Viburnum - Waverly Farm
Viburnum - Waverly Farm
Viburnum V iburnum is believed to be from well over 150 species. A significant few have earned their presence in horticultural production. Most of the Viburnum grown today are hybrids, selected for flower color and fragrance, fall color, hardiness and size or shape. In most of their growing range they are almost pest free, some with deer resistance, which suits them well for the modern low maintenance landscape. October October, ~42” Viburnum ‘Alleghany’ August August May May October June, ~42” June, ~42” Viburnum ‘Blue Muffin’ Viburnum x burkwoodii October October, ~42” October, ~48” Viburnum ‘Cayuga’ Viburnum ‘Chesapeake’ May May, ~40” May November, ~30” Sprd Viburnum carlcephalum May Viburnum carlesii ‘Compactum’ May, ~42`” Viburnum carlesii ‘Diana’ October, ~48” Viburnum ‘Mohawk’ June, ~54” Viburnum ‘Eskimo’ November Viburnum ‘Mariesii’ November October, ~36” November, ~36” Viburnum nudum 1931 Greenfield Rd. Adamstown MD 21710 Viburnum nudum ‘Winterthur’ office: (301) 874-8300 November August October May, ~54” Viburnum plicatum ‘Popcorn’ email: or May, ~5’ Viburnum rhytidophyllum September, ~5’ May May, ~6’ Viburnum rhytidophyllum ‘Cree’ Viburnum ‘Summer Snowflake’ May, ~36” Viburnum pragense Name Description Viburnum ‘Alleghany’ Leatherleaf. Upright branching, somewhat open with age. Leaves are large, rough textured, gray-green, and always clean and healthy looking. Yellow-white flowers and bright red fall fruit. Viburnum ‘Shoshone’ USDA zone Height Compact selection of Arrowwood Viburnum, loaded with white flowers in spring and bright blue clusters of fruit in winter. Specimen, low hedge, or foundation plant. Lustrous black-green leaves. Flowers pink in bud opening to white in Viburnum x burkwoodii April; spicy, aromatic fragrance; fragrance will permeate the garden. Tolerates urban pollution and extremes of heat and cold. Dark green leaves with slight polish. Distinct for producing abundant Viburnum ‘Cayuga’ inflorescences; pink buds open to white flowers in late April. A highly valued landscape shrub especially where a smaller Viburnum is desired. Compact, mounded. Leathery, lustrous dark green leaves with Viburnum ‘Chesapeake’ persistent foliage. Pink buds open to slightly fragrant white flowers. Evergreen in MD in protected sites. “Fragrant Viburnum”- has open and loose habit. Dark green foliage Viburnum carlcephalum in summer, reddish purple in fall. Pink buds open to white, fragrant flowers; flowers late. Viburnum carlesii One of the best dwarf clones available. Dark green leaves. Fragrant white flowers. This plant is always in short supply. ‘Compactum’ Viburnum ‘Blue Muffin’ Width 4–8 10–12’ 10–12’ 3–7 5–7’ 5–7’ 4–8 8–10’ 6–8’ 4–8 5’ 5’ 4–8 5–6’ 10’ 5–8 6–10’ (15’) 6–8’ 4–8 2–3 1/2’ 2–3 1/2’ Viburnum carlesii ‘Diana’ Compact habit. Young leaves tinged purple. Red buds open and fade to pink, very fragrant. 4-8 4-5’ (8’) 4-8’ Viburnum ‘Eskimo’ Compact shrub, semi-evergreen. Flat, dark green leaves. Pale cream buds etched with pink opens to white; very prolific bloomer. 6-8 8-10’ 6-8’ 4–8 15’ 15’ 4–8 7’ 7–8’ 5–8 5’ 5’ 5–8 5’ 5’ 5-7 10-15’ 10-15’ 8-10’ 8-10’ Viburnum ‘Mariesii’ Viburnum ‘Mohawk’ Viburnum ‘Winterthur’ Fast growing to 6’ in 5-6 years, horizontal habit. Dark green healthy leaves turn reddish purple in fall. Large white flowers are abundant and cause a magnificent sight when in full bloom. Very similar to V. ‘Shasta’. Rounded habit. Dark green, glossy foliage turns brilliant red-orange in fall. Strong, spicy clove fragrance, abundant inflorescences; dark red flower buds open to white petals with red-blotches. Foliage is resistant to leaf spot and powdery mildew. Lustrous, deep green foliage in summer to outstanding deep wine-red in fall. Late blooming in May. Initially white fruit turns to hot pink to bright blue in fall—tremendous interest in all seasons. A Japanese Snowball- Medium green summer color. Foliage like V. ‘Shasta’ but plant is more upright than ‘Shasta’. Abundant white popcorn ball flowers lining every branch. Viburnum rhytidophyllum Dark green leathery leaves. Blooms April/May. Deer resistant. & V. rhytidophylum ‘Cree’ ‘Cree’ has a compact form , leaves don’t curl as much in winter as the species. Viburnum plicatum ‘Popcorn’ Viburnum ‘Summer Snowflake’ Tall, narrow habit with small flowers, leaves and fruit. Blooms in April/ May and sporadically into November; white flowers, bright red fruit. 5-8 10-15’ 8-10’ Viburnum pragense Evergreen. Upright oval to oval rounded form; fast grower. Lustrous, elliptical dark green leaves. Pink buds produce white, vaguely fragrant flowers. Useful as a screen. 5–8 10’ 6-8’ Viburnum ‘Shoshone’ Compact. Dark green leaves have a plum color in the fall. White flowers; deep red fruits become black. A great plant for its smaller ultimate size. 4-8 10’ 7’ 1931 Greenfield Rd. Adamstown MD 21710 office: (301) 874-8300 email: or