How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook
How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook
20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook 1 How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Bucharest, 20th March 2012 _AllThingsFacebook _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Summary • How we approached this project • Top 10 Brands on Facebook. Romania and UK • Communication Patterns • Communication Effectiveness 2 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook 3 How We Approached This Project _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook What We Did 4 • We analyzed the Top 10 Facebook pages of Brands from Romania and UK • We crawled every page only for the posts started by the brand • Time frame used: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 • The number of fans was the one existing at the beginning of March 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook How Were the Scores Calculated 5 Post Subject Media Used Results Every post has a LikeRate, a ShareRate and a Contest details Picture Like CommentRate, defined as the number of fans acting upon a post compared to the total number of fans of the specific brand CSR Video Share Event Text Comment Entertainment Link Utility / Tips & Tricks Link to their site / blog Product News / Advertising Product News / Advertising Link to website 0.05% LikeRate 0.01% CommentRate No Shares Others Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook A Few Examples 6 Utility / Tips and Tricks CSR Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 Entertainment Product News / Advertising _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook 7 Top 10 Facebook Brands Romania vs. UK _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Top 10 Brands. Ro vs. UK Brand Fans 8 Industry Brand Fans Industry 1 Lidl 393k Retail 1 Cadbury Creme Egg 2.2 m FMCG 2 Pepsi 372k FMCG 2 Topshop 2.1m Fashion Retail 3 Doncafe 297k FMCG 3 Cadbury Wispa 1.8m FMCG 4 Nivea 219k FMCG 4 ASOS 1.6m Fashion Retail 5 Lenor Parfumelle 202k FMCG 5 Maltesers 1.3m FMCG 6 Orange 144k IT&C 6 iTunes 1.1m IT&C 7 Ursus 132k FMCG 7 Jaguar 1m 8 Lay's 122k FMCG 8 Jimmy Choo 995k Fashion 9 L'Oréal Paris 113k FMCG 9 Pepe Jeans London 815k Fashion 10 Bitdefender 109k IT&C 10 Lynx 792k FMCG Automotives Status: As of beginning of March Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook 9 Communication Patterns Romania vs. UK _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook How Chatty Are The Top Brands? RO Vs. UK 10 In both Romania and UK, the top 10 Facebook brands post at least one item each day. Cadbury Crème Egg is an online game Game Average: 128.4 Average: 96.7 Average: 103 Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook What do brands talk about? Romania vs. UK 11 In Romania, top brands have a more diverse subject mix than their UK counterparts. Industry may have influenced the subject mix as well. No CSR in UK during the analyzed period Small Talk Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook What Media Types Do Top Brands Use? RO vs. UK 12 Pictures are the most used media type, with pure text being the second options for top brands Pure Pure Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook 13 Communication Effectiveness Romania vs. UK _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Posting Frequency Not Relevant for Effectiveness 14 0.0025 Like Like 0.002 0.0015 0.001 R² = 0.0871 0.0005 0 0 0.0007 50 100 150 200 Comment 0.0006 Close to zero correlation Comment between posting frequency and 0.0005 0.0004 engagement results (likes, R² = 0.0607 0.0003 comments or shares per no. of 0.0002 0.0001 fans) 0 0 0.0002 50 100 150 200 Share 0.00018 Share 0.00016 0.00014 0.00012 0.0001 0.00008 R² = 0.1998 0.00006 0.00004 0.00002 0 0 50 100 150 200 Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Engagement Matrix RO – Type of Communities 15 0.025% Engaged Missionary 0.020% Doncafe Share Rate Bubble Size: Comment Rate Legend Food& Drink Other FMCG IT&C Retail 0.015% Lay's 0.010% L'Oréal Ursus Bitdefender 0.005% Nivea Pepsi Passive Lenor Parfumelle 0.000% 0.000% Orange 0.050% Closed Lidl 0.100% 0.150% 0.200% 0.250% Like Rate Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Engagement Matrix UK – Types of Communities 0.012% Engaged Cadbury Creme Egg Missionary 0.010% JIMMY CHOO Legend Food& Drink IT&C Automotive Other FMCG Fashion / Fashion Retail Bubble Size: Comment Rate 0.006% 0.002% Passive 0.002% 0.004% 0.001% Cadbury Wispa 0.002% Closed 0.000% 0.000% Share Rate Share Rate 0.008% 16 Jaguar 0.001% ASOS 0.001% Topshop 0.001% 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.040% 0.060% 0.080% 0.100% Lynx iTunes (UK) 0.000% 0.000% 0.020% Pepe Jeans London 0.005% Maltesers 0.010% 0.120% 0.015% 0.020% 0.025% 0.030% 0.035% 0.040% Like Rate 0.140% Like Rate Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Engagement Matrix UK vs Romania 17 0.012% Cadbury Creme Egg 0.010% Share Rate 0.008% JIMMY CHOO Romanian averages Bubble Size: Comment Rate 0.006% Country culture and market lifecycle may be the reasons for higher brand engagement in Romania. 0.004% Cadbury Wispa 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 0.020% 0.040% 0.060% 0.080% 0.100% 0.120% 0.140% Like Rate UK averages It seems that UK brands have a more difficult job of engaging fans. Average rates for UK Romania 0.032% 0.119% 0.003% 0.007% 0.003% 0.019% Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Engagement Matrix for Media Type Pass-alongs Informers 18 Engagers Space Fillers Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Engagement Matrix for Conversation Subjects Pass-alongs Informers 19 Engagers Space Fillers Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Doncafe Engagement Profile Media Type 20 Post Subjects Link, 7 Picture, 58 Highest rates of Media Type Picture Picture Picture What it says O zi bună începe cu o vorbă dulce, o cafea caldă și o privire duioasă. Sperăm că așa vi s-a întâmplat și vouă azi. Bună dimineața, tuturor! În această iarnă, pare-se că vremea bună se simte prea bine cu noi ca să mai facă loc zăpezii! Voi ce părere aveți, v-ar plăcea să ningă sau să ne pregătim de primăvară? Dragobetele, străveche sărbătoare românească supranumită Cap de Primăvară, este ziua în care sufletele se deschid către iubire și totul merge cu spor. Este ziua în care cântul păsărilor se dezleagă pentru a deschide cerul cu viață și voie bună. Este ziua în care ne amintim cât de frumos este să fii îndrăgostit! Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Lay’s Engagement Profile Media Type Performance Highest rates of Media Type 21 Post Subjects What it says Picture Vrem sa multumim celor peste 100.000 de fani Lay's cu o surpriza! Dati un Like fotografiei de mai jos pana maine la ora 12 iar un fan norocos va castiga un bax de Lay's Crocant! Concursul nostru va dura o saptamana. In fiecare zi vom posta o noua fotografie si vom avea un nou castigator! Succes! Picture MULTUMIM MULT tuturor celor peste 100.000 fani! Lasati un comentariu la poza de mai jos si intrati in tragerea la sorti pentru un bax de Lay's Crocant! Succes!! Picture Vrem sa multumim celor peste 100.000 de fani Lay's cu o surpriza! Dati un Like fotografiei de mai jos pana maine la ora 12 iar un fan norocos va castiga un bax de Lay's Crocant! Concursul nostru va dura o saptamana. In fiecare zi vom posta o noua fotografie si vom avea un nou castigator! Succes! Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Nivea Romania Engagement Profile 22 Media Type Performance Post Subjects 0.014% 0.012% Share Rate 0.010% Bubble Size: Comment Rate Picture 0.008% Link 0.006% 0.004% Link - blog/site 0.002% Text 0.000% 0.000% 0.050% 0.100% 0.150% 0.200% 0.250% 0.300% Like Rate Highest rates of Media Type What it says Picture Probabil cel mai popular gest de iubire, sarutul, e acea experienta care ne aduce mai aproape de cel drag ;). Pentru senzatii neasteptate, rasfatati-va buzele cu balsamul NIVEA Lip Care Fruity Shine CHERRY. Ingredientele naturale precum uleiul de migdale, uleiul de jojoba si untul de shea va vor lasa buzele moi si catifelate, iar aroma de cirese si nuanta glossy discreta vor fi arma voastra secreta in jocul seductiei. Incercati-l! Picture Fetelor, iata intrebarea zilei: par drept sau par ondulat? Picture Fetelor, astazi va incurajam sa dati frau liber creativitatii. Iata un pont care va va ajuta sa va surprindeti iubitul cu un mic dejun romantic de Ziua Indragostitilor. Pentru rezultate surprinzatoare, e suficient sa urmati pasii de mai jos. Sa ne spuneti cum a iesit ;) Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook What the Brands Say Period covered: December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012 23 _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Lidl Engagement Profile 24 Media Type Performance Post Subjects Contest details 52 Entertainment 28 Product News / Advertising 25 Utility / Tips and Tricks 8 CSR 4 Event 1 Others 47 0 Highest rates of 10 20 Media Type 30 40 50 60 What it says Video Da like daca iti place premiul ;) Text Avem nevoie de un mic ajutor din partea voastra. Clatite cu dulceata sau cu ciocolata? Picture Cum ti-ai surprins iubitul/iubita? _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Pepsi Engagement Profile 25 Media Type Performance Post Subjects Highest rates of Media Type What it says Picture Pepsi Romania added 10 new photos to the album Dozele de colectie ale fanilor! Text Lasati-ne un comentariu astazi, inchizand ochii si tastand la nimereala! :) Picture Al cui este acest Pepsi? Sa dea un share!! _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Lenor Parfumelle Engagement Profile 26 Media Type Performance Post Subjects 0.004% Product News / Advertising 0.003% Share Rate 0.003% 35 Link Bubble Size: Comment Rate Contest details 14 Text 0.002% Entertainment 0.002% 3 Picture Utility / Tips and Tricks 2 0.001% 0.001% Video 0.000% 0.000% Others 0.020% 0.040% 0.060% 0.080% 0.100% 35 0.120% Like Rate Highest rates of Media Type What it says Text Daca postul acesta strange 500 de like-uri pana maine, va vom oferi in curand un concurs cu premii fabuloase! Text Cel mai frumos film de dragoste pe care l-ai vazut este… Text Dati share acestui status daca Lenor va parfumeaza viata! _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Orange Romania Engagement Profile Media Type Performance 27 Post Subjects 0.012% Contest details Link - blog/site 21 0.010% 0.008% Bubble Size: Comment Rate Product News / Advertising Link 19 Share Rate Event 0.006% Video 10 Entertainment 8 Picture 0.004% Utility / Tips and Tricks 2 Text 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% Others 0.050% 0.100% 0.150% 0.200% 0.250% 7 0.300% Like Rate Highest rates of Media Type Picture Link What it says Va place noua noastra poza de profil? :) Un HTC ChaCha poate fi al tau de sarbatori. Intra in aventura si scurteaza-ti drumul spre Facebook. Tot ce trebuie sa fai este sa rulezi aplicatia de mai jos :) @ Orange friends, Concursul desfasurat pe pagina Concurs Orange Romania nu este organizat de noi. Link – blog/site Facem demersuri legale pentru a inchide pagina insa pana atunci va sfatuim sa nu participati la concursuri Orange Romania anuntate in alte parti decat aici sau pe Orange Facebook Team _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Ursus Engagement Profile Media Type Performance 28 Post Subjects 0.020% 0.016% Share Rate 0.014% Event Video 0.018% Product News / Advertising Bubble Size: Comment Rate 0.012% 11 Entertainment 6 Contest details 6 Link 0.010% 0.008% Picture 0.006% Utility / Tips and Tricks 4 Text 0.004% Others 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 28 0.020% 0.040% 0.060% 0.080% 0.100% 0.120% 0.140% 26 0.160% Like Rate Highest rates of Media Type What it says Video Suntem mai puternici singuri, dar mai romantici in echipa. Cum vi se pare noul spot URSUS? Text Daca ati putea sa petreceti o zi intreaga alaturi de un artist roman, pe cine ati alege? Link O fotografie realizata de un roman a fost desemnata de catre fundatia Wikimedia drept cea mai frumoasa fotografie din lume a unui monument istoric. Fotografia surprinde Manastirea Chiajna, aflata langa Bucuresti. Share daca va place, sa se auda peste mari si tari. _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook L'Oréal Paris Romania Engagement Profile Media Type Performance 29 Post Subjects 0.020% Product News / Advertising 0.018% 0.016% Share Rate 0.014% 29 Link Bubble Size: Comment Rate Utility / Tips and Tricks Video 10 Contest details 0.012% 0.010% 0.008% 8 Entertainment 2 Event 2 Picture 0.006% 0.004% Link - blog/site Others 0.002% 0.000% 0.000% 9 Text 0.050% 0.100% 0.150% 0.200% 0.250% Like Rate Highest rates of Media Type What it says Video Ce ziceti de smokey eyes? Cu siguranta s-ar potrivi cu o tinuta glam de sarbatori, nu? Picture De sarbatori, v-am pregatit un nou concurs! Urmariti pasii din imagine si puteti castiga unul dintre cele trei seturi de produse L’Oréal Paris, in valoare de 150 RON Link Poti castiga noua gama Elsève Arginine Resist X3 cu un simplu share! _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Bitdefender Romania Engagement Profile Media Type Performance 30 Post Subjects 0.030% Utility / Tips and Tricks 24 Video 0.025% Product News / Advertising 20 0.020% Share Rate Contest details 0.015% 11 Entertainment Picture 0.010% Event 8 5 Link 0.005% Others Text 20 Link - blog/site 0.000% 0.000% 0.020% 0.040% 0.060% 0.080% 0.100% 0.120% 0.140% 0.160% Like Rate Highest rates of Media Type What it says Text La mulți ani și un nou an fericit în plină siguranță cu Bitdefender! Click pe like dacă sunteți pe facebook acum! Text La mulți ani și un nou an fericit în plină siguranță cu Bitdefender! Click pe like dacă sunteți pe facebook acum! Video La mulți ani, România! _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook Takeaway Points 31 • Posting more won’t necessarily bring Likes, Comments or Shares. • Romania offers a higher potential to engage fans as compared to UK • Pictures and video content are likely to generate likes and shares, while pure text is likely to generate likes and comments • On average, CSR, Entertainment and Small talk are the most effective Engagers. _AllThingsFacebook 20 March 2012 | How Top Brands Communicate on Facebook 32 Thank you! _AllThingsFacebook
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