Elite Life Magazine - Elite Sports Clubs
Elite Life Magazine - Elite Sports Clubs
1 CLUB HOURS October - December 2016 Brookfield 13825 W. Burleigh Rd. (262) 786-0880 Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday 5:30am - 10:00pm 5:30am - 9:00pm 7:00am - 8:00pm Mequon 11616 N. Port Washington Rd. (262) 241-4250 Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5:30am - 10:00pm 5:30am - 9:00pm 7:00am - 8:00pm 7:00am - 6:00pm North Shore 5750 N. Glen Park Rd. (414) 351-2900 Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5:30am - 10:00pm 5:30am - 8:00pm 7:00am - 7:00pm 7:00am - 6:00pm Fitness center & basketball courts open 24 hours River Glen 2001 W. Good Hope Rd. (414) 352-4900 Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday 5:30am - 10:00pm 5:30am - 8:00pm 7:00am - 6:00pm West Brookfield 600 N. Barker Rd. (262) 786-3330 Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday 5:30am - 10:00pm 5:30am - 9:00pm 7:00am - 8:00pm Fitness center & basketball courts open 24 hours CONTENTS 2 I’ve been thinking about the charities and organizations Elite has supported over the years. Elite Sports Clubs has raised and donated millions of dollars to many local and national charities. We tend to focus on charities that we can offer a unique experience to or that have a personal meaning—like the MACC Fund. I’m going to share something with you that I don’t often talk about. Not because I’m ashamed of it or want to keep it a secret, simply because I don’t want to let it shape people’s assumptions of what I can or cannot do. I am blind in one eye. Long story, short—I had a very rare type of childhood cancer at the age of two and one of my eyes had to be removed. Nevertheless, I have always considered myself lucky because Retinoblastoma usually travels from one eye to the other. Yet thankfully, my mother caught it soon enough and I am not totally blind. But as I said, I tend not to share this aspect of myself with others. In fact, my younger sister told me she didn’t find out that I was blind in one eye until she was 18 years old. I never wanted my blindness, lack of depth perception or peripheral vision to be an excuse not to do something. TABLE of Letter From Kay Marilyn & Jim Casper Club Activity Guide Tennis & Exercise at Elite 30 Year Elite Timeline As we celebrate Elite’s 30 years in this community, 2 3-5 6- 15 16-17 18-19 Sports have always been important to me because I had to figure out how to overcome my physical differences to compete, and I wasn’t going to let anyone tell me that I couldn’t. Tennis was particularly significant in my family. I played at the Fox Point courts when I was young, and we would play family tennis on our vacations. My parents were good players and so were my sisters. In fact, my husband and I played while dating in college. I never had a lesson until I was out of school. Nevertheless, I always played singles because I could not see my partner on the court much of the time and I was afraid of hitting her. Try playing tennis with no depth perception and attempt to judge where the ball is coming! Needless to say it was a challenge, but I always managed to defeat my “disability,” and often my opponent too! So, as I approach 30 years of owning and managing Elite Sports Clubs, I want to celebrate this accomplishment with as many members and staff as possible. I also want to use this milestone as an opportunity to help see that future generations don’t have to go through what I did. Therefore we are partnering with the Midwest Athletes against Childhood Cancer (MACC Fund) for our celebration at the Pfister Hotel on October 14th. We even hired an 11 piece band to help us dance the night away! All of our members and staff will receive an invitation, and I hope you will be able to join us for this special event. Kay Yuspeh CEO and Owner, Elite Sports Clubs Throwback to 80's Kay & Richard The year is 1986 and Kay Yuspeh just bought her first club, the Highlander, ushering in a new wave of tennis clubs. With this new wave came new members as well, including two Brookfield natives in particular, Marilyn and Jim Casper. When they first joined, Marilyn and Jim were avid tennis players enjoying mixed doubles and the comradery within the club. But it soon became a family affair, as Marilyn and Jim Casper at Elite Sports Club Brookfield 3 their three sons were interested in tennis as well, and eventually swim club for their youngest. The Highlander became a second home to them, one that fostered fitness, fun, and personal growth. “We still see a lot of our friends we made playing tennis, playing mixed doubles,” Marilyn said. “We still get together with them.” The Caspers have continued to take in the Elite experience throughout their 48 years of marriage, but their activities in the club have changed over that time. Due to injury, they have retired from the tennis court and taken up swimming for exercise instead, using either the indoor or outdoor pools depending on the weather Wisconsin throws at them. “I try to swim every day, I swim 1000 yards. I don’t swim more than that or less than that, but if I can do it in the summer, I can swim 5 or 6 times a week,” Jim said. Aside from swimming, they have also come to enjoy the leisurely aspects of the clubs, always carving out time Marilyn and Jim at a MACC Fund Event 4 for reading and chatting poolside. For them, the club provides a very relaxing change of scenery outside the house and an opportunity to see friends. But throughout the years, they have also made time for their second membership. For as long as the "It just shows when you have a good organization, like the MACC Fund or Elite, things just continue to grow." Caspers have been members of Elite, they have also been members of a different organization. However, their membership with this organization is not a membership by traditional definitions, but rather a strong dedication and passion for a great cause. Marilyn and Jim have been heavily involved with the MACC Fund since it was founded in 1976. What was once the Milwaukee Athletes Against Childhood Cancer is now the Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer, an organization dedicated to "Giving Hope Through Research." When the 2-year-old son of the Milwaukee Bucks announcer, Brett Doucette, was diagnosed with leukemia, Bucks player and family friend Jon McGlocklin wanted to help in any way he could. On his retirement night, Jon introduced the MACC Fund, an organization that would team up with local athletes and businesses to raise money for critical research to give kids like Brett a better chance at survival. As a pediatric hematologist, oncologist at Children’s Hospital, Jim was part of the team taking care of Brett, which is how the Fund became a personal interest of his. Jim is not only proud to have been part of the Fund’s efforts, but says the state should be proud of them too. “The state is very lucky to have the MACC Fund, and certainly Children’s Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin have benefited greatly,” he explained. “There are a number of other great organizations like Ronald McDonald House and Make- A-Wish that help support other things that are really necessary, but the MACC Fund is focused on supporting the research.” Jim tries to swim 1000 yards every day in the Pools at Elite Sports Club A few years after it began, some of the athlete’s wives and other women involved with the Fund came up with the idea of having a women’s group, including Marilyn. As a result, Women for MACC was born, and Marilyn was one of the first copresidents with the wife of Brewers player, Sal Bando. Women for MACC operates separately from the MACC Fund, as they host their own events and elect their own board members and president. However, all of the money they raise goes directly back to support the MACC Fund at the end of each year. In the past, they have hosted hugely successful events like children’s fashion shows and tennis tournaments. The area’s tennis clubs such as Elite Sports Club - Brookfield and Mequon would host the matches, and at the tournament’s peak, they had at least eight clubs participating. Women for MACC currently hosts an annual Pasta Fest and golf outings, among other events throughout the year. “One year Billie Jean King came, she was probably our biggest name…,” Marilyn said. “Kay was really involved too, which is why she is still passionate about maintaining her relationship with the MACC Fund.” Since it began, the MACC Fund has raised over $45 million to fund the crucial research. With this money, research has been able to focus primarily on the different forms of cancer. “Part of that too is bone marrow transplant which is a treatment for some of the patients with different types of cancer,” Jim said. “They also support research in hematology and blood cell work. Sickle cell disease especially is another huge area where we’re trying to make inroads in terms of transplant, new therapies, things like that.” With the MACC Fund’s efforts and alongside the advancements made in the medical field since the 1970s, survival rates have drastically improved. As Jim describes, “You were probably in the 20 to 30 percent survival, and now it’s up to around 80 to 90 percent. For some of the leukemias it’s above 95 percent.” Elite Sports Clubs is proud to continue supporting the MACC Fund because their work is bringing real change to the Midwest, striving for health even in a time of illness. Having just retired, Jim and Marilyn are realizing just how important health and fitness are in the long run. For Jim, he has been able to lose weight over the years, and keep it off because Elite has provided a motivating environment for him to do so. “I think I’m more aware of what I’m eating, and I really want to keep the weight off,” he explained. “I think for both of us, we stay active, and we like the club because we can do that.” Jim sees one strong similarity between Elite and the MACC Fund in his experience with both: both have a vision. “It just shows when you have a good organization, like the MACC Fund or Elite, things just continue to grow. The MACC Fund has grown tremendously, and Elite has grown too. When we joined there was just one!” he laughed. “The longevity speaks for itself. What the MACC Fund has been able to do, what Kay has been able to do with Elite, requires a vision: where people are going and what they are doing.” In the clubs, this change can most notably be seen in the variety of opportunities the club provides for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. “When we joined the Highlander, it was tennis and racquetball. And when you look at what it is today, it’s totally different. From swimming to classes to basketball to fitness centers, it has just mushroomed compared to what it used to be,” Marilyn described. Whether the clubs are used for intense tennis match play or distance swimming followed by reading like the Caspers, Elite has something for everyone. For Jim and Marilyn, the club has followed them through the various activities they have been involved with. From an early start in tennis with their sons to using the club as a go-to spot for relaxing, they have stuck with Elite and Elite has stuck with them. 5 What’s Happening BOOTCAMP BIKES & BREWS A variety of great workouts will help you lose body fat, get stronger, and increase cardiovascular efficiency while having fun! Sept. 18, Oct. 16, Nov. 13, Dec. 11 10:00 - 11:00am | NS | $15 Want to learn more about local craft beer and why everybody is trying it? Join us and find out what the buzz is all about. We will spin and then sample local craft beer with small plate food pairings. Breweries to be announced. September 16 | 6:00 - 8:30pm | NS | $15 October 7 | 6:00 - 8:30 pm | WB | $15 November 11 | 6:00 - 8:30pm | NS | $15 DOG DAYS Bring your dog to the club for an afternoon of contests, games, samples, demonstrations, and more as we celebrate healthy pets in October! Don’t have a four-legged friend, you can join us too! Dogs can even take a dip in the outside pool! There will be a costume contest, kissing contest and tail wagging contest with prizes and pet-oriented samples and treats. October 16 | 12:00 - 3:00pm | ME, RG & BR FREE RUNNING CLUB Meet other runners and work on running skills, such as endurance and form. Looking for a running partner, motivation to run more, or become a better runner? This is the club for you. September 18 - October 29 Saturdays | 8:00 - 10:00am | BR | FREE SHEEPSHEAD GROUP O CE L E BR AT E THE NNIVERSAR A Y 30 TH Ages 6-weeks & Up | Family time at Elite! Open tennis courts, gym, swim (at RG, BR, ME), snacks and bingo. October 22 | 6:00 - 8:00pm | NS & WB | FREE November 5 | 6:00 - 8:00pm | RG | FREE November 19 | 6:00 - 8:00pm | WB & BR | FREE December 12 | 6:00 - 8:00pm | WB | FREE KICKBOXING CALORIE CRUSHER Get in an awesome cardio workout before you feast on Thanksgiving dinner! 90 minutes of kickboxing combos plus bootcamp-style intervals that will get you sweating! November 23 | 10:00 - 11:30am | BR | FREE COMMIT TO FIT For every group exercise class members take Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve, they receive a raffle ticket for a weekly drawing . November 24 - December 24 | ALL | FREE CHICAGO SHOPPING TRIP º Food & Drinks Join us for shopping, dining, sightseeing, or whatever else you prefer to do. Trip will include a continental breakfast before we depart, Coach bus ride to and from Chicago, and drinks, snacks, and a movie on the return trip. Sign up is required. This trip sold out last year, so sign up early. November 30 | 8:00 - 8:00pm | BR | $49 º Piano Bar ELITE HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE Mondays | 1:00 - 3:00am | NS | FREE NVITED T ’RE I U YO FAMILY FUN NIGHT º 11 Piece Chicago Band º Photo Booth º Ticket Includes Donation to the MACC Fund Featuring 30-40 local artists and vendors. Shop a wide assortment of fabulous gifts for everyone on your holiday shopping list! These two days are FREE guest days so be sure to invite all of your friends and family to this highly anticipated event! December 5-6 | 8:00am - 1:00pm | BR December 5-6 | 4:00 - 7:00pm | BR º RSVP By September 23 at eliteclubs.com/30th or Call (262) 432-3026. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 6:00pm AT THE PFISTER PA R 6 T NER I NG W I T H T H E M A C C F U ND Contact the Elite Concierge to reserve your seats for this season's shows: (262) 754-3467 The Book of Mormon October 26 & 30 Elf the Musical November 23 & 27 The Sound of Music January 4 & 8 Broadway Series Various Dates We continue to get tickets throughout the year. If you have any questions please contact: Concierge@eliteclubs.com ME MEQUON | NS NORTH SHORE | RG RIVER GLEN | BR BROOKFIELD | WB WEST BROOKFIELD | ALL ALL ELITE CLUBS 7 Signature Training SEPTEMBER 18 - OCTOBER 29 NOVEMBER 6 - DECEMBER 24 TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING Mondays Tuesdays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays PRICING PER SESSION $79 30 minutes $89 45 minutes $99 60 minutes 9:00 - 9:45am 9:15 - 10:00am 6:00 - 6:45pm 6:30 - 7:15pm 11:00 - 11:45am 10:30 - 11:15am NS Melissa WB Nicole RG Amy NS Jen BR Billie ME Amy 6:00 - 6:30pm Susie BR 7:00 - 7:30am Alissa WB Wednesdays 5:45 - 6:30am Dory WB SHRED Thursdays HIIT EXTREME Mondays Jen Tony Dory Luke Tony BR BR WB ME BR TRX PLUS BARRE FUSION Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Thursdays Fridays 12:00 - 1:00pm 8:15 - 8:45am 10:00 - 10:30am 10:00 - 11:00am 9:30 - 10:00am TABATA Sundays Mondays Wednesdays Wednesdays Fridays Fridays Fridays Fridays Saturdays 9:15 - 10:00am 6:00 - 6:45am 9:00 - 10:00am 10:00 - 10:30am 8:15 - 8:45am 9:00 - 9:45am 9:00 - 9:45am 9:30 - 10:15am 10:30 - 11:30am Susie Luke Melissa Craig Tony Craig Susie Grace Melissa BR ME RG RG BR RG BR NS RG Susie Susie BR BR SWIM FIT Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:30am Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30pm Fridays 10:30 - 11:30am BASIC OLYMPIC LIFTS Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays 12:00 - 1:00pm 1:00 - 2:00pm 1:00 - 2:00pm Tyler Tyler Tyler SPIN, STRENGTH & STRETCH Tuesdays Tuesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays 9:15 - 10:15am 9:30 - 10:30am 9:00 - 10:00am 5:30 - 6:30pm 5:30 - 6:30pm 9:30 - 10:30am Melissa Grace Melissa Nicole Melissa Melissa Wednesdays RG NS WB RG WB WB Jordan NS Craig RG NIMBLE (SENIORS) Tuesdays Joe Joe Joe 9:15 - 10:15am 9:15 - 10:00am ME RG ME Personal Training 60 minutes $60 one person $45 each for two people 30 minutes $40 one person $3250 each for two people 8 BR BR BR BODYWEIGHT BOOTCAMP SHRED WITH TABATA Tuesdays9:30 - 10:15am Tuesdays 6:00 - 6:45pm PLUS OVER 300 FREE GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES EACH WEEK! ME MEQUON | NS NORTH SHORE | RG RIVER GLEN | BR BROOKFIELD | WB WEST BROOKFIELD Free Workshops BASIC OLYMPIC LIFTS Learn the proper technique of various Olympic lifts, including bench press, clean and dead lift. The goal of this workshop is to learn the proper and safe way to do these particular lifts. September 1 | 9:00 - 10:00am | BR September 1 | 6:30 - 7:30pm | BR STRENGTH & STRETCHING FOR LOW BACK PAIN FOAM ROLLING 101 Learn techniques to keep you pain and injury free. Foam rolling works through muscle fiber release. It mimics massage to release any tightness or “knots.” October 3 | 9:30 - 10:00am | WB October 8 | 10:00 - 11:00am | ME October 18 | 6:15 - 7:15pm | RG October 25 | 11:00 - 12:00pm | BR October 25 | 5:30 - 6:30pm | BR Learn several strengthening and stretching exercises you can do on your own and at home for your lower back. Increase your flexibility and mobility, strengthen your core, and improve your posture! September 5 | 10:00 - 10:30pm | WB STABILITY BALL BASICS TRX BASICS FITNESS TRACKER 101 Learn the fundamentals, benefits and concept of TRX suspension training. 30-minute lecture followed by 30-minute basic total-body workout. September 8 | 9:30 - 10:30am | RG November 14 | 9:00 - 9:45am | NS Learn the many ways you can challenge your body with the stability ball. October 12 | 12:00 - 1:00pm | ME What are the benefits? Which devices are the best for the tracking you want to do? Using a fitness tracker is a great way to raise your awareness. It can also help motivate you to move more throughout the day. November 5 | 9:00 - 10:00am | ME KETTLEBELL BASICS BOXING BASICS Learn proper techniques for improving your defensive guard, jabs, uppercuts, hooks and combinations. September 15 | 5:00 - 5:30pm | WB Learn the history, techniques and effectiveness of kettlebells as a fitness tool. Try out the equipment with some basic exercises, and will learn the proper technique 5 Kettlebell exercises. November 5 | 11:30 - 12:30pm | RG Youth Fitness ATHLETIC MOVEMENT & PERFORMANCE TRAINING The AMP program is dedicated to motivating youth athletes. The program serves the unique needs of each individual, and is all about competitiveness within quality work. We help athletes gain a competitive edge by training them to be healthier, faster, stronger, more confident, and become a starter in their sport. Available at all Elite locations. Programs for basketball, soccer, football, volleyball and more. Pick up a brochure from the front desk. 60 min 30 min $60 single $40 single TEEN NUTRITION & TRAINING 10-14 years | Upon completion of TNT, junior members may use the fitness center during designated junior fitness hours. TNT is a 3-training session program designed to educate Elite’s junior members in safe and healthy exercise and nutrition habits. Working with an Elite Fitness Specialist, young members will learn etiquette and safety, body weight exercises, healthy eating, and proper use of select weights, strength, and cardio machines. RESISTANCE BAND TRAINING Explore multiple exercises focusing on technique and efficiency. Great for at home training and also for training while traveling. November 8 | 5:00 - 6:00pm | ME SKI CONDITIONING Designed specifically to prepare you for a stronger, healthier, and more confident ski season, this workshop will get you ready physically and mentally for the challenge of deep powder, moguls, groomers, and high altitudes. November 10 | 9:00 - 10:00am | BR HEALTHY EATING FOR THE HOLIDAYS Elite’s resident Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Rita Larsen will provide members with some simple tips and tricks for eating healthy over the holiday season. December 1 | 11:00 - 12:00pm | BR December 3 | 9:00 - 10:00am | NS December 3 | 10:30 - 11:30am | RG December 3 | 1:00 - 2:00pm | ME INTERVAL TRAINING This workshop will discuss the basics of interval training including heart rate, interval times, rest, etc... Followed by interval workouts. December 7 | 7:00 - 8:00pm | RG TNT GROUP SESSIONS (FREE) Monday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Monday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Monday 4:00 - 5:00 pm Wednesday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Thursday 4:00 - 5:00 pm ME NS WB RG BR JUNIOR FITNESS HOURS Monday - Friday 3:30 - 5:30 pm Saturday & Sunday 12:00 - 5:00 pm $25 group $15 group 9 TENNIS Open to non-members. Starting at age 3. Available at all Elite Sports Clubs AUGUST 29 - NOVEMBER 27 NOVEMBER 28 - MARCH 5 MARCH 6 - JUNE 11 EliteClubs.com/tennisregistration QUICKSTART TINY TOT AGES 3 - 4 | 30 MINUTES | ENTRY LEVEL $130 Your child's fist tennis experience establishes a foundation for hand-eye coordination, basic movement, listening skills, team cooperation and athletic tennis skills. It's a fun-filled introduction to the great lifetime sport of tennis. This class is taught on a 36' Red Court. QUICKSTART I & II FUTURE STARS AGES 5 - 10 | 60 MINUTES | ENTRY LEVEL DIVIDED BY AGE | $260 Elite’s 10 & Under Tennis is open to both members and non-members. QuickStart focuses on introductory rallying skills and beginning stages of cooperative tennis. In QuickStart 1 students will begin to play games . AGES 11 - 14 | 60/90 MINUTES | $48750 The Future Stars program is designed to introduce the basics and fundamentals of tennis. Players learn correct mechanics of each stroke, proper court positioning and movement, as well as strategies for future growth and development. Includes 19.5 hours of drills, 2 home matches, and 1 quad. QUICKSTART ADVANCED EXCELLENCE 60 MINUTES | PRO APPROVAL REQUIRED $260 New this year, this program is for players under 10 who have taken several sessions of QuickStart tennis and can rally the ball. Kids will gain better technical and tactical skills using QuickStart methods, which will help them to achieve early success for a greater lifelong enjoyment of the game. 90 MINUTES | HIGH SCHOOL | $48750 Excellence is a player development program that improves more advanced player’s technical skills, as well as mental toughness. ELITE TEAM TENNIS AGES 11 - 14 | 60 MINUTES | Elite Team Tennis is a new version of our famous tennis program. Including: 13 hours of training, 2 home matches and 1 quad match with the other Elite Club, plus a team t-shirt. INVITATIONAL PROGRAMS AGES 11 & UP | PRICES VARY | Designed for the player who is interested in competitive play. Our Invitational Classes offer the players both advanced techniques and tactical skills along with the opportunity to implement these skills in match play. Players will develop shot patterns and strategies to use at tournaments. PRIVATE TENNIS LESSONS 60 min $75 30 min $40 Youth Events QUICKSTART MATCH PLAY Ages 7-12 | Come out for a fun tennis match experience with PIZZA and PRIZES. Parent helpers needed but not required. October 16, November 20, December 18 Sundays | 1:30 - 3:00pm | WB | $25 October 23 | 1:30 - 3:00pm | BR | $32 2016 HOLIDAY TENNIS CAMP Ages 6 - 18 | Nine hours of training strokes, movement, strategy, match play and more! Come to all three days or pick which days fit for you. You will be amazed how much improvement you will see. December 26 - December 28 Mon - Wed | 9:00 - 12:00pm | RG | $190 Mon - Wed | 9:00 - 12:00pm | BR | $190 10 JUNIOR MIXER Ages 6 - 18 | Put into play what you and your coaches have been working on. Format of competitive play based on sign ups. Receive professional coaching on match play process, strategy, and etiquette. Beverages and dinner provided. December 16 | 6:00 - 9:00pm | RG | $30 JUNIOR DOUBLES Pro supervised junior level tournament September 23, October 21, November 4, December 9 Fridays | 6:00 - 9:00pm | ME | $25 8 & UNDER - RED BALL October 7, November 11, December 16 Fridays | 5:00 - 6:30pm | NS | $25 November 25 | ME 10 & UNDER - ORANGE BALL November 4, December 2 Fridays | 5:30 - 7:30pm | NS | $35 November 25 | ME ADULT/CHILD TOURNAMENT December 2 | RG | $20 per person Adult Mixers & Socials END OF SUMMER ADULT MIXER SINGLES SHOOTOUT FALL FLING ADULT MIXER September 16 | 6:00 - 9:00pm | RG | $35 October 16, November 20, December 18 Sundays | 3:30 - 6:30pm | WB | $25 November 18 | 6:00 - 9:00pm | RG | $35 ADULT TENNIS SOCIAL CASINO NIGHT TENNIS MIXER Ages 21+ | Celebrate the holiday season with some friendly tennis with a social to follow. Holiday food and spirits will be provided. The end of Summer is nearing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have another kickin’ summer Adult Mixer at River Glen Elite. Great friends + great tennis + great food = GREAT TIME!! Please join us, beer, wine, soda, and catered food. Ages 17+ | Come enjoy an evening of great tennis and food. You can sign up with a partner or we can find one for you. Play is mostly doubles. We’ll provide the main dish. Feel free to bring a dish to pass. Sign up soon- space is limited! Ages 16+ | Come bring your game for a fun and competitive singles tournament that is played to completion in just 3 hours. Each month is a different level so check with your tennis pro for details. Ages 21+ | We will be playing poker on the courts. Best hand at the end of the night wins a prize. Beer, wine, soda, pizza, fruit, veggies and desert provided. Join Jeff and Jordan Aranda for the annual Fall Fling Adult Mixer. We provide beer, wine, soda, catered food, and excellent match play. You provide a hunger for great tennis and great food!! HOLIDAY TENNIS SOCIAL December 3 | 5:30 - 9:00pm | ME | $25 October 22 | 5:30 - 9:00pm | ME | $25 ADULT TENNIS MIXER October 7, November 11, December 9 Fridays | 6:00 - 8:00pm | WB | $25 Ages 21+ | Beer, soda, and food provided. MIXED DOUBLES TENNIS SOCIAL October 7 | 6:00 - 8:00pm | NS | $25 GAME, SET, MATCH MEN'S 3.5 October 8, November 5, December 10 Saturdays | 6:00 - 8:00pm | NS | $3813 November 4, December 2 Fridays | 6:00 - 8:00pm | BR | $35 TURKEY OPEN: ALL CLUBS SINGLES & DOUBLES November 11-13 | RG & ME | $30/$40 Racquet & Paddle Sports PLATFORM TENNIS Men’s leagues are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. We will be hosting matches against other clubs including Cedar Club and Town Club so there may be matches scheduled at other westside clubs. West Brookfield is now offering a platform only membership. Fall League October - December PLATFORM KICK-OFF PARTY Come learn the game and play a match or two. Snacks, beer, and soda provided! October 28 | 6:00pm | WB | FREE TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE Ages 12+ | All levels. Each player will be grouped in a pod with 4 to 6 players each week and play each player in their grouping. Each week the players will be rotated so you are playing different players. Wins/Losses and stats will be kept. At the end of each league session we will have a seeded “A” and “B” level tournament. September 26 - November 7 November 21 - January 9 Mondays | 6:00 - 10:00pm | BR | $20 TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT Ages 12+ | All players will be guaranteed at least 3 matches. All players will be randomly paired in a non-seeded tournament bracket. Food and drink will be provided. All skill levels are welcome. September 12 | 6:00 - 10:00pm | BR | $15 RACQUETBALL Contact a director for league times or more info. AmyHall@eliteclubs.com NS TonyBieri@eliteclubs.com BR PICKLEBALL We use the QuickStart lines and the tennis net and supply the paddle and balls. Just show up at these times to learn the game and play. $5 per time. Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays 11:00 - 12:30 pm 1:00 - 2:30 pm 12:30 - 2:00 pm 1:00 - 2:30 pm 11:00 - 12:30 pm NS BR ME RG WB ME MEQUON | NS NORTH SHORE | RG RIVER GLEN | BR BROOKFIELD | WB WEST BROOKFIELD 11 SPORTS WITH RITA LARSEN YOUTH KARATE LESSONS PICK-UP VOLLEYBALL DISC GOLF WORKSHOP Thursdays Thursdays Sundays Ages 4 & up. Tuition for new students only. BR | $297 once a week | $348 unlimited Ages 10+ | Learn the fundamentals of Disc Golf including: the rules, throwing and putting basics, and what the differences are between the types of discs. September 27 | 6:00 - 7:00pm | ME | FREE 7:00 - 9:00pm 7:00 - 10:00pm 10:00 - 1:00pm RITALARSEN @ ELITECLUBS.COM ME BR BR MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL PICK-UP Saturdays 1:00 - 3:00pm WB SOCCER FUN DAY Ages 8 - 13 | Soccer Fun Day will provide children with soccer drills that are not only good fun, but also develop their skills and all-round enjoyment of the game. Improve soccer ability and self confidence. Includes, juggling competition, PK shootout, shot speed challenge and crossbar challenge. Older kids play in the afternoon. November 26 | 10:00 - 12:00pm | RG | $20 November 26 | 12:30 - 2:30pm | RG | $20 ASK THE DIETITIAN (FREE) Visit with the dietitian regarding a wide array of topics relating to health and wellness needs. Tuesdays 10:00 - 12:00pm BR Tuesdays 4:00 - 5:00pm WB Fridays 9:30 - 11:00am ME Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00am NS Saturdays 10:30 - 11:30am RG LOSE IT NOW A comprehensive look at how to approach and deliver the best weight loss system. By Appointment | 6 Weeks | $80 ALL IN THE FAMILY Comprehensive diet planning for your whole family. By Appointment | 3, 1-hour sessions | $150 35 FOR 35 A 1-day dietary plan with a unique personal approach to nutritional needs for workout days. By Appointment | $35 3 ON 3 TOURNAMENT 4 ON 4 BASKETBALL LEAGUE Ages 16+ | All games have a ref, scorekeeper, and stats. Make a team or join in as a free agent. September 6 - November 1 November 8 - January 10 Tuesdays | 6:00 - 10:00pm | BR | $50 MEN’S FLEX BASKETBALL LEAGUE Ages 17+ | Teams change every night, winner moves on. No deadline to come and join the fun. September 5 - November 23 Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:30 - 7:30pm | ME FREE with Passport Membership $50 Visa or 26 & Under Membership 12 Ages 16+ | You can form your own team or be placed on one as a free agent. We will play round robin style and then conclude with a seeded tournament. Games will be timed and played half court. October 15 | 1:00 - 6:00pm | BR | $10 FATHER & SON TOURNAMENT Ages 10-14 | We will play round robin style followed by a playoff. All games will be half court. Age brackets will be separated as applicable. October 22 | 1:00 - 6:00pm | BR | $10 PICK UP BASKETBALL FREE! Just show up and play! Mon - Fri 5:30 - 8:00am Mon - Fri 11:30 - 2:00pm Mon & Wed 6:00pm - Close Tues & Thur 12:00 - 1:00pm Tuesday 7:30pm - Close Wednesday 8:00pm - Close Thu & Fri 7:00pm - Close Saturday 9:30 - 12:00pm Saturday 7:00 - 10:30am MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS PICK-UP Friday 6:00 - 7:30pm WB WB WB ME NS BR BR BR WB ME SEPTEMBER 12 - OCTOBER 22 OCTOBER 31 - DECEMBER 17 Register at EliteClubs.com/SwimRegistration All lessons meet once a week. SEAHORSES LEVEL 1 | 30 MINUTES | $72 Thursdays Saturdays Mondays Thursdays Saturdays Tuesdays Saturdays 4:00 - 4:30 pm 10:30 - 11:00 am 5:00 - 5:30 pm 5:00 - 5:30 pm 10:00 - 10:30 am 4:30 - 5:00 pm 10:00 - 10:30 am BR BR ME ME ME RG RG SWIM CLUB Swim Club is for junior swimmers who can swim 50 yards (1 full lap), and would like to improve stroke production in a fun, social environment. Focus will be on competitive swimming skills and endurance. September 13 - December 14 Tuesdays | 4:30 - 5:30pm | BR & ME | $120 Wednesdays | 4:30 - 5:45pm | RG | $120 AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARDING CERTIFICATION Ages 15+ | Interested in a great job as a lifeguard? Completion results in a two-year certification in lifeguarding that includes first aid and professional level CPR and AED. December 27-30 Tue - Fri | 10:00am - 6:00pm | ME | $249 STARFISH DOLPHINS LEVEL 2 | 30 MINUTES | $72 LEVEL 4 | 30 MINUTES | $72 Thursdays Saturdays Mondays Thursdays Saturdays Tuesdays Saturdays 4:30 - 5:00 pm 11:00 - 11:30 pm 5:00 - 5:30 pm 5:00 - 5:30 pm 10:30 - 11:00 am 5:00 - 5:30 pm 10:30 - 11:00 am BR BR ME ME ME RG RG SEALS LEVEL 3 | 30 MINUTES | $72 Thursdays Saturdays Mondays Thursdays Saturdays Tuesdays Saturdays 5:00 - 5:30 pm 11:30 - 12:00 pm 5:30 - 6:00 pm 5:30 - 6:00 pm 11:00 - 11:30 am 5:30 - 6:00 pm 11:00 - 11:30 pm BR BR ME ME ME RG RG LIFEGUARDING RECERTIFICATION Recertification for already certified lifeguards. Must come in having studied ahead of time and ready to take all written and practical tests. By Appointment | ME | $60 JINGLE IN THE WATER Fund raiser for the Arthritis Foundation. Join our water exercise instructors as they team-teach a holiday-themed class, followed by a potluck brunch. Suggested donation of $15, checks made payable to The Arthritis Foundation. Thursdays Saturdays Mondays Thursdays Saturdays Saturdays 5:00 - 5:30 pm 11:30 - 12:00 pm 5:30 - 6:00 pm 5:30 - 6:00 pm 11:30 - 12:00 am 11:30 - 12:00 am BR BR ME ME ME RG PARENT & TOT SWIM LESSONS A parent-child water class for children 6 months to 3 years. We will work on water adjustment, parent holds, getting in and out of the water, submersion, assisted floats, basic arm and leg motions, games, songs, and having fun in the water. September 17 - October 22 Saturdays | 9:30 - 10:00am | ME | $72 PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS AT BROOKFIELD, MEQUON & RIVER GLEN In the event of cancellation, all private lessons must give the instructor 24 hours notice or they will be billed. Participants 1 participant 2 participants 3+ participants 30 min 45 min $25 $35 $20 $25 $15 $20 60 min $45 $30 $25 November 12 | 9:00 - 11:00am | ME SWIM FIT See signature training on page 8 | ME ME MEQUON | NS NORTH SHORE | RG RIVER GLEN | BR BROOKFIELD | WB WEST BROOKFIELD 13 Playroom Fun! Mon - Fri | 9:00am - 4:30pm | $49/day BOBBING FOR PUMPKINS Parties FLICK & FLOAT FINDING DORY PARTY Ages 2-8 | Fun games, a Dory craft, a Finding Dory scavenger hunt, and more! Pizza and beverages will be provided and we will also watch Finding Nemo at the end of the night. September 16 | 5:00 - 8:00pm | NS | $25 SUPER HERO TRAINING CAMP Ages 3-7 | Come in your Superhero Costume and train on the agility course ending with a bow/arrow target shoot. Keep your identity safe and design your own mask. Test your detective skills and hunt down the villain. Re-fuel your body with snacks. October 8 | 1:00 - 3:00pm | ME | $20 HANGTIME Ages 10-14 | Middle school kids enjoy an open gym, ping pong, $1 pizza slices, dodgeball, and music. October 15 | 7:00 - 10:00pm | ME | $10 December 3 | 7:00 - 10:00pm | BR | $10 HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR Ages 3-8 | Calling all Witches, Monsters, and Ghosts. Dress up in your best costume and surely you’ll see, the fun games and activities you can’t even believe. Pizza and a spooky punch will be provided, along with a Halloween movie that will make all excited! October 21 | 5:00 - 8:00pm | NS | $25 FRIGHT NIGHT Ages 3-12 | Join us for a ghoulish good time! Lots of spooky activities in our haunted club, plus creepy pizza and beverages will be served.Children should wear their costumes and bring a trick-or-treat bag. October 28 | 6:00 - 9:00pm | RG | $25 KIDS NIGHT OUT Ages 12 & Under | Drop off your kiddos for a fun night at the club. Kids 5 and under will watch a movie, do a craft, play in our playroom and have pizza. Kids 6 and older will play tennis, swim in our indoor pool, have pizza, and have the option to watch a movie or play some gym games. October 28, December 16 | ME November 11, December 9 | BR Fridays | 6:00 - 9:00pm | $20 14 Ages 6+ | Bring your inner tubes and enjoy a movie in the pool. Popcorn and lemonade will be served. Movie choices are geared toward 6-9 year olds. Must be 6 years old to attend without a parent. November 11, December 9 Fridays | 6:00 - 8:00pm | ME | FREE KIDS YOGA NIGHT Ages 3-10 | Have your kids ever wanted to try yoga? Join Brie Lindemann for 45 minutes to an hour of yoga. After, we will play games, do a craft, and watch a fun movie. Pizza and beverages will be provided. November 18 | 5:00 - 8:00pm | NS | $25 ENCHANTED EVENING Ages 4-8 | Hear Ye, Hear Ye.....Calling all Princesses! Come join us in your gown and indulge in a chocolate fountain and snacks, enjoy a princess up-do with crown, have your nails painted, crafts and games!! November 18 | 5:00 - 8:00pm | ME | $30 Programs GYM & SWIM Ages 3-6 | Fun activities for toddlers & preschoolers including gym games, guarded free swim, and a snack. September 28 - November 2 December 7 - January 11 Wednesdays | 9:30 - 11:00am | ME | $79 MOVIN’ & GROOVIN’ Ages 3-5 | Play, dance, sing, and be silly! Let your kids get all their wiggles and giggles out in this fun interactive music and movement program. Snack provided. October 5 - November 11 November 16 - December 21 (BR December 30) Wednesdays | 9:30 - 11:00am | NS | $79 Fridays | 9:30 - 11:00am | BR | $79 HOLIDAY SCAMP Ages 4-11 | Children will have a blast playing games and sports, swimming, making holiday crafts, and hangin’ with friends! Pack a lunch and a swimsuit. December 26 - 30 | BR & ME Ages 4-10 | Celebrate Halloween at the pool. Pick a pumpkin out of the pool to win a prize! Then join us for some ghoulish treats and guarded swim time. Must be 6 years old to attend without a parent. October 12 | 11:00 - 12:00pm | ME | FREE OCEAN DAY Ages 3-10 | Have fun on your day off of school! Preschoolers and elementary school children will learn about ocean life by making two crafts, have guarded open swim time, and eat an ocean-themed snack. October 20 | 10:00 - 12:00pm | ME | $25 HALLOWEEN PLAYROOM PARTY Ages 10 & Under | Drop off your Princess, Superhero, and anyone else who would like to enjoy some Halloween Fun. Your child will trick or treat around Elite and participate in other fun activities! October 28 | 9:00 - 10:00 am | ME | FREE October 29 | 9:30 - 10:15 am | BR & NS | FREE October 29 | 11:00 - 12:00 pm | RG | FREE October 31 | 9:00 - 11:00am | WB | FREE THANKSGIVING PLAYROOM PARTY Ages 3-10 | Gobble! Gobble! Join us for turkey games and activities! Sign up at the front desk or in the playroom. November 18 | 9:00 - 10:00pm | ME | FREE November 19 | 10:30 - 12:00pm | RG | FREE BREAKFAST WITH SANTA All Ages | Families, come enjoy a delicious catered egg, pancake, and sausage breakfast. Bring along your camera to take pictures of your child with Santa. Kids 2 and under eat free! December 10 | 9:30 - 10:45am | BR | $10 December 10 | 9:45 - 11:00am | NS | $10 GINGERBREAD HOUSE PARTY Ages 4-12 | Come decorate a candy filled gingerbread house! December 17 | 9:30 - 10:30am | BR | $12 HOLIDAY COOKIE DECORATING PLAYROOM PARTY Ages 3-10 | We will supply the cookies, frosting, and sprinkles for your child to be creative, and even a little messy! December 17 | 11:00 - 12:00pm | RG | FREE ME MEQUON | NS NORTH SHORE | RG RIVER GLEN | BR BROOKFIELD | WB WEST BROOKFIELD MOZART’S GYM MUSIC LESSONS AT BROOKFIELD & RIVER GLEN Mozart’s Gym offers lessons in Piano • Violin • Voice • Clarinet Flute • Drums • Percussion Music Theory and Composition Not all instruments offered at all locations. Learn more at www.mozartsgym.com Discover a new kind of music lesson program! TRAIN: Weekly lessons year-round and the Mozart’s Gym AllStar reward system DISCOVER: Three workshops each year exploring music history,cultures and careers ACHIEVE: The international Royal Conservatory Music Development Program Exams. SHARE: Traditional recitals, outdoor concerts, and community events September 12 - November 5 November 7 - January 22 30 min | 8 lessons | $200 45 min | 8 lessons | $300 BEGINNER BALLET & CREATIVE MOVEMENT Ages 3.5-5 | Young dancer’s will use songs, rhythm games, movement, and creativity to experience the benefits of dance and learn the elementary dance positions. Foundational ballet skills including plie, tendu, releve and echappe as well as turns and jumps will be learned, practiced and mastered. November 1 - December 14 Tuesdays | 4:00 - 4:45pm | BR | $90 Wednesdays | 4:15 - 5:00pm | RG | $90 INTERMEDIATE BALLET & TAP COMBO CLASS Ages 6-10 | This class is designed for intermediate age dancers of all levels motivated to improve their dancing technique, flexibility, and creativity and to learn the fundamentals of classical ballet and tap. Combination class will have first 30 minutes ballet and last 30 minutes tap. Dancers will learn tap skills focusing on clarity, rhythm, and tempo as well as performance skills. November 1 - December 14 Tuesdays | 4:45 - 5:45pm | BR | $108 Wednesdays | 5:00 - 6:00pm | RG | $108 The Fine Art's program requires an annual fee. Elite members receive $25 off annual fee. SAVE THE DATES! MOZART'S MUSIC RECITAL KENNEDY DANCE RECITAL AT THE RIVER GLEN QUAD AT THE RIVER GLEN QUAD DECEMBER 12 DECEMBER 17 15 North Shore & Mequon State League Team 2005 THE HISTORY OF TENNIS & EXERCISE THROUGHOUT ELITE'S 30 YEARS The past 30 years have brought about a great deal of change in a lot of areas: cars, computers, medicine, and television to name a few. But in those 30 years, a great deal of change has also hit the spheres of tennis and exercise, two areas in which Elite excels. As a whole, tennis and exercise have a lot of moving parts. However, by looking at the history of each decadeby-decade, we learn about what specifically has changed, what has improved, and what has expanded within in each field since Elite opened in 1986. 1980's & Early 90's TENNIS this decade was a time of great change for players. With the formation of tennis unions, athletes could play as free agents, gaining freedom over their careers. As a result, big players started to emerge 16 because they could control when and where they played, filling tournament spots with the best of the best. With tennis popularity on the rise, all varieties of media began covering the tournaments from start to finish to watch the action unfold. For example, the late 80s were dominated by superstars John McEnroe and Ivan Lendl on the men’s side, and Steffi Graf and Monica Seles on the women’s. But professionals were not the only players impacted by the changing tennis climate. The passing of Title IV, high school and collegiate tennis formalized competitive tennis for both boys and girls, allowing the sport to seriously grow throughout this decade. High school and collegiate athletic associations, such as the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) began hosting tournaments more frequently at this time, allowing players to compete on a regular basis. Late 90's & Mid 2000's This period was greeted by a remarkable difference in racquet technology, as heavier racquet heads and structured frames changed the pace and power of match play forever. A greater understanding of and emphasis on proper hydration, nutrition, and recovery during training periods also came about at this time. This focus greatly influenced how kids developed in the game too when tennis academies started to emerge across the nation and their interest in the game was sparked. Late 2000's - 2016 There was a quiet decline of dominant U.S. players as fierce European competition got stronger. with TVs. In addition to equipment, there was an improvement in athletic shoe technology, allowing people to find the right shoe for their activity level and sports. Although many began to grasp the importance of fitness as a whole, diet was also roped in with the industry at this time. Exercise no longer stood alone as the key to wellness, but exercise combined with a balanced, healthy diet allowed athletes to perform at their best. “People are getting more active than ever before because of the many positive effects of being physically fit. Staying active improves quality of life, builds confidence and enhances one’s social support and network,” Elite North Shore Personal Trainer Grace Selwitschka said. Late 2000's - 2016 Elite aerobics class 1990’s “For tennis to really grow in the U.S. we will need some outstanding champion to take over the tennis world like Steph Curry did for basketball or Tiger Woods did for golf,” Elite River Glen Tennis Director Wally Bronson notes. Perhaps the most important change in tennis over the past ten years is the introduction and development of the USTA QuickStart Tennis program for children 10 and under, which teaches tennis to kids on a smaller, appropriate scale. “The teaching methods for kids using three different softness of balls have allowed very young children learn the game faster and easier,” Wally explained. Elite was the first club in Milwaukee to adopt this QuickStart program, and has since developed much of the young talent in Wisconsin, many of whom have gone on to play at higher levels. “Elite has been at the forefront of developing junior players in the Milwaukee area. They have taught more junior players than any other facility in the state,” Wally confirmed. “They have produced more national players and college players than anyone else in Wisconsin.” 1980's & Early 90's EXERCISE Around the time Elite opened, high impact aerobics and step classes were among the top trends. In these classes, upbeat music kept people energized and motivated, helping shed a positive light on fitness like never before. Dressed in mostly neon colors and spandex, athletes everywhere started to understand the benefit of exercising with friends and in groups, where pack mentality fostered an encouraging workout environment. Late 90's & Mid 2000's As a result of this increase in group fitness, there was a surge in fitness clubs and gym-only establishments. These provided a space for members to also use personal exercise equipments that had recently become popular, including Thigh Masters, Heart Rate Monitors, and treadmills The presence of cardio sets this decade apart from the previous two, as fitness classes and industry professionals began to heavily emphasize cardio as the path to heart health and weight loss. As the field of exercise science progressed, people understood which exercises benefited certain muscles and joints, also improving rehabilitation efforts. The world of fitness, like many industries over the past 10 years, was hit by a technology wave, resulting in programmable activity tracking devices like Fitbit and various smartphone apps flooding the market. Influence from sports and pop culture celebrities also contributed to the rise in these devices and even the fashion to match. Since top athletic brands like Nike and Adidas dominated the market, the industry has also been tapped into by athleisure (athletic + leisure) brands like Fabletics and Lululemon. Many of the products on the market now are form fitting, versatile, and designed with climate-control in mind. “Fitness is going forward,” Grace summarized. “More diverse training and programming is coming to accommodate a growing, more diverse population.” 17 30 Years and Counting A Look at Elite Sports Clubs Since the Beginning 1986 Kay and Richard Yuspeh buy their first club, the Highlander in Brookfield. With 700 members the Highlander Elite becomes an industry leader in indoor tennis clubs. Their first club is remodeled to accommodate an outdoor pool, child care, SCAMP summer camp, and youth tennis instruction. 2005 1996 Mequon becomes the fourth location of Elite Sports Clubs, ushering in a new fitness center in 2006. Elite celebrates their 10 year anniversary! 2002 Kay purchases Elite formerly The Brook 2006 FUN T FAC llow ye d dard adopte s n a t s t s n e a e h w T ball tournam e s i n t ten tennis Eli year ll by a e same n 1986. i th ned ope 18 Elite celebrates their 20 year anniversary! 2012 The former Le Club, to the Elite Sports C fifth location in the M 1990 Expanded Highlander Elite again by 35,000 sq. ft, making room for a gym, fitness center, playroom, and indoor pool. Kay transformed the club into a multipurpose recreational facility. 1992 North Shore, a tennisonly facility, joins the Elite entourage. 1994 North Shore takes after Highlander Elite, becoming Kay’s second all-encompassing fitness facility. Sports Club - West Brookfield, Club, transforming it by 2003. , now River Glen, is added Clubs family, becoming the Milwaukee area. 2016 400 Employees • 47 Personal Trainers 40 Tennis Professionals • 40 Tennis Courts 10 Pools • Over 14,500 Members 19 Elite Sports Clubs: Corporate Office 13825 W. Rd. Brookfield, WI 53005 RIVER GLEN Ave. 11616 N. Port Washington Rd (262) 241-4250 (Glendale) Silver Spring Dr. 5750 N. Glen Park Rd (414) 351-2900 (Glendale) Good Hope Rd. . Ave ay Mequon Rd. 32 RIVER GLEN nB 600 N. Barker Rd (262) 786-3330 NORTH SHORE e Gre 13825 W. Burleigh Rd (262) 786-0880 Bluemound Rd. MEQUON Pt. Washington Rd. Lilly Rd. Burleigh Rd. Barker Rd. Capitol Dr. WEST BROOKFIELD Green Bay BROOKFIELD 2001 W. Good Hope Rd (414) 352-4900