OrthoNews July 2015 - VCU School of Dentistry


OrthoNews July 2015 - VCU School of Dentistry
July 2015
Greetings from the Department
Once again, it is my pleasure to be able to
welcome you to the latest installment of the VCU
Orthodontic newsletter. Thanks to Ali Best (Class
of 2016), now a senior resident, for putting this
compilation together. Here in Richmond, it seems
we are always busy with something new. Two
weeks ago, the Class of 2015 graduated at The
Jefferson, and now the Class of 2017 is at work
getting their first taste of orthodontics in lectures,
seminars, and biomechanics marathons. Soon,
they will be seeing their first patients. Right
before graduation, Dr. Shroff and I were in
Orlando, attending the last planning meeting for the AAO Annual Session for 2016. We
are serving as co-Chairs for the Doctor’s Program and Morris Poole (father of THE
Morris Poole – Class of 2010) will preside over the entire session. I hope all of you will
be able to attend the AAO in Orlando (April 30-May 3, 2016); the program and events
planned will be absolutely spectacular. Of course, the AAO has secured Sea World AND
Universal Studios for the opening ceremonies and the gala (tickets included in the
registration fee), respectively, and you know that makes me very excited.
On a sadder note, I need to inform you of the passing of Dr. Thomas W Peterson, Class
of 1965, on July 8, 2015. Tom was always passionate about the MCV Orthodontic
Program and especially the Orthodontic Foundation, which he helped to found. He
was one of its most supportive and outspoken members, having graduated in our first
class almost exactly 50 years ago.
In this issue:
2014 Endowment Fund
Congratulations 2015
New Faces in the
Class of 2016
Class of 2017
Foundation Meeting 2015
and 2016
Department Photos
VCU Residents at the Graduate Orthodontics
Residents Program
Every year, the residents attend
GORP, the Graduate Orthodontics
Residents Program, where they
have the opportunity to attend
orthodontic lectures, interact with
a long list of company
representatives, and meet many
of their future colleagues. This
past year, the meeting was held at
the University of Michigan in Ann
Arbor, Michigan. The residents attended lectures related to TADs and patient
management, while at the same time fostering relationships with other residents
and orthodontic representatives. They also had a chance to go ice skating and attend
a soccer game between Real Madrid and Manchester United!
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July 2015
Endowment Fund Contributions
Thank you to the following individuals for your generous support of the Endowment Fund.
Class of 1966
Andrew McDaniel
Class of 1967
Lloyd A. Green
Class of 1973
Perry D. Mowbray, Jr.
Class of 1976
Rodney J. Klima
James L. Riley
Class of 1979
Steven G. Garrett
William C. Richardson
Class of 1980
Cramer L. Boswell
John W. King
Class of 1982
Stephen G. Alvis
Maston R. McCorkle, Jr.
Class of 1984
Lina A. Johnson
Samuel G. Koonce
Class of 1985
Curtis B. Wiltshire
Class of 1986
Patrick W. Dwyer
Steven P. Hearne
Class of 1987
Bruce E. Bentley
William E. Crutchfield
Frances M. Kray
Class of 1988
Pamela F. Regimbal
Loretta K. Rubenstein
Class of 1989
Vicki Ann Ross
Class of 1990
Judy R. Lynch
Dale C. Rogers
Class of 1991
Sherri L. Wilkerson-Cox
Class of 1992
George J. Sabol, III
Class of 1993
Charles R. Macon
Donna L. Panucci
Joe Rebellato
Class of 1994
Bryan A. Brassington
David M. McInnis
Britt E. Visser
Katherine M. Vroom
Class of 1995
Elizabeth W. Mei
L. Sean Mullins
William N. Prillaman, II
Class of 1996
Barton D. Weis
Boyd D. Welton
Class of 1997
Jeffrey W. Beyer
Class of 1998
Henry D. Browning, IV
Theodore J. McCaskey
Kent M. Underwood
Craig L. Willis
Class of 1999
Todd A. Harmon
Erin L. McCutchen
Anthony Peluso
Alfred A. Thresher
Class of 2000
James C. Chapman
Kevin R. DeLane
Kevin C. Duffy
Class of 2001
Holly H. Anderson
David R. Hughes
Allison Smith Purcell
Class of 2002
Frank P. Iuorno, Jr.
Class of 2003
Dwight V. Buelow
Grant G. Coleman
Sheldon L. Peck
Class of 2004
Diana M. Almy
Bryan P. Horsley
Shannon M. Lewis
Michael D. Payne
Class of 2005
Daniel J. Lill
Class of 2006
Zachary A. Casagrande
Elijah B. Saikaly
Class of 2007
Jason T. Gladwell
T. Luke Roberts, IV
Class of 2009
Blake J. Maxfield
Class of 2010
Morris L. Poole
Class of 2011
Larry D. Scarborough, Jr.
Class of 2012
David L. Jones
Class of 2013
Gillian R. Kelly
Steven J. Lindauer
Richard M. Marcus
Would you like to contribute to the success of the
department? Gifts to the Virginia Orthodontic
Education and Research Foundation help promote
education and provide funding to support the VCU
Department of Orthodontics and its residents, and the
scientific programs sponsored by the Foundation.
Click here to donate
to the Endowment
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July 2015
Congratulations 2015 Graduates!
Elvi was born and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia. After high school she went on to attend
the University of Virginia where she earned a B.S. in Biology. She then moved from
Charlottesville to Richmond to attend VCU School of Dentistry and was fortunate enough to
continue her orthodontic training at VCU. During residency, she successfully defended her
thesis entitled "Esthetic Preferences of Incisor Labiolingual Inclination Across Races."
Although she will miss her family and friends in Virginia, Elvi is excited to start her
orthodontic career in Portland, Oregon!
Dr. Elvi Barcoma
Dr. James Blackburn
Dr. Joseph Eliason
Dr. Matthew Sandretti
James grew up in Glendora, California and after graduating from high school in 2004, he
spent two years in Malaysia where he became fluent in Bahasa Melayu. He returned to study
biology at Brigham Young University, where he graduated with honors in 2009. He then
matriculated to UCLA School of Dentistry as a Regents Scholar and graduated in 2013 with
honors. While at Virginia Commonwealth University, James designed, manufactured and
tested a novel bracket design. The name of his thesis project was, "In-Vitro Assessment of a
Novel Bracket's Effect on Resistance to Sliding." After graduation James Blackburn will be
starting his own practice in Houston, Texas.
Joe was born in Massachusetts and grew up in Northern California. After high school, he
spent two years as a missionary for his church in Brazil before returning to complete his
degree in biology at Brigham Young University. He received his Doctor of Dental Surgery
degree from the University of California, San Francisco, where he was also inducted into
OKU. During his orthodontic residency at Virginia Commonwealth University, Joe
completed a research project titled "Crown size comparisons in patients with unilateral
palatally displaced canines," which is currently being prepared for publication. Following
graduation, Joe will be moving with his wife, Jana, and two children to Northern California,
where he will be acquiring an existing practice in the city of Santa Rosa.
Matt grew up in Granite Bay, California and graduated from the University of California
Los Angeles with a B.S. in Chemistry. Following some enlightening mission work, Matt
decided to enter dental school at the UCLA School of Dentistry where he received his
DDS. He and his wife Stephanie were pleased to both attend residency in Richmond, as
she completed a General Practice Residency. During his residency at VCU, Matt's
research project was entitled "Restoring Lateral Incisors and Orthodontic Treatment:
Perceptions among Orthodontists and General Dentists". Matt will be entering private
practice in Sacramento, California.
Maegan Simms
Welcome Maegan Simms,
our new clinic helper, and
Beverly Myrick, our new
business manager!
Beverly Myrick
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July 2015
Class of 2016
Dr. Alexandra “Ali” Best
Dr. Andrew Hansen
Dr. Daniel “Danny” Noll
Dr. Megan Schuler
Class of 2017
Dr. Danielle Easterly was born and raised in Fairfax, Virginia. She attended the
University of Virginia where she earned a B.A. in Psychology and a minor in Biology in
2010. She received her D.D.S. from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2015, and is
excited to continue her education at VCU as the newest member of Team 2! Danielle's
boyfriend of six years, Andrew, will be joining her in Richmond come this fall. In her
free time, Danielle loves to road bike, read, spend time on the James, go to crossfit
class, and of course spend time with friends and family!
Dr. Natalie La Rochelle was raised in Napa Valley, California and is one of six daughters
(her father is a lucky man). She received her undergraduate education from UC Berkeley
where she competed for four years on the Women's Swimming team and graduated in
2009 with a BA in Molecular and Cell Biology. She earned her DDS from the UCSF
School of Dentistry. She enjoys hiking, camping, golfing, trying new restaurants,
traveling, and of course, swimming. Natalie is overjoyed to be joining the VCU Ortho
Family as the newest member of Team 4.
Dr. David Lindsey was born and raised in southern California. In 2010, David
completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California, Los Angeles
receiving his BS degree with a Psychobiology major and Biomedical Research
minor. He earned his DDS from the University of California, Los Angeles School of
Dentistry in 2015 and is looking forward to joining Team 1. David and his wife, Misha,
enjoy trying new restaurants, binge-watching television shows on Netflix, cooking,
playing with their puppy Theo, and spending time with family and friends.
Dr. Jason Porter was born and raised in Boise, ID. He graduated from Brigham
Young University with a B.S. in Physiology and Developmental Biology and
business management minor. During this time Jason served his church as a
missionary in Southern Germany and Austria. He then went on to receive a
D.D.S. from Creighton University. Jason and his wife Kortney are the proud
parents of two beautiful daughters Paige and Brighton. His family is excited
to live in the beautiful area of Richmond and join the larger VCU family.
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July 2015
(Left) Congratulations to Dr.
Danny Noll (c/o 2016) and Ms.
Kasey Jackson, who will be
getting married in July 2015 in
Covington, KY.
Alumni News
(Top right) Congratulations to
Dr. Mike Shoff (c/o 2012) and
his wife, Sara, on the birth of
their baby girl, Emery.
(Bottom right) Best wishes also
to our incoming resident, Dr.
Jason Porter (c/o 2017) and his
wife, Kortney, on the birth of
their 2nd daughter, Brighton.
2015 Foundation Meeting
This year’s keynote speaker was
Dr. Robert A. Miller. Dr. Miller
discussed new technologies in
orthodontics, specifically as they
relate to class II correction. He
also spoke about using two
appliances he helped develop, the
CrossbowTM device and the
EspritTM spring, to aid in the
treatment of class II patients.
Would you like to be featured in the
next Alumni News section? Please
contact Ali at bestad@vcu.edu.
Please send any updates
to bestad@vcu.edu
2016 Foundation Meeting – Saturday and Sunday, February 20-21
We are excited to announce that the keynote speaker
for next year will be Dr. Willie Dayan from Toronto,
Canada, and he will speak on aspects of orthodontic
treatment with Invisalign©.
Note: The meeting has been moved back to the
Richmond Marriott West Hotel. The Marriott is
conveniently located near a variety of restaurants and
the Short Pump Town Center, and is a short drive from
downtown Richmond. For online reservations, please
follow the link below:
Reserve your Room
July 2015
Celebrating the Graduates of 2015
To share our love of selfies, the VCU
Department has purchased a selfie stick for
our patients (and our residents, faculty, and
staff) to snap pictures of fun times in the
clinic! You can search for the hashtag
#vcuortho on Instagram to see what we are
up to!
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July 2015
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Class of 2016’s Trip to Italy
Over the past few years, our residents have been fortunate enough to travel to the orthodontic clinic in Messina, Sicily to
learn about the different approaches to treatment abroad and to give lectures on various topics.
AAO 2015 – San Francisco