2016 RATE CARD No. 44
2016 RATE CARD No. 44
2016 RATE CARD No. 44 2 Content The Magazine 2–5 Advertising Media Profile Print 16 6 Media Profile Online 7 Media Profile Job Market 8 – 11 12 – 15 17 – 18 Client Events/Events Ad Formats & Rates 26 fvw Workshop Advertorials 27 fvw Fam Trip Ad Specials 28 – 31 fvw Kongress Circulation & Reader Profile 19 Themed Supplements Publication Schedule 20 Counter Infos Tourism Marketing Summit Promotional Inserts fvw Travel Technology Day 21 22 – 25 32 fvw Online Marketing Day Technical Requirements 33 fvw CruiseLive fvw Dailies 34 fvw Fachtagung Personal Karrierewelt U&M Publisher’s Details TITEL | MOBILITY | E-COMMERCE | BUSINESS TRAVEL | U&M Fabien Nestmann General Manager, Uber Deutschland Als General Manager von Uber ist Fabien Nestmann das Gesicht des kalifornischen Unternehmens in Deutschland. Nestmann kommt aus einer deutschfranzösischen Familie – Vater Deutscher, Mutter Französin – und hat auf beiden Seiten der Grenze studiert. Der Betriebswirt verfügt über Abschlüsse der European School of Business Reutlingen und der Reims Management School. Er hat unter anderem für die IT-Sicherheitsfirma Identive gearbeitet. Nestmann ist verheiratet und lebt mit seiner Frau und einem Kind in München. REISEBÜRO | HOTEL | DESTINATION D&P SCHOTTLAND | Young Professionals | Unternehmen 1 TUI Cruises Routiniers Index 4,0 Unternehmen 1 2 TUI Studiosus 4,5 3,0 Lufthansa 2 Schauinsland 4,6 3,3 3 TUI Cruises 4,4 4 Studiosus 5,0 5 Schauinsland 4 Lufthansa 5,3 4,9 5 DER Touristik 5,3 6 DER Touristik 7 Thomas Cook fvw-Hotelometer Costa 5,7 7,9 8,5 8,9 9,2 10,1 10,3 11,1 11,4 13,7 Die Touristiker sind zu 30 Arbeitgebern der Branche befragt worden. In das Ranking sind nur Firmen aufgenommen worden, die mindestens eine valide Fallzahl von 100 Bewertungen erhalten haben. Basis des Rankings sind zehn Image-Faktoren, die gewichtet in den Index eingeflossen sind. BESSER VERKAUFEN 35 Publisher’s Details 36 Contact Ein kleines Land, das große Traditionen pflegt U&M Index 3 repräsentativ ersind: Laut dem 8 Aida guten Nachrichten Verbrauchern Wenn das keine Touristik bei den man vorndex genießt die enbauer musste 9 Hapag-Lloyd hobenen GPRA-I Lediglich die Maschin Blick auf die hohes Vertrauen. hingegen beim G E O RG KE R N, KL AU S H I L D EB R A N DT . Gemischte Gefühle Neun strah(unten) 10 Sixt unten): en Seite, beilass ber. alreise-Ziele (rechte er Verlierer gegenü Top Ten der Pausch tragisch als fvw- Deshalb bleibt der hiesige Markt aum ein zweites Unternehmen land? UndEnfidha wie will das Unternehmen sei-– der ropas. 11 FTI Group Gewinnern steht ls durchwachsen Bild ebenfal steht weltweit derzeitlenden so in der nen gestarteten Ersatzdienst Uberoben). X besonders interessant für uns. Wir konUnd ist das rosdafür (rechte Seite, Bei den Reisebü t. auf der Stelle Kritik wie der kalifornische nach vorn bringen? Dazu äußert sich Fa- zentrieren uns jetzt auf unsere anderen 12 MSC nen. via Traveltainmen sklima-Index tritt zweiten Mal erschie e spanische Hotels ist zum Manager lometer. Fahrdienstvermittler Uber. ObVertrieb in Thai- bien Nestmann, vonhierDienste. telometerGeneral (linke Meistangefragt go.fvw.de/hote Sie s: Unser fvw-Ho eter im Web unter sten Hotels finden 13 RUF Reisen land, Frankreich, Deutschland übrigen oder den UberzuDeutschland. Mehr Hotelom Preis sung den beliebte auf fvw.de. Sterne Eine Kurzfas Destinationen USA: Überall stößt das Unternehmen auf Das sind der Limousinendienst Uber Black in Euro Ort alle Details und 14 Alltours 4 Seite, Mitte), Hotel erhebliche Widerstände. Vor allem die f: Herr Nestmann, Ihr Unternehmen ist sowie Uber Taxi, die Vermittlungsplattform 1299 Maspalomas 1335 Plattform Uber Pop erregt die Gemüter. angetreten, um den Personenverkehr zu für herkömmliche Taxis. Als ErsatzCosta für Uber Meloneras 4 o Mondrag 1 Lopesan 15 Cala Air Berlin 3,5 1147 ntura Palace Dort können Uber-Partner, die sich bei revolutionieren. Aber jetzt wurde in Pop bauen Sie Uber X auf. Was ist rder Unter2 Iberosta Fuerteve Cala Mondrago 1090 Barca dem Unternehmen registriert haben, Fahr- Deutschland erst einmal Ihr wichtigster schied zu Uber Pop? 4 Cala 3 Iberostar Club Costa Calma 1225 4 ten in ihren Privat-PKW anbieten. Kein Dienst Uber Pop verboten. Ist Ihr EngageUber X erfüllt alle gesetzlichen o Beach Club Calma 4 SotaventVorgaben. K EDINBURGHS ALTSTADT gilt vor allem wegen der Castle als sehr sehenswert. Die Hitliste der Top-Arbeitgeber THINKSTOCK WIE UBER-CHEF FABIEN NESTMANN IN DEUTSCHLAND MIT UBER X DIE MOBILITÄT TRENDS WILL VERÄNDERN &FAKTEN ! U&M Wer an Schottland denkt, spult unwillkürlich eine Reihe von Klischees ab. Dazu gehören Dudelsäcke, Kilts und Whisky. Dass zumindest erstgenannte vermutlich gar nicht aus Schottland, sondern dem Orient stammen, kann den Erfolg nicht mindern. Noch heute ist das Highlight beim Edinburgh eren Die Großen verli Military Tattoo (Schottlands größtes r Veranstalter deutscheMusikUmsatzanteile festival) der Auftritt Prozent) der Massed arkt (in Pipes and am Gesamtm 2014 2013 Drums. Die Formation besteht aus mehreren 2012 16,9 Militärkapellen, die zusammen etwa 18,3 17,7 180 13,2 DudelsackspielerTUI 13,5 zählen. Das Event ist nicht 13,1 Thomas Cook nur in Sachen Traditionspfleg 12,4 12,5 e, sondern 13,1 DER Touristik auch in touristischer 8,1 Hinsicht ein Erfolg: 6,7 7,3 FTI Group Laut Veranstalter sind 5,6 30 Prozent der mehr5,7 5,7 als 200.000 Zuschauer Alltours ausländische Gäste. 5,0 5,0 4,5 Von dort aus kann man Aida gleich zum nächsten 3,7 3,1 2,9 Klischee aufbrechen: Schauin sland Schottlands Schlösser, 2013, 2014. 2012, Veranstalter etwa die Sommerreside Dossier Deutsche Quelle: nzfvwder Queen, Balmoral Castle. SCHOTTLAND BEN S GROSSE WER AS DA büros wie sel r buhlen um Reise vertrieb Die Veranstalte lle. Doch der Reise sie ihre Geldschatu ge stimmen. sollen seine Erträ I TA M Ü N C K I R A L AN Z , R Jahr laut D im vergangenen mit 26 M gemeinhin ein se Verband (DRV) rovisionen sind erreic ren Vertrieb. ein Rekordvolumen Reizwort im stationä Kritik aus gs nur es tum liegt allerdin Gewöhnlich hagelt so dieses Bereich. Reisebüros. Nicht gen einstelligen nehden Reihen der end au „Die Veranstalter Markt ist weitgeh Jahr. Der Grund: konstatiert noch nur Hand“, die in stalter können tion men mehr Geld itig Mark dt von der Koopera sie sich gegense Andreas Quenste fvw Do g. So zeigen die Deutscher Reiserin und Allder vergan Thomas Cook Veranstalter" So stecken etwa telligen EuroTUI deut einen siebens dass allein die tours jeweils ng. Auch Tab Vergütu (siehe ihre hat ch in verloren Betrag zusätzli nachgelegt. Mittelstä alter haben ner sind die andere Veranst Vergütung sland. etwa hat seine FTI und Schauin DER Touristik zusamLaut Z und Pauschalreisen setzt sich fort: gefür Bausteinden Mindestumsatz mengelegt und n nicht von komme n ihre senkt. Die Aktione alter müssen gefähr: Die Veranst sät- P 3 Customize fvw No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 fvw – the leading B2B magazine for decision makers and entrepreneuers in tourism and mobility 91% of our readers say that “fvw is the leading magazine in the tourism industry”. Journalistic quality, expertise and independence form the basis of our success. 26,374 copies – the by far highest paid circulation among travel trade magazines. Sources: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH; IVW 2/2015 Media Media Profile Profile Print/Online Print/Online Job Job Market Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 4 Customize Media Profile Print fvw – the trade journal for the travel and mobility industry As the leading trade publication for the travel and mobility industry fvw presents first-hand background information, analyses and key future issues. Thanks to its independent closeness to the market fvw’s editorial staff has enjoyed for almost 50 years an excellent journalistic and professional reputation among readers. With 4.1 readers per issue fvw is one of the most-read trade journals in the industry, reaching an average of 115,120 readers fortnightly. fvw’s e-paper and iPad versions already appear on Thursday, one day prior to the printed edition. Editorial concept and target groups The magazine stands for qualified, objective and independent journalism with a maximum of in-depth information and a wide range of topics presented in a modern and appealing design. It is particularly the two specialist sections “Enterprises & Markets” and “Destination & Product” that have earned fvw great expertise among readers, while themed supplements and regular series provide excellent practical orientation and best practice support for sales staff. fvw reaches decision makers, entrepreneurs and sales professionals in travel and tourism and the related service industries. To these target groups the magazine serves as valued driving force and source of information featuring comprehensive market analyses, background stories on current topics, compelling company portraits and interviews with the industries’ movers and shakers. Some 60% of readers work in tour operating and sales, mostly on a decision-making level and in management. Sources: Total circulation IVW 2/2015/4.1 readers per issue; fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH 5 Customize Media Profile Print No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 fvw Dossiers – latest facts & figures These coveted publications offer crucial market analyses on selected topics from key segments in the travel and mobility industry. fvw editors periodically analyze, interpret and put into context the developments in German travel distribution and the German tour operator business. The dossiers are popular, enjoying long validity and considerable reading times. 84% of fvw readers are familiar with fvw Dossiers. “Better Selling” – themed destination specials Through its “Better Selling” counter series fvw provides advertisers a sales-oriented environment for their marketing campaigns. Sales professionals receive on a double page (or larger) spread valuable and relevant information about a specific destination both from a business and a cultural point of view. These themed destination specials are a helpful sales aid with great practical value. Some 66% of readers in travel sales state they frequently read “Better Selling”. Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH Media Media Profile Profile Print/Online Print/Online Job Job Market Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 6 Customize Media Profile Online fvw.de – the leading news portal for decision makers and tourism experts On fvw.de users from the travel and mobility industry are kept informed about the latest relevant news and developments in tourism and corporate travel. The paid-content area fvw.de is guaranteed to provide advertisers with prime target group communication and high user retention. The portal’s recommendation rate is at 97%. Also, fvw.de and fvw magazine make a perfect combination for campaigns since 81% of online users also frequently read the trade journal’s printed edition. Facts & figures ■ ■ ■ 47,702 registered users 540,000 page impressions per month on average 3,140 app users on average Optimized for smartphones fvw.mobile.de offers in a compact form key news from the industry (60,000 PIs/20,175 visits). Through the fvw News app (iOS/Android) users receive on the go a condensed version of the day’s latest news (25,000 PIs/4,875 visits). The fvw Newsletter – current news and developments, first hand Twice a day the fvw editorial team sends out a newsletter featuring recently researched news. International readers receive a separate English-language newsletter. fvw Am Morgen fvw Newsline fvw Breaking News fvw Travel Market Germany (Engl.) Frequency: Mon–Fri, 08:00 am, 17,800 recipients Frequency: Mon–Fri, 03:00 pm, 16,800 recipients Push notification to 15,800 recipients Frequency: Thu, 12:00 noon, 2,000 recipients Sources: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH; Webtrekk avg. PIs p.m. 8/2014–7/2015; website users and newsletter recipients as of July 2015 7 Media Profile Job Market Customize No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 The portal for employers and staff in the travel and mobility industry Through its printed edition and its online portal fvw offers one of the largest and most successful career exchanges in travel and tourism. It enables HR officers to specifically target potential staff, from young professionals and product managers to sales experts and executives. Facts & figures ■ 18,849 subscribers and 115,120 readers per issue ■ Job Market newsletter with more than 5,500 subscribers ■ 160,000 page impressions per month on average Thanks to our express service your job ad appears online within 24 hours! Contact: Isa Spormann, ph. +49 40 41448-550, i.spormann@fvw-medien.de For further details and information please refer to our 2016 Job Market rate card or go to www.stellenmarkt.fvw.de. Tourism Jobs & Career Guide Qualified junior staff is fundamental for a company’s future. The annual Tourism Jobs & Career Guide provides HR officers with access to tomorrow’s specialists and leaders. Company profile: The perfect opportunity for a business to showcase its advantages to young professionals. Colleges and institutes for further education also have the opportunity to present themselves prominently and in detail. For further information please go to www.go.fvw.de/juk Sources: Total circulation IVW 2/2015/4.1 readers per issue and subscription copies; Webtrekk avg. no. of PIs p.m. 8/2014–7/2015; newsletter recipients as of July 2015 Media Media Profile Profile Print/Online Print/Online Job Job Market Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 8 Customize Circulation Facts & figures fvw Subscriptions compared Total distributed circulation 28,078 fvw (biweekly on Fridays) Total copies sold 26,374 TravelTalk (weekly on Mondays) 4,104 Subscription copies 18,849 touristik aktuell (weekly on Mondays) 6,864 Travel One (biweekly on Fridays) fvw circulation figures are IVW-audited. Figures based on IVW 2nd quarter 2015 audit report. Publisher‘s note: fvw is primarily distributed on a subscription basis and is also available at select retail outlets. 18,849 910 Source: IVW 2/2015 CPM by comparing fvw 525.23 € touristik aktuell 990.68 € TravelTalk 1,924.95 € Travel One 7,527.47 € Source: IVW 2/2015, on basis of ad rates 2015 9 Reader Profile Customize No. 44 effective fvw – the entire tourism industry right at your hands! Jan. 1, 2016 Gender: Readers by industry segment: 59% female 41% male Travel sales 43% Tour operator 15% Other 15% Age 30 or under 13% Airport/airline 6% Age 30–39 23% Tourist office 5% Age 40–49 27% Hotel industry 5% Age 50–59 26% PR agency 3% Age 60 or over 10% Business travel 2% Travel technology 2% Education: Cruise travel/ cruise ship company 1% College/university/technical college 50% High-school diploma 33% Car rental 1% Incoming agency Secondary school (no high-school diploma) 15% 1% Insurance 1% Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Age: Junior high school Circulation Circulation Reader Reader Profile Profile Publication Publication Schedule Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials 2% Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 10 Reader Profile Customize Decision makers read fvw! Job positions: 66% Decision maker 34% Other positions Decision maker* 66% Employee 14% Travel agent 12% Trainee, student, intern 4% Other 2% 66% of readers hold a management position. 91% of readers say: fvw is competent and the leading trade magazine in tourism. Average reading time: 78 minutes *Decision maker: Office manager, corporate management, department head, independent business owner Average number of readers per issue: 4.1 readers 11 Reader Profile Customize No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 News, cover story, destination & product or enterprises & markets: fvw demonstrates relevance! 4 out of 5 readers confirm that fvw articles are highly relevant: News 83% Cover story 81% Destination & product 79% Enterprises & markets 78% Above-average reading intensity: 71% of readers browse through and read the magazine front to back. Sources of information for tourism news: Trade journals are by far the most frequently used medium for tourism news! Trade journals 30% Tour operator intranet sites 21% Supplier intranet sites 14% Travel agency intranet sites 12% Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Circulation Reader Reader Profile Profile Publication Publication Schedule Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 12 Month January February Publication Schedule Issue no. Date of Ad & materials publication close Topics 1/16 Jan. 08 Dec. 18 Turkey Nordic countries CMT Wellness 2/16 Jan. 22 Jan. 11 3/16 Feb. 05 Jan. 25 Dec. 21/Jan. 08 March Airlines and airports Rail travel Family holidays US Cruise travel Ferries Tourism marketing Preview: ITB Canary Islands, Balearic Islands ■ Special supplement: Germany Oman ■ 4/16 Feb. 19 5/16 March 04 Feb. 11 Special issue: ITB (Berlin, March 09–13) Egypt Indian Ocean (Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, La Réunion) Spain Germany Car rental March 09 March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 Feb. 11 Official ITB Dailies – Daily for trade visitors Daily for trade visitors Daily for trade visitors Daily for consumers Daily for consumers Daily I Daily II Daily III Daily IV Daily V Feb. 08 Counter series ”Better Selling” River cruises Insurance Youth travel Preview: ITB Greece Norway Section ”Management & Career” April Issue no. Date of Ad & materials publication close Topics Counter series ”Better Selling” 6/16 March 18 March 07 ITB summary report England, Scotland, Ireland The Gulf States Active and sports holidays US Tunisia 7/16 April 01 March 17 Cyprus Asia (South-East Asia) Italy, Malta Hotels and resorts ■ Special supplement: Cruise travel 8/16 April 15 April 04 France Business travel/IMEX (Frankfurt, April 19–21) Travel technology, e-commerce Portugal Golf travel 9/16 April 29 April 18 Croatia, Slovenia Study tours Insurance Turkey Study: Target areas 10/16 May 13 April 29 Ras Al-Khaimah 11/16 May 27 May 13 City breaks Cruise travel Israel, Jordan Norway Musicals US BeNeLux Airlines and airports Austria, Switzerland 12/16 June 10 May 30 Continental Spain Group travel Asia (China, Hong Kong, Macao, Shanghai) Dossier: German travel sales & distribution India Feb. 17/March 02 May June May 20 Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Circulation Reader Reader Profile Profile Publication Publication Schedule Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements Section ”Management & Career” ■ Rio de Janeiro Upgrading: Master’s degree fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress Subject to change! Month fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 14 Month Publication Schedule Issue no. Date of Ad & materials publication close Topics 13/16 June 24 June 13 Oman Hotels and resorts India, Sri Lanka Bus travel 14/16 July 08 June 27 Australia, New Zealand, The South Seas Eastern Europe Media and print services US 15/16 July 22 July 11 16/16 Aug. 05 July 25 17/16 Aug. 19 Aug. 08 South Africa The Caribbean (Dom. Republic, Jamaica, Cuba) Winter sports Travel technology, IT September 18/16 Sep. 02 Aug. 22 Preview: fvw Kongress (Essen, September 06–07) Thailand Egypt Bus travel Study: Cruise travel Sep. 16 Sep. 05 Rail travel Cape Verde Islands Airlines and airports Indian Ocean (Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, La Réunion) July August KONGRESS 19/16 Counter series ”Better Selling” Section ”Management & Career” Peru Asia (Singapore) Turkey The Caribbean Fall industry events Study: Employer Diving holidays Winter programs/brochures Cruise travel Morocco Graubünden Qatar Mobile travel sales Issue no. October Date of Ad & materials publication close Topics Counter series ”Better Selling” 20/16 Sep. 30 Sep. 19 Insurance Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) Canary Islands US Botswana 21/16 Oct. 14 Sep. 30 Latin America Travel agency chains and co-operations Preview: DRV convention (Kusadasi, October 26–30) Business travel ■ Special supplement: Golf travel ■ Sep. 02/Sep. 16 November December 22/16 Oct. 28 Oct. 17 Cruise travel Hotels and resorts Study tours Australia, New Zealand, The South Seas Trade shows 23/16 Nov. 11 Oct. 31 Indonesia, Philippines The Gulf States Tunisia City breaks Study: Airlines 24/16 Nov. 25 Nov. 14 Turkey Club holidays US, Canada Summer programs/brochures 25/16 Dec. 09 Nov. 28 Egypt, Red Sea Car rental Luxury travel 26/16 Dec. 23 Dec. 12 Airlines and airports Honeymoon travel Events 2017 Dossier: German tour operators Dec. 02 Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Circulation Reader Reader Profile Profile Publication Publication Schedule Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies Section ”Management & Career” St. Petersburg Subject to change! Month fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 16 Attention! Ne Ad Formats & Rates w formats No. 1 2 A 460 x 300 mm 71 3 A 230 x 300 mm 8 9 A 146 x 300 mm 10 4 5 6 A 113 x 300 mm A 230 x 150 mm A 146 x 230 mm 13 12 11 Size 1 2/1 page 15,500.– 2 1/1 page 9,950.– 3 2/3 page 7,950.– 4–6 1/2 page 6,950.– 7–9 1/3 page 5,400.– 10 – 11 1/4 page 4,000.– 12 – 13 1/6 page 2,200.– Frequency discount A 230 x 100 mm ■ ■ A 82 x 300 mm A 146 x 150 mm A 230 x 75 mm A 113 x 150 mm A 82 x 150 mm Ad design available through fvw at extra cost. For bleed advertisements add 3 mm edge trim. These paid-for advertising pages are presented in an editorial format and are individually designed. They offer a perfect opportunity to communicate marketing information to readers beyond traditional ads. The advertorial uses a typeface and layout that is distinctly different from the magazine’s style and design. ■ All rates include copy-writing and layout. ■ Benefit from our online media to generate additional exposure for your advertorial on fvw.de. 3x 6x 9x 12 x 15 x 18 x 21 x A 146 x 75 mm A = trim size Width x height in mm Advertorials 25 eur0 einkAuFSguTScHein AlS BelOHnung Traumstrände & Orientzauberr OMAN hAuTN Ah eRlebe N: auf der ITb in halle Stand 20022b, Was für ein Glück: Oman ist noch immer ein Geheimtipp. Ziemlich erstaunlich angesichts all seiner Reize – nicht umsonst setzt das Sultanat auf den Slogan „Beauty has an address“. Die zehn besten Gründe auf einen Blick. Strände mit Sonnengarantie. Endlos lange Sandstrände, geschützte Buchten zwischen schroffen Felsen und Beach Life mit Palmenschatten: Die 3500 Kilometer lange Küste macht das Land zum Badeziel par excellence. Und der Sonnenschein ist garantiert! Neuer Glamour. Vor allem an den Stränden von Muscat und Salalah sind in den vergangenen Jahren viele internationale Vier- und Fünf-Sterne-Hotels entstanden. Viel neuen Glanz gibt es auch in der Hauptstadt mit Highlights wie dem Royal Opera House. Abenteuer inklusive. Höhlenexpeditionen, Wandern und Mountainbiken in den Bergen, Segeltörns in den Fjorden von Musandam, Tauchen und Schnorcheln, Wüstentouren und Wadi Bashing, Begegnungen mit Schildkröten, Delfinen und Walen, mit Kamelen, Antilopen und Gazellen: Wer bietet mehr? Kein Massentourismus. Trotz der ersten vereinzelten All-Inclusive-Angebote – die Verantwortlichen achten streng darauf, dass sich das Land zu einem nachhaltigen, qualitativ hochwertigen Reiseziel entwickelt. Orient wie im Märchen: Oasenstädte und uralte Festungen, Stierkämpfe und Kamelrennen, Weihrauchmärkte und Rosenplantagen, bunte Souks und die Erhabenheit der Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in Muscat. Moderne Infrastruktur. Oman hat kräftig investiert, in Straßen und Flughäfen ebenso wie in Häfen, Busnetze oder die Ausbildung von Reiseleitern. Viel Platz für Ruhe. Oman ist fast so groß wie Deutschland, hat aber nur circa drei Millionen Einwohner – das verspricht paradiesische Ruhe. Kein Grund zur Sorge. Kriminalität ist praktisch nicht vorhanden. Die Omanis sind aufgeschlossene, tolerante Gastgeber und machen es den Ausländern leicht, die 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung darstellen. Perfektes Paket. Der Flug von Dubai oder Abu Dhabi nach Muscat dauert nur eine Stunde. Nach den Wolkenkratzermetropolen wirkt die Ruhe in Oman noch betörender. Direkt ab Deutschland. Oman Air fliegt täglich von Frankfurt, München sowie fünfmal wöchentlich von Zürich nach Muscat. Weitere Carrier mit Ziel Oman sind zum Beispiel Gulf Air, Swiss, Etihad Airlines, Emirates oder Qatar Airways. Kontakt Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Tourism c/o Interface International E-Mail info@omantourism.de www.omantourism.de www.omantourism.gov.om Vom 30. Mai bis 3. Juni 2015 war Orlando Gastgeber des International Pow Wow 2015. Wer nicht dabei war, kann die Stadt der Themenparks jetzt Ac mithilfe der Orlando Travel Academy multimedial kennenlernen. In sieben Schritten zum Experten Strände ohne ende: Oman glänzt mit mehr als 3500 Kilometern Küste. Einen Überblick über das Riesenangebot sowie nützliche n Bera- vermittelt die Orlando Wie im Märchen: das Royal Opera house in der hauptstadt Muscat.tungstipps rund um die Urlaubsplanung vermitte Travel Academy, ein Online-Trainingsprogramm mit sieben bilden die audiovisuellen Kapiteln. Einen Schwerpunkt bilde Themenparks, für die Orlando so berühmt ist. Do Doch natürlich Attraktionen, zu dürfen rf auch Informationen zu den kleineren Att rfen Natur und Exkursionen sowie Verkaufstipps und B Beratungshilfen nichtt ffeh fehlen. in deutscher len. Gut zu wissen: Das Programm ist auch a verfüg rf bar. Registrieren rfüg Sprache verfügbar. Sie sich noch heute für die Die VOrTeile VOr Für erFOlgreicHe Orlando o Travel T Tra ravel Academy unter rave de.orlandotravelacademy.com. Die ersten 50 0T Tei Teilnehmer lnehmer Einkaufsguterhalten einen Einkaufsg uf utufsg schein im Wert von 25 Euro! Duftend: Rosen blüten. Oman eTraveler Zwischen Märchenland und Moderne Noch Fragen? Da hilft die OmanApp – mit Interviews, Tipps und Hintergrundinfos. Kostenlos für Android und Apple-Handys. Advertorials lernen & ST STAu nen! STAunen! er Touristenmagnet Orlando ist die Heimat Heim von gleich sieben der größten Themenparks der Welt, Welt darunter Berühmtheiten wie Walt Disney World R Resort, Universal Orlando Resort und SeaWorld SeaWor aW aWorld Orlando. Die Stadt im Zentrum Floridas hat aber noch mehr als 100 weitere Attraktionen auf Attr Lager, dazu ausgiebige Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, preisgekrönte pre Restaurants und eine Fülle von Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Outdoor-Aktivität allen voran Wassersport, aber auch Action von Ballonfahren Ballonfah nf nfah ren bis b Ziplining. TeilneHmer • Das Zertifikat „Orlando Travel Expert“. • Der persönliche „Orlando Travel Agent Passport“ für satte Ermäßigungen und Pre andere Preisvorteile beim nächsten Orlando-Besuch. • Die Listung Listun als Orlando Travel Expert auf VisitOrlando.com. Percent 7% 10% 13% 16% 18% 19% 20% Anzeige Anzeige Klassiker: von Muscat nach Nizwa in nur zwei Stunden. D Rate € S Spaßfaktor: Orlando isst berühmt für seine Themenparks. W Wassersport in Hülle u und Fülle ist eine weitere Spezialität w des angesagten Ziels d im m Herzen Floridas. Rate € 1 page 10,900.– 2 pages 16,500.– 4 pages 22,050.– 6 pages 26,000.– 17 Ad Specials Customize No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 Loose inserts Weight Rate € per 1,000 copies Min. size: 105 mm x 148 mm Max. size: 210 mm x 276 mm up to 25 g 330.– up to 50 g 360.– Split-run advertising with geographical or mechanical split upon request, based on availability. Minimum circulation: 5,000; Surcharge: € 1,500 in partial print. Rates for inserts exceeding 50 g upon request. Bound inserts Size: 230 x 300 mm + 10 mm head trim + 3 mm edge and foot trim Attention! Ne w formats Alternative sizes upon request. Please make sure to contact us before having your inserts printed/shipped. Tip-on (incl. full-page carrier ad) Size: Postcard 148 x 105 mm Alternative tip-on formats upon request. ■ ■ ■ ■ Booking deadline: One week prior to ad close. Delivery: By ad close directly to the printer; quantity: on request. Design, production and printing available through fvw at extra cost. Loose inserts, bound inserts and tip-ons are not eligible for discounts but commissionable. Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Ad Formats Formats && Rates Rates Advertorials Advertorials Ad Ad Specials Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies Page volume Rate € preprinted bound inserts delivered to our printing house 4 pages 13,500.– 8 pages 15,400.– 12 pages 18,300.– Form Rate € preprinted tip-ons delivered to our printing house Postcard 13,200.– A binding sample (or at least a dummy) including size and weight specifications must be provided to the publisher. Loose inserts, bound inserts and tip-ons are distributed with the care customary to business. fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 18 Booklet* Attention! Ne Ad Specials 105 x 148 mm (to be supplied) Title page w formats Rate € Gatefolder* Advertising space: 2 x 105 27,900.– 2/1 page (451 x 300 mm) plus 1/1 page (224 x 300 mm) 148 Inside magazine (incl. full-page carrier ad) Rate € 18,000.– 300 21,300.– 4 22 451 Gatefolder plus page 3* 0 23 Multi-page ad* (magazine opening) 4/1 page (230 x 300 mm) Rate € 26,800.– Rate € Advertising space: 2/1 page (451 x 300 mm) plus 2/1 page (224 x 300 mm) 300 300 31,600.– 4 22 451 Belly band* Title page 520 x 50 mm Rate € 23,700.– 1/2-page cover wrap* ■ For details on our ad specials see: www.fvw-medien.com/media ■ Rates include printing and paper cost (does not apply for booklets). ■ Design, production and printing available through fvw at extra cost. ■ Ad specials are not eligible for discounts but commissionable. ■ For bleed advertisements add 3 mm edge trim. Rate € 23 520 50 0 Advertising space: 1 x 1/2 page (115 x 247 mm) 3 x 1/2 page (115 x 300 mm) plus back outside cover ad (230 x 300 mm) 300 28,000.– *Limited availability per issue due to mechanical requirements. 115 19 Customize Themed Supplements No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 Themed Supplements fvw’s themed supplements regularly highlight industry-specific topics. On up to 32 pages the corporate publishing department consolidates all relevant information, tips and trends related to the subject. This makes the supplements a compact source of information and a valuable tool for sales professionals. 76% of readers are interested or very interested in the themed supplements. In travel sales this share is as high as 81%. The special supplements are distributed with fvw and TravelTalk boasting an average circulation of roughly 52,000 copies. Advertising in this environment reaches the sales specialists for domestic, cruise and golf travel – without wastage. Sources: Total circulation IVW 2/2015; fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH Media Profile Print/Online Job Market ■ Germany supplement fvw 03 published Feb. 05 AC Dec. 21/MC Jan. 08 ■ Cruise travel supplement fvw 07 published April 01 AC Feb. 17/MC March 02 ■ Golf travel supplement fvw 21 published Oct. 14 AC Sep. 02/MC Sep. 16 Page volume Size Format 24 pages 210 x 276 mm 1/1 page ad 7,500.– IFC/BC ad 8,500.– 2/1 advertorial 9,800.– 4/1 advertorial 14,000.– Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Please feel free to contact us for details about our special supplement on Germany. Rate € Cruise or golf travel Themed Themed Supplements Supplements CI CI && Promotional PromotionalInserts Inserts Technical Technical Requirements Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 20 Customize Counter Infos & Promotional Inserts Counter Infos The Counter Info is an established supplement produced on behalf of a destination and in close cooperation with the corporate publishing department. The publication provides travel agents at the counter with relevant destination knowledge through sound information and practical sales advice. The content is prepared by the corporate publishing department and presented in a high-quality editorial design, making Counter Infos an important sales tool at travel agencies. An additional free digital version is available for download on fvw.de and TravelTalk.de. Promotional Inserts Based on the clients’ specifications and featuring their corporate look and feel, the corporate publishing department develops individual promotional inserts e.g. for destinations or hotels. The inserts are popular among sales professionals and actively used as source of information. In both cases clients enjoy a publishing house’s convenient one-stop service, from layout and copy-writing to production, printing and distribution. All they need to supply are content and images. ■ Page volme Size (min.–max. W x min.–max. H) Rate € CI Rate € PI 8 pages 105 – 210 x 148 – 276 mm 20,700.– 23,900.– 12 pages 105 – 210 x 148 – 276 mm 25,500.– 29,300.– 16 pages 105 – 210 x 148 – 276 mm 29,600.– 34,100.– 24 pages 105 – 210 x 148 – 276 mm 37,800.– 43,500.– According to § 3.5 UWG, Counter Infos/Promotional Inserts must be clearly marked with the term “advertisement”. 21 Technical Requirements Customize No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 Naming convention 1. Abbreviated magazine title (fvw) 2. Issue number (NOYY) 3. Advertiser‘s name (companyXYZ) e.g. ”fvw_0116_advertisersname.pdf“ Magazine format 230 mm width x 300 mm height Type area 193 mm width x 258 mm height Bleed Due to varying page content, text elements or images running into bleed must allow at least 8 mm from the trim. For bleed advertisements add 3 mm edge trim. Printing Rotary offset with heatset drying Screen 60 lines per cm Color composition Inside pages: Rotary offset – PSO LWC Improved (Fogra 45L) Outside cover: Sheet-set offset – ISOcoatedv2-39L E-Mail ftp-Server druckunterlagen@fvw-medien.de (max. 20 MB) Host: ftp.fvw-medien.de User ID: fvw_produktion, Passwort: produktion1001 File formats Please make sure to include all required fonts and image files. Standard format PDF 1.3 (PDF/X-3:2002) Alternative formats Mac compatible digital files only Adobe CS3 – CS5.5 (Indesign, IIlustrator, Photoshop) Resolution 300 DPI Artwork production Available at extra cost, based on client’s specifications. Proof Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Kindly supply color print-outs or proofs with your digital files. Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Themed Supplements Supplements CI CI && Promotional PromotionalInserts Inserts Technical Technical Requirements Requirements Contact production Ph. +49 40 41448-330, Fax +49 40 41448-689 Contact Ad sales Ph. +49 40 41448-844, Fax +49 40 41448-899 anzeigen@fvw-medien.de Delivery address for artwork FVW Medien GmbH, Produktion, P.O. Box 70 06 29, 22006 Hamburg, Germany fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 22 Customize fvw Dailies The trade show daily at ITB Berlin Target group fvw Dailies 1–3: fvw Daily is one of the official trade show papers at the leading international fair for travel and tourism. Being the only trade show paper in both German and English fvw Dailies are relevant to all target groups: decision makers, businesses, sales and tourism experts. 25 national and international specialist editors evaluate on a daily basis the key news and trade show trends. Show visitors receive every day at 8 am, hot off the press, a summary of the previous and the current day’s highlights. 115,000 trade visitors (58.2% German, 41.8% international) Editorial concept/target groups: ■ B2B on trade days: fvw Daily 1–3 ■ B2C on consumer days: fvw Daily show guide 4–5 ■ Circulation: 25,000 copies per publication day ■ Distribution: ■ Delivered daily to show booths in all halls ■ Handed out by some 30 hostesses at the ITB fairground entrances ■ Available at Berlin’s 50 top business hotels fvw Dailies 1–3: fvw Dailies 4–5: Publication date: March 09–11, 2016 Ad close: Feb. 11, 2016 Publication date: March 12–13, 2016 Ad close: Feb. 11, 2016 Source: Exhibitors‘ and trade visitors‘ survey ITB 2015 Target group fvw Dailies 4–5: 50,000 consumers (92% German-speaking) 23 Customize fvw Dailies No. 44 effective Trade visitors by line of business Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Jan. 1, 2016 Participants 2015 Tour operator 27.2% at the world‘s largest tourism fair in Berlin: Travel agency 17.6% ■ Hotel industry 10.3% Publisher/media 8.4% PR/consulting/ad agency 8.2% Tourism organization 5.2% Business travel 4.6% Research/education 4.4% Travel technology/information and reservation systems 4.4% Tourism association 4.1% Transportation 3.7% Trade show/congress & meeting organizers 2.9% Other 18.7% Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements 175,000 visitors total, including 115,000 trade visitors ■ 10,096 exhibitors from 186 countries ■ Half of all trade visitors have managerial responsibility Visitors 2015 international national ■ 58.2% are German trade visitors ■ 41.8% are international trade visitors Source: Exhibitors’ and trade visitors’ survey ITB 2015 fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact fvw Dailies Exhibitors by country of origin ■ 77.4% of exhibitors are from other countries ■ 22.6% of exhibitors are from Germany Exhibitors by line of business Tour operator 23.4% Tourism organization 23.0% Hotel business 18.3% Travel technology/information & reservation systems 10.9% Tourism associations 8.5% Corporate travel 6.6% Transportation 5.5% Research/education 4.0% Source: Exhibitors‘ and trade visitors‘ survey ITB 2015 Image copyright: Messe Berlin, Christian Wyrwa 24 25 Customize fvw Dailies 1 No. 44 effective 3 2 A 260 x 365 mm A 170 x 365 mm 4 A 260 x 180 mm A 124 x 365 mm Jan. 1, 2016 No. Size Rate € 1 1/1 page 7,200.– 2 2/3 page 5,700.– 3–4 1/2 page 4,600.– 5–6 1/3 page 3,950.– 7–9 1/4 page 3,350.– Package 5 1 6 7 8 9 A 260 x 118 mm A 83 x 365 mm A 260 x 87,5 mm A 124 x 180 mm A 61 x 365 mm ■ Ad design and artwork available through fvw at extra cost. ■ Elements running into bleed must allow at least 8 mm from the trim. ■ For bleed advertisements add 3 mm edge trim. Discount fvw Daily All Inclusive Package (5 issues) 30% fvw Daily Trade Package (3 issues) 20% fvw Daily Traveller Package (2 issues) 15% Ad on title page foot A 260 x 87.5 mm Title page de: € 5,900.– Title page eng: € 5,900.– A = trim size Width x height in mm Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact Client Events Customize fvw Workshop – the exclusive destination marketing event The custom-made premium event for international destinations that are looking to position themselves in the German market. During the Workshop a group of around 40 leading German tour operators, select travel agents and representatives from tourism authorities and associations meets at the destination to jointly discuss and develop new marketing strategies and visions to effectively establish the product in the German market. fvw Workshops are a mix of expert conference and event. The destination also benefits from the comprehensive editorial coverage and the marketing activities to recruit participants that take place in fvw, both print and online, reaching more than 130,000 readers. Services provided by FVW Medien ■ Workshop organization ■ Event program coordination jointly with the destination ■ Announcement of the Workshops in fvw ■ Selection of participants and recruitment of speakers ■ Comprehensive coverage in fvw and on fvw.de ■ fvw editor-in-chief exclusively attends and hosts the panel discussions; a photographer is assigned to cover the event The number of fvw Workshops is limited to 3–4 events annually. Timing based on availability. Rates and further details on the included services upon request. Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa 26 27 Client Customize Events No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 fvw Fam Trip – the exclusive travel agent familiarization tour Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa fvw Fam Trips are designed as events for destinations who would like to present themselves to German travel sales professionals. Participating counter staff receives comprehensive information about the destination, its hotels and tourism products. During six days (or less) they discover the destination and its culture enabling the agents to successfully incorporate the newly gained insights into their day-to-day work. After all, when it comes to selling nothing beats personal experience. A fact that both the destination and the travel agent benefit from. Cost € Services provided by FVW Medien ■ Recruitment of participants and coordination ■ Assigned editor and photographer joining the tour for up to 6 days ■ Live online coverage on fvw.de ■ 4-page advertorial in fvw 35,800.– Please contact us for further information and an individual offer. Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop Workshop fvw Fam Fam Trip Trip fvw Kongress Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 28 Customize Events Participants fvw Kongress – FVW Medien‘s lead event fvw Kongress is one of the top events for decision makers and experts from the travel and mobility industry. A total of 950 participants are annually presented with a program which reflects the current market situation and addresses topics that stir the makers and experts in the corporate world and in sales. www.fvw-kongress.de fvw Travel Expo – the trade show during fvw Kongress Originally launched as tie-in fair, fvw Travel Expo has grown to become one of the most important travel trade shows in the German-speaking market. Some 80 exhibitors present insights and their latest solutions regarding travel technology, corporate travel and e-commerce. The show annually sees an average of 1,250 visitors from travel sales and other market segments, e.g. tourism service providers. www.travelexpo.de 950 1,250 Convention attendees Trade visitors Focus on decision makers and opinion leaders Most visitors are business owners, corporate managers and department heads. 89% of trade visitors confirm the excellent level of quality. Over 46% of participants work in tour operating/travel sales. Nearly 100% of exhibitors rate the quality of visitors high/very high. Source: Visitors’ survey fvw Kongress and fvw Travel Expo 2015 29 Customize Events No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 Participant profile fvw Kongress Office manager/ department head 27% Division manager 25% President, board member/ corporate manager 24% Independent business owner 13% Freelance 1% Not specified 10% Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa What is your job position? Messe Essen, 6 & 7, September 2016 Editorial coverage in fvw: How many times have you attended fvw Kongress? 1st time 17% 2 to 5 times 32% 6 times or more ■ Preview fvw Kongress: fvw 18/16, September 2, 2016 ■ 51% fvw Kongress report: fvw 19/16, September 16, 2016 Source: Visitors‘ survey fvw Kongress and fvw Travel Expo 2015 Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 30 Customize Events – Sponsoring fvw Kongress – September 6–7, 2016/Essen FVW Medien offers businesses the opportunity to be part of all advertising material and marketing activities by becoming a sponsor. Exposure includes conference material, on- and offline advertisement for this top event as well as direct marketing at the venue. Please contact our sales department for an individual sponsorship concept tailored to your needs. For further information go to www.fvw-kongress.de. Basic Sponsorship package ■ Flag outside the venue ■ 1 convention ticket ■ Full-page ad in the exhibition catalog ■ Logo on all on- and offline advertising materials: ■ on event ads in fvw and on fvw.de ■ in the e-newsletters ■ in the flyer announcing the schedule of events ■ in the event brochure available at the venue ■ online in the sponsors’ section ■ on information signs in the convention hall Cost € 6,900.– 31 Customize Events – Sponsoring No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 Choice of customizable sponsorship options: Supplements With mailing of convention program With mailing of tickets In the exhibition catalog Branding Reverse side of badges (name tags) Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa Lunch Polo shirts for hostesses Chair covers Information signs Meeting rooms Giveaways Wi-Fi Floor plan Logo inclusion Video trailer in convention hall Availability may be limited for some options. Please contact us for further details. Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact Customize Events – Sponsoring fvw Online Marketing Day – February 16, 2016/Frankfurt The central event for successful digital marketing in travel and tourism Experts from the tourism and online business present their success stories as well as advice for marketing and online decision makers throughout the tourism industry. In 2015, around 270 experts from the target group attended this well-established fvw event. www.fvw.de/onlinemarketingday Tourism Marketing Summit – February 17, 2016/Frankfurt An event by fvw and Horizont Image copyright: André Lenthe 32 Branding and marketing in tourism are the industry’s key issues for the future. The high-profile event is centered on brand building and marketing in travel and tourism. It brings on stage both top managers from advertising and tourism marketing directors. www.fvw.de/touristikmarketing fvw Travel Technology Day – April 21, 2016/Cologne The top convention for trends and developments in technology This is where the industry meets to discuss the latest technology trends and pioneering innovations. The event addresses heads and managers of IT, commercial executives, directors and corporate managers. With around 310 attendees in 2015 FVW Medien saw one of the largest turnouts ever. This demonstrates how established and important the trade event has become for the industry. www.fvw.de/traveltechday NEW Destinat! Germany ion Day Janu ary 19, 20 16 Stuttgart For furthe r informat ion please fe el free contact us to . 33 Events – Sponsoring Customize No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 fvw CruiseLive – 2016 date to be advised The cruise event for travel sales professionals The program covers, among other topics, the variety of features on new cruise ships, selected niche concepts and the competition among cruise portals. Product workshops, which are staged in addition to the regular program, provide information about what the cruise ship companies currently have to offer. fvw CruiseLive addresses travel agency owners and counter staff who are keen on boosting their knowledge for cruise sales. www.fvw.de/cruiselive Cost € Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa Standard sponsorship packages for the sales events fvw Online Marketing Day, Tourism Marketing Summit, fvw Travel Technology day and fvw CruiseLive ■ Logo on all on- and offline advertising materials: ■ Ads in fvw and on fvw.de ■ E-mail newsletter ■ Flyer announcing the event ■ Event brochure available on site ■ ■ Landing page event/sponsor’s section Information signs at the venue 3,900.– In addition, FVW Medien offers sponsors of fvw CruiseLive the exclusive opportunity to conduct workshops. Please contact our sales team for an individual, customized sponsorship concept for your event of choice. Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS OMDay/TMG fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact Customize Events – Sponsoring HR symposium “fvw Fachtagung Personal” – 2016 date to be advised Professional human resources management has never been more important. A few years from now, the demographic change will also be felt in the tourism industry. This is why the fvw symposium is designed to show HR officers strategies on how to recruit highly qualified staff in order to be able to compete in the tourism business. www.fvw.de/fachtagungpersonal Please contact our sales team for an individual, customized sponsorship concept. Karrierewelt AHGZ & fvw – March 9–13, 2016/ITB Berlin Looking for high-quality young professionals? Businesses have the chance to become co-exhibitors during the Karrierewelt event by AGHZ & fvw, the great career exchange at ITB 2016 (hall 11.1), enabling them to address and meet future staff. Karrierewelt is the central platform for candidates and HR officers in tourism. For trainees, students and specialists it provides a unique platform to obtain comprehensive information about entry level opportunities, jobs and career prospects, and about businesses in travel and tourism. For further exhibitor information, please go to www.karriere-welt.com. Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa 34 Publisher’s Details Customize Publishing house No. 44 effective Jan. 1, 2016 Image copyright: toufo.de 35 FVW Medien GmbH Wandsbeker Allee 1, 22041 Hamburg, Germany P.O. Box 70 06 29, 22006 Hamburg, Germany www.fvw.com Management Marliese Kalthoff Bank details Peter Kley Hamburger Sparkasse AG BLZ 200 505 50, Konto-Nr. 1233126661 Publisher Marliese Kalthoff IBAN DE 18200505501233126661 Bic/Swift HASPDEHHXXX Editor-in-chief Director Sales Ad sales Klaus Hildebrandt Matthias Ehbrecht Terms of payment Michael Krane 2% discount on prepayment or direct debit provided that no ealier invoices are outstanding. The publisher reserves the right to demand advance payment from first-time advertisers. Andreas auf der Heiden Ph. +49 40 41448-844, Fax +49 40 41448-899 anzeigen@fvw-medien.de Media Profile Print/Online Job Market Volume 50th Volume Publication frequency Biweekly on Fridays Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Net due upon receipt of invoice. Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Themed Supplements CI & Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements Agency commission 15% VAT All rates are quoted net, excluding VAT. General terms and The general terms and conditions of conditions FVW Medien GmbH apply. For details see: www.fvw-medien.com/gtc fvw Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/TMS fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Staff/Career Publisher’s Details Contact 36 Customize Contact/International Representatives FVW Medien GmbH Frankfurt Office Wandsbeker Allee 1, 22041 Hamburg Postfach 70 06 29, 22006 Hamburg Germany Ph. +49 40 41448-844 Fax +49 40 41448-899 anzeigen@fvw-medien.de Mainzer Landstraße 251, 60326 Frankfurt Germany Ph. +49 69 7595-ext Fax +49 69 7595-3080 www.fvw-medien.de Director Sales Andreas auf der Heiden Ph. +49 40 41448-831 a.aufderheiden@fvw-medien.de Account Manager National Markets Michael Bordt Ph. +49 69 7595-3081 m.bordt@fvw-medien.de Account Manager National Markets Dennis Hermsen Ph. +49 40 41448-821 d.hermsen@fvw-medien.de Account Manager National Markets Oliver Pawelzik Ph. +49 69 7595-3084 o.pawelzik@fvw-medien.de Account Manager National Markets Christopher Tyziak Ph. +49 40 41448-823 c.tyziak@fvw-medien.de Director International Markets Sönke Graumann Ph. +49 40 41448-714 s.graumann@fvw-medien.de Account Manager International Markets Corinna Simon Ph. +49 40 41448-826 c.simon@fvw-medien.de Job Markets Isa Spormann Ph. +49 40 41448-550 i.spormann@fvw-medien.de Albania/Bulgaria/Croatia/Hungary/ Macedonia/Montenegro/Romania/ Serbia/Slovenia ■ VIA Bulgaria +359 888 598660 Argentina/Peru/Chile/Colombia ■ RRWW Communicaciones +54 911 51090732 Brazil ■ Altina Media International +55 11 36379498 Mexico/Panama/Ecuador INTEGRA Tourism For Good, S.L. +521 9999471194 ■ Middle East/Asia ■ Stephen Dioneda +49 15123976919 Portugal Illimitada-Marketing +351 21 385 3598 ■ Scandinavia ■ Best of Scandinavia Incoming AS +47 6135 2207 China ■ Publicitas Rui Shi (Shanghai) South Africa +86 21 5116 8877 ■ Tourism Tattler (Pty) Ltd. Cyprus +27 32 8150414 ■ GEM – Tourism Consulting Ltd. Spain +357 99 631 950 ■ COMIMAG S.L. Eastern Europe +34 93 237 47 82 ■ Miroslav Roncák Thailand +49 151 41342630 ■ Publicitas (Thailand) Ltd. Greece +66 2 651 9273 ■ Publicitas S.A. Turkey +30 211 10 60 300 ■ Destination Touristic Services India/Sri Lanka/Maldives +90 242 212 02 02 ■ Mediascope Publicitas India Pvt. Ltd. UK/Ireland/Iceland +91 11 23730869 ■ International Graphic Press Ltd. Israel +44 20 7403 4589 ■ El-Ron Adv. & Public Relations Co.Ltd. +972 3 6955367 Italy Publicitas International S.p.A. +39 031267797 ■