June 15,2016 - The Westend Weekly


June 15,2016 - The Westend Weekly
The Westend Weekly
Bringing Communities Together
Box 66, 303 Fifth St., Rainy River, ON P0W 1L0 Ph. 807-852-3815, Fax. 807-852-1863, Email. westendweekly@tbaytel.net Vol. 26, No. 11 Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Serving the Rainy River District for 25 years! Read us on line at www.westendweekly.ca. Check out the pictures on line. They are so good!
Celebrating Alberton's 125th Birthday!
Alberton resident Rob Barkley started the event with a bagpipe solo with a medley which included "Amazing Grace"
and other familiar songs.
Shannon Rodgriues set up her salon chair to cut peoples'
hair, including Sandy Haney's, all for a donation to cancer
MP Don Rusnak stood with Reeve Michael and presented a
certificate for the township's 125th birthday.
Around 4 pm, Center Line took to the stage to fill the park
with a little dance music for the party.
Cornelia Gerber, Bryce Kabatay, Carly Ballantyne and Natalie DeGagne were some of the volunteers who helped make
the event run smoothly.
Jerry and Bev Colette showed up to the party already celebrating with big smiles on their faces.
George and Diane Glowasky sit and reminisce with former
Alberton Central School principal Irene Hill-Haver.
Faith Pollard, Mitchell Riordon and little Ainsley Wilson
spend the early afternoon finishing off pancakes and soaking
up the sun.
Cheryl McCallum (on the Rec. Commission) spent an estimated 85 hours over the previous three weeks making the
giant paper mache cake and candles. She's known for her
ability to use recycled items to make wonderful works of art.
The party couldn't have been pulled off without the planning and hard work of the recreational commission and volunteers. Several of these photos are courtesy of Beth Logue,
the township's unofficial photographer.
Bob Wilson and Dawn Hayes pose together under the title of
"Double Trouble".
Francis Logue, Seamus Baxter and friend Everest were reasonably tired after 50 or so trips down the bouncy castle's
by Melissa Friesen
the park started to grow."
I showed up to the party just
What started with a rink and
as Rob Barkley was beginning
rink shack, soon became a
a medley of famous tunes on
playground, and then the
the bagpipe. Alberton Townpavilion, and the adult exercisship's Millennium Park was
ing equipment," said Michael.
buzzing with residents and
He also announced that the
friends of the municipality to
township was awarded a
celebrate its 125th birthday on
$52,000.00 grant from the
Saturday throughout the day.
Trillium Foundation. "This
Its population is small,
money will be used for the inroughly 1,000 residents spread
stallation of a net climber, givout over more than 100 square
ing the kids something else to
kilometres, touching the Rainy
play on. This would not have
River in the south, Frog Creek
been possible without the dedRoad in the north, and bordericated people giving their time
ing La Vallee on the west and
and their vision of what the fuFort Frances on the east. Even
ture would look like." He menso, they still know how to
tioned several names of folks
throw a good party.
who've been instrumental in
The event kicked off with
making the park what it is
Reeve Michael Hammond givtoday, as a central landmark
ing an opening speech. He
for the township. Among the
talked about some recent highnames: Beth Logue, who was
lights in Alberton's history, inpivotal in the playground's
cluding the government grant
construction, Sandy Haney
to update the park back in
and Bobby Gadd for their trac2002. "Whenever grants were
tors, and Harold Logue for his
available and the municipality
equipment. Doug Mitchell,
was lucky enough to qualify,
who passed away earlier this
Peter Spuzak tries to feed some birthday cake to Reeve
Michael Hammond.
year, was also mentioned as he there will be a live band. Pull
was known for frequently up a chair and enjoy the
helping out with various proj- music!" With that, people disects at the park. "He would persed to get in line for a comhave been proud to be here for plimentary pancake breakfast
this birthday and all of these or to sign one of the candles
accomplishments! He could going on the birthday cake.
There were plenty of impresalways be counted on to enlisting help when it came to the sive elements to the day's
heavy lifting part," said events. The Recreational ComMichael. He then went on to mission has been thinking and
tell the crowd that the property dreaming of the birthday party
to the south of the park was for a few months, once the
also acquired by the township. township clerk, Dawn Hayes,
While there are no immediate reminded everyone that Alberplans for its use, "it's sure to ton was about to have a milecompliment any plans the mu- stone birthday. "We like to have
nicipality may have for the a gathering in the summer anyfurther park expansion." He way, and we thought, what a
ended his speech with a little perfect opportunity to take! We
advice. "Go and have fun, really like to celebrate with our
meet your neighbours, and friends and neighbours and
don't forget that at 4 o'clock have other communities close
Jenn Johnson, Gayle Haney and Wilma Sletmoen were some
of the representatives of Hill Road at the party.
by come join us," said Jennifer flipped, girls from the I Am
Johnson, township councillor Awesome (And I Know it!)
and Recreation Commission fundraiser started hauling out
secretary. Minnow races, egg- their barbecues and candy
on-a-spoon races, sack races: kabobs.
those were just some of the acAll throughout the day, resitivities the event team planned. dents and friends of the comBeyond that, there was home- munity joined together to
made bean bag toss, hopscotch, celebrate, through eating, playchalk drawing, two bouncy ing, listening to music, or just
castles, a dunk tank, and an in plain gathering on blankets and
house hair dresser, donating enjoying the gorgeous weather.
tips to cancer research. Mark Everyone who showed up cerGerber showed up with baby tainly hopes that Alberton will
pigs, chicks and lambs for the have many more birthdays, and
kids to pet. Within half an of course, birthday parties.
hour of the last pancake being
Causeway Marine Insurance program
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John Homer, Sales Manager
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229 Scott Street, Fort Frances 1-800-289-9917
Page 2, The Westend Weekly, June 15, 2016
Moos by Kim Jo Bliss
Wow, it is the middle of
June! You will see most of the
dairy farms making hay or
maybe even finished their first
cut if the weather held long
enough for them. Traditionally the beef producers cut a
bit later – they tend to cut for
quantity rather than quality.
Cattle are likely all on pasture
now so there might be less
work around the yard but you
now spend a bit more time
checking on cattle since they
are not right in the yard. I
have noticed every day that
there are more and more flies
bothering the cattle. As soon
as the grass is really growing
– the bugs are really out as
well. We ended up adding another species to our farm last
week. We now have ducks!
This wasn’t planned but it
looks like they are staying.
They are still living in the
house but they are growing so
fast that I think they will be
outside in another week.
Other than canary’s and finch
pets – I have never owned
birds so I have been scrambling along trying to learn
about them as we go. Like for
example – I didn’t know that
you had to limit how much
water your ducks had since
they will actually drown at
early ages like this. We have
been exposing them to shallow
water a couple times of day
and I think they are getting the
hang of things now. They certainly enjoy that time of
splashing and bathing. We got
them last Tuesday and I think
they have already doubled in
size! Roxee feels like she is
getting invaded with all the animals hanging around the
house; first the lamb now the
ducklings. They were startled
by her for the first little bit but
now they are completely comfortable with her as well. My
boyfriend / partner built them
a fancy new house so once
they are ready to be moved
outside they have a safe place
to live. I think he was thinking
this is one step closer to getting chickens! So it seems I
have as many chores now as I
did all winter….
Marlee spent the weekend
farming since her family was
spread out all over with other
activities. She enjoyed having
the new ducklings to play
with. Since my mom and dad
were away their dog was at
“Signature Kennels” and we
were to pick her up Saturday
am. After picking “Daisee” up
Marlee said “Auntie Kimmie
now I have three jobs that I
want to do – first I want to be
a farmer, then a veterinarian
and now I really want to work
at a kennel!”
We will be harvesting the
forage trials at EARS this
week – though we have less to
do. We are organizing a Hops
Yard – so if you start to see a
number of poles installed you
will know what we are up to!
It certainly will be a neat project – we won’t be planting
until next year but we will
have the yard designed.
Time is quickly approaching
for the Canada Cash Day Lottery draw – be sure you have
your ticket for you r chance to
win $10 000 and support our
three local hospitals and
Rainycrest at the same time!
Legion Chat by Walter Wagner, Major Hughes Br. 54 president
This week I will have attended the interment of WW11
veteran Jack Rattigan. Slowly
they disappear.
A group of volunteers has
planted the Legion Garden in
front of the Town Hall. If you
look closely you will see the
letters RCL and BR54 spelled
out in the arrangement. Fine
work people.
The work on the furnace and
air conditioning is progressing
favourably. We should see the
air conditioner installed on the
roof this week.
I’m not sure what the Friday
meat draw will feature this
week but it will be posted in
the club. If you are not doing
anything come on down to the
Lest We Forget......
Still Missing
Thor is a 1 year old
English Bulldog and
his colours are white,
tan and black. He was
last seen on Sunday,
June 5 at 6:30 pm in
Bergland, ON. If anyone has any information please contact
807-276-4558 or 807861-0082. We are missing him so much and
really need him home.
We are offering a
$1,000 reward for his
safe return.
Serving up sustainable
beef at McDonald's
By Deborah Wilson
When the largest purchaser
of Canadian beef says it's going
to begin obtaining a portion of
its supply from sustainable
sources, the whole industry
takes notice.
Sustainability is important not
only to McDonald's Restaurants but to all food retailers,
who are moving fast to respond
to changing public values
around health, the environment
and animal welfare. But McDonald's has led the pack with
its Verified Sustainable Beef
(VSB) Canadian pilot program,
which actually gets into the
nuts and bolts of beef production.
Since early 2014, McDonald's
has worked with producers,
stock growers, feedlots, packers and all of us at the Beef InfoXchange System (BIXS) to
find a consistent way to track
"sustainability indicators" like
animal health and welfare, efficient feeding and management
practices, innovation, and land
McDonald's announced the
results of its pilot in early June.
The results included these
standout statistics: nearly 200
producers participated in the
pilot, allowing BIXS to track
the chain of custody of some
9,000 head of Canadian cattle the equivalent of 2.4 million
patties sold at McDonald's in
Canada over the last two years.
The pilot was a true collaboration across the entire supply
chain - no simple feat in an industry known for its fierce individualism.
And it couldn't have come too
soon. Just a few weeks after the
Carr’s Repair
is pleased to announce they
are a distributor for
National Tire
We also have new tire
changing and balancing
equipment for installation.
Please call Carr's Repair
for all your tire needs.
PH 807-487-2548
No Sunday calls.
Auction Sale
fiasco over the beef-purchasing
plans of Earls Kitchen and Bar,
the VSB pilot has helped the
Canadian beef industry take a
giant leap forward in verifying
sustainable practices. We're
now measurably closer to a national framework for sustainable beef production - which
seemed a distant dream a short
time ago.
The work of the McDonald's
pilot, along with BIXS, the Verified Beef Production Plus program from the Canadian
Cattlemen's Association, and
the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency is allowing us to
measure, verify and track chain
of custody in ways that no
other country can. Some of us
even see a day when sustainability is so ingrained that the
term "sustainable beef" becomes redundant.
Jeffrey Fitzpatrick-Stilwell,
McDonald's senior manager of
sustainability, stresses how the
pilot proved the value of information sharing. "McDonald's
wants to trace the chain of custody from birth to burger.
That's important to us and our
consumers. However, we also
want to return real value back
to producers, such as carcass
data. This flow of data up and
down the value chain is really
critical, and valuable to everyone who participates," he says.
"What the pilot has shown is
that the more data producers
and others put into BIXS, the
more they're going to get
One of the major reasons that
McDonald's chose to pilot the
program in Canada was the
strength of BIXS. And by participating in the pilot, BIXS has
become even more robust - allowing us to meet or exceed
every timeline and commitment asked of us. "BIXS has
been able to track information,
while still maintaining user privacy, in ways that have gone
well beyond the original design," says Fitzpatrick-Stilwell.
One more important point:
during the pilot celebration,
Cargill Canada said that for the
first time in the last five years
its beef sales to McDonald's
have gone up. It attributes the
increase to McDonald's "Not
Without Canadian Farmers"
promotion. The increase indicates that Canadian consumers
want to buy our beef, but they
also want to know what they're
eating. By giving them what
they want through verification,
we have a big chance to grow
the industry at home and
Now that the pilot is complete, what's the bottom line for
producers? It's time to get in the
game. Producers who are engaged in the verification
process are going to have the
strongest voices, and the best
opportunity for improving their
businesses and the industry as
a whole.
As Fitzpatrick-Stilwell puts it:
"BIXS was created with the intention that the entire supply
chain would see value in participating. Although that didn't
happen in the early days, it is
definitely happening now and
we're very pleased by that."
So what are you waiting for?
Sign up with BIXS and be on
the front lines of Canadian sustainable beef production. Signing up is easy and free. But
unlocking the value of data and
reflecting the pride of the industry is beyond measure.
Deborah Wilson is senior
vice-president at BIXSco, the
data-sharing partner in McDonald's VSB pilot. McDonald's longer-term goal is to
source all of its beef sustainably through Canadian producers.
Photo Credits
The photos which appeared on last week’s front page
should have been credited to Scatliff + Miller + Murray, landscape architects. The photos on the back page
in the Fort Frances Mill Alumni pictorial story should
have been credited to Sylvia Hnatiuk Johnston. Sylvia
was kind enough to take all the pictures of the event
and supply us with caption information for each one.
Thank you Sylvia.
Ernie & Paula Tibold Residence
Saturday, June 18
10:00 a.m. Sharp
Stratton, ON
Do you own land that has standing timber on it?
Do you want to turn that timber into $$$$$$?
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Accurate on-site appraisals of volume and quality
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West of Stratton) “Watch for Auction Signs”
Riverbend Auction Services
Household items, Collectibles including cream cans,
antique radio, wood stove, signs, Equipment incl. 1996
Polaris 425 4-wheeler, JD lawn mower, 54” cut + 48” snow
blower, Tools and Misc. incl. wind mill, shop cupboards,
electric motors, flag pole, 24’x24’ mill blanket.
Must see, too much to list! All Excellent Condition.
Auctioneer: Telford Advent, member of the
US buyers
Auctioneering Assoc. of Ontario
best to
bring Cdn. Cash or good cheques accepted, All Sales Final,
Not Responsible for Accidents, LUNCH AVAILABLE.
Professional Service with a Country Touch
For further information contact Telford Advent 483-5403.
TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council of The Corporation
of the Township of Sioux Narrows - Nestor Falls will take into
consideration the passing of and, if approved, will pass at its
meeting to be held on the 5th day of July, 2016, at the hour
of 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon, or at an adjourned meeting
thereof, at the Council Chambers, Municipal Office, Sioux
Narrows - Nestor Falls, a By-law or By-laws relating to that
portion of highway described as follows:
BEING ALL OF PIN 42120-0166
(“the Highway”)
For the purposes of:
(a) permanently closing the Highway;
(c) providing that when the closure has become effective,
the said Part 1 are to be sold by direct sale as follows:
(b) declaring that upon registration of the Closing By-law,
Part 1, as hereinbefore described are surplus to the requirements of the Municipality; and
Russ George
Catch your limit!
Keep your limit!
for nominal consideration together with appropriate
reimbursement of the Municipality’s costs relating to the
sale and the procedures leading thereto, as determined
by the Clerk.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said Council will, at
the time and place above mentioned, hear any person who
wishes to make submissions with respect to the foregoing
matters, either personally or through a representative.
In addition to making submissions at the meeting, persons
may make written submissions addressed to the
undersigned, which submissions must be received not later
than 10 days prior to the meeting.
The Bite Is On!
Everything you need for a great day on the lake!
A copy of the draft By-law or By-laws and a plan showing the
location of the lands may be inspected during municipal
business hours by any interested party at the offices of the
Municipal Clerk prior to the passing thereof.
This Notice is given pursuant to the Municipal Act and the
Municipality’s Land Sale and Notice By-law.
Dated at Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls, Ontario, this 31st
day of May, 2016.
Wanda Kabel, CAO/Clerk
Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls
P.O. Box 417, Sioux Narrows, Ontario, P0X 1N0
Page 3, The Westend Weekly, June 15, 2016
Residential school survivors monument Expanding CPP won't
commemoration ceremony scheduled for help most financially
pow wow weekend
vulnerable seniors
The few remaining survivors
of the residential school experience are pleased to finally be
able to schedule a commemoration ceremony for the long
sought and hard fought monument honouring those who attended residential schools. The
commemoration will also
serve as a celebration. A celebration of the perseverance,
the dedication and determination of these survivors who refused to accept that this could
not be done.
The ceremony is scheduled
for June 18th, 2016 at 10 a.m.
at the corner of Manitou
Rapids Drive and Highway
11/71 on Rainy River First Nations. Anyone who attended a
residential school from within
or without our community are
invited to attend.
Scheduled to give a keynote
address is Amy Bombay, Assistant Professor in the School
of Nursing and Department of
Psychiatry at Dalhousie University. Dr. Bombay is a member of RRFNs and received
her PhD in Psychology and
Neuroscience from Carleton
University in 2012. Dr. Bombay will speak about one of
her main programs of research
that explores the different
pathways by which Indian
Residential School trauma is
transmitted across generations.
“We went through heartache,
pain, sorrow, sadness, but we
survived” – inscribed on the
monument, came in a dream to
Joe Medicine, survivor and
project lead.
About the Rainy River First
Nations Indian Residential
School Survivors Working
The Working Group was established in April 2012 whose
sole purpose was to create a
lasting memoriam to those
who attended Residential
Schools. The monument is the
survivors effort to ensure that
this dark chapter in their lives
is never forgotten. The initial
group made little to no
progress, but in February
2015, the group was successful in getting funding for the
monument and work began in
earnest in July 2015 with 80 –
90% of the work completed by
the fall 2015. The project
stalled until May 2016, when
funding was finalized for the
remainder of the project.
OPP seek the public's
In the past several weeks
members of the Rainy River
District Detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police
(OPP) were called to investigate suspicious grass fires.
These incidents occurred in
the Township of Lavallee and
Police are asking the public
to contact police if they have
any information relating to this
incident by calling the OPP at
If you wish to remain
anonymous please contact
Crime Stoppers at www.tipshelp.com,
1-800-2228477(TIPS), or by texting
"tip262 and their tip information" to CRIMES (274637).
TUESDAY, JUNE 21 • 4:00-5:00PM
5th Street SW • Baudette, MN 56623
circumstances. Thankfully, the
share of seniors living in low
income based on this measure
has fallen dramatically over
the past four decades: from 29
per cent in 1976 to 3.7 per cent
in 2013.
This stark decline shows that
Canada's retirement income
system has largely been successful in helping the overwhelming majority of seniors
avoid living in low income
during retirement.
Despite this positive development in recent decades,
some seniors remain at higher
risk. Specifically, single seniors living alone (widows or
divorcees, for example) are
much more likely to be in low
income than other seniors.
In 2013, 10.5 per cent of single seniors living alone were
in low income (most of them
were women). The rate of low
income among single seniors
is considerably higher than
both the rate for all seniors
(3.7 per cent) and the rate
among married seniors living
independently from other family members.
A subset of single seniors is
at even higher risk of being in
low income, namely single
seniors living alone without
any income from the CPP. Almost half of these single seniors (48.9 per cent) are in low
Although the CPP is not designed to be an anti-poverty
tool, there's a perception that
expanding the CPP would help
financially vulnerable seniors.
Unfortunately, it will not,
partly because many low-income single seniors have not
worked outside the home in
their working lives and thus
have not earned any labour income - a key determinant of
CPP retirement benefits.
Those with no work history,
and thus no contributions to
the CPP, will receive no additional retirement benefits from
an expanded CPP.
Even for low-income single
seniors with work histories
and sufficient contributions to
the CPP, expanding the CPP
may provide little or no assistance. That's because a higher
CPP benefit could simply result in a reduction in federal
(and provincial) government
benefits targeted at low-income seniors, such as the
Guaranteed Income Supplement. This means the total net
increase in income would be
less than what is implied by
the increased amount of CPP
In short, expanding the CPP
will largely fail to help Canadian retirees most in need of
Instead of expending political energy on debating CPP
expansion in the misguided
belief that many middle- and
upper-income Canadians are
not saving enough for retirement, the focus of public debate should be on how best to
help financially vulnerable
Charles Lammam is director
of fiscal studies and Hugh
MacIntyre is policy analyst at
the Fraser Institute.
Letter to the editor
By Charles Lammam
and Hugh MacIntyre
After years of debate, the
Trudeau Liberals have rekindled the push to expand the
Canada Pension Plan (CPP),
with the federal government
committed to achieving an
agreement with the provinces.
Morneau will soon meet with
his provincial counterparts to
discuss options on how to raise
mandatory contributions on
working Canadians to provide
increased benefits in retirement.
Unfortunately, the ongoing
debate about expanding the
CPP has been a distraction
from where the real problem
lies in Canada's retirement income system. Concerns about
the adequacy of retirement income are mostly driven by a
misplaced focus on middle(and sometimes upper-) income Canadians not saving
enough for retirement. That
focus is misplaced because the
evidence shows most Canadians are well prepared for retirement.
But there's a small pocket of
largely overlooked seniors
who, because of their low income, are financially vulnerable
Unfortunately, expanding the
CPP won't help them.
To begin, it's important to
understand which seniors are
most vulnerable. Statistics
Canada's "low income cut-off"
is not an official measure of
poverty but does indicate
whether someone is likely to
experience difficult financial
> Meet Wild players & broadcasters!
Dear Editor:
While I applaud the intentions of the group that regularly goes to Guatemala to
build homes and do ministry,
the truth of the matter is that
such efforts more often than
not do more harm than good.
While families receive housing that is desperately needed,
being built by international
visitors actually robs the potential jobs such a build would
provide for local workers. Further, the cost of flying the
dozens of people out to the
country from Canada & the
US could help restore entire
communities, literally tens of
thousands of dollars that could
better served elsewhere. I am
sure there are locals who
would say this is a good thing,
but international development
has clearly demonstrated the
Alice Smith
Used Car Headquarters
in Rainy River
2012 Chev
Equinox LS
2013 Ford F150
Reg Cab
Mocha Steel AWD 81,000kms,
driver info centre, traction control,
bluetooth, loaded
2002 Mazda Protege
2009 Mitsubishi
Lancer GTS
2WD red 86,000kms, air, tilt,
cruise, running boards
White, automatic, air, tilt, cruise,
PW, PL, Alloys, 109,000kms
2013 Buick Verano
2013 Dodge Grand
Caravan SE
Gold, auto, sun roof, remote start,
air, tilt, locks, only 79,000kms
White, leather, heated seats, air,
tilt, cruise, locks, windows, remote
start, 65,000kms
2008 Chevrolet Aveo
2010 Dodge Journey
Red, air, locks, windows, and
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2012 Chrysler 200 LX
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Red, sun roof, Alloys, 7 passenger, rear Heat & air, loaded,
2009 Pontiac G6 SE
2004 Dodge Caravan
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Chapple Community Hall
Annual General Meeting at 7:00 p.m.,
followed by an update on activities.
Please note that due to a change in policy,
nominations from the floor are no longer accepted.
Please call 274-3276 to find out more information
on the meeting and/or membership.
To vote at this annual meeting, you must be a paid member
at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
Refreshments will be served.
Join us and learn more about the RRFDC.
Arr day!!
Silver, 4 door, 114,000 km, pwr.
windows, locks, air, tilt, cruise,
2008 Jeep Patriot
4x4 Sport
Red, pwr. windows, locks, air tilt,
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We Specialize
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2007 GMC Sierra
1500 SLE
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Reg Cab 4x4, white, air, tilt,
cruise, windows, locks, tow pkg
Vehicles are
Payments based on rate of
7.5% o.a.c. with no money
down. HST extra if applicable.
We would like to thank everyone who came out to celebrate
our Used Car Grand Opening
and 10th Anniversary Open
House in May. Despite the
weather it was a great day!!
852-AUTO (2886)
101 Atwood Avenue, Rainy River, Ontario
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Arr day!!
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HOURS 8 to 5 Monday to Friday
Page 4, The Westend Weekly, June 15, 2016
Classified Ads
Classified Advertising Rules: Personal classified ads are a free service. They run for 2 weeks
and must be resubmitted if you wish them to run again. We charge for business classifieds
at $8.75 per inch per week. Please do not phone in free classifieds. We accept them only by
fax, email, mail, or drop off. We have a mail box next to the office door if we’re closed. We ask that
you try to make ads no longer than 25 words. We do not accept clothing unless it is an expensive
item. Please don’t use this free service for lists of items. We will not accept items repeated every
two weeks over long periods of time. Please print or type submissions. Real Estate ads are not
free. $10.00 included with the ad of 25 words or less pays for a 4 week run. Over 25
words will be billed at our regular classified advertising rate of $8.75 per inch per
week. Billing address must be included with the ad or it will not run.
General Newspaper submissions and letters to the editor: This is an independant publication
solely owned and edited by Jacquie Dufresne. I will not accept any submissions which are slanderous or intended to malign any person, business or organization. I won’t print any letters to the editor
which are written to anyone other than the editor of this paper unless the editor is addressed. Submission of articles originating in other publications will be accepted providing proof of authorization
is provided.
Garage sale, many many
tools, Brigs & Stratton
engines, horizontal shafts,
3.6 to 16hp, about 20, lots
of furniture, ph. 8523111.
Big garage sale, Sat., June
18, 8am to 2, Hwy 621 to
Lighthouse Rd., turn left
on Mossbeck, turn right
on Stinzi West to end of
road #57.
Huge yard sale at the Fort
Frances Volunteer Bureau(old CN station). Saturday June 25-8am to
1pm. Accepting donations also, for drop off
times call 274 9555. 12
St.Mary’s Youth Group
will be holding a garage
sale at 651 Keating Ave.
on June 16-18th. 6-8pm
on Thursday and Friday
and 9am-1pm Saturday.
Donations can be dropped
off at the location June
11th - 15th. Profits will
go to sponsor youth for
Discovery Camp. Call
Kenny Desjardins at 2764079 for pick-ups. No
clothing please.
Looking for a lady companion 55-60, must like
animals. I am interested
in antique cars, I smoke
but don’t drink. I’ve just
recently lost my wife.
Contact Warner at 2747914.
Lawn Care Services
Great quality, Great price
Call (807)2713374. 12
I will witch water for
$100, 5 veins plus flow
and direction, in Emo ph.
482-1631; also Tarot card
reading: Life reading $45
for 10 cards, great for fun
or serious questions, $20
for 4 card reading phone
Will do out door painting
cabins houses decks
fences call 274-7499 .
Looking for any info on
who was taking aerial
photos of the chapple,
Blackhawk Ontario area
in the late 60's or 70's.
There was a gentlemen
selling photos of local
farms. Thanks! Call or
text 807-276-5369
Eliminate high heating
bills. Reduce your carbon footprint, EPA Qualified.
Over 85%
Efficient. Central Boiler
Call Today. Emo Feed
Service Ltd., Canning
Lane, Emo, ON, 4822017.
white, totally refurbished,
super clean unit, $300,
call 8523655.
500 gallon water tank,
one year old, asking
650.00. Craftsman radial
arm saw like new, used
three times asking 400.00.
Fold up tread mill, monitors heart, pulse, calories,
good shape 150.00,, call
852-3778 after 5.00 to inquire.
Kingston and Aria Pro II
Fullerton, solid body;
both with cases; Fender
acoustic guitar; Beckemer
amp.; heavy duty drill
Inexpensive starter fish- press 3/4hp; bench saw
ing rods for kids $10 ontact 488-5591.
each, call Don at 8523669.
s Hitachi 50” TV $100;
Swivel rocker with foot
Men’s Bib Overalls; stool $25; Wood/upholbrand new – size W50 stered rocker $25; Water
some L30 and L28. cooler $30; Futon $30;
Colours- denim; striped. Apt. freezer $50; 2 drawer
Call 807 488 9604 (Berg- metal file cabinet $10;
12 Lawn chair with pad $10;
Patio table & 4 chairs
$25;Oval wooden kitchen
Beige bathroom sink--table with leaf & 4 chairs
31in. X 19in. Good Con$100; Cream separator
dition. $25, Phone 274$100; Dehumidifyer $20;
Mixc. tables, Dunn safe
$250.; phone 483-1220.
Office desk for sale 27412
Jigs! Glow jigs & spinners, Disco jigs, other
coloured jigs, red/green
spinners, custom orders,
ph. 852-3669.
Kenmore top load washing machine – used four
times; excellent condition
– $200.00. Call 807 488
9604 (Bergland)
Iphone 4 - Model A1332
with roots red case. $80
Locked to TBay tel. 8 gbText 271- 4599. Good
used condition.
built) washer/dryer set,
white, stackable or side
by side, totally refurbished (new tub bearings/seal) $400, excellent
clean condition. Call
8523655 (RR)
Fridge ice & water filter
#4396 702 or 2301705,
Whirlpool/Kitchen Aid
$40 (I bought the wrong
one so it hasn’t been used)
ph. 275-8916.
One 5 gallon pail of John
Peterbilt leather jacket
Deere hydraulic oil,
with zipout lining.Size
never opened $35.00
861Kyle, 274-8707.
0059(Fort cell).
John Deere 210 mower
35 bundles of 3 tab shinfor parts, free. Kyle, 274gles for sale. $10 a bundle
or $250 for all. Call 807271-1967
For sale, two 22.5 aluminum truck rims,
$100.00 each. Kyle, 2748707.
Fiberglass truck topper
8’; Jotul box stove (old);
7 1/2’ Meyers plow w. all
truck carrier 8’ plus 5’
over cab; 8,000 lb Warn
truck winch; Kenmore
upright freezer, exc cond;
Ryobi 8 1/4 Radial Arm
Saw w stand; Show-time
Rotisserie and BBQ as
seen on tv; LowranceElite 4X ice machine
sonar, fish finder - new;
for more info call 4872666 or text 275-6985.
Treadmill for sale...great
condition. Owner is moving. Asking $100.00 or
best offer.Phone 2745255.
Electric hedge trimmer;
CB radio with cable and
wire and antenna; many
different sizes of flower
pots, 32 for $10; Fishing
gear, net, trap, poles, bait,
minnow box; Garden
edger, plastic; Coleman
camping stove ph. 4835462.
Husqvarna rear tine tiller
650CRT, mint cond., kept
in garage, worth $1,300
brand new, asking $650
firm ph. 274-1710. 13
20HP Kohler Engine, 42”
cut, low hours, Hydrostatic w/cruise control,
like new - $1200.; Older
Ford Lawntractor, 5
speed, 12 1/2HP B&S Engine - $300; PH 4872226.
Barn board, all sizes &
shapes ph. 482-1631. 11
Old Chev truck parts, no
vehicle, in Emo, $?,
phone 482-1631.
Singer electronic 2000
sewing machine with
lovely sewing cabinet
with drawers $125. also
Eliptical exercise machine new cond. $100.
Dooney Bourke off white
leather purse. $25. Sunbeam Mixmaster with revolving bowls heavy duty
$35 274-5151.
King size bedroom set.
Solid Maple wood w dove
tail drawers., includes lg.
dresser with mirror, chest
of drawers, lg. headboard
with bed frame, 2 almost
new twin mattresses. very
good cond. $575; Tempo
Eliptical exercise machine
new condition $100, 2745151
Sealy Posturpedic super
plush firm control mattress, box and frame, like
new $250.00 ph. 2745083.
Mattress (nearly new) &
built) washing machine,
box spring, $75.00 ph.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Rainy River AA
Box to fit GMC or Chev
truck 90s era 90-99 ph.
Please call for meeting time and location
Ph. 1-807-276-1074
Portable free arm Kenmore sewing machine
$25; Exusia remote training collar for dogs, new,
asking $50; 2 wooden
ladders for yard decoration $15 each, call Fran
4 winter tires and rims
205/70/R15 used on
Buick car, will fit Chevy,
very little wear, $300 ph.
2 flat deck trailers in
good condition; riding
lawn more in good cond;
snowblower in good
cond, call after 12pm
274-8751 or 276-0013.
3/4" x10' metal conduit.
Bundle of 10. $50. Kyle
Looking for the person
who had a “Gerney “
wood cook stove in
Rainy River for sale last
year . Would like to purchase however lost phone
# . Please call at 807-2756146 . Ask for Rick. 12
Looking for a good bush
trailer ph. 274-9798. 13
Large upright pop can
cooler, compressor and
cooling system must
work. Don't need coin
changer or inside can
storage racks or dis11
penser. 274-5818.
Bravo Snowmobile any
condition ph. 483-1076.
Broken Cub Cadet riding
mowers ph. 483-1076.
Single mother relocating
to Rainy River with 3
young children. I require
a 3br house (to rent) and
a minimum of 2 sitters to
cover non-daycare hrs
during shift work. Please
call 613-246-8302 if you
can help.
2 small offices for rent at
the Volunteer Bureau,
(old CN station) Please
call 274 9555.
Farm 85 acres on highway 600 North. I insulated and wired.20 acres
cleared,Good hunting.
Only 20 minutes from
lake of woods. Very quiet
and easily accessible
Contact Carol Wardman
1 514--755-1009.
For Rent: 3 bedroom
house on double lot close
to river in Rainy River.
Includes fridge, stove,
washer, dryer, dish-
Hugh “Blue” Barrett, Rainy River and surrounding area
807-861-0272 hughbarrett46@gmail.com
Friendly Quality Service!
Beautiful River Ave. lot
for sale in Rainy River,
serviced, double lot
120’x120’ 509 River Ave.
E. ph. 275-7051.
Wanted: Bicycle riders to
raise pledges for the bikea-thon August 13th! All
proceeds to the Fort
Frances Volunteer Bureau.
Call 275 9555 or 486 0126
and ask for Joel.
18’ R pod camper 2010
$9,500; 14’ square stern
canoe $300 like new ph.
Triton Bass Boat, 225hp
Merc motor, trailer, ph.
2009 26’ Jayco camper,
used very little, owner
$10,000 obo, to view or
more info call 276-2663.
21.5 5th wheel camper
sleeps 6 in very good
shape comes with hitch
2900.00 call 274-1784
after 5.
16 foot Naden boat. Great
shape. Call after 4, 2742322.
250cc dune buggy, brand
new, only 10 hours on it,
$3,500 phone 271-2804.
1998 Aerolite 28’ camper
tandem axles, torqsion bar
suspension, very easy to
tow, total empty weight
2300 lbs.
Two 201B
propane tanks in front,
queen bed in front, jackknife sofa makes into bed,
table folds down makes in
bed also. Lots of storage,
3 pc bathroom with more
storage, propane stove
with oven, propane/elec.
fridge, propane hot water
tank, propane furnace with
ducts, ceiling air cond.,
has fresh water holding
tank, grey water and septic, full awning, everything works, great shape,
have to sell because of
health, phone 852-4454.
2013 17’ Jayco travel
trailer, fridge, stove, air,
stereo, toilet, tub shower,
furnace, holding tanks,
spare tire, bunk beds, all in
exc. cond. Tow with my
Dodge Caravan, used one
night last year, shedded all
winter, asking $11,500
obo ph. 852-3584 or 2757000.
Check out the website:
Mallard Creek Mechanical
mallardcreek@tbaytel.net - Daryl Meck
691 Barwick Road, Phone 487-1395 or 1-807-271-2201
Student Employment Opportunity
2 Summer Student Positions Available
1-Fort Frances: Columbus Place
1– Emo: Golden Age Manor
Fulltime. July 4-August 26.
Description: The Columbus Place for Seniors of Fort Frances and The
Golden Age Manor Emo seek a dynamic & energetic summer student for
each location to organize/implement social activities for senior/disabled
residents and take part in the daily operations of a Senior Social Housing
Project. Special events such as games, crafts, supervised walks, visits with
shut-ins and reading/writing correspondence will be the primary focus of
this position.
Skills: You must have effective communication skills, a compassionate
person with patience with caring and understanding qualities. You are well
organized, punctual, committed and have the ability to complete tasks in a
timely manner.
Requirements: You are enrolled or will be enrolled this coming fall in a
University or College Program that is in the field of Psychology, Health,
Social Studies, or other related fields.
Learning Opportunity: You will gain transferable skills such as leadership, supervisory, event planning, coordinating, scheduling, managing,
case management. You will develop strong work ethic, timely project
completion and experience working with the general public and the vulnerable sector seniors. Other duties include general maintenance by assisting the custodian (painting, cleaning, and organizing).
Specifically for the Emo Location: You will be responsible for the operation of the attached cafeteria in conjunction with the Emo Hospital Staff.
Send your resume to:
Attn: Property Manager
Fort Frances position: Columbusplace@shaw.ca
Emo position: GoldenAgeManor@bellnet.ca
Or mail to:
Property Manager
Golden Age Manor
180 Front St., Emo P0W 1E0
1990 F150 4x4 motor &
trany good, needs brakes
& body work for safety
$600 ph. 852-3111. 11
Property Manager
Columbus Place for Seniors
425 Nelson St., Fort Frances P9A 1B3
Note: The Columbus Place for Seniors and Golden Age Manor would like
to thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will
be contacted. Information gathered is in accordance with the Municipal
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for
candidate selection and for the successful applicant, for relevant Human
Resource purposes.
Rainy River District
Women’s Shelter of Hope
If you are a woman who has
experienced violence or abuse,
staff at the Atikokan Crisis Centre
are available 24 hours a day to
listen and provide support to you.
Carr's Repair
That they do Antique
Tractor, Car, and
Pickup Restoration.
Bring that Treasured
Piece of History. And let
it look like NEW.
No Sunday calls please.
Phone 487 2548
If your water doesn’t drain...
Ease the strain! Call
Waste Water Service
All types of cement
work: floors, walls,
driveways, sidewalks,
basement repairs.
Call Bruce
Phone (807) 852-3623
Vance Hemphill
Natural Gas & Propane
Sales, Services & Installation
Professional Duct Cleaning
home, commercial & cottage
maintenance available
The UPS Store®
Wide Format Printing
• Banners & Posters
• Blue Prints & Maps
• Photographs
Randy Orton • 651 Cty Rd 1
SW, Baudette
3/4 mile S. of Baudette Motel
ATVs & Snowmobiles
• We service & repair all
makes & models
• Complete Automotive &
Diesel Machine Shop
• Complete line of Sled
Bed Trailers
Polaris ATVs may not be ridden by anyone under 16
and all riders should take a safety course. For safety
and training information see your dealer or call Polaris at 1-800-342-2764. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety always wear a helmet, eye
protection, protective clothing and never carry passengers. ©1998 Polaris Industries Inc.
Lorelei Locker
314 Scott Street, Fort Frances
Call Rick or Randy @ 807-275-8346 or 807-276-0263
NORTH AUTO for used parts!
North Auto is your local recycler for used parts.
We can also find new after market parts at reasonable prices.
We are now scrapping for parts the following vehicles:
2004 GMC Sierra 2500
2008 VW Rabbit
2013 Dodge Caravan
2005 Jeep Liberty
2008 Dodge Avenger
2013 Chevy Cruze
2005 Chevy Colorado
2012 Nissan Versa
2014 Jeep Wrangler
2007 Ford F150
2011 Chevy Silverado 1500
2013 Mazda 3
Need used parts? Call or stop at
on the highway, west of Fort Frances
Optometry Services
221 Scott Street
Fort Frances, Ontario
Residential &
Commercial Lots
in Rainy River
• Fully Serviced
• 1 block from river
• starting at $8,000/each
* Windows * Doors * Decks * Docks * Drywall
* Kitchens * Baths and more!
Barging Service Available
Noble Monument Sales
Dr. Robert E. Lidkea
Dr. Bruce A. Lidkea
Real Estate
for Sale
Home Renovations
New Construction
Lake Work
See us for your farm
equipment needs!
Store Hours: Baudette: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday
International Falls: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday
Both Locations: Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
or see our website at:
1994 440 Polaris snowmachine, liquid cooled, runs
like a dream $600 phone
Your local H&L Motors rep
McCormick, Landini,
Hesston, Valtra, Kuhn,
MacDon and Farm
Falls (218) 283-8877 Baudette (218) 634-2088
No Tax on
2012 Chev Impala, air, tilt,
cruise, pwr windows, pwr
seat, remote start, exc.
cond., 67,000kms, reason
for selling, health, see Les
Ivall, asking $11,900, ph.
852-3861 or 275-7000.
Your outdoor
furnace dealer!
* Some
* Reg. Priced
Stock only
* In stock only
Looking to buy a house in
Emo or rent reasonable
rates please call or text
1807 4643315
2002 Mustang convertible,
156,000km, $5,700 obo,
phone 271-2804.
* Call for Free Estimate *
Casual Wear &
freezer and dining room
furniture. $750 / month
plus utilities. Call 8524762.
2005 ford taurus. 3.0 v6.
122,000 k.m. new fuel
tank and sending unit.
newer muffler. under-body
rusted. as is-parts.$500.
ph: 807-274-8462.
Quality Painting
with Care
June 15
to Father’s
Day the
Contact me for a
No Obligation Quote
• Custom-ordered
monuments & markers
• In Home Consultation
• Design Proof for
• Satisfaction
St. Hilaire
We’re here to
ALL Your
“If it cuts we can sharpen it!”
We do it all...Woodworking tools, Veterinary & Hairdressing needs as well
as sewing.
Drop off locations at:
Great Bear, Busch’s Auto and Tompkins Hardware plus pickup and delivery on large orders.
807-707-0750 or 807-481-9980
- OPTOMETRIST 482-3778
808 Scott St., Fort Frances
Page 5, The Westend Weekly, June 15, 2016
Rainy River Food Bank news RRDSB Board honours contributions
to student achievement and well-being
The Food Bank is busy this
time of year with serving approximately 40 families from
January to April. We would
like to remind everyone that
we are open only once per
month on the third Monday of
each month so that means we
are open June 20, July 18, and
August 15 for any needy family. Our hours are from 10:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
If you would like to make a
donation to the Food Bank, we
are pleased to accept donations
of food or money. If you wish
to donate food, please check
the expiration date on it as we
are not allowed to give out expired food.
If you would prefer to get a
tax receipt for your cash dona-
tion, earmark the food bank on
your cheque and give it to your
local church. They will issue
you a tax receipt. Thank you
to all who support our Food
Bank with cash or food donations. We appreciate your
If you are in need of food,
please contact Carolee Hogue,
Myrna Armstrong or Angie
We welcome all who need to
use our facility.
I am so excited to offer you
something new. The Community Garden has invited the
clients of the Food Bank to
plant a garden in the Community Garden so that you can
have fresh vegetables for your
family! The regular cost to
garden is $30.00 but to the
clients of the Food Bank, it is
FREE! The garden plot is
free! The seeds are free! The
tools are available! There is a
$5.00 fee to get the key but
that is refundable at the end of
the season. It’s a great deal
for us! You might also want to
share a garden with a friend to
share the work! If you are interested, or need more information, please call Deb Ewald
at the Northwestern Health
Unit at 852-3268 or Norma
Blight at home.
The next meeting of the
Food Bank is scheduled for
October. See you then! Have
a safe summer filled with gardening and happiness! See
you in the fall!
Beef Club news
On May 5th, 2016, the Emo
Beef Clubs started their first
annual 4-H Ontario meeting
and they will continue
throughout the summer leading up to fall fair held every
year in August. Our first meeting was held at the Emo Agricultural Research Station
where many members, old and
new, gathered at 7:00 pm. The
Emo Beef Club welcomed the
new members Trent Wilson,
Woolsey, Raelle Redford and
Jarred Flatt. We hope they all
enjoy their experience with
their first project. The first
meeting was entirely focussed
on significant paper work
needed for members and their
animals, to be registered in the
program and ideas resulting in
what topics the member’s
were interested in learning
about throughout the summer.
Topics such as learning to
make an adjustable rope halter
for their animal and new techniques for proper showmanship were a few discussed. The
leaders hope to prepare relative lessons that members can
relate to.
Lorelei Locker
314 Scott Street, Fort Frances
At its June 7, 2016 Board
Meeting held at the Education
Centre in Fort Frances, the
Rainy River District School
Board honoured community
partners, and the bus driver of
the year, along with employees
achieving 25 years of service
and retirees.
Community partners enrich
students’ lives and contribute
to student success with the
support, skills, talents and time
that they give to schools of the
Rainy River District School
Board. Their dedication to
supporting the needs of students and staff is truly appreciated. Cathy Tysz and Tim
Spence of Northern Community Development Services,
along with Tracy Jensen of
United Native Friendship Centre, received Community Partner Awards for support
provided to Fort Frances High
School, while Anita Lyons of
the North Western Health
Unit, was recognized with the
Community Partner Award for
support provided to Atikokan
High School and North Star
Community School.
"Community partners are an
indispensable part of the Rainy
River District School Board
team,” said Board Chair Dianne McCormack. “They support and enhance the work of
the Board, at various levels,
across the system; without
them many programs, activities and events just couldn’t
happen. We sincerely appreci-
Town of
Rainy River
The Corporation of the Town of Rainy River will hold a
public meeting at the Rainy River Activity Depot/Senior
Drop-in Centre, 201 Atwood Avenue on Tuesday, June
21, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. to view and provide comment on
the Town of Rainy River’s Draft 2016 Budget.
Veldron Vogan, AMCT
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Rainy River, Phone: 807-852-3978
Ontario Energy Board
GET $30-$50 OFF
%"+1/&,)" 1/& &162--,/1/,$/*,ƛ"/0
*,+1%)6,+Ȓ&)) /"!&101,%")-),4"/Ȓ&+ ,*"
)&3"&+6,2/%,*"+!6,2/ ,*&+"!&+ ,*"ǽ
Apply online at
By the end of this school year,
a total of 18 staff members
will have retired from the
Rainy River District School
Board, with a total of 15 staff
members receiving the distinction for 25 years of service.
“Every day, our employees
contribute to making a positive
difference in the lives of students,” said Ann Cox, Manager, Human Resources.
“They inspire students to believe in themselves, and instill
confidence for students to be
successful. We appreciate our
employees’ experience, their
knowledge and their loyalty
and we thank them for helping
our students achieve higher
levels of success. It is with
great pleasure that I take this
opportunity, on behalf of the
Board, to recognize our retirees and our employees for
25 years of service.”
Saturday, June 25
Leon Wells 10:00 am sharp
1024 Williams Ave., Fort Frances
East on 2nd St., to Williams Ave., North on Williams Ave,
Watch for signs!!
Riverbend Auction Services
Household including some furniture, air conditioners,
kitchen small applicances, cookware, dishes etc.,
bedding, Collectibles incl. a large assortment of aviation magazines, Recreation incl, motor cycle, boat,
motors, fishing gear, Tool chests, lawn mowers, air
compressor and other equipment, and tools plus a
Kia Rio and 8x8 storage shed. Lots more.
Auctioneer: Telford Advent, member of the
Auctioneering Assoc. of Ontario
Cash or good cheques accepted, All Sales Final,
Not Responsible for Accidents
Professional Service with a Country Touch
Public Meeting
ate all of our community partners."
Jack Medwechuk was recognized with the school nominated bus driver of the year
award. Jack Medwechuk is an
independent school bus owner
and operator, who safely and
efficiently transports the students of Riverview School and
Rainy River High School.
Also at the June 7, 2016
Board Meeting and during its
monthly meetings throughout
the school year, the Board recognized retiring employees
and employees attaining 25
years of service. The Rainy
River District School Board
sincerely appreciates all staff
members who work on behalf
of students, recognizing the
dedication and commitment of
its employees who are retiring,
and its employees who have
served the Board for 25 years.
Questions? 1-855-831-8151 (toll-free)
For further information contact Telford Advent 488-5408
Reminder to Motorists
“Law #167. Every person having the control or charge of a
motor vehicle or motor assisted bicycle on a highway, when
approaching a horse or other animal that is drawing a vehicle or being driven, led or ridden, shall operate, manage
and control the motor vehicle or motor assisted bicycle so
as to exercise every reasonable precaution to prevent the
frightening of the horse or other animal and to ensure the
safety and protection of any person driving, leading or riding
upon the horse or other animal or being in any vehicle
drawn by the horse or other animal. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s."
Page 6, The Westend Weekly, June 15, 2016
Rainy River Hospital
Auxiliary Highlights
On June 8, 2016, thirteen
members of the Rainy River
Hospital Auxiliary met at
Haner’s Roadside Restaurant
for their luncheon meeting at
12:30 p.m. President Joyce
opened the meeting with a
prayer led by Gill Stamler.
The minutes from the last
meeting were read and accepted and then we were
served a wonderful lunch by
Haley Gulbrandson of the
Haner’s Restaurant staff. She
did a great job of serving all of
After lunch, we carried on
with our meeting. We discussed our Strawberry Social,
held in May. Thanks to everyone who worked and those
who supported our Strawberry
Social as you helped us with
our purpose to contribute to
the Rainy River Health Centre.
We appreciate your help with
our fund raising.
Samantha Manty from the
Foundation sent us a card
thanking us for our generous
support of approximately $11,
285.00. These funds will be
used to buy things for the hospital. We also received a donation in memory of Mr. Bob
Nancy Schaak talked about
the pull tab Lottery which is
located at Beaver Mills every
Thursday and Friday afternoon. She needs new volunteers to work selling pull tab
Mrs. Irene Hanson, who has
been in charge of organizing
our members to sell the tickets
has graciously asked if someone could take over her job.
Any volunteers who are interested, please contact Joyce
Penner or Gill Stamler.
Bev Langner, Rainy River
Representative for the Foundation, reported that ten members had their last meeting in
Rainy River before the summer break. It was also noted
that Donna Macdonald has
some tickets to sell for the
Canada Day Draw and they
are selling at $20.00 each or 3
for $50.00.
Ida Maryniuk of the Sick and
Visiting Committee reported
that she sent a get well card to
Jessie Bodnarchuk who has
been ill. We wish you a
speedy recovery, Jessie!
Irene Hanson reported that
we have 43 paid up members
and 2 new members Marlene
Frank and Ed Maryniuk.
Thanks for joining us! We always need new enthusiastic
helpers! Irene again pleaded
with everyone that she would
like someone to take over her
Membership job and this time
Eleanor Wiersema volunteered. Thanks, Eleanor for
helping out!
We have planted flowers at
the hospital and we were
asked to volunteer to water
them during the summer. Several members volunteered for
this job. We also will donate
to the Pumpkin Festival in the
fall. Our elected officers for
this year are: President- Joyce
Penner, Vice President- Gill
Stamler, Secretary- Carolee
Hogue and Treasurer - Donna
Our next meeting will be on
September 6, 2016 after our
summer break, in the Board
Room at the Hospital at 1 p.m.
Come and join us to help donate to our hospital. Everyone
is welcome to join.
Our Special
This Friday & Saturday is
Shrimp Risotto
Broiled Shrimp over Arborio rice,
mushrooms, spinach, and garlic cooked
in a white wine and vegetable broth.
Topped with parmesan cheese and
served with fresh steamed vegetables.
Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Fishing for your
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gold & silver jewelry.
Buying & Selling Gold and
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One oz Bags to 100 oz Bags
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Dine Daily ~ 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
283-4701 324 3rd St., Int’l Falls
Celebrating 33Years!
The Bookworm Sez by Terri Schlichenmeyer
“Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts” by Susan
Cain, with Gregory Mone and Erica Moroz
It seems that a lot of kids
need to hear that, but “hush” is
never something you need to
be told twice. You’re naturally
a kid who’s kinda quiet, one
who rarely raises a hand in
class or makes a fuss about
anything. Sure, you do alright
in school, but you’d just as
soon stick to the sidelines and
Susan Cain says that’s okay.
It’s who you are, and in her
new book “Quiet Power”
(with Gregory Mone and Erica
Moroz), she says that you’re
not alone.
As an author, speaker, and
law school graduate, you
might be surprised that Susan
Cain admits to being someone
who once hated big parties,
spotlights and public speaking.
Yes, Cain’s an introvert; so is
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Beyoncé, Emma Watson and Steve
Wozniak, creator of Apple
Though it’s “one of the most
researched personality traits,”
being an introvert is more than
just a matter of personality.
Studies show that introverts
are more reactive in noisy settings, are more sensitive to
taste, and need quieter backgrounds when concentrating.
Schools, therefore, are generally “not environments for introverts’ nervous systems” but
there are ways to cope there,
as well as at home, in social
situations, and pretty much
Alcoholics Anonymous
Rainy River AA
Please call for meeting time and location
Ph. 1-807-276-1074
everywhere, if you’re an introvert.
At school, Cain says that it’s
important to prepare. In class,
gather your courage and be the
first to speak before conversations veer too off-topic. If you
find yourself in a group project, find “the right role,”
which may be note-taker or researcher. Remember that you
can be a leader; Eleanor Roosevelt didn’t have to shout to
be heard.
Socially, just be yourself. Remember that friends support
you, and Mean Girls don’t always fit that description. Attend parties with someone you
know, but “arrange an out”
when you need it. Know how
to properly use social media,
and be prepared to turn it off
when it’s time for a break.
And finally, understand what
you need, and don’t be afraid
to get it. Find a “restorative
niche,” pair with an extrovert
you trust, discover a creative
outlet you enjoy, and “don’t let
fear be a thief.” Push yourself
to do things you never thought
possible because with practice,
they will be!
Sunday, June 19
Serving Noon to 1:30 and 5 to 7
BBQ Ribs
Honey Garlic
Chicken Wings
And a gift for dad!
mashed potatoes/gravy ~ vegetable ~ salad bar
dinner rolls ~ dessert ~ coffee or tea
Adults $15.95 Seniors $13.95
Children 75¢ per year of age
Barwick Village Restaurant
Reservations appreciated - Barwick 487-2329
Funding to our health care
system will increase
by over $1 billion this year.
Investing in new and better ways for all Ontarians to get the care they need means:
700 new doctors and specialists
35 hospitals currently being renewed, modernized or expanded
$250 million invested in home and community care
$345 million invested to improve wait times and access to care
These investments ensure a strong health care system for both today and tomorrow.
Paid for by the Government of Ontario
In a world filled with noise
and speed, does your 12-to-17year-old prefer to sit out the
chaos? It might help to understand why, and “Quiet
Power” explains.
Using some of the same
points she made in her adult
best-seller, “Quiet,” author
Susan Cain (with Gregory
Mone and Erica Moroz) brings
this subject to a group that arguably has the most need for
this book: adolescents, who
often feel “weird” in their differences. Cain, however, uses
relatable anecdotes and examples to show readers that introversion and introspection
aren’t odd at all, that those
traits are desirable, in fact.
For teens who need the reassurance of those words, this
modern, comprehensive book
is worth consulting again and
again. It offers great advice for
kids and parents, both. From
one introvert to another,
“Quiet Power” can only help,
I’m shhhhhhh-ure.
c.2016, Dial Books for Young
$17.99 /
273 pages
Page 7, The Westend Weekly, June 15, 2016
Kids Garden Club puts seeds in the ground
Emma Williamson proudly stands next to her garden plot.
A lot of work went in to making these garden plots ready for
the kids, and a lot of work will continue to go into them until
harvest season is over. For the volunteers, it takes a lot of patience and preparation to create fun and interactive lessons
for the kids to enjoy.
Samantha Halliday pokes holes in the ground for the bean
seeds to go in, with hopes that eventually the plants will
grow and climb up the garden teepee.
Families came out to support their children and help them
learn the value and practice of good gardening and stewardship.
the garden plot, the kick off
by Melissa Friesen
event gave the kids a chance to
The plants are in, and the
jazz up their garden plot
kids are out! The Fort Frances
Nicholas Pearson poses with his post, eager to stick it in the
signs. The next week, they got On rainy days, Samantha Pearson is still prepared with
Community Garden in the
ground and get working in his garden.
personalizin the dirt and made some denorth end has a familiar crew
some returning gardeners who the Northwestern Ontario
cisions about their future. Cu- ing everyone's garden plot signs.
of little gardeners again this
cumbers or broccoli? Zucchini
year; the Kids Garden Club
right there to advise and assist. grow the biggest cucumber), it are just as easily excited. She Health Unit have donated to
or cauliflower? Regular carhas been operating for a few
"They have tons of patience," levels the playing field. Each talked about the kids from last the project. The Fort Frances
years now, but keeps growing
notes Samantha.
child naturally celebrates the year who couldn't wait to get Community Garden has genersprouts and peas or an entire
with each new planting seaSome of the best moments in success and harvest of their back into the soil. "They talked ously made space for the Kids
plot of potatoes? Every garson. Eighteen garden plots
the garden happen when an neighbour (assuming they have about it like they'd been think- Garden Club, with expansion
plans for the general garden unden is its own little master(half size) are divided between
inter-generational exchange is their own successes to cele- ing about it all year."
The Club couldn't operate as derway. The garden itself is
piece. Before the kids even
the 20 something kids who are
made. In that way, gardening brate as well). "I'm happy to be
stepped foot into the garden,
attending the club. The club
makes for one of life's great a part of it. It's really cool to see successfully without the help of one of the town's unfortunate
they were given a map to plan
opened its doors to the public,
classrooms. Learning to ap- those relationships forming and their partner organizations. Ken secrets, because it's awesome.
out their rows. Each child defor ages 3-12, with the hope
preciate nature's ability to re- for kids to gain that experience Noble from Sister Kennedy Everyone should know about it.
of teaching gardening skills
produce, and owning the and to see how proud they are Centre made and donated all And participate. Community
for a couple months from now,
and garnering a new love of
responsibility of cultivation already. Once they can actually the garden plot signs, RBC sent members are encouraged to
and made it happen. When
vegetables. For only $5, each
breeds a lot of honour for the pick their food and eat it, it's volunteers to the Kick Off, and drive by the community garden
they weren't sure what to do,
child received a 5' by 10' gargrowers. While there might going to be a whole different the Gizhewaadiziwin Health to take note of the children's
the community volunteers
den plot (some siblings are
still be a competitive edge to story." While most of the chil- Access Centre, the Sunset hard work as the season pro(and onsite experts) were
sharing), seeds and starter
gardening (everyone wants to dren are first-timers, there are Country Metis, New Gold, and gresses.
plants, access to garden tools,
long time gardeners' wisdom,
and plenty of time getting their
hands dirty. Each week also
includes a craft lesson and a
Janet Drennan from Gizhewaadiziwin Health Access
Centre , Anne-Marie Armstrong from Sunset Country
Metis, Samantha Pearson from
the Northwestern Health Unit,
and community volunteers
Evie Martin, Joy Lockman,
chuk are on the committee for
Kids Garden Club. They all
take turns leading the week's
gardening lesson for the children.
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their gardens throughout the
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week, especially on sunny
days. That way, they won't
have to spend all their time
weeding the gardens during
club time. Samantha Pearson
hopes the kid's curiosity will
keep them coming back regularly. "Now that everything is
planted, it's more exciting to
go to the garden. They're not
just looking at dirt anymore,
there's stuff growing," enthuses Samantha.
Some of the highlights from
the garden include painted
garden plot signs marking
each child's plot, a bean
teepee stand for the bean
plants to climb, and hopefully
hanging tomato plants from
recycled pop bottles in the future. There's also a "Three
Sisters" garden, in tribute to
the First Nations' tradition,
which contains corn, beans
and squash, grown together to
improve the soil's fertility.
While no plant is guaranteed
any success, there are a lot of
lessons to be learned in the
process. "It's important to
teach them that some things
grow, and some get eaten by
bugs." One of Samantha's
favourite projects in the garden is the strawberry plant
that's growing out of a laundry
basket. "It's looking pretty sad
right now, but you never
While some unfortunate
rainy weather delayed planting
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Page 8, The Westend Weekly, June 15, 2016
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dealership entrance handicap accessible. These
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experience and we thank you for your continued support.
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