03) July 18, 1935
03) July 18, 1935
'\ 1,1 i o ,·:1,1 ,I: ,d , "", ; I, ESTABLISHED 1884 " " . , , " , . WAYNE, WAYNE COUNTY, NEBRASKA,. THURSDAY, JULy 18,193:> F ' f, • ., ',", ' . ' : " .. " . , " ,,' " I ,'i'" City To Fete 100 Year Old 'Four Wayne INTRO,DUCING Boys To Go J. T. Anderson' T0 Jamboree" New W: S. T. C.Head No Regular Concert Friday Eve Says Reed ' D ue to the fact the W ayne mumcipal band is playing for three days at the racing meet this week thete will not be a concert Friday evening at Bressler park, it was announced early this week by Ford C, Reed, dlrecfor of the band, Regular programs' will be re· sumed, next week, Mr, Reed 5aid, Watehlnext week',s Nebraska Dem9· crat for the band's program, Lady Monday Mrs, Jane Rogers Will Be Honored on Birthday Monday July 22 ;Q,ESt:!;x.TS Of Wed!1elnlay's Races First Race ' Purse $75 Five Furlongs First-Praipie King, owned 'by Sioux City stables. Second-My Model, owned by H, Zibell. Third-Bessie Banquet, nwned by 0, Hall, , Second Race Purse $75 Five Furlongs First-Polly Dear, owned by' W. E, Ball. Second-Time Will" Tell, owned by Culwell & Brown. Third-Dr, Twink, owned by E, Guthrie, ' Third,...Race Purse $80 5% Furlongs Firnt-Finger \Vave, owned by Earl W, Fouts, W S1Z0nd-p'NiCk J, owned by Mrs. ' nap, Third-Honey-All, owned by E. Ball. Fourth Race Purse $75 Five Furlongs First:.---Bald Eagle, owned by L. F. Fairchild. Second-Bud ·Smith, owned by H. E, VanBuskirk, Third-Esther Wheel, owned by W. H. 'Vanscoy. Fifth' Race Purse $90 Seven Furlongs Claiming at $500 First-Arrow Heart, owned by Sioux City stables. . Second-Miss ... luontez, owne d b Y R. Hoskin. Third-cBrooksie, owned by W. E. Ball. Sixth Race PUNe $100 I Mile 70 Yards First-Blessefield, owned by W, E. Ball. Second-McLeay, owned by W. H, Vanscoy, Third-Empress Mother, owned by H, Wells. '1'0 Attend National Scout. Get Together at Capitol on Augu t 15 31 ' ' To live one hundred years and to live them courageously and happily , th t b M J R lS e ~ecord se Y l'S. ane ogers, ~ho W111 celebrate her on; hundredth ---~~~--- -- ~ -- - - borthday Monday, July 22, Mrs,.. R9~ers faces the world Che~r_11 ~ully and In answer to the que.;;bon If she IS glad that she h&3 lived a hundred years an.s,vers smilingly, "Why shouldn't I be glad? I've had bl I b h h S . Pony Fans Place. Bets of More Than $3,000 in Tuesday's Races "That Mr, and Mis, Wayne Citizen "nd all the'little citizens' here as well as persoll5 coming from a distance a,re interested in seeing good horse r~ces and betting on them was shown late Tuesday afternoon when the Wayne conn~y horse racing associ~tion opened, its· first three--da,y; t i t h W ~a.n-mu ued prto~am a t e ayne ,all' groun S a ~ p. ro. Moi'e than' 1,200 hundred persons, ~~n t~~l~ :~~.';;~mb~;'~d ~~ ~?ha;~~ Wayne Officers Put Bee On ~~O~~il~gi~''t~~ec~;i~~d,,~~~~~iJ;n~:~ ~ig.Id't ~un,dr?d of 't"hodm represented dap," Crew of Pickp··ockets·, ! 81 a nueslons at en ed' the openS} ha:-; not wo.rried about the dea camp set up to accommodate 30,mg program~ Bets amounting to , He 'h Smooth Guys 000 scouts and leaders from every $3,2~0 wcre made at the pari-mutuel prE'~'_;lOJ)' A:" -she exprc:-;::.;es it .she' as part of the \vorld. Besides registrants windows and of thiR amount $232 pa:-:.'-{·d thmugh depressi()HS before." from the Unitf'd-- Stab's mOl'e than was turned over ~o the association to Altlwugh. :-h(' i:::; a. ~launc_h republican Showing a certain bunch of du~ky I twenty lldiwn, I)f EUl'ope have acdefray expenses of the meet • .:;:h~ <ldmlres: Pre~ldent· Roosevelt de~ race track followers who scemmglyl cepted the inVItatIOn extended to All ather money pet at the :win.. :I !:'pI!e the fact he 16 a democrat. find time to bath show the gullible them and WIll send a representative dows was redistributed among", ~he (,randmother Rogers read,s a great how to make easy money on the troop, Above is a photograph of J, T, betters, Small were the winnings.o!. d€al, followmg closely world, events ponies' and pick their pockets the Nebraska boys will leave Omaha Anderson of Kearney who WaS electany one bette~ and consequently t,he,' m thE'.numer0u~ papeTS to whlch d~e"1 way to go. home, ,\Vayne county and and Lincoln.on August Vj by special ed last w,;ek by the state no;mal losses were small too. W. E. Ball of, subscTI.be.o;. S~e If:. also an ~rdent ra. 10 \ city peace officeTs shl)ved the whole tram for ChIcago where they will board to fIll the vacany of preSIdent Decatur had the heaviest winning .. fan" (licplaymg a taste III ch90s111g I kit and bOlKlle of them into a car tour the CIty, SW1m at Lmcoln park,l of Wayne State Teachers college string, r>f horses Tuesday with three programs whIch any young per50n I and ordered them to scram from lunch at the F,eld museum and visit made by the resiguation ill Dr, U, S, ~irsts and one second in the twilight would be WlOe th follow. Jrh~ Revi:> Mr. i whence they came early Wednesday many other places of interest. Co.M~: Anderson has been dean of men Rrogram of six races. Br,oWT! of , rna a and _a ~er am-I morning. I ,They will leave C, hica,go in the, eve. In the first race for which a pu-e ro'ch .~ . . are among her favorItes.. Wayne racing officials looked seri- mng so as to arnve m Det r01 t a t at' Kearney State Teachers conege of $75 was paid, Norma Clark, ownt;d Mrs, ~ogers has, always been, 9US when they told of how a bunch of nine o'clock the next morning, At De· for the last five years, He is 51 years qy R, C, Gilmore was first. Little healthy, part of whICh 1S probably touts tried to conduct the local racing troit they will make an inspection old, married and has two children, Bank, owned by R. B. McCroosen due to her careful and m~derate eat- i meet as they saw fit by going about tour ill mot9r plants, swim at Belle He will move to Wayne and a5sume placed secnnd and Dad's Pet, owiled ' mg, Her eyeSIght IS remarkably good, giving bum tips to betters and picking Isle ,:,nd take a slghtseemg tour of his duties here shortly before the qy B. J, Sheldon was third. A $2 enabhng her to enJoy the eclIpse l&3t their pockebs while holding their in- the CIty, opening ,of the autumn term, Mr. ticket on Norma. Clark paid $3.40. Monday mght and to read WIdely, terest, Leaving Detroit they will go to Anderson receiVed his A, B. degree 'l'here were six entries in this event Just ~i~~ years aglO, 03he toured There were six of them but one Niagara ~alls, arriving here S~- at Ne'Qraska---Wesleyan university in SInd the time was 1.71.1 for six .fur-Iowa, ",,,bng places where she had I remains in the county jail on a bread day m~rmng! August 18, The entIre !~l~e~~~sr.: ~' f;~~ a~d ~~i;~,siir. langs, formerly IlVed, She has, be~n con-I and water diet with court costs of ?elegatlOn wlll atte!,d churCh, ac~ord- from the Univer5ity of Southern Three, owned by W, E, Ball, .wori flJ1ed to her wheel chan SInce she I more than five dollars to pay when mg to theIr respective denommatIons, California in 1933. the second race and a purse ot. ,75 fell and broke her hip four years he decides to say nuff, This individu· following which a special tour will ",as paid. Flying Cloud, owned by B. ago,. 1 al went by the name of W. Johns~n. be ma?e of Nia~ara's. wc;mder s p o t s . K:irby, placed second and Ju,nior Mrs, Rogers was born in New! Sheriff James H. Pile brought h,m returnmg to thplr tram m order to Seth, owned by Mrs, W, T, Hess, York. Her father owned a little st9re in to see County Judge J, M, Cherry leave for West Point at 5 p. m, • was third, Thjl time in this race ,'WIIS' at W""t Farms, a village then twelve I early Wednesday morning" Johnson At West Po!nt, the scouts ",-it,1 in1 :03.9 for five furlongs. : mile<; from the New York city halLlcouldn'tbe mterestedm paymg a fme speet the Umted States mlhtaryl C Joe Krieger, owned by Mrs. J." While still a child, Mrs, Rogers movec:l'I' for intoxication even though he had academy ,in morning in order to reach ___ ,Morin, was something of a surprise with her family to Fordham, N, y, money-hence the staff of life and Weehawken, N, J,. early and take in the third race when he won 'in" There she attended Fardham uni- Adam's ale was decided until he sees an excursion boa~ for a trip doW1l the Ten Wayne Members,. Go ' 1 :10,9 in an eve\1t of'five IInd"Ql)eversity where she met the man who the advantage of freedom, Hudson past Ell,s Island, Statue ill To Club Camp At half furlongs. BQney All, own'ld b~ later became her husband. He 'was That Wayne races will be conduct- Liberty' and Governor's Island then 'W.E; ,Ball was second"Jlll1l cilidy's teaching in th" university, They: ed as clean as possible has been the' up the East River &.nd completing an , Crystall:.a1te Funeral 'Services For FJ:ank Lindy, owned by Perry Reed, ,was were married in 1854 and four I aim of local officials, Even though entire circuit of lIanhattan Island, ' -'- A W Ii rf lk third. A purse of' $80 was up on this years later they moved to Wheat- they had to giye these hoodlums a fill They ,will have dinne! in Battery./ Wayne county had a good attend· • amEn', 0 0 , eYeIlt. . land, Iowa, which town was of gas to get rod of them, they at least Park m New York (Aty., ,ance and made a good showing at the Are Tuesday Theile were eight entries in H,e named, she says, not because of I feel that Gome 0f the hce have been After dTfiner, the delegatIon wdl i 4-H club camp at. Cry~tal lake, July fourth race, for ,which there WA3, an the marvelnus wheat fields surround· exterminated, take the subway to the N, B. C'I 8 to 10 $80 purse, BleSG!lfield, owned by 'W. ing it but for president Buchanan's I' Other,s having designs upon chane· studios where they will attend an N, Bonni~ Jo Martin, Viole,t Wade, Frank A, Warner, well known Nor- E. Ball won In 1:17, True Book, home tOWI' of Wheatland, Pa, es of takmg Wayne race fans ,:~r a, B, C. p~ogram and tour ~he plant, Marian Frahm, Leona Merer, Betty folk attorney, died Sunday evening owned by John Miller was second'and When she was 39, her husband rode m,',ght well beware of the httle I After th,s ,pro!?"am they WIll entram Gray, Muriel Sydow, Dorotl'! Baird, in the sanitarium at Norfolk follow- Dr, Louis Hammen owned by the died leaving her with ::;ix children all mIlItIa wh1(~h was proven after the for Atlantic Ctty. ,Kenneth Baird Gean Baird and ing a lingering illneb'G thought to be Derby stables was third. of ~hom she .educated. Three of her; first day didn't take long to mm,ter. The day at Atlantic City will be Dorothea Bartlett attended frop1 due to amoebic dysentery which it is In the fifth race for which there children, Mr-s. J. G. Mines of Wayne, spent l)n the beacJ:t and at the board \VaYHe c')unty and the group ""as in believed he clJntracted while he and was a pUl"<Se of $90, LeKar~nga;· with whom she has lived since 1925, I I walk shops, Late In the afternoon of' charge of Mrs, Anne Walter~, Mrs, Warner were attending the owned by H, Nellor, won the six lurMrs, Clara Dunham of Wessington,' August 20, they wil! leave for Wa,h· \ Instruction in super;isj'm was fur- world's fair in Chicago in 1933, longs in 1 :16,2. Finger Wave, o.wned Springs,. S, D" and H. S., Rug,ers of! mgton where the Jamboree site IS: nished by Ralph Copenila"er, C, E. Mr, Warner was a leader not only by Earl W, Fouts woo second and till I I located R t M M N 1 \ " d A ' L ' Sweetest Thing, ownedA bytwo W. J. O Hill:-;bor0, regon, are S l\'lng. I i .oscnqUIs, r5. . alY.... e son, ; n,?e- in local an state merlcan eglOn Jenkinson, was-third. dollar One of Mrs, Rogers' early child·. The next ten days w,1I be spent In: Ime Touchen and 0, b, Bare o. LIn' activities but in the national legion ticket on LeKaronga paid $11.20; hood recollections is that of Edgar: "Vashm~on where speCial prograJrn~, I c?ln. Mr. Jones, ,extenSIC',:1 en~om()lo- as well. He was also prominently The sixh race was one of the Allen Poe, the famous poet, who lived, A, S, Goss Speaks At Farm I tOUl'" of the capitol and .other ~eal'by; gIst from Washmgto',. 11, C" also identified in activities of the demo- sportiest these eyes have yet 5een, f01" a time at Fordham. Mrs. Roge!'s: P' , t W t P . t sI?·hts and. vanOU'3 camping acttv~bes: ~ssl~ted. Mr. Bare Wlt:h nature ~turly cratic party in this part o.f the state. Six good horses were entered in; this remember:-; that he sat directly In I, lcnlC a es Oln WJll be enjoyed by the boys. Fnday mstIuctlOn. . Besl'des his widow, he is survived P II D h 'II Of th h d d I b event for a purse of $100, a year, ' I evemng, front of her in church. She say" tl~at Sunday August 30,. ~ e ~C?ut~ WI. e one un re ('ne c u r:n em - by his father, E. C. Warner of War- owned by W. E. Ball, woo first to he was: a very handsome man WIth I I leave fQr home arnv1l1g m LIneol!l bers .present at the camp Bonme Jo nerville, and one sister, Mrs. Marilla 1 d d dark brown eyes which immediately! --t or Omab~ September 1. Martlll was ch9se~ f)Pt' of -tile four W. Dale of Norfolk. cover the mi es an seventy y~t s, ',mpl'ess·ed one, HI's home I'n Fordham I Sl)eaking before a farm audience I best carnpern. ,Mun€l Sydow, llad one doing it in 1 :49.7. Empress MOi"uer . f th I t t II t t th Funeral services were conducted owned by H, W, We1l5, WR&" second wa~ only a short distance froz:t where! of 8-')00 picnickers at the Cu~ng 0 e arges mse.c co ec JOlI:,; a e Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the and Elizabeth .S, owned by DoOn she Jived, She recalls that In <Ile county faIrgrounds at West Pomt,· camp. First Presbyterian church by the Thomsen, wa.< third, A two dollar end of the hou5e was a gorgeous1y I Sunday, A. S. Goss. o~ Washington, D· I' I, E, very one came. ~~me- .well sun Rev, D, A, Dickey. Burial was made t' k t P II D 'd 't wn C, land bank comnussloner, termed t, he bUlned,and well s,alos, tIC,\ WIth a,very IC e on a year pal ISO er pa inted picture of a raven, d t d t . h d V in ~r03pect Hill cem_etery at N or- $8 60 It is hoped that all of Mrs. Rogers'; Federal Land b~nk system somet.hmg I goo . Im~ an I 1::; ope. r,ayne folk. Russell Bartels, Wayne attorney;, . Ho~ses entered in the first race h·ld e and other relatives will be "worth preservmg and worth flght(COUllty WIll have even II lalge reptt d d th vi e Tuesday were: Dad's Pet,' Ethel ~b;e ~nattend the celebration planne.d' ing for," ~ , , Mrs. Mrury Tillson Buried, resentation nex~, a en e e ser c s, T, Belle Lee, Norma Clark, NebrasJ<a on her birthday not only by the faml' I Mr, Goss was, the prInCIpal speak- I Wednesday at Winside I Queen, and Little Hank, Participants . ly but by the cIty of Wayne, er at a farmers poemc sponsored by I ' MISS Grace Rocke a 1d M, J.. Flack Leo Joseph Draws 30 in the second race were Arehaist, The Wayne band will glVe a con- 16 natIOnal farm loan, as'3ociations, Ce,metery I will be in Wayne on 'Vednest!ay, Au· Days for Money Theft Junior Seth, Bonnie Lee, Jim Wing, cert for her and varIOUS addresses I and two productIOn credlt aSSOCIatlOns I ___ I gust 7 for. 4-H chjo demonstI:~~tIOn J. S. Miller, Corsican, Flying Cl~ud Wlll be presented, Grandmother Rog-, of northeast Nebraska to, c71ebrate! Mrs, Mary Tillson, pioneer busi. day, On th,s day ea~h 4·H dub WIll ---, and Three, Eligibles w!,re,Baby Faee pn; WIll be at home to friend~ be· I the growth of the aSSOCIatIOn at 1 ness of two days, Mrs, Tillson was 78 have o~e or mare tean,l, gWlllg dem· Leo Jnsepp. w~o plea'!ed guIlty S~t- MiS'S Nobody. and Hesl~atlOn. , tween the hours of seven and ,:une on I Dodge, Neb" to a $10,000,000 mst!· I home Sunday evenmg, July 14, 1925, I o!,strahons and ~ tho~ cllgh explar,a· ul',day mornmg In JustIce D. p, MIIIHorses takIng part m the thIrd the afternoon and in the evemng be-I tutlOn, the larg€'3t m the Umted I of a heart attack following an ill. I lIon 9f some partIcula' ph.'e ,f theIr er (, court to theft of $33 fr?m A, L. race were: Honey All, Colonel Lee, tween the h0Ml's of seven and nine I States, • • I n€'3S of wo days. Mrs, Tillson was 78 club work, M' , .' !,!urton, was sen,te!,ced to thlrty days Joe Krieger, Cindy'~ Lindy, Gold Monday. All of her friends are m-I As land bank commiSSIoner, Mr' years, 6 months and 10 da S olrl Mr. Flack and . IS, Rock~ \\1.1 a~- m the county Jall B;nd. ordered to Sauce, Panout, The FIrst, J. Selby and vlted t.o drop in for a Vi<Slt at these I GOSti ~upervIses I)perations of the Il Funeral serV1ces were held ednes- ~Ist these .teams ll1, ~~nl:()VJ ~g) hell' make two fold restItuti0t:t., Burton, e1igibles wer~. Col~ne~ B. B. and San hour8 and to wlo.::.h her happy returns I nation's twelve Federal Land banks d He t th 'I k f I rlemonstratIOl1S and 1rrtlOn'3 wlll be who IS employed at LOUie!=i Motor Flo CompetItIOn In the fourth race ()f thE> day. ' : and has charge of the (/commiso;;lOner" I t~: haotn;·n.:~ ~r. ~e:,I;~nosc of r~~'~ made of team'3 to gJ\e ~h~m(l!1stra-: company,. had .hung up B pair of I con~isted of Nick J, Dr. L?uis Ha~~ fund from which flrst and s;econd chard In charge. Jean Boyd rendered bons at the county falr.( I trou~ers In WhICh Was--a----w:m1et c?n-I men, Sugar Bowl, Blessefleld, Ml<::S Fig1 res In Aocident I mOrtgage" 0tIl farm land are made I a vocal selcct1011. Interment follo,"eu --' I tammg t,he money. On dlscovermg I Coral, Mona, True Book and Adolia. Automob~les drIven by A. E Pten- through the land banks. I In Pleasant VIew cemetery. Pallb€ar- I A. 4-H club judging .5'clv)t11 for m- I hm loss, Burtan reported the matter I A. . . . tlce of \Vmslde and vIctor K-eIL.trup Pl'ecpdlT1g Mr Goss on the }wf)-I el:-; were Henry Trautwem, Dr. T. c.:tructIon in live stock and cOf)king to County Shenff JaI1)ef\ H. Pile, who! Fifth race parbclpants were: Le()f \Vavne figured In a colhsiOn at l glam was n P Hogan. preSIdent of ( 1\cdy Helman Fleer Dave Leary ~udgmg was held at tlw fall' gro.unds :tlrested .Joseph . .Joseph had been em-I Kalonga, Ml1to.n Moore, McLea.y F, Fl1,,,t ~nd Sherman streets late Sun- ihf' Fed€ral Land bank of Omaha. G. A M~tt(>lstadt, Jay "-'llson, C. :8' 111 \Vayne on Wedm.""duy, .flJly 17. J)~oyed ~t ~,)ll1et-:-; Motor compa Q;- He: BJily Goldc"!l' Sweetest Heart, ~jttle da\ aftf'rnoon Keli::,t1 ill1 W::l,.',> dl''IV-:vI1 Hogan -:tre-"sed the lmportance Bensh00f and ~Charles Needham Classes in hogs, oe"'f ('attie, dUll v I \\as su:-,pe( ted o.f the theft wh n. he Marvel, Prmce Peacoc.k and ~11:1ger mg ea"t on Fil-st street and Prrntlce of reo;pol1'"lblllty on thtt part of Na- 11 Mary Rosa Walker wa'~ born (attle and horses were furnuihed for dlimppearpd at about the ~ame time \""Iave. Hasty Dude was ehgtble. v.a" drlv,ng bouth on Sherman when tIonal Fal~m L0an a,>~ociation rnem-i January 4, i857 at Harbor;:' Creek, the am mal husbandry cla~es. and In-, the money was mIssed. Jo~eph, who Horses taking part in the sixth race the a(Clrient occured Prentlce was bers . Pa. At the age of nme years she "'tIuction m animal hu",handry iudg- was on parole from a thl1'ty day I were: Empress Mother, Polly Di:ar, taken to a local hospItal where he IS I 'The <.;oundness of the entire land moved WIth her parents to Kansas mg Were .given by l\V. \ValV~r fOl- sentence Impo.tied In co~nty c')urt Elizabeth S, Belle Mystery, Wrlst~ now recoverin~ from mInor ~nJUl'les 1 bank system depends ~p0"!l the s:ound- where she resided until 1879. She was man, extension .animal husbandman I s?me tIme ago for jumpIng a board let and Boiling. --and shock. Kellstrup was umnJured' l ness of the local aS6o,clatlOn. And the umted in marriage to Joseph Wilham flom the exten510n . .,cr'lce at Lm-I bl}1. HIS pa'role was revoked and ~e For the greater part the Wayno Prentice's car was somewhat dam-j soundness of t?~ associatil)n. depends THIson at Capioma, Kas., on January' c o I n . . .. tWIll ""crve that R~n~nc~ a.s soon as e racing mee~ is being manned by -ner-aged, ,on the responslblhty of the mdlVl(h, 23 1879. I Mrs, JessIe Green ga.ve Instructl"RS completes the one lust gwen, sons living m Wayne or Wayne coun'I al members who are ,ti,e borrowers,'" Mr and'Mr5 Tills9n moved to Ill. to the girls i11 baked foods judging I ty, The judges are Gus Anderson and ~ Mr Hogan said, , 'where th~y resided untIl 18&4, as well at.< considerable instruction" Newberry Gets Year Henry Langenberg ,of Hoskins, WaIlllOlS I Other speakers mcluded Allen G, In that year they moved to NorthSIde: lace Ring ill. WakefIeld, Charles MeyTn THE CITIZENRY OF Burke of Bancroft, fonnel' Gpeaker I where Mr, Ti1~son was engaged in: Ley-Arm.wong I Far Se~les of Robbenes er, Paul Baler and Walfo!d Carlson WAYNE: of the Nebraska house of represe~a- I the lumber business. Mr. Tillson died R. W. Ley announced the engage-I --of W8yn~. Warre~ Schulthles, m?u.nt.. al I tIveR, and Gerald E. Lyo!,s, geD;e:t: i twelve years ago and Mrs. TiJI"on: ment and approaching marriage of Verne and Wilson Newberry. who. l ed on hIG. bea.utlfu) white !lding d~~'~~~~fyS'th~rsT;:;t"y_!~d~ c~unsel of the Farm CredIt AdmlnIs- wa, the last of the North,ide ,ett. his daughter, MarjOl'le, to RIchard confessed last Wednesday evening to horse wearong a umform acts, In ~he I tIa~lon of 9maha, Judge Fred A, lIeN, I Armstrong, 30n of Mr, and Mrs, I County Sheriff James H. ~tle 10 a I capacity of escort to the startrng l!ne ~~:r~:~:!u:,,~r~~dnr~d1~ia~~~ey, Wnght, assIstant general counsel, of Mrs, Tillson was in business in Harry Armstrong of Lincoln, TheTsenes of breakJinS'; were <;entenced \ and starter:s-helpero Races are bemg the FC~ was 11?aster of. ~eremol1les. Winside for -the past thirly-siv years. I wedding wil take place August 23 at Thursday morning to a year in the started by. C. W .. Tague and as'-sistanmversary, I 11ereby proclaim that The kt POlnt mUnICIpal band She ll1')vl'd here when the village OI I the Ley hO'me in Wayne. I r.,tate reformatory at Lincoln. Wil- ants of Klrkman, Iowa. Th~se ~en (f~~atdre~~b~a:dm~~el.as~~ge;'~ \... a" a feature of the program. Games Northside was moved~to the pres€nt MloSS Ley attended Stephens col- son Newberry was paroled to E. E. are familiar with the horse racmg Day, and that thel men and women \ an_d. r~ce~ fo~ thA c~~ldr~~ were ~up- site of Winside and operates a r€'"".:i- I lege at Columbia Mo. for one ycar.) Gailey on gal)d behavior due to the I game and get the horses awa.y to an o.f Wayne city, by! 4lisplaying flags I erYlsey Y ame son, 1!rt taurant for tn years prior to, ope rat- . She was gradua'ted fram the Um- I fact that he had been involved in but even' start. I and by indi~iduaL, courteSIes, pay 'ci°¥lnt ~gen~ of t~ek~mah, t A f fIve I ing the Commercla1 hotel up untl- vel",ity of Nebraska whe,e she joined one of the escapades, . A more colorf\,1 appearance is add- 'I Four Wayne boy scouts have reg'istered for the national j"mboree at Washington, D.C., from August 15 to September 1. Those planning to attend are Tom Cavanaugh, Wayne M~Master, Ray Larson, Jr" and Jimmy Kmg1ston. Several other boys have signified that they may attend, The J'amboree is in celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of 1 I 'COps Say Scram To Racing Touts I ___ ,V. I ' I i I I Wayne 4-H Clubs A t'lye a t Mee' t Norfolk Lawy"er Pa sses Su'nday I i I I ' , i I I II Stress es Worth I Of Lan d Ban k I I·'. I on p'loneer La d y . n'les Sun d ay,', I I, i -\v C)c I i II i "::============== i I . . I I I ! I I h • tin: e of ~er death, P~;::enrwas :wa~d~ds b 'M";, the I Alph,,; Omi~ron Pi sOl'onty, She has" Places eJ~tered by Verne ~ewberry I e~, to the meet when Ford C. !~!",d, I h d II d H It M.' d M 0 y F' 1 She IS survlVed by tb.ree daughtpI s, been In relIef work for the past one .Jhclude IWmbl'echt's soft drIng pa1'- d~Iector of the, Wayne mumc!pal gracIOUS y, ~s i:f~ve d I ogun 0 ~', tln 1's, tto,' Ml'O, Muhel Holcomb, Eureka, Calif", and one half years in Lincoln, lor, Trautwein's I/lest market, both 'I b;ind, cal!s.- en,trles for each race to ha5 attained an alo1'll rare Yequa CRabe and thell 10 chlldl'en, who llve M,s, E"ther Miller of Alliance and I Mr, Armstrong attended the Uni. I of which are at Winside, Craven's t~e stal'tml;l' hne with a '!>ugle. The fItting tribute to "4e who has Jived : f~miry ie, n bv her fellowmen.1 MARTIN1L. RrNG~, Mayor of Wayne. near Wlsner. I Fa~m folks ! -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" -_ _- ' - ' , .countle-5; and from f!vp ed the gathermg. 27 Mrs. Florence'Reinbrecht of Wimddp, N"ehraska one son, Clarence of Sioux City, eJev-l gI andchlldren and a ho"t of fnendR: ... I other states attend- en. II.' versity of Nebraska and' is now em- hardware and Jacques cleaner and b!p.~d in thel: natty new ,~tllfo] and ployed as accountant at Cut Bank'i the Wayne public library. It was inl~rlg~tIY pohshed instruments geantMont., with the Tarrant Oil com-lone of the library r"lbberies that ~Vll- ll[Lg In a la~e aft~rn.oon sun .pla~ ~ pany _ \ s...CJl Newberry took part. 1 (Contmued on ~age SIX) I I I I ~~==~~~~~~~~~~I~"~BaI>Y:;:~K;'caes=~~~'§Th~' e~hoo:!t:eSseII~¥se~Md§~1!;&p~,~.~Sl:x~~~' ~, ':!::~of~tJie~~eCOkiJIa'=-:' ==e:;I:Ub:r=An::=eeZ=Iy~':IDOI'Bl~~IISE~b.,.=~Ida8t=7:was=~tor=" ~nhicle::±:. ~"=hed~u1~I!S.~~!!!!:!!===~eetioDs:=· =~m::ust=~be~,~ti~Ied.7.OD~. ,~d&te:~.!11 "" WIlfSIDE '\ ..u S~,. COwItr .~ t tIUD:;:· tables air :responded tG roll with "TIllie giV<01 at tile golf coarse in The BQard will meet a 'WItness my hand and Mal thLi tractively deco:>rated with, bouquets Savers' In Cooking.~ Baking powder honor of Mrs. Eimer Henry of. Board of-:SquallzatiO'l1 on July 23, cl3y of July, A. D. 19S1i. By Mrs. O. M. D.. of garden flowers. Next meeting will biscuits were judged as follow.: Dod&'e City,' Kas. About eight ladies 1935,. to eouider any complaint.. in (SEAL), Bartha Borrea, . ' b e Wednesday, AUgust' 14, with Mrs. Maryan'lla 'Reinbreclll:J,/firat; Mae were .pr'll"!nt. ' ret........ tG such assessment. All ob- July 18, . 193i , Clerk. : . . and Wm. Mrs. of Lena Bojens. aDdlt'uth Seiunode, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Erickson and "",,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,~el;;'·'''';''''''''''''''''_''''_~''"'_""_~'I"""""""_"'_"'_""_"_"'-"'~"'''''':::S';''''''I' , . Wm. McKmley, Clarence paVIa Mrs.Fleer Lenaand Parker Colfax, Wis., Juracek, third. At seeond, tile close of the afternoon children left, SlII1day for their h....... JIm Selde':t fi~"t1sc:.;eiaf.t last left laM Thursday for Yutlln after the hosteSS 'served. in Califotnia.' ' Thursday near a week's visit with her father, John 'I The W<lIlUln's F<>reign MlsSlonary' Marvt,·n. Nuerber~ and Mr. ,and StantQn. . Dimm.~l, and her brother, F. J. Dim- society '!net Friday afternOon for their Mrs. Bob Nuernberger of Linca\n Mr..and Mrs. G: A. Mittelst,p(\t I mel. Mi-s. Parker will visit her sister,1 regular meeting with Mrs. George visited in the home of their parants were dinner guests m the J. M. Std- M.s. Wm. Fuscher, at Yutan. <, Lewis as hostess. Thirteen members Saturday and Sunday; h~n home at Wayne on FrIday eveMrs. Iver Anderson and daughters, and the followin guest:' were presMrs. Waite,r CarIBon ~terta.ined at nmg. W Miss Iva and Mi5s Bonnie, of near ent: Mrs. W. B. LewiS, Mrs. Ben an afternOOl1 luncheon m hon'>r of . ' ".i Mn; ..Lena p",ker of C~>lfax, IS., , Hoskins visited in the Mrs. El:lck Lewis, Mrs. G. M. Golder and MI s Mrs. Elmer, Henry of DOdge City, That'~ what they tell usfWe are sure You'll J?hn Dimmel and J. Dlmmel w~re I Stamm home loot Tuesday. Norma Wolff. Mrs. Henry Ulrich Kas., on Thursday. There were eight dInner guests last Tuesday evemng 1 Mrs. Carl Mittelstadt returned to led the devotionals and Mrs. George guests. like the~ too. , , of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krueger. her ho,lne it! Norfolk last Thursday Gabelr was program leader. The ~ubMr. and Mrs. Henry Nuernberger , Mrs..Henry Loebaack aud ~ugh. after a short visit in the home of ieet of the program was "Burma's and Eldon returned from Los Ango;!,""s, ShIrley and A;nn Noreen, VIsIted her daughter, Mrs, T, H. HilL Riches." Mrs. Mae Huffaker gave an les, Calif., on Saturday evening where ,m. the Mrs. Paubne Rehmus home Miss Dorothea Mittelstadt, assi;- impen;onation of a Burmese girl'l they I atten<!ed, the grad~tio!, .exerFn~y. " , t a n t superintendent at a dietician' "Dorothy," and Mrs. Walter Gaebler cis~s of theIr daughter, MI~s M~ldred It'~ all Kaine Coo~ing at the Gem MISS .Goldie Nlelsen of NOlfolk hospital ,in .Philadelphia, visited in read a leaflet, "The Great Father, Nuernberger from the UmverSlty of visited m the Nels Jurgensen home the home of her uncle G, A, Mittel-, White Brother, and the Book." Mrs. Southern California. TheY spent Draught alld Bo~t1ed Beer Too last week. . stadt last Monday ev~ning. A. H. Carrer gave the "Biography of about a month visiting with Mrs. Mrs, Jo~n LoebGack wa~ 10 NorRobert Siman of Norfnlk vi'3ited Adoniram Judson." Mrs. Ivor Morris Nuernberger's sister. j folk ,>n FrIday afternoon. , the past week in the home of his was in charge of tbe mystery box. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Yunger and Mr, and. Mrs, Cha:les MIsfeldt; grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. H: S. Miss Norma Wolff and Miss Alice two children and Mrs. Clara Berry drove to Ll.ncoln on F,lday attend Siman. ' Wylie entertained with a pleasing I and son, John, returned 'Friday to ',,'" !' concert gIven by pU!?lls t:>)<ing mu": I Herman Podoll was a business -;i"- piano duet. It ,was d~cided to !>nld the t~e.ir .home in Minneapolis after a Come in and Eat With J~ck and Joe IC courses '!t the Unlvers:ty of. Ne itor in Wayne last Monday morn-I annual thlmk offennE meeting on VISIt m the home of Mr. and Mrs. braska. TheIr dau!lhter, MI5S Shirley ing. I Sunday, August 4. Mrs. Morti. was T. C. Jensen. A group of neighbors -'-BeRs, who has co:nPleted a four-week } F. W. Weible and son; Waldr. m, appointed in charge of the Little enjoyed a picnic 6upper in the Jen~ ~our~e, accompame~ them ~ome. .." j were business viRito,rs in Sioux CitY.;., Light Bearers. At the close of the sen home Wednesday, evening in honMlSS Irene KO!,I", was lD NorfOlk I last Monday, meeting the hostess served. Next or of the guests. i ,last ,Wednesday afternoon, . Howard Kahler transacted bmi'l meeting will be Friday, August Mrs. Ernest Bahde and daugbter, M",<: Ellen Berry ,~eturned to. her ness in Wayne last Wednesday morn· with Mrs. E. D. Clason as hostess and Bonnell, ,returned Sunday f~om a ' Mrs, Wa1ter Gaebler as program week's VISIt WIth Mrs. Bahde s parhome lD. W,,:yne last Monday after a ing, ;short VISlt lD the Adolph Rohlffl The Roy Reed American Legion, leader. ents, Mr, and Mrs" C. J. Erxleben, home.. ~ : Post met last Tuesday evening for The' first free outdoor movies of near Altona. Mrs, F, E. BrIght and Mm. C. th.eir regular business meeting with I the season were held in the Winside The S. O. S. club held a picnic at B~~~h:of we~e In Wayne last Wed-. nine membern preR.~nt. Plans _were' par~ last. Wednesday evening. These the golf, course Sunday. Abop.t f~rty ;nesda} mornmg. I made for a COnCeSSIl)n at the annual mOVIes Wlll be shown each Wednes- attended. Mr. and Mrs. Edolf ErIckT~e ~ons ()~ He:m~n lO~7e m~t ~l~i old settlers picnic. Magnus Petersen day evening for the .remainder of son and family of Sholes ~ere ')ut Tuesda~ evenmg III th? asonlc,.a I wu::; named in charge of Frank I the season. The lo.cal business house:; I of town guests. ,fo:!" th~lr regular .~u!Jmess I~eetm~ I Krause ,wa::> name? chairman 01 ,the 'j have furnished benches for seating The an.nual p,icnic of the What-So~/lth eIght. memberi:i. present. FO,1low I pUl'chasmg commIttee. Roy WItte of the large crowds. Ever SOCIety Wlll be held Thursda.y l11g the busI!le3s seSSIOn the n~!Oalndel'l and F, J. Dimmel were named aR the ~ The Winside school board met last I afternoon at the home of the presiof t~e evemng was spent sl)cmlly. committee in charge of a junior Le-I Monday evening in the school house I dent, Mrs. Harry Conner. Member.g M1ss FI?rence Schellenb~rg wa~ In ~ gion baseban gamr- tr) held' that day. for their ~irst ~eeting of the year. I are asked to bring something for Wayne last Tuesday mOl"nmg, Plans wGre also made for one or more The follOWIng offlCel'3 were elected by, lunch. . Mr~: ~allace" Brub.a~~r w:as ~. Nor- wl'Mtling matche-s in the Bruse pa- acclamation: president, Fred Witt- r C,larence Henrickson wen~ t') folk YisItor.last 7hurs~ay aft;ln~()n.! vilion a,t Hoskins and .Jean Boyd \vas lel'; secretary, Fred Trampe; treas- Ewmg on Sunday. Mr? HenrIckson· . Johncyelnon .ar;d ,BIlly Pr~~cerl ~.({ 1 appo.inted to secure the nece~sarv m-j urer, Bert Hornby. Robert Johnson II Beverly. Ann. and Jamce returned S.H~UX ,lty are. €.n]oymg an ex eM f:! I formatir,n from the stat€' bo.xmg ('om· 1 was elected as board member to serve home Wlth hIm Monday. ';8It '~nth: thell' grandmother, 1"'''" mis~]on. for a term 'Jf one year, filling the M.r. and Mrs ..Ralph Peterson and Etta Perrm. , , I Monte Davenport, Jr., and Ray· v;3.cancy left by the resignation of J famIly of Aureha, I?wa, .spent Sun~ ,~ss Dolores Pohlma,n of S{'~ton mond Graef were in Wayne la"t' Charle.. Misfeldt. Mrs. Art Herscheid: day at the E. S, KIernan home. VJ~lted th~ past week m the rank Tue!;day and Wednesday. I and Mrs. W. F. Most were appointed 'I Prof. J. R. Johnson went to LinBrGnzrs~i home'f W ' 't d ,I Mrs, Ed Finley and son, James, of I as purchasing committee by the presi. coin on Saturday. Mrs. Johnson and th' . a ei:. 0 akne;,s~r"!l1n I Sargent arrived last Tuesday to vis: i d~nt. Mr, Wittler and M~., Johnson children who ha~~ been, spen~ing the I e h:me 0 f IS son, ' ... a er'l it with Mrs. Fmley's p~rent.<;, Mr'l WIll serve as the grounds committee. ~ week there returned WIth hIm Sund asih .art .. L th L d~ A'd' and Mrs. Burt Prince, and with her Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Witte and: day. met fn th.mc~urch ~rl~rs ra;:s sister, Mrs,. Paul Wills, '_ family and Mr. a,nd JI;lrs. ~ilIiam I The ball game ~unday between, d fte ~th M F k MISS Elaine SmIth of Norfolk 15 Loebsack and famIly VISIted m the WI'sner and WakefIeld on the local ~ro ay_ a ki rn~QIlM W1 W H'S. A '.Jr.~i spending the summer months visit- Henry Loebsack home Friday eve- diamond resulted in a score of 9 to 7 lc~~:~:stes~~s. T!:":nty~tw~ m~mb~~~ I ing in ~he Sam Plrich 1,1~me. . I ning. The o~casion was. Mrs. Henry in fav')r of Wisner. A large crowd and the fol1owing vjSitol'S were pres- I MY<:c.. H. E: Slman VIslted 1n the I Looosacks bIrthday anmversary. attended. ent: Mrs. George Wittler, Mrs, Irv.lllr. V, L, Slman home at Norfolk I Ed Carlson motored to S~uart on I Alvin Henry of Stockton, Calif., . Ul' h M J h W er f last Thursday. I FrIday and was accompamed home and Victor Henry of Omaha came. Satk"fkers~1fxe: CaUf., J::: MiU~r ' Miss .Shirley Belle Witte spent last, by Mrs. C~rlson, who has been stay·! urday ~vening for a short visit with d daughte R th Mr. J hn Wa ., week vIsIting m the h(/m~ of her, mg ~t theIr ranch near St,;,art. their father, C. A. Henry and other tho Woman in Your House workan D I s f 0 St t g uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mr<. Fran!, I MISS Charlotte and Gottfrled Press relatives . ' , In, her fiD,... , to the bon. to i.t ncr, 0 ares 0 man 0 an Iln, I Bright. . of Detroit are enjoying the s u m m e r ' . . a1on, witbout Mod.rn Hot Wat.r lI'!rs. C. ,E. Bellshoof, Mrs. M. ~. H!'I., Wm. Hornby transacted busIness, months visiting in the Wm. Kant ' -----~pm, Mrs. He~n Bronzynskl, M~ .. in Wayne last Thursday morning., I home. M',et W,th Mrs. Anna Ko:p $ervieel Anna BronZ)'l)Sk', Mrs. Anna Ander-I Alfred Hart of Blair enjoyed ]"st Mrs. Harry Granquist and son, The Baptist Missionary society You can put an end to that NOW, :nSef"S:d Fe~dida~ aKJ'l'AM'i'h?l- week visiting in the home of his aunt, I' Gilbert Harris of near Wayne and met Thursday afternoo(l with Mrs. anil do it INEXPENSIVELY I Simnpell er an. rs. I' . I e -, Mrs. George Gabler. ,their house gi,est, Miss Lena Nie- Anna Kopp. Mrs. Walte~ Bressler ad ~< l ply inltall 'an Automatic Gao Water s~ ana welo.competed ~Iel Mrs'. Charles M,isfeldt was man of Omah a, VISl "ted WI'th re It', and dlstnct cl)nference of the for. Trmltv a n es had charge of the devotIOnals < H.atel'-"&nd lUt tlie tank-and.teaL th L to be h ld h A'- Wa~e last ThuMday afternoon. in Winside last Thursday eveuing. M;s .. M. C, Powel"3. reported on the u er Mgue e el"~ t~ Mlss ShIrley Loebsack was an ovGraver C. ·Francis, who has been nusslon work as ~ven at the NOfk.ttle burden frolll h.r ohould.t'i.1 l':,"t F ~dwi~.~h!/n 'th e I .rnight guest of l\1iss Mae Juracok i critically ill in an 0l1l"ha hospital, thern Baptist meeting held at .ColoNatural Gaa plus one of our n.w Tm~ll WI.. ~'in tihe Anton Juracke home last is reported slightly improved, rado Sprmgs, Cnlo. About fIfteen v' l d' t' .. s'!" Automatic Gal Wat.r H.at.... inGoc~ u PhI eep, I Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ge9ige Gabler visit- members were pre5ent. Mrs, Wm. lur.. • plentiful luppl,. of I.,stant reme. ss 0 Ores 0 man 83Jlg, Sup't and Mrs. C. A, Jon"" reo ed in the Holgar Hansen home at Watson will entertain August 8 at Hot Wat.r at .low co.t. Can our ofturned to their home in B~l.den I",st, Neligh On Sunday, 7 :aO p. m with Mrs. Carlos Martin, Thursday ~fter a short VI,Slt WIth I James Miller and Wayne Wendt, Mrs. WaIte: BreBOSler and Mr~. O. B. fice and let us tell you' more about it. Mr~. Jones parents, Mr. and Mrs. who are enrolled in the CCC camp Haas ass1stmg her.·,:1he meeting WIll J. P, DQuthitt. at Ponca, spoot the week·end hei'e be in charge of the W. W. G. The Busy Bee Sewing club and he with relatives. RENTAL P1.AN I Merry Mixers Cooking club met last M;l'. a~~ M:t:s. William Kant and BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOOLORADO (.O~\..S Thursday afternoon in the ,Jack famIly VISIted In the E. H. Dangberg TICE AS TO MOTOR VEHICLE , ~~tt C Reinbrecht lIome for their postpl1ned home Friday evening. ASSESSMENT t'>~-.meeting-- with Mi'Ss Maryanna ReinViolin Boock was in Wayne Satur~ brccht as hostess, One guest, Miss '" day morning. Notice is hereby given that in Theo Witte, was present. Eight mE;m--: Miss Norma Wolff was in Wayne conformity with a law passed by the bel'S of the sewing club responded to Thursday morning of loot week. State 'Legislature with the emergency Your D.al.r Offers You Equaily roll call with liThe Most Interesting I' F. J. Dirnmel WB.s a business visit- clause, all motor vehicle MHessments Favon!bl. Valu •• , Incident In Making A Laundry Bag." or in Omaha last Thursday. Wa}nt, Nelbraska have been transferred from personal Following the business meeting the I George Nielsen left Fridav for assessment gcheduJes to separate moPhone 147 members worked on their laundry New York City after a week's visit in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jorgen Nielsen. Mr. NieJ..:;en will make a short visit with friends in Sioux City and at Lake Okoboji enroute home. Mis-s M!!rgaret Gabler was in \Vayne on Friday afternoon. I C. C, Paulk visited with Mrs., • VoL IV No, 17 Wayne, Nebraska, Thursday. July 18, 1935 Paulk in a Wayne \lQspital Thurs· day and Friday afternoon" ,~~ I::1.st i Yf}u've hea~d of the 1 Just siX weeks ago Hitler's motorized week. Mi,~s Ann Noreen Loeb~;a('k was a optician'. daughter?1 we unloaded a car 'of army will travel 80 dill11Crr guest in the A. C. Gavier Two gl~.s and sho shingles bought "t tho miles per hour in the home on Sunday. makes a spectacle of low price. There are next war. This will be Mrs, Kate Press of Sioux City woo herself, __ ' _ I 0T'hlloY."'lle f'wwhoof twhealnl1tleitto' slightly fa.teJ' than the '" last one, which moved a supper guest and visited m'ernight You'v(!" heard 0 take advantage of the 80 miles in four years. Friday in the E. H. Dangberg home, Certain-T'eed paint too, I"w pl'ices will do well -Miss Ruby Reed "ras in Wa,yne on but we feol until nil to purchase NOW for The terrific heat of Saturday morning. hav(~ tried it we mU!'it I when the next car ar- the sun does a great Chris Lautenb0ugh and Mrs. contil1lle to mention itl rives prices will havo deal of harm to autodaughter, Miss Alma, wel'e Sioux City in these columns, I to be higher beeau'le mobile finishes this visitors on Friday. . -we ha"e· had to pay time of year. A coat of Mr. and Mr•. Wallace Brubaker We presume 'dream.! more for them. Certain~teed wax will visited with the latter's parens, Mr. ing would come under i -preserve and protect and Mrs. Charles Reese, of Wayne on Suftday, , the blanket' code. "What do you thin:, the varnish. i -of a ma]l who will con-Mr. and MrR. ·John Brugger of 'Wayne visited in the Wilson Miller i ,L~rge, size "~,ife. st;1~;\r deceive hi" SO-rod spools d f 1. It's distinctive taste and delightful laag have time posh, sharpened WIft, barbed wire, hog pathome Saturday evening. Ann Noreen Loebsack visited I)vermade itAmerica's first choice for three gen-:ratlons. , for driving, only "I think ho'~ a won- tern, $3,00; cattle pat· I 'W"e Ivan you the dl'iv- del'." tern $2.7.1. night Saturday in the A, C, Gabler 2. Its quality has madc it the Biggest selling bottled ! er. - - - home. beer in history and built the largest brewery in tho i -I We,have ,built-well' A "\Vashington citiMr. and Mrs. StevE> Krmpotic- and Prof. Huntcmer:i stcp.ladders for heuvy- zen receIi-ly hired a family of Omaha arrived Saturday world. "Thi~ is the stadium." weight people. Pr.kes! man to commit a murfor a' short visit in the Harry Gran3. Brewed by the sallle' forlllula sinGe 1876-always Visitor: Finel Now $1.11;, $1.50, $1.70, I der for $10,00, That'" qui'3t and \Vtn. \Vitte homf'..o.;, uniform. -everywhere. take us tlJ.rough tho what comes of "bolish· Miss Maryanna Reinbrecht enter-I curriculum, they saj' We. offer all the oak ing ('odes a.nd putting tained the following young guests at 4. Not artificially carbonated-BUDWEISER is twice i"OU have a ~fine rme, fHx)ring for a room I the ('mph~ycr 011 his a slumber party Friday evening: ferlllented for natura! carhonation and sparkle. here." ilOX12 for $8,g.~, Ca!!' hOllOI', Mis~ Marian Rew and Miss B",t -at our office and see' -Ann Haskins, both of Sioux City, 5. Brewed frolll tbe crealll of the barley crop and the Misses Ruth Render, Theo Witte, The hay rack busi- a representatiVE: .sam· For po qu~ck job of the choicest selection of dOIllestic and itnported Harriet Simms and Betty \Vitte. ness: is good, So is the ple of, the fInIshod woodwork hnng the oM Bohemian hops. . I Mr. imd MI"3. Ed Carlson and Mr. repair business. Ask floor. It s a beauty. pllrts to CI:\r1. ! and Mrs, Etsel Wilson motored to 6. One brewery that Illa'kes its own MaltCaR __ In ord:--that you Why doesn't soone· Omaha on Sunday ,to attend the rural Anheuser-Busch never buys it frolll ~utsidesourceso may not get on~ put bod)'. write a popular mail carrier's convention being held Certain-t!led f I '" 0 I' 7. Pioneers in pasteurization of "ottled bee~ there. wal: poli~hes eaSler, over on y<>u, be sure song about the Dionne insulation board quintuplets? Something Mr. and Mrs. Art Brune and every bottle sterilized. ;. wears IOI)~r. and cov- the daughter, Betty, of Sioux City are you b11y' is RED TOP. like "Fjfty Baby Finere more Bu\'face. Price Price nc per foot. AN H E USE R BUS C B • ~ T. L 0 UTS,spending their vacation visiting in the gers mId Fifty Baby 39c per pound, Bru,ne home. Visitors invited ~ insp8C~ our plah.t I ========::>::==\ ~c:s:~dOll:~~UiM~~~ Wm. Anan Francis of Sioux City ar"What makes you 1"",'.-;. Seven:' Or, "Go to rived Sunday evening for a visit of think there'.,a.._iwom_ ~r Sleep, My Babies, tile • indefinite length in Winside. an in the ,ij~" b· Whole Darn Bunch 0f UNo man ,would atay You." , up there' !th:llt· hong _ two-e_ luncheon at i2th """porl """"""'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ';' ' '!!!!!!I_.. I I I r. I I They're Hqme Made! I I I I I t.o GEM CAFE I I I I I Ie.: : i I I 2'1 I I I I with this ?p wed-I AUTOMATIC I GAS WATER HEATER M.?. Is .r'p hl' in·I Z::' ':i elt., n'"f MI l INNA[Lf. P Ask about our Special WADliE Peoples ?lo1:ivt.afGas Co. Carhart Lbr. Co. . - .'",,,,,,,.,.,....,,-"'---........... THE KNOT-HOLE I I 1 fl WHY AMERICA PREFERS BUDWEISER 'I 28c'1' I I -- . 1 f- I I L I L,um' alene, and lie out, every night" ,T ;':1..,,_ __ ~~ er' 'I' -~:,i.L,Lti:,~,I.I:id!,I::____ :,11 ~~~~~~~~ nl~'lil!!!II.lli Ii ". 'I' i" I: :"':,111:1 ~ !11: ,' 'I ' ,I: I' CO. WnYJ\c, Nebr, Ph()rt~ 147 I~I i t I.. . , ' 4 ;"r. Lu'm1Jer . '!HeIi"'" .• ~~ ", I'" " I. h art ,This lllm,eu','r will be continued next wcek For Less" i ____ . .____. . ~ __. .______. .__ I If WAKEFIELD B M .IH .. ..~ I'I a!l8~n ! ,,~ ". Miss 'I.I,,:~u~ S~rber of Wayne vis...! ited':with'Mlft.iel Hanson over the I I. ':'week~nd, ttl'!, 1 Bud~eiser 1<1 N G 0 F BOor T LED B EEilt " STANDARD BEVERAGE CQRP., No:t;folk, NebraSka, DIstJ;ibU:tors ,- ! . ~. J Lotal and PersoDali;iit~~~:E;i~:~::::it~~1~~as S~nton in Miss Mabel Johnson of Teacher Placements; _ : day with her parents; Dr. 'a.M Mrs.1 business Moolday. :visiting this ,wee\< with Ml"s. T. ' I W J "Uncl~ Billy" Patte s n . I R. C. Richards of NeWcaStle: ,Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reed of Cunningham. Miss Johns?n has been Prof· li:. N' ~rke ofSt t~e .,lac~·1 m h .' d r 0 IS I The Rev. H. A. Teckhaus went t~ visited in Wayne on Friday associated with the Beechnut Pack.' ment bureau 0 f ayne a e eac'j uwc Flmp~o,:,e. I Lincoln on Tuesday to attend ani Mr and Mrs E B v./.."g ing company in New York City for ers colle~announces the placement attended aF Chevr<>. ' -w. ' th e from .a three weeks' . . .~. . I . RobmsoD J t m. t· t N rf Ik 'd executIVe comm1'ttee meeting trlP m the past year as educatiol\al repr... , of eight teachers • , e ee m!, a. 0 0 on rl "y. synod. tao sentative. ' Wilma Tolles, po~t J!;raduate, willi _~~e;sler BaI bel' Shop ~10 Douglas I '. Mrs. Gretchen Goede of Ben-i Mis;; Marg\.ret Schemel spent ' teach the third an4. fourth grades I D \. d M U S C spent ten days vacation with week-end in Lincoln visiting Cullen Says Prospects at Hornick, Iowa. 11====r::::j==~==::;~'ii:!!::"':i:,i' d r an I rS 'ti o.nn the1ftBIF ' II nmgton her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. H. A. ' motller ' Mildred Denman '32, who has been ;" mhsi or a s lor vaca Wl In e ac Teckhaus. Or B Heckert Dental Office Good For Annual Races teaching at Uehli~g, will teach de· I B. 'J. Hoyle of Wakefield spent the A::rl~ B;~:;:e !illd~lte;~r ~h~: ":d W ' , -:-: pattmental work in the junior high' Ii week-end with Ius ~lster 'Mrs Leota ge. ' . , . nllW atrul eDce, 120 . 8tb St. Pau~mg m hIS hotel room_ for a at North Bend. 1 -,. ba;nea!b':~~~':, w:,t'!Ing. Donald Suna spent the bri~f siesta aw'!-y from tne dlit:i~s Wylie Candor, 'A. B. '29, has J>een Senter. , KiJIS):Ji~' i~ the Stable ...... Miss Mary GleaMn of Ponca VIS' Mr and gMrs F H PrIce ~nd in Omaha with the Ervin Ehlers I r~IC\ occupy 'J:rlln jror ~ali until elected principal of the high school Ited her sister, Mrs. C. O. Mitchell" daughters Amy a~d 'Frances of fanlily. ate 0 t~ve~t 'k . t ~ en, sec· at Elk1lorn. Protecll COWl 'in tbe· Pasture ! ! : last week. INewman, Grove visited with the Wato_1 Mr~. Harold C~rr of ~earney is ~~ion :ons:n~ ~o ~S~y ~a~~ Charlehe. Brown, A. Bo. '3=>, will d t D t rte teach Enghsh and speech at Osmond. Dr. Hess Fly Spray. is both.a Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Parke and ren Prices and Miss MariWl Price I spendIng a week WIth her SIster, Mrs. fly killer and ,,;. fly repeUer. family droge to the state park at, Sunday. They spent the afternoon atl D. P. Miller. ;~:di~g~th: W~';n~r~ac!~P~n/:;:'; Mildred Kehl, A. B.. '))2, has been For many years Dr. Hess Fly Ponca on unday. I the state park at Ponca Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Strahan and 'l;>'\'1' f ki th h elected to teach the third and fourth Mrs. L. '!3. Carter and M1SS Mary Fred Lutt drove to Lin~oln on SUtl-! family spent Sunday afternoon at ::~s~n~~~i'se~en~a ng e races ere grades at Osmond. . Chase;r has ~n 'the outetand~ ing preparation for prOitectiog of SIOUX CIty called Thursday at the day to visit his sister, Miss Gertrude Crys.ta1 lake. ,! Harlow Baker, A. B. '33, WIll A, T. Cavanaugh hwne. Lutt, who is attending summer M,ss Leona Hageman came. last You ha,:e a lot of "lovers o.f ~ coach and teach matheD,atics and cows and 9ther· animals from Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Owen and school at the University of Nebraska. Saturday to spend the week, m the horseflesh In Wayne, he saId. . It science at Lynch. flies. But our .Research Farm daughters, Eleanor and Constance, Miss Arina Lutt who has been visit- Carl Sund hame. dates back to the days 00' trotting ,.' 1 has for years ooen making exspent Sunday at Lake Okiboji.. ing Mis<; Lutt for several days re-, Mrs. Addie Boileau of Henderson rac.es and the desire.to see horses in an~~~hL~:i~ie~~e !~N.:~c~':i':1 tended experiment<! for it<! betFord C. Reed, and MISS Manrmne I' turned hwne with him. I came Tuesday to make an extended action ca;lDot be satisfied short of a G eteh H t' A B '34 '11 terment. and Vivienne Becker ~Ieav~ for Idaho Mr. and Mrs. S. J. IckIer and :visit with Mrs. Effie Lund. ~ racm&: program and you have, teaci. th:nsev:;:J,ngs, de' at' Ma:U~ , The 'product has now been .im,today for a ten day vac~tion. _ Willis, Miss Vera lauch of Creigh.j Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cunningham 'I a mghty mce s~t-up here for ,such gra , . . proved. The qu8lity of fly kill· Mrs. J ason G?~S~ of .Bndgeport and ton and Miss FI/lrence Benkey of 'were Friday evening dinner guests an. ~~ent to be Il)ade an annua, af· V · S L_ I Clo ~ mg has ~n added. Ta prQo daughter are Vlsltmg In the home of Humphr~y, who are attending school' at the M. H. Surber home at Pen-' fall'. , . acat'?" c,~o ~o. se . perly de$lgnate' this improved her parent;;, Mr. and IIlrs. Cylde J liere, went to Humphrey Sunday tol der. Mr . .cullen c?~nte,!- upon .the co· The vacation :SIble school. bemg, 'produet, nOw lloth a protectoi;. Oman. . , :visit Miss Benkey's mother, an old Mxo. Chas. Hammer 00' Council operation and SPirIt WI~ whIch ~he hel~ at the Baptist church WIn close ; a!lel a killer, it is given the new The Rev. and Mm. W. F. Dlerkmg school friend of Mrs. IckIer. Bluffs Iowa i vi itin~ this k · . Wayne county hOll'seracmg aSSOCla· Fr,day. The school has been In sesname 00' Dr. Hess Fly Spray. returned Saturday night from a Hot weather stuff _ Ice Cream the E' A Surber sand E EWe."·1 m tion decided from the first to make sion for two weeks and a, very sue. Cows ~ fly time are much in week's wedding trip through Mfchi- Freezer 2 qt 85c _ 8" Electric homes' . . :. 81 ey the local meet a success. Commenting cessfnl program has been carried out. : the open, always exposed to atgan. Fan, $i.49 ~'10", $4.65 _ Ring I' . . upon the track here he said it was in The child"!'n will give a dem0!lstra. IIlr. and Mrs. G. A. Renard and Sprinkler 63c _ Spike Sprinkler M;rs. Dora Be~s)loof. returned from good condition but could stand con- tion of their work Sunday evemng tack. Therefore. the Illost wid... 'Iy beneficial u~ of such p:re. daughters were Sunday dinner guests 10c _ Garden Hose Braided 50: a f,ve w~s' VlSlt WIth daugh· 'siderable improvement which he was 8 o'clock at th~ Baptist chureh. All in the W. E. Mininier home at NOIl'- $2.89 _ All Rubber' Hose, 25-; 96c. ter, Mrs. m. Mason, 0 aurel on sure it would )lave in time to come. children wlto have at~nded should ~ paration· Is that of protector, Ilr fly reJHlllent. For this use, folk. Gamble Stor~s.-Adv. Sun~ay.. He was espCClally pleas,ed by ,the present Sunday e'fenmg. Those .•m Dr., Hess Fly Spray retains aU Mr. an~ ~rs. Edw .. Seymour spent L. W. JCraGvil left Monday morn- . MISS Charlotte ZeIgler and her coU· m!,nner with which the local c~m- charge are Mrs. M. C. Po",:ers, pru;" its OId·time effIciency. Sunday VlS1tmg relatives at Marcus, ing for l.ll'g Stone lake where he. will sm, Ina Heerndon of Carr.oll, dr",!,e mlttee combatted a tout problem ';-V!l1ch clpal, Mrs. L. Vf. KrataVlI, Dons Iowa. Lyle remamed for a week's, spend four days fishing. Mrs. Fay to Huron, S. D., on a busmess trlP pro1!1ised to make trouble had ,It not Howarth, GenevIeve Craig, Mrs. .. isit. Whealton and smaH daughter se- last week. been nipped in the bud in its early Harold !?ots"n, Amy Pearl Barn..., FraJ?~lyn Langemack of Emerson, companied him as far as Sioux Falls Miss Helen Swanson returned Sun- stages. Grace ChIchester and Margaret Wade. w~o VlSlted for a week at the C. O. where she will visit for a time at the) day from Boulder, Colo., where she He said horsemen were plea~d with . MItchell horne, returned to Emel"30n homes of friends and relatives. I spent two weeks visiting the Loren conditions here and many of them, Bi.,.th. -Reccwd Monday. D. p, Miller drove to Columbus Andrews. looked forward to a return next year, A daughter, Eleanor Theodosia Phone 289w Miss Florence Hal: ?f Sholes, who 1 Sunday where he spent the dar at Mrs. O. O. Hamer and daughter, . was bor/! Th.ursday; July 11, to Mr: ~. I 't t I I IIf: I]}::l't'b. I I T Dr,I1~~s Fly Spray 8F I I I I I I 'I a' lr I I I Get it at 1 Fo~tDer's '~eed Mill I wee ., returned to her home ast wee 'who has been visiting the Carr,; r.:;inc(l , ~ viU~k Mth~~nYS~I~~'ka~aailiITh_~M~~~~T~~I~m~a~~o~f~~M~i~n~n~~~~~h~~~'~~M.i~'~n~n~.~~H~O~W~~~~~u~r~W~b~s~c~n~.p~ti~O~n~d~a~te~!~~~a~n~d~M~r~s~'~~~U~S~S~cl~I~L~i~k~es~OO'~W~~~S~i~~~.~~§§§§§§§§~~§§§r Tuesday, , 'the Fourth returned home with him. I -I' Leroy Owen of Los A n~les., Cahf., Mrs. Carr returned with them and • ~~~h=~M~~~T~n~'wm~~~ba~~M=~ITI' ]a~t wepk WIth hlS mother, Mrs. L. is Mrs. Miller's sister-in...}aw. M. Owen. Mrs. Harrietta Ankney ~---~---------------------------------------------------- and Mr. and Mrs. A, K. Bolton of D~s daughtel", Misses Jean and Merideth, I Moines, I?wa, c~me SUr'day to V1S1t of Cheyenne, Wyo., spent Thur$.day I a week WIth theIr daughter, Mrs, S, afternoon and night at the R. E. Jud- I W. R a s h . . son home, leaving Friday aftern00n I Mr. and MroS. v\lIIbur Spahr and for Omaha and Hancock, Iowa, to Mrs. Harvey Haas and ~arl attend~d it friends and relatives. They will rethe fu~eral of Mrs. DaVld Herner In turn to Cheyenne in about ten day.s. WakefIeld Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oman and Mrs, stopped Saturday evening at the F.! Jason Gorst and daughteI"' of BrIdge- 81 Morgan home for supper on their port were Sunday supper guests at return from their wedding trip to I Harvey Neelys. the Minnesota lake region. MroS. Mr. and Mrs .. L. \V. ~oe, George lSon was Miss Mary Jane Morgan. F.o~ner and M~ss HarrIet F·artner, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson visite~ Fergus vlSlted Sunday In the E, H, Mosely Falls and Detroit Lake, Mmn., for I home· at Belden. . several days. At Granite Falls they I Tom and Catharme Cavanaugh, visited relatives and at Faulkton S. Peggy and ~im Morris, Josephine Ler D.) they called on Mr. Simps~'s and Catharme Berry drove to Cryst..'ll , grandfather. Saturday afternoon tlwy lake to swim Sunday. 1 Yes, Ma'am,' a Blackstone-. Ele~tric I ~"-.--'-~~---_ .. _._._ .. - ~~ J roner and Blackstone ElectJ"l(, ", ash- I mg Machine, both for only $69.!10., Gamble Storeo,-Adv, I Miss Ruby ~hoades, who i-s taking nurses training at the St. Vincent I 11()Spital in Sioux City, is spending tel1 ~ days with relatives here. I Mr. and Mm, Arnold Weigel and d,lUghter of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Will Korff and so!" Ralph, of I Obert visited Sunday WIth Mrs. AI'I vina Korff. Mrs. V, C, Ankney of Dalton and I Mr, and Mrs. H. R. Bewire of Laur'l "I had supper with Mr, and Mr~. J. G. M.iller and attended the races af-I t€rward Tuesday. Dr, and Mrs. A. D, Lewi6 and Jolm , Alden spent Sunday' at West Point at Dr. Stollers. A number of other chiropractors from northeast Nebrask a were als") there. ! Dr, and Mrs. T, T, Jones, Mr, and I can of corn, before it is Mrs. Eph Beckenhauer, Don, Joel opened, appearR to he a com· ~j nd Mae, and Miss DQrothy Swanson I fortable-Iooking cylindrical tin ,,,,ere Sunday dinner guests jn the I cont.ainer with an appdizing·look· Ralph Beckenhauer home. iog label depicting and describing Miss Doris Judson left Friday eveits contents, as it stand::; smugly on your pantry shelf. But the ning from Columbus for the west moment it's opened a can of corn C()8.r3t where she will visit relatives hecomes a lightning-chang - artist ·in Los Angeles. She will also visit of many varied possibilities. It San Francisco. and Cheyenne. may uecome, according to your Mr. and Mrs, Harold HW~ and taste, a cak-e, a casserole, a chowVirginia came Friday fo~ a. ",:isit !'It der, a fritter, an umelet, a pud· the Rollie Ley home. Vlrglma Wlll ding, a salad, a sc.allop, a soup. a remain here for a week while her stutnng, or, in combination with parents visit at Park Rapids, Minn. beans, a succotash. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Briggs and Of course you probably like family drove to Beatrice last week corn just as it comes trom the where Mrs. Briggs and the children can, but you may want to vary o'ccasionally from that. It you do, will visit the home of Mrs. Briggs' stir into the contents of a No. 2 parents. Mr. Briggs went on to Omacan ot corn two (~ggs. two table· ha on business. spoons of flour, a teaspoon of bakMr. and Mrs. R. R. Larson, Miss ing powder, a dash of cayenne and LaVerne and Ray, Jr., called. Sunhalf a teaspoon of salt. Pour in day afternoon at the Geo. Larson a buttered baking dish, dot with home in HQIller. From Homer, they butter and bake, and you'll have went .to Crystal lake where they an entirely different dish. spent 'the remainder of the aftemoon f;WlmmIng. ViS-j simp-I I I A LightningChange Artist II A I I . ENGRAVED ".."~ Stationery $ .00 for 100 Sheets 100 Envelops to Match Oth.er· En_graved M~tter for Those Wllo .Discriminate! --I" For Sanitation " USE Rite-Way Disinfectant ) A NEW LINE OF Guaranteed by manufacturer never to have an insect in your build/< ings for at least. a year after spraying with RITE-WAY. Entirely wipes out MITES, LICE, BED BUGS and INSECTS. SOC pel!' gallon Bring Yom Containers Wayne Crain and Co.I:'~d. I Here Are So,¥ Role. HoW does canDed corn become a cake? Well, here's a recipe lor Corn Cak.es: Beat two eggs well, add hall a cup ollsour milk, onefourth teaspoon soda and a cup of canned corn. Sift together ODe cup fionr. one-half teaspoon salt See Us for All. I(inds of Job Printing , Qnd Engraving and two teaspoons baking powder. and add. Add one tablespoon melted butter, and try in small cakes on a bot griddle. Se!'>'e wltb pork sausage and gravy or with maple syrup. Corn's lightning-change to a casserole- is accomplished in the following ('orr. and Mushroom CasscroZ~: Saute two tablespoons sliced on· h.nd the slieed mushrooms from a 4-ounce CaD in one table-- icJn~ spoon butter lor several mlnutei!, Add the cooteots ot a No, 2 call creamy corn, thre&tourths. eoil grated cheese, three-lourt.ha cup cblll sauce and salt alld Pepper, nd turn intp a but~r:~, ~~. Q. ~:: i~o~ ~~:i't~5 Senee .tL- -:.er:;- Nebraska Democrat Office at 109 W. Third Phone 145 i ~The Bystander ';1 L~~.~_.._..~~~~.~.:._...,~_._.J w. nice cool drive over the ro·lIing 'countryside of ·n:ntheast Nebraska we came to a stop on the lawn midway between the farm house and windmill. They were gla<;i t;Q see u~, strange. as it may seem and ,Were genuin~ry interested in lml)wing just what we were doing and how we were makmg it. t don't believe there's anything that· makes a fellow feel better than to be allowed to exploit himself with a lot of WOO-ds which are really b?resome to "his courteous l,istener-s. But we were genuine.1y interested in knowing how things were goil."lg ·on the farm to? This part of' Nebraska is beautiful now. Corn is growing by leaps. and bounds, small grain is turning and J:tere and there one sees tractor or horse drawn grain binders gathering the shea'i~s and tying them in neat bundles which sturdy perspiring sons ?f the soil stand up, in neat shocks, seemingly interested only in getting to the next olle. ~There's something romantic abOut farllling. Agrians who really have fanning in their blood can be hailed out, burned out and ha"e their improvements wrecked and stacked all over t;t,e place by a tornado and come back for IMre. The kiddi~ have the spirit too. I very well ·remember lilY fh'St pair of ')veralls and when the day came I could wear rubber boots just like my dad'8. The great diffieulty was that the boota were not big enough to suit me. I liked to wade, preferably in that black sticky mud such as one finds over in the richest portion of Iowa. But every day one ,sees them growing up !n the husiness they first have an oppnrtunity to know about. We saw them-kiddies riding on the broad backs of draft h,)l'Ses- dra)Ving a two row cultivator. Without a doubt they had brought their daddy a cold jug of water from the well and hll-d asked him if they might make a few rounds with him perched on the backs of those ponderous faithful beasts that are gentle enough to understand children. A mare with her foal plucking mouthsfu, of sweet clover shies as we pass and makes us nerVOU6 for a moment wondering where she might go. We hope she will not jump into the path of the l'apid"ly mov.ing automobile. Meadows are pretty n'lw. Haystacks here and there with sweep tracks leading up to their sides Bhow sigus of much toil. But that roughage will come in mighty handy when cooler days are with us once more. Cows peacefully graze in belly deep grasses and now and then a big cock pheasant zooms fro~ his hiding place to hedge hop over the terrain. Farm folk are most hospitable, They are proud of their clean well kept gardens and like to sho,,: you about their dairy barns and orchards. Cherries are ripe now and we paused a few moments beneath a heavily loaded and gnarled tree to pick and,.. eat our fiUs. They are full of sympathy too. "It was too bad about that stratosphere balloon bursting," after the army and geographic society had made such an effort for a successful exploratio~ ascension into the upper regions. They feel that such a trip is hardly worthwhile but they like a square deal an-a do not like to) 'See anyone's hopes shattered after a valiant effort has been made to- accomplish sometlling. They are 'more conversant with the facts of the case than are we. They read their morning papers thoroughly when they come in from the field for their noonday repast, and the radio brings them a lot of facts we have not as yet heard. They're skillful at handiwork too. Rainy days, a set of good tool-s and some odds and ends of lumber left from the last visit of the carpenter furnisH. the incentive for ingenuous young fellows to build model airplanes and playhouse furniture for the wee ones, Gorgeous locks of taffy colored hair, tied with a white ribbon, deep blue eyes and u plump clean face cause one to fall in love with a bit of humanity aged two and one half. "Hello honey," you tell her and ~he answers "heUI) honey:' She'-s proud of a new pair of sox she tells us, "came in the mail box." and wants us to see a new pair of white sandals !-ihe calls her "go by" shOO3, Editor IU)d Publisher Enloered as ~';;ond' c1ass-'matter in 1884 at the pnstotfioe at WaY1'e, Nebr' L under the act of March 8; 1879.'" ... Subscription Rates One YQar ............................................................._.. $l.~O Six Months ................................................................ .75 SenatorNonis Is 74 At seventy-four, Senator George W. Norris successfully retainG his place as Nebraska's m')st distinguished citizen. He is spry and lively, walks to work each morning, and reads without the aid of eyeglasses. Although Senator Norris is the fourth oldest man in the upper house, he .is able to withstand the rig'>rs of filii buster as produced by H;uey the ILong Winded. After sitting t!trough one of. these sessions ulttil six o'clock the next; morning, Nebraska's ~nd old man reported three hours later at his Offjee for a hard day's w?rk. Senator Norris has an enviable record' of service in his thirty-tjlree years at the nation's capiHe has gone where the going was tough08t agairn;t almost. unsurmountable ')dds simply becaUSe he felt in' his own heart that he ww.; right in his c~nvictions, all for the purpose of a greater deme>- tal. cracy. He voted against our entering the Warld war i'l 1917 and at the age. ?f seventy-four observes, "My vote didn't aocomplish anything, but if war had been defeated by my vote it would ha"e been a wonderful accomplishment. The evil of war is still mth us. One hundred years from now we'll still be paying the penalty." Senator Norris is confident at seventy~ff}ur we are headed for a b~tter democracy. He i'S confident the future will bring this about and believes the two things Imost necessary to accomplish this are holding company legislation and taxing of great wealth. Conunenting on thiE. the senator says, ,4We can never have a real democracy and a real civilization as long as hruding. companies dOl!linate, not oniy in the electric field but in every .,ther. Likewise we can't have permanent prosper.ity unless we tax huge inheritances." . The senator at seventy-four sees a ray of hope though. He sees a turn for the better coming. Thls is encouraging inasmuch as the senator hM lang shown himself t'l ~ a seer whose prophesies have materialized even when those considered most shrewd shook their head~ in doubt and, commented that it was sad but the senator was getting old, Look,ingahead, a bit on his birthday anniversary, the senator.--said, "This holding company fight we are In nOW would nOt ha"e been possible ten years ago. If we lose now, we'll will later. It's something 'so absolutely right that it must win and one of the big helps is that we have Roosevelt." If Senator Nnrris' career should come to a close tomorrow, his rfame wOl1ld go down in history as one of the greatest .tatemen and humanitarians in the history of this cQuntry. But the senator at seventy-tour feels that 'he yet has thingB to do. He wants to press forward toward his' ideals. It would indeed be g\'eat if oome of we youngsters were as deeply engrossed with thoughts as to where we are going. Hitting sOme of the, Mgh spots, we find that Nebraska's most 'distinguished citizen has ever sought to develop natural l'ooources. The Tennessee "alley authority is nil example of this. The senator stood at the brink,.QLtlLl!$e ,.sP1!t1lem .streams and saw .dle waters passing by his feet. Being a Beer, he pictUl'ed in hi~ mind the harnessing. of these streams, the erection of power plants, the turbines of which these (..;tream.g would turn. He could see electric IighIB illuminating the homes, meals being cooked with Hwhite coal," the wheels of ,industrial planlB being turned by a mysterious but powerful hand. He felt that it was the country's place to develop this dynamic area because ms experiences. with private companies had made him feel that they could not bl' trusted with control of such a vital area, He fought incessantly for the abolition of the costly and inefficient lame duck session of our governing bodies and thus effected a vast saving to the natia:h. He fostered and succeeded in br~nging about the passage of n bill to ban the use of injunctions in labor disputes and in the last campaign he put his vacation period to good use by successfully selling to the voters of his home state th~ honor of becoming the fil"<)t to a,iopt the efficient and g'raft· eliminating unicameral legislative system of government,~when many C!f the wise ones again shook their neawsanct·com1""fie1ttedtnatme "old"\hari-wasillpPlng-: Senator Norris is a most v~iunble public servant to his Nebraska pea,ple. He loves them and has deep feeling for them ill their prohlems. His constituenlB are his employers and he knows it. He feels that he is vested with a trust, not to serve onC' special interes~, one county or state, but to be of service to the nation us a whole. He is sincere in (~vel'ythjng he does. He is t.'l Americ.llcns the .brrnnd o1d man from Nebraska, comparable to Vavid Llayd GeorgI) of England, Too few of the peol,]e dwelling within this state realize the magnitude of this man or of his rating among citizens through0v-t the nation. Nebraska mu~t groom another ttrian to follow his footsteps. :It's··· .. big order and OIle which will probably not be fulfilled for some time. At seventy:four after thirty-t,hJl1le -yeIIl's:ofhardwork for a man hi;l,I,~·,\llr,li!·I!,I("':' ,I,!),I!". ,;/!;., ,. '1;l~I'llli)~1 I east I l ., .P!iomtm.eat. '=============== ... f~om f01U';ft to the library the sel home at HintoIr,Io":",, SundlllY. author is the volume of"poetry, "As Dr. L. F. Perry, Deatitt, PhoDe SS. O,:,ce I Passed This W ..y" by A. G. Mrs. Cbss. Johnson, will leave FriMIller, day for ten days vacation in the MARTIN L. RINGER "Sunbonnet Babies A-B-C Book" Black Hills and the Minnesota lake writes every kiud of by Eulalie Osgood Grover, "The Real region. , Mother Goose," Four Little Kittens" Mrs. Cbas. Schoenman '>f Hawardexcept life. Special attention and "Four Little Bunnies" by Harry' en and Miss Jeanette visited from W.hittier Frees, "Little Black Sam- Friday I until Sunday in the P. L. to FARM aod AUTOMOBlLE 00 ,. "Who Am I" and "What Am I" March :flome. Insurance, t";o riddle books by Lily Lee DootDonnie and Dewayne Buckley of , Real Eetute Farm Loun. son, are books which will appeal es- Norfolk came. Thursday for a pecially to very small folks. visit in the Chas. Jo!ulson home. They ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Other booJro added t') th'e children's will leave Friday. department are "The World We Live CLEARANCE SALE ON GARIn and H"w It Came To Be" and its DEN HOSE - 25 ft. All Rubber, E. H. DOT SON ,equel, "These United States and 96c - 50 ft. Braided, $2.89. Gamble Howe They Came To Be," by Ger-I Stores.-Adv: Eyesight trude Hartman. These two volumes Mis6es Grace and Frances Kiker are a pictured outline of the pre>- returned Saturday from an extended 1 Spec;alist gress of ma.n from the earliest days visit with relatives at Broken Bowl to the present tilIne. , and Grand Island. WAYNE, _ NEBRASKA r "Brave Fairchild Tales of Pease Real is Dogs" by and Miss W":Y Clarion, Iowa, ~==~=~========~ Eleano,r a note. E. Mary J. Wa-'j of of Waterbury worthy collection of dog-stories, alII S:;turday evenmg. and. spent ,sunday of which are true and many fam'lus'l Wlth the Floyd Kingston famIly. Some have never appeared before--in, Mrs. L. W. Jamieson drove to' print. They portray real heroism and Sioux City on Monday to mcet her great faithfulness in our animal mother, Mrs. Bertha Whitman, of r friends. Des Moines, who will visit here;, • at Our COOL "Pinocchio" by C.. Collodi, beautiFred Blair took Prof. Clifford fully illustrated, is a story every Bair to Fremont Sunday where Mr. 1 child should know. /' Bair took the train to Chicago where "Children of Other Lands" by he will study for the next six weeks. I Watty Paper, "The Man Without a Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson '_nd, Country and Other Patriotic Stories" I family took their dinn~r to Likuwanta : edIted by John M. Foote, "Professor I beach at Crystal lake Sunday where Peckman's Adventures in a Drop of they spent the afternoon swimming. Water" by Geo. MaICOlm-Smith'l Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rector of Sioux the "Thorndike-Century Junior Dic~ City came Saturday evening to actionary" by E. L. Thorndike, and company Mrs, FI<>rence Helleberg I "Everyday GOOd Manners for Boys and children to Columhus Sunday and Girls" by Ernestine Louie B<ldt where they visited Mr. Rector's and will prove both of interest and educa- Mrs. HeJJeberg's parents. tion to children of all ages, Dr. R. W. Casper. Dentist, Insutance I i lOR. I camel I I I I I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McMaster V]s- Ground floor Berry huilding_ \~~es Si~n~~h~~ Monday with rei 110- trance on uorth side.--adv. En-I Refresh Yourself Fountain Fresh LOIme Ad e tOe Wayne Drug Co. R. E. Chittick, Jr. 1:1,.. lIelll Iti"ltCOlllpl'eSSiOJl .lIIotors ..' . .ANaD«.Ellf'& .tlJJ~~ICA"'LNG~M_OrOR FUElS -:- 'must be carried (in and Nebraska should 'furruGh th,e man to do the work but until that man is dis~ : cavered. we 'Wisl! }"'",)u many "~ppy returns of ~ 1·:·~YI±j:~~~·~!t~I',", .. !:'.I'~11.i"'7\'dl.' ' _. ',ll, Dr, 1 ' y (lU whf.l huw' llol'ne with me long enough to follow the bystand.cr ~incc it.s beginning a week ago may recall that sotmewherc along the Ii.ne I a~ked for contributions. Barhara came through but I am holding her offering for next week. Then there's a contribution. from a certain 1eft handed fellow named Herman' from over toward Altona. Evidently ~l-illn Itald them' if they didn't like the way r wrote the C'llumn tihey -shl>uld do it themsel"es, they took me at my word .. Next week I'll turn the "I:hole thing over to contributors and let them go to towp just as· they darn pleas~. Don't forget, rlli.~·.~~ ~0U:.' "Ad~os y hasta.manana:' El Sr. to realiu his lJI~~t ~e,nllj;ioq'ffl ~q,Pt'tq,l.the work, . . , " i l ~li.torNi\~~IIJjj~I1)i~tr lleltil~. IUs program ': hi i'I')'i ",. i.." :I,'i 1'1:1111;11'1+:1 'Iii li'~:I'll::!I"!C. I.:, liFI' 'klll'.I.I" ii'" . t.· ,'.i: . 1'1 I"",:!'.,.',I,',. 'I,', l"I"I.il,I' *.:t·, Parrot like she rE>peats thing-s we who are a hit older say, and laughs merrily when she has mastered one of the harder onBS, "CoIl,le back, boys" she telk;; us when we leave. H wa.s interesting for us to find the true atti~ tudf' of a great number of farmers regarding the triple A program, "They'rc for it," a yaung farrue}: tells me. ,jI know," he adds, Hbecause I'm working on contracts all the time, Those who didn't sign up last year felt pretty blue about it but they came in this year." .Anothe.t"_-fru~e.l~l.g....us---h-c_ d.ge~w -whathe'JA... have dOlW had it. no.t been for his crop reduction ch('d\.~, aft.er being hailed (Jut and burned out a year ago. I, "Y0S ~ir, they're the finest folk on earth. They tell you that they have little time to go anywhere, (>yen to church, t.his time of year and hope the miHi::;tel' i:-:: nut offended. They a~1< us tf) return again_ \\I ill we? \V e1l , we hope we don't make a nuisance of ourselves calling upon them. in • ! ··'Ii had a fiRe time visiting at the fltrm home of one of my friends the other .evening. After a ,J0MN,~.. DA\>;IDflON! .tI~= J=t=~velX: Twenty-twO new books' IIave ~n Haircut. 26eilt 6io ~oudas. ,Ad". Wiendt cJrove to. ~ Frida,. ~terreooj"ed at the Wayne publie library P. L. M.arch.WBB in Le Mare, Iawa.~ They,~.urM,<! to Way~e. S.~this week, se"enteen cl "';hi~h areM da" ~.. ~y' j . for childreD. i . ~iss"J:"pliii)e~keris spending' ,i~. Te~ted,Clalle. Fitted'~ To the adult section hav~ been her wcj1tion in Des Moines. I ?_. '; W N h 9' added "One Hundred and One ~'aMrs. R. R. Larson and Ra.y, Jr., 1 .1;", J.opel,: ayo. e, e r. ... moos Poems~' compiled. by Roy J. t F'd . S' C'ty I ,I . , Cook. In this valuable little book arc spen n ay In lqUX 1 • Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ingham' enterp':Iems by Longfellow, Lowell, WhittiJIlrs. R. R. Lars?" and son, Ray, ta!ined J. C. Eorlxis at dinner Thuraer, Bryant, Poe, Browning', Words- Jr., spent Monday m ~~a~,~.. day Mr ForbeS Ileft for his honie . . Mrs. D. B. Huffman IS ",sIting her . . ., .' Th da it . W?rt!" Shelley, .Keats, :nIley, FIeld, son B. Huffman at Wakefield this I atAlhambra'cCahf., urs, y a erKIplIng, <Ma~ef1E~ld,., Mlllay, Sand"': we~k. 1 '-. ' •• JJ:oon. ~ '. '. ·i _ _~ I _\' - __ . burg,. Masters, Frost anA a Mrs. C. E. Barrett and daughter, liMEN WANTED for. Rawleigh Kn'>X, northeast. Ai1~-. score ~f othe", Great War wr,ters·1 Lois, .were guests Sunday in the R'I Rbutes in There IS also a. prose supple,,?,~nt I K. Kirkman home.' " . lObe and Dakota counties. Wnte towher.e on~ can fmd such .electwns Charles Illgham '>f Norfolk spent: dIy. Rawleigh Co., Dept. N:BG-376-, a~ Lmcoln s, Gettys~urg address, Pat- Thursday with' his parents, Dr. and SB, Fr<leport, III.-Adv. July 8-25. rIck Henry 6 oration, and the De- Mil'S C T Ingham . '1 I · , I i ' 'II c1aration of Independence . .., ,Mr. and .Mrs. Earl Merc ant W1 "Artists in Music of'Today" oy A,;,old L!,ge left Sunday for a go to Omaha Sunday to meet Mr. Helen L Kaufman ...and Ella B week ~ vac.R?On. at ~voca, Iowa, where Merchant's sister, Mrs. Elmer Hause, I ' taO b' f k tab v. he W111 VISIt relati"es,' I ot: Davenport Iowa who will visit H '. ans ocn ms rIe s e .es of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Mabbott and :'<1 • , . ' flft); great m~n and women m the Miss Helen visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle ~: .. . mUSIc world today, such as Wal~er Mabbott at AHEm Sunday.. IMlss. y~rgIrua Mesnard, .who has D",,?,rosch, M~ry Gard,en, F,rltz The Wm. Kuglers left Tuesday for ~nD' Vlslting for j;he past fIve weeks KreIsler, SergeI Rachmamnoff, E.nl: a few days visit' at the Arthur Chi- l~ the R. '!!'. Jacobs h=e.left SaturMtin~humann-Hemk and YehudI chester h(jffie at Fullerton. ~m~g for her home at Puk'::'K t" by C ... W II • th Mr. and Ml'S. R. L. McClurt\ of ,. a!,oo of the arve .., ,se .,. s.Jourll~y 16 e the South City visited narration. .author L. Sioux B. McClure h')me, Sunday in -:=============~ i .fr')m Lemngr"'! to Moun.t Arar~t. m Mrs. Merle Jorgemen of Omaha R. H.Loder, M. D: s~arch of Noah s ,,:rk. It IS a _strlkll~g came Sunday to spend se"eral weeks pIcture of commUnIsm and the RUSSIa in the J. C. Johnson home. . Ahen\-BJIIs. (Fcmner offices of Dr. Paal SlmaD.) of ,,~y- , B k f N be" b Miss Margaret Larson is visiting u ~~o s. 00 0 urn rs Y her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Otfke !Ire, II to 111M P. II, Dail, Cheno dIsclOSeS the. secreIB ')f the I G. Larson at lJakeVlew, Iowa. 7 to 9:30 P_ H. WecL I: Sat. occult. It s~sses the Importanc.: . of Shave is. at 610 Douglas.-Adv, ~ numbers, names, d~tes, .colors,. CItIes, Mr. and Mrs.. H. M. James and· Phon-offtee 188.-11es. 185, and other such thmgs m tellIng a two children visited the H. W. Hen- Sta.'nashi{is" N~-r-riskY. , " i," I '• ., ,', ., I.", i\I.' ,1',,'1: ,I'.!,I! s.r~H~clcS ~ ~1I1 ~'-~ I . spent Sawn!ay and lihmday in the , '-....;,._-,..-,..__.....____-= 'E.~PIilGI1h_ ReJ,1.fives ,came to the Alfie Vteeht ,~' Mr. and 14>:", John Lorenzen spent home :SUl\day ,evelling hli!l~ ,Mr" Sunday evening in:' the Henry Han- Vteeht on. his birthday. The evening sen home. wa<3 spent socially followed by reMiss, Mary Hicks is spending , ~~e:~. Mrs. Herman 'Brudig;"n i wee~ with her sister, Mr.s. RoY, Day, and Lois ,of Winside and, Charlie M.ss Ruby Dunklau ,'s ass.stmg Baker of, Belden were Sunday dinMrs. Kruse th.s week w.th her hou,:,,-, ner guests ~n the Rudolph Longe w.0r~. Mrs. K:u~e f~lI last :ve;k wh.le ' hl)me. p.cking .chernes and was_ mlured so Mr. ,and Mrs. Rudy Longe visited she has to use crutches to get, in Pender Saturday evening. Misses around. _ " Maevis and Norma Lampe returned 14,1'. and Mrs .. Henry H.ansen and to spend a few days in the Longe fam.ly called Fl'lday evemng at the home. Augu~t Krus~ h~e. 141', ,and Mrs. Albert Longe, Mr. . Cyrr'l and J"mnue.Hanse~, who were and Mrs. Frank LOonge and daughIII last week, are .mprovlng. tern, Misses Hulda and Esther, Mrs. Mr. and M~s, Otto. Sahs and SO!!S I Gus Longe, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy ha.d Sunday d;nner WIth Mrs. ~Inllle Longe, Walter Longe, Maevis and M.ller, who bves near W.akef.eld. Norma Lampe had picnic dinner and Mrs:, Jo!>n Bush and ch.ldren, Joy supper in the Raymond Larsen hoone an? JlIDlllle, Mrs. B~ach Hulbert and Sunday, the occasion of Mrs. Larch~ldren, Mrs. DaVld Hamer and sen's birthday. Miss Morse were Thursday callers at the Irve Reed home. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunklau and children called Sunday afternoon at' Sholes the August Kruse home. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen and Mrs. Htm'f'Y J. Lemen daughters, Dorothy and Wilma, spent Sunday afternoon in the P~te ChristMr. and Mrs. Ambrose W,inkelbauhOll)e. Dorothy and Wilma re- er of Sioux City, Mr. end Ilrs. John mained at the Chnste1lBeI1 home t<> Varnish, V,incent end Sylvester Winkspend a week with their cOll!!ins. elbauer of Randolph were Sunday Mrs. Adelph Dorman and Mrs. Au- dinner guests in the Nick Sau.er gust Dorman and children spent Sun- home. , day afternoon with Mrs. E. L. ChiMr. and Mrs. Ray SpahL-went to "hester in Wayne. Wayne Sunday evening where Mr.. Mr, and Mrs. Goo, Hoffman and Spahr entered a hospital for medical daughters, Frieda and Marie, spent treatment. Sunday evening in the Irve Reed Mrs. Wm. Gramkau, Irene Boetger, home. Mrs. Augusta Feddern and son, Milo, I A South Wakefl'eld iron but with bean enougll to anSWer your wants in several tongnes. TheR(> jneJllili~ tile Latin languages spoken in Mexico, Italy I B'JI Mrs. Rudy C. Longe II of in the Martin brown, Add the liquid fr011l a No. tomato ]lulp and the beans, and beat well. POUT in center of plat· ter and surround with boiled spaghetti. (You will use about a quartr;r of a lwckagp.) SE'iVe as ~ Mexicdrl -on-"lft""-'" Madsen -,. The following enjoyed ice cream home. Mr. and Mm. Everett Robins and cake in the Frank Longe home of near Hartington were guests In ~e;~~!llei~~Si~ with quince jelly. 3aked Beans h~d t'cl:tof Pilger caned on W, ~~:i~ ~f '(;!n~o,NH~~C:n!Rahc\~ , E. Roggenbach Wednesda:t; morning, ruSO sts of 'l'r,s. arry, Y lOt••", ~ rfjlk. MO. goo, Win Rpggenbach and enry War~ M L d R boi "" relman called on Htmry Brundieck " r. and .:~. 'd_r'hnar oS' lP.da~qi" Tuesday evening. _ 4!ld son of ",:"n wp were 1P' ,Y" Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brundieck dInner guests ~n the Ed S~elle~~":i and Misses Ern-estine .and F,rieda and home. Arnold were supper guests in the Mr. and Mrs. Venus R~low, ana. Henry Reuter home Sunday. family spent Tuesday in the ClIn,'& Mrs. E. J. Moede caUed on Mrs. Anderson home at Pierce. , ' W. E. Roggenbach Wednesday afterWalter Gutzman returned home noon. G f C Saturday after a business trip ,to Mr. and ·Mrs. eorge Bock 0 ~... York. 1umbus are I the parents of twin "I" Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Classen and daughters, born June 28. Mrs. Bock Dick Mrs Caroline Fenske of 'Lin- ' w:'s formerly Ellen Geseh of near coIn: Emil' Johnson of Montgomery" I, Wednesday evening, the occasion of the Madsen home Sunday. Mrs. Longe's sixtieth birthday: Mr. chopped onion, one green pepper, cut in rings, anll t \VO cups diced celery, and salltf) all gently until ~ I week-end f ~. and Spain. There :lre nnt many 2, ('an lima beans, and simmer bette!" berJ.n dish(>s, for iIi.~tance, until C'f'lery and green pepper are than these tender. Th('n add two ('ups canned Wmside visited Thursday with Mrs. Jenme Jones here. The two Mrs. Jones' I are sis1Jers-'in-law. I Mr. and Mrs. Han'Y Madsen and famIly of Slifer, Iowa, spent the I . , ~B~::foifisp~~:~I:te~~~~~~:~ frf~~ee~o~~ :~~;:~t 0iat~a~~d ~:~ ~ d and Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins , - 01 beans, .apebeans. as a vegetable which reaches Its apo. Lim. Be.ns tbeosis in New England and which would probably speak, if it had a llalienne voice, with a Yankee twang. As u ar were mner gues un ay night guest in the home of Mrs. Iva in the John Bush home. Fredrickson of Randolph. Mrs. John B'lsh and daughter, Joy, Ivor Jones and Don Root "spent and Mrs. J. J. Paulsen, calIed at the the week-end with home folks. W111 Keiper harne Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Jones of North Platte -1--- a tz·o-2lt,"'"n l" Instz·tutz·on 7\. T 1 V~ WEIleclally alwllYs think baked th!'~~h':.n'k~sh~:ee s~d'a;.aIled at d~y~fi~i":~, ~~.:ct':t:n v~,,!~~ a few Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Paulsen fr0m Mrs, A. G. Carlson was an overts S 'I I w""" d' ," I I d t Mr. and Mrs. ere Sunday gUests leteher holtW 'It Roggenbach vis~ Rpy .Fletcher's birthday anlnivers~r.i., ited with Mr. and Mrs, Will Thies I Miss Delores :(,angenberg and Hellry Thies to help Henry eele- ing this w~e~ i'1 the Chas, brate his birthday anniversary last ~ome at Wmslde. '" week Sunday. , I , Mr. and Mrs, ;Ernest Kollath Il1ld, 'Miss Verdene ~hies, 3-year old s?n,s of. near St;anto.n were S1lnda,y daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Thies, 'fiSltor.s In the P~te B~umels home. of Pilger, was bitten by R pet dog last I , Mr. and Mrs. Iver Anderson and Sunday evening. Two stitches were I <laughters and ~us Anderson .~ required to close the W'>und inflict- it~rned ~ome T~esday after ~ VI'!!t ed on her. lip and chin. Mr. Thies w'1;I> theIr ~~n IIl'd other relatives In disposed of the' dog immediately. ?hlcago. " , , ., ., Ela,ine Nau had h,er tOonsils 1'<>- I, The Hoskins Cardinals, a gIrls' kltmoved last week. t<;nbllll team, d~eated' the- - Can'lIIl The Wayne County Farmers Union ,.!iris. by", score of ~2 to 9 a!' tile picnic committee will meet next Mon- Ii""klns d.amond Friday evenmg. day,night at the city hall at Wayi'le. ',Mr. and Mrs" Will. Ruhlow and The picnic is planned for SundaY'llhllY . and John Ruhlow spent SunSeptember 1, at till> fair grounds. clay m the H"'lry. Beerbohm, lr~" Wilma Pfleuger visited in the Fred ~ome at, W~tPObIt., ' " ,,', Frevert home SQDday. ' E..elyn PI~ker(l1g of Yankton ~ Ernest Brundieek ailed on W, E. p.;nal~ Wlil'l\in~ were Sunday ~sRoggenbach Wednesday, l~ In the. Ed,Brumels home. " George Renpick atten!ied tl)e na"Eve!)'11 l'i~ke~"g ,o!"Xl\i)lIj;Qn -!!!tJM"" tional track meet last week Thwrsday Sunday t!>r ,a visit In the AlplU>~., at Lincoln. _ Wurdln~ hOrne.1 , ' , Miss F;lsie Stuthmann has infeetion Mr.. Wm, Bl'1'eckne~, Mrs. IreJ1e in her right arm from the .ting of an Bosler and M~., Minme Brueckner insect. ~pent Sunday m ,the Mrs. Mary "TillMisses Lena and Meta Reuter were ~on home a~ WiMlde•. supper guests in the Henry Reuter ',' Mrs. Irene Bos!er lef,t lrl~dal ~ ' ! H bb B~ Fn,'ode-V,oBB 'I 1'1 ,~ " Fry sixlef'n rashers of bacon. Spanish The Pleasant Hour club had their and remove to platter to kecp hot. and Mrs. Raymond Larsen, Mr. and annual picnic in the J. L. Beaton Pour off all llllt auout six tahle- Mrs. Albert Longe, Mr. and Mrs. pasture last Thursday. Gus Longe, Mr. and Mrs. August Mr. and Mrs. Al Sauser and family spoons of the [at. Add two diced onions, and Raute them tilt golden Biermann and children, Mr. and of Randolph called in the S. A. Hal1 Mrs. Rudy Longe, Arnold lUlly and· home Thursday evening. brown. Add the contents of two No. 2 cans baked beans anrl·-two Albert Beck. Mrs. Ella Robins visited friends in The St. Paul's Lutheran Aid met Sholes Thursday and Friday. Mrs. with Mrs. Richard Utecht Thursday Mildred Kenney returned to Wayne afternoon. After a social afternoon for a viist in the Robins home. I teaspoons chill puwder. Heat thoroughly. Add salt to taste, if desired. Serve the bacon on top. Serves eight. Or, if you prefer to eat your Ptlger and Altona. ., Mo., were Sunday dinner gueste: in' Mr, and Mr~: Carl.Sch.erme.e~ and the Fred Fenske home, Mrs. Fenske sons a~d Ross RobblDS- were dinner staYed for a longer v-isit.' Lima Beans guoots In the Fred Von Seggern home Sunday.' " Mr. and Mrs,~ Gus S chr M,I\S. Car] Schienneier called in Mr. and Mrs. Clal'~ee ere ~UlltaYh guests the Henry Brundieck hdme last week Dicp two long slices bacon, chop L ~~~ S~~~~l ~t~i~:: ~~:n~l ~~~el~h::~ oed d er ", a1\ " Schr~er Iii jhj h ,~c:! i Tuesday evening" agesc u e orne a t an 0 p , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter, CalThe Rev. and lIf:rn. H. Gerke and vil1.and Marlin and Edwin Daum vis-I daughter of Bancroft spent Monda,: ited last Thursday evening in the in the R. G, Rohrke home. the hostess served. ' John Alberson of Pender transact-- I bflan liquor to mohiteq (about half Henry Brundieck, home. I Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Miller and Miss Frances,;Baker is visiting this ed business in Sholes last MOnday.) beans in Jtalian fashipD, with a n. C'~P), and p!a('c in a hot oven Mr. and ~rs. Fred Von Segpe'" family and He!ll'ly' Clinch o~ Wayne w~ek in the ~ill Longe ~om€ and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hansen . and little spaghetti, .trY tltese untIl br0wn on top. Serves six.· and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ray were Sunday dInner guests m the R. M.ss Darlene In the B.ll Baker family of Winside visited WednesFalke called in the Car! Schiermeiel' G. Rohrke home, ·th M d 14 M I home last Tuesday evemng, . Alfred Utecht of Winside was a, home d . . ay evenmg W1 r. an rs. ar- Winside accompanied the Winside in the Art Longe home M ~ B d' k d M d Sunday dinner guests ~in the Paul Mr. and Mrs. F. B.. Utecht were I tin Madsen. Chris Hansen, who spent pe"ple ~ Sholes for an extended visMr. and Mrs. Albert 'KilIion were rs. nry, run .• ec an r. an "iller home. . Sunday supper guests 1n the Elwood a few days III the Hansen home 1n it here. Wednesday dinner. guests in tht; I,Mrs. Car ~chiermeI~r called on Mrs. J.,.1. Helge Landberg and Bill Mattingl" Rollie LOonge home. ,----..:....------..:....----'-.------------went to Sidney last Tuesday to work The Frank Longe and Rudolph Kay in the harvest fields. families spent· Thursday evening in I Joseph Mattingly of Wayne trans, the Rollie Longe home. acted business here last Wednesday. Marvin Killion and Ruth Roberlis I called Friday evening in the Rollie and tbe drained lima beans from a No.2 can. "season to taste witb s~ll an<l peppel' and pour iLt" a buttere,1 baking <li,h. Add enougb I II I . L01W.e~om;~skirk was a Thursday evening supper guest in the Wallace Rtng home. The Rev. and Mrs. Guy B. Dunning were Thursday dinner guests in the Wallace Ring home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Agler entertained the Rev, and Mrs, G. B. Dunning Wednesday. --------------- EAST of WAYNE I l1y Mrs. Ed Lar80n 1 1 The Oscar Bloomqulst fa!rrrlly apent Sunday in the David Nimrod home. The Ed Larsen and Henry Nelson families were Sunday dinner guests in the Ollie Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and family and Bob and Willis Nelson I 'pent Friday with Mm. N. E. Lar- . N. E. WINSIDE sen. By Ella C. Mann Mr .. and Mrs. Pete Lundgren spent ,Friday evening in the Ed Larsen home. Mrs. Sophia Davis and daughter, About twenty ladies spent Tuesday Betty, were in Norfolk Friday afer~ afternoon in the Henry Nelson home noon. helping Mrs. Nelson celebrate her Mi'3s Ella Mann visited with Mrti. II birthday., Mrs. Gust Holm and family and Mrs. L. Ring were ThuI"Sday dinner guests in the Lawrence Ring home and Mrs. E. Hypse and Margaret, Mrs. Luther Bard and Mrs. c. Bard and Betty were aftf-rnoon 137(~4KJN(J FOR BREAI{FAST .HAS ~ i,t fiver oc('urr(ld to you that the FJ'pnch word dejeUnf'f is a C'ombination of thE' words "jeunner"-to fast-anil - "de" which means as a prefIX "un", so, whether you "bre~-fast" or "unfast" you're doing; pretty much the same thing? But a French omelet is Quite ..8:, different thing from a pUffy ()melet, although you have~to break eggs to make both. Hefe'"SUie and cook "pry>' AIO\vly- until a goldfm hrown on thp bottom and the mixtuTf' i~ well pnfT8d up. Then set skillet in thp oven for a minute or two to dry of! the top. Fold over like a half moon and ~erve at once. Bu~ these two meth?~S ar~ not t!le only way of varymg omelet~ ,)JoY a long shot. You ('.an ,ma.ke vegetabJ~ o~el~ts, ~)m(;:dds. wItll _ P~nch stightly. just enongh to mix the yellow and white. Add one:h_aJl ie.asIHW"Q ~aIt, a few f.!rains p~ppcr rlnd four 1ahle-spoons milk. wa..ter or neam·1 }lUl a small amount of baller Jll a hClt skillet anrl shake art"lunu till It·s well greased on hottom and sides. pour. "in coo,>" mixture, reduC"e heal and ('o~k VE'ry slowly unl1l ('reamy, ('onstantly lifting ~-a!)N~. aspa;r=~gus ome~f't~, ('hee::w omfllf'tf', figb omelets, Jdly omelRt.tf.rnushroorn omelets and maDy more. Here are a ..~Ol-!''p'le made by the method~ deSCrIbed ahove. Try These Omelets (hp (~o()k('d portion al lll(; Aides t 1 ------ e ! home. I an(~ four' tah[e,J\10llll;,; addJDg. tW() ti.l.!Jl{'d!lO(~{j'3 gl"<I!et/ (',ll'?eSe Just br'f()rp pOUI·lIlg iuto ;:,tllll t. Cut tpe all,green asparagUA from a lOn-ounce can cream, And here's the way to make a puffy omelet~ with exactly the same ingredients: and reheat. Btiff and',f91,\i,lr~0'tb~,,*olks, .Put', the beaten egi whIte., Heat one a small ~ntOtri1t o~ butter fp: a hot, cup canned spinach,.dr~lll, aea60Q skillet and ;!'~ake ar~u'nd ti~I tt~sl to taste with butter, s~t an~ ~~P weJI grea:s~d"oh 'bottoml aDd sides., per and spread on the 'j)melet ju~t POlU' III ~ !, . and {our tit,bL:er,poons" milK" w,ate,r ,an, d one·thlrd cup grated c!)eese, or cream. Heat egg whites until folding In the grated cheese with matUre. rM.uce heat before told1.nc. Serves, tive.o "II I I ,en, at Royal fill the pa,t week, , Charhe NeJ?ol) and daughter, MarDorothy Sundell had, an a~pendec' garet and Alice went to Sioux City ~my last week In a SIOUX C.ty hOK- Monday. ' Pltal. . Clarence Wagner and 'Miss Edna I S@rves fop.l" and 1emdn cdlored. Add one-halt one-half teaspoon.saIt, a tew grains teaspoon salt, a. .few grains pepper. pepper, four ta,blespoons cream ' Bressler park in Wayne Sunday. paJ's-ley; Cheese atld Spi.nach Omelet: Beat four ·egg yolks until thick "Make a puffy omelet of fout eggs, '.. urday evening. ·Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mann viRitt;t).1 with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann Wed-I I Spread o-veJ" omelet just hefore rolding; liberally. Mrs. Hugo Fischer and daughter, Ruby, visited Saturday evening with I Mrs. Sophia, Davis. Frederick Ni~~mann w.as a .~est)~ the Herman MeieroeJrKs home at Pfmder from Wednesday* untH Sat- France'~ ~eJ~n spent Monday in ne.;day afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. P.aul Oleson called Davis were dinner guests ~undr\ Sunday afternoon In the Swan Nel-' Mrs. Sophia Davis. sen home. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Niemann \ Mrs. Paul Oleson and Lavern spent and sons visited Thursd~y evening I Thursday afternoon in the C. Pear- with Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Keeney son home. , :at Norfolk. Mrs. Ed Larson e,ntertained La-I Mr, and ,Mrs. HQbert McClary and Porte' Community,dub Wedneaday, children ¥isited Sunday atternoon' Eij:hteen memb.m and three visitors with Mr. and 14rs. J. lj'. Mann. w.ere present. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nel!Y.m of .Joan Bubeck spe.nt the past week Norfolk are . , . ~. , ~ & week'lS vaca- Prof)ed LiJe.aver. on Voyage "all!ng vessels that British ships Around Ihe World were called 'liine Juicers' because Y_WBIe~~~~,~W~.-____ OW the crew of the "Seth Parker" fared on an exclusive diet ot canned foods for more than seven week!;, and ate them all around the world to Samoa, has bAen vividly told hy CQ.ptain Constantin Flink, the Rhip's navigating o~cer. The "Seth Parker" Is the famous four-master whieh aaJIed last year under the com- H mand ._ot PhillIps Lord who ereated the radio character after whIch it was named, The ship's voyage tool{ it through the furnace heat of the equator and the freezing cold 01 the NortlI . the C. Pearson home. Mrs. Oscar Hoemann and famllsr 1 Mr, and Mrs. Carl Andersen ant] visited in the" !'red \Vacker home on I family with other relatives had a .Thursday evemng. picnic at Crystal lake Sunday. Mis:; Esther, ~ielsen has been. a. The S.ltUd Y clup had a picnic u.t ~est of her sls~r, Mrs~ Aage NJel-1 pepp~r 1Ill-rr-one-teIGl~:ppe{! home. Mr. and MrB. August Longe slH~n 6 Sunday evening in the Ed L;1.I',"rm home. Mr. and-·Mrs. Paul SundeTI--·spent Sunday in the Donald Milliken home,. and Mre. C. Agler spent SunII dayMr.evening in the Carl Sundell . Asparo!1us Omrlct: Malte a French omelet of fonf eggR, 0!1ehaIr tf!aspoon salt, Ii ~ew grams with a knife ·or spatula to alloW the unr.ookeu mixture to run out and c~ok. "\Vhen creamy a11 in half,inch piecAs, heat, drain off through, roll or fold over like a l.uy JiquL" i:..dd Oll{ tahle~,p~on half-moon...a.ruL..s.en'1LJiL,~e.. bi.lttf'r, ~l' aSPoo~.l('n~on JIlJce Another Way I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sandahl and and family, ' family were Sunday dinner guests in George Nielsen. of Ne~ York City ,the John Fredrickson home. left for SIOUX C.ty F"<day to v••• t Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Longe spent :.t few days with friends before re-8tmtlay--evening-ffi-the Ed Sandah+ -t~..hmne. - - - - - - - - - -- ""IJl1I"CB.ronf alfa TIlfnat<1 Method jor Making Om.rie!: Beal four eggs Canned Foods Met All T~sts' Clarence Davis went to Creston Saturday' to visit in....the-.!.ver. SaIroth home for a few days. Miss Maria.n Davis, who has- been visiting there for .the past week, will return home with him. 1 Mr. and Mr-s. Rufus Mann and son, Grant Eugen€, vi-sited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1:. Mann and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Wittler and family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gehner. Guests Sunday in the Peter Christensen home were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. ~E}ter Iversen callers. Mr. and M·rs. Herman Kay and Mrs. Pete Erickson were Sunday dinner guests· in the Orville Erick.son home. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Rubeck and family and Mr. and Mr-s. Joe Dalgren and family were Sunday evening visitors in the L. Ring homp. The Luther and Clarence Bard and Jim Ring farmilies spent Sunday with Mrs. Lenis· Ring. eora Haylund spent a few dayH in the Ezra Beckenhauer home. I EfrGS Jack Mann Thursday, Mi-ss Loretta and Clarence Hoeman and Edward Brandt were Sun(hlaomYev.i$ii?rs in, the Fred Wacker serve Ume juice to the crew to I ward off this disease. "But even if we bad not had t.he loganberry and tomato juice. we would not have fearea scurvy, as we bad a plentiful supply ot canned spinach, beans, carrots. peas and other vegetables which are equally good preventatives. We a1so had Buch meats as canned corned beef and frankfurters, and such fish as canned 'clam cl10wder and codfish cakes. These latter foods were luxuries because you can't ca.tch fish at- sea. you know.. except once in a long wh:lIe a Atlantic In mid· stray dolphin. winter, but the canned toads it And Then Mostly Canned carrted stood up through all Foods -"Chang'es -ur-----temperature and UAt the Galapagos Islands we proved Illesavers throughout the caught a big haul-two tons--ot trip, fresh fish, but we couldn't get Seven Weeks. Without Fresh much there in -. ---.ooa "We expected," said Flink, wbo _.has been on sailing ships for over thirty years, "tp sail the seven hundred miles 1a r of III. .!III \. g e supply wild lem- i~omth;~a~a~l: ~as~ a~f\n tt~! 1 pag09 Islanus in abo u t a week, but like the Ancient Mariner, we were becalmed in the doldrums, and, It 1t,:~vas well into the ninth week before we reached A the way 01 fa~~e~~r ;re:.t~~ fruit We got a ~ \.::ZZ::jt 1; ~J~ . way --.Of fruit. for fresh m(;j!at we killed -wo wild bulls. "It really wasn't until we reached the Marquesas about a month later that. we cou1d ·get a' and plentiful supply of fresb ,foods, so for nearly thTee months the' chief p~x:t of our diet consisted of. ~:e~:l~~~~'Of ~!:~~!e a.l~r~\ ~~~' ~~d~~~ f~~~S. u::"d tt.,9 ~! k::J tresh tood .was exhausted, and we Bome- things which are not usu~ had to rely eXclUBIVe,lY on our all; canned put up in tins" to 'P~, canned sUllplle.. sor 0 them lit sea tbrough all the "Fortunately we had brought va ying tellweratures, Shredcl~ along Borne canned l~ganber~y wh~t, for jn8~,iice. '" A.~d we, ,ha~ joJce and canoed tomato JuJce. powdered milk and maIted milk There was n~ver a ,8~P.""o!1:.r;nOJ;l&' J¥J jwel~ ,!lB .e~a~or~4 .~,.t.-"~"'''''' our crew of that dre8.d Bcourge .• fAa, a. m~te~ of fact. we I!RI~' of the seas, 8CUrvy. which waR slsted.' largely on 'caD~ed fooda ... - - , , \ lSI Ille <>kl. 4a;j>. ot~r ,~ ~ .,~ .. . -~ ~SI~E "",ll ~~~j,~~,.~'Mi.l~~:l~:i.t!f"i~· ~~H~,i!,;~::~~~,~t,~~Ifnn:~ .=:."'~,~lIp,,¥.!'! T~!;;On,ea,re~~= :~~Pyards'sixz~e~lteglstrau, ~ llpf,~::::pt:a~,P=~O:~da,Y" ""If Purse dtlrr i R.obert Johannsen bome Sunday eve-, cr",\m an? a large b.rthcjay cake, 1. 1Jl~ra Vote . 0 e~ econ . erm tournament' ,to be' staged at , 'mng. , .: cov~,,:d ,w.th ,75, candles, brought" by 2., EJ!zabeth:·S. , . _ -_-. th~ Wayne CountJ,y elub .on August ......'"------,.. .;; '-'-'-,.-'--'-'-..;,..-.:..,.....;...;·1 Mrs. O. M. Davenport ~nd sen, the PlO c\!'dreasen an? Anion Peder- . 3•. M.6s MOt;'tez ABout 6Jl new 6tudents regt.tered 4!have been "circulated and posted in . Mr. and Mrs. H~ry Gray of Larry, visited in the Lex Mitehell and, sen fam.hes, was enJoyed by the 4. P,?Uy Dear 1Saturday and Monday f'lr the sec- c1l'b houses throughout northe8'3t NeMeadow Grove an\l Mr, and Mrs. I Louis Jensen homes at Sioux City' guests. Among the guests,..-were ~r'l 5. M.lto'! Moore ond term of sl1'mmer school at the braska. Plans for the tournament are George Nelson of Randolph visited in on Sunday. Carl Jensen accompanied and M",. Clyde Pei'rhfPand famdy 6. P~ungmg Sun W~yne State Teachers college. De- in~omplete at this time but a good the H. F. Miller hom~ on Sunqay. ,them home for an indefinite Vi"t. Of. Randolph, Mr: and Mrs.. Rasmus 7. Vl1;tue sp.te th~ fact that 300 ~undr~d sh.- full day of golf is pro'mised. R. K. D d M B M M I ' ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Benshoof and N •• lsen and fallUly of Hoskms, Mr. 8. It s Keen dents w.thdrew, the regtstratlOn .s i,'rkman and D H Larson are in tend~d a;hurchs~ r';;ce; at \V~~ ~~ I Mrs. H. D. Addis'" of Wayne wore I and. Mrs. Walrac~ Cadwallader and Eligibles-Empress Mother, Sky about the same as that for the sec- c arge. ''Sunda ""'rnin ~ yn ,An Sioux City on Monday. ! famdy of Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Har- Rocket, Belle Lee and Java Ho ond summer term la.st year. . . y g. . . Miss Gertrude Bayes returned old ,Druhner o~ Omaha, Mr. and >Eligible horses are those which Several faculty members left at the Injured Sunday .Mr. and Mrs. ,Merle Pa~lk vISlted home Sunday evening fr'll" Wavno i Mrs,. Jepp Ch-;15tensen and Mrs., may take laces of horses which ma close of the first term. Prof. Clifford I six ear old w.th Mr.. Paulk s parents, Mr. and where "he had made a sHort Vl>lt 'n Lama Jensen and son, Arthur, of b 'tfid» b f t h t' y Bair went to Chicago where he will Colleen. Rogge, y d t Mrs. Charles C;;ry of Pilger, on the ho~e of her sister, Mrs. Jem.Ie RodIltlY, ~Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Pi') An- S· w~h ?wn. e dor:,,:c~dc t ~me. study for a time also plans to d ughter .of Paul Ro!!,ge,..un erwen Monday. ISh f I dreasen and daught.er, Agnes, Mr. cra .me.~ es ..... a a a.,., h' .' P . I an operabon for per.tombr at .tb e M' M .' R d M' B tt ' crump. , d M A to Ped d d him. on day of races at Wayne. Horses' VlS.t .s parents m ennsylvl!ina. Dr. I Wayne hospital Wednesday mormng. ISS a.nan ew an . ISS e: Y I I. F. GaebJer spent last wec]{-(>TIrt an rs. n n .ersen an aug -1 are entered in ev~nts by means of J1'Kathryn Huganir will study at the! Sh .. d h'I I . . -th _ Ann HaskIl'l:, "?oth of SIOUX. C~ty, viSIting with relatives in 'WinsidP-: : ;er, Ve~<;l, of JIoskms, Olaf Hansen drawing among horsemen. Withdraw- University of Pennsylvania at Phila-I e was InJure w Ie p aymg In e were Sunda~ dmner guests m .he I Mrs. J. G. Neely. Mrs. Viola M.!l-I and Chns EI~ardt. . "als can be made onlf accompanied delphia and will do SQIlle writing. p rk Sunday. Clarence w.tte .home. Mls.8 Betty er and son, Richa·rd, Mrs. 1. F. Gaoo· Orgretta N.elsen of Hoskm~ and with a verterinarian's certificate Mies Lettie Scott will visit an aunt . ---.---WItte accompamed them ~,,?,e Sun'ller, and M,iss Margaret Schemel. of C~roline Pernn 0.£ Randolph are vis- Eligibles are allowed to . compeU; in Virginia, Miss Jessie Stephens will (Arch.e M. S(~~t~!,e)der, Nebr.) day evemng for a sho~. V'Slt: ,Wayne VISited last week-end With 1.t1ng thell grandparents, Mr. and only in the order of drawing for each visit her home ,in Delaware Ohio y, F Mrs. GCora hBrodd vg.te! m the i relatives in Lincoln. The Winside I Mrs. J. C. Andersen, tl1is week. !!vent. 'Rules drawn up by the state Miss Vera Elefson will vi;it relu: NOTICE OF:HEARING r~nk ';t~ oml u 1 l r , people visited with Mrs. Neely's! ' racing commision limit the num- tives in Colorado and the west coast, ,Estate of David Herner, deceased, K r. aO'ty r n rew d eisw ~ aunt, Mrs. Nell Miller. . Pari-Mutuel Race' ber of contestants on a half miles and Miss Olive Huse will be in i b~ing Case No. 1725;1n the County andasas f' , , frr!v~t '!~h M!ss Betty Alln H~sklns ~nd Miss: Here Dm.....s ""'ft_y track to eight entries. Wayne. C~urt of Wayne County, Nebraska. nes y ?r a S or VISl WI. ~. Manan Hew, of SIOUX CIty, and /. ',. .w.a.u St d ts "ta' d t' t f th . 'T th· 'ed" h' l' te Anderson s mother, Mrs. Obne An·, Miss Ruth Render were dinner g uwts (Continued from page 1) . u en Ou me es 11na es 0 etr ,.0 elf cr .tors, e~rs, ega <:s, demon Walter Anderson who had.' th S H R h S t u f.rst term grades Tuesday and Wed- deVlsees and all persons mterested m enjoyed a short visit i~ K~nsas City,! m Mr~. Ii:er';'anewBe.:'t'::fe~nan: f:m~~, . Boo:'l'owed Editorials ., nesday at the office. said ~state: (accompanied them home. were Sunday dinner guests In the H. I tw.~n races. • I~o:u and each of you are hereby G. 'W. Cooper received :-vord. on C. Kleensan home at Hoskins. All appearances lead one to Lutheran HospItal notif.ed ~at on the 17th ~ay of July. Monday of the death of h.s 816ter'l Mm. A . T~ Chapin and Mrs. V. C., !.eve' that the Wayne. r!lees are ~e" (Attlcin, M,nn., Republu;an). Mm. Keith Cartwright, medical 1.~~5, ~ell.e M. Puckett ftled her peMrs. Mary E. Hall, at her home ,n McCain Ittended church services at mg conductd on a legttimats . bast.... Of late we have heard mnumer- patient was admitted July 10 and titions m the County Court of Wayne Sioux City. , Wayne on Sunday morning Most of the winners thus far have able times how it is wise always to dismiss~ July 14. County, Nebraska, alleging that one M;;rk Stringer of ~ltyne visited in, Miss Gladys Mettlen visited in the, been f,,:vorites that have wo~ consis- invest in bo'!d.--especlally gnv~r~Mrs. Ray Rosacke. of Carroll, David Herner died ')n. the l~th day of the Mrs. A. T. Chapm home ~n sun-I Martin E. Olson home at Dixon on te;"tly m other races. Pan·mutuel ment honds-;-mstead of land. Invar.- thraugh a caesarean operation, gave August, 19~1, that sa.d DaVl.d Hern<:. day. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mettl<n wmdows are !,~erated by Wayne men ably ~at phtlosaphy or theory of ec- birth to a seven and one-half pound was at the da~ of hill death a re~lMr. and Mrs. Fred Trampe and I' of Sioux City also visited there. I under ~upe1'V1s.on of Secretary Ceo.· onom.cs tends to make :us mad as a baby girl Tuesday morning. dent of the slIld co,unty of Wayne 11) daughter, Norma, and Walter ShoeHjalmer Nelson was in NorfQlk N. Ronm. hatter. It may prove Jrughty remllnA E P t' 'd t ti t the State of Nebraska, that he left maker of ~~rry, O~la., enjoyed last! Monday afternoon. . I Fir.t Race erative and safe to lucky i;"divid~ls with a 'fra~:~r!~e,a='a:~ ri~a ;ns !' last will and. 1:estament wh~ch said week-end Vls.ting mth Mr. ,md Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fleer and Purse $75 5 Furlongi', Neb. Foals for. the present--hut !'ar!'.ed to .ts admitted 'Sunda ana: dismissed Tue~- .'.'strument petitio'.'er h.as this day; Wm. Sehoos of Calumet, Iowa. Mr•.• daughter Miss Adeline and Mi-s 1 Prairie King ultimate end, where Wlll .t land us? d y ftled for probate 11) sa.d court, ana Trampe and Mrs. SchOOS are si~ters.! Norma Wolff attended the farmer~' 2: Tol11,lllY Lee A~ure?ly, it ~s the beginning. of soci- ay. that no appliea~ionh":s . heretofore WaIter'Shoermaker, wh~had Vlsited, meeting at Wcst Point on Sunday. 3 Bessie Banquet ahsm, .f noth.ng else. There .s someClara Vahlcamp had an appendec- been made for .ts adlntss.on to protwo weeks in the hmne of his aunt, The Methodist Ladies Aid met in My MOdel thing inherently Jacking in the per- tomy Monday. ha~ in a!'y.county in. this ~tate; that Mrs: Tra?"l"" ,,:mai~ed, at Ponca for the church parlors last Tuesday af. 5. Star Bright BOO. who d?"s not. yearn. to ea~n .a, M~s. Ray Spahr, who undel'Went sa.d .DaV1~ He!",er ~ed ee.sed of .an an mdef.mte Vlsit ,n the Ed Less ternoon. Following the regular busi-I 6. Lekarooga ?trtp of SOli of h.s own, eyen If .t a .nnnor operation Monday, was dis- esta~ of mhentanc<; m th,: followmg home.. pess meeting a delicious two-course 1 7. San Flo IS. only the part of. the c.ty block m.ssed Tuesday. descnbed real esta~, to-Wlt: Mrs. H. I?. Add.son ~nd son,. ~ohn" luncheon was served by Mrs. A. E. Second Race . w,tth a lawn and garde,! patch that Dorothy June Green, who underThe Southeast Quarter (SE %) of Wayne Vls.ted overmght Friday 1111 Fowler and Mrs. Harold j\nderson. Purse $75 5 Furlongs 3-Year Olds 'h1S h?use stands 0;". Beh.'!d .that mo- went an appendect8iny July 6, was and the South Half of the N»rththe Gurney Bensh'JOf home. ." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts of 1. Polly Dear ttve .s. th~, e~se'.'tial patrtotism that dismissed Saturday. east Q~arter. (S 'h of NE %) . Be1;tY and Kenneth Heseman VlS', Norfolk visitsd In the Dave Leary 2. Time Will Ten underhes" th.s. 1S my ,!wn, my naMiss Celestine Heck, a nUMe at the of Sect!on Nmeteen . (19), m .ted In the Frank Gray home on I home on Monday. 3. J. Selby ttve land. It ,. somet~mg that can Lutheran hospital, underwent .. tonTownsh.p Twe~tY-f.v:e (25), Mon~y. . , The Eastern Star lodge met Mon4. Baby Face really be loved-n?t I.'ke, a paper I sillectomy Saturday and left for her North, Range Five .(5), East M.ss Betty Ann Has~ms a'.'d M~ss i daS' evening in the Masonic hall for 5. Mise Nobody ..' hond that has no mtrms.c value at her hom. e at Pierce Sunday. of the 6th P. M. m Wayne Manan. Rew,.hoth of SlOUX C:,ty, v'~'1 their regular meeting. Follawing the 6. Dr. Twink all. Mrs. Austin Erxleben's condition County, N~braska.. . . lte,d ~th frtends. and rel.atives in businf,."-ss session refreshments wer.e 7. Miss Mikioi .. is much improved. That petitioner 18 mterested In Wms.de from Fnday un~.1 Sunday. served by Mr. and Mrs. Walter 8. Sweetest Heart (K,!nBas Clt1/ T'm es ) Mrs. Anna Jelinek is improved. said re~l estate as the daughter and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Neely and I Gaebler and Mrs. A. T. Chaplll. Third Race The h~av.~st demand for farm maMrs. C. C. Paulk remains about the ')n.ly he.. of Mary E. Hern,;r, to whom son, Jack, and Mr. ,!nd Mr•. Jeanl Purse $80 5th Furlongs chmery m five years .s reported by. same. sald real estate was deVlsed under Boy~ were Wayne v ....itors Sunday I Claiming for Three Year aIds the farm implement. trade. 0, rdersl Jacqueline and Finley Helleberg the terms of said last ~Il and testaevemng. __ 1_ . 1 Joe Kl'ieger for tractors are lar In advance of had tonsillectomies Tuesday. ment, and of whIch sald r€al estate Mr. and Mrs. Jake Koemgshoil and . 2' Ad r A delivery. The demand for binders has I the said Mary E. Herner likewi.e "')n, Bertt Mr. an~. Ml-s. John Helms I J. C. Andersen was sUrJ~rtsed Sun3' Ho~~a All exceeded all expectaticms. W H ' tal \lied seised. and d~ughter,. Adehne, Mrs. Herman ~y when r<:lattves and fr~ends came Junio~ Seth Farm machinery wears out and. ayne OSpl . l That petitioner prays that an orBeuthlen, M.ss Anna and Jolm m to help h.m celebrate h.s seventy.> Fin r Wave must be replaced. The low prices for qale McGee. of. Norfolk, medlCal der of said court be made and en. .'_. ' . , 1 ; - 6' Dr geLouis Hamman farm products, with the accompany-' pattent, was d•.sm.ssed J~ly 10. . tered, fixing a time and place for 7' Beile iee ing lack of purchasing power on the I Mr~.. C,!-rl ~"~or'd surgteal patient, hearing on said petition, and nofiCe part of farmers has built up a de-I was. .~~.sse on ay. . thereof given as by law requirea. 8' Nick J . Fourth Race cided deficien~y in agricultu~al equip- a~~~fn:a~ o~i~':ru°s~e~a~~d:u.'gtcal proceeding>o h":d f?r the admission to Purse $75 Five Furlongs 3-year olds ment of all kinds. Old machmery has p Nor';' C y' c diti y. . _ proba~ of sa.d mstrument. as t~e 1. Missiour Dude been repaired, farmers have borrrow- roved. an apse s an on IS 1m last WIll ~nd te~tame~t of saId D3:V1d 2 Bald Eagle ed from each other and worried along p EI E hte k d t Herner, d.spensmg w.th the appomt· 3' Bud Smith with breakdowns and delays until re. mer c. n amp un erwen. a ment of an Executrix or XdministraReal Choice placements have become necessary. I nn~iIe~~era:~ggenWedn~~dayy:::~rm~fi trix W!th the :will an.nexed, barring 5. Esther Wheel I In addition heavy rain6 in May and I d ht of P ul R .. all cla.ms agamst sa.d estate and cree Rich, creamy, wholesome. Gives zest to your Salads! Pt. jar 6. Glorious Sweep June have delayed farm work and I e::t~d e,:;, for p~ritoJ~eWed~:s(I';; tha~ .the ~T shadII ~u~~her di • 7. Rudy Sir forced purchases of tractors and! . ass1gn, a~ escen a e rea pro8. The First binders whe~e a normal season would I morntng. perty. wh.ch ~he deceased owned at F ' . . . , the tIme of hIS death In accordance EI11(1'bl e H eI ~n . have made th.s actt?n unnecessary. Thuve3 Enter BUlnne •• House. 'th th te f 'd' '11 FIfth Race Fortunately, the bUYIng can now be I . WI e. rIns. I) Sal WI. . Purse $90 Seven Furlings Claiming done more easily than before. ThIeves ent~red the Wayne drug . ~ hearmg WIll be had on said p,eat $500 Three Year Olds . . . . . , store and Brlgg-s Motor company titlon at the county court room In 1 'T B 'k The lmproved fmanclal condIbons I early Sunday relieving both places said county on the 2nd day of Au2' D~~~s .ret of farmers, due to 7/)..cent wh~at, $91 of merchandi~e. The Wayne drug, gust, 1935, at 2 O'clock, P. M. 3' A H t hogs and $10 tp $11 cattle, .s fur-I .tore was the heaviest loser as mer-I Dated this 17th day of July 1935 4' B;~~;;'.ie ear t~er reflected in reI?orts that ColleC-I' chandise vlllued at $75 was missing (SEAL( J .. M. C~ERRY •. Package G: Has Dude l.tions have been s~ti5factory, espeCl- there. This included narcotics, foun- I Tuly 19. . 25, Aug 1 County Judge City I L laHy· on all new busmess transacted. tain pens, razor blades and cigarettes. ~. S~;: Bo~i' A wheel and tire and small quantity (Archie M. Smith, Attorney, Pender, 8: Miss Montez EIghty Attend Luther 'of change from the. cash register Nebr.) T & T Extract, package Eligibles~UItra Vote and Indian Lea Meet "Sundayi were taken at the Brtggs Motor comNOTICE OF PETITION Lore gue pany. Entrance to hoth places was I Estate of MallY E. Herner, de. Sixth Race -= i gained through windows, it is said,; ceased, being Case No. 1726, in the Purse $100 1 Mile 70 yds 3-Year Olds AhoJ!t SO yaung people ir')m the . County Court of Wayne. County, No-1. Blessefield Emerson, Winside and Wayne Luther Forme.- Wayne Stud, n' D... braska. For Summer Cooking, I-pound can ..................... . 2. Java Ho leagues attended a pre-eonvention Mrs .. AI~rt M,!"key .of Lau~el, The. State of 1:'ebra~ka, To aU per3. Boiling rally at Our Redeemers Evangelical' who ~.ed In a SlO~x City hosp.~1 son~ mterested .~ .sa.d Estate, t~ke 4. Empress Moher Lutheran church here last Sunday. fol!owmg an !,per~tlOn for append.- nobce, that a. Pet.tton has bee~ f.Ied be 4 ' I k CltiS, was buned m Lau..,1 Monday for the appomtment of Nelhe M. 5 It' K . s ~.n .The program gan at 0 c oc i last week. Mrs. Mackey, nee Esther Puckett, .... Administratrix of said 6. McLeay ,. W1t~ a scavenger hunt, followed by: C. Ebmeier, was graduated from Estate, which has been set for hearRED CUP, lb. Thursday s Race Program soctal games ')n the c~urch.lawn. S1!P"" Wayne State Teachet;l! college ,in ling. on August 2nd, 1935, at twQ. Take Your Yeast Dai,ll/ in FilJ'st Race per was served at SlX-t~lrty by. tile 1927. Her widower, one son, her par- o'clock, P. M., in the County court PUMe $75 5 Furlong>o Wayne Luther- leagne gtrls, aSSlsted ents, three brothers and three sisters room at Wayne, Nebraska. Three Year Olds b~ Mrs. Lester Vath, Mrs. Oscar survive her. Two of her sisters, Dated July 17th, 1935. ! 1. Miss Mikoi L •.edtke, Mm .. Walter Lerner and Misses Ruth and Lena Edmeier, also! (SEAL) J. M. CHEaRY, 2. Pan out M.ss Marguen~ Vollerers. After. sup- attended school here. ' July 18-25 Aug 1 County Judge. Yeast hidden in a DeliClJous New Cereal! ...... . a. J. S. Miller per, a commumty smg was ~nJoyed 4 San Flo by all. The program closed Wlth de5' Salve votionals at eight o'clock. The les6: Helen 1'. son on the life ')f St. Paul .was lead 7. Baby Face by Mrs. H. A. Teckhaus. Five memGreen Cup Ice Teaspoon with Half Pound ... S. Bonnie Lee bers of the. Wayne Luther le~gu~, Second Race Misses EIVlra Schroeder, Minnie Purse $75 4'h Furlongs Denkinger, Marguerite Sund, Alta Two and Three Year Old Maidens Blaker and Ruby Dunklau, presented 1 Polly Show a skit, entitled the "Luther Leag'" Clover Farm Tree Ripened Fruits, Sliced, No.1 Tall Can 2: Little Marvel Revue." A paper on !he. Last ~uP8. Always True per by Leonardo de VlnCI '!las g'lven II Jar 4. Johnny Nomark by Helen Vath. Misses Soph.e Damme Caps 5. Lady' R. I and Helen. Vath pres~nted som~ 6. MillYR. speclal mUSIC:. H?go 'Velchert, Jr., Dozen " ........ ._- .............. -..........-................ 7. Loup River Emerson, presIdent f)f the Luther Eligible,s--COJ"sicon, Tommy Lee Le.ague SYTI?? addressed the group and Sugar Bowl. brIefly, clOSIng the program. ~hio-d Race ,The Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Most ac·, Clover Farm. A Ta~ty .~elicious Spread. Pint jar Purse $80 5 Furlongs companied tHe Winside leagne a11'i i . Three Year aids . the Rev. and Mrs. HUgo. Weich,'rt I 1. Star Bright and family of Bmerson accompanied 2. Gateway t,he Emerson" group here. . 0. 3. Miss Nobo.cW The Luther league convention WIll! Clover Farm, large package ......... . 4. Esther Wheel be held at Winoside on August 7 and I ..li..Time.WillTcll ~ By Mrs; 0,', M. ~O/IJ,enpo1't, i I I1 He I a I i, Mh" ':t' 1 III' I I I I I. I I?e- ". . I I I I I 4: I I' I Carroll 4: fGiOver Farm St6rcs 19O 160 90 SALAD DRESSING Grape Nuts Root· Beer Crisco 230 Coffee 180 140 Yeasties · Z·IDe Ma50B DOmlDO 19c l7e 220 Soap Chips Oxydol Medhun Package. P..& G.Naptha 3 bars for ....................................................................... . 13c ~!!~~!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190· ~~~It~ . 19c. -. b~oap .................................................................. T~i\'~:Ti~~ue . :roDs ............ .~.=. 19,0 ~dale •. oft:~1Uboa&edTinne, 4 i, !! S.:D~!'''~:...:, large - ueuvery " . e Owner ,.·,,,,.,"',,,"C'I' ", .. ' !~g" Fr '. ,i i I I I I. I I I I I Dinner for ,I I 230 Sandwich Spread I, nq!l! I 17C Fruit Cocktail I 4: 350 Ice Te.a L I . •. Phone 855 ," I IOf ~: ~~ijr~a~l~g -18. I I ... , . Twel;e Wayne Studelits-8. Nebraska Queen R ' d at U' Eligibk's-Reed's Choice, Missouri I egIstere mversl'ty 1 Dude, Dr. Louis Hamman and My I . --Model. Of the thirteen students from Fourth Race Wayne caunty attend,ing the UniP-ur-se- --$80· - 6=B-u.r~ versity oL.N ebraska _during its Nebraska Foaled Three Years olUs mer sessWns, twelve are rrolfi~ ~e and up, . city Qf Wayne and one from Win1. Cindy'6 Lindy side. Gayle B. Childs, A. J. Foy 2. LeKaronga Cross, Frederick G. Dale, Robert S. 3. Bud Sm,ith Gibb, Leonard F. Good, Lawell H' 4. Colonel B. B. Henney, Howard D. MeEaehen, An5. Norma Clark na M. Geisler, Gertrude J. Lutt, 6. Glori'lUs Sweep Gertrude E. McEachen, and Helen 7. Sweetest Heart Ray are registered in the graduate Fili'" Race -~ .oeoRege. -as is Harold W . .Jensen of Purse $90 Seven Eighths of a mile Winside. Miss Elizabeth A. Klaner I sum-I I Four Year Olds and Up 1. Indian Lore 2. True Book 3. J. Selby 4. !?ad's Pet I I ('atch this yeaF-, -and--salmon is ODe or the best fish you ever as Salmon Loaf i:'1 Bread C!l!fe 45(/ CTl'umed PotcltoelJ 18¢ is enrolled as a junior in the college of arts and sciences. Sliced Cucum bers, OnionlJ and W.ith more than 2,000 students registered in its summer sessions, the University of Nebraska has its larg- Pineapple Mar_hmallolD Cream S9¢ 5. nfOOksie est attendance since 1932. Of these, 6. Belle Mystery 7. Voltina 8. Col';;'e] Lee 726 are in the graduate college. -. Edna Davis spent the week-end in Eligibl~Boling TTEP.E was a good !':almon Bide of case with two ta:J,e'.;poons elte.d_ butter. f'lahe tl" ("1'1tents of om! tall ca-n- Falmun-. a jlt-~--' ate. Under these circumstances two beaten eggs, one· half tea~po'ln you can be both economical and an salt. one-elt;hth tea~pool! pell:/'-:' and four tablespoons cream. ..1.(1.1 epicure by serving salmon oftf'n as. possible. The fo]Jowing one-half cup crUI:l~s (frnm """.)Cf'i dinner, for instance, costs only of loaf). Add three tableslJouw,; 25 cents per person. but tastes as melted butter, and pour this rrdxture into the bread case. Cnver if it bad cost a lot ttlore. T and Billie Lolden Blancoe, Iowa, where they attended a o8..,(li. RGC<I :family picnic and Visi~ with the ~o.teI, Stratton ne:rb.lr Will navis lamU7' ' But{ered Pea.~ RadiIJhe& 184 2.~¢ the top with a .few r.1ore'''T11:r: ... frorn- center or' loaf. slig!ll," h,! - teredo Bake in !'low-·:;~.; d.· for ahout for,'·" Serve in -8lices. Ser' gree~ven minutes. six. Pinea·pple Marsnmaf{01e Crea' Cut sixteen marshmallows lQ quarters with scissors. Brin~ one, cup canned crushed Hawaiian. Salmon Loaf In Bread Ca,.: pineapple.to boiling anu pour ()n~: Demi.Taue 5; ~tth ~h:d:~s~ !~::l f!t~ebr!a~. m,arshmalJows. stJrTing until they are mel~ed. Cool.· Beat one ClQ and seoop out the center. leaving cre3:m and told in. line in dp~"""'~t a bollow oblong ease. BrUSh out- glasse~ !lnd chill. _Serves su.• .. ~ ~~GAiwM N'artII, ltaNt'e Three '(3); . of the 6th 1'. Ill.. ill 1Vilblll' F. Dierld1llr, IIbii8ter The Church is a great hospltlal f"'" sinners whose head physician is J esus Christ. The church is not a. pre.tentious rest sanitarium for the laxation of saints. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Church sch'.>Ol at .9 :45 a. m. Chris~a!l Endeavor: College, 6.30 p. m., high school, 6 :30 p. m. "To all who mourn and need fort-to all who are and rest-to all wh'J are want friendshi_to all who'are Iy and want companionshi_to who pray and to all who do notto all who sin and need a Savious, and whosoever will-this Church opens wide its doors, and in the name of Jesus our LOO'd says-- Cc!unq., Nebraska, 1 1 "qae, 18.00 1 !!'rO 1 ....................c..... 1 Suppl. Agreement to cor· ~, i-eet R. E. Mtg. ~"-",, 30.00 1 Lease Agreement ........., United States' Treasury Bonds 21..45 -- ' \" 1946-48 3% due 6-15-48 - 10 3.00 1296 Instruments ..................$ 598.95\ $1000.00 each, 2 for $11,000.00 Report flIf J. M. Cherry, County totaling $30,000.00 with Dec. 24.66" Judge, showfng amount of fees reo 1935 and subsequent' c<>upons 2.00 cei1'ed by him for the quarter ending ed, being No. -.23873 1 M 62.60 June 30, 1935, amounting to 'the sum 2337-8 10 M. of $4~0.40, and the payment of the Warrant bearing claim No. . 44.00 same.,llto the county treasury, was drawn in fav()r of L. W.lS.00 exanllned and <>n motion duly ap-/ Hardware draWn on County Road 2250 44.00 P'RVed'rt f P I E S e II Co ty Fund, First District,. is hereby can., ~~ ·44.00 --.69.67 . Sup~:Shtnrin ::ount Of asunthe: celled. I • 2253 balance in tie Institute Fund at the The funds of. '!h!' county a!,d 1ts close of business on July II, 1935, i n~merous sUb-di~Sl<>IIS of which the was examined and on 'In<>tion duly ap- ! ~ounty t~rough lW connty trea",!rer 1889 proved 'f 1S custod1an are found to be deposlted 19.80 SHERIFF'S SALE . .in the banks of the:'county at the • By virtue of an Order of Sale, to SHERIFF'S SALE Report ot James I,f. P.lle, S.herlff, close of business for June 1935, as 2254 Creosote Material Agency, unloading lumber 31S.30 me directed, issued by the Clerk of By virtue of an Order of Sale, showmg of fllflS. recelved by hlm for follows: (Th;. does not include .the 2255 Winter Oil Co., gasoline, oil and repair ........................... _ 65.02 the District Court of Wayne County, me directed, issued by the Clerk of the qm>;rter endmg March 31, 1935,! funds invested ,in liberty bonds or 1 Winter Oil Co., gasoline and oil I................................................ 60.65 Nebraska, upon a decree rendered the District Court of Wayne County, amounting to the sum of $1?1.75 and I the funds on hand in the office of 2256 2257 W. F. Machine Works, washer arid labor ............................... . 6.60 therein at the September 1934 tenn Nebraska, upon decree rendered the payment of the same ~nto the I' the county treasurer.) 2258 1.60 thereof, in an action pending in said therein at the September, 1984, term county .treasury, ,WAS e:xammed and State National Bank. 2259 86.80 CQurt wherein Metropolitan Life In- thereof, in an action pending in said on motlOn' duly approved. W $23 5 36.SOt surance Company, a corporation was Co.urt wherein The Connecticut MuOn motion Joint Custody Receipt' U. s.ynNati~~~i.. ·B~~k~.. ··...... ,65.94 ~~:~ 14;'70 plaintiff and Arthur E. Stringer,' et tual Life Insurance Company, a cor· N9um35be'~thJOth.30F3~, daN ted . Julne 24 Omaha ................................ 30,862.47 Automobile or Motc'r V""iels Fund aI., _re defendants, I will, on the poration was plaintiff and William k First National Bank, Wl e lrst atIona B an, Road Dragging Diet. No. I-Erxleben 12th day of Augu~t, 1935, at 1~ A. VanKirk, et al., were defendanw, 33.00 o'clock a. m., at the door of the office I will, on the 12th day of Augu;;t, -~----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Omaha- ................................ 39,193.19 2262 Van Supper Service, Diesel fuel ........................................'........... . 2263 I;eslie S~nney. maintaining road and cash advanced for The following claims are on motion audited and allowed and wailfants of tlfo Clerk of said Court, in the 1935, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the door tire repaIr .................................................. :.....................•................. 48.75 court house in Wayne, in said coun· of the office of the Clerk of said 'Jrdered drawn on the respective funds as herein shown. Warrants,." be 2264 Harvey N. Larsen, road dragging ............................ ,................ . 19.60 ty, sell to the highest bidder for cash, Court, in the court house in Wayne, ready and available on Saturdl'Y, July 20, 1935. 2265 Adolph H. Claussen, road dragging .................. c........................ . 9.60 ...................... _. .. ...... General Fund .. the following described real estate, in said county, sell to the highest 2266 Herman f. Vahlkamp, road dragging ...................................... .. UO 1034 Oomaha Printing Co., supplies fcxr Co. Clerk 79.80 to-wit: bidder for cash, the following des2267 18.20 1782 Costs in Case of State YS. John Ulrich: The West Half of the Southwest cribed real estate, to-wit: 2268 7.'11) J. H. Pile, Co. Sheriff, -sheriff's costs ......... _ .. 3.32 Quarter of Section sixteen (IG), The Southwest Quarter (SW~) 7.80 J. III. Cherry, Co. Judge, County Court c')Sts ....................... . Township twenty-six (26), North, of Section f,ive (5), Township twen5.50 2269 2270 S.40 D. K. Sevy, witness fees, claim $~.10t examined and rejected. Range Two (2» East of the 6th P. ty"'Seven (27), North, Range One 2271 '16.40 Anna Kopp, witness fee" claimed $2.50, examined and rejected. M., Wayne County, Nebraska, to (1), East of the 6th P. M., Wayne 2272 5.00 Myrtl~ Sevy, witness fees, claimed $2.50, examined and rejected . .satisfy the aforesaid decree, the I County, Nebraska, to sati-sfy the a2273 16.80 MaUrice Kopp, witness fees, claimed $2.10, examined and rejected. amonnt due thereon being $4,248.2;,) I foresaid decree, the amount due 2274 16.20 J. H. Pile, witness fees, claimed $2.10, examined and rejected. with interest, and costs and accru.ing! thereon being $11,867.77 with inter5.00 Arlline Ulrich, witne,s fees, claimed $2.10, examined and rejected 2275 costs. I e""t and co:;;t<; and accruing costs. 2276 15.0j) Bennie Ulrich, witness .fees, claimed $2.10, examined and rejected. Dated at Wayne, Nebraska this jl Dated at Wayne, Nebraska this 2277 5,00 Walter Ulrich, witness fees, claimed $2.10, examine~ and rejected. 10th day of July, 1935. ·10th day of July, 1935. 2278 10.60 John Ulrich, witness fe€s, claimed $2.10, examined and rejected. JAMES H. PILE, I JAMES H. PILE. 2279 14.(}'.l Eva Ulrich, witness fees, claimed $2.10, examined and rejected. Sheriff. County Sheriff. 2280 8.00 217,1 Costs in Case of State YS. Eva Lou P"ince: July 11-18-25, Aug 1-8 July 11-18-25 Aug. 1-8 12.60 D. P. Miller, Justice of Peace, court costs. 8.70 2281 I 9.00 George Bornhoft, constable'G costs . ...... 3.40 2282 NOnCE OF SHERIFF'S SALE I BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 4.50 J. H. Pile, Co. Sheriff, sheriff's COStR 7.82 2283 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Wayne, Nebraska, 6.30 J. C. Carhart, jury fee and mileage. .......................... 2.05 2284 WAYNE COUNTY, NEBRASKA .. I July 9, 1935 2285 6.00 Henry Lage, jury fee and mileage 2.05 By Vlrtue of an .ord~r of sale 15- I Board ()f Equalization met as per 2286 13.60 H~. E. Fisher, jury fee and mileage .. .. ................................ 2.05 sued out of the Dlstnct Court ?f adjournment. All Imembers pres~nt. 2287 6.60 C huck, jury fee and mileage ......... ...................................... 2.05 Wayne County, Nebraska, .and In No further busin€'3s completed. 10.80 W. . Canning, jury fee and mileage. 2.05 2288 pursuance of a decree of saId Court Whereupon Bl)ard adjourned to S.70 T. A. Lally, jury fee and mileage ....................................... 2.05 2289 Edwin Longe, )'oad dragging ....................................................... . in all. action therein pending, in J I July 23, 1935. 16.00 Dr. G. J. Hess, witness fees and mileage, daimed $2.05, examined and 2290 Willie C. Kay, road dragging .................................................. .. rlexed 2t Appearance Docket~ 12 at Bertha Bel res, ClerK. 2291 17.60 rejected. .. Page 237, being Case Number 4476, ~292 7.80 Dexter JO!I1es, witness fee3 & mileage, claimed $3.20, examined wherein The Equitable Life Assur- COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDlN(;S 2293 12.30 and rejected. _ ance Soc1ety of the Umted States, a 2294 10.00 corporation, is plaintiff and Adotph Wayne, Nebraska, Mrs. Dexter Jones, Witness fees and mileage, cla.imed $3.2l), 2295 2.QO Meyer, et aI., are defendant., I will july 9! 1935. examined and rejected. 2296 9.60 at 10 o'clock A M. on Monday the Board met as per adJournmen~. All Max Ash, witness fees and mileage, claimed $3.20, examined 2297 13.S0 12th day of Au~t, 1935, at the meIl";bers present. . _ and rejected. .. .. 6,00 2298 South front door of the Wayne coun-I ~lnutes of meetmg held June 20, Mrs. Max Ash, witness fees and mileage, claimed $3.29, 4.00 2299 L. P. Keeney, ro.ad dragging ....................................................... . ty Court House in the City of Wayne 19.,0, read and approved. , exaJrnined"' and rejected. Dragging Dist. No. 2-Rethwisch Road Wayne County Nebraska sell at Comes now J. M. Cherry, County Hilma Johnson, witness fees and mileage, claimed $3.20, 2,50 '2298 public auction 'to the highest bidder I Judge, ~nd or.ders the payment. of examined and rejected. 2/)1) 2300 for cash the following described pro-' Mother,s PenSIOns tQ the followlllg: Clarance Johnson, witness fees and mileage, claimed $3.aO, pert to- ·t. To Mrs. Mmme Krause for Ferne 2301 ,.)6.00 examined and rejected. 2302 Walter Tietgen, dragging roads ._ .......................................... .. 4.50 ~e Half of the NorthPip,Pitt $30.00 per month. for, a, Artie Fisher, witness fees and milcal!<', claimed $3.20, 5.00 2303 east Quarter (S Ii. NE ~ ), also per10d of SlX months begmmng • ~ly examined and rejected. .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::.:.::::::::: 2304 8.00 the Southeast Quarter (SE%), 1, 1935, for the support of her. m!llMrs. Artie Fisher, witness fees and mileage, claimed $3.20, 6.00 R. Irwin Jonoo, dr~ging roads " ........................................ ' .... . 2305 all in Section Fifteen (15), in or ch1ldren: Cha:lotte Mary P1Plutt, examined and rejected. . 2.25 2306 John Gettman, draggmg roads .................................................. .. Township Twenty-fleven (27) ~:~~l Fp4,;~~ P1PP1tt, and Kathryn Ivar Prince, witness fees and mileage, claimed $~.20, 2::;')7 Chas. Thun, dragging roads ....................................................._. 26.00 examined and rejected. To Augu;;ta Sellin at $10.00 per _;l.00 231.1"8 !\ugust Lorenzen, dragging roads .............................................. . Cris Hansen, witness fees and mileage, claimed $3.20, examined month for a period <Xf six months be11.60 2:300 Art Koepke, dragging roads ...... " ............................................. . and rejected. ginning July 1, 1935, for the sU11pcrt Hi.50 Tritchard Br"s., dragging ro.ads ............................................. .. ~':10 Mrs. Gus Hanks, witness fers and mileage, claimed $3.20, I)f her minor child: Lloyd SeUin. 17,50 H. Waguer, dragging roads .... " ........................................ .. W . 2:nl examined and rej acted. To Mrs. Jennie Jones at $10.00 per Edw ones, dragging roads ';: ..................................... . .13.50 2312 Ida Hanks, witness fees and mileage, .claimed $3.20, examined month for a period of six months be19.50 ie, dragging roadf/ .................................................... 2313 Alfred and rejected. ginning July 1, 1935, for the suppon 16.50 .2314 Emil Hanks, witness fees and mileage, claimed $3.20, examined of her minor child: Ermlyn E. Jones. ...::::::'.:::::::::::::': 5.50 .2315 and rejected. To Marietta Morri. at $20.0J per n.()I) Ray Rosacker, dragging roads ................................................. . 2316 13.41 month for a period of six months be- 2175 Carroll News, printing .. 16.50 2317 Luther Anderson, dragging roads .............................................. . 24.55 2176 Wayne Herald, printing ....... .. .................. .. I. ginning July 1, 1935, for the sup- 2177 Milburn & Scott Co., supplieR for Co. Supt.... .. 1M!) 96.57 2318 Rees L. Richards, dragging roads ................................................ I port of her minor childrQn: Rosaline 10.00 2319 Henry Arp, dragging roads ." ........ " .................................. . Margaret Morr:ls and Edwin Gladen 2178 Norfolk TypeWJ;iter Co., suppli", for Co. Treas. 75c; 13.50 E. O. Richards, dragging roads ........................... .. 2320 3.25 Ca. Clerk $2.50, 'Total . ........ .. .. ........... ,.. o.o .... c... " .. Morris. 13.00 8.80 2321 L. ,J. Richards, dragging road" ............................................... .. 2179 State Journal Printing Co., supplies for Co. Clerk To DaISY Plppitt at $2'~.OO per 44.00 C, B. Wattier, dragging roads ........ .. ...................... .. 1.45 2322 month for a period of ~lX monthH he. 2180 Huse Publishing Co., supplies for Ca. Clerk. 6.00 24.32 2323 Rayman Clark, dragging roads 2181 Hammond & Stephens Co., supplies for Co. Supt... g1l1mng August 1, 190G, for the sup6.10 36.69 2324 Arnold Mau, dragging roads port of her minor children; Ahee 2182 K-B Printing Co., supplies for Co. Supt. 17.00 E. W. Stoltenberg, dragging roads 2325 1.83 Eugenia Pi ppI tt and Ramona Rose 2183 Theobald Lbr. Co., lumber for co. jail, .. " .............. . 15.00 2.00 2326 Glen Frink, dragging roads. 2184 Fred Ellis, hauling trash from co. jail for May and June .... Pippitt. 11.50 7.77 2327 Sweigard Bros., dragging roads ...... . O. S, Robert6, plumbing at jail and courthouse I Report Qf J. J. Steele, County 2185 Road Dragging Dist. No. 3-Koctl 2186 Martin L. Ringer, in-surance premiums on policies ! Trea::;urer, showmg amount af fees 3.2> 558.24 22!J9 L, P. Keeney, road dragging ....... " .... . No. F. W. 1278 - Courthou,e, No. F. W. 1279 - Co. Jail 'I receIved by him for the quarter end~ 54.20_ 60.00' 2328 Nieman Oil Co., gusoline and oil .............._............................... . ing June ~iO, 19:~5J amounting to the 2187 L. E. Panabaker, f;ala~·y as Co. janitor for June ...... 26.20 2329 David C. Leonhart, maintaining ...... . 2188 Burr R. Davis, salary as co. Atty. for 2nd quarter, clerk <:::iUIn of $1.95. was exammed and on J8.62 395.00 2aaO Wasson Service, magneto repair and phone calJ ................... . hire and office expense .... .............. .... ................ . motion duly approved. 5.00 2331 Victor Kniesche, dragging roads ............................................. .. Tku Good Fish Is (;ood Rep'Jrt of Bertha Berres, County 2189 Frank Erxleben, long distance phone calls <and postage 26.00 10.12 2:332 Hans C. Car.tenB, dragging roads' Form, Nutritiou.s and Jan. 1st to July l·,t Clerk, tihowmg amount of fees re~ 4.00 86.50 233;] Harold Andersen, dragging roads ..................... " .................... .. Inexp€1I.!ive ceved by her for the quarter ending 2190 Frank Erxleben, commissioner .."ervices for June 4.00 89.80 2334 Robert Graef, dragging roads .................. . June 30, 19."3-5, amountmg to the sum 2191 David Koch, commissioner sen'lces for June ......... . ALMON is being served more H.()~ 9.00 2;]30 Carl Lambrecht, dragging roads ......................... .. of $598.95, and the payment of the 2192 G. C. Francis, board for poor June 1 to June 15 often tban ever hf'forp. not 1a.50 Perske, dr»gging roads ............ .. .................................... . 2.38 2336 Adolf .. .. .. srurne tnto the county treasury, as 2193 P. J. Church, 'lnilk for poor . only bl'cau _~ it is smart but hp11.00 21.95 2337 Louie W. Kahl, dragging roads .............. " .............................. .. shown by receipt hereto attached, waii 2194 Safeway Store, June groceries for poor ...................... . cau"sf' it rofl1pares favorahly In 19.00 3.00 23:18 Walter A. Carpenter, dragging roads .................. " ....... " ...... . examined and 011 motion duly ap- 2195 Silverberg's Store, June grocenes for poor ....... . nutritiouR qualities with meat. 17.50 46.01 23:39 Chas. Siecke, dragging roads ............ .. ................. . 2196 Weible's Store, June work relief groc ...................................... . You ('an safely serve salm.on AS p-rG¥ed,- .and Board finds that she 20,00 64.00 2339 Earl Wade, dragging roads ......... .. .................. .. 2197 Robens C-a1;h Store,)une1ind-Jul~ for poor ..-...,~ .. thf' main dish of a meal. as it proearned fees as follows: 3.60-7.33 2341 H. R. Weich, dragging roads" ............................. .. . $ 48.75 2198 J. J. Ahern Grocery, April grocerioo for poor . l"ides an adequate protein. In 45 Deeds 11.00 77 .08 2342 Reuben PuIs, dragging roads ....... .. ..................... .. 116.00 2199 Fitch's Grocery, June and July groceries for poor ... tar t. ('anDed salmon contains more 58 Mortga~ 1!l00 14.0~ 12343 Otto Stender, dragging roads .. , ............................ . 51.00 2200 Orr & Orr Grocery, ,June and July groceries for poor. protein than round beef. roast 52 Release. 8.75. 25.8812344 Fred Bruns, dragging roads ..... "" ........................... .. veal or roast lamb. It can also 130.00 2201 Clover Farm Store, May and June groceries for poor 520 Chattel Mortgages 6.50 22,26 2345 Otto Kant, dragging roads ......., ...... :..... .. be counted upon as a fuel or en· 21.75' 2202 Hill's Food Store, May and June groceries for poor 86 Certificates 20.00 3.00' 2.346 Will,e Suehl, dragging roads ergy producing food. as it con· 29. 75 1' 2203 Mrs. Clarence Spinden, fuel for work relief 119 Contracts 7.50 5.0012347 M. C. Jordan, dragging roads ..... .. ............. _ ........... . tains a high percentage of tat 2204 Bert Lewis, June rent for poor. 72 Assiguments Chattel 16.00 3.50 2848 C. E. Nelson, dragging roads ..... .. ........................... .. Calcium, that indispensable 18.1)0 220G Carrie Madsen, June rent for poor Mortga~ '6.60 35.0~ 12349 Aug. Meierhenry, dragging roads bone and teeth builder, is a1&o 3.15! 2206 J. J. Ahern, June rent for FERA office 3 A".ig"nments R. E. Mtgs. 5.59 found in significant quantities in 5.00' 2350 Richard Miller, dragging roads 5.75' 2207 Mrs, Sydow, June rent for pMr 23 Assignments of Contracts 9.0\1 canned salmon. In fact. it con· 6.00 i 2351 Clifford Johnson, dragging roads ...... 7.95' 2208' Mrs. Liedsky, June rent for poor 6 Ext<>nsi()ns of Mtgs. .. 11.00 talns much more ca1elum than 2.00 ',2352 Raynmnd Granquj ,t, dragging roads 10.25 2209 Frank Werer, June rent for poor. 6;Oawhole lmlk. It is also an excel· .6.00 2353 John Gettman, dragging roads' i 2210 M. I. Swihart, June rent for }Joor r~~gn~:St~S Farm lent ~ource ()f phosphorous which 3.00 5.0012354 Frank Lind,my, dragging road•. 1.25 2211 0 B. HasoS, June rent fl)l' poor Le'ases is likewi~e needed for building 5.00, Road Dis!. Funds 2.00' ::'212 Mr<.;. H:l.ttig, June rf'nt for poor .......... . bone" and teeth Fina.lly It con· 4 Bills of Sale 7.00 I Road Hist· No. 13 6.9f) 12;n:~ Mrs. Mary Tillson, June room rent for poor tains a gE'nerous amount of iodine 25 Reports 75.00 1.00,2355 Village of SholeR, road f"l1d ...... 2.&0! 2214 1>1'. Texley" prof. sp..xvices {t)1' poor and some Vilanl1n A-; and ts an!j Lis Pendell·" Road Disk-N<r.-2'l 9.00 i 12.5;) I 221f) Dr. R. H. Loder, M. n., pro.f :"pJ"\'ices for poor. unusually good !lource of vitami1l. 12 Affldavlb 8/)0 26.00,23G6 Walter Tietgen, road work. D and of the pellagra·preventj.ve ~ .. 70'lo), 122221 6 Pl'. Geo. J. Hess, prof. services for p00r 1 Mechanic's Lien ~ 10.00 I Road Dist. No. 43 vitamin G. u 17 vVayne Hospital, hosp. care for poor 3 Notarial Commiso3ions 11.10 2.50 23'57 Byron C. Ruth road work 6.60 2218 Kirkman's IJrug Co., dru&" for po<:>r J't FERA nume .. 2 Probate~ Salmon Secrets .90 ' Road Dist. No. 49 2219 Wayne Drug Co., lead arsenic for FERA office ".'.' ... 3 Transcripts Will anQ But, with all these good nutri4.00 2359 Herman Assenheimer, operating tractor ...................... 22.75 2229 Wm. S. Conant, ca'3h advanced for stamps far work division Probates tious qualities, salmon would not 4.00 5.00 I 2360 Don Porter, operatin1to~adgst. No. 50 ...............: ........... .. 15.&91 office .... "... .. ..... - .................. .. 3 Will. & Probates be smart l! housewives :bad llot 1 05 2221 Mrs. Esther Th')mpson, cash advanced for stamps for 2 Final Decrees learned how to uH:tke p-art-y di-shoa 20.00 6.'.)0 '1359_ f!erm"n Assenheimer, operating traetor .................................. .. 14.73 reHer omce·~....... ........... . ......... " ............................ .. with it. Here 1. one or their 2 Transcripts 20.00 3~:~ 1 2360 Don Porter, operatin~!da~t.'·N~:..~52·-::.:: c:.............. . 1.2U 2222 Wa'yne Book Store, typewriter rental for June for relief offic~ .secrets which they are willing to 1 Assignment of Rents 12223 Council Oak Store, June and July groceries for poor share with you: 1 Marginal Release Me51.85 2248 Central Garage, gaSOI~ ·Diet. N~" .~5122M The Wayne Creamery, milk ~or poor f?r June_ ....................... . chanic~ l.ien .......... . .0,3 2225 U. & 1. Store, June work rellef groeenes for poor .............. .. 1 Cert. at Cancellati011 54.49 14.00 2248 Central Garage, gasoline _ ................... . 2.50 2226 . Wm. F. Wright, rent for poor for two months -...................... . 10 Landlords Waiver ........ . ,18.80 10.37 2361 Herman Assenhelmer, operating tractor ... ............. .......... . 9.227 Fitch Groeery, Fphr. grcrerie-c; for poor ...................................• 146 Prom. & Auth. Ex<>cute 18.80 36,50 2228 J. J. Steele, Co. Treas., postage for June ....... " ...................... . 12.0() 12362 Don Porter, operating grader . ... . ................................... . Crop Mtgs. ... ".". 1.00 1 2229 L. W. McNat:t Hdwe., hardware ............. , ................................ .. 4 Rehabilitation Leases 6.35 Road Dist. No. 63 •25\2230 Henry 'Rethwisch, eommissioner services- for June 1 Crop Mtg. Agreement .._ 81.60 2363 Louie Me1erhenry, road work. ..... ........................ . 3.00 ' B r i d g _ Fund 12 Rehsh. C. S. Contract Ralmon Ramekin.8~ Mix genUy 69 77 Laid Over Claim.. . 2.55 2281 F.' H. Medelman, bridge work 1 Trnns. Will &: Decree the contents of a. 151,4·ounce can 44:65 The following claims are o~ f~le with the county clerk But have not 1.50 12232 F. H. Medelman, bridge work salmon with one and a half cups 6 Agreements 135.38 heen pas.<;cd on or allowed at thls tIme: .50 ?2~,~ F. H. Medelman, bridge work white sance. Slice two hard· 1 Cert. copy chat. mtg. 64.52 General Claims . cooked eggs and, use them to line .fiO 12234 F. H. Medelman, bridge work .. ... 2 Power of Attorney fa 29-No. 409 for $2".00, No. 1451 for $20.10. 1933-No. 1197 for $91.50, Jndividual buttel"qd molds PonT loGO Un 'lnplo]}1IIn" Relief Fu ·,d 2 Cen. c'.)py PO\wer of Atty salmon mixture ·lnto the middle. 95.00 No, 1199 ror $2.5.00. 1934-No. 748 for $11.88, No. 1062 for $5/)0, No. 3'1'93 .2~ 223f) Bredemeyer's Grocery, May and June grocerie5 for poor ... 1 Taking acknowledgement Cover with three.-,£ourths or a cup 6.00 I for $127.00. 19.3r,-No. 641 for $12:32, No. ]033 for $142.4.0, No. 1035 for 1,(},) , 2236 Howell Rees Estate, June rent for poor. , 1 Certificate and receipt or cboppe<l, sl/-lI'ld peanuts, a.nd 5.10 $32.00, No. 1606 for $1.65, No. I60'/' for $212.00, No. 1609 for $47,29, No. 1 Release ])efel'll1ent AT.drew .Tohn,on, June rent for poor. ".... "... " ....................... .. set in a ]Ian of ,Mt water. Bake 9.01) 11783 for $44.02, No. 2038 for $18.59, No. 2039 :&or $33.28, No. 2173 fo,.. 1.25 22:18 Mrs. Neva Hansen, board for poor June 15 to July 1 ........... . Agl'€OO\en t until hot and tll'l nut;; are crisp. .85 $252.50, No. 2364 for $46.92, No. 2365 ftn' $85.00. ~ .50 2239 C&ntral Gal'age, k&1'OOene for poor ..... , .................................. .. 2 Artisan's Lien "..... 20.00 I Whereupon Board adjourned to Ju1y 23, 1935. :~:s r~e.~ fl'O~ rawe~ns. .25' 2240 Walter McAuliffe, foreman and timekeeper on FERA ........ 1 Margi'nal rc1ea;;e 14.00 Bertha Berres, Clerk. 1;Of) 2241 c. E. HurJbe~. dragging and cultivating potatoes .............. .. to Atlsfy the liens and encumbrances therein set forth, and to satisfy the sum of $38.67 coats and the In· creased and accruing eosts, all as provided by said order and, deoree. I Said real estate will he sold subj oct to a first mortgage in the amount of ,20,000.00, and accruing thereon from and after 1, 1934, which first mortgage awned and held by The Equitable Life AsSUrance Society of the United States. Dated at W ..yne, Nebraska, this 10th day of July, 1935. JAMES H. PILE, Sheriff Wayne County, Nebraska. July 11-18-25 Aug. 1-8 I $61.91 I I ~[~~~:~;;~i}l~f~::~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~ ,j ~t~~;1·~j:.-~-~::~~~~~~~~. II I !.viWi. =:~~~, r~~ ~=~~ I 0 . . . . . _.. ::::::::::::::::::: ~~ i'~:C~~t:r~:~~i·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:f.:#~~~~~Jt~ftt;:::~~·~::~::~~\~~::. ·~ L~ :·.·=:~.~.;: ~ Ii ~~lJ~~;~:~!t~;··~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: &:uti. ~dmD~~~~~~;,:~~~d!O~~~ SALMON is smart ~i&l~o~:~g.~~~!:fr~~gi':d~.,;d~··:::::::.::::::::::::::::· ,. S i is i i I J:ig'1 ,. the ,I: 4 Leases 122"7, ....:...... '53 ................................ ',';1 y.;i<"g jo~' ti;i,te . . preaching~eerviee 'at 11. The Young Peoples' a .. m. . ! F;rida.y evening with Charl~te Choir practice will 1M! July 20 at Zeigler when the book of Ephesiang 8 p. m.' • . waij completed under the leadership Y.ou 'are cordially invited to of Mrs. L; W. Kra,!l!JIiI:ta '. The next ~nd :,I)~r services. meeting, will '1M! FridJlY' with Mrs. E, B.Young when Win. G»ldsmith of Hoskin8 Evang.li<;al Ch~·.h Pic'';c Supper Plainview will bave charge of the Legicm AU$iliary Meef.• . Rev. F. C. Ebinger, Pastor 'Eunice' Glaze, Miss Margar· lesson. The Legion Auxiliary met Sunday school. meets at 10 a. m. et J ackson~ Miss Hazel, Ray and j evening far a regular busine€s Morning worship at lj1"a. m. Carhart and Mrs. J. T: Bro3sler, Earl Pt-ouse, all of .Allen; Mr. !,nd'i Pionic Mcmday . ing with Mrs. C. E. Wilson, 1!trs. C. The E. L. C. E. 'IlleeliS at 7 :30 p. _. .. . Jr., will entertaill memlM!rs of the Mrs., Glenn Allen, MISS Isobel KI'!g. An eight.thirty pic,!i. ,supper Mon. R. Chinn and Mrs. W. R. Hickman m., Came9 and·;,Nu·'Fu clubs at a nine, sto,! an(i Mr.s. ,Edna Isom and MISS I day e,<ening at the Country club, fol. assisted the 'hostess. It was decided Sunday. evening preaching service ,,'clock breakfast at the h,ome of Cella h~.d plcmc ~"pper at Bre.. le. I lowing golf, was enjoyed by seven to send a box of -clothing and house· at 8 p. m . ' Mrs. W. P. Main in honor of Mrs. park F!1day evenmg. couples. Those attenmng were Dr. hold goods to 'the flood victims of Ne· The W. M. 'S. meets Thursday filr Geo. Anderson Of Aurora, TIl. . -.~-and Mrs. L. F. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. braska. Mrs. C. A. Orr and, Mrs. A. their monthly meeting at the hom~ Picnic supper' in hoo?r of Mr. Picnic at Crystal Lake I W. R. Wiltse, Mr. and Mrs., D. P. L. Jacobsen_ are in."harge of coHect- of MM: AIlM!rt Meierhenry. The and Mrs. Geo. B. Anderson. and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perkins and Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. i St1rtz, ing the goods. Delegates for the Mission band picnic will be herd at Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown is family and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff John-Mr. J. R. Reynolds, Mr. and convention at Beatrice, August 25 to the same time and place. planned by 1l1emj>ers of the' young' son drove to' Crystal lake Sunday af·' Mrs. R. K. Kirkman and Mr. _and 27, were elected. Mrs. C. A. Orr, Mrs. married set. Mrs. H;. D. Addis~m ternoon. MiSB Lucille Arne..; Irven Mrs. Don Lareon. A. L. Jacobse~, Mrs. A. Ir. Swan, Bible School Enrl)llment Lwrg. , ". Married Mcmday and Mro; T. C. yunnmgham are m Erxleben and R. G. Fuelberth, who --Mrs. C. E. WIlson- an~ Mrs. L. W. The daily vacation Bible school, ',' Henry E. ~oltz of Dakota City and charge of arrangements. 1 flew to the lake joined them for pic.: Celebrate Birthdays _, McNatt were chosen WIth Mrs W. D. whi~h has been meeting for th" past I J;.?retta .PaulIne Matne¥ of SQuth Friday ,nie supper. ! Miss Isobel Simpson, c,>llege stu. Hall, M'I-•. McMullen, Mrs. H. C. two weeks at the Baptist church an. SIOUX 91ty were, marrIed Monda)" .The You~g P.<>ples Bible cIa.. ___ dent staying with Mrs. Edna Isom, Capsey, Mrs. F. C. Dale and Mrs. nounces a total enrollment of 84' all:) ~uly 15, the Rev. F. C. Mills officiatWIll meet WIth Mrs. E. B. Young.! Wit"l,. Mrs L W Kratavil I whose birthday was Saturday Miss I' G. A. Renard as alternates. Plans &.n average attendance of 57. Next lhg; The looson mil be i~ c~arge of j Mrs L' Kratavil entertained I Ruth Wheeler of Allen, whose' birth. were also made for a food sale in Sunday evening at 8, the children will . _ Wm. GoldsmIth of Plamvlew. h n:bl' S'd C' l T d f.' day was Monday last week and Mrs.) the near futu!e. Mrs ..A. L. Jacob· give a demonstration to their parent'3 Read the advertisements· Monday , t e I e tu y Irc e !les ay a I Edna I.om whose birthday' was Wed_l.en was appomted chaIrman. Noxt and friends of the work that tJley -::-:-:-2--.:-:-:--::-=:--:::-=======~ Grandmother Rogers will cele-' tern,oon. Rose Assenhelme: had nesday, entertained Thursda at the meeting will be ~ twilight meeting have :" brate her 'one hundredth birthday I ChaIg.e of. the lesson on DaVld. Th. e II h M' C th . Y B I August :b honol'mg the gold star Mrs.accomplished. M. C. ,Powers has 6crved as . next m~etIng WIll be Tuesday WIth ,som orne 168 a -, anne !Jnes I mf>thers principal for the school and My". L. anmversary. !IMrs. Ddra Benshoof. Mrs. Emil Lud~ I and Mr. and Mr5. Ray Ponemery a n d ' , Tuesday .' h f h I ! Mrs. Anton Burges of Allen. lvIro'l ' . W. Kratavil, Miss Doris Howarth. The Bible Study Circle will meet! e,s WIll have c arge 0 t e eSR9n. Ponermery's birthday was olso Church 'Notices Miss Genevieve Craig, lVIr'~. H. Thompson, Miss Amy Bard, Miss WIth Mrs. Dor.a l'IeMhoohf. I Mrs'j W'th M 0 G N Is Thul'sd,\y. Mrs. Isom served ice cream Altona Trinity Luth""an Church EmIl Luders WIll have t e e&30n. t 1"8... e on and c a k e ' IRE J M d P t Grace Chichef.ter and ~iss ~argan~t The Country club will meet wit!> Members of the 500 club and two I' . - - I Germ:~' se;"';~es "a"t 10 :Wade as teachers. Mesdames Henr~ Ley, Walter Prl' guests, Mrs. Fu.cher. and Mu. John Chavari Rev. and Mrs. Dierking The Young Peoples' monthl t. ess and R. K. KIrkman as hostess· Kay met FrIday WIth Mrs. O. G.! . F' ., y mee Nels'on. Mrs. L. W. McNatt won high About fift~ young people met mg nday evemng. Cullen's Mother Follows es. ' .... hurRdall (July 25) score prize and Mr::.. Ed Miller, low j Tuesday evemng a~ the Presbytenan i . --. • R. R. club will meet with Mrs. sCore. Mr5. Nelson served refresh· churc~ to charvarl Rev. and. Mrs. I Method,.t qho:rch Notes Races at Age of EIghty J H Nichols, ments. The next meeting will be held Dlerkmg. After. successfully kIdnap· I Rev. F. C. MIlls. Pastor --St Paul Lutheran A,d will meet. July 26 With Mrs. Bastian. pmg the brIde and groom and takmg I Church Gchool 10 a. m. "Just to see that he goes straight" BaptIst Ladies Aid win meet with ___ I them on a nd.e through the country,) Worship and sermon, HA Place of I is an excuse given by Mrs. Mary A. Mro: M. C P()WerSi, hostess. Co~ ntl;" Club the group adJt)urned to the. church I Springs," 11 a. m. I Cullen 80 years old o;f Omaha for Safeguu;d Your Personal appearance by bringing your C0untry club dinner 1n charg-€ Th Y t I b t T sd I parlors where Ice cream and cake I Epworth League at 7 p. m. accompanY1ng her s~n J A C~llen of Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Ca!';per, Mr. I e coun 1 y (' U me ue~ ay were 'served and a gift was presented 'I secretar of the Nebr~'3k~ state rac~ and Mr~. C. M Craven, Mr. and With Me:s;dame~ H H. Hahn, A A.! to Mr. and Mrs. Dierkil?g. Miss Eliza Baptist Church in com~issll)n throu hout the arI~ ba.uty problems to us. I I I W I I > I ::t I I I I Mrs. \Vrn. Beckenha~el' ann and Mrs. J G. DaVIdson I M. C. Powers. Pastor m~tuel racing' circuit~ in Nebr~Ska. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mornmg Mrs. Cullen IS an ard~nt race fan. I worship and sermon at 11 R. m. f She has followed the pomes for years Rd"l,ail Mel,lmp 1 M ' " It P ' , d M St. Pa I Lutheran A,d ! Young people8' meeting at 7 p m and her traveLs extend aver the en· Th.f! Rebekah lodge held a regular ry K.,eyKirkman I rs vva ness an rs. Ab o tu25 I 'pro-. I tIre na~lOn. S.he is spr~, ta k es ~n in-, . ' ! R. willerserve a'~ hostesses. , .mem b ers 0 f th e S t. P au! Daily vacation Bible scho')l ~eeti~g FrIday evemng. Next meet- I ___ Lutheran AId, Mrs. A. Hesper; Mr:-;., gram at 8 p. m. terest In natlOnal affalI"3 and 103 de- i !fig Will be July 26. i . W. H. Brune, MM. Fred Wittler and I ___ i voted to her granddaughter, Patsy A.t'end Rac·>l..I:l Mrs. Herman Fleer, all of WInsIde,: Hoskins Trinity Lutheran Chu.,,·ch Cullen, 12 years old, who IS alsl) a I Following the races Tuesday eve- Miss Vera lauch, college student from I Denne. of HO"HJ" Rev. 1. P. Frey, Pastor racing fan. Mrs. Cullen attended the' , Degree o~ Honor lodge met lastl ning, Dr. and Mrs; L. F. Perry, Mr. Creighton, and nu:nerous other gu,:::sh:. Sunday school at 10 a. m. full progr-am at Om~ha and from: 1hul'sday WIth Mr~. L. E. P~nab~kerl and Mrs .. W. R Wtltse! Mr. and Mrs. from Wayne enjoyed .a progrnm! Service in the English language at ~here went to th" MadIson races, com.! for a regular busmess meetmg. rhe n. P. MIller and their guest, Mr5. Thurnday afternoon. lvIlSS Marcella 10 :45 a. m. mg from there dIrect to Wayne. From next mee-ting will be August.8. I H. H. Carr of Columbus, Mr.'and Mrs. B~ugge~ opened t~e program with I The Ladies Aid ~oeiety met Thurs- hete she will leave with Mr. <2ull~n I _ Don Larson. Mr. and Mrs. C. thil'ee plano .selectlol!s, She ~as day afternoon 'with Mrs. Art Behmer on a to,?r of the western CIrcUIt' Picnic Sunday Stirtz, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. S~ratton I lowed by MISS Ma~ly.n MeIer,' as hostess. Patsy WIll go along too. j Harmony club and their families and Mr. and lvIl"3. R. K. Klrloman also played. Then WIllIs IckIer spoke' picnicked Sunday evening in East had supper together. o~ educati~n. The progra,!, closed St. Paul Lutheran Church Library Board ReC11'ganizes ! park. Each family brought a covered: --WIth two plano solos by MISS lauch. I W. C. Heidenreich. Pasto, The public library board met Tues· dish luncheon and the time was spent' p' . S d Mrs. Otto Fleer and Mrs. S. J. ICkS d h I t 10 'I day evening for reorganization. Dr.1 U'mc • un ay ler hootess served .., un ay se 00 a a. m. 1 d . I sociaIIy. ! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wright and " __ ._. Morning warship at 11 a. m. ! R. Vf· Casper .was re-e ecte pre.sl· 1 . --, family, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ellis and I , ' Ladies Aid Society will meet Thurs· dent! D. P. MIller was chos~n Vlce Meet F'1'Id/vu ~ family and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pet.' F or Mrs. Nelscm . , day afternoon of next week. prooldent and Mrs. E. S. Blal!, sec'j . iitll~h~sP~:t;!.~e~"rJnN;~~g:n;a~· t~~ I ~h!h a~:~t:~~~~s:was In diversion and Mrs T I Fnest won I g ___ I hlgh li'core. Next Tuesday Mrs. Hen-" . --- . Mr.: --,-.-----:lo charge of 1 I • C.l fOl-1 i ~f i I ! I .___ S N' I B 'Id' tate atJona U1. 109 Joe Smolsky THiS "PACE CONTRIBUTED BY Hiscox Funeral Home Phoue 1~9w ARMAND HISCOX to be used in advertising churcb .. lodlle or pr.anization socials. sales•. etc .. witliout one cent of cost 10 the orllanization. Just call The Democrat office (Pbone 145) and ask to use the Hiscox space. OLD CLOTHES WANTED Anyone having any old clothes, bedding, or other household furnishings they would care to send to the Nebraska flood area are asked to get in touch with Mrs. C. A, Orr or Mrs. A. L. Jacobsen. Orr & Orr Phone 5 Frene h B Par Ior eauty ;:eta~ry=.:A:n:n:u:a:l:r:e:p:o:rts=w=e:re=gI:v:e~n:.:::=:==========:~ e,- About 20 mem":"rs attended he ersen and family drove to Crystal 1 . In honor Mrs. Maude Nelson G, After next Sunday, the pastor willi Gl'!",e Luthern Aid at the chapel i lake Sunday for a picnic supper. Mr. b'rt~day anmversary, her. aunt, Mrs. j be away for three Sundays. The Sun· _ FrIday. Mm. AdolpnMeyer was hos-. Petersello went on to Sioux City where LottIe Panabaker entertam~d tweh·e· day school will be held at the usual tess. The next meetlng will be Au·, he got h1s two sons and Roy Coryell, guests Tuesday af~e.~.oon. lh. aft~r'l hour on these Sundays. gust 9. who spent the past week at Camp noon was spent vlsltmg and a gIft ----Kellogg there was presented to Mrs. Nels~n by Our Redeemer'S Evangelical Mr~. Maude Ellis ,in IM!half of the Luther"n Church Meet at Winllide The E. O. F. met Friday with' ladIeS present. Mrs. Panabaker serv, R HAT kh P ed a de~icious luncheon .. Guests pres· e v . . . ec aus, asu>r Mrs. Percy Cadwallader of Winside' At Countr1l Cl>,b The afternoon was spent socially.! Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Perry, Mr. and ent beSIdes Mrs. Nelson weI'e Mrs. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Next meeting will be July 26 with MI". W. R. Wiltse, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mrs. 'CliI'l'ence Powers. IE. , Stratton, Mr. and MM. D. P. ; --Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson, With M"8. Al Deitschlor Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Kirkman, Mr. The R. R. club n)Qt last Thursday and Mrs. C. C. Stirt. and Mr. and with Mrs. Al Deitschler. Following Mrs. D. L. Strickland picnicked Fri· a social aftel'nQmI the noste8s served. I day evening after playing golf. Af· The next meeting will he held with ter supper thev all attended tho dance I at the Regis ballroom. Mrs. J. H. Nichols on July 25. I' Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c & 75c Marcels 50c & 75c Wet Waves 25c Facials 75c & $1.00 50c Manicures Permanents $250 to $6.00 Grocers Phone 5 "A SAFE PLACE TO SAVE" the many c.ustomers of this store become even more steadfat3t customers and every week more people are joining their ranks for the sake of both finer quality and greater, sounder economy. '100 bags. "."~.!!~ '" -' 59c -_._-----2 pounds And, 3 pound bag 47c 13c 21c MACARONI, SPAGHETTI, g'()od 2 poulld box q\lalit~· ...... 19c Full Cl'eam cheese wrapped in tinfoil. Will ReB Friday t"nd Satur~ day for 26c Il pound or for 5 pounds loaf $1.23. With harvest and threshing season c~ming this will be a fine buy. ROBB·ROSS GINGER ALE, LIME RICDY FRUTE·GEL 11e each 6 pkgs, Large bottles, eacla All flavors 28c FRESH.FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Jumho Vine Ril)ened Cantaloupes, each ..... Hc Jmnbo Houey Ball Melons ,.. ,... , ........ 121-20 Geoigta Elberta Peaches, doz .............. 17c Cabbage, ,ltome, grown, pound 20 -.-"l~~f~~~OtS FOR CANNING expeciM the (irot Qf this week Vl'er~. l"t~ in being ShifPCd"W(; CuBy e"X,m,,ect,',tllen1 to lIl'l'ive the last of thi~ week. You' :lll'~i' n:. i~'tln rntO,E. CONSIDERING QttAtITY If' ~ "i I II,:,"!" I.l\! ~II--:i". I nul' "'f" i-"H":~ll,'- 'flut.t Wa::! ~s ;.1 \'If'''''''rl "'r ~~_ as 'is f1llitf' ...-;L. ap9r0!1r~(ltro. people have never (!eased to vise tasty new party dresses it. The latest one~ are very traetive. You should see, rather taste de- for at- or PPLE PIE, apricot pie. berry A pies, chot!olate..»ie, cherry pie, lemon pie. peach pie, pumpkin with lettuce leaves. Cut the tips from a ran of asparag llS (reserv· ing f'italk!'l for cream ing or soup t.he next day) and arran~e with (~r.J;;ht ('unned shrimps in the let-' tuee-lined glusses. Combine two tablespoons mayonnaiOle with two tablespoons chill S<1\1('(' , and ponr 0",1;'1', t5erve very l'uld. Serves two. pie. rhubarb pie! Dh, 1sn't there a new pie particularly appropri· ate for the summer months which will vary from all these good old 0 11:8 own liquor. pouring orr one· t.hird ('l1p Parisian style: Asparng'Us Salad Parisienne: Drain and chill the asparaguS tips frop.l a 1S-ounce can; then arrange on one~ha1f bunch' of crisp romaine. 'Finely chop half the conif!ut.:: or II !}.vUI1CO call pimiento, and add with two tablespoons. clil,lCrs tp one·third CUP :~-'r(1nGr~ d.ressing:. Pour over the, .!Salad ~nd serve very cold. Serves at"!!:.· With Another Tropical Fruit liquor to use in white • Ma,ke this white sauce ot two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour. one-hal! cup water. one-third cup asparagus liquor. one·half cup evaporated milk and salt ana pepper. Add two tablespoon~ shredded pImiento. Saute two tablespoons shredded green p~pper and the contents ot a twoounce can mushrooms in one tablespoon butter. and a.dd. LaY asparagus on lIot buttered' toast. und pour sauce over. Serves tour. And here's an asparag.us recipe which you can serve to six poopl. for about half a dollar in which this vegetable appears in tbe best a. s.tandbys? 'Yes. there is. Pineapple pie. Pineapple grows i!l a land where it is perpetual summer and looms large in the tropical diat which is €'aten there. No need to tell you ..that it's" delicious, but what we can tell you is the 'way to make a fino pineapple pie. So, here goes: A:marn!7us a IfL J~in(]: Heat the U:'iparag-Il~ in one square ('an in sauce. Impro,ed Homes Need No Longer Be Too Costly a loug tune In Regal Garb OHEE'SR· :. ,j cf II :1"11JOn",us l1T1a Shrimp Cocktail: Line two cocktail glasses pound bag Crackers wante(l to im,7:u(CsL, .~L l:.e lJur but asparagus has never cea:SiJd to be a party vegetable. COFFEE Johnson's ·Graham The anpri~Qli ~plCllci()r hOll~,(' W(' ago, I Vary Your H.IJ;N~~VEn Wt~ FANCY PEABERRY BROWN SUGAR Plus 3c Bllittle Oharge W pre::,!"; paJ'agu~. ,---_._---- IGraham Crackers The Party Vegetable I As Time Goes On ~ PilleGpple · I Ball4na Meri_ l"ie: Mix one-balt cup sugar -and . one-fourth cup cornstarch, add syrup presse" trom tbe, contents ot a No.2, can crushed HawalialL pineapple,- and cook until clear and thick. stirring constantly. -Add one tablespoon butter. Then add two sUghtIy beaten egg yolks, cook again in double" boiler until thick. and cool. Add the drained pineapple and. two-thirds cup banana pulp. and pour into baked pie shell. Cover with merin~e -roM.\; by b~atillg two egg wbltes alld then beating in one-third cup confectioner's sugar. Bake f.n oven-300 degrees-on·t11 a ~o1deu. broWn. about fifteen minlltes.. Makes oae lares pie:· With the proper planning and selection of materials and workmen you'll be amazed at how much you can accctrnpli~h in remodeling and revamping that home fo. a small' amount of money. The difference in home appearances here is not an _exaggeratioJl but an actual fact once you know about our methods of operation and sales ideas. MAKE SURE that you do not overlook any opportunities to enjoy-a finer, more pleasant and more comfortable home hy em· ploying our new home improvement policies in _co-opera. tion with U. S. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS Wright Lumber Co. Phone 79 .f