ISLAMIC FINANCIAL SERVICES BOARD MEMBERS UPDATE ~ IFSB MEMBERSHIP UPDATE IFSB membership has increased to 94 members (five members admitted in March 2006 and six members admitted in August 2006). The membership with the International Development Monetary Fund, list now includes 22 regulatory and supervisory bodies, together The Bank and Islamic Development World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Bank, as well as 67 financial institutions Asian from 17 countries. The newly admitted members are: Associate Members Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority (Qatar) and Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation Observer Members Ahli United Bank (Bahrain), Insurance Perbadanan Co. Plc. (Jordan), (Kuwait), The Securities Tabung Amanah First Investment House Company Kuwait (Kuwait), AI Baraka House (M) Berhad (Malaysia) and Industrial Development The Council of the IFSB has amended supervisory authorities available to: i) Supervisory authorities ii) Inter-governmental its Articles responsible organizations Islamic Bank Lebanon of Agreement for the supervision that recognizes The Islamic Osoul Leasing and Finance Company (Lebanon), Kuwait Finance Bank of Sudan (Sudan). to join the IFSB as Full Members. industry of each sovereign established practice, and Islam Brunei (Brunei Darussalam), (Kuwait), (Malaysia) to enable insurance With this amendment, of banking, securities financial services, and securities Full Membership and insurance whether is now or takaful by legislation or by that have an explicit mandate for promoting Islamic finance markets. of /FSB members on page 4. View full/ist AWARENESS PROGRAMS 3rd IFSB Summit 17 -18 May 2006· Beirut, Lebanon The 3'd IFSB Summit was held under the theme of "Aligning the Architecture a of Islamic Finance to the Evolving Industry Needs" organised by the IFSB and hosted by Banque du Liban. The President of the Council of Ministers, His Excellency 8th Meeting of the Council ofthelFSB, Kuwait City, March 2006 Mr. Fuad Siniora delivered the opening address, followed by the presentation speakers. from 24 countries, players of 26 papers by renowned The Summit attracted 250 participants and commitment comprising academicians. towards the regulators, In a of of the development Islamic financial delegates agreed that the 10-year Framework the Development commitment authorities services market show industry (IFSI), for of the IFSI requires a stronger from regulatory to support and supervisory its implementation through national Master plans. Several speakers highlighted the need for increased efforts towards establishing the necessary infrastructure to promote the soundness and stability of the IFSI, such as the development of adequate instruments and mechanisms for inter-bank money market and lenders of last resort as well as an enhanced disclosure regime for Islamic financial institutions compatible to internationally recognized standards in order to reinforce public confidence. It was also mentioned that the implementation of globally recognized standards would also assist Islamic financial institutions gain competitive edge. ... Continued ..&.a.. 3rt! IFSB Summit, Beirut, May 2006 on page 3 Page I PREPARATION OF PRUDENTIAL STANDARDS & RELATED ACTIVITIES EXPOSURE DRAFT ON CORPORA TE GOVERNANCE Following the Technical Committee's STANDARD (TC) approval to issue the Exposure Draft of the Corporate Governance Standard (ED3) for public consultation in its meeting on 20 December 2005 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the ED3 has undergone a 5-month exposure period, which ended on 2 June 2006. During the exposure period, the IFSB held two public hearings, one in Beirut, Lebanon (16 May 2006), and another in Jakarta, Indonesia (2 June 2006) as well as a workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (26 May 2006). The Corporate Governance Working Group held its 7th meeting in August 2006 to deliberate on the comments Advisory that were received on ED3. Following the TC meeting on 31 August 2006 in Dubai, the ED3 was approved to be tabled to the Shari'ah Committee of the Islamic Development Bank in September meeting on 28 November 2006, before recommending Saudi Arabia as the third IFSB Standard. 2006. The finalized ED3 is expected its adoption by the IFSB Council in its forthcoming to be tabled to the TC in its forthcoming meeting on 29 November 2006 in Jeddah, SUPERVISORY REVIEW PROCESS WORKING GROUP (SRPWG) AND TRANSPARENCY & MARKET DISCIPLINE WORKING GROUP (TMDWG) Both the SRPWG and TMDWG had convened three times in Langkawi, Washington and Singapore, since their last meeting in Luxembourg in November 2005. The proposed draft of the SRP and TMD were deliberated by the TC in its meetings in Langkawi (February 2006) and Dubai (August 2006). The Shari' ah Advisory Committee of the Islamic Development Bank will review the compliance of the drafts with Shari'ah rules and principles in its forthcoming meeting in September 2006 in Makkah, Saudi Arabia before tabling them to the TC in its forthcoming meeting in November 2006, for consent to issue them as Exposure Drafts. GOVERNANCE FUNDS WORKING GROUP (GIIFWG) & SPECIAL ISSUES IN CAPITAL ADEQUACY OF ISLAMIC INVESTMENTS WORKING GROUP (SCAWG) The initial working group (WG) meetings for the GIIFWG and the SCAWG, were held in March 2006 in Kuwait to identify their relevant scope of work. This was followed by their second meetings in Singapore to discuss the initial studies. In August 2006, both WGs held their third meetings in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam where the GIIFWG meeting discussed the development of a fact-finding survey on Islamic investment funds, while the SCAWG meeting deliberated over a roundtable discussion on real estate issues in institutions offering Islamic financial services (IIFS). CORPORA TE GOVERNANCE OF TAKAFUL OPERA TlONS WORKING GROUP In its 7th meeting held on 21 December 2005, the Council approved the establishment of a working group to draft a standard on Corporate Governance of Takaful Operations, which held its first meeting in September 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to identify its relevant scope of work. The establishment of this working group resulted from the 1st IFSB Seminar on the Regulation of Takaful held in Jordan in January 2005, which was jointly organized by the IFSB and the Insurance Commission of Jordan. The seminar concluded that: The IFSB should play an active and complementary role to that of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) by issuing prudential and supervisory standards for Takaful to safeguard consumer interests and promote the soundness and stability of the financial system as a whole. • The priority of these efforts should be given to specific and immediate regulatory issues that require harmonization The IFSB and the IAIS were encouraged across the Takaful industry. to establish a joint working group to produce an issues paper on the applicability of the existing IAIS core principles to the regulatory and supervisory standards for Takaful, and which would later be developed by the IFSB. The Joint Working Group (JWG) was established to discuss an initial study on the existing prudential gaps in the IAIS Insurance Core Principles (ICP) in respect of Takaful. An Issues Paper was produced and presented to the IAIS Technical Committee in October 2005, which identified issues under four major themes: a) corporate governance; b) financial and prudential regulation; c) transparency, reporting and market conduct; and d) supervisory review process with the conclusion that these issues should be addressed in an integrated manner. It also identified corporate governance standard in Takaful as a priority area, as it embraces the industry's fundamental issues such as acceptable Takaful models and their essential parameters, the relationship between policyholders' and shareholders' funds, Shari'ah own right, but their resolution is fundamental PRUDENTIAL governance, among others. These are substantial regulatory and supervisory issues in their for progress in other areas. ISLAMIC FINANCE DA TA BA SE TASK FORCE (DA TA BA SE TASK FORCE) The Draft Compilation Guide on Prudential supervisory and international authorities and Structural organizations Islamic Finance Indicators (Draft Compilation which are members of the IFSB for their comments Guide) was sent on 24 July 2006 to all as part of the public consultation. meeting of the Database Task Force was held on 23 August 2006 in Karachi, Pakistan to (a) broadly review the Draft Compilation The final Guide; (b) to discuss at length any issues arising from the comments; and (c) reach a consensus on how to address them. The revised Draft Compilation Guide was presented to the TC in August 2006 for further discussion Arabia. before finally adopting it in its forthcoming meeting on 29 November 2006 in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi ISLAMIC MONEY MARKET TASK FORCE (MONEY MARKET TASK FORCE) The establishment of this Money Market Task Force is to facilitate the development assist their integration into the national financial systems and eventually of domestic Islamic money markets as well as to encourage into the broader international Langkawi (February 2006) to discuss, among other things, its objectives, scope of work, deliverables (May 2006), the Task Force reviewed a questionnaire central banks) and liquidity management market and foreign exchange and system. The Task Force held its 1st meeting in and detailed action plan. In its 2nd meeting in Beirut for a survey on Shari'ah compliant practices, instruments and markets for monetary operations (of (of IIFS). The findings of the survey will assist the Task Force to draft a technical study report on Islamic money market, which will represent a consensus on approaches instruments for monetary operations and liquidity management of how to best design Shari'ah compatible short-term financial as well as strategies to develop an Islamic money market and its related infrastructure, as well as institutional, structural and operational arrangements. 10- YEAR FRAMEWORK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF IFSI In its 8th meeting on 27 March 2006 in Kuwait, the Council approved the request by the Islamic Development Institute (IDB/lRTI) to provide additional opportunity (the Framework), for the IFSI stakeholders of IFSI The Drafting Committee met on 17 August 2006 in Kuala Lumpur to review the comments received from regulators and market players and revise the Framework accordingly. The revised Framework November 2006 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Page 2 Bank I Islamic Research and Training to comment on the Draft 10-Year Framework for the Development will be submitted to the IFSB Council for adoption in its forthcoming meeting on 29 ISLAMIC FINANCIAL SERVICES BOARD AWARENESS PROGRAMS 2nd International Conference on Islamic Banking: Risk Management, Regulation and Supervision 7 - 8 February 2006 • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The Conference, hosted by Bank Negara Malaysia, was jointly organised by the IFSB and IDB/lRTI. The objectives of the Conference were to: • take stock of the relevance of IIFS for financial and banking stability, analyze and study the unique risks of IIFS, and inculcate risk management culture among Fourteen papers were presented throughout IIFS. the conference and deliberations brought up interesting ideas for further development of the industry, in particular new research areas, financial tools and practices. The Conference was attended by 161 participants. 2nd Seminar on the Regulation of Takaful 23 - 24 February 2006 • Langkawi, Malaysia The Seminar, held in Langkawi, Malaysia, was attended by 109 participants. Fifteen papers were presented addressing Takaful related issues, including: International Association of Insurance Supervisors Core Principles and their implications for the industry • Corporate governance and transparency Investments undertaken by Takaful companies under different regulatory regimes • Unresolved Fiqh issues in the industry • Regulatory impediments faced by Takaful market players for the industry A majority of the participants echoed the need for standards on Takaful in particular those related to corporate governance and transparency for consumer protection. The Seminar was hosted by Bank Negara Malaysia. Workshop on Rating Assessment Issues for Institutions Services 21 February 2006 • Langkawi, Malaysia Offering Islamic Financial The Workshop was organised in response to issues arising from the Capital Adequacy Standard Working Group Meetings. The objectives of the Workshop were to: • identify various types of equities/liabilities of IIFS' balance sheets and define the obligations • and rights of parties involved in such transactions; discuss what constitutes default for each type of the above sources of funds including discussions on the difference between contractual obligations and economic loss as well as on losses of providers of funds to IIFS due to liquidity issues vs. losses due to erosion of • capital; discuss the relevance of the degree of Shari'ah compliance while assigning a rating to an IIFS; • discuss the meaning of credit ratings of IIFS; • discuss whether credit ratings of IIFS should be conducted on a separate rating scale to be • specifically identified; and discuss the securitization of Islamic asset products and their ratings The Workshop was representatives discussion. well received, with from all major international the participation rating agencies, of 70 individuals who also presented including papers for Seminar on Legal Issues in the Islamic Financial Services Industry 14 -15 March 2006 - London, United Kingdom 2nd The Seminar focused on two legal issues of immediate insolvency, which are becoming increasingly relevance to the IFSI, namely sukuk and important for the future of Islamic finance in general and treasury operations of IIFS in particular. The Seminar highlighted, among others, legal issues which need to be addressed, understood and positioned correctly to cater for the specificities of Islamic Finance. The Seminar, supported by the lOB and Asian Development Bank, attracted 76 participants, during which 17 papers were presented. International Seminar on Challenges Facing the Islamic Financial Services Industry: "Unresolved Fiqh Issues Relating to Regulation and Supervision of the Islamic Financial Services Industry" 28· 29 March 2006 - Kuwait City, Kuwait 3rd The above Seminar was jointly organised with the IDB/lRTI and hosted by the Central Bank of Kuwait. Eight papers were presented discussing on the continued fiqh debate on the use of swap and hedging as risk mitigation tools in Islamic finance, as well as Shari'ah challenges in implementing IFSB standards. The Seminar enabled the participants to gain an insight into the fiqh reasoning and methodologies underlying some of the controversial innovations in Islamic finance. Seminar on Challenges and Opportunities in Islamic Finance 24 April 2006 - Washington D.C., Unit~d Stat~s of Am~riea Jointly organized the significant by the World Bank and the IFSB, the Seminar aimed to create awareness need for cross-sectoral approach to supervision of in the Islamic financial services industry. Nine papers were presented at the Seminar, which was attended by 35 participants. Page 3 ISLAMIC FINANCIAL SERVICES BOARD MEMBERSHIP LIST [as at SaptmnLw 2006] FULL MEMBERS (16) Central Bank of Bahrain Bangladesh Bank Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran Central Bank of Jordan Ministry of Finance, Brunei Bank Indonesia Islamic Development Bank Central Bank of Kuwait State Bank of Pakistan Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Bank of Sudan Bank Negara Malaysia Qatar Central Bank Monetary Authority of Singapore Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (9) International Monetary Fund Bank for International Settlements The People's Bank of China Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority World Bank Dubai Financial Services Authority Banque du Liban Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas OBSERVER MEMBERS (69) Asian Development Bank BAHRAIN AI Amin Bank Albaraka Banking Group Ahli United Bank Arcapita Bank Bahrain Islamic Bank BNP Paribas Islamic Banking Unit Kuwait Finance House Noriba Bank Unicorn Investment Bank BANGLADESH islamic Bank Bangladesh Limited BRUNEIDARUSSALAM Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam Berhad Perbadanan Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei EGYPT Egyptian Saudi Finance Bank Faisallslamic Bank IRAN Bank Keshavarzi Bank Saderat Iran JORDAN The Islamic Insurance Co. Plc Jordan Islamic Bank for Finance and Investment KUWAIT A'ayan Leasing & Investment Co. AI-Muthanna Investment Company Boubyan Bank First Investment Company Kuwait Gulf Investment House Investment Dar Kuwait Finance House Osoul Leasing and Finance Company The Securities House Kuwait LEBANON AI Baraka Bank Lebanon MALAYSIA Affin Bank Berhad Am Bank Berhad Bank Bank Bank CIMB Page 4 Islam Malaysia Berhad Kerjasama Rakyat Berhad Muamalat Malaysia Berhad Islamic Enquiries on IFSB membership, Hong Leong Islamic Bank Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority, Labuan Kuwait Finance House (M) Berhad Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad RHB Islamic Bank Berhad Rusd Investment Bank, Labuan PALESTINE Arab Islamic Bank QATAR Alsafa Islamic Banking, Commercial Bank of Qatar Qatar International Islamic Bank Qatar Islamic Bank Qatar National Bank SAUDI ARABIA AI-Jazira Bank AI-Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit National Commercial Bank Saudi British Bank SOUTH AFRICA Oasis Crescent Capital (Pty) Ltd SUDAN Industrial Development Bank Omdurman National Bank Sudanese Banks Association Sudan Financial Services Company The National Pensions Fund TU RKEY Albaraka Turkish Finance House Kuwait Turkish Evkaf Finance House UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Amlak Finance Commercial Bank International Dubai Bank Dubai Islamic Bank HSBC Amanah National Bank of Dubai Sharjah Islamic Bank UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Guidance Residential LLC please contact Mrs Noor Emi Noordin at