Miracles in the Making - Miracle Hill Ministries
Miracles in the Making - Miracle Hill Ministries
Miracles in the Making Spring 2014 A Publication of Miracle Hill Ministries Second Chances From a Big God Brandon’s story begins and ends with the Lord’s mercy. Growing up in a Christian home, he loved going to church with his mother and sister. Though life was not perfect, Brandon held tightly to the God who loved him and had a plan for his future. However, when his mom had a falling out with the church, she pulled them out of that environment completely. The loss of his community hurt Brandon so much, he began to search for other things to fill that void. Before long, he was hanging out with the wrong crowd of people and experimenting with drugs. Brandon figured the more he did, the more he would be loved and accepted. However, his experiments progressively turned from recreational into a full blown addiction. As the years passed and Brandon started a family of his own, his decisions began to affect all of the people in his life. He knew he needed a fresh start, not only for himself, but also for the wife and son whom he loved so dearly. However, his first stint in rehab didn’t give Brandon enough time and depth to face the root of his dependency. So Brandon went on to become a “functional user,” managing to maintain his job and relationships while continuing his addiction. Leaders at the church Brandon attended began to step into his life and hold him accountable for his decisions. Through their guidance, Brandon finally understood that he needed to get help before he completely ruined his life… and the lives of his wife and son. This was when Brandon came to Miracle Hill. His body was deeply resistant to recovery, and at one point he considered leaving. However, his counselors encouraged him to stay, to submit to God, and to allow someone else to guide his life for the first time. Finally, something in Brandon’s mind clicked and he began to let go of the chains that bound him. Through the process of counseling, fellowship with his Miracle Hill community, and a renewed commitment to Christ, Brandon became whole again. The old died, and the new entered in. Brandon and his wife now have two children, and as he continues to submit to God daily, he grows to become the husband, father, and spiritual leader his family has needed all along. Brandon’s story begins and ends with the Lord’s mercy. All the trials he walked through from childhood to present day were a beautiful picture God was—and is—painting in order to demonstrate His faithfulness, His enduring promises, His radical forgiveness, and the power of a second chance. Thank YOU for giving Brandon a second chance. Table of Contents Second Chances From a Big God ............................1 The Blessing of Foster Parenting ................2 Family Strengthening .......2 Be the Bridge - Bridging to a New County .................3 Jobs for Grads ....................3 Get Connected ...................4 Join us on: PO Box 2546 Greenville, SC 29602 864-268-4357 877-558-4357 toll free www.miraclehill.org MiM Spring 14.indd 1 facebook.com/MiracleHill twitter.com/MiracleHill Look Before You Leap .......4 Honor & Memorial Tributes youtube.com/MiracleHillUpstate 4/28/14 2:43 PM The Blessing of Foster Parenting In the Upstate of South Carolina, over 1,300 children are in the foster care system. This is why Miracle Hill has been licensing and supporting Christian foster families for over 25 years. Though we already work with many wonderful foster families, there is always a significant demand for more resource foster homes in our community. Recently, a local Upstate couple felt the call towards orphan ministry. Ultimately they made the decision to foster parent through Miracle Hill. Around Christmastime, their first foster child—a young boy—joined their family. Even though he was so fearful of his new home, the couple could see deep wells of hope in his eyes. Soon after, his brother also joined their home. What a sweet, fulfilling, and tiring journey it was to serve and love these boys, even if just for a short time. These parents learned to love, trust, and walk in obedience more than they ever had before… and the Lord used them to work miracles. When asked about their hearts for Foster Care Ministry, the couple responded, “We feel that God has given us a vision of generations being changed by Christian families stepping forward to love, nurture, and teach of a Savior’s ultimate love. We know that fruit won’t always be seen this side of heaven and that there will be times it seems hopeless… but God. We will simply do our part in praying for these little ones in our care [as well as] their families. While daily depending on the strength of our Lord, we will do our best to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The rest we must leave up to God.” May is Foster Care Awareness month. Would you consider whether the Lord is calling you to become a resource foster parent or partner with our program in another way? We would love to guide you through this life-changing process. Please contact Sharon Betts at (864) 878-9987 or sbetts@miraclehill.org for more information. Family Strengthening Our new Miracle Hill Family Support program seeks to improve the safety, health, and vitality of the families served by connecting them to resources, providing information, education and emotional support, and strengthened community networks. For information, please contact Jane Pulido at (864)605-6090 or jpulido@miraclehill.org. You can also visit our website: miraclehill.org/family-support Visit our new website at MiracleHill.org MiM Spring 14.indd 2 4/28/14 2:44 PM Be the Bridge Bridging to a New County Ken & Cindy Kelly Jobs for Grads It is a blessing to receive a second chance and to offer opportunities to those who are desperate for a fresh start. If your business would like to partner with Miracle Hill by offering employment opportunities to our program graduates, please contact us at (864)268-4357 or mhmi@miraclehill.org. Miracle Hill’s vision is that each South Carolina upstate county has adequate, accessible housing for homeless men, women, and children. Compassionate services point individuals to Christ and move them toward wholeness, stability, and healthy critical relationships. That vision is realized in Cherokee, Spartanburg and Greenville counties. And we also serve children in Pickens, Anderson, Oconee, Abbeville, and Laurens counties. Community leaders invited Miracle Hill to begin ministering in Greenwood in 2010. We’ve been unable to add a Miracle Hill shelter there, but we’ve prayed for them, and assisted as we could. Since then, Dr. Jack Parham and other community leaders have established a local ministry, Pathway House, which has provided cold-weather shelter for two years. Ken Kelly, Miracle Hill’s longtime VicePresident of Adult Ministries, will leave Miracle Hill in June to become Executive Director at Pathway House, to grow that ministry into an effective, year-round gospel-based homeless shelter. Ken and his wife Cindy will take a sacrificial cut in income, sell their home and move away from cherished community relationships and friendships to take on this new challenge. No one at Miracle Hill is more equipped for this new role than Ken, Miracle Hill’s expert on addiction and homelessness. Ken served in other gospel rescue mission ministries before coming to Miracle Hill. He has the wisdom, people skills and understanding of community dynamics to work with the Board, form an effective fundraising process and staff and operate the new shelter. Ken’s moving will leave a big hole at Miracle Hill. He’s been responsible for planning, staff and programming for all adult programs. His vision led the ministry to develop separate physical locations for our Overcomer and Renewal recovery programs and to create transitional housing. He’s been vital for planning and executive leadership decisions for the entire ministry. While I would prefer to keep Ken, we willingly release him to God’s call for this next chapter of life. Because Greenwood is one of the Board’s priority counties, and Ken is capable, Miracle Hill will invest in this new ministry for at least two years. We’ll provide a transitional supplement to Ken’s income, provide access to all Miracle Hill materials and processes, and will do what we can to help. We pray Pathway House will grow to effectively house the homeless, share the Good News of God’s love and to provide a focus so that those who care in Greenwood County can serve the poorest-of-the-poor effectively. Please join us in thanking Ken and Cindy for investing 14 years at Miracle Hill and in praying for their success in Greenwood. Like Miracle Hill on Facebook at facebook.com/MiracleHill MiM Spring 14.indd 3 4/28/14 2:44 PM Get Connected 10th Annual Cycling Challenge – June 7, 2014 This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Miracle Hill Challenge, an event featuring rides for cyclists of all ages and levels— and a 5K for runners and walkers. Registration is now open, and we encourage you to involve your entire family and invite others from your church, community, or workplace to make a difference in the lives of homeless and hurting people. Visit miraclehillchallenge.com for more information. Spartanburg Banquet – September 9, 2014 Author and in-demand speaker Ryan Dobson, co-host of Family Talk, will join us for this inspiring evening. Cherokee County Banquet – November 13, 2014 Ron Hall and Denver Moore Ron Hall, co-author of Same Kind of Different as Me, will share the compelling story of his encounter with Denver Moore, a homeless drifter he met while volunteering at a shelter in Fort Worth, Texas. To learn more, please visit www.MiracleHill.org and plan to join us for these motivating events! Look Before You Leap A minister, a Boy Scout, and a computer expert were on a small plane. The pilot explained that they were going down - with only three parachutes for four people. The pilot added, “I should have one of the parachutes because I have a wife and children.” So he took one and jumped. The computer whiz said, “I should too because I am the smartest man in the world and everyone needs me.” So he took one and jumped. The minister turned to the Boy Scout with a sad smile and said, “You take the remaining parachute, and I’ll go down with the plane.” The Boy Scout smiled and said, “Relax, the smartest man in the world just picked up my knapsack and jumped out!” (Illustration adapted from Ted Sutherland) Have you ever been warned to “look before you leap”? God wants us to make wise decisions and to be “prudent” about the future. One way is by creating a God-honoring will. Did you know you can provide a sound future for your loved ones and also bless the ministries you love like Miracle Hill Ministries? Leaving a gift in your will is easy, and it can change lives for eternity. To learn more about how you can include Miracle Hill in your will, contact Frankie Powell at fpowell@miraclehill.org or 864-268-4357. Miracle Hill does not discriminate with regard to race, color, sex, national origin, marital, veteran, handicap or any other legally protected status. *Names and photos of clients may have been changed to ensure their safety. Miracle Hill Ministries, Inc. is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. miraclehill.org Administrative Office Miracle Hill Boys’ Shelter Miracle Hill Children’s Home Miracle Hill Rescue Mission • Cherokee Co.unty • Greenville • Spartanburg Miracle Hill Shepherd’s Gate Miracle Hill Thrift Operations Miracle Hill Auto Sales Miracle Hill Overcomers Center Miracle Hill Renewal Center Miracle Hill Homes for Life Miracle Hill Foster Care Miracle Hill Family Support 877.558.4357 864.292.0552 864.878.9987 864.488.0376 864.242.6933 864.583.1628 864.268.5589 864.242.6931 864.268.1960 864.631.0088 864.242.2166 864.576.1719 864.878.9987 864.605.6088 Thank you to the 1,400+ people who invested in our clients and this ministry through the Greenville Banquet! MiM Spring 14.indd 4 4/28/14 2:44 PM Honor & Memorial Tributes December 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 **Those being honored or remembered are listed in blue. Memorials Pearl Alexander Ms. Susan W. Johnson Mrs. Mabel Arant Mr. Gary Arant Lewis & Grace Arrowood Mr. & Mrs. Gary Arrowood Deviolet Arthur Mr. Ronald Arthur, II Mr. Ted Aschenbrand Ms. Sara Lynn Brown Mr. Randy W. Ashe Mr. & Mrs. William F. Ashe Mr. Robert Beeby Mr. & Mrs. Ken Watkins Mrs. Jane Butler Black Mrs. Anne Wilkinson Rev. Demauth Blanton Mrs. Beatrice Blanton Mrs. Grace Bobo Ms. Jane Hughston Sylvia Bowling Ms. Bonnie D. Collins Mr. Stan Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Ray Schroeder Mrs. Bright Alice Brown Mr. & Mrs. Doug Markham Mr. James H. Brown Mr. Leon Rocamora Mr. William Rocamora Myra Lau & Maude Clont Mrs. Nelle D. Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Leon Ginsberg Ms. Jennifer Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Garth Andrews Mr. Kinard Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wilkerson Mrs. Betty Anthony Ms. Mary Jean Goodfellow Mr. & Mrs. David Hannon Mrs. Marian Knight Mrs. Nancy McKittrick Mr. John R. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gibson Dr. Ruth Reid Ms. Beth Jefford Mrs. Dorothy Dill Mr. Wilbur S. Burnett Mrs. Rebecca Marlowe Mr. Alva Flynn Mrs. Maria E. Rainwater Edna & Everett Bush Ms. Mary M. Strom RV & Dot Chandler Mrs. Carol Graham Earl & Estelle Chastain Mr. & Mrs. Robert Finley Mrs. Peggy Collins Ms. Patsy H. Bates Dr. Julian C. Cornwell Mrs. Katy Hancock Mr. & Mrs. Mark Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Jim Snyder Mrs. Kay Pruitt Ms. Linda Rogers Mr. O. Richard Cothran Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hopple Mrs. Brenda Craig American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 33 Mrs. Pauline C. Davis Fountain Gate Christian Assembly Mr. Ernie Dennison Mrs. Laura Dennison Mrs. Linda C. Dickenson Pastor Charles Boyd Mr. & Mrs. John Helmke Mr. & Mrs. Ben Gilliard Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Moore Mrs. Marjorie Gibson Mrs. Ann McDaniel Ms. Lois L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Larry Falcone Ms. Linda Perdew Ms. Mara Schwenk Mrs. Sally Sobolewski Mr. Carlton Duggan Mr. & Mrs. William B. Traxler Mr. Monroe Durham Mr. Thomas E. Godfrey Mrs. Ann Whitworth Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Fredsell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bledsoe Dr. & Mrs. Mendel Stewart Mr. Bennett C. Roberts Ms. Bethel Childress Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hux Mr. & Mrs. Victor Greene Mr. & Mrs. Michael Feder First Baptist Church of Pickens Mr. & Mrs. James T. Roberts Mrs. Joyce Szewczyk Mr. Guy B. Edge, Jr. Mrs. Kay N. Edge Brent Elrod Mr. & Mrs. Randy Elrod Bill Englisbe Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Tate Thomas Epting Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Harrison Mr. William Erb Mrs. Isabel Forster Mrs. Oleta Farr Mr. & Mrs. Talmadge Hamlin Rev. Charles O. Ferguson Mr. Deryl McKinney Mr. James Findley Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tinsley Mr. Charles Finley Ms. Pat H. Finley Mr. Cort R. Flint Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Al Hagood Mr. & Mrs. James C. Glidewell Ms. Alma M. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilkins JB Watts Co Snow Tech Group Mrs. Mary Beth Brawley Mrs. Jolene Flowers Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Dillard Mr. & Mrs. John Demos Ms. Linda A. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Mr. & Mrs. William Langford Mrs. Robin Hosley Mr. & Mrs. David Wakefield Mr. James Bagarazzi Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Steck Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kuhne Mr. & Mrs. Julian Dority Mr. Jeff Smith Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Connors Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Giese Mr. & Mrs. James Condon, Jr. Mr. W. Shannon Linning Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wickensimer Mr. & Mrs. William W. Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Jack Shaw Mr. & Mrs. F. Dean Rainey Jr. Mr. Gerald K. Forby Mrs. Mavis Forby Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin E. Bunner Mrs. Eula Garrison Galloway Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Galloway Norma & Gordon Geddes Ms. Bethany Cunningham Mrs. Carolyn Genoble Mr. Thomas Genoble Mr. Keith E. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Martin Ms. Helen Mayhew Mr. William E. Dickenson Mrs. Geanne B. Giguere Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hopple George C. Gildersleeve Dr. & Mrs. Merrill Gildersleeve Mrs. Harriet Goodwin Mr. Ronald Goodwin Mrs. Mary M. Graham Mr. Dick Graham Dr. Dwight L. Gustafson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wickensimer Dr. & Mrs. Edward M. Panosian Mr. & Mrs. Morris Hallford Ms. Gerry Diachenko Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Nelson L. Neal Mr. Jonathan D. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCune Mr. & Mrs. Carl Brandon Capt. & Mrs. Joe Henderson Mr. Joseph Nega Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Joyce Mr. Clint Hall Rev. & Mrs. Tommy P. Owen Mr. Lloyd P. Hare, Sr. Mrs. Sara S. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Willis H. Meadows Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stueben Mr. Dennis Dice Ms. Sandra Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cushman Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Hare Mr. & Mrs. Gene Helms Mr. Leland Scott Hart Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tinsley Mr. Carroll Hawthorne Mrs. Dianne S. Balentine Mr. Frederick G. Henry Fidelity Investments John A. & Jennie C. Henry CDR & Mrs. John D. Henry Mr. Grady L. Herd Mr. & Mrs. Gary Arrowood Mary Stephanie Hitt Coker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hitt Dolores Holcomb Mr. Ted G. Holcomb Sam & Elaine Huff Ms. Mary M. Huff Mrs. Jewell Hyatt Mr. & Mrs. Marty Hyatt Mrs. Bea Ingram Mr. Roger Dyar Mrs. Dorothy Jerkins Ms. Beth Jefford Peggy Jett Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lawton Ms. Faye Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Johnson Mr. Jack Johnson Ms. Jeannette Marett Mrs. Jackie Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Tommy P. Owen Mr. Jerome W. Johnson Mr. Jerry W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Jones Mrs. Annette Boehm Dr. Dennis M. Kilgore Dr. Teresa Kilgore Mr. James King Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Winsel Ms. Jessica Lang Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Lang Mr. Frank Lauritzen Pastor Charles Boyd Mr. Issac F. Lewis Jeffrey Upton & Mr. & Mrs. George Martin Reggie Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Brown Katie Lusk Rev. & Mrs. Tommy P. Owen Mrs. Jeanette Hall Maddox Ms. Tonya Etris Mr. Ben H. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Talmadge Hamlin Mr. Fred M. Martin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Campbell Mr. & Mrs. James Griffin Jeffrey L. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Marty Hyatt Mr. Robert S. Matthews Mr. Melvin Murphy Mrs. Lucy H. McBride Mr. Lang Ligon, Jr. Mr. Bob McCauley Mrs. Barbara Barefoot Pat Clark McCrary Mr. & Mrs. Bob Nicholson Mr. Bill McLellan First Presbyterian Church John Michael & Mac Vinson Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Harris Frieda Middlebrooks Mr. & Mrs. Murl Lehman Mr. Doug Middlebrooks Mr. Mike Miller Mr. & Mrs. Tom Benke Mr. Russell Miller Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Miller Phyllis Moelin Mr. & Mrs. Tim Griner Mrs. Eva T. Moody Ms. Elizabeth M. Heard Mr. & Mrs. James D. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Granger Mr. & Mrs. Tim Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Perry Tripp, Jr. Mrs. Charlene Stancil Ms. Frances Kelley Mrs. Norma Childs Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Gravley Mr. & Mrs. Dewey R. Taylor Shelby & LoReatha Morris Mr. Roy Morris Mr. Bill Myers Mr. & Mrs. Troy D. Bridges Mr. James Austin Neal Dr. & Mrs. Robert Haas Ms. Carolyn Sammons McMillan Pazdan Smith LLC Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eldridge Mr. & Mrs. James Welborn Dr. & Mrs. James L. Young Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gilmer The Furman Co Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Hughes, Jr. Ms. Mary Alice Shand Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Cox, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Hagy Mr. & Mrs. W.M. Manning, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Ed Zeigler Mr. & Mrs. Nolen L. Brunson Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Few Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Young Mrs. Jean Brown Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ashmore, Jr. Mr. Sam C. Cely Mr. Craig Marchant Mr. & Mrs. O. Perry Earle, III Mr. Richard Pennell Mr. John A. Cooter Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Neal Satterfield Mr. & Mrs. F. Dean Rainey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Steck Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Gallivan, III Mr. & Mrs. Al Hagood Mr. & Mrs. Charles Curry Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Jervey Mrs. Hamlin Withington Ms. Sara Newton Ms. Corajane Melton Mr. Kirk T. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shaw Mrs. Anne Young Price Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Parker Mr. & Mrs. Bob O’Quinn Ms. Martha Wade Mr. & Mrs. Tom Little Mr. R. Wyman Moss Dr. & Mrs. Vernon Anderson Visit Greenville SC Mr. & Mrs. William E. McKee Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kyber Mr. & Mrs. Scott Crichton Mr. & Mrs. Dwight S. Odom Mr. Chuck Reichert Carolina Architectural Lighting Peritus Engineers Mr. James B. Clamp Mr. & Mrs. Bonner York Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Rigg Mr. & Mrs. Joe Blandford George & Lucile Newman Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cater Coleen M. Oliver Mr. Glenn E. Oliver Brenda Smith Owen Mrs. Dianne S. Balentine Mr. Eli Parris Mr. Ronald Goodwin Mrs. Lena G. Perrin Mr. Neill M. Perrin Mr. Mike Perry Mr. & Mrs. Jim Inman Logan Phillips & Pat McEwen Mr. Howard D. McEwen Mrs. Alva Phillips First Presbyterian Church Helen Porter Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Patterson Mrs. Ann Reeves Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Brittingham Mr. Wallace Reid Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McKee Mr. Hank Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Murl Lehman Inez Robbins Darlene Styles & Jo Mahaffey Mrs. Rebecca Robbs Mr. & Mrs. Murl Lehman Mrs. Daisy Lemmons Rev. & Mrs. Terry K. Lanford Ms. Ellen Carol Rose Mr. & Mrs. Tony Goodbar Ms. Robin Scarbro Mr. & Mrs. John Majewski Ms. Mary Lou Sims Wood Creek Dental Mrs. Montezz Sammons Mr. & Mrs. Hugh L. Sammons Mr. John Sanders Ms. Patsy H. Bates Mr. Wilbur Satterfield Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McKee Shirley K. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baker Chandler Jerome Shaver Mrs. Kay Mattox Mr. William B. Barron Ms. Gail Shaver Mr. & Mrs. Donovon Gaze Ms. Ashley Hendrix Katherine H. Sippola Mr. Bertram Sippola George W. Smith Mrs. Frances M. Smith Mr. L. Kenneth Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Smith Trina Dennis Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Hyatt Mr. Andrew Cavender Mr. Tim Sowles Mrs. Jane Sowles Mr. Dewey Stansell Fellowship Greenville Mr. Justin Stapleton Mr. & Mrs. Henry Harris Mr. & Mrs. Bill Steward Mrs. Christine Mann Mr. Wayne Sumner Mrs. Barbara Barefoot Mrs. Alice Swartz Mr. David Swartz Matthew Ross Szabo Mr. & Mrs. Emsley Laney, Jr. Mr. Jack Tabor Rev. & Mrs. Tommy P. Owen Mrs. Mildred T. Tait Mr. Gerald E. Tait Mr. Oscar Jackson Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Gary Choka Bob & Mary Terrell Mr. Bud Wooten Lucy G. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Fred Seymour Lottie Thurston Mr. & Mrs. Don Mintz Irving & Dorothy Urch Mrs. Arlene Urch Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Boehm Roy VanderVoort Mr. & Mrs. John Beckford Samantha Waldrop Vann Mr. & Mrs. Harrell Waldrop Marianne Von Bokern Mr. & Mrs. Kip Miller Mr. Michael E. Waters Mr. & Mrs. Al Santulli Mr. John Watts, Sr. Mrs. Marian Watts Mrs. Joan Wheeler Mr. George Wheeler Mrs. Faye Whelchel Mrs. Daisy Lemmons Joe Whelchel Mr. Ronald Arthur, II Mr. Charles Michael White Mrs. Bobbie Jean Crawford Mrs. Harriet Wicks Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bryan Mrs. Virginia R. Hickey Frances & Terry Williams Mr. & Mrs. Alex Williams Mr. Colin Worrell Mr. & Mrs. Steve Worrell Mr. Mike Wray Ms. Jane M. Sanders Honors Mrs. Margaret Aiken Mr. & Mrs. Gary McConnell Mr. Mark Alverson Mr. & Mrs. Bob Pulido Ashmore Brothers Chandler Construction Service Bakker Parents & Siblings Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bakker Larry & Leah Belle Mr. & Mrs. Ted Belle Bob & Jean Bickel Mr. & Mrs. Jim Chapman Ms. Donna Bickel Allen & Tenita Black Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Robinson Jessie Blanton & Sandra Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Pettit Chuck & Deb Boyd Ms. Nancy Wilson Mr. John T. Boyles Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McKee Bobbie Branyon Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Fayssoux Rufus & Polly Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sprouse Edith Brummer Mrs. Carolyn Bricklemyer Nelle Burgess Mr. & Mrs. William B. Neely Mrs. Richard Burts Mr. Wade Cline Dana Byrum Mr. John Musick Dottie Campbell Ms. Aimee Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Arrowood Mr. Stan Cannon Mr. Thomas A. Cannon Mr. Michael Carter Ms. Virginia Carter Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cary Mr. & Mrs. John Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Chris Nix Greg & Jan Childs Mrs. Betty Escoe Carol & Jim Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Tony Goodbar Michelle Clark Mr. David A. Clark Clients Mr. Beach Foster Celeste Clyborne Ms. Kelly Clyborne Rev. & Mrs. Stephen Clyborne Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Doolittle Charlotte & Keegan Cook Mr. & Mrs. James C. Cook, III Laura & Jeffrey Cook Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cook Louisa & Daniel Cook Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cook Wayne & Ann Copeland Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Moore Alan, Stacy, Katie & Ellie Corbin Mr. & Mrs. Don Corbin Chris & Donna Corley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen I. Johnson The Cox Family Mr. & Mrs. James M. Garrison Phyllis Cox Mr. & Mrs. Sam Cox Allen & Nancy Creveling Mr. & Mrs. Keith Creveling Drew & Penny Crowell Mrs. Dorothy C. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Culp Mr. & Mrs. James L. Culp Dixon & Dody Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Steve Maye Mr. & Mrs. Monte Cunningham Ms. Bethany Cunningham Beth & Jonah DeHart Ms. Cindy V. Lee Doherty Children Mr. & Mrs. Michael Arnett Mrs. Melba Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Campbell Dumouchel & Gans Families Ms. Aimee Dumouchel Tony Ray Ellis Ms. LeeAnne Ellis Dr. Edna Ellison Mr. & Mrs. Troy D. Bridges The Ellisons Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong Michael & Sherrie Escoe Mrs. Betty Escoe Michael Brett & Jamie Escoe Mrs. Betty Escoe Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Evashevski Mr. Keith Evashevski Family Mr. & Mrs. Ben Gilliard Mr. & Mrs. R.D. Reeves Mr. & Mrs. Tom Faucette Mr. & Mrs. David Faucette William & Pat Fields Ms. Laura Fields Nell Fraley Mr. & Mrs. Tony Goodbar Lovisa Freytag Dr. William B. Drury Friends Ms. Sue Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Childers Friends & Colleagues Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Wright Mr. Daniel Reid Fulcher Mr. Bill Zearfoss Mr. & Mrs. Rut Galloway Mr. & Mrs. Bret Galloway Mrs. Anne Garrett Mrs. Diane Garrett Mr. Gordon Garrett Mrs. Diane Garrett Mrs. Sherry Gilliland Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Perry Philip & Elise Gilmore Mrs. Veronica Wishon Marcus & Lisa Greene Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Hawkins Meg Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Terry Griffin Mr. Tim Guin Mr. & Mrs. Brett Carnes Bonner, Mary, Eleanor Haddon & Mac & Gus Poff Ms. Wanda Kay Mr. & Mrs. Daryl L. Halbert & Family Mr. & Mrs. John Chambers Addi Hamrick Ms. Deanna Grice Mrs. Mary Harken Mr. & Mrs. Eric Cilli Mr. Billy Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Troy D. Bridges Johnny & Judi Harris Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kines Mrs. Ruth Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Hawkins Mr. David Heffner Ms. Kathryn Bradshaw Robin & Kurt Heitman Mr. & Mrs. Tony Goodbar Marie & Jet Helle Family Mr. Dean S. Campbell Pete & Libby Hodges Mr. Peter Hodges Sam Howard & Family Mr. & Mrs. George Byrd Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Justin Church Miles & Ann Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Justin Church Younce Hunnicutt Mr. Mark D. Overton Mr. & Mrs. John Hunsuck Mrs. Paula A. Mills George & Gayle Hynds Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hynds Mr. Greg Hynds Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hynds Jake, Emma, Laurel, Sarah & Ellen Mr. Jacob Stephens Kathy St. Peter Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wilson Anne Jones Ms. Christi Jones-McNeill Audrey Jones Ms. Christi Jones-McNeill Babette B. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Lee Larson Mrs. Daisy Jones Ms. Patsy H. Bates Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt Jones Mr. Kevin Jones Dr. Gary Jones Mr. & Mrs. Lee Larson Mrs. Tamah Jones Jackie & Monnie Broome Mr. Jim Kahle Mr. & Mrs. Steve P. Hatten Doyle Kay Mr. Jonathan Godwin Mrs. Cindy Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Glenn L. Bridges Mr. Jack Kroeg Mrs. Pam Bruce Patrick & Jayden Cudd & Adrian & Selena Kuras Mr. & Mrs. Mark Betts Rev. Terry Lanford & Rev. Martin Hogg Mr. & Mrs. David Vassey Jay Langrehr Mr. Steve Grant Margie J. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McKee Mrs. Ellen League Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Smith Corey Lee Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Neal Mr. Jim Lehman Mr. & Mrs. David E. Dukes Mr. & Mrs. Reid Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Brian Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Smith John & Evelyn Lettieri Mr. John William Lettieri Mr. Lang Ligon Mr. Dallas P. Hutcheson Skip Limbaker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Limbaker Ronald A. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Smith The Manke Family Mr. & Mrs. Jaimeson Smith Ms. Connie McCammond Mrs. Sandra Caton Mr. & Mrs. Gary McConnell Ms. Margaret Lemarechal The McFeely Family Ms. Ann D. Withrow Vicki Foster McGee Mrs. Patsy Peace Mrs. Jean McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Troy D. Bridges Dr. Merchant Mr. & Mrs. Justin Church Drs. Metts, Coley, & Shirley Mr. & Mrs. James Roberson Pat Mielke Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Duncan Miss Leslie Milling Mr. & Mrs. Bill Milling Rev. & Mrs. Steven Morgan Mrs. Betty Escoe Eddy Morrow Mr. Mark D. Overton Jack & Lib Morton Mr. & Mrs. Greg Morton Sue & Steve Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Tony Goodbar Dr. & Mrs. Steven Newman Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Norwood Mr. Jonathan Norwood Dr. & Mrs. Steve Newman Nicole Padgett Mr. & Mrs. Duke Moses Mrs. Geraldine Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Patterson Mary Ann Phillips Mr. & Mrs. David H. Geisler Ms. Susan Priester Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mackintosh Kirk Rampey Mr. Mark D. Overton Mr. & Mrs. J. Grady Randolph Mr. & Mrs. James Randolph Doris Ann Reavis Ms. Kristen Reavis Diane Reese Ms. Dianne Torres Mr. George Reiter Mr. Bobby Reiter Caleb Benjamin Reynolds & Haiden Brooke Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Randy Reynolds Valerie Robertson Mr. Timothy Hodges Diane & Doug Roll Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cook Amelia & John Rose Mr. & Mrs. Tony Goodbar Mr. & Mrs. Don Runyon Mrs. Sally Goller Mr. Jim Sanders Mrs. Cara S. Robb Mr. Norman Schultz Mrs. Karen S. Alexander Ellen Scroggs Mrs. Susan Crout Mr. & Mrs. Bill Milling Lisa Shingler Mr. Peter J. Martel Dr. Duncan Shirley Dr. Steven J. Smiley Dr. & Mrs. James Carroll Ann & Jeff Smith Mr. & Mrs. Tony Goodbar Mr. Joshua Stroupe Mrs. Angela Hutcherson Mrs. Tammy, Mrs. Mary, Mrs. Susan & Chip Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Hatchette Elizabeth Tavel Mrs. Jenny Stevens Ruby Thiessen Mr. Robert C. Schmidt Mr. Philip Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Phil Thomas Pat Traxler Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eldridge Donald & Dana Turner & Family Mr. Dean S. Campbell Mike & Lucy Turner & Family Mr. Dean S. Campbell Steven & Brenda Turner & Family Mr. Dean S. Campbell R.C. & Sara Wade Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Gibson John Walker Mr. & Mrs. Shane Bolding Charlie Ward Rev. Don Brown Nellie & Corbin Watson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hyde Tim & Glyn Watson Ms. Joyce Tirado Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. White Mr. & Mrs. George E. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hopple Beth Williams Ms. Erin Maughon The Willson Family Dr. & Mrs. Steve Newman Mr. Hal Willson Dr. & Mrs. Steve Newman Mrs. Anthony Woolbright Mr. Charles G. Hawkins, II Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Wooten Mr. & Mrs. Eric Cilli Vera Worrell Mr. & Mrs. Steve Worrell Pete & Norma Wright Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Hawkins Mrs. Susan Yates Ms. Karen Chastain Zoe, Ava, Allie, & Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. White If you would like to give a gift in honor or memory of someone, please visit us online at: miraclehill.org/ give