Issue 12-18 September 12th 2012
Issue 12-18 September 12th 2012
The Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 September 12th 2012 Delivered free to residents of Albury - Fairlie - Lake Tekapo and Districts Earth and Sky - a business to be proud of! On Saturday 9th September in Auckland Earth and Sky were presented with the Runner-up trophy for Drop, Cover and Hold is the right action to take 'New Zealand's Travel Industry Best Tour Operator- Domestic', If you are in an earthquake in New Zealand – Drop, Cover and with the winner being Guided Walks New Zealand. Hold is still the right action to take. This is the drill that has been There was an original field of 19 entrants from taught to school children for many years and is what civil throughout New Zealand in this category which was defence agencies have promoted around the country. reduced to 5 finalists. The advice has been reviewed and is still: If you are inside a Earth & Sky won the 2012 South Canterbury Chamber of building, move no more than a few steps, Commerce Business Award for 'Hospitality & Tourism then Drop, Cover and Hold. Stay indoors till the shaking stops - Large Enterprise' - on 24th August. and you are sure it is safe to exit. In most buildings in New Zealand you are safer if you stay where you are until the shaking stops. If you are outside, move no more than a few steps away from buildings, trees, streetlights and power lines, then Drop, Cover and Hold. Stay there until the shaking stops. If you are driving, pull over to a clear location, stop and stay there with your seatbelt fastened until the shaking stops. Once the shaking stops, proceed with caution and avoid bridges or ramps that might have been damaged. Respond quickly In a severe earthquake it is absolutely vital that people respond immediately. Confusion about what to do can result in people being seriously injured or killed. At the awards to celebrate - Graeme and Carolyn Murray (Earth & Sky Co-owners/Directors) , Margaret Munro (Earth and Sky General Manager), Chris Monson (Manager Astronomy and Natural Sciences), Helen McLeod (Earth & Sky Director) and Professor Phil Yock (Auckland University) (Absent- Hide Ozawa, Co-owner/Director). Look around you now, before an earthquake. Identify safe places such as under a sturdy piece of furniture or against an interior wall in your home, office or school so that when the shaking starts you can respond quickly. An immediate response to move to the safe place can save lives. And that safe place should be no more than a few steps or less than three metres away, to avoid injury from flying debris. The Good Citizen Award this month is Dale Jackson! DROP - COVER - HOLD! Dale has only been in Fairlie for a short time but has been supportive to a number of people in the town. She runs Spin classes and is a volunteer for St John Mackenzie. The new Drop - Cover - Hold earthquake campaign has been launched by Civil Defence. It is simply as it says – in times of earthquake you are encouraged to drop to the ground, take cover under a sound item and hold on at the same time. If that isn’t clear enough then you are about to be educated through various media, as to what to do! Civil Defence is aiming to get 1 million people to do just that DROP - COVER - HOLD – as part of a nationwide earthquake drill NZ ShakeOut 9:26 – 26:9 Well done Dale! THE DOBSON DASH - 15TH SEPTEMBER - SKI BIKE RUN A downhill mountain multisport event - 1km snow – 15 km cycling down the Mt Dobson access road – 6km run along the Opihi Riverbed – to end at the Kimbell Hotel! Our best wishes to Helen, who has organised this event, to all the helpers and welcome to the participants! We hope the sun shines on your event! NOTE: Closing date for next Accessible is Friday 21st September at 4.00 pm Email: Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 Phone: Heartlands Fairlie Resource Centre 03 685 8496 1 September 12th 2012 What’s Happening Soon Mackenzie Swimming Club MACKENZIE TOY LIBRARY AGM Registration for competitive swimmers ONLY Thursday 27 September 2012 7.30pm at Red Stag Restaurant New committee members welcome! Thursday 20th September 3.15pm at Resource Centre Payment of $95 required on registration Inquiries to 685 8995 Cindy Sheehan Please confirm your attendance or apologies to Angela Habraken ph. 971 2882 Fine China Afternoon Tea for the over 80’s Note change of date Interested in Photography? New to photography and keen to learn more about your camera? Local group meeting September 27th 7.30pm at Jan and Noel MacPherson’s Carpool 7.00pm - Resource Centre Ring Jan on 685 8095 or more info 26th September 2.30pm St Columba Hall Inquiries to Anne McConnell 685 8379 Jocelyn Carlton 685 8093 Operatunity The next performance by the Operatunity crew is Have fun, keep fit, play squash !!!! ‘Razzle Dazzle ’ October 1st Young artists will take you on a journey of the modern musical. Great songs presented in a fresh new format - sure to get your toes tapping! As always let Heartlands know if you wish to come! Mackenzie Squash Club – Fairlie Tuesday Club Nights –lights on from 6.30pm New and past members always welcome Upholstery Class in November with Reg Bartlett details Heartlands Fairlie Resource Centre 685 8496 - Club Champs –Final on Saturday November 3rd - Spring pennant Thursday nights starting now. - Timaru Masters Squash 12th and 13th October - Door entry key has now changed. Please return old keys so we can recode them. Any queries please contact: Club Captain: Bob Belcher 685 8780 Treasurers: Erin & Justin Geary 685 8595 Secretary: Judy Zigliani 685 8903 UPPER WAITAKI WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE COMMITTEE NOTICE OF MEETING The next meeting of the Upper Waitaki Zone Water Management Committee will be held at the Mackenzie Country Inn - Twizel on Friday 21st September at 9.30am MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WARMLY WELCOME TO ATTEND Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 2 September 12th 2012 Temporary Closure of Tekapo Springs Tekapo Springs Hot Pools, Skating Rink, Tube Park, Café and Day Spa will be closed all day Wednesday 26th September 2012 for major equipment upgrades and building maintenance. The work being completed supports our commitment to ensure a safe environment for all our customers and staff. We will re-open for business 10am on Thursday 27th September The Management Tekapo Springs Lake Tekapo Come take a drive with us! Fairlie Lions Club Firearms Safety Course Heartlands is inviting older persons or anyone interested, really to come take part in our current trial of going on fortnightly outings! We will advertise destinations and invite people to put their name down, then we will sort drivers who have offered to come join us. 15th and 16th September 2012 at the Albury School 9am -3pm both days The cost will simply be a donation towards the petrol. Sounds good doesn’t it? This course is open to applicants 16 years and over Cost $50 which includes ammuni!on Date change for the next outing 26th September Geraldine - Temuka - Clandeboye Further informa!on apply to Greg Dawber Ph 685 8054 or Russell Halke- Ph 685 8400 Late October - a drive around the Lakes Helping each other in this community – Tel: 685 8496 TwizelCancerSupportGroupFundraiser TwizelCancerSupportGroupFundraiser Laughter Yoga AmbroseCupGolfTournament AmbroseCupGolfTournament Laughter Yoga is a unique exercise rou!ne, which combines laughter exercises with yogic breathing (Pranayama). The laughter is first ini!ated as an exercise in a group, but with eye contact and childlike playfulness it soon turns into real and contagious laughter. We laugh without relying on humour, jokes or comedy and we laugh from our belly – in order to bring more oxygen to the body and into the brain. On:Saturday6thOctober2012 Saturday6thOctober2012 Saturday6thOctober2012 At:BenOhauGolfClub,Twizel 12HolesT-off:11.00am $50.00TeamofFour Limit20teams–Beinquick Prizegivingat4.00pm Prizegivingat4.00pm Benefits of laughter yoga include: • • • • • • Toregisteryourteam-callPhilippaon034350322 Helps us feel more energe!c and healthy. Helps de-stress & reduce worry Boosts immune system & feel-good hormones Brings inner joy & puts you in the moment Increases circula!on& oxygen to the cells Helps us be open, less cri!cal & be-er company LAUGHTER YOGA: Thurs 27th September @ 3pm. $10pp 279 Allandale Rd. Please phone/text to book your place. Gerry Riddle Clairvoyant Medium Dip in Holistic Lifecoaching Reiki Master ph: 021 070 4385 279 Allandale Rd (St Highway 79) Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 3 September 12th 2012 Update at Heartlands Fairlie Resource Centre LAKE TEKAPO I-SITE NOTIFICATION LAST DATE FOR VOUCHERS TO BE REDEEMED 14TH SEPTEMBER 2012 operated by the Mackenzie Community Enhancement Board Apart from the day to day operation of the Heartlands facility, there are a number of small projects on the way! The outings or drives – Come drive with us! - seem to be going along just fine. The recent trip to Oamaru was most enjoyable and gave us a taste of how good it will be when we have a community mini-van to take on trips. There is heaps to learn and see as we travel along these back roads and the fellow travellers always have something to contribute. Note the date change for the next trip - 26th September - Geraldine, Clandeboye and Temuka environs. Anyone who would like an outing and who is happy to pay the volunteer driver for petrol is welcome to come along! Please put your name down at Heartlands and the list closes on the 21st September so we know how many vehicles we need to arrange. October 30th we set off early to travel to Twizel and around the lakes, returning home through Waimate. Consider coming! Following on from the Fairlie Forum we have another meeting for Main Street retailers/owners – coming up! This will give them a chance to talk about such things as planning for future events, parking issues on Main Street, and working together to improve the look of the street. Also a meeting of reps from community organisations is planned for them to discuss how we can all assist each other in what we do! Due to the closure of Lake Tekapo i-SITE as at 8th July 2012 and the closure of the Mackenzie Tourism & Development Trust, please be advised that this is the last chance to put a claim in for any outstanding vouchers. Send invoices by 14th September 2012 preferably via e-mail to: or post to: Mackenzie Tourism & Development Trust PO Box 199 Lake Tekapo 7945 No guarantee can be given that invoices lodged after this date will be paid. Albury Tennis Club There will be a meeting on Wednesday 26th September at 7pm at the Albury Tennis Club. If your child/children are keen to play for Albury then please attend. Alternatively please phone Sharon Holtham (Chairperson) on 685 5789 Fairlie Bowling Club Opening Day 29th September at 1.30pm Members a plate - Mufti New members most welcome The Fairlie Aged Forum meets again on 20th September at 10am. We are promoting knitting TV slippers for Christchurch kids for next winter ! We welcome donations of wool for this purpose. Drop it in and we will pass it on to the knitters! Have the patterns to give out to anyone interested. Help us help the kids! The run down to the end of the year is fast approaching! Fairlie Tennis Club AGM Tuesday 18th September 7.30pm in the Heartlands meeting room The event diary is filling fast so be in and get your event listed at Heartlands! Fairlie Duathlon - 18th November - Fairlie Lions event Fairlie Playgroup’s Late Night Shopping - 29th November Christmas Concert on Fairlie Village Green - 16th December For tennis to continue in Fairlie it is very important that parents of children playing attend this meeting to assist with the running of the club. A number of businesses took up our offer of buying Christmas bunting to give a unified look to the street over Christmas / New Year. We hope to have some new flags up on our poles too, resulting from second hand book sales here at Heartlands. Anyone wanting to play Saturday morning tennis this year please register your name with Phill Mackay 685 8959 or Pete Young 685 6278 Phill Mackay AnneT President ANDREW SWANN CONTRACTING LTD All your Round and Square Balage Hay and Straw Baling requirements Operang Two Tube Wrappers capable of wrapping all round and square bales up to 6.5" long Working in Conjunc!on with Michael Jones Contrac!ng Ltd Phone 027 322 1014 or 685 5788 Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 4 September 12th 2012 Lake Tekapo Goings On..… Fairlie Bowling Club Needs You! Spring is here and isn't it a lovely time of the year. Daffodils, new lambs, fresh growth and more snow! Spring also means that Ian and I have celebrated another year in beautiful Lake Tekapo - hard to believe 8 years has gone so quickly. Wanted – Players to join our vibrant club All you need is enthusiasm and flat shoes We provide the rest! Bowls, good bowling green, social facilities fun days and nights All for $40.00 first year subscription... ZUMBA IS BACK! Starting Thursday 13th September at 6pm to 7pm in the Community Hall. Tracey is fresh back from wintering over in Europe and has been inspired with all new songs and dances! First evening is FREE for those who haven't been before. And if you still have unused passes from last season then bring them along as you can still use them. You don't have to be coordinated or already fit nor do you have to wear special clothes, just comfortable loose clothing and sneakers, a water bottle and turn up prepared to have fun! Open to all – members are aged from 15 to 80+ You can play socially – Afternoons – Friday nights etc Competitively – club championships Interclub and tournaments with other clubs. AGM Time! Lake Tekapo Promotions Assn is holding its AGM on Thursday 20th September, 7pm at the Tekapo Fire Station. This is a really important meeting! If you have any interest at all in the future tourism and development and promotion of our village then please attend!! Vacancies for Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Note start time is 7pm and please use the outside stairs. As promised I will be making a yummy Supper! We have a very active Playgroup for under 5's. They meet every Monday from 9.00 - 12pm at the Guild Hall opposite the School. Kids usually bring their Mums and sometimes Dads too as they like to meet for a chat and a play as well. New kids on the block are welcome. Play as often or as little as you wish But come – Give Bowls a Go - you won’t regret it Opening Day Saturday 29th September Friday Night Social Bowls start 10th November Contacts: Maureen McColl John Stokes Linda Gallagher Ike Morete 685 8466 685 8138 685 8050 685 8547 MIKE PROSSER SPRAYING Just a quick note of congratulations to the children, teachers and helpers of Tekapo School who worked on the SchoolGen production last week. The kids were on stage for nearly an hour and did a great job in explaining renewable energy and how the solar panels work with battery back up. Well done to you all. pasture, crop and broadacre spraying including helicopter spraying and spreading Spring skiing is in full swing, still plenty of great SNOW up here. Come and check it out before the ski field closes down for the season next weekend. Hope to see you in Lake Tekapo, where the sun always shines. For a prompt, efficient service phone Mike on (03) 685 8802 or 027 22 11 077 Contributed Raewyn Radford operating under licence to Ellesmere Helicopters Ltd BRIDGETTE’S MASSAGE AND BEAUTY THERAPY Fairlie Cosy Hotel 03 685 8744 or 021 127 9912 See our large takeaway menu ‘Flame Room’ Restaurant and Takeaways Winter Hours Sunday to Thursday 5.00pm - 8pm Friday and Saturday 5.00pm - 9pm Great cold beer on tap Great Atmosphere Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 5 September 12th 2012 Message from the Mayor SPRING TIME SALE AT MINT!! I am afraid there has been a bit of a hiatus in this column for various reasons – absence for work reasons, absence for leave in Australia and for the last issue I just plain forgot about it. I put it down to this awful flu that has been doing the rounds. It just “keeps on keeping on” and I sympathise with all the other sufferers around the district. Purchase a pair of Angel A 3/4 pants or skirt and receive a free scarf!! Selec!on of scarfs now $10 40% off all Anthea Lawrence clothing Today (Saturday) I am sitting in my office, while the rain is pouring outside, and preparing a keynote speech for a conference in Auckland on Monday. Public speaking is not something that comes easily to me but I have promised myself not to pass up any opportunities that come my way because, you know what they say….”Practice makes perfect”. All Wendy and Holly shoes now $80 pair! 40% off B-Sirius handbags and purses Devine!! New range of Be-y Basics just in! Some gorgeous colours for summer sizes 8-16 The subject matter is quite easy: my transition from reception to Mayor. I shouldn’t have any difficulty filling about 40 minutes talking about myself however a friend (who shall remain nameless) has given me some pointers on making a good impression: Use your eyes Smoove vintage reworked dresses - new shipment in Also lots of yummy goodies arriving daily - do pop in check them out!! to get attention of the audience Speak s-l-o-w-l-y and don’t gabble the end of sentences …...and remember Ladies Where looking great, needn't cost the earth!! VaRy your volume And most importantly – Don’t rub your nose (apparently I do this when I am nervous). One of the most rewarding engagements I have had in the past week has been reading a bedtime story to the children of Twizel Area School, who turned up in their pyjamas and slippers on Wednesday night for stories and milo with marshmallows, before heading home to bed. What a great way to celebrate Book Week. I hope they invite me back next year. The other was being able to say “Thank you” and spend some time with a number of the volunteering community here in Fairlie on Thursday. I know that not all volunteers could make it on the day, so to the rest of you out there who willingly give up your time to make our communities the great places they are I would like to say “THANKS”! You missed the sandwiches and cake but we appreciate you anyway. WHITESTONE LTD ALLANDALE RD FAIRLIE PH (03) 685 9023 On a personal note, our second granddaughter made an early arrival last weekend. Our daughter, Gemma rang early on Saturday to ask if Stephen and I would like to meet our new granddaughter Annabelle Grace (7lb 3oz). We had both slept blissfully through the night, unaware that she was even on the way. What a terrific Father’s Day gift for Stephen, and of course another bundle of joy for me to enjoy. I love this grandparent role – so far it is all cuddles and kisses and little or no work. Perfect! YOUR LOCAL CONTRACTOR WITH A FULL RANGE OF EQUIPMENT TO ASSIST WITH YOUR PROJECTS Until next time, I hope you enjoy the budding spring and, even though it is a busy time for farming families with lambing and calving, I hope that the weather is kind and brings plenty of warm and sunny days. For Bookings Contact Harry 021 399 023 Mayor Claire Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 Excavation Roading Farm Tracks Driveways Machine Hire Irrigation General Cartage Gravel Supplies Eftpos Available 6 September 12th 2012 From the Fairlie Community Board SoulFood Fairlie The Fairlie Community Board reports that work is progressing slowly on the Fairlie water supply and on the drinking quality (types of treatment required) of the water. ‘Slow food for a fast world’ Work is beginning this week on the scaping of Princes Street. New arrivals The Board is pushing hard for funding from Opus to assist with a safe walkway being built onto or added to the Allandale River Bridge. Organic Oat Bran Organic Raw Honey Viola Sun & Wind Cream great for ski-ing, boating and other outdoor pursuits A proposed one way traffic flow system along Riddle Street is coming out for community comment. The Board invite you to consider the options presented, and once they have an idea of what is the most popular option then they will trial it. Organic dried apricots, bananas & raisins good for lunch boxes The fate of the Old Library Café building should be known within the week. Epsom Salts Oak Sawdust – for smoking fish & meat New litter bins have been placed opposite the Fairlie Four Square so hopefully people using the tables there will use the bins too. ‘Good’ Magazine - food, craft, gardening, &health ideas based on sustainable practices Opus is addressing the signage at the SH8 / SH79 intersection to assist traffic flow. Waihi Bush Flax Seed Products Natural Mother & Baby Products – great for gifts Don’t forget the community forum prior to each Fairlie Community Board Meeting. Cheers Owen Hunter Contact Bron on 027 313 8154 Open Wednesdays 9.00am – 5.00pm Saturdays 10.00am – 12.00 O01-2323 A 45267189:2 ;55 7698 <10= 6> 815 M3?@5>A65 Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 Mackenzie Country Calenders Now on sale at the Resource Centre $15 7 September 12th 2012 Under 12 Coach: Greg Marshall Assistant Coach: Wayne King Manager: Garth Nixon Player of the Year Monty Nixon Most Improved Player Allan Scott Town and Country Rep’s Monty Nixon Will Pudney Ethan Marshall Joe Mould George King JAB Awards 2012 Paul Gallagher (President) welcomed everyone along to the Mackenzie JAB end of year break up. He gave a big thank you to all coaches, assistant coaches and managers who gave up their time to help with the teams this year. Joe Rush and all the parents were thanked from the Twizel Club for the huge commitment to travel down each week to join the teams. Without them the Mackenzie Club would not be able to field some teams. Under 13 – Central Districts (Combined Temuka/Pleasant Point/Mackenzie) Coach: Kenny Everett Player of the Year Logan Tibby Most Improved Player Max Dickson Town and Country Rep’s Logan Tibby Under 8 Div III – Mackenzie Four Square Coach: Ashley Shore Asst Coach: Kim Jordan Manager: Phillipa Heslip Player of the Year Oscar Grant Most Improved Player Adam Crockford Town and Country Rep’s Oscar Grant Luke Jordan S C Rep Teams Under 11 James Robertson Matthew Anderson Des Bentin Jack Andrews Under 48 Kgs Monty Nixon Will Pudney Under 65kgs Logan Tibby Cole Herrick Under 8 Div II – Mackenzie Crusaders Coach: Pete Divan Manager: Diana Divan Player of the Year Isaac Ryall Most Improved Player Isaac Rayward Town and Country Rep’s Edward Guerin Daniel Dobbs Margaret Flood Trophy - This changed to the ‘Team of the Year’ Under 11 – for being un-defeated this year . Ben Westgarth Memorial Cup – Best team player both on and off the paddock Ben Everett Under 8 Div II – Twizel Cubs Coach: Tim Taylor Asst Coach: Luke Jacobs Player of the Year Ollie Rushton Most Improved Player Caylen Taylor Town and Country Rep’s Ollie Rushton Caylen Taylor Steele Challenge Cup – Player of the Year Logan Tibby Under 8 Div I – The Mackenzie Ram Lambs Coach: Jason Grant Assistant Coach: Scott Harris Manager: Trine Harris Player of the Year Kieran Harris Most Improved Player Henry Kirk Town and Country Rep’s Kieran Harris Oliver Shore Under 9 Gold Coach: Johnny O’Connor Assistant Coach: Hamish Milne Manager: Lisa Miles Player of the Year Ned Milne Most Improved Player Ben Jordan Town and Country Rep’s James Russek George Kerr Under 9 Black Coach: Kerry Boon Assistant Coach: Dean Nelson Manager: Susan Hayward Player of the Year Bailey Dyson Most Improved Player Harry Delaney Town and Country Rep’s Jacob Nicholson Thomas Fraser Opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.00 pm Calf Meal - Freshly made each week and kept in store ready to pick up Under 10 Coach: Paul Gallagher Assistant Coach: Guy Sutherland Manager: Ngaire Gallagher Player of the Year Ben Rowley Most Improved Player Eden Hey Town and Country Rep’s William Mould Ben Rowley Brody Gallagher 20% Protein $750/tonne + GST 16% Protein (Weaner) $710/tonne +GST Calf Meals do not contain palm kernel and come in 25kg bags Under 11 Coach: Mike Guerin Assistant Coach: Mark Urquhart Manager: Cindy Robertson Player of the Year Matt Anderson Most Improved Player Corbyn Hocken Best Defensive Player Jimmy Robertson Town and Country Rep’s Jack Andrew Des Bentin James Robertson Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 Also retailing milk powder 18 Denmark St Fairlie Matthew Anderson Damien Hondelink George Guerin Ph: 03 685 8205 Fax: 03 685 8207 Joe 685 4887 Daniel 027 257 7200 8 September 12th 2012 Presitge Distance Rider of the Year Above: Vanessa Tiffen and her father Brian with her horse Astek Dreamweaver H Dawsons Farm Direct Local rider Vanessa Tiffen (24) from Stoneleigh, Fairlie is the winner of the Prestige Distance Rider of the Year– the prize was a Prestige Endurance saddle given to a rider who completed the most kilometers throughout the season. Riding in both Endurance and Competitive Trail riding, Vanessa’s combined total of kilometers was 2278 with her nearest rival completing 1445 km. “The Wool marketing Connection from Farm to Mill” Gavin Crump -Wool Buyer Call now 226 Evans Street Washdyke and let us Timaru 7910 New Zealand give you Phone: 03 688 1335 AH: 03 686 2609 a quote Mobile: 027 431 6555 on your Email: wool Website: Even though this is the most kilometres she has ridden in one year, in her riding career Vanessa has ridden over 14,000 kms in both New Zealand and Australian Endurance Competitions. Vanessa has a long list of awards in both countries including the Senior Distance Endurance Rider Award 2011 and runner up in 2010 No job too big, no job too small: Cattle yards to post n’ chain, I’ll do ‘em all! The quality of work is second to none Call Nathan-”I’ll get the job done!” With 3 horses to choose from for competing, there is a lot of work to keep the horses fitness levels up ready for competition. She acknowledges that she has not done the preparation on her own and appreciates the help from her parents Brian and Barbara Tiffen and farrier Jordan Dent. 685 8852 or 021 203 1076 ASHWICK WELDING & FABRICATION SERVICES GARY BOULTON 3 STRATHALLAN ROAD, RD 17, FAIRLIE. PH: 03 685 6259 MOB: 021 253 4755 ON SITE REPAIRS/WORKSHOP FACILITIES. OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE MILD & STAINLESS STEEL, ALUMINIUM, WROUGHT IRON GATES ASHWICK HORSE COACHES-(A Division of Ashwick Welding and Fabrication) Horse Truck Conversions & Horse Float Repairs. NZS 4711 QUALIFIED Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 9 September 12th 2012 Daffodil Day ‘Thank you’ The lawns are starting to grow, the pussy willow is budding and daffodils are blooming, must be Springtime! That means time to get your lawnmower out of the back of the garage and have it serviced for the growing season. Rotary Lawnmower Service includes oil change, spark plug replaced, clean air filter, sharpen blades, general check over of wheel bearings and linkages and pick up and delivery for only $60.00. We also service hand mowers, reel mowers and ride on mowers plus sharpen hedge clippers and spades. Great news; we have just passed our annual review by the MTA. Our local Business Development Manager, Russell Lane, visits us annually to discuss any problems we may be having and update us on current MTA issues that are working on. The MTA is a standards based organisation that places considerable importance on the ability of members to meet and uphold these standards. Russell advised us, "In the course of your Annual Review, it was pleasing to note that all aspects of your business met or exceeded the relevant MTA standard." We are very proud to be members of this recognised, trusted and well respected brand. The local Cancer Support Group would like to thank the community for their generosity on Daffodil Day. Bronwyn Buick and Helen Willetts (above) were part of a group of volunteers who collected for the street appeal. Over $2000 was raised on the day which was a fantastic result. In addition to this the local schools were involved: St Josephs raised $194 Fairlie Primary $406 Albury $322. The raffle was won by Jenny Kerr. The Mackenzie Cancer Group (Tekapo and Lower Mackenzie) welcomes the opportunity to offer information, help with transport costs to treatment and support in the home BUT for this to happen, we have to be approached by you or you can contact the supportive staff in Timaru. Contact Helen Humphrey 685 8889 or Sonia Callaghan 685 8075 With our 2 fully qualified mechanics and a mechanics assistant we are able to attend to all general repairs, servicing, cambelt replacements, clutch jobs and ‘Warrant of fitness' on most makes and models which means you don't have the hassle of taking your vehicle to town for repairs. We also run a 24 hour breakdown service and contract to both the AA and First Assistance. You may have read recently on the sale of our old Landcruiser tow truck with the amazing winch. That has been put into service with an AA contractor in Lower Hutt. We still have winching capabilities with our slide deck salvage truck but not quite to the same extent. The slide deck truck is a lot more versatile for dealing with all types of vehicles from the lowered boy racer types with body kits to big 4 wheel drives. Equipment for Hire at reasonable rates. 6x4 Trailer with / without cage: $15 half day / $25 full day. Logsplitter - towable within town boundary $85 per day. Waterblaster, Compactor, Cement Mixer, 8kva Generator and a few smaller items. Feel free to ask if you need something. With our recent employment of Alan Williams, comes experienced in bigger machinery, forklifts, diggers, graders and the like. Alan was previously with Goughs in Dunedin and worked through the whole Otago region servicing these types of machinery. We are happy to take on this type of work so give us a call to discuss your requirements. So if you have any mechanical repair work that needs doing on your vehicle, motor bike or small engine, give us a ring on 03 6806 803 and talk to one of the boys - Ian, Alan or Scott about your problems and let us fix it for you. TEKAPO AUTO SERVICES LTD Behind the Challenge Service Station Main Road, Lake Tekapo Phone 03 680 6803 A/H 027 277 4080 Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 10 September 12th 2012 Police Notebook: NowOpen It's good to see spring finally arrive and the country side drying out a bit after the rinsing it received last month. Little Petites An Indian family had a lucky escape the other day when they failed to take a bend on Mt Michael and finished upside down at the bottom of a large hole. It was a good advert for seat belts with not a scratch received by any of the five occupants. RegentStreet-nextto“ACutAbove” MondayTuesdayandThursday 10am-4.00pm There was another crash that same Sunday in the Lake Tekapo township on Allan St at 6.35pm. This time the offender has driven through a wooden fence and also impacted with the side of the house. He has quickly reversed out and driven away before the house occupant had realised what had happen and that it wasn't an earthquake. Evidence left behind would suggest that the offending vehicle was a Holden Rodeo. At the time of writing the driver has yet to come forward and report the matter to the house owner or police. Fridays11.00am-4.00pm CLOSEDWednesdays Selling ‘on behalf ’ children’s clothing from newborn to around 12 years plus bedding, cots, changing tables buggies etc New “Shore Kids” clothing range and knitting plus a great selection of toys and gifts A couple of weeks ago a deer was poached from a private green feed paddock on Rocky Gully Rd. Two shots were heard and a white ute was seen leaving the scene a short time later. A blue Suzuki Quad bike has been stolen from a barn at Kakahu Forest near the corner of State Highway 79 and Halls Rd. There has been a report of fraudsters targeting unsuspecting locals on the phone with promises of money and all you have to do is send them a bank cheque of a few hundred dollars so they can release it. The offenders had a strong Indian accent and gave out an Indian address to send the cheque. Don't fall for this type of scam. Your hard earned money is better off staying in your own pocket. So until next time, be careful out there. Russell Halkett Fairlie Police Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 11 September 12th 2012 Wanted Beginners Art Lessons With Caley Hall at the Kimbell Garage Art Gallery Lessons arranged to suit. One on one! D0>3860>< 09 W002 ;3>854 90M @>6886>7 <26==5M< 80 76N5 80 C1M6<8?1:M?1 ?1624M5> Lessons will suit anyone who believes they can’t draw through to those who think they might like to pick up a brush again and have a go! H3N5 O0:M 0;> ;002 3>4 ;0:24 26@5 80 152=? A landscape can be completed in 2 hours! $20 per hour Txt me 021 111 9687 for more info and to make a time! Summer is not far away Mackenzie College Summer Uniforms - layby now at Heartlands HIGH COUNTRY MOTORCYCLES 296 STATE HIGHWAY 8 FAIRLIE PH 03 685 8592 or 0274 793 971 FULL ATV AND FARM BIKE SERVICING AND REPAIRS Including all small engines lawnmowers chainsaws etc CRT Suppliers Available for all types of building from new to alterations - including concrete work FREE QUOTES Contact Richard Herlund Office (03) 685 8262 Cellular (027) 4598 341 Home (03) 685 8159 Supporting our retailers! It’s 15 weeks until Christmas and we have a little idea that we invite you to join us on! The idea is to buy a specific item locally each week to be given as a Christmas gift. That would mean 15 purchases here in Fairlie and put aside till Christmas. Cave Store ‘the little store that has it all’ Supporters of the Now even if only 9 people join me on this then we would have 135 items bought in the Fairlie – Kimbell – Burkes Pass vicinity and that has to be good for the local retailers! Accessible Think about it – you have the time to consider it and join us. We the unwilling, led by the unqualified, have been doing the unbelievable for so long, with so little, we now attempt the impossible with nothing …. KEVIN HESSELL SHEARING Please take note of this information Display advertising starts at $12.00 including GST Advertisements under $12.00 require payment on submission All cheques payable to Mackenzie Community Enhancement Bd If paying online please include a reference or issue number for accounts to refer to. ■ Display advertising sizes are available on request ■ Please submit advertising to the Heartlands ■ For emailed advertising, it would be appreciated if attachments are submitted in Word for text and JPEG for pictures The Accessible cannot be held responsible for errors or their subsequent effects. The right is reserved to alter, abbreviate, omit, or re-classify advertisements and article for any reason. For any inquiries phone the Heartland Fairlie Resource Centre 03 685 8496 ■ ■ ■ ■ Editor : Anne Thomson Servicing your area for Shearing and Crutching requirements Qualified, experienced shearers and wool handlers Phone Kevin or Cynthia 03 614 8875 or 027 460 5354 Collator: Sonia Callaghan Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 12 September 12th 2012 A note from Mackenzie Frock Stars... Lu Taylor from the Black Sheep Gallery, organiser of the Tie-Riffic Tie Project A HUGE high five and thanks to everyone involved in the “Tie-Riffic Tie Project”! It was wonderful to see new participants and the feedback on the entries and the event itself has been amazing! Rachel from Annies Country Quilt Store in Ashburton had an incredibly hard job judging and she was really impressed by the imagination and innovation shown in all the designs. The winning entries are: The dress shown here won the Peoples Choice award! 15 Under Category: Roshni Crow of Twizel 16 & Over Category: Amelia Wynn of Fairlie Judges Special Awards went to: Marion Joll of Fairlie, Jennie Page of Taumaranui, Wendy Parlane of Christchurch, Leanne Reid of Geraldine, Maryann Darmody of Fairlie and Sarah Stinton of Christchurch. Well done to ALL our designers, everyone viewing your work in the gallery has been delighted and in awe of your creative genius! This little event has been so successful that we plan to do more mini-events so stay tuned to our Facebook page and here in the Accessible for news from Frock Stars HQ. The winner of the Peoples Choice Award is Leanne Reid from Geraldine Kiwi Treasures Lake Tekapo Post Centre LOTS OF NEW STOCK ARRIVING DAILY FROM THE GIFT FAIR Secondhand Books galore at Heartlands ! Fiction Non Fiction NZ interest These books are for sale at Heartlands with the funds going to flags for the Main Street Lifestyle or Sub-divide? 1.12ha zoned Res 1.OF Ideal as a ON THE EDGE TOWN lifestyle block with possibilities to sub-divide (plan available). Town water at boundary, few neighbours, numerous building sites and mountain views. $165,000 Computer Sales and Service Shop online at Buy Locally and get local support Ring now for a quote on a new computer or check out my website which now lists all products and prices Acer Notebooks LCD Monitors Digital Cameras ADSL A Lot For Your Money A quirky little bach with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. New kitchen, large dining/living room with log fire. Garage to store boat, easy care grounds with off-street parking. For sale fully furnished. $179,000 Acer Desktop Printers MP3 Players Satellite View To Appreciate Website Design Web and email hosting Wireless and 3G internet Installer Tidy and surprisingly spacious. Three bedrooms, tiled bathroom, separate shower room. Coal range and open plan living with log fire. Private back yard with store sheds. Handy to Main St and the shops. NOW Offers over $187,000 Ring Paul for a quote 51 Gall St Fairlie 03 685 6228 021 495 577 Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 13 Annette Stanley 75 Main St, Fairlie Ph 685 8844 or 0274 329 859 September 12th 2012 Volunteers in the Community Volunteers who were able to attend the Volunteer Recognition evening Back row: Joan Neill Mel Shore Shirley James Stan Taylor Paul Gallagher Middle: Allan Kerr Kaye Adie Christine Willson Lois Campbell Isobel Habraken Jocelyn Carlton Mary Calder Helen Willetts Maureen McColl Claire Graham Front: Mayor Claire Barlow Tom and Pauline Gallagher Lyndall Watt from Volunteer Mid and South Canterbury Lake Tekapo Lions Club MAINLAND SILAGE LILY BULBS BULK SILAGE SPECIALISTS Your local owner operator Siberia Casablanca Viviana Le Reve Lexus White Express Sanna Acapulco Ak!va Royal Trinity Concor D’or Order before 30th September Or you will miss out Phone: Ross Buick 685 8189 Mackenzie Fencing Peter McMurtrie Fairlie Modern High Capacity Machinery Mobile 027 439 8141 Phone 03 685 8438 Please ring early to discuss your requirements: Geoff & Carolyn Honeywell I am your Local Contractor with over 30 years experience. For FREE quotes and quality workmanship Contact me for all ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ph: 03 614 7759 Geoff on 027 214 2161 Carolyn on 027 226 1012 Fencing Requirements Cattle and Sheep yards Dairy Conversions Lifestyle Blocks Timber Fences Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 REMEMBER WE ONLY SERVICE FAIRLIE, ALBURY & PLEASANT POINT AREAS We are here for you !! 14 September 12th 2012 Thinking of Selling Your Home? Red Stag Restaurant Veranda lunches! Comeandlapupthesun! GoodfoodGoodwineGoodcompany! Pre-Market Real Estate Insights Having helped a few locals sell their homes in just a few weeks, after years on and off the market, I would like to offer some free advice to others who may be thinking about selling their homes, farms or lifestyle blocks anytime soon. OPENFORLUNCH11.00-3.00pmDAILY (closedTuesdays) Pre Loved Clothing The decisions you make now will be the ones that determine the fate of your sale. Too many people decide ‘lets put it on the market and see what happens’ then when it doesn’t sell, they try to do what they should have done before they started – the first very expensive mistake! Summer clothes for all the family now in store Open Thursday - Friday 10.00am - 3.00 pm The most important part of selling your home is planning for it first; understanding buyers and how they ‘shop’ for properties comparatively, understanding what questions you should ask real estate agents about their services and understanding the impact that the architectural spaces and photos of your home can have on a sale time frame and price. Main Street next to Fairlie House and Garden Tree Topping and Trimming Rural towns are definitely more challenging when selling a property due to the limited numbers of buyers around. The trick is to know how to make your home, in your area, stand out from competing properties to the small number of buyers starting from day one. Your first week on the market can attract four times the buyer interest than for the rest of your campaign. If you want to try to sell your home for the best possible price, there are some basic principles you should understand before you list with an agent. We have created a Smarter Selling Strategies Kit which is available free by email – just send your request to or you can call 03 685 6262 or free phone 0800 789 532 any time. I hope this helps and good luck. For all your tree and Shelterbelt trimming Locally owned and operated Contact Michael on 027 271 1127 or 685 8131 Trish Willis P.S. Publicly available statistics can be seen at Winner of Tux Prize Pack On behalf of the Fairlie Branch of PGG Wrightson, we would like to congratulate Albury farmer Guy Sutherland on his win of the $22,000 Prize Pack. All customers who purchased Tux Energy dog food during June and July were entered into a draw to win this prize that covered all of New Zealand, with 4 winners being drawn from all the entries. 2 winners from the draw came from the South Island! Guy’s prize package included $10,000 A Fisher & Paykel Appliance package Panasonic 50” TV and Home Theatre System Makita 18V Power Tool Kit and a pallet of Tux Energy Dog Biscuits 40kg. Congratulations Guy! Maree Ferriman-Smith (TFR), Guy Sutherland, Melanie Tiplady (Nestle Purina PetCare Rep) and John Smith (Store Manager) Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 15 Phone 685 9010 September 12th 2012 STILL NEEDED News in brief! FOR LEPROSY HOSPITALS AND CHILDREN’S HOMES IN NEPAL The Fairlie Community Sound System is now stored at Heartlands and you can book and arrange it all there now! The hire fee includes set-up and take down ensuring it is looked after. We are hoping to have community events on the Fairlie Village Green this summer. If you have ideas or want to organise an event yourself – let us know and we will try and help out! Here I am again doing my regular grovel to raise funds and equipment for the leprosy hospitals and homes in Nepal. The staff and patients of these institutions have requested that I pass on heartfelt thanks to all those who have kindly donated in the past. So, if you can spare any of the items listed below the recipients will be truly grateful. Supporting the Fairlie Lions The Fairlie Duathlon on Sunday 18th November is a great opportunity for the town to rise up and support the Lions in this fundraiser. The Village Green will be too busy however we are hoping the Mackenzie Markets and other stallholders may come out and add to the vibrancy of the occasion with stalls along the street. There will be entertainment on the Village Green from 12 through to 2pm. Have a think about how you or your organisation can be involved. Linen: Sheets, pillowcases, pillows, blankets, duvets, duvet covers, towels and face washers/flannels. We want wool please Heartlands Fairlie invites donations of knitting wool for the TV slippers being knitted for the children of Christchurch for next winter. Please help if you can. Any wool! And amount! Aiming for a couple of hundred pairs! Girls and Boys: Jumpers/sweaters. Size: 1 – 12 years Men: Jumpers/sweaters. Size: XXS – M. Ladies: Cardigans Only. In Nepal women generally only wear cardigans as they are worn over saris. Size: Small - Med. As the bed linen is predominantly for hospital beds and care homes, there is a preference for single bed sheets, but any will do as they can be cut in half for narrow beds and cots. Curtains of any size will also be useful to help insulate the wards in winter. KNITTERS ~ Please get out your needles to create winter woollies. With winter approaching in the northern hemisphere there is a special need for warm clothing. Secondhand woollens, thermal items, socks and men’s jackets are gratefully accepted providing they have been laundered and are in good condition. Playgroup Late Night Shopping in Fairlie Fairlie Playgroup has announced the date has been set for their Shopping Night on Main Street Fundraiser. Keep the evening of November 29th free to come support Playgroup! Shoes & Boots: Children’s, men’s and ladies (no high heels) Spectacles & Sunglasses: Reading or prescription lenses are fine Miscellaneous: Plastic storage bins (with lids) Medical: Bandages, dressings, eye patches etc Amusing Mural at Mackenzie College The Kirke Street wall of the Mackenzie College art room is now home to an amusing mural painted by Robert Baird. Take a walk and have a smile at this delightful piece! Contact: Phillipa (03) 685 8805 / 0212 642 905 Drop-off: Phillipa or Resource Centre Please let Phillipa know if you can assist with clean, dry storage and/or help with packing the items when it comes time to ship them to Nepal. Heartland Fairlie welcomes new volunteers! Anne and Annie have now joined the ranks of the great volunteer staff here with us at Heartlands. You may think we are trying for all staff to be called Anne. It would be easier for us older ones to remember I think! Anne T Let Phillipa know if you’d be interested in taking a holiday in Nepal which, if it appeals, could include doing some voluntary work, either on a building programme or at one of the hospitals. If your knowledge of leprosy is a bit sketchy, she can fill in the blanks and put your mind at rest. All the patients in the homes and hospitals are completely cured, but undergoing remedial treatment and/or surgery to correct disfigurement. Robertson Fencing Ltd This young girl is recovering in a hospital but you may notice there are no curtains and the sheet is torn! Certified for all of your fencing requirements Rural & Stock Yards Lifestyle & Residential Commercial Repairs & Maintenance General Fencing Phillipa Saxton Saffron Road Motorcycle Tours Based in Fairlie Ned Robertson 027 329 4009 03 685 8494 G REAT B ook for your n ext party now P h Carolin e B reen – (03) 61 4 7664 Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 FO R A LL O CCA S IO NS H U G E CD SEL EC TIO N A VA ILA BLE 16 September 12th 2012 Results Rōpu Thursdays! MACKENZIE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB 2012 IRB PRIZEGIVING UNDER 16 AWARDS Bringing family and friends together!! MRFC Cup, most improved Back: Cameron Allison MRFC Cup, most improved Forward: Ethan Sugrue Peter Kennedy Cup Under 15, most outstanding player: Thomas Mulligan Coll Cup, Under 16 , most outstanding player: Ethan Dickson Saunders Family Trophy, player who contributes most on and off the paddock in youngest IAB grade: Josh Sheehan Available from 5.30 pm to 9.00 pm for the 13th and 20th September WATCH THIS SPACE FOR EVERY ROPU THURSDAY! TWO COURSE MEAL with a wine, beer or fizz!!! ! MRFC CLUB AWARDS Mackenzie Supply Services Trophy: - Best performed afternoon grade Under 18 Hugh Parker Challenge Cup: – Team with most competition points Under 18 Trevor Hamilton Cook Cup: – Best turned out team Under 18 Len King Cup: Club player scoring most tries Shane Gallagher Ian Dickson Trophy: Club player scoring most points Geoff Chitty THURSDAY NIGHTS Pork belly Or Homemade Pasta Carbonara & Chocolate pudding! UNDER 18 AWARDS John Reilly Cup: under 17 – most promising player Latham Gibb William Scott Cup: under 18 – most promising player Josh Taylor Brown Hill Trophy: under 18 – player of the year Adam Gage MRFC Trophy: under 18 – most valuable player Johnny Adams Albury Tavern Trophy: – player of the year under 18 and below Geoff Chitty Ned Robertson- money for 3 outstanding players in final Adam Gage, Jimmy Booth and Geoff Chitty $25.00 per Adult Kids under 5 eat free Child’s portion and child’s menu available A la Carte menu Call us for more info on: (03) 685 8058 Spring is here but colds and flu are still in force. Wondering what to do, you can call Healthline for free health advice. Healthline – 0800 611 116 – is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE UNDER 18 TEAM AND THEIR COACH SAM ROBINSON PLACED 2ND IN THE UNDER 18 COMPETITON Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 17 September 12th 2012 Thank you Time to make sure it is right! FAIRLIE TEKAPO Mackenzie Old Girls Netball would like to thank all families and supporters and the many who came on finals day. Thank you to Steve and Di from the Gladstone Hotel for your on-going sponsorship. We were very proud to finish our season as runners up of the Premier Grade and 3rd in Senior A. “bring on next season!” COMMUNITY PHONE DIRECTORY Fairlie Lions are about to compile their 2013-2014 phone directory. Anyone wishing to make a new addition, deletion or correction from previous publications please call in at BP 2Go Fairlie to enter details in register or Contact Norman 685 8106 The Fairlie Lion’s Duathlon - 18th November 2012 Wishing the Fairlie Lions - past and present - a successful and memorable celebration of the 40th year of their Charter this South Canterbury Anniversary Weekend Mobile -We come to you ! Bruce Bishop Caravan Repairs Caravan need some maintenance work? Avoid the Spring rush and get it done early For a free quote phone Bruce on Work: 027 224 1923 AH: 03 688 1204 Or call in and see him at 23 Doncaster Street Washdyke Extreme Terrain Paintball Fairlie All gear supplied Book now Phone/txt 027 824 2284 Email: Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 18 September 12th 2012 Church Services Services available Mackenzie CoCo-operating Parish Anglican – Presbyterian Office: 685 8389 The Vicarage: 685 6124 Interim Priest in Charge :The Rev’d Canon Christopher Rodger September Sunday 16th 9.30am St Columba Family Worship and Communion Sunday 23rd St Stephen’s Communion 9.30am 11.30am The Church of the WE ARE IN FAIRLIE ON THE 1ST TUESDAY TWIZEL ON THE 3RD TUESDAY Communion Good Shepherd OF EVERY MONTH All welcome at these services Come and talk to someone from Inland Revenue about…. Working for Families Tax Credits Income Tax Student Loans Venue: Heartlands Resource Centre Main Street Fairlie 11am – 2.30pm Evangelical Presbyterian Church Ph: 03 685 8496 for your appointment Meets every Sunday Community Centre Lounge 4.30pm Work and Income 0800 559 009 or Heartlands Fairlie Resource Centre for more Information Phone 685 8496 Everyone welcome Phone Andrew Johnson 685 8222 (Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand) Mackenzie Catholic Parish Community Car in Fairlie Make your reservations at Heartlands Tel: 685 8496 Sunday Vigil Mass - 6pm every Saturday in Twizel Supported by Mackenzie Country Motors Sunday Mass - 9.30am every Sunday in Fairlie St Patrick’s Church, 7 Gall St, Fairlie Parish Priest: Father Jim Nicholas Tel: 685 8148 Heartlands Fairlie Resource Centre Photocopying and laminating Competitive prices - discount for bulk Fairlie Pens - just arrived $4.00 Handmade cards and crafts Kiwiana Calenders Results Fairlie Bridge Club Results 29th August A Braddick - C Marshall A Edmonston - R Saunders M McColl - M O’Connor J Carson - J Ineson 57.9 56.4 54.8 54.8 5th September M.Johnson - A Blakemore J Ward - S Eaves B Tiffen - L Gallagher A Edmonston - R Saunders 60.3 58.7 56.3 50.0 Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 19 September 12th 2012 Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Experienced worker required for tailing Phone 685 8222 School Bus Drivers Kids left home ? Semi Retired ? Seeking extra income ? Need school holidays off ? Fancy a challenge? Do you have a Class 11 licence? Have you held a full car licence or more than two years ? Marketing Coordinator – Fixed Term Do you enjoy driving ? • • • • • We have a position in Fairlie and Albury Become a School Bus Driver Make a difference! Contact Denise to discuss this exciting opportunity Phone 03 688 7300 or 0275 448 672 Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism is the organisation responsible for promoting tourism in the region and maximising the return from visitors. In collaboration with the Mackenzie District Council we are seeking to appoint a self-motivated, professional and energetic Marketing Coordinator to increase awareness of the district through marketing activity and to work with local tourism operators to help make the Mackenzie District a preferred destination for visitors. We will provide training and assistance to obtain the necessary licences For Sale Mountain Bike: $120 Based in Mackenzie District A rare, challenging and exciting opportunity Leading Regional Tourism Organisation Part-time - 24 hours per week House base required; car provided Phone 685 8134 _________________________________________________________________________________ Touchwood Rimu Cot: 7 years old, in good condition, a few teeth marks and general wear and tear, nothing that couldn't be sanded out if required! $150.00 ONO. Phil & Ted Double Buggy- pretty well worn, would be good for a farm pram - offers. Phone 685 4887 The Marketing Coordinator is responsible for executing the marketing plan for the Mackenzie District as determined by the Marketing Manager. You will provide support to implement the marketing activity with regard to trade, media, web and campaigns as applicable to the Mackenzie District. _________________________________________________________________________________ Firewood: Dry Pine $180/cord (3.6m³) Delivery Fairlie area only Phone: Daniel Trotter 027 254 0144 To succeed in this critical role you will ideally have a tourism qualification and/or industry experience, a successful track record in customer service/sales (minimum of 2 years) and strong organisational skills. The ability to build strong internal and external relationships while working as an integral member of the marketing team is also a key component of the role. Some domestic travel will be required. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3 seater settee and armchair: in cream cloth $350 Phone 685 6130 _________________________________________________________________________________ Quality Meadow Hay: Big rounds Shed stored Handy to Fairlie $50.00 each Phone Ross on 027 242 2026 _________________________________________________________________________________ This is an exciting and dynamic role that involves attracting domestic and international tourism to the district. The successful application will receive a competitive salary package including car, laptop computer and mobile phone. Hill Sticks: Fresh supply of very good hill sticks. $10 no name $15 named Phone Louise Wynn 685 8272 _________________________________________________________________________________ Crawler: International TD6 Crawler and blade Hours 1653 Minimal use Recently serviced with new starter motor $7000 ono Phone 685 5771 A detailed position description is available from http:// careers.aspx CARAVAN 1978 Lightweight Chevron Applications close Friday 28th September 13 ft Pop top 3 berth Full awning in good condition Electric fridge Gas cooker Cold water tank and hot water (240 watt) Hydruallic brakes and good tyres New Reg and WOF $6300 ono Sarah Sinclair Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism PO Box 2600 CHRISTCHURCH 8140 Email Phone 685 5771 Give Away Sawdust Flatmate wanted Phone: Ian Wynn 03 685 8272 Flatmate wanted to share warm 4 bedroom home Ashwick Flat-Mt Michael area To Rent Affordable furnished Holidays Homes 3 Bedroom homes to rent in Fairlie Phone: 685 8415 Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 Phone 0274 547 289 20 September 12th 2012 F36M265 - A2S:MO - L3@5 T5@3=0 Community Diary September CRT Your Independent Seed Supplier 15th Dobson Dash - Mt Dobson Ski Field 15/16th Firearms Safety Course - Albury School 9am 17 /18th “Treasure Island” producWon School Hall 18th Fairlie Tennis Club meeWng - Heartlands 7.30pm 20th Swimming Club registraWon - Heartlands - 3.15pm 21st Upper Waitaki Water Management commi-ee Need to renew pastures or patch up one damaged by the rain give Scott Tomlinson CRT Technical Field Officer a call 027 424 4493 Call into the store for all your gardening requirements General lawn and garden fertiliser 25kg Bags meeWng - Twizel 9.30am Fertiliser also available in smaller quantities for the home gardener Seed Potatoes Tomato Mix Strawberry Mix Blood and Bone 22nd Wings - Wheels - Water - Twizel 10 - 4pm 26th Fine China AYernoon Tea - St Columba Hall 2.30pm Lake Tekapo Squash AGM - Squash Courts 6pm Come take a drive with us! Albury Tennis Club 7pm 27th Mackenzie Toy Library AGM - Red Stag 7.30pm Laughter Yoga - 279 Allandale Road 3pm Photography meeWng - MacPherson’s 7.30pm Fairlie PromoWons meeWng - Papa G’s 7.30pm 29th Fairlie Bowling Club “Opening Day” - 1.30pm Outdoor Container Mix Compost Potting Mix Seed Spreader Lawnboy Hand Seeders Garden Sprays October Charge Soap Powder 1st Operatunity - Timaru 12KG $34.50 Everyone welcome Phone 685 8586 6th Twizel Cancer Support Fundraiser Golf Tournament Mulligan Agri Contracting Mackenzie Country Tyres and Hire Ltd 110 Clayton Road Fairlie ALLANDALE RD STATE HIGHWAY 79 FAIRLIE Tyres: Car Truck 4WD A.T.V Tractor GAS BOTTLE FILLED 9KG $32.00 » On Farm /On Road Services » Tyre Alignment Machine » Tyres Vulcanising » Alloy and Steel Wheels » Century Batteries » LPG Gas Supplier to CRT MCT Hire Store Diggers Tractor with loader Rotary Hoes Horse Float Trailers Log Splitter Plate Compactors Mobile Scaffolds Concrete Saws Pumps Generators Concrete jack hammer 7 ton Truck Carpet Cleaner Backpack Sprayers Further information Phone Alistair 685 8244 0274 855 626 Subsoiling - Ploughing - Discing - Multi Disc with Packer Roller -Roller drilling 2in rows Direct drilling T boot 4in rows Round baling - hard core bales Balage and Hay - Round bale wrapping - individual and tube liner Phone 685 8010 Talk to Shane or Alistair about your needs After Hours Shane 021 805 484 For Hire inquiries Alistair 0274 855 626 COLLECTOR FOR PLASBACK – ON FARM COLLECTIOM OR ARGRICULTURAL Hours: 8am to 5.00pm - week days only Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 PLASTIC WASTE 21 September 12th 2012 WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS Fairlie District Promotions Association Update FDPA SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT SLIP Many of you will know something about the Fairlie District Promotions Association (FDPA), which was incorporated as a society in 2006 with the aim of promoting Fairlie as a place to visit and stay thus supporting the local economy. The FDPA membership is comprised mainly of local businesses and individuals – in fact, anyone with an interest in the promotion of Fairlie can be a member. For a modest annual subscription members can be included on the website and on the local tourist map. Of course, you are also welcome to be a member without a map or website listing. Please return this slip with your payment or pay direct to the Westpac bank account: 03 1718 0376132-00 Fairlie District Promotions Association PO Box 1 Fairlie 7949 Attention: The Secretary. 2012/13 Subscriptions Schedule This year the new Committee is focused on revitalising the group, bringing in new ideas, new members and new energy. We will be revisiting the rules and aims of the group to ensure these meet the needs of members. The other major item on our 2012/13 work plan is improving the website. This will include getting more content loaded onto the site. In addition, a small but enthusiastic subgroup will be commencing the native planting project along the Opihi River. Meetings Meetings are held at 7.30pm on the fourth Thursday each month and we’d love to have more members come along. The dates for the remainder of 2012 are: - Thursday 27th September - Thursday 25th October - Thursday 29th November (Christmas gathering) Tear-Off Map Listing $50.00 Website tourism listing (www. $60.00 Map and website listings $100.00 Website Home page advert (you supply artwork) $350.00 Please note no GST has been applied. For those that don’t require map or website listing you may like to be on our mailing list for updates and newsletters, or you might like to make a donation. Yes please – I’d like to be on your mailing list for updates Items for the agenda and/or apologies to Alastair Gray please. Contact details for the Committee Maria Prince, Chairperson 685 6167 or 021 0557 961 email: My donation of $ __________ is enclosed DETAILS SLIP Alastair Gray, Secretary 685 4868 or 021 580 213 email: NAME OF BUSINESS/MEMBER: ————————————————————————————-PERSON TO CONTACT: Christine Scrase, Treasurer 685 8926 or 021 078 9608 email: ————————————————————————————-PHONE: Subscriptions – Existing and New Members All existing members will receive a subscription request by post this week. We would be grateful if you could respond quickly so we can get our membership list updated before the end of the year. ————————————————————————————-EMAIL: ————————————————————————————WEBSITE URL: New members are very welcome. If you would like to join please complete and return the attached slip ————————————————————————————ADDRESS: Thank you Maria Prince Chairperson, Fairlie District Promotions Association. Fairlie Accessible Issue 12-18 22 September 12th 2012
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