nitroaromatic compounds. 11th Int. Symp. on Microbial Ecology, ISME-11, 2006, Vienna, Austria. ZariĦa D., Dubova L., Mutere O., Viesturs U., BērziĦš A., Strikauska. The influence of climatic conditions on the sanitary state of composting and post composting processes. EcoBalt, Rīga May 10-11, 2007, 70-71. Limane B., Juhanson J., Truu J., Truu M., Muter O., Dubova L., Zarina D. Changes in microbial population affected by physico-chemical conditions of soils contaminated by explosives. II International Conference on Environmental, industrial and Applied Microbiology, BioMicroWorld 2007 . Dubova L., Limane B., Muter O., Versilovskis A., Zarina D., Alsina I. Effect of nitroaromatic compounds to the growth of potted plants. II International Conference on Environmental, industrial and Applied Microbiology, BioMicroWorld 2007. Limane B., Muter O., Dubova L., Zarina Dz. Effect of salinity on the plant germination in the context of soil toxicity. EUROSOIL 2008, Book of Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, 2008. Dubova L., Muter O., Mihailova A., Alsina I., Steinberga V., Limane B., Zarina Dz. Growth of peas Pisum sativum L. in the presence of diesel and bacteria consortia in peat and sandy soil. The 2nd WSEAS/IASME Conf. on Waste Management, Water Pollution, Air Pollution and Indoor Climate (WWAI’08). Corfu, Greece, October 26-28, 2008 (Proceedings, 6 lpp.). Limane B., Cugunov M., Muter O., Dubova L., Alsina. The impact of petroleum hydrocarbons on the soil enzymatic activity and plant growth. 17th Int. Symp. of CIEC, Cairo, Egypt, November 24-27 2008. L. Dubova, Dz. Zarina, I. Alsina. The use of microbiotests for determination of soil and 160 compost quality // 40th Croatian Symposium on agriculture, 2005. • Alsina I., Dubova L.. Physiological aspects of sapropel decomposition products. International Conference "Integrative Approaches towards Sustainability"11-14 May 2005. Jurmala, Riga. • Alsina I., Dubova L., Krulikovskis J. Biological activity assessment of fertiliser Agrovit- kor. International Scientific conference ‘Optimizing Agricultural output production: Theory and Praxis, Jelgava 2005. • Steinberga V., Alsina I., Ansevica A., Dubova L., Liepina L. The evaluation of effectiveness of Rhizobium lupini strains, Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Multifunctional Agriculture at the outset of XXI century: challenges and risks, Jelgava, 22.-23. marts 2007. • Karāne I., AlsiĦa I., Dubova L., Šteinberga V. Effects of the spectral distribution of light on the growth of vegetables. Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Abstracts of International Scientific Conference: Actualities in Plant Physiology, 12 – 13 June, 2008. • Anševica A., Šteinberga V., Dubova L., AlsiĦa I., Karpova I. Evaluation of Rhizobium strain efficiency in peas and garden beans grown in different soils. Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Abstracts of International Scientific Conference: Actualities in Plant Physiology, 12 – 13 June, 2008. • Zegnere L., AlsiĦa I., Dubova L., Šteinberga V. The effect of selenite on the yield and storage of onions. Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Abstracts of International Scientific Conference: Actualities in Plant Physiology, 12 – 13 June, 2008. • Anševica A., Šteinberga V., AlsiĦa I., Dubova L. Evaluation of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains effectiveness, virulence and ability of competitiveness in Field Beans (Vicia faba L.) // Journal of Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition, 2008, Vol. 8(3). Special Issue ISMOM, 2008, • Dubova L., Muter O., Alsina I., Zarina Dz., Limane B., Steinberga V., Mihailaova A. Growth of peas Pisum sativum L. in the presence of diesel and bacteria consortia un peat and sandy soil // Journal of Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition, Vol. 8(3), 2008. Special Issue ISMOM 2008, pp. 182. • Limane B. Mihailova A., Dinaburga G., Dubova L., Muter O., Alsina I., Zarina Dz. Comparison of Different Methodical Approaches to Evaluate the Plant Root Growth // Book of Abstracts, Eurosoil, International Year of Planet Earth, Soil–Society– Environment, 25–29 August, 2008, Vienna, Austria, pp. 186. • Alsina I;.Dubova L; Krūma Z.; Krainis J.;.Žukauska I; Galoburda R. Antibacterial activity of extracts from different Origanum vulgare clones grown in Latvia. III International Conference on Environmental, industrial and Applied Microbiology, BioMicroWorld 2009,2 – 4 decembris. Lisabona, Portugāle. • . Dubova L;. Šteinberga V; Mutere O.; Jansone I.; AlsiĦa I. Influence of organic and conventional soil tillage system on soil respiration and enzymatic activity. III International Conference on Environmental, industrial and Applied Microbiology, BioMicroWorld 2009,2 – 4 decembris. Lisabona, Portugāle. • Alsina I.; A. Anševica; V. Šteinberga; L.Dubova Nodulation process and nitrogen fixation effectiveness in field beans (Vicia faba). III International Conference on Environmental, industrial and Applied Microbiology, BioMicroWorld 2009,2 – 4 decembris. Lisabona, Portugāle. • Dubova L.; M. Dūma; I.Alsina. The effect of sodium selenite and selenate on the quality of lettuce and soil microbiological activity. III International Conference on Environmental, industrial and Applied Microbiology, BioMicroWorld 2009,2 – 4 decembris. Lisabona, Portugāle • AlsiĦa I., Dubova L. Ăenētiski modificēti organismi. Olaines vēstures un mākslas muzejs, konference – ”Bioloăiskā lauksaimniecība un pārtika”, 2008. gada 20. februāris. 161 • • • • • (Mutiskā uzstāšanās). Dane S., Šteinberga V., AlsiĦa I., Dubova L. The influence of onions and red beet on the soil microbiological characteristics, First International Symposium on Microbial Horticulture. May 15-19, 2011, Alnarpa, Sweden, L.Dubova, I. AlsiĦa, V. Šteinberga, G. Gmizo Influence of additional microorganisms preparation on growth of lettuce, 1st International Symposium on Microbial horticulture May 15-19, 2011, Alnarpa, Sweden Šteinberga V., Dubova L., Mutere O., Jansone I., AlsiĦa I. (2011). The influence of field management system on the soil biological activity. Scientific conference “Agricultural Chemistry in agriculture and environmental protection” Warsaw, Poland, June 20 – 21. Duma M., Alsina I., Dubova L. Stroksa L., Smiltina Z. (2011) The effect of sodium selenite and selenate on the quality of lettuce. Food balt2011, Jelgava , Alsina I., Petrova G., Dubova L. (2011) The effect of colored plastic films on the yield quality of basil . Food balt2011, Jelgava Dubova L.,Ruža A., AlsiĦa I., Šteinberga V. (2011). The effect of tillage on same biological parameters of soil. Scientific conference “Agricultural Chemistry in agriculture and environmental protection” Warsaw, Poland, June 20 – 21. 3.4. Continuing education: 2006.g. no 11.janvāra līdz 10. februārim apmācības kurss „Enchancing Biotehnology at the Latvia University of Agriculture”Illionisas Universitātē, ASV; 2006.04. – 06.07. SIA :Zygon Consulting”Darba seminārs riska novērtējumiem par vides riska novērtēšanas vispārīgiem principiem un metodoloăiju attiecībā uz ăenētiski modificētiem organismiem, kurus paredzxēts izvietot vai kuri ir izvietoti tirgū. Apliecinājums Nr. 2792. 2006.15.05. – 26.05. Laboratorijas darbu kurss „CPSC568: Recombinant DNA Technology Laboratory” Illionisas Universitātē, ASV; 2005.g. 20. – 27. maijs. KauĦas Universitātes organizētie NOVA kursi „AgroBiotechnology focused on Root-Microbe Systems” ; 2005. gada 5. jūlijā „Boosting Baltic FP6”organizētie kursi „Getting started-proposal preparation for FP6”, Jelgavā, Latvijā. 4. L. Dubova. “Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Latvia soils” referāts starptautiskajā seminārā: EU FP7 projekts „FLAVOURE” Soil Micro-organisma as Indicator for the Biologocal Quality of Soils. Organizētājs Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture&Tallinn University of Technology. No 30.-31.03.2010 . 162 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Antons Ruža 2. Date of birth: 03 July, 1938 3. Education Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy 1963-1969 agronomist Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1970-1972 Latvia University of Agriculture, Dr. agr., 1975. Latvia University of Agriculture, Dr. habil. agr., 1996. 4. Work experience Senior researcher, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU) from 2003. LLU, Department of Crop Production, professor, 1996 - 2003. LLU, Head of the Department of Crop Production, 1993 – 2003. LLA, Vice-Dean of Faculty of Agronomy, 1980 – 1989. LLU, Department of Crop Production, lecturer, 1972 - 1996 5. Scientifical work Sustainable use of soil as the main resource for production of safe and qualitative food and feed from the main agricultural crops. Influence of minimal soil tillage on its fertility maintenance, development and distribution of pests as well as crops’ yield and quality in resowings. Crop production – optimization of yield and quality formation for different species and cultivars of cereals. Correlation among agroecological factors, yielding and grain quality parameters. 6. Projects (2006-2012) Projects funded by Latvian Council of Sciences 10. State Research Program “Sustainable Use of Local Resources (Earth, Food, and Transport) – New Products and Technologies (NatRes)” (2010-2013); project No.3. “Sustainable Use of Local Agricultural Resources for the Development of High Nutritive Value Food Products (Food)”, Leader of Sub-project No.3.1 “Sustainable Use of Soil as the Main Resource for the Production of Safe and Qualitative Food and Feed from the Main Agricultural Crops”. 11. „ Justification of agro ecological factors’ rational use for growing field crops” (2005 – 2008). 12. „Agrotechnological factors, Domestic Animal Health and Welfare Influence on Sustainable Food Products Safety and Quality, sub-project “Optimisation of environment conserving biotechnological processes in crop growing for safe and quality crop output production” (2006 – 2009). 163 Projects funded by Ministry of Agriculture 1. Determination of maximal fertiliser norms for crops (2009 – 2013). 2. Sustainable use of soil as the main resource for production of safe and qualitative food and feed from the main agricultural crops (2009 – 2013). 7. Publication 2006 - 2011 Total 58 (with co-authors) 3 (with co-authors) 16 84 46 110 1 25 20 19 314 67 Monographs, books Studying materials Scientifical publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature All together 8. Most important publications (2007-2011) Monographs and Separate Chapters in Monographs Bardachenko V., MerkuryevY., Solomennikov A., Ruza A. (2009) Defining Optimal Farmer Strategy under Climate Uncertainty. In: Cultural Landscape Across Disciplines. Monographic, edited by Józef Hernik. Bydgoszcz – Kraków, 323 -340 pp. Kunkulberga D., Ruža A. (2008) Kviešu un rudzu graudu uzturvērtība un izmantošana pārtikā. Jelgava, 56 lpp. [in Latvian] Bardačenko V., Merkurjevs J., Ruža A., Solomenikova Ī. (2007) Lauksaimnieka stratēăiju modelēšana nepastāvīgas meteoroloăiskās situācijas apstākĜos. No: Lauksaimniecības un pārtikas risku vadīšana. Monogrāfija, Jelgava, 468 – 493 lpp. [in Latvian] Scientifical publications Ruza A., Kreita D., Katamadze M. (2011) Mineral fertilizer use efficiency in spring barley sowings. Agraarteadus. Journal of Agricultural science XXII(2), 40 – 44. Abstracted/indexed: CAB International (UK) databases, AGRIS' DOAJ. Ruza A., Bankina B., Strikauska S. 2011. The impact of sowing time on sugar content and snow mould development in winter wheat. Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis. 11 (1): 47-54. Ruža A., Kreita D. (2008) Sowing Time influence on yield of winter Wheat under conditions of Zemgale. Agronomijas vēstis/Latvian Journal of Agronomy, 11: 271-275. Indeksēts CAB abstrakt/full text un EBSCO. Skudra I., Ruža A. (2008) Ziemas kviešu graudu ražas un kvalitātes sakarības ar slāpekĜa saturu augsnē un augos. Agronomijas vēstis/Latvian Journal of Agronomy, 10: 186 -193. Indeksēts CAB abstrakt/full text un EBSCO. Kunkulberga D., Ruza A., Linina A., Galoburda R. (2007) Evalution of wholegrain flour baking properties depending on variety. Maisto chemija ir technolologija, 41 (2): 24 – 29. Indeksēts CAB abstrakt/full text 164 Kunkulberga D., Klava D., Ruza A., Zirvite I., Riekstina A. (2007) Development of wholegrain products. In: Proceedings of 4th International congress "Flour - Bread’07", 300-305 pp. Indeksēts Web of Sciences and CAB full text. 10. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 51 47 98 From 2006 21 7 28 11. Other important dates Member of NJF Member of Association of European agronomists Chairman of the Expert Commission (Agriculture) of Latvia Council of Sciences (2000 2007) Chairman of the Expert Commission (Agricultural, Environmental, Earth and Forestry Sciences) of Latvia Council of Sciences (2007 – 2010) Honorary member of Latvia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences 12. Honours and awards Laureate of Paula Lejina Prize, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2009 Silver medal of Latvia University of Agriculture, 2008 Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers Award, 2008 Order of The Three Stars, 1998 Gold medal of Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Latvia, 1998 13. Languages Reading skills excellent good average X Germany Russian X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X 165 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Aleksandrs Adamovičs 2. Date of birth April 13, 1947 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) 3.1 Education Undergraduate studies graduate studies postgraduate studies. Higher, educational institution, country. Study years Specialization Qualifications Latvian Agricultural Academy, Latvia 1966 - 1971 Agronomy Qualified agronomist Latvian Agricultural Academy, Latvia 1973 - 1976 Crop production Cand.Sc. (Crop Production) Latvia University of Agriculture (habil.postgraduate studies profesors school) 1997 - 1999 Grassland management 3.2. Academic titles and scientific degrees Scientific degrees Academic board, institution, country Date, decision / minutes / No Board of Lithuanian Agricultural Academy, Lithuania 30.10.197 8., Habilitation and Promotion Board, Latvia University of Agriculture 23.10.199 2., Specialization Scientific degree Diploma No. Crop Production Cand.Sc. (Agr.) CX Nr.003114 Agriculture Dr.agr. G-D Nr.00016 Nr. 12 Nr. 6/1-2 Academie titles Academic board, institution, country Date, decision / minutes No Specialization Academic title Diploma No. 166 Higher Certifying commission of the U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers LLU Agricultural Sciences related branch ‘Field Crops’, open Habilitation and Promotion Board LLU Agricultural Sciences related branch ‘Field Crops’, open Habilitation and Promotion Board 02.03.1983., Nr. 9д/5 09.06.1998., Crop production Docent Grassland Management Associate professor Nr. 12 ДЦ Nr.0609 28 LLU -A PR Nr. 001 22.12.2003 Nr. 2/1 Agriculture/ Crop production Professor LLU - PR Nr. 055 4. Professional carrier 2005 to present Director, Institute of Agrobiotehnology, LLU 2003 -2005 Professor, Dept.of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, LLU 1998 -2003 1978 – 1997 1995 – 1997 1976 – 1978 1972 – 1976 Associate professor, Dept.of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, LLU Docent, Dept. Of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, LLU Director, Study and Research farm ‘Peterlauki’(pluralizing) Lecturer, Dept. Of Crop production. Faculty of Agriculture Post graduate student, Dept. Of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, LUA 5. Research areas Grassland Management & Forage Management, Crop Production, Bioenergy 6. Projects (2005–2010) International projects (including ESF, EUREKA, COST and others): 3. ESF Project „Attraction of human resources to the research of the renewable energy sources”, Contract Nr. 2009/0225/1DP/ The project leader P. Rivža. Adamovičs A. - senior researchers. 4. Interreg The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion Project, ZV 78, ((the joint project, involving 36 partners from 11 countries) 2009-2012. The project leader V.Dubrovskis. Adamovičs A. - senior researchers. 5. Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia 1. Grants Nr. 05.1591 "Vidi saudzējošu zālāju produktivitātes un kvalitātes veidošanas tehnoloăiju pamatojums un zāles izmantošanas veidu optimizācija" //Environment friendly technology substantiation for grassland productivity and quality formation and optimizing ways of herbage use.//. 2005. - 2008. Projekta vadītājs A.Adamovičs. 167 2. LR IZM -LLU projekts Enerăētisko augu audzēšanas, pārveides un izmantošanas tehnoloăijas bioenerăijas ieguvei. Projekta vadītājs A. Adamovičs. 3. ZM-LAD subsīdiju projekts. Minerālmēslojuma agronomiskās efektivitātes noteikšana stiebrzālēm Projekta vadītājs A. Adamovičs. 4. ZM-LAD subsīdiju projekts. Enerăētisko augu izvēle un audzēšanas tehnoloăijas biogāzes ieguvei. Projekta vadītājs A. Adamovičs. 5. ZM subsīdiju projekts. Latvijas apstākĜiem piemērotu augu ekonomiski pamatotu audzēšanas tehnoloăiju izstrāde bioenerăijas ieguvei. Projekta vadītājs A.Adamovičs 6. ZM subsīdiju projekts (L- 151) Dažāda agrīnuma baltā āboliĦa - stiebrzāĜu zelmeĦu produktivitāte atkarībā no pĜaušanas biežuma. Projekta vadītājs A.Adamovičs. 7. Sadarbības projekta „Agrotehnoloăisko faktoru, mājdzīvnieku veselības un labturības ietekme uz ilgtspējīgas pārtikas produktu drošību un kvalitāti” apakšprojekts Nr. 06.0039.1 “Vidi saudzējošu augkopības biotehnologisko procesu optimizācija drošas un kvalitatīvas produkcijas ieguvei”. 2006. – 2009. Līdzdalība: A.Adamovičs vadošais pētnieks. 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2010) 1. Development and management of Moodle e-courses, 01.10.2010–29.10.2010, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia. 2. Vācija, Ķīle, Ķīles universitāte Zāles lopbarības ražošanas tehnoloģijas, dzīvnieku audzēšana un ēdināšana, bioenerģētika. /2010 gadā, 12 dienas. 3. Lielbritānija, Marches reģiona Enerģētikas aģentūra. Pieredzes apgūve ilgspējīgu vietējo enerģētikas attīstības vienību izveidošana. /2008.gadā, 4 dienas. 4. Ėīna, Pekina, Lanzhou, Hohhota: Ėīnas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Ėīnas Tautas Republikas Zālaugu federācija, Lanzhou Lauksaimniecības universitāte. // Dabisko zālāju resursi, ekoloăija un ražošanas sistēmas // 2008. gadā, 17 dienas. Polija, Polijas Zemkopības ministrija. Varšavas Lauksaimniecības universitāte //Integrētas lauksaimniecības sistēmas//2008.gadā, 8 dienas. 5. 6. Italija, BoloĦa BoloĦas universitātes, Lauksaimniecības fakultāte //Enerăētisko augu audzēšana// 2008 gadā, 8 dienas. 7. Spānija, Barselonas universitāte, Ģeoloģijas fakultāte //Jaunākas slāpekļa noteikšanas metodes, izmantojot izotopu 15N. Lleidas universitāte. Slāpekļa efektīva izmantošana, zudumu samazināšana un vides aizsardzība //2007 gadā, 6 dienas. 8. Publications: Total-328 2006–2010 Total 7 (with co-authors) 5 (with co-authors) 2 12 17 80 11 5 12 59 8 129 89 Monographs, books Study materials Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total 168 List of most important publications, 2006–2010 1. Adamovics A., Adamovica O. (2010) Productivity and yield quality of white clover-grass mixed swards depending on cutting frequency. Grassland science in Europe, Vol. 15, ISBN 978-3-86944-021-7. pp 187-189. 2. Poiša L., Adamovičs A. (2010) Winter cereals as raw material for bio-ethanol production in Latvia. In: From research to industry and markets.Proceedings of 18th European Biomass Conference Conference held in Lyon, France, 3-7 May, 2010. ISBN – 978 – 88 – 89407 – 56 – 5. pp. 411 – 416. 3. Adamovics A., Dubrovskis V., Plume I.(2009) Biogas yield from energy crops in Latvia. Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference”From research to industry and markets". Florence: Eta-Florence Renewable Energies [DVD], pp.1509-1511. ISBN 978-88-89407-57-3. 4. Gutmane I. and Adamovich A. (2007) Productivity and persistence of Festulolium and Lolium x boucheanum swards // Grassland Science in Europe. Vol. 12, pp.59- 62. 5. Adamovičs A. (2007) Enerăētisko augu audzēšana un izmantošana// Aut. kol. Gr. Enerăētisko augu audzēšana un izmantošana - 190 lpp.//, Jelgava, 11-89 lpp. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total From 2006 47 9 32 6 56 38 10. Languages Reading skills English Russian German excellent good average X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X X X X X 11. Professional memberships Member of NJF plant protection section Member of the European Grassland Federation (EGF) Member of Association of European agronomists (ESA) 169 CURRICULUM VITAE Surname and first name: ABOLINS MINTAUTS Year, date and place of birth: 1943, April, 3, Riga Nationality: Latvian Civil Status: Married Degree and Position: Dr. agr., Assoc. Professor, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture Address: 2 Liela, Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Latvia, LV- 3001 Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Latvia, LV 3001; Phone: +371 30 05630; Fax: +371 30 05630 E-mail: Research Skills: Fruit Science. Vaccinium spp., apple cultivars and rootstocks compatibility. Languages: latvian, english, russian Education: Latvia University of Agriculture , Faculty of Agronomy, 1970. Dr.agr., Latvia University of Agriculture, 1992. Experience: Latvia University of Agriculture: Assistant, Docent, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Crop Production, 1976 – 1997. Assoc. Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Head of the Dept. of Horticulture , 1998-2005. Assoc. Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotehnology, 2006- nowadays Awards and Honours: Latvia Ministry of Agriculture, based on diligent work, 2003. Latvia University of Agriculture, based on diligent work, 2003. Research Projects: LSP Grant „Vaccinium spp. biological aspects of winter hardiness” chair 2009. Latvia Ministry of Agriculture Subsidies project “Environment-friendly growing technologies in fruit and berry orchards in different soil and climate conditions”, sub-topic “Blueberries and cranberries”, managed by Latvia State Institute of Fruit-growing, started at 2007, continue. ESF project “Professional practice of higher education students in horticultural enterprises”, expert in Fruit Production, 2007. Publications: Šterne D., Liepniece M., ĀboliĦš M. (2010) Preliminary observations of phenology development, yield and yield quality of some highbush blueberry cultivars in Latvia. Research for Rural Development -2010 Jelgava, LUA, p. 60-64. Abolins M., M.Liepniece, D.Sterne (2009) Vaccinium spp. production patterns and winter hardiness in Latvia. Proc. of 9th Int. Symp. on Vaccinium Culture, ISHS Acta Hort., No 810, p. 205-210. Abolins M., Sausserde R., Liepniece M., Sterne D. (2009) Cranberry and blueberry production in Latvia. In: Latvia Journal of Agronomy Nr. 12, p.7-13. Šterne D., ĀboliĦš M. (2009) Evaluation of winter hardiness and productivity of five highbush blueberries cultivars in Latvia. Annual 15 th International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Research for Rural Development-2009, Jelgava, LUA, p. 76-81. . 170 Curriculum vitae 1. Name, surname Uldis Osītis 2. Place of birth Madona district, Latvia. 6 of March 1936 3. Permanent address 4 Stadiona street, Jelgava LV – 3002, phone 29387057, E-mail: <> 4. Education Higher education 5. Professional experience 5. 1. Leading researcher in Agrotechnological Institute of the Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) from 2008; 5. 2. Associate professor from 1998; 5.3. Dean of the Faculty of Zooengineering of the LUA (1985 – 1980); 5.4. Dean of the Faculty of Zootechnics of the Latvia Agricultural Academy (LAA) (1972 – 1980); 5. 5. Docent of the LAA from 1970; 5.6. Assistant of the LLA from 1966. 6. Scientific activities. Main research activities − ruminant nutrition. From 30 of September 1998 with resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia Republic started new system of nutrition of high-yielding cows which was worked out in Department of Animal Nutrition of LUA leaded by U. Ositis. On that base was published U. Ositis monograph “Evaluation of feedstuffs for ruminant nutrition”, Jelgava 102 pp. On that theoretical rule was compiled the first computer program in Latvian language for rationing feeding ration of high-yielding cows. Research of beef cattle and horse nutrition is in progress. 7. Participation in scientific projects from 2005. 7. 1. International projects. Superior of the ERAF project from 2010 “Lasting conservancy of native food value of fruits and berries making use innovative development” with identification Nr. 2DP/, with expenses of project 340 000 LVL. Superior of German BIOCHEM project “Impact of a probiotic BioPlus 2B supplement on the weight loss of sows and weaning weight of piglets”. 7. 2. Projects of Scientific Council of the Latvia Republic etc. As superior: Project Nr. 300708/S311, S312 1. S311. “Good hygienic practice for feed distribution”, 6000 LVL; 2. S312. “Good veterinary practice for veterinary medicament distribution”, 5000 LVL 3. Project Nr. XP94 “Developmental diseases affecting growing horses” 12 700 LVL. As executor: 1. Project Nr. 120608/S260 “Integrate breeding conditions of animal originating products (milk, meat) for animal growing farms”. 2. Project Nr. 7/08 SAE – 2008 – 0112B “Working out strategy for milk and meat centre”. 3. Project Nr. XP124 “Changes of protein fractions in feedstuffs depending of it processing methods”. 171 8. International experience. 8.1. Poster in Nordic Feed Science Conference 22. – 23. June 2010 in Swedish Agricultural University Uppsala; 8.2. Dairy Solution Symposium 2010. g. 1. – 2. July in Utrecht University, the Netherlands; 3rd European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Compabasso, Italy, 21 – 24 June 2006; 2nd European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Dizon, France, 17 – 21 January 2004. 9. Publications: (from 2003) Category of publication Monographs Teaching aids SCI publications Publications in international journals Other scientific publications Materials of Conferences Periodicals TOTAL Total From 2005 2 − − 3 − 3 12 20 2 − − 3 − 3 12 20 10. Report in Scientific conferences: (from 2003) Category of Conference Total International Latvia KOPĀ 11. From 2005 3 − 3 3 − 3 Main publications from 2005. 1. Osītis U. (2005) Dzīvnieku ēdināšana. LLKC, 320 lpp 2. Osītis U. (2007) Zirgu ēdināšana. SIA Petrovskis un Ko, 290 lpp. 3. J. Plēsums, U. Osītis, A. Runce, I. Ramane, Z. Gaile, S. Skuja.(2005) GaĜas liellopi un liellopu gaĜas ražošana Latvijas apstākĜos. LLKC, 123 lpp. 4. Bula S., Osītis U. The application of organic trace minerals in beef cattle nutrition. International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Research for rural development. Jelgava, 21. – 23. maijs 2008., 328 – 334 pp. 5. Bula S., Osītis U. Influence of Seabuckthorn by-products on the Mare and Foal Blood Biochemical indices. International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Animal. Health. Food Hygiene. Jelgava, 14. November 2008, 24 – 29 pp. 12. Language skills : Literacy perf ect goo d Written aver age. perf ect goo d Speaking aver age. perf ect goo d aver age. 172 Russian × × × English × × × 13. Another important news: 1. 2010. 26. 10. Gratitude Paper of from Minister Cabinet of Latvia Republic; 2. 2006. g. 10. 01. Latvia Scientific Academy and Latvia Agricultural and Woodland Science Academy award of Paula LejiĦa for monograph ”Dzīvnieku ēdināšana kompleksā skatījumā”. 3. According the resolution Nr.9/7 from Convent of LUA on 2004. 13.10 allocated Emeritus honorary title or associate professor. . 4. 1991 year barricade participant sign Nr. 4622 with Board resolution Nr. 9, 2000.12.12. 5. Member of Nordic Agricultural Scientific Association. 173 Curriculum Vitae (CV) Personal data Name Surname Mailing address Antra Balode 27/1 Braslas street, flat 28, Riga, LV 1084, Latvia +371 29115518 Telephone E-mail Citizenship Education Republic of Latvia 1994-1997 2002 1978-1984 1975-1978 Working Experience Latvia University of Agriculture Post Graduate Course Agricultural Doctor’s Degree (Dr.agr.) Latvia University Faculty of Biology, Biologist Latvian Agricultural College, Horticulture Garden Designer 1975 - 1991 Botanical Garden of Latvia University Head of the Experimental area of Ornamental Plant breeding 1998- 2003 Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia State Plant Protection Service Seed Control Department, Senior inspector of field inspection 2003 – 2004 Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia, Deputy Head of Education and Science, Rural Development Department 2004 – 2006 Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia, Senior Desk Officer of the Higher Educational and Science Department. 2004 – To now Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Assistant Professor of the Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Division of Horticulture, Study courses: Flowerculture and Project Management 2006 – To now Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Senior Researcher Participant or leader of Research projects and programmes EU Projects 1. EUREKA project “Horticulture: Biological Products, Production and Marketing” (2008 – 2010) 2. EU Sixth Framework Programme VISION ERA-NET Project ”Shared Knowledge Bases for Sustainable Innovation Policies”, the coordinator of Ministry of Education and Science (2005 – 2007) 3. EU ESF Project "Continuing education e Learning programme on Garden and Landscape Architecture for Promotion of Tourism and SMEs" (2006 – 2007) 4. EU ESF Project „Higher Educational Programme in the Professional Practice in Horticulural Companies” ( 2006 – 2008) 174 5. EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme Mobility Project “Improvement of Professional Qualification in the Training of Flowerculture”, Sanremo and Pescia, Italy (2007) 6. EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme Project “Practical Training of Horticulture in Great Britain in the Royal Horticultural Society Wisley Garden” (2008) Local projects 1. Latvian Council of Science Project “Factors Determined Engrafting of Coniferous Trees and Investigation of Grafting Growth” (2009 – 2012) 2. Market Oriented Research Project “Integrated technology of Vegetable Production” (2008 – 2009) 3. Market Oriented Research Project coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Science “Research on production and marketing of ornamental plant in Latvia” (2006 – 2007) 4. Research Project coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Science “Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of Spices and Medicinal Plants using Molecular Markers (2007) Publications in corresponding branch of science 1) Balode, A. 2011. Effect of biological product Trihodermin B-J on Botrytis suppression and lily bulb development. Proceedings of the IInd International symposium on the genus Lilium. Pescia (Tuscany) Italy, August 30-September 3, 2010, Acta Horticulturae 900: 8994 2) Balode, A. 2010. Effect of Trihodermin, biological product against Botrytis in horticultural crops. Proceedings of the VIth International on postharvest symposium Antalya, Turkey, April 8-12, 2009. Vol 3. Acta Horticulturae 877:1583-1588 3) Balode A. 2009. Breeding for resistance against Botrytis in Lily. Proceedings of the 23rd International Eucarpia Symposium section ornamentals, Leiden, The Netherlands, August 31-September 4, 2009. Acta Horticulturae. 836. 143 – 148 4) Balode, A. 2009. Influence of biological products - Trihodermin and BioMikss on the yield of lettuce and strawberry. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2009”. Jelgava, Latvia. 86 – 89 5) Balode A. 2008. Latvijas martagonlilijas (L. martagon L.) populācijas novērtējums un izmantošana selekcijā. Agronomijas Vēstis, Jelgava, Latvija. 10: 207 – 213 6) Balode A. 2007. Variability of Wild Martagonlily (Lilium martagon L.) in the Region of Kurzeme. Latvia University of Agriculture. Proceedings of the International scientific conference. Research for Rural Development 2007, Jelgava, Latvia. 50 – 56. 7) Balode A. 2008. Applying Colchicine and Oryzalin in Lilium L. Polyploidisation. Latvian Journal of Agronomy. Jelgava, Latvia. 11: 22 – 27 8) Balode, A. 2007. Colour Analysis of Flowers in Lilium sp. Breeding, Acta Horticulturae. 755. Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality Management in Supply Chains of Ornamentals, Bangkok, Thailand, December 3-6, 2007. 213-218 9) Balode A. 2007. Diversity assessment of L. martagon in Latvia and application in Breeding. The Lily Yearbook of the North American Lily Society, Vol. 60. 39 – 48 10) Balode, A. 2006. Lilies in Latvia, The Lily Yearbook of the North American Lily Society. 46: 46 - 49 11) Balode, A. 2005. Lilies (Lilium L.) in Latvia – Genetic Resources, Latvian Journal of Agronomy. Jelgava, Latvia. 8: 306 – 310 12) Balode, A. 2005. Lilium Culture and Practical Application in Landscape Design and Gardening, Zeldiniai ir ju dizainas, Viniaus Kolegija. Lithuania. 83 – 88 175 13) Balode, A., BeĜicka I. 2004. Estimation of Lilium Resistance against Gray Mold (Botrytis Micheli ex.Fr.). Latvian Journal of Agronomy, Jelgava, Latvia. 7: 134 – 139 14) Balode, A., Belicka I. 2001. Estimation of some Traits in Hybrid Seedling Populations of Lilium. Latvian University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia. 4: 50 – 55 15) Balode, A. 1996. Lily Breeding and Introduction in Moderate Climates. Proceedings of the International symposium on the genus Lilium. - Taejon, Korea. - (August 28 – September 1, 1994). Acta Horticulturae. 414: 55-58 16) Balode, A. 1992 Wild and Cultivated Lilies in Latvia. Acta Horticulturae. 325: 853-859. 17) Grauda, D., Balode, A. 2004. Use of in vitro Methods in Interspecific Hybridization of Lilium. Latvia University. Biology. 676: 167 - 172 Reporting in international scientific conferences and congresses 1) Balode A. Effect of biological product Trihodermin B-J on the development on Lilies. International Lily Symposium, Pescia, Italy, 30.08. – 04.09.2010 2) Balode A. Biocontrol of Grey Mould in Lilies spp. by Trichoderma spp. and Bacillus spp. International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 22.08. – 27.08.2010 3) Balode A. Phenotypic Analysis of Hybrids and their Parents in Lilium spp. Breeding. International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2010” Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia, 19.-21.05.2010 4) Balode A. Breeding for Resistance against Botrytis in Lily. 23th EUCARPIA Symposium on Ornamental Breeding. Leiden, The Netherlands, 31.08.2009. – 04.09.2009 5) Balode A. Influence of Biological Products - Trihodermin and BioMikss, on the Yield of Lettuce and Strawberries. International Scientific Conference ”Research for Rural Development 2009” Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia 20. – 22.05.2009 6) Balode A. Effect of Trihodermin, Biological Product against Botrytis in Horticultural Crops. 6th International Postharvest Symposium. Antalia, Turkey, 06.04.2009. 13.04.2009 7) Balode A. Research on Polyploidization in Lily (Lilium spp.) Breeding. 14.International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development”, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia, May 21-23, 2008. 8) Balode A. Applying Colchicine and Oryzalin in Lilium L. Breeding. International Scientific Conference, State Priekuli Breeding Institute, Latvia, July 16 - 18, 2008. 9) Balode A. Use of Poliploidy in Lilium L. Breeding. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Research People and Actual Tasks on Multidisciplinary Sciences, Vol.1. Lozenec, Bulgaria, June 6 - 8 2007. 10) Balode A. Research of the Environmental Science for Sustainable Development. International Conference, Environmental Science and Education in Latvia and Europe”, Riga Technical University, Riga, February 8 – 9 2007. 11) Balode A. Assessment of Diverse Populations of Latvian Martagonlilies (L. martagon L.) and Application in Breeding. International Conference „Multifunctional Agriculture at the Outset of XXI Century: Challenges and Risks”, Jelgava, March 22 – 23 2007, Jelgava. 12) Balode A. Evaluation by some Traits of Progenies of Lilium. XXII EUCARPIA conference ”Breeding for Beauty”. Sanremo, Italy, September 11 – 16 2006. 13) Balode A. Genetic Resources of Lilies (Lilium L.) in Latvia. Horticultural conference (Rencontres du Vegetal). The National Horticultural institute, Angers, France November 15 -17 2005. 14) Balode A. Lily breeding in Latvia. 58th Annual Lily International Show and Symposium, Vinnipeg, Canada July 13 - 17 2005. 176 15) Balode A. Lilium Culture and Practical Application in Landscape Design and Gardening. International Conference “Landscape gardening and design tradition and innovation”, Vilnius, Lithuania, April 21 – 22 2005. 16) Balode A. Distribution of grey mold (Botrytis Micheli ex.Fr.) in ornamental crops. The RHS International Lily Conference& Lily Show. London, England, June 29 – July 04 2004. 17) Grauda D., Balode A. Use of in vitro methods in interspecific hybridization of Lilium. International Conference of Baltic States “Plant Tissue Culture: From Theory to Practice” National Botanical Garden, Salaspils, May 27- 28 2004. 18) Balode A. Lily breeding. International conference ”Horticulture ─ perspective agricultural branch in the EU. Tendences and development. Riga, July 8 – 10 2004. Reporting in other conferences 1) Balode A. “Agricultural research in Latvia, EURAGRI meeting. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development”, Warsaw, Poland, February 26 – 28 2004. 2) Balode A. “The cooperation activities between Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia and Latvia University of Agriculture their development possibilities”. Postgraduate conference “Research for Rural Development”, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, May 19 – 22 2004. 3) Balode A. “Research and Development of Latvia”. 2004 R&D Management Training (RMT) Program for CIS and Eastern European Countries, Seoul, Korea, October 11 – 18 2004. 4) Balode A.”Modern Research Infrastructure in National Research Institutions between 2004-2006”. International Conference”EU-Structural Funds for Research”, Magdeburg, Germany, May 3 – 4 2005. 5) Balode A. ”EU-Structural Funds for Research in Latvia”. Postgraduate conference “Research for Rural Development 2005”, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, May 18 – 19 2005. 6) Balode A. “National Programme on innovation in Latvia”. EU Sixth Framework Programme VISION ERA-NET Project: Shared Knowledge Bases for Sustainable Innovation Policies meeting: Helsinki, Finland (TEKES), May 26 – 27 2005. 7) Balode A. “National Innovation system in Latvia”. EU Sixth Framework Programme VISION ERA-NET Project: Shared Knowledge Bases for Sustainable Innovation Policies meeting: Wienna, Austria (WIFO), September 19 – 20 2005. 8) Balode A. “Innovation policy in Latvia”. EU Sixth Framework Programme VISION ERANET Project: Shared Knowledge Bases for Sustainable Innovation Policies meeting: Tampere, Finland, March 13 – 16 2006. 9) Balode A. ”The planning Process of EU Structural Funds of Research and Development on the Period 2007 – 2013”. Postgraduate conference “Research for Rural Development 2006”, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, May 17 – 20 2006. 177 CURRICULUM VITAE Personal information • Name • Nationality • Date of birth Education: • Dates (from – to) •Name and type of organization providing education and training •Principal subjects/occupational skills covered •Title of qualification awarded • Dates (from – to) •Name and type of organization providing education and training •Principal subjects/occupational skills covered •Title of qualification awarded •Level in national classification (if appropriate) Professional Experience: • Dates (from – to) •Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector •Occupation or position held •Main activities and responsibilities • Dates (from – to) •Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector •Occupation or position held •Main activities and responsibilities • Dates (from – to) •Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector •Occupation or position held •Main activities and DEGOLA LILIJA latvian 17.05.1956. From 1995. –1999. Latvia University of Agriculture PhD student Dr.agr From 1974. –1979. Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Zootechnik Zooengineer From 2000 year Latvia University of Agriculture , Liela 2, Jelgava, LV 3001, Latvia Faculty of Agriculture Dr.agr., Docent Lectures and work in research projects From 1988.-2000. Latvia University of Agriculture , Liela 2, Jelgava, LV 3001, Latvia Faculty of Agriculture Lecturer Lectures From 1982.-1988. Latvia University of Agriculture , Liela 2, Jelgava, LV 3001, Latvia Faculty of Agriculture Laboratory assistant Work in research laboratory 178 responsibilities • Dates (from – to) •Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector •Occupation or position held •Main activities and responsibilities From 1979.-1982. Colective farm “Stalgene” Animal production Zootechnik Work in animal production and monitoring system Scientific work. A brief description of the scientific work, especially in the last 5 years. Scientific research on the effectiveness of hulless barley in feeding of pigs, grain chemical composition and its importance in animal nutrition, feeding probiotic efficacy studies. Projekts 1. Market-oriented Project TOP 04-46 - 2004/2005 Title“Zootechnical and economical evaluation of Hulless barley in pig nutrition”, leader; 2. Grant Project, Agreement Nr. 271206/s768 - 2006./2007.g., Title” Animal production and food security in accordance with EU and national legislation”,leader; 3. Participation in the project "Technology solutions of grain industry development in Latvia", 2007. / 2009. g.; 4. Participation in the Leonardo do Vinci project HU/05/BF/PP-170018 Title: Development of central data bank on European level for the education of ecological farming advisers, the part of this project Nr. LDV 018/2005-2007.g. 5. Participatin in the European Social Fund project "Profesional education teachers involved in the retraining of LLU" Nr.2010/07/ESF, a lecturer in the agricultural sector of livestock production. Different courses: 1) 12.04 – 16. 04. 1999.‘’Pig Production’’in Sweden ; 2) 28.02. – 11.03. 2000. ‘’ Sustainable livestock production and management’’. 3) 11. – 22. 06. 2001. “ Animal nutrition and the Environment”in Denmark 4) 06.10.2008.- 10.10.2008 ” Sustainable pig production”in Sweden, 5) 11.-12.02.2008. “Methodology of research ”in Estonia 6)15.-17.10.2008.“Scientific Writing for Teachers and Doctoral Students”in Lithuania 7) NOVA BOVA course, „Sustainable pig production“-2009., 2011. in Estonia, Sweden and Latvia. 8) ERASMUS visit in Greece, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki in 2009. 9) ERASMUS visits in Portugal and Turkey – 2010. 10) ERASMUS visit in Spain -2011. References: Total 38, since 2005 year 19. Some of them: 1. L. Degola (2011) The use of feed mixtures in diets of finishing pigs. Current problems of intensive development of animal husbandry. Collection of scientific papers. V.14.P.1.Gorki, P. 54-59 2. Bula S., Osītis U., Strikauska S., Degola L.(2011) Impact of a probiotic supplement on the weight loss of sows and weaning weight of piglets, Book of Abstract of 24th NJF Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14–16, p.181 3. Bula. S.,Degola L., Osītis U.(2010) Probiotic bioplus 2B effect on high breeding sows performance. Proceedings of the XV Baltic animal breeding conference, Riga, Latvia, p.90-93. 179 4. Degola L. Grain forage quality in pig feeding. Proceedings of XI International scientificpractical conference „Current problems of intensive development of animal husbandry”, Gorki, Belarussia, 2008, ISBN 985-467-154-2, p.3-7. 5. Degola L. (2007) Evalution of protein content in pig diets. Proceedings of the 13th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, Parnu, Estonia, p.71-74 6. Degola L.(2007) Effect of dietary ideal amino acid ratios in covered and hulless-barley based diets on pig performance. ISSN 1392-2130.Veterinarija ir Zootechnika. T.37(59).,5659. 7. Degola L.(2006)Kailgraudu miežu izēdināšanas ietekme uz cūku nobarošanas īpašībām/Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences raksti, ISSN 1407 1754, Jelgava, Latvija,5257. 8. Degola. L. , BeĜicka I. (2005) Hulless-barley for nutrition of high breeding value pig. Proceedings of XI Baltic Animal breeding and genetic conference, Palanga, Lithuania, p. 202206. 9. Degola L., Selegovska E. Zootehcnical and economical evaluation of protein content in pig diets and influence on the carcass traits. ISSN 1392-2130. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika., t.27(49),.2004.,52 – 55. 10. Degola L.,Latvietis J. Lake sapropel as effective feed additive for pigs. // Migration of Heavy metals and radionuclides in the system: soil-plan (feed, ratio)- animal= animal breeding produce – human being. International conference background. Novgorod, 2000., 187 – 193. 11. Degola L., Latvietis J., Strikauska S. Minerālprēmiksa “ Sapromin” ietekme uz barības vielu sagremojamību un nobarošanās īpašībām cūkām. LLU Raksti Nr.2, 2000., Jelgava, 42 46. 12. Degola L., Latvietis J. Carcass traits and mineral composition of muscle and lard tissues of growing pigs fed with mineral premix Sapromin along with dry mixed feed. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Volume 54, Number 3, Rīga, 2000., 91 – 95. 13. Degola L., Latvietis J., Strikauska S. Effects of lake sapropel on growth performance, feed consumption, digestibility of nutrients and carcass traits of growing – finishing pigs. 4. International Scientific Conference dedicated to 60 years Jubilee for Department of Special Zootechnics of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. Scientific works, Kaunas, 1998., 64 – 70. Participation in conferences Conferences Total International Latvian Total 16 2 18 Since year 2005. 6 2 8 Taught Study courses (number 5): In Basic studies - Animal nutrition 3 CP, Pig production 4 CP, Animal and Plant Biology 1.5 CP, Animal Husbandry production and processing 1 CP, Animal Husbandry Sciences 2 CP; in Master's degree - Feed Evaluation Systems 4 CP; Pig farming 5KP, Biochemical and physiological aspects of animal nutrition 3KP ; in Doctoral studies - Animal nutrition 10KP. 180 Personal skills and competences Languages: Mother tongue: Latvian Reading exce llent goo d Writing satis fact ory exce llent goo d Speeking satis fact ory exce llent goo d Russian * * * English * * * satis fact ory Social skills: Member of Faculty of Agriculture Academic Board; Member of the Latvia University of Agriculture Convent; Socrates - Erasmus Coordinator of Faculty of Agriculture from 2000 to 2005; Head of Department of Animal Sciences from 2002 to 2005; Secretary of Immatriculate committee of Latvia University of Agriculture in 2002. Secretary of Immatriculate committee of Faculty of Agriculture in 2007. Training consultant of the Lifelong Learning Center in 2008. Driving licence . 181 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Zinta Gaile 2. Date of birth 7 February 1958 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) 1998 – Dr. agr. 1994 – 1997 Latvia University of Agriculture, Agriculture, Doctoral course 1976 – 1981 Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Agronomy, University Diploma 4. Professional carrier Latvia University of Agriculture: Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001, LATVIA Since 01.09.2010. Dean of Faculty of Agriculture; 01.09.2007.-31.08.2010. Professor with the split workload for Institutes of Agrobiotechnology, and Soil and Plant Science; 01.09.2005.-31.08.2007. Associate professor with the split workload for Institutes of Agrobiotechnology, and Soil and Plant Science 01.01.2004.-31.08.2005. Associate professor with the split workload for the Departments of Plant Production and Field Management of Faculty of Agriculture; 01.09.2000. – 31.12.2003. Docent: 0.5 workload for Department of Field Management of Faculty of Agriculture and 0.5 workload – vice director of Research and Study Farm “Vecauce” of LLU; 15.09.1998. - 31.08.2000. Docent on the contract basis for the discharge of vice director’s of Research and Study Farm “Vecauce” of LLU duties; Research and Study Farm „Vecauce” of LLU, Ltd: Akademijas street 11.a, Auce, LV-3708 2003 – 01.04.2009. Vice director responsible for research work 1983- 2003 agronomist 2008 – Corresponding member of Latvian Academy of Sciences 2006 – True member of Latvia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences 5. Research areas and projects (2005-2010) International projects (including ESF, EUREKA, COST and others) • • 2005 – 6th Framework Programme FP-2003-1-007003 (ENVIRFOOD) Environmental Friendly Food Production System: Requirements for Plant Breeding and Seed Production – Z.Gaile –Member of Advisory Board from Latvia. 2010-2012 ESF project „Involvement of human resources to investigation of renewable energy” Nr. 2009/0225/1DP/ starting with 2010. Leader - P. Rivža; Z. Gaile – executive researcher. Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministries of Agriculture and Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia 182 • • • • 2005-2008 LCS grant „Agro ecological factors determining productivity and forage quality of maize (Zea mays L.)” No 05.1605.3. Leader – Dr. agr. Z. Gaile. 2006 – 2008 Project Nos. 06.38-xp45 in 2006; llu zp 07-29 in 2007, and xp127 in 2008 (financed by Ministry of Education and Science). Leader – Dr. agr. Z. Gaile: „Optimisation of winter oil seed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) growth manner and its agro-economic substantiation” 2008 Part of Project No xp-125 (financed by Ministry of Education and Science; leader P. Rivža) „Analyses of composition of substrates before and after digestion in biogas plant of Research and Study farm „Vecauce””. Z. Gaile – executive researcher, leader of mentioned project part. 2008-2011 Project “Investigations of pests’ distribution, harmfulness and life cycle for economical and biological thresholds in integrated plant protection” (financed by Ministry of Agriculture), leader B. Bankina; Z. Gaile – executive researcher. 6. Professional courses/training (2004–2010) 8. 2010 Development and management of Moodle e-courses, 01.10.2010–29.10.2010, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia. 9. 2006 NOVA – BOVA course „Scientific writing for teachers and researchers” supported by Nordic council of Ministers that was held at the Latvia University of Agriculture in Jelgava, Latvia. 10. 2005 NOVA – BOVA course „Scientific writing and presentations for teachers and researchers” supported by Nordic council of Ministers that was held at the Estonian University of Life Sciences in Tartu, Estonia. 11. 2004 USA, Wisconsin – Minnesota “Achievements in corn breeding, newest tendencies in forage production, and coexistence of GMO and non-GMO crops” 7. Teacher in SOCRATES / ERASMUS and the like International Programmes 1. ERASMUS (Teaching Staff Mobility) teacher for one week 03.05.2009.-08.05.2009. in Portugal, Instituto Politecnico de Braganca giving lectures on topic “Energy crops in Latvia”. 8. Publications (2003-2012) Kind of publication 2008–2012 Total 2 (with co-authors) Monographs, books Study materials SCI publications Peer-reviewed publications, cited in data bases Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total 1(with co-authors) – 5 – 5 23 20 27 40 66 163 23 38 54 141 List of most important publications, 2008–2011 1. Bankina B., Balodis O., Gaile Z. (2010) Advances of Fungicide Application for Winter Oilseed Rape. In: Fungicides. O. Carrise (ed.) Vienna: Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-266-1, p. 157-177. 183 2. Gaile Z. (2010) Kukurūzas novākšanas laika nozīme augstas kvalitātes skābbarības ražošanai (The Role of Maize Harvest Timing for High-quality Silage production). LLU Raksti. Nr 25 (320), 116.-128. lpp. (In Latvian) Indexed in CAB Abstracts, EBSCO 3. Balodis O., Gaile Z. (2010) Impact of some agroecological factors on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) plant density. Research for Rural Development-2010, Jelgava, LLU, p. 35-41. Indexed in CAB Abstracts, 4. Balodis O., Gaile Z. (2009) Influence of agroecological factors on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) autumn growth. Research for Rural Development-2009, Jelgava, LLU, pp. 36-43. Indexed in: Web of Science for Proceedings, CAB-Abstracts; EBSCO. 5. Bartuševics J., Gaile Z. (2009) Influence of maize hybrid and harvest time on yield and substrate composition for biogas production. Research for Rural Development-2009, Jelgava, LLU, pp. 44-49. Indexed in: Web of Science for Proceedings, CAB-Abstracts; EBSCO. 6. Gaile Z., Bartuševics J. (2009) Will maize become an important crop for biogas production in Latvia. Grassland Science in Europe, Volume 14. p. 372-375. Indexed in: CAB-Abstracts; EBSCO. 7. Bankina B., Gaile Z. (2009) Evaluation of barley disease development depending on varieties. Agronomy Research. Vol. 7 (Special issue 1), p. 198-203. Indexed in: CAB Abstracts, EBSCO; ISPI 8. Balodis O., Bankina B., Gaile Z. (2008) Fungicide use efficiency for disease control on winter rape. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. Vol. 95, No. 3, p. 13-18. Indexed in: SCOPUS, Web of Science 9. Presentations in conferences (2003-2011) Type of conference International Latvia Total Total From 2008 54 34 30 31 85 61 10. Languages Reading skills English Russian excellent good average × × Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average × excellent good average × × × 11. Professional memberships • • • European Society for Agronomy. Latvian Society for Agronomy. Member of NJF. 184 CURRICULUM VITAE Ingūna Name Rūjiena Place of birth Gulbe Surname 1967 Year of birth Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics, Head of Unit Work place and position Phone: Fax: E-mail: Work address: 14 Struktoru Street Riga, Latvia LV-1039 +371 29256337 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvian Agricultural University, Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Economics, Study period 1997 2000 University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics and Management, graduated Latvian Agricultural University, Faculty of Qualification Agrarian and Regional Economics PhD in Economics and Social Sciences 1997 1998 Entrepreneursh ip and Management EconomistMarket research analyst 1994 1996 Entrepreneursh ip Management and Specialization 1986 1991. Agronomy, Economics, Master’s Degree in Economics Latvian Agricultural University, Faculty of Agronomy, Speciality Master’s degree in Economics and Social Sciences graduated agronomist Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvian Agricultural University, Year 2001 Speciality Agrarian and Regional Economics Degree Dr.oec Diploma No. 000408 185 Employment October 1994 - Managing Director, Agricultural Market Promotion Center, Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics March 2001- Managing Director, Public organization “Marketing Council” September 2002 - Associated Professor, assistant professor, Latvian Agricultural University January 2008 – March 2009. Economics Advisor to Minister of Finance of the Republic of Latvia July 2000- February 2009. Advisor in Market issues to Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia April 2006 - December 2007. Economics Advisor to Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia February 2005 - May 2006. Consultant to Budgetary and Finance (taxation) Commission of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia April 2004 – March 2009. Member of the Board, Non-profit organization Sate JSC “Rural Development Fund” April 2004 – March 2009. Member of the Board, State JSC „Latvian State Forests" March 2004 - January 2005. International Institute of Practical Psychology, Managing Director of Advertising and Public Relations Program March 2004 - December 2004. Advisor in Economics to Minister of Defence, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia . September 2000 - January2003. Member of the Board, Non-profit organization Sate JSC “Rural Development Fund” September 2001 - August 2002. Teacher, Bulduri Horticultural College August 1999 - January 2000. Marketing Consultant, UN/FAO project “Restructuring of the Fish Canning Industries” January 1999 - August 1999. Marketing Consultant, EU/PHARE Cross-border Cooperation Program “Promotion of the adult education in the local and regional development program” September 1993 - October 1994. Managing Director, Department of Export Promotion and Foreign Relations, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia April 1993 - September 1993. Executive Director, Commerce, “Agrimatco LTD” April 1991-March 1993. Accountant, foreman, State Farm “Jumprava” Scientific research interests Participation in LCS financed cooperation project No.10.00166 “Perspectives of Innovative Economy Development in Modern Changing Environment” Contributions at conferences (last three years) Evaluation of the Latvian Cheese Export”. In: International Scientific Conference „Management of Business and Culture for sustainable development” 2011.gada 19.maijs, Riga, The University College of Economics and Culture “Marketing of Domestic Food Products in the Decreasing EU Market Conditions” In: International Scientific Conference “Current issues in management of Business and Society development -2009” 186 May 8, 2009, Riga, LU “Evaluation of Cattle’s Dressing Percentage and Meat Yield in Latvia”. In: “CIGR Section V International Symposium Technology and Management to Increase the Efficiency in Sustainable Agricultural Systems” September 3, 2009, Rosario, Argentina “Some Issues of Globalization Impact on Latvia’s Food Marketing”. In: International Scientific Conference “Management Horizons in Changing Economic Environment. Visions and Challenges”.. September 24, 2009, Kaunas, Lithuania Courses delivered: Lectures and seminars: Marketing - 2 cp Logistics in Marketing - 2 cp Strategic Management of Marketing - 3 cp Number of publications: …….27 Publications I.Gulbe, J.Hāzners „Evolution of the existing and potential Latvian canned fish export markets”. ISSN 1788-5345, Agrár-és Vidékfejleszté Szemle 2011. vol.6.(1) supplement, ”Traditions, innovation, sustainability” Hódmezıvásárhely, pp.189-195 I.Gulbe, J.Hāzners „Evolution of the existing and potential Latvian cheese export markets”. International Scientific Conference “Management of Business and Culture for Sustainable Development”, Latvia, Ekonomika un kultūra, Zinātniskie raksti, Rīga, 2011/4 ISSN 14078686 I. Gulbe, L. Melece, J. Hazners „The Impact of Globalization on Food Retailing in Latvia” ISSN 1822-7996, „Taikomoji ekonomika: sisteminiai tyrimai: 2010.4/1”, Kaunas, pp. 69-85 Gulbe, L. Melece and J. Hazners “Some Issues of Globalization Impact on Latvia’s Food Marketing” Proceedings of the International Scientific Conferenece “Management Horizons in Changing Economic Enviroment. Visions and Challeneges”. 24-26 September, 2009, Kaunas, Lihtuania, pp.519-537 Gulbe I., Melece L., Hazners J., Csaba J. (2007) Impact of Accession to the EU on Latvia’s Food Sector// Proceedings of International Conference “Changes inthe Food Sector after Enlargement of the EU”. Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics No. 57.1, Warsaw, pp. 226-243 Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 1. " Methodological Principles of Scientific Research”, School of Public Administration, March 2011, Certificate No. 7, Riga 2. " Skills for Management Practice: Working with People", 24 academic hours, Communications Academy, July 2008, Certificate No. 5496, Riga 3. "Good Marketing in Tough Times", Drayton Bird workshop, November 2008, Riga 187 4. "Der Prozess der Corporate Communications" (Corporate Communication), Akademie Führung und Holding, February 2008, Certificate of PR M2-080131-16, Riga 5. "Etiquette and Protocol. Gold Standard for Art of Living and Business”, Eiropersonāls, December 2007, Certificate No. 30063755, Riga Academic and social societies (membership) Member of the Scientific Council, Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics Member of the Society of Latvian Agronomists Member of the Association of European Agricultural Economists Awards Laureate of the Ministry of Agriculture competition Sējējs 2001, group “Science in Agriculture” The Minister of Defence medal Commemorative medal “NATO Summit 2006” The LR Prime Minister’s Letter of Appreciation Letter of Appreciation by Vaira Vīėe-Freiberga, President of the Republic of Latvia Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English Other____________ 188 CURRICULUM VITAE Ziedonis Name Jelgava Place of birth 16 May 1933 Date, month, year Grislis Surname Latvian Nationality married Marital status Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Senior researcher ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………….. Work place and position Work address: Home address: 2, Liela Str. 3, Kr. Helmana Str., 21 ………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………. Jelgava, LV-3001 Jelgava, LV-3004 ………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………. LATVIA LATVIA ………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………. Telephone: +371 26430785 Telephone: +371 26430785 …………………………………………… …………………………………… Fax: +371 30 27238 ……………………………………………. E-mail: …………………………………………… Education Higher education, Master’s course, Study Speciality Qualification doctoral studies. Ed. Establishments, period country Saulaine Agriculture College 1947-1951 horticulture Junior agronomist Latvia Academy of Agriculture 1954-1959 zootechnics Educated zootecnician Academy of Science of USSR, 1970-1972 genetics Animal Institute of general genetics, Moscow, geneticist doctoral studies Research degrees Institution awarding Year Speciality Degree Diploma No degree Academy of Science of 1972 Genetics Candidate of MBL Nr. USSR, Institute of general biological 015308 genetics, Moscow, doctoral sciences studies Highest States Certification 1980 Animal Docent AC Nr. 189 Committee of USSR, breeding 038323 Moscow Latvia University of 1992 Animal Dr. agr. G-D Nr. Agriculture, Council of breeding 000161 Habilitation and Promotion Senate of Latvia University 1995 Animal Docent emeritus Nr. 52 of Agriculture breeding Employment Doctoral studies in the Institute of general genetics, Moscow (1970 – 1972). Worked out promotion work “Investigation of some selection process characterised parameters in dairy herds with use population genetics methods”. Supervisor of doctoral work was prof. Dr. hab. biol. Jacow Glembocky. Work was defended on 1972 on sitting of the Promotion senate of the Institute of general genetics, Moscow. Analytical Breeding Station, Sigulda (1972 – 1978). Took part to establishing automatic data processing system “ Seleks” for Latvia dairy herds. Department of Animal Breeding (later Department of Animal Science), now Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Latvia University of Agriculture (1978 – now). Since the election on position of docent (1980) deliver the courses on Animal breeding and Animal breeding plans. Established the Laboratory of Quantitative Genetics (December, 1997) and work as head of that Departments laboratory. Meanwhile the work on the faculty was dean of Faculty of Zoo-engineers (1980 – 1985), Director of Institute of Animal Husbandry (1993 – 1996). Since the September of 2005 senior researcher, Institute of Agrobiotechnology. Scientific research interests Main scientific interest. Use of quantitative genetics for the improvement of populations of farm animals in Latvia and maintenance of farm animal genetic resources. Successfully was managed two doctoral works: Liga Zuka-Paura, defended on 1999 and Rita Zutere, defended on 2008. Coming to an end Dace SmiltiĦa doctoral thesis. Coordinator of joint scientific project N-EURO-CAD IN YEARS 2000 – 2003 Course delivered Animal Breeding and Animal Breeding Plans Animal Breeding Plans Introduction to Population Genetics Basic of Quantitative Genetics Number of publications: 51, i.e. 29 since 1992. Publications (1) Grigaliunaite, I, J. Maleviciute, S. Varv, J. Bennewitz, Z. Grislis, E. Fimland, T.H.E. Meuwissen, I. Miceikiene, I. Olsaker, H. Viinalass, J. Vikki, J. Kantanen. Microsatellite Analysis for Making Conservation Priorities Among North European Cattle breeds // Animal Breeding in the Baltics, Tartu, (2004), pp. 14 –17 (2) Tapio, M., Grigaliunaite,I., Grīslis, Z., Miceikiene, I., Viinalass, H., J. Kantanen , J. (2004) Comparison of cytoplasmic and autosomal DNA diversity patterns in Baltic sheep// Animal Breeding in the Baltics.- Tartu, pp.235-238. (3) Tapio, M., Tapio, I., Grīslis, Z., Holm, E., Jeppsson, S., Kantanen, J., Miceikiene, I., Olsaker, I., Viinalass, H., Eythorsdottir, E.(2005). Native breeds demonstrate high contributions to the molecular variation in northern European sheep.// Molecular Ecology, 14, p. 3951-3963. (4) Tapio,M., Tapio,I., Grīslis, Z., Holm, E., Jeppsson, S., Miceikiene, I., Olsaker, I., Viinalass, H., Eythorsdottir , E. (2005) Unfolding of population structure in Baltic sheep breeds using microsatellite analysis// Heredity, Vol. 94, p. 448-456. 190 (5) Sjakste, T., Grīslis, Z. (2006) Contributions of Genomic and Bioinformatics in Animal Breeding // Proceedings of the 12th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, pp. 237 - 243. (6) Tapio, I., Varv, S., Bennevitz, J., Maleviciute, J., Fimland, E., Grīslis, Z., Meuwissen, T.H.E., Miceikiene, I., Olsaker, I., Viinalass, H., Vilkki, J., Kantanen , J. (2006) Prioritization for conservation of Northern European Cattle Breeds based on Analysis of Microsatellite Data // Conservation Biology, Vol. 20, No 6, pp. 1768 1779. (7) Sild, E., Volskiene, R., Viinalass, H., Miceikiene, I., Grīslis, Z., Distl, O., Drogemuller, C. (2006) Detection of prion protein gene polymorphism in Baltic Breeds of sheep // The Veterinary Records, Vol. 159, No 8, pp. 247-250. (8) Mazvērsīte, J., Grīslis, Z., Sugoka, O., Sokolovska, J., Sjakste, T. (2008) Evaluation of the microsatellite polymorphism in intron 1 of the myostatin gene (MSTN) in Latvian Blue cattle breed//Agronomijas vēstis (Latvian Journal of Agronomy), No.10, pp. 267-271. (9) Grislis, Z., Poudžiunas, I., O. Sugoka, O., Paramonova, N., Sjakste, T. (2008) Allele and haplotype polymorphism of the myostatin gene (MSTN) microsatellite containing region in Latvian Blue and Latvian Brown cattle breeds//Book of Abstracts of the 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal production, Session 04, Poster 14, p. 23. (10) Sjakste,T.,Paramonova, N., Grīslis, Z., TrapiĦa, I., Kairiša, D. (2011) Analysis of the Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 5’UTR and Part of Intron I of the Sheep MSTN Gene // DNA and Cell Biology, 30 (7): 433-444. In-service training (1) Certificate, 20-21 May, 2004 – completed course on How to write competitive proposal for Framework 6, Hyperion Ltd. Training Course (2) Certificate, January 22-23, 2003 – participated in Mini-Symposium within the New Visby Programme supported by the Swedish Institute: “Farm animal reproduction – reducing infectious diseases.” (3) Certificate, September 13-15, 2003 – participated in the Mini-Symposium “ Farm animal reproduction – conserving local genetic resources”, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania. (4) Certificate, September 24 – 28, 2001 – Training course on principles of molecular genetics and application in animal breeding and characterisation of animal genetic resources, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania Academic and social societies (membership) Latvia Association of Geneticists and Breeders, member of board. Latvia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, honour member. Awards Janis Berzins Award livestock science, Dipl.Nr.17, 06.11.2008; Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Panning "Sējējs" Diploma of Recognition Award, Nr.50.1, 05.12.2008. 191 Curriculum Vitae (CV) 1. Name, Surname: DAINA KAIRIŠA 2. Date and place of birth: 29 July 1958, Cesvaine, Latvia 3. Education: Bachelor, master, doctoral studies (graduate course). Educational establishment, country Latvia Academy of Agriculture (LAA), Latvia Study period Latvia Academy of Agriculture (LAA), Latvia Academic degrees Scientific advisory council, institution, country Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Republic of Latvia Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Republic of Latvia Academic titles Scientific advisory council, institution, country Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Latvia Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Latvia Zoo-technics Zoo-engineer 1989-1993 Livestock farming Master’s degree in agriculture Specialty 2005 Agriculture 1992 Agriculture Year 2006 Qualification 1978-1982 Year 2005 Specialty Specialty Academic degree Doctor’s degree in Agriculture; sub-sector: Livestock farming Master’s degree in agriculture Academic title Diploma No Series D No 0001 000005 Associate professor Diploma No LLUDOC No 085 Associate professor LLU-A PR No 110 Agriculture Agriculture 4. Work experience ♦ Associate professor at the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, since the academic year 2006/2007; ♦ Dean at the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture, from the academic year 2003/2004 until 2009/2010; ♦ Associate professor at the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, from the academic year 2005/2006 until 2006/2007; 192 • • • • • 5. Deputy associate professor at the LUA, Department of Animal Science, from the academic year 2000/2001 until 2005/2006; Lecturer at the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Breeding, from the academic year 1995/1996 until 2000/2001. Deputy Director of the Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Livestock Farming, since the academic year 1997/1998; Assistant at the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Specific Livestock Farming, after merger – Department of Animal Breeding – from the academic year 1991/1992 until 1995/1996; Senior laboratory assistant at the LAA, Faculty of Zoo-engineering, Department of Specific Livestock Farming, from the academic year 1986/1987 until 1991/1992; Zoo-technician specialising in pedigree at the LAA, research farm Platone, from the academic year 1982 until 1986. Scientific work Main fields of research are related to raising productivity of mutton and potentialities of improvement of the quality of mutton in Latvia, as well as research of technology of breeding milking cows, maintaining the quality of milk, finding solutions to problems relating breeding calf in the early postnatal ontogenesis period. 6. Participation in scientific projects since 2006 6.1. Participation in international projects Nord Plus 2007-2008 Program “Genomics for all: bringing new tools to breeders” (executor of the project). Project Manager T. Sjakste – the Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia. Leonardo da Vinci Pilot program HU/05/B/F/FF-170018: Development of central data bank on European level for the education of ecological farming advisers. Year 2008 (executor of the project). 6.2. Participation in the projects of the Latvian Council of Science (LCS), the Ministry of Agriculture and other projects Co-operation project 06.0039.3 “Development of sustainable system for obtaining livestock farming produce basing on the genotype of domestic animals”, from 2006 until 2009 (executor of the project). Project Manager Dr. agr. Senior Researcher I. VītiĦa. LCS grant No 09.1463 “Research and development of technological systems for the future milking cow farm” (executor of the project). Project Manager Prof. J. Priekulis. LCS grant No 09.1461 “Methods of biotechnology for prevention of polymorphism of milk protein gene of Latvian cows and impact of the protein gene on the productivity of cows” (executor of the project). Project Manager, Dr. agr. Senior Researcher Z. Grīslis. Ministry of Education and Science project No 07-26 F-XP79 “Impact of milking cow breeding technology on adaptation of cows and productivity and quality of milk”, Project Manager. Ministry of Education and Science project No 08- 26-XP91 “Impact of milking cow breeding technology on adaptation of cows and productivity and quality of milk”, Project Manager. Project No 200309/S20 “Freezing-point of cow milk produced in Latvia and study of factors affecting it” (executor of the project) subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture. Project Manager Dr. agr., Associate Prof. D. Jonkus. 193 Project No 180608 /S 260 “Setting conditions, recommendations and requirements on integrated cultivation of products of animal origin (milk, meat) in livestock farming” subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture; Project Manager. Project “Elaboration of operational strategy of milk and meat processing centre” subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture; Project Manager, LAEI A. Miglavs LUA and LAEI co-operation agreement 7/ 08 SAE – 2008 – 0112B (Head of the LUA project work group). Project No 100507/S 104 “Appraisal of animal genetic resources suitable for agriculture and study of characteristic genes applying molecular methods” subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture; executor of the project. Project Manager, Senior Researcher Z. Grīslis. Ministry of Agriculture S100 “Programme for long-term preservation and sustainable usage of genetic resources of agricultural plats and plants used for food, as well as agricultural animals, forest and fish” (Head of the sub-section Livestock farming). Project Manager Prof. A. Ruža. Ministry of Agriculture No 120706/ S 387 “Application of advanced methods of milk content analysis for the purposes of development of profitable milk production industry in Latvia in compliance with the EU laws and regulations”; Project Manager. Ministry of Agriculture No 170806/S 450 “Development of data processing system methodology for inspection of animals, harmonisation of breed group identification system in compliance with the international rules”; Project Manager. 7. • • • • • • • 8. Education acquired abroad since 2006. Studies, in-service training, attendance of classes Co-operation as an efficient measure for promotion of agricultural production and competitiveness in rural areas. The LUA Centre for Lifelong Education. Volume: 32 hours, October, 2009; Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production; 24.08.2009 – 27.08.2009, Spain, Barcelona. Certificate; Tartu University of Natural Sciences, Livestock Breeding and Genetics Department, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics; 15.10.2008 – 18.10.2008; Germany, Sachsen, Köllitsch teaching and trial farm. Gaining theoretical and practical experience; 01.12.2008 – 03.12.2008; Estonia, Tartu University of Natural Sciences, Livestock Breeding and Genetics Department, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics; 10.10.2007 – 12.10.2007; Germany, Sachsen, Köllitsch Teaching and Trial Farm. Gaining theoretical and practical experience; 26.11.2007 – 30.11.2007; France, Toulouse, Southern Pyrenees Animal Genetic Resources and Gascogne Hill Improvement Centre. Preservation of animal genetic resources and research work in France (24.04.2006 – 27.04.2006); Publications (2003 -2011): Category of publication Monographs, other books Teaching aids International publications Publications in anonymously reviewed international editions Other scientific publications Conference materials Newspapers and magazines TOTAL Total 3 2 4 19 13 11 14 66 194 9. Presentations at scientific conferences: Category of conference Total 16 10 26 International Latvian TOTAL 10. List of main publications since 2006 (maximum five) • • • • • 11. Sjakste T., Paramonova N., Grīslis Z., Trapina I., Kairiša D. (2011) Analysis of the Single-Nucleotide polymorphism in the 5`UTR and Part of Intron I of the Sheep MSTN Gene. DNA and Cell Biology, Pp. 1-12 Sjakste, T., Paramonova, T., Grīslis, Z., TrapiĦa, I., Kairiša, D. (2010) SNPs analysis in the upstream part of the sheep myostatin (MSTN) gene domain// DNA and Cell Biology. Manuscript ID: DNA-2010-1153.R1;; Eihvalde I., Kairiša D. (2011) Changes in serum immunoglobulins concentration of newborn calves. Latvian University of Agriculture, Annual 17th international scientific conference “Research for Rural Development” LLU, Jelgava, Pp. 64. – 68. Puste A., Kairiša D., Sarma R. (2011) Environmental factors affecting performance traits in Latvian sheep population. Latvian University of Agriculture, Annual 17th international scientific conference “Research for Rural Development” LLU, Jelgava, Pp. 76. – 79. Kairiša D., Jonkus D. (2009) Contribution of Latvian scientists to the development of dairy farming in the last 10 years. Proceedings International Scientific Conference Latvia University of Agriculture – 70, Research Results – Actualities – Prospects, Jelgava, ISBN 978-0084-48-007-7, P. 160; Foreign languages. Level of language proficiency – reading, speaking and writing: Reading exce llent Russian German 12. goo d x x Writing aver age exce llent goo d x Speaking aver age exce llent goo d x x aver age x Other relevant information: • Member of the AAFS (Diploma No 168, issued 26.05.2006); • Member of the LCS Agriculture, Environment and Forestry Sciences Expert Commission (since December 2006). Incentive bonus at the competition for seeders: For the paper “Scientific justification for production of qualitative mutton in Latvia” 2004 (2005); Group of authors chaired by Špoăis K. and Rivža P. (2005) “Risks in agriculture and private forestry”. Monograph. Jelgava (2006); Group of authors chaired by JemeĜjanovs A. (2006) “Farm animals and production in bio-agriculture”. Monograph. Sigulda (2007). Professional activity: 195 • • • • • • • • State Pedigree Inspection of the Ministry of Agriculture. Member of the Animal Breed Registration and Approval Commission (Resolution No 1-8.1/9, from 22.11.2007 until 01.07.2009, reorganisation at the State Pedigree Inspection); Member of the Inter-institutional working group of the Ministry of Agriculture – livestock farming and pedigree, Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture No 189, issued on 01.10.2009; Member of the group for elaboration of the Pedigree Law of the Ministry of Agriculture; Chairperson of the Board of the Society “Latvian Sheep Breeders Association”; Member of the Board of the Society “Latvian Pedigree Centre”; Certified sheep appraisal expert (Certificate No 1087); Member of the Latvian Society of Geneticists and Breeders; Chairperson of the Examination Commission of the Ministry of Agriculture: “Supervision of dairy farming”, “Supervision of sheep-farming”, “Appraisal of sheep and control valuation”. 196 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Kaspars Kampuss 2. Date of birth October 1, 1971 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Institution Study time Speciality Qualification Latvia University of Agriculture 1991 – 1995 agriculture Agronomist, Bachelor in Agronomy Latvia University of Agriculture 1995 – 1997 agriculture Master in Agriculture Latvia University of Agriculture 1998 – 2002 agriculture Dr.agr. (2005.) 4. Professional carrier Institution Position Time Latvia University of Agriculture Teaching staff (assistant and lecturer) 09/1995 - 09/2006 Latvia University of Agriculture docents 09/2006 - now Latvia State Institute of Fruit Growing Senior researcher 07/2007 – now 5. Research areas Berry and small fruit quality, biochemical composition, cultivars. Genetic resources of Ribes genus plants description and evaluation. 6. Projects (2005–2010) International projects (including ESF, EUREKA, COST and others): ESF Nr. 2009/0232/1DP/, Senior 2010. – 2012. „Formation of the research group in food science”. researcher Latvia – Lithuania cross border cooperation programme researcher project LLIII-123 „The Cognition and Preservation of the Distinctive Identity Through the Environment of Zemgale Region” 2011. – 2012. FP 7 project COST 863 Euroberry Research: from Genomics to Sustainable Production, Quality & Health researcher 2008. – 2010. Targeted Action „Core Collection of Northern European researcher Gene Pool of Ribes” (RIBESCO) 2007. –2011. 197 ESF project Nr. Project 2007/0018/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ manager 2007. – 2008. Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia Latvian Council of Science project „Biological aspects Senior of Vaccinium ssp. winterhardiness” researcher 2009 TOP 0616 "Fruit and ornamentel plant grafting technology influence on plant quality" researcher 2006 LLU and Ministry of Education and Science project “Development growing technologies and quality of model for horticultural crop production in the agroecological conditions of Latvia”” researcher 2005 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2010) 1. 04.10. – 10.10.2010. Lectures within Erasmus/LLP framework “Latvia: society and economics”, “Horticulture and horticultural plant breeding in Latvia” Pitesti University, Romania. 2. 05. – 09.10.2009. Lectures “Production of small fruit: strawberry, currants, actinidia, raspberry, gooseberry” in the BOVA course „Pomology and Fruit Science, Kaunas, Lithuania University of Agriculture, 05. – 09.10.2009. 3. 15.-21.10.2009 Lectures within Erasmus/LLP framework “Latvia University of Agriculture”, “Latvia: society, economy, culture”, “Horticulture and Small Fruit Production in Latvia” Alexandrio Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece 15.-21.10.2009 4. 13. – 20.04. 2009. Lectures within Erasmus/LLP framework “Latvia University of Agriculture”, “Horticulture and Horticultural plant breeding in Latvia” Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey 5. 01.2008. Training in basis of Plant genetic resources (Ribes genus) molecular research in the Scottish Crop Research Institute. 6. 21.11. – 28.11. 2007. Lectures within Socrates/Erasmus framework “Latvia: society economy, culture”, “Latvia University of Agriculture”, “Horticulture in Latvia” and Horticultural plant breeding in Latvia” Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey. 7. 19.11. – 25.11.2006. Lectures within Socrates/Erasmus framework “Latvia’s society and economics”, “Latvia University of Agriculture”, “Horticulture and Horticultural plant breeding in Latvia” T.E.I. Epirus, Arta, Greece. 8. 29.05. – 04.06.2006. Lectures within Socrates/Erasmus framework “Latvia’s society and economics” , “Berry production in Latvia”, “Berry industry in Chile”, and “Horticultural plant breeding in Latvia” Hame Polytechnik, Lepaa, Finland. 9. 30.11. – 10.12.2005. Training on different berry crop production, processing and marketing system in Chile in different size, ownership and technological level farms in different climatic zones: presimposium tour of international ISHS symposium “Rubus and Ribes” . 8. Publications 198 2005–2010 Total - - 1 3 17 9 39 1 3 5 1 18 7 - 32 10 Monographs, books Study materials SCI publications Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences (abstracts) – not included in total Publications in professional literature Total List of most important publications, 2005–2010 1. Kampuss K., Strautina S., Kampuse S. (2007) Red and white currant genetic resources in Latvia/ Acta Horticulturae 760, p. 397 – 403 2. S. Kampuse, G. Moraga, K. Kampuss, S. Muizniece-Brasava (2007) Water sorption isotherms and glass transition in blackcurrants and red currants. Proceedings of 5th International Food Technology Congress „Consumer Protection through Food Process Improvement & Innovation in the Real World”, 9.-11. March, Greece. 3. S. Kampuse, K. Kampuss, I. Krasnova, I. Volkova (2007) Influence of drying methods to stability of black currant bioactive compounds, Chemia Technologia, vol.4 (46) 2007, p.21-25. 4. K.Kampuss, L.P.Christensen and H.Lindhard Pedersen (2008) Volatile Composition of Black Currant Cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 777, p. 525 – 529. 5. S.Kampuse, K.Kampuss, E.BerĦa, Z.Krūma, I.Krasnova, I.Drudze (2009). Biochemical composition and antiradical activity of rowanberry (Sorbus L.) cultivars and hybrids with different Rosaceae L. cultivars / Latvian Journal of Agronomy No.12, p. 59 – 65. 6. S. Kampuse, Z.Krūma, K. Kampuss, I. Krasnova (2010) Nutritional Value of Minor Fruits in Latvia/ Acta Horticulturae 877 (vol.2), p. 1221 – 1228. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total From 2005 35 4 17 1 39 18 10. Languages Reading skills English Russian excellent good average X X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X 11. Professional memberships Member of NJF Member of ISHS 199 Curriculum vitae Surname and first name: Dzidra Kreismane Year, date and place of birth: 1954, March 21, Limbazu district Nationality: Latvian Degree and position: Dr.agr., associated professor, Faculty of Agriculture Address: Faculty of Agriculture, Latvia University of Agriculture, Liela iela 2, Jelgava, LV – 3001, Latvia Telephone: + 371 630 05629; E-mail: Education: Doctor of agriculture (Dr.agr.), Latvia University of Agriculture, 1992. Master of Science in Agronomy, Latvia Academy of agriculture, 1988. University Degree in Agronomy, Latvia Academy of Agriculture, 1977. Professional experience: From 2007 co-ordinator of master studies in the Latvia University of Agriculture From 2003 associated professor of the Institute of Agrobiotechnology 1998 - 2003 Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture 1997 - 1998 Head of the Department of Research, Ministry of Agriculture 1989 - 1997 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture 1994 – 2003 Docent in the Department of Crop Production 1989 – 1994 Lecturer in the Department of Crop Production 1977 – 1989 Assistant in the Department of Crop Production Research interests: Grassland management, Forage production, Organic agriculture, Studies of Europe Union, Agrarian politics in EU and in Latvia. Key qualifications: Experience in grassland management and using different technologies in dairy nutrition. Grassland management in organic farming. Participation in international research projects: 1. Kreišmane Dz. Interreg project „BERAS (Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society) implementation project to the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007 – 2013”. Dz. Kreišmane partner in the project from Latvia University of agriculture 2. Transfer of Competencies for Vocational Training in Ecological Agrarian Sector of Baltic States (TracoEcoBalt) ( Leonardo da Vinci), participation in the project together with Lithuanian, Estonian and German Agricultural Universities 2004- 2007.g., Participation in other research projects: 1. Organic Farming Action Plan in Latvia 2007 – 2013. Dz. Kreišmane leader of the project offered from the Ministry of Agriculture. 2. Market Development in Organic Agriculture. Project realized in 2006-2008. Dz. Kreišmane leader of the project offered from the Ministry of Agriculture. 200 3. Methodology for Evaluation of Agrienvironmental programs in Rural Development Plan 2004.-2006 in Latvia. 4. Kreišmane Dz. (2010. – 2013.) Liela rādiusa bezvadu sensoru tīkla izstrāde precīzās lauksaimniecības pielietojumiem Latvijā. ESF finansēts LU aăentūras "Latvijas Universitātes Matemātikas un informātikas institūts" projekts. Dz. Kreišmane izpildītāja (vadošā skaitĜošanas sistēmu analītiėe) projektā. 5. Proposals for New Climate Polcy. Project realized by association „ZaĜā brīvība”, Dz. Kreišmane participant in project. 6. Prognosis of Agriculture Data for 2015. - 2020. Dz. Kreišmane expert in the project offered from the Ministry of Agriculture. International experience since 2007. 1. Dz. Kreišmane (2011.) Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture and their control measures. "Seminar in the Ministry of Environment and Regional Development 18.02.2011. 2. Dz. Kreišmane (2011). Conditions of organic farming and their impact on the landscaping. PhD course in BOVA University „Communicating Landscape in Community processes”. 19.10.2011. 3. Kreismane D. (2009) Ecological agriculture, essence and methods. Rural development plan in EU and in Latvia. BOVA course in program BioLandMan. LLU 2.- 9.11. 4. Kreismane D. (2007) Organic agriculture in Latvia. Perspectives of Organic agriculture in Latvia. German, lecture for students from Kiel University, Jelgava 31st of May 5. Kreismane D. (2007) Organic agriculture in Latvia. Perspectives of Organic agriculture in Latvia, Seminar for Norvegian advisors of agriculture, Jelgava, 10th of September 6. Kreismane D. (2007) Organic agriculture in Latvia. Perspectives of Organic agriculture in Latvia. Organic crop production. Jelgava, LLU BOVA, 7.- 11.05.May. Important publications in the branch: 1. Kreišmane Dz. (2007) Daudzgadīgo zālāju ierīkošana kopšana un izmantošana bioloăiskajā lauksaimniecībā. Jelgava: 24 lpp. 2. Kreismane D. (2009). Possibilities for development of organic farming in Latvia. In : Book of abstracts: NJF Seminar 422 „Fostering healthy food system through organic agriculture – Focus on Nordic-Baltic Region”, held in Tartu,Estonia, August 27 – 27, 2009, Ed. By Darja Matt and Elen Peetsmann. NJF Report. Vol.5, No. 2, p.72. 3. Kreismane D., Gumenuka S. (2010) Perennial grasslands in organic system of Latvia for environment. In: Book of abstracts: NJF seminar 430 “Climate Change and Agricultural Production in the Baltic Sea Region – Focus on Effects, Vulnerability and Adaption”, held in Upsala, Sweden, 4-6 May 2010. NJF Report. Vol. 6, No 1, p.117. 4. Alberts M., Grīnbergs U., Brūns P., Kreišmane Dz., Tikuma B., Špats A. (2012) Liela rādiusa sensoru lietošanas iespējas dzērveĦu stādījumu pasargāšanai no salnām. No: konferences raksti Zinātne Latvijas lauksaimniecības nākotnei: pārtika, lopbarība, šėiedra un enerăija. Jelgava: LLU, 158.-162.lpp. 5. Alberts M., Grīnbergs U., Brūns P., Kreišmane Dz., Tikuma B. (2012) Liela rādiusa bezvadu sensoru lietošana precīzajā lauksaimniecībā. No: konferences raksti Zinātne Latvijas lauksaimniecības nākotnei: pārtika, lopbarība, šėiedra un enerăija. Jelgava: LLU, 158.-162.lpp. Publikācijas: 201 Category of publications Total Since 2005 12 1 7 1 9 20 42 7 7 22 Total Since 2005 8 10 18 4 7 11 Teaching aids Publications in anonymous reviewed international editions Proceedings of conferences Periodical issues Total Presentations in scientific conferences: Category of conferences International In Latvia Total Skills of languages ex. Russian English Reading go od x x me d. ex. Writing go od x me d. x ex. Speaking go me od d. x x Other activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Member of BOVA coordination comity since 2007 and since 2011, chair in 2009 - 2011. Member of Study Board of the LUA Member of LLMZA Member of Senate of LUA Member of Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF) Member of European Agronomist Society (ESA) Chair of the board in Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture (2003-2009), board member in Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture since 2009. 8. Board member of the Latvia Agronomist Society since 1998. Honours and awards: Silver medal of the Republic of Latvia Ministry of Agriculture based on diligent work, 1999. 202 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Arta Kronberga 2. Date of birth June 25, 1971 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Latvia University of agriculture, 2002, Dr.agr. Timirjazev Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Moskau, Russia, Faculty of agronomy, specialisation Plant Genetics and Breeding, 2004, agronomist 4. Professional carrier Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institutes of Agrobiotechnology, docent – visiting lecturer, 2005 - present Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, docent acting, 2003-2005 Director of State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute, 2007-2011 Lead of scientific board State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute, 2007-2011 Senior scientist, triticale breeder at State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute, 2002- present Assistant, triticale breeder at State Priekuli Plant Breeding Station, 1994-2002 5. Research areas Triticale, rye breeding, winter cereal crop management, using of molecular markers in breeding and seed production, research in organic agriculture 6. Projects (2005–2010) International projects (including ESF, EUREKA, COST and others): • COST 860 Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity (SUSVAR) • ESF coofinaced project„Development, improvement and inpplementation of environmentally friendly and sustainable crop breeding Technologies” agreement Nr. 2009 / 0218 / 1DP /, 2009-2012 Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia • Developing of descriptors for genetic resources of crop plants and trees, 2006 • Competitive crop varieties breeding for conventional and organic farming by using traditional and innovative breeding methods, 1994-2008 • Use of molecular marker techniques in breeders seed production, 2008-2010 • Research, maintenance, reproduction and documentation of Latvia crop genetic resources, 2007-2010 • Evaluation of water absorbcy in rye meal and crop management for improving water aborbcy, 2008-2011 203 • Technological developments for progress in grain production in Latvia, 2007-2009 NatRes “Sustainable application of local resources (land resources, forest, food and traffic) – new products and technologies”, Project Nr.3 FOOD “Sustainable utilisation of soil as main resource for obtaining save and quality food and feed ingradients from popular crop species”. 2010-2013 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2010) 12. Didactics of higher educational institution , 28.01.2005.-08.04.2005, LUA, Jelgava, Latvia. 13. Course ‘DNA markers and its application in breeding, genetic and crop production , 1525 January, 2006, Russian State Agricultural University, Russia. 8. Publications 2006–2010 Total Study materials Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total 1 3 13 12 24 1 2 6 5 15 53 29 List of most important publications, 2006–2011 • Kronberga A. (2008) Selection criteria in triticale breeding for organic farming. ‘Agronomijas vēstis’ Nr 11, Jelgava, p.89-94; • Kronberga A., (2008) Formation of triticale crop ideotype for organic farming. Options Mediterraneennes, Series A, No. 81, 391-394 • • • Kronberga A., LegzdiĦa L. (2008) Possibilities to use triticale and hulless barley in animal feed. In Implication of different production Technologies on animal health and food products quality indicēs, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, December 45, Sigulda, Latvija, 54-64; Kronberga A. (2006) Dynamics of falling number during ripening of different winter triticale genotypes. in Proceedings of 6th International Triticale Symposium. 3-7 September, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 176-179; M.Sobovics, E.Straumite, R.Goloburda, A.Kronberga (2010) Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Flour Blend from non-traditional cereals in Latvia. In Proceedings of international Conference on Food Innovation ‘Foodinnova 2010’, Valencia (Spain) p.1.-4. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total From 2006 15 6 11 4 20 14 10. Languages Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average 204 English Russian German X X X X X X X X X 11. Professional memberships Member of NJF Member of Eucarpia Member of Latvian association of Genetics and breeders 205 Curriculum Vitae (CV) 1.1. Name Surname AIGA TRUPA 1.2. Birthplace and Country JELGAVA 1.3. Mailing address Saules iela 9-3, Brankas, Ozolnieku parish, LV-3042 1.4. Education Undergraduate studies, graduate studies, postgraduate studies; higher educational institution, country Postgraduate studies, Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Study years Specialization 1997-2000 Animal nutrition Qualifications Dr.agr. Graduate studies, Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia 1995-1997 Animal breeding Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia 1990-1995 Animal breeding MAgr. Technologist 1.6. Academic titles and scientific degrees Scientific degrees Academic board, institution, country Date, decision / minutes No. Promotion board P3, LLU, Latvia Decision No. 1-8 of August 31, 2001 Animal nutrition Dr.agr. No. 000411 Decision No. 44 of June 10, 1997 Animal breeding MAgr. No. 001104 Decision No. 44 of May 18, 1995 Animal breeding BAgr. No. 000810 Examination commission for Master’s degree, LLU, Latvia State examination commission, LLU, Latvia Specializatio n Scientific degree Diploma No. Academie titles 206 Academic board, institution, country Meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Agriculture, LLU, Latvia Date, decision / minutes No. Decision No. 7/2 of June 11, 2002 Specialization Animal nutrition Academic title Diploma No. LLU-Doc No. 061 1.7. Position (Career history), Dr.agr., Institute of Agrobiotechnology of the Faculty of Agriculture 1.8. Language skills Language Reading excellent Russian German English good Writing average excelle nt good Speaking average excellent good x x x x x x average Research activities and scientific publications Participant or leader of international research projects and programs Participant or leader of Research projects and programs financed by the Latvian Council of Science, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Agriculture, and other institutions Copies of attested documents see in the Appendix. Leader: 1. IZM TOP 04-16 “The effect of germinated grain in concentrated feed on the productivity of dairy cows and milk quality” 2. LLU No. 18/05L128 “Estimation of feed additive “Penergetic-T” in the feeding of calves”. Participation: 3. ZM No. 1605005/S113 “Support for promotion of animal husbandry (production), milk and meat production and competitiveness in private farms”. 4. ZM No. 160505/S114 “Animal health, prophylaxis and treatment in conventional and biological agriculture to ensure production of qualitative animal products” Member or head of expert and other committees of the European Union and Latvian Council of Science Copies of attested documents see in the Appendix. Member or head of branch councils and associations Member of Zootechnicians society of LLU since 29 December 2005. 207 Key publications in the corresponding branch of science Total number of publications - 48. • Trūpa A. Siliņa A., Kreitūzis Ē. (2011): Efficiency of concentrated feed extrusion in dairy cows feeding. In: ”Current problems of intensive development of animal husbandry”. Proceedings of the Conference. . V.14. P. Gorki, 7-12. lpp. Trūpa A. SiliĦa A., Kreitūzis Ē. (2010): Research on concentrated feed extrusion, chemical, microbiological changes, zootechnical and economic effect. “Risk factors in the process of animal feeding and their implication on food quality”. Proceedings of the Conference. Palanga - Baisogala, Lithuania, pp 21.-28. • Trūpa A. Latvietis J. Eihvalde I. (2008): Consumption and costs of feed depending on the productivity yield of cows and feeding technology. In:Implication of different production Technologies on animal health and food products quality indicēs. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Sigulda, pp 88-92. • Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Rozenfelde A. (2006): Efficiency of feed additive „Penergetic-T” in calf feeding. In: The topical animal and poultry problems:use of alternatives to antibiotic feed additives in animal nutrition. Proceedings of Scientific Conference. Kaunas, pp 15-16. • Trūpa A., Pliska S. (2006): The effect of germinated grain in concentrated feed on the productivity of dairy cows and milk quality. In: The topical animal and poultry problems:use of alternatives to antibiotic feed additives in animal nutrition. Proceedings of Scientific Conference. Kaunas, pp 17-19. • Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Rozenfelde A. (2006): Efficiency of feed additive „Penergetic-T” in calf feeding. In:proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture No.17 (312). Jelgava, pp 34-39. • Trūpa A., Latvietis J. (2003): Influence of the phosphorus and calcium ratio in mineraladditives on cow productivity during lactation. In: Agronomijas Vēstis, No. 5, Jelgava, pp. 264-266. (In Latvian.) • Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Rūvalds I. (2002): The influence of ratio of calcium and phosphorus in mineral additives on cow productivity in different stages of lactation. In: Macro and Trace Elements 21. Workshop. Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, 639-646. • Latvietis J., Driėis J., AuziĦš V., Trūpa A. (2002): Some types of grass silage used in feeding cows. International Conference of Animal Nutrition. Tartu, 7-15. • Trūpa A., JemeĜjanovs A., Latvietis J. (2001): Influence of mineral additives on the reproductive abilities of cows. First International FESTEM Congress. Book of abstracts. Venice, May 16-19, 152. • • • • • • Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Antāne V. (2001): Influence of mineral additives on the reproductive abilities of cows. In: LLU Raksti, No. 4, Jelgava, pp. 66-69. Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Kārkla L. (2000): Concentrations of some mineral elements in cow hair: influence of nutrition. In: Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Volume 54. Number 4, pp. 136-138. Trūpa A., Latvietis J. Rūvalds I., Kārkla L. (2000): Influence of mineral additives on the content of mineral elements in cows hair. In: Mengen-und Spurenelemente 20. Arbeitstagung. Friedrich Schiller Universitat, Jena, 86-93. Trūpa A., Latvietis J. (2000): Influence of mineral additives on milk quality. In: LLU PTF Zinātniski praktiskās konferences referāti. Jelgava, pp.78-82. (In Latvian.) Trūpa A. (2000): Influence of mineral additives on cow productivity and reproduction abilities. In: LLU Raksti, No. 3, Jelgava, pp. 34-38. (In Latvian.) 208 • • • • • • Trūpa A., Latvietis J. (2000): Influence of some mineral premixes on the content of mineral elements in milk. In: LLU Raksti, No. 3, Jelgava, pp. 82-86. Trūpa A. (1999): Influence of mineral adittives on some indices of dairy cow reproduction abilities. In: Reports of the Postgraduate conference of LLU. Jelgava, pp. 6670. (In Latvian.) Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Rūvalds I., Strikauska S. (1999): Influence of mineral premixes on some milk quality indices. In: LLU Raksti, No. 1 (295). Jelgava, pp. 24-27. Trūpa A. (1999): Cows’ supply with mineral substances and reproduction abilities. In: LLU Veterinārmedicīnas Raksti. Jelgava, pp. 334-341. (In Latvian.) Trūpa A., Kārkla L., Latvietis J. (1997): Content of mineral elements in animal wool depending on the season. In: LLU Raksti, No. 10 (287). Jelgava, pp. 37-41. Trūpa A., Kārkla L., Latvietis J. (1996): Accumulation of mineral elements in the wool of some animals of the artiodactyla order. In: Mengen-und Spurenelemente 16. Arbeitstagung. Friedrich Schiller Universitat Jena, 806-810. 2.5.1. Publications in internationally recognized issues 1. Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Rūvalds I. (2002): The influence of ratio of calcium and phosphorus in mineral additives on cow productivity in different stages of lactation. In: Macro and Trace Elements 21. Workshop. Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, 639-646. 2. Latvietis J., Driėis J., AuziĦš V., Trūpa A. (2002): Some types of grass silage used in feeding cows. International Conference of Animal Nutrition. Tartu, 7-15. 3. Trūpa A., JemeĜjanovs A., Latvietis J. (2001): Influence of mineral additives on the reproductive abilities of cows. First International FESTEM Congress. Book of abstracts. Venice, May 16-19, 152. 4. Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Antāne V. (2001): Influence of mineral additives on the reproductive abilities of cows. In: LLU Raksti, No.4, Jelgava, pp. 66-69. 5. Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Kārkla L. (2000): Concentrations of some mineral elements in cow hair: influence of nutrition. In: Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Volume 54, No. 4, pp. 136-138. 6. Trūpa A. (2000): Influence of mineral additives on cow productivity and reproduction abilities. In: LLU Raksti, No. 3, Jelgava, pp. 34-38. (In Latvian.) 7. Trūpa A., Latvietis J. (2000): Influence of some mineral premixes on the content of mineral elements in milk. In: LLU Raksti, No. 3, Jelgava, pp. 82-86. 8. Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Rūvalds I., Strikauska S. (1999): Influence of mineral premixes on some milk quality indices. In: LLU Raksti, No. 1 (295), Jelgava, pp. 2427. 9. Trūpa A., Kārkla L., Latvietis J. (1996): Accumulation of mineral elements in the wool of some animals of the artiodactyla order. In: Mengen-und Spurenelemente 16. Arbeitstagung. Friedrich Schiller Universitat Jena, 806-810. 10. Trūpa A., Kārkla L., Latvietis J. (1997): Content of mineral elements in animal wool depending on the season. In: LLU Raksti, No. 10 (287), Jelgava, pp. 37-41. 2.5.2. Publications in reviewed issues (issues approved by the Latvian Council of Science) Other publications 1. Trūpa A. (2005): Possibilities to use moist, germinated grain in concentrated mixed feed. In: Saimnieks, No. 9 (15), pp. 58-59. (In Latvian.) 209 2. Trūpa A. (2005): Inclusion of brewery by-products in animal feeding. In: Agrotops, No. 11, November, p. 54. (In Latvian.) 3. Trūpa A. (2005): Characteristics of the feeding of beef cattle. In: Agrotops, No. 11, November, pp. 50-51. (In Latvian.) 4. Trūpa A. (2005): Possibilities to use germinated grain in concentrated mixed feed. In: Summary of reports of harvest festival “Vecauce-2005”. P. 30. (In Latvian.) 5. Trūpa A. (2004): Peculiarities of the feeding of pregnant cows in the dry period. In: Agrotops, No. 3, March, pp. 56-57. (In Latvian.) 6. Trūpa A. (2004): Pasturing period to cows. In: Agrotops, No. 6, June, pp. 54-55 (In Latvian.) 7. Trūpa A. (2004): The importance of mineral substances in the feeding of animals. In: Agrotops, No. 6, June, pp. 59–61. (In Latvian.) 8. Trūpa A. (2004): The feeding of animals in autumn and beginning of wintering. In: Agrotops, No. 10, October, pp. 42-44. (In Latvian.) 9. Trūpa A. (2004): By-products of sugar and starch processing and their utilization in the feeding of animals. In: Agrotops, No. 10, October, p. 41. (In Latvian.) 10. Trūpa A. (2004): Feeding of heifers. In: Agrotops, No. 12, December, pp. 39-40. (In Latvian.) 11. Trūpa A. (2003): Concentrated mixed feed in the summer ration of dairy cows. In: Agrotops, No. 8, August, pp. 54-55. (In Latvian). 12. Trūpa A. (2003): Concentrated mixed feed in the ration of poultry. In: Agrotops, No. 9, September, pp. 61-63. (In Latvian.) 13. Trūpa A. (2003): Concentrated mixed feed in the ration of pigs. In: Agrotops, No. 11, November, pp. 63-64. (In Latvian.) 14. Trūpa A. (2002): Come chickens and take vitamins. In: Zemgales ZiĦas, 12. Sept., p. 8. (In Latvian.) Granted patents and licences Reporting in international scientific conferences and congresses 1. Trūpa A. Efficiency of concentrated feed extrusion in dairy cows feeding.. International Conference ”Current problems of intensive development of animal husbandry”. Gorki. 25-28 May, in 2011. 2. Research on concentrated feed extrusion, chemical, microbiological changes, zootechnical and economic effect. International Conference “Risk factors in the process of animal feeding and their implication on food quality”. Palanga - Baisogala 16.-17.September, in 2010. 3. Consumption and costs of feed depending on the productivity yield of cows and feeding technology. Implication of different production Technologies on animal health and food products quality indices. International Scientific Conference. Sigulda. December 4-5, in 2008. 4. Efficiency of feed additive „Penergetic-T” in calf feeding. In: The topical animal and poultry problems:use of alternatives to antibiotic feed additives in animal nutrition. Scientific Conference. Kaunas, 20th October, in 2006. 5. The effect of germinated grain in concentrated feed on the productivity of dairy cows and milk quality. In: The topical animal and poultry problems:use of alternatives to antibiotic feed additives in animal nutrition. Proceedings of Scientific Conference. Kaunas, 20th October, in 2006. 6. “The effect of germinated grain in concentrated feed on the productivity of dairy cows and milk quality”. Baltic states conference in animal breeding and genetics, May 1314, 2005. 210 7. “Some types of grass silage used in feeding”. International Conference of Animal Nutrition. Tartu, Estonia, May 30-31, 2002. 8. “The influence of ratio of calcium and phosphorus in mineral additives on cow productivity in different stages of lactation”. Jena, Germany, October 18-19, 2002. 9. “Influence of mineral additives on the reproductive abilities of cows”. 1st International Festem Congress on Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venice, Italy, May 16-19, 2001. 10. “Influence of mineral additives on the content of mineral elements in cows hair. Scientific conference ”Die biologische Bedeutung der Mengen und-Spurenelemente”. Jena, Germany, in 2000. 2.9. Reporting in other conferences 1. “Possibilities to use germinated grain in concentrated mixed feed”. Harvest festival in LLU Training and research farm “Vecauce” on March 11, 2005. (In Latvian.) “Condition of the dairy farming branch in Latvia.” Seminar at the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre on April 1, 2004. (In Latvian.) Surprise effect in the study of animal feeding facts.” Interdepartment seminar at LLU “The role of thinking in the science of animal husbandry” on January 11, 2002. (In Latvian.) “The influence of ratio of calcium and phosphorus in mineral additives on cow productivity in different stages of lactation”. Harvest festival in LLU Training and research farm “Vecauce” on November 7, 2002. (In Latvian.) “The influence of mineral additives on milk quality”. Scientifically practical conference “21st century together with science and practice” at the Faculty of Food Technology, LLU, on March 29, 2000. (In Latvian.) “The influence of mineral additives on some indices of dairy cow reproductive abilities.” LLU Post graduate conference “The future of science – in our hands”, May 27, 1999. (In Latvian.) “Cows’ supply with mineral substances and reproduction abilities”. Conference dedicated to 80th anniversary of veterinary medicine “Veterinary medicine problems to agricultural animals” on October 23, 1999. (In Latvian.) Pedagogical activities Supervised promotion papers Reviewed promotion papers 1. Beča Maija “The changes of protein content and amino acids in different grasses silage during preparing”. June 9, 2004. 3.5. Study courses Study course code title LAUZ 3001 Forage production and evaluation Production and processing of LAUZ 3120 Undergraduate study courses Characteristics Notes on the accomplishment faculty, CP study year 3rd year, 3.0 Animal nutrition 5th semester Faculty of Agriculture 3rd year, 1.5 Entrepreneurship in agriculture, 5th semester Faculty of 211 LAUZ 4104 LAUZ 3124 animal husbandry products Poultry Non tradition poultry Agriculture 4rd year, Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture 3 rd.,4 rd.year Study course code LAUZ 5032 LAUZ 5070 title Supply of nutrients code title 4.0 Zootechnics speciality, 5th semester Choice of study subject Graduate study courses Characteristics Notes on the accomplishment faculty, CP study year 4.0 Animal nutrition course Poultry breeding Study course 1.5 4.0 Animal husbandry course Doctoral study courses Characteristics Notes on the accomplishment faculty, CP study year 3.7. Prepared study aids Proximal or zooanalyses methods for determination of the chemical content of forage / A. Trūpa Methodical guidelines and descriptions of laboratory works. LLU, Jelgava, 2004, pp. 26. 212 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name Surname Daina Jonkus 2. Birthplace and Country Krasnojarska region, Russia 3. Mailing address Telephone: +371 30 05696 2, Liela Str., Jelgava, LATVIA, LV-3001 Fax: +371 30 05679 E-mail: 4. Education Higher education, Master’s course, doctoral studies. Ed. Establishments, country Latvia Academy of Agriculture Latvia University of Agriculture Study period Latvia University of Agriculture PhD student 2001- 2006 1971-1977 1999-2000 Speciality zootechnics Livestock farming Livestock farming Qualification zooengineer Master’s degree in agriculture Doctor’s degree in Agriculture 5. Research degrees Year Speciality Degree Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Latvia 2007 Agriculture Doctor’s degree in Agriculture; sub-sector: Livestock farming Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Latvia 2007 Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Latvia 2010 Agriculture sub-sector: Livestock farming Agriculture sub-sector: Livestock farming Diploma No Institution awarding degree Docent Associate professor Series D 0023 LLU-DOC No.095 LLU-APR No 139 6. Professional carrier 213 Associate professor at the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, (1st of September 2010). Docent the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, (1st of September 2007). Lecturer the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, (1st of September 2001). Assistant the LUA, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science, (1st of September 1990 - 2001.) 7. Research areas Use of quantitative genetics for the improvement of populations of farm animals in Latvia and maintenance of farm animal genetic resources. I am interested in the dairy cow milk production and quality assessment. 8. Projects (2005–2012) Participation in international projects • Nord Plus 2007-2008 Program “Genomics for all: bringing new tools to breeders” (executor of the project). Project Manager T. Sjakste – the Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia. • Leonardo da Vinci Pilot program HU/05/B/F/FF-170018: Development of central data bank on European level for the education of ecological farming advisers. Year 2008 (executor of the project). Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia • LCS grants No 09.1463 Research and development of technological systems for the future milking cow farm (executor of the project). Project Manager Prof. J. Priekulis. • LCS grants No 09.1461 Methods of biotechnology for prevention of polymorphism of milk protein gene of Latvian cows and impact of the protein gene on the productivity of cows (executor of the project). Project Manager, Senior Researcher Z. Grīslis. • LCS grants No Nr.08. 2176 Milk protein gene frequencies in the Latvian brown cow’s population. (executor of the project). Project Manager Dr. agr. L. Paura. • LCS grants No 04.1047 Genetic coherence between the non-specific resistance indices and the volume of somatic cells in the milk produced by cows of diverse origin, 2004–2007 (executor of the project). Project Manager Dr. agr. L. Paura. Ministry of Education and Science • Project No 07-26 F-XP79 and No 08- 26-XP91 Impact of milking cow breeding technology on adaptation of cows and productivity and quality of milk, (executor of the project). Project Manager Dr. agr. Daina Kairisa Ministry of Agriculture • Project No 120706/ S 387 Application of advanced methods of milk content analysis for the purposes of development of profitable milk production industry in Latvia in compliance with the EU laws and regulations; (executor of the project). Project Manager Dr. agr. Daina Kairisa 214 • Project No 100507/S 104 Appraisal of animal genetic resources suitable for agriculture and study of characteristic genes applying molecular methods (executor of the project). Project Manager, Senior Researcher Z. Grīslis. • Project No 080408/S 85 Appraisal of animal genetic resources suitable for agriculture and study of characteristic genes applying molecular methods. Project Manager • Project No140708/S293 and No 200309/S20 Freezing-point of cow milk produced in Latvia and study of factors affecting it. Project Manager 9. Professional courses/training (2005–2012) • Practical course in survival analysis using the Survival Kit v6: Survival analysis - Theory and application by Gabor Meszaros and Johann Sōlkner. The workshop took place the 19th Animal Science Days Symposium in Primošten, Croatia, from September 19th to September 20th 2011. • Teachers' professional development program "Innovation university didactics. LUA, Jelgava, Latvia, Certificate Nr.0180. Issued 2010th on the 1 st April. • Co-operation as an efficient measure for promotion of agricultural production and competitiveness in rural areas. The LUA Centre for Lifelong Education. Volume: 32 hours, October, 2009; • Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production; 24. 08. 2009. – 27. 08. 2009, Spain, Barcelona. Certificate; • Tartu University of Natural Sciences, Livestock Breeding and Genetics Department, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics; 15.10.2008 – 18.10.2008; • Germany, Sachsen, Köllitsch teaching and trial farm. Gaining theoretical and practical experience; 01.12.2008 – 03.12.2008; • Estonia, Tartu University of Natural Sciences, Livestock Breeding and Genetics Department, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics; 10.10.2007 – 12.10.2007; • Germany, Sachsen, Köllitsch Teaching and Trial Farm. Gaining theoretical and practical experience; 26.11.2007 – 30.11.2007. 10. Publications Category of publication Monographs, other books Teaching aids Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature TOTAL Total 1 24 11 13 7 56 Since 2005 19 10 10 5 44 List of most important publications, 2005–2012 • Jonkus D., Paura L. (2011) Estimation of Genetic parameters for milk urea and milk production traits of Latvian Brown cows. Agriculture Conspectus Scientificus (ACS, Croatia). Volume 76, No. 3, pp. 227.-230. ISSN 1331-7768 UDC 63 Indexed: Scopus, CAB Abstracts, CABI full text. • Ziedina I., Jonkus D., Paura L. (2011) Genetic and phenotypic parameters for reproduction traits of Landrace sows in Latvia. Agriculture Conspectus Scientificus (ACS, Croatia). Volume 76, No. 3, pp. 219.-222. ISSN 1331-7768 UDC 63 Indexed: Scopus, CAB Abstracts, CABI full text. 215 • Ruska D., Jonkus D. (2011) Relationships between milk urea and production traits in dairy herds in Latvia. Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Feed Science Conference, Uppsala, Sweden. pp. 53.-58. Indexed: CAB Abstracts, CABI full text. • Ruska D., Jonkus D. (2011) Relation between milk protein and urea content in different farms. Research for Rural Development-2011, Annual 17th International Scientific conference proceedings. Jelgava, LLU. Vol. 1., pp.71-75. Indexed: CAB Aabstracts; CABI full text. • Viluma A., Jonkus D. (2010) Parentage Determination by 17 Microsatellite Markers of Latvian Warmblood Horse. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. No 24 (319), pp. 31.-37. Indexed: CAB Aabstracts, AGRIS 11. Presentations in conferences 12. Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 16 25 41 From 2005 13 21 34 12. Languages German Reading skills excellent good average X Russian X Writing skills excellent good average X Speaking skills excellent good average X X X 11. Professional memberships Member of the group for elaboration of the Pedigree Law of the Ministry of Agriculture. 216 Curriculum Vitae Guntis Rozītis Date and place of birth: 26 december 1948, Iecava, Latvia Education: Bachelor master, doctoral Study period Specialty studies (graduate course). Educational Establishment, country Latvia academy of agriculture 1966.-1971. Zoo-technics (LAA), Latvia Latvia academy of agriculture 1990.-1992. Livestock farming (LAA), Latvia Qalification Zoo-technic Master’s degree in agriculture Academic degrees: Academic board, institution, country Latvian University of Agriculture Date, decision / minūtes / No 1992. Specialization Animal husbandry Scientific degree Master of Agriculture Sciences Diploma No. No.000006 Academic titles: Academic board, institution, country Date, decision / minūtes No Latvian University of Agriculture 2002. Work experience: 2010.11. - till now 2005. - 2010. 2005. - till now 2004. – till now 2002. – 2005. 1992. – 2010. 1992. – 2002. 1984. – 1992. 1980. – 1984. Specialization Academic title Diploma No. Livestock breeding Proffessor Associated A PR 076 Deputy of Latvia Parliament Vice-President of Ozolnieki county council Latvia University of Agriculture Institution of Agrobiotechnology Associated professor. Board chairman of Latvian horse breeding association Latvia University of Agriculture Department of Livestock breeding Associated professor. Latvia University of Agriculture Horse Breeding centre “Muski” Manager. Latvia University of Agriculture Department of Livestock breeding Lecturer Latvia Academy of Agriculture Dep. of Special Livestock Breeding Elder lecturer. Latvia Academy of Agriculture Department of Physical Training 217 1971. – 1980. Elder lecturer. Latvia Academy of Agriculture Department of Physical Training Assistant, equestrian instructor. Manager of riding sport section. List of publications (maximum five): 1. Rozītis G., Nebare I. (2002) Evaluation of horses work ability in Latvia// Proceeding of the 8th Baltic Animal Breeding and Genetics Conference. Kaunas, p.15-16. 2. OzoliĦa L., Rozītis G. (2004) Comparision of the genealogical lines and groups of Latvian horse by quality of progenies// Proceeding of the Animal Breeding in the Baltics Conference. - Tartu, p. 194. – 198. 3. J. Sprūžs, G.Rozītis, I. KĜaviĦa (2006) Feeding the KNZ salt to horses // Proceeding of the 12th Baltic Animal Breeding and Genetics Conference, Jurmala, Latvia, p. 163. – 168. 4. Rozītis G., Klavina I. (2007) Horse Genetic Resource Analysis in Latvia// Proceeding of the 13 th Baltic Animal Breeding and Genetics Conference, p. 124. – 128. 5. Rozītis G., KĜaviĦa I., Juršāne V. (2008) Latvijas šėirnes zirgu ăenētiskie resursi// Agronomijas vēstis. No.10. – LLU, 277. – 281. lpp. Reporting in international scientific conferences and congresse: G. Rozītis, I. Nebare. Iestrādes zirga ciltsvērtības noteikšanā, LLMZA, Jelgava LUA, 2002. OzoliĦa L., Rozītis G. Comparision of the genealogical lines and groups of Latvian horse by guality of progenies. Animal Breeding in Baltic Conference, Tartu, 2004.(referāts). J. Sprūžs, G.Rozītis, I. KĜaviĦa Feeding the KNZ salt to horses. The 12th Baltic Animal Breeding and Genetics Conference, Jurmala, 2006. Rozītis G., Klavina I. Horse Genetic Resource Analysis in Latvia. The 13th Baltic Animal Breeding and Genetics Conference, Parnu, 2009. Personal skills and competences: Courses of Food and Veterinary service – Animal protection and transportation (certificate), 2006. Course of Latvian Agriculture consulting centre – Supervision and Evaluation Of Horses (certificate), 2007 LUA Program of professional competence – Innovation in Highest education didactics (certificate), 2008 . Language skills: Language Reading Writing Speaking excellent good fair excellent good fair excellent good fair Russian x x x German x x x English Other relevant information: Honored in 1991. with Memorial honor No 17040. as participant in barricades. Memorial medal No.26 – Home Guard – 15 years. Medal of Ministry of Agriculture “For Assiduity”, 2004. 218 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Dzintra Kreita 2. Date of birth October 04, 1952 3. Education (institution, graduation date, specialty, degree) Latvia University of Agriculture, 1994, Master of Science Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1972–1977, agronomist 4. Professional carrier Associate professor, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU), from 2005; Associate professor, Department of Agrobiotechnology, LLU, 2002–2005; Director of Research and Study farm „Pēterlauki”, LLU, Faculty of Agriculture, 1997 – 2009. 5. Research areas Different field crops species cultivation technology, method improvement and economically beneficial crop production. 6. Projects (2005–2011) Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia Researcher in: • Soil as a key resource for sustainable use of safe and quality food and feed raw materials are sourced from widely grown crop species (2010 - 2011); • Fertilizer rates of crops (2008th - 2011.); • Minimum tillage effects on soil fertility, pest development and distribution, yield and quality in non change volumes (2009th -2011); • Agroecological factors of rational justification for use of field crops (2005th -2007.); • Field crop varieties for cultivation Assessment (2001. -2011.). 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2011) 8. Publications 2005–2011 Monographs, books Study materials Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total 1 5 8 5 19 219 List of most important publications, 2006–2010 1. Dzintra Kreita, Antons Ruza, Merabs Katamadze (2006.) Efficacy of nitrogen topdressing for winter wheat./Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica IX ESA Congress 4-7 September 2006, Warszawa, Poland Book of Proceeding. Part I, Volume 11, 143-144.; 2. Ruza A., Kreita Dz. (2006.) Nitrogen dynamics in soil during vegetation period. / Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica IX ESA Congress 4-7 September 2006, Warszawa, Poland. Book of Proceeding. Part I, Volume 11, p. 417-418. 3. Kreita D, Ruza A. (2008) Effects of agro-climatic Factors on Grain Yield and Quality of winter Wheat. Proceedings of 10th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. Italian Journal of Agronomy. Vol. 3, No. 3 Suppl., p 343-344 . 4. Ruža A., Kreita D. (2008) Soving Time influence on yield of winter Wheat under conditions of Zemgale, Latvian Journal of Agronomy, Jelgava, Nr.11. pp. 271-275. 5. Ruza A., Kreita D. (2010). Nitrogen fertilizer utilization in winter wheat sowings. In: Proceeding of AGRO 2010 the XI ESA Congress. Ed. Bay J. Wery, I. Shili-Touzi, A. Perrin; Agropolis International Editions, Montpellier, France; ISBN: 978-2-90961301-7, pp. 747-748. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 6 4 10 From 2006 4 3 7 10. Languages Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average X X X X X X excellent good average English German Russian X 11. Professional memberships Latvian National Plant Variety Council root, fibre and oil expert team leader Member of Association of European agronomists 220 CURRICULUM VITAE Ieva Name Jelgava Place of birth Zukauska Surname 1949 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, (docentis) Work place and position Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, LV-3001 Work address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: 3005677, 26449232 +371-3005630 1. Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Undergraduate Latvia University of Agriculture Study Speciality period 1971-1981 Horticulture Master studies Latvia University of Agriculture 1991-1994 Doctor studies Latvia University of Agriculture 1995-1999 Pedagogy Qualification Agronomist Methodology of studies 2. Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvia University of Agriculture Year 1994 Speciality Pedagogy Methodology of studies Degree Mg.paed Diploma No. 00110 3. Employment Latvia University of Agriculture. 2006 Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1978, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Latvia University of Agriculture,1968, Faculty of Food Technology, Chemistry laboratory assitant 4. Scientific research interests Spice and medicinal plants in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Strategies for conservation of genetic resources Genetic Resources of Culinary herbs in Latvia 221 5. Contributions at conferences (last three years) • • • • Effect of Growing Conditions on Yield and Some Quality Parameters of Basil Ocimum basilicum L. International Scientific Conference “Optimising Agricultural Output Production: Theory and Praxis”. Jelgava, Latvia, July 07-09, 2005. Genetic resources of culinary herbs in Latvia. International Scientific Conference Multifunctional Agriculture at the Outset of XXI Century: Challenges and Risks. Jelgava, Latvia, 22-23 March, 2007 Comparative results of characterization Origanum vulgare L in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Norway. Project “Spice and medicinal plants in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Strategies for conservation of genetic resources". Working Group meeting , Norway, 3-10 March, 2005 The Future of Horticultural Science and Education in European Perspective. International conference organized by the BeNeLux Society of Horticultural Sciences. Brussels, Belgium, November 22, 2006 6. Projects (2005–2010) International project „Conservation and characterization of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) wild populations in Europe”.ECPGR Project.1June2010 to 31 March 2011. International project "Spice and medicinal plants in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Strategies for conservation of genetic resources". 2002.-2006. 7. Courses delivered Vegetable Production 4CP Production and Processing of Horticultural Products II (Vegetable production) 3CP Production and Processing of Horticultural Products IV (Alternative horticulture)1,5 CP Alternative Agriculture 2 CP Selected Vegetable science 5CP 8. Publications List of most important publications, 2006–2010 • • Spice and medicinal plants in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Strategies for conservation of genetic resources ".Report from a Project group at the Nordic Gene Bank, Alnarp, December, 2006, 157pp. Medicinal and aromatic plants in Latvia. Report of a Working Group on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. First meeting, 12-14 September 2002, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy,2004, 70pp • Žukauska I. (2008) Genetic resources of culinary herbs in Latvia/ / Agronomijas Vēstis Nr.10, Jelgava, 2008, 241-247 lpp • Composition of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) aroma compounds depending on development stage. Proceedings ISSN 1982-3797.CIGR- International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Brazil,2008 9. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) • ERASMUS project, course of lectures- Historical aspects of herbs. Spice and 222 • • medicinal plants in the Nordic and Baltic countries- the objectives for project .Realities and possibilities for further herb development in Latvia. ERASMUSSOCRATES progr., Lepaa, Hame Polytechnic, Finland, 27-30 September, 2004 ERASMUS project, course of lectures: Latvia University of Agriculture, faculty of Agriculture; Vegetable-growing in Latvia; Genetic Resources of culinary herbs in Latvia., ERASMUS programme in Adnan Menderes University, Turkey, ERASMUS project, course of lectures: Faculty of Agriculture, Vegetable production, Genetic Resources of vegetables and culinary herbs in Latvia; ERASMUS programme in Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, 22.11.-28.11.2010. 10. Academic and social societies (membership) International Society for Horticultural Science. European Cooperative Program for Crop Genetic Resources Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Working Group member 11. Languages English Russian Reading skills excellent good average x x Writing skills excellent good average x x Speaking skills excellent good average x x 223 CURRICULUM VITAE Līga Paura Name Surname Ludza 1971 Place of birth Year of birth 2 September, 1971 Latvian Latvia University of agriculture, Department of control systems head of department and assoc. prof. Work place and position Work address: LLU Faculty of Information Technologies Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001 Telephone Fax: E-mail: + 371 3022037 + 371 3023095 Education Higher education, Master’s course, doctoral studies. Ed. Establishments, country Latvia Academy of agriculture (bachelor) Latvia University of agriculture (master study) Latvia University of agriculture (PhD study) Latvia University of agriculture (master study) Study Speciality period 1988-1993 Zooengineer 1993-1995 Animal breeding 1995-1999 Animal breeding 2000-2001 Pedagogy Qualification Technolog MSc.agr. Dr.agr. Pedagogy Research degrees Institution awarding degree LUA Promotion board in Agriculture science Year 1999 Speciality Animal breeding Degree Dr.agr. Diploma No. Dipl Nr 000399 Employment Since 1996 till 2002 Latvia University of Agriculture, Department of Informatics - lecture Since 2002 LLU, Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Information technology, Department of Control systems head of department, asist. prof.. From 2006 – assoc. professor in the Department of Control Systems. Scientific research interests 224 Scientific fields: Linear model in agriculture, statistical methods in agriculture, quantitative genetics Projects: Grant of Latvian Academy of science (2008) Milk proteins gene frequency in the Latvian brown cows population. Project supervisor Grant of Latvian Academy of science (2004-2007) Genetic relationships between nonspecific resistance indicēs and somatic cell count in milk of diverse origin cows. Project supervisor Grant of Latvian Academy of science (2000-20003) Guarantee of indispensable data analysis for overinspection of dairy husbandry, corresponding to EU requirement – Project supervisor Nordplus Neighbour 2005-2007 program „Nordic-Baltic –Russian Academics Network in Bioinformatics” LUA coordinator, 2005.-2007.g. Contributions at conferences (last 5 years) • Ziedina, I., Jonkus, D., Paura, L. Genetic and phenotypic parameters for reproduction traits of landrace sows in Latvia. 19th Animal Science Days Symposium in Primošten, Croatia, 19.23.September, 2011. • Paura L., Jonkus D. (2010) Effect of kappa – casein genotypes on milk production traits in Latvian dairy breeds. XV Baltic Animal Breeding and Genetic conference, 2010, May 31th June 1 st, Riga, Latvia • L. Paura, D. Jonkus, V. Jemeljanova Milk protein k-casein gene and milk productivity traits of Latvian Native breeds. (2009) 60th Annual Meeting of European Association for Animal Production, Barselona, Spain, 24-27 August 2009. • Paura L., Jonkus D., Jemeljanova V. Milk protein k-casein gene and ITS association to milk productivity traits in Latvian brown cattle Proceeding of the Symposium Material, Methods & Technologies (MM&T) (CD), 4-7 June, 2008, Bulgaria, 7 p. • Paura L., Jonkus D., Kairisha D. (2008) Relationship between innate immune system components and somatic cell count of Latvian Brown cows. EAAP2008, Vilnus, Lithuania 24.27. August, 2008. • Paura L., Arhipova I. Identification of genetic groups using the bovine immune system components by discriminant analysis. ISI 2007 Conference (56th Session of the International Statistical Institute), 22-29 August, 2007, Lisboa, Portugal • L. Paura (2007) "Characterization of immune response traits in cows’ milk by multivariate analysis." NBBC07 (Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference 2007), 6-8 June, 2007, Denmark, P.15 Courses delivered Introduction to Bioinformatics, Algorithms in Bioinformatics , Statistics in genetics, Quantitative genetics (for MSc) Biometrics Statistics (for Bachelor of Faculty of Agriculture); Matematical Statistics (for MSc of Faculty of Economics) Multivariate data Analysis (for LLU Ph.D. students) Number of publications (2007-2011): 13 (Thomson Reuters Web of Science - 2; SCOPUS - 2; international 3; published in Latvia 6) Publications 1. Ziedina, I.; Jonkus, D.; Paura, L. Genetic and phenotypic parameters for reproduction traits of 225 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. landrace sows in Latvia. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (Poljoprivredna Znanstvena Smotra); 76 (3), Zagreb: Agronomski Fakultet, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2011, 219-222 (Journal Article; Conference paper) AN: 20113335552 (Scopus) Jonkus, D.; Paura, L. Estimation of genetic parameters for milk urea and milk production traits of Latvian brown cows. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (Poljoprivredna Znanstvena Smotra); 76 (3), Zagreb: Agronomski Fakultet, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2011, 227-230 (Journal Article; Conference paper) AN: 20113335554 (Scopus) L. Paura, I.Arhipova (2010) Some aspects of experimental design. ACTI 2010, Jelgava, p.350-353 (Web of Science) Paura L., Jonkus D., Jemeljanova V. (2008) Milk protein k-casein gene and ITS association to milk productivity traits in Latvian brown cattle Proceeding of the Symposium Material, Methods & Technologies (MM&T) (CD), 4-7 June, 2008, Bulgaria, 7 p. T. Sjakste, A. JemeĜjanovs, I. Zītare, N. Paramonova, I. Trapina, V. Šterna, L. Paura (2008) Microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorhism of prolactin gene (PRL) in Latvian Brown cattle breed. Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference "Implication of different production technologies on animalo health and food products quality indices", 4-5 December, 2008, Sigulda, Latvija, P. 177-182 Paura L., Arhipova I. Identification of genetic groups using the bovine immune system components by discriminant analysis. Proceeding of the ISI 2007 Conference (CD), 22-29 August, 2007, Lisboa, Portugal, 4 lpp D. Jonkus, L. Paura „Govju piena produktivitātes mainību ietekmējošo faktoru analīze.” LLU raksti, Nr.18 (313), 2007, 34.-44.lpp. In-service training (last 5 years) Practical course in survival analysis using the Survival Kit v6; Survival analysis – Theory and application (by Gabor Meszaros and Johann Solkner University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna (BOKU)), 2011, Primošten, Croatia Development and management of Moodle e-courses, December, 2010, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia. Academic and social societies (membership) LZP expert Agriculture science LUA Promotion board in Agriculture - Animal science member LUA convent member LUA senate member Latvian genetics and selections society member Latvian Econometrics association member NJF member Awards Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English 226 Dzīves apraksts (CV) 1. Vārds, uzvārds: Elita AplociĦa 2. Dzīves dati: Dzimusi 1967. gada 22. martā, Siguldā. 3. Izglītība: Mācību iestāde Studiju laiks SIA Rotors LLU Specialitāte Iegūtā kvalifikācija Darba aizsardzība Darba aizsardzības pamatlīmeĦa speciālists 2005. 1998.-2002. Bishop Burton College (Anglija) LLU Doktorantūra Lopkopība Maă. progr. sagatavošana 1998. (1 mēn.) 1995.-1998. - Mg.agr. Lopkopība Kanādas Starptautiskā lauks. dzīvnieku audzēšanas skola LLA 1992. (3 mēn.) Liellopu audzēšana 1985.-1990. Zootehnikas 4. Darba vietas. (Iestāde, amats, periods – sākot ar pašreizējo un turpinot ar iepriekšējiem). LLU LF Agrobiotehnoloăijas institūts Žurnāls “Saimnieks” LLU LF Dzīvnieku zinātĦu katedra SO “Vides kvalitāte” LLKC Jelgavas LKB LLU LF LLU LF LLU VMF Jelgavas raj. Paju sab. “Svēte” 5. Dipl. zooinženieris lektore konsultants lektore Auditors, eksperts lopkopības speciāliste dekāna vietniece sekretāre vec. laborante galv. zootehniėe 2005. 2004. – 2006. 1999. – 2005. 2002. 2002.-2004. 1999. – 2002. 1996. – 1999. 1992. – 1995. 1990. – 1992. Zinātniskais darbs. Īss zinātniskā darba raksturojums, sevišėi pēdējos 5 gados. Zinātniskā darbība pamatā saistīta ar kazu audzēšanas, ēdināšanas un turēšanas pētījumiem bioloăiskajā un konvencionālajā saimniekošanas sistēmā. Izmēăinājumi notiek dažādās kazu audzēšanas saimniecībās visā Latvijā. 6. Līdzdalība zinātniskos projektos, kopš 2005. gada: 6.1. Darbība starptautiskos projektos: 227 • • • • • • • • • 7. Starptautiska Leonardo da Vinči projekta Nr. 2005 L-B-018/2005 “Datu bankas izveidošana Eiropas līmeĦa bioloăiskās lauksaimniecības konsultantu izglītošanā” partneris. Projekta darbības laiks 2005. – 2007. gads. Leonardo da Vinči projekta “Transfer of Competencies for Vocational Training in Ecological Agrarian Sector of Baltic States (TracoEcoBalt)” dalībnieks. Projekta darbības laiks 2005. – 2007. g. Starptautiska Eiropas Savienības finansēta 6. ietvara programmas projekta “Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic farming” (SAFO) dalībnieks. Projekta darbības laiks – 2003.g. – 2007. gads. Starptautiska ZiemeĜvalstu Ministru padomes finansēta projekta “Development of control measures on Animal Welfare in organic farming” dalībnieks. Projekta darbības laiks 2004. – 2006. gads. 6.2. Dalība Latvijas Zinātnes padomes, Zemkopības ministrijas u.c. projektos: Pētnieks līgumprojektā Nr.120608/s260 „Dzīvnieku izcelsmes produktu (piens, gaĜa) integrētās audzēšanas nosacījumu, rekomendāciju un prasību noteikšana lopkopības saimniecībās”, 2008.g. Pētnieks granta tēmā Nr. 06.0039 „Agrobiotehnoloăisko faktoru, mājdzīvnieku veselības un labturības ietekme uz ilgtspējīgas pārtikas produktu drošību un kvalitāti” 2007. – 2008.g.; Pētnieks granta tēmā Nr. 04.1059 “Audzēšanas un ēdināšanas faktoru ietekme uz kazu labturību, veselību un piena kvalitātes rādītājiem bioloăiskajā lauksaimniecībā” 2004. – 2008.g; Pētnieks LLU iekšējā projektā Nr. 06.18-xp25 “Kazu labturība un produkcijas ražošana bioloăiskajās un konvencionālajās saimniecībās”, 2006.g. Izpildītājs ZM nacionālās programmas “Lauksaimniecības konsultāciju un saimniecību paplašināšanās pakalpojumu dienestu izveidošana” LLKIAC projektā “Lauku saimniecību konsultatīvās sistēmas izveide” Līg. Nr, 05/414036/0001/100, 2006.g. Ārzemju pieredzes studijas kopš 2005. gada. Studijas, stažēšanās, kursu apmeklējums (precizēt vietu, datumu, laiku, iegūtos diplomus). Lūdzu sagrupēt tā, lai pēdējie būtu rakstīti pirmie. • Slovākija, Slovākijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte Nitrā, 2011. Stažēšanās ERASMUS programmas ietvaros. • Spānija, Valensijas Politehniskā Universitāte, 2011. Stažēšanās ERASMUS programmas ietvaros. • Turcija, Attaturk Universitāte Antālijā, 2010. Stažēšanās ERASMUS programmas ietvaros. • Portugāle, Bragancas Politehniskais institūts, 2010. Stažēšanās ERASMUS programmas ietvaros. • Zviedrija, Zviedrijas Lauksaimniecības ZinātĦu universitāte, 2009. Mazo atgremotājdzīvnieku barības līdzekĜu novērtēšana. (Sertifikāts). • Turcija, Eges Universitāte Izmirā, 2009. Stažēšanās ERASMUS programmas ietvaros. • Grieėija, Thessaloniku Universitāte, 2009. Stažēšanās ERASMUS programmas ietvaros. • Lietuva, KauĦas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2008. Zinātnisko rakstu rakstīšana (Sertifikāts). 228 8. Publikācijas: (kopš 2003. gada) Monogrāfijas, citas grāmatas Mācību metodiskie līdzekĜi SCI publikācijas Publikācijas anonīmi recenzētos starptautiskos izdevumos Citas zinātniskas publikācijas Konferenču materiāli Periodika 3 3 - Kopš 2005. gada 3 3 - 2 15 21 2 15 5 KOPĀ 44 28 Publikāciju kategorija 9. Kopā Uzstāšanās zinātniskajās konferencēs: (kopš 2003. gada) Konferenču kategorija Kopā Starptautiskās Latvijas KOPĀ 10. • • • • • 11. 20 4 24 Kopš 2005. gada 20 4 24 Galveno publikāciju saraksts kopš 2005. Gada (ne vairāk par piecām). Spruzs J., Selegovska E., Remeza I., Vasiljeva S. Effects of additional feedstuffs for organic goat production on milk quality and animal health – J. of. Veterinary medicine and Zootechnics, Kaunas, 2006. Sprūžs J., ŠeĜegovska E. Kazu labturība un produkcijas ražošana bioloăiskajās un konvencionālajās saimniecībās. – Jelgava 2008, LLU, Agronomijas vēstis, Nr.10, ISSN 1691-3485, 287.-292.lpp. Sprūžs J., ŠeĜegovska E., Remeza I., VasiĜjeva S. Vācu balto dižciltīgo un Alpu kazu piena kvalitātes rādītāji. – Jelgava 2008, LLU, Agronomijas vēstis, Nr.10., ISSN 16913485, 281.-286.lpp. Sprūžs J., ŠeĜegovska E., Remeza I., VasiĜjeva S. Dažādu barības līdzekĜu ietekme uz kazu piena sastāva izmaiĦām – Sigulda, 2008, Starptautiskas zinātniskās konferences „Dažādu ražošanas tehnoloăiju ietekme uz dzīvnieku veselību un dzīvnieku izcelsmes pārtikas kvalitātes rādītājiem” raksti, 149. – 156. lpp. Sprūžs J., ŠeĜegovska E. Dažādu barības līdzekĜu pēcietekme uz kazu piena produktivitāti bioloăiskajā lauksaimniecībā. Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical conference, Volume 1. Rēzeknes Augstskola, Rēzekne, RA Izdevniecība, 2009. ISBN 978-9984-44-027-9, 113. – 117. lpp. Svešvalodu prasmes. Valodas, lasīt, runāt un rakstīt prasmes līmenis: Svešvalodu zināšanas: Lasītprasme teic. labi Rakstītprasme vid. teic. labi Runātprasme vid. teic. labi Krievu valoda X X X AngĜu valoda X X X vid. 12. Citas būtiskas ziĦas: ENOAT locekle (European netvork for organic agriculture teachers); Starptautiskās asociācijas ECOLOGICA locekle. 229 CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) Name, Surname Address Phone number e-mail: Education Anda Linina Bebru ceĜš 6, Jelgava, LV-3001 +371 - 26806879; 1975 - 1979 Bulduri Horticultural school Diploma: agronomist in horticulture 1980 – 1987 Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, Diploma: certified agronomist 1994 – 1996 Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Masters course, Diploma: Master’s degree in Agriculture 1998 – 2003 Latvia University of Agriculture, Agriculture, Doctoral course. Scientific qualification 1996 – Faculty of Agriculture, Latvia University of Agriculture, M.Sc.agr. Occupation Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, lecturer and head of the Grain and Seed Research Laboratory (since September 1, 2005). Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Production, lecturer and head of the Grain and Seed Research Laboratory (Oktober 1, 1999 to August 31, 2005) Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Production, laboratory assistant (1989 - 1999). Latvia University of Agriculture, Problem Laboratory of Plant and Insects Virus Diseases, laboratory assistant (1981-1989). Dobele Horticulture farm, gardener (1979-1981). Scientific work Since 2005 Variety- by environment interactions for winter wheat quality traits. In a recent 5 years participation in 2 local scientific projects, in most cases as a researcher. Since 2005 participation in 9 international and 1 local scientific conferences. Participation in courses 06.12.2004. - 10.12.2004. Agroenvironmental measures in Sustainable Agriculture” developed in the frame of the project: “Nordic-Baltic- Russian Academic network in Agroecology” Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava. (Certificate). 27-31.03.2000. NOVABA ”Consequences of The EU Membership for the Swedish and Finnish Agricultural Sector and Rural Development“ Olsztyn, Poland. (Certificate), 13-14.12.1999. “European Standardisation”, Riga, Latvia. 08-12.02.1999.NOVABA “Ecological Agriculture and Animal Welfare” Tartu, Estonia. (Certificate). 17-28.08.1998. “Information retrieval and library services”, Uppsala, Sweeden. 230 20-28.05.1998. Certificate on completion 48 hours program in “Methodology” Latvia University of Agriculture. 23-28.03.1998. NorFa “Nordic - Baltic researchers course in experimental practice in pesticide and fertiliser research” Vilnius, Lithuania, (Certificate). Published articles Totally 19 papers published since 2005, among them 13 scientific and 4 – popular publications. Recent 5 most important publications: Skudra I., Linina A. (2011) The influence of meteorological conditions and nitrogen fertilizer on winter wheat grain yield and quality. The 6 th Baltic Conference on Food Science and technology “Innovations for Food Science and Production”, Conference proceedings. Jelgava, Latvia, pp. 23-26. ISBN 978-9984-48-045-9 LiniĦa A., Ruza A. (2008) Influence of agroecological condition on winter wheat grain gluten quantity and quality indices. Latvian Journal of Agronomy No.10, pp.145-151. ISSN 16913485. Kunkulberga D., Ruza A., Linina A., Galoburda R. (2007) Evalution of wholegrain flour baking properties depending on variety. International scientific conference: Development of foods with higher quality and biological value andinvestigation of their impact on human health, Maisto Chemija ir technologija, Kaunas, T. 41, Nr. 2, pp.24-29. ISSN 1392-0227 Linina A., Ruza A. (2005) Variety - by – environment interactions for winter wheat quality traits. Agronomijas vēstis. Latvian Journal of Agronomy. Nr. 8, p. 122–126. Linina A., Ruza A. (2004) Variety and Environment on Quality Traits in Latvian – Grown Winter Wheat: Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 6 pp: www. crop science. org. au. Language skills Latvian - native Russian – very good English – satisfactory. 231 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. rsonal information First name: ANTRA Surname: BĒRZIĥA Address: HelmaĦa iela 5-24, Jelgava, Latvia LV-3004 Telephone(s): +371 63026025, mobile: +371 29171112 E-mail: Date of birth: 02.28.1976 Gender: Female 2. Education: Educational establishment Dates: from (mm/yyyy) to (mm/ yyyy) Title of qualification awarded Diploma # Latvian university of Agriculture 09/1999 06/2001 Mg. Paed. 001785 Educational establishment Dates: from (mm/yyyy) to (mm/ yyyy) Title of qualification awarded Diploma # Latvian university of Agriculture 09/1995 06/1999 Bachelor of Agriculture/ Horticulture 001898 3. Training: Name and type of organisation providing training University of applied science, Valmiera Latvian university of Agriculture, Jelgava Latvian university of Agriculture, Jelgava Latvian university of Agriculture, Jelgava Latvian university of Agriculture, Jelgava Latvijas Pieaugušo izglītības apvienība Riga Technical university, Riga Latvian university of Agriculture, Jelgava Kaunas, Lithuania Latvian university of Agriculture, Jelgava Tartu, Estonia Principal subjects/occupational skills covered ATLAS annual conference 2011: „Landscape and tourism: the dualistic ralationship „Moodle e-kursu veidošanas vadības sistēma” „Pārtikas produktu ražošanas iespējas mājas apstākĜos” „Kooperācija kā efektīvas lauksaimnieciskās ražošanas un konkurētspējas sekmētājs laukos”, „Pārliecinošas uzstāšanās prasmes darbā ar pieaugušajiem”, „Interaktīva mācību kursa izstrāde un ieviešana interaktīvā e-vidē E-learning courses : „Professional communication”; „Project management” and „Business planning” NOVA-BOVA postgraduate course "Ethno botany" NOVABA post-graduate research course “Ecological Farming” NOVABA post-graduate research course, “Symbiotic systems and their role in plant production” NOVABA research course "The computer aided design of parks and green areas" Dates: from (mm/yyyy) to (mm/ yyyy) 21/09/2011 23/09/2011 22/09/2010 05/11/2010 10/06/2009 17/07/2009 14/07/2009 28/07/2009 21/10/2008 23/05/2009 17/02/2009 03/02/2007 30/04/2007 19/05/2003 23/05/2003 08/10/2001 12/10/2001 28/05/2001 01/06/2001 12/04/2000 18 /04/2000 232 4. Work experience: Dates: from (mm/yyyy) to (mm/ yyyy) Name and address of employer held Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Dates: from (mm/yyyy) to (mm/ yyyy) Name and address of employer Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Dates: from (mm/yyyy) to (mm/ yyyy) Name and address of employer Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities 05/2007 to present Latvian University of Agriculture, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LATVIA, LV3001 Continuing education consultant of Lifelong Learning Centre 1. Development and management of education projects and programmes 2. Organizing of training courses, seminars, lectures, study groups. 3. Work with prospective adult learners, finding new target groups 4. Lifelong learning strategy development 5. Administrator of LLU web page (Life long centre) 09/2004 To present Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LATVIA, LV-3004 Lecturer Learning subjects: Ornamental plants, Floriculture, Garden design. Coordinator of continuing education courses. 09/1998 09/2004 Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LATVIA, LV-3004 Assistant Learning subjects: Ornamental plants, Floriculture, Garden design. Coordinator of continuing education courses. 5. Personal skills and competences: Driving licence: category B Computer skills and competences: Word for Windows, Open office, Excel, Power Point, Internet and some experience with AutoCAD, Corell Draw. Mother tongue: Latvian Other languages (1/poor - 5 /excellent): Language English Russian Listening 4 5 Reading 4 5 Speaking 4 4 Writing 3 3 6. Other skills and competences: Project design and development: 2010.-1012 2009/0283/1DP/, “Profesionālajā izglītībā iesaistīto pedagogu kvalifikācijas celšana LLU”. Project coordinator 2009 "Arodapmācības pārtikas ražošanas nozarē" Eiropas lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai (ELFLA) Lauku attīstības programmas 2007.-2013. gadam pasākuma 111 "Arodapmācības un informācijas pasākumi" project administartor. 233 2009 "Arodapmācības lauksaimniecības nozarē" Eiropas lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai (ELFLA) Lauku attīstības programmas 2007.-2013. gadam pasākuma 111 "Arodapmācības un informācijas pasākumi" project administartor and lecturer. 05.2006 – 04.2007 ESF “Course curricula of continuing education “Garden and Landscape architecture” Project manager 05.2005- 12.2005 Scientifically project LR IZM Nr. 05.4 (1.4.)Growing technologies of water-plants in agro ecological conditions of Latvia”. 02.2005-11.2005 Scientifically project LR IZM Nr. 05.4 (1.1.) “Research of landscape perception on Society, using method of photography”. 09.1999-04.2000 Scientifically project: "Growing technologies of cranberries" TPP 98-58. 234 Curriculum vitae Aija Name Riga Place of birth Dizgalve Surname 1960.06.22 Year of birth LLU Agrobiotehnoloăiju institūts, lecturer Work place and position Phone: Fax: E-mail: Work address: Lielā iela 2 Jelgava, LV - 3001 Latvia + 371 3005677 + 371 3005630 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvian University of Agriculture LLU Master studies Study period 1984.09 – 1990.05 1993.09 – 1995.09 Speciality Gardener – agronomist Study methodic Qualification Bachelor Master Research degrees Institution awarding degree Horticulture college Year 1982.05. Latvian University of Agriculture 1990.05 Latvian University of Agriculture, LLU Master studies 1995.09 Speciality Garden designer Gardener agronomist , Study methodic Degree Garden designer Bachelors at agriculture Master Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Distance learning courses -"Targeted project management", "Business Basics", "Professional Communication", “Powerful work skills with adults”, Publicity requirements for projects cofinanced by the programme Latvia-Lithuania –bringing neighbors closer (ESF). Employment LLU (Latvian University of Agriculture) Agrobiotehnojlogy Institute, Lecturer, 1992 2010. year. Main duties: Lecture and practice management decorative gardening sector, Latvian Plant Exhibition (2004-2008) LLU organization, training organization and management of horticultural specialty students, continuing education courses for the garden design. Courses for the Local Government Training Centre and installation of gardening and landscape care plant protection. education in LLU university(2005-2010.y.) ERASMUS project in Finland, Turkey, Spain, Greece - read Lectures about Latvian culture 235 and lectures in ornamental horticulture in Latvia. ERASMUS project, student exchange program 3 CP student from Greece, and Romania -led classes (contact hours and individual work), the subject ornamental horticulture and nursery plant production in 2004 and 2010.y. Scientific research interests Head in project TOP Nr 06-10 “Water Plant propagation system exploration and production technology development " Participation in the project TOP No. 02-26 Ornamental trees and shrubs in farming systems research to different types of containers, 2002-2003.y. Participation in the ESF project "Continuing Education program for garden and landscape architecture, tourism and small and medium-sized enterprises with innovative e-learning". 2005-2007y. Coordinator in ESF project Latvia Lithuania “Green environment’’ 2010.-2013.y. Contributions at conferences (last three years) Vilnius College, Lithuania - Landscape gardening and desing - 2005. 21.04. Root and Leaves Growth Characteristics Using Image Analyses Systems. International Scientific Conference Optimising Agricultural Output Production: Theory and Praxis’’, Jelgava, Latvia, July 7-9, 2005. A. Adamovics (Latvia), I. Bogdevich (Belorussia), V. Boguzas (Lithuania) and others. Courses delivered Ornamentals; Garden Art; Landscape and garden design, Nursery plant production Number of publications: 4 Publications 1. Dizgalve A. Ornamental grasses in Landscape. Vilnius College, Lithuania - Landscape gardening and desing - 2005. 21.04. 2. Dizgalve A. Root and Leaves Growth Characteristics Using Image Analyses Systems. International Scientific Conference Optimising Agricultural Output Production: Theory and Praxis’’, Jelgava, Latvia, July 7-9, 2005. A. Adamovics (Latvia), I. Bogdevich (Belorussia), V. Boguzas (Lithuania) and others. Academic and social societies (membership) Latvians Genetics and Breeders' Association, Latvian Association of Dendrology Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. - Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average 236 Latvian X Russian X X X German English X X X X X X X ________________ Kursa apstiprinājuma datums: 21/12/2011 Kursa izstrādātāji: Pārtikas un vides higiēnas institūta lekt. A. Krūklīte, vieslektors - asistents M. Trompets, Klīniskā institūta vieslektore - docente I. Šematoviča 237 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Indulis Melngalvis 2. Date of birth January 24, 1956 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Latvia University of Agriculture, 1992, Master of Science Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1974–1979, agronomist 4. Professional carrier Lecturer, Department of Soil Management, LLU, 1997 Assistant, Department of Soil Management, 1988-1997 State farm. „Vircava”, agronomist, 1981.- 1988; Colective farm „Komunisma ceĜš”, agronomist, 1979- 1980. 5. Research areas Weeds, weed management. Soil tillage. Reduced soil tillage. Crop weediness in crop rotation in organic farming. 6. Projects (2005–2011) Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia 1. No. 09.1448. “Plant Growth Circumstance Efficiency Estimation to Technology Optimisation Causation”, researcher. (Head of project professor D. LapiĦš) 2. “Dynamics of Crop Weediness in Crop Rotation of Organic Farming System” Head of project associated professor M. Ausmane, 2004 – 2009. 3. No.200309/S18 “The Influence of Minimal Soil Tillage on its Fertility Maintenance, Development and Distribution of Pests as well as Crop’s Yield and Quality in Resowings”, researcher, (Head of project professor A. Ruža) 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2011) 14. Development and management of Moodle e-courses, 01.10.2010–29.10.2010, LLU, Jelgava, Latvia. 15. Innovation in university didactics,10.10.2007- 11.04.2008. LLU 8. Publications 2006–2011 Total Monographs, books Study materials Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total 22 9 10 20 2 3 2 5 61 12 238 List of most important publications, 2006–2011 1. M. Ausmane, Z. Gaile, I. Melngalvis (2008) The Investigation of Crop Weediness in the Crop Rotation of Organic Farming System. Latvian Journal of Agronomy. No.10, Jelgava: pp.25 -31. 2. M. Ausmane, I. Melngalvis.(2007) Minimalization of Primary Soil Tillage in Crop Rotation. III. The Changes in Weediness of Sowings. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. ISSN 1407-4427, vol. 18 (313) Jelgava: pp.1-8. 3. Lapins D., Berzins A., Kopmanis J., Melngalvis I. and Sanzarevska R.(2005) Possibilities of soil tillage and sowing technologies optimisation in spring barley // Optimizing agricultural output production: theory and praxis. Issue of the International Scientific Conference, Jelgava , Latvia, July 7- 9, pp. 211- 216. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 12 19 31 From 2006 3 3 6 10. Languages Reading skills excellent good average Speaking skills excellent good average x English Russian Writing skills excellent good average x X X X X 11. Professional memberships Member of International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) Member of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) Member of Association of Latvian agronomists 239 Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Dzīves apraksts (CV) 1. Vispārīgās ziĦas 1.1. Name Surname / Vārds Uzvārds IVETA KLAVINA 1.2. Birthplace and Country / Dzimšanas vieta 1.3. Mailing address / Adrese Kuldiga, LATVIA A.Pumpura 7 – 37, Jelgava, LV3004 1.4. Education / Izglītība Undergraduate studies graduate studies postgraduate studies. Higher, educational institution, country. Latvia Uviversity of Agriculture – Graduate studies Latvia Uviversity of Agriculture – Undergraduate studies Study years Specializatio n Qualifications 2003 - 2006 Business and Managemen t Catering and Hotel Managemen t Mg.oec 1998 - 2003 Restaurant and hotel manager 1.5. Academic titles and scientific degrees / Akadēmiskie nosaukumi un zinātniskie grādi Scientific degrees Date, Academic board, decision / Scientific Specialization Diploma No. institution, country minūtes / degree No Academie titles Academic board, institution, country Date, decision / minūtes No Specialization Academic title Diploma No. 1.6. Position (Career history) / Nodarbošanās 2003. – 2005. Latvia University of Agriculture Department of Animal Science Assistant 2005. till now Latvia University of Agriculture Institution of Agrobiotechnology Assistant 240 2008. till now Latvia University of Agriculture Horse Breeding centre “Muski” 1.7. Language skills / Valodu lietošanas prasme Language Russian German English Reading excellent good x fair Writing excellent good x fair x Speaking excellent good x x x Research activities and scientific publications / Zinātniskā darbība un publikācijas 2.1 Participant or leader of international Research projects and programs / Starptautisko pētījumu projektu un programmu dalībnieks vai vadītājs 2.2 Participant or leader of Research projects and programs granted by the Latvian Council of Science, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Agriculture, and other institutions / Latvijas zinātĦu padomes, izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas, Zemkopības ministrijas u.c. iestāžu projektu un programmu dalībnieks vai vadītājs Apliecinošie dokumentu kopijas pielikumā. 2.3 Member or haed of European Union committee, Latvian council of Science and other committees / Eiropas Savienības, LZP ekspertu un citu komisiju loceklis vai vadītājs Apliecinošie dokumentu kopijas pielikumā. 2.4 Member or head in branch councils, associations / Nozaru padomju, asociāciju loceklis vai vadītājs 2.5 Key publications in corresponding brauch of science / Nozīmīgākās publikācijas atbilstošajā zinātĦu nozarē Kopējais publikāciju skaits ….. 2.6 Publications in internationally cited isues / Publikācijas starptautiskos citējamos izdevumos 2.7 Monographs / Monogrāfijas 2.8 Textbooks / Mācību grāmatas 2.9 Other publications / Citas publikācijas 2.10 Granted patents and licences / SaĦemtie patenti un licences 2.11 Reporting in international scientific conferences and congresse / Piedalīšanās ar referātiem starptautiskās zinātniskās konferencēs un kongresos 241 fair 2.12 Reporting in other conferences / Piedalīšanās ar referātu citās konferencēs Pedagogical activities / Pedagoăiskā darbība Supervision of promotion works / Vadītie promocija darbi Reviewed promotion works / Recenzēti promocija darbi Supervision of Master works / Vadītie maăistra darbi Bachelor and qualification works supervised / Vadītie bakalaura un kvalifikācijas darbi Study courses / Studiju priekšmeti Pamatstudiju priekšmeti / Undergraduate study courses Study course / Studiju Characteristic priekšmets /Raksturojums Notes / Piezīmes par izpildi faculty, study code title / year / fakultāte, CP /kods nosaukums kurss DZIN Equestrian Alternative. All 406 Sport and faculties, 3 Management Undergraduate program. DZIN Basic Training Alternative. All 409 of Horse and faculties. 3 Rider Undergraduate program. Study course / Studiju priekšmets code /kods title / nosaukums Study course / Studiju priekšmets code /kods title / nosaukums Maăistra studiju priekšmeti Characteristic /Raksturojums Notes / Piezīmes par izpildi faculty, study year / fakultāte, KP kurss Doktora studiju priekšmeti Characteristic /Raksturojums Notes / Piezīmes par izpildi faculty, study year / fakultāte, KP kurss 242 Socrates / Erasmus at. all International Education programm lecturer / Erasmus u.c. starptautisko izglītības programmu mācībspēks Socrates / Personal skills and competences / Tālāk izglītība, profesionālā pilnveide Latvijas vai ārzemju augstskolās un pētniecības iestādēs • 4. – 5. March, 2005.: “Equine Laminitis and Equine Nutrition” seminar in Jelgava, Latvia (certificate). • 31.May – 4.Juny, 2004.: “Acquisition and Processing of Animal Physiological and Health Data”, NOVA – BOVA un INTERROBO courses, Tartu, Estonia (certificate). Other information / Cita būtiska informācija ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES / Organizatoriskā darbība 4.1. Members of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and other country Academy of sciences / LR ZA, LLMZA un ārvalstu ZA locekĜi 4.2. Members of Promotion Committee, Professors Council, Latvian Sciences Council expert, Scientific Journal Editorial boards members. / Promocijas padomju locekĜi, LZP eksperti, profesoru padomju locekĜi, zinātnisko žurnālu redkolēăijas locekĜi. 4.3. Members of Latvian Parliament, Government and Council of Latvian Central organization and commission / Saeimas, Valdības un LR centrālo organizāciju padomju un komisiju locekĜi 4.4. Members and experts of International Scientific organization, conference organizing committee chairman and member / Starptautisko zinātnisko organizāciju locekĜi un eksperti, konferenču orgkomiteju vadītāji un locekĜi Apliecinošie dokumenti pielikumā 4.5. Manageable responsibilities of LLU/LLU veicamie pienākumi Participation in work group in Faculty of Agriculture developed to work out plan for professional orientation action organization in Spring, 2006. 243 CURRICULUM VITAE Marta Name Riga Place of birth Liepniece Surname 1950 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, assistent Work place and position Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, LV-3001 Work address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: 3005677, 26381426 +371-3005630 1. Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Undergraduate Latvia University of Agriculture Study Speciality period 1971-1980 Horticulture Master studies Latvia University of Agriculture 1980-1984 horticulture Qualification Agronomist 2. Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvia University of Agriculture Year 2000 Speciality Horticulture Degree Mg. agr Diploma No. 001650 3. Employment Latvia University of Agriculture. 2006 Institute of Agrobiotechnology, assistant Latvia University of Agriculture, 1984, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, 4. Scientific research interests Fruit Science. Vaccinium spp, plant propagation Genetic Resources of bees Apis mellifera mellifera in Latvian 5. Contributions at conferences (last three years) • Abolins M., Sausserde R., Liepniece M., Šterne D. (2009) Cranberry and Blueberry Production in Latvia. International Scientific Conference „Vaccinium ssp. and less 244 known small fruit: challenges and risks, NJF seminar N0 426, October 6-9, Latvia, • • • • • Jelgava. Sterne D., Abolins M., Liepniece M., Sausserde R. (2010). Influence of temperature on the development of highbush blueberry cultivars. 2nd International conference on Horticulture Post-graduate Study 2010. Czech Republic, Lednice, August 30 -31 2010. Tikuma B., Liepniece M., Sterne D., Abolins M. (2010) Some Large Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon) Varieties Of Phenological And Growth Phases In Comparison Latvian Conditions. 2nd International conference on Horticulture Post-graduate Study 2010. Czech Republic, Lednice, August 30 -31 2010. Sterne D., Abolins M., Liepniece M. (2010) Productivity of Some Blueberry Cultivars at Latvia Conditions, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Portugal, Lisbon,, August 22-27 2010. Šterne D., Liepniece M., Sausserde R., ĀboliĦš M. (2011) Influence of the abiotic factor on the productivity of highbush blueberry cultivars. Climate change: agro- and forest systems sustainability, Babtai, Lithuania, June 21-22. 2011. Šterne D., Liepniece M., Sausserde R. (2011) KrūmmelleĦu ražas veidošanos ietekmējošie faktori [The influencing factors of formation of the yield of the highbush blueberries]. Latvija, Daugavpils, 13. – 15. aprīlis. 6. Projects (2005–2010) LSP Grant „Vaccinium spp. biological aspects of winter hardiness” 2009. Latvia Ministry of Agriculture Subsidies project “Environment-friendly growing technologies in fruit and berry orchards in different soil and climate conditions”, sub-topic “Blueberries and cranberries”, managed by Latvia State Institute of Fruit-growing, started at 2007, continue. 7. Courses delivered Apiculture 2CP Biological horticulture and apiculture 2CP Bee biology and breeding 5CP Beekeeping 5CP 8. Publications List of most important publications, 2006–2010 Abolins M., M.Liepniece, D.Sterne (2008) Vaccinium spp. production patterns and winter hardiness in Latvia. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Vaccinium Culture, ISHS, Acta Horticulturae, pp. 205 – 210 Abolins M., Liepniece M., Sterne D. (2009) Vaccinium spp. production patterns and winter hardiness in Latvia. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Vaccinium Culture, ISHS Acta Horticulturae, Nr. 810, pp.205-210. • Abolins M., Sausserde R., Liepniece M., Sterne D. (2009) Cranberry and blueberry production in Latvia. In: Agronomijas Vēstis /Latvia Journal of Agronomy/ Nr. 12, pp.713. Sterne D., Abolins M., Liepniece M., Sausserde R. (2010). Influence of temperature on the development of highbush blueberry cultivars. Conference proceedings. ISBN 978-807375-419-8. In CD. Czech republic, pp.93-97. • Šterne D., Liepniece M., ĀboliĦš M. (2010) Preliminary observations of phenology 245 development, yield and yield quality of some highbush blueberry cultivars in Latvia. // Research for Rural Development -2010 Jelgava, LLU, pp. 60-64. • • Sterne D., Abolins M., Liepniece M. (2010) Productivity of some blueberry cultivars at Latvia conditions// 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, August 22-27, 2010 (in print). Sterne D., Liepniece M., Abolins M. Productivity of Some Blueberry Cultivars at Latvia Conditions. Acta Horticultureae 2010 ( in print). 9. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 10. Academic and social societies (membership) 11. Languages English Russian Reading skills excellent good average x x Writing skills excellent good average x x Speaking skills excellent good average x x 246 CURRICULUM VITAE First name, surname DACE ŠTERNE Date of birth: February 28, 1977 Education Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, from 2008 doctoral study Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, 2000-2003, Master of Sciences Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, 1996-2000, agronomist Work experience Latvia University of Agriculture, Lifelong Education centre, adviser of continuing education, from 2007 Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, researcher, from 2007 Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, younger lecturer, from 2006 Latvia Beekeeper’s Association, office worker, 2001-2005 Latvia University of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, assistant, 2000-2004 Scientifical work Winter hardiness and productivity of highbush and half-highbush blueberry in Latvia. Phenological development of highbush and half-highbush blueberry. Teaching activities Patent and standards, from 2006 Continuing education and professional training 9. Lecturing with the Patent Teaching Kit. Train the trainer workshop. Latvija, Riga, 28.11.2011. 10. Moodle e-kursu veidošanas vadības sistēma. Latvija, Jelgava, 2010. 11. Pārliecinošas uzstāšanās prasmes darbā ar pieaugušajiem. Latvija, Jelgava, October 2008 – March 2009. 12. Study visit of patent commercialization. Scotland, Edinburg, 29.01. – 01.02.2008. 13. NOVABA post-graduate research course “Symbiotic systems and their role in plant production”. Latvija, Jelgava. May 28 – June 1, 2001. 14. NOVABA post-graduate research course “Ecological Farming”. Lithuania. Kaunas. October 8 – October 12, 2000. Publication 2007-2011 - Monographs, books Materials for studying Peer-reviewed publications Other scientifical publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total 8 2 2 12 247 Most important publications 1. Sausserde R., ĀboliĦš M., Liepniece M, Šterne D. (2012) Krūmmelleņu šķirņu 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. saimniecisko īpašību novērtējums. Zinātniski praktiskās konferences „Zinātne Latvijas lauksaimniecības nākotnei: pārtika, lopbarība, šėiedra un enerăija” raksti. 187. - 192. lpp. Sterne D., Liepniece M. and Abolins M. (2010) Productivity of some blueberry cultivars at Latvia conditions. Acta Horticultureae. Vol. 926, p. 182 -189. Šterne D., Liepniece M., ĀboliĦš M. (2010) Preliminary observations of phenology development, yield and yield quality of some highbush blueberry cultivars in Latvia. Research for Rural development 2010, p. 60-64. Sterne D., Abolins M., Liepniece M., Sausserde R. (2010). Influence of temperature on the development of highbush blueberry cultivars. Conference proceedings ISBN 978-807375-419-8. In CD, p.93.-97. Abolins M., Sausserde R., Liepniece M., Šterne D. (2009). Cranberry and blueberry production in Latvia. Agronomijas Vēstis, Nr.12, p. 7-13 Kampuse S., Šnē E., Šterne D., Krasnova I. (2009) Chemical composition of highbush blueberry cultivars. Agronomijas Vēstis, Nr.12, p. 53 – 59. Šterne D., ĀboliĦš M. (2009) Evaluation of winter hardiness and productivity of five highbush blueberries cultivars in Latvia. Research for Rural development 2009, p. 76 81. Abolins M., M.Liepniece, D.Sterne (2009) Vaccinium spp. production patterns and winter hardiness in Latvia. Acta Horticulturae, Vol. 816, p. 205 – 210. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 5 7 12 Projects Projects funded by Latvian Council of Sciences and Ministry of Agriculture 1. Blueberry and large cranberry. Project nr. K17.04/10.Collaborator. 2010-2011 2. Biological aspects of winter hardiness of the Vaccinium spp.I). LZP grant Nr. 09.1465. Collaborator. 2010 3. Blueberry and large cranberry. Project Nr. F-L147. Collaborator. 2007-2010 4. Continuing education program for garden and landscape architecture, tourism and SME development, using innovative e-learning (PURENE). Expert. 2006-2007 5. Evaluation of the gene pool of physiologically active substances in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the Oregano (Origanum vulgare L) and thyme (Thymus ssp.L). Project nr. 5. Collaborator. 2006 6. Assessment of the mixed growing systems of ornamental tree planting stock. Project nr. 04-06. Assistant. 2004 - 2005 7. Investigation of beekeeping sector. 2003 8. Study of growing system in different type of container of the ornamental trees and shrubs. Project nr. 02-26. Assistant. 2002-2003. 248 Languages Reading skills English Russian excellent good average X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X X Germany X X X Other important dates Member of International Society of Horticultural Science Member of Latvia Orchardman Association 249 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Gundega Dinaburga 2. Date of birth June 25, 1981 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Latvia University of Agriculture, 2007, Master of Science Latvia University of Agriculture, 2001-2005, Bachelor’s degree State Saulaine technical school of agriculture 1997-2001, agronomist 4. Professional carrier Researcher from 2010 - present Assistant, Institute of Soil and Plants sciences, Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU), from 2008 - present Senior laboratory assistant, Institute of Soil and Plants sciences, Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU), from 2007-2008 Assistant of chief agronomist in joint stock company „Svitene” in Bauskas district 2001.04.2001.11. 5. Research areas Management of studies’ courses: • Basics of Agriculture learning praxis and Agronomy learning excursion praxis compulsory for full time Bachelor’s degree programme in Agriculture. • Research Methodology and Precision Agriculture I compulsory for full and part time Master degree programme in Agriculture. Investigations in precision agriculture technologies. Participation at projects. 6. Projects (2005-2012) International projects 6. Participation in international project “European Researchers night”, in 2007; 2008; 2009 years Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia 13. Plant Growth Circumstance Efficiency Estimation to Technology Optimisation Causation, 2009, researcher 14. Support for Infrastructure Stock of the Precision Field Management Science Laboratory of LUA Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, 2008, researcher 15. Development of Theoretical Basis of Soil Tillage and Weed Control for Provision of Precision Farming, 2005, researcher 7. Professional courses/training (2005-2012) 1. Certificate NOVA-BOVA postgraduate course Non-Chemical Weed Control, Lithuanian University of Agriculture 10. - 14.10.2005 250 8. Publications Type of publications From 2005 Total Monographs, books Study materials SCI publications Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total 14 15 17 18 1 5 2 2 31 43 List of most important publications, 2005-2012 1. Dinaburga G., LapiĦš D., Berzins A., Kopmanis J., Plume A. (2010) Interconnection of altitude of stationary GPS observation points and soil moisture with formation of winter wheat grain yield. Risks in agriculture: “Environmental and Economic Consequences”, Tallinn, Estonia, June 8-10, 2010. p. 403-408. 2. Dinaburga G., LapiĦš D., Kopmanis J. (2010) Differences in soil agrochemical indicators of winter wheat in importance to technological reasons for the difference mapping. In: Proceedings of 9th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava: LLU, May 27-28. 2010. p. 79-84. 3. Dinaburga G., LapiĦš D., Kopmanis J. (2010) Evaluation of effect of unregulated factors on development and yield of winter wheat. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering “Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering”, Opatija, Croatia, February 22-26, 2010. Ed. by S. Košutić. No. 38, p. 225-234. 4. Dinaburga G., Lapins D. (2009) The Impact of Soil Penetration Resistance on Winter Wheat Yield and Development. In: Proceedings of 15th International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2009”, Jelgava: LLU, May 20 - 22, 2009. p. 50 - 56. 5. Лапиньш Д., Динабурга Г., Плуме А., Вилде А., Берзиньш А., Руциньш А., Королева Е. (2009) Исследование эффективности точного земледелия и проблемы его внедрения в производство. Материалы 6-й международной научно-практической конференции, Экология и сельскохозяйственная техника. 13 - 14 мая 2009 г., Санкт-Петербург, с. 16 - 22. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 6 16 22 From 2006 6 15 21 10. Languages Writing skills Speaking skills English excellent good average X Reading skills excellent good average X excellent good average X Russian X X X 251 11. Professional memberships Member of Association of Latvian agronomists 12. Other relevant information Winner of young scientist competition of Latvia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, in 04.11.2010 Winner of organized competition of Latvia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and from Latvian university of agriculture and from Hipoteku bank, in 06.06.2008 252 Curriculum Vitae Name Surname Dace BārzdiĦa Address Atmodas iela 68 – 37, Jelgava, LV- 3007 Mobail number 26557499 E- pasts Birthday 3th October in 1975 Education: 1st September 2005 Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Specialization in Animal Breeding, PhD students 2001. – 2003. Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Specialization in Animal Breeding, master student 1996. – 2000. Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Specialization in Animal Breeding, 1992. – 1996. Saulaines technical school 1981. – 1990. Īslīces secondary school Scientific degrees: Academic board, institution, country Date, decision / protocol / No Specialization Scientific degree Diploma No. Commision of National eksamination, Latvian University of Agriculture, Latvia 12th Juny in 2000, decision Nr. 1 Zootechniks Bachelor 002537 Commision of masters studies, Latvian University of Agriculture, Latvia 6 Juny in 2003, decision Nr. 117 Animal brieeding Master degree 002247 Other education: 21.01.2011.- 17.02.2011. 01.06.2009. 24.11.2007. Course in „Moodle e-kursu veidošanas vadības sistēma” certificate Nr. 11-0562, Jelgava, Latvia Course in „Saimnieciskās darbības analīze un restrukturizācija atbilstoši tirgus situācijai”, diploma Nr. 09-0614, Jelgava, Latvia Certificate Nr. 3 in „Aktualitātes aitu audzēšanā”, Jelgava, Latvia 253 16. – 18.05.2007. Certificate in „Research for rural development 2007”, Jelgava, Latvia Certificate in „Dzīvnieki. Veselība. pārtikas higiēna”, Jelgava, Latvia Certificate Nr. 06/09/4449 in „The relevance of animal nutrition, health and production quality”, KauĦa, Lithuania Course „Media” in the English language, certificate Nr. 001177. Centre of training and consultation „Līderis”, Jelgava, Latvia. Course „Starter” in the English language, certificate Nr. 011033. Centre of training and consultation „Līderis”, Jelgava, Latvia. Course in „Augstskolu didaktika” Certificate Nr. 032, Jelgava Latvia 10.11.2006. 21. – 22. 09.2006. 20.10.2006. – 26.06.2007. 20.10.2005.- 06.06.2006. 02.01.2002. – 31.01.2003. Work experience: 01.09.2008. Guest lecturer – assistant, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Latvian University of Agriculture. Office work specialist, Faculty of Agriculture dean’s office, Latvian University of Agriculture. Office work specialist, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Latvian University of Agriculture. Team leader assistant “Tand Ukri” ltd 15.05.2005. 01.04.2004. – 01.10.2006. 01.09.2003. – 01.10.2003. 01.04.2002. – 01.10.2002. 1990. - 1992. “LielzeltiĦi” ltd Joint stock company „Līdums“ Study courses: Undergraduate study courses Study course code LauZ4104 LauZ4161 LauZ2014 un LauZ2015 title Poultry Animal Husbandry Production and Processing III Animal Husbandry I and II Characteristic faculty, KP course LF, 4 1.5 Notes manual training LF, 3 1 manual training VMF, 2 1 manual training Key publications in corresponding branch of science: Kairiša D., BārzdiĦa D. (2008) Vācijas merino vietējās šėirnes vaislas teėa izmantošanas efektivitāte z/s „Mežkalēji”. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Dažādu ražošanas tehnoloăiju ietekme uz dzīvnieku veselību un dzīvnieku izcelsmes pārtikas kvalitātes rādītājiem”. 189.- 195. lpp. 254 BārzdiĦa D., Kairiša D. (2007.). Analysis of growth rate indices for daughters of brood rams of different origin. Proceedings of the 13th Baltic Animal breeding conference. Tartu; pp 103-108 BārzdiĦa D., Kairiša D. (2006) Latvijas tumšgalves aitu auglību un jēru saglabāšanu ietekmējošo faktoru analīze. Dzīvnieki. Veselība. Pārtikas higiēna. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences Raksti, ISBN 1407 – 1754, Jelgava, 32. -36. lpp. Kairisa D., Barzdina D. (2006) Analysis of birth traits in ewes of Latvian Darkhead breed selected for genetic resources program implementation/ Proceeding of Baltic animal breeding and genetics conference, Jurmala, Latvia, p. 177. – 184. BārzdiĦa D. Kairiša D. (2006) Carcass quality analyses of Latvian darkhead sheep. Veterinarija ir zootechnika 36 (58). ISSN 1392-2130, Kaunas, p. 11 – 16 Reporting in international scientific conferences and congresses: Kairiša D., BārzdiĦa D. Vācijas merino vietējās šėirnes vaislas teėa izmantošanas efektivitāte z/s ”Mežkalēji”. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Dažādu ražošanas tehnoloăiju ietekme uz dzīvnieku veselību un dzīvnieku izcelsmes pārtikas kvalitātes rādītājiem”. 05.12.2008. Sigulda BārzdiĦa D. „The different paternity breed rams influence to its daughter's productivity results” International Scientific conference „Research for rural development 2007”. LLA Jelgava, Latvia, 16-18 May, 2007 BārzdiĦa D. Kairiša D. “Analysis of growth rate indices for daughters of brood rams of different origin”. XIII Baltic Animal breeding conference. Pärnu, Estonia 24-25 May, 2007 Language skills: Valoda Krievu Vācu AngĜu Lasītprasme teicami labi vidēji x x x Other skills: Rakstītprasme teicami labi vidēji x x x Runātprasme teicami labi vidēji x x x Computer skills: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, SPSS. Award, gratefulness: Participation event „Sheep day 2011”. Participation event „Sheep day 2010”. Participation event „Sheep day 2009”. To carry off 3rd place in students scientific conference. Other essential information: Certificate about participation in seminar „Rūpnieciskās krustošanas nozīme kvalitatīvas jēru gaĜas ieguvē”, 16.07.2011., Rūjiena, Latvia. Certificate about participation in sheep Breeders seminar, 22.10.2010. Rūjiena, Latvia. Certificate about participation in seminar „Aktualitātes ES fondu apguvē un kvalitatīvā jēru gaĜas ražošanā”, 19.09.2009., Rūjiena, Latvia. 255 CURRICULUM VITAE Indra Name Dobele Place of birth Eihvalde Surname January 1, 1962 Year of birth Research and Study Farm “Vecauce”, a deputy of director in study department Lavia Agriculture University, a lecture Work place and position Work address: Akademijas street 11a, Auce, LV - 3708 Phone: Fax: E-mail: +37129237535 +37163781722 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia Agriculture Academy Latvia Ariculture University Study period 1980. 1985. 2004. – 2009. Speciality Qualification Zootechnics Zooengineer Live - stock breeding Degree of Agriculture master Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Diploma No. Employment October 2008 – a deputy of director in study department January 2003 – October 2008 animal husbandry expert September 1989 - January 2003 farmer in own farm July 1985 - September 1989 animal husbandry expert Scientific research interests Contributions at conferences (last three years) I. II. Eihvalde I., Changes in serum immunoglobulins concentration of newborn calves, LLU, Annual 17th International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Jelgava, May 19, 2011. Eihvalde I., Influence of Dry Period Length on Amount of Immunoglobulins in Colostrum from Dairy Cows, , , 24 th NJF kongress un 2 th NFS conference, Uppsala, June 14, 2011. 256 Courses delivered Study course “Practical agriculture” Study course “Precision livestock” Number of publications: 5 Publications 1. Eihvalde I., Kairiša D., (2011), Changes in serum immunoglobulins concentration of newborn calves, LUA, Annual 17th International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Jelgava, pp. 64 – 68. 2. Zagorska J., Eihvalde I., Gramatina I., Sarvi S.(2011), Evaluation of colostrum quality and new possibilities for its application, FOODBALT – 2011, Jelgava, 45 lpp. 3. Eihvalde I., Kairiša D. Immunoglobulin level in colostrum of dairy cows at differnt age // Baltic Animal Breedind XV Conference, Riga, 31st May – 1st June, 2010. pp. 56 – 60. 4. Jonkus D., Kairisha D., Paura L., Eihvalde I., Gusha E., Ruska D. Cows adaptation for volyntary milking system. // Book of Abstrakts, EAAP – 59 th Annual Meeting, Vilniuss, 24 – 27 August 2008. pp. 72. 5. Eihvalde I., Latvietis J., Priekulis J. Problems of cow feeding in robotic milking and loose handling conditions // Proceedings of 7 th Internacional Scientific Conferrence, Engineering for rural development, Jelgava, May 29 – 30, 2008. pp. 270 – 275. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 18.04.2009. – Inspection of beef cattle Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English ________________ 257 CURRICULUM VITAE Irina Sivicka Name Surname Vileika, Belarus 1986 Place of birth Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, assistant Work place and position Work address: Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, LV-3001 Phone: 63005677, 29725068 Fax: E-mail: 1. Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral Study studies. Educational Establishment, country period Undergraduate. Latvia University of 2005-2009 Agriculture, Latvia Master studies. Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia 2009-2011 Doctor studies. Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Since 01.09.2012. Speciality Qualification Horticulture Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences Horticulture Master of Agricultural Sciences 2. Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Diploma No. 0626 Master of Agricultural 2009 Horticulture Mg. agr. Sciences 3. Employment Since 2011 - Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, assistant 4. Scientific research interests Genetic Resources of Culinary herbs Vegetable Science 5. Contributions at conferences (last three years) ● Sivicka I. The evaluation of quality of morphological characters of oregano wild populations in Latvia. The XIth International Scientific and Practical Conference „Problems and tendencies of modern society development” (distant conference), Kiev, London, October 14 - 18, 2011. ● Sivicka I., Žukauska I. Research of glandular trichomes in the populations of oregano. Scientific and Practical Conference „Research for Future of Latvia Agriculture”, Jelgava, February 23-24, 2011. ● Sivicka I., Žukauska I. Research of Optimal Qualitative Indices of Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.). Poster. Ražas svētki „Vecauce 2011”, LLU MPS Vecauce, November 3, 2011. ● I. Sivicka „Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) wild populations characterization in 258 Latvia”. Students` Scientific conference. Jelgava, LLU. April 20, 2011. ● I. Sivicka „Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) genetic resources in Latvia. Students` Scientific conference. Jelgava, LLU. April 21, 2010. 6. Projects (2005–2010) 01.02.2011. - 31.12.2011. - Latvia-Lithuania cross border cooperation programme 2007-2013, project „The Cognition and Preservation of the Distinctive Identity Through the Environment of Zemgale Region” (Green Environment LLIII-123), Agreement Nr. 04.4-08/LLIII-123/4, volunteer status. 2010-2011.- ESF project „Foundation for Master studies realization in LLU”. Agreement Nr. 2009/0165/1DP/ Scholarship agreement Nr. 04.4-08/EF1.M2.79. 7. Courses delivered Vegetable Production 4CP (practical and laboratory classes) Production and Processing of Horticultural Products II (Vegetable production) 3CP (practical and laboratory classes) Production and Processing of Horticultural Products IV (Alternative horticulture)1,5 CP (practical and laboratory classes) Alternative Agriculture 2 CP (practical and laboratory classes) 8. Publications List of most important publications, 2006–2010 • Sivicka I. The evaluation of quality of morphological characters of oregano wild populations in Latvia. The XIth International Scientific and Practical Conference „Problems and tendencies of modern society development” (distant conference), Kiev, London, October 14 - 18, 2011. • Sivicka I., Žukauska I. (2012) DziedzermatiĦu esamības izpēte raudenes populācijām. Zinātniski praktiskā konference „Zinātne Latvijas lauksaimniecības nākotnei: pārtika, lopbarība, šėiedra un enerăija. Konferences rakstu krājums. 23. - 24. februāris. Jelgava, Latvija, 183. - 187. lpp. ISBN 978-9984-48-059-6. • Sivicka I., Žukauska I. (2011) Raudenes (Origanum vulgare L.) kvalitātes optimālo rādītāju izpēte. Ražas svētki „Vecauce 2011”. Zinātniskā semināra rakstu krājums. 3. novembris, LLU MPS Vecauce, Latvija, 47. - 51 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-48-053-4. 9. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Non 10. Academic and social societies (membership) Non 11. Languages English Russian Reading skills excellent good average x x Writing skills excellent good average x x Speaking skills excellent good average x x 259 CURRICULUM VITAE Inguna Name Bauska Place of birth Leibus Surname 1962 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Department of Accounting and Finances, assistant professor Work place and position Phone: Fax: E-mail: Work address: Svetes 18, Jelgava 63022154, 29458010 63084987 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvian Academy of Agriculture (LLA) Study period Speciality Qualification 1981 - 1986 Economist in Agriculture Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU) 1997 – 1999 Latvian University of Agriculture Doctoral Programme 2000 – 2008 Economic and Organization of Agriculture Finances and Credit Agrarian Economics Master`s in Economics Doctor in Economics Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvian University of Agriculture, Economic Sciences, Agrarian and regional economic sub Promotion Board Year 2008 Speciality Agrarian Economics Degree Doctor in Economics Diploma No. D Nr. 0055 Employment From 2011 LLU From 2010 LU 2009.-2011. LLU Department of Accounting and Finances, Assistant professor 1999.–2008. LLU Department of Accounting and Finances, Lecturer 2002.-2003. LLU Internal Auditor 1993.-2000. 1992.-1993. 1986.-1992. Ltd “Plieders” Ltd “Stars” LLA Department of Accounting and Finances, Associate professor Economics and Management Faculty, Visiting lecturer Chief Accountant Economist Specialist of Personal Department 260 Scientific research interests Participation in projects: 1. LZA project 05.1900 “Latvian tax system in the development of economic development and social justice and security” (Researcher), 2005 - 2008; 2. LZA project “Latvian tax system and its problems in the development of national economy” (Researcher), 2009 – 2012 3. ESF project "Support for LLU doctoral implementation", Contract no. 2009/0180/1DP/, PhDs Biruta Pūle consultancy 2010-2012 Guided Masters: 2005 - 2011 defended 15 Master Works Guided doctoral students: 1. Biruta Pūle "Taxation for sustainable development of Latvian regions" (from 2009); 2. Maira Ore "Accounting policies in agricultural holdings" (from 2010) 3. AĜona Irmeja „ Social and economic aspects of self-employment” (from 2011) Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. Problematic Aspects of Re-registration of Famers’ Enterprises in Latvia. International scientific Conference „Contemporary Rural Vision”, ŠauĜi, 25.09.2009. 2. Role of Self-Employment in the Sustainable Economic Development. The 6th International Scientific Conference „The Application of Sustainable Development: Critical Assessment”, Klaipeda University, 1.10.2010 3. Problematic Aspects of Taxes of Farmers’ Enterprises. 12th International Scientific Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development’ 2011”, Yelgava, LLU, 28.04.2011 Courses delivered 1. Accounting. 2 KP. Faculty of Agriculture (from 1999); 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Simple Bookkeeping. 1,5 KP. Faculty of Economic (from 2001); Accounting. 3 KP. Faculty of Information Technologies Faculty of Economic (from 2002); Accounting. 3 KP, Course paper 1,5 KP. Faculty of Agriculture (from 2003); Tax planning. 2 KP. Faculty of Economic, Master’s Studies (from 2004); Tax accounting. 2 KP Faculty of Economic (from 2008); Accountant’s ethics. 2 KP. Faculty of Economic, Master’s Studies (from 2009); Accountant’s ethics. 2 KP. Faculty of Economic (from 2010). Number of publications: 88, including 14 publications in international scientific papers, 8 books (4 of them - co-author) Significant publications 1. Leibus I. Social and Economic Aspects of Self-Employment in Latvia. In: Rural Development 2007: The Third International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Volume 3, Book 1, Kaunas: Lithuanian University of Agriculture, 2007, p. 96-102, ISSN 1822-3230 2. Leibus I. Problematic Aspects of Bookkeeping Physical Persons’ Business Activity. In: Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture No. 19 (314), Jelgava: LLU, 2007, p. 75-88., ISSN 1407-4427 3. Leibus I., Vītola I. Problematic Aspects of Re-registration of Famers’ Enterprises in Latvia. Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos, Šiaulių Universitetas, 2009 3 (16), p.276.-282. ISSN 1648-9098 4. Vītola Ī., Jakušonoka I., Leibus I., Baraškina I., Soopa A. Latvijas nodokĜu sistēmas problēmas un tās pilnveidošana tautsaimniecības attīstībai. LZP ekonomikas, juridiskās un vēstures zinātnes galvenie pētījumu virzieni 2009. gadā. Nr.15, LZP Humanitāro un sociālo zinātĦu ekspertu komisija, Rīga 2010, 145.-148. lpp. ISSN 1691-290X, ISBN 13:978-9984-19-923-0 5. Leibus I., Ozola I. Irmeja A. Role of Self-Employment in the Sustainable Economic Development. Human Resources – the Main Factor of Regional Development, Journal of Social 261 Sciences No.3, Klaipeda University Social Science Faculty, 2010, p.253.-260. ISSN 2029-5103. 6. Leibus I. Problematic Aspects of Taxes of Farmers’ Enterprises. Economic Science for Rural Development. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2011, p.183-191ISSN 1691-3078; ISBN 978-9984-9997-5-3 Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 1. 4/06/2009 Siauliai University Exchange of international experience „Modern role of rural areas in the post-industrial society” 2. 17/06/2010 Seminar "The most important and most urgent application of tax to companies" 3. 17/01/2011 Seminar “New amendments to the VAT law and their application" 4. 23.11.2011. Exchange of international experience „Research and study perspectives for improvement of competencies” Aleksandras Stulginskis university, Kaunas Academic and social societies (membership) from 2001 LLU Convent fellow from 2003 LLU Study Books and Study Aids Tender Committee-women from 2007 Faculty of Economics Council fellow from 2009 Faculty of Economics, the "Accounting and Finance" state exam commission member from 2011 Faculty of Economics, the masters program "Economics" Master's exam commission member Awards 2008 Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of the Environment competition "Sējējs” Prize; 2009 LLU Competition “Study books and study materials”, 3rd place; 2010 LLU Competition “Study books and study materials”, 2nd place; 2011 LLU Competition “Study books and study materials”, 3rd place Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian X X X Russian X X X German English X X X 262 CURRICULUM VITAE IRINA Name Auce, Latvia Place of birth PILVERE Surname 1956 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU), Faculty of Economics, Dean, Professor Work place and position Work address: Svētes Street 18, Jelgava, LV3001, Latvia Phone: +371 63023739, +371 29217851 Fax: +371 63084987 E-mail: Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Higher education -Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Master’s studies -Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Study period Speciality 1974-1979 Agricultural Economics and Management 1992 Entrepreneurship in Agriculture Qualification Agriculture Economist Manager Master of Social Sciences in Economics Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Year 2001 Speciality Agro - economics Degree Doctor of Economics Diploma No. 000409 Employment 01.09.2006 – to present Dean, Professor Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics Svetes street 18, Jelgava, LV3001 01.09.2007-31.12.2008 Expert The Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government Lāčplēša iela 27, Rīga, LV–1011 (association of positions) 11.01.2007- 25.02.2008 Adviser State Employment Agency Valdemāra 38, Rīga, LV-1010 (association of positions) 12.01.2006- to present Finance Centre Director Ltd „Ziedi JP” Ziedi, parish Auru, Dobeles district (association of positions) 263 01.01.2000 – 11.01.2006 01.01.2004 - 31.08.2007 10.12.1996 - 31.12.1999 Director Rural Support Service, Republic Square 2, Riga Associated Professor Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Faculty of Economics (association of positions) Deputy State Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Republic Square 2, Riga 03.09.1993 - 09.12.1996 Department Director Ministry of Agriculture, Republic Square 2, Riga 04.01.1993 - 01.09.1993 Accountant SIA (Ltd) "Saime", ZaĜā Str.18, Dobele 04.01.1991 - 31.12.1992 Deputy Region's Office Manager "Latvijas Zemniecības fonds" (Latvian Agricultural Fund), ZaĜā Str.18, Dobele 01.09.1988 - 03.01.1991 Chief Accountant ARA "Dobele", Brīvības Str. 15, Dobele 01.03.1986 - 31.08.1988 Chief Work and Salary Accountant RARA Dobele, Brīvības Str. 15, Dobele 01.10.1984 - 28.02.1986 Deputy Chairman Dobele District Collective Farm "Tērvete", Village Bites, Dobele District 15.05.1979 - 30.09.1984 Chief Economist Dobele District Collective Farm "Tērvete", Village Bites, Dobele District Scientific research interests 1. Directions of scientific researches – EU Common Agricultural Policy and its support instruments, agrarian economy, rural development, finances, investments etc. 2.Master students and PhD students: • Zane OzoliĦa „The impact of fishery supporting activities in Latvia’s regions” (Ms Student) • Zane Bulderberga „Rural Development Plan Measure “EU Standard Achievement” Evaluations” (Ms Student) • Liena Valdmane „Agriculture Investment Support Measures in Latvia” (Ms Student) • Ramona Packeviča „European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund” (Ms Student) • Sandija Rivža „ Risk Assessment of Micro-credit Groups in Zemgale and Vidzeme Regions” (Ms Student) • Džesija Zeiferte "Milk Quotas for Market Regulation in Latvia”. (Ms Student) • Vineta Tetere „ EU Structural Fund Implications on Regional Development” (PhD student) 264 • Ilze Latviete „ European Social Fund in Latvian Impact on Balanced Development on Regions” (PhD student) • Jānis OzoliĦš „ Integrated Development of the Dairy Sector in the Baltic States: Problems and Prospects” (PhD student) • Sanita KĜava „Area Payments in Latvia” (PhD student) • Līga Proškina „ Deer Industry and its Role on Rural Development in Latvia” (PhD student) • Sallija CeriĦa „ Innovative Poultry Product Production opportunities in Latvia” (PhD student) • Agnese KrieviĦa „Added Value Problems and Opportunities in Milking Sector” (PhD student) • Zane Bulderberga „Economic Aspects of City and Countryside Interaction in Latvia Regions ” (PhD student) • Sandija Rivža „Risk Assesment in Renewable Energy Production in Rural Farms in” (PhD student). • Ieva Leimane „External Market Acquisition Strategies Comparison and Choice in the Latvian Agriculture Products Processing Enterprises”. • Arnis Lēnerts „Market Development of Renewable Energy from Agricultural Sources in Latvia”. Defended lead Doctoral Thesis: • Ilze Upīte „Use of Investment Support in Latvian Agriculture”. • Līga Jankova „EU Fund Utilization in Regions”. 3.Projects and grants 3.1.International: • PHARE project 2003/004-979-03-01 “Creation of Agriculture Product Market Administration System”, year 2003-2005. • TWINNING project LV/2005-IB/AF/01 “Adjustment to the requirement of the Common Agricultural Policy reform and improvement of quality of underlying statistics, year 2005. • TWINNING project LV/2001/IB-AG-01 “Development of the Management Mechanisms of the Latvian Agriculture in Line with the EU Common Agricultural Policy”, year 2004. • Direction of project 260706/C-199 - the Ministry of Agriculture „Preliminary (Ex-ante) assessment of program project of rural development in Latvia 2007.-2013.” (2006-2007). • Participating in project CHANCE 2007-3501/001/001 Number of the Contracts 134240LLP-12007-1-DE-GRUNDTVIGT-GMP Project „CHANCE-Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour” (2007-2009). • Participating in project EEA Project LV-0040 "Developing and delivering innovative training modules for Baltic executives using an interdisciplinary approach to entrepreneurship and advanced technologies" (20082009). Direction of project „European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism Bilaterally Funded Scholarship Grant Scheme, the agreement Nr. EEZ09B-1-58 (2009) • Participating in project COBEREN: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR ERASMUS NETWORK Reference number: 156089-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-ERASMUS-ENWA (20092012). • Direction of project LLII-070 “Reduction of administrative burden for enterprises in Latvia –Lithuania border regions” Latvia –Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013- project (2009-2011). 3.2. Latvia: • Participating in project 220606/S 310 – the Ministry of Agriculture (RSS) „The development strategy of agricultural branch and agricultural science in Latvia” (2006• 265 • • 2007). Direction of project - 5.5.-9.1/15001/06/148 JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” „Assessment of agricultural land use effectiveness and opportunities” ( 2006-2007). Direction of project 071206/S648 - the Ministry of Agriculture (RSS) „Elaboration of procedures in order to implement functions of European Fishery Fund’s leading institution” – (2006-2007). • Direction of project MoE/LUA project lluzp07-50 „Latvia University of Agriculture Economic Faculty Institute of Science/ Laboratory Creation Economical Evaluation and Infrastructure Development” (2007). • Direction of project MoA (RSS) project 180407/S69 –„Organize of International Conference „Economic Science for Rural Development in 2007” (2007). • Direction of project MoE/LUA project xp 90 „European Union Funds and its Financing for Latvian Economic Development” (2008). Direction of project MoA/RSS project 1120608/S258 „Administrative Burden and Expense Evaluation within Food Safety Normative Act Regulation” (2008). Participating in project MoA project „Foresight Peer Network Use for Support Rural Policies, Agricultural Science Research Facilities and Data Base Development and the Agriculture, Food and Improving Science Academies and Data Basis and Ensuring Operation of European Agriculture, Food and Life Science Academy Presidency”, agreement no.27 (year 2008– executor of the Project). Direction of project MoA/RSS project 120309/S10 „Administrative Burden and Expense Evaluation within Food Safety Normative Act Regulation” (2009). Direction of project Latvia Science Board financed Science Project No.09.1475 „Impact of Protectionist Instruments on Primary and Secondary Sectors for Sustainable Development (2009). Participating in project ESF measure „Support for Doctor Study Program Implementation”, agreement No 2009/0180/1DP/ (2009-2010). • • • • • • Direction of project Latvia Science Board financed Science Project No. 09.1529 “Structural Development on Agriculture, Protectionism and Fiscal Challenge ” (2010 and 2011). • • Participating in the Rural development Programme 2007-2013 support measure assessment (2010). Participating in the Rural development Programme 2007-2013 mid-term evaluation draft assessment (2010). • Participating in the Operational Program for implementation of the European Fishery Fund in Latvia for 2007-2013 financial measures redistribution among priority sectors and in-depth basis preparation for Action Programme financial plan amendments to be submitted in European Commission (2010). LR State Chancellery financed by the ESF for 2007-2013 of the EU funds programming period of the programme "Human Resources and Employment" activity „Reduction of Administrative Burden and Improvement of Public Services” Project „Reducing Administrative Burden and the Simplification of Administrative Procedures” (tender ID number: MK VK 2010/16 ESF) (royalties agreement, year 2011). • • LZA Institute of Economics Ltd no.A/2010 „Latvian Regional Economic Development Prospects and Directions” (royalties agreement, 2010/2011). • VARAM training seminar on "Territorial Development Monitoring, and Evaluation Methods" local management and reading lectures to the local governments on the "Administrative Burden Measurement Methodology, Ways to perform it and the Latvian Experience in Local Government Administrative Burden on the Measurement" in the five Latvian regions (royalties agreement, 2011). Courses delivered 1. Finances and investments – undergraduate studies. 2. Economy of Agricultural production – graduate studies 3. Finance management, investments – graduate studies. 4. Common Agricultural Policy – graduate studies. 5. Investments for Rural Development– graduate studies. 266 Contributions at conferences (last five years) 1. Pilvere I. „Reform of CAP and conditions of its financing in 2007-2013”, LUA Faculty of Economics, November 15, 2006, Jelgava. Pilvere I. EU structural fund support measures impact on agriculture in Latvia..International Scientific Conference “INFLUENCE OF EU SUPPORT ON STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD SECTOR”, 2007. 03. 27 - 28, Vilnius, Lithuania. 2. Pilvere I.Support Payments in Latvia within the Conditions of Common Agricultural Policy Reform, International Scientific Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”, Jelgava, April, 25-26, 2007 3. Pilvere I. Characteristics of Land Resources in Latvia, NJF 404.seminar “E ffective Rural Resources Utilization” September 20, 2007. 4. Pilvere I. Administrative Burden and Expense Evaluation for Latvian Farmers, the Second Green Week Scientific Conference “Enhancing the Capacities of Agricultural Systems and Producers”, Berlin, 2008. 16.-17.01. th 5. Pilvere I. The Profile of Agriculture and its Largest Enterprises in Latvia, in 9 International Science Conference "Economics Science for Rural Development 2008" Jelgava, April 24th, 2008. 6. Pilvere I. Agriculture and Rural Development in Latvia Subsequent to Accession to the European Union, Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2008.04.-05.09. th 7. Pilvere I. „Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Implementation in Latvia” 10 International Science Conference “Economics Science for Rural Development 2009" Jelgava, April 23 to 24, 2009. 8. International Science Conference „Knowledge for Growth- European Strategies in the Global Economy”, Toulouse, (France) July 7 to 9, 2008. 9. Pilvere I. Agriculture and Rural Development in Latvia Subsequent to Accession to the European Union, Bourgas, Bulgaria, September 04 to 05, 2008. 10.Strīėis V., Pilvere I. “Latvian Rural Vision”, International Science Conference „Lithuanian Rural Vision”, Siauliai, Lithuania, September 26, 2008. th 11.Pilvere I. „Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Implementation in Latvia” 10 International Science Conference "Economic Science for Rural Development 2009" Jelgava, April 23 to 24, 2009. th 12.Pilvere I. Entrepreneurship Profile in Latvia. 10 International Science Conference " Economic Science for Rural Development 2009" Jelgava, April 23 to 24, 2009. 13.Bulderberga Z, Pilvere I. „Measure Meeting of Standards Implementation in Latvia”International Scientific Conference „Support for 2007–2013: New Challenges and Innovations for Agriculture and Food Industry”, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 27 to 29, 2009. 14.Pilvere I. The European Union Funds for Agriculture and Rural Development in Zemgale Region (Latvia). International Scientific Conference “Vision of the ModernVvillage”, Lithuania, Siauliai, September 25, 2009. 15.Pilvere I. Results of Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Implementation in Latvia. International Scientific Conference „Rural Development 2009: Transition toward Sustainability”, Lithuania, Kaunas, October 15 to 17, 2009. 16.Špoăis K., Pilvere I. (2009) Scientific Concern of Economists at the Turn of the Century. Latvia University of Agriculture -70 international scientific conference, October 29, 2009, Jelgava, Latvia. th 17.Pilvere I. Administrative Burden and its Evaluation in the Sphere of Food Safety. 11 International Science Conference "Economic Science for Rural Development 2010" Jelgava, April 22 to 23, 2010. th 18. Pilvere I. Evaluation of national and the EU Support for Agriculture in Latvia.. 6 International Science Conference „The Application of Sustainable Development: Critical Assessment” University of Klaipeda (Lithuania) – September 30 to October 1, .2010. 19.Pilvere I. Administrative Burden Reduction for Enterprises by Changing Food Safety Regulation in Latvia. International Science Conference in the University of ISM Management and Economics (Vilnius, Lithuania) BMRA2010 „INNOVATION DRIVEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP October 14 to 15, 2010. 20. I. Pilvere, I. Upīte. Support Measures and Financial Sources for Fishery Policy in Latvia. Economic Science for Rural Development’ 2011: 12th International Scientific Conference. 267 Jelgava, LLU, 28 April, 2011. 21. Pilvere. Knowledge Transfer for Increasing the Efficiency of State Administration in Latvia.11. Ernestas Galvanauskas international scientific conference "Increasing Regional Competitiveness: Interaction Between Science and Business (Practical Approach)t”. Lithuania: Šiauliai university, 17-18 November, 2011. 22.I. Upite, I. Pilvere. The EU Common Agricultural policy Implementation in Latvia. Fifth international conference Rural development 2011. Lithuania: A.Stulginskis university, 24-25 November, 2011. Number of publications: Category Books and brochure Papers in LCS acknowledged editions Papers in internationally reviewed editions Periodicals and others Total Count 12 4 55 29 100 Publications (last five years) 1. Pilvere I., Rukmanis A. (2006) “Experience and Provisional Impact of Direct Support Payments in Latvia”. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development” Finance and Credit Diversification”, No 11, Jelgava, pp 12-19 2. Rukmanis A., Pilvere I. (2006) Reformētās Kopējās lauksaimniecības politikas finansiālā atbalsta stratēăiskās problēmas nākošajam plānošanas periodam. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development” Finance and Credit Diversification”, No 11, Jelgava, pp 86-93 3. Pilvere I., KalniĦa G. (2007) Sugar Sector and Various Aspects of its Reform’s Implementation in Latvia// Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”, Primary and Secondary Production, Consumption, No 13, Jelgava, pp 38-45 4. Pilvere I. (2007) Protectionism-One of Factors in Agriculture Development, // Humanities and social sciences Latvia, Nr.1 (50), pp 43-56 5. Tetere V., Pilvere I. (2007) EU Structural Funds for Rural Development of Latvia`s Economy//Agricultural University in Szczecin ”The Economics and Social Issues of Sustainable development”, Volume III, Szczecin, pp 109-117 6. Pilvere I. (2007) EU Agriculture Structural Fund Support Results in Latvia. In: Žemes ūkio mokslai. Lietuvos mokslu akademijos Leidykla, T. 14, Vilnius, pp 145.-150. 7. Pilvere I. (2007) Atbalsta maksājumi Latvijā Kopējās lauksaimniecības politikas reformas nosacījumos. No: LLU raksti, Nr. 19(314), Jelgava: LLU, 3.-15. lpp. 8. Strīkis V., Pilvere I., Pelše M., Igaune E., Vīksne D., VītiĦa A., Leikučs J. (2008) Cilvēkkapitāls: sociālā kapitāla uzkrāšanas procesa izzināšana lauku reăionu attīstības līmeĦu izlīdzināšanai. No: LZP Ekonomikas, juridiskās un vēstures zinātnes galvenie pētījumu virzieni 2007.gadā, Nr. 13. Rīga: LZP, 138.-141. lpp. 9. Pilvere I. (2008) The Profile of Agriculture and its Largest Enterprises in Latvia. In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2008: proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, No. 16. Jelgava: LLU, pp.157-164. 10. Pilvere I., Tetere V., Nipers A. (2008) Administrative Burden and Expense Evaluation for Latvian Farmers. In: Enchanting the Capacities of Agricultural Systems and Producers: proceedings of the Second Green Week Scientific Conference. Germany: Margraf Publishers GmbH, pp.294-307. 11. Pilvere I. (2008) Agriculture and Rural Development in Latvia Subsequent to 268 Accession to the European Union. In: International Scientific Publications: Journal Economy & Business, Vol. 2, Part 1, Bulgaria: Published by Info Invest, pp. 464-478. ISSN 1313-2555. 12. Pilvere I. (2008) Characteristics of land resources in Latvia. In: Economics and Rural development: research papers, Vol.4, No. 1. Lithuania: Akademija, pp. 29-36. ISSN 1822-3346. 13. Upīte I., Pilvere I. (2009) Theoretical, Historical and Economic Pre-requisites of Protectionism in Agriculture. In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2009: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 18. Jelgava, pp. 20-28. ISSN 1691-3078. 14. Pilvere I., Rukmanis A., Jankova L. (2009) Entrepreneurship Profile in Latvia. In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2009: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 19. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 13-20. ISSN 1691-3078. 15. KĜava S., Pilvere I. (2009) Implementation Results of Area Payments in Latvia. In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2009: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 20. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 240.-248. ISSN 1691-3078. 16. Eglite A., Pilvere I., Dzene S. (2009) Latvija. RAF- District of Jelgava City. In: Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour: proceedings of the 2nd International Meeting of the Project CHANCE, Germany: Fulda, pp. 24-31. 17. Pilvere I., Bulderberga Z. (2009) Results of Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Implementation in Latvia. In: Rural development 2009: The fourth international scientific conference proceedings, Volume 4, Book 1, 15-17 October, Akademija, Kaunas region, Lithuania, pp.252257.ISSN 1822-3230. 18. Špoăis K., Pilvere I. (2009) Scientific Concern of Economists at the Turn of the Century. In: Latvia University of Agriculture -70: Proceedings international scientific conference, October 29, 2009, Jelgava, Latvia, pp.72-79. ISBN 978-9984-48-007-7. 19. Pilvere I., Packeviča R. (2009) The European Union Funds for Agriculture and Rural Development in Zemgale Region (Latvia) In: Ekonomika ir vadyba: Aktualijos ir perspektyvos, Mokslo darbai, 2009 3 (16), Šiauliu Universitetas Socialiniu mokslu fakultetas, pp. 292-300. ISSN 1648-9098. 20. KĜava S., Pilvere I. (2009) The theoretical and legal aspects of area payments in Latvia.// Proceedings of 15th International Scientific Conference „Research for rural development 2009”, Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, pp.203-210. ISSN1691-4031. 21. CeriĦa S., Pilvere I. (2010) Bioeconomic Aspects of the Innovative Composition of Broiler Chicken Meat Production. In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2010: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 21. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 57-65. ISSN 1691-3078. 22. Proškina L., Pilvere I. (2010) Development Tendencies of Deer Breeding Sector in 23. 24. 25. 26. Latvia. In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2010: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 21. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 74-81. ISSN 1691-3078. Melece L., Pilvere I. (2010) Administrative Burden and its Evaluation in the Sphere of Food Safety. In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2010: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 21. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 176-182. ISSN 16913078. Bulderberga Z., Pilvere I. (2010) Analyses of Rural Development Plan Measure „Meeting of Standards” Implementation in Latvia. In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2010: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 21. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 208214. ISSN 1691-3078. Jankova L., Pilvere I. (2010) Priorities of the European Union Structural Funds in Zemgale Region (Latvia). In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2010: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 21. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 226-235. ISSN 16913078. Latviete I., Pilvere I. (2010) Social Policy in the Employment Field in Latvia after League European Union. In: The 6 th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2010”, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Publishing House 269 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. “Technika”, pp.658-666. ISNN 2029-4441. Pilvere I., Strīėis V., Jakušonoka I., Upīte I., Nipers A., OzoliĦš J., Tetere V., KĜava S., Jankova L., Bulderberga Z. (2010) Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā. No: LZP Ekonomikas, juridiskās un vēstures zinātnes galvenie pētījumu virzieni 2009.gadā, Nr. 15. Rīga: LZP, 106.-113. lpp. ISSN 1691-290X. Pilvere I., Pilvere A. (2010) Evaluation of national and the EU Support for Agriculture in Latvia. In: Human resources –the Main factor of regional Development, No.3. Klaipeda, Klaipeda University Social Science faculty, pp. 44-51. ISSN 2029-5103. Pilvere I. (2010) The Importance of the National and the European Union Support for the Agriculture Development in Latvia. In: Ekonomika ir vadyba: Aktualijos ir perspektyvos, Mokslo darbai, 2010 No.4 (20), Šiauliu Universitetas Socialiniu mokslu fakultetas. Upite I., Pilvere I. (2010) Perfection of the terms of granting investment support in Latvia agriculture. In: Science journal "Social Research", 2010 No.4(20), Šiauliu Universitetas Socialiniu mokslu fakultetas. Dobele A., Pilvere I., Ruza L., Grigorjeva R. (2011) Economic Evaluation of Rape Production on the Member Faros of the Cooperative LATRAPS. In: Economic Science for Rural Development: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 24. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 21-29. Jankova L., Pilvere I. (2011) Regulation and Institutional System for the Introduction of the EU Funds In: Economic Science for Rural Development: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 24. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 173-182. Pilvere I., Upite I. (2011) Support Measures and Financial Sources for Fishery Policy in Latvia In: Economic Science for Rural Development: proceedings of the international scientific conference, No. 26. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 163-173. 34. Rivža S., Pilvere I., Rivža P., Rivža B. (2011) Conceptual Models of Risk Assessment in Renewable Energy Production in Latvia. In: Proceedings of the15th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2011, Orlando, Florida, ASV, pp. 118.-122. 35. Pilvere I., Tetere V., Upite I. (2011) Production of Bioenergy under EARDF Support in Latvia. In: Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. Lithuania University of Agriculture. Research papers 3 (27), Lithuanian University of Agriculture Kaunas, Lithuania and Latvia University of Agriculture, pp.158-165. 36. Upite I., Pilvere I. (2011) The EU Common Agricultural Policy for Agricultural and rural Development. In: Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. Lithuania University of Agriculture. Research papers 3 (27), Lithuanian University of Agriculture Kaunas, Lithuania and Latvia University of Agriculture, pp.183-190. 37. Upite I., Pilvere I., Nipers A. (2011) Economic Evaluation of Administrative Burden for Construction in Jelgava Municipality. In: International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Vol 3, No 2, Izmir, Turkey, pp.127-136. (Online). 38. Pilvere I., Upite I., Bulderberga Z., Nipers A. (2011) Knowledge Transfer for Increasing the Efficiency of State Administration in Latvia. In: Science journal "Social Research", 2011 No.3 (24), SIAULIAI UNIVERSITY, Lithuania, pp.100109. 39. Pilvere I., Zaharova Z. (2011) The Agri-environment Payments in the Rural Development, Latvia. In: International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Business and Economic Research (ICBER 2011), October 21-21, Cairo, Egypt, Ediyed by Dong Lijuan, IACSIT Press, Singapore, Volume 16, pp. 6368. ISSN: 2010-4626. 40. Upite I., Pilvere I. (2011) The EU Common Agricultural policy Implementation in Latvia. In: Rural 270 development 2011: The fifth international scientific conference proceedings, Volume 5, Book 1, 2425 November, A.Stulginskis University, Lithuania, pp 261-267. Pilvere I. (2011) The Role of Support Payments for Farms of Various Sizes in Latvia. In: Economics and Rural development: research papers, Vol.7, No. 2 Lithuania: Akademija, pp. 37-44. 42. Pilvere I., Upite I., Tetere V. (2011) Eiropas Savienības un valsts protekcionisma instrumenti Latvijā. No: LZP Ekonomikas, juridiskās un vēstures zinātnes galvenie pētījumu virzieni 2010.gadā, Nr. 16. Rīga: LZP, 93.-103. lpp. 41. Continuing education, in-service training (last five years) 01.2007. 06.2007. 11.2007. 10.2007.03.2008. 03.2008. 06.2008. 05.2009. 07.2009. 11.2009. 06.2010. 02.2011. 04.2011. Improvement of professional skills in Dronten Agricultural university (Netherlands) about implementation of Bologna process in praxis and the use of teaching methods in studying process based on competence. European Education System Development Trends and Active Didactive Techniques, Jelgava Student Evaluation Theoretical and Practical Aspects, Dronten (Netherlands) Innovation in University Didactive (Latvia University of Agriculture) Highest Education Study Organization in EU Member States, Odense (Denmark) un Bergamo (Italy) Professors’ Communication Capability Improvement (LUA in cooperation with Dronten Agriculture University (Netherlands) Internship in the University of Huelva (Spain) on International Study Program Organization Professional Improvement in the University of Agdera (Norway) Internship in the Dronten Applied Science university (Netherlands) Internship in the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (Poland) Moodle e-course creation management system (LLU) Experience exchange in the University of Bologna regarding study process organization(Italy) Academic and social societies (membership) • Latvian Academy of Science -Corresponding Member (since 2010). Latvian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science (since 2004 to present)- True Member. LSIAE Science Council member. • Dobele Horticultural Plant Breeding Experimental Station – member of Advisory Council. • • Nordic Association of Agricultural scientists (NJF) - member. Member of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journal „Economics and Rural development” (Lithuania). LLU Convention of Counselors, member 2004 04.2006 LLU Convention member since 2007. LLU Senate member since 2007. Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Agriculture in LUA, member of Masters’ examination commission. Faculty of Economics organized 8., 9, 10, 11 International scientific conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT “, member of organizers commission. • • • • • • • 271 • • • • • • • Nordic Association of Agricultural scientists (NJF) organized international seminar “Effective Use of Rural resources”, member of organizers commission. Expert of EU Seventh Research Framework Programme. Member of LZP 5th and 6th Expert Commission. Member of LR VAEI Science Board. Member of Republic of Latvia Ministry of Agriculture Consultative Board. Expert of Latvian National Development Plan for years 2007 to 2013 Expert Forum Expert of State Education Development Agency – European Social Fund Operation Program Activities “Human Resources Attraction to Science” Project Application Evaluation. • LLU Council of Studies, member. • LLU Scholarship commission, member. • LLU Fundamental Library Council, member. • LLU government purchase commission (3) , member. Awards 10.1998 . 11.2002 . 10.2003 . 11.2005 . Gratitude from Foreign Office for co-operation during joining WTO The Medal of the Ministry of the Agriculture “For assiduity”. Gratitude from LUA. 2. place and prize-money together with authors collective in competition of textbook un study aids in LUA. Gratitude diploma of Rural Support Service. 3. place and prize-money together with authors collective in competition of textbook un study aids in LUA . LUA Rector Acknowledgement on Participation for study books and study material 01.2006 competition . . Acknowledgement from Ministry of Agriculture. 12.2006 Acknowledgement from LUA Rector. . Acknowledgement from Latvian Agriculture and Forestry Science Academy, Mortgage Bank for leading Master Theses papers. 12.2007 Received an honorable nomination as Dean of the Year from LUA Student Council . in 2009. 11.2008 Acknowledgement from Latvian Agriculture and Forestry Science Academy . LLMZA for leading Doctoral Theses papers. 11.2008 Acknowledgement from Latvian Agriculture and Forestry Science Academy, . Mortgage Bank for leading Master Theses papers. 12.2008 Received an honorable nomination as Dean of the Year from LUA Student Council . in 2010. Rural Support Service Award for especial investment in the Development of the 01.2010 Service . LLMZA gratitude for the significant contribution to the organization of operation 11.2010 of LLMZA Western University of Technology (Poland, Szczecin) memorial award for promotion of international cooperation. “? Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average Latvian x Russian x x x x German English x x x x x x x 272 CURRICULUM VITAE ZANE Name Riga Place of birth BULDERBERGA Surname 1983 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, guest lecturer - lecturer Work place and position Work address: Svetes street 18, Jelgava, Latvia LV - 3001 Phone: Fax: E-mail: +371 2627185 +371 63084987 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Science, Latvia Study period 2002 2006 Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics Latvia Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics Latvia Speciality Qualification Sociology of Organizations and Public Administration. Bc.soc 2006 2008 Economics Mg.oec 2010 - ... Economics Dr.oec Employment 2009 IX lecturer Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Economics Department of Economics guest lector – 2008.IX – 2009 IX Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Economics Department of Economics guest lector – assistant 2007.I – 2009 XII - Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Economics Department of Economics Researcher’s Senior laboratory assistant 2006. XI-XII Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Economics Department of Economics Researcher’s assistant Scientific research 2011. Europe Social Fund 2007. - 2013. year action program „ Human Resources and Employment " measure „Administrative Capacity improvement”” project „ Reducing the administrative burden and simplification of administrative procedures”, No. 1DP/ 2010. EEZ un Norwegian government bilateral funding instrument project No.0077 „ Promotion of business activity in the border areas Zemgale " 2010. Interreg progrm „Cross - border cooperation” project No. LLII-070 “Administrative 273 burden on businesses of the Latvian-Lithuanian border regions” (international) 2009. EEA Project LV-0040 „Developing and delivering innovative training modules for Baltic executives using an interdisciplinary approach to entrepreneurship and advanced technologies”. 2008. Latvian Council of Science project No. 09.1475 „ Protectionism in primary and secondary spheres for sustainable development” 2008. Ministry of Education and Science project No.xp 90 “European Union funds and the financing for the Latvian economy” 2008. Ministry of Education and Science project No. xp 89 LLU IZM project „ Professional Masters program development and improvement in cooperation with employers, businesses and municipalities“ 2008. Latvian Council of Science project No. 190308/S49 „Forsythe expert network for rural politics support, improvement of agricultural science research and equipment database, European agricultural, food and life sciences association Presidency College provision” component “Latvian scientists' participation in the European Union national network to develop agricultural research strategy with foresight method” 2007. Ministry of Education and Science project No. lluzp 07-50 „Economic assessment and development of infrastructure for scientific institute/ laboratory in Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Economics” Contributions at conferences 1) International Scientific Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development 2010”, Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, Jelgava, 28. – 29. April, 2011; report: Urban-Rural Partnership for Regional Development. 2) 8. starptautiskā conference “Economic integrations, competition and cooperation”, Rijeka university, Opatija, Croatia, 04.-09.April, 2011; report: Socio – economic Differences in Rural and Urban Areas in Latvia 3) International Scientific Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development 2010”, Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, Jelgava, 22 – 23. April, 2010.; report: Analysis of Rural Development plan Measure Meeting of Standards Implementation in Latvia”; 4) International Scientific Conference “3rd Annual International City Break Conference” ATINER, Athens, Greece 16-17. October, 2009.; report: Real Estate Market Tendencies in Latvia”; 5) Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics conference „The EU Support for 2007 – 2013: New Challenges and Innovation for Agriculture and Food Industry” Vilnius, Lithuania, 2728. May, 2009.; Report: Measure Meeting of Standards Implementation in Latvia; 6) International Scientific Conference “2nd Annual International City Break Conference” ,ATINER, Athens, Greece 17- 21. October, 2008.; report: Analyses of Factors which Affects Establishment of MBA Programs. Courses delivered Theory of Economics Microeconomics Macroeconomics Marketing Project management Publications 1. Bulderberga Z., (2012) Socio-Economic Differences in Rural and Urban Areas in Latvia, In Economic integrations, competition and cooperation 2010, Proceedings of 8. international 274 conference, University of Rijeka, [electronic:], ISBN 978-953-7813-04-8 2. Pilvere I., Upite I., Bulderberga Z., Nipers A. (2011) Knowledge Transfer for Increasing the Efficiency of State Administration in Latvia. In: Science journal "Social Research"2011 No.3 (24), Siauliai University, pp.100-109. ISSN 1392-3110. 3. Bulderberga Z. (2011) Urban – Rural partnership for Regional Development In: Social Research Nr. 1(22), Siauliai University. pp.14-25 ISSN, 1392-3110 4. Nipers A., Bulderberga Z., Pilvere I., Upīte I. (2011) Klientu maršruta attēlošanas metode. Rokasgrāmata. Valsts kanceleja. 68 lpp, ISBN 978-9934-8225-0-6 5. Upīte I., Nipers A., Pilvere I., Bulderberga Z. (2011) Paplašinātais standarta izmaksu modelis. Rokasgrāmata. Valsts kanceleja. 72. lpp ISBN 978-9934-8225-1-3 6. Bulderberga Z., Pilvere I. (2010) Analysis of Rural Development plan Measure Meeting of Standards Implementation in Latvia In: Economic Science for Rural Development 2010: proceedings of international conference, Nr. 21, Jelgava, pp. 208 -214, ISSN 1691-3078. 7. Pilvere I., Strīėis V., Jakušonoka I., Upīte I., Nipers A., OzoliĦš J., Tetere V., KĜava S., Jankova L., Bulderberga Z. (2010) Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā No: Krājums “LZP Ekonomikas, juridiskās un vēstures zinātnes galvenie pētījumu virzieni 2009.gadā”, Rīga, 106 – 113 lpp, ISSN 1691-290X. 8. Pilvere I., Bulderberga Z. (2009) Results of Rural Development Program 2007- 2013 Implementation In Latvia In: Rural Development 2009: proceedings of 4th international scientific conference, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, pp. 252 - 257, ISSN 1822 – 3230. Continuing education, in-service training 2011. Internship in Aleksandras Stulginskis university, Lithuania. Professional training course „Research and study perspectives for improvement of competencies”. 23.11.2011. 2011. Seminar „ Work efficiency and productivity improvement with limited resources”, LLU, Jelgava. 2009.Internship at ATINER, Athens, Greece, 15-20 October, 2009. International training course „Modern Role of Rural Areas in the Pos-Industrial Society”, Lithuania, university of Siauliai 2008. Interactive seminar “Improvement of Teaching staff communication skill”, Latvia University of Agriculture Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian X X X Russian X X English X X X X 275 CURRICULUM VITAE Linda Name Jelgava Place of birth Grinevica Surname 1979 Year of birth LLU EF department of economics, guest lecturer - lecturer Work place and position Phone: Fax: E-mail: Work address: 18 Svetes street Jelgava LV - 3001 29724384 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country LLU faculty of economics LLU faculty of economics Study period 1999. – 2003. 2003. – 2006. Speciality Economics, subprogram “Social Sciences” Economics, subprogram “Business and Management” Qualification bachelor’s degree master’s degree Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Diploma No. Employment Expert at a Zemgale regional research work conference for pupils in 2011, the section of social sciences. Expert at a Zemgale regional research work conference for pupils in 2010, the section of social sciences. 01.09.2008. - present LLU EF Department of Economics, lecturer 01.09.2007. – 31.08.2008. LLU EF Department of Economics, guest lecturer - lecturer. 01.09.2006. – 31.08.2007. LLU EF Department of Economics, guest lecturer - assistant. 01.09.2005. – 31.08.2006. LLU EF Department of Economics, assistant; 05.05.2004. – 31.08.2005. LLU EF Department of Economics, coordinator of international master study program “Business Economics and Management”; Scientific research interests Participation in Zemgale planning region’s project “Promoting Business Activity in the Borderland of Zemgale Region” in 2010, within contract No.0077 funded from the 276 Norwegian government’s bilateral financial instrument; Participation in LLU research project llu zp 07 – 57 “Resources of Bread Production Enterprises and their Influence on the Development” Contributions at conferences (last three years) Courses delivered Theory of economics Microeconomics Macroeconomics Number of publications: 2……. Publications • • Vilcina A., Grinevica L. Problems of Attracting Employees and their Solution at Bread Producing Enterprises // Economic Science for Rural Development 2008. International scientific conference. Jelgava: LLU, 2008; Grinevica L. Development of recreational and sports events in Ozolnieki area // Development in Diversity – 2006. – Masters degree pretenders` scientific conference. – Jelgava: LLU EF Department of Entrepreneurship and Management, Department of Economics, 2006. – 91. – 95.p. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 1) Certificate No. 11-527, LLU continuing education course “Control Systems for Developing Moodle E-courses”, 14–28 February 2011; 2) 04.06.09. „Modern role of rural areas in the post-industrial society”, organized by Social Sciences of Šiauliai University, Lithuania; 3) 10.10.07.-16.05.08. Innovation of higher education didactics, LLU. Academic and social societies (membership) Member of the Convention of LLU; Member of the State examination Commission in the academic year 2009/2010 for the sub-programme “Regional Development and Administration”, the study programme “Economics” of LLU EF. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian X X Russian X X X X German English X X X ________________ 277 CURRICULUM VITAE ILZE Name JELGAVA Place of birth UPĪTE Surname 1973. Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, Department of Business Administration and Management Work place and position Work address: Svētes street 18, Jelgava, LV-3000 Phone: Fax: E-mail: 3025170 63084987 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Ph.D. studies. Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics. Latvia Master’s studies. Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics. Latvia Higher education. Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics. Latvia Study period Speciality 1998 - 2001, 2010 Agrarian Economics Business administration Business administration 1995 - 1997 1991 - 1995 Qualificatio n Doctor Master’s degree Bachelor Employment Enterprise Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics. Ltd “The Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre” Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics. Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Economics. Ltd “The Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre” Ltd “The Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Address Period Svētes street 18, Jelgava, LV 3000, phone 3025170 Since 01.09.2010. Rīgas street 34, Ozolnieki, Ozolnieku territory Svētes street 18, Jelgava, LV 3000, Svētes street 18, Jelgava, LV 3000, Rīgas street 34, Ozolnieki, Jelgavas district Rīgas street 34, Ozolnieki, Since 15.03.2010. Since 01.06.2000. 1997. – 2000. Since 2004. 1994. - 2004. Position Assistant professor. Economic Management Studies, Competitiveness in Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Legislation Senior specialist. Department of Economics Lecturer. Legislation in agriculture, Farm management Asistent. Legislation in agriculture, Farm management Senior specialist. Department of Economics and Rural Development Senior specialist. Department of Economics 278 Centre” Jelgavas district and Bookkeeping Scientific research interests Project financed by European Social Fund No. 1DP/ „Reducing administrative burdens and improving quality of public services”, 2011.-2012. Project LLII-070 “Reduction of Administrative Burden for Enterprises in Latvia – Lithuania Border Regions” (REDBURDEN), 2010-2012. Scientific project financed by the Latvian Science Council, No.09.1529 “Problems of Agricultural Structural Development, Protectionism, and Tax System”, 2010. Scientific project financed by the Latvian Science Council, No.09.1475 “The Impact of Protectionism Instruments on Sustainable Development of Primary and Secondary Production”, 2009. Scientific project No.xp90 „European Union Funds and their Funding for Development of Latvia’s National Economy”, 2008. Participation in Baltic Sea Regional Project 2004-2006 (Component 2 - Land based and Coastal Zone Management Activities). The main goal of the project – to assign environmental investments for Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia farmers from Global Environment Facility. Participation in project “Development of advisory system for farmers” within the framework of National Program “Development of service of Agriculture advisory and farms extension”. Courses delivered Subject Competitiveness in Entrepreneurship Business Analysis Economic Management Studies Economic Management Studies Agricultural Legislation Faculty Full and partial time 4.course students of Faculty of Economics in professional program of bachelor studies “Commercial activities and Management of Enterprises” Full and partial time 3. course students of Faculty of Economics Full and partial time 2. course students of Faculty of Economics Full and partial time 1.course students of Faculty of Economics in professional program of bachelor studies “Commercial activities and Management of Enterprises” Full and partial time students of Faculty of Agriculture Subject scale 2,0 KP 4,0 KP 4,0 KP 3,0 KP 1,0 KP Main Publications 1. Pilvere I., Nipers A., Upite I., Bulderberga Z., Popluga D., Dobele A., Dobele L. (2012) Evaluation of Administrative Burden in Municipalities, Latvia. Economic Science for Rural Development 2012, LLU (iespiešanā). ISSN 1691-3078, ISBN 978-9984-9997-7-7. 2. Upīte I., Pilvere I. (2011) The EU Common Agricultural Policy Implementation in Latvia. Rural Development 2011, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Kaunas, Lithuania, Vol 5, Book 1, p.261-267. ISSN 1822-3230. Ind EBSCO Academic Search Complete 3. Pilvere I., Upite I., Bulderberga Z., Nipers A. (2011) Knowledge Transfer for Increasing the Efficiency of State Administration in Latvia. In: Science Journal "Social Research", No.3 (24), Siauliai University, Lithuania, p.100-109. ISSN 1392-3110. 279 4. Pilvere I., Upīte I. (2011) Support Measures and Financial Sources for Fishery Policy in Latvia. Economic Science for Rural Development 2011, LLU, Nr. 26, 163.-173.lpp. ISSN 1691-3078, ISBN 978-9984-9997-7-7. Ind CAB Abstracts 5. Upīte I., Pilvere I., Nipers A. (2011) Economic Evaluation of Administrative Burden for Construction in Jelgava Municipality. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Social Sciences Research Society, Izmir, Turkey, Vol 3, No 2, p.127-136. ISSN 1309-8055 (Online). 6. Upīte I., Pilvere I. (2011) The EU Common Agricultural Policy for Agricultural and Rural Development. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, Lithuania University of Agriculture, Kaunas, No 3 (27), p.183-190. ISSN 1822-6760. Ind EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source. Ind EBSCO Business Source Complete 7. Pilvere I., Tetere V., Upīte I. (2011) Production of Bioenergy under EAFRD Support in Latvia. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, Lithuania University of Agriculture, Kaunas, No 3 (27), p.158-165. ISSN 1822-6760. Ind EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source. Ind EBSCO Business Source Complete 8. Upīte I., Pilvere I. (2010). Perfection of the Terms of Granting Investment Support. Social Research. Siauliai University, Lithuania, No 4 (21), p.82-88. ISSN 1392-3110. 9. Upīte I. (2010) Relationships between Investment Support and Production in Agriculture. Economic Science for Rural Development 2010, LLU, Nr. 21, 14.-21.lpp. ISSN 1691-3078, ISBN 978-9984-9997-7-7. Ind CAB Abstracts. Ind Web of Science with Conference Proceedings. Ind EBSCO Academic Search Complete. Ind EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source 10. Upīte I., u.c. (2010) Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā. LZP Ekonomikas, juridiskās un vēstures zinātnes galvenie pētījumu virzieni 2009.gadā. Latvijas Zinātnes padome. ISSN 1691-290X. 11. Upīte I. (2010) Evaluation of Supported Investment in Latvian Farms Efficiency. Economics and Rural Development, Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Vol 5, No 2, p. 30-35. ISSN 1822-3346. 12. Upīte I. (2009) Results of Introducing Investment Support Measures under Programs Co-financed by the EU in Latvia. Rural Development 2009: Transition toward Sustainability. Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Volume 4, Book 1, p.286-291. ISSN 1822-3230. Ind Web of Science 13. Upīte I. (2009) Investment Support for Agricultural Development in Latvia. Vision of the Modern Village. Siauliai University, Lithuania, No 3 (16), p.316-323. ISSN 1648-9098. 14. Upīte I., Rukmanis A. (2009) Support Available for Investments by Agriculture Holdings in Latvia. Agricultural Sciences, T.16, No 3-4, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, p.170-178. Ind EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source 15. Upīte I. (2009) Theoretical and Economic Aspects of the Reformed Common Agricultural Policy of European Union. Research for Rural Development 2009. Jelgava, p.180-187. ISSN 1691-4031. Ind CAB Abstracts. Ind CABI full text. Ind ind Web of Science with Conference Proceedings 16. Upīte I., Pilvere I. (2009) Theoretical, Historical and Economical Pre-requisites of Protectionism in Agriculture. Economic Science for Rural Development. Jelgava, No.18, p.20-28. ISSN 1691-3078, ISBN 978-9984-9997-7-7. Ind EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source. Ind Web of Science with Conference Proceedings 1. Dobele A., Mihejeva L., Špoăis K., VedĜa A., Viekals U., Ruskule S., Upīte I. (2000) Management Studies. Study aid. Chapter 19 “Taxes in Agriculture” – p.15, Subchapter 9.4. “Price Formation” – p.3, Subchapter 9.5. “Price Determination” – p.10. Jelgava: LLKC. 344 p. 2. Upīte I. (2000) Tax Calculation in Agriculture. Study aid. Rīga: KIF “Business Complex”. 40 p. 3. AuziĦa A., Dobele A., Mihejeva L., Upīte I. (2000) A Practical Guide in Agricultural Business. Study aid. Rīga: KIF “Business Complex”. 168 p. 4. A group of authors (2004) Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Rural Development. Study 280 aid. Chapter 10 „Tax Inpact on Agricultural Business”, pp.260-281. Jelgava, 2004. 5. Dobele A., Upīte I. (2007) Management Studies. Methodological instructions and an exercise-book for students of the faculty of Agriculture (revised issue). Jelgava: LLU. 60 p. Continuing education, in-service training Educational Establishment Period Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Lithuania 23.11.2011. Lithuania University of Agriculture 22.11.2010.23.11.2010. CAH Dronten University of Applied Sciences 15.11.2010.19.11.2010. Social Sciences Faculty of Šiauliai University Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics; Christelijke Agrarische Hogeschool, Dronten Ltd „Centre of Comercial Education” Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Science Languages: 04.06.2009. Study International training course “Research and Study Perspectives for Improvement of Competencies” Participation as a lecturer at the BOVA Intensive Master course Participation in the International Week, providing lectures, participating in student assessments, workshops International training course „Modern Role of Rural Areas in the Postindustrial Society” Document Certificate of Internship No. 3662 Certificate No. 334 Letter of confirmation Certificate Nr.2544 02.06.2008.06.06.2008. Improvement of Communication Skills of Lecturers Certificate 11.12.2006.12.12.2006. Program „Decision Base” Diploma Nr.12964 31.01.2003. – 25.04.2003. Didactics of University, 4 KP Certificate Nr. 000111, 25.04.2003. Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian X X X Russian X X English X X X X 281 Curriculum vitae LINDA Name Ventspils Place of birth 2nd of March , 1981. Date, Month, Year SILIĥA Surname 020381-11750 Identification number Latvian Nationality married Marital status Latvia University of agriculture, Department of Business and Management, assistant professor Place of Work and position Address of Work Place Svētes street 18, Jelgava, LV-3001 Phone Nr. 63023773 Fax: 63084987 E-mail: Home address: Pambakara ceĜš 4G, Jelgava, LV - 3003 Phone Nr. +37129462090 E-mail: Education Studies, MA studies, doctoral program. Educational institution, state LLU Faculty of economics Studies’ Time Specialty 1999.- 2003. Law studies Qualification Social Sciences bachelor’s degree LLU Faculty of economics 2003. – 2005. Specialization of Entrepreneurship and management LLU Faculty of economics 2005. – 2009. Doctoral program in Agrarian and Regional econimics in Economics Social Sciences Master’s degree in Economics Work experience From 2004. Latvia University of agriculture Faculty of Economics 2003.- 2004. Jelgava court – Secretary of sitting of the court 2002.- 2003. Jelgava court - Secretary Year 2002. June - August Latvia University of agriculture Faculty of Economics Information center Scientific qualification Theme of doctoral thesis – Structural Development of agriculture in Kurzeme region Scientific Council Year Speciality Scientific Degree Latvia University of Agriculture 2009 Economics Dr.oec. No.of Diploma 0069 282 Scientific work and publications Research training, Experience - - - - - - - - - - - - Expert National Rural Network in the "Analysis of the LAG, LEADER manual renewal" Participation in the collaborative project with the Estonian Science University and the Ape county - the Estonian-Latvian border Cooperation Programme project No. EU 30266 "A sustainable local natural resources and cultural heritage of business development and Setomaa Ape regions" ("BUY LOCAL") Expert Kurzeme planning region manuscript Latvian regional economic development prospects and directions for preparation. Project No. 2009/10/ESF Scientific Capacity Building of the fruit, forestry and information technology sectors, providing an environmentally friendly farming solutions, product development and introduction of computer technology to support research. Year 2006 Project Nr. 2006/0189/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/ Professional higher education study programs, promotion of Latvian regional educational institutions From Year 2009 in Project 09.1529 Structural development of agriculture, protectionism and tax system. From Year 2009. in Project 09.1468 from LCS Structural Fluctuation of Agriculture processes, Factors, Consequences and Vision of Transformation and Diversification of Agriculture. Year 2008. In Project Nr. XP86 from Ministry of Education and Science and LLU Support of Latvia University of Agriculture PhD Students Researching Programs Executions, PhD Thesis and Academical Work Elaboration. Period 2005. – 2008. Project Nr. 05.1579. from LCS New possibilities and problems solutions of Latvia countryside diversification in conditions of ES. Period 2005. – 2008. Project 05.1590 from LCS. Evaluations of business forms incontext of many – sided interests and synergy. Period 2006. – 2008. Project Nr. 06.0040 from LCS Research of the primary and secondary spheres risks and crises economical threats and evaluations of its consequences. Year 2006. Project Nr. 06.13-xp20 from LLU Improvement of PhD study process for the risin of fruitful effeciency in Agrarian and regional program. Year 2005. Order from Ministry of Agriculture Commonproject 2906 05/S 228 SubProject S 10330 / 05 – 4 Guarantee of agriculture with qualified employees. Significant publications: number of publications - : 23 2 branch in scientific monograph, 13 scientific publications, 8 publications. 283 Publications acknowledged by the Latvian Council of Science: 1. Theoretical Aspects of Business Diversification on Farms (with co-author) Economic and Rural Development. Jelgava, 2012. Vol 8. No.1 pp. 14-19. 2. Business Diversification Models for Farms in Zemgale Region Economic and Rural Development (with co-author) Economic and Rural Development. Jelgava, 2011. Vol. 7 No. 2 pp. 22-30. 3. Business Assessment and Development in Courland region. International Journal of Business and Management studies. Vol.3., Turkey, 2011. Pp.227 – 237. 4. Structural Development of Grain Production in the Words’s regions. (with co-authors). European integration studies. Research and Topicalities. Lithuania, Kaunas, 2010. 143.149.p.p.159-166. 5. Efficiency of the Use of Assets in the Farms of Kurzeme Peninsula in Latvia. (with coauthors) European integration studies. Research and Topicalities. Lithuania, Kaunas, 2009. 143.-149.p.p. 6. Polarization and Convergence of Farms Assets, Incomes and Profit Value and Structure in Kurzeme. Economic Science for Rural Development. No 15. Jelgava, 2008. p. 212–229. ISSN 1691 - 3078. 7. Commercial Orientation of Intraregions and Districts in Kurzeme LLU Proceedings. No 19(340). Jelgava, 2007. p. 29–37. ISSN 1407 - 4427. 8. The Institutional System and Regulatory Basis for Economic Activities in the Region Proximate to the Baltic Sea. Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia.No 1(50). Riga, 2007. p. 121–135. ISSN 1022 – 4483. 9. Intrazonal Agricultural Resources in Courland Peninsula. Research for Rural Development 2006. Jelgava, 2006. p. 156–162. ISSN 1691- 4031. 10. Composition and Structure of Forms of Entrepreneurial Activities (Commercial Activities) and Land Managed by Groups of Commercial Farms of Different Size in the Regions of Latvia (with co-authors). Economic Science for Rural Development. No 11. Jelgava, 2006. p. 193-199. ISSN 1691 - 3078. 11. Coherence between the Structure (Diversification) of Agricultural Companies and their Economic Size (with co-authors). Economic Science for Rural Development No 10. Jelgava, 2006. p. 145-151, ISSN 1691-3078. 12. Entrepreneurship Development and its Influencing Factors in Zemgale Region (with coauthors). Economic Science for Rural Development (Proceedings No 9). Jelgava, 2005. p. 102-107. 13. Polarization of Management Levels in Latvia Agriculture (with co-authors). Economic Science for Rural Development. No 8. Jelgava, 2005. p. 135-139. ISSN 1691 - 3078. Other publications: 1. Assessment of Business Forms in Contexts of Multilateral Interests and Synergy (with co-authors). The Latvian Science Council’s main research directions for economic and legal sciences in 2008. Riga, 2009. p. 73.– 75. 2. New Diversification Possibilities for Latvian Rural Areas and Problem Solutions under EU Conditions (with co-authors). The Latvian Science Council’s main research directions for economic and legal sciences in 2008. Riga, 2009. p.136. – 140. 3. Assessment of Business Forms in Contexts of Multilateral Interests and Synergy (with co-authors). The Latvian Science Council’s main research directions for economic and legal sciences in 2007. Riga, 2008. p. 66.– 70. 4. New Diversification Possibilities for Latvian Rural Areas and Problem Solutions under EU Conditions (with co-authors). The Latvian Science Council’s main research 284 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. directions for economic and legal sciences in 2007. Riga, 2008. p. 146. – 149. Management Risks for Agricultural Enterprises. Monograph. Management of Agricultural and Food Risks, group of authors. Jelgava, 2007. p. 71-129. Assessment of Business Forms in Contexts of Multilateral Interests and Synergy (with co-authors). The Latvian Science Council’s main research directions for economic and legal sciences in 2006. Riga, 2007. p. 56–60. New Diversification Possibilities for Latvian Rural Areas and Problem Solutions under EU Conditions (with co-authors). The Latvian Science Council’s main research directions for economic and legal sciences in 2006. Riga, 2007. p. 142–146. Intellectual, Social, Economic and Dispositive Risks in Agriculture. Monograph. Risks in Agriculture and Private Forestry, group of authors. Jelgava, 2005. p. 390–407. The Structural Development of Agriculture in Kurzeme. Theses of scientific conference for master programme students “Development in Multiplicity”. Jelgava, 2004. p.7–12. Presentation in conferences: 1. Business Assessment and Development in Courland region. Turkey, 2011. International Conference of Business and Management. Presented in Turkey, Izmir 2011.gada 15.aprīlī. 2. International Scientific Conference Legal, Political and Economic Initiatives Towards Europe of Knowledge Kaunas University of Technologies. 2010. Theme of report “Structural Development of Grain Production in the Words’s region 3. Efficiency of the Use of Assets in the Farms of Kurzeme Peninsula in Latvia. Legal, Political and Economic Initiatives Towards Europe of Knowledge. Kaunas University of Technologies. April 2009. 4. Polarization and Convergence of Farms Assets, Incomes and Profit Value and Structure in Kurzeme. Economic Science for Rural Development. Jelgava, April 2008. 5. Intrazonal Agricultural Resources in Courland Peninsula. Research for Rural Development 2006, Jelgava, May 2006. 6. Coherence between the Structure (Diversification) of Agricultural Companies and their Economic Size. Economic Science for Rural Development. Jelgava, April 2006. 7. Composition and Structure of Forms of Entrepreneurial Activities (Commercial Activities) and Land Managed by Groups of Commercial Farms of Different Size in the Regions of Latvia. Economic Science for Rural Development. Jelgava, April 2006. 8. Entrepreneurship Development and its Influencing Factors in Zemgale Region. Economic Science for Rural Development. Jelgava, April 2005. Teaching experience Study courses: 1. Management of lectures and practise Agricultural production– 4 CP Enterprenuership in agriculture – 2CP Study practice Practical Rural farm organizatior. 2. Director of Professional bachelor study programme Enterprenuership and Business 3. management Other Organizational Activities and Memberships Member of the convent of LLU Honour The PhD work got the gratitude in the contest for Young scientists organized by the Latvian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Latvia University of Agriculture and Mortgage Bank. 285 CURRICULUM VITAE Uldis Name Pūre Place of birth Gross Surname 1958 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, associate professor Work place and position Phone: Fax: E-mail: Work address: Liela 2, Jelgava LV 3001 Latvia +37163005675 +37163023095 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia University faculty of Physics and Mathematics Latvia University faculty of Physics and Mathematics Study period 09/19777/1982 09/198609/1989 Speciality Qualification Physics Physicist, lecturer Physics Dr. Phys. Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Latvia University 2002 Physics Degree Dr. Phys. Diploma No. C-D 001629 Employment Latvia University of Agriculture Scientific research interests Rresearch of heat and moisture flows. UV and VUV light sources Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. J. Skujans, U. Iljins, I. Ziemelis, U. Gross, N. Ositis, R. Brencis, A. Veinbergs, O. Kukuts. Experimental research of foam gypsum acoustic absorption and heat flow.- CISAP4, 4th International Conference on Safety & Environment in Process Industry, March, 14-17. 2010, Florence, Italy. 2. Uldis Gross, Janis Blahins, Juan Carlos Gomez Martin, Arnolds Ubelis . Stabilized source of VUV-spectra for a novel measuring device of iodine concentrations in atmosphere.- The 4-th International Scientific Conference: Applied Information and Communication Technologies, Latvia, Jelgava, 22 -23.04.2010. 286 3. Iljins U., Skujans J., Ziemelis I., Gross U. and Veinbergs A., Theoretical and experimental research on foam gypsum drying process, The ninth International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering10-13 May 2009 - Rome, Italy. 4. U. Iljins, J. Skujans, I. Ziemelis, U. Gross.- Investigation of Moisture Diffusion in Foam-Gypsum Samples, International Scientific Conference: Applied Information and Communication Technologies, Jelgava, 2008. 5. U. Iljins, J. Skujans, I. Ziemelis, U. Gross. Application of Some Electrode Systems for Local Measurements with Conduct-Metrical Method- XVI International Congress on Electricity applications in modern world Krakow, 2008. Courses delivered 1. Physics (5KP) for IT students 2. Physics (4KP) for Forest faculty students 3. Physics (2KP) for Agriculture faculty students 4. Physics (1,5KP) for Landscape architecture students Publications Number of publications: …......>20…. 1. J. Skujans, U. Iljins, I. Ziemelis, U. Gross, N. Ositis, R. Brencis, A. Veinbergs, O. Kukuts. Experimental research of foam gypsum acoustic absorption and heat flow.Chemical Engineering transactions, Volume 19, 2010. 79 - 84 pp. 2. Uldis Gross, Janis Blahins, Juan Carlos Gomez Martin, Arnolds Ubelis. Stabilized source of VUV-spectra for a novel measuring device of iodine concentrations in atmosphere- Proceedings of the 4-th International Scientific Conference: Applied Information and Communication Technologies, Latvia, Jelgava, 2010, 208-217 pp 3. U. Iljins, J. Skujāns, I. Ziemelis, U. Gross, A. Veinbergs. Theoretical and experimental research on foam gypsum drying process.- Chemical Engineering transactions, Volume 17, 2009. 1735-1740 pp. 4. 5. 6. U. Iljins, J. Skujans, I. Ziemelis, U. Gross.- Investigation of Moisture Diffusion in Foam-Gypsum Samples.- Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference: Applied Information and Communication Technologies.- Jelgava, 2008.- 21 – 28 pp. Iljins U., Skujans J., Ziemelis I., Gross U. and Veinbergs A., Theoretical and experimental research on foam gypsum drying process, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 17, 1735-1740 (2009)U. Iljins, J. Skujans, I. Ziemelis, U. Gross. Application of Some Electrode Systems for Local Measurements with Conduct-Metrical Method.- Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2008, 84 (11), 193 – 196 pp. Gross, U., Ubelis A., Spietz P., Burrows J. P 2000 Iodine and mercury resonance lamps for kinetics experiments and their spectra in the far ultraviolet, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33 1588-1591 7. Spietz P., Gross U., Smalins E., Orphal J., Burrows J. P. 2001 Estimation of the Emission Temperature of an Electrodeless Discharge Lamp and Determination of the Oscillator Strength for the I(2P3/2) 183.038 nm Resonance Transition Spectrochimica Acta Part B 56 2456-2478 Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Latvia University faculty of Physics and Mathematics "Improvement of competency of the high school lecturers in the computer modelling of the physical processes in modern technology 12/2006-07/2007 Academic and social societies (membership) IT faculty council, 287 IT faculty educational- methodological commission University convent Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian x x x Russian x x x German x x x English x x x 288 CURRICULUM VITAE Valdis Name District Ērăeme Place of birth Pandalons Surname 29. 01. 1935. Year of birth Department physics Work place and position Work address: Lielā street 2, Jelgava 3001 Phone: Fax: E-mail: 26585174 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvian state University Study period 1958.1959. 2002 Latvian University of agricultural Speciality Physics Environmental engineering Qualification Teacher of physics Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvian University of agricultural Year 2002 Speciality Degree Environmental engineering Diploma No. 001984 Employment 1961.-2011. Scientific research interests Contributions at conferences (last three years) Courses delivered Meteorology Number of publications: …4…. Publications Meteorology I., II., III. parts a manual for biology students 1999.- 2001. Meteorology 2007. 289 Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian x Russian x x x x x German English x x x ________________ 290 CURRICULUM VITAE Ilze Name Latvia Place of birth Pelece Surname 1966 Year of birth LUA, Department of Physics, Lecturer Work place and position Work address: Liela 2, Jelgava, Latvia, LV-3000 Phone: 3005675 Fax: E-mail: Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Higher education: LU, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Master’s studies: LU, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Study period Speciality Qualification 1984 – 1989. Physics 1999 – 2001. Physics Physicist, lecturer Master of sciences Research degrees Institution awarding degree LLU Tecnical faculty Year 2011 Speciality Agricultural engineering Degree Diploma No. Employment 1. From 2002.g. – Lecturer at Department of Physics 2. From 1998. g. – LUA, Assistant at Department of Physics 3. From 1989.g. - Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, engineer Scientific research interests Solar radiation and meteorological conditions Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. Ilze Pelēce, Uldis Iljins, Imants Ziemelis. Measurements and theoretical calculations of diffused radiation and atmosphere lucidity. 8 th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development Jelgava, LLU. 2. Ilze Pelece, Imants Ziemelis, Uldis Iljins. Surface temperature investigations of semi-spherical solar collector. International Scientific Conference “Rural Development”. Kaunas, LZUU, 15-17 october 2009. 3. I. Pelēce. Modelling of new constructions of solar collectors. International Scientific Conference “Applied Informatics and Communication Technologies” LLU, Jelgava, 22-23 April 2010. 4. I. Pelēce. Semi-spherical solar collector for water heating. International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, LLU, Jelgava, 27-28 maijs 2010. 5. Ilze Pelece, Henriks Putans, Viktorija Zagorska, Liene Kancevica, Imants Ziemelis. Peculiarities of domestic water heating by solar collectors. International Scientific Conference”Engineering for Rural development” LLU: Jelgava 27-28 maijs 2010. 6. I. Pelece, U. Iljins. Improoved method of calculation of energy gain from solar collector. 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2010), 19 – 21 July 2010, Antalya, Turkey. 7. I. Pelece. Calculations and measurements of energy gain from semi-spherical solar collector. 4th International Conference “Trends in Agricultural Engineering”, Praga, 7-10 september 2010. 8. Surface temperature distribution and energy gain from semi-spherical solar collector. Ilze Pelece*, Imants Ziemelis, Uldis Iljins. World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 – Linkoping, Sweden, 8-11. May 2011. Courses delivered Basics of Physics (3 KP) - LIF 291 Basics of Physics (1,5 KP) - TF Physics (1,5 KP) - TF Physics (1,5 KP) - PTF Agrometeorology (2 KP) - LF Number of publications: …4…. Publications Ilze Pelece, Henriks Putans, Viktorija Zagorska, Liene Kancevica, Imants Ziemelis (2010b) Peculiarities of domestic water heating by solar collectors. International Scientific Conference”Engineering for Rural development” LLU: Jelgava 2010 p.205-210 Ilze Pelēce (2010c) Semi-spherical solar collector for water heating. International Scientific Conference”Engineering for Rural development” LLU: Jelgava 2010 p. 211-215 Ilze Pelece, Uldis Iljins (2010d) Improoved method of calculation of energy gain from solar collector 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Antalya, Turkey 2010 p.1935-1938 Pelece I. (2010e) Calculations and measurements of energy gain from semi-spherical solar collector. 4th International Conference “Trends in Agricultural Engineering”, Praga, Czech University of Life Sciences 2010, p. 468-472 I. Pelece, M. Vanags, L. Migla (2010) Evaluation of atmospheric lucidity and diffused radiation. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 2010, N 6, p. 40-46 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) „Inovtions in higher education“ 12.01.2009. – 08.01.2010. Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. 1. 2. 3. U.Iljins, Ē.Ziemelis, I.Ziemelis, I.Pelēce (2007) Saules enerăijas kolektoriekārta ar sfērisko enerăijas kolektoru un tās pielietojumi. Latvijas patents LV 13550. Publicēts: Patenti un preču zīmes. Latvijas Republikas Patentu valdes oficiālais vēstnesis. 5/2007., 637. lpp. I.Ziemelis, I.Pelēce, U.Iljins, V.Zagorska, A.Putāns (2010) Sfēriskais saules enerăijas kolektors. Latvijas patents LV 14125 uz izgudrojumu. Publicēts: Patenti un preču zīmes. Latvijas Republikas Patentu valdes oficiālais vēstnesis. 4/2010., 636. lp. H.Putāns, A.Putāns, U.Iljins, I.Pelēce, V.Zagorska, L.Kanceviča, I.Ziemelis, Ž.Jesko, A.Ilsters. Saules baterijas jaudas reăistrēšanas ierīce. Latvijas patents LV 14165. Publicēts: Patenti un preču zīmes. Latvijas Republikas Patentu valdes oficiālais vēstnesis. 6/2010., 886.-887. lpp. 4. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average average Latvian Russian German English ________________ X X X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good X X X X X X 292 CURRICULUM VITAE Čakste Surname 1949 Year of birth Ilze Name Jelgava Place of birth Work place and position Work address: Department of Chemistry, LLU Liela Street 2, Jelgava LV 3001 Phone: 3005645 Fax: E-mail: Ilze.Č Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia University Study Speciality period 1967-1972 Chemistry Qualification Chemist (Organic Chemistry) Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Riga Technical University 1992 Chemistry M.V.Lomonosov Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Tehnology 1987 Chemistry Degree Doctor of Chemistry Candidate of Chemistry Science Diploma No. B–D Nr. 000404 XM № 017953 Employment 1994 – Docent at the Department of Chemistry (LLU) 1991 – 1994 Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry (LLU) 1990 – 1991 Assistant at the Department of Chemistry (LLU) 1972 – 1990 Senior research associate at the Scientific research institute of practical biochemistry “Biolar” Scientific research interests Research of Food Quality Research of Water Quality Food Packaging Materials Contributions at conferences 1. Čakste I.. Oksidēšanās procesu ietekme uz pārtikas produktu kvalitātes un funkcionālo īpašību izmaiĦām. IZM finansēto LLU pētniecības un infrastruktūras projektu atskaišu 293 seminārs. Jelgava, LLU, 18.janvāris 2007.gads. 2. Kuka M., Cakste I. Bioactive compounds in Latvian wild edible mushroom Boletus edulis., 6th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology „Innovations for Food Science and Production”, Foodbalt-2011, 05.-06. May 2011, Jelgava. 3. Кука М., Чаксте И., Кука П., Цинкманис И. Исследование биохимического состава и физикохимических свойств сока лесных ягод. IV Международная конференция „Низкотемпературные и пищевые технологии в XXI веке”, (25.11.09. – 27.11.09.) Санкт – Петербург: Санкт – Петербургский государственный университет Низкотекотемпературных и пищевых технологий. Courses delivered Chemistry (inorganic, analytical, organic) Polymer chemistry Food packaging materials Number of publications: …72…. Publications 1. Dimins F., Kuka P., Cakste I. Content of carbohydrates and specificē rotation angle of honey. 3rd Baltic Conference on Food Science Technology „Foodbalt 2008”, Jelgava, (17.04.08. – 18.04.08.) Conference Proceedings. – Jelgava: PTF, 2008, – pp. 121 – 125. CAB Abstracts. 2. Dimins F., Kuka P., Cakste I., Augspole I. Use physical and chemical parameters for the characteristic of honey quality. 8th International Conference of Food Physicists, Physics and Physical Chemistry of Food, Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 24 – 27 September 2008. Journal of Food Physics, 2008, – pp. 50 – 58 3. Kuka M., Cakste I., Dimins F., Gersebeka E. Determination of phenolic compounds in birch and maple saps. Foodinnova 2010, International Conference on Food Innovation, 25.-29. October 2010, Valencia (Spain) – elektroniski. 4. Kuka M., Cakste I. Bioactive compounds in Latvian wild edible mushroom Boletus edulis., 6th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology „Innovations for Food Science and Production”, Foodbalt2011, 05.-06. May 2011, Proceedings. Jelgava: 2011, - pp. 116-120. Continuing education, in-service training • Diploms of assistant profesor. LLU – DOC – Nr. 055. 18.06. 2001. • LLU Certificate Nr. 0454 Didactics of higher school” (4 KP), 2006.g. • Certificate: „SUPELCO hromatogrāfijas produkti. Analītisko procesu optimizācija”, „NOTA – BENE LATVIJA” un „Sigma - Aldrich”, 30.11.2005. • Certificate – „Jaunākās VARIAN” analītiskās iekārtas un to izmantošanas iespējas”; SAS „NOTA BENE LATVIJA”, Varian oficiālais pārstāvis Latvijā, 29.03.2006. • Certificate – Jelgavas reăionālā pieaugušo izglītības centra kursi „Prezentācija, kas uzrunā”, apliecība Nr. 2007 – 321. • LLU Certificate – Nr.11-1064 Moodle e-studies course („Moodle e-kursu veidošanas vadības sistēma”), LLU, 08.11.2011.. Academic and social societies (membership) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fellow of Association of Latvian Scientists Member of LLU Convent. Member of Kāvušs fund of scholarship. Member of PTF Council. Head of LLU Department of Chemistry (1993 - 2005). Awards 294 1. Silver medal „Par centību” from Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Latvia Nr. 102. 28.10.1999. 2. Gratitude from LLU 26.05.1995. 3. Gratitude from LLU 12.02.1999. 4. Gratitude from LLU 25.04.1999. 5. The third place of LLU textbook tender (2006. Electronic textbook I.Čakste, M.Kūka, P.Kūka „Polimēri”). 6. The third place of LLU textbook tender ( 2009. I.Čakste, „IesaiĦojuma materiālu ėīmija”) Number of patents, inventions etc. 1. Микстайс У.Я., Чаксте И.Р. Способ получения хлорангидридов нуклеозид-5′монофосфорных кислот. Авт.св.СССР № 487887б, 1975. 2. Микстайс У.Я., Чаксте И.Р. Способ получения полинуклеотидов. Авт.св.СССР № 461927, 1975. 3. Устюжанин Г.Е., Коломейцева В.В., Микстайс У.Я., Чаксте И.Р., Страутзеле М.Т. Способ получения гуанозин-5′-монофосфата. Авт.св.СССР № 493474, 1975. 4. Озола В.А., Шписс Я.А., Чаксте И.Р., Микстайс У.Я. Способ выделения нуклеозид5′-монофосфорных кислот. Авт.св.СССР №1129213, 1984. 5. Микстайс У.Я., Чаксте И.Р., Шписс Я.А. Способ получения кристаллической динатриевой соли гуанозин-5′-монофосфорной кислоты. Авт.св.СССР № 1139145, 1984. 6. A.Morozovs, P.Kūka, I.Čakste, F.DimiĦš. Iekārta un metode horizontālas virsmas kontaktleĦėa anizotropijas noteikšanai. Latvijas Republikas patents Nr 13852, 2009. 7. A.Morozovs, P.Kūka, I.Čakste. Metode koksnes virsmas pārklāšanas tehnoloăijas optimizācijai. Latvijas Republikas patents Nr 13954, 2009. 8. Cinkmanis I., Čakste I., Vucāne S. Ogu un augĜu sulu izmantošana iejava vides pH regulēšanā. Latvijas patents uz izgudrojumu LV 14087 (C12C7/04). 20.03.2010. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English ________________ 295 CURRICULUM VITAE Mara Kuka Name Surname Jelgava, Latvia 1946 Place of birth Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Dozent at the Department of Chemistry Work place and position Work address: Liela Street 2, Jelgava LV 3001 Phone: +371 3005645 Fax: + 371 3022829 E-mail: Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia University, student Latvia University of Agriculture Study period 1964 – 1969 1992 Speciality Chemistry Engineering Qualification Chemist Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Diploma No. No788642 (01.07.69.) Latvia Academy of Sciences, 1993 Engineering Institute of Wood Chemistry Employment 1997– Docent at the Department of Chemistry (LLU) 1978 – 1997 Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry (LLU) 1969 – 1978 Assistant at the Department of Chemistry (LLU) Scientific research interests Research of Wood Modification Research of Food Quality Research of Water Quality Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. IV Международная конференция „Низкотемпературные и пищевые технологии в XXI веке”, Санкт-Петербург, 25-27 ноября 2009 года: Кука М., Чаксте И., Кука П., Цинкманис И. Исследование биохимического состава и физико-химических свойств сока лесных ягод. 2. Starptautiskā izstāde „Riga Food 2009”: stenda referāts: Kūka M., Čakste I., Kūka P. Dried Latvian wild berry juices. 3. Foodinnova 2010, International Conference on Food Innovation, 25.-29. October 2010, Valencia (Spain). Kuka M., Cakste I., Dimins F., Gersebeka E. Determination of phenolic compounds in birch and maple saps. 4. 6th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology „Innovations for Food Science and Production”, Foodbalt-2011, 05.-06. May 2011, Jelgava. Kuka M., Cakste I. Bioactive compounds in Latvian wild edible mushroom Boletus edulis. Courses delivered Chemistry Organic chemistry 296 Biochemistry Food chemistry Publications (last three years) 1. 2. 3. Кука М., Чаксте И., Кука П., Цинкманис И. Исследование биохимического состава и физикохимических свойств сока лесных ягод. IV Международная конференция „Низкотемпературные и пищевые технологии в XXI веке”, (25.11.09. – 27.11.09.) Материалы конференции. – Санкт – Петербург: Санкт – Петербургский государственный университет Низкотекотемпературных и пищевых технологий, 2009. Kuka M., Cakste I., Dimins F., Gersebeka E. Determination of phenolic compounds in birch and maple saps. Foodinnova 2010, International Conference on Food Innovation, 25.-29. October 2010, Valencia (Spain) – elektroniski. Kuka M., Cakste I. Bioactive compounds in Latvian wild edible mushroom Boletus edulis., 6th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology „Innovations for Food Science and Production”, Foodbalt2011, 05.-06. May 2011, Proceedings. Jelgava: 2011, - pp. 116-120. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) LLU certificate Nr.0099 „Didactics of higher school“.Inovācijas augstskolas didaktikā LLU Sertifikāts. LLU certificate Nr. 11-1063, / Moodle e-studies course, 2011. Academic and social societies (membership) Council secretary of Faculty of Food Technology (till september of 2005) Council member of Faculty of Food Technology Chemistry section leader of Pupils scientific society in Jelgava Awards Joint-stock company GRINDEX gratitude ATZINĪBAS RAKSTS (29.11.2002.) Jelgava town council gratitude Pateicības raksts (26.05.2005.) LLU gratitude ATZINĪBAS RAKSTS (Nr.135., 02.05.2006.). Number of patents, inventions etc. 15 patents Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English 297 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Lilija Markevica 2. Date of birth May 3, 1938 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Certifying Commissionof LSA, the Institute of Physic, 1992, Physic, Dr.phys. Latvia Academy of Agriculture (LLA), Faculty of Food Technology, 1960 – 1965, Engineer – technologist. 4. Professional carrier From 01/09/1994 till now – Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, professor assistant. From 01/09/1991 to 31/08/1994 – Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, lecture. From 1969 to 1991 - Latvian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Physic, researcher. 5. Research areas Meat and meat products, technology, quality, development of new products 6. Projects (2005–2010) 7. Professional courses/training (2005–2010) Blija A. Markevica L. (2005) Microbiological risks in the technological processing of hot smoked meat products. fifth International conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences. Warsaw, Poland, 27 June – 1 July, 2005, pp.387. KārkliĦa D., Ėīvīte J., Dubovika A.,Markeviča L.,Ciproviča I. (2007) The qualiti of minced meat in different retails. International Conference ”Quality and stafetyin meat for consumers: from stable to table”. Kaunas,Lithuania 06-07 June 2007. 8. Publications 9. Presentations in conferences 10. Languages Read Write Excel Good Fair x Russian x Speak Excel Good Fair x Excel Good Fair x x x German English 298 CURRICULUM VITAE 1. First name, surname Jelena Zagorska 2. Date of birth April 21, 1979 3. Education (institution, graduation date, speciality, degree) Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, 2007, Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Science, 2001–2003, Master degree in Social Science. Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, 1997–2001, Bachelor degree in food science. 4. Professional carrier From 01/09/2008 till now – Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, professor assistant. From 01/09/2007 to 31/08/2008– Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, lecture. From 01/09/2006 to 31/08/2007– Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, assistant. 5. Research areas Milk and dairy products, technology, quality, development of new products Shelf-life of products Organic products and its quality 6. Projects (2007–2011) International projects (including ESF, EUREKA, COST and others): 1. ESF project “Formation of the Research Group in Food Science”, Contract No.2009/0232/1DP/ (2010–2012). 2. ESF project "Increaseing in professional education involved teachers’ qualification” Contract No. 2009/0283/1DP/ (2010–2011). 3. Project "Vocational training in agriculture" Contract No. 09-00-L11111-000002. (20072013). 4. Project "Vocational training in food industry" Contract No. 09-00-L11113-000001. (2007-2013). 5. NORFA project „Biochemistry during maturation of Nordic cheese varieties” No 619004/Vo1/sted195 (2005–2009). 299 Projects funded by Latvian Council of Science and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia 16. Latvian Council of Science, project No.09.1561 “Research about cow’s milk lipids composition and influencing factors, its role in milk product quality and functionality providing” (2010). 17. Latvian Council of Science, project No.09.1418 “Researches about cow’s milk lipids composition and influencing factors, in association with carotenoids and tocopherols content in feed (2009). 18. Latvian Council of Science, project No. 09.1521“research of cheese functionality” (2009). 6. Professional courses/training (2007–2011) 16. Exchange program Abant Izzet Baysal University. ERASMUS program, 06.04.2009.– 10.04.2009, Bolu, Turkey. 17. Course “Cheese structure”. 27.01.2009.–29.01.2009, Kaunas, Lithuania. 18. Exchange program Estonian University of Life Sciences, 29.10.2007.–30.10.2007, Tartu, Estonia. 19. Course “Ripening of Northern European cheeses”, 19.08.2007.–24.08.2007, University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark. 20. Seminar “Potential of Lactobacillus in Northern European cheese”. 23.04.2007.– 25.04.2007, Tallinn, Estonia. 21. Course „Management of Microbiological Hazards in Foods”. 18.04.2005.– 22.04.2005, Wagening, Netherlands. 8. Publications 2007–2011 Total - - 1 (with co-authors) 14 – 13 – 1 (with co-authors) 12 – 13 – 27 25 Monographs, books Study materials Peer-reviewed publications Other scientific publications Proceedings of conferences Publications in professional literature Total List of most important publications, 2007–2011 1. Zagorska J., Unigunde A., Šterna V., Ciproviča I. (2011). Evaluation of immunoglobulin and lysozyme concentration in milk enriched with carotenoids. Selected problems of Nutraceutical and Functional Food. In: Proceedings of the 5th Intenrnational Conference on the quality and Safety in Food Production Chain. Wroclaw, p 11-19. 2. J.Zagorska, U.Antone, I.Ciproviča, I.H.Konošonoka, V.Šterna, I.Grāmatina, S.Sarvi (2011). The influence of immunoglobulins on microbiological quality of milk. In: proceedings of the International Food Congress „Novel Approaches in Food Industry” 58–63 pp. (CD). 3. J.Zagorska, I.Eihvalde, I.Gramatina, S. Sarvi (2011) Evaluation of colostrum quality and new possibilities for its application. In: proceedings of Conference “FoodBalt 2011” 45-49 pp. 300 4. Zagorska J., Antone U., Šterna V., Ciproviča I. (2010). The influence of feed enriched with carotenoids on antimicrobial proteins in milk. In: Proceedings of „FoodBalt 2010”, Tallinā, Igaunijā. 5. Ciproviča I., Zagorska J. (2008). Makroelementi un antivielas pienā. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Implication of different production technologies on animal health and food products quality indices”. Sigulda, Latvija, – p. 135–139. 6. Zagorska J., Ciproiča I. (2008). The chemical composition of organic and conventional milk in Latvia. In: Proceedings of „FoodBalt 2008”. LLU, Jelgava, Latvija, – p. 10–15. 7. Zagorska J., Ciproviča I. (2007). The evaluation of Microbiological Quality of Organic Milk in Latvia. In: CHEMINE TECHNOLOGIJA. Lietuva, Vol. 4, (46) – p. 44–47. 8. Zagorska J., Ciproviča I., Miėelsone V. (2007). Baktericīdo vielu un antivielu satura izvērtējums dažādās lauksaimniecības sistēmās turēto govju pienā. In: LLU raksti. Jelgava, Latvija, 45–50 lpp. 9. Presentations in conferences Type of conference International Latvia Total Total 19 11 30 From 2007 16 9 25 10. Languages Reading skills English Russian excellent good average X X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average X excellent good average X X X 11. Professional memberships – Member of milk product quality evaluation commission, organized by “Central Union of Latvia Dairy Producers” 301 CURRICULUM VITAE Viesturs Name Ranka Place of birth Šulcs Surname 1952 Year of birth Latvian Academy of Agriculture, Forest Faculty . Department of Forestry, assoc. professor Work place and position Work address: Latvian Academy of Agriculture, Forest Faculty . Department of Forestry Akadēmijas iela 11 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Jelgava LV-3001, Latvia 29435659 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Graduate student, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Leningrad Trainee, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Leningrad Latvian Academy of Agriculture, cum laude Study period 1979-1981 Speciality Qualification - Botany 1981-1984 19711976 Botany Forestry Forestry engineer, П Nr. 710105 Research degrees Institution awarding degree Habilitation and Promotion Council of the Latvian University (nostrification) Scientific Council of the Leningrad University Year Speciality Degree 1992 Botany Dr. biol. 1985 Botany Candidate of Biology Diploma No. C-D № 000217 БЛ № 15479 Employment Assoc. prof., Latvian Academy of Agriculture (LAA), Forest Faculty, 2005/2006 → Acting, LAA, Forest Faculty, 2004/2005 Guest lecturer, Latvian University (LU), Faculty of Biology 1994/1995 – 2001/2002 Leading Researcher, LU Institute of Biology, Laboratory of Botany, 1993→ Head of Laboratory (ibid.), 1992→ Senior researcher (ibid.), 1990 – 1993 Researcher (ibid), ), 1986 – 1990 302 Junior researcher, Academy of Sciences of the LSSR, Institute of Biology, Laboratory of Botany, 1984-1986 Laboratory assistant, LAA, Chair of Botany, 1976-1979 Scientific research interests 1. Vascular flora and vegetation of Latvia. Nr. 09.1594. 2010–2011. Project leader. (Vascular flora of Latvia. Nr. 05.1409., 09.1358. 2005–2011. Project leader.) 2. Development of conceptual integrated model of socioeconomic biodiversity pressures, drivers and impacts for the long term socioecological research platform of Latvia. Nr.10.0004.: Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Nr. 10.0004.1. 2010–2013. Project executor. 3. Latvian woody plants. 2008. ZM MAF. Project executor. 4. Euro+MED Plant Base. Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, ZE Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum. 2005–2007. Regional Adviser for Latvia. 5. Scientific investigation and evaluation of the historical heritage in forestry in the Šėēde area. 2005. Project executor. 6. EVK2-CT-2001-00125 „Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) a perenicoius invasive weed: Developing of a sustainable strategy ofor alien invasive plant management in Europe ”. 2003–2004. Regional Adviser for Latvia. 7. Flora of the Baltic Countries, 1996–2003. Project executor. 8. Red Data Book of Latvia, 2003. Project executor. 9. National botanical nomenclature (NBN). Nr. 05.1410. 1997–2008. Project leader. Supervision of master’s and doctoral studies 1. Rūrāne I. Krustziežu dzimtas (Cruciferae, Brassicaceae nom. altern.) taksonomija Latvijas florā. 1. studiju gads. 2011. DPI. 2. Roze I. Pākšaugu dzimta (Leguminosae) Latvijas florā. LU Faculty of biology. 2005-2008. 3. Brence (Pone) L. Lactuca tatarica L. influence on dune vegetation in BuĜĜu island. Bachelor’s paper. LU Faculty of Biology, Department of Botany and Ecology. 2003 4. MārtiĦsons P. Xanthium L. distribution and systematics in Latvia. LU Faculty of Biology, Department of Botany and Ecology. 1999. Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. Dreimanis A., Kazaka R., Miezite O., Ozolina A., Sulcs V. 2011. European Fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Skede Forest Area and its Natural Regeneration. Scientific Conference: Science and Practice for Branch Development. Department of Forestry. Jelgava, LLU (Latvia University of Agriculture) Fac. of Forestry 15.03.2011. 2. Sulcs V. 2011. Data Bank of Vascular Plants Terminology (NDB) – Basis for Creation of Scientific Plants Terminology in Latvia. Scientific Conference: Science and Practice for Branch Development. Department of Forestry. Jelgava, LLU Fac. of Forestry 15.03.2011. 3. Sulcs, V. 2011. Data Bank of Vascular Plants Terminology – Basis for Developing Scientific Plants Terminology in Latvia. LU 69th Scientific Conference. Department of Earth and Environment Sciences, Subsection „Biota’s Geography’. Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. Riga. 2011.31.01. pp. 23 -24. 4. Cepurite, B., Sulcs V. 2011. Understanding of Brome-grass (Bromus L. s.l.) Genus Occurrence in Latvian Flora. LU 69th Scientific Conference. Department of Earth and Environment Sciences, Subsection “Biota’s Geography’. Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. Riga. 2011.31.01. pp. 8-9. 5. Sulcs V. 2011. Data Bank of Vascular Flora Terminology and its Significance. LU 69th Scientific Conference: Faculty of Biology. Department of Botany and Ecology. Riga. 303 01.02. 2011. 6. Cepurīte B., Šulcs V. Understanding of Brome-grass (Bromus L. s.l.) Genus Occurrence in Latvian Flora. LU 69th Scientific Conference: Faculty of Biology. Department of Botany and ecology. Riga. 02.01. 2011. 7. Sulcs V. 2010. Scientific Concept of Monograph ‘Vascular Plants Flora in Latvia’. Scientific Conference: Science and Practice for Branch Development. Department of Forest Ecology. Jelgava, LLU Fac. of Forestry 22.03.2010. 8. Sulcs V. 2009. Research of Vascular Plants Flora in Latvia. Session of Latvia Academy of Sciences Section: Botany Studies in Latvia. Riga, LZA (Latvia Academy of Sciences) 23.04.2009. 9. Šulcs V., Edelmane I. 2010. Data Basis of Latvian National Botany Nomenclature. From Word to Dictionary: Materials from Academician Janis Endzelins 137th Birthday International Commemoration Conference. February 22-23, 2010, Riga, Institute of Latvian Language, LU, pp. 59 -61. 10. Sulcs V. 2010. Concept of Monograph ‘Vascular Plants Flora in Latvia’. Scientific Conference: Science and Practice for Branch Development. Section of Forest Ecology. LLU Fac. of Forestry. Jelgava. 22.03.2010. 11. Sulcs V., Edelmane I. 2009. Role of International Botany Nomenclature in Creation National Botany Nomenclature. Terminology and Specific Terms in Use and in System: Materials from Academician Janis Endzelins 136th Birthday International Commemoration Conference. February 19-20, Riga, 2009, Institute of Latvian Language, LU, pp. 35-38. 12. Rusina, S., Gavrilova, G., Roze, I., Sulcs, V. 2009. Temporal Species Turnover in the Herbal Layer Across Different Habitats in the Lake Engure Nature Park. 5th International Conference ‘Research and Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Baltic Region’. Book of Abstracts. Daugavpils, Latvia. 22-24 April, 2009. 118. pp. 13. Sulcs V. 2009. Research of Vascular Flora in Latvia. International Scientific Conference: Latvia University of Agriculture – 70. Latvia University of Agriculture. Jelgava. 29.10. 2009. 14. Sulcs V. 2009. Role of International Botany Nomenclature in Creation of National Botany Classification. LU 67th Scientific Conference: LU Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. Department of Earth and Environment Sciences: Biota and Ground Geography Riga. 04.02. 2009. 15. Rusina S., Gavrilova G., Roze I., Sulcs V. 2009. Long Term Vegetation Observations in the Lake Engure Nature Park. LU 67th Scientific Conference: LU Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. Department of Earth and Environment Sciences: Long Term Ecological Observations. Riga. 02.02.2009. 16. Sulcs V. 2008. Interaction of International and National Botany Nomenclature. 22nd Expedition of Baltic Botanists. Daugavpils, Latvia. Abstracts and Excursion Guides, Daugavpils University Academic Press ”Saule”, p. 67. 14–17.07.2008. 17. Sulcs V. 2008. Interaction of International and National Botany Terminology. Scientific Conference: Science and Practice for Branch Development. Department of Forestry. LLU Fac. of Forestry, Jelgava. 17.04.2008. Courses delivered 1. Scientific terminology of forest botany. 3 KP. LLU Faculty of Forestry, Master’s program, 2nd year. Elective course. Test. 2007→. 2. Forest geography. 2 KP. Faculty of Forestry, Master’s program, 2nd year. Mandatory course. Test. 2005/2006→. 3. Dendrology. 2 KP. LLU Forests Faculty, Professional study program for forest engineers, 1st year. Mandatory course. Exam. 2005/2006→. 4. Botany. 2 KP. LLU Faculty of Agriculture, Academic bachelor’s program in agriculture, 304 1st year. Mandatory course. Exam. 2005/2006→. 5. Geobotany un dendrology. 5 KP. LLU Faculty of Field Engineering, Professional second level bachelor’s program for landscape architecture and planning, 2nd and 3rd year. Mandatory course. Exam. 2004/2005→. 6. Geobotany and dendrology. 3 KP. LLU Faculty of Field Engineering, Professional Bachelor’s program in environment and water management, 2nd year. Mandatory course. Exam. 2004/2005→. 7. Systematics of vascular plants. LU (Latvia University), Faculty of Biology, Master’s program for full time students. Mandatory course. Exam. 1994/1995–2001/2002. Number of publications: 1. Books 4 2. Scientific articles 3. Popular science articles 134 7 Publications 1. Šulcs V. 2011. „Preparation Principles of Latvian Vascular Flora”. In: G. Gavrilova, Latvian Vascular Plant Flora, 11: Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). Riga, University of Latvia. VII-XIV lpp. 2. Sulcs, V. 2011. Data Bank of Vascular Plants Terminology – Basis for Developing Scientific Plants Terminology in Latvia. LU 69th Scientific Conference. Department of Earth and Environment Sciences, Subsection „Biota’s Geography’. Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. Riga. 2011.31.01. pages 23 -24. 3. Šulcs V., Edelmane I. 2010. Data Basis of Latvian National Botany Nomenclature. From Word to Dictionary: Materials from Academician Janis Endzelins 137th Birthday International Commemoration Conference. February 22 -23, 2010, Riga, Institute of Latvian Language, LU, pp. 59 -61. 4. LaiviĦš M., Bice M., Krampis I., Knape Dz., Šmite D., Šulcs V. 2009. Atlas of Latvian woody plants. Rīga, SIA Apgāds Mantojums. 606 lpp. 5. Dreimanis A., Šulcs V. 2006. Stands of Red Oak Quercus rubra L. in Skede Forest District. LLU Raksti, 17: 78-87. 6. Rostański K., Šulcs, V. 2004. Oenothera in Latvia. In: Ludwik Frey (ed.), The genus Oenothera in Eastern Europe. Kraków, W. Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences, p. 45-56. 7. Šulcs V. 2003. Conformity of the Latvian plant names with their respective Latin names. Latvijas Veăetācija, 7 : 5.-13. 8. Eglīte Z., Šulcs V. 2000. Vascular flora of Latvia: Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta. – Riga, Latvian University. p. 88 9. Gavrilova Ă., V. Šulcs. 1999. Flora of Latvian vascular plants: List of taxa. Rīga, Latv. Akad. b-ka. 136 lpp. 10. Шулц В. А. 1989. Род мыльнянка (Saponaria L. s. l.) во флоре ССР. Рига, Зинатне. 128 с. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 1. LLU (Latvia University of Agriculture) continuing education courses ”Moodle e-course running management system” (12 lessons). Jelgava, LLU. Certificate Nr. 11-0895 (04.03.2011-13.05.2011), issued 2011.07.06. 305 2. LLU professional development program for teachers of higher education ”Innovation in university didactics”. 3. LLU 2007/2008 st. year Certificate Nr. 000386. 4. Genus Populus and Salix taxonomy. Professional qualifications development in the National Botanical Garden. Salaspils. 01.04.-09.04.2009. 5. Kaskure dendrology course. Riga (Riga, Kalsnava, Bulduri, Ogre, National Botanical Garden (Salaspils): 2007/2008, number of lessons – 36. Certificate Nr.63; 2008/2009, number of lessons – 42. Certificate Nr.89. Academic and social societies (membership) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Secretary of the Council of Forest Science Professors, 2007→. Member of LAA Convent, 2006→. LAA Forest Faculty, Council member, 2005→. Centre of Translations and Terminology, member of forestry terminology working group, 2005 – 2006. Member of the Scientific Council of the National Botanical Garden, 2001→. Member of the subcommission of terminology in botany, Latvian Academy of Science, Terminology Commission, 2000→. Member of the editorial board of the journal Latvijas Veăetācija, 1999→. Member of the Latvian Scientific Council’s Expert Commission (6. NEK, botany), 19971999, 2003-2006. Member of the Scientific Council, LU Institute of Biology, 1992→. Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian x x x Russian x x German x x English x x x x x ________________ 306 CURRICULUM VITAE Aigars Name Aizkraukle Place of birth Indriksons Surname December 02, 1972 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Forest Faculty, docent Work place and position Work address: Akademijas iela 11, Jelgava, LV-3001 Phone: +371 30 26322 Fax: +371 30 21619 E-mail: Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Study Speciality period 1992-1996 Forestry LUA Higher education 1996-1998 Forest ecology and silviculture 1999-2002 Forest ecology and silviculture 2010 Defended doctor's degree in the subdivis ion Forest ecology and silvicult ure of the science division Silvicul ture LUA Master’s studies LUA Doctoral studies LUA Doctoral studies Qualification Ing. of Forestry, Bac. of Forestry M. of Forestry Dr. of Silviculture Research degrees Institution awarding degree State examination commission, LUA, Forest Year 1996 Speciality Forestry Degree Bachelor of Forestry Diploma No. 000882 307 Faculty, Latvia Master’s examination commission, LUA, Forest Faculty, Latvia Promotion council of the Forest sciences and Material sciences, LUA, Forest Faculty, Latvia 1998 Forest ecology and Master of silviculture Forestry 001457 2010 Forest ecology and Doctor of silviculture Silviculture 0074 Employment Latvian State Forestry Research Institute “Silava”, assistant between 1997 and 2007. Latvian Fund for Nature, project hydrologist between 2005 and 2008. Latvian State Forestry Research Institute „Silava”, project leader between 2007 and 2008. Latvian State Forestry Research Institute „Silava”, researcher between 2008 and 2012. Latvia University of Agriculture, Forest faculty, assistant between 2001 and 2004. Latvia University of Agriculture, Forest faculty, lecturer 2004 and 2010. Latvia University of Agriculture, Forest faculty, deputy docent between 2010 and 2011. Latvia University of Agriculture, Forest faculty, docent since 2011. Scientific research interests Scientific research interests: cycle of biogenous elements in forest ecosystems, hydrological regime of mires, forest soils. COST Action E25 “European Network for a Long-term Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research Programme” (2001-2005). National coordinator. 5-th Framework Programme of European Commission: the Nordic-Baltic project WOOD-ENMAN (Wood for energy, - a contribution to the development of sustainable forest management), 2001.-2005. Assistant. European Commission. LIFE-Nature project “Mire Habitat Management Plan for Latvia”, coordinated by Latvia Fund for Nature, 2004.-2008. Project hydrologist. Impact of the silvicultural activities on the cycle of biogenous elements in drained forest ecosystems, 1999. Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Fund for forest development (MAF 15). Assistant. Ecological and hydrological consequences of forest water regime in Latvia, 1996.-2000. The grant of the Latvia Council of Science. Assistant. Elaboration of methods for evaluation of the impact of silvicultural activities on the environment, 2000. Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia. Assistant. Impact of the silvicultural activities on the cycle of biogenous elements in drained forest ecosystems, 1999.-2001. The support grant of the Latvia Council of Science D 22. Project leader. Elaboration of nutrient runoff models from forest lands, 2001.-2002. Financed by SIA “Daugavas fonds” Latvian – Swedish “Daugava project”. Project leader. Improvement of the materially-technical basis of the Vesetnieki Station for Permanent Ecological Research, 2001.-2002., The market oriented investigation Nr. 794. Financed by 308 Department of Higher education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science. Project leader. Hydrological and ecological parameters of Latvian waterlogged forests, their biological diversity, 2001.-2005. The grant of the Latvia Council of Science Nr. 043. Assistant. Water regulatory properties of forests due the intensive forestry, 2004. Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Fund for forest development (C-56). Project leader. Elaboration of the proposals of scientific research forests for the Latvian programme of the Forest and environment interaction monitoring (FOREST FOCUS) for the years 2005 and 2006 according to the Regula Nr. 2152/2003 of European Council. Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Fund for forest development (C-161). Project leader. Water regulatory properties of forests due the intensive forestry, 2005. Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Fund for forest development (C-102). Project leader. Forest soil inventory in Level I plots of European forest monitoring, 2005. Financed by State Forest Service. Project Nr. 05.07.05/05-55. Project leader. INTERREG project Baltic Forests – Forests as a resource for sustainable development and spatial planing in the Baltic Sea region, 2006. National coordinator of the Working group 2: Environmental and ecological aspects. The characterisation of the hidrological condition in nature reserves “Burgas pĜavas” and “Rūjas paliene” in the frames of the LIFE project “The renovation of floodplane meadows for species and biotopes of European Union”, 2006. Financed by Latvian Fund for Nature. Expert. Water regulatory properties of forests due the intensive forestry, 2006. Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Fund for forest development (C-53). Project leader. Forest soil inventory in Level I plots of European forest monitoring, 2006. Financed by State Forest Service. Project Nr. 06-40. Project leader. Water regulatory properties of forests due the intensive forestry, 2007. Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Fund for forest development (S-264). Project leader. Forest soil inventory and evaluation of the biological diversity in the frame of the international project BioSoil, 2007. Financed by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Fund for forest development (S-263). Project leader. The characterisation of the hidrological condition in nature reserve “Sakas grīĦi” in the frames of the project of the Environment protection fund: “The implementation of the nature protection plan for nature reserve „Sakas grīĦi”, 2007. Financed by Latvian Fund for Nature. Expert. Hidrological parametres as the function of the land coverage by forests and of tree stand structure, 2005-2008. The grant of the Latvia Council of Science. Assistant. The factors influencing the flood risk in river floodplains – an example of Babīte and Lielupe Lakes in the frames of the project of the Environment protection fund: „The opinion forming of the non governmental organizations for the impact of the flood risk management on the biological diversity”, 2007-2008. Financed by Latvian Fund for Nature. Expert. The hydrological pre-research of the re-meandring of the Dviete River in the frames of the project of the Royal bird protection society of Netherlands (Vogelbescherming Netherlands): “The restoration and management of Dviete floodplain Nature park”, 2007-2008. Financed by Latvian society of ornitologists. Expert. The implementation of the Forest monitoring governmental program for the year 2008. 309 Financed by Meža monitoringa valsts programmas 2008. gadam uzdevumu izpilde. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Fund for forest development. Assistant. The characterisation of the hydrological condition in the Nature Reserve GrīĦi in the frames of the project of the Environment protection fund: “The elaboration of the nature protection plan for Nature Reserve GrīĦi”, 2008. Financed by Latvian Fund for Nature. Expert. The government order program of the Latvia Council of Science: “The statement of the growing up and rational use of deciduous tree species, new products and technologies”, project: “The technologies of the growing up the deciduous tree species for the supply of the consumers with forest raw materials in the forest and non-forest areas”, 2007-2009. Assistant. Forest ecosystems and water resources, 2009. The grant of the Latvia Council of Science. Assistant. The government order program (NatRes): “The sustainable use of the local resources (mineral deposits, forest, food, transport) – new products and technologies”, project “The elaboration of the innovative forest growing technologies for the improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of the forestry”, 2010. Assistant. Components of forest ecosystems and water resources, 2010. The grant of the Latvia Council of Science Nr. 1559. Assistant. The characterisation of the hydrological condition of the Nature protected areas “Līvbērzes liekĦa” and “ZāĜezera purvs” in the frames of the project “The elaboration of the nature protection plans for the Skujaine and Svētaine Valleys, Nature protected areas “Līvbērzes liekĦa” and “ZāĜezera purvs”, 2010. Financed by Latvian Fund for Nature. Expert. COST program action Nr. FP0601 “Forest Management and the Water Cycle” (FORMAN), 2009-2011. National coordinator. INTERREG IVC project „FUTURE forests”, 2009.-2011. Expert. ERAF project Nr. 2010/0208/2DP/ 10/APIA/VIAA/146 “The support system of the decision making for the planing of sustainable management of forest resources”, 2010-2013. Latvia University of Agriculture, Forest faculty. Assistant. ERAF project Nr. 2DP/ /174 “The elaboration and testing of the prototype of a multifunctional stump extraction and soil processing equipment”, 2010-2013. Latvian State Forestry Research Institute „Silava”. Assistant. ERAF project Nr. 2010/0199/2DP/ APIA/VIAA/021 “Support for the international cooperation, identification and competitiveness of the Latvian State Forestry Research Institute „Silava”, 2010-2013. Assistant. Elaboration of the methodical support for the detraction of the forestry impact on the environment and development of the forest environment monitoring system, 2011-2015. Financed by Joint stock company “Latvian State Forests”. Assistant. Advising of a Master paper: R. Rudzītis “The influence of environmental factors on the distribution of chanterelle in Vacciniosa forest site type”, 2006. Advising of a Master paper: L. Treikališa “The water balance in the drained part of Aizkraukle Mire”, 2011. Contributions at conferences (last three years) Indriksons A. Gruntsūdens līmeĦa monitorings Latvijas purvos. Latvijas Universitātes 67. Zinātniskā konference. Zemes un vides zinātĦu nozares. LU, 2009. gada 28. janvāris - 4. 310 februāris, Rīga. Ots K., Indriksons A, Varnagiryte-Kabasinskiene I., Mandre M., Kuznetsova T., Klõšeiko J., Tilk M., Kõresaar K., Kikamägi K., Lukjanova A., Pärn H. Changes in the canopies of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies in the industrial region of Northeast Estonia. International Workshop on „Environmental Stress and Forest Ecosystem”. 17.11.2009., Tallinn, Estonia. Indriksons A. Dvietes upes palienes hidroloăiskais režīms un dabiskās gultnes atjaunošanas projektēšana. Latvijas Universitātes 68. Zinātniskā konference. Zemes un vides zinātĦu nozares. LU, 2010. gada 1.-5. februāris, Rīga. Indriksons A. Priedes tekošā pieauguma dinamika dažos Latvijas purvos un nosusinātajos mežos. Latvijas Universitātes 68. Zinātniskā konference. Bioloăijas sekcijas Dendroekoloăijas apakšsekcija. LU, 2010. gada 1. februāris, Rīga. Indriksons A., Zālītis P. The impact of wood ash application on groundwater, soil and ground cover vegetation in drained pine forests in Latvia. Conference of recycling of biomass ashes. March 22-23, 2010. University of Innsbruck, Austria. Indriksons A., Zalitis P. The balance of water and biogenous elements in drained forests on peat soils. XXVI Nordic Hydrological Conference. Hydrology: from Research to Water Management. Nordic Association for Hydrology. LU. August 9-11, 2010. Riga, Latvia. Indriksons A., Zālītis P., Jansons J., ĀboliĦa A. Meža dzīvās zemsedzes augu un kokaudžu izmaiĦas nosusināto mežu ūdens sateces baseinos Vesetnieku ekoloăiskajā stacionārā. LLU Meža fakultātes Zinātniski praktiskā konference “Zinātne un prakse nozares attīstībai”. 2011. gada 14.-18. marts, Jelgava. Miezīte O., Indriksons A. Vides faktoru ietekmes novērtēšana uz jaunaudžu veselības stāvokli. LLU Meža fakultātes Zinātniski praktiskā konference “Zinātne un prakse nozares attīstībai”. 2011. gada 14.-18. marts, Jelgava. Miezīte O., Indriksons A., Dreimanis A., Ruba J. The succession dynamics in Sphagnosa forest site type ecosystem after the forest fire. 6th International Conference. Research and conservation of biological diversity in Baltic region. Daugavpils University. Institute of Systematic Biology. April 28-29, 2011., Daugavpils. Indriksons A., Zalitis P. The impact of confined aquifer water on the soil groundwater quality in peatland forests”. ModelCare 2011. Models – Repositories of Knowledge. The 8th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany. September 18-22, 2011., Leipzig. Liepa I., Dreimanis A., Straupe I., Miezīte O., Šulcs V., Indriksons A., Luguza S., Jankovska I., Gackis M. Meža ekoloăija un mežkopība. Apvienotais pasaules latviešu zinātnieku 3. kongress un Letonikas 4. kongress „Zinātne, sabiedrība un nacionālā identitāte”. 2011. gada 24.-27. oktobris, Rīga, Jelgava. 311 Courses delivered Forest botany: the obligatory part of full time forest engineer study programme of the Forest Faculty, 1st semester (2.5 KP); the obligatory part of the part time forest engineer higher professional study programme of the Forest Faculty, 1st semester (2.5 KP); Forest botany (complex practice): the obligatory part of full time forest engineer study programme of the Forest Faculty, 2nd semester. Botany: the obligatory part of the part time crop science, horticulture and animal science study programs of the Faculty of Agriculture, 1st and 2nd semester (2 KP). Botany and pharmacognozy (laboratory works): the obligatory part of the full time veterinary medicine study programme of the Faculty of Veterinary nd Medicine, 2 semester. Forest pyrology: the obligatory part of the part time forest engineer higher professional study programme of the Forest Faculty, 10th semester (1.5 KP). Management of waterlogged forests: the obligatory part of the part time forest engineer higher professional study programme of the Forest Faculty, 10. semester (2 KP). Number of publications: 73, including: 8 in internationaly quotable issues, 4 – in reviewed issues confirmed by Latvian Council of Science, 14 – in other reviewed international and Latvian issues, 24 thesis of scientific conferences, 4 popular science publications, 6 educational methodical materials, 13 reports of scientific projects. Most important publications (not more than five) Indriksons A., Zalitis P. (2000) The impact of hydrotechnical drainage on the cycle of some biogenous elements in forest. In: Baltic Forestry, Vol. 6, No. 1(10): pp. 18-24. Indriksons A., Zālītis P. (2004) Cycle of water and biogenous elements in the forest ecosystems in Latvia. In: Towards the Sustainable use of Europe’s Forests - Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities: EFI proceedings. Edited by F. Andersson, Y. Birot, R. Päivinen.- Joensuu. European Forest Institute, No.49, 25-27 June 2003, Tours, France. Tourus: EFI, 2004, p.199-128. Apsīte E., Indriksons A. (2007) Quantification of nutrient loads from diffuse and point sources into inland surface waters in Latvia. In: Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. No. 1./2.- 59-65 pp. 312 Zālītis, A., Indriksons, A. (2009) The hydrological properties of waterlogged and drained forests in Latvia. In: Jornal of Water and Land Development. No. 13 b: 69-86. Ots. K., Indriksons A., Varnagyiryte-Kabasinskiene I., Mandre M., Kuznetsova T, Klõšeiko J, Tilk M., Kõresaar K., Lukjanova A., Kikamägi K. (2011) Changes in the canopies of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies under alkaline dust impact in the industrial region of Northeast Estonia. In: Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 262, pp. 82-87. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) LUA. Sertificate in program: “E-studies: Moodle environment”, 2011. Academic and social societies (membership) Member and the secretary of the Board of Forest Faculty, since 2006. Member of Latvian Society of Botanists, since 2003. Member of Latvian Soil Society, since 2005. Awards Diploma for participation in the competition “Sējējs” organized by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia in the year 2000. The award of Latvian Council of Science for the young scientists: division of Chemistry, biology and medicine science, for the paper “Impact of the silvicultural activities on the cycle of biogenous elements in drained forest ecosystems” in the year 2003. Paper of acknowledgment for the contribution in advising of a student scientific work: the Bachelor paper of student M. Palejs, Faculty of Rural Engineering of the Latvia University of Agriculture “Elaboration of a three dimensional surface model of the Palsu bog and possibilities to use it for the analysis of environmental factors” in the year 2006. Latvian Fund for Nature Protection. Special-purpose programme of Latvian Fund for education “Education, science and culture”. Number of patents, inventions etc. None Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English ________________ 313 CURRICULUM VITAE Uldis Karlsons Name Surname Dobele 1974 Place of birth Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Utilization, lecturer Work place and position Work address: Academijas 11 Jelgava LV-3001, Latvia 63026059 63021619 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia University of Agriculture University of Latvia University of Latvia Latvia University of Agriculture Study period Speciality At 2011 Qualification Agrarian and Regional Economics 2010-2011 Labour environmental protection and assessment 2005-2006 Environmental protection and assessment 1992-1998 Motor transport Studies doctor. Professional master's degree in labor protection Senior Labour protection specialist Motor transport engineering Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Diploma No. Employment At 2009 - Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Utilization, lecturer At 2005 – Board member of SIA VERSO 1998-2005 Sales representative of SIA “Centra Jaunzemji” Scientific research interests Labour protection and assessment Contributions at conferences (last three years) Agricultural nature of the work environment evaluation, the U.Karlsons, Latvian University 69.zinātniskā Conference "Ergonomics and the environment", 18.02.2011. Riga University, Department of Chemistry. Courses delivered Labour and civil protection -2 CP Labour protection in economic sector – 3 CP 314 Labour protection means – 2 CP Laws and regulations in labour protection sector – 2 CP Labour protection – 1 CP Number of publications: …6…. Publications 1. Proceeding in INTERNET - - Changes in regulations about first aid rendering help in workplace 23.08.2010.ZZ - Reminder about changes labour laws for employers. 10.06.2010.ZZ - Labour laws – possibility to enable oneself. 07.05.2010.ZZ Discussion about actual problems in labour (Association Staff Management Latvia) - Consultative employers. 03.02.2009.BDz 2. U.Karlsons. Analysis Psychological Risks for Farm Machinery Drivers in Crop Farming Sector.. The First International Scientific-Practical Conference of the Latvian Ergonomics Society „Contemporary Ergonomics and Business 2011” Abstracts. Riga 2011.p.41. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 2011.Tālākizglītības mācību programma „Drošs darbs ar azbestu”. 2011.Moodle e-kursu veidošanas vadības sistēma. Jelgava, LLU. 2007 Basic course in Pedagogy, 60 CP, Latvia University of Agriculture 2006 Fire Safety and protection courses, 160 hours, SIA MC Liepa 2005 Labour protection specialist courses, 160 hours, SIA Grosbuhs-Invest 1996 Agricultural practice in Switzerland 1996 Agricultural practice in Germany Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: average Latvian Russian German English Reading skills excellent good average x x Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good x x x x x x x x x x 315 CURRICULUM VITAE Dace Name Jelgava Place of birth Brizga Surname 1961 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Utilization, assistant Work place and position Phone: Fax: E-mail: Work address: Academijas 11 Jelgava LV-3001, Latvia 63026059 63021619 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia University of Agriculture Latvia Academy of Agriculture Study Speciality period 2008-2010 Public administration Manager 1980-1985 Milk and Milk product technologic engineer Qualification Professional masters in Public and Administration and Manager of Public Administration Engineer technologist Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvia University of Agriculture Year 2010 Speciality Public administration Manager Degree Second (graduate) professional degree Diploma No. PD E Nr. 0230 Employment At 01.09.2009. - Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Utilization, assistant 14.03.2008-31.08.2009 - Faculty of Forestry, Department of Labour Environment 01.03.1994.-10.04.2007. Holding company „Jelgavas cukurfabrika”, environment engineer 20.09.1988-01.03.1994 - Holding company „Jelgavas cukurfabrika”, purification plant engineer – chemist 03.02.1986-20.09.1988- Holding company „Jelgavas cukurfabrika”, purification plant engineer – chemist in technological laboratory of sugar industry 316 Scientific research interests Contributions at conferences (last three years) Courses delivered Labour and civil protection -2 CP Number of publications: …1…. Publications Staša J., Šėēle A., Brizga D., KristiĦš I., Heidemanis I. Ergonomical Problems and its Solution During the Study Process. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference „Human and Nature Safety 2009”. Part 1, Akademija (Kauno r.), 2009.- p.p. 9-12. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 06.12.2004. – 40 hour course of IT for office staff 05.09.2006. – 5 hour seminar „Minimal standards of Hygiene in foodstuff enterprise” 22.03.2007. – 18 hour course in program “Internet and e-mail” 25.10.2007. – English language courses 17.10.2008.-22.05.2009. Innovation university of didactics. 01.07.2009.-02.07.2009. – Important Ideas in Public Administration. Development of the Online Corriculum: Options and Strategies. 27.01.2012.- Participation in the Academic Conference "Learning internationalization. Professional higher education program development. " Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian x x x Russian x x x German English x x x 317 CURRICULUM VITAE Jānis Name Jēkabpils district Place of birth Palabinskis Surname 1957 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Engineering Work place and position Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Associated professor, Work address: 5,J.Cakstes boulvd., Jelgava LV-3001 6, ZiedoĦu street, Ozolnieki, Jelgavas district, LV - 3018 Phone: Fax: E-mail: 63023825 63020762 63023670 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country PhD studies, Latvia Academy of Agriculture Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Mechanization Study Speciality period 1988-1991 Agricultural mechanization 1980-1985 Agricultural mechanization Qualification Dipl. Engineer Research degrees Institution awarding degree Council of Science in Agricultural Engineering H-1, LUA, Jelgava Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering Year Speciality Degree 1998 Agricultural engineering 1992 Agricultural engineering Diploma No. G-D Nr.000392 Nr. 000889 Employment 2006 – current date: associated professor, Head Institute of Agricultural Machinery,, Faculty of Engineering (FE), Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) 5, J. Cakstes boulv., LV-3001, Jelgava, Latvia 1998. – 2006: assistant professor, Head Institute of Agricultural Machinery, LUA 1997. – 1998: lecturer, Head Institute of Agricultural Machinery, LUA 1995. – 1997: lecturer, Head Department mechanization, LUA 1993. – 1995: lecturer, Head Department of Plant - growing Machinery, LUA 318 1991. – 1993: assistant , Department of Agricultural Machinery, LAA 1988. – 1991: PhD student, research associate, LAA 1985. – 1988: research associate, Department of Agricultural Machinery, LAA 1980. – 1985: student , Faculty of Mechanization, LAA Scientific research interests • The Material Investigations of Solar Collector Research of Grain Drying (cooling) process Grain active ventilation using ozonized air Contributions at conferences (last three years) • Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis, Guntis Rušėis. Usage of Different Materials in Air Heated Solar Collectors. 9th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, May 27-28, 2010; p 6772 • Aboltins, J. Palabinskis and G. Rušėis. The Investigations of Heating Process in Solar Air Heating Collector. Agronomy Reserarch. Volume 8 „Biosystems Engineering. Special Issue 1, Estonia, 2010, P. 5 - 11. • Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis, Aigars Lauva, Guntis Rušėis. Investigations of Air Solar Collector Efficiency. 8th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 28-29 May, 2009. Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis, Aigars Lauva, Guntis Ruskis. Steel-Tinplate Absorber Investigations in Air Solar Collectors. 8th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 28-29 May, 2009. J. Palabinskis, A. Aboltins, A. Lauva, N. Karpova-Sadigova. The comparative material investigations of solar collestor. Proceedings of the Agronomy Reserarch. Volume 6 „Engineering of Agricultural Technologies. Special Issue, Kaunas, Lithuania, 17.–20. 09. 2008. J. Palabinskis, A. Lauva, A. ĀboltiĦš, N. Karpova-Sadigova. Movable Air Solar Collector and its Efficiency. 7th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 29-30 May, 2008; J. Palabinskis, A. Lauva, A. ĀboltiĦš, J. Skujans, U. Iljins. The Material Investigations of Solar Collector. 6th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 24-25 May, 2007. Palabinskis,J,A. Lauva, A. ĀboltiĦš, N. Karpova-Sadigova .Research of Grain Drying (cooling) process in Latvia. Jubilee Scientific Conference with International Participation „State of the Akt and Problems of Agricultural science and Education” Plovdiv. Bulgaria 19 – 20 October 2005. Palabinskis,A. Lauva, A. ĀboltiĦš, N. Karpova-Sadigova. Grain active ventilation using ozonized air. International Conference „New technological processes and investigation methods for agricultural engineering”. No.10. Raudondvaris 8 – 9 September 2005. Aboltins A., Palabinskis J,A. Lauva. Graudu aktīvā ventilēšana ar ozonētu gaisu. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Inženierproblēmas lauksaimniecībā” rakstu krājums. Jelgava. 2005. 2. – 3. jūnijs Aboltins A., Berzins E., Palabinskis J. Heat-Mass Transter in Grain Primary Procesing. Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and veterinary medicine. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Vol. 55 – 56 / 2001. P. 141 - 146 • • • • • • • • 319 • • Palabinskis J. Aboltins A., Cooling of hot grain. International Scientic Symposium Brno (ČR), 1997. Aboltins A., Palabinskis J., Skrupskis I., A Matematical Model for the Grain Cooling AgEng’96 Conference of Agricultural Engineeering, Madrid (Spain) 1996. Courses delivered Lectures, practical works, course works for Agricultural Machinery ; Communal Machinery ; Agricultural Mechanization Drain desiccation and storage . Number of publications: over 45 including monogrtaphs, training appliances, scientific papers and articles Publications • • Aboltins, A., Palabinskis, J. and Lauva, A. Grain Active Ventilation Using Ozonized Air. Acta Hort. (2010) 858: 83-88 Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis, Guntis Rušėis. Usage of Different Materials in Air Heated Solar Collectors. 9th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, May 27-28, 2010; p 67- 72 • Aboltins, J. Palabinskis and G. Rušėis. The Investigations of Heating Process in Solar Air Heating Collector. Agronomy Reserarch. Volume 8 „Biosystems Engineering. Special Issue 1, Estonia, 2010, P. 5 11. • A.Aboltins, J.Palabinskis, A.Lauva The investigations of absorbers of air solar collector, Programme and Abstracts of International Conference ‘’Synergy and Technical Development ( SynEnergy2009)’’ Godollo, Hungary, 30.08-02.09 2009. Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis, Aigars Lauva, Guntis Rušėis. Investigations of Air Solar Collector Efficiency. 8th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 28-29 May, 2009; p 176 – 181 Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis, Aigars Lauva, Guntis Rušėis. Steel-Tinplate Absorber Investigations in Air Solar Collectors. 8th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 28-29 May, 2009; p 182- 187 • • • J. Palabinskis, A. Aboltins, A. Lauva, N. Karpova-Sadigova. The comparative material investigations of solar collestor. Proceedings of the Agronomy Reserarch. Volume 6 „Engineering of Agricultural Technologies. Special Issue, Kaunas, Lithuania, 17.–20. 09. 2008, P. 255 - 261. • J. Palabinskis, A. Lauva, A. ĀboltiĦš, N. Karpova-Sadigova. Movable Air Solar Collector and its Efficiency. 7th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 29-30 May, 2008; P. 51 - 56 ĀboltiĦš, Aivars. Graudu kaltēšana un uzglabāšana: mācību grāmata LLU lauksaimniecības, lauksaimniecības uzĦēmējdarbības un lauksaimniecības inženierzinātĦu studiju programmu studentiem, maăistrantiem un doktorantiem. Darba rezultāti ir izmantojami praktiėu ikdienas darbā / A. ĀboltiĦš, J. Palabinskis. - Jelgava : Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2007. - 74 lpp. : il., tab. ; 30 cm. J. Palabinskis, A. Lauva, A. Aboltins, J. Skujans, U. Iljins. The Material Investigations of Solar Collector. 6th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 24-25 May, 2007; p 18 – 23. J. Palabinskis, A. Lauva, A. ĀboltiĦš, N. Karpova-Sadigova. Comparative Studies of the Solar Material Collector. 5th International Scientific Conference „ Engineering for Rural Development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 18-19 May, 2006 J. Palabinskis,A. ĀboltiĦš, N. Karpova-Sadigova. Research of Grain Drying (cooling) process in Latvia. Jubilee Scientific Conference with International Participation „State of the Akt and Problems of Agricultural science and Education” Plovdiv. Bulgaria 19 – 20 • • • • 320 • • • • • October 2005. Aboltins A., Berzins E., Palabinskis J. Heat-Mass Transter in Grain Primary Procesing. Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and veterinary medicine. ClujNapoca, Romania, Vol. 55 – 56 / 2001. P. 141 - 146 Aboltins A., Palabinskis J., Skrupskis I. Results of Modelling the Treatment of Granular Agricultural Produce // Proceedings of the International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovatine Technology in the “Agri-Food-Chain”, Acia Hortcultural N0 476, p. 85. – 91. Aboltins A., Palabinskis J., Skrupskis I. The results of heat – mass transfer modelling of small granular agricultural production. International conference on agricultural engineering. Part I, EurAgEng’ 98, Oslo, p. 361. – 362. Palabinskis J., ĀboltiĦš A. Karstu graudu pēckaltēšana ar nostāvināšanu // LLU Raksti, 1998. Nr. 13 (290), 77. - 82. lpp. Aboltins A., Palabinskis J. Cooling of hot grain by Seasoning Proceeding of the International Scientic Symposium Brno, 1997 Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) • September 1999 -December 2000- Course of “Higher education didactics”, LUA, Jelgava. • October, 2006-April, 2007. Course of English; PIC Jelgava. February – April, 2007. Course of Power Point and E-mail; Ltd LIDERIS, Jelgava. Academic and social societies (membership) Member of Faculty Board; Member of University Convention Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. -2 Ventilation corn-bin. – Patent of USSR, AC 706455б, 1991. Grain ventilation equipment . – Patent of Latvia, LV 10740, 1996. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian x x x Russian x x x German x x x English ________________ 321 Curriculum vitae Juris Name Ventspils region, Ugāle Place of birth 21.10.1942 Date, months,year Priekulis Last name Position: LUA, Faculty of Engineering, Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Head of Animal Breeding and Food Engineering Department, Professor Work place address: LV-3001, Jelgava, J.Čakstes blv.5 Telephone 63080691 Telex: ……………………. Fax: 63020762 E-mail: Home address: LV-3001, Jelgava, Uzvaras 4 - 44 Telephone 63027535 Mobile phone 29422708 Education: Undergraduate studies, graduate, post-graduate studies. School, state Time of studies LLA 1964.-1969. LLA post-graduate studies 1973.-1975. Specialty Qualification Mechanisation of agricultural production processes Eng. mech. Mechanisation of agricultural production Scientific qualification: Scientific council, institution, state Year ВИСХОМ, Moscow 1977. Specialty 1992. LLU 1998. LLU 2001. LLU Mechanisation of agricultural production Engineering Engineering branch Animal breeding machinery sub-branch Agricultural branch, Engineering animal breeding sub-branch Scientific degree Diploma No. t.z.k. TH Nr.016950 G-D Nr.000035 Associate professor LLU-A PR Nr.015 Professor LLU-PR Nr.033 Scientific and pedagogical work: 322 Scientific institutions (period of time), scientific trends, projects, grants, lecture courses, Master and Doctoral advisory. LLU (1969-2011). Scientific trend: Rational technology and mechanisation in dairy farming and animal feed production. Projects, grants (1997-2011): - Manager and responsible executor for grant themes: G14 No.96.0163.1 (1997-2000); No.01.0787 (2001-2004), No.05.1580 (2005-2008)and No.09.1463 (2009-2011); ZM contract No.031207/C-292 „Development of branch standard „Manure production and management”” Manager and responsible executor (Dec. 2007- May 2008); ZM project ZM 99/17-17 Manager “Proposals and recommendations for animal barn construction and equipment” (1998-1999); - Number of publications – 290; incl., monographs, books and booklets – 22 issues. Most important publications: 1. Priekulis J. Racionāla tehnoloăija un mehanizācija piena lopkopībā./Zinātniska monogrāfija. Jelgava. :LLU, 2000. -148 lpp. 2. Priekulis J. Lopkopības mehanizācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. -355 lpp. 3. Vides aizsardzības pasākumu ieviešana cūku intensīvās audzēšanas fermās. /J.PriekuĜa red.-R.Poligrafists., 2006. -87 lpp. 4. Liellopu un cūku mītnes: tehnoloăija un aprīkošana/ J.PriekuĜa red. R.: Poligrāfists, 2003. -198 lpp. 5. Prasības un ieteikumi lopu mītĦu tehnoloăiskai projektēšanai un aprīkošanai. / J.Priekulis. -Jelgava: LLU, 1999.-60 lpp. 6. Laurs A., Priekulis J. Mūsdienīga piena ražošana. /LLU Ulbrokas zinātnes centrs -R. :Poligrāfists, 2001. -345 lpp. Number of patents, author certificates, licenses - 6 Patents, inventions, registered new plant and animal species, lines 1. Хранилище для влажного зерна. -Авт.свид. СССР №407021, (соавт.В.В.Пилверс). 2. Датчик сигнализации об изменении расхода жидкости. -Авт.свид. ССС № 668653 (соавт.С.Я.Тимшан, Л.Н. Бучениекс). 3. Устройство для снятия доильных стаканов с сосков вымени и отвода доильного аппарата из-под коровы.-Авт.свид.СССР №701606. (соавт А.Р.Шпиллерс, С.Я.Тимшан). 4. Устройство для автоматического отключения доильного аппарата после окончания доения.-Авт.свид.СССР № 869709.(соавт.В.М.Денисов). 5. Slaukšanas iekārta ar piena vadu. LV patents Nr.13276. Public.20.06.2005. (J.Priekulis, V.Zujs, V.AuziĦš) 6. Govju boksu paklāju mīkstuma noteikšanas ierīce. Patents LV 14246 B. Public.20.11.2010. (J.Priekulis, A.Laurs, A.SaliĦš, G.Rudzāts). Knowledge of foreign languages: Reading Writing Excellent, good, average Excellent, good, average Speaking Russian German English 323 CURRICULUM VITAE Kaspars Name Aluksne region, Latvia Place of birth Vārtukapteinis Surname 1951 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Professor Work place and position Work address: 5, Cakste boulv. , Jelgava Phone: Fax: E-mail: 63023825, 29250437 63020762 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Veterinary Academy in Moscow, course of French, 10 month. Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Latvian Agricultural Academy Study period 1988-89 1969-74 Speciality Qualification Diploma Mechanisation of agricultural processes Mechanical engineer Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvian Agricultural Academy Latvia University of Agriculture Year Speciality 1984 Agricultural Engineering 1992 Agricultural Engineering Degree Candidate of technical sciences Diploma No. TH 077979 G-D 000004 Employment Since 01.09.2007. – Professor, Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU). 1991-2007 – Dean, Faculty of Engineering, LLU. 2001-2007 – Professor, Institute of Agricultural Machinery (part time job, holding of more than one job). 1998-2001 – Assoc. Prof, Institute of Agricultural Machinery (part time job, holding of more than one job). 1991-1998 – Docent, Institute of Agricultural Machinery (part time job, holding of more than one job). 1986-1991 – Vice Dean, Faculty of Engineering, LLU (holding of more than one job). 1989-1991 – Docent, Department of Agricultural Machinery. 1985-1989 – Docent, Department of Mechanics. 1974-1985 – Researcher in Departments of Machine Service and Agricultural Machinery. 324 Scientific and pedagogical activities Latvia University of Agriculture (till 1991 Academy), mechanisation of liquid mineral fertilisers, construction and operation of boom sprayers, higher education and engineering education, history of education and science. Pedagogical activities: courses delivered “Agricultural mechanisation”, Introduction in studies”, Agricultural machinery”, “Theory of agricultural machinery”, earlier – “Theoretical mechanics”. Number of publications: 183:, books and brochures - 22, scientific works - 61, reports of research works - 5, teaching aids - 6. Significant publications (last 5 years): 1. Vartukapteinis K., Cukure A., Cukurs J. Process of Studies Evaluated by Students. In: Proccedings of the 10th Internat. Scientific Conference „Engineering for Rural Development”. Jelgava, 2011, May 26-27, p. 268-273. 2. Vārtukapteinis K. Latvijas Universitātes Lauksaimniecības fakultātes pārtapšana par Jelgavas Lauksaimniecības akadēmiju. No: Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. 2010, 763. sēj. ZinātĦu vēsture un muzejniecība. 19.–31. lpp. 3. Vartukapteinis K., Cukure A., Cukurs J. First year student evaluation of study process at the Faculty of Engineering. In: Proceedings of the International scientific conference Engineering for rural development. Jelgava: LLU, 2010, p. 335-338. 4. Birzietis G., Vartukapteinis K. Quality assurance and assesment frameworks of biosystems engineering studies in Latvia. In: Proceedings of the 5th ERABEE workshop on „Quality assurence & assessment frameworks of biosystems engineeering studies”, Prague, April 29-30, 2010, p. 95-102. 5. Vārtukapteinis K. Agricultural engineering and pedagogical sciences at the Faculty of engineering. In: Proceedings of the International scientific conference Latvia University of Agriculture – 70. Jelgava, LLU, 2009, p. 36-46. 6. Vārtukapteinis K., Tabunova T. Improvement of scientific qualification in Latvia University of Agriculture during 70 years. In: Proceedings of the International scientific conference Latvia University of Agriculture – 70. Jelgava, LLU, 2009, p. 173-174. 7. Vārtukapteinis K. Jelgavas Lauksaimniecības akadēmija. No: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes 70 gadi, Jelgava, LLU, 2009, 5.-33. lpp. 8. Vārtukapteinis K., Čukure A. Development of cooperation with graduates trough reunion. In: Proceedings of the 7th International scientific conference Engineering for Rural Development. Jelgava: LLU, 2008, p. 372-376. 9. Lauksaimniecības mehanizācijas fakultātes 1988. gada absolventi / sast. K.Vārtukapteinis, A.Čukure – Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – 192 lpp. 10. Birzietis G., Vartukapteinis K. Biosystems engineering in Latvia – situation & perspective. In: Proceedings of the 1st ERABEE Workshop on “Definition of the Emerging Biosystems Engineering Discipline in Europe”, Madrid, April 3-4, 2008, p. 87-89. 11. Birzietis G., Vartukapteinis K. Update and expanding the scope of biosystems engineering studies in Latvia. In: Proceedings of the 2nd ERABEE Workshop on “Upadate and expand the scope of Biosystems Engineering programs of studies, placing emphasis in the areas of bio-fuels, bio-materials and quality of products”, Dublin, October 13-14, 2008, p. 89-94. Contributions at conferences (last 3 years) 1. Vartukapteinis K., Cukure A., Cukurs J. Process of Studies Evaluated by Students. In: Proccedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference „Engineering for Rural Development”. Jelgava, 2011, May 26-27. 2. Vartukapteinis K., Cukure A., Cukurs J. First year student evaluation of study process at the faculty of Engineering. 9th International scientific conference Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, LLU, May 27-28, 2010. 325 3. Birzietis G., Vartukapteinis K. Research in biosystems engineering in Latvia University of Agriculture. 9th International scientific conference Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, LLU, May 27-28, 2010. 4. Birzietis G., Vartukapteinis K. Quality assurance and assesment frameworks of biosystems engineering studies in Latvia. 5th ERABEE workshop on „Quality assurence & assessment frameworks of biosystems engineeering studies”, Prague, April 29-30, 2010. 5. Vartukapteinis K. Development of agricultural engineering education in Latvia. 8th International scientific conference Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, LLU, May 28-29, 2009. 6. Birzietis G., Vartukapteinis K. Research activities in the first two cycles of agricultural engineering university studies in Latvia. 4th ERABEE workshop on „Research activities in the first two cycles of European Biosystems engineering university studies”, Valetta, November 16-17, 2009. 7. Vartukapteinis K., Cukure A. Development of cooperation with graduates trough reunion. International scientific conference Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, LLU, May 28-29, 2009. 8. Birzietis G., Vartukapteinis K. Network for education and research in biosystems engineering in Europe. 8th International scientific conference Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, LLU, May 28-29, 2009. 9. Vartukapteinis K. Agricultural engineering and pedagogical sciences at the Faculty of Engineering. 8th International scientific conference Latvia University of Agriculture – 70. Jelgava, LLU, October 29, 2009. 10. Vārtukapteinis K., Tabunova T. Improvement of scientific qualification in Latvia University of Agriculture during 70 years. International scientific conference Latvia University of Agriculture – 70. Jelgava, LLU, October 29, 2009. 11. Vārtukapteinis K. 70 gadi kopš LU Lauksaimniecības fakultātes pārtapšanas par Jelgavas Lauksaimniecības akadēmiju. LU 67. konference, 2009, 26. janv. 12. Birzietis G., Vārtukapteinis K. Biosystems engineering in Latvia – situation & perspective. 1st ERABEE Workshop on “Definition of the Emerging Biosystems Engineering Discipline in Europe”, Madrid, April 3-4, 2008. Membership at scientific committees 1. Member of the scientific comitee of the international scientific journal „Agricultural Engineering Magazine” (Romania) (since 2010). 2. Chairman of the Program Committee of the International scientific conference “Engineering for rural development 2010”, Jelgava, 2010. 3. Member of the scientific comitee of the international scientific conference „Biosystems Engineering 2010” (Tartu). 4. Editor-in-chief of the book „Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes 70 gadi” (70 years of the Latvia University of Agriculture) (2009). 5. Vice chairman of the Program committee of the International scientific conference “Latvia University of Agriculture 70”, Jelgava (2009). 6. Vice chairman of the Program committee of the Proceedings of the International scientific conference “Latvia University of Agriculture 70”, (2009). 7. Member of the scientific committee of the section “History of Technical sciences” of the RTU 48th International Scientific Conference, Riga, 2007. 8. Chairman of the Program Committee of the International scientific conference “Engineering for rural development 2006”, Jelgava, 2006. 9. Member of the editorial board of the Proceedings of the Latvia University “History of the Sciences and Museums” (since 2004). 10. Member of the editorial board of the Proceedings of the Riga Technical University 326 “History of the Sciences” (since 2005). Administration of Projects 1. Coordinator from Latvia side of the International Project of the Baltic Sea Region Programme „BATMAN - BAltic Forum for Innovative Technologies for Sustainable MANure Management” (since 2010). 2. Project of the USAEE thematic network (University Studies of Agricultural Engineering in Europe) of the SOCRATES/ERASMUS program. Leader from Latvia side (2002-2007). 3. Leader from Latvia University of Agriculture side of the cooperation agreement Nr. SLEQUAL-2005-14 of the EQUAL project (2004-2008). 4. Leader of the ESF project VPD1/ESF/PIAA/04/APK/ „Modernization of the Engineering study content at Latvia University of Agriculture” (2005-2008). 5. Leader of the ESF project VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/ “Promotion of the technological competencies of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Engineering of the Latvia University of Agriculture in engineering industry and metal working” (2006-2007). 6. Leader of the ESF project VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/ „Processing of the materials of career-guidance and realization of the measures at the Faculty of Engineering” (2006-2007). Membership in academic and professional associations, in elective office Full member of the Latvia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (since 2000), heed of the Engineering Sciences Unit (since 2008). Member of the Professors Council at the LLA, Agricultural Engineering and Water Management (since 2003). Member of the Terminology Commission of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (2006). Expert in agricultural machinery of the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau (2007). Vice chairman of LLU Convent (2007-2010) and Senate (since 2001). Member of the Council of the LLU teaching and research farm Vecauce (since 2004). Member of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering, LLU (since 1997). Head of the Teaching methodic commission of the Faculty of Engineering, LLU (since 2008). Number of patents, inventions etc. 11 certificate of authorship USSR, one Patent of the Latvia. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English French 28.02.2012. 327 CURRICULUM VITAE Kaspars Name Riga Place of birth Abramenko Surname 1977 Year of Birth Work place and position LUA, Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Management Lecturer Place of work address: Akademijas Str. 19 Jelgava Home address: 4 A. Kalnina Str. fl. 15a Riga LV-3001, LATVIA (+371) 630 29908 Phone Nr. (+371) 630 22180 Fax: E-mail: LV-1011, LATVIA (+371) 28328142 Phone Nr. Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Bachelor studies. LUA, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Latvia Master studies. LUA, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Latvia Ph.D studies. LUA, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Latvia Research degrees: Study period Speciality Qualification 1996.- 2000. Environmental Management Environmental Engineering - 2000. – 2002. - 2003. - ……. Bachelor of Environmental Sciences, 2000; Master of Environmental Engineering Sciences, 2002. Employment Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) since June 1999. Head technician, researcher –1999.-2000.g.; Professor’s Assistant, – 2002.- 2010. Lecturer, researcher – 2010-…till now Scientific research interests “Agricultural run-off monitoring in Latvia”, “Nutrient leakage from agricultural lands”, Water quality modeling. Since 2010. ESF Project: „Establishment of interdisciplinary scientist group and modelling system for groundwater research” Project Number: Nr.2009/0212/1DP/ Reasercher. EU co-financed BONUS programm RECOCA project (Reduction of Baltic Sea Nutrient Inputs and Cost Allocation within the Baltic Sea Catchment). Assistant. 328 National Research Programme - Climate Change Impact on Water Environment in Latvia. Work package 2: Climate Change Impact on the Nutrient Run-off in Drainage Basin. EU COST Action 869 Mitigation options for nutrient reduction in surface waters and ground waters. Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. A.Veinbergs, A. Liepa, Z. Dimanta, K. Abramenko, V. Vircavs, D. Lauva, I. Mailite, I. Anisimova. Climate variability effects on the groundwater table fluctuations and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in agricultural lands. Symposium on Climate Change Challenges in River Basin Management. Abstract Proceedings.Oulu Finland. 2011. 17-19.january. 52-53 pp. 2. Vircavs, V., Abramenko, K., D. Lauva, A.Veinbergs. Poster presentation. Modelling of groundwater table fluctuations in agricultural monitoring stations NORDIC WATER 2010. The XXVI Nordic Hydrological Conference. Hydrology: From research to water management, 9-11 August 2010. Riga, Latvia. 3. A.Veinbergs, A.Liepa, Z.Dimanta, K.Abramenko, V.Vircavs, D.Lauva, I.Mailīte, I AĦisimova. „Climate variability effects on the groundwater level fluctuations and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in agricultural lands”. 4th International Conference „Environmental Science and Education in Latvia and Europe”. ISBN 978-9984-48-035-0. p 25-26. 4. Jansons V., Abramenko K. Application of the SWAT model in Latvia. BONUS programmas RECOCA projekta (Reduction of Baltic Sea Nutrient Inputs and Cost Allocation within the Baltic Sea Catchments) leaders meeting. Stockholm university, Baltic Nest Institute. 10.-11. V. 2010. 5. Lagzdinš, A., Jansons, V., Abramenko, K. “Drenu ūdeĦu kvalitātes īstermiĦa mainība”. (Short-term Variability of Drainage Water Quality) LUA LIF Scientifically practical conference Environment and Water Management issues. Match 31, 2010. Jelgava, (From 2010.09.22.) 6. Abramenko, K., Veinbergs, A. „Groundwater level modeling in monitoring stations”. Scientifically practical conference Environment and Water Management issues. March 31, 2010. Jelgava, (From 2010.09.22.) 8. K. Abramenko, A.Bakute, A.Veinbergs, A.LagzdiNs (2009) Estimations of nitrogen pressure within Berze river catchment for future climate scenarios. University of Latvia 67th Scientific Conference, Section: „Climate change and water”, Riga, Latvia, 20th February, 2009. Courses delivered Study courses “Ecology and environmental protection”, “Hydrology” “Soil and water conservation I and II”, “Forest melioration”, “Applied Hydrology I and II”; Training courses “Practical agriculture”, “Hydrometry”. Publications • Vircavs V, Jansons V, Veinbergs A, Abramenko K, Dimanta Z, AĦisimova I, Lauva D, Liepa A. Modeling of groundwater level fluctations in agricultural monitoring sites. Environmental Earth Sciences. Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment, Vol. 1, ISBN 978-3-642-19901-1. pp. 217 – 224. • A.Veinbergs, A. Liepa, Z. Dimanta, K. Abramenko, V. Vircavs, D. Lauva, I. Mailite, I. Anisimova. Climate variability effects on the groundwater table fluctuations and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in agricultural lands. Symposium on Climate Change Challenges in River Basin Management. Abstract Proceedings. Oulu Finland. 2011. 17-19.january. 52-53 pp. • Jansons V., Sudārs R., Abramenko K. (2010) Scale issues for assessment of nutrient 329 • • • • loss from agricultural land in Latvia. In: Proceedings of the XXVI NHC "Hydrology: From research to water management" - Riga, Latvia. 8-11 August. 2010. pp. 84. A. Lagzdins, V. Jansons, K. Abramenko (2010) Application of SWAT model to the Berze agricultural catchment. The XXVI Nordic Hydrological Conference : Hydrology: From research to water management, Nordic Hydrological Programme Report No. 51, University of Latvia Press, Riga, pp. 87. V.Jansons, L.BērziĦa, K.Abramenko, R.Timbare. (2009) Risk Assessment of the Agricultural Pollution with Nitrates in Latvia. LLU raksti 22 (317),; 1-11 LagzdiĦš, A., Jansons, V., Abramenko, K. (2007) Classification of the water quality for nutrients in agricultural run – off. In: Proceedings of Fifth Study Conference on Baltex. Publication No. 38. Isemer, H. J. (ed.). GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GMbH, Germany, ISSN 1681-6471, pp. 202 – 203. LagzdiĦš, A., Jansons, V., Abramenko, K. (2007) Assessment of water quality concerning phosphorus in agricultural run – off. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Phosphorus Workshop (Diffuse Phosphorus Loss). DJF Plant Science No. 130. Heckrath, G., Rubæk, G. H., Kronvang, B. (ed.). Digisource Danmark A/S, Denmark, ISBN 87-91949-20-3, pp. 313-315. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Language skills: Reading excellent, good, poor Writing Speaking excellent, good, poor excellent, good, poor Latvian (native) X X X Russian X X X English X X X German X X X French X X X Swedish X X X 330 CURRICULUM VITAE Linda Name Ventspils Place of birth Grinberga Surname 1985 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Rural Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Management - Head of Laboratory, Assistant Work place and position Work address: 19 Akademijas Street, LV-3001, Jelgava, Latvia Phone: Fax: E-mail: +371 63029851 +371 63022180 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Study period Undergraduate studies Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Latvia 2003 – 2008 Master studies Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Latvia 2008 – 2010 Speciality Environmental Engineering and Water Management Hidroengineering Qualification Professional bachelor’s degree and engineer qualification Master’s degree Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Diploma No. Employment 2005. – 2008. SIA „Inženiertehniskie projekti” Since 2008. Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Management Scientific research interests Academic area of work: Ecology and Environmental Protection, Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Treatment, Constructed Wetlands. European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism and Ministry of Environmental Protection (Latvia) co financed Environmental policy integration program in Latvia, Subproject “The energyefficient wastewater treatment technologies in biological ponds, wetlands and biofilters”. Managed an Engineer Project „Water Supply and Sewerage Project Solutions in Krievlauki, Ventspils District.” 331 Contributions at conferences (last three years) Tilgalis Ē., Grinberga L. „The energy-efficient wastewater treatment technologies in constructed wetlands”. International scientific conference „Civilengineering`11”. Jelgava, 13.05.2011. Tilgalis Ē., Grinberga L. „NotekūdeĦu energoefektīvas attīrīšanas tehnoloăijas izmantojot mākslīgos mitrājus” Uzstāšanās LLU LIF organizētajā zinātniski praktiskā konferencē “Vides un ūdenssaimniecības problēmas”. Jelgava, 31.03.2009. Courses delivered Environmental Engineering (lectures, laboratory and practical works, undergraduate students) Ecology and Environmental Protection (lectures and practical works, undergraduate students) Number of publications: 2 Publications Tilgalis E., Grinberga L. (2011) The energy-efficient wastewater treatment technologies in constructed wetlands. 3rd International Conference„CIVIL ENGINEERING`11 Proceedings, V ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. p. 263. – 266. Tilgalis Ē., Grinberga L., Builevics A. (2011) Energoefektīva notekūdeĦu attīrīšana – mitrāji, biodīėi un biofiltri”, Journal “Latvijas būvniecība”, rubric: Engineering, p. 54.-56. (in Latvian) Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) STAFF TRAINING under the ERASMUS Programme in Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk). 15.05.2011 – 21.05.2011, Ås, Norway. Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian English 332 CURRICULUM VITAE Ēvalds Name District Balvi Place of birth Dreimanis Surname 1940 Year of birth Work place and position Work address: 19. Akadēmijas str. Jelgava LV- 3001 Phone: Fax: E-mail: 63029851 63022180 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia University of Agriculture Study Speciality period 1958-1964 Forestry Qualification Engineer Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvia University Year 1992 Speciality Botany Degree Dr. Biol. Diploma No. C-D Nr. 00026 Employment 1966-1971 Engineer, research senior engineer at the Department of Forestry 1971-1978 Senior of research associate at the Faculty of Agronomy 1978-1980 Docent at the Faculty of Agronomy 1980-1991 Vice Rector of part time studies of Latvia University of Agriculture 1991-1995 Director of qualification studies 1995-now Latvia University of Agriculture, Docent at the Department of Engineering and Water Management Scientific research interests Karelian birch instillation using infectional method (1966-1971) Karelian birch wood-pulp anatomical research (1971-1974) Research a ,,stem pitting” virus and its possible impact on steam bumpy forming, research on Karelian birch wood-pulp forming issues (1974-1980) Contributions at conferences (last three years) Courses delivered B. Sc. Course: Ecology and Environmental Protection 333 Number of publications: 35 ……. Publications 1. Ē. Dreimanis. By infection method grown Karelian birch wood-pulp anatomical research. Riga, LU, 1974. pp.36. 2. Ē. Dreimanis, J. Švarcbahs. Intensification of Agriculture and nature protection. Jelgava, LLA, 1984, pp. 54. 3. Problems of Land reclamation and rural development. Jelgava, LUA, 1998. pp. 9. 4. J. Švarcbahs, R. Sudārs, V. Jansons, U. KĜaviĦš, Ē. Dreimanis, P. Bušmanis. Ecology and Environmental Protection. Jelgava, LUA, 2001. pp. 200. 5. J. Švarcbahs, R. Sudārs, V. Jansons, U. KĜaviĦš, A. Zīverts, Ē. Dreimanis, P. Bušmanis. Ecology and Environmental Protection. Jelgava, LUA, 2006. pp. 225. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian X Russian X German English X X X X X X X X ________________ 334 Akadēmiskais personāls Guna Bagrade 09.06.1977 29882116 Izglītība Izglītības iestādes nosaukums (Training institution) Latvijas Universitāte, Bioloăijas fakultāte University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology. Biology doctor academic study programme Piešėirtā kvalifikācija un/vai grāds (Qualification) Dr. Biol Piešėiršanas gads 2009 Izglītības iestādes nosaukums (Training institution) Latvijas Universitāte, Bioloăijas fakultāte University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology. Biology master academic study programme Piešėirtā kvalifikācija un/vai grāds (Qualification) Dabas zinātĦu maăistra grāds bioloăijā M.Sc. Piešėiršanas gads 2001 Izglītības iestādes nosaukums (Training institution) Latvijas Universitāte, Bioloăijas fakultāte University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology. Biology bachelor academic study programme Piešėirtā kvalifikācija un/vai grāds (Qualification) Dabas zinātĦu bakalaura grāds bioloăijā B.Sc. Piešėiršanas gads 1999 Praktiskais darba stāžs (tikai personām, kurām nav maăistra vai doktora grāda) IeĦemamais amats (Occupation) Darba vietas nosaukums (Establishment) No Līdz Nozīmīgākie apbalvojumi - NAV Apbalvojuma nosaukums (Award) Piešėīrējs (Grantor) Piešėiršanas gads Status Persona, kura nodrošina studiju kursu īstenošanu (lekciju lasīšana, semināru un praktisko nodarbību vadīšana) Vieslektore No 2007. gada 335 Līdz šobrīd Studiju programma Nosaukums Lauksaimniecība/ Agriculture Veterinārmedicīna( Veterinary Medicine) Veids Pilna laika studijas ( full-time studies) Pakāpe Profesionālā studiju programma (Professional Stydy Programme) Studiju kurss (Study course) Nosaukums Zooloăija Zoology Dzīvnieku bioloăija un ekoloăija/ Animal biology and ecology Kredītpunktu skaits 2 5 Studiju kursa status Vispārizglītojošie studiju kursi Nozares teorētiskie pamatkursi un informācijas tehnoloăiju kursi Nozares profesionālās specializācijas kursi Brīvās izvēles kursi Publikācijas Veids Zinātniskās publikācijas starptautiski citējamos izdevumos: Thomson Reuters Web of Science SCOPUS ERIH Engineering Village 2 EBSCO Citos Zinātniskās publikācijas Latvijas izdevumos Publikācijas pie attiecīgā veida sakārto pēc publicēšanas gada 2007 2008 • OzoliĦš J., Pupila A., Ornicāns A., Bagrade G. 2008. Lynx management in Latvia: population control or sport hunting? In: O.Opermanis, G.Whitelaw (eds.) Economic, social and cultural aspects in biodiversity conservation, Press of the University of Latvia: 59–72. • G. Bagrade, V. Šnábel, T. Romig, J. OzoliĦš, M. Hüttner, M. Miterpáková, D. Ševcová, P. Dubinský. 2008. Echinococus multilocularis is a frequent parasite of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Latvia. Helminthologia 45, 4: 157–161. • 2009 Bagrade G., Kirjušina M., Vismanis K., OzoliĦš J. 2009. Helminth parasites of the wolf Canis lupus from Latvia. Journal of Helminthology 83: 63–68 336 2010 2011 Publikāciju pieraksts: Autors(i), Nosaukums, Avots, Izdevuma numurs, Lapaspuses no_līdz, interneta tiešsaiste uz publikāciju Publikāciju skaits - 3 Monogrāfijas Publicēšanas gads 2001 2002 2003 • Anderson Z., Ozolins Ya., Pupila A., Bagrade G. 2003. The East European and Caucasian parts of lynx range (the western group of regions): Latvia. – In: Matyushkin Ye.N., Vaisfeld M.A. (eds.) The Lynx: Regional Features of Ecology, Use and Protection. Moscow: Nauka, pp. 92 – 104. (in Russian/English) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Guna Bagrade „Latvijas kaėu un suĦu dzimtu savvaĜas sugu helmintofauna”/ „Helminth fauna of wild felids and canids in Latvia”. Rīga 2008, 128 lpp. 2009 2010 • Jedrzejewski W., Jedrzejewska B., Andersone-Lilley Ž., Balčiauskas L. Mannil P. OzoliĦš J., Sidorovič V. E., Bagrade G., Kübarsepp M., Ornicans A., Nowak S., Pupila A., Zunna A. 2010. Synthesizing wolf ecology and management in Eastern Europe : similarities and contrasts with North America. In: M. Musiani, L. Boitani (eds.) The world of wolves: new perspectives on ecology, behaviour and management. Calgary: University of Calgary press, 2010, p. 207–233. – (Energy, ecology and the environment series). 2011 Monogrāfijas kārto pēc publicēšanas gada norādot: Autors(i), Nosaukums, Izdošanas vieta, Izdevniecība, Lapaspušu skaits, interneta tiešsaiste uz publikāciju Monogrāfiju skaits – 1 Monogrāfiju skaits – līdzautore 2 monogrāfijām. Mācību grāmatas - NAV Metodiskā literatūra NAV 337 Konferenču tēzes Publicēšanas gads 2007 • Bagrade G., Vismanis K., Kirjušina M., OzoliĦš, J. “About the helminth fauna of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Latvia”, Xth International Helminthological Symposium, Stará Lesná, High Tatras, Slovak Republic. p. 26. • V. Šnábel, S. D´Amelio, M. Nakao, D. Bartková, M. Busi, M. Miterpáková, R. Salamatin, G. Bagrade, A. M. Yemets, T. A. Kuzmina, Z. Szenasi, T. Romig, N. Altinas, A. Ito, P. Dubinský. „Genetic diversity of Echinococcus tapeworms in examined European and Asian reăions”, Xth International Helminthological Symposium, Stará Lesná, High Tatras, Slovak Republic. p. 20. • V. Šnábel, S. D´Amelio, D. Bartková, M. Miterpáková, T. Romig, B. Gottstein, G. Bagrade, M. Busi, P. Dubinský. “Genetic diversity in Echinococcus multilocularis from Europe”. Final Programme and Abstracts Book of the 22nd International Congress of Hydatidology and International Symposium on Zoonoses, Athens, Greece. p. 42. 2008 - • • • • 2009 G. Bagrade, J. OzoliĦš. “Echinococcosis in the wild canids in Latvia”, 3rd Symposium of the Scandinavian Baltic Society for Parasitology, Rīga, Latvija. Book of Abstracts, p. 11. G. Bagrade, M. Kirjušina, K. Vismanis, J. OzoliĦš. „Helminth fauna of wild felids and canids”, 2nd International Veterinary Laboratory Scientific and Applied Conference, Rīga, Latvija. p. 29-30. 2010 G. Bagrade, M.Kirjusina, J. Ozolins. ”Echinococcus spp. found in carnivores in Latvia”, Epidemiology of Alveolar Echinococcosis in Europe: Monitoring and Control Perspectives, Recent Developments and New Trends, Nancy, France. p. 7, 2011 Bagrade, G.; Deksne, G.; Varfolomejeva, J.& OzoliĦš J. Echinococcus multilocularis in the wild canids in Latvia. 3rd International Conference on Laboratory Diagnostics in Veterinary Medicine, Food and Environmental Safety, Riga, Latvia. p. 12. ISBN 978-998449-356-5, • G. Bagrade, G.Deksne, J. Varfolomejeva, Jānis OzoliĦš. Trichinella and Echinococcus parasites in wild canids and felids in Latvia. 8th Baltic Theriological Conference. Abstracts of the Conference Poster and Oral papers at 8th Baltic theriological Conference, p. 10. Kārto pēc gadiem norādot Autors(i), Nosaukums, Avots, Izdevuma numurs, Lapaspuses no_līdz, interneta tiešsaiste uz publikāciju Tēžu skaits - 8 Dalība zinātniskajos un akadēmiskajos projektos un programmās Dalības gads 2007 338 Medījamo zīdītāju barošanās ekoloăija un parazītu fauna barības ėēdēs. LVMI „Silava”, zinātniskais asistents. Feeding ecology of game animals and parasite fauna in the food chain. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Scientific assistant. Lielo plēsēju monitorings. LVMI „Silava”, zinātniskais asistents. Monitoring of big carnivores. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Scientific assistant. 2008 Medījamo zīdītāju barošanās ekoloăija un parazītu fauna barības ėēdēs. LVMI „Silava”, zinātniskais asistents. Feeding ecology of game animals and parasite fauna in the food chain. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Scientific assistant. Lielo plēsēju monitorings. LVMI „Silava”, zinātniskais asistents. Monitoring of big carnivores. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Scientific assistant. 2009 Latvijas medījamo zīdītāju populāciju attīstība un to ietekmējošie faktori. LVMI „Silava”, pētniece. Population development of Latvia’s game mammals and the factors affecting them. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", researcher. 2010 Meža ekosistēmu komponenti un ūdens resursi. LVMI „Silava”, pētniece. Research on forest ecosystem components and water resources. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", researcher. 2011 Lielo plēsēju populācijas stāvokĜa izmaiĦas medību ietekmē. LVMI „Silava”, pētniece. Hunting impact changes on large carnivore populations. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", researcher. Maksimāli pieĜaujamais medījamo dzīvnieku populāciju blīvums un minimālais jeb kritiskais populāciju lielums. LVMI „Silava”, pētniece. Maximum admissible game population density and the minimum or critical population size. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", researcher. Projekta nosaukums, Iestādes nosaukums, Iestādes nosaukums, kas projektu īsteno, Statuss projektā Projektu skaits Patenti, licences, dizainparaugi, datorprogrammas NAV Darbs starptautiskās žūrijas komisijā NAV Promocijas darba vadīšana 2007 – 2011 NAV 339 Promocijas darba recenzēšana 2007 – 2011 NAV LZP eksperta darbība NAV Profesionālā pilnveide Latvijas un ārvalstu augstskolā vai zinātniskās pētniecības iestādē Pasākuma nosaukums, norises vieta Kārto pēc gadiem 2007 - 2011 2007. gads Apmācības kursi parazitoloăijā Londonas Dabas muzejā, darbs ar parazītu - saimniekorganismu datubāzi. Training course in parasitology at the Natural History Museum, London, UK, and work with parasite-host database. • • 2007. Pieredzes apmaiĦa Tartu Universitātē – parazitoloăijas laboratorijā (darba metodes, tehniskais nodrošinājums, praktiskā darbība – dzīvnieka (roĦa) sekcija). Sadarbība ar Tartu Universitātes Ekoloăijas un Zemes zinātĦu institūta Zooloăijas katedras laboratoriju (Prof. U. Saarma) Echinococcus ăints parazītu ăenētisko analīžu veikšanā. Attachment in Parasitology laboratory at the Tartu University, learning of research methods, requirements for technical equipment for laboratories and practical work in the lab. The genetic analysis of Echinococcus was performed in collaboration with the Department of Zoology (prof. U. Saarma), Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu. 2007. Doktorantes no Vroclavas Universitātes (Polija) uzĦemšana, saistībā ar pētnieciskā darba veikšanu par vilku helmintofaunu Latvijā. Collaboration with PhD student from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland, in the research of wolf’s helmintofauna. Co-operation in the projects “Helminth parasites of wolf (Canis lupus L.) in Latvia” and “Helminths of wolves (Canis lupus L.) inhabiting the natural ecosystems of Poland – coprological study”. • 2008. Dalība 6th International Workshop on Cestode Systematics and Phylogeny, Smolinece, Slovākija Participation in 6th International Workshop on Cestode Systematics and Phylogeny, Smolinece, Slovakia. • 2011. Slovākijas ZinātĦu akadēmijas parazitoloăijas institūta Košīcē divu pētnieku uzĦemšana Latvijas dabas muzejā saistībā ar pētnieciskā darba veikšanu par savvaĜas plēsēju helmintofaunas pētījumiem. Collaboration with MVDr. Martina Miterpáková, PhD and MVDr. Zuzana Hurníková, PhD from Parasitological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for scientific stay in Natural History Museum of Latvia. The visit is planned for acquiring the needed technique in examination of samples from free-living carnivore hosts, as well as for ascertaining the proficiency sampling. • 340 Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION: First name and surname Address Telephone Fax e-mail Date and place of birth Gunārs Pētersons „Niedrāji”, Glūdas pag., Jelgavas novads, LV-3040, Latvia +371 29439097 +371 6 3027344 24 April, 1959, Rīga, LATVIA EDUCATION AND TRAINING: 2006 1995 1992, 1994 Academic degree Dr. biol., Latvian University University Kiel, Ecological Center, Germany, Tempus Phare mobility Swedish Agricultural University, Department of Wildlife Ecology, research training 1977-1982 1966-1977 Latvian University, Faculty of Biology (Biologist, graduated in 1982) Riga Secondary School No.5 (graduated in 1977) WORK EXPERIENCE: 20072004-2011 2001-2006 2000-2001 2000 1990-2000 1983-1990 1981-1983 Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Preclinical Institute, Associate Professor LUA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dean LUA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Preclinical Institute, Assistant Professor (Docent) LUA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Assistant Professor (Docent) LUA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Head LUA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Lecturer Latvian Academy of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pathological Anatomy and Parasitology, Assistant Natural History Museum of Latvia, guide ORGANIZATIONAL COMPETENCES: 1998-2004 2002-2003 1998-2001 EU Socrates/ ERASMUS program coordinator at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, LUA Visitation of LUA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine by European Assosiation of Establishments for Veterinary Education expert’s team, Liaison officer Tempus/ PHARE project “Restructuring of higher veterinary education in Latvia”, project leader EXPERT AND ORGANIZATIONAL POSITIONS Board Member of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, LUA Member of the Convent of Latvia University of Agriculture Member of the Senate of Latvia University of Agriculture 341 Scientific focal point of Latvia at the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats Member of the Bat Specialist Group at the Species Survival Comission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature MOST IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Šuba J., Vintulis V., Pētersons G. 2011 Body weight provides insight into the feeding strategy of swarming bats. Hystrix It. J. Mamm. (n.s.), 22(1), 179-187. Šuba J., Vietniece D., Pētersons G. 2010. The parti-coloured bat Vespertilio murinus in Rīga (Latvia) during autumn and winter. Env Exp Biol 8: 93–96. Pētersons G., Vintulis V., Šuba J. 2010. New data on the distribution of the barbastelle bat Barbastella barbastellus in Latvia. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 59, 1, 62-69. Šuba J., Vintulis V., Pētersons G. 2008. Late summer and autumn swarming by bats at SikspārĦu caves. Acta Universitatis Latviensis, 745, Biology: 43–52 Pētersons G. 2004. Seasonal migrations of north-eastern populations of Nathusius’ bat Pipistrellus nathusii (Chiroptera).- Myotis 40-41: 29-56. Pētersons G. 2003. Observations of Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Latvia and in Belarus. Acta Zoologica Lituanica. Volumen 13, Numerus 1, 89. Pētersons G., Vintulis V. 1998. Distribution and status of bats in Latvia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, 52, No. 1/2, 37-43. Rydell J., Petersons G. 1998. The diet of the Noctule bat Nyctalus noctula in Latvia. Z. Säugetierkunde. 63, 79-83. Petersons G. 1995. Erstnachweis des Mausohres (Myotis myotis) in Lettland. Nyctalus (N.F.) 5: 485-487. Petersons G. 1994. Zum Wanderverhalten der Rauhhautfledermaus (Pipistrellus nathusii). Naturschutzreport 7(2): 373-380. Petersons G. 1990. Die Rauhhautfledermaus (Pipistrellus nathusii) (Keyserling u. Blasius, 1839), in Lettland: Vorkommen, Phänologie und Migration. Nyctalus (N.F.) 3: 81-98. REVIEWER FOR JOURNALS Acta Zoologica Lithuanica Acta Theriologica Lauksaimniecības Universitātes Raksti SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Ecology of bats LANGUAGE SKILLS: Mother tongue Latvian Other languages English, German and Russian - intermediate understanding, speaking and writing 342 Akadēmiskais personāls Vārs, uzvārds Dace Keidāne Personas kods 07. 12. 1972 Telefons 29494383 e-pasts Izglītība Izglītības iestādes nosaukums (Training institution) Piešėirtā kvalifikācija un/vai grāds (Qualification) Piešėiršanas gads Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte Veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte. Kvalifikācija – veterinārārsts 1997. gads. Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – qualification – veterinarien,1997. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte Veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte. 1999.gads. Latvia University of Agriculture Doctoral studies – qualification – 1999. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte Veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte. 2010.gads. Latvia University of Agriculture Doctoral studies – qualification –, 2010. Status Vēlēts amats Docente/ Assistant proffesor No 2011. līdz 2017.gadam. Studiju programma Nosaukums Veterinārmedicīna ( Veterinary Medicine) Veids Pilna laika studijas ( full-time studies) Pakāpe Profesionālā studiju programma (Professional Styd Programme) Studiju kurss (Study course) Etoloăija Ethology -1.5 KP Fizioloăija, etoloăija un labturība– 2KP (profesionālā prakse) Physiology, ethology and welfare (profesional practice) Nosaukums Lauksaimniecība (Agriculture) Veids Pilna laika studijas ( full-time studies) Pakāpe Profesionālā studiju programma (Professional Stydy Programme) Studiju kurss (Study course) Dzīvnieku anatomija un fizioloăija/ Animal anatomy and physiology – 2.4KP (kopā 4KP) Veids nepilna laika studijas (part-time studies) Pakāpe Profesionālā studiju programma (Professional Stydy Programme) Studiju kurss (Study course) Dzīvnieku fizioloăija/Animal physiology -2 KP 343 Dzīvnieku anatomija un fizioloăija/Animal anatomy and physiology -3.5 KP Studiju kursa status ( !!! atzīmēs studiju programmas direktors) Vispārizglītojošie studiju kursi Nozares teorētiskie pamatkursi un informācijas tehnoloăiju kursi Nozares profesionālās specializācijas kursi Brīvās izvēles kursi Publikācijas Veids Zinātniskās publikācijas starptautiski citējamos izdevumos: EBSCO Publikāciju skaits - 2 1. Keidane D., Birgele E., Ilgaza, A. 2007. Health of goats and milk quality. Animal health, animal welfare and biosecurity. Proceedings of 13th International Congress in Animal Hygiene, Tartu, Estonia, 17-21 June, 2007, 1, pp. 456-460. 2. Keidane D., Birgele E. 2008. The intrarumenal and intra-abomasal pH indices in goats of different ages in winter period. Starptautiskas zinātniskās konferences RAKSTI, Dzīvnieki. Veselība. Pārtikas higiēna., Jelgava, 2008. gada 14. novembris, pp. 78-84. Citos Publikāciju skaits - 3 1. Keidāne D., Birăele E. 2007. Hematoloăiskie rādītāji kazām pēc to eksperimentālas invadēšanas ar Ostertagia/Teladorsagia circumcincta trešās attīstības stadijas (L3 ) kāpuriem. LLU raksti, Jelgava, Nr.18 (313), 63.-69. lpp. 2. Birăele E., Keidāne D., Ilgaža A. 2009. Meat biochemical Indices in Goats Depending on the Age of Animals. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Society for Animal Hygiene. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation. Germany, Vechta, 19-21 July, pp. 485-488. 3. E.Birăele, A.Ilgaža, D.Keidāne 2011. Milk replacer feeding and the functional condition of calf and goat abomasum. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene. University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austrian. Volume 3, pp. 1197-1199. Mācību grāmatas Grāmatu skaits - 1 P.Keidāns, A.Krūklīte, D. Keidāne „Mājdzīvnieku parazitāro slimību diagnostika un profilakse”. Domestic animals parasitic disease diagnosis and prevention. Mācību materiāls 344 studentiem un veterinārārstiem. Study material for students and veterinarians - Jelgava, LLU, 2008, 137. lpp. Konferenču tēzes Tēžu skaits - 6 1. E.Birăele, A.Ilgaža and D.Keidāne 2008. The influence of milk replacement on morphofunctional state of calves, digestive system. Book of Abstracts of the 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. Nr.14, Vilnius, Lithuania, p. 212. 2. Keidāne D., Birăele E., Ilgaža A. 2008. Changes of goats, milk quality parameters after dehelmentisation of animals. Book of Abstracts of the 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. Lithuania, Vilnius, 26-29 August, p. 231. 3. Birăele E., Keidāne D., Ilgaža A. 2009. The biochemical indices of the milk and meat in goats with and without digestive strongilate invasion. Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. Spain, Barcelona, 24-29 August, p.59. 4. Birăele E., Keidāne D., Ilgaža A. 2010. Haematological and blood biochemical parameters of goats after experimental invasion with Ostertagia circumcincta. Proceeding No.16 International Congress of the European Association for animal production. Greece, Heraklion. 23-27 August, p. 5. Birăele E., Ilgaža A., Keidāne D. 2011. The pH dynamics of the goats and cows rumen and abomasums. Book of Abstracts of the 62th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Nr 17, Stavanger, Norway, p. 206. 6. Birăele E., Keidāne D., Ilgaža A. 2011. Biochemical parameters of goat meat raised on organic and conventional farms. International scientific conference „ACTUALITIES IN VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE“, 75 year anniversary of Veterinary Academy and Veterinary Year 2011. Kaunas, p. 108. Monogrāfijas Dace Keidāne „Kazu intrarumenālā un intraabomazālā pH dinamika normā un pēc invadēšanas ar Ostertagia circumcincta” / „Intraruminal and intraabomasal pH dynamics of goats at norm and after their infection with Ostertagia circumcincta”. Jelgava 2010, 108 lpp. Monogrāfiju skaits - 1 Dalība zinātniskajos un akadēmiskajos projektos un programmās 345 Projektu skaits -5 1. LZP projekts 05.1578 ”Dažādu piena aizvietotāju ietekme uz teĜu gremošanas sistēmas morfofunkcionālo stāvokli, organisma metabolisma rādītājiem un gaĜas kvalitāti” (2005.- 2008.g.) izpildītāja; 2. Projekts Nr. 06.9-xi 16, ZP07-20 ”Kazu parazitocenožu ietekme uz kuĦăa funkcionālo stāvokli un iegūtā piena kvalitāti” (2006. – 2007.g.) izpildītāja; 3. LZP sadarbības projekta apakšprojekts 06.0039.4.1 „Gastro-hepato-duodenālās sistēmas funkcionālā dinamika dažāda vecuma atgremotājiem saistībā ar atšėirīgiem ēdināšanas faktoriem” (2006.-2009.g.) izpildītāja; 4. Projekts Nr. XP -120 “Gremošanas trakta morfofunkcionālā izpēte kazām postnatālajā ontoăenēzē” (2008. g.) izpildītāja; 5. LZP projekts „Inovatīvu pasākumu izstrāde produktīvo dzīvnieku slimību profilaksei, ārstēšanai un produktivitātes kāpināšanai (apvienoti trīs projekti - 09.1451, 09.1447 un 09.1523) Projekta 09.1451 „Gremošanas orgānu morfofunkcionālā attīstība postnatālajā ontoăenēzē netradicionāliem produktīviem dzīvniekiem Latvijā saistībā ar to veselību un labturību” (2009.-2012.g.) izpildītāja. Profesionālā pilnveide Latvijas un ārvalstu augstskolā vai zinātniskās pētniecības iestādē Augstskolas didaktika 2010./2011. studiju gads 01.10. līdz 27.05., Latvija 346 Curriculum vitae Līga KovaĜčuka Office: 63027664 Education, Training institution, Qualification • 2011 - Latvia University of Agriculture Doctoral studies – qualification – • 2006 - Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – qualification – veterinarian. Status Since 2011 - LUA Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Preclinical institute; Assistant proffesor; Since 2010 - LUA Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Preclinical institute, Researcher; 2007 – 2011 - LUA Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Preclinical institute LLU, assistent; Since 2007 - „Dzīvnieku Veselības centrs”,Ltd, veterinarian. Study programms in LUA Veterinary Medicine, full-time studies, Professional Stydy Programme, Study course Physiology 1 KP (all course 7 KP) Veterinary Medicine, full-time studies, Professional Stydy Programme, Study course, Ophthalmology 0,75 KP (all course1,5 KP) Agriculture, full-time studies, Professional Stydy Programme, Study course, Animal anathomy and physiology 1.6 KP (all course 2 KP) Agriculture, full-time studies, Professional Stydy Programme, Study course, Animal physiology 2 KP Publications Thomson Reuters Web of Science Kovalcuka L., Birgele E. 2009 Effects of acepromazine maleate on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in dog's eye. Research for rural development 2009 - annual 15th international scientific conference proceedings, 170-173. EBSCO 2008 Kovalčuka, L., Birgele, E. 2008. Effects of ketamine hydrochloride on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in dogs eyes. Starptautiskas zinatniskas konferences RAKSTI, Dzivnieki. Veseliba. Partikas higiena., Jelgava, 2008. gada 14. novembri, 94-98. Kovalčuka, L., Birgele, E. 2008. Effects of topical and systemic atropine sulfate on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in dog's eye. Research for rural development: Annual 14th International Scientific Conference Proceedings, 271-277. 347 2010 KovaĜčuka, L., Bečs, A., Strode, L. (2010) Evaluation of the tear production in dog following general anesthesia. LUA FVM International Scientific Conference "Animal. Health. Food Higiene", Jelgava, Latvja, 29 October, 2010, 166. 2011 Kovalčuka, L.; Birgele, E. 2011. The effects of some premedication and general anesthesia drugs on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in dog's eyes. Latvijas Lauksaimniecibas Universitates Raksti, 26, 77-83 Other Year of publication 2007 - 2011 1. KovaĜčuka L., Birăele E., Ilgažs A., Bandere D., Williams D.L. (2010) The effects of ketamine hydrochloride and diazepam on the intraocular pressure and pupil diameter of the dog’s eye. Book of abstracts of the European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, pp. 148-149. 2. KovaĜčuka L., Birăele E., Bandere D., Williams D.L. (2010) The effects of topical and systemic atropine sulfate on the functional state of the dog’s eye. Book of abstracts of the Annual 35th World Small Animal Veterinary Association congress, p. 26. Continuing education 2007 - 2011 The pedagogical education foundations in the higher education/ Higher Education Didactics (10.02.2010 – 09.02.2011) Latvia University Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Department of Optometry and Optical Science, listener course “Anathomy and physiology of the eye” (10.01.2010 – 06.05.2010) Professional visit in Cambridge University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (16.11.2009 – 22.11.2009). Professional visit in Berlin Frei University, Faculty of Veterināry medicine Small animal clinic-polyclinic Ophthalmology department (January, 2009). The 8th Biannual William Magrane Basic Science Course in Veterinary and Comperative Ophthalmology and Histologic Basis of Ocular Course. Wisconsine, Madisene, USA, 02-21.06.2008. 348 CURRICULUM VITAE Vita Name Iecavas pagasts, Latvia Place of birth 31.05.1949. Date, month, year Antane Surname Latvian Nationality married Marital status Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Clinical institute ыутшщк senior researcher and assoc.professor Work place and position Work address: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Home address: “BērziĦi” Svētes pagasts Jelgavas novads, LV-3008 K.Helmana 8, Jelgava, LV-3004 Latvia Telephone Fax: E-mail: Latvia Telephone +371 63027866 +371 63027344 +371 29618656 Education Higher education, Master’s course, doctoral studies. Ed. Establishments, country Latvian Academy of Agriculture Higher education Study period 1973-78 Latvian Academy of Agriculture Aspirantura 1984-87 Speciality Veterinaria Obstetrics and artificial insemination Qualification Diploma of veterinary doctor Cand. Research degrees Institution awarding degree Scientific research institute of animal internal diseases, Voronezh Degree approved by Habilitation and promotion council of Latvia University of Agriculture Year 1990 1992 Speciality Obstetrics and artificial insemination Veterinaria Degree Candidate of veterinary science Diploma No. KD Nr. 033718 G-D Nr. 000249 349 Employment Leading researcher of Clinical Institute, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Latvia University of Agriculture, since year 2008. Associate professor of Clinical Institute, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Latvia University of Agriculture, since year 1998. Docent,head of Department obstetrics and gynecology, years 1993-1998. Lectuer of Department Surgery and obstetrics, years 1990-1993. Scientific research interests Animal reproduction. Embryo transfer. Uterus histopathology. Sex hormone. Uterus health. Mastitis. Participation on projects: • 1997. – 2000. Scientific project director: “Causes and pathogenesis of reproductive disorder, early embryonic death and abortions in food animals”. • 2000-2004. Scientific project directors: “The Role of Antibacterial Factors of the Humoral Immunity in the Udder Defence and Etiopathogenesis of Mastitis.” • 2005-2009 Scientific project director of project “The Activity of Humoral Immunity and the Possibility for its Regulation in the Udder Pathology of Cows” • 2010-2012 Scientific project director of project ”Research on cow udder health and milk quality by using milking robot technology”. • Scientific coordinator from Latvia Project title: “Farm animal reproduction – reducing infectious diseases and conserving local genetic resources”.International Project and Network with Centre of Reproductive Biology in Uppsala, Estonian Agricultural University, Latvia University or Agriculture, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, finances from Svenska Institute The Visby programme. 2002-07-01 – 200406-30 -2006. • Scientific coordinator from Latvia :A network programme between Belarussia Academy of Agriculture, Gorky, Belarussia; Institute of Agrobizness, St Petersburg, Russia; Estonian Agricultural University, Tartu, Estonia; Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia; Lithuania Veterinary Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania and Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala, (CRU), SLU, Sweden “ANIMAL FARMING IN TRANSITION - THE ROLE OF ANIMAL REPRODUCTION” 2004.-2008.-2010. • Scientific coordinator from Latvia :A network programme between Belarussia Academy of Agriculture, Gorky, Belarussia; Institute of Agrobizness, St Petersburg, Russia; Estonian Agricultural University, Tartu, Estonia; Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia; Lithuania Veterinary Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania and Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala, (CRU), SLU, Sweden „Animal health, Reproduction and Livestock Production in a Changing Climate”2010-2012 Contributions at conferences (last three years) 350 Vita Antāne, Ilmārs Stonāns, Jāzeps Rimeicāns, Māra Mangale, Zigmunds Brūveris, Alberts Auzāns, Aleksandrs Mednis, Ivars Lūsis. Preparāta mildronāta iedarbība uz vaislas kuiĜu dzimumaktivitāti un spermas kvalitāti. (latvian). influence of preparation mildronat on sexual behavior and semen quality of boars. (English) / Animals. Health. Food Hygiene: International Scientific Conference in FVM, Jelgava; 2010. Santa Skuja, Vita Antāne. The ovary activity in cows with and without retained fetal membranes/ Animals. Health. Food Hygiene: International Scientific Conference in FVM, Jelgava; 2010. Evija Liepina, Vita Antane. Endometrial histological changes and pregnancy rates in mares impaired cervical drainage/ Animals. Health. Food Hygiene: International Scientific Conference in FVM, Jelgava; 2010. E.LiepiĦa, V.Antāne, M.M.Rivera del Alamo. Intrauterine fluid secretion in mares after artificial insemination. Annual 16th International Scientific Conference „Research for Rural Development 2010, Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture, 19-21 May, 2010. Skuja, Santa, Vita Antāne. Postpartum serum biochemical and haematological changes in cows with and without retained fetal membranes // Research for rural development 2010 : annual 16th international scientific conference, Jelgava, 19-21 May 2010 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Lusis I, Antane V, Laurs A. Subclinical intramammary infections of cows on the dairy farm with milking robot. // 14th International conference on production diseases in farm animals (ICPD) 20-24 June 2010, Ghent University. Lūsis, Ivars, Vita Antane, Armins Laurs. Significance and application of the online cell counter in the milking robot // Lactation research in mammals and humans: the mammary gland in health and disease with particular focus on the mammary gland close post partum including indicators of inflammation and pathogens of the mammary gland: a symposium, Uppsala, Sweden, 7-8 December, 2010 / Centre for reproductive biology in Uppsala. Šematoviča, Ilga, Ivars Lusis, Vita Antane. The influence of different keeping systems on the dairy cow productivity and reproduction in Latvia // Animal farming in transition – the role of animal reproduction : modern farming and domestic animal reproduction : a symposium at the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, the Republic of Belarus, March 5-7, 2008 Skuja, S; Antāne, V; Feldmane, L. Bacteriological and histological studies of cow’s uterus without and with retained fetal membranes// Reproduction in Domestic Animals//16th International Congress on Animal Reproduction 13-17 July 2008 – Budapest, Hungary. Lūsis, Ivars, Vita Antane, Armins Laurs. Effectiveness of somatic cell count determination in the milking robots // 9th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : May 27 - 28, 2010 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Institute of Mechanics. – Jelgava. Courses delivered Obstetrics and gynecology, Veterinary medicine faculty (VMF) 3-ed and 4th year students Obstetrics and gynecology, Faculty of Agriculture, Zootechnic speciality students Number of publications: 74 Publications (Last three years) Thomson Reuters Web of Science 1. Lūsis, Ivars, Vita Antane, Armins Laurs. Effectiveness of somatic cell count determination in the milking robots // 9th International scientific conference "Engineering for rural development" : proceedings, May 27 - 28, 2010 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Institute of Mechanics. - Jelgava, 2010. - Vol.9, 112.-116.lpp. 351 EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source 2007 1. Evija Eihvalde, Vita Antāne, Pēteris Keidāns Eihvalde, Evija. Relationship of neosporosis infected animals in herds and their blood biochemical data / // Research for rural development 2007 : international scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava, 16-17 May 2007 / Latvia University of Agriculture. - Jelgava : LLU, 2007. - 62.-65.lpp. : tab. 2008 1. Skuja, Santa, Vita Antāne. Dzemdes bakterioloăisko, histoloăisko un reprodukcijas rādītāju salīdzinājums govīm ar un bez augĜa segu aiztures = Comparison of bacteriological and histological parameters and reproductive performance in cows uterus with and without retained fetal membranes // Dzīvnieki. Veselība. Pārtikas higiēna : starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences raksti, Jelgava, 2008. gada 14. novembrī / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte. - Jelgava : LLU, 2008. - (Veterinārmedicīnas raksti 2008). - 164.-169.lpp. : att. 2010. gads 1. Vita Antāne, Ilmārs Stonāns, Jāzeps Rimeicāns, Māra Mangale, Zigmunds Brūveris, Alberts Auzāns, Aleksandrs Mednis, Ivars Lūsis. Preparāta mildronāta iedarbība uz vaislas kuiĜu dzimumaktivitāti un spermas kvalitāti. (latvian). influence of preparation mildronat on sexual behavior and semen quality of boars. (English) / Animals. Health. Food Hygiene: International Scientific Conference Proceedings; 2010, p5-11, 7p 2. Alberts Auzāns, Zigmunds Brūveris, Jāzeps Rimeicāns, Vita Antāne, Māra Mangale, Aleksandrs Mednis, Ivars Lūsis, Ilmārs Stonāns Mildronāta iedarbība uz kuiĜu sēklinieku morfoloăiju pēc saimnieciskās vaislas gatavības sasniegšanas latvian) the influence of mildronate on morphology of boars testes after reaching the breeding preparedness. (English) / Animals. Health. Food Hygiene: International Scientific Conference Proceedings; 2010, p18-23, 6p 3. Alberts Auzāns, Zigmunds Brūveris, Jāzeps Rimeicāns, Vita Antāne, Māra Mangale, Aleksandrs Mednis, Ivars Lūsis, Ilmārs Stonāns. Mildronāta ietekme uz saimniecisko vaislas gatavību sasniegušu kuiĜu asins bioėīmiskajiem rādītājiem (latvian). the influence of mildronate on biochemical blood indices of boars after reaching the breeding preparedness. (English)/ Animals. Health. Food Hygiene: International Scientific Conference Proceedings; 2010, p12-17, 6p 4. Santa Skuja, Vita Antāne. The ovary activity in cows with and without retained fetal membranes/ Animals. Health. Food Hygiene: International Scientific Conference Proceedings; 2010, p117-124, 8p 5. Evija Liepina, Vita Antane. Endometrial histological changes and pregnancy rates in mares impaired cervical drainage/ Animals. Health. Food Hygiene: International Scientific Conference Proceedings; 2010, p73-77, 5p 6. E.LiepiĦa, V.Antāne, M.M.Rivera del Alamo. Intrauterine fluid secretion in mares after artificial insemination. Proceedings of Annual 16th International Scientific Conference „Research for Rural Development 2010, Jelgava, Latvia, 19-21 May, 2010. 7. Skuja, Santa, Vita Antāne. Postpartum serum biochemical and haematological changes in cows with and without retained fetal membranes // Research for rural development 2010 : annual 16th international scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava, 19-21 May 2010 / Latvia University of Agriculture. - Jelgava : LLU, 2010. Vol.2, 6.-11.lpp. : tab. 352 Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Director of Professional Master degree study programme “Veterinary Medicine” Academic and social societies (membership) Member of the Standing Committee of International Animal Reproduction since 1996 – 2012. Member of Convent of Latvia University of Agriculture Member of concil of Teaching and research farm “Vecauce” Member of promotion council of dissertations of Veterinary Medicine Languages: average Latvian Russian German English Reading skills excellent good average X Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good X X X X X X X X X X X 353 CURRICULUM VITAE Ilga Name Līvāni, Latvia Place of birth Sematovica Surname 1969 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine, Clinical institute, docent Work place and position Work address: K.HelmaĦa iela 8, Jelgava, Latvia LV-3004 Phone: +371 63024662; +29 414 386 Fax: +371 63027344 E-mail:; Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine, doctoral studies Study Speciality period 2004-2010 Veterinarmedic ine Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine, master’s studies 2002-2003 Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine, Higher education 1988-1994 Qualification Veterinarmedic ine Veterinarian Veterinarmedic ine Research degrees Institution awarding degree Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine Year Speciality Degree 2010 Veterinarmedicine 2003 Veterinarmedicine t. Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine Diploma No. No: D 0090 No: 002277 Employment LUA, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine, Clinical institute, Internal diseases and health of herd. Docent – 2011 LUA, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine, Clinical institute, Internal diseases and health of herd. Lector - 2009 Scientific research interests Gynecology and obstetrics in cattle. 354 Contributions at conferences (last three years) The influence of different keeping systems on the dairy cow productivity and reproduction in Latvia / Ilga Sematovica, Ivars Lusis, Vita Antane // Animal farming in transition – the role of animal reproduction : modern farming and domestic animal reproduction : proceedings from a symposium at the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, the Republic of Belarus, March 5-7, 2008 / Uppsala University. - Uppsala, 2008. - (CRU Report 21). - 24.lpp. Inflammatory factors and apoptosis in the cow’s endometrium in postparturition period / Ilga Šematoviča, Aleksandrs JemeĜjanovs, Māra Pilmane // Research for rural development 2008: international scientific conference proceedings, Jelgava, 21-23 May 2008 / Latvia University of Agriculture. - Jelgava: LLU, 2008. - 266.-270.lpp. Changes of the cow's endometrium, distribution of growth stimulating and degradation factors in postparturition period / I. Sematovica, A. Jemeljanovs, M. Pilmane // Reproduction in Domestic Animals. - Vol.43 Suppl.3 : 16th International congress on animal reproduction; (2008), 64.lpp., ind Web of Science Endometrial changes in postpartum period in cows/ I. Sematovica, M. Pilmane, A. Jemeljanovs, D. Ikauniece // 9th Middle European Buiatrics congress "The effect of herd health of cattle, sheep and goat on the profitable production" : within the framework of the 25th World Buiatrics congress : proceedings, Budapest, Hungary, 6-11 July 2008 / World Association for Buiatrics. - Budapest, 2008. - 88.-91.lpp. Endometrial changes in postpartum period in cows / I. Sematovica, M. Pilmane, A. Jemeljanovs, D. Ikauniece // Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja. - Vol.130. Suppl.2 : XXV Jubilee World Buiatrics Congress; (2008), 202.lpp.* Primiparous cows general and reproductive system health in comparison with multiparous cows in postparturition period / I. Sematovica, A. Jemeljanovs // 14th International conference on production diseases in farm animals (ICPD): book of proceedings, Ghent, Belgium, 20-24 June 2010 / Ghent University. - Ghent, 2010. - 98.lpp. Courses delivered 2009 - 2010 Clinical diagnostics - VMF 3rd year students Internal diseases and herd’s health - VMF 4th year students 2010– 2011 Clinical diagnostics - VMF 3rd year students Internal diseases and herds health - VMF 4th year students Metabolic diseases - VMF 5th year students Herd’s health - VMF 6th year students The clinical lesson - VMF 4th/5th year students Internal diseases - Faculty of agriculture 4th year students 2011-2012 Internal diseases and herds health - VMF 4th year students Metabolic diseases - VMF 5th year students Herd’s health - VMF 6th year students The clinical lesson - VMF 4th/5th year students Internal diseases - Faculty of agriculture 4th year students Number of publications: …12…. Publications 1. Anna Jesereviča, Ilga Šematoviča (2010) Veterinarian assistant profession actuality in Latvia. Veterinārais Žurnāls. - Nr.3 (2010), 19.-23.pp. 355 2. I. Sematovica, A. Jemeljanovs (2010) Primiparous cows general and reproductive system health in comparison with multiparous cows in postparturition period. 14th International conference on production diseases in farm animals (ICPD): book of proceedings, Ghent, Belgium, 20-24 June 2010 / Ghent University. - Ghent, 2010. - 98.pp. 3. Ilga Šematoviča, Aleksandrs JemeĜjanovs, Māra Pilmane (2010) Slaucamo govju vispārējās veselības vērtējums pēcdzemdību periodā saistībā ar reproduktīvās sistēmas mikrofloru = Evaluation of the general health of dairy cows in post-parturition period with relevance to microflora of the cow’s reproductive system. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitātes Raksti. - Jelgava: LLU, 2010. - Nr.24, 38.-47.pp. : tab., ind CAB Abstracts 4. Šematoviča Ilga (2010) Morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, microbiological flora of uterus and changes of endometrium in postparturition period in dairy cows: summary of promotion work for acquiring the Doctor's degree of Veterinary Sciences in the Obstetrics and gynecology science. [scientific managers of thesis: Aleksandrs JemeĜjanovs, Māra Pilmane] ; Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine, Research Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine “Sigra". - Jelgava : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2010. - 51 pp. : tab.; 20 cm. 5. Šematoviča Ilga (2010) Morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, microbiological flora of uterus and changes of endometrium in postparturition period in dairy cows: promotion work for acquiring the Doctor's degree of Veterinary Sciences in the Obstetrics and gynecology science. [scientific managers of thesis: Aleksandrs JemeĜjanovs, Māra Pilmane]; Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinarmedicine, Research Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine “Sigra". - Jelgava : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2010. pp.- 127 : color. il., tab., diagr. ; 31 cm. 6. Šematoviča I., JemeĜjanovs A., Pilmane M. (2010) Evaluation of the general health in dairy cows in postparturition period with relevance to microflora in the reproductive system. LLU Raksti 2010. 7. Šematoviča I., Pilmane M., JemeĜjanovs A. (2008) Inflammatory factors and apoptosis in the cows endometrium in the cow’s endometrium in postparturition period. “Research for rural development 2008”, 21.-23.May, 2008. International Scientific Conference Proceedings, pp. 266–269. 8. Šematoviča Ilga (2008) Factors that affect cow pregnancy in the autumn. Saimnieks, Lopkopis. 11/2008, Nr. 10(52), pp. 80–82. 9. Šematoviča I., Pilmane M., JemeĜjanovs A. (2008) Distribution of growth stimulating and degradation factors in cow’s endometrium in postparturition period. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 21(316), 2008, pp. 66–72. 10. Šematoviča I., Pilmane M., JemeĜjanovs A. (2008) Vascular endothelial growth factor receptors p75, protein gene product 9.5, tumor necrosis factor–α and apoptosis in the cow’s endometrium in postparturition period. Agraarteadus, Journal of agricultural science, Estonia, XIX;(2), 2008, pp. 46–50. 11. Šematoviča I., Pilmane M., JemeĜjanovs A. (2008) Matrix metalloproteinases, interleukine–10, tumor necrosis factor–α, neuropeptids and apoptosis in cows endometrium in postparturition period. Proceedings of the Latvia University of agriculture. 21(316), 2008, 73–78. 12. Sematovica, I; Pilmane, M1; Jemeljanovs, A. (2008) Endometrial changes in postpartum period in cows. ,XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, July 6-11, 2008, Proceedings, pp. 88– 91., Budapest, Hungary Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) • • 2012 Academic Conference "Learning internationalization. Professional higher education program development ", January 27, 2012. Reg., No., 101/12, Jelgava . International workshop “Reproductive disturbances in Baltic Vertebrate Wildlife 356 • • • • • • • • • • • • • (BALTREP 2011). CRU Report 26, Sweeden, Uppsala, December, 7-8, 2011. Hill’s Webinar on “management of feline low urinary tract diseases. A practical approach” by Dr.Jody Lulich DVDM, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM and Dr. Elizabeth Dill-macky BVSe(Hons)VetClinStud, MACVSe Diplomate ACVIM. The webinar took place on Tuesday, 03 March 2011. FECAVA CE un LVB seminārs “The most frequent diseases in ferrets, rabbits and small rodents”, Kevin Eatwell, BVSc (hons), DzooMed (Reptilian) Dip ECZM (Herp) MRCVS RCVS Diplomate on zoological medicine, hedinburg, Scotland, 20.02.2011., Rīga, Latvija. Hill’s Webinar on „Diagnosis of Feline Low Urinary Tract Diseases. A Practical Approach” by Dr.Jody Lulich DVDM, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM. The webinar took place on Wnnsday, 02 February 2011. International Conference „ Animals. Health. Food Hygiene.”, Jelgava, 29.10.2010. LVB MDzVS seminārs „ Reproduction problems for small animals”. Jelgava, FECAVA CE (The Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Assotiations) un LVB MDzVS (Latvian Association of Small Animal Veterinarian veterinarian's professional section) seminar „ Feline Internal Medicine”, 21.02.2010. Rīga, Business School „Turība”, Latvia. LUA higher education teachers' professional development program, "Innovation in university didactics” from 17.10.2008.–22.05.2009., Jelgava. International Conference of Project BALTFOODQUAL „Unlocking Animal Food Quality Research Potential in Baltic Region by Developing Scientific and Technical Capacities of the Research Institute „Sigra””. Implication of different production technologies on animal health and food products quality indices. December 4 – 5, 2008, Sigulda, Latvia International Conference “Animals. Health. Food Hygiene.” November 14, 2008, LLA VMF, Jelgava, Latvia. Animal farming in transition – the role of animal reproduction „New aspects on reproductive biotechnologies”. St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine Russia, October 29–31, 2008. ICAR 2008 (International congress of animal reproduction). Budapest, Hungary, “Research for rural development 2008”, May 21-23, 2008. International Scientific Conference, Jelgava, Latvia. „Modern farming and domestic animal reproduction”, Vitebsk 2008. g. 03.- 07.03.2008. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian X X X Russian X X X German English X X X 357 CURRICULUM VITAE Modris Name Jelgava Place of birth Trompets Surname 1981 Year of birth Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, guest lector assistant Work place and position Work address: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Institute of Food and Environmental Hygiene K.Helmana street 8 Phone: + 371 63021946 Fax: + 371 63027344 E-mail: Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Higher education, Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Study period 2000. – 2007. Speciality Veterinary medicine Qualification Veterinarian Research degrees Institution awarding degree - Year - Speciality - Diploma No. Degree - - Employment Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Guest asistent (September, 2007- ) Scientific research interests Ministry of Agriculture Project „Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of causative agents of campylobacteriosis and yersiniosis in food chain in Latvia (2008.). Latvian Concil of Sciences funded cooperation project “Animal health risk management and prevention of possible crisis” (2008 – 2009). Contributions at conferences (last three years) Courses delivered Virusology The principles of veterinary Managment of veterinary service 358 Number of publications: …-…. Publications Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. - Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English ________________ 359 CURRICULUM VITAE Andris Gaters Name Surname Karlsbad, Germany 1944 Place of birth Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Languages, Lecturer Work place and position Work address: Lielā ielā 2 Jelgava LV-3001 3005650 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country University of Washington, Seattle Washington U.S.A. Seattle University, Seattle Washington U.S.A. Study period 1974-75 1976-79 Speciality European Literature, English English Qualification B. A. B. A. M. A. Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Diploma No. Employment Kent State University. Kent Ohio U.S.A. Teaching Assistant. Department of English. 1979-1981. Greater Seattle Council of Churches. English as a Second Language Teacher 1983-1985. English as Second Language Teacher 1987-1988 Seoul Korea. English Teacher. Seattle Publish Schools 1988-1990. Lecturer: Department of Foreign Languages. University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia 19951996. English Teacher: Riga Tourism School, Riga, Latvia. 1996-1999. English Lecturer: Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga, Latvia 1998-1999. English Lecturer: University of Paul Stradins, Riga, Latvia, 2000-2001. English lecturer: Latvian University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia, 1999 to present. Scientific research interests Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. The International Conference: SOCIAL INTEGRATION IN AN EXPANDING EUROPE 21-22.maijs 2004 LLU Jelgava 225-8.lpp. 2. The International Conference: FUTURE TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TOURISM, May 2004. Rēzeknes Universitāte. 3. The International Conference: NEW DIMENSIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY, 2005 - 2011. LLU Jelgava 360 Courses delivered English Language Courses. American and British History and Culture Courses. Human Communication Courses. Number of publications: ……. Publications 1. The International Scientific Conference: Multicultural Communication and The process of Globalization 25-26.aprīlis 2003 LLU Jelgava. Redaktors. Publikācija- A Portrait of Cultural Confusion, p.68-69. 2. The International Conference: SOCIAL INTEGRATION IN AN EXPANDING EUROPE 21-22.maijs 2004 LLU Jelgava.Publikācija English On The Edge Versions The Language of Hypnosis,p.225-8. 3. The International Conference: FUTURE TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TOURISM, May 2004. Rēzeknes Universitāte. Publikācija kopā ar Doc MārtiĦu RuciĦu-New Trends In Latvian Tourism. 4. The International Conference: NEW DIMENSIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY, May 2005. LLU Jelgava Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English ________________ 361 CURRICULUM VITAE Dace Name Cesvaine, Madona distr. Place of birth Skrupska Surname 1949 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Languages, lecturer Work place and position Phone: Fax: E-mail: Work address: Liela str. 2 Jelgava LV 3001, Latvia (+371) 63005650 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvia State University Study period 1969 – 1974 Speciality Qualification English Language and Literature Philologist, Lecturer in English Language and Literature Pedagogy, Master studies Mgr. paed. Latvia University of Agriculture 1993 1995 Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Diploma No. Employment Since 1980 – Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Languages, lecturer; 2002 – 2006 - Translation and Terminology Centre, EU Legislation Translation Department, Terminologist; 2006 Contract work at TTC – translation of EPPO standards; 2005 Contract work at TTC – translation of EC Court judgments; 2004 Contract work on certain services – Thesaurus Eurovoc 4.1; 2003 Contract work at TTC – translation of EU legislation; 1974 – 1980 - Jelgava Secondary School No.1, teacher of English Scientific research interests 2006 – participation in the project of Forest Development Fund “Preparation and issue of 362 Glossary of forest sector terminology used in the European Union and other international legislation”; 2009.-2010. g. – participation in Grundtvig learning partnership Project „ScieCons”; 2010. g. – partnership in the project of ESF „Professional training for people subject to the risk of unemployment”; No.1 DP/; 2010.-2011.g. – lecturer’s services in the project of ESF „Development of teachers’ qualifications involved in the professional education at the LLU”, part 38, the framework of the agreement No. 2009/0283/1DP/ Contributions at conferences (last three years) International Conference „Language, Individual and Society in the Modern World”, poster report „Ensuring Communication Skills in the Hospitality Business by Studying Modern Languages”, Bulgaria, Bourgas, September 2008. Courses delivered ESP in agriculture, forest science, forest engineering, food processing technology, construction. Translation of business documents. Number of publications: 11 Publications 1. D.Skrupska, S.Boca, E.Berzina, I.Skrupskis. Social Aspects of the Fruit Programme at School. International Scientific Conference. New Dimensions in the Development of Society. Jelgava, 2009 – p.10; 2. D.Skrupska, A.Petersone, I.Skrupskis, S.Iriste. Ensuring Communication Skills in the Hospitality Business by Studying Modern Languages. International Conference Language, Individual and Society in the Modern World. Bulgaria, Bourgas, 2008 – 11pp.; 3. A.Petersone, D.Skrupska, I.Skrupskis, S.Iriste. Enhancing Foreign Language Skills of the Future Specialists in the Hospitality Sector. International Scientific Conference. New Dimensions in the Development of Society. Jelgava, 2008 – p.7; 4. Lasmanis A., Dolacis J., Skrupska D. a. o. Forest Sector Terminology, Glossary (English-Latvian-English), Madris, 2007 – 151 pp. 5. Galoburda R. Food Technology Dictionary (Latvian-English-Russian), Food Additives, Riga, 1998 – 471 pp. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 1. Conference on training methods at the LLU “E-studies, self-assessment and evaluation during studies”, 2011; 2. Course of continuing education “Management system of developing e-study course Moodle”, March, 2011; 3. A study visit at ALYTUS COLLEGE, Lithuania, December 2010; 4. PL Workshop „The Use of Multimedia Software in ELT, Pearson Longman Representative Office, April, 2010; 5. A study visit at Ventspils University College, March 2010; 6. Conference on training methods at the LLU „Quality of studies”, January 2010; 7. Conference organized by the Faculty of Modern Languages of the LU and Pearson Longman publishers „Tertiary Level Conference on Applied Linguistics”, Riga, May 363 2009; 8. Conference on training methods at the LLU „Practical training - for graduates’ compatibility. Master studies - background for career development”, January 2009. Academic and social societies (membership) Awards 1. Certificate of Appreciation by Latvia University of Agriculture for 29 years of selfless work at the Latvia University of Agriculture, October 2009; 2. Certificate of Appreciation by Faculty of Social Sciences for the contribution in the development of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Department of Languages related to the 65th anniversary of the department, April 2009. Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian- native Russian × German English × × × × × × ________________ 364 CURRICULUM VITAE Oksana Mališeva Name Surname Saratov region, Russian Federation 1976 Place of birth Year of birth Work place and position Latvia University of Agriculture, Language Department. Lecturer. Work address: Jelgava, Liela str. 2 Phone: Fax: E-mail: +371 63005650 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Study period Speciality Bachelor studies. The University of Latvia, Faculty of Modern Languages 01.09.1995. -01.02.2001 Master studies. The University of Latvia, Faculty of Modern Languages 01.09.2001. -18.06.2003 Doctoral studies 01.10.2003 -01.10.2008 Bachelor degree in German philology Master degree in German philology Programme linguistics Qualification Employment From 01.09.1998 – Latvia University of Agriculture – teaching German as junior lecturer and lecturer. 01.09.1998 – 01.12.1999 – teacher of German at Riga Commercial School (Jelgava branch) 01.09.2001 – 31.08.2006 – teacher of German at Eleja secondary school 01.09.2007 – 01.06.2008 – teacher of German at Livberze secondary school Scientific research interests Germanic linguistics (German language) – research into Middle High German (the verb); early New High German (the verb). Contributions at conferences (last three years) 2007, 21.11., conference „Zinātnes valoda: semantikas aspekts“, report theme „Semantika zinātnes skatījumā“, Latvia, Jelgava 2007, 14-15.12., international conference „Language in the world, world in the language and literature“, report theme „Vācu valodas periodizācijas problēmas vēstures un mūsdienu kontekstā“, Latvia, Riga 365 2008, 24-25.01., international conference „18. Zinātniskie lasījumi“, report theme „Die deutsche Sprache in der 2. Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts“, Latvia, Daugavpils Number of publications: 6 Publications Die Erforschung des mittelhochdeutschen Wortes, conference proceedings No 6, publisher: LiePa, Liepāja 2002, p.493. Das Mittelhochdeutsche als Repräsentant der Sprachkultur, Latvia, Jelgava, LLU 2003, p.171. Zur Variabilität der Verbformen in der „Livländischen Reimchronik” (1296), Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart 2005. Awards LU Rector’s acknowledgement for the research in the field of German language, Nr. 1/55, 2001. LU Rector’s acknowledgement for achievements at Munster award competition, 27 September 2003. Diploma holder at LU Roiči Sasakavas „Young Leader Programme”, 29 September 2004. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills excellent good average Speaking skills excellent good average Latvian X X X Russian X X X German X X X English X X X ________________ 366 CURRICULUM VITAE Ināra Name Rīga Place of birth Leikuma Surname 1953 Year of birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy, lecturer Work place and position Phone: Fax: E-mail: Work address: Lielā iela 2 Jelgava LV- 3001 63005649 3021821 Education Higher education, Master’s studies, doctoral studies. Educational Establishment, country Latvian University, Faculty of History and Philosophy Latvian University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Doctoral Studies Pedagogical University of Daugavpils, Master Studies Study period 1978 Philosophy 1981-1984 Philosophy 1997-1999 Psychology Speciality Qualification Philosophy Lecturer Philosopher Master of Psychology Research degrees Institution awarding degree Pedagogical University of Daugavpils Year 1999. Speciality Psychologist Degree Master of Psychology Diploma No. 000567 Employment 2007 - current date: lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Latvian University of Agriculture 1999 –Assistant professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Latvian University of Agriculture 1992 – current date: docent, Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Higher Education of Rezekne. 1988 – 1991: lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Latvian University of Agriculture 1978 – 1988: lecturer, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Liepaja Institute of Pedagogy of Liepaja 367 Scientific research interests History of philosophy in Latvia, psychology of communication Contributions at conferences (last three years) 1. Laime latviskā kontekstā 4th annual international scientific conference “New dimensions in the development of society”, Jelgava, LLU, 2008. 2. „Vajadzību faktors krīzes apstākĜos. / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference „New Dimensions in the Development of Society” 2.- 3. october 2009, Jelgava. 3. Report „Humora un smieklu sociālie aspekti”/ Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Sabiedrība un kultūra” 27. aprīlis 2009, Liepāja. 4. Referāts „Vajadzību faktors krīzes apstākĜos ” / International Scientific Conference „New Dimensions in the Development of Society” 2.- 3. october 2009, Jelgava. 5. Report „Haoss un harmonija”/ Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Sabiedrība un kultūra” 27. aprīlis 2010, Liepāja. 6. IzziĦas procesu atspoguĜojums P.Birkerta un mūsdienu psiholoăijā . Report International Scientific Conference” „Sabiedrība un kultūra: robežas un jauni apvāršĦi” . 19.-20.maijs,2011, Liepāja. 7. „P.Birkerta „Psiholoăija” (1921.) jaunu dimensiju kontekstā. Report „New Dimensions in the Development of Society” 2011. gada 6. oktobrī, Jelgava, Latvija. Courses delivered Philosophy General Psychology History of Philosophy Social psychology Philosophy of Latvia Leadership Ethics, aesthetics Communication Psychology Ethnopsychology Number of publications: …34….Publications 1. Smieties latviski // Liepājas Pedagoăiskā akadēmija, Rakstu krājums V.- Liepāja, LPA, 2003.104.-114.lpp. 2. Ideāls un Īstenība // Personība. Laiks. Komunikācija: starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli.- Rēzekne, Rēzeknes augstskola, 2003.- 237.-244.lpp. 3. F.Lušēra krāsu tests (translation from Russian): textbook.- Rēzekne, Rēzeknes augstskola, 2004.-65 lpp. 4. Kredītpunkts filozofijā.:textbook. Rēzekne, Rēzeknes augstskola, 2005.- 127 lpp. 5. Pašatsvešināšanās- pro et contra // Social integration in an expanding Europe. Proceedings of the international scientific conference.-Jelgava, LLU, 2004.- 177.-181.lpp. 6. Latviskā dvēsele - tradīcijas un mūsdienas/ Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference „New Dimensions in the Development of Society” 14.- 15. june 2007, Jelgava. – 275.-282. lpp. 7. Chapter “Dzīves pozīcija kā personības eksistences atspoguĜojums” in a book “Praktiskā filosofija” (Applied Philosophy), Jelgava, LLU, 2008, pp 339 - 391 Chapter “Zinātniskās izziĦas psiholoăiskie aspekti”. In a book „Zinātnes filozofija”.- Jelgava, LLU, 2011. 139-153 lpp. Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) 368 2001: Course of English Language (certificate) Developing e-courses and teaching in Moodle environment Academic and social societies (membership) Awards Number of patents, inventions etc. Languages: Reading skills excellent good average Writing skills Speaking skills excellent good average excellent good average Latvian Russian German English ________________ 369 CURRICULUM VITAE Jānis Ābele Name Surname Cēsis district 1939 Place of Birth Year of Birth Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Sciences, Associated Professor Work place and position Address: Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, Latvia Telephone: +37163021821; mob. +371 26179732 Fax: 63021821 e-mail: Education Higher education, Master studies, doctoral studies. Educational establishment, country Professors’ Council – Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Study period 2001 Validated - Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Graduate school – Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Undergraduate studies - Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia 1992 Economics and Management science, sub-branch of Public Management Agronomy 1968- 1970 Agronomy 1960 -1965 Agronomy Speciality Qualification Associated professor Dr.agr. Candidate of agriculture sciences Agronomists Research degrees Institution awarding degree Year Speciality Degree Associated professor APR No.074 Doctor G-D No. 000107 мсх No. 014458 Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia 2001 Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia 1992 Economics and Management science, sub-branch of Public Management Agronomy 1973 Agronomy Candidate of sciences Diploma No. Employment 2009- present – Associated Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Latvia University or Agriculture 2001-2009 – Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Latvia University or Agriculture 1998- 2001 – Director of the Institute of Humanities, Latvia University or Agriculture 1996-1998 – Deputy of the 6th Saeima of the Republic of Latvia 1992-1996 - Director of the Institute of Humanities, Latvia University or Agriculture 1980- 1992 – Assistant professor, Latvia University of Agriculture 1997–1980 – senior lecturer, Latvia University of Agriculture 1973 –1977 – assistant, Latvia University of Agriculture 1970– 1973 – senior researcher, Latvia Scientific Research Institute of Water Management and Water Technology 1968 – 1970 – doctoral student of Latvia University of Agriculture 1965– 1968– junior scientific assistant, Latvia Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture 370 Scientific research projects, research directions, grants, supervision of master or doctoral students International research projects (participants or manager): • 2006 – 2007 – project: VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/ „Information of Zemgale region secondary students of study and labour opportunities, studying at LLU SZF”, ESF funding, participant. • 2004 – 2010 ”Sociological research of social inclusion situation in Jelgava city and action plan for decrease of exclusion”, participant. Projects and programmes of the Latvia Council of Sciences, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Agriculture, etc. (participants or manager): • 2007 – LR IZM project ”Features and conceptual cooperation models of rural tourism companies”. Project manager. • 2006 - LR IZM project ”Application of SPPS programme for promotion of scientific activities of SZF”. Project manager. Member or chairman of councils, associations: Member of Agriculture and Forestry Academy of Sciences. Supervision of 9 Master theses Contributions at conferences (last 3 years) • L.Paula, D.Kaufmane, J.Ābele. “Cooperation Networks in Rural Tourism in Latvia”. XXIII ESRS Congress “Reinventing the Rural: Between the Social and the Natural” Book of Abstracts. 17.-21.08. 2009. Waasa, Finland. • J.Ābele, L.Leikums «Духовные и геополитические аспекты глобализации глазами студентов ЛСХУ» Международная конференция « Студенты о себе, своем вузе и о глобализации». 09.-10.05.2009. Олштин, Польша. • L.Paula, D.Kaufmane, J.Ābele. “Specificity of Rural Tourism; Enterprises and Conceptual Cooperation Models.” Multifunctional Agriculture and Rural Development (III) - Rural Development and limited Resources. 4.-5.12.2008. Belgrade, Serbija. • J.Kusis, J.Abele. “Development Strategies of Small Towns as the Bases of Sustainability.” Zin. konf. “Countryside - Our World.” 16.-18.04.2008. Kutna Hora, Čehija. Courses delivered Latest Theories of Management Time Management Geopolitics Team Management Number of publications: 39. Most important publications (not more than five) • L.Paula, D.Kaufmane, J.Ābele. (2009) “Cooperation Networks in Rural Tourism in Latvia”. XXIII ESRS Congress “Reinventing the Rural: Between the Social and the Natural”. Waasa, Finland • Ābele J., Leikums L. (2009) «Процессы глобализации глазами студентов Латвийского сельскохозяйственного университета» / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference „New Dimensions inthe Development of Society”. • Ābele J., Bariss V. (2006) Stratēăiskā plānošana publiskās pārvaldes institūcijās. Jelgava, pp.53 • Ābele J., Bariss V. (2008) Organizācijas. – Jelgava: LLU SZF, pp. 54 • Ābele J., Zalāne I. (2000) Menedžments. Mācību līdzeklis LLU studentiem mācību priekšmeta apguvei. Jelgava: LLU, pp. 43 371 Continuing education, in-service training (last three years) • 04.05.-09.05.2009. - University of Warmia and Mazury in Olzstyn (PL Olzstyn 01), Philosophy Institute, Humanitarian Faculty. • Overall Aim and Objectives of the Mobility: to get acquainted and Share the Experience in Study process Organization; • Administration and Faculty Activities; • Study Process Organization; • Structure of Study Subjects; • Student’s Evolution. • The Programme for the Period: meetings with Heads of Faculties and Departments (Languages Department, Philosophy Department, Sociology Department, Humanitarian Faculty); • Mutual Activities discussion; • Lectures and Seminars Visiting; • Sharing Ideas and Impressions about mutual Experience; • Contribution to the international Conference “Students about the University, State and Globalization.” • Expected Results: Improving of Qualification and professional Skills both for Home and Host Institutions Staff; • Sharing the Experience; • Comparison of Study at both Universities in the humanitarian Sphere and the Information acquired use in the Study Process Organization. Organizational activities Editorial member of LLU SZF conference proceedings Organizational committee member of LLU SZF scientific conferences Member of LLU Senate Member of LLU Convent Chairman of LLU Ethics Commission Other essential information 1. Lecturer of State Administration School of the Republic of Latvia Lecture themes: Organizational theory and management Motivation Time management System of results and result indices, etc. 2. Diploma of Recognition 07.02.2009. – LLU Diploma of Gratitude 24.01.2007. – LR Diploma of Recognition of the Ministry of Education and Science 25.10.1999. – LLU Diploma of Recognition Languages: Latvian (native) Russian German English Reading skills excellent good average x x Writing skills excellent good average x x x x Speaking skills excellent good average x x x x x x Appendix 6 ACADEMIC STAFF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Written Monographs from the 2002nd year by 2011 2002 1. Drochner W., Baranauskas S., Kulpys J., Kairiša D., Jonkus D., Osītis U. (2002) Lopkopības tehnoloăijas terminu vārdnīca. SIA ”Jelgavas tipogrāfija”, 173 lpp. 2003 1. Anderson Z., Ozolins Ya., Pupila A., Bagrade G. (2003) The East European and Caucasian parts of lynx range (the western group of regions): Latvia. – In: Matyushkin Ye.N., Vaisfeld M.A. (eds.) The Lynx: Regional Features of Ecology, Use and Protection. Moscow: Nauka, pp. 92 – 104. (in Russian/English). 2004 1. Veterinārmedicīnas augstākā izglītība Latvijā.-Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte, Jelgava.- 2004.- 510 lpp (Sarakstījis autoru kolektīvs. V.Antāne līdzdalība – 1,76 a.l.; 18,7 lpp.) 2. Osītis U., Strikauska S., Grundmane A. (2004) Lopbarības analīžu rezultātu apkopojums. LLKC, Ozolnieki, 34 lpp. 2005 1. Turka I., Bankina B., Bimšteine G. (2005) Augu aizsardzības riski Latvijā (4.1. nodaĜa) No: Monogrāfija - Riski lauksaimniecībā un privātajā mežsaimniecībā. P. Rivžas redakcijā Jelgava, 120 – 130 lpp. 2. KārkliĦa D., Skudra L. (2005) Riska analīzes realizācijas piemērs, novērtējot pārtikas produktu bīstamību. Riski lauksaimniecībā un privātajā mežsaimniecībā: monogrāfija / LLU, RTU. Datorzinātnes un informācijas tehnoloăiju fak. - Jelgava, 295.-302.lpp. 3. Plēsums J., Osītis U., Runce A., Ramane I., Gaile Z., Skuja S. (2005) GaĜas liellopi un liellopu gaĜas ražošana Latvijas apstākĜos. LLKC, 123 lpp. 4. Turka I., Priekule I., Bimšteine G. (2005) Iespējamo risku mazināšanas iespējas augu aizsardzībā, risku prognozēšanā izmantojot datorprogrammas (4.2. nodaĜa) No: Monogrāfija - Riski lauksaimniecībā un privātajā mežsaimniecībā. P. Rivžas redakcijā Jelgava, 131 – 140 lpp. 5. Arhipova I., KārkliĦa D., L. Skudra L. (2005) Pētījuma rezultātu izklāsts. Riski lauksaimniecībā un privātajā mežsaimniecībā: monogrāfija / LLU, RTU. Datorzinātnes un informācijas tehnoloăiju fak. Jelgava, 273.-294.lpp. 6. Gaile Z. (2005) Kukurūzas audzēšana ar mērėi iegūt augstu enerăijas iznākumu [Growing maize as high energy crop]. No: Plēsums J., Osītis U., Runce A., Ramane I., Gaile Z., Skuja S. GaĜas liellopi un liellopu gaĜas ražošana Latvijas apstākĜos [Beef cattle and beef production in Lavia]. Jelgava, 44.-51. lpp. 7. Gunārs Pētersons „Latvijas sikspārĦu (Chiroptera) populāciju teritoriālais izvietojums un sezonālās migrācijas” / „Distribution patterns and seasonal migrations of the bat (Chiroptera) populations in Latvia”. Rīga 2005, 137 lpp. 2006 1. Kairiša D. (2006) Aitu ēdināšana un produkcija. Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieki un to produkcija bioloăiskajā lauksaimniecībā: monogrāfija veltīta LLU Biotehnoloăijas un veterinārmedicīnas zinātniskā institūta "Sigra" bijušajiem un esošajiem darbiniekiem institūta 60 gadu jubilejā (1946-2006) - LLU Biotehnoloăijas un veterinārmedicīnas zinātniskais institūts "Sigra" - Sigulda, 2006. - 222.-226.lpp. 373 2. E.ŠeĜegovska (2006) 9.1. Slimību profilakse un veterinārās aprūpes pamatnosacījumi. Monogrāfija “Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieki un to produkcija bioloăiskajā lauksaimniecībā” [Farm animals and their production in organic farming system]. sast. A.JemeĜjanovs. Sigulda, 236. – 240.lpp [ISBN 9984-39-018-7] 2007 1. Bardačenko V., Merkurjevs J., Ruža A., Solomenikova I. (2007) Lauksaimnieka stratēăiju modelēšana nepastāvīgas meteoroloăiskās situācijas apstākĜos [Modelling of agricultural strategy risks under conditions of varying meteorological situation]. Monogrāfijā „Lauksaimniecības un pārtikas risku vadīšana [Management of risks in agriculture and food production]” Jelgava, 468 - 493 lpp. 2. Bimšteine G. (2007) Pārtikas kartupeĜu audzēšanas ekonomiskie riski bioloăiskajās saimniecībās (4.6. nodaĜa) No: Lauksaimniecības un pārtikas risku vadīšana. P. Rivžas red. Jelgava, LLU: 266. – 274. lpp. 3. Jansons, V., Abramenko, K., Timbare, R., A.LagzdiĦš., Vircavs, V. (2007). Lauksaimniecības izraisītā nitrātu piesārĦojuma riska analīze Latvijā. (Risk assessment of the agricultural pollution with nitrates in Latvia). In: Monogrāfija: Lauksaimniecības un pārtikas risku vadība. Jelgava. 525.-543. lpp. 2008 1. Nikodemus O., KārkliĦš A., KĜaviĦš M., Melecis V. (2008) Augsnes ilgtspējīga izmantošana un aizsardzība. – Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2008. – 256 lpp. [Soil conservation and sustainable use / O. Nikodemus, A. Karklins, M. Klavins, V. Melecis. – Rīga: Academic Press]. 2. Augsnes diagnostika un apraksts / Sast. A. KārkliĦš. – Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – 336 lpp. [Guidelines for soil diagnosis and description / Ed. by A. Karklins.]. 3. Guna Bagrade „Latvijas kaėu un suĦu dzimtu savvaĜas sugu helmintofauna”/ „Helminth fauna of wild felids and canids in Latvia”. Rīga 2008, 128 lpp. 2009 1. Latvijas augšĦu noteicējs. A. KārkliĦa red. / A. KārkliĦš, I. Gemste, H. Mežals, O. Nikodemus, R. Skujāns. [Taxonomy of Latvia soils / Ed. by A. Karklins.]– Jelgava: LLU, 2009. – 240 lpp. 2. Bardachenko V., Merkuryev Y., Solomennikov A., Ruza A. (2009) Defining optimal farmer strategy under climate uncertainty. Cultural landscape - across disciplines. Bydgoszcz - Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Branta, p.323.-340. 3. LaiviĦš M., Bice M., Krampis I., Knape Dz., Šmite D., Šulcs V. Latvijas kokaugu atlants Atlas of Latvian woody plants. Rīga, SIA Apgāds Mantojums. 2009. 606 lpp. 4. Šulcs V. Meža nozares termini: Eiropas Savienības un citos starptautiskos tiesību aktos lietoto meža nozares terminu vārdnīca Forest sectorterminology: Glossary of forest sector terminology used in the European Union and other international legislation: English – Latvian – English. Rīga: Madris. 2007. 152 lpp. 2010 1. Jedrzejewski W., Jedrzejewska B., Andersone-Lilley Ž., Balčiauskas L. Mannil P. OzoliĦš J., Sidorovič V. E., Bagrade G., Kübarsepp M., Ornicans A., Nowak S., Pupila A., Zunna A. (2010) Synthesizing wolf ecology and management in Eastern Europe : similarities and contrasts with North America. In: M. Musiani, L. Boitani (eds.) The world of wolves: new perspectives on ecology, behaviour and management. Calgary: University of Calgary press, 2010, p. 207–233. – (Energy, ecology and the environment series). 2. Slaucamo govju asins morfoloăiskie un bioėīmiskie rādītāji, dzemdes mikrobiālā flora un endometrija pārmaiĦas pēcdzemdību periodā: promocijas darbs Veterinārmedicīnas doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai Veterinārmedicīnas nozarē, dzemdniecības un 374 ginekoloăijas apakšnozarē / I.Šematoviča // Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte, Biotehnoloăijas un veterinārmedicīnas zinātniskais institūts "Sigra", darba zinātniskie vadītāji: A.JemeĜjanovs M.Pilmane.- Jelgava: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, (2010), - 127 lpp. 3. Bankina B., Balodis O., Gaile Z. (2010) Advances of Fungicide Application for Winter Oilseed Rape. In: Fungicides. O. Carrise (ed.) Vienna: Intech, ISBN 978-953-307-266-1, pp. 157-177. 4. Dace Keidāne „Kazu intrarumenālā un intraabomazālā pH dinamika normā un pēc invadēšanas ar Ostertagia circumcincta” / „Intraruminal and intraabomasal pH dynamics of goats at norm and after their infection with Ostertagia circumcincta”. Jelgava 2010, 108 lpp. 2011 1. Riekstina-Dolge R., Kruma Z., Augšpole I., Ungure E., Karklina D., Seglina D. (2011) Phenolic compounds in fermented apple juice: effect of apple variety and apple ripening index In: Monography Selected topics in food biotechnology / Wrocŀaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Department of Animal Products Technology and Quality Management. - Wrocŀaw, 2011. - 43.-50.lpp. 2. Kronberga M., Straumite E., Karklina D., Murniece I., Galoburda R. (2011) Evaluation of sensory properties of new type agar jellies. In: Monography CXXIX Product development & quality assurance. Wroclaw. – p. 101–110. 3. Zagorska J., Unigunde A., Šterna V., Ciproviča I. (2011). Evaluation of immunoglobulin and lysozyme concentration in milk enriched with carotenoids. Selected problems of Nutraceutical and Functional Food. In: Proceedings of the 5th Intenrnational Conference on the quality and Safety in Food Production Chain. Wroclaw, p 11-19. Text books or methodological literature from the 2008th year by 2011 2008 1 I. Ciproviča u.c. Ražošanas prakses nolikums akadēmiskās studiju programmas "Pārtikas zinības" un profesionālās studiju programmas "Pārtikas produktu tehnoloăijas" studentiem / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte; Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 24 lpp. 2. Leibus I. Individuālā uzĦēmēja grāmatvedība un nodokĜi . 3., atkārt. un papild. izd. Rīga : Lietišėās informācijas dienests, 2008. 288 lpp.: tab., diagr.; 22 cm. Bilances bibliotēka . ISBN 9789984826127 3. KārkliĦa D., Ciproviča I., Beitāne I. (2008) Pārtikas produkti ar funkcionālajām sastāvdaĜām: teorētiskais materiāls studiju priekšmeta "Funkcionālā pārtika" apguvei. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloăijas fakultāte. Jelgava: LLU, 50 lpp. 4. Žukauska I. (2008) Mācību profesionālā prakse dārzkopības uzĦēmumos: prakses organizācija, uzdevumi un metodiskie norādījumi pārskata sagatavošanai. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. - Jelgava: LLU, 2008. - 28 lpp. 5. Daina KārkliĦa, Inga Ciproviča Pārtikas produktu tehnoloăija: starpaugstskolu akadēmiskā maăistra studiju programma "Uzturzinātne": mācību materiāls / [Rīga]: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, c2008. 93 lpp.: il. 6. KārkliĦa D., Muižnieks I. Jaunā pārtika un ăenētiski modificētie organismi: starpaugstskolu akadēmiskā maăistra studiju programma "Uzturzinātne": mācību materiāls / - Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, c2008. - 112 lpp. 7. Čakste, I. IesaiĦojuma materiālu ėīmija: mācību līdzeklis / Ilze Čakste; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ėīmijas katedra. Jelgava: LLU, 2008 112 lpp. 375 8. Kūka P. (2008) Pārtikas produktu analīžu fizikāli ėīmiskās metodes. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloăijas fakultāte. - Jelgava: LLU, 174 lpp., ISBN 9789984784663 9. Žukauska I. (2008) Netradicionālā dārzkopība [elektroniskais resurss]: garšaugi, netradicionālie dārzeĦi: studiju materiāls. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Agrobiotehnoloăijas institūts. - Jelgava: LLU, 123 lpp. [1 CD-ROM un interneeta resurs:] 10. Markeviča L. (2008) Ražošanas prakses nolikums akadēmiskās studiju programmas "Pārtikas zinības" un profesionālās studiju programmas "Pārtikas produktu tehnoloăijas" studentiem. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte; [sast. I. Ciproviča u.c.]. - Jelgava: LLU, 24 lpp. 11. Čakste I. Vispārīgā ėīmija: mācību līdzeklis / Ilze Čakste; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ėīmijas katedra. Jelgava: LLU, 2008 66 lpp. 12. P.Keidāns, A.Krūklīte, D. Keidāne „Mājdzīvnieku parazitāro slimību diagnostika un profilakse”. Domestic animals parasitic disease diagnosis and prevention. Mācību materiāls studentiem un veterinārārstiem. Study material for students and veterinarians Jelgava, LLU, 2008, 137. lpp. 13. Kūka M. Organisko savienojumu nomenklatūra: mācību līdzeklis. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ėīmijas katedra, Jelgava, 2008, (Rīga: Drukātava), 72 lpp. 14. A. KārkliĦš, I. Līpenīte, I. Lūse, A. Pogulis, R. Vucāns Ăeoloăija, augsne, agroėīmija: Metodiskie norādījumi mācību praksei // 2. pārstr. un papild. izd. /, prof. A. KārkliĦa red. – Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – 88 lpp. [Geology, Soils, Fertilizer Use / Ed. by A. Karklins.]. 15. Kunkulberga D., Ruža A. (2008) Kviešu un rudzu graudu uzturvērtība un izmantošana maizes ražošanā. Jelgava : Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. 55 lpp. 16. Kuka P. Physico – chemical Methods of Foodstuffs Analysis. – Jelgava: LUA, 2008. – 174 p. 17. Čakste I. Polimēru ėīmija: mācību līdzeklis / Ilze Čakste; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ėīmijas katedra. Jelgava: LLU, 2008 66 lpp. 18. Kūka P., Dūma M. (2008) Fizikālā ėīmija: metodiskie norādījumi un laboratorijas darbu apraksti. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ėīmijas katedra. - Jelgava: LLU, 101 lpp. 19. Kūka P. (2008) Koloidālā ėīmija: metodiskie norādījumi un laboratorijas darbu apraksti. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ėīmijas katedra. - Jelgava: LLU; [Rīga]: Drukātava, 89 lpp. 20. Indriksons A. 2008. Meža piroloăija. Praktisko darbu žurnāls mežzinātnes un mežinženieru specialitāšu studentiem.- Jelgava: LLU Mežkopības katedra.- 36 lpp. 21. ĀboliĦš M. (2008) Subtropu un tropu klimata augĜaugi / Subtropical and Tropical Fruits/ Elektroniskais mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 34 lpp. 22. Dižgalve A. (2008) Mācību profesionālā prakse dārzkopības uzĦēmumos: prakses organizācija, uzdevumi un metodiskie norādījumi pārskata sagatavošanai. [red. K.Kampuss] Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 28 lpp.; 21 cm. 2009 1. Plīse E. (2009) KukaiĦi mežā un dārzā. Jelgava: LLU, 368 lpp. 2. A. KārkliĦš, Dz. Kreišmane Studiju darbu izpilde un noformējums: metodiskie norādījumi Lauksaimniecības fakultātes studentiem / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte; - Jelgava: LLU, 2009. - 96 lpp. 3. Kūka P. (2009) Kontroldarbs un kolokvijs Pārtikas produktu tehnoloăijas studiju programmas nepilna laika studentiem studiju priekšmetā "Fizikālā un koloidālā ėīmija" [elektroniskais resurss]. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ėīmijas katedra. Jelgava: LLU, 1 CD-ROM. 376 4. Kūka M. Uzdevumi paškontrolei organiskajā ėīmijā (Ėīmija II) mācību līdzeklis Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes Meža fakultātes Mežzinātnes studiju programmas studentiem. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Elektroniskā formā LLU FB, Jelgava, 2009, 33 lpp. 5. Grigorjeva R., Jesemčika A., Leibus I., Svarinska A. Grāmatvedības pamati. Mācību grāmata, pārstrādāts 2007.g. izdevums – Latvijas UzĦēmējdarbības un menedžmenta akadēmija, R: 2009., 100 lpp., ISBN 9984-708-52-7. 6. Balode A. (2009) Projektu vadīšanas pamati studiju materiāls Lauksaimniecības fakultātes studentiem; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Agrobiotehnoloăijas institūts. Jelgava : LLU, 2009. 1 CD-ROM ietverē. 7. Grigorjeva R., Jesemčika A., Leibus I., Svarinska A. Finanšu grāmatvedība. Mācību grāmata – Izglītības SoĜi, R: 2009., 252 lpp., ISBN 9984-712-54-0 2010 1. Leibus I. Pirmie soĜi komercdarbībā. SIA vai IK: darbības uzsākšana, grāmatvedība, nodokĜi. Lietišėās informācijas dienests, R: 2010. 116 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-826-75-2 2. Balode A. (2010) Liliju slimības un kaitēkĜi; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Jelgava: LLU, 2010, 24 lpp. 3. Leibus I. Pašnodarbinātā grāmatvedība un nodokĜi. Lietišėās informācijas dienests, R: 2010 – 119 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-826-93-6 2011 1. Upīte I., Nipers A., Pilvere I., Bulderberga Z. Paplašinātias standarta izmaksu modelis. Rokasgrāmata. Valsts Kanceleja. Rīga, 72 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-8225-1-3. 2. Nipers A., Bulderberga Z., Pilvere I., Upīte I. Kienta maršruta attēlošanas metode. Rokasgrāmata. Valsts Kanceleja. Rīga, 2011., 68 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-8225-0-6. 3. Norvele G., Kairiša D. (2011) Rokasgrāmata aitu audzētājiem [Latvija]: Biedrība "Latvijas Aitu audzētāju asociācija", 97 lpp. 4. Gunārs Brāzma u.c Zinātnes filozofija / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Sociālo zinātĦu fakultāte. Filozofijas katedra. Jelgava: LLU, 2011 174 lpp.: il., tab., portr.; 21 cm. ISBN 9789984480435. 5. Ciproviča I., Zagorska J., Metodiskie norādījumi laboratorijas darbiem „Piens, tā pārstrāde’ (2011), LLU, Jelgava 50 lpp. Scientific publications in Latvian and foreign editions of the 2008th by 2011 2008 1. Abolins M., Liepniece M., Sterne D. (2008). Vaccinium spp. production patterns and winter hardiness in Latvia. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Vaccinium Culture, ISHS Acta Horticulture, pp. 205 – 210 2. Adamovics A., Adamovica O. (2008) Effect of cutting frequency on the productivity of white clover – grass mixed swards. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium of CIEC. Plant nutrient management under stress conditions, Egypt, pp. 233-237. 3. Adamovics A., Adamovica O. (2008) Usage of fodder galega-grass swards biomass as an alternative source of energy. Proceedings of the XXI International Grassland Congress, VII International Rangeland Congress. Multifunctional Grassland in a Changing World, Huhhot, China, pp. 1162. 4. Adamovics A., Adamovica O., Dubrovskis V., Plume I. (2008) Usage of Fodder Galega Biomass for the Biogas Production. Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. Multi–functional Agriculture. Italy, pp. 499-500. 377 5. Adamovics A., Dubrovskis V., Plume I. (2008) Galega for fodder and biogas production. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Forage Conservation, Slovak Republic, pp.170-171. 6. Adamovics A., Dubrovskis V., Plume I. (2008) Galega for biogas production. Raising Awareness on renewable energy. 4th Edition of the RADAR Newsletter, pp.1 - 10. 7. Adamovics A., Dubrovskis V., Plume I., Auzins V. (2008) Usage of Fodder Galega Biomass for the Biogas Production. Proceedings of the 5th UEAA General Assembly and the Associated Workshop. Renewable energy resources, production and technologies. Rīga: Zinātne, pp. 30-37. 8. Adamovičs A., Dubrovskis V., Plūme I. (2008) Biogāzes ražošana no galegas un galegas skābsiena. No: Dažādu ražošanas tehnoloăiju ietekme uz dzīvnieku veselību un dzīvnieku izcelsmes pārtikas kvalitātes rādītājiem. Sigulda, 47-53 lpp. 9. Balodis O., Bankina B., Gaile Z. (2008). Fungicide use efficiency for disease control on winter rape. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. T.95, Nr.3, pp. 13-18. 10. Degola L. (2008) Grain forage quality in pig feeding. Proceedings of XI International scientific-practical conference. Current problems of intensive development of animal husbandry, Gorki, Belorussia, ISBN 985-467-154-2, pp. 3-7. 11. Dubrovskis V., Plume I., Adamovics A., Auzins V., Straume I. (2008) Galega biomass for biogas production. Proceedings of 7th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, ISSN 1691-3043, Jelgava: LLU, pp. 61-65. 12. Gaile Z. (2008) Quality of forage maize (Zea mays L.) depending on sowing time in Latvia. Grassland Science in Europe, Volume 13. Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 459-461. 13. Gutmane I., Adamovics A. (2008) Seed yield formation of Festulolium and Lolium× boucheanum under climatic condition of Latvia. Proceedings of the XXI International Grassland Congress, VII International Rangeland Congress. Multifunctional Grassland in a Changing World, Huhhot, China, pp. 581. 14. Gūtmane I., Adamovičs A. (2008) AuzeĦaireĦu un hibrīdo aireĦu sausnas ražas veidošanās dinamika. No: Dažādu ražošanas tehnoloăiju ietekme uz dzīvnieku veselību un dzīvnieku izcelsmes pārtikas kvalitātes rādītājiem. Sigulda, 19.–22. lpp. 15. Kreita Dz., Ruza A. (2008) Effects of agro-climatic Factors on Grain Yield and Quality of winter Wheat. Proceedings of 10th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. Italian Journal of Agronomy. Vol. 3, No. 3, Suppl., pp. 343-344 16. Ruza A., Bankina B. (2008) Development of snow mould in Latvia. Proceedings of 10th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. Italian Journal of Agronomy. Vol. 3, No. 3, Suppl., pp.709-710. 17. Ruža A., Kreita Dz. (2008) Sowing Time influence on Yield of Winter Wheat under conditions of Zemgale. Latvian Journal of Agronomy, Nr.11, pp. 271-275. 18. Skudra I., Ruza A., Skudra A. (2008) Winter wheat mineral nutrition and uptake of applied nitrogen fertilizer. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium of CIEC. Plant nutrient management under stress conditions. Egypt, pp. 247 – 251. 19. Trūpa A., Latvietis J., Eihvalde I. (2008) Barības izlietojums un izmaksas govīm atkarībā no produktivitātes līmeĦa un ēdināšanas tehnoloăijas. Proceeding of the International scientific conference, Sigulda, Latvia, pp. 88. – 92. 20. Спруж Я., Шелеговска Е. (2008) Эффективность кормовых добавок на качестве молока в биологическом козоводстве. Proceedings of XI International scientificpractical conference. Current problems of intensive development of animal husbandry, Gorki, Belorussia, ISBN 985-467-154-2, pp. 26-32. 21. Трупа А., Латвиетис Я., Розенфелде А. (2008) Влияние пищевой добавки «Пенергетик -Т» (mastitis) на продуктивность коров и качество молока. Proceedings of XI International scientific-practical conference. Current problems of intensive development of animal husbandry, Gorki, Belorussia, ISBN 985-467-154-2, pp. 34. – 39. 378 22. Balodis O., Gaile Z., Bankina B. (2008) Performance of winter oil-seed rape depending on some risk factors: winter hardiness and disease incidence. Proceedings of the 5th UEAA General Assembly and the Associated Workshop. Renewable Energy Resources, Production and Technologies. Hera C., Hoffmann V., Rivza B. (Eds.) Riga: Zinatne, pp. 46-53. 23. Bula S., Ositis U. (2008) The Application of Organic Trace Minerals in Beef Cattle Nutrition. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference. Research for Rural Development. Jelgava, pp. 328. – 333. 24. Bula S., Ositis U. (2008) The Influence of Feeding of Sea Buckthorn By-products on the Mare and Foal Blood Biochemical Indices. Starptautiskas zinātniskās konferences raksti. Dzīvnieki. Veselība. Pārtikas higiēna. Jelgava, 24.- 28.lpp. 25. Gaile Z. Impact of some agro-meteorological factors on maize (Zea mays L.) biomass production. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop of UEAA. Renewable Energy resources, Production and Technologies. Hera C., Hoffmann V., Rivza B. (Eds.) Riga: Zinatne, pp. 95-102. 26. Jemeljanovs A., Sterna V., Strautmanis D., Osmane B., Jonkus D., Lujane B. (2008) Comparison of milk protein composition in cow breeds raised in Latvia. Proceeding of the 14th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference. Gyvulininkyste, Animal Husbandry 51, ISSN 1392-6144, pp. 19-24. 27. Jonkus D., Kairiša D. (2008) Govju piena produktivitātes līmeĦa ietekme uz starpatnešanās perioda ilgumu. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences Raksti. Dzīvnieki. Veselība. Pārtikas higiēna. ISSN 1407-1754. Jelgava, 68. – 73. lpp. 28. Jonkus D., Kairiša D., Paura L., Kauėis J. (2008) Govju piena sasalšanas punktu ietekmējošo faktoru analīze. Proceeding of the International scientific conference, Sigulda, Latvija, pp. 128. -134. 29. Kairiša D., BārzdiĦa D. (2008) Vācijas merino vietējās šėirnes vaislas teėa izmantošanas efektivitāte z/s „Mežkalēji”. Proceeding of the International scientific conference, Sigulda, Latvia, pp. 189. – 194. 30. Kairiša D., Jonkus D. (2008) Piena sastāvu un kvalitāti ietekmējošo faktoru analīze. Agronomijas Vēstis, Nr. 10, 262.-266. lpp. ISSN 1691-3485. 31. Kampuse S., Kampuss K., Krasnova I., Volkova I. (2008) Influence of drying methods to stability of black currant bioactive compounds. Chemia Technologia, Vol. 4 (46), pp. 2125. 32. Kampuss K., Christensen L.P. and Pedersen H.L. (2008) Volatile Composition of Black Currant Cultivars. Acta Horticulture, 777, pp. 525 – 529. 33. Kronberga A., LegzdiĦa L. (2008) Possibilities to use triticale and hulless barley in animal feed. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Implication of different production Technologies on animal health and food products quality indices. Sigulda, Latvia, pp. 54-64. 34. Paura L., Jonkus D. (2008) Pazīmju iedzimstamības noteikšana dažādu sugu lauksaimniecības dzīvniekiem. Daugavpils universitātes 50. zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. 35. Sprūžs J., ŠeĜegovska E. (2008) Kazu labturība un produkcijas ražošana bioloăiskajās un konvencionālajās saimniecībās. Agronomijas Vēstis, Nr.10, ISSN 1691-3485, 287.292.lpp. 36. Sprūžs J., ŠeĜegovska E., Remeza I., VasiĜjeva S. (2008) Vācu balto dižciltīgo un Alpu kazu piena kvalitātes rādītāji. Agronomijas Vēstis, Nr.10., ISSN 1691-3485, 281.-286. lpp. 37. Sprūžs J., ŠeĜegovska E., Remeza I., VasiĜjeva S. (2008) Dažādu barības līdzekĜu ietekme uz kazu asins imunoloăiskiem un hematoloăiskiem rādītājiem un produkcijas kvalitāti. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences raksti. Dzīvnieki. Veselība. Pārtikas higiēna, Jelgava, 170.-174. lpp. 379 38. Žukauska I. (2008).Garšaugu ăenētiskie resursi Latvijā. Agronomijas Vēstis, Nr. 10, 241247 lpp. 39. Balode A. (2008) Investigation of Polyploidy in the Breeding of Lilies (Lilium spp.). 14th International scientific conference proceedings. Research for Rural Development. Jelgava, pp. 347. – 352. 40. Balode A. (2008) “Applying Colchicine and Oryzalin in Lilium L. 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Birăele E., Keidāne D., Ilgaža A. 2011. Biochemical parameters of goat meat raised on organic and conventional farms. International scientific conference „ACTUALITIES IN VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCE“, 75 year anniversary of Veterinary Academy and Veterinary Year 2011. Kaunas, p. 108. 42. Bumane S., Skrabule I., Legzdina L., Kronberga A., Murniece I., Kruma Z. (2011) Variation of substances relevant to human health in barley, triticale and potato. Food, feed, fuel and fun - nordic light on future land use and rural development: book of abstracts of the 24th NJF congress and of the 2nd Nordic feed science conference, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14–16, 2011. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala. No. C167 p.211. 43. Lapins D., Kopmanis J., Berzins A., Dinaburga G. (2011) Significance of regulated and unregulated factors in precision field management for winter wheat. Food, feed, fuel and fun - nordic light on future land use and rural development: book of abstracts of the 24th NJF congress and of the 2nd Nordic feed science conference, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14– 16, 2011 / Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. - Uppsala, 2011. - E35 215. 44. Kampuse S., Kampuss K., Kruma Z., Dorofejeva K., Ungure E. (2011) The comparrison of gooseberry biochemical composition in different ripening stages. II ISHS International Conference on Quality Management of Fresh Cut Produce: Convenience Food for a Tasteful Life. Book of Abstracts, Turin, Italy, p. 86. 45. Karklins A. (2011) Heracleum sosnowskyi – threat to landscape or soil degradation. Материалы Международной научной конференции, посвященной 165-летию со дня рождения В.В. Докучаева Pесурсный потенциал почв – основа продовольственной и экологической безопасности россии, 1 – 4 марта 2011, Санкт-Петербург. – СанктПетербург, 2011, С. 15 – 16. 46. Pētersons G., Ėuze I. Effectiveness of internet-based survey of bats hibernating in root cellars / Oral presentation in the plenary session of the 6th International Conference "Research and conservation of biological diversity in Baltic Region" Daugavpils, 28-29 April, (2011). 47. Eihvalde I., Kairiša D. (2011) Influence of dry period length on amount of immunoglobulins in colostrum from dairy cows. Food, feed, fuel and fun - nordic light on future land use and rural development: book of abstracts of the 24th NJF congress and of the 2nd Nordic feed science conference, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14–16, 2011. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. - Uppsala, No. B51 p.57. 48. Šterne D., Liepniece M. (2011) KrūmmelleĦu ražas veidošanos ietekmējošie faktori [The influencing factors of formation of the yield of the highbush blueberries]. Daugavpils Universitātes 53. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tēzes, 2011. gada 13. – 15. aprīlis, 13. lpp. 49. RiekstiĦa-DoĜăe R., Krūma Z., Galoburda R., KārkliĦa D. (2011) Effect of pasteurization on composition of volatiles in fermented apple juice. Foodbalt-2011: 6th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Innovations for food science and production": abstract book / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Food Technology. - Jelgava : LLU, 72.lpp. 50. Petersons G., Suba J. Do the bats feed during the migration flight? Abstracts of the 8th Baltic Theriological Conference Palanga, Lithuania, October 7-9, (2011), 28-28. 51. Šteinberga V., Dubova L., Mutere O., Jansone I., AlsiĦa I. (2011). The influence of field management system on the soil biological activity. Scientific conference “Agricultural Chemistry in agriculture and environmental protection” Warsaw, Poland, June 20 – 21. Abstract book. P.63. 52. A.Blija, I. Skrupskis, T. Blija, D.Skrupska (2011) Risk Evaluation in the Technological Process of Beaver Meat Meal Preparation. 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists. Book of Absracts.Opatija, Croatia.p.216. 410 53. Birăele E., Ilgaža A., Keidāne D. 2011. The pH dynamics of the goats and cows rumen and abomasums. Book of Abstracts of the 62th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Nr 17, Stavanger, Norway, p. 206. 54. Bagrade, G.; Deksne, G.; Varfolomejeva, J.& OzoliĦš J. Echinococcus multilocularis in the wild canids in Latvia. 3rd International Conference on Laboratory Diagnostics in Veterinary Medicine, Food and Environmental Safety, Riga, Latvia. p. 12. ISBN 9789984-49-356-, majaslapai.pdf. 55. Adamovičs A., Poiša L. (2011) Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) as a biomass crop. Food, feed, fuel and fun - nordic light on future land use and rural development: book of abstracts of the 24th NJF congress and of the 2nd Nordic feed science conference, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14–16, 2011. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala, 2011. - A195 173. 56. Balodis O., Gaile Z. (2011) Important factors influencing winter oilseed rape seed yield. Food, feed, fuel and fun - nordic light on future land use and rural development: book of abstracts of the 24th NJF congress and of the 2nd Nordic feed science conference, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14–16, 2011. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala, 2011. - C132 122. 57. Miculis J., Jemeljanovs A., Šterna V., Konošonoka I.H., Antone U., Zagorska J. (2011). Opportunity to increase milk quality with biologically active substances. Book of abstracts. 62 Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science. 29.08.11.– 02.09.11. Stavanger, Norveăija, p. 319. [Elektroniskais resurss]. – Tiešsaites pakalpojums. - Pieejas veids – „tīmekli: /Provisional%20 Scientific%20Programme.pdf. 58. S. Liepins, S. Strausa, U. Iljins, U. Gross Thermal Analysis of Overground Bound Constructions. - Civil Engineering’11. International scientific conference Abstracts.2011, Jelgava, 58.lpp. 59. Gutmane I., Adamovičs A. (2011) Nitrogen fertilization rate influence on Festulolium and Lolium x Boucheanum forage yield. Food, feed, fuel and fun - nordic light on future land use and rural development: book of abstracts of the 24th NJF congress and of the 2nd Nordic feed science conference, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14–16, 2011. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. - Uppsala, 2011. - C196 213. 60. A.Veinbergs, A. Liepa, Z. Dimanta, K. Abramenko, V. Vircavs, D. Lauva, I. Mailite, I. Anisimova. Climate variability effects on the groundwater table fluctuations and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in agricultural lands. Symposium on Climate Change Challenges in River Basin Management. Abstract Proceedings. Oulu Finland. 2011. 17-19.january. 52-53 pp. Developed patents, licences, samples of industrial design, computer programs from the 2008th year by 2011 2008 1. AlsiĦa I. (LV), Laila Dubova (LV), Uldis KauliĦš (LV), Kaspars Kveksis (LV), Līga ZariĦa (LV) Augu augšanas stimulēšanas paĦēmiens = Method for stimulation of plant growth: [izgudrojuma patenta publikācija: patenta numurs 13690: starptautiskās klasifikācijas indekss C05F11/00: pieteikuma numurs P-07-160: iesniegšanas datums 28.12.2007: publicēšanas datums 20.06.2008]; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Patenti un Preču Zīmes. - Nr.6 (2008), 678.lpp. 2009 1. Balode A. Izsniegts VAAD lēmums 17.12.2009. Nr. 10-10.1/385 par 30 liliju šėirĦu selekcionāra tiesību piešėiršanu. 411 2. Morozovs A., Kūka P., Čakste I. Metode koksnes virsmas pārklāšanas tehnoloăijas optimizācijai: [izgudrojuma patenta publikācija: patenta numurs 13954: starptautiskās klasifikācijas indekss B27D1/00: pieteikuma numurs P-08-139: iesniegšanas datums 07.08.2008: publicēšanas datums 20.06.2009]. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte // Patenti un Preču Zīmes. - Nr.6 (2009), 845.lpp., 858.lpp. (in Europe’s network of patent databases) 3. Morozovs A., Kūka P., Čakste I., DimiĦš F. Iekārta un metode horizontālas virsmas kontaktleĦėa anizotropijas noteikšanai Device and method for determination of contact angle anisotropy of horizontal surface: [izgudrojuma patenta publikācija: patenta numurs 13852: starptautiskās klasifikācijas indekss G01N21/01: pieteikuma numurs P-08-138: iesniegšanas datums 07.08.2008: publicēšanas datums 20.06.2009]. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte // Patenti un Preču Zīmes. - Nr.6 (2011), 852.lpp. 4. Antāne V. Iesniegts un reăistrēts patents Nr. WO/2009/095445 no Grindeks, Latvija. Nosaukums: New second medical use of 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazine) propionate dihydrate Iesniedzēji: Stonāns Ilmārs, Auzāns Alberts, Rimeicāns Jāzeps. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2010 Balode A. Liliju pavairošanas paĦēmiens. Method for propagation of lilies: (LV); Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Patenti un Preču Zīmes. Nr.3 (2010), 419, 432.lpp. Izsniegts patents Nr. 14110. Pelēce I. Putāns H., Putāns A., Iljins U., Zagorska V., Kanceviča L., Ziemelis I., Jesko Ž., Ilsters A. Saules baterijas jaudas reăistrēšanas ierīce. Solar battery power registration devices: [izgudrojuma patenta publikācija: patenta numurs 14165 B: starptautiskās klasifikācijas indekss G01R21/00: pieteikuma numurs P-10-25: iesniegšanas datums 01.03.2010: publicēšanas datums 20.06.2010]. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes aăentūra "Lauksaimniecības tehnikas zinātniskais institūts" // Patenti un Preču Zīmes. - Nr.6 (2010), 886.-887.lpp.; Nr.5 (2010), 756.lpp. Mutere O., Limane B., Mihailova A., Dubova L., Strikauska S., Zarina. D. Mikroorganissmu-destruktoru konsorcijas MDK-825 izolēšana naftas produktu degradēšanai augsnē. Latvijas patents LV 14133 A, 4/2010, 624-625. (Isolation of consortium of microorganisms-destructors MDK-825 for oil product degradation in soil. Latvian patent LV 14133 A, 4/2010, 624-625). Cinkmanis I., Čakste I., Vucāne S. Ogu un augĜu sulu izmantošana iejava vides pH regulēšanā. Latvijas patents uz izgudrojumu LV 14087 (C12C7/04). 20.03.2010. Vucāne S., Kūka M., Cinkmanis I. Rapšu – linsēklu un rapšu – kaĦepju eĜĜu maisījumu izmantošana majonēzes ražošanā. LR Patents uz izgudrojumu Nr. 14070., 2010. Ziemelis I., Pelēce I., Iljins U., Zagorska V., Putāns A. Sfērisks saules enerăijas kolektors Spherical collector of solar energy: [izgudrojuma patenta publikācija: patenta numurs 14125 B: starptautiskās klasifikācijas indekss F24J2/42: pieteikuma numurs P-09-231: iesniegšanas datums 18.12.2009: publicēšanas datums 20.03.2010]. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes aăentūra "Lauksaimniecības tehnikas zinātniskais institūts" // Patenti un Preču Zīmes. - Nr.4 (2010), 636.lpp. 2011 1. Palabinskis J. (LV), ĀboltiĦš A. (LV), Kunkulis A. (LV) Transformējams un mobils gaisa sildīšanas saules enerăijas kolektors. Foldable mobile solar collector for air heating: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte // Patenti un Preču Zīmes. 2. Balode A. (LV)Liliju pelēkās puves ierobežošanas paĦēmiens. Method for reducing grey mold infection of lilies; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Patenti un Preču Zīmes. Nr.5 (2011), 657.lpp.; Nr.3 (2011), 311.-312.lpp. 412 3. Fridrihsons J. (LV), AlsiĦa I. (LV) Spektrālā apgaismošanas iekārta augu laistīšanai izmantojamā ūdens aktivizācijai. Spectral lighting device for activization of water used for sprinkling of plants: [izgudrojuma patenta publikācija: patenta numurs 14307 B: starptautiskās klasifikācijas indekss C02F1/30, A01G9/24: pieteikuma numurs P-10-178: iesniegšanas datums 21.12.2010: publicēšanas datums 20.04.2011] / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte // Patenti un Preču Zīmes. - Nr.4 (2011), 490.lpp.; Nr.3 (2011), 314.lpp. 4. Volkova J. (LV), AlsiĦa I. (LV) Bioloăisko lauksaimniecības produktu ražošanas intensifikācijas paĦēmiens. Method for intensifying biological agricultural production: [izgudrojuma patenta publikācija: patenta numurs 14300 B: starptautiskās klasifikācijas indekss A01N25/00, A01P21/00: pieteikuma numurs P-10-175: iesniegšanas datums 21.12.2010: publicēšanas datums 20.05.2011] / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte // Patenti un Preču Zīmes. - Nr.5 (2011), 657.lpp.; Nr.3 (2011), 311.lpp. Participation in research and academic projects and programmes from the 2008th year by 2011 Cooperation projects 1. AlsiĦa I. (2008-2010) projekta vadītāja: IP projektā Fun 2 Night Nr. 228657 Researchers’ Night -2008, 2009, 2010”. Izpildītāji: LiniĦa A., Pogulis A., Dinaburga G., Plūme A., BāliĦš A., Dubova L. 2. Abramenko K. (2008) ES līdzfinansētās BONUS programmas RECOCA (Reduction of Baltic Sea Nutrient Inputs and Cost Allocation within the Baltic Sea Catchment) projekts. Asistents. 3. Bagrade G. (2008) Feeding ecology of game animals and parasite fauna in the food chain. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Scientific assistant. 4. Bagrade G. (2008) Monitoring of big carnivores. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Scientific assistant. 5. Bankina B. (2008 – 2010) Līdzdalība projektā: Population genetic analysis of pest insects, mites and fungi of economic importance in the Baltic region. Projekta vadītājs (supervisor) ViĜĦas universitātes profesors, Dr. habil. Biol. Rimantas Rakauskas. 6. Balode A. (2008) Starptautiskās EUREKA programmas projekts Nr.1/07 E1 „Bioloăisko preparātu ražošana un ieviešana dārzkopībā”. 7. Čakste I. (2008) ”Koksnes virsmas īpašību un saderības ar citiem materiāliem novērtēšanas sistēma”. VPD1/ERAF/CFLA/05/NP/2.5.1./000085/041. (01.10.2006. – 31.07.2008.). Projekta eksperts. 8. Čakste I. (2006 – 2008) „Ėīmijas moduĜu modernizācija LLU inženierzinātĦu studiju programmās”. 2006/0244/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ Projekta eksperts. 9. Kampuss K. ĀboliĦš M. (2008) ESF projekts Nr. 2007/0018/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ „Augstākās izglītības programmas studentu mācību profesionālā prakse dārzkopības uzĦēmumos”. 10. Gross U. (2008) Matemātikas un fizikas studiju procesa modernizācija LLU Līguma Nr. 2006/0233/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ 11.2006 – 08.2008, ESF, LLU, projekta izpildītājs. 11. Gross U. (2008) Zinātniskās infrastruktūras uzlabošana Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātē Nr. VPD1/ERAF/CFLA/08/NP/2.5.2./0001/000009/035, ERAF, LLU, DaĜas Būvmateriālu siltum- un mitrumtehnisko parametru pētījumu pilnveidošana; projekta izpildītājs. 12. Indriksons A. (2008) ES finansētais, Latvijas Dabas Fonda koordinētais LIFE-Nature projekts “Mire Habitat Management Plan for Latvia” (Purva biotopu apsaimniekošanas plāns Latvijā), asistents. 13. Indriksons A. (2008) Hidroloăiskie parametri kā teritorijas mežainuma un kokaudžu struktūras funkcija. Latvijas Zinātnes Padomes grants. Realizēts LVMI „Silava”, asistents. 14. Indriksons A. (2008) Meža monitoringa valsts programmas 2008. gadam uzdevumu izpilde. Projekta finansētājs – Meža attīstības fonds. Realizēts LVMI „Silava”, asistents. 413 15. Indriksons A. (2008) Latvijas Dabas Fonda pasūtītais pētījums: “Plūdu risku ietekmējošie faktori upju palienēs – Babītes ezera un Lielupes piemērs” Vides aizsardzības fonda projekta “NVO viedokĜa formulēšana par plūdu riska pārvaldības pasākumu ietekmi uz bioloăisko daudzveidību” ietvaros, asistents. 16. Indriksons A. (2008) Latvijas Dabas Fonda pasūtītais pētījums „GrīĦu dabas rezervāta hidroloăiskā stāvokĜa raksturojums”Vides aizsardzības fonda projekta „GrīĦu dabas rezervāta dabas aizsardzības plāna izstrāde” ietvaros, asistents. 17. Indriksons A. (2008) Latvijas Ornitoloăijas biedrības pasūtītais pētījums: “Dvietes upes meandru atjaunošanas hidroloăiskā priekšizpēte” Nīderlandes Karaliskās Putnu aizsardzības biedrības (Vogelbescherming Netherlands) finansētā projekta “Dvietes palienes dabas parka apsaimniekošana un atjaunošana” ietvaros, asistents. 18. Jonkus D., Nudiens J. (2008) Projekta izpildītāji. Valsts pētījumu programma Nr. 07-VP-9 „Inovatīvas tehnoloăijas augstvērtīgu, drošu un veselīgu pārtikas produktu ieguvei no ăenētiski, fizioloăiski un bioėīmiski daudzveidīga augu un dzīvnieku izejmateriāla” projekta Nr. 4 „Dzīvnieku ăenētisko, fizioloăisko un bioėīmisko pazīmju izpēte augsti kvalitatīvas, veselīgas un drošas dzīvnieku izcelsmes pārtikas ieguvei”. Projekta vadītājs prof. A. JemeĜjanovs. 19. Kairiša D. (2008) Projekta izpildītāja. (LLU zinātnes centrs SIGRA). Sadarbības projekts 02.0015 apakšprojekts 02.0015.3.1. Produktīvo dzīvnieku un mājputnu genofonda saglabāšanas un izkopšanas zinātniskais pamatojums un ganāmpulku selekcija. 20. Pētersons G. (2008) Expert of the project „Development of the Management plan of the Tervete Nature park”, implemented by Latvia University of Agriculture. 21. Goluburda R. (Vadītāja PTF). Izpildītāji: AlsiĦa I., Šteinberga V., BāliĦš A. (2008.2009.). Valsts pētījumu programma – Inovatīvās tehnoloăijas augstvērtīgu, drošu un veselīgu pārtikas produktu ieguvei no ăenētiski, fizioloăiski un bioėīmiski daudzveidīga augu un dzīvnieku materiāla (5. projekts Jaunu, funkcionālām sastāvdaĜām bagātu pārtikas produktu ražošanas tehnoloăijas Līgums Nr. 08–VP–9–9. 22. Ruža A., Adamovičs A. (2008-2009) Projekta vadītājs. Sadarbības projekta Nr. 06.0039. Agrotehnoloăisko faktoru, mājdzīvnieku veselības un labturības ietekme uz ilgtspējīgas pārtikas produktu drošību un kvalitāti, apakš projekta Nr. 06.0039.1.1 Vidi saudzējošu augkopības biotehnologisko procesu optimizācija drošas un kvalitatīvas produkcijas ieguvei. 23. Turka I. (2008 – 2010) SadaĜā: Augu veselības risku un krīžu vadības sistēma, apakštēmas izpildītāja. LZP sadarbības projekts Nr. Latvijas lauksaimniecības risku un krīžu vadības sistēmas. Vadītājs P. Rivža. 24. The Estonian-Latvian co-operation project BUY LOCAL to investigate the natural resources of Setomaa and Ape regions. Latvijas ekspertu grupas vadošā eksperte: I. Lūse (LLU), eksperti: A. Pogulis (LLU), I. Līpenīte (LLU), A. Karpovics (LU). Izpildes laiks 2010. 25. Abramenko K. (2010-2012.) 2009/0212/1DP/ Starpnozaru zinātnieku grupas un modeĜu sistēmas izveide pazemes ūdeĦu pētījumiem. Pētnieks. 26. Abramenko K. (2009) Valsts pētījumu programma 7/06-VP8. „Klimata maiĦas ietekme uz Latvijas ūdeĦu vidi” SadaĜa DP2 ”Klimata mainības ietekme uz augu barības elementu apriti sateces baseinā”. 27. Adamovičs A. (2009) Vadošais pētnieks. The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion Project (Project index: 1012 Bioenergy Promotion approved by the Monitoring Committee of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007 – 2013 on 2009-02-27). Projekta koordinators Latvijā - V. Dubrovskis. 28. Bagrade G. (2009) Population development of Latvia’s game mammals and the factors affecting them. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", researcher. 29. Bulderberga Z. (2009) EEA Project LV-0040 „Developing and delivering innovative training modules for Baltic executives using an interdisciplinary approach to entrepreneurship and advanced technologies”. Līdzizpildītāja. 30. Indriksons A. (2009) Latvijas Zinātnes padomes Valsts pasūtījuma programmas (VPP) „Lapu koku audzēšanas un racionālas izmantošanas pamatojums, jauni produkti un 414 tehnoloăijas” projekts „Lapu koku audzēšanas tehnoloăijas meža un nemeža zemēs patērētāju nodrošināšanai ar meža izejvielām”. Realizēts LVMI „Silava”, asistents. 31. Kampuss K. (2009-2010) Dalība starptautiskā 7. ietvara projektā COST 863 Euro berry Research: from Genomics to Sustainable Production, Quality & Health. 2008. gada janvāris līdz 2010. gada aprīlis. 32. Kampuss K. (2009-2010) Dalība starptautiskā ES projektā – Targeted Action „Core Collection of Northern European Gene Pool of Ribes” (RIBESCO) 01. aprīlis 2007. – 31. marts 2011. 33. Kairiša D (2009) Projekta izpildītāja. Sadarbības projekts 06.0039.3 Ilgtspējīgas lopkopības produktu ieguves sistēmas izstrāde, balstoties uz mājdzīvnieku genotipu. Projekta vadītāja Dr. agr., vadošā pētniece I. VītiĦa . 34. Pētersons G. (2008-2009) Expert of the project „Monitoring of the migrating birds and bats”, financed by Latvian Environmental Protection Fund and implemented by Latvian Ornithological Society. 35. Skrupska D. (2009) 2010.-2011.g. Lektoru pakalpojumi Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekta „Profesionālajā izglītībā iesaistīto pedagogu kvalifikācijas celšana LLU”, vienošanās Nr. 2009/0283/1DP/ ietvaros 38.daĜa: lektors svešvalodā (angĜu). 36. Skrupska D. (2009-2010) Grundtvig learning partnership Project „ScieCons”; Lietuva, Latvija, Igaunija, Slovēnija, līdzdalība 37. Zagorska J. (2009.-2011.) ESF projekts Atbalsts LLU doktora studiju īstenošanai Nr. 2009/0180/1DP/ Izpildītāja. ESF project Support to doctoral studies realization at LLU Nr. 2009/0180/1DP/ Expert. 38. Zagorska J. (2009.) Projekts Nr. 5 “Jaunu, funkcionālām sastāvdaĜām bagātu pārtikas produktu ražošanas tehnoloăijas” Valsts programmā “Inovatīvas tehnoloăijas augstvērtīgu, drošu un veselīgu pārtikas produktu ieguvei no ăenētiski, fizioloăiski un bioėīmiski daudzveidīga augu un dzīvnieku izejmateriāla” Nr. 5/06-VP6 Izpildītāja. Project No. 5 “Technologies for new value added products with high functionality” In the State Research Program “Innovative technologies for obtaining high value safe and healthy food products from genetically, physiologically and biochemically various raw materials of plant and animal origin” Nr. 5/06-VP6. Expert. 39. Zagorska J. (2009.-2012.) ESF projekts Pārtikas nozares zinātniski pētnieciskās grupas izveide Nr. 2009/0232/1DP/ Pētniece. ESF project Formation of the Research Group in Food Science Nr.2009/0232/1DP/ Researcher. 40. Adamovičs A. (2009-2010) Apakšgrupas vadītājs ESF projektā „Cilvēkresursu piesaiste atjaunojamo enerăijas avotu pētījumiem” Vienošanās Nr. 2009/0225/1DP/, vadītājs P. Rivža. Vadošā pētniece Gaile Z., pētnieki Balodis O., Bartuševics J., Poiša L., Komlajeva ě. 41. Adamovičs A. (2010) Projekta vadītājs no LLU. Interreg The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion Project (11 valstu kopprojekts) 2009-2011 projekta vadītājs no LLU; ZV 78. 42. Antāne V. (2007-2010) Visby projekta sadarbības programmas starp Baltkrievijas Lauksaimniecības akadēmiju, Gorki, Baltkrievija; Sanktpēterburgas Agrobiznesa institūtu, Krievija; Igaunijas Lauksaimniecības universitāti, Tartu, Igaunija; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāti, Jelgava, Latvija; Lietuvas Veterināro akadēmiju, Kaunas, Lietuva un Zviedrijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes(SLU) Reproduktīvās bioliăijas centru Uppsalā , Zviedrija par tēmu: “Animal farming in transition - the role of animal reproduction” koordinatore Latvijā. 43. Bagrade G. (2010) Research on forest ecosystem components and water resources. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", researcher. 415 44. Bulderberga Z. (2010) EEZ un Norvēăijas valdības divpusējā finanšu instrumenta projekts Nr.0077 „UzĦēmējdarbības aktivitātes veicināšana Zemgales reăiona pierobežas teritorijās". Līdzizpildītāja. 45. Bulderberga Z. (2010 – 2013) Eiropas Sociālā fonda 2007. - 2013. gadam darbības programmas „Cilvēkresursi un nodarbinātība" aktivitātes „Administratīvās kapacitātes stiprināšana” projekts „Administratīvā sloga samazināšana un administratīvo procedūru vienkāršošana”, Nr. 1DP/ Līdzizpildītāja. 46. Bulderberga Z. (2010) Interreg programmas „Pārrobežu sadarbība” projekts Nr. LLII-070 “Administratīvā sloga samazināšana uzĦēmējdarbībai Latvijas-Lietuvas pierobežas reăionos” Līdzizpildītāja. 47. Degola L., Kairiša D., Trūpa A. (2010) Līdzdalība. Eiropas sociālā fonda projektā LLU 2010/07/ESF Profesionālajai izglītībā iesaistīto pedagogu kvalifikācijas celšana LLU 2010/2011. 48. GriĦēviča L. (2010) „UzĦēmējdarbības aktivitātes veicināšana Zemgales reăiona pierobežas teritorijā”, Zemgales plānošanas reăions (projekta izpildītāja). 49. Indriksons A. (2010) Meža ekosistēmas un ūdens resursi. Latvijas Zinātnes Padomes grants. Realizēts LVMI „Silava”, asistents. 50. Indriksons A. (2010) Latvijas Dabas Fonda pasūtītais pētījums: „Dabas liegumu „Līvbērzes liekĦa” un „ZāĜezera purvs” hidroloăiskā stāvokĜa raksturojums projekta "Dabas aizsardzības plānu izstrāde Skujaines un Svētaines ielejai, Līvbērzes liekĦai un ZaĜezera purvam" ietvaros, asistents. 51. Kampuss K. (2010) Vadošais pētnieks. ESF projektā „Pārtikas nozares zinātniski pētnieciskās grupas izveide”, Līgums Nr. 2009/0225/1DP/ 52. Kreišmane Dz. (2010) Partnere no LLU. BERAS (Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society) implementation project to the Baltic Sea Region Program 2007 – 2013. 53. Kronberga A. (2009-2010) Vadošā pētniece. Projekts Eiropas Sociālā fonda (ESF) aktivitātē „Cilvēkresursu piesaiste zinātnei” ( Videi draudzīgu un ilgtspējīgu laukaugu šėirĦu selekcijas tehnoloăiju izstrāde, pilnveidošana un ieviešana praksē. Gaile Z. – izpildītāja. 54. Osītis U. (2010) Projekta vadītājs. ERAF identifikācijas Nr. 2DP/ 10/APIA/VIAA/121. AugĜu un ogu pārstrādes produktu dabisko uzturvērtību ilglaicīga saglabāšana, izmantojot inovatīvus tehniskos risinājumus. 55. Žukauska I. (2010) Sadarbības partneris. Starptautisks sadarbības projekts: Conservation and characterization of origano (Origanum vulgare L.) wild populations in Europe. ECPGR Project. From1 June 2010 to 31 March 2011. 56. Ruža A. (2010) Projekta vadītājs. Projekts Nr. 2010. 10-4/VPP-5 (Nr.VP26) Vietējo lauksaimniecības resursu ilgtspējīga izmantošana paaugstinātas uzturvērtības pārtikas produktu izstrādei (PĀRTIKA) 3.1. apakšprojekts „Augsnes kā galvenā resursa ilgtspējīga izmantošana drošu un kvalitatīvu pārtikas un lopbarības izejvielu ieguvei no plašāk audzētajām laukaugu sugām. Izpildītāji: Kronberga A., Bankina B., KārkliĦš A., BērziĦš A., Ausmane M., Dubova L. 57. Bankina B. Līdzdalība projektā EUREKA E! 5363 Optimization and adjustment of post– harvest parameters of Baltic vegetables in controlled atmosphere (BALTVEGSTOR). 2010 – 2012. Projekta sadaĜas vadītāja, izpildītāji G. Bimšteine un I. Neusa–Luca. 58. Skrupska D. (2010) ESF projekts „Profesionālā apmācība bezdarba riskam pakĜautām personām” Nr.1DP/; Viesnīcu un restorānu mācību centrs, Rīga; lektors svešvalodā (angĜu). 59. Zagorska J. (2010-2011) Projekts "Profesionālajā izglītībā iesaistīto pedagogu kvalifikācijas celšana LLU" Līguma Nr. 2009/0283/1DP/ Izpildītāja. ESF project "Increaseing in professional education involved teachers’ qualification” Contract No. 2009/0283/1DP/ Expert. 416 60. Vanovska V. (2010) EU Funds Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment, under-activity project Development of Qualification of the Pedagogs of the VET schools in LUA, agreement Nr. 2009/0283/1DP/ 61. Alberts M., Kreišmane Dz. (2010- 2013) Eiropas Reăionālās attīstības fonda finansēts projekts „Liela rādiusa bezvadu sensoru tīkla izstrāde precīzās lauksaimniecības pielietojumiem Latvijā”. 62. Antāne V. (2010 - 2011) ESF projekta „Atbalsts LLU doktora studiju programmas īstenošanai” līdzizpildītāja kā VMF 3.kursa doktorantes Evijas LiepiĦas zinātniskā vadītāja no 01.11.2009. -01.11.2010. Projekta turpinājums pēc doktorantūras promocijas darba nobeigšanai un aizstāvēšanai 63. Bagrade G. (2011) Hunting impact changes on large carnivore populations. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", researcher. 64. Bagrade G. (2011) Maximum admissible game population density and the minimum or critical population size. Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", researcher. 65. Balode A. (2011) Latvijas-Lietuvas Pārrobežu programmas projekts „Sinerăētiska pieeja jaunu biznesa veicināšanai izmantojot e-studiju, TV (Synergetic approach with eLearning, TV and mobile technologies to promote new business developments) (eBig3)” sadarbībā ar Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Tālmācības centru (partneris). Projekta koordinatore un pētniece. 66. Breimanis G., Šteinberga V., Dubova L., Gmizo G. (2011.-2012.). ERAF projekts Nr2010/0313/2DP/ „Organiskas izcelsmes produktu izvilkumu un to ietekmes izpēte augkopībā”. 67. Dižgalve A., Kampuss K. (2011-2012) Latvijas–Lietuvas pārrobežu sadarbības programmas projekts Nr. LLIII-123 „The Cognition and Preservation of the Distinctive Identity Through the Environment of Zemgale Region” (Green Environment). [Zemgales reăiona vides izzināšana un identitātes atšėirību saglabāšana]. 68. Gross U. (2011) Jaunu kompozītbūvmateriālu izstrāde uz putuăipša bāzes ar šėiedraugu pētījumi, Nr. stiegrojumu un no tiem veidotu sistēmu 2010/0320/2DP/, ERAF, LLU; pētnieks. 69. Gulbe I. (2010.-2011) Sadarbības projekts Nr. 10.0016 "Inovatīvas ekonomikas attīstības iespējas mūsdienu mainīgā vidē" Izpildītāja. 70. Indriksons A. (2011) Eiropas Reăionālās attīstības fonda (ERAF) projekts Nr. 2010/0199/2DP/ APIA/VIAA/021 „Atbalsts LVMI Silava starptautiskajai sadarbībai, atpazīstamībai un konkurētspējai”, asistents. 71. Indriksons A (2011) Eiropas Reăionālās attīstības fonda (ERAF) projekts Nr.2010/0208/2DP/ "Meža resursu ilgtspējīgas apsaimniekošanas plānošanas lēmumu pieĦemšanas atbalsta sistēma". Asistents. 72. Indriksons A. (2011) Eiropas Reăionālās attīstības fonda (ERAF) projekts Nr. 2DP/ /174 „Multifunkcionālas celmu izstrādes un augsnes pacilu sagatavošanas iekārtas prototipa izveidošana un testēšana”, asistents. 73. Indriksons A. (2011) INTERREG IVC projekts „FUTURE forests” (Nākotnes meži). Tiek realizēts LVMI „Silava”, asistents. 74. Indriksons A. (2011) COST programmas akcija Nr. FP0601, nosaukums Forest Management and the Water Cycle (FORMAN) (Meža apsaimniekošana un ūdenssaimniecība). Realizēts LVMI „Silava”, projekta vadītājs 75. Kreita Dz. (2009 – 2011) VPP apakšprogrammā: Augsnes kā galvenā resursa ilgtspējīga izmantošana drošu un kvalitatīvu pārtikas un lopbarības izejvielu ieguvei no plašāk audzētajām laukaugu sugām, izpildītāja. 76. Kreita Dz. (2001 - 2008 – 2011) Valsts pasūtījumu projekts, VAAD "Laukaugu šėirĦu saimniecisko īpašību novērtēšana", līgumdarba vadītāja. 417 77. Leibus I. (2010. – 2011) ESF pasākums „Atbalsts doktora studiju programmu īstenošanai” projekts „Atbalsts LLU doktora studiju īstenošanai”.Izpildītāja. 78. Leibus I. (2011) Dalība ESF projektā „Profesionālo mācību priekšmetu pedagogu un prakses vadītāju teorētisko zināšanu un praktisko kompetenču paaugstināšana” (vienošanās Nr. 2010/0043/1DP/ Izpildītāja. 79. Pētersons G. (2011) Project leader of the project „Physiology of the migrating bats in Latvia”, being supported by the Baltic-German University Liason Office with funds from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and implemented by Latvia University of Agriculture in cooperation with Leibtnitz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife research in Berlin. 80. Šulcs V. (2011) Konceptuālā modeĜa izveidošana socioekonomisko faktoru spiediena novērtēšanai uz biodaudzeidību ilgtermiĦa pētījumu modeĜreăionā Latvijā. LZP sadarbības projekts. Nr.10.0004. Apakšprojekts: ModeĜreăiona ekosistēmas un biodaudzveidība. Nr. 10.0004.1. 2010–2013. Projekta izpildītājs. 81. Trūpa A. (2010 – 2011) ESF projekts LLU 2010/07/ESF Profesionālajai izglītībā iesaistīto pedagogu kvalifikācijas celšana LLU. Līdzdalība projektā. 82. Upīte I. (2011) Eiropas Sociālā fonda finansētajā projekts Nr. 1DP/ darbības programmas „Cilvēkresursi un nodarbinātība” aktivitātes „Administratīvo šėēršĜu samazināšana un publisko pakalpojumu kvalitātes uzlabošana” ietvaros, pētniece. 83. Upīte I. (2011) ERAF finansētajā projekts LLII-070 “Reduction of Administrative Burden for Enterprises in Latvia –Lithuania Border Regions” (REDBURDEN), kas tiek realizēts 1. Prioritātes „Reăiona sociālekonomiskās attīstības un konkurētspējas veicināšana” programmas „Latvia–Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013” ietvaros, pētniece. LZP grants 1. Abramenko K. (2008) LZP tēma 02.0016.7.1.V-13. Riska faktori, to izvērtēšana un riska vadība Latvijas lauksaimniecībā. Vides sadaĜa; asistents. 2. Adamovičs A. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grants Nr. 05.1591 Vidi saudzējošu zālāju produktivitātes un kvalitātes veidošanas tehnoloăiju pamatojums un zāles izmantošanas veidu optimizācija. 3. Antāne V. (2005 – 2008) LZP Granta tēmas Nr. 05.1582 ”Humorālās imunitātes aktivitāte un tās regulācijas iespējas tesmeĦa patoloăijā govīm”, vadītāja. 4. Bulderberga Z. (2008) LZP projekts Nr. 190308/S49 „Forsaita speciālistu tīkla pielietojums lauku politikas atbalstam, lauksaimniecības zinātnes pētījumu un iekārtu datu bāzes pilnveidošana un Eiropas lauksaimniecības, pārtikas un dabaszinātĦu akadēmiju apvienības prezidentūras nodrošināšana” komponente „Latvijas zinātnieku dalība Eiropas Savienības valstu tīklā par lauksaimniecības pētījumu stratēăijas izstrādi ar forsaita (nākotnējuma) metodi”, izpildītāja. 5. Bulderberga Z. (2008) LZP projekts Nr. 09.1475 „Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā”, izpildītāja. 6. Gaile Z. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LZP grants Nr. 05.1603.3 Kukurūzas (Zea mays L.) produktivitāti un lopbarības kvalitāti noteicošie agroekoloăiskie faktori". Līdzdalība: Balodis O. 7. Grīslis. Z. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grants Nr 08:2190 Miostatīna gēna polimorfismu izpēte Latvijas govju, aitu un zirgu vietējās šėirnēs 8. KārkliĦš A.(2008) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grants Nr. 04.1058. Vienotas augsnes informācijas sistēmas attīstība Latvijā. 9. Keidāne D. (2005- 2008) LZP projekts 05.1578 ”Dažādu piena aizvietotāju ietekme uz teĜu gremošanas sistēmas morfofunkcionālo stāvokli, organisma metabolisma rādītājiem un gaĜas kvalitāti”, izpildītāja. 418 10. AlsiĦa I. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LZP grants Nr. 04.1046. Latvijā audzētu dārzeĦu kvalitātes nodrošināšanas fizioloăiskie aspekti. 11. Bankina B. (2004.-2008.) Projekta vadītāja. LZP grants Nr. 04.1049. Augsnes patogēnu izpēte bioloăiskajai lauksaimniecībai lielražošanā. Izpildītāji: Turka I., Bimšteine G. 12. LapiĦš D..(2008) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grants Nr. 05.1604.1. Augsnes apstrādes un nezāĜu apkarošanas teorētiskās bāzes pilnveidošana precīzo laukkopības tehnoloăiju nodrošinājumam. 13. KārkliĦš A. (2008.-2010.) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grants Nr. 09.11464. Augsnes īpašību izmaiĦas LIZ netradicionālas izmantošanas rezultātā. Izpildītāji: LapiĦš D., Līpenīte I., Šteinberga V. 14. Jonkus D. (2008) Projekta izpildītāja. LZP grants Nr.08. 2176 Piena proteīnu gēnu biežums Latvijas brūnās šėirnes govju populācijā. Projekta vadītāja L. Paura. 15. Ruža A. (2008) projekta vadītājs Nr. 05.1605.1 Agroekoloăisko faktoru racionālas izlietošanas pamatojums laukaugu audzēšanā. Dz. Kreita – izpildītāja. 16. Kronberga A. (2008-2009) Projekta izpildītāja. LZP granta Konkurētspējīgu laukaugu šėirĦu veidošana un uzturošā selekcija, izmantojot tradicionālās un biotehnoloăijas metodes. (Projekta vadītāja Dr. agr S. Zute) apakšprojektos: Ziemas tritikāles selekcija. Ziemas rudzu selekcija. 17. Kronberga A. (2008-2010) Projekta vadītāja. LZP grants Nr. 08.2125 Molekulāro marėieru tehnoloăiju pielietošana laukaugu sākotnējā sēklaudzēšanā. 18. Nudiens J. (2008) Projekta izpildītājs (sadarbībā ar LLU BVI „Sigra”). LZP grants Nr. 06.0039.3 Ilgtspējīgas lopkopības produktu ieguves sistēmas izstrāde, balstoties uz mājdzīvnieku genotipu. 19. Sprūžs J. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grants 05.1597 Latvijas apstākĜiem piemērotas vaislas teėu selekcijas indeksa noteikšanas metodes izstrāde. 20. Sprūžs J. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grants Nr. 05.1597 Latvijā audzējamo kazu piena kvalitāte un ėīmiskais sastāvs. 21. Šulcs V. (2008) Nacionālā botāniskā nomenklatūra. LZP zinātniskais projekts. Nr. 05.1410. Projekta vadītājs. 22. Abramenko K. (2009) LZP tēma 04.1055 R44. Lauksaimniecības ietekme uz ūdens resursu kvalitāti. Asistents 23. Jonkus D., Kairiša D., Trūpa A. (2009-2010) Projekta izpildītājas. LZP Grants Nr.09. 1463 Tehnoloăisko sistēmu izpēte un izstrāde nākotnes slaucamo govju fermai. Projekta vadītājs J. Priekulis. 24. AlsiĦa I. (2009-2010) Projekta vadītāja. LZP grants Nr. 09.1456. Fizioloăiski aktīvu savienojumu akumulācijas stimulēšanas iespējas Latvijā audzētos dārzeĦos. Izpildītāji: Dubova L., BāliĦš A., Niedrīte M., Dudare I., Šteinberga V. 25. Keidāne D. (2006-2009) LZP sadarbības projekta apakšprojekts 06.0039.4.1 „Gastrohepato-duodenālās sistēmas funkcionālā dinamika dažāda vecuma atgremotājiem saistībā ar atšėirīgiem ēdināšanas faktoriem”, izpildītāja. 26. Šteinberga V. (2009) Projekta vadītāja. LZP grants Nr. 09.1047. Augsnes bioloăiskās aktivitātes izmaiĦas graudaugu sējumos dažādās lauksaimniecības saimniekošanas sistēmās. Izpildītāja Dubova L. 27. Šulcs V. (2009) Klimata izmaiĦu ietekme uz Latvijas dabu. LZP sadarbības projekts. Projekta izpildītājs. 28. Zagorska J. (2009) LZP projektā Nr. 09.1521 “Siera funkcionalitātes pētījums” Izpildītāja. Latvian Council of Science, project No. 09.1521“Research of cheese functionality” Expert. 29. Upīte I. (2009 – 2009) LZP finansētajā zinātniskajā projekts Nr.09.1475 „Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā”, izpildītāja. 30. Bankina B. (2009-2010) Projekta vadītāja. LZP grants Nr. 09.1462 Postīgu, Latvijā maz pētītu augu patogēnu populāciju monitorings un attīstības īpatnības dažādās agrocenozēs. Izpildītāji: Turka I., Bimšteine G. 31. LapiĦš D. (2009) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grants Nr. 09.1448. Kultūraugu augšanas apstākĜu nozīmības vērtējums tehnoloăiju optimizācijas pamatojumam. Izpildītāja Šteinberga V. 419 32. ĀboliĦš M. (2009) Projekta vadītājs. LZP grantu projekta Nr. 09. 1465 Vaccinium spp. ziemcietības bioloăiskie aspekti. Dalībnieki: Kampuss K., Šterne D., Liepniece M. 33. Balode A. (2009-2010) Projekta vadītāja. LZP projekts Nr. 09.1442 Skuju koku potēšanu ietekmējošie faktori un potējuma pieauguma izpēte. Dalībnieki: Dižgalve A., Sausserde R. 34. Grīslis Z. (2009-2010) Projekta vadītājs. LZP projekta 09.1461 Biotehnoloăijas metodes Latvijā audzējamo šėirĦu govju piena proteīna gēnu polimorfisma novērtēšanā un proteīna gēnu ietekme uz govju produktivitāti. Izpildītājas Jonkus D., Kairiša D., BāliĦš A. 35. Antāne V. (2009-2012) LZP granta tēmas 09.1528. apakštēmas Nr 09.1523 „Jauna preparāta KL izstrāde kuiĜu un buĜĜu natīvās un saldētās spermas kvalitātes uzlabošanai”, galvenais izpildītājs. 36. Keidāne D. (2009-2012) LZP projekts „Inovatīvu pasākumu izstrāde produktīvo dzīvnieku slimību profilaksei, ārstēšanai un produktivitātes kāpināšanai (apvienoti trīs projekti - 09.1451, 09.1447 un 09.1523) Projekta 09.1451 „Gremošanas orgānu morfofunkcionālā attīstība postnatālajā ontoăenēzē netradicionāliem produktīviem dzīvniekiem Latvijā saistībā ar to veselību un labturību”, izpildītāja. 37. Leibus I. (2009 – 2012) Nr. 09.1478 „Latvijas nodokĜu sistēmas problēmas un tās pilnveidošana tautsaimniecības attīstībai”, izpildītāja. 38. Šulcs V. (2011) Latvijas vaskulāro augu flora un veăetācija. LZP zinātniskais projekts. Projekta vadītājs. 39. Upīte I (2010 – 2011) LZP finansētā projekts Nr.09.1529 „Lauksaimniecības strukturālās attīstības, protekcionisma un nodokĜu sistēmas problēmas”, izpildītāja. 40. Zagarska J. (2010 -2011) LZP projekts Nr.09.1561 “Govs piena lipīdu sastāva un to ietekmējošo fermentu pētījumi, to loma piena produktu kvalitātes un funkcionalitātes nodrošināšanā” Izpildītāja. Latvian Council of Science, project No.09.1561 “Research about cow’s milk lipids composition and influencing factors, its role in milk product quality and functionality providing”. Expert. LLU internal projects, finansing of the Ministry of Education 1. Adamovičs A. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. Nr. XP 93. Enerăētisko augu audzēšana, pārveides un izmantošanas tehnoloăijas bioenerăijas ieguvei. 2. Bulderberga Z. (2008) IZM projekts Nr.XP 90 “Eiropas Savienības fondi un to finansējums Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstībai”, izpildītāja. 3. Čakste I. (2008) „Pārtikas produktu kvalitātes un funkcionālo īpašību izmaiĦu pētījumi ar fizikāli ėīmiskām analīzes metodēm” IZM LLU pētniecības projekts Nr. XP 109. Projekta vadība. 4. Gaile Z. (2008) Projekta sadaĜas vadītāja: Fermentātorā ievadāmo substrātu un pārraudzētā substrāta sastāva analīze LLU MPS „Vecauce” biogāzes ražotnē. LLU projekts Nr. XP-125 Pētījumi par biogāzes ražošanu un izmantošanu LLU MPS „Vecauce” vad. P. Rivža. 5. Gaile Z. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LLU projekts Nr. XP-127 “Ziemas rapša (Brassica napus ssp. Oleifera) audzēšanas paĦēmienu pilnveide un to agroekonomiskais pamatojums. 6. Kairiša D. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LLU projekts Nr. XP 91 Slaucamo govju turēšanas tehnoloăijas ietekme uz govju adaptācijas spējām, iegūto piena produktivitāti un kvalitāti. 7. Keidāne D. (2008) Projekts Nr. XP -120 “Gremošanas trakta morfofunkcionālā izpēte kazām postnatālajā ontoăenēzē”, izpildītāja. 8. Kūka M. LLU XP 109. „Pārtikas produktu kvalitātes un funkcionālo īpašību izmaiĦu pētījumi ar fizikāli ėīmiskām analīzes metodēm”, LLU, pētnieks 9. Osītīs U. (2008) Projekta izpildītājs. Līgums Nr.XP124 ”Proteīna frakciju izmaiĦas barības līdzekĜos atkarībā no to apstrādes paĦēmiena”. 10. Osītīs U. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. LLU projekts Nr. XP-94 Augošu kumeĜu attīstības ortopēdiskās slimības un to novēršanas iespējas ar ēdināšanas paĦēmieniem. 11. AlsiĦa I. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LLU projekts Nr. XP–96. No Latvijas augsnēm izdalīto gumiĦbaktēriju celmu kolekcijas inventarizācija un saglabāšana. 12. Turka I. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LLU projekts Nr. XP–95 Dažādu laterālās plūsmas ekspress metožu pārbaude un ieviešana kultūraugu latento infekciju diagnostikai. Izpildītāja Bimšteine G. 420 13. Upīte I. (2008 – 2008) IZM finansētajā zinātniskajā projekts Nr. xp 90 “Eiropas Savienības fondi un to finansējums Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstībai” uz laiku no izpildītāja TOP projects 1. Kronberga A. (2008) Projekta izpildītāja. TOP projekts: Mikrobioloăisko un augu preparātu izmantošana augu aizsardzībai un augšanas stimulēšanai bioloăiskajā lauksaimniecībā. 2. Balode A. (2008-2009) Projekta vadītāja. Nr.TOP 07-28: Integrētās dārzeĦu audzēšanas tehnoloăiju izstrāde. 3. Kronberga A. (2008-2010) Projekta vadītāja. TOP projekts: Ūdens uzĦemšanas spējas novērtēšana rudzu miltos un optimālas rudzu šėirĦu un agrotehnikas izvēles pamatojums. 4. Trūpa A. (2008-2010) Projekta vadītāja. IZM TOP 08/15: Spēkbarības ekstrudēšanas ėīmisko, mikrobioloăisko izmaiĦu, zootehniskā un ekonomiskā efekta izpēte”. Ministry of Agriculture funded research and demonstration projects 1. Adamovičs A. (2008) Projekta vadītājs LR ZM pasūtījuma projekti sadarbībā ar LLKC Enerăētisko augu izvēle un audzēšanas tehnoloăijas biogāzes ieguvei. Līgums Nr. L164. 2. Adamovičs A. (2008) ZM subsīdiju projekts (L- 151) Dažāda agrīnuma baltā āboliĦa - stiebrzāĜu zelmeĦu produktivitāte atkarībā no pĜaušanas biežuma. Projekta vadītājs. 3. Adamovičs A. (2008) ZM subsīdiju projekts. Latvijas apstākĜiem piemērotu augu ekonomiski pamatotu audzēšanas tehnoloăiju izstrāde bioenerăijas ieguvei. Projekta vadītājs. 4. Adamovičs A. (2008) Projekta vadītājs LR ZM pasūtījuma projekti sadarbībā ar LLKC Minerālmēslojuma agronomiskās efektivitātes noteikšana stiebrzālēm. Līgums Nr. L164. 5. Antāne V. (2008) LLU Pētniecības projekts ”Mūsdienīgu metožu izmantošana govju un ėēvju dzemdes iekaisumu diagnostikā un turpmākās auglības noteikšanā”, projekta vadītāja. 6. AuziĦš A. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. Efektīvas tauriĦziežu zālāju biomasas ražošanas izpēte un inovācija lopbarības un atjaunināmās enerăijas ieguvei. 7. Turka I. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. ZM subsīdiju līgums Nr. 300608/c Kultūraugu kaitēkĜu, patogēnu un nezāĜu rezistence pret augu aizsardzības līdzekĜiem. Teorētisks pētījums pretrezistences stratēăijas izveidei. 8. LapiĦš D. – izpildītājs. (2008).Latvijas ZinātĦu akadēmijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātĦu nodaĜas un ZM finansētā projekta Nr. 050407/S60 „Forsaitu speciālistu tīkla pielietojums lauku politikas atbalstam un lauksaimniecības zinātnes pētījumu un iekārtu datu bāzes pilnveidošana” uzdevuma Izstrādāt ieteikumus stratēăijas veidošanai, koncentrējoties uz mazāk attīstīto lauku teritoriju un mazo saimniecību konsultēšanu uzĦēmējdarbības pilnveidošanā un pārprofilēšanā, izmantojot forsaita pieeju un forsaita procesa metodes. 9. Ausmane M. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LR ZM pasūtījuma projekts sadarbībā ar LLKC Nr. 3/08 L161/72. NezāĜu dominanto sugu un skaita dinamikas izpēte bioloăiskās lauksaimniecības sistēmā. Izpildītāji: Gaile Z., Melngalvis I. 10. ĀboliĦš M. (2008-2010) Projekta vadītājs. LR ZM subsīdiju projekta Nr. 04.1-25/5 sadarbībā starp Latvijas Valsts augĜkopības institūtu un LLU "Vidi saudzējošu audzēšanas tehnoloăiju precizēšana augĜu un ogu dārzos dažādos augsnes un klimatiskajos apstākĜos", sadaĜa: Krūmmellenes un dzērvenes. Izpildītāji: Kampuss K., Liepniece M., Šterne D., Sausserde R. 11. Gaile Z. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LR ZM pasūtījuma projekts sadarbībā ar LLKC Nr. 69. no 2008. gada 12. maija: Herbicīdu efektivitātes vērtējums kukurūzā. 12. Gaile Z. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LR ZM pasūtījuma projekts sadarbībā ar LLKC Nr. 69. no 2008. gada 12. maija: Kālija mēslojuma normas precizēšana kukurūzas standartražas ieguvei. 13. Bankina B. (2008-2010) Projekta vadītāja. ZM subsīdiju līgums 020408/S79. Kultūraugu kaitīgo organismu izplatības, postīguma un attīstības ciklu pētījumi kaitīguma sliekšĦu 421 izstrādāšanai integrētajā augu aizsardzībā. Izpildītāji: Gaile Z., Balodis O., Kronberga A., Kreita Dz., Bimšteine G., Plīse E., Turka I. 14. Jonkus D. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. ZM subsīdiju projekts Nr. 080408/S85 Lauksaimniecībā izmantojamo dzīvnieku ăenētisko resursu izvērtēšana un to raksturojošo gēnu izpēte ar molekulārām metodēm. 15. Jonkus D. (2008-2009) Projekta vadītāja. ZM subsīdiju projekts Nr. 140708/S293 Latvijā iegūtā govju piena sasalšanas punkts, to ietekmējošo faktoru izpēte. 16. Jonkus D. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. ZM LLKC Demonstrējuma projekts: Zemas kvalitātes piena iemesli un to novēršanas pasākumu efektivitātes salīdzināšana. 17. Kairiša D. (2008) Izpildītāju grupas vadītāja. ZM subsīdiju projekts „Piena un gaĜas centra darbības stratēăijas izstrāde” Projekta vadītājs, LAEI A. Miglavs LLU un LAEI sadarbības līguma 7/ 08 SAE – 2008 – 0112B. Dalībnieki: U. Osītis. 18. Kairiša D. (2008) Projekta zinātniskā vadītāja un izpildītāja. ZM LLKC Demonstrējuma projekta „Dažādu gaĜas liellopu šėirĦu audzēšanas efektivitātes izvērtējums. 19. Kairiša D. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. ZM subsīdiju projekts: Molekulārās ăenētikas pētījumu laboratorijas materiāli tehniskās bāzes pilnveidošanai. 20. Kairiša D. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. ZM subsīdiju projekts Nr. 180608 /S 260 Dzīvnieku izcelsmes produktu (piens, gaĜa) integrētās audzēšanas nosacījumu, rekomendāciju un prasību noteikšana lopkopībā. 21. Krauze A. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. Latvijas vietējās medus bites Apis mellifera populācijas genofonda saglabāšana. 22. Šulcs V. (2008) Latvijas kokaugu izplatības reăionālā analīze: Latvijas Dendrofloras atlants. ZM MAF. Projekta izpildītājs. 23. Liepniece M. (2009-2010) Projekta vadītāja. ZM subsīdiju projekta Nr. 010409/S40 Latvijas vietējās medus bites Apis mellifera mellifera populācijas genofonda saglabāšanai 2009. gadā. 24. Ruža A. (2008-2010) Projekta vadītājs. ZM subsīdiju projektu Nr. 180408/103 Minerālmēslu maksimālo normu noteikšana kultūraugiem. Izpildītāji: Kreita Dz., Gaile Z., Balodis O., LiniĦa A. 25. Kronberga A. (2008) Projekta izpildītāja. LR ZM projekts Lauksaimniecībā un pārtikā izmantojamo kultūraugu ăenētisko resursu vākšana, izvērtēšana un ekonomiskās saglabāšanas iespēju izpēte. 26. Kronberga A. (2008-2009) Projekta izpildītāja. LR ZM projekts Tehnoloăiskie risinājumi graudkopības nozares attīstībai Latvijā. 27. Osītīs U.(2008) Projekta dalībnieks. Līgums Nr. 120608/S260. Dzīvnieku izcelsmes produktu (piens, gaĜa) integrētās audzēšanas nosacījumu, rekomendāciju un prasību noteikšana lopkopības saimniecībās. 28. Osītīs U. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. Līgums Nr. S00708/S311, Barības izplatīšanas labas higiēnas prakse. 29. Osītīs U. (2008) Projekta vadītājs. Līgums Nr. S00708/S312 Veterināro zāĜu labas izplatīšanas prakses ievērošanai veterinārajās lieltirgotavās un vispārēja tipa veterinārajās aptiekās. 30. Žukauska I. (2008) Projekta dalībniece. Inovatīvas tehnoloăijas augstvērtīgu, drošu, un veselīgu pārtikas produktu ieguvei no ăenētiski, fizioloăiski, un bioėīmiski daudzveidīga augu un dzīvnieku izejmateriāla, 2006-2009. 31. Žukauska I. (2008) Projekta vadītāja. LR ZM subsīdiju projekta Nr.. 250308SS/55 DārzeĦu ăenētisko resursu kolekcijas saglabāšana. 32. Žukauska I. (2008-2010) Projekta vadītāja. LR ZM subsīdiju projekta Nr.. 250308SS/55 Aromātisko un ārstniecības augu ăenētisko resursu kolekcijas saglabāšana un izpēte. 33. Žukauska I. (2008-2010) ZM Programma: Lauksaimniecības un pārtikas, lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku, meža un zivju ăenētisko resursu ilgtermiĦa saglabāšanas un ilgspējīgas izmantošanas programma (no 2005.g.).Līdzdalība. 34. Ruža A. (2009-2010) Projekta vadītājs. ZM subsīdiju projekts Nr. 200309/S18 Minimālās augsnes apstrādes ietekme uz augsnes auglības saglabāšanu, kaitīgo organismu attīstību un izplatību, ražu un tās kvalitāti bezmaiĦas sējumos. Izpildītāji: BērziĦš A., Ausmane M., Melngalvis I., KārkliĦš A. 422 35. Trūpa A. (2011) LR ZM LLKC Demonstrējuma projekta „Jaunas augu ekstraktpiedevas „Xtract” novērtēšana slaucamo govju ēdināšanā”. Projekta zinātniskā vadītāja un izpildītāja. Experts of Latvian Conncil of Sciences 1. Adamovičs Aleksandrs, Dr.agr. 2. AlsiĦa Ina, Dr.biol. 3. Antāne Vita, 4. Balode Antra, Dr.agr. 5. Bankina Biruta, Dr.biol. 6. Bimšteine Gunita, Dr.agr. 7. Gaile Zinta, Dr.agr. 8. Jonkus Daina, Dr.agr. 9. Kairiša Daina, Dr.agr. 10. Kronberga Arta, Dr.agr. 11. Paura Līga, Dr.agr., Mg.paed. 12. Ruža Antons, Dr.habil.agr. 13. Šulcs Viesturs, Dr.biol. Participation in organization of international exibitions, conferences and master – classes 1. DimiĦš F., Kūka P., Čakste I., Kūka M. (2008) Starptautiskā izstāde/International exhibitions „Riga Food 2008”, Progresīvi medus kvalitātes novērtēšanas kritēriji un metodes (stenda referāts/poster). 2. Kuka M., Cakste I., Kuka P. (2009) Starptautiskā izstāde/International exhibition „Riga Food 2009”, Dried Latvian wild berry juices (poster). 3. KārkliĦa D. (2008) Starptautiskas zinātniskas konferences „Foodbalt-2008” zinātniskā komiteja. Konference notika Jelgavā. Piedalījās 65 zinātnieki no 9 valstīm. Menber of scientific committee of International Scientific Conference „Foodbalt-2008”. 65 participants from 9 countries. 4. KārkliĦa D. (2009) Nodarbību vadīšana BOVA intensīvajos maăistra kursos „Technology and Safety of Plant Food”. 5. Zagorska J. (2009) BOVA studiju programmā BIOLANDMAN lekciju vadīšana „The quality and processing conditions for plants grown in organic agriculture” LLU, Jelgava, Latvija, Participation in BOVA Study programm BIOLANDMAN with lecture „The quality and processing conditions for plants grown in organic agriculture” LUA, Jelgava, Latvia. 6. Zagorska J. (2009) Pieredzes apmaiĦa ar Abant Izzet Baysal University. līdzdalība ERASMUS programmā, Bolu, Turcija,. Exchange ERASMUS program Abant Izzet Baysal University., Bolu, Turkey. 7. Zagorska J. (2011) Starptautiskas konferences „Foodbalt-2011” organizēšana. Konference notika Jelgavā. Piedalījās 150 zinātnieki no 10 valstīm. Participant of organizing committee of International Scientific Conference „Foodbalt-2011”. 105 participants from 10 countries. 8. KārkliĦa D. (2011) 2. Starptautiskas konferences „Foodbalt-2011” zinātniskā komiteja. Konference notika Jelgavā. Piedalījās 150 zinātnieki no 10 valstīm. Member of scientific committee of International Scientific Conference „Foodbalt-2011”. 105 participants from 10 countries. 9. KārkliĦa D. (2011) Nodarbību „Pārtikas produktu kvalitāte un nekaitīgums” vadīšana projekta „Arodapmācība pārtikas ražošanas nozarē” Lauku attīstības programmas 2007.2013. gadam pasākuma „Arodapmācības un informācijas pasākumi” ietvaros. LLU. 423 10. KārkliĦa D. (2011) Starptautiskās izstādes „Ekspoforums, Vīni un dzērieni” žūrijas komisijas loceklis – eksperts, Minska, Baltrievija / Expert of international evaluators team Exspoforum, Wine and strong alcoholic drinks, Minsk, Belarus. 424 Appendix 7 The Samples of the Diploma Supplement to be Issued for the Acquisition of the Higher Education Program LATVIA UNIVERSITY OFAGRICULTURE DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT (Diploma XXX Nr. xxx) 1. IDENTITY INFORMATION OF THE HOLDER OF THE QUALIFICATION 1.1. First name (s): BērziĦš 1.2. Family name (s): Salvis 1.3. Date of birth (day/month/year): 01.06.1988. 1.4. Student identification number or code: 010688 - 00000 2. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION 2.1. Name of qualification and the title conferred (in original language): Profesional Bachelor in Agriculture and agronomist with specialization in field-crop, or horticulture, or zootechnician in breeding, or manager of agricultural enterprise. (Profesionālais bakalaurs lauksaimniecībā un agronoms ar specializāciju laukkopībā vai dārzkopībā vai ciltslietu zootehniėis, vai lauksaimniecības uzĦēmuma vadītājs). 2.2. Main field(s) of study for the qualification: Plant and Animal Biology, Soil and Animal science, Plant Production, Animal Production, Horticulture and Business Management in Agriculture 2.3. Name and status of awarding institution (in original language): Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, state-accredited (25.10.2001), state-founded university 2.4. Name and status of institution administering studies (in original language): same as in item 2.3. 2.5. Language(s) of instruction/examination: Latvian 3. INFORMATION ON THE LEVEL OF THE QUALIFICATION 3.1. Level of qualification: Second-level higher professional education diploma, see p. 6.1. 3.2. Official length of programme, start and end date of the programme 4 years of full-time studies (5 yearof part time studies), 160 Latvian credit points, 240 ECTS credits, start 01.09.XXXX end XX.06.20XX 3.3. Entrance requirements: General secondary education or 9-year basic education plus 4-year secondary vocational education 425 4. INFORMATION ON THE CONTENTS AND RESULTS GAINED 4.1. Mode of study: Full (Part)-time studies 4.2. Programme requirements: Acquire knowledge in Agrophysics, Botany, Zoology, Physiology of Plants, Physiology of Animals, Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics, Foreign Language ror professional Purposes, Chemestry, Biometrics, Ecology and Environmental Protection, Organizational psychology and Management Studies, Labor Safety and Civil Defence, Research Methodology, microbiology, Theory of Economics; acquire agriculture specialization in field-crop, or horticulture, or zootechnician in breeding, or manager of agricultural enterprise which are the theoretical basis for obtaining practical skills. To caryy out Bachelor’s Thesis. 5. INFORMATION ON THE FUNCTION OF THE QUALIFICATION 5.1. Opportunities for further studies: Access to Maister study programmes and to professional programmes designed for studies after award of Bachelor’s degree 5.2. Professional status: Authorizes and entitles the holder of the qualification to work as agronomist, or zootechnician in breeding, or manager of agricultural enterprise 426