AIR FORCE NEWS SERVICE Distrlbuted weekLy to AF tZ/ crt 7€t*z
AIR FORCE NEWS SERVICE Distrlbuted weekLy to AF tZ/ crt 7€t*z
6 / tZ/ crt 7€t*zAIR FORCENEWSSERVICE Distrlbuted weekLy to AF Newspapers lrorLd$lde R E L E A SN EO. T2-8-67-758 At Pleiku Maj. AB, Vietnam, David J. General_McConnell presented Silver Gunster and Capt. Jerry Stars to W. Angel 1 and Distinguished crosses to capt. Roy H. Boone, capt. Michael R. pickett Flying and ssgt. Granville D. Lee. While mil itary in the in Thailand, award, skies the Air Lt. Karl Thailand, missions in pilot of ti W. Richter, in honor of over North to the 388th Tactical the deceased pilot Vietnam. heroism Green Giant Rescue and He died Fighter painting Wing at who volunteered from injuries oil to after Korat f1y of RTAFB, 200 combat being shot down American pilot Richter, gathered a L964 Air in Richter Hall, the before 388th's 100th mission However, he received on his arrived 2L became the youngest, to down a communist MIG-17 over North death was recorded was unveiled Force Academy graduate, 1966 and on sept, He completed his reassigned. the wing Maxine McCaffrey, room on base, 388th TFW in April i an HH-3E Jolly a framed, near life-size, by American artist briefing Lieutenant 5 i;'t' Etze1, EEzeL for July. operations ft delivered combat. crew members of i Captain Gregory A. M second highest a s s i g n e d t o D e t a c h m e n t 1 , 3 7 t h Aerospace is staff The painting, * Vietnam, to capt. the nation's Squadron at Nak Hon Phanom. The chief Ist Force cross, over North rescue helicopter Recovery General McConnell presented at at. the age 23, Vietnam. on OcE. 13 and would normal-1y have been approval to fly another 100 missions. His 198th mission. E N D R E L E A S EN O . L 2 - B - 6 7 - 7 5 9 AIRMEN HELP INTRODUCE TREES TO BARREN GREENLAND S O N D R E S T R OAMB , G r e e n l a n d a forest of installation Until rescue his fir trees north last aircraft, of spring, (AFNS) -- In a land where trees drawing much attention is the Arctic when Sgt. returned at Air Defense Command a radioman for HU-16 search and this Circle. John Reid, from Goose Bay, Labrador, arm, Greenland was literally are nonexistent, barren of I { O R E trees. with a small fir tree under D E P A R T M E NOTF T H EA I R F O R C E HEAOQUARTERS 388 APO H TACTICAL FIGHTER SAN FRANCISCO 9624S WING {PACAF) 7 August 1974 Lt General A. P. Clark Office of the Superintendent USAF Academy, CO 80840 Dear General Clark: The 388th Tactical- Fighter Junior Officer Council is presently looking for a permanent home for a memorial to the late Lieutenant Karl Rlchter. The artifacts consist of a painting by Mr. McCafferty presented to the 388 TFW by General MeConnell, and many of the medals piLot. Also lncluded ls a slgnature book awarded to the late fighter guests which to the memorial have slgned through the years. in Thailand and the recent closures of Due to the unstabLe situation bases, the 388 TFW would Like to find a new horne for the memorial. We understand that the USAF Academy is naming a dormltory after Lt. place to house this Richter and feel thls would be an approprlate to all past and memorial, whLch has deep sentimental significance trfing. liresent members of the 388th Tactical Fighter in this memorialPlease advise us if the USAF Academy ls interested possible. The memorial is being temporarily noved due to as soon as and we would like to insure that it finds a Permanent constructlon home in the near future. of any effotts We would be greatly appreeiative matter. to do to help us resolve this that you rnay be abl-e Sincerely JAMES R. BAKER lst Lt, USAF President, Junior e*dt"t Officer eA^'* - Council 461 2 ry\F.'-^- ul*/u^^> .17August l9?4 lst Lt James R. Baker Preaident, Junieir Officer Councll 388th Tactical Fighter Wing tpACAI.) APO $an Francisco 96288 Dear Lt Baker Thank you for your letter of 7 Auguet o{fering certai,n mernentos of the late Lt Karl Richter. I discussed your propoaal with the Superintendent, GeneraL Allen, and Major Wileon, Chairman of the Cadet Heritage Committee. We would like very much to obtain the Richter materlals. As you merrtlonsd there has been conaiderable intereot in naming a facility or a portion of a facility i.n honor of Lt Rlchter. We look forward to receiving theat objecta and I wil,l keep you posted as to their ultirnate dieposition. Pleage rhip the mementor (inoured) to me at the addrees liEted below. The 388th Tactical l'ighter Wfungwill recelve acknowledgment of receipt from Gensral Allen. Lleutenant Rlchtetr wan the {irat cadet graduate to earn international diatinctlon through hie brave acts and lve are anxious to perpetuate his name here at the Academy. Sincerely L. C. N{EANS, Lt Col, USAF $pecial AEsistant to the Chief of $taff