Presskit - Talentrack


Presskit - Talentrack
Dipanjan Dey s drumming career has been a fledgling one thus far, but during his relatively
short time as a drummer, he has made quite a name for himself. Known primarily as the
drummer for Shrap, a thrash metal band from Kolkata, Dipanjan has firmly established himself
as o e of the ity s ost p o isi g you g usi ia s.
Having spent most of his childhood days listening to bands of substance such as Dream Theater,
Havok, Korn, Pantera, Slayer, Sepultura, and Slipknot, Dipanjan took his first steps in pursuit of a
career in drumming in 2008. He enrolled in the renowned Calcutta School of Music, hoping to
hone his skills and imitate the success of his favorite drummers. Growing up listening to the
likes of Mike Portnoy, Joey Jordison, Igor Cavalera, and Roy Mayorga, Dipanjan acquired a taste
for metal drumming. The hard-hitting styles of old-s hool th ash etal a d 90s o
e e his
comfort zone.
Today, with aggression as the focal aspect of his drumming, Dipanjan focuses on writing groovy
drum parts, as is evident from his work with the band Shrap. Dipa ja s work with Shrap over
the last 3-4 years has been nothing short of stellar. Apart from helping Shrap to numerous band
o petitio titles a oss the ou t y a d e e ti g thei status as a f o t u e i Kolkata s
metal scene, Dipanjan has also contributed immensely to their EPs and their reputation for
delivering energetic live performances.
Dipanjan also had a short stint with composer Chandrachur Mukherjee and his world music
line-up in 2015. Even though the line-up never went live, Dipanjan widened his horizons and
tried his hand at musical styles such as bossa nova, country, jazz, pop, reggae, and tango.
His achievements in a short but eventful drumming career are quite remarkable, and he can
only be expected to learn and achieve more in the coming years.
KHORGOSH (contemporary bengali music)
- 2006 to 2008
(Hard Rock)
- 2008 to 2009
(Alternative Rock)
- 2009 to 2011
Dark Pegasis (Alternative Rock)
- 2009 to 2010
Chandrachur Mukherjee and friends (world music) - 2010 to 2013
The Sudipto Dutta band feat Dipanjan (Blues)
(Heavy Metal)
- 2012 to 2013
- 2013 to till date
Two guys metal reviews
I have to say I really don't have a lot of familiarity with either Sepultura or Soulfly asides from the half
dozen or so times I've seen Max Cavalera live. That being said, even from that relatively small taster I
can tell where Shrap are coming from, and I gotta say, it's pretty damn fetch. Their balls out sound
and solid thrash grooves have a wonderfully primitive vibe to them that is easy to dig in to and
endlessly charming. Straightforward and ready to go for the throat, Shrap know what it means to
craft a great thrash song.
While the simplicity of the music is part of why I love it, the Sepultura worship does get
overwhelming at times. That being said, on We Shall Arise Shrap pull it off well enough that I feel
almost obligated to give them a pass. The fact of the matter is that it's impossible to deny how a
track like Torture really gets under your skin and drives you into the dirt. It reflects the endless power
of thrash metal and leaves jaded old nerds like smiling. Meanwhile, the punk rock energy of Fuck
Them provides a perfect touch of Soulfly with its cry of "One, Two, Three, Four" and anthemic chorus
standing as a tasty scaffolding to the track.
The thing is, Shrap understand the very stripped back power that makes Indian death metal so good
in the first place. The fact that they add frills on occasion is asides the point. Shrap stand tall as metal
masters, not necessarily because their riffs or vocals are the best, but because the collective, within
the bounds of the songwriting is top notch. As they continue to absorb the influences the Sepultura
and Soulfly worship will become more tempered and their sonic assault will truly be their own, hop
on the bandwagon now though, I get the impression these guys will explode!
All about the rock
The Indian metal scene is in a healthy state right now, with a generation of new and upcoming bands
creating exciting music that builds on western influences but has its own sense of identity. As a
esult, I al ays i te ested i hea i g e a ds f o the I dia
etal s e e, so he Harsha
Vardhan from Proximity Productions got in touch to tell me about a band from Kolkata whose sound
o i es ode th ash a d g oo e etal, I ould t ait to ha e a liste .
We Shall A ise is SH‘AP s latest fou t a k EP, a d ope s ith the i st u e tal I t o , it s a slo
paced heavy piece that reminds me of Arise era Sepultura. It s a g eat sta t, a d sets thi gs up i ely
fo se o d t a k, To tu e hi h egi s ith the sou d of poli e si e s a d the fully ki ks i to life
with a barrage of chugging riffs, pounding drums, and vocals that would put Max Cavalera to shame!
Fu k The sta ts ith so e I dia sou di g ha ti g, hi h is follo ed y so e i p essi ely
intricate guitar work before the Soulfly-esq audio assault fully begins and the pulverising juggernaut
is eleased. Fi al t a k, We Shall A ise is a it o e thrashy, but perfectly combines a groove metal
sou d i to it, ith so e iffs that I e ot ee a le to get out of y head si e I fi st hea d the .
SHRAP were founded in 2011 and in the time since then have been developing their sound and
eated uite a follo i g fo the sel es. They e a a ti e pa t of thei lo al etal s e e, ut ha e
also headlined and performed at many rock and metal shows and festivals across India. And that
experience shows, because musically these guys are tight as hell and the music faultless from start to
You a isit the a d s offi ial Fa e ook page li k elo a d d op the a essage if you d like to
get you ha ds o a opy of We Shall A ise. If you e a fa of Soulfly, thrash metal or groove metal
then you definitely need to check this out – because SHRAP have created an EP of incredibly well
executed metal. Outstanding !!
Score: 9 out of 10
About this release (2nd in band's discography), musically the band is on
the right track; this 4 tracks show different sides: paced aggressive
guitars, fast-paced Death/Thrash aggressiveness, up-tempo groove parts
and furious lyrics; the drums play their part in a simple but effective way.
Ly i ally, has I e said they a e full of a ge a d agg essi e ess.
Nevertheless, in my opinion the band should work more this chapter,
avoiding simple lyrics and creating more elaborate ones as a way to
diverge from common names and work on creating their space.
The o als a e t the est I e hea d… they e ot ad ut the a d
should work on this chapter and try to bring more melody into the music.
In general, I say the band has some potential to evolve. May not be easy
in a country like India but they have good examples to follow, like i.e.
Kryptos. To help them on their quest they count with American Power
Back Productions, for whom they signed recently.
Are there new in the East? Judging by the number of Asian projects we are asked regularly to review, it would seem so.
Illustration today with the Indian quartet SHRAP. With his strange indianised logo by adding a sacred cow head with horns
form the bar of A, Crossover band from Calcutta was founded by Saptak in 2011. The vocalist, songwriter and rhythm
guitarist gang is the only survivor of the initial training, ANTIMSANSKAR. He is accompanied by Rudra Sarkar (lead guitar),
Subhajit Bhowmick (bass) and Dipanjan Dey (drums). In four years, the group has provided no less than 87 shows and
released two EP. Originally conceived as a single around the title song, We Shall Arise is an EP punch. In less than 15
minutes, it gives an overview of what the combo is capable of. The tracklist opens with a nice little intro instrumental
evocative. This is the residue of a draft cover of the song Punishment of BIOHAZARD, reduced the opus to an instrumental
opening. It's short, but it is right on target, with a compressed sound very close to his model, a beautiful work on the
battery and a crescendo that puts potato. Small drop system with "Torture" and "Fuck Them" two quite similar songs that
could have been nastier if they were not crushed by endless intros atmosphere at the boundary of off topic on a short drive
too ( on "Torture", the intro preamp lasts as long as the singing part!). This flaw aside, these two pieces redolent the
Crossover to the IRON REAGAN. It's live, it's nasty, it sings fast, it does not fly very high but it gives fishing. The title song
"We Shall Arise" comes close the project. This is a piece built. It starts with a good opening on guitar, a rhythm more
polished and offers better balance between music and song. The music, very compressed, redolent of the Thrash PRONG. A
pachyderm rhythmic, drums on amphetamines but madness (she just swing BPM) and a lead guitar that beautifully crunch.
It is the song of Saptak just give her Hardcore Punk to the project key. A very serious screaming rather nag and a terrible
English accent. The lyrics are the poor relation of the plate. Say it is not flying very high is an understatement. Certainly
when pogote in the pit, who cares a little words, but if the group wants to become something other than a host of furious
evenings, we should make an effort to offer anything other than three sentences per song with rhyming doggerel and
epileptic title repeat to hide the emptiness of the way ... This banality is highlighted as the frontman whose intonations big
brute give the project a bottom side of the pronounced front. We Shall Arise is a half success . The EP shows that in SHRAP
under the hood and has arguments to fire live. But Studio mode, so all the ingredients of a good record together, it would
take a little reconsider the dosage. Failing to revolutionize the genre, the Indian project has at least the merit of offering us
a nice overview of Asian Metal.
In terms of individual accolades, Dipa ja ’s first
milestone came in 2012. His playing at Calcutta
Medi al College’s a ual a d o petitio ear ed
him the Best Drummer award. What followed was
an endorsement with Hybrid Sticks, well and truly
confirming Dipa ja ’s arrival as a top musician in
the making. In 2014, he made the top 5 in Foxy
er’s World Dru Solo o petitio a d
bagged yet another endorsement, this time joining
hands with Kolkata based drum makers Bronz.
Proud to Endorse
BRONZ Drums and Sticks
+91 8013578115