Untitled - Alberta Children`s Hospital Foundation


Untitled - Alberta Children`s Hospital Foundation
At just 2 years
old, Tommaso,
Elio and Sophia
are quite the
Even though
the boys are
their three
are far from it!
Mom and dad
say Tommaso
has the
curiosity of
a future
Elio the wild
of a rock star
and Sophia the
confidence of
a doctor. Our
specialists have
helped all three
triplets since
birth, with
Tommaso and
Elio among
the first babies
to benefit
from Neonatal
Intensive Care
at our hospital.
It’s universal.
Everywhere in the world, in families that are
big and small, rich and poor, all children dream
about what they want to be when they grow up.
Princess! Soccer star! Inventor! The possibilities
are as vast as their young imaginations… for
those children who are healthy.
Unfortunately, often without warning, sickness and
injury can drastically change conversations about a
child’s future. Parents can be left wondering whether
illness will leave their son or daughter permanently
affected… or if their child will grow up at all.
Thankfully, we have YOU and the Alberta Children’s
Hospital to provide hope, help and healing
to those children and families in need. Your support –
as donors, volunteers and advocates – means our
incredible specialists and researchers can build
their expertise and deliver the best care possible
for everything from broken bones to broken spirits.
Because of you, the 82,000 children who need
our hospital each year can hold on to their
dreams not only of what, but also who they
have the chance to become.
This report is a testament to the advances you
have helped make possible over the past two
years and the foundation you are building for
generations to come. Thank you so much.
Chris Seasons
Saifa Koonar
President & CEO
care from
our hospital’s
Stroke team,
the sky’s
the limit
for Sydney.
In fact,
this fearless
hopes to
take flight
as a pilot
Who we are and who we can
become are intricately connected
to the brain.
With 100 billion cells, 160 thousand
kilometres of blood vessels and
trillions of neuronal connections,
the brain is the most complex
organ of the human body. And a
child’s brain is even more complex
because it is constantly changing.
Parts of the brain responsible for
what we can do physically, how
we think and how we regulate
emotion – all grow and develop
while we are kids. So during
childhood, the brain is both at
its most robust and its most
vulnerable stage. Head injuries
and illness can have life-long
consequences on vision, speech,
motor development, emotion
and social attachment – on who
our kids grow up to be.
Because of its complexities, the
world still has much to learn about
the brain. For decades, the best
insights into the pediatric brain
surgery or autopsy. Fortunately,
technological advancement has
resulted in far less invasive ways
to view the brain and expand
neuro-scientific knowledge.
Today, thanks to community support,
the Alberta Children’s Hospital is
able to invest in those technologies
and a growing team of people with
the expertise to optimize them.
Never before in our hospital’s history
have we had this level of talent and
technology devoted to advancing
brain health for children.
Thanks to you, our specialists are
working hard to find more and
better ways to help children with
brain-related disorders, including:
• epilepsy,
• pediatric stroke,
• severe traumatic brain injury,
• concussion,
• neurodevelopmental disorders
like autism and attention deficit
disorders (ADD/ADHD), and
• mental health disorders like
anxiety and depression.
Ultimately, their goal is to offer
nation-leading care and provide
new therapies which can minimize,
prevent and even reverse the
damaging effects of brain-related
impairments and disease to help
children in our community and
around the world.
Thanks to YOU
When Jong
Rho was 8,
he thought
he’d grow
up to be
an actor.
Today, his
“lead role”
research and
care with our
team of
Brain Health
Our hospital is now the first
children’s hospital in western
Canada with a 3 Tesla Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (3T MRI)
scanner, state-of-the-art, radiationfree technology with a magnet
twice the strength of conventional
MRI scanners. The 3T MRI provides
high-definition images far superior
to any previously available at our
hospital, enabling specialists to
examine not only anatomical
structures, but chemistry and
function as well. The 3T MRI has
helped facilitate the recruitment
of new imaging scientists whose
expertise will be applied toward
an innovative new imaging
research program. Hundreds of
children will now benefit from
enhanced research and care every
year, including children with
brain-related disorders.
Teen Depression Research
Using community-funded transcranial
magnetic stimulation (TMS) and
3T MRI technologies, our
researchers are examining the use
of non-invasive brain stimulation
as a potential new treatment for
depression in adolescents. The
pilot study – the first of its kind
in Canada - involves the use of
TMS to stimulate the executive
decision-making part of the brain
called the frontal lobe to offset
by other parts of the depressed
brain. TMS has already proven to
be effective in treating adults with
depression - helping put some
into remission after a few weeks
of treatment. Our researchers
potential to be equally successful
in helping teenagers who are
suffering from depression.
Brain Injury Research
New research laboratories have
been created which are dedicated
to helping children suffering from
brain injuries such as severe
head trauma, concussion and
stroke. These “translational” labs
are bringing together experts in
both clinical care and scientific
research - passionate about not
just treating the symptoms of
brain injury and illness, but also
understanding what happens
inside the diseased or traumatized
brain, why it reacts as it does and
how to develop new therapies.
One project already underway in
the new labs involves studying
the use of melatonin as a potential
Syndrome – a condition affecting
hundreds of children in our
community every year.
Traumatic Brain Injury
are rushed to our hospital’s
Emergency Department with a
traumatic brain injury.
vTo help those suffering from
severe head injury, we will help
advance work in Neuro-Critical
Care (NCC) – a rapidly emerging
bringing effective new therapies
to patients with life-threatening
brain disease. NCC incorporates
the management of intracranial
neuromonitoring and brain cooling
as a therapy to slow down the
adverse chemical effects that
occur after trauma.
vFor children with mild brain
injury or concussion, our Brain
Health team will collaborate with
specialists in sports medicine
and adult care to develop a
more comprehensive triage and
treatment system. The team is
also developing new biologic
measures to better diagnose,
treat and track recovery in
children suffering from PostConcussion Syndrome.
Thanks to community support,
our hospital now has one of
the largest pediatric Epilepsy
teams in Canada to help serve
one of the biggest populations
requiring care from our Brain
Health team - children faced with
seizures or epilepsy and other
related conditions such as autism,
metabolic and genetic disorders.
An important part of the team’s
vision includes engaging every
epilepsy patient in crucial clinical
research. Collecting, analyzing
and learning from all patient
interactions will enable our
experts to develop the best
possible. In addition to their
research in the hospital, our
neuroscientists are also working
in their labs on ways to change
brain chemistry, metabolism and
inflammation. Their goal is to
develop new methods to treat
and eliminate seizures, while
ensuring children have the best
long-term outcomes in cognitive,
social and physical functioning.
Mental Health
With nearly 1 in 5 children having
concern, mental health issues
have become the single largest
health problem facing young
people in our country today.
In Alberta, that translates
into 200,000 children. Since
kids spend more time in the
classroom than anywhere else
except home, we will work with
schools to help teachers and
students learn about, live with
and seek help for mental health
Likewise, with far more family
in our community than
pediatric psychiatrists, we
will engage primary care
physicians in an important
mental health training
identification, treatment
and referrals for children
and families in need.
Especially now that his seizures are under control, 10-year-old Trey loves to
joke around during appointments with his favorite neurologist. Like Dr. Rho,
Trey is a big fan of the performing arts and hopes someday to become
a singer or dancer.
Equipped with
for a special
form of heart
and lung
bypass, our
Intensive Care
were able
to save
with his own
Matthew plans
on a future
in computer
Life-saving CARE
busiest of all pediatric and adult
Emergency Departments in Alberta.
One out of four children in Calgary and thousands more from across
the province – needed specialized
pediatric care from the Alberta
Children’s Hospital.
72,000 times, those kids were
rushed into Emergency. 900 of
those children were admitted to
our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
(PICU) and 130 newborns came
to our Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit (NICU) with life-threatening
illnesses or injuries so serious they
required minute-by-minute critical
care in the fight to keep them alive.
In pediatric medicine, timing is
everything. A child’s condition can
change very rapidly from stable to
life-threatening, making kids more
vulnerable than adults in medical
crisis. Timely access to appropriate
medical intervention can mean the
difference between life and death.
It can also mean the difference
between a complete recovery and
significant long term impairment
and disability.
research, the translation of new
developing tools and simulation
programs which help fine-tune the
skills of health care professionals in
emergency situations.
While most people would prefer
not to think about children
specialists at the Alberta Children’s
Hospital know that being ready for
health emergencies – with the right
people, the right training, and the
right tools - helps them to save lives.
Today, we are building on existing
strengths in all areas of Life-saving
Care, including:
• emergency medicine,
• trauma and resuscitation,
• intensive care,
• surgery,
• complex care, and
• injury prevention.
Thankfully, generous community
support ensures that our hospital is
equipped with all three.
Our specialists are recognized
for helping to make continuous
improvements in the delivery
of pediatric emergency care. In
Knowing that young lives are at
stake, our hospital is committed to
leading advancements which have
a direct impact on the survival, care
and long-term outcomes of children
in our community and beyond.
Thanks to YOU
Ever since
she was little,
Lisa Anderson
pictured herself
a nurse.
Today, Lisa
is part of
our new
NICU team –
care for some
of Alberta’s
sickest babies.
For the first time in our history,
the Alberta Children’s Hospital
is now caring for critically-ill
newborn babies within our
facility. While the new Edwards
Family Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit is not set to open until
the spring of 2014, during its
construction, a temporary “Level
3” NICU has been in operation
since the summer of 2011. This
has enabled neonatologists at
our hospital to provide aroundthe-clock intensive care for
some of our community’s sickest
infants - fighting for their lives
because of problems resulting
from premature birth, severe
illness, or issues arising from the
change to life outside the womb.
Our Pediatric Intensive Care team
is now offering enhanced care in
two crucial areas – Extracorporeal
Life Support (ECLS) and Pediatric
Critical Care Transport.
v 14 Calgary children are alive
today because of our new ECLS
program. ECLS uses heart-lung
bypass technology to keep
children with little or no heart
or lung function alive until their
vital organs have the chance
to recover. This new program
is giving some of our most
critically-ill children a chance at
survival when all other measures
are exhausted.
v Our dedicated transport team
helps more than 200 seriously
ill children from across southern
Alberta and southeastern BC
each year. Like a “portable ICU”,
our specialists travel to smaller
hospitals by ground ambulance,
plane or helicopter to provide
stabilize and transport children
to the Alberta Children’s Hospital
where they can benefit from our
hospital’s full PICU resources.
An innovative program initially
seed-funded by the community
in 2005 has helped reduce
Department visits by 54% and
hospitalizations by 44%. The
Community Pediatric Asthma
Service – believed to be the first
of its kind in Canada – invites
patients and their families to
education sessions with certified
respiratory educators, who share
diagnosis, triggers, medication
and devices. The educators also
develop personalized “action
plans” to help each family keep
asthma under control. When the
service first began, asthma was
the second highest cause for
emergency visits to our hospital.
pediatric asthma population in
Calgary, it has dropped to the
Community investments dating
back to the hospital’s first
laparoscopic surgery kit in 1995
have enabled our hospital to
build world-leading expertise
in minimally-invasive surgery which, unlike conventional “open”
procedures, is performed using
incisions sometimes only a few
millimetres in size. Surgeons use
miniature cameras and special
instruments inserted through
tiny openings to explore, repair
or remove what is required for
each patient. By outfitting all
eight of our operating suites with
state-of-the-art high-definition
surgical camera systems, our
specialists will be able to get a
much clearer view inside the body
and perform even more of these
complex procedures. This will
result in less pain, less scarring,
quicker recovery times, more
precise procedures and reduced
and blood loss for hundreds of
children every year.
Innovative Training
Since experience, skills and
confidence are key in providing
timely, life-saving care, our
hospital is committed to ongoing,
innovative teaching. Thanks to you,
we are providing internationallyrecognized
pediatric simulation training and
are opening the largest hospitalbased training lab in Canada. Our
KidSIM™ centre will enable our
team to
continue preparing
more than 3000 healthcare
professionals for emergencies
every year. Advanced education
include the development of
mobile applications and webbased technology to create
teaching tools for physicians,
nurses, students, families and
Pain and Rehabilitation
providing excellent rehabilitation
and pain services to children
whose conditions are severe,
the Alberta Children’s Hospital
will expand those services to
children living with chronic pain
and mild to moderate disability.
The Vi Riddell Children’s Pain
& Rehabilitation Centre will
enable our specialists to take a
quantum leap forward in caring
for hundreds more children every
year, improving their outcomes
and quality of life over the long
term. The new centre will unite
experts in pain and rehabilitation
medicine, psychology, social work,
occupational therapy, speech
therapy and physiotherapy to
develop and provide new models
of care so children struggling to
cope with daily pain and disability
can live to their fullest potential.
After spending the first 3 months of his life in the care of Lisa and the NICU
team, little Will is getting stronger and more active every day. Although the
possibilities are endless, his parents think Will looks so dashing in sports gear,
he might become a Phys.Ed. teacher - just like his dad.
In his fight
Owen is
proving to
his cancer
team that
he is tougher
and braver
than most.
Those traits
will go
with his
dream of
a star
Conquering CANCER
Cancer. It is a word that strikes
intense fear in all who hear it,
connection with a child.
Over the past several decades,
while there have been many
against pediatric cancer, it is
still the leading cause of death
due to disease in children.
Forty years ago, 80% of children
diagnosed with cancer died. Today,
thanks to ongoing research, 80%
live. However, survival often comes
at a very high price. 60% of
survivors suffer one or more side
effects later in life, many of which
are severe or life-threatening.
That means for every 100 children
diagnosed with cancer:
• 20 will not survive,
• 48 will have lasting side effects,
• and 100 will suffer, along with
their families.
Community support is helping our
cancer experts play an important
role in the global fight against this
disease, particularly in two key areas
for which they’ve earned national and
international recognition – blood and
marrow transplantation (BMT) and
experimental and applied therapeutics.
Our hospital is home to the largest
BMT centre in western Canada and
was the first children’s hospital in
the same region with the expertise
to conduct Phase I Clinical Trials:
leading-edge research that involves
testing promising drugs on patients
for whom all other treatments have
Based on their strengths, our cancer
specialists are determined to find
more effective and less toxic ways
to treat cancer – to benefit children
who face cancers with low survival
rates, those who suffer the significant
side effects of current treatments as
well as children who battle other lifethreatening diseases.
With your help, our oncology
specialists can make a meaningful
difference in the fight against cancer
- creating new hope and reducing
suffering for kids and families.
Thanks to YOU
When he
was a boy,
Victor Lewis
wanted to
become a
he and his
BMT team
find their
success in
helping kids
and families
fight cancer.
Drug Discovery
Recognizing the crucial need
for new, less toxic therapies, our
cancer researchers have created
one of the most comprehensive
pre-clinical drug testing facilities
in North America - equipped
to help them in every critical
and implementation. One of
the team’s latest pieces of
community-funded technology is
a state-of-the-art high-throughput
drug screening platform which
will help them identify and test
potential new cancer therapies
more quickly and efficiently than
ever before.
Hospital at Home
Ours is the first pediatric
hospital in Canada to offer
cancer care to children in the
comfort of their own homes. A
donor-funded pilot project is
currently underway, enabling
specialists to perform “house
calls” for certain chemotherapies,
Exploring this new model of care
is part of our hospital’s goal to
reduce the toll that rigorous
cancer treatment inflicts upon
effective and efficient treatment.
Our cancer team is now able
transplants for some children,
decreasing the side effects they
experience during and after
chemotherapy that substantially
weaken the patient’s immune
system and allow it to accept
the transplanted bone marrow
stem cells. The new stem cells
cohabitate with the patient’s
own immune system for a short
period and gradually take over
transplants minimize damage
to the child’s other organs and
decrease the risk of acquiring a
life-threatening infection.
New technology and additional
resources are enabling our team
to help a greater number of children
who require specialized therapy
involving the harvesting, treatment
and redistribution of stem cells or
blood. Apheresis and photopheresis
are complex procedures most
often used to treat children suffering
from brain tumours, neuroblastoma
and recurrent leukemia. Thanks to
community support, our experts
have been able to perform more
than twice as many procedures to
help children battling cancer, as
well as those with chronic disorders
such as sickle cell anemia, arthritis
and kidney disease.
Clinical Trials
Clinical trials give new hope to
children and families when other
treatment options have been
exhausted. With 61 trials – more
than ever before offered at
our hospital - our cancer team
is building this crucial area of
translational research to ensure
important discoveries in the lab
can become new therapies in
hospital. Our specialists are lead
investigators in national trials.
They also collaborate with
pediatric oncologists across
North America through the
C17 and as the only Canadian
Oncology Experimental Therapeutics
Investigators Consortium (POETIC) –
an elite group of cancer research
hospitals which includes Johns
Hopkins, MD Anderson and
Memorial Sloan Kettering.
Oncolytic Viruses
As an alternative to drug-based
cancer medicines, our researchers
are also working to develop
biological agents like oncolytic
virus therapy. These viruses are
designed to selectively target and
kill cancer cells while boosting
the immune system and without
harming healthy cells in the body.
Our research team’s vision is to
develop and test these therapies
neuroblastoma, brain tumours
and tumours that originate in
bone and soft tissue.
New Applications of BMT
As our specialists continue to
make advancements in BMT to
help children fighting cancer,
they are also making the
complex therapy an increasingly
viable option as treatment for
children with other chronic
or life-threatening
Nationally-recognized for high
success rates in engraftment of
transplanted blood, marrow and
stem cells, for low rates of Graft
Versus Host Disease (GVHD – a
BMT), and for expertise in cord
team is well-positioned to help
new populations of children,
particularly those with metabolic
and blood-related disorders.
Improving the Cancer Experience
that patients with cancer
can suffer long-lasting
such as fear, anxiety and
and cancer specialists
are also greatly affected
by the experience of
fighting the leading
disease-related cause
of death in children.
With community support,
our nationally-recognized
nurse-researchers are able
to conduct ground-breaking
research to better understand
the impact and find potential
new ways to reduce the toll
on all involved.
Jason was so inspired by the care he received from Dr. Lewis and his
BMT team that he altered his childhood ambition to become a lawyer.
Now cancer free, 23-year-old Jason has completed his biological
science degree and is instead pursuing a career in healthcare.
before her
was born,
Tiffany and
little Arianne
have been
part of a
study aimed
at understanding
the relationship
between prenatal
nutrition, maternal
mental and
physical health,
and child
A budding
Arianne likes
to charm
the research
team with
her vocal
Innovative RESEARCH
Every cure begins with research.
While we are fortunate to have
devoted to helping our community’s
sick and injured children, we know
that for the 82,000 families who
walk through our doors each year,
every minute spent worrying about
being in hospital is one minute too
That’s why we have brilliant
researchers working side-by-side
with our health care team to find
potential new cures, treatments
with fewer side effects and ways
to prevent kids from needing our
hospital in the first place.
Thanks to community support,
the Alberta Children’s Hospital
Research Institute (ACHRI) has
more than 180 leading experts in
research, education, clinical care
and community health, working
together to solve today’s most
pressing child and women’s
health problems. Scientists at the
laboratory “bench” team up with
specialists at the hospital “bedside”
and in the community “backyard” to
establish a clear picture of urgent
health issues requiring disciplined
We are harnessing the collective
strengths of our researchers from
the hospital and the University
of Calgary Faculties of Medicine
(Departments of Pediatrics, Surgery,
Anesthesia, Psychiatry and Radiology),
Nursing, Science, Arts, Kinesiology
and Education to focus on three
priority areas:
• Behavior and the Developing
• Optimizing Health Outcomes,
• Genes and Development.
Knowing that it is not enough to
simply treat the symptoms children
experience when they become sick
or hurt, our investigators study:
• the incidence and prevalence of
illness and injury,
• their root causes – often at the
molecular level,
• factors impacting overall child
• what happens to a child’s brain,
body and/or development as a
result of illness or injury,
• how existing therapies affect
them, and
• how new discoveries can
become potential new therapies
and/or contribute to prevention.
Their “bench to bedside to
backyard” approach results in
energized collaboration and enables
our researchers to develop new
ways to lessen suffering and help
kids get better, faster.
Since healthier children grow up to
be healthier adults, the return on
community investments in research
benefits for kids, their families and
society as a whole.
Thanks to YOU
When he was 6,
Francois Bernier
thought being a
park ranger would
be full of adventure
and discovery.
Today, he
leads a team of
geneticists and
whose discoveries
are far beyond
what he could
have imagined!
By identifying
the gene for a
rare condition
called Nager
Dr. Bernier’s
team solved a
medical mystery
that eluded
scientists for
60 years.
Gene Discovery
Knowing that finding the cause
of disease leads to finding more
cures, ACHRI is focused on
building expertise in the field
of genes and genomics. As lead
investigators of a North Americawide study, our researchers
solved a 60-year medical mystery
by successfully identifying the
gene responsible for Nager
Syndrome - a rare condition
that causes changes in a
child’s face and limbs, as well
as deafness. Because of this
breakthrough, clinical testing for
Nager Syndrome is now possible,
helping families around the world
better understand what the
future holds for kids who test
positive. With community-funded
advanced Next Generation DNA
sequencing technologies, our
team is able to collaborate with
researchers and partners across
the country to identify more
genes responsible for a wide
disorders present in the Canadian
population. As well, our new
genomics facility is expected to
help increase the understanding
of many conditions, including
metabolic disease, epilepsy and
congenital heart disease.
Vaccine Research
As part of translational research
involving creating, testing and
monitoring vaccines for children,
Calgary became one of the first
cities in the world to record a near
eradication of illnesses caused
by a common bacterium called
streptococcus pneumoniae. These
bacteria - which can cause
pneumonia, meningitis, severe
blood infection, bone infections
and septic arthritis – result in a
million deaths per year globally.
In 2002, Alberta became the first
province in Canada to vaccinate
against 7 strains of this bacteria.
Last year, infections caused by
those bacteria were wiped out in
Calgary children under the age
of 5 and nearly eliminated in all
other age groups.
Liver Cell Transplants
helped our hospital become
the first in Canada to provide
an experimental and potentially
life-saving form of therapy to
improve liver function in babies
suffering from a rare, incurable
disorder. Our specialists are
providing liver cell transplants
to infants suffering from Urea
Cycle Disorders (UCD), a group
of genetic diseases that causes
ammonia to build up in the body.
Left untreated, UCDs cause brain
damage and death within the first
days to weeks of life. The study
is using liver cell transplantation
in addition to conventional
medication to allow long-term
stabilization of ammonia levels
which buys children time until a
matching liver can be found and
Imaging Research
Using new technologies like
the 3T MRI, our brain imaging
scientists will use state-of-the-art
brain mapping and functional
imaging to advance the research
and treatment of pediatric illness
and disease. Their work will help
children with epilepsy, stroke,
brain injury and depression. As
well, our imaging researchers
neurodevelopmental disorders like
autism and attention deficit disorders
(ADD/ADHD). For example, our
team will conduct studies to
identify differences in brain
structure and cognitive function
in children with autism, with the
goal of finding new ways to help
them and their families manage
behavioral challenges. They will
also investigate how differing
levels of medication affect the
ability of children with ADHD
to achieve academic and social
success in school.
Longitudinal Research
Recognizing the importance of
understanding factors influencing
child health and development
over time, our experts intend to
continue providing leadership in
the field of longitudinal research.
Already, our institute is conducting
some of the largest maternal-child
studies in Canada examining key
health issues, including:
• ways to predict, prevent and
treat pre-term birth,
• whether and how a mother’s
diet and nutrient levels
during pregnancy influence
child development, and
• whether and how prenatal
stress impacts a child’s
mental and physical health.
Global Impact
An important part of our research
team’s vision involves finding
answers to global concerns.
One example of that is a new
ACHRI-led national study, the
largest of its kind in Canada,
testing the benefits of a potential
new treatment for gastroenteritis –
the flu. Most cases of diarrhea in
children are caused by infections
from a variety of viruses which
alter the secretion, absorption,
and movement of liquids in
the intestines. Our researchers
believe that treating children
with specific probiotics – live
bacteria strains - can reduce cell
damage, prevent binding and
invasion by the viruses to the
cells and modulate the body’s
immune response, helping kids
recover more quickly. If the study
proves to be successful, findings
can be shared with developing
nations where severe diarrhea
and dehydration resulting from
gastroenteritis are a major cause
of death.
Although her parents are thrilled she helped inspire Dr. Bernier’s
gene discovery, Hannah would personally rather talk about sports
than science. Spunky and energetic, this 9-year-old has her sights set
on becoming a soccer coach.
saved by
experts at
our hospital –
first after
a tragic car
crash and
then while
seizures 10-year-old
Katie is
twice as
much by
her family.
When she
grows up,
she wants
to be just
like her
big sisters,
Natalie and
Regardless of how old we are when
inspiration strikes, or how many
times that vision evolves, we know
that every great accomplishment
begins with a dream. Your generosity
enables our children, families, health
care specialists and researchers to
imagine and strive for a brighter future.
While every little girl may not grow
up to become a princess and all
little boys might not play professional
sports, they are able to dream of
exciting lives ahead - even when they
are sick or injured. Your support helps
our child health team provide them
with hope, help and healing so they
can get back to enjoying life as kids
as quickly as possible.
At the same time, you are helping
our dedicated specialists reach for
their goals as well. Thanks to you,
our experts can build their incredible
skills and expertise even further, gain
crucial new knowledge and provide
our children with world-class care
across all areas of pediatric medicine.
Whether it’s from children choosing
to collect donations instead of
birthday presents, colleagues teambuilding at work or entrepreneurs
giving back to our community –
each and every gift makes a real
difference to our hospital.
received $49 million in fundraising
revenue from generous people like
you. As a result, we were able to
provide more than $39 million
in funding for crucial child health
programs, life-saving specialized
technology and innovative pediatric
research to help children and
families who rely on our hospital
and research institute.
For a complete view of our audited financial statements, please visit www.childrenshospital.ab.ca/financials
It is the compassion and generosity of an entire community that makes excellent healthcare possible for kids and families who rely on the Alberta
Children’s Hospital. Our thanks to the thousands of people, companies, foundations and service clubs who have given time, money and resources
to our hospital throughout its history. In particular, we would like to acknowledge those who donated gifts of $10,000 or more from April 1, 2010 to
March 31, 2013, including those who have chosen to remain anonymous. We would also like to give special thanks to the families and friends who
chose to honour the lives of their loved ones with a gift to our hospital this year.
A Night to Remember Gala
Estate of Verna Leonora Abear
Ace Volleyball Club - Volleython
Activator Investments Inc.
Agrium Inc.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Run for Calgary
Air Canada Foundation
AJM Petroleum Consultants
Akita Drilling Ltd.
Alaris Royalty Corp.
Alberta Cans for Kids
Alberta Cancer Foundation
Alberta Dental Association and
Alberta Royal Purple
Lodges Association
Albi Homes Ltd.
Alix 10k for Kids
Alliance Entertainment Services
Carl and Helen Anderson
Apache Canada Ltd.
ARC Financial Corp. and
ARC Resources Ltd.
Arcan Resources Ltd.
Arrow Electronics Inc.
Jim Ashe
ATB Financial
ATCO Employees Participating in
Communities Fund
ATCO Group
Athabasca Oil Corporation
Ian and Allison Atkinson
Louis and Carmie Auger
Society of Calgary
AvenEx Energy Corp.
Baytex Energy Corp.
Beck Engineering (1992) Ltd.
Lori Bender & Family
Wyatt Benney
Holly Benson
Estate of Pearl Mary Bentley
Estate of Herman Alois Berger
Errol Biebrick - RE/MAX
Jamie and Pamela Biluk
Maria and Michael Binnion
Black Diamond Limited Partnership
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Robert Blanchard
Estate of Anne Blazenko
Blockbuster Canada Co.
Blue Grass Garden Centre
BMO Financial Group &
BMO Employee
Charitable Foundation
Estate of Myrtle Ruth Bodie
Michelle and Steven Boden
Bonasera Pizza Restaurant Ltd.
Bonavista Energy Corporation
Craig and Lynnette Borgland
Hugh and Laureen Borgland
Julia and Jeff Boyce
BP Canada Energy Company
Brandt Tractor Ltd.
Estate of David Clough Braton
Janice and Scott Bratt
Brent & Barbara Fraser Fund at
The Calgary Foundation
Brianne’s L.E.A.P. of Hope
Jay and Nicole Brockhoff & Family
Brookfield Properties
Brookfield Residential
Darlene and Ian Bruce & Family
Bruce and Heather Brunette
Buffalo Target Shooters
Association - Charity Shoot
Building Hope for Kids Gala
Adeen Bunning and Family
Bunt & Associates
Engineering (Alberta) Ltd.
Dedicated to Harrison Burke
BURNCO Rock Products Ltd.
Scott Burns and Tracy M. Wright
BURNSWEST Corporation
David Burton
Business Fore Calgary Kids
Brent H. and Nicole Gabrielle Button
The Cadillac Fairview
Corporation Limited
Cadmus Fund at
The Calgary Foundation
Calgary Chamber of Commerce
Calgary Chinatown Lions Club
Calgary Co-operative
Association Limited
The Calgary Foundation
Calgary Herald
The Calgary Minerva
Fundraising Foundation
Calgary Minor Football
Calgary Motor Dealers Association
Calgary North Hill Lions Club
Calgary Produce
Marketing Association
Camcor Partners
Canada Life
Canada Safeway Limited
Canada Sings
Canadian Business
Aviation Association
Canadian Energy Services LP
Canadian Institute of
Hydrocarbon Measurement
Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Oil Sands Limited
Canadian Pacific
Canadian Progress Club Stampede City
Canadian Sands Incorporated
Canadian Western Bank
Canadians for Global Care Society
Canyon Technical Services
Rod Cavanagh
Cedarglen Homes
Cenovus Energy Inc. &
Employee Foundation
Cequence Energy
Dedicated to Lily Chadwick
Champion 4-H Beef Club
Estate of Mina Douglas Chapman
Arnie Charbonneau
The Charitable Gift Funds
Canada Foundation
Children’s Hospital
Aid Society (CHAS)
Children’s Miracle Network
Child’s Play Charity
Chinook Centre
Chinook Energy Inc.
In honour of Elliott Christie
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada
Suzanne and Todd Chuckry
CIBC Children’s Foundation
Bryan and Catherine Clake
Brian and Joanne Clark & Family
Dedicated to Drew and Piper Clark
Joyce and Jon Clark
Estate of Lorna F. Clogg
Companions in Courage Foundation
Estate of Michael Roe Connors
ConocoPhillips Canada
The Co-operators
Corex Resources Ltd.
Costco Wholesale
Country 105 FM and Q107 FM
Cowgirl Cattle Company
Rick and Linda Cunningham & Family
Ingrid and Richard Dahl
Dairy Queen Canada
Michael Dannish
Darrell and Kim Danyluk
Daughters of the Nile Sakkara
Temple #115
Mike and Laura de Jonge
Dedicated to Adam DeBusschere
Estate of Robert Dekeyser
Devon Canada Corporation
Ken and Connie Dilley
Direct Cash Management Inc.
Disabled Persons Trust
Diversified Staffing Services Ltd.
Gordon and Marion Dixon
Tom and Wilma Dobson
Doodlebug Golf Tournament
Chris Dorland
Doug, Karen & Family
Earls Restaurants Ltd.
The ECL Group of Companies
Edco Financial Holdings Ltd.
Edge School Foundation
Heather and N. Murray Edwards
EECOL Electric Ltd.
Cindy Eeson
EllisDon Construction Services Inc.
EMCO Corporation Waterworks Division
Emerson Process Management
Enbridge Inc.
Encana Corporation &
Encana Cares Foundation
Enerflex Ltd.
Energy Fore Friends
Enerplus Corporation
Estate of William Henry
Samuel Engelke
Engineered Air
ENMAX Corporation
Ensign Energy Services
Enterprise Rent-a-Car
Estate of Christel Erdtmann
Estate of Charlotte Price Evans
Darren and Sara Evans
Evans 2 Design Group
Evolution Presentation Technologies
Extra Life
Ferrari Maserati of Alberta
Financial Management Brokerage Inc.
Claudia and Randall Findlay
George and Pat Fink
The Finkle Family
First Calgary Financial
First Student Canada
FirstEnergy Capital Corp.
and Partners
Brenda and Glen Fischer
Flames Foundation for Life
Bill and Christine Fleming
Fluor Canada Ltd. & Employees
Randy Ford
Four Points by Sheraton Hotel &
Suites Calgary West
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Alta. /
Sask. Provincial Aeries and
Freehold Royalty Trust
G. Boag et al Pediatric Prof Corp.
G4S Security Services (Canada) Ltd.
Galvin Family Trust at
The Calgary Foundation
4-H Alberta
John and Barb Feick
Estate of Vera May Ferguson
Justin and Donna Ferrara
Todd W. Garman and
Deborah Peake
General Mills Canada
Genetic Jungle Run
Gentle Ben Charity Challenge
The George McDougall Ride
of the Mustangs
Annie German
Dedicated to Blake Giles
Estate of Donald Ian
Edward Gillespie
The Giving Tree Foundation
of Canada
GLJ Petroleum
Consultants Ltd.
Global Calgary
Lynn and Rick Grafton
Shea - With help from our hospital’s brain injury specialists,
14-year-old Shea is happy to be recovering from Post-Concussion
Syndrome. Inquisitive and down-to-earth, he’s got his mind set on
becoming a geologist.
Graham Auctions
Grant Production Testing Services Ltd.
Don and Betty Anne Graves
The Great-West Life
Assurance Company
Grey Eagle Casino and Bingo
Michael Grimes
Estate of Peternella Groen
Grosvenor Americas
Groundswell Group Inc.
Allen Hagerman
Christina Hagerty
Halliburton Energy Services
Glenn and Elizabeth Hamilton
In honour of Hudson Harding
The Hardwicke-Brown Family
Harrison McCain Foundation
Harvest Operations Corp.
Robin Harvie
Darlene and Chris Haslam
Barbara and Dr. Robert Haslam
Estate of Norma Daisy Hastie
Haywood Securities Inc.
Heart Beats Children’s Society
of Calgary
Marcy and Dan Hermary
Hockey Marathon for the Kids Mohamed Charanek,
Troy Dashkewytch, Derrick Doyle,
Vivienne Feick, Alex Halat,
Dick Huisman, Bob and Sue Iverach,
Mike Jukic, Scott Logan,
Nick Majkovic, Marco Oliverio,
Steve Parsons
Hockey Marathon for the Kids
John and Denise Hooks & Family
Alexandra, Mackinley and
Easton Hopkins
Estate of Robert Eason Horne
Jim and Pamela Houck
Estate of Eleanor Elizabeth Houston
Mark, Holly, Declan and Duff Houston
Cheryl and Andrew Howden
HPC Energy Services
Alyssa - Relying on care from orthopedic specialists her whole life
has taught Alyssa many lessons. Now this confident and kind-hearted
17-year-old plans on sharing her wisdom with others when she
becomes a teacher.
Dedicated to Ashley Hudema
Estate of Richard Beavan Hughes
Debbie and Brian Hunt
Hunt Consolidated, Inc. /
Hunt Oil Company
Husky Energy
Barbara Ibbotson
Ikaria Canada Inc.
Imperial Group Inc.
Nancy Olsen and Scott Inglis
Interlock Industries (Alberta) Ltd.
Irving Tissue
Randy Jarock and Sandra Muhlenfeld
Jeunesse Classique Ballet Society
Jim and Vicki Wilson Family Fund at
The Calgary Foundation
JOG Management IV Limited
Gwen and Bruce Jones
Jones Brown Inc.
Suzy and Andrew Judson
Just 4 Kidz Foundation at
The Calgary Foundation
The Kaura Family
Kayak Foundation at
The Calgary Foundation
KBV Shepard Energy Centre
Colin Kehler - RE/MAX
Donald Keller
Drs. Barbara and James Kellner
KERN Partners Ltd.
Kerora Farming Co. Ltd.
Keyera Corporation
Kids Cancer Care Foundation
of Alberta
Kids Play 4 Kids Hockey Tournament
Estate of Mildred Sarah Lillian Kine
Kinmark Family Trust
Kinsmen Club of The Stampede City
and Kinsmen Care Foundation
Darren and Karen Kisser & Family
Dedicated to Marshall James Knobben
Saifa and Jerry Koonar
Korn/Ferry International
Estate of Gerald Harry Loiselle
Long & McQuade Musical Instruments
Long Run Exploration Ltd.
Lotus Resources Ltd.
Douglas Loughead
Love & Light Mercy Fund at
The Calgary Foundation
Estate of George Robert Lowe
David and Jill Lyall
Gordon Lackenbauer and
Joyce Trapp
David C. Lake
Lake Breeze Vineyards Limited
Jerry, Anna, Jonah and Logan Lam
The Lamb Hamel Eisler Family
Anthony Lambert and Jacqui Gislason
The Larke Family
Lauren and Martha Rogers
Endowment Fund
Sponsored by Shaw
Communications & Ron Rogers
Jeff and Natalie Lawson
Ledcor Group of Companies
Lehigh Hanson Material Limited
Estate of Harold Levson
Shirley and Dick Liddell
Lloyd & Flo Holdings Ltd.
Brenda and James Mackie
Estate of William D. MacKinnon
Brian and Brenda MacNeill
The MacPhail Family
Macquarie Group Canada
Steve Magus
Magus Engineering Limited
Dedicated to Kaylynn Malmberg
Mamdani Family Trust
Mandarin Oilfield Holdings Ltd.
March IBD Care Foundation
Marmot Concrete Services Ltd.
Marriott Hotels and Resorts Canada
Lyall, Danielle, Diamond and
Freya Marshall
Jeff and Melanie Martin
Kyle Koss
Zubin and Elsa Kothawala
KPMG LLP Chartered Accountants
Kraft Canada Inc.
In honour of Barbara Kranjcec
Rick Krol and Suzanne Malo-Krol
Leon and Kay Kubbernus
Seth - How do you thank people for saving your life? For 9-year-old
Seth, the answer is easy. This compassionate young man is raising
money to help the hospital and plans to follow in the footsteps
of the amazing surgeons who removed the tumor from his spine.
Estate of Peter Anthony Martini
Estate of Antonio Anzo Mattiussi
The Maurice Family
Mawer Investment
Management Ltd.
Maxgreen Windows and Doors Ltd.
M. Ann McCaig
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Estate of Katie McCracken
McDaniel and Associates
Consultants Ltd.
Brett and Debbie McDonald
R. Bruce McFarlane and
Dr. Janice Heard
The McTavish Family
Estate of Helen Johnstone Mears
Allan and Noelle Melnychuk
Mercado Capital Corporation
Customers and Friends of
Merv Giles Trucklines Inc.
Microsoft Canada
Tony and Traci Migliarese & Family
Mike Vail Trucking Ltd.
Estate of Stanley Miller
Miller Thomson LLP
MitoCanada Foundation
Darcy and Lori Moch
Mitchell and Kim Molloy
Martin Molyneaux and Deborah Yedlin
Dedicated to Carolyn Monuik
Estate of Agnes G. Moodie
Colleen and Gregory Moroney &
Patricia and Brian Morrison
Morrison Homes
Reinhard and Elisabeth Muhlenfeld
Murphy Oil Company Ltd.
Nadia’s Run for Asthma
Charitable Foundation
NALCO Champion
National Bank of Canada
Sherri and Derek Neldner & Family
Nestle Canada Inc.
Newalta Corporation
Nexen Inc.
Chieu and Ngoc Ly Ngo
Steve Nielsen and Jessica Park &
Nintendo of Canada Ltd.
Noise Solutions Inc.
Larry Normandeau - RE/MAX
Northstar Ford
Hudson - Looking at 5-year-old Hudson swing his bat, you’d
never know that a life-threatening lung infection almost sidelined
this future major leaguer. Thanks to the experts in the PICU,
Hudson is back to hitting the ball out of the park!
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
Oil City Press Ltd.
Oilmen’s Squash Classic
Oilympic Charity Hockey Tournament
Estate of Rose Olsen
The Olson Family
Olympia Trust Company
One West Events Inc.
Optima Manufacturing Inc.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt
Marge and Stan Owerko
Pace Oil & Gas Ltd.
Pacesetter Directional Drilling Ltd.
Palomino Smokehouse Rock & Roll Rodeo
Parnassos International Trade Inc.
The Pattemore Family
Robert and Jean Patterson
Dr. David Patton
Dean and Lynn Pavlik
Peak Energy Services
Pekarsky Stein
Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Pengrowth Energy Corporation
Penn West Exploration
Marg and Mike Perlette
In honour of Mackenzie Perley
Principals & Staff of
Peters & Co. Limited
Petrobank Energy and Resources Ltd.
PHX Energy Services Corp.
Picture this Digital and
fuze Entertainment Solutions
Dedicated to Riley Pitchford
Pizza 73
Cameron Plewes & Family
Dedicated to Janice Plewes
Joel Poissant and Alexandra
Portfolio Funding Corporation
Chris and Holly Potter
Precision Drilling Corporation
Precision Rostel Industries
President’s Choice Children’s Charity
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Priviti Capital Corporation
Procter & Gamble Inc.
Purdy & Partners Inc.
QV Investors Inc.
Karen Radford and Jason
Grelowski & Family
Rainbow 1997 Fund at
The Calgary Foundation
Estate of Ernest Rast
Ray Baker Memorial Secure Energy Services
Rayne Capital Management
RBC Financial Group &
RBC Foundation
RBC, Phillips, Hager & North
Investment Counsel
Estate of Charles C. Reid
Remington Development Corporation
Renegade Petroleum Ltd.
REV Engineering Ltd.
Dr. Jong Rho & Family
Dedicated to Vi Riddell
C.H. Riddell Family
Jo-Ann and James Riddell
Estate of George H. Ridgeway
Rife Resources Ltd.
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
(Canada) Ltd.
Riverside Spa
Ernest and Adele Roberts
Estate of Martha Robertson
The Robertson Kids Fund
Dave and Drue Robinson & Family
Brian G. Robinson
Rockford Development
Rockwood Custom Homes
Rocky Mountain Aircraft
Ronald and Irene Ward Foundation
Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities
of Canada®
Jeannie and Bob Rooney
Sue and Mike Rose
Rose Foundation
Rotary Clubs of Calgary
Rotary Club of Calgary South
Run Digital
Estate of Bertha Mary Russell
Sophie - Thanks to help from our hospital’s Rheumatology team,
11-year-old Sophie no longer struggles with daily unbearable pain.
Today, the biggest struggle facing this aspiring pastry chef is
coming up with what to bake next!
Sam and Betty Switzer Foundation
Saskatchewan Minerals Inc.
Savanna Energy Services Corp.
Blaine and Diane Sawchuk,
HMSBD Enterprises Inc.
Scamp Transport Ltd.
Dedicated to Marjorie Schneider
Scholastic Book Fairs
Robert and Anne Schrader
Stefan Schulhof
Scotiabank Group
Estate of Roberta Elaine Scott
Beverley and Dr. R. Brent Scott
Sears Employees Charitable Fund
The Seasons Family
SeisWare International Inc.
ServIS Inc.
Richard Seto
Mazhar (Mike) and Linda Shaikh
& Family
Brad and Michelle Shaw & Family
Shaw Communications Inc.
Sherritt International Corporation
Shoppers Drug Mart
Dedicated to Trevor Showalter
Sikh Business and
Professional Club, Calgary
Anna Simons
Gerald and Lenora Simpson
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd.
Rick Skauge
Chris Slubicki and Jocelyne Drouin
Estate of Leon Slyzen
Doug Smith and Laura Daniels
Susie and Don Smith
Don and Maureen Snyder
Joan C. Snyder
The Source
Southern Alberta Electronics
Charity Organization
Specialized Tech Inc.
Spence Diamonds Ltd.
Spencer Gifts (Canada), Inc.
Spirit Halloween
Spray Lakes Sawmills (1980) Ltd.
Springbank Gives Back
Hockey Tournament
Sproule Associates Limited
Stan Poulsen Trucking Ltd.
Estate of Catherine Standfield
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Bob and Pat Steele
Rosslyn and Norman Steinberg
Dedicated to Otto Steiner
The Stephanson Cooke
Family Foundation
Scott and Nicole Stephenson &
The Storoshenko Family
Strategic Charitable Giving
Strategic Group
The Stretch Family
Sunridge RV
Sunshine Gala - Celebrating
The Life of Sofia Kanjee
Bob and Allison Sutton
K. Neil Swanson
Swift Family Foundation
Estate of Anna Elizabeth Szabados
Rafi Tahmazian
Talisman Energy Inc.
Bev, Gord, Debra and
Alexander Tallman
Garry and Carolyn Tanner
TAQA North
TD Bank Group
Inaara - After surviving cancer, 14-year-old Inaara has a much
deeper perspective on life and everything that surrounds her.
She plans to become an environmental chemist and
to focus on making the world a better place.
TD Securities
Peter, Jan, Andre, Alexander
and Andre Tertzakian
Estate of Joan Shirley Teynor
Thoi Bao Community Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ian Thomson
Thomson Reuters
Tim Hortons
Michael and Renae Tims
Pauline and Don Tomkinson
Jeff and Julie Tooth
Totem Charitable Foundation
Tourmaline Oil Corporation
Toys “R” Us Canada
Trail Appliances Ltd.
TransAlta Corporation
TransCanada Corporation
Treherne Resources Ltd.
In honour of Cody Trembecki
Trican Well Service Ltd.
Steve and Sue Trimble
Trinidad Drilling Ltd.
The Truesdale Family
Diane and Daniel Tsubouchi
Drew E. Tumbach
Turkish Canadian Cultural
Association of Calgary
Adam Twa
United Association Local 496
United Way - Donor Choice Program
Urban Systems Ltd.
Estate of Marjorie Joan Urie
Yetunde and Fred Uwaifo
Estate of Leida Van Dellen
Jane and Michael Vernon
Viewpoint Charitable
Foundation / Self
Connection Books
Volker Stevin Canada
Dedicated to Allyson Vollman
Cameron, Julie and Owen Vouri
Estate of Shirley Ann Walkey
Walmart Canada Corp.
The Wanklyn Family
Shannon and Blair Charles Ward
Watson Family Foundation Fund at
The Calgary Foundation
Weatherford Canada
David and Leslie Weekes
Dedicated to Sean Welland
West Canadian
West Springs Cougar Ridge Stampede Breakfast Fundraiser
Bill and Margaret Whelan
Whissell Contracting Calgary Ltd.
Brad and Kristina White
Dr. Beatrice E. Wickett Nesbitt
Dedicated to Alexander
Jacob “Tater” Wieler
Ron and Melissa Wigham & Family
John Williams
Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
Estate of George Edward Windsor
Women of the World
Professional Wagons
Women’s Celebrity Golf Invitational
Woodside Golf Course &
Airdrie Chamber of Commerce
Dedicated to Mackenzy Woolfsmith
Daniel and Jennifer Woolfsmith
WRD Borger Construction Ltd.
Joanna Wright and Drew Tumbach
Sol Perez Wright and John D. Wright
Xtend Energy Services Inc.
YM Inc. Charitable Foundation
Laurene and Robert Yurkovich
Paul Ziff and Anthea Lubinsky
Tanya and Bradley Zumwalt
Our Board of DIRECTORS
The Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation is fortunate to benefit from the energy and expertise of an incredibly dedicated group of volunteers
who provides us with year-round guidance and support. For their time, talents and commitment, our thanks to the Foundation Board of Directors.
Chris Seasons
President, Devon Canada Corporation
Vice Chair
Chris Potter
President & CEO, Peters & Co. Limited
Past Chair
Jim Truesdale
President, Truesdale Financial Group
Kay Best
Roy Boettger, Q.C.
Susan Desbarats
Dale Dusterhoft
Randy Findlay
Dr. Chen Fong
Margaret Fullerton
Darlene Haslam Brenda Huband Corporate Director
Partner, Field Law
Community Member
Chief Executive Officer, Trican Well Service Ltd.
Corporate Director
Professor of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Calgary
Vice President, Alberta Children’s Hospital,
Alberta Health Services
Community Member
Senior Vice President, Calgary Zone,
Alberta Health Services
Dr. James Kellner
Darcy Moch Derek Neldner
Karen Radford Jim Riddell Dr. Brent Scott M.H. (Mike) Shaikh
Steve Stretch Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics,
University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services–
Calgary Zone, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Partner, Bennett Jones
Head, Canadian Energy, and Regional Head,
Alberta, RBC Capital Markets
Executive Vice President, People &
Partners, Enbridge Inc.
CEO, Trilogy Energy Corp.
Director, Alberta Children’s Hospital Research
Institute for Child & Maternal Health
Corporate Director & Independent Businessman
Vice President, Geophysics, Cequence Energy Ltd.
Saifa Koonar
President & CEO,
Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation
Our Patrons’ COUNCIL
The Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation also receives tremendous support from a group of community leaders – including many past Chairs
of the Board - who are long-standing advocates for children’s health. We are extremely grateful for their years of serving as champions for our
hospital and the children and families in our community.
Charles Fischer
Paul and Elizabeth Brandt
Robert and Carole Brawn
David and Cindy Bronconnier
Ian and Darlene Bruce
Jim Dinning and Evelyn Main
Randy and Claudia Findlay
Charles Fischer and Joanne Cuthbertson
Brenda and Glen Fischer
Lori Gall
Don and Betty Anne Graves
Allen Hagerman and Barbara Revay
Richard and Lois Haskayne
Colleen Klein
Sam and Melissa Kolias
Brian and Brenda MacNeill
M. Ann McCaig
Darcy and Lori Moch
Clay Riddell
Nancy Southern and Jonathan Asselin
Jim and Vivian Truesdale
Amara - With help from experts in our hospital’s Infant Head-shape
program, adorable little Amara is raring to go! Mom and dad aren’t quite
sure what she’ll be when she grows up…except for cute, of course.
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW
Calgary, Alberta, T3B 6A8
Telephone: (403) 955-8818
Toll free: 1-877-715-KIDS (5437)
Fax: (403) 955-8840
Email: kids@achf.com
Registered Charitable Organization
13037 3244 RR0001