panache desai - Healing With The Masters


panache desai - Healing With The Masters
 PANACHE DESAI MAY 10 , 2012 HEALINGWITHTHEMASTERS.COM Host Volume 9 | May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean HEALINGWITHTHEMASTERS.COM Guest Panache Desai Jennifer: Welcome, everyone, to Healing With The Masters. We have a very exciting show for you here tonight. I do want to do my blurb first, but before I start my little blurb, I want you to know that Panache has already told us that the energy has already started. So tap in. Feel it. You don’t even have to tap in. It’s already yours. He’s told us to sit comfortably. Start receiving now and hold your palms up in that receiving framework. I’ll do my little blurb about masters, because I think it’s almost even more relevant tonight. I wrote this about four seasons ago. Masters has a lot of meanings, but while we may think of masters as the wonderful guests that share their knowledge and experiences with us each week. We consider you to be the master, each of you in this audience, you the participant. No one knows you better than you, and no one is more uniquely qualified to transform your life than you. Today we will together discover the tools and techniques to heal, to continue to shift your life into love and light and, in the process, truly make a difference on this beautiful and remarkable planet of ours. Together we are a very powerful community. You matter. You can light up the world. Tonight we are so honored to welcome our very special guest, Panache Desai. Panache is an inspirational visionary and contemporary spiritual master in the field of consciousness and vibration. His energetic gift of vibrational transformation has inspired and shifted the lives of tens of thousands around the globe. He shares eternal truth, inspirational insights and vibrational tools to empower you to create the life of your dreams. Panache is called a modern‐day avatar. He acts as a direct link to Divine consciousness, empowering people of all ages, economic and educational backgrounds to transform their lives, by connecting them with their limitless Divine nature. Panache is young and hip and funny. I’ve had personal experience of this. He’s a no‐holds‐barred, direct kind of guy, and you’re going to experience that tonight. Panache is known for holding large, experiential seminars, group workshops, and he offers private sessions and brings a global community together weekly via live webcasting. His bi‐
monthly radio show, The Guru Is You, is featured on the World Puja Network. He is also on the faculty of the OMEGA Institute, Blue Spirit Costa Rica and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health and a featured speaker at Celebrate Your Life. He has collaborated with internationally recognized spiritual teachers including Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, James Van Praagh, and Deva Premal and Miten. Panache’s newest internationally acclaimed CD series, Igniting Boundless Receiving, has propelled people out of lack, limitation and scarcity into greater levels of abundance, health and well‐being. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Panache: Jennifer: Panache: We are so honored to welcome Panache Desai to Healing With The Masters, and I can hear Jan in the background going, “Yay.” She’s been waiting to hear those words. Welcome, Panache. Thank you, Jennifer. Thank you for creating this amazing platform of global transmission. Thank you for so powerfully living your soul signature and for inspiring others all across the world to do the same. To each and every one of you that’s listening right now, I would like to thank you for having the courage to live the life that reflects your magnificence and, in doing so, not only transform yourself but the greater world around you. Thank you for taking this hour out of your busy life to be fully present for a vibrational interaction that will fundamentally alter the course of your life forever. It’s an honor to be here, and I can’t wait to get started. Wow. That is a beautiful beginning. Thank you so much. So Panache, you’ve been talking about the energy, that the vibration is already kind of unbelievable. You and I had talked earlier today about how it started when both you and I woke up this morning. I’ve been feeling it all day. Everyone who’s registering for Healing With The Masters is part of this energy field. So tell me, what exactly is going on here? What is this energy that we’re experiencing, and tell me a little bit about how this came about for you. For more than a decade, Jennifer, as you know, I’ve had the honor of traveling across the world and sharing a vibrational gift with hundreds of thousands of people, just like everyone who’s listening today. This energy began expressing itself in ways that was shifting people’s lives in ways that were unprecedented. People who’ve experienced this life‐altering gift began to describe it as vibrational transformation and began to describe me as a catalyst for vibrational transformation. Vibrational transformation essentially is a set of tools, and these tools are infinitely expansive, energetic tools and technologies designed to unlock your infinite potential. From my perspective, and when I meet all of you and when I feel you and I feel into all of you, it just feels like a family reunion. I just feel like an old friend that you lost a long time ago, to remind you of your brilliance, your limitless potential and how much the Divine loves you. This vibrational communion and this greater shift of vibrational transformation has already begun. As Jennifer shared, this presence began just palpably pulsating through the whole Healing With The Masters community, because this is, in fact, a moment that you’ve called into being. This gift of presence, that you’re experiencing right now, comes directly from the Divine. So for those of you that missed the opening, just close your eyes right now. Just take some deep breaths. Just sit comfortably. Open your palms, and just allow yourself to receive. Allow yourself to be present for that which is being shared with you right now, for that which is flowering within you. This gift is expressed as vibrational frequency and is encoded and is at the foundation of everything that I’m guided to share, whether it be on this call, whether it be through the radio show, through a touch, through recorded teachings or through the webcasts or through the Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 3 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters CDs. Every single facet of this expression and this greater soul signature that is my resonance is encoded in it all. Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: So please know that you are receiving, that you are receiving and that you are coming into the fullness of who you are, that in fact you’re growing into greater levels of infinity. This energy is constantly shifting and evolving along with you, that in fact it is the highest resonance of love available to us. It’s been described as the fastest catalyst for personal transformation available. It’s time to be restored to your birthright and your natural state of being. It’s time to own all that you are, your limitless abundance, unconditional love, vibrant health and vitality, and most importantly of all, your unfaltering connection to Source, to the Divine. So in a nutshell, that about sums it up, Jennifer. It feels like the words that you are saying are actually encoded with the same meeting vibrationally that is now moving into each of us. Is that true, what I’m feeling? That’s exactly right. Right now, more than the words, it’s the underlying energy underneath the words that’s facilitating this greater shift. So I’ve been blessed at this time to be able to offer people a solution, and this solution is being implemented on a vibrational level. So what we’re doing right now, in this very moment, is dissolving any and all heaviness or any and all density that you’ve accumulated as a result of your life. Ultimately every energy serves a purpose in bringing us to completion. Right now this greater alchemical process has already begun, and it’s already propelling people into the fullness of themselves. Wow. I got chills when you were saying it feels like this is a predestined moment, that all of us are here meeting in this very moment right now to experience this energy together. Uh‐huh. It is. The way I describe it is — and I know you love it too. This is actually a moment that everyone who’s listening actually set in motion. That’s how powerful each of you is. In fact, a long time ago, we came together, and we kind of had a discussion about how the evolution of humanity was going to occur. For whatever reason, out of the complete blessings, the infinite blessings of life and love, I got voted to be the reminder, but in essence, I’m nothing more than an aspect of you, just an embodiment of who you are, a bridge that’s here to remind you of the fullness of that brilliant presence that dwells within you, that brilliant spark that you are. So it’s absolutely a destined moment. It absolutely is a moment that has been brought to being out of the asking of everyone who’s listening right now. Beautiful. Is it possible for you to speak a little bit more into the microphone? Absolutely. Any better? Yeah, I think that’s better. So you and I have talked a lot about authenticity. I would love to get your hit on why authenticity is important, what it is, from your perspective, and how do we get there? Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Authenticity is that part of you that’s your authentic self. For me, it’s your soul or your essence. It is that unique spark of Divine intelligence that’s placed within your being. Right now the most important transformation on this planet is into an authentic way of expressing and being. The reason for that is, until you are fully ready to dive within, you cannot have everything that you want in your life inside of you. We’re being asked to fully own that spot and that energy. We’re being asked to go beyond the judgments. We’re being asked to go beyond everything that this reality presents as truth, and we’re being asked to own the truth of our being. So when a human being is fully integrated into who they are, their life and the greater presence of their soul and spirit shines through them. Many of you have witnessed this. You’ve witnessed this in your life. You’ll be with someone, and all of a sudden, you’ll start feeling this incredible love. You’ll start feeling this amazing presence. You’ll feel this energy. You’ll feel this resonance, and so authenticity is a doorway into accessing everything that you want in your life. It is the key to unlocking the universe’s infinite potential. It is the key to unlocking the magnificence that has always dwelt within you. Living an authentic life is actually an invitation to be who the Divine created you to be, to be that version of you that you were made to be, because that version is the version that’s required right now upon this earth. That is the best definition of authenticity I’ve ever heard. Panache, we are actually having a little bit of feedback on your mike. Is it possible to just simply dial in on a regular phone? Absolutely. I’ll call you right back. Thank you. While he’s dialing in, I’m going to do a little [sings tune from Jeopardy]. Sorry, folks. We’ll go a little bit longer as we asked Panache to dial in. This is one of those moments that is truly authentic, isn’t it, when each of us can now move into a place of feeling what we’re feeling. Some of you are a little jarred by the fact that Panache is dialing back in, again, and some of you are finding it fun and funny. All of it is an opportunity. All of it is an opportunity, and the energy is still present. So that energy is creating the opportunity for you to move to this very moment. How does that feel? What’s that sensation like? Just allow the energy to move through you right now, nudging all those dark places into just moving into a position of light, nudging that aspect of your being that is ready to be seen in a new light by you. Just take some nice, deep breaths and feel the energy. Very good. Are you back? I’m back. Excellent. Thank you so much. So we used that moment. We were talking about authenticity just a moment ago, and part of authenticity is when life shows up, right, as it did just now? Exactly. There’s a common misconception in spirituality, actually, once you start vibrating into higher and higher levels, that in some way, you’re going to be immune to life. All of a sudden, Skype is going to work perfectly, and we’re not going to have any technological challenges. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Everything is just going to unfold in this perfect synchronicity, because all 16 bands of inter‐
dimensional light are turned on, and you’re good with St. Germaine. Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: The only problem with that scenario is that life continues to happen. When you abide in an authentic state of experience, it’s not that life stops happening, but it’s that your level of reactivity to what’s happening is greatly diminished. So whereas once something that somebody said would have fundamentally stopped you in your tracks and impacted you in a way that you couldn’t carry on, you’ll be able to allow what was said to simply flow through you, to experience any and all energies that are triggered as a result of that statement, and just allow them to wash through you. In that moment, there’s a space of neutrality that comes into being, the state of vibrational transparency. So life is going to happen, and that’s the blessing of being human, is that life is continually unfolding. We are on this upwardly, evolutionary spiral that’s continually propelling us into more. Authenticity allows us to navigate life ultimately with just absolute grace and ease. It allows us to be at peace in the midst of everything that we once perceived to be the chaos, Jennifer. How cool is that? It’s pretty darn cool. I’ve had this experience personally, of finding more and more grace and ease, and yet there’s still those moments of what I call habitual reaction. For many people who are part of the Healing With The Masters community, we really are at that point of seeing and witnessing and experiencing more grace and ease, and yet those moments of upset and depression and reaction show up. How do we cope with those? How do we move into a place where we truly are — the water off the duck’s back? I’m so strongly guided to just do an integration right now. Let’s do that, shall we? Do it, yes. Let’s be done with this once and for all. Okay. I love it. Just close your eyes, if you haven’t already done so, and just open your palms. Just allow yourself to become profoundly aware of your breath right now. Just watch it as it comes in and out. Witness the greatest miracle of all, just for a few moments. I want you to know, every single one of you that’s listening right now around the world, that when I see you and when I say I’m into your energy, I see your brilliance. Take a breath. I see your luminosity. Take a breath. I see and feel your divinity. Take a breath. I see, feel and experience your immeasurable magnificence. Take a breath. I liken this presence that you have within you to a sacred temple, except that this place that dwells within you is the most sacred place of all. It is where all the grace can be found. It’s where all of the power, potency, potential and presence can be found. It is that space of infinite possibility, and within every single one of you, in your heart, resides this power, resides this grace, resides this potential. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 6 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters These seeds of greatness were planted in you at the moment of your birth. You were born with this infinite awareness. You were born with this connectivity, born with this resonance. Then, of course, life happened, and life happened because you were born into a reality with a dominant experience, which feels like scarcity. You were born into a planet and a reality in which judgment dominated the collective conversation, and little by little, you began to hear comments like, “You’re unworthy.” Little by little, you began to hear comments, in some cases by those that were near and dear to you, that you, as you were, were not good enough somehow, that somehow, when you were created and the Divine was making you, the Divine was having an off moment. You began to hear, little by little, judgment after judgment after judgment. Of course the nature of this reality is that collective consensus informs it, and so judgment was in fashion when you were born. Judgment is still in fashion, and little by little, by way of protecting yourself, you began to construct a wall around that luminous presence that is your heart. With every, “You can’t do this,” a new brick went into place. With every validation of the story of, “You’re not good enough,” another brick went into place. Another layer of this wall came into being. With every further judgment — and in some cases, these judgments were harsh. Maybe your parents said to you, “I wish you were never born.” Maybe you were told as a child that your parents had wished that you had been more like your siblings. Maybe during the course of your life you’ve been told, wow, that person that you’ve committed to being with your whole life thinks that maybe they should have married Johnny or Steve instead. All of a sudden, this reality of judgment allows one layer of the wall after another to come into being, one layer of separation after another to become encrusted around that luminous life and heart that you are. That infinite presence, although never completely dwindling away, over time, because it’s completely encrusted by judgment, begins to flicker like a delicate candle‐lit flame. Tonight, my beloved friends, we are going to peel back the veil of judgments. We are going to break free, into the infinite expansiveness that we have always known as possible. We are going to dissipate and dissolve the density that has you showing up as something less than that magnificence that you were created to be. I’m going to hold your hand and walk you through it every single step of the way. Take a breath. It’s time for your light to shine. It’s time for that, which you truly are, to come into being. It’s time for your soul signature to shine so brightly that it serves as a reminder to not just those around you but to every other human being, that in fact they are infinite beings with an infinite potential, that we are not what our parents said. We’re not what our teacher in third grade said. We’re not what our family members have said. We’re not what our ex‐husbands or ex‐wives or children or spouses have said, but in fact, we are who the Divine created us to be, and we are now ready to reclaim it. Will you receive that? Take a breath. I’m going to lovingly invite that little light of yours, that little spark of Divine essence to begin to expand within your heart. I’m going to invite that sacred essence that you are, that dwells within your heart to expand to fill your entire body. I’m going to dare you to have the courage Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters to allow that light to expand to fill whatever building it is that you’re in right now. I’m going to invite you to have the audacity to allow that infinite, Divine spark of magnificence that you are to fill whatever city, town that you’re in. I’m going to lovingly invite you to take one more step out of judgment and allow that infinite, luminous presence to expand even further, to envelop whatever state or district that you are in. Take a breath. Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: I’m going to invite that luminous presence and light that you are to expand to fill whatever country you are in. Will you receive that? I’m going to invite that brilliant resonance, that spark of Divine intelligence that you are to fill whatever continent you are in. I’m going to invite that light and that resonance to expand to fill whatever country, continent and then eventually envelop the entire planet, the globe. That’s how big you are. I’m going to invite this luminous spark and presence to expand to fill our entire solar system. I’m going to invite this luminous light and spark to fill our entire galaxy, our entire universe, and last but not least, we’re going to invite that brilliant, luminous spark of Divine essence, the Divine essence that is your soul signature, that is the truth of you to expand out into infinity and beyond. Take a breath. Jennifer, I’m going to ask you on behalf of everybody, will you have the courage to be this big, Jennifer? Yes. Take a breath. Is it absolutely possible for you to live as this infinite awareness and expression in every moment of your life? Yes. Will you live it in every moment of your life? Yes, I will. I am. Take a breath. Now, from this space of infinite awareness, from this state, which is your natural state, which is in fact your birthright, this is how big you really are. My beloved Jennifer, where is the problem? There’s no problem here. Take a breath. Those judgments and those things that were spoken of you, that were so convincing and so real, because everyone was having that conversation, because on planet Earth judgment is in fashion, those things that you allowed to impact you so greatly, when you see them from this place, this infinite space of beingness, how do you feel? How do you feel, Jennifer? It’s hard to speak. My soul is alive. I feel the eternal, the infinite, and it’s enormous, and it’s emotional in a beautiful and loving and joyful way. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 8 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: I love you, angel. Stay with the breath. We’re going to lovingly invite that sadness that’s been repressed or suppressed within you and everyone that’s listening to arise. We’re going to lovingly invite that fear that is oh, so convincing and oh, so real, that actually formed the mortar that held those stories in place, that constructed that wall around our hearts — we’re going to invite that fear to arise. We’re going to invite the anger, the resentment, the rage and the frustration that we’ve felt at being infinite but not having a place to fit in as an infinite being in this reality to arise. It is time to fully be it all, feel it all so that everyone listening on this call tonight can have it all. Oneness is all‐inclusive, and by virtue of the fact that oneness is all‐inclusive, are you not, Jennifer, all energies? Yes. Yes, you are all energies, and everything in creation is a part of you. Everything that you see and perceive is a beautiful reflection of that inner light and wisdom and magnificence that you are. What I would like to do is invite all of creation and infinity to love you. I want to invite the Divine, every light being throughout all time and space and all dimensions to love every single one of you. I want to invite the Divine to come and embrace every one of you wherever you are right now in the world so you can know this to be the truth. Will you receive that, Jennifer, on behalf of everybody? Yes. Receive it. Stay with the breath. I just saw a whole veil of heaviness just completely lift off the planet. That is how powerful every single one of you is. Amazing. Stay with the breath. Right now you are not just receiving for you, but you’re actually, right now, receiving for an entire planet that’s forgotten its essential nature. You are not just receiving for you, but you’re actually, right now, receiving for all of those people that have yet to have the courage to love and accept themselves. Receive it. Be filled. Be full and overflowing with this love, because the Divine loves you infinitely. You see, how I see you from outside the wall and how the Divine perceives you is in the following way. You see, Jennifer, you’re not broken. Take a breath. You don’t need fixing. Take a breath. You don’t need healing. Take a breath. You, my beloved Jennifer, are not a mistake. Take a breath. You’ve never done anything wrong. Every aspect of you was crafted in absolute Divine perfection, every single one of you listening, and within every single one of you resides an entirely unique expression of Source energy. Within each of you resides your own unique resonance of God code, that own unique aspect of Divine potential of Source energy. That is who you are. Within you burns your own unique fire and expression of soul signature. At the deepest part of you, that part that you never let go out, no matter how hard it got, no matter how intense the abuse was, no matter how convincing the judgments were, no matter how much people have tried to have you buy into lack and limitation as a way of being. That spark, you courageous beings all around the world, it never went out. You never let it go out. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 9 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters It kept on burning until now, until this Divine appointment where that spark could, once again, be restored to its magnificence and potential. Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Every single one of you listening is a Divine being. Will you receive that, Jennifer, on behalf of everyone on this call? Yes. Take a breath. How you doing, angel? Wow. Excellent. Wow is good. Take a breath and just continue to allow everything that no longer serves you to wash through you. Right now we are lovingly allowing ourselves to experience. We’re lovingly allowing ourselves to feel. We’re lovingly allowing ourselves to receive more, to grow bigger. You see, from this space of infinite expansiveness, Jennifer, how expansively can you receive? It’s unlimited. Infinitely, yeah. So let’s do that on behalf of everybody. I’ll have Jennifer answer in your behalf. So Jennifer, are you willing to receive your infinite abundance? Yes. Take a breath. Are you willing to receive your infinite health and vitality? Yes. Take a breath. Are you willing to be infinitely connected to Source energy and source potential? Yes. Take a breath. Are you willing to allow yourself to receive love infinitely? Yes. Take a breath. You are loved just the way you are. Every single one of you is brilliant just the way you are, and it’s time for each and every one of you to end the judgment of yourselves. Will you receive that, Jennifer? Will you end all forms of judgment of self? Yes. Take a breath. We’re just going to check in with our human sacrifice, ladies and gentlemen. How are you doing, Jennifer? The only thing being sacrificed is fear and anger. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 10 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Right. That’s exactly right. That’s exactly right. How do you feel? It feels like there’s this bubble that has moved through me, and it’s expanded from within, of light that is simply pushing out the old reactions and fears and the story and allowing infinity and the eternal. It’s really something, Panache. I’m humbled in this moment. In the past, it’s been hard to put me in a place of speechlessness, and alas, here I am. I just want to do something especially for you, because I love you, and I want you to receive this. Are you ready? Yes. Are you willing to receive in your heart, Jennifer McLean, the infinite contribution that you have been to not just everyone on this call but the millions of lives that have been touched as a result of your presence on this planet? Yes. Take a breath. In that same way, we’re going to do that for every single one of you that’s listening, because no matter what your circumstances are, your choice to incarnate at this time makes this world a better place. Yes, it does. No matter what you’re going through and no matter what you’re feeling and no matter how hard you may perceive it to be in this moment, your choice to be embodied, to embody the resonance that you are, to embody the soul signature that you chose to embody at this time, you, my friends, are such an infinite contribution to consciousness. Every single one of you is changing everything. You are changing and transforming the very fabric of reality just by being you. How cool is that? Every one of you, every single one of you. All along it was never about you doing more, never about you being more, never about becoming something or some better version of you. All along, my beloved friends, the only thing that was required was for you to have the absolute courage to walk the journey of your life fully being you. So for Jennifer and for everyone on this call — I’m going to have Jennifer answer on your behalf. Jennifer, my beloved angel, will you be that, on behalf of everybody? Yes. And everyone around the world, can I get a resounding yes? Yes. Excellent. Good. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 11 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: All: Panache: All: Panache: All: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: All: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: In fact, Panache, you know what I’d like to do? I’d like to open up the lines and just get a big group yes. Would that be okay? Oh, I’d love to do that. Okay. I’m going to open up the lines. It could get a little scary, but I’d like you to ask the question, and I’m going to go ahead and open up the lines right now. Go ahead and ask the question. So we’re [inaudible 00:39:38] right now. Have the courage to be the version of you that the Divine created you to be. Yes. Let’s do another one. That was fun. Will every single one of you, right now, open up to infinitely receiving your abundance? Yes. Let’s do one more. Will every single one of you on this call commit to being and living your soul signature and transforming consciousness? Yes. Oh, my God. We just changed everything. That was so cool. We just changed everything. Judgment, you might as well pack it up and go home, judgment, because it’s over. Fear, lack and limitation, pack that up. Put it in a box. It’ll be in a museum one day. Our grandkids will go in the museum and say, “Grandpa, did we really live in fear, lack and scarcity?” “Yes, I’m afraid to say that we actually did, but thanks to Healing With The Masters season nine, we made it a thing of the past.” Can we get a yes all around the world? Yes. We did it. That was awesome. That is awesome. It feels awesome. It feels like there’s no time and space at this moment. Right, yeah. Thank you, Panache. Oh, thank you. Thank you for having the courage to be you and to stand in that truth and to walk this journey. Thank you for having the remembrance of the truth and this brilliance and showing up, not just for you but for everyone else that’s on this call and everyone who’s been Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 12 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters here through every season of Healing With The Masters. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Wow. It’s interesting. We had, I think it was two shows ago, a couple of people mentioned, in the Q and A forum, that they wanted me to experience receiving the thank yous, and tonight I have. Just breathe, angel. Thank you. Breathe. Okay. I get to just bawl my eyes out on this one, Panache. Thank you so much. It’s okay. Breathe. Let it out. Let it out. Right now there are thousands of people all over the world expressing their love and gratitude for you, because you have the courage to live your soul signature, Jennifer, because you have the courage to be the version of you that the Divine made you to be, because you never gave up. You know that? Remember when I interviewed you, and I said, “What would you say to that 19‐year‐old or that 21‐year‐old that was having a hard time? What would you say to yourself?” Remember what your response was? Yes. Don’t give up. Don’t give up. You are that voice of hope in a world where people have so bought into the judgment as a way of being that they’ve given up on themselves. Every single one of you is important. Every single one of you matters, and that is more typical now than at any other time, that you access the infinite potential that you are and live it unapologetically. So thank you, Jennifer. Thank you so much. Wow. This is incredibly powerful, and I can just feel the energy of the codes that are in your words just pulsing through us and the entire planet. It’s quite a remarkable experience. I’m getting kind of the human aspect of — I’m hearing some of the people saying, “This is amazing and fantastic, and I feel so different. I’m afraid to go back to my life. I’m afraid to go back to not feeling this way, to going back into reaction and judgment, going back into —” So how do we access it when Panache Desai is not holding us by the hand? Well, let’s just check in with something real quick. Okay? Okay. Just take some breaths, and we’re just lovingly going to expand you out into that infinite space, again. What I would like you to do is try with all of your might to become contracted. So we’re in the infinite. Yes. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 13 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: All: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Wow, that’s physically impossible. It’s absolutely impossible to buy into limitation when you are being your infinite beingness. So just one simple thing for everyone that’s on this call right now. When you feel that contraction, if you actually can still feel it — in most cases, it’s going to be gone, and you’re going to think that’s absolutely weird, because it was so real an hour ago, and it’s so not real anymore. So in the event that you can still conjure up some form of contraction, I would like everybody to just, out loud — should we do it together? I’ll say it, and then maybe everybody can repeat it. Okay, great. Let’s do this together around the world. Are you ready? I’d like you all to just repeat after me. I am infinite. I am infinite. Good. Once you finish saying I am infinite, just take three deep breaths. Just notice what immediately happens to your state. Just notice what immediately happens to your vibrational frequency and resonance. What you’re going to find, in every single instance, is acknowledging the truth of your being will set you free 100 percent of the time. Have the courage to acknowledge the truth of your being, and get ready for a life that is beyond your dreams, a life that is beyond your wildest expectations. You couldn’t envision this even if you tried, that kind of a life. One simple tool. Acknowledging the truth of your being. Yes. What happens when we acknowledge the truth of our being? The very second that an individual has the courage to acknowledge the truth of their being, that truth reveals itself. That infinite expansiveness flowers in their experience. Their vibrational resonance elevates to be at the level of infinity. Their receptivity meets them in that space of infinity. Their entire life, the fabric of their entire reality shifts and changes. So in the event that you can still conjure up some form of contraction or limitation and you find that something rears its head in the hours or the days to come, just please remember that you declared on the call, with thousands of people from all over the world, that you are an infinite being. We all heard you, and you’ll never forget it. Remember the truth. Take three deep breaths, and watch what happens. How you doing? I’m good. I have no idea what to ask you. I have no freaking clue. I’m in infinity now, and the how questions just aren’t resonating. It’s a love‐olution, I tell you. It’s a love‐olution. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 14 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: You’ve been talking about soul signature. What is that? From your perspective, what is the soul signature? Well, your soul signature is basically your unique, Divine resonance. It’s that part of you that you’ve judged out of your experience, and so that’s why, when I began feeling into Healing With The Masters season nine and this particular community of individuals, the immediate thing that came up for me was just, “Panache, it’s reclaiming your soul signature.” It’s reclaiming it. It’s reaffirming it. It’s re‐owning it at the deepest level of our being. Here’s why. All of a sudden, everybody asked, put the intention out of what they wanted long before we even got on this call, and the Divine responded. So just imagine the power, Jennifer, of every single person on this call fully reclaiming their soul signature. If they did it now, what would happen tomorrow morning when we all got up? We’d be living in a different world. Yes, and so when you ask, the Divine provides and answer and solution, and so because you asked, all of a sudden, I just sat down. “Okay, it’s reclaiming your soul signature, and how do we do that? Well, let’s guide them into that. Let’s offer them vibrational tools and technologies to have them be that in the world. Let’s bring that reality, that we want to see, into being now.” So soul signature came into being. Reclaiming your Divine essence came into being, and that expression was born in this amazing series of tools and technologies. So the first thing is just basically reclaiming your soul signature. When you do that, you start harnessing the power of your limitless potential. You start moving into a life where, all of a sudden, life flows to you with absolute grace, where you start living from your heart. There’s a lightness is your heart, where, all of a sudden, your vibrational resonance goes through the roof, because when you start vibrating at infinity, there’s nothing in the way of you receiving. There’s nothing in the way of you receiving. So that life that you want is available to you. Reclaim your soul signature. That fabulous experience that you came here to have, that you were judged out of is available to you. Reclaim your soul signature. So these wonderful tools came into being, and so the first part of it was Accelerated Acceptance. So I just said to the Divine, “What’s the first part?” Okay, first part is Accelerated Acceptance. Well, what is that? Disc one is actually claiming your vibrational authenticity. It’s actually recognizing the blessing that you are. It’s actually allowing this catalytic presence of vibrational transformation to continue to propel you along your journey, to continually move you into more. It is literally, just that one thing along, is enough to propel you into a life that defies logic and unleash your brilliance. So what’s the next thing? The next thing is Vibrational Transformation: The Courage to Feel. For me, having the courage to feel is having the courage to live, and I realize that so many people are afraid to feel. There’s so much judgment around feeling, around sadness, around anger. That’s why we have this culture of repression or suppression on this planet. That’s why Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 15 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Jennifer: sadness doesn’t get expressed, and all of a sudden, it becomes depression. That’s why anger doesn’t get expressed, and all of a sudden, it becomes rage. So having the courage to feel is having the courage to live. We guide people into how to feel, but in fact, every emotion originates from the Divine, that it’s plan is to move beyond the judgment of energies, that in fact everything is working in your favor and leading you into more. So that’s disc two. That, again, was just amazing. Then disc three, I’m like, “What’s next?” Soulful Surrender. What is that? Accepting life and eliminating stress. Ninety‐eight percent, I think it is now, of all forms of disease are brought into being through stress, and what is stress? Stress is some form of resistance to what is. Stress is some form of resistance to life. Why do we do that? Because we’ve been told, over and over again, that we shouldn’t be experiencing certain things. We’re continually taking ourselves out of present moment awareness. Soulful Surrender is a step‐by‐step tool to put you in a new vibrational set‐point where you can navigate life from a higher vibrational frequency and where, in fact, you can just completely eliminate stress. Jennifer, how cool is that? Just imagine you wake up tomorrow. No stress. Right? Amazing. So I’m just completely in awe of what comes through when people ask. So the next thing is Shattering Inner‐Sabotage. So everyone listening, how many times do you sabotage your magnificence on a daily basis? Right? We’re doing it all the time, because there’s unconscious conversations. That unconscious content keeps rearing its head, and so Shattering Inner‐Sabotage is literally dissolving the energy that holds those false beliefs in place, that keep you entrenched in a life of self‐sabotage. Sabotage robs you of your birthright. It robs you of your greater contribution. Every one of you has one thing that you know you’re here to do, but yet you keep getting in your own way. So Shattering Inner‐Sabotage removes the obstacles so that you can be that contribution, so that you can stop getting in your own way. Then finally, disc six, final thing — “All right, Divine, what’s next?” Tao of Transformation. What is that? That is modern‐day mastery in the real world, how you be, that vibrational resonance that you are in the moment‐to‐moment experience of your life, how you authentically navigate your life and how you do it from a space of connectivity and centeredness. It’s time to fully own the power that you already possess. It’s time to shift into the fullness of who you are and to live this truth in every single moment. Then after that, Divine says, “Do a webcast with everybody. I want everybody on the webcast. Do a webcast.” We’re going to do a group breakthrough session webcast, which will be a live vibrational infusion for everyone across the world who gets the package. Wow. Interestingly, I asked a question that was part of the show, and I’ve never had this experience before. Panache answered the question by also talking about his special offer. I’ve never experienced this before, where you actually answered the question to give people the path, whether they buy the package or not. That is the path. That is the path that the Divine gave to you for this particular soul group that is listening right now, whether it’s now or in the future. The answer is that which is in the form of a package of six discs, but those are the Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 16 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters answers to the path. Again, whether you purchase or not, that’s the path that has been delivered to you through this master. Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Yes. Here’s how cool it is. This is how outrageous it is. Every single one of you listening right now has a mark as unique on you as the lightning bolt scar on Harry Potter’s head. It’s time to own that unique mark and that unique brilliance. The Divine has an amazing sense of humor, and I was guided to share that. So I had to get that in. Every one of you, all around the world right now, has an absolutely unique mark of awesomeness and brilliance that is as unique as the lightning bolt scar on Harry Potter’s head. It is time for you to live it. Here’s the amazing thing, Jennifer. Everyone listening called this into being, whether they’re aware of it or not. The Divine loves you, and the Divine always stands ready to support you. All you ever have to do is ask, and the answer is always created so that you can receive it. Receive it. Panache, that mark — is there any way we can take the last couple of minutes here and have you maybe guide us a little bit to what our mark is in a more palpable way? Yes, of course. That would be lovely. Are you ready? Yes. Excellent. So close your eyes. Just open your palms, and we’re just going to lovingly invite the Divine, every light being throughout all time and space and all dimensions, to just be with you and embrace you in this moment. What I would like is for these incredible beings that are here to support you to start making you aware of the sacred blessing that you are right now. Just take a breath, everyone around the world. I would like these amazing presences that are here to oversee the ascension of this planet to remind you of the sweet gift that you are, the sweet balm that you are to this reality. I’m going to lovingly ask the Divine to fill you with the highest resonance of love and light available right now so that you can be the illuminated ambassador of oneness that you said you would be. I’m going to ask the Divine to expand your light to the power of infinity so that you can be that beacon of light and potential and that way‐shower that you promised you would be, for yourself and others. Every single one of you right now, your purpose is to fully be yourself, it’s to fully live your soul signature, and through living your purpose, everything that you really want will come into your life in a way that you can’t even imagine. I know that, because Jennifer’s living her soul signature, because there are people who have the courage to live their soul signature, because I’m living my soul signature, because every single one of you is stepping into living your soul signature. The very second you say yes, the Divine begins to shower you with all that you truly wanted and more, that which you couldn’t Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 17 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters even dream of. Every single one of you listening is a pioneer. You are right now transforming an entire paradigm of human experience, every one of you, by being you. Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: I’m going to ask the Divine presence, this amazing love to just fill your heart right now, to just let you know that you’re not alone, to just remind you that the words will come, to remind you that the creativity will flower, that your palms will start beaming this infinite light and presence out into the world, that your heart will start radiating this Divine love out into the world and that your life will be greatly enriched by your willingness to saying yes to being you. Saying yes to living your life. Saying yes to being your magnificence and saying yes to be the master that you were born and created to be. Can I just get one final yes from you, Jennifer, on behalf of the thousands of people all around the world that are listening? Yes. Excellent. Just breathe. Receive for a few moments. So it is. So it was, and so it will always be. So it is. So it was, and so will it always be. Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much for a really beautiful show. I’m going to ask Panache for one more thought, but I do want to talk about the special offer that he’s really, literally, from that answer already reviewed. So: As you heard, Panache has created something just for us, just for this audience, and it’s your soul signature. He kibitzed with the Divine, and the Divine said, “Here’s what this soul group is yearning for, looking for, wanting.” As Panache said, you co‐created this with him. You asked, and the Divine heard and, through Panache, is delivering. This powerful, powerful special offer is called Reclaiming Your Soul Signature. That’s just item one. Item one is Reclaiming Your Soul Signature. The idea here is everything he’s talked about tonight in a program that will really program you to really understand who you are, what’s possible, reactivate and reclaim your power, your potential, your personality, the possibilities, your personal fulfillment, to understand and experience your Divine destiny, understand, as he said, the mark, the Harry Potter mark that you have and to enliven it, allow it, expand it. It’s kind of like there’s a seed within you that this powerful series will water and assist you in growing. As he said, this one is Accelerated Acceptance. This is about you’re not a mistake, accepting who you are, really feeling it as we felt it tonight and feeling it in a way that you can use over and over again. Disc two is the Vibrational Transformation: The Courage to Feel, the courage to use your emotions and establish authentic relationship with yourself. Disc 3 is Soulful Surrender: Accepting Life and Eliminating Stress. I can hardly wait to plug that one in. Disc 4 is Shattering Inner‐Sabotage: The Keys to Having It All. It’s a powerful thing that vibrationally dissolves the energy that is fueling the obstacles of your self‐empowerment and growth. Powerful, Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 18 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters powerful. There’s three conversations that serve as the foundation to any self‐sabotage you’re experiencing and how to overcome them. Panache: Jennifer: Then disc 5 is Achieving Inner‐Harmony. So you no longer have to avoid people or places or situations. You no longer have to even be phobic. It’s about really living a joyful life and finding that inner harmony. Then the Tao of Transformation, the modern‐day mastery in the real world, this is how to apply you as the master to your life, your world. Then on top of that is item two. There’s going to be a webcast just for you, just for those who are purchasing this special offer, and it’s going to be on Sunday, June 3. There will also be a replay via webcast, and you can listen to it as many times as you’d like for the next 30 days. It’s going to be a powerful session, because as you know, there’s this moment — I believe there’s almost a moment of destiny happening here with those individuals who are resonating with this special offer. This will further that moment and allow you to interact with Panache in our own private, almost lifting salon, I would say, our own private webcast. Then on top of that, item three, there’s a whole other program that’s available here, which is a video called Separation Ends‐Master Begins. These are energetically infused teachings, meditations and integrations to expand your capacity to harness your infinite potential, access the secret to self‐empowerment and prepare for life beyond your wildest dreams. If you look at the testimonials, you’ll see that people have actually experienced this through Panache’s powerful, energetic, vibrational transmissions. You’re going to receive that through this video, available as downloadable or a DVD. Then there’s a bonus, which is Soul Signature Unleashed. It’s a vibrational infusion, expanding you to your limitless potential. It’s a 30‐minute dynamic tool, infusing with the latest vibrational protocols to expand your field of awareness from one of personal to a universal one. It expands on what Panache did with us on the show tonight. It’s something that you can plug in and use daily. Is there anything else that you would add about the special offer, Panache? No, just that when you ask, you receive, and everything is vibrationally encoded. So what’s happening is that, as you’re listening, every single aspect of you is shifting and integrating to meet you in that space of infinite resonance. It is a tool unlike any other, and we are so blessed at this time to have access to an answer and a solution. Have the courage to say yes to your life. Have the courage to say yes to being you, and I promise you, you won’t regret it. Beautiful. Again, that’s: The phrase that pays tonight is I am an infinite being. The phrase that pays tonight is I am an infinite being. That’s what you get for the phrase that pays. You get a 30‐minute, one‐on‐one session with Panache Desai himself. It’s a powerful, powerful opportunity. So again, it’s I am an infinite being, is the phrase that pays, and you go to the contest page. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 19 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer, can we do this? I just feel inspired right now. Do you mind? Sure. No. Can I turn that into an hour‐long session with me? Can I give someone that? Would it be okay? You can. That would be awesome. Yeah. Those of you that have called to listen and those of you that have the phrase that pays, I am in infinite being, you get an hour with me, one hour. Thank you for being so generous. You have a chockfull schedule, so I know that’s a lot. Thank you so much, Panache. I appreciate that immensely. So again, go to: Enter the phrase that pays, I am an infinite being, and you get an hour session, a whole hour with Panache. How exciting. So Panache, any final thoughts as we wrap up tonight? Let’s just close collectively. So why don’t we all just close our eyes and open our palms, and let’s finish how we began. What I want to do actually is just take some breaths. I love it when we have these opportunities. So I’m just going to ask that Divine presence to completely fill you with that infinite love and life. Just fully remember it, fully willing to receive it. Then what we’re going to do together to close this call is to completely seal the collective consciousness with this energy of unconditional love. We’re going to completely infuse the collective matrix of this planet with unconditional love. We’re going to remind 7.2 billion people that they’re infinite beings with an infinite potential on a vibrational level. We’re going to shower every single person on this planet and everything in all of creation with so much love that they begin to experience their soul signature, so that they begin to have the courage to live in the fullness of who they are. So just take some breaths, and together, everywhere you are around the world, every single one of you, just begin to allow this luminosity and this light to emanate from your heart, out into the world. Let it go wherever it needs to go. Let everyone who is struggling, who’s bought into the struggling, bought into the separation or the desperation or who may even be on the verge of contemplating ending their existence — may they be filled with hope. May every human being know that they are loved. May they all come to know that they are loved. May everyone be elevated vibrationally out of pain and suffering. As a result of us all collectively being here today and being the collective contribution that we’ve been to consciousness on this call, may the world forever be different. May the world forever be transformed. So be it. So it is, and so it will always be. Jennifer, I love you infinitely, and I love every single one of you listening infinitely, and I thank you with all of my heart and all that I am for loving me. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 20 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Jennifer: Panache: Jennifer: Panache: Thank you very much, Panache. This is a beautiful, sacred call and a beautiful, sacred moment. Much, much, much love and appreciation for all you’re doing for all. Thanks, everyone, for being part of today’s show. It seems we always come to these calls as individuals, and in the end, we wind up a united community and united in our intention and, tonight, united in our intention of being that infinite being that we are. We make the difference. We matter. You matter. I love you all so very much, and until the next time, good night. Good night, Panache. Good night, angel. Thank you. Good night, everyone around the world. Bye‐bye. Bye. [End of Discussion] Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 21 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Host Volume 9 | March 6, 2012 – June 7, 2012 Jennifer McLean Panache Desai | Featured Guest | May 10, 2012 Inspirational Visionary Contemporary Spiritual Master Panache Desai is an inspirational visionary and contemporary spiritual master in the field of consciousness and vibration. His energetic gift of vibrational transformation has inspired and shifted the lives of tens of thousands around the globe. He shares eternal truths, inspirational insights, and vibrational tools to empower you to create the life of your dreams. Panache is called a modern‐day avatar. He acts as a direct link to Divine consciousness empowering people of all ages, economic and educational backgrounds to transform their lives by connecting them with their limitless Divine nature. Young, hip and funny, Panache holds large experiential seminars, group workshops, offers private sessions and brings a global community together weekly via LIVE webcasting. His bi‐monthly radio show, The Guru Is You, is featured on the World Puja Network, broadcast to 139 countries with more than 700,000 active subscribers. He is on the faculty at OMEGA Institute, Blue Spirit Costa Rica, and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and a featured speaker at Celebrate Your Life. He has collaborated with internationally recognized spiritual teachers including Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, James Van Praagh, and Deva Premal and Miten. Panache’s newest internationally acclaimed CD series, Igniting Boundless Receiving, has propelled people out of lack, limitation and scarcity into greater levels of abundance, health and well‐being. It has been described as the most complete vibrational solution on abundance ever created. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 22 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Host Volume 9 | March 6, 2012 – June 9, 2012 Jennifer McLean Guest Speakers | Further Information March 6, 2012 Chris Cade March 8, 2012 Marisa Russo March 13, 2012 Colin Tipping March 15, 2012 Jennifer McLean March 20, 2012 Donna Eden Martial Arts Champion Spiritual Healer and Teacher Renowned Teacher Author, Speaker and Healer Internationally Known Speaker Radical Forgiveness Healer Internationally Acclaimed Entrepreneur Author and Creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing One Of The World’s Most Joyous and Authoritative Spokespersons for Energy Medicine Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 23 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) March 22, 2012 Jo Dunning March 27, 2012 Sonia Choquette March 29, 2012 Noah St. John April 3, 2012 Susann Taylor Shier April 4, 2012 Jon Griffin "The Miracle Worker" World Renowned Spiritual Teacher Author and Master of Energy International Bestselling Hay House Author Spiritual Teacher Distinguished Intuitive Advisor “The Accelerated Results Guy” Bestselling Author Inventor of Afformations® Dynamic and Gifted Author Teacher Intuitive Counselor Awakening the soul through music. How has sound transformed you? Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 24 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) April 5, 2012 Gregg Braden April 10, 2012 New York Times Bestselling Author Scientific‐Spiritualty Pioneer Internationally Renowned Self‐Development Author and Speaker Wayne Dyer April 12, 2012 Mark Romero April 17, 2012 David Neagle April 19, 2012 Artist Sound Vibration Healer Personal‐Development Coach World‐Class Speaker Leading Authority on Personal Mastery Internationally Renowned Self‐Development Author and Speaker Wayne Dyer Live Q&A Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 25 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) April 24, 2012 World Renowned Author and Speaker Drunvalo Melchizedek April 25, 2012 Healing Coach For People From All Backgrounds Mary Allen April 26, 2012 Isha Judd May 1, 2012 Rikka Zimmerman May 3, 2012 Sarah McLean International Speaker Ambassador for Peace Spreading the seeds of Consciousness around the world. “Life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!” Hay House Author, Teacher, and The New Face of Mainstream Meditation Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 26 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) May 8, 2012 Denise Linn May 9, 2012 Elizabeth Jones May 10, 2012 Panache Desai May 15, 2012 Carol Look May 17, 2012 Jim Kwik Internationally Respected Healer, Writer and Teacher Astrologer Extraordinaire Gifted Intuitive ‐ Revealing the Nature of Powerful 2012 Transitions Inspirational Visionary Contemporary Spiritual Master Internationally Known Author Energy Practitioner Success and Abundance Coach Expert on speed‐reading, memory improvement, and accelerated learning for over 18 years. Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 27 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) May 22, 2012 Neale Donald Walsch May 23, 2012 Emmanuel Dagher May 24, 2012 Laurie Reyon May 29, 2012 Mary A. Hall May 31, 2012 William Linville Internationally Recognized Spiritual Messenger Best Selling Author of the Conversations With God book series Human Transformation Specialist Holistic Health Practitioner and Teacher Internationally Known Interspecies Communicator and Soul Healer Recognized & Profound Healer Popular Abundance Coach Author and Speaker Instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness – Here to Assist You Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 28 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters Healing With the Masters: Volume 9 | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) June 5, 2012 Author Intuitive Life Coach Transformation Expert Christie Marie Sheldon June 7, 2012 Author of Evolve Your Brain Featured International Speaker Scientist Dr. Joe Dispenza Conversation Transcription Specialists Electronic Publishing | Broadcast & Mass Media | Marketing Research Business Communications | Closed Captioning Jennifer McLean’s Healing With The Masters: Vol. 9 Guest: Panache Desai Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. Page 29 of 29 May 10, 2012 Jennifer McLean | Healing With The Masters