Important Bird Areas AMERICAS
Important Bird Areas AMERICAS
© 2009 BirdLife International Juan de Dios Martínez Mera N35-76 y Av. Portugal Casilla 17-17-717 Quito, Ecuador. Tel: +593 2 2277059 Fax: +593 2 2469838 BirdLife International is a UK-registered charity No. 1042125 ISBN: 978-9942-9959-0-2 Recommended citation: DEVENISH, C., DÍAZ FERNÁNDEZ, D. F., CLAY, R. P., DAVIDSON, I. & YÉPEZ ZABALA, I. EDS. (2009) Important Bird Areas Americas - Priority sites for biodiversity conservation. Quito, Ecuador: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 16). To cite this chapter: VIDAL, R. M., BERLANGA, H. & DEL CORO ARIZMENDI, M. (2009) Mexico. Pp 269 – 280 in C. Devenish, D. F. Díaz Fernández, R. P. Clay, I. Davidson & I. Yépez Zabala Eds. Important Bird Areas Americas - Priority sites for biodiversity conservation. Quito, Ecuador: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 16). The purpose of the information contained in this book is to support conservation initiatives in the Americas, for which it may be reproduced. Using this information for commercial purposes is not permitted. If part or all of this information is used or included in any other publication, BirdLife International must be cited as copyright holder. Those who provided illustrations or photographs in this book have copyright over them and these are not permitted to be reproduced separately to the texts accompanying them. The presentation of material in this book and the geographical designations employed do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of BirdLife International concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Membership of BirdLife International does not imply any opinion or position with respect to sovereignty issues on the part of BirdLife International Partner organizations. Graphic design: Alejandro Miranda Baldares ( Translations: Christian Devenish, Ítala Yépez Zabala & Amiro Pérez-Leroux Maps: David F. Díaz Fernández, Ítala Yépez Zabala & Christian Devenish Edition of Spanish language country chapters: Ítala Yépez Zabala, Carlos Huertas Sánchez & David F. Díaz Fernández Graphic design volunteer (Spanish language country chapters): Adriana Valencia Tapia 3ULQWHGLQ(FXDGRUE\3ROLJUi¿FD&$ This publication and all country/territory chapters in their native languages are available for download at 0TWVY[HU[)PYK(YLHZAMERICAS 8 " 9VZH4H=PKHS/\TILY[V)LYSHUNH4HYxHKLS*VYV(YPaTLUKP 6YHUNLIYLHZ[LK)\U[PUN7HZZLYPUHSLJSHUJOLYPPPZLUKLTPJ[V^LZ[4L_PJV^OLYLP[PUOHIP[Z ZLTPHYPKHUK^VVKSHUKOHIP[H[Z0[PZYLZ[YPJ[LK[V[OL7HJPÄJ(YPKZSVWLIPVTL 7OV[V!4HU\LS.YVZZLSL[.LVYNP[H9\Pa^^^[PLYYHKLH]LZJVT 4L_PJV *V\U[Y`MHJ[ZH[HNSHUJL (YLH! RT 7VW\SH[PVU! *HWP[HS! 4L_PJV*P[` (S[P[\KL! ¶T 5\TILYVM0)(Z! ;V[HS0)(HYLH! OH 0)(JV]LYHNLVMSHUKHYLH! ;V[HSU\TILYVMIPYKZ! .SVIHSS`[OYLH[LULKIPYKZ! .SVIHSS`[OYLH[LULKIPYKZPU0)(Z! *V\U[Y`LUKLTPJZ! .LULYHSPU[YVK\J[PVU Mexico’s location on the American continent provides for a context of considerable opportunities as well as challenges in terms of social, political and cultural relations. It is also the reason behind a vast biological diversity. The country acts a bridge between North and Central America, representing the dividing line between the Nearctic and Neotropical biogeographic provinces. The country’s cultural make-up results from a mix of indigenous peoples who learnt to live both in the northern deserts and plains as well as in the tropical rainforests to the south. Mexico has a total area of 1,972,550 km2 and is separated from the United States to the north by a 5000 km border (INEGI 2008). To the south, the Yucatán Peninsula and state of Chiapas border Guatemala and Belize along the Maya Forest and the Usumacinta River, currently one of the largest rivers on the continent not to be dammed. To the east and west lie the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean, respectively. The country’s insular territory has an area of 6000 km2 which includes approximately 371 islands (CONABIO 1998). Mexico has a shoreline of approximately 11,000 km, with almost 130 coastal lagoons and a marine territory of 2,946,825 km2. The Republic of Mexico is one of the most populated countries on Earth, with more than 103 million inhabitants registered in 2005. The capital alone, Mexico City, is a metropolis exceeding 18 million inhabitants, including its suburban zones. Mexico is a federation of 32 states, in turn, made up of 2438 municipalities, representing the building blocks of local government. Most of the land in Mexico is owned by the population, either privately (36.8%) or as communal property (52.2%). Only 11% belongs to the State (INEGI 2008). The country has one of the highest rates of inequality in the world according to the National Human Development Index (UNDP 2006). In 2002, half the population lived below the poverty line, and 20% in extreme poverty. Mexico’s indigenous population exceeds 12 million people, with 62 ethnic and language groups in the country (Navarrete-Linares 2008). In terms of biological wealth, Mexico is one of the 12 megadiverse countries identified by Mittermeier and Goettsch in 1992, with beta diversity (the rate of change in species composition across habitats) being one of the most impressive of these countries (Koleff & Soberon et al. 2008). According to the conservation assessment of Latin American ecoregions by Dinerstein et al. (1995), Mexico contains 51 of the 191 terrestrial ecoregions, the highest number of ecoregions in Latin America, of which 14 are considered global priorities (CONABIO 1998). Mexico holds first place in number of reptile species (707 spp.), second for mammals (439 spp.) and fourth in amphibian (2020 spp.) and plant richness (26,000 spp.). The highest proportion of endemic species are among the cactuses, of which 79% of the 900 species recorded are endemic. Sixty percent of amphibians and 52 % of reptiles are also endemic to Mexico (Mittermeier & Goettsch 1992). The nine main vegetation types according to classifications used in the country are distributed as follows: xerophytic scrub (37.62%), pine-oak forest (19.35%), tropical deciduous forest (13.77%), tropical evergreen forest (9.95%), grassland (8.17%), thorn scrub (5.8%), semi-deciduous tropical forest (3.24%), aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation (1.18%) and montane cloud forest (0.92%; Rzedowski 1978). Among the principal environmental problems faced by the country are a high rate of deforestation due to agriculture and cattle ranching. By 2002, primary forest had been reduced by 50% of original coverage (Challenger et al. 2009). Other problems threatening biodiversity include large-scale tourism development, water pollution and disruption of the water table due to urban development. As with other countries in the region, Mexico also faces challenges associated with free markets, migration from rural areas, insufficient infrastructure and technological development and a lack of organization in rural agriculture. Interest in environmental conservation in Mexico dates back several GHFDGHV 7KH ÀUVW QDWLRQDO SDUN 'HVLHUWR GH ORV /HRQHV ZDV established in 1876. Subsequently, the institutional structure for environmental management was created between 1920 and the 1940s. As part of UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Programme, the Mexican scientist, Gonzálo Halfter, coined the Biosphere Reserve concept in the 1970s, creating a new conservation paradigm which takes into account human use of nature. However, it was not until 2000 that the National Protected Areas Commission (CONANP, in Spanish) was created. By 2008, 164 protected areas had been designated by decree in Mexico, covering an area of 23,098,391 ha. Just over half (51%) of this area represents 38 Biosphere Reserves and just 6.5% corresponds to 68 national parks. More than 25% of the total area has been designated this decade. Mexico’s ecosystems have a fair to good representation within the country’s protected areas. However, a recent gap analysis (CONABIO et al. 2007) showed that 11 terrestrial ecoregions are without formal protection and 50 are underrepresented, including medium altitude ecosystems (between 1000 and 2000 m). Vegetation types with low levels of protection include dry forests, Tamaulipeco thorn scrub and pine-oak forests. 7PULVHRMVYLZ[ZHYLHTHQVYLJVZ`Z[LTPU4L_PJHU0)(Z 7OV[V!,MYHPU*HZ[PSSLQVZ $VZHOODVWKH)HGHUDO6\VWHPRI3URWHFWHG$UHDVÁHGJOLQJHIIRUWVKDYH been made towards state-level systems of protected areas although few systems have been implemented so far. Another important factor in the country has been the private and social conservation movement. 3URQDWXUD %LUG/LIH DIÀOLDWH LQ 0H[LFR KDV OHG WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI several private conservation instruments, for example, the establishment of 64,000 ha in ecological easements with both individual landowners, cooperatives (ejidos) and communities. According to Bezaury-C reel and Carbonell (2009), 410,908 ha have been conserved within private or community reserves to date. Voluntary conservation mechanisms have also been strengthened through state policies, given that in 2008 environmental legislation was changed in order to recognize FHUWLÀFDWLRQRIODQGXQGHUWKLVPHFKDQLVP7KLVFHUWLÀFDWLRQLVDZDUGHG by CONANP (DOF 2008). ¸;OL4L_PJHUZJPLU[PZ[.VUamSV/HSM[LY JVPULK[OL)PVZWOLYL9LZLY]LJVUJLW[PU [OL ZJYLH[PUNHUL^JVUZLY]H[PVU WHYHKPNT[HRPUNPU[VHJJV\U[ O\THU\ZLVMUH[\YL¹ Mexico is party to the principal international environmental agreements, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Convention on Biological Diversity, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (74 Ramsar sites have been designated, covering 5,908,968 ha) and the Kyoto Protocol. CONANP, through the Ministry of the Environment, belongs to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The country has also signed environmental agreements with the United States and Canada such as the Trilateral Committee for Wildlife and Ecosystem Conservation and Management and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) under the provision of the North American Free Trade Agreement. This commission led to the creation of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative in 2003. Mexico is also a benefactor of US legislation including the North American Wetlands Conservation Act and the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act. Ornithological tradition in Mexico dates back to the end of the 1970s and beginning of the 1980s. Two ornithological organizations exist in the country, Mexican Society for Ornithology and the International Council for Bird Preservation - Mexico (CIPAMEX, in Spanish) whose principal activities are exchange of ornithological information. At local level, there are an increasing number of birding clubs as well as festivals to attract tourists and new club members. Other RUJDQL]DWLRQV FRQWULEXWLQJ VLJQLÀFDQWO\ WR NQRZOHGJH FRQVHUYDWLRQ and appreciation of birds in Mexico are Pronatura (made up of six regional organizations); Naturalia A.C.; the Museo de las Aves in Saltillo, Coahuila; the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Zoological Museum, FES Iztacala); Universidad de Guadalajara; Universidad Michoacana; Colegio de la Frontera Sur and Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, to mention just a few. All the above institutions have set up strong research groups in ornithology. In 2004, CONABIO, with the support of the Cornell Laboratory for Ornithology launched a web site to record bird sightings in Mexico (AverAves – eBird in Mexico). Currently, this database has almost 1 million records (Berlanga pers. comm.). Participation in other citizen science initiatives, such as the Christmas Bird Counts have also increased, with counts taking place at 34 circles each year. Another instrument for habitat conservation, management and VXVWDLQDEOHH[SORLWDWLRQRIÁRUDDQGIDXQDSURPRWHGE\WKH0H[LFDQ government, are the Environmental Management Units, with 8255 units covering 28.95 million ha (14.74% of the country’s area) registered to date. These units include hunting ranches, areas allowing exploitation RI ÁRUD DQG QRQWLPEHU IRUHVW SURGXFWV DQG DUHDV IRU FRPPHUFLDO wildlife breeding, among others (Bezaury-Creel & Carbonell 2009). Nevertheless, these conservation mechanisms suffer from problems such as a lack of application of the law, illegal trade in fauna and IRUHVW SURGXFWV FKDQJHV LQ ODQG XVH LQ SURWHFWHG DUHDV IRUHVW ÀUHV and development pressures for tourism infrastructure. The challenges LQ IDFLQJ WKHVH GLIÀFXOWLHV LQFOXGH LQVXIÀFLHQW KXPDQ UHVRXUFHV GHÀFLHQFLHVLQRSHUDWLYHUHVRXUFHVDQGHTXLSPHQWDVZHOODVWHFKQLFDO problems. ;aVU[LO\P[a*LYYVZKL:HU*YPZ[}IHSKLSHZ*HZHZ4? 7OV[V!,MYHxU*HZ[PSSLQVZ 4L_PJV Mexico is placed between 10th and 12th place for the highest number of bird species in the world, with a total of 1050 species belonging to 468 genera, 79 families and 22 orders (AOU 1983, Banks et al. 2008, Escalante et al. 1993, Howell & Webb 1995). Mexico’s avifauna contains representatives from 82% of the world’s avian orders, 51% of families and 27% of genera. Mexico has 30% more birds than both the United States and Canada together, but within an area 10 times smaller than these countries. According to IUCN and BirdLife International (2007), 10 species are considered as Critically Endangered, including Belding’s Yellowthroat (Geothlypis beldingi) and Short-crested Coquette (Lophornis brachylophus); 16 are Endangered, such as Tuxtla Quail-dove (Geotrygon carrikeri) and Azure-rumped Tanager (Tangara cabanisi); DQG D IXUWKHU DUH FODVVLÀHG DV 9XOQHUDEOH1 +RZHYHU WKH RIÀFLDO Mexican decree on threatened species gives a total of 71 threatened species in the country (DOF 2002). Among these, are species with their northernmost distributional limits entering Mexico, such as Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja), Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) and Horned Guan (Oreophasis derbianus). The latter species is only found in the cloud forests of Chiapas and Guatemala. ¸4L_PJVOHZTVYLIPYKZ[OHUIV[O [OL<UP[LK:[H[LZHUK*HUHKH [VNL[OLYI\[PU[PTLZSLZZHYLH¹ than half of these spend six to eight months of the year in the country (Rappole et al0H[LFROLHVRQWKHPDMRUPLJUDWRU\Á\ZD\VRI the hemisphere, with migratory bottlenecks concentrating millions of birds in spectacular congregations. In Veracruz alone, some 5 million migratory raptors were observed during the “River of Raptors” project. Dominant species at this site are Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura), Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis), Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus) and Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni; Ruelas 2007). Another site of great importance is the Isthmus of Tehuantepec due WRDQXPEHURIPDMRUÁ\ZD\VFRLQFLGLQJDWWKLVSRLQW3UHOLPLQDU\ HVWLPDWHV SXW D ÀJXUH DW PRUH WKDQ PLOOLRQ ELUGV RI DW least 130 migratory species recorded at this site, including 4 million migratory raptors (Villegas et al. 2005, Nava 2007). ;OL ,UKHUNLYLK >VY[OLU»Z :WHYYV^ :WPaLSSH ^VY[OLUP PZ J\YYLU[S` RUV^U [V IYLLK H[ VUS` [OYLL ZP[LZ HUK OHZ HU LZ[PTH[LKTH_PT\TWVW\SH[PVUVM 7OV[V!(KHT2LU[ ;OL,UKHUNLYLK/VYULK.\HU 6YLVWOHZPZKLYIPHU\ZPZYLZ[YPJ[LK[V[OL 4HKYLHU/PNOSHUKZIPVTLYLHJOPUN[OL UVY[OLYUSPTP[ZVMP[ZYHUNLPU4L_PJV 7OV[V!4PRL;VKK ;OL5LHY;OYLH[LULK9VZLILSSPLK)\U[PUN7HZZLYPUHYVZP[HLPZ LUKLTPJ[V[OL7HJPÄJZSVWLVM[OL;LO\HU[LWLJ0Z[OT\Z 7OV[V!4HU\LS.YVZZLSL[.LVYNP[H9\Pa"^^^[PLYYHKLH]LZJVT Bird Conservation Regions (Rich et al. 2004) have been LGHQWLÀHG IRU 0H[LFR ZKLFK WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH ELRPHV LGHQWLÀHGE\6WRW]et al. (1996) have been adapted for IBA LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ VHH 0HWKRGV )LYH ELRPHV H[LVW LQ 0H[LFR with approximately 195 biome-restricted species. Among these, and also endemic to Mexico, are West Mexican Chachalaca (Ortalis poliocephala) and Elegant Quail (Callipepla douglasii) UHVWULFWHGWR3DFLÀF$ULGVORSHELRPH3$6DQG%RXFDUG·V:UHQ (Campylorhynchus jocosus) and Aztec Thrush (Zoothera pinicola) restricted to the Madrean highlands (MAH). Approximately 98 species are politically endemic to Mexico (Berlanga et al. 2008), most of which also belong to one of 18 Endemic Bird Areas (%$VLGHQWLÀHGIRUWKHFRXQWU\2IWKHVHDUHH[FOXVLYHWR0H[LFR two are shared with Central America and one with the United States 6WDWWHUVÀHOGet al. 1998). The EBA with the highest number of species is North Central American highlands (EBA 018) with 20 restrictedrange species (split between Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua), followed by Balsas region and interior Oaxaca (EBA 008) ZLWKVSHFLHVDQG1RUWKZHVW0H[LFDQ3DFLÀFVORSH(%$ZLWK six species. Endemic and restricted-range species include San Blas Jay (Cyanocorax sanblasianus) in EBA 005 and EBA 008 and Oaxaca Sparrow (Aimophila notosticta) in EBA 008. Mexico holds the largest number of migratory species in North $PHULFD JLYHQ WKDW PRUH WKDQ RI WKH VSHFLHV FODVVLÀHG DV Neotropical migrants pass through or overwinter in Mexico. More 1 ¸4L_PJVSPLZVU[OLTHQVYTPNYH[VY` Å`^H`ZVM[OLOLTPZWOLYLJVUJLU[YH[PUN TPSSPVUZVMIPYKZPUZWLJ[HJ\SHY JVUNYLNH[PVUZ¹ The most important sites for shorebirds and waterbirds in Mexico are the coastal wetlands in the northwest of the country. There are nine sites within the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), including Bahía de Santa María (MX228), where an estimated third of all shorebirds (almost 1 million birds) traveling DORQJWKH3DFLÀFÁ\ZD\VSHQGWKHQRUWKHUQZLQWHU,WLVDOVRXVHGDV a stopover site for thousands of birds en route to Panama and South America. Other important sites for waterbirds are Ría Celestún (MX183) and Ría Lagartos (MX186) in Yucatán, with important SRSXODWLRQVRIÁDPLQJRVDWWKHIRUPHU Birds have a great cultural value in Mexico, being present in the everyday life of the population, for example, in folklore, handicrafts and music. Due to the value placed on birds as pets, there is widespread trade in passerine and other ornate species in the country. Principal threats to birds in the country include this illegal trade, habitat loss, urban expansion and climate change, among others. Changes in IUCN category in 2008 include, Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis), Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) and Brewer’s Sparrow (Spizella breweri): from NT to LC; Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) from VU to NT; Guadalupe Junco (Junco insularis), formerly CR and Slate-blue Seedeater (Amaurospiza relicta), formerly NT, are no longer recognized as valid species. 0)(V]LY]PL^ 7KH ÀUVW ,%$ GLUHFWRU\ IRU 0H[LFR ZDV SXEOLVKHG LQ DIWHU a thorough consultation process between 1996 and 1998 led by CIPAMEX and supported by a national committee of experts, academics and conservationists. A national workshop and four regional workshops were held as part of this process, resulting in the nomination of 226 IBAs, including both nationally important as well as global IBAs, according to the BirdLife criteria at the time. The IBA directory (Arizmendi & Márquez 2000) was published by CIPAMEX with the support of numerous institutions. The National Commission for Use and Knowledge of Biodiversity (CONABIO) adopted the ,%$LQYHQWRU\SURYLGLQJRIÀFLDOUHFRJQLWLRQRI,%$VLQ0H[LFRWKXV ensuring wide reference to IBAs in decision-making processes within conservation projects in the country (Box 1). 7KH 0H[LFDQ ,%$ GLUHFWRU\ ZDV WKH ÀUVW QDWLRQDO GLUHFWRU\ WR EH published in the Americas. An updating and review process of the IBA ¸;OL5H[PVUHS)PVKP]LYZP[`*VTTPZZPVU VMÄJPHSS`YLJVNUPaLK0)(ZPU4L_PJV LUZ\YPUNYLMLYLUJL[V[OLWYVNYHTPU KLJPZPVUTHRPUNWYVJLZZLZ¹ database in Mexico was begun in 2005, with a series of workshops being coordinated by CONABIO between 2007 and 2008, with the VXSSRUW RI 3URQDWXUD %LUG/LIH DIÀOLDWH LQ 0H[LFR DV ZHOO DV PDQ\ other institutions and experts. The current global IBA inventory in Mexico stands at 145 (Table 1, Figure 1). Of these, 123 meet criterion A1, 72 apply under A2, 28 under A3, 46 under A4, of which 38 meet A4i and 11 meet A4ii. Ten IBAs meet all four criteria simultaneously2. ;HISL0TWVY[HU[)PYK(YLHZPU4L_PJV MX001 MX002 MX003 MX005 MX006 MX007 MX009 MX010 MX011 MX012 MX014 MX015 MX017 MX018 MX019 MX020 MX021 MX022 MX023 MX024 MX025 MX026 MX028 MX029 MX030 MX031 MX032 MX033 MX035 MX037 MX038 MX039 MX040 MX041 MX042 MX045 MX046 MX048 MX050 MX053 2 3HNVKL;L_JVJV *\P[aLV 7m[aJ\HYV ;HUJx[HYV 9LZLY]HKLSH)P}ZMLYH:PLYYH .VYKH :}[HUVKLS)HYYV *PtULNHZKLS3LYTH ;LJVS\[SH :PLYYH5VY[L :PLYYHKL4PHO\H[SmU :\YKLS=HSSLKL4t_PJV :PLYYHKLAVUNVSPJH :PLYYHKL;H_JV5L]HKVKL ;VS\JH *H|VUKLSAVWPSV[L (JHO\PaV[SH(N\HKLS 6IPZWV :PLYYHKL([V`HJ 6TPS[LTP =HSSLJP[VZKLAHYHNVaH *\LUJH)HQHKLS)HSZHZ 3HN\UHZ*VZ[LYHZKL .\LYYLYV *VHSJVTmU7}THYV =HSSLKL;LO\HJmU *\PJH[SmU ;SH_PHJV 0ZSHZ4HYPL[HZ 0ZSHZ4HYxHZ 0ZSHZ9L]PSSHNPNLKV 5L]HKVKL*VSPTH *OHTLSH*\P[aTHSH ;SHUJOPUVS *PtULNHKL;SmO\HJ *\L[aHSHU *H|}UKL3VIVZ :PLYYHKL/\H\[SH /\TLKHSLZKL(S]HYHKV /\H`HJVJV[SH :PLYYHKLS(IYH;HUJOPWH ,S*HYYPJP[V 9LZLY]H,JVS}NPJH:PLYYHKL :HU1\HU 0ZSH0ZHILS :PLYYHKL=HSWHYHPZV ,Z[HKVKL4t_PJV 4PJOVHJmU 4PJOVHJmU 4PJOVHJmU 8\LYt[HYV 8\LYt[HYV ,Z[HKVKL4t_PJV =LYHJY\a 6H_HJH 6H_HJH +PZ[YP[V-LKLYHS,Z[HKVKL 4t_PJV4VYLSVZ =LYHJY\a ,Z[HKVKL4t_PJV.\LYYLYV .\LYYLYV .\LYYLYV 859 661 X X X X X X X X X X 2 X X 3 3 X X 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 X X X .\LYYLYV .\LYYLYV .\LYYLYV .\LYYLYV4PJOVHJmU .\LYYLYV 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 X X X X X 4PJOVHJmU 6H_HJH7\LISH 1 3 1 3 2 X 6H_HJH 5H`HYP[ 5H`HYP[ *VSPTH *VSPTH1HSPZJV 1HSPZJV /PKHSNV +PZ[YP[V-LKLYHS,Z[HKVKL 4t_PJV 7\LISH 4VYLSVZ .\LYYLYV4VYLSVZ7\LISH =LYHJY\a =LYHJY\a :HU3\PZ7V[VZx 1HSPZJV 5H`HYP[ 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 X X X X X 5H`HYP[ AHJH[LJHZ 1 1 Lagunas Costeras de Guerrero (MX024), Presa Cajón de Peñas (MX059), Islas Revillagigedo (MX031), Los Tuxtlas (MX151), La Encrucijada (MX168), Sian Ka’an (MX179), Ría Celestún (MX183), Ría Lagartos (MX186), Yum-balam (MX187), Uxpanapa (MX193) X X 4L_PJV MX055 MX056 MX057 MX059 MX060 MX063 MX064 MX065 MX066 MX067 MX069 MX070 MX071 MX072 MX074 MX077 MX080 MX082 MX083 MX084 MX085 MX088 MX090 MX091 MX092 MX093 MX094 MX095 MX098 MX100 MX101 MX102 MX104 MX105 MX106 MX107 MX116 MX117 MX126 MX128 MX129 MX131 MX133 MX134 MX140 MX141 MX142 MX143 MX144 MX146 MX148 MX150 MX151 MX155 MX156 MX157 MX158 MX159 MX160 MX161 :PLYYHKL4HUHU[SmU 3HN\UHKL@\YPYPH *LYYV7PLKYH3HYNH 7YLZH*HQ}UKL7L|HZ )HIxJVYH :PLYYH4HKLYHZKLS*HYTLU :PLYYHKLS)\YYV 5HJPTPLU[V9xV:HIPUHZ:, :PLYYHKL:HU[H9VZH 7YLZH=LU\Z[PHUV*HYYHUaH 3HN\UH4HKYL :PLYYHKL(Y[LHNH ,S7V[VZx 7YLZHLS;\SPSSV *\H[YV*PtULNHZ :HU1\HUKL*HTHYVULZ 9xV7YLZPKPV7\LISV5\L]V ,S4HUHU[PHS :HU(U[VUPV7L|H5L]HKH 7YLZH=PJLU[L.\LYYLYV 7HYYHZKLSH-\LU[L ,S*PLSV /\TLKHSLZKLS:\YKL ;HTH\SPWHZ`5VY[L =LYHJY\a :PLYYHKL3H3HN\UH )HOxH4HNKHSLUH(STLQHZ 6HZPZ:HU0NUHJPV ,UZLUHKHKLSH7Ha :PLYYH3H.PNHU[H *VTWSLQV3HN\UHY:HU 0NUHJPV 0ZSH5H[P]PKHK 0ZSH)LUP[VZ *VTWSLQV3HN\UHY6QVKL 3PLIYL (YLH:HU8\PU[xU :PLYYH:HU7LKYV4HY[PY :PLYYH1\mYLa +LS[HKLS9xV*VSVYHKV 0ZSH*LYYHS]V 0ZSH:HU7LKYV4HY[PY 0ZSH:HU7LKYV5VSHZJV :PZ[LTHKL:PLYYHZKLSH :PLYYH4HKYL6JJPKLU[HS (SHTVZ9xV4H`V :PZ[LTH;}IHYP (NPHIHTWV 1HUVZ5\L]V*HZHZ.YHUKLZ :PLYYHKLS5PKV ,Z[LYVKL:HU1VZt 0ZSH.\HKHS\WL 6HZPZ3H7\YPZPTH`:HU 0ZPKYV 6HZPZ:HU7LKYVKLSH7YLZH 6HZPZ7\U[H:HU7LKYV ;VKVZ:HU[VZ ,UZLUHKHKL7HILSSVULZ 9xV4L[SHJ *LU[YVKL=LYHJY\a 3VZ;\_[SHZ :PLYYHKL;HIHZJV 7HU[HUVZKL*LU[SH *OPTHSHWHZ *LYYVZKL;HWHSHWH *LYYV:H`IHS*LYYV *H]HOSUm *VYK}U1VS]P[ :PLYYH*OP_[VU[PJ:PLYYH *HUQm *VSPTH1HSPZJV .\HUHQ\H[V 6H_HJH 1HSPZJV *OPO\HO\H *VHO\PSH *VHO\PSH *VHO\PSH *VHO\PSH ;HTH\SPWHZ *VHO\PSH5\L]V3L}U 5\L]V3L}U *VHO\PSH *VHO\PSH +\YHUNV +\YHUNV:PUHSVH :HU3\PZ7V[VZx 5\L]V3L}U ;HTH\SPWHZ ;HTH\SPWHZ ;HTH\SPWHZ ;HTH\SPWHZ=LYHJY\a 569 )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y 46 1 )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y *OPO\HO\H:VUVYH :VUVYH :PUHSVH:VUVYH *OPO\HO\H *OPO\HO\H )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y 866 1 )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y 83 84 1 1 )HQH*HSPMVYUPH )HQH*HSPMVYUPH )HQH*HSPMVYUPH )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:VUVYH )HQH*HSPMVYUPH:\Y )HQH*HSPMVYUPH :VUVYH :VUVYH :PUHSVH =LYHJY\a =LYHJY\a =LYHJY\a ;HIHZJV ;HIHZJV 6H_HJH *OPHWHZ *OPHWHZ *OPHWHZ *OPHWHZ 247 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 5 2 5 4 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ? 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X X X X X X X X X X X ? X X 214 *OPHWHZ *OPHWHZ 6H_HJH 8\PU[HUH9VV )HQH*HSPMVYUPH *OPO\HO\H:VUVYH *OPO\HO\H *OPO\HO\H )HQH*HSPMVYUPH 6H_HJH 6H_HJH 634 60 104 )HQH*HSPMVYUPH :PUHSVH ;HTH\SPWHZ *VHO\PSH5\L]V3L}U:HU 3\PZ7V[VZxAHJH[LJHZ ;HTH\SPWHZ :HU3\PZ7V[VZx 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 X X X X X X X X 1 2 3 3 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ? X X X 6H_HJH=LYHJY\a 6H_HJH=LYHJY\a *OPHWHZ 8\PU[HUH9VV X ? X X X X X X X X 1 &ORINFORMATIONONTRIGGERSPECIESATEACH)"! SEE INDIVIDUAL SITE ACCOUNTS AT "IRD,IFES $ATA :ONEWWWBIRDLIFEORGDATAZONESITES #/-).'3//. 9LKIYLHZ[LK*OH[ .YHUH[LSS\Z]LU\Z[\Z) 7OV[V!:JV[[:VTLYZOVL 4L_PJV -PN\YL3VJH[PVUVM0TWVY[HU[)PYK(YLHZPU4L_PJV 7OV[V!4PN\LSÍUNLS*Y\a ;OL,UKHUNLYLK;OPJRIPSSLK7HYYV[9O`UJOVWZP[[HWHJO`YO`UJOHPZLUKLTPJ[V5>4L_PJVHUK[YPNNLYZ0)(JYP[LYPHH[ZL]LUZP[LZPUJS\KPUN4LZHKL.\HJHTH`HZ4? 7OV[V!-\S]PV,JJHYKP IBAs in Mexico hold 73 of 95 threatened and Near Threatened species (BirdLife International 2007). Twenty-one threatened or Near Threatened species meet IBA criteria at just a single site in Mexico (Table 2), of which 14 occur at just one IBA in the Americas (in bold). El Cielo (MX085), in the state of Tamaulipas, has the highest number of species (10) meeting IBA criteria at a single site, followed by Acahuizotla-Agua del Obispo (MX019) and Sierra de Atoyac (MX020) with eight. Of the 24,223,487 ha designated as IBAs in Mexico, a little less than 7 million ha (28%) are protected under a federal protection category. Other private and state conservation mechanisms also exist in some IBAs. Although new databases and better knowledge of birds over the last ¸*65()06HUK7YVUH[\YHHYL JVSSHIVYH[PUNVUWYVTV[PUN[OL PKLU[PÄJH[PVUVMUL^0)(ZPU[OLJV\U[Y`¹ 10 years have allowed the national IBA inventory to be updated and reviewed, a gap analysis concluded that to achieve a target of 10% of habitat conserved for certain resident birds, it will be necessary to conserve almost 20% of the country (CONABIO et al. 2007). Using this study as a basis, CONABIO and Pronatura are collaborating on promoting the identification of new IBAs in the country. ;HISL(ZWLJPLZTLL[PUN0)(JYP[LYPHH[HZPUNSLZP[LPU4L_PJV *VTTVUUHTL :JPLU[PMPJUHTL 6JLSSH[LK8\HPS 3H`ZHU(SIH[YVZZ (ZO`:[VYTWL[YLS 7PWPUN7SV]LY ,SLNHU[;LYU ?HU[\ZZ4\YYLSL[ ;\_[SH8\HPSKV]L :VJVYYV7HYHRLL[ :OVY[JYLZ[LK*VX\L[[L )S\LJHWWLK/\TTPUNIPYK 4L_PJHU>VVKU`TWO )LS[LK-S`JH[JOLY ;\M[LK1H` :VJVYYV>YLU *SHYPVU>YLU :VJVYYV4VJRPUNIPYK *Va\TLS;OYHZOLY :PLYYH4HKYL:WHYYV^ 6H_HJH:WHYYV^ 9VZLILSSPLK)\U[PUN (a\YLY\TWLK;HUHNLY *`Y[VU`_VJLSSH[\Z 7OVLIHZ[YPHPTT\[HIPSPZ 6JLHUVKYVTHOVTVJOYVH *OHYHKYP\ZTLSVK\Z :[LYUHLSLNHUZ :`U[OSPIVYHTWO\ZO`WVSL\J\Z .LV[Y`NVUJHYYPRLYP (YH[PUNHIYL]PWLZ 3VWOVYUPZIYHJO`SVWO\Z ,\WOLY\ZHJ`HUVWOY`Z ;OHS\YHUPHYPKN^H`P ?LUV[YPJJ\ZJHSSPaVU\Z *`HUVJVYH_KPJRL`P ;YVNSVK`[LZZPZZVUPP ;YVNSVK`[LZ[HUULYP 4PT\ZNYH`ZVUP ;V_VZ[VTHN\[[H[\T ?LUVZWPaHIHPSL`P (PTVWOPSHUV[VZ[PJ[H 7HZZLYPUHYVZP[HL ;HUNHYHJHIHUPZP 0<*5JH[LNVY` 5; VU EN 5; 5; VU EN EN CR EN VU 5; 5; 5; VU CR CR EN 5; 5; EN 0)(UHTL ,S;YP\UMV4? 0ZSH.\HKHS\WL4? 0ZSHZ*VYVUHKV4? 3HN\UH4HKYL4? 0ZSH9HZH4? 0ZSH.\HKHS\WL4? 3VZ;\_[SHZ4? 0ZSHZ9L]PSSHNPNLKV4? :PLYYHKL([V`HJ4? :PLYYHKL4PHO\H[SmU4? 9LZLY]H,JVS}NPJH:PLYYHKL:HU1\HU4? *VYYLKVY3HN\UH)tSNPJH:PLYYH3PT}U*H|VU:\TPKLYV4? 9xV7YLZPKPV7\LISV5\L]V4? 0ZSHZ9L]PSSHNPNLKV4? 0ZSHZ9L]PSSHNPNLKV4? 0ZSHZ9L]PSSHNPNLKV4? 0ZSH*Va\TLS4? :\YKLS=HSSLKL4t_PJV4? =HSSLKL;LO\HJmU*\PJH[SmU4? 3H:LW\S[\YH4? ,S;HJHUm4? 4L_PJV 5H[PVUHSJVUZLY]H[PVUZ[YH[LNPLZPU[LNYH[L0)(Z )V_ ;OL0)(KLZPNUH[PVUWYVJLZZHUK[OLW\ISPJH[PVUVM[OLÄYZ[ZP[LKPYLJ[VY` PU4L_PJVPUJVPUJPKLK^P[OHZLYPLZVML_LYJPZLZ[VZL[WYPVYP[PLZHUK PKLU[PM`JVUZLY]H[PVUULLKZPU[OLJV\U[Y`0)(ZILJHTL[OLÄYZ[WSH[MVYT MVYZP[LIHZLKWYPVYP[`ZL[[PUN\ZPUNHUHWWYVHJOIHZLKVU[OLJVUZLY]H[PVU VMZWLJPLZHUKWVW\SH[PVUZ0)(Z^LYLVMÄJPHSS`HKVW[LKI`[OLNV]LYUTLU[ JVTTPZZPVUMVYIPVKP]LYZP[`*65()06^OV[VVRVU[OLTHUHNLTLU[VM [OL0)(KH[HIHZLHZ^LSSHZW\ISPZOPUN0)(PUMVYTH[PVUVU[OLPY^LIZP[L ;O\Z0)(ZOH]LILLU[HRLUPU[VHJJV\U[PUPZZ\LZZ\JOHZPU]LZ[PUNM\UKZ MVYJVUZLY]H[PVUQ\Z[PÄJH[PVUVMUL^WYV[LJ[LKHYLHZHUK[OLLZ[HISPZOTLU[ VMZ[YH[LNPLZHUKWSHUZMVYJVUZLY]H[PVU^VYRPUNNYV\WZ;OLZ\JJLZZVM[OPZ WYVJLZZYLZ\S[LKMYVT[OLWHY[PJPWH[PVUVMHJVTTP[[LL THKL \W VM KP]LYZL ZLJ[VYZ HZ ^LSS HZ [OL HJ[P]L WHY[PJPWH[PVU VM [OL 4L_PJHU NV]LYUTLU[ [OYV\NO*65()06 9LZLY]H,S;HYH`ILSVUNPUN[V*65()06PZSVJH[LK^P[OPU[OL:PLYYHKL(Y[LHNH0)(4? 7OV[V!9VZH4H=PKHS IBAs in Mexico have been used as criteria to select sites for conservation projects, for example by the Mexican Nature Conservation Fund and National Science and Technology Council (CONACyT). IBAs have also informed regional-scale conservation initiatives, for example, the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (Box 2). At present, no systematic inventory exists of protection efforts, conservation projects or research implemented at IBAs. However, many IBAs, especially those that are protected areas, already have management plans. Also, Local Conservation Groups made up of community members have implemented conservation projects at many sites, including sustainable production initiatives and HFRWRXULVP DPRQJ RWKHUV 'LIIHUHQW UHJLRQDO 3URQDWXUD RIÀFHV KDYH implemented projects and/or monitoring in at least 50 IBAs, and many other local organizations and universities have supported the study and conservation of birds, including research groups at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Universidad Michoacana, Instituto Tecnológico GH(VWXGLRV6XSHULRUHVGH0RQWHUUH\&HQWURGH,QYHVWLJDFLyQ&LHQWtÀFD de Ensenada, Universidad Juarez Autónoma de Tabasco and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, to name just a few. Local NGOs implementing bird conservation projects include groups such as Profauna, Amigos de Sian Ka¨an, Naturalia, Isla and Terra Peninsular (Box 3). ¸7YPUJPWHSJOHSSLUNLZPU[OL0)(WYVNYHT ^PSSILPULJVZ`Z[LTZ]\SULYHISL[V JSPTH[LJOHUNLHUKPU[OL LZ[HISPZOTLU[VMTHYPUL0)(Z¹ • increasing local participation; • strengthening grass-roots organizations supporting conservation and sustainable production. However, the principal challenges will undoubtedly be in those ecosystems most vulnerable to climate change, such as montane cloud forests, as well as in the establishment of marine IBAs. In the next few years, and as part of Pronatura’s agenda in Mexico, Pronatura and CONABIO will work to position IBAs as priority sites for conservation in the country, and to coordinate a strategy for their long-term conservation. Among the main challenges facing the IBA program in Mexico, are: • increasing the area of IBAs covered by legal or private protection categories; • establishing a monitoring network (biological and conservation focused); • strengthening IBA networks for conservation of priority sites for migratory and congregatory species; • implementing management actions for threatened species; 4VUP[VYPUNLK\JH[PVUHUKIPYKN\PKL[YHPUPUNHYLWHY[VMHWYVQLJ[[VWYV[LJ[[OL*YP[PJHSS`,UKHUNLYLK )LSKPUN»Z@LSSV^[OYVH[.LV[OS`WPZILSKPUNPH[,Z[LYVKL:HU1VZt4?)HQH*HSPMVYUPH 7OV[V!1H]PLY3HZJ\YHPU"^^^YHYLIPYKZ`LHYIVVRJVT 0)(UL[^VYRN\PKLZKLÄUP[PVUVM 4LZVHTLYPJHU)PVSVNPJHS*VYYPKVY )V_ -PN\YL0)(ZHUK[OL4LZVHTLYPJHU)PVSVNPJHS*VYYPKVY PU*OPHWHZ4L_PJV MX155 MX160 MX158 MX167 MX181 MX162 MX159 MX182 MX191 MX157 MX161 MX164 MX163 MX199 MX166 #HIAPAS MX165 MX169 MX168 MX200 +\YPUN[OL ZHNYV\WVMVYUP[OVSVNPZ[Z7OPSPW)\II*SH\KPH4HJPHZ HUK [OL ÄYZ[ H\[OVY PKLU[PÄLK H UL[^VYR VM PTWVY[HU[ TVU[HUL JSV\K MVYLZ[ZP[LZPU[OLUVY[OVM*OPHWHZ-PN\YL(Z^LSSHZWYV]PKPUNOHIP[H[ [V PTWVY[HU[ HUK LUKLTPJ ZWLJPLZ VM ÅVYH HUK MH\UH [OLZL ZP[LZ HSZV YLWYLZLU[[OLUVY[OLYUTVZ[SPTP[ZVM[OLYHUNLVM[OL9LZWSLUKLU[8\L[aHS 7OHYVTHJOY\ZTVJPUUV0UMVYTH[PVUVU[OLKLZPNUH[PVUVM[OLZLZP[LZHZ 0TWVY[HU[)PYK(YLHZPUJS\KPUNTHWZ^HZW\ISPZOLKHUKOHZILLU\ZLK PU KPMMLYLU[ WSHUUPUN L_LYJPZLZ;OL 4LZVHTLYPJHU )PVSVNPJHS *VYYPKVY 7YVQLJ[HSZVPKLU[PÄLK[OLZLZP[LZHZ[OLIHZPZMVYKLSPTP[PUN[OLJVYYPKVY PU[OLUVY[OLYUWHY[VM*OPHWHZ/V^L]LYPU]LZ[TLU[[VKH[LOHZILLU ZJHYJLV]LY[OLTHQVYP[`VM[OLJVYYPKVY»ZHYLHHUKJSV\KMVYLZ[MYHNTLU[Z YLTHPU[OYLH[LULK(S[OV\NOPUKPNLUV\ZJVTT\UP[PLZPU[OLYLNPVUOH]L WYVTV[LK P[Z WYV[LJ[PVU [OYV\NO SVJHS Z[YH[LNPLZ HUK [OL WYVK\J[PVU VM ZOHKLNYV^UJVMMLL[OLYLNPVUJVU[PU\LZ[VILJOHYHJ[LYPaLKI`P[ZOPNO SL]LSZVMWV]LY[`HUKNYLH[]\SULYHIPSP[` Guatemala IBAs )PVSVNPJHSJVYYPKVY *SV\KMVYLZ[PU*LYYVZKL;HWHSHWH4?UVY[O*OPHWHZ 7OV[V!9VZH4H=PKHS National IBA directory Áreas de Importancia para la Conservación de las Aves en México (Arizmendi & Marquez V. 2000). #ONTRIBUTETOINFORMATIONON-EXICOSBIRDS HTTPEBIRDORGCONTENTAVERAVES Contact information Rosa Ma. Vidal ( National Bird Conservation Program Pronatura Sur A.C. Pedro Moreno No. 1 SCLC, Chiapas 29200 Mexico Tel. +52 967 6785000 Humberto Berlanga ( NABCI Coordinator Comisión Nacional para el Uso y Conocimiento de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) Av. Liga Periférico - Insurgentes Sur, Núm. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal Delegación Tlalpan, 14010, México, D.F. Tel. +52 55 50045000 María del Coro Arizmendi ( Lab. de Ecología, UBIPRO, FES Iztacala UNAM Av. De los Barrios 1, Los Reyes Iztacala, Tlanepantla 05490 México Tel. +52 55 56231130 We thank all those people and institutions who have made the IBA program in 0H[LFRSRVVLEOHWRWKHDXWKRUVRIWKHÀUVW,%$GLUHFWRU\$UL]PHQGL0DUTXH] 2000), as well as the participants at the Priority Setting workshop in Cuernavaca Morelos in 2006 and the IBA review workshop in Mineral del Chico in 2007. Also, thanks to Patrocinio Alba, Claudia Macias, Efraín Castillejos, Emmanuel Obando, Vicente Rodríguez, Victor Vargas, David Díaz and Mariana Diaz for their work to update the IBA database and review IBA data. Special thanks also to CONABIO and the Ministry of the Environment, for promoting IBAs as conservation instruments in Mexico; to CIPAMEX, for their efforts to promote the IBA concept in Mexico and the regional Pronatura organizations in the country, for their efforts to conserve the priority sites for birds in Mexico. Thanks also to national and international organizations who have provided funds for site FRQVHUYDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV WKH LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ DQG SULRUL]DWLRQ SURFHVVHV :H DOVR thank the photographers of the images included in this chapter, many of whom have donated photographs to Pronatura’s Bird Conservation Program. AOU - AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION (1983) Check-list of North American Birds. 7th edition. Washington, D.C., US: American Ornithologists Union. 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