public education excellence award
public education excellence award
PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 1.) STATEMENT OF INTENT In order to raise the community’s compliance with the environmental laws and to develop changes in behavior towards solid waste management, in 2005, the Senate of Puerto Rico created an annual pro-active educational activity known as “The Environmental Forum”. The idea was to get the community deeply involved in this goal through an active participation of younger generations. Participant students were to become the pioneers of such entrepreneurship by creating and writing new proposals for laws that would raise awareness among their peers and the community as a whole. By encouraging the students’ participation in creating environmental laws, the Senate would be able to extend to a larger number of people, the government’s commitment for reduction and effective management of natural resources. In the Forum, students from both the private and public educational system had the opportunity to present proposals that could be considered for the enactment of new legislation and/or amendment of existing environmental laws. The students would not only be exposed to governmental proceedings of enacting laws but would also become the architects behind future legislations aimed at managing landfills, reducing waste, recycling programs, and other environmental affairs. Aside from all these purposes, this Forum was an encouragement for emerging new leaders, improving our environmental legislation, creating awareness related to environmental issues, as well as current public policy challenges and its possible solutions. The Senate was successful not only at this goal but, through the Forum, others government offices were inspired to create similar events and activities among private companies. 2|SENATE OF PUERTO RICO / ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 2.) RESEARCH/PLANNING Prior to 2005, the Senate conducted summer camps for the children of its employees. The themes were focused on the environment with activities that included beach cleaning, tree planting, visits to landfills and recycling plants, cleaning illegal dumps in the city, ecotourism, composting plans, sustainable agriculture, among others. Art events were planned around raising awareness about the importance of preserving natural resources and recycling. Walls around the Senate grounds were decorated with art themes through which participants were encouraged to promote and highlight recycling programs at the Senate building offices with brochures and posters. Throughout the duration of the camp and through the upcoming months, there was an increase in the employees’ participation in the Senate Recycling Program. For example, prior to 2003, about 450 telephone books were recycled per year. However, after the camps were established, phone book recycling was reduced to approximately 200 a year due to the incorporation of a phone directory program in each of the Senate’s computers. Not only was the volume reduced, but the operational costs were brought down as there was no need to purchase new phone directories. In 2004, more than 68 pieces of electronic equipment (pcs, printers, monitors, scanners, etc.) furniture, and automobiles were donated to vocational schools. Paper consumption was significantly reduced and over 85 pounds of paper was recycled; 50% more than previous years. The Senate’s executive restaurant-Senate members only- changed from disposable dinnerware to reusable utensils. Overall attitude of Senate employees was transformed as they became much more aware of the environmental challenges that we face as densely populated country. When the Senate’s staff saw the educational and motivational effects these camps had in the first participants, whom, as stated earlier, were limited to relatives of the Senate’s employees, an idea was hatched to organize and 3|SENATE OF PUERTO RICO / ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 establish an event to include other students so that they too could contribute in improving the existing and future laws related to the environment. It was understood that early involvement of future generations in environmental policy, such commitment to the subject matter would serve to involve their parents and their respective communities. These adolescents would become activists and promoters for future laws, aiding in changing their communities’ attitudes toward managing and reducing solid waste, increasing recycling, and protecting natural resources. At first, the activity was to be named “Senate Environmental Forum”. As part of the event’s organization, and in order to have all telephone numbers and addresses of all of the schools in Puerto Rico, an effort was made, with the assistance of the Department of Public Education, the Association of Private Schools and Catholic Schools Diocese, to create a master document including all contact information for the thousands of public and private schools that operate on the island. In order to promote the forum with a limited budget, the support of the media was necessary. The major newspaper on the island, El Nuevo Día, includes an educational section dealing with the island’s school system, known as ENDE (“El Nuevo Día Educador”). As part of the forum planning efforts, newspaper representatives were contacted and met with the Senate Recycling Group to discuss the forum. After a series of meetings, “El Nuevo Día” became one of the forum’s sponsors providing media coverage to attract public participation. The forum would establish three awards; first, second, and third place. The 3 finalists were to receive cash prizes of $500, $300, and $150, as well as trophies. The winner group would work with staff of the Senate’s Environment Committee chair person to submit legislation proposals to be considered by the legislative body as a whole. This process would allow 4|SENATE OF PUERTO RICO / ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 students the opportunity to understand and directly participate in the lawmaking process in Puerto Rico. In order to subsidize the awards’ costs, a private recycling company was contacted for support and assistance. The company became the second promoter for the event, contributing with cash prizes, costs and the purchase of the trophies. This company had the opportunity to take part in the panel of judges that evaluated the proposals and selected the winners. 5|SENATE OF PUERTO RICO / ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 3.) IMPLEMENTATION/EXECUTION The rules for participation established that the forum would be open to both public and private system students from seventh to twelfth grade and between the ages of 12 to 19. These students were invited to submit proposals to tackle problems related to: 1. management and reduction of solid wastes, 2. recycling in all forms, 3. protection of the beaches, rivers and lakes, 4. appropriate management of natural resources, 5. new alternatives of recycling, 6. reuse of materials, 7. amendments to existing laws, 8. new legislation regulating sanitary landfills, illegal dumps, among others, 9. legislation aimed at solving contamination of water, air, land, 10. Legislative proposals related to the construction of dwellings in ways to a green Puerto Rico, 11. Methods and mechanisms for recycling of resources, and/or resources use reduction, among others. In order to give the participants enough time for research and preparation, the forum was announced three (3) months in advance through “El Nuevo Dia”, and through letters sent to the different school administrations. Municipalities Recycling Offices of each of Puerto Rico’s 78 municipalities were also contacted. An application deadline was established for submitting the projects and for the announcement of the five (5) selected finalists. Applicants were to present a proposal for government legislation related to the aforementioned themes. A limit of one proposal per school was established. As part of the applicants’ school administration inner process, the school would choose the most innovative, comprehensive and thorough proposal. The project allowed for individual participation, that is, presented by a single student, or by group. The latter was limited to six (6) students. All participants whether single or in a group, had to have a sponsor teacher. The chosen parties were to present their proposed piece of legislation through different audiovisual resources before the Senate’s Committee evaluating group. Participants had to present their research, 6|SENATE OF PUERTO RICO / ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 findings, data, and methods of investigation. Likewise, they had to present the effect and costs that such proposal would have in its implementation, and execution, the public agencies involved as part of the policy’s goals and the impact on the community as a whole. Out of all the submitted applications, the evaluating Committee was to choose five finalists. These five finalists would have the opportunity to present their proposals before the Committee. The participating schools chosen as finalists had to notify its intention to participate at the forum and of the media and audiovisuals resources needed to present their project. Each presentation was allocated 30 minutes before the evaluating committee. The winners would be announced by the evaluating committee in the same day that the activity was held. Group members of the selected projects, along with their sponsor teacher(s), were to be invited as guests to a lunch with different Senators on the day of the presentation. 7|SENATE OF PUERTO RICO / ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 4.) RESULTS / EVALUATION In the first year, 98 applications were received before the deadline. In future years, close to 300 participations were received per year. In spite of the fact that some of the applications were not selected as finalists, their suggestions and ideas helped shape the Senate’s notion for the need of legislation related to our environment. For the first year, the winning proposal suggested the establishment of an environmental curriculum for all high schools as part of their graduation requirements. At the experimental stage of the proposal, this course would last one semester per year, beginning at the 7th grade. The goal was to establish an environmental course, per semester, for grades K to 12. Said curriculum was established by the Notre Dame Catholic School in 2006. Likewise, the Public Education Department incorporated special environmental education programs with educational manuals and audiovisual tools for school use. The Solid Waste Authority of Puerto Rico has also established an Environmental Education Programs for teachers to incorporate environmental themes/discussions in the classrooms. 8|SENATE OF PUERTO RICO / ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 2006 Notre Dame Catholic School Representatives presenting proposal in front of the Senate Committee The second year winner presented an idea to enact a coastal environmental law aimed at preventing the construction of any building or complex from a certain distance from the coast line and to levy a tax for those buildings invading the coastal line. This tax would be used to fund repairing and maintenance for beaches and coral-eco systems. Miguelina Pomales, first at right corner, member of the winner team died next year in a drunk-driving accident The third year winning project was from a seventh grader who proposed the establishment of an Eco Educational Garden at every regionmunicipality of Puerto Rico with the assistance of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The idea at the core of this project was to create a place where visitors could experiment and learn about composting, sustainable agriculture, proper way to plant trees, eco-friendly fertilization, conditioning of soil, among others matters. This would serve as the base to enact legislation mandating sustainable agriculture practices at homes and communities. 9|SENATE OF PUERTO RICO / ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 The seventh grader winner impressed the Committee with her self-confidence and knowledge of sustainable agriculture. Other winning project promoted the idea of regulating and limiting the period of time that vehicles are allowed to be parked while its engine is running, therefore reducing gas emissions. One member of this group noted as part of their introduction: “Members of the Senate: this is our first experience visiting you, and we greatly appreciate the opportunity given to us to voice what should be our community responsibility in aiding to find reasonable measures to protect our natural resources and environment.” Another of the winners highlighted the topic of gas emission control through the regulation of vehicle traffic through a mechanism by which cars ending with a specific license plate number can circulate only on certain days, as it has been implemented in other countries, thus encouraging carpooling to work and school. 10 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 Students from San German Catholic School presented the idea titled “Reducing Gas Emissions” by turning off parked vehicles instead of leaving the engines running while waiting. At the first forum, only students and teachers attended. However, in the following years, meetings and conferences were held at the Senate’s main building conference room since members of the community, Senate employees, as well as school faculty and students, and parents were in attendance. The experience for these students, many of whom visited the Senate for the first time, allowed them to learn about the legislative procedures behind the enactment of laws, while involving themselves directly in the crafting of environmental public policy. The competitive nature of the forum encouraged the participants to study and analyze existing laws, conduct intensive research on environment related topics, among other “green” worldwide trends. 11 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 Through each and every step of the project, from research to final presentation, leadership was encouraged and community proactive movement was created. 12 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 5.) NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS AND ARTICLES REGARDING THE SENATE ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM The newspaper El Nuevo Día advertises the Forum. 13 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 The newspaper El Nuevo Día announces the finalists and the winners. 14 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 The newspaper El Nuevo Día advertises the second Environmental Forum as a total success. 15 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 The newspaper El Nuevo Día announces the finalists at the Second Environmental Forum and the winners. 16 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 The newspaper El Nuevo Día announces the death of one of the participants at the first Forum by a hit and run and at the same time announces the Third Environmental Forum and publishes the participation rules and deadlines. 17 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M PUBLIC EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD 2011 Sample of logo that was placed at the trophies given to the winners. 18 | S E N A T E O F P U E R T O R I C O / E N V I R O N M E N T A L F O R U M