November 8 2015, Parish Bulletin


November 8 2015, Parish Bulletin
555 South Slocan Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5K 3X5
Father Richard Zanotti, cs, Pastor
Father Eduardo Quintero, cs
Teresian Carmelite Missionaries, cmt
Secretary: Deborah Corrado
 Office: 604-254-0691
 Fax: 604-254-0228
 E-mail:
 Web Page:
 School/PREP: 604-253-2434
 Bingo: 604-254-0111
 Vanspec: 604-253-2233
Monday to Friday
8:00 am Italian
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
6:30 pm English
Tuesday, Friday
6:30 pm Spanish
8:30 am English
5:00 pm English
5:30 pm Spanish at Our Lady of
Good Counsel, 10460—139th St.,
Surrey, V3T 4L5 - ph: 604-581-4141
 8:30 am English
 10:00 am Italian
 1 1:30 am English
 1:00 pm Spanish
 6:30 pm Spanish at St. Clare of Assisi,
1320 Johnson St, Coquitlam, V3B 4T5
ph: 604-941-4800
7:00 pm English/Spanish
'I have decided to announce an Extraordinary Jubilee which has at
its center the mercy of God. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want
to live in the light of the word of the Lord: “Be merciful, even as your
Father is merciful” (cf. Lk 6:36). And this especially applies to
confessors! So much mercy!
This Holy Year will commence on the next Solemnity of the
Immaculate Conception and will conclude on Sunday, 20 November
2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
and living face of the Father's mercy.
 May this Jubilee be a living experience
of the closeness of the Father
1) Indulgences: God’s mercy: may it be a real shower of forgiveness
2) Sick: Live with faith and joyful hope this moment of tr ial;
Imprisoned: Be conscious of the injustice wor ked and sincer ely
wish to re-enter society & make an honest contribution to it
3) Deceased: The J ubilee Indulgence can also be obtained for the
deceased. We are bound to them by the witness of faith and charity
that they have left us.
4) Abortion: One of the ser ious pr oblems of our time is clear ly the
changed relationship with respect to life. A widespread and
insensitive mentality has led to the loss of the proper personal and
social sensitivity to welcome new life.
5) Works of Mercy: In this J ubilee Year , we ar e called to
rediscover the richness encompassed by the spiritual and corporal
works of mercy. Hence the commitment to live by mercy so as to
obtain the grace of complete and exhaustive forgiveness by the power
of the love of the Father who excludes no one.
Saturday, November 7, BVM
5:00 pm Tempesta & Avignone Families; Ettore Ruscitti;
Mary Chappel; Umberto Palaia; Teresa Brascia; Claudio
Ferluga; Agosti, Mazzei, Devuono & Mazzei Families;
Sacred Heart; Luigi Marandola; Blanca Isabel Montes
5:30 pm (Surrey) Alex Carranza’s Birthday
Sunday, November 8, Thirty-Second Sunday
8:30 am Maria Saciolotto; Grossi & Panozzo Families;
Tarcisio Lovison; Silvano Marchiori; Alessandro Pozzuoli;
Anna Brusca; Annette Culos; In thanksgiving; Giovanni
Tedesco & Family; Ivano Zardo & Family; Padre Pio
10:00 am Giuseppe Ambrosio; Michelina, Luigi,
Vincenzo, Giuseppe & tutti i defunti Morena; Giuseppe
Pierri; Ferruccio & Carmela Facchin; Antonio & Giuseppe
Marzitelli; Gennaro Gasbarro; Michele & Martino Luciano
Pepe; Angelo Gabriele Faccone; Rosaria Iorio; Carmina &
Fernando Ciolfitto; Giuseppe, Maria & Teresa Ciaburri;
Angelo & Antonio Scigliano; Angela Bavaro; Antonietta
Bettiol & Family; Pasquale Cavasinna; Teresa & Anacleto
D’Alfonso; Pietro & Maria Bosa & Family; Michele Varvo
Isidoro DiGiovanni; Michele, Andrea, Elisa & Mollica;
Guido DeVellis; Rocco Botticelli; Giuseppe, Antonio,
amalia, Alfonso, Pietro & Teresa Gallo; Alfonso, Maria
Luisa, Giovanni, Maria Pia Napoletano; Bon Tan; Maria &
Angela Quatrano; Nick & Gina DiStefano
11:30 am Stefano Sponza; Bik Si; Charles Liang;
Deceased of Liang & Chen Families; Caroline Saban;
Antonio, Anna Maria, Giuseppe & Grazia Cusati; Benny,
Dominic, Fortunata & Bernardino Mastromonaco;
Giuseppina Papa; Antonio Virginillo; Domenico
DiScianni; Francesco, Alessandrina & Pompea Mauro
1:00 pm Celina Candelaria; David, Natanael & Rodrigo
Pacheco; Carbajal Family; Alberto Guerrero; Jorge Medina
Dolly Vega (2yrs)
6:30 pm (Coquitlam) —Pro Populo
7:00 pm
Monday, November 9, Dedication of Lateran Basilica
8:00 am Luigi & Barbara Oliverio; All Souls; All Saints;
Antonio Gallo; Vincenzo Moscone
6:30 pm Anthony D’Sa
Tuesday, November 10, St Leo the Great
8:00 am Eugenio Porco; Maria Nardi; Antonio & Luigi
Magliocco; Raffaele Campanella; Cono Stagnitta
6:30 pm Gaetano Mauro; Astrid Herrera
Wednesday, November 11,
Remembrance Day
8:30 am Carmine Bevacqua; Ernesto Turco; Raffaele &
Rosa Maria Cocco; Teresa D’Alfonso; Teresa Carbone;
Raffaele & Maria Iachetta
—No Evening Mass—
Thursday, November 12, St Josaphat, Bishop & M
8:00 am Carmine Betrano; Maria Barone; All Souls
6:30 pm J ohn Costella Heal
Friday, November 13, St Frances Xavier Cabrini
8:00 am Maria & Teresina Iorio; Giuseppe Colasurdo
6:30 pm
Saturday, November 14, BVM
8:30 am George Leuna; Edwin V. Wong; Mary & Maria
Ho Wong; Giuseppe Canova
Una povera vedova offre al tempio solo
“due spiccioli”. Eppure quella piccola moneta
agli occhi di Dio è ben più preziosa delle ricche
e ostentante offerte dei benpensanti. Una
lezione di grandezza e di umiltà per tutti noi.
Craft Fair e Bazar della Parrocchia: è oggi dalle
9:30 am alle 3:30pm. Lotteria Parrocchiale: non
dimenticate di ritornare i tagliandi dei biglietti per il
sorteggio che sarà tenuto oggi pomeriggio alle 3:30
pm. Contiamo nella cooperazione di tutti! I premi
sono: 1mo Un tablet; 2do Immagine della Madonna; 3zo
Whitecaps Jacket & Soccer ball.
La seconda colletta oggi sarà per le missione più
poveri del Canada.
Il 9 novembre, è il 18° Anniv della
Beatificazione di Giovanni Battista
Scalabrini, vescovo, padre dei Migranti
e fondatore dei Missionari di San Carlo
Pregate per gli Scalabriniani e il loro
apostolato, cui carisma è un vero dono alla Chiesa.
Mercoledí 11 Novembre è “Remembrance Day”,
la giornata nella quale ricordiamo i caduti in guerra,
coloro che diedero la vita per la libertà e la pace.
Messa soltanto al mattino alle 8:30 am. Non c’è
Messa alla sera.
La Messa Annuale per i Sacerdoti e Religiosi
defunti della archidiocesi sarà il giovedì 12 Nov alle
12:10 in Cattedrale. Tutti sono benvenuti!
Busta speciale dei morti: Se non l’avete ancora
riportata la potete riportare qualsiasi domenica di
questo mese di Novembre.
Christmas Concert: siamo lieti di annunciarvi su
questo concerto: sarà il sabato 5 dic nella Chiesa.
Inizierà dopo la Messa della sera; potete fare un
donativo e sarà per le attività Chiesa.
Invitamo al coro italiano per accompagnarci e
participare con due canti sul tema “Keep Christ in
Christmas”. Comunicatevi con Andre Coronado il più
presto possibile
 La Chiesa non ha mai dimenticato e non
dimenticherà mai la missione che le venne da Dio
affidata di evangelizzare i figli della miseria e del
La Iglesia nunca olvida ni olvidará la misión que le
fue encomendada de evangelizar a los hijos de la
pobreza y del trabajo
Sunday Collection
Nov 1, 2015
$ 1,393
$ 6,082
$ 7,475
Peter’s Pence
“The charity of Christ is the source in us of all our
merits before God”. Grace, by uniting us to Christ in
active love, ensures the supernatural quality of our
acts and consequently their merit before God and
men. The saints have always had a lively awareness
that their merits were pure grace… I wish, then, to
be clothed in your own justice and receive from your
love the eternal possession of yourself (CCC,2011).
Jubilee of Mercy— Jubileo de la Misericordia
Merciful like the Father —Misericordioso como el Padre
 With the approach of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
I would like to focus on several points which I believe
require attention to enable the celebration of the Holy
Year to be for all believers a true moment of encounter
with the mercy of God
 Se acerca el Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia y
deseo enfocarme en varios puntos que creo requieren
atención para hacer que la celebración del Año Santo
sea para todos los creyentes un verdadero momento de
encuentro con la misericordia de Dios
There will be crafts, raffles, family Bingo, good food
and children’s games. Don’t miss it!
Prizes: 1st A tablet; 2nd A Statue of the BVM; 3rd A
Whitecaps Jacket & Soccer ball. Don’t forget to buy
Raffle tickets. Please return the stubs & your
donation before 3:30 pm today for the draw.
Today’s second collection will be for Home
Missions —poor missions in Canada.
18th Anniv of Bishop Scalabrini’s
Beatificacion. Bl John Baptist
Scalabrini, Father to the Migrants,
was beatified on Sunday, Nov 9,
1997 by St John Paul II. Let us pray
for the the Scalabrinians and their missionary work
among our migrant brothers & sisters.
Wednesday, Nov 11, is Remembrance Day. Let us
remember all those who gave their lives for peace
and freedom. Holy Mass will be at 8:30 pm. There
won’t be evening Mass on this day.
The Annual Mass for deceased Clergy &
Religious of the Archdiocese will be at Holy Rosary
Cathedral on Thursday, November 12, at 12:10 pm.
Everyone is welcome!
If you haven’t returned the All Souls Envelope
you may return it any Sunday during November.
The Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC, is
planning a weekend LIVE-IN for young men who are
interested in priesthood or in religious life on Friday,
Nov 13—15. Contact information: 604-826-8975;
Study Days 2015: Priests of the Archdiocese will
attend a week of ongoing formation from Monday,
Nov 16th thru 20th. Keep us in your prayers!
Christmas concert: We are proud to host a concert
on Sat, Dec 5 in our church. The evening program
will begin after the 5:00 pm Mass & by donation —all
proceeds from the event will go to the Parish.
OLS Choir groups, we hope you'll take part in the
festivities by performing songs on the theme of
"Keep Christ in Christmas." If interested, contact
Andre Coronado —no
later than Nov 23rd.
Franciscus PP
Feria Anual de Artesanía: Es hoy domingo, ven y
diviértete! Habrá mucho para entretenerse: artesanías,
juegos, rifas, bingo, comida, etc.
Compra boletos de rifa y entrega el desprendible antes de
las 3:30, para participar en la rifa!
La segunda colecta de hoy es para apoyar las
misiones pobres de Canadá.
18o Aniversario de la Beatificación de Scalabrini: Fue
Juan Pablo II, quien en 1997 beatificó a Giovanni Battista
Scalabrini, Obispo de Piacenza y Padre de los Migrantes.
Acompañemos con nuestra oración este carisma y a
quienes luchan por salir adelante!
Remembrance Day es el 11 de nov: Recordemos a
quienes dieron su vida por la paz y la libertad. La Misa
será a las 8:30 am. ¡No habrá misa vespertina ese día!
Celebración anual por todos los religiosos fallecidos
de la arquidiócesis. Será en Catedral el jueves 12 a las
12:10 pm. ¡Los esperamos!
Sobres: Si aún no los has regresado, hazlo durante el
mes de nov. Será nuestra intención y sufragio por los
seres queridos.
Dinner-Dance: Construyamos un orfanato para niños
pobres en Haití. Acompáñanos el sábado 14 de nov.
Invitación para jóvenes interesados en la vida
sacerdotal o religiosa. Será del viernes 13 al domingo 15
en Seminary of Christ the King, en Mission, BC. Para
contactarlos: 604-826-8975; email
Formación para el Clero: Los sacerdotes de la
arquidiócesis asistirán a una semana de estudio y oración
del lunes 16 al viernes 20. ¡Oren por nosotros!
Desayuno Católico: Será el sábado 21 de nov en el
salón parroquial. El Arzobispo Miller presidirá la Eucaristía
a las 8:30 am y, luego, hará una reflexión en torno al Año
de la Misericordia, que comenzará con la Solemnidad de
la Inmaculada Concepción.
Concierto Navideño: Será el sábado 5 de dic en la
Iglesia, después de la misa de 5:00 pm. Es por donación y
lo que se recaude irá a la parroquia.
Invitamos a los coros parroquiales a que participen con
dos canciones con el tema “Keep Christ in Christmas”. Si
están interesados, contacten a Andre Coronado antes del
23 de nov.