Penthouse Collection
Penthouse Collection
H H H H H H H H H H H H T E S U O H N T O I N T E P LEC L O C T SH OES BY E LLI E T om l lies w .e ww T PAGE 02 s.c hoe PH311 Audrey 1.888.771.8388 NewPH311-Betty-Sue ump Peep-Toe P c ri b a F g -Gin 3” Psycho t Trim. n te a , Teal. with P ed, Fuchsia R , k c la B Color: Size: 5-12 PH511-Paige 4.5” Microfiber Satin Peep-Toe. Color: White/Black, Black/Red, Black/Fu chsia. Size: 5-12 PH311-Audrey New 3” Satin Peep-Toe Pump wit Sat in Whip-Stitch and Bow Details . Color: Pink, Black, Red, Leopar d. Size: 5-12 PAGE 03 m m m m m m m o c . s e o m melliemsh m m . www m m m m mNew PH321-Leila-L m aped Pump 3” Babydoll Toe Sh ard Print. in Pony Hair Leop e. Leopard, Turquois Color: Red, Black, Size: 5-12 m m PH455-Molly 4” Patent Mary-Jane. Color: Black. Size: 5-12 m m m PH321-Leila m 3” Babydoll Toe Shaped Pump in Solid Pate nt. Color: Black, Blue, White, Red, Fuchsia, Yellow, Turquoise. Size: 5-12 m m m PAGE 04 m ew Nm PH313-Misty 3” Satin and Patent Semi-Pointy Pump. Embellished with Faux Screws. Color: White, Red, Purple. Size: 5-12 m m ! y a d r to m m r pai you 8 8 3 8 . 1 7 7 . 8 1.88 r o f l Cal m s e o h S e s u o h t n Pe ollection C b y m Ellie m m m m m m m m m m m m m m PH311-Loribelle m m m m 3” Polka-Dot Satin Peep-Toe Pump with Bow Detail. Color: Red Size: 5-12 ew Nm m m m m PAGE 05 H H Pentho Shoes C use ollection H PH459-Niki H H H H H H PH315-Mae-L 3” Mule Sandal in Po ny Hair Leopard Prin t. Color: Turquoise, Leopard, Red. Size: 5-12 H New New H PH315-Mae 3” Mule Sandal in Solid Patent. Color: Black, Red, White, Fuchsia. Size: 5-12 PAGE 06 H 4.5” Unit with 1/2” Pl atfor m. Patent Rhinestone Sa ndal. Color: Black Size: 5-12 H New PH315-Grable e 3” Classic T-Strap Peep-To th wi t ten Pa id Sol Sandal in Leopard Print Insole. d, Color: Black, Oxblood Re Fuchsia. Size: 5-12 H PH459-Mercedes 4.5” Unit with 1/2” Pl atfor m. Lamy Sandal with Rh inestone Ankle Bracelet. Color: Black Size: 5-12 PH459-Cher 4.5” Unit with 1/2” Platfor m Mule Sand al. Color: Clear/Black Size: 5-12 H H PH511-Claire H H im 4.5” Patent with Satin Tr l. D’Orsay Sanda Color: Black/Fuchsia, k. White/Black, Red/Blac Size: 5-12 PH459-Sabrina H 4.5” Unit with 1/2” Pl atfor m. Corset-Back Satin Sa ndal. Color: Black, Pink, White, Red. Size: 5-12 PAGE 07 New PH451-Clara V 4.5” Heel with 3/4” Platfor m ent. Peep-Toe Sling-Back in Solid Pat . Red Color: Black, White, Oxblood Size: 5-12 New PH523-Ginger 5” Heel with 1” Platform Satin Leopard X-Band Mule Sandal with Satin Ruffled Trim. Color: Black, Red, Fuchsia. Size: 5-12 V V riane 504-Ma PH oe with 3/4” 4.5” Satin Peep-T rm. Concealed Platfo k. ac Bl d, Color: Re Size: 5-12 PH523-Veronica V PAGE 08 5” Patent Sandal with 1” Platform. Natural Raffia Heel and Platform. Color: Green, Black, Red, White. Size: 5-12 H H V V 1.888 H H H H H H H H H H .771.8 388 www.ellie V V V V H V llection o C s e o h S e s u o Penth H se Collection il e l E V V V V Penthou H H V shoes by H V V V -Pam PH451 4.5” Peep Toe with 3/4” Concealed Platfrom. Color: White/Red, Black/Red. Size: 5-12 New PH451-Harlow H V 4.5” Heel with 3/4” Platform Peep-Toe Pump in Faux Pony Hair Zebra or Leopard Suede. Color: Red, White, Leopard. Size: 5-12 PAGE 09 T T ose T PH423-R Concealed Platfor m. T 4.5” Peep Toe Pump with 3/4” ite. k/White, Red/White, Black/Wh Color: Black, White/Black, Pin Size: 5-12 PH423-Bardot T 4.5” Plain Pump with 3/4” Concealed Platfor m. Color: Black PU, White, Red, Black Patent. Size: 5-12 PH423-Min nie T 4.5” T-Strap Satin T Mule Pump with 3/4” Concealed Platfor m. Color: Blue/White, Black/White, Red/Black, White/Black. Size: 5-12 TNew PH451-Myrna T 4.5” Heel with 3/4” Platfor m Spectator Pump. Color: Black, Oxblood Red. Size: 5-12 PAGE 10 T T T T y t h g u a N or Nice T T T T T T T T T E I L L E Y LL ECTION B O C E S U O PENTH T T T T T T T T T T T T BrownT T T T lack B New T PH423-Garbo 4.5” Heel with 3/4” Concealed Platform Fabric and Patent Mary-Jane Pump with Cut-Out Design in Strap. Color: Brown, Black. Size: 5-12 T T T w w w. e l l ie s h oe .com T T T T T T PAGE 11 H PH475-Rocky 4.5” Open Toe, Partially Concealed Wedge. Color: Plaid, Cherry, Black / Wood. Size: 5-12 New H PH454-De siree 4.5” Polka Dot Print with Sling Back Wedge. Color: Black, White, Red. Size: 6-10 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H w. ww oes esh elli om .c H H H H s oe Sh y b !! lie l E H H H H H H PAGE 12 H H H H H H H H New H PH454-Mary-Lou 4.5” Flower Print Fabric Mule Sandal on Cork and Natural Raffia Covered Wedge. Color: Black, Sage, Red. Size: 6-10 H PH454-Melanie 4.5” Natural Raffia Wedge, Par tially Concealed. Peep-Toe with Slingback in Gingham. Color: Red, Green, Yellow, Black. Size: 6-10 H PH454-Pa ige 4.5” Microfiber Satin Peep-Toe Wedge. Color: Black/Red, White/Black, Black/Fuchsia. Size: 6-10 H H H 8 8 3 8 . 71 .7 8 8 1.8 H H H PH475-Kat 4.5” Cork Wedge Pump with Detailed TattooEmbroidery. Color: Black, Leopard, Black PU. Size: 5-12 H PAGE 13 F F F F F F F F F F PH609-Randy H 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m Open Toe Pump. Color: Red, White, Black. Size: 5-12 F H F PH609-Sue Anne 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platform. Gingham and Patent Peep-Toe Sandal. Color: Red, Black/Red. Size: 5-12 F PH609-Peggy H 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m. Gingham and Lace Peep-Toe Slingback Sandal. Color: Red, Black, Pink. Size: 5-12 H H F F F F F F F F F F F F New H PH609-Annabelle 6” Wood Print Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m. Color: Red, White, Black. Size: 5-12 PAGE 14 H H F F F F H H o e s COLLECTION F H H H H H F H H H F F F H F H F HH F H F F F F F h H F s H F F H F F F F PENTHOUSE F H F H F PH609-Cleo New 6” Wood Print Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m. Color: Cherry, Leopard. Size: 5-12 F H F H H H 1.888 . 771. 8388 F H H H w. s. ww hoe ies ell com F H F H H H H H F ES SHO BY E L L I E PAGE 15 H H H 1.888.771.8388 H PH609-Colleen il e l E H H New in 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m ffon Chi h Psycho-Ging Fabric wit Shoe Laces. Color: Red, Teal, Fuchsia. Size: 5-12 H H PENTHOUSE H H shoes collection H H H H PAGE 16 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HNew PH608-Vivien 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m with “Love & Hate” Tattoo Detail Print. Color: Black, Red, Fuchsia. Size: 5-12 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H detail Tattoo Detail Print for both styles. PH608-Vivien & PH608-Vicky H H H H H H H H H PH608-Vicky H H New 6” Stiletto Unit w ith 2” Platform with “Love & Hate” Ta ttoo Detail Print. Color: Clear/W hite, Clear/Black . Size: 5-12 H H H H H H NewH PH609-Edith 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Patform in Satin and Lace Ankle-Strap with Back Zip per. Color: Leopard, Black, White, Pink, Red. Size: 5-12 PAGE 17 PH609-Jez ebel H 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m. Satin and Lace Open Toe Pum p. Color: Black, White, Red, Pink, Leopard. Size: 5-12 H PH609-Pet H 6” Unit with 2” Platfor m. dal. “ PET” Rhinestone Detailed San Color: Black. Size: 5-12 HPH609-Alexis NewH H H 6” Unit with 2” Platform. 2-Tone Patent Sandal. Color: Black/White, Black/Fuchsia, Silver/Gold. Size: 5-12 PH609DeVille H H H H H PAGE 18 H H H H 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m Multi-Strap Peep-Toe Pump. Color: White, Black, Oxblood Red. Size: 5-12 H H PENTHOUSE H H H H H H H by H H SHOES COLLECTION H H H ELLIE H H H PH609-Theda New 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platform in Tube-Quilted Pa tent. Color: Black. Size: 5-12 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 1.888.771.8388 PAGE 19 H PH601-Na omi 6” Unit with 2” Platfor m. Patent Sandal. Color: Black, Red, Fuchsia. Size: 5-12 5” Unit with 1” Platform. Patent Open Shank Peep-Toe. Color: Black. Size: 5-12 PH601-Remi 6” Unit with 2” Platform. Patent Sandal. Color: Red, Fuchsia Black. Size: 5-12 H H amie PH501-J H nt h Sh ous e oe by s El lie !! H H H H H Pe PH673-Celeste 6” Unit with 2” Platfor m. Satin Ankle Wrap Sandal. Color: Fuchsia, Grey, Red, Black. Size: 5-12 H PH509-Dio ra 5” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m Patent and Lace D’Orsay. Color: Red, White, Black. Size: 5-12 PAGE 20 H PH609-Bridget 6” Stiletto Unit with 2” Platfor m. Multi Strap Mary Jane Pump. . Color: Pewter, Plaid, Black, Red Size: 5-12 H w. w w es o h es elli om .c H H PH711-Naomi 7” Unit with 4” Platform. Patent Sandal. Color: Fuchsia, Black, Red. Size: 5-12 H egan PH501-M 5” Unit with 1” Platform. Patent Rhinestone Key Buckle, Double Strap Sandal. Color: Silver, Red, Black. Size: 5-12 H PH423-Raquel 4.5” Ankle Bootie with 3/4” Concealed Platfor m. Color: Black Patent, Black PU. Size: 5-12 H New PH423-Lana 4.5” Heel with 3/4” Concealed Platform Shoe-Boot. Color: Black, Zebra, Black/Red. Size: 5-12 PAGE 21 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H T T New PH423-Ava 4.5” Heel with 3/4” Concealed Platfor m Thigh-High Boot. Color: Black Patent, Black PU. Size: 5-12 H H O H H H H H H H H H H O O PAGE 22 H Pe nt h o u s e C o l le ctio n ELLIE PH371-Lala 3.5” Faux Stretch Leather and Patent Thigh High with Ruching Detail. Color: Black PU, Black Patent. Size: 5-12 nah PH20-Savan T 4” Knee High Multi Ring and Strap Boot. Color: Black Patent, Black PU. Size: 5-12 H H H H H T PH423-Chastity 4.5” Knee High Side Satin Lace Up Boot with 3/4” Concealed Platform. Color: Black with Pink Shoe Lace. Size: 5-12 H PENTHOUSE SHOES BY ELLIE T m o .c s es w w w T 8 8 3 8 . 71 .7 8 8 1.8 li l .e e ho PAGE 23 ELLIE SHOES, INC. H H H H 1050 N. BATAVIA STREET, SUITE B ORANGE, CA 92867 TEL 888.771.8388 714.771.0015 FAX 888.955.6899 714.771.0053 EMAIL H H H H © 2009 All rights reserved. US $10.00 Catalog by: Evolve Design, Inc. | Special Thanks To: Photos: Danielle Bedics, Octavio Winkitiki Models: Bernie Dexter, Cherry Dollface, Dayna Deluxe, Sabina Kelley Clothing: Bernie Dexter, Bettie Page, Stop Staring Make-Up: Joseph “Joe” Villanueva Hair: Miss Rockwell DeVil o h s e i l l www.e ction Penthouse Shoes Colle
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