2014 Christmas Chronicles for web
2014 Christmas Chronicles for web
US O U G RI S T. A DA • SIS T of ST. JO S H• EP S ER T I N E, F L Chronicles of the Sisters of St. Joseph Established 1866 Winter • 2014 The Ministry of Art Therapy By Sister Mary Kuester, SSJ Art Therapist at Mercy Hospital, Miami, Florida A ministry to people suffering with a mental illness is both challenging and rewarding. It takes a team of trained professionals to help the person to obtain proper medication, to assist in community integration after hospitalization, and to obtain an education about his or her particular illness along with the skills to cope with it. In Mercy Hospital’s Behavioral Health Unit and Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), art therapy is used in a group setting to help the individual deal with issues and concerns he or she faces in life. The art process helps the individual to enter into a more playful stance, concentrate his/her thoughts on a task, and convey thoughts or feelings around a given topic. The group begins with allaying patients’ fears of trust and performance. The therapist provides media that allows for control or expressiveness, whichever the patient may need at that moment. The therapist provides a directive for the drawing. A directive can be, “Draw Sister Mary Kuester, SSJ something in a web” or “Draw yourself in an activity with your family.” This allows a starting point along with a freedom to express his or her reality. After the images are completed, the drawings are displayed on the wall for the group to view. Therapy takes place not only in the creation of an art product, but also in the individual’s description of the meaning of the image to the group. The members of the group listen and can either gently support or challenge the individual who is processing his or her image. The shared group experience provides support, encouragement, and greater insight for each member. One writer, Jose A. Pagola, gave the title “Poet of Compassion” to Jesus. In his healing ministry, Jesus used parables that created verbal images to help the people of his time understand a loving and merciful God. The art therapist helps an individual face the truth in a non-threatening manner through his or her own artwork. The person takes an active role in their own treatment and it is the art therapist’s role to help the person to find the best means to do this. The image is a concrete illustration of how the person is thinking, feeling, and processing information. This information is gathered in a short period of time and becomes a diagnostic aide. The art images when collected over time, display the progress or regression in the patient’s healing process. There are many difficulties in the treatment of those suffering with mental illness in this state - the laws surrounding treatment and underfunding to name two. Art therapy provides a means to gather information rapidly in a concrete form, validate the effectiveness of treatment, and assist in the diagnosis process. For these reasons art therapy is an invaluable tool in helping people cope with mental illness. Archives Visitor By Sister Cathy Bitzer, SSJ Nationally known Catholic author, Michael Brown visited the archives in October to research Our Blessed Mother under the title of Our Lady of La Leche, patroness of the Diocese of St. Augustine and of motherhood. Mr. Brown is both writer and author of many secular and religious books. Among his publications are two special books, Seven Days with Mary and Secrets of the Eucharist. 2 SSJ Community Connections Sister Joan of Arc shows the many crafts created by the Sisters at Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Sister St. Margaret shares the bounty of her garden with Powers Foundation Trustee, Jane Collins Mike Sylvester, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries with the Diocese of St. Augustine, visits the Motherhouse Pat Griffin represents the Bishop Kenny Class of ’64 by honoring Sister Thomas Joseph at their 50th class reunion Bishop Kenny Class of ’65 visits Sister Thomas Joseph, Curator of the O’Reilly House Museum Father Tom Willis, Rector of our Cathedral Basilica visits. Many of the Sisters were “Tommy’s teachers.” Women’s Club of St. Paul’s (Jacksonville Beach) tour the Archives Sister Jane hosts the team of students (Notre Dame) working in the Diocese of St. Augustine St. Augustine mayor, Nancy Shaver, pays a visit to Sister ˇhomas Joseph in the O’Reilly House Museum. “I have Becky Hesson, General Services Director with the St. Augustine Sheriff ’s office, reunites with two of her former Sister Thomas Joseph’s book – and teachers, Sister Carolyn Tucker and Sister Carol Wells stand in awe!” The Sisters of St. Joseph share the Good News over the airwaves of Queen of Peace Catholic radio in Jacksonville. Sisters Jane and Edith spoke of the ongoing apostolic work of the sisters that was spawned 148 years ago. Sisters Kathleen, Rea and Elise explain discernment and vocations. Sisters Thomas Joseph and Cathy Bitzer share the rich history of the Sisters. 3 St. Augustine Sheriff David Shoar visits the Motherhouse The Ladies Auxiliary of San Juan del Rio Catholic Church help sponsor holiday dinners at the Motherhouse and Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Sisters of St. Joseph: Apostolic Work – In Action Sister Charlotte (right) works with Pet Therapists at Big Bend Hospice Archivist Sister Cathy Bitzer (right) shares the rich history Sister Florence prepares sandwiches for the hungry Sister Marilyn (in the blue to the right) directs the Religious Education program at St. Ambrose in Elkton Sister Diane refurbishes historical stained glass Sister Marlene counsels young pregnant women (left) and tutors children to learn to read (right) 4 New General Governance of the Sisters of St. Joseph By Laura Hampton, Feature Editor, St. Augustine Record And Sister Ann Raymond Wood, SSJ The new General Governance team of the Sisters of St. Joseph was installed July 31, 2014, during evening prayer at the Motherhouse. “The governance structure is rooted in the Gospels, the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the mission of the congregation,” said Jeanette Ghioto, mission advancement director for the Sisters of St. Joseph. The Sister’s mission is stated in these words: “Seized by God’s love, we work in collaboration with others to bring union and reconciliation to our world, ‘that all may be one.’ (John 17:21)” According to the very earliest documents of the Sisters of St. Joseph, the members of governance are called to fulfill their service of leadership with courage, humility, gentleness and charity in the manner of Jesus who came among us as one who serves. The General Superior and four Councilors are elected to govern the Congregation, to preserve it in fidelity to its charism and mission, and to act as General Governance team: Front row (left to right): Sister Jane Stoecker, General Superior, and Sister Ann Kuhn. Back row: Sister Kathleen Carr, Sister Carolyn Tucker and Sister Suzan Foster good stewards of its resources. The purpose of Governance is to free the Sisters for mission, to foster spirit and life, and to enable all of the sisters to become a sign and instrument of union among all people. During the installation ceremony, the members of the Congregation and Notes from the Motherhouse: Gardening for God’s Glory By Sister Carol Stovall, SSJ / Motherhouse Coordinator / Administrator Since one of our core values as SSJ’s is concern for “the more,” an area which I became aware of recently was the upkeep of our Motherhouse grounds. With a little over one acre of land filled with many trees, flower beds and shrubs, it became clear I needed to grow in knowledge of gardening. We needed more help, and I needed to learn more about gardening in order to oversee care of the grounds. I read about a Master Gardener nine-week training session and asked Sister Jane Stoecker, our General Superior, if I could apply. On Oct. 9th she attended my “graduation” from the Master Gardener training, which is under the auspices of the University of Florida. We live in a high-tech information age where we expect instant results. Gardening and taking care of lawns and grounds can teach us to slow down, to grow in patience, another valued virtue of our founder, Jesuit Fr. Jean-Pierre Medaille. One characteristic trait of Catholicism is sacramentality; that is, outward signs are used to help direct our attention to God. Our grounds at the Motherhouse should be well-kept and attractive in order to reflect to our Dear Neighbor the glory of God in creation. 5 general governance team were reminded of the words of Pope Francis, that “authentic power is service.” The governance team and the local communities received a pottery basin and pitcher with a small towel, made by Sister Carol Wells, to remind them of their call to service. The Sisters of St Joseph Welcome Postulant, Grace Ford By Sister Jane Stoecker, General Superior After eighteen months of discernment as an Affiliate under the direction of Sister Margaret Jeanne, Grace Ford was accepted into postulancy with the Sisters of St. Joseph during morning prayer on August 1st. Sister Florence Bryan will serve as her postulant directress. Prior to her entrance, Grace has been in ministry as a high school honors teacher in the inner city. She has been involved in care of the sick through home as well as hospital visitations. Grace has also ministered to incarcerated youth. Postulancy is a yearlong program. During Grace’s postulancy she will be immersed into the community life and ministry of the Sisters. Her regular day with the Sisters will include prayer and liturgy, meals and recreation. Outside of these regularly scheduled activities, she will have time for personal prayer, spiritual reading, formation classes and some teaching. Please pray for Grace Ford as she continues her journey into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ, lived out and fulfilled through a life focused on the charism of UNION, “that all may be one.” John 21:17 WAKE UP THE WORLD ! 2015 Year of Consecrated Life Special Year Dedicated to Consecrated Life By Staff Pope Francis has called for a special yearlong focus on consecrated life, asking the church’s religious sisters, brothers and priests to “wake up the world” with their testimony of faith, holiness and hope. The year begins on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30th, and concludes on February 2, 2016, the World Day of Consecrated Life. The Diocese of St. Augustine and our Bishop Felipe Estévez inaugurated this year with a special Mass at 5 p.m. on November 30th at the Cathedral-Basilica. 6 A Call to Consecrated Liƒe By: Sister Jane Stoecker, SSJ General Superior Receiving an announcement can change our lives, if we let it. A new job opening or the loss of a job, a clean bill of health or critical news, a call to volunteer in the inner city or to accept a highpaying position. Probably one of the most earthshaking announcements was that of the angel who spoke to Mary. Let us reflect for a moment on Mary’s response to the unexpected announcement: “You will bear a Son. His name will be JESUS.” And Mary’s response to the angel was “YES.” Mary was being called by God; it was her call to total self-offering; there was no time for “cold feet,” only courage and abandonment to His divine will. A personal announcement that I’d like to share was my call to religious life. For my happiness and God’s desire for me, I could not help but listen and respond. It was not a call to my best friend or the one who seemed more likely to receive this invitation, but to me. It was a call, an announcement, to make a radical difference in my life and in the world. It was a call to total selfoffering. What will Mary’s “yes” mean now? She prepares for the next step, the journey to visit Elizabeth, the joyful announcement of the one she carries. We do not hear of hesitation, worry about the length of the journey, the harsh weather or the difficult terrain, whether Joseph would or would not accompany her. Luke’s gospel tells us, “...she went in great haste!” She knew what she had to do; she was carrying JESUS! What would my next step mean: faithfulness to the call, peace and joy. Jesus wished me to be a living Gospel for those with whom I would live most closely as well as to the whole world. As a Sister of St. Joseph, Florida would be the missionary territory, and I would be an instrument with which God would work ( in me and through me). The next step: go in haste to do what you must do; be a daughter of the living Gospel, for you are called to carry JESUS to all people. This Year of Consecrated Life encourages religious everywhere to reflect on their Call, to renew the joy of God's unconditional love in our lives. And then in a message from Pope Francis as published in Rejoice!: “like Mary, who was driven by the breath of the Spirit, to fulfill our own vocation to move out.” The Annunciation by Fra Angelico 7 Jubilee 2014 – Sister St. Margaret Zapf, SSJ Sister St. Margaret was born in Miami, FL on July 15, 1917. She was the fourth child of eight. She entered the Congregation on September 15, 1934. Sister taught God’s “little ones” for forty years. Her degrees include a B.S. from Barry University (Miami), a Masters in Religion from Incarnate Word College (San Antonio, TX) and a C.P.E. Sister ministered for 7 years in Puerto Rico and 30 years at Mercy Hospital, Miami. Her present residence is Our Lady of Lourdes Convent in St. Augustine where she continues her ministry of Centering Prayer and community assistance. Celebrating 345 Years of Consecrated Life By Sister Ann Raymond Wood, SSJ On a beautiful October day, five Sisters of St. Joseph were honored at their Jubilees where they renewed their promise to God: “My God, I renew my Perpetual Vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience in the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine, Florida, hoping with Thy Divine Grace to observe them faithfully all my life Amen.” Sister Noreen O’Connor, SSJ “Nan” O’Connor left her homeland in Ireland in September, 1939, to become a Sister of St. Joseph in the mission fields of Florida. She was the third child in a family of 8. Sister always dreamed of going to the foreign missions and using her innate gifts to the fullest. She taught first grade throughout the state of Florida and served as principal of St. Juliana’s School in West Palm Beach for 6 years. Sister also served for many years as administrator of St. Mary’s Home in Jacksonville. Sister now resides at All Saints Nursing Home (Jacksonville). Sister Thomas Joseph McGoldrick, SSJ Sister was born in August, 1926, in Queens County, New York, and was educated in the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Brooklyn through the tenth grade. She completed high school as a resident at St. Joseph Academy (St. Augustine). Following graduation, she entered the Sisters of St. Joseph. Sister received her M.A. from the University of Florida in 1961, and completed a Specialist Degree at Florida Atlantic University in 1979. Ministering as a teacher and principal, Sister taught at various schools and high schools throughout the state. She served as president of St. Joseph College (Jensen Beach) and General Superior of the Congregation (1972-1978). In 2007, Sister authored and published Beyond the Call, a history of the Congregation, and is presently the curator of the O’Reilly House Museum (St. Augustine). Continued on next page. 8 Sister Josephine Marie Melican, SSJ Sister Margaret Jeanne Keller “Dot” Melican was born in San Diego, California. She and her brother were “Navy brats” and saw much of the U.S. in their early years. Upon graduation from Bishop Kenny High School (Jacksonville) in 1954, she entered the Congregation. Sister began teaching in 1956, ministering in elementary and high school. In 1971, she received her Masters degree in gerontology from Columbia University, NY. From 1971-1981, Sister was the Administrator of All Saints Home (Jacksonville). She also ministered at Mercy Hospital, (Miami), Florida Manor Nursing Home (Orlando), and Our Lady of Lourdes Convent. Presently, Sister lives at St. Joseph Convent (Orlando) and ministers at St. Margaret Mary Parish in Winter Park. Sister was born in Miami and was one of four children. She was educated at St. Mary’s School (Miami) and Notre Dame Academy, where she was a member of the first graduating class. Following graduation, she entered the Congregation in 1954. Sister taught for 25 years in schools throughout Florida and ministered as principal at St. Stephen School (Miramar) for ten years. She received her B.A. and M.A. from Marywood University (Scranton, PA). Sister ministered at St. John Neumann Retreat Center (Tallahassee) and also served as Episcopal Delegate for Religious (Diocese of Palm Beach). Presently, Sister serves as the Coordinator of Our Lady of Lourdes Convent. Sister is also the Congregational Directress of Affiliates, working with women who are discerning God’s call to religious life; and serves as mentor for women in the Postulancy. Vocations Direction: Options on the Spiritual Journey By Sister Kathleen Power, SSJ Sisters of St. Joseph Vocations Director, Associate Director of Vocations – Diocese of Orlando Walking the spiritual journey with another person is a gift which the other gives you. The ministry to which I have been called for most of my life allows me the time to connect with others, especially young women in a particularly sacred space in their lives. Some may think that the work of the Vocation Director is to facilitate the entrance of women into the congregation. That is very true, but it is only one facet of the call. For me, listening is at the heart of the ministry. I spend my days listening to women, both young and older; young men applying to the Archdiocesan seminaries; seminarians, students in elementary school (ages 6-14), high school, and university. My effort is to offer them the basic tools of discernment, so that they can grow in their ability to listen to God and sort out the options open to them as Christians on a journey. As a Sister of St. Joseph, I feel very well equipped to carry out this vital ministry. Our charism is rooted in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, after all! I have spent 55 years with a “Master of Discernment.” Sisters Josephine Marie and Kathleen Power share vocations discernment with the school children. 9 Remembering our Sister Marie Therese Evrard, SSJ Born in New London Connecticut, April 29, 1925 Entered Religious Life September 7, 1941 Entered Eternal Life, August 15, 2014 “Sister Marie Therese discovered Jesus Christ as her treasure, as her Beloved. The joy of this encounter remained within her at all times. As a musician, she led many to encounter the joy of believing. She sang with her whole being in a passionate way, because she was passionately in love with the Lord.” Sister Elise Kennedy Retires By Staff On Wednesday May 29, 2014, The Board of Directors of the Guardian Schools in Jacksonville honored our Sister Elise for her 37 years of dedicated service as teacher and principal of St. Pius School. The Sister Elise Kennedy Pavilion was dedicated in her honor and will serve the school children for many years to come. Well done, Sister! Sister Elise is now serving in her ministry at Morning Star School in Jacksonville. Most Reverend Felipe J. Estévez, Bishop of St. Augustine Sister Marie Therese lives on in her music. If you would like to order one of her CDs (Patchwork, Music from the Heart and Christmas from the Heart), Please email jeanetteghioto@ssjfl. org or call 904-824-9100. 10 RI US O U Listed are the Benefactors of the Sisters of St. Joseph who made gifts during our Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 DA • SIS T S T. A G Sisters of St. Joseph of ST. JO S H• EP S ER T I N E, F L Our Motto is Virtue and Knowledge The Holy Seal of the Sisters of St. Joseph represents the apostolic fervor of St. Joseph who humbly and quietly accepted his mission leading the Holy Family with his staff. We thank our benefactors who support our many missions. Flaming Hearts of Charity The Plane of St. Joseph the Worker Triangle as the Holy Trinity Lilies of Purity Violets of Humility $5,000 - $9,999 ANONYMOUS Bishop Kenny High School Christ the King Catholic Church Florida Center for Theological Studies, Inc. Holy Trinity Assembly 2368 Mr. Barton Lanahan Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian P. Turso $500 - $999 • SIS T Angeli Maun Akey, M.D. Mr. Joe Antone Mr. Fred Bartlett Ms. Rosa Beasley Estate of Margaret Bermele Ms. Mary Ellen Buning Ms. Connie A Carlton Maj. & Mrs. Robert F. Coleman, Ret. Monsignor Diego Conesa Mr. & Mrs. Jere A. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Asa J. Cox Sister Marie Therese Evrard, SSJ John Robert Fitzgerald Mr. Brandon Ghioto Mr. Ralph C. Ghioto, Jr. Mr. James Gibson, Jr. Ms. Jo Anne Graf Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hazel Ms. Kathleen Hegenbart Mr. Donald Heine Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn Ms. Jacqueline June Horsman Ms. June G. Horsman Ms. Lorrraine Atter Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. William D. Joyce Knights of Columbus #10054 Ms. Arlita Like Ms. Mary Malone Ms. Gail Marston Mr. Terry McCook Miller Management, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Motter Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Maciej Ombach Rev. Richard Pagano Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Paris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Prince Antonio & Clara Scalise Trust Sharon Suggs Mr. Edward Sullivan Mrs. Anne L Sulzbacher Mr. Maurice Terbrueggen The Eddy Co. Mr. & Mrs. D. R. Turner Mr. Donald S. Wehking Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John J. Zapf S T. A U G US H• EP Mr. & Mrs. John William Bailey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Benoit Ms. Phyllis Bruce Mrs. Marian Burkhardt Mr. T. Brookes Burkhardt Mr. Michael Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Domnick Caro Ms. Mary P. Corrigan Dormer Medi Spa LLC Mr. William E. Falck Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ghioto Mrs. Elsie Wallace Green Haiti Appeal 2014 Cash Donations Mr. & Mrs. William Michael Heekin Mr. & Mrs. Charles R Hoffer Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Kaleel Mrs. Marcella Keane Mrs. G. Ponce Kehoe Sister Margaret Jeanne Keller, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Victor Keller Mr. Joseph Klekotta Mr. Edward J. Kuhn Martha L. Margaride Ms. Alice McInnis Mr. Peter Meehan Mrs. Henri Monteau Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moraglia Rev. Michael Morgan, JD, JCL Order of Malta - American Association O’Steen’s Restaurant Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Mr. Kevin Partel Mr. & Mrs. John E Penn Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Poli Mr. & Mrs. William K. Reece Dr. Thomas Reinhardt Ms. Elizabeth A. Rice Ms. Mary E. Rice Joseph Riffe Dr. & Mrs. Santiago A. Rosado Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mr. & Mrs. William T. Saeger Ms. Cheryl Sansone Mrs. Mary R. Slattery Most Reverend John Snyder St. Joseph Academy Alumni St. Michael’s Academy S T f . JO o S R S E Florida Catholic Conference Sister Dorothy Flowers, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Foy Jeanette Friedheim Mr. Charles Frohne Joseph & Catherine Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Art Gase Ms. Patricia Gauvey Mrs. Joyce A. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. H. Clay Gooch, Jr. Rev. Robert B. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Greenwood Mr. Alfred P. Grieshaber, Jr. Mrs. Maria Griffin Mr. Patrick Griffin Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gross Lia Guerra Ms. Kathy Madsen Haines Ms. Frances A. Hamilton Ms. Kathryn Harding Mrs. Mel Haugdahl Monsignor Vincent Haut Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heekin Ms. Martha E. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Guenter Hennig Ms. Diane Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Herbert Rev. Alfredo I. Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Hildebrand Hoffman Planning, Design and Construction Holy Family Catholic Church Leslee S. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. John Hrencecin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hutter Mr. & Mrs. E. Russell Jackson Mr. Charles Jones, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Keane Joseph F. Kelley Mr. Michael K. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Kennedy Brian Kiedrowski Mrs. Virginia King Mr. & Mrs. Stan A. Kinmonth Mr. Peter Kiyokawa Mrs. Valerie A. Kline Knights of Columbus, Ormond Beach Knights Of Columbus #7121 Knights of Columbus Council # 6108 Knights of Columbus Daytona Beach Mr. & Mrs. William J. Koenig Msgr. Eugene C. Kohls Mrs. Euna Ann Kuske Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kyne Mr. & Mrs. John La Rue Ms. Carol Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lee Legion of Mary Mr. & Mrs. Dave Look Mr. Dean W. Loveland Mr. & Mrs. Max E. Lovell Thomas M Loyless Mr. James R. Lussier Colin Macdonald O $1,000 - $4999 Mr. John Albert Mr. & Mrs. David J. Allen Ms. Janet Allen Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Altschuler Mrs. Nona Aubin Mr. Harold Bagley Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Baralt Mr. & Mrs. James Baum Mrs. Carol B. Baumer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baumgartner Mr. & Mrs. William Bazley Mrs. Camille Berley Mr. Raymond J. Bielicki Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Bixler Ms. Carol Ann Black Ms. Heather Black Linnea Blechschmidt Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Boccieri Mr. & Mrs. James O. Boisi Rev. Alan E. Bower Mrs. Donna Matsko Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown Kathleen & Craig Browne Sister Florence Bryan, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. John Bunn Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Buttner Mr. Brian J. Callaghan Ms. Sally A. Canaday Mr. Eduardo F. Carcaba, Jr. Mrs. Jean Carcaba Glynda W. Cavalcanti Ms. Joan Chamberlain Mr. & Mrs. John E. Chatfield Mrs. Angela Choate Mr. & Mrs. Ray Christian Church of Our Savior Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Coffey Mrs. Almarie Ponce Colee Mr. John F. Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Corso Mrs. C. Thomas Crabtree Mrs. Mary A. Craft Craig Funeral Home Ms. Barbara Susan Crawford Mr. & Mrs. George Crews, Jr. James Cusick Mr. & Mrs. Gaston O. Daumy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T Dean Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Delgrego Mr. & Mrs. John A. Detrio Diocese of Orlando Ms. Marion C. Donahue Mr. Robert Donahue Mrs. Edward C. Drozd Mr. & Mrs. David Espiritu Ms. Margaret A. Essex Mr. Charles D. Federico Mr. & Mrs. John S. Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Fetzko Sisters Eileen Marie and Mary Esther Flanagan, SSJ Estate of Roger W. Strickland Mr. Thomas Sugalski Bishop Joseph Keith Symons Ms. Marion M. Triay Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archdiocese Of Miami Mr. & Mrs. Leo L. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Williamson Lt. Col. (ret) Frank Worley Ms. Barbara M. Zielinski DA Family of Sister Kathleen Clark, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Goudis Jack & Betty Demetree Family Foundation Koch Foundation Joseph & Ronda Miller Foundation, Inc. Rosina Patterson Trust RI $10,000 - $24,999 T I N E, $100 - $499 Mrs. Frances Abeel Mr. Eduardo V. Acebal 11 L F Ms. Josette Estes Phelps Family Mrs. Joan Farrell Mr. & Mrs. John Faustini Mrs. Katherine Favreau Mrs. Shirley Fewox Sister Esther Flanagan, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. David T. Foley Ms. Mary-Elaine Foster Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frawley Mr. & Mrs. William E. Frazel Mrs. Claire J. Fredette Mr. & Mrs. Guy K. Gallina Ms. Carole L. Gefvert Mr. & Mrs. David P. Georges Mrs. Bana Ghioto Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ghiotto, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. William M. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goodbread Anne Marie Goyke Ms. Anne B Grix Ms. Martha L. Guardado Joe & Sevie Gullette Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gwiazda Ms. Debrah A. Halderman Mr. Russell D. Hall Sister Anne Halpin, O.P. Miss Northilt Handwerck Robert Harbison Mrs. Mary Hare Ms. Kathleen A. Heimbach Mrs. Dolores Henderson Robert Henry Mr. & Mrs. Bertram J. Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Herndon, Jr. Hilda Herrera Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Herring Ms. Constance Higgins Joan Hitzges Mr. & Mrs. John Hoppes Mary Horner Frances Horswood Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Hrezo Ms. Joan Hubal Lauree & Michael Huiras Ms. Elizabeth T. Hults Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Hynes Mr. Joseph J. Jenner Diana Jertson Derran Johns Mr. & Mrs. Michael Johns Mrs. Susan Louise Johnson Janet Jordan Mr. James Kaelin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Kane Mr. Julian T. Kelly Ms. Patricia Kelly C. Joan Kenny Sister Margaret Killilea, SSJ Ms. Carrie Kincade Knights of Columbus Assembly #2951 Knights of Columbus, Prince of Peace #8791 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred W. Kraft Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kupiszewski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rick Larson Ms. Mary K. Launer Eileen Leahy Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Leboeuf Miriam Leechen Mary Jane LePoer Mr. & Mrs. John Ligas Nellita Moore Link Ms. Sonjia Little Mr. & Mrs. John R. Long Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Long Mr. Frank A. Lorenz Mr. & Mrs. Lewis S. Lovegrove Mr. & Mrs. Fernando A. Lozano Cecelia M. Lundin Ms. Anne Lyden Sister Margaret Mary Lyons, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Jovito Macam Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Macione Ms. Sheryl D. Macri Sister Mary David Magee, SSJ Mr. Donald M. Mancosh Mark Mandic Sister Mary Henrietta Manucy, SSJ Manucy Roofing Inc Dorothy E. Mark Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy & Ann Masters Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Winters Sister Ann Raymond Wood, SSJ Ms. Madonna Woods Ms. Louise R. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Yeager Rev. Dennis Young Mr. William F. Young, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zambetti Myriam Zukoski $99 or less S T f . JO o S R S E O U US RI S T. A G DA • SIS T Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Ali Ms. Betty Altee Mr. & Mrs. John G. Amberson Mr. & Mrs. Walton Anderson Lee Y. Avizinis Sister Marie Rene Azar, SSJ Sister Mary Victor Azar, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bachmann Ms. Jacquelyn A. Bailey Mr. Ravenel Ball Sherry Barber Mr. & Mrs. Craig B. Barker Leo and Joanne Bergin Mrs. Nancy T. Bergmann Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Biliter, III BK Class of 65 Cash Donations Mr. & Mrs. James M. Bolin Mr. & Mrs. Rodney M. Borom Ms. Aline C. Boulay Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bourbon Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Brennan Ms. Ann S. Brown Ms. Mary G. M. Brown Mrs. Nettie R. Brown Ms. Rachel Brown Mr. Fred Brusnahan Rev. Dung Bui Mr. & Mrs. Charles Butcher Mr. & Mrs. John R. Canupp Ms. Mary Denise Carleton Mrs. Catherine Carryl Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Cekosh Mrs. Dorothy A. Celano Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Chamberlain LTC Jessica Chapman, USAR Ret. Matilda Chibas Mercedes Chibas Mr. Peter Joseph Clark Mr. & Mrs. Tim Clifton Ms. Elizabeth B. Cline Mrs. Margaret S. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Joel G. Comia Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Comish, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O. Connor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Conroy Ms. Patricia M. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Warren Cook Mr. & Mrs. James L. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Norman Coquyt Mrs. Lucy S. Corn Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Coryn Aniana Cosme Mr. & Mrs. Rick E. Cowman Mr. & Mrs. Luciano M. Cruz Mr. James Curington Mr. & Mrs. James L. Curren Dr. & Mrs. Richard Curtis Mr. & Mrs. John Danahy Mrs. Frances Danese Mrs. Helon Hartley Danese Dr. Mary Danese Mr. Joseph Dasher Mr. & Mrs. Al Delaparte Mr. Thomas J. DelVecchio Mrs. Juanita Z. Desantiago Mrs. John Desvousges Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Dezsi Mr. & Mrs. Caesar Dimonda Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Dimonda Mrs. Phyllis F. Domenico Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Doran Ms. Kimberly Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. John Drury Ms. Kelly J. Edmonson Ms. Theresa Elder Sister Joan of Arc Englert, SSJ Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Ms. Mary Alice Erwin Mr. & Mrs. Don Eshelman Mr. Bernard E. Mayer Mr. Brendan M. McCann Ms. Donna A. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Robert McHale Mr. & Mrs. William J. McMenamy Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Meagher Sister Josephine Marie Melican, SSJ Ms. Olga Menendez Mercy Hospital, Miami Ms. Mary Cecilia Midgett Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Eric Miller Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Miller Mr. Walter E. Miller Ms. Diane F. Milone Mr. & Mrs. John F. Molley Mr. & Mrs. James Monahan Ms. Anita Paone Morris Mr. Edward Morris Ms. Monica P. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Don Mulholland Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Mullaney Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mullins Marie Nader Ms. Diana R. Nessmith Mr. & Mrs. Gennaro L. Nettuno Sister Joyce Marie Newton, SSJ Sister Mary Loyce Newton, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Nowacki Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Rev. Charles Padathuruthy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Paolo Patricia Lee Parmerlee Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Edward Parry Mr. & Mrs. Edward O. Pate, Jr. Sister Mary Lyn Payette, SSJ Ms. Yvonne N. Pearrow Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pellicer Mr. & Mrs. Jack Penney, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Perrin Thomas Pfeufer Ms. Ann Ping Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Pleiman Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Powers Mrs. Florence Powers Frances Quesada Ms. Patricia K. Quin Mrs. Thomas Quinby Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reese Mr. & Mrs. Robert Regel Ms. Lydia D. Rendon LT USN Ret Thomas E. Riddle Stephanie Riley Josephine Rinkerman Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Riordan Ms. Maria M. Rodriguez Ms. Marianne Rogero Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Roskell Phyllis Rotunno Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Rouse Adele Azar Rucquoi Mrs. Mary Alan Russell Jody Ryan Mr. Bernard H. Sans, Jr. Ms. Ilene Schiffer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Schreiber Ms. Nancy Sciurba Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Scott Marie C. Shank Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Shaw Ms. Patricia Shields Ms. Nancy Silveira Felix Simon Ms. Collen Y. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Terrence L. Soldo Dorothy Sperber Brian and Yvonne Spillers St. Edward Catholic Church St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Miami St. Johns Food Service St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bradenton St. Pius V Catholic School Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stadelmaier Nariki Stern Ms. Mary D. Stevens Jacqueline Stoecker Ms. Kelli Griffin Stokes Mrs. Ann King Stone Ms. Gladys Straub Mr. & Mrs. Darren K. Stricklen Mr. Henry Sullivan H• EP Mrs. Iris Maldonado Dr. Stephen E. Mandia, M.D. Mr. Patrick Mayhew Ms. Brenda McClure Mr. & Mrs. Steve M. McCown Ms. Margaret Pellicer McCully Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. McDaniel Rev. John McElroy Mrs. Jeanette Meisel Ms. Claire Mencke Ms. Gail Cowart Middleton Mr. Daniel L. Miller Mrs. Judy Mills Mary Minnet Miss Florence Misselwitz Col (Ret) & Mrs. Charles Mooney Dr. Carlota E. Morales Thomas Morris Mrs. Susanne Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Norley Mr. & Mrs. Jude Nwoga Mr. & Mrs. David O’Byrne Ms. Joan Ondrovic Mr. & Mrs. John E. Oneil Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Paine Rev. Anthony Palazzolo Michael Palumbo Susan K. Paris Mr. & Mrs. Charles Parliment, III Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pellicer Mr. & Mrs. Luis Perez Ms. Amy Ford Petz Mrs. Eileen June Pinard Mr. & Mrs. Alyn E. Pope Mrs. William Racca Mr. & Mrs. Allan Ramos Marilyn Rath Ms. Mary K. Reihel Ms. Janet A. Renuart Mr. John Richards Mrs. Patricia P. Richens Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Francis E. Riley Mary Ritter Mrs. Jo Ann Roberts Patricia Roloff Duffy Ronayne Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rosasco Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ryan Sacred Heart Council of Catholic Women San Juan del Rio Catholic Church Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Schollmeyer Ms. Lorraine H. Scruby Cynthia T. Sharpe Mr. Robert E. Shawen Mary N. Shinn Mr. & Mrs. Carl Simone Mrs. Angela M. Sinnott Mr. Joseph Skapyak Mrs. Mercedes Smith Mr. & Mrs. John E. Speciale Springfield Superette St Paul’s Council of Catholic Women St. Anastasia Catholic Church St. Ignatius Kim Mission St. Mary Catholic Church, Tampa St. Paul’s Council of Catholic Women St. William Catholic Church Ms. Josephine Stankiewicz Mr. Stephen Stankiewicz Mr. William Steckroth Mr. Jon Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Szwerluga Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Taranto Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Tassone The Cathedral Altar Guild Mr. & Mrs. John A. Thompson, Jr. Tlay Healthcare Services Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tompkins Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Torchia Mr. & Mrs. Louis Trad Ms. Pauline Twadell Mr. & Mrs. Harold and Elizabeth Ulich Ms. Lois Caufield Ventimiglia P.S. Vincent David R. Vlaming Mr. John Walker Ms. Joanna M. Weinberger Mary Weisend Mr. Mark A. Werner Mrs. Margaret K. Wetterer Mrs. Maurianna Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Winslow T I N E, 12 L F Thelma Alvarado Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Esther Alvarez Miriam Leechen S T f . JO o S R S E Cecilia Gulas Cynthia T. Sharpe Dan Halpin Sister Anne Halpin, O.P. Nancy Hoffmann Ms. Cheryl Sansone Saundra Huiras Lauree & Michael Huiras Yvonne Huiras Lauree & Michael Huiras Betty Oliver Mrs. Jo Ann Roberts Parents of Dr. Stephen E. Mandia Dr. Stephen E. Mandia, M.D. Sister Edith Paschall, SSJ Ms. Diane Herbert Sister Suzy Janis Sister Anne Halpin, O.P. Dianna Jertson Lauree & Michael Huiras Diana Jertson S T. A Sophia Barber Ms. Cheryl Sansone Sister Rita Baum, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. James Baum Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred W. Kraft Cecelia M. Lundin Sister Catherine Bitzer, SSJ Lia Guerra Ms. Sonjia Little Sally Burk Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Marian Burkhardt Mr. T. Brookes Burkhardt Florence Misselwitz Miss Florence Misselwitz Rev. William Mooney Cathy Windish Rev. Terry Morgan Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Nicholas Mormand Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Char Nal Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Joseph Newton Sister Joyce Marie Newton, SSJ Sister Joyce Marie Newton, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Schollmeyer Sister Loyce Newton, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Newton Sister Joyce Marie Newton, SSJ Tony & Joan Newton Sister Joyce Marie Newton, SSJ Sister Kathleen Carr, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Goudis Sister Barbara Cekosh, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Max E. Lovell Melanie Crane Ms. Cheryl Sansone Patrick Diggin Eileen Leahy Julie Dimuro Laura Winszom Edwards Family Cathy Windish Andria Erickson Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Don Erickson Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Karl & Mary Erickson Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Bishop Felipe Estévez Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Sister Marie Therese Evrard, SSJ Ms. Jacquelyn A. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Buttner Maj. & Mrs. Robert F. Coleman, Ret. Rev. Jeff Johnston Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Michael Jones Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Powers Sisters of Saint Joseph Mrs. Mary A. Craft Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baumgartner Mrs. Euna Ann Kuske 2013 Jubilarians Holy Family Catholic Church, Williston, FL Msgr. Eugene C. Kohls St. John Neumann, Miami Mrs. Anne L. Sulzbacher Rev. James Kaniparampil, CMI Our Lady of Lourdes Convent US Madeline Riley Stephanie Riley Rev. Rene Robert Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Mrs. H. Rossiter Sister Eileen Marie Flanagan, SSJ Rita Taylor and Family Dr. Mary Danese Mike & Andria Thornton Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Patricia Topping Mrs. Robert Topping Barbara Torp Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Alice Tossi Sister Margaret Killilea, SSJ All the Sisters who touched my life Mrs. Eileen June Pinard Gertrud Troy Mr. & Mrs. John La Rue Sister Caroline Tucker, SSJ Mrs. Joyce A. Gibson Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn John Peter Turner Cynthia T. Sharpe Mr. C. E. Wallace, Jr. Mrs. Elsie Wallace Green Mr. Dave Wehking Mr. Donald S. Wehking Mary F. Weisend Sister Ann Raymond Wood, SSJ Rev. Tom Willis Our Lady of Lourdes Convent Mr. William F. Young, Sr. Robert Wilson Mr. Russell D. Hall Deborah Wiseman Mr. Donald S. Wehking Sister Ann Raymond Wood, SSJ Mary Weisend Sister Elizabeth Anne Worley, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Gaston O. Daumy Flora Center for Theological Studies, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Foy Mrs. Joyce A. Gibson Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Keane Brian Kiedrowski Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rosasco Lt. Col. (ret) Frank Worley Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archdiocese of Miami Mrs. Gail Wyatt Mrs. Elsie Wallace Green O G U Paul Burnett, Sr Joe & Sevie Gullette Sister Josepha Butterfield, SSJ Ms. Brenda McClure Greg & Ann Payette Sister Mary Lyn Payette, SSJ Sister Marlene Payette, SSJ Sister Mary Lyn Payette, SSJ Josephine O'Neill Quinby Mrs. Thomas Quinby Georgiana Reinhardt Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Jan Jertson Lauree & Michael Huiras Elizabeth Strohfeldt Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Paul Strohfeldt Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson William Strohfeldt Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Marie Svaldi Sister St. Margaret Zapf, SSJ Michael Svaldi Marie Svaldi DA The following individuals were honored by family and friends. They are remembered in the Sister's daily prayers. Gifts from July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 Sister Jane Stoecker, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baumgartner Linnea Blechschmidt Mrs. Joyce A. Gibson Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn Knights of Columbus Council # 6108 Sister Josephine Marie Melican, SSJ Jacqueline Stoecker Charles Strohfeldt Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Chester Strohfeldt Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Christina Strohfeldt Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson RI • SIS T IN HONOR DONATIONS Sister Elizabeth Ann McCormick, SSJ Ms. Marion C. Donahue Sister Thomas Joseph McGoldrick, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. James O. Boisi Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ghioto Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Hildebrand Mr. Barton Lanahan Ms. Lorraine H. Scruby Mr. Maurice Terbrueggen Ms. Louise R. Wright Bishop Kenny Class of 1964 Joan & John Meic Sister Mary Loyce Newton, SSJ Sister Josephine Marie Melican, SSJ Mrs. Camille Berley Ms. Margaret Pellicer McCully Sisters of St. Joseph Ministries St Paul's Council of Catholic Women Dr. & Mrs. Richard Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Delgrego Ms. Martha E. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Hynes Ms. Anne Lyden Ms. Gail Cowart Middleton Mary Ritter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zambetti The Riley Family Stephanie Riley Arleen & Walter Filipski Sister Joyce Marie Newton, SSJ Sister Eileen Marie Flanagan, SSJ Mrs. Joyce A. Gibson Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn Mr. Francis Flanagan Sisters Eileen Marie and Mary Esther Flanagan, SSJ SSJ Postulant Grace Ford Holy Trinity Assembly Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus Assembly Knights of Columbus Daytona Beach Knights of Columbus, Prince of Peace Sister Suzan Foster, SSJ Ms. Diane Herbert Rev. James N. Gelson, S.J. Ms. Cheryl Sansone M. Griffin Sister Margaret Killilea, SSJ H• EP Marie Svaldi Mrs. Kathleen Swanson Mr. & Mrs. William Swanson Ms. Constance E. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Lucien M. Tchuisse Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Thompson Mary Tinto Dr. Siham Toma Mrs. Robert Topping Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Triay Mr. Fernando E. Villamor Mrs. Mildred Wampler Mrs. Michelle Puckett Ward Ms. Patricia Ware Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Welch Ms. Marilyn Wheeler Ms. Elizabeth White Mr. & Mrs. George R. White Mr. & Mrs. John C. White, Sr. Pilar Willis Cathy Windish Laura Winszom Mr. & Mrs. Dennis N. Witt, Jr. Ms. Carolyn Wixted Mr. & Mrs. Robert A, Wojciechowski, Jr. Ms. Margaret M. Wolfner Ms. Josephine B. Yatco Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Yoakley Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Yob Mary Kathryn Young Mr. Ronald Zamora Sister St. Margaret Zapf, SSJ Margaret Zarka T I N E, L F Alex and Angelica Rozwadowski Diana Jertson Laura Russ Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson Maria Sansone Ms. Cheryl Sansone Michael and Erika Sansone Ms. Cheryl Sansone Sister Margaret Killilea, SSJ Mrs. Nancy T. Bergmann Sister Marie LaSalette, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Poli Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Libby, and Children Mrs. Elsie Wallace Green Michael Schafer Lauree & Michael Huiras Angela & Tony Lynch Margaret Zarka Sister Margaret Mary Lyons, SSJ Mrs. Joan Farrell Sr. Elizabeth Marie Stoup, SSJ Ms. Anne Lyden Jeremy and Mark Mr. & Mrs. Max E. Lovell Sister Martine Mr. Frank A. Lorenz Sister Mary Trinita McCarthy, SSJ Mrs. Joyce A. Gibson Ms. Kathryn Harding Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn Mr. & Mrs. Lewis S. Lovegrove Joe Segui Mr. & Mrs. John Hoppes Retired Sisters of St. Joseph Jeanette Friedheim Mr. & Mrs. H. Clay Gooch, Jr. Mr. Donald Heine Mr. & Mrs. Guenter Hennig Rev. Richard Pagano Sisters of St. Joseph Mr. Russell D. Hall St. Joseph Academy Alumni Knights Of Columbus #7121 Ellie & Tom Steffens Lt. Col. (ret) & Mrs. Karl & Margo Erickson 13 Dav Zapf Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Winslow Sister St. Margaret Zapf Ms. Mary-Elaine Foster Mr. & Mrs. Luis Perez Cathy Windish Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Winslow Mr. & Mrs. John J. Zapf Sister Mary Albert, SSJ Mr. James R. Lussier Mrs. LaVerne Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy & Ann Masters Marie Nader Ms. Yvonne N. Pearrow Naim & Emily Azar Sister Marie Rene Azar, SSJ Sister Mary Victor Azar, SSJ Helen C.S. Baker Mr. Donald S. Wehking Sister Anna Theresa Cullen, SSJ Miss Northilt Handwerck Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn Joseph Riffe Mrs. Mercedes Smith Brian Cumming Mr. & Mrs. Bertram J. Hernandez Sister Hannah Daly, SSJ Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Robert William Dammons Marie Svaldi S T f . JO o S R S E Morris Hall Mr. Russell D. Hall Mr. Jack Halpin Sister Anne Halpin, O.P. Adelae Hartley Mr. Russell D. Hall Elwood Hartley Mr. Russell D. Hall Emanuel Danese Mrs. Helon Hartley Danese John B. Danese Mrs. Frances Danese Robert F. Danese Mrs. Frances Danese Robert M. Danese Mrs. Frances Danese Rev. F Haryasz Mr. & Mrs. Maciej Ombach Helen M. Hazel Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hazel Sister M. Boniface Hehir, SSJ Ms. Mary Cecilia Midgett Geraldine Dasher Mr. Joseph Dasher Mildred Day Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zambetti Deceased Sisters of St. Joseph ANONYMOUS Claire DeRasmi Mr. & Mrs. William T. Saeger Mr. & Mrs. J. Derham Mr. & Mrs. Carl Simone Patrick Diggin Eileen Leahy Joseph & Lena Dillinger Mrs. Michelle Puckett Ward Rusty Dirlam Mr. John Richards • SIS T Alice Brantley Mr. Donald S. Wehking Larry Graham Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Mullaney George Green, Jr. Mrs. Elsie Wallace Green Evon Hall Mr. Russell D. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Poli Mr. & Mrs. John E. Speciale Mr. Donald S. Wehking Josh Hall Mr. Russell D. Hall Maiure Hall Mr. Russell D. Hall Sally Henshaw Cathy Windish Mr. Robert Herring Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Herring Frank & Julia Hicks Mary Weisend Patty Bolton Hinkle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frawley Tuggle Int-Hout Cynthia T. Sharpe Ruben P. Johnson Mrs. Susan Louise Johnson Louis Joseph Springfield Superette S T. A Florence Bowen Mr. James R. Lussier Michael S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F Paolo Mrs. Joan Buning Ms. Heather Black Ms. Mary Ellen Buning Ms. Carole L. Gefvert Mr. & Mrs. Edward H Yob Lucille Doychak Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Winslow Edward Charles Drozd, Sr. Mrs. Edward C. Drozd Sister Kateri Leslee S. Hoover Mary Rae Keene Ms. Diane Herbert Terri Kehoe Mrs. G. Ponce Kehoe Mother Louis Edwin Dumm, SSJ Sister Joan of Arc Englert, SSJ Sister Mary Magdalen Eisele, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Coryn Rev. Robert B. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Don Mulholland Sister Mary Eleanor, SSJ Dr. Carlota E. Morales Sister Mary Ester Frances Horswood G US Jane Evrard Mrs. Almarie Ponce Colee Jim and Jane Evrard Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Kane The Farnell Family Mrs. Dorothy A. Celano Carl and Elma Ferrazz Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Paine John & Mary Finan Eileen Leahy Mr. Richard Gaines Mrs. C. Thomas Crabtree Mario Gallasso Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Herring Sister Christine Kelly, SSJ Robert Harbison Mrs. Dolores Henderson Cynthia T. Sharpe Mrs. Margaret K. Wetterer Elizabeth Kennedy Mrs. Mary R. Slattery Gertrude Kennedy Mrs. Mary R. Slattery Deceased Kenny Family C. Joan Kenny Jean Klekotta Mr. Joseph Klekotta T I N E, Cynthia Pellicer McEver Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pellicer Tom and Muriel Meehan Mr. Peter Meehan Rose, Eddie and Jesse Mello Ms. Cheryl Sansone Joe Mills Mrs. Judy Mills Tinto and Minerva Families Mary Tinto Nell Morton Ms. Lois Caufield Ventimiglia The Motter and Moore Families Mr. & Mrs. Richard Motter Sister Bertilla Murphy, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown M.K. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John Danahy Mrs. Kathleen Swanson Mr. Donald S. Wehking Anthony Newton Sister Mary Loyce Newton, SSJ L F Helena and Joseph Kostecki Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kupiszewski, Jr. Judith Kozak Lauree & Michael Huiras Sister Lorraine Kraverath, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Nowacki Joanna & Stanley Kupiszewski Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kupiszewski, Jr. 14 Mr. Jim Masters Mr. Donald S. Wehking Mrs. Jacqueline McCann Mr. Brendan M. McCann Julia McCaskill Mr. & Mrs. Frank Corso Elsie & Tom Morris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Morris Bill Kline Mrs. Valerie A. Kline Debra J Kolanek Margaret Zarka Emma Gase Mr. & Mrs. Art Gase Joseph Ghioto Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ghioto Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ghiotto, Sr. Mary Ghioto Mr. Ralph C. Ghioto, Jr. John, Wally and Andy Lundin Cecelia M. Lundin Magee Family Sister Mary David Magee, SSJ Gilbert Manucy Mrs. Jean Carcaba Mrs. Mildred Wampler Mr. Donald S. Wehking The Manucy Family Sister Mary Henrietta Manucy, SSJ Mr. Henri A. Monteau Mrs. Henri Monteau Sister Mary Josephine, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. John E. Chatfield June Drozd Mrs. Jo Ann Roberts U Patricia Burch Mrs. Lucy S. Corn Paul Welborn Burnett, Sr. Manucy Roofing Inc Mr. Donald S. Wehking Jeffrey Canaday Ms. Sally A. Canaday Susie M. Carcaba Mr. Eduardo F. Carcaba, Jr. William Carcaba Mr. Donald S. Wehking Sister Teresa Carmel, SSJ Mr. William E. Falck John and Mary Caufield Ms. Lois Caufield Ventimiglia Family Celano Mrs. Dorothy A. Celano Sister Mary Bernard Christ, SSJ Ms. Elizabeth A. Rice Ms. Mary E. Rice Sister Breedeen Connolly, SSJ Matilda Chibas Mercedes Chibas Mr. & Mrs. Lewis S. Lovegrove Clelia Cook Frances Quesada Patricia Corrigan Ms. Mary P. Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Corrigan James Lorenz Mr. Frank A. Lorenz Doris Loveland Mr. Dean W. Loveland Sister Mary James Lowery Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Perrin H• EP Leonard Bancroft Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Bixler Sister Charles Marie Bartok, SSJ Ms. Patricia Gauvey Mr. Donald Barton Mrs. C. Thomas Crabtree Joe & Agnes Baum Mr. & Mrs. James Baum Ronald Bishop Ms. Patricia Shields Roy & Marge Bixler Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Bixler Stephen Bixler Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Bixler James Boisi Mr. & Mrs. James O. Boisi Thelma Coyne Mrs. John Desvousges Dorothy Sperber Ms. Mary D. Stevens Gus Craig Mr. Russell D. Hall Teresa & Patricia Leahy Eileen Leahy Sister Mary Leonard, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ghioto DA The following individuals were honored with memorial gifts and have a special place in our daily prayers. We pray for their eternal rest. Gifts from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 Christine Abeel Mrs. Frances Abeel Gail Acebal Mr. Eduardo V. Acebal Wilford W. Ghioto, Sr. Mrs. Bana Ghioto Sister Edith Gonzalez, SSJ Sister Margaret M. Lyons, SSJ Kyle Good Cathy Windish RI IN MEMORY DONATIONS Edgar Cowart St. Edward Catholic Church Sister Mary Bernadette O'Crowley Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gross Sister Louis Angela O'Donovan, SSJ Frances Horswood Sister Mary Ethelburga O'Shaughnessy, SSJ Ms. Rosa Beasley Mr. Brian J. Callaghan Robert Harbison Mr. & Mrs. Dave Look O Isaac & Sadie Zarka Margaret Zarka Sr. Mary Christine Zimorski Mrs. Maurianna Wilson Mary O'Sullivan Sister Mary David Magee, SSJ Mr. Lawrence Paine Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Paine Deceased Parents of Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Yeager Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Yeager Clark Cooper Pellicer Ms. Margaret Pellicer McCully Goodson and Hilda Pellicer Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pellicer Margaret Pellicer Ms. Margaret Pellicer McCully Ms. Mary K. Reihel Margaret Filkens Pellicer Ms. Margaret Pellicer McCully Mrs. Jeanne Perrine Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn Mrs. Barbara Ponce Mrs. Camille Crabtree Horn Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Mullaney Tommy Powers Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Powers Sister Juliann Preuss, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Szwerluga Peggy Quinby Mrs. Thomas Quinby Sister Mary Regina, SSJ Ms. Connie A Carlton Mrs. Hilde Reichenstein Rev. Charles Padathuruthy Mary Catherine & Joseph Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Prince Sister Luca Rice, SSJ Ms. Sally A. Canaday Mr. Charles Robshaw Mr. Donald S. Wehking Juanita Rodrigues Dr. & Mrs. Santiago A. Rosado Ricardo Rodriguez Miriam Leechen Mr. Don Roebig Ms. Patricia Ware Ray Jr. & Ruth Wood Mary Weisend Ray & Henrietta Wood Mary Weisend Sister Ann Raymond Wood, SSJ Veronica Wood Mrs. Almarie Ponce Colee Thomas Worley Ms. Claire Mencke Elizabeth & Michael Yost Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Morris Sister Mary Vincent, SSJ Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lee Dav Wehking Mr. Donald S. Wehking Diane Wehking Mr. Donald S. Wehking Gene Wehking Mr. Donald S. Wehking John & Alberta Weisend Mary Weisend Robert & Ruth Weisend Mary Weisend Virginia Weisend Mary Weisend Walter & Anna Weisend Mary Weisend Mrs. Irene Talbot Ms. Elizabeth White N. Todd Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Mullaney Scott Torano Mary Jane LePoer Florence Torchia Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Torchia Mary Grady Triay Mr. Donald S. Wehking Mr. Thomas Joseph Troy Mr. & Mrs. John La Rue S T f . JO o S R S E Catherine and Al Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Williamson Agnes & John Winslow Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Winslow Rita & Jay Wise Margaret Zarka Raymond Wixted Ms. Carolyn Wixted Bill Young Mr. Russell D. Hall Mrs. Mary Lea Zamora Mr. Ronald Zamora Mr. and Mrs. Max P. Zapf Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Winslow Lewis Zarka Margaret Zarka Suzie Zarka Margaret Zarka Maria Zurkouc Mark Mandic H• EP Catherine Sanchez Mrs. Jean Carcaba Joseph Earl Turner Cynthia T. Sharpe Rose Turner Cynthia T. Sharpe Mary Villalobos Brian Kiedrowski Wayne Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Frankel Cynthia T. Sharpe Frank Shoals Mr. Donald S. Wehking Ruth Skapyak Mr. Joseph Skapyak Mary Jane Slattery Mrs. Mary R. Slattery Neil Slattery Mrs. Mary R. Slattery Michael Smith Mrs. Mercedes Smith Thomas Stern Nariki Stern • SIS T Klem Rourke Mrs. Mary R. Slattery Richard A. Russell Mrs. Mary Alan Russell Karen Ryan Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ryan Albert Sansone Ms. Cheryl Sansone STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTABILITY SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH - DEVELOPMENT OFFICE BALANCE BEGINNING OF YEAR 83,628.75 CONTRIBUTIONS DURING YEAR 372,670.23 ___________ TOTAL456,298.98 RI S T. A FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 DA PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2014 REVENUE DISTRIBUTIONS U G Restricted Funds Expense O’Reilly Museum Donations Jubilee US O Value of Donated Property 100,000.00 6,059.65 T I N E, L F 7,195.00 Our Lady of Lourdes Convent - Special Project 27,230.00 Vocations 0.00 Restricted Funds 2,502.05 Villa Flora - Brown Hall 6,768.67 Jubilee 6,650.00 O’Reilly Museum 25,231.51 Vocations 1,550.00 Our Lady of Lourdes Convent - Spec Project 12,140.72 Villa Flora - Brown Hall 11,112.00 Maris Stella Convent 10,000.00 Maris Stella Convent 11,160.00 VF BH Renewal Center VF BH Renewal Center Motherhouse - Special Projects 46,745.00 3,625.00 744.90 Retirement 29,659.44 Rosina Patterson Scholarship Unrestricted 157,802.32 Retirement to CCS Trust 29,659.44 Rosina Patterson Scholarship Fund Designated 11,762.48 5,319.77 3,641.90 Motherhouse Special Project 10,000.00 Restricted 4,152.05 Unrestricted Srs Ministries 1,997.64 _________ TOTAL 372,670.23 Development Operating Expense 79,328.11 239,367.42 _________ 15 NET BALANCE AS OF 6/30/14 216,931.56 US O U G RI S T. A DA • SIS T of ST. JO S H• EP S ER T I N E, F L Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine Office of Mission Advancement Post Office Box 3506 St. Augustine, FL 32085 904-824-9100 • ssjfl.org St. James Catholic School, Miami By Sister Kathleen Carr, Vice Principal “Let the children come to me.” This scripture quote from the Gospel of Luke contains the words that the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine, Florida, have embraced and lived since they began their ministry at St. James Catholic School, seventeen years ago. The school is located in North Miami and serves a very high percentage of children from the Haitian community. Let the children come and grow in faith, knowledge, and service. Most of the 425 children come from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Even though many of them are poor, they are rich in so many ways. Sister Stephanie Flynn, Principal, and Sister Kathleen Carr, Vice Principal, have been serving our “dear neighbors” at St. James where they bring life to the SSJ charism. In addition to great academic excellence and good discipline, St. James students are also well known for helping to support the needs of those less fortunate. They also have a deep spirituality and love to praise the Lord in song and worship. The Sisters who minister at St. James are grateful for the gift of working and living among God’s children. Sr. Stephanie rejoices with her students as they win first place in the Academic Olympics Sister Mary Christine and three of 42 stained glass windows needing repair This old house needs help The students at St. James are grateful that they can pray in school. Sr. Stephanie encourages one of her students to read and succeed. By George Gardner, Former Mayor of St. Augustine, St. Augustine Report There are 42 stained glass windows, parquet floors, transoms, narrow doorways, bead board ceilings and walls, and intricate brass doorplates and handles, an above ground basement with a coquina fireplace, two main floor fireplaces, and a pine staircase. She’s served as a dormitory, novitiate and now a Renewal Center. At 116 years old, she needs help. Those window frames are falling apart, the roof leaks, the back porch sags. Sister Mary Christine Zimorski made the presentation at a Thursday night reception to seek community help with a $575,000 renovation budget for Villa Flora on St. George Street. The Sisters of St. Joseph hope for a $287,500 state grant to be matched by donations to complete the work in time for the city’s 450th anniversary in September, 2015. Checks can be made payable to Sisters of St. Joseph, 234 St. George St., St. Augustine, FL 32084. Sr. Kathleen listens as her 8th grade students share from their hearts. 16