Impact Church in Victor Plans to Reach


Impact Church in Victor Plans to Reach
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January/February 2014 (Published since 2005)
Rochester’s Eighth Annual
Night to Honor Israel to Be
Held on March 30 at Bethel
Christian Fellowship
(Rochester, NY) - Christians United for Israel (CUFI) will host the Eighth Annual Greater
Rochester Night to Honor Israel on Sunday,
March 30, 2014, at 6:30 pm at Bethel Christian Fellowship, located at 321 East Avenue in
Rochester, NY. This non-denominational and
non-partisan event is free and open to the public and provides an opportunity to demonstrate
Christian solidarity with the State of Israel and
the Jewish community.
Photo by Selah Images
Pastor Ron A. Domina
“More than any previous time in history, it is
critical that Christians partner with us to stand
up for Israel,” said Pastor Ron A. Domina,
Senior Pastor of Bethel Christian Fellowship
Continued on page 9
Human Christian Prayer
Chain to be Held on May 1
By Bishop David J. Singleton
Sr. Pastor, Ark of Jesus Ministries
1 Timothy 2:1-3: “I urge, then, first of all,
that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - 2 for kings and
all those in authority, that we may live peaceful
and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior,”
Impact Church in Victor Plans to Reach
Community with God’s Love
By Lida H. Moore
Curtis and Eileen Stitt thrive on the opportunities and challenges God places in their path as
they begin building the foundation of a church
from its very beginnings of existence. On Sept.
29, 2013, they began this new journey as they
launched Impact Church in Victor, New York.
For the past 15 years, the Stitts have planted
churches in Africa and most recently in Pennsylvania. With the support of Elim Fellowship,
they are now planting this new church in Victor,
which is a community where many people have
never attended or been committed to a church.
“We love laying a foundation and starting a
work from scratch,” Pastor Curtis Stitt said in
an interview. “Church planting and multiplication is in our DNA right from the beginning.
Right now, we have students from Elim Bible
Institute (EBI) who serve in many of our ministries and who are learning how to plant a
church. We hope that this will spark a church
planting movement at Elim where students will
get equipped and sent out to plant new churches
and live missionally no matter where God calls
Recently, Pastor Stitt provided information
to The Good News about the mission, plans,
and a vision for this new church plant, Impact
Church, in Victor, NY, which meets each Sun-
day at 10 a.m. at the Victor Park and Rec Building at 1290 Blossom Drive.
Continued on page 9
The Learning Center, a computer lab and classroom; and a Youth Center.
By Lida H. Moore
Kirsten Smith’s passion and optimism radiates throughout her conversation about sharing
the transforming love and salvation through
Jesus Christ to the young women she serves at
Place of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center, located in the city of Rochester at Goodman and
Bay Streets.
As we obey the instructions of 1 Timothy
2:1-3, part of my interpretation of this passage
includes pray for them, for the laws they make
you will live with. Additionally, we’re reminded in Romans 13 that God alone ordains the
powers that be. I believe this is the hour for the
Body of Christ.
In fact, Smith chose “How great is the love
the Father has lavished on us, that we should
be called children of God! And that is what we
are!” from 1 John 3:1a as the Center’s guiding
verse, because her first priority is to share the
love she has received from God with those she
The VISION for 2014:
The Vision for May 1, 2014 is that the Body
Continued on page 20
Founded in 2008, as an affiliate of the crisis
pregnancy organization CareNet, Place of Hope
Pregnancy Resource Center is a ministry of Joy
Mail to:
Curtis and Eileen Stitt with their children
Place of Hope’s Kirsten Smith Passionate
about Sharing Jesus’ Transforming Love
With Young Women
“I want these young women, many of them
single moms who have no one to support them,
to know that God loves them and He can transform their lives because He created them and
has a wonderful plan for each one of them and
their children,” said Smith, who has worked for
over 25 years at various pregnancy care centers
in the city.
Bishop David J. Singleton
Complimentary Copy
Rochester NY
Permit # 348
Smith said that Place of Hope provides resources such as free pregnancy testing, a 24-hour
HOPE line (1-800-395-HELP), compassionate
peer-counseling, post-abortion counseling, referrals for adoption, parenting information, and
other needs. For instance, some young women
stop by the Center and watch various videos on
being a new mom or handling sibling rivalry.
Opportunities for learning and growth as a parent not only help the clients with practical issues, but also increase their self-confidence and
they earn “bundle bucks,” which they redeem,
according to Smith.
Kirsten Smith, Director of Place of
Hope Pregnancy Resource Center
Community Church -- housed in the church’s
Gerhardt Neighborhood Outreach Center
(GNOC) in the Northeast section of Rochester.
The GNOC addresses many community needs
brought on by unplanned pregnancies, a high
sexually transmitted disease rate (STD) rates,
drug abuse, crime, and high drop-out rates. The
building also houses Bundles of Joy, a baby and
new mom boutique; Joy Family Medicine, a
medical clinic; The Hope Shop, a food pantry;
“We come alongside these young women and
help them in various ways to gain their trust
so we can speak into their lives,” Smith said.
“We don’t judge them, but let them know about
God’s love and that their lives are bigger than
this neighborhood – where they see so much
poverty and many times their own fathers and
mothers are in prison. So they need help with
basic parenting skills and resources for themselves and their children.”
Because many of the young women just stop
Continued on page 6
New Beginning Church
International Reaches Out to
Rochester Community
Read on page 3
Pastor Colis Sealy and Mrs. Guinevere Sealy
The Good News
Page 2
“For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life.”
JOHN 3:16
The Good News in Western,
Central and Upstate NY
is published by
The Good News Rochester
Dedicated to the memory of
Vera Nikitichna Minko
Our Mission
“Go Into All the World and Preach the
Good News to All Creation”
(Mark 16:15)
“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his
name; make known among the nations
what he has done. Sing to him, sing
praise to him; tell of all his wonderful
acts.” (Psalm 105:1-2)
The Good News Rochester
P. O. Box 18204
Rochester, NY 14618-0204
Office (585) 271-4464
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Publisher and Editor
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Alexandre V. Boutakov
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Graphic Design
Robert Green
Yosef Boutakov
Contributing Writers
Rabbi Rick Chaimberlin, Rick Krempin,
Pastor Ray Viola, Dr. Ralph Kerr
The Good News is a non-denominational, biblically-based
Christian newspaper and is published bi-monthly since
2005. The newspaper is distributed to over 1,800 churches
and ministries in Western, Central and Upstate New York.
The newspaper is also distributed to the general public at
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is about 30,000.
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Press Conference Held at Open Door Mission
By Susan LeDoux
Executive Director of Rochester’s Open Door
Mission, Michael Hennessy, and Chris Scribani, Communications Director, opened the 2013
press conference on November 8. They reminded those present of the National Homeless and
Hunger Awareness Week which runs from November 17th through the 23rd, 2013.
With Mayor Richards, Senator Joe Robach,
and Monroe County Commissioner of Human
Services, Kelly Reed present, Hennessy said
Rochester is 7th in the nation for child poverty and the County now must house displaced
women and children in local hotels. Shelter
beds are filled during the winter and homeless
even sleep in civic center garages throughout
the city. The Open Door Mission will hopefully
have more beds for men as well as for women
and children in the future. Meanwhile, people
need help this winter.
Open Door Mission launched Code Blue to
equip homeless men to face the elements when
the temperature drops below 20 degrees. A donation of $50 provides a back pack filled with
hygiene products, hats, gloves, socks, hand
warmers, a thermos and a first aid kit. One can
even donate via their mobile device by TEXT:
Monroe County’s Commissioner of Human
Services, Kelly Reed, reinforced the urgency
to meet people’s basic needs as she shared her
family’s personal experiences with the homeless. Her youngest son concluded, after spending time with the homeless near the railroad
tracks that run through Rochester, “They may
not have a home but they have heart and a history.” Reed added, “We are only a few decisions
away from being homeless ourselves.”
Rochester’s Mayor Tom Richards learned to
help those in need from his father who served
the homeless in the 1940s. In his remarks the
Mayor recalled his father talking about providing assistance in a “programmatic context.”
That is, programs that offer ongoing support are
important because they help people improve
their current situations and move on.
Since its inception in 1952, the Open Door
Mission has offered food and emergency housing. The Samaritan House Rescue and Shelter
Monroe County Commissioner of Human Services, Kelly Reed (right), presenting
Michael Hennessy with proclamation.
at 210 West Main St. offers overnight housing,
bathroom and shower facilities for men. Its
Community meal Program is open to the public
Monday through Sunday at 6:45 p.m. and provides food for the soul as well as the body with
evening chapel services. The Mission offers
weekly Bible study every Tuesday and Thursday as well.
Women and children’s clothing distribution
Center at Open Door Mission Caring Center,
156 N. Plymouth Avenue, provides free clothing
by appointment. Men can apply for a voucher
for clothing provided at Samaritan House.
For individuals whose lives have become
more and more out of control, either through
substance abuse or other issues, the Christian
Life Recovery Program has proven successful.
Senator Joe Robach echoed the Mayor’s endorsement of the work of the Open Door Mission, noting that donations go directly to those
in need.
On behalf of Monroe County, Reed presented
Hennessy with a proclamation from County
Manager Maggie Brooks declaring November
16th through the 24th “Hunger and Homeless
Awareness Week in Monroe County.” It was appropriate that Open Door Mission was awarded
this proclamation since it has historically turned
community donations into food, shelter, and
clothing since 1952 and plans on doing even
Assistant General Manager of the Rochester Red Wings, Will Rumbold, signed Spike’s
name (the team’s mascot), to a bigger-thanlife-sized check to the Open Door Mission for
Frontier Field and Stevens Media Group partnered with Open Door Mission this year by
supporting such fundraising events as Launcha-Ball and a 27-hour radio-a-thon on Steven’s
Media stations WARM 101.3, The Zone 94.1
and FICKLE 93.3 FM, on November 13th and
14th to raise enough funds to provide 16,667
meals from now through January.
Other businesses in the area supported the
Mission in 2013 as well. Stuff a Bus! was held
this November at Hegedorn’s Supermarket,
Gro-Moore Farms and the Garden Factory in
order to provide everyday necessities for the
hundreds in need in Rochester.
The Open Door Mission website lists all upcoming events
such as the Warm Coats and Warm Heart Coat
Drive hosted in partnership with One Warm
Coat, Burlington Coat Factory, and ABC’s
Good Morning America. Donate a coat to Open
Door Mission at any Burlington Coat Factory
and get a 10% coupon from the store.
In closing, Scribani noted, “Compassion at
Open Door Mission hasn’t changed. Remember
those in crisis who need our prayers”.
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The Good News
Page 3
New Beginning Church International Reaches
Out to Rochester Community
By Carolyn Hinton
New Beginning Church International is a
fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ that was
sovereignly birthed on November 26, 2010 by
a small group of individuals in a home group
setting. This small group started meeting regularly at the home of Colis and Guinevere Sealy
for bible study. It wasn’t long before the group
was beginning to flourish and expand. Soon it
became obvious that God was birthing a new
beginning not only personally but in spiritual
growth and fulfillment. God was also beginning
to financially prosper them as well as for expansion. On January 29, 2011, that small group
of believers had their first official meeting and
they established themselves as a Christian Corporation in accordance with the State of New
York. In the middle of February 2011, God divinely answered the prayer of these saints for a
larger location to move to so that others could
be invited to come and share the love of God
with them. In March 2011, New Beginning
Church International was publicly welcomed
by Pastor Chuck Roberts to share the building
known as the John Knox Presbyterian Church
at 3233 West Ridge Road in Greece, New York.
It is at this location that New Beginning Church
International now holds weekly bible studies,
church services and bi-monthly prayers.
Dr. Colis Sealy, the Senior Pastor sent by God
and the Holy Spirit, went into preparation for
this divine calling at Harvard Theology College. Dr Sealy, baptized by the Holy Spirit and
filled with the knowledge of the Word of God,
offers the Body of Christ in Rochester the gift
of pastor and teacher. Dr. Sealy was born and
raised in Barbados. It was there that he accepted
Jesus Christ as his savior. He was moved by the
Holy Spirit to preach the gospel to local fishermen and has been used by God mightily to
perform miracles.
Dr. Sealy’s plan upon his retirement from
Kodak was to return back to his homeland.
God however, had another plan for him. God
instructed him to remain in Rochester for such
a time as this. We at New Beginning Church
International are glad that God called him to
preach the gospel in Rochester.
Dr. Sealy’s wife and First Lady at New Beginning Church International is Mrs. Guine-
For those who God has led to New Beginning
Church International, they have found it to be a
place of unconditional love and wonderful fellowship with the Family of God.
With the explosion of the Internet and social media, we’re inundated with lots of images and words
that we must constantly filter out of our minds to not
get distracted and disturbed by their content. But,
every time I hear Casting Crowns’ contemporary
Christian song, “Voice of Truth,” I’m also reminded
to do a daily “sound check” of what I’m allowing
my ears to hear.
If I fail to heed this advice, my mind and heart get
tangled in a web of emotions that can spiral out-ofcontrol into hopelessness and despair instead of being uplifted by the joy and gratitude that comes from
knowing Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In God’s
Word, the Bible, we are reminded in Ephesians
4:17-20 (NLT) “Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do….be filled with
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An elder of the church who assists the Sealys
with prayer, strength, wisdom, discernment and
character is Mrs. Carolyn Spencer. Mrs. Spencer also offers compassionate and anointed
ministry, counsel and prayer to those who have
need of emotional and physical healing. Mrs.
Spencer is also the church’s worship and praise
Pastor Colis Sealy and Mrs. Guinevere
vere Sealy. Together as a team in ministry for
the Lord, the Sealy’s bring a foundation to the
Body of Christ of the Love of God. They love
unconditionally those who are in need, hurting,
and in need of encouragement. They provide
nurturing words and understanding. Together
with compassion as they minister in prayer and
give of themselves to the needs of the Body of
Christ, they also bring down to earth refreshing
fun and fellowship with laughter! Mrs. Sealy is
also continuing her college education in administrative office skills and communication.
The scripture theme of the church is “If any
man be in Christ, he is a new creature” from 2
Corinthians 5:17. This scripture depicts the call
of God at New Beginning Church International
to extend the loving principles of Christ and to
embrace a people who are hungry for the truth
and the fullness of Life that only the Lord Jesus
Christ can unconditionally give.
New Beginning Church International is an
oasis of love, truth, worship and fellowship. It
is an opportunity for the Greater Rochester area
to find their Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is
also a safe haven to excel in the principles and
precepts of the Word of God. You are taught
and discipled to become strong followers of the
Lord Jesus Christ in His Word, in its integrity
and accuracy.
Believers in Jesus Christ Must Do Daily “Sound
Check” for God’s Truths to Resound
By Lida H. Moore
Victory Fitness
the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the
Lord in your hearts. And give thanks for everything to
God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
In the “Voice of Truth,” the lyricist wants to have
a faith that steps out into the unknown of crashing
waves or faces down a scary giant, reminding us of
Peter’s and David’s faith journeys in Scripture. But the
lyricist highlights feeling gripped by the emotions of
anxiety and fear because he’s listening to a “voice”
that tells him “You’ll never win.”
If we are honest, even those who are believers in
the sovereign, all powerful, loving God who sent His
Son as a sacrifice for all of us probably can identify
with experiencing feelings of hopelessness and helplessness at some time in our walk with the Lord. Each
Continued on page 14
New Beginning Church International (NBCI)
has a mission ministry in Mirebalais, Haiti.
NBCI is currently working with Eglise De Dieu
Primitive de Boyer (Primitive Church of God
of Boyer) founded in 1994 with Pastor Joseph
Voyele as the leader. The church is in the process of completing a building to worship and
NBCI supports this endeavor on a monthly
basis. On January 2010, the people of Haiti
suffered a devastating earthquake. New Beginning Church International Administrator, Mrs.
Nerlande Anselme is from Haiti. Mrs. Anselme
oversees the many organizational and clerical
aspects of New Beginning Church International, including oversight of the financial support
to the Primitive Church in Haiti. “The needs in
Haiti were becoming very apparent,” says Mrs.
Anselme, “in areas of just simple staples, like
rice, beans and toothpaste.” Mrs. Anselme explained that until the completion of the church
building, the church members hold their worship services under a makeshift tent. It is important that we support the completion of the
building because it will serve two purposes;
provide a place where individuals can worship
the Lord and during the day, it will also be a
school for children in that area to attend.
New Beginning Church International is excited and proud to be serving the King of Kings
and the Lord of Lords, the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is an honor to be in Rochester, serving and
helping in any way we can. Are you hungering
for love? Are you hungering for biblical truth?
Are you seeking a safe place? Are you alone?
Whether you don’t know the Lord or you have
been a believer for quite awhile, New Beginning Church International (NBCI) can offer
you a place of peace and fulfillment for your
life with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
It is our pleasure to serve our King by helping you and equipping you to finding your life’s
dreams, vision, destiny and purpose. Come and
worship with us as “He is seeking those who
would worship Him in Spirit and in Truth”.
“His yoke is EASY and His burden is light”.
He is here to remove the cares and burdens of
life and set you free. The church (His Body of
believers) is His vehicle to help Him bring you
to Himself.
BLESS THE LORD! Please visit our website
at Our church’s address
is John Knox Presbyterian Church 3233 West
Ridge Road Rochester, NY 14626. Please call
us at 585-429-6919 and talk with Dr. and Mrs.
We look forward to meeting you! Our church
service is Sunday at 1 PM and Bible study Friday at 7 PM and prayer is every 1st and 3rd
Thursday of the month at 7 PM.
Visit us online at
(585) 262-2222
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The Good News
Page 4
Calendar of Upcoming Christian Events
in Western, Central and Upstate NY
For current Christian events in Western, Central and Upstate New York
please visit online at
To advertise your church or ministry events please e-mail at or call (585) 271-4464.
Upcoming Events in
January, 2014
January 2, Thursday
Marketplace Oasis Gathering –
Business Men’s Fellowship. First
Thursday - 07:00am, Passero Associates - 242 W. Main St. Message/ Discussion / Prayer - (Coffee–Bagels).
Contact: Phil Provenzano, 585-3558196,
January 4, Saturday
Life on Purpose - A Personal Workshop Retreat. 9:30a-12p. Elim Gospel Church This workshop led by life
coach Cindy Scott is a great opportunity to identify the areas you want
to move forward this new year. Cost
$20. Email bridgestowhatcouldbe@ to register.
January 9, Thursday
Pearce 4 Kids Open House: for nursery school and Pre-K, from 6-7:30pm.
Call for more details. Pearce Church,
4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili,
NY 14514, 585-594-1833, www.
shop by Life Coach Cindy Scott. Cost
$20. Email bridgestowhatcouldbe@ to register.
January, 11, Saturday
January 15, Wednesday
Bagels and Blessings Fundraiser: Variety Show and Bake Sale - Saturday,
January 11, 7:00 pm to 10:00 p.m. at
Shema Yisrael, 1326 N. Winton Road,
Rochester, NY 14609. Raffle prizes,
fantastic talent and delicious snacks!
$5 a person, $10 a family.
Wednesday Dinners: January 15-February 26, dinner 4:30-6:15pm, $6.00
adults, $3.50 children under 12. RSVP
by 6pm Monday. Pearce Church, 4322
Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY 14514,
The Charles Finney School will hold
a Freshman Entrance Exam for all
incoming ninth grade students on Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 9am1:30pm at 2070 Five Mile Line Rd. in
Penfield. To register, call 585-387-3770
or email
Marketplace Oasis Luncheon – Business Men’s Fellowship. Third Thursday - 11:45am. – 1:00pm, Radisson
Hotel, Legend’s Rest. Take the 1-Hour
Challenge - Meal / Message / Networking/ Prayer. Contact: Phil Provenzano,
585-355-8196, bmfrochester@gmail.
January 12, Sunday
Life on Purpose - A Personal Workshop Retreat. 6-8p. Elim Gospel
Church. What dreams would you like to
turn into goals this year? Join this work-
January 16, Thursday
January 18, Saturday
Prayer @ ElimGospel: Physical
Healing. 8-9 a.m. Elim Gospel Church,
1679 Dalton Rd, Lima, 14485. Join this
prayer gathering where we will focus
on prayer for physical healing. Visit for more.
January 23, Thursday
Regional Prayer Gathering. 7-9p.
Elim Gospel Church, 1679 Dalton Rd,
Lima, 14485. You are invited to join
EGC and other area churches for a time
of united prayer and worship.
January 31, Friday
Father & Son Snow Overnight at
Camp Hickory Hill, January 31-February 1: Sledding, Outdoor Games,
Indoor Games, Hot Chocolate, Great
food, Worship and God’s Word, etc.
Contact us at 716-631-3498 or www. (Saturday only
option available, too.)
Upcoming Events in
February, 2014
February 6, Thursday
Marketplace Oasis Gathering –
Business Men’s Fellowship. First
Thursday - 07:00am, Passero Associates - 242 W. Main St. Message/ Discussion / Prayer - (Coffee–Bagels).
Contact: Phil Provenzano, 585-3558196,
The Charles Finney School, 2070
Five Mile Line Rd. in Penfield, invites
families of students entering Kindergarten- 5th Grade to attend our Elementary Preview Day on Thursday, February 6th between 8:30am and 2:00pm to
sit in on classes and take a school tour.
To register, call 585-387-3770 or email
February 9, Sunday
Living Letters: Pearce Church hosts
Broadway Actor Stephen Trafton
as he brings the book of Philippians
to life, 6:30pm performance. Pearce
Church, 4322 Buffalo Road, North
Chili, NY 14514, www.pearcechurch.
February 12, Wednesday
The Charles Finney School, 2070
Five Mile Line Rd. in Penfield, invites
families of students entering 6th-8th
grade to attend our Middle School
Preview Day on Wednesday, February
12th between 8:30am and 2:00pm to
sit in on classes and take a school tour.
To register, call 585-387-3770 or email
February 15, Friday
Father & Daughter Snow Day at
Camp Hickory Hill, February 15:
Sledding, Outdoor Games, Indoor
Games, Hot Chocolate, Great food,
Worship and God’s Word, etc. Contact us at 716-631-3498 or
February 19, Wednesday
Want to be in the Ministry?
The “King’s” College is looking for 40 students who are on fire for God, Spirit Filled,
and want to be in Full Time Ministry. Willing to commit themselves to a three year College Course that will prepare them to work for God now. The time is getting shorter and
because of that, God has rolled back our price in order to prepare You for a Full Time Ministry in any field God has called You into. The “King’s” College has been training students
for over 20 years for Full Time Ministry.
Are you ready? We’ve rolled back the prices in order to get workers into the Harvest Field
for the End Time Harvest. Call and sign up for this very special offer now. College starts in
September. Don’t miss this special offer as we can only accept 40 at this price!
Enroll today. Do it right now! The Spirit is ready and moving in a
powerful way! We’re ready; how about You?
The “King’s” College
Reigning Miracle Ministry, Inc
2910 Douglas Rd. Cortland, NY 13045
607-756-5770 – 607-758-3928
Visit us online at
The Good News
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 800 East
Ridge Road, Irondequoit, will sponsor
a children’s FunTime event, ages 6-12,
on Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 1-4
pm: indoor and outdoor activities are
scheduled, weather permitting. Preregistration: 585-266-2240.
February 20, Thursday
Marketplace Oasis Luncheon – Business Men’s Fellowship. Speaker from
Charles Finney School - “Importance
of Christian education to the Rochester Community.” Third Thursday
- 11:45am – 1:00pm, Radisson Hotel,
Legend’s Rest. Take the 1-Hour Challenge - Meal / Message / Networking / Prayer. Contact: Phil Provenzano,585-355-8196,
February 22, Saturday
Gifts of the Spirit School with Prophet Denny Cramer 9a-4p, Elim Gospel
Church, 1679 Dalton Rd., Lima, 14485
| Come for an afternoon of teaching
and activation regarding the gifts of the
Spirit. Visit for
cost and registration.
Upcoming Events in March, 2014
Page 5
Seneca Lake Farm is Offered as a Christian
Retreat & Family Vacation Rental
By Pauline Weaver
“Be still, and know that I am God.” These
words, written more than 2,000 years ago, are
never truer than in the fast-paced society that
we live in today.
Humans, in their mad rush to accomplish
all that they need to do, often find themselves
caught in a rat race that seems to have no end
in sight. In the tangle of technology, Christians
find themselves repeating Bible verses in a traffic jam, or at times, falling to their knees, praying while digging under the couch for a lost cell
phone or missing sock. Church leaders are not
immune, sometimes having to race from Bible
study to worship service without having much
time to pause and reflect.
Today, more than ever before, does a Christian need to find a place to pause, pray and worship a loving God.
Christians from all over the country are finding a spot in the Finger Lakes to refresh their
Overlooking the west shore of Seneca Lake
is an old-fashioned farm that has all the charm
of by-gone times, but with the convenience of
modern-day America.
The farm has been in continuous operation
since the mid-1800s, all the barns have original
slate roofs. Even the chicken house looks the
Photo by Weaver-View Farms
In the early 2000s, the farmhouse was completely restored, offering a great room
and kitchen area that offers seating for well over 20 people.
same as it has for 100 years.
In the early 2000s, the farmhouse was completely restored, offering a great room and
kitchen area that offers seating for well over 20
people. The commercial stainless steel refrigerator and freezers are great with large crowds.
March 5, Wednesday
St. John’s Lutheran Church and the
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
will hold a combined Ash Wednesday, worship service, on March 5, 2014
at 7:00 pm at 800 East Ridge Road,
Irondequoit. For more information,
phone 585-266-2240.
222 Men’s Retreat, March 14-15 –
Concrete help to build leaders of all
ages in your church! Contact us at 716631-3498 or Sam@CampHickoryHill.
Photo by Weaver-View Farms
For family vacations, the farmhouse offers up to six bedrooms, several private
bathrooms, two large porches, and outdoor picnic areas.
April 4, Friday
Greater Vision Live in Concert presented by Southern Gospel NY. April
4, 2014. 7:30PM. To order tickets call
Culture Life Center at 585-594-6008
or go to www.
April 8, Tuesday
Buffalo Area Church Based Men’s Ministry Training, April 8 - Contact us at 716631-3498 or
For more information about planning a 2014
getaway vacation, please visit www.vrbo.
com/438144, or call 607-243-5142.
March 30, Sunday
Upcoming Events in April, 2014
For family vacations, the farmhouse offers up
to six bedrooms, several private bathrooms, two
large porches, and outdoor picnic areas. Travelers can stay from three days to three months.
There is parking for RVs and room for wellbehaved pets.
Today, the farm is owned by a horse & buggy
Mennonite family that lives nearby. They invite all visitors to become involved in gathering eggs or petting a pony. Fresh vegetables
are grown on the farm and sold in on the barns,
along with home canned goodies and handmade
March 25, Tuesday
Eighth Annual Greater Rochester
Night to Honor Israel. Join us on Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 6:30 pm. Location – Bethel Christian Fellowship, 321
East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604.
For more information contact info@ or call 585.232.1136
*(Star) 21.
For church groups that would like to stay only
a day, this is a perfect way to enjoy a Bible study,
women’s retreat, or a gathering of friends.
The crowning touch is the 85 acres of private
land that has a stunning view of Seneca Lake.
With prior permission, visitors can hike pas waterfalls and gorges. It is a wonderful chance to
meditate and pray…to admire the creation He
has formed. Wildlife is abundant and includes
an occasional coyote. There have been sightings
of a rare bear.
March 14, Friday
Rochester Area Church Based Men’s
Ministry Training, March 25 - Contact us at 716-631-3498 or
There is a six-burner stovetop, double-wall ovens and plenty of storage.
The Greater Rochester Area Christian Educators invite you to consider a
Christian School education for your child. Call or visit us today!
Calvary Chapel Christian School
Genesee Country Christian School
Rochester Christian School
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Greece Christian School
St. Paul Lutheran School
Destiny Christian School
Lima Christian School
The Charles Finney School
East Palmyra Christian School
Northstar Christian Academy
Webster Christian School
Kindergarten thru 5th
1777 Route 332
Farmington, N.Y. 14425
Kindergarten thru 12th
60 Holley St.
Brockport, NY. 14420
Pre-School thru 11th
1876 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, N.Y. 14620
Kindergarten thru 11th
2023 East Palmyra Port Gibson Road
Palmyra, N.Y. 14522
Preschool thru 8th
4120 Long Point Road
Geneseo, N.Y. 14454
Preschool thru 8th
750 Long Pond Road
Rochester, NY. 14612
Kindergarten thru 12th
1574 Rochester Street
Lima, N.Y. 14485
Preschool thru 12th
332 Spencerport Road
Rochester, N.Y. 14606
God Bless you!
Visit us online at
Preschool thru 8th
260 Embury Road
Rochester, N.Y. 14625
Preschool – 8th.
158 East Avenue.
Hilton, N.Y. 14468.
Kindergarten thru 12th
2070 Five Mile Line Road
Penfield, N.Y. 14526
Preschool thru 12th
675 Holt Road
Webster, N.Y. 14580
The Good News
Page 6
Greater Vision to Perform at the Culture
Life Center at Roberts Wesleyan College
on April 4
Marketplace Oasis Gathering
Monthly Meeting
1st Thursday -- 7:am – 8:am
Message / Discussion / Prayer
“To Inform, To Encourage, To
Coffee - Bagels
Passero Associates
242 West Main St. 14614
Rochester, NY.
Marketplace Oasis Luncheon
3rd Thursday – 11:45am –
“The One-Hour Challenge”
Meal / Message / Networking /
Radisson Riverside Hotel 14604
Legend’s Restaurant
Contact - Phil Provenzano
(Rochester, NY) - Southern Gospel NY is
proud to announce that they will be bringing
Greater Vision to the Culture Life Center at
Roberts Wesleyan College on April 4, 2014 at
7:30 PM. Tickets are available by going to www. or by calling 585-594-6008.
Since organizing in1990, Greater Vision has
been inspiring audiences with their rich vocal
blend and their effective ability to communicate the message of the gospel. Over the years,
Greater Vision has established a firm place at
the pinnacle of Christian music, and has become
the most awarded trio in the history of Gospel
The vocals and rich harmony Greater Vision
has become recognized for a direct result of the
blending of three unique and versatile vocalists.
Gerald Wolfe, the group’s founder and emcee,
sings the lead. Prolific songwriter, Rodney Griffin, handles the baritone part for the trio, while
Chris Allman, also a prolific writer, sings the
The Singing News Magazine and the Southern
Gospel Music Association have named Greater
Vision Gospel Music’s Favorite Trio. They have
also received numerous honors for Song of the
Year, Album of the Year, Video of the Year, and
Artist of the Year. Additionally, Rodney Griffin has been named Songwriter of the Year every
year since 1998, as well as being named Favorite Baritone multiple times. Gerald Wolfe has
been named Favorite Male Vocalist seven times.
Every day of the year, Greater Vision is heard
by thousands of radio listeners, both on traditional Christian stations, and via Internet radio
on the world-wide-web. They are also seen regularly on the In Touch television program, hosted by Dr. Charles Stanley, and have also been
featured on the Gaither Gospel Series.
Southern Gospel NY is proud to announce that they will be bringing Greater
Vision to the Culture Life Center at Roberts Wesleyan College on April 4, 2014
at 7:30 PM.
Refusing to rest on current and past success,
Greater Vision pursues excellence with each
new recording endeavor. They are most-often
teamed with Dove and Grammy Award-winning
Arranger, Lari Goss, on projects including their
latest, “For All He’s Done” recording. Produced by Gerald Wolfe, this new recording features new songs written by both Rodney Griffin
and Chris Allman, along with several other prolific writers. Once again, affirming their commitment to clearly and effectively communicate
the message of the Gospel with powerful lyrics
and inspiring musical arrangements.
Almost 200 times every year, the three gentle-
men collectively known as Greater Vision, unite
to present the gospel in a way that has endeared
them to audiences across the United States and
around the world. Their deepest desire is to encourage the Christian listener to share their faith
with others and to cause the listener who isn’t
a believer to see their need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. With each new opportunity, Gerald, Rodney, and Chris continue
to move forward as they share their “Greater
For more information, visit www.SGNY.NET
or call at 585-314-4126.
Place of Hope’s Kirsten Smith Passionate about Sharing
Jesus’ Transforming Love With Young Women
Continued from page 1
by to visit or to find a listening ear, Smith wanted the Place of Hope offices designed and decorated by the clients so it would feel like home
to them. Walking down the hall and in the various rooms, a visitor is welcomed with beautiful,
bright warm colors and a feeling of “home away
from home”. Various encouraging sayings are
stenciled on the walls and comfortable sofas and
chairs are scattered throughout the offices.
Smith said that in addition to providing counseling and pregnancy tests, she envisions the
Center expanding to become a “Mommy and
Baby Center” because the needs of their clients
have evolved over time. “These young women
need to learn how to become good parents, how
to handle relationship issues, and how to make
better choices so they won’t be faced with unplanned pregnancies,” Smith said. “It has become a generational issue, and we are in the
community to mentor them and to change their
philosophy on sexuality so that it lines up with
God’s Word. For too long these young women
have believed the lies of the culture we live in.”
Because of these devastating messages that
young women believe about their self-worth
and sexuality, Smith is developing a presentation to take to churches and other community
groups to reach all young women with a message of God’s love and understanding sexuality
from God’s perspective.
“The statistics for churched and un-churched
young women are the same when it comes to
early onset sexual activity and abortions. It is
about 50 % of the population,” Smith said. “So
this message is not just for young women in the
city or those that don’t go to church. I have a
message to share with all young women, which
is contradictory to the destructive messages
that they are being bombarded with everyday.
I know girls can be victorious, confident, and
freer if they know God’s truth.”
Pastor Tony Martorana believes that Smith
has a powerful message to share with young
women from various churches and other organizations throughout the community. “Kirsten
has the most exceptional heart toward young
women and a passion and expertise in working
with them for years -- she can bring this message effectively to the community,” he said. “So
I want to release Kirsten to the body of Christ to
speak to young women 13 years old and up as
she shares her heart for the importance of their
purity and that God values and loves them. I
believe she speaks in such a powerful way that
she can help young women see God has a plan
for their lives and prevent calamity for their futures.”
Smith has had many experiences with public
speaking as a spokesperson for New Yorkers for
Life. She has worked with several pro-life organizations to bring attention to legislation against
pro-life issues. Recently, she spoke against a
Visit us online at
New York legislative initiative to expand abortion and the initiative was defeated – although
Smith said that she and other pro-life organizations will have to continue their efforts to inform the public so that these types of laws are
not passed by the legislature.
In addition, Smith presented many abstinence
programs in Rochester schools for a few years
until the district recently discouraged having
these programs in the schools. She also has
initiated meetings and presentations with local
pastors in the city to join in pro-life efforts, such
as the recent pro-life campaign, “Am I Not a
Smith believes that God has given her a passion for reaching young women with His truth
and love. “I want to make these seminars uplifting and fun for young women and their mothers
– it’s so important to have a positive parental
influence,” she said. “So I’m excited about how
God will use me to reach out to girls and young
women with this message of hope.”
As for her long-term goals for Place of Hope,
Smith wants to gather resources over the next
five years or so from several pregnancy centers
in the city to one day open up a home for young
moms and their children. “It would be a place
for them to be loved and nurtured as well as to
provide the resources for them to become good
parents and to break the cycle of poverty by
training them and helping them launch out on
their own,” Smith said.
For more information about the Place of Hope
Pregnancy Resource Center, contact Kirsten
Smith at or 585-6970003, or visit www.placeofhopeprc. If you
are interested in having Smith speak to your
church’s young women, contact her or Pastor
Martorana at Joy Community Church at 585288-0030.
The Good News
Page 7
New Christian Book Just Published
The Exposed Place by Tony Martorana
Discover – Heal – Protect the Place of Vulnerability
Forward by Francis Anfuso
Submitted by Tony Martorana
An individual’s chronic wound (area of vulnerability) seems to mock God’s power to bring
healing. The wound is often an unidentified
exposed place. A place that overtime has been
systematically infiltrated and infected by the enemy of our soul.
has been published in Charisma Magazine and
Ministries Today. Married for 39 years to Susan,
they have four children: James (1976-1992) Joy
Hogan, Mark Martorana and Melody Smith. He
is a proud papa to seven grand children.
Tony’s books are available on Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes and Noble. Visit at www.joycc.
In Nehemiah 4:13, Nehemiah inspects the
wall, and discovers the exposed place. He
strengthens the walls vulnerabilities by placing
guards at the fracture, and he stations men to
protect the vulnerability in families equipping
them with a sword, spear or bow.
The parallel of Jerusalem’s fractured wall in
this book is equated to a life broken into by ingrained problematic sin.
This book will help the reader discover their
exposed place, see its origin and patterns of
behavior. It will open their hearts and minds to
receive healing. The reader will also learn how
to protect their place of vulnerability, keeping
control and understanding the battle.
Tony Martorana has been in ministry over 35
years with an anointing of the Father’s heart to
Pastor Tony Martorana,
Joy Community Church
bring healing to the wounded. His inner city
ministry in Rochester, NY has transformed
many lives in the hood, bringing hope and understanding of the Lord’s will to heal individuals and generational wounds.
Tony has authored Your Home Is Not Broken,
encouraging single-parent families, that they
can be whole in Christ and Play By The Rules,
a book that addresses disciplining children. He
Author and Pastor Believes Perseverance and
Commitment Hallmarks of Christian Life
By Lida H. Moore
said. “But, after listening to my friend’s testimony and seeing his incredible witness, I came
to a place where I was at a crossroads to either
commit to the Lord Jesus Christ or not consider
it at all,” Lindsay said.
On the cover of his recently published book,
1,000 Sundays, Tim Lindsay chose to feature
a baton being passed on to someone else because he wants to spur on the next generation to
stand firm for Christ. Lindsay, pastor of Harvest
Christian Fellowship in Albion, NY, compiled
several Christian principles from the Scriptures
that he believes are crucial for all believers in
Jesus Christ to develop for longevity and faithfulness in Christian life and ministry.
So one day Lindsay sat alone in his car in a
parking lot and cried out to God “that if you are
real like my coworker says you are, then I commit my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.” After this
commitment, he began attending a church in
Brockport with his wife-to-be, Laurie, and she
subsequently accepted Jesus into her life. Then
for the next decade, the couple grew in their
faith, and Lindsay got involved with a ministry
training program that led him to planting Harvest Christian Fellowship in Albion, which is
in Orleans County, between Rochester and Buffalo.
“It’s a burden of my heart that it is much harder today for the next generation of Christians
to take a stand for Christ because we live in a
postmodern culture that does not value the Lord
Jesus Christ or the Bible,” Lindsay said. “And
many people do not have a strong enough foundation built up on what they believe to be able
to be strong and faithful in their walk with the
Lord in this hostile environment.”
In 2007, when Lindsay realized he had
reached the milestone of preaching over 1,000
Sundays in his 20 years of tenure as a pastor, he
felt a strong desire to reflect and write about all
that God had taught him over this time. “God
put this idea on my heart to pass on these principles to others and it just wouldn’t go away,”
Lindsay said. “So in 2012, I finally sat down
and typed the first word, not knowing anything
about the publishing process or what I would do
with the book.”
He found that writing the book came much
easier to him than following through and having it published. But Lindsay was determined
to practice an important lesson from his book
Pastor Tim Lindsay
– to not only start a project strong but also to
finish strong. “It’s much easier to start strong
than to finish something strong,” he said. “Actually completing this book and getting it published was an opportunity for me to practice a
principle I write a great deal about in the book
because it has been an important part of my life
as a Christian.”
“I believe so strongly that when God calls us
to do something, we are to persevere no matter
what and to finish it well. This is a foundational principal that we find over and over in the
Bible,” Lindsay said. “So although the writing
came easier to me than the tedious job of editing and publishing the book, I was determined
to finish it, and I feel a great accomplishment
since I did just that.”
Commitment has been a strong theme in
Lindsay’s life since he committed his life to
Jesus Christ over 30 years ago. It was a fellow
coworker who shared his new found faith in the
Lord with Lindsay even though his friend had
struggled with many difficult life situations.
This coworker’s testimony really grabbed
Lindsay’s attention and made him consider his
own lack of faith.
“I grew up in a home where we went to
church when I was young and then my parents
divorced when I was a teen. God then had no
place in my life for several years,” Lindsay
“We made a commitment to invest in this community and church for the long term, as long as
God wants us here,” Lindsay said. “I’ve even
often said I will get my cemetery plot in this
community if that is God’s will. This book has
been a culmination of all that God has taught
me, and I want it to be a blessing as I impart it
to others.”
In fact, Lindsay’s commitment to his faith,
church, and community has led him to being
a pioneer in bringing several churches together for different projects to help further God’s
Kingdom in Orleans County. Over the past 26
years, Lindsay and his congregation have initiated and cooperated in numerous outreach min-
1,000 Sundays
By Tim Lindsay
Order today @
($14.99 plus shipping)
Like us on Facebook @
Available in
eBook soon!
Continued on page 13
Are you a Christian Author?
Did you write
a Christian Book?
Advertise your new book in The Good News!
E-mail us today and ask about our SPECIAL for Christian
book advertising.
E-mail at or call (585) 271-4464.
Visit us online at
The Good News
Page 8
Announcements - Seminars - Classes - Workshops
in Western, Central and Upstate NY
To advertise in the next issue call today at (585) 271-4464 or contact by e-mail
Awesome Bible Exploration! Bible Study,
Every Wednesday, 7:00pm; Liberty Temple
Ministries, 144 Reynolds St., Rochester, NY.
All are welcome! You don’t want to miss these
opportunities to learn. For additional information, 585.464.8467.
Bagels and Blessings Fundraiser: Variety
Show and Bake Sale - Saturday, January 11,
7:00 pm to 10:00 p.m. at Shema Yisrael, 1326
N. Winton Road, Rochester, NY 14609. Raffle
prizes, fantastic talent and delicious snacks! $5
a person, $10 a family.
Bible Study at First Baptist Church of East
Rochester. Every Thursday 10 AM. 119 W.
Elm St., E. Rochester. 585-586-5287.
Bible Study at Oasis Christian Fellowship.
Wednesday evenings 7:00PM in the Charles
Finney Auditorium, 2070 five Mile Line Road,
Penfield, NY. Child care and Kids Club available! Visit or call 585-6706244.
Bible Study at John Knox Presbyterian
Church every 1st and 3rd Thursday evening.
7PM. 3233 West Ridge Rd. Rochester. Study
is on “Seeing Christ in the Old and New Testaments.”
Celebrate Recovery: Safe place for people
with hurts, habits and hang-ups to meet. Fridays 6:45pm – 8:30pm Lakeshore Community
Church 3651 Latta Rd. Call 585-392-5253 for
more info or
Christian Camp for lease/rent near Lake
George with 25 plus acres - private swim lake,
some cabins, wooded and open camp sites,
clean shower house, with outdoor pavilion chapel. Very reasonably priced for right group or
church. Email:
Church Building for Rent. Downtown Rochester – Fully furnished 500 seat historic auditorium, available for Saturday evening or Sunday
services. Off-street parking, availability of other amenities negotiable. Call (585) 232-1136,
ext *58 or email
Church Building for Rent. East Side of Rochester – Fully furnished 650 seat sanctuary, office space, off street parking, plus 13 spacious
classrooms in large academic wing. Call (585)
473-5876, ext *3007 or
City Church FUSION Life Night: Every
Thursday night at 7 pm. Nursery available and
Classes for kids ages 5 and up! TAG YOUTH
for Grades 9-12. See you Thursday. For more
call 585 343 6895.
City Church Sunday Services: Sunday 8:30
am & 10 am, 210 East Main St, Batavia, NY
14020, We do life Together, Everyone is Welcome, For more call 585 343 6895.
Courageous Seminars! The WNY Iron Sharpens Iron team is ready to come to your church
to facilitate a Courageous Fathering Seminar,
to reinforce what the movie stirred in all of
us. Contact us at 716-631-3498 or
CPR/AED/First Aid. Ready To Respond
Training Services. Classes offered include:
CPR/AED/First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens,
Babysitter training for 11-15 yrs. Old, Safety
First For Children. To schedule a class call Domenic Danesi at 585-281-4208 or visit the website
Daycare – Hope Christian Childcare at
House of Prayer and Restoration Church
campus, 555 Hudson Avenue, Rochester NY
14605, hours of operation 6:30am to 6pm M-F.
We are currently accepting enrollment for ages:
infants, toddlers, pre-school and school aged.
We offer full curriculum, bible study and Spanish. We also accept subsidy from DHS. Contact
number 585-232-8237.
Eighth Annual Greater Rochester Night to
Honor Israel. Join us on Sunday, March 30,
2014 at 6:30 pm. Location – Bethel Christian
Fellowship, 321 East Avenue, Rochester, NY
14604. For more information contact info@ or call 585.232.1136 *(Star) 21.
Greater Vision Live in Concert presented by
Southern Gospel NY. April 4, 2014. 7:30PM.
To order tickets call Culture Life Center at 585594-6008 or go to www.
Grief Care Group: Meets first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Caring support for
those experiencing loss. Pearce Church, 4322
Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY 14514, 585-5949488,
Group fitness classes for your church, worksite, organization, or special event. Pilates,
Aerobics, Senior Exercise, Zumba, Hula Hoop,
Line Dancing, and more. Contact Victory Fitness, (585) 370-2480 or for more info.
HELP WANTED! Hope Christian Childcare
is seeking Lead Teacher for the 2014 requires
A.S. in Early Childhood development or CDA
or 9 college credits plus 1 yr specific training &/
or 2 yrs experience in infant/toddler caring for
children. Send resume to HOPAR, 545 Hudson
Ave, Roch., NY 14605.
HELP WANTED! Hope Christian Childcare
is seeking Assistant Teacher for the 2014 requires High School diploma or GED with substantial experience working with children under
13 years of age. Send resume to HOPAR, 545
Hudson Ave, Roch., NY 14605.
Impact Church, a dynamic new church plant
meets Sundays 10 am at the Victor Park & Rec
Building, 1290 Blossom Drive in Victor NY., impactchurchvictor@ Come check us out!
Journey of Hope Cancer Support Group:
Meets the last Wednesday each month, 6:30pm.
Come for a time of encouragement. Pearce
Church, 4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY
14514, 585-594-9488,
Seasons of Life Guesthouse
ecc. 3:1
Kids’ Gym for Preschoolers: Most Wednesdays from 10-11am at Pearce Church, 4322
Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY 14514, 585-5949488,
study of King Saul’s life! Saul had it all – and
lost it. God will use his story to prepare you to
reign with Christ! Available in print or Ebook at
Lakeshore MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers:
Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month from
9:30-11:30 at Lakeshore Community Church
3651 Latta Rd. Call 585-392-5253 for more info
New Christian Book Just Published! 1,000
Sundays by Tim Lindsay. To learn more about
the author or to order the book visit at www.
Living in the Last Days: Thursday nights 6:45
p.m. 1/9, 1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/6, 3/20, 4/3, 4/18. At
Lakeshore Community Church 3651 Latta Rd.
Call 585-392-5253 for more info or
Mary & Martha January Sale: 30 to 70%
off inspirational products. Open House Jan.
4th, 10:00am - 2:00pm. Held at Holy Ground
Church. 2637 Genesee St., Piffard. Or shop at
585-447-2373 for more information.
Morning Moms: Most Fridays from 9:3011:15am. Child care available for children in
kindergarten and younger. Pearce Church, 4322
Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY 14514, 585-5949488,
New Beginning Church International will
meet Fridays 7 PM Bible Study; Sunday Worship Services at 1 PM at 3233 Ridge Rd West.
We meet in the John Knox Presbyterian Church.
Please contact us at: 585 429 6919 or visit our
New Christian Book Just Published! The Exposed Place by Pastor Tony Martorana. Discover – Heal – Protect the place of vulnerability. Forward by Francis Anfuso. Pastor Tony’s
books are available on Amazon, Kindle, Barnes
and Noble.
New Christian Book Just Published! The
Bible Can Be Proven by Vince Latorre. This
book gives you solid answers to skeptic’s challenges to the reliability and divine inspiration
of the Bible! To order your copy go to http:// To contact the
author call 315-492-6039 or email to latorreq@
New Book for Christian Men Just Published!
Real Faith, Real Hope, Real Love: First Corinthians for Real Men by Loren VanGalder.
This critical letter of Paul’s comes alive with
extensive practical application for issues men
face today. Available in print or Ebook at www.
New Christian Book Just Published! “Blessings from Ethiopia” by Carl Facciponte. This
spirit-lifting real-life adventure in Ethiopia is
guaranteed to open eyes hearts as it provokes
you to ask “What IS our real purpose in life
and who IS my brother?” For more information about Blessings from Ethiopia, please visit: or review the
book on
New Christian Book Just Published! Made
to Reign: Using (and Losing) Your Kingly
Authority by Loren VanGalder. An in-depth
Pamper Yourself Feb. 9th 2-5: Shop the vendor’s tables, silent auction & desserts. Advance
tickets $10, at the door $15 Lakeshore Community Church 3651 Latta Rd. Call 585-392-5253
Play Dodgeball! January 25th & 26th! Tournament play, Saturday, 10:00 till 4:00, Playoff &
Championship, Sunday 1:00-3:00. Lakeshore
Community Church 3651 Latta Rd. Call 585392-5253 for more info or
Pro-Life Questions? Please contact Rochester
Area Right To Life at 675 Ling Road, Suite 3,
Rochester, NY 14612 or e-mail at RARTL@ or by phone 585-621-4690.
Visit at
Single Parents Bible Study & Fellowship.
2nd Saturday of every month from 1-3pm, at
Browncroft Community Church, 2530 Browncroft Blvd, Rochester NY. Children’s program
is included. Visit or call
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 800 East Ridge
Road, Irondequoit, senior group, XYZ, will
play cards and bingo on Tuesday, January 28th,
10:00 am and will have their Sweet Valentine’s
party on Tuesday, February 25th, at 10:00 am,
coffee and dessert will be served. For more information, phone 585-266-2240.
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 800 East Ridge
Road, Irondequoit, Sunday worship and children’s Sunday School at 11:00 am: coffee and
fellowship before and after worship.
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 800 East Ridge
Road, Irondequoit, will sponsor a children’s
FunTime event, ages 6-12, on Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 1-4 pm: indoor and outdoor activities are scheduled, weather permitting. Preregistration: 585-266-2240.
St. John’s Lutheran Church and the Lutheran
Church of the Redeemer will hold a combined
Ash Wednesday, worship service, on March
5, 2014 at 7:00 pm at 800 East Ridge Road,
Irondequoit. For more information, phone 585266-2240.
Teen Mom & Pregnancy Support Group:
“New Life” Tuesdays evenings 6-7:30 p.m.
Dinner provided; group provides friendship,
encouragement. Lakeshore Community Church
3651 Latta Rd. 585-392-5253 for more info or
God Bless You in 2014!
Send us your
Christian news!
Press-Releases, praise reports, testimonies,
general Christian articles may be
submitted by e-mail at
Seasons of Life Guesthouse, in beautiful Naples, NY. Offering all the comforts of a bed and
breakfast and more. To view website or reserve guesthouse go to or 585-374-5909.
We do not accept submissions by mail or by fax. All submissions must be submitted only by e-mail and include submitter’s full name, mailing address and a phone # for verification. Submitted material is published
as space allows. Subject to Publisher’s approval. Certain restrictions apply.
Visit us online at
The Good News
Page 9
Impact Church in Victor Plans to Reach
Community with God’s Love
Continued from page 1
The Good News: Discuss the impact that
graduating from Elim Bible Institute (EBI) in
1987 has had on your ministry experiences.
Pastor Stitt: EBI had a profound impact on
my life and ministry. It was there that I learned
to hear God’s voice, grow in the Word, and get
equipped for ministry. EBI is a great place to
experience ministry and grow in ministry confidence and boldness.
The Good News: What is the guiding mission,
vision, or purpose of your church?
Pastor Stitt: The mission of Impact Church is
His Heart, Our Purpose. We prioritize the following: His heart for relationship with us, His
heart for the lost, His heart for families, and His
heart for fruitfulness.
Continued from page 1
and Region 10 CUFI Director. “World opinion has never been more anti- Israel than it is
today, and there has never been more distance
between the U.S. and Israel in the Executive
Branch of our U.S. government. In addition,
never has the hatred of Israel been more intense than it is today.”
The Good News: What led you to plant Impact Church in Victor?
Pastor Stitt: We were asked by Elim Fellowship to plant a church near Elim Bible Institute
that would be a training ground for teaching students how to plant a church from scratch. We
prayed through all of the suburbs of Rochester
and strongly felt that God was calling us to the
Victor area. During one prayer trip, all four of
our children felt that Victor was their new school
so they were a part of the decision to move to
Victor. There are approximately 177,000 people
within a 10-mile radius of the Eastview Mall
who are unchurched. This is a great community
to plant a new church.
The Good News: What is your background
in ministry and how is God using your unique
experiences in this new church plant ministry?
Pastor Stitt: I graduated from Elim Bible Institute in 1987 and my wife, Eileen, graduated
from the Univ. of Pittsburgh in 1994 with a degree in Social Work. My hometown is Shelocta,
PA, and my wife was raised in Clyde, PA. We
began full time ministry in 1998 as missionaries
to Niger, West Africa, with Elim Fellowship. It
was there that we began to work as church planters. We were involved with several church plants
in Niger. In 2002, we returned to the States and
planted a church in PA with the Assemblies of
God. We had the privilege of training our successor and leaving the church established and
growing as we made the transition from PA to
Rochester’s Eighth Annual
Night to Honor Israel to Be
Held on March 30 at Bethel
Christian Fellowship
Impact Church worship group
forward to reaching out to those unchurched in
our community. We have a strong discipleship
system that plugs new believers into growth by
using small groups, one-on-one mentors, and a
personal discipleship devotional that we developed to help new believers grow. If this church
plant is like our past, our growth will be 70%
conversion growth and 30% transfer growth.
We are just beginning and it is very exciting.
The Good News: What are some of your
church’s outreach activities within your community at this time and how do you hope to
expand them? On your website, you state that
you plan to send out “church plants.” Please
Pastor Stitt: We have various outreach activities but our missional groups will really be the
central to our outreach. Fruitfulness and multiplication is one of our primary goals at Impact
Church. We believe that sheep reproduce sheep
(believers), pastors reproduce pastors/leaders,
and that churches reproduce churches. God’s
heart is strongly for multiplication. Our goal at
Impact Church is to plant another church in the
first few years after our launch and to continue
multiplying strongly as we ourselves grow.
The Good News: Describe your church’s discipleship activities at this time and how you
envision growing in the future, as well as highlight your missions goals for the future.
Pastor Stitt: We feel very strongly that we are
called to make disciples not converts. Disciples
are very purposeful and on mission. One of the
strategies of our church is to use small groups
and outreach that mobilize every believer in
our church to live missionally in their sphere of
influence. These communities are a safe place
where unchurched people can ask questions,
feel comfortable to be themselves, and experience God’s love in action.
The Good News: What are some ministries
of your church that you would like to highlight?
Pastor Stitt: Because we want people to
have plenty of time to reach out to their neighbors and friends, we are being very careful not
to over plan and have a large number of ministries. As we grow and as we have more financial and people resources, we can add ministries as they enable us to do mission. One of
our favorite ministries right now is our youth
group. We launched from scratch six weeks
ago, and we now have 12-15 teens in regular attendance. Most of these are unchurched
youth and are beginning to respond to the Gospel. It’s been very exciting for us and for the
student leaders from EBI who will leave Elim
with a youth group launch from scratch on their
experience resume.
The culture of our church community is like
a big extended family where everyone is welcomed and loved no matter where they are in
their walk with God. Our mission and purpose
draw us all closer together. We hope to launch
our first missional small groups in 2014 and look
The Good News: What do you see as the biggest challenges the Church in general faces in
your community and in our postmodern world
today? What do you see as strategies for addressing these challenges?
Pastor Stitt: Victor is a very educated and
affluent area and many do not see the church
as relevant for their lives. Add that to busy
schedules and this is all a huge challenge for
the church. One of our strategies is to be extremely relevant and practical for everyday life.
We want all of the ministries of the church to
add value and to be relevant to what people
in our community are facing every day. We
utilized community surveys to find out what
people wanted to learn about and what ministry
was needed in this area. Relevant and dynamic
youth and children’s ministries were obviously
high on that list as this is a heavily saturated
family community. We also know that this community wants to have a purpose and make an
impact on the world. We utilize all these ideas
to be relevant and combine it with our missional
focus and we hope to transform many lives.
The Good News: How do you think the
Church needs to reach out to today’s young
people as statistics are showing that once those
who grow up in the church leave home, over
70 % do not return to the Church?
Pastor Stitt: Part of our mission is God’s
heart for families. We are very strong in mobilizing families to serve God together, and we
also are very unique in how we equip children
and youth to grow in Christ. We offer leadership opportunities for kids to serve and encounter God and to be a part of the decision-making
process of the church at an early age. We find
that kids who own their beliefs and are actively
involved in the leadership and ministry of the
church have much higher success rates once
they leave home. These kids are not just spectators but active disciples on mission. We regularly have “Kids Sundays” at the church where the
kids run the whole service. They lead worship,
serve as greeters, ushers, preach the message,
and minister at the altar. We will have our first
Kids Sunday at Impact Church here on Dec 22,
and it will be exciting to see how the kids grow
and develop as the church grows.
The Good News: Please add any other information about the ministries of Impact Church
that you would like The Good News readers to
know about.
Pastor Stitt: Impact Church meets Sundays at
10am at the Victor Park & Rec Building at 1290
Blossom Drive, Victor, NY. Youth Group meets
Sunday nights 6-7:30. You can contact us at or 315-538-8143.
Our website is
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Founded in 2005, CUFI has more than 1.6
million members in the country who provide
humanitarian and political support for Israel, as well as holding hundreds of Night to
Honor Israel events in cities across the U.S.
Since 2007, the Rochester community has
contributed over $100,000 toward humanitarian needs in Israel and pro-Israel activities on
college campuses. Roberts Wesleyan College
in Chili, NY, also has an active CUFI Student
Chapter. “The aim of these events and CUFI
is to show our strong support of Israel and to
encourage our leaders in Congress and the
Senate to remain steadfast and proactive in
standing with Israel,” Domina said.
These events to honor Israel, which are attended by tens of thousands of supporters of
Israel, highlight Biblical commands to support Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). On the national CUFI
Website,, it states that several
Bible verses “have one overriding message –
as Christians we have a Biblical obligation to
defend Israel and the Jewish people in their
time of need.” In addition, the Night to Honor
Israel is a celebration of the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, and attendees are
educated on the importance of this relationship.
At the March 30th Night to Honor Israel
event in Rochester, the keynote speaker will
be Sgt. Benjamin Anthony, a veteran and
combat reservist in the Israel Defense Forces
and founder of Our Soldiers Speak. Through
this not-for-profit, non-governmental agency,
Anthony travels throughout the U.S. and the
world speaking on college campuses and at
various community events to share “the truth
of Israel’s soldiers from the front lines of
military service.” Other speakers at the event
will include Rabbi Shaya Kilimnick from the
Congregation Beth Sholom in Rochester, Victor Styrsky, CUFI Eastern Regional Coordinator, and other community, Christian, and
Jewish leaders.
For more information about this event,
contact Lori Sousa, Associate Director of Region 10 CUFI at 585-232-1136 *21 or email You may also visit the
Regional website, at
The Good News
Page 10
Pray for the Major World Developments Highlight Urgency
for Christians to Give Unwavering Support to
Peace of
Jerusalem Israel
PSALM 122:6
Exodus 20: 3-17
1. You shall have no other gods before
2. You shall not make for yourself any
graven images.
3. You shall not take the name of the
LORD your God in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep
it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not lie.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s
Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of Happiness
By Anne LeBlanc
January 22, 2014 is the annual March for
Life in Washington, D.C. It’s a time when
young and old march to proclaim the value of
life from conception to natural death.
It’s understandable that the founders of our
country ranked these three values so highly
and that they put life first. After all, if someone has a right to make you dead whenever
they so choose, and they do so choose, then
all the other rights in the world profit you not
at all.
Some random threats to life:
• New York has no requirement for parental
notification before or after abortions are done
on minors. However, the Governor wants to
broaden “access” for abortion.
• In Vermont last year a law was passed allowing assisted suicide, with safeguards effective for only the first three years. After that,
it’s up to the judgment of the individual doctors.
• Belgium’s Senate passed a measure approving euthanasia (mercy killing) for children, paving the way for passage into law.
• Sex-selection abortion is illegal but not
prosecuted in Great Britain. In the U.S. it’s
• Many women go to Planned Parenthood
for abortions, not realizing that there are pregnancy centers where they could find free help
for themselves and their babies.
Do you sometimes feel at a loss in defending the value of life in a conversation? Do you
wish you had more tools at your disposal?
Consider some options:
• Ask us for a listing of reputable online information sources.
• Ask us for a free subscription to RARTL’s
newsletter Life-Lines.
• Mark your calendar for RARTL’s speaker
training event this coming April 26. We’re all
speakers, whether or not we’re standing at a
If we can be of assistance on a pro-life issue, including providing referrals for help for
women with problem pregnancies, please contact Rochester Area Right to Life by e-mail at or by phone (585)
621-4690. Website
By Pastor Ron A. Domina, Senior Pastor at
Bethel Christian Fellowship and Director of
Region 10 Christians United for Israel (CUFI)
and Lori Sousa, Associate Director of Region
More than at any previous time in history we
need you to partner with us in our Eighth Annual Night to Honor Israel, which is an initiative of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The
event will be held on Sunday, March 30, 2014,
at Bethel Christian Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. The
aim of CUFI has always been to stand for Israel
and to encourage our leaders in Congress and
the Senate to do the same.
Historically our nation’s uncontested bi-partisan support for Israel has been unwavering. It is
simple -- the United States has stood with Israel
because its values align with our own: Israel
stands as a beacon of hope, freedom, democracy and life, in a region of the world where hope
is failing, oppression is cloaked as democracy,
and terrorism is becoming common place. The
Judeo-Christian values that lay at the foundation of our American values are the same principles upon which the democratic state of Israel
was formed.
In our nation’s founding documents, we acknowledge that our country is united under one
God -- the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Likewise Israel’s Declaration of Independence
calls upon the “Rock of Israel” (the name for
God, used in the Old Testament) to indicate the
trust and faith that the State of Israel places in
an immutable God.
It is clear that our nation’s stand with Israel goes much deeper than superficial politics. However, I would be remiss if I did not
acknowledge the political realities of our day.
I wish I could say that that the United States’
stand with Israel has never been stronger, and
that CUFI has turned the tide in the Middle
East. In reality, we are living in a sobering time
where peace initiatives are failing, conflict is increasing, and politicians are frantically searching for solutions to quell an unsettled world.
Since the Arab Spring, close to three years
ago, the Middle East is more unstable than ever.
Egypt (once at peace with Israel) now joins the
ranks of the “not so friendly” Israeli neighbors.
Israel (approximately the size of the state of
New Jersey) is engulfed by hostile neighbors in
Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt (not to mention the
continued threats from terrorist organizations
like Hamas living side-by-side within Israel’s
borders). Despite these immense challenges,
the biggest threat that Israel faces from Iran increases daily. As Iran continues to violate U.N.
Security Council resolutions by building up
their nuclear weapons arsenal, the agenda of the
Mullahs, the IRG, and those who hold power
in Iran has not changed. The reality is that the
threat to Israel and the Jewish people has never
been greater.
Most of you are aware of the unprecedented
decision by our current administration to ease
sanctions on Iran (against Israel’s pleas). Essentially, we have turned our back on Israel in the
hour of her greatest need. Israel, now betrayed
Photo by Santos Photography
About a thousand Christians, Jews, government officials, and Roberts Wesleyan
College students from Christians United for Israel (CUFI) attended the 7th Annual
Greater Rochester Night to Honor Israel
by her closet ally, has initiated meetings with
Russia to forge friendlier relations.
Friends, we are truly living in a day that is
eerily like the time spoken of by the prophet
Zechariah chapter 12– a time where “ALL the
nations of the earth lay siege against Judah and
Jerusalem.” BUT—we will not despair and
lose hope.
Throughout the history of the world, there has
always been a scheme of hell to thwart the redemptive plans of God in the earth. The State
of Israel and the Jewish people stand as a testimony of the eternal promise of a covenantkeeping God. From the time that Abraham was
called and chosen to carry the promise of God
to a hurting world, this spiritual battle between
God’s redemptive purposes has played out in
every generation. What we are witnessing today (with our nation turning against Israel) may
be unprecedented in our generation, but make
no mistake -- what we are witnessing is an ancient spiritual battle.
In fact, the book of Zechariah foretold a day
when ALL the nations of the earth would come
against Jerusalem. In that portion of Zechariah,
it says that the Lord Himself will fight on behalf
of Jerusalem and the nations that come against
Jerusalem will be judged. Earlier in chapter 8
of Zechariah it says:
“People shall yet come, inhabitants of many
cities: the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying ‘Let us continue to go and pray
before the Lord, and seek the Lord of hosts, I
myself will go …yes, many peoples and strong
nations shall come to seek the Lord of host in
Jerusalem and pray before the Lord.’
Thus says the Lord of Hosts: ‘in those days,
ten men from every language of the nations
shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying,
‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God
is with you.’”
There is an interesting and familiar phenom-
enon observed over and over again in the Word
of God. The pattern is this: God establishes His
redemptive purpose, and all of Hell seeks to
thwart these plans. We (as His people) are invited to side with Him in this battle.
Friends, the battle is not over. Even though
ALL the nations of the earth are waging war
against the plans and purpose of God, God is
looking for those who will stand with Him. God
is looking for His covenant people (positioned
throughout the earth) to grab hold of the sleeve
of a “Jewish man” and say….”Come, let us go
with you and pray before the Lord of Hosts in
Jerusalem, for we have heard and we have seen
that God is truly with you.”
The hour for us to stand with Israel is NOW.
World opinion has never been more anti-Israel
than it is today. There has never been greater
distance between the government of the United
States and Israel than there is today. Never has
the hatred toward Israel been more intense. In
general, the countries of the Middle East are becoming emboldened with their anti-Israel rhetoric and anti-Semitism continues to increase.
Finally let me suggest some very practical actions you can take to “Stand for Israel.”
• Demonstrate your support for the State of
Israel by attending the Eighth Annual Greater
Rochester Night to Honor Israel to be held at
Bethel Christian Fellowship on Sunday, March
30, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
• Equip yourself with accurate information
and become familiar with Middle East history
so you can recognize and filter through the antiIsrael media bias. Books like Standing with Israel (Brog, 2006) and In Defense of Israel (Hagee, 2006) are good sources to start with. You
can also subscribe to the New York State CUFI
website ( to receive, free, current, and up-to-dates information Israel.
• Accept, with continuing faithfulness, the
Bible’s call to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem”
and pray that our nation will govern in the light
of Genesis 12:1 where it says “I will bless those
who bless you…”
• Visit Israel with us in 2014. We will be taking a tour to Israel to from September 8-18,
2014. During that tour you will receive valuable
teaching (lead by John Hagee) about the historic
and modern-day significance of Israel. You will
also have the opportunity to stand in solidarity
at the Jerusalem Night to Honor Israel.
The Holy Land Pilgrim Tour will take place
on September 8-18, 2014. For information, call
Bethel Christian Fellowship at 585 232-1136
*21 or email us at
Photo by Selah Images
Visit us online at
Most importantly, remember that this is a
spiritual battle. Ask God to strengthen you to
stand with Him and to receive revelation on
what you are specifically called to do. Then let
us stand together for His redemptive purposes
in the earth.
The Good News
Page 11
Legal Corner
with your Christian Attorney Mark F. Viencek
Law Offices of Mark F. Viencek
290 Linden Oaks, Rochester, NY 14625
(585) 419-8075 or Toll free 1-866-33voice
An Update on the Problems and Dangers Associated
with Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants
In September of 2012, I wrote in this paper
about how DePuy knew its ASR metalon-metal hip implants were defective and
harmful, yet hid this info from the public.
Depuy is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson,
a global medical device/drug company with
2012 revenues of $67 billion. That article
can be accessed on my website http://www. by clicking on the “Media”
page and then selecting “Articles” from the
drop-down menu.
Much has come to light since that article.
The first ASR trial in the U.S. took place
and resulted in an $8.3 million verdict. The
evidence that came out in that trial was
explosive: a pre-market test of the ASR
showed it released a high level of metals
into the body; a DePuy employee stated it
would be “suicide” for the product if this
information was released to the public (the
release of metal particles into soft tissue and
the bloodstream is referred to as metallosis
and can cause very serious health problems);
by 2005 (the ASR was not recalled until
2010) doctors were telling DePuy the ASR
was failing quickly after implantation; in
2007, the ASR failed an internal safety test;
DePuy never told doctors or patients about
the test; instead, they redesigned the test to
give the ASR an artificial passing grade;
internally, the company was discussing ways
to fix the ASR’s design defect, but at the same
time it was actively marketing the ASR to
surgeons in the U.S. who were implanting it
into tens of thousands of patients; surgeons
hired by DePuy as consultants to promote
the use of the ASR would not use the
product themselves; internal company
e-mails clearly show that DePuy knew
of the problems with the ASR; one such
e-mail states: “My concern is that this is
the tip of the iceburg [sic] and that there
are many more patients out there having
problems”. The trial paints a clear picture of
a company with billions in revenues putting
profit ahead (way ahead) of patient health
and safety. (I also note that on November
4, 2013, Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay
more than $2.2 billion to resolve criminal
and civil charges regarding its prescription
drugs Risperdal, Invega, and Natreco.)
In late October and early November 2013,
I sent out an alert stating that DePuy might
be on the verge of announcing a settlement
of the ASR lawsuits. On November 19,
2013, it did just that and announced a
proposed settlement plan that could reach
$4 billion in total payouts. Local media
outlets have incorrectly reported on the
settlement making it sound as if it’s a done
deal. It’s not. Certain conditions must be
met for the settlement to go through.
One good thing has come out of the ASR
meltdown – it helped expose the problems
and dangers associated with metal-on-metal
hip implants in general. On March 13, 2012,
The Lancet, one of the most respected
medical journals in the world, published
a study which concluded that metal-onmetal hip implants have unacceptably high
failure rates and recommended that their
use be discontinued immediately. Two
of Stryker’s metal-on-metal hip implants
were subsequently recalled. The following
is a list of metal-on-metal hip implants
which, in my opinion, can be harmful
and give rise to legal claims: DePuy ASR,
DePuy Pinnacle, Stryker Rejuvenate,
Stryker ABG II, Wright Profemur, Wright
Conserve Hip System, Wright Conserve
Plus Total Resurfacing Hip System, Wright
Lineage Acetabular Cup System, Wright
Dynasty Acetabular Cup System, Biomet
M2a, Zimmer Durom Cup, and the Zimmer
Triology Hip.
For reasons I do not understand, the
doctors of some of my metal-on-metal
hip implant clients have not initiated
discussions with these individuals regarding
having a blood test done to check metal
levels or discussions regarding the potential
necessity of a revision. If a reader wants
to know more about the proposed ASR
settlement plan or one of the implants listed
above, they may contact my office.
About the Author: Christian attorney Mark F.
Viencek has over 20 years experience. He has
developed a reputation as a voice people trust
and a first point of contact for those looking
for advice, direction, and the highest level of
representation possible.
You can visit his website at www.trustedvoice.
net, and can reach him at (585) 419-8075, toll
free at 1-866-33voice, or via e-mail at mark@
-All articles that have appeared in Legal
Corner are available on Mark’s website.
Visit us online at
Pastors and Church
Leaders Invited to
Christians United for
Israel Luncheon on
January 22, 2014
(Rochester, NY) - The New York Chapter of
Christians United for Israel (NYCUFI) invites
pastors and key church leaders to an informational luncheon on Wednesday, January 22,
2014, at 11:30AM at the Bethel Christian Fellowship’s Body Shop Fellowship Hall on 14
Anson Place, across from the church in downtown Rochester.
This informational luncheon provides an opportunity for pastors and church leaders to find
out how to support the Eighth Annual Night
to Honor Israel. This important event brings
together Christian and Jewish leaders to stand
up and celebrate their support for the State of
“During this critical time in Israel’s history,
it’s important to have these partnership efforts to inform and stand with Israel together
as Christians and Jews,” said Pastor Ron A.
Domina, Senior Pastor of Bethel Christian Fellowship and Director of Region 10 CUFI. “The
hour for us to stand with Israel is now as world
opinion has never been more anti-Israel than
it is today.”
“This luncheon is a great opportunity to learn
about how critical it is that we show our support. God’s Word commands us to pray for the
peace of Jerusalem,” Domina said. “We can
all be a part of history as we get involved to
make a difference by being a part of the Night
to Honor Israel.”
Victor Styrsky, Eastern Regional Coordinator for CUFI (Christians United for Israel) and
Rabbi Shaya Kilimnick, Congregation Beth
Sholom will be the distinguished guests at the
luncheon, according to Domina.
Pastors and church leaders interested in attending the luncheon must RSVP by January
16, 2014. A hot lunch will be provided, free
of charge. This luncheon is for senior pastors
and key leaders assigned to work on this event
(limit three attendees per each congregation).
Please email or call
585-232-1136 * 34 to make your reservation.
The Good News
Page 12
Church and Ministry Directory
of Western, Central and Upstate NY
To advertise your church or ministry in the Ministry Directory
please contact us by e-mail or call (585) 271-4464
Calvary Assembly of God
Pastor Robert Reeves
Biblical Counseling and Christian Discipleship
Sunday Service: 9am & 10:45am
Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00pm
3429 Chili Avenue
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 889-0190
Calvary Gospel Fellowship
Multi-use Christian Center
and Outreach Network
Experience (ONE)
Sunday Service – 4PM; Wednesday Bible
(585) 309-2610
Creative Word Ministries
Rev. Sylvia R. Evans, Founder-Director
Bible Teacher, Conference/Retreat Speaker
Taking the “Creative Word” to the World
First Baptist Church of East
Christ’s Light in East Rochester
since 1901
119 W. Elm St., E. Rochester
Sunday Worship: 10:00 AM
Bible Study: Tues 7 PM, Thurs 10
Rev. Harry Williamson, Pastor
Pastor Wayne & Kara Martin
Study – 7PM. 1775 East Ave.Rochester, NY.
Across from Wegmans. 585-802-5598
Twitter: @Jesuspaidfully
Pastor Matthew Sassano
Meeting at the Arkport Village Hall. 6 Park Ave.
Arkport, NY. Sunday: 10:30am. Phone: (607) 698-5033.
Greece Christian
Herbert E. Parker, Th.D., Principal
Preschool thru 8th. 750 Long Pond Road.
Rochester, N.Y. 14612
(585) 381-1250
Healing Rooms
Angels of Mercy
of Greater Rochester, New York
692 N. Winton Rd. Rochester, NY.
Directors: Bill and Betty O’Marra
Phone: (585) 410-6574
Through our coordinated efforts and our faith in God, we help
women experience healing in their lives so they can begin
anew - ready to spread their wings and fly.
“They will soar on wings likes eagles.” Isaiah 40:31.
Ark of Jesus
Bishop David J. Singleton, Pastor
506 Jay St. Rochester, NY 14611
Sunday Service: 9 a.m.
Wednesday Service: 7 p.m.
The Destiny Christian School is located in the Faith
Temple church complex at 1876 Elmwood Ave. in
Brighton. For more information call (585) 473-1680
Visit online at
Camp Cherith
House of Prayer
and Restoration
Hunt, NY. 585-468-3850
Pastor Jose & Sonia Diaz
545 Hudson Avenue, Rochester, NY 14605
Sunday worship (bilingual) 10am.
Wednesday night discipleship classes
7:30pm. 585-232-8237
Traditional resident camp; boys and girls ages 7-17.
Counselor-led daily Bible study, background checked
staff, wide variety of activities, ACA accredited.
Great value!
Hope Valley Camp
“Jesus wants to meet you here”
We are a Christian camping ministry
that gives hope to children from
broken homes and communities
while promoting a stronger
relationship with Jesus Christ.
(585) 262-6420
990 AM
2pm to 3pm
A People Committed To God
Loving As He Loves
Rev. Ronald A. Domina, Sr. Pastor
321 East Ave. Rochester.
(585) 232-1136
Worship: 10am, Sunday morning classes
8:30 – 9:30, Evening 6:15 – 8:00 p.m.
Bridge Builders
Phil Harlow, Sr. Pastor & Ruby Harlow, Pastor
1787 Norton St.
Rochester, NY 14609
Sunday Service: 9:30am. (585) 342-0288
* Exciting, Christ Centered Programs
• Guys in July
• Girls in August
Nerf Guns, Archery, Canoeing, Climbing Tower,
Airsoft, Paintball, Photography, Dance, etc.
* Retreats & Weekend Events: Sept - June
Christ Community Church
Pastor Bruce Plummer
Sunday Worship Services:
9:00am – 10:30am
11:00am – 12:30pm
36 Coleman Creek Road. Brockport, NY
Church of Love Faith Center
Bishop Gregory L. & Pastor Myra Parris
700 Exchange Street,
Rochester NY. 14610
Sunday Worship 9AM & 11AM
Wednesday Bible Study 6:45PM
Faith Chapel of Churchville
Pastor Dave Branch
A church for TODAY... preparing you
Sunday Worship Service at 10:00am
125 Bromley Road, Churchville.
(585) 293-2336
(in Brighton)
Jesus is Lord Family
(585) 473-1680
A swim and fishing lake - wooded lakeside tent and cabin
sites. 264 Diamond Point Rd Diamond Point, NY 12824.
E-mail at
Faith Temple
1876 Elmwood Avenue.
Rochester, NY 14620.
For service times and upcoming events,
visit us at
Faith Christian
Changing the Ghetto to a Garden
Dr. John Walker, Pastor
585-288-7857 – Call for Transportation
Sunday: 11am-1pm
(Nursery and Children’s Classes)
Wednesday Prayer: 6pm
Thursday Night Bible Study: 7pm-9pm
Focuses on life applications of the Bible
Sunday Worship Service: 9:30am
“God in the Marketplace”
Week day monthly events: Marketplace
Prayer / Share-(1st Thu.), Senior’s Fellowship
Luncheon-(2nd Mond.) and Marketplace
Breakfast/Luncheon (3rd Thu.)
Phil Provenzano
Enjoying God and Sharing the Joy
Pastor Timothy Luddy
1775 East Ave.
Rochester, NY 14610
(585) 473-5876
Phil Provenzano, President
(585) 683-4907. 9470 Schmidt Rd. Dansville, NY 14437
Camp Hickory Hill
Brighton Presbyterian Church
USA - Rochester Chapter
Receiving Mail:
P.O. Box 663 Penfield, NY 14526
Community Lutheran
Deaconess Maggie Harris
942 Joseph Ave. Rochester, NY 14621
(585) 338-2420
Faith Temple Apostolic Church
Pastor Bishop Jerry McCullough
Co-Pastor Evangelist Maggie McCullough
Sunday School: 9:00am,
Morning Worship: 10:30am.
Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm.
141 Arnett Blvd.
Rochester, NY
(585) 235-6814
Visit us online at
Spiritually Alive - Culturally Conservative.
John Knox
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Charles M. Roberts, Pastor
3233 West Ridge Road, Greece
(585) 225-6533
Sunday School 8:45am
Sunday Worship Service 10:00am
Joy Community
Pastor Tony Martorana
890 North Goodman St.
Sunday Worship Services:
9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
585-288-0863. E-mail at
Visit online at
The Good News
Page 13
Author and Pastor
Believes Perseverance
and Commitment
Hallmarks of Christian
500 Main Street | East Rochester, NY 14445
Phone 585-385-0450 |
Preaching and teaching the supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ,
to the glory of God the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit...
Come worship with us!
Continued from page 7
istries in the community and in other countries as well.
Sunday: Intercessory Prayer, 7:30 A.M., during services
Services, 8:15, 10:00, 11:45 A.M. and 6:30pm.
Wednesday: Bible Study, 7:00 P.M.
Bringing Southern Gospel Music
groups to the area to encourage
and bring Christians together for
fellowship with other believers.
“Church... outside the box”
Sunday services at 9 and 11am
3651 Latta Rd. Rochester, NY 14612. (585) 392-5253
Visit at
Heart Christian
Messianic Congregation
Petah Tikvah
Liberty Temple
Ministries COGIC
Pastor Charles G. Simmons, Sr.
144 Reynolds St. Rochester NY 14608
Sun. School: 10am
Sunday Worship Services: 11:30am & 7:30pm
Wed. Bible Study at 7:30pm
(585) 464-8467. E-Mail:
Messianic Rav Rick
Rick Chaimberlin with
his wife Miriam
For Shabbat Services
time and location call at
(585) 475-1188
LINC’s mission: to plant, nurture and equip groups of new
believers among culturally unique communities – initially
among refugee and immigrant peoples.
PO Box 16203, Rochester, NY 14616.
Web site:
MorningStar Church
‘Let’s do life together’
Pastor Gary Pfeiffer
10:00am Sunday Morning Worship
@ John Knox Presbyterian Church.
Fellowship Hall. 3233 Ridge Rd. W.
Greece, NY. 585-748-6089.
New Testament Christian
Church of Greece
Jim Crowley, Pastor
Sunday Service, 9am and 11am.
349 North Ave. Rochester, NY 14626
(585) 723-1400
An Apostolic and Prophetic family of
believers worshiping God and receiving
equipping, impartation and anointing to
boldly declare the Kingdom of God.
Ron Fess – Pastor
Lisa Fess –Teacher/Pastor
Kacey Hauck - Pastor
Al Hauck - Lead Minister/Prophet
Shepherding Groups – Teen Group
Men’s and Women’s Groups
Worship Service:
Saturdays, 6:30 PM
Meeting at:
Victory Community Church
1619 Manitou Road
Rochester NY 14626
(585) 225-4090
Minister Al Hauck
Pregnancy Care Center
Pregnancy Tests & Referral for
Limited Ultrasound At No Cost
(315) 789-0708
551 Exchange St. Geneva, NY 14456
Sandy-Ann D. Robs - Ministry Leader
157 Courtshire LN, Penfield, NY 14526
Mission: To initiate and support urban ministry efforts that connect and unite churches, organizations, and individuals in working
together to break down the barriers of poverty, racial division and
despair in the name of
Jesus Christ.
Together we can do more!
1 John 3:17, 18
Networking, Bread Run Team, Sat. Sonshine Program, Mothers
In Need of Others/Furnished for Life, Diversity Café, SPEAK,
URGEnt Presentation, URGEnt Collection, Prayer Team, Concert of Praise, Heart for the City, 5 Point Plan = the Community
Symphony, Training & Workshops
2910 Douglas Rd. Cortland, NY 13045
607-756-5770. 607-758-3928
Pastor Samme Palermo
Odosagih Bible Conference
& Retreat Center
Summer family camp on Lime Lake in Machias NY
Retreats Sept-June, yours or ours.
Director - Roger White.
Contact us at 716-353-8555 or
Visit online
In fact, in January 2014 Lindsay and several other churches are cooperatively working together to launch a new ministry to
reach out to the economically challenged in
Orleans County with the ministry – Hands
for Hope Orleans County. This community
development corporation will offer several
programs, with the first one, Jobs for Life, to
start the first of the year.
“Jobs for Life will be a Christ-centered
training program to develop Christian character and support for those who are underemployed or unemployed,” Lindsay said.
“This program helps individuals to develop
character traits such as promptness, a good
attitude, and taking the initiative which will
make them more attractive candidates for
Through his ministry, community leadership, and laying out Christian principles in
his book, 1,000 Sundays, Lindsay hopes to
encourage others to realize that God has a vision for each of us, and we need to live each
day with this vision -- propelling us to do
what God calls us to do.
In his book, Lindsay states, “Vision is extremely important in the life of a Christian.
Proverbs 29:18 says, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (KJV). There needs
to be an overarching sense of direction that
guides our lives beyond the immediate demands of a given day. Not too many people
would argue with this reasoning. Nowhere is
the principle of vision more clearly seen than
when we are living for the generation that
will come after us.”
With donations from his church and others,
last summer on a missions trip to minister to
pastors in Ghana and Togo, Africa, Lindsay
was able to pass out about 200 copies of his
book to pastors. “It was great to have this opportunity to pass along the book,” Lindsay
The “King’s” College
Sunday Services: 8:30am and 10:30am
(Sunday school classes available).
Wednesday evening midweek services for the whole family, 7pm.
At the Charles Finney School, 2070 Five Mile Line Rd, Penfield.
Lindsay’s commitment to the unity of the
body of Christ is one of his core personal
principles, and he regularly meets with other
pastors and community leaders to coordinate
monthly prayer fellowships, as well as working together to meet the needs of the community.
Lindsay said, “I’m fulfilling the purpose of
God for my generation, and I hope to keep
my hands to the plow as I run the race faithfully that God has put before me. I want to
use this book to pass on what I’ve learned
about faith to the next generation, to those in
ministry, and to all believers wherever they
are on the faith journey.”
Reigning Miracle
Ministry, Inc.
Oasis Christian
For instance in 1991, Lindsay was the driving force to spearhead the launch of a crisis
pregnancy center, Care Net Center of Greater Orleans, which is now a vibrant ministry
supported by over 40 area churches. In addition, Lindsay and other believers helped to
found the Orleans County Christian School,
serving the community as a K-12 school for
almost two decades.
Rhema Life
Community Church
Rev. Sandra C. Felder, Senior Pastor
Service Information:
Worship: Sunday: 10:00am
Healing Service every 4th Sunday
40 West Avenue Rochester, New York 14611
To advertise your church or
ministry in the Ministry
please contact us by e-mail at
or call (585) 271-4464
Visit us online at
In January 2014, Lindsay said a Small
Group Study Guide and the E-book format
will be available for 1,000 Sundays. For
more information on Lindsay or to order the
book, visit
The Good News
Page 14
Believers in Jesus Christ Must
Do Daily “Sound Check” for
God’s Truths to Resound
Continued from page 3
day as we listen to or read reports of death, war, diseases, poverty, and strife that are going on all over
the world, it can be depressing. If we focus on the
inevitable struggles in our own circle of family and
friends, and in our community, we easily forget that
God is in control, and Jesus overcame death after he
died on the Cross to take on all of our past, present,
and future sins and gave us His righteousness. Furthermore, we now have the Holy Spirit residing in
us so we no longer have to be a slave to sin, but are
light in this fallen, dark world.
To overcome these doubts that easily seep into our
thinking, we must be intentional and not haphazard
in not only what we allow our eyes to see but also
to remember the power of what we hear. Over the
years, I’ve realized that the more I listen to Christian music with lyrics from Scripture and listen to
the radio and podcasts that are also based on God’s
Word, it uplifts me and it enhances my own personal
daily Bible study and devotionals. What I listen to is
a companion and encourager in the ups and downs
of my life.
When all is silent, the music is still “playing in
my head,” and I’m rejoicing as I remember what a
mighty God I serve. Sometimes a song will come to
me all of a sudden as if God is reminding me what I
need to focus on at that moment. Or as we are driving in the car, my family and I will start singing together to a song on the Christian radio station that
reminds us of God’sfaithfulness during a particular
struggle we shared.
In addition, the inspirational talk radio and podcasts with Christian sermons and Bible-related
topics often challenge me to study and understand
more about my faith as well as spur me on to discuss
with my family these faith-related topics and God’s
Word. Choosing to listen to these topics not only influences my walk with the Lord, but also helps me
encourage family members and even friends.
Making a choice to listen “well” and not to allow
the world’s untruths -- which are heard everywhere
in today’s music and from those “talking heads”
who are blinded by worldliness and evil – to saturate
my ears allows God’s presence, love, and Word to
resound loudly in my head and to remind me of who
He is; who I am in Him; and who He has called me
to be.
It’s only then that I can rejoice as the refrain of the
song says: “But the voice of truth tells me a different
story; the voice of truth says ‘Do not be afraid!” And
the voice of truth says ‘This is for My glory!’ Out
of all the voices calling out to me; I will choose to
listen and believe the voice of truth.”
- Education -
The Assault on Common Core
By Ralph Kerr
Some people are upset about Obamacare,
some are upset about government spending,
some are upset about the end of summer, but
it seems most people are upset about the Common Core in Education. New York State Assemblyman Al Graf recently called the Common Core “state-sponsored child abuse.”
The Common Core is a set of standards and
assessments that has been developed over the
last few years by the federal government in
conjunction with educators, researchers, business people, legislators and bureaucrats. The
overall purpose of the Common Core is to assure that all public school students are taught a
common core of subject matter and then tested
on the teaching to determine their level of proficiency. The purpose was not to “make every
kid the same” or “pump out robots.”
The federal government encouraged states
to adopt the Common Core and begin holding schools accountable for the teaching and
learning of them by giving states large sums
of money. Most states accepted the federal
money and the Common Core. A few states rejected both the money and the Common Core.
New York State was an earlier adopter and has
reaped the pain and suffering of early adoption.
Pennsylvania adopted the Common Core but
has been much slower than New York in trying
to roll them out to school districts. In fact, this
past summer Pennsylvania held up the roll out
while tweaks were made.
Unfortunately for New Yorkers, the early
adoption and roll out has resulted in what some
would call a disaster. I am not prepared to go
that far, BUT the roll out should have been
done much more gradually. Teacher materials
were not ready in time to be useful, tests have
not been vetted properly and as a result administrators, teachers, parents and some legislators are very unhappy. I have read reports of
children going to bed in tears because they feel
unprepared by the teaching they have received
and worried about their test results. This should
Dr. Ralph Kerr, President of the
Teaching and Learning Institute.
not be happening.
Teachers are unhappy because they are being
held accountable for students’ test results at a
level they have never been before. Apprehension on their part is understandable but early results show they may have been more concerned
than they needed to be. Recently released results show that almost 50 % of teachers outside
New York City were highly effective and just
under 42 % were effective. Four percent were
rated developing and one percent ineffective.
Despite the good results on teacher effectiveness, if students are feeling so much pressure
that it is totally disrupting their well-being,
something needs to change. I would suggest a
little less testing and a little more time given
to help students relax and enjoy learning. This
should not be done, however, at the expense of
continuing to hold teachers and administrators
accountable for their performance.
I would encourage parents who are concerned
about the Common Core and current practices
to politely and with civility take their specific
concerns to their local Board of Education. Try
not to be overly emotional but state your concerns with clarity and include suggestions for
An additional result of all the uproar across
New York State has been the call for the resignation of the NY Commissioner of Education.
Most of this is based on his dismal performance
in Poughkeepsie, NY during a public meeting to
discuss the Common Core. Reportedly the Commissioner was shouted down by special interests
who were trying to manipulate the meeting. As
a result he cancelled the rest of the scheduled
meetings throughout the state. This seems like a
childish reaction. Since then, the Commissioner
has rescheduled these other meetings and overall they seem to be going better. Calls for his
resignation will go nowhere, as they probably
shouldn’t, as long as he continues to have the
support of the members of the Board of Regents
and the governor.
The Educational Conference Board, comprised of organizations that represent school
boards, parents, superintendents, teachers, principals, business officials and other educators
have released a position paper that outlines a
plan to give students the support and resources
they need. Here are the recommendations in the
1. Institute a statewide campaign to build understanding and support for the importance and
value of the Common Core Learning Standards.
2. Invest in ongoing professional development
to implement the Common Core.
3. Ensure adequate state and federal funding to
give classroom teachers the tools, instructional
materials and technology they need to help all
students meet the standards.
4. Reassess the state’s approach to student testing.
5. Establish an ongoing process for engaging
all interested people in reviewing and refining
implementation of the Common Core.
Anyone with questions or concerns about the
Common Core is welcome to contact me at
If you are interested in more information about
TLI please contact us at 585-567-2080 or on the
web at
Faith Steps: A Year to Build
Take It to the Streets 2014
By Mark Torrey
Patricia McKenna, NYS LMT
*back/neck pain*stress*injuries*
*special needs & pediatric massage*
House Calls Available
29 Clinton St., Brockport 585-259-2696
In addition to working on creating a Christian
community family entertainment center and organize churches together into community outreach teams, ACTION Partnership has already
begun to implement outreach in the form of
THE STREETS is an evangelistic opportunity
for churches and individuals to participate in.
We will assemble street teams and ministry
opportunities to go to the streets around our
Rochester area to share the Gospel in creative
and strategic ways this year:
Attention: Collegiate
Baseball Players and Parents
A new Faith-based Collegiate Baseball Team, the Genesee
Rapids has been formed in the Houghton, NY area, in the
Southern Tier, Northern Allegany County.
Team will play in the New York State Collegiate Baseball
League with teams from Rochester, Hornell, Wellsville,
Olean, Syracuse and Niagara Falls.
Team is currently recruiting players for the 2014 season
who want to minister for Christ while playing baseball.
Volunteers are also needed to help in a variety of ways.
Summer Community VBS: Imagine sidewalks and parking lots across Rochester on a
typical day. Just then, a van rolls in with music playing. A street team deploys into the field
armed with love, faith, ice cream bars, and
Gospel info to share. Meanwhile, the van event
crew has set up an assortment of games and activities for children to enjoy. Kids and families
start pouring in. Event staff interact with families and children making the most of this short
time to quickly connect through showing love.
A brief testimony and/or message are shared.
Some prizes are handed out. A prayer and care
team is dispatched on the scene to follow up
with those who have felt a connection to God
through Christ Jesus that day and to answer
questions and keep fruitful spiritual conversations going. The event van is packed up and
rolls off to its next destination. It’s like VBS on
the road. Just one hour could change the future
of an entire block, a neighborhood, a community, a city!
- When we show love, it invites the opportunity to share the love of God.
- God can use our acts of kindness to bless others and reveal the truth of who He is to them.
This is just one simple idea to reach children.
Teens and adults are waiting for us to reach
them as well. You have many more ideas, and
we want to hear from you. Plans are now being
put together for summer and/or autumn events.
Church of Rochester, together we can build this
and continue to make more and more disciples.
You never know when you might be out in your
community and come across someone in need.
This opportunity allows you to bless someone
quickly, and who knows, God might just use it
to make a real difference in their day. Keep this
envelope of hope in your car and watch for an
opportunity to meet a need.
You can make a difference in your community. Try one or both of these ideas and watch
God work. Contact us at action.partnership12@ if you would like help in getting a
bag together or to share a C.A.R.E. story with us.
You can also email us if your church would like
more information on doing a community VBS in
your area. If you want to tweet about your story
add #CARE Bags, #Car CARE, #FaithSteps or
#Godisstillabuilder. Additional information is
available at and
on Youtube (A Call to Action).
Next, we would like to introduce the C.A.R.E.
outreach strategy. C.A.R.E. stands for Christ
Across Rochester Experience. Get involved in
making an impact in your neighborhood.
C.A.R.E. Bags Outreach Opportunity:
- Anyone can take a bag of groceries, baked
goods, or snacks to someone ($10-20). Include
a card to encourage and witness.
- People can connect to neighbors, community members, and co-workers through meeting
Visit us online at
TESTIMONIALS: C.A.R.E. Bags have gone
out at Eastman School of Music and also in
Greece. At Eastman, a student is now attending
a small group Bible study in response to this act
of kindness. A bag also opened the door for an
international student getting a Bible in her own
language. Stories have also come in like driveway conversations for the first time about spiritual matters, prayer for healing, and feelings of
gratitude for acts of kindness.
Car C.A.R.E. Outreach Opportunity:
- a card
- one food gift card ($10)
- one general gift card ($10)
- a note and/or article of encouragement
- include the address of a local church where
more help is available
The Good News
Page 15
Financial Tips
with Rick Krempin, CFBS, CLTC
Certified Family Business Specialist
Certified in Long-Term Care
5 Circle Court
Rochester, New York 14617
Tel: 585-342-0519; Fax: 585-467-9575
Putting Your Retirement on Firm Footing
“Retirement planning” has become a popular
phrase in recent years—and rightfully so.
Most certainly, everyone has their own specific
expectations and dreams about retirement, but
how does your current plan stack up against your
long-term objectives? Today, more than ever,
planning for retirement is a necessity. Proper
planning and follow-through can help you avoid
shortfalls in meeting your income needs and help
assure you of a smooth, secure transition from the
world of work to the world of retirement.
Zeroing In On Change
Planning ahead means setting goals and deciding
how they will be met, within the framework of
a changing financial picture. Many retirees find
themselves torn between balancing a satisfying
lifestyle with one that lacks many of the comforts
that make life easier. In the absence of a solid
financial foundation, you may be faced with some
hard choices over the course of your retirement
years. A successful financial strategy carried out
faithfully will help soften many of them.
Unfortunately, time is a luxury only available
to younger individuals. Therefore, as retirement
approaches, there are some key points you should
take into consideration in order to best position
yourself for an enjoyable retirement:
1) Building foundations. Certainly, younger
individuals may be able to afford taking
greater risk with more aggressive investments.
However, regardless of your age, you should
always make a concerted effort to maximize
contributions to your 401(k), IRA, or other
retirement savings vehicle. In addition, it may be
more prudent to gradually shift your retirement
assets to more conservative, income-producing
investments as you approach retirement. An
asset-preservation strategy may be especially
difficult for those who begin retirement planning
later in life. In such situations, it is particularly
critical for investments to align with personal
risk tolerance.
2) The longevity game. The culture of
retirement is changing. It’s not uncommon
for someone to spend one-third of his or
her lifetime in retirement. Therefore, your
retirement assets will need to last longer and be
able to accommodate cost-of-living increases.
Consider your retirement life span—if it is 20
– 30 years--that may indicate a need for some
long-term growth investments to be included in
your portfolio. And you may still find yourself
in the workforce in some capacity, if you need
greater income.
3) Main Street or Park Avenue? Some
individuals are under the impression that they
will be able to live the same type of lifestyle they
enjoyed during their working years, and some
will. However, it’s important to keep things in
proper perspective. In reality, you may have to
downscale living arrangements and unnecessary
expenditures in order to ensure your retirement
assets will be sufficient over a long period of
Regardless of how close you are to retirement,
it is important to keep realistic goals and
expectations. Factors such as how much you have
already accumulated, or how far financially you
are from your objective, should play a key role in
determining your course of action. A review with
your financial professional can be a good first
step to ensure that you have chosen the best path
to fulfill your retirement lifestyle. Plan to save
and keep inflation in your formula. You may need
much more than a million dollars. Be committed
to your goals. Diversify your investments to
have a better chance to have your money grow.
Know your risk and reward values and invest
accordingly. Getting started at a young age is
very important. Most importantly, start now!
Frederick L. Krempin is a Registered
Repredentative and a Life Insurance Professional.
Securities offered through IBN Financial
Services, Inc. Member FINRA & SIPC 8035
Oswego Road PO Box 2365 Liverpool, NY 13089
315-652-4426.” E-mail fkrempin@ibrokernet.
“If We Show Up, We Win!”
Frederick L. Krempin is a Registered Repredentative and a Life
Insurance Professional. Securities offered through IBN Financial
Services, Inc. Member FINRA & SIPC 8035 Oswego Road
PO Box 2365 Liverpool, NY 13089 315-652-4426.
Rochester Area Right to Life
Phone (585) 621-4690
Visit online at
675 Ling Road, Suite 3 Rochester, NY 14612
By John Petrilli
That was the theme of the evening as Jason
McGuire delivered an inspiring message that
rallied the Christian troops with regard to the
changing state of affairs in the State of New
York. McGuire, C.E.O. and official spokesperson for New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms (N.Y.F.C.F.), emphasized both the necessity and effectiveness of accelerated Christian
engagement in the political process.
Opening on a very encouraging note, McGuire
reported, “We’re excited about the fact that God
has been moving in our state capitol. One of the
things we promised you if you came tonight is
that you’d have hope for our state, and hope for
what is happening. Even when, from the newspapers, it looks like some awful things are happening, God is still moving in our state.”
The speaker then proceeded to provide the
details of a recent legislative victory of monumental proportions. McGuire cited the recent
successful effort by combined pro-life forces to
defeat Governor Cuomo’s abortion-expanding
legislation as a prime example. Misrepresenting abortion as a women’s rights issue, the bill
would have drastically expanded abortion in the
state, something citizens of Christian conscience
could never allow to go unopposed. And oppose
it they did, with an unprecedented level of collaboration and cooperation between pro-life organizations.
“We knew we were in for the fight of our
lives. The very next day, after Governor Cuomo publicly highlighted the bill’s abortionexpanding content, we began to meet with
pro-life allies in the capitol. We saw people
who were working together on an issue in ways
they had not before. We saw that messaging
was very consistent and was so important in
this fight. We saw that we were willing to take
on legislators even on the soft issues. We never
hit below the belt, we always handled it with
integrity. But we did not run from the issue. We
took it head-on.”
They went on the offensive, reframing the debate by referring to Governor Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act as Governor Cuomo’s Abortion Expansion Act. The results were nothing
short of earth-shaking as media outlets immediately picked up the phrasing and repackaged
the debate using the new terminology.
“The bottom line is this, we’ve got to do it
stronger, faster, smarter than we’ve ever done
it before because the Governor is not going to
get less intense next year, its going to be even
more difficult. Christian, when you show up,
we can win!”
Walker to serve as their legislative chaplain,
legal specialist Stephen Hayford, new online
website manager and media spokesperson Kierstin Smith and graphics designer Eric Pastorek.
In addition, NYFCF has launched New Yorkers
for Life, a website dedicated to the statewide
advancement of the pro-life cause.
Smith’s and Pastorek’s collaborative efforts
were key in reframing the debate at the state as
well as the national levels. When the media queried Kiersten about why she was ‘so opposed
to women’s rights’, she brilliantly reframed the
debate, responding, “Why do we always have to
pit the unborn child against its mother? Can’t we
love them both?” That one sound bite instantly
became the campaign slogan. Within 24 hours
of releasing that website image and slogan, the
non-partisan, highly respected publication, The
National Review, saw the graphic and wrote an
article about it, stating,“Could it be that New
Continued on page 17
Phillip Provenzano
Financial Services Professional
New York Life Insurance Company
375 Woodcliff Drive
Fairport, NY 14450
(585) 355-8196
“Here For All Your Insurance And Financial Needs”
NYFCF’s success was also due in large part
to several strategic organizational moves, including adding additional staff such as Dale
(585) 342-0519
Rick Krempin, Senior Counselor
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the FAFSA. 123College took our financial
information and completed the forms with
no stress or hassle on us.”-Olivia P. - Student
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of this until you took the time to walk me
through it.” – Frank C. - Parent
“Your quick responses and attention to
detail have been a great help to us over the
four years.” –Roger C. - Parent
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The Good News
Page 16
Devotional Corner
Are You in the Right
Relationship with
Your Creator?
with Pastor Ray Viola
Koinonia Fellowship
500 Main St. East Rochester, NY 14445
(585) 385-0450
Steps To Salvation
1. You Must Repent
2. You Must Believe
The Greek word “koinonia” contains within
it the meaning of fellowship or sharing. One
of the most vital elements of Christian development is when the saints meet together. Of
course we gather in our larger corporate settings for worship and study of Scriptures (Hebrews 10:25), but it doesn’t end there. In Acts
2:46 we read that the early church not only met
daily in the temple, but also fellowship “from
house to house”.
You must repent of your sin and
admit to God that you are a sinner.
The Bible says: “... that they should
repent and turn to God, and do works
meet for repentance.”
(Acts 26:20)
You must believe with all your heart
that Jesus Christ is the Son of God,
that He died on the cross to save you
and was resurrected. “...While we
were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
(Romans 5:8)
3. You Must Ask
You must pray and ask our Lord Jesus
Christ to forgive your sins and save
you from an eternity in hell.“ ...With
the mouth confession is made unto
(Romans 10:10)
4. You Must Receive
Scripture tells us that we are to be a people
“given to hospitality” (Romans 12:13). The
word hospitality means “to receive as a guest”.
In Acts 28:7 the word translated in the RSV as
“entertained” comes from the same root word.
These smaller settings are the times when we
really get to know our brothers and sisters.
We get encouraged to hear how they came to
Christ. We get blessed to hear how He is working in their lives. And, yes, we also find that
By Lida H. Moore
Asking tough questions and searching for
answers energizes Vince Latorre. For about
seven years, he carefully read and reviewed
over 200 books by many scholars and apologists who defend the inerrancy of the Bible so
he could synthesize their information into an
easy-to-read format in his book, The Bible Can
Be Proven.
5. Turn in faith to Jesus Christ
“Many people don’t take the time or aren’t
interested in delving into the details of the
Bible,” said Latorre, an accountant from the
Syracuse area. “But in the postmodern culture
we live in today, it is imperative that Christians
take the time to understand and to be able to
explain what they believe, why they believe it,
and why the Bible is true.”
“My Heavenly Father,
I come to You admitting that I am a
sinner. I ask your forgiveness. I believe
that Your Son, Jesus died for my sins
and was resurrected on the third day.
I repent in my sins and give my life to
Jesus. I receive Jesus as my Savior and
ask you to give me eternal life.
Are you a
Did you write a Christian
Advertise your new book
in The Good News!
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our SPECIAL for Christian
book advertising.
E-mail at
or call (585) 271-4464.
As the Lord continues to add to the local
church, it cannot be stressed enough how important it is for every one of us to “lock-in” to
those home study/fellowship times. Relationships develop there. Prayer partners are birthed.
And needs of the saints are often met as those
needs are made known. Peter writes that we
should all be part of this hospitality ministry
(1 Peter 4:9). Don’t let your shyness rob you
of this blessed fellowship. Don’t allow a bad
experience in the past to deprive you of a blessing in the present. The church was created to
have fellowship with God and with one another
(1 John 1:3). I’ve noticed that when a person
reaches out for fellowship that it is there, but
the reclusive or “ Why doesn’t anyone call or
invite me over?” attitude often turns to bitterness
and hurt. Proverbs 18:24 says: “A man who has
friends must himself be friendly”.
Face it, we are all very busy. For sure we all
cannot get to know each other as deeply as we
would like, but each one of us can reach out. We
can extend that invitation to dinner to a lonely
saint. We can drop a line of encouragement. We
can suggest brunch after service to the “stranger” that we’ve worshipped with for some time.
Hey, we can even open up our home for another
“meal in the Lord”.
We are a body and we need each other. So
communicate; don’t amputate (1 Corinthians
12:14-27)! Get off the bench and get involved.
Do it, and you’ll find you will be blessed as well
(James 1:22-25).
Pastor Ray
Author Urges Christians to Be Equipped To Answer
Tough Questions to Defend Bible and Faith
You must pray and tell the Lord that
you wish to receive the wonderful
gift of eternal life. “For the wages
of sin is death; but the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord.”(Romans 6:23)
Turn in faith to Jesus Christ by praying a prayer like this:
many of them are carrying a load that is just too
much to bear alone (Galatians 6:2). This often
develops into a heart-to-heart time of sharing
and praying (James 5:16).
The book is organized in a question-andanswer format so that one can quickly search
for particular topics. Latorre, who has taught
Sunday school and Bible studies for over two
decades, understands that we are living in a society that constantly questions the existence of
God and the truths of His Word, the Bible.
“But I am relentless and enjoy doing research, going over details of material that some
might think is dry and technical,” Latorre said.
“I believe I’ve done the heavy lifting for people
who want to have the answers about the Bible
because I’ve extracted nuggets of information
from great apologetic books that are critical to
defend our faith.”
“There are so many questions that we must
be able to confidently answer about our faith,”
Latorre said. “So I thought it was important to
use this format which consolidates the most
pertinent answers from the best biblical scholars.”
There is no more critical time in our history,
according to Latorre, that people need to have
this information available to them. “Christians of all ages do not have a solid foundation developed about their faith and what they
believe,” Latorre said. “Because of this situation, our Christian young people go off to college and drift away from their faith and other
Christian adults aren’t able to articulate why
the Bible is reliable and not just another piece
of literature.”
Last year, Latorre joined an advertised study
of the entire Bible at a local church in his area
that he had never attended. It was a valuable
experience for him and for the other attendees
to have him in the group.
Latorre said that the Bible teacher of the
class presented the Bible as if it was just like
now consider myself a creationist.”
It’s no doubt, according to Latorre, that the
experiences he has had in the sciences, technical fields, and in researching biblical questions
have all helped him in understanding both sides
of people’s views related to the Bible.
“The Bible is really so well documented, and
there is powerful archaeological evidence to
prove its validity, more than any other book,”
Latorre said. “It is a compressed narrative that
gives us what the Lord thought was pertinent for
us to know.”
Vince Latorre
any other book, and that it was not all true. As
time went on in the class, he was able to bring
up evidence to the contrary and emphasized
that the Bible is reliable and divinely inspired.
By the end of the class, his classmates would
turn to him for his opinion on what was being
“It was a great experience to hear the questions and misconceptions about God’s Word
that the average person going to church has
developed over the years,” Latorre said. “But
I enjoy the challenge when a question comes
up that seemingly can’t be answered. God has
given me a love of reading books, and digging
– I live, breathe, and eat it and find it so interesting.”
Even as a young boy, Latorre was inquisitive
and interested in God and the Bible. “I asked
a lot of why questions and eventually realized
that I needed to go to Him to have my sins
forgiven and in order to please God. I knew I
needed to grow into a relationship with Him,”
he said.
Latorre remembers being fascinated with the
Bible as a teenager and decided to read the entire Bible for himself instead of relying on a
particular church’s or person’s interpretation.
His parents were Christians and encouraged his
interest. Even as Latorre has grown in his faith
journey, he has grappled with questions related
to topics such as creation, evolution, theistic
evolution, and contradictions that people believe are in the Bible.
“I’ve wrestled with several of these issues myself, and this has helped me in my writing and
speaking to groups about defending the Bible,”
said Latorre, who also serves as a Lay Speaker
in the United Methodist Church. “There was a
time that I did not believe in creation. I studied
biology and the sciences extensively, but after
years of reading and examining the evidence, I
Visit us online at
In his book, The Bible Can Be Proven, LaTorre
writes about ancient scrolls, archeological discoveries, fulfilled Bible prophecies, biblical
codes and numbers, and recent scientific discoveries that verify ancient biblical writings.
The author is quick to point out that his primary Source and his favorite book is God’s
Word, the Bible. “There are so many wonderful promises in God’s Word and the more I learn
about the Bible, the stronger my faith becomes,”
Latorre said. “The Bible has so many answers
right within the text, and I encourage people to
really take the time to study it.”
He added that memorizing and meditating on
Scriptures have also been a great help to him in
daily life, and with the many opportunities God
has given him to defend the reliability of the
Bible and his faith.
“With the time I spend in my Bible daily and
with my other readings, God often quickens my
mind through the power of the Holy Spirit,”
Latorre said. “He gives me answers, especially
as I am questioned by others who don’t know
the Bible or who are seeking answers to particular questions.”
“We are in a war now with the new atheists
having a strong battle plan and getting a lot of air
time in the media to challenge the truths of our
faith,” Latorre said. “We must not send people
out without armor and without a strong foundation in the Bible and in Christian values. We all
must be prepared to answer others as they attack
the Bible and what we believe.”
For more information about the book or to
schedule the author for a presentation, contact
Vince Latorre at 315-492-6039, email latorreq@, or go to www.thebiblecanbeproven.
The Good News
Page 17
Business Men’s Fellowship ‘City Gate’
with Phillip Provenzano
BMF Rochester Chapter President
Business Men’s Fellowship ‘City Gate’
By Mike Hennessey, Executive Director of the
Open Door Mission and BMF Member
Gate of Rochester. For too long we have abdicated our proper place at the Gate.
Welcome to the first article of Business Men’s
Fellowship ‘City Gate’. This corner will serve as
a resource for our business community to learn
about what other professionals are facing from
a spiritual aspect. Feel free to write in with topics, questions and concerns which we will utilize
for the article’s discussion topic. For additional
information regarding the topics you can check
our Facebook page at
In Revelations 1 and 5 we are called by Jesus Himself to be Kings & Priests. Priests of
our homes and Kings of the marketplace. The
role of the King is to protect the peaceful commerce and livelihood of His Kingdom or City.
That’s BMF.
In Biblical times, the rabbis, priests, officials
and leaders of that city met at the City Gate. They
were the gatekeepers of their city. They made and
enforced the laws, and they protected their families and neighbors from the enemy.
It’s time for a new leadership of Christian Business Men to take their positions back at the City
If you are a Christian, and in business, this
call goes out to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re
blue- or white-collar, high tech or low tech.
The marketplace we work in has become increasingly hostile toward Christianity; you can
no longer be effective on your own. You need
to be built up in faith by like-minded brothers who can pray for you, your family and
your business. You need to be lifted up and
refreshed to take on the enemy. You need a
foxhole buddy, and you need a few teams of
buddies on either side of you.
In Nehemiah 4, when they were rebuilding
the wall of Jerusalem, they had to fight while
building….they rebuilt the wall with a sword
in one hand, and a trowel in the other. And
when the trumpet blew, they all rallied to that
section of the wall and fought together. That’s
It isn’t going to be easy to take back our
city, but in unity, and with God on our side, all
things are possible, and who can come against
BMF is a sanctuary in a dry and desolate
world. Come and see that the Lord is good.
Business Men’s Fellowship meets twice per
month; at our Prayer/Share gathering on the
1st Thursday of the month in Passero Associates’ Boardroom, 242 W. Main St. Rochester,
NY, and on the 3rd Thursday of the month at
Legends Restaurant at The Radisson Hotel, E.
Main St. Rochester, NY.
Barden Building Systems Uses State-of-the-Art
Technology and Unique Process for New Church
By Lida H. Moore
Almost two decades ago, Gene Rotunda saw
his successful business in upstate New York doing custom residential building as a general contractor suddenly come to a halt because of a major economic downturn. But God had other plans
to use Rotunda’s experiences as an ordained
minister and administrative pastor to further His
Kingdom in the church-building industry.
Today, Rotunda is a Regional Vice President
for Barden Building Systems, with 80 % of his
work focusing on new church construction in a
unique “Design Build” process. “This job was
God’s provision for my family, as we couldn’t
sell some of our houses we had built on speculation and didn’t know what we were going to do in
the late 1980s,” Rotunda said. “During this time,
I was approached by a Barden representative
about coming to work for them. I knew Barden
did quality work because, as a general contractor, I had purchased some of their windows and
doors and was so impressed by how easy it was
to install them into our houses.”
Eventually, Rotunda accepted the Barden position and, over the years, has realized that his
faith in Jesus Christ has been a great asset in his
work with various denominations and churches
throughout the regions he serves in New York,
Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
Gene Rotunda
“I speak the language of the church leadership
and administration and really understand the
needs and costs associated with what a church
sees as its ministry,” Rotunda said. “Initially, I
always pray with the church to seek God’s guidance on how we should move forward with the
project. We want it to be Spirit-led and the people
involved in the project at the church want God’s
direction and wisdom.”
In addition, Rotunda understands that the pro-
“If We Show
Up, We Win!”
Continued from page 15
Yorkers for Life’s question, ‘Can’t We Love
Them Both?’ could reframe the abortion debate in New York and across the nation?”
McGuire also shared the strategic importance of prayer in the work of NYFCF, relating a fascinating account of how one senator
chose to forego religious obligations out of
town to stay in the capital and cast his decisive
vote against Cuomo’s abortion expansion act.
He stated that the mission of NYFCF is that
of influencing legislation and legislators for
the Lord Jesus Christ. “The truth is, that when
you’re your governor, senator or town council person dies and stands before God, God
doesn’t treat them any differently just because
they held elected office. They need to come to
know Jesus Christ just like anyone else. One
of the ways we do this (influence legislators) is
a legislative prayer breakfast and Bible study
at the Capitol.” The crowd was especially encouraged as he related moving accounts of
how two legislators have recently come to saving faith in Christ.
Asked to comment on NYFCF’s objectives
for the evening, McGuire replied,
“One of the things we sought tonight, and
want to see in the future, is more and more
concerned Christians coming out and being
wise stewards of their Christian responsibilities and their civic involvement. I want to see
thousands here in future years. We ought to be
turning this state upside down for values we
care about.”
By all appearances, the NYFCF organization
is making the kinds of internal and external
adjustments needed to get out its message in
increasingly effective ways that will engage
the church and decisively influence the powers
that be in Albany.
Photo by Barden Building Systems
cess of building a new church can be frustrating and encounters many problems that must
be sorted out through a committee process.
“When I work on a church project, I’m praying for the pastor and the church committee
as they work through this strenuous process,
because it does not just involve one or two
owners making decisions, but many people.”
Rotunda believes that Barden not only offers
churches quality products, but it also offers
them a unique cost-saving process to complete
their new church construction. In an introduction letter to pastors, Barden explains, “Our
unique panelizing system sets us apart, in that
we are able to build the walls and trusses in our
plant to better control the quality and exposure
of building materials to the outside elements.
This system has proven to give our customers
the very best in cost savings as well as maximum speed and efficiency.”
The company offers additional savings to
the churches in the beginning planning phases.
“We do the design, saving churches on the expensive architectural fees, and if the church
decides to order our customized package of
materials, then the design fee is free,” Rotunda said. “The church also saves a great deal
of money if they want to become the general
contractor or they have the option of hiring us
or someone else to be the contract manager.
This substantially lowers the price per square
foot for the new building.”
for better buying power than if they used an individual contractor, as we put the entire building package together for the customer. We can
make recommendations for the different jobs
that need to be done, like finding a mason, or
the church may have someone in their church
to do the job. The church can also use volunteers,” Rotunda said. “There is no middleman
like a general contractor which makes the
building costs rise. Instead, a contract manager
serves in this role for the church without the
added expense.”
The company uses a team of professionals to
work with its customers through the planning,
designing, costing, manufacturing, and delivery phases of the new church construction.
For example, once the design is completed,
all the information is sent to a computer that
is used to manufacture the products with precision. Barden uses state-of-the-art technology
to make the building products with its custom
Continued on page 21
Barden, a 100-year-old company which has
been building churches for the past 20 years,
has its primary manufacturing facility in Middleport, NY, which is east of Buffalo. This production facility allows Barden to manufacture
its products in an efficient, cost-saving way,
with the savings passed on to the customers.
“We have a model for churches that allows
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The Good News
Page 18
Christian Business Directory
of Western, Central and Upstate NY
We would like to thank all our advertisers and sponsors for making this publication possible. Please patronize them!
To advertise in this directory please contact us by e-mail or call (585) 271-4464
Alpha & Omega PARABLE Christian bookstore in Greece. Books, Bibles, Music, DVDs,
Cards, Gifts, Jewelry, Church Supplies, Candles, Palms. Stone Ridge Plaza. 1540 Ridge
Rd. West. (585) 697-7693.
Barden Building Systems. Build your next
Building with Barden Building Systems. 800945-9400.
Barden Building Systems. Build your next
Building with Barden Building Systems. 800945-9400.
Birthday Parties, Church Events. Kids Programs. Free. Call Steve Nichols at (585) 7495999. E-mail: Visit online at
CAMP-of-the-WOODS Christian Family
Resort and Conference Center. Located in
the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. (518)
548-4311 ext. 247.
SmartVox saves churches up to 75% on phone
bills. And with our Mission Matrix program,
we give 15% of our revenues back to your
church., 585.347.2869
or toll-free 866.427.1869.
BROWNCROFT AUTO SERVICE CENTER. The finest in foreign and domestic auto
repairs. Need a quality pre-owned vehicle? You
name it, we’ll find it. We service what we sell.
365 N. Washington St. (PANORAMA TRAIL),
Rochester, NY 14625. 585-586-9060.
Camp Cherith WNY. Hunt, NY. 585-4683850. Traditional resident camp; boys and girls
ages 7-17. Counselor-led daily Bible study,
background checked staff, wide variety of activities, ACA accredited. Great value! www.
Auto Service
Camp Hickory Hill. Summer Camp Programs
for Boys in July & Girls in August; Family
Camps also available. Retreats & Weekend
Events Sept-June. More info at, 716-631-3498,
Passero Associates. Exceptional Service, Outstanding Solutions, Value-Oriented Planning,
Engineering, Architectural Design, Surveying,
Sustainability, Program Management, Construction Administration and Design-Build Services.
242 West Main Street, Suite 100 Rochester, NY
14614 (585) 325-1000.
Audio – Visual Equipment
Labor of Love Communications. Sells and
installs AV equipment. Demos available on
certain equipment. Contact Jim Orefice at 585259-0841. E-mail: website: www.
Auto Sales
BROWNCROFT AUTO SERVICE CENTER. The finest in foreign and domestic auto
repairs. Need a quality pre-owned vehicle? You
name it, we’ll find it. We service what we sell.
365 N. Washington St. (PANORAMA TRAIL),
Rochester, NY 14625. 585-586-9060.
Grace Auto Repair & Transmission Center.
Automatic Transmission Repair and Rebuilding.
Full Auto Repair. Foreign and domestic. 722
Ridge Rd at Hatch Rd. intersection in Webster.
(585)671-3470. Email:
Bed & Breakfast
Seasons of Life Guesthouse, in beautiful Naples, NY. Offering all the comforts of a bed and
breakfast and more. To view website or reserve
guesthouse go to, or
Birthday Parties
Birthday Parties, Church Events. Kids Programs. Free. Call Steve Nichols at (585) 7495999. E-mail: Visit online
Alpha & Omega PARABLE Christian bookstore in Penfield. Books, Bibles, Music, DVDs,
Cards, Gifts, Jewelry, Church Supplies, Candles,
Palms. Panorama Plaza. 1601 Penfield Rd. (585)
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center. A four
season retreat and conference center with summer youth camps. For more information, check
out our website: 315-3367210.
Hope Valley Camp. An affordable co-ed
Christian residential camp for ages 7-17. 585683-4907 Director - Nathan
Jesus is Lord Family Campground. Spiritually Alive - Culturally Conservative. A swim
and fishing lake - wooded lakeside tent and
cabin sites. 264 Diamond Point Rd Diamond
Point, NY 12824. E-mail at
LeTourneau Christian Center. Hold your
next church/ministry event at LeTourneau
Christian Center. 4950 Cty Road 11. Rushville,
NY. (585) 554-3400. (800) 856-3844 E-mail:
Odosagih Bible Conference & Retreat
Center. Summer family camp on Lime Lake
in Machias NY. Retreats Sept-June, yours or
ours. Contact us at 716-353-8555 or Visit online www.odosagih.
Ontario Bible Camp. 385 Lakeview Road.
Oswego, NY 13126. (315) 343-6111. “Preaching & Teaching” since 1921. Resident Camps,
Retreats. Register online at www.ontariobible.
com or come see us on
Church Building
Free towing on major repairs!
(585) 671-3470
Church Events
Kingdom Bound Ministries. Presenting the
gospel through concerts, outreaches and an annual performing arts festival. 8550 Sheridan
Drive. Williamsville, NY 14221. (716) 6331117.
SOUTHERN GOSPEL NY brings Southern
Gospel Music groups to the are to encourage
and bring Christians together for fellowship
with other believers. Info at www.SGNY.NET.
Roberts Cultural Life Center – Celebrating
the Power of the Arts! 2301 Westside Drive
Rochester, NY 14624 - for tickets or more info
– or 888-222-1048.
Abiding in the Word Ministries. Biblical
Counseling and Christian Discipleship for
women offered by an experienced, compassionate NANC certified counselor. Email: or call 585-889-4262.
CPR/AED/First Aid
Ready To Respond Training Services. Classes offered include: CPR/AED/First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens, Babysitter training for 11-15
yrs. Old, Safety First For Children. To schedule
a class call Domenic Danesi at 585-281-4208
or visit the website
Creative Arts
Hatch Rd.
Rt. 590
ire B
722 R
Call or stop by
8 am to 5 pm, for a FREE
test drive or to schedule
a service appointment.
Passero Associates. Exceptional Service, Outstanding Solutions, Value-Oriented Planning,
Engineering, Architectural Design, Surveying,
Sustainability, Program Management, Construction Administration and Design-Build Services.
242 West Main Street, Suite 100 Rochester, NY
14614 (585) 325-1000.
Evangelism, Training Seminars,
Evangelist Nick Costello. Graduate of The Billy Graham North American Institute For Emerging Evangelists. Testimony: Former secular rock
star. Equipping churches for evangelism. Youth
communicator. Men’s ministry. Conference
speaker. Worship leader. 585-746-3431. www.
Financial Planning
Joseph Spinelli, Financial Advisor. Financial
Questions? Personalized Answers! (585) 4364510. Investing. With a plan.® www.joespinelli. Member SIPC. 345 Woodcliff Dr. 2nd
Floor. Fairport, NY 14450-4210.
Financial Services
Phillip Provenzano, offering Life Insurance
and Financial Services to our community. Answer questions, Discuss concerns, Free Face
to Face Consultations. Tel: (585) 355-8196. Email:
Rick Krempin – CFBS, CLTC. Certified Family Business Specialist. Certified in Long-Term
Care. Insurance products are offered through
high quality insurance companies. Tel: 585-3420519; Fax: 585-467-9575. E-mail: fkrempin@
Fitness Center
Victory Fitness Center. A wide variety of group
fitness classes taught by certified Christian instructors. 14607. 585-370-2480. Group Fitness
Classes – Your Site or Ours.
Credit Union
St. Pius X Federal Credit Union. Join a
Faith-based Credit Union serving the Christian Community for over 45 years. 2998 Chili
Ave. Rochester, NY 14624. 585-247-0724 ext.
122. Fax# (585) 247-0729.
Mary & Martha. Inspirational Holiday Gifts,
Jewelry & more! Host a book party, gathering at
home or Ladies group & earn free and half price
Email: (585) 4472373. Facebook: Mary & Martha By Donna
Graphic Design
Green Graphics Design, Inc. Cultivating
Market Success Through Graphic Design. Bob
Green - President. E-mail: rgreen07@rochester.
Browncroft Auto Service Center
We Perform All Major & Minor Vehicle Repairs
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auto repairs.
We are your auto care specialist.
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- NYS Inspections / Oil changes.
e Rd.
Teaching and Learning Institute (TLI Inc.).
Looking for people of faith to consider running
for their local school board. PO Box 32, Houghton, NY 14744, 567-2080
Sandy Arena Studios is home of the The Life
Ballet and 5869 Isaiah Street live productions;
God’s Girl Princess Classes; Worship Dance
Classes. 875 East Main Street, Rochester, NY
722 Ridge Rd, at the Hatch Rd intersection in Webster
Grace Auto Repair
& Transmission Center
Panorama Plaza
N. W
Route 44
Big Oak Driving Range
on S
t. (P
Browncroft Service Center
Mark Spencer, Owner
a Tr
(585) 586-9060
365 N. Washington St. (Panorama Trail). Rochester, NY 14625
Visit us online at
The Good News
Page 19
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit
Hope Family Health, NP PLLC / Tammy McGarvey, FNP-BC. Integrative-Holistic Medicine that is Christ-Centered, patient-focused
and founded on Proverbs 13:12. “Where Healing Happens.” (585) 678-6967.
Heating and Cooling
AV Enterprise. Air Conditioners, A/C Cleaning, Duct Cleaning, Furnace Cleaning, Heat
Pump, UV lights, Humidifiers, Gas / Electric
Furnace, Gas / Electric Water Heater, Media
Air Cleaners, Snow Plowing. Great prices! Call
Home Improvement
AV Enterprise. Air Conditioners, A/C Cleaning, Duct Cleaning, Furnace Cleaning, Heat
Pump, UV lights, Humidifiers, Gas / Electric
Furnace, Gas / Electric Water Heater, Media
Air Cleaners, Snow Plowing. Great prices! Call
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit
Phillip Provenzano, offering Life Insurance
and Financial Services to our community. Answer questions, Discuss concerns, Free Face
to Face Consultations. Tel: (585) 355-8196. Email:
Mary & Martha. Inspirational Holiday Gifts,
Jewelry & more! Host a book party, gathering at home or Ladies group & earn free and
half price items.
dperham Email:
(585) 447-2373. Facebook: Mary & Martha By
Donna Perham.
back/neck pain, special needs & pediatric massage. Call 585-259-2696. E-mail: pmckenna5@ 29 Clinton St., Brockport, NY
Music Lessons
MUSIC FOR YOU: Private piano, voice, and
flute lessons available in a well-established
studio: beginners through advanced levels,
children and adults, flexible scheduling, and
affordable. For more information: phone 585225-7027.
Roberts Community Music School. Music Classes. Piano, Voice, Winds, Percussion,
Strings, New Instrumental Jazz Lessons. Experienced, Master level instructors. Call Deborah
Brown at (585)594-6101. E-mail: Visit online at
Galleria Pizza. Eat in or Take out. Free Delivery. Also featuring Pasta Dinners, Specialty Salads and Friday Fish Fry. Christian Owned and
Operated for over 14 years. 16 East Main St.
Reynolds Arcade. (585) 262-2222.
Maranatha Plumbing. Residential. Commercial. Sewer & Drain Cleaning. Water Heaters
& Tankless W.H. Kitchen & Bath Remodeling.
Water power back up & sump pumps. Call Peter
Fedorchuk. Cell 585-738-9120. Pager 585-7830708.
Pregnancy Services
Place of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center.
Corner of Bay and Goodman (916 North Goodman St. Rochester, NY), Just Walk In or Call
697-0003, FREE Pregnancy Tests,, Find us on Facebook!
Pregnancy Care Center of Finger Lakes.
Pregnancy Tests & Referral for Limited Ultrasound At No Cost. 551 Exchange St. Geneva,
NY. 14456. 315-789-0708 E-mail:
Pro-Life Organizations
Rochester Area Right to Life. 675 Ling Road,
Suite 3, Rochester, NY 14612. Phone (585)
621-4690. E-mail:
Visit online at
Proofreading Services
Seasons of Life Guesthouse, in beautiful Naples, NY. Offering all the comforts of a bed and
breakfast and more. To view website or reserve
guesthouse go to,
or 585-374-5909.
Wordsmith Proofreading Services. Kimberly C. Huther, Owner. 585-509-0939. E-mail: Visit online
Radio Stations
Mailing Lists
New Homeowners and New Businesses Mailing Lists FREE of charge*! Grow your business by reaching out to New Homeowners and
New Businesses in Monroe County, NY! *Get
listed in the Business Directory at a regular rate
and receive a list of New Homeowners and/or
New Businesses in Monroe County, NY free of
charge. Call for details at (585) 271-4464.
Massage Therapist
Patricia McKenna, NYS LMT. Licensed
Christian Massage Therapist specializing in
Bagels and Blessings Radio Program. Proclaiming the Jewishness of the Gospel. Saturdays, WDCX 990 AM, Saturdays 2pm -3pm.
(585) 222-2990. Visit online at
SBreeze Realty. For All Your Real Estate
Needs Contact Sheri Breeze, NYS Licensed
Real Estate Broker By Phone (585) 704-3860 or
Email: Visit Online
New Homeowners and New Businesses
Mailing Lists FREE of Charge!*
Grow your business by reaching out to New Homeowners and
New Businesses in Monroe County, NY!
*Get listed in the Business
Directory at a regular rate and
receive a list of New Homeowners
and/or New Businesses in Monroe
County, NY free of charge.
Call for details at
(585) 271-4464
Kitchen & Bath Remodeling by Maranatha
Plumbing. Residential. Commercial. Sewer
& Drain Cleaning. Water Heaters & Tankless
W.H. Water power back up & sump pumps. Call
Peter Fedorchuk. Cell 585-738-9120. Pager
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit
Resort and Conference Center
CAMP-of-the-WOODS Christian Family
Resort and Conference Center. Located in
the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. (518)5484311 ext. 247. Visit online
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center. A four
season retreat and conference center with summer youth camps. For more information, check
out our website: 315-3367210.
Hope Valley Camp. An affordable co-ed
Christian residential camp for ages 7-17. 585683-4907 Director - Nathan
LeTourneau Christian Center. Hold your next
church/ministry event at LeTourneau Christian
Center. 4950 Cty Road 11. Rushville, NY. (585)
554-3400. (800) 856-3844
Odosagih Bible Conference & Retreat Center. Summer family camp on Lime Lake in
Machias NY. Retreats Sept-June, yours or ours.
Contact us at 716-353-8555 or Visit online
Ontario Bible Camp. 385 Lakeview Road.
Oswego, NY 13126. (315) 343-6111. “Preaching & Teaching” since 1921. Resident Camps,
Retreats. Register online at www.ontariobible.
com or come see us on
school. 315-597-4400.
Genesee Country Christian School. Preschool
thru 8th. 4120 Long Point Road. Geneseo, N.Y.
14454. 585-243-9580.
Greece Christian School. Herbert E. Parker,
Th.D., Principal. Preschool thru 8th. 750 Long
Pond Road. Rochester, N.Y. 14612. 585-7231165.
Lima Christian School. Kindergarten thru
12th. 1574 Rochester Street. Lima, N.Y. 14485.
Northeastern Seminary @ Roberts Wesleyan College. 2265 Westside Dr. Rochester,
NY 14624. (585) 594-6800 or 1-800-777-4792.
Northstar Christian Academy. Preschool thru
12th. 332 Spencerport Road. Rochester, N.Y.
14606. 585-429-5530. www.northstarchristian.
Rochester Christian School. 3 year old Prek through 8th grade. “building up since 1917”
260 Embury Road, Rochester 14625, 585-6714910. Contact Laura Passero at
St. Paul Lutheran School. Preschool – 8th.
158 East Avenue. Hilton, N.Y. 14468. 585-3924000. E-mail:
The Charles Finney School. K-12 grade. Prepares students spiritually, intellectually, and
socially in a Christian academic environment
focused on Real Faith, Real Education, Real Results. 585-387-3770, or visit www.finneyschool.
The “King’s” College. Reigning Miracle
Ministry, Inc. 2910 Douglas Rd. Cortland, NY
13045. 607-756-5770. 607-758-3928 www.
Webster Christian School. Preschool thru
12th. 675 Holt Road. Webster, N.Y. 14580. 585872-5150.
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding, Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service,
High-Quality Work, and Affordable Price! Call
(585) 727-1707 or visit
Schools, Colleges and Seminaries
Calvary Chapel Christian School. Kindergarten thru 5th. 1777 Route 332, Farmington, N.Y.
14425. 585-398-2218.
Cornerstone Christian Academy. Kindergarten through 12th. 60 Holley St. Brockport, NY.
14420. 585-637-4540.
Destiny Christian School. The Destiny School
is located in the Faith Temple church complex
at 1876 Elmwood Avenue in Brighton. For
more information call (585) 473-1680. Visit online at
East Palmyra Christian School. 2023 E. Palmyra-Port Gibson rd. Palmyra, 14522. Building a strong foundation from Preschool-high
Snow plowing
AV Enterprise. Snow Plowing. Great prices!
Call 585-202-8587
Vacation Rental
Seasons of Life Guesthouse, in beautiful Naples, NY. Offering all the comforts of a bed and
breakfast and more. To view website or reserve
guesthouse go to, or
585- 374-5909.
RF Remodeling LLC. Need New Roof, Siding,
Windows, Gutters? Exceptional Service, HighQuality Work, and Affordable Price! Call (585)
727-1707 or visit onlie at
To advertise in the Christian
Business Directory please call
(585) 271-4464
or contact by e-mail at
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* Get listed in the Business Directory for 12 months at a regular rate and get a 2.5”x1.25” display ad free of charge for 12 months.
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Offer subject to change without any prior notice.
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The Good News
Page 20
Miracle of Prayer -- Australia
Rejects Homosexual Marriage
(Christian Newswire) - On September 7, 2013 an
historic election loss took place in Australia which
many believe is an answer to prayer. The ruling
Australian Labor Party, led by Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd, lost to the Coalition, led by Tony Abbot, with
Labor receiving its lowest primary vote since 1903.
Dr. David Phillips, National President of Family
Voice Australia, said the following day, “One of the
reasons for such a clear defeat was Labor’s change
of mind and support for same-sex marriage.” Kevin
Rudd promised to legislate for homosexual ‘marriage’ within one hundred days of being re-elected.
David Rowsome of the Australian National Day
of Prayer and Fasting team said, “It has been thrilling to see how Christians in Australia and around the
world have been praying for our election which was
held on the same day that Pope Francis asked the
world to pray and fast for Syria.
The Australian Prayer Network prayer point, compiled months earlier, was to ‘pray for policies that
protect and strengthen the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman’. Amazingly, the global
Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call devotion for that
same day, also compiled months earlier, asked us to
pray against the ‘culture of death’ that seeks to redefine marriage and remove the life potential that
comes from the union of a man and a woman marriage.”
Ps Matt Prater one of the leaders behind the Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call said, “On national
television on Monday 2 September I asked a question of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd about his sudden
change to support homosexual marriage. Mr. Rudd,
who claims to be a Christian, tried to dismiss the
words of Jesus in Matthew 19:5 supporting manwoman marriage in the Bible. The YouTube clip
of the 4-min incident went viral, as did an article
in Australia’s national newspaper, The Australian,
titled ‘Judas Kiss’.
Tony Abbott, said during the Australian Christian
Lobby webcast before the election, “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman.” Seven days
later God heard our prayers and your prayer and
there was a change of government.
A miracle has occurred. A victory has been won,
but the battle is far from over. We thank you for your
continuing prayers.”
Human Christian Prayer Chain to be
Held on May 1
Continued from page 1
of Christ makes an unbroken Human Christian Prayer Chain (HCPC) that will require at
least 1,150 people to encircle both our Monroe
County Office Building and Rochester City
Hall. This hand to hand chain will stretch from
Broad Street and Exchange St. extending to
State St. and Allen St. (which is behind City
Hall), Allen St. to Fitzhugh St. to Broad St and
from Fitzhugh and Broad St. to Broad St. and
Exchange St. again. This will make one complete, unbroken Human Christian Prayer Chain
where we will pray for our local, state and national elected and appointed officials as well as
other matters. This vision will require suspension of traffic flow on W. Main Street between
States Street and Fitzhugh Street for about 30
minutes. I know this can be done; after all,
Main Street has been shut down for basketball,
all kinds of walks, marches, parades and the
like. Surely, it can be shut down for 30 minutes
while we pray. In fact, the praying we will be
doing will help our city, county and nation in
more than one way.
Thursday, May 1, 2014 will be the third year
of this undertaking and I know we can do it.
In 2012 we met at City Hall with the Mayor,
School Superintendent Representative, Chief
of Police, Sheriff and a host of pastors and
churches from around our greater community. In 2013, Our County Executive, Mayor,
Sheriff, Fire Chief, City Council President,
Legislature President, business leaders and
more, along with many pastors and churches,
embraced this noteworthy opportunity. In 2014
we expect to have great participation from pastors, churches, elected and appointed officials,
business people, along with so many others
that declare Jesus Christ is LORD of all.
I sat and talked with some of our elected and
appointed officials who encourage the Body
of Christ to continue because they need our
prayerful support. In fact, one such person
2. Volunteers
3. Persons and entities to underwrite advertising and associated expenses.
Because this is a national initiative they’re
others around this nation that will also be doing the same in their area. We’re asking all that
will and can to go to our website and connect
with us.
Everyone is invited to one of the informational gathering around our area:
1. 6:00 PM January 14, 2014 at Ark of Jesus
Ministries 506 Jay Street, Rochester, NY 14611
2. 7:00 PM February 12, 2014 at Light of the
World AG 200 Child Street, Rochester, NY
14611 Bilingual Meeting CONFIRMED
Bishop David J. Singleton
said many times they need wisdom, courage
and support in making the right decision for
the right reason. Further, it was stated that there
are many times pressure is on them to lean on
notable matters in ways that violate their conscience. They need our prayers for the courage
and wisdom to make the right decisions for the
right reasons.
There is no cost to participate. Who is being
asked to participate? Everyone that believes
Jesus Christ is LORD of all and that there is
salvation in none other than Christ Jesus alone.
Whatever else anyone believes or teaches is up
to them. This is for the Body of Christ Jesus to
come together and cover civil government and
more in prayer as we ask God to intervene into
the lives and matters of mankind to bring glory
unto His own name.
Some of the things we meed are as follows:
1. Persons to begin covering this day in prayer
Please RSVP your attendance plans.
To register yourself or your church visit us at or email us at Call 585-2626420, fax 585-262-2216, or mail to P.O. Box
30168, Rochester, NY 14603 and leave your
preferred contact information.
Thank you in advance for all that you will do
to help make this happen. God bless you!
Bishop David J. Singleton
Sr. Pastor, Ark of Jesus Ministries
Odosagih Bible Conference
God Illuminates His Truths through Everyday
Family Bible Camp & Retreat Center Automatic Car Wash Experience
~ 2013 Conference Schedule ~
By Lida H. Moore
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he
said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will
have the light of life.” John 8:12
It always amazes me how God uses the everyday experiences of life to shine into our lives
His Truths. Our Father in Heaven knows us so
well that He illuminates an area of doubt, distress, or even darkness that’s been plaguing us
and replaces it with a peace that’s beyond our
One recent wintry day in order to save a few
dollars on gas, I reluctantly decided to push the
button for an automated car wash prior to fueling up. It had been some time since my vehicle’s
true shiny color had been seen. So I thought it
was worth the gas savings despite my always
uneasy feelings proceeding through the mechanical process of the dark tunnel.
My uneasiness was eased somewhat because
this full-service car wash had attendants to direct me. As I proceeded to go into the tunnel on
the conveyor belt after putting my car in neutral,
I was given instructions to stop while an attendant used his high-powered water wand to initially remove my vehicle’s dirt. Then he waved
me into the tunnel.
Contact us for information, reservations,
and DVD’s…
3204 Hazelmere Ave, Machias,
NY 14101-0107
Ph (716) 353-8555
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For a moment he and I didn’t know why I
wasn’t moving forward and then he motioned
to me that I still had my foot on the brake. Of
course, I felt so embarrassed that I wasn’t following the posted instructions and quickly corrected my mistake.
Slowly moving forward into the dark tunnel
for the automatic car washing system to do its
work, I felt so unsure because the situation was
out of my control. The few times in the past
I’ve gotten these car washes, I’m always fearful
Visit us online at
something will go wrong and my vehicle will
be ruined or even worse, I’ll get “stuck” in the
dreaded tunnel.
At one point I realized I was gripping the
steering wheel trying to direct the car, of course,
to no avail. Instead, I should have been relaxing
and enjoying the “ride” on the conveyor belt as
the brushes and suds cleaned up my vehicle.
Suddenly, the Holy Spirit got a hold of my
heart and head and reminded me that my automatic car wash experience mirrored how the
Lord Jesus wanted me to not “grab” control but
to “let go” and “be still” as He worked out my
life for His glory.
Over the past few months, I’ve been having
my own wrestling match with God as I try to
figure out His will for how I spend my time and
what I do with my life. It’s a time of transitions
as three of my four children are now out of the
house; my husband has a new career; and we’ve
not moved in almost five years – after two decades of moving over 10 times. Instead of being
tossed and turned by every new situation as I’ve
depended on the Lord Jesus, it’s now a time to
settle down into my “new normal” as I figure
out what that really means.
It’s been so easy to drift into the “if onlys” and
“what ifs” of my life, instead of being secure
(as my vehicle was on that car wash conveyor
belt) that God is more than abundantly able to
direct my steps and my life. Just as the brushes
and chemical sprays did the work to clean up
my vehicle from top to bottom, God has being
doing work in my life through my experiences
and my choices, molding and shaping me in a
way that accomplishes His purposes and makes
me more like my Savior Jesus Christ.
Continued on page 22
The Good News
Page 21
Is This It?
By Mark Torrey
are not the Promised Land. Lives will never be
transformed inside or outside by mere church
attendance and participation. Working together is the key for more. I’m not talking about
another ecumenical movement of combined
services and things like that. No, not an appearance of unity thing. I’m talking about actual unity—sitting at the same tables together
as leaders without concern over ownership but
rather concern for doing all we can to make a
greater impact for His Kingdom in our area by doing ministry together.
For the past two years, I have been communicating a message of Nehemiah restoration
and re-building for the churches of Rochester
through a vision to create an indigenous outreach ministry team of churches for continual
targeted and strategic outreach ministry across
the Rochester region and to create a community
family entertainment center that will raise money for local ministry and missions. Pastors, I implore you to consider the following as a message
from our Lord concerning the state of the local
church and our Scriptural blueprint for ministry:
We have settled for far less than God’s best for
our churches. We have built buildings, created
programs, conducted thousands of services, and
more. However, our thinking has been along the
lines of “if you build it, they will come.” While
it is true that we have attracted many, there are
many more outside of our churches than there
are on the inside even if we combine our numbers together. Some seekers come, but what
about all the lost out there? We have awesome
Sunday services, music teams, creative arts ministries, sports ministries, Wednesday night services, youth groups, children’s church, and you
name it. We have church, and we know how to
do church. BUT, IS THIS IT?
Jesus died and was resurrected again for much
more than us just having church. It seems that
we almost worship and trust in this church structure in many ways. There is a world out there
than needs a Savior. Very few are coming to us.
So, shouldn’t we be going to them? Rather, we
spend probably about 90% of all our resources
(money, people, time, etc.) on what goes on in
our buildings.
Search the four gospels and take Jesus’ time
of ministry as the blueprint for how we are to
do this most effectively to give us our greatest
capacity for the Lord to work with:
the healings, the parables, the teachings, making disciples, the signs and wonders, driving out
demons, raising the dead, sending out the 72,
prayer in the garden, greeting children, evening
meals, and teachings
These were almost always done OUTSIDE
of the temple or synagogue. The Apostles copied this model as is evident throughout Acts.
Mark Torrey
Conservatively, the New Testament Scriptures
probably show us that more than 90% of the
time was outside of the building. What if we
flipped the script and got out of the comfort of
our buildings and into our communities engaging with the lost, hurting, and broken of this
Rochester region with 90% of our resources?
John 17:18 As you have sent me into the
world, I have sent them into the world.
What prevents us from taking Rochester for
the Lord? What prevents Rochester from lifting
a banner for Jesus? Besides our adherence to
our structure (90% in, 10% out), we also have
significant issues with unity. Consider Jesus’ final prayers for His Church:
John 17:23 May they be brought to complete
unity to let the world know that you have sent
me and have loved them even as you have loved
We have been blinded by our agendas, our
ideas, and our good intentions; and we have
failed to preserve the unity. Enough of the division, let’s choose to make it stop! Jim Cymbala
spoke to us about this nearly two years ago.
How much have we done together since Rock
the Lakes? What kind of love are we showing
Rochester when we can’t work together in unity? And stadium events once every two to five
years just doesn’t cut it!
Where is God leading the churches of Rochester? Where is He leading your church? I know
He must be leading us somewhere. Shouldn’t it
be in the same direction? Our church buildings
Where do we go from here? The first place
is to our knees. It’s been said that “a family
that prays together stays together.” We have
not stayed together throughout our history because we have neglected to stay connected in
prayer. Can we come together to pray for unity
and for His plan for our area?
I just want to see God glorified and people
won to Him. He has repeatedly told me that
He wants to re-build the churches in Rochester
into a unified outreach team that can do more
and bring Him greater glory. You have been
called to shepherd a congregation, but you
cannot effectively fulfill that role and lead an
all-out unified multi-church outreach assault. I
can give myself to this outreach effort. I do not
lead a congregation. I am an ordained pastor
and have served as an assistant pastor, but God
has not called me to pastor a church. He has
called me to come alongside pastors to find out
His plan for our area and to see that the work is
completed by us together.
Please pray about this and ask for confirmation. I am confident you will get it. Let us not
allow 2014 to be another year like the rest.
Let’s make it to the Promised Land. This is
the area we have been entrusted with. Let’s be
able to say that we did our absolute best for
His Kingdom. Together, we can do it better!
We need to get together in January to start
praying. Please contact me ASAP to help me
assemble times and places so that we may begin to pray together. The time is here. Let’s
do this!
God bless!
Rev. Mark Torrey
This Is Home
By Brandon Stone
Barden Building Systems
Uses State-of-the-Art
Technology and Unique
Process for New Church
Continued from page 17
precision engineering manufacturing process –
at a facility that is enclosed year round, which
allows for its delivery trucks to be loaded inside so weather conditions are not a concern,
according to Rotunda.
bardenbuildingsystems,com, it states that “the
real advantage of panelized construction comes
from the manufacturing process. At Barden’s
manufacturing facility, panels are constructed
on wall jigs, allowing for square and evenly
spaced studs. They are inspected and numbered to correspond to a detailed set of plans.
Then, trained operators run a stapling bridge
that attaches sheathing to the wall panels six
inches on center. Each staple is center-fired on
the studs with a precision and power that could
never be achieved in the field, enhancing the
strength and durability of the finished panels.
After the components are constructed, they are
delivered to the site and craned into place.”
Photo by Barden Building Systems
With his many years of general contracting
experience, Rotunda recognizes the advantages
of Barden’s methods. “In my experiences as a
general contractor, I really appreciate not only
the quality of the Barden products, but also
how much time and money is saved by putting together the products in our facility and
not nailing and building on site,” he said. “It all
comes together perfectly when it is delivered in
the unique way that Barden operates.”
Rotunda also said that he works with churches to ensure that the particular needs of the
church are incorporated into the design, as well
as considering the evolving designs of churches in the 21st century. “Some churches desire
a more traditional design and others are interested in the multipurpose-type building that fits
in with a community. We make sure we are up
to date on any new technologies that may apply
and on being energy efficient with Energy Starcompliant features.”
I’ve been searching for a place of my own
Now I’ve found it
Maybe this is home
This is home
-Switchfoot, “This is Home”
Having been a part of the full-time staff at
CAMP-of-the-WOODS for the last two years, I
have had the opportunity to get to know guests
during our conference season and summer season. Remarkably, I hear story after story of how
God has used Camp to change their lives and
hear catch phrases such as “This is a little slice
of Heaven,” or “This is my home away from
home.” The Lord’s profound ability to make a
place people visit maybe once or twice a year
either at a week or weekend at a time to seem
like home only goes to strengthen our slogan
as “A Christian Family Resort and Conference
Center.” When guests see Camp as home, the
full-time staff sees guests as family.
In mid-February we have our Presidents’ Day
Weekend (February 14-17) where Dr. Charles
Zimmerman will be bringing us the word of
God. His sermons allow for complex subjects
to be broken down simply and to be applied in
everyday life. This family focused weekend is
a great time to enjoy God’s creation through
cross-country skiing on local trails with Adirondack landscapes, snowshoeing to a beautiful,
ice-encased waterfall, or snow tubing down our
exciting hill on Camp!
Nothing feels more like home than when you
are surrounded by the body of Christ. During
the summer, we have the blessing of serving
thousands of guests who come from all over
the world. While Camp is over 100 years old,
the facilities are not. Over $27 million has been
invested over the last 15 years to make CAMPof-the-WOODS the premier Christian Resort
and Conference Center. With features such as
our 30,000 square ft. Sonju Sports Complex
that holds four gymnasiums and a rock wall,
1,400 feet of natural sand beach, an 18-hole
mini-golf course, and Tibbitts Chapel which
can hold up to 1,300 guests, there is always
something for your family to do or a place for
your family to relax. Ever year CAMP-of-theWOODS brings in some of the top Christian
speakers from around the world to share with
our guests and staff. Here is the lineup for who
is to come Summer 2014:
WEEK 1: JUNE 21 - 28 / Dr. Rex Keener
WEEK 2: JUNE 28 - JULY 5 / Rev. Alistar
WEEK 3: JULY 5 - 12 / Dr. Knute Larson
WEEK 4: JULY 12 - 19 / Dr. Charles Zimmerman
WEEK 5: JULY 19 - 26 / Dr. Jim Samra
WEEK 6: JULY 26 - AUGUST 2 / Dr. Tony
Evans & Dr. Crawford Loritts
WEEK 7: AUGUST 2 - 9 / Dr. Bryan Wilkerson
WEEK 8: AUGUST 9 - 16 / Rev. Colin
WEEK 9: AUGUST 16 - 23 / Rev. Garrett
Photo by Barden Building Systems
Barden representatives, such as Rotunda, are
always available to give presentations and to
meet with churches that are just interested in
learning more about the company’s various
church construction opportunities. For more
information, contact Gene Rotunda at or call 607-423-5365 or go to the
company’s website at
WEEK 10: AUGUST 23 - 30 & LABOR
DAY WEEKEND: AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 1 / Dr. Woodrow Kroll
On a personal level, Camp has been a community of individuals determined to make
a difference through serving and growing in
their relationships with God while being intentional about reaching out to others. If home is
where the heart is and your heart is with the
Lord, then come to CAMP-of-the-WOODS
because the Lord is definitely in this place.
This is home.
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The Good News
Page 22
God Illuminates His Truths
through Everyday
Automatic Car Wash
Continued from page 20
As Psalm 31:15 reminds me “My times are
in your hands” and a sovereign, wise, allpowerful, and loving God always has the best
plans for me. God certainly made this clear to
me this past year during some difficult trials,
including my husband being laid off from his
job, as I held on to the image of his gigantic hand holding up my family, which comes
from Isaiah 41:10 – “Don’t be afraid, for I am
with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will
hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
Letting go and letting the automatic car
wash do its job resulted in the return of my
shiny, clean vehicle, which at times surprised
me when I found it in a parking lot looking so
“new.” It’s the same with our lives -- if we allow God to “work all things out for good” then
He can redeem and restore anything that could
or would hold us back from becoming all that
He created us to be.
Then one day we will look up and around
at our circumstances and rejoice as we remember and realize the amazing work of our
Creator. And so it was in those few minutes
in the automatic car wash that God tapped me
on the shoulder to let me know that in my life
as Isaiah 40:4-5 says so well He would “Fill
in the valleys, and level the mountains and
hills. Straighten the curves, and smooth out
the rough places. Then the glory of the Lord
will be revealed….”
Pastor Jonathan Brooks Speaks at Project
URGE’s Ninth Annual Presentation and
By Susan LeDoux
Third, accountability means we all have work
to do. Brooks used the example of God’s command to allow part of the harvest to lie on the
ground so others may glean the produce. This
work of gathering makes people accountable for
their well being and is far better than accepting
a handout.
It’s not hard to imagine the scenario.
The church leadership at Anytown Community Church just voted to bring some of their
resources into the city. They hope to make a
difference in a place where poverty, mixed
with issues of race and inequality, creates
hardships, crime and even death. But where
would they begin and what needs could Anytown Community Church address that others
haven’t addressed before?
At URGE’s Ninth Annual Presentation and
Workshop held on November 2, 2013 in the
Youth for Christ building on Favor Street, visitors found some answers to that question.
Founder of URGE (Urban Revitalization
God Experienced), Garry Manuel writes in his
welcoming letter, “Often a suburban church
will form a team to start something that they
feel will impact the city. Most times they know
little about the neighborhood and have taken
little time, if any, to get to know the people
already serving in that area. This typically results in a quick in and out, working as a detriment to progress. A better solution might be to
partner with an urban church organization that
is already invested in the community. This is
how we build community.”
Later in the workshop, Pastor Phillip Hounshell of Rochester Bible Baptist Church
echoed Manual’s sentiments, commenting that
suburban churches should first listen to the
people they want to help. Well meaning outsiders tend to bring in resources without assessing
the community or getting the input from the
people living there. To be successful, Hounshell maintains, it is better to “partner with”
than to “help.”
The workshop allowed plenty of time for
visitors to obtain a wealth of information about
agencies already engaged in making a difference for people in Rochester. Spokespersons
stood by their displays, ready to answer questions and provide pamphlets and brochures.
URGE nurtures relationships among church-
Pastor Jonathan Brooks
es and organizations by using strategies from
the Christian Community Development Association ( that assist to holistically restore communities “with Christians
fully engaged in the process of transformation.” CCDA speaker Jonathan Brooks – pastor, educator, community developer form the
south side of Chicago – spoke about empowerment in his keynote presentation.
“You don’t have the ability to empower anyone,” he immediately informed his well meaning audience; and with the skill of a gifted
preacher, Brooks elaborated on three aspects
of empowerment.
First, everyone is created in God’s image.
God is creative, so we are creative, and creativity equals ability. All have abilities, including those who are homeless and so he advised
people to look for others’ abilities and not harp
on past errors. What if people judged you by
your last decision?
Secondly, God gave mankind power, dominion, and authority. When men and women
cannot have authority over something, they
cannot live in the image of God. Do we create
opportunities for others to have authority, even
at the possible expense of our organization?
“Allow people to lead even if it is not the way
you would do it,” Brooks said.
Pastor Brooks shared his own journey from ordination to resettlement in his childhood’s troubled Southside Chicago neighborhood. Although
he felt called to be there, he and his family kept a
low profile. A protective father, he would not even
allow his children to play outside. Then one evening, after an incident involving the police in the
home next door, Brooks ventured out and in conversation with his neighbors learned they already
knew he was a pastor and that he and his wife had
little children. In fact, they had been looking out
for them all along. That’s when Brooks learned
he could trust his neighbors’ authority and ways
of doing things. His children now play outside
because he knows the neighbors are looking out
for them. Living in the neighborhood and among
his neighbors had given him a much different
perspective than living on its surface.
Since our perspective determines how we view
our world, URGE presented a “poverty simulation and debriefing” to help people experience
poverty from the inside rather than outside.
Twenty people broke into small groups to encounter poverty “up close and personal.” Manuel
later reported that, “People are still buzzing about
how effective the poverty simulation was and
two groups want to have it again….two people
were stewing about the inner feelings they were
still wrestling with after the fact, even today!”
Another way of sharing deeply felt experiences
is through the arts. Robert Ricks, an author and
playwright, engages teens every Saturday in the
craft of creative writing and his Down in the Dirt
Productions teen cast presented an amazing rap
Jeffrey Telle of Jacob’s ladder seeks to disciple
and train young people with basic construction
skills while helping to revitalize the Beachwood
community through neighborhood renovations.
Employment Alliance of Heritage Christian
Services matches people with disabilities to employment opportunities. In the same vein, Kingdom Placement Agency, run by Robert and Liz
Vazquez, assist with getting one’s GED, resume
preparation and other employment issues.
Like Community Lutheran Ministry Inc.,
which has been serving children from its location at 924 Joseph Avenue for 21 years, the dozen
agencies represented at the workshop exist to
help the whole community.
Each becomes more effective when they join
together because no one church, ministry, or organization can, or should, attempt to do everything. Empowered, they share creativity, authority and accountability.
Project URGE presented a “poverty simulation and debriefing” to help people
experience poverty from the inside rather than outside.
For more information about URGE, go to
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Page 23
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Help Wanted
Drummer Wanted. Contemporary Praise Team
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need someone for early Sunday morning and
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is seeking Assistant Teacher for the 2014 requires High School diploma or GED with substantial experience working with children under
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Grand Piano for sale: Kurtzmann Grand
Piano for sale: 5’8”, mahogany case, built in
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Piano Tuning and Repair
PIANO TUNING & REPAIR – you will enjoy your piano more when it is tuned and cared
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(WASHINGTON, DC) - Sam Bain knew that
life could be dangerous in southern Israel, with
rockets fired indiscriminately across the border
from Gaza. But it wasn’t until the Ohio college
student visited an Israeli day care center near
the Gaza border that the reality truly hit him.
This day care center was a bomb-safe facility.
“We don’t have bomb-safe day care centers in
America,” Bain told
“It was almost a wake-up call” about the reality of life in Israel, he said.
Bain visited the Jewish state in 2011 as part
of a Christians United for Israel (CUFI) campus
trip. He was one of 400 students representing
157 campuses at CUFI’s Washington Summit,
which drew more than 4,000 people to the nation’s capital. Session topics included Israel 101
– The Basics of the Arab Israeli Conflict, Myths
and Facts: Refuting the Negative Myths About
Israel, The Biblical Mandate to Stand With Is-
rael, A View From the Hill, with remarks by
members of Congress, including Sen. Lindsey
Graham (R-S.C.) and Rep. Michelle Bachmann
(R-Minn.), and a video address by Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
CUFI primarily draws its support from evangelicals who cite two main drivers for their
backing of Israel: one, a biblical mandate that
God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people
and, two, shared values, including freedom and
democracy, with the United States.
Indeed, that’s the case for the two students
whom CUFI made available for interviews with Bain, a senior business management major at Sinclair Community College in
Dayton, Ohio, and Vika Mukha, a rising senior
majoring in political science and media studies at the University of California, Berkeley,
both describe themselves as nondenominational
Christians who grew up with positive outlooks
on Israel.
Both believe there are not enough voices on
Do you have a Bible study,
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for rate information
CUFI student activists, without ‘obvious self-interest,’ seek
to legitimize pro-Israel message on campus
By Debra Rubin/
Let’s Get
behalf of Israel on college campuses. Bain, who
has visited campuses across Ohio, said he’s
seen anti-Israel sentiment and anti-Semitism.
“It is not the most friendly environment and
they’re going to present a biased side of the issue,” he said. “You have to go in there and tell
them that’s not how things are.”
The freedom “we have in this country depends
on freedom in other lands,” Bain, 24, said.
Part of Mukha’s motivation stems from her
roots in the former Soviet Union. Born in Belarus, she came to the United States as a baby.
“I had ancestors who were persecuted in the
Soviet Union because of their faith. The same
people who persecuted them persecuted the
Jews,” Mukha, 20, said.
Founded in 2009, CUFI on Campus has 120
chapters and has trained 2,000 students to advocate for Israel, officials say. Some chapters,
such as Mukha’s, draw only a handful of members, if that many.
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The Good News
Page 24
Mark Yaconelli on “Radical Compassion” at Northeastern
By Susan LeDoux
When disconnected or alienated, possessed by
our own interior emotions or impulses, we either
act out or suppress. We refuse to help another or
we outwardly do all we feel we should, suppressing our resentment and/or anger. We then experience shame and that makes us overcompensate.
“That’s like trying to push a buoy under water,”
he concluded.
Jesus tells us to love God and to love others as
we love ourselves. That’s a tall order when loving
ourselves is usually the last thing we do. Mark
Yaconelli, speaking on “radical compassion,”
suggested that “to love others like I love myself”
is really setting a very low bar since, more often
than not, we rake ourselves over the coals and
grant ourselves no compassion.
It would seem Jesus’ kind of love calls for a
radical kind of compassion and that was the subject of the day-long conference sponsored by
Northeastern Seminary on November 14, 2013
in the Roberts Wesleyan College Cultural Life
Guest writer, retreat leader, community activist and youth worker (among other roles), Mark
Yaconelli, introduced the topic with a story about
the week he spent with his family along the rugged Oregon coast while on vacation from his
duties as Program Director for the Center for
Engaged Compassion at Claremont School of
Theology. He had planned a day alone with his
10- year-old daughter and as they walked along
the beach, his daughter Grace noticed a woman
frantically circling a large object about 200 yards
ahead of them. While Grace responded immediately and urged her dad to hurry and help the
woman, Yaconelli instead saw a large woman behaving irrationally, flailing her arms and grabbing
her hair. He confessed he was repulsed and did
not want to help. The rear end of the woman’s car
had somehow gotten submerged in the water’s
edge and the back wheels were quickly sinking
deeper into mud.
He went through the motions of helping by
finding driftwood and stones to tuck under the
wheels. He knew his efforts would be of no
avail and felt frustrated and angry, even while
his daughter urged him on. Although eventu-
Mark Yaconelli presenting Radical Compassion
ally longshoremen with a truck saved the day,
the incident left him pondering the nature of
compassion and why he had not felt it for the
woman and her situation.
When we should feel compassion but instead experience anger, disgust, fright or apathy, “interior movements” (such as un-soothed
fears from the past, unmet longings, perhaps
an unhealed wound, or a God given gift never
developed), may stand in the way of sincerely
caring about another. Yaconelli admitted the
reason he felt disgusted by the behavior of the
woman on beach was because it reminded him
of his mother who suffered from mental health
issues (his ancient wound).
He defined compassion as being “moved in
one’s depth by the pain or bliss of another and
responding in a way to ease their suffering or
promote their flourishing.”
By looking at the possible sources of our
own interior pain, and trusting our protective
impulses, we can begin to experience compassion toward ourselves. Yaconelli suggested we
let Jesus be with us and these painful interior
movements so we may gain insight into the
“cries of our soul.”
According to Yaconelli, the first step in experiencing compassion is to know God’s great
love for each of us. In order to reconnect with
His love, Yaconelli asked everyone to take a
moment to remember an incident in their lives
when they felt God’s closeness and experienced His grace. People shared memories of
these moments with words like “shalom, release, trust, gratefulness, calm, forgiveness,
and harmony.”
“Each of us longs to know God’s all encompassing love in our bones. We want to know
how to offer the same from ourselves to ourselves, “he said.
Jesus reconnected to the Father often when
he went off to be alone, to pray and meditate.
Yaconelli suggested this should be our first
step before tending to our soul’s cries or “interior movements” that keep us from experiencing true compassion. In other words, we
need to tend to the log in our own eye before
reaching out to another.
Following Jesus’ way of compassion, we should
turn to God’s love to free ourselves from the “enslaving power of interior movements.” Experiencing genuine compassion toward our own deep
interior suffering, we can then reconnect to our
core, which is naturally compassionate – just as
his daughter was instinctively compassionate.
As “church,” we need to learn how to do this
rather than force ourselves to behave in outwardly compassionate ways; to play “let’s pretend.”
We need longer Sabbath experiences where we
follow God’s command to take time off so we
will not feel like life is all on our shoulders. He
suggested we develop compassion for self and
others by taking our p-u-l-s-e:
P – Pay attention and cultivate a non judgmental, non reactive awareness of what is stirring in
me or what another person is doing.
U – Understand empathically. Listen to the suffering inside ourselves– the fear, longing, ancient
wound or stifled gift.
L- Loving with connectedness. As you are
moved by the suffering (yours or other’s) extend
care toward the need or wound that surfaces.
E – Embrace new life.
Yaconelli engaged the audience in meditative
exercises to make the conference not only intellectually stimulating but emotionally insightful
to help people realize it may be possible to love
others as we love ourselves after all.
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certain that many people read The Good News Rochester and act on the
information provided in the paper. I highly recommend that any business
would support this quality newspaper with their advertising dollars.”
Sandy Arena, Director. Dance For Joy.
“May God continue to bless your ministry. You are making a difference.”
Gary Passero, President. Passero Associates.
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