Gorham Normal School Commencement Program 1892: Second
Gorham Normal School Commencement Program 1892: Second
University of Southern Maine Digital Commons@USM Commencement Programs University Archives 6-22-1892 Gorham Normal School Commencement Program 1892: Second Class Gorham Normal School Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/commencement Part of the American Studies Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Gorham Normal School, "Gorham Normal School Commencement Program 1892: Second Class" (1892). Commencement Programs. Book 25. http://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/commencement/25 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Digital Commons@USM. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@USM. For more information, please contact ian.fowler@maine.edu. u.oRHAfii NORMf\L- SCHOOL. AND Graduation of the Second Cla55 of '92�. WEDNESDAl JUNE 22, 1892. You are Cordially Invit�d to 6e Present. Examination o� aJatjtjetj. ---'\§) 8.30 A. M. €i r.ad uatioQ geeond aJi!ltjtj 1892. ---'(63) Op ening . 'l'hrme: 9·30· A, Botany, 5; B, Algebra, 2; C, Literature, 6; D, Physics, 4; Teaching in 7 and 8. 'l'lwmc: 'J'hl'tll.C: •nwm<': Thtme: C2, Geo met ry, 2; D. Lan gu age , 6; A Civics,4; B, Rhetoric, 5; Teac h ing in 7 and 8. II.IO. Calisthenics and Recess, Room 12. 10. D, Geometry, 2; C, Chemistry, 4; A, Literature, 1. 6; B, Botany, 5; Teaching in 7 and 8. 2.00 P. M. 3.00. Opening. B, Pedagogics, 2; C, Geography, 5; D, History, 6; Teaching in 6 and 7· School Economy and Management, Mr. Luce. A Home of thr Ie-nornnt, A l rome of the Educ,,tC'rl, EIC'mentar,v :"cl€.•uc<• for Children, A Lit tle Child !o>hall Lead Them, Etlucat io n after School, ThPme: 'l'hcme: The me : MUSIC-SOL.O. The School a Moral "Kdncator. Thorou.llhnrss in Elementary Educatiflll, 'l'hC' Influ('UCt>S which Educate, 'J'he Divine Discontent, 'Yo are all Go ing to the Centennial, Theme: 'l'hC'mc: 'l'hcme: 'rheme: 'l'heme: Imn�lnary Travels 1n Oeography, Day hy Day the House was B u ilded, You :Must, The Joys and Sorrows of Childhood, 'l'ho Making of a Tea cher , T h eme : Them e : How shall J Ope n my Oyster, Them�'�: IO.JO. JUNE 22. ?&CJ '{/. 'tqz., J?ZUi;ia··:f!agden rpuartette. Thf'mc: 1\Inhrl C. Gnrdon. Ella H. Cn rslry. .Milbcl F. Drown. Jl!. Lnn ra llicks. Bertha L. Cannell. lola E. !.Jane. Winnifred C. Gowen. Bnht J.J. Hall. IIWZ ..){. ltowo. Sadie J. CoD b. MUSio-HAYDEN QUARTETTE. Hattie L. Kel•ey. Susan \Vay. Laum Byrne. Lilllun E. Lowell. Ella �L Melcher. MUSIC-SOL.O. Theme: Theme: Th em e : The me : Theme: 1'hcm�: 'l'hemc: \Vbat Children should Read, Books which Influen ced 1\Ie, Little Nell, n"l a Persona'!E', '!'he Dolls of Grown Up Folks, Maybon E. Brown. Mabel Trickey. I_.ouie A. Goodell. Bertha TJ- Milliken. liL Lena Miller. MUSIC-HAYDEN QUARTETTE. Imagination as a Frtctor in 'reachin g, The IIomc a nd School, versus the Street, How Childhood Finds its Roads, Continual Dropping Wears Away the Stone, Emma L. 1\-fann. :Marion L. Horr. Eva fl. Leav1tt. Annie B. Edwards. MUSIC-HAYDEN QUARTETTE, Conferring Diplomas. Singint:r Frtrcwell Song. Benediction. Good byes. Six will reau. ,GRADUATED JANUARY 22. MOTTO: "Pianft!te great lte-reaftcr r- '-- ,.n tlte now." Mary E. Allen, Freeport. Fannie E�Mllllken,llar Mills. Ida M. Mitchell, De<>rin�r. lfary F. Carwell, Yo<k Harbor. 1\targccrito-Prido, Cumberland Mllls. Allee .J. Coffin, �·rooport. ClRracF. llartimun, J�ertin l<'nlls, N. II. Aila -<1· Ricker, Watcrt<>wn, Mnss. Ji&ttle Rllton, N<o1tb Ans<>n. Bu•le E. Stone, Cape Porpoise. Graoe lll, Lowell, Pride's Comer. Mllbel E': Walte,l!'almouth. May lll�Wood,Za•lport. GRADUATED JUNE! 22. MOTTO: "Row, not ]\1aybon E. Brown, Poland. Laure ,Byrne, ,Robbinston. llertha L. Camoell, Duck Ella R. ar s ley, Maysvllle Centre. Sndie J. Cob!>, Ea•t Poland. MnbelF. Drown, Gorham. C Pond, Annie B. Ellwards, South Wtndbam. Bnla L. Hall, Sheepseot lll.lrelscy, Drift." Bridge. Llattle, ljouth Bristol. lola E. Lane, West Aubnl'll. Eva G. Leavitt, Streudwa.ter. I.illian,E. Lowell, Duck Pond. Emma L.lrann, -22 Fes�enden St.,J>ortland. lllla M, Melcher, Cumberland ll:!ills. BerthS-L. Milliken, Hollis. South Cushing. K1.�;::_ \TI��:O"W'hft!fo��d. 1I�Jfa���J.;':"'���l'b��:"'tre. li'Iarion L. Horr,l99 High St., Portland. Susie 0. W�y, Cforbam. Louie A. Goodell, 6umberlRnd lllills. lllnbel C. Gordon, Dnek Pond. M. Lena Miller,
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