MPB 43-2 revision 2
MPB 43-2 revision 2
THE MINOR PLANET BULLETIN BULLETIN OF THE MINOR PLANETS SECTION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LUNAR AND PLANETARY OBSERVERS VOLUME 43, NUMBER 2, A.D. 2016 APRIL-JUNE ROTATION PERIOD DETERMINATION FOR 833 MONICA Frederick Pilcher 4438 Organ Mesa Loop Las Cruces, NM 88011-8403 USA 111. Periods and Phase Functions from Sparse Photometry." A. J. 150, Issue 3, article id. 75, 35 pp. Vladimir Benishek Belgrade Astronomical Observatory Volgina 7, 11060 Belgrade 38, SERBIA (Received: 25 October 2015) For 833 Monica we find a synodic rotation period of 12.090 ± 0.001 hours and amplitude 0.19 ± 0.02 magnitude. Previously published rotation periods for 833 Monica are by Gartrelle (2012), 12.09 hours; and by Waszczak et al. (2015), 12.0823 hours. The first two nights of observations by Pilcher found a period in close agreement with these values. He asked, and second author Benishek kindly accepted, an invitation to collaborate because their observatories being separated by about 120 degrees longitude would enable them to sample different parts of the lightcurve of this nearly Earth commensurate object within an interval of a few days. Pilcher at Organ Mesa Observatory used a 0.35 m f/10 Meade LX200 GPS S-C, SBIG STL-1001E CCD, unguided, clear filter. Benishek at Sopot Astronomical Observatory used a 0.35 m Meade LX200 GPS S-T operating at f/6.3, SBIG ST-8 XME CCD, unfiltered and unguided. Photometric measurement, lightcurve analysis, and data sharing were enabled by MPO Canopus software. New observations on six nights 2015 Aug. 19 - Oct. 1 provide a good fit to a somewhat unsymmetric lightcurve phased to 12.090 ± 0.001 hours, amplitude 0.19 ± 0.02 magnitudes. This is consistent with all other published results. The lightcurve has been drawn with the large number of data points binned in sets of three with time difference not exceeding five minutes. References Gartrelle, G. M. (2012). "Lightcurve results for eleven asteroids." Minor Planet Bull. 39, 40-46. Waszczak, A., Chang, C.-K., Ofek, E.O., Laher, R., Masci, F., Levitan, D., Surace, J., Cheng, Y.-C., Ip, W.-H., Kinoshita, D., Helou, G., Prince, T.A., Kulkarni, S. (2015). "Asteroid Light Curves from the Palomar Transient Factory Survey; Rotation ROTATION PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR 2500 ALASCATTALO Junda Liu Suzhou High School of Jiangsu Province Suzhou, Jiangsu 215007 P.R. CHINA (Received: 2015 December 18) Analysis of photometric observations for the minor planet 2500 Alascattalo shows a synodic rotation period of P = 2.751 ± 0.002 h with an amplitude A = 0.19 mag. Main-belt asteroid 2500 Alascattalo was discovered at Heidelberg on 1926 Apr 2 by K. Reinmuth. Its orbit has a semi-major axis of 2.240 AU, eccentricity of 0.0992, and orbital period of 3.35 years (JPL, 2015). Previous work found the synodic rotation period P = 2.754 ± 0.007 h (Behrend, 2013). CCD photometric observations of 2500 Alascattalo were made at Lvye Observatory (IAU P34) on 2015 Dec 17 and at iTelescope Observatory (IAU Q62) on 2015 Dec 12 and 17. The instruments of Lvye Observatory are a Skywatcher 0.3-m f/5 Newtonian Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) Available on line 112 reflector, SBIG ST-402ME CCD camera at –15°C, binned 2x2, with a clear filter. The image scale is 2.57 arc seconds per pixel. Exposure times were 60 s. The instruments of iTelescope Observatory are a Planewave 0.43-m Corrected Dall-Kirkham telescope and FLI ProLine PL4710 CCD camera at –35°C, binned 2x2, with clear filter. The image scale is 1.83 arc seconds per pixel. All exposures were 120 s. The raw science images were dark, bias, and flat corrected using MaxIm DL. Differential photometry and period analysis were made using MPO Canopus. A total of 404 data points was used for the analysis. The lightcurve shows a period P = 2.751 ± 0.002 h with an amplitude A = 0.19 mag. The period is in agreement with the earlier work. LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS FOR NINE MAIN BELT ASTEROIDS Giovanni Battista Casalnuovo Eurac Observatory C62 Bolzano, ITALY (Received: 2015 December 21 Revised: 2016 January 24) Photometric observations of nine main-belt asteroids, 1361 Leuschneria, 1511 Dalera, 1536 Pielinen, 2136 Jugta, 2668 Tataria, 5186 Donalu, 10064 Hirosetamotsu, 11268 Spassky, and 14515 Koichisato, were made at the Eurac Observatory (MPC C62). Results of lightcurve analysis are presented. CCD photometric observations of nine main-belt asteroids were made at the Eurac Observatory (MPC C62). For 1361 Leuschneria, 1511 Dalera, 2136 Jugta, 2668 Tataria, 5186 Donalu, 10064 Hirosetamotsu, 11268 Spassky, and 14515 Koichisato, the observations were made in late 2014 and early 2015. The observations for 1536 Pielinen were made in 2011. All images were obtained with a 0.30-m reflector telescope reduced to f/4.0, a QHY9 CCD camera, and V filter, and then calibrated with dark and flat-field frames. The computer clock was synchronized with an Internet time server before each session. Differential photometry and period analysis were done using MPO Canopus version (Warner, 2014) or Peranso version 2.5. (Vanmunster, 2015). References Behrend, R. (2013). Observatoire de Geneve web site. JPL (2015). Small Body Database Browser. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The asteroid lightcurve database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 Dec 7. 1361 Leuschernia. This main-belt asteroid was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2015 April on the web site (; hereafter referenced as MPI). The derived synodic period was P = 9.646 ± 0.001 h with an amplitude of A = 0.19 ± 0.08 mag. Clark (2016) reported a period of 12.0893 h with A = 0.75 mag using data obtained about one month after the observations reported here. Given the scatter in the data, the solution here is not a strong one. The lightcurve is shown mostly for a guide for future observations. Warner, B.D. (2013). MPO Software, MPO Canopus version Bdw Publishing. 1511 Dalera is a main-belt asteroid that was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2015 February (MPI). The derived synodic period was P = 3.881 ± 0.001 h with an amplitude Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 113 of A = 0.14 ± 0.05 mag. Salvaggio et al. (2015) and Scardella et al. (2015) both reported a period of 3.880 h. A mean of 25 values was used to find V-R = 0.35 ± 0.05 mag. This value is typical of C-type asteroid (Shevchenko and Lupishko, 1998). Assuming C-type, the geometric albedo is pv = 0.06 ± 0.02 (Shevchenko and Lupishko, 1998). This assumed albedos reported in this paper based on Shevchenko and Lupishko should not be taken as fact since some very different taxonomic types have similar V-R values. A better estimate would use at least two color indexes. Thermal observations combined visual data are used to determine the actual albedo. In this particular case, the estimate is confirmed by the results of Masiero et al. (2012), who found pv = 0.066 ± 0.009. Pravec et al. (2011) reported 1536 Pielinen to be a tumbler with periods of 66.22 h and 52.05 h. Behrend (2011) reported a period of 67.43 h, but without signs of tumbling. 2136 Jugta. The main-belt asteroid 2136 Jugta was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2015 February (MPI). The name commemorates Dr. J. U. Gunter (1911-1994) who published a precursor to the Minor Planet Bulletin entitled Tonight’s Asteroids. The name “Jugta” is a combination of Gunter’s initials and his publication. For his promotion of the field, Gunter received the 1983 Amateur Achievement Award of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and in 1989 the Caroline Herschel Award of the Western Amateur Astronomer Society. The derived synodic period derived for 2136 Jugta was P = 6.457 ± 0.001 h with an amplitude of A = 0.37 ± 0.09 mag. There were no previous results for Jugta found in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009). 1536 Pielinen. The main-belt asteroid 1536 Pielinen was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2011 October. It’s a slowly rotating asteroid with the derived synodic period being P = 66.1 ± 0.1 h with an amplitude of A = 0.75 ± 0.12 mag. A secondary period of 6.43 ± 0.01 h was also found, but it may be a harmonic of the main period. 2668 Tataria was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2015 October (MPI). The derived synodic period was P = 2.78 ± 0.01 h with an amplitude of A = 0.20 ± 0.08 mag. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 114 5186 Donalu. The derived synodic period was P = 3.15 ± 0.01 h with an amplitude of A = 0.25 ± 0.07 mag. The V-R color index is 0.39 ± 0.05 mag (mean of 10 values). This is typical of C-type asteroid (Shevchenko and Lupishko, 1998). Assuming C-type, the geometric albedo is pv = 0.06 ± 0.02 (Shevchenko and Lupishko, 1998). 11268 Spassky. The main-belt asteroid 11268 Spassky was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2015 November (MPI). The derived synodic period was P = 5.646 ± 0.001 h with an amplitude of A = 0.43 ± 0.08 mag. Hayes-Gehrke et al. (2016) report a period of 5.645 h, making the two results in very close agreement. 10064 Hirosetamotsu was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2015 November (MPI). The derived synodic period is P = 8.054 ± 0.001 h with an amplitude of A = 0.56 ± 0.09 mag. The V-R color index is 0.41 ± 0.05 mag (mean of 20 values). This value is typical of an M-type asteroid (Shevchenko and Lupishko, 1998). Assuming M-type, the geometric albedo is pv = 0.17 ± 0.04 (Shevchenko and Lupishko, 1998). The color index of V-R = 0.35 ± 0.05 mag (mean of 29 values) is typical of C-type asteroid (Shevchenko and Lupishko, 1998). Assuming C-type, the geometric albedo is pv = 0.06 ± 0.02 (Shevchenko and Lupishko, 1998). Hanus et al. (2015) reported a sidereal period of 12.1277 h based on a lightcurve inversion model. A synodic period of 8.052 h was found by Behrend (2015), which is in close agreement with the result given here. The two shorter periods are 2/3 of the long period. This could indicate a miscount of rotations over the time span of the data set when using the longer period. This is sometimes called a rotational alias. 14515 Koichisato. The main-belt asteroid 14515 was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2014 December (MPI). The derived synodic period was P = 4.265 ± 0.001 h with an amplitude of A = 0.51 ± 0.10 mag. There were no entries in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009) for this asteroid. A color index of V-R = 0.42 ± 0.07 mag was found from the mean of 20 values. The absolute magnitude (H) and slope parameter (G) were found using the H-G calculator function of MPO Canopus. Ten values were obtained using the maximum values of the lightcurve that spanned a phase angle range of 1-14°. This led to H = 11.172 ± 0.071 mag and G = 0.525 ± 0.159. The value for G would indicate that the asteroid has a high albedo, pv > ~0.45 (Warner et al., 2009). According to Shevchenko and Lupishko (1998), the color index indicates a medium albedo M- Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 115 type asteroid, 0.17 ± 0.04. Based on data in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009), the M-type asteroids have an average G of 0.20 ± 0.07. The measured value of G seems to conflict with the estimated G and pv based on a one-dimensional color index. This case may caution against assuming values based on limited data. Pravec, P., Wolf, M., Sarounova, L. (2011). Salvaggio F., Marchini A., Franco L. (2015). “Rotation Period Determination for 1511 Dalera and 2271 Kiso.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 226. Scardella M., Franceschini, F., Tomassini, A. (2015). “Rotational Period of 1511 Dalera” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 216. Shevchenko V.G. Lupishko D.F. (1998). “Optical properties of Asteroids from Photometric Data.” Solar System Research 32, 220232. Vanmunster, T. (2015). Peranso software v 2.5. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The Asteroid Lightcurve Database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 Dec 7. Warner, B.D. (2014). MPO Software, MPO Canopus version Bdw Publishing. NEA 2015 VY105: A NEW TUMBLING ASTEROID Albino Carbognani Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region (OAVdA) Lignan 39, 11020 Nus (Aosta), ITALY Luca Buzzi G.V.Schiaparelli Astronomical Observatory Varese, ITALY (Received: 2015 December 1) We present the results of photometric observations on near-Earth asteroid (NEA) 2015 VY105. Lightcurve analysis shows that it is a tumbling asteroid with synodic rotation periods P1 = 0.0386 ± 0.0001 h with amplitude A1 = 0.96 mag and P2 = 0.061 ± 0.001 h with amplitude A2 = 0.57 mag. After 2008 TC3, this NEA is the fastest and smallest tumbling asteroid. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Lorenzo Franco, Balzaretto Observatory (A81), Rome, Italy, for data processing asteroid 1536 Pielinen. References Behrend, R. (2011). Observatoire de Geneve web site. Clark, M. (2016). “Asteroid Photometry from the Preston Gott Observatory.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 2-5. Hanus, J., Durech, J., Oszkiewicz, D.A., Behrend, R., Carry, B., Delbo, M., Adam, O., Afonina, V., Anquentin, R., Antonini, P., and 159 coauthors. (2015). arXiv:1510.07422. Hayes-Gehrke, M.N., Bring, R., Brody, D.D., Deychakiwsky, D., Huang, R., Leitess, S., Mandapat, J.C., Shcroeder, C. (2016). “LightCurve Analysis and Rotation Period Determination for Asteroid 11268 Spassky.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 142. Masiero, J.R., Mainzer, A.K., Grav, T., Bauer, J.M., Cutri, R.M., Nugent, C., Cabrera. (2012). “Preliminary Analysis of WISE/NEOWISE 3-Band Cryogenic and Post-Cryogenic Observations of Main Belt Asteroids.” Ap. J. Letters 759, L8. Near-Earth asteroid 2015 VY105 was first observed at Catalina Sky Survey on 2015 Nov 14 and passed very close to the Earth’s surface (34,000 km) just 19 hours after first being detected. The asteroid was followed worldwide until 2015 Nov 15. From the orbital parameters taken from JPL Small-Body Database Browser1 (a = 2.2077 AU, e = 0.65532, q = 0.76096 AU), it appears that 2015 VY105 belongs to the Apollo class of near-Earth asteroids. Based on its absolute magnitude, H ~ 29.0, we can assume a diameter ranging from 3 to 9 meters, depending on its assumed albedo. An object of this type can also be considered a big meteoroid. Here we present a lightcurve obtained from the astrometric images taken from Nov.14.89792 to 14.90555, (i.e., covering about 11 minutes) at G.V. Schiaparelli Astronomical Observatory and 1 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 116 analyzed in OAVdA. About 119 unfiltered images of 2-second exposure were obtained with the 0.60-m f/4.64 reflector and CCD SBIG ST10-XME (2184×1672 pixels, 6.8 microns) that was binned 3x3. The combination gave a field-of-view of 18.4×12.3 arcminutes and a pixel scale of 1.51 arcsec/pixel. At the time of the observations, 2015 VY105 was 0.0021 AU from the Earth and 0.991 AU from the Sun at a phase angle of 25.7°. The sky motion averaged about 90 arcsec/minute in PA 265.8°. The asteroid was in the constellation Cetus at an airmass of 1.62. Lightcurve and Periods One of us (AC) used MPO Canopus (Warner, 2009) version for the differential photometry on astrometric images and for the period analysis of the lightcurve. For the photometric reduction, all 119 images were included. An elliptical annulus was used to measure the target, with the major axis parallel to the asteroid’s motion. The raw lightcurve (Fig. 1) show a complex non-repeatable oscillation with an amplitude of about 1.6 mag. The results of the initial Fourier analysis are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The data points were binned in groups of two in order to reduce random fluctuations. There is a dominant solution with a period of about 0.04 h (~2.4 minutes) assuming a bimodal lightcurve. However, the fit is not very good, there being some data points well away from the model curve. In fact, the period spectrum also showed the presence of two broad minimums near 0.03 and 0.06 hours. This fact and the complex non-repeatable raw lightcurve of Fig. 1 made us suspect that there might be two periods that overlap each other and that the asteroid might be tumbling. Using the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009; 2015 Oct 10 release)2 and limiting the search to tumbling asteroids with a diameter in the range 0-100 m, we found only 15 asteroids in this size range and that 2015 VY105 is the second fastest and smallest tumbling asteroid, the fastest being 2008 TC3, which entered Earth’s atmosphere on 2008 Oct 7 (Jenniskens, 2009). The rotation period of this asteroid is below the cohesionless spinbarrier value of about 2.2 h. This is consistent with its small size of well under 0.15 km (Pravec and Harris, 2000). The period and size put constraints on the internal structure of the asteroid, i.e. it’s a strength-bound body and not a so-called rubble pile. The tumbling state is not permanent; the damping time back to single axis rotation is given by Paolicchi et al. (2002) as τ ≈ (1/17)3P3/D2 (1) where τ is given in billions of years, P is the rotation period in hours, and D is the diameter in kilometers. Using P = 0.04 h and D = 0.006 km, we estimate that 2015 VY105 could be a fragment of a collision that occurred about 0.3-0.4 million years ago. The Tumbling Spin State Excluding external thermal forces such as the YORP (Yarkovsky– O'Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack effect (Rubincam, 2000), most asteroids rotate at a constant rate around a direction fixed in space (pure spin state). This condition requires that the angular momentum vector L and the angular velocity vector ω are parallel along one of the three principal inertial axes (PIAs) of the body. However, for some asteroids in a most general rotation state, L and ω are not parallel with one another or with the body’s PIAs (Paolicchi et al., 2002). This condition is described as nonprincipal axis rotation (NPAR) and asteroids which are in this state are called tumbling asteroids. The tumbling state may be the consequence of a collisional event between asteroids, a flyby of a planet, or radiation forces such as YORP. A famous example of a tumbling asteroid is 99942 Apophis (Pravec et al., 2014). The interesting thing is that tumbling asteroids show two frequencies in the lightcurve (Pravec et al., 2005). Using the dual-period search tool implemented in MPO Canopus, we found two independent periods for 2015 VY105. The results are shown in Figs. 4 through 7. The synodic rotation periods are P1 = 0.0386 ± 0.0001 h with amplitude A1 = 0.96 mag and P2 = 0.061 ± 0.001 h with amplitude A2 = 0.57 mag. We asked Petr Pravec (Ondřejov Observatory, Czech Republic) to make an independent analysis from the same data. His results confirmed the tumbling nature of the asteroid with rotation periods P1 = 0.0384 ± 0.0001 h and P2 = 0.059 ± 0.002 h, values virtually identical to ours (Petr Pravec, personal communication). Figure 1. The raw lightcurve of 2015 VY105 with all 119 photometric points. Figure 2. The phased lightcurve of 2015 VY105 with the data points binned in groups of two. 2 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 117 nd Figure 3. Period spectrum for 2015 VY105 (2 order fit). The dominant solution near 0.04 h is for a bimodal shape. The minimum near 0.02 h represents a monomodal lightcurve. The two minima near 0.03 h and 0.06 h led to speculation about an additional period. Figure 4. The phased lightcurve of 2015 VY105 with the period P1 only (data points binned in groups of two). Figure 6. The phased lightcurve of 2015 VY105 with the period P2 only (data points binned in groups of two). Figure 7. Period spectrum for the secondary period P2. The minimum near 0.06 h represents a bimodal solution. The minimum near 0.03 h corresponds to a monomodal solution. Acknowledgements The authors thank Petr Pravec for the check of the results of this interesting asteroid. This research has made use of the NASA’s Astrophysics Data System and JPL’s Small-Body Database Browser. Research at the Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region was supported by a 2013 Shoemaker NEO Grant. Work at the G.V. Schiaparelli Astronomical Observatory was supported by a 2015 Shoemaker NEO Grant. References Jenniskens, P., Petrus, M.M., Shaddad, M.H., Numan, D., Judoda, A.M., Almahata Sitta Consortium. (2009). “The Impact and Recovery of 2008 TC3.” Nature, 458, 485-488. Figure 5. Period spectrum for the period P1. The bimodal solution is at about 0.04 h and the monomodal solution is near 0.02 h. Paolicchi, P., Burns, J.A., Weidenschilling, S.J. (2002). “Side Effects of collisions: Spin Rate Changes, Tumbling Rotation States, and Binary Asteroids.” In Asteroids III (W. F. Bottke, A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, R.P. Binzel, eds.) pp 517-526. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. Pravec, P., Harris, A.W. (2000). “Fast and slow rotation of asteroids.” Icarus, 148, 12-20. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 118 Pravec, P., Harris, A.W., Scheirich, P., Kušnirák, P., Šarounová, L., Hergenrother, C.W., Mottola, S., Hicks, M.D., Masi, G., Krugly, Yu.N., Shevchenko, V.G., Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Kaasalainen, M., Galád, A., Brown, P., Degraff, D.R., Lambert, J. V., Cooney, W.R., Foglia, S. (2005). “Tumbling asteroids.” Icarus 173, 108-131. Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Durech, J., Pollock, J., Kusnirak, P., Hornoch, K., Galad, A., Vokrouhlicky, D., Harris, A.W., Jehin, E., Manfroid, J., Opitom, C., Gillon, M., Colas, F., Oey, J., Vrastil, J., Reichart, D., Ivarsen, K., Haislip, J., LaCluyze, A. (2014). “The tumbling state of (99942) Apophis.” Icarus 233, 48-60. Rubincam, D.P. (2000). “Relative Spin-up and Spin-down of Small Asteroids.” Icarus 148, 2-11. Warner, B.D. (2009). MPO Canopus software. Bdw Publishing, Figure 1. Period spectrum over a range of 2.2 – 26.0 h. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The Asteroid Lightcurve Database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 Dec. LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS FOR 2343 SIDING SPRING Melissa N. Hayes-Gehrke, Scott Lanoue, Phillip Waugh, Brannon Hanks, Leron Gil, Joshua Gehres, Christina Zendman, Emily Harman, Charles Tran-Dac Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 USA (Received: 2015 December 21 Figure 2. Phased lightcurve with a rotation period of 3.3609 ± 0.0007 h. Rev: 2016 January 22) Photometric observations over the course of three nights in 2015 October and November were collected for asteroid 2343 Siding Spring. The asteroid is most likely a fast rotator. For our data set, we find a rotation period of 2.405 ± 0.0003 h provides a reasonable fit. The main-belt asteroid 2343 Siding Spring was discovered at the Siding Spring Observatory on 1979 June 25 by E.F. Helin and S.J. Bus. Our observations of the asteroid took place on 2015 October 16 and 22 and November 30. A total of 36 images were used in creating the lightcurve. They were taken using the iTelescope 0.43-m T7 telescope in Nerpio, Spain, with an SBIG STL-1100M camera. The anti-blooming gate (ABG) CCD chip has an array of 4008x2672 9-µm2 pixels. Full well depth is 5000 e–. The exposure time was between 240-300 seconds and a luminance filter was used. The data were processed in MPO Canopus (Warner, 2013) using Fourier analysis, which found a rotation period of 2.4050 ± 0.0003 h. The period spectrum (Figure 1) shows a clearly defined minimum at 3.3609 h. Figure 2 is the phased lightcurve representing this result. Looking at the lightcurve, we can see some peculiarities. It has three maxima, which is not implausible, but is uncommon. The maxima and minima vary in a way that does not seem typical for asteroid lightcurves. There is also a section of this phased lightcurve that lacks data points, which is likely why this fitted period had the lowest RMS value. The unusual number of maxima, along with the gap in the data for this period, makes it unlikely that this rotation period is correct. Figure 3: Period spectrum plot for a range of 2.2 – 2.9 h. Because the rotation period corresponding to the lowest RMS from the Fourier analysis did not seem to lead to a reasonable lightcurve, we tested rotation periods in the range of 2.2-2.9 hours. The period spectrum in Figure 3 shows no clearly-defined minimum for us to choose one specific solution. By phasing the data to numerous rotation periods in this range, we selected the rotation period of 2.2405 ± 0.0003 h as the one that appears most acceptable. Since we have a limited number of data points, we suggest that more observations of this asteroid be made to confirm this result. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 119 PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF 3000 LEONARDO Melissa N. Hayes-Gehrke, Bryant Ceballos, Stephen Kind, Jeremy Choi, Patrick Sison, Michael Marbukh, Joseph Wu, Joseph Sciamanna, Timothy Riley, Yuval Cydulkin, Ryan Mullen, Daniel Gallagher, Nitay Ravin, Margarita Nudel-Linetsky, Al-Latif Alston, Austin Ortel Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 USA (Received: 2015 December 21) Figure 4. Phased lightcurve with a rotation period of 2.2405 ± 0.0003 h. We researched 2343 Siding Spring in the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009) and found that there were no previous reports of a rotation period or lightcurve for this asteroid. The NASA/JPL Small-Body Database states that 2343 Siding Spring has an absolute magnitude of 13.3, indicating that this asteroid has a diameter on the order of 10 km. With a rotation period of 2.2405 ± 0.0003 h, the asteroid is rotating very quickly for its size. Pravec and Harris (1999) demonstrate that some asteroids of this size have been reported to spin at a rate of up to 11 full rotations per day, indicating that our result is unusual, but plausible. After the initial submission of our paper, our reviewer brought to our attention the CBET by Pollock et al. (2015) announcing the discovery that 2343 Siding Spring is a binary system, with an orbital period of 11.789 ± 0.003 h and a primary rotation period of 2.10637 ± 0.00008 h. In light of this new result, it seems clear that our lightcurve was based on brightness changes due to the primary’s rotation. Acknowledgements Observations of main-belt asteroid 3000 Leonardo were made in Mayhill, New Mexico, on 2015 Oct 24 and Nov 1-2. Analysis of the data indicated a rotation period of 7.524 ± 0.021 h. CCD photometric observations of main-belt asteroid 3000 Leonardo were made at Mayhill, New Mexico (North 32° 54’, West 105° 31’, elevation 2,225 meters) using a 0.43-m telescope with 0.66 focal reducer resulting in a focal length of 1.94 m. The camera was a front-illuminated FLI-PL6303E CCD with 3072x2048 pixels operating at –35ºC. All exposures were 300 s using a luminance filter. Our photometric and lightcurve analysis were conducted using MPO Canopus (Warner, 2015). We gathered 147 images on the nights of 2015 Oct 24 and Nov 1-2. On the night of Oct 31, there was a transit over a nebula, which resulted in 6 unusable images. No previous results for a rotation period for 3000 Leonardo have been published in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009). The resulting rotation period of 7.524 ± 0.021 h is consistent with expectations of main-belt asteroids. This research was funded by the Astronomy Department at the University of Maryland, College Park. Additionally, thank you Dr. Hayes-Gehrke for your assistance in helping us successfully find a lightcurve for 2343 Siding Spring. We thank Brian Warner at the Center for Solar System Studies, Palmer Divide Station for helpful comments in revision of the paper. References iTelescope – T7- Deep Field. JPL Small Body Database Search Engine Acknowledgements Pollock, J., Caton, D., Hawkins, R., Pravec, P., Pray, D., Cooney, W., Gross, J., Terrell, D., Oey, J., Benishek, V., Galad, A., Gajdos, S., Groom, R., Stranger, K., Chiorny, V., Reichart, D., Haislip, J., Smith, A. (2015). “(2343) Siding Spring.” CBET 4206. Funding for observations was provided by the Astronomy Department at the University of Maryland. We would also like to thank for the use of their facilities to study this asteroid. Pravec, P., Harris, A.W. (1999). “Fast and Slow Rotation of Asteroids.” Icarus 148, 15. References Warner, B.D. (2013). MPO Software. MPO Canopus version Bdw Publishing. iTelescope (2015). Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). Icarus 202, 134146. Updated 2015 October 10. Warner, B.D. (2015). MPO Software, MPO Canopus version Bdw Publishing. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 120 ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT THE OAKLEY SOUTHERN SKY OBSERVATORY: 2014 NOVEMBER Kylie Hess, Richard Ditteon Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, CM 171 5500 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47803 USA (Received: 2015 November 9) Photometric data were taken over eight nights in 2014 November for six asteroids: 3003 Koncek, 5176 Yoichi, (5292) 1991 AJ1, 5595 Roth, (6454) 1991 UG1, and (10565) 1994 AT1. On the nights of 2014 November 11-14 and 17-20, six asteroids were targeted from the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory in New South Wales, Australia. The observations were made using a 0.5-m Ritchey-Chretien telescope operating at f/8.1 and a STX-16803 camera, binned 3x3, using a luminance filter. The exposure times were 60 seconds for 5176 Yoichi; 90 seconds for (6454) 1991 UG1 and (10565) 1994 AT1; 120 seconds for 3003 Koncek and (5292) 1991 AJ1; and 180 seconds for 5595 Roth. The image scale was 1.345 arcseconds per pixel. The images were calibrated in MaxIm DL using dark, bias, and twilight flat frames. The images were then measured and lightcurves were produced using MPO Canopus. Periods were determined for 3003 Koncek, (5292) 1991 AJ1, and (6454) 1991 UG1. We could not determine periods for 5176 Yoichi, 5595 Roth, and (10565) 1994 AT1. For these three objects, only amplitudes are reported. Acknowledgements Calibration and measurement of the images and production of the lightcurve for (6454) 1991 UG1 were done by Rose-Hulman student Blake Holeman. Number Name Dates (2014/MM/DD) Period (h) P. Error (h) 8.023 3003 Koncek 11/11-11/14, 11/17-11/20 5176 Yoichi 11/11-11/14, 11/17-11/20 - 5292 1991 AJ1 11/11-11/14, 11/17-11/20 2.8956 5595 Roth 11/11-11/14, 11/17-11/20 - 6454 1991 UG1 11/11-11/14, 11/17-11/20 9.8017 10565 1994 AT1 11/11-11/14, 11/17-11/20 - Amplitude (mag) A. Error (mag) Points 0.002 0.51 0.05 132 - 0.05 0.02 113 0.42 0.05 151 0.10 0.04 124 0.53 0.05 147 0.17 0.04 108 0.0002 0.0012 Table I. Observing circumstances and results. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) - 121 LIGHTCURVES FOR 1531 HARTMUT AND 4145 MAXIMOVA Research and Economic Development Office of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT). Daniel A. Klinglesmith III Etscorn Campus Observatory New Mexico Tech 101 East Road Socorro, NM 87801 USA References AA (2015). Astroart software. ECO (2015). Etscorn Campus Observatory. Lorenzo Franco Balzaretto Observatory (A81) Rome, ITALY Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. (Received: 2015 December 19) CCD photometric observations of minor planets 1531 Hartmut and 4145 Maximova were obtained from 2015 September-December in collaboration from Etscorn Campus Observatory and Balzaretto Observatory. For 1531 Hartmut, we found a synodic period of P = 25.57 ± 0.01 h and amplitude of A = 0.21 ± 0.03 mag; for 4145 Maximova, the results were P = 19.875 ± 0.002 h and A ~ 1.0 mag. CCD photometric observations of two main-belt asteroids were made on 21 nights from 2015 September 16 to December 1. The images were obtained at the Etscorn Campus Observatory (ECO, 2015) with three Celestron 0.35-m Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes (SCT) on Software Bisque (SB) Paramount ME mounts (SB, 2015). The telescopes were controlled with TheSky6 (SB, 2015). The CCD cameras were controlled with CCDSoft v5 (SB, 2015). Exposures were either 300 or 360 seconds through a clear filter depending on the asteroid’s predicted magnitude. The observations at Balzaretto Observatory were obtained with a Meade LX-200 0.2-m SCT and SBIG ST-7XME CCD controlled with Astroart v4 (AA, 2015). The exposures were 420 seconds through a clear filter. JPL (2015). Small Body Database Search Engine. Pravec, P., Wolf, M., Sarounova, L. (2015). SB (2015). Warner. B.D. (2015). MPO Canopus software. MPOCanopus.htm All images were dark subtracted and flat field corrected using image processing tools within MPO Canopus version (Warner, 2015). The multi-night data sets for each asteroid were combined with the FALC routine (Harris et. al., 1989) within MPO Canopus to provide synodic periods for the asteroid. 1531 Hartmut. This main-belt asteroid was discovered on 1938 September 17 by A. Bohrmann at Heidelberg (JPL, 2015). It was observed on 12 nights over a time span of 24 days. The derived synodic period is nearly commensurate with the Earth’s rotation, P = 25.57 ± 0.01 h with A = 0.21 ± 0.03 mag. 4145 Maximova. This main-belt asteroid was discovered on 1981 September 29 by L.V. Zhuravleva at Nauchnyj (JPL, 2015). It is also known as 1981 SJ7, 1967 PB, 1974 RC1, and 1981 WB5. It was observed on 9 nights over a time span of 44 days. The derived synodic period is P = 19.875 ± 0.002 h with an amplitude of A ~ 1.0 mag. A month earlier (Aug 7-15), Pravec et al. (2015) obtained observations on eight nights for 4145 Maximova and found a synodic period of 19.872 ± 0.004 h and an amplitude of 0.93 mag. The two periods and amplitudes agree within the error bars. Acknowledgements The Etscorn Campus Observatory operations are supported by the Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 122 LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS OF 1654 BOJEVA Melissa N. Hayes-Gehrke, Devona Austin, Carl Bowers, Andrew Cleary, Andrew Dilks, Anne Dzurilla, Meir Friedenberg, Sadie Isakower, Kaydra Davy-Coore, Andrew Kee, Greg Leonhartt, Sumit Rajpara, Christine Ricciardi, Jacob Wolf, Vivian Zohery Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 USA indicate a bimodal lightcurve associated with a rotation period of 10.5559 ± 0.0137 h. (Received: 2015 December 21) Photometric observations of main-belt asteroid 1654 Bojeva were made over six nights during 2015 October and November. Remote observations were made using iTelescope Observatory (MPC H06) in Mayhill, New Mexico. Lightcurve analysis using MPO Canopus found a possible rotation period of 10.5559 ± 0.0137 h with an amplitude of 0.27 mag. 1654 Bojeva is a main-belt asteroid discovered in 1931 by the Russian astronomer Pelageya F. Shajn. Its semi-major axis is approximately 3.02 AU, eccentricity 0.09, and orbital period about 5.24 years (JPL, 2015). The asteroid was observed during the Supplemental IRAS Minor Planet Survey (Tedesco et al., 2004) and found to have a diameter of 27.0 ± 1.9 km and absolute magnitude of H = 10.7. It should be noted that previous attempts have been made to determine 1654 Bojeva’s rotation period. Krotz et al. (2010) made observations in 2010. However, they could not determine a repeatable pattern for the asteroid’s lightcurve. Observations of Bojeva were taken remotely on 2015 Oct 20, 23, and 31 and Nov 3, 9, and 10 using the T21 telescope at iTelescope Observatory (H06) in Mayhill, New Mexico. All images were taken with a 0.43-m Planewave CDK with f/4.5 focal reducer. The camera was an FLI PL-6303E CCD with 3072x2048 pixels. The plate scale was 0.96 arcsec/pixel (iTelescope, 2015). Exposure times were set to 300 s using a luminance filter with the binning set to 1x1 for all images. Of the 101 images that were recorded, 15 were discarded due to pixel saturation and interference from a nearby star. During three of the nights, fewer than six usable images were taken due to inclement weather. After data were collected and reviewed, MPO Canopus was used to perform aperture and differential photometry on the images. Images were calibrated internally by MPO Canopus during this process. Differential magnitudes were calculated using the Comp Star Selector utility to select five stars similar in color to the Sun as reference stars to calculate average magnitudes for each image (Warner, 2012). The data from all six nights were plotted as an unphased lightcurve in MPO Canopus, after which period analysis was conducted. This uses Fourier analysis to fit the data to many different sinusoidal curves in order to find the best-fit curve with the smallest rootmean-square (RMS) error value. Adjustments of the magnitude zero-points for each particular data set were made to achieve the lowest minimum RMS value in the period spectrum. Four harmonic terms were chosen since this, coupled with the adjusted magnitude zero-points, provided the most distinct RMS minimum. It should be noted that three of our nights yielded only about a half-dozen usable images. However, these nights were included in the analysis since they were necessary in plotting a plausible lightcurve. Additionally, while the overwhelming majority of the authors independently achieved a rotation period within the uncertainty of the lightcurve depicted, there was one author whose analysis yielded a rotation period of 14.3809 ± 0.0268 h. This difference, along with the aforementioned inclusion of only partial nights of observation, has caused us to be less confident in our result than we would like. Additional observations would be necessary in order to confirm our result. References iTelescope (2015). Krotz, J., Albers, K., Carbo, L., Kragh, K., Meiers, A., Yim., A., Ditteon, R. (2010). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory.” Minor Planet Bulletin 37, 99-101. JPL (2015). Small Body Database Browser. Tedesco, E.F., Noah, P.V., Noah, M., Price, S.D. (2004). IRAS Minor Planet Survey. IRAS-A-FPA-3-RDR-IMPS-V6.0. NASA Planetary Data System. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). Icarus 202, 134146. Updated 2015 December 7. Warner, B.D. (2012). MPO Software, MPO Canopus version Bdw Publishing. Several possible solutions stood out in the period spectrum. However, the minimum associated with a solution of 10.56 hours provided a significantly better fit to the data. The final results Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 123 LIGHTCURVES FOR SHAPE/SPIN MODELS Daniel A. Klinglesmith III, Sebastian Hendrickx, Karl Madden, Samuel Montgomery Etscorn Campus Observatory New Mexico Tech 101 East Road Socorro, NM 87801 USA (Received: 2015 December 21) We obtained lightcurves of 12 asteroids in 2015 for potential use in shape and spin axis modeling: 855 Newcombia, 929 Algunde, 1730 Marceline, 1967 Menzel, 2074 Shoemaker, 2323 Zverev, 3285 Ruth Wolfe, 3640 Gostin, 3682 Welther, 3873 Roddy, (6823) 1988 ED1, and (11424) 1999 LZ24. In order to obtain an initial model for the shape of an asteroid, it is usually necessary to obtain lightcurves from at least 3 or 4 oppositions with different phase angle bisector longitudes (see Harris et al., 1984). For main-belt asteroids, this usually means observations from several successive oppositions. In the last article in each Minor Planet Bulletin, Warner et al. (e.g., 2015) provide a list of possible shape/spin candidates. We chose to attempt to obtain lightcurves from their most recent article where the known periods were less than 4 hours. This gave us the chance to obtain at least one complete period cycle per night. Our observations were obtained with the three Celestron 0.35-m telescopes and SBIG cameras at Etscorn Campus Observatory (Klinglesmith, 2015). The images were processed and calibrated using MPO Canopus (Warner, 2015). The exposures were between 180 and 360 seconds through clear filters. The multi-night data sets for each asteroid were combined with the FALC routine (Harris et al., 1989) within MPO Canopus to provide synodic periods for each asteroid. The information about the discovery and names were obtained from the JPL Small Body Database Search Engine (JPL, 2015). The previously obtained periods and phase angle bisector longitudes and latitudes (LPAB and BPAB) were obtained from the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009) and listed in Table I along with our results. 855 Newcombia is a main-belt asteroid discovered by S. Belyavskij at Simeis on 1916 Apr 3. An independent discovery was made by M. Wolf at Heidelberg on 1916 Apr 28. It is also known as 1916 ZP. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 3.004 ± 0.001 h, A = 0.41 mag. 929 Algunde is a Flora asteroid discovered by K. Reinmuth at Heidelberg on 1920 Mar 10. It is also known as 1920 GR. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 3.310 ± 0.001 h, A = 0.14 mag. 1730 Marceline is a main-belt asteroid discovered by M. Laugier at Nice on 1936 Oct 17. It is also known as 1936 UA, 1931 RE, 1950 WF, 1952 DR2, 1954 QA, and 1971 JC. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 3.837 ± 0.001 h, A = 0.59 mag. 1967 Menzel is a Flora asteroid discovered by M. Wolf at Heidelberg on 1905 Nov 1. It is also known as A905 VC, 1930 DS, 1965 SF, 1965 VH, 1970 EM, 1973 CE, 1975 UH, and 1975 VE. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 2.835 ± 0.001 h, A = 0.29 mag. 2074 Shoemaker is a Hungaria asteroid discovered by E.F. Helin at Palomar on 1974 Oct 17. It is also known as 1974 UA. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 2.534 ± 0.001 h, A = 0.06 mag. 2323 Zverev is a main-belt asteroid discovered by N. Chernyhk on 1976 Sep 24 at Nauchnjy. It is also known as 1976 SF2, 1951 GP, 1960 WK, 1965 SW, and 1965 UF1. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 3.923 ± 0.003 h, A = 0.37 mag. 3285 Ruth Wolfe is a main-belt asteroid discovered by C. Shoemaker and E. Shoemaker on 1983 Nov 5 at Palomar. It is also known as 1983 VW1, 1952 BR, 1979 VP1, and 1979 YR1. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 3.939 ± 0.001 h, A = 0.20 mag. 3640 Gostin is a Flora asteroid discovered by C. Shoemaker and E. Shoemaker on 1985 Oct 11. It is also known as 1985 TR3, 1955 SS, 1960 CB, 1970 CS, and 1972 VJ1. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 3.263 ± 0.003 h, A = 0.27 mag. 3682 Welther is a main-belt asteroid discovered by K. Reinmuth at Heidelberg on 1923 Jul 12. It is also known as A923 NB, 1951 YO, 1978 NP3, and 1984 AA. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 3.599 ± 0.003 h and A = 0.37 mag. 3873 Roddy is a main belt asteroid discovered by C. Shoemaker at Palomar on 1984 Nov 21. It is also known as 1984 WB and 1953 XK1. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 2.479 ± 0.001 h, A = 0.08 mag. (6823) 1988 ED1 is main-belt asteroid discovered by M. Arai and H. Mori at Yorii on 1988 Mar 12. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 2.546 ± 0.001 h, A = 0.13 mag. (11424) 1999 LZ24 is a main belt asteroid discovered by LINEAR at Socorro on 1999 Jun 09. It is also known 1955 XJ, 1970 YA, 1991 JH6, and 1998 GM2. Our results for the period and amplitude are P = 2.927 ± 0.003 h, A = 0.13 mag. References Albers, K., Kragh, K., Monnier, A., Pligge, Z., Stolze, K., West, J., Yim, A., Ditteon, R. (2010). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2009 October thru 2010 April.” Minor Planet Bull. 37, 152-158. Aymami, J.M. (2011). “CCD Photometry and Lightcurve Analysis of 1730 Marceline and 1996 Adams from Observatori Carmelita in Tiana.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 55-56. Behrend, R. (2001, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011) Brinsfield, J.W. (2011). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Via Capote Observatory: 4th Quarter 2010.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 7374. Chang, C.-K., Ip, W.-H., Lin, H.-W., Cheng, Y.-C., Ngeow, C.-C., Yang, T.-C., Waszczak, A., Kulkarni, S.R., Levitan, D., Sesar, B., Laher, R., Surace, J., Prince, T.A. (2014). “313 New Asteroid Rotation Periods from Palomar Transient Factory Observations.” Ap. J. 788, A17. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 124 Clark, M. (2015). “Asteroid Photometry from the Preston Gott Observatory.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 15-20. Warner, B.D. (2001). “Asteroid Photometry at the Palmer Divide Observatory.” Minor Planet Bull. 28, 30-32. Cooney Jr., W.R., Gross, J., Terrell, D., Reddy, V., Dyvig, R. (2007). “Lightcurve Results for 486 Cremona, 855 Newcombia 942 Romilda, 3908 Nyx, 5139 Rumoi, 5653 Camarillo, (102866) 1999 WA5.” Minor Planet Bull. 34, 47-48. Warner, B.D. (2003). “Lightcurve analysis of asteroids 331, 795, 886, 1266, 2023, 3285, and 3431.” Minor Planet Bull. 30, 61-64. Durkee, R.I., Ferrero, A. (2011). “The Lightcurve of Asteroid 4223 Shikoku.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 40-41. Galad, A., Kornos, L. (2008). “A Sample of Lightcurves from Modra.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 78-81. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V. (1984). “Lightcurves and phase relations of the asteroids 82 Alkmene and 444 Gyptis.” Icarus 57, 251-258. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Higgins, D. (2008). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at Hunters Hill Observatory and Collaborating Stations: April 2007 - June 2007.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 30-32. Warner, B.D. (2005). “Revised lightcurve analysis for 1022 Olympiada and 3285 Ruth Wolfe.” Minor Planet Bull. 32, 26. Warner, B.D. (2006). Asteroid lightcurve analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory - late 2005 and early 2006.” Minor Planet Bull. 33, 58-62. Warner, B.D. (2008). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory - June - October 2007.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 56-60. Warner, B.D. (2009). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: 2009 March-June.” Minor Planet Bull. 36, 172-176. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). Icarus 202, 134146. Updated 2015 December 7. Warner, B.D. (2011a). “A Quartet of Known and Suspected Hungaria Binary Asteroid.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 33-36. Hummel, J., Postma, A., Sumter, G.C., Moore, H., Sweet, S., Beaky, M.M. (2008). “Lightcurve Analysis of Asteroids 3036 Krat, 3285 Ruth Wolfe, and 5448 Siebold.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 160-161. Warner, B.D. (2011b). “Upon Further Review: III. An Examination of Previous Lightcurve Analysis from the Palmer Divide Observatory.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 21-23. Klinglesmith III, D.A., Hanowell, J., Risley, E., Turk, J., Vargas, A., Warren, C.A. (2014). “Lightcurves for Inversion Model Candidates.” Minor Planet Bull. 41, 139-143. Warner, B.D. (2011c). “Upon Further Review: V. An Examination of Previous Lightcurve Analysis from the Palmer Divide Observatory.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 63-65. Klinglesmith III, D.A., DeHart, A., Hanowell, J., Hendrickx, S. (2015). “Asteroids at Etscorn Campus Observatory: 2014 September–December.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 101–104. Warner, B.D. (2011d). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: 2010 September-December.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 82-86. LeCrone, C., Duncan, A., Hudson, E., Johnson, J., Mulvihill, A., Rechert, C., Ditteon, R. (2006). “2005-2006 fall observing campaign at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.” Minor Planet Bull. 33, 66-67. Warner, B.D., Stephens R. (2012). “Lightcurve for 2074 Shoemaker.” Minor Planet Bull. 39, 225. Liu, J. (2016). “Rotation Period Analysis for 1967 Menzel.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 98-99. Oey, J. (2008). Lightcurve Analysis of Asteroids from the Kingsgrove and Leura Observatories in the 2nd Half of 2007.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 132-135. Pravec, P., Wolf, M., Sarounova, L. (2007, 2008, 2010) Pray, D., Pravec, P., Kusnirak, P., Nudds, S., Galad, A., Gajods, S., Vilagi, J., Koff, R. (2006). “(4786) Tatianina.” CBET 472. Warner, B.D. (2013). “Rounding Up the Unusual Suspects.” Minor Planet Bull. 40, 36-42. Warner, B.D. (2015). MPO Canopus software. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Ďurech, J., Benner, L.A.M. (2015). “Lightcurve Photometry Opportunities 2015 October–December.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 286–290. Warner, B.D. (2016). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3Palmer Divide Station: 2015 June-September.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 57-65. Stephens, R.D., Warner, B.D., Pravec, P., Kusnirak, P., Sarounova, L., Wolf, M., Malcolm, G. (2002). “Lightcurves of 3682 Welther.” Minor Planet Bull. 29, 41-46. Stephens, R.D. (2008). “Asteroids Observed from GMARS and Santana Observatories - Late 2007 and Early 2008.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 126-127. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 125 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 126 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 127 Number 855 929 1730 1967 2074 2323 3285 3640 Name Newcombia Algunde Marceline Menzel Shoemaker Zverev Ruth Wolfe Gostin Reference Date LPAB BPAB Phase Period Amp Cooney 2007 2004 Oct 14 9.0 -1.4 5.9 3.003 0.35 Klinglesmith 2014 2014 Apr 01 197.8 1.8 12.9 3.003 0.33 this paper 2015 Nov 10 20.8 2.3 11.6 3.004 0.41 Galad 2008b 2008 Mar 18 143.1 -5.0 17.4 3.31016 0.00 Pravec 2008web 2008 Mar 02 330.9 5.5 13 3.3107 0.02 Behrend 2008web 2008 Aug 14 331.6 5.6 7.1 6.619 0.19 Oey 2008e 2008 Aug 01 330.9 5.5 13.5 3.311 0.13 this paper 2015 Oct 12 16.6 3.0 1.8 3.31 0.14 Aymami 2001a 2010 Sep 12 343.6 1.5 3.1 3.837 1.00 Behrend 2010web 2010 Sep 26 344.2 0.5 10 2.8366 1.00 Brinsfield 2011a 2010 Sep 03 343.3 2.1 2 3.836 0.94 this paper 2015 Nov 03 45.7 -10.6 7.7 3.837 0.59 Pray et al. 2006 2005 Sep 24 19.4 -4.1 12.6 2.835 0.28 LeCrone et al. 2006 2005 Nov 02 22.5 -2.9 11.6 2.834 0.38 Pravec et al. 2007 2007 Apr 10 194.7 3.5 3.1 2.8344 0.24 Higgins 2008 2007 Apr 10 194.7 3.5 3.1 2.8346 0.25 Behrend 2005 2005 Oct 27 194.7 3.5 3.1 2.83481 0.27 Pravec et al. 2010 2010 Jan 14 150.7 5.0 18.8 2.8343 0.27 Clark 2015 2014 Jun 14 230.3 0.0 15.2 2.8346 0.25 Liu 2016 2015 Oct 11 18.1 -3.8 2.7 2.84 0.39 this paper 2015 Nov 05 20.2 -2.9 13.5 2.835 0.29 Warner 2009 2009 Oct 18 22.0 4.4 4.2 2.5328 0.06 Warner 2011b 2010 Jul 24 312.1 43.4 28.3 2.5338 0.12 Warner 2012 2012 Apr 05 219.7 3.7 16.2 2.82 0.08 Warner 2016 2015 Jun 25 341.7 32.6 34.5 2.809 0.13 this paper 2015 Oct 08 3.5 18.1 16.8 2.534 0.06 Behrend 2006 2006 Jan 08 140.5 4.5 13.4 3.9213 0.39 Behrend 2011 2011 Jan 01 74.1 5.6 11.2 3.92114 0.36 Waszczak et al. 2015 2011 Jan 13 74.8 5.5 15.9 3.9215 0.38 this paper 2015 Nov 08 18.1 1.7 10.1 3.923 0.37 Warner 2003 1999 Nov 03 41.2 13.6 Warner 2005 1999 Nov 04 41.2 13.4 Hummel et al. 2008 2007 Nov 02 32.9 16.2 Warner 2011c 1999 Nov 04 41.2 13.4 this paper 2015 Oct 10 25.1 21.1 Albers et al. 2010 2010 Mar 10 165.5 Chang et al. 2014 2013 Feb 16 112.6 Waszczak et al. 2015 2013 Feb 11 this paper 2015 Nov 05 8.8 6.722 0.21 8.7 3.94 0.20 11.1 3.919 0.20 8.7 3.937 0.20 14 3.939 0.20 -5.2 4.1 3.2641 0.40 -1.3 19.6 3.26 0.47 119.9 -1.2 17.6 3.2632 0.37 47.0 5.6 4.7 3.263 0.27 Table 1, part 1: Previously published phase angle bisectors, synodic periods, and amplitudes from the Lightcurve Data Base (LCDB, Warner, 2015) plus results from this paper Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 128 Number 3682 3873 6823 11424 Name Welther Roddy 1988 ED1 1999 LZ24 Reference Date LPAB Stephens et al. 2002 2001 Sep 07 348.2 Behrend 2001 2001 Aug 25 345.0 Stephens et al. 2002 2001 Oct 03 Stephens et al. 2002 BPAB Phase Period Amp 30.6 14.7 3.5973 0.21 20.2 16 3.603 0.33 350.7 19.8 18.3 0.26 2001 Oct 06 351.3 19.6 19.3 0.28 Stephens et al. 2002 2001 Oct 12 352.7 19.0 21 Behrend 2001 2001 Oct 13 352.7 19.0 21.3 3.595 0.28 Behrend 2010 2010 Aug 09 310.0 16.5 10.9 3.5973 0.22 this paper 2015 Nov 04 60.9 7.1 13.3 3.599 0.37 Warner 2006 2005 Dec 05 113.3 -17.0 28.7 2.4782 0.09 Warner 2008 2007 Aug 16 355.9 30.7 22.9 2.4792 0.10 Warner 2009 2009 Jun 20 251.8 5.0 12.4 2.48 0.06 Warner 2011d 2010 Nov 29 68.3 1.7 1.7 2.4782 0.05 Warner 2013 2007 Aug 26 356.7 31.2 21 2.479 0.11 Warner 2013 2012 Aug 30 11.5 32.4 19.1 2.479 0.08 Warner 2016 2015 Jul 09 11.5 23.7 28.1 2.486 0.10 this paper 2015 Nov 02 30.5 20.5 14.5 2.479 0.08 Stephens 2008 2007 dec 28 91.8 2.5 2.6 2.541 0.1 Behrend 2011 2008 Jan 12 92.3 4.3 10.3 2.598 0.3 Durkee 2012 2011 Dec 10 74.2 -4.8 3.3 2.546 0.19 Waszczak et al. 2015 2013 Mar 12 200.6 19.5 13.7 2.546 0.19 this paper 2015 Nov 05 54.6 -14.0 11.9 2.546 0.14 Warner 2001 2000 Nov 25 60.0 -2.1 2.3 2.928 0.11 Warner 2011b 2000 Nov 25 60.0 -2.1 2.3 2.925 0.08 Waszczak et al. 2015 2013 Aug 24 198.3 7.9 13.8 2.9275 0.10 this paper 2015 Nov 07 58.8 -4.3 9.7 2.927 0.13 0.31 Table 1, part 2: Previously published phase angle bisectors, synodic periods, and amplitudes from the Lightcurve Data Base (LCDB, Warner, 2015) plus results from this paper. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 129 NIR MINOR PLANET PHOTOMETRY FROM BURLEITH OBSERVATORY, 2015 Richard E. Schmidt Burleith Observatory (I13) 1810 35th St NW Washington, DC 20007 (Received: 2015 December 23) Despite residing in one of the more light-polluted urban areas of the U.S., the 0.32-m Burleith Observatory telescope is able to determine minor planet rotation periods consistent with more optimally-located observatories. In 2015, rotation periods were obtained for six minor planets: 337 Devosa, 1016 Anitra, 2379 Heiskanen, 3987 Wujek, 4012 Geballe, and 5236 Yoko. Fig. 2. Mean signal/noise ratios as a function of magnitude Washington, DC has the distinction of being in one of the more light-polluted areas of the United States (Fig. 1; Lorenz, 2015). A PlaneWave 0.32-m f/8 CDK astrograph was equipped with an SBIG STL-1001E CCD camera and an Astrodon Cousins Ic filter that provides a NIR bandwidth of 700-900 nm. The unbinned image scale of 1.95 arc-seconds per pixel is well-matched to the typical 4 to 5 arc-second seeing. All observations of this program were autoguided and bias and sky flat-field corrected using CCDSoft version 5.00.217. Photometry and period analysis were performed using MPO Canopus version (Warner, 2015). The Comp Star Selector (CSS) utility was used to select comparison stars with solar-like spectra. Solutions were checked using Peranso software version 2.51 (Vanmunster, 2015) using the FALC (Harris et al., 1989) and ANOVA (Schwarzenberg-Czerny, 1996) methods. 337 Devosa. Discovered in 1892 by A. Charlois at Nice, this minor planet provided its name for the 1944 christening of the USS Devosa (AKA-27), an attack cargo ship. H.J. Schober reported its unusual triple extrema (Schober, 1979). The observed period below agrees with Behrend (2010). Peranso FALC gives 4.6051 ±0.0027 h; Peranso ANOVA gives 4.5726 ± 0.0016 h. Fig. 1. Location of Burleith Observatory in the Light Pollution Atlas, 2006. The four brightest night sky areas (Washington, Baltimore, Philadephia, New York City) are shown in white. In 2015 December, the sky background was measured as 18.50 ± 0.04 mag/arcsec2 (Ic) using synthetic aperture photometry with Mira AP software version 7.974 (Mirametrics, 2015). This brightness, 25 times brighter than the skies at Mauna Kea, results in high background noise and limits longer exposures. Some example mean object signal-to-noise (SNR) values from MPO Canopus are shown in Figure 2. Despite these limitations, it is possible to do useful minor planet differential photometry with a modest telescope in a fiberglass dome mounted on top of an urban house surrounded by neighbors, street lights, and traffic. Number Name 1016 Anitra. This asteroid was discovered by Karl Reinmuth at the Heidelberg-Königstuhl State Observatory in 1924 at photographic mag 13.3. (Leuschner, 1935). Reinmuth retired in 1957 as the current most prolific minor planet finder in history with 395 confirmed discoveries (Minor Planet Center, 2015). Anitra is a member of the Flora family of S-type main-belt asteroids (Kryszczynska et al., 2012). Menke (2005) observed Anitra, finding a period of 5.9300 ± 0.0003 h, consistent with subsequent observers (Pray et al., 2006; Alkema, 2013). Peranso FALC gives Obs.Date Range 2015 (mm/dd) Images Exp. (s) Phase (°) Period (h) P.E. (h) Amp Ic (mag) A E Ic (mag) 337 Devosa 01/29 – 03/25 501 90,120 6.7–25.4 4.6528 0.0001 0.33 0.01 1016 Anitra 10/20 – 11/09 557 300 1.82-12.45 5.9301 0.0003 0.27 0.03 2379 Heiskanen 11/26 – 12/20 180 420 23.4–23.9 3.7627 0.0003 0.23 0.05 3987 Wujek 11/21 – 11/23 96 300 6.4-7.4 8.036 0.014 0.36 0.04 4012 Geballe 12/05 – 12/19 104 420 8.3-15.7 5.8864 0.0064 0.90 0.05 5236 Yoko 11/13 – 11/20 96 300 6.4–10.3 2.7692 0.0004 0.44 0.05 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 130 5.9300 ± 0.0070 h; Peranso ANOVA gives 5.9302 ± 0.0040 h. 2379 Heiskanen was discovered in 1941 by Yrjö Väisälä, one of 128 minor planets discovered within 31 months at Turku, Finland. The LCDB (Warner et al., 2009) reports a recent 3.76 h period by Garceran et al. (2016). Peranso FALC gives 3.7613 ± 0.0075 h; Peranso ANOVA gives 3.7626 ± 0.0028 h. 3987 Wujek was discovered in 1986 by E. Bowell at Anderson Mesa. No prior results were found in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009). Peranso FALC gives 8.0460 ± 0.3246 h; Peranso ANOVA gives 7.4410 ±0.1437 h. Clearly, more observations are needed. 4012 Geballe was discovered in 1978 by E. Helin and S. Bus at Palomar. The period below agrees with the more precise result by Pravec et al. (2015) of 5.88597 h. Peranso FALC gives 5.8846 ± 0.0066 h; Peranso ANOVA gives 5.8839 ± 0.0028 h. 5236 Yoko. Y. Mizuno and T. Furuta at Kani discovered Yoko in 1990. A period of 2.768 h was reported by Carbo et al. (2009). Peranso FALC gives 2.7701 ± 0.0051 h; Peranso ANOVA gives 2.7696 ± 0.0041 h. Lorenz, D. (2015). “Light Pollution Atlas 2006.” http://, accessed Dec. 2015. Menke, J. (2005). “Lightcurves and periods for asteroids 471 Papagena, 675 Ludmilla, 1016 Anitra, 1127 Mimi, 1165 Imprinetta, 1171 Rustahawelia, and 2283 Bunke.” Minor Planet Bull. 32, 64-66. Minor Planet Center. (2015). Mirametrics. (2015). Pravec, P., Wolf, M., Sarounova, L. (2015). Pray, D.P., Galad, A., Gajdos, S., Vilagi, J., Cooney, W., Gross, J., Terrel, D., Higgins, D., Husarik, M., Kusnirak, P. (2006). “Lightcurve analysis of asteroids 53, 698, 1016, 1523, 1950, 4608, 5080 6170, 7760, 8213, 11271, 14257, 15350 and 17509.” Minor Planet Bull. 33, 92-95. Acknowledgements Schober, H.J. (1979). “Rotation period of the Minor Planet 337 Devosa - an unusual object with triple extrema in the photoelectric lightcurve.” Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 35, 337-343. The author acknowledges with gratitude the helpful advice and instruction of Frederick Pilcher, Organ Mesa Observatory, and wishes to acknowledge again B. D. Warner for his invaluable contributions to the growth of amateur minor planet photometry. Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A. (1996). “Fast and Statistically Optimal Period Search in Uneven Sampled Observations.” Ap. J. 460, L107-110. References Vanmunster, T. (2015). Peranso software. CBA Belgium Observatory. Alkema, M.S. (2013). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at Elephant Head Observatory: 2012 November - 2013 April.” Minor Planet Bull. 40, 133-137. Behrend, R. (2010). Observatoire de Geneve web site. Carbo, L., Green, D., Kragh, K., Krotz, J., Meiers, A., Patino, B., Pligge, Z., Shaffer, N., Ditteon, R. (2009). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2008 October thru 2009 March.” Minor Planet Bull. 36, 152-157. Garceran, A.C., Aznar, A,. Mansego, E.A., Rodriguez, P.B., de Haro, J.L., Silva, A.F., Silva, G.F., Martinez, V.M., Chiner, O.R. (2016). “Nineteen Asteroids Lightcurves at Asteroids Observers (OBAS) - MPPD: 2015 April – September.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 92-97. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The asteroid lightcurve database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 December 7. Warner, B.D. (2015). MPO Canopus software. Bdw Publishing, Waszczak, A., Chang, C.-K., Ofek, E.O., Laher, R., Masci, F., Levitan, D., Surace, J., Cheng, Y.-C., Ip, W.-H., Kinoshita, D., Helou, G., Prince, T.A., Kulkarni, S. (2015). “Asteroid Light Curves from the Palomar Transient Factory Survey: Rotation Periods and Phase Functions from Sparse Photometry.” Astron. J. 150, A75. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Kryszczynska, A., Colas, F., Polinksa, M., Hirsch, R., Ivanova, V., Apostolovska, G., Bilkina, B., Velichko, F.P. Kwaitokski, T., Kaniewicz, P. and 20 coauthors. (2012). “Do Slivan states exist in the Flora family?. I. Photometric survey of the Flora region.” Astron. Astrophys. 546, 72. Leuschner, A. (1935). Research Surveys of the Orbits and Perturbations of Minor Planets 1 to 1091 from 1801.0 to 1929.5, p. 501. Univ. California Press, Berkeley. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 131 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 132 ASTEROID PHOTOMETRY FROM THE PRESTON GOTT OBSERVATORY 6326 Idamiyoshi The period derived here is in excellent agreement with that derived by Waszczak et al. (2015). Dr. Maurice Clark Department of Physics Texas Tech University Lubbock TX 79409 USA 7192 Cieletespace. The period given here is somewhat longer than that found by Waszczak et al. (2015). However, the current result is derived from only two nights of data. (9465) 1998 HJ121. The period derived here is in excellent agreement with that from Waszczak et al. (2015). (Received: 2015 December 24) Asteroid lightcurve period and amplitude results obtained at the Preston Gott Observatory during the second half of 2015 are presented. The Preston Gott Observatory is the main astronomical facility of the Texas Tech University. Located about 20 km north of Lubbock, the main instrument is a 0.5-m f/6.8 Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain. An SBIG STL-1001E CCD was used with this telescope. Other telescopes used were 0.35-m and 0.30-m SchmidtCassegrains, each equipped with SBIG ST-9XE CCD’s. All images were unfiltered and were reduced with dark frames and sky flats. Image analysis was accomplished using differential aperture photometry with MPO Canopus. Period analysis was also done in MPO Canopus, which implements the algorithm developed by Alan Harris (Harris et al., 1989). Differential magnitudes were calculated using reference stars from the USNO-A 2.0 catalog and the UCAC4 catalog. Results are summarized in the table below and the lightcurve plots are presented at the end of the paper. The data and curves are presented without additional comment except were circumstances warrant. 5240 Kwasan. Observations of this asteroid were made on two nights before clouds and work prevented further observations. The derived period is somewhat longer that that found by earlier studies (Ivanova, 2002, 5.35 ± 0.01 h; Behrend, 2010, 5.50 ± 0.01 h; Albers, 2010, 5.676 h) This is clearly an asteroid that needs further work to a find an unambiguous period. # 5240 6326 6538 7192 9465 12614 13143 13762 15520 16849 22977 23692 25638 46989 52748 Name Kwasan Idamiyoshi Muraviov Cieletespace 1998 HJ 121 Hokusai 1995 AF 1998 SG130 1999 XK98 1997 YV 1999 VF24 1997 KA Ahissar 1998 TO5 1998 JJ1 Date 2015 09/09 09/13 10/11 07/19 09/09 11/01 09/13 09/13 07/19 11/01 07/19 11/01 09/13 11/22 11/08 Range mm/dd – 09/13 – 10/13 – 12/15 – 08/14 – 09/13 – 11/13 - 10/18 - 10/18 – 08/13 – 12/17 – 08/14 – 12/17 – 10/18 – 12/17 – 12/06 12614 Hokusai. Behrend (2005) reported a rotation period of 2.87 hours. The result derived here rules that period out completely. (52748) 1998 JJ1. The period derived here closely matches that derived by Stephens (2015) Acknowledgments I would like to thank Brian Warner for all of his work with the program MPO Canopus and for his efforts in maintaining the CALL website ( References Behrend, R. (2005, 2010). Observatoire de Geneve web site. Albers, K., Kragh, K., Monnier, A., Pligge, Z., Stolze, K. West, J., Yim, A., Ditteon, R. (2010). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2009 October Thru 2010 April.” Minor Planet Bull. 37, 152-158. Ivanova, V.G., Apostolovska, G., Borisov, G.B., Bilkina, B.I. (2002). “Results from Photometric Studies of Asteroids at Rozhen National Observatory, Bulgaria.” in: Proceedings of Asteroids, Comets, Meteors - ACM 2002. (B. Warmbein, ed.). ESA SP-500. pp 505–508. Stephens, R.D. (2015). Published in the asteroid lightcurve database. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). Icarus 202, 134146. Updated 2015 Dec 7. Nights 2 4 3 5 2 3 5 4 4 5 6 5 3 5 2 Per (h) 5.909 3.138 2.9759 6.3546 5.802 2.7296 4.9813 2.7587 8.7904 6.0472 4.532 10.430 3.2721 9.0420 4.3260 Error (h) 0.001 0.001 0.0001 0.0004 0.002 0.0004 0.0002 0.0001 0.0004 0.0001 0.001 0.002 0.0001 0.0005 0.0002 Amp. (mag) 0.49 0.31 0.24 0.44 0.65 0.80 0.27 0.25 0.73 0.68 0.13 0.25 0.66 0.72 0.78 A.E. 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 Table I. Observing circumstances and results. Column 3 gives the range of dates of observations and column 4 gives the number of nights on which observations were undertaken. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 133 Waszczak, A., Chang, C.-K., Ofek, E.O., Laher, R., Masci, F., Levitan, D., Surace, J., Cheng, Y.-C., Ip, W.-H., Kinoshita, D., Helou, G., Prince, T.A., Kulkarni, S. (2015). “Asteroid Light Curves from the Palomar Transient Factory Survey: Rotation Periods and Phase Functions from Sparse Photometry.” Astron. J. 150, A75. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 134 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 135 ROTATION PERIOD DETERMINATIONS FOR 269 JUSTITIA, 275 SAPIENTIA, 331 ETHERIDGEA, AND 609 FULVIA Frederick Pilcher 4438 Organ Mesa Loop Las Cruces, NM 88011 USA (Received: 2016 January 5) The synodic rotation periods and amplitudes are reported for 269 Justitia 33.128 ± 0.001 hours, 0.25 ± 0.01 magnitudes; 275 Sapientia 14.932 ± 0.001 hours, 0.10 ± 0.01 magnitudes; 331 Etheridgea 25.315 ± 0.001 hours, 0.12 ± 0.01 magnitudes; 609 Fulvia 35.375 ± 0.001 hours, 0.21 ± 0.02 magnitudes. Observations to produce these determinations for the minor planets reported here have been made at the Organ Mesa Observatory with a 35.4 cm Meade LX200 GPS S-C and SBIG STL 1001-E CCD. Photometric measurement and lightcurve construction are with MPO Canopus software. All exposures are 60 second exposure time, unguided, clear filter. To reduce the number of points on the lightcurves and make them easier to read data points have been binned in sets of 3 with maximum time difference 5 minutes. 269 Justitia. Previous rotation period determinations have been made by Barucci et al. (1992), 16.545 hours; and by Behrend (2006), 26.3 hours. New observations on 11 nights 2015 Nov. 21 – 2016 Jan. 3 provide a good fit to an irregular bimodal lightcurve with period 33.128 ± 0.001 hours and amplitude 0.25 ± 0.01 magnitudes. This is twice the Barucci et al (1992) estimate and also disagrees with Behrend (2006). 275 Sapientia. Previous rotation period determinations have been made by Denchev (2000), >20 hours; Behrend (2006), 24.07 hours; Warner (2007), 14.766 hours; and Pilcher (2015), 14.931 hours. With the period already well established by the dense lightcurve of Pilcher (2015), it was possible to cover the entire lightcurve twice and the double period lightcurve once with observations on 5 carefully selected nights 2015 Sept. 28 – Nov. 20. These observations provide a good fit to a lightcurve with period 14.932 ± 0.001 hours, amplitude 0.10 ± 0.01 magnitudes. This result is completely consistent with Pilcher (2015), close to the period by Warner (2007), and rules out all other previously published periods. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 136 331 Etheridgea. Previous rotation period determinations have been made by Warner (2003), 6.82 hours; and by Behrend (2004), 13.54 hours. Warner (2010) reevaluated his earlier data with greatly improved software and concluded that the period was likely to be much longer than the originally published 6.82 hours. Alkema (2013) found a period 13.092 hours. New observations on 18 nights 2015 Sept. 13 – Nov. 18 provide a good fit to an asymmetric lightcurve with period 25.315 ± 0.001 hours with one deep minimum and one shallow minimum. An upward bump in the shallow minimum had a height about 0.02 magnitudes 2015 Sept. 13-14 at phase angle 18 degrees. Its height decreased with decreasing phase angle and the bump had disappeared 2015 Nov. 6-8 at phase angle 2 degrees. Future lightcurve inversion shape modelers can expect to find an interesting topographic feature by modeling this bump. The new 25.315 hour period is completely inconsistent with all previously published periods. References Alkema, M.S. (2013). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at Elephant Head Observatory: 2012 November – 2013 April.” Minor Planet Bull. 40, 133-137. Barucci, M. A., Di Martino, M., Fulchignoni, M. (1992). Astron. J. 103, 1679-1686 Behrend, R. (2004). Observatoire de Geneve web site, Behrend, R. (2006). Observatoire de Geneve web site. Behrend, R. (2007). Observatoire de Geneve web site: Denchev, P. (2000). "Photometry of 11 asteroids during their 1998 and 1999 apparitions." Planet Space Sci. 48, 987-992. Pilcher, F. (2015). “Rotation Period Determinations for 275 Sapientia, 309 Fraternitas, and 924 Toni.” Minor Planet Bull 42, 38-39. Warner, B.D. (2003). “Lightcurve Analysis of Asteroids 331, 795, 886, 1266, 2023, 3285, and 3431.” Minor Planet Bull. 30, 61-64. Warner, B.D. (2007). "Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory-December 2006-March 2007." Minor Planet Bull. 34, 72-77. Warner, B.D. (2010). “Upon Further Review: I. An Examination of Previous Lightcurve Analysis from the Palmer Divide Observatory.” Minor Planet Bull. 37, 127-130. 609 Fulvia. Previous rotation period determinations are by Behrend (2006), >12 hours; again by Behrend (2007), > 12 hours; and by Waszczak et al. in the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) Survey (2015), 34.9857 hours. New observations on 11 nights 2015 Oct. 23 – Dec. 19 provide a good fit and full phase coverage to a lightcurve with period 35.375 ± 0.001 hours, amplitude 0.21 ± 0.02 magnitudes. This is significantly greater than the period derived from sparse data by Waszczak et al. This project also shows that, despite the large number of sparser asteroid lightcurves being produced by the PTF, dense photometry by telescopes of 25 cm to 40 cm aperture continues to be highly productive. Waszczak, A., Chang, C.-K., Ofek, E.O., Laher, F., Masci, F., Levitan, D., Surace, J., Cheng, Y.-C., Ip, W.-H., Kinoshito, D., Helou, G., Prince, T.A., Kulkarni, S. (2015). “Asteroid Light Curves from the Palomar Transient Factory Survey; Rotation Periods and Phase Functions from Sparse Photometry.” Astron. J. 150, Issue 3, article Id. 75, 35 pp. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 137 ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT CS3-PALMER DIVIDE STATION: 2015 OCTOBER-DECEMBER Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies – Palmer Divide Station 446 Sycamore Ave. Eaton, CO 80615 USA (Received: 2016 January 7 Revised: 2016 January 21) Lightcurves for 14 main-belt asteroids were obtained at the Center for Solar System Studies-Palmer Divide Station (CS3-PDS) from 2015 October-December. For the sake of brevity, only some of the previously reported results may be referenced in the discussions on specific asteroids. For a more complete listing, the reader is directed to the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009a). The on-line version at allows direct queries that can be filtered a number of ways and the results saved to a text file. A set of text files of the main LCDB tables, including the references with bibcodes, is also available for download. Readers are strongly encouraged to obtain, when possible, the original references listed in the LCDB for their work. 16 Psyche. This well-studied outer main-belt asteroid was observed to tie lightcurve features to those found, if any, with radar and thermal observations made about the same. The period agrees closely with previous results (see references in the LCDB). CCD photometric observations of 14 main-belt asteroids were made at the Center for Solar System Studies-Palmer Divide Station (CS3-PDS) from 2015 October-December. Table I lists the telescope/CCD camera combinations used for the observations. All the cameras use CCD chips from the KAF blue-enhanced family and so have essentially the same response. The pixel scales for the combinations range from 1.24-1.60 arcsec/pixel. Desig Squirt Borealis Eclipticalis Australius Zephyr Telescope 0.30-m f/6.3 0.35-m f/9.1 0.35-m f/9.1 0.35-m f/9.1 0.50-m f/8.1 Schmidt-Cass Schmidt-Cass Schmidt-Cass Schmidt-Cass R-C Camera ML-1001E STL-1001E ML-1001E STL-1001E FLI-1001E Table I. List of CS3-PDS telescope/CCD camera combinations. All lightcurve observations were unfiltered since even a clear filter can result in a 0.1-0.3 magnitude loss. The exposure duration varied depending on the asteroid’s brightness and sky motion. Guiding on a field star sometimes resulted in a trailed image for the asteroid. Measurements were made using MPO Canopus. If necessary, an elliptical aperture with the long axis parallel to the asteroid’s path was used. The Comp Star Selector utility in MPO Canopus found up to five comparison stars of near solar-color for differential photometry. Catalog magnitudes were usually taken from the MPOSC3 catalog, which is based on the 2MASS catalog ( but with magnitudes converted from J-K to BVRI using formulae developed by Warner (2007). The nightly zero points have been found to be consistent to about ± 0.05 mag or better, but on occasion are as large as 0.1 mag. This consistency is critical to analysis of long period and/or tumbling asteroids. Period analysis is also done using MPO Canopus, which implements the FALC algorithm developed by Harris (Harris et al., 1989). In the plots below, the “Reduced Magnitude” is Johnson V as indicated in the Y-axis title. These are values that have been converted from sky magnitudes to unity distance by applying –5*log (rΔ) to the measured sky magnitudes with r and Δ being, respectively, the Sun-asteroid and Earth-asteroid distances in AU. The magnitudes were normalized to the given phase angle, e.g., alpha(6.5°), using G = 0.15, unless otherwise stated. The X-axis is the rotational phase ranging from –0.05 to 1.05. If the plot includes an amplitude, e.g., “Amp: 0.65”, this is the amplitude of the Fourier model curve and not necessarily the adopted amplitude for the lightcurve. The value is meant only to be a quick guide. 4674 Pauling. This is a known binary (Merline et al., 2004) that was discovered using adaptive optics. The satellite has an orbital period of about 1200 hours and is too faint to be observed by lightcurve photometry alone. The results agree with previous results by the author (Warner, 2006; 2011) and others. 5087 Emel’yanov. The estimated diameter for this outer main-belt asteroid is 13.3 km, assuming an albedo of pv = 0.057 and H = 13.1. It was in the same field as a planned NEA asteroid for two nights, but only the first night provided sufficient coverage of a bimodal lightcurve. A search of the half-periods of the likely full period solutions led to adopting a final result of P = 14.5 ± 1.0 h and amplitude A = 0.30 ± 0.03 mag. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for the asteroid. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 138 = 5.697 h. Observations in 2011 (Warner, 2011) changed that to P = 3.321 h but with an alternate solution of P = 6.643 h. Skiff (2011) found a similar pair of ambiguous solutions. The results from the 2015 data seem to establish the shorter period with P = 3.2754 h since a fit to the longer period is not reasonable. The 2007 data were re-examined and found to fit P = 3.233 ± 0.002 h, A = 0.05 mag. 9165 Raup. A Hungaria asteroid of about 5 km effective diameter, Raup was observed for the second time by the author, the first time being in 2014 (Warner, 2014). At that time, the period was reported to be 560 h with the possibility of tumbling. The more extended data set in 2015 nearly doubled the period, P = 1320 ± 10 h, and found a slightly larger amplitude of A = 1.34 ± 0.03 mag. If the asteroid is tumbling, it would appear to be a very low level since there were no outward signs in the 2015 lightcurve. 17447 Heindl. This is the first time that the author observed this Hungaria as part of the on-going project to study this intriguing group of asteroids (see Warner et al., 2009b). There were no previous entries in the LCDB for Heindl. (36496) 2000 QK49. This appears to be the first reported period for 2000 QK49, an inner main-belt asteroid of about 2.8 km effective diameter, assuming pv = 0.2, H = 15.1. It was in the same field as a planned target on two successive nights. Fortunately, each observing run covered more than a full cycle of the adopted period, which resulted in a secure solution. There were no previous entries in the LCDB. 20936 Nemrut Dagi. The author first worked this Hungaria as (20936) 4835 T-1 (Warner, 2008). The period was reported to be P Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 139 (49669) 1999 RZ30. This asteroid was observed as part of the Hungaria observing project (now more than 10 years old). This appears to be the first reported period. (53115) 1999 AM14. This middle main-belt asteroid was another target of opportunity, meaning that it was in the same field as a planned target. Only one night’s data were obtained, but the proposed period of P = 4.0 ± 0.1 h seems a reasonable estimate. There were no previous entries in the LCDB. (135885) 2002 TX49. Another target of opportunity (in the same field as 9165 Raup), 2002 TX49 is a middle main-belt asteroid of about 2.6 km effective diameter, assuming pv = 0.1, H = 16.0. Despite data from only one night, the amplitude and phase angle make the period of P ~ 5.29 h more likely correct than not. (139515) 2001 PD53. The Hungaria 9165 Raup was a target of opportunity magnet in October. This was one of no less than four such targets in the same field on one or more nights. 2001 PD53 is an outer main-belt asteroid of about 4 km diameter. Given the apparent coverage of more than half a cycle and amplitude, the period of P = 8.3 ± 0.5 h seems to be reliable, though not fully secure. There were no previous entries in the LCDB. (241339) 2007 VL269. Another one of 9165 Raup’s entourage in October was this 1.2 km inner main-belt asteroid. There were no previous entries in the LCDB. (241804) 2001 QW282. This is a 3 km outer main-belt asteroid with no previous entries in the LCDB. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 140 Number 16 4674 5087 9165 17447 20936 20936 36496 49669 53115 135885 139515 241339 241804 249590 Name Psyche Pauling Emel'yanov Raup Heindl 4835 T-1 Nemrut Dagi 2000 QK49 1999 RZ30 1999 AM14 2002 TX49 2001 PD53 2007 VL269 2001 QW282 1996 UG2 2015 mm/dd 11/30-12/26 11/26-12/01 11/01-11/02 08/30-10/19 10/21-10/23 07 11/06-11/15 11/26-12/13 10/09-10/10 10/22-10/26 12/16-12/16 10/09-10/09 10/09-10/09 10/09-10/09 10/09-10/09 10/09-10/10 Pts 540 126 128 2907 181 161 467 146 132 62 49 77 74 71 87 Phase 4.5,4.1,7.5 31.5,31.7 11.8,12.1 23.2,3.3,11.8 3.6,3.2 27.4,30.2 27.2,22.6 13.1,12.5 15.7,17.2 4.0 3.9 3.3 4.6 15.6 11.1,10.6 LPAB 77 356 67 8 29 6 107 35 10 76 8 8 9 265 36 BPAB Period P.E. Amp -4 4.1963 0.0005 0.13 15 2.532 0.002 0.13 -5 14.5 1 0.3 -7 1320 10 1.34 -5 2.569 0.005 0.18 -3 3.233 0.002 0.05 24 3.2754 0.0005 0.08 2 5.31 0.01 0.35 18 3.119 0.005 0.26 2 4.04 0.1 0.16 -3 5.3 0.5 0.33 -3 8.3 0.5 0.63 -3 7.7 0.5 0.85 -9 >12. >0.2 2 4.45 0.05 0.23 A.E. 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.03 Group MB-O H MB-O H H H H MB-I H MB-M MB-M MB-O MB-I MB-O MB-O 07 Table II. Observing circumstances. Observations in 2007. The phase angle (α) is given at the start and end of each date range, unless it reached a minimum, which is then the second of three values. If a single value is given, the phase angle did not change significantly and the average value is given. LPAB and BPAB are each the average phase angle bisector longitude and latitude, unless two values are given (first/last date in range). The Group column gives the orbital group to which the asteroid belongs. The definitions and values are those used in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009a). H = Hungaria; MB-I/M/O = Main-belt inner/middle/outer. The period shown in the lightcurve (7.0 ± 0.82 h) is just one of many that fit the data. Assuming a bimodal lightcurve, the best solution is an indefinite one of P ≥ 12 h and A ≥ 0.2 mag. (249590) 1996 UG2. This was another target of opportunity. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for the 3.5 km outer mainbelt asteroid. With data from two nights, the period is considered mostly, but not completely, secure. References Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Merline, W.J., Tamblyn, P.M., Dumas, C., Menard, F., Close, L.M., Chapman, C.R., Duvert, G., Ageroges, N. (2004). “S/2004 (4674) 1. IAUC 8297. Skiff, B.A. (2011) Posting on CALL web site. Warner, B.D., Pravec, P., Kusnirak, P., Foote, C., Foote J., Galad, A., Gajdos, S., Kornos, L., Vilagi, J., Higgins, D., Nudds, S., Kugly, Y.N., Gaftonyuk, N.M. (2006). “Lightcurves analysis for Hungaria asteroids 3854 George, 4440 Tchantches and 4674 Pauling.” Minor Planet Bull. 33, 34-35. Warner, B.D. (2008). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: September-December 2007.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 67-71. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009a). “The Asteroid Lightcurve Database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 Dec. Acknowledgements Funding for PDS observations, analysis, and publication was provided by NASA grant NNX13AP56G. Work on the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB) was also funded in part by National Science Foundation grants AST-1210099 and AST-1507535. This research was made possible in part based on data from CMC15 Data Access Service at CAB (INTA-CSIC) and the AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS), funded by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund. ( This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. ( Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Vokrouhlický, D., Nesvorný, D., Bottke, W.F. (2009b). “Analysis of the Hungaria asteroid population.” Icarus 204, 172-182. Warner, B.D (2011a). “Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: 2010 June-September.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 25-31. Warner, B.D. (2011b). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: 2010 December- 2011 March.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 142-149. Warner, B.D. (2014). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3Palmer Divide Station: 2014 January-March.” Minor Planet Bull. 41, 144-155. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 141 LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AND ROTATION PERIOD DETERMINATION FOR ASTEROID 11268 SPASSKY Dr. Melissa N. Hayes-Gehrke, Ryan Brink, Sean Brody, Danielle Daitch, Dimitri Deychakiwsky, Robert Huang, Sam Leitess, John Carlo Mandapat, Christine Schroeder Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742-2421 USA Dr. Daniel A. Klinglesmith III Etscorn Campus Observatory Socorro, NM USA Acknowledgements Funding for observations was provided by the Astronomy Department at University of Maryland. We would also like to thank for the use of their facilities to study this asteroid. The Etscorn Campus Observatory operations are supported by the Research and Economic Development Office of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT). References ECO (2015). Etscorn Campus Observatory. (Received: 2015 December 21) Photometric observations of main-belt asteroid 11268 Spassky were made over four nights during 2015 October and November. The observations were obtained remotely at the iTelescope Observatory in Nerpio, Spain, as well at the Etscorn Campus Observatory in New Mexico. Analysis of the data found a rotation period of 5.645 ± 0.003 h. Observations of the asteroid 11268 Spassky were obtained on 2015 Oct 21 and Nov 3 and 5 using the T7 Planewave 0.43-m CDK telescope at the Nerpio, Spain, AstroCamp Observatory. The telescope uses an SBIG STL-11000M CCD with 9x9 µm pixels which give a resolution 0.63 arcsec/pixel. Of the 61 images taken using 300-s exposure times, a luminance filter, and at 1x1 binning, two were discarded due to blurriness and saturation. On 2015 Nov 14, 63 images were obtained by Dr. Daniel Klinglesmith of the Etscorn Campus Observatory (ECO, 2015) in New Mexico. His observations were obtained with a Celestron 0.35-m Schmidt-Cassegrain (SCT) telescope on a Software Bisque Parmount ME mount ( and SBIG STL1001E CCD. After collaborating with Dr. Klinglesmith, a total of 122 images were used in data analysis and creation of the lightcurve. Analysis of the data was performed using MPO Canopus (Warner, 2013). Images from the various nights of observation were uploaded into MPO Canopus where aperture and differential photometry along with a Fourier series analysis routine (Harris et. al., 1989) were employed to compute a phased lightcurve for the asteroid. The best-fit period of 5.645 ± 0.003 h clearly had the lowest RMS fit, yielding no other plausible matches. The amplitude of the lightcurve is 0.62 mag. This result fits within the average statistics that have been collected for main-belt asteroids. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Warner, B.D. (2013). MPO Software. MPO Canopus version Bdw Publishing. LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS OF THE NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID 2015 TB145 Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies–Palmer Divide Station 446 Sycamore Ave. Eaton, CO 80615 USA Albino Carbognani Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region (OAVdA) Lignan 39, 11020 Nus (Aosta), ITALY Lorenzo Franco Balzaretto Observatory (A81), Rome, ITALY Julian Oey Blue Mountains Observatory (MPC Q68) Leura, NSW, AUSTRALIA (Received: 2016 January 8) The near-Earth asteroid 2015 TB145 made a fly-by of Earth in 2015 October. We observed the NEA in support of radar observations planned for late October. Our data set of more than 1200 data points obtained from October 19-31 led to a solution of P = 2.938 ± 0.002 h and A = 0.13 ± 0.02 mag. The near-Earth asteroid (NEA) TB145 made a fly-by of Earth on 2015 October 31 (~0.003 AU). We responded to a request from the radar team for photometry prior to the fly-by in order to help plan their observations. Tables I and II give the equipment used and the dates of observations for each observer. We began observations at CS3-PDS with the 0.5-m telescope on October 19, when the asteroid was V ~ 18.7 but the sky motion was negligible and so exposures could be long enough (240 s) to Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 142 get a reasonable SNR. By the end of the month, Franco was using exposures of only 10 sec as the sky motion approached 900”/min. OBS Warner Carbognani Franco Oey Telescope 0.30-m 0.50-m 0.81-m 0.20-m 0.35-m 0.61-m Camera f/9.6 f/8.1 f/7.9 f/5.5 f/5.9 f/6.8 SCT R-C R-C SCT SCT CDK FLI ML-1001E FLI PL-1001E FLI PL-1001E ST-7XME ST-8XME Apogee U42 Table I. List of observers and equipment. Obs Warner Carbognani Franco Oey 2015 Oct Sess 19-24 26-27 30 24 1-4,6 9-10 12-18 5 31 20-30 24,29,30 7-8 11,19 α LPAB BPAB 33.8 34.7 46 54 -14 -8 33.9 36.4 37.4 33.9 34.8 48 -13 -13 -8 -13 -11 48-54 48-51 Table II. Dates of observation for each observer. α is the solar phase angle at the earliest and latest observation. The last two columns are the average or extreme phase angle bisector longitude and latitude (see Harris et al., 1984). One of the concerns for a small asteroid is that the rotation period might be very fast, on the order of only a few minutes. To avoid so-called rotational smearing, exposures must be no longer than about 0.19 the rotation period of the asteroid (see Pravec et al., 2000). In this case, the estimated size made it unlikely that the period would be less than about 2 hours, and so the long exposures at the start of the campaign would not be a problem. All observations were unfiltered. The CS3-PDS observations were referenced to V magnitudes from the MPOSC3 catalog, which is based on the 2MASS catalog converted to the BVRcIc system using formulae developed by Warner (2007). The other observations were referenced mostly to R magnitudes taken either from the MPOSC or UCAC3 catalogs. All images were measured in MPO Canopus and the data files sent to Warner for period analysis, again using MPO Canopus, which incorporates the FALC Fourier analysis algorithm developed by Harris (Harris et al., 1989). Somewhat arbitrary zero point offsets, for the R magnitudes in particular, were required to find a solution with the minimum RMS deviation that also produced a total lightcurve similar to the individual parts. Acknowledgements Funding for Warner was provided by NASA grant NNX13AP56G. Research at the Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region was supported by a 2013 Shoemaker NEO Grant. The Apogee U 42 camera at Blue Mountains Observatory was kindly provided by the 2015 Shoemaker NEO Grant of the Planetary Society. References Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V. (1984). “Lightcurves and phase relations of the asteroids 82 Alkmene and 444 Gyptis.” Icarus 57, 251-258. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W., (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Pravec, P., Hergenrother, C., Whiteley, R., Sarounova, L., Kusnirak, P. (2000). “Fast Rotating Asteroids 1999 TY2, 1999 SF10, and 1998 WB2.” Icarus 147, 477-486. Warner, B.D. (2007). “Initial Results of a Dedicated H-G Program.” Minor Planet Bul. 34, 113-119. CALL FOR OBSERVATIONS Frederick Pilcher 4438 Organ Mesa Loop Las Cruces, NM 88011 USA The combined data set used 1244 data points for the analysis, which found a solution of P = 2.938 ± 0.002 h and A = 0.13 ± 0.02 mag. Quite often during a close fly-by, the viewing aspect (phase angle bisector (PAB); see Harris et al., 1984) and/or phase angle change significantly. Either one can cause a noticeable change in the synodic period and/or amplitude over a span of a few weeks, if not days. In this case, neither the PAB or phase angle changed much during the two-week span of observations. Within the limits of the individual data sets, we did not see a noticeable change in either the period or amplitude of the lightcurve. (Received: 2016 January 14) Observers who have made visual, photographic, or CCD measurements of positions of minor planets in calendar 2015 are encouraged to report them to this author on or before 2016 April 1. This will be the deadline for receipt of reports which can be included in the “General Report of Position Observations for 2015,” to be published in MPB Vol. 43, No. 3. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 143 NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT CS3-PALMER DIVIDE STATION: 2015 OCTOBER–DECEMBER Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies / MoreData! 446 Sycamore Ave. Eaton, CO 80615 USA (Received: 2016 January 9 Revised: 2016 January 21) Lightcurves for 36 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) were obtained at the Center for Solar System Studies-Palmer Divide Station (CS3-PDS) from 2015 OctoberDecember. CCD photometric observations of 36 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) were made at the Center for Solar System Studies-Palmer Divide Station (CS3-PDS) from 2015 October-December. Table I lists the telescope/CCD camera combinations used for the observations. All the cameras use CCD chips from the KAF blue-enhanced family and so have essentially the same response. The pixel scales for the combinations range from 1.24-1.60 arcsec/pixel. Desig Squirt Borealis Eclipticalis Australius Zephyr Telescope 0.30-m f/6.3 0.35-m f/9.1 0.35-m f/9.1 0.35-m f/9.1 0.50-m f/8.1 Schmidt-Cass Schmidt-Cass Schmidt-Cass Schmidt-Cass R-C lightcurve database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009). The on-line version at allows direct queries that can be filtered a number of ways and the results saved to a text file. A set of text files of the main LCDB tables, including the references with bibcodes, is also available for download. Readers are strongly encouraged to obtain, when possible, the original references listed in the LCDB for their work. If the plot includes an amplitude, e.g., “Amp: 0.65”, this is the amplitude of the Fourier model curve and not necessarily the adopted amplitude for the lightcurve. The value is provided as a matter of convenience. 1620 Geographos. The period and shape of this asteroid have been studied in detail (e.g., Hudson and Ostro, 1999; Higgins et al., 2008). The results from the CS3-PDS observations agree well with those earlier findings. The 2015 apparition featured about the minimum lightcurve amplitude previously seen. In some years, the amplitude has been nearly double: 2.03 mag. Camera ML-1001E STL-1001E ML-1001E STL-1001E FLI-1001E Table I. List of CS3-PDS telescope/CCD camera combinations. All lightcurve observations were unfiltered since a clear filter can result in a 0.1-0.3 magnitude loss. The exposure duration varied depending on the asteroid’s brightness and sky motion. Guiding on a field star sometimes resulted in a trailed image for the asteroid. Measurements were done using MPO Canopus. If necessary, an elliptical aperture with the long axis parallel to the asteroid’s path was used. The Comp Star Selector utility in MPO Canopus found up to five comparison stars of near solar-color for differential photometry. Catalog magnitudes were usually taken from the MPOSC3 catalog, which is based on the 2MASS catalog ( but with magnitudes converted from J-K to BVRI using formulae developed by Warner (2007). The nightly zero points have been found to be consistent to about ± 0.05 mag or better, but on occasion are as large as 0.1 mag. Period analysis is also done using MPO Canopus, which implements the FALC algorithm developed by Harris (Harris et al., 1989). In the plots below, the “Reduced Magnitude” is Johnson V as indicated in the Y-axis title. These are values that have been converted from sky magnitudes to unity distance by applying –5*log (rΔ) to the measured sky magnitudes with r and Δ being, respectively, the Sun-asteroid and Earth-asteroid distances in AU. The magnitudes were normalized to the given phase angle, e.g., alpha(6.5°), using G = 0.15, unless otherwise stated. The X-axis is the rotational phase, ranging from –0.05 to 1.05. For the sake of brevity, only some of the previously reported results may be referenced in the discussions on specific asteroids. For a more complete listing, the reader is directed to the asteroid (5646) 1990 TR. This was the second time the author observed 1990 TR, the first being in 2012 (Warner, 2013) when the amplitude was only 0.12 mag. The 0.32 mag amplitude in 2015 would seem to indicate the asteroid presented a more equatorial view. The periods from the two apparitions are in good agreement. (6611) 1993 VW. Pravec et al. (2005web) reported the possibility that this NEA is a binary, finding a primary period of 2.5568 h and a secondary period of 17.19 h. No mutual events were seen that would have firmly confirmed the existence of a satellite. Analysis of the CS3-PDS data only added to the mystery. Two possible solutions evolved, one involving two periods, P1 = 3.40 ± 0.01 h Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 144 and P2 = 9.34 ± 0.01 h, and the other a single period solution of PS = 6.831 ± 0.001 h. It’s worth noting that P1 is almost exactly 1/2PS. All attempts to fit the CS3 data to the periods found by Pravec et al. were unsatisfactory. (33342) 1998 WT24. The period and shape of this NEA were welldetermined by Busch et al. (2008) using radar observations. The 2015 apparition presented a good opportunity to study the evolution of the lightcurve over a three-week span. (11054) 1991 FA. Pravec et al. (2001web) reported a solution of P = 2.57223 h, A = 0.08 mag, but no lightcurve is available. Their data set spanned almost two months starting in 2001 November. A period search using the CS3 data, which consisted of three consecutive nights, found a strong solution at 2.926 h and a ntoably weaker one at about 2.6 h. The CS3 were forced to fit a period in the range of 2.5-2.7 h, which found P = 2.615 h, A = 0.14 mag. However, that solution is not as good a fit. Mid-date Phase PABL PABB Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec 69.8 63.8 49.8 42.5 23.5 97.6 97.1 93.3 90.3 70.6 -15.6 -15.3 -14.8 -14.4 -9.7 23 27 03 05 11 Table II. Observing circumstances during the 2015 apparition. The Mid-date is approximate middle of each data set. The phase and phase angle bisector were computed for 0 UT for that date. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 145 The “All” plot shows what happens when trying to merge data sets with significantly different amplitudes and synodic periods, the latter especially if the total span of the observations covers a large number of rotations. The plots A-E show the evolution of the shape and amplitude of the lightcurve as the phase angle decreased. Overall, the synodic period increased by about 0.01 h from the first observations to the last while the asteroid phase angle decreased to towards 0°. This is usually an indication of retrograde rotation, i.e., a pole latitude λ < 0. The latitude found by Busch et al. (2008) was λ = –22° (53426) 1999 SL5. This appears to be the first reported period for this NEA. The solution is reliable for rotational studies but not fully secure. The next good opportunity for follow-up is 2023 August when it will again be at +59° and V ~ 17.6. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 146 (88263) 2001 KQ1. No previous entries were found in the LCDB for 2001 KO1. The large amplitude and lightcurve asymmetry virtually assure that the bimodal solution is correct (see Harris et al., 2014). (112985) 2002 RS28. Three different data sets from 2015 gave three different results. The first two (Warner, 2015; 2016) gave ambiguous results. Despite a 0.24 mag amplitude in 2015 July, the data led to three equally-likely solutions, one close the one found using the 2015 November data. The asteroid doesn’t get brighter than V = 17.0 again until 2025. (137084) 1998 XS16. Pravec et al. (1999web) found a period of 5.4211 h. The solution here is in good agreement. (138852) 2000 WN10. The periods found by Pravec et al. (2011web), Skiff et al. (2012), and from the CS3 data are in good agreement. (152679) 1998 KU2. No single period could be found, though one of about 125 h roughly fits a bimodal lightcurve. It’s very likely this asteroid is in a tumbling state (non-principal axis rotation, NAPR). See Pravec et al. (2014; 2005a). (152978) 2000 GJ147. This appears to be the first reported period for this NEA. Despite the noisy data, the amplitude and low phase angle made the bimodal solution almost certain. The next time the asteroid is brighter than V = 18.0 is 2020 November. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 147 (155110) 2005 TB. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for 2005 TB. The solution is considered secure. The next apparition brighter than V = 18.0 is 2025 November, at –62°. (155334) 2006 DZ169. This NEA was observed at CS3 in 2015 August (Warner, 2016) when the amplitude was 0.21 mag. The amplitude decreased to 0.17 mag for the October observations. This was expected since the phase angle dropped from 42° to 10° and lightcurve amplitude is known to decrease with phase angle (Zappala et al., 1990). (163899) 2003 SD220. There are very slight hints that this asteroid is tumbling (the slopes of some sessions doesn’t quite match the model curve slope). Tumbling would not be unexpected since the approximate damping time to single axis rotation is greater than the age of the Solar System (see Pravec et al., 2014). (194268) 2001 UY4. There were no previous entries in the LCDB to help guide the period analysis. As the period spectrum shows, there are several likely solutions, the favored one being 5.91 h. Another solution, at 7.88 h, may be a fit by exclusion, where the Fourier modeling finds a lower RMS by minimizing the number of overlapping data points in the solution. Such a solution is often indicated when there is a significant gap in the lightcurve. It’s worth noting that the two periods have an integral ratio of 4:3. (159399) 1998 UL1. This appears to be the first reported lightcurve for 1998 UL1. While no other solutions were of nearly equal fit to the Fourier model, this period should not be considered definitive. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 148 (241596) 1998 XM2. The interesting shape of the lightcurve for 1998 XM2 may indicate a concavity at one end of an elongated body. Those interested in follow-up will have to wait until 2027 May for it to be V < 18.0 again. On the other hand, when plotting the half periods of both solutions, the best fit came at 3.94 h, which would favor the 7.88 h solution, assuming a bimodal lightcurve. However, this may not be a good assumption given the low amplitude and phase angle (see Harris et al., 2014). (194386) 2001 VG5. The period for 2001 VG5 has been reported twice before: Polishook (2009; 6.6 h) and Koehn et al. (2014; 6.351 h). The results based on the CS3 data are in good agreement with Koehn et al. (200754) 2001 WA25. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for this asteroid. The result is considered almost secure. The large scatter in relation to the amplitude leaves the period a little in doubt, but mostly out of a sense of caution. (253106) 2002 UR3. It’s very possible that 2002 UR3 is a tumbler. Attempts to find a more bimodal than trimodal solution were unsuccessful. The period is much longer than expected for a damping time equal to the age of the Solar System, making tumbling maybe more likely than not. The 2015 apparition at V = 15.6 was brighter than most. It “blazes” through the sky in 2028 when it reaches V = 14.3 at +62° declination. (294739) 2008 CM. This NEA became the subject of intense and detailed radar observations in late 2015. Optical observations were hampered by very fast sky motion and a nearly full moon at the Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 149 time of closest approach. The asteroid was observed before (Warner, 2014) when a secure result of P = 3.054 h, A = 0.48 mag was found. refocusing routine about every hour. This process took anywhere from 3-8 minutes. It appears that these breaks were almost synced to the rotation period and so occurred at the same places in the curve throughout each run. That is one explanation. Another might be that scattered light from a nearly full moon being 30-40° away on the two runs created a gradient across the image and so, as the comp stars moved from right to left, the base differential magnitude would change and then reset when a new set of comparison stars was used. To check on this, two tests were run. The first was to remeasure the images and always use comparison stars on the right side of the image and, if possible, the middle half vertically. This would avoid at least half any gradient change. This did not make a difference. The shifts still occurred at the focusing breaks and the amplitude remained at about 0.4 mag. The second test was to find the pixel values in a random sampling of images processed with master flat-fields and darks. For each image, the stars were removed leaving (almost) only sky background pixels. The image was then divided into 64 columns that were 16-pixels wide and 1024 pixels high. The average pixel value of the subregions of 16384 pixels was found and then plotted versus starting column, a sample of which is shown here. The plot shows a nearly flat response from the left to right side of the image. The standard deviation of the mean of the column averages was 0.2%, or about 0.002 mag. A similar check was done dividing the images into 16-pixel high rows, to see if there was a gradient from top to bottom. The standard deviation was half that for the columns average. The lightcurves for 2015 Dec 27 and 28 differ in both amplitude and synodic period, with the latter having the shorter period and smaller amplitude. This follows since the phase angle was about 8-10° less on the second day (see Zappala et al., 1990). The combined lightcurve (“All”) gives an average period and amplitude but does not fit the data as well as the individual curves. The most noticeable feature is the very sharp decline at about 0.45 and 0.95 rotation phase. It’s believed that this is the result in bad timing. During both observing runs, which used exposures of only 10 seconds with a 15-second pause between images and repositioned the telescope every 20 images, the script also forced a Imaging when there the moon is in the sky can be problematic if the telescope is not well baffled throughout the optical path. However, waiting until the dark of the moon is not always an option. In fact, it often is not. Despite the tests run in this case, the unusual behavior of the lightcurves may have been due to moonlight or other systematic issues other than bad timing. It is worth noting that only one other time has such a problem been seen at CS3 with a fast-moving object where obvious systematic issues could be eliminated. There again, the shifts in the lightcurve were nearly in sync with the breaks for focusing runs. This highlights the need when working objects with relatively short periods, i.e., P < 3 hours, to vary the imaging cadence as much as possible. This means not only random intervals between individual images but, as this case may show, also random intervals between repositioning or refocusing the telescope. (442243) 2011 MD11. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for 2011 MD11. The period makes it a potential binary asteroid candidate. The next good follow-up opportunity comes in 2019 October at V ~ 17.7, Dec +26°. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 150 (443837) 2000 TJ1. While there were no previous lightcurve results in the LCDB, it did include an entry from Thomas et al. (2014), who reported that the asteroid is of taxonomic type Sq based on warm-Spitzer IR observations. The next photometry opportunity comes in 2020 October when the asteroid will be V ~ 16.9 at +5° declination. Assuming the second period is valid, it might represent a fully asynchronous satellite, i.e., one where the rotation period is not also the orbital period. The next chance for confirmation by radar or optical observations isn’t until 2024 October, when the asteroid will reach a minimum distance of 0.06 AU, V ~ 14.1, Dec +19°. (452302) 1995 YR1. This appears to be the first reported lightcurve period for this NEA. The period is considered nearly secure, the small issues being the low SNR and the fact that most observing runs covered less than half a cycle. (450649) 2006 UY64. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for 2006 UY64. A single period solution did not quite fit the data. A dual period analysis in MPO Canopus found two periods: P1 = 2.824 ± 0.002 h, A1 = 0.09 ± 0.01 mag and P2 = 4.800 ± 0.005 h, A2 = 0.05 ± 0.01 mag. The shorter period makes the asteroid a good binary candidate. 2007 EA26. This appears to be the first reported period for 2007 EA26, an NEA with an estimated diameter of 200 meters. 2009 TK. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for 2009 TK. The estimated size of only 100 meters made it possible that Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 151 this was a superfast rotator, P < 2 h, and so exposures were kept to 30 seconds. Based on Pravec et al. (2000), this would avoid rotational smearing as long as the period was about 3 minutes or longer. The short exposures led to a higher than preferred SNR, but proved to be the right choice given the rotation period of just over 6 minutes. The lightcurve shape is unusual but this may be due in part to the somewhat high phase angle. The double period, P ~ 0.216 h was tested. This produced a highly symmetrical lightcurve with both halves matching the one in the plot and was rejected. 2015 SZ. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for 2015 SZ. While there were no outward signs of the asteroid being a tumbler, it would not be unexpected since the period for a damping time of 4.5 Gy is only 9 hours (see Pravec et al., 2014 and references therein). It’s possible that the low SNR data masked small-level tumbling. Unfortunately, this will be the best result for this NEA for some time. It does not get brighter than V ~ 21 nor will it be within reach of existing radar facilities through 2050. 2011 WN15. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for 2011 WN15. The period of just less than 2.1 hours, the so-called “spin barrier” between rubble pile and strength-bound asteroids. This should not be considered overly significant. This asteroid could easily be a rubble pile with sufficient bonding forces to allow it to spin a little faster than might be expected possible. The spin barrier is not a hard-fast but “fuzzy line” at best and depends on any number of factors. Here is another case where the large scatter in the data was overcome by having a large number of data points in observing runs that each covered a significant part of a cycle. 2015 XC. This NEA proved to be a tumbler (Petr Pravec, private communications). The “Float” plot is the best fit solution using the full data set when searching for a single period in MPO Canopus. 2011 YS62. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for this NEA. The period is considered secure due to the amplitude and asymmetrical shape of the lightcurve. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 152 2015 WF13. There were no previous entries in the LCDB for 2015 WF13, and likely won’t be any more (lightcurves at least) for some time. The NEA won’t get brighter than V ~ 23.6 through 2050. Fortunately, the amplitude of the lightcurve was sufficient to overcome the low SNR data and allow finding a secure period. The estimated diameter is only 60 meters, and so the superfast period of only 12.7 minutes was not unexpected. Because of its small size, exposures were limited to 30 seconds to avoid rotational smearing (see Pravec et al., 2000). 2015 TA25. A limited data set and apparently somewhat long period conspired against finding a reliable solution for 2015 TA25. The period spectrum shows several equally possible solutions. The period of 15.53 h is adopted here based on fitting the data to halfperiods and the best fit being near 7.8 hours. There were no previous entries in the LCDB. This is very reminiscent of a plot in Harris et al. (2014) which was used to demonstrate how a “beat period” could be found for a tumbler with similar periods of rotation and precession. The amplitude of 0.64 mag precludes a complex shape (Harris et al., 2014), adding further evidence for the asteroid being in a tumbling state. Pravec found periods of P1 = 0.181099 h and P2 = 0.27998 h. However, these are not unique and other periods are possible, especially for P2. The P1 and P2 plots have been forced to these two periods for comparison purposes only. 2015 SV2. Here is another long-period NEA that might be expected to show signs of tumbling but does not, at least that can be seen with the existing data set. There were no previous entries in the LCDB. The 2015 apparition was the last one through 2050 where the asteroid will be brighter than V ~ 20. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 153 Number 1620 5646 6611 11054 33342 53426 88263 112985 137084 138852 152679 152978 155110 155334 159399 163899 194268 194386 200754 241596 253106 294739 294739 442243 443837 450649 452302 Name Geographos 1990 TR 1993 VW 1991 FA 1998 WT24 1999 SL5 2001 KQ1 2002 RS28 1998 XS16 2000 WN10 1998 KU2 2000 GJ147 2005 TB 2006 DZ169 1998 UL1 2003 SD220 2001 UY4 2001 VG5 2001 WA25 1998 XM2 2002 UR3 2008 CM 2008 CM 2011 MD11 2000 TJ11 2006 UY64 1995 YR1 2007 EA26 2009 TK 2011 WN15 2011 YS62 2015 SZ 2015 XC 2015 SV2 2015 WF13 2015 TA25 2015 XU378 2015 mm/dd 12/13-12/16 11/18-11/24 10/11-11/15 10/09-10/11 11/22-12/12 10/12-10/19 10/11-10/29 11/05-11/15 10/11-10/14 11/19-11/21 10/24-11/11 11/23-11/30 10/27-10/30 10/19-10/23 10/11-10/14 11/06-11/28 10/31-11/03 12/01-12/03 12/04-12/05 10/07-10/10 11/12-11/23 12/27-12/27 12/28-12/28 10/05-10/08 10/03-10/08 10/31-11/03 12/13-12/17 10/30-11/15 10/07-10/07 12/05-12/12 12/01-12/04 10/04-10/09 12/06-12/07 12/02-12/18 12/04-12/05 11/05-11/07 12/17-12/18 Pts 186 112 340 88 1400 122 202 417 123 242 1291 279 205 137 166 740 400 155 104 167 1650 982 499 102 496 536 301 548 433 820 462 816 244 1004 361 335 562 Phase 26.9,28.0 50.1,49.0 8.5,6.9,21.4 57.4,58.0 70.4,21.7,32.5 36.1,32.3 38.1,35.6 47.6,44.9 71.7,68.6 24.8,23.9 30.2,13.6 4.3,14.3 21.7,19.7 9.0,11.6 13.0,11.2 82.0,80.7,81.9 28.2,21.5 1.5,3.3 45.5,44.3 53.1,52.1 4.9,4.1,22.6 52.9,52.9 45.3,45.3 12.9,13.1 3.9,2.8,11.8 44.2,49.7 34.5,40.0 22.0,43.6 27.7,27.7 63.3,18.2 40.0,43.4 17.7,30.5 30.5,46.9 37.2,20.4 51.3,47.7 7.8,12.1 59.5,59.7 A LPAB 51 146 27 66 90 9 68 321 18 46 62 60 31 15 28 100 47 67 109 13 76 120 119 4 11 14 107 37 26 95 53 27 58 85 46 39 59 BPAB 21 3 5 6 -14 32 4 20 61 -11 -4 6 17 1 14 21 -16 0 8 49 -1 16 10 -5 -4 13 -5 20 -8 9 19 0 12 15 -2 6 -1 P Period 5.223 3.203 2.63 2.926 3.697 5.03 13.16 4.787 5.419 4.463 T 125 13.22 3.479 4.68 4.01 285 7.88 6.38 3.653 8.75 180 3.041 2.966 2.43 14.09 2.824 5.006 65.0 0.10794 1.948 17.53 41 T 0.181099 43.91 0.21194 A 15.53 3.021 P.E. 0.005 0.002 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 5 0.05 0.005 0.02 0.02 5 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.02 5 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.03 0.002 0.005 0.2 0.00005 0.001 0.05 1 0.000006 0.05 0.00005 0.05 0.005 Amp 1.02 0.26 0.05 0.15 0.29 0.15 0.52 0.09 1.18 0.38 1.35 0.47 0.43 0.17 0.12 2.2 0.13 0.4 0.31 0.4 0.36 0.44 0.49 0.15 0.49 0.09 0.23 0.56 0.28 0.15 0.42 1.33 0.55 0.8 0.23 0.35 0.3 A.E. 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.20 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.1 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.04 Grp NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA NEA T Table III. Observing circumstances. preferred period for an ambiguous solution. period of primary in binary. dominant period of a tumbler. Pts is the number of data points used in the analysis. The phase angle (α) is given at the start and end of each date range, unless it reached a minimum, which is then the second of three values. If a single value is given, the phase angle did not change significantly and the average value is given. LPAB and BPAB are, respectively the average phase angle bisector longitude and latitude, unless two values are given (first/last date in range). Grp is the orbital group of the asteroid. See Warner et al. (LCDB; 2009; Icarus 202, 134-146.). 2015 XU378. This appears to be the first reported lightcurve for 2015 XU378. The period seems secure, which is fortunate since the asteroid won’t be brighter than V ~ 22 mag through 2050. lightcurve database (LCDB) was also funded in part by National Science Foundation grants AST-1210099 and AST-1507535. This research was made possible in part based on data from CMC15 Data Access Service at CAB (INTA-CSIC) and the AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS), funded by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund. ( This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. ( References Busch, M.W., Benner, L.A.M., Ostro, S.J., Giorgini, J.D., Jurgens, R.F., Rose, R., Scheeres, D.J., Magri, C., Margot, J.-L., Nolan, M.C., Hine, A.A. (2008). “Physical properties of near-Earth Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24.” Icarus 195, 614-621. Acknowledgements Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V. (1984). “Lightcurves and phase relations of the asteroids 82 Alkmene and 444 Gyptis.” Icarus 57, 251-258. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) Funding for PDS observations, analysis, and publication was provided by NASA grant NNX13AP56G. Work on the asteroid 154 Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Harris, A.W., Pravec, P., Galad, A., Skiff, B.A., Warner, B.D., Vilagi, J., Gajdos, S., Carbognani, A., Hornoch, K., Kusnirak, P., Cooney, W.R., Gross, J., Terrell, D., Higgins, D., Bowell, E., Koehn, B.W. (2014). “On the maximum amplitude of harmonics on an asteroid lightcurve.” Icarus 235, 55-59. Warner, B.D. (2013). “Seeing Double Old and New: Observations and Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory of Six Binary Asteroids.” Minor Planet Bull. 40, 94-98. Warner, B.D. (2014). “Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2014 January-March.” Minor Planet Bull. 41, 157-168. Warner, B.D. (2015). “Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2015 March-June.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 256-266. Higgins, D., Pravec, P., Kusnirak, P., Hornoch, K., Brinsfield, J.W., Allen, B., Warner, B.D. (2008). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at Hunters Hill Observatory and Collaborating Stations: November 2007 - March 2008.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 123-126. Warner, B.D. (2016). “Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2015 June-September.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 66-79. Hudson, R.S., Ostro, S.J. (1999). “Physical Model of Asteroid 1620 Geographos from Radar and Optical Data.” Icarus 140, 369378. Zappala, V., Cellini, A., Barucci, A.M., Fulchignoni, M., Lupishko, D.E. (1990). “An analysis of the amplitude-phase relationship among asteroids.” Astron. Astrophys. 231, 548-560. Koehn, B.W., Bowell, E.L.G., Skiff, B.A., Sanborn, J.J., et al. (2014). “Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Asteroid Photometric Survey (NEAPS) - 2009 January through 2009 June.” Minor Planet Bull. 41, 286-300. RESULTS OF THE 2015 MEXICAN ASTEROID PHOTOMETRY CAMPAIGN Pedro V. Sada Departamento de Física y Matemáticas Universidad de Monterrey Av. I. Morones Prieto 4500 Pte. Garza García, N.L., 66238 MÉXICO Polishook, D. (2009). “Lightcurves and Spin Periods from the Wise Observatory: 2008 August - 2009 March.” Minor Planet Bull. 36, 104-107. Pravec, P., Hergenrother, C., Whiteley, R., Sarounova, L., Kusnirak, P. (2000). “Fast Rotating Asteroids 1999 TY2, 1999 SF10, and 1998 WB2.” Icarus 147, 477-486. Pravec, P., Harris, A.W., Scheirich, P., Kušnirák, P., Šarounová, L., Hergenrother, C.W., Mottola, S., Hicks, M.D., Masi, G., Krugly, Yu.N., Shevchenko, V.G., Nolan, M.C., Howell, E.S., Kaasalainen, M., Galád, A., Brown, P., Degraff, D.R., Lambert, J.V., Cooney, W.R., Foglia, S. (2005a). “Tumbling asteroids.” Icarus 173, 108-131. Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Durech, J., Pollock, J., Kusnirak, P., Hornoch, K., Galad, A., Vokrouhlicky, D., Harris, A.W., Jehin, E., Manfroid, J., Opitom, C., Gillon, M., Colas, F., Oey, J., Vrastil, J., Reichart, D., Ivarsen, K., Haislip, J., LaCluyze, A. (2014). “The tumbling state of (99942) Apophis.” Icarus 233, 48-60. Pravec, P., Wolf, M., Sarounova, L. (1999web, 2001web, 2005web, 2011web). Skiff, B.A., Bowell, E., Koehn, B.W., Sanborn, J.J., McLelland, K.P., Warner, B.D. (2012a). “Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Asteroid Photometric Survey (NEAPS) - 2008 May through 2008 December.” Minor Planet Bull. 39, 111-130. Thomas, C.A., Emery, J.P., Trilling, D.E., Delbo, M., Hora, J.L., Mueller, M. (2014). “Physical characterization of Warm Spitzerobserved near-Earth objects.” Icarus 228, 217-246. Warner, B.D. (2007). “Initial Results of a Dedicated H-G Program.” Minor Planet Bull. 34, 113-119. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The Asteroid Lightcurve Database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Last update: 2015 Dec. Samuel Navarro-Meza & Mauricio Reyes-Ruiz Instituto de Astronomía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Ensenada, Baja California, MÉXICO Lorenzo L. Olguín, Julio C. Saucedo & Pablo Loera-González Depto. de Investigación en Física Universidad de Sonora Hermosillo, MÉXICO (Received: 2016 January 9) The 2015 Mexican Asteroid Photometry Campaign was organized at the 2nd National Planetary Astrophysics Workshop held in 2015 March at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León in Monterrey, México. Three asteroids were selected for coordinated observations from several Mexican observatories. We report full lightcurves for the main-belt asteroid 1084 Tamariwa (P = 6.195 ± 0.001 h) and near-Earth asteroid (NEA) 4055 Magellan (P = 7.479 ± 0.001 h). Asteroid 1466 Mundleria was also observed on eight nights but no lightcurve was obtained because of its faintness, a crowded field-of-view, and low amplitude (<0.03 mag). Planetary astronomy in general is becoming a more popular field of scientific study in Mexico, in part due to the recent establishment of the Mexican Space Agency ( As a consequence, the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, in the city of Monterrey, organized a series of National Planetary Astrophysics Workshops. The first was in 2013 and the second in 2015 ( Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 155 Astronomers from all over México were invited to present their research and encouraged to cooperate and plan projects related to the study of Solar System objects or extrasolar planets. One of the results from the latest meeting was the organization of the 2015 Mexican Asteroid Photometry Campaign ( The objective of this first campaign was to organize, coordinate, and share photometric observations of asteroids between interested parties at various national observatories and university research centers. Because asteroid photometry is not a common activity amongst Mexican astronomers, it was decided as a first effort to form individual observing groups that would start to develop their own expertise in the matter by observing relatively simple targets. Three asteroids were chosen: the C-class main-belt asteroid 1084 Tamariwa has a well-defined period, large amplitude, and is relatively bright. 1466 Mundleria, another C-class inner-belt asteroid, is a smaller and dimmer target with an unknown rotation period. 4055 Magellan was also selected since the V-type Amor asteroid would have a favorable opposition during 2015. We present the results of this first Mexican Asteroid Photometry Campaign. In all we collected 18 nights of observations from three different observatories and managed to reconstruct full lightcurves for 1084 Tamariwa and 4055 Magellan. 1466 Mundleria turned out to be a more difficult target to observe and analyze since it was dim, in a crowded field of stars, and apparently exhibits a very small brightness amplitude variation. At the Universidad de Monterrey (UdeM) Observatory (MPC 720) we observed all three asteroids on 10 different nights using a Meade 0.36-m f/8 LX-600GPS telescope and an SBIG STL-1301E CCD. The camera contains a 1280×1024-16µm KAF-1301E/LE chip which covers a ~26.3×21.1 arcminute field-of-view (FOV) with an image scale of about 1.25 arseconds/pixel. All asteroids were observed unfiltered and exposures were set for each target as follows: 40 seconds for fast-moving 4055 Magellan, 60 seconds for 1084 Tamariwa, and 120 seconds for dim 1466 Mundleria. The CCD images were read in 2×2 binned format for faster download time and improved observing efficiency. The FOV was maintained fixed in the chip by using a guide star at all times. Two observing runs were scheduled with the 0.84-m f/15 RitcheyChretien telescope at the Observatorio Nacional de San Pedro Mártir (SPM; MPC 679) in Baja California for this program. This telescope uses a 2048×2048×13.5 µm Spectral Instruments CCD for regular imaging. This combination yields a FOV of ~6.3×6.3 arcminutes with an approximate image scale of 0.185 arcsecond/pixel. 1084 Tamariwa was observed for only one night on the first observing run in May, while 4055 Magellan was observed for three nights and 1466 Mundleria for two nights on the second observing run in August. All images were obtained using an off-axis guide star for stability (although the field drifted a bit during the observing sessions) and were also unfiltered and binned 2×2 for efficiency. Exposure times varied for each target: 30 and 45 seconds for 4055 Magellan, 90 and 120 seconds for 1466 Mundleria, and 60 seconds for 1084 Tamariwa. One observing night for 1084 Tamariwa and two for 1466 Mundleria were recorded at the Carl Sagan Observatory belonging to the Universidad de Sonora in Hermosillo. The observatory operates a Meade LX-200 0.41-m f/10 telescope equipped with a 2499×2499×12 µm Apogee Alta F9000 CCD for imaging. This yields a 25.4×25.4 arcminute FOV with an image scale of ~0.61 arcsecond/pixel. The images at this site were obtained unguided, unfiltered and – in this case – unbinned. Exposure times were 20 seconds for 1084 Tamariwa and 50 seconds for 1466 Mundleria. All the data were concentrated at the Universidad de Monterrey Observatory where the photometric analysis was performed using MPO Canopus (version Images were also processed in the standard manner using nightly dark current and flat-field files from each site. 1084 Tamariwa. This asteroid was observed at the Carl Sagan Observatory (2015 April 22), Universidad de Monterrey Observatory (2015 April 28-30), and San Pedro Mártir Observatoy (2015 May 13). During analysis, the April 22 observations from Carl Sagan Observatory were treated as two separate sessions due to re-centering the FOV during the night. The asteroid was previously observed and reported by Behrend et al. (2007), Stecher et al. (2008), and Sada (2008). Our observations confirm the period of 6.195 ± 0.001 h, amplitude ~0.30 magnitudes, and general lightcurve shape presented in Sada (2008). The similarity of both lightcurves obtained at different opposition dates (2007 August 19 and 2015 April 21) would suggest a rotational axis alignment perpendicular to the ecliptic, although too few complete lightcurves are available for a full polar orientation and shape analysis. We note in particular that the main minimum (without the “hump”) exhibits a large scatter in both the 2007 and 2015 lightcurves. We are uncertain as to its origin but it might be associated with topographical features sensitive to slight variations in phase angle illumination. As an aside, initial analysis of the April 28 observations at the Universidad de Monterrey Observatory found the intended comparison star, GSC 5553-0670 (magnitude ~13.4), to be variable. It was discarded for the asteroid measurements but follow-up analysis found a sinusoidal lightcurve of short period. We plan to obtain more data and report the results to the AAVSO. This serves both as a warning to make sure comparison stars are not variable and a reminder that asteroid images can be data mined for other objects. 1466 Mundleria. This asteroid was observed for four nights at the Universidad de Monterrey Observatory (2015 July 25 and 27 and August 6-7), two nights at the San Pedro Mártir Observatory (2015 August 20-21), and two nights at the Carl Sagan Observatory (2015 June 15-16). Despite being the most observed asteroid in the Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 156 set, no conclusive brightness variations larger than 0.03 magnitudes could be detected over a single observing session. Therefore, no rotational period could be derived. This small (~22 km.) asteroid was the faintest in our set and, at the time, was also crossing a dense star field in Ophiuchus. These circumstances combined to make the data reduction difficult, even with the star eliminating option in MPO Canopus, and yielded relatively large scatter for the smaller UdeM and Carl Sagan Observatory telescopes. The SPM data were of much better quality but sparser. Nevertheless, it was useful to set our magnitude variation upper limit. No other reports for this asteroid were found. A larger aperture instrument and more patience are required to derive a lightcurve for this asteroid. 4055 Magellan. This NEA was observed for three nights at the Universidad de Monterrey Observatory (2015 August 14, 18-19) and three more nights at the San Pedro Mártir Observatory (2015 August 19, 22-23). The derived lightcurve exhibits similar maxima and minima with a period of 7.479 ± 0.001 hours and a relatively large amplitude of ~0.45 magnitudes. The August 19 data were acquired independently at both the UdeM and SPM observatories. The August 22 SPM data were analyzed as two separate sessions because of recentering of the FOV due to the asteroid’s fast sky motion. Our August 18 UdeM data show large scatter due to weather but assure full lightcurve phase coverage. The August 14 UdeM data exhibited even larger scatter and were omitted from the period and lightcurve shape calculations even though its general outline does corroborate our derived final lightcurve. This asteroid has been observed several times. Warner (2014) suggests a period of ~6.384 hours from sparse 2004 data over a 7.475-hour period initially proposed by Pravec et al. (2000). However, older observations reported in Waszczak et al. (2015) and observations from the current 2015 opposition by Warner (2015) and Behrend et al. (2015) favor the later ~7.5-hour period. Our results are consistent with this period estimate, amplitude and general lightcurve shape. Acknowledgments The results presented in this report were partially based on observations acquired at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional in the Sierra San Pedro Mártir (OAN-SPM), Baja California, México. We also would like to thank Ricardo López-Valdivia for his aid during the OAN-SPM August observations. References Behrend, R. (2007, 2015). “Asteroids and Comets Rotation Curves, CdR.” Pravec, P., Wolf, M. Sarounova, L. (2000). “Ondrejov Asteroid Photometry Project.” Sada, P.V. (2008). “Lightcurve Analysis of 1084 Tamariwa.” Minor Planet Bulletin 35, 50. Stecher, G., Ford, L., Lorenzen, K., Ulrich, S. (2008). “Photometric Measurements of 1084 Tamariwa at Hobbs Observatory.” Minor Planet Bulletin 35, 76-77. Warner, B.D. (2014). “Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2014 January-March.” Minor Planet Bulletin 41, 157-168. Warner, B.D. (2015). “Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2015 March-June.” Minor Planet Bulletin 42, 256-266. Waszczak, A., Chang, C.-K., Ofek, E.O., Laher, R., Masci, F., Levitan, D., Surace, J., Cheng, Y.-C., Ip, W.-H., Kinoshita, D., Helou, G., Prince, T.A., Kulkarni, S. (2015). “Asteroid Lightcurves from the Palomar Transient Factory Survey: Rotation Periods and Phase Functions from Sparse Photometry.” Astron. J. 150, id. 75. PHOTOMETRY OF ASTEROIDS 2014 EK24 AND 2015 FS332 AT THE TERSKOL OBSERVATORY Vira Godunova, Volodymyr Reshetnyk, Maxim Andreev ICAMER Observatory of NASU (MPC B18) 27 Acad Zabolotnoho Str. Kyiv 03680 UKRAINE Andrii Simon, Volodymyr Vasylenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Kyiv, UKRAINE (Received: 2016 January 15 Revised: 2016 March 11) Future Mexican Asteroid Photometry Campaigns are being planned with an increasing number of proposed targets (main-belt asteroids and NEAs) and participation from other Mexican observatories. We are also working on standardizing the observing sequences and data reduction and analysis techniques to make the data easier to share and publish. We report photometric observations of two near-Earth asteroids that were obtained with the Zeiss-600 telescope at the Terskol Observatory in 2015. Based on our data, we were able to estimate the rotation properties of these asteroids. Starting in 2003, the facilities of the Terskol Observatory in the Northern Caucasus (43°16'29" N, 42°30'03" E, 3120 m ASL) have Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 157 been heavily used for follow-up studies of solar system small bodies (Tarady et al., 2010). The 60-cm Cassegrain telescope (Zeiss-600) is the main instrument for follow-up astrometry, photometry, and spectroscopy of asteroids. This f/12.9 reflector has two CCD cameras. The most recently installed camera is an SBIG STL-1001 based on 1024x1024 CCD with 24 micron pixels that provides a field of view of 10.9' x 10.9'. The limiting V magnitude for this telescope is 21.0m. In 2003-2015, positions of more than 250 NEAs were measured to an accuracy of about 0.2-0.3 arcsec. Those astrometric data have been continuously reported to the IAU Minor Planet Center. in the shape of the lightcurve based on our data from that reported by Warner (2016), when the phase angle was about 65°. However, a period of P = 2.406 ± 0.001 h and an amplitude of A = 0.65, which were obtained by Warner, are consistent with our estimates obtained at a phase angle of 92°. Special software was developed to process spectral and photometric datasets. To determine the rotation properties of observed asteroids, methods based on Fourier analysis, Lomb normalized periodogram, and phase dispersion minimization (PDM) were used. In 2015, complete lightcurves were obtained for a number of NEAs. Here we provide the recent results for asteroids 2014 EK24 and 2015 FS332. 2014 EK24. This Apollo-type asteroid (D ~ 70 m) is on NASA’s list of potential human mission targets; therefore, studies of its physical properties are currently required. 2014 EK24 was observed at Terskol on 2015 February 23, when it made a close approach (16 lunar distances) to the Earth. Photometric observations were performed over one night (UT 00:10:12 to 02:58:44). In order to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio, all CCD images were taken in “white light” (a clear filter), with the exposure time of 20 s. Data processing was performed using MaxIm DL and our own software. Images were calibrated with bias, flat, and dark frames. Observations of a photometric standard star (SA105-437) were used to reduce data to V band. To find the period of the lightcurve, the PDM technique (Stellingwerf, 1978) was applied. Furthermore, we checked the result using the n normalized periodogram method (Lomb, 1976) and found that these two techniques produced a similar result: a rotational period of P = 0.0998 ± 0.0001 h. The lightcurve has an amplitude of A = 0.83 ± 0.15 mag. Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the NASU-KNU project No. 0114U003875. V. Godunova acknowledges a grant from the European Astronomical Society awarded to her in 2015. References Lomb, N.R. (1976). “Least-squares frequency analysis of unequally spaced data.” Ap&SS 39, 447-462. Stellingwerf, R.F. (1978). “Period determination using phase dispersion minimization.” Ap. J. 224, 953-960. Tarady, V., Sergeev, O., Karpov, N., Zhilyaev, B., Godunova, V. (2010). “Observations with Small and Medium-Sized Telescopes at the Terskol Observatory.” 2015 FS332. Photometric observations of this potentially hazardous asteroid (D ~ 600-1400 m) were obtained at the Terskol Observatory over one night on 2015 September 20 (begin UT 16:44 on September 20; end UT 01:52 on September 21), or before its close approach to the Earth within 18.6 lunar distances on 2015 October 4. Analysis of the data found a period of P = 2.401 ± 0.003 h and an amplitude of A = 0.84 ± 0.12. The raw observations and phased lightcurve for 2015 FS332 are shown, respectively, in the plots below. We note the significant differences Warner, B.D. (2016). “Near-Earth Asteroids Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2015 June-September.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 66-79. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 158 ASTEROIDS OBSERVED FROM CS3: 2015 OCTOBER - DECEMBER Robert D. Stephens Center for Solar System Studies (CS3)/MoreData! 11355 Mount Johnson Ct., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 USA (Received: 2016 January 10) Lightcurves for 5 asteroids were obtained from the Center for Solar System Studies from 2015 October to December. CCE photometric observations of four main-belt and one Nearearth asteroids observed at Center for Solar System Studies (CS3, MPC U81). During this quarter, this observatory was observing Jovan Trojans asteroids. When a bright moon swamped the Trojan cloud with moonlight, other targets were selected because of their known short rotational periods and because they were well away from the Moon. These observations were acquired so that over time pole positions and shape models can be calculated. All images were made with a 0.4-m or a 0.35-m SCT using an FLI Proline 1001E or FLI Microline 1001E CCD camera. Images were unbinned with no filter and had master flats and darks applied to the science frames prior to measurement. Measurements were made using MPO Canopus, which employs differential aperture photometry to produce the raw data. Period analysis was done using MPO Canopus, which incorporates the Fourier analysis algorithm (FALC) developed by Harris (Harris et al., 1989). Catalog magnitudes were taken from the MPOSC3 catalog, which is based on the 2MASS catalog (http://www.ipac.caltech .edu/2mass) but with magnitudes coverted from J-K to BVRI using formulae developed by Warner (2007). The nightly zero points using this catalog have been found to be consisted to about ± 0.05 magnitude, but are occasionally higher. The Reduced Magnitude in the Y-axis of plots below is Johnson V. These values have been converted from sky magnitudes to unity distance by applying –5*log (rΔ) to the measured sky magnitudes with r and Δ being, respectively, the Sun-asteroid and Earthasteroid distances in AU. The magnitudes were normalized to the given phase angle, e.g., alpha(6.5°), using G = 0.15, unless otherwise stated. The X-axis is the rotational phase ranging from – 0.05 to 1.05. 5806 Archieroy. This Hungaria has been determined several times in the past by Warner (2005, 2008, 2013), all resulting in a rotational period of 12.16 h. Observations were obtained this year are in hope of leading towards pole solution model. This year’s result of 12.187 h is in good agreement with the prior results. (20932) 2258 T-1. Parvec reported a rotational period of 4.3239 h for this inner main-belt asteroid. Behrend (2015) reported possible Number 5806 20932 48470 52748 163000 Name Archieroy 2258 T-1 1991 TC2 1998 JJ1 2001 SW169 2015 mm\dd 11/26-11/30 11/28-12/15 10/01-10/10 10/24-11/02 10/11-10/31 Pts Phase 253 9 118 5 366 312 550 17.2,16.6 10.1,17.6 9.4,7.4 7.9,6.0,6.1 2.5,21.8 attenuation events, but the scatter of about 0.1 mag. in the observations was too great to resolve any eclipses. Behrend reported a rotational period of 4.3237 h. Based upon the Behrend report, we started observations concurrent with their run, reducing the scatter to 0.01 mag. Over the observing run from 28 November to 17 December, three attenuations events of about 0.05 mag. on 30 November, 03 December, and 05 December were detected. However, a satisfactory fit to an orbital solution for a satellite could not be done. This asteroid should be considered a prime candidate to reobserve at its next opposition in March 2017. (48470) 1991 TC2. The rotational period for this Hungaria has been determined twice before (Warner 2011, 2014) with reported periods of 10.48h and 10.19 h. The result found this year of 10.504 h is in good agreement with the 2011 result. (52748) 1998 JJ1. No previously reported results could be found in the Lightcurve Database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009). (163000) 2001 SW169. This Amor asteroid was observed on nine nights in 2008 by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Asteroid Photometric Survey (Skiff 2012). The observations resulted in a partial, asymmetric lightcurve showing a rotational period of 38.04 h which they reported as not convincing. No night covered more than 10 percent of the rotational phase, there was little overlap, and the scatter was large. This year’s campaign, resulting in a 70 h rotational period, covers substantially more of the lightcurve with sufficient overlap. References Behrend, R. (2015). Observatoire de Geneve web site. Parvec, P. (2015). Photometric Survey for Asynchronous Binary Asteroids web site. Skiff, B.A., Bowell, E., Koehn,B.W., Sanborn, J.J.; McLelland, K.P., Warner, B.D. (2012) “Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Asteroid Photometric Survey (NEAPS) - 2008 May through 2008 December.” Minor Planet Bul. 39, 111-130. Warner, B.D.,(2005). “Asteroid lightcurve analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory - fall 2004.” Minor Planet Bul. 32, 29-32. Warner, B.D. (2007). “Initial Results from a Dedicated H-G Project.” Minor Planet Bul. 37, 57-64. Warner, B.D. (2008). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: December 2007 - March 2008.” Minor Planet Bul. 35, 95-98. Warner, B.D. (2011). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: 2010 December- 2011 March.” Minor Planet Bul. 38, 142-149. LPAB BPAB 69 51 13 36 18 25 6 -10 8 3 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) Period 12.187 4.3245 10.504 4.258 69.97 P.E. 0.003 0.0001 0.006 0.001 0.05 Amp 0.46 0.09 0.09 0.73 0.45 A.E. 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.05 Grp H MB-I H H NEA 159 Warner, B.D. (2013). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: 2012 September - 2013 January.” Minor Planet Bul. 40, 71-80. Warner, B.D. (2014). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3Palmer Divide Station: 2014 March-June.” Minor Planet Bul. 41, 235-241. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The Asteroid Lightcurve Database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 Dec. Acknowledgements This research was supported by NASA grant NNX13AP56G. The purchase of the FLI-1001E CCD camera was made possible by a 2013 Gene Shoemaker NEO Grant from the Planetary Society. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 160 ASTEROIDS LIGHTCURVES ANALYSIS: 2015 OCTOBER–DECEMBER pixel. At G.V. Schiaparelli Astronomical Observatory the images were obtained with a 0.60-m f/4.64 reflector and CCD SBIG ST10XME (2184×1672 pixels, 6.8 microns) with a field-of-view of 18.4×12.3 arcmin and a scale of 1.51 arcsec per pixel. Albino Carbognani Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region (OAVdA) Lignan 39, 11020 Nus (Aosta) ITALY We used MPO Canopus (Warner, 2015) version for differential photometry and period analysis. When possible, the sessions were calibrated with the MPO Canopus Comp Star Selector (CSS), which chooses comparison stars that are similar in color to the target (in general, solar-type stars), and the “DerivedMags” approach. Luca Buzzi G.V.Schiaparelli Astronomical Observatory Varese ITALY (Received: 2016 January 11) Eight asteroids, main-belt (MBA) and near-Earth (NEA), were observed in 2015 Oct–Dec: 6853 Silvanomassaglia, (112985) 2002 RS28, (155110) 2005 TB, (163899) 2003 SD220, (253106) 2002 UR3, (337866) 2001 WL15, 2015 XC, and 2015 WG9. 6853 Silvanomassaglia is an MBA. A total of 88 images were taken with a clear filter on only one night for a total of 4.5 hours of observation. The bimodal lightcurve appears completely covered. The rotation period is 2.796 ± 0.025 h with an amplitude of 0.12 mag. Considering that this asteroid is relatively large (H = 14.5, or D = 2–8 km) and that the period is close to the spinbarrier value of 2.2 h, it appears to be a good candidate to be a binary system. No rotation period had been reported before our observations. This paper features the results of photometric observations of main-belt (MBA) and near-Earth (NEA) asteroids made in the period 2015 Oct–Dec at OAVdA (Carbognani et al., 2007) in collaboration with G.V. Schiaparelli Astronomical Observatory. In general we tried to observe asteroids whose rotation periods were not known (or at least uncertain) at the time of observations. It was not possible to determine the rotation period for all the observed asteroids, but the data collected are nevertheless provided for all the objects (Table I). Number Name Dates Phase yyyy mm dd deg 6853 2015 11 08 Silvanomassaglia Period h Amp mag 5.9 2.796 ±0.025 0.12 (112985) 2002 RS28 2015 11 16 44.6 3.44 ±0.07 0.06 (155110) 2005 TB 2015 10 23 2015 11 05 2015 11 06 25.1 19.2 3.482 ±0.001 0.43 (163899) 2003 SD220 2015 11 06 2015 11 07 81.8 long >0.2 (253106) 2002 UR3 2015 11 16 2015 11 17 2015 11 19 7.0 13.4 2.478 ±0.002 0.05 2015 12 01 2015 12 08 45.9 63.3 2.435 ±0.03 0.12 (337866) 2001 WL15 2015 11 27 2015 12 01 24.6 24.1 5.1 ±0.1 0.13 2015 XC 2015 12 02 11.5 0.2767 ±0.0001 0.39 2015 WG9 2015 11 28 36.0 ? >0.4 Table I. The number/name or provisional designation, date of observations, range of phase angles, rotation period and amplitude for the observed asteroids. The images at OAVdA were captured by means of a modified Ritchey-Chrétien 0.81-m f/7.9 telescope equipped with an FLI 1001E CCD with an array of 1024×1024 pixels. This gave a fieldof-view of 13.1×13.1 arcmin and a plate scale was 1.54 arcsec per (112985) 2002 RS28 is an Amor asteroid with its rotation period known at the time of the observations but still uncertain (Warner, 2016a). This target was observed on a single night session about 5 hours long, which produced a total of 100 images taken with a clear filter and exposure times of 180 s. With our data, the most probable period is about 3.4 hours, but the lightcurve amplitude is very low so the uncertainty persists. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 161 (163899) 2003 SD220 is an Aten object that made its Earth flyby on 2015 Dec 24 at 0.073 AU. A total of 222 images using a clear filter were taken over nine hours in two nights. The raw lightcurves are almost constant and without features. No rotation period was determined. Warner (2016b) found a period of 285 h and amplitude of 2.2 mag and the possibility that the asteroid might be in a low-level tumbling state. (155110) 2005 TB is an Apollo object which made its Earth flyby on 2015 Oct 18 at 0.366 AU. A total of 346 images were taken with a clear filter on three nights: 2015 Oct 23, Nov 5 and 6. The data from Nov 5 were discarded because of too many clouds. The result is a period value of 3.482 ± 0.001 h with an amplitude of about 0.43 mag. The period, unknown at the time of our observations, is in good agreement with that reported by Warner (2016b). (253106) 2002 UR3 is an Apollo object which made its Earth flyby on 2015 Nov 28 at 0.33 AU. This asteroid was observed during six nights but the data from only three were suitable for photometry due to cloudy skies. The data from the November sessions show a very low amplitude lightcurve (0.05 mag) with the most probable period being around 2.5 hours. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 162 asteroid was too close to brighter stars were deleted, which broke the continuity of the lightcurve. The most probable period is around 5 h. No period was known for this object before. Because of the uncertainty of the first result, we repeated the observations in early December. We were able to confirm the period of about 2.5 hours, aided by the fact that due to the increased phase angle, the lightcurve amplitude also increased from 0.05 to about 0.12 mag. 2015 XC is an Apollo asteroid which made its Earth flyby on 2015 Dec 8 at 0.086 AU. The case of this asteroid is similar to that of 2015 WG9. Immediately after the astrometric observations were sent to the MPC, a photometric observing run of 1.2 hours was made. Later, a 22-minute run was made by Buzzi and the data were included in the analysis. Warner (2016b) gives a period of 180 h and amplitude of 0.36 mag with the possibility that the asteroid might be tumbling. It’s not clear why the two results are so different. (337866) 2001 WL15 is an Amor object which made its Earth flyby on 2016 Jan 16 at 0.080 AU. In the first session, differential photometry of this object was made impossible by a full Moon only 17 degrees from the target. In the second session (6 hours long), the asteroid was in a crowded star field. Images where the Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 163 References Carbognani, A., Calcidese, P. (2007). “Lightcurve and Rotational Period of Asteroids 1456 Saldanha, 2294 Andronikov and 2006 NM.” Minor Planet Bulletin, 34, 18-19. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W, Pravec, P. (2009). “The asteroid Lightcurve Database.” Icarus, 202, 134-146. Updated 2105 Dec 7. Warner, B.D. (2015). MPO Software, MPO Canopus. Bdw Publishing. Warner, B.D. (2016a). “Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2015 June – September.” Minor Planet Bul. 43, 66-79. Overall, a total of 141 images with no filter and exposure times of 60 and 15 s were taken. Photometry was made difficult by the low signal-to-noise ratio of the asteroid (mag +18.4, SNR about 10-15) and by its high angular velocity (8 arcsec/minutes). The lightcurve is noisy but the amplitude is high (0.39 mag). The resulting period is about 17 minutes. Considering this fact and that the diameter of the asteroid is in the range 20-60 m, it can be considered to be an elongated, strength-bound body. No period was known for this object before. 2015 WG9 is an Apollo object classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA). It made an Earth flyby on 2015 Nov 21 at 0.065 AU. A total of 95 images with clear filter and exposure time of 60 s were taken in a session of about 1.5 hours immediately after astrometric measurements of the asteroid were sent to the Minor Planet Center (MPC). The asteroid had a V magnitude of about +17.7 and sky motion of 8 arcsec/minute, which made it a difficult target. The lightcurve is very noisy and does not show any obvious periodicity. The Fourier analysis shows weak periodicity due to temporal sampling only. No period was known for this object before. Warner, B.D. (2016b). “Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2015 October-December.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 144-155. (53110) 1999 AR7: A NEW NEA BINARY DISCOVERY Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies – Palmer Divide Station (CS3-PDS) 446 Sycamore Ave. Eaton, CO 80615 USA (Received: 2016 January 6) Analysis of CCD photometric observations of the nearEarth asteroid (53110) 1999 AR7 made in 2015 December show it to be a binary system with a primary period of 2.7375 ± 0.0005 h and orbital period of 31.31 ± 0.02 h. The depth of the secondary mutual event indicates a minimum effective diameter ratio (Ds/Dp) of 0.41 ± 0.02. The near-Earth asteroid (NEA) (53110) 1999 AR7 was observed as part of the ongoing program at Center for Solar System Studies (CS3) to determine the rotation periods and other photometric characteristics of NEAs and to support radar observations with optical lightcurves. The initial observations were made at the Palmer Divide Station at CS3 (CS3-PDS) starting on 2015 Dec 19. See Tables I and II for equipment observing circumstances. OBS Telescope Camera CS3-PDS 0.35-m f/9.6 Schmidt-Cass STL-1001E Table I. Telescope/cameras used at each location. Location CS3-PDS Acknowledgements This research made use of the NASA’s Astrophysics Data System and JPL’s Small-Body Database Browser. Research at the Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region was supported by a 2013 Shoemaker NEO Grant. Work at the G. V.Schiaparelli Astronomical Observatory was supported by a 2015 Shoemaker NEO Grant. 2015 Phase LPAB BPAB Dec 19-31 21.3-27.2 101-100 14-25 Table II. Observing circumstances. Phase is the phase angle, in degrees. LPAB and BPAB are, respectively, the phase angle bisector longitude and latitude, also in degrees. For rows with a range of dates, the values are for the first and last date in the range. All values are computed for 0 h UT. The observations from Dec 19-21 seemed to indicate an object having a lightcurve with a period of about 33 hours and a shape with pronounced, sharp minimums and possibly even “shoulders” Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 164 which are significant increases in the slope on the descending part of a minimum and decrease on the ascending part. Such a lightcurve is often considered evidence of a near- or full-contact binary asteroid. The latter would be two lobes of about equal size joined by a narrow bridge. However, with later observing runs, the long period trend seemed to disappear was replaced by a distinct short period (2-3 hours) lightcurve. Figure 1 shows the unsubtracted lightcurve after combining all sessions. The short period component is very apparent but there are a number of data points well below the average curve. Following the Dec. 27 observing run, a dual-period search was employed using MPO Canopus. The process involved searching for a period between 2-5 hours without subtracting any data points. This led to an initial solution of about 2.7 hours. The resulting Fourier model curve was subtracted from the data during the search for a second period, which found a strong solution at about 31 hours. That result was subtracted from the original data set and the search for the short period started anew. This process continued until both periods stabilized. Figure 3. The lightcurve for 1999 AR7 after subtracting the one due to the primary clearly shows the mutual events (occultations and/or eclipses) due to the satellite. The lightcurve in Figure 3 outside the events is essentially flat, indicating that the satellite is nearly spheroidal as well. Otherwise, the periods outside the events might show an upward “bowing.” The dips in the flat sections, most notably at 0.9 rotation phase, are artifacts due to the high harmonic order fit required for the model lightcurve to follow the events all the way to the bottom. The final result explains why analysis of the first few sessions was led awry: they were capturing the events almost exclusively, which gave a misleading impression of what was happening and of the true nature of the asteroid. When the observation window moved away from the events and so included only the rotation of the primary, the fact of the asteroid being a “simple” binary became more apparent. Figure 1. The complete data set for 1999 AR7 forced to a period between 2.5-3.0 hours but without subtracting a secondary period. Because of the deep minimums in the long period lightcurve, an 8th-order fit was used while only a 4th-order fit was used for the short period. Figures 2 and 3 show the final results. The primary (Figure 2) has a period of 2.7375 ± 0.0005 h and amplitude of 0.10 mag. The latter indicates a nearly spheroidal body. Figure 3 shows the mutual events, i.e., occultations and/or eclipses due to the satellite, and gives an orbital period of 31.31 ± 0.02 h. The depths of the two events range from about 0.17-0.20 mag. The shallower event allows estimating the effective diameter ratio of the two bodies using Ds D p ≥ 10 0.4Δm − 1 (1) where m is the magnitude drop of the shallower event. This gives € Ds/Dp ≥ 0.41 ± 0.02 where the actual error may be larger. Note that this is a minimum value because neither event is “flatbottomed,” which would indicate a total eclipse. Therefore, only partial eclipses were seen and so the value gives a minimum size ratio. Note also that the events are asymmetrical in the sense that they are not 0.5 rotation phase apart. This may indicate an eccentric orbit for the satellite. Additional data at future apparitions will help model the system. Acknowledgements Funding for PDS observations, analysis, and publication was provided by NASA grant NNX13AP56G. Figure 2. The lightcurve for the primary of 1999 AR7 indicates a nearly spheroidal body. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 165 5425 VOJTECH: A NEW BINARY VESTOID Robert D. Stephens Center for Solar System Studies (CS3) / MoreData! 11355 Mount Johnson Ct. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 USA Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies – Palmer Divide Station Eaton, CO USA (Received: 2016 January 10) CCD photometry observations made in 2015 October and November of the Vestoid asteroid 5425 Vojtech showed it to be binary. The primary lightcurve has a period of 2.64759 ± 0.000004 h and an amplitude 0.27 ± 0.02 mag. The orbital period of the satellite is 25.43 ± 0.02 h. Based on mutual events ranging from 0.05 to 0.09 mag, the estimated effective diameter ratio of the two bodies is Ds/Dp ≥ 0.22 ± 0.02. without a filter. Table I gives the observation circumstances over a span of almost three weeks. The raw images were flat-field and dark subtracted before being measured in MPO Canopus. Night-to-night linkage was aided by the Comp Star Selector utility which helps find near-solar color comparison stars, thus reducing color difference issues. Stars were chosen from the MPOSC catalog, which is based on the 2MASS catalog ( The J-K magnitudes in 2MASS were converted to V magnitudes using formulae by Warner (2007). Generally, the zero points are within ±0.05 of one another, but larger adjustments can be required to minimize the RMS value from the Fourier analysis. Period analysis was also done in MPO Canopus, which employs the FALC Fourier analysis algorithm developed by Harris (Harris et al., 1989). The initial observations at the end of October did not show any signs of a satellite. However, starting with the Nov 2 observing run, there were apparent deviations from the single period lightcurve (“No Sub” plot) that required further investigation using the dual-period function. Based on its orbital parameters, the asteroid 5425 Vojtech is believed to be a member of the Vestoid orbital group (Warner et al., 2009). True Vestoids, those that were part of the original parent body of Vesta, would have an albedo on the order of pv ~ 0.4 However, the orbital space includes a large number of interlopers. This may be the case for Vojtech since its albedo of pv = 0.243 ± 0.074 (Masiero et al., 2012) is more like that of a type S asteroid (Warner et al., 2009). Vojtech was observed as part of an on-going asteroid lightcurve program at the Center for Solar System Studies (CS3) that concentrates mostly on near-Earth and Hungaria asteroids as well as Jupiter Trojans. When none of those are available, other targets are chosen to avoid idle telescope time. The only previous lightcurve result in the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009) was from Vander Haagen (2012), who reported a bimodal lightcurve with a period of 2.648 h and amplitude of 0.27 mag. That lightcurve showed no obvious signs of a satellite even though the phase angle bisector longitude (see Harris et al., 1984) was only 25° from the one during the 2015 observations. Why this might happen is discussed later. 2015 mmm/dd Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov 26 27 02 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 19 Phase 13.2 12.7 9.9 8.6 8.1 7.6 7.2 6.8 6.4 6.0 4.5 LPAB 54.4 54.5 54.9 55.1 55.2 55.2 55.3 55.3 55.4 55.4 55.7 BPAB 6.8 6.9 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.6 In the dual-period search process, an initial value is found for the dominant (usually shorter) period. The Fourier model lightcurve is subtracted from the data set in the succeeding search for a second period. The Fourier curve for that second period is subtracted from the data set in a new search for the dominant period. If, for example, the dominant solution produces a trimodal instead of bimodal lightcurve (the latter being the presumptive choice), the initial search is started anew but the period search range is restricted to eliminate finding the trimodal solution. The iterative process continues until both periods stabilize and it produces reasonable lightcurves. Table I. Observing circumstances for 5425 Vojtech. The last two columns are the phase angle bisector longitude and latitude (see Harris et al., 1984). The values were computed for 8 h UT, or about the middle of each observing run. The observations were made by Stephens using a 0.35-m SchmidtCassegrain telescope with Finger Lakes MicroLine PL-1001E CCD camera. The 300-second exposures were unguided and made Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 166 The dual period analysis found a primary lightcurve of P1 = 2.64759 ± 0.00004 h, A1 = 0.27 ± 0.02 mag (“P1” plot). Assuming an equatorial view of the asteroid, this leads to an a/b ratio of the asteroid’s silhouette of 1.28:1. Subtracting this lightcurve from the data set and doing a period search found a solution that clearly shows mutual events (occultations and/or eclipses) due to a satellite (“P2” plot). The lightcurve has a period of PORB = 25.43 ± 0.02 h, AORB = 0.05-0.09 mag. Outside the events, the lightcurve was essentially flat, which likely indicates a nearly spheroidal shape for the satellite that is probably tidally-locked to the orbital period. References Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V. (1984). “Lightcurves and phase relations of the asteroids 82 Alkmene and 444 Gyptis.” Icarus 57, 251-258. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Masiero, J.R., Mainzer, A.K., Grav, T., Bauer, J.M., Cutri, R.M., Nugent, C., Cabrera, M.S. (2012). “Preliminary Analysis of WISE/NEOWISE 3-Band Cryogenic and Post-Cryogenic Observations of Main Belt Asteroids.” Ap. J. Letters 759, L8. Vander Haagen, G.A. (2012). “Lightcurves of 724 Hapag, 2423 Ibarruri, 4274 Karamanov, 4339 Alamater, and 5425 Vojtech.” Minor Planet Bull. 39, 48-50. Warner, B.D. (2007). “Initial Results of a Dedicated H-G Program.” Minor Planet Bul. 34, 113-119. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The Asteroid Lightcurve Database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 Dec. LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS OF THE HUNGARIA BINARY 7958 LEAKEY Using the shallower event of 0.05 mag and where m is the depth of the shallower event in magnitudes, gives Ds/Dp ≥ 0.22 ± 0.02. Since neither event was total, the estimate is a minimum value and could be larger. Each observing run covered about eight hours, or about 1/3 the orbital period and short enough for the observing window to be placed between the two events and so show no indications of the satellite. Each day, the window moved about 0.06 period phase to the left. Eventually, as happened starting Nov 2, the window started to cover one of the events. The slow migration, however, meant observing the asteroid for a prolonged period to get sufficient coverage of the secondary lightcurve. Robert D. Stephens Center for Solar System Studies (CS3) / MoreData! 11355 Mount Johnson Ct. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 USA Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies – Palmer Divide Station Eaton, CO USA Alessandro Marchini Astronomical Observatory, DSFTA - University of Siena (K54) Via Roma 56, 53100 - Siena, ITALY Fabio Salvaggio 21047 – Saronno, ITALY Riccardo Papini Carpione Observatory (K49) San Casciano in Val di Pesa (FI), ITALY It’s likely that Vander Haagen encountered this problem during his observations in 2012 and so, by a stroke of poor luck, observed on four nights when the observing window did not include one of the events. (Received: 2016 January 10) Acknowledgements Funding for PDS observations, analysis, and publication was provided by NASA grant NNX13AP56G. Work on the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB) was also funded in part by National Science Foundation grant AST-1507535. This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. ( The Hungaria asteroid 7958 Leakey is a known binary (Warner et al., 2012). It was observed in 2015 to confirm and refine the original periods for the primary rotation and satellite orbit. The analysis of the 2015 data found a noticeably different orbital period. We report on the analysis of the new data and a second look at the data from 2012. The Hungaria asteroid 7958 Leakey was found to be a binary by Warner et al. (2012). They reported a primary lightcurve parameters of P = 2.34843 h, A = 0.22 mag and orbital period of Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 167 50.29 h. Observations were made by three of the authors in 2015 to check on those earlier results and, if possible, refine the orbital period of the satellite. For the sake of convenience and easier comparison, the observational details and plots from the 2012 results are repeated here. Table I lists the equipment used by each observer. Tables II and III give the observing circumstances for the two apparitions. There were no obvious signs of mutual events at either apparition, but both times the secondary lightcurve showed a low-amplitude bimodal lightcurve that is usually attributed to a the rotation of an elongated satellite that is tidally-locked to the orbital period. The 2012 Apparition The raw images were flat-field and dark subtracted before being measured in MPO Canopus. Night-to-night linkage was aided by the Comp Star Selector utility which helps find near-solar color comparison stars, thus reducing color difference issues. Stars were chosen from the MPOSC catalog, which is based on the 2MASS catalog ( The J-K magnitudes in 2MASS were converted to V and R magnitudes using formulae by Warner (2007). Generally, the zero points are within ±0.05 of one another, but larger adjustments can be required to minimize the RMS value from the Fourier analysis. All exposures at both apparitions were unfiltered. Stephens and Warner used V magnitudes from the MPOSC in the Comp Star Selector while Marchini and Salvaggio used R magnitudes. This required an additional zero point offset of the data from the latter two observers by approximately the V-R color index of the asteroid before the period analysis could begin. This was also done in MPO Canopus, which employs the FALC Fourier analysis algorithm developed by Harris (Harris et al., 1989). Obs Telescope Camera Warner Stephens Marchini Salvaggio 0.35-m 0.35-m 0.30-m 0.24-m SBIG STL-1001E FLI ML-1001E SBIG STL-6303E SBIG ST8-XME f/9.1 SCT f/11 SCT f/5.6 Mak-Cass f/10 SCT Only a recap of the 2012 observations is given here. See Warner et al. (2012) for more details. The “No Sub” plot shows the result of a period search without subtracting a model lightcurve. The search range was limited to 1-6 hours based on the appearance of the individual lightcurves. There are obvious attenuations from the average lightcurve, which is what prompted the search for a satellite in 2012. Table I. List of observers and equipment. Obs Warner 2012 Jun 13 17-20 23-27 Sess α LPAB BPAB All 21.7 21.9-22.1 22.4-22.9 266 266 267 31 32 32 LPAB BPAB 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 -4 -5 -8 -8 -10 -11 -8 -11 -11 -8 Table II. Observation circumstances, 2012. Obs Stephens Marchini Salvaggio 2015 Oct 4 7-14 19 21-23 24 29-31 23 30 31 23 Sess α 1-2 14.7 3-18 12.8-8.9 19 7.1 20-25 6.8-6.9 28-29 7.1 30-33,35,36 8.9-9.9 26 6.9 34 9.4 37 9.9 27 6.9 Table III. Observation circumstances, 2015. a is the solar phase angle. The last two columns are, respectively, the phase angle bisector longitude and latitude (see Harris et al., 1984). The dual period search for the period of the primary and orbit of the satellite were conducted by first finding an approximate period for the primary without subtracting any data points that might be due to the mutual events (occultations/eclipses) or rotation of the satellite. This gave a model lightcurve for the satellite. This was subtracted from the data set in a new search for the primary period. The iterative processed continued until both periods stabilized. The two “Natural” plots show the final result of a new dual period search where the periods were allowed to float and find the best Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 168 possible fit for each one, as judged by minimizing the RMS error in the Fourier analysis. The new analysis found different periods from the original analysis done in 2012. The data set spanned only two weeks. For the secondary period, there are gaps in coverage as well as minimum overlap in other sections. This leads to the fact that the actual error in the secondary period is probably several times the formal error of ±0.09 h. The 2015 Apparition Stephens began observations in early October as part of the Hungarias follow-up program at the Center for Solar System Studies. In this case, the point was to confirm the existence of a satellite, preferably by capturing mutual events, which provide more definitive proof than just a secondary lightcurve. Given the very long period for the satellite orbit and that it was nearly commensurate with an Earth day, additional observations from Marchini and Salvaggio were requested. Both observers were in locations significantly different in longitude from CS3, which allowed them to observe parts of the secondary period that were not being covered at CS3. The “No Sub” plot again shows the entire data set used in a single period search near the expected period for the primary body. The signs of the satellite are not quite as visible given the much larger number of data points and, as will be seen, a slightly lower amplitude of the secondary lightcurve. The two “Natural” plots show the results of the dual period search where both periods were allowed to float and so find the best possible RMS fit for both. In other words, the results from 2012 were used to guide but not force any given solution. Note that the primary periods from 2012 and 2015 are very similar. They would not necessarily be expected to be identical since these are synodic periods and so subject to variation from one apparition to the next due to different viewing aspects. On the other hand, the secondary periods have are noticeably different but this is more likely due to overstated uncertainties and the difference in coverage. While the 2015 secondary lightcurve does have a small gap, it is based on a data set with considerably more data points that were obtained over a longer period and, more important, includes data from diverse longitudes, which reduces ambiguities when working with a period nearly commensurate with an Earth day. The higherquality of the 2015 data set is further demonstrated by comparing the period spectra for P2 from both apparitions, where the spectrum from 2015 show a more clearly, but not sharply, defined minimum. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 169 A Common Solution The orbital period of the satellite does not change from one apparition to the next. There may be very slight differences due to different viewing aspects, especially if the orbit is not perfectly circular. However, those cannot account for the difference of almost 2.5 hours between the two apparitions. Since the 2015 data set provided a more certain solution, we decided to use it as a foundation for finding a common period for the orbit and so found solutions for P1 based on forcing P2 = 49.5 ± 0.5 h. This covers the period found in 2015 and almost so for 2012 if using an uncertainty of 1.0 hour for that result. First, compare the P2 lightcurves forced to 49.5 h. The one from 2012 has even more significant gaps but a second-order Fourier fit is still reasonable. There are no gaps in the 2015 lightcurve but the fit is not quite as good and required some additional zero point offsets to bring some sessions closer to the model curve. Based on these two plots, we adopt a value of P2 = 49.5 ± 0.5 for the orbital period of the satellite. Next compare the two P1 (primary) lightcurves, both period and apparent quality of fit, against the “Natural” solutions. The forced fit in 2012 is noticeably poorer while there is little difference in the 2015 lightcurve. Also worth noting is that the “Natural” and “Forced” periods within each apparition were essentially identical. As noted above, it would not be expected that the periods would be the same from one apparition to the next. Conclusion The two important lessons from this exercise are the value of follow-up observations and, even more, the value of collaborations involving observers from well-separated longitude when dealing with a long period, especially if the period is an integral or halfintegral multiple of 24 hours. Given the very long orbital period, mutual events will be difficult to observe with sufficient precision. There were hints of those in the 2012 apparition, which were used to estimate an effective diameter ratio of satellite-to-primary of 0.30. Additional observations of high quality involving a number of observers are strong encourage at future apparitions. Acknowledgements Funding for Stephens and Warner was provided by NASA grant NNX13AP56G. References Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V. (1984). “Lightcurves and phase relations of the asteroids 82 Alkmene and 444 Gyptis.” Icarus 57, 251-258. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Warner, B.D. (2007). “Initial Results of a Dedicated H-G Program.” Minor Planet Bul. 34, 113-119. Warner, B.D., Coley, D., Harris, A.W. (2012). “Lightcurve for 7958 Leakey: a New Hungaria Binary.” Minor Planet Bull. 39, 240-241. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 170 PHOTOMETRIC OBSERVATIONS OF 3958 KOMENDANTOV: A PRELIMINARY APPROACH TO DEEPER STUDIES Cristian F. Chavez Department of Mechanical Engineering Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile This is just a first approach to future deeper studies because several nights of images are needed to get a better idea of the actual period. However, from the limited data set, it is probably safe to say that the asteroid is not a fast rotator (P < 3 h) and it might be possible to obtain a reliable period within a reasonable span of time. (Received: 2016 January 15 Revised: 2016 February 1) Asteroid 3958 Komendantov was observed remotely through the most powerful instrument available in the Virtual Telescope Project 2.0 during two sessions performed in 2015 September. Analysis of the data tends to conclude that the asteroid is not a fast rotator. Main-belt asteroid 3958 Komendantov was discovered on 1953 October 10 by Pelagueya Fiodórovna Shain at Simeiz Observatory, Crimea. It was named in honor of Russian astronomer Nikolaj Vasil'evich Komendantov (1895-1937), a staff member of the Astronomical Institute in Leningrad, and a recognized enthusiast in minor planet research (JPL, 2016). Despite being a numbered asteroid that was discovered several decades ago, there is almost no literature about it. No rotation period could be found in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009) or in the Minor Planet Center (MPC, 2016) or NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL, 2016) databases. The only information that could be found was about the orbital parameters and absolute magnitude (JPL, 2016) and its spectral type, Xc (Bus and Binzel, 2002a, 2002b). The lack of information about the physical parameters of the asteroid prompted the decision to choose it from the list of lightcurve photometry opportunities for 2015 July-September (Warner et al., 2015). The images were taken using the Virtual Telescope Project 2.0 in Ceccano, Italy, because of the quality in services and low cost (VTP 2016). The telescope was a Planewave 0.43-m f/6.8 corrected Dall-Kirkham (CDK) astrograph on a Paramount ME robotic mount. The CCD camera was an SBIG STL-6303E working at –15°C. Since no period was known for Komendantov, the strategy was to take one-minute exposures every two minutes (a cycle of 1 + 2 = 3 minutes) for a couple of hours to get an idea of its period for future sessions and, hopefully, to obtain enough images to cover either a maximum or minimum in the lightcurve and so determine an approximate period. A total of two sessions were performed on the night of 2015 September 12. Unfortunately, bad weather and the observatory schedule did not allow obtaining more data. After downloading the 80 FITS images, they were measured with MPO Canopus version (Warner, 2013) through a differential photometry technique. The program was also used to perform a Fourier analysis using the FALC algorithm developed by Harris (Harris et al., 1989) in order to find the rotation period for the asteroid. The preliminary estimate for the synodic period is about 6 hours; however, given the amplitude of at least 0.2 magnitude and the fact that the curve does not show a clear minimum, the final result is more likely a bimodal lightcurve with a period of 12 hours or more, i.e., approximately double the period given with the monomodal lightcurve shown here. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Brian Warner for his invaluable support in the use of MPO Canopus software while I was doing my research. References Bus, S., Binzel, R.P. (2002a). “Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey: The Observations.” Icarus 158, 106-145. Bus, S., Binzel, R.P. (2002b). “Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey: A Feature-based Taxonomy.” Icarus 158, 146-147. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. JPL (2016). NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Solar System Dynamics web site. MPC (2016) Minor Planet Center web site. VTP (2016). Virtual Telescope Project 2.0. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The asteroid lightcurve database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 Dec 7. Warner, B.D. (2013). MPO Canopus software, version BDW Publishing, Eaton, CO. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, C., Durech, J., Benner, L.A.M. (2015). “Lightcurve Photometry Opportunities: 2015 JulySeptember.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 228-232. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 171 LIGHTCURVES OF ASTEROIDS 891 GUNHILD AND 1614 GOLDSCHMIDT Janus Kozdon, Sarah Cantu, Kent Montgomery Texas A&M University-Commerce P.O. Box 3011 Commerce, TX 75429-3011 USA (Received: 2016 January 15) Lightcurves were determined for asteroids 891 Gunhild and 1614 Goldschmidt. A rotational period of 10.556 ± 0.003 hours was found for 891 Gunhild and 8.873 ± 0.003 hours for 1614 Goldschmidt. asteroid. These values are then averaged for that image. The lightcurves were constructed using the differential magnitude plotted versus time. Fourier transforms were then used to determine the rotation rates of the asteroids. The lightcurves were used to create models of the asteroids using MPO LCInvert v. (Bdw Publishing, 2012). To create the asteroid model, the software calculates and creates many standard triangles which are fitted together to produce the shape of the asteroid. The shape of the asteroid as it rotates produces a lightcurve which is then matched to the data in order to check for consistency. However, the data from this study were taken without a large variety of solar phase angles. Therefore, the shape of the asteroid is only an estimate. Results This study determined the rotational period of two asteroids. The declination, apparent magnitude, and opposition date were the criteria used to choose which asteroids were imaged. A declination between 5° and –30° is optimum for both telescopes used in this study. An apparent magnitude of 16 or brighter is preferred. Asteroids near opposition were chosen because they allowed imaging all night. Asteroids 891 Gunhild and 1614 Goldschmidt were the two asteroids that satisfied the criteria. Asteroid 891 Gunhild was discovered by Wolf in 1918 May and its orbital period is 4.83 Earth years (JPL). With a semi-major axis of 2.86 AU, it resides in the main asteroid belt. Its orbital eccentricity is 0.03 while its orbital inclination is at 13.56 degrees. The estimated diameter is 52 kilometers. Schmitt discovered 1614 Goldschmidt in 1952. It has an orbital period of 3.86 years and is a main-belt asteroid with a semi-major axis of 2.99 AU and an estimated diameter of 46 kilometers (JPL). Its eccentricity is 0.07 and the orbital inclination is 14.07 degrees. Method Two different telescopes from the Southeastern Association for Research on Astronomy (SARA) consortium were used for observing the asteroids. They were the SARA-North facility at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona and the SARA-South facility at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory near La Serena, Chile. The SARA-North telescope has a diameter of 0.9-m and SARA-South has a diameter of 0.6-m. Both telescopes are of Cassegrain design and were equipped with Apogee CCD cameras and filter wheels. The CCD cameras were cooled using liquid nitrogen in order to reduce electronic noise. Images taken each night were reduced and aligned using Maxim DL. Reductions were performed with flat, bias, and dark images taken on the same night. New flat, bias, and dark images were taken each night. All flat-field images were taken against the twilight sky. The dark frames were imaged using three minute exposures, which was equivalent to the light frame exposures of the asteroid. Filters used were IR-Blocking at SARA-North and Luminance5 at SARA-South. Both filters are clear in the visible part of the spectrum but block the IR portion of the spectrum. After image reduction and calibration, the magnitude of the asteroid was determined using MPO Canopus v10.4.0.8 (Warner, 2011). Differential aperture photometry was used for the measurements. Aperture photometry measures the light which falls inside a given region and subtracts off the brightness of the sky in a larger annulus surrounding the star. Differential photometry takes the difference in magnitude between five comparison stars and the 891 Gunhild. Images were taken using both SARA telescopes with exposure times of 180 seconds. At SARA-North, 147 images were taken 2015 July 2. At SARA-South, 85 images were taken on 2015 July 7. A period of 7.93 ± 0.01 hours with amplitude variation of 0.18 magnitudes was previously determined (Stephens, 2000). The period determined in this study was 10.556 ± 0.003 hours with amplitude variation of 0.18 magnitudes. Another study determined the rotational period to be 11.853 hours (Behrend, 2005). The period determined in this study had the advantage that, during one of the observing nights, there was more than one complete rotational period of data. This allowed us to rule out the previously published periods, even though there are several gaps in the lightcurve. 1614 Goldschmidt was imaged 105 times at SARA-North on 2015 June 14 and 53 times on June 24. At SARA-South, 151 images were taken 2015 July 4. A previous study found a rotational period of 7.74 ± 0.02 hours with amplitude variation of 0.1 magnitudes (Warell, 2015). This study found a period of 8.873 ± 0.003 hours with a similar amplitude of 0.10 mag. The study of Warell suffered from large errors in the brightness of the asteroid that made it difficult to determine an accurate rotation rate. However, the lightcurve found in this study does not have complete coverage and so the rotational period may still have some uncertainty. It is also difficult to explain the observations which fall below the fit curve at phase 0.50. References Bdw Publishing (2012). MPOLCInvert.htm Behrend, R. (2005). Observatoire de Geneve web site. JPL Small-Body Database Browser. Stephens, R.D. (2000). “Rotational Periods and Lightcurves of 891 Gunhild and 1017 Jacqueline.” Minor Planet Bull. 27, 54-55. Warell, J. (2015). “Lightcurve Observations Goldschmidt.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 21-22. of 1614 Warner, B.D. (2011). MPO Canopus version Bdw Publishing. http// Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 172 Figure 1. Lightcurve of 891 Gunhild with a period of 10.556 hours Figure 4. Preliminary shape model for 1614 Goldschmidt. LIGHTCURVE AND ROTATION PERIOD DETERMINATION FOR 2616 LESYA AND (28910) 2000 NH11 Fabio Salvaggio 21047 – Saronno, ITALY Lorenzo Franco Balzaretto Observatory (A81), Rome, ITALY Alessandro Marchini Astronomical Observatory, DSFTA - University of Siena (K54) via Roma, 56, 53100 – Siena, ITALY Riccardo Papini Carpione Observatory (K49) San Casciano in Val di Pesa (FI), ITALY Figure 2. Preliminary shape model for 891 Gunhild. (Received: 2016 January 13) Photometric observations of the main-belt asteroids 2616 Lesya and (28910) 2000 NH11 were made in 2015 December. For 2616 Lesya, analysis found a bimodal lightcurve with a period of 9.219 ± 0.001 h. For (28910) 2000 NHA, the result was a bimodal lightcurve with a period of 5.970 ± 0.002 h. 2616 Lesya was discovered on 1970 August 28 by Tamara Smirnova. It’s a typical main-belt asteroid in an orbit with a semimajor axis of about 2.16 AU, eccentricity 0.08, and orbital period of about 3.18 years. The estimated diameter is about 60 km (Masiero et al., 2012). Figure 3. Lighcurve of 1614 Goldschmidt with a period of 8.873 hours Observations were made on five nights from 2015 December 1120 with a total of 238 useful data points collected over the interval Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 173 of 9 days. During this time, the phase angle ranged from 2.7° to 7.6° after opposition. At the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Siena, data were obtained with a 0.30-m f/5.6 Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope, SBIG STL-6303E CCD camera, and clear filter; the pixel scale was 2.26 arcsec in binning 2x2. Exposures were 300 seconds. At the Balzaretto Observatory, data were obtained with a 0.20-m Schmidt-Cassegrain (SCT) reduced to f/5.5 equipped with a SBIG ST7-XME CCD camera; the pixel scale was 1.65 arcsec and the exposure times were of 420 sec. The period analysis yielded several possible solutions that stand out in the period spectrum with nearly comparable RMS errors. We concluded that the most likely solution was a bimodal lightcurve with a period 5.971 ± 0.002 hours and amplitude of 0.65 ± 0.06 mag, confirming the value obtained from Waszczak et al. (2015). References The period analysis yielded several possible solutions that stand out in the period spectrum with nearly comparable RMS errors. We concluded that the most likely solution was a bimodal lightcurve with a period of 9.219 ± 0.001 hours and amplitude of 0.43 ± 0.03 mag. (28910) 2000 NH11 was discovered on 2000 July 10 by Paulo R. Holvorcem. It’s a typical main-belt asteroid in an orbit with a semi-major axis of about 2.75 AU, eccentricity 0.08, and orbital period of about 4.56 years. According to Mainzer et al. (2011), the estimated diameter is about 5 km. Observations were made on five nights from 2015 December 1017 with a total of 188 useful data points collected over the interval of 7 days, during which the phase angle ranged from 5.6° to 8.1° after opposition. Data were obtained at the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Siena with the same equipment used for 2616 Lesya, with exposure times of 300 seconds. Mainzer, A., Grav, T., Bauer, J., Masiero, J., McMillan, R.S., Cutri, R.M., Walker, R., Wright, E., Eisenhardt, P., Tholen, D.J., Spahr, T., Jedicke, R., Denneau, L., DeBaun, E., Elsbury, D., Gautier, T., Gomillion, S., Hand, E., Mo, W., Watikins, J., Wilkins, A., Bryngelson, G.L., Del Pino Molia, A., Desai, S., Gomez Camus, M., Hidalgo, S.L., Konstantopoulos, I., Larsen, J.A., Maleszewski, C., Malkan, M.A., Mauduit, J.-C., Mullan, B.L., Olszewski, E.W., Pforr, J., Saro, A., Scotti, J.V., Wasserman, L.H. (2011). “NEOWISE observations of near-Earth objects: Preliminary results.” Ap. J. 743, A156. Masiero, J.R., Mainzer, A.K., Grav, T., Bauer, J.M., Cutri, R.M., Nugent, C., Cabrera. (2012). “Preliminary Analysis of WISE/NEOWISE 3-Band Cryogenic and Post-Cryogenic Observations of Main Belt Asteroids.” Ap. J. Letters 759, L8. Waszczak, A., Chang, C.-K., Ofek, E.O., Laher, R., Masci, F., Levitan, D., Surace, J., Cheng, Y.-C., Ip, W.-H., Kinoshita, D., Helou, G., Prince, T.A., Kulkarni, S. (2015). “Asteroid Light Curves from the Palomar Transient Factory Survey: Rotation Periods and Phase Functions from Sparse Photometry.” Astron. J. 150, A75. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 174 TWENTY-THREE ASTEROIDS LIGHTCURVES AT OBSERVADORES DE ASTEROIDES (OBAS): 2015 OCTOBER - DECEMBER Amadeo Aznar Macías Isaac Aznar Observatory, Valencia, SPAIN POP-Punto Observación de Puzol, Valencia, SPAIN Alfonso Carreño Garcerán Zonalunar Observatory,Valencia, SPAIN Enrique Arce Mansego Vallbona Observatory, Valencia, SPAIN Pedro Brines Rodriguez TRZ Observatory, Valencia, SPAIN Juan Lozano de Haro Elche Observatory, Alicante, SPAIN Alvaro Fornas Silva, Gonzalo Fornas Silva Oropesa Observatory, Castellón, SPAIN Vicente Mas Martinez CAAT, Centro Astronómico del Alto Turia, SPAIN Onofre Rodrigo Chiner Bétera Observatory, Valencia, SPAIN (Received: 2016 January 15 Revised: 2016 January 29) Table I shows the equipment at the observatories that participated in this work. We concentrated on asteroids with no reported period and those where the reported period needed confirmation. All the targets were selected from the Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve (CALL) web site at, paying special attention to keeping the asteroid’s magnitude within reach of the telescopes being used. We tried to observe asteroids at a phase angle of less than 15°, but this was not always possible. The image scale at each observatory was optimized to the average seeing at the given location. All images were binned 1x1 and were guided. Exposure times ranged from 60 to 200 seconds. MPO Canopus was used to measure the images by employing differential aperture photometry. The images were calibrated with bias, dark, and flat frames before measurement. Star subtraction was used where necessary and possible to minimize the effects on the asteroid measurements (Aznar, 2013). Table II lists the individual results along with the range of dates for the observations and the number of nights that observations were made. 618 Elfriede. This MBA has an estimated diameter of 120 kilometers. Behrend (2004) found a period of 14.75 h and amplitude of 0.17 mag. Warner (2006) reported P = 14.801 h, A = 0.12 mag. Carbo et al. (2008) found a period of 14.85 h and amplitude of 0.12 mag. We observed Elfriede on four nights during the period of 2015 Nov 11 to Dec 20. We found a synodic rotation period of 14.795 ± 0.001 h and lightcurve amplitude of 0.14 mag. These are consistent with the previous results. We report on the photometric analysis results for 23 main-belt asteroids (MBA) done by Observadores de Asteroides (OBAS). This work is part of the Minor Planet Photometric Database that was initiated by a group of Spanish amateur astronomers. We have managed to obtain a number of accurate, complete lightcurves as well as some additional incomplete lightcurves to help analysis at future oppositions. In this issue we publish the results for 23 asteroids analyzed under the Minor Planet Photometric Database project ( This project is focused on collecting lightcurves for main-belt asteroids using photometric techniques. This database shows graphic results of the data, mainly lightcurves, with the data phased to a given period. We invite all astronomers to consult this database. Observatory Zonalunar Telescope (meters) CCD 0.10 refractor Atik 383L+ OIA,Obs Isaac Aznar 0.35 SCT SBIG STL1001E+AO POP-Puzol 0.25 SCT SBIG ST9-XE+AO Vallbona 0.25 SCT SBIG ST7-XME TRZ 0.20 R-C QHY8 Elche 0.25 DK SBIG ST8-XME Oropesa 0.20 SCT Atik 16I Bétera 0.23 SCT Atik 314L+ CAAT 0.43 DK SBIG STX-11K 662 Newtonia is a main-belt with H = 10.3. The IRAS database (Tedesco et al., 2004) indicates a diameter of 23.6 km and albedo of 0.1999 based on H = 10.5. Behrend (2006) found a period of 16.46 h based on incomplete coverage of the lightcurve. Other results include Chang et al. (2014; 20.6 h) and Waszczak et al. (2015; 21.4285 h). Our analysis found a period of 21.095 ± 0.001 h and amplitude of 0.42 mag, which is in good agreement with the Waszczak et al. period, especially given that it based on a limited number of data points. Because the phase angle was more than 25°, the shape and amplitude of the lightcurve may have been affected by shadowing effects. Table I. List of instruments used for the observations. SCT is Schmidt-Cassegrain. R-C is Ritchey-Chrétien. DK is Dall-Kirkham. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 175 Date Range 2015 mm/dd Nights Period (h) Error (h) Amp Phase 618 Elfriede 11/11 – 12/30 4 14.795 0.001 0.14 -13.9,+3.1 662 Newtonia 10/22 – 11/14 11 21.10 0.001 0.42 -30.6,-25.0 764 Gedania 09/15 – 11/20 3 19.16 0.04 0.13 +4.9,+18.4 838 Seraphina 11/08 – 11/16 5 17.62 0.001 0.13 -4.2,-0.8 1001 Gaussia 11/17 – 11/28 5 20.99 0.01 0.11 +2.3,+5.5 1013 Tombecka 11/23 – 11/29 4 6.05 0.001 0.44 +5.7,+8.0 1018 Arnolda 1242 Zambesia 11/18 – 11/20 09/25 – 10/29 4 6 14.57 15.72 0.01 0.14 0.39 0.15 +5.6,+6.3 -14.5,+6.2 1343 Nicole 11/16 – 11/18 3 14.76 0.01 0.38 -1.1,+0.8 1480 Aunus 12/17 – 12/29 2 3.10 0.01 0.32 -16.5,-15.4 1531 Hartmut 12/19 – 12/24 8 25.4 0.01 0.26 +15.5,+17.3 2104 Toronto 11/18 – 11/19 3 8.97 0.01 0.26 -2.4,-2.2 2118 Flagstaff 2343 Siding Spring 10/16 – 10/29 11/03 – 11/16 5 3 15.17 2.11 0.01 0.01 0.35 0.15 +8.1,+14.4 +3.4,+11.7 2947 Kippenhahn 11/19 – 11/28 2 10.43 0.001 0.43 -2.2,+5.4 3433 Fehrenbach 11/30 1 3.922 0.001 0.28 +4.8 3606 Pohjola 11/28 – 12/04 4 2.92 0.01 0.11 -2.0,+1.3 3811 Karma 09/25 – 10/29 4 13.23 0.01 0.33 -9.5,+10.5 4212 Sansyu-Asuke 10/22 – 11/08 6 15.94 0.01 0.09 -5.1,+4.8 4272 Entsuji 6350 Schluter 10/15 – 11/03 10/29 - 11/08 8 3 2.81 13.19 0.01 0.001 0.07 0.31 -3.9,+11.9 +7.2,+10.4 10064 Hirosetamotsu 11/29 – 12/01 4 8.06 0.01 0.74 +12.0,+13.2 10907 Savalle 11/12 – 11/14 2 608 0.001 0.07 +1.3,+2.3 Number Name Table II. Dates of observation, number of nights, and derived periods/amplitudes. The Phase column gives the phase angle. If there are two values, they represent, respectively, the phase angle on the first and last dates in the range at 0h UT. Pre-opposition phase angles are negative; post-opposition phase angles are positive. 764 Gedania is a C-type main-belt asteroid with H = 9.6. The estimated diameter is 58.3 km and albedo is 0.0840 (Tedesco et al., 2004). There were two rotation periods reported prior to our observations. The first one was 24.817 h (Brinsfield, 2010), based on observations in 2009, and the other was 24.9751 h (Behrend, 2006). The OBAS group obtained a rotation period of 19.13 ± 0.01 h and amplitude of 0.1 mag. Looking at the period spectrum, we conclude that this is not a secure solution. Observations at future oppositions will be required to find a more secure period. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 176 838 Seraphina. Seraphina is a main-belt asteroid that has been studied several times in the past. Tedesco et al. (2004) found a dimeter of 59.8 km and albedo of 0.0455. It has been classified as a taxonomic type P asteroid. Reported periods include 15.67 h from Behrend (2005) and 16.2 h from Binzel (1987). Both results are based on less than full coverage. Using our data and the resulting period spectrum, we conclude that the rotation period could be 17.62 ± 0.01 hours. The amplitude of the lightcurve is 0.13 magnitudes. This amplitude does not match with the other amplitudes found by Behrend (0.07 mag) or Binzel (0.30 mag), but this could be due to different view aspects (polar vs. equatorial views) at the different oppositions. 1013 Tombecka. This is a medium-sized main-belt asteroid (31.93 km) with an albedo of 0.1552 (Tedesco et al., 2004). We selected this asteroid in order to check the quality of results found by a new OBAS member since the period is well-known. The analysis done by the new member found a rotation period of 6.050 ± 0.001 hours and amplitude of 0.44 mag. These closely match previous results from Behrend (2006; 6.0508 h) and Fauerbach et al. (2008; 6.053 h) 1001 Gaussia. The IRAS database (Tedesco et al., 2004) gives a dimeter of 74.6 km and albedo of 0.0392 for this main-belt asteroid. As of 2015 December, only two rotation periods had been reported. The first one (Behrend, 2005) is 4.08 hours with an amplitude of 0.04 mag. This result was given U = 1 (likely wrong) in the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009). The second rotation period was obtained by Bonzo and Carbognani (2009). They found P = 9.17 h and A = 0.16 mag. This result is rated U = 2– in the LCDB. These results are based on less than full coverage, which is the reason why we selected this object to improve the rotation period solution. The rotation period calculated by OBAS in this campaign is 20.99 ± 0.01 h. The lightcurve shows a bimodal shape with a maximum lightcurve amplitude of 0.11 magnitudes. 1018 Arnolda. This is a medium-sized main-belt asteroid (16.42 km) with an albedo is 0.3701 (Tedesco et al., 2004). Binzel (1987) found a period of 11.97 h. More than 20 years later, two other results were published: 10.00 h (Behrend, 2011) and 14.617 h (Pligge et al., 2011). The lightcurve obtained by OBAS has a period of 14.57 ± 0.01 hours, similar to that of Pligge et al. The lightcurve shows a bimodal shape with a maximum amplitude of 0.39 magnitudes, which also nearly matches Pligge et al. This is not surprising because the phase angle bisector longitude (Harris et al., 1984) in 2015 was almost 180° away from the longitude in 2010 when Pligge et al. observed the asteroid. This means that the viewing aspects were along the same line but looking at different hemispheres of the asteroid. Observations at a longitude about 90° from those in 2015, or about 140°, might result in a lightcurve with a much different shape or amplitude. This would give an idea of the direction that the spin axis of the asteroid points. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 177 1480 Aunus. This main-belt asteroid was discovered in 1938 by Vaisala. There were no entries in the LCDB. Analysis of our data obtained on two nights in 2015 December found a bimodal lightcurve with a period of 6.10 ± 0.01 hours and amplitude of 0.32 mag. 1242 Zambesia. Tesdesco et al. (2004) give this main-belt a diameter of 47.7 km and geometric albedo as 0.0708. Pozzoli (2003) reported a period of 17.305 h and amplitude of 0.24 mag. However, the lightcurve was not published and so this result cannot be considered certain. The OBAS team analyzed this asteroid during its 2015 opposition and the result is not definitive. The lightcurve shows a rotation period of 15.72 ± 0.14 hours and an amplitude of 0.15 magnitudes. Cloudy weather prevented additional observations beyond the six nights we did observe. 1343 Nicole. Nicole is a main-belt asteroid of about 24 km diameter and H = 11.0. Warner (2009) found a period of 14.77 hours based on less than full coverage and said that the period could be wrong. The OBAS team observed Nicole on three nights in 2015 November. Our analysis found a period of 14.76 ± 0.01 h, which is very similar to the one reported by Warner. The lightcurve has an amplitude of 0.38 mag. 1531 Hartmut. The only other period for this main-belt asteroid was reported by Klinglesmith et al. (2016), who reported a period of 25.57 h and amplitude of 0.21 mag based on observations in 2015 November. Our data, obtained on eight nights in 2015 December led to a rotation period of 25.63 ± 0.01 hours and a maximum lightcurve amplitude of 0.26 magnitudes. The period is very similar to the one found by Klinglesmith et al. (2016). 2104 Toronto. This MBA was found to have a rotation period of 8.9669 h by Oey (2006) at Blue Mountain Observatory. His lightcurve was almost complete, missing only a small portion. However it was rated U = 2+ because of large gaps between observing sessions and the small missing section. This rating indicates that the period is very likely correct, but not absolutely so. It is “almost secure.” The asteroid was included in this project in order to get a more certain determination of the period. Based on a complete bimodal lightcurve, we found a period of 8.97 ± 0.01 h with an amplitude of 0.26 mag. The period is almost identical to the period found by Oey (2006). Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 178 period of 20.01 h, which they attribute to a possible third member of the system. 2118 Flagstaff. This MBA was analyzed in 2007 by Vander Haagen (2008). He reported a rotation period of 15.1557 hours with only a small gap in the lightcurve. The LCDB gives a U = 2+ rating, which means that the solution is very likely correct. Vander Haagen kindly provided his data to Aznar for additional analysis. After reprocessing all the Vander Haagen sessions, we concluded that the rotation period in 2007 was 15.19 ± 0.01 hours and the lightcurve amplitude obtained was 0.25 magnitudes. The OBAS team selected this object in order confirm the earlier results. Our complete lightcurve shows a rotation period of 15.17 hours, consistent with the result determined by Vander Haagen in 2008. Both lightcurves show a similar period but they have maximum amplitudes that differ by about 0.1 magnitudes. This difference can be explained in part by the difference in phase angles at the time of the observations. The Vander Haagen observations were at about 13° while the OBAS observations were at about 23°. Another reason could be that the phase angle bisector longitudes differed by about 20 degrees between the two oppositions (Brian D. Warner, private communications) and so the viewing aspects were not the exactly the same. 2343 Siding Spring. This is a binary main-belt asteroid. The satellite was detected in 2015 by Pollock et al. (2015). The effective diameter of the system is about 5 km and the primary’s rotation period is 2.10637 h. The satellite has an orbital period of 11.789 h and an effective diameter of about 0.19 that of the primary (Pollock et al., 2015). The group also reported a secondary Plot “1” shows the lightcurve using the data from the three observatories that followed the asteroid: TRZ, Betera, and Isaac Aznar. Although two observatories of OBAS team detected the effect of the secondary asteroid in the lightcurve (Betera and Isaac Aznar) we used only the Isaac Aznar Observatory data for computing the rotation period and lightcurve amplitude of the primary. The analysis found P = 2.10 ± 0.01 h and A = 0.17 mag. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 179 Plot “2” shows the lightcurve without removing the effects of the satellite. Plot “3” shows the primary asteroid lightcurve after removing the effects of the satellite. 2947 Kippenhahn. This is an MBA discovered in 1955. It was previously analyzed by Chiorny et al. (2011). Their analysis was based on absolute photometry of small main-belt asteroids from which they found a rotation period of 10.5 hours and amplitude of 0.42 magnitudes. They also found a color index of V–R = 0.507. Because these results were based on incomplete coverage of the lightcurve, we chose this asteroid in order to get the full lightcurve and find a secure period. Based on two nights of observations, we found that the rotation period is 10.430 ± 0.001 hours and the lightcurve amplitude is 0.35 mag. 3606 Pohjola. There were no previous entries in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009) for this main-belt asteroid. Our solution indicates a slightly asymmetric bimodal lightcurve with a period of 2.92 ± 0.01 h and a maximum amplitude of 0.11 magnitudes. 3433 Fehrenbach. This is a binary MBA discovered in 1963. The satellite was discovered by Pray et al. (2015), who found the primary rotation period to be 3.9160 h; the satellite is tidallylocked to its orbital period of 19.665 h, i.e., its rotation period is also its orbital period. We observed the asteroid on one night and found the main lightcurve period of 3.922 hours with an amplitude of 0.28 mag. Plot “1” shows the data from Isaac Aznar Observatory with the effects of the satellite removed while Plot “2” shows the data set without subtracting the effects of the satellite. 3811 Karma. The only previously reported period for Karma is from Behrend (2007), who found a period of 11.52 h and amplitude of >0.20 mag. This result is based on less than full coverage. We were able to obtain a complete lightcurve in 2015. Our analysis found a period of 13.23 ± 0.01 h and amplitude of 0.33 mag. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 180 4212 Sansyu-Asuke. This MBA was discovered in 1987. It appears that this is the first reported lightcurve for Sansyu-Asuke. We followed the asteroid for eight nights. Cloudy weather did not allow collecting more observations, so our result must be considered preliminary. Our lightcurve does not show a bimodal shape, maybe because it has a long period asteroid or the viewing aspect was nearly poleon. Our analysis found a rotation period of 15.94 ± 0.01 h and amplitude of 0.09 mag. 10064 Hirosetamotsu is a main-belt asteroid discovered in 1988. Hanus et al. (2015) reported a sidereal period based on lightcurve inversion of 12.128 hours. Behrend (2015) and Casalnuovo (2016) found almost identical periods of 8.05 hours. Our lightcurve shows a bimodal shape with a period of 8.06 ± 0.01 h and amplitude of 0.74 mag. The 12-hour solution is almost exactly 1.5 times the period found by three different observers using lightcurve photometry analysis. This may indicate a miscount of the number of rotations over the time of the data in either the Hanus et al. (2015) or our solution. 4272 Entsuji. This is a binary MBA discovered in 1977. The satellite was discovered by Benishek et al. (2015). They reported a primary rotation period of 2.8087 h and the satellite’s orbital period as 15.94 hours, which is also probably its rotation period. They estimated the effective diameter ratio of the two bodies to be Ds/Dp = 0.18. The analysis of our data from 2015 September shows a rotation period of 2.81 ± 0.01 h, which is consistent with the results from Benishek et al. (2015). The lightcurve amplitude is 0.06 magnitudes. We did not see any signs of the satellite because of the short time we observed the asteroid. 10907 Savalle. There were no previous entries in the LCDB (Warner et al., 2009) for this main-belt asteroid that was discovered in 1997. Our bimodal lightcurve with an amplitude of only 0.07 mag indicates a rotation period of 6.08 hours. The low amplitude could be caused by viewing the asteroid nearly pole-on or it being nearly spheroidal in shape. The large scatter in the data made the analysis difficult. Future observations are encouraged. 6350 Schluter. This MBA was discovered in 1960. Tedesco et al. (2004) found a diameter of 24.6 km and albedo of 0.0671. There were no entries in the LCDB for Schulter. We observed the asteroid for three nights in 2015 October and November. The resulting lightcurve has a bimodal shape and period of 13.190 ± 0.001 h and maximum amplitude of 0.31 mag. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 181 Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to Brian Warner for supporting the CALL web site and his suggestions made to OBAS group. We also thank Gary Vander Haarden for contributing his data References Aznar. A. (2013). “Lightcurve of 3422 Reid using star subtraction techniques.” Minor Planet Bull. 40, 214-215. Barucci, M.A., Capria, M.T., Harris, A.W., Fulchignoni, M. (1989). “On the shape and albedo variegation of asteroids - Results from Fourier analysis of synthetic and observed asteroid lightcurves.” Icarus 78, 311-322. Behrend, R. (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2015). Observatoire de Geneve web site. Benishek, V., Pollock, J., Hawkings, R., Pravec, P., Pray, D., Chiorny, V., Reichart, D., Haislip, J., Smith, A. (2015). “(4272) Entsuji.” CBET 4158. Klinglesmith III, D.A., Hendrickx, S., Madden, K., Montgomery, S. (2016). “Lightcurves for Shape/Spin Models).” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 124-129. Oey, J. (2006). “Lightcurves analysis of 10 asteroids from Leura Observator.” Minor Planet Bull. 33, 96-99. Pligge, Z., Monnier, A., Pharo, J., Stolze, K., Yim, A., Ditteon, R. (2011). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2010 May.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 5-7. Pollock, J., Caton, D., Hawkings, R., Pravec, P., Pray, D., Cooney, W., Gross, J., Terrell, D., Oey, J., Benishek, V., Galad, A., Gajdos, S., Groom, R., Stranger, K., Chiorny, V,. Reichart, D., Haislip, J., Smith, A. (2015). “(2343) Siding Spring.” CBET 4206. Pozzoli, V. (2003). Posting on CALL web site. Pray, D.P., Pravec, P., Marchini, A., Salvaggio, F., Papini, R., Pollock, J., Caton, D., Hawkins, R., Benishek, V., Smith, A., Reigchart, D., Haislip, J. (2015). “(3433) Fehrenbach.” CBET 4201. Binzel, R.P. (1987). “A photoelectric survey of 130 asteroids.” Icarus 72, 135-208. Tedesco, E.F., Noah, P.V., Price, S.D. (2004). “IRAS Minor Planet Survey.” IRAS-A-FPA-3-RDR-IMPS-V6.0. NASA Planetary Data System. Brinsfield, J.W. (2010). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Via Capote Observatory: 2009 3rd Quarter.” Minor Planet Bull. 37, 1920. Vander Haagen, G.A. (2008). “Lightcurves of Minor Planets 2118 Flagstaff (15161) 2000 FQ48, and (46436) 2002 LH5.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 49. Carbo, L., Kragh, K., Krotz, J., Meiers, A., Shaffer, N., Torno, S., Sauppe, J., Ditteon, R. (2009). “Asteroid lightcurve analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2008 September and October.” Minor Planet Bull. 36, 91-94. Warner, B.D. (2006). Asteroid lightcurve analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: March-June 2006.” Minor Planet Bull. 33, 85-88. Casalnuovo, G.B. (2016). “Lightcurve Analysis for Nine Main-belt Asteroids.” Minor Planet Bull. 43, 112-115. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The asteroid lightcurve database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updates available at Chang, C.-K., Ip, W.-H., Lin, H.-W., Cheng, Y.-C., Ngeow, C.-C., Yang, T.-C., Waszczak, A., Kulkarni, S.R., Levitan, D., Sesar, B., Laher, R., Surace, J., Prince, T.A. (2014). “313 New Asteroid Rotation Periods from Palomar Transient Factory Observations.” Ap. J. 788, A17. 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(1984). “Lightcurves and phase relations of the asteroids 82 Alkmene and 444 Gyptis.” Icarus 57, 251-258. Hanus, J., Durech, J., Oszkiewicz, D.A., Behrend, R., Carry, B., Delbo, M., Adam, O., Afonina, V., Anquetin, R., Antonini, P., and 159 coauthors. (2015). “New and updated convex shape models of asteroids based on optical data from a large collaboration network.” Astron. Astrophys., in press. arXiv:1510.07422. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 182 ROTATION PERIOD, COLOR INDICES, AND H-G PARAMETERS FOR 49 PALES Frederick Pilcher 4438 Organ Mesa Loop Las Cruces, NM 88011-8403 USA Vladimir Benishek Belgrade Astronomical Observatory Volgina 7, 11060 Belgrade 38, SERBIA Daniel A. Klinglesmith III Etscorn Campus Observatory (719) New Mexico Tech 101 East Road Socorro, NM USA 87801 (Received: 2016 January 15) For 49 Pales a synodic rotation period 20.704 ± 0.001 hours and an amplitude 0.17 ± 0.01 magnitudes are found. This is double the period found in the LCDB and shows that correct rotation periods still have not been found for all low-numbered asteroids. Color indices are found <B-V> = 0.71± 0.02, <V-R> = 0.35 ± 0.03 and <B-R> = 1.07 ± 0.05. In the V band H = 7.61 ± 0.06, G = 0.019 ± 0.030. Authors Pilcher, Benishek, and Klinglesmith agreed to collaborate to make photometric observations of this low-numbered asteroid when it became apparent that the previously believed rotation period was not correct. Pilcher at Organ Mesa Observatory used a 0.35 m f/10 Meade LX200 GPS S-C, SBIG STL-1001E CCD, unguided, R filter. Benishek at Sopot Observatory used a 0.35 m SCT operating at f/6.3, SBIG ST-8 XME CCD. Klinglesmith at Etscorn Campus Observatory used a Celestron 35 cm SCT and SBIG STL-1001E CCD. Photometric measurement, lightcurve analysis, and data sharing were enabled by MPO Canopus software. The large number of data points obtained have been binned in sets of three with time difference not exceeding five minutes to draw the lightcurves. No lightcurves have been published for 49 Pales since 1979. In that year two rotation periods were published by Schober et al. (1979), 10.42 hours; and by Tedesco (1979), 10.3 hours. Seventeen all night sessions were made by the three authors 2015 Oct. 27 – Dec. 16 and provide a fit to a somewhat irregular lightcurve with period 20.704 ± 0.001 hours and amplitude 0.17 ± 0.01 magnitudes. A few apparent deviations from the lightcurve are quite likely observational artifacts (often beginning- or end-ofsession features) and not a real behavior of the asteroid. The 20.704 hour period is twice the value found in the much less dense earlier investigations, and a period near 10.4 hours may now be ruled out. Color indices and H-G parameters determination In order to determine the B-V, V-R and B-R color indices, Benishek at Sopot Observatory conducted multi-color photometric observations using the Johnson B and V and Cousins R photometric filters on 9 nights between 2015 November 17 and 2015 December 30. The V-band photometry was omitted over the first three of these nine nights. The Comparison Star Selector procedure of MPO Canopus was used to perform the photometric reduction process implying differential photometry using field comparison stars of near solar color (0.5 ≤ B-V ≤ 0.9). The instrumental magnitudes were calibrated using the Johnson B and V magnitudes taken directly from the AAVSO Photometric AllSky Survey (APASS) catalog, Data Release 9 (Henden et al., 2009) and the Cousins R magnitudes derived from the APASS Johnson B and V magnitudes using the following catalog independent conversion formula based on the LONEOS (Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search) Johnson-Cousins photometry for faint field stars (Seiichi Yoshida's Home Page, 2016): R = V - 0.508 * (B - V) - 0.040, which is applicable under the following condition: 0.3 < B-V < 0.9. This condition is certainly fulfilled for the comparison stars of near solar color as defined in MPO Canopus (see the aforementioned criterion). The color indices were determined for each night separately from the data sets obtained in the corresponding photometric filters. The relevant differences in magnitude between the data taken with different filters were found by shifting the zero point of one of the data sets from the respective pair to bring them up to the best match in terms of the minimum RMS error. The amount of this shift determines a color index value for a particular night. The summary of the color index values found for particular nights is shown in the Table 1. There is a considerable consistency of the corresponding color index values within the limits which do not exceed a few hundredths of magnitude. The average values with the related standard deviations for all three color indices calculated from the corresponding values for the individual nights are as follows: <B-V> = 0.71 ± 0.02 mag., <V-R> = 0.35 ± 0.03 mag. and <B-R> = 1.07 ± 0.05 mag. Having in mind that 49 Pales has been already classified as an CG Tholen spectral type asteroid (JPL, 2016), it can also be stated that our values found for the B-V and V-R color indices are well matched with the corresponding average color indices typical for the C-type asteroids as shown in Shevchenko and Lupishko (1998). Date and mid-time (UT) 2015 Nov. 17.1 2015 Nov. 17.9 2015 Nov. 19.9 2015 Dec. 13.7 2015 Dec. 14.8 2015 Dec. 17.8 2015 Dec. 27.8 2015 Dec. 28.9 2015 Dec. 30.9 B-V / / / 0.736 0.674 0.703 0.706 0.710 0.712 V-R / / / 0.409 0.344 0.353 0.335 0.324 0.342 B-R 1.129 1.079 1.085 1.145 1.017 1.057 1.041 1.034 1.055 Table 1. Color indices for particular nights Using the spreadsheet method described by Buchheim (2010) the R-band mean light values of the lightcurves for individual nights for the overall data obtained by all authors using an R photometric filter were calculated. These were converted into reduced magnitudes by applying -5*log(rΔ) with r and Δ being, respectively, the asteroid-Sun and asteroid-Earth distances. The Rband reduced magnitudes obtained in such a way were used in the H-G Calculator tool of MPO Canopus based on the FAZ algorithm developed by Alan Harris (1989) to establish the phase curve and determine the R-band absolute magnitude HR and slope parameter G. Our analysis found the following pair of values: HR = 7.256 ± 0.028 and G = 0.019 ± 0.030. The V-band absolute magnitude Hv = 7.61 ± 0.06 was calculated by adding the value found for V-R color index to the R-band absolute magnitude HR. This enables the estimation of the asteroid size using the formula by Pravec and Harris (2007) for an asteroid diameter (D) in kilometers: Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 183 D( km ) = 1329 Pv 10 −0.2 H v Assuming the value for the geometric albedo of 0.0597 (JPL, 2016) we obtain an estimated diameter of nearly 168 km for 49 Pales. This€is a somewhat larger value than that found by IRAS: 149.8 km (JPL, 2016). In either case, the values obtained for the color indices and slope parameter G as well as the estimated size indicate that 49 Pales is a fairly large and dark asteroid. Acknowledgments The Etscorn Campus Observatory operations are supported by the Researach and Economic Development Office of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT). The authors thank Dr. Petr Pravec for help in the data analysis and interpretation. References Buchheim, R.K. (2010). “Methods and Lessons Learned Determining the H-G Parameters of Asteroid Phase Curves.” in Proceedings for 29th Annual Symposium on Telescope Science. pp. 101-115. Society for Astronomical Sciences. Rancho Cucamonga,CA. Fig. 1. Rotational lightcurve of 49 Pales phased to 20.704 hours. Harris, A.W. (1989). “The H-G Asteroid Magnitude System: Mean Slope Parameters.” Abstracts of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 20, 375. Henden, A.A., Terrell, D., Levine, S.E., Templeton, M., Smith, T.C., Welch, D.L. (2009). “The AAVSO Photometric AllSkySurvey (APASS).” JPL (2016). Small-Body Database Browser - JPL Solar System Dynamics web site. Pravec, P., Harris, A.W. (2007). "Binary Asteroid Population I. Angular Momentum Content." Icarus 158, 106-145. Schober, H.J., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V. (1979). “Photoelectric photometry and rotation periods of three large and dark asteroids 49 Pales, 88 Thisbe, and 92 Undina.” Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 36, 1-8. Figure 2. B, V, and R lightcurves obtained on particular nights for color indices determination Seiichi Yoshida's Home Page. Magnitude System and Color Conversion Formulas (2016). Shevchenko, V.G., Lupishko, D.F. (1998). “Optical properties of Asteroids from Photometric Data.” Solar System Research 32, 220232. Tedesco, E.F. (1979) University, 280 pp. Ph. D. dissertation, New Mexico State Figure 3. The phase curve of 49 Pales Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 184 6384 KERVIN: A POSSIBLE HUNGARIA BINARY ASTEROID magnitudes and the upper case M to catalog (apparent) magnitudes. For a measurement on a given image, the asteroid’s apparent magnitude was computed by finding the average of up to five values using Eq. 1 (once for each comp star). No first or second order extinction or color term corrections were applied. Ignoring the last two may have increased the standard deviation of the mean for each observation, but it was less than by using non-solar color comparison stars. Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies–Palmer Divide Station 446 Sycamore Ave. Eaton, CO 80615 USA Amadeo Aznar Macías IAO-Isaac Aznar Observatory. MPC-Z95 Centro Astronómico del Alto Turia 46179 Aras de los Olmos, Valencia SPAIN The initial observations from mid-December to mid-January by Warner found a unique period using the FALC algorithm by Harris (Harris et al., 1989) but the resulting lightcurve appeared to have a low amplitude secondary component. The dual period search function in MPO Canopus (which uses the FALC algorithm as well) led to a preliminary result of about 12 or 24 hours for the secondary period. (Received: 2016 January 15) Analysis of CCD photometric observations in late 2015 of the Hungaria asteroid 6384 Kervin indicates that it may be a binary asteroid with a primary lightcurve of P1 = 3.6194 ± 0.0001 h, A1 = 0.06 ± 0.01 mag. The secondary lightcurve parameters are P2 = 15.94 ± 0.01 h, A2 = 0.03 ± 0.01 mag. No mutual events (occultations or eclipses) were observed. However, other indicators give an estimated diameter ratio on the order of Ds/Dp ~ 0.3, possibly greater. Since this was commensurate with an Earth day, additional observations were requested of Aznar since his data would cover parts of the long period not covered by the CS3 data. It took only one observing run from Spain to remove the ambiguities and find a period of almost 16 hours for the long period, which is also commensurate with an Earth day. The value of combining data from well-separated longitudes was demonstrated once again. CCD photometric observations of the Hungaria asteroid 6384 Kervin were made from 2015 Dec 16 thru 2016 Jan 13. The equipment and observing circumstances are given in Tables I and II. OBS Telescope Camera Warner Macías 0.30-m f/9.6 SCT 0.35-m f/10 SCT FLI ML-1001E SBIG STL-1001E Table I. List of observers and equipment. Obs Warner Macías 2015/16 mm/dd 12/16 01/13 01/13 Sess α 1-13 15 14 5.2 21.1 21.1 LPAB 77 77 BPAB +1 +7 7 Table II. Dates of observation for each observer. a is the solar phase angle at the earliest and latest observation. The last two columns are the average or extreme phase angle bisector longitude and latitude (see Harris et al., 1984). The asteroid had been observed at four previous apparitions by Warner (2006; 2008; 2011; 2014) as part of an on-going study of the Hungarias centering on rotational and binary statistics as well as pole axis orientations. The previous results all found a period of about 3.62 hours and no reported indications of a satellite, save in 2006 when some signs were seen but ultimately rejected. The 2015 observations were unfiltered. Both authors used MPO Canopus to measure the images. The Comp Star Selector utility in MPO Canopus allowed choosing up to five near solar-color stars to minimize color difference problems. The raw instrumental magnitudes were referenced to V magnitudes from the APASS catalog (Henden et al., 2009) using the simple formula Mt = (mt – mc) + Mc (1) where the subscripts t and c refer to the asteroid and a comparison star, respectively. The lower case m refers to instrumental The two lightcurves show the final results. The primary lightcurve has a period of 3.6194 ± 0.0001 h and amplitude of 0.06 ± 0.01 mag. It does not have a simple bimodal shape, which is entirely possible for objects of low amplitude seen at low phase angles (see Harris et al., 2014). The secondary lightcurve has a period of 15.94 ± 0.01 h and amplitude of 0.03 ± 0.01 mag. Despite this low amplitude, the lightcurve has a well-defined bimodal shape. This is Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 185 often an indicator of a nearly spheroidal satellite with its rotation period tidally-locked to the orbital period. No signs of mutual events (occultations or eclipses) were seen. data. Some well-coordinated and prolonged campaigns in the future may find those mutual events or at least help confirm the periods reported here. From here, we quote the analysis of Alan Harris (private communications): If nothing else, this case reinforces the idea that when observing a small asteroid (D < 10 km) with a period in the range of 2-4 hours, it should be followed for a number of nights, preferably including extended blocks of contiguous nights. As happened here, it took observations covering nearly a month to find a reliable solution. Keep in mind that because the range of reasonable orbital periods for a binary system includes several that are nearly commensurate with an Earth day, help from one or more additional stations may be required. … the fact that there are no mutual events implies that you are viewing from off the equatorial plane by a significant amount, hence amplitudes are muted compared to equatorial aspect. Further, you do still see curvature in the secondary lightcurve, indicating that the lightcurve of the secondary is substantial. Assuming the “undiluted” amplitude is no greater than ~1 mag, then the light of the secondary must be at least ~5% of the total light, which implies that it must be ~1/4 the diameter of the primary. It can’t plausibly be much smaller, as that would imply an even larger undiluted amplitude (recall you are viewing off the equator), so I would infer a rather largish secondary. The 16 h period corresponds to a fairly close-in binary separation (around 4 primary radii). … the short period, with four extrema, looks like it has a significant first harmonic in the solution, and maybe even other odd harmonics. That would argue additionally for a non-equatorial aspect, although if it is only a first harmonic, that could be albedo variegation. The terms of the fourth-order Fourier model bear this out. The magnitudes of the third order terms are greater than those for the second order while the first and fourth orders have maximum terms of almost identical magnitude. Taking a Second Look A check of the previous results shows that the amplitude of the primary lightcurve has ranged from 0.06 to 0.16 mag, implying that the primary also has a nearly spheroidal shape. The lowest amplitude, in 2008, was matched in 2015. The two apparitions occurred at a similar phase angle bisector longitude (LPAB; see Harris et al., 1984). The LPAB at other apparitions were significantly different. The 2015 results raised the question of whether or not evidence of a satellite had been overlooked in the earlier analysis. The data from Warner for the four previous apparitions were reanalyzed using a narrow dual period search centered on the primary and secondary periods found in 2015. The 2006 data showed some indications of the secondary lightcurve, but it was less well-defined than in 2015. This may have been due in part to the data set not being as complete and so the forced secondary lightcurve was poorly or not covered over a span of about 3 hours (about 20% of the period). We note that Warner et al. (2006) reported signs of a secondary period that were eventually rejected. The scatter (noise) in that data set was considerably greater than in 2015. The other data sets were also hampered by having fewer data points and so it was difficult to find a convincing solution for the secondary period. Acknowledgements The authors thank Alan Harris for his evaluation of the lightcurves. Aznar expresses his gratitude to Brian Warner for the invitation to participate in the 6384 Kervin analysis and would like to give special thanks to Alan Harris for sharing his knowledge in minor planets. Funding for Warner was provided by NASA grant NNX13AP56G. This research was made possible through the use of the AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS), funded by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund. References Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V. (1984). “Lightcurves and phase relations of the asteroids 82 Alkmene and 444 Gyptis.” Icarus 57, 251-258. Harris, A.W., Young, J.W., Bowell, E., Martin, L.J., Millis, R.L., Poutanen, M., Scaltriti, F., Zappala, V., Schober, H.J., Debehogne, H., Zeigler, K.W. (1989). “Photoelectric Observations of Asteroids 3, 24, 60, 261, and 863.” Icarus 77, 171-186. Harris, A.W., Pravec, P., Galad, A., Skiff, B.A., Warner, B.D., Vilagi, J., Gajdos, S., Carbognani, A., Hornoch, K., Kusnirak, P., Cooney, W.R., Gross, J., Terrell, D., Higgins, D., Bowell, E., Koehn, B.W. (2014). “On the maximum amplitude of harmonics on an asteroid lightcurve.” Icarus 235, 55-59. Henden, A.A., Terrell, D., Levine, S.E., Templeton, M., Smith, T.C., Welch, D.L. (2009). Warner, B.D., Pray, D.P., Pravec, P. (2006). “The lightcurve of Hungaria asteroid 6384 Kervin.” Minor Planet Bull. 33, 99. Warner, B.D. (2008). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: December 2007 - March 2008.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 95-98. Warner, B.D. (2011). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Palmer Divide Observatory: 2010 December- 2011 March.” Minor Planet Bull. 38, 142-149. Warner, Brian D. (2014). “Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3Palmer Divide Station: 2014 March-June.” Minor Planet Bull. 41, 235-241. Conclusion We propose that 6384 Kervin is a binary asteroid with, possibly, a significantly-sized satellite. It appears that mutual events are not easily observed since a range of phase bisector longitudes did not reveal any events nor cause a noticeable change in the secondary lightcurve, other than to make it to disappear into the noise in the Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 186 ROTATIONAL PERIOD DETERMINATION OF 2717 TELLERVO AND (9773) 1993 MG1 Maurizio Scardella, Angelo Tomassini, Francesco Franceschini ATA (Associazione Tuscolana di Astronomia) F. Fuligni Observatory (MPC code D06) Via Lazio, 14 - Rocca di Papa (RM) - 00040 – ITALY observations were carried out from F. Fuligni Observatory and by Francesco Franceschini during four nights in 2015 July. Our analysis found a bimodal lightcurve with a synodic period of P = 2.67 ± 0.01 h and amplitude of A = 0.24 mag. (Received: 2016 January 15) The main-belt asteroids 2717 Tellervo and (9773) 1993 MG1 were observed over several nights throughout 2015 May-August in order to determine their synodic rotational periods. CCD photometric observations of the main-belt asteroids 2717 Tellervo and (9773) 1993 MG1 were made on several nights in 2015 from May to August in order to determine their rotation periods and lightcurve amplitudes. Observations at the F. Fuligni Observatory were made using a 0.35-m f/10 Meade ACF telescope and SBIG ST8-XE CCD camera with Bessel R filter. Franceschini used a 0.230m f/6.3 reflector telescope equipped with Atik 314L- CCD camera and Astrodon R filter. All images were dark and flat-field calibrated with Maxim DL. Differential photometry and period analysis were done using MPO Canopus (Warner, 2012). 2717 Tellervo. This main-belt asteroid was observed before by our team (Tomassini et al., 2013). At that time, we found a bimodal lightcurve with a period of 8.428 h and amplitude of 0.40 mag. Our more recent data were obtained on five nights from 2015 May to June. Analysis of the new data set found a period P = 4.213 ± 0.001 hours and amplitude 0.40 mag. The period is almost exactly one-half the one we found in 2012. The 2012 data had a much smaller number of data points that were obtained over a period of almost two months. The 2015 data set has many more data points that were obtained over a shorter period. We believe the shorter period is more likely the right one. References Tomassini, A., Scardella, M., La Caprara, G. (2013). Lightcurve of 2717 Tellervo.” Minor Planet Bull. 40, 108-109. Warner, B.D. (2012). MPO Software, MPO Canopus version Bdw Publishing, Warner, B.D. (2015). “Lightcurve Photometry Opportunities: JulySept 2015.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 228-232. PHOTOMETRIC OBSERVATIONS AND LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS FOR ASTEROIDS 782 MONTEFIORE, (294739) 2008 CM, AND (303142) 2004 DU24 Vladimir Benishek Belgrade Astronomical Observatory Volgina 7, 11060 Belgrade 38, SERBIA (Received: 2016 January 15) Analysis of photometric observations carried out from 2015 October-December found the synodic rotation periods and lightcurve amplitudes for three minor planets: 782 Montefiore, (294739) 2008 CM, and (303142) 2004 DU24. The V-R color index for (294739) 2008 CM was found to be V-R = 0.52 ± 0.05 mag. Photometric observations of three asteroids were carried out from 2015 October through December at the Sopot Astronomical Observatory (SAO) using a 0.35-m f/6.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain (SCT) equipped with a SBIG ST-8XME CCD camera. Johnson V and Cousins R photometric filters were used in the case of the near-Earth asteroid (294739) 2008 CM. The exposures were unfiltered for the other asteroids. The camera was operated in a 2x2 binning mode, which produced an image scale of 1.66 arcsec/pixel. Prior to measurements, all images were corrected using dark and flat field frames. (9773) 1993 MG1. Discovered in June 1993 by E.F. Helin at Mount Palomar Observatory, this main-belt asteroid was selected from the one of the regular “Photometry Opportunities” lists given by Warner et al. (2015) in the Minor Planet Bulletin. The Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 187 Photometric reduction, lightcurve construction, and period analysis were conducted using MPO Canopus (Warner, 2015). Differential photometry with up to five comparison stars of near solar color (0.5 ≤ B-V ≤ 0.9) was performed using the Comparison Star Selector (CSS) utility. This helped ensure a satisfactory quality level of night-to-night zero point calibrations and correlation of the measurements within the standard magnitude framework. To calibrate field comparison stars, the Johnson V magnitudes from the AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey catalog (APASS; Henden et al., 2009), Data Release 9 were used for unfiltered and V-band filter photometry. For the comparison stars on the frames obtained with a Cousins R filter, the calibration was done using the Johnson B and V APASS magnitudes and applying the conversion formula (Yoshida, 2016) R = V – 0.508 * (B–V) – 0.040 (1) which is based on the LONEOS (Lowell Observatory Near-EarthObject Search) Johnson-Cousins photometry for faint field stars. The formula is applicable for a range of 0.3 < B-V < 0.9, which is fulfilled for the MPO Canopus near solar color stars. In some instances, small zero point adjustments were necessary in order to achieve the best match between individual data sets in terms of minimum RMS residual of a Fourier fit. 782 Montefiore. Although several rotation period determinations have been done before for this main-belt asteroid (4.08 h, Wisniewski et al., 1997; 4.0730 h, Behrend 2007; 4.07 h, Galad 2008; 4.0728 h, Han et al., 2013; 4.076 h, Schmidt 2015), it was nevertheless selected as a relatively bright target suitable to be observed in less than favorable photometric conditions. The observations were carried out over a single night, on 2015 Oct. 31 Nov. 1 UT, for almost 7 hours. The observing session resulted in 124 data points that covered almost two rotations. Analysis of the data found a bimodal lightcurve with a period of 4.069 ± 0.008 h and amplitude of 0.54 mag. The data were collected by alternating between Johnson V and Cousins R filters throughout each night. Accordingly, for any particular field, two separate data sets in two photometric bands were obtained. The overall lightcurve did not change significantly from night-tonight. To find the period, the combined data from both nights and both photometric bands were combined into a single data set. The resulting lightcurve has an unambiguous period of P = 3.075 ± 0.003 h and amplitude of A = 0.18 mag. For clarity, the data points in the lightcurve are binned in sets of 2 with a maximum time difference of 5 minutes between the 2 data points. It should be noted that this lightcurve has a more complex shape and substantially lower amplitude than the lightcurve obtained by Warner during the January 2014 apparition that had an amplitude of 0.48 mag. This can be attributed to the substantially changed viewing geometry. Nevertheless, a high degree of consistency between the periods found at the two apparitions is obvious. (294739) 2008 CM. Warner (2014) reported a period of 3.054 h for this Apollo-type near-Earth asteroid (NEA). As a favorable radar target (the closest approach was within 0.058 AU on 2015 Dec 29) it was scheduled for radar observations at Arecibo and Goldstone between 2015 Dec 27 and 31. As an NEA target of interest, it was observed at SAO during two consecutive nights, 2015 Dec 25-26 and 26-27 UT. Due to the rapid apparent motion of the asteroid in a relatively small CCD field of view, the data from each night were divided into a number of subsets, each based on a different set of comparison stars. The two-color data were used to determine a color index for the asteroid by averaging the individual values found for each matching pair of V and R data sets. Based on the data from the two nights, the result was V-R = 0.52 ± 0.05 mag. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 188 Observations of 782 Montefiore, 3842 Harlansmith 5542 Moffatt, 6720 Gifu, and (19979) 1989 VJ.” Minor Planet Bull. 40, 99-100. Henden, A.A., Terrell, D., Levine, S.E., Templeton, M., Smith, T.C., Welch, D.L. (2009). “The AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS).” Schmidt, R.E. (2015). “NIR Minor Planet Photometry from Burleith Observatory: 2014 February - June.” Minor Planet Bull. 42, 1-3. Warner, B.D. (2014). “Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2014 January-March.” Minor Planet Bull. 41, 157-168. Warner, B.D. (2015). Bdw Publishing MPO Software, MPO Canopus version (303142) 2004 DU24. No previously reported rotation period was found for this Mars-crosser. Wisniewski, W.Z., Michalowski, T.M., Harris, A.W., McMillan, R.S. (1997). “Photoelectric Observations of 125 Asteroids.” Icarus 126, 395-449. Yoshida, S. (2016). “Magnitude System and Color Conversion Formulas.” ROTATION PERIOD DETERMINATION FOR 5401 MINAMIODA Alessandro Marchini Astronomical Observatory, DSFTA - University of Siena (K54) Via Roma 56, 53100 - Siena, ITALY Lorenzo Franco Balzaretto Observatory (A81), Rome, ITALY Riccardo Papini Carpione Observatory (K49) Spedaletto, Florence, ITALY The asteroid had a favorable opposition on 2015 October 22 when it reached an apparent magnitude of V~15.4. Photometric observations were carried out SAO from 2015 Oct. 2-31, which resulted in three independent data sets with a total of 222 data points. Period analysis found a bimodal lightcurve a period of P = 6.2501 ± 0.0002 h. The amplitude, A = 0.73 mag, and the low phase angles puts a bimodal solution beyond any doubt (Harris et al., 2014). References Behrend, R. (2007). Observatoire de Geneve web site. Galad, A. (2008). “Several Byproduct Targets of Photometric Observations at Modra.” Minor Planet Bull. 35, 17-21. Harris, A.W., Pravec, P., Galad, A., Skiff, B.A., Warner, B.D., Vilagi, J., Gajdos, S., Carbognani, A., Hornoch, K., Kusnirak, P., Cooney, W.R., Gross, J., Terrell, D., Higgins, D., Bowell, E., Koehn, B.W. (2014). “On the maximum amplitude of harmonics on an asteroid lightcurve.” Icarus 235, 55-59. Han, X.L, Li, B., Zhao, H., Liu, W., Sun, L., Shi, J., Gao, S., Wang, S., Pan, X., Jiang, P., Zhou, H. (2013). “Photometric Fabio Salvaggio 21047 - Saronno, ITALY (Received: 2016 January 14) Photometric observations of the main-belt asteroid 5401 Minamioda in 2015 November revealed a monomodal lightcurve phased to 3.949 ± 0.001 hours as the more likely solution for the synodic rotation period of the asteroid, although a bimodal solution phased to 7.897 ± 0.003 hours cannot be ruled out completely. 5401 Minamioda (1989 EV) is a main-belt asteroid discovered at Minami-Oda on 1989 March 6 by T. Nomura and K. Kawanishi. It is named for the Minami-Oda district of Hyogo Prefecture in Japan where the residents cooperated in establishing an observatory in 1971 (MPC 22509). The asteroid orbits with a semi-major axis of about 2.797 AU, eccentricity 0.149, and a period of 4.68 years. Its absolute magnitude is 12.1 (JPL, 2015; MPC, 2015). WISE infrared radiometry reports an estimated diameter of D = 10.076 ± 0.136 km based on an optical albedo of 0.333 ± 0.057 and H = 11.80 ± 0.15 (Masiero et al., 2011). Using photometric sparse data from the Catalina Sky Survey (MPC 703; CSS, 2015), we derived Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 189 H = 12.32 ± 0.07 and G = 0.38 ± 0.09 (Fig. 1), which is close to those from the JPL Small-Body Database Browser. Xu et al. (1995) and Bus and Binzel (2002) found that 5401 Minamioda belongs to taxonomic class S. The period analysis yielded two possible solutions that clearly stand out in the period spectrum (RMS vs. period; Fig. 2). The stronger solution near 3.9 hours corresponds to a monomodal lightcurve while the secondary solution at about 7.8 hours features a bimodal lightcurve. One way to resolve the ambiguity between the two periods is to use what is called a “split halves plot”, as outlined by Harris et al. (2014). Figure 1. HG plot for 5401 Minamioda from 703 Catalina Sky Survey photometric sparse data. A search of the asteroid lightcurve database (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009) indicates that our work might be the first reported lightcurve observations and results for this object. The asteroid was reported as a lightcurve photometry opportunity for 2015 November in the Minor Planet Bulletin (Warner et al., 2015). Observations at the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Siena were carried out on five nights from 2015 November 1-8 using a 0.30-m f/5.6 Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope, SBIG STL6303E CCD camera, and clear filter; the pixel scale was 2.26 arcsec in binning 2x2 with 300 seconds exposure time for all images. A total of 343 data points were collected. Over the interval of about 8 days, the phase angle ranged from 5.9 to 2.1 degrees before opposition. Images were calibrated with bias, flat, and dark frames. Data processing, including reduction to R band, and period analysis were performed using MPO Canopus (BDW Publishing, 2012). Differential photometry measurements were performed using the Comp Star Selector (CSS) utility in MPO Canopus that allows selecting up to five comparison stars of near solar color. Subsequently, additional adjustments of the magnitude zero-points for the particular data sets were carried out in order to find the minimum RMS value from the Fourier analysis. Figure 3. The split halves plot for 5401 Minamioda. Here (Fig. 3), the period (P) for the bimodal solution is used, but the data are plotted using the half-period (P/2) corresponding to the period of the monomodal solution. This results in the second half of the lightcurve overlaying the first half. In the split halves plot, open black circles represent data from 0.0 to 0.5 rotation phase of the full period and red stars represent data from 0.5 to 1.0 rotation phase. The two halves are similar, meaning that there is a possibility that the half-period is the correct solution. If the two halves had diverged significantly, the half-period would have been ruled out or, at least, that it was much less likely to be the correct period. Therefore, we concluded that the most likely synodic period for 5401 Minamioda is associated with the monomodal lightcurve phased to 3.949 ± 0.001 hours with an amplitude of 0.11 ± 0.03 mag (Fig. 4), although the bimodal solution phased to 7.897 ± 0.003 hours with an amplitude of 0.10 ± 0.03 mag (Fig. 5) cannot be ruled out completely. Observations at future oppositions will be required to increase the confidence in the period. Figure 2. The period spectrum for 5401 Minamioda. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 190 MPC (2015). MPC Database. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Pravec, P. (2009). “The asteroid lightcurve database.” Icarus 202, 134-146. Updated 2015 December 7. Warner, B.D. (2012). MPO Software, MPO Canopus v10.4.1.9. Bdw Publishing. Warner, B.D., Harris, A.W., Ďurech, J., Benner, L.A.M. (2015). “Lightcurve photometry opportunities: 2015 October-December.” MPB 42, 286-290. Xu, S., Binzel, R.P., Burbine, T.H., Bus, S.J. (1995). “Small MainBelt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey: Initial results.” Icarus 115, 1– 35. Figure 4. The lightcurve for 5401 Minamioda phased to the period of the monomodal solution (3.949 h). Figure 5. The lightcurve for 5401 Minamioda phased to the period of the bimodal solution (7.897 h). References Bus, S.J., Binzel, R.P. (2002). “Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey.” Icarus 158, 146-177. CSS (2015). Catalina Sky Survey web site. Harris, A.W., Pravec, P., Galad, A., Skiff, B.A., Warner, B.D., Vilagi, J., Gajdos, S., Carbognani, A., Hornoch, K., Kusnirak, P., Cooney, W.R., Gross, J., Terrell, D., Higgins, D., Bowell, E., Koehn, B.W. (2014). “On the maximum amplitude of harmonics on an asteroid lightcurve.” Icarus 235, 55-59. CORRIGENDUM MPB VOLUME 43, PAGE 23 Stephens, R.D., Warner, B.D. (2016). “Lightcurve Observations of (348400) 2005 JF21: an NEA Binary.” Minor Planet Bulletin 43, 22-24. The formula for finding the effective diameter ratio of a satellite to D s D p ≥ 1 − 10 −0.4 Δm its primary in a binary asteroid system was given incorrectly as € Hahn (1997; Icarus 127, 431-440) give the correct Pravec and formula as D s D p ≥ 10 0.4 Δm − 1 JPL (2015). Small-Body Database Browser. Masiero, J.R., Mainzer, A.K., Grav, T., Bauer, J.M., Cutri, R.M., Dailey, J., Eisenhardt, P.R.M., McMillan, R.S., Spahr, T.B., Skrutskie, M.F., Tholen, D., Walker, R.G., Wright, E.L., DeBaun, E., Elsbury, D., Gautier, T., IV, Gomillion, S., Wilkins, A. (2011). “Main Belt Asteroids with WISE/NEOWISE. I. Preliminary Albedos and Diameters.” Astrophys. J. 741, A68. The estimated value of Ds/Dp ≥ 0.19 ± 0.02 given in the paper did not change since the two formulae give very similar results when € Δm < 0.1 mag. The ≥ symbol indicates that a total mutual event was not seen and so the value represents a minimum. If there had been a total event, then the formula would give the actual ratio. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 191 TARGET ASTEROIDS! OBSERVING CAMPAIGNS FOR APRIL THROUGH JUNE 2016 Carl Hergenrother and Dolores Hill Lunar & Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona 1629 E. University Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85721 USA (Received: 2016 January 14) Asteroid campaigns to be conducted by the Target Asteroids! program during the April-June 2016 quarter are described. In addition to asteroids on the original Target Asteroids! list of easily accessible spacecraft targets, an effort has been made to identify other asteroids that are 1) brighter and easier to observe for small telescope users and 2) analogous to (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu, targets of the OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa-2 sample return missions. Introduction The Target Asteroids! program strives to engage telescope users of all skill levels and telescope apertures to observe asteroids that are viable targets for robotic sample return. The program also focuses on the study of asteroids that are analogous to (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu, the target asteroids of the NASA OSIRIS-REx and JAXA Hayabusa-2 sample return missions respectively. Most target asteroids are near-Earth asteroids (NEA) though observations of relevant main-belt asteroids (MBA) are also requested. An overview of the Target Asteroids! program can be found at Hergenrother and Hill (2013). Even though many of the observable objects in this program are faint, acquiring a large number of low S/N observations allows many important parameters to be determined. For example, an asteroid’s phase function can be measured by obtaining photometry taken over a wide range of phase angles. The albedo can be constrained from the phase angle observations, as there is a direct correlation between phase function and albedo (Belskaya and Shevchenko (2000). The absolute magnitude can be estimated by extrapolating the phase function to a phase angle of 0°. By combining the albedo and absolute magnitude, the size of the object can be estimated. Current Campaigns Target Asteroids! continues to conduct a number of dedicated campaigns on select NEAs and analog carbonaceous MBAs during the quarter. These campaigns have a primary goal of conducting photometric measurements over a large range of phase angles. Target Asteroids! objects brighter than V = 17.0 are presented in detail. A short summary of our knowledge of each asteroid and 10day (shorter intervals for objects that warrant it) ephemerides are presented. The ephemerides include rough RA and Dec positions, distance from the Sun in AU (r), distance from Earth in AU (Δ), V magnitude, phase angle in degrees (PH) and elongation from the Sun in degrees (Elong). We ask observers with access to large telescopes to attempt observations of spacecraft accessible asteroids that are between V magnitude ~17.0 and ~20.0 during the quarter (contained in the table below). Asteroid Number (7350) (163249) (162173) (173664) (187040) (307564) (311925) (382758) (371660) Name 1993 VA 2002 GT Ryugu 2001 JU2 2005 JS108 2003 FQ6 2007 BF72 2003 GY 2007 CN26 2009 DN1 Peak V Mag 15.8 18.5 19.3 17.7 19.5 19.1 18.5 17.8 19.8 19.6 Time of Peak Brightness early Apr early Apr late Jun late Jun mid May late Jun late Jun mid May late Apr early Apr The campaign targets are split up into two sections: carbonaceous MBAs that are analogous to Bennu and Ryugu; and NEAs analogous to the Bennu and Ryugu or provide an opportunity to fill some of the gaps in our knowledge of these spacecraft targets (examples include very low and high phase angle observations, phase functions in different filters and color changes with phase angle). The ephemerides listed below are just for planning purposes. In order to produce ephemerides for your observing location, date and time, please use the Minor Planet Center’s Minor Planet and Comet Ephemeris Service: or the Target Asteroids! specific site created by Tomas Vorobjov and Sergio Foglia of the International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) at Analog Carbonaceous Main Belt Asteroid Campaigns (207) Hedda (a=2.28 AU, e=0.03, i=3.8°, H = 9.9) The target asteroids of the OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa-2 missions probably originated in the inner part of the main belt (between 2.0 and 2.55 AU) on low inclination orbits. Target Asteroids! is conducting many campaigns on objects in this region of the belt. Hedda is not a member of any of the known asteroid families in the innermost main belt. It is a hydrated carbonaceous object with a Ch taxonomy (Bus and Binzel 2002). It is dark (0.04-0.06 albedo) with a diameter on order of ~60 km (Tedesco et al. 2002). Multiple rotation periods have been determined at 12, 13.6 and 30.1 hours. The relatively long rotation period and low amplitude (~0.1 magnitudes) are probably the reason for the difficulty in determining a definitive period. Long sequences over the course of many nights will help resolve the rotation period question. Observations covering phase angles of 1.5° and 20.8° are possible this quarter. Peak brightness occurs on May 17 at V = 12.3. DATE 04/01 04/11 04/21 05/01 05/11 05/21 05/31 06/10 06/20 06/30 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) RA 04 02 58 50 40 29 19 11 06 04 DEC -22 08 -22 29 -22 42 -22 46 -22 39 -22 23 -22 03 -21 42 -21 27 -21 21 ∆ 1.46 1.37 1.30 1.24 1.22 1.21 1.23 1.28 1.34 1.42 r 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.23 V 13.5 13.3 13.0 12.7 12.4 12.3 12.7 12.9 13.2 13.4 PH Elong 21 128 18 138 14 149 9 160 4 172 3 174 8 163 13 152 17 141 20 131 192 Near-Earth Asteroid Campaign Targets (7350) 1993 VA (a=1.36 AU, e=0.39, i=7.3°, H = 17.1) Carbonaceous and located on a low delta-V orbit, (7350) 1993 VA would make a nice future spacecraft target. Typical of a carbonaceous C-type asteroid, 1993 VA has a very dark albedo of 0.05 (Thomas et al. 2014, Mainzer et al. 2011). Little is known of its rotational properties and this apparition will be a prime opportunity to determine its rotational period. Peak brightness occurred back in late March/early April at V = 15.8. It can be observed over phase angles of 40° to 71° during the period when it is brighter than V = 18. DATE 04/01 04/11 04/21 05/01 05/11 05/21 RA 08 35 10 39 11 32 12 02 12 22 12 39 DEC +58 21 +47 22 +36 40 +28 24 +21 56 +16 39 ∆ 0.17 0.21 0.27 0.34 0.43 0.52 r 1.04 1.10 1.17 1.23 1.29 1.35 V 15.8 15.9 16.4 16.9 17.4 17.9 PH Elong 71 100 56 114 48 121 43 123 41 120 40 117 (35396) 1997 XF11 (a=1.44 AU, e=0.48, i=4.1°, H = 16.9) This asteroid burst onto the world’s ‘radar’ back on March 11, 1998 when it was found that it could pass extremely close to Earth on October 26, 2028 (Marsden 1998). Additional observations have refined its orbit and we now know it will pass 2.4 lunar distance from Earth on that date. XF11 is Xk or K type asteroid with a rotation period of 3.26 h and high amplitude of up to 1 magnitude (Binzel et al. 2004, Slivan et al. 2003). Minimum phase angle will happen on April 13 at 2.1° and V = 15.7. Observations up to a phase angle of 120° are possible while it is brighter than V = 18. Color photometry over a large range of phase angles will determine if XF11 experiences phase angle dependent color changes. DATE 04/01 04/11 04/21 05/01 05/11 05/21 05/31 06/10 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 09 RA 40 24 59 27 50 09 21 19 DEC -14 24 -12 06 -08 19 -02 51 +04 04 +11 54 +20 21 +28 54 ∆ 0.47 0.38 0.31 0.26 0.23 0.20 0.19 0.18 r 1.46 1.39 1.31 1.24 1.16 1.08 1.00 0.92 V 16.8 15.8 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.9 16.4 17.5 compositional assessment of near-Earth object mission targets.” Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 39, 351-366. Bus, S.J., Binzel, R.P. (2002). “Phase II of the small main-belt asteroid spectroscopic survey: a feature-based taxonomy”. Icarus 158 146-177. Hergenrother, C., Hill, D. (2013). “The OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroids! Project: A Small Telescope Initiative to Characterize Potential Spacecraft Mission Target Asteroids.” Minor Planet Bulletin 40, 164-166. Mainzer, A. et al. (2011). “NEOWISE Observations of Near-Earth Objects: Preliminary Results.” ApJ 743, 156. Marsden, B.G. (1998). “1997 XF11”. IAUC 6837. Slivan, S.M., Bowsher, E.C., Chang, B.W. (2003). “Rotation period and spin direction of near-Earth asteroid (35396) 1997 XF11.” Minor Planet Bulletin 30, 29-30.. Tedesco, E.F., Noah, P.V., Noah, M., Price, S.D. (2002). “The supplemental IRAS Minor Planet Survey”. Astronomical Journal 123, 1056-1085. Thomas, C.A., Emery, J.P., Trilling, D.E., Delbo, M., Hora, J.L., Mueller, M. (2014). “Physical characterization of Warm Spitzerobserved near-Earth objects.” Icarus 228, 217-246. PH Elong 12 163 3 176 11 166 27 147 45 126 66 104 89 80 116 55 (331471) 1984 QY1 (a=2.50 AU, e=0.89, i=14.3°, H = 15.4) Little is known of this near-Earth asteroid. It becomes brighter than V = 18 on May 20 while also rapidly moving away from the Sun. Its phase angle decreases from 128° on May 20 to 38° at the end of July. Peak brightness at V = 15.4 on June 6. Photometry of all types is encouraged to determine this object’s taxonomy, rotation period and phase angles. DATE 05/21 05/31 06/10 06/20 06/30 04 11 14 14 15 RA 58 14 15 48 04 DEC +56 52 +72 01 +42 21 +23 09 +12 36 ∆ 0.34 0.28 0.35 0.50 0.68 r 0.78 0.97 1.14 1.31 1.46 V 17.8 15.8 15.5 16.2 16.9 PH Elong 125 39 92 72 60 103 45 115 38 117 References Belskaya, I., Shevchenko, V. (2000). “The Opposition Effect of Asteroids.” Icarus 147, 94-105. Binzel, R.P., Perozzi, E., Rivkin, A.S., Rossi, A., Harris, A.W., Bus, S.J., Valsecchi, G.B., Slivan, S. (2004). “Dynamical and Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 193 LIGHTCURVE PHOTOMETRY OPPORTUNITIES: 2016 APRIL-JUNE Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies / MoreData! 446 Sycamore Ave. Eaton, CO 80615 USA Alan W. Harris MoreData! La Cañada, CA 91011-3364 USA Josef Ďurech Astronomical Institute Charles University in Prague 18000 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC Lance A.M. Benner Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 USA We present lists of asteroid photometry opportunities for objects reaching a favorable apparition and have no or poorly-defined lightcurve parameters. Additional data on these objects will help with shape and spin axis modeling via lightcurve inversion. We also include lists of objects that will be the target of radar observations. Lightcurves for these objects can help constrain pole solutions and/or remove rotation period ambiguities that might not come from using radar data alone. We present several lists of asteroids that are prime targets for photometry during the period 2016 April-June. In the first three sets of tables, “Dec” is the declination and “U” is the quality code of the lightcurve. See the asteroid lightcurve data base (LCDB; Warner et al., 2009) documentation for an explanation of the U code: The ephemeris generator on the CALL web site allows you to create custom lists for objects reaching V ≤ 18.5 during any month in the current year, e.g., limiting the results by magnitude and declination. We refer you to past articles, e.g., Minor Planet Bulletin 36, 188, for more detailed discussions about the individual lists and points of advice regarding observations for objects in each list. Once you’ve obtained and analyzed your data, it’s important to publish your results. Papers appearing in the Minor Planet Bulletin are indexed in the Astrophysical Data System (ADS) and so can be referenced by others in subsequent papers. It’s also important to make the data available at least on a personal website or upon request. We urge you to consider submitting your raw data to the ALCDEF page on the Minor Planet Center web site: We believe this to be the largest publicly available database of raw lightcurve data that contains 2.5 million observations for more than 11400 objects. Now that many backyard astronomers and small colleges have access to larger telescopes, we have expanded the photometry opportunities and spin axis lists to include asteroids reaching V = 15.5. In both of those lists, a line in italics text indicates a near-Earth asteroid (NEA). In the spin axis list, a line in bold text indicates a particularly favorable apparition. To keep the number of objects manageable, the opportunities list includes only those objects reaching a particularly favorable apparition, meaning they could all be set in bold text. Lightcurve/Photometry Opportunities Objects with U = 3– or 3 are excluded from this list since they will likely appear in the list below for shape and spin axis modeling. Those asteroids rated U = 1 should be given higher priority over those rated U = 2 or 2+, but not necessarily over those with no period. On the other hand, do not overlook asteroids with U = 2/2+ on the assumption that the period is sufficiently established. Regardless, do not let the existing period influence your analysis since even high quality ratings have been proven wrong at times. Note that the lightcurve amplitude in the tables could be more or less than what’s given. Use the listing only as a guide. Brightest LCDB Data Number Name Date Mag Dec Period Amp U ------------------------------------------------------------141354 2002 AJ29 04 03.8 15.0 -27 32219 2000 OU20 04 06.0 15.5 -11 7.172 0.18 2 12551 1998 QQ39 04 08.7 15.4 -9 15776 1993 KO 04 09.0 15.3 -7 6138 1991 JH1 04 09.2 15.4 -4 5.4566 0.37 2 11093 1994 HD 04 10.5 15.5 -3 1305 Pongola 04 11.6 14.3 -6 8.03 0.14-0.18 2 7084 1991 BR 04 16.3 15.5 -3 5.3075 0.19 2 6570 Tomohiro 04 19.1 15.3 -14 9.9653 0.51 2 21556 Christineli 04 21.6 15.2 -15 12.3704 0.12 2 5406 Jonjoseph 05 01.5 15.1 -18 3.5549 0.57 2 3159 Prokof'ev 05 06.4 14.8 -15 3.89 0.42 26056 Donatello 05 06.9 15.3 -16 6.2243 0.20 2 5135 Nibutani 05 09.8 15.0 -19 1179 Mally 05 10.0 15.3 -28 46.6917 0.08 1 8177 1992 BO 05 12.2 15.4 -23 6347 1995 BM4 05 15.4 15.4 -22 7.7392 0.35 2 1457 Ankara 05 16.1 13.5 -28 31.8 0.21 2 1259 Ogyalla 05 17.1 13.9 -18 17.3038 0.1-0.25 2 67681 2000 SH293 05 17.2 14.7 -21 19.8473 0.57 2 28461 2000 AL164 05 21.3 15.5 -20 3.44 0.09 1+ 2307 Garuda 05 24.2 14.8 -23 29.64 0.32 2+ 2332 Kalm 05 28.2 14.8 -24 22.8 0.39 2 1109 Tata 05 29.6 13.9 -24 8.277 0.06 2 3044 Saltykov 05 31.3 15.0 -19 0.04 9583 1990 HL1 05 31.5 15.5 -11 2584 Turkmenia 06 03.6 14.9 -23 6.3718 0.22 2 13846 1999 XV69 06 08.8 15.2 -22 50.9496 0.26 2 3353 Jarvis 06 09.1 14.6 -9 202. 0.10-0.50 2+ 1108 Demeter 06 10.7 14.0 +1 9.7 0.12-0.15 2 6405 Komiyama 06 12.2 14.9 -17 19.855 0.13 2 8151 Andranada 06 12.7 14.5 -23 0.04 2259 Sofievka 06 15.6 13.7 -26 31.6 0.10 2 6135 Billowen 06 19.1 15.4 -32 28.4633 0.27 2 33719 1999 LA27 06 21.7 15.4 -20 11597 1995 KL1 06 22.2 15.3 -52 2415 Ganesa 06 22.9 15.2 -24 8. 0.15 2 31227 1998 BC41 06 24.0 14.7 -33 0.05 6003 1988 VO1 06 24.1 15.4 -15 104.4 0.07-0.42 2 6834 Hunfeld 06 24.6 15.3 -30 23268 2000 YD55 06 26.4 15.2 -20 3.3683 0.12 2 56785 2000 OS53 06 26.8 15.4 -23 1937 Locarno 06 29.0 13.6 -31 7945 Kreisau 06 29.0 15.4 -25 9245 1998 HF101 06 29.8 15.2 -19 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 194 Low Phase Angle Opportunities Shape/Spin Modeling Opportunities The Low Phase Angle list includes asteroids that reach very low phase angles. The “α” column is the minimum solar phase angle for the asteroid. Getting accurate, calibrated measurements (usually V band) at or very near the day of opposition can provide important information for those studying the “opposition effect.” Use the on-line query form for the LCDB Those doing work for modeling should contact Josef Ďurech at the email address above. If looking to add lightcurves for objects with existing models, visit the Database of Asteroid Models from Inversion Techniques (DAMIT) web site to get more details about a specific asteroid. You will have the best chance of success working objects with low amplitude and periods that allow covering at least half a cycle every night. Objects with large amplitudes and/or long periods are much more difficult for phase angle studies since, for proper analysis, the data must be reduced to the average magnitude of the asteroid for each night. This reduction requires that you determine the period and the amplitude of the lightcurve; for long period objects that can be difficult. Refer to Harris et al. (1989; Icarus 81, 365-374) for the details of the analysis procedure. As an aside, some use the maximum light to find the phase slope parameter (G). However, this can produce a significantly different value for both H and G versus when using average light, which is the method used for values listed by the Minor Planet Center. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has adopted a new system, H-G12, introduced by Muinonen et al. (2010; Icarus 209, 542-555). However it will be some years before it becomes the general standard and, furthermore, it is still in need of refinement. That can be done mostly through having more data for more asteroids, but only if there are data at very low and moderate phase angles. Therefore, we strongly encourage observers to obtain data for these objects not only at very low phase angles, but to follow them well before and/or after opposition, i.e., out to phase angles of 15-30 degrees. Num Name Date α V Dec Period Amp U ------------------------------------------------------------834 Burnhamia 04 07.0 0.53 13.2 -05 13.875 0.15-0.22 3 186 Celuta 04 10.5 0.94 12.0 -10 19.842 0.4 -0.55 3 124 Alkeste 04 11.0 0.46 11.0 -07 9.921 0.08-0.15 3 3763 Qianxuesen 04 13.6 0.23 14.0 -09 3.884 0.31 3 205 Martha 04 14.9 0.68 13.0 -11 14.911 0.08-0.50 3 569 Misa 04 21.3 0.69 13.9 -14 13.52 0.25 2 1660 Wood 04 22.1 0.28 13.5 -13 6.809 0.14-0.26 3 378 Holmia 04 30.1 0.73 14.0 -17 4.450 0.11-0.21 3 1590 Tsiolkovskaja 05 03.5 0.33 13.2 -16 6.731 0.10-0.4 3 435 Ella 05 06.0 0.43 13.5 -18 4.623 0.30-0.45 3 76 Freia 05 07.2 0.31 13.0 -16 9.969 0.06-0.33 3 222 Lucia 05 08.4 0.65 12.7 -15 7.80 0.25-0.38 3 1259 Ogyalla 05 17.1 0.45 13.9 -18 12. 0.1 -0.3 1 447 Valentine 05 17.4 0.61 13.2 -18 9.651 0.18 3 425 Cornelia 05 20.0 0.08 13.1 -20 17.56 0.19 2 278 Paulina 05 20.5 0.28 12.1 -20 6.497 0.41 3 23 Thalia 05 22.9 0.51 10.4 -19 12.312 0.10-0.15 3 583 Klotilde 05 27.5 0.79 13.3 -24 9.212 0.18-0.41 2 384 Burdigala 05 27.7 0.91 13.7 -24 21.1 0.03 21109 Tata 05 29.6 0.74 13.9 -24 8.277 0.06 2 7 Iris 05 29.8 0.58 9.2 -23 7.139 0.04-0.29 3 277 Elvira 06 04.4 0.26 13.7 -22 29.69 0.34-0.59 3 274 Philagoria 06 07.4 0.59 13.4 -21 17.96 0.43-0.51 3 87 Sylvia 06 10.5 0.56 11.6 -25 5.184 0.22-0.62 3 90 Antiope 06 11.5 0.27 11.8 -24 16.509 0.08-0.90 3 505 Cava 06 18.0 0.30 13.1 -22 8.179 0.15-0.27 3 449 Hamburga 06 21.9 0.15 13.1 -24 18.263 0.08-0.17 2+ 974 Lioba 06 25.2 0.44 13.5 -24 38.7 0.37 3 972 Cohnia 06 28.0 0.38 13.5 -24 18.472 0.19-0.21 3 An additional dense lightcurve, along with sparse data, could lead to the asteroid being added to or improving one in DAMIT, thus increasing the total number of asteroids with spin axis and shape models. Included in the list below are objects that: 1. 2. Are rated U = 3– or 3 in the LCDB Do not have reported pole in the LCDB Summary table 3. Have at least three entries in the Details table of the LCDB where the lightcurve is rated U ≥ 2. The caveat for condition #3 is that no check was made to see if the lightcurves are from the same apparition or if the phase angle bisector longitudes differ significantly from the upcoming apparition. The last check is often not possible because the LCDB does not list the approximate date of observations for all details records. Including that information is an on-going project. Brightest LCDB Data Num Name Date Mag Dec Period Amp U ------------------------------------------------------------2573 Hannu Olavi 04 04.0 15.2 +7 4.9355 0.35-0.37 3 256 Walpurga 04 04.3 13.6 -2 16.664 0.36-0.41 3 937 Bethgea 04 04.4 14.7 -10 7.539 0.12-0.19 3 1369 Ostanina 04 04.4 15.1 -1 8.4001 0.73-1.11 3 834 Burnhamia 04 07.2 13.2 -5 13.875 0.15-0.22 3 750 Oskar 04 07.5 14.6 -2 6.2584 0.07-0.20 3 3223 Forsius 04 10.2 14.7 +0 2.343 0.20-0.22 3 124 Alkeste* 04 11.0 11.0 -7 9.921 0.08-0.15 3 205 Martha 04 14.9 13.0 -11 14.911 0.08-0.50 3 267 Tirza 04 15.7 13.6 -3 7.648 0.18- 0.4 3 2195 Tengstrom 04 15.8 15.4 -3 2.8211 0.17-0.45 3 2460 Mitlincoln 04 16.0 14.6 -7 3.01 0.03-0.20 3 456 Abnoba 04 18.0 11.9 -19 18.281 0.23-0.32 3 465 Alekto 04 18.0 12.8 -18 10.938 0.10-0.14 36495 1992 UB1 04 19.2 15.4 -18 5.693 0.29-0.45 3 78 Diana 04 19.5 11.3 -24 7.2991 0.02-0.30 3 1660 Wood 04 22.0 13.5 -13 6.809 0.14-0.26 3 545 Messalina 04 24.0 13.4 -26 7.2 0.27 3 1074 Beljawskya 04 25.0 15.0 -13 6.284 0.28-0.37 3 1248 Jugurtha 04 30.1 13.6 -6 12.91 0.70- 1.4 3 418 Alemannia 05 01.0 13.6 -20 4.671 0.14-0.33 3 524 Fidelio 05 02.9 14.0 -27 14.198 0.18-0.22 3 13166 1995 WU1 05 02.9 15.3 -15 3.8123 0.19-0.22 3 1590 Tsiolkovskaja 05 03.6 13.2 -16 6.731 0.10- 0.4 3 766 Moguntia 05 03.8 14.7 -24 4.8164 0.06-0.23 3 734 Benda 05 03.9 14.6 -21 7.11 0.28-0.32 3 3800 Karayusuf 05 04.6 15.5 +20 2.2319 0.15-0.19 3 1727 Mette 05 06.5 15.3 +24 2.9811 0.19-0.38 3 905 Universitas 05 07.1 14.6 -18 14.238 0.22-0.33 3 195 Eurykleia 05 07.6 13.0 -24 16.521 0.10-0.24 3 479 Caprera 05 08.4 14.6 -5 9.43 0.10-0.24 3 1764 Cogshall 05 09.1 14.8 -14 3.6242 0.21 3 3497 Innanen 05 09.9 14.9 +0 7.181 0.54-0.60 3 996 Hilaritas 05 10.0 14.9 -18 10.05 0.63-0.70 3 2114 Wallenquist 05 10.0 15.3 -18 5.51 0.22-0.30 3 194386 2001 VG5 05 10.3 14.5 -51 6.38 0.38- 0.7 3 1845 Helewalda 05 10.9 15.5 -3 7.2786 0.20-0.28 31344 Caubeta 05 13.0 14.4 -17 3.122 0.16-0.25 3 721 Tabora 05 13.7 14.7 -21 7.982 0.19-0.30 3 2653 Principia 05 16.9 15.0 -14 5.5228 0.34-0.50 3 239 Adrastea 05 17.1 15.4 -12 18.4707 0.34-0.51 3 2303 Retsina 05 18.6 15.4 +0 10.82 0.39-0.45 3 851 Zeissia 05 19.4 14.0 -16 9.34 0.38-0.53 3 1308 Halleria 05 19.5 14.8 -27 6.028 0.14-0.17 3 911 Agamemnon 05 20.3 15.4 -45 6.592 0.04-0.29 3 1547 Nele 05 20.4 15.4 -33 7.1 0.18-0.45 32121 Sevastopol 05 21.1 13.9 -11 2.9064 0.15-0.20 3 414 Liriope 05 22.4 14.8 -11 7.353 0.13 31509 Esclangona 05 24.4 14.6 -52 3.2528 0.11-0.35 3 4125 Lew Allen 05 25.8 15.1 -44 4.629 0.20-0.45 3 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 195 Brightest LCDB Data Num Name Date Mag Dec Period Amp U ------------------------------------------------------------1929 Kollaa 05 26.1 15.2 -21 2.9887 0.20-0.22 3 583 Klotilde 05 27.4 13.3 -24 9.2135 0.18-0.41 3 712 Boliviana 05 30.2 12.5 -16 11.7426 0.10-0.12 3 2141 Simferopol 06 02.1 14.8 -25 14.9508 0.30-0.48 3 1426 Riviera 06 05.8 13.4 -39 4.4044 0.30-0.31 3 656 Beagle 06 06.9 14.2 -22 7.035 0.85- 1.2 3 1127 Mimi 06 07.6 15.1 +15 12.749 0.72-0.95 3 554 Peraga 06 09.9 12.5 -26 13.7128 0.11-0.28 3 995 Sternberga 06 10.0 13.5 -10 14.612 0.12-0.20 3 3419 Guth 06 11.5 15.2 -34 14.43 0.15-0.29 3 1095 Tulipa 06 11.8 14.8 -8 2.7872 0.17-0.23 3 58 Concordia 06 13.0 12.4 -15 9.895 0.10-0.15 3 744 Aguntina 06 14.8 14.7 -14 17.47 0.50 3 4765 Wasserburg 06 16.4 15.4 -33 3.6231 0.04-0.60 3 651 Antikleia 06 18.7 14.6 -35 20.299 0.13-0.41 3 224 Oceana 06 19.6 11.9 -33 9.401 0.09-0.14 3 1222 Tina* 06 23.1 13.8 -7 13.395 0.18-0.30 3 126 Velleda 06 24.1 12.0 -28 5.3672 0.07-0.22 3 987 Wallia 06 24.5 13.2 -34 10.0813 0.11-0.36 3 1468 Zomba 06 25.3 14.1 -37 2.773 0.3-0.36 3 506 Marion 06 25.7 13.9 -39 13.546 0.17-0.35 3 11705 1998 GN7 06 27.2 15.4 -9 3.7187 0.32-0.45 3 1096 Reunerta 06 27.8 13.1 -28 13.036 0.26-0.39 3 972 Cohnia 06 28.1 13.5 -24 18.472 0.19-0.21 3 1254 Erfordia 06 29.6 14.8 -25 12.287 0.47 3 755 Quintilla 06 30.7 13.7 -18 4.552 0.08-0.45 3 Radar-Optical Opportunities There are several resources to help plan observations in support of radar. Future radar targets: Past radar targets: and α is the phase angle. SE and ME are the great circles distances (in degrees) of the Sun and Moon from the asteroid. MP is the lunar phase and GB is the galactic latitude. “PHA” in the header indicates that the object is a “potentially hazardous asteroid”, meaning that at some (long distant) time, its orbit might take it very close to Earth. Some of the targets listed here may be carry-overs from the previous quarter’s photometry opportunities article since they are still reachable targets for at least part of the covered quarter-year. About YORP Acceleration Many, if not all, of the targets in this section are near-Earth asteroids. These objects are particularly sensitive to YORP acceleration. YORP (Yarkovsky–O'Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack) is the asymmetric thermal re-radiation of sunlight that can cause an asteroid’s rotation period to increase or decrease. High precision lightcurves at multiple apparitions can be used to model the asteroid’s sidereal rotation period and see if it’s changing. It usually takes four apparitions to have sufficient data to determine if the asteroid is rotating under the influence of YORP, so while obtaining a lightcurve at the current apparition may not result in immediately seeing a change, the data are still critical in reaching a final determination. This is why observing asteroids that already have well-known periods can still be a valuable use of telescope time. It is even more so when considering BYORP (binary-YORP) among binary asteroids where that effect has stabilized the spin so that acceleration of the primary body is not the same as if it would be if there were no satellite. Arecibo targets: Asteroid Sisyphus Goldstone targets: However, these are based on known targets at the time the list was prepared. It is very common for newly discovered objects to move up the list and become radar targets on short notice. We recommend that you keep up with the latest discoveries using the RSS feeds from the Minor Planet Center In particular, monitor the NEA feed and be flexible with your observing program. In some cases, you may have only 1-3 days when the asteroid is within reach of your equipment. Be sure to keep in touch with the radar team (through Dr. Benner’s email listed above) if you get data. The team may not always be observing the target but, in some cases, your initial results may change their plans. In all cases, your efforts are greatly appreciated. Use the ephemerides below as a guide to your best chances for observing, but remember that photometry may be possible before and/or after the ephemerides given below. Note that geocentric positions are given. Use these web sites to generate updated and topocentric positions: MPC: JPL: In the ephemerides below, ED and SD are, respectively, the Earth and Sun distances (AU), V is the estimated Johnson V magnitude, Fam/Grp NEA Period 2.400 App 4 Last 2015 Bin Y 1991 CS NEA 2.389 3 2015 N 1997 XF11 NEA 3.259 1 2002 N Apollo NEA 3.065 6 2014 Y 2004 FG11 NEA <4. 2 2014 Y 2008 TZ3 2009 KJ NEA NEA - - - - 2003 KO2 NEA - - - - 2009 DL46 NEA - - - - 2010 NY65 NEA - - - - 2002 KL6 NEA 4.610 1 2009 N Table I. Summary of radar-optical opportunities in 2016 Apr-Jun. Data from the asteroid lightcurve database (Warner et al., 2009; Icarus 202, 134-146). To help focus efforts in YORP detection, Table I gives a quick summary of this quarter’s radar-optical targets. The Fam/Grp column gives the family or group for the asteroid. The period is in hours and, in the case of binary, for the primary. The App columns gives the number of different apparitions at which a lightcurve period was reported while the Last column gives the year for the last reported period. The Bin column is ‘Y’ if the asteroid has one or more satellites. 1866 Sisyphus (Apr-Jun, H = 13.0, Binary) This is considered a known binary based on radar observations in 1985 ( that showed a spike in the echo power spectrum on several nights. Stephens et al. (2011; MPB 38, 212-213) reported a possible satellite with an orbital period of 25.5 h based on lightcurve Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 196 photometry. Assuming a binary, the primary has a period of about 2.40 h and amplitude that ranges from 0.01 to 0.15 mag. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------04/01 15 30.9 +19 53 1.82 2.60 16.7 16.6 132 66 -0.45 +53 04/11 15 19.7 +20 57 1.72 2.56 16.5 15.1 138 136 +0.19 +56 04/21 15 05.1 +21 38 1.65 2.52 16.3 14.1 142 38 +0.99 +59 05/01 14 48.1 +21 45 1.60 2.48 16.2 14.2 143 106 -0.40 +63 05/11 14 30.1 +21 10 1.58 2.44 16.2 15.6 140 99 +0.24 +67 05/21 14 12.8 +19 51 1.58 2.39 16.2 18.0 133 38 +0.99 +70 05/31 13 57.9 +17 54 1.61 2.34 16.3 20.8 125 147 -0.32 +72 06/10 13 46.1 +15 27 1.65 2.29 16.4 23.4 116 59 +0.29 +73 06/20 13 37.9 +12 39 1.72 2.24 16.5 25.6 107 67 +1.00 +72 06/30 13 33.3 +09 39 1.78 2.19 16.6 27.4 99 155 -0.24 +70 (7822) 1991 CS (Apr, H = 17.4, PHA) The rotation period for this NEA is well-established at about 2.390 h. The period makes it an ideal candidate for being a binary, even though the amplitude ranges from 0.26-0.39 mag. This makes it more elongated than many known binary primaries, but there are exceptions; this could be one as well. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------04/01 09 18.3 +53 25 0.47 1.23 18.1 50.7 108 137 -0.45 +43 04/02 09 19.9 +53 44 0.48 1.23 18.1 50.9 107 140 -0.35 +43 04/03 09 21.6 +54 01 0.49 1.23 18.2 51.1 107 139 -0.25 +43 04/04 09 23.3 +54 17 0.50 1.23 18.2 51.2 106 135 -0.16 +44 04/05 09 25.0 +54 31 0.51 1.24 18.3 51.4 105 128 -0.08 +44 04/06 09 26.8 +54 45 0.52 1.24 18.4 51.5 104 119 -0.03 +44 04/07 09 28.6 +54 57 0.53 1.24 18.4 51.6 104 109 +0.00 +44 04/08 09 30.5 +55 08 0.54 1.24 18.4 51.7 103 98 +0.01 +44 04/09 09 32.3 +55 18 0.55 1.24 18.5 51.8 102 87 +0.04 +45 04/10 09 34.2 +55 27 0.56 1.25 18.5 51.9 102 76 +0.10 +45 (35396) 1997 XF11 (Apr-May, H = 16.3, PHA) The reported synodic periods for this NEA average about 3.257 h. This is based on observations made by Pravec et al. in 2002. You may recall that initial reports soon after its discovery concerning the chances for the asteroid hitting the Earth in the not-to-distant future eventually led to improvements in impact probability monitoring. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------04/01 13 40.7 -14 24 0.47 1.45 16.8 11.8 163 79 -0.45 +47 04/08 13 29.9 -12 55 0.41 1.41 16.1 5.6 172 173 +0.01 +49 04/15 13 15.2 -10 46 0.35 1.35 15.6 3.5 175 75 +0.60 +52 04/22 12 56.4 -07 48 0.31 1.30 15.7 12.4 164 16 +1.00 +55 04/29 12 34.2 -04 02 0.27 1.25 15.7 23.4 150 107 -0.61 +59 05/06 12 09.0 +00 31 0.24 1.20 15.7 35.8 136 146 -0.01 +62 05/13 11 41.9 +05 38 0.22 1.14 15.8 49.4 121 39 +0.44 +63 05/20 11 13.1 +11 10 0.20 1.08 15.9 64.0 106 55 +0.97 +62 1862 Apollo (Apr-Jun, H = 16.3, PHA) This is the namesake for the Apollo asteroids, those with orbits that lie mostly outside Earth’s orbit but also cross it for a short time. This is a binary, the satellite being discovered by Ostro et al. (2005). The primary rotation period is 3.066 h. The amplitude of the lightcurve changes dramatically from apparition to the next, ranging from only 0.15 mag up to 1.15 mag. Apollo is one a small number of asteroids where YORP acceleration has been confirmed (Kaasalainen et al., 2007; Nature 446, 420-422). Additional lightcurves can be used to confirm and improve the earlier results. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------04/01 19 42.5 -23 25 0.62 1.06 17.9 67.0 78 9 -0.45 -21 04/11 21 02.4 -20 41 0.59 0.97 17.8 76.0 69 120 +0.19 -38 04/21 22 21.8 -15 28 0.60 0.87 17.9 83.7 60 133 +0.99 -53 05/01 23 32.0 -08 57 0.67 0.78 18.1 87.5 51 28 -0.40 -64 05/11 00 31.4 -02 22 0.77 0.71 18.1 85.8 45 102 +0.24 -65 05/21 01 23.0 +03 44 0.90 0.66 18.0 78.8 40 149 +0.99 -58 05/31 02 10.4 +09 14 1.05 0.65 18.0 68.5 36 33 -0.32 -49 06/10 02 55.5 +13 59 1.20 0.67 18.0 57.6 34 98 +0.29 -39 06/20 03 38.8 +17 51 1.34 0.73 18.1 48.4 32 152 +1.00 -29 06/30 04 19.8 +20 47 1.47 0.81 18.4 41.6 32 27 -0.24 -20 (363599) 2004 FG11 (Apr, H = 20.9, PHA) Radar observations by Taylor et al. (2012) found this to be a binary with a satellite orbital period of 20.4 h. The primary period is not well known, but is believed to be < 4 h. Lightcurve observations in 2014 by Warner may have detected the satellite, but only by forcing the data to the estimated orbital period. There were no indications of the primary’s lightcurve at that time. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------04/01 14 43.8 +06 26 0.16 1.14 18.5 28.0 148 69 -0.46 +56 04/03 14 53.2 +09 35 0.13 1.11 18.2 30.4 146 93 -0.26 +56 04/05 15 07.3 +14 15 0.11 1.09 17.8 34.7 142 116 -0.09 +56 04/07 15 30.9 +21 35 0.08 1.06 17.4 42.6 134 132 +0.00 +53 04/09 16 17.6 +33 35 0.06 1.03 17.1 57.3 120 129 +0.04 +46 04/11 18 11.2 +49 47 0.05 1.01 17.4 82.8 94 110 +0.18 +27 04/13 21 38.7 +53 32 0.05 0.98 19.0 113.8 63 99 +0.38 +1 04/15 23 42.8 +42 58 0.07 0.95 21.4 136.2 41 107 +0.59 -18 (388945) 2008 TZ3 (Apr-May, H = 20.4) This NEA has an estimated size of 250 meters. There are no previous entries in the LCDB (Warner et al., Icarus 202, 134-146). The size puts it on the cusp of being a super-fast rotator i.e., P < 2 h. Try as short of exposures as possible for the first hour or so and then see what the preliminary analysis indicates. If possible and required, increase the exposures to get a better SNR. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------04/05 14 30.8 +12 27 0.19 1.16 18.2 25.3 150 125 -0.09 +63 04/10 14 39.1 +11 46 0.15 1.14 17.8 25.0 151 149 +0.10 +60 04/15 14 49.9 +10 20 0.12 1.11 17.2 24.7 152 93 +0.59 +57 04/20 15 05.8 +07 35 0.09 1.09 16.6 24.2 154 41 +0.96 +53 04/25 15 32.6 +02 05 0.07 1.07 15.8 23.8 155 22 -0.93 +44 04/30 16 26.8 -09 54 0.05 1.05 15.0 27.7 151 62 -0.52 +26 05/05 18 39.0 -32 40 0.03 1.03 15.0 52.6 126 100 -0.05 -12 05/10 22 03.6 -42 52 0.04 1.01 16.5 85.3 92 127 +0.14 -53 05/15 23 50.9 -38 28 0.06 1.00 18.0 99.9 77 145 +0.63 -73 (406952) 2009 KJ (Apr-May, H = 17.1) The period of 2009 KJ does not appear to have been determined. Its estimated size is 1.1 km, so it’s likely that the period is greater than 2 hours. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------04/18 08 01.3 -37 08 0.15 1.04 15.6 71.8 100 59 +0.85 -4 04/23 09 08.6 -35 25 0.23 1.10 16.2 58.5 110 78 -0.99 +8 04/28 09 42.7 -33 39 0.30 1.16 16.7 51.9 114 114 -0.72 +15 05/03 10 03.8 -32 20 0.38 1.22 17.3 48.1 116 139 -0.20 +18 05/08 10 18.8 -31 21 0.46 1.28 17.7 45.6 115 99 +0.02 +21 05/13 10 30.8 -30 38 0.55 1.33 18.1 43.9 114 49 +0.43 +23 05/18 10 41.1 -30 06 0.63 1.38 18.4 42.6 113 42 +0.87 +25 05/23 10 50.3 -29 43 0.71 1.43 18.8 41.6 111 83 -0.99 +26 2003 KO2 (Apr-May, H = 20.2, PHA) The plan is for high-res imaging at Arecibo of this 270-meter NEA. The lightcurve parameters have not been determined. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------04/25 06 27.0 -02 12 0.05 0.99 17.8 112.2 65 143 -0.93 -6 04/27 07 42.2 +09 47 0.05 1.00 17.2 98.2 79 154 -0.80 +16 04/29 08 43.3 +18 20 0.06 1.01 17.1 87.1 90 166 -0.62 +33 05/01 09 28.0 +23 26 0.07 1.02 17.3 79.9 96 168 -0.41 +44 05/03 10 00.0 +26 24 0.09 1.03 17.6 75.3 100 150 -0.20 +52 05/05 10 23.4 +28 10 0.10 1.04 17.9 72.4 102 127 -0.05 +57 05/07 10 40.9 +29 17 0.12 1.04 18.2 70.5 103 102 +0.00 +61 05/09 10 54.6 +30 00 0.14 1.05 18.4 69.2 103 77 +0.07 +64 05/11 11 05.5 +30 28 0.16 1.06 18.7 68.3 104 54 +0.23 +67 (154244) 2002 KL6 (May-Jul, H = 17.5) The period for this 940 meter NEA was found to be about 4.61 h during the last favorable apparition in 2009 (Galad et al., 2010, MPB 37, 9-15; Koehn et al., 2014, MPB 41, 286-300). Be prepared for a significant change in amplitude and/or shape as the asteroid swings through a large range of phase angles. A good plan is to observe the asteroid in short segments, e.g., 1-3 days, and treat Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) 197 each one independently. This will allow following the changes in in the lightcurve easier. It may be possible to get a sense of rotation by noting if the period reaches a minimum (prograde) or maximum (retrograde) at opposition. To make this a useful experiment, you’ll need lightcurves well before and after opposition. Another point of interest is that Thomas et al. (2014, Icarus 228, 217-246) classified this as a type Q (between a V and S type). This is a very rare type with one of the few known being 1862 Apollo. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------05/01 16 25.9 -19 01 0.52 1.49 17.9 17.9 153 74 -0.41 +21 05/11 16 30.7 -17 41 0.42 1.42 17.2 13.2 161 141 +0.23 +20 05/21 16 33.9 -15 40 0.34 1.35 16.4 8.2 169 19 +0.99 +21 05/31 16 36.3 -12 48 0.27 1.28 15.7 7.2 171 110 -0.33 +22 06/10 16 39.7 -08 44 0.21 1.22 15.3 13.6 164 107 +0.28 +24 06/20 16 47.7 -02 57 0.16 1.16 14.9 22.7 154 19 +1.00 +26 06/30 17 06.5 +05 46 0.12 1.11 14.5 32.8 144 138 -0.25 +26 07/10 17 50.5 +19 46 0.09 1.08 14.0 43.8 133 90 +0.31 +22 07/20 19 36.7 +39 06 0.07 1.05 13.9 56.7 120 56 -1.00 +9 07/30 22 35.6 +47 30 0.08 1.04 14.4 67.1 109 82 -0.18 -9 (444584) 2006 UK (May, H = 20.1, PHA) This NEA has an estimated diameter of 280 meters, meaning its rotation period is likely to be greater than ~2 hours. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------05/01 06 33.1 -18 56 0.05 0.99 17.8 109.1 68 126 -0.41 -12 05/05 09 41.6 -29 28 0.05 1.03 15.9 68.3 109 124 -0.05 +17 05/09 12 07.8 -26 00 0.07 1.06 15.9 39.3 138 109 +0.07 +36 05/13 13 10.8 -21 24 0.10 1.10 16.5 27.9 149 70 +0.43 +41 05/17 13 41.5 -18 34 0.13 1.13 17.1 23.9 153 28 +0.80 +43 05/21 13 59.5 -16 48 0.17 1.17 17.7 23.0 153 19 +0.99 +43 05/25 14 11.6 -15 41 0.21 1.20 18.2 23.3 152 64 -0.91 +43 05/29 14 20.5 -14 56 0.25 1.24 18.7 24.2 150 114 -0.56 +43 IN THIS ISSUE This list gives those asteroids in this issue for which physical observations (excluding astrometric only) were made. This includes lightcurves, color index, and H-G determinations, etc. In some cases, no specific results are reported due to a lack of or poor quality data. The page number is for the first page of the paper mentioning the asteroid. EP is the “go to page” value in the electronic version. Number 16 49 269 275 331 337 609 618 662 764 782 833 838 855 891 929 1001 1013 1016 1018 1084 1242 1343 1361 1466 1480 1511 1531 1531 Name Psyche Pales Justitia Sapientia Etherridgea Devosa Fulvia Elfriede Newtonia Gedania Montefiore Monica Seraphina Newcombia Gunhild Algunde Gaussia Tombecka Anitra Arnolda Tamariwa Zambesia Nicole Leuschneria Mundleria Aunus Dalera Hartmut Hartmut EP 27 72 25 25 25 19 25 64 64 64 76 1 64 13 61 13 64 64 19 64 44 64 64 2 44 64 2 11 64 Page 137 182 135 135 135 129 135 174 174 174 186 111 174 123 171 123 174 174 129 174 154 174 174 112 154 174 112 121 174 Number 1536 1614 1620 1654 1730 1967 2074 2104 2118 2136 2323 2343 2343 2379 2500 2616 2668 2717 2947 3000 3003 3285 3433 3606 3640 3682 3811 3873 3958 3987 4012 4055 4103 4145 4212 4272 4674 5087 5176 5186 5236 5240 5292 2009 DL46 (May-Jun, H = 21.6, PHA) There are no entries in the LCDB for 2009 DL46, which has an estimated effective diameter 140 meter. This makes it a potential super-fast rotator (P < 2.1 h), so keep initial exposures as short as possible. Given how bright it will be, this will be doublynecessary. Be careful about interference from the moon. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------05/15 11 49.7 +51 36 0.04 1.01 17.3 82.9 95 47 +0.63 +63 05/18 12 23.6 +44 18 0.03 1.02 16.4 76.4 102 49 +0.87 +72 05/21 13 12.0 +28 14 0.02 1.02 15.1 60.9 118 52 +0.99 +85 05/24 14 18.4 -05 38 0.01 1.03 13.7 29.3 150 53 -0.95 +51 05/27 15 38.0 -40 06 0.02 1.03 13.9 20.1 160 66 -0.76 +12 05/30 16 53.9 -55 30 0.03 1.04 15.1 33.2 146 87 -0.45 -7 06/02 17 52.5 -61 09 0.04 1.04 16.0 39.6 139 111 -0.14 -17 06/05 18 32.8 -63 18 0.05 1.05 16.7 42.2 136 131 +0.00 -22 (441987) 2010 NY65 (Jun-Jul, H = 21.5, PHA) With an estimated diameter of 150 meters, this NEA is another super-fast rotator candidate. The period is unknown. DATE RA Dec ED SD V α SE ME MP GB ------------------------------------------------------------06/25 11 59.1 +37 57 0.03 1.01 17.7 105.7 73 142 -0.79 +75 06/26 13 10.2 +35 54 0.03 1.01 17.2 92.3 86 137 -0.69 +80 06/27 14 04.9 +32 21 0.03 1.02 17.0 81.3 97 136 -0.59 +73 06/28 14 44.2 +28 37 0.04 1.03 17.0 72.7 105 137 -0.47 +65 06/29 15 12.2 +25 18 0.04 1.03 17.1 66.3 111 140 -0.36 +58 06/30 15 32.8 +22 32 0.05 1.04 17.3 61.4 116 144 -0.25 +53 07/01 15 48.3 +20 15 0.06 1.05 17.4 57.7 120 145 -0.16 +49 07/02 16 00.3 +18 22 0.06 1.05 17.6 54.8 122 144 -0.08 +46 07/03 16 09.8 +16 48 0.07 1.06 17.8 52.5 124 140 -0.03 +43 Name Pielinen Goldschmidt Geographos Bojeva Marceline Menzel Shoemaker Toronto Flagstaff Jugta Zverev Siding Spring Siding Spring Heiskanen Alascattalo Lesya Tataria Tellervo Kippenhahn Leonardo Koncek Ruth Wolfe Fehrenbach Pohjola Gostin Welther Karma Roddy Komendantov Wujek Geballe Magellan Chahine Maximova Sansyu-Asuke Entsuji Pauling Emel'yanov Yoichi Donalu Yoko Kwasan 1991 AJ1 EP 2 61 33 12 13 13 13 64 64 2 13 8 64 19 1 62 2 76 64 9 10 13 64 64 13 13 64 13 60 19 19 44 2 11 64 64 27 27 10 2 19 22 10 Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) Page 112 171 143 122 123 123 123 174 174 112 123 118 174 129 111 172 112 186 174 119 120 123 174 174 123 123 174 123 170 129 129 154 112 121 174 174 137 137 120 112 129 132 120 Number 5401 5425 5595 5646 5806 6326 6350 6384 6454 6538 6611 6823 6853 7192 7958 9165 9465 9773 10064 10064 10565 10907 11054 11268 11268 11424 12614 13143 13762 14515 15520 16849 17447 20932 20936 20936 22977 23692 25638 28910 33342 36496 46989 Name Minamioda Vojtech Roth 1990 TR Archieroy Idamiyoshi Schluter Kervin 1991 UG1 Muraviov 1993 VW 1988 ED1 Silvanomassaglia Cieletespace Leakey Raup 1998 HJ121 1993 MG1 Hirosetamotsu Hirosetamotsu 1994 AT1 Savalle 1991 FA Spassky Spassky 1999 LZ24 Hokusai 1995 AF 1998 SG130 Koichisato 1999 XK98 1997 YV Heindl 2258 T-1 4835 T-1 Nemrut Dagi 1999 VF24 1997 KA Ahissar 2000 NH11 1998 WT24 2000 QK49 1998 TO5 EP 18 55 10 33 48 22 64 74 10 22 33 13 50 22 56 27 22 76 2 64 10 64 33 2 31 13 22 22 22 2 22 22 27 48 27 27 22 22 22 62 33 27 22 Page 128 165 120 143 158 132 174 184 120 132 143 123 160 132 166 137 132 186 112 174 120 174 143 112 141 123 132 132 132 112 132 132 137 158 137 137 132 132 132 172 143 137 132 198 Number 48470 49669 52748 52748 53110 53115 53426 88263 112985 112985 135885 137084 138852 139515 152679 152978 155110 155110 155334 Name 1991 1999 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 2001 2002 2002 2002 1998 2000 2001 1998 2000 2005 2005 2006 EP 48 27 22 48 33 27 33 33 33 50 27 33 33 27 33 33 33 50 33 TC2 RZ30 JJ1 JJ1 AR7 AM14 SL5 KQ1 RS28 RS28 TX49 XS16 WN10 PD53 KU2 GJ147 TB TB DZ169 Page 158 137 132 158 143 137 143 143 143 160 137 143 143 137 143 143 143 160 143 Number 159399 163000 163899 163899 194268 194386 200754 241339 241596 241804 249590 253106 253106 294739 294739 294739 303142 337866 442243 Name 1998 2001 2003 2003 2001 2001 2001 2007 1998 2001 1996 2002 2002 2008 2008 2008 2004 2001 2011 UL1 SW169 SD220 SD220 UY4 VG5 WA25 VL269 XM2 QW282 UG2 UR3 UR3 CM CM CM DU24 WL15 MD11 EP 33 48 33 50 33 33 33 27 33 27 27 33 50 33 33 76 76 50 33 THE MINOR PLANET BULLETIN (ISSN 1052-8091) is the quarterly journal of the Minor Planets Section of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO). Current and most recent issues of the MPB are available on line, free of charge from: Nonmembers are invited to join ALPO by communicating with: Matthew L. Will, A.L.P.O. Membership Secretary, P.O. Box 13456, Springfield, IL 62791-3456 ( The Minor Planets Section is directed by its Coordinator, Prof. Frederick Pilcher, 4438 Organ Mesa Loop, Las Cruces, NM 88011 USA (, assisted by Lawrence Garrett, 206 River Rd., Fairfax, VT 05454 USA ( Dr. Alan W. Harris (Space Science Institute;, and Dr. Petr Pravec (Ondrejov Observatory; serve as Scientific Advisors. The Asteroid Photometry Coordinator is Brian D. Warner, Palmer Divide Observatory, 446 Sycamore Ave., Eaton, CO 80615 USA ( The Minor Planet Bulletin is edited by Professor Richard P. Binzel, MIT 54-410, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA ( Brian D. Warner (address above) is Assistant Editor. The MPB is produced by Dr. Robert A. Werner, 3937 Blanche St., Pasadena, CA 91107 USA ( and distributed by Derald D. Nye. Direct all subscriptions, contributions, address changes, etc. to: Mr. Derald D. Nye - Minor Planet Bulletin 10385 East Observatory Drive Corona de Tucson, AZ 85641-2309 USA ( (Telephone: 520-762-5504) Effective with Volume 38, the Minor Planet Bulletin is a limited print journal, where print subscriptions are available only to libraries and major institutions for long-term archival purposes. In addition to the free electronic download of the MPB noted above, electronic retrieval of all Minor Planet Bulletin articles (back to Volume 1, Issue Number 1) is available through the Astrophysical Data System Authors should submit their manuscripts by electronic mail ( Author instructions and a Microsoft Word template document are available at the web page given above. All materials must arrive by the deadline for each issue. Visual photometry observations, positional observations, any type of observation not covered above, and general information requests should be sent to the Coordinator. * * * * * The deadline for the next issue (43-3) is April 15, 2016. The deadline for issue 43-4 is July 15, 2016. Minor Planet Bulletin 43 (2016) Page 143 158 143 160 143 143 143 137 143 137 137 143 160 143 143 186 186 160 143 Number 443837 450649 452302 Name 2000 2006 1995 2007 2009 2011 2011 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 TJ1 UY64 YR1 EA26 TK WN15 YS62 EK24 FS332 SV2 SZ TA25 TB145 VY105 WF13 WG9 XC XC XU378 EP 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 46 46 33 33 33 31 5 33 50 33 50 33 Page 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 156 156 143 143 143 141 115 143 160 143 160 143
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