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FREE Pig Skin Pick-’em Challenge sun! Your weekly paper - Promoting the power of community ▪ Independently owned and operated since 2003 Make your football picks for a chance to win! pgs. 22-23 powered by the Traffic Safety at DIS February 4 - 10, 2016 Daniel Island warming up to SC solar energy trend 02 pgs . 16-18 Sports 19-24 Spelling Bee 25 And much more! Bill Cannon MEET SOME FRIENDS OF IRON GATE REALTY! 843.471.2064 843.478.7875 (cell) Renee Reinert Pote 02 island news The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 Parent group re-energizes traffic safety discussion after student accident been pursuing (traffic safety improvements) for years, for changes to be implemented. It took my daughter being hit to make me realize the work that they have been tirelessly It has often been said that the squeaky doing, and that nothing has been done.” wheel gets the oil. Perhaps the sound of According to Principal French, there are screeching tires can do the same when it about 250 students per day who ride bikes to comes to generating attention. At least that’s school and at least that many who walk. The what a group of Daniel Island parents congreatest danger doesn’t seem to lie around cerned about traffic safety is hoping. the immediate grounds of the school, she On January 20, a seventh grade Daniel said, but in the passage down Daniel Island Island School student was struck by a car Drive and into the neighborhoods. on her way to school while riding her bike “I believe a safe passage to and from across a crosswalk at the intersection of school should stay on our mind continuPierce Street and Daniel Island Drive. Forously,” French added. “When we fall into tunately, the girl was not seriously injured daily habits, we become less aware of our and is “doing fine” according to her mother actions because they become rote; anything (who preferred not to be identified). But the we can do to make our drivers more alert in impact suffered by the student is still being the mornings would advance the safety for felt in other ways. elizabeth bush “She is physically fine, by the grace of On January 20, a 7th grade Daniel Island School student was struck by a car while riding her bike our school children.” Police have been working with DIS, God and her guardian angels,” the mother through this crosswalk, at the intersection of Pierce Street and Daniel Island Drive, on her way to concerned parents, and other officials to said. “But she was thrown off her bike and school. Thankfully, the girl did not suffer serious injuries, but some parents in the community are enhance traffic safety and have taken part in onto the pavement….We have gone through hoping the accident will accelerate efforts to improve traffic safety. several community meetings on the subject, a range of emotions, from shock, to grateful, as reported in previous issues of The Daniel to gratitude, and to anger.” to be a police crossing guard at the interintersection last year, and we just felt so Island News. But those efforts have focused The girl’s mother praised local emergency section, which is not considered an official much safer,” she continued. “I think that’s largely on the areas in close proximity personnel, and Daniel Island School Prin“school safety zone” area, but an officer has why a lot of kids still cross there…There is to the school. Island resident, parent and cipal Marty French, for responding quickly not been present there in recent months. no designated ‘school zone’ in this area. The to the scene. She also stated that there used “There was a police man posted at that most surprising thing to me is that they have See traffic safety on PAGE 10 ELIZABETH BUSH Get here early! First come first serve for Seating!! THE BIG GAME contests & prizes!!! - Wing eating at half time - Best dressed in team colors drink specials all day! Bud Light stadium seats, smoker, cooler and a 40 inch TV!! DI: 259 Seven Farms Dr. Suite 1A • Daniel Island 843-377-8750 PARK: 1049 East Montague North Charleston 843-225-5201 February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News Where Are Buyers Coming From? At Daniel Island Real Estate, our national campaigns and outreach are reaching thousands of people each year who are interested in Daniel Island. We’re the island experts. UnDer COnTrACT 331 Gunboat Lane 4 BR, 4 BA, 2 Half BA, 4,661 Sq. Ft. JUST LiSTeD $1,450,000 401 ralston Creek Street 4 BR, 5 BA, 2 Half BA, 6,025 Sq. Ft. 400 bucksley Lane #112 $214,900 108 Fairbanks Oak Alley #302 $1,260,654 2 BR, 2 BA, 1,102 Sq. Ft. 3 BR, 3.5 BA, 3,506 Sq. Ft. UnDer COnTrACT SOLD 5 BR, 4.5 BA, 4,550 Sq. Ft. $2,395,000 SOLD JUST LiSTeD 206 Simmons Forge Street AvAiLAbLe hOmeS $1,394,000 417 Lesesne Street 4 BR, 4 BA, 4,924 Sq. Ft. $1,875,000 JUST LiSTeD UnDer COnTrACT 1655 Pierce Street 1471 Wando Landing Street 2540 Gatewood Street 2544 Gatewood Street 240 Furman Farm Place 210 Ferryman Street 138 Brailsford Street 333 Ralston Creek Street 384 Lesesne Street 87 Iron Bottom Lane 53 Woodford Street 332 Rhoden Island Drive 157 Brailsford Street 160 Balfour Drive 111 Ithecaw Creek Street 359 Lesesne Street 514 Park Crossing Street 547 Wading Place 401 Ralston Creek Street 4BR, 3.5BA, 2,871 sq. ft. 5BR, 4.5BA, 3,645 sq. ft. 6BR, 5.5BA, 4,102 sq. ft. 4BR, 3.5BA, 3,722 sq. ft. 4BR, 3.5BA, 3,349 sq. ft. 5BR, 4.5BA, 3,559 sq. ft. 6BR, 5.5BA, 4,698 sq. ft. 4BR, 4.5BA, 5,095 sq. ft. 4BR, 3.5BA, 4,148 sq. ft. 5BR, 5BA, 3,991 sq. ft 4BR, 4BA, 2Half, 4,309 sq. ft. 4BR, 4.5BA, 3,799 sq. ft. 6BR, 6BA, 4,123 sq. ft. 4BR, 4.5BA, 5,093 sq. ft. 5BR, 5BA, 2Half, 4,718 sq. ft. 5BR, 5.5BA, 5,921 sq. ft. 5BR, 5BA, 2Half, 6,152 sq. ft. 5BR, 5.5BA, 5,776 sq. ft. 4BR, 5BA, 2Half, 6,025 sq. ft. $689,249 $769,000 $869,000 $949,900 $1,009,489 $1,185,000 $1,204,607 $1,250,000 $1,285,000 $1,395,000 $1,395,000 $1,499,000 $1,501,423 $1,649,000 $1,735,000 $2,193,750 $2,205,000 $2,295,000 $2,395,000 Carey Tipple Bob Welsh Meryl Cromarty Rick Adams Rosie Stieby AvAiLAbLe TOwnhOmeS/COnDOS 400 Bucksley Lane #112 200 River Landing Drive A201 200 River Landing Drive E102 135 Pier View Street #202 8 Grove Lane 318 Island Park Drive 250 Island Park Drive #203 108 Fairbanks Oak Alley #203 108 Fairbanks Oak Alley #201 108 Fairbanks Oak Alley #303 108 Fairbanks Oak Alley #202 108 Fairbanks Oak Alley #301 108 Fairbanks Oak Alley #403 2BR, 2BA, 1,102 sq. ft. 2BR, 2BA, 1,247 sq. ft. 2BR, 2.5BA, 1,664 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, 2,291 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, 2,568 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, 2,672 sq. ft. 3BR, 3.5BA, 2,522 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, 3,227 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, 3,227 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, 3,227 sq. ft. 3BR, 3.5BA, 3,506 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, 3,227 sq. ft. 3BR, 2.5BA, 3,227 sq. ft. $214,900 $309,500 $352,900 $529,000 $699,900 $749,000 $885,000 $1,100,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 Meg Latour Sean Tipple Sally Castengera Angie Johnson AvAiLAbLe hOmeSiTeS 458 Lesesne Street 6 BR, 4.5 BA, 4,081 Sq. Ft. $1,028,000 87 iron bottom Lane 5 BR, 5 BA, 3,991 Sq. Ft. 101 River Landing Drive $1,395,000 843-971-7100 50 Watroo Point 620 Bermuda Isle Street 334 Ralston Creek Street 1444 Smythe Street 1 Hazelhurst Street 14 Lafar Street Marsh/Golf View Marsh/Golf View Marsh View Deepwater View Deepwater View Deepwater View $469,000 $560,000 $699,995 $1,199,000 $1,349,000 $1,389,000 Brian Connolly Rick Horger Obtain the Property Report required by Federal Law and read before signing anything. No Federal Agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. This material shall not constitute a valid offer in any state where prior registration is required and registration requirements have not yet been met. NY residents: Complete Offering terms are in an offering plan available from Sponsor. File No. HO-00-0016. Equal Housing Opportunity. Access and rights to recreational amenities may be subject to fees, membership dues or limitations. 03 04 viewpoint The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 Trump and Clinton win DI Caucus with Rubio taking the third most votes overall Suzanne Detar noted as to why the candidates got their vote. In advance of the Iowa Caucuses, we asked The Daniel Island News email subscribers to participate in a “Daniel Island Caucus.” Although it is not a scientific poll with a measurable margin of error, our email subscribes did vote somewhat differently than the Iowa Caucus goers. A total of 205 email subscribers cast votes: 72 voted Democrat and 133 voted Republican. The chart accompanying this article breaks the vote out by overall percentages without regard to party. Below we break out the vote by party caucus and share the adjectives that email subscribers The Democratic DI Caucus – Hillary Clinton takes 57% of the vote Independently owned & operated since 2003 General Information: office 843.856-1999 fax: 843.856-8555 225 Seven Farms Drive Suite 108 Daniel Island, SC 29492 Publisher/ Managing Editor: Suzanne M. Detar 843.345.1563 sdetar@ Account Executives: Ronda Schilling 843.330.1981 Trudy Hicks 843.327.7014 On the Democratic side, our email subscribers cast 41 votes in favor of Hillary Clinton and 30 votes in favor of Bernie Sanders. Willie Wilson got one vote and Martin O’Malley came up empty. A total of 72 votes were cast for Democratic candidates, giving Hillary Clinton 57% of the democratic vote and Bernie Sanders 42% of the vote. The New York Times reported a much closer race in Iowa with Clin- Presidential Caucus Survey ton ahead slightly with 49.9 % over Sander’s 49.6%. The adjective most email subscribes used to described Hillary Clinton was “experienced.” Twentyeight voters noted her experience. Many voters also described her as intelligent/knowledgeable, moderate, effective and presidential/statesman. No other candidate in either party scored more than five votes on experience. When describing Bernie Sanders, voters had a difficult time of coming up with one-word adjectives. Instead, they used phrases such as “cares for the people,” “speaks plainly”. He was recognized frequently for sincerity, honesty, compassion and consistency. Art Director/Classifieds: Jan Marvin 843.856.1999 The Republican DI Caucus – Trump wins with Rubio second and Cruz third The Daniel Island News is published weekly and distributed free throughout Daniel Island and down Clement’s Ferry Rd. to residences, business establishments, Bishop England and at various distribution points on Daniel Island, Mt. Pleasant, downtown Charleston and Hanahan. The entire content of The Daniel Island News is copyrighted 2016 by The Daniel Island Publishing Corp., LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission from the publisher. A total of 133 email subscribers cast votes in the Republican Caucus. Donald Trump took the most overall votes, with 42 as well as the most votes in the Republican Caucus with 36% of the Republican votes cast. He performed better in our mock caucus than he did in the actual Iowa Caucus. Marco Rubio performed better than Ted Cruz, who won the Iowa Caucus, coming in with 37 votes, or Ad Deadline: Friday by 12 noon Digitally produced ads must be sized to spec in PDF high resolution format to: LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Please write in about any topic that stirs your fancy or raises your ire. All letters and submissions are subject to being edited for libel, space and good taste. All submissions must include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification purposes. Delivery concerns? Are you not getting a paper? Are there papers being delivered to unoccupied homes in your neighborhood? Please let us know and we will advise our carriers to start or stop delivery as necessary. You can call the Daniel Island News at 856-1999 or send an email to to report specific addresses. ANSWER CHOICES Jeb Bush (R) Ben Carson (R) Chris Christie (R) Hillary Clinton (D) Ted Cruz (R) Carly Fiorina (R) Jim Gilmore (R) Mike Huckabee (R) John Kasich (R) Martin O’Malley (D) Rand Paul (R) Marco Rubio (R) Bernie Sanders (D) Rick Santorum (R) Donald Trump (R) Willie Wilson (D) 28%. Cruz was third with only 12% of the votes, claiming 16 total votes. Also performing well in the Daniel Island Caucus was John Kasich with 11 votes (could it be our Ohio transplants?), Jeb Bush with 10 votes and Chris Christy with 9 votes. The New York Times reported a totally different outcome in Iowa than how our Daniel Island email subscribers voted. In Iowa, Ted Cruz was first with 27.7% of the vote; Donald Trump was second with 24.3% and Marco Rubio was third with 23.1%. The overwhelming trait that our voters like about Trump is his independence from the establishment, gaining high praise and frequent comments about his business success, being an outsider, being independent and not being politically correct. The number one adjective used to describe Rubio was “electable.” He was also repeatedly described as energetic, smart and presidential. The adjectives our voters used to describe Cruz were: conservative, Constitutionalist, trustworthy and a good communicator. Look for another email survey closer to the South Carolina primaries. If you’d like to be included on our email list, email and put “add to email list” in the subject line. RESPONSES 4.88% 10 .49% 1 4.39% 9 20% 41 7.8% 16 .98% 2 0 % 0 0% 0 5.37% 11 0% 0 2.44% 5 18.05% 37 14.63 30 0% 0 20.49% 42 .49% 1 February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News Te n a n d F i v e Ye a r s A g o i n history 05 The Daniel Island News TEN YEARS AGO Residents nominated for DICA Board of Directors In the February 2, 2006 issue the POA was holding their first election for citizen members of the Board of Directors. Three island residents were nominated as candidates to serve on the Daniel Island CommuThe Daniel Island Cheetah Tribe joined nity Association Board of other local Indian Princess tribes for Directors. They were David a pajama bowling event. More than 90 Cobb, David Pa¬gliarini and dads and daughters participated. Stephen Smith. An election Ronda Schilling, was in the future. athletic participation in her role on the In other news, Daniel Recreation CommisIsland resident Ronda Schilling was appointed because of a South to the City of Charleston Recreation Commis- Carolina High School sion, assisted the League (SCHSL) city with developing sion. Schilling, who now works for the paper executive committee recreation programs but did not in at the time of her appointment, rule change, children on the island and in was instrumental in bringing the Kids Triathadmitted to Bishop the city. lon to Daniel Island as well as promoting other England after their recreational opportunities on the island. 8th-grade graduation from Daniel Island In business news, island law firm Clawson School were not allowed to participate in in& Staubes celebrated their one year anniverterscholastic sports for one year. That rule has sary on Daniel Island. since been changed and Daniel Island residents In sports news, Daniel Island School student-athletes wanting to attend Bishop Eng- can now participate in sports their freshman year. land and their parents voiced concern about FIVE YEARS AGO SPA land on Daniel Island: Questions remain In the February 3, 2011 issue of the Daniel Island News, the top news story was the uncertainty surrounding the disposition of the SPA owned land on Daniel Island. The SPA was under legislative direction to have 495 acres of its Daniel Island tract under contract by 2012 and sold by 2013, or the land will revert to the State Budget and Control Board. Other business news, Pilates V Studio on Daniel Island doubled its space and changed its name to Island Fitness Studio. In island development news, Daniel Island Company president Matt Sloan, in a broad-ranging address to the Daniel Island Business Association, reported that the Daniel Island community is healthy and faring well compared with its “planned community” counterparts. And Sloan added that while real estate volume was up in 2010 (reaching $90 million), compared with the year earlier, it was far off its peak of $240 million. #11 homes built on a firm foundation last longer. Owning a home has often been called the American dream. And while a great mortgage is helpful, it’s just the beginning. You need a fifinancial institution that understands where you’ve been and, most importantly, where you’re going. That’s where we come in. We’re South Carolina Federal Credit Union, and we’ve been a part of the community for 80 years. If owning a home is one of YOUR dreams, we’re here to help. 843-797-8300 (Charleston) 800-845-0432 (Nationwide) Federally Insured by NCUA Daniel Island School third grade students posed with Senator Larry Grooms and Senator Danny Verdin. The students enjoyed hearing about the Palmetto State’s celebrated past from their two legislative visitors. Sloan said that the Ralston Creek Bridge was built “because we had to” based on permitting deadlines, but said there were no current plans for additional development (“we’ll sit on it . . . until things turn around”, he added). 06 kids say The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 What are your plans for the Super Bowl? For whom are you rooting? Compiled and photographed by Søren Spina I don’t have plans because I am a Patriots fan. Joseph Age 17 I am going to watch it with my uncle and my dad. I am going for the Panthers. Boden Age 7 I will cheer for the Panthers and watch it with my friends. Owen Age 7 I will cheer for the Panthers and watch it at the club. McClain Age 6 I am going to watch the game at my house and cheer for the Panthers. Cole Age 12 I am going to watch the ads and cheer for the Panthers. Helena Age 15 Thanks to the Rotary Duck Race … "...we brought medical, nutritional, and educational services to residents of the cainhoy peninsula." Jack Little, Executive Director, East Cooper Community Outreach (ECCO) Follow QR to DI Rotary Scan to learn more February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News “Santa Paws” proceeds benefit worthy cause! island news 07 200 RIVER LANDING #D301.........................$380,000 #B301...............................$330,000 D L SO When it comes to tackling the most urgent and challenging animal crisis situations in the Carolinas, the capable staff at Valiant Animal Rescue & Relief (VARR) now have even more resources at their disposal. The proceeds from a festive, holiday-themed “Santa Paws” pet photo session event last December were recently presented to VARR’s Executive Director Michelle Reid. Sponsors of the benefit event were the Exchange Club of Daniel Island, Lynn Cobb Photography, Lucia’s Premium Pets, Mudd Pie Girl Bakery, Publix, and Greystar Daniel Island Village. According to Reid, the $1000 received by the organization will be used to help cover medical costs associated with animal cruelty cases. She said VARR has also been assisting a number of animals who have been impacted in recent weeks by weather changes, such as colder temperatures. Pictured at the check presentation on January 29 are (from left to right): Marie Glovan of the Exchange Club of Daniel Island; Kay Layne of the Exchange Club of Daniel Island; Colleen Hoover of Greystar Daniel Island Village; Clyde Rush, President of the Exchange Club of Daniel Island; VARR Executive Director Michelle Reid; Lynn Cobb of Lynn Cobb Photography; and Bill Coash of Mudd Pie Girl Bakery. Also pictured, in the arms of Reid and in a separate individual photo, is “Bucky,” a Pomeranian who was recently rescued by the organization after being thrown against a wall by his previous owners. To make a donation to VARR, visit the organization’s website at Donations to VARR can also be accepted at Lucia’s Premium Pets on Daniel Island. NG R I E BR FF O • 2 BR/2 BATH • 1,352 SQFT • 3 BR/2 BATH • 1,716 SQFT B renda J. C ook , B roker M oBile : 843-670-3225 o ffiCe : 843-971-8755 lovinglowCountryCharleston.CoM Brenda@haydenJennings.CoM Brenda Cook, Hayden Jennings Properties Brendatherealtor HAYDEN JENNINGS PROPERTIESLET OUR 2015 STATS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES DANIEL ISLAND EXPERTS SELLING WITH A NEW PERSPECTIVE LET OUR 2015 STATS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES • Daniel Island – HJP sold 34 properties totaling $13,523,061 12 properties over 500k 145 Pier View St. #408.....................................................$335,000 Hayden Jennings 843-814-8061 130 River Landing Dr. #8209...............................................$245,000 Hayden Jennings 843-814-8061 We Stand Out! New lots are being released on Daniel Island in February! Need us to be your buyer’s agent? Call Hayden Jennings Properties today! • Downtown Charleston – HJP sold 8 properties totaling $3,767,000 4 properties over 500k 1225 Blakeway St. #1202.................................................$230,000 Hayden Jennings 843-814-8061 130 River Landing Dr. #3306...............................................$141,000 Keith Mayfield 843-437-0720 • Mount Pleasant – HJP sold 17 properties totaling $7,013,326 6 properties over 500k HAYDENJENNINGS.COM 843.971.8778 Hayden Jennings Properties HJPCharleston @HJPCharleston • Other areas – HJP sold 22 properties totaling $5,557,737 2 properties over 500k 2016 The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 february - march TGIFF Thank Goodness It’s First Friday, the longest running, informal social gathering of Daniel Island residents, will be on Friday Feb. 5 at Daniel’s Landing Clubhouse 6:30- 9 p.m. Come out to meet new neighbors and old friends. Bring a hors d’ oeuvre to share and your favorite beverage. Ken and Fay Schwallie will be the hosts. Questions? Call Walter and Barbara Jenner 216-2573. Real Bread - Healthy Eating Simplified Totally Fit Sponsors this event by Sue Becker from The Bread Beckers on Feb. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at Holy Cross on Daniel Island. The Bread Beckers, located in Woodstock, Ga., is one of the South's largest grain suppliers with a mission to show how easy real food is to prepare and delicious to eat. Sue will focus on nutritional education while presenting practical information on how to reduce the risks of common diseases. All are welcomed. Free for Totally Fit members and $10 for non-members. Father/Daughter Dance Hosted by the Lowcountry Christian Community School Friday, the dance will be held on Feb 8, 5:30 – 8 p.m. at Seacoast Church. Cost for dad and daughter is $35 and $15 for each additional daughter. Dinner catered by Sticky Fingers. Order tickets at DANIEL ISLAND GARDEN CLUB Renowned horticulturalist, Sarah Petrowski will speak Feb.10, 1 pm at the Providence Baptist Church, 294 Seven Farms Drive, Daniel Island, SC 29492. Ms. Petrowski ‘s presentation on miniature and “fairy gardens” and after the lecture, treat yourself to a “miniature garden” available for purchase from Hyams Nursery on James Island. Visitors and new members are welcome. (info Jerri Pogue, 703.967.4993) The Lesesne Legacy The Lesesne family relationship with Daniel Island began in 1699, when Issac Lesesne was given 171 acres of land on the island. The family plantation, “The Grove,” supplied Charles Town with many of its goods such as cotton, indigo and meat. Join the Daniel Island Historical Society on Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. at Church of the Holy Cross on Daniel Island to learn more as Dan Lesesne, member of the Society of St. Thomas and St. Denis, shares his research on the history of his French Huguenot family and their bond to Daniel Island. Questions, Lee Ann Bain SWEETGRASS TOURS & CHARTERS For all your Lowcountry Travel needs KEVIN W. KANE Travel Specialist 843.901.2828 3015 Haswell St. • Daniel Island • at or call (843) 822-5248. Visit DANIEL ISLAND INSHORE FISHING CLUB Meet other Daniel Islanders interested in inshore fishing, from beginners to more advanced anglers and participate in various aspects of fishing and related educational, conservation, and social activities. The Club will meet on Feb. 16, 7 p.m. at Providence Baptist Church to hear a presentation by Bryan Stange. Bryan has been building a boat in his garage for the last year. He will discuss his experience and describe the boat building process. Visitors and guests are welcome to attend. For more information about the club, contact Bill Lark at PUBLIC MEETING – Recreation Needs The City of Charleston and SGA Architecture are holding a public meeting to gather input to assess the parks and recreation needs of Daniel Island and the Cainhoy Peninsula on Feb. 18, 6 - 8 p.m. at Cainhoy Elementary/Middle School2434 Cainhoy Road, Huger, SC 29450. For more information, contact: Natasha Sexton, RLA, Principal, SGA Architecture 864-609-4199, Intergenerational Forum Free and open to the public. A public forum will be held on Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. at the Bishop England High School Performing Arts Center. Five high school seniors and five senior citizens will discuss their perspectives on crucial matters facing humanity, our nation, and the world today. Free. Open to the public. For more info, fred. or 516-524-2208. World Affairs Council Lecture Brazil, the host of this summer’s Olympics, is now confronted with the outbreak of the mosquito-borne Zika virus and other major challenges. Harold Trinkunas, an expert on Brazil, is the Feb. 29 speaker at the World Affairs Council of Charleston. His talk is “Brazil- This summer’s Olympics host: a nation with global ambitions but with big challenges”. He will speak at 6 p.m. at the Citadel Alumni Center, 69 Hagood Ave., Charleston. A reception is at 5:15 p.m. Stop Hunger Now Volunteers to meal packaging party set for March 5 at 9 am, at Providence Baptist Church on Daniel Island. Stop Hunger Now is an organization that ships packaged meals to all parts of the world that are in need of food. The meals cost 29 cents each-donations are welcomed! The History of Western Civilization This college-level humanities course continues at the Daniel Island branch at the Berkeley County Library System. The free course will be taught on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. Participants can attend at any time, as each of the sessions stands on their own. The Professor is Hillyer Rudisill III, a native Charlestonian who has taught such courses for over 50 years. YOUNG LIFE Every Monday high school students will gather for an amazing night of crazy fun and fellowship starting back in January and running through the Spring semester. Location changes each Monday. For more information or to join our weekly email update, please email Joe Danehower ( and Tracey Lengyel ( or visit our website, WYLDLIFE Wyldlife (for 6-8 grade students) meets Monday night, 7-8 pm for an amazing night of fun and fellowship at the home of Kevin and Catherine Brookes (1712 Doldridge Street)! For more information or to join weekly update, contact Tracey Lengyel (412.852.2123 or or visit our website www.charleston. Willingway Continuing Care Meetings Every Monday 6:30-7:30 pm at The Church of the Holy Cross, 299 Seven Farms Dr. Provides a community for addicts, their family and friends to talk about their experiences and find ways to connect with 12-step recovery. Free. Contact Rhett Crull 843-323-7111 with questions. Run Club Gaia Fit Run Club meets on Fridays 5:30 am and Sundays 7:30 am for group runs as well as First Friday Happy Hour Runs at DI restaurants. Email mary@gaiafit. com for more information. Group run/walk Every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am from Pierce Park Pavilion: Enjoy a 3-mile walk or run along the Wando River and share your thoughts and input with the Daniel Island News’ writers and advertising executives. BENG “Business Executive Networking Group” meets the first Tuesday of every month at the Berkeley County Library on Daniel Island, 2301 Daniel Island Drive, 5 to 6:30pm. BENG ( is a multidiscipline networking group for mid to senior level executive professionals who are seeking a new career. Contact Cathey Petkash, Register at http://bengcharleston. WOMEN OF FAITH Daniel Island ladies of all denominations gather Wednesday mornings at 9 am for an hour of prayer and sharing. Call Joan Vitalo, 884-1484, or Kay Uhler, 971-1445, for details. Women’s Island Network (WIN) Join professional women for a networking luncheon, which is held the last Wednesday of each month at The Islander, from 11:45am – 1pm. Contact Sheila Underwood - 843.849.3820 or email RSVP is required. TOASTMASTERS Toastmasters of Daniel Island meet on the first and third Friday of every month, from 12 to 1pm at Summit Place, 320 Seven Farms Dr. For more information please contact or Brian Richards (843) 884-5987. AA meetings on DI Daily M-F 8 am, Tue. 7pm, Fri 7pm at Providence Baptist Church, 294 Seven Farms Dr.; Sat. 8 pm at Holy Cross Church, 299 Seven Farms Dr. DANIEL ISLAND EXCHANGE CLUB Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month (with some exceptions) at 5:30 pm at The Church of the Holy Cross, 299 Seven Farms Drive and centers its service initiatives on Americanism, youth programs, community service and the prevention of child abuse. For questions about meeting dates and programming, contact or visit their Facebook page. Mom’s Playdate Join local Moms and kids for playdates twice a month. @ Center Park (train side) on the 1st Wed. of every month at 10am and the 3rd Wed. of every month at 11am. Erica Elmenhurst ( and/or Marie Corbin ( for more information. Men’s Fitness Group F3, a free men’s workout group, meets every Saturday morning starting at 6:20 am at Governors Park and at 5:30 am on Wednesdays. or email to ND LA IS RE CA South Carolina’s Leader In Contact Lens Recycling! E Your Vacation Specialty Store EY Spring and summer vacation planning starts with a call to us! HE LP 08 save the date Award Winning Travel Professionals since 1983 843.277.0400 Mon-Fri: 9-5. Sat. available by appointment. | 885-A Island Park Dr. | Daniel Island RECYCLE! DANIEL ISLAND, SC M - F, 9-5 & WED, 11-7! 843-471-2733 843-810-5341 (EMERGENCY) WWW.DIEYECARE.COM February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News 09 10 island news DIS student struck by car From traffic safety on PAGE 02 safety advocate Carina Buckman thinks the target zone should be extended. Last week, she posted a message on the Daniel Island Moms Facebook Page asking for the community to re-energize on the issue. “Since nothing has been done over the last year to improve safety within the Daniel Island School zone, despite significant public efforts, a group of concerned residents are again escalating the issue,” she wrote. The Daniel Island School “has stepped up massively in past years” to boost safety measures, Buckman said. But she sees a number of risks that she believes should be addressed by the community and other officials, including parking within the school zone, near intersections and crosswalks; drivers not yielding at crosswalks; traffic lights at crosswalks giving pedestrians and vehicles a green light at the same time; and increased cell phone usage. “We get a lot of ‘You need to learn to behave and drive properly’,” said Buckman, who reports that she sees at least one or two ‘near miss’ accidents a week on the island. “While I do agree with that, we aren’t keeping up with the technology as it’s developing, and the addictive use of cell phones, the pace of life, all feed into a need for us to take a step back and assess whether what we currently have is really meeting the needs of the community. And I think we’re way off the mark.” Buckman would like to see restrictions on parking and increased enforcement, signage placed inside crosswalks (like those on Sullivan’s Island) asking drivers to yield to pedestrians, changes to traffic light sequencing, and the creation of a legal school zone (that starts at the intersection of Daniel Island Drive and Seven Farms Drive) requiring low speeds and no cell phone usage. “This isn’t about preventing all accidents,” said Buckman. “It’s just reducing the level to an acceptable level, where hopefully there wouldn’t be any accidents. The current environment is just an accident waiting to happen.” “I believe a school zone would bring our attention to slowing down and bring our thoughts to the safety of our children,” added French. “A school zone could also decrease the use of cell phones which would help drivers maintain focus on the road and pedestrians. I appreciate the focus on safety and our children, it does reflect the caring spirit of our community.” Daniel Island resident Andrea Kelly has also been a longtime advocate for traffic safety in and around the school. Her passion for the issue was sparked in part by an accident in 2014 involving a boy who was hit by a car while riding a skateboard The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 through the intersection of Pierce Street and Barfield Street. She encouraged all drivers to use common sense when parking and or driving in an area where young children are traversing. “Just because something is legal, doesn’t mean it is safe or courteous,” she said. “Stop and ask yourself if your convenience is worth another person’s safety.” Kelly said there are a number of ways residents can voluntarily assist in keeping all community members safer, including parking in your driveways as much as possible and avoiding parking along blind curves on streets or adjacent to intersections and crosswalks. She also suggested that if parking is allowed on both sides of a street, drivers should not park directly across from another parked car. “And remember, if a car is parked in your lane and two cars can’t pass safely at the same time, you must pull over and yield to the oncoming car,” Kelly added. Buckman said a road study was supposed to have been initiated by the City of Charleston last year and was intended to provide data on whether the current infrastructure is meeting the community’s needs. When The Daniel Island News contacted the city to inquire about the study, Communications Director Jack O’Toole reached out to Traffic and Transportation Director Hernan Pena to find out the status of the effort. “There was some talk of a study, but one was never initiated,” said O’Toole, referencing his conversation with Pena. “However, after reviewing the situation, Mr. Pena thinks a study would be a sensible thing to do and he plans to conduct one over next two to three weeks.” O’Toole said the results of the study would be made available to the public within 30 days. Pena also noted that he found the idea of putting “yield to pedestrian” signs inside crosswalks an interesting one, and one that had not been suggested to him before. According to O’Toole, Pena promised to look into it further. In the meantime, Buckman is putting together a group of parents and other community members to advance the discussion on traffic safety. Anyone interested in joining the committee, or sharing expertise, is asked to send an email to Buckman at The topic is also scheduled to be addressed at the February 2 meeting of the Daniel Island Neighborhood Association. She hoped the community would get engaged in any and all opportunities to draw attention to the issue. “We need people to turn out,” she said. “When nobody turns out that inadvertently communicates you don’t care…To make a positive change, it’s going to take a significant community effort to push action through.” February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News island news 11 Will SPA use Clements Ferry Road to transport truckloads of dirt? ELIZABETH BUSH What’s the scoop on the dirt? That was a question many Clements Ferry Road residents were undoubtedly asking last week after Berkeley County Councilman Josh Whitley alerted his constituents via a Facebook message that the State Ports Authority may be planning to transport hundreds of truckloads of dirt down the busy roadway every day. “They plan to do this ‘for a long time,’” wrote Whitley in his post. “Our road simply cannot handle this type of traffic- particularly now and especially during construction and when the schools open. This is not within my power to stop, but I can promise you I plan to wave the flag on your behalf… Needless to say, this has our full attention, and I want you to know that I will be right beside you asking the Ports Authority to consider any and all other options.” Whitley stated that the dirt could be ics mentioned by Whitley, Dhand stated that she could not confirm additional details Berkeley County Councilman Josh Whitley alerted his at this time. “I have given you all the information constituents via a Facebook message that the State Ports that is firm, all of the details that are in place and are known at this point,” she Authority may be planning to transport hundreds of said. “Any specifics beyond what we’ve already said is too early in the process (to truckloads of dirt down the busy roadway every day. provide).” Whitley further wrote in his Facebook transported from Awendaw to Clements bring materials down Clements Ferry Road posting that he did not think the SPA was Ferry Road, where it would be barged to the from other locations. making a “malicious decision” in utilizing SPA’s new terminal in North Charleston. “Some of the material would be mined Clements Ferry Road, but he hoped they When The Daniel Island News reached out from our property on Clements Ferry would consider the impact their actions to the SPA to inquire about the transport, Road,” stated Dhand. “We’re evaluating could have on an already overburdened Corporate Communications and Commuall sources of additional fill material to thoroughfare. nity Affairs Manager Erin Dhand reported minimize the potential for traffic impacts to “I’m a fan of our port and we want to be that the SPA did have plans to mine dirt the Clements Ferry area, but a source hasn’t a good neighbor,” he said. “But I hope they from its property on Clements Ferry Road, been selected yet.” also want to be a good neighbor to us. This near a dirt pit owned by O.L. Thompson Dhand said the dirt transport from the road right now is one of the worst in the Construction, and then barge it directly Clements Ferry Road site to the terminal state and we’ve got to figure out if there is over to the new terminal. But she said the would take place for about two years, start- another option.” SPA has no definitive plans as of yet to ing in the Spring of 2017. As to the specif- Advertise in The Daniel Island News. Call 843-856-1999. G EW N N TI S LI CALL US TODAY AND LEARN HOW OUR EXPERTS CAN HELP YOU SELL YOUR HOME OR FIND THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS. We are also Daniel Island’s Leading Property Management Company – see our rental listings in the classifieds section. 843-278-1600 Search the entire mls at: 74 Woodford St……...................................................................................................$1,049,500 Daniel Island Park, 5BD/4 full bath & 2 half bath, Frog 4,446sf. Study, open floor plan, mstr. on 1st. Fml Dining, Butlers Pantry, Steam Shower, Island Kitchen, Scrn Porch, Fenced Yard. Debbie Wall-Smith, 843-345-1095 4 Parrothead Ln…….....................................................................................................$995,000 Downtown on Ashley River, Community Dock, River & Marsh View, 5br,4.5ba,Elevator, Mother in law suite, Look-out Tower, Formal Dng, Lvg, Fam Rm, Island Kit,Scrn Pch,Fenced Yd. Debbie Wall-Smith, 843-345-1095 EXPERTS IN G EWIN N T S LI • First time home buyers • Commercial Property • Relocation • Vacant Land • Second Homes • Property Management • Investment Properties Debbie Wall-Smith BIC, Realtor Ashly Moran Realtor Steve Smith Broker Daniel Island Residents serving Daniel Island over 12 years. Mark Reardon Roberta Hanneman Ken Hanneman Realtor Realtor Realtor Amy Isom Realtor 706 Cunningham St. ...............................................$899,500 Grace Edwards DI Park, 4 br/4 ba, 3230 sqft. JD Smith Custom Home, low Realtor main., Island Kitchen, Full Front Porch, Mstr. Suite on 1st. Large We’re Hiring Agents. For Interview call Debbie at 843-345-1095. private 2nd & 3rd bedrooms each w/private bathrooms! Debbie Wall-Smith, 843-345-1095 1604 Marsh Harbor..................................................$425,000 0.07 acres. Short walk to Sullivans Island. View of “Light House”! Toler’s Cove a water front gated community! Build Your Custom Home! Marsh & intercoastal views! Roberta Hanneman, 843-270-9524 1018 Basildon Rd....................................................$225,000 PARK WEST 2br, 2ba, 1274sf, Elevator, Mint Condition, Stainless Steel Appls, Maple Cabinets, Corian, Dining Room, Lrg Bedrooms, Scrn Porch, Move in Ready! Roberta Hanneman, 843-270-9524 12 BUSINESS news The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 Starting the new year with a thud! Proceeds Benefit Stephanie W. Mackara, J.D. Charleston Investment Advisors Volvo Cars Stadium 3–7 p.m. —Formerly Family CirCle TenniS STadium— Featuring Live Music & Kids Zone For tickets visit Like many of you, I have read lots of stock market headlines and articles over the past few weeks ranging from the extreme to the outrageous. Most focus narrowly on one issue or another: China, Oil, the Middle East, etc. and all without a meaningful discussion on what it all means to our long term investing success. Now is also not a time to sugar coat - no matter the headlines, this is a very difficult time in the markets because of the uncertainty that exist globally. In fact stocks have had the worst start to any new year ever! Instead of reacting to the headlines, it is important to focus on the things you can control and central to your thinking should be asking yourself “What does this mean for me and what should I be doing?” First, make sure you have a plan. And by a plan I don’t mean an exit strategy or putting all of your money in gold. I am referring to both an investment plan and an income plan. Understand your investment portfolios as well as your spending and savings goals. These plans should be designed specifically to help meet your goals, taking into account your probability of meeting those goals based on scenarios like we are experiencing in 2016, and several others, both for the better and worse. It is crucial that you or your advisor do not assume an average market return, but instead factor in the markets potential down side when creating a plan. Most importantly continue to review and analyze your plan as the markets continue to evolve. Second, take a moment to really think This is a very difficult time in the markets because of the uncertainty that exist globally. about your risk capacity and risk tolerance. Your risk tolerance is the amount of risk you are comfortable taking—this is an intangible number that often doesn’t have real meaning until there is a down turn… understand the possible downside that your portfolio may assume, and make sure you can live through it. Is your number -10%, 20% or 40%? Get comfortable with this number. Your risk capacity is the level of risk you must take in order to meet your goals…for some this means taking more risk, for others it is less—but it is always unique to you. A down market is the best time to test your risk tolerance. Lastly, turn off the TV and the noise. Hire a financial advisor who will assume this burden for you. Find an advisor who is actively watching and listening to the markets and evaluating their clients’ portfolios and plans: you shouldn’t have to ride this roller coaster alone! The information herein is general in nature and should not be considered insurance, legal or tax advice. Please consult with an insurance, legal or tax professional for additional information. Charleston Investment Advisors is part of The Wealth Management Alliance LLC, a registered investment adviser. TW 15016 (11/17). Be PART of the group... Nobody wants to feel left out of the conversation, but hearing loss can make you feel like you’re in a fog. Supporting Sponsors Don’t decline any invitations to spend time with your friends and loved ones. Address your hearing loss and stay connected to those you care about! Call Daniel Island Hearing Center today, 843-971-4199. not APART from the group. MS043520 899 Island Park Drive, Suite 200A Daniel Island, SC 29492 February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News You’re Invited to the INTERGENERATIONAL FORUM What: A public forum of 5 high school seniors and 5 senior citizens will discuss their perspectives on crucial matters facing humanity, our nation, and the world today. Date: February 23, 2016 Time: 7 pm Where: Bishop England High School Performing Arts Center Prize: $1000 Grant to the student who gives the most well-presented issue and solution Free to attend. Open to the Public. No reservation required. For more information: Contact Event Coordinator Fred Danziger at 516-524-2208 or Sponsored by 13 14 business news Business briefs The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 Steve Gudzunas joins the Prestige Real Estate Group 20%- 50% off All Winter Merchandise • Patagonia • The North Face • Toad and Co. • Kuhl Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-6:30pm • Sat 10-6pm • Mountain Khaki • Sorel Boots • Bogs • And more! Visit us in Belle Hall 608D Long Point Rd. | Mt. Pleasant 843.849.3482 Brazilian Cleaning Team We don’t just say we do it. We do it, and we do it right! Serving Mt. Pleasant, Daniel Island and the Islands since 2003 Professional Cleaning Service Insured & Bonded • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly • One Time • Make-ready • Power Washing • Painting • Hardwood Floors Maids and more. Handyman services available. Call Marcos at 704-361-8491 Call Luciana at 704-220-8857 Steve Gudzunas has joined the Prestige Real Estate Group as a realtor. Steve has a real estate license in Connecticut where he worked for William Raveis Real Estate, Steve Gudzunas one of the largest privately held real estate brokerage firms in the Northeast. Steve represented his clients in the greater Hartford area and on the Connecticut shoreline where he and his family spent their summers. Prior to starting his real estate career, Steve was the Chief Operating officer of The Hartford Technology Services Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hartford Insurance Company. Steve’ s commitment to customer satisfaction provided strong results for the company, which also was a major factor in his success as a realtor in the highly competitive Connecticut real estate market. Steve also managed the IT Division of the Hartford Insurance Company, having spent time in Europe and the Pacific Rim. Sue Skelton Campbell, the broker in charge of the Prestige Real Estate Group said “Steve’s corporate experience and his real estate success in Connecticut make him a welcome addition to our firm. His enthusiasm for the lowcountry lifestyle will benefit his clients locally and those that choose to relocate to Charleston.” “I am proud to be part of the Prestige Real Estate Group. It was an easy to decision to make given the company’s outstanding reputation for best-in-class service and professionalism. I value the integrity with which the company operates,” said Steve. Steve lives on Daniel Island with his wife Donna and daughter Ava. The entire family enjoys the rich lifestyle the island provides. CMIT Solutions of Charleston Achieves National Honor CMIT Solutions of Charleston, the region’s leading information technology solutions and services provider for the small and medium-sized business community, has earned a top national honor. For the month of January, the company presented Daniel Island resident Amy Justis, President of CMIT Solutions of Charleston, with the coveted “Franchisee of the Month” award. “With each new year in business, Amy has continued to impress us,” said Jeff Connally, president and CEO of Austin, Texas-based CMIT Solutions. “Her level of commitment to supporting Charleston’s small and medium-sized business community sets an example for our entire franchise system. We are honored to recognize her team for all of the progress they have made in the past month.” Justis has led CMIT Solutions of Charleston to the top of the CMIT Solutions franchise system in nearly every category the company tracks to determine the award winner, including client satisfaction, client retention, revenue growth, and the number of client devices managed. In addition to being named the January 2016 “Franchisee of the Month,” Justis was also named the October 2014 “Franchisee of the Month” and the 2014 “Rookie of the Year.” “It has been a total team effort,” added Justis. “Without the support of my talented team of technicians, we wouldn’t be where we are today. The recognition serves as a testament to our hard work and determination. We look forward to continue making a difference for our clients in the months and years to come.” CMIT Solutions’ services help companies keep their strategic IT goals in focus by ensuring their computer systems are running, their data is protected, their network is secure, and, most importantly, their employees are productive. As a result, business owners benefit from increased efficiency, strategic information technology advice, and the ability to implement technology changes to improve their competitive posture. CMIT Solutions’ franchise offices are independently owned and operated. Unlike most local IT consultants, CMIT Solutions has established cost-saving relationships with well-known technology partners including Dell, Microsoft, and Intuit. Plus, being part of a national franchise offers the opportunity to tap into a large consulting network of knowledgeable business owners and corporate support staff. For more information about CMIT Solutions of Charleston and its services, visit, email or call 843-501-9908 x 101. February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News On The Brink and Out the Door: How Employers Can Build a Culture that Matters management moment sibilities may vary it is important that each person see the value of his or her role. Job titles and duties may vary but everyone brings talent and skills needed for success. Building a culture that matters begins you bring people together, Doug Dickerson not when you keep them apart. Embrace change On The Brink and Out the Door: How EmBuilding a culture that matters can only ployers Can Build a Culture that Matters happen in an environment where change is alPeople don’t quit companies, they quit lousy lowed. The way things were done twenty years bosses. – Jimmy Collins ago may have served you well at the time but I was in the car not long ago listening to an how is it working now? Employee engagement episode of the Dave Ramsey Show (http://bit. is essential to your success and creative options ly/NfZIDm) when a caller was describing to exist today on levels that were not present a Dave how her husband was ready to quit his decade or two ago. Many an organization have six-figure income because of a toxic work envi- lost their competitive edge simply because they ronment that had pushed him to the brink. were not ahead the curve as it relates to change. I couldn’t help but wonder how a person in Don’t let your inability to change be the reason such a financially secure position could walk your best and brightest flee. away from it due to deplorable working condiBe willing to prune tions. Unfortunately, it’s a wide spread problem The truth is, some people are never happy for far too many people. unless they are unhappy. They are chronic A Benefits Pro article ( complainers and whiners. They have bad atreveals some of the top reasons why many in titudes and are the laggards on every decision the workplace are ready to bolt. Among the to move forward. For them the glass is always top reasons are: Low pay, awful commute, half empty and they are always finding fault unreasonable workload, annoying co-workers, along with sowing seeds of strife. The old saypoor work/life balance, lack of opportunity for ing goes, “What you tolerate, you promote.” In advancement, the boss, and layoff/firing fear, to order to build a culture that matters in which name a few. everyone can thrive and reach their potential If you were to give yourself an honest assess- you must accept the reality that not everyone ment of your present circumstance would you can or should take the journey with you. Let find yourself in the position like the lady talking them go. to Ramsey or perhaps a person described in the Give ownership article above who for whatever the reason were When your people are empowered they will ready to quit? seldom disappoint. It’s an age old principle that Perhaps you are an employer who is trying has been proven time and time again. When to make sense of poor morale and attitudes that people have ownership and the power to make reflect a disengagement that troubles you. Here decisions at the closest level to the problem are some steps you can take to begin to close they will succeed. Sometimes the best thing the gap and build a culture that matters. you can do as a leader is to get out of the way. Look in the mirror When there is a shared ownership of the misBuilding the kind of company workers sion and vision then everyone has a stake in would never dream of leaving begins by being the outcome. The key for you as a leader is to the kind of leader everyone wants to follow. If welcome your people into the process, not shut workers are ready to walk out the door making them out. six figures it likely has less to do with the comThese are but a few practical steps that if pany and more to do with the leader. Never stop implemented can start a process of closing your growing and learning as a leader and before revolving door and building the kind of culture you try to grow others, grow yourself. that you and your people can take pride in. Are Get connected you ready to get started? It was John Maxwell who said, “People don’t Doug Dickerson is an internationally recogcare how much you know until they know how nized leadership speaker, columnist, and author. much you care.” Unless you get this right, your A Lowcountry resident, Doug is available to organization will be a revolving door of talent speak for your civic, business, or church group. who can and will go elsewhere. Building your To learn more visit Dougdickerson.wordpress. company begins by building relationships. com. When your people mean more to you than Doug Dickerson is an internationally recogyour profits you will never have to worry about nized leadership speaker, columnist, and author. people walking out the door. A Lowcountry resident, Doug is available to Build bridges speak for your civic, business, or church group. Building a culture of trust and openness TO learn more visit DougDickerson.WordPress. begins when you connect your people to one com. another. While job descriptions and respon- business news RESORT MAINTENANCE, INC. One call does it all! 881-1044 Heating and Air Conditioning Remodeling Repairs Plumbing Electrical More! 24 hour service, 7 days a week 1326-A Ben Sawyer Blvd. Mt. Pleasant, SC Locally owned by Kevin and Julie Colson Licensed, bonded and insured. Computer problems all have the same solution! Amy Justis, President Daniel Island Resident Announcing our newly expanded Antique and Estate Department one hundred years 308 King Street 843.723.3594 15 16 Powered feature The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 by the sun! In the wake of recent renewable energy legislation, solar power is stretching across South Carolina. S Jennifer Johnston till doubting that an intergalactic takeover is imminent? Recently overheard at a local Starbucks (no pun intended): “You bought your own solar system? Oh, we decided to lease ours, you know, as a way to avoid exposure to alien holder.” Hang on. We just said that out loud. A lienholder. Okay, and maybe it was a discussion about solar energy procurement, not an extraterrestrial coup. Makes sense, in light of an observable movement toward renewably-resourced power in recent months. Solar finally gets the green light In summer of 2014, Governor Nikki Haley signed a bill loosening restrictions on solar energy after it overwhelmingly passed the state legislature that spring. Prior to the compromise the bill sought, renewable energy advocates and solar companies had been in contention with the state’s profit-protective power companies. Beyond going green, the legislation was aimed at helping the state attract international businesses, lowering energy costs for homeowners, and catching up with the efforts of more solar-powered neighbors Georgia and North Carolina. The new law also allowed for the first time solar energy leasing, a means to make affordable to homeowners the relatively expensive panels (and without being regulated as a utility). In March 2015, the South Carolina Public Service Commission approved a settlement agreement on what is termed net energy metering (NEM). Customers with solar energy systems installed before the end of 2020 will earn full retail value bill credit for each “surplus” kilowatt-hour that goes to the power company’s utility grid. The act also required that leased systems only serve one customer and one location, prohibiting the sale of electricity to third parties. Photovoltaics 101 Here’s the brief science behind it all: Solar electric panels capture light from the sun and convert it to clean power when photons of light are absorbed and electrons are released. Each panel is made by combining many solar cells together, and then panels are configured together to create a solar electric system or SC Energy Office Danie warm solar Daniel Island Par 2015. Neighbors that are visible fr solar array. As an alternative form of energy, solar power does not c toxic waste like that produced by nuclear power plants or a pollution like that generated at coal plants. A solar electric can reduce literally tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates the average A can home emits nearly 11 metric tons of carbon dioxide pe due to energy usage. In modern application, a typical solar electric system con of solar panels and an inverter, though some systems may a include a battery and charge controller. And each system fa into one of three categories: grid-connected, grid-connecte battery backup, and off-grid (stand-alone). A grid-connected system’s solar panels are linked to a lo utility’s electrical grid to complement normal power supply the utility company. An inverter converts electricity produc the system from direct current (DC) energy to alternating c (AC) energy. The home’s breaker panel is connected to the panel wiring via a junction box, and a utility meter display much power the home produces and uses. With the addition of the battery back-up, solar panel-gen February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News A conversation with some Daniel Island solar-powered pioneers el Island ming up to SC energy trend Jennifer Johnston Daniel Island Park residents Bob and Carol Wood have had solar panels since September. They were installed by local EmPower Solutions representative Bill Cannon, a Daniel Island resident and fellow Rotarian. Though EmPower has installed hundreds of systems through the southeast U.S. and Central America, the Woods’ project was the company’s first in South Carolina. Next up for Cannon and his crew is a “high-profile” installation at the Daniel Island Club. But, first, there was the solarizing of the home of Bob and Carol Wood… Daniel Island News: Do you own your solar energy panel system, or are you leasing? How many panels are installed for your home? Bob Wood: We decided to purchase the solar panels, rather than leasing them. We have 30 panels, each rated at 250 watts, for a total system capacity of 7.5 kilowatts. Because of our roof shape, we have three different arrays on different parts of our roof. DIN: What was the process for getting the system approved by the Daniel Island Architectural Review Board (ARB)? BW: The ARB appeared to be concerned about visibility from the street and by neighbors. Our home is situated such that our southern roof exposure, which is best for solar installations, is only visible to our neighbors next door. They were very kind and wrote a letter to the ARB that stated that they did not object to our planned solar installation. After reviewing our plans and considering the letter, the ARB approved our installation. Bill Cannon rk residents Bob and Carol Wood have been enjoying solar power since fall of the Woods sent the Daniel Island ARB a letter in support of the solar panels rom their adjacent home. create air system U.S. Amerier year nsists also alls ed with ocal y from ced by current e solar ys how nerated feature 17 power stored in “battery banks” can be used during power outages in grid connected systems with this enhancement. An emergency breaker box is added to the system, as well as a charge controller to prevent overcharging the battery. Most common in remote areas, off-grid or stand-alone systems are not tied to utility power lines. Batteries store unused solar energy for use at night, and generators are sometimes used as backup power. Up on the roof… Solar panels are assigned a rating in watts based on the maximum power they can produce under optimal sun and temperature conditions. This rated output, along with roof orientation/tilt and system efficiency, is used to estimate the number of panels needed to meet electrical needs. A residential solar energy system will generally require 75 to 100 square feet of unshaded roof space for every kilowatt of electricity produced. South-facing roof space is ideal, though southeast- or southwest-facing space can often be accommodated. The typical lifespan of a solar electric system is 30 years, and a full return on the system investment – after state and federal tax See powered by the sun on PAGE 18 DIN: Are you still on SCE&G’s grid? Do you participate in “net metering?” BW: We are still on SCE&G’s grid. We considered adding battery storage to provide electricity at night or on cloudy days, but Bill Cannon advised against it at this time. Storage technology is improving rapidly, and it may make more sense to wait a few more years. Also, we do have net metering, which guarantees that, for the next ten years, SCE&G will buy back the solar power that we generate at the same rate that they sell it to us, currently about 13.9 cents/kilowatt-hour. Thus, storage really wouldn’t gain us anything, despite a fairly large outlay. Also, a new incentive program provides that SCE&G will pay us an additional four cents/kilowatt-hour for the power we generate. To take advantage of this new program, we had to install a second meter, which we completed in November. DIN: What kind of cost savings have you observed so far? BW: We have definitely noticed significant savings. Our last electric bill for December was $11. (This does not include the charge for natural gas.) For the last three months we have averaged about $130 per month in savings when compared to the previous five-year average per month. Of course, I’ll have a better idea when we see our bills in the summer, when we have the longest exposure to sunlight. With state and federal tax incentives, it appears at this point that our payback period will be about eight years. However, we may be underestimating the benefit, since we haven’t seen what our solar production will be in the summer yet. DIN: Would you say the transition to solar was fairly seamless? Any glitches encountered so far? BW: Bill (Cannon) used an installation team from North Carolina, and they were thoroughly professional and did a very neat job. We were concerned how our roofs would do after the torrential rains last fall. Despite the need to penetrate the roofs to anchor the solar panels, our attics remained bone dry. For more information about solar energy systems from EmPower, contact An “array” of options: to own or lease your solar panel system? 18 feature The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 due to the orientation of the roof relative to sun exposure. She also states that the ARB From powered by the sun on PAGE 17 strongly prefers that the solar panels and their frames blend in with the roof color as much credits are applied - is estimated at the nine or or 50% of tax liability, whichever is less. as possible, and requires that all wiring for ten year mark. the panels be internal. Panels popping up on A handful of permits and special requireChris Selverian, sales manager with Vivint Daniel Island ments must be obtained and met prior to Solar, confirms that the ARB is approving apIn South Carolina, homeowners associaoperation of a new solar electrical system. plications for solar projects on Daniel Island tions are permitted to restrict the placement Most installers will assist with this process, on a case-by-case basis. Vivint is a leasewhich includes a utility onsite inspection, net of solar panels. Jane Baker, Vice President only outfit, offering a 20-year contract with energy metering application and interconnec- of Community Services for the Daniel Island customers. Property Owners Association, says that she is tion agreement, certificate of insurance, and “We are a solar energy company, not a encouraged by the nationwide trend of renew- solar panel company,” Selverian clarifies. city/county inspection. able energy solutions being incorporated in Professional, licensed installers will also A resident of the island himself, he’s new construction. Baker states that in 2015, help file the appropriate paperwork for tax already met with dozens of fellow islanders the Daniel Island Architectural Review Board to discuss the conversion process, concredits and rebates. The North American (ARB) received two applications for solar Board of Certified Energy Practitioners is a duct surveys, and initiate applications. The good resource for certified solar electric con- panel systems on new homes and six modiprofessional installation of the panel system fications to outfit existing homes (see one of tractors. The average length of time it takes is provided free of charge by Vivint Solar, these new systems detailed in separate article with customers then paying a predetermined to install a complete residential solar energy on page 17). This is compared to one request monthly rate to produced a guaranteed level system is about three months. the previous year. Solar electric systems cost on average $3 of electrical power for the household’s needs “While we are supportive of alternative to $5 per watt installed; the cost per watt typibased on two-year historical averages. energy solutions,” she explains, “we seek cally goes down as the size of the system inIsland residents Dan and Claudia Dion creases. South Carolinians can take advantage to balance these solutions with the aeshad the first ARB-approved solar hot water of tax credits for the purchase and installation thetic expectations as set forth in our Design system on the island, installed in December Guidelines.” Baker clarifies that, although of a solar electric system. The 30% federal 2011. A hybrid system using a passive solar tax credit, which is limited to taxable income, the Daniel Island ARB strongly prefers for tank and panel along with an electric heat solar panels on roofs to be placed in a manner pump, their setup has operated as expected, is available through the end of 2016. The that renders them “invisible” from any public though Dion concedes the energy savings state residential tax credit for solar electric right of way, the ARB does understand that, systems stands at 25% indefinitely, with a has been hard to quantify, since the following in some instances, this may not be possible maximum of $3,500 per year up to ten years year they had a new high efficiency heating and air conditioning system installed. “While our electric usage is down, it is hard to say if it is largely due to the solar hot water heater, the new HVAC system, or global warming,” Dion states. “I can say that the electric component (of the water heater) seldom comes on from early April through September, so heating water costs virtually nothing for those months.” It would not be surprising to see an increase in commercial use of the renewable energy in the months and years ahead as well. A solar energy system has been helping to power the Charleston Battery’s professional soccer home for nearly eight years. Battery president Andrew Bell tells us that MUSC Health Stadium’s 11-kilowatt array system, installed in early 2008, generates power used to offset the overall facility electrical usage. The future of this renewable energy is only getting brighter. Solar cells are already fueling all satellites in space, powering the world’s communications products. It seems as a viable replacement for less green sources, solar is the real deal. So, trust us, when the guy in front of you at the Kangaroo check-out line says he’s going to destroy that Milky Way, simmer down. He’s just really looking forward to his midday sugar fix. Learn more about residential solar opportunities at or southerncurrentllc. com. Solar finally gets the green light in SC New Student Registration Now Being Accepted February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News sports Hanahan track team looks strong despite some coach and player departures PHILIP M. BOWMAN There was something new, something missing when the Hanahan boys’ track and field team began practice this week in preparation for the 2016 season. But the team’s goal remains the same: capture yet another state championship. The something new is coach David Morbitzer, who replaces David Pratt as the main man. Morbitzer, who coached the girls’ team to a state title in 2011 and also served as an assistant for the boys’ squad, has his work cut out for him. Pratt led the Hawks to state titles the past two springs and three in the past five years. The something missing is sprinter Samuel Denmark, arguably one of the top two or three sprinters in the state. He was the main force for the Hawks last year, winning gold medals in the 100- and 200-dashes at the state championships. He will play wide receiver for Virginia Tech and enrolled at the Blacksburg, Va. school in time for spring semester so he can participate in the Hokies’ spring practice. A pair of muscular football players will allow the Hawks to shine in the field events this spring: Dominique Green and Tre Smalls. at the state meet in what was one of the most dominant performances in some while. The Hawks won the title, Hilton Head was second and Beaufort third. All three teams are members of Region 8-AAA, the best track and field region in the state. Denmark has departed, but sophomore Quincy Mitchell and senior Dyrell Kinloch have potential to shine. Mitchell was Despite the talent loss, Morbitzer, a Cita- who live in New York and Alabama. I am a bronze medalist the 100- and 200-meter still teaching and coaching football.” del grad, feels the Hawks can contend for dashes and was a member of the winning Morbitzer said working with Pratt was yet another state title. 4x100-meter relay team. Kinloch also was like continuing education. He knows the “We have a solid foundation,” said a member of the 400 relay team and ran a sport, but learned the nuances under Pratt. Morbitzer, who is in his seventh year at led on the 4x800-meter relay team, which “Coach Pratt was a great mentor,” MorHanahan. “Losing Denmark is significant. captured a silver medal at the state meet, But we still have plenty of talent to be there. bitzer said. “He’s probably the best person A pair of muscular football players will you could look up to as far as taking over a I’m just going to try to build upon that and program like this. I am honored to be named allow the Hawks to shine in the field events see if we can bring home some more state coach, especially after the recent success we this spring: Dominique Green and Tre titles.” Smalls. Green won the gold in the discus have had.” Pratt, who led teams to eight state titles, and Smalls was second. Both could also be The Hawks won state titles in 2011, ’14 including five at Woodruff High, will reforces in the shot put. and ’15. They finished second in 2010 and main at Hanahan. “You don’t replace an athlete like Den’12, so they have proved to be one of the “I gave up coaching track to spend more mark,” Morbitzer said. But, we have some best programs in the second decade of the time with my family,” Pratt said. “I have a good pieces,” Morbitzer said. “We’ll be a mom and dad who are in their 90s who live 2000s. very well-rounded team.” Last spring, Hanahan rolled up 97 points in Alabama, and I have kids and grandkids Advertise in The Daniel Island News. Call 843-856-1999 NEW TO THE MARKET Daniel Island Gem on Baltimore St. S-E2 PM • 4 bedrooms 3 baths U O. 6, 11 HEB F N E Y, • Detached FROG (4th bed & bath) PURDA OAT 19 S • Outdoor living space galore • Great Location to everything DI For more detailed photos, virtual tour and FLOORPLAN, please visit: Offered at $539,000 Casey Kellermann Owner/Broker-in-Charge 843-813-6480 mobile Noell Smith Owner/Agent 843-224-1828 mobile 20 outdoor life Trout bite is good despite cooler water temperature The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 You would do anything for love, and you might even do that... fishing trends GREG PERALTA This Valentine’s Day, let WB be your cupid. We’re pulling back our bow & letting the health insurance flow! Reese McFaddin Gately Bob Gately 843.856.3757 No charge for consultation WB price = Insurance Company price HEALTH • DENTAL • LIFE • DISABILITY • MEDICARE Edgewater 262CC (New Model!) My technical skiff is down for winter maintenance. However, Elliott (my son) lent me his Kenner Pro Skiff, so I did get to fish a few times this week. Cooler weather has dropped the water temperature into the 49 to 50 degree range. Typically, when the water temperature is below 50, the Trout bite slows down. Not so this week. Surprisingly, the Trout bite was quite good. Most of the fish were in 10 to 15 feet of water and the strike was very light. But they were biting! The bite was so good; I am thinking the water temperature sensor on Elliott’s boat is not reading properly. The most productive lure (by far) was a Z-Man Trout Trick (Shrimp Po Boy) on a 3/16 ounce Trout Eye jig. An exaggerated jigging retrieve seemed to produce the most strikes. Nearly all of the time, the Trout would hit the lure as it fell back to the bottom. A sensitive, light action rod really helps when fishing this lure. The Redfish bite in the shallows has cooled off a bit. Of course, it has been “stupid good” all winter. Now it’s just “very good”. The Trout Trick Shrimp Po Boy (because I did not feel like switching lures after catching Trout) worked well provided A selfie taken by Brodie (Elliott’s dog). in the shallows. Long and accurate casts (well ahead of the Redfish school) with a slow “jiggly wiggly” retrieve will often produce a strike. IMPORTANT NOTE, the Lucy Boyle Memorial Fund fishing class (at the Daniel Island Library) has been moved to March 12 from 9 a.m. - noon. The class is filling up quickly. If you would like to attend, please call (843) 224-0099 to confirm your seat. ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE, it is hard for a dog to take a good selfie. While it is an amazing trick (more like accident), photo composition is not the best! Contact Captain Greg Peralta at or call (843) 2240099. Advertise in The Daniel Island News. Call 843-856-1999. Stronger, Safer, Better 2650 Clements Ferry Road | Charleston | 843.216.4700 Providing exceptional boats and exceptional service to Lowcountry boaters for the past 25 years. February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News sports 21 DIS Osprey trident basketball league PLAYERS OF THE WEEK 6th Grade Girls - Kennedy Rivers Led her team in scoring. 6th Grade Boys - Tee Skipper 7th Grade Boys - Will Finch (upper left) & Grant Lever (upper right). Both Led team in scoring and reled the team in scoring. bounds. 8th Grade Girls - The entire team. (NO PICTURE AVAILABLE) This was a team win in their 37-27 win over Mason Prep. 8th Grade Boys - Jason Albach Outstanding leadership on the court and scored 5 points. Volvo Car Open Tennis Tournament: Volunteers and Ball Crew needed The Volvo Car Open is currently seeking 300 plus volunteers and 200 Ball Crew Members. Do you want to get involved? It’s easy! This year’s tournament is set for April 2-10, 2016. Experience the world’s largest women’s tennis tournament from behindthe-scenes. Applications are available at the Family Circle Cup pro shop and online at email Jo.Cooper@ or call 843-849-5309 For the volunteer application: http://www. For the Ball Crew application: http:// ElEgant lowcountry homE locatEd in Smythe park 2544 Gatewood Street - $949,900 4 Bedrooms • 3 Full and 1 Half Bath • 3,722 sq. ft. Directly Across From Park • Finished 3 rd Floor with Kitchenette Saltwater Pool • Firepit • Owner’s Suite With Private Veranda Brian Connolly 843.971.3498 (o) 843.367.6993 (c) 22 sports Rona Bobey is too good! Make your Super Bowl picks at https://www. Pig Skin Pick-’em Challenge Achieving what’s most important begins with advice you can trust This week’s winner of The Daniel Island News Pig Skin Pick-‘Em Challenge is Rona Bobey. She is a multiple time winner! In fact, this week she not only beat our weekly sponsor, 843 Health Marketplace, but she beat every other entrant as well as every other sponsor (she did tie our sportswriter, Phil Bowman). Rona wins a The Up Move by Jawbone with a wrist band. Steve Meyer & Jeff Burton UBS 155-70 Ballot: For the week of February 5, 2016 Call island residents Steve Meyer and Jeff Burton 843-849-1180 900 Island Park Drive, Suite 201, Daniel Island, SC 29492 Professional - Sunday, Feb. 7 Denver vs Carolina Over/Under 45.5: Over Leading Rusher: Stewart Leading Passer: Newton Leading Receiver: Brown This is week 21 of our contest, Super Bowl week. Make your picks for a chance to beat Cara Schaafsma and a chance to win a gift card to a local restaurant. Each week from the beginning of the pro season until the Super Bowl, readers were given the opportunity to “Beat the Sponsor” and to win great prizes. Type in the link above for a chance to enter your Super Bowl picks. Clyde Hiers’ dog, Helen Girly Brown 145-80 Ballot: For the week of February 5, 2016 Professional - Sunday, Feb. 7 Denver vs Carolina Over/Under 45.5: Over Leading Rusher: Newton Leading Passer: Manning Leading Receiver: Olsen The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 To be eligible to win, you must select your entries online by noon on Saturday. There is no cost to enter. If you’d like to be added to our eblast, please send your email address to Each week, we also include a running win-loss record for each of our sponsors. The paper will donate $500 to the charity of choice of the sponsor who has the best overall win-loss record at the end of the season. This week, the sponsor rankings had a slight mix up. UBS widened its lead and Clyde Hiers’ dog Helen Girly Brown moved in to second place. This coming week, with Dave Williams 843 Health Marketplace 144-81 Ballot: For the week of February 5, 2016 Professional - Sunday, Feb. 7 Denver vs Carolina Over/Under 45.5: Over Leading Rusher: Stewart Leading Passer: Newton Leading Receiver: Brown the inclusion of leading rushing, passer and the over/under, there are more opportunities for movement within the rankings. First place - Steve Meyer/Jeff Burton of UBS (155-70); second place - Helen Girl Brown (145-80); third place - Dave Williams of 843 Health Marketplace (144-81); tie for fourth place - Tony Pope State Farm and Phil Bowman, sportswriter for The Daniel Island News (134-91); sixth place - Dr. Estes of Southern Orthopedics (133-92); seventh place – the employees of the Daniel Island Grille (127-98); and eighth place - Cara Schaafsma of Irongate Realty (122-103). Tony Pope State Farm 134-91 Ballot: For the week of February 5, 2016 Professional - Sunday, Feb. 7 Denver vs Carolina Over/Under 45.5: Over Leading Rusher: Stewart Leading Passer: Newton Leading Receiver: Ginn PA N G T O H E R S ! Cara Schaafsma 843-345-3612 New Lot Release in March! The lots are being sold by the Daniel Island developer and their Agents. Let ME represent YOU as your buyer’s agent. To play this week, go to Send your advertising or news inquiries to: sdetar@ Or call 843.856.1999 CLYDE L. HIERS, CPA, CFP, MAFF, M. S. (Tax) • Certified Public Accountant • Certified Financial Planner • Master Analyst in Financial Forensics • Master of Federal Taxation 225 Seven Farms Drive, Suite 202 Daniel Island, SC 29492-8353 (843) 471-1501 Fax: (843) 849-3493 Cell: (843) 475-0991 February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News 23 b e at c ara s c h aafs m a for a chance to win a $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO A LOCAL RESTAURANT Cara Schaafsma Phil Bowman The Daniel Island News 134-91 Ballot: William J. Estes, MD Southern Orthopedics 133-92 Bobby Miracle Daniel Island Grille 127-98 Cara Schaafsma Iron Gate Realty 122-103 Ballot: Ballot: Ballot: For the week of February 5, 2016 For the week of February 5, 2016 For the week of February 5, 2016 For the week of February 5, 2016 Professional - Sunday, Feb. 7 Denver vs Carolina Over/Under 45.5: Over Leading Rusher: Stewart Leading Passer: Newton Leading Receiver: Ginn Professional - Sunday, Feb. 7 Denver vs Carolina Over/Under 45.5: Over Leading Rusher: Stewart Leading Passer: Newton Leading Receiver: Olsen Professional - Sunday, Feb. 7 Denver vs Carolina Over/Under 45.5: Over Leading Rusher: Anderson Leading Passer: Manning Leading Receiver: Olsen Professional - Sunday, Feb. 7 Denver vs Carolina Over/Under 45.5: Over Leading Rusher: Stewart Leading Passer: Newton Leading Receiver: Ginn Pig Skin Pick-’em Challenge 851 Leonard Fulghum Boulevard Suite 101 Mount Pleasant 843.971.9350 If you’d like to be added to our eblast, please send your email address to Daniel Island Grille & DIG in the Park • Salads • Burgers • Sandwiches • Wings • Wraps are Charleston’s home for high definition sports & high spirits. With over 24 big screens, indoor & outdoor bars, there’s not a bad seat in the house. 259 Seven Farms Dr. Daniel Island • 843.377.8750 c Live Musi Friday Nights DRINK & FOOD SPECIALS! Happy Hour M-F (4-7p) • Karaoke - Trivia Tony Pope 843-884-3400 1049 E. Montague N. Charleston • 843.225.5201 24 SPORTS The Daniel Island News We don’t want to be the biggest pediatric dental practice in Charleston, just the best! The Dr. Randy staff working as Ghostbusters for the day! Does your pediatric dentist offer the following? •“EZPedo”Zirconia (tooth colored crowns) for primary teeth •Waterlasedentallaser, using less drilling and fewer injections •Oralsedation •DigitalX-rays At Dr. Randy’s office, you will see a board certified pediatric dentist in our office for every visit. Always! 757 Long Point Rd • Mt. Pleasant 843.971.6221 Feeling Depressed with • LACK OF INTEREST • NOT SLEEPING WELL • FEELING TIRED • UNABLE TO FOCUS • EATING TOO MUCH OR NOT EATING IN SUBJECTS 18-75 YEARS OLD Depression Research Study of a new investigational medication. Participants receive at no cost study medication for depression and psychiatric and medical evaluation and follow up by Dr. Brawman-Mintzer. For More Information Call (843)724-2945 (All inquiries confidential and compensation for time and travel provided) ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 Hanahan and Bishop England athletes announce their college plans PHILIP M. BOWMAN National Signing Day was celebrated across the country on Wednesday, an event celebrated all over the country as star athletes announced their college matriculation plans. Hanahan and Bishop England both were well represented on the day with athletes in numerous sports taking part in celebrations at both schools. Hanahan High School The marquee athlete, Hanahan’s Samuel Denmark, already enrolled at school in time for spring practice. The two-sport star officially signed with Virginia Tech although he’s been taking classes at the Blacksburg, Va. School. He is one of the Hawks’ greatest athletes, winning state championships in track while shining on the gridiron. Still, the Hawks had plenty of student-athletes on hand for the signing celebration. Logan Bryant is the first athlete at Hanahan High to earn a scholarship in lacrosse. He signed with North Greenville. Cross country and track and field standout Grace Young signed with Columbia College. Defensive football and track and field standout Dominique Green signed with Lenoir Rhyne. Tre Smalls, another defensive star on the football team and a track standout, was still deciding on either North Carolina A&T or The Citadel. Softball star Hallee Lizzi signed with USC Sumter. In baseball, pitcher Malcolm VanBuren signed with North Carolina State while teammate Parker Futrell inked with Charleston Southern. Van Buren has had success at all levels. “He’s got huge hands, huge feet and is only going to get bigger and stronger,” Hanahan coach Brian Mitchell said. “He’s a great baseball player, a great student and a great person. He comes from a great family. But the thing that impresses me most about him is his work ethic. His work ethic is outstanding. He’s just one of these guys who never quits working. He’s at the field every day doing what he needs to do to get better, whether it is running or throwing. His work ethic is outstanding.” At Hanahan, Van Buren, a right-handed pitcher helped lead the Hawks to a district final last spring with a 4-1 record and a 2.38 ERA as a junior. He pitched 32 innings and allowed just 15 hits while striking out 46. Futrell was the Hawks’ closer last spring and boasted impressive statistics, including two victories and three saves. He pitched 27 1/3 innings and tallied a 1.28 ERA and 19 strikeouts. Bishop England High School At Bishop England, four student-athletes took part in the signing ceremony: Blake Jeresaty, Nolan Coulter, Joel Bunting and Logan Leask. Jeresaty played football for the Bishops and was a four-year starter, playing on a state championship team his freshman year. He was all-state and All-Lowcountry and was selected to play in the North-South game. He signed with Wofford. The other three signees are soccer players. Coulter signed with Lehigh, Bunting signed with USC Upstate while Leask signed with Presbyterian College. Coulter played on two-time state champ SC United and was in the ODP developmental pool. He also played for the South Carolina Battery Academy. Bunting was a four-year starter for the Bishops and was a three-time captain. He helped the Bishops win the state title in 2013 and has been named all-state. Look for more information and photos in next week’s paper as the paper went to print before the actual signings took place. February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News SCHOOLS 25 DIS Elementary Spelling Bee Champs! DIS spelling champ takes second at districtwide bee, headed to regional Spellbound! A Daniel Island School 4th grader is heading to the Berkeley County School District’s top spelling competition, after winning the Daniel Island School Elementary Spelling Bee last week. Word wiz Tyler Adorno (right) captured first place at DIS. Fifth grader Sullivan Conroy (left), who also displayed some savvy skills, came in second. The District Spelling Bee will take place at Westview Middle School at 6 pm on February 25. Conroy will serve as an alternate. After taking the top spot at Daniel Island School’s 2015-16 spelling bee, eighth-grader Emily Williams claimed first runner up at the Berkeley County School District bee last week. Pictured second from left among BCSD deputy superintendent Archie Franchini and the district bee’s first and third place finishers, Williams will compete in Spellbound!, the Lowcountry’s regional spelling competition, in March. Deepwater HomeSite in DanieL iSLanD park 14 Lafar Street - $1,389,000 .62 Acres Tucked away on a quiet cul-de-sac • Picturesque views of the marsh & water • Private dock for fishing or boating angie Johnson 843.971.3522 (o) 843.810.3860 (c) 26 REAL ESTATE The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 December 2015 Real Estate Report Katherine Smith Sales were down a bit in December which is not uncommon for the holiday month. Twenty five homes sold in December. Sales equaled $19,251,741. Fifteen homes were listed as new. And in December, only two properties had price changes. Overall, in 2015, 359 homes sold. The total volume of sales for the year was $245,706,355, making sales for the year significantly higher than the previous three years. A special thanks to Renee Reinert Pote with Iron Gate Realty and Casey Kellermann with Kellermann Smith Real Estate for providing information regarding the status of real estate on Daniel Island. Renee Reinert Pote Casey Kellermann See real estate on PAGE 27 got pain? we’ve got your back! • chiropractic • massage • weight loss • dry needling • sports recovery 843-696-9131 895 Island Park Dr. Ste A • Daniel Island Troy M. Barron, DC, CSCS Kelly B. Brown, DC, CSCS February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News December 2015 Real Estate Activity From real estate on PAGE 26 1225 Blakeway Drive 1603 $212,000 SOLD 1001 Blakeway Street $548,000 SOLD 1140 Blakeway Street $535,000 SOLD 176 Brady Street $535,000 NEW 600 Bucksley Lane $120,000 NEW 4005 Crown Pointe Street $484,900 SOLD 82 Dalton Street $972,000 SOLD 120 Etiwan Park Street $540,000 SOLD 208 Furman Farm Place $1,342,182 SOLD 2450 Gatewood Street $869,000 NEW 6018 Grand Council Street $510,000 SOLD 402 Hutty Street $945,000 NEW 720 Island Park Drive 106 $1,247,000 SOLD 1201 Ithecaw Court $1,179,000 NEW 2532 Josiah Street $587,490 NEW 2536 Josiah Street $646,715 NEW 2537 Josiah Street $691,227 NEW 392 Lesesne Street $991,000 SOLD 9021 Merchant Street $479,900 NEW 9022 Merchant Street $624,900 NEW 201 N Ladd Court $650,000 SOLD 1629 Oak Leaf Drive $570,700 PRICE CHANGE 36 Pagett Street $1,050,000 NEW 135 Pier View Street 202 $529,000 NEW 145 Pier View Street 203 $385,000 SOLD 1651 Pierce Street $625,273 SOLD 2021 Pierce Street $649,900 NEW 346 Ralston Creek Street $2,800,000 SOLD 401 Ralston Creek Street $2,395,000 NEW 130 River Landing Drive 6210 $275,000 SOLD 200 River Landing Drive D301 $385,000 PRICE CHANGE 200 River Landing Drive F205 $345,000 SOLD 200 River Landing Drive H303 $318,000 SOLD 303 S Ladd Court $455,000 SOLD 179 Scott Street $475,000 SOLD 260 Seven Farms Drive 301 $259,800 NEW 206 Simmons Forge Street $1,394,000 SOLD 2631 Townsend Place $737,961 SOLD 2635 Townsend Place $675,368 SOLD 1895 Village Crossing Drive $1,045,831 SOLD 1908 Village Crossing Drive $713,226 SOLD 22 Woodford Street $975,000 SOLD “Your Daniel Island BMW Connection” Rick Hendrick BMW John Fulp Daniel Island Resident Direct Line 843.402.6596 Fax 1518 Savannah Highway Charleston, SC 29407 843.763.8489 E-mail Be sure to ask for John and mention this ad when test driving a car to receive a complimentary BMW gift. REAL ESTATE 27 28 pets The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 Adopt one of us and become our family All of the animals featured on this page are located at 2455 Remount Rd., North Charleston and are available for adoption. For more information, call 843-747-4849 or visit or or e-mail: 239 $ $2,500.00 $0.00 $239.68 $2,739.68 68* 24998* $ PER MONTH 36 MONTHS 10,000 MILES PER YEAR $2,500.00 $0.00 $249.98 $2,749.98 Down Payment GRC-12 Security Deposit SG222775 First Payment Total due at signing 19951* $ $2,500.00 $0.00 $199.51 $2,699.51 My name is Calliope and I’m a 6 month old medium female Terrier, American Staffordshire/Mix. My name is Chance and I’m a My name is Bronson and I’m a 3 year old large male Terrier, 3 year old large male Bulldog, American/Mix. Staffordshire Bull/Mix. My name is Keanna and I’m a 2 year old small female Domestic Medium Hair/Mix. My name is Daya and I’m a 10 month old small female Domestic Longhair/Mix. PER MONTH 36 MONTHS 10,000 MILES PER YEAR Down Payment GFF-13 Security Deposit SG422587 First Payment Total due at signing My name is Venus and I’m a 2 year old small female Domestic Shorthair/Mix. PER MONTH 36 MONTHS 10,000 MILES PER YEAR GJF-11 Down Payment SG006632 Security Deposit First Payment Total due at signing 8261 Rivers Ave 843 –820 – 4200 Maintain the Love - Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility. Program expires 12/31/16. Subaru, Crosstrek, Forester, Impreza, and EyeSight are registered trademarks. Pandora is a registered trademark of Pandora Media, Inc. 4EPA-estimated hwy fuel economy for 2016 Subaru Forester 2.5i CVT models. Actual mileage may vary. 5EPA-estimated why fuel economy for 2016 Subaru Impreza CVT non-Sport models. Actual mileage may vary. 6EPA-estimated hwy fuel economy for 2016 Subaru Crosstrek CVT models. Actual mileage may vary. 19Activation and required subscription sold separately. Includes one-year trial subscription. See your retailer for details. *2016 Subaru XVCrosstrek 2.0i Premium $24,974 includes $389 dealer closing fee. *2016 Subaru Forester 2.5i Premium $27,850 includes $389 dealer closing fee. *2016 Subaru Impreza 2.0i Premium $22,685 includes $389 dealer closing fee. DANIEL ISLAND COLLABORATIVE LAW CENTER Divorce issues do not always require litigation for resolution. “Know All Your Options” Pre- and Post-Divorce Matters Pre- and Post-Nuptial Agreements Cheryl A. Fletcher Attorney at Law • 843.377.8265 225 Seven Farms Drive • Suite 201 Daniel Island February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News L e t’s Have FUN 29 some fUN 30 classifieds Want to place a classified ad? It’s so EASY! Call 856-1999 CAREER TRAINING HELP WANTED DRIVERS HELP WANTED Can You Dig It? Heavy Equipment Operator Career! We Offer Training and Certifications Running Bulldozers, Backhoes and Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866362-6497. The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 SERVICES Now Hiring Class A CDL Drivers! Free Healthcare! Regional & OTR. Pay starting at 40cpm. 1yr. experience required. Call 864-649-2063 or visit EOE. AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of BONUS! Home weekly, benefits, vaca- Maintenance 866-367-2513. tion. OTR Drivers, CDL, Clean MVR, MEDICAL BILLING SKILLS IN DEMAND! 2yrs exp. J & J Farms, 808 Byron Become a Medical Office Assistant! WE Hicks Rd., Jefferson, SC. Call Glen or CAN TRAIN YOU! Online training can Ronnie: (843) 672-5003. get you job ready! HS Diploma/GED & ADVERTISE YOUR DRIVER JOBS in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.3 million readers. Call Alanna Ritchie at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377. LOST & FOUND People read classified ads. LOST & FOUND LOST CAT Lost in Codners Ferry Park. Juno should have a collar and tag. She is declawed, small, timid, and strictly an indoor cat. If found, call 843.991.5584. Home-improvement and Repairs by Paul. 20 years experience. Reasonably priced for best quality. (843) 263-3543. References upon request. LEE’S PRESSURE WASHING Biodegradeable Products 843-518-7053 AUCTIONS ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.3 million readers. Call Alanna Ritchie at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377. Dish Network – Get MORE for LESS! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months.) PLUS Bundle & SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 more/month.) CALL Now 1-800-635-0278. Attractions Sweetgrass Tours - 843.901.2828 Automotive Crews Subaru of Charleston – 843.820.4200 Rick Hendrick BMW/John Fulp – 843.402.6596 Financial Clyde L. Hiers, CPA – 843.471.1501 South Carolina Federal – 843.797.8300 UBS/Jeff Burton, Steve Meyer – 843.849.1180 Home & Office Furnishings Augustus & Carolina – 843.545.5445 HVAC Resort Maintenance – 843.881.1041 Boating Longshore Boats – 843.216.4700 Insurance 843 Benefits and Health Marketplace – 843-345-8644 State Farm/Tony Pope – 843.884.3400 Workplace Benefits/Reese McFaddin – 843.856.3757 Builders Renaissance South – 843.388.5550 Jewelry Croghan’s Jewel Box – 843.723.3594 Clothing Backpacker – 843.849.3482 Legal DI Collaborative Law/Cheryl Fletcher – 843.377.8265 Communications Daniel Island Audio Video – 843.471.2990 Martial Arts Japan Karate Institute – 843.345.0609 Computer Repair/Sales CMIT Solutions – 843.501.9908 Medical DI Hearing Center/Dr. Esse – 843.971.4199 Island Eye Care/Dr. Turner – 843.471.2733 Method Health - 843.696.9131 MUSC Psychiatry – 843.724.2945 Palmetto P.C./Drs. Spicer, Davis – 843.856.6402 Southern Orthopedic and Sports Medicine – 843-971.9350 Dentists DI Dentistry/Dr.Blalock – 843.881.4545 Dr. Randy – 843.971.6221 Education Christ Our King – 843.884.4721 Events Intergenerational Forum - 516-524-2208 Pork & Pearls – see ad Mortgage Kevin Brookes/South State Bank – 843.324.0279 Music Black Tie Music Academy – 843.860.7158 Non-profits Daniel Island Rotary Club – Trident Basketball Middle School – See ad for sponsors Windwood Farms – See Ad Real Estate/Property Management BCJ Holdings – 843.345.1563 Carnes Crossroads – 843.761.8600 Charleston Metro Home – 843.278.1600 Daniel Island Company – 843.971.3500 Daniel Island Real Estate – 843.971.7100 Hayden Jennings Properties – 843.814.8061 Hayden Jennings/Brenda Cook – 843.670.3225 Iron Gate Realty – 843.471.2064 Kellermann Smith – 843.813.6480 Prestige Realty Group – 843.259.9913 Restaurants DI Grille – 843.377.8750 Travel Vail Travel – 843.277.0400 HIGH RISK DRIVER? Stop paying too much for SR-22 or similar High-Risk Car Insurance! Call our FREE hotline today for CHEAPER coverage! CALL 844-2888190. JAN MARVIN'S ART OF JOY Struggling with DRUGS or ALCOHOL? Addicted to PILLS? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 866-6046857. Switch to DIRECTV and get a FREE Whole-Home Genie HD/DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE 3 months of HBO, SHOWTIME & STARZ. New Customers Only. Don’t settle for cable. Call Now 1-800-2916954. If you need to reach one of our advertisers, here’s a quick-reference directory. Listed are advertisers that appear in this week’s paper. Arts Black Tie Music Academy – 843.860.7158 ANNOUNCEMENTS Sell your structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You AUTOMOBILES don't have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-446WANTED - FOREIGN CARS. AUSTIN Local artist Jan Marvin creates art 9734. HEALEY, TRIUMPH, JAGUAR, that is whimsical, bright and joyful. PORSCHE, MG, ASTON MARTIN, ALFA, AT&T U-Verse Internet starting at $15/ Her beach theme art is now available OLDS CUTLASS, MOTORCYCLES, month or TV & Internet starting at on large and small tote bags! Prints AIRPLANES. Retired, buying 1930 - 1976 $49/month for 12 months with 1-year are also available. Shop online at: foreign/domestic cars/parts any condition. agreement. Call 1-800-618-2630 to Have cash & trailer. 404-234-5954. learn more. PC/Internet needed! 1-888-512-7118. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE IS NOON FRIDAY. Animals DI Animal Hospital/Dr. Flood – 843.881.7228 SERVICES At Your Service: DI resident provides sitting services for the following: children, adults, pets, and home. Phone Linda: 336.394.2216. Tuesday, February 9, 2016 is the last day to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Games: (SC770) 20X; (SC766) Red White & Blue. APPLYING FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS? Call our nationwide firm 1-800-404-5928. Win or pay nothing (Exp. Incl.) Bill Gordon & Associates. Member TX/NM Bar, 1420 N Street NW #102, Washington DC 20005. Xarelto users have you had complications due to internal bleeding (after January 2012)? If so, you MAY be due financial compensation. If you don’t have an attorney, CALL Injuryfone today! 1-800457-3949. "Like" The Daniel Island News on Facebook! P l a c e a c l a s sifie d a d & SELL YOU R STUFF! CLASSIFIED AD LINE RATES $10 - Up to 20 words 5¢ - Each word after 20 ADD ON OPTIONS $1 Bold and/or Italics (every 5 words) $5 Box stroke (1pt) around the ad $7 Logo and/or Photo (black & white only) $10 Reverse Image (black background w/white text) Call 856-1999 or email: February 4 - 10, 2016 ■ The Daniel Island News RENTAL PROPERTY RENTAL PROPERTY classifieds RENTAL PROPERTY RENTAL PROPERTY CROSSWORD ANSWER SUDOKU ANSWER 1 BD Newly Renovated Executive Condo Fully furnished Utilities, Cable, Internet included. $1700 a month. At least 6 mos lease required. Available Feb 1. 843367-5459. 2BR/2BA Daniel's Landing condo. 1218 Square feet with hardwood floors and granite kitchen and bath countertops. $1,550/month. Available January 1. Contact Amy at (843) 834-0867. MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE Mobile Homes with acreage. Ready to move in. Lots of room, 3Br 2Ba. Quick and easy owner financing (subject to credit approval). No renters. 803-4542433 (DL35711). ADVERTISE YOUR VACATION PROPERTY FOR RENT OR SALE to more than 2.3 million S.C. newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Alanna Ritchie at the South Carolina Newspaper Network, 1-888727-7377. 130 River Landing Drive #8202--1296 sq ft $1500 Best Deal on Daniel Island! Bright & Sunny unit! No upstairs neighbors! 2 bd/2 ba, office/study could be 3rd bedroom. All appliances, washer/dryer like new, water and pest control included! HVAC less than 2 years old. 2 Dogs under 25lbs ok with pet fee. Avail 2/15. Call 843-469-7734 or email: FURNISHED FROG on Wando Landing Approx 600 sq ft. $1095 per month. Water, internet, cable included. No Pets. Avail NOW. Call 843-469-7734 or email: CLASSIFIED ADS WORK Get fast results! Place a classified ad. Call 856-1999 Donate A Boat or Car Today! “2-Night Free Vacation!” 1- 800 - CAR - ANGE L w w sponsored by boat angel outreach centers STOP CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN Single Family Homes 125 Balfour St...........................$6200 5BD/5.5BA; 4788 sqft; 2 car garage 74 Woodford St.........................$5500 5BD/5 full baths, 2 half baths; 4446 sqft; 2 car garage 1323 Deep Water Dr.................$3050 2228 sqft; 3BD/2BA; Private Dock, on the Lake! 1235 Center Lake Dr................$2400 4BD/2.5BA; 2140 sqft; 2 car garage 1404 Scotts Creek Circle.........$3200 5BD/3.5BA; Island Kit; 3404 sqft Unfurnished Condominiums 2260 Daniel Island Dr..............$2700 3BD/2.5BA; 1569 sqft 200 River Landing Dr. D309.....$2400 3BD/2.5BA; 1603 sqft Furnished Condominium 500 Bucksley Ln. #105..............$1350 1BD/1BA; 756 sqft 600 Bucksley Ln. #107.............$2000 2BD/2BA; 1st Floor Condo; 1102 sqft 652 Coleman Boulevard, Suite 102 Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 PH: (843)278-1600 | FAX: (843)278-1602 Your Key to Property Management DANIEL ISLAND RENTALS Single Family Homes 331 Gunboat Lane.............................$6995 4br/4full & 2 half baths; approx 4661 sqft; inc club membership 7040 Schooner St..............................$2595 3br/2ba; flex room over attached garage; approx 2218 sqft Furnished Condominiums 200 Bucksley Lane............................$1995 #205; 1br/1ba; approx 756 sqft Unfurnished Condominiums 124 Fairbanks Oak Alley #2B...........$3200 CLASSIFIED ADS ARE ONLINE 3br/2.5ba; approx 2650 sqft. inc. social membership 400 Bucksley Lane............................$1225 #108; 2br/1ba; approx 858 sqft 130 River Landing Dr.........................$1125 #7210; 1br/1ba; approx 800 sqft Garage Guest Houses 340 Lesesne St..................................$1495 1br/1ba; approx 625 sqft ADVERTISE YOUR VACATION PROPERTY FOR RENT OR SALE to more than 2.3 million S.C. newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Alanna Ritchie at the South Carolina Newspaper Network, 1-888727-7377. OFF-ISLAND RENTALS Single Family Homes 217 Mossy Oak Way..........................$2500 4br/2.5ba; approx 2010 sqft 108 Tyron Rd......................................$1650 4br/2ba; approx 2358 sqft Townhomes 146 Broad St......................................$3500 #A; 2br/2ba; approx 1650 sqft 1930-C Tropicana Rd..........................$895 3br/1.5ba; approx 1325 sqft John 3:16 Call 843.654.9140 and view properties at A study by Penn’s Wharton School of Business of the recession of the early 1980s shows that companies that advertised aggressively through the recession had 256% more sales than those that did not. PLACE YOUR AD IN 107 S.C. NEWSPAPERS and reach more than 2.4 million readers using our small space display ad network Statewide or regional buys available Alanna Ritchie 888.727.7377 South Carolina Newspaper Network 31 32 The Daniel Island News ■ February 4 - 10, 2016 IS TH ME S O IS H M G T IN ' N NN DOTU S 526 Island Park DrIve....................$2,399,000 7,600SF 6 Bdrms – Perfect home for those looking for lots of family space. Have all the kids and grand kids visit often in comfort. Huge media room, exercise room, ground level guest suite perfect for nanny. Live like royalty. Don’t miss this home! Holly Buceti 843-442-5218 S IS L M A 'T DE N S DOTHI 9 Watroo Point...............................$1,250,000 4200SF 4 Bdrms Meticulously maintained low-country masterpiece. Located on the prestigious Watroo Point. Beautiful golf course views. Large open kitchen and family room perfect for entertaining. Holly Buceti 843-442-5218 ON O S L G OO N I P M TH O C WI 1247 Smythe St................................$829,000 Custom home with pool and built in BBQ overlooking marsh. An entertainer’s dream! Holly Buceti 843-442-5218 R FO Our Clients rOCk!!! R T DE ACER N U TRE BUY N TIG COPRES 514 Park Crossing......................................................................................................$2,205,000 6152 SF, 5 Bdrms Stately home built by Buffington Homes and extensively remodeled by the current owners. Amazing rear entertainment plaza with pool, formal gardens and fire place. Bob Farina 631-374-6742. ND NG LA VI IS LI IL OR NE LO DA E F RE ON RA D N FI Duyer L B e ig SreO st P 330 Ralston Creek Street.............$1,199,000 3343SF, 3 Bdrms – Ideal floor plan for easy living. Low maintenance home with dual main floor masters. Sue & Scott Campbell 843-991-8633 217 King George........................... $1,000,000 4,824 SF, 6BR, 5.5 Baths Gourmet kitchen with tons of granite counters. Back to marsh and tidal creek. 1st Fl guest suite. Office. Bob Farina 631-374-6742 R T DE ACER N L U TR EL NSTIGEUSYER O C RE & B R T DE ACER N U TRE BUY N TIG CORES P P 1449 Willtown Street ......................$777,100 3100SF, 5 Bdrms - New pre-built, marsh front home in Smythe Park. Tricia Peterson 843-847-1762 9022 Merchant St. ...........................$624,900 2966SF, 4 Bdrm - One of the most desirable areas of Daniel Island! Attached FROG facing a neighborhood park. Impeccably maintained. Tricia Peterson 843-847-1762 NT E R 857 Dunham St.............................. $3300 mo. 4br 3.5 bath custom elevated home with fabulous marsh and sunset views. Beautiful chefs kitchen with top of the line appliance pkg. Main floor master suite with his and her walk in closets. 2 screened porches and a huge garage. Available March 1. Sorry, no pets Mike Davis 843-513-8889 R ! CA N 3 HE , C SE KIT UR B O C , FA LF GE O A G R GA 11 Watroo Point ............................$1,549,000 4,972SF, 5 Bdrms – Custom built home backing to golf course. Stunning architecture. True dream kitchen. Large media room. Library or main floor bedroom. Sue & Scott Campbell 843-991-8633 R T DE AC N U TR N CO 234-112 Seven FarmsDrive..............$899,000 3492SF, 5 Bdrms - Daniel Island “Lock ‘n Leave” penthouse. Have it all with 2 car garage, elevator, open plan and huge private sky-patio (oh the parties -entertain100 friends). Holly Buceti 843-442-5218 Duyer L B e ig SreO st P 7008 Schooner.................................$500,000 3 BR, 3.5 Baths, 1,832 SF A cozy gem! Lots of natural light. Inviting open floor plan. Fully upgraded kitchen. Great backyard. Bob Farina 631-374-6742 G IN M CO 843.259.9913 • ON O S 1989 Pierce St...................................$685,000 3,277 SF, 5 Bdrms - Open floor plan with lots of natural light. Main floor master. Office. Private yard backing to green space.1 block walk to Daniel Island School. Bob Farina 631-374-6742