Heritage Defense - is www.gascvmc.org.
Heritage Defense - is www.gascvmc.org.
Georgia Mechanized Cavalry Heritage Defense And Event Calendar July 2015 Fellow Compatriots, Compatriots, In light of the Current situations regarding our Heritage and our Flags, I will be temporarily suspending the current format of our Bimonthly Calendar. My plan of action is to provide you with an informative current events calendar containing articles, Heritage Defense Events, opinion polls and legislative contacts. This will be combined with any scheduled Pro- Confederate event that would normally be listed in our events calendar. At this time, our Heritage Defense is of the upmost importance. Above all else, remain Honorable in the Cause. - Capt. Bo Heritage Defense http://www.scvheritagedefense.org Enroll Now! Official Code of Georgia (State Law) Regarding Monuments and the Use of Confederate flags O.C.G.A. 50-3-1 (2010) 50-3-1. Description of state flag; militia to carry flag; defacing public monuments; obstruction of Stone Mountain (a) The flag of the State of Georgia shall consist of a square canton on a field of three horizontal bands of equal width. The top and bottom bands shall be scarlet and the center band white. The bottom band shall extend the entire length of the flag, while the center and top bands shall extend from the canton to the fly end of the flag. The canton of the flag shall consist of a square of blue the width of two of the bands, in the upper left of the hoist of the flag. In the center of the canton shall be placed a representation in gold of the coat of arms of Georgia as shown in the center of the obverse of the Great Seal of the State of Georgia adopted in 1799 and amended in 1914. Centered immediately beneath the coat of arms shall be the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" in capital letters. The coat of arms and wording "IN GOD WE TRUST" shall be encircled by 13 white five-pointed stars, representing Georgia and the 12 other original states that formed the United States of America. Official specifications of the flag, including color identification system, type sizes and fonts, and overall dimensions, shall be established by the Secretary of State, who pursuant to Code Section 50-3-4 serves as custodian of the state flag. Every force of the organized militia shall carry this flag while on parade or review. Continued…. Current Tag Situation Brothers, As you know, we are presently under attack by almost every politician, “news” person, and anyone who can find their way before a camera or reporter. The heinous crime committed by the mentally unstable kid in South Carolina is being used to paint us as something we’re not. We’ve been around since 1896, but that fact doesn’t seem to set a precedent. We must stand strong and together, there is nothing that would please our enemies more than for us to fight among ourselves. Regrettably, we’re on the threshold of another battle, not with arms but with numbers, with words and with the truth, which is, as always, on our side. We can’t allow them to beat us down, the truth and right will win, but only if we stand together as a solid cohesive unit. The majority of these people are so uninformed about our history, they don’t have a clue about the facts Continued… b)(1) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or other entity to mutilate, deface, defile, or abuse contemptuously any publicly owned monument, plaque, marker, or memorial which is dedicated to, honors, or recounts the military service of any past or present military personnel of this state, the United States of America or the several states thereof, or the Confederate States of America or the several states thereof, and no officer, body, or representative of state or local government or any department, agency, authority, or instrumentality thereof shall remove or conceal from display any such monument, plaque, marker, or memorial for the purpose of preventing the visible display of the same. A violation of this paragraph shall constitute a misdemeanor. (2) No publicly owned monument or memorial erected, constructed, created, or maintained on the public property of this state or its agencies, departments, authorities, or instrumentalities in honor of the military service of any past or present military personnel of this state, the United States of America or the several states thereof, or the Confederate States of America or the several states thereof shall be relocated, removed, concealed, obscured, or altered in any fashion; provided, however, that appropriate measures for the preservation, protection, and interpretation of such monuments or memorials shall not be prohibited. continued We met with Commissioner Riley of the Georgia Department of Revenue, July 1st, and the outcome was, shall we say, less than amiable. Commissioner Riley, was not open to any suggestions presented to her by myself, Judge Advocate Dan Coleman, Division Adjutant Tim Pilgrim, our General Counsel and Past Judge Advocate, legal representative, Martin O’Toole, or Brigade Commander, Charlie Parks. She arrived for the meeting with a preset decision that there will be no SCV Tag with the Battle Flag or with our organizational logo on it. Commissioner Riley and the Department of Revenue General Counsel, who were also present during the meeting, position was they have the authority to remove the Battle Flag and SCV logo solely based on the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Texas SCV specialty license tag. We have had the logo in place on the tag since its inception, now the Commissioner has, on her own stated, that our logo and the Battle Flag “may be offensive to some people”. Her statement was offensive to me, but then I don’t work for the Governor. So the current situation is that our specialty tag has been pulled by the Dept. of Revenue pending a redesign without the SCV logo. We are currently having General Counsel O’Toole investigating what our legal options are moving forward. We, as a Division, need to make some hard decisions, we either accept Commissioner Riley’s decree to design our specialty tag using a neutered version, not to have any specialty tag at all or if we have legal grounds to move forward with legal actions against the Department of Revenue but who can expect success with that after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision? Continued… (3) Conduct prohibited by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection shall be enjoined by the appropriate superior court upon proper application therefor. (4) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or other entity acting without authority to mutilate, deface, defile, abuse contemptuously, relocate, remove, conceal, or obscure any privately owned monument, plaque, marker, or memorial which is dedicated to, honors, or recounts the military service of any past or present military personnel of this state, the United States of America or the several states thereof, or the Confederate States of America or the several states thereof. Any person or entity who suffers injury or damages as a result of a violation of this paragraph may bring an action individually or in a representative capacity against the person or persons committing such violations to seek injunctive relief and to recover general and exemplary damages sustained as a result of such person's or persons' unlawful actions. (c) Any other provision of law notwithstanding, the memorial to the heroes of the Confederate States of America graven upon the face of Stone Mountain shall never be altered, removed, concealed, or obscured in any fashion and shall be preserved and protected for all time as a tribute to the bravery and heroism of the citizens of this state who suffered and died in their cause. Continued… 2 It is my position as your Division Commander and the consensus of the Officers attending the meeting, that if we have sound legal standing to move forward with legal action against the Dept. of Revenue for violating state law. I believe this is what our membership expects us to do, to show strength and resolve with this matter and to defend the flags of our Confederate Heroes. I request that all our Camps discuss this issue at your next Camp meeting and take a vote on what course of action you would want the Division to take. Below are the three options as we see them: Options: 1. Accept the decree to re-design our specialty tag without the SCV logo. If this is selected, offer a redesign option as well. 2. Cease having a specialty tag. (What would be the purpose without the SCV logo, our members could donate $10 a year extra to the project fund and have the same effect) 3. Pursue legal action against the Department of Revenue if determined we have legal grounds to do so. If this option fails, we could divert back to option 1 or 2. I would ask that all Camp Commanders contact your Brigade Commanders with the results of the Camp’s vote. I’ll plan on having an early Executive Council meeting the first of August so we can bring this matter before the Division’s Executive Counsel and tally each Brigade’s votes and suggestions. O.C.G.A. 50-3-9 (2010) 50-3-9. Abuse of federal, state, or Confederate flag unlawful It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to mutilate, deface, defile, or abuse contemptuously the flag of the United States, the flag, coat of arms, or emblem of the State of Georgia, or the flag or emblem of the Confederate States of America by any act whatever. Help preserve and protect our Monuments. “Do your Duty in All Things. You cannot do more; you should never wish to do less.” -‐ Gen. Robert E. Lee O.C.G.A. 50-3-10 (2010) 50-3-10. Use of flag for decorative or patriotic purposes Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the use of the flag of the United States or any flag, standard, color, shield, ensign, or other insignia of the State of Georgia or of the Confederate States of America for decorative or patriotic purposes, either inside or outside of any residence, store, place of business, public building, or school building. O.C.G.A. 50-3-11 (2010) 50-3-11. Penalty Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision of Code Section 50-3-8 or 50-3-9 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Southern Legal Resource Center Let your voices be heard. Another point Commissioner Riley brought before us during the meeting, she hasn’t had any input from our membership or Georgia citizens on her actions to remove the SCV specialty tags with the SCV logo and Battle flag on it. So let’s, as an organization that honors our Confederate Ancestors, let her know where we stand on this issue, please e-mail Commissioner Riley at the following address to express your concerns that she has pulled the SCV specialty tags with the SCV logo, and as usual be professional and polite: Commissioner Lynne Riley Lynne.riley@dor.ga.gov Live the Charge, Jack GA Div Cmdr Recruit a Defender Today SCV Application OCR Application Mechanized Cavalry Application Get your printable applications Here Online Polls and Surveys TAKE ACTION: Please sign: Mississippi State flag petition https://www.change.org/p/mississippigovernor-keep-the-confederate-flag-onthe-state-flag-of-mississippi-it-is-ourhistory-that-now-unites-us-not-divides-us Looking for Confederate Merchandise and Flags? The following are proud defenders of the Confederacy. 1. Ultimate Flags http://www.ultimateflags.com 2. Dixie Outfitters-‐ http://dixieoutfitters.com/pages/?a_id=36812 3. Wrights Confederate Wholesale http://wrightsconfederatewholesale.com/ Please sign: Stop the renaming of Jefferson Davis Highway https://www.change.org/p/governor-terrymcauliffe-virginia-general-assemblycommonwealth-transportation-board-stopthe-renaming-of-jefferson-davishighway?recruiter=13187187&utm_source =share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&u tm_campaign=share_page&utm_term=mo b-xs-share_petitioncustom_msg&sharecordion_display=contro l&fb_ref=Default Attacks on Our Heritage NC: Hillsborough City Council vote to remove the words "Confederate Memorial" from a museum http://www.wral.com/hillsborough-to-removeconfederate-from-museum/14772726/ New Orleans declares Confederate monuments as "nuisances" http://www.breitbart.com/biggovernment/2015/07/12/new-orleans-citycouncil-confederate-statues-a-nuisancemust-be-removed/ Six companies that ban Confederate flag sales http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/23/ret ailers-ban-confederate-flags_n_7648614.html Boycott Wal-Mart: Iowa Ice Company has to remove flag from company logo for Wally World http://www.kcci.com/news/confederate-flagstirs-controversy-for-iowa-icecompany/34070340 Fla: Hillsborough County to consider removal of Third National flag from historic flag display http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/bay news9/news/article.html/content/news/article s/bn9/2015/7/15/hillsborough_commiss.html Tenn: State Rep creates bill to end NB Forrest Day http://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/2953 7619/tn-state-representative-creates-bill-toend-nathan-bedford-forrestday?clienttype=generic Social Media Reminder: Please keep it Clean. No Profanity, vulgar comments or obscene photos/gestures. Remain Honorable in the Online Fight. Unless it is a private one on one message, anything you comment or post can be seen potentially by millions. You comment on your buddy’s post, and everyone he is friends with sees it. His buddy shares it, and it just keeps going…. We do not need any bad publicity! Many of us are actively recruiting online through social media-‐ This is Outstanding! Keep it up. However, please know that there are infiltrates who may attempt to join in an effort to harm us, as well as those who are not truly honoring their Ancestors or the Confederate Cause with racial attitudes. When recruiting, be sure to inform prospective members that the SCV denounces any and all forms or Racism, Hatred and Bigotry. I only mention this, as it has happened to me this week, and fortunately, I saw a post by the applicant admitting he was racist. I was then able to make the attending camp aware, to withdraw his application. WA: Group calls for removal of veterans memorial monument in cemetery http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Group -calls-for-removal-of-Confederate-monumentin-Seattle-314468901.html Va: Winchester to debate whether to remove flag from city seal http://www.your4state.com/story/d/story/conf ederate-flag-on-winchester-city-councilagenda/12305/XoaeHcYWL0WM00LUCtHkd A Fighting Back! NC Man walking to DC with Flag http://www.abcnews4.com/story/29547789/protestingsc-flag-takedown-nc-man-walking-confederate-flag-todc Ala. Man walking to DC with flag http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/07/alabama_m an_toting_confederate.html Eight mile flag rally in Fla. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3158958/Thousands-Confederate-flag-supportersrise-Florida-rally-eight-mile-convoy-pickupsmotorbikes-cars-support-embattled-symbol.html Flag Rally convoy in Summerville, SC http://wncn.com/2015/07/12/dozens-of-trucks-withconfederate-flags-drive-through-sc-town/ Flag Rally in Fla. http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/news/hundreds-ofconfederate-flag-supporters-rally-at-loxahatchee7113144 Flag Rally in Louisiana http://www.nola.com/news/batonrouge/index.ssf/2015/07/confederate_flag_lake_charle s.html Students defend their mascot in North Texas http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/07/13/hundredsdefend-north-texas-high-school-mascot-fromconfederacy-complaint/ Ron Cooper-‐Alabama to D.C. For those who have not read their email. I have been in contact with Ron Cooper, and We are setting up reinforcements with SCVMC for the remainder of his route where possible to D.C. In time to prepare, the largest reinforcement group will be in North Carolina and up. Col. Stone is preparing North Carolina for a full scale ride if at all possible. Troop 2 has also made an attempt to assist in Ron’s Travels. He was last in Lavonia, Ga. Monday Afternoon. I was able to contact Ron and get him Connected with Lt. Brandon (Third Gear) to assist as needed. Hats off Brothers!. I only wish I had known of his travels when he started out on July 4th. We could have had the entire 3rd Battalion Co. B involved as well. I will keep email updates on Ron as I get them. Maybe some of our Ga. Boys can make the trip to N.C. and above to show support. Currently, Ron’s plan is to Continue to South Carolina. Where he will also have SCVMC reinforcements. Membership Spike Make the Call We have had a huge spike in the number of downloads of our membership application from the Division website this week. Here is the link... http://gascv.org/membershipapplication/ Please download it yourself, print out about a dozen copies, and carry them with you for the next few days and put one in the hand of every man (and his son) who expresses support for our Cause. We have not had this much popular support since our flag fight here in Georgia in 2001. Speak to your local State Representative and State Senator to express your concerns over the stop issuance of our specialty tags and also about the general hysteria going on removing our Confederate monuments and how those "other" - Cmdr Bridwell politicians are caving in to the hysteria without any consideration to the millions of Southerners who has and loves their Confederate Heritage. If you don't know who your State Representative or Senator is, below is a web link that allows you to put in your address and it will let you know who they are. / http://openstates.org/find_your_legislator - Cmdr Bridwell 3 Safety and Vigilance In recent days I have seen several articles regarding violence and destruction of property to our Confederate Brothers and Sisters. I cannot tell you when or if it will end and what the outcome of these acts will be. We must remain Honorable. At the same time, we must take the necessary means to defend and protect ourselves, our families, and our property. If you are going on a trip, have someone monitor your property. Do not take down your flags, just have a watchful eye on them. If you are out in public wearing our colors, be vigilant of your surroundings, and try not to travel alone. Don’t let your spouse or children go out alone wearing any Confederate symbols. Arrange for accompaniment or go with them. This past weekend a flag rally in Florida was met with shots being fired. Today (July 15th) a flagger in Ashville North Carolina was shot at. By no means will I tell you or even suggest to you to retaliate. Nor would I tell you to NOT wear our Colors or any Confederate Symbols in public. I will tell you to make sure you and your family are protected and return home at night. We do not want anyone getting hurt. Be sure you have a full charge on your cell phone before you go out and rally in Support. Take a first aid kit, and emergency supplies just in case. These should include, water, bug repellent, sunscreen, firestarter, non perishable food/snacks, toiletry needs, medications, rain gear etc. Better to have it and not need it….. Tensions are running high, and you never know what you may encounter. FAMILY THREATENED AT GUNPOINT FOR WAVING CONFEDERATE FLAG THIS IS OUT OF CONTROL & WHAT THE LEFT WANTS. YOU’RE NOT EVEN SAFE ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY THANKS TO THEM FANNING THE FLAMES OF RACIAL DISCORD! 'Your cause isn't worth anything now' yelled gunman Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com http://www.infowars.com/family-threatened-at-gunpoint-for-waving-confederate-flag/ Confederate Flag waving dad wants guy who pointed gun at him thrown in jail Hate Crime http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2015/07/confederate-flag-waving-dad-wantsguy.html Texas public schools are jumping on the bandwagon to shun symbols and dump historical figures that memorialize the Confederate South in a politicized push around the state that follows the tragic hate crime shooting of nine African-American church parishioners during a Bible study in Charleston, SC. For Complete article and Video http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/06/29/texasschools-jump-on-bandwagon-to-dump-historicconfederate-ties/ LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) – A statue of a Confederate leader that stands in downtown Lexington has been spray-painted with the phrase “Black Lives Matter.” The John Hunt Morgan statue at the old courthouse on Main Street was sprayed with black paint across the Confederate general’s name. It happened sometime before Friday morning. Lexington Mayor Jim Gray says he doesn’t condone the vandalism, but understands that the statue brings out strong feelings. He says it’s time for the city to reconsider its Confederate memorials. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports city parks employees will clean the statute as soon as police have finished their investigation. NEW ORLEANS -- The message "Black Lives Matter" has been spray painted on the P.G.T. Beauregard monument in City Park. The monument, located at the Esplanade and City Park avenues intersection, is dedicated to the Confederate general who served during the Civil War. Mayor Mitch Landrieu asked for a dialogue on the future of the monuments earlier this week after Dylann Roof shot and killed nine black Bible study group members at a church in South Carolina. "Symbols really do matter and symbols reflect who we really are as a people," he told the Welcome Table for Race, Reconciliation and Community forum Wednesday. The mayor mentioned the monuments of Robert E. Lee at Lee Circle, Jefferson Davis on Jeff Davis Parkway, the White Citizens statue and the Beauregard statue. The tricentennial committee is looking at the future of all the statues as the city approaches its 300th anniversary in 2018. 5 More News Topics Grenada removes state flag Hate Crime http://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2015/07/14/grenada-removesstate-flag/30135641/ State lawmaker plans to file bill to end Nathan Bedford Forrest Day in Tennessee Hate Crime http://www.knoxnews.com/news/politiknox/state-rep-end-nathan-bedfordforrest-day-in-tennessee_00001861 Lone black in Tampa Confederate group defends Southern heritage http://tbo.com/news/breaking-news/lone-black-in-tampa-confederategroup-defends-southern-heritage-20150712/ Black Man Supports the Confederate Flag: Those Who Are Politically Correct are Not Being Historically Correct http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/07/h-k-edgerton-black-man-supports-theconfederate-flag-those-who-are-politically-correct-are-not-beinghistorically-correct/#0pY1ihdVJuYZoWWm.03 Finley: The risk of scrubbing history http://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/columnists/nolanfinley/2015/07/10/finley-risk-scrubbing-history/29977167/ Legal FIRESTORM Coming? Memphis City Council Better Read Their Own Laws Before Digging Up General Forrest and Selling His Statue Hate Crime http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2015/07/legal-firestorm-comingmemphis-city.html The Publicly Broadcast Hate Speech Against the Confederate Flag http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2015/07/the-publicly-broadcasthate-speech.html North Carolina DMV Sells Out Of Confederate License Plates; South Carolina Will Not Sell Out http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2015/07/north-carolina-dmv-sellsout-of.html 6 BO’s Words Being Used To Deface Confederate Monuments In The South Hate Crime http://beforeitsnews.com/obama/2015/07/bos-words-being-used-to-defaceconfederate-monuments-in-the-south-2473088.html Alabama attorney files lawsuit against Gov. Bentley challenging Confederate flag removal http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/07/alabama_attorney_files_lawsuit.ht ml It’s Not the Confederate Flag That Bothers Us http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/07/its-not-the-confederate-flag-that-bothersus/#br50gXkSKmulit3E.03 Media Reports of SCV Rally in Columbia, SC http://www.scvheritagedefense.org/media-reports-of-scv-rally-in-columbia-sc/ Historical Ignorance Walter E. Williams http://townhall.com/columnists/walterewilliams/2015/07/15/historicalignorance-n2024814/page/full Confederate History and Current Events By Mark Vogl Southern Heritage News & Views http://shnv.blogspot.com/2015/07/confederate-history-and-currentevents.html Want to see racism at work? Meet the Alabama Democratic Party http://www.al.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/07/want_to_see_racism_at_work_ mee.html National Park Service Propaganda The Causes of the Civil War – A Struggle for Freedom http://www.nps.gov/gois/learn/historyculture/civil-war-150th-causes.htm Stop the Renaming of Jefferson Davis Highway Hate Crime http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2015/07/stop-renaming-of-jeffersondavis-highway.html Acclaimed Americana songwriter tools around the Florida Panhandle on unconventional summer road trip http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/see-james-mcmurtry-cruiseamericas-forgotten-coast-in-new-video-20150715 Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education (S.H.A.P.E.) http://southernheritageadvancementpreservationeducation.com/page.php?4 Please like my Southern Heritage News & Views Facebook page and share it with friends: http://www.facebook.com/SouthernHeritageNewsandViews 7 For More of the latest in Heritage Defense News. Visit our Heritage defense website page at http://www.gascvmc.org . Be sure to sign up for the SCV Heritage Defense and Demastus Heritage news and views email newsletter. Coming up on Our Event Calendar You are invited to the dedication of the Civil War Trail Marker and the fence at the Gordon Historical City Cemetery on Saturday July 18, 2015 at 10:00 O’clock at the Gordon Depot. Gordon, Georgia. Roy H. Mixon, Commander *** August 29th, which is during our Georgia Annual, is Confederate Flag Day. There is a Calling for Every State of the Confederacy to Stand and Unite. Show your support and Fly your Flags. This will be the largest supportive event in proclaiming your Confederate History and Heritage. Fly them High and Fly them Proudly**** 8 August 28-30, 2015 Sept 25-27, 2015 Georgia Mechanized Cavalry Annual A dedicated Website Page will be coming soon With all details – stay tuned! 2nd Annual Ride to the Hills- Suches Georgia The following is a brief of what events for 25, 26, September 2015 2nd annual "Ride to The Hills" sponsored and paid for by Troop Two. Days prior to Friday 25, September - Visit Wildcat Campground on your own as desired. Wildcat campground, Suches Ga., is primary contact. Friday 25, September: Mech Cav "Ride Through the Hills Show of Force" 10a.m. to 3p.m. - Road Captain "Train" Lionel Harris Friday 25, September: Mech Cav social time, bone fire, fun, drink, visitations, team rally at lodge 5p.m. Third Gear Friday 25, September: Flag Retirement ceremony 7p.m. to 9p.m. - NCOIC 1SG Train & CPL Thunder Friday 25, September: Social time between events. Saturday 26, September: Dice Run 10a.m. to 2p.m. to city of Blue Ridge for cash pot - NCOIC Bobby Bradford (Grey Fox) Saturday 26, September: Bike Games and awards 3p.m. to 6p.m. - NCOIC Hoss Cofield and Cuz Saturday 26, September: Catered dinner by Wildcat 6:30p.m. - Contact Third Gear 678-896-8466 for reservations and payment. Saturday 26, September: Music by picking SGM Tommy Cofield 7p.m. to Midnight at lodge and pavillion? Sunday 27, September: Breakfast Wildcat Café 7a.m. to 830p.m. Sunday 27, September: Group photo and blessing of weekend - Rally to express strategy to support Confederate flag - Third Gear NOTES: For lodge reservations contact 1LT Third Gear - $35 per nite - four beds remaining. For Bunkhouse reservations contact 1LT Third Gear - $25.00 per nite - nine cots with 110vac and lights available For RV and Campsites contact Wildcat Campground for reservations. Ask for April or Donnie. State you are with Mech Cav. Semper Fi - Dixie, 1LT Third Gear 678-896-8466 (text or voice) 7/24 October 3-4, 2015 Andersonville Historic Fair Featuring reenactments, vendors, sutlers, music, and much more. A great living history event. Bring the family and learn the true history of the South and Historic Andersonville. Gates open at 10am both days. $4.00 admission for adults $1.50 for 12 and under. Dogs must be under 25lbs and leashed. For more info call 229-9242558 9 November 20-21, 2015 Fall Candlelight Tour Fall Candlelight tours 4432 Mt. Tabor Church Rd, Dallas, GA, 30157 Dates November 20 - November 21 This is 1 of Many historical events taking place thru the 150th anniversary year. Please visit for a complete listing. There are many great educational programs for all ages www.gacivilwar.org Overview On November 20 - 21, 2015, Confederate and Federal soldiers will recreate the night attack of the Battle of Pickett's Mill. During guided tours at 6:30, 7:30, and 8:30 p.m., visitors will witness Brig. Gen. Hiram Granbury's Brigade advance into the dark ravine and Capt. Thomas Key's artillery bombardment. Registration will be announced in October 2015 Membership Recruiting Be sure to keep recruiting materials on hand at all times. With the current situation, you are liable to meet a Pro-Confederate individual anywhere. Things to keep on hand: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recruitment brochures Informational cd’s and pamplets regarding the true history of the Confederacy SCV Applications SCV Lineage Charts – this is great for those who already know their ancestor Order of Confederate Rose Applications- So a spouse does not feel left out. These will be available on the website in a few days. 6. Recruitment coins- great for kids as well as adults As discussed at our Quarterly Meeting- Cd’s and recruitment coins are on order and will be available soon. 10 Confederate Generals Birthdays in July Celebrate your Birthday with A General BRIG. GENERAL JOHN ADAMS- 1 JULY 1825 NASHVILLE, TENN. BRIG. GENERAL JAMES ARGYLE SMITH 1 JULY 1831 MAURY CO. TENN. BRIG. GENERAL ROBERT AUGUSTUS TOOMBS 2 JULY 1810 WILKES CO. GA. BRIG. GENERAL JOHN BORDENAVE VILLEPIGUE 2 JULY 1830 CAMDEN, S.C. BRIG. GENERAL JOHN AUSTIN WHARTON 3 JULY 1828 NASHVILLE, TENN. BRIG. GENERAL DANIEL CHEVILETTE GOVAN 4 JULY 1829 NORTHAMPTON CO. N.C. BRIG. GENERAL JAMES JOHNSTON PETTIGREW 4 JULY 1828 TYRREL CO. N.C. BRIG. GENERAL WILLIAM ANDREW QUARELS 4 JULY 1825 JAMES CITY CO. VA. BRIG. GENERAL EDMUND WINSTON PETTUS 6 JULY 1821 LIMESTONE CO. ALA. BRIG. GENERAL LUCIUS EUGENE POLK 10 JULY 1833 SALISBURY, N.C. BRIG. GENERAL JOHN STUART WILLIAMS 10 JULY 1818 STERLING, KY. BRIG. GENERAL WILLIAM PAUL ROBERTS 11 JULY 1841 GATES CO. N.C. LT. GENERAL DANIEL HARVEY HILL 12 JULY 1821 YORK DIST. S.C. LT. GENERAL NATHAN BEDFORD FORREST 13 JULY 1821 BEDFORD CO. TENN. BRIG. GENERAL ROGER ATKINSON PRYOR 19 JULY DINWIDDIE CO. VA. MAJ. GENERAL JOHN GEORGE WALKER 22 JULY 1822 COLE CITY, MISSOURI BRIG. GENERAL HAMILTON PRIOLEAU BEE 22 JULY 1822 CHARLESTON S.C. BRIG. GENERAL GABRIEL COLVIN WHARTON 23 JULY 1824 CULPEPER, VA. BRIG. GENERAL JULIUS ADOLPHUS De LANGEL 24 JULY 1827 NEWARK, N.J. BRIG. GENERAL JOHN MARSHALL JONES 26 JULY 1820 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. BRIG. GENERAL THOMAS LANIER CLINGMAN 27 JULY 1812 HUNTSVILLE, SURRY CO. N.C. BRIG. GENERAL WILLIAM EDWIN BALDWIN 28 JULY 1827 STATESBURG, S.C. BRIG. GENERAL JAMES HENRY LANE 28 JULY 1833 MATTHEWS COURTHOUSE, VA. BRIG. GENERAL WILLIAM DUNCAN SMITH 28 JULY 1825 AUGUSTA, GA. BRIG. GENERAL THOMAS HART TAYLOR 31 JULY 1825 FRANKFORT, KY. 11 Fly Our Flags with Honor. Display them Proudly Do you have news or an event to share? Please send all news and calendar events to sejhj1998@hotmail.com Have a Great Dixie Day! Capt. Bo 12