P1-8 Final Jul 14 - Maltby Town Council


P1-8 Final Jul 14 - Maltby Town Council
YOUR Town Council & Community News
JULY 2014
Website up
and running!!
HE LONG AWAITED Maltby Town Council new website is now up and running! On the site you
have access to the agendas and minutes for Town Council and Committee meetings.
See your Town Councillors, download this newsletter, learn about the Council grants process, links to other services and groups
plus activities happening in and around Maltby.
If you have a community event that you would like to promote on the site please let us know.
The new website address is: www.maltbytowncouncil.co.uk
Please contact us by telephone on 01709 814060 or email maltby.town@btconnect.com
War baby Ellen Celebrates 100
Ellen Sayer, born 28th April 1914 had a party to celebrate her
100th birthday at the Ashcroft Nursing Home with the friends after
celebrating yesterday at the Catholic Club with her family.
She was very proud to have received a card from the Queen, a
card from the Pope and a telegram from the Department of War
and Pensions.
Here is Ellen being presented with a bouquet of flowers by Cllr
Sharon Biggin on behalf of Maltby Town Council.
Blitz Maltby
In the Centenary year of World War
1 we are hoping for the same community spirit shown by Maltby residents
in 1914 by helping us Blitz Maltby.
On Wednesday 27th August we are
asking residents to blitz your street of
litter, cans, road side weeds, plastic
bottles and to give your street an old fashioned sweep.
Local Councillors, members from the Maltby Youth
Council, community groups and representatives from
local organisations will all be participating.
What do we have to do to take part? All you have to
do is give the name of your street* to the Town Council
and you will be provided with all the black bags that you
need to clear the area. The bags will then be collected
from the end of your street the same day.
If you would like to help make Maltby a cleaner,
brighter, place to live and have pride in your surroundings
please contact Maltby Town Council on 01709 814060 or
email maltby.town@btconnect.com to arrange bin bags
and collection. For more details please see our website
www.maltbytowncouncil.co.uk. *contact details of a
resident required.
TownCouncil Surgery
Starting on 28th June a Town Council Surgery will be
held every Saturday from 10am to 12 noon at the Edward
Dunn Memorial Hall.
Your Town Councillors ... Page 2, World War I Stories Wanted.... Page 3, Maltby Crags Wardens ...Page 4 ,
Young Volunteers... Page5, Nominate Heroes... Page 6, Tai Chi Qi Gong...Page 7, Crime Prevention ...Page 8
If you would like to receive an electronic copy of Maltby Post please send your email address to maltby.admin@btconnect.com
J Carratt (Chairman)
P Scholey (Vice Chairman)
Mrs J Andrews
L Astbury
K Astbury
S Barratt
C Beaumont
S Biggin
J Bradford
A Dickinson
S Johnson
JC Kirk
R Price
M Richardson
J Robinson
Mrs AL Rushforth
Mrs C Stringer
K Stringer
Ann Stewart (Town Clerk)
077677 85595
819561/07714 028584
07584 435440
07456 596588
815567/07415 788375
07796 423752
07825 125416
Grow, Make and Bake
Incorporating the Horticultural Show
Maltby Town Council's Grow, Make and Bake Competition will take
place on Saturday August 30th. It is open to anyone who can grow flowers
and vegetables, bake, make wine, jams, preserves, bread, make cards, sew,
knit, paint water colours or take photographs. There are quite a lot of new
categories as well the old favourites. You don't have to have an allotment
to grow vegetables and flowers you might grow them in your garden, in
tubs, plant pots, anywhere. You don't have to be an expert in baking or any
of the other categories. They are for you to show your ability and creativity. There are 81 different categories for adults and 9 categories for
children some to be done on the day. Come and join in the fun. Get a copy
of the schedule from the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall or phone
01709814060 to have one sent. You can also look on
t h e
n e w
c o u n c i l
w e b s i t e
www.maltbytowncouncil.co.uk. Show us how creative
and how skilful you are at growing, making and baking.
There are a lot of talented people in Maltby don't hide
Free school lunch for all
Infant school children
As a child moves through school there are lots of decisions for
parents to make, including what their child eats at lunchtime.
Rotherham School Meals Service aims to make this decision as
easy as possible by providing tasty, nutritious lunches children
will enjoy and will help set them up for the rest of the day.
To make things even easier, from September 2014, all children
in Reception Y1 & Y2 (4 7 years) are entitled to a free school
lunch. There has never been a better time to introduce children to
the benefits of a tasty, nutritious school lunch.
School food in Rotherham has come a long way - and school
lunches are now better than ever. Rotherham School Meals
Service work hard to promote healthy eating by providing well
balanced menus which meet strict national standards making sure
children get a tasty, nutritional meal to fuel a day of work and play.
Did you know… only 1% of packed lunches meet the
nutritional standards that apply to school food?
Families could also enjoy savings of up to £360 a year per child
if their child takes up a free school lunch. That's a lot of extra
money for days out or just helping with the cost of living.
Did you know… on average parents spend 150 hours a
year preparing packed lunches?
This is a universal offer and free school meals are available to
all Reception Y1 & Y2 children, regardless of family income.
To find out more visit www.rotherham.gov.uk/schoolmeals
or call Rotherham School Meals Service on 01709 822312.
Calling All Artists and Photographers!
This Year, Maltby Town Council's Grow, Make and Bake
Competition has three new exciting categories for photographers and artists. The Artist category is a watercolour, any
subject, no larger than A4. There are two photographic categories one for colour photos and one for black and white. These
should be a photograph of somewhere in Maltby taken in the last
twelve months. Further details can be obtained from the Edward
Dunn Memorial Hall or phone 01709814060.
What’s on at the
Edward Dunn Memorial Hall
Edward Dunn
Memorial Hall
Tickhill Road, Maltby S66 7NQ
An ideal location for
Wedding Receptions
We have a range of rooms
available which can
accommodate any event
from 15 to 120 seated.
Over 50’s Fitness (RMBC)
Maltby Over 60’s Club (Bingo)
Tia Chi’ & Martial Arts
01709 822453
07584 573521
Active Always - Otago Class
Kiveton Park Independent Advice
Universal Embrace (Psychic Healing)
Silver Dollar Line Dance Club
01709 822453
0909 773966
One Stop Advice Service (Colin Salt)
Dance for Fitness
Always Active Fitness (RMBC)
37th Rotherham Brownies
37th Rotherham Guides
07568 106004
07728 842493
01709 822453
01709 817877
Tai Chi’
07989 928675
Edward Dunn Dance & Social Club
01709 816445
For further details, availability or to book call
01709 814060
One Stop Advice Service (Colin Salt) 10.00am-12.00noon
Edward Dunn Dance & Social Club
Last Saturday in the month contact John Kirk
07568 106004
01709 816445
News Items, Adverts etc
Christine donates artefacts
Pictured is Urban
District Councillor
Wa l t e r S m i t h ' s
daughter Christine
Parker with a few of
the artefacts she has
given to Maltby
To w n C o u n c i l
documenting her
father's lifetime in
Amongst the memorabilia are records from the Maltby Crags, Lilly Hall and
the Grammar School, Maltby Urban District Council, the Burial Board, Grant of
Arms, the Scouts and numerous photographs of Maltby life, including the Beck
Christine, who herself taught at the Crags School for a number of years said
'he lived and worked in Maltby all his life and that what stays with her is the
amount of respect he commanded from the town even when he was 93 years
The public are invited to a viewing of the Walter Smith memorabilia together
with an exhibition to commemorate the start of World War 1 on Saturday 11th
October at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall 10 am to 3pm
Junior Wardens make
Maltby a great place to live!
With the support of Wentworth Valley
Area Assembly and Groundwork Dearne
Valley, Maltby Crags Community school
has successfully run a Junior Wardens
scheme after school. This is the third year
the school has embraced this project and
12 young people took part initially with a
series of activities to learn about their
environment and how to keep safe! Over 5
weeks the group visited Likewise at
Hellaby led by the Fire Service, carried out
an estate walkabout, litter picked in their
local park and took part in a workshop with
the Rotherham Can project creating key
rings out of recycled aluminium cans. With
new pupils wishing to get involved and with
support from their School and Wentworth Valley Area Assembly the group
continues to meet after school to litter pick in their local area. “This project
grows from strength to strength each year and the pupils enjoy taking part,
learning new ways in which they can help to keep Maltby a great place to live!”
Collect your Maltby Post Here!
Newsletters can be obtained from the following distribution points:
High Street The LibraryTescoCo-opFabric to FashionThe
Service CentreLayden Court Salisbury Road Newsagents
Braithwell Road Peter's Fuit & VegetablesThe Sheppey
Tickhill Road The Edward Dunn Memorial HallThe Queens Hotel
Muglet Lane Queens Medical CentreBulls EyeCorner FisheriesCar
Rotherham Road Martins Furniture CentreRotherham Road Flats
Other Maltby Leisure Centre nQueens Nursing HomeMelton Court
Care HomeThe Model Village Association HouseBevan Crescent
Community CentreManor FisheriesMaltby Lynx Youth CentreThe
Manor PubThe Hay Nook Pub
Please let us know if you would like copies of the Maltby Post in
your shop or community building.
email: mp@coopertypo.co.uk
World War I Stories Wanted
Tell us your story……………………..
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the
outbreak of World War One and we want to assemble a
gallery of pictures, stories and mementoes in tribute to
the Maltby men and women who lived and died during
that terrible and extraordinary time.
We would love to hear stories of your relative who
may have been a hero on the battlefield or may have
been a housewife taking extraordinary measures to
feed and protect her family during this time.
Please email your stories to
maltby.town@btconnect.com or post them to Maltby
Town Council, Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill
Road, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 7NQ or contact
Councillor Jenny Andrews on Tel: 07757 287941or
Councillor Lauren Astbury on Tel: 01709 819561
Garden Competition
Maltby Town Council's Garden Competition will
take place in the week commencing Monday July 21.
There are 4 categories you can enter. There is the Best
Display Basket - two may be entered; Best Kept
Garden - your front and rear garden may be entered
separately; Best Yard/Patio; Best Container and again
two may be entered. The judges will be looking for
overall appearance, colour, variety and originality.
Entry to the Garden Competition is free. Entry forms
and further details can be obtained from the Edward
Wentworth Area
Assembly Meeting
Tuesday 14th October, 6pm at Northfield Primary
School, Wickersley
News Items, Adverts etc
email: mp@coopertypo.co.uk
School Holidays? Bored? Nothing to Do?
Activities in Maltby from July to August
Monday 21st July - Friday 25th July & Monday 28th July - August 1st. 5 day Multi Sports Camp 10am-3pm, 5-14 year
olds at Maltby Acadamy £25.
3 day (Tuesday-Thursday) Street Dance Camp 10am-3pm, 5-14 year olds at Maltby Academy £15.
Monday 4th August - Friday 8th August Holiday Programme with Active Regen*. 5-15 year olds at Maltby Linx. 10am3pm Free
Monday 18th August - Friday 22nd August Holiday Programme with Active Regen*. 5-15 year olds at Maltby Linx.
10am - 3pm Free.
Tuesday 26th August - Friday 29th August Holiday Programme with Active Regen*. 5-15 year olds at Edward Dunn
Memorial Hall. Free.
Daily activities: Monday: Job Support drop in* 1.30pm-4.30pm. Tuesday:(from 22nd July - 12th August) Year 7 youth
club* 5.30pm-8.30pm. Wednesday: Transitions Youth Club* 6pm-8pm 50p (July 23rd August 13th) 5v5 a side football at
Coronation Park 14-24 yrs. Thursday: Rotherham United Football Club activities, Coronation Park 6pm-8pm. Friday:
Mini Kickers 11am-12.30pm. 3-4 year olds at Malby Academy (25th July and 1st August). Senior Youth club 6.30pm-9pm
50p (Jul 21st August 15th).
August 1st Yorkshire Day BBQ, Disco, Football at Cornonation Park 6pm-9pm.
Free tennis coaching at Coronation Park every Wednesday throughout July and August. 5-7 year olds at 5pm-6pm. 813 year olds at 6pm-7pm.
NB * these activities take place in the Maltby Linx. For more information please contact Clare Cope on
01709 819581.
*Holiday Programme booking is essential. Please telephone 01909 510775. Your child will require a
packed lunch and drink.
33 High Street, Maltby S66 8LG
01709 812227
Your Local Optician
We have been supplying quality eye care for Rotherham families for over 40 years
Why waste time and money travelling to town or Meadowhall for any optical needs
Be they
Eye Examinations
Contact Lenses
Frame adjustments and repairs
They are all here on your doorstep
Extensive range of frames, professional and friendly faces.
We are always striving to give our patients the best service, quality and time
Give us a try - you will not be disappointed
News Items, Adverts etc
email: mp@coopertypo.co.uk
Young Volunteers
Here at Maltby Linx
we have a team of
approximately 20
young volunteers aged
between 11 and 22.
The young volunteers
work on Tuesdays and
Wednesday evenings.
Tuesdays is for Year 7s,
and Wednesdays is a
special Transitions project for the Year 6 young people (over 60
attend each week) from all the primary schools in Maltby.
The young volunteers work as part of the staff team and
supervise all the activities and curriculum that we deliver here.
They get involved in crafts, physical activities such as crab
football and badminton, supervise the Wii or X-Box and run the
coffee bar, including the cashing up. They also undergo training
and we have covered subjects such as equalities and diversity,
confidentiality, risk assessments and safeguarding.
There is also a great emphasis on teamwork, and to enhance
this the group went on a residential to Crowden together in
February and really enjoyed themselves, as well as learning about
Fair Trade and developing their communication skills. They say
that being a volunteer makes them feel special and valued and
that they have learnt a lot about themselves and others.
Doing the Autism Awareness curriculum and noticeboard held
special significance for the young volunteers, as 3 of the group
have autism themselves it has helped to break down stereotypes
about the abilities and social skills of young people with autism.
I offer a reliable, flexible & Professional Gardening, Handyman, Odd Job & Property
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Paths & driveways powerwashed l NCTP Chainsaw Licensed l Garden furniture treating l Regular
& general maintenance of all kinds to suit every budget.
Criminal Records Bureau
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From here, I believe that everything else will follow.
I live locally, give me a ring on 07947 691675 or 01709 370366
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6 Weeks Unlimited
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For Only £20
Your Membership Includes:
A swim 4Health consultation to find the right sessions for you
Unlimited swimming (all welcome sessions)
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Swim 4Health is an
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introduction to water based
l Free studio class
Call Us Now
For More Details
terms and conditions apply
fitness & wellbeing to help you
improve your health, lose weight
and tone up. Suitable for all
Rotherham Leisure Complex
Aston-cum-Aughton Leisure Centre
01709 722555
0114 2942580
Maltby Leisure Centre
Wath upon Dearne Leisure Centre
01709 797100
01709 870120
News Items, Adverts etc
Winners Drawn!
email: mp@coopertypo.co.uk
Nominate your Heroes!
Maltby Town Council is putting a call out across the community for residents to
nominate their unsung heroes for a Maltby Award.
Councillors want to hear from parishioners about the many groups and individuals
who contribute to the quality of life in the town to recognise and celebrate the voluntary
work undertaken in the area.
If you know of someone who fits the bill, please fill in a nomination form and send it
in to Maltby Town Council, The Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, Tickhill Road, Maltby
S66 7NQ.
The closing date is: Monday 22nd September 2014.
Nomination Form
Your Details:
Name ...............................................................................................................
Position if relevant ..........................................................................................
Address ...........................................................................................................
Tel No .................................................
Email ...................................................
I would like to nominate
Name ...............................................................................................................
Tel No ...................................................
Email ...................................................
Nomination categories (please tick)
Maltby Person or Group
Maltby Young Person or Group
Reason for nomination (on a separate sheet and no more than 100 words)
Two draws of the Maltby Youth Town
Council Bin It To Win It project has taken
The winners of the 28th April draw are:
Phoenix iPod Shuffle. Storm Reid - £10 gift
The winners of the 2nd June draw are: Chloe
Sayer iPod Shuffle. Charlie Hickey - £10 gift
Cllr Jon Carratt Opens
Craft and Fun Day
Samantha Martin of the Tollbar
Furniture Centre, invited Chairman of
Maltby Town Council, Cllr Jon Carratt
to open their spring craft and family fun
day on the 25th May.
There were 35 craft stalls altogether,
all of which were local small business
and crafters from Maltby and plenty to
keep the children entertained with a
bouncy castle and face painter.
Samantha said 'that she wanted to
arrange something which would give
people something to do on the bank
holiday weekend and hopes that it
become an annual event'.
A raffle raised £247 for the
Rotherham Dog Rescue, the prizes
being donated by the stall holders.
Civic Service pays tribute
This years Civic Service will be held on 12th October 2014 at the Edward Dunn
Memorial Hall.
At the service we will be commemorating the centenary year of World War 1. As part
of the commemoration the Town Council wish to pay tribute to the Maltby men and
women who are serving, or have served in the armed forces, by inviting them, or a
family member to the service.
If you would like to attend the service or require further information please contact the
Town Clerk Ann Stewart on 01709 814060 or email maltby.desktop@btconnect.com
News Items, Adverts etc
Cheque presentation to Autistic Society
Tai Chi Qi Gong
Qi Gong, meaning 'Energy
Work', is an ancient form of
Tai Chi and uses slow,
graceful movements and
breathing techniques. The
Chinese believe that gentle
exercise which incorporates
the mind, breathing and body
movement, helps to promote
the circulation within the
human body to enhance
overall health. There are
more than 10,000 styles of Qi
Gong and more than
200million people practise this worldwide.
In the UK Tai Chi Qi gong is recommended by the
NHS as studies have demonstrated positive results on a
wide range of health problems.
Keung Wan is an instructor with the British Health Qi
Gong Association and has been teaching Qi gong for
over 10 years and Self-Defence for over 20 years. He
welcomes students of all ages and abilities to his classes.
Qi Gong classes: Monday 6pm to 7pm. Wing Chun
Self Defence classes: Monday 7.15 8.45pm. At the
Edward Dunn Memorial Hall
For further information please contact Keung on
Block Paving Renovation Specialist
Block Paving re-sanded & sealed
No more moss and weeds
Contact Dave
Tel: 01709 877412
Mob: 07979 431133
Martins Furniture Centres
The Toll Bar, Maltby
01709 814484
The best value for ANTIQUES, OLD
& MODERN furniture in South Yorkshire
Whatever you are looking for we can help
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Bedroom Furniture
Table & Chairs
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We also buy good quality
Email: furniturecenter@live.co.uk
Martins Furniture Maltby
Find us on
Rotherham Road
July, August & September
South Yorkshire New Single Beds from £69
S66 8LP
New Double Beds from £99
email: mp@coopertypo.co.uk
Here is Keith Stringer
presenting a cheque for
One Hundred and
Fifteen pounds to
Kathryn Astbury
(National Autistic
Society) following a
collection at the Tesco
Store in Maltby on the
17th of April. Also
pictured are the
volunteers who helped
with the collection. From left to right: RMBC Cllr Lauren Astbury, local fundraiser
Jeanette Mallinder, Tesco Supervisor June Evitts and RMBC Cllr Jenny Andrews.
Led Project
Maltby Town Council is
delighted to announce that
further to a successful bid
for Community Led
Project Support Funding,
through the Homes and
Communities Agency, it
will receive £29,700 for a
feasibility study to look at
a new community building
for Maltby.
The Community Led
Project Support funding
programme is a revenue
funding programme which
helps communities to
achieve their development
ambitions for their local
area. The fund provides
revenue funding to help
community groups to build
their capacity to either
submit a Community Right
to Build order, which is an
alternative way for
communities to deliver the
development they want be
it homes, shops, businesses
or facilities where the
benefits of the development will be retained by
the community for the
community or to apply for
planning permission.
The Toy Box
Maltby Miners Music &
Drama Group present ‘The
Toy Box’ at the Variety
Concert at Maltby Catholic
Club on 16th July at
7.30pm. Tickets are £5. For
further details please call
Glenys on 01709 700768.
and Repairs
Cushion Refilling
Fabric and Leather Repairs
Domestic and Commercial
01709 873836
07950 910261
n Internal & External Decorating
n Wallpapering
Tel: 01709 819881
Mob: 07952 714976
Web: http://www.pgdecorating.co.uk/
Calling Churches, Community, Schools and Sporting Groups - let us have your news!
Telephone 01709 814060 or Email maltby.desktop@btconnect.com
In recent months, across Rotherham as a
whole, we have been a number of garages
burgled, with offenders targeting power tools,
pedal cycles and fishing tackle in particular, for
theft. With this in mind, I thought that I would
offer you some tips on enhancing the security of
your garage.
If you have a garage that is attached to, or
close to your home, and you have an intruder
alarm fitted to your home, then consider
extending the alarm to cover your garage.
Battery powered alarms can be sourced for
garages in more remote locations, where mains
power is not available.
There are a number of door security devices
made for garages. Visit www.soldsecure.com to
see garage security products (and security
products in general) which have resisted
criminal attack, and which therefore attract
Police support.
Consider using an indelible marker
(permanent ink pen) to write your postcode and
house number on tools (hand and power),
lawnmowers and the like, that you may store in
your garage. Marking these items visibly may
make them less attractive to offenders as they
are likely to be more difficult to sell to new
Consider taking photographs of the
contents of your garage. If items then go
missing, it's easier to show a photo of them, than
to try and describe them.
Garage, Garden
and House Safety!
Consider fastening tools, pedal cycles,
lawnmowers and other larger items together
using a chain, then securing the chain on to a
ground anchor set in to the floor of the garage.
Suitable chains and ground anchors can be
found on the sold secure website listed earlier.
If your garage has a window, first of all
determine if you really need it, and if not, brick
it up. If you do need a window in your garage,
then cover the window with a curtain to deny
would be offenders a view of the goods within
the garage. Fitting steel grilles, using coach
bolts rather than screws, to the outside of garage
windows, may also offer a degree of security to
the site.
If the vehicle access point to your garage is
fitted with a pair of double doors, consider
coach bolting a length of metal to the door, so
that it overlaps and covers the gap between the
two doors. This may deny an offender the
chance to prise open the doors. Also, use coach
bolts to secure your hasp and staple, and hinges,
to this type of door and fit a good closed shackle
padlock (again see www.soldsecure.com for
suggestions here).
As summer approaches most of us may well
to look to spend more time outdoors in our
garden. Or if we stay indoors we might choose
to leave windows and doors open to get a cooler
breeze blowing through the house. Given our
propensity to do both of the afore mentioned at
this time of year, it might come as no surprise to
hear that sneak in burglaries often increase in
number in the Summer months. Listed below are
some points to consider, which if followed may
reduce the chances of you falling foul of sneak in
If you are going in to the garden and leaving no
one in the house, close and secure all the
windows, and then secure the house doors before
entering the garden.
If you are in the house, don't leave windows or
external doors open in rooms that are unoccupied. And before leaving a room, ensure that you
secure the windows therein.
When you are in the house, consider dropping
the latch on the door or securing the door with
the door chain. Either of these suggestions will
allow you an easy way out of the house in an
emergency, but will also deny offenders easy
access to the house. Fitting a battery operated
door chime to your door, will give you an audible
warning if the door is opened, and this noise will
also startle would be offenders.
Don't leave valuable items, such as laptops,
smartphones, tablets, car keys, cash or
handbags, on open display in unoccupied rooms.
Be a good neighbour. Report persons acting
suspiciously around neighbours' homes to the
Police as soon as possible.
If you require further advice on security,
please contact the officers in your local Police
Safer Neighbourhood team
Email mp@coopertypo.co.uk Visit our website at www.coopertypo.co.uk.No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers.