November 2012 - Temple Beth Sholom
November 2012 - Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Beth Sholom 401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY • 516-621-2288 November 2012 Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 Share in the Legacy Mitzvah 613 - Taking Hold of Torah FROM THE RABBI’S DESK By Rabbi Alan B. Lucas The Rabbi Has An “Aha!” Moment I have been speaking a lot about “Aha!” Moments recently. I wrote a bulletin article on the subject, I delivered one of my High Holy Day Sermons on the topic – but in all of these examples, I have asked YOU to share your “Aha!” Moments, with me. Well, allow me to share one of mine with you. It came this past Sunday as I was sitting at the “Rabbi’s Table” as part of our TBS Torah Project 613. When you come for your appointment to participate in this amazing project, there are a series of stations you pass through to help you understand and appreciate the mitzvah that you will be participating in. One of these stations is right after you actually sit with our Sofer, our Scribe and write – you sit with me or Cantor Barnoy or Rabbi Schlosberg to discuss the experience. I was amazed and overwhelmed by the reactions people were having. Some literally came down with tears in their eyes. Time and time again, you expressed to me what it meant to participate in this mitzvah, to be a part of our new Torah, to know that you were doing what Jews have done for thousands of years and helping to write a Torah that will be read and studied long after we no longer walk this earth. Wow! It is easy in 2012 to be cynical. We live in a world where so much is exaggerated and embellished. From political candidates to movies to soap operas we are told that if we just purchase this one, or vote for that one – it will change our life. So inured have we become to these daily assaults that when something truly amazing happens it is easy to miss it. If you already have had your moment sitting with Rabbi Druin and writing our Torah I trust you already understand what I am saying. If you already have your appointment you can look forward to a unique and remarkable moment. If Torah Scribing Dates: November 18 & November 19 December 2 & December 3 To make an appointment contact Rebecca Altman at you have not yet made time to participate, I hope this will inspire you to do so. Call the synagogue office and try and find a time when Rabbi Druin will be here to participate in the writing of our TBS Torah. I am not promising that as you take your seat next to our Torah and take quill in hand that the skies will part, angels will sing and God will appear. (It might happen – I am just not promising it) The reactions of our TBS members as they came down to sit with me after writing in the Torah have been as varied as our members. Some said, “Wow! I’ve never done that before!” Others said, “Wow, I did not expect to be so moved by that…” And still others said, “Wow, I am glad my kids were here to share this moment with me…” But in one way or another they all said: “wow!” One member shared with me her prayers for a very sick relative and that as they wrote their letter she had her loved one in her thoughts with the hope that the sacredness of one act might transfer to the miracle her loved one needs. One student spoke with excitement that she looks forward to reading from the Torah that SHE WROTE – when she celebrates her Bat Mitzvah one year from now! In a world with too few “wows!” I think this one is worth a few moments of your time. Wow! We are part of a people thousands of years old. Wow! We have the sacred responsibility and privilege to transmit Torah to this generation and the next. Wow! We are part of a special and unique community and it is at times like that we feel the power of Jewish community and Jewish tradition. Wow! Index to November 2012 From the Rabbi’s Desk . . . . . . . . . p. 2 From the President’s Desk . . . . . . . p. 3 Derech: Life Long Learning . . . . . p. 4 USY Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 MBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 Religious School News . . . . . . . . . p. 6 Early Childhood Center . . . . . . . . . p. 7 B’nai Mitzvah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 9 Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 10 High Holiday Appeal . . . . . . . . . . p. 12 PIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 22 Temple Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 23 Schedule of Services . . . . . . . . . . . p. 24 Temple Beth Sholom 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK By Marc Magid Join us at our congregational meeting on Tuesday, November 13, at 8:15 p.m. when we share some of the preliminary thoughts from the members of our new Strategic Planning Committee. The goal of this committee is to advise us on ways to ensure that our beloved synagogue continues to meet our spiritual, educational, cultural and social needs and keep TBS financially strong. As we are all very aware every time our country elects a president, it is a challenge for any ticket to please everyone. Yet, that is what we consistently hope to do at TBS, as our clergy, professional staff, officers and Board of Trustees all work to foster a fulfilling and inspiring environment that sustains each of us as members of a very special synagogue community. We Launched Our Torah-Writing Project! We launched the writing of our new Torah on Sunday, October 14 with a beautifully moving “Taking Hold of Torah” ceremony in our main sanctuary that introduced our scribe, Rabbi Moshe Druin. The honor of writing the first letter was bestowed on Bernice Cohen Past President of TBS. How fitting since she was the first woman at our shul to carry a Torah on Simchat Torah and to participate on the Bimah and was part of TBS becoming egalitarian in the 1970s. A gathering of our past presidents, current officers, and leaders of our Temple arms also assisted the scribe to complete the first six letters of the Torah on that special day. In one of many memorable moments during our opening ceremony, Rabbi Lucas played Moses, and Cantor Barnoy played Aaron in a skit connecting God’s giving of the Torah to Moses at Mt. Sinai to the high tech, but still very spiritual world we live in today. The 613th mitzvah in the Torah instucts all Jews to participate in writing a Torah at some point during their lifetime. Every family is invited to write a letter, word, phrase or more in our new Torah. If you haven’t done so already, I urge you to make an appointment with our scribe for one of his many visits to our shul in the months ahead. I know it will be a spiritually uplifting experience that you and your family will always remember. The launch of our Torah-writing project was a wonderful bonding moment for our congregation, and it was only the first of many sessions! So please take your turn at putting the quill pen to parchment under the direction of our scribe. Learning opportunities are abound at our synagogue with adult Hebrew and Bible classes on Monday mornings, and on most weeknights. There is the “Walking With Mitzvot” an adult class Sisterhood sponsors on alternate Tuesday nights and the study of the week’s parasha with Rabbi Lucas on select Sunday mornings. Our Shabbat afternoon study class meets monthly with Rabbi Schlosberg just after the kiddush luncheon. Join us for a festive Shabbat dinner to welcome our new members and to celebrate Chanukah as a congregation on Friday, December 7th. The evening will include our energizing Friday Night Live service with our youth and teen choirs and adult instrumental band. I am inspired by our Torah writing and the many opportunities for spiritual enrichment here at Temple Beth Sholom. I hope that you, too, will enhance your appreciation of our rich heritage through the experiential learning for all ages that we offer. A perfect example is our Sisterhoodsponsored, one-evening Challah Baking Class on Thursday, November 8th where you are invited to come by yourself or with your family. It is sure to be enjoyable to eat the challah we braided with our own hands the next night on Shabbat. Please reserve in advance, though, so there will be enough materials for everyone to participate. Again, I look forward to greeting you at our next congregational meeting on November 13th. Shalom Chaverim, Marc Magid Share The Mitzvah! Make the Mitzvah 613 project a memorable family experience! Make sure to bring your whole family, children, grandchildren, parents - all of your loved ones - to participate in the wonder of writing Torah! Several Social and Educational Events Are Coming Up We are never too busy to socialize at Temple Beth Sholom. We will wind up the fall season with Comedy Night on Saturday, December 15th, where professional comics will put on what is sure to be a hilarious show. Temple Beth Sholom 3 DERECH: LIFELONG LEARNING AT TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM By Gila Hadani Ward, Director of Lifelong Learning I just came back from the opening of the Herbert Tarr North Shore Adult Institute of Jewish Studies. What an incredible night! The keynote speaker was none other than the esteemed Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School Professor, Pro - Israel activist and prolific author of fiction and non-fiction. - Protest media bias: The media has a powerful influence on public opinion and government policy. When you discover a piece of bias, immediately contact the news agency and complain. Keep your remarks respectful and stick to the facts. Join media watch lists at www.HonestReporting. com and (Camera is an acronym for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) This year, the Herbert Tarr Lecture series is focused around the existential question of Israel. Should Israel exist? Do we as American Jews want it to exist? If you are reading this bulletin article, chances are – you probably can’t even believe that people are even asking these questions, let alone in such a public forum. It’s a no-brainer – of course, Israel should exist! However, make no bones about it, there are plenty of people – smart, educated and influential people – who are asking these very questions. And we need to know how to combat that type of thinking. - Educate others about Israel – talk to your kids about Israel. There are lots of kid-friendly websites which will teach your children about Israel. Mr. Dershowitz talked about the inactivity of pro-Israel groups on college campuses. On the bright side, he said that pro-Israel students were becoming more informed and more vocal about combating anti-Israel sentiments. However, certain faculty were still silent on issues and this is quite distressing. This is a topic which we are going to be discussing with our high school students this Spring. - Visit the website for the Israel advocacy arm of the Conservative Movement, Mercaz. One of the comments that Mr. Dershowitz made really resonated with me. When asked what people “out there” can do to support Israel, he answered that if each of us to one hour each week to engage in pro-Israel advocacy, this would be amazing. One hour a week – I know it sounds so easy. Do you think we can do it, TBS? Let me help you. Here our some ideas: Educate yourself about Israel - Take an online subscription to an English version of an Israeli newspaper like or or even IMRA, (Independent Media Review Analysis) - Read books about Israel and her history, the modern dilemmas she faces and herfuture. Form an opinion. The TBS library is filled with books like this. Use your local resources. - When something happens and you see it in the news, check the accuracy of the facts. There’s a lot of misinformation out there. When an incident happens in Israel, visit the websites of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( and the Israeli Defense Forces ( main.stm) to get the Israeli side of the story. - Contact the President and your Congressional Representatives: Call or email President Obama. Every call and letter is counted. Send email to president@whitehouse. gov or call the White House comment line at: (202) 4561111. To contact your Congressional Representatives, visit These are just a few things you can do to help Israel. It may not seem like much, but there IS strength in numbers and I bet even in one hour a week, together, we can make a difference! CLUB NIGHT AT TBS Can You Donate Goods or Services for Raffle Prizes? We are excited to announce the 4th Annual Club TBS fundraising event, this year to be held on Saturday evening February 2, 2013. …A highlight of the evening is the Club TBS Raffle… If you can lend support by making a donation of goods or services that can be used as a raffle prize, please contact Ellen Walk at (516) 996-1067 or Please forward all donations by January 18, 2013 to: Temple Beth Sholom Att: Club TBS 401 Roslyn Road Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 (516) 621-2288 Or contact us to arrange for a pick up.On behalf of the Club TBS Committee, we thank you for your help! Temple Beth Sholom 4 FROM MBS By Gila Hadani Ward, Director of Lifelong Learning It’s that time of year…the leaves are changing colors, we need to wear a windbreaker or fleece and the high school seniors have started flipping out about college! It astounds me that year after year these bright, articulate, studious individuals honestly believe that they are not going to get into college and life as they know it will be over, only to engage in a career at McDonalds. First I thought it was adolescent drama, but then I listened to them. Wow! The stakes are high. These teens are under enormous pressure – not just to succeed for themselves. Parents, schools and peers all play a role in the scenario. And each of these entities are well meaning and only want the best for our kids. But, boy, it weighs heavily on the student. What do I do to help? I would like to think I help both practically and spiritually. On a purely practical level, I do write recommendations. Lots of them. Each year I write a large number of recommendations for college. Students tell me that it helps to have a “non-school” recommendation because involvement in faith-based activities (i.e. Hebrew High School, Gimme 10, USY) shows a depth of character that is different from merely academic activities. I also connect students to current college students and alumni at various universities around the country. People are happy to help others and answer questions. However, it is the spiritual piece which is so crucial. I really try to listen to our students, to understand their stress, and to create a safe haven for them here at TBS. When Machon Beth Sholom was founded, it was designed so that when a student walked in to our halls, the pressures that existed outside of this building would NOT exist here. I think we have done a pretty good job of this and this is what keeps our students coming back and feeling positive about their connection to the synagogue. And no matter where a student goes to college, don’t we want this too? Save the DATE For Comedy Night Three Professional Comedians! Three million laughs!!! A fun evening with friends and snacks. What could be better? December 15, 2012 Doors Open 8:00 PM $20 per person in advance $25 at the door Temple Beth Sholom Youth Programs At-A-Glance November 2012 (does not include Hebrew High School Sessions, Gimme 10 or Stepping Up Teen Philanthropy Project) Friday November 9- Sunday November 11 Chazak USY (Grades 9-12) Fall Kinnus Temple Israel, Great Neck Tuesday November 13 Machar Program Night (Grades 4 and 5) 6-7:15PM Thursday November 15 Kadima Program Night Grades 6 and 7) 6-7:15PM USY Program Night (Grades 8-12) 7:30-9PM Wednesday November 21 Chazak USY Turkey Hop Beth El, North Bellmore Monday November 26 MBS and USY Holiday Toy and Gift Card Drive begins! Help the Nassau Suffolk Coalition for the Homeless provide much needed holiday gifts! Friday November 30-Saturday December 1 METNY Kadima Shabbaton - New City Jewish Center Coming in December: USY and MBS trip to Margaret Tietz, Freshman Kinnus and USY International Convention in Boston! For More Information on any of these great programs Contact Leah Stern at or 621-2288 x160 Social Action at TBS: We Need You! In November and December we have two wonderful projects to help terrific agencies on Long Island. We hope you will support these projects. Bins will be available for dropoff in the synagogue entrance” ECC Canned Food Drive: From November 7-November 19, 2012 the Early Childhood Center will be sponsoring a canned food drive so that families on Long Island will have ample food to eat as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches. Donations will be given to the Interfaith Nutrition Network ( Holiday Toy and Gift Card Drive: From November 26 – December 12, 2012, Machon Beth Sholom and TBS USY will be conducting a Toy and Gift Card Drive to benefit clients of the Nassau Suffolk Coalition for the Homeless. Please bring a wrapped, new toy or a giftcard for the teens to TBS. Please mark on the toy the appropriate age and gender for the toy. We appreciate all of your generosity during these times. We know that it will greatly benefit those in need and bring light to their holidays. Temple Beth Sholom 5 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS By Sharon Solomon, Religious School Director Temple Beth Sholom Religious School faculty is provided with many professional development opportunities designed to elevate the learning that takes place in our school. We believe in providing our staff with different resources, lectures and tools. These experiences enhance and engage our teachers as they bring these tools back into our classroom. Religious School staff had a day of learning (Yom Iyyun) at the Woodbury Jewish Center recently. The topic was “The Value(s) in Classroom Games – experiential tools to make Jewish values jump off the page.” It was exciting to see the enormous variety of materials, techniques and lessons that could be utilized in the religious school We are The Aleph and Vav students had their first classroom. so glad that twenty “yedidim” buddies program. members of our faculty were able to join us for this gathering coordinated by the Conservative Principals Council of Long Island. On Tuesday, November 6th, the Religious School staff will be visiting The Jewish Museum in NYC for a wonderful experience on how to teach Bible and history. This will include a hands-on approach as well as helpful information on how to utilize technology in our classroom instruction. Also historical research techniques will be covered. In addition, we will have the opportunity to get training from Beit Hafusot (Museum of the Jewish People in Israel) facilitators as we launch “My Family Story” to our upper grades, Hay and Vav. A special program is being launched for our Vav students, “My Family Story” through Beit Hafusot. The students will research their personal family name/story, obtain information on Jewish cities and Jewish life around the globe. This project has been brought to us by one of our parents, Mr. Ben Weinman, who introduced me to the program last spring. This project will be dedicated in memory of Mr. Weinman who unfortunately passed away this past summer. We are very fortunate to have come across such a wonderful ancestry project that will engage every sixth grade Vav student/ family as they research their own personal family name and story. We look forward to the completion of these heritage projects in the spring as we honor the Weinman family for bringing this beautiful connection for our school and families. Our Zayin (seventh grade) students are beginning the Jewish Histor y/Holocaust study unit this month. Dr. Arthur Flug from the Kupferberg Center at CUNY- Queensborough Community College will lead the students in a seminar on the “Roots of Hatred” and the students will view documentaries as well as films of the German propaganda. This Holocaust unit will be taught through a variety of modalities including Holocaust survivors, a visit to the Kupferberg Center, a visit to Temple Judea Holocaust Museum in Searingtown and a final trip in the spring to the Museum of Jewish Heritage in NYC. Our students will gain insight into this delicate subject and difficult time in Jewish history while understanding the importance of “Never Again.” It is the responsibility of every Jew to keep the story alive. Important November Dates Saturday, October 27 Shabbat Family Study (Gimel – Zayin) Tuesday, November 6 Election Day (Religious School Staff Development at the Jewish Museum in NYC) Sunday, November 11 Tikun Olam Day (grades Gimel through Zayin) Monday, November 12 No Religious School – Veterans’ Day Friday, November 16 Gimel through Zayin Shabbat Family Study and Congregational Dinner & Friday Night Live Sunday, November 18 Second Grade – Parent Bet Connection Kick-Off Kitah Daled & Kitah Hay Torah Project with scribe Thursday, November 22 No Religious School - Thanksgiving Temple Beth Sholom 6 EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER By Helayne Cohen, Early Childhood Center Director Bulletin articles from the Early Childhood Center usually share with the Temple Beth Sholom community information about the many happenings taking place. As I sit down writing this month’s bulletin article, I thought it might be interesting for you to read about the incredible staff here at the Early Childhood Center who helps make our program the success that it is. and is the past president of the Herrick’s High School and Elementary school. Cheryl loves cooking and baking. Mrs. Lenowitz provides a loving, nurturing environment in her class and makes the transition from home to school a seamless one. Victoria Eller is Mrs. Lenowitz’s assistant. Not only have fun together with their children, but together they provide many learning opportunities throughout the day, both socially, emotionally and cognitively. Ms. Eller has 3 children and is also our after school enrichment teacher for “Clay Play”. She has done some incredible work with the children in our after school program. At home Ms. Eller enjoys doing arts & and crafts activities and teaches Hebrew School in Merrick with one of her daughters. I feel very privileged to work with such a professional education team. We support and care about each “F” For Fish From time to time throughout the year look I look forward to sharing with you more about our other staff members. The staff here clearly has the responsibility to keep our children safe and happy and to be active learners, curious about the world around them. Starting at the entrance to the Early Childhood Center, our families are greeted by the most multi talented assistant around, Shahrzad Salih. She is our official greeter (ask anyone who comes into the Early Childhood Center) always with a smile. Shahrzad sends photos daily to our parents, posts photos on Facebook, designs invitations for Early Childhood Center events, takes care of the needs of our staff and parents, wipes away children’s tears and help out with many other day to day happenings. Shahrzad has 2 children, a daughter and a son, and loves reading and exploring on the computer. Susan Hoffman & Susan Freier teach our 3 day a week Toddlers. Susan Hoffman has 2 sons and 2 dogs and comes to us with a Master of Science degree in Education and a love of teaching and making a difference for our littlest learners. Susan’s secular & non secular background is extensive and her knowledge of child development provides children with a wonderful, meaningful time at school. Susan loves to walk her dogs, exercise, read and is part of LOMED study group. She also teaches kindergarten religious school and 4th grade Judaic studies. Susan Freier comes to us with a Master’s Degree in Special Education, and together with Susan Hoffman provide a safe, fun and educational experience for our toddlers. Susan has 2 children who are both away at college. Cheryl Lenowitz, our 5 day toddler teacher, did a wonderful job last year as an assistant teacher. Because of her many talents and expertise she was “promoted” this year to the role of the two year old’s teacher. Mrs. Lenowitz has 3 children, is on the Executive Boards of Hadassah and Herrick’s PTA Fall Activities other, share experiences and realize that together, we make a great team! So, as Thanksgiving approaches I would like to thank the staff of the Early Childhood Center for all that they do. I am personally so very thankful for my wonderful family and for the joy that they bring to my life. Best wishes to the Temple Beth Sholom community for happy Thanksgiving. Important November Dates Tuesday, November 6 Parent/Teacher Conferences (No Classes for 3 & 4 Year Old’s) Wednesday, November 7 - Monday, November 19 Mitzvah Project – Food Drive Monday, November 12 Veterans Day (No Classes) Thursday, November 22 - Friday, November 23 Thanksgiving (No Classes) Temple Beth Sholom 7 65 Years Since the Vote Sixty-five years ago this month, the United Nations General Assembly approved Resolution 181, which called for the partition of the British-ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The historic resolution—passed on November 29, 1947 by a 3313 vote with 10 abstentions and one absent—paved the way for Israel’s independence a few months later. The partition plan was based on a report submitted by the U.N. Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP), established in May 1947 to work out a solution regarding the disputed territory that would be acceptable to both Jews and Arabs. Visiting the region, members of the commission concluded that the conflicting national aspirations of the two peoples could not be reconciled. A majority of delegates thus recommended the establishment of two separate states, Jewish and Arab, to be joined by economic union, with Jerusalem an internationalized enclave. The partition plan was far from ideal from the Jewish community’s point of view. The boundaries put forward in the plan were based solely on demographics, and did not take into account security concerns. The proposed Jewish state did not include Jerusalem, leaving more than 100,000 Jews in the city isolated from their country and circumscribed by the Arab state. And though the Jews were allotted more land, the majority of that land was in the Negev desert. Nevertheless, the Jewish community welcomed the partition plan. In the months preceding the fateful vote at the United Nations, members of the community from Palestine and around the world mobilized to lobby in favor of the plan. Most importantly, they won sympathy for their cause in the United States—including the White House and Congress—garnering support which ultimately proved crucial for success at the U.N. Hearing of the U.N. vote backing a Jewish state, joyous crowds filled the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The Jewish Agency, which was the recognized representative of the Jewish community, praised and accepted the U.N. resolution, as mainstream Zionist leaders emphasized their commitment to working towards a peaceful coexistence with the region’s other inhabitants. The Arab leaders, however, rejected UNSCOP’s recommendations and the subsequent partition resolution, denying any Jewish claim to the land. They refused to establish an Arab state in the area since this would imply recognition of a Jewish state in the remaining part of Palestine. Due to Arab opposition, the partition plan could not be fully implemented. On May 14, 1948, the day before the British Mandate over Palestine was to end, the Jewish leadership approved a proclamation declaring the establishment of a Jewish state. Within hours, five Arab countries invaded the new state, launching what became Israel’s War of Independence. Six and a half decades later, we remember the joy that marked the vote establishing a Jewish state, even as we lament the Arab intransigence that has born so much conflict. ECC Food Drive College Youth November 7 to November 19 Do you have a child or grandchild in College? Do you want to keep then connected to Temple Beth Sholom? For only $36.00 per student on your list, Sisterhood will send a package of holiday goodies 3 times a year, Chanukah, Purim and Pesach. Just let us know names and addresses. Help support the food drive! Donations will be made to the Interfaith Nutrition Network (INN). Stay up to date with all the events at Temple Beth Sholom by visiting our website: Name______________________________________________ Street Address_____________________________________ City________________________________________________ State_______________________________________________ Zip code___________________________________________ Temple Beth Sholom 8 B’NAI MITZVAH MATTHEW BENAK Son of Galya & Marvin November 3 BENJAMIN ATLAS Son of Laura & Cliff Novmber 3 JAYMIE GILADY Daughter of Laura & Dvir November 10 MATHEW ZAPKEN Son of Mandee & Howard November 17 LAUREN LEVINE Daughter of Barbara & David November 10 PARHUM EBRAHIMIAN Son of Dalya & Shahriar November 24 Temple Beth Sholom 9 DONATIONS RABBI’S FUND In Memory Of Alan Friedlander Elaine & Marvin Friedlander In Honor Of Bar Mitzvah of Evan Greif Wendy & Kenny Ryman In Honor Of Daniella Auerbach’s Bat Mitzvah Melody & Harvey Alstodt In Memory Of Tooba Zarabi Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg Melody & Harvey Alstodt Nadine & Lew Kesten Leatrice & Harold Baron Wende Jager-Hyman & Arnold Hyman Rubin & Sharon Pikus Millie & Larry Magid Eva & Sanford Gerber Joyce & Peter Sklar Speedy recovery to Sally Magid Charlotte & Marvin Levine Mahvash & Mansour Zarabi In Honor Of Evan Greif ’s Bar Mitzvah Gary Marx In Honor Of Louis Naviasky chanting Haftarah on Yom Kippur Gary Marx & Donna Sonnenfeld In Honor Of The Shamilzadeh family’s good health Charles Shamilzadeh In Honor Of Rabbi Lucas Barbara & Alan Kaplan & Steven Stein Thank you for a wonderful holiday Lucy Haber In Memory Of Dr. Evan Lipton Joyce Lipton In Honor Of Mahvash Zarabi Simchat Torah honoree Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg Sara & Alan Most Melody & Harvey Alstodt In Memory Of Conrad Kogan Doris & David Gladstone In Memory Of Oro Halegua Rubin & Sharon Pikus Millie & Larry Magid Arlyne & Warren Choset Wendy & Lenny Rosmarin Linda & Michael Sahn Nancy & Peter Kurzweil Wende & Arnold Hyman Isaac Benmayor Sara & Alan Most In Memory Of Sondra Frank Melody & Harvey Alstodt Adriane, Michael & Jake Schwartz Sharon Rothberg Thank you for my holiday Aliyah Chickie Kaufman In Memory Of Sybil Resnik Linda & Michael Sahn In Honor Of Auf Ruf of Bradley Winter & Jaime Schwartz Susan & Martin Hermann Donation Jonathan Neman In Honor Of Rabbi Lucas Sharon & Roy Greif Sharon Rothberg In Honor Of Rabbi Solomon Tracey & Russell Cohen In Memory Of Albert Baharestani Sara & Alan Most ALBERT B. COHEN ENDOWMENT FUND In Honor Of Rabbi Schlosberg & Sandy Berger for leading an inspiring Wingate service Bonnie & Barry Epstein In Honor Of Sandy Berger for guiding Bonnie as she learned the Shacharit service Bonnie & Barry Epstein In Honor Of Evan Greif ’s Bar Mitzvah Amy & Marc Magid In Memory Of Oro Halegua Barbara & Larry Glass Amy & Marc Magid Lisa & Richard Levine Jill & Louis Naviasky In Memory Of Conrad Kogan Arlene & Danny Fisher In Memory Of Richard Levy Rebecca & Michael Altman In Memory Of Bernard Barth Sheila Barth In Memory Of Tooba Zarabi Amy & Marc Magid Lisa & Richard Levine Jill & Louis Naviasky BERNICE COHEN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER FUND In Honor Of the wonderful children, families and staff of the Early Childhood Center Helayne & Jerry Cohen SIDNEY & RUTH KAHAN CHESED FUND In Memory Of Tooba Zarabi Helene & Scott Laurie & Family Rosalyn & Martin Landsman In Memory Of Nadine Gushner Nancy & Mitchell Charnas In Memory Of Oro Halegua Edith & Leonard Kliegman Maris & Andy Rosenberg Rosalyn & Martin Landsman In Memory Of Lillie & Arthur Kliegman Edith & Leonard Kliegman In Memory Of Augusta & Phillip Sobin Edith & Leonard Kliegman In Memory Of Conrad Kogan Edith & Leonard Kliegman In Memory Of Martin Schwartz Pamela & Jack Shampan HAROLD KALB PRAYERBOOK FUND In Honor Of Yvette Abrams 91st birthday The Abrams family In Honor Of our father and grandfather, Nathan Herbstman on his 89th birthday The Walks, Spielmans & Sattlers In Memory Of Oro Halegua Nadine, Lew, Craig & Erik Kesten Susan & Joe Zacherman In Memory Of Mary Lou Yarmus Estelle & Irving Cohen In Memory Of Charles Friesner Charlotte & Marvin Levine In Memory Of Sybil Resnik Susan & Joe Zacherman Temple Beth Sholom 10 DONATIONS MILTON HOROWITZ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL In Memory Of Ben Weinman Donna Bennick & Joel Hasen PAUL SHIPPER MUSIC FUND In Honor Of Cantor Barnoy Marcia & Jeffrey Rovell Sharon & Roy Greif In Honor Of Yvette & Martin Abrams 67th anniversary The Abrams family In Memory Of Oro Halegua The Beyer, Fishman, Gerber, Leeds, Lilling, Maller, Moskowitz & Wulwick Gamilies ARTHUR GOLDBERG SOCIAL ACTION & CULTURAL ARTS FUND In Memory Of Oro Halegua Mindy & Steven Kober Judy Goldberg Matt Classi Rosalind & Howard Kroplick Martin Newman & James Anderson Joan & Bill Levick Mahvash & Mansour Zarabi Phyllis Fried & Steven Goldenberg Arlene & Sy Katz Sharon & Roy Greif Laurie & Stuart Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Victor Negrin Bonnie & Barry Epstein Helayne & Jerry Cohen Susan & Joe Zacherman Nancy Jacob In Memory Of Conrad Kogan Judy Goldberg In Honor Of Joseph Zacherman Simchat Torah honoree The Halegua Family In Honor Of Carrie Gordon Simchat Torah honoree Rebecca & Michael Altman In Honor Of Mahvash Zarabi Simchat Torah honoree Rebecca & Michael Altman In Honor Of Joseph Zacherman Simchat Torah honoree Rebecca & Michael Altman In Memory Of Sandra Frank Rebecca & Michael Altman Donation Jill & Louis Naviasky Drs. J. & K. Horowitz LISA & JIM SCHLESINGER CAMP RAMAH FUND In Honor Of Eric Weinman’s Bar Mitzvah Rachel & Billy Goldstein In Memor Of Conrad “Cuppy” Kogan Joan & Leonard Weinberg MALKA’S FUND FOR LIFE LONG LEARNING In Memory Of Cecily Pflaster Nancy & Allen Geller In Honor Of Bar Mitzvah of Eric Weinman Amy & Marc Magid In Honor Of Joseph Zacherman Simchat Torah honoree Phyllis, Steven, Rachel & Joshua Goldenberg In Honor Of Carrie Gordon Simchat Torah honoree Phyllis, Steven, Rachel & Joshua Goldenberg In Honor Of marriage of Rebecca Walk to David Sattler Helene & Scott Laurie & Family In Memory Of Oro Halegua Mandee & Howard Zapken Harriet & Robert Leventhal In Memory Of Tooba Zarabi Judy & Maurice Klein Jackie & Leonard Wadler In Honor Of Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Wachsman Rebecca & Michael Altman In Honor Of Bar Mitzvah of Eric Weinman Rebecca & Michael Altman In Memory Of Albert Baharestani Ellen & Paul Walk Alice & Barry Opell In Memory Of Yetta Huber Jackie & Leonard Wadler RABBI ARIO S. HYAMS JUDAICA MUSEUM FUND In Memory Of Cecily Pflaster Helene & Scott Lurie & Family WM. SPIELMAN SOLOMON SCHECTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory Of Ben Weinman Rachel & Billy Goldstein In Honor Of Yvette & Martin Abrams 67th anniversary Judith Seltz ZELMAN COLLEGE TEXTBOOK FUND In Memory Of Tooba Zarabi Ellen & Paul Walk In Honor Of Rabbi Lucas & Cantor Barnoy The Baharestani family In Memory Of Martin Schwartz Susan & Alan Zelman GENERAL DONATION Mazel tov to Carol & Willian Denberg on the birth of their grandson Edna Frischman Ethan James Denberg In Memory Of Tooba Zarabi Marci & Mark Kamberg In Honor Of Carrie Gordon Simchat Torah honoree Marci & Mark Kamberg In Memory Of Oro Halegua Anthony Cornicello Sharon & Lou Heisler Roberto Ortiz In Honor Of Nicole & Seth Jablons Jablan’s Family Foundation Donation Jerrold Ludwig In Memory Of Sondra Frank William Greene Joan & Steve Adler KIDDUSH FUND In Honor Of Auf Ruf of Daniel Ostroff Moskowitz and Meka Buchman Marci Ostroff Moskowitz & Martin Moskowitz & Debbie & Gary Buchman YAHRZEIT DONATIONS In Memory Of Rose Seltz Judith Seltz HIGH HOLIDAY MACHZOR FUND In Memory of Oro Halegua Eva & Sanford Gerber Temple Beth Sholom 11 HIGH HOLIDAY APPEAL 2012-2013 As of October 22, 2012 Parviz Abdekalimi Martin & Yvette Abrams Gary & Rita Ackerman Philip & Marjorie Adler Seymour Merberg & Lenore Adler Peter & Deborah Agulnick Steven & Barbara Allen Harvey & Melody Alstodt Lance & Romina Alstodt Kaykhosrow & Sarah Alvandi Jeffrey & Dori Appleman Ross and Sophia Auerbach Glen & Juliet Bakhshi Mansour & Diana Baradarian William & Anita Baron Lewis & Susan Bartell Sheila Barth Stuart Bass Barry & Denise Bass Eytan & Inbar Behiri Nadine Belkin Bruce & Ellen Belsky Sanford Berger Adam & Andrea Berkowitz Nathaniel & Golda Berlin Martin Bernard Michael & Caryn Beyer Stephen & Lori Beyer David & Andrea Blattman Linda Borsykowsky Samuel & Sandra Brenner Leah Brochstein Fred & Deborah Brosowsky Stuart & Susan Brown Joseph & Suzan Bruck Craig Bruck Sandy Burman & Connie Lazarus Stanley & Eva Bykov John & Carolyn Canova Lois Carus Barry & Stacy Carus Irving & Molly Chernofsky Mark & Harriet Chertok Mark & Margy Cohen Barton & Cheryl Cohen Jeffrey & Sara Cohen Brian & Janet Cooperman Robert & Sandra Curtis Menashe & Gloria Dallal Donald & Nadine Dashefsky Scott & Marla Defrin William & Carol Denberg Jerold & Jane Dornbush Darwin & Fay Dornbush Jess & Eva Drabkin Dennis & Judith Draizin Janet Eder Jerome & Deena Ehrlich Bruce & Edna Eiber Jerome & Martha Eisenberg Mark & Susan Elowsky Joseph & Marcia Endzweig Barry & Lynn Feder Fred & Zipora Fefer Lawrence & Janet Feinstein Richard & Mindi Feldman Jeremy Rosof & Rachel Fetner Barton & Ellen Fingerman Daniel & Arlene Fisher Leonard & Susan Fishman Dennis & Kim Floam Barry & Bella Freedberg Michael Freedberg Lester & Amy Friedlander Marvin & Elaine Friedlander Burton & Priscilla Friedman Mark & Cheryl Friedman Norton Furman Leon & Jean Futoran Paul & Reva Gajer Stephen Gans Ronnen & Ronit Gilady Dvir & Laura Gilady David & Doris Gladstone Lawrence & Barbara Glass Mark & Mary Glick Harry & Rochelle Glick Judith Goldberg Steven & Phyllis Goldenberg Mark & Jeanne Goldman Arnold & Thelma Goldstein Billy & Rachel Goldstein Alan & Sherrie Goldstein James & Karen Goldstick Andrew & Rena Goodman Harold & Carrie Gordon Evan & Natalie Granovsky Bernard & Norma Grill Robert & Judith Groman Adam & Cindy Gross Carol Gross Harold & Miriam Hack Sara Hack Lawrence & Ginger Hahn Michael & Leslie Hahn Robert & Alison Haime Nathan & Pearl Halegua Aaron Halegua Joshua Halegua Jonathon & Susan Held Douglas & Arleen Held Martin & Susan Hermann Edwin & Beverly Herschenfeld Robert & Louise Hersh Robert Goldaber & Marcy Hirschfeld Marilyn Hoch Jeffrey & Karen Horwitz Les & Jill Jacobs Howard & Arlene Jacobs Richard & Gerry Jacobson Marilyn & Patrick Jacques Howard & Meg Kahn Ted & Sara Kallif Joseph & Barbara Kandel Ronni Kaplan Alan & Barbara Kaplan Roslyn Karmin Mitchell & Beatrice Karten Victor & Marjorie Kasner Bradley & Kimberly Kaufman Martin & Anita Kay Yale & Rikki Kessler Lewis & Nadine Kesten Barak Klein Steven & Daniela Klein Maurice & Judith Klein Leonard & Edith Kliegman Steven & Mindy Kober Steven & Barbara Kohl Michael & Ellen Kotin Glenn Krebs Israel & Sally Kriegel Michael Krolick Martin & Rita Kroll David & Jodi Krueger Peter & Nancy Kurzweil Neil & Marilyn Kutin Leonard & Helene Landesberg Martin & Rosalyn Landsman Betsy Landsman Peter & Mona Lanzer Byron & Johanna Lassin Linda Leaf Andrew Finkelstein & Linda Lebovitz Dan Mallin & Renee Lefland Jeffrey & Jill Lerman Lars & Randee Lerner Richard & Lisa Levine Marvin & Charlotte Levine Lawrence & Susan Levy David & Rita Levy Robert & Eleanor Liebmann Gil & Susan Lipper Norman & Joan Lisogorsky Phyllis Litman Robert & Pamela Lustrin Marc & Amy Magid Robert & Deborah Marchlewski Eugene & Galina Marder Pauline Mattana Lewis & Natalie Meirowitz Jay & Robin Merker Bernice Metzger Florence Meyer Jack Moersel Steve & Lana Monas Hooshang & Fleur Monsef Gerald Monter Michael & Linda Moskowitz Richard & Carol Most Louis & Jill Naviasky Ira & Caryn Newman David & Mildere Norflus Temple Beth Sholom 12 Your generous response to our High Holiday Appeal provides support to the work of the congregation. You gave with an open hand, despite a difficult economy. David & Sandy Nussbaum David H. Oestreich Moshe-Haim & Maloos Ostad Michael & Alonna Ostad Martin Moskowitz & Marci Ostroff Ronald & Batsheva Ostrow Benjamin & Judy Pace Winston & Vicki Paley Elliot & Phyllis Pellman Jeffrey & Elaine Perry Nathan & Shirley Peters Tobias & Ellen Pieniek Rubin & Sharon Pikus Aviva & Louis Pinto Sam & Esther Porter Murray & Claire Pressman Burton & Helen Putterman Ata & Mahin Rabiei Milton & Marian Radutzky Richard & Leslye Radutzky William Blacker & Alexandra Raine Karen Rappaport Allen & Ellen Relkin David Resnik Morton & Eleanor Roberts Jeffrey Roberts Shirlee Roberts Isaac & Hemda Robinson Harvey & Phyllis Rogoff Marvin & Harriet Rosen Jeffrey & Lisa Rosen Andrew & Tracey Rosenberg Andrew & Maris Rosenberg Alan Rosenwasser Paul & Tina Rotstein Barry & Marilyn Rubenstein Leonard & Rhoda Ruchefsky Melvyn & Lea Ruskin Howard & Jacqueline Sacher Brad & Jane Saltzman David & Julie Samber Stephen & Jill Saravay Morty & Rebecca Schaja Gerald & Nancy Schattner Alan & Rose Schecter Joel & Carol Sheinbaum Howard & Jacqueline Sacher Samuel & Susan Schildcrout James & Lisa Schlesinger Kalman & Susan Schmidt Leonard Dreyfuss & Laura Schneid Michael & Rachel Schor Steven & Hillary Schultz Joseph & Marlene Schwadron David & Barbara Schwartz Walter & Renee Schwartz Stephen & Sandra Seltzer David & Robin Seyburn Sheldon & Debra Shalom Scott & Wendy Siegel Mark & Stacey Silverman Stephen & Miriam Silverman Joshua & Carin Silverman Avi & Shirin Simkhai Joel & Sheila Simon Barry & Robin Simonson Gregg & Wendy Sincoff Peter & Joyce Sklar Arthur & Kay Ellen Smith Sidney & Irma Sobel Joseph & Hillary Soffer Jeffrey & Debbie Soleimani Yoram & Sharon Solomon David Spielman & Melissa Walk-Spielman Scott & Susan Spinner Albert Sprung Gerald & Ronda Starr Harry Staszewski & Sherrie Levine Selda Steckler Henry & Debra Sutton Steven Swersky Saeed & Giti Tabibi Selma Taffet Saeid & Shahla Tehrani Moises & Rosita Tenembaum Robert & Linda Tepper Marc & Sharon Tract Ronald & Mary Unger Evan & Jill Wagner Sydney & Tobey Wain Samuel & Paulette Waiser Paul & Ellen Walk Martin & Rose Warshawsky Jared & Jocelyn Wasserman Greta Weinberg Jonah & Dena Weiner Stuart & Ceci Weiner Kenneth & Mimi Weitz Jack & Phyllis Wertenteil Geoffrey Wharton Albert & Shirley Wien Stuart & Laurie Wilkins Shoshanna Wingate Jeffrey & Sara Winik Mitchell & Maxine Winn Charles & Elva Winokur Anne & Stephen Wolf Harriett & Natalee Wolff Claude & Lisbeth Wolgel Alan & Phyllis Wolpert Robert & Dorine Wulwick David Cohen & Debra Yagoda Nasser & Mehri Yaghoobzadeh Scott & Sheryl Yarmus Marvin & Suzanne Yarnell Stuart & Vicki Yunis Joseph & Susan Zacherman Edward Zarabi Mansour & Mahvash Zarabi Parvaneh Zareh Steven & Roberta Zeldis Leo & Regina Zelkin Alan & Susan Zelman Itzchak & Debora Zivari Temple Beth Sholom 13 Upcoming Mitzvah 613 Events Sunday November 18, 2012: Program for Students in Grades 4 and 5 (Daled and Hay) 11 AM – Noon With Rabbi Moshe Druin Monday November 19, 2012: It’s Torah Time!: A Program for children of early childhood age and families - 6:00 – 7:30 PM With Rabbi Moshe Druin Sunday December 2, 2012: Religious School Family Study for Grades 3-7 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM: With Rabbi Moshe Druin Monday December 3, 2012: What It Takes To Make A Torah and What It Means To A Community: A Program For Students in Grades 7-12 and their Families - 6:45-7:45 PM With Rabbi Moshe Druin Monday December 3, 2012: The Art and Artistry of Creating A Torah: A Program For Adult Learners - 8:00 PM With Rabbi Moshe Druin Temple Beth Sholom 14 Bereshit…In The Beginning: The TBS Torah Project Takes Off! Sunday October 14 ushered in a new era for Temple Beth Sholom. Over 500 people joined together to kick off a year of learning, community …together, the TBS community will embark on the ambitious endeavor of writing a Torah. The opening ceremony was a beautiful sight – 200 of TBS’ children singing with Cantor Barnoy, a hilarious skit where our shul was visited by “Moses” and his brother “Aaron” (we probably have not seen the last of them yet), and a moving ceremony where different groups of people were honored to scribe the first word of the Torah: Bereshit –“in the beginning.” It was most definitely an appropriate and auspicious opening. Following the ceremony, families scheduled for the first block of scribing opportunities entered the auditorium for a transformational experience. They met with our sofer, Rabbi Druin, our clergy and even had a Mazal Tov L’Chaim to celebrate their participation in Mitzvah Number 613: the writing of a Sefer Torah. We hope all of our TBS Families will participate in this mammoth project. Our mission is to offer every member of the TBS family the opportunity to fulfill Mitzvah 613, to write a Sefer Torah. Our hope is that in the fulfillment of this mission, our family members will be brought closer to Torah both physically and spiritually and that they will be generous in their Torah dedications, so that we raise enough capital to eliminate our mortgage responsibility, making us more financially secure. An investment in our temple is an investment in the future. The Torah which is being commissioned will be of lighter weight than any of the others that we own thus enabling everyone in our community to literally “take hold of Torah”: children, women, older adults. Upon completion of the new Torah, Temple Beth Sholom will donate one of its existing Torahs to a synagogue or Jewish organization in need of a Torah. The TBS Torah Project, dubbed “Mitzvah 613: Taking Hold Torah,” will sponsor a full year of events, educational experiences, classes and scribing opportunities. We hope that you take advantage of the programs this year and of course partake in the Torah writing. After their scribing experiences on October 14 and 15, more than once we heard children call the Torah “my Torah” and talk about looking forward to reading from it at their B’nai Mitzvah! We wish this Torah to be part of a lifetime of communal celebrations, Bnai Mitzvah, aufrufs, baby namings and other happy and momentous occasions. How very special that will be. Torah Scroll Dedication List Heritage ($40,000 - $250,000) Pillars of Torah ($18,000 - $36,000) Sustainers of Torah ($7,200 - $12, 000) Givers of Torah ( $3,600 - $5,400) Friends of Torah ($720 - $2,500) Belong to Torah ($180 - $540) Temple Beth Sholom 15 SISTERHOOD SCOOP By Co-Presidents, Madeline Yousefzadeh & Mahvash Zarabi Save the dates for our Paid-Up Membership Dinner on Thursday November 15 at 6:15 PM as well as our Challah Baking Session on Thursday November 8 at 7 PM. We hope you all enjoyed the Jewish holidays and festivals. Congratulations to Mahvash Zarabi, our Sisterhood copresident, for being honored on Simchat Torah as Kallat Maftir, and for chanting the Haftarah so beautifully. We are so fortunate to have such a beautiful and capable leader and are very proud of her. Please mark your calendars, tell your friends, make your reservations early, and come to our Challah Baking Event on Thursday November 8 at 7pm at the temple. It will be an event you would not want to miss. Please mail your checks for $18 to Temple Beth Sholom by Friday November 2. Also make note that our Paid-Up Membership Dinner date has been set for Thursday, November 15. Join us for a Rabbinic Seminar with Rabbi Lucas on Thursday, November 1, at 8 p.m. All are welcome. On October 3, Sisterhood welcomed the new members of the synagogue and the Sisterhood in our Sukkah, with selections of songs performed Teen Choir members Jessica Barnoy, Ghazal Mizrahi, Chelsea Wogel, and Daphne Solomon, accompanied by Cantor Barnoy. Over 60 members attended our Sukkah party. Please join us for the Rabbinic Mini Series with Rabbi Lucas and the next two Lunch and Learn programs at 11:30 a.m. on Mondays, October 29 and November 5. Sisterhood’s Monday morning education classes are on-going classes. It is not too late to join. Thank you to Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal, who spoke to us at the last Lunch and Learn program about combining the pleasures and pressures of motherhood with the duties of the Rabbinate. Thank you to Sharon Solomon and our new librarian, Julie Gitlan, for speaking at the first Bunch and Learn program of the Sisterhood. Sisterhood, in addition to supplying the books that are gifted to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah children, pays for the temple librarian. Molly Chernofsky led our evening book group, which met recently to discuss The Lost Wife, a beautifully written book and moving story. The next book is ‘Crossing Mendelbaum Gate’ by Kai Bird, and will be led by Wende Hyman. The Zahava Group and Sisterhood’s ‘Shop and Schmooze’ event was a great success thanks to Rebecca Altman. We all enjoyed shopping in our amazing Judaica shop. The next Senior Luncheon is scheduled for November 14 at 11:30 AM. On Wednesday October 31, The Brooklyn Queens Long Island Region of Women’s League (Sisterhood’s parent organization) will have its Day of Torah Study at Temple Beth Sholom from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., with dairy lunch. Please contact Molly Chernofsky at 516-629-6246 for more information, and mail your checks for $25 to Shari Schnitzer at 15 Heathcote Dr., Albertson, NY 11507. TBS music teacher Gerri Blum presented a remarkable one-woman show at a recent Women’s League program in Great Neck as Doña Gracia Nasi, survivor of the Spanish Inquisition. Gerri’s engaging monologue and beautiful singing captivated the audience. We welcome you and look forward to your participation in our programs for the coming year. The Sisterhood/Zahava membership for the first year is free to our new members. So come and join in the fun. WE WELCOME OUR NEW SISTERHOOD MEMBERS 2012-2013 Fariba Anayati Maya Azulai Inbar Behiri Lisa Berger Jennifer Cymbler Lisa Gerson Sivan Goltche Sherly Harouni Ida Kalimian Amy Kane Lynne Kanner Shabnam Kaplan Tiffany Klein Joanne Last Jodi Mandell Lori Margulies Erika Marshall Alexandra Meirowitz Natalie Meirowitz Carol Most Mildred Norflus Esther Porter Alexandra Raine Karen Ramsey Sheryl Saltiel Melissa Schilling Laura Schneid Carin Silverman Emily Topel Jill Wagner Stacey Weinberger Mimi Weitz Sisterhood Dates To Remember Mondays 9:30 AM - Hebrew classes 10:30 AM-book of Psalms October 31: 10 AM to 2:30 PM-BQLI Torah study at TBS November 1: 7:45 PM-Rabbinic Seminar with Rabbi Lucas November 8: 7:00 PM-Challah Baking Class at TBS November 14: 11:30 AM- Senior Luncheon November 15: 6:15 PM- Paid Up Membership Dinner November 28: 10: 30 AM- Book Discussion Chanukah Shopping At The Judaica shop Contact the Temple office for hours Temple Beth Sholom 16 TORAH FUND By Lisa G. Schlesinger LET TZEDAKAH FLOW LIKE A MIGHTY RIVER The Women’s League Biennial Convention will be taking place December 2-5, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada at the JW Marriott Hotel. There will be special sessions devoted to Torah Fund which will be celebrating its 70th anniversary and all that it has accomplished. During the last 70 years Torah Fund has raised $90 million dollars supporting Student Scholarships, the Mathilda Schechter & Goldsmith Dormitories and a beautiful Quadrangle at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Torah Fund has also endowed the WLCJ Education Center in the Kripke Tower, Bookshelves in the world famous JTSA Library, and the magnificent Women’s League Seminary Synagogue. At the convention, a new beautiful commemorative ceramic tzedakah box marking the seventy years of accomplishment will be available as a gift for Sisterhood members .This tzedakah box is available for all Sisterhood members even if you don’t attend the convention. It is priced at $70 carrying out the theme of this celebratory year. TBS Sisterhood is very pleased that we will be well represented at the 2012 WLCJ convention as part of the Brooklyn/Queens Long Island Region. Thanks to all of you who have already become special gift donors for 2012-2013 and are wearing your pins whose theme is: AWAKE! “GREET THE NEW DAWN!” SISTERHOOD HELPS TO REPAIR THE WORLD By Molly Chernofsky The members of Sisterhood Temple Beth Sholom have a special partnership with Neve Hanna, a children’s home in Israel that houses children who suffer severe trauma or are homeless. Janet Tobin, a past international president of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is president of this wonderful project and visits the children often. All of the children were so excited to receive the books that our sisterhood sent them. They also are very proud to study for becoming a bar or bat mitzvah. Our sisterhood donated tallit for the young boys and girls who celebrated their b’nai mitzvot last year. We are so happy to help. Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom also helped stock the food pantry of the Alix Rubinger Kosher Kitchen in Massepequa and received a beautiful certificate of appreciation. Our sisterhood is proud to help feed the hungry with donations to local food pantries and to Mazon and Meir Panim in Israel. This year we are hoping to participate in a Prom Project and a crochet blanket project to give warmth to those in a hospice. The blanket project will be one that we share with all the sisterhoods in the Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island Region. Our sisterhood is proud to be a member of the BQLI Region of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. Please join us with our mitzvah projects and enjoy the warmth of our sisterhood. LET TZEDAKAH FLOW LIKE A MIGHTY RIVER Celebrate our success! Share our pride! Look what we’ve accomplished:$90 million in 70 years supporting : Scholarship, Community, Dormitories, Quadrangle, Education Center, Library, Women’s League Seminary Synagogue Mark seventy years of accomplishment with a special donation of $70 to Torah Fund In gratitude for your support you will receive a beautiful commemorative ceramic tzedakah box as our gift to you. For further information contact Carolyn Baron; 212‐678‐8876; Join us on November 16 For Friday Night Live! Services and Dinner Temple Beth Sholom 17 Serving Your Family Sinai Chapels respects all Jewish traditions and customs, has a compassionate staff that is second to none, and has three generations of experience serving New York’s Jewish families. • Dignified and comfortable chapel, located in Fresh Meadows, Queens • Funeral services at locations throughout the New York Metro area • Costs are reasonable and all family budgets are accommodated • DVD and real-time webcast of chapel services, at no additional cost • Our staff Rabbi is available to answer your questions • Experts to guide monument selection or FDIC insured pre-planning Funeral Directors & Planners 162-05 Horace Harding Expressway Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 718-445-0300 or 800-446-040 6 We are here 24 hours, to serve your family We offer FDIC insured pre-planning Why not sponsor a Sunday minyan breakfast? Your contribution will celebrate a simcha or honor the memory of a loved one In addition, a particularly meaningful way to commemorate a milestone in your life is to sponsor a Kiddush on Saturday morning, thereby sharing your simcha with the Temple family. Please call David Oestreich at 621-3046 or the Temple office at 6212288 for details or to reserve a date. Temple Beth Sholom 18 In addition to our ongoing bereavement, divorce/separation, and caregiver groups, short term counseling, information and referral and cancer wellness programs, we offer the following programs: When It’s Hard to Feel Thankful- A program to help us embrace holiday moments when life is challenging. A workshop focusing on healing, hope and coping with the issues associated with holiday grief and sadness. Monday, November 19, Port Jewish Center, Port Washington, NY, 7:30-8:45 p.m. RSVP required. FREE Care Day Symposium- Stressed out about Caregiving? Learn the tools to become an expert. Keynote Speaker, Dr. Max Rudansky, with Teepa Snow, Dementia Care Training Specialist, November 18, 2012, At Sid Jacobson JCC. Registration fee. Oy Vey : Isn’t a Parenting Strategy -Parenting Workshop with Deborah Grayson Riegel , Author and Jewish Week Contributor. Learn tools for improving communication and relationship building at home. Wednesday December 5, 10:00-11:15. In partnership with Solomon Schechter School. At Sid Jacobson JCC. FREE TBS Religious School PTA asks you to help support our School with LABEL DADDY offers customized, washable, peel & stick labels that can be placed on clothing, books, backpacks/ lunch boxes....Also, great labels for your holiday gifts. NO MORE IRONING, SEWING OR MESSY FABRIC PENS! PEEL AND STICK WASHABLE LABEL Visit our website: www.TBSRELIG.LABELDADDY.COM Browse the selections! CREATE LABELS! Lots of label colors, icons and fonts to choose from! Be sure to use school code: TBSRELIG at checkout SAVE the REVISED DATE: Teach Your Children Well:Parenting with Authentic Success - NY Times Best selling author Madeline Levine. Monday, March 18, 2012, Serving NEW YORK: Nassau, Suffolk, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Westchester We maintain the very highest standard of care. Our caregivers are all screened and trained beyond state requirements. All of our caregivers are insured and bonded NEW JERSEY: Bergen, ®®Passaic, Essex, Hudson Counties Being home never felt so good... Licensed Home Health Care Agency We offer a full range of services from our expert care team ensuring ongoing client satisfaction No Minimum Hours! Available Services: Registered Nurses to conduct homecare assessments/PRI assessments State certified Home Health Aides State certified Personal Care Aides Live-in and around-the-clock care Call to speak to a Home Care Specialist NY office only 1-877-292-5050 Available 24 hrs. 7 days a week NJ office only Temple Beth Sholom 19 Joseph Craig Caterers Of Roslyn Craig A Weinberg 401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577 516-621-8200 • Fac: 516-621-8202 Long Island Psychiatric, PLLC LANA MONAS, PSY.D LICENSED CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Individual - Marital - Family Therapy Children - Adolescents - Adults 2 MAIN STREET - SUITE 8 ROSLYN, NY (516) 626-2182 Temple Beth Sholom 20 Coldwell Banker Claire Sobel 47 Years Family-Owned For All Your Real Estate Needs Buying • Selling • Renting To Find Out How Much Your Home Is Worth Call Today for a Free Market Analysis 516/621-6300 27 Powerhouse Road Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Roy Sobel Broker/Owner Temple Beth Sholom 21 Temple Beth Sholom 22 4 No School 25 ECC Food Drive Religious School Rosh Chodesh Adult Parasha Class PTA Meeting Gimme 10 18 ECC Food Drive Religious School Tikun Olam 11 5th Grade Trip to Jewish Museum Gimme 10 S Machon Toy Drive Bob Perla Adult Education Bridge Machon ECC Food Drive Bob Perla Adult Education Bridge Machon Religious Affairs Committee Meeting Taking Hold of Torah ECC Food Drive Bridge Bob Perla Adult Education Bridge Sisterhood Brunch & Learn Stepping Up Machon M 26 19 12 5 20 13 6 Machon Toy Drive Bridge Executive Board Meeting Context Board of Trustees Meeting 27 Bridge Context Membership Committee Meeting Walking with Mitzvot ECC Food Drive Bridge Machar Context Executive Board Congregational Meeting No Religious School Bridge Walking with Mitzvot T November 2012 Machon Toy Drive USY Turkey Hop Beth El North Bellmore ECC Food Drive Israel’s Challenges Today Lecture: Part 3 ECC Food Drive Israel’s Challenges Today Lecture: Part 2 W 28 21 14 7 Machon Toy Drive Adult B’nai Mitzvah JTS No School ECC Food Drive Sisterhood Paid Up Membership Dinner Kadima USY Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class JTS ECC Food Drive Sisterhood Challah Baking Board of Education JTS Rabbinic Seminar T 29 22 15 8 1 2 30 23 16 9 Machon Toy Drive METNY/Kadima Shabbaton at New City Jewish Center No School ECC Food Drive Shabbat Family Study Friday Night Live! ECC Food Drive F Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 כסלו תשע”ג/חשון תשע"ג 3 Bar Mitzvah Parhum Ebrahimian 24 ECC Food Drive Bar Mitzvah Matthew Zapken Zucker Baby Naming Mini Minyan Shabbat Afternoon Study Group 17 ECC Food Drive Bat Mitzvah Lauren Levine Gabe Rosenberg Auf Ruf Bat Mitzvah Jaymie Gilady 10 Bar Mitzvah Matthew Benak Minyan Yeladeynu Mini Minyan Bar Mitzvah Benjamin Atlas S TEMPLE FAMILY Mazel Tov: Beth and Ron Ostrow on the birth of their grandson, Eli David. son of Jonathan and Rose Ostrow. Proud Great Grandmother is Shoshanna Wingate. Linda and Michael Moskowitz on the marriage of their son Clifford to Lindsay Grody, daughter of Eileen and Gary Grody. Ann and Abraham Winter on the marriage of their son Bradley to Jaime Schwartz, daughter of Barbara and Edward Schwartz. Carol and William Denberg on the birth of their grandson, Ethan James. Proud parents are Alina and Kevin Denberg. Temple Beth Sholom 401 Roslyn Road Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 (516) 621-2288 Rabbi Alan B. Lucas Cantor Ofer Barnoy Assistant Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg Yvette and Martin Abrams on their 67th anniversary. Executive Director Donna Bartolomeo Get Well: Sally Magid Bernice Cohen Director of Lifelong Learning Gila Hadani Ward Thank You: Mansour Zarabi and family wish to thank his Temple Family and Friends for all the contributions and donations honoring the memory of his beloved mother, Tooba Zarabi. Mahvash Zarabi would like to thank all her TBS friends for being honored on Simchat Torah . Our Sincere Condolences To: Fereshteh Baharestani on the death of her beloved husband, Albert Baharestani Brenda Avila and Sharon Rothberg on the death of their beloved mother, Sondra (Sandy) Frank Elio Levy on the death of his beloved brother, Richard Levy Ann Winter on the death of her beloved brother, Conrad Kogen Nathan Halegua on the death of his beloved mother, Oro Halegua Scott Yarmus on the death of his beloved mother, Mary Lou Yarmus Walter Schwartz and Evelyn Gorski on the death of their beloved father, Martin Schwartz Jane Dornbush on the death of her beloved father, Joseph A. Baum Hamakom Yinachem — May God comfort the mourners together with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. WE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS 2012-2013 Moshe & Maya Azulai Eytan & Inbar Behiri Kenneth & Lisa Berger William & Alexandra Blacker Adam & Jennifer Cymbler Leonard & Laura Dreyfuss Barry & Joanne Fisher Jake & Lisa Gerson Michael & Sivan Goltche Albert & Sherly Harouni Arthur & Miriam Horowitz Eric & Ida Kalimian Robert & Amy Kane Lawrence & Lynne Kanner Marc & Shabnam Kaplan Aaron & Tiffany Klein David & Jodi Mandell Shaw & Lori Margulies Brian & Erika Marshall Clifford & Alexandra Meirowitz Lewis & Natalie Meirowitz Richard & Carol Most David & Mildred Norflus Sam & Esther Porter Homer & Karen Ramsey Joseph & Sheryl Saltiel Michael & Melissa Schilling Joshua & Carin Silverman Brett & Emily Topel Joseph & JamieTurquie Evan & Jill Wagner Todd & Stacey Weinberger Joshua & Staci Weiner Kenneth & Mimi Weitz Religious School Director Sharon Solomon Early Childhood Center Director Helayne Cohen Summer Program Director Ginger Bloom Ass’t. Summer Program Director Barry Coval Endowment Director Bernice Cohen Museum Curator Bat-Sheva Slavin President Marc Magid Executive Vice President Richard Levine Co-Presidents of Sisterhood Madeline Yousefzadeh Mahvash Zarabi President of Men’s Club David Levine Co-Presidents of ECC PA Judy Camassar Jodi Mandell Co-Presidents of Religious School PTA Felice Bergman Francine Weinman Bulletin Editor Deborah Brosowsky Editorial Assistant Jennifer Khoda Graphic Designer Melissa Slater Temple Beth Sholom 23 Temple Beth Sholom 401 Roslyn Road Roslyn Heights, N.Y. 11577 Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Roslyn Hts, N.Y. Permit No. 20 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES NOVEMBER Friday Evening, November 2 Candle Lighting Time 5:30 PM 5:31 PM Saturday Evening, November 17 Mincha/Ma’ariv Saturday Morning, November 3 Parshat Va-yera Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Benak 9:00 AM Thursday, November 22 – Thanksgiving Day 9:00 AM & 7:30 PM Saturday Evening, November 3 Mincha/Ma’ariv 5:45 PM Mincha Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Atlas Daylight Saving Time ends. Friday Evening, November 9 Candle Lighting 4:30 PM 4:24 PM Saturday Morning, November 10 Parshat Hayyei Sarah Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Levine 9:00 AM Saturday Evening, November 10 Mincha/Ma’ariv Chapel 4:45 PM Mincha Bat Mitzvah of Jaymie Gilady in Main Sanctuary Friday Evening, November 16 Candle Lighting Time Friday Night Live! 4:15 PM 4:17 PM 7:30 PM Saturday Morning, November 17 Parshat Tol’dot Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Zapken 9:00 AM 4:30 PM Friday Morning, November 23 Office Closed 9:00 AM Friday Evening, November 23 Candle Lighting Time 4:15 PM 4:13 PM Saturday Morning, November 24 9:00 AM Parshat Vayetzei Bar Mitzvah of Parhum Ebrahimian Saturday Evening, November 24 Mincha/Ma’ariv 4:30 PM Friday Evening, November 30 Candle Lighting Time 4:15 PM 4:10 PM Saturday Morning, December 1 Parshat Vayishlah Bat Mitzvah of Talia Rosen 9:00 AM Saturday Evening, December 1 Mincha/Ma’ariv 4:30 PM DAILY MINYAN SCHEDULE Sunday Mornings 9:00 AM ● Monday - Friday Mornings 6:45 AM ● Sunday - Thursday Evenings 7:30 PM Temple Beth Sholom 24
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