JLBR - The Bridge - March 2009
JLBR - The Bridge - March 2009
Volume 19, Number 5 March/April 2009 Women Building Better Communities The League Hits the Links llFive Unique Florida Getaways The Path You Choose ll New Member Fabulousness What a Difference One Person Can Make Junior League of Boca Raton “Women Building Better Communities” 2008-2009 Board of Directors PRESIDENT ............................KRISTEN ROSS PRESIDENT-ELECT ....................LINDA GUNN VP COMMUNICATIONS...........REAGAN SUCH VP COMMUNITY AFFAIRS....JAMI GUTTENBERG VP FINANCE ..................CRYSTAL MCMILLIN VP PERSONNEL................MELINDA DEHOFF VP PLANNING ........................JAN KUCERA FUND DEVELOPMENT.........NANCY DOCKERTY NOMINATING/PLACEMENT...DELYNN TRIVISON PROJECT DEVELOPMENT......MICHELE TOOMEY P.R./MARKETING......STACEY HANNAN QUINN SUSTAINING ADVISOR...............LISA MULHALL Publications Committee EDITOR.............................LESLIE JACKSON EDITOR-ELECT....................ARETE FRIEDMAN EDITOR-ELECT...................ANDEE HOLzMAN ASSISTANT EDITOR................NONDAS DAVIS ASSISTANT EDITOR..................KRISTEN HUzE ASSISTANT EDITOR...........DENISE O’SULLIVAN ASSISTANT EDITOR ................REAGAN SUCH PHOTOGRAPHER ..................LESLIE DAMRON LAYOUT DESIGNER & ADVERTISING...ROBIN PHILPIT The Bridge is published seven times a year (once during the summer) by the Junior League of Boca Raton, Inc. May BRIDGE deadline for articles and advertisements is March 25th E-mail: BRIDGE@jlbr.org Junior League of Boca Raton (561) 620-2553 Fax: (561) 620-2554 E-mail: info@jlbr.org Office Hours: Mon - Fri., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Office Manager: Jody Cruden Website: www.JLBR.org Cookbook Office (561) 620-0765 Fax: (561) 620-0767 Toll Free: (866) 574-9229 E-mail: Cookbook@jlbr.org Office Hours: T, W, Th, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Cookbook Office Manager: Mary Lavalle Newman-Craske Grant Resource Library Tues., Thurs., 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. E-mail: Library@jlbr.org Librarian: Liz Locke THE BRIDGE march/april 2009 $ vol. 19, no. 5 The Communication Bridge between the Junior League of Boca Raton, its Membership, and our Community. Features Organize Your Closet in Seven Simple Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Five Unique Florida Getaways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2009-2010 Placement Interview Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 And the Award Goes To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Departments President’s Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Letter from the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Caring Hearts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Members of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hats Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Member Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Community Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 New Member News and Members of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 From a Cook’s Point of View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Sustainer News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 List of Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Lines of Communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 News from Committees Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Golf Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 DIAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Community Support Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Kids in Distress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 In the Pines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Florence Fuller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Milagro Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Spirit of Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Nominating/Placement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chocolate Decadence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Membership Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Cookbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Woman Volunteer of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Fund Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Cover: Golf Classic Committee (l-r) Elisa Goldman, Paige Kornblue, Victoria Matthews, Allison Lane, Marya Gill, Ron Towery, Sherry Winter, Jennifer Harper, Brenda Browning & Vanessa Diaz. April General Membership Meeting April 14, 2009 Social 6 p.m. - Meeting 7 p.m. The Junior League of Boca Raton, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Photographer will be present to take yearbook photos. The Junior League of Boca Raton, Inc. and the Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. reach out to women of all races, religions, and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism. bridge $ march/april 2009 3 4 l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l President’s Perspective by Kristen Ross Did you know I wear glasses? Many people don’t – they are not exactly a staple of my wardrobe. But they are a huge part of my identity. I was prescribed glasses when I was just a little over one year old. No, that’s not a typo – one year old. I still have them, the original glasses. The temples are curled and bendy. They wrapped around my ears to prevent me from swatting them off my face. To this day I can’t figure out how my parents managed a one-year-old in glasses. I can’t keep a headband on my seven-year-old or my five-year-old in shoes. How do you even begin to make a one-year-old wear glasses? These days I wear contacts almost exclusively, because even the latest in glasses technology cannot reduce the Coke-bottle thickness of the lenses I require. If you’ve caught a glimpse of me wearing my specs, you’ve seen a rare public appearance of me in my natural state. I switched to contacts in middle school and have worn them ever since. But even still, I think of myself in glasses. And so do the people who knew me growing up. My mom can’t lay eyes on a little blonde girl with glasses and not say with a nostalgic smile how much she reminds her of me. Glasses are part of whom I am, even when I’m not wearing them. But, truth be told, I am most comfortable when I am. I feel that way about being a Junior League member. JLBR is part of who I am now. Like my glasses, it’s how I see myself, even though I won’t always be President, or even an active member. And after this particular placement, there is a new layer of unforgettable experiences that have indelibly changed me. It is this sentiment that helps me look happily toward the future. These days everyone wants to know how I’m feeling about my presidential year winding down: Are you relieved to be on the down slide? Are you sad the year is almost over? So, here it is: I’ve loved every minute of my presidency so far, but I’m glad it’s a one-year term; my family needs me and I’m anxious for a slower pace. I am happy to pass the torch, though not necessarily ready – this year has just been so much fun, thanks especially to the Board and all the amazing members with which I’ve had l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l the privilege of interacting. I can’t help but want it not to be over. But the League wouldn’t be so amazing if it didn’t offer so many women the opportunity to lead, learn and grow. So, I’m content in knowing it is someone else’s turn. To that point, it’s time to start preparing for the future, even while fulfilling present obligations. It’s not only okay, it’s important that you do both. (And it’s only fair that if I have to think about life-after-presidency, you have to think about what’s next, too.) An important skill that JLBR leadership develops is the ability to simultaneously and successfully wear two hats. Congratulations to the newly announced 20092010 slate, many of whom are current leaders and board members. Although you are not quite official (the membership will vote to approve the slate in March), I encourage you to start planning for your new roles. At the board level we are beginning the transition process, looking at what the League will have accomplished by May and identifying the initiatives still in progress that need to be carried over into next year. This spring we will hold the first joint board meeting with the outgoing and incoming boards to ensure the carry-over is seamless. Though I won’t have a governing role in ‘09-’10, I take great pleasure and pride in feeling part of the strides that will be made in the years ahead by helping to lay the groundwork for new ideas and vision. So, I don’t know exactly what is ahead for me, but I am excited for it. The beauty of being a Junior Leaguer is that at any time, now or in the future, our JLBR identity – our distinctive training, passion and perspective – can be worn visibly when we apply it to other organizations, opportunities and endeavors. I am looking forward to wearing my Junior League-ness on the outside in many new ways and as often as possible. With that, it’s late and my eyes are tired from staring at the computer screen. Time to go take out my contacts and put on my glasses. jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l jlbr l president’s perspective jlbr l 5 Letter from the Editor by Leslie Jackson Spring has always been my favorite season. I think it is because I grew up in the North, and while I loved winter (for the first couple of weeks or so) spring meant new beginnings. The dreary, grey days of winter were gone! The trees started getting little green buds on them, the grass returned to its brilliant green (I have to say New Jersey grass is not like Florida grass. New Jersey grass is the softest, most lush feeling grass you will ever encounter! ) and the flowers would begin to blossom. In my hometown there was the most beautiful iris garden. The hill we rode sleds down in the winter turned into this amazing field of irises in the spring. It was breathtaking. In the JLBR world spring is a busy time. Our year is three quarters of the way complete, but there are still many exciting things to come. On April 27th we will be conducting our first annual Golf Classic. Under the direction of Brenda Browning, the golf committee has put together what promises to be an exciting and profitable event. They have arranged for a golf clinic where the children from Florence Fuller will come out and learn about the game of golf. How about the chance to win a MILLION (yes, a million) dollars? Thanks to sponsor Ron Towery, those participating in the event will have the opportunity to win $1,000,000! It’s times like this when I wish I had learned to play – maybe next year! JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON “Women building better communities” WHO WE ARE A group of women committed to improving the lives of children and families in the Boca Raton area since 1971. WHAT WE DO Provide trained volunteers and funding for community agencies and partners. HOW WE DO IT Proceeds from fundraising events and grants are given back to the community. OUR IMPACT ON THE COMMUNITY Total membership of more than 750. This year the Junior League of Boca Raton’s members will provide more than 35,000 volunteer hours and have goals to raise more than $250,000 to support our mission and to help thousands of women, children and families in South Palm Beach County through our placements and collaborations. OUR VISION The Junior League of Boca Raton will provide resources, knowledge and funding to the community through the training, education and voluntarism of its members. The JLBR will be proactive in developing collaborative partnerships to address significant issues in South Florida and will improve the overall quality of life through a legacy of trained volunteers. 6 letter from the editor The ladies from the new member class have been diligently working on their new member committee projects. There will be a very interesting past presidents’ panel organized by the VCRC new member committee, dinner parties from the new member cookbook committee and my favorite (no bias here) the Horses and the Handicapped new member committee is building an amazing sensory trail for the students. Be sure to read Jamie Sauer’s article that explains each project – what an amazing group of women! Springtime also means Placement Fair! Start thinking about what YOU want to do next year. Our placement fair will be conducted prior to the April GMM. This is the time when you will have the opportunity to walk around and ask questions about the committees: what is the time commitment? What are the goals of the committee? Any other questions or concerns you may have, this is the time to inquire. Express your interest to the committee chair and fill out your placement application. Speak with your Nominating/Placement advisor if you have any questions. As our year winds down and we wrap up loose ends, take time to stop and breathe in that fresh spring air! Caring Hearts The Junior League of Boca Raton gratefully acknowledges the following people and/or companies for their “Caring Hearts”: Thank you to Missy Holliday and Ed Dietrich of Deerfield Builder’s Supply for their generosity in providing over half of the building material for the Horses and the Handicapped new member’s sensory trail project. Beth Hendrick from Mizner Park for putting together a fantastic Appreciation Party for our New Members, First Year Actives, Transfers & Sustainers. Special thanks to Boca Raton Museum of Art for use of the facility, and to zED451 for the food and drinks. Martina Schreer - A Model Volunteer by Kim Flittner Our November Member of the Month is serving as a member of the Woman Volunteer of the Year committee. Since early summer, Martina has been proactive and a team player. She solicited sponsors for the centerpieces and involved herself in every aspect of the raffle, including hosting subcommittee meetings at her house and picking up the donations that others secured. She volunteered when other subcommittees needed help, no matter how busy she already was. Martina even brought her friends to the October GMM to buy WVOY tickets! She encouraged the manager at Lemongrass to join the League and followed up by contacting Membership Development on her behalf. But, best of all, Martina was more than willing to play the role of Heidi Klum in the WVOY Project Runway skit, boasting her native German accent. Way to bring down the house! Martina and her husband Brett live in Delray Beach. Martina spends much of her free time traveling, particularly to Germany to visit her 15-year-old son. Martina helps wherever help is needed, volunteering to help on every subcommittee, and does so enthusiastically. She truly helped to make this year’s WVOY luncheon a huge success. Thank you for all your time and efforts in the League. Congratulations on being the November Member of the Month! Dayna Coffer - Designing DIVA! by Kim Flittner Dayna Coffer is our December Member of the Month because she is doing a beautiful job organizing the interior design of the Milagro Center! She met right away with Milagro’s executive director and created an action plan for the interior design. She has worked on getting several bids and is ready to begin the construction! Before you know it, Milagro will be just as inviting on the inside as it is on the outside! In addition to getting bids, Dayna has been working on pricing movable room dividers, met with Tim the Handyman to get final quotes on repairing the kitchen, redoing the closet space, prefab cabinets, and a new inside art sink area. Once these final bids come in, she is ready to begin the renova- tions. She attends our meetings, and e-mails/calls us in between. She is a fabulous committee member and we are so lucky to have her on this project. Outside of her League work, Dayna is married to Preston and has two children, Loren (7) and David (6). She works part time for a commercial property management company. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family and friends at the beach. She loves to drink wine and try new restaurants. She also loves to decorate and read. We are so lucky to have Dayna this year on the Milagro Center committee. We are confident that our interior design aspect of our project will be outstanding because she is so positive, has great ideas, asks wonderful questions, and is so talented. Dayna has already spent many hours of hard work at Milagro. Dayna is an asset to our league in so many ways! Congratulations on being our December Member of the Month. Hats Off to . . . Lou Ann Such for getting the sustainers to host Cottage Meetings and a big thank you to the following sustainers who opened their homes for Cottage Meetings: Kay Cook, Joyce DeVita, Wanda Harrold, Dorothy MacDiarmid, Denise Alman, Helen Ballerano, Cynthia Brown, Jayne Malfitano, Catherine Toomey, Carole Putman, Brooke Qualk, and Lou Ann Such. Another big thank you to Kimberly Read and the Internal PR Committee for coordinating the Cottage Meetings. DeLynn Trivison and the Nominating/Placement Committee for working hard to put together the Leadership Slate for 2009-2010. Arete Friedman for your dedication and hard work on the Publications committee for the past two years. We wish you the best of luck in New York and you will be missed! Cindy Krebsbach and Reagan Such for being The Bridge’s unofficial photographers for the past years. Thank you for such great shots! JLBR Members who signed up and delivered meals to members in crisis. Cindy Krebsbach for taking such great photographs and possessing the forethought to get business cards from those involved so that the PR committee could submit the details of the JLBR Member Appreciation event at the Boca Raton Museum of Art to local media. Tibisay Vasile for donating several teddy bears for the children at Florence Fuller. members of the month 7 Member Spotlight LISA ANNE GUNNELL NEW MEMBER Maiden Name: Szczepaniak Education/Occupation: Former teacher, now a stay-at-home mom. Family: Husband Casey; two boys – Parker (3) and Carson (15 months.) Pets: No current pet, but looking for a puppy preferably a lab mix. Current League Placement: New Member / Horses and the Handicapped new member project assistant chair. Favorite Placement: Horses and the Handicapped. Funniest JLBR (or other) Moment or Story: No JLBR moment yet, but my funniest story is when I was skiing for the second time in my life with a friend. We were standing together waiting for the chair lift to get us and some how I missed the chair and fell right on the ground. The whole chair lift stopped to wait for someone to lift me up and place me on the lift. As my friend laughed the whole time from the chair, I had missed. Favorite thing about Florida: The beach and that my family ALExANDRA GAGLIO ACTIVE MEMBER Education/Occupation: FirefighterParamedic and I also am a Cardiovascular Technologist working in the Cardiac Cath Lab at Boca Community Hospital. Family: Evan Kennedy my cohabitant. Dale, Jim, and Hunter- mom, dad, and brother. Current League Placement: Horses and the Handicapped Favorite Placement: Horses and the Handicapped Favorite thing about Florida: The amazing ocean right in our backyard. Favorite restaurant or food: I have a couple of them, Sushi Thai, Mellow Mushroom, and Las Fajitas. Favorite guilty pleasure or junk food: Cannolis What are you passionate about? Keeping myself strong and in good health, and having the people I love doing the same. Three accomplishments you are most proud of: Finishing Fire Academy and being the only girl in my class. Running half marathons and never thinking I could. Saving Mr. Gardner’s life one afternoon at the gym while we were working out. Most notable life adventure: Being 10 miles off shore and swimming in the deep blue see with the largest sea turtle I have ever seen. He had to be at least 100 years old, he was a dinosaur. Best life lesson learned: Never give up. Hard work pays off. What do you want to be when you grow up? I would love to be a successful woman firefighter/paramedic, mentoring the young up-and-coming girls in the service. My goal for this year is: To get hired by one of the local 8 spotlight comes to visit me so I don’t have to fly north with two children to see them. Favorite restaurant or food: Italian food Favorite guilty pleasure or junk food: Anything chocolate What are you passionate about? My children Three accomplishments you are most proud of: Completing college, with a degree in business management and a minor in child development. Going back to school to get certified to teach and eventually teaching third and fourth grade. My two boys. Most notable life adventure: Riding a bike over the Golden Gate Bridge (I have a fear of heights). Best life lesson learned: Enjoy every moment with the people you love because they will not be around forever. What do you want to be when you grow up? Do I need to grow up? My goal for this year is: To complete my new member project and learn to knit. Person who has influenced my life the most: My dad Favorite vacation spot or destination: Anywhere with a beach. Hobbies/Interests: Horseback riding fire departments. People would be surprised to know that . . . I play competitive underwater hockey Person who has influenced my life the most: My wonderful mom, Dale Workman. She is the best. Favorite vacation spot/destination: Snowboarding in deep powder in Vail/ Breckenridge, Colorado. Hobbies/Interests: Running, swimming, free diving, triathlons, underwater hockey, snowboarding, traveling. I just love being outdoors. ARE YOU IN THE KNOW? League-wide e-mails are sent out on the first and third Monday of each month. They contain important news, event information and last minute items. If you do not receive the e-mail, it may be because we do not have the proper e-mail address for you. (We use the e-mail listed in the directory.) Please contact us at info@jlbr.org with your updated e-mail address. Changing your email address on the JLBR website will NOT change it in our e-mail program - it must be done separately. If the e-mail address is correct and you do not receive it, check to see if it has gone into your spam folder and be sure you add info@jlbr.org to your “safe sender” list. You may opt out of these e-mails at any time, but then you will no longer receive ANY e-mails from the JLBR. If you have any questions feel free to contact VP Communications Reagan Such at rgsuch@bellsouth.net. MELISSA NEMETH GOVERNANCE COUNCIL Maiden Name: Stark Education/Occupation: Currently switching careers and about to sign with Met Life. I graduated from FAU. Family: Three sons - Garrett (8), Trey (6) & Brock (1½) and husband of 10 years, Keith. Pets: None unless you count the 2 turtles the boys caught in the neighborhood and the BUCKET of tadpoles that are about to sprout legs and turn into about a million frogs in my garage! Current League Placement: Nominating Placement and CoChair for Horses & the Handicapped. Favorite Placement: Nominating Placement. Funniest JLBR Moment or Story: As a new member we received our white JLBR t-shirts and were instructed to wear them at every shift we volunteered for. Well, as a diligent newbie I followed directions and did as I was told. So, I volunteered to work WVOY (at check-in time) and was the only dork dressed in a t-shirt and Khakis . . . ugh, it was humiliating to say the least! Favorite thing about Florida: I love the weather. You cannot beat it! Favorite restaurant or food: Steak, anything with meat and potatoes is a winner to me Outback to Morton’s, my grill to Ruth Chris its all good to me! Favorite guilty pleasure or junk food: Salt, you all can keep the chocolate, give me a bag of chips or salty fries and I am good to go. What are you passionate about? My family. If you do not have strength and support helping to hold you up, what will DALE WORKMAN SUSTAINER Education/Occupation: I just had my 15-year anniversary at Williams-Sonoma as a sales associate. I also do visual merchandising and product training for the store. In addition I work part-time for Antiques & Country Pine in Deerfield Beach. Family: Jim Workman (Husband), Alex Gaglio (Daughter), and Hunter Workman(Son) Pets: Duncan a Welsh corgi & Nell a yellow labrador Other Community Involvement: Pope John II High School, Christians Reaching Out to Society. Current League Placement: Sustainer Favorite Placement: As Chair of The Community Food Pantry committee when it was a first year project with the JLBR Favorite JLBR Moment or Story: The very “hands-on” involvement as a member of the Sandoway House Nature Center committee was memorable. We all learned so much about dune gardens and native planting – research, planning and installation was a group effort. It was a “dirty”job! I love keep you standing if you start to fall? I want my children to learn that. So many parents do not teach compassion and sensitivity to others. I hope I have instilled these lessons in them as they grow and become men. Three accomplishments you are most proud of: (Besides Garrett, Trey and Brock) I am very proud of my involvement in the JLBR, I am proud that I am a risk taker and I do not always take the easy road but the right road and I am proud that I am a trustworthy friend and confidant. Most notable life adventure: Being pregnant. There is nothing in this world that can make me understand how a person grows inside of another person and then comes out and goes from an ity bity tiny little thing to an adult. It is the most incredible miraculous magic there is. Best life lesson learned: There are so many. I would not even know where to start…I was not such a good teenager, need I say more? What do you want to be when you grow up? Katie Couric, well now Merideth Viera. My goal for this year is: To get my career on track! People would be surprised to know that . . . I do not care if I ever own another pet in my entire life! Sorry! Person who has influenced my life the most: My mother. I know its cliché but she was my hardest critic and always a good dose of reality at all times. She taught me how to do and care about things, she has a business mind and an elegant style. I can only hope to be the woman she is. Favorite vacation spot/ destination: I love cruises. Just to be on the water with the sun, wind and steel drums makes me happy. (And of coarse a frozen fruity drink!) Hobbies/Interests: Attending soccer games seems to be my hobby lately. playing in the dirt. In addition, I was part of the team that built the hand laid brick driveway. Favorite thing about Florida: All the natural beauty. Favorite restaurant or food: The Gazebo Restaurant. Favorite guilty pleasure or junk food: Pizza. What are you passionate about? My family, pets and the environment. Three accomplishments you are most proud of: My children, our home and having great friends. Most notable life adventure: Being married to Jim, my husband. Best life lesson learned: Not to be afraid to try new or difficult things. What do you want to be when you grow up? Healthy! My goal for this year is: To participate in a sprint Triathlons People would be surprised to know that . . . When I was 17, I hitchhiked from Jackson Hole, Wyoming to San Francisco! People who have influenced my life the most: My mother and father. Favorite vacation spot/destination: Italy and Austria Hobbies/Interests: Cooking, traveling, gardening, reading, collecting antiques and vintage stuff, needlepoint, biking and skiing, sitting on a beach, and being with my wonderful friends. spotlight 9 Organize Your Closet in Seven Simple Steps by Leslie Jackson In keeping with our spring theme, what better way to begin your spring cleaning than with an organized closet. John Trosko, President of Organizing LA, a Los Angeles-based professional organizing and lifestyle management company, gives us seven simple and successful strategies to get us on the path to an organized closet. 1. PURPOSE ~ Organizing your closet should not be a one-time deal. Set aside a manageable amount of time daily to tackle what is inside your closet. It should be a continual practice. 2. Pull Out ~ Split your organizing into small tasks: floor, shoes and shoe cubbies, shelves, closet rods, drawers, cabinets and those mysterious boxes. Categorize similar items together. Dust, vacuum and wipe all surfaces to give you a clean start. 3. Purge ~ Organizing your closet requires tough decisions about what flatters you and what doesn’t. You will need to have an idea where your life will lead you in the next year. Everything should have a purpose for today or tomorrow – not yesterday. Set up a series of bins to sort items: keep, donate, trash, mend/repair and give away. 4. Purchase ~ Every closet requires the following organizing products: clothes hamper (for laundry and dry cleaning), mesh bag (for hand washing) shelf dividers ( so sweaters, pants and t-shirts don’t topple over), wastebasket, and sewing kit. 5. Put In ~ Organize your clothes according to how you use them. Anything you wear repeatedly should be within reach and items rarely used should go on a higher shelf. Place scarves, belts and hats on decorative hooks or in baskets. 6. Primp ~ To brighten your wardrobe replace lights with a higher wattage bulb. Arrange items by hanging length, season, type and color. Apply labels to mark your bins. Buy matching hangers to unify the look of the space. 7. Process ~ Follow the habit of tidying everyday disorder to maintain your organization. ALMAN & KATZ, D.M.D., P.A. FAMiLy & CoSMeTiC DeNTiSTRy l BLeAChiNG l CRowNS l BRiDGeS l iMPLANTS Steven R. Alman, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. Organizing your closet should not be a daunting task. Have fun with it and take a stroll down memory lane as you are going through your clothes! SPRING CLEANING TIPS: Tina Towery: Don’t do it all in one day! Brittany Steele: Spring cleaning can be overwhelming if you don’t make a plan. Think “small” and clean room by room instead of the entire house at once. It helps to tackle one room a day. When you spread it out, you’ll be surprised how easy and quick your house will shine! Alex Gaglio: If you haven’t worn it in a year, give it away. Jen Minton: Pack all baby clothes by size in ziploc bags and store in boxes. Also, go through your closets and donate clothes that you haven’t worn in the past year. Linda Gunn: It is always a good time to get rid of things in your closet you never wear and switch your winter looks out for summer. I take EVERYTHING out of my closet and go through each piece. I make sure that I wear it and fit into it and that it is in good condition before it gets to go back into my closet! Home Health Care . . . by Those Who Care We offer Home Health Aides Certified Nurse Aides HomeMaker / Companions Live-ins Case Management Assistance with Shopping & Appointments Household Accounting Monthly Reports PERSONAL SENIOR SERVICES, INC. A Nurse Registry Lisc # NR 30211019 References Provided Mary Kelly 7820 Glades Road, Suite 250 Boca Raton, Florida 33434 10 feature (561) 470-0007 Beeper: (561) 936-5798 President (a Junior League Member) 370 Camino Garden Blvd., Ste. 118 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 (561) 368-7422 www.personalseniorservice.com Five Unique Florida Getaways by Andee Holzman With spring peeking its lovely head around the corner, many of us are yearning for a nice, relaxing – and possibly adventurous – weekend away. Yes, we are also counting the days until the snowbirds make their yearly migration back North, which in turn means less traffic, less-crowded restaurants, and, perhaps, less scary encounters on the road. But after a few months of straight work, work, work, it is time for us locals to get away before the heat of the summer begins. The following is a list I compiled of five unique Florida getaways. Take some time for yourself and explore what our beautiful state has to offer. And here is the icing on the cake: Disney World, or any park or tourist attraction in Orlando, Kissimmee or Lake Buena Vista, did not make the cut. Enjoy! A Place for Mermaids: Weeki Wachee Springs State Park Before super theme parks and super highways were developed, a unique and wondrous attraction was created around Florida’s natural springs. Since 1947 Weeki Wachee Springs has been Florida’s oldest and most distinctive roadside attraction, the only one of its kind in the world. This fun, family-oriented park lures in visitors with beautiful mermaids who swim in the cool, clear spring waters and entertain people of all ages in the Mermaid Theater. The history of Weeki Wachee is just as interesting as the mermaids who inhabit it. Besides the can’t-miss mermaid show, there is a riverboat tour on the Weeki Wachee River (name given by the Seminole Indians meaning “little spring” or “winding river”) and live animal show. www.weekiwachee.com Sleep Underwater at Jules’ Undersea Lodge Now this could be the ultimate getaway. The world’s first undersea hotel, Jules’ Undersea Lodge is located in Key Largo and is quite possibly the most unusual and exclusive resorts in the world. Because of the need for an underwater entry and exit, all lodge guests either must be certified divers or take a four-hour resort scuba course on site. It is a 21-foot dive to the lodge, and once you arrive, you will tour the fifty-by-twenty space (its total size) and stay in an eight-by-ten room, complete with phone, TV/VCR, and well-stocked fridge. If you are adventurous, not claustrophobic, and seek out different types of trips, the Jules’ Undersea Lodge could be right up your alley. www.jul.com Houseboat the Saint Johns River For a truly scenic and relaxing weekend getaway, head to Sanford, just north of Orlando, for a river adventure aboard a houseboat. The Saint Johns River is unique because it is one of the few northward flow- ing rivers in the Western Hemisphere. It runs approximately 300 miles and empties into the Atlantic Ocean just north of Jacksonville. The largest stream of water entirely within the state of Florida, it is one of the South’s most scenic rivers. Palm trees, bald cypress, and live oaks adorned with blankets of Spanish moss line the riverbanks, which are largely undeveloped in many sections. The river holds a mix of both freshwater and saltwater species, including blue crabs, catfish, large mouth bass, bream, eels and mullet. Endangered manatees are also common. There are many companies from which to rent houseboats, so call around and research online. sjr.state.fl.us Central Atlantic Coast: The Space Coast A galaxy of options awaits you at this 72-mile stretch of Atlantic shoreline, including spaceage attractions and protected wildlife refuges. Highlights of a Space Coast escape include the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, where visitors can view actual launch pads, astronaut training centers, a rocket garden, and other spinoffs from space. You can also visit the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame and Port Canaveral, a cruise, recreation and entertainment hub. Surrounding the Space Center, the 220-square-mile Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge serves as the home of more federally endangered species than any other refuge in the United States. For beach lovers, Cocoa Beach provides a throwback to early Florida beaches. www.space-coast.com America’s Oldest City: Saint Augustine What makes this city unique is its age. Founded in 1565, Saint Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the United States. Whether you stay in an historic bed and breakfast or the elegant Casa Monica Hotel, you will not be disappointed by the seemingly endless things to do and see in this beautiful city. You can take an informational trolley tour around the city, catching sites and learning things you might not otherwise. Or you can be adventurous and take an after-dark walking ghost tour. There is something for everyone in this significant and well-preserved city. www.staugustine.com/visit important - please note! The JLBR maiLing LisT and e-maiL LisT is for JLBR use only and cannot be used for promotion of any activity unrelated to the Junior League because it jeopordizes JLBR’s 501(c)3 status. it may not be used for personal gain or made available for commercial or solicitation purposes. feature 11 2008 Building Society Donors Recognized by Dorothy MacDiarmid You may notice the listing of the new 2008 Building Society members. Many thanks to all who have so generously given this past year. The support of the Endowment is money well spent, and we are working hard to protect these precious resources. At the end of January, we met with our financial planners, and were informed our endowment weathered this past year’s tumultuous market better than the Harvard Endowment and the Gates Foundation! Thanks to the wise counsel and guidance of our treasurer, Lucy Craske Long, and Dan Krause and Mickey Silverman at Raymond James, our endowment remains strong and is well insulated against the current Wall Street climate. As you know, the Endowment’s purpose is to help the JLBR cover the ongoing costs & overall maintenance for the Vegso Community Resource Center. Because of the generosity of our Building Society members, our everyday donors and our sound management, we are able to continue our commitment to the JLBR and keep the VCRC a critical centerpiece for not-for-profit work throughout the community. It is our pleasure to give to the JLBR Endowment Fund. The Vegso Community Resource Center is the “Powerhouse” of the JLBR. The center is a great source of energy, motivation, and knowledge and community life. As members of the League, we are all caretakers of the VCRC. We want to help the JLBR remain a strong organization now and in the future. Joni Goldberg, Sustainer, and husband Al Goldberg It was certainly my pleasure to donate to the JLBR Endowment Fund. We have a fabulous building and need to ensure its upkeep and continued value to the community. Anne Vegso, Sustainer, on her donation in honor of her grandson, Tyler Blonshine Other recent gifts include: * Elysa Elk, in memory of Jackie Reeve’s father, Edward F. Delaney. It is our hope that reading about these donors’ motivation for giving will inspire others to join us in our efforts to support the Building Society to further the mission of the Junior League! * Gail Kichler, in memory of Carolyn Arnold’s mother, Ellen Gries Cole. What inspires you to give to the JLBR Endowment fund? * Cindy Krebsbach, in memory of Jackie Reeve’s father, Edward F. Delaney I love giving both to the Building Society and whenever appropriate to remember an event, whether happy or sad. I will feel this commitment forever and look to a gift upon my passing when I get that far in my estate planning. I will never be able to give back to the JLBR what it gave me. Cindy Krebsbach, Sustainer & 2002-03 President As a member of the Endowment board, I feel that it is important to set an example of continued support for this worthwhile cause. The VCRC facility is an asset in our community and provides area nonprofits with much needed resources. The JLBR Endowment Fund ensures that this asset is preserved. Elysa Elk, Active member * Laura Stoltz, in honor of the following friends: Debbie Abrams, Carol Ciavola, Kristin Calder, Renee Feder, Wanda Harrold, Cindy Krebsbach, Lynn Lawless, Stephanie Miskew, Elizabeth Pankey-Warren, Brooke Qualk, Michelle Rubin. PILLAR OF INSPIRATION The Cobb Foundation Lucy Craske Long Janice Middlebrook Anne & Peter Vegso CORNERSTONE OF COLLABORATION Kathy & Paul Adkins J and L Foundation Al & Joni Goldberg Amy & Michael Kazma Janice V. Middlebrook PATHWAy TO LEAdERSHIP Carolyn Arnold David & Lucy Craske Long Tyler Blonshine Carol & David Mackey Pattie & Dick Damron Lisa & John Mulhall Caron & Bob Dockerty Mary Thom & Ray Osborne Scott & Elysa Elk Carole Putman Michael & Cristy Fimiani The Reiling Family Foundation Wanda Harrold The Edward W. Toomey Family Mrs. Elaine J. Wold 12 endowment news The League Hits the Links by Vanessa Diaz During this time of economic hardship, the Junior League of Boca Raton (JLBR) is driving towards financial relief with the introduction of a new fundraiser, The JLBR Golf Classic. The latest fundraising venture for the JLBR will be hitting the links on April 27, 2009 with a 1p.m. shotgun start at Boca Raton Country Club. We are proud to announce our Million-Dollar-Contest Sponsor, Ron Towery. Ron is the husband to fellow League member Tina Towery who serves as Nominating/Placement advisor for Chocolate Decadence and Membership Development. They reside in Boca Raton and are keeping busy with Kathleen, their 17-month-old daughter. Ron’s company Green T Creative Corporate Services, based in Miami, brings together talented personnel in film and video production or event/PR management which enables him to deliver quality projects to his clients. Visit our web site http://www.jlbr.org/fundraisers/golf.asp to find out more about Ron and his company or contact him directly at greent@me.com, 305-297-9401, 1356 S.W. 8th Street, Suite 206, Miami, FL 33135. “It’s a stroke of genius!” says Brenda Browning, Chair of the JLBR Golf Classic committee. We are all excited to be a part of this inaugural event because the proceeds will allow us to continue helping thousands of women and children in the community as well as other nonprofits in the area. In addition to the Golf Classic, we are proud to announce the first JLBR Junior Golf Clinic. This mini clinic will introduce children from Florence Fuller and our other community projects to the game of golf. We have several professional golfers who have volunteered their time to assist us with the clinic. We are hoping that with the support of our members and community partners to provide each child golf clubs of their own to keep. Your financial support will allow us to introduce children to a new sport, continue funding for our community projects and so much more! To learn more about how you can help the JLBR and our programs in the community, visit http://www.jlbr.org/community_impact/current_projects.asp. For additional information about the children’s golf clinic, partner options, sponsorship opportunities, tournament participation and reception attendance, please contact the Junior League of Boca Raton Golf Classic committee at golf@jlbr.org or call us at 561-6204778, option #3. Tina & Ron Towery with their daughter Kathleen The tournament is on par to help our organization raise essential funds that will afford us the opportunity to continue providing funding, volunteer support, training sessions and so much more for Boca Raton and our surrounding communities. Our Smiles Shine! Dr. Moroco, a Junior League of Boca Raton member, is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University and Northwestern University Dental School. She completed advanced specialty training in Orthodontics at Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Moroco has practiced orthodontics in Boca Raton/Delray area since 1993. The Linton Medical Park 4800 Linton Boulevard, Suite D-505 l Delray Beach 561-638-9963 golf classic news 13 Community Corner DIAD – CHEERS TO US! by Florence Kizza Gracious. Enthusiastic. Creative. This is how the community sees the Junior League of Boca Raton. I’ll drink to that! At the end of the League year, we will toast to the large number of hours that we have given the community through Done in a Days. In the meantime, take a look at what some of our beneficiaries are saying. According to them, the Junior League of Boca Raton is . . . . . . a real “roll up your sleeves” group of women. “KUDOS and a huge round of accolades for the Junior League of Boca Raton! You are so gracious to our guests, so creative in your display of the menu - a real “roll up your sleeves” group of women. We are so grateful for our continued partnership with you on this incredible event!” ~ Jan Dymtrow, Community Outreach Coordinator, Boca Raton Community Hospital . . . always there. “You’re wonderful. Anytime I need anything, I go to DIAD. The Junior League is always there for the Children’s Museum. You guys are great.” ~ Sandy Manning, Children’s Museum of Boca Raton . . . nice, friendly, outgoing. “There are endless possibilities of what the Junior League has done for us. They do provide a lot of services for us. Basically, the Junior League is always there when we need them. It’s really great. I’ve been a resident [at In the Pines] for four years, and all the members I’ve met are really nice, friendly, outgoing. Our kids really appreciate it. I have nothing bad to say about the Junior League.” ~ Veronica, Resident and Employee, In the Pines . . . wonderful partners. “We could never do it without you. You’re wonderful part- 14 community corner ners. The work and effort you provide to help support the agencies in the community are amazing. It’s amazing as busy as the women are in their professional and family lives, they take the time out to make a difference in the lives of the people in the community.” ~ Ellyn Okrent, Executive Vice President, KIDS in Distress . . . professional, enthusiastic and willing to help in any way. “Like most nonprofit cultural organizations, we rely heavily on volunteers from the community. The Junior League of Boca Raton is always willing to lend a hand with our programs. The volunteers are always professional, enthusiastic and willing to help in any way. Thanks to these hard-working volunteers, the Centre for the Arts at Mizner Park is able to fulfill our mission of uniting our community through culture.” ~ Monique Force, Director of Marketing & PR, Centre for the Arts at Mizner Park . . . fantastic in its willingness and openness to help. “The Junior League has always been fantastic in its willingness and openness to help us in any way possible. It started over 13 years ago, partnering with us to provide basic snacks for kids in low income families. Since then, you’ve helped us improve our volunteer orientation program and hot meal program, collected hygiene items, and done Thanksgiving in a Basket. We’ve been really blessed with our relationship. Everybody we’ve ever worked with has been so nice, kind, ready and willing to help in any way. We really do appreciate it.” ~ Juanita Bryant Goode, South County Coordinator, CROS Ministries . . . a powerhouse of energy and resources. “I love working with you guys. Anytime I have a Junior Leaguer involved, I know it will be successful. And quick! When there’s an idea it comes to fruition quickly. You are quite the powerhouse of energy and resources. It makes getting things done a lot easier to have that workforce. When I first started, the Junior League wasn’t involved with Boca Helping Hands at all. One by one they’ve been infiltrating. Because of that, more and more Junior League members are becoming aware of what we do, which is a positive. All these people coming aboard are really just becoming invaluable to us, because they’re wonderful, quality people helping us with our mission.” ~ Linda Gove, Executive Director, Boca Helping Hands . . . truly making a difference. “They certainly have made a large impact with my organization. Just tremendous. Truly making a difference is what my experience with the Junior League has been.” ~ Stephanie Scott-Johnson, Executive Director, Milagro Center CSF HELPS NONPROFITS IN NEED! by Lisa Warren The Community Support Fund has been hard at work granting monies to nonprofit organizations that need financial support to continue fulfilling their missions in the community. The Community Support Fund is the granting arm of the Junior League. The Community Support Fund provides grants up to $2,500 to area nonprofits that fall within one or more of our focus areas. To date, the Community Support Fund has granted the following organizations with funding totaling $17,000. The grant recipients include: Cub Scout Pack 335 - $500 to support their emergency trailer project w Habitat for Humanity - $1,000 to support their website upgrades w Let’s Grow Well Together - $1,000 to support their Wellness Library and scholarships w Mae Volen Senior Center - $1,000 to support their Intergenerational Child Day Care w Palm Beach zoo - $2,000 to support their education outreach program w Families First of Palm Beach County - $500 to support their Kin Support project w 211 Palm Beach/Treasure Coast - $500 to support their Teen Ambassador Club at two Boca Raton high schools w Boca Helping Hands - $2,500 to support their assistance center projects w Twin Palm Center for the Disabled - $1,000 to support their playground upgrade w West Boca Tackle & Flag Football - $500 to support their scholarship program; w DeVos-Blum Family YMCA of Boynton Beach - $2,500 to support their after-school program scholarships w Community Back to School Bash - $2,500 to support their school readiness event w Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History - $1,500 to support their mathematics education outreach program w There are still grant funds available for the 2008-09 League year. If you know of a nonprofit organization in need, who is not already a JLBR project, please encourage them to visit our website to review the grant guidelines and to download a grant application go to www.jlbr.org/community_impact/community_support.asp or contact Lisa Warren at 561-843-0731 or Lmring@bellsouth.net. Kristen Ross & Linda Gove, Executive Director of Boca Helping Hands community corner 15 KIDS IN DISTRESS OFFER EARLY and pure joy on her face as she walked into a cozy living CHRISTMAS IN THE FORM OF A room filled with gifts for her children under a beautiful Christmas tree. Trying to holding back her tears she replied HOME MAKEOVER ~by Davida Nelums “This finally looks like a home. I feel like a princess.” The The Kids in Distress Committee wanted to do something hands-on to support families working with Kids in Distress. There was a need to be more proactive in stopping the abuse and neglect before it starts to keep children out of the foster care system. With that in mind, the prevention subcommittee set out to do something that would meet both needs. As a result, Kids in Distress Home Makeover was born, patterning itself after the popular television show. While this was initially a project for a small group of individuals on the committee, because of the nature of the project and the enthusiasm it generated amongst committee members, almost everyone ultimately ended up contributing in some way. After gathering donated furniture, organizing for storage, and developing a home plan based on the layout of the recipient’s house, we were set to make a major difference in Cristall Morales’ life. She and her family had been chosen by the Kids in Distress organization to receive the makeover. As a single mom with four young children under the age of five and very little furniture in the home, it was obvious that this could have a positive impact on Cristall’s young family. On December 13th, we worked some Junior League magic. We arrived first thing in the morning and sent mom and kids off to Chuck E. Cheese for a day of fun. Since we were divided as a committee into teams for each room in the house, we set off to our various rooms and got to work. I’m sure I wasn’t the only person who immediately thought, “Can we get this all done in one day?” Initially it seemed a bit overwhelming; however, the ladies of JLBR weren’t daunted by the task and ultimately just made it happen. After 10 hours, and with help from our DIAD team, family and friends, we were able to fully transform every room in the house. It was an exhausting day, but when Cristall and her four children walked in and saw what had been accomplished, it made it all worthwhile. I’ll never forget the look of disbelief 16 community corner children were excited with their new bedroom and playroom filled with books and toys. It was heartwarming to do something so impactful for this family. What a perfect way to start the holiday season, giving back to the community. The JLBR would like to send special thanks to those, in addition to the dedicated members of the Kids in Distress Committee who helped to make this Home Makeover a success: Junior League Members and Sustainers: Kristin Rey, Theresa Rey, Linda Gunn, Tanya Reuce, Whitney Turk, Gillian DeMarco, Laura McMullen, Jen Minton, Cristy Fimiani, Melissa Nemeth, Victoria Matthews, and Jody Baade Local Businesses: South Congress Mini Storage, Neighbors Moving Company, Floor Fashions, Rosemurgy Properties, Chuck E Cheese, MDVIP, Atlantic Dental Group Family & Friends: Jason Sheikh, Michelle Harcarik, Robert and Gerrie Balogh, Sherri Ross, Lacey Ross, Taylor Ross, Celia Moreno, Gina and Tyler Marshall, Chris Harcarik, Carrianne Williams, April Wiebe, Eileen Freund, Carol Galecki, Betsi Harris, Kimberly Warth, Garry Hanasky, Melissa Berenson, Debi Richter, Sharon Koromaus WHAT A DIFFERENCE ONE PERSON They have attended two classes and are really enjoying the experience. We hope this partnership can continue in the CAN MAKE! by Heather McMechan Each year the chairs of the In the Pines committee meets with the volunteer leaders of In the Pines (ITP). They get ideas of what they might like to see happen for the year. This year they asked if there could be a trip to a museum. That’s it! That’s all they asked for! They were so humble and so easy. So, we brain stormed and made a few phone calls. Nothing was falling into place, until Rebecca Elman, our fearless chairperson, made a call to the Norton Museum in Palm Beach. She had attended some of the youth programs with her daughter and really enjoyed them. So we thought we would take a day trip up there, have lunch and come home. But Rebecca did better than that. She was put in touch with Carolyn Sickles, the Assistant Curator of Education for the internship, Outreach and Family/Youth Programs. Carolyn designed a program for ITP. She teamed up with Manuela Gonzalez, a Columbian artist who teaches at Dreyfoos High School for the arts The two of them, along with Glenn Tomlinson, the William Randolph Hearst Curator of Education, all made a trip out to ITP to meet the children and confirm that the program was a good match for the Norton. They were thrilled and designed a program that would take place at ITP every Friday after school from 4:30-6:30 p.m. for seven weeks. The program would target middle and high school students. The topics would vary each week with the first project focusing on recycling and sustainability. During the program, the students would take a trip to the Norton with a special tour and lunch all provided by the Norton Museum. future. All it took was one phone call! And thanks to Rebecca, these children will be able to experience more than just a field trip. They will be able to experience art hands on. So stay tuned for future updates. This is a story you’ll want to tell all your JLBR friends. “The Norton Museum of Art is a major cultural attraction in Florida. The Museum is internationally known for its distinguished permanent collection featuring American Art, Chinese Art, Contemporary Art, European Art, Photography and Provenance Research. From its founding the Norton has been famous for its masterpieces of 19th century and 20th century painting and sculpture by European artists such as Brancusi, Gauguin, Matisse, Miró, Monet, Picasso and by Americans such as Davis, Hassam, Hopper, Manship, O’Keeffe, Pollock and Sheeler.” MARShA L. LOve Interior Decorator Tulane Kidd Interiors 2263 N.W. 2nd Avenue Suite 101 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Office: 561-395-2848 Fax: 561-395-9226 mllseaside@bellsouth.net Past JLBR President More than two decades of design experience community corner 17 FLORENCE FULLER NURSERY PROJECT children, empty the nursery of all its contents, demolish the existing interior finishes and fixtures and remodel the entire IS COMPLETE! by Lisa Warren The Florence Fuller Child Development Center nursery remodel project has been completed! The Junior League and Florence Fuller partnered last year to complete this capital improvement project at the west campus. We are proud to report that the Junior League’s investment of time, talent and funds paid off in a very significant way for the infants and toddlers at the West campus. The original nursery, constructed decades ago, was well beyond nonfunctional for the children and caregivers at the Center. The fixtures were old and in disrepair, the kitchen was outdated and some appliances were nonfunctioning, the stainless steel safety bars in the bathrooms were pitted and rusting, there were paper shades in the windows not adequate enough to shield the sunlight from shining into the cribs during nap time and many more items in desperate need of updating! After discovering this need in our community, the Junior League answered this important call to action! Together, with a grant of $50,000, good space planning and volunteer coordination, Florence Fuller and the Junior League put a plan into action to relocate the current nursery room Carolyn Cole Arnold, Psy.D., P.A. Intelligence Testing Psychotherapy Licensed Psychologist #PY4850 18 community corner 7300 West Camino Real Boca Raton, FL 33433 (561) 338-6995 interior structure. Many wonderful enhancements were made, much for the physical safety and well being of the children and many for their emotional well being as well. We invite you to see this amazing transformation first hand as we present our audio/visual wrap-up presentation at the April General Membership Meeting. As the old adage goes, “it takes a village to raise a child,” and as such, we would like to take this opportunity to thank those that assisted in making this wonderful transformation a reality: • • • • • • • • 2008-09 Florence Fuller Committee 2007-08 Florence Fuller Committee Kaufman Lynn Construction Mary Delaney, who donated her artistic talent and painted a mural in the nursery Plumbing Mart Action Supply Company Grays Painting Patriot Specialized Construction We would also like to thank the Junior League again for its support of this very important project. The children and teachers at Florence Fuller are so grateful and can’t thank you enough for this amazing improvement to their campus! J Look Great European Day Spa & Hair Salon www.lookgreatdayspa.com 777 E. Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-391-2030 This Valentine’s Day give the gift of beauty & relaxation! JOIN MILAGRO - OUR COMMITTEE committees, this is by far the most inspiring. The reason is the FILLED WITH PASSION by Lisa Harmer group of women who make it up. They are the most giving, We’ve updated you in every article about all the exciting activities that continue to happen at Milagro in Delray Beach. You know we renovated much of the outside last year and this year is geared towards improving the inside. That is well under way at this time and moving forward according to plan. Much thanks go to Dayna Coffer and Phoebe Chapman for a more than extraordinary job getting this together. Dayna was even nominated for member of the month and won! No surprise to us . . . congratulations Dayna. We think the world of you. There were also other events taking place such as the Arts Activities day, the successful VCRC training attended by nine Milagro board members, a successful 5K run/walk for the second year in a row and a new member project scheduled in March for healthy eating habits and use of the kitchen. Yes, Milagro has truly shown itself to be a miracle to all involved. What has not yet been discussed is the little secret all of us share on this committee. None of us want to leave this committee. To me it seems natural that this project originated from the heart of our President-Elect, Linda Gunn, who one day was reading to these children for a DIAD and ended up realizing they needed the help of the Junior League. It’s also no wonder her passion made it come to fruition. Those of us on this committee feel this passion on everything we do with this project. The miracle of Milagro is never far from any of us. I can tell you that after nearly a decade as a Junior League member, although I have been on some amazing thoughtful, positive, dedicated, team-oriented, and compassionate ladies I have ever worked with. They all have crazy, busy and stressful lives, many with several small children, careers and families, and yet all of them do their share of work. It’s a committee of givers, all exhibiting the true spirit of the Junior League and all wanting to do whatever it takes to “get the job done.” For this reason, I have spent two years for the first time ever on the same committee as have many others. What we want to tell you is we would love to have you join our special group so you can experience the true joy of this Milagro miracle. Last year I heard a quote that has run through my head many times. Reese Witherspoon was accepting her Oscar for playing the role of June Carter. After thanking the Academy, she quoted June when she said “I’m just trying to matter.” I think that sums up how we all feel when we volunteer in the League, and I think it sums up how I feel the attitude is on our committee. We want to know that our time matters at Milagro, and I think when we look at all that has been accomplished so far we can feel confident that what we’ve done has mattered. Next year will bring more improvements at Milagro. Think about joining us and being a part of “mattering” at Milagro, our own miracle in Delray. On a side note, all of us would like to send a Hats Off to our own Co-Chair, Brittany Steele, who not only has been one of our two incredible leaders this year, but who also won Teacher of the Year in Palm Beach County for Lab Schools. Truly outstanding and what an incredible example in our community. We are all so very proud of you Brittany for a job well done! _ ego the salon success secret #1 “Give back to your community” all JLBR Members receive 20% off any service 561.395.8522 139 east palmetto park road Natalee Steiber l owner l l boca raton JLBR Member community corner 19 20 Alicia Laufer & Amanda Campolo at the Appreciation Party Stacey Hannan Quinn, Nancy Dockerty, Kristen Ross & Jan Kucera at the Member Appreciation Party Melissa Montes & Alana Latiolais at the Member Appreciation Party Linda Gunn & Shannon Moriarity at the Member Appreciation Party Millie Strickroot & Stacey Berger at a Cottage Meeting Lisa Daly & Emmy Thornbrough at a Cottage Meeting Jackie Schatz & Morgan Carpenter at a Cottage Meeting Kelly Kachur & Megan Dangerfield at the Member Appreciation Party picture show Jen Minton, Andrea Garcia, Schuyler Thompson & Elizabeth Murdoch at Chocolate Decadence FLorence Kizza and friends at Chocolate Decadence Kate Carey & Reagan Such at a DIAD Shana Stark & Kelly Staller at a Cottage Meeting Alex Gaglio & Staci Sufka at a Cottage Meeting Marybeth Tate & Amanda Mitchell at a Cottage Meeting Kim Anglemyer & Elizabeth Murdoch at a Cottage Meeting Denise O’Sullivan, Samantha Vasallo & Jen Minton at a Cottage Meeting picture show 21 Spirit of Giving Wish List The Spirit of Giving Network committee has approached 22 non-profit organizations in the SOG network to provide us with their top 10 wish list items. The following is the list of wishes. If you can fulfill any of these wishes, please e-mail the Spirit of Giving Network at spiritofgiving1@yahoo.com and leave us your name, phone number, e-mail address and what you can donate and we will be in touch with you to make arrangements to pick up the item/items. Thank you so much. Achievement Centers: Arts & Craft Supplies Backpacks Computers Copy Machine Digital Camera Hygiene Items Toiletry Items All Things Possible: Sponsored Events/Trips New Clothing Sports Apparel Book on Goal Setting School Supplies Computers Grant Information Gift Cards Transportation Vehicle Boy’s & Girl’s Club - Boca: New Building Mini Bus Computers & Printers Copy/Fax Machine 12 Benches Area Rugs High Table and Chairs Leather Sofa and Chairs Drum Set & Guitar Boca Helping Hands: 4 Flat Screen TV’s Computers Lift Gate 6 Toilets Cabinets & Sinks Carpet Kitchen Equipment Metal Shelves Tables and Chairs Hand Fork Lift Boca Raton Community Hospital: Advertising Photos Caring Giving Youth Project: Computer Storage Space Grant Writer Website Makeover Illustrator/Graphics Person Statistician Complex Care Manager PR/Communications/Outreach Person F-T Administrative Assist. Color Copier and supplies Provision of cell phones 22 spirit of giving bulletin board Community Food Pantry: New Phones New Ice Machine Free Storage for Food /supplies Food Expansion of Current Facility Volunteers Dixie Manor: Car Seats School Supplies First Aid Kits Hurricane Supplies Florence Fuller - East: Diaper Supplies Underwear & Socks Backpacks Educational Toys Head Phones Gatorade Tables Tutors Sports Equipment Florence Fuller - West: Diaper Supplies Educational Toys School Supplies Afterschool Building New Basketball Court New Playground Remodel Bathrooms Remodel Teachers Lounge Sports Equipment Bus Home Safe: Flat Screen TV’s Gift Cards Itunes Gift Cards Sheets & Towels Toiletry Items 7 Passenger Van Horses & the Handicapped: Dress up Clothes Computers TV Riding Equipment Scholarships Volunteers - Classroom help Volunteers - Feed/clean Barns Arena Equipment Horse Equipment Large Storage Bins In the Pines: Used Clothing R. Stone - English Copy Machine Cubbies & Shelves Vertical Blinds Gift Cards Guidance Counselor Volunteers - Homework Cleaning Supplies Office Supplies It’s Just 4 Kids: New Clothing Prom Gowns & Tux Shoes & Socks School Supplies Computers Fundraising Help Hygiene Items 2 Bikes Kids@Home: Sponsor Driving School Baby Items Copy Machine Digital Camera Gift Cards Phone Cards Apartment Starter Kits Hurricane Supplies Kids in Distress: Car Seats Cribs Diaper Supplies Strollers School Uniforms School Supplies Bedding Items Suitcase, Duffle Bags Let’s Grow Well Together: Educational Workbooks Computers TV, DVD, VHS Videos Building Grant Information Volunteer - Tax Help Volunteers - Child Care Health/Wellness Fair Milagro Center: New Clothing T-shirts with Logo Arts & Craft Supplies Computer Office Chairs Pearl City C.A.T.S.: Arts & Craft Supplies School Supplies Computer Software Computers TV’s Funding - Computer Coaches Funding for Trips Volunteers - Tutor Sports Equipment 15 Passenger Van RCMA Farmworkers: Snacks Computer Repair Snacks Volunteers - Afterschool Paper Poster Boards Printing Supplies Staplers 7 Passenger Van The Arc of Palm Beach County: Swing Set Renovations Funding - Adapted Equipment Funding - Field Trips Home Goods & Appliances New Mattresses Gift Drive Volunteers - Basic School Volunteers - Walk-a-thon The Haven: BBQ’s Cooking Classes Field Trips Sports Activities Bathing Suits Dress Shoes Bedding Items Pillows Hygiene Items Snorkeling Gear Room Divider Shelves Tables Vertical Blinds 15 Passenger Van Peter Blum Family YMCA: New Clothing Books Materials Special Needs Math Materials School Supplies Shelves Volunteers - Tutor 1199 So. Federal Highway l Boca Raton, FL 33432 Phone: 561-395-BARK (2275) l Fax: 561-395-2243 Rhonda Palazzo (JLBR member) l www.bark-tique.com spirit of giving bulletin board 23 The Path You Choose by Tina Towery Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. ~ Robert Frost It’s hard to believe that here we are, already choosing a new path by trying to decide what we would like to do for the Junior League next year. Each member receives a ‘placement’ or specific role within the League serving on a committee. The descriptions of our different committees and placements can be found in the JLBR Options Catalogue. This document can help you to narrow down your search, with detailed information about requirements, meeting times, and purpose of the roles. Then, you are given a chance for face to face information gathering at the JLBR Annual Placement fair prior to our April General Membership meeting on April 14th at 6 p.m. The Placement Fair is your opportunity to look down the different “roads” you can take. It is the time designated for you to speak directly with the newly slated committee chairs. If you have any questions regarding a certain committee placement, this is time to get your answers. Each committee will have a table set up so you can walk around and get a feel for what each placement has to offer. Trying to decide between a fundraiser and a com- 24 nominating/placement munity placement? This is the time to talk the committee chairs and find out what the committee is all about and what your potential responsibilities will be. You will be given a Placement Interview form by the Nominating Placement committee. Please turn in this form by Thursday, April 16th. It is very important that you list your top THREE committee choices. While we do our best to place members in the committee they choose as their first choice, it is sometimes necessary to move onto the second or third choice. If you do not turn in a form, we will have to place you where we need committee members. If you have any questions or are unsure of a placement, please contact your Nominating Placement advisor. New members will meet with a Nominating Placement advisor at the March new member core meeting. See you at the fair! PRIVATE TUTORING Rebecca G. Robbins, M.Ed. English Literature & Essay Writing Reading Comprehension & SAT Prep Strategies ADHD Students Welcome! 12+ years of experience 561-674-2462/Reebie20@aol.com New York University Graduate JLBR Member placement interview sheet 25 And the Award Goes To . . . by Melinda DeHoff It is hard to believe that another League year is almost over and summer will be here before we know it! It is a JLBR tradition to present our annual awards at the May dinner meeting. This year’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12th, and we need your help with the nominating process. Please take a look at the awards descriptions that follow and think about whom you would like to nominate. We need you to complete the nomination form and submit it no later than Tuesday, April 7, 2009. The Awards Task Force, which consists of the VP of Personnel, President, President Elect, Nominating Placement Chair, Nominating Placement Chair Elect and Sustaining Advisor to the Board, will meet and make a recommendation to the JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON 2008-09 AWARD NOMINATION FORM Name of Member Nominated: Award Designation (Founders, Outstanding Service, Outstanding Sustainer, Torch or Starburst . . . see descriptions below): Give specific reasons why you feel this person is deserving of the award: List the candidate’s volunteer service and leadership roles: Name and contact information of nominator: You may use this form to submit your nomination or you may write a letter explaining why your nominee deserves the award. Please e-mail all nominations to Melinda DeHoff, Vice President of Personnel, melinda_dehoff @yahoo.com, or mail to her at 4045 N.W. 6th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442. Nomination deadline: April 7, 2009 DESCRIPTION OF AWARDS: Founders Award: Created in honor of the founding members of JLBR, this award is presented to a JLBR member in recognition of outstanding service to the League. The award is presented to an active member in good standing who has been a member of JLBR for at least three years. The award recognizes the dedication, motivation and enthusiasm of a member who has earned her the respect and admiration of her colleagues. The Founders Award recognizes exemplary performance within the JLBR over a period of time. 26 jlbr awards Board regarding the award recipients. All Active members in good standing are eligible, including committee chairs, chairelects, and Board members. The current JLBR President is not eligible. You can view the past winners whose names are showcased on a Wall of Fame at the Vegso Community Resource Center If you have any questions or to submit your award applications please call or e-mail Melinda DeHoff, Vice President of Personnel, at 954-557-5451; or melinda_dehoff@yahoo.com. We look forward to seeing you at the Annual May Dinner meeting where we will recognize and award our outstanding members. Outstanding Service Award: This award is presented to a JLBR member who has taken her active Junior League involvement and training into the community to make a major contribution through volunteer service. The award winner must be an active or sustainer in good standing who has been a member of JLBR for at least three years. The award may be given for outstanding achievement through JLBR in the community or the award may be presented for outstanding service in the community over a period of time. Please note “community” is defined to include and extend beyond a JLBR project. Outstanding Sustainer Award: This award is presented to a sustaining member of JLBR in good standing. The award recognizes a member’s dedication, motivation and enthusiasm and has earned the respect and admiration of her colleagues and will recognize exemplary performance within the JLBR over a period of time. The Torch Award: This award will be presented to an active or sustaining member of JLBR in good standing. The Torch Award recognizes a member who is a true pioneer, who embraces innovation and creativity. This member willingly forges into new territory, breaks new ground or takes on something never before attempted. She maintains confidence and enthusiasm in the face of doubt, opposition or barriers. The award winner is someone who never says never, who does something unique and different and who likely (but not necessarily) achieves desired goals. The Starburst Award: This award is presented to a JLBR active member in good standing who puts forth the extra effort despite the number of contributions or commitments she is already doing for the JLBR. The award recognizes the person you contact if you want something done, even though she is busy, and you know she will make time to do the job well. The award recognizes the ability to provide that extra “burst of energy” to help get the task at hand completed. Please note that the current JLBR President is not eligible for these awards. Chocolate Lover’s Gathering by Kelli Bloechinger A special thank you to our sponsors Florida Table magazine, One Thousand Ocean, Altier Jewelers, Paradise Bank, The Dermatology & Aesthetic Center, Rock With U Entertainment, Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce and xquisite Events. Melissa Williams & Kelli Bloechinger With hundreds in attendance, all bundled up in their winter coats, this event was a great success! Highlights of the evening included performances by the band Almost Joon, the presentation of the Community Sweethearts and many fabulous raffle prizes. Congratulations to our very own Cristy Stewart-Harfmann for winning the 1-carat diamond from the Altier Diamond Drop! Participating restaurants for the 2009 Chocolate Decadence included Arturo Ristorante, Renzo’s of Boca, The Addison, 3030 Ocean, Big City Tavern, zed451, 2 Fat Cookies, 32 East, Blue Martini, Celsius Beverage, Chrissy’s Sweet Treats, Cugini’s Grill, Donut Divas, Gigi’s, Gol! - Taste of Brazil, Max’s Grille, Opus 5, Panera Bread, Pranzo, Rocco’s Tacos, Seasons 52, Slainte Irish Pub, Smart Water, Starbucks, The Boca Raton Resort & Club, Too Jays, TruBoca, Trulucks, and What a Cupcake. We appreciate the support of everyone who attended and look forward to seeing you again next year! Chocolate Wishes! Tobak’s Fine Jewelry Affordable Elegance Jewelry for all occasions l Custom design l Jewelry repair Loose diamonds l Wedding sets l Rings Bracelets l Necklaces l Earrings For Mother’s Day, give the gift of jewelry! TOBAK’S 6363 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, Florida 33487 561.998.8363 www.tobaksjewelers.com chocolate decadence news 27 New Member Project Fabulousness by Jamie Sauer This year, the new members have been hard at work on the new member projects. Below is a brief overview of everything they have been working on. Stay tuned for our exciting presentations in March and April! Chocolate Decadence New Member Project: The Chocolate Decadence new member committee has organized and marketed the first ever Mix & Melt – An Amateur Chocolate Competition on February 5th. The new members have worked quickly to name the event, create an application, rules and regulations, and judging criteria, solicit prizes, recruit competitors, organize set up and run the event. It was a huge success! Cookbook New Member Project: The cookbook dinner party project will be held on Saturday, March 21st. Each cookbook event has a movie theme to go along with a yummy menu. There are many different events to choose from that JL members can sign up to host, a backyard BBQ, a Girls’ Night Out, Desserts only, etc. Sign up to become a hostess or a guest is available online. Florence Fuller New Member Project: We are “out with the old and in with the new” at Florence Fuller Our task is to completely renovate the teachers’ lounge of Florence Fuller to create an inviting and peaceful atmosphere. Each member of our group has set goals and tasks, and we are all working together for completion. Our completion date is March 21st, Professional Elegance by Robin Philpit Programs l Brochures l Magazine Newsletter l Layout (Designer of The Bridge Magazine, Woman Volunteer of the Year Program, Boca Raton Symphonia Program) “One of a Kind” Invitations l Announcements l Business Cards l Emergency Cards for Children l l for more information call Robin at 561-750-9036 (a JLBR Member) 28 new member news at which time we are organizing a “Surprise” party for the teachers to welcome them to their new relaxing environment. We are all so excited to see the results of our hard work and dedication and cannot wait to relay the progress to the League at our presentation. Horses and the Handicapped New Member Project: Our new member committee has the honor of working on the Horses and the Handicapped of South Florida Inc., Sensory Trail. For this incredible project, our committee has been working diligently. When completed, the trail will house weather-resistant structures that will enhance and engage the riders and horses in advanced sensory methods. Our group has set an unveiling date as early as March! If you would like to get more information or would like to help in making this vision come alive, feel free to contact, Natalie Warren at 252-218-2129. In the Pines New Member Project: On April 4, 2009, the new members will host a reading workshop for the residents of In the Pines focusing on the importance of parents reading aloud to their children. You can assist in making this event a true success by donating new or gently used books, by making a cash donation for the purchase of books or by signing up for this DIAD. Books and donations will be collected at the March General Membership Meeting. There is also a drop box for donations at the VCRC. Kids in Distress New Member Project: Our committee is performing a home makeover for a needy family, hopefully to be accomplished in the month of March. The project entails the collection of furniture, appliances, and various articles for children. We are excited about this project, as it encompasses the very spirit of what the Junior League fully embraces: that is, truly making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate in our community. Milagro Center New Member Project: “Kids in the Kitchen” is the new member project for our committee in 2008/2009. The initiative, which began in 2006, engages kids in the preparation of healthy meals and educates them and their parents regarding nutrition and healthy choices. The committee, advised by longtime sustainer and JLBR past president Debbie Abrams, will host their Nutrition Day at the Milagro Center in Delray Beach on Friday, March 27th, from 1 to 5 p.m. For information call Christina Sloan at 561-504-6039. Public Issues and Advocacy New Member Project: The new members are working to help implement the Jack Davis Law allowing leftover food to now be given to soup kitchens without any legal binds. The new members have been working with the sustainer project, Boca Helping Hands, to determine their needs of meat and plastic bags. They are also working on an informational brochure that will be used to educate local vendors about the law to solicit the much needed items and implement the new law. Spirit of Giving New Member Project: Our committee has been working on Life Skills Seminars for more than 20 member agencies to attend. First, we surveyed most of the agencies to find out their needs. Then we decided on two different locations and dates – early March and late April, and now we’re organizing the speakers and events – one is a great speaker on childhood obesity. We are really excited to reach out to so many people! VCRC New Member Project: Our committee was tasked with the VCRC training, part of Leadership University, Past President’s Panel Discussion. We are putting together a fun and informative panel including past presidents of the JLBR to discuss how to “Have it All- With Passion, Purpose and Pride!” We all wonder at times - how do they handle - Work, Family, Friends, Volunteer Time. So, here’s the opportunity to gain insight into their lives and get motivated to make next year the Best Year ever in the JLBR. This amazing, one of a kind, event will be March 26th, from 7-9 p.m. at the VCRC. New Members of the Month: Whitney Turk is our December New Member of the Month. She has already fulfilled all of her League commitments. She has completed five DIADs. She has already attended five DIADs, attended the VCRC Grant Writing seminar, has perfect attendance at our GMMs and Core Meetings, attended Super Saturday and she has been a key member of her new member project on the Spirit of Giving committee. Alicia Laufer is our New Member of the Month for January. She works full time at as the managing partner of her law firm – 29 employees in three states. She is also a mom and a wife. She is the co-chair for her new member project In the Pines. She is most definitely a go getter and takes charge. She goes above and beyond and makes things happen. We are so fortunate to have this lady be a part of our organization. She’s the one who is there to make sure everyone is fed and everything looks perfect for the CORE meeting (she helped organize the food and decorations) even when her baby is at home sleeping after being in the hospital earlier that day (don’t worry Mom says he’s going to be ok). Watch out JLBR – future leader coming through! Christina Sloan was chosen as the New Member of the month for February. She was chosen because she has embodied the ideal of a great chairman. She selfnominated to be chair of the New Member Milagro Center Project. She wrote job descriptions and broke the work into bite size, doable bits. She organized an initial dinner for her committee to get together and plan the project and she invited the active chairs of the committee to attend. She stayed in touch with her committee members on a regular basis by e-mail. She held brief monthly meetings after the New Member Core Meetings to make sure the committee was on track. She organized a visit to The Milagro Center and invited the committee to join her. When the committee lost several members, she stepped up to the plate and took on their work. She has found ways to bounce back quickly when the committee has encountered challenges. For all of this great work as a new member committee Chair, she was chosen as new member of the Month! How To Have It All With Passion, Purpose & Pride! by Leslie Kennedy and Tanya Rouce Have you ever wondered how it is that she looks flawless and fabulous, and her world remains serene with the kids in the car, the briefcase in hand, the Blackberry abuzz, and she still on time for Junior League meetings at 7:00 p.m.? Well you are in luck! On March 26th from 7 - 9 p.m. Leslie & Tanya at the VCRC, the new member class is hosting an amazing event! It your opportunity to socialize with and learn from our very own past Presidents. We’ll crack open a bottle of wine as we engage in an interview panel that will enable you to walk away with the knowledge and know-how to advance all aspects of your life! Space is limited, so please save the date and RSVP quickly to reserve your space at this one-of-a-kind event. Contact Amy Gioeni at 561-706-3767 or agioeni@hirscharchitects.com to reserve your seat! What’s better than botox(r)? bring this ad in to receive $50 off botox or restylane from boca Plastic surgeon, andreW ress, m.d. to make an aPPointment call: 561-347-1611 7284 W. Palmetto Park road, suite 105, boca raton new member news 29 From a Cook’s Point of View by Mary Lavalle I know that after the wicked February we had this year you are ready for spring, with the warmer breezes, sunshine and blooming flowers. That is what we are in Florida for right? Along with that comes all of the planning for the next Junior League year. Hard to believe the months are whizzing by the way they are. Planning is only natural when it comes to meals, too. Food that is easy to fix, tasty and full of fresh vegetables and fruit. This issue I want to feature three cookbooks, Paradise Served ($28.95) from the JL of Ft. Lauderdale, Grand Temptations ($26.95) from the JL of Grand Rapids and Creating Comfort ($26.95) from the Genesis Woman’s Shelter in Dallas Texas. From Paradise Served: Healthy Shrimp and Vegetable Bake ~ 4 servings. 2 tbsp olive oil 1 cup coarsely chopped onion 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped ½ teaspoon thyme 1 tsp dried basil, or 1 cup fresh basil chopped 2 cups fresh mushroom halves 2 cups cherry tomatoes 2 cup sliced zucchini 1 pound peeled deveined shrimp 3 tbsp olive oil ½ tsp salt ½ tsp pepper 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Heat 2 teaspoons olive oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until tender. Remove from the heat. Stir in thyme and basil. Combine the mushrooms tomatoes and zucchini in a 9x13-inch pan. Stir the shrimp into the onion mixture. Add to the baking pan. Drizzle with 3 tablespoons olive oil then season with salt and pepper. Cover the pan with foil. Bake for 40 minutes. Sprinkle with the parsley before serving. From Grand Temptations: Beijing Asparagus 2 1 1 2 1 tbsp soy sauce tbsp sesame oil tbsp sliced gingerroot bunches asparagus, trimmed tablespoon sesame seeds Whisk together the soy sauce, sesame oil and gingerroot in a wide shallow dish. Let stand for 15 minutes. Combine the asparagus with ½ cup water in a microwave-safe dish and cover with a paper towel, microwave on High for 6 minutes. Rotate the dish ¼ turn and microwave on High for 4 minutes. Plunge the asparagus in cold water to stop the cooking process; drain. Add the asparagus to the soy sauce mixture and turn several times to coat well. Remove the asparagus to a plate and chill, covered with plastic wrap, for 4 hours or longer. Sprinkle with the sesame seeds before serving. From Creating Comfort: Banana Slush Punch ~ Serves 50 8 cups water 4 cups sugar 5 large ripe bananas, sliced 2 quarts pineapple juice 2 (12 ounce) cans frozen orange juice concentrate, prepared ½ cup lemon juice 2 quarts ginger ale Combine the water and sugar in a saucepan and cook until the sugar dissolves, stirring occasionally remove from the heat and let stand until cool. Pour the syrup into a large freezer container. Process the bananas and a small amount of the pineapple juice in a blender until pureed. Add the banana mixture, remaining pineapple juice, orange juice and lemon juice to the syrup and mix well. Freeze, covered, until firm. Thaw the frozen fruit mixture for 2 hours and spoon into a punch bowl. Stir in the ginger ale; the punch should be of a slushy consistency. Ladle into punch cups. If you are looking for a cookbook filled with comfort food like your mother or grandmother used to make this is it. Tip: If you make soup and want to puree it, wait until it cools. Hot soup in a blender will blow off the top. 30 cookbook news Satisfy Your Financial Commitment with Cookbooks by Greta Gillis Have you satisfied your financial commitment to the League yet? Buying cookbooks is a great way to fulfill this obligation. You help to support our community projects, you amaze your family and friends with new recipes and can even get something for FREE. When you purchase cookbooks, you help to fund all the amazing community projects the League supports. If every League member purchased or sold just two cookbooks, we could fund the after school program at Florence Fuller next year. Won’t you feel great knowing that you help to put such an important program in place when you support Savor the Moment? Don’t you love to hear compliments from family and friends when you prepare a new recipe? We all have our favorite recipes in Savor the Moment, but it also fun to go through a new cookbook to find recipes that will wow your guests. We sell so many great cookbooks. Stop by the cookbook table at the next GMM and we would be glad to recommend a few to you. What is better then getting something for FREE! When you purchase five copies of Savor the Moment, you get a sixth copy for FREE. So stock up your gift closet with copies of Savor the Moment and you will always have the perfect give on hand. Don’t forget that you can always sell cookbooks to a friend or help us establish a new wholesale account. If you are out shopping or on vacation and you find a store that you think would be able to sell Savor the Moment, please pass along the contact information to us. All you have to do is pick up a business card and leave it in the cookbook office and we will take it from there. We will contact the store and hopefully open a new wholesale account. Dinner and a Movie - A Red Carpet Event by Aimee Gilligan Opening night is March 21st and all across Boca Raton, and surrounding areas, dinner parties are being held in celebration of our very own Savor the Moment Cookbook. It’s not too late to join in on the parties! The theme this year is Dinner and a Movie where the menu and cocktail selections allow hostesses to star in a major production while guests play very special supporting role. Select a Girl’s Night Out event ala Sex in the City or a family style Italian feast courtesy of The Godfather. For those with a designer flair, try The Devil Wears Prada and serve a gourmet meal not easily forgotten. Be decadent with a wine and dessert gathering in honor of Chocolat. Or, invite the whole family and relax with a Forrest Gump style cookout. The scene is set for your big premiere. Sign up to be a hostess or simply attend as a guest. Roll camera . . . ACT ONE: Make the decision to host your special event. Select the movie theme and party type which best suits your style. Determine the number of guests to be invited to your home. ACT TWO: Contact the new member committee via our dedicated e-mail: dinnerandamovie@hotmail.com. We will upload your information and members will sign up to attend your party. Each guest will bring a dish from the menu you selected. We’ll help coordinate. ACT THREE: Set the stage for entertainment. Have fun with the movie theme. Decorate your home or create a special center piece. Request fancy attire or flip flops (JLBR flops of course!) Be creative and enjoy. End scene with a smile on your face after this special evening of food, fun, and new friendships. Hosting a party has never been easier. That’s a wrap! To host an event or attend a party, please e-mail dinnerandamovie@hotmail.com or call Anette at 561-251-7066. Elegant Child of Boca Raton Distinctive children’s clothing, shoes, toys and books 561-416-0152 Mon-Sat. 10 am - 6 pm www.ElegantChildBoca.com 59 So. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton, FL 33432 1 block So. of Palmetto Park Rd. savor the moment news 31 Saks Wows with the Michael Kors Show by Kristin Calder 2009 collection on style.com, ”You don’t need a crystal ball to know that they’ll all be hits . . .” and the audience agreed. So many guests came up to me after the show and said how much they loved the fashion show and they would definitely wear the gorgeous pieces in the collection! I would like to extend a huge heartfelt thank you to Terry Seminara, Saks Fifth Avenue, Boca Raton General Manager and Nadia Squarciafico, the Boca Raton PR Manager, who coordinated the Michael Kors presentation. Joan Kors, Kristin Calder & Terry Seminara The Woman Volunteer of the Year (WVOY) Luncheon is a special community event honoring outstanding women volunteers. It also honors great fashion and style thanks to Saks Fifth Avenue’s presentation this year. Stop by the Saks Fifth Avenue store at the Town Center Mall to see the Michael Kors designs and the latest fashion trends and must-haves for 2009. Don’t forget to tell them you’re a member of the Junior League and we appreciate their support of WVOY and the JLBR. With hip remixes of the Beach Boys and The GoGo’s tunes playing, Saks Fifth Avenue wowed guests with the Michael Kors Resort 2009 Collection true to Michael’s style - fresh, chic and luxurious that made everyone at my table – and from what I heard around me – ooh and aah. One of Michael’s favorite pieces was featured in the show – the pool turquoise and gold brocade tunic with a bateau neckline and three-quarter sleeves and slit pockets. No wonder it’s one of his faves. It’s gorgeous! This brocade was also shown in a dress, which was one of my favorites of the whole collection. As Laird Borrelli-Persson wrote about Michael Kors Resort 32 wvoy news WVOY Committee wrapped up our big event with a festive and relaxing celebration at Swoozie’s - Jennie DeWolff, Schuyler Thompson, Lisa Bariso, Kristin Calder & Jody Cruden Make Some Cash and Help JLBR Make Money! by Nancy Dockerty Ladies, as you all know, your Fund Development committee has been hard at work this year planning events to raise money for the JLBR. We've had two store openings, a restaurant opening, and are selling the fabulous and fun JLBR flip flops. Well, how would you like to come to an event that doesn't cost you any $$, but will make you lots of $$$$$? We are having our second gold party on Monday, March 16th, at 6 p.m. Here's how it works: You bring your old unwanted GOLD jewelry to the VCRC to sell for CASH and the JLBR gets 10% of the total proceeds. Our jeweler is very reputable and is a close friend of JLBR. We did this event in February, we had nine members attend, and the jeweler paid $4,000 in cash to the members so JLBR made $400! The feedback from this event was great: “I brought my mom and she was shocked to make $650 on jewelry she found in the bottom of her jewelry box” ~ Jen Minton, Chocolate Decadence committee member “It was like ‘found cash’ just sitting in an old box.” ~Pattie Damron, Sustainer “I made $461 from my old tangled gold chains, and outdated earrings that I haven't worn in 20 years” ~A Fund Development committee member This gold event on March 16th has limited space so please RSVP today to info@jlbr.org or call 561-620-2553. We plan to have another party this year so stay tuned! The Fund Development committee is proud to present another fabulous shopping event, because we know how you ladies love to shop! The new Lilly Pulitzer at Town Center will host an entire day of shopping with an unprecedented 15% off all purchases! Lilly never gives discounts, so this is your chance to buy that adorable dress you've had your eye on! Come in on Wednesday, March 25th and see the spring collection, chat with friends and have a snack and Lilly Pulitzer will make a donation to the JLBR. See you there! fund development news 33 Sustainer Scoop by Lou Ann Such MARCH!?! It was just September a month or so ago. You baby sustainers have no idea how fast time goes. We only have three more fun filled Linda Donoghue, Lara Carter, months left to play Reagan & Lou Ann Such this year before it is summer. Someday I promise to start my article off with a philosophical thought upon which we can all ruminate. Wait, doesn’t ruminate mean a cow chewing her cud? Well, my ruminate is supposed to mean thinking deeply on an important matter. Actually, this is never going to happen as long as I write the Scoop article, so let’s just go on to other matters. THANK YOU’S: I will start with Lucille Gioia who plans the greatest dinners. In February the dinner was at Saporissimo and a good time was had by all. Barbara O’Connell took us to the Art Conservancy and then to the Culinary Institute for lunch in January. Both were stupendous experiences. She topped that with a trip to the Naples Museum in February. Excellent! Thank you to the ten Sustainers who held cottage meetings for the Actives on February 10th. They were Joyce DeVita, Wanda Harrold, Dorothy MacDiarmid, Kay Cook, Denise Alman, Helen Ballerano, Kate Toomey and me. Thank you to Mary Lavalle for holding a needlepoint class at the VCRC. Bet you did not even know we had a needlepoint group. 34 sustainer news VALENTINE LUNCHEON: We have a special “thank you” to Renee Feder and Laura Stoltz for another fabulous lunch at The Gazebo. I didn’t think they could top what they did last year, but they did. You have just got to come to one of these events to find out what you are missing! BOCA HELPING HANDS: As you all know, our project this year is Helping Hands. A lot of us have been sorting food at the warehouse every Tuesday afternoon for several weeks. I cannot mention names because I will forget one person and insult someone. Then we helped address 5,000 invitations for their big fundraiser on March 14th. Now we need to figure out how to have more food donated. Almost all of their food is donated in the fall and winter months. By July or August they have hardly any food left. Put on your thinking caps to come up with ways to have schools, churches, businesses, etc., donate more food in the spring and summer. Finally, they desperately need children’s clothes and shoes of all sizes. Please bring these items to the VCRC. Thank you CHOCOLATE DECADENCE: This year was by far the best Chocolate Decadence ever. The food, chocolate and wine, etc., were delicious and ever flowing. It was cold as can be in Florida, and still everyone had a great time. Congratulations to Andrea Garcia and Jennifer Minton, the co-chairs, for an extraordinarily well done job. And, congratulations to our own Cindy Krebsbach who won the chocolate bake-off contest. I insist that you go next year. So what if you gain five pounds in one night? COMING EVENTS: BOCA FESTIVAL DAYS which Cynthia Brown and Helen Ballerano are organizing. We will see the Russian National Orchestra for cultural night. Also we can see the author, Salman Rushdie, who is very entertaining even if his books are hard to read. (I didn’t say that.) We can also see Jamaica Kinkaid, another talented author, who wrote Lucy. HIGH TEA: We are going to the Flagler Museum for a tour and a delectable lunch/tea. Helen Ballerano needs to collect your checks for this event a month before because the museum must have 90% of the deposit 30 days in advance. Surely you can commit on time to such an entertaining event. MUSEUM TOUR: Our last tour of the year will be to the Norton in West Palm to see the exhibit Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism. Call Barbara O’Connell to let her know you would like to join us. Even if you are not an art connoisseur, the trip to the Norton is still a very pleasant experience. Have a Happy Easter and/or Passover. MARCH & APRIL EVENTS BRIDGE GROUPS: Day - March 6th, Hostess is Mary Mowry, RSVP 368-8866; April 3rd, Hostess, TBA. Night - March 17th, Hostess is Rita Head, RSVP 392-8640; April 21st, Hostess is Carol Gunnell, RSVP 338-0020 BOOK GROUPS: MARCH 12: Group I – The Gathering by Anne Enright, Hostess is Marci Schwenke, RSVP 368-7948. Group II – The Enchantress of Florence, Hostess is Millicent Duvall, RSVP 479-0449. Group III – Loving Frank by Nancy Horan, Hostess is Emily Schelter. Group IV (Night Book Group) Lucy by Jamaica Kinkaid who will be the speaker at Boca Festival on March 13th. APRIL 9th: Book Group I will be going to Lake Mary Marriott April 6-8 in conjunction with reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by zora Neale Thurston. Group II – The Gathering by Anne Enright, Hostess is Ellen Stark, RSVP 2743636. Book Group III, 7p.m., The Shack by William P. Young, Hostess is Marina Chaney, RSVP 998-2392. Group IV (Night Sustainer Birthdays March 1 Lisa Kanzler-Hays Frances Owen Nancy Wade 2 Jacqueline Moroco Maloney Susan Posey 5 Joyce DeVita Sandra Dreker Margi Helschein 6 Mary Jane Evans Emily Zann 8 Juana Franklin 9 Gae Kapral 9 Mary Meloy 11 Carolyn Cunningham Heide Taylor 12 Mary Cheryl Hargrove 14 Beth King Julie Ann Clark 15 Cheryl Cleary Allene Niemiec 16 Kristine Killip 17 Patricia Boynton 18 Mary Lou Eastham 19 Janet Little 21 Elizabeth Pankey-Warren Group): The Book Thief by Markus zusak, RSVP to LuAnn Warner-Prokos. CULTURAL NIGHT: Friday, March 13th, Boca Festival Days - Alondra de la Parra conducts the Russian National Orchestra. Tickets range from $50 to $125. Call 1-866571-2787 and mention the Junior League for a 20% discount on tickets. For more info call Cynthia Brown: 3302737 WINE AND JAzz IN THE GARDEN: Thursday, March 19th, 5:30 to 7:30 at the American Orchid Society, 16700 AOS Lane, Delray Beach – Member $20, Non-members $25. This is just another fun excuse for drinking wine and listening to good music. For further details call Dale Workman at home, 495-9172 or cell - 715-1896. HIGH TEA at FLAGLER MUSEUM: Tuesday, March 24th at 10:15 a.m. Meet at Vegso Community Resource Center to car pool to the museum. Cost is $33 which will include the cost of the tour plus a Gilded Age Style Lunch. You MUST send a check to Helen Ballerano ASAP because we have to give them the number of ladies coming plus 90% of the cost 30 days before, February 24th or close. Please, please let Helen know if you are coming. MUSEUM TOUR: Thursday, March 26th, Norton Museum of Art Exhibit: “Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism” on loan from the Brooklyn Museum. Lunch at the museum. Meet at VCRC at 9:30 a.m. RSVP to Barbara O’Connell at 487-8871. SCRABBLE: Linda McElwee provides boards, cheat sheets, the rules, snacks, and the patience to teach anyone interested in scrabble. Needless to say, we have a great time. If interested, call Linda at 241-1877 or e-mail her at LCMcElwee@aol.com. SPRING LUNCHEON: Thursday, April 30th at zED451 – Invitation to follow. Please Note: If your birthday is not listed, please contact the League office at info@jlbr.org or call 561-620-2553. 27 Carolyn Reil 27 Mary Jo Ridenour 28 Jeanette Himes 30 Jackie Traner April 1 Judith Carberry Linda Pollack 4 Ellen Stark 6 Anne Donnelly 7 Louise Glover Donna Miano 8 Bonny Smith 9 Karen Wadowicz 10 Mary Osborne Marilyn Osborne 11 Christine Critchfield 12 Mary Csar Katherine Ferguson 15 Sheila Aucamp 16 Tammy Benes Laura Cohen-Bull Ellen Elam Robin Graziano Susan Wicker 17 Mary Ellen Hogan 20 Arlette Baker Susan Martin 21 Nancy Davis Michele Weizer 22 Helen Ballerano Renee Feder 24 Jeanne Brander 25 Charlene Toews 27 Laura Mitchell 28 Cheryl Scardina 30 Lisa Bariso sustainer news 35 Susie Martin, Jan Jones & Charlotte Spooner at the Member Appreciation Party Geri Penniman and Soozie Childers at Valentine Luncheon Sheila Aucamp & Wanda Harrold at the Valentine Luncheon Laura Stoltz & Renee Feder at the Valentine Luncheon Linda Dutton, Mary Lavalle & Cindy Krebsbach at the Member Appreciation Party Lou Ann Such, Jan Jones, Susie Martin, sustainer & Linda McElwee at the Member Appreciation Party Kindly and highly recommended by JLBR Sustainers Gail Hackett & Joanie Robertson When you need home or office improvements and smaller repairs, call your local team of experts for a free estimate and ask for Felix or Juan at: HOME IMPROVEMENT & REPAIRS OF BOCA RATON CORPORATION Office: (561) 955-9550 l Cell: (561) 245-0481 or 245-0482 Boca.homeimprovements@gmail.com TM 36 sustainer picture show Custom woodwork, kitchen cabinets, closet organizers, wooden floors and decks List of Advertisers Antique & Country Pine . . . Back Cover Andrew Ress, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Barbara W. Hill, P.A. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Barbara Winter, Ph.D. . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bark-Tique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Benchmark Building & Design . . . . 14 Boca Raton Fitness Boot Camp . . . . . . . . Back Inside Cover Carolyn Arnold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Cendyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Daniel O’Hara, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Delray Beach Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Dr. Julie Shuman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Inside Cover ego, the salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Elegant Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Embassy Suites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Inside Cover Gil Lichtshein, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Health Care Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Hirsch Architects, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Home Improvements & Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 It’s Just Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Jacqueline Moroco, D.D.S., M.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Krumholtz Orthodontics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Look Great . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Marsha L. Love, Interior Decorator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Nails by Claudia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Personal Senior Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Pine Tree Camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Rebecca G. Robbins, M.Ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Robin Philpit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Screamin’ Monkeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Steven R. Alman, D.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tobak’s Fine Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 xquisite Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dues Are now Due! A friendly reminder that dues for the 2009-10 fiscal year are now due and must be received no later than April 1st. Amount of dues: Actives - $159 Sustainers - $124 Interleaguers - $58.00 To remit your payment, please either send your check made payable to the Junior League of Boca Raton to the VCRC at Junior League, 261 N.W. 13th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33432; or you can pay on the JLBR’s website, members only section at www.jlbr.org. Just click on “JLBR store” to pay online. If dues are received after April 1st, a $10.00 late fee will apply. Active Birthdays 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 25 26 27 28 March Loretta Rauenhorst Kirsten Stanley Susan B. Davis Lisa McDonough Stacey Schmidt Reagan Such Lisa Romanowski Carolyn Miller Dana Holt Pam Adams Kristen Ross Jennifer Charron Kristen Mack Elysa Elk Kimberly Flittner Amanda Mitchell Dayna Coffer Lara Charno Kelly Korn Liza Kuntadi Kelly Staller Anna Parrott Jill Patterson Susan Kaelin Sandra Jameson Taylor Mihalko Courtney Brown Arete Friedman Melanie Silkworth Nancy Griffin Kara Donvito Jennifer Blythe Becky Carlsson 28 Denise O’Sullivan 30 Mildred Strickroot 31 Stephanie Miskew 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 11 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 April Marie Johnson Lynn Martin Florence Kizza Delia Weiss Renee Thies Megan O’Donnell Stacey Packer Karin Bice Toni Gianfortuno Kimberly Porterfield Kirsten Bosse Michelle Coggiola Paige Kornblue Carrie O’Day Meaghan Coen Christie Secreto Pennie Markus Britton Buist Kristen Petersen Sharon Robinson Pam Hillenbrand Maria Silvana Galka Jana Notice Berger Jessica Palmire Caroline Angstadt Sarah Paulsen Lydia Mayer Jamie Sauer Jacqueline Reeves Little Leaguers The JLBR Membership would like to congratulate the following member on the arrival of her Little Leaguer: Lisa and Jeffrey McDonough on the birth of their daughter, Riley Shea, born January 14th. Do you have frienDs in other Leagues throughout the country? If so, don’t you think they would love a pair of the brand new Junior League flip flops? You can help us raise money for our League by sending your friends information about our flip flops and giving them our website address www.jlbr.org so they can order them. CORRECTION: CORRECTION: In March 2009 Bridge issue’s Member Spotlight, we mistakenly printed that Rebecca Robbins graduated from University of New York. The correct name for that school is New York University. bulletin board 37 Bridge Patrons The Publications Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support of THE BRIDGE from BRIDGE PATRONS listed below. Your yearly contribution of $85 will help us give more to the community by absorbing some of our publishing costs. Thanks to you, we are well on the way to becoming a self-supporting publication! Send your check to the JLBR office. Joanie Goldberg Annie Green Morgan & Oliver Green Linda Gunn Jillian Hasner Chris & Forrest Heathcott Diane Hopkins Leslie Jackson LuAnn Jarvie Amy Kazma Debora & Ward Kellogg Dr. Michael & Mrs. Cindy Krebsbach Wendy Kulberg Mary Lavalle Sheila & David Aucamp Carol Auerbach Gretchen Bieneman Sharon Sands Budd Julie Buser Tami & Steve Constantine Stephanie Critchfield Melinda DeHoff Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deyo Anne Dickinson Sue & Ed Diener Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Disher Mr. & Mrs. Peter Donovan Elysa & Scott Elk Brenda Lusher Dorothy & Blake MacDiarmid Linda McElwee Janice V. Middlebrook Shannon Moriarity Lisa & John Mulhall Laurel P. Murray-Boynton Janet Nodine Marion Norton-Miller Denise & Robert O’Sullivan Elizabeth Pankey-Warren Robin & Tom Philpit Karl & Dorothy Preusse Carole Putman Mary Redman Kristen & Kevin Ross Peggy & Stephen Ruzika Norman Shapiro Jamie Snyder Lou Ann & Roger Such Reagan Such Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Toomey, Sr. Ron & Tina Towery LuAnn Warner-Prokos Dr. Michele Weizer Cathy Younis March 2009 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Board Meeting 8 9 General Membership Meeting Purim 15 16 22 23 MSAT Self Defense Class St. Patrick’s Day Gold Party 24 Lilly Pulitzer Event Sustainer Tea 29 30 Sustainer Cultural Night Sustainer Wine & Jazz Past President’s Panel First Day of Spring February 2009 S 1 8 15 22 M 2 9 16 23 T 3 10 17 24 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 S M T W T 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 31 April 2009 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 5 6 7 13 14 20 21 Easter 19 8 Passover Begins Board Meeting Palm Sunday 12 Deadline for JLBR Dues GMM & Placement Fair Thursday 2 9 27 28 lines of communication 3 4 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 May 2009 29 30 Candidate Education Session 38 Saturday Good Friday Earth Day 26 Friday The Best Therapy Starts with the Right Therapist Dr. Julie Shuman Finding the RIGHT therapist makes all the difference in your experience and is critical to making the positive changes you desire. This is a personal decision that should meet your specific needs. It is important to pick a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and whose style fits you. If you are looking for a challenging therapeutic experience that translates into long lasting insight and change, Dr. Julie is the therapist for you. With over 8 years of experience, Julie Shuman, Psy.D. currently practices as a licensed psychologist in Boca Raton, Florida. She specializes in eating disorders, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and relationship issues. She works both one on one with patients and with the couple/family dynamic. Specializing in Eating Disorders, Substance Abuse, Relationship Problems, Anxiety and Depression Office Phone 561-807-5440 Dr. Julie is an Active Member of the Junior League Website DrJulie.com Florida Licensed Psychologist #PY7492 Who Else Wants a Thinner, Sexier, More Feminine and Firm Body . . . GUARANTEED! Hi! My name is Ken Roetman and I’ve been blessed with the ability to get extraordinary results (life-changing really) for hundreds of women (and men) here in the Boca Raton area. There are quite a few SECRETS that I have discovered along the way and have been teaching to our clients at our private, exclusive Boca Raton Fitness Boot Camp Studio and now I would like to share those secrets with other Boca Raton women who want the TRUTH about lasting weight loss and real body transformation. If you would like to take charge and make the first step to changing your fitness future, call me at 561-706-4966 and mention that you saw this ad in The Bridge Magazine and we will reserve a spot for you in our “Feminine, Firm & Fit Fast Start Transformation” Program, A $637.00 Total Value . . .For Just $167.00! “Working out at Boca Raton Fitness Boot Camp I lost 17 pounds, and over 16 inches!” ~ Brenda Berch, Boca Raton “My results have been Amazing! My body is definitely more firm, especially my legs and arms.” ~ Monica Mayotte, Boca Raton “Training with Ken Roetman has been Life-Changing! Ken’s program is so effective I felt the difference immediately.” ~ Gina Pantano, Boca Raton FEMiNiNE, FiRM & FiT FAST START TRANSFoRMATioN PRoGRAM A $637.00 VAlUE FoR oNly $167.00 But only if you call before April15. only 15 Spots Available! Call NoW to reserve your place 561-706-4966 My promise is to you that you will get the fitness and weight loss results that you want . . . Guaranteed or your Money Back! If you would like to receive our special FREE REPORT “16 Tips to looking and Feeling Better Than You Have in Years” Visit our website www.bocaratonfitcamp.com Antiques & Country Pine For Fine European-Inspired Home Furnishings, Upholstery, Lighting, Unique Accessories & Gifts 20% OFF MERCHANDISE WITH THIS AD. FOR JLBR MEMBERS ONLY! Antiques & Country Pine Antiques & Country Pine of Buckhead 1240 East Newport Center Drive 730 Miami Circle NE Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Atlanta, GA 30324 954-481-1917 404-231-1233 www.pineandmore.com Spring Has Sprung April General Membership Meeting Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6 p.m. Social - 7 p.m. Meeting Embassy Suites, Boca Raton 261 N.W. 13th Street Boca Raton, Fl 33432 Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAiD Boca Raton, Fl Permit No. 163