ORIENTAL 21 OCTOBER 2015 VIEWING & AUCTION TO BE HELD AT HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL, PARNELL The Visitors Centre, Holy Trinity Cathedral Cnr St. Stephens Ave & Parnell Rd, Parnell, Auckland 37 5 AUCKLAND Viewing at holy trinity cathedral, parnell Sunday 18 October 3pm - 6pm Monday 19 October 10am - 6pm Tuesday 20 October 10am - 6pm Wednesday 21 October 10am - 2pm Thursday 22 October 10am - 2pm (Artefact Only) MAP KEY AUCKLAND OFFICE PARKING There is a public carpark below the visitor centre accessed from Brighton Rd. There is also street parking on the various roads that surround the Cathedral ORIENTAL & ARTEFACTS 21 - 22 OCTOBER 2015 oriental WEDNESDAY 21 OCTOBER 2015 3pm start Lot 1- 435 artefacts thursday 22 october 2015 4pm start Lot 500 - 771 AUCTION & VIEWING TO BE HELD The Visitors Centre, Holy Trinity Cathedral Cnr St. Stephens Ave & Parnell Rd, Parnell, Auckland ENQUIRIES Oriental: Dunbar Sloane Jnr PH 021 473 998 Artefacts: Jeff Hobbs PH 0275 668 822 Dunbar Sloane Snr PH 0274 713 663 AUCKLAND OFFICE 375 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland • PO Box 37 155, Parnell 1151 Ph (09) 377 5820 • Fax (09) 377 4518 dunbar.akl@xtra.co.nz • www.dunbarsloane.com BUYERS PREMIUM There is a buyers premium of 17% + GST (all up 19.55% total) added to the hammer price ILLUSTRATIONS FRONT COVER LOT 215 Eight superbly carved Chinese ivory panels (detail) Est $20,000 - 30,000 INSIDE BACK COVER LOT 560 Fine Solomon Island Club Est $2,000 - 4,000 ABSENTEE BIDDING • If you are unable to attend the auction you may submit an absentee bid (form located at reverse of catalogue or online www.dunbarsloane.com). These must be submited 24 hours before the start of the auction. • Telephone bidding can be arranged on lots over $1,000 in value. Note we assume you have received a Condition Report or inspected the item prior to bidding. To register for this service, contact our office. Telephone lines are limited and are procured on a first registered basis. We accept no responsibility if for any reason we are unable to contact you, and for this reason encourage clients to leave a covering bid for such a circumstance. ANTIQUE & DECOR ATIVE ARTS highlights • 2015 2 1 3 4&5 7 8 6 9 1 C19th Japanese Tanto • $24,500 - AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 2 C19th Japanese Ken • $23,600 3 Victorian Apothecary Jar • $2,400 4 Paul Storr Sterling Silver Butter Dishes • $35,000 5 C18th Export Ware Punch Bowl • $6,200 6 Pair Mounted Rhino Horns • $45,000 7 Blanc de Chine Buddha & Attendants • $10,000 8 William Seuffert Illuminated Casket • $35,000 9 Ida Hudig Greenstone Necklace • $9,000 New zealand & international ART highlights • 2015 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 1 L S LOWRY (BRITISH) Dinner Time • $112,000 - AUSTRALASIAN ARTIST RECORD FOR WORK ON PAPER 2 DON BINNEY Puketotara Once Bittern • $73,300 3 PETER MCINTYRE Maori Family East Cape • $129,000 - AUSTRALASIAN ARTIST RECORD 4 CHARLES F GOLDIE An Ancient Aristocrat, Atama Paparangi • $250,000 5 PETER SIDDELL Windows • $22,300 6 JBC HOYTE Rangitoto Island, Waitemata Harbour • $38,700 7 robin white Hokianga Sandhills • $40,000 ORIENTAL ANTIQUES AUTUMN 2016 Entries Invited ENQUIRES Dunbar Sloane Jnr Ph + 64 9 377 5820 • 021 473 998 Email dunbar.akl@xtra.co.nz www.dunbarsloane.com MAORI & PACIFIC ARTEFCTS AUTUMN 2016 Entries Invited ENQUIRES Dunbar Sloane Jnr Ph + 64 9 377 5820 • 021 473 998 Dunbar Sloane Snr 0274 713 663 Email dunbar.akl@xtra.co.nz Jeff Hobbs PH 027 566 8822 j.hobbs@dunbarsloane.co.nz ANTIQUE & DECORATIVE ARTS estate jewellery militaria JANuary/FEBRuary 2016 Entries close 4 December 2015 ILLUSTRATED Royal Worcester Lidded Urn handpainted by H. Stinton Est $3,000 - 5,000 ENQUIRES Anthony Gallagher or Bettina Frith Ph +64 4 472 1367 • 0274 713 667 Email antiques@dunbarsloane.co.nz Dunbar Sloane Ph +64 9 377 5820 • 021 473 998 Email dunbar.akl@xtra.co.nz www.dunbarsloane.com VALUATION SERVICES Our specialists travel New Zealand wide appraising private & public collections for the following purposes: insurance • CURRENT MARKET & SALES ADVICE SINGLE OWNER SALES • PRIVATE TREATY SALES • MATRIMONIAL ESTATE & FAMILY DIVISIONS For more information contact: Wellington Ph (04) 472 1367 • info@dunbarsloane.co.nz Auckland Ph (09) 377 5820 • dunbar.akl@xtra.co.nz NEW ZEALAND & INTERNATIONAL FINE ART WELLINGTON 18 & 19 november 2015 Catalogue available early November ENQUIRIES Helena Walker Ph +64 4 472 1367 • 0274 713 662 Email helena@dunbarsloane.co.nz Dunbar Sloane Jnr Ph +64 9 377590 • 021 473 998 Email dunbar.akl@xtra.co.nz Dunbar Sloane Snr Ph 0274 713 663 www.dunbarsloane.com ILLUSTRATED C F GOLDIE Memories Tearara, A Chieftainess of the Arawa Tribe of Maori’s, Rotorua, New Zealand Est $300,000 - 400,000 MID 20TH CENTURY MODERN DESIGN in association with 14 OCTOBER 2015 WELLINGTON Catalogue now online ON PUBLIC VIEW Sunday 11 October 11am - 2pm Monday 12 October 9am - 5pm Tuesday 13 October 9am - 5pm Wednesday 14 October 9am - 3pm ENQUIRES Anthony Gallagher Ph +64 4 472 1367 • 0274 713 667 antiques@dunbarsloane.co.nz STAFF NEWS NEW CHRISTCHURCH REPRESENTATIVE JACQUELINE BALLARD Dunbar Sloane Ltd is delighted to announce our new Christchurch representative, Jacqueline Ballard. As the daughter of well-respected Christchurch antique dealers, Jacqueline was immersed in the antiques trade from an early age. Her early career was spent in retail and she was responsible for international buying trips for both the family business and private clients. Through this experience she developed in-depth knowledge in sourcing stock and the administrative skills required for arranging international shipment. With a BA (Art History) and over 40 years’ experience in both the retail and auction industry, Jacqueline has established expertise in the Decorative Arts and is highly regarded as a Valuer in that field, formerly working at Watsons and McCrosties in Christchurch for many years. She works with both public and private clients in valuing, curating and advising on formation, expansion, and disposal of existing collections. Jacqueline has extensive business connections and social networks, both nationally and internationally, and is a focussed professional with a thorough understanding of the market. Available for both auction market and insurance valuations, for a confidential appraisal please contact Jaqueline at PH 027 295 5735 or Email jacqueline@dunbarsloane.co.nz oceanic & african art CONSULTANT wellington jeff hobbs Dunbar Sloane Ltd is pleased to welcome Jeff Hobbs as our Wellington based Oceanic & African Art Consultant. Jeff is a 20 year veteran expert in Oceanic, Tribal Arts and Antiquities. He has operated as a successful dealer and consultant in New York and the UK during the 1990s and subsequently owned and operated the well-repected Sulu Gallery in Wellington. To contact Jeff Hobbs PH 027 566 8822 • jhobbs@dunbarsloane.co.nz 6 7 11 12 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 9 13 10 8 12 ORIENTAL Wednesday 21 October 2015 3pm start Lot 1 - 435 Lot 209 Late 19th C. Chinese Silver Enamel Bowl Est $5,000 - 10,000 PLEASE NOTE All lots are illustrated online at www.dunbarsloane.com Oriental artefacts The backbone of this sale is formed from two estates. The first was derived during the 1960’s to 1980’s by a European couple that retired to the outskirts of Tauranga. The descendants have instructed us to sell the lots, which represent a good portion of this sale, at no reserve. The other estate, collected during the late 19th C. and up until the early 1920’s in Canton, China is represented from lots 209 – 263. As with all auctions but especially so with Oriental, it is up to the buyer to satisfy themselves as to the age and condition of the items. We catalogue items to the best of our abilities but we are not museum trained experts. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 A carved ivory figure of a seated scholar with book and teacup on wooden stand H. 21cm Est. $300-600 See Illlustration A carved ivory figure of a seated Guan Yin holding a ruyi sceptre H. 18cm Est. $200-400 See Illustration A pair of superbly carved ivory figures depicting an Emperor and Empress on dragon and bird elaborately carved thrones. Inscribed underneath. H. 23cm each. Est. $700-1,500 See Illustration 8 9 10 11 12 13 A pair of carved ivory figures depicting fighting men on a wooden stand. Inscribed ‘fighting’. H. 23cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration 14 A carved ivory figure of Guan Yin holding flowers and a box Est. $300-600 15 A large carved ivory figure of Lou holding a ruyi sceptre. The robes decorated with dragons and peasants. Variously inscribed. H.41cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A large carved ivory figure of Fu holding a small child. Inscription to base. H.42cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 16 17 A large carved ivory figure of Shou holding a dragon topped staff and a peach. Inscription to base. H.42cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A pair of carved ivory figures depicting an Emperor and Empress. The Emperor holding his beads and the Empress holding a ruyi sceptre. Both on wooden stands. H.35cm ea Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A carved ivory figure depicting Guan Yin and child atop lotus flowers on wooden stand. H.34cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A carved ivory figure depicting Guan Yin atop a dragon, holding a water bottle and willow branch. On wooden stand. H.35cm Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration 18 19 20 21 22 23 A carved ivory figure of a fisherman with lotus leaf hat. On wooden stand. H.34cm Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration A carved ivory figure of Shou holding a dragon topped staff and peach. Variously inscribed. H.31cm Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration 24 A carved ivory figure of a Sage with child and crane. On a wooden stand. H.30cm Est. $400-800 See Illustration A carved ivory figure group depicting Guan Yin with multiple heads and arms flanked by attendants. On carved wooden stand. H.23cm Est. $800-1,200 See Illustration A carved ivory figure of a female deity surrounded by birds playing a sitar. On wooden stand. H.28cm Est. $300-600 A carved ivory figure of a sleeping man on wooden base. L.18cm Est. $100-300 25 26 A carved ivory figure of Shou holding the peach of immortality. On wooden stand. Est. $300-600 See Illustration A carved ivory figure depicting a farmer with a basket of fruit on his back. H.14cm Est. $200-400 A pair of carved ivory parade horses with semi precious stone inserts, wooden stands. H.17cm ea Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration A pair of carved ivory lidded containers with dragon head lugs & floral relief decoration. H.16cm ea Est. $300-600 A set of eight carved ivory horses on wooden stands (one A.F). H. Approx 8-10cm each. Est. $400-800 A Chinese porcelain Sang de Boeuf vase dated as late Qianlong dynasty. H. 20cm PROVENANCE: Oriental Porcelain Gallery, Sydney c1980. Webb’s 25/05/1994, lot 242 Est. $1,500-2,500 See Illustration A Chinese pottery vase Sang de Boeuf over green glaze. Dragon form handles under flared neck. H.23cm Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration A Japanese meiji period Kutani vase and cover decorated with opposing panels of birds and flowers. Tassles in relief and the cover surmounted with a temple lion. Signed underneath. H. 27cm PROVENANCE: Webb’s 25/05/1994, lot 186 Est. $800-1,500 See Illustration A Japanese cloisonne vase decorated with panels of birds, butterflies and flowers. Blue ground. H. 19cm Est. $200-400 2 14 75a 3 18 4 1 20 ORIENTAL 15 24 23 29 27 27 28 29 16 40 38 39 A pair of Japanese Satsuma meiji period vases decorated with panels of Japanese women and samurai warriors in various landscapes. Wooden stands. H. 21cm PROVENANCE: Webb’s 25/05/1994, lot 180 Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A Japanese Satsuma meiji period vase with blue butterflies and florals on a cream ground. Enamel gilt borders. H. 18cm Est. $200-400 A Chinese porcelain wedding gift vase blue/Sang de Boeuf dribble glaze. H. 13cm PROVENANCE: Webb’s 25/05/1994, lot 243 Catalogued as Qianlong period. Est. $800-1,200 See Illustration DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 30 31 32 A pair of Japanese Edo period cloisonne vases ‘Bark’ glaze on porcelain, floral decorations. H. 15cm PROVENANCE: Webb’s 25/05/1994, lot 237 Est. $200-400 A rare Chinese cinnabar lacquer screen in carved possibly zitan wood frame. One side of the screen decorated with dragon temple and courtesans in rural setting. The other side decorated with gilt Qinglong dated poem referring to Qinglong royalty. H. 63cm Est. $15,000-25,000 See Illustration A rare large Chinese porcelain exportware bowl decorated with merchant sailing ships. Dia. 33cm Est. $2,500-3,500 See Illustration 25 32a 33 34 A Chinese porcelain small bowl decorated in the wedding ceremony manner with bats and fruit in gilt outlines. Yongzheng mark to base. Dia. 15.5cm Est. $2,500-3,500 See Illustration A Chinese porcelain bowl decorated with imperial dragon and clouds. Owners mark underneath (purporting to be relative of Qing Emporer). Dia. 16cm Est. $800-1,200 See Illustration A Chinese porcelain Dehua blanc de chine baluster vase decorated in a low relief with blossom branch and butterfly. H. 12cm PROVENANCE: Webb’s 25/05/1994, lot 190 Est. $500-1,000 32a 32 31 35 36 37 A pair of Japanese Kutani Edo period vases each decorated with panels of falcons and resting farmers in village landscapes. Signed Yuzan in underglaze red. On wooden stands. H. 15cm PROVENANCE: Webb’s 25/05/1994, lot 238. Est. $800-1,200 See Illustration An Imari perfume bottle from Meiji period bulbous body and tall slender neck. H. 16cm PROVENANCE: Webb’s 25/05/1994, lot 195 Est. $300-400 A baluster shaped Chinese vase inscribed with six character Qinglong mark to base. Decorated with bird and cherry blossom motif. Bamboo shape neck. H. 29cm Est. $600-800 38 39 40 41 A superb Chinese Imari porcelain 42 figure of a seated Emperor in imperial dress. H. 29cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 43 A superb Chinese Imari porcelain figure of a seated court attendant H. 26cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 44 A Chinese early 20thC style vase Flambe glaze baluster form. With stag head handles. H. 25cm Est. $800-1,200 See Illustration 45 A pair of Chinese posy vases Decorated with warriors together with an Imari small urn form bowl Est. $50-150 46 A Qing style blue and white floral decorated medicine bowl Dia. 20cm Est. $400-600 A Chinese famillle rose small punch bowl floral decoration. Dia. 20cm Est. $300-500 See Illustration A Chinese Tang style floral decorated pillow L. 20cm Est. $500-800 See Illustration A pair of Chinese famille rose export plates depicting a local governor and attendants. Dia. 23cm Est. $400-600pr See Illustration A Chinese famille rose plate decorated with floral motifs Dia. 23cm Est. $150-250 ORIENTAL 17 33 35 47 44 43 45 48 47 48 49 50 51 52 A Chinese Qing style armorial plate Dia. 23cm Est. $200-350 See Illustration A large Chinese ‘tea dust’ decorated brush washer bowl Qinglong mark to base. Dia. 27cm Est. $900-1,400 See Illustration A Chinese blue and white Qing syle double vase form brush washer decorated with chi chi. H. 11cm Est. $250-350 A Chinese jade lidded urn decorated with fish form handles on wooden base. H. 23cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration A Chinese jade sculpture of birds on a vine on wooden stand. H. 20cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration A Chinese jade sculpture depicting cucumbers on a vine surmounted with a cricket. H. 23cm Est. $200-400 See Illustration 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 18 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND A Chinese jade sculpture of Guan Yin holding a basket on wooden stand. H. 17cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration A Chinese jade lidded urn with mythical figure finial and dragon head handles Est. $100-200 A Chinese jade sculpture of a seated Buddha on wooden stand. H. 10cm Est. $100-200 A pair of Chinese jade sculptures of elephants with raised trunks. On wooden stands. H. 10cm each. Est. $100-200 61 62 63 64 65 A pair of Chinese jade sculptures depicting mountain goats. On wooden stands. H. 10cm each. Est. $100-200 66 A Chinese jade sculpture of a frog amongst vines and flowers. H. 7cm Est. $100-200 67 A Chinese jade snuff bottle decorated with fish and lillies. H. 4cm Est. $100-300 Three Chinese jade bangles one with hinged clasp. Est. $200-400 68 A Chinese jade sculpture of a lotus L. 14cm Est. $100-300 Two Chinese jade sculptures one depicting a monkey on a rock the other a ball on wooden stand. Est. $50-150 Three small Chinese jade silver snuff boxes various sizes. Est. $40-80 A Chinese jade shallow dish L. 11cm Est. $40-80 A Chinese soap stone sculpture of Guan Yin H. 25cm Est. $100-200 A Chinese marble vase together with a marble wine flask. H. 28cm and H.15cm Est. $80-150 A pair of Chinese ivory puzzle balls with elongated necks. H. 16cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration A pair of Chinese ivory figures depicting two Foo dogs atop embellished wooden stands. H. 13cm Est. $400-600 See Illustration 53 51 52 50 73 74 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 88 15 A Chinese carved ivory figure of Guan Yin on wooden stand. H. 20cm Est. $200-400 A Carved ivory figure of Lakshmi on wooden stand. H. 20cm Est. $200-400 A carved ivory sculpture of St. George slaying a dragon (A.F) H15cm Est. $50-100 A carved ivory sculpture of a seated Buddha H. 11cm Est. $100-200 A carved Chinese ivory card case decorated in relief with figures in a landscape. L. 11cm Est. $200-400 See Illustration 74 75 75a 76 77 A carved Chinese ivory card case decorated with a village scene. L. 9cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration A carved ivory sculpture of an elephant on a wooden stand. H. 8cm Est. $80-150 78 Two ivory bangles & napkin ring Est. $50-150 79 A Chinese carved ivory statue of a lady in robes holding a flower on wooden stand. H. 20cm Est. $100-200 80 A carved ivory sculpture of an elephant on a wooden stand. H.12cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 81 Two carved ivory sculptures of pigs one on wooden stand. H. 4cm and H. 3cm Est. $100-200 Two ivory bangles one with pierced floral decoration. Dia. 9cm and 7cm Est. $50-150 82 A Chinese carved ivory sculpture of an elderly lady in robes holding a plant on wooden stand. H. 21cm Est. $100-200 Two carved ivory sculptures one depicting a hand coloured oriental lady and the other a lady holding a flower & digging implement. H. 18cm Est. $100-200 A small carved ivory sculpture of a mythical beast on wooden stand together with a small sculpture of an oriental boat. Est. $50-150 ORIENTAL 19 112 113 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 20 Two carved ivory sculptures one of a lady in robes holding a fan and the other a small sculpture of Guan Yin in a mythical landscape. Both on wooden stands. H. 12cm and 6cm Est. $50-150 Two Chinese carved ivory sculptures of African women in traditional dress, on wooden stands. H. 23cm each. Est. $200-400 Two carved ivory sculptures one formed as a vase decorated with cranes, the other decorated with various animals. H. 18cm and 16cm Est. $100-300 An Indian carved ivory sculpture depicting a snake charmer and snake on a wooden base. H.13cm Est. $100-300 A carved ivory lamp decorated with African animals H. 24cm Est. $200-400 91 A Chinese silver filigree bracelet with various panels in bone or ivory. Inscribed profusely with Chinese characters. Est. $50-150 100 92 Four carved ivory cigarette holders together with an ivory nail file 101 93 A carved ivory letter opener with Egyptian themed handle and carved ivory Chinese shoe horn. L. 23cm and 12cm Est. $50-150 94 95 96 A Japanese carved ivory sculpture of a farmer with child on his back. Carved in segments. Signed to base. H. 16cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration An African carved ivory sculpture depicting a chain of elephants L. 30cm Est. $150-300 98 A carved ivory sculpture depicting an oriental village scene. On wooden stand, with a carved ivory sculpture of an antelope. H. 10cm and 11cm Est. $100-200 99 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 97 A set of six carved ivory chopstick rests L. 12cm each Est. $50-150 Two Chinese ivory cylinders etched with dragons and clouds. on wooden stands. H. 7cm each. Est. $50-100 102 103 A large assortment of carved ivory and bone animals mostly of African origin. Various sizes. Est. $100-200 104 Three ivory netsukes two coloured signed and carved as labourers and the third carved as a court attendant. Est. $80-150 Two carved ivory netsukes one carved as a Buddha & elephant. Est. $80-150 One signed and carved wooden netsuke formed as a mountain goat together with three other bone netsukes. Est. $50-150 105 106 A Chinese carved wooden sculpture of a Buddha with outstretched arms on wooden stand. H. 24cm Est. $100-300 A Chinese carved wooden sculpture of a robed traveller holding up a temple, wooden stand. H. 23cm Est. $100-300 A Chinese carved wooden sculpture of Guan Yin holding a rabbit. On wooden base. H. 27cm Est. $100-300 Two carved Chinese wooden sculptures one of an elderly man with two foo dogs on wooden base together with a wooden sculpture of a peasant woman feeding geese. H. 19cm and 21cm Est. $100-300 Three Chinese carved wooden sculptures one depicting a child dressed up as a soldier, one depicting a lady with a rabbit and the other an elderly man holding up a child. H. 22cm, 19cm and 18cm Est. $100-300 A large Chinese wooden sculpture inlaid with silver filigree depicting two peasants on top of a water buffalo, wooden stand. H. 25cm Est. $200-400 A carved wooden framed watercolour depicting an Indian palace and gardens. Frame 24 x 24cm Est. $200-400 114 125 112a 126 119a 107 108 A carved wooden framed watercolour depicting the interior of an Indian palace Frame 25 x 25cm Est. $200-400 111 A carved wooden sculpture of a peasant farmer H. 27cm Est. $50-150 112 109 A Chinese soapstone sculpture depicting three mythical lions flanking a candleholder formed as a basket. H.15cm Est. $100-300 110 A Chinese carved yellow stone sculpture depicting three organic form candle holders. H. 14cm Est. $50-150 118 Two Chinese carved soapstone sculptures one depicting a Buddha and the other an elderly fisherman. H. 11cm each. Est. $50-100 113 Two Chinese hardwood Mother of Pearl inlay side tables each with floral decoration. Both barrell form on five feet. H. 52cm Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration 114 112a Framed Ming style porcelain screen decorated with scholars and musicians set amongst stylised clouds, the wooden frame with mother of pearl inlays. H.60cm Est. $400-800 See Illustration 115 Two Chinese hardwood Qing style armchairs carved scroll and floral form supports. Stretcher base. Est. $2,000-3,000 See Illustration A rare Mao period vase decorated with a worker holding aloft a red flag within a black pendulum ruyi border. Dated inscription 1968 (the cultural revolution period of Mao’s rule) Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration A large Chinese Yutangehun vase covered in an Imperial yellow glaze and bearing the incised apocryphal reign mark of the Guangxu Emporor. H. 33cm Est. $1,000-1,300 See Illustration ORIENTAL 21 116 117 118 119 A quadrangular Chinese vase with underglaze peach design and two lug handles (fanghu). Covered in a thick flambe red glaze. Underneath a barely identifiable incised reign mark for the Emperor Tongzhi Est. $400-800 See Illustration A rare marked period Imperial sauce dish covered in an egg yolk yellow glaze and bearing the reign mark of the last emporor Xuantong (Almost invisible professional restoration). Comes with a later fitted box. Dia. 11cm Est. $1,300-1,600 See Illustration An early republic painted yellow ground Chinese ginger jar in veneration of the Dayazhai wares popularised by the Empress Dowager Cixi (note the mark is in reverse indicating this was one of a symmetrical pair). Drilled for a lamp. Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration 123 124 125 126 127 119a A Chinese porcelain shallow bowl decorated in the birthday ceremony manner with florals and various ornaments. Jiaqing mark to base. Dia. 19.5cm Est. $1,500-2,500 See Illustration 120 121 122 22 A large Chinese pottery head of Buddha in a crackled turquoise glaze. Est. $400-800 See Illustration A late Qing very large lidded ginger jar decorated with scrolling lotus on blue ground within a turquoise ruiyi border. Erased mark underneath. H. 23cm Est. $300-500 See Illustration A large Chinese export lidded ginger jar (c. 1890) decorated with prunus and cracked ice design. Double circle mark. H. 25cm Est. $300-500 See Illustration A Chinese export lidded ginger jar (c.1895) decorated with prunus and cracked ice. Mispelled China mark underneath. H. 14cm Est. $100-250 See Illustration DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 128 129 130 A lidded Chinese export ginger jar decorated with prunus and cracked ice. H. 15cm Est. $100-250 See Illustration 131 A Chinese pottery duck in sancai glaze of cream, yellow and green. Similar to Tang dynasty. L. 17cm Est. $50-150 A Chinese sancai glazed pottery figure of the mythical magician Shen Kung-Pao cream, green, yellow and iridescent glazes, possibly 17th/18th century. A.F. (According to Chinese mythology he cut off his own head causing it to float in the air.) Est. $400-700 See Illustration A large Chinese basin decorated with flowering branches in a white slip under pale celadon glaze. Made for the south east asian market. Dia. 37cm Est. $400-800 See Illustration 132 133 A fine quality antique Chinese porcelain side plate decorated in Canton famille rose enamels with two birds on a rock, with a heavily gilded ‘C’ scroll border of four panels, all with birds, butterflies and flowers. Dia. 20cm Est. $200-400 See Illustration A rare Jiaqing or Daoguang period, Canton famille rose kidney shaped dish decorated with birds, butterflies and flowers, all on a celadon ground. L. 29cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration A rare Jiaqing mark and period Canton famille rose plate decorated on the face with a bird on a branch, the rim painted with Buddhist objects, all on celadon ground. The back with a stylised Jiaqing underglaze blue reign mark. Dia. 19cm Est. $300-500 See Illustration A rare large 19th C. Chinese export water jug decorated in Canton famille rose enamels with birds, butterflies and flowers all within a gilded leiwen border. H. 41cm Est. $800-1,000 See Illustration 134 A large 19th C. export basin (or punch bowl) decorated in Canton famille rose enamels with birds, butterflies and flowers all within a gilded leiwen border. Dia. 41cm Est. $800-1,000 See Illustration 134a A large Qing style porcelain gold fish bowl decorated with numerous floral vases in relief on a yellow ground. H.37cm Est. $2,000-4,000 See Illustration A fine quality antique Chinese porcelain lidded sauce tureen decorated in Canton famille rose enamels with the rose medalion design of alternating panels in figures and birds, butterflies & flowers, surrounding central medalion L. 21cm Est. $600-800 See Illustration A rare oval shaped antique Chinese export porcelain dish decorated with alternating panels of soldiers on horseback and birds, butterflies and flowers; all around a heavily gilded rope encased central butterfly. L. 27.5cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration 135 136 A large late 18th or 19th C. plate decorated in Chinese famille rose enamels on a celedon ground with Buddhist objects. Underglaze blue Jiaqing mark. Dia. 26cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration A fine quality late 19th C. antique Chinese porcelain side plate decorated in Canton famille rose enamels with nine segmented panels of butterflies, flowers and animals. The outer border comprising of four panels, also with butterflies and flowers, all surrounded by an orange and gold fish spawn design. Dia. 20cm Est. $200-300 A late 19th C. antique Chinese porcelain side plate decorated in Canton famille rose enamels with four roosters, one hen and two chickens among flowering shrubs in a rockery. Two character mark underneath. Dia. 20cm Est. $150-300 121 123 120 122 119 142 115 116 117 134a 134 127 128 177 133 132 130 129 131 147 150 ORIENTAL 23 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 A Chinese famille verte plate decorated with lillies and butterflies. Dia. 21cm Est. $200-400 A late 18th C. Chinese export underglaze blue foliate rimmed plate decorated (clobbered) with famille rose enamels. Diaper border, pseudo Chinese mark. Dia. 24cm Est. $200-400 A Chinese late 18th C. export octagonal dish clobbered with dragons and floral decoration. Dia. 23cm Est. $200-400 A Chinese underglaze blue mid to late 18th C. plate decorated with deer under pine tree, trellis border. Dia. 23cm Est. $300-600 A Chinese underglaze blue 18th C. plate decorated with floral scrolls and shrub. Bamboo border. Dia. 28cm Est. $300-600 147 148 149 150 151 Six Chinese underglaze blue late 18th C. plates decorated in the willow pattern river landscape. Dia. 23cm Est. $1,400-1,700 See Illustration A Chinese underglaze blue early 19th C. plate decorated with a figure in a courtyard and calligraphy. Similar to Tek Sing cargoware. Dia. 20cm Est. $100-200 153 A Chinese underglaze blue 18th C. export saucer decorated with phoenix and panels of flowers. Dia. 16cm Est. $200-400 A Chinese blue and white Kangxi period round plate with Kraak style panels of flowering plants and Buddhist symbols. Dia. 22cm Est. $300-600 A Chinese early 18th C. underglaze blue plate decorated with sunflowers. Dia. 22cm Est. $300-600 152 154 155 156 24 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND A Chinese early 18th C. underglaze blue plate decorated with the three friends, pine, prunus and bamboo. Dia. 22cm Est. $400-800 See Illustration A Chinese early 18th C. underglaze blue plate decorated with the three friends, pine, prunus and bamboo. Dia. 22cm Est. $400-800 A Chinese early 18th C. underglaze blue plate decorated with a duck and precious objects, wave and trellis border. Dia. 23cm Est. $400-800 A Chinese early 18th C. underglaze blue plate decorated with a duck and precious objects, wave and trellis border. Dia. 23cm Est. $400-800 See Illustration A Chinese export plate early 18th C. decorated in Imari pattern with flowers & vines. Dia. 23cm Est. $200-400 A Chinese export plate early 18th C. decorated with flowering shrubs within a trellis border. Dia. 23cm Est. $300-600 A pair of 19th C. Chinese export saucer dishes decorated in underglaze blue with Canton triple arch bridge design. Dia. 15cm Est. $150-250 A pair of Chinese porcelain sauce dishes decorated in underglaze blue with scrolling lotus vines. Both bear the underglaze blue six character reign marks (1875-1908). Est. $300-500 A Chinese underglaze blue decorated specimen vase with four clawed dragons in the style of Vietnamese Imperial wares (known as bleu de hue). Est. $200-400 An extremely rare Qianglong mark and period underglaze blue and red Chinese plate decorated with bamboo and flowering plants in a rockery. Calligraphy and seals on the face. Est. $250-450 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 An extremly rare Qianlong mark and period underglaze blue and red Chinese plate decorated with bamboo and flowering plants in a rockery. Calligraphy and seals on the face. Est. $250-400 An antique Chinese Jiaqing mark and period plate decorated in underglaze blue with sweet pea and lotus. Dia. 22cm Est. $250-450 An antique Chinese Qianglong mark and period plate decorated in underglaze blue with sweet pea and lotus. Dia. 19cm Est. $250-450 An antique Chinese Jianqing mark and period plate decorated in underglaze blue with sweet pea and lotus. Dia. 19cm Est. $250-450 A 19th C. Chinese porcelain dish modelled with a wavey rim and decorated in famille rose enamels with flowering shrubs. Three iron red bats to the underside, together with an apocryphal Ming dynasty mark. Est. $100-200 A 19th C. Chinese Tongzhi mark and period porcelain dish with wavey rim and famille rose flowers. Est. $200-300 A Chinese bronze Hu vase plain except for a band of archaistic designs and two demonic heads. Inscription underneath. H. 23cm Est. $500-800 See Illustration A pair of Chinese bronze Shishi or lion dogs on separate bronze stands. H. 10cm each. Est. $800-1,200 See Illustration A rare Chinese cloisonne tea pot on a custom made wooden stand. Est. $400-600 See Illustration A pair of rectangular bronze scroll weights inlaid with silver birds in the manner of Japanese shakudo and calligraphy. L. 10cm each. Est. $80-150 164 163 164 165 178 - 185 167 168 169 170 171 172 A Tibetan white metal (possibly silver) travelling shrine and Buddha coloured flags enclosed. H. 11cm Est. $300-500 174 173 174 A rare group of Chinese master moulds bearing dates of manufacture suggested from the Han Dynasty to the Warring States periods (475bc to 220ad). Bronze master moulds were used to form clay moulds into which molten bronze was poured. The group contains: A mould for crossbow arrowheads. Warring States style. A mould for spade money. Wang Mang Interregnum style. A mould for spade money. Warring States style. A mould for knife money. Warring States style. A mould for bronze coins (round with square holes). Warring States style. All have carbonacious materials in the corosion. Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration 175 Five ancient Chinese bronze coins A Tibetan white metal prayer wheel inlaid with red cabochons. Prayer strips enclosed. H. 21cm Est. $80-120 A Tibetan bronze phurba or ceremonial dagger L. 36cm Est. $80-120 A Chinese bronze figure of a resting cat on fitted wood stand. L. 16cm Est. $200-300 A Chinese bronze figure of a resting cat on fitted wood stand. L. 16cm Est. $200-300 A Chinese bronze figure of a giant crab L. 40cm Est. $250-450 A Chinese white metal (possibly white bronze) figure of a giant crab L. 28cm Est. $250-450 176 177 178 179 A Chinese table screen decorated with an Afghanistan jade panel of galloping horses, all within a carved wood frame Est. $150-300 A Chinese Qing Canton famille rose dish decorated with birds butterflies and flowers surrounding a central imperial court scene. Celadon ground. Est. $300-600 See Illustration Four brown glazed tall slender carafes 19th C. cargo from the shipwreck of Tek Sing. H. 18cm Est. $800-1,200 See Illustration Ten small circular dishes 19th C. cargo from the shipwreck of Tek Sing. Each with petal shaped rim covered with dark or light brown glazes. All over meandering motif around a central chrysanthemum flowerhead. Dia. 10cm Est. $130-180 See Illustration ORIENTAL 25 189 180 181 182 183 184 26 Four circular small saucers 19th C. cargo from the shipwreck of Tek Sing. Covered on the upper surface with an olive glaze stopping short of the unglazed rim. Dia. 9cm Est. $120-160 See Illustration 185 Ten blue and white circular bowls 19th C. cargo from the shipwreck of the Tek Sing. Painted at the rim with a band of alternating circles and colons between horizontal lines. Dia 11cm Est. $80-120 See Illustration 186 Ten blue and white circular bowls 19th C. cargo from the shipwreck of the Tek Sing. Painted at the rim with a band of alternating circles and colons between horizontal lines. Dia 11cm Est. $80-100 See Illustration 187 Ten blue and white circular bowls 19th C. cargo from the shipwreck of the Tek Sing. Painted at the rim with a band of alternating circles and colons between horizontal lines. Dia 11cm Est. $80-100 Ten blue and white circular bowls 19th C. cargo from the shipwreck of the Tek Sing. Painted at the rim with a band of alternating circles and colons between horizontal lines. Dia 11cm Est. $80-100 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 188 189 Seven blue and white circular bowls 19th C. cargo from the shipwreck of the Tek Sing. Painted at the rim with a band of alternating circles and colons between horizontal lines. Dia 11cm Est. $50-80 190 Chinese famille rose vase decorated with florals and fruit with inscriptions to central yellow band, gilt lugs to neck. Yong Zheng mark to base. H. 48cm Est. $1,800-2,500 See Illustration Chinese famille rose vase with bird and floral decoration to central panels, flared neck, Guanxhu mark to base. H. 41cm Est. $800-1,200 See Illustration Chinese famille rose export ware vase decorated with florals and birds, flared neck, Jia Qing mark to base. H. 41cm Est. $700-1,000 See Illustration Pair of Chinese Dau Guang tea bowls decorated with imperial courtyard scenes, Dau Guang mark. H. 6cm each. Est. $9,000-11,000 See Illustration 191 192 193 194 195 196 Qing style blue and white wash basin decorated with courtyard scene and florals. Dia. 25cm Est. $300-500 Chinese Ming pattern blue and white vase decorated with battle scene. H. 44cm Est. $1,500-2,000 See Illustration Chinese tall blue and white vase decorated with mythical bird in landscape, flared neck, Kanxi mark to base. H. 45cm Est. $500-800 See Illustration Chinese blue and white Ming style bowl decorated with farming scene. Dia. 25cm Est. $100-300 Chinese blue and white ashet decorated with river scene. L. 40cm Est. $50-150 Chinese turquoise high relief vase decorated with a shepherd and flock in rural landscape, inscription to neck, Bingrong. H. 46cm Est. $2,000-3,000 See Illustration Large Imari charger decorated with various floral panels. Dia. 47cm Est. $150-300 186 191 187 192 188 195 ORIENTAL 27 213 • 214 204 200 197 198 199 200 28 Cloisonne lidded urn decorated with dragons and waves. H. 26cm Est. $100-300 201 Pair of Cloisonne specimen vases decorated with rural scenes. H. 21cm each. Est. $100-200 Chinese Mahjong table cloth decorated with bats and metal disks. 74 x 74cm Est. $100-300 Large late 18th C. / early 19th C. Chinese brass incense burner decorated with lion masks and various characters. Pierced lid with fu dog finial. H. 64cm Est. $2,000-3,000 See Illustration DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 202 203 204 Bronze Chinese incense burner on stand decorated with battle scene, fu dog finial to lid, elephant handles. H. 30cm Est. $300-600 Laquered stone sculpture of a Thai Buddha seated in lotus position. H. 33cm Est. $300-600 Indonesian tantric Buddist bell possibly 9th C. - 15th C. H. 30cm Est. $300-600 Bronze sculpture of Guan Yin and her disciples on lotus form base H. 65cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration 205 206 207 208 Chinese copper and gilt metal horn Formed as dragon together with metal temple bell and striker. Est. $50-150 Chinese metal teapot with decorated glass panels together with brass square form vase. Est. $50-150 Metal rectangular beetlenut box with four lidded compartments and all over floral decoration. W. 20cm Est. $100-200 Pair Chinese cast iron fu dog censers H. 17cm each Est. $50-150 THE E.A. Stanton Collection lots 209 – 263 The following 55 lots are from the E.A Stanton Estate. Stanton was a partner in the Chinese trading house Deacon & Co during the late 19th C. which was located in Canton. They were also involved as commission, shipping and insurance agents. His son George Stanton, was born in 1910, but the family soon relocated to Kent in England c. 1922, taking their collection of Chinese curiosities with them. According to the current owner, the ivory panels, lot 215, were put into protective casings at the time. This was corroborated during cataloguing when old Chinese newspapers dated 1922 were found inserted behind the panels. The collection including the display cabinet, have remained pretty much intact since this date. An old insurance valuation dated 1974 lists most of the items. Mr & Mrs G Stanton 210 209 A superb late 19th C. Chinese silver enamel bowl marked Haung Jiu Ji and Tien Shing. Decorated with three panels of blossom branches and various birds. On a carved wooden stand. Dia.13cm, H. 6.5cm (bowl). PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $5,000-10,000 See Illustration (also page 11) 211 210 211 209 Early 20th C. Chinese silver punch bowl marked Sing Fat Decorated with flowers and butterflies in relief, shaped swag form rim. Inscribed to base “Presented to Wor. Bro. E.A Stanton / By the Brethren, Lodge Star of Southern China no 2013, E Canton / On the occasion of his marriage April 3rd 1909” Dia. 22cm, H. 13cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,500-2,500 See Illustration 212 213 A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese silver bowl, marked Hung Chong & Co Decorated with assorted flowers in relief. Dia. 19cm, H. 10cm 214 PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese or Malay bowl embossed with mythical beasts in a floral ground. No marks. H. 6cm, Dia. 8cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $100-300 A late 19th C. Chinese small silver tankard bamboo form handle and embossed cherry blossom decoration. Marked H.M. (unknown maker) H. 8cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $300-600 See Illustration A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese small silver tankard marked Sing Fat engraved with dragon. H. 8cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $200-400 See Illustration ORIENTAL 29 Frame 4 215 30 Eight superbly carved Chinese ivory panels Framed in China c.1923. According to the inscription on the back of two of the frames, these panels are Qinglong dynasty and were made for the imperial court. Frame 1. The top oval panel depicts sheep in a mountainous landscape amongst rocks, trees and shrubs. The rectangular panel below depicts the eight immortals underneath a willow tree. Frame 2. The top oval panel depicts horses in a mountainous landscape amongst trees, shrubs and rocks. The rectangular panel below depicts scholars in a mountain landscape crossing a bridge with a stork above. Frame 3. The top oval panel depicts raindeer in a mountainous landscape amoungst rocks, trees, shrubs and a bridge. A stork is amongst the clouds. The rectangular panel DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND Frame 1 below depicts a farmer leading a horse with two scholars at a table. All underneath a flowering tree. Frame 4. The top oval panel depicts cows in a mountainous landscape amongst rocks, a temple, trees and a bridge. The lower panel depicts a courtyard in a mountainous landscape. Two ladies read while a third contemplates at a table. Each oval panel 15 x 10cm, rectangular panels 15.5 x 10cm. Each frame 33.5 x 11.5cm The frames and glazed metal cases seem to have been made in 1923 when the Stanton family left Canton for Kent, England. Chinese newspapers behind each panel are dated c.1923. Behind two of the four frames the Quinglong Imperial characters are inscribed. PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $10,000-20,000 See Illustration Frame 2 Frame 3 ORIENTAL 31 216 217 225 223 32 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 224 219 220 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 A large Chinese ivory tusk base carved with a processional scene on a mountain rd depicting the Great Wall, archers and various animals. On carved wooden stand. H. 31cm (incl. stand) PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $2,000-4,000 See Illustration A Chinese ivory figure of a sage holding a small dragon and with his right foot resting on an imp H. 29cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A pair of late 19th C. Chinese carved ivory screens depicting women and children at play under flowering trees. On carved wooden stands. W. 31cm ea, H. 20cm ea (incl. stand) PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,500-3,000 See Illustration 218 A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese carved ivory wrist rest decorated with figures and boats on a mountainous river. The back decorated with a stylised dragon. L. 21cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese carved ivory wrist rest decorated with figures in a mountainous landscape. The back decorated with a river landscape. L. 24cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 218 A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese carved ivory model of a Sampan boat depicting numerous adults and children with musical instruments, games, utensils and pets. On an elaborately carved wooden stand. L. 22cm, H. 13cm (incl. stand) PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $2,000-4,000 See Illustration An early 20th C. Japanese carved ivory or bone short sword decorated with travellers and merchants. L. 38cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $200-400 221 ORIENTAL 33 227 226 228 230 229 223 224 225 231 232 A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese cinnabar lacquer vase decorated with a landscape and courtyard scene, florals to neck. H. 22cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $800-1,500 See Illustration A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese soapstone or jade bowl decorated with a dragon in high relief, a mythical frog and two organic form handles. Archaic characters to body, unknown mark to base. H.10cm, W. 25cm PROVENANCE: E.A Stanton estate Est. $2,000-4,000 See Illustration A 19th C. Chinese mutton fat jade two handled bowl ribbed body, masked handles. On hardwood stand with pierced cover. H.7cm (stand and bowl) H.4cm (cover) PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-3,000 See Illustration 226 227 228 229 237 A late 19th C. carved Chinese mutton fat jade figure of a sage and a child on floral form hardwood stand. H. 16.5cm (incl. stand) PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $800-1,500 See Illustration 230 An early 20th C. carved Chinese jade buddha on hardwood stand H. 15.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration 231 A carved Chinese jade figure of Guan Yin H. 12cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $400-800 See Illustration 232 Two late 19th C. Chinese mutton fat jade lychee dishes and covers Some damage to external decoration. L. 10cm and 7cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $300-600 See Illustration 233 234 34 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND A late 19th C. Chinese carved jade bi disc with dragons in relief and stipple decoration to reverse. Dia. 5.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration A Chinese carved Shoushan stone seal decorated with lillies. Three character mark to base. H. 6.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration A Chinese jade “manderin’s button” square form seal with archaic script W. 5.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $300-600 See Illustration A Chinese brass seal mounted with lion finial H. 5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $200-400 A Chinese brass seal mounted with a mythical fish finial H. 5.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A Stanton estate Est. $200-400 240 235 236 237 238 238 A small Chinese jade seal with an acorn finial L. 4cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $50-150 239 A Chinese late 19th / early 20th C. carved malachite sculpture depicting ladies reading in relief and a child riding a fish on reverse (repaired). On hardwood stand. H. 9cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $200-400 240 A Chinese late 19th / early 20th C. carved amber sculpture depicting bowls of flowers and plants on a custom hardwood stand. L. 13cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration 241 A Chinese carved rock crystal figure of Guan Yin and child on wooden stand H. 22cm (incl. stand) PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 242 242 A Chinese carved rock crystal figure of a Fu dog H. 5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $50-150 A late 19th / early 20th C. bronze of Guan Yin or Kwannon holding a fruit or flame, set with semi precious cabachon stones. Inscription to back. H. 20cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration A late 19th / early 20th C. Tibetan priest’s bronze tantric ritual phurba (dagger) of triangular form with mask handle. L.25cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $2,000-4,000 See Illustration A late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese blanc de chine figure of an immortal on rock and branch base. H. 21cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 243 244 245 246 A Chinese late 19th / early 20th C. blanc de chine libation cup with hardwood cover on wooden base H. 10cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration A Chinese Qinglong porcelain small bowl decorated with flowers on a light green ground. Stipple glaze. Floral decoration to reverse. Qinglong mark. Dia. 15.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $800-1,500 See Illustration A Chinese provincial bowl decorated in blue with various characters and Buddhas on lotus flowers. Jiaqing mark to base. Dia. 14cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $400-800 See Illustration A Chinese small bowl decorated with flowers, a butterfly and bird. Jiaging mark to base. Dia 11cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $800-1,500 See Illustration ORIENTAL 35 241 243 244 247 246 252 255 254 253 36 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 248 245 256 251 249 250 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 A pair of late 19th C. Chinese famille rose plates decorated with florals and birds of paradise. Various old labels to reverse. On wooden stands. Dia 22.5cm each. PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $800-1,600 See Illustration A Chinese porcelain lidded box decorated with butterflies, flowers and a fisherman. Various charaters to each end. Daoguang mark to base. L. 8cm H. 4cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $500-1,000 See Illustration A Chinese porcelain blue and white specimen vase decorated with florals and geometric motifs. Lug handles. Mark underneath illegable. H. 9cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $300-600 See Illustration A Chinese oxblood porcelain specimen vase Some crazing. Kangxi mark to base. H. 8.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $400-800 See Illustration A Chinese crackle glaze specimen vase cream ground, blue circle mark to base. H. 8cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $400-800 See Illustration A Chinese late 19th / early 20th C. carved ivory snuff bottle (no stopper) decorated with warriors and court attandants. H. 9cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $800-1,600 See Illustration A Chinese porcelain snuff bottle (no stopper) decorated with a mountainous village scene. Qing mark to base. H. 6cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $300-600 See Illustration A Chinese porcelain snuff bottle decorated with a river scene in high relief. H. 6.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $150-300 See Illustration 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 A Chinese porcelain blue and white snuff bottle (no stopper) decorated with a court scene, Qinglong mark to base. H. 7cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $200-400 See Illustration A Chinese 19th C. laquer and gilt metal swing handled tray decorated with peacocks and florals. Dia. 26cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $300-600 See Illustration A Chinese cloisonne lidded circular container decorated with florals, stamped characters to base. H. 5.5cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $100-300 Four Chinese silk embroidered tapestries and a bone or ivory fan (damaged) PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $100-300 Four boxes of miniature Chinese painted pottery figues and architecture originally used as play items PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $100-300 265 Assorted boxed miniature playing cards and a box of green copper beetles PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $50-100 A pair of Chinese gilt metal finger extensions set with semi-precious stones. PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $100-300 A pair of late 19th / early 20th C. Chinese scrolls depicting owls, birds and cranes in silk and watercolour. 106 x 20cm each. PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $200-400 Three assorted late 19th C. Chinese carved hardwood stands PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $100-200 266 ORIENTAL 37 271a 271b 269 38 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 271 268 264 265 266 267 268 269 273a A Persian curved dagger engraved metal scabbard Est. $50-100 270 A Chinese scroll painting depicting a squirrel gathering fruit in the manner 271 of Qi Baishi. H. 138cm Est. $400-800 See Illustration A Chinese scroll painting depicting shrimps, in the manner of Qi Baishi. H. 147cm Est. $400-800 See Illustration A small 34 page album of prints by Qi Baishi published in Leipzig Germany c.1960. Text in German. Together with an album of works by Qi Baishi published in Russia c.1980. Text in Russian. Est. $200-400 A boxed Chinese Honan jade sculpture of a tiger amongst deer on a carved wooden stand. H.28cm (incl. stand) W. 30cm Est. $1,000-3,000 See Illustration A late 19th / early 20th C. Japanned lacquer display cabinet the two glazed doors over two door base decorated with Chinese figures in an oriental landscape. Ball and claw feet. H. 197cm, W. 128cm PROVENANCE: E.A. Stanton estate Est. $1,000-3,000 See Illustration An early 20th C. carved Chinese lacquered plant stand decorated with dragons and florals in high relief. H.83cm Est. $300-600 An early 20th C. Chinese carved and lacquered centre table decorated with lions and dragons in high relief. Dia. 105cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 273a A Tibetan gilt metal statue of Avalokiteshvara Buddha on a double lotus pedestal base. Possibly 19th C. H.19cm Est. $5,000-10,000 See Illustration 274 271a A pair of Chinese heavy hardwood 275 Qing style curved back armchairs Pierced floral and scroll decorations. Stretcher bases. Possibly Zitan wood. Est. $2,000-4,000 See Illustration 276 271b A Chinese hardwood Qing style hall table with pierced geometric scroll form apron. W. 122cm H. 88cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 272 273 277 A 19th C. Chinese hardwood chair with carved back and front panels. Small loss. H. 95cm Est. $300-600 278 A pair of Chinese children’s chairs probably elm and dating to the late 19th C. H. 80cm each. Est. $400-800 279 An enamelled silver bowl decorated with florals and bats. Various character marks to base. H. 8cm Est. $100-300 An Oriental silver lidded circular container decorated with florals and a central mythical creature. H. 11cm Est. $80-150 An engraved silver lidded box decorated with birds and flowers. Character marks to base. W. 13cm, H. 3.5cm Est. $100-300 An Oriental cloisonne cigarette box profusely decorated with flowers. No makers marks. W. 9cm Est. $80-150 Two Oriental hinged bangles together with two small ivory novelty containers Est. $50-100 An Oriental cloisonne on glass bowl decorated with flowers together with two bangles and a small mask. Est. $80-150 ORIENTAL 39 287 289 290 291 292 293 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 40 Two Oriental lidded silver containers decorated with panels of various animals. H. 10cm each. Est. $80-150 287 Four Oriental lidded silver circular containers various sizes. Est. $80-150 Four Oriental lidded silver containers various sizes Est. $80-150 288 Two Chinese silver lidded boxes one decorated with a travelling scene and the other with various flowers. H. 3cm each. Est. $100-200 Five Oriental silver lidded boxes together with a small tray various sizes. Est. $80-150 Two Oriental silver salt shakers together with fish pendant necklace, large precious stone ring and brooch Est. $80-150 290 Imari shallow bowl decorated with mythical birds and flowers, Xianfeng mark to base. Dia. 31cm Est. $100-200 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 289 Kutani circular bowl Meiji period decorated with ducks and iris. Signed to base. Dia. 28cm PROVENANCE: Webbs, 25/5/1994, lot 241 Est. $200-400 See Illustration Imari circular dish Meiji period decorated with geese in landscape. Dia. 15cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 210 Est. $100-200 Imari shallow circular bowl EdoTokugawa period with scalloped border, decorated with twelve diapers, flowers. Dia. 24cm PROVENANCE: Kita gallery, Kyoto Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 261 Est. $200-400 See Illustration Imari circular dish with scalloped border, decorated with panels of garden scenes. Dia. 21.2cm. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 258 Est. $200-400 See Illustration 291 292 293 Imari circular dish Edo-Tokugawa period, decorated with marigold flowers, four character mark to base. Dia. 15.3cm. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 223 Est. $200-400 See Illustration Imari blue and white deep bowl on circular foot early Meiji period, everted brown edged scalloped border, decorated with clouds and moths. Interior and exterior decorated with extensive landscapes. Dia. 19.5cm. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 262 Est. $300-600 See Illustration Imari deep bowl on circular foot early Meiji period with everted gilded rim, interior decorated with panels of flowers and mayflies in iron red and gilt, the exterior with flowers. Dia. 21.8cm. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 263 Est. $300-600 See Illustration 304 303 294 295 296 297 298 299 297 296 Japanese Imari bowl decorated with flowers in iron red and vert palette c.1900 Dia. 21.5cm Est. $100-200 Japanese Imari footed dish with scalloped border Edo-Tokugawa decorated with flowers. Dia. 21.7cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994 Est. $150-300 Imari hexagonal shaped dish EdoTokugawa period, interior decorated with turtle and crane. L. 17cm. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 219 Est. $200-400 See Illustration Imari kidney shaped dish decorated with birds, flowers and trees. L.16.5cm Est. $150-300 See Illustration Kutani circular footed dish Meiji period with scenes of Mt Fuji, Mt Hakane and floral sprays. Dia 10.5cm Est. $100-300 299 300 301 302 303 312 Imari fluted dish of squared circular form with scalloped border and central design, six character mark to base. Dia. 13.4cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 221 Est. $200-400 See Illustration Imari cup early Meiji period, interior decorated in blue and white, exterior with lion design in four panels. Dia. 9.6cm. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 208 Est. $150-300 304 305 306 Imari shallow bowl decorated with flowers and geometric motifs, exterior decorated with floral swags. Dia. 12.5cm Est. $100-200 307 Imari pentagonal shaped bowl decorated with panels of flowers and geometric motifs. Dia. 12.5cm Est. $80-150 Satsuma scalloped bowl interior decorated with butterflies and exterior with panels of flowers and water landscapes. Dia. 13cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration A Chinese porcelain scallop shaped porcelain bowl the exterior decorated with stylised moth, turquoise interior. Tongzhi mark to base. W. 21.5cm Est. $300-600 See Illustration Imari hexagonal shallow shaped dish Meiji period decorated with lotus and birds. L.17cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 212 Est. $100-200 Imari octagonal dish Meiji period decorated with iris stream and butterfly. L.17cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 255 Est. $100-200 Imari square sided bowl shaped rim, Edo-Tokugawa period, central panel decorated with blossoms. Dia. 122cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 204 Est. $100-200 ORIENTAL 41 315a 308 309 310 311 312 42 315b Kutani circular dish with squared sides and sliced corners EdoTokugawa period. Dia. 16cm (af) together with enamel scalloped bowl decorated with scholars and imperial figure. Dia. 14.5cm Est. $100-300 Imari diamond shaped dish Meiji period decorated with stylised fish and waves Dia. 17.7cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 224 Est. $150-300 Imari oval shaped dish Meiji period, decorated with bird of paradise and flowers. L. 16.5 Est. $100-200 Imari octagonal shaped dish Meiji period, central panel decorated with dragon. Dia. 14.3cm Est. $100-200 Imari square dish with sliced corners on circular foot EdoTokugawa period decorated with panels depicting fishermen and figures on horseback. Dia. 17.5cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 233 Est. $300-600 See Illustration DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND 313 314 315 Chinese Cantonware famille rose rectangular export dish decorated with court scene landscape and Qinglong mark to base. L. 22.5cm Est. $200-400 316 Imari bowl decorated with flowers and stylised cloud blue and white interior, four character mark to base. Dia. 11cm Est. $100-200 Imari teabowl decorated with flowers and landscapes. Dia. 9.5cm Est. $80-150 315a A Japanese Meiji period Imari rectangular charger decorated with a Geisha in a floral border. Inscribed in pencil on reverse is a Timaru address and dated 1927. Arists monogram also to reverse. 37x30cm Est. $2,000-4,000 See Illustration 315b A Japanese Meiji period Imari fruit bowl decorated with courtesans amongst birds, dragons and florals. Dia. 31cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration 317 318 319 Imari circular footed dish with scalloped edge Edo-Tokugawa period, decorated with plum blossom, pine and fern frond. Dia. 21.5cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 232 Est. $400-600 See Illustration Imari circular dish with scalloped border Meiji period decorated with temple dogs and panels of diapers. Dia. 21.5cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 205 Est. $200-400 See Ilustration Imari circular dish with scalloped border early Meiji period, decorated with cranes flowers and leaf motifs. Dia 22.5cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 259 Est. $200-400 See Illustration Imari circular dish Meiji period, decorated with cranes and ferns. Jiaquing mark to base. Dia 12.3cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 215 Est. $200-400 316 321 325 320 Imari circular dish Meiji period decorated with goldfish cat and bird design. Dia. 11.8cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 207 Est. $100-200 321 322 323 318 317 Schiba bune Imari dish with shaped edge Edo-Tokugawa period, decorated with men in boat with rice harvest and diapers, four character mark to base. Dia. 12.8cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 221 Est. $200-300 See Illustration 331 324 325 326 Imari circular dish with shaped edge Bunsei period decorated with iris, six character mark to base. Dia. 12cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 198 Est. $150-300 Kutani circular dish Meiji period decorated with figures cranes and chrysanthemums. Signed to base. Dia. 12.2cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 231 Est. $150-300 327 328 Imari circular dish Meiji period, decorated with central chysanthemum and eight foliate panels. Four character mark to base. Dia. 12cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 222 Est. $200-300 Small Imari kidney shaped dish Edo-Tokugawa period with scalloped edge, decorated with pine needle pattern. L.13cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 209 Est. $100-200 Pair of Kutani circular dishes EdoTokugawa period, decorated with three scholars, signed to base. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 235 Est. $300-500 See Illustration Small Imari circular dish with shaped edge Meiji period, EdoTokugawa period, decorated with butterflies and festival wheels, mark to base. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 227 Est. $100-200 Imari circular dish with shaped edge Edo-Tokugawa period, decorated with plum blossom, fern and pine design. Dia. 22.2cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 226 Est. $200-400 Imari circular dish with shaped edge Edo-tokugawa period, decorated with kiri pattern, Fuku mark to base. Dia. 10.4cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 203 Est. $100-200 329 330 331 Small Kutani circular dish Meiji period, decorated with birds and blossom trees signed to base. PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 240 Est. $100-200 Imari Kidney shaped dish EdoTokugawa period, decorated with dragonfly and peony. L. 22.2cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 206 Est. $200-400 See Illustration ORIENTAL 43 339 337 348 350 349 332 333 334 335 336 347 Small Japanese bowl decorated with scholars together with other small dish. Est. $80-150 337 Imari circular dish Meiji period decorated with figures and landscapes, mark to base. Dia. 12cm Est. $150-300 Chinese teapot decorated with dragons and mythical birds. Wanli mark to base. H. 15cm Est. $200-400 338 339 Japanese scallop shaped cup decorated with bird in extensive landscape. Est. $50-100 Chinese famille rose lidded pot together with Meissen plate Est. $50-100 340 341 44 DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND Large Satsuma lidded urn of bulbous square form each panel decorated with court scenes surrounded by mythical birds and florals. Signed to base. H. 33cm Est. $400-600 See Illustration Pair of Satsuma teacups and saucers decorated with flowers, signed to base. Est. $50-100 Large Lingbi scholar stone in the form of the year of the rabbit. L.46cm Est. $1,000-2,000 See Illustration Pair Cloisonne vases decorated with butterflies and florals. H.20cm Est. $50-150 Large Cloisonne dish decorated with hens and flowers. Dia. 30cm. Together with a large Imari dish Est. $100-200 342 343 344 345 Pair Imari dishes scalloped edges decorated with flowers and geometric designs. Dia. 15.5cm Est. $50-100 Imari bowl scalloped edge decorated with flowers and birds together with a Chinese plate, profusely decorated with flowers, Guangxu mark to base. Est. $50-100 Early 20th C. crackle glaze vase decorated with blue and white landscape. H. 22cm PROVENANCE: Webbs 25/05/1994, lot 245 Est. $100-200 Pair Chinese tea bowls decorated with flowers and geometric motifs in salmon pink together with blue and white stem cup. Xuande mark to bowl. Est. $50-100 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 Cloisonne pot pouri lidded container decorated with flowers and rose bud finial. Est. $50-100 359 Chinese Fujian provence splash glaze pottery bowl Dia. 16cm Est. $400-600 See Illustration 360 Chinese celadon glaze potery bowl ribbed decoration. Dia. 16cm Est. $300-400 See Illustration Chinese Jun ware small pottery bowl Dia. 11.5cm Est. $200-300 See Illustration 361 362 Chinese Fujian provence splash glaze pottery bowl Dark brown ground. Dia. 12.5cm Est. $200-300 See Illustration 363 Ming style blue and white plate decorated with pine trees (af). Dia. 23cm Est. $50-100 Pair Chinese Cantonese sauce dishes decorated with florals and insects on stem feet formed in the shape of a leaf. L.11cm each. Est. $100-200 Large Chinese floor vase decorated with sage and characters to reverse. H. 58cm Est. $300-500 364 365 366 Four HSBC $5 notes together with ten Central Bank of China 50 Yuan notes 1944 Est. $100-200 372 Central Bank of China 88 x 1 Yuan notes 1936 Est. $100-200 373 Central Bank of China 1 x 1000 customs gold units together with 6 x 500 customs gold units, 1 x 50 fen note, 11 x unkown notes of various denominations Est. $50-100 Provincial Bank of Honan note 1923 Est. $100-200 Zhongguo Renmin Yinhang large quantity 1 yi jiao notes Est. $200-300 Various notes including Qatar, Trinadad and Tobago, Saudi Arabia and Oriental Est. $50-100 367 Bank of China 91 x 5 Yuan 1940 bank notes Est. $150-250 368 Central Bank of China 70 x 5 customs gold unit notes 1930 Est. $200-400 Large Chinese Qing style plate together with lidded ink dish, Republic period rice bowl and two Imari style saucers. Est. $100-200 369 A small bronze karma sutra statue Est. $100-200 370 Two Imari style plates together with shallow bowl and Kanxi marked plate 371 Baltic amber necklace with large pendant 29.5gm total weight Est. $100-200 Central Bank of China 38 X 1 yuan notes 1936 Est. $250-350 Bank of China 100 x 5 Yuan notes 1937 Est. $100-200 374 375 Large quantity of porcelain blue and white Est. $50-100 376 Four Oriental watercolours framed Est. $50-100 381 382 Three framed Oriental watercolours together with diorama and watercolour of exotic bird on rice paper Est. $50-150 Two framed Chinese watercolours depicting mountainous landscapes Est. $50-100 Three framed Oriental watercolours and one print Est. $50-100 Three-way screen with figures in relief together with four wooden hanging panels depicting various birds with watercolour of Buddha Est. $100-200 Two carved bone netsuke together with small carved bone sculpture of a sage and child. Est. $50-100 Four small carved bone sculptures elephants, lion, boat and dragon. Est. $50-100 383 Five carved bone sculptures Est. $50-100 384 Three carved bone or ivory figures of female deities together with carved sculpture of a seated Buddha. Est. $100-150 385 Japanese vase together with scroll, two pierced and enamelled boxes and puzzle ball Est. $40-80 Carved bone model of a flower boat in display case Est. $50-150 1 x HSBC $100 note together with Chartered Bank $5 note, Central Bank 377 of China 3 x 2500 Customs unit 1948 , Bank of China 10 Yuan certificate and Central Bank of China 6 x 1000 Customs gold units 1947 Est. $100-200 378 Seven various 1 Yuan notes possibly issued by various Japanese puppet banks together with eight various international notes 379 Est. $50-100 Zhongguo Renmin Yinhang 71 x 5 wo jiao notes 1972 380 Est. $300-400 Pair Chinese famille rose mantle vase decorated with court scenes. H. 37cm Est. $100-200 Two Chinese stem cups together with shallow bowl mantle vase and five spoons Est. $50-100 Carved bone sculpture of a farmer and two children together with a bone sculpture of a reclining female on wooden stand. Est. $50-100 ORIENTAL 45 396 386 387 388 389 390 391 398 393 394 395 46 407 Four small carved sculptures on wooden stands. Est. $50-100 396 Three various Chinese scrolls 416 Three various Chinese scrolls 397 Three various Chinese scrolls 417 Five various Chinese scrolls Intricately carved bone brooch together with a silver and bone ring, flower pin and star pendant. Est. $50-100 398 Three various Chinese scrolls 418 Five various Chinese scrolls 399 Three various Chinese scrolls 419 Five various Chinese scrolls 400 Three various Chinese scrolls 420 Five various Chinese scrolls 401 Three various Chinese scrolls 421 Five various Chinese scrolls 402 Three various Chinese scrolls 422 Five various Chinese scrolls 403 Three various Chinese scrolls 423 Five various Chinese scrolls 404 Three various Chinese scrolls 424 Five various Chinese scrolls 405 Three various Chinese scrolls 425 Five various Chinese scrolls 406 Three various Chinese scrolls 426 Three various Chinese scrolls 407 Three various Chinese scrolls 427 Ten various Chinese scrolls 408 Four various Chinese scrolls 428 Five various Japanese scrolls 409 Four various Chinese scrolls 429 410 Four various Chinese scrolls Two large fans, parasol together with box of four scrolls (7) 411 Four various Chinese scrolls 430 Nine various Chinese scrolls 412 Four various Chinese scrolls 431 Nine various Chinese scrolls 413 Six various Chinese scrolls 432 Nine various Chinese scrolls 414 Five various Chinese scrolls 433 Nine various Chinese scrolls 415 Four various Chinese scrolls 434 Fourteen various Chinese scrolls 435 Eighteen various Chinese scrolls Carved bone figure of a fisherman on a wooden stand. H.32cm Est. $50-100 Two painted eggs on wooden stands together with resin scrimshaw and wooden tray Est. $30-60 Carved bone lamp with four miniature carved animals and a broken puzzle ball. Est. $30-60 Assorted carved bone toothpicks together with one napkin ring. Est. $30-60 The following lots are from a private collection of Oriental scrolls. They are all to be sold at no reserve. 392 402 Three various Chinese scrolls Three various Chinese scrolls Three various Chinese scrolls Three various Chinese scrolls DUNBAR SLOANE AUCKLAND
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