Tips How to Change Your Mindset and Become a
Tips How to Change Your Mindset and Become a
10 Tips How to Change Your Mindset and Become a Positive Thinker Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 30 DECEMBER | NIOSH BANDAR BARU BANGI Did you know that mental health is JUST as important as your physical health? These two basically go hand in hand in order to achieve a happy life! Having a good state of mind improves your sense of well being and improves your ability to function in everyday life confidently, especially when a challenge arises. We can find that if we are in a positive mindset it also helps me to smash out my workouts and feel better about exercising! Time is so precious, and it seems to be going by faster and faster each year. We may have goals in mind that we would like to achieve, but how often do we sit down and track their progress? Sitting down every few months to track what we are doing in life can be really helpful to see where we are making good progress, and areas that we can improve. This helps us to be real with ourselves and maybe adjust our path’s if what we are doing is not working. If you are one of those people that get very dejected when you fail at something, learn to use this to create success! It can be hard failing at something and we may instinctively want to give up, however it is important to remember each time we fail at something it teaches us a lesson. Learn from your mistakes and do better next time, use your failures to make you a better person. If you give up each time something goes wrong, you will encourage having a low sense of self worth and may become too scared to ever try again. You got this! 2 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 30 DECEMBER | NIOSH BANDAR BARU BANGI NO. TENTETIVE PROGRAME 1 REGISTRATION 2 HOW TO BE HEALTH WISE ? 3 TEA BREAK 4 HEALTHY MINDSET, HEALTHY HEART! TIME TRAINER 30 M 08:30 – 09:00 09:00-10:30 DOSH 10:30 – 11:00 11:00-12:00 DURATION 1 J 30 M 30 M NIOSH 1J CANCER IS CURABLE ?! 12:00 – 01:00 1H 6 LUNCH 13:00 – 14:00 1J 7 DON’T BE A VICTIM 14:00 – 15:00 NIOSH 1H 8 PRACTICAL HEALTH SESSION 15:00 – 16:30 NIOSH 1 J 30 M 9 TEA BREAK / CERTIFICATE 16:30 -17:00 30 M Register Now! Date Fee Certificate Registration Payment : 30 DECEMBER 2015 : RM 80.00/person (Inclusive 6% of the GST) : Yes : Online System / : Cash ONLINE Registration at For more information, please contact the secretariat : Phone: 03-8911 3877/ 3889 (Ms. Halimatulsaadiah/Mr. Amir ) F : 03-8926 9841 Email : COMMUNICATION, BUSINESS AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION DIVISION (CBID) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH (NIOSH) Lot1, Jalan 15/1, Section 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor T : 03-8769 2201 F : 03-8926 5655 3 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Greetings from NIOSH Certification. NIOSH Certification Sdn Bhd (NCSB) is an accredited certification body, and wholly owned subsidiary of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Ministry of Human Resources. NCSB provides comprehensive range of management system certification and management system training services. Our Upcoming Courses at NIOSH Certification in January 2016 : 1) Title : Understanding the Requirements of OSH Mangement System (OSHMS) Date : 26 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH HQ, Bandar Baru Bangi Fee : RM 265.00 ( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 10 points CEP Points : In progress 2) Title : Achieving Productivity Without Neglecting L.O.R : Management Leadership (in collaboration with MEF) Date : 19 January 2016 Venue : Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. Fee : RM 600.00 ( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 10 points CEP Points : - 3) Title : Management System ISO 14001:2015 Awareness / Introduction ( New Standards ) Date : 19 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH Sarawak Regional Office (Kuching) Fee : RM 350.00( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 10 points CEP Points : 4) Title : Management System ISO 9001:2015 Awareness / Introduction ( New Standards ) Date : 27 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH Sabah Regional Office (Kota Kinabalu) Fee : RM 350.00( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 10 points CEP Points : 5) Title : Management System and Standards Seminar : Systematic Approach, Standards Level the Playing Field (in collaboration with Standards Malaysia) Date : 21 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH Sabah Regional Office (Kota Kinabalu) Fee : RM 318.00 ( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 10 points CEP Points : 4 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 6) Title : Management System ISO 9001:2015 Awareness / Introduction ( New Standards ) Date : 28 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH HQ, Bandar Baru Bangi Fee : RM 350.00 ( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 10 points CEP Points : 7) Title : Management System ISO 14001:2015 Awareness / Introduction ( New Standards ) Date : 12 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH HQ, Bandar Baru Bangi Fee : RM 350.00 ( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 10 points CEP Points : 8) Title : OSH MS : MS 1722 & OHSAS 18001 Internal Audit Date : 19-21 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH HQ, Bandar Baru Bangi Fee : RM 1,272.00 ( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 20 points CEP Points : In progress 9) Title : Integrated Management System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 & MS 1722) Internal Audit Date : 12-13 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH Sabah Regional Office (Kota Kinabalu) Fee : RM 1,272.00 ( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 20 points CEP Points : In Progress 10) Title : OSH MS : MS 1722 & OHSAS 18001 Interpretation & Implementation (Mod. 1 of 2 OSH Lead Auditor) Date : 12-15 January 2016 Venue : NIOSH Sarawak Regional Office (Bintulu) Fee : RM 1,749.00 ( Inclusive GST) CCD Points : 20 points CEP Points : In Progress *** All Scheduled Programmes are available to be conducted as In-House Programmes. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR QUOTATIONS. Should you need further clarification, kindly visit NCSB / NIOSH website @ / or kindly contact: Pn. Aishah / En. Shafik & Cik. Hidayah NIOSH Certification Sdn. Bhd (NCSB) Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Seksyen 15 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel : 03 - 8769 2287 / 2284 / 2286 / 2289 Fax: 03 -8922 1929 Email: 5 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 10 Tips How to Change Your Mindset and Become a Positive Thinker “It would seem quite difficult to achieve a level of physical health when our mental landscape is so full of weeds.” ― Brandon A. Trean Your way of thinking plays an important role in your life because of the great impact it has on your overallwellness and success. It influences how you feel about yourself, how youperceive different situations, and how you react to most events in your life, and thus affects your health, mood,relationships, and productivity. Healthy, positive thinking has many great benefits: it helps you stay positive in most situations and enjoy what you already have in life. It also helps achieve your goals, build your self-confidence as well as healthy relationships. Whereas negative thoughts may sap your energy and make you feel anxious, upset and exhausted. Positive mindset can reduce the risk of diseases or may help cope better with health problems while negative emotions can cause various ailments or even serious diseases. Positive and negative thinking are learned habits. Use the tips below to become a positive thinker and get all the benefits of it. As you start using the tips you’ll see that it’s not that difficult and you’ll begin to love being positive. Manage your emotions. Start your day in a good mood. Focus on the present. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Remember mostly the positive events. Set goals. See challenging situations as opportunities.Surround yourself with positive people and activities. Smile. Do not fear making mistakes. 6 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 10 Tips How to Change Your Mindset and Become a Positive Thinker 1. Make a decision to MANAGE YOUR EMOTIONS. You can’t always control events in your life but you can, with some effort, control what you choose to think and feel about them. 2. START YOUR DAY IN A GOOD MOOD, think positively of up-coming events of the day. Great part of our success often depends on our disposition. 3. Learn to FOCUS ON THE PRESENT – this way you will avoid getting overwhelmed with negative emotions. Identify your automatic negative thoughts and stop them as soon as they emerge. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. 4. Challenge yourself to SEE THE POSITIVE SIDE OF THINGS. There are both positive and negative aspects to most situations, and you have to choose which one you will focus on. It’s easy to see the negative. However, there is always something you can gain from almost any situation – you just have to look for that. 5. Try to REMEMBER MOSTLY THE POSITIVE EVENTS of the past. This may help you move forward instead of getting stuck in the circle of negative thoughts. 6. SET GOALS. Try to concentrate on achieving your goals and keep yourself busy working on them. 7. SEE CHALLENGING SITUATIONS AS OPPORTUNITIES rather than threats. Looking for ways to solve problems rather than complaining about them is a much healthier attitude that also “trains” you for more complicated situations. 8. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE AND ACTIVITIES. Avoid negative influences. Avoid people who can bring you down, sap your energy and reduce your motivation. When down, try to retune your mood with positive and pleasant activity – do something that makes you happy (whether it’s the process of such activity or the result of it that makes you feel good), e.g., do sports, listen to your favourite music, go to the movie, do some housework, play with your kids, etc. Usually, physical activities of a moderate or high intensity (e.g., brisk walking or jogging) have a faster and longer lasting positive effect on your mood than those of a low intensity (e.g., light walking). However remember, intensity is a subjective classification. For example, what is high intensity for a moderately fit individual might be moderate intensity for a highly fit individual. 9. SMILE. It doesn’t take a lot to do that, but it does help a lot. Smiling regularly will help you stay in a good mood and lift the mood of the people that surround you. They will see you as a positive and happy person, and thus, will like you more. This way you will attract more positive people. 10. DO NOT FEAR MAKING MISTAKES – fear may create a lack of self-confidence and hinder well-being. Do not weep for failures – they strengthen us and help us grow. 7 Sources info from: Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 by Peter Robert Boyce(Author) Editorial Reviews "… I will open the book numerous times in Review my classes and my laboratory with my students in the coming ten years. While "The broad scope of the book is impressive. reading this book I feel like I am sitting in the … If you have an interest in research of class of human factors in lighting taught by lighting, vision or visual psychology, in Professor Peter Boyce. I believe Dr. Peter lighting design, or in ergonomics, this book is Boyce wrote this book with all his heart." certain to contain new and interesting ideas." ―Yukio Akashi, University of Fukui ―Professor Steve Fotios, University of Sheffield "This is a really excellent textbook and continues in a modern form the paths laid by "The third edition is the best yet from Dr. M. Luckiesh, H.C. Weston, and R.G. Boyce. It is comprehensive, penetrating and Hopkinson. It expounds not only the science fair in the discussion of topics, and provides of the subject but also the relevance to the reader with an engaging narrative that lighting practice. The style is succinct and facilitates a sophisticated understanding of lucid throughout, but moreover, the author the impact of lighting on people. The depth communicates with the reader in that he and breadth of Dr. Boyce’s mastery of the rounds off descriptions of experimental subject is revealed, and his writing style studies with a conclusion about the makes the wide range of topics highly implications of the work, and a summary of accessible to anyone interested in Human the main arguments is provided at the end of Factors in Lighting." every chapters. This is a very readable book ―Mark S. Rea, PhD, Lighting Research as well as being a unique and Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. comprehensive source of reference. It is a vital volume, which should be possessed by everyone in the lighting profession." ―Lighting Reseach & Technology, Vol. 36., no. 1, 2004 8 Continue… Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 by Peter Robert Boyce(Author) Product Details Paperback: 703 pages Publisher: CRC Press; 3 edition (April 7, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1439874883 ISBN-13: 978-1439874882 Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 6 x 9 inches Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #188,732 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Industrial, Manufacturing & Operational Systems > Ergonomics #30in Books > Science & Math > Physics > Optics #34in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Industrial, Manufacturing & Operational Systems > Health & Safety Would you like to update product info or give feedback on images? **Book for reference only : More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; 9 Continue… Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : Wajibkan taman tema patuhi garis panduan : Utusan Malaysia : 15 December 2015 : 21 10 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : 3 hurt as carousel topples New Straits Times 08 December5 2015 27 11 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : Make safety a priority : The Star : 10 December 2015 : 45V 12 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Pengendali perlu utama keselamatan dalam operasi harian Berita Harian 15 December 2015 34 13 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Wanted: Policy on managing disasters The Star 14 December 2015 29V 14 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Kaki budak tersepit eskalator di R & R Berita Harian 15 December 2015 24 15 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Panik gas bocor Utusan Malaysia 15 December 2015 2 16 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Kren patah dua tersekat di kabel Harian Metro 09 December 2015 38 17 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Mujur kena sisi Harian Metro 09 December 2015 38 18 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Wujud Majlis Keselamatan Air Negara tangani kes mati lemas Utusan Malaysia 01 December 2015 24 19 Issue 23, Volume 8, 2015 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Pengunjung langsung terbang Harian Metro 08 December 2015 10 20
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