02 Newsletter Fall 2010 - Cal Fire/San Luis Obispo County Fire


02 Newsletter Fall 2010 - Cal Fire/San Luis Obispo County Fire
CALFIRE/San Luis Obispo County Fire
August/September 2010
San Luis Obispo Unit
Fall 2010
Issue No. 2
Message from Chief Jenkins
I have to admit that it is a strange feeling to write in this month’s newsletter knowing that it will likely be
for the last time. As you all know by now, I will be retiring effective December 2, 2010. It has been a
great 33 years and I have particularly enjoyed the past 13 years in the San Luis Obispo Unit. I feel like I
have now gone full circle, preparing to become a Rookie Retiree in the community where I began my
career as a Rookie Reserve Firefighter.
Inside this issue:
Having been fortunate enough to have worked for both Local Government and in two Cal Fire Units, I
can honestly say SLU is truly a special place to work and live. We have such a unique and diverse
mission here on the Central Coast and the integration with our Cooperative Agreements is so complete
that it is hard to separate one from another. But what really makes this Unit stand out is the people. We
have such an outstanding group of fire service professionals that not only demonstrate their commitment
to public service on a daily basis but also display their compassion for both our residents and our fellow
firefighters by eagerly stepping in to assist families in need.
Battalions 1, 2, 3, 4
Battalions 4, 6
I am very proud of everyone in SLU and feel so fortunate to have worked with all of you. It was a great
honor to serve as your Chief during the past five years and I greatly appreciate your support.
Stay safe, keep up the great work and stay true to our core values,
Ventura Camp
Cuesta Camp History
Gulf Trivia
Weddings, Engagements
Babies, Fundraisers
Special points of
 Fire Prevention Week
October 3-9, 2010
 Burn Relay ~
October 7, 2010
 MDA– “Fill the Boot” Paso Robles ~
October 7, 2010
Integrity, Competence, Teamwork, Courage, Commitment
Message from Deputy Chief Lewin
While the State struggles through the quagmire of the budget process and the citizens look at government employees with disdain, I remain optimistic that our Department will remain strong and meet our
clear mission of protecting life, property and natural resources. While some agencies are centralized in
Sacramento, our Department’s strength is in the Counties we serve. Further, our Department culture
values small unit leadership. Our Captains and HFEOs, under the leadership of our Battalion Chiefs,
make “stuff” happen.
It is Captains and HFEO’s whether on fire crews, fire engines, fire dozers, in the ECC, at the airbase or
in critical staff positions who are leading out front and pushing their people to train and perform. As
long as we can keep focused on our ability to rapidly and effectively dispatch emergencies, respond on
well maintained equipment and upon arrival at the emergency provide the necessary skills, strategies and
ingenuity to mitigate that emergency, we will remain an excellent department. It is not Unit Chiefs and
Division Chiefs who make the difference; it is boots on the ground being led by competent leaders who
know how to safely take care of an incident. Now is not the time to be complacent. Now is the time to
rally within your command responsibilities and motivate your people to be the best. The public expects
it, we expect it, and you expect it.
The race is now on between the fall rains and the fall winds. We do not know which will win. Remember
winds change directions, always. Expect it.
I was very proud of all the people who volunteered their time to help people when in need. So many of
you assisted our brothers and sisters at SLO City Fire with the honorable funeral of their chief. The
hugely successful fundraiser in support of Garon Coalwell and his wife Laurie was amazing and only
happened because many of you decided it was important to help the CAL FIRE family. I am so proud to
be associated with all of you.
This is what we do. This is who we are.
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San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
Battalion 1 - 3411 ~ Phill Veneris
BC 3411— Went to Australia in June to represent CAL FIRE as part of the Bushfire CRC/Department of Homeland Security Joint symposium. Veneris also wrote a new Truck Trail Agreement that will allow access along Toro Creek from Highway 1 to Highway 41. In
cooperation with the Morro Bay Fire Department and the Cayucos Fire Department, the Estero Bay Community Emergency Response
Team met for the first time in July. The 45 members will meet quarterly and are available to assist during emergencies throughout the
Station 10 - Worked with Cambria Fire Department to complete inspections of all properties in Cambria. As a team, they inspected both
improved and unimproved properties and applied applicable laws to gain compliance. The Cambria Pre-Attack Plan initiated by Battalion
1 Staff and completed by SLU GIS Staff was presented to the Cambria Community Services District Board of Directors and well received.
Station 11 – Staff continued to work on VMP projects in the Toro Creek area as well as the North Ranch and Coon Creek area. LE 100s
was finalized in the Santa Rita Creek and Moro Toro areas. A multi company drill was conducted with Station 12 for CSR Public Information Officer Julie Hutchinson to film a mock rope rescue along the San Luis Obispo coast.
Station 12 – Besides the multi company drill with Station 11, Station 12 completed brushing the new Reservoir Canyon Truck Trail and
completed several drills with San Luis Obispo Fire Department. Station projects included a new roof and women’s restroom remodel.
Station 14 –Company 14 is in a very busy rebuilding phase after the loss of several key members this spring. While there are only about 7
approved members, the drills have been well attend with sometimes at least 15 attendees. It is hoped that many of them will complete the
PCF Academy and other training this fall and be responding by the beginning of 2011.
Station 15 - Staff continued to work on the 2nd and 3rd inspections for the Hazard Abatement program as well as completing a new program in Los Osos that focuses on increasing the visibility of Addresses and Street Signs. This program is currently running on the local
provider television channel and will soon be on the new Los Osos CSD Website. Station 15 was a FEMA Evaluated Drill Site during the
Diablo Nuclear Power Plant Drill and reportedly received high ratings.
Battalion 2 - 3412 ~ Bill Fisher
Battalion 2’s news is covered in other corresponding sections. (See retirements, weddings, babies, etc…)
Battalion 3 - 3413 ~ Steve Crawford
Battalion 3’s news is covered in other corresponding sections. (See retirements, weddings, babies, etc…)
Battalion 4 - 3414 ~ Tim Eckles
I am very pleased with the Initial Attack response this summer – “keeping them small” in the North County.
BC’s Veneris and Crawford command, operation and transition to the LPF Team during the Pozo Fire was exceptional and assured continuous firefighting and ultimately containment of the 1300 acre fire with significant potential. Their leadership promoted excellent relations with LPF Team and LPF Operational staff. It also made my job – Unified IC and Agency Rep enjoyable – thanks to Phill & Steve.
I arranged a meeting for 3468, 3465 & 3477 to meet with the Redwind Indian leaders – Ernie Longwalker and Warrior Woman on their
property west of Redhill Road at the north end of Fernandez Road; this was an opportunity to appreciate concerns of this indigenous
group and appreciate native heritage.
Down aircraft on Soda Lake: August 30 - An “F-16 pilot” takes his personal float plane out for a flight with two passengers, destination (no
flight plan filed) – Santa Margarita Lake to go for a swim. Return trip they crash land on Soda Lake – plenty of mud & salt but NO water
this time of year. PCF 42 Operator Lisa Marone first at scene as Kern Sheriff Air 5 begins to lift passengers from the wreckage and mud.
BLM was not pleased with the environmental damage to the surface of Soda Lake.
San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
Page 3
Battalion 4 Continued - 3414 ~ Tim Eckles
Battalion 4—3414 Tim Eckles
Station 40
S212 class presented by FAE George Huang.
Station 41/42
Elk sightings at 58 & Bitterwater, 46 & Parkfield & East Pozo Roads; they are in rut and calling in their mates; Antelope Herd – buck
with does – at 58 & Sodalake Road & 58 & Bitterwater; Developing a “landshark response plan”.
Station 43
Kirk Gramberg & Kevin McLean training/preparation for Kevin’s assignment to POST this winter.
Creston Rodeo – influx of several thousand visitors behind Station 43; no severely broken cowboys or cowgirls this year. FC 36 Jesse
Ryan & Team won the Sort and Brand.
Battalion 4 ~ Summer 2010
Battalion 6 - 3416 ~ Steve Reeder
Station 62
E62 is fully in service, after working a few bugs out. The community has shown much interest in it and the kids love it. They go through a
Steve here.
of stickers
Have been involved in the Bay Estate’s Emergency Preparedness Planning process and gave a presentation, alongside representatives
from Red Cross and PG&E, regarding fire safety, emergency evacuations and disaster preparedness.
Bids have arrived for the engine bay expansion project. We look forward to the groundbreaking and are excited about the new plans for
our station.
Great progress was made by our hand crews at the Cave Landing parking area. A huge amount of brush has been removed, creating a
large fire buffer zone between the parking area and the wildland. The Avila Beach CSD has expressed much thanks for the good work of
the crews and personnel involved.
Station 63
On August 20th we placed in-service a new model 34 Fire Engine. It is the newest engine for CAL FIRE/San Luis Obispo County
fleet. The new apparatus has many new capabilities that the past engine did not have, one of which is four-wheel drive.
Station 64
We conducted a joint training drill with Station 62 PCF’s and Station 64 Reserve’s on Low Rise Search and Evacuation and Elevator Control functions. Our Reserves also designed and completed the build-up of a portable metal ventilation prop. We are hoping to get a lot of
use out of this over the next couple of months. We have five new rookie firefighters who have begun training and working on their task
books. Station staff have been actively conducting business inspections in our downtown areas and working on preparing preplans.
We just wrapped up another exciting Junior Lifeguard season. The 104 Junior Lifeguard participants had a great time learning about the
ocean, valuable lifesaving techniques, and competing with other Junior Lifeguards from throughout the state. As summer comes to a
close we have started scaling back our Lifeguard coverage to just weekends.
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San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
National Fire Prevention Week – October 3-9, 2010
Smoke Alarms: A sound you can live with ~ Please make sure your home has working
smoke detectors!
Pre-Fire News
We have been able to make a lot of progress this quarter! Soon you will be using the products that we have been working on
over the past year. SLU Pre-Fire has been very successful at getting funding from a variety of sources that will improve the
information available to incoming responders, dispatch, and the citizens we serve.
By now you all should have received the Cambria, West Atascadero, and Upper Los Berros Pre-Attack Plans. These maps
have received national attention and there is talk of producing these types of maps Statewide. Soon to be released will be the
Tsunami pre-plans as well. These maps have been funded through County OES. We are pleased to announce that they have
funded 3 additional WUI Pre-Attack Plans in the focus areas of Eastern Arroyo Grande, Oak Shores, Heritage Ranch and a
re-print of the Park Hill Plan.
I’m also pleased to report that the SLU fuel reduction program is leading the southern region. By spring we will have completed 12 Community Chipping Events, and 14 FireSafe Council Fuel Breaks. We were also fortunate to receive 2011 funding for Phase 2 of the See and Davis Canyon Projects. This project is headed by Captain Donnelly and is a great example of
home owners, county and state collaborations. Work in this area will continue through the winter and into next summer.
Website News
The CALFIRESLO.ORG website continues to receive a large amount of traffic. During this quarter alone, this site received
415,571 hits with the training page leading with 13,115 hits; followed by operations stations 7,566; then this newsletter with
1,422. New sites added this quarter are the “Is Your Home Ready” page which focuses on home owner preparedness, and
the CAL FIRE, “Ready, Set, Go” program. If you have pictures or information that you would like to see on our site please
contact Greg Alex.
The FSCSLO.ORG website is completed and has received 19,435 hits to date. This site highlights the County FireSafe
Council activity as well as public information on fuel reduction projects and homeowner prevention material. The FireSafe
produced video and public pamphlets are also here. Also added are the fuel reduction project maps. If you have comments
or suggestions that would be appropriate for this site please contact Greg Alex.
Resource Management Update
Our primary focus at the moment is trying to get several proposed VMP projects approved so that the Unit can conduct a
number of prescribed burns between now and Thanksgiving. We have 5 burns planned totaling around 3,500 acres that
should be ready as soon as the weather windows open. The first of these likely to happen is the Mankins/Allan project out
next to Huasna. This one is 525 acres and may happen as early as next week.
We're also coordinating several grant funded projects that the Cuesta crews are involved with as well as some contract
work. Some of these include prep work for the burns described above and
some are regular fuel reduction projects. Whenever you're around Avila, I
would encourage you to ride up to the top of Cave Landing road and look
at the fine work that Cuesta did up there. We completed about 6 acres of
brush removal on a project done in cooperation with the Sheriff's office.
Please call if you have any questions.
More Prevention “happenings”… On Saturday,
September 24, 2010, Home Depot in Atascadero held their
Safety Fair - Wonderful community response and Station 30
provided support to the event.
San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
Page 5
Promotions, Transfers, Accomplishments, Etc...
New To SLU ~
HFEO Doug Bungarz from LMU in August.
Linda Dukes ~ County Finance HQ
New Firefighter s hired in August:
Lamond Brooks
Congratulations to the following Fire Captains for
their intra-unit reassignments.
Fire Captain Tony Ramirez to Fire Prevention
Fire Captain Trish Raye to ECC Fire Captain
Josh Taylor to Paso Station 30 effective the
end of fire season.
Travis Hemenez
Captain Promotions!
Victor Low
Louie Ermigaret - Station 42
Damien Juarez - ECC
Clint Marselek - Station 33
Marvin Statler
Aziz Syed
Nathan Wright
Jesse Houk - August 31
Bob Bergstrom
A badge pinning at the South Bay
Training Center was held on Monday,
September 27, 2010. Congratulations to
our “new” SLU Captains!
Mike Pezzoli
Awards and Recognition
Tom Swanson was certified as an Air Tactical
Group Supervisor (ATGS)
after two weeks training at
Paso Robles Air Attack
Base. Way to go Tom!
On August 4, 2010, Station 12 held a Surprise Pizza Party for Yoder during their monthly PCF Drill. FF Yoder
was honored for his continued dedication to Fire Prevention.
During the Mid State Fair 2009 and 2010 PCF Yoder worked diligently setting up / taking down CAL FIRE display
area, and worked every day of the fair.
Yoder was the lead for both shifts 11 AM to 11PM.
He continues to support Fire Prevention programs and activities - with dedicated Fire Fighters like Yoder we are
making the difference. Congratulations and Thank you to FF Yoder!
Kudos! Job Well Done!
(Message forwarded by Geoff Money)
We received a patient from Nipomo this evening whose house apparently was filled with smoke and may have been on fire. I
wanted to pass on our appreciation of the Cal Fire crew. Captain Deleo and his engine crew came to the emergency room and expressed their concern for the patient and provided important historical information that I feel was very helpful in the patients disposition and future care.
I greatly appreciate Captain Deleo and his crew going out of their way to ensure we had the complete history and information to be
able to care for the patient.
Kris Lyon, MD, EMT
Attending Emergency Physician,
Arroyo Grande Community Hospital
Page 6
San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
Ventura Camp 2010
Submitted by Deputy Chief Lewin
“Recognition goes to
Ventura Camp
personnel and the CCC
Camarillo Center
leadership and staff
on working hand in
hand in putting
together this
important program.”
On September 15, the Fire Crew Preparedness Exercise
(“Bautista”) for the new Camarillo Crew 21 and 22 fire crews was
held. The fire crew’s performance exceeded all of our expectations
for a CAL FIRE Type 1 crew. Present at the exercise were several
chief officers from Ventura County Fire, the Ventura County Fire
Crew, Center Director Chris Rochte and her staff from the Camarillo Center and several captains from Ventura Camp who were
assisting in the exercise.
At the Camarillo Center the crews were standing in formal formation waiting for instruction from their CAL FIRE Captains. The
crews were in CCC purchased blue Fire T-Shirts, blue BDU pants
and uniform blue ball caps. All the crew members met the CAL
FIRE grooming standard.
They loaded-up in the CAL FIRE Emergency Crew Transport (ECT). Upon arrival at the
training site, in full PPE, the firefighters tooled up within the required time frame for a tool and equipment inspection. All
equipment was well maintained and the firefighters responded well to all the safety questions they were asked. Several of the
firefighters were randomly selected and had to don a fire shelter for time. Every one
of them completed it without mistake and within the time frames.
The crews then began a three mile hike on steep ground. The crews were disciplined and proud. They maintained there “dime” at all times and orders were passed
up and down the line appropriately. The Captain and the Conservationist 1 who
supervise the crew were in charge and well respected.
After completing the hike well within the time frames, the crews began a two hour
cut in chaparral, including poison oak, over steep ground. The crews had to build
trenches, simulate a retardant drop and a spot fire. The temperature was hot and
dry. Both crews performed at a high caliber.
As a strike team, Camarillo Crew 21 and 22 have been on several fires both in mopup/cold trailing situations and on hot line with fire that was burning with rapid rates
of spread. All performance reports from line supervisors had excellent marks.
Recognition goes to Ventura Camp personnel and the CCC Camarillo Center leadership and staff on working hand in hand in
putting together this important program. For the first time in over two years we now have a total of 5 CAL FIRE Type 1 Fire
Crews in Ventura.
Story from the Vault ~ Cuesta Camp History…
Submitted by Earl Schlickheiser, Retired Forestry Work Project Foreman
Cuesta Camp was opened in 1961 shortly after the Weverly Fire. The Weverly Fire burned 60,000 Acres
from the Monterey County line to Chimney Rock. Dean Cummings was the first camp Superintendent.
Along with Dean, Darrel Randall and Ron Swacker from Slack Canyon Camp in Monterey came to help.
The state decided that they needed a camp in San Luis Obispo because the next camp south was in
Orange County. The camps to the north were Slack Canyon and Ben Lomond.
The 21 man crews at the time were used to cut the Cuesta Ridge fire break, the Rocky Butte truck trail and
the fuel break around Hearst Castle. The crews also put in storage tanks around San Luis Obispo County
for fire defense. Cuesta crews also built the rock wall around the Morro Bay History Museum. Back then
the Forestry work project Foreman or Fire Captains, ran four 21 man crews out of a bus with 12 inmates
swinging brush hooks.
San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
Page 7
Training News
Training has been notified of a new program from State Training involving the Advanced Firefighter course. As of
January 1, 2011 the old Advanced Firefighter curriculum will no longer be accepted for certification. Starting
July 1, 2011 all personnel will need to use the new curriculum. There are a couple of important things to note with
this change.
1. You can transfer your old information to the new book if you cannot get it completed in time. Staple your old book
to the new one for records.
The Book must be completed within 15 working months after initiation.
3. Effective July 1, 2011, all Firefighter I, Limited term TAU and LT Firefighter II’s selected to attend either
the FFA or COA must have completed both the Basic and Advanced Training. We will schedule set testing date
for employees to take their examination. Please do not come in to take your test anytime other than the dates below:
Wednesday, October 20th 2010, Monday, November 15th 2010, and Friday, December 17th 2010
at the South Bay Training Center @ 10:00 a.m.
Note: if you have not started an advanced book do not use the old curriculum. Contact Captain Britton in Training for
additional information.
PCF Academy
begins in
November ~
Please ensure
PCF’s are
prepared for the
recent email
from Captain
Britton ~ Thanks!
With the looming training cycle, it is time to reconvene our Training Committee meetings. Last year we were able to
move some very significant programs forward. This year, the items we prioritized will take every bit as much effort.
With personnel movement around the Unit, I must request that Battalions, Camps, ECC, Prevention and Service Center,
through your supervisors, submit the name of the representative to the committee.
An Agenda will be produced several days before the meeting. If there is a topic that is high priority to your "shop" or is
not, you can gauge your attendance with other priorities on your schedule.
In keeping with our Thursday schedule, let's schedule every 2nd Thursday of the month starting with:
October 14, 2010 ~ SBTC at 1000hrs. Contact Captain Kay for additional information.
Importance of Spell Check…
Submitted by Teddy Borja, FAE/P
Cna you Raed Tihs?
“Aoccdrnig to a reersach peapr at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deson't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be
a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by
it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.” -Dave Fisher, About.com Guide
Over the years, most of us have read emails or seen similar passages as the one above once more
proving the human brain is an amazing organ. Part of this three pound mass enables us to wade
through spelling errors and grammatical mistakes so we may read comfortably and receive the basic
point. On the downside, this can also hinder one’s writing abilities, especially proofreading, potentially
discrediting the author. While completing forms and reports are a part of our job, these forms, be it a
CAIRS report, LE-66, PCR, incident report, or even an ME-14, are reviewed and can be potentially utilized in legal proceedings, continuation of patient care, accident review, and other formal processes.
Here are a few simple tips to help in writing:
-Use spell check or a dictionary if unsure on a word’s usage or spelling.
-Use proper grammar and avoid slang.
-Proofread your work (consult a co-worker for review too)
Use spell check or a
dictionary if unsure
on a word’s usage or
-Be thorough and complete.
As part of the SLU QA/QI Committee, I review several reports per week and
see many great reports. If you have any questions feel free to contact Engineer Borja.
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San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
Retiree Happenings… Submitted by Mike Medico
Retired FC Mike Medico and his wife Diane recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a trip
to Paris, France and had a Lunch at the Royal Palace of Versailles (with a wine toasting to the event.) on
August 7, their special Anniversary day.
FC Medico notes that since retiring from CDF in May of 2008 he has visited, Germany, France, Mexico
(3 times), China, Greece, Italy, Canada (two times), Saint Maarten (Netherland Antilles), and 7 US States.
There have also been four cruises in the itinerary!
All this traveling while remaining a very active member of Fire Company 36/Meridian Station.
He is doing his best to prove that there is life after CAL FIRE!
More Retiree Fun… Submitted by Dave Gowan
“Dave Gowan
would like to
report that
Back in June a group of SLU retirees traveled north in an RV caravan first to Siskiyou
County to visit Dan Trabucco at his home on
the Scott River, then north to Bend, Oregon
where we visited with Rick and Karen Clawson.
While in Bend, one afternoon was spent rafting
a portion of the Deschutes. The part of the
river shown in the pictures is called 'The Big
Eddy'. We are 'shooting the Big Eddy'. Shown
in the pics are Dave Gowan, Dayton and
Norma Schroeder, Mike and Linda
Abarca, and Max, our river guide. In
two other boats were Ed and Jeanine Dowling; Steve and Kathleen Vaughn,
Rick and Karen Clawson; Pat, Valerie and Cole Marshall.
Soon-to-be-Retired Chief Jenkins!
Save the Date for Chief Jenkins’ Retirement Party
Sunday ~ December 5, 2010
Chief Jenkins is sailing off
into the Retirement...
Cayucos Veterans Hall
More Details will follow, but for now…
Save the date...
San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
Page 9
Interesting Information from the Gulf...
Submitted by Mike Harkness
Mike Harkness, Jim Neumann, Bob Neumann, and Dan Turner have all been
assisting in the gulf coast oil spill. Bob was working as an Operations Chief with a
National Parks Type 1 team in Alabama, and Jim, Dan and Mike were all working
as ICS Consultants to the Coast Guard. Mike and Dan each did one 3 week stint,
and Jim did two tours for a total of 90 days.
Also, Cal Fire’s own GIS Specialist Joe Larson was assigned to the Gulf for GIS
Aerial view of part of the spill...
More Gulf Trivia…
Joe Larson, GIS
Technician, had the
unique experience
to go to the Gulf
and assist for the
SERT (State
Response Team)
during the oil spill
disaster ...
Submitted by Joe Larson, GIS Technician
Joe had a wonderful opportunity to take an assignment at the Florida State EOC assisting with GIS. His duties were to relieve Emergency Management by helping process
geotagged photos to a web viewer, maintain an Interactive GIS web application, produce maps, etc. It was great experience to help with a different response than fire mapping in the Plans Section – but it was similar because it used ICS. The people working
for the State Emergency Response Team for the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill were
very intelligent, helpful and trained. He is very thankful for the opportunity which came
as a EMAC request through Cal EMA. Joe hopes to share his experiences further with
anyone who has questions, GIS User Groups and with CAL FIRE / Cal EMA.
Burn Relay Information
Alisha Ann Ruch Burn Relay
“Annual Central Coast Fire Chiefs Relay”
October 7, 2010
The Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation (AARBF) is a California-based nonprofit organization dedicated to
preventing burns and fires and providing services to those who have been affected by a burn injury. AARBF
brings together health care providers, firefighters, emergency workers, burn survivors and others to enhance
the quality of life for burn survivors and to make burn injuries a thing of the past.
Captain Steven Knuckles, Morro Bay Fire Department is again organizing this wonderful annual event.
Contact Es in Prevention for more information on the relay. Information is also available on the website at
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San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
♥ Engagement ~ Wedding ♥
Corrin Clark
Brent Lee
were engaged
September 3, 2010
Their Happy Day is planned for
On August 14, 2010 Jeff and
Lacey Smith were married in
Atascadero Congratulations to
St. Patrick’s Day 2012!
Congratulations Corrin and Brent!
Mr. and Mrs. Smith!
CAL FIRE CRIB CROWD… (Babies! Babies! Babies!)
Congratulations to Josh
and Jamie Heinbach, with
the birth of their new son ~
Clay was born Friday,
August 13, 2010 at 12:33
a.m. weighing in at
7 lbs 14 ozs.
Congratulations Mark and Laurie Donnelly on the birth of
their new son “Zoltar” Donnelly! A Baby Shower was held at
HQ on 8/26/10 in celebration of the new little one. On
September 14, 2010, 9:25 p.m. Knox Glenn Halas-Donnelly (his
real name!) weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz and 21.5 inches long.
Congratulations to the Donnelly’s!!
Proud Daddy Jason “Vesty”
Vesterfelt with his new son
“Greatest and most
profound day of my
Jason and Jillian Vesterfelt along with big brother Michael welcomed Baby Stacy Clay into their lives 8/23/10 at 10:41 a.m. Baby
Stacy weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and 20 inches long.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Vesterfelt Family!
San Luis Obispo Unit
Issue No. 2
Page 11
CAL FIRE CRIB CROWD … Continued...
Neal and Marisela Moriarty are new parents to a Baby Girl! Kiara Moriarty joined her
family on June 9, 2010.
Isaiah Van Zee and Cassandra had a baby boy born on July 29, 2010~ Elias Van Zee was
born at 0757 hrs and weighed 7lbs. 11 oz. ~ 19 1/2” long.
Successful Fundraiser for the Coalwell’s
The Lauri & Garon Coalwell Ride for Life Benefit and Bar-B-que was an overwhelming success. The Coalwell’s would like to thank everyone who came
out to support this cause. It was ever apparent that CAL FIRE is indeed an
extended family.
The last total indicated the event was such a huge success it generated over
$33,000.00!! Amazing and inspiring…
MDA Fundraiser
All were invited to participate in MDA/CAL FIRE’s First Fill The Boot Drive of the year. It
was in Cayucos, Friday ~ September 24th, from 0800 to 1700. All participants received a Fill the
Boot for MDA T-shirt. The MDA thought we would bring in $1000.00 from the small beach town
of Cayucos….. WE SAW THAT GOAL AND TOTALLY PASSED IT!!! Bringing in
As you all know this is a great cause and last year we had a blast doing the drives in Paso Robles
and Atascadero, bringing in over $7500.00. This year the goal is to do even better. There will be at
least 3 planned for this year.
MDA Upcoming
October 7, 2010—Paso
Robles, Niblick at the
Walmart exit
If you have questions, please contact Jay P. Alba at
(805) 712-5944 – (please leave a message)
Upcoming date for 2010:
Paso Robles 10/07/10- Niblick at the Wal-Mart exit.
Toys for Tots
On Friday, September 10, 2010 the Toys for Tots had a Charity Golf Tournament at
the Trilogy Golf Course at the Woodlands in Nipomo. Before the golf tournament
began they had a military Honor Guard do a flag ceremony in honor of Sept 11th.
Station 20 and 22 were invited by Toys for Tots to be guest of honor at this ceremony.
Station 22 Personnel with
the Honor Guard
Just before the ceremony ME20 and E3467 had to leave for a call.
Website Information:
New link added to the CALFIRE “are you ready” website. This site
gives the public detailed information for them to prepare for the
upcoming fire season.
Please submit your articles, information, pictures, etc., to:
Fire Safe Council
Naomi McCormack
635 North Santa Rosa Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Email: Naomi.mccormack@fire.ca.gov
Chipping program completed in East Arroyo Grande, Nipomo.
Planning events in Station 36 and 40’s areas. Presenting
Mastication projects in the Cambria and Diablo areas.
To serve and safeguard the people and protect the property and
resources of San Luis Obispo County through education preparedness
and emergency response.
The San Luis Obispo County Fire Department will exceed expectations
and maintain the highest standards of preparedness, training, and
emergency response.
Core Values
Integrity, Competence, Teamwork, Courage, Commitment
The CDF Benevolent Association provides assistance to employees and their families during times of
financial need. Many families have benefited from their generosity. Most recently, the family that lost their
home in Paso Robles due to a fire toured Station 12. The Benevolent Association was able to assist the family which includes small children with some monetary assistance and a tour of Station 12. Thank you Station
12 staff for accommodating the family with a tour and “Smokey goodies”!
If you would like to make a donation to the Association, checks can be mailed to:
San Luis Obispo County Benevolent Association
Post Office Box 3095
Paso Robles, CA 93447