teacher`s guide - Vula - University of Cape Town
teacher`s guide - Vula - University of Cape Town
resource pack teacher's guide Petrochemicals Chlor-alkali Batteries Fertilisers CONTENTS Introduction Overview 3 Work schedule 5 2 Animations worksheets Fertilisers 7 Batteries 12 Chlor-alkali 16 Petrochemicals 19 Animation memos Fertilisers memo 21 Batteries memo 25 Chlor-alkali memo 28 Petrochemicals memo 31 Research assignment 33 Practical worksheets Cell charge and discharge 39 Rate of electrolysis 43 Properties of floor wax 47 Practical memos Cell charge and discharge memo 51 Rate of electrolysis memo 54 Properties of floor wax memo 57 Glossary Copyright information Disclaimer The people behind this resource pack The sponsors Contact information Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 60 63 63 64 64 64 CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK INTRODUCTION Dear Science-teaching colleague This resource pack was prepared by the Schools Project Team of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cape Town. The Schools Project was initiated after the introduction of the FET school syllabus in 2006. The first resource pack on Mining and Mineral Processing was completed in 2009. This resource pack is the second in the series. We have been fortunate to have had the financial support of the Centre for Excellence in Catalysis (c*change), Sasol Ltd and PetroSA for this resource pack. Although we have tried to make this resource pack such that a variety of schools from different contexts would find it useful, we realise that no one resource will be a one-size-fits-all. This is therefore not the ultimate resource, but hopefully a pack that will support teachers in the teaching of Chemical Systems in a meaningful way. This resource pack consists of a teacher's guide, learner information sheets, a set of posters, a periodic table, animations and movies of practical work. In the teacher's guide you will find three main sections: animations, research assignment and practical investigations. On the first few pages of the teacher's guide you will find some suggestions on how to use this pack in integrating its content into teaching Chemical Change and Chemical Systems. This teacher's guide is written under a copyright restriction that allows you to make changes to the content and print copies of it for non-commercial use in your school. Please refer to the copyright information on page 63 of this guide. Please note that the information included in the learner information sheets as well as the movies and animations on the accompanying DVD can be reproduced, but may not be changed in any way. We would appreciate your feedback concerning this resource pack. Please send us an email (rene.toerien@uct.ac.za) or fax your comments to 021 650 5501. UCT Chemical Engineering Schools Project Team 10 September 2010 INSTRUCTIONS FOR DVD Included in this resource pack you will find a DVD. Insert the DVD into the D-drive of your computer and open it using the 'My Computer' icon. To start the DVD, click on the 'start-here' icon. Click 'Yes' if an Active content warning appears. This programme will not harm your computer. If you do not have a movie player or PDF reader installed on your computer, please open the 'Installers' folder and install Adobe Acrobat PDF reader, Quicktime Player (for the movies) or Adobe Flash Player (for the animations). CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA OVERVIEW Purpose This resource pack provides you with teaching and learning material to supplement your teaching of Grade 12 Chemical Systems. Simultaneously, it will support you in your teaching of some of the sections of Chemical Change, as follows: Topic (Chemical Systems) Associated section(s) in Chemical Change Fertilisers Equilibrium Batteries Electrochemistry: voltaic and electrolytic cells Chlor-alkali Electrochemistry: electrolytic cells Petro-chemicals Organic chemistry Resource summary The following table summarises the resources provided and a general sequence to follow in using them in content teaching and learning. Refer to the glossary of terms (pp. 60-62), and make use of the posters and periodic table included in the pack. Also note the research assignment: pp. 33-38. Topic Resources Action Reference Batteries Fertilisers TG page Learner sheets Teach, aided by relevant learner sheets. See teaching schedule. Animations Worksheet Memo Watch animations. Complete worksheet. 7 Discuss. Correct with memo. 21 Quizzes Answer electronic quizzes. Learner sheets Teach, aided by relevant learner sheets. See teaching schedule. Animations Worksheet Memo Watch animations. Practical movies Worksheet Memo Watch practical movies. Chlor-alkali Quizzes Disc 5 12 Complete worksheet. Discuss. Correct with memo. 25 Disc Complete worksheet. 39 Discuss. Correct with memo. Answer electronic quizzes. 51 Disc Animations Worksheet Memo Watch animations. Complete worksheet. 16 Discuss. Correct with memo. 28 Practical movie Worksheet Memo Watch practical movie. Perform practical. Complete worksheet. Animations Worksheet Memo Watch animations. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Disc 43 Disc Teach, aided by relevant learner sheets. See teaching schedule. 6 19 Discuss. Correct with memo. Watch practical movie. 31 Learner sheets Disc Complete worksheet. Answer electronic quizzes. Learner sheets 54 Learner sheets Quizzes 6 Disc Discuss. Correct with memo. Answer electronic quizzes. Complete worksheet. Discuss. Correct with memo. Learner sheets Disc Teach, aided by relevant learner sheets. See teaching schedule. Practical movie Worksheet Memo Learner sheets Disc Learner sheets Quizzes Petrochemicals 5 Other Disc 47 57 Disc CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Rationale The following table summarises the intended purpose of each of the types of resources. Note that the worksheets and quizzes are not meant to simulate exam-style questions. They are a helpful starting point to help learners grasp the basic content. Resource Purpose Style Motivation for style Animations To aid teaching and learning of content. Visual and audio features Learners' attention is directed to are provided. relevant aspects in a clear and incremental way. Animation worksheets To focus learners' attention while they watch the animations. To serve as notes for later reference. Short answers, columns, True/False, gap-fill texts. Quick to complete after watching the animations. Quick to mark while re-watching the animations. Engage learners with the animation content. Serve as notes for later reference. Electronic quizzes To aid learning of content. Short answers, columns, True/False, gap-fill texts. Quick to complete. Interactive. Give immediate feedback. Practical movies: Cell charge & discharge, Properties of floor wax To guide learners through the basic components of an experimental investigation. Investigations are demonstrated by the teacher. Learners are not necessarily expected to perform these investigations. General components of an experimental investigation are focussed on without the cognitive load of actual experimentation. This prepares learners for the electrolysis practical. Practical movie: Electrolysis To guide learners to plan, perform, analyse and report on an experimental investigation, which the learners perform practically themselves. Each step in the process is discussed, followed by an expectation for learners to respond before proceeding. Learners should preferably perform this investigation practically. Learners need to apply their knowledge of experimental investigations to undergo the entire investigation process. This involves planning, performing, analysing and reporting on findings for an investigation. Practical worksheets To support the practical Short to medium length Easy to complete at relevant movies in achieving answers, table and graph pauses while watching the movie their purposes. completion. or performing the investigation. Posters To support teaching. Clear. Attractive. Periodic table A reference source. Includes more information Provides additional data for the than most periodic tables. teacher to use in teaching, and for learners to refer to. Suitable as teaching aids. Learner sheets To support teaching. Resources for a research project. Graphic and attractive, with a large amount of information. Suitable as a teaching aid. Used in research project, learners will have to extract relevant information. Research assignment To guide the process of extracting, analysing and synthesising information. Overarching controversial questions. Guiding content questions. Rubric and notes on doing a research assignment. Having to answer a controversial question discourages copyingand-pasting, and encourages critical thinking. Guidance enables learners to manage the task. Sequence The various industries can be taught in any sequence. However, we recommend that batteries be taught before either chlor-alkali or petrochemicals since the battery practical (p. 39) has been designed to ease learners into the scientific method. The petrochemical practical (p. 47) repeats this process, in a more difficult context, and the chlor-alkali practical (p. 43) requires learners to apply their learning to their own planning and performance of an experiment. It makes sense to teach batteries and chlor-alkali consecutively, as they both involve electrochemistry, therefore we suggest the sequence: fertilisers, batteries, chlor-alkali, petrochemicals. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA WORK SCHEDULE General approach This table summarises the two approaches you could take in organising the teaching of Chemical Change and Chemical Systems: Approach Explanation Advantage Integrated Teach both sections simultaneously, using the Chemical Systems applications to illustrate what you teach in Chemical Change. More time efficient. Sequential Teach Chemical Change first, followed by Chemical Revisiting Chemical Change topics after a Systems. delay can be effective revision. For simplicity, the work schedule given below refers only to the teaching of Chemical Systems. If you follow an integrated approach, you will need to insert the relevant sections from Chemical Change, and increase the time allocated to each topic. Notation F1.2 is an example of the notation used to refer to the learner sheets. This refers to Fertiliser learner sheet number 1, page 2. Each industry is abbreviated using its first letter. Schedule Topic Suggested Notes time Link to resources Relevant learner sheet numbers Other Fertilisers (5 lessons) Introduction 1 lesson Definition and use NPK ratios NPK ratio: F1.2 Organic & inorganic: F9.1 Haber, Ostwald, Contact Processes 2 lessons Application of: dynamic equilibrium Le Chatelier's principle Properties H2 & N2: F4.1 Haber, NH3 properties: F4.2 Ostwald Process: F5.1 Contact Process: F5.2 Flow chart: elements to fertiliser: F7.2 Ammonia, limestone, nitric acid flow charts: F11.2 Formation of fertiliser salts 1 lesson Acid-base reactions Writing formulae Balancing equations Lime: F3.2 (bottom left) Phosphate: F6.2, F11.1 Environmental impact 1 lesson Eutrophication Sustainable development: F9.2 Eutrophication: F12.1 Animations and animation worksheet Electronic quizzes Batteries (6 lessons) Voltaic cell 2 lessons Use of redox potential table Redox reactions Basics, redox, conduction, electrolyte, cell structure: B1 Cell charge and discharge movie and worksheet Electronic quizzes Types of batteries 1 lesson Primary and secondary: link to voltaic and electrolytic cells Learners find half reactions for each, write balanced reaction and calculate cell potentials First cells. Leclanch cell: B2 Primary, secondary: B3.1 Zinc-carbon, alkaline cells: B6 Mercury cells: B5.1 Nickel cells: B7.1 Lithium-ion cells: B8.1 Battery dismantling movie Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Lead acid battery 2 lessons Charging: electrolytic cell Discharging: voltaic cell Lead acid batteries: B4.1 Animations and animation worksheet Electronic quizzes Environmental issues lesson Recycling Fuel cells Recycling: B9; Flow chart: B9.1 Fuel Cell: B11 Lifespan details: B12 Calculations lesson Cell capacity Energy stored Amp-hour: B3.2 Chlor-alkali (4 lessons) Electrolysis 2 lessons Redox reactions Electrolytic cells Electrolytic cells: C1 Applications: B1 Electrolysis movie and worksheet Electronic quizzes Types of cells in chlor-alkali industry 1 lesson Membrane, diaphragm, mercury cells Diaphragm cell: C8 Membrane cell: C9 Mercury cell: C10 Animations and animation worksheet Electronic quizzes Salt: Revise bonding Salt definition: C2 Crystal lattice: C2 lesson NaOH and soap: Ester reaction Polarity and its relevance to solubility Sodium hydroxide: C6 .1 Soap formation: C6.2 Like dissolves like: C7.1 Soap film: C7.2 lesson Chlorine: Use and ion formation Applications Uses: C3.1 Reactions: C3.2 Electrolysis in pools: C3.2 HOCl-, HCl: C4.1 PVC, polymers: C4.2 Applications of the chlor-alkali industry lesson Petrochemicals (3 lessons) Introduction 1 lesson Alkanes, alkenes, polymers: structures and uses Molecular representations: P1.2 Properties of floor Alkanes: properties: P1.1 polish movie and Organic solvents: P12.1 worksheet Fischer-Tropsch reaction 1 lesson Energy changes in reactions Roles of catalysts Fischer-Tropsch technology: P8, P9 Animations and animation worksheet Electronic quizzes Fractional distillation lesson Separating crude oil / Fractional distillation of oil: Fischer-Tropsch products P3.1, P1.1 into its components Cracking lesson Organic chemistry of cracking Cracking: P3.2 Environmental issues lesson Combustion of organic compounds Combustion of organics: P6.1 Natural gas pros & cons: P7.2 CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA FERTILISERS Overview 1 Why is nitrogen important to plants? 2 In what forms can plants absorb nitrogen? 3 Complete to summarise the industrial processes: Process Reactants Products of step 1 Products of step 2 Final products not applicable Haber Ostwald Contact Haber Process 4 What is the purpose of the Haber Process? To produce from and . 5 Write a balanced equation for the Haber Process's reversible reaction: + 6 Name some uses of ammonia. 7 Name two conditions which must be met for a reaction to reach equilibrium. 8 Name two characteristics of equilibrium. 9 In the Haber Process an iron oxide catalyst is usually used. Ruthenium can also be used. What does a catalyst do in a reaction, and how does it do this? Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK 10 Circle the correct option (True / False) for each of the following: i A catalyst speeds up the Haber Process's forward reaction more than the reverse. [True / False] ii A catalyst will cause more product to be formed. [True / False] iii A catalyst will decrease the time it takes to reach equilibrium because it speeds up both forward and reverse reactions. [True / False] iv A catalyst speeds both forward and reverse reactions equally. [True / False] 11 Link each element from Column A with its corresponding element in Column B. Write the letter from A next to each item in B in the last column. Column A Column B A a dynamic equilibrium absorbs heat b endothermic a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles c exothermic disturbs equilibrium, favours increased crowding: more molecules d Le Chatelier's principle 273 K and 101,3 kPa e decrease in pressure disturbs equilibrium, favours exothermic reaction f increase in pressure releases heat g removing heat a state in which forward and reverse reactions occur at equal rates h adding heat force per area, in gases related to rate of particle collisions i temperature disturbs equilibrium, favours decreased crowding, fewer molecules j pressure disturbs equilibrium, favours endothermic reaction k STP when a system which is in equilibrium is disturbed, it will respond in such a way as to counteract the disturbance Le Chatelier: Effect of pressure 12 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Increased pressure According to principle, when a system which is in equilibrium is disturbed, it will respond in such a way as to the disturbance. An increase in pressure [de/in]creases the crowding of gaseous molecules. The system will respond by [de/in]creasing their crowding. Crowding is decreased in gases when [fewer/more] molecules are formed. In the Haber Process the [forward/reverse] reaction makes fewer molecules than the [forward/reverse] reaction. In the forward reaction reactants ( molecules of ammonia are made from every N2 and molecules of H2 molecules). Consequently, an increase in pressure equilibrium for a while by making the [forward/reverse] reaction occur at a higher rate than the [forward/reverse] reaction. This causes [more/less] ammonia to be formed and [more/less] nitrogen and hydrogen. After a while a new dynamic equilibrium is reached. The rates of forward and reverse reactions are again to one another, and the amounts of reactants and products will [change/remain constant]. However, compared to before the pressure was applied, there will now be [more/less] ammonia present at equilibrium. The equilibrium constant value, Kc, however, will be [higher than/lower than/the same as] it was in the original equilibrium. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Decreased pressure Decreasing pressure [de/in]creases the crowding of gaseous molecules. The system will respond by [de/in]creasing their crowding. Crowding can be increased by forming [fewer/more] molecules. In the Haber Process, that means that for a while the [forward/reverse] reaction will occur at a higher rate than the [forward/reverse] reaction. The reverse reaction changes every into molecules ( molecules of ammonia nitrogen and hydrogen molecules). This causes the amount of ammonia present to [de/in]crease and the amount of nitrogen and hydrogen to [de/in]crease. While this is happening the system [is/is not] in equilibrium. After a while a new dynamic equilibrium will be reached, in which the rates of both forward and reverse reactions will one another, and the amounts of reactants and products will remain . However, compared to before the pressure was decreased, there will now be [more/less] ammonia present at equilibrium. The equilibrium constant value, Kc, however, will be [higher than/lower than/the same as] it was in the original equilibrium. Optimum pressure In the Haber Process, we want to make as much as possible. We want the dynamic equilibrium to be such that a lot of [reactant/product] is formed. A(n) [de/in]crease in pressure will cause more products to form. We need as [low/high] a pressure as it is safe and economical to use. We say we need to use an pressure: the pressure for which we get a good yield for a reasonable price while still being safe. Pressures between 200 and 300 atmospheres are typically used in the Haber Process. Le Chatelier: Effect of temperature 13 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Heating Heating a reaction up increases the energy of the particles, and so causes them to react more [slowly/rapidly] with one another. Additionally, heat can have an effect on disturbing the of a reaction. In the Haber Process the forward reaction is [exo/endo]thermic and the reverse is [exo/endo]thermic. This means that as nitrogen and hydrogen react with one another to form ammonia, heat is [absorbed/ released], but as ammonia breaks up into hydrogen and nitrogen, heat is [absorbed/released]. According to Le Chatelier's principle, when a system which is in equilibrium is disturbed, it will respond in such a way as to counteract the disturbance. So if heat is added to a system in the Haber Process, the [exo/endo]thermic [forward/reverse] reaction is favoured to [absorb/release] some of that heat and so [cool the system back down/heat the system back up]. Both the forward and reverse reactions occur at [lower/higher] rates than before the heat was added, due to the additional kinetic energy of all the particles, but the [forward/reverse] reaction will have been speeded up to a greater extent than the [forward/reverse] reaction. So for a while, the system will not be in Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK as the [forward/reverse] reaction occurs more rapidly than the [forward/reverse] reaction. This will [in/de]crease the amount of ammonia present, and [in/de]crease the amount of hydrogen and nitrogen. After a while a new dynamic equilibrium is reached. The rates of forward and reverse reactions are again remain to one another, and the amounts of reactants and products will . However, compared to before the heat was added, there will now be [less/ more] ammonia present at equilibrium. A new equilibrium constant, Kc, [higher than/lower than/the same as] that of the original equilibrium, is reached. Cooling Cooling a system that is in equilibrium has two effects. Firstly, by [de/in]creasing the kinetic energy of all the molecules, it [reduces/increases] the rates of both the forward and reverse reactions. Secondly, it has the effect of disturbing the by favouring the [exo/endo]thermic reaction until a new equilibrium is reached with [the same/a different] equilibrium constant. If heat is removed from a system in the Haber Process, the [exo/endo]thermic [forward/reverse] reaction is favoured to [cool the system back down/heat the system back up]. For a while, the system will not be in as the [forward/reverse] reaction occurs more rapidly than the [forward/ reverse] reaction. This will [in/de]crease the amount of ammonia present, and [in/de]crease the amount of hydrogen and nitrogen. After a while a new dynamic equilibrium is reached. The rates of forward and reverse reactions are again to one another, and the amounts of reactants and products will remain . However, compared to before the system was cooled, there will now be [less/more] ammonia present at equilibrium. A new equilibrium constant, Kc, [higher than/lower than/the same as] that of the original equilibrium, is reached. Optimum temperature In the Haber Process, we want to get a high ammonia yield. We want a dynamic equilibrium which makes as much ammonia product as possible. Consequently, we need to use a fairly [high/low] temperature. However, this causes a problem, namely . Therefore, a compromise is made, and a temperature of approximately 450C is often used. Units of pressure and temperature 14 Complete for units of pressure. Name Unit Symbol CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Pressure at sea level at 0C Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 15 Kelvin is the SI (Standard International) unit for temperature. Complete for conversions. Temperature in degrees Celsius (C) Temperature in Kelvin (K) 0 0 100 200 25 Ostwald Process 16 What is the purpose of the Ostwald Process? To produce from . 17 How is the product of the Ostwald Process useful for the fertiliser industry? 18 Why doesn't it matter that the platinum catalyst used is very expensive? 19 Complete. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 + + + catalyst Contact Process 20 What is the purpose of the Contact Process? To produce from 21 Name some uses of sulfuric acid. . 22 Complete. Step 1 + Step 2 Step 3 + + Step 4 + catalyst Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK BATTERIES Types of cells 1 Complete / choose from the options to summarise the types of cells. Primary Secondary Rechargeable? [rechargeable / non-rechargeable] [rechargeable / non-rechargeable] Voltaic / Electrolytic? [only voltaic / voltaic and electrolytic] [only voltaic / voltaic and electrolytic] Name some examples Voltaic cells 2 On the following diagram: a Add these labels: electrolyte, salt bridge, + electrode, - electrode b Complete / choose from the options to summarise the composition of a voltaic cell. CATHODE: [oxidation/reduction] ANODE: [oxidation/reduction] [Battery / Voltmeter] Voltaic Cell Converts energy energy as a [spontaneous/non-spontaneous] chemical reaction creates a across two electrodes. 3 Answer concerning the salt bridge: a What is its purpose? b What kind of substance must it be made of? c Why must it be made of this type of substance? 4 Choose from the options for a voltaic cell. VOLTAIC CELL Anode Cathode [oxidation / reduction] [oxidation / reduction] [positive / negative] [positive / negative] CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 5 Circle the correct option (True / False) for each of the following referring to a voltaic cell. VOLTAIC CELL: a A battery makes one electrode positive and the other negative, and this causes a chemical reaction to occur. [True / False] b A chemical reaction occurs, and this causes one electrode to be made positive and the other negative. [True / False] c As oxidation happens, chemicals lose electrons, which then go onto the anode, making it negative. [True / False] d The anode is made to be negative, and this makes chemicals lose electrons there, causing oxidation to happen. [True / False] e As reduction happens, chemicals accept electrons, taking them from the cathode, causing it to become positive. [True / False] f The cathode is made to be positive, and this makes chemicals gain electrons there, causing oxidation to happen. [True / False] Lead acid battery (Car battery) Overview 6 A lead acid battery consists of [primary / secondary] cells. 7 Complete / choose from the options. Chemical reaction Discharging Charging [electrolytic / voltaic] cells [electrolytic / voltaic] cells [produces / requires] electrical energy [produces / requires] electrical energy [spontaneous / non-spontaneous] [spontaneous / non-spontaneous] [exothermic / endothermic] [exothermic / endothermic] energy energy Energy conversion Anode energy energy [Pb / PbO2] [Pb / PbO2] [Pb / PbO2] [Pb / PbO2] Oxidation reaction Cathode Reduction reaction Net redox reaction Discharging 8 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Overview When the lead acid battery is discharging it behaves as a set of [electrolytic/voltaic] cells. Each lead acid battery consists of six cells. Only one of these is shown here. Each cell converts energy into energy, as a [spontaneous/non-spontaneous] chemical reaction [requires/ creates] a potential difference across two electrodes. A lead acid battery has one electrode made of lead dioxide and another of lead. These are inside a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA acid electrolyte. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Anode Lead atoms in the lead electrode are [oxidised/reduced]: they [gain/lose] two electrons each. This changes them into [positively/negatively/neutrally] charged lead [atoms/ions] of formula Since [oxidation/reduction] occurs at this electrode, we call it the anode. The Pb 2+ . ions move away from the electrode, leaving the electrons they had just lost behind on the electrode. This makes this electrode, the anode, [positively/negatively/neutrally] charged, creating a between it and the other electrode, which is positive relative to it. This causes electricity to flow between the two electrodes. Cathode Electrons move from the [lead/lead dioxide] anode to the [lead/lead dioxide] cathode. There the electrons are [accepted/released] by positively charged ions in the lead dioxide electrode. The lead ions here have a [4+/2+] charge. Each lead [4+/2+] ion accepts two and is reduced to a lead [4+/2+] ion. [Oxidation/Reduction] occurs at this electrode. It is therefore called the [cathode/anode]. Because electrons are removed from the electrode in this way, it is charged [negatively/positively]. These lead ions combine with ions from the sulfuric acid electrolyte to form sulfuric acid electrolyte combine with to form . Hydrogen ions from the ions from the lead dioxide electrode . Overall reaction The overall reaction of the discharging lead acid battery is the reaction of electrodes with and and acid to form . This is a spontaneous, redox reaction which converts chemical into electric energy. • It is spontaneous because • It is a redox reaction: it involves the transfer of chemical to another. • It converts into from one . energy as . CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Charging 9 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Overview When the lead acid battery is charging it behaves as a set of [electrolytic/voltaic] cells. It converts energy into energy as a [spontaneous/ non-spontaneous] chemical reaction is forced to occur due to an external potential difference being placed across two electrodes. To charge a lead acid battery, the lead dioxide electrode must be connected to the [positive/ negative] terminal of an external power source, e.g. another battery. The lead electrode must be connected to the [positive/negative] terminal of this other battery. This pulls electrons from the [lead/lead dioxide] electrode and forces electrons into the [lead/lead dioxide] electrode. This causes the reactions which had occurred in the discharging reaction to take place [in the same direction/in reverse]. Anode The battery pulls electrons out of the electrode connected to its [positive/negative] terminal. Because of this, electrons are pulled out of the Pb2+ ions in the around this electrode. This produces [Pb /Pb ] ions. Because the [Pb /Pb ] ions [gain/lose] electrons as 2+ 4+ 2+ 4+ they become Pb4+ ions, [oxidation/reduction] is taking place. This electrode is therefore called the [anode/cathode]. Notice that in an electrolytic cell, such as this one, the anode is [positively/ negatively] charged. This is opposite to the case of a voltaic cell. In an electrolytic cell the external charges the anode positively, which forces oxidation to occur there. Cathode The external battery [pushes electrons into/pulls electrons out of] the electrode connected to its negative terminal, charging that electrode [positively/negatively]. This forces lead ions, of formula , to accept two electrons each, changing them into lead atoms, of formula . This is called [oxidation/reduction], since it involves . Grey lead metal is formed through this reduction reaction. The electrode at which reduction happens is called the cathode. Therefore in an electrolytic cell, such as this one, the [positively/negatively] charged electrode is the cathode. Overall reaction The overall reaction of the charging lead acid battery is the reaction of lead sulfate to form at the cathode and ions in at the anode. This is a non-spontaneous, redox reaction which converts electrical into chemical energy. • It is non-spontaneous because • It is a redox reaction: it involves the transfer of . from one chemical to another. • It converts into energy as Creative Commons BY-NC-SA . CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK CHLOR-ALKALI Overview 1 Complete / choose from the options to summarise the purpose and process of the chlor-alkali industry. Input: (brine) + - attracted CATHODE: [oxidation/reduction] [positive / negative] ions ANODE: [oxidation/reduction] Power Source [Electrolytic / voltaic] cell Converts energy energy as a potential difference, placed across two electrodes, forces a [spontaneous/non-spontaneous] chemical reaction to occur. Outputs: Uses: : (g) : (aq) Hydrogen: H2 (g) 2 Complete / choose from the options to summarise the types of chlor-alkali cells. Cathode material Membrane Diaphragm carbon carbon Mercury Input Oxidation reaction at anode Reduction reaction at cathode reduced to + Since there are Na+ ions present too, can be produced. . reacts with to form reduced to , which then + What divides the electrolyte into two half cells? Disadvantages CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3 Choose from the options for an electrolytic cell. ELECTROLYTIC CELL Anode Cathode [oxidation / reduction] [oxidation / reduction] [positive / negative] [positive / negative] 4 Circle the correct option (True / False) for each of the following, referring to an electrolytic cell. ELECTROLYTIC CELL: a A battery makes one electrode positive and the other negative, and this causes a chemical reaction to occur. [True / False] b A chemical reaction occurs, and this causes one electrode to be made positive and the other negative. [True / False] c As oxidation happens, chemicals lose electrons, which then go onto the anode, making it positive. [True / False] d The battery makes the anode positive, and this makes chemicals lose electrons there as the battery sucks electrons away from them, causing oxidation to happen. [True / False] e As reduction happens, chemicals accept electrons, taking them from the cathode, causing it to become negative. [True / False] f The battery makes the cathode negative, and this makes chemicals gain electrons there, causing reduction to happen. [True / False] 5 Link each element from Column A with its corresponding element in Column B. Write the letter from A next to each item in B in the last column. Column A Column B A a anode colour-remover b cathode a site at which the redox reactions of an electrochemical cell occur; often a rod c electrode a half reaction in which one chemical loses electrons, donating them to another chemical d electrolyte a half reaction in which one chemical gains electrons from another chemical e oxidation an electrode at which oxidation occurs f reduction a kind of reaction in which electrons are transferred from a reducing agent to an oxidising agent g redox attracted to water h soap an ionic solution, therefore able to conduct electricity i hydrophilic repelled by water j hydrophobic an electrode at which reduction occurs k bleach an organic chemical which is able to make fat dissolve l chlorine (Cl2) a strong alkali; can be used to make soap; caustic soda m sodium hydroxide a substance which kills germs n disinfectant a dense green gas useful as bleach and disinfectant Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Membrane Cell 6 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Cell composition The membrane cell is a(n) [electrolytic/voltaic] cell. It consists of an external power supply (a battery), two , and . The cell is divided into two halves. The two halves are separated by a semi-permeable membrane. Semi-permeable means . Electrolyte serves as the electrolyte for the anode's half reaction. An electrolyte is . Brine consists of dissolved in water. When sodium chloride dissolves in water, its positively charged [sodium/chloride] ions are separated from its negatively charged [sodium/ chloride] ions, and each ion is surrounded by . Anode The battery creates a across the electrodes. The positive terminal of the battery [pulls electrons away from/pushes electrons into] the electrode connected to it, charging the electrode [positively/negatively]. This attracts the [positively/negatively/ neutrally] charged [sodium/chloride] ions in the brine. When these reach the electrode, the battery [pulls an electron away from/pushes electrons into] each of them. This converts them from [positively/negatively/ neutrally] charged chloride ions into [positive/negative/neutral] chlorine atoms. These are unstable, so they bond covalently with one another in pairs, forming diatomic molecules of . This is what we often mean when we refer to chlorine. Chlorine is a dense green gas which bubbles away from this electrode and is collected. Chlorine was formed as chloride ions were stripped of electrons, so we call this half reaction [oxidation/reduction], which is the [gain/loss] of electrons. Each [chlorine atom/chloride ion] loses one electron to change it into a [chlorine atom/chloride ion]. The electrode at which oxidation occurs is called the [cathode/anode]. In an electrolytic cell, such as this, the battery charges the anode [positively/negatively]. Cathode The semi-permeable membrane allows [positively/negatively] charged sodium [ions/atoms] through into the other electrolytic half-cell. The electrode in this half-cell is connected to the negative terminal of the battery. The battery [pulls electrons away from/pushes electrons into] it, charging the electrode [positively/negatively/neutrally]. This causes water molecules to react at this electrode. The water molecules [lose/accept] the electrons. We say the water is [oxidised/reduced]. These electrons cause water to change into - gas (H2) and [positively/negatively/neutrally] charged hydroxyl ions (OH ). These hydroxyl ions are dissolved in water, as are the sodium ions which moved through the membrane. Sodium ions and hydroxyl ions are therefore present in the solution. We call this a sodium hydroxide solution. The electrode at which reduction occurs is called the [cathode/anode]. In an electrolytic cell, such as this, the battery charges the cathode [positively/negatively]. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA PETROCHEMICALS Distillation 1 Why is distillation important in the petrochemical industry following the Fischer-Tropsch reaction? 2 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Distillation is the separation of a mixture into its components by using their differences in points. Boiling point is the at which a substance boils. This is also the temperature at which it [freezes/melts/condenses/sublimes]. During condensation, a substance changes from to . Long-chained hydrocarbons condense at [higher/lower] temperatures than short-chained hydrocarbons. A distillation column has different temperatures throughout its height. At the bottom it is very [cold/ hot]. It gets cooler and cooler [higher up/lower down]. The hydrocarbon mixture formed by the Fischer-Tropsch process is heated to over 350C, making all its components vaporise, that is, turn to . This hot mixture is fed into the bottom of the column. Even though the temperature at the bottom of the column is hot, it is not hot enough to keep the [shortest/longest]-chained hydrocarbons in the gaseous phase. They and sink to the bottom. These hydrocarbons have more than 20 carbon atoms per molecule. They are then led off. They may be used, for example in , or they may be sent back to the to be split into shorter chains. The [shorter/longer] hydrocarbons, still in the phase, rise. As they do so they come to cooler parts of the distillation column. At about 200C, is led off. condenses, and is made of a mixture of hydrocarbons having from 12 to 18 carbon atoms per molecule. It is used in some vehicles. At about 120C, kerosene condenses. Kerosene is used as fuel. Kerosene is a mixture of hydrocarbons having 9 to 14 carbon atoms per molecule. At 40C, , also called gasoline, condenses. It is made of a mixture of hydrocarbons having from 5 to 10 carbon atoms per molecule. This is used to power many vehicles. At 20C (LPG) condenses. LPG is often sold in gas bottles and might be used in gas heaters or stoves. It contains very [short/ long] hydrocarbon chains which have only 3 or 4 carbon atoms per molecule. Even smaller molecules, consisting of only 1 or 2 carbon atoms per molecule, form at the top of the distillation column, still in the phase. So by cooling the heated hydrocarbon mixture to different its components as each component different . This exits , it is separated into at a different temperature, and therefore a , in the distillation column. A similar process is used in the separation of crude oil into its components. The temperatures used and products formed would, however, differ slightly from those given here. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Hydrocracker 3 What is the purpose of the hydrocracker? 4 Which chemical, in the presence of a catalyst, cracks the chains? Methane, Ethane, Ethene, Wax 5 Give the formulae of: a. Methane b. Ethane c. Ethene 6 Tick the relevant blocks in this table to show the classification of these chemicals. Chemical Hydrocarbon? Alkane? Alkene? Polymer? Methane Ethane Ethene Wax General 7 Link each element from Column A with its corresponding element in Column B. Write the letter from A next to each item in B in the last column. Column A Column B A a hydrocarbons bonds break b alkanes a single unit c alkenes energy needed to start a reaction d adsorbed consists of a long chain of repeated units e dissociate consist of only hydrogen and carbon atoms bonded together f intramolecular the process by which monomers bond with one another g polymer attaches to h monomer hydrocarbons with only single bonds i polymerisation between two atoms within a molecule j catalyst hydrocarbons with a double bond in them k activation energy a chemical which speeds up a reaction without itself being permanently changed by the reaction Catalysts 8 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. A catalyst speeds up a reaction without itself being permanently reaction. It serves as a by the site for a reaction to take place. Reactants are onto a catalyst surface. They then , breaking into their component atoms as their [inter/intra]molecular bonds break. The loosened [molecules/atoms] can then bond with other atoms to form a [reactant/product]. The catalyst allows this reaction to occur more easily than if it wasn't there. Reactants can only bond with one another if they can hit against one another with enough say they need and the right to stay together. We energy in order to start them reacting. But if a catalyst holds the reactants in place to make reacting easier, the reactants need [more/less] energy to get to react. In other words, a catalyst [reduces/increases] the energy needed to cause a reaction. Because of this, the reaction will occur more [slowly/quickly] with a catalyst than without one. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA FERTILISERS MEMO Overview 1 Why is nitrogen important to plants? Nitrogen is found in all proteins, and so it is an essential nutrient. 2. In what forms can plants absorb nitrogen? Dissolved urea, nitrate, nitrite and ammonium ions. 3 Complete to summarise the industrial processes. Process Reactants Products of step 1 Products of step 2 Haber N2 + H2 Ostwald NH3 + O2 NO NO2 HNO3 Contact S + O2 SO2 SO3 H2SO4 not applicable Final products NH3 Haber Process 4 What is the purpose of the Haber Process? To produce ammonia (NH3) from nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen (H2). 5 Write a balanced equation for the Haber Process's reversible reaction. N2 + 3H2 2NH3 6 Name some uses of ammonia. As a cleaning agent. As a coolant in some air conditioners. To manufacture nitrogen fertilisers. 7 Name two conditions which must be met for a reaction to reach equilibrium. - reversible reaction - closed system 8 Name two characteristics of equilibrium. - rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal to one another - the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant 9 In the Haber Process an iron oxide catalyst is usually used. Ruthenium can also be used. What does a catalyst do to a reaction, and how does it do this? It speeds up a reaction by lowering its activation energy. It does this by serving as a binding site on which the reaction can occur. 10 Circle the correct option (True / False) for each of the following. i A catalyst speeds up the Haber Process's forward reaction more than the reverse. [True / False] ii A catalyst will cause more product to be formed. [True / False] iii A catalyst will decrease the time it takes to reach equilibrium because it speeds up both forward and reverse reactions. [True / False] iv A catalyst speeds both forward and reverse reactions equally [True / False] 11 Link each element from Column A with its corresponding element in Column B. Write the letter from A next to each item in B in the last column. Column A a dynamic equilibrium b endothermic c exothermic d Le Chatelier's principle e decrease in pressure f increase in pressure g removing heat h adding heat i temperature j pressure k STP Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Column B absorbs heat a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles disturbs equilibrium, favours increased crowding, more molecules 273 K and 101,3 kPa disturbs equilibrium, favours exothermic reaction releases heat a state in which forward and reverse reactions occur at equal rates force per area, in gases related to rate of particle collisions disturbs equilibrium, favours decreased crowding, fewer molecules disturbs equilibrium, favours endothermic reaction when a system which is in equilibrium is disturbed, it will respond in such a way as to counteract the disturbance A b i e k g c a j f h d CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Le Chatelier: Effect of pressure 12 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Increased pressure According to Le Chatelier's principle, when a system which is in equilibrium is disturbed, it will respond in such a way as to counteract the disturbance. An increase in pressure [de/in]creases the crowding of gaseous molecules. The system will respond by [de/in]creasing their crowding. Crowding is decreased in gases when [fewer/more] molecules are formed. In the Haber Process the [forward/reverse] reaction makes fewer molecules than the [forward/reverse] reaction. In the forward reaction 2 molecules of ammonia are made from every 4 molecules of reactants (1 N2 and 3 H2 molecules). Consequently, an increase in pressure disturbs equilibrium for a while by making the [forward/reverse] reaction occur at a higher rate than the [forward/reverse] reaction. This causes [more/less] ammonia to be formed and [more/ less] nitrogen and hydrogen. After a while a new dynamic equilibrium is reached. The rates of forward and reverse reactions are again equal to one another, and the amounts of reactants and products will [change/remain constant]. However, compared to before the pressure was applied, there will now be [more/less] ammonia present at equilibrium. The equilibrium constant value, Kc, however, will be [higher than/lower than/the same as] it was in the original equilibrium. Decreased pressure Decreasing pressure [de/in]creases the crowding of gaseous molecules. The system will respond by [de/in]creasing their crowding. Crowding can be increased by forming [fewer/more] molecules. In the Haber Process, that means that for a while the [forward/reverse] reaction will occur at a higher rate than the [forward/reverse] reaction. The reverse reaction changes every 2 molecules of ammonia into 4 molecules (1 nitrogen and 3 hydrogen molecules). This causes the amount of ammonia present to [de/in]crease and the amount of nitrogen and hydrogen to [de/in]crease. While this is happening the system [is/is not] in equilibrium. After a while a new dynamic equilibrium will be reached, in which the rates of both forward and reverse reactions will equal one another, and the amounts of reactants and products will remain constant. However, compared to before the pressure was decreased, there will now be [more/less] ammonia present at equilibrium. The equilibrium constant value, Kc, however, will be [higher than/lower than/the same as] it was in the original equilibrium. Optimum pressure In the Haber Process, we want to make as much ammonia as possible. We want the dynamic equilibrium to be such that a lot of [reactant/product] is formed. A(n) [de/in]crease in pressure will cause more products to form. We need as [low/high] a pressure as it is safe and economical to use. We say we need to use an optimal pressure: the pressure for which we get a good yield for a reasonable price while still being safe. Pressures between 200 and 300 atmospheres are typically used in the Haber Process. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Le Chatelier: Effect of temperature 13 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Heating Heating a reaction up increases the kinetic energy of the particles, and so causes them to react more [slowly/rapidly] with one another. Additionally, heat can have an effect on disturbing the equilibrium of a reaction. In the Haber Process the forward reaction is [exo/endo]thermic and the reverse is [exo/endo]thermic. This means that as nitrogen and hydrogen react with one another to form ammonia, heat is [absorbed/ released], but as ammonia breaks up into hydrogen and nitrogen, heat is [absorbed/released]. According to Le Chatelier's principle, when a system which is in equilibrium is disturbed, it will respond in such a way as to counteract the disturbance. So if heat is added to a system in the Haber Process, the [exo/endo]thermic [forward/reverse] reaction is favoured to [absorb/release] some of that heat and so [cool the system back down/heat the system back up]. Both the forward and reverse reactions occur at [lower/higher] rates than before the heat was added, due to the additional kinetic energy of all the particles, but the [forward/reverse] reaction will have been speeded up to a greater extent than the [forward/reverse] reaction. So for a while, the system will not be in equilibrium as the [forward/reverse] reaction occurs more rapidly than the [forward/reverse] reaction. This will [in/de]crease the amount of ammonia present, and [in/de]crease the amount of hydrogen and nitrogen. After a while a new dynamic equilibrium is reached. The rates of forward and reverse reactions are again equal to one another, and the amounts of reactants and products will remain constant. However, compared to before the heat was added, there will now be [less/more] ammonia present at equilibrium. A new equilibrium constant, Kc, [higher than/lower than/the same as] that of the original equilibrium, is reached. Cooling Cooling a system that is in equilibrium has two effects. Firstly, by [de/in]creasing the kinetic energy of all the molecules, it [reduces/increases] the rates of both the forward and reverse reactions. Secondly, it has the effect of disturbing the equilibrium by favouring the [exo/endo]thermic reaction until a new equilibrium is reached with [the same/a different] equilibrium constant. If heat is removed from a system in the Haber Process, the [exo/endo]thermic [forward/reverse] reaction is favoured to [cool the system back down/heat the system back up]. For a while, the system will not be in equilibrium as the [forward/reverse] reaction occurs more rapidly than the [forward/reverse] reaction. This will [in/de]crease the amount of ammonia present, and [in/de]crease the amount of hydrogen and nitrogen. After a while a new dynamic equilibrium is reached. The rates of forward and reverse reactions are again equal to one another, and the amounts of reactants and products will remain constant. However, compared to before the system was cooled, there will now be [less/more] ammonia present at equilibrium. A new equilibrium constant, Kc, [higher than/lower than/the same as] that of the original equilibrium, is reached. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Optimum temperature In the Haber Process, we want to get a high ammonia yield. We want a dynamic equilibrium which makes as much ammonia product as possible. Consequently, we need to use a fairly [high/low] temperature. However, this causes a problem, namely it causes both reactions to be slow, and so it takes a long time for equilibrium to be reached. Therefore, a compromise is made, and a temperature of approximately 450C is often used. Units of pressure and temperature 14 Complete for units of pressure. Unit Pressure at sea level at 0C Name Symbol bar bar 1 bar atmospheres atm 1 atm kilopascals kPa 101,3 kPa millimeters mercury mm Hg 760 mm Hg 15 Kelvin is the SI (Standard International) unit for temperature. Complete for conversions. Temperature in degrees Celsius (C) Temperature in Kelvin (K) 0 273 -273 0 100 373 -27 200 25 298 Ostwald Process 16 What is the purpose of the Ostwald Process? To produce nitric acid (HNO3) from ammonia (NH3). 17 How is the product of the Ostwald Process useful for the fertiliser industry? Nitric acid can be used to make nitrate fertilisers. 18 Why doesn't it matter that the platinum catalyst used is very expensive? It can be used over and over again because it is not used up. Catalysts speed up reactions without themselves being changed in the process. Complete. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 NH3 + O2 platinum NO + O2 NO2 NO2 + H2O HNO3 catalyst NO Contact Process 20 What is the purpose of the Contact Process? To produce sulfuric acid (H2SO4) from S + O2. 21 Name some uses of sulfuric acid. manufacture of fertilisers, electrolyte in car batteries, as a dehydrating (a drying) agent 22 Complete. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 S + O2 SO2 SO2 + O2 V2O 5 SO3 + H2SO4 H2S2O7 H2S2O7 + H2O 2H2SO4 catalyst SO3 CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA BATTERIES MEMO Types of batteries 1 Complete / choose from the options to summarise the types of batteries. Primary Secondary Rechargeable? [rechargeable / non-rechargeable] [rechargeable / non-rechargeable] Voltaic / Electrolytic? [only voltaic / voltaic and electrolytic] [only voltaic / voltaic and electrolytic] Name some examples Leclanche (zinc-chloride / dry) cell, Lead acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal mercury cell, alkaline cell hydride and lithium ion Voltaic cells 2 On the following diagram: a Add these labels: electrolyte, salt bridge, + electrode, - electrode b Complete / choose from the options to summarise the composition of a voltaic cell. Electrolyte Salt bridge CATHODE: [oxidation/reduction] - electrode ANODE: [oxidation/reduction] [Battery / Voltmeter] + electrode Electrolyte Voltaic Cell Converts chemical energy electrical energy as a [spontaneous/non-spontaneous] chemical reaction creates a potential difference across two electrodes. 3 Answer concerning the salt bridge: a What is its purpose? It completes the electric circuit and it prevents a build-up of charge in either half-cell, by allowing the movement of ions between them. b What kind of substance must it be made of? Ionic solution c Why must it be made of this type of substance? Ionic solutions consist of charged particles (ions) which are free to move under the influence of a potential difference, therefore they can conduct electricity. 4 Choose from the options for a voltaic cell. VOLTAIC CELL Anode Cathode [oxidation / reduction] [oxidation / reduction] [positive / negative] [positive / negative] 5 Circle the correct option (True / False) for each of the following, referring to a voltaic cell. a A battery makes one electrode positive and the other negative, and this causes a chemical reaction to occur. [True / False] b A chemical reaction occurs, and this causes one electrode to be made positive and the other negative. [True / False] c As oxidation happens, chemicals lose electrons, which then go onto the anode, making it negative. [True / False] d The anode is made to be negative, and this makes chemicals lose electrons there, causing oxidation to happen. [True / False] e As reduction happens, chemicals accept electrons, taking them from the cathode, causing it to become positive. [True / False] f The cathode is made to be positive, and this makes chemicals gain electrons there, causing oxidation to happen. [True / False] Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Lead acid battery (Car battery) Overview 6 A lead acid battery consists of [primary/secondary] cells. 7 Complete / choose from the options. Discharging Charging [electrolytic / voltaic] cells [electrolytic / voltaic] cells [produces / requires] electrical energy [produces / requires] electrical energy [spontaneous / non-spontaneous] [spontaneous / non-spontaneous] [exothermic / endothermic] [exothermic / endothermic] Energy conversion chemical energy electrical energy Anode [Pb / PbO2] Chemical reaction Oxidation reaction Pb Cathode electrical energy [Pb / PbO2] PbSO4 + 2H2O Pb2+ + 2e - [Pb / PbO2] PbO2 + Pb + 4H+ + 2SO42- PbO2 + 4H+ + SO42- + 2e - [Pb / PbO2] + 2Reduction reaction PbO2 + 4H + SO4 + 2e PbSO4 +2H2O Net redox reaction chemical energy 2PbSO4+ 2H2O Pb2+ + 2e - Pb 2PbSO4 + 2H2O PbO2 + Pb + 4H+ + 2SO42- Discharging 8 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Overview When the lead acid battery is discharging it behaves as a set of [electrolytic/ voltaic] cells. Each lead acid battery consists of six cells. Only one of these is shown here. Each cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy, as a [spontaneous/non-spontaneous] chemical reaction [requires/creates] a potential difference across two electrodes. A lead acid battery has one electrode made of lead dioxide and another of lead. These are inside a sulfuric acid electrolyte. Anode Lead atoms in the lead electrode are [oxidised/reduced]: they [gain/lose] two electrons each. This changes them into [positively/negatively/neutrally] charged lead [atoms/ions] of formula Pb2+. Since [oxidation/reduction] occurs at this electrode, we call it the anode. The Pb2+ ions move away from the electrode, leaving the electrons they had just lost behind on the electrode. This makes this electrode, the anode, [positively/negatively/neutrally] charged, creating a potential difference between it and the other electrode, which is positive relative to it. This causes electricity to flow between the two electrodes. Cathode Electrons move from the [lead/lead dioxide] anode to the [lead/lead dioxide] cathode. There the electrons are [accepted/released] by positively charged lead ions in the lead dioxide electrode. The lead ions here have a [4+/2+] charge. Each lead [4+/2+] ion accepts two electrons and is reduced to a lead [4+/2+] ion. [Oxidation/Reduction] occurs at this electrode. It is therefore called the [cathode/ anode]. Because electrons are removed from the electrode in this way, it is charged [negatively/ positively]. These lead ions combine with sulfate ions from the sulfuric acid electrolyte to form lead sulphate. Hydrogen ions from the sulfuric acid electrolyte combine with oxide ions from the lead dioxide electrode to form water. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Overall reaction The overall reaction of the discharging lead acid battery is the reaction of lead and lead dioxide electrodes with sulfuric acid to form lead sulfate and water. This is a spontaneous, redox reaction which converts chemical into electric energy. • It is spontaneous because the reaction will occur on its own: you don't need to heat it or provide an external potential difference to force it to occur. • It is a redox reaction: it involves the transfer of electrons from one chemical to another. • It converts chemical into electrical energy as the chemical reaction creates a potential difference across the electrodes. Charging 9 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Overview When the lead acid battery is charging it behaves as a set of [electrolytic/voltaic] cells. It converts electrical energy into chemical energy as a [spontaneous/non-spontaneous] chemical reaction is forced to occur due to an external potential difference being placed across two electrodes. To charge a lead acid battery, the lead dioxide electrode must be connected to the [positive/negative] terminal of an external power source, e.g. another battery. The lead electrode must be connected to the [positive/negative] terminal of this other battery. This pulls electrons from the [lead/lead dioxide] electrode and forces electrons into the [lead/lead dioxide] electrode. This causes the reactions which had occurred in the discharging reaction to take place [in the same direction/in reverse]. Anode The battery pulls electrons out of the electrode connected to its [positive/negative] terminal. Because of this, electrons are pulled out of the Pb2+ ions in the lead sulfate around this electrode. This produces [Pb2+/Pb4+] ions. Because the [Pb2+/Pb4+] ions [gain/lose] electrons as they become Pb4+ ions, [oxidation/ reduction] is taking place. This electrode is therefore called the [anode/cathode]. Notice that in an electrolytic cell, such as this one, the anode is [positively/negatively] charged. This is opposite to the case of a voltaic cell. In an electrolytic cell the external power supply (e.g. battery) charges the anode positively, which forces oxidation to occur there. Cathode The external battery [pushes electrons into/pulls electrons out of] the electrode connected to its negative terminal, charging that electrode [positively/negatively]. This forces lead ions, of formula Pb2+, to accept two electrons each, changing them into lead atoms, of formula Pb. This is called [oxidation/reduction], since it involves the acceptance of electrons. Grey lead metal is formed through this reduction reaction. The electrode at which reduction happens is called the cathode. Therefore in an electrolytic cell, such as this one, the [positively/negatively] charged electrode is the cathode. Overall reaction The overall reaction of the charging lead acid battery is the reaction of lead ions in lead sulfate to form lead at the cathode and lead dioxide at the anode. This is a non-spontaneous redox reaction which converts electrical into chemical energy. • It is non-spontaneous because the reaction will not occur on its own: you need to heat it or provide an external potential difference to force it to occur. • It is a redox reaction: it involves the transfer of electrons from one chemical to another. • It converts electrical into chemical energy as a potential difference forces a non-spontaneous chemical reaction to occur. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK CHLOR-ALKALI MEMO Overview 1 Complete / choose from the options to summarise the purpose and process of the chlor-alkali industry. Input: Sodium chloride solution (brine) + - attracted ANODE: [oxidation/reduction] [positive / negative] ions CATHODE: [oxidation/reduction] Power Source [Electrolytic / voltaic] cell Converts electrical energy chemical energy as a potential difference, placed across two electrodes, forces a [spontaneous/non-spontaneous] chemical reaction to occur. Outputs: Chlorine : Cl2 (g) Sodium hydroxide : NaOH (aq) Uses: Bleach Soap-making Disinfectant Water purification Used to make PVC Drain cleaning Hydrogen: H2 (g) Rocket fuel Possible alternative car fuel Needed for making plastics 2 Complete / choose from the options to summarise the types of chlor-alkali cells. Cathode material Membrane Diaphragm Mercury carbon carbon mercury Input brine (NaCl(aq)) and an electric potential difference (PD) Oxidation reaction at anode 2Cl - (aq) Cl2 + 2e - Reduction reac- H O( l) reduced to H (g)+OH - (aq) 2 2 tion at cathode Since there are Na+ ions present too, NaOH can be produced. Na+ reduced to Na, which then reacts with H2O to form NaOH + H2 What divides the electrolyte into two half cells? a semi-permeable diaphragm reduction reaction occurs inside the liquid mercury cathode diaphragm allows Cl - ions into the reduction cell, contaminating the product with significant amounts of NaCl mercury is poisonous a semi-permeable membrane Disadvantages 3 Choose from the options for an electrolytic cell. ELECTROLYTIC CELL Anode Cathode [oxidation / reduction] [oxidation / reduction] [positive / negative] [positive / negative] CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4 Circle the correct option (True / False) for each of the following referring to an electrolytic cell. a A battery makes one electrode positive and the other negative, and this causes a chemical reaction to occur. [True / False] b A chemical reaction occurs, and this causes one electrode to be made positive and the other negative. [True / False] c As oxidation happens, chemicals lose electrons, which then go onto the anode, making it positive. [True / False] d The battery makes the anode positive, and this makes chemicals lose electrons there as the battery sucks electrons away from them, causing oxidation to happen. [True / False] e As reduction happens, chemicals accept electrons, taking them from the cathode, causing it to become negative. [True / False] f The battery makes the cathode negative, and this makes chemicals gain electrons there, causing reduction to happen. [True / False] 5 Link each element from Column A with its corresponding element in Column B. Write the letter from A next to each item in B in the last column. Column A a anode b cathode c electrode d electrolyte e oxidation f reduction g redox h soap i hydrophilic j hydrophobic k bleach l chlorine (Cl2) m sodium hydroxide n disinfectant Column B colour-remover a site at which the redox reactions of an electrochemical cell occur; often a rod a half reaction in which one chemical loses electrons, donating them to another chemical a half reaction in which one chemical gains electrons from another chemical an electrode at which oxidation occurs a kind of reaction in which electrons are transferred from a reducing agent to an oxidising agent attracted to water an ionic solution, therefore able to conduct electricity repelled by water an electrode at which reduction occurs an organic chemical which is able to make fat dissolve a strong alkali; can be used to make soap; caustic soda a substance which kills germs a dense green gas useful as bleach and disinfectant A k c e f a g i d j b h m n l Membrane Cell 6 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Cell composition The membrane cell is a(n) [electrolytic/voltaic] cell. It consists of an external power supply (a battery), two electrodes, and electrolytes. The cell is divided into two halves. The two halves are separated by a semi-permeable membrane. Semipermeable means it only allows certain ions through. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Electrolyte Brine serves as the electrolyte for the anode's half reaction. An electrolyte is a solution which conducts electricity. Brine consists of sodium chloride dissolved in water. When sodium chloride dissolves in water, its positively charged [sodium/chloride] ions are separated from its negatively charged [sodium/ chloride] ions, and each ion is surrounded by water. Anode The battery creates a potential difference across the electrodes. The positive terminal of the battery [pulls electrons away from/pushes electrons into] the electrode connected to it, charging the electrode [positively/negatively]. This attracts the [positively/negatively/neutrally] charged [sodium/ chloride] ions in the brine. When these reach the electrode, the battery [pulls an electron away from/pushes electrons into] each of them. This converts them from [positively/negatively/neutrally] charged chloride ions into [positive/negative/neutral] chlorine atoms. These are unstable, so they bond covalently with one another in pairs, forming diatomic molecules of Cl2. This is what we often mean when we refer to chlorine. Chlorine is a dense green gas which bubbles away from this electrode and is collected. Chlorine was formed as chloride ions were stripped of electrons, so we call this half reaction [oxidation/reduction], which is the [gain/loss] of electrons. Each [chlorine atom/chloride ion] loses one electron to change it into a [chlorine atom/chloride ion]. The electrode at which oxidation occurs is called the [cathode/anode]. In an electrolytic cell, such as this, the battery charges the anode [positively/negatively]. Cathode The semi-permeable membrane allows [positively/negatively] charged sodium [ions/atoms] through into the other electrolytic half-cell. The electrode in this half-cell is connected to the negative terminal of the battery. The battery [pulls electrons away from/pushes electrons into] it, charging the electrode [positively/negatively/neutrally]. This causes water molecules to react at this electrode. The water molecules [lose/accept] the electrons. We say the water is [oxidised/reduced]. These electrons cause water to change into hydrogen gas (H2) and [positively/negatively/neutrally] charged hydroxyl ions (OH-). These hydroxyl ions are dissolved in water, as are the sodium ions which moved through the membrane. Sodium ions and hydroxyl ions are therefore present in the solution. We call this a sodium hydroxide solution. The electrode at which reduction occurs is called the [cathode/anode]. In an electrolytic cell, such as this, the battery charges the cathode [positively/negatively]. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA PETROCHEMICALS MEMO Distillation 1 Why is distillation important in the petrochemical industry after the Fischer-Tropsch reaction? Distillation separates the hydrocarbon mixture resulting from the Fischer-Tropsch reaction into its components, which are more useful once isolated. 2 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. Distillation is the separation of a mixture into its components by using their differences in boiling points. Boiling point is the temperature at which a substance boils. This is also the temperature at which it [freezes/melts/condenses/sublimes]. During condensation, a substance changes from gas to liquid. Long-chained hydrocarbons condense at [higher/lower] temperatures than short-chained hydrocarbons. A distillation column has different temperatures throughout its height. At the bottom it is very [cold/hot]. It gets cooler and cooler [higher up/lower down]. The hydrocarbon mixture formed by the FischerTropsch process is heated to over 350C, making all its components vaporise, that is, turn to gas. This hot mixture is fed into the bottom of the distillation column. Even though the temperature at the bottom of the column is hot, it is not hot enough to keep the [shortest/ longest]-chained hydrocarbons in the gaseous phase. They condense and sink to the bottom. These hydrocarbons have more than 20 carbon atoms per molecule. They are then led off. They may be used, for example in wax, or they may be sent back to the hydrocracker to be split into shorter chains. The [shorter/longer] hydrocarbons, still in the gaseous phase, rise. As they do so they come to cooler parts of the distillation column. At about 200C, diesel condenses, and is led off. Diesel is made of a mixture of hydrocarbons having from 12 to 18 carbon atoms per molecule. It is used in some vehicles. At about 120C, kerosene condenses. Kerosene is used as jet fuel. Kerosene is a mixture of hydrocarbons having 9 to 14 carbon atoms per molecule. At 40C, petrol also called gasoline, condenses. It is made of a mixture of hydrocarbons having from 5 to 10 carbon atoms per molecule. This is used to power many vehicles. At 20C liquid petroleum gas (LPG) condenses. LPG is often sold in gas bottles and might be used in gas heaters or stoves. It contains very [short/long] hydrocarbon chains which have only 3 or 4 carbon atoms per molecule. Even smaller molecules, consisting of only 1 or 2 carbon atoms per molecule, form fuel gas. This exits at the top of the distillation column, still in the gaseous phase. So by cooling the heated hydrocarbon mixture to different temperatures, it is separated into its components as each component condenses at a different temperature, and therefore a different height, in the distillation column. A similar process is used in the separation of crude oil into its components. The temperatures used and products formed would, however, differ slightly from those given here. Hydrocracker 3 What is the purpose of the hydrocracker? To break long hydrocarbon chains into shorter chains when these are needed. 4 Which chemical, in the presence of a catalyst, cracks the chains? Hydrogen Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Methane, Ethane, Ethene, Wax 5 Give the formulae of: a. Methane CH4 b. Ethane C2H 6 c. Ethene C2H4 6 Tick the relevant blocks in this table to show the classification of these chemicals. Chemical Hydrocarbon? Alkane? Alkene? Polymer? Methane Ethane Ethene Wax General 7 Link each element from Column A with its corresponding element in Column B. Write the letter from A next to each item in B in the last column. Column A Column B A a hydrocarbons bonds break e b alkanes a single unit h c alkenes energy needed to start a reaction k d adsorbed consists of a long chain of repeated units g e dissociate consist of only hydrogen and carbon atoms bonded together a f intramolecular the process by which monomers bond with one another i g polymer attaches to d h monomer hydrocarbons with only single bonds b i polymerisation between two atoms within a molecule f j catalyst hydrocarbons with a double bond in them c k activation energy a chemical which speeds up a reaction without itself being permanently changed by the reaction j Catalysts 8 Complete the explanation by filling the gaps or choosing from the options. Do this before, or after, but not during, watching the animations. Mark during re-watching. A catalyst speeds up a reaction without itself being permanently changed by the reaction. It serves as a binding site for a reaction to take place. Reactants are adsorbed onto a catalyst surface. They then dissociate, breaking into their component atoms as their [inter/intra]molecular bonds break. The loosened [molecules/atoms] can then bond with other atoms to form a [reactant/product]. The catalyst allows this reaction to occur more easily than if it wasn't there. Reactants can only bond with one another if they can hit against one another with enough energy and the right positioning/orientation to stay together. We say they need activation energy in order to start them reacting. But if a catalyst holds the reactants in place to make reacting easier, the reactants need [more/less] energy to get to react. In other words, a catalyst [reduces/increases] the activation energy needed to cause a reaction. Because of this, the reaction will occur more [slowly/quickly] with a catalyst than without one. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Purpose To get learners to extract, process, analyse, and synthesise information, and to communicate the results of these processes. They do this individually and collaboratively. Procedure Estimated time Description Resources Class time: 1 lesson Explain the assignment to the learners. Divide learners into groups of four members each. Assign an industry to each group. Give each group their overarching controversial question (below), and allow them to conduct an initial brainstorm on this question, in their groups. Assign a number to each learner. Give each learner the learner sheets and guiding questions corresponding to their industry and learner number. Homework: 2 hours Learners read and summarise the information assigned to them. They answer their guiding questions in rough. Class time: 2 lessons Learners share information with one another. They draw a group mindmap. Learners discuss the group questions, given in the guidance table (p.34), and agree on their answer to the overarching controversial question. Homework: 2-4 hours Learners prepare to present a presentation / write a report. Class time: 2 lessons Instructions (p.34) Overarching controversial questions (below) Guidance questions (p.34) Learner sheets (see p.34 for list) Large sheets of paper (A3, A2 or A1) Group guidance questions (p.34 ) Notes: reports and presentations (pp. 35-36 ) Each learner presents a section of a presentation / writes a sec- Rubrics (pp. 36-38) tion of a report, corresponding to their guiding questions (p.34), and related to their group's overarching controversial question (below). Collaboratively learners provide introductory and concluding statements in their presentation / report, which answers the overarching controversial question, and links the individuals' arguments to this. The teacher marks this work. Overarching controversial questions Do you agree / disagree / partially agree with these statements? Justify your opinion. The Fertiliser Industry In the future fewer South Africans will be able to live in cities because inorganic fertilisers are not sustainable. The Battery Industry Battery technology has already changed our lifestyles hugely. In the future batteries are going to have an even bigger effect on us. The Chlor-alkali Industry Chlor-alkali cells in general, and the membrane cell in particular, affect people's lives mainly for the better. The Petrochemical Industry SASOL has contributed significantly to South Africa's development and prosperity in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Learner instructions You will work in a group of four learners. Your group's task is to answer one of the controversial questions on p. 33. You will do so by each writing part of a research report / presenting part of an oral presentation, and collaborating, as a group, on other parts. 1 Each learner in your group should have a number. Take the learner sheets, and note the guiding questions, corresponding to that number (see table below). 2 Read your learner sheets, and answer your guiding questions in rough. 3 Share what you have learnt with your group members. Draw a group mindmap. Discuss the group guidance questions (see table below). Discuss your controversial question. 4 Go through the notes on pages 35-36 and revise the information relevant to your topic. Your teacher may tell you to omit certain headings in the research report if time is limited. Note the rubrics. 5 Write a report / give an oral presentation. Collaboratively produce the introduction and conclusion. Individually produce the work related to your particular section. Guidance Industry Learner Guidance Fertiliser 1 2 3 4 group 1 Battery 2 3 4 group 1 Chlor-alkali 2 3 4 group 1 Petrochemical 2 3 4 group Learner sheets F2,F8,F9 F4,F5,F7 How has the fertiliser industry developed? Where is it going? Is it sustainable? How have we developed faster ways to provide what plants need to grow? Why has our need for fertilisers increased? What are the consequences of this? The world needs more farmers. What do farmers need to know about fertilisers and farming to F1,F3,F10 become financially successful and produce good crops? Does manufacturing fertilisers now create problems for the future? How does the fertiliser indus- F6,F11,F12 try affect the environment? Is it sustainable? What do fertilisers have to do with people living in cities? What are inorganic fertilisers? Are they sustainable? Why/ why not? If they are not sustainable, will this affect city life? Why? / Why not? Explain the workings of an electrochemical cell. How have batteries developed over time? How B1,B2,B10 do they affect our lives? Compare battery types. How do we use each? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. B3,B4,B6 How do you predict batteries will develop in the future? Different battery technologies have different uses and limitations. What are the challenges that B5,B7,B8 the different technologies have faced and how have they tried to deal with these? Why have so many different technologies been developed? How can battery sustainability be improved? Refer to recycling, battery alternatives and correct B9,B11,B12 battery handling, use and disposal. How has battery technology already changed our lifestyles? Is it sustainable? What possibilities are there for the future? Do you think these possibilities will affect us much? Why / why not? How is salt electrolysed to form products? What are the consequences of this process? Who C1,C11,C12 has benefited? How? Who has been harmed? How? Salt, caustic soda and many soaps contain sodium. What other links can be drawn between these C2,C6,C7 three substances? Explain the history, sourcing, production and uses of each. Highlight the links between the three. Chlorine is found in ionic form in salt. Hydrogen is bonded to oxygen in water. Both Cl and H are C3,C4,C5 common elements that affect our everyday lives. How are these elements used? Why are they so important to us? Discuss similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses of the various cells used to electro- C8,C9,C10 lyse brine. Why have several techniques been developed? In what way do chlor-alkali cells improve our lives? Do they have any negative effects? How does the membrane cell differ from the rest? Does it improve our lives more than the other cells do? Compare petrol and diesel referring to their structures and their economic viability as fuels. How P1,P5,P6 does our dependence on these affect the environment? Why does the petrochemical industry consist of so many different types of industrial processes? P4,P8,P9 Identify some of these processes. Explain how they work. What products are formed? What are the products' uses? Fossil fuels are natural sources of energy. Give two examples of fossil fuels. Explain what they P2,P3,P7 are and how we obtain them. How do they affect our lives? The petrochemical industry is big business. How and why is this so? Who are the role players in P10,P11,P12 South Africa and why are they so influential in everyday life? How has and does SASOL contribute to South Africa's development and prosperity? Is the industry sustainable? What changes in energy usage do you think might happen in the future? Why? Will SASOL's contribution to South Africa change? If so, how and why? If not, why not? CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Researching and presentation notes Research Do not copy information directly from your sources. This is plagiarism, which is wrong. As you read, write a list of keywords. Then put away your sources and use your keywords to help you to explain what you have read, using your own words. Interpret the findings and state conclusions. Form an opinion of your own. Make suggestions and recommendations of your own. Oral presentation Imagine you are teaching the class this topic. How can you be interesting and informative? You cannot cover everything, so carefully choose what you will present. Plan what you will say. Choose only a few main arguments. Each argument should consist of: - a claim (a statement) and - backing (support to convince people the claim is true). Where appropriate, also give counterarguments (arguments against your view point), and rebuttals to these (how you would answer back against these counterarguments). Use appropriate linking words to make your argument clear, logical and cohesive. Some linking words you could use are: firstly, secondly, as we have seen, on one hand, on the other hand, consequently, therefore, however, because, in the past, in the future, at present, instead, even though, in summary. Practice your presentation. Speak, don't read. Time yourself. Listen to yourself. Are you interesting and clear? Are you enthusiastic? Are you speaking clearly and confidently? Be sure to make eye contact with your audience. Use appropriate language. Do not read off notes. Do not recite a prepared speech. Talk to the class about what you have found and what you have learned as if you are teaching the material. Written report Check your writing for spelling and grammar errors. Check if your writing is logical, clear and cohesive (links together well). Correct your draft and rewrite it. Make sure you reference your sources. See the notes on how to do a reference list (p.36). Report headings Abstract A summary of your main argument. 200 words or fewer. No references. Title page Title, authors' names, date of completion. Include here which group member was responsible for which section. Introduction What is the research question? Why is this important? What topics will be dealt with, and in what sequence? (How is the argument which follows structured?) Report of the research project Each paragraph should deal with one main idea, or argument. Each argument should consist of: - a claim (a statement) and - backing (support to convince people the claim is true). Where appropriate, also give counterarguments (arguments against your view point), and rebuttals to these (how you would answer back against these counterarguments). Use appropriate linking words to make your argument clear, logical and cohesive. Some linking words you could use are: firstly, secondly, as we have seen, on one hand, on the other hand, consequently, therefore, however, because, in the past, in the future, at present, instead, even though, in summary. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Conclusion The research question is answered. This answer is supported with a brief summary of the strongest arguments given in the report. Suggestions for additional research are given. References A list of resources used. For more than one author, write '&' before the last one. Books Author's surname, Initial. (Year of publication). Title. City of publication: Publisher. Journals / Magazines Author's surname, Initial. (Year of publication). Title. Journal, Volume (Number), Pages. Web sources Author's surname, Initial. (Year of publication). Title. [Online]. Available from URL. [Date of retrieval]. Example Black, J. (2001). Battery manufacturers in South Africa. [Online]. Available from http://www.howstuffworks. com/Batteries/South Africa.htm. [22 September 2010]. Naidoo, P. G. (1992). Teaching Physical Sciences in the South African classroom. Science Education, 1(1), 34-36. Smith, D., Green, R. S. & Gumede, A. (1986). Chemicals and their uses. Cape Town: First Publishers. Appendix Include: - a glossary of the terms relevant to the project. - relevant diagrams or pictures. - a mind map or flow diagram that was used to plan the research report. Rubrics Oral presentation Group mark Not achieved Moderate Adequate/ Outstanding Substantial The group presented its answer to the controversial question clearly and convincingly. 0 1 2 3 The group supported its answer to the controversial question thoroughly and logically. 0 1 2 3 The collaborative and individual sections of the presentation were well integrated and linked to make a cohesive whole. 0 1 2 3 Individual mark A highly enthusiastic learner. The presentation is interesting, capturing attention. 0 1 2 3 Accurate information was presented. It is clear that the learner has mastered the content. 0 1 2 3 Arguments are clear and logical. Claims are supported thoroughly and logically. 0 1 2 3 Counterarguments and rebuttals are included in a fair-minded manner. 0 1 2 3 The learner is able to converse in a scientific language. 0 1 2 3 The learner presents the topic without reading. He/she keeps to time limits. 0 1 2 3 The most important and relevant content was presented. This is done in a well-organised sequence. 0 1 2 3 Total CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK /30 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Written report Level Descriptors Criterion Abstract (6 marks) (Group mark) Title page (1 mark) (Group mark) No abstract is included or abstract is not appropriate or abstract is relevant but none of the statements are satisfactory. Any one of: Research concept is stated clearly. Essential research findings are summarised. Conclusion is stated. Fewer than 200 words are used. Any two of: Research concept is stated clearly. Essential research findings are summarised. Conclusion is stated. Fewer than 200 words are used. Any three of: Research concept is stated clearly. Essential research findings are summarised. Conclusion is stated. Fewer than 200 words are used. 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4 marks 5 marks No title page is included or title page is inappropriate or title page is incomplete. (Group mark) 6 marks The following are given: Research report title. Authors' names. Completion date. A list of which learner was responsible for which section. 0 marks Introduction (7 marks) Research concept is stated clearly. Essential research findings are summarised. Conclusion is stated. Fewer than 200 words are used. 1 mark No introduction or introduction is inappropriate or it is relevant but not satisfactory. Any one of the following: The research question is given. It is clear why the research is important. The argument sequence is mapped out. Any two of the following: The research question is given. It is clear why the research is important. The argument sequence is mapped out. All of the following: The research question is given. It is clear why the research is important. The argument sequence is mapped out. 0-1 marks 2-3 marks 4-5 marks 6-7 marks Any one of the following is appropriate: Findings are in learner's own words. Scientific terms and concepts are correctly used. Resources used / consulted are cited. The report is well researched. The guiding questions are answered thoroughly and correctly. Any two of the following are appropriate: Findings are in learner's own words. Scientific terms and concepts are correctly used. Resources used / consulted are cited. The report is well researched. The guiding questions are answered thoroughly and correctly. Any three of the following are appropriate: Findings are in learner's own words. Scientific terms and concepts are correctly used. Resources used / consulted are cited. The report is well researched. The guiding questions are answered thoroughly and correctly. More than three of the following are appropriate: Findings are in learner's own words. Scientific terms and concepts are correctly used. Resources used / consulted are cited. The report is well researched. The guiding questions are answered thoroughly and correctly. 3-6 marks 7-10 marks 11-14 marks 15-20 marks No report is included or the report is inap(Individual mark) propriate or the report is relevant but not satisfactory, or plagiarism is present. Report (20 marks) 0-2 marks Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Claims are not clear and not thoroughly and logically (Individual mark) supported. Counterarguments and rebuttals are not given, or not suitable. Linking words are lacking and used inappropriately. Argument quality (12 marks) 0-2 marks Conclusion (7 marks) (Group mark) No conclusion is included or the conclusion is inappropriate or the conclusion is relevant but not satisfactory. 0-1 marks References (4 marks) (Group mark) No reference list is included, or none of the sources is appropriately referenced. 0 marks Appendix (3 marks) (Group mark) No appendix is included or the appendix is inappropriate or it is relevant but not satisfactory. 0 marks There are very many grammatical, spelling, (Individual mark) typographic and / or scientific errors. Writing quality (10 marks) 0-1 mark Any one of: Claims are clear and thoroughly and logically supported. Counterarguments and rebuttals are given and integrated well in a coherent, fairminded manner. Linking words are used logically to hold the argument cohesively together. Any two of: Claims are clear and thoroughly and logically supported. Counterarguments and rebuttals are given and integrated well in a coherent, fairminded manner. Linking words are used logically to hold the argument cohesively together. All three of: Claims are clear and thoroughly and logically supported. Counterarguments and rebuttals are given and integrated well in a coherent, fairminded manner. Linking words are used logically to hold the argument cohesively together. 3-6 marks 7-9 marks 10-12 marks Any one of: The research question is answered clearly. This is supported by a brief summary of the strongest arguments. Suggestions for further research are given. 2-3 marks Any one of: Appropriate resources are cited. The reference list is appropriately extensive. Sources are all correctly referenced. 1 mark Any one of: Relevant terms are correctly explained. Relevant diagrams/ pictures are included. There is a relevant concept map / flow diagram. 4-5 marks Appropriate resources are cited. The reference list is appropriately extensive. Some, but not all, resources are correctly referenced. 2 marks Any two of: Relevant terms are correctly explained. Relevant diagrams/ pictures are included. There is a relevant concept map / flow diagram. 1 mark 2 marks There are a significant number of grammatical, spelling, typographic and / or scientific errors. There are a fair number of grammatical, spelling, typographic and / or scientific errors. 2-4 marks 5-6 marks Total Any two of: The research question is answered clearly. This is supported by a brief summary of the strongest arguments. Suggestions for further research are given. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK All three of: The research question is answered clearly. This is supported by a brief summary of the strongest arguments. Suggestions for further research are given. 6-7 marks All three of: Appropriate resources are cited. The reference list is appropriately extensive. Sources are all correctly referenced. 3-4 marks Relevant terms are correctly explained. Relevant diagrams/ pictures are included. There is a relevant concept map / flow diagram. 3 marks There are few grammatical, spelling, typographic and / or scientific errors. 7-8 marks There are no grammatical, spelling, typographic, or scientific errors. 9-10 marks /70 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CELL CHARGE AND DISCHARGE Instructions Read these investigation instructions, results and theory. Watch the accompanying movie. Answer the questions. Perform the investigation yourself for enrichment. Investigation instructions and results Apparatus power supply 2,2V bulb lead electrodes connecting wires Charging cell Discharging cell Method • Charging. Charge the cell for various times. Treatments differ in charge time: A: 1 minute B: 2 minutes C: 3 minutes D: 4 minutes E: 5 minutes F: 6 minutes • Discharging. After each charge period, connect a 2,2V bulb to allow for discharge. Measure the time period for which the bulb shines. Background theory A secondary cell is rechargeable. While it is discharging it behaves as a voltaic cell. Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. This happens as a spontaneous redox reaction occurs at the electrodes, causing a potential difference to develop across them. While the cell is being charged it behaves as an electrolytic cell. Electrical energy is converted into chemical energy. For this to happen, the cell must be connected to an external power supply. This causes a potential difference to form across the electrodes. This forces a non-spontaneous chemical reaction to occur. This chemical reaction is the reverse of the spontaneous discharge reaction. In this way the chemicals are restored to their original state, ready to react spontaneously during the next discharge. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Questions Variables Complete / Give the: 1 Independent variable. (Cause. What the investigator made different between the treatments.) 2 Indicator of the dependent variable. (Measurement of effect. What the investigator measures to show the investigation outcome.) 3 variable. A cell's discharge time. (Effect. Different between the treatments because they had been treated differently from the start.) 4 Controlled variables (list at least three). (Must be kept the same between treatments for a fair test.) Focus question Complete: 5 How does affect [independent variable] ? [dependent variable] Hypothesis 6 Guess what the answer to the focus question might be. 7 Justify your hypothesis, referring to the background theory. Table 8 Circle the correct options to complete general rules for drawing a table. Optional A B C D Headings Dependent variable / Independent variable / Indicator of dependent variable Dependent variable / Independent variable / Indicator of dependent variable Values showing how investigator treated treatments differently / Measurements made to show investigation outcome Values showing how investigator treated treatments differently / Measurements made to show investigation outcome Body 9 Units (e.g. min or s) should be given only in the [heading / body] of the table. 10 The abbreviation for the unit seconds is [sec / s]. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 11 Calculate the averages for each treatment. The effect of a cell's charge time on its discharge time Time bulb shines (s) Charge time (min) Raw data (3 repetitions) A 1 4,5 ; 4,7 ; 4,6 B 2 6,0 ; 5,9 ; 5,5 C 3 6,4 ; 6,4 ; 6,7 D 4 6,9 ; 6,9 ; 6,9 E 5 7,3 ; 7,9 ; 7,0 F 6 8,1 ; 8,4 ; 7,5 Average Graph 12 Represent the findings graphically. Check. Have you: • given a suitable graph heading? • plotted the independent variable on the x ( ) axis? • plotted the indicator of the dependent variable on the y ( ) axis? • labelled each axis and given units where appropriate? • accurately plotted data points with small circled dots? • drawn a smooth trend line? Tick if done: Conclusion 13 Answer the focus question in your own words. 14 Complete for a shorter way of writing the conclusion. Increasing [independent variable] [increases / decreases / doesn't affect] [dependent variable] Discussion 15 Was your hypothesis shown to be correct or incorrect? 16 Suggest a reason for your findings, referring to the background theory. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Further investigation Design another investigation of your own, using the guidance given below. It must have a different focus question to the previous investigation. Variables Complete / Give the: 17 Independent variable. Dependent variable. A cell's discharge time. 18 Controlled variables. (Must be kept the same between treatments for a fair test.) Compared to the previous investigation, give one variable which: a must be constant between treatments here, but not previously b must not be constant between treatments here, but must be previously Focus question Complete: 19 How does [independent variable] affect ? [dependent variable] Method 20 Treatments differ in : : A: C: B: D: 21 Explain what you would do in this investigation. Table 22 Fill in headings and values showing how you will treat the treatments differently. Include units in headings where appropriate. Leave empty spaces where you could fill data in after taking measurements. A B C D CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA RATE OF ELECTROLYSIS Instructions Read this investigation information. Watch the accompanying movie section by section as you answer the questions. Perform the investigation yourself. Investigation information Apparatus Carbon electrodes. You could get these from dismantled cells. Copper chloride solution in a beaker. A power supply (e.g. battery) and connective leads. connective leads power supply carbon electrode copper chloride solution in a beaker Background theory Chlorine is a dense green gas with a characteristic sharp smell. It is a very strong oxidising agent, which makes it a powerful bleach and disinfectant. Chlorine can be produced by the electrolysis of chlorinecontaining compounds. During electrolysis, a compound may be decomposed into its component elements. This happens as electrical energy is converted into chemical energy in an electrolytic cell. An electrolytic cell consists of an external power supply (e.g. battery) connected to two electrodes which are placed in an electrolyte. The electrodes are conductive rods. An electrolyte is an ionic solution which conducts electricity. When an electric potential difference is placed across the two electrodes, a redox reaction occurs at each electrode. This redox reaction decomposes the electrolyte into its component elements or into simpler component compounds. Copper chloride solution (CuCl2(aq)) contains chloride ions (Cl -(aq)). These can be oxidised to chlorine molecules (Cl2). This is seen by bubbles of chlorine gas forming at the positively charged electrode. The electrode where oxidation occurs is called the anode. Copper chloride solution also contains copper ions (Cu2+(aq)). During the electrolytic process, these are reduced to copper atoms, which precipitate on the negatively charged electrode. The electrode where reduction occurs is called the cathode. The blue colour of the copper chloride solution becomes lighter in colour and the mass of the cathode increases as the copper ions in solution are reduced to copper which gathers on the cathode. Electrolysis rate means the extent to which electrolysis occurs in a certain time. It can be measured by the change in reactants and / or products per time. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Questions Planning possibilities Watch the movie introduction about the planning possibilities of the investigation. You want to investigate how various factors affect the rate of electrolysis. 1 Suggest various factors which might affect the rate of electrolysis and which you could alter in this investigation. These are possible independent variables. 2 Rate of electrolysis is the dependent variable for this investigation. Give possible focus questions for this investigation. These can be written in the form: How does [independent variable] affect [dependent variable]? 3 Complete for three possible indicators of the dependent variable (rate of electrolysis). Indicator of rate of If I see , I would deduce electrolysis that the rate of electrolysis was high If I see , I would deduce that the rate of electrolysis was low Watch the rest of the movie. Focus question 4 Give the focus question of the investigation performed in the movie. How does [independent variable] affect CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK ? [dependent variable] Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Treatments 5 Describe the treatments. (give a general description of what is common between the treatments) A: B: C: D: (list specific differences between the treatments) 6 In which variable do they differ from one another? (Choose.) [Dependent / Independent] Controlled variables 7 List variables which must be the same between the different treatments for a fair test. Results 8 Tabulate the results either shown in the movie, or, preferably, from your own experiment. Raw data table: Initial Electrode mass (g) Final Change Processed data table: Change in electrode mass due to copper deposition (g) Check. Have you: • completed the table headings suitably? • headed the first columns with the independent variable? • given units, where appropriate, in the headings, not body, of the table? • filled in all treatment details in the first column? • filled in initial and final mass readings (processed data table) • correctly calculated and recorded mass change values (raw and processed Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Tick if done: data tables)? CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Graph 9 Represent the findings graphically. Check. Have you: • given a suitable graph heading? • plotted the independent variable on the x ( ) axis? • plotted the indicator of the dependent variable on the y ( ) axis? • labelled each axis and given units where appropriate? • accurately plotted data and drawn a smooth trend line Tick if done: Conclusion 10 Answer the focus question in your own words. 11 Complete for a shorter way of writing the conclusion. Increasing [independent variable] [increases / decreases / doesn't affect] [dependent variable] Discussion 12 Suggest a reason for your findings, referring to the background theory. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA PROPERTIES OF FLOOR WAX Instructions • • • • Read these investigation instructions, results and theory. Watch the accompanying movie. Answer the questions. Perform the investigation yourself for enrichment. Investigation instructions and results Apparatus • Four different kinds of floor polish prepared by mixing molten candle wax in paraffin wax. Treatments differ in amount of candle wax dissolved in paraffin to make the polish: • A: 4 g candle wax / 20 ml paraffin • B: 8 g candle wax / 20 ml paraffin • C: 12 g candle wax / 20 ml paraffin • D: 16 g candle wax / 20 ml paraffin Four planks. An object to slide down the planks. A protractor. • • • polish plank sliding object protractor Method • • • • Smear some polish onto each plank. Place the sliding object on one plank at a time. Lift one end of the plank gradually until the object begins to slide. Measure the angle the plank makes to the horizontal when in this position. Results The effect of a polish's amount of candle wax on the amount of friction it gives Mass candle wax / 20ml paraffin (g) Minimum angle causing sliding ( to horizontal) Raw data (3 repetitions) Average A 4 16, 16, 16 16 B 8 20, 16, 18 18 C 12 26, 22, 30 26 D 16 46, 45, 47 46 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Background theory Candle wax is made of long-chained alkanes, and liquid paraffin of short-chained alkanes. Both are sometimes called paraffins, since they are both alkanes. Candle wax can be called paraffin wax. Alkanes are hydrocarbons with only single bonds. Hydrocarbons consist of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. Longer chained hydrocarbons have a higher viscosity than shorter chained hydrocarbons. Viscosity means resistance to flow. Long chained hydrocarbons tangle up with one another, making it difficult for them to flow over one another, making their viscosity high. Their viscosity may be so high that they cannot flow at all: they are solids, not liquids. Heating a solid can melt it. This decreases its viscosity, changing it from solid to liquid. When candle wax is melted, it can mix with paraffin. This mixture is called a solution. Friction is a force which resists motion. It results from surfaces rubbing against one another. The amount of friction is affected by how hard the two rubbing surfaces are pressed together, and how rough each surface is. Therefore the friction between an object and the surface it is resting on can be reduced by making the object lighter, tilting the surface, or by making the surfaces smoother. Some polish might make a surface smoother. Questions Variables Complete / Give the: 1 Independent variable. (Cause. What the investigator made different between the treatments.) 2 Indicator of the dependent variable. (Measurement of effect. What the investigator measures to show the investigation outcome.) 3 variable. Amount of friction the polish gives. (Effect. Different between the treatments because they had been treated differently from the start.) 4 Controlled variables (list at least three). (Must be kept the same between treatments for a fair test.) Focus question Complete: 5 How does [independent variable] affect ? [dependent variable] Theory 6 What is friction? 7 How can friction between two surfaces be reduced? 8 Why do we want polish with more friction? 9 How does candle wax differ from paraffin? Candle wax whereas paraffin CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK . Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Graph 10 Represent the findings graphically. Only plot the average values. Check. Have you: • given a suitable graph heading? • plotted the independent variable on the x ( ) axis? • plotted the indicator of the dependent variable on the y ( ) axis? • labelled each axis and given units where appropriate? • accurately plotted data points with small circled dots? • drawn a smooth trend line? Tick if done: 11 It would be wrong to make this graph's line cut the origin (0,0). Why? Interpretation 12 Circle the correct option to analyse the data. Amount of candle wax Minimum angle causing sliding Amount of friction polish gives high was found to cause a [higher / lower] sliding angle indicates low was found to cause a [higher / lower] sliding angle indicates [more / less] friction [more / less] friction 13 Interpret the results in your own words. Conclusion 14 Answer the focus question in your own words. 15 Complete for a shorter way of writing the conclusion. Increasing [independent variable] [increases / decreases / doesn't affect] Creative Commons BY-NC-SA [dependent variable] CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Discussion 16 Suggest a reason for your findings, referring to the background theory. Further investigation Design another investigation of your own, using the guidance given below. It must have a different focus question from the previous investigation. Variables Complete / Give the: 17 Independent variable. Dependent variable. Amount of friction polish gives. 18 Controlled variables. (Must be kept the same between treatments for a fair test.) Compared to the previous investigation, give one variable which: a must be constant between treatments here, but not previously b must not be constant between treatments here, but must be previously Focus question Complete: 19 How does [independent variable] affect ? [dependent variable] Method 20 Treatments differ in : A: C: B: D: Table 21 Fill in headings and values showing how you will treat the treatments differently. Include units in headings where appropriate. Leave empty spaces where you could fill in data after taking measurements. A B C D CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CELL CHARGE AND DISCHARGE MEMO Purpose • Learners are guided through the basic aspects of an experimental investigation. • Learners plan an additional investigation of their own. Suggested teaching approach Estimated time Description Resources Class time: 1 lesson Explain the necessary theory about batteries and about the scientific method. Show learners the movie or perform the investigation yourself. Discuss the investigation. Refer to: variables, focus question, hypothesis, results, conclusion, discussion. Cell charge and discharge movie Worksheet (p.39) Homework time: hour Learners answer questions 1-16 in writing. Worksheet (p.39) Class time: lesson Go through the answers to questions 1-16 with the learners. Conduct a class discussion on further investigation possibilities (questions 17-22). Note that a number of possibilities could be correct: not only the one suggested here. Memo Worksheet Homework time: hour Learners answer questions 17-22 in writing. Worksheet Check the learners' work. Additional time should be allowed if you want to perform the experiment in class. Practical tips Make sure you use a low-voltage (2,2V) bulb. An LED will also work, but takes a long time to discharge the cell. Allow the cell to charge for a while before you begin collecting data. PbO2 forms in this time. Short-circuit the cell by placing a wire across the electrodes, before each charge. Suggested answers to questions Variables 1 Independent variable. A cell's charge time. (Cause. What the investigator made different between the treatments.) 2 Indicator of the dependent variable. Time bulb shines (Measurement of effect. What the investigator measures to show the investigation outcome.) 3 Dependent variable. A cell's discharge time. (Effect. Different between the treatments because they had been treated differently from the start.) 4 Controlled variables (list at least three). (Must be kept the same between treatments for a fair test.) concentration of electrolyte (sulfuric acid solution); PD during changing; temperature; distance between electrodes; surface area of electrodes; types of substances used for electrodes and electrolyte Focus question 5 How does a cell's charge time affect its discharge time? [independent variable] [dependent variable] Hypothesis 6 Guess what the answer to the focus question might be. The learner should give his/her guess. 7 Justify your hypothesis, referring to the background theory. The learner should justify his/her hypothesis, referring to theory. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Table 8 Circle the correct options to complete general rules for drawing a table. Optional A B C Dependent variable / Independent variable / Dependent variable / Independent variable Indicator of dependent variable / Indicator of dependent variable Values showing how investigator treated treatments differently / Measurements made to show investigation outcome Values showing how investigator treated treat ments differently / Measurements made to show investigation outcome D 9 Units (e.g. min or s) should be given only in the [heading / body] of the table. 10 The abbreviation for the unit seconds is [sec / s]. 11 Calculate the averages for each treatment: The effect of a cell's charge time on its discharge time Charge time (min) Time bulb shines (s) Raw data (3 repetitions) Average A 1 4,5 ; 4,7 ; 4,6 4,6 B 2 6,0 ; 5,9 ; 5,5 5,8 C 3 6,4 ; 6,4 ; 6,7 6,5 D 4 6,9 ; 6,9 ; 6,9 6,9 E 5 7,3 ; 7,9 ; 7,0 7,4 F 6 8,1 ; 8,4 ; 7,5 8,0 Graph 12 Represent the findings graphically. Check. Has the learner: • given a suitable graph heading? • plotted the independent variable on the x ( ) axis? • plotted the indicator of the dependent variable on the y ( ) axis? • labelled each axis and given units where appropriate? • accurately plotted data points with small circled dots? • drawn a smooth trend line? Tick if done: Conclusion 13 14 Answer the focus question in your own words. The longer you charge the battery, the longer the light shines (the longer the battery can discharge). A battery's discharge time is directly proportional to its charge time. Complete for a shorter way of writing the conclusion. Increasing a cell's charge time[increases / decreases / doesn't affect] its discharge time. Discussion 15 Was your hypothesis shown to be correct or incorrect? Depends on learner's hypothesis. 16 Suggest a reason for your findings, referring to the background theory. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA The charging process restores chemicals to the state they need to be in to restart the discharge process. The longer the charging time the more chemicals can be restored to the state needed for the discharge process, and therefore the longer the subsequent discharge time can be. Of course, this is only up to a point. If the battery is already fully charged with all its chemicals restored to the state ready for discharge then charging it longer doesn't help: it won't discharge for longer because it has reached its capacity already. We can also explain this in terms of energy. Charging converts electrical to chemical energy. This chemical energy can then be converted back into electrical energy during discharging. The longer the period of charging, the more electrical energy is stored as chemical energy, and therefore the more chemical energy is present to be able to be converted back into electrical energy during discharging. Again, this is only up to a limit. Further investigation: Possible answer Design another investigation of your own, using the guidance given below. It must have a different focus question to the previous investigation. Note that there are other answers which could be correct too. Variables Complete / Give the: 17 Independent variable. A cell's electrolyte concentration Dependent variable. A cell's discharge time. 18 Controlled variables. (Must be kept the same between treatments for a fair test.) Compared to the previous investigation, give one variable which: a must be constant between treatments here, but not previously the cell's charge time. b must not be constant between treatments here, but must be previously the electrolyte concentration (or whatever learner chose as their dependent variable here). Focus question Complete: 19 How does a cell's electrolyte concentration affect [independent variable] its discharge time? [dependent variable] Method 20 Treatments differ in: electrolyte concentration Note: these values are only suggestions: any reasonable values are acceptable: A: 0,1 M H2SO4(aq) C: 1 M H2SO4(aq) B: 0,5 M H2SO4(aq) D: 1,5 M H2SO4(aq) 21 Explain what you would do in this investigation. Mix different concentrations of sulfuric acid solutions. Charge each cell for a certain amount of time (e.g. 1 minute). Record the time for discharge for each cell. Table 22 Fill in headings and values showing how you will treat the treatments differently. Include units in headings where appropriate. Leave empty spaces where you could fill data in after taking measurements. The effect of a cell's electrolyte concentration on its discharge time Electrolyte concentration (M) A 0,1 B 0,5 C 1 D 1,5 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Time bulb shines (s) CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK RATE OF ELECTROLYSIS MEMO Purpose • Learners design, perform, and report on an experimental investigation using readily-available equipment. Structure • During the first part of the worksheet and movie learners explore numerous investigation possibilities, and think through the design of these possible experiments. During the last part of the movie, learners observe how to perform a specific investigation. After this, they should preferably practically perform this investigation, or any of the other variations they had previously planned. Alternatively, they could complete the worksheet by referring to what was done in the movie. Suggested teaching approach Estimated time Description Resources Class time: 1 lesson Explore planning possibilities. Discuss set-up and theory. Set up electrolytic cells. Either prescribe a specific investigation to perform, e.g. that performed in the movie, or give learners the freedom to investigate any feasible question from those previously discussed. Rate of electrolysis movie Electrodes, CuCl2, cells, wires, scale Homework: lesson Learners answer questions 1-7 in writing. Worksheet (pp.43-46) Overnight Allow to stand for about 2 hours. Remove cathodes from the electrolytes. Allow to dry overnight. Well ventilated area Class time: 1 lesson Collect data. Learners answer questions 8-12 in writing. Scale Worksheet Class time: lesson Go through answers. Memo Practical preparation and tips • You need: carbon rods (you could get these from dismantled batteries), copper chloride solution electrolyte in a beaker, a power supply (e.g. battery) and connective leads. • If you cannot get copper chloride, use blue window cleaner. • To measure electrode mass, you need a mass scale. Be sure to measure each cathode's initial • mass and to mark each one clearly. Be careful not to dislodge any copper from the cathodes during or after the experiment. Allow to dry thoroughly before measuring the final masses. Electrolyte colour change is a poor practical indicator of rate of electrolysis of CuCl2(aq), since it is very difficult to see the difference between most colour changes which might occur. Suggested answers to questions Planning possibilities Watch the movie introduction about the planning possibilities of the investigation. You want to investigate how various factors affect the rate of electrolysis. 1 Suggest various factors which might affect the rate of electrolysis, which you could alter in this investigation. These are possible independent variables. temperature of solution, concentration of solution, time left in solution, potential difference used, surface area of electrodes, distance between electrodes, volume of solution 2 Rate of electrolysis is the dependent variable for this investigation. Give possible focus questions for this investigation. These can be written in the form: How does [independent variable] affect [dependent variable]? How does temperature of solution affect rate of electrolysis? CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA How How How How How How does does does does does does concentration of solution affect rate of electrolysis? time left in solution affect rate of electrolysis? potential difference used affect rate of electrolysis? surface area of electrodes affect rate of electrolysis? distance between electrodes affect rate of electrolysis? volume of solution affect rate of electrolysis? 3 Complete for three possible indicators of the dependent variable (rate of electrolysis): Indicator of electrolysis rate If I see , I would deduce that the rate of electrolysis was high If I see , I would deduce that the rate of electrolysis was low colour of solution after a certain time pale blue after e.g. 2,5 hours still dark blue after e.g. 2,5 hours volume of chlorine gas formed in a certain time much chlorine gas would be formed in e.g. 5 minutes. little chlorine gas would be formed in e.g. 5 minutes. mass of copper precipitated electrode would have gained a lot of electrode would have gained little on electrode in a certain mass, due to copper precipitation, in mass, due to copper precipitation, time e.g. 2,5 hours. in e.g. 2,5 hours. Watch the rest of the movie. Focus question 4 Give the focus question of the investigation performed on the movie. How does potential difference affect rate of electrolysis? Treatments 5 Describe the treatments. Four electrolytic cells are used, with the following potential differences across their electrodes: A: 1,5V B: 3V C: 4,5V D: 6V 6 In which variable do they differ from one another? (Choose:) [Dependent / Independent] Controlled variables 7 List variables which must be the same between the different treatments for a fair test: temperature of solution, concentration of solution, time left in solution, surface area of electrodes, distance between electrodes, volume of solution Tables 8 Tabulate the results either shown in the movie, or, preferably, from your own experiment. Note: if learners use data from their own experiment, then their values will differ from those given here. Raw data table: The effect of potential difference on rate of electrolysis Potential difference (V) Electrode mass (g) Initial Final Change 1,5 6,50 6,90 0,40 3 6,50 7,33 0,83 4,5 6,51 7,93 1,42 6 6,57 8,17 1,60 Processed data table: The effect of potential difference on rate of electrolysis Potential difference (V) Change in electrode mass due to copper deposition (g) 1,5 0,40 3 0,83 4,5 1,42 6 1,60 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Check. Has the learner: • completed the table headings suitably? • headed the first columns with the independent variable? • given units, where appropriate, in the headings, not body, of the table? • filled in all treatment details in the first column? • filled in initial and final mass readings (processed data table) • correctly calculated and recorded mass change values (raw and processed Tick if done: data tables)? Graph 9 Represent the findings graphically. Check. Has the learner: • given a suitable graph heading? • plotted the independent variable on the x ( ) axis? • plotted the indicator of the dependent variable on the y ( ) axis? • labelled each axis and given units where appropriate? • accurately plotted data and drawn a smooth trend line? Tick if done: Conclusion 10 Answer the focus question in your own words. A higher potential difference causes the electrolytic reaction rate to be higher. 11 Complete for a shorter way of writing the conclusion: Increasing potential difference [increases / decreases / doesn't affect] rate of electrolysis. [independent variable] [dependent variable] Discussion 12 Suggest a reason for your findings, referring to the background theory. A higher potential difference is associated with a greater delivery of electrical energy to the circuit. In an electrolytic cell electrical energy is converted into chemical energy. A higher rate of delivery of electrical energy to the cell results in a higher rate of chemical reaction. Therefore the rate of electrolysis increases with an increased potential difference. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA PROPERTIES OF FLOOR WAX MEMO Purpose • Learners are guided through the basic aspects of an experimental investigation. • Learners plan an additional investigation of their own. Suggested teaching approach Estimated time Description Class time: 1 lesson Resources Explain the necessary theory about wax and about the scien- Properties of floor wax movie tific method. Show learners the movie or perform the investigation yourself. Worksheet (p.47-50) Discuss the investigation. Refer to: variables, focus question, hypothesis, results, conclusion, discussion. Homework: lesson Learners answer questions 1-16 in writing. Worksheet Class time: 1 lesson Go through the answers to questions 1-16 with the learners. Conduct a class discussion on further investigation possibilities (questions 17-22). Note that a number of possibilities could be correct, not only the one suggested here. Memo Worksheet Homework: lesson Learners complete worksheet questions 17-22. Worksheet Check learners' work. Additional time should be allowed if you wish to perform the experiment in class. Practical preparation and tips • You need: a candle, paraffin, a measuring cylinder, a stove / hot plate, heat-resistant containers (e.g. beakers) containers to store the polish in, cloths, planks, a protractor, a sliding object. • If you cut a standard candle into 1cm strips, each piece will have a mass of approximately 4g. • Do not heat the paraffin. Add hot, molten candle wax to the paraffin and mix. • You will probably find quite a lot of variation in your data. You will also probably find it difficult to decide when to stop tilting the plank, especially for the higher wax content polishes. This provides an excellent opportunity for you to discuss limitations, experimental error, variation in data, reliability and validity, with your learners. Suggested answers to questions Variables 1 Independent variable. A polish's amount of candle wax (Cause. What the investigator made different between the treatments.) 2 Indicator of the dependent variable. Minimum angle causing sliding (Measurement of effect. What the investigator measures to show the investigation outcome.) 3 Dependent variable. Amount of friction the polish gives (Effect. Different between the treatments because they had been treated differently from the start.) 4 Controlled variables (list at least three). (Must be kept the same between treatments for a fair test.) Thickness of layer of polish applied. Mass of sliding objects. Material type and degree of smoothness of planks. Temperature. Material type and degree of smoothness of sliding objects' bottom surfaces. Focus question 5 How does a polish's amount of candle wax affect the amount of friction the polish gives? Theory 6 What is friction? A force which resists motion. 7 How can friction between two surfaces be reduced? By making the object lighter, tilting the surface, or by making the surfaces smoother. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK 8 Why do we want polish with more friction? Friction reduces slipping. We want to shine and waterproof a floor with polish, but don't want this to make us slip. 9 How does candle wax differ from paraffin? - Candle wax consists of longer hydrocarbon chains. - whereas paraffin wax consists of shorter hydrocarbon chains. Graph 10 Represent the findings graphically. Check. Has the learner: • given a suitable graph heading? • plotted the independent variable on the x ( ) axis? • plotted the indicator of the dependent variable on the y ( ) axis? • labelled each axis and given units where appropriate? • accurately plotted data points with small circled dots? • drawn a smooth trend line? Tick if done: 11 It would be wrong to make this graph's line cut the origin (0,0). Why? The sliding object would not slide at 0 to the horizontal if the polish contained 0g candle wax. Interpretation 12 Circle the correct option to analyse the data. Amount of candle wax Minimum angle causing sliding Amount of friction polish gives high was found to cause a [higher / lower] sliding angle indicates [ more / less ] friction low was found to cause a [higher / lower] sliding angle indicates [ more / less ] friction 13 Interpret the results in your own words. The more candle wax there is in the polish the more friction the polish gives. Conclusion 14 Answer the focus question in your own words. In learner's words. E.g. More candle wax, more friction. 15 Complete for a shorter way of writing the conclusion. Increasing a polish's amount of candle wax [increases / decreases / doesn't affect] the amount of friction the polish gives. Discussion 16 Suggest a reason for your findings, referring to the background theory. The candle wax consists of longer-chained hydrocarbons. It is therefore more viscous than the paraffin, and so is more sticky, and therefore gives more friction. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Further investigation: Possible answer Design another investigation of your own, using the guidance given below. It must have a different focus question from the previous investigation. Note that there are other answers which could be considered correct too. Variables Complete / Give the: 17 Independent variable. Temperature Dependent variable. Amount of friction polish gives. 18 Controlled variables. (Must be kept the same between treatments for a fair test.) Compared to the previous investigation, give one variable which: a must be constant between treatments here, but not previously. amount of candle wax compared to paraffin b must not be constant between treatments here, but must be previously temperature (or whatever learner chose as their dependent variable here). Focus question Complete: 19 How does temperature affect [independent variable] amount of friction polish gives? [dependent variable] Method 20 Treatments differ in : temperature Note: these values are only suggestions: any reasonable values are acceptable: A: 10C C: 50C B: 25C D: 80C Table Fill in headings and values showing how you will treat the treatments differently. Include units in headings where appropriate. Leave empty spaces where you could fill data in after taking measurements. The effect of floor polish's temperature on the amount of friction it gives Temperature (C) A 10 B 25 C 50 D 80 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Minimum angle causing sliding ( to horizontal) CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK GLOSSARY Activation energy The energy required to start a reaction. Adsorption A process where something bonds to a solid. Alkali Soluble base. Has a pH greater than 7. Tastes bitter and feels soapy. Alkane A hydrocarbon which has only single bonds. Alkene A hydrocarbon with one double bond between two of its carbon atoms. Anode An electrode at which oxidation occurs. Apparatus Equipment. Battery A group of voltaic cells. Bleach Colour-remover. Boiling point Temperature at which a substance boils. Equals its condensation point. Brine Salt water. Dissociated sodium ions and chloride ions surrounded by water. Catalyst A chemical which speeds up a reaction by lowering the reaction's activation energy. It is not used up by the reaction. Cathode An electrode at which reduction occurs. Chlorine A dense green gas which is useful as bleach and disinfectant. Chloralkali industry The industry which manufactures chlorine and sodium hydroxide from the electrolysis of sodium chloride. Closed (Chemical system) Chemicals do not either enter or leave the system. Conclusion The answer to an investigation's question, as shown by the investigation's data. Might be written as: [dependent variable] [increases/decreases] with increased [independent variable]. Condensation Changing from the gaseous to the liquid phase. Contact Process The industrial process by which sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is formed from sulfur, oxygen and water. Controlled variable Variable which is kept the same between treatments for the whole investigation. Cannot be the independent or dependent variables. Crude oil A mixture of hydrocarbons of various lengths. Crude oil is mined. Later it is separated into its components, e.g. by distillation. Data Measurements. Dependent variable Effect. Variable which becomes different between the treatments because they had been treated differently from the start. Desorption A process where something separates from a solid. Detergent An inorganic chemical which is able to make fat dissolve in water. Diaphragm A dividing membrane. Made of asbestos in the diaphragm cell. Diesel A mixture of hydrocarbons having 12-18 carbon atoms per molecule. Fuel. Direct Proportion As the independent variable is increased, the dependent variable increases by the same factor. Discussion A written discussion of the trends in the data, and a suggested explanation, in terms of the background theory. Disinfectant Germ killer. Dissociation Breaking apart. Distillation The process of separating a mixture due to components different boiling points. Distillation column A large container which is hottest at the bottom, and gets cooler and cooler with height. Used for distillation. Dynamic equilibrium A state which can be reached when a reversible reaction occurs in a closed system. Both the forward and reverse reactions occur at the same rate as one another. The amounts of reactants and products remain constant. Electrode A site at which the redox reactions of an electrochemical cell occur. Often a rod. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Electrolysis A non-spontaneous chemical reaction in which a compound is broken down into simpler component substances as an electric current passes through it. Electrolyte An ionic solution. Such a solution is able to conduct electricity. Electrolytic cell Consists of an external power source (e.g. battery), connected to two electrodes placed in an electrolyte. Electrical energy is converted to chemical energy. Endothermic A reaction which absorbs more energy than it releases. Exothermic A reaction which releases more energy than it absorbs. Experimental investigation A way of finding an answer to a cause-effect question. Two or more treatments are used. These differ only in the independent variable at the start. Because of this they might get to differ in the dependent variable, which is measured. Fischer-Tropsch reaction The second step in making hydrocarbons, e.g. petrol, from coal. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen react to form water and hydrocarbons. Focus question A question which guides everything done in an experimental investigation. Might be written as: How does [independent variable] affect [dependent variable]? Gasification The first step in making hydrocarbons, e.g. petrol, from coal. Carbon dioxide and water vapour react to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas. Haber Process The industrial process by which ammonia (NH3) is formed from N2 and H2. Halogen Very reactive non-metals found next to the noble gases on the periodic table. Hydrocarbon An organic compound consisting only of bonded hydrogen and carbon atoms. Hydrocracking Hydrogen reacts with long-chained hydrocarbons, in the presence of a catalyst, to split the hydrocarbon into shorter chains. Hydrophilic 'Water loving'. Attracted to water. Hydrophobic 'Water fearing'. Repelled by water. Hypothesis A guessed answer to the focus question. It must be informed by background theory. It is then tested by doing an experimental investigation. Independent variable Cause. Variable the investigator makes different between the treatments from the start. Indicator A specific way of varying, measuring or showing up a general variable. Inert Unreactive. Inverse proportion As the independent variable is increased, the dependent variable decreases by the same factor. Ionic bridge An ionic solution connecting the two half cells in a voltaic cell. Necessary for a complete electric circuit and to prevent the build-up of ions in either half cell. Kerosene A mixture of hydrocarbons with 9-14 C atoms per molecule. Aeroplane (jet) fuel. Le Chatelier's Principle When a system which is in equilibrium is disturbed, it will respond in such a way as to counteract the disturbance. Lead acid battery A car battery. A secondary cell with lead and lead dioxide electrodes in a sulfuric acid electrolyte. Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) A mixture of hydrocarbons having 3-4 carbon atoms per molecule. Sold as bottled gas for heating and cooking. Membrane A thin sheet or film which lets only certain ions through. Mercury A poisonous silver metal which is a liquid at room temperature. Mercury cell A chlor-alkali cell which has a mercury cathode. Method Steps followed to find an answer to a focus question in an investigation. Mixture Consists of two or more pure substances not chemically bonded to one another. Monomer A building block which is repeated multiple times within a polymer. Nitrate A compound containing the compound ion NO3-. Can be absorbed by plants. Nitrite A compound containing the compound ion NO2-. Can be absorbed by plants. Nitrogen An element which is found in all proteins. Exists in the elemental form as N2, which forms 78% of air. Plants cannot absorb N2. Non-polar Having no distortion in electron distribution. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Non-spontaneDoes not happen on its own. ous Ostwald Process The industrial process by which nitric acid (HNO3) is formed from ammonia (NH3) and oxygen (O2) Oxidation A half reaction in which one chemical loses electrons to another chemical. Oxidising agent A chemical which causes another to get oxidised while it is itself reduced. Petrol A mixture of hydrocarbons having 5-10 carbon atoms per molecule. Fuel. Polar Polymer Having a distortion in electron distribution. Having + and - ends. A long-chained organic compound made of many monomers bonded together. Polymerisation The process of forming a polymer from many reacting monomers. Pressure Force per area. In gases, pressure is related to the rate at which particles hit against the sides of their container. Measured in bars, atmospheres (atm), kiloPascals (kPa) and millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). Primary cell A voltaic cell which cannot be recharged. Pure substance A substance which has its own chemical and physical properties. May be an element or a compound. Redox A kind of reaction in which electrons are transferred. Reducing agent A chemical which causes another to get reduced while it is itself oxidised. Reduction A half reaction in which one chemical gains electrons from another chemical. Reversible A reaction which can occur in both the forward and reverse directions. Secondary cell A rechargeable cell. Voltaic during discharging. Electrolytic during charging. Semipermeable Allows some substances through but blocks others. Soap An organic chemical able to make fat dissolve in water. Made from animal fat and sodium hydroxide. Molecules have hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails. Sodium hydroxide A strong alkali (soluble base). Can be used to make soap. Also called caustic soda. Spontaneous Happens on its own: without needing to be heated, for example. STP Standard temperature and pressure: 273 K and 101,3 kPa. A reference state. Temperature A measure of particles' average kinetic energy. Measured in degrees Celsius (C) or Kelvin (K). Treatments Groups which are treated differently in one way (the independent variable) at the start of an investigation. There must always be at least two treatments in an experiment. Uniform scale A scale with equally spaced increases, e.g. 5 kg increase every centimetre. Unit Measurement scale, e.g. seconds (s). Variables Properties which may vary (change) in quantity (how much) and / or quality (what like). Viscosity Resistance to flow Voltaic cell An electrochemical cell which converts chemical to electrical energy. A spontaneous chemical reaction creates a potential difference. x-axis Horizontal axis. y-axis Vertical axis. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This teacher's guide was written under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License. This means that you are free: • to share to copy, distribute and transmit the work. • to remix to adapt the work. However, the following conditions apply: • Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). • Non-commercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. • Share alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. More information on this copyright restriction is available from: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/za/ If you adapt any part of the teacher's guide, please include the following in your version: "Adapted from the Chemical Industries Resource Pack. 2010. University of Cape Town". The learner information sheets, posters, periodic table, animations and movies are under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license. This means that you are not allowed to make any changes to it in addition to the restrictions described above. For more information about this copyright license, please visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/za/. This resource pack includes registered trademarks and logos which are protected by law. You may not reproduce the trademark or logo except when saving or printing a copy of the material as permitted by the Copyright Notice. Please do not include the trademarks or logos in subsequent modifications of the material. DISCLAIMER The information included was obtained from public sources. At the time of writing we made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the content included. We would appreciate it if you could bring any inaccuracies to our attention. We have made every effort to obtain permission to reprint and distribute the content included in this resource pack for non-commercial educational purposes. Please contact us if you feel that we have included material that infringes the copyright restrictions placed upon it. This resource pack is intended for use in secondary schools. We do not accept any responsibility for incorrect or inappropriate use. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK THE PEOPLE BEHIND THIS RESOURCE PACK • Mrs Ren Toerien, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, was the project coordinator. • Associate Professor Jenni Case, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, supervised the project and gave valuable input into the resource pack as a whole. • The team of technical experts at the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Cape • • • • • • • Town who gave valuable input into the contents of the pack: Professor Eric van Steen Associate Professor Michael Claeys Mr Stephen Roberts Dr Rein Weber The team of technical experts at Sasol who gave valuable input into the contents of the pack: Mrs Marsja Hall-Green, Sasol Group Corporate Affairs Mrs Cynthia Malinga, Sasol Corporate Social Investment Ms Katherine Gunningham, Sasol Technology Dr Tracy Bromfield, Sasol Technology Mrs Sudika Harkhu and Dr Hein Kruger, Sasol Infrachem Mr Sibusiso Luvuno, Boitjhorisong Resource Centre Dr Rufus Wesi, Osizweni Resource Centre Dr Angela Stott, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, contributed to the teacher's guide, quizzes, laboratory movies and animations as part of her postdoctoral work. Dr Margaret Blackie, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, developed some of the investigations as part of her postdoctoral work. Mr Lance Job was responsible for collating the information for the learner sheets and posters. Rothko was responsible for the professional design and layout of the resource pack. Dr Elvera Viljoen from Vera4Art designed all the animations and provided technical input into the contents of the pack. Many Physical Science teachers who participated in the trials and workshops, offered help, shared ideas and gave encouraging comments. THE SPONSORS This project would not have been possible without the generous financial contribution of our sponsors: CONTACT INFORMATION Mrs Ren Toerien Schools Project Coordinator University of Cape Town, Department of Chemical Engineering, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701 Tel: 021 650 5527/2518 Fax: 021 650 5501 Email: rene.toerien@uct.ac.za CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES RESOURCE PACK Creative Commons BY-NC-SA