
January 29, 2015
Connecting people and resources for the improvement of the greater Oberlin
community - By promoting opportunities for increased physical activity, improved
nutrition and reduced tobacco use and exposure…
Creating a Community Where the Healthier Choice is the Easier Choice!
 Introductions – 14 in attendance
 Healthy meeting resources:
 American Cancer Society- Meeting Well
 Healthy office snacks: making a change
 Creating Healthy Communities Projects for 2015
 Continue work with Pit Stop Mini-Mart to increase healthy options: fruit and veggie mural,
refrigerated display cases, link to local supplier and application for acceptance of SNAP/EBT
 Continue work with Oberlin College regarding implementation of Tobacco-free campus policy
 Promote the Parenting at Mealtime and Playtime Learning Collaborative with local physicians –
Uses the Ounce of Prevention resources to assist pediatric practices in providing anticipatory
guidance to and assessing obesity-related health risk in infants and young children to instill a
foundation of healthy lifestyle behaviors at an early age.
 Conduct a Health Risk Assessment to determine health impact of proposed project related to
physical activity – need to identify a project
 Community Health Assessment – CHANGE tool : Cindy provided an overview – assessment can be
used by multiple agencies to determine future direction
 Reviewed Framework – Sectors/ Modules/Methods
 Determine Sectors to be assessed (3 in each sector ) recommendations include:
o Community Institution or Organization (CIO) - OCS, Salvation Army, Interfaith
Hospitality Network (21 churches) , Kendal, Library, Parks
o Schools: Oberlin District &/or Building, JVS, OECC, Murray Ridge
o Worksites: OECC, Oberlin College, IGA (Leo), NACS, LNB, FAA, Restaurants (Black
River, Agave, Tree Huggers, Sterks Catering), Post Office , City of Oberlin
 Community-At-Large Sector –
o Provided definitions used by the tool for Policy and Environmental changes
o Reviewed the Policy and Environment rating scale
o Went through questions for Physical Activity and Nutrition
o Need to verify and document (Ask participants to capture pictures)
January 29, 2015
 Cindy Shared information re National Quality Forum- Improving Population Health
 Next meeting - Tuesday, February 17, 2015- 8:30 – 10:00 am
o Modules to complete: Tobacco, Chronic Disease Management and Leadership
(See attached questions)
 Other:
 Community Screening – ( Mercy, Oberlin Wellness Network (OWN), Oberlin Kids ) –
- April 22, 2015 (Share CHANGE tool results)
o Oberlin Wellness Network, Oberlin Business Partnership
o Oberlin Kids – Health and Wellness Sub-committee
 Lorain County Fitness Walks  Every Monday Night - 5:30 pm at Splash Zone in Oberlin
 Every Thursday Night -5:30 pm at Mercy Recreation Center in Amherst
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2015
 Purpose: Live Health Lorain will connect people and resources for the improvement of the Lorain
community by assessing and promoting opportunities for increased physical activity, improved
nutrition and reduced tobacco use and exposure…Creating a Community Where the Healthier Choice
is the Easier Choice!
 Introductions. 25 people were in attendance from 22 separate agencies/groups. Representatives
from schools, community agencies, healthcare entities, and the city of Lorain were present.
 Creating Healthy Communities Projects.
 Projects completed in 2014 and initial projects for planning in 2015 were explained. See below.
 2014:
 Pre-school physical activity and nutrition policies-- Hopkins-Locke, LC Headstart
 Salad Bars & Safe Routes To School-- Clearview School District
 Community Garden—We Care We Share Food Pantry
 Quarterly Lorain County Wellness Network Meetings—A county-wide community
networking system providing a forum for sharing local wellness information, successes, and
 County-Wide Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) initiatives
 2015:
 Lorain Tobacco-Free Park Initiative—Lakeview Park
 Share the Road Promotion—Lakeview Park-- Bicycle racks, Bicycle safety and promotion
 Choice Food Pantry and Garden—We Care We Share Food Pantry-- Gardening Workshop,
healthy food cooking demo and taste testing, transition to CHOICE pantry
 CHANGE tool health assessment and action plan—Lorain City--A CDC health assessment to
gather data/understand the assets and needs in Lorain across multiple pockets of the
community (worksites, schools, community organizations, health care, etc.)....Some funding
is available for projects that will benefit the city and its community members....we just need
to know where to best put our efforts and resources
Activity 1: What is your vision for a healthy community?
The group brainstormed and listed their vision for what a healthy community looks like….
Bike trails, roller skating, physical activity in parks, green space
Up-kept buildings, less boarded/abandoned places
Vacant space is used for physical activity, shared-use agreements in place
Pop up markets, access to food, healthy people
Programs like Produce Perks, SNAP benefits
Cooking education, what to do with produce, how to shop on a budget
Grow your own food, community gardens that are up-kept with education components
Positive mental health, a safe community including safe drivers and children with seatbelts
Wellness education available
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2015
 Transportation is available and affordable
 Incentives in place for exercise, healthy eating, positive mental health practices
 Community social element and events, happy interaction among people
 Community Health Assessment – CHANGE tool. The CHANGE tool is a series of questions to
evaluate a community on the environment and existing policies in place. The initial time
commitment that we are asking is just 2, 1-hour meetings to complete these questions.
 Monday, March 9th 8:30am-9:30am
 questions on Leadership, Physical Activity and Tobacco if there is time
 Wednesday, March 25th 8:30am-9:30am
 questions on Nutrition, Chronic Disease, and complete tobacco if needed
 Where: Lorain County Health & Dentistry
1205 Broadway Ave Lorain, OH 44052
 The results will help guide future projects to improve the health of the community. This assessment
can be done annually, but our goal is 1 time every 5 years.
 Live Healthy Lorain = “Community at Large”
 We will be answering questions about:
1. The community at large (1 city--Lorain)
2. Schools (three Lorain schools)
3. Worksites (three Lorain worksites)
4. Community Institutions/Orgs. (three community organizations)
 We will not be separately evaluating the Health Care sector. Health care groups will be
represented in the community advisory group (Live Healthy Lorain).
 As mentioned above, our group will meet 2 more times to answer the “Community at Large”
questions, see attached questions.
 Please review the google doc with these questions and add any notes below the
questions at your convenience--the goal is to get thoughts flowing.
 For a more detailed recap on what the CHANGE tool includes please visit-
Activity 2: CAL questions, Who else needs to be here? We brainstormed other groups that will be
important to include in our Live Healthy Lorain group so that we can answer the “Community at Large
 Mental Health- Guidestone, Local Businesses (no specific suggestions at this time) More
Faith based/church groups, Buying Rich and Healthy group members ( this is an El Centro
grant project)
 Please email Kat directly ( with other suggestions or if
you have interest in volunteering to be a site to answer this portion of the assessment
 Additional CHANGE sectors
Activity 3: Brainstorm Worksite, Community Institution/Organization (CIO), and School Sector.
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2015
We will need to complete separate questions for 3 worksites, 3 schools, 3 community orgs. And hope to
work with these 9 sites in the future for specific projects funded through the Creating Healthy
Communities Program.
Suggestions were given Comm. Orgs: Boys and Girls Club, Lorain County Office on Aging , We Care We Share
 Schools: Academy of Arts and Sciences may be interested, Preschools, Rising Titans LCS pre
school, (Horizon education centers, Longfellow or Durling?), Lorain City School District,
 Worksites: Corner Stores/Food Kiosks, Lorain Public Library -others needed!
Next Meeting(s)
When? Monday, March 9th and Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Time? 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Where? Lorain County Health & Dentistry
1205 Broadway Ave. Lorain, OH 44052
Healthy Meeting resources were provided:
 Healthy Meeting Resources:
 American Cancer Society--Meeting Well
 Healthy Office Snacks: Making a Change
February 17, 2015
Connecting people and resources for the improvement of the greater Oberlin
community - By promoting opportunities for increased physical activity, improved
nutrition and reduced tobacco use and exposure…
Creating a Community Where the Healthier Choice is the Easier Choice!
 Introductions – 9 in attendance
 Creating Healthy Communities Projects for 2015
 Pit Stop Mini-Mart, to increase healthy options: fruit and veggie mural, refrigerated display
cases, link to local supplier and application for acceptance of SNAP/EBT
 Continue work with Oberlin College regarding implementation of Tobacco-free campus policy
 Promote the Parenting at Mealtime and Playtime Learning Collaborative with local physicians –
Uses the Ounce of Prevention resources to assist pediatric practices in providing anticipatory
guidance to and assessing obesity-related health risk in infants and young children to instill a
foundation of healthy lifestyle behaviors at an early age.
 Conduct a Health Risk Assessment to determine health impact of proposed project related to
physical activity – need to identify a project
 Community Health Assessment –Review the CHANGE tool, a CDC community health assessment
that will help guide future projects.
 Sectors- Community At Large, Community Institutions/ Organizations, Schools and
 Modules- The categories of questions we will answer. These are Physical Activity,
Leadership, Tobacco, Nutrition, and Chronic Disease.
 Methods- Info will be collected in many ways: focus groups, interview, photos,
observation, surveys (web-based/telephone/face-to-face), walkability audit.
 Community-At-Large Sector – Part 2
o Provided definitions used by the tool for Policy and Environmental changes
o Reviewed the Policy and Environment rating scale
o Went through questions for Leadership, Chronic Disease and Tobacco modules.
o Need to verify and document (Ask participants to capture pictures)
 Healthy Meetings Toolkit:
This toolkit is intended for anyone that holds meetings and conferences who would like
resources for promoting health through environmental, policy, and systems changes to
promote health.
February 17, 2015
 Other:
 Community Screening – ( Mercy, Oberlin Wellness Network (OWN), Oberlin Kids ) –
- April 22, 2015 (Share CHANGE tool results)
o Oberlin Wellness Network, Oberlin Business Partnership
o Oberlin Kids – Health and Wellness Sub-committee
 Lorain County Fitness Walks  Every Monday Night - 5:30 pm at Splash Zone in Oberlin
 Every Thursday Night -5:30 pm at Mercy Recreation Center in Amherst
March 3, 2015
Live Healthy Southern Lorain County Partners
Connecting people and resources for the improvement of Southern Lorain County
- By promoting opportunities for increased physical activity, improved nutrition and
reduced tobacco use and exposure…
Creating a Community Where the Healthier Choice is the Easier Choice!
 Introductions – (2/25 – 13 present) ( 3/10 – 14 present )
 Healthy meeting resources:
 American Cancer Society- Meeting Well
 Healthy office snacks: making a change
 Creating Healthy Communities Projects for 2014
 Pit stop Mini-Mart – increase healthy options – adding fruits and vegetables
 Wellington Schools – Smarter lunchroom – Salad bar promotion at McCormick MS
 Wellington Schools – Safe Routes to Schools – funding for education and encouragement – walk
to school days and walking/biking safety
 Wellington Farmers Market – Produce Perks
 Creating Healthy Communities Projects for 2015
 Continue work with Pit Stop Mini-Mart to increase healthy options: fruit and veggie mural,
refrigerated display cases, link to local supplier and application for acceptance of SNAP/EBT
 Wellington Schools – Farm to School /Smarter Lunch Rooms/ Salad Bars
 Wellington Schools- 100% Tobacco Free Campus Policy
 Huntington Park Community Park Enhancements
 Community Health Assessment – CHANGE tool :
 Reviewed Framework – Sectors/ Modules/Methods
 Determine Sectors to be assessed (3 in each sector ) recommendations include:
o Community Institution or Organization (CIO) Salvation Army, United Methodist
Church, Well Help, Library, SLC Office on Aging
o Schools: Wellington district
o Worksites: Wellington LCCC
 Community-At-Large Sector –
o Provided definitions used by the tool for Policy and Environmental changes
o Reviewed the Policy and Environment rating scale
o Need to verify and document (Ask participants to capture pictures)
March 3, 2015
 Feb 25th - Physical Activity/Leadership
 March 10th – Nutrition, Chronic Disease & Tobacco
 Completed questions and processed results
 Other:
 Lorain County Fitness Walks - Every Monday Night - 5:30 pm at Splash Zone in Oberlin
 Southern Lorain County Collaborative
 Janet, Thank you for hosting!
March 9, 2015
Live Healthy Lorain will connect people and resources for the improvement
of the Lorain community by assessing and promoting opportunities for
increased physical activity, improved nutrition and reduced tobacco use and
exposure…Creating a Community Where the Healthier Choice is the Easier
During this Live Healthy Lorain (LHL) meeting we briefly reviewed the CHANGE tool
community health assessment (definitions and examples below). We discussed the
school, worksite, and community org. sites in Lorain that may be good to initially work
with, beginning with this assets-needs assessment. These groups will partner with LHL
to establish a baseline for health improvement projects that we anticipate will help the
Lorain community to thrive over time. Time commitment was discussed, (see notes
Lastly, we began and completed the Physical Activity and Leadership sections of
questions for the CHANGE tool assessment. When answering these questions,
participants were encouraged to think about Lorain City as a whole, rather than their
individual agencies or groups. The results of the CHANGE tool will allow our group to
prioritize what environmental, policy, and systems changes we can make to make the
healthy choice the easy choice in Lorain. The next meeting is Wednesday, March 25.
We will have a focus group discussion around Tobacco, Chronic Disease, and Nutrition
in Lorain at this meeting and talk about the next steps for the group.
*See below for details from 3/9/15.*
 Introductions-- Representatives from 13 agencies/groups in attendance.
 CHANGE tool-- Community Health Assessment:
o Review of Framework/Definitions –
 Sectors- 4 categories
1. Community At Large = Live Healthy Lorain
2. Community Institutions/ Organizations = ex) Child Development
Center, Church, Food Pantry
3. Schools = ex) Primary and secondary learning institutions, school
4. Worksites = Anywhere people work
 Modules-The categories of questions we will answer. These are
Physical Activity, Leadership, Tobacco, Nutrition, and Chronic
March 9, 2015
Methods- Info will be collected in many ways: focus groups,
interview, photos, observation, surveys (web-based/telephone/faceto-face), walkability audit.
o Policy and Environment --definitions/rating scale (handouts)
 Explained how this focus group info gathered in Live Healthy Lorain
meeting will be weighted in the CHANGE Tool (see handout with
green highlighted scores)
 Scored on a 1-5 scale…..1 being lowest, 5 being highest degree of
implementation and evaluation
 Each question receives a 1-5 score for Environment and 1-5 score
for Policy.
 We did not score on 3/9. We are focusing on getting the
information before any final scoring.
 Examples and definitions of Policy and Environment were given in a
handout in order to help the discussion
 For a more detailed recap on what the CHANGE tool includes please visit-
 Proposed CHANGE tool sector sites
1. Community Institution/Org:
o We Care We Share
o Lorain County Boys and Girls Club of Lorain
o Others Proposed for 3rd spot: El Centro, Neighborhood
Alliance, Lorain Downtown Ministry Group
2. Schools:
o Proposed schools: Garfield Elementary, Clearview
Schools, Lorain City Schools, Horizon Education Center
3. Worksites:
o Proposed: Mercy, Lorain City Government, Lorain Fire
Department, Headstart Lorain, Nord Center, LMHA
 Time Commitment
 Individual site commitments are an initial 1-hour to 1.5-hour
interview to complete the Change Tool questions for your sector
(school, community org. or worksite)
Commitment beyond data collection/interview for CHANGE tool
questions on a case-by-case basis. We will work together to decide
on the need, what projects fit for you, and what may overlap with
current initiatives.
 All LHL members are encouraged to take photos when out and
about in the community to give a visual representation of some of
what we have discussed and add to our pool of data for scoring.
March 9, 2015
o 3/9 Physical Activity/Leadership/Tobacco
 CHANGE tool questions were completed in focus groups for Physical
Activity and Leadership.
 Tobacco was not addressed due to time limit, will begin at our 3/25
coalition meeting
o 3/25 Nutrition/Chronic Disease/Tobacco
 Next Meeting – Wednesday, March 25th, 2015 – 8:30 am – 9:30 am
Lorain County Health & Dentistry
1205 Broadway Ave Lorain, OH 44052
o Please park toward the back spaces in the lot so that Lorain County Healthy &
Dentistry patients have access to parking in the first two rows. Thank You!
 Other:
o Healthy Snacks were provided and resources for how to lead healthy meetings
can be found below:
 American Cancer Society--Meeting Well
 Healthy Office Snacks: Making a Change
o Lorain County Fitness Walks - Free Every Monday Night - 5:30 pm at Splash
Zone in Oberlin
o Thank you for hosting, Lorain County Health & Dentistry!
March 25, 2015 [LIVE HEALTHY LORAIN]
Purpose. Live Healthy Lorain will connect people and resources for the improvement of the Lorain
community by assessing and promoting opportunities for increased physical activity, improved nutrition and
reduced tobacco use and exposure…Creating a Community Where the Healthier Choice is the Easier Choice!
 Creating Healthy Communities Projects: Lorain Tobacco-free park initiative, Share the Road
promotion, Bicycle Racks, Bike Safety, Choice Food Pantry, Community Garden, Gardening Workshop,
School Physical Activity and Nutrition policies, Safe Routes to School, Smarter Lunchrooms, Salad Bar
implementation and more!
 Introductions: Get to know the agencies that make up the Live Healthy Lorain coalition. 18 people in
attendance, 16 different agencies/groups.
 Review the CHANGE tool, a CDC community health assessment that will help guide future projects.
 Sectors- Community At Large, Community Institutions/ Organizations, Schools and
 Modules- The categories of questions we will answer. These are Physical Activity,
Leadership, Tobacco, Nutrition, and Chronic Disease.
 Methods- Info will be collected in many ways: focus groups, interview, photos, observation,
surveys (web-based/telephone/face-to-face), walkability audit.
 Working Groups: Chronic Disease, Nutrition, and Tobacco The group split into 2 focus groups to
complete chronic disease questions and the nutrition questions 1st. After 40 min, we pulled together and
completed the tobacco focus group questions.
 Activity! Stop, Reflect, Write, Report Index cards were handed out. Everyone was asked to write down
what they felt the priorities were that arose out of the CHANGE tool/ discussion. The group was asked to
write down 1 focus area/ project wish for improving nutrition, 1 to increase opportunity and amount of
physical activity, and 1 idea or project wish for decreasing the use/exposure to tobacco in Lorain. Cards
were collected at dismissal.
Smokeless Tobacco
policy amendment at
the municipal level
Combine all agencies
into sponsoring 1 giant
farmers market and
screening event
Physical Activity
I believe the first step is to
educate the community on the
benefits to physical activity
Chronic Disease
management: create
a city wide mapping
programs. Provide this
info for residents and
March 25, 2015 [LIVE HEALTHY LORAIN]
Smoke-free campus
Access to healthier
foods and showing that
healthy foods can be
purchased at
same/close cost to
unhealthy/fast food
Reducing the
Urban League urban
availability and access agriculture project on
to tobacco to take first Broadway
step toward reduction
Policies to support community
gardens with incentives (e.g.
access to land bank lands and
education for small growers)
APP for county-health
Create a bicycle pool: residents
can easily sign out a bike for
short term rental
Eliminate all tobacco
Increase access to fresh
food and farmers
Tobacco free outdoor
public spaces
Put in to place new
strategies to recruit
small supermarkets
(Marc’s?) into metro
Collect locally grown
foods to local rests and
food venues
Enhance access to public
transportation to connect
people with physical activity
We need bike lanes and bike
Connect hospitals
opportunities to the
community and
provide lectures in a
non-hospital setting
Increase availability
and access to
More signage
protecting children
from tobacco
exposure and positive
language signage
Enforce the ban of
selling single
Promote and hand out
tobacco cessation
Painted lines or
designated areas for
tobacco use
Policies for notobacco product
Family fitness programs
possibly at Black River Landing
#1 area of need:
If providing
transportation is not
an option, provide
mobile stores or
kiosks to provide
produce options
Breakdown barrier of
Maintain a network of biking
Educate on
inability to access
preventative care
healthy foods by
Ex) info on FB or
online about
prevention in
newspaper. Free
SNAP and other healthy Systems/policies/environmental Diabetes prevention
food incentive
change for workplace exercise
and movement (ex: 15 minute
office walks, workouts, etc.)
Promote farmers
Mile markers for walkers and
markets throughout
those exercising in
the city
parks/outdoor spaces
Need a Lorain County
More visibility to publications
food aggregator/food
like “arrowhead” so that the
hub to assist local
March 25, 2015 [LIVE HEALTHY LORAIN]
growers to coordinate
public knows where they may
sustainable access to
go for free physical activity
local markets
Tobacco education for Promote bringing
produce TO the
community memberslike a book mobile-“Traveling Farm
Remove advertising
Increase the amt. of
for tobacco products- stores that accept WIC
more Billboards etc.,
and/or food stamps for
Quitlines, etc.
Enforce ban of
Promote healthy food
tobacco promotions
and beverage options
Limiting kids exposure; Provide recipe cards for
things we can do to
healthy food
stop kids from starting
to smoke
Improve public
transportation to
improve access to
Urban Farm to employ
community members
and also to provide
fresh produce to the
Food demonstrations
and taste testings with
produce available
Implement community
gardening in
classrooms, educate on
canning and preserving
 Next Meeting – JUNE 3RD…Location, Time TBA
 Healthy Meetings Toolkit:
This toolkit is intended for anyone that holds meetings and conferences who would like resources for
promoting health through environmental, policy, and systems changes to promote health.
March 25, 2015 [LIVE HEALTHY LORAIN]
 Other:
o Lorain County Fitness Walks - Every Monday Night - 5:30 pm at Splash Zone in Oberlin
o Let’s Get Gardening--April 16, 2015 at We Care We Share
o Thank you for hosting, Lorain County Health & Dentistry!