Not your typical attorney - Ohio Northern University


Not your typical attorney - Ohio Northern University
Dr. Kendall L. and Mrs. Toby
Baker, BFA ’06, give of their
time as they pass out treat
boxes to ONU students during
fall quarter exams.
Greetings from Ada and ONU!!
In the Fall issue of the Alumni
Journal, you may remember
that we interviewed individuals
who excelled in various
capacities outside of their
daily routine by following their
In this issue, we want to focus
on The Giving Spirit. It is no
surprise that many members
of the ONU family graciously
donate their time and resources
to make their communities and
our world a better place.
In the pages that follow, you
will learn how graduates and
current students have given
back in so many ways, whether
it be by working for Engineers
without Borders, volunteering
for Habitat for Humanity or
coordinating food drives for
those in need. Also, you’ll read
about alumni who have given
back financially to Northern,
whether it be as a Lehr Society
Member supporting The
Campaign for Ohio Northern
University’s Tomorrow or as a
young alumnus who has joined
our GOLD Society.
At Northern, our mission is and
always has been education
FIRST. We encourage our
students to excel in the
classroom but also to explore
beyond the classroom and
to give back to others in
their own individual ways.
An ONU education instills the
importance of service and
focusing on the common good
rather than one’s own selfinterest.
This issue also includes one
of my favorite parts of the
Alumni Journal, namely “The
Ties That Bind.” As you know,
this section always features
stories inspired by friendships
that began at Ohio Northern
and have lasted, in some
cases, sixty plus years. Many of
us, like the illustrations shared
in this journal, are all bound
together by the relationships
we have built at Ohio Northern
University—friendships that will
last a lifetime.
Enjoy this issue of the journal
and please accept Toby’s and
my very best wishes for a warm,
happy and fulfilling 2010. May
you always remember to have
in your heart, a Giving Spirit and
to stay in touch with your ties
from ONU. Thank you for all you
do for Ohio Northern University.
Dr. Kendall L. Baker
President, Ohio Northern
Hello and Happy New Year!
I hope that 2010 will be a year filled with
good health, happiness and cherished
connections for you and your family.
Thanks so much to all of you for your notes,
calls and positive feedback regarding the
new design of the Ohio Northern University
Alumni Journal. We will continue to bring
you stories and updates about your fellow
classmates and your alma mater.
Vol 70 - Issue one
Winter 2010
President ­
Kendall L. Baker
Vice President for Academic
Affairs (Interim) and Dean of
the College of Law
David C. Crago
Alumni Journal Editors
Josh Alkire
Associate Director of
Ann Donnelly Hamilton, BA ’99
Director of Alumni Affairs
Vice President and Dean of
Enrollment ­
Karen P. (Casper) Condeni, BA ’74
Carol Flax
Director of University
Communications and Marketing
Vice President for
University Advancement
Thomas R. Stevick
Laurie Wurth Pressel
Vice President for
Financial Affairs
Robert W. Ruble
Vice President for
Student Affairs
Adriane Thompson-Bradshaw
Executive Assistant to the President
William L. Robinson, BSEd ’61,
Hon.D. ’05, H of F ’05
Thomas R. Stevick
Vice President for University
Please continue to keep us updated
as you begin the new year and feel
free to send your comments and suggestions to me at We look forward to hearing from
you and, as always, please stop and visit us at the Alumni
House, 115 West Lima, when you are back on campus!
Warmest regards,
Ann Donnelly Hamilton, BA ’99
Director of Alumni Affairs
Art and Design
Jeni Bible
Contributing Writers
Josh Alkire, Laurie Wurth Pressel
Contributing Photographers
Kenneth Colwell, Tim Glon, Jose
Nogueras, Mary Wilkin
Class Notes Editor
Brendon Boone, BA ’09, Karla Geise,
BSBA ’07, Sonja Umbs, BA ’08
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OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNI JOURNAL (USPS 404-840) is published by Ohio Northern University, 525
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OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY was founded in 1871 and is a private, co-educational, student-centered
institution of higher learning that offers quality, nationally ranked sciences, arts and professional
programs in its five colleges: Arts & Sciences, Business Administration, Engineering, Pharmacy and
4 The Giving Spirit
16Student Organizations
18 On the Tundra
20 Sports
22 Now Showing
26 Campaign
31 Class Notes
44 Northern’s Cubs
46 In Memoriam
50 Campus Connection
The giving spirit abounds on Ohio Northern University’s
campus. Students experience it each day in their
interactions with the dedicated professors, caring alumni
and generous donors who make up the ONU community.
After graduating from Northern, many ONU alumni carry
their passion for service into their new lives. For some,
service becomes a vocation; for others, it becomes an
avocation. Despite the demands of careers, graduate
school and families, they continue to share their gifts for
the betterment of society.
In the following pages, you’ll discover that the giving spirit
is determined and joyful through the voices of alumni and
students who have made service to others a way of life.
ames E. Cates, BA ’67, had just
graduated from Columbus East High
School, and his immediate plans
called for enlistment with the U.S.
Air Force. One of 12 children, Cates never
put much thought to college education.
He didn’t exactly pay much attention to
his high school career, either. Working
late nights at restaurants, attending high
school three or four times a week, Cates
was more concerned about earning money
to help his family. College just wasn’t in his
An offer he almost refused
But then a strange thing happened.
Cates sat on the offer for two days before
mentioning it to his mother. College was so
far away from what he knew, so far away from
anything he ever thought about, he found it
difficult to take higher education seriously.
“I wasn’t going to go. But my mother pushed, so I
went back to see Dr. Eibling again,” he says. “We
talked, and he suggested Northern. He said, ‘I’m
the chairman of the board, so if you need help or
guidance, it’s the school I know best.’ So that’s
why I came` to ONU.”
Cates received a mysterious phone call from
Dr. Harold Eibling, superintendant of Columbus
Public Schools and chairman of the board at Ohio
Northern University. Eibling explained to Cates
that four anonymous area businessmen were
willing to finance Cates’ college education, as
long as he adhered to four conditions: He had to
attend one of three specific schools. He had to
major in engineering. He had to maintain a 3.0
GPA in every quarter. Finally, he could not make
any attempts to discover the identity of the four
Cates stepped on Ohio Northern’s campus as a
freshman in fall 1963. With low expectations, he
called his Air Force recruiter, explaining that he
was going to give college a try, but would most
likely be available for enlistment in January.
His Northern experience
A few weeks into his Northern journey, a moment
of tragedy provided the intense focus Cates
needed to survive. After years of working in
foundries, his father suffered a heart attack. Cates
traveled home on a rainy night in September
1963, expecting to drop out of school to help care
for the family. His three older brothers were in the
military, and his three older sisters were married,
so he felt like he was the only one left to help his
mother. He went to the hospital to visit his father,
who sat up in his bed and asked his son what he
was doing in Columbus, away from Ada and away
from his studies.
“I told him, ‘Dad, you almost died.’ He says, ‘I’m not
going to die. I’m going to live long enough for you
to get out of school. I’m probably not going to live
long enough to raise the rest of these kids. But I’m
counting on you to get out of school and help your
mother.’ And that was when I really learned how to
focus in life. The next four years, I focused more in
my life than I think I have ever focused since.”
Even with this renewed focus, college challenged
Cates on several fronts. Academically, he felt
like everyone else had a head start, because his
high school had not prepared him well for the
mathematics he needed for engineering. This
would soon change.
“I studied 15 hours a day; that’s about how long
I had to study to keep up,” he recalls. “Because I
was so far behind everybody, I used to spend six
hours a night just on my math.”
Socially, Cates found himself in a very unfamiliar
world. “Most of the kids on campus were from the
middle class,” he explains. “What they thought
were problems weren’t problems for me. It was
the first time I had three meals per day, and they
were complaining about the food. I thought it was
the best food there was!”
Academic and social struggles weren’t the only
hurdles Cates faced. “At the time, I think I was
only the second black kid in the engineering
school in 100 years at Northern. This was the civil
rights era. So it was just really hard.”
“Jim was a freshman in Lima Hall, where my wife,
Gretchen, and I lived,” says William Robinson,
BSEd ’61, Hon. D. ’05, H of F ’05, then dean of
men and head resident of Lima Hall. “There’s an
interesting story about white students and their
parents refusing to have Jim as a roommate. The
local minister of one of the students even came to
me to protest the rooming situation. Neither of
those students survived ONU, but Jim graduated
with honors.”
Of course, Cates emerged from this situation a
better person. “People would seek me out to put
their kids in the room with me so I could tutor
them,” he says. “I became a pretty good math
tutor, and that helped me make some money so I
could send it home to my mother.
Mary Cates, Jim Cates, BA ’67, and William Robinson, BSEd ’61,
Hon. D. ’05, H of F ’05, at a San Francisco Area Alumni Event.
“Every quarter I got better and better. I eventually
graduated cum laude.”
Welcome to the tech world
After graduating from Ohio Northern, Cates
earned a master’s degree in computer and
information science from Ohio State University
before beginning a long career with IBM. “I
managed worldwide languages, databases,
artificial intelligence, etc. I did a lot of research
and development and worked my way up to
corporate director at IBM,” he says.
Cates left IBM after 21 years, taking executive
leadership, WW IT deployment and corporate
VP management positions with a number of
companies in California’s Silicon Valley, including
Altera, Brocade, Information Technology
Solutions (now Keane Consulting), Synopsys and
Silicon Graphics.
“I became a specialist at working at a company
for three to four years, taking on the task of
transforming the entire company – people,
business processes and technology. I rolled out
worldwide business integration systems, what you
call ERPS (enterprise resource planning systems).”
CIO Scholarship Foundation
Along the way, Cates co-authored two books,
CIO Wisdom and Climbing the Ladder of Business
Intelligence. He convinced his fellow authors to devote
the books’ royalties to a scholarship fund, and, just like
that, the CIO Scholarship Foundation was born. He’s
been president of the group since 2003.
To continue funding this foundation, Cates
developed his “rent-a-CIO” model, in which
companies donate $5,000 to the scholarship fund
in exchange for two hours of consultation with
three volunteer CIOs. During these two-hour
sessions, the CIOs evaluate new opportunities and
technologies for the donating companies.
To date, the CIO Scholarship Foundation has
distributed more than $160,000 in scholarships.
The Foundation is involved with four universities
and a community college district (San Jose State
University, Clarion University, Ohio State
University, UC Berkeley and Foothill-De Anza
Community College District) and another
charitable organization: the Glow Foundation.
Glow Foundation
In 2006, two Stanford University graduate
students approached Cates, seeking his
involvement with the Glow Foundation, a
nonprofit organization that addresses the
financial barriers facing high-potential, lowincome students as they attempt to enroll in
The Glow Foundation does more than give out
scholarships to deserving students. It educates and
explains basic financial principles. Participating
students work with mentors to learn about
budgets, how set up bank accounts and where
to apply for scholarships. The students must
then put together a college budget that details
what schools they would like to attend, how
much it costs and how they plan to pay for it.
Glow mentors and board members then examine
the students’ progress, analyze the submitted
budgets and distribute scholarships that fill in the
gaps. Glow partners with Wells Fargo and Silicon
Valley Bank and their volunteering employees
to effectively deliver this student mentoring and
financial training.
Cates played a large part in funding Glow during
its first year. He serves as a chairman of its board,
and several other board member mentors have
come from his network of colleagues.
“2010 will be a difficult year for Glow funding due
to the economic challenges all organizations are
facing,” he says. To date, Glow Foundation has
provided financial education to approximately
580 students and college scholarships to 79
“Just like me, it’s the first time they’ve had
anyone actually tell them about a world outside
of where they live,” says Cates. “They’re in really
dangerous areas, and it’s a tough life for them.
Just like mine was for me.”
helped kids all my life
since I left ONU,” he continues. “It’s just a passion
inside of me, because I know what would have
happened had someone not helped me.”
The importance
of giving back
While Cates readily acknowledges the impact his
Northern education and experiences have had on
his life, to this day he still has no idea about the
identity of those four mysterious businessmen.
“The deal was I never try to find out. I honored
that. So no, I don’t know who they were,” he says.
He can, on the other hand, cite a handful of
people who made his educational journey
possible: his mother and father, Harold Eibling,
Bill Robinson, Frank Bringle McIntosh (president
of the University from 1949-66).
“There were a lot of people who helped me as
I tried to move into a world that I had never
seen before,” he says. “These people helped me
get the courage to make the jump to a higher
standard of living, and I have traveled the world.
But more than that, this adventure helped
me define a magnificent purpose for my life:
mentoring and helping youth, the guardians of
the nation’s future.”
Because of his life experiences, Cates
understands how important it is to repay the
kindness afforded to him by others. He urges
other graduates to do the same.
“Once you get your degree, don’t forget to
give back. Especially if you’re like me, where
somebody helps you turn your life around. As far
as I’m concerned, it’s a requirement for you to
give back and help at least one more person.”
And that’s just what Jim Cates has done,
several times over.
To learn more about the Glow Foundation, visit
Service and sacrifice
Close your eyes and picture your typical
lawyer. You might see a perfectly tailored
suit, legal brief in hand.
Now drop the briefcase and replace
it with a rifle. And mess up the hair
with a heavy helmet. Trade the suit for
camouflage fatigues.
Not your typical attorney
That’s Travis Elms, JD ’04, a judge advocate
general (JAG) in the U.S. Army. As a JAG, he
primarily acts as a military prosecutor. But
there’s more to it than that.
“When I was in Iraq, I was the sole legal
advisor for a 4,000-person unit, and I practiced
contract fiscal law and prosecuted individual
misconduct cases. I also served as a legal
advisor for administrative investigations and
practiced international and operational law.”
Elms attended Ohio Northern University’s
Pettit College of Law because he knew he
wanted to be a lawyer someday. He just
didn’t know what he wanted to specifically
do or practice. He needed a career to match
the aspirations. This all changed during his
second year at ONU.
“In law school, a JAG officer came to campus
and conducted interviews for an internship
position during the summer between my
second and third years. So I did the interview
and was offered a six-week internship at
Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland.”
Sensing that he had discovered the perfect
fit, during his third year of law school Elms
applied to enter the U.S. Army. He was
accepted in December 2003.
“Somewhere inside me, there was a calling to
serve, and when I found the JAG Corps, it was
almost like a light bulb going off. I realized,
‘This is what I think I went to law school for.
This is what I enjoy doing.’”
Elms says he has always been patriotic and
always interested in serving. Yet he never
realized the breadth of career options
available with the armed forces. If he had
known, he may have enlisted much sooner. “I
was pretty naïve, and I thought everyone in
the Army was just an infantry soldier,” Elms
says. “I didn’t realize that there were many
other professions. You can be a nurse. You
can drive a truck. You can be an engineer. You
can do a communications job. You can work
exclusively as a law enforcement officer or a
criminal investigator.”
Elms officially joined the Army in January
2005. He was deployed to Iraq in July 2007
and remained there for more than 15 months.
He’s currently stationed at Fort Bragg in
North Carolina.
At other times, Elms worked with contract
and fiscal law. His unit dealt with engineering
and reconstruction (building schools,
hospitals, etc.), and Elms was tasked with
the fiscal elements of these reconstructions.
“It’s very complicated to spend money
appropriately. To spend improperly is a
criminal offense,” he says. “So I was the legal
advisor, making sure the right money was
spent on the right projects. And I spent a lot
of time advising on contracts.”
Elms performed operational law, too,
instilling the rules of engagement to his
fellow soldiers so that they could operate in
accordance with the Law of War.
“I would meet these guys before missions,
brief them on the current rules of
engagement, and assure them that they
had all the necessary tools to make the right
decisions,” Elms explains. “These are tough
young kids, but they always have a fear in
the backs of their minds that they’re going
to do something wrong or they’re going to
hurt somebody that they shouldn’t hurt. Or
they won’t react in time, and they’ll end up
being hurt or their fellow soldiers will be hurt.
I found it personally gratifying to ride along
with these guys, be a part of their daily lives
and give them confidence.”
The future
Five years into this journey, Elms
acknowledges the sacrifices required from a
military career. His family moves frequently,
and when not deployed he often travels to
places like Korea for weeks at a time. Because
such things can be very taxing on a family,
Elms’ future seems to be up in the air. While
Elms enjoys what’s he doing and would “love
to stay for 20 years,” his wife, Elizabeth,
although extremely patriotic and supportive,
may have other ideas.
“I only get 49 percent of the vote,” he says,
Not your typical soldier
While in Iraq, Elms served many roles, and no
two days were ever the same. At times, Elms
acted as a trusted advisor to his commander.
“They say that 10 percent of a commander’s
job demands 90 percent of their time,” he
explains. “So it was rewarding to be able to
shoulder some of that burden and tell the
commander, ‘I’m going to take that burden,
filter it, fix it and then feed it back to you in
manageable pieces so that you can focus on
the mission.’”
Travis Elms, JD ’04, with Colonel Peter “Duke” DeLuca (left) and General David Petraeus (right).
‘To whom much is given,
much is expected’
Kate Johnson uses her engineering expertise to bring clean water to
villagers in Cameroon, Africa, improving their health and future.
Engineers without borders
The family of Kate Johnson, BSCE ’07,
bestowed upon her two invaluable gifts:
a natural aptitude for engineering and a
sincere belief in the words of St. Luke, “To
whom much is given, much is expected.”
These gifts have guided Johnson’s young
life. They’ve led her to a successful career
as a civil engineer and inspired her to reach
out to residents in developing countries
who are in desperate need of clean water.
“It’s hard to imagine that some people
don’t even have access to fresh water
when I have so much,” she says. “Giving
back is a way to restore the balance.”
Johnson inherited her engineering
gene from a long line of ancestors. Her
father, two grandfathers and two greatgrandfathers were all engineers. “I was
just 3 years old when I knew I wanted to be
an engineer,” says Johnson, with a laugh.
When she graduated from Ohio Northern
in 2007, she became her family’s fourth
generation, but first female, engineer.
After graduation, Johnson joined Burgess
and Niple, a prestigious engineering and
architectural firm in Columbus, Ohio,
where she works on a wide range of
water-related projects, including financial
rate studies for water and sewage,
flood mapping for municipalities, and
waste-water treatment systems for
manufacturing companies.
Shortly after starting her new job,
Johnson began to give back. She became
a founding member of the Central Ohio
Professional Chapter of Engineers Without
Borders (EWB).
EWB’s mission is to partner with
developing communities to improve their
quality of life through the implementation
of environmentally sustainable, equitable
and economical engineering projects.
Volunteers include engineering students,
professors and professionals who want to
make a difference.
Johnson accepted the lead role for a
EWB-sponsored project to install a clean
water system in an impoverished village
in Cameroon, a country in West Africa. In
February 2009, she and four other EWB
members spent one week in the village of
Batoula assessing needs. The experience
was overwhelming, says Johnson. “I am
so lucky I live in a developed country,” she
reflects. “The conditions in which these
people live, and the hardships they deal
with every day, are unimaginable.”
Contaminated water is a major problem
for the villagers. The village’s existing
water system, built by the French in the
1960s, has fallen into disrepair and become
infected with surface water. In addition,
there are several weeks each year when
water sources run dry, and villagers have
to travel several miles for water. A lack
of clean water has caused the deaths of
hundreds from malaria, cholera, dysentery,
typhoid and other waterborne diseases
long ago eliminated in the U.S. “In my
view, clean water is an essential life force,”
says Johnson. “If you have access to clean
water, you will be healthy and stay alive,
and from there you can begin to better
your life.”
Johnson’s team took their data back to the
U.S. and designed plans and raised funds
for a new water system for the village.
They will return to Batoula early in 2010
to install a hand-pump system. Their longterm plan calls for a solar-powered system
with several water spouts throughout
the village. “We’ve made a five-year
commitment to the project,” explains
Johnson, who hopes to extend additional
help to the village in the areas of health,
education and business development.
Volunteering with EWB has changed
her outlook on life, says Johnson. She’s
become less materialistic and more
appreciative of her many blessings. She
was overcome by the graciousness and
happiness of the people she encountered
in Cameroon. Everywhere she walked in
the village, people stopped her to express
their gratitude for her assistance. “They
had virtually no materials goods, and
yet they were happy because they had a
strong sense of family and community. It
gives you a perspective on what’s really
Recognizing the ‘ah-ha’ moment
“Northern was a big part of my Christian journey.”
Servant leader
When Peter Paige, BSBA ’00, arrived on
Ohio Northern University’s campus as a
freshman, he had a lucrative future as an
accountant all mapped out. But his faith
led him in a different direction, inspiring
him to serve others as a minister in the
United Methodist Church.
to offer small prayer groups and religious
retreats. “Northern was a big part of my
Christian journey,” says Paige. “It was a
great place to grow and learn.”
Growing up as the child of two pastors
in Michigan, Paige knew the stress
involved in ministering at small churches
struggling to survive. It wasn’t the path
for him, he thought. A straight-A student
in high school, he decided to pursue
his interest in business and become a
certified public accountant.
During an accounting internship in
Lansing, Mich., his junior year, Paige
slowly came to realize that ministry was
his life calling. Bored and lonely, cut off
from his supportive network of college
friends, he had “lots of me and God
time,” he says, with a laugh. “I realized
that all the church stuff I was planning to
do on the side should really be my main
focus. But it wasn’t an easy decision to
arrive at.”
At Northern, Paige excelled in the
classroom and became a campus
leader. He was a resident hall assistant,
the president of Northern Christian
Fellowship and an active volunteer
for Habitat for Humanity. During the
three years that Paige was part of the
leadership team for Northern Christian
Fellowship, the group grew from 60
members to 200 members and expanded
Paige completed his business degree
from Northern and then enrolled at
Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky
for a master of divinity degree. His first
appointment was the associate pastor
of missions and finance at the Greater
Leipsic Multi-Site Parish in Leipsic, Ohio.
Four years later, he was appointed head
pastor at the First United Methodist
Church in Kenton, Ohio.
Every day, Paige serves the members
of his congregation with a special blend
of compassion, encouragement and
understanding. He revels in what he
calls the “ah-ha moments” – times when
someone to whom he is ministering
realizes that God loves and accepts them
Paige brings many gifts to the pastor
position. His business expertise makes
him a capable administrator of church
finances. His youth brings a fresh outlook
and enthusiasm to a congregation that
was ready for a change. His leadership
style encourages others to use their
gifts to serve God. “I did not become a
minister to lead a Church, but to listen to
God and to equip everyone around me to
do His work,” he says. “I’m not as smart
as God. The Spirit will lead people. I’m
just there to encourage them to become
who God wants them to be.”
Paige is married to Jenny (Kline), BSME
’02, an engineer at Cooper Tire and
Rubber Co. in Findlay, Ohio, and they
have three small children.
Transforming lives
“I like how much of a difference I get to make every day for my children.”
Inspired teaching
In fall 2001, Ohio Northern University hosted
a talk by Erin Gruwell, the educator behind
The Freedom Writers Diary book and the 2007
Freedom Writers film. Already well known for
transforming the lives of students in a racially
divided urban community in California,
Gruwell’s presentation that day changed the
life of at least one ONU student in Ada.
“Her story blew my mind,” says Stephanie
Carr, BA ’05, a sophomore education major
at the time. “It opened my eyes to the
possibilities, and I decided that, as long as I
teach, I want to work with urban kids.”
Exactly where to teach these urban kids was
also quickly decided. At age 15, Carr had
participated as a camper in Mountain T.O.P.
(Tennessee Outreach Project), a program that
coordinates mission trips for church youth
groups. While in Tennessee, these youth
groups volunteer on projects like building
porches and sheds, painting houses, and
performing yard work.
“The very first time I was in camp, I said, ‘I
want to do this someday and be on staff and
live here all summer long.’ So I did that for a
couple of summers in college, fell in love with
Tennessee and decided when I graduate, I’m
coming down here.”
Looking back,
I was so thankful
So, with career goals and locale already
settled, Carr took a job teaching language
arts to eighth graders in an “urban district” in
Nashville, Tenn. Her first year, however, got
off to a rocky start, with one class in particular
presenting major problems.
“My third period made me want to cry every
day when I was teaching. Every day! Picture
what it’s like in the movies, but five times
worse,” she says.
Full of self-doubt and feelings of failure,
Carr persevered and eventually got through
to them, thankful in retrospect for the way
things turned out. Describing that first year
as a learning process, Carr says her students
taught her what it means to be strong and
how to overcome difficulties with a good
It’s my calling in life
Today, Carr teaches reading to about 120
seventh graders at Madison Middle School
in Nashville, Tenn. More than just a teacher,
she plays several roles during the course of a
typical day. “I’m a social worker. I’m a youth
pastor. I’m a mind reader, a psychologist, a
mother,” she says.
The hard work is worth it, however, because
helping these kids is Carr’s calling in life.
Although they come from different worlds,
she knows that she can make a difference.
“My kids have very hard lives,” she says. “It’s a
life that I will never live and never experience.
They have more sadness and tragedy than I
can even comprehend. But being in school
every day is how they’re going to have a
chance at a better life as an adult.”
“I like how much of a difference I get to make
every day for my children,” she continues.
“They need school, and they need their
teachers in ways that the suburban or more
middle-class demographic do not.”
Her efforts are paying off. Last year, 98
percent of her students (100 percent of
the girl and 94 percent of the boys) met
the Tennessee’s standard proficiency
“I truly believe that every child can behave
appropriately and learn at high levels. So,
whatever it takes, I’ll do it. I give 110 percent.
It’s about them, and the numbers last year
prove it.”
No matter what she has to do, it seems Carr
will do it. She’s made home visits. She’s done
before- and after-school tutoring. She’s
met with kids on Saturdays. “I even go to
basketball games to talk to parents,” she
explains. “Parents who avoid official meetings
at school will often be at sporting events and
willing to talk.”
As dedicated as Carr is to her students, there
used to be a chance that she would impact
the lives of animals instead. “When I was
deciding to go to college, I narrowed it down
to two things: I was going to either go to
Penn State and be pre-veterinary, or go to
Ohio Northern and be an English teacher.”
With all due respect to our four-legged
friends, the students at Madison Middle
School are definitely better off for
her decision.
At Northern, the giving spirit is
everywhere. Here are just a few
of ONU’s many student service
Orange Noses is a service group
that inspires others through the joy of clowning
and professional entertainment. Members of
Orange Noses share their love, make people smile
and draw them closer to Christ.
ONU Recycles unites the student body in
awareness and action with regard to environmental concerns. It
facilitates recycling on campus, educates others on current green
issues and promotes environmentally friendly practices.
“Giving future generations a cleaner,
sustainable world is the ultimate gift.”
– Jennifer Smith, junior mechanical
engineering major from Granville, Ohio,
and coordinator of ONU Recycles
“Smiling is contagious. One of the
greatest gifts you can give to someone is
to make them smile.”
– Chris Corrado, senior marketing
major from Cincinnati, Ohio, and
founder of Orange Noses
Habitat for Humanity
ONU’s chapter of
focuses on eliminating
substandard housing both in the local community and around the world. In addition to
raising money and advocating for housing solutions, students help to construct a home
in Hardin County almost every year. Each spring, the ONU chapter sends out three
teams of volunteers to cities in the southern U.S. to build homes for people in need.
“The giving spirit does not mean giving due to
obligation; it means giving openly, freely and lovingly.
This ‘spirit’ of giving and kindness is what makes
organizations like Habitat for Humanity so wonderful.”
– Jenny Pelton, senior language arts education
major from Hicksville, Ohio, and president of
ONU’s chapter of Habitat for Humanity
Ada Friends is a mentorship program that pairs ONU
students with Ada elementary students. The elementary students
benefit from the stable, positive influence of the college students as
role models, mentors, confidantes, tutors and friends.
“I have learned to put someone else ahead of
myself without exception.”
– Gwen Smith, junior youth ministry
major from Bluffton, Ohio, and
mentor for Ada Friends
Helping Hands is a service group
that welcomes new students and their families by
providing them with physical assistance moving
their belongings into the residence halls.
“Helping Hands means curbside service and a friendly
smile. It shines a great light on the nature of the
student body here at Northern.”
– Sarah Hatch, senior psychology major from
Spring Valley, Ohio, and coordinator for
Helping Hands
Science Central
Green Chemistry
Guru on Campus
The Mathile Center for the Natural Sciences, which was
dedicated on Oct. 16, 2009, has become the cornerstone of
ONU’s signature science programs.
The student-centered academic research and learning facility
blends hands-on teaching excellence with advanced technology
in a functional modern environment. The building includes 21
classrooms, five seminar/conference rooms, 21 laboratories,
34 offices and four storage spaces. The 95,145-squarefoot structure connects the Meyer Hall of Science with the
Robertson-Evans Pharmacy building.
“One key aspect of this place is how well it brings people
together,” said Dr. Jeffrey Gray, professor and chairman of the
department of chemistry. “Every classroom, lab and discussion
area promotes strong interactions between students and
faculty – this is really what we love to do, and what
we do best. Maybe it is just my imagination, but it
appears that our students even seem happy to be
here in this building for classes at 8 a.m.!”
The Mathile Center is named for Clayton L. Mathile,
BA ’62, BSBA ’06, and his wife, MaryAnn, who
initiated the campaign to construct the center by
pledging $5 million, plus an additional $5 million in
matching funds.
Dr. Paul T. Anastas, known as the
“Father of Green Chemistry,” was
the featured guest speaker during
the 2009 Keiser Distinguished
Lectureship in Life Sciences in
October. He spent four days on
campus interacting with faculty
and students. His schedule included
a public lecture titled “Green
Chemistry, From Here to Sustainability,” which he delivered to a
large crowd in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts.
Anastas is professor in the practice of green chemistry in Yale
University’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies,
Department of Chemistry and Department of Chemical
Engineering. He also serves as the director of Yale’s Center for
Green Chemistry and Green Engineering. His research focuses
on the design of safer chemicals and chemical processes to
replace the use of hazardous substances.
President Barack Obama recently nominated Anastas to lead
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of
Research and Development. Anastas has worked in Washington,
D.C., before, serving as director of the Green Chemistry
Institute from 2004-06. He also served as the assistant director
for the environment in the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy. He is credited with establishing the field
of green chemistry during his time working for the EPA as the
chief of the Industrial Chemistry Branch and director of the U.S.
Green Chemistry program. Anastas received his Ph.D. from
Brandeis University where he trained as a synthetic organic
Front row from left: Cara Schroeder, a junior biology major from Sidney, Ohio; Toby Baker,
BFA ’06; Clayton Mathile, BA ’62, BSBA ’06; MaryAnn Mathile; Dr. Kendall L. Baker, Ohio
Northern University president; Ryan Brune, a senior mechanical engineering major from
Decatur, Ind. Back row from left: Austin Moyer, a junior mechanical engineering major
from New Washington, Ohio; Andrea Meers, a sophomore international business and
economics major from Lodi, Ohio; Ashley Bonamer, a freshman biochemistry major
from Broadview Heights, Ohio; Morgan Belling, a second-year pharmacy student from
Rochelle, Ill.; Kelly Jensen, a fourth-year pharmacy student from Hudson, Ohio; Jennifer
Pelton, a senior language arts education major from Hicksville, Ohio; David Walters, a
senior mechanical engineering major from Circleville, Ohio.
For the third consecutive
year, ONU is ranked
No. 2 among Midwest
baccalaureate colleges in
America’s Best Colleges 2010,
which is published annually
by U.S. News and World
ONU has joined the Yellow
Ribbon Program, which
allows eligible military
veterans to attend ONU
tuition-free for up to four
years beginning in fall 2009.
For more information, visit
Majestic Beauty
From the abundant white swamp oak and honey locust, to the
unusual mountain maple and metasequoia, Ohio Northern’s
campus is populated with trees whose stately majesty enhances
the natural beauty of the grounds.
The Arbor Day Foundation has honored Ohio Northern
University as a 2009 Tree Campus USA university for its
dedication to campus forestry management and environmental
Learning and ‘Games’
Staging Games turned out to be more than child’s play for Northern
dancers who spent a week with Donald McKayle, a world-renowned
choreographer and director, preparing for their Freed Center
performance of the dance production.
“Actually having the opportunity to meet and work with someone
of this caliber was amazing. We literally were working with a living
legend,” says dancer Amanda Fannon, a junior communication arts
major from Kenton, Ohio.
Ohio Northern is the second institution in Ohio to be named
a Tree Campus USA campus or university and among only a
handful in the nation, joining such institutions as Georgia Tech
and Virginia Tech.
“Over the years, we have had the foresight to plant more than
100 species of trees on our campus to use both academically
and for their aesthetics,” says Dr. Terry Keiser, professor of
biological sciences. “I remember when we were essentially just
bare fields. Look at the natural beauty now! I am proud to have
been a part of this.”
Tree Campus USA honors college and
universities and the leaders of the
campus and surrounding communities
for promoting healthy urban forest
management and engaging the campus community in
environmental stewardship. Tree Campus USA is supported by a
grant from Toyota.
Ohio Northern met the five required core standards of tree care
and community engagement in order to receive Tree Campus
USA status. Those standards are establishing a campus tree
advisory committee, evidence of a campus tree-care plan,
verification of dedicated annual expenditures on the campus
tree-care plan, involvement in an Arbor Day observance and the
institution of a service-learning project aimed at engaging the
student body.
The Raabe College of
Pharmacy marked its 125th
anniversary with a blacktie celebration on Sept.
12 attended by more than
200 guests. A spectacular
fireworks display closed the
evening’s festivities.
McKayle and his assistant,
Stephanie Powell, worked
one-on-one with dancers
during their campus visit in
September. This personalized
approach enabled each dancer
to improve their technique,
balance, flexibility and
“The students were like sponges,” McKayle said. “They were very
receptive, and they were eager.”
McKayle is the winner of numerous accolades, including a Tony Award
for Best Musical for Raisin. He has been nominated for multiple Tony
Awards in directing and choreography as well. His productions are
performed all over the world, and he has choreographed more than 90
works for dance companies in the United States, Canada, Israel, Europe
and South America.
The ONU dancers performed Games at the Freed Center in early
October. The production follows the interactions of a group of children
as they go about playing on city streets. Broken up into three parts,
Play, Hunger and Terror, the audience is exposed to the relationships of
the children and how they cope with the world around them.
As dance theatre, Games is unique in that there is no instrumental
music. Songs from the rich heritage of oral transmission in both the
rural and urban communities of the United States accompany the
dance movement and are performed a cappella by the cast of singers
and dancers.
ONU was featured as one
of the nation’s top schools
in The Princeton Review’s
annual college guide, The
Best 371 Colleges: 2010
The Kern Foundation has awarded
Dr. J.D. Yoder, professor of
mechanical engineering, a KEEN
III grant of $75,000 to expand
ONU’s entrepreneurship efforts
directed at undergraduate
engineering students.
For more on these news
stories, and others, visit
Polar Bear spirit on display
Fresh paint and attention-grabbing banners in the main gymnasium of the
Ohio Northern University Sports Center are helping the Polar Bear
spirit shine.
“We are going for the ‘wow!’ effect,” said Tom Simmons,
BSBA ’85, BA ’86, director of athletics. “This is our house,
and we want to create an electric atmosphere for our
players, the visiting teams and the fans.”
Updates include brighter paint colors, ONU
logos at the end of each court, new signage,
colorful banners and rail skirting.
Simmons has obtained sponsorships
from local businesses to offset the
cost of the updates.
Reaching 500 victories
“We are planning cosmetic updates
for all of our sports facilities in the
future,” said Simmons. “We’re
kicking our Polar Bear spirit up a
Head volleyball coach Kate Witte
(above center) has reached an
impressive 500 career victories. She
achieved this distinction when the
Polar Bears defeated Hope College
(Mich.) during the Wittenberg
Border Battle in September.
In her 19 years at Ohio Northern,
Witte’s teams have compiled an
impressive 518-156 record, a winning
percentage of 0.769.
“It is a great honor to be part of a very
successful volleyball program,” said
Witte. “The collective effort of players
and assistant coaches has allowed
me to reach this personal milestone.”
Witte added that her biggest joy
in coaching is interacting with her
players and watching them grow into
classy, mature young women.
The 2009 volleyball team ended the
season ranked No. 6 in the final Sports
Imports/AVCA Coaches poll with a
30-4 record.
Check out for up-to-date game
schedules, scores, team information and coaching staff bios.
photo credit: Scott Heckel/Canton Repository
Former Ohio Northern All-American Jason
Trusnik, BA ’06, has been traded to the
NFL’s Cleveland Browns. The linebacker
was signed by the New York Jets as an
undrafted free agent in 2007.
Brian Hofman was named the Division
III National Assistant Volleyball Coach
of the Year by the American Volleyball
Coaches Association.
Five Polar Bear teams – women’s
soccer, men’s cross country, women’s
cross country, men’s soccer, and
volleyball – competed in the NCAA
Division III Championships this fall.
Women’s basketball head coach
Michele Durand achieved her 100th
win in her ninth season as the leader
of the Polar Bear team.
The Northern football team ended
its season with an 8-2 record but
did not receive a bid to the NCAA
Division III playoffs.
2010 WINTER Sports Schedule
Indoor Track and Field
Winter Golf Outing
Naples, Fla., March 14-15, 2010
Come join us at the inaugural Ohio Northern University
Scholarship Winter Golf Outing to be held at the Golf
Club of the Everglades in Naples, Fla., on March 14-15,
2010. This special event supports current and future
students at Ohio Northern. More than 80 percent of ONU
students receive some form of financial aid every year,
yet most still graduate with significant debt. Scholarship
support enables students to pursue their dreams of a
top-tier ONU education. Thanks to Clyde, BSEd ’61, H of
F ’83, and Pearl (Myers) Quinby, AA ’61, 100 percent of
your golf fees will go to scholarships at ONU. For more
information, contact Tom Stevick or Bill Robinson,
BSEd ’61, Hon. D. ’05, H of F ’05, at 419-772-2035 or
6 at Mount Union Invitational 13 All-Ohio Championships at Otterbein 19 JOE BANKS INVITATIONAL 20 at Kent State 26-27 OACs at Marietta March
5-6 Last Chance at Mount Union 5-6 Last Chance at Iowa State 12-13 NCAAs at DePauw (Ind.) Women’s Basketball
3 MUSKINGUM* 6 at Mount Union* 10 at Wilmington* 13 MARIETTA* 17 at Baldwin-Wallace* 7:30 p.m.
20 JOHN CARROLL* 23-27 OAC Tournament
1 p.m.
6 p.m.
10 a.m.
10 a.m./1 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
2 BALDWIN-WALLACE* 9 at Mount Union* 20 OAC Championships at Mount Union 7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
10 a.m.
5-6 NCAA III Championships at Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Swimming and Diving
15 at Kenyon w/Oberlin 16 MOUNT UNION* 23 at Baldwin-Wallace* February
18-20 OAC Championships at Akron, Ohio
6 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
10 a.m./6 p.m.
17-20 NCAA III Championships at Minneapolis, Minn.
Men’s Basketball
Save the Date
June 25, 2010
Fourth Annual Athletic Alumni
and Friends Golf Outing has been
scheduled for June 25, 2010.
3 at Muskingum* 6 MOUNT UNION* 10 WILMINGTON* 13 at Marietta* 17 BALDWIN-WALLACE* 20 at John Carroll* 23-27 OAC Tournament
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
Feb. 20
Peking Acrobats
Jan. 4-Feb. 19
In a Little While
Elzay and Stambaugh Galleries
Paintings by Ivan J. Fortushniak
Feb. 10-14
Wednesday through Saturday, 8 p.m., Saturday
and Sunday 2 p.m. matinee
Freed Center
One of the most uproariously funny musicals
in recent years, Urinetown is a tale of greed,
corruption, love and revolution in a time when
water is worth its weight in gold.
8 p.m.
Freed Center
A troupe of China’s most gifted tumblers,
contortionists, jugglers, cyclists and gymnasts,
complemented by live musicians playing
traditional Chinese instruments, brings its
2,000-year-old tradition to the Freed Center.
March 31
University Singers
8 p.m.
Freed Center
The University Singers will join the Monroe
Street United Methodist Chancel Choir and
Community Chorus, with members of the Toledo
Symphony Orchestra, in a presentation of the
famed Beethoven choral/orchestral work Missa
Solemnis in D Major, Op. 123.
April 28-May 2
42nd Street
Wednesday through Saturday, 8 p.m., Sunday 2
p.m. matinee
Freed Center
Come and meet those dancing feet! Follow the
adventures of talented, aspiring chorus girl Peggy
Sawyer as she learns the ropes to becoming a
Broadway star and, along the way, learns some
life lessons about luck and love.
April 30-May 2
Weekend of Art
Feb. 18
Symphonic Band Winter Concert
Ohio Northern University
Save the date for a fabulous Weekend of Art,
beginning with a relaxing evening of fireside
jazz while staying at the luxurious Inn at Ohio
Northern University. Saturday includes art
presentations, art-play, lectures, an inside look
at 42nd Street, excellent seats to the Saturdaynight performance and much more. There’s even
special art programming for children.
8 p.m.
Freed Center
Feb. 19
The Toledo Symphony
8 p.m.
Freed Center
April 7
African Children’s Choir
10 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Freed Center
Human rights activist Ray Barnett heard the
singing of one small boy during Uganda’s bloody
civil war and was inspired to create his first
African Children’s Choir with orphaned children
from the Kampala and Luwero areas of Uganda.
Experience the vibrant, outstanding musical
talent of some of the world’s most vulnerable, yet
gifted children.
A complete brochure of information will be sent
soon. Reserve your room now by calling The Inn
at Ohio Northern University at 419-772-2500 and
referencing ONU’s first annual Weekend of Art.
This is a partial listing of Freed Center events. For
a complete listing and ticket information, visit
Hall of Fame
As part of Homecoming weekend in October, ONU’s
Athletic Hall of Fame welcomed six new members.
Pictured left to right: James Ricketts, Brad Rogers, Cortney (Roof) Simpson, Lori Kane, Mary (Bouic) Schmidt, Matthew Wolf
From 1981-84, Lori Kane,
BSBA ’86, helped the ONU
volleyball team compile a
cumulative record of 149-31-2
(0.824) as a four-year starter.
During her senior season,
Kane led the team to the Ohio
Athletic Conference Regular
Season and Tournament
Championships and a trip to
the NCAA Regional Finals. As
a junior in 1983, she led the
team with 297 kills and was
named First Team All-OAC and
First Team All-Ohio. She also
earned First Team All-OAC and
First Team All-Ohio honors as
a senior in 1984. Kane was a
two-time volleyball team MVP
(1983-84) and a member of
the ONU women’s basketball
team for two seasons.
Today, Kane is the vice
president of administration
at MedBen in Newark, Ohio,
where she resides.
As the ONU volleyball
team’s setter from 1994-97,
Cortney (Roof) Simpson,
BA ’98, recorded 4,153
assists (the fourth most
in school history) and 216
aces (the third most in ONU
history). She led her squads
to four OAC Regular Season
Championships and four OAC
Tournament Championships.
Her teams also made the
NCAA Tournament all four
years and made back-to-back
appearances in the NCAA
Quarterfinals from 1996-97.
As a junior, Simpson was
named All-Great Lakes Region
and Second Team All-OAC. As
a senior, she was named AllGreat Lakes Region, First Team
All-OAC and Second Team
Academic All-OAC.
Currently, Simpson is a
teacher for Clark-Shawnee
Local Schools and lives in
Springfield, Ohio, with her
husband, Christopher, and
their daughters, Reagan (6)
and Maura (2).
Mary (Bouic) Schmidt, BSPh
’94, was a starter on the 1989
NCAA runner-up volleyball
team and went on to lead
her teams to OAC Regular
Season Championships from
1990-92 and OAC Tournament
Championships from 1990-91.
Schmidt was named First Team
All-OAC and the OAC Player of
the Year in 1991, and she was
a back-to-back All-Midwest
Region honoree in 1991
and 1992.
Schmidt led the team in kills
and hitting percentage in 1991
and 1992 and total blocks
in 1989 and 1990. All time,
Schmidt is fifth in total blocks
(361), fifth in solo blocks (91)
seventh in kills (1,212) and 10th
in hitting percentage (0.288).
Schmidt is currently a
pharmacist for Medco Health
Solutions in Columbus, Ohio.
She and her husband, Michael,
live in Plain City, Ohio, with
their two children, Zachary (5),
and Zoe (2).
As an ONU wrestler in 1988,
Brad Rogers, BSME ’90, was
an NCAA All-American after
finishing sixth in the 126-pound
weight class at the NCAA
Championships. He returned
to the NCAA Championships
in 1989 and 1990, and he
earned Academic All-America
accolades from 1988-90.
In 1990, Rogers set an ONU
single-season record with 118
takedowns and won the Clyde
A. Lamb Award for being the
top male student-athlete in
the Ohio Athletic Conference.
His 34 victories in 1990 are tied
for the eighth most in school
history, and he is currently in
10th place on ONU’s all-time
wins list with a 98-30-1
career record.
Today, Rogers is a senior
engineer at M&M Mars Inc.
in Columbus, Ohio. He and
his wife, Maureen, live in
Dublin, Ohio. They have three
children: Chris (22), John (16)
and Kira (6).
Matthew Wolf, BSPh ’98,
won an amazing 14 OAC
Championships during his
four-year track and field
career. That number ranks
second all-time at Ohio
Northern. Aside from winning
OAC Championships, Wolf also
set OAC records in the 400meter dash outdoors and the
300-meter dash indoors. Wolf
helped Northern win its first
OAC Indoor Track and Field
Championship in 1996 due in
large part to his victories in
the 55-meter and 300-meter
dashes. He earned All-America
honors on four separate
Wolf is currently a managing
consultant with Pharmacy
Healthcare Solutions in
Chesterbrook, Pa. He and his
wife, Nicole, reside in Palmyra,
Pa., with their children, Caden
(3) and Carson (2).
In 1958, James G. Ricketts,
BSEd ’60, led the Polar Bear
basketball squad in scoring
with 356 points and steals with
27. For his career, Ricketts is
ninth all-time at ONU in both
free throws made and free
throws attempted. His 1,176
career points made him the
all-time leading scorer at ONU
upon his graduation, and he is
now 21st on Ohio Northern’s
all-time list.
Ricketts has worked as a
correctional consultant
since 1985 and has been the
CEO of Technology Systems
International Inc. since 1994.
He and his wife, Judy, live in
Scottsdale, Ariz., and have
three grown children: Robin,
Daniel and Kimberly.
Homecoming Weekend 2009
he campus could have been
mistaken for a tropical
paradise on Homecoming
Weekend, Oct. 9-11, 2009. Given the
beautiful weather, Ohio Northern
University’s “Tropical Tundra”
theme could not have been more
appropriate. Thousands of alumni
and friends came back to Ohio
Northern for a weekend full of
entertainment, celebration and
Polar Bear pride. ­­
Hundreds of students participated
in different activities held across
campus throughout the week.
Events included
Texas Hold
’Em, Tropical
Olympics and
Hula Dancing lessons.
The most popular
event, however,
was “Smashbash.”
For a dollar, students could swing a
sledgehammer at an old car painted
in the Homecoming football game
opponent’s colors. This was a great
way for students and faculty to take a
break from the daily routine of work
and school!
Dr. Anne Lippert, who recently retired
as vice president of academic affairs,
was the grand marshal for this year’s
Homecoming parade and festivities.
This year’s Homecoming queen and king
were Jenny Pelton, a senior language
arts education major from Hicksville,
Ohio, who represented Habitat for
Humanity, and Sean McKee, a third-year
pharmacy student from Salem, Ohio,
who represented residence life.
outside Dial-Roberson Stadium, each
of these nine classes had a table set
up with a large collage celebrating
their time at ONU. The tent area was
one of the most populated during the
Homecoming festivities, as many offices
and programs on campus had displays
set up for alumni. The dining service
also provided a well-received tailgatestyle lunch for current students, alumni,
family and friends.
Ohio Northern’s current athletes
responded well to all of the festivities,
as our nationally ranked volleyball team,
men’s and women’s soccer teams, and
football team each handily defeated
their respective OAC opponent.
Greek Life at Ohio Northern welcomed
back alumni with social gatherings
such as cookouts, golf outings, open
houses, dinners and meetings. While all
alumni are celebrated on Homecoming
weekend, the classes of 1964, 1969,
1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999 and
2004 were honored in a unique way.
Underneath the massive tents set up
Homecoming 2009 was a weekend
filled with fun and fellowship. The
months of hard work put in by students
and faculty came to fruition to ensure
each and every one of our visitors had
a unique experience. We hope to see
all of our alumni and friends back for
Homecoming 2010 on the weekend of
Oct. 8-10.
On Friday evening, six new members
were inducted into the Athletic Hall of
Fame. Numerous others awards were
given throughout the campus, including
the Distinguished Service award from
The James F. Dicke College of Business
Administration and the William L.
Robinson Young Alumni Award.
Class Reunions
Murray honored with
Young Alumni Award
Amy (Widner) Murray,
BS ’95, who
graduated from ONU wit
h a degree in
environmental studies,
has been named
the recipient of the 200
9 William L.
Robinson Young Alumn
i Award.
Since 2006, Murray, an
specialist, has been em
ployed by
Cornerstone Environment
al Group LLC,
where she assists with
compliance issues in the
areas of solid
waste management, sur
face water
compliance and air com
pliance. She
specializes in special wa
ste profile
reviews to ensure that
commercial and
industrial wastes are no
n-hazardous in
classification prior to Sub
title D landfill
This award is given eac
h year to an
individual who is commit
ted to Ohio
Northern, his or her pro
fession, and the
community. The award
named in honor
of Bill Robinson, BSEd ’61
, Hon. D. ’05, H
of F ’05, who has served
the University
for more than 50 years
in numerous
capacities and has been
a positive
While at ONU, she was
influence on countless
a member of the
students and
Professional Association
alumni. In 2005, Robinson
of Women in
was awarded
Science, Kappa Theta Alp
an honorary degree and
ha and ONU
named to the
ONU Athletic Hall of Fam
As an alumna,
Murray has
served as the
of the ONU
Alumni Board
and the vice
of the
Club for ONU.
Murray and her husband
, Michael, BSCE ’95, are
members of the Henry
Solomon Lehr Society.
They reside in Liberty Tow
nship, Ohio, and have
three children: Rachel,
7, and twins Jessica and
Amanda, 5.
Phi Kappa Theta
The Inn at Ohio Northern
room No. 3
designated its meeting
as the “Phi Kappa Theta
ing weekend.
Room” during Home
The Phi
Kappa Theta
was closed
in 2005, and
its house
was torn
down. Former
brothers Mark
Palmer, BSBA
’76, JD ’79,
’79, and Jack Cam
to honor the
initiated a fun
y by encouraging
legacy of their fraternit
$500 or more
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plaque in the new
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room. To dat
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have contributed $50,00
are displayed
commemorative plaqu
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at The Inn. These
of the Inn.
marketing and branding
Phi Kappa
“The generosity of the
can build a
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campaign,” says Tallen
of The Inn.
(left), general manag
honor of the
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Palmer and Campbell.
and The Inn
place for us to
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supporting the
Individuals interested in
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ies at The
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president of Un
of Business
University’s James F. Dicke College
Jim Fenton, dean of Ohio Northern
Outstanding Service
cham) Cotner, BSB
Administration, presented Cheryl (Bur
ing service to and
have provided sustained and outstand
Award, which honors individuals who
ration and Ohio
y impacted the College of Business
whose contributions have positivel
Anonymous (4)
Dr. Oliver E. Accountius
Mrs. Doris J. Walker Atteberry
Dr. and Mrs. Kendall L. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Victor G. Beghini
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Bettinger II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blankemeyer
Mrs. William J. Blazek
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Blickensderfer
Mr. Raymond O. Bolton
Mrs. Janet Ruth Boltz
Mrs. Jeanne E. Bredbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Brooks
Dr. Inara M. Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. William Brian Burgett
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Busch
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Burton
Mrs. M. Jean Augsburger Butturff
Mr. Robert L. Caldwell
Mr. Jerry R. Churchill
Dr. and Mrs. Carl D. Clay
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Deming Combe
Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Cosiano
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Dial, Jr.
Oren Dickason Family
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Dicke, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dicke II
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. D’Innocente
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Elshoff
Mrs. Sally Stoltz Evans
Mr. Thomas R. Evans, Jr.
Drs. DeBow and Catherine Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gronlund
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Guy
Dr. Vern H. Hakes
Dr. Wayne A. Hamilton
Mrs. Pamela L. Shanely Hampson
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Hart
Mrs. Eva Mae Easterday Hartzell
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hedrick
Mrs. Helen J. Heller
Mrs. Paula Jones and Mr. Don
E. Henderson
Mr. Harold C. Hodson
Mrs. Nellie M. Balyeat Hoghe
Mr. and Mrs. Dale N. Howard
Dr. Gordon E. Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kain
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Kalbfleisch
Ohio Northern is most
appreciative of the significant
support of the following
individuals who have contributed
$100,000 or more to the University
during their lifetime.
Life Members of
the Lehr Society
American Association of Colleges
of Pharmacy
Fernau C. and Corinne M. Bader
Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bishop
Cleveland Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Dicke II
Mr. Donald E. Duran, Jr.
The East Ohio Conference of the
United Methodist Church
The George and Faye Harris
Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Beverly A. Hawk
George D. and A. Beatrice Hawkey
Family Foundation
Hon. and Mrs. Richard D. Heeter
Dr. Metta Lou Henderson
Dr. Brian D. Hofman
Professor and Mrs. Terry D. Keiser
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Kucklick
Lubrizol Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Malbasa
Marathon Oil Company
Marathon Petroleum Company, L.L.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Milks
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Miller
Presdent’s Partners
Kern Family Foundation
Kokosing Construction Company
Kroger Company
Ms. Pamela A. Lambert
Lexi-Comp, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Lodolyn
Dr. and Mrs. Clayton L. Mathile
Mathile Family Foundation
Henry and Geraldine Metzger
Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Mifsud
Mifsud Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Mock
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Nee
The Ohio Foundation of
Independent Colleges, Inc.
Dr. Ervin W. Pierstorf
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Prikkel
Rite Aid Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Stefanovic
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Warmsby
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zika
Mrs. Dorothy Elizabeth Whibley Arthur
Arts Midwest
Mrs. Doris J. Walker Atteberry
Dr. and Mrs. Kendall L. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Baker, Jr.
Bank of America Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Baumgarten
Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Boord
Captain Barbara Jo Bowyer
Hon. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bryant
Cargill, Inc.
Chrysler Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Carl D. Clay
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Compton
Cooper Tire and Rubber Company
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Ehlers, Jr.
Engineers Foundation of Ohio
Ernst & Young, L.L.P.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fowler
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. French
Great Lakes Soccer Academy
Dr. J. Richard Grunder
HeartLight Pharmacy Services
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hedrick
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Hug
John M. and Lydia B. Cooper
President’s Associate
Fellows $2,500-$4,999
Metanexus Institute
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Moore
New England Foundation for the Arts
Ohio Northern N-Men’s Association
ONU Football Parents Club
Ohio Ready Mix, Inc.
Dr. Patricia Anne Parteleno
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc.
Procter and Gamble Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pry II
Mr. Robert P. Saltsman
Dr. and Mrs. Carroll E. Sammetinger
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Samuelson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sifferlen
Smile Design Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sniscak
Springfield Foundation
Ms. Janice Lynn Pilarczyk Sweress
Teledyne Isco
© Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Vukovich
Mr. Earl Isaac Salo
Mrs. Patricia Jane Sawvel
Dr. Patricia and Mr. John Scharer
Mr. Clinton and Dr. Susan Schertzer
Mrs. Mertie Marie Parker Schlaudroff
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfhart K. Schubach
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Schuck
Dr. Anne Lippert and Mr. Jeffrey Schulman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Seeley
Hon. and Mrs. Henry E. Shaw, Jr.
Drs. Paul D. and Susan Y. Shin
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Shuffelton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Smith
Mr. Melvin L. Smith
Mr. John C. Souders
Dr. and Mrs. Jim L. Spahr
Mr. John W. Spear
Ms. Stephanie LuAnn Spirer
Dr. and Mrs. Jon E. Sprague
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Sprang
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Stahler
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Stephens
Mr. Robert J. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Stevick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Stigliano
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Storch
Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Stype III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Super
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Swick
Karen Christine Swinehart, M.B.A.
Ms. Christine R. and Mr. John
W. Taradash
Mr. John William Taylor
Miss Beth Ann Toalston
Mr. and Mrs. John Towne
Troy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Turner
Mr. Thomas Lane Tuttle
U.S. Bank
Dr. Charles VanDyne
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Veltri
Mr. Jon P. Vickery
Mr. Michael Nick Vitantonio
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Jared T. Walsh
Rev. and Mrs. Merle D. Walter, Jr.
Mr. Ronald J. C. Ward
Mr. Ronald James Ward, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Welter
Wetherill Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hanley H. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. White
Mr. John E. and Dr. Cecelia M. Wigal
Mr. Scott and Dr. Teresa Wilcox
© Mr. James Lehr Kennedy © Robert “Whitey” Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kemper
Drs. Karen L. and Thomas L. Kier
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Kimmel
Mr. K. Donn Kirk
Ms. Sarah E. Powers-Kirn and Mr.
Edward W. Kirn III
Dr. and Mrs. David F. Kisor
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kleine III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Knapp
Mr. Stephen J. Kolinski and Mrs.
Anmarie Gladieux-Kolinski
Captain Ed Krebs and Mrs. Mary Jo
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kress
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Kriegel
Kriegel Family Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Tae Jin Kwon
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Lamb
Mr. T. Jeffery Lawhorne
Mrs. Mary Flower-LeMaster and Mr.
Bruce E. LeMaster
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Leach, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Lemke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lepucki
Mr. George Valeren Leshy
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Lettrich
Mr. Jerry Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Leyda
Mr. Stanley Liartis
Lima Communications Corp./
W. L. I. O. Television
Dr. and Mrs. Louis F. Lobenhofer
Mrs. Mary Jo Lockshin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Longbrake
Mr. Mark Vernon Lorson II
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Love
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lucius
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mabee
Dr. Martha S. MacDonell and Mr.
Alexander D. MacDonell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MacGillivray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Mains
Hon. Joseph P. Mallone
Dr. Sekhar Mamidi
Ms. Nancy S. Shaw and Mr. Roger
W. Marble
Marietta Community Foundation, Inc.
Marketing Strategies, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Marmon
Hon. Cheryl L. and Lt. Colonel Brett
S. Mason
Mr. Richard M. Mast
Mr. William G. and Mrs. Carol Liber May
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mays
Miss Martha Sue Mazak
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McClintock
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. McCurdy
© Mr. Merritt Redick
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan C. Berry
Dr. Lois J. Birkhimer
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Black
Ms. Sherri L. Bleichner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Block
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bockrath
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Borowski
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Bouts
Mrs. Robert L. Bowden
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Bowers
Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund
Dr. Dawn Alisa Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Burnett
Mr. John A. Burns and Mrs. Lorrie
Zacharias Burns
Ms. Kimberly T. Nelson and Mr.
Kevin F. Cadden
Dr. Sandra Kay Calvert
Dr. and Mrs. Vince D. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Carbetta II
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Caris
Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Carlson
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Carlson III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Casale
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Castelli II
Dr. Joseph John Catera
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cates
Cedar Point
Chevron Humankind
Mr. Joseph Victor Ciminillo
Ciminillo Research, L.L.C.
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Dr. Wesley Clarke
Miss Dorothy Coil
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Coler
Mr. David Lee Cooper
Mr. Donald A. Cope
Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Cosiano
Dr. Jennifer L. and Mr. Patrick E. Counts
Dr. Marcus F. Cox
Cranston & Associates, L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Crousore
Rev. and Mrs. William E. Croy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dasher
Dave’s Pharmacy
Mr. Duane A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney G. Davis
Mr. Michael Wayne Dean
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gene Deifendeifer
Deloitte Foundation
Mr. Willis R. Deming
Dr. Philip DenBleyker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Depperman
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. DiMaggio
Members of the Lehr Society have a special place in the University family. More than 90 percent of the total
donor contributions to ONU come from members of the Lehr Society. We are honored and humbled by the
support of our Lehr Society. Thank you for making Tomorrow possible at ONU.
Lehr Vase Recipients
American Chemical Society
American Electric Power Service
Apotex Corporation
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Bettinger II
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bredbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett W. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Burgett
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Busch
CVS Pharmacy, Inc.
Corna/Kokosing Construction
Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Dicke, Sr.
Mr. Willis E. Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Folsom
Giant Eagle, Inc.
Grob Systems
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gronlund
Mr. Emory M. Hall
Mrs. Ruth M. Koltz Hall
Hillier Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hudson
© Mr. James Lehr Kennedy
James Lehr Kennedy Foundation
President’s Circle
$25,000 plus
Professor and Mrs. Terry D. Keiser
Mrs. Claire S. Kennedy
Mr. James Lehr Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kerscher
Mrs. Wendy Focht King Koops
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Kriegel
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Lassettre
Mr. Nathan L. Lindabury
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Lodolyn
Dr. Robert B. Love and Mrs. Leoma J.
Mrs. Bertha Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Jaan Mannik
Dr. and Mrs. Clayton L. Mathile
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill McCracken
Mr. Coburn C. Metcalf
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Mifsud
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Milks
Dr. and Mrs. George B. Miller, Jr.
Mrs. Wendell A. Moats
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Nee
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Oleson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Petite
Dr. Ervin W. Pierstorf
© Mr. Merritt D. Redick
Hon. and Mrs. Gerald J. Rone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland E. Rone
Mr. Earl Isaac Salo
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus Samrad
Mr. John P. Schooley
Dr. Albert A. Sebok
Drs. Paul D. and Susan Y. Shin
Mrs. Josleen Reine Choueiri
Dr. and Mrs. Harrison Shutt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Smith
Dr. C. Austin Sprang
Mrs. Robert M. Stow
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Walker
Mrs. Ronald W. Wander
Mrs. Virginia E. Fisher White
Mrs. Maralyn Little Wiechart
Mr. Arthur D. Worsencroft
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Armes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Baker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Barbee
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Barr
Ms. Amy Jo Beaschler
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Bodie
Capital Group Companies
Dr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Carhart
Commerical Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Condeni
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cotner
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. D’Innocente
Leasure K. Darbaker Trust
Dayton Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Donaldson
Duane Reade
Mr. Jason Scott Duff
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Dumbauld
Dr. and Mrs. Joe S. Edwards, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Elacqua
Mr. Thomas R. Evans, Jr.
ExxonMobil Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ferris
Mr. Neil F. Freund
Mr. Jeffrey Todd Gillson
Gillson Financial Group
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Guy
Mrs. Helen J. Heller
Ms. Pamela Sue Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan N. Hoghe
Honda of America
Manufacturing, Inc.
Dr. Gordon E. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Kaufmann
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kenney
Kirby Lester
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Koontz
Liberty National Bank
Lincoln Financial Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lipski
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll V. Lovett
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. McCracken
McCracken Pharmacy, Inc.
McKesson Foundation, Inc.
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
Medi-RX Pharmacy
President’s Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Moore
Mrs. Helen Alice Picking Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark Neff, Sr.
Ohio Arts Council
Ohio Space Grant Consortium
Mrs. Laurie Thompson Palmer and
Dr. Mark J. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando A. Petrillo
Mrs. Elizabeth Remsburg-Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Rencheck
Robinson Fin Machines, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Schaller
Schwab Charitable Fund
Dr. Albert A. Sebok
Dr. and Mrs. Harrison Shutt
Wabash Center
Wal-Mart Foundation
Ms. Stacey Renee Ward
Mrs. Maralyn Little Wiechart
Wiechart Charitable Lead Annuity
Mr. J. Richard Wuest and Dr. Suzanne
R. Eastman-Wuest
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Acheson
Hon. and Mrs. Anthony A. Alaimo
Alexander and Baldwin, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil L. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery C. Allison
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Trim
Ameriprise Financial
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Arno
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Barber
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Barker
Mr. Lawrence R. Barton
Dr. and Mrs. Eric T. Baumgartner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Beal
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Beatty
Captain Ryan Harris Beery
Dr. Sandra Ruth Beichler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Benes
Lehr Society Members
Judge Thomas Bryant Committee
Miss Katherine Frances Karas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Koger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lamb
Laminate Technologies, Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company
Mr. and Mrs. Coburn C. Metcalf
Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Milks
Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Molter
Ms. Sandra Bouwman and Mr. R.
William Moore, Jr.
NAPA Auto Parts
National Association Chain Drug
Stores Education Foundation
New York Life Corporation
Dr. Clyde A. Painter
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pullins
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Reichardt
Ms. Brenda L. Reichelderfer
Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Reinhardt
Professor and Mrs. James B.
Dr. Walter S. Ritzman
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ross
A. G. Samuelsson Company
Drs. Gary K. and Janet S. SeGall
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Smalley
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Smith
Specialty Medicine Compounding
Summit Funding Group
Drs. Christine and Robert Swager
Teton Aircraft Design, L.L.C.
Miss Martha E. Thompson
Time Warner Cable
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Vandervoort
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny R. Walkup, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Weimer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. White
Miss Carmen Sue Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Wintzer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Wong
Mr. Ronald L. Woofter
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Zoeller
Dow Chemical Company
Dow Corning Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dunkin
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Elshoff
Mr. Shawn Eric Endsley
Mrs. Sally Stoltz Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Everson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ewald
Fairfield County Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Falber
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Fannin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Faulkner
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Fenton, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ferri
Mr. Patsy A. Filaccio
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Fischbach
Mr. and Mrs. George Fornadley
Mrs. Mary Jane Kiefhaber Frazer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Friedley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Frommer
Mr. David Allen Fry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Gmyrek
Mr. Gerald M. Goeke and Mrs.
Patricia Ann Maslen-Goeke
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher V. Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldman
Goodrich Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gossel
Drs. Michele A. and Paul L. Govekar
Ms. W. Jean White Daniel and Mr.
Stewart A. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gregory
AR-HALE Family Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Ann E. Donnelly Hamilton and
Mr. Loren Joseph Hamilton
Dr. Wayne A. Hamilton
Mrs. Pamela L. Shanely Hampson
Hanson-Neely Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hawk
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Hawk
Mr. Steven Michael Hawk
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Hawk
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Hays
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Hays
HealthTran, L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. James Heckbert
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Henschen
Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph Hermiller
Drs. Edith Mae and F. Michael Herrel
Mr. Lionel K. Higley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilderbrand
Mr. Michael Hofmann and Ms. Molly
A. Shoup Hofmann
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Hollinger
Mrs. Marjorie L. Stedcke Hollinger
Mr. Thomas Holtsberry
Hon. and Mrs. James J. Hooper
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hoopes
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hovis
Mr. Zachary Sean Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hull
IBM Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Ingram
Dr. Susan J. Insley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Jablonski
Hon. and Mrs. Thomas K. Jenkins
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Dr. Ronald J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kaiser, Jr.
Mr. Vincent L. Kavanaugh
McDonalds of Ada
Mr. and Mrs. William A. McKell
Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel McManness
Mr. and Mrs. John E. McWilliams
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Meininger
Drs. Steven Mershon and Candada
J. Moore
Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation
Mid-West Vascular Institute, Inc.
Middletown Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Miller
Mr. Paul and Ms. Cindy R. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Miller
Mr. Scott Kevin Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley W. Mitchel
Mrs. Virginia A. Mitchell
Mrs. Dolores Moore
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Moore II
Hon. Joe M. Moorhead
Morgan Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Evan W. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Moser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Murray
Mr. H. Dale Musgrave
Mr. Dallas J. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. Naiman
National Association of
Chain Drug Stores
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Neely
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Newman
Dr. Hong Xuan Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Niederkohr
Mr. Kenneth E. and Mrs. Sandra L. Nihiser
Rev. Robin W. and Dr. Robin R. Obetz
Oglesby Construction, Inc.
Ohio Council of Retail Merchants
Ohio Pharmacists Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Milan Orr
Orthopaedic Institute of Ohio
Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Paisley
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Parks
Mr. Gerald James Pascador
Dr. Tiffany Marie Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Patterson
Pharmacists Mutual Insurance
Pi Sigma Alpha Chapter/Nat. Political
Science Honor Society
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Postoloff
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Previte
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pritchard II
Dr. Megan Marie Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Prizel
Mr. Jason Michael Pugsley
Ms. Cherie F. Quain
Quest Diagnostics
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Quinby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Rectenwald
Mr. Merritt Dean Redick
Mrs. Wendy A. Tiburski-Reid and
Mr. Daniel F. Reid
Renaissance Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Professor and Mrs. David A. Retterer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Rheinbolt
Mr. and Mrs. John Rife
Professor Arden E. Roberson
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Rogers
Mr. Michael Romary and Dr.
Catherine A. Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. John Romosan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ruble
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Ruse
This listing reflects giving during
the 2008-09 fiscal year, in addition
to all leadership gifts received as
of Nov. 20, 2009.
Annual members of the GOLD
(Graduates of the Last Decade)
Society are graduates from the last
10 years who make leadership gifts at
the $250 or $500-$999 level.
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan C. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Bogar
Ms. Martha Elizabeth Claypool
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Cleland
Deanna R. Cook, Esq.
Dr. Meghan Virginia Davlin
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Ehlers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Faurote
Mr. James Anthony Ference
Mr. and Mrs. Justin P. Friesner
Dr. Emily Alyse Gruenhagen
Mr. Justin Robert Hiskey
Miss Amanda Renee Ingram
Ms. Amanda Marie Kalal
Mr. Jason C. and Dr. Jennifer J. Kline
Mrs. Sheryl A. Kuzmick McGaha
Miss Marcella Louise Lape
Dr. Lukas Perry Leitnaker
Dr. Erica Leigh Lepore
Teresa E. McCall, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Cory A. Murray
Mr. Brian Joseph Petrucci
Miss Robin Marie Porter
Ms. Sarah N. Prasher
Dr. Kelly and Mr. Greg Prymicz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Roecker
Mr. Mark Alan Shallcross
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Skeens
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon A. Steele
Mr. Justin Austin Stiles
Dr. Matthew Alvin Tupps
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Ulbrich
Mindi L. Wells, Esq.
Miss Elizabeth Carolyn Young
GOLD Society Donors
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Wills
Ms. Marcia Schettler and Mr.
John Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Wing
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wing
Dr. and Mrs. Ora A. Winzenried
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Withrow
Professor Kate J. Witte
Ms. Esther M. Woodworth
Mr. Ronald Wyss
Xerox Foundation
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Yoost
Drs. Kimberly A. Broedel-Zaugg and
Thomas A. Zaugg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Zembower
Mr. William Karl Zimmerman
Ms. Theresa I. Parker and Mr.
Robert S. Zlasney
Mr. Christopher Michael Zoeller
L eaving A L egacy
You can leave a lasting impact. Consider
endowing a scholarship with a cash gift
or by bequest. A scholarship endowment
is a fund invested for current income
and long-term growth so that it lasts in
perpetuity. A designated percentage of
the annual income is spent each year to
fund the scholarship to help students
attend your alma mater.
By funding an endowed scholarship,
you are expressing a dedicated belief
in Northern, now and forever, all while
supporting The Campaign for Ohio
Northern University’s Tomorrow and
creating your own personal legacy.
D ouglas
R eneee L euthold
Douglas Leuthold, BSCE ’76, and Renee Leuthold recognize
that their education made a difference in their lives. After
graduating from ONU, Doug earned his MBA at Bowling
Green State University where he met Renee. He worked
for Bechtel Corporation for 12 years and then formed
Advanced Fiber Technology (AFT). The AFT Fiberizer
process ushered in technology in the area of low-density
cellulose insulation that paved the way for new advances in
wall spray. Doug designed, fabricated, installed and helped
startups of the AFT Fiberizer process at plants around the
world. In early 2001 he opened his own manufacturing
facility for recycling wastepaper into cellulose insulation
and other industrial fiber applications and recently won a
2009 R&D 100 Award for their innovative Phase Change
Material (PCM) cellulose insulation.
The Leutholds want to foster entrepreneurship and
encourage students to find their direction in life. They’ve
funded two scholarships by testamentary bequest for
students attending ONU’s College of Engineering and
College of Business Administration.
The Leutholds’ gift honors the
enduring commitment to student
excellence at Ohio Northern
Contact Ken Block
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an award? Said “I do”?
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your accomplishments.
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William L. Robinson Young Alumni Award
The William L. Robinson Young Alumni Award, established on May 29, 2004, was
created to honor and recognize Robinson’s 45 years of influencing Ohio Northern
University students and to ensure that his legacy continues for the next 45 years.
The annual recipient demonstrates passion and loyalty toward their profession,
community and alma mater, Ohio Northern University.
• Applicants must have graduated within the last 15 years from ONU.
• One female and one male may be selected per year.
• Individuals will be chosen by the selection committee and honored at ONU’s
• Any person affiliated with ONU may nominate the individual by sending a letter of
reference and their résumé, along with the following nomination form.
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9, cel
wis, P
er) Le d friends.
nd Erin (
armD ’07, a ding day with a
Dustin Lewis, Ph
Ryan H
BS ’08,
and Liza (K
atterhenry) Hensley, Pharm
D ’09,
enjoy the
ir wedding day.
Class Notes
Alumni Events
Please visit or call the
Office of Alumni Affairs at 1-866-ONU-ALUM.
Feb. 12: San Francisco, Calif., Alumni Event
Feb. 13: San Diego, Calif., Alumni Event
Women’s Basketball Alumni Game
Jerry Stephens, JD, lives in Sebring, Fla.
Robert Swager, BA, DD ’71, works full time scheduling his
wife, author Christine Swager, for book signings, TV spots and
lectures. The Swager’s live in Moore, S.C.
Feb. 18: Engineering – CPD, Columbus, Ohio
Earl Dworkin, BA, is in the medical insurance industry and is
the owner of Dworkin Insurance Service. He lives in Palo Alto,
Calif., and can be reached at
March 3: Orlando, Fla., Alumni Event
March 4: Tampa, Fla., Alumni Event
March 6: Venice, Fla., Alumni Event
March 7: Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Alumni Event
March 14 and 15 (See ad on page 21)
First Annual ONU Scholarship Winter Golf Outing
Morris Shepherd, BSCE, participated in the Senior Olympics
in Southwest Ohio. He received the bronze medal for spot
shooting in the basketball competition. He placed fourth in
the 100-meter dash and won the bronze medal in the 200meter dash. He resides in Batavia, Ohio.
March 17: Pharmacy Law – CE, Southeastern Ohio
Thomas Jenkins, JD, served the Marion County Family Court
as a judge for almost a quarter of a century. He is retired and
resides in Marion, Ohio.
March 19: Philadelphia, Pa., Alumni Event
March 20: New York City, N.Y., Alumni Event
March 24: Pharmacy Law – CE,Canton/Akron, Ohio
March 27: The Polar Bear Ball at the Columbus Zoo
April 1: Cincinnati, Ohio, Alumni Event
April 8: Toledo, Ohio, Alumni Event
April 22: Engineering – CPD, Cleveland, Ohio
April 30: ONU Alumni Baseball Game
Wander Field, Ohio Northern University
April 30-May 2: First Annual ONU Arts Weekend
April 30: Columbus, Ohio, Alumni Event
May 2: Cleveland, Ohio, Alumni Event
May 22: Polar Arctic Day at the Columbus Zoo
June 4-6: Alumni Weekend at ONU Honoring the
Class of 1960
June 26: ONU Alumni and Friends Athletic Golf
Outing at Colonial Golfers Club, Harrod, Ohio
Robert Thompson, BA, JD ’66, is the president of Sage
Financial Design Inc. He lives in Simsbury, Conn.
Ted E. Uhl, BSME, is employed with Chromalloy LLC. He and
his wife, Patricia, live in Hesperia, Calif.
Sandra Cipiti, BSEd, is the music director for the Lord of Life
Lutheran Church. She lives in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
Barry Hensel, BA, is vice president for the Circles of Care Inc.
He and his wife, Pamela (Whittington), BS, reside in West
Melbourne, Fla.
Dennis Franks, BSPh, is a retired physician. He and his wife,
Kathleen, live in Haines, Alaska.
Robert Thompson, BA ’63, JD, is president of Sage Financial
Design Inc. He lives in Simsbury, Conn.
Judy (Cannon) Benes, BA, is a hearing screener for ENT
Neonatal of Northern Virginia. She lives in Clifton, Va.
Toby Clark, BSPh, was elected to the Board of Pharmacy
Practice of the International Pharmacy Federation. He
can be reached at and resides in
Charleston, S.C.
Thomas Heydinger, JD, represents the 58th District
in the Ohio House of Representatives. He lives in
Norwalk, Ohio.
Richard Smith, BA, is retired from the ministry.
He and his wife, Betty, live in Canal Fulton,
Alice (Smith) Dewar, BA, is the
superintendent for the Leipsic Local
School District. She lives in Leipsic,
William Gardner, BA, JD
’73, is an attorney advisor
for the Social Security
Administration. He lives in
New Canaan, Conn.
Gary Lamb, BS, is a
real estate agent for
Realty USA. He lives
in Rochester, N.Y.
Gary Benes, BS, is a pharmacist with Safeway. He lives in
Clifton, Va.
Rose Herl, BS, is a pharmacist with the Medicine Shoppe. She
lives in Ashtabula, Ohio.
Richard Brown, BSPh, is retired. He and his wife, Sue, sold
their Brown Drug Company stores to various pharmaceutical
companies and continue to operate Boomerang Marketing
Inc., which manufactures and markets fishing lures. They
currently enjoy retirement and time with their grandchildren.
They reside in Sanibel, Fla.
Bruce Kolbe, BS, is a pharmacist with the
REM Corporation. He lives in Newark,
Elaine (Fossa) Loeffert, BA, is a secondgrade teacher with Westerville City
Schools. She lives in Westerville, Ohio.
Shelley (Pickard) Piazza, BSPh, is
a pharmacist with CVS. She lives in
Jamestown, N.Y.
Sherman G. Yerian, BSEd, and Diane
Glick were married. The couple resides in
Bridgewater, Ga.
Alan Ciklin, JD, is the managing partner of
Casey, Ciklin, Lubitz, Martens & O’Connell.
He has been selected for inclusion in
the 2010 edition of The Best Lawyers in
America. Alan will be listed in the specialty
of Real Estate Law. He resides in Palm
Beach, Fla.
Jerome Karlin, BA, is the assistant program
director with Cornucopia Inc. He lives in
University Heights, Ohio.
Robert Swager, BA ’54, DD, works full
time scheduling his wife, author Christine
Swager, for book signings, TV spots and
lectures. The Swagers live in Moore, S.C.
Hiram Tanner, BSCE, is the manager of
sewer pumping for the District of Columbia
Water and Sewer Authority. He was also
elected the president of the Chesapeake
Water Environment Association. He lives in
Mitchellville, Md.
David Wright, BSME, is a senior project
engineer for Cooper Tire & Rubber
Company. He lives in Tupelo, Miss.
Nancy (Wood) Allison, BA, is the director
of secondary instruction with Findlay
City schools in Findlay, Ohio. She can be
reached at
Robert Braidwood, BSPh, is the pharmacy
manager for the Medicine Cabinet
Pharmacy. He lives in Corbin, Ky.
William Gardner, BA ’68, JD, is the
attorney advisor for the Social Security
Administration. He lives in New Canaan,
Thomas Kane, BA, retired from Lorain City
Schools. He was the wrestling coach for
20 years and the football coach for three
years. He lives in Lorain, Ohio.
David A.
BSPh, is the
director of
pharmacy at St.
Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.
Paul Caswell, JD, is the director of pension
compliance for Paychex. He lives in
Escanaba, Mich.
Denise Evans Sukup, BSEd, is a middleschool language-arts teacher with PandoraGilboa Local Schools in Pandora, Ohio.
Tom Greenawalt, BSME, retired from the
Largo, Fla., Facility for Raytheon. He is the
president of Greenwood Games. He and
his wife, Jean (Rotsinger), BSME ’82, live in
Palm Harbor, Fla.
Jack Schron, JD, is the president of Jergens
Inc., a family-owned manufacturing
business in Cleveland begun by his father
and grandfather. An SME member, Jack
has been active in SME for many years,
including both local Cleveland involvement
and national involvement. He currently
serves as a member of the SME Board of
Directors. Jack previously served on the
SME Board Work Group on Governance
and the Audit Committee. He resides in
Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
Nancy (Fredlund) Stack, BSPh, is a
pharmacist for the Herkimer, N.Y., Wal-Mart
Pharmacy. She resides in Herkimer, N.Y.
Carl “
H of F
’05, Te , BA ’63, Joe W
illiams, BA ’6
rry Kei
6, William
his wif
Michael D. Blythe, BA, is an attorney for the
town of New Windsor in New Windsor, N.Y.
Andrew J. Cesarz, BSPh, is a staff
pharmacist with Rite Aid. His wife, Cathy
(Carpenter), BSPh ’76, is a supervising
pharmacist with Rite Aid. The couple
resides in Mayville, N.Y.
Joseph DaPare, JD, lives in Charleston,
S.C., with his wife, Deborah (Blatnick)
DaPore, BSPh ’82.
Paul D. Elkovich, BSME, is the vice
president, Turbine-Generator Service, with
Alstom Power Inc. in Midlothian, Va.
Rita Lutes, BA, relocated to Portland, Ind.
Michael W. McConnell, BSPh, is a
pharmacist with Walgreens. He and his
wife, Barbara, reside in Medina, Ohio.
Jay W. Myers, BSPh, is a pharmacist with
Rite Aid Pharmacy in Benwood, W.Va.
Eric M. Richards, BSPh, is a clinical
pharmacist with Bayshore Medical Center.
He resides in Seabrook, Texas.
John West, BA, LW ’79, was appointed as a
Board of Trustee member for the Arizona
Science Center by the Jennings Strouss &
Salmon PLC law firm. He lives in Phoenix, Ariz.
Stephen Dobush, BA, is a financial service
representative, registered representative
and investment advisor for Partners
Financial Group. He lives in Garfield
Heights, Ohio.
Carl Draucker, JD, is the treasurer for
Hiram College Board of Trustees. He is with
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey. He is also an
adjunct faculty member in the University
of Akron’s master of taxation program. He
resides in Hudson, Ohio.
Jeffrey W. Fram, JD, is an attorney with
Denman & Lerner Co. LPA in Mentor, Ohio.
Edward Hardy, BA, is the president of the
Greater Pittsburgh Vascular Technologists
and was highlighted nationally by the
Society for Vascular Ultrasound in
November 2009. Edward is the chief
vascular technologist at UPMC Passavant
Hospital. He and his wife, Susan, live in
Cheswick, Pa.
Donald “Christopher” Hart, BSPh, gave a
presentation at the American Association
of Colleges of Pharmacy annual
conference in July 2009 in Boston, Mass.
He lives in Port Washington, Ohio. Chris’s
email address is
William McMillan, BSPh, retired from the
Ohio Board of Pharmacy. For the past
11 years, he has served as the licensing
administrator and director of internship
Robinson, BSEd ’61, Hon
, BSEd ’
. D. ’05,
64, and Bob
Gronlund, BA ’64, Ho
n. D. ’09, and
, enjoy brea
kfast together at The
at Ohio N
orthern Universi
after working as compliance specialist for
four years. He will continue to serve at
the Plain City United Methodist Church as
their choir director and organist. He and
his family live in Plain City, Ohio.
Dain Akin, JD, is an attorney with the Akin
Law Group LLC in Westerville, Ohio, where
he also resides.
Steven M. Culver, BA, is the assistant
director, office of academic assessment,
with Virginia Tech. He resides in
Blacksburg, Va.
Karen (Keyse) Fields, BA, is the vice president
of global academic programs, provost, and
EVP for the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
She resides in San Antonio, Texas.
Neal Pitts, JD, of Orlando, Fla., has been
appointed judge of compensation claims
by the governor of Florida.
Nancy Brady Smith, BSPh is a pharmacistdiabetes educator with Walgreens in
Norwalk, Ohio.
Mark Butler, BSPh, is a commander in the
59th Clinical Support Group in the U.S. Air
Force and has been promoted to colonel.
He lives in Beavercreek, Ohio.
Steve Patonai, BSPh, is the CEO for
Auburn Regional Medical Center. He
resides in Auburn, Wash.
John West, LW, BA ’76, was appointed
as a Board of Trustee member for the
Arizona Science Center by the Jennings
Strouss & Salmon PLC law firm. He lives
in Phoenix, Ariz.
Gregory Milanich, BSPh ’80, lives in
Brecksville, Ohio, with his wife, Elaine
(Paro), BSPh ’85.
Mark Miller, BA, had his latest book,
The View of the Courts from the Hill:
Interactions between Congress and
the Federal Judiciary published by the
University of Virginia Press. Mark also
recently became a full-time professor at
Clark University. He lives in Worchester,
John Payne, BA, is the president of
Bradley Payne LLC, a financial advisor
group. He lives in Circleville, Ohio.
Michael Schobelock, BSPh, is the
associate director of medical affairs at
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
Inc. He and his wife, Kelli, live in Grove
City, Ohio.
Robert J. Sgroi, JD, is a partner with
McIntyre, Tate & Lynch in Providence, R.I.
Susan (Osowski) Ayers, BSPh, works for
Kaiser Permanente as the regional manager.
She lives in Broadview Heights, Ohio.
Greg Ferrall, BA, married Kendra Murr. The
Ferralls live in Saint Marys, Ohio.
John Green, JD, has joined the Dayton office
of Thompson Hine LLP. He is a partner in the
firm’s Corporate Transactions and Securities
and Health Care Practice groups. He resides
in Dayton, Ohio.
Stuart Hazlett, BA, is a member of the
Senior Executive Service, serving as a
deputy director to the director of the
Defense Procurement and Acquisition
Policy. He resides in Alexandria, Va.
J. Mark Hickman, BA, was promoted and
assigned as the combustion integrated
rack payloads project manager at the
NASA Glenn Research Center. He resides in
Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
Steven Kelley, BA, is a managing trial
attorney for CNA Insurance. He lives in
Independence, Ohio.
Barbara Krier, JD, was named the
2009 Child Advocate of the Year by the
Children’s Rights Committee of the
Pennsylvania State Bar Association.
Barbara is a 20-year veteran of the York
County Public Defender’s Office. She
resides in York, Pa.
Elizabeth Martini, BA, is the vice president
and counsel of the Ohio National Financial
Services. She is responsible for legislative
and regulatory matters as well as
compliance and government relations. She
resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mary McDeavitt, BA, is the director of
proposals and marketing for TolTest Inc.
She lives in Painesville, Ohio.
Gary Sandeen, BSPh, is a pharmacist with
Tops Pharmacy. He lives in Cassadaga, N.Y.
John Smith, BA, has been named the 45th
editor-in-chief of Military Review, the U.S.
Army’s professional journal. He also taught
at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point,
N.Y. He resides in Leavenworth, Kan.
Regard Yakou, BSCE, is a project manager with
Hill International. He lives in Danville, Calif.
Mark Tillack, BSPh, is touring with his
show, “Musical Mark’s Kid’s Show.” The
current theme for his show is the effort to
save bats. He resides in Brinkhaven, Ohio.
Gene Baker, BSPh, is a pharmacist with
Discount Drug Mart. He lives in Canton,
Jill (Santee) Bock, BA, and her husband,
Kurt, have opened up Bruegger’s Bagels
in Altamonte Springs, Fla. The Bocks live
in Gotha, Fla.
Craig Clay, BSEE, is the senior manager
and systems engineer for Cisco Systems.
He lives in Seabrook, Texas.
Holly (Reidel) Cronau, BSPh, was named
the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians
2009 Educator of the Year. Her e-mail
address is and
she lives in Powell, Ohio.
Deborah (Blatnick) DaPore, BSPh,
opened up a second pharmacy in
Charleston, S.C. The pharmacy offers
traditional prescription services and
MTM counseling. The pharmacies are
also PECA-certified to do compounding.
She and her husband, Joseph, JD ’76,
live in Charleston, S.C. Deborah can be
contacted at plantationpharmacy@
Bimal Dassani, BSPh, is a regional
vice president for Rite Aid. He lives in
Macedonia, Ohio.
Robert Gamler, BSPh, is a pharmacist for
CVS. He is living in Midland, N.C.
Jean (Rotsinger) Greenawalt, BSME,
is a systems and software engineer for
Raytheon. She and her husband, Tom,
BSME ’75, live in Palm Harbor, Fla.
Mark Grimslid, BA, is employed with Valmont
Industries. He lives in Mishawaka, Ind.
Steven Kaplan, BSPh, lives in Troy, Ohio,
with his wife, Patricia (White), BSPh ’84.
Keith Laffin, BA, is employed with the city
of Bedford, Ohio, where he also resides.
Lee McClish, BSME, is an RCM manager
with Graphic Packaging. He resides in
Ashland, Ohio.
Rosemarie (Viney) Morris, BSBA ’82,
is the vice president of finance and
operations with the Arthritis Foundation.
She lives in Mason, Ohio.
Jeanette (Spear) Murphy, BSPh, is a
pharmacy manager for Kroger. She lives in
Wapakoneta, Ohio.
Suzanne Plummer, BA, is a specialeducation teacher for
Moriarty-Edgewood Schools. She lives in
Edgewood, N.M.
Dan Reep, BS, is a senior engineer for ChickFil-A Inc. He lives in Peachtree City, Ga.
Anne ( Colton) Rickard, BA, was named
Art Teacher of the Year for 2008 by the
New York State Art Teachers Association.
Gloria (Frankenfeld) Stacy, BSPh, is a staff
pharmacist with CVS. She lives in Tiffin, Ohio.
Richard Weiner, JD, is a reporter and
freelance writer. He lives in Beechwood,
Hanley Wheeler, BSPh, and his wife, Mary
(Murphy), BSPh ’82, live in Fishers, Ind.
Hanley works for CVS Caremark, and Mary
is retired.
Dale Younkman, BS, is a clinical
pharmacist with St. Luke’s Hospital. He
lives in Jacksonville, Fla.
Paul Abrahamsen, JD, is employed with
Legal Aid of Western Michigan. He lives in
Kalamazoo, Mich.
Deborah (Tobin) Gross, BSPh, is a
pharmacist for Marc’s Pharmacy in Solon,
Ohio. She resides in Beachwood, Ohio.
Alicia Handwerk, BA, is the bureau chief
for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation
and Correction. She lives in Columbus,
Karen (Kopp) Kohr, BSPh, is a staff
pharmacist for Wal-Mart at Palmyra, Pa.
She lives in Palmyra, Pa.
Ramona Porter, BA, is an academic
advisor for Ohio State University. She lives
in Grove City, Ohio.
Michael Rencheck, BSEE, is the president
and chief executive officer for AREVA NP
Inc. He resides in Powell, Ohio.
Eric Spence, BA, is the senior vice
president of sales for Jeld-Wen Inc. He
lives in Klamath Falls, Ore.
David Williams, BSBA, is the vice
president for Merrill Lynch. He lives in
Toledo, Ohio.
Sally Brooks, BS, BSPh, is the vice
president of physician services and
engagement for United Health Group. She
lives in Milford, Ohio.
Danny Bubp, JD, is a member of the Ohio
House of Representatives, representing
the 88th House District. This is his third
term as a state representative. He also
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runs his own law
practice, the Law Office of Danny
R. Bubp. He resides in West Union, Ohio.
Carol Cover, BA, is a transcription
technician for the Cleveland Clinic. She
lives in Euclid, Ohio.
Kevin Freese, BSME, is the chairman
and chief executive officer of Bridge
Development Group Ltd. He lives in
Kirtland, Ohio.
Geraldine Guerin, JD, is a registered nurse
for Lifeline Health Care Group. She lives in
Horse Cave, Ky.
Jeffrey Habegger, BSBA, is a senior
project manager for WRScompass. He
lives in Miamisburg, Ohio.
Michael Hatfield, BSEE, is the material
group director for air vehicles for the U.S. Air
Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
He and his wife, Darlene, live in Centerville,
Cindy (Thatcher) Hunsacker, BSBA, is a TD
services account manager for Teradata.
He lives in Springboro, Ohio.
William Johnson, BS, is a pharmacy
manager for Rite Aid. He lives in Sandusky,
Patricia (White) Kaplan, BSPh, was named
2009 Miami County Fair Homemaker of
the Year in August 2009. She and her
husband, Steven, BSPh ’82, live in Troy,
Laird Lile, JD, was included in the
Florida Super Lawyers 2009 list of
Top 100 Lawyers in Florida. He was
the only attorney in Naples, Fla., and
the surrounding areas to receive this
recognition. He also had the honor of
moderating a panel of real property and
estate attorney experts at the Annual
Convention of the Real Property, Probate
and Trust Law Section of the Florida Bar in
May 2009. Laird and his wife, Laurie, live
in Naples, Fla. Randall Moore, JD, was one of 38
attorneys from the Roetzel & Andress law
firm to be chosen as Ohio’s Super Lawyers
by Law & Politics magazine, Northern Ohio
Live magazine, and Cincinnati magazine.
He lives in Canton, Ohio.
William Muller, BSEE, is employed with
Matrix Research and Engineering. He lives
in Mason, Ohio.
Kelly Reidel, BA, is an EPMO project
consultant for Progressive Insurance. He
lives in Chesterland, Ohio.
David Bennett, BSBA, is a
commercial loan officer for the Alaska
USA Federal Credit Union. He and his wife,
Christiana, live in Anchorage, Alaska.
Martin Daniels, BSBA, is the district
director of financial aid for Pierce College.
He resides in Snoqualmie, Wash.
Annette (Peter) Drake, BSCE, is a science
teacher in Brookville Local Schools. She
lives in Englewood, Ohio.
Michael Jenkins, BS, is a senior software
consultant for Sogeti. He lives in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Eric Klintworth, BSEE, and his wife,
Bonnie (Merrymon), BSPh ’85, live in
Westerville, Ohio. Eric is employed with
Star Dynamics Corporation, and Bonnie
is employed with Mount Carmel East
Catherine (Mathile) Laden, BSBA, was
elected to the Board of Trustees for
Summit Country Day. She and her family
live in Cincinnati, Ohio.
James Laird, BS, is a sales associate for
Glaziers of Northwest Ohio. He lives in
Ada, Ohio.
Phillip Lettrich, BSPh, and his wife, Susan
(Di Nezza), BSEE ’85, reside in Kirtland, Ohio.
Phillip is the director of professional relations
for Emdeon, and Susan is the director of
performance and process improvement for
FirstEnergy Corp.
Laura Mandos, BSPh, was chosen by her
students to receive the 2009 Lindback
Foundation Award for Distinguished
Teaching and was presented with the
award at the graduation ceremony for
the University of Sciences in Philadelphia
in May 2009. This award is given annually
to a faculty member recognized by
the students as the most outstanding
instructor at the University. Laura resides
in Boothwyn, Pa.
David McCarley, BA, is the vice president
for EH4 Solutions Group. He lives in
Gloucester, Mass. Elaine (Paro) Milanich, BSPh, is the
manager of clinical client services for
Universal American. She and her husband,
Gregory, BSPh ’80, live in Brecksville, Ohio.
Robin Patterson, BS, has been appointed
as the principal of the Los Amigos High
School in Orange County, Calif.
Robin lives in Santa Ana, Calif.
Charles Stechschulte, BS, is a software
project engineer at Emerson Network
Power. He lives in Delaware, Ohio.
Cecelia (Peters) Wigal, BSEE, is the
assistant dean of undergraduate
programs and a professor in the college
of engineering and computer sciences
for the University of Tennessee at
Chattanooga. She and her husband, John,
live in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Peter M. Burnham, BA, is a marketing
manager with TEAC Australia. He resides
in Victoria, Australia.
Mark Butler, BA, is the assistant principal
for Benjamin Logan Local Schools in
Bellefontaine, Ohio, where he and his
wife, Jill, also reside.
Todd Butler, BS, is the associate dean of
academic affairs for Brescia University in
Owensboro, Ky., where he also resides.
Janet A. (Gutchess) DeHart, BSPh, BS, is
an analytical lab technical in research and
development with Spinnaker Coating in
Troy, Ohio.
Greg Fehribach, JD, was named a
distinguished fellow at Ball State
University’s Bowen Center. His work at
Bowen Center focuses on identifying the
barriers people with disabilities face in
seeking employment as well as engaging
policymakers on how to build inclusive
strategies into their communities. He
serves on the board of trustees at Ball
State and works with
Douglas Spiker, JD, was one of 38
attorneys from the Roetzel & Andress
law firm to be chosen as a Ohio’s Super
Lawyers by Law & Politics magazine,
Northern Ohio Live magazine, and Cincinnati
magazine. He lives in Columbus, Ohio.
Stephen A. Summers, BSPh, is the EpicRx
project coordinator with Premier Health
Partners in Dayton, Ohio.
Lisa (Monbeck) Weeks, BS, married her
husband, Jeff. She is a high school math
teacher at Graham High School in St. Paris,
Ohio. The couple resides in Pleasant Hill,
John Battershell, BSME, is a centrifugal
compressor consultant with Battershell
Engineering. He lives in Hamburg, N.Y.
Richard L. Hammond, BSPh, is a clinical/
staff pharmacist with Acute Care Specialty
Hospital in Canton, Ohio.
Jamie Lewis, BS, is the industrial
technology and mechanical drawing
instructor for Delphos City Schools. He
and his wife, Rachelle, live in Harrod, Ohio.
Jeffery Makeever, BSEE, was honored
by Irish America magazine as a member
of its “Irish Legal 100.” Jeffery is the
chair of Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren’s
Intellectual Property Practice and the
managing shareholder of the firm’s
Rockford office. He resides in Rockford, Ill.
Charles Marosek, BFA, is an art teacher for
Farmersville ISD. He and his wife, Suzanne
(Campbell), BA ’87, live in Greenville, Texas.
Arthur Munson, BS, is the owner
of Gargoyle Marketing. He lives in
Middleburg Heights, Ohio.
Maria Santo, JD, is the assistant county
prosecuting attorney for the Hardin
County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.
She lives in Ada, Ohio.
David W. Stahl, BSEE, is the vice
president, corporate quality and
customer satisfaction, with Tellabs in
Naperville, Ill. He resides in Arlington
Heights, Ill.
2, and
n, PharmD ’0
Jeremy Bara
Ph ’92,
ukin) Ba
Michele (Man
eir weddi
celebrate th
the university to ensure its facilities and
programs are accessible for people with
disabilities and the aging population. He
and his family live in Indianapolis, Ind.
Cheryl (Roller) Luecke, BSPh, lives in
Baton Rouge, La.
Timothy S. McCall, BSPh, is the director
of pharmacy with Ephrata Community
Hospital in Ephrata, Pa.
Douglas L. Powell, BSEE, is an electrical
engineer with Prater Engineering in Dublin,
Carol Eng, BSPh, is a consultant
pharmacist for PharMerica
Corporation. She lives in Henderson,
Anna (Reynolds) Esposito, BSPh, is
a quality assurance pharmacist for
Orchard Pharmaceutical Services
in North Canton, Ohio. She and her
family reside in Barberton, Ohio.
Judith Hyvarinen, BA, is a bookkeeper for
the Hammond First Assembly of God. She
lives in Hammond, Ind.
Thomas Powers, BSBA, is director of
assurance and business advisory services
at GBQ Partners LLC in Columbus, Ohio.
He and his wife, Anne (Evans), BSBA ’88,
reside with their family in Powell, Ohio.
Brian P. Watts, BSBA, is the president of
Anderson Masonry Co. Inc. in Dayton, Ohio.
Gail (Firestine) Wiegand, BSMT, is the
director of quality assurance, KMC
Systems for Elbit Systems of America. She
lives in Merrimack, N.H.
Jody Benda, BA, is a teacher, athletic
trainer and the head volleyball coach at
Bath Local Schools. She lives in Ada, Ohio.
Angela (Brady) Buelsing, BA, is a
business librarian for Clayton L. Scroggins
Associates Inc. She resides in Batavia,
James M. Childers, BSBA, is the vice
president of operations and director
of imports and exports with Agri-Sales
Associates Inc. in Nashville, Tenn.
Toni (Williams) Dunbar, BA, is in customer
service at Precision Strip Inc. She and her
husband, David, BM, live in Troy, Ohio.
Kerri A. (Hug) Gearhart, BA, is the director
of special education with the Northwest
Ohio Educational Service Center. She
resides in Edon, Ohio.
Deana (Fisher) Gordon, BA, was named the
educational program coordinator by the
Conway Family Business Center of Central
Ohio. She resides in Grove City, Ohio.
Larry E. Himes, BSBA, and Stacey R.
Kolodzik were married on June 17, 2009.
The couple resides in Medina, Ohio.
Brian A. Keckler, BSEE, is a supervisorU.S. Operations Western Region with SAI
Global in Independence, Ohio.
Robert Knecht, BS, is a marketing manager
with Allied Moulded Products Inc. in Bryan,
Ohio. He and his family live in Edgerton,
Ken Siang Lim, BSCE, BSCSE, is the CEO of
NextLabs Inc. in San Mateo, Calif.
Kendra (Neibauer) Manduzzi, BSEE, is the
resident engineer of Dearborn Trucks for
Ford. She lives in Whitmore Lake, Mich.
Holly McCluskey, BA, JD ’92, and her
husband, Ronnie Mee, were married on
Nov. 24, 2007. Holly is an attorney with
Siferd & McCluskey, LPA in Lima, Ohio. The
couple resides in Lima.
Pamela Sweeney, BS, is a clinical resource
pharmacist for Community Health
Network. She resides in Indianapolis, Ind.
Patrick Arbaugh, BS, and his family
relocated to Shanghai, China, for the
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company. Patrick is
the director of product development for
the Asian Technical Center.
Sara M. (Verhoff) Martin, BSPh, is a
pharmacist with Joint Township District
Memorial Hospital in St. Marys, Ohio.
Jeff Meeker, BSBA, is chief, Ground
Systems Division - TRADOC capabilities
manager, for virtual training environment
with the U.S. Army. He resides in
Leavenworth, Kan.
Michelle A. (Dolmayer) Roberts, is an
oncology pharmacist at the University of
Pittsburgh Cancer Center at Passavant in
Pittsburgh, Pa.
John Sajovic, BS, is the manager of
transformer services for GE Energy. He and his
family live in Hudson, Ohio.
Emmanuel Santa Teresa, JD, is a deputy staff
judge advocate with the U.S. Air Force. He
resides in Lompoc, Calif.
Wendy Weiss, BSPh, is a pharmacist with
UPMC Northwest. She resides in Franklin, Pa.
Brian T. Young, BSBA, is a laboratory manager
with American Trim in Lima, Ohio.
Debra Bowers, JD, was promoted to
partner at Kay, Casto & Chaney PLLC after
six years with the firm and more than
16 years in legal practice. She resides in
Morgantown, W.Va.
Rick Cherry, BS, is the owner of Flying Hack
Enterprises. He resides in Powell, Ohio.
Amy (Maki) Genszler, BA, is a legal assistant
for the Hersh Law Offices LLC and was
recently recognized by Cambridge Who’s
Who. She resides in West Bend, Wisc.
Harry Hancock, JD, is the counsel for
revenue litigation for the South Carolina
Department of Revenue. He lives in
Columbia, S.C.
Lisa (Cowgill) Haydel, BSBA, is the asphalt
supply and logistics manager for Marathon
Petroleum Company LLC. He lives in
Findlay, Ohio.
Brian James, BS, is the general manager for
ArcelorMittal. He lives in McDonald, Pa.
Phil Mosher, BA, is a trainer for Cash
America. He lives in Fairfield Township, Ohio.
Jeannine (Rowland) Perkins, BSBA, is a
bookkeeper with Safe Passage Inc. She
lives in Batesville, Ind.
Kevin Warvell, BSBA, and his wife,
Mariellen (McKinney), BSPh ’91, both
acquired new positions. Kevin is the
director of rate strategy for First Energy.
Mariellen is the pharmacy manager for
the Medical Arts Center Pharmacy. The
Warvells reside in New Castle, Pa.
Michele (Manukin) Baran, BSPh, and
Jeremy, PharmD ’02, were married in May
2008 in Bridgeport, Ohio. Michele is a
pharmacist with Walgreens in Washington,
D.C. They currently live in Rockville, Md.
Fred Bencivengo, BSPh, is the pharmacy
district manager for Giant Eagle Pharmacy.
He and his wife, Sandy, live in Warren, Ohio.
Jo Ann (Petroziello) Collins, JD, is the
senior deputy attorney general for the
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General.
She lives in Harrisburg, Pa.
Michael Foley, JD, is a partner with
Rendigs, Fry, Kiely & Dennis LLP in
Cincinnati, Ohio, where he also resides.
Troy Gahm, BSPh, was appointed to
the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy by
Governor Ted Strickland for the next four
years. He can be reached at troygahm@ and resides in Lucasville, Ohio.
Jeffrey Gillson, BSBA, is a partner at New
York Life. He lives in Bellbrook, Ohio.
Laura Glass, JD, is the manager of sales
and training development for Obagi
Medical Products in Long Beach, Calif. She
resides in Costa Mesa, Calif., and can be
reached at
Mathew Hargett, BSEE, received the 2008
Young Leadership and Excellence Award
by the Automotive Hall of Fame. His award
will be displayed in the in the museum. He
resides in Broadview Heights, Ohio.
Ellen (Ralph) Perry, BA, is the senior
associate director of university
programming for the University of
Chicago. She lives in Oswego, Ill.
Donald Ramm, BSCE, is the city engineer for
Independence, Ohio, where he also resides.
Aaron Rothhaar, BS, is the engineering
and maintenance manager for Shelby
Welded Tube. He lives in Shelby, Ohio.
Todd Smith, BSPh, is a consultant
pharmacist for Remedi Senior Care. He
lives in Troy, Ohio.
Steven Vale, BSBA, is a financial advisor for
Key Investment Services. He and his wife,
Joy, live in Clinton, Ohio.
Maret Vessella, JD, will serve as the chief
bar counsel of the State Bar of Arizona. As
chief executive officer, she will oversee
the State Bar’s Lawyer Regulation
Department. Maret lives in Phoenix, Ariz.
Farooq Ansari, JD, lives in Mukilteo, Wash.,
with his wife, Muneera, and daughter,
Sarina. He owns Olympic Collection Inc. in
Seattle, Wash. He has been selected as a
“40 Under 40” award recipient by Puget
Sound Business Journal. Olympic Collection
was included in the March 2009 Forbes
magazine as one of the best 10 collection
agencies in the U.S.
Philip Bower, JD, is a claims representative
for State Farm Insurance. He lives in
Emmitsburg, Md.
Sandra Brown, JD, joined the Washington
office of the law firm Thompson Hine
LLP. Sandra is a partner in the firm’s
Transportation practice group, which
focuses on representing bulk commodity
shippers and other entities that use
transportation services. She resides in
Springfield, Va.
Richard Dages, BS, is the senior reliability and
project engineer for Flint Hills Resources. He
lives in Harrison Township, Mich.
Dale English, BSPh, was honored with the
Fellow of the American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists (FASHP) designation.
The American Society of Health-System
Pharmacists (ASHP) bestowed him this
award due to his excellence in practice and
leadership. He lives in Stow, Ohio.
Kerrie (Jarvis) Foxall, BSPh, is a pharmacist
with the Licking Memorial Hospital. She
lives in Hebron, Ohio.
Julie (Boyd) Glavicic, BSBA, married her
husband, Michael, on Dec. 16, 2008. The
Glavicics live in Indianapolis, Ind.
Sharon (Tolle) Kelly, BSPh, is a pharmacist
for Clark’s Pharmacy in Centerville, Ohio.
She lives in Dayton, Ohio.
John Lux, JD, is the executive director of
governmental affairs at Ivy Tech Community
College. He also is an attorney at Lux & Lux
in Shelbyville, Ind., where he resides.
Gregory Marcussen, BSME, is a chief pilot
for Jet Select LLC in Columbus, Ohio.
His wife, Mausicha (Frazee), BS ’93, is
the president of Marcussen Global Life
Sciences Consulting. They reside in New
Albany, Ohio.
Kurtis Mascio, BSEE, is employed with
Stoneridge Electronics. In May 2009, he
was inducted into the North Olmstead
High School Athletic Hall of Fame. The
Mascios are relocating to Charlotte, N.C.
Alumni News
to the U.S.
Thirty-three law alumni sworn in
Supreme Court
Ohio Northern University’s
Pettit College of Law held its
fifth United States Supreme
Court admission ceremony
on June 8, 2009. The event
began the previous evening
with a reception and dinner at
the Hyatt Regency on Capitol
Hill with more than 110 alumni,
family members and guests
attending. The next morning,
33 ONU graduates were
sworn in to the U.S. Supreme
Court in an impressive alumni
group ceremony. ONU’s
group was one of the largest
the court had ever had.
d, and the clerk called the
thern inductees were asked to stan
the podium and said,
ress the court. Johnson approached
following attorneys.”
the court, I move the admission of the
made a motion to
the attorney’s state, and Johnson then
f Justice John G.
e read and the motion was made, Chie
the Court.
the inductees became members of
Roberts Jr. accepted the motion, and
celebrate. After
ered in the East Conference Room to
by the curator of the
to the courtroom for a presentation
t steps for a group photo.
marshal’s office and then to the fron
thern group and also
pride for being a part of the Ohio Nor
hen, director of law
court in the nation,” said Cheryl Kitc
was in awe of the Court
ne who took part in this ceremony
and of what was happening.”
Education alumni connect online
the chance to connect with one ano
on alumni have
program is a
Each month, Ohio Northern educati
cational topics. The ongoing virtual
online to discuss a wide range of edu
on, and a
ni affairs, the departm
partnership between the office of alum
id Michael Ingram, BSE
member of ONU’s alumni board, Dav
hange ideas, and
opportunity to share experiences, exc
Alumni participants appreciate the
cation. As a
John Berg, associate professor of
reconnect with one another, says Dr.
ring from old
ing with former students. “It is akin
moderator, he has enjoyed interact
learning about
them as students, they were nov
, you gain
friends,” he says. “When I worked with
interact with them now as colleagu
teaching. So it is most satisfying to
nt I was able to chat with veteran
experience very quickly, and that mea
Chad Mason, BSBA, is the Troy Junior High
principal. He and his wife, Carrie, live in
Troy, Ohio.
Jody May, BA, completed his first season
as Albion College’s men’s head basketball
coach in 2009. Jody served as the assistant
men’s basketball coach at Albion College
since 1997. He currently lives in Albion, Mich.
Barrett Moser, BSEE, is a project engineer
for Innovative Solutions Group Inc. He lives
in Whitehouse, Ohio.
Vernon Neeley, BM, and his wife, Tara
(Findley), BM ’07, were married on Dec.
20, 2008. They reside in Defiance, Ohio.
Marc Sweeney, BSPh, was appointed the
founding dean of the Cedarville University
School of Pharmacy. Before moving to the
position at Cedarville, Marc had been a
part of the leadership team that began the
University of Findlay’s School of Pharmacy.
He and his family reside in Xenia, Ohio.
Lisa (DeMarinis) Tarr, BSPh, is a
pharmacist for the Alliance, Ohio Wal-Mart.
She lives in Malvern, Ohio.
Brian Wagner, BSBA, is the branch
manager for the Second National Bank in
Versailles, Ohio, where he also resides.
Jeffrey Yohe, BSCE, is the technical
support manager for the Stark County
Metropolitan Sewer District in Canton,
Ohio, where he and his wife reside.
Judi Calhoun, JD, is a deputy prosecutor
for the Delaware County Prosecutor’s
Office. She lives in Muncie, Ind.
Thomas John, JD, is a partner at ICE Miller
LLP. He resides in Indianapolis, Ind., and can
be reached at
Edward Kirn, JD, and his wife, Sarah
(Powers), JD ’94, are employed with Powers
Kirn LLC. They live in Moorestown, N.J.
Anmarie (Gladieux) Kolinski, BSBA, BA, is
the chief financial officer for Harbor Capital
Advisors Inc. She lives in Chicago, Ill.
Jill (Clark) Koskinen, BSPh, is a staff
pharmacist for the Salem Community
Hospital. She lives in Salem, Ohio.
Lori (Crawford) Lowery, BFA, is a reading
recovery and elementary art teacher for
the Upper Scioto Valley School District.
She lives in Belle Center, Ohio.
David Woodward, BA, is the assistant
operations manager for Clear Channel in
Lima. He lives in Ada, Ohio.
Scott Forry,
BS, is the plant
manager for
Cooper Tire &
Rubber Company in Findlay, Ohio. He lives
in Morral, Ohio.
Brian Elmore, BA, and his wife, Megahn
(Frey), BSPh ’95, live in Rio Rancho, N.M.
with their family. Their e-mail address is
Laura (Hendricks) Gill, BA, is a fraud
control specialist for the Ohio Department
of Job and Family Services. She lives in
Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
Angie (Riedel) Haake, BA, is the branch
office administrator with Edward Jones.
She resides in Kenton, Ohio.
Thomas Koskinen, BSPh, works for Giant
Eagle as a pharmacist. He lives in Salem, Ohio.
Shelley (Deiss) Moser, BSPh, is a
pharmacist for Whitehouse Apothecary.
She lives in Whitehouse, Ohio.
Andrew Bosron, BS, is the production
engineer for Mitsubishi Electric Automotive
America. He lives in Kettering, Ohio.
Britt Havenar, BSCE, is a civil engineer with
the Miami County Engineers. He resides in
Sidney, Ohio.
Marvin Hudson, BA, is the president of
Kilam Enterprises. He lives in Plantation, Fla.
BethAnn (Wiley) Leaming, JD, is the
director for the Zion Lutheren Church and
Preschool. She lives in Fort Washington, Pa.
Mark Light, BSCE, was appointed as 4-H
educator for Allen and Hardin counties.
Mark and his family live in Ada, Ohio.
Shelly (Holloway) Neeley, BSBA, is
in product support for CentraComm
Communications. She lives in Ada, Ohio.
Alexa Norris, BSBA, is a store manager for
Caribou Coffee. She lives in Westerville, Ohio.
Tina (Slone) O’Dell, BSBA, is the
marketing manager for CentraComm
Communications. She lives in Findlay, Ohio.
William Preston, BSPh, works for Brown
Mackie College as an instructor of allied
health. He lives in Findlay, Ohio.
Brenda (Hartz) Rood, BA, and her
husband, Charles, were recently married.
The Roods live in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Carrie (Criswell) Sanshez, BM, is the
middle school principal for the Port Clinton
City School District. She lives in Port
Clinton, Ohio.
Susan (Jenkins) Suberbielle, JD, is the
legal director for Net Versant Solutions
LLC. She and her husband, Thomas, live in
Houston, Texas.
Phil Wiese, JD, was listed in the 2010
edition of Best Lawyers in America.
Phil is an associate at the law firm of
Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs LLP.
He resides in Hudson, Ohio.
Lynda (Ritter) Abney, BSBA, and her
husband, Don, were recently married. She
lives in Dublin, Ohio.
Jennifer (Hines) Bryant, BSPh, is
pharmacist with Target in Exton, Pa. She
and her family live in Chester Springs, Pa.
Lynda Dawson, BS, is a project coordinator
for Right Management. She and her
husband, Jamie, live in Raleigh, N.C.
Karen Dempster, JD, is the assistant
professor of law at the Wayland Baptist
University in Fairbanks Alaska, where she
resides. She teaches business, political
science and education. She lives in
Fairbanks, Alaska.
Jason Dixon, BSCE, is a principal with
Converse Consultants. He lives in
Henderson, Nev.
Christopher Ensley, BSPh, is a medication
safety coordinator at Akron General
Hospital. He lives in Canton, Ohio, with his
wife, Melanie (Parker), PharmD ’00.
Andrea (Kramer) Fetterman, BS, was an
award recipient for the Northwest Ohio
and Southwestern Michigan region of
the 20 Under 40 Leadership Recognition
Program. The national 20 Under 40
program spotlights young, dynamic
leaders under the age of 40 who excel in
community involvement and professional
experience. Andrea resides in Findlay, Ohio.
David Gatchel, BS, and Amanda (Shobe),
BA ’97, live in Ruskin, Fla. David is the
regional manager for Kinder Morgan
Terminals, and Amanda is a business unit
manager working for IMG Academics.
Tracy (Smith) Grebe, BSPh, is the lead
clinical pharmacist for WellPoint NextRX.
She lives in Mason, Ohio.
Courtney Jenkins, BSME, is a chief
engineer for Grubb & Ellis. He and his
wife, Stephanie (Hurless), BSBA ’97, live in
Washington Court House, Ohio.
Jayme (Considine) Kmetko, BS, is
employed with CVS Pharmacy as the
manager of professional and college
relations for Pennsylvania, West Virginia
and Minnesota. She lives in Poland, Ohio.
Justine (Petracci) Lawson, BSPh, is a
pharmacist on Coronado Island for the
Sharp Coronado Community Pharmacy.
She resides in San Diego, Calif.
Ryan Margot, BSPh, is the manager and
director of operations for South Pacific
Trading Company. He lives in Tampa, Fla.
Megan (Giesige) McClymonds, BA, is the
assistant general manager for Bob Evans.
She lives in Cridersville, Ohio.
Leslie (Ison) Myles, BA, is employed with
Motorist Mutual Insurance. She resides in
Commercial Point, Ohio.
Amie (Benning) Petty, BA, is married to
Randy. She also is a service and support
administrator for Montgomery County Board
of MRDD. The Pettys live in Piqua, Ohio.
Jason Rawlins, BS, is a grounds foreman
for the Van Wert Agricultural Society. He
lives in Van Wert, Ohio.
Jennifer (Markl) Ruediger, BSPh, is a
pharmacist with Giant Eagle. She lives in
Butler, Pa.
Elizabeth (Frank) Williams, BSBA, is an
account representative for Honda Trading
America in Lincoln, Ala. She and her
husband, Thomas, live in Pell City, Ala.
Sean Burroughs, PharmD, is a clinical
pharmacy coordinator in oncology and
outpatient services for the Watauga
Medical Center. He lives in Boone, N.C.
Jennifer (Funderburg) Cabrera, BA,
is a Spanish lecturer for Wright State
University. She lives in Beavercreek, Ohio.
Michelle (Baker) Cudnik, PharmD,
was awarded the Ohio Health-System
Pharmacist of the Year Award from
the Ohio Health-System Pharmacist
Association (OSHP). Michelle is an
assistant professor of pharmacy practice
at the Northeastern Ohio Colleges of
Medicine and Pharmacy. She resides in
Canal Fulton, Ohio.
Michelle (Woerther) Griffith, BSPh, is
an assistant pharmacy manager for Walmart. She lives in Salem, Ohio.
James Hartness, BSPh, is a senior regional
medical scientist with GlaxoSmithKline.
He and his wife, Cary (Gunning),
BSPh ’98, live in Batavia, Ohio with their
Sara (Beanblossom) Huntington, BA, is
the director of central Indiana programs
for VSA Arts of Indiana. She lives in
Indianapolis, Ind.
Dawn (Stiverson) Jackson, BSPh, is a
pharmacy manager with Giant Eagle. She
lives in Powell, Ohio.
Addie King, BA, is the assistant prosecutor
for the Champaign County Prosecutor’s
Office. She lives in West Liberty, Ohio.
Marsita (Weber) MacDonald, BA, is a
senior accountant with the NRP Group.
She resides in Wadsworth, Ohio.
Samantha Massie, BSBA, is an accountant
with Information Control Corporation.
She lives in Columbus, Ohio.
Douglas Parker, JD, is a deputy district
attorney for Willits and Fort Bragg. He
resides in Windsor, Calif.
Scott Peterson, JD, is the assistant
prosecutor for the Union County
Prosecutor’s Office. He lives in Garwood,
Troy Shirley, PharmD, is the director
of pharmacy for the Dublin Methodist
& Grady Memorial Hospital. He lives in
Powell, Ohio.
Jill (Hudson) Corwin, BSBA, is the senior
of government assurance at Holbrook &
Manter CPA. She lives in Marion, Ohio.
Gregory Hach, JD, is working on a
software program called Lohrsoft. His
invention’s purpose is to help in the
identification of potentially reimbursable
health care claims. He lives in Staten
Island, N.Y., and can be reached at www.
Ann (Donnelly) Hamilton, BA, and her
husband, Loren, were married on Aug. 8,
2009 in Troy, Ohio. The couple resides in
Ada, Ohio.
Sarah (Tallitsch) Jankovic, BSBA, is
an accounting supervisor for Cardinal
Community Credit Union. She lives in
North Ridgeville, Ohio.
Melissa Jeffries-Cuadrado, BA, is a
lecturer for Texas State University. She
lives in Austin, Texas.
Stacey (Hope) Maignan, BS, and recently
married her husband, Frantz. The couple
lives in Raleigh, N.C.
Laura (Fichtelman) McGlothlin, BS, is a
zookeeper in the “Mainland Asia” exhibit
for the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. She
resides in Worthington, Ohio.
Katherine (Klotzbach) Miller, BFA, and
her husband, Jason, were married on Aug.
22, 2009. Katherine works for American
Greetings in the editorial department. The
couple resides in Richmond Heights, Ohio.
Leslie (Crawford) Sakson, JD, and her
husband, Hugo, were recently married.
The couple resides in Florence, Ky.
Alfonso Santana, JD, is a senior attorney
in Florida. He resides in Orlando, Fla.
Jillian (Rapp) Subramaniam, BA, is the
early childhood psychologist for Bowling
Green City Schools. She lives in Findlay,
Ohio, with her husband, Ranjiv, BA ’00.
Eric Allen, JD, is the sole practitioner for
the Law Office of Eric J. Allen Ltd. He lives
in New Albany, Ohio.
Lauren Augusta, BS, is the lead
kindergarten teacher at Bixby Schools. She
is a yoga instructor at Solar Yoga. Lauren
resides in Boulder, Colo.
Shannon Bettenbrock, BS, is the
performance improvement specialist for
OhioHealth. She resides in Delaware, Ohio.
Tina (Parsons) Boutwell, BA, is a sales
representative for Western & Southern
Financial Group. She and her husband,
Derek, reside in Nevada, Ohio.
Stephanie (Jackson) Drew, BA, is the
owner of Drew Event Design. Her
husband, Darren, PharmD ’00, is a clinical
pharmacy specialist at CMC-Northeast. The
Drew family resides in Concord, N.C.
Melanie (Parker) Ensley, PharmD, is a
clinical pharmacist at Akron City Hospital.
She lives in Canton, Ohio, with her
husband, Christopher, BSPh ’97.
Steven Gormley, BS, and Allison Ayotte were
married on Oct. 4, 2008, in Maple City, Mich.
The couple resides in Toledo, Ohio.
Lee Ann (Gilhousen) Kitko, BSPh, is a staff
pharmacist at Wal-Mart. Lee Ann and her
family reside in Clermont, Fla.
Christina (Leithauser) Griffin, BSPh,
is pharmacist at Rite Aid. She and her
husband, Beau, reside in Ada, Ohio.
Craig Kubicz, BA, is employed as a civil
associate II at Michael Baker Jr. Inc. He
resides in Alexandria, Va.
James Matthias, BSEE, is the
administrative liaison for computing at
Augsburg College. He resides in Brooklyn
Center, Minn.
Ranjiv Subramaniam, BA, is a
pharmaceutical sales representative II for
UCB Inc. He lives in Findlay, Ohio, with his
wife, Jillian (Rapp), BA ’99.
Melanie Watrol, BA, is a pathology
assistant at Caris DX. She resides in
Chandler, Ariz.
Jamie (Crisp) Allen, JD, is an associate with
Friedman & Mirman Co. She lives in New
Albany, Ohio.
Daryn Brown, BA, is conference service
supervisor for ARAMARK. Daryn and her
husband, Ben Kato, reside in New York, N.Y.
Jennifer (Thieme) Brown, BA, was
selected to serve on the Fort Wayne
Center for Learning board of directors.
Jennifer resides in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Aaron Carns, BSEE, is an electrical engineer
at DLZ Corporation. He lives in Hilliard,
Ohio, with his wife, Jamie (Walaszczyk),
PharmD ’02.
Erin Wallace-Cleverly, BS, and Jeremy
Cleverly were married on May 24, 2008, in
Canton, Ohio. Erin completed her pediatric
residency training through Cincinnati
Children’s Hospital in June 2008 and is
practicing pediatrics with Medical Clinic of
North Texas Private in Mansfield, Texas.
Stephen Harvey, BS, is a state wildlife
officer for the Ohio Department of Natural
Resources. He, his wife, Katie, and their
daughter, Ella, live in Delaware, Ohio.
Steve Kurtz, BSBA, is a business teacher,
assistant varsity football coach and
freshman baseball coach at Miamisburg
City Schools in Miamisburg, Ohio, where
he also resides.
Amy (Brodbeck) Jaskowiak, BA, recently
married her husband, Nathan. They reside
in Clarksville, Ohio.
Craig Mehl, BA, works for NASA as an
assistant program security officer. He lives
in Cleveland, Ohio.
Christopher Plummer, BS, is an
environmental planner II for Williamsburg
Environmental Group. He and his wife,
Laura, reside in Ashburn, Va.
Allison (Yungbluth) Ortega, BA, is a
teacher and department head for the
Donna Independent School District. The
Ortega family lives in Weslaco, Texas.
Brian Roman, PharmD, is the director of
health plan analytics for CVS Caremark.
His wife, Rebecca (Naegele), PharmD
’01, is a clinical pharmacy specialist in
Pharmacoeconomics at VA Pittsburgh
Healthcare Systems. The Romans reside in
Moon Township, Pa.
Hanna (Wagner) Santee, BS, and her
husband, James, were married on June 13,
2009. The couple lives in Las Vegas, Nev.
Heather (Moore) Slagle, BA, is a
missionary with Campus Crusade. The
Slagles reside in Marysville, Ohio, and
Heather can be reached at heather.
Evelina Solias, BA, is an academic/life
coach for Sol2Soul, an inspirational
speaking resource in Austin, Texas, where
she also resides.
Tracy (Burton) Vilvens, BS, is a pharmacist
at Walgreen’s Pharmacy. She and her
husband, Justin, reside Granville, Ohio.
Melissa (Kuhn) Wheeler, BA, is the
assistant director of government affairs
for the Ohio Department of Insurance in
Columbus, Ohio, where she also resides.
Marguerite Winslow, BA, graduated from
a sports medicine fellowship in June 2009.
She works at the University of Toledo
Medical Center in family medicine and will
be a team physician for the university.
Jamie (Walaszczyk) Carns, PharmD, is a
pharmacist for Medco. She lives in Hilliard,
Ohio, with her husband, Aaron, BSEE ’01.
John Cerveny, JD, opened his own
personal practice, the Law Office of John
A. Cerveny P.C. He lives in Lisle, Ill.
Jill Doerner, BSBA, received her Ph.D.
in sociology from Bowling Green State
University on May 8, 2009. She is
employed as an assistant professor of
sociology at the University of Rhode
Island. Jill can be reached at jillkdoerner@
Sara (Wallace) Gudorf, BSME, is a
program manager for the United States
Air Force. She and her husband, David,
reside in Dayton, Ohio.
Jeffrey Keister, JD, was named one of
North Carolina’s top up-and-coming
attorneys by North Carolina Super Lawyers
Magazine. Only 2.5 percent of lawyers
are chosen for the Rising Stars list. Jeffrey
resides in Charlotte, N.C.
Todd Kohlrieser, JD, is now the magistrate
for the Allen County Juvenile Court. The
Kohlrieser family lives in Lima, Ohio.
Adam Love, BS, is a development
manager of applications for Exceptional
Innovation in Westerville, Ohio. The Love
family resides in Delaware, Ohio.
Jonathan Mattmuller, BS, and his
wife, Kristina (Moon), BS ’02, live in
Streetsboro, Ohio. Jonathan is a technical
services representative for Veolia
Environmental Services, and Kristina is a
registered nurse for Rainbow Babies &
Children’s Hospital.
Ryan Moran, BA, is director of
operations and programming at Salem
Communications. Ryan, his wife, Sarah,
and son, Ryan, reside in Westerville, Ohio.
Jessica (Finkbone) O’Flanagan, BS, and
recently married her husband, Michael.
Jessica is a registered nurse at the
Cleveland Clinic. The O’Flanagans reside in
Stow, Ohio.
William Ruhlen, BFA, is a vocal director
with Mechanicsburg Exempted Village
Schools. He and his family live in
Marysville, Ohio.
Heather (Phipps) Sunday, JD, and Eugene
Sunday were married on Aug. 2, 2008
in Lima, Ohio. The couple resides in
Centerville, Ohio.
Nicolette (Ryan)
Winner, BA, was
named to the “40
Under 40” list
Brad Bandy, BA, works for McLane
Advanced Technologies as a government
contractor. He lives in Temple, Texas.
Jeremy Baran, PharmD, and Michele
(Manukin), BSPh ’92, were married in
May 2008 in Bridgeport, Ohio. Jeremy
is still on active duty with the U.S. Navy
and is a fourth-year medical
student at the Uniformed
Services University of the
Health Sciences in Bethesda,
Md. The Barans reside in
Rockville, Md.
Shanna (Stombaugh)
Barhorst, BSPh, is a regional
consultant pharmacist for
Medco. The Barhorst family
resides in Anna, Ohio.
Deborah (Orr) Burns, BA, and
his wife, Ash
her husband, Jeffrey, were
Eric Lechuk, BS ’03, and
married on June 7, 2008, at the
Heath Church of Christ. The
Burns reside in Alexandria, Ohio.
Hanna (W
agner) Sa
ntee, BS ’01,a
nd her
, James.
in the
Dayton Business Journal.
Nicolette and her family reside in Troy, Ohio.
Jason Bandy, BSEE, BSCPE, and Catherine
(Lee), BSCE ’04, were recently married.
Jason is the plant engineer at the
Marathon, Canton Oil Refinery. The Bandy
family resides in Bolivar, Ohio.
Emily (LeVan) Cornett, BS, is a nurse
practitioner at Nationwide Children’s
Hospital. She and her husband, James, BS,
reside in Westerville, Ohio.
Christopher Degenkolb, PharmD, and
Kerri (DeNucci), PharmD ’03, were
recently married. Christopher is an
assistant professor of pharmacy practice
at Butler University, and Kerri is a
pharmacy manager of clinical services for
Wishard Health Services. The Degenkolbs
reside in Westfield, Ind.
Amber Ferrell, BS, is an OB/GYN resident
for the Brooklyn Hospital Center in
Brooklyn, N.Y., where she also resides.
Joseph Finfera, BSME, is a refining
engineer with Marathon Oil Company. He
lives in Findlay, Ohio.
David Gebbie, BSME, is scheduled
to graduate from the Specialized
Undergraduate Pilot Training at Columbus
Air Force Base in Mississippi. Graduates
from this program earn their silver wings
with an aeronautical rating of pilot in the
Air Force. He lives in Columbus, Miss.
Eric Lechuk, BS, and Ashley Monda were
married on Aug. 23, 2008. The couple
resides in Brunswick, Ohio.
Michael Slagle, BS, is a missionary for
Campus Crusade for Christ. The Slagles
reside in Marysville, Ohio, and Michael can
be reached at
Roman hael, BSCE ’04,
and Natalie (Taliafe
ello, BA
’06, celeb
rate their weddin
g with alumni.
“Faye is a
very special
says Hollinger,
reflecting on
their lifelong
friendship. “She is
compassionate and
giving. It has been
wonderful to have her
influence in my life.”
Old friends are dear friends
Four of Ohio Northern University’s oldest alumni
share a bond that stretches back more than 60
years to the World War II era on campus. Marjorie
(Stedcke) Hollinger, BSEd ’48, Faye (Moore)
Leuthold, BA ’48, Mertie (Parker) Schlaudroff,
BSEd ’47, and Thomas “Tom” Evans, BSCE ’45, have
enjoyed reconnecting over the years at Northern
events and reunions.
Hollinger and Leuthold have been dear friends
since college. “Faye’s sister was my English teacher
in high school at Celina, Ohio. When she heard
I was attending Ohio Northern, she told me to
introduce myself to Faye,” recalls Hollinger.
The two first met at a
meeting for freshman girls,
during which the dean of
women sternly cautioned the new students to
“never sit on a boy’s lap.”
“After the meeting, we made a beeline
to meet; it was instant friendship. We
were bridesmaids in our weddings, and
both of us met our husbands at ONU,” says
Leuthold. Hollinger’s husband is the late Henry
Hollinger, BSCE ’49, Hon. D. ’82, an Ohio Northern
University Board of Trustees member from 1981-98.
Leuthold’s husband is the late Russell Leuthold, BA
’46, honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award
in 1978.
Schlaudroff, who was in the
same sorority as Hollinger
and Leuthold, has also stayed
in touch. She and Hollinger
have traveled to Italy together,
and she often stays at Hollinger’s
house when visiting campus. In 2009,
Schlaudroff was awarded the Willis
Pitcher award.
Schlaudroff and Evans were co-workers
at The Coffee Cup restaurant in Ada during
their college years. According to Evans, it was
the perfect job for hungry college students. He
remembers once being asked to work the morning
shift at the restaurant. Figuring he would only have
to make coffee, he agreed. “But then Dean Raabe
of the College of Pharmacy came in and wanted
eggs. I had never cooked eggs before in my life.
I must have gone through a dozen eggs before I
finally cooked two that looked halfway decent,” he
says with a laugh.
Leuthold’s husband was a regular at The Coffee
Cup, where he got to know Evans. “Years later,
Tom and I met at Homecoming and spring alumni
meetings and became fast friends,” says Leuthold.
All four friends recall the many wonderful
professors they encountered while attending
Northern. Because the University was struggling
with low enrollment and scarce funds during World
War II, many professors taught without pay – a
sacrifice that made a big impression on all of them.
Though it has been six decades since they attended
ONU, the ties that bind Hollinger, Leuthold,
Schlaudroff and Evans to the University are as
strong as ever. At Northern, they not only received
a quality education, but also discovered fun,
laughter, love and lasting friendship.
In June 1967, Carol (Vas) Murray, BA ’65, and
Melinda (Overmyer) Sharrit, BSEd ’65, left from
Cleveland, Ohio, for a seven-month tour through 22
countries in Europe.
In 1969, Murray moved to Seattle, Wash., and
Sharrit to Houston, Texas. Over the years, the two
friends kept in contact through Christmas cards,
letters and telephone calls but never managed to
reunite in person.
Finally, in May 2009, the two were able to
reconnect. Sharrit and her husband, Norm, drove
from their summer home in North Carolina to
Seattle as part of a two-month vacation.
During this trip, Sharrit and Murray were able
to spend three days together sharing memories
of their trip overseas and their time at ONU. For
Sharrit, the highlight of the two-month trip was
reconnecting with a dear friend.
The ‘time of our lives’
In July 2009, a group of graduates from the 1960s
gathered for a long weekend reunion described as “an
absolutely magical time.” The reunion was arranged
by Thomas J. Hagan, BSPh ’65, who felt that it was
past time for the members of the 1960 pledge class of
Delta Sigma Phi and other close friends to catch up and
rehash old times. “I have touched ONU lightly during
the 44 years since graduation,” he reflects. “But what I
experienced and learned at ONU has touched me daily.”
The guest of honor at the gathering was William
Robinson, BSEd ’61, Hon. D. ’05, H of F ’05, the dean of
men when Hagan attended ONU. The 27 individuals who
gathered for the reunion came from all across the United
States and stayed at Hagan’s house.
“We spent three days being in our 20s again,” says
Hagan. “We ate, and we drank, and we laughed and we
laughed and we laughed. Our common thread is ONU.
We were all grateful for the times we had, the education,
the culture and the fact that we all came together during
that time in the 60s and again in 2009. It was as if we had
never said goodbye.”
‘The Weekend of Fools’
In 1978, a group of residence hall counselors made a pact to get
together once a year – no matter where they were living or what
was happening in their lives. They named their annual reunion “The
Weekend of Fools.”
For the first several years of the reunion, the group gathered at a
cottage at Lake Diana in Michigan. Describing the reunions, Thomas
Worner, BA ’78, says, “The conditions were terrible, but we always had
As the group matured, the members decided to take turns planning
the weekend each year. Over the years, the group has traveled all
over the state and even out of state.
This past summer, during the third weekend in July, Douglas Burton, BA
’78, Mark Palmer, BSBA ’79, Douglas Mock, BSBA ’78, Lawrence Winkleman,
BSCE ’78, Jack Wolfe, JD ’77, and Worner brought “The Weekend of Fools”
back to the campus for the first time.
During the weekend, the men stayed at The Inn at Ohio Northern University,
golfed at Colonial Golf Course and reminisced as they toured campus.
The activities and events of the weekend have become more refined
over the years; however, the purpose of the weekend is still the
same. Burton says, “The jokes are always bad, the photos are worse,
but the stories get better every year.”
“The group laughs so hard at ourselves that our sides ache,” says Worner.
“We are crying and gasping for air. It’s the best medicine for one’s soul.”
These men have shared marriages, funerals, births and life together, and the ties
made during their time at ONU will forever bind these individuals together.
Over the years, other members of the group have included Craig Niedenthal, BA ’78,
Michael Garwood, BSPh ’78, Timothy Clemens, BA ’76, JD ’79, Thomas Bramlage,
BA ’77, Kipp Kubbs, BA ’76, Patrick Hampson, BA ’77, G. Fred Wilkinson, BSPH ’79,
Garry Shirk, BA ’78.
ay 200
NU in M
ether aga
Delta Zetas tog
Celebrating the Big Five-O
In 1959, three ONU social clubs decided to
formalize their organizations by joining national
sororities. Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta and Zeta
Tau Alpha all marked their 50th anniversaries of
“going national” with special gatherings this
Alpha Xi Delta
In early May, Alpha Xi Delta hosted a
special reunion for sorority alumnae
and current members. The reunion
i gathe 50th.
provided an opportunity for alumnae to
Zeta Tau Alp celebrate the
tour Alpha Xi’s new sorority house on
campus. The sorority moved into their new
house, part of Northern’s Affinity Housing, in
September 2008. During the day, alumnae
and students engaged in a philanthropy
project for “Autism Speaks,” a program that
Alpha Xi supports nationally. The group made
modeling clay from scratch that was then
delivered to local schools for use with autistic
children. In the evening, the group enjoyed a
delicious meal at McIntosh Center and watched
a slideshow of images of friendships and
Zeta T
sorority events from the last 50 years.
au Alph
Phyllis (Black) Gossel, BSEd ’63, was part of
the first pledge class for Alpha Xi Delta as a
national sorority in January 1960. “At the time,
I didn’t realize the significance of that,” says
Gossel. “But looking back 50 years later, I
realize it was a special moment in the history
of Alpha Xi Delta on ONU’s campus.”
“When I was in college, there weren’t a
lot of social opportunities available on
campus,” she continues. “Joining Alpha
Xi Delta provided me with the chance to
form lasting friendships. Through the
e DZ Fa
years, I have kept in regular contact with
Dr. Kendall B
several sorority sisters. And anytime I go
somewhere and meet a fellow Alpha Xi Delta, there is
just an instant bond!”
Delta Zeta
An open house and formal dinner on campus marked
the 50-year milestone for Delta Zeta in May. “The
reunion was wonderfully organized, and it was great
to see so many sisters that I knew and others I did
not. There was a letter from our first president that
made history really come alive,” said Jami (Cavinee)
Dellifield, BA ’94.
For Dellifield, another highlight of the evening was
reconnecting with her “big sister” and “grand little,”
both whom she hadn’t seen for many years.
Throughout its 50 years on campus, Delta Zeta has
been a source of lasting friendships. “We share a
bond that cannot be described,” says Dellifield. “Delta
Zeta helps women become the best they can be by
providing leadership and networking opportunities.
As members of Delta Zeta, we are a part of something
bigger and more meaningful than we can imagine.”
Zeta Tau Alpha
The Zeta Tau Alpha Chapter celebrated its 50th
anniversary on ONU’s campus on Oct. 10, 2009.
Approximately 250 collegiate members, alumnae and
guests, including a few members from the installation
in 1959, gathered at the Howard Johnson Hotel
in Lima, Ohio, for the gala event. Scrapbooks and
memorabilia from Zeta’s history lined the back table,
and alumnae happily revisited the Zeta memories that
made their college days at Ohio Northern complete.
“It was both inspiring and heartwarming to see
generations of Zetas coming together, bonding over
memories of their college years and revisiting the
reasons why they chose to become a part of Zeta
Tau Alpha,” says Alex Zoloty, a fourth-year pharmacy
student from Parma, Ohio, and current president
of Zeta Tau Alpha. “Many years have passed since
Zeta Tau Alpha was installed on this campus, but the
love and friendship that Zeta sisters have for one
another has never changed. This sense of sisterhood
and family brings something to its members that
no textbook or class lecture could offer. It provides
lifelong friendships and the experience of a lifetime.”
Jessica (Budkowski) Tansmore, PharmD,
married her husband, Charles, on June 27,
2009. The couple resides in Hilliard, Ohio.
Jessica (Sladek) Troike, BA, and Joshua,
PharmD ’06, were married on Oct.
18, 2008, at the Hiram House Camp in
Moreland Hills, Ohio. The Trokes reside in
Philadelphia, Pa.
Meagan (Wimmers) Tuminello, BS, and
her husband, Richard, were married
on Oct. 13, 2007. The Tuminellos reside
Marina Del Ray, Calif.
Nathan Webb, BS, is a test engineer for
Keihin Carolina System Technology Inc. in
Tarboro, N.C. He lives in Nashville, N.C.
Crystal (Jones) Weitz, BA, BSBA, and
her husband, Craig, were married in May
2008. The new couple lives in Findlay,
Ohio, and Crystal can be reached at
Allison (Snyder) Widdowson, BS, and her
husband, Matthew, were married on April
19, 2008. The couple lives in Richmond
Heights, Ohio.
Heather (Bennett) Archer, PharmD, and
her husband, Allen, were married on March
7, 2009. Heather is a pharmacist with
Curley’s Pharmacy in Greenville, Tenn. The
couple resides in Jonesborough, Tenn.
Catherine (Lee) Bandy, BSCE, and Jason,
BSEE ’03, BSCPE ’03, were married. The
Bandy family resides in Bolivar, Ohio.
David Brown, BA, lives in Parma, Ohio, with
his wife, Ashley (Middleberg), BS ’05.
Kavish Choudhary, PharmD, is the
manager of pharmacy support services at
University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics. He
resides in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Stephanie Creekpaum, BA, graduated
with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from
the University of Indianapolis. She is
completing a yearlong postdoctoral
fellowship in child clinical psychology
through the Indiana School of Medicine at
Riley Children’s Hospital at the Riley Child
Development Center.
Bryan Gortner, BSPh, and Patricia
(Fishleigh), BA ’06, were married on April 5,
2008. The couple resides in Wooster, Ohio.
Jennifer Harris, BS, resides in Bluffton, Ohio.
Leonard Hazlett, BSME, and Aubri
Carmichael were married. The couple
resides in Hartville, Ohio.
Jeanine (Arnold) Lewis, BA, and her
husband, Mark, were married on May 26,
2007. Jeanine is a fifth-grade
and reading teacher for Bellefontaine City
Schools. She and her family live in Lima, Ohio.
Adam Pugacz, PharmD, and his wife,
Angela (Swiergosz), BSBA ’04, reside
in Fairview Park, Ohio. Adam is a clinical
pharmacist for the Department of
Veterans Affairs in Cleveland, Ohio, and
Angela is an accountant for Defense
Finance and Accounting Service.
Michael Romanello, BSCE, and Natalie
(Taliaferro), BA ’06, were married on June
7, 2008. The couple resides in Dublin, Ohio.
Sara (Gulbis) Rush, BA, completed her
master’s degree from the University of
Findlay. The Rush family resides in Ada, Ohio.
Laina Schemmel, BS, BSCLS, is a medical
technologist for Mercer Health in
Coldwater, Ohio. She resides in New
Bremen, Ohio.
Amy Schuster, BSBA, has been promoted
to human resources generalist at Edward
Howard. She resides in Rocky River, Ohio.
Elizabeth (Stierwalt) Seibert, PharmD, is
a pharmacist for Community Hospital and
Wellness Center in Bryan, Ohio. She and
her family live in Archbold, Ohio.
Angela (McClellan) Trent, PharmD, is a
pharmacist with the Allen County Health
Partners in Lima, Ohio, where she also resides.
Thomas Turney, BSME, is a project manager
for Extrusion Services Inc. in Akron, Ohio,
where he and his family also reside.
Brian Wakefield, JD, was awarded the
Lloyd O’Hara Public Interest Law Award
by the Access to Justice Awards. Brian
resides in Dayton, Ohio.
Sean Allen, JD, is the assistant state
attorney at the office of the state
attorney, 17th judicial circuit in Broward
County, Fla. He resides in Miami, Fla.
Randy Becker, BSME, and Danya
(Shepherd), PharmD ’07, were married
Oct. 18, 2008. The couple resides in
Lexington, Ky.
Ashley (Middleberg) Brown, BS, is
an intern architect with Herschman
Architects. She and her husband, David,
BA ’04, live in Parma, Ohio.
Elizabeth Grimm, BA, is a kindergarten
teacher for Bloom Carroll Primary. She
lives in Lancaster, Ohio.
Casey Jones, BSCE, works for Blythe
Construction Inc. of Charlotte, N.C. as a project
engineer. She resides in High Point, N.C.
Brandon Kyle, BA, is a psychology intern
at Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital. He
and his wife, Melanie,
reside in San Antonio, Texas.
Ellen Landers, BM, is a finished
product inventory leader at Procter &
Gamble. She resides in Bluffton, Ohio.
Kristin (Stoner) Marchman, BA, and her
husband, Tyler, were married on Oct. 4,
2008. Kristin graduated as a Doctor of
Chiropractic from Life University in Dec.
2008 and practices at Synergy Release
Sports in Alpharetta, Ga., where she and
her husband also reside.
Debra Goodenow-Messman, BSEE, is
an electrical engineer at NASA Glen
Research Center.
Rachael (Mathes) McKee, BA, and
her husband, Paul, were married.
Rachael works for NetJets Inc. in
Woodbridge, N.J., as the manager of
crew communications. The McKees live in
Raritan, N.J.
Joseph Meyer, BSEE, and Rachel (Simon),
BA ’05, were married on April 7, 2009,
in Las Vegas, Nev. The couple lives in
Plainfield, Ind.
Heather (Byers) Miller, PharmD, and her
husband, Michael, were married on July
1, 2008. The couple resides in Lutherville
Timonium, Md.
Nathan Motter, BA, is a case manager at
Auglaize County Department of Job and
Family Services and a lieutenant of the
Waynesfield Police Department. Nathan
resides with his wife, Michelle, and son,
Kaleb, in Waynesfield, Ohio.
Greg Prymicz, BSBA, and Kelly (Bregar),
PharmD ’08, were married. Greg is the
corporate partnership executive for Cavalier
Hockey Holdings. The couple resides in
Willoughby Hills, Ohio.
Jessica (Anderson) Ulbrich, BA, lives in
Munroe Falls, Ohio, with her husband,
Timothy, PharmD ’08.
Joshua Wolf, PharmD, is a pharmacist
for St. John’s Health System. He and his
family live in Ozark, Mo.
Cindy (Pinkley) Wolph, JD, was admitted
into the practice of law in Ohio on Nov.
17, 2008. She is working on her post
doctorate LLM in taxation law at Capital
University Law School. She resides in
Fostoria, Ohio.
Allison (Barbiaux) Yodice, PharmD, and
Nicholas Yodice, BS ’07, were married.
Allison is the pharmacy manager at Target
Pharmacy. The couple resides in Avon
Lake, Ohio.
Katie (Zwingler), BSME, married Brian
Lee, BSBA ’06, on July 19, 2008. The Lees
live in Bay Village, OH.
m, BS ’
06, BM ’0
6, and Jessica (Everhart) Humphries, PharmD ’07,
their wedding with alumni and friends.
Sarah (Burley) Boone, PharmD, is a night
pharmacist for Medina General Hospital.
She resides in Oberlin, Ohio.
Frank Cea, BA, and Jessica (Leher), BA ’06,
were married on Aug. 15, 2009. Frank is
an advertising consultant for Commercial
Appeal, and Jessica is the art director
for the Desoto Times Tribune. The couple
resides in Memphis, Tenn.
Amanda Dittmar, BSME, is an attorney
for Finnegan LLP. She resides in
Washington, D.C.
Laura (Sudhoff) Geier, BSBA, is
administrative manager for Graham
r) Marchman
Kristin (Stone sband, Tyler,
her hu
BA ’05, and
eir wedding
celebrate th
Packaging Company. She and her
husband, Mike, reside in Celina, Ohio.
Jaime Golupski, BSBA, is the treasurer for
Fostoria Schools in Fostoria, Ohio. She
resides in Walbridge, Ohio.
Patricia (Fishleigh) Gortner, BA, and Bryan,
BSPh ’04, were married on April 5, 2008.
The new couple resides in Wooster, Ohio.
Johanna (Clark) Hoch, BS, married
Matthew Hoch. She is a research assistant
at the University of Kentucky. The Hochs
reside in Lexington, Ky.
William “Chip” Humphries, BS, BM, and
Jessica (Everhart), PharmD ’07, were
married on June 20, 2009 in Atlanta,
Ga. Chip is working towards his Ph.D. in
physical chemistry at Georgia Institute of
Technology. The couple lives in Atlanta, Ga.
Tiffany Johnson, PharmD, is a pharmacist
at Continuum Care Pharmacy. She resides
in Proctorville, Ohio.
Nathan Lieb, BSBA, and Megan (Helser),
BSN ’09, were married on July 11, 2009,
in Lima, Ohio. Nathan is an associate at
Charles Schwab. The couple resides in
North Royalton, Ohio.
Robert Luther III, JD, has accepted an
invitation to publish his article “Unity
Through Division: Religious Liberty, Public
Virtue, and Pluralism in the Context of
Legislative Prayer Controversies” in the
winter 2009 edition of the Creighton
Law Review. This is Robert’s fifth law
review publication and fourth on First
Amendment issues. He resides in
Pittsburgh, Pa., and his articles may be
found at
Abby (Myers) Madaychik, BA, and her
husband, Chad, were married on Aug. 8,
2009. The couple lives in Latham, N.Y.
Meghan (McGrath) Campbell, BFA, is
a high school vocal music teacher with
Independence Local Schools. She and her
husband, Matthew, PharmD ’07, live in
Shaker Heights, Ohio.
Allison (Bisig) Oswall, JD, an attorney
in the Real Estate Group at Keating,
Muething & Klekamp, was recently
elected to the Board of Trustees of the
Cincinnati Bar Association (CBA). Allison
resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Melissa Rengers, BS, works for
Geotechnical Consultants Inc. as a
geotechnical engineer. She resides in
Somerset, Ohio.
Natalie (Taliaferro) Romanello, BA, and
Michael, BSCE ’04, were married on June
7, 2008. The couple resides in Dublin, Ohio.
Joshua Troike, PharmD, and Jessica
(Sladek), BA ’03, were married on Oct.
18, 2008, at the Hiram House Camp in
Moreland Hills, Ohio. The Trokes live in
Philadelphia, Pa. (Check for picture!)
Grant Saum, BSCPE, married Jennifer
Mattox on Sept. 6, 2008, in Arcadia, Ohio.
Grant graduated from undergraduate
pilot training at Columbus Air Force Base.
He has been awarded his wings and is
assigned to fly the F-15E. The couple
resides in Columbus, Mich.
Michael Tehan, BSBA, and Erin (Smith),
BSBA ’06, BA ’06, were married on Dec. 27,
2008. The couple resides in Columbus, Ohio.
Margaret (Schodowski) Wolf, PharmD, is
a pharmacy clinical specialist for St. John’s
Health System. She and her family live in
Ozark, Mo.
Greg Badenhop, BSBA, is in his second
season as a member of the basketball
staff at the University of Wyoming, and
he will serve as the director of player
development in 2009-10. He is pursuing his
master’s of business administration from
the University of Wyoming. Greg and his
wife, Karlee (Kanuckel), BSBA ’07, reside in
Laramie, Wyo.
Danya (Shepherd) Becker, PharmD, and
Randy, BSME ’05, were married on Oct. 18,
2008. The couple resides in Lexington, Ky.
Matthew Campbell, PharmD, lives in
Shaker Heights, Ohio, with his wife,
Meghan (McGrath), BFA ’06.
George Davis IV, JD, is an attorney for
George L. Davis III Co. LLC.
Kira (Rankin) Davis, BA, married her
husband, Stephen, on June 7, 2008 in
Vaughnsville, Ohio. The couple resides in
Elida, Ohio.
Justin Gresko, PharmD, is a pharmacist
for Giant Eagle. He resides in Sheffield
Village, Ohio.
Jessica (Everhart) Humphries, PharmD,
and William “Chip,” BS ’06, BM ’06, were
married on June 20, 2009 in Atlanta, Ga.
Jessica is a pharmacist for CVS in Midtown,
Ga. The couple lives in Atlanta, Ga.
Alexander Jarvis, BA, is a team sales
representative for Ernst Sporting Goods.
He resides in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Dustin Lewis, PharmD, and Erin
PharmD ’09,
were married
on Dec. 4, 2008.
The couple resides in Greenfield, Ohio.
Fern McLelland, BA, is a graduate
evaluator at the University of Utah. She
and her husband, Ryan, JD ’08, reside with
their family in Saratoga Springs, Utah.
Katherine Mominee, BA, is an adult
literacy instructor and for Immokalee NonProfit Housing. She ended two terms of
volunteer service with AmeriCorp, where
she taught English as a second language
and tutored. She resides in Curtice, Ohio.
Tara (Findley) Neeley, BM, and Vernon,
BM ’93, were married on Dec. 20, 2008.
They reside in Defiance, Ohio.
Jennifer (Samide) Roffey, BA, and
Nicholas, PharmD ’09, were married. The
couple resides in Waldorf, Md.
Kristen (Vogtsberger) Rutter, JD, married
her husband, Bobby, on Nov. 28, 2009,
in Cleveland, Ohio. Kristen is assistant
director of career services for the John
Marshall Law School. The Rutters reside in
Chicago, Ill.
Rachel (Lunz) Schaaf, BA, and her
husband, Eric, were married.
Jeremy Smith, BSCPE, married Ashley
Hower on Dec. 20, 2008, in Ashland, Ohio.
The couple resides in Findlay, Ohio.
Emily Stanavich, BS, is a registered nurse
at the Ross Heart Hospital at Ohio State
University Medical Center.
Christina Walters, BA, graduated from
Case Western Reserve University with a
Master of Science in social administration.
She is a home-based intervention
therapist for the Counseling Center of
Wayne and Holmes Counties. Christina
resides in Jeromesville, Ohio.
Corey Wingen, BS, is an assistant athletic
trainer at Bethany College. He lives in
Bethany, W.Va.
Nicholas Yodice, BS, and Allison
(Barbiaux), PharmD ’05, were married.
Nicholas is a police officer at Case Western
Reserve University. The couple resides in
Avon Lake, Ohio.
Jacob Zimmerman, PharmD, married
Ashley Moore on Nov. 1, 2008 in Poland,
Ohio, where the couple also resides.
Ashley Baader, BSBA, is an associate
accountant with JP Morgan Chase in
Columbus, Ohio, where she also resides.
Kimberly (Kohler) Divito, PharmD, and
her husband, Timothy, were married on
Sept. 12, 2009. Kimberly is a pharmacist
at Rite Aid in Maysfield, Ohio. The Divitos
reside in Streetsboro, Ohio.
Ryan Hensley, BS, and Liza (Katterhenry),
PharmD ’09, were married on June 13,
2009, in Put-In-Bay, Ohio. Ryan is a QA at
American Health Packaging. The couple
resides in Chillicothe, Ohio.
John Heydinger, PharmD, is the pharmacy
manager for Rite Aid Pharmacy in Shelby,
Ohio. He lives in Mansfield, Ohio.
Christopher Keller, JD, and Amanda
(Stewart), JD ’08, were
on, BA ’99,
lly) Hamilt
Ann (Donne Loren, celebrate th
her husban
wedding da
Katie (Z
Lee, BSM
E ’05, and B
rian Lee, BSBA ’06, celebrate their wedding.
on Aug. 9, 2008,
in Lexington, Ky. The couple resides in
Coconut Grove, Fla.
Ryan McLelland, JD, is an associate
attorney at Tejada Law Firm in Sandy, Utah.
He and his wife, Fern, BA ’07, reside with
their family in Saratoga Springs, Utah.
Sara Mraz, BS, is a quality management
representative for BioLife Plasma Services
in Findlay, Ohio. She lives in Ada, Ohio.
Kelly (Bergar) Prymicz, PharmD, and
Greg, BSBA ’05, were married. Kelly is a
pharmacist at Health One Pharmacy. The
couple resides in Willoughby Hills, Ohio.
Mallory Rentz, BA, completed her
master’s degree from California University
of Pennsylvania. She is working towards
her licensure in school psychology. She
works for the Wesley Spectrum Services
in Pittsburg, Pa.
Adam Ross, BSCE, traveled to England to
try out for the Salisbury soccer club.
Tara Santarelli, JD, is an attorney for
Freund, Freeze and Arnold of Dayton, Ohio.
Timothy Ulbrich, PharmD, is assistant
professor of pharmacy practice at
Northeastern Ohio Universities College
of Medicine and Pharmacy. He and his
wife, Jessica (Anderson), BA ’06 reside in
Munroe Falls, Ohio.
Amy Vasinko, BA, received her master’s
degree in student affairs administration
in higher education from Ball State
University. She is the coordinator of Greek
Life at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta,
Ga., where she also resides.
Dora Wiskirchen, PharmD, works for
Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Conn., as
an infectious diseases pharmacotherapy
fellow. She lives in Manchester, Conn.
Heather (Byers) Miller, Pha
’05, and Michael Miller
celebrate their wedding
Leah Zimmerman, BA, is a math teacher for
Washington Court House City Schools. She
lives in Washington Court House, Ohio.
Lydia Buehrer, BSCE, is employed by
the South Carolina Department of
Transportation in Preconstruction Support.
She resides in Columbia, S.C.
Misty (Boyd) Clark, BSBA, and her
husband, Timothy, were married. Misty is
an insurance agent for AFLAC in Dayton,
Amanda (Burkhart) Fordyce, and her
husband, Kyle, were marred on Oct. 3,
Stephan Kohli Gill, BA, is a
communications specialist at NiSource. He
resides in Columbus, Ohio.
Andrea Hawkins, PharmD, is a staff
pharmacist for Walgreens. She resides in
Las Vegas, Nev.
Liza (Katterhenry) Hensley, PharmD,
and Ryan, BS ’08, were married on June
13, 2009, in Put-In-Bay, Ohio. The couple
resides in Chillicothe, Ohio.
Cassandra Jirous, BFA, is pursuing a
master’s degree in art therapy and
counseling at Seton Hall University.
John Laswell, BM, is the high school band
director for Wolf Creek Local School
District. He lives in Marietta, Ohio.
Erin (Holsinger) Lewis, PharmD, and
Dustin, PharmD ’07, were married on Dec.
4, 2008. The couple resides in Greenfield,
Megan (Helser) Lieb, BSN, and Nathan,
BSBA ’06, were married on July 11, 2009,
in Lima, Ohio. Megan is a nurse at Parma
Community Hospital. The couple resides in
North Royalton, Ohio.
Haley Marshall, BSBA, is a sales
representative for Western Southern
Financial Group in Findlay, Ohio. She
resides in Kenton, Ohio.
Rebecca Meredith, BA, is a preschool
teacher for the Goddard School in
Pickerington, Ohio, where she also resides.
Nicholas Roffey, PharmD, and Jennifer
(Samide), BA ’07, were married. The
couple resides in Waldorf, Md.
Jessica Whalley, BS, is an athletic trainer
for Doherty Therapeutics. She resides in
Schererville, Ind.
Melissa Widman, BA, is an English teacher
with Benjamin Logan Local Schools. She
lives in Perrysburg, Ohio.
Children of Alumni
Maxwell. The Booker
family resides in
Parsippany, NJ.
John Porter, BSEE, and his
wife, Debbie, a daughter,
Hanna Elyse, May 18, 2007.
The Porter family resides in
Lakeville, Ohio.
Brigid Smith, JD, adopted a daughter,
Grace Ann Yi, in 2000 from China. The
Smith family resides in Easton, Conn.
Kevin T. Anderson, BSBA, and his wife,
Lori, a daughter, Reagan Christine, June
17, 2009. Reagan joins sisters Bradie,
McKenna, Avery and Camryn. The family
resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Todd A. Butler, BS, and his wife, Kristin,
a daughter, Sonia Jean, Sept. 19, 2009.
Sonia joins brother Jonas. The family
resides in Owensboro, Ky.
Ellen (Bolander) Booker, and her
husband, George, a daughter, Jasmine
Marie, June 25, 2009. Jasmine joins
Sarah (Burl
ey) Boone, Ph
armD ’06
Michael Hsin-Wen Chow, BSEE, and
his wife, Heidi (Woebkenberg), BSPh
’96, a daughter, Eleanor Long-Mei, March
5, 2009. Eleanor joins big sister Lillian, 3.
The Chow family resides in Worthington,
Rachel and Benjamin. The
Sweeney family resides in
Xenia, Ohio.
BA ’9
Kauff m
Ellen (
Jarrod Buffy, BS, and his wife
Robin, a daughter, Braedyn
Nikole, Feb. 22, 2008. The Buffy
family resides in Waterville, Ohio.
Patricia (Gingrich) Sweeney, BSPh, and
her husband, Marc, BSPh ’93, a daughter,
Anna Christine, Feb. 8, 2008. Anna
joins siblings Rachel and Benjamin. The
Sweeney family resides in Xenia, Ohio.
Michael Luxeder, BSBA, and his wife,
Celeste (Urbanski), BSPh ’96, a son, Dixon
James, Oct. 20, 2008. Dixon joins siblings,
Molly, Alex and Thomas. The Luxeder
family resides in Aurora, Ohio.
Kimberly (Dickinson) Aldrich, JD, and
her husband, Charles, JD ’96, a daughter,
Delaney Brooke, July 15, 2008. Delaney
joins siblings Nicholas, Andrew and
Lindsey. The Aldrich family resides in
Asheboro, N.C.
Gregory Marcussen, BSME, and his
wife, Mausicha (Frazee), BS ’93, a son,
Winston Maurice, Mar. 16, 2009. Winston
joins brothers Benton, Corbin and Nolan.
The Marcussen family resides in New
Albany, Ohio.
Matthew Loeffler, BSCE, and his wife,
Felicia, adopted John Ping from the
Jiangxi Province of China. John joins
sister Sadie. The Loeffler family resides in
Fairfield, Ohio.
Vernon Neeley, BM, and his wife, Tara
(Findley), BM ’07, a son Miles Parker,
April 17, 2009. The Neeley family resides in
Defiance, Ohio.
Marc Sweeney, BSPh, and his wife,
Patricia (Gingrich), BSPh ’94, a daughter,
Anna Christine, Feb. 8, 2008. Anna joins
and S
s, BS
s, BS
David Lesco) Charle
Kristy (Laytart) Schweingruber, BA, and
her husband, Doug, a daughter, Addison
Nicole, May 5, 2009. Addison joins sisters
Mikayla and Jordan. The Schweingruber
family resides in Bluffton, Ohio.
Brooke, July 15,
2008. Delaney joins siblings
Nicholas, Andrew and Lindsey. The Aldrich
family resides in Asheboro, N.C.
Regina (Fairchild) Beagle, BSPh, and her
husband, Michael, a son, Luke Michael,
Aug. 19, 2008. The Beagle family resides in
Blissfield, Mich.
Heidi (Woeblenberg) Chow, BSPh, and her
husband, Michael, BSEE ’92, a daughter,
Eleanor Long-Mei, March 5, 2009. Eleanor
joins big sister, Lillian, 3. The Chow family
resides in Worthington, Ohio.
Stacie (Bell) Copeland, BSPh, and her
husband, Darby, a daughter, Katie Lynn,
Mar. 9, 2009. The Copeland family resides
in Martins Ferry, Ohio.
Steven Fisher, BFA, and his wife, Holly, a
son, Steven Douglas, July 24, 2009. The
Fisher family resides in Ada, Ohio.
Shawn Johnston, BSBA, and his wife,
Janae, a son, Ty Allen, Mar. 17, 2008. Ty
joins brother Trey. The Johnston family
resides in Baltimore, Ohio.
Celeste (Urbanski) Luxeder, BSPh, and
her husband, Michael, BSBA ’93, a son,
Dixon James, Oct. 20, 2008. Dixon joins
siblings Molly, Alex and Thomas. The
Luxeder family resides in Aurora, Ohio.
Charles Aldrich, JD, and his wife, Kimberly
(Dickinson), JD ’95, a daughter, Delaney
Season Cole,
BS ’00
an, Ph
McDaniel, BSEE ’02,
and Melissa
McDaniel, BSP
h ’04
Kevin St
auff er, BA ’
06, and Kristin
Stauff er, BS ’07
Lisa (Pelter)
Goldfuss, BSPh ’
S ’02,
ove, B
, BS ’0
Alicia (Fehrman) McKee, BSEd, and her
husband, James, a son, Maxton Davis,
May 28, 2009. Max joins Ellery, 7, and
Jackson, 4. The McKee family resides in
Willard, Ohio.
Ellen (Kaufmann) Nolan, BA, and her
husband, Joshua, a daughter, Nora May,
Jan. 21, 2009. The Nolan family resides in
Medina, Ohio.
Jessica (Brown) Back, BS, and her
husband, Dwayne, BS ’97, a son, Clay
Jacob, Dec. 21, 2008. Clay joins sister
Grace, 6. The Back family resides in
Clawson, Mich.
Edward “E.J.” Stoepfel, BS, and his wife
Toni, a son, William Daniel, Jan. 23, 2007.
Will joins sister, Hannah. The Stoepfel
family resides in Zanesville, Ohio.
David Billiter, BA, and his wife, Tara
(Kingsley), BA, a son and daughter, twins
Brody David and Peyton Lynne, April
7, 2009. Brody and Peyton join sister
Morgan. The Billiter family resides in Lewis
Center, Ohio.
Dwayne Back, BS, and his wife, Jessica
(Brown), BS ’98, a son, Clay Jacob, Dec. 21,
2008. Clay joins sister Grace, 6. The Back
family resides in Clawson, Mich.
Jennifer (Hines) Bryant, BSPh, and her
husband, Rodney, a daughter, Alexandra
Leona Oct. 23, 2008. Alexandra joins
brother, Walker James. The Bryant family
resides in Chester Springs, Pa.
Nicole (Lynch) Clinton, JD, and her
husband, Patrick, JD ’98, a son, Jack
Edmund, May 3, 2008. The Clinton family
resides in Silver Spring, Md.
Emily. The Goldfuss
family resides in Nevada, Ohio, and they
can be reached at
Pamela (Spear) Scholp, BSEd, and her
husband, Christopher, BSME ’97, a
daughter, Caroline Nicole, Nov. 1, 2008.
Caroline joins brother Ethan. The Scholp
family resides in Dayton, Ohio.
Jennifer (Fazio) Campbell, BA, and her
husband, Bill, a son, Colin Thomas, Dec. 19,
2008. Colin joins sister Maggie. The family
reside in Raleigh, N.C.
Patrick Clinton, JD, and his wife, Nicole
(Lynch), JD, a son, Jack Edmund, May 3,
2008. The Clinton family resides in Silver
Spring, Md.
Christopher Ensley, BSPh, and his
husband, Melanie (Parke), PharmD ’00, a
son Chase Matthew, Nov. 11, 2008. Chase
joins brother Owen. The Ensley family
resides in Canton, Ohio.
Bracken Foster, BA ’98, and his wife,
Kimberly (Brewer), BFA ’01, a daughter,
Lucy Ann, July 15, 2009. Lucy joins siblings
Ellie and Ethan. The Foster family resides
in McConnelsville, Ohio.
Leslie (Ison) Myles, BA, and her husband,
Pierre, a daughter, Olivia, Mar. 25, 2009.
The family
resides in
Commercial Pt,
Lisa (Pelter) Goldfuss, BSPh, and her
husband, Charles, a son, Noah Thomas,
Feb. 22, 2009. Noah joins siblings Tyler and
d Jen
2, an
n, BSB
Eric D
Michelle (Woerther) Griffith, BSPh,
and her husband, Daniel, a son, Joseph
Michael, Jan. 30, 2009. He joins siblings
Corey, Meghan, Emma and Dana. The
Griffith family resides in Salem, Ohio.
Jeffrey Krause, BSPh, and his wife
Stephanie, a son, Cooper Lee, Nov. 28,
2008. The Krause family resides in Duncan
Falls, Ohio.
Gregory Paisley, BSPh, and his wife,
Kimberly, a daughter, Madeline, Apr. 12,
2008. Madeline joins sister Emma. The
Paisley family resides in Norwich, Ohio.
James M. Wince, BA, and his wife, Anne,
a daughter, Addison Caroline, Nov. 28,
2008. Addison joins sisters Alyssa, 7, and
Kayla, 4. The family resides in Ada, Ohio.
Keith Barhorst, BSME, and his wife, Dana
(Nedderman), BSPh ’00, a daughter,
Josie Danielle, June 16, 2009. Josie joins
siblings Nolan, 7, Chloe, 5, and Allie, 2. The
Barhorst family resides in New Bremen,
Sarah (Tallitsch) Jankovic, BSBA, and her
husband, Thomas, a son, Lincoln Joseph,
Sept. 9, 2008. The Jankovic family resides
in North Ridgeville, Ohio.
Tiffany (Coppler) Mitch, BSPh, and her
husband, Todd, a son Carson McClellan,
Nov. 4, 2008. The Mitch family resides in
Hilliard, Ohio.
Jody (Baxendell) Sprowls, BS, and
her husband, Anthony, a son, Tristan
Anthony, April 14, 2009. Tristan joins
sister MacKenzie. The family resides in
Prosperity, Pa.
Jillian (Rapp) Subramaniam, BA, and
her husband Ranjiv, BA ’00, a son Adam
Robert, May 18, 2009. Adam joins
sister Alana and brother Aaron. The
Subramaniam family resides in Findlay,
Owen Turner, BA, and his wife Julie,
a daughter, Alisa Bernadette, Oct. 20,
2008. Alisa joins siblings Olivia and Eli. The
Turner family resides in Dulles, Va.
Rachael (Wince) Underwood, BA, and her
husband, Dwight, a son, Carson Raymond,
July 3, 2009. The Underwood family
resides in Kenton, Ohio.
Mary (Stahl) Wendel, BA, and her
husband, Mike, a daughter, Molly
Katherine, Dec. 31, 2008. The family
resides in Galloway, Ohio.
Brian Pohl, BS,
and his wife, Michelle, a son, Madden
Marcus, Mar. 27, 2009. The Pohl family
resides in Fort Collins, Colo.
Lisa (Shaffer) Ponziani, BA, and her
husband, Anthony, a daughter, Lydia
Ann, Oct. 22, 2008 joins brother Joey, 5,
and sister Jillian, 3. The family resides in
Columbus, Ohio.
Christopher Scholp, BSME, and his wife,
Pamela (Spear), BSEd ’96, a daughter,
Caroline Nicole, Nov. 1, 2008. Caroline joins
brother Ethan. The Scholp family resides in
Dayton, Ohio.
sh, BA
lbis) Ru
and Sa
mD ’05,
sh, Phar
Jason H
ermiller, B
SME ’02, and Je
Hermiller, BSP
h ’02
Stacie (Bell)
Copeland, BSPh
Patrick C
linton, JD ’
98, and Nicole
(Lynch) C
linton, JD ’99
aran, BA
Erin (Miller
Daphne (Woestendiek) Yost, BA, and her
husband, Matthew, a son, James, June
26, 2009. James joins brother Joseph. The
Yost family resides in Gahanna, Ohio.
Dana (Nedderman) Barhorst, BSPh, and
her husband Keith, BSME ’99, a daughter,
Josie Danielle, June 16, 2009. Josie joins
siblings Nolan, 7, Chloe, 5, and Allie, 2. The
Barhorst family resides in New Bremen,
Katrina (Allen) Burnett, BA, and her
husband, Alexander, a son, Braden
Alexander, Dec. 30, 2008. The Burnett
family resides in Galloway, Ohio.
Season Cole, BS, a son, Harvey David, April
15, 2009. She resides in Missoula, Mont.
Darren Drew, PharmD, and his wife,
Stephanie (Jackson), BA ’00, a son,
Jackson Douglas, June 19, 2009. The Drew
family resides in Concord, N.C.
Melanie (Parke) Ensley, PharmD, and her
husband, Christopher, BSPh, ’97, a son,
Chase Matthew, Nov. 11, 2008. Chase joins
brother, Owen. The Ensley family resides in
Canton, Ohio.
Robert Kramer, BS, and Tabatha
(Neidenbach), BSPh, a son, Tyler, Jan. 6,
2009. Tyler joins brother Brandon. The
Kramer family resides in Powell, Ohio.
Kelly (Kemski) Miller, BSPh, and her
husband, Matt, a daughter, Rylee Morgan,
Aug. 14, 2009. The Miller family resides in
Davidson, N.C.
rmD ’00
rew, Pha
Darren D anie (Jackson)
and Step , BA ’00
S ’03, A ’01
le, B
el Sla
Micha Moore) Slag
Danielle (Goenner) Spencer, BS, and her
husband, Mark, a son, Mason David, Mar.
23, 2009. Mason joins brother, Drew, 3,
and sister, Hailey, 1. The family resides in
New Carlisle, Ohio.
Ranjiv Subramaniam, BA, and his wife,
Jillian (Rapp), BA ’99, a son Adam Robert,
May 18, 2009. Adam joins sister Alana and
brother Aaron. The Subramaniam family
resides in Findlay, Ohio.
Tracy (Coxson) Carothers, PharmD, and
her husband, Chad, a daughter, Madison
Ann, Jan. 4, 2008. The Carothers family
resides in Greenville, Pa.
Gary Davisson, PharmD, and his wife, Lisa,
a daughter, Anna Kathleen, Nov. 6, 2008.
Anna joins brothers Nathan, 6 and Justin,
4. The Davisson family resides in
Elida, Ohio.
Kathryn (Beall) Eyster, JD, and her
husband, Gordon, JD ’01, a son, Henry
Maxwell, April 10, 2009. Max joins brother
Nic. The Eyster family resides in Shelby,
Kimberly (Brewer) Foster, BFA, and her
husband, Bracken, BA ’98, a daughter,
Lucy Ann, July 15, 2009. Lucy joins siblings
Ellie and Ethan. The Foster family resides in
McConnelsville, Ohio.
Ellerbrock, Pharm
D ’02
Terri (Cannon) Kohlrieser, JD, and her
husband, Todd, JD ’02, a daughter,
Abigail. Abigail joins brother, Jackson.
The Kohlrieser family resides in Lima,
Don Morrow, BSPh, and his wife,
Bridget (Krupp), BSPh ’02, a son, Brody
James, May 5, 2009. The Morrow
family resides in Vermilion, Ohio, and
they can be reached at db-morrow@
Ellen (Bolan
Booker, BSBA ’91
Jamie (Liszka) Pope, PharmD, and
her husband, Scott, PharmD ’01, a
daughter, Zofia Marie, April 23, 2009.
The Pope family resides in Charlotte,
Christopher Roscoe, BSME, and his
wife, Jaclyn, a daughter, Madelyn
Elaine, May 7, 2009. Madelyn joins
brother Nolan.
The Roscoe family resides in Lewis
Center, Ohio.
Heather (Moore) Slagle, BA, and
her husband, Michael, BS ’03, a son,
Jackson Dean, Aug. 17, 2008. The Slagle
family resides Marysville, Ohio.
d Bri
h ’02
, BSPh
orrow orrow, BSP
Don (Krupp) M
Shanna (Stombaugh) Barhorst, BSPh,
and her husband, Adam, a daughter,
Layton Elizabeth, April 1, 2009. Layton
joins sister Marlie Danielle. The
Barhorst family resides in Anna, Ohio.
her R
e, BS
ME ’0
Grandchild of Robert
Irvin, BSEd ’52, H of F ’0
David Charles, BS, and his wife, Stephanie
(Lesco), BS ’03, twin boys, Cole Stefen and
Cael David, July 29, 2008. Cole and Cael
join sisters Alexandra and Adrianna. The
Charles family resides in Amherst, Ohio.
Eric Dahlgren, BSBA, and his wife, Jennifer
(Wooddell), BSBA ’02, a daughter, Lauren
Kay, May 14, 2009. The Dahlgren family
resides in Delaware, Ohio.
Jon Dean, BSCE, and his wife, Crystal, a
daughter, Madelyn Grace, Feb. 9, 2009.
The Dean family resides in Columbus,
Michelle (Morman) Ellerbrock, PharmD,
and her husband, Ryan, triplets, Collin,
Claire and Carly, Oct. 8, 2008. Collin,
Claire and Carly join brother Ethan. The
Ellerbrock family resides in Ottawa, Ohio.
Jason Hermiller, BSME, and his wife,
Jessica (Brown), BSPh, a son, Reuben
Michael, Oct. 14, 2008. Reuben joins sister
Stella. The Hermiller family resides in
Middletown, Ohio.
Joseph Hodgin, JD, and his wife Tracy,
a daughter, Kaitlyn. The Hodgin family
resides in Greenville, N.C.
Todd Kohlrieser, JD, and his wife, Terri
(Cannon), JD ’01, a daughter, Abigail.
Abigail joins brother Jackson. The
Kohlrieser family resides in Lima, Ohio.
Adam Love, BS, and his wife, Nicole
(Clark), BS, a daughter, Lillian Marie, June
18, 2009. Lillian joins brothers Austin and
Dylan. The Love family resides in Delaware,
Christopher McDaniel, BSEE, and his
wife, Melissa (Zambrzycki), BSPh ’04, a
daughter, Virginia Grace, June 8, 2008.
Virginia joins brother Isaiah. The McDaniel
family resides in McArthur, Ohio.
Ryan Moran, BA, and his wife, Sarah, a
son, Rylan Kade, April 22, 2009. The Moran
family resides in Westerville, Ohio.
Bridget (Krupp) Morrow, BSPh, and her
husband, Don, BSPh ’01, a son, Brody
James, May 5, 2009. The Morrow family
resides in Vermilion, Ohio, and they can be
reached at
Jennifer (Bichsel) Ruhlen, BM, and her
husband, William, BM ’02, a son, Parker
Jeffery, April 13, 2009. The family resides in
Marysville, Ohio.
Nicolette (Ryan) Winner, BA, and her
husband, Adam,
a son, Grady
Aug. 14, 2009.
The Winner
family resides in Troy, Ohio.
Jason Bandy, BSEE, BSCPE, and his wife
Beth (Lee), BSCE, ’04, a son Barrett, 1.5,
and a daughter, Stella, 3. The Bandy family
resides in Bolivar, Ohio.
Stephanie (Lesco) Charles, BS, and her
husband, David, BS ’02, twin boys, Cole
Stefen and Cael David, July 29, 2008.
Cole and Cael join sisters Alexandra and
Adrianna. The Charles family resides in
Amherst, Ohio.
Jonathan Ellegood, BA, and his wife,
Jennifer (Spencer), BS ’03, a son, Caleb
Joshua, June 1, 2009. The Ellegood family
resides in Tecumseh, Mich.
Michael Slagle, BS, and his wife, Heather
(Moore), BA ’01, a son, Jackson Dean,
Aug. 17, 2008. The Slagle family resides in
Marysville, Ohio.
Beth (Lee) Bandy, BSCE, and her
husband, Jason, BSEE ’03,
BSCPE ’03, a son
Barrett, 1.5,
and a
Stella, 3. The
Bandy family
resides in
Bolivar, Ohio.
l Chow,
BSEE ’92
, and Heidi
g) Chow
, BSPh ’96
Amber (Wells)
Del Vesco,
PharmD, and her
ski) M
husband, Joshua,
a daughter,
Alexandria Nicole,
Ph ’9
July 2008. The Del
e, BS
Vesco family resides in Galena, Ohio.
ild) B
Carrie (Nicholas) Drees, BA, and her
husband, Scott, a son, Nathaniel, Aug.
4, 2008. The Drees family resides in
Versailles, Ohio.
Cherie Grant, BA, and her husband,
Jeffery Smith, a daughter, Jordan Lynn,
Aug. 20, 2008. The family resides in Center
Hill, Fla.
Jeanine (Arnold) Lewis, BA, and her
husband, Mark, a son, Dylan Jeffrey, Dec.
28, 2008. The Lewis family resides in Lima,
Jeffrey Mangas, BS, and his wife, Lindsay
(Hanke), BS ’04, a daughter, Alivia Carroll
Nov. 2, 2008. Alivia joins sister Addison
Estelle. The Mangas family resides in
Blacklick, Ohio.
Melissa (Zambrzycki) McDaniel, BSPh,
and her husband, Christopher, BSEE ’02,
a daughter, Virginia Grace, June 8, 2008.
Virginia joins brother Isaiah. The McDaniel
family resides in McArthur, Ohio.
Sara (Gulbis) Rush, BA, and her husband,
Michael, PharmD ’05, a son, Jacob
Edward, Feb. 5, 2009. The Rush family
resides in Ada, Ohio.
Elizabeth (Stierwalt) Seibert, PharmD,
and her husband, Kevin, a daughter,
Tessa Catherine, Aug. 8, 2008. Tessa joins
siblings Natalie Celeste and Oliver Myles.
The Seibert family resides in Archbold,
Thomas Turney, BSME, and his wife, Jo
(Howell), BA ’04, a son, Miles Robert,
Nov. 18, 2007. The Turney family resides in
Akron, Ohio.
Christina (Freeman) Leland, BS, and
Bryan, PharmD ’07, a daughter, Abigail,
June 6, 2008. Abigail joins brother
Braeden. The Leland family resides in
West Chester, Ohio.
nd Tara (Kin
David Billiter, BA ’98, a
Billiter, BA ’98
Erin (Miller) McGaharan, BA, and her
husband, Jason, a son, Brady William,
July 31, 2009. The McGaharan family
resides in Piqua, Ohio.
Kristin (Maneely) Rozek, BA, and her
husband, Justin, a son, Griffin Robert,
Aug. 15, 2009. The Rozek family
resides in Sylvania, Ohio.
Michael Rush, PharmD, and Sara
(Gulbis), BA ’04, a son, Jacob
Edward, Feb. 5, 2009. The Rush
family resides in Ada, Ohio.
Megan (Johnston) Shawver, BA,
and her husband, Alan, a daughter,
Sophia Loraine, May 13, 2009.
Sophia joins sister Olivia. The Shawver
family resides in Valdosta, Ga.
Joshua Wolf, PharmD, and his wife,
Margaret (Schodowski), PharmD ’06, a
son, Benjamin Matthew, June 18, 2009.
The Wolf family resides in Ozark, Mo.
BS ’00, an
d Tabatha
Karamer, B
SPh ’00
Bryan Leland, PharmD, and his wife,
Christina (Freeman), BS ’05, a daughter,
Abigail, June 6, 2008. Abigail joins brother
Braeden. The Leland family resides in West
Chester, Ohio.
Sarah (Burley) Boone, PharmD, and her
husband, Ken, a son, Derek Arthur, April
20, 2009. Derek joins sister, Leta. The
Boone family resides in Oberlin, Ohio.
Tara (Findley) Neeley, BM, and her
husband, Vernon, BM ’93, a son Miles
Parker, April 17, 2009. The Neeley family
resides in Defiance, Ohio.
Kevin Stauffer, BA, and his wife, Kristin
(Decker) BS ’07, a son, Tyler Duane, Feb.
10, 2008. The Stauffer family resides in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sarah (Geise) Rethman, PharmD, and her
husband, Matt, a son, William “Will” John,
Aug. 27, 2009. The Rethman family resides
in Fort Loramie, Ohio.
Margaret (Schodowski) Wolf, PharmD,
and her husband, Joshua, PharmD ’05, a
son, Benjamin Matthew, June 18, 2009.
The Wolf family resides in Ozark, Mo.
Kristin (Decker) Stauffer, BS, and her
husband, Kevin, BA ’06, a son, Tyler Duane,
Feb. 10, 2008. The Stauffer family resides in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Greg Badenhop, BSBA, and his wife,
Karlee (Kanuckel), BSBA, a son, Isaiah,
June 30, 2009. The Badenhop family
resides in Laramie, Wyo.
Shawn Richter, JD, and his wife, Atlantis, a
daughter, Annabelle Lucia, Nov. 23, 2008.
The family resides in Franklin, Ind.
In Memoriam
Warren J. Amstutz, Bluffton, Ohio, May
23, 2009.
Kathryn M. Bauknecht, Cleveland, Ohio,
March 15, 2009. She served as an officer
during World War II and worked for the
United States government as a chemist.
After serving her country, Kathryn was a
technical editor for NASA in Cleveland. She
was preceded in death by her husband,
John E. Bauknecht, LLB ’22, LLD ’79.
James R. Condon, Lakeview, Ohio, April
24, 2009. James worked as a custodian
at Ohio Northern before his retirement in
2003. James was active in the Lakeview
Eagles Aerie 3615 and Moose Lodge 1533
and was an avid Ohio State University fan.
He was survived by family and friends.
Leah L. Cooper, Akron, Ohio, March 9,
2008. Throughout her career, Leah served
as a nurse at City Hospital. She was a
member of Firestone Park Presbyterian
Church and the Alumni Association of
Isabel Firestone School of Nursing. She was
preceded in death by her husband, William
Cooper, BSPh ’54.
Ruth N. Holtzapple, Elida, Ohio, July 18, 2006.
She was an active member of her church and
was an elementary school teacher for Elida
Schools. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Russell Holtzapple.
Dorothea M. (Nihiser) Peltier, Delphos,
Ohio, Dec. 1, 2008. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Leslie Peltier.
Marcia B. Potter, Wallingford, Conn., Jan.
22, 2006. Marcia received her master’s
degree in education and, upon graduation
from Eastern Connecticut University,
she taught in several school systems
throughout the country. She is survived
by her husband Edward Potter, BSME ’47,
three children, three grandchildren and six
great grandchildren.
Max F. Porter, Mount Sterling, Ohio,
Nov. 22, 2005. Max was a licensed funeral
director and embalmer for more than 50
years. He established the Porter Funeral
Home in 1968. He is survived by his wife,
Mary Porter.
Audrey J. Sammetinger, Centerburg,
Ohio, June 7, 2009. A U.S. Army veteran of
World War II, Audrey served her country
from 1944-46. She dedicated her life to
volunteer work in the community. She
was a board member for the Knox County
Public Library and active in the March
of Dimes, Knox County Humane Society
and The American Red Cross. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Carroll
E. Sammetinger, JD ’49.
Georgia P. (Lianos) Schoenberger,
Sandusky, Ohio, May 24, 2009. Georgia
attended Ohio Northern and Bowling
Green Normal School. She was an active
member of her community. She is survived
by her husband, Loren Schoenberger, BA
’47, JD ’49.
Ruth (Barlow) Shult, Seattle, Wash., April
19, 2009. Ruth worked as an assistant
professor and lecturer in English at
Heidelberg College, Ohio Northern
University and Ohio State University. She
was a passionate and popular teacher
loved by her students. She is survived by
her husband, Donald.
Virginia E. (Fisher) White, Lima, Ohio, Sept.
8, 2009. Virginia taught school for 34 years.
She taught at Lima Senior High School,
Central Junior High School, Elida Schools,
Bluffton College, and Ohio Northern
University. She was preceded in death by
her husband, Walter White, BA ’41, JD ’48,
A CIT ’94, LLD ’00.
Ethel M. (Kauble) Johnson, AA, Wharton,
Ohio, July 29, 2009. She was an active
member of her church and was a member
of the Wyandot County Retired Teachers
Association and the Mt. Blanchard Senior
Citizens. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Ordell.
Alyce W. Jenkins, AA, Lima, Ohio, April 25,
2009. After graduating from ONU, Alyce
enjoyed a long teaching career, the majority
of which was spent at Roosevelt School.
She is survived by family and friends.
Norma C. (Strahm) Mawhorter, BA,
Toledo, Ohio, June 8, 2009. During her
career she taught at a local Toledo high
school and coached their basketball
team. She was a caseworker for the
Lucas County Welfare Department and
eventually became the director of Social
Service Department at William Roche
Memorial Hospital. She was preceded in
death by her husband, William.
Edna P. (Smith) Branstetter, AA,
Spencerville, Ohio, July 22, 2009. Edna was
a teacher in both the Spencerville and Lima
school systems. She was a member of the
Spencerville United Church of Christ. She
was preceded in death by her husband,
Eugene, BA ’27.
Frances D. (Bauer) Melvin, AA,
Hamersville, Ohio, Nov. 29, 1995.
Thelma J. (Watkins) Harris, AA, Dade
City, Fla., Sept. 18, 2009. She retired
as an elementary school teacher from
the Wellington and Bay Village, Ohio,
areas. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Walter.
Gladys I. (Huey) Moze, AA, Port Charlotte,
Fla., May 4, 2009. She was preceded in
death by her husband, William.
Eloise (Lugibill) Balmer, AA, Onekama,
Mich., Nov. 30, 2007.
Ralph O. Borland, BSEd, Dayton, Ohio,
Feb. 28, 2009. Ralph was a U.S. Air Force
veteran. He retired from the WrightPatterson Air Force Base Strategic
Command. He was preceded in death by
both his first and second wives, Maxine
and Edie.
Jack S. Reddick, BSCHE, Blacklick, Ohio,
Oct. 9, 2008. He was preceded in death by
his wife, Carmen.
Eleanor R. Baum, BA, Lima, Ohio,
July 5, 2008.
Eleanor R. Baum, BSEd, Lima, Ohio,
July 5, 2008.
Claire E. Wible, BA, Dunedin, Fla.,
Jan. 7, 2009.
Leroy “Bud” A. Keel, BA, BSBA, Findlay,
Ohio, June 7, 2009. Bud retired from the
Marathon Oil Company in the auditing
and accounting department. While at
ONU he was a member of the Phi Mu
Delta fraternity. He was honored with the
Distinguished Alumni Award from ONU
in 1986. He was preceded in death by his
wife, Verna.
Emerson L. Finke, BSPh, Oak Harbor, Ohio,
May 22, 2009. Emerson was a World War II
veteran. He owned and operated the Finke
Pharmacy in Oak Harbor from 1951-83. He
is survived by his wife, Eleanor.
Earl M. Robinson, BA, Enid, Okla., March 4,
2009. Earl was a physician and surgeon; he
was the chief of staff at several hospitals.
He was preceded in death by his wife,
Wanda “Cassie” Robinson.
Jane W. (Weaver) Pease, BSEd, Tiffin,
Ohio, Dec. 30, 2008. She taught at East
Junior High from 1960 until 1992 when she
retired. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Robert C. Pease.
George D. Sauer, JD, Marietta, Ohio, July
10, 2009. George served as a counter
intelligence agent for the U.S. Army
during World War II. After defending his
country, George opened a law practice
in Columbus. In 1949, he moved back to
Marietta, where he established a private
law practice. He was preceded in death
by his wife, Elizabeth. He is survived by his
children and grandchildren.
Vernon L. Young, JD, Seaman, Ohio,
Dec. 29, 2008. Vernon was a lawyer for
Young and Caldwell and a member of
the Ohio State Bar Association. He was
also a lifetime member of the Republican
Presidential Task Force. He is survived by
his wife, Eileen.
Glen Hover, BSPh, Findlay, Ohio, Sept. 29,
2009. Glen was a World War II veteran. He
was the former owner of the Night and
Day Laundry and was a projectionist for
several local theaters. He is survived by his
wife, Lavera.
Ruth P. (Byerly) Huber, BA, Bluffton, Ohio,
June 18, 2009. Ruth had a very fulfilling
career. She used her nursing degree from
ONU to help many during the war. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Gerald.
Albert J. Nave, BA, Phoenix, Ariz., April
11, 2009. Albert was a devoted husband,
father and grandfather. He served as a
pilot for the U.S. Air Force during World
War II. After serving his country, Albert
went on to become a CPA and partner
of PricewaterhouseCoopers. He was
preceded in death by his wife, Lois,
and is survived by his three children,
six grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.
Robert L. Purdy, BA, Cleveland, Ohio,
Nov. 13, 2008. A World War II veteran,
Robert was the director of athletics for
the Berea City Schools and held positions
with the Athletic Director Association. He
is survived by his wife, Dorothy.
Fred A. Wilcox, BSME, Fairview
Park, Ohio, June 29, 2009. After
earning his degree, Fred worked as an
engineer at NACA-NASA Lewis for more
than three decades. He is survived by
family and friends.
Lois L. (Perry) Kaylor, BSEd, Wilmington,
Del., Nov. 26, 2008.
Mary A. (Dumond) Palmer, BA,
Cottonwood, Ariz., Dec. 31, 1997.
Marilyn P. (Purtell) Amstutz, BSEd, Lima,
Ohio, April 9, 2009. Marilyn served the
Lima area as a teacher for 34 years. She is
survived by her husband, Wendell.
Robert “Bob” Q. Dixon, BA, Caledonia,
Ohio, March 24, 2009. Bob was a United
States Air Force veteran. During his career,
he had several businesses in the Marion
area. He was preceded in death by his
wife, Barbara.
Fred H. Howard, BSEd, Columbus, Ohio,
Nov. 14, 2005. Fred was the recipient of a
Purple Heart and served in the U.S. Army.
He retired from Columbus Public Schools,
where he taught. He was preceded in
death by his wife, Cleora.
Robert C. Smith, BSPh, Uhrichsville, Ohio,
April 3, 2009. Robert was a U.S. Army
veteran and was honorably discharged
as a sergeant in 1946. After his time in
the service, he worked for a number of
pharmaceutical businesses. He is survived
by his wife, Marjorie.
James L. Watson, BSPh, Lodi, Ohio,
Jan. 13, 2000.
Stanley Weller, BSEd, Lima, Ohio, June
29, 2009. Stanley graduated from Ohio
Northern on the G.I. Bill after serving in
World War II. After receiving his degree, he
taught in the Cridersville School District,
Shawnee Local Schools and Bluffton Local
Schools before retiring from Lima City
Schools. Stanley received his master’s
degree in education from Miami (Ohio)
University. In his retirement, Stanley
was active in his church ministry and
chaperoned many youth missionary trips.
He donated over 3,000 hours of time to
Lima Memorial Hospital. Stanley is survived
by family and friends and was preceded in
death by his wife, Betty.
Robert M. Whitaker, BSPh, Delaware,
Ohio, Nov. 13, 2008. Robert was a
pharmacist for
50 years and
owner Whitaker
Pharmacy in
Delaware. He
was preceded in death by his beloved
wife, Mary Jane, and is survived by two
daughters and three grandchildren.
Clyde E. Bennet, BSEE, Columbus, Ohio,
Sept. 19, 2009. After graduating from
ONU, Clyde began his professional career
in the insurance industry. He was an active
member of the Redford Presbyterian
Church, where he served as a deacon and
an elder. He is survived by his wife, Martha.
Walter F. Hunt, JD, Sylvania, Ohio, March
14, 2009. Walter was a U.S. Air Force
veteran. He worked his way up in his
railroad career, beginning as a claim agent
with the Nickel Plate Railroad in 1950 to
the president of Toledo Terminal Railroad
by 1983. He was preceded in death by his
wife, Mildred.
Floyd E. Roush, BA, Lima, Ohio, Sept. 2,
2009. Floyd was an internal revenue agent
and an organized crime detail agent for
the U.S. Treasury Department. He was
preceded in death by his wife, Mary.
Cray G. Witt, BSEE, McKeesport, Pa., April
8, 2009. Cray was a World War II veteran.
During his time at ONU, he was a member
of the ONU Chorus. Throughout his
career, he worked for several computer
companies, including IBM. He is survived
by his wife, Wanda.
Joseph R. Bryan, LLB, Canfield, Ohio, Feb.
8, 2009. Joseph worked in many different
aspects of law throughout his career,
including private practice, the Marine
Corps legal office and Mahoning County.
He was honored with many law awards
throughout his lifetime. He was preceded
in death by his wife, Jean.
Paul R. Cook, BSPh, Findlay, Ohio, Sept. 30,
2009. During his career, Paul worked for
B&G Drugstore and eventually became the
sole owner. He also opened a drug store
in McComb, Ohio. He retired from both in
1997. He is survived by his wife, Margaret.
James A. Keller, BSEE, San Diego, Calif., May
1, 2009. James was a U.S. Army veteran. He
worked as an engineer for the California
Highway Department until his retirement.
After his retirement, he moved to Ohio
where he became the Van Wert County
Engineer. He is survived by his wife, Helen.
Amanda (Page) Maxwell, BA, Columbus,
Ohio, May 29, 2009. Amanda led a
devoted life to public service as she
held positions with the Clerk of Courts
Whitehall, Legal Secretary Columbus
City Attorney and Planner Columbus
Department of Development. She was
active in the Whitehall Eastern Stars,
Guardian Job’s Daughters #57, American
Business Women’s Association Flambeau,
Professional Legal Secretary’s Association,
Pregnancy Decision Health Centers,
Daughters of the American Revolution
and Bible Study Fellowship. She is survived
by her daughter, four sons and 20
James Maxwell, LLB, Columbus, Ohio,
March 12, 2008. James served in World War
II and risked his life in the D-Day Invasion
on Omaha Beach, Normandy. Upon
returning home, he earned a law degree
and became a city attorney and lawyer as
part of the Columbus bar. He is survived by
his wife, Phyllis.
Leonard Scharfeld, JD, Cleveland, Ohio,
area, January 5, 2009. Devoted father to
his two children and six grandchildren. He
was preceded in death by his wife, Lenore.
Berniece (Fox) Wilcox, AA ’51, Columbus,
Ohio, March 9, 2000.
Dale G. Hildebrand, JD, Mount Gilead,
Ohio, March 31, 2009. Dale was a U.S.
Marine Corps veteran who served in World
War II. During his time at ONU, he was
involved with the Phi Mu Delta fraternity.
He opened his own law practice in 1952 in
Mount Gilead and served there until the
time of his death. He served in the State
House of Representatives for four terms
from 1957-65. His wife, Doris, survives him.
Robert D. Lehman, BSPh, Rockmere, Pa.,
July 3, 2009. Robert owned a pharmacy
in Chardon, Ohio, for 24 years before his
retirement in 1982. He was active in his
community and church. He and his wife,
Sally, enjoyed traveling throughout the
world. He is survived by family and friends.
Victor Turf, JD, Santa Rosa, Calif., June
10, 2009. During his time at Northern,
Victor was a member of the Student Bar
Association Executive Board. Victor led a
very active life and participated in many
sports: flying, traveling, scuba diving and
hiking. He is survived by his companion,
Linda Spilman.
John A. Clark, BSPh, Solon, Ohio, Jan. 3,
2009. John is a Marine Corps veteran. He is
survived by his wife, Dorothy.
Elwood D. Debraal, BA, Grand Rapids,
Mich., Feb. 23, 2008. Elwood taught
history for 28 years in Royal Oak, Mich. He
is survived by family and friends.
Mary W. (Webb) Krofft, BSEd, Ada, Ohio,
April 21, 2009. Mary was a teacher at
Harrod High School and Bath Elementary
School. She retired from Ohio Northern
after 25 years. She was a charter member
of the Delta Zeta Sorority Alumni
Association. She was preceded in death by
her husband, William.
Betty E. Stratton, BSEd, Las Vegas, Nev.,
March 24, 2009. Betty taught for 30 years
in several school districts throughout Ohio.
After her retirement in 1979, Betty and her
husband moved to Florida but continued
to travel and enjoy the country. Besides
traveling, she loved music and dogs. She
was preceded in death by her husband,
Robert E. Stratton, BSEd ’53. Betty is
survived by her children and grandchildren.
Robert J. Baun, BSPh, Tucson, Ariz., May 1, 1988.
Herbert A. Fouke, BSEE, Newark, Ohio,
March 31, 2009. Herbert enjoyed a long
career at Holophane Lighting Company
until his retirement. He is survived by his
wife, Marcia.
Alvin J. Irons, BSME, Wilmington, DE, May
28, 2009. Alvin served in the U.S. Army
during the Korean War. He worked for
Hercules Incorporated until his retirement
in 1991 as principal engineer. He is survived
by his wife, Arlene.
David E. Myers, BSPh, Carey, Ohio, Aug. 2,
2009. David was a committed pharmacist,
a U.S. Navy veteran, and involved in his
community and the Boy Scouts of America.
While at ONU, he was active with the
football team, Newman Club, Phi Kappa
Theta and Student Senate. He is survived
by his wife, Ellena (Lewis), BSEd ’57.
James E. Henry, LLB, Worthington, Ohio,
March 31, 2009. James was a U.S. Air Force
veteran. James retired from the Association
of Ohio Retail Merchants as vice president.
He is survived by family and friends.
Ramon “Ray” N. Moritz, BA, Lima, Ohio,
July 20, 2009. Ray was a U.S. Navy veteran
and a former youth sports coach and
retired from the Ford Motor Company.
While at Northern, he participated in the
International Business Club and was on the
track team. He is survived by his wife, Mary.
Clayton C. Pepple Jr., BA, Carrollton, Ga.,
Aug. 25, 2005. Clayton retired from a
career as an educator of 32 years. He is
survived by his wife, Suzy.
Eleanor L. (Pool) Franklin, BSEd,
Cridersville, Ohio, March 25, 2009. Eleanor
had a long career in education. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Charles.
Marlin Rosencrans, BA, Ann Arbor,
Mich., April 11, 2008. Marlin served in the
Navy during the Korean War. He was a
marketing director and handy man. He is
survived by his partner, Virgie Shelton.
Roger I. Andrews, BSEd, New Franklin, Ohio,
March 31, 2009. He served for many years
on the Akron Board of Education and taught
physics at Kenmore High School for 30 years.
He is survived by his wife, Madelon.
David H. Arnott, BSPh, Akron, Ohio, Aug.
7, 2009. David was a dedicated pharmacist,
husband and friend. While at ONU, David
was a member of Delta Sigma Phi. He is
survived by his wife, Janis.
Charles W. Peckinpaugh, BSEd, Lima, Ohio,
Jan. 19, 2001.
Julia I. (Bankus) Baker, BSEd, Lima, Ohio,
March 29, 2009.
Mary L. (Schmuck) Kandel, BSPh, Canton,
Ohio, Aug. 20, 2008. While at ONU,
she was a member of the Delta Zeta
sorority. She was an active member of
her community. She is survived by her
husband, James.
Arturo “Art” T. Presas, BSEd, Raleigh,
N.C., May 18, 2009. Art worked for the
Ohio Bureau of Employment Service and
was appointed to deputy administrator of
the State of Ohio. He also served as the
national hispanic director for International
Union of Operating Engineers. He was
the owner of the A.J. and Associates
consulting firm, He was preceded in death
by his first wife, Emma Lou, and is survived
by his second wife, Veronica.
Ronald R. Prusha, BSPh, Chardon, Ohio,
Sept. 20, 2008. While at Northern, Ronald
was a member of the Alpha Sigma Phi
fraternity. He worked for Baker Drug in
Willoughby until he purchased the store
in 1979, changing the name to Prusha/
Es Willo Medical Pharmacy. He sold
the pharmacy to Rite Aid in 1996. He is
survived by his wife, Patricia.
Howard S. Riley, BSEd, Piqua, Ohio, Jan.
2, 2009. Howard was a teacher, coach,
and guidance counselor with the Fairlawn
School District, Bradford Schools, and the
Piqua City School District. He is survived by
his wife, Gloria.
Robert D. Sterling, BSEd, Brookville, Ohio,
July 2, 2009. Robert retired from Wayne
High School in 1994, where he taught
science, coached football and track, and
formed the first women’s cross country
teams in the area. After retirement, he
enjoyed playing his baritone sax in various
bands. He is survived by his wife, Jeanne.
William “Bill” E. Marley, BA, Pottstown,
Pa., July 21, 2008. Bill served as a sales
manager for Swan Corporation for 30
years. He is survived by his wife, Vicki.
James C. Hardin, BSPh, Westerville, Ohio,
August 15, 2009.
Lavere M. (Oen) Lyons, BSEd, Lima, Ohio,
March 31, 2009. Lavere taught in Cleveland,
Lima and Spencerville, and she worked
in offices and banks in multiple cities
throughout her career. She was preceded in
death by her husband, William.
Charles “Chuck” R. McMasters, BSEd,
LaFayette, Ohio, Dec. 19, 2006. During his
time at Northern, Chuck was an NAIA AllAmerican. He was the head coach of the
Ridgewood High School Football program
and recently retired from the Ridgewood
High School Athletic Department. He is
survived by family and friends.
John W. Kemper, BSEd, Minster, Ohio,
Aug. 19, 2009. John served as a teacher
in the Minster Local School System for 29
years. He is survived by his wife, Theresa.
Robert M. Storch, BSPh, West New York,
N.J., Feb. 11, 2009. While at Northern,
Bob was a charter member and president
of Theta Chi Fraternity. He was also a
member of Phi Delta Chi professional
fraternity. Bob was the recipient of ONU’s
Distinguished Alumni Award in 2003. He
was also an occasional guest speaker
for ONU’s senior pharmacy classes. Bob
received his MBA from Northwestern’s
Kellogg Graduate School of Management
in 1996. His pharmacy career took him
all over the country, most recently as
vice president of pharmacy and business
development for Duane Reade Inc. in
Manhattan. He is survived by his wife of 40
years, Susan, a son, Alex of Los Angeles,
Calif., and a daughter, Anna of Scottsdale,
Ariz. His family has set up a memorial
scholarship fund in his name with the
Raabe College of Pharmacy.
Kathryn O. Taylor, BSEd, West Liberty,
Ohio, June 11, 2009. After earning an
education degree from ONU, Kathryn
became an elementary school teacher
in the Benjamin Logan School District.
She was active in the Harper Methodist
Church, where she was a youth leader. She
is survived by family and friends around
the country.
James E. Conley, BA, North Canton, Ohio,
Nov. 20, 2004. During his time at ONU,
James was involved in many different
musical organizations. He continued this
after graduation. He was involved in the
choir at his church, the Boy Scouts and
Mended Hearts Inc. He is survived by his
wife, Karen (Delong), BSEd ’69.
Robert J. Duffy, BA, Mansfield, Texas,
July 13, 2009. Robert was a U.S. Air Force
veteran. He was an auditor and audit
manager for PRG and the Associates
Auditing Firm. He also worked with the
Arlington Independent School District
and the Key Elementary Schools. He is
survived by his wife, Gayle.
Terry J. Leopard, BA, Ottawa, Ohio, Dec.
9, 2008. Terry was involved in many
organizations in his community. He is
survived by his wife, Janet.
Ronald E. Pollitt, BA, Fontana, Wisc., Feb.
17, 2009.
Joseph M. Burnett, BS, Wapakoneta,
Ohio, June 12, 2009. Joseph was a
retired EPA lab technician for the city of
Wapakoneta. He is survived by his wife,
Raymond K. Esarey, BA, Winder, Ga., Dec.
7, 2008.
Lafayette H. Mayfield, Hon. D., Cincinnati,
Ohio, July 18, 2009. Rev. L.H. Mayfield left
his legacy in the Cincinnati area and was
influential in the community and churches.
He especially had a heart for the poor. He
is survived by his wife, Gladys.
Gary L. Evans, BSEE, Everett, Wash.,
Nov. 6, 2008. Gary was an employee of
the Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. and
had an opportunity to work on the 787
Dream Line. Gary is survived by family and
Gerald A. Burks, JD, Galveston, Texas,
Aug. 21, 2009. After graduating from ONU,
Gerald was admitted to the Ohio State
Bar and the Texas State Bar. He also was
admitted to practice law before the U.S.
District Court for the Southern District,
the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and
the U.S. Supreme Court. Throughout his
life, he held an influential and successful
career. He is survived by family and
Pamela R. (Motter) Greenway,
JD, Columbus, Ohio, March
28, 2009. During her time at
Northern, she served as the editor
of the Law Review. She had a
successful career and is survived
by her husband, Glynn.
Duk W. Hwang, BSPh, La Canada,
Calif., Jan. 18, 2009. Duk is survived
by his wife, Nancy (Byunghwa)
Hwang, BSPh ’75.
Richard P. Layman, BA, Chagrin Falls,
Ohio, April 27, 2006. During his time
at ONU, Richard was a member of
Delta Mu Delta. He is survived by his
wife, Margaret.
Robert J. Ross, JD, Kokomo, Ind., Dec. 5,
2008. A retired U.S. Navy veteran, Robert
was recently a production supervisor
for Delphi. He is survived by family and
Richard W. Druckenbrod, BSPh, Durham,
N.C., Nov. 26, 2008. He had a successful
pharmacy career, including positions with
the University of Pittsburgh and Campbell
University Schools of Pharmacy. He is
survived by his wife, Clarine.
Thomas J. Fuller, BSPh, Vandalia, Ohio,
May 1, 2009. Tom worked as a pharmacist
for 25 years at the Mercy Medical Center in
Springfield, Ohio. He is survived by his wife,
Linda, and children, Timothy and Lindsay.
Richard M. Howell, JD, Greenville, Ohio,
Sept. 11, 2009. Before graduating from
ONU’s College of Law, Richard attended
The Ohio State University. He is survived
by his wife, Susan.
Kenneth Yaussy, BA, Newton, N.C., Aug.
3, 2009. Kenneth was an active member
in his community and church. He was
an active participant on ONU’s campus
during his time as a student. He was
involved in Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Phi Eta Sigma, intramural sports
and Beta Beta Beta. He is survived by his
wife, Karyn.
Tim J. Forsthoefel, BSPh, Pipersville,
Pa., April 20, 2009. Tim was the national
director of a division of Johnson &
Johnson: Managed Markets for OrthoMcNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals. He is
survived by his wife, Amanda.
Robert “Bob” L. Cooper, BSPh, Cincinnati,
Ohio, June 13, 2009. Bob passed away
after suffering complications stemming
from Leukemia. He went on to earn his
doctorate in podiatry from the University
of Toledo. Bob practiced medicine as
a surgical partner in Cincinnati at the
Centers for Foot & Ankle Care. Bob set
a record that still stands at Northern,
throwing for six interceptions in the 1981
Flash Ball Intramural Championship Game.
Bob is survived by his wife, Margo.
Deborah A. Wolf, BSPh, Gnadenhutten,
Ohio, March 20, 2009. During her time
at ONU, Deborah was a member of the
Phi Betta Kappa
Mary Ann Tur
Mary Ann (Gardner)
Turner, BSPh ’63, died at
age 67 on Aug. 29, 2009,
at her residence. She
was born Nov. 8, 1941, in
Lima, Ohio, to Burke and
Margaret Baker Gardner,
who preceded her in
death. On Aug. 28, 1965,
she married James E.
Turner, BSPh ’63, ACIT
’00, who survives in
Mary Ann was a
pharmacist and coowner of Gardner’s Drug Store
Inc. in Ada. She and James operated
the store for 37 years, buying the
business from Mary Ann’s father in
1969. Their business philosophy was
to always take care of the customer,
even if it meant waking up at 3 a.m.
to fill an emergency prescription or
making home deliveries to the elderly.
The Turners provided internship
opportunities for many ONU pharmacy
students at their store. Mary Ann also
was the director of the Ohio Northern
honorary society. She is survived by family
and friends.
Casey A. Clines, JD, June 10, 2009, Ithaca,
N.Y. Casey was employed at Kellogg,
Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figer
PLLC in Washington, D.C. He will be
remembered for his brilliant mind and love
of life. He is survived by family and friends
throughout the country.
Katherine M. (Gruszecki) Meyer,
BSPh, Jan. 12, 2009, Hanoverton, Ohio.
Katherine was a pharmacist for the
Rite Aid pharmacies in the Alliance and
Youngstown areas. She is survived by her
husband, David.
Douglas R. Wright, JD, Falmouth, Ky., June
8, 2009. Douglas taught as an adjunct
instructor at Northern Kentucky University
and Maysville Community College. On
Aug. 13, 1988, he married Judy Walt, and
together they established the law offices
of Wright & Wright. He is survived by his
wife, Judy (Walt), JD ’89.
Keith L. Carlson, BSPh, Cridersville, Ohio,
June 25, 2009. Keith was a pharmacist for
St. Rita’s Medical Center in Lima, Ohio.
He excelled at his position and had a
compassion for the people around him. He
is survived by family and friends, including
his wife, Tracy (Cohen), BSPh ’93.
Boyd E. Graves, JD, Youngstown, Ohio,
June 18, 2009. Dr. Graves was a human
rights activist and HIV/AIDS advocate. He
dedicated his life to research on behalf of
people living with HIV/AIDS, which earned
him acclaim and praise from around the
world. He is survived by family and friends.
Paul Emery Lane, JD, Martinsburg, Pa.,
June 13, 2009. Paul was an attorney at the
Law Office of Paul E. Lane Martinsburg. He
is survived by family and friends.
University Student Health Pharmacy
for 28 years, filling prescriptions and
instructing pharmacy students. “We
enjoyed working with young people. It
kept us young,” she once said about the
couple’s connections to ONU pharmacy
Mary Ann received a Bachelor of
Science in pharmacy from ONU and
was a member of the Kappa Epsilon
fraternity, Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, the
Ohio Pharmacist Association and Rho
Chi Honorary Pharmacy fraternity. She
was a member of Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church in Ada and Mother of
Sorrows Catholic Church in Put-in-Bay,
Ohio. She also was a member of the
Ada Quatre Club, a member of the Putin-Bay Yacht Club and a past president
of its ladies auxiliary. Survivors also
include a son, Eric Turner of Springfield,
Ohio; two daughters, Deeann Beatty of
Avon, Ohio, and Jill Fisher of Olmsted
Falls, Ohio; and five grandchildren, Jack
Beatty, Margaret Beatty, Katherine
Beatty, Rylie Turner, Reese Turner and
Holdan Turner. She was preceded in
death by a brother, Thad Gardner.
Freed Center for the Performing Arts
Urinetown, the Toledo Symphony, Peking Acrobats, the
International Play Festival, 42nd Street and more! Get
your tickets online at
The Inn at Ohio Northern University
Wine tasting with food pairing every month! A gift
shop with distinctive items, Sunday brunch, deluxe
accommodations, fine dining and a great destination.
419-772-2500 |
•Information about alumni clubs:
•ONU credit card – rewards you for
supporting ONU
Union Street
Lehr Memorial
Give back to give forward! Support The Campaign for Ohio Northern
University’s Tomorrow! | 419-772-2008
Campus Buildings:
1 Alumni House
2 Biggs Engineering Building
3 Burgett Pavilion
4 Business Services Building
5 Child Development Center
6 Commons Building
7 Counseling Center
8 Courtyard Apartments
9 Dial-Roberson Stadium
10 The Dicke House (President’s Home)
11 Dukes Memorial
12 Elzay Gallery of Art
C 18
Polar Bear Way
Alumni House
ONU Alumni License Plates
are not sold on campus. Please
contact your local BMV or go to
English Chapel
Freed Center for the
Performing Arts
The Hakes-Pierstorf Family Pharmacy
Education Center
Heterick Memorial
Hill Memorial
The Inn at ONU
James F. Dicke Hall
Lehr Memorial
Maintenance Facility
Mathile Center for the Natural
McIntosh Center
Meyer Hall of Science
Multicultural Center
Northern on Main
Office of Career Services-Lehr
Kennedy House
ONU Sports Center/King Horn
Physical Plant Grounds Dept.
Physical Plant Offices
Picnic Pavilion (Shelter House)
Presser Hall
Remington Walk
Robertson-Evans Pharmacy Building
e Aven
35 Science Annex
36 Student Health Center
37 Taft Memorial
38 Taggart Law Library
39 Tilton Hall of Law
40 Weber Hall (Admissions/
Financial Aid)
41 Wilson Art Building
42 WONB Radio Transmitter & Tower
Student Housing:
43 5 University Parkway
44 Affinity Village
Klingler Road (County Road 35)
Fields and King-Horn Sports Center
28 Softball Field
Go Bears! See for full schedule of winter and spring games.
Wander Field
ONU Soccer Field
McIntosh Center
Shop the ONU Bookstore | 419-772-2410
T.J. Smull College of Engineering
ONU welcomes Bob Peterson, BSME ’84, to campus on
March 15 for the Spotts Lecture. Peterson is director and
animator for Pixar (Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., Up).
Raabe College of Pharmacy
In February, the college will be featured in the Profile
Series. The working title is “Effective Medication
Management: How Pharmacists are Trained.”
Check your cable listings for date and time or
College of Law
Coming up: Dean’s Lecture Series speaker (Feb. 24),
Legal Scholar Days (Mar. 12, Mar. 26), Law Review
Symposium (Mar. 19). www.
d Ave
Union Street
Lehr Ave
Gilbert Street
Career Services
Advisory services, career fairs, workshops and
presentations. or 419-772-2145
Village of Ada
Main Street (State Route 235)
Brookhart Hall
Clark Hall
Delta Sigma Phi
Founders Hall
Klondike’s Den
Lima Hall
Maglott Hall
Northern Commons
Northern House
Park Hall
Phi Mu Delta
Polar Place
Admissions – Weber Hall
Did you know that children of alumni get an automatic discount of $7,500
when they attend ONU? There is also a new Out-of-State-Recognition
Award. See more at
Roberts Hall
Sigma Pi
Stadium View Apartments
Stambaugh Hall
University Terrace
Parking Lots:
K 5UP n
AF Affinity n
Y Bear East n
O Biggs n
E Clark n n
P Pharmacy n n
X Dicke n n
G Raabe n
L Dukes n n
I Freed n n
S Stadium
R Hill n
B Stambaugh n
J King Horn n n
V Stadium View n
A Lakeview n
U University Inn
M Lehr n
C University Place n n n
Q Lincoln n n n
W Wander
N Main n n
F West Circle n n
D McIntosh (Admissions
and Financial Aid Parking)
T Meyer East n
H Meyer West n
n South zone
n West zone
n East zone
n Commuters
n Faculty and staff
Ohio Northern University
Office of Alumni Affairs
525 South Main Street
Ada, OH 45810
It’s something straight out of a storybook
Soon after graduating from high school in the 1960s, James Cates, BA
’67, discovered that four mysterious benefactors had arranged for him
to attend Ohio Northern University free of charge. The only caveats?
Major in engineering and maintain a 3.0 GPA in each and every quarter.
Today, Cates continues to return the favor, working closely with two
California charities whose missions are to send high-potential, lowincome students to college. Looking back at his fairytale journey
through college, Cates continues to exude a mixed sense of wonder
and pride at his accomplishments at ONU.
“I called myself a Cinderella student. You know how, at midnight in the
story, everything would go away? To me, every quarter was a potential
Read more about Jim Cates and other stories that demonstrate the
Giving Spirit, beginning on page 6.