Dorper Report - American Dorper Sheep Breeders` Society


Dorper Report - American Dorper Sheep Breeders` Society
Bred by Broadmead Farms, Amity, Oregon
Purchased for $10,000.00 by Judy McDonald, Sonora, Texas
2011 National Dorper Sale, Sedalia, MO
Champion & Top Selling White Dorper Fall Yearling Ewe
Dorper Report
Summer 2011
Volume 15 Issue 3
Board of
Philip Glass ~ President
Water Valley, TX
Telephone: (325) 465-4267
Term Expires: 2012
Warren Cude ~ Vice President
Fort Stockton, TX
Telephone: (432) 395-2304
Term Expires: 2011
Tom Greene ~ Director
Roachdale, IN
Telephone: (765) 522-1133
Term Expires: 2012
Ron Guenther ~ Director
Raymond, OH
Telephone: 614-216-6268
Term Expires: 2013
Antonio Juarez ~ Director
Amity, OR
Telephone: (971) 237-3603
Term Expires: 2011
Kathy Lewis ~ Director
Bonanza, OR
Telephone: (541) 545-0019
Term Expires: 2013
Vince Kirchner ~ Director
Fredericksburg, TX
Telephone: (830) 997-8103
Term Expires: 2011
J. Daniel Rivers ~ Director
Bon Aqua, TN
Telephone: (615) 354-3731
Term Expires: 2013
Doug VanWell ~ Director
Woodbury, MN
Telephone: (651) 252-8899
Term Expires: 2012
Summer 2011
Dorper Report
Volume 15 Issue 3
Summer 2011
Regular Features:
From the Mac of the Pres-------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
From the Desk of the Executive Secretary------------------------------------------------ 5
Upcoming Events---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
Advertising Rates and Sizes---------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Regional Dorper Clubs:
Mid-South Regional Dorper Association------------------------------------------------- 12
Southeastern Dorper Association---------------------------------------------------------- 12
Texas Hill Country Dorper Association--------------------------------------------------- 13
Mid-South Regional Dorper Association------------------------------------------------- 13
Shows and Sales:
Mid-America Dorper Sale------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
Ohio Dorper Showcase Sale---------------------------------------------------------------- 14
National Dorper Sale - Midwest Stud Ram Sale------------------------------------ 15-19
2011 All-American Junior Show---------------------------------------------------------- 21
Photo Contest Winner Announced---------------------------------------------------------- 6
Materials You Can Use----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Dorper Breeders From Australia------------------------------------------------------------ 6
Youth Futurity Winner Announced--------------------------------------------------------- 7
Let Your Voice Be Heard-------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
ASI Announces 2011 Photo Contest------------------------------------------------------- 8
Youth Showmanship Winners at Sedalia------------------------------------------------- 20
ADSBS Board of Director Candidates------------------------------------------------ 22-24
ADSBS Board of Director Ballot---------------------------------------------------------- 26
3rd Edition of the Dorper Journal-------------------------------------------------------- BC
Ronda Sparks ~ ADSBS Registrar
PO Box 259
Hallsville, MO 65255-0259
Telephone: (573) 696-2550
Doug Gillespie ~ Exec. Secretary
751 Boston Post Rd.
Weston, MA 02493
Telephone: (254) 681-8793
From The Mac of the Pres
events. First our Dorper
Course in Cookeville, TN will
be our premier educational
event with instruction for
both novice and experienced
breeders as well as a judges
course. Then in September
in conjunction with the Hill
Country Sale there will be a
mini Dorper Course on Friday
September 23rd taught by
Pieter van Schalkwyk from
Namibia. Pieter is one of the
most respected breeders in
ADSBS President
Africa plus he has a highly
Philip Glass, Water Valley, TX
successful partnership in
Australia. Pieter’s father was
I was looking back at my last letter
the first person to bring Dorpers to
and at that time we were all anticipating
Namibia so his family history in Dorpers
springtime and green grass. Well that has
is without equal. This one day event will
not happened in West Texas and many
be a great chance for everyone to learn
other places for that matter. We are in a
more about Dorpers.
severe drought and even the hardy cedar
There is a flock rebuilding effort
bushes are dying along with some of our
underway nationwide in order to
beneficial trees as well. Of course the
improve the viability of our U.S. Sheep
dastardly mesquite tree finds a way to
industry. I think this is a noble cause but
survive and even put on a whopper of
I’ve been wondering why are the high
a bean crop this summer. They are kind
lamb prices not enough to automatically
of like our Dorpers. They certainly look
“rebuild the industry”? So I look at my
better in good times but in bad times they
own operation and my area of Texas
look just fine.
and ask myself how can I expand my
Our National Sale in Sedalia
sheep flock? I am blessed with ranch
Missouri was a great success with very
land handed down from generation to
high prices and many new people in
generation and thank goodness because
the business and some loading up their
land can not be purchased and paid for
first Dorper sheep. Now folks that is
with any livestock operation these days.
encouraging. I want to thank my wife
In our area it is hard to lease grazing for
Jennifer, Antonio, and Doug for all
sheep because deer hunting is so popular
helping me with the Wednesday social
and on top of that most ranches are
where we served Dorper Lamb tacos and
lacking in improvements (read fencing
chips and dips of all kinds. It was a great
mainly) in order to run sheep. With the
time as always.
high lamb prices we can find ways to run
I hope a large number of our members
sheep here in some parts of Texas but
will take advantage of the educational
others are over run with predators and
opportunities that are coming up soon.
the land is completely useless for sheep.
Our breeds are very interesting to
If our sheep organizations want our
study and even experienced breeders
flocks to expand then we must have more
will learn much from these upcoming
effective predator control tools. It is a
To Be Published This Winter
Deadline: November 1st
See Back Cover of this Dorper Report for more information.
crime that we here on our own private
land are unable to use the same tools that
the Australians and other use to control
predators. We have this problem in our
country where people have forgotten
about private property rights and treat
all land as if it were Yellowstone Park!
People that is communism! The other
problem for me in expanding our sheep
flock is the lack of disaster insurance.
We need a subsidized insurance program
like other commodities have. I have had
sheep flocks wiped out three times and
just had to rebuild. It does not matter if
it is weather, predators, or theft there is
no recourse to the rancher who has lost
it all. This is unfair to our industry and
our leaders have failed to lead on this
issue that is so important to us.
In order to further strengthen our
sheep industry other major changes must
be instituted. For instance the club lamb
and purebred segment of this business
must go back to a commercially viable
sheep and not what I call “artificial
sheep”. These sheep have absolutely
no value to anyone in the productive
segment of the sheep industry. If this
changed it would be better for everyone.
Another major failing of this business is
the fact that our commercial breeders do
not understand the value of high quality
rams or at least they are certainly not
willing to pay for quality. The Aussies
who recently visited us told us that in
Australia commercial rams sell all day
every day for $1000 per head or more.
We have people in this country that will
pay good money for ewes then go to the
sale barn and buy a cull ram for $150 and
turn him out. Some where along the way
our agriculture leaders have not made
people understand the value of good
genetics and this must change if we are
to improve and grow the sheep industry
in the good ole USA!
The good thing for us is that the
Dorper Sheep Breeds are growing
steadily and the commercial sheep are
expanding even faster. We are growing
the sheep industry with our hardy,
productive, and adaptable sheep. I think
we deserve some sort of award don’t
Dorper Regards,
Philip D. Glass
Summer 2011
From The Desk Of The
Douglas P. Gillespie, Weston, MA
Wow! What a great first half to our
Dorper year! There has never been so
much excitement and interest in Dorpers
and White Dorpers, and I am pleased that
our efforts are paying off.
The move to Duncan, Oklahoma
in April paid off big for consignors at
the Mid-American Dorper Sale, as our
sale averaged jumped about $200 per
head with a strong steady sale. We have
already booked this venue for 2012 for
April 27-28, so plan to consign next year.
The Ohio Showcase Sale in May was
another strong sale. Look for photos and
a sale report in this issue.
The National Sale, held in June at
Sedalia, Missouri in conjunction with
the Midwest Stud Ram Sale was RED
HOT! Dorpers and White Dorpers had
a combined sale average of $1,463 per
head…$300 per head higher than the
next closest breed! Congratulations to
Broadmead Farms of Oregon for their
9th Best Consignment Award in 10 years,
and for winning three of four National
What is encouraging about all
three of these sales is the number of new
buyers coming into our breeds. This
bodes well for our future as we continue
to expand. Our registry office has
been extremely busy, with registration
numbers and transfer numbers running
at about fifty percent higher than last
year! We are on track to surpass 7,000
registrations if the pace keeps up, and
that will be our highest level since 2006.
Congratulations are in order for
junior Dorper members participating
in the All American Junior Show in
Harrington, Delaware over the July 4th
weekend. Wyatt Wertz of Ohio had
the Champion Ram on a fall lamb, and
Austin Grace of New Hampshire had
Reserve Champion Ram (fall lamb)
and Champion Ewe (yearling), and
received the Dorper Top Gun award.
Cassidy Lobdell of Illinois won Reserve
Champion Ewe on her yearling ewe. Our
breed show continues to grow, as 33 head
competed this year.
By the time you read this column,
three more events in Tennessee will
be completed. The ADSBS Dorper
Course, Southern States Dorper Sale, and
ADSBS Judging School are all expected
to be well attended.
ADSBS will be sponsoring a
Commercial Dorper Ram Sale on August
20 in Goldthwaite, Texas, to meet the
increasing demands of commercial sheep
Don’t forget to reserve your ad space
in the third edition of The American
Dorper Journal, to be published this
Winter. There is no better advertising
buy, as this publication is distributed for
two years at every major sheep event.
Details in this issue of the newsletter.
Best wishes for a successful
Ballot on
Page 26
Quality Dorper Sheep
Fullblood & Percentage Available
Andy Stroud
Newell, Alabama
Summer 2011
(256) 363-3606
Border Collies
Photo Contest
Winner Announced
The American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society conducted a
photo contest this Spring, in order to gather better photographs
to use in ADSBS advertising and displays. The contest
winner received a paid ADSBS membership for one year. The
photograph of Dorper ewes and lambs in the snow was selected
as the winner, and was submitted by LeAnn Winters of Twin
Ridges Dorpers, Kahoka, Missouri. Congratulations LeAnn!
Materials You
Can Use
New materials have been designed to help spread the word
about the American Sheep Industry Association’s (ASI) Let’s
Grow with twoPLUS initiative. They are now available online
at by clicking the Resource tab.
The poster, postcard and flyer are all accessible to be
downloaded, printed and shared with new and existing sheep
producers interested in participating in the program designed
to grow the U.S. flock.
Three goals have been defined to encourage producers to
expand their sheep numbers resulting in 315,000 more lambs
and 2 million more pounds of wool for the industry to market
by 2014.
To learn more about it, go to
Attention ADSBS Members
This is a reminder to use photos only of your animals or animals you own an interest in for advertising or website listings.
Dorper Breeders From Australia
from Philip Glass, ADSBS President
Jennifer and I had the pleasure of hosting a dozen Dorper
breeders from Australia. This is the group that Paul and Kathy
Lewis got to know very well on a trip to Africa. They visited us
at the ranch after attending our national sale in Sedalia. We had
such a nice time with them and felt as though we had known
them for years. We live half a world away but have so much in
common. In the short time we had we visited about Dorpers,
of course, this is one of our favorite subjects of conversation
here! We toured the ranch and then off to San Angelo to see Fort
Concho and do some shopping for western wear. You may know
(or not) that San Angelo is very well know for western wear and
we have some very good shopping here. On Sunday they went
to church with us then we took them to Zentner’s Daughter for
a Texas sized steak. What an experience. These sheep continue
to take us around the world.
Summer 2011
Youth Futurity Winner Announced
The ADSBS Youth Futurity program completed another
year on March 31 and points were totaled for the past year.
Seth Gillespie of Hamilton, Texas was named with futurity
winner with his ewe, 3C Ranch 10-367, purchased at the 2010
Midwest Stud Ram Sale. This ewe was bred and sold by 3C
Ranch, Warren, Darla & Tanner Cude of Fort Stockton, Texas.
Seth also won the second place award with RF 5444, also
purchased at Sedalia from Riverwood Farm of Powell, Ohio.
Seth is a fifteen year old ADSBS junior member who
shows extensively at about a dozen or more shows, including
the North American show in Louisville, KY and the Texas
stock shows. Seth has won the ADSBS Futurity for two years,
and announced that he will sit out the coming year’s futurity
So far this in 2011, over 30 lambs have been futurity
nominated by their breeders, and sold through the Mid-America
Dorper Sale, Ohio Dorper Showcase Sale and Midwest Stud
Ram Sale. Others will be sold at the upcoming Southern States
Dorper Sale. Once purchased by a junior ADSBS member, the
buyer should complete a futurity enrollment form and submit it
to Ronda Sparks within 30 days of purchase. After that, a point
record form should be submitted after each show, indicating
the placing and class size. Points can be accumulated at small
shows and fairs, as well as the majors. Even if a Dorper is
shown in the “All Other Breeds” category, they can earn
futurity points.
Seth won a combined $1,400 for winning both 1st and
2 in the 2011 futurity. We hope many more ADSBS Junior
members will participate in the 2012 program.
Seth Gillespie with 3C Ranch 10-367
2011 ADSBS Futurity Champion
Offering Quality Dorpers and White Dorpers
Member of:
American Dorper Sheep Breeders’ Society
Southeastern Dorpers Association
American Boer Goat Association
Robin Rau or Shirley Brooks
(229)723-9194 (h)
(229)416-5199 (c)
Summer 2011
Colquitt, Georgia
Let Your Voice
be Heard
The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) has
officially launched its Let’s Grow with twoPLUS campaign
calling on sheep producers, both large and small, from east to
west, to help accomplish the goal of growing our flock. The
primary objective of this campaign is to encourage current
producers to expand their sheep numbers by 2014. This initiative
will result in 315,000 more lambs and 2 million more pounds
of wool for the industry to market.
One of the functions on ASI’s new website - www. - allows producers to communicate with one
another via an open forum. This part of the site allows users
to pose a question or share a story. There is a forum for sheep
production issues, new producers, sharing your flock expansion
story or to post some general comments.
Log on at and join this
national campaign.
ASI Announces
2011 Photo Contest
Attention all photographers: The American Sheep Industry
Association (ASI) is again hosting its annual photo contest. The
contest is open to all who wish to enter, which means you do not
have to be involved in the U.S. sheep, lamb or wool industries to
participate. The only rule is that your photograph must include
sheep. Entries must be postmarked by Aug. 19.
Entries will be judged on clarity, content, composition and
appeal. More than $1,000 will be awarded, with awards of $125
going to the grand prize winner in each of the four categories
listed below; $75 for the first runner-up in each category; and a
$50 prize for the second runner-up in each of the four categories.
The four categories are action, scenic, people and sheep,
and open.
Additional details can be obtained by going to www.
Summer 2011
Summer 2011
Dorper Sale
April 29-30 ~ Duncan, OK
The 3rd annual Mid-America Dorper
Show & Sale, sponsored by the American
Dorper Sheep Breeders Society, was held
April 29-30 in Duncan, Oklahoma with 109
Champion White Dorper Ram Hamilton lots averaging $974.77.
Champion White Dorper Ewe
Sheep Station
Riverwood Farms
Champion White Dorper Yearling Ram
was from Hamilton Sheep Station of Texas.
The Reserve Champion from Half Circle Six
Ranches of Texas brought $1,500 from Rockin N Ranch of Oklahoma. Glenn Land Farm of California sold the high selling White
Dorper ram at $1,900 to Jared Frieze of Missouri. Hamilton Sheep Station sold a $1,400 ram to Wes Patton of California, and an $1,100
ram to Clarence & Genevieve Voight of Texas. Glenn Land Farm sold a pair at $1,500 to Voight and $1,100 to Perry & Terry Askin of
Wyoming, plus a $1,000 ram to Sonia Craig of Nebraska. Half Circle Six Ranches sold a $1,100 ram to Angie Sells of Oklahoma, while
Riverwood Farms of Ohio sold a $1,500 Fall ram lamb to David & Jane Smith of Indiana. The 22 White Dorper rams averaged $813.63.
Dorper rams were led by Ron Guenther’s Champion Yearling at $1,900 to Justin Ransom of Illinois, while Guenther’s Reserve ram
bought $1,300 from Barry Rudolph of Texas. Rudolph was the sale’s volume buyer, selecting 13 rams. The sale’s top price of $2,000
was paid by Glenn & Linda Taylor of Texas on a Riverwood yearling ram. Half Circle Six Ranches sold one at $1,800 to Circle H
Livestock of Kentucky, while a Circle H ram brought $1,600 from Voight. Rudolph also paid $1,200 for a Powell Ranch yearling, while
the top Fall ram lamb was a Diamond D Dorpers consignment from Texas that sold for $1,550 to Twin Brook Livestock Company of
Massachusetts. The 24 Dorper rams averaged $958.33.
Riverwood Farms of Ohio won Champion White Dorper Ewe honors, and this yearling sold for $1,550 to N&K Ranch of Texas.
The same buyer added the Reserve Champion Yearling Ewe from Hamilton Sheep Station for $1,875, and a University of Kentucky
lamb at $1,100. Charles Turner of Texas purchased a $1,350 Riverwood yearling, while another Hamilton Sheep Station ewe sold for
$1,200 to Huntis Black of Texas. Glenn Land Farm sold a $1,050 yearling to Askin, while Cole Speck sold one at $1,000 to Baylee
Nix of Oklahoma. Riverwood Farms sold the class winning Fall ewe lamb at $1,250 to Wesley Glass of Texas as the 23 White Dorper
ewes averaged $796.74.
Champion Dorper Ewe was a Riverwood Farms yearling, and she brought $1,500 from Circle H Farms of Texas. The same
buyer added a trio of Ron Guenther yearlings for $1,375, $1,200 and $1,200. Riverwood Farms purchased Powell Ranch’s Reserve
Champion Ewe at $1,600, while Diamond D Dorpers paid $1,300 for another Powell ewe. Mike Wilson of Colorado paid $1,250 for
a Riverwood ewe and $1,150 for a Powell ewe. Ethan Horton of Texas paid $1,500 for Riverwood’s class winning Fall ewe lamb,
while Garrett Hopgood of Texas got another for $1,200. Wilson paid $1,250 for another Riverwood lamb, while Savannah Hopgood
purchased a Winter ewe lamb from Deer Run Ranch of Missouri for $1,050. The 24 Dorper ewes averaged $1,044.79.
Hamilton Sheep Station sold the top two
commercial rams at $650 each to Tim Mander
of Oklahoma as six rams averaged $475. Half
Circle Six Ranches had the high selling pen
of three ewes at $3,450 to Baylee Nix, who
also bought a $2,475 pen from Hamilton
Sheep Station. Mike Wilson bought a pen
at $2,400 from Half Circle Six Ranches, and
George Luedtke paid $2000 for a Hamilton
Sheep Station pen. The 10 pens sold at a
$1,910 average. Riverwood Farms of Ohio
was selected to receive the Townsend Sales
Best Consignment Award.
Champion Dorper Ram
Ron Guenther
Champion Dorper Ewe
Riverwood Farms
Summer 2011
Regional Dorper Clubs
Dorper Breeders
By Chloe Iiams
The 2011 Mid-America Dorper Breeders Association
Meeting Minutes from April 29, 2011 in Duncan, Oklahoma
is as follows.
The Annual meeting of the Mid-America Dorper Breeders
was held following the Mid-America Dorper Show in Duncan,
Oklahoma. The meeting was called to order by President Russell
Rosier at P.M. at Golden Corral. There were 7 members and 5
guests in attendance.
The minutes of last meeting were accepted as read.
Our Treasurer, Cindy Foursha, read the financial report. It
was accepted as read.
President Russ Rosier opened the floor for nominations for
Vice President.
Chloe Iiams nominated Brent Dostal as Vice President.
Cindy Foursha seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Cindy Foursha nominated Chloe Iiams for Secretary. The
motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Russ Rosier nominated Diane Frieze for Treasurer.
Chloe Iiams seconded the motion and this motion also passed
A discussion was held regarding the best way to keep
members information and non members interested in joining
our association. Philip Glass, Current National President and
Past National President Alan McAnelly strongly urged the
association to keep it simple and keep in touch with fellow
members. They also suggested we utilize educational speakers
or Pen sales for club activities.
President Russell suggested all members send information
of interest: sheep or equipment for sale or needed, to our other
members via email. Then members can pass the information on
to buyers who call to help them find the sheep they need. By all
working together we can help both sellers and buyers become
more successful Dorper producers.
The group was honored to have guest speaker, Huntis Black
of Goldwaite, Texas. Mr. Black’s topic was “Building A County
Youth Dorper Program”. He explained that adults can help
promote the breed by providing quality ewes for youth to raise
and show. He explained how the Mills County project worked
with great success. He feels this a wonderful way to give back
and promote the breed.
The next Association meeting will be held in conjunction
with the National Stud Ram Show and Sale in Sedalia, Missouri.
Cindy Foursha moved to adjourn, Chloe Iiams seconded.
Respectfully submitted, Chloe Iiams
Dorper Association
By Robin Rau, President
The Southeastern Dorper Sheep Association held its
quarterly meeting on April 30, 2011 at Shelby Acres Farm in
Colquitt, Georgia. The association continues to offers quarterly
educational sessions to members and interested parties on sheep
husbandry. Through education and outreach the group hopes
to continue the expansion of the Dorper/White Dorper breeds
in the Southeast region.
The meeting focused on an update of ongoing efforts and
the development of marketing strategies for large and small flock
owners to meet the demand for lamb in the southeast region.
The increased exposure of the Dorper breed thru the association
efforts with FFA, 4 H, fairs and other venues has generated
increased interest in this breed, and we are seeing conversion
away from Katahdin (which is predominant in Georgia), as well
as interest from Georgia Cattlemen.
At the December 2010 meeting, the association members
voiced an interest in exploring an association with the AWA.
Shelby Acres agreed to apply for enrollment and audit in an
exploratory/investigative role for the membership.
The meeting began with an audit of Shelby Acres Farm
by the Animal Welfare Approved association. Following the
field audit, the meeting continued with a presentation from
Dr. Jan Busboom, Professor and Extension Specialist in the
Department of Animal Sciences at Washington State University.
Dr. Busboom provided the group with education regarding
parasite management, pasture rotation, nutrition and an overview
of the AWA.
The meeting concluded with further discussion and
planning for marketing and the continued development of
Dorper influence on other breeds. The association will be
present at the Sunbelt Agriculture Exposition on October 18
-20, 2011 in Moultrie, Georgia. This will be the first year the
Southeastern Dorper Sheep Association will attend this event,
several members will be present to exhibit Dorper and White
Dorper ewes, rams and lambs. This will be the first time that
Summer 2011
Regional Dorper Clubs
Dorper sheep will be exhibited at this venue; Katahadins have
been widely featured in the past.
The website for the Southeastern Dorper Sheep Association
has been re-established and is available for view at: www.
I would like to extend an open invitation to everyone to
attend our Show and Sale in September. If you are selling,
buying or just looking for more information about Dorper
Sheep, we would love the opportunity to treat you to a bit of
Texas Hospitality.
Texas Hill Country Mid-South Regional
Dorper Association Dorper Association
By President Jason Barnes
By Daniel Rivers
So far, 2011 has been a year of extremes for members of
the Texas Hill Country Dorper Association. We’ve seen record
prices on market animals, an increased demand in meat products,
high feed prices, drought and wild fires. We have learned
something from the drought – our sheep can handle it! South
African’s did a great job developing the breed, they truly can
thrive on the drought ridden land of west Texas.
In May our association joined the Texas Sheep and Goat
Raisers’ Association. Their efforts on the State and National
level have made it possible for us to continue raising sheep and
protect our rights as ranchers. In June we unanimously passed
a motion to create the Brad Bernhard Memorial Scholarship in
honor of one of our most progressive and stimulating members
the Dorper breed could have.
Moving forward in the year, we are currently planning
the 5th Annual Texas Hill Country Dorper and White Dorper
Show and Sale, September 23-24 in Fredericksburg. This
year will be bigger than ever, as we open the event to all
ADSBS breeders in the United States. We will have fullblood,
purebred and percentage classes, both haltered and unhaltered.
More information and entry forms will be available at www.
Pieter van Schalkwyk, from South Africa, will judge the
show and also conduct a free educational seminar for those
people interested in learning more about the Dorper breed. If
you want to attend the free educational seminar please sign up
by September 10, before it fills up, by emailing your name and
phone number to
Tentatively we will begin on Friday at 10am with an
information exchange from Pieter. A set of sheep will be
available for an open critique about critical aspects of the
breed. Lunch will be served and then continue with the judge
until 3pm. The show will begin at 6pm, ending the days events.
Saturday will begin at 10am with a question and answer session
with Pieter, followed by lunch and auction starting at 1pm. The
sheep will sell in the order they place.
Dorper breeders in the Mid-South are experiencing the
most rewarding year in recent memory. As in the rest of the
nation, spring lamb prices at the stockyard surged past $2.00 per
lb. These record prices spurred great interest in our breeding
With great enthusiasm, the MSRDA held our spring field
day at Turnbull Farm in Fairview, TN. Dr. James Lowery,
DVM of Turnbull Farm and Mr. Reyes Rich, President of the
TN Sheep Producers’ Association, enlightened the group of
more than 40 Dorper producers, representing AL, MS, TN and
GA. The association expresses thanks to Mr. Bill Kuecker for
his skilled preparation of BBQ’D lamb.
As spring turned to summer, our members began preparation
for the events to be held in Cookeville, TN from July 21-24. We
encourage members to invite anyone interested in Dorpers to
attend both the Jr. Dorper Course and the Southern States Show
and Sale. We are excited by the number of our members who
are consigning quality stock to the show and sale. The strong
sale averages already seen around the country this year bode
well for another successful Southern States Show and Sale.
This summer will provide even further opportunities for
participation from Dorper producers. On July 30, the second
annual TN JR Dorper Show will be held in conjunction with
the Smith County, TN Fair sheep show. All juniors from TN
and surrounding states are encouraged to participate. For
further details on the show, contact either Bill Kuecker or
Daniel Rivers. On August 20, the MSRDA will sponsor the
first Mid-South Dorper / White Dorper Show in conjunction
with the Wilson County Fair in Lebanon, TN. The show is
open to all Dorper producers. Again, please, contact Bill or
Daniel for more info.
The MSRDA is committed to the growth of the Dorper
breed. We encourage participation by all our members and
welcome ideas that further the growth of our Breed of Choice!
Summer 2011
Ohio Dorper
Eaton, Ohio
Champion Dorper Ram from Riverwood Farms
The Ohio Dorper Showcase Sale
was held in Eaton, OH on a busy long
weekend of a dozen breed sales. The
Dorper event was very successful, with
19 lots averaging $840.79.
Champion Dorper Ewe was a
yearling ewe from Riverwood Farms of
Ohio, purchased by Austin Grace of New
Hampshire for $1,300. T&A Dorpers
of Ohio sold their Reserve Champion
Yearling Ewe at $1,000 to D&L Dorpers
of Ohio, who also bought Riverwood’s
Champion White Dorper Ram from
Hamilton Sheep Station
Champion Dorper Ewe from Riverwood
class winning Fall ewe lamb at $1,050.
Austin Grace purchased a Riverwood
Fall ewe lamb at the same price, plus a
Fall ram lamb from Riverwood at $650.
Champion Dorper Yearling Ram
from Riverwood Farms sold at $1,000
to D&M Dorpers of Ohio. T&A Dorpers
sold a $950 yearling to Keith Wallace
of Ohio, and their Reserve Champion
Yearling Ram sold to Daniel Chute of
New Hampshire. Riverwood sold the
class winning Fall ram lamb at $700 to
Tim Elsbury & Family of Wisconsin as
the 10 Dorpers averaged $860.
Hamilton Sheep Station of Texas
sold the Champion White Dorper
Yearling Ewe at $750 to Norman &
Judy Raber of Ohio, and the same buyer
selected the Reserve Champion ewe from
Riverwood Farms at $700 and another
Hamilton ewe at $600. Tomas Rivers
of Tennessee selected a $750 ewe from
Hamilton Sheep Station. Top Selling
White Dorper Ewe was Riverwood’s
Reserve Champion Fall Ewe Lamb at
$800 to Austin Grace. Hamilton Sheep
The Dorper
Report ~ Fall
Station’s pen of percentage ewes sold for
$1,575 to Kevin Okes of West Virginia.
Champion White Dorper Yearling
Ram was sold by Hamilton Sheep
Station at $700 to Marlene Terrell of
Illinois, while Riverwood’s Reserve
Champion brought $800 from Wendell
Samuelson of Indiana. The Rabers
bought Riverwood’s class winning Fall
ram lamb at $700 as 9 White Dorper lots
averaged $819.44.
Champion White Dorper Ewe from
Hamilton Sheep Station
Issue Deadline
October 1st
Contact: Ronda Sparks, ADSBS Office, P.O. Box 259, Hallsville, MO 65255-0259
Telephone: (573) 696-2550 Fax: (573) 696-2030
Summer 2011
Midwest Stud Ram Sale
Sedalia, MO
June 20-23
Judge: Shawn Ramsey
Champion Yearling Ram
Broadmead Farms, Amity, OR
Reserve Champion Spring Ram Lamb
3C Ranch, Fort Stockton, Texas
Yearling Rams
Lot #
Grand Champion
821 Broadmead Farms
875 Riverwood Farms
867 RFG Dorpers
866 RFG Dorpers
841 Half-Circle Six Ranches
811 J Antonio Juarez
844 James Glass
845 Lobdell Dorpers
801 Missouri Dorpers
868 RFG Dorpers
871 RFG Dorpers
802 Missouri Dorpers
822 Broadmead Farms
13 Total Lots
$16,450.00 TOTAL
Apricot Lane Farms | 10700 Broadway Rd | MOORPARK | CA | 93021
Phil Hofman & Family | 1051 N 100 W | PRINCETON | IN | 47670
Whispering Winds Farms | 303 CR 433 | ROCHEPORT | MO | 65279
Lincoln University | 908 Chestnut St | JEFFERSON CITY | MO | 65102
Twin Ridges | RR 3 Box 65 B | KAHOKA | MO | 63445
Missouri Dorpers | 1608 E Hwy 136 | ALBANY | MO | 64402
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
James Head | 12540 River Access Dr | LICKING | MO | 65542
Devin Kuehne | 16649 Nystrom Ave | READING | MN | 56165
Greene Acres Dorpers | 6641 E CR 1075 N | ROACHDALE | IN | 46172
Paul D Murray | 258 CR 620 | ELLINGTON | MO | 63638
Ricky Floyd Dorpers | 19 CR 7035 | BOONEVILLE | MS | 38829
Amburt Ranch | 2635 NE 78th | MERIDEN | KS | 66512
$1,265.38 Average
Fall Ram Lambs
Lot #
825 Broadmead Farms
823 Broadmead Farms
876 Riverwood Farms
804 Missouri Dorpers
839 C-Mi Dorpers
812 J Antonio Juarez
826 Broadmead Farms
840 Half-Circle Six Ranches
877 Riverwood Farms
9 Total Lots
$7,500.00 TOTAL
Greene Acres Dorpers | 6641 E CR 1075 N | ROACHDALE | IN | 46172
Austin Menges | 713 franklin | DANVILLE | IL | 61832
Bunker Hill Farms | 2222 Bunker Hill Rd South | Salem | OR | 97306
Tom Swearengen | 24921 Loring Rd | LAWRENCE | KS | 66044
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
Richard Finley | 63526 Painters Rd | CLARKSBURG | MO | 65025
Dostal Farms | 21111 S Mingo RD | BIXBY | OK | 74008
Lincoln University | 908 Chestnut St | JEFFERSON CITY | MO | 65102
$833.33 Average
Spring Ram Lambs
Lot #
Reserve Grand Champion
848 3C Ranch
827 Broadmead Farms
849 3C Ranch
813 J Antonio Juarez
4 Total Lots
$3,250.00 TOTAL
Summer 2011
Judy McDonald | HC 65 box 240 | SONORA | TX | 76950
Nickey & Regina Woodward | 11550 CR 3669 | ALLEN | OK | 74825
Kevin Koontz | 181 Circle K Drive | Bedford | PA | 15522
Hukowicz Farms Suffolks | 35 East St | hadley | MA | 01035
$812.50 Average
Midwest Stud Ram Sale
Sedalia, MO
June 20-23
Judge: Shawn Ramsey
Champion Fall Yearling Ewe
RFG Dorpers, Raymond, OH
Reserve Champion Spring Yrling Ewe
Riverwood Farms, Powell, OH
Dorpers - Continued
Fall Yearling Ewes
Lot #
Grand Champion
869 RFG Dorpers
828 Broadmead Farms
879 Riverwood Farms
814 J Antonio Juarez
830 Broadmead Farms
831 Broadmead Farms
829 Broadmead Farms
7 Total Lots
$12,950.00 TOTAL
Justin Ransom | 5830 Oakwood Dr 2A | Lisle | IL | 60532
Seth Gillespie | 4650 CR 607 | HAMILTON | TX | 76531
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
Devin Kuehne | 16649 Nystrom Ave | READING | MN | 56165
N&K Ranches, Inc | Rt 1 Box 27C | ELDORADO | TX | 76936
Devin Kuehne | 16649 Nystrom Ave | READING | MN | 56165
$1,850.00 Average
Spring Yearling Ewes
Lot #
Reserve Grand Champion
880 Riverwood Farms
858 3C Ranch
872 RFG Dorpers
842 Half-Circle Six Ranches
803 Missouri Dorpers
808 Pipestone
850 3C Ranch
851 3C Ranch
853 3C Ranch
807 Pipestone
857 3C Ranch
852 3C Ranch
873 RFG Dorpers
13 Total Lots
$14,600.00 TOTAL
Seth Gillespie | 4650 CR 607 | HAMILTON | TX | 76531
Wyatt Wertz | 22741 Raymond Rd | RAYMOND | OH | 43067
Tom Clark & Debbie Dougherty | 8859 CR 142 | WILLIAMSBURG | MO | 63388
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
Stidham Farms | 7903 HWY 71 | ALMA | AR | 72921
Stidham Farms | 7903 HWY 71 | ALMA | AR | 72921
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
Paul D Murray | 258 CR 620 | ELLINGTON | MO | 63638
Inbody Brothers Dorpers | 19590 C0 Rd 12 | BLUFFTON | OH | 45817
David and Jane Smith | 3985 N 300 W | EARL PARK | IN | 47942
Missouri Dorpers | 1608 E Hwy 136 | ALBANY | MO | 64402
Missouri Dorpers | 1608 E Hwy 136 | ALBANY | MO | 64402
Twin Ridges | RR 3 Box 65 B | KAHOKA | MO | 63445
$1,123.08 Average
Fall Ewe Lambs
Lot #
832 Broadmead Farms
834 Broadmead Farms
815 J Antonio Juarez
881 Riverwood Farms
836 Broadmead Farms
805 Missouri Dorpers
810 Pipestone
882 f Riverwood Farms
809 Pipestone
883 f Riverwood Farms
833 f Broadmead Farms
11 Total Lots
$11,550.00 TOTAL
Ethan Horton | 6803 Kit Carson | WICHITA FALLS | TX | 76310
Stuart Cole Speck | 1936 CR 320 | LOHN | TX | 76852
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
Tom Clark & Debbie Dougherty | 8859 CR 142 | WILLIAMSBURG | MO | 63388
Cedar Ridge Stables | 37540 Hwy 17 | REFORM | AL | 35481
Guy McKean | 193 E Zahniser Rd | MERCER | PA | 16137
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
Devin Kuehne | 16649 Nystrom Ave | READING | MN | 56165
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
$1,050.00 Average
Summer 2011
Midwest Stud Ram Sale
Sedalia, MO
June 20-23
Judge: Shawn Ramsey
Champion Spring Ram Lamb
Broadmead Farms, Amity, Oregon
Reserve Champion Yearling Ram
Broadmead Farms, Amity, Oregon
Pen of 3 Spring Ewe Lambs
Lot #
843 Half-Circle Six Ranches
843 Half-Circle Six Ranches
843 Half-Circle Six Ranches
3 Total Lots
$3,600.00 TOTAL
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
William J Hommertzheim | 08005 State Rd 23 | CIMARRON | KS | 67835
$1,200.00 Average
58 Total Lots
$1,205.17 Average
$69,900.00 TOTAL
White Dorpers
Yearling Rams
Lot #
Reserve Grand Champion
Broadmead Farms
Hayre Ranches | RR 2400 Hay Rd | SHEFFIELD | TX | 79781
Broadmead Farms
Stidham Farms | 7903 HWY 71 | ALMA | AR | 72921
Half-Circle Six Ranches
Kade Hodges | P. O. Box 1005 | STERLING CITY | TX | 76951
Lewis White Dorpers
Russell Rosiere | 69651 E 120 Rd | Wyandotte | OK | 74370
Jeff & Stephanie Buckham $700.00
Richard Finley | 63526 Painters Rd | CLARKSBURG | MO | 65025
Shady Lawn Farms
Cedar Ridge Stables | 37540 Hwy 17 | REFORM | AL | 35481
Broadmead Farms
Hayre Ranches | RR 2400 Hay Rd | SHEFFIELD | TX | 79781
Grants Dorpers
Lewis White Dorpers
C-Mi Dorpers
Lincoln University | 908 Chestnut St | JEFFERSON CITY | MO | 65102
Grants Dorpers
Lincoln University | 908 Chestnut St | JEFFERSON CITY | MO | 65102
Riverwood Farms
Mark Davis | 22902 Davis Valley | GENTRY | AR | 72734
Lewis White Dorpers
Hayre Ranches | RR 2400 Hay Rd | SHEFFIELD | TX | 79781
Lewis White Dorpers
14 Total Lots
$21,950.00 TOTAL
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
Paul DeVries | 100 DeVries Lane | NEW DOUGLAS | IL | 62074
Roger & Jerry Johnson | 246 Kyle Wilder Rd | SNEEDVILLE | TN | 37869
$1,567.86 Average
Fall Ram Lambs
Lot #
Broadmead Farms
Hayre Ranches | RR 2400 Hay Rd | SHEFFIELD | TX | 79781
Riverwood Farms
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
Circle C Farm
3 Total Lots
Summer 2011
$4,150.00 TOTAL
Richard Finley | 63526 Painters Rd | CLARKSBURG | MO | 65025
$1,383.33 Average
Midwest Stud Ram Sale
Sedalia, MO
June 20-23
Judge: Shawn Ramsey
Champion Fall Yearling Ewe
Broadmead Farms, Amity, Oregon
Reserve Champion Fall Ewe Lamb
Broadmead Farms, Amity, Oregon
White Dorpers - Continued
Spring Ram Lambs
Lot #
Grand Champion
Broadmead Farms
Riverwood Farms
Lincoln University | 908 Chestnut St | JEFFERSON CITY | MO | 65102
A&R Livestock
Bill and Connie Kuecker | 4020 Fort Blount Rd | DIXON SPRINGS | TN | 37057
Circle C Farm
Stacy Taylor | 901 Trout Rd | State College | PA | 16801
Riverwood Farms
Andrew Freemyer | 21901 State Hwy E | RAVENWOOD | MO | 64479
Jeff & Stephanie Buckham $300.00
STEPHEN HARRIS | 3655 S RT 0 | COLUMBIA | MO | 65203
Circle C Farm
Vese Florian | 1021 E US HWY 160 | EVERTON | MO | 65646
A&R Livestock
Jeff & Stephanie Buckham $275.00
Robert Jarek | 7385 St Rd 78 | GRATIOT | WI | 53541
Jeff & Stephanie Buckham $275.00
10 Total Lots
$9,550.00 TOTAL
Judy McDonald | HC 65 box 240 | SONORA | TX | 76950
Robert Jarek | 7385 St Rd 78 | GRATIOT | WI | 53541
$955.00 Average
Fall Yearling Ewes
Lot #
Grand Champion
Broadmead Farms
Judy McDonald | HC 65 box 240 | SONORA | TX | 76950
Broadmead Farms
Judy McDonald | HC 65 box 240 | SONORA | TX | 76950
Broadmead Farms
Stidham Farms | 7903 HWY 71 | ALMA | AR | 72921
Lewis White Dorpers
David and Jane Smith | 3985 N 300 W | EARL PARK | IN | 47942
Grants Dorpers
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
Grants Dorpers
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
6 Total Lots
$3,037.50 Average
Spring Yearling Ewes
Lot #
Riverwood Farms
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
Riverwood Farms
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
Lewis White Dorpers
Charles H & Margret L Higinbothom | 18291 Stutsman Rd | BROOKFIELD | MO | 64628
Jeff & Stephanie Buckham $700.00
N&K Ranches, Inc | Rt 1 Box 27C | ELDORADO | TX | 76936
Lewis White Dorpers
Lewis White Dorpers
6 Total Lots
$5,300.00 TOTAL
Charles H & Margret L Higinbothom | 18291 Stutsman Rd | BROOKFIELD | MO | 64628
Cedar Ridge Stables | 37540 Hwy 17 | REFORM | AL | 35481
$883.33 Average
Fall Ewe Lambs
Lot #
Reserve Grand Champion
Broadmead Farms
Judy McDonald | HC 65 box 240 | SONORA | TX | 76950
Broadmead Farms
Judy McDonald | HC 65 box 240 | SONORA | TX | 76950
Broadmead Farms
Broadmead Farms
Riverwood Farms
5 Total Lots
$25,200.00 TOTAL
$5,040.00 Average
Summer 2011
Midwest Stud Ram Sale
Sedalia, MO ~June 20-23
Spring Ewe Lambs
Lot #
6002 f
Broadmead Farms
Judy McDonald | HC 65 box 240 | SONORA | TX | 76950
Broadmead Farms
Kade Hodges | P. O. Box 1005 | STERLING CITY | TX | 76951
Riverwood Farms
Buckeye Acres | 12282 Harrison Willshire Rd | VAN WERT | OH | 45891
Jeff & Stephanie Buckham $600.00
N&K Ranches, Inc | Rt 1 Box 27C | ELDORADO | TX | 76936
Shady Lawn Farms
Jared Frieze | 12140 N Farm Rd 119 | BRIGHTON | MO | 65617
A&R Livestock
Cedar Ridge Stables | 37540 Hwy 17 | REFORM | AL | 35481
A&R Livestock
David and Jane Smith | 3985 N 300 W | EARL PARK | IN | 47942
Circle C Farm
Charles H & Margret L Higinbothom | 18291 Stutsman Rd | BROOKFIELD | MO | 64628
Circle C Farm
Charles H & Margret L Higinbothom | 18291 Stutsman Rd | BROOKFIELD | MO | 64628
Circle C Farm
Jeff & Stephanie Buckham Farms | 4432 Sunnydale Ave | KALAMAZOO | MI | 49006
Circle C Farm
11 Total Lots
Charles H & Margret L Higinbothom | 18291 Stutsman Rd | BROOKFIELD | MO | 64628
$10,150.00 TOTAL
$922.73 Average
Pen of 3 Spring Ewe Lambs
Lot #
Half-Circle Six Ranches
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
Half-Circle Six Ranches
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
Half-Circle Six Ranches
3 Total Lots
56 Total Lots
$3,000.00 TOTAL
Pleasant View Farm | 58115 710 RD | DILLER | NE | 68342
$1,000.00 Average
$1,741.52 Average
Overall 2011 National Sale: 114 lots of Dorpers & White Dorpers averaged $1,468.64
CCD0885R, RAMSES, 4 yr old
*Prolific, year round breeding,
*shedding, RR and QR rams for sale
*Transport/export services
*1000 head ewes
*Stephanie Mitcham, 3061 160th St.
Sumner, IOWA 50674;Tel: 563-578-5665
Summer 2011
Youth Showmanship Winners at Sedalia
The American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society sponsored
a Dorper showmanship contest in conjunction with the 2011
National Sale in Sedalia, Missouri. Six junior members
participated with the winner of the junior and senior divisions
receiving an engraved Paul Revere bowl and premiums. All
contestants received ribbons and premiums. Dan Dinova of
California was the judge.
The Senior division was won by Shelby Guenther of
Raymond, Ohio. Jared Frieze of Brighton, Missouri placed
second, and Tanner Wright of Cassville, Missouri was third.
Fourth place went to Cole Speck of Lohn, Texas.
In the Junior division, first was Sara Toal of Pineville,
Louisiana and second was Hannah Glass of Water Valley, Texas.
ADSBS Directors Antonio Juarez and Philip Glass
cook for the crowd at the ADSBS Social
Summer 2011
2011 All-American Junior Show at
Harrington, Delaware ~ June 30-July 3
Yearling Ewes
1) Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 2) Cassidy
Lobdell; 3) Jessica Jean Larrick, Leesburg,
OH; 4) Paige Guenther, Raymond, OH; 5)
Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 6) Paige Guenther, Raymond, OH; 7) Skyler Foos, Richwood, OH; 8) Jake Mingus, Tipp City, OH;
9) Jake Mingus, Tipp City, OH
Champion Ram
Wyatt Wertz, Raymond, OH
Fall Ram Lambs
1) Wyatt Wertz, Raymond, OH; 2) Austin
Grace, Alstead, NH; 3) Jessica Jean Larrick,
Leesburg, OH; 4) Cassidy Lobdell, Freeport,
IL; 5) Erick Lafferty, Ashburnham, MA; 6)
Mason Hay, Harrington, DE
Winter Ram Lambs
1) Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 2) Paige
Guenther; 3) Wyatt Wertz, Raymond, OH;
4) Cassidy Lobdell, Freeport, IL; 5) Jake
Mingus, Tipp City, OH; 6) Jessica Jean Larrick, Leesburg, OH
Pair of Yearling Ewes
1) Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 2) Paige Guenther, Raymond, OH
Fall Ewe Lambs
1) Jessica Jean Larrick, Leesburg, OH; 2)
Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 3) Erick Lafferty, Ashburnham, MA; 4) Cassidy Lobdell, Freeport, IL; 5) Jessica Jean Larrick,
Leesburg, OH; 6) Shelby Poore, Harrington,
DE; 7) Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 8) Skyler
Foos, Richwood, OH; 9) Jake Mingus, Tipp
City, OH
Winter Ewe Lambs
1) Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 2) Wyatt Wertz,
Raymond, OH; 3) Cassidy Lobdell, Freeport,
IL; 4) Jake Mingus, Tipp City, OH; 5) Wyatt
Wertz, Raymond, OH; 6) Jessica Jean Larrick,
Leesburg, OH
Champion Ewe
Austin Grace, Alstead, NH
young flock
1) Wyatt Wertz, Raymond, OH; 2) Jessica
Jean Larrick, Leesburg, OH; 3) Cassidy Lobdell, Freeport, IL; 4) Austin Grace, Alstead,
NH; 5) Jake Mingus, Tipp City, OH
best four head of ewes
1) Jessica Jean Larrick, Leesburg, OH; 2)
Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 3) Jake Mingus,
Tipp City, OH
Market Lambs
1) Shelby Poore, Harrington, DE; 2) Zoe
Poore, Harrington, DE; 3) Mason Hay, Harrington, DE
Spring ewe lambs
1) Austin Grace, Alstead, NH; 2) Austin
Grace, Alstead, NH; 3) Jake Mingus, Tipp
City, OH
pair of ewe lambs
1) Jessica Jean Larrick, Leesburg, OH; 2) Wyatt Wertz, Raymond, OH; 3) Cassidy Lobdell,
Freeport, IL; 4) Austin Grace, Alstead, NH;
5) Jake Mingus, Tipp City, OH
Reserve Champion Ram
Reserve Champion Ewe
Austin Grace, Alstead, NH
Summer 2011
Cassidy Lobdell, Freeport, IL
American Dorper Sheep Breeders’ Society
Board of Directors Election
Deadline: August 31st, 2011
I would like to serve on the Board
of Directors for The American Dorper
Sheep Breeders Society. I was raised
on my parents western Ohio poultry
farm consisting of 68,000 layers. My
sheep experience started out like most
as a 4-H project that just spiralled out
of control. I showed suffolks at the
local, state, and national levels. After
high school I attended The Ohio State
University where I earned a Bachlors
degree in Animal Science and a minor in
Ag Education. During College I worked
at the OSU sheep center for 1 year and
Riverwood Farms for 2 years. While
at Riverwood I had my first encounter
with the Dorper Breed. I have been the
shepherd of Riverwood Farms since
2003. I have passed both the Jr. and Sr.
Dorper Judging Course.
Riverwood Farms is a 200 acre
seedstock nusury in Powell,Ohio
consisting of 100 brood ewes, 50
Polled Dorsets, 25 Dorpers, and 25
White Dorpers. This past year we
have merchandised sheep in 5 sales
in different parts of the US. We also
sell seedstock off the farm. We utilize
Artifical Insemnation and Embryo
Flushing to produce top quality sheep
The dorper breed is one that I
believe will be both profitable and
productive in the future. Their strengths
are numorous, lower feed cost, easy
of care, less shearing, vigorous lambs,
more pounds of meat faster, all that ad
money to the pocket of the producer. The
dorper breed is one of the few breeds
whose National champions are still good
profitable commercial sheep. In my mind
the dorpers are ready to take the sheep
business by storm. The Dorper breed
has never been stronger, posting high
averages at all the sales, the demand for
quality seedstock has never been greater.
The youth is also one of our strong
points. We must support youth shows and
the youth futurity. The Junior member
are the life blood and the future of any
organization. Without Jr. shows when I
was a kid I would not be in the business
I am now. The sheep have been an
integral part of my life, I am committed
to serving ALL Dorper and White Dorper
Breeders, I believe I could work with
fellow breeders to continue to market and
position the breed for the Future!!
Thanks for your consideration and
Judi Mault
Indian Valley, Idaho
I have been raising sheep for the past
twenty years. I actually started raising
sheep to train my Border Collies. After
visiting a friend in Arizona who had
Dorpers, I decided they were the breed
I wanted to raise. I have had fullblood
Dorpers for the past 15 years. My flock
is certified by the State of Idaho to be
Scrapie free.
I have upgraded my flock every
year and have buyers on a waiting list to
purchase my lambs. I was concerned this
year about the economy, but I was sold
out by mid April. My website is www.
My husband and I live on a ranch
in central Idaho. We have three grown
children and four grandchildren. We
have me so may wonderful people that
have either come to our ranch to purchase
our lambs or attended the Dorper course
in Portland, Oregon and the Sedalia
Missouri sheep show.
I would be honored to serve on the
Dorper board. I retired from Plumas
County California, as the Child Support
Director several years ago, and now have
the time to dedicate to this board position.
I have served as a board director on many
different board and would be an active
Eric Bruns
Powell, Ohio
Summer 2011
Where Brands
Have Shown
For Over A
Celebrate 125 years with us by
showing your brand in 2011.
For show notes & deadlines visit
S E P T E M B E R 3 0 t h – O C TO B E R 2 3 r d
Board of Directors Election
Alan McAnelly
Hamilton, Texas
Lloyd Wendel
Harper, Texas
I am honored to have been nominated
to serve on the board of directors for
the American Dorper Sheep Breeders
Society. Following my career with the
USDA, I had planned to move back to
our small ranch in Central Texas and
again become a producer. While in the
USDA, I served in several leadership
capacities, all in the field where I
worked diligently to bring cost effective
programs to fruition for both farmers
and ranchers. If elected to this national
position I will again enthusiastically
work to serve producers in whatever
My Name is Alan McAnelly. I hope
most of the members know me (good
or bad) I have served on the board as a
Board Member as well as President. I am
confident that my past actions speaks for
themselves as to who I am and what I
want to accomplish.
I was raised on a farm in the Texas
Panhandle. I graduated from Texas A&M
University in 1969 with a Doctorate in
Veterinary Medicine. I have two children
and five grandchildren.
In 2003 I sold my animal clinic
and became involved in breeding White
Dorper Sheep. It has been within the last
five years that I have become involved
with the Dorper Society. I have really
enjoyed being a part of the Dorper
Society and the traits of our breed of
The Dorper breed is the only breed of
sheep that I have ever breed which helps
me not fall into old establishments of
thinking how sheep and a sheep society
should be.
I believe that God’s blessings are
the reasons for my success in the sheep
capacity I am charged to carry out.
As a boy growing up during the
drought of the 1950’s, I learned about the
perils of ranching and the hard work ethic
necessary to make it through periods of
little rainfall. I’ll never forget the smell
of a wound infested with screwworms
and “riding for wormies with my Dad”.
I do not know if it was by luck or destiny
that upon completion of my Doctorate
in Entomology that my first job was
working in the successful screwworm
eradication program in the southwestern
US and Mexico. It was a training ground
for me to learn and develop skills in
working with agricultural producers
which served me well during my career.
This included working throughout the
intermountain and plains states with
ranchers to control invasive weed
problems and introducing cattlemen to
sheep as a method for controlling weeds.
Yes, I was called many unmentionables
for this approach. My final challenge
was in helping bring a grape destroying
pest in the wine and table grape growing
areas on the west coast under control
by organizing farmers, state and federal
personnel to implement a cooperative
and sustainable program.
My introduction to Dorpers was at a
family gathering where the main course
was grilled Dorper lamb. Within several
months we owned white Dorper sheep.
From this small start we have developed
a respectable herd and developed a small
business under the name Twin County
Dorpers. It was soon thereafter when
Isabelle, the other half of the operation
had tasted Dorper lamb that we obtained
a federal label, and under the name
Twin County Lamb, provide lamb to
restaurants and at farmer’s markets for
individuals to experience the wonderful
attributes of this fine meat.
I believe strongly, we should never
change the Dorper breed for some other
purpose than for what it was developed,
and that is, to produce high quality meat
for everyone to enjoy.
Again it is an honor to be nominated
and look forward to serving on the Board
and continue to enhance the Dorper
breed in the US to the same level or
beyond its current status in many other
countries around the world.
Summer 2011
To Be Held At The 2012
A Truly Elite Offering of Dorper & White Dorper Rams
& Ewes from America's Finest Flocks!
Early Maturity
The Right
Breed foR
a Better
Increased Fertility
Non-Seasonal Breeding
Excellent Maternal Traits
Friday, January 20
4:00 PM • Deadline for Arrival of Sheep
Saturday, January 21
8:00 AM • National Junior Dorper Show
1:00 PM • National Open Dorper Show
6:00 PM • National Fort Worth Elite Dorper Sale
Sund January 22
8:00 AM • 2011 ADSBS Annual Meeting
For further information, contact:
Douglas P. Gillespie, Executive Secretary
American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society
Tel: 254-681-8793
Newborn Lamb Vigor
November 15,
American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society
Ronda Sparks, Registrar
P.O.Box 259
Hallsville, MO 65255-0259
Tel: 573-696-2550
Fax: 573-696-2030
Board of Directors Ballot
Deadline: August 31, 2011
Only Current ADSBS Members in Good Standing may Vote. Junior Members May Not Vote.
You May Select Up to Three (3) Different Nominees:
Eric Bruns, Powell, OH
Judi Mault, Indian Valley, ID
Alan McAnelly, Hamilton, TX
Lloyd Wendel, Harper, TX
Membership Name
City/State/Zip Code
Signature (REQUIRED)
Make your selection(s) and fill in your Membership Name, City/State/Zip Code, and sign and mail to:
Douglas Gillespie, ADSBS Executive Secretary
751 Boston Post Rd
Weston, MA 02493-1105
Please indicate “BALLOT” on your envelope and do NOT include anything else in your mailing
Summer 2011
Upcoming Events
July 30
2nd Annual TN Junior Dorper Show, Smith County Tennessee Fair
For information, Bill Kuecker, or 615/633-4630 or Daniel
Rivers, or 615/354-3731
August 20
ADSBS Commercial Dorper Ram Sale, Silvergate Farms Sale Pavilion, Goldthwaite, TX
For information, contact Doug Gillespie at
August 20
1st Annual Mid-South Dorper/White Dorper Show, Lebanon, TN
For information, Bill Kuecker, or 615/633-4630 or Daniel
Rivers, or 615/354-3731 or Mark Powell, mpowell@ or 615/444-5212
Sept. 23-24
Texas Hill Country Dorper Show & Sale and Mini Dorper Course, Fredericksburg, TX
For information, go to or President Jason Barnes: 830-990-0466
Sept. 30-Oct 23
State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX
For more information:
Nov. 13
North American International Livestock Show, Junior Dorper/White Dorper Show, Kentucky Fair & Expo Center, Louisville, KY
Entry Deadline is October 1st. For more information:
Nov. 17
North American International Livestock Show, Open Dorper/White Dorper Show, Kentucky Fair & Expo Center, Louisville, KY
Entry Deadline is October 1st. For more information:
Jan. 20-23
National Dorper/White Dorper Show, Fort Worth Stock Show, Ft. Worth, TX
For information:
Jan. 21
National Ft. Worth Elite Dorper Sale, Fort Worth Stock Show, Ft. Worth, TX
For information, contact Doug Gillespie at
January 22
2011 ADSBS Annual General Membership Meeting, Ft. Worth, TX
For information:
February 10-12
San Antonio Livestock Show, San Antonio, TX
For information:
February 23-25
San Angelo Livestock Show & Rodeo, San Angelo, TX
For information:
March 2-3 (tent)
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Houston, TX
For information:
April 27-28
Mid-America Dorper Show & Sale, Duncan, OK
For information, contact Doug Gillespie at
June 25-30
Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Sedalia, MO
For information, Larry Mead at 573/442-8257 or
Your Business Card Ad Here
$45/year (4 issues)
Contact: ADSBS Office
P.O. Box 259
Hallsville, MO 65255-0259
Telephone: (573) 696-2550
Fax: (573) 696-2030
Summer 2011
Withia Dorper Farms
Withia...What In The Heck Is A Dorper?
Dorpers are the future of the sheep industry
and we would love to tell you why!!
Stephanie Payne
461 Lamoille Canyon Rd #11
Spring Creek NV 89815
Arroyo Seco, N.M.
Kahoka, Missouri
Fullblood Dorpers
Brandon, LeAnn, and
Wyle Winters
Scrapie Enrolled
Catherine and William
Fullblood, Purebred, and Percentage Dorpers
(575) 776-0068
Phone: 573-881-2073
Okes Family Farms
614 Blue Jay 6 Rd., Cool Ridge, WV 25825
304-673-3308 (Kevin’s Cell)
Producing quality sheep, stressing easy production
traits. Commercial White Dorper and White Dorper
Crosses in Southern West Virginia.
B & B Dorpers
Purebred and Fullblood
Bert and Billie Mansfield
301 PR 904
Georgetown, TX 78633
Striving to improve quality
Phone: (254) 793-2929
(254) 793-2321
Dorpers &
White Dorpers
Edwin Dent, Jr./ Weston Dent
Salina, Kansas
Phone: 785/827-1722
Cell: 785/643-3201
Summer 2011
Stone Axe Farm
Twin County Dorpers
Meat Sheep for Modern Producers
Fullblood & Purebred White Dorpers
Isabelle Lauzière & Lloyd Wendel
Bill & Martha Howell
7422 FM 380 • San Angelo, TX 76905
(325) 659-2257
30881 Ranch Road 385
Harper, Texas, 78631
Quality Breeding Stock Available
Registered Dorpers
David & Sue McDaniel
Niangua, MO
E-mail: or Visit us @
Full Blood Purebred Percentage
(727) 207-1109
501 Libby Road Babson Park, FL
Highmeadow Ranch
“Tomorrow’s Genetics Today”
Jim Rosenbaum
502 Line Drive, Gainesville, TX 76240
PH: 940-665-0223 ~ Fax: 940-665-4477
Summer 2011
Advertiser’s Index
2011 Commerical Ram Sale----------------------------------------------------9
2012 National Dorper Sheep Show----------------------------------------- 25
B&B Dorpers--------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Broadmead Farms------------------------------------------------------------ IFC
C-Mi-Dorpers--------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Chaparral Sheep Ranch------------------------------------------------------- 29
Crane Creek Dorpers & White Dorpers------------------------------------ 19
Diamond D Dorpers------------------------------------------------------------ 29
Greene Acres--------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Half-Circle Six Ranches------------------------------------------------------- 28
Happy Hills Farm---------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Dorper Report
Rates & Sizes
Full Page Color~8.5” (w) x 11” (t)
Member Rate
Non-Member Rate
Full Page B/W~7.5” (w) x 10” (t)
Member Rate
Non-Member Rate
1/2 Page Color~8.5” (w) x 5” (t)
Member Rate
Non-Member Rate
Highmeadow Ranch------------------------------------------------------------ 29
JBJ Livestock-----------------------------------------------------------------------8
Kansas Dorpers & White Dorpers------------------------------------------- 28
Mann Dorpers-------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Okes Family Farms------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Registered White Dorpers---------------------------------------------------- 29
Shelby Acres Farm----------------------------------------------------------------7
State Fair of Texas-------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Stone Axe Farm----------------------------------------------------------------- 29
Sunrise Farm-----------------------------------------------------------------------5
Texas Hill Country Dorper Association------------------------------------- 11
Twin County Dorpers----------------------------------------------------------- 29
Twin Ridges----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
WAG Dorpers-------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Wilson Ranch-------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
Withia Dorper Farms----------------------------------------------------------- 27 Sponsors
The ADSBS is offering the opportunity for members to become website
sponsors for the society’s website, The sponsorship fee is
$500 for the 2011 calendar year. The ADSBS Website is averaging 2000
hits per month. Sponsors receive a business card ad on the homepage, with
a link provided to their own flock’s website.
The current website sponsor is Stone Axe Farm. We appreciate the support, and welcome new sponsorships.
To become a 2011 sponsor, send your check for $500
(payable to ADSBS), artwork and info for business card listing, and your
web link to Ronda Sparks at the ADSBS office.
1/2 Page B/W~7.5” (w) x 5” (t)
Member Rate
Non-Member Rate
1/3 Page B/W~7.5” (w) x 3.25” (t)
Member Rate
Non-Member Rate
1/4 Page B/W~3.5” (w) x 5” (t)
Member Rate
Non-Member Rate
Business Card (4 issues)
3.5” (w) x 2” (t)
Member Rate
Non-Member Rate
Classified Ads: 50 words or less; excluding
name and telephone number.
Member Rate
Non-Member Rate
Winter Issue
Deadline December 15th
Spring Issue
Deadline March 15th
Summer Issue
Deadline July 1st
Fall Issue
Deadline October 1st
Please contact:
Ronda Sparks @ (573) 696-2550 or
Summer 2011
ADSBS Promotional Items
Cotton Twill Cap ~ $15
Cotton Twill Cap ~ $15
Cotton Twill Cap ~ $15
Cotton Twill-Mesh Back ~ $15
Low Profile Cap w/ Mesh Back ~ $15
Cap-Stone White/Bill-Stone White
Low Profile Cap ~ $15
Long Sleeve with Embroidered Logo
$15~Sizes: Med-Large-X-Large
Short Sleeve With Embroidered Logo
$15 ~ Sizes: M-L-XLg-XX-Large
Youth: X-Small-Small-Large
Short Sleeve With
Screen Print Logo on Back
$15 ~ Sizes: Medium & Large
Mail your order to:
P.O. Box 259
Hallsville, MO 65255
Short Sleeve With
Screen Print Logo on Front
$15 ~ Sizes: Medium and Large
Summer 2011
Be sure to add $2.00
to your order for
Years of study in South Africa and
recent university studies in the United
States have shown the Dorper to have
excellent meat qualities. Tenderness of
chops was measured at the University
of Idaho using the Warner-Brazler
shear force test. Results were very
favorable for the Dorper sired lambs
with a 30% improvement in tenderness over Suffolk sired lambs. The
percent of shrinkage in chop weight
from cooking was lower for Dorper
sired lambs. Continuing studies will
measure juiciness, flavor and fatty acid
Dorper hides produce top
quality leather capable of becoming
the source for high-end clothing
and accessories.
The first Dorpers were introduced into
North America in 1995 from South
Africa. They are now being successfully
raised in all areas of the United States,
as well as in Canada and Mexico.
The American Dorper Sheep Breeders’
Society (ADSBS) was formed as a nonprofit corporation in December 1995.
The purpose of the Society is to promote and improve Dorper sheep, register and keep records on Dorpers and
to maintain a Dorper Sheep Breeders
The ADSBS is the only Dorper
organization the United States
recognized by the South African
Dorper Society.
You Can Add
Your Name Here
Tri-Fold Brochures ~ .35 cents each
Full Color on both sides
ADSBS Brochure Rev 4-2010.indd 1
4/6/10 9:05 AM
American Dorper Sheep Breeders’ Society
P.O. Box 259
Hallsville, MO 65255-0259
Telephone: (573) 696-2550
Fax: (573) 696-2030
3rd Edition Of
Deadline: November 1, 2011
ADSBS members are reminded that the Society will publish the third edition of our biennial yearbook, The Dorper Journal,
again this Winter. This popular publication is distributed at every public event where we erect the breed’s promotional display, as
well as other events. In addition, Ronda Sparks, ADSBS Registrar, mails a copy of The Dorper Journal to anyone who inquires
about the breed, and to new members.
There is no better advertising buy to promote your flock than an ad in The Dorper Journal, with its targeted audience and
distribution for two years. Start preparing your ad copy, as ad orders must be placed by November 1, 2011, and your finished
ad must be provided to ADSBS by December 1, 2011. Special placement ads (inside front cover, inside back cover, back cover
and center spread) will be available for reservation on a “first come – first served” basis on May 2, 2011. Call Ronda to reserve
those spots! We also encourage members to contact commercial suppliers you buy from to advertise as well. The new edition of
The Dorper Journal will be unveiled at the 2012 National Show in Fort Worth, Texas in January, as well as at the American Sheep
Industry Convention in January.
Advertising Rates are as follows:
Full Page
1/2 Page
1/4 Page
1/8 Page
Special Placement Ads (On first come, first served basis)
2 Page Spread $1,400.00
Center Spread $1,500.00
Cover Positions $1,000.00 (Back Cover, Inside Back, Inside Front)
Prices are for scan ready ads on an electronic file. Electronic files of ad copies can be emailed to Ronda Sparks at or Kathy Lewis at Payment is due at time of ad submission (November 1, 2011). Make
payment to: ADSBS-Journal Account, PO Box 259, Hallsville, MO 65255.
We also need good articles for this publication, and photographs of quality Dorpers and White Dorpers in natural settings.
We welcome submissions that tell the story of YOUR flock, but reserve the right to select editorial content. Also, if you have
stories of Dorper breed successes in the commercial industry, we welcome those as well. All submissions should be sent to Ronda
Sparks, ADSBS Registrar, at P.O. Box 259, Hallsville, MO 65255-0259 and clearly marked “DORPER JOURNAL”. If you have
questions about an ad or editorial idea, contact Kathy Lewis in Bonanza, Oregon at 541-281-0482 or If
you need an ad designer to help you prepare a camera-ready ad, we recommend Deb Moldenhauer at Insight Design (she designs
ADSBS ads) at or by phone at 605-878-1312. Another ad designer familiar with the sheep industry is
Dale Smith at or phone 419-308-8418, or Kaye Woolam Weaber at Agri-Exposure LLC at kayeweaber@ or phone 860-716-3626.