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anm12lecture profiles anm12lecture profiles
ANM12 LECTURE PROFILES OCT 2015 90 ADVANCING PRIMARY CARE FOR 90 YEARS WWW.BCNA.CA SPEAKER LECTURE OPENING KEYNOTE: Ever open a magazine or turn on the TV to watch someone being interviewed and think, “That could have been me!” Or maybe “That SHOULD have been me— because I have a better story and better tips to share!” The media is hungrier than ever for fresh, original news people can use. As naturopathic doctors in a world riddled with chronic disease and a rigid, over-burdened medical system, what could you be doing to join the conversation and better inform the public about their own health options? Geeta will share tons of real life examples of people in the health world who are shaking things up and generating great exposure for themselves. You will leave the session energized, filled with story ideas for your own practice and eager to take next steps. THAT COULD HAVE BEEN ME! CREATING FRESH, ORIGINAL NEWS FOR MEDIA Geeta Nadkarni Sponsored by Viatrexx TM Viatrexx Bio Incorporated Geeta will also be offering a breakout session, How to Get the Press to WANT to Cover Your Story (Again and Again). You can take this breakout on either Friday or Saturday. Early Registration Bonus: If you have registered for ANM12 by the early reg deadline, you can join Geeta for a 60-minute webinar, The Top Three Things NDs can do Right Away to get on TV or in the Paper. Speaker Profile: Geeta has over 20 years experience in journalism, with CBC, CNN, Global TV and many print publications. As a media coach she runs the Baby Got Booked program, focussing on DIY public relations. ARTICULATING SUCCESS: SHARING YOUR BRAND OF GENIUS Marketing naturopathic medicine is not without hurdles. We’ve paired a successful ND with a marketing guru to discuss the things that work, common pitfalls, balancing doctoring skills with marketing savvy, avoiding the stumbling blocks to success and more. Nigma Talib, ND & Cyndi McLean Dr. Nigma Talib graduated from CCNM then practiced in West Vancouver for several years. She now balances her time between a clinic in London, UK and New York City. She has been profiled in magazines such as Vanity Fair, W, Marie Claire, In Style, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, London’s Daily Mail, Telegraph, Express and Mirror newspapers, among many other publications and media spots. Cyndi McLean hosts Brand Your Genius at her eponymous website, a program to nurture and support success for professionals. She has a background as a Creative Director, launching brands, breakthrough health and beauty products, electronics and more. She left the hectic world of crazy consumerism and mainstream marketing to share her passion and vision with other professionals, helping them find the courage to live their truth and pursue their goals. She is currently on faculty at BINM. Her conscious marketing strategies are a must for NDs, whether new to practice, mid-career, or elder. This dynamic session includes short presentations as well as a moderated Q&A with delegates. CONTINUED ANM12 LECTURE PROFILES OCT 2015 SUCCESS IN SOCIAL MEDIA Tanya Bennett 90 ADVANCING PRIMARY CARE FOR 90 YEARS WWW.BCNA.CA This two-part lecture will begin with a focus on various trends and tips to improve the functionality of websites and raise doctor profiles on the web. The second part will go step by step through Twitter as a tool for patient engagement, and patient retention. Tanya Bennett is a web designer, business owner, entrepreneur, college instructor, and social media consultant. She owns and runs Full Serve Web Inc. in Vancouver. She has helped NDs across North America design, create content, launch, market and manage websites and social media ventures. She is the BCNA’s go-to expert on questions relating to WordPress, Hootsuite, Google Analytics, Facebook, YouTube, Linked-in and all things virtual. WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH: CONCIERGE MEDICINE Focussing more consistently and intently with patients is a trend amongst many health professionals. Dr. Pincott will discuss how she’s incorporated a concierge medical focus into her practice, and the benefits she’s seen in terms of both patient satisfaction and economic growth. Ingrid Pincott, ND Dr. Pincott completed nursing training at Royal Jubilee Hospital, her undergraduate study at UVic, and received her ND from NCNM in Oregon. She has been in active practice in BC since 1985, currently in Campbell River. She has taught and lectured on practice management for many years. She has written (and keeps current) both a Practice Management and Clinic Management book extremely useful to owner doctors. HOW TO COACH YOUR PATIENTS TO CREATE LASTING LIFESTYLE CHANGE Health coaching offers a physician guidelines for personalizing recommendations and supporting positive change. As a co-active process, coaching engages both patients and physicians in a dialogue that offers patients the potential for increased motivation, fuller engagement and often better clinical outcomes. This presentation will lay out the basic principles of health coaching using clinical case studies blending integrative medicine with health coaching. Busy physicians will gain new tools and find many practical tips. Joel Kreisberg, DC, CCH, ACC ANM12 Dr. Kreisberg is an adjunct professor at Maryland University of Integrative Health in the Masters’ program in Health and Wellness Coaching. In 2012, he completed his coach training at Integral Coaching Canada, Inc, which teaches Integral Coaching™. He currently integrates coaching with integrative medicine in his private practice, Integrative Homeopathic Medicine. His chiropractic degree is from New York Chiropractic College and his homeopathic degree is from Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in Berkeley, California. In a switch-up from previous conventions, Friday at ANM12 highlights success—in business, in practice—with the remainder of the weekend focussed on clinical research and pearls. All our Friday speakers have direct experience helping professionals achieve their goals—especially naturopathic doctors—whether it be in the media, online, in clinic or engaging potential patients. Our opening keynote will help you turn “information” into “transformation.” Learn how to pitch to media, share your story and have your voice heard. We’ve scheduled successful doctors who will be sharing their expertise, consultants with step-by-step tools to manage social media, methods to improve communication and create a more dynamic practice. Lectures will focus on the individual strengths and weaknesses of being a practitioner, business person and entrepreneur, with the focus of knowing the potential market for your individual brand of patient care, and attracting ideal clients. We’re closing the conference on Sunday with this same theme, not just succeeding in practice, but finding professional satisfaction. CONTINUED ANM12 LECTURE PROFILES OCT 2015 THREE STEPS TO ATTRACT AND RETAIN MORE PATIENTS THROUGH CONFIDENT COMMUNICATION Lucas Mattiello WOMAN-CENTRED, SCIENCE-BASED MANAGEMENT OF SYMPTOMATIC PERIMENOPAUSE —THE HELPFUL ROLES OF PROGESTERONE Jerilynn Prior, MD, FRCPC 90 ADVANCING PRIMARY CARE FOR 90 YEARS WWW.BCNA.CA Lucas Mattielo runs Level Up Living Consulting. You wouldn’t expect someone diagnosed with panic disorder would become a public speaking trainer, but that’s exactly what Lucas Mattiello did. He uses his experiences of living with anxiety for 15 years, the self-management tools he used to control anxiety, and as a Certified Professional Coach, to connect with clients. Lucas is passionate in empowering business professionals with the tools, techniques, and strategies needed to communicate with confidence. He is an internationally renowned trainer that has been featured in Forbes and numerous news shows, is a bestselling author, and his corporate clients include the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, Vancouver Coastal Health and the BC Oil & Gas Commission. Dr. Prior has studied women’s menstrual cycles, perimenopause and the causes for and treatment of osteoporosis. She is the founder (2002) and Scientific Director of the Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research (CeMCOR). CeMCOR/Prior has shown that regular cycles (with enough estrogen) commonly do not produce sufficient progesterone (anovulation or short luteal phases). More versus fewer ovulatory disturbances within regular cycles are related to significant spinal bone loss in healthy women ages 20-45. She has shown in controlled trials that the ovarian hormone, progesterone, is effective treatment for menopausal hot flushes. She also documented that progesterone is safe for heart health. Dr. Prior is internationally known for her research showing that progesterone increases bone formation by stimulating osteoblasts. More recently, she has documented that estrogen levels, besides being unpredictable, are significantly higher than normal in the perimenopause, the 3-10 years of changes before menopause. CeMCOR is actively researching women’s health and has a very accessible, informative website that receives on average over 1,700 page views per day (www. Prior is also Director of the BC Centre of the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMOS) that is studying osteoporosis, fractures and bone density and has followed over 9000 adult women and men across the country for over 16 years, plus about a 1000 youth, ages 16-24, for two years. She has authored scientific papers numbering over 200 and holds six patents. She is an Honorary Alumna of the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine and was awarded its Distinguished Medical Research Lecturer Award (2002). She has numerous other honours including the Ann Voda Lifetime Achievement award of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research. THE INTESTINAL MICROBIOME: RESEARCH UPDATE AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS Microbiome Lectures Sponsored by The human microbiome is the subject of an explosion of medical research. Naturopathic physicians need to be on the leading edge of understanding the link between the intestinal microbiome and the pathogenesis of disease. This lecture will review the current research on the microbiome. Dr. Macdonald will discuss how the microbiome affects our normal physiology, what disturbs its function, the implications for disease, and how to protect this delicate ecosystem. Dr. Deidre Macdonald has been practicing naturopathic medicine since 1997. She runs a multidisciplinary clinic in Courtenay, BC. She has a BA in Psychology from UBC and received her ND from NCNM in 1996. She is currently a director on the board of the BC Naturopathic Association. Deidre Macdonald, ND CONTINUED ANM12 LECTURE PROFILES OCT 2015 THE LIFE & TIMES OF DR. RALPH WEISS, EDGAR CAYCE’S PHYSICIAN Steven Bailey, ND 90 ADVANCING PRIMARY CARE FOR 90 YEARS WWW.BCNA.CA For our Roots of the Profession lecture, Dr. Steven Bailey will draw from his recently published biography of Dr. Ralph Weiss. Before the mid-1930s, health care in North America was composed of many approaches. There coexisted a diversity of medical schools, each addressing a different facet of the healing arts. Doctors could be trained in osteopathy, herbology, homeopathy, chiropractic, and naturopathy—the drugless sciences. For the vast majority of people, the choice of a practitioner was a matter of personal preference. It was in the late 1930s that young Ralph Weiss was trained at the American School of Naturopathy in Manhattan, New York, under the guidance of Dr. Benedict Lust, the father of naturopathy. Dr. Weiss was a quiet, unassuming individual with a healing gift and a unique story to tell. His path has crossed many of the pioneers of the naturopathic movement, including Kellogg, Pfeiffer, Shelton, Lee, Bragg, Walker, and Howell, to mention just a few. Among the many patients he worked with was Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. It was he who named Weiss his “reluctant healer.” Steven Bailey received his ND from NCNM in 1983. Upon graduation, he received a rare award for community service, and was elected to the college’s Board of Trustees, where he served as treasurer, then secretary until 1991. He was the founder of Portland Habilitation Center’s union employment program, the now multi-million dollar organization that employs disabled persons, at union wages and benefits, in providing janitorial and maintenance services in local and government facilities. Dr. Bailey’s program was the first in the nation to provide union employment for the disabled. He regularly presents grand rounds to medical students. Reverend, Steven A. Bailey, ND was ordained in 2010. This honor represents the culmination of theological study, personal commitment, community service, and a walk in grace with the divine. Dr. Bailey continues his naturopathic practice, serving Body – Mind – and Spirit in Portland. BOTANICAL MEDICINE MICROBIOME: NEW PROSPECTS FOR AN ANCIENT RELATIONSHIP Microbiome Lectures Sponsored by Peter Conway, DipPhyt, FNIMH, FCPP You are 10 per cent human: For every human cell intrinsic to your body you have 10 resident microbes. We have scheduled Dr. Macdonald’s overview human microbiome lecture to immediately precede Peter Conway’s botanical medicine session on the same subject. Research in this area is a new frontier for advances in medicine; the American Gut Project at the University of Colorado is taking a page from 23AndMe, mapping out the microbial landscape of each individual. This humbling new way of thinking about the self has large implications for human and microbial health, which turn out to be inextricably linked. Disorders in our internal ecosystem—a loss of diversity, say, or a proliferation of the “wrong” kind of microbes—may predispose individuals to a whole range of chronic diseases, as well as some infections. What’s emerging from research into the human microbiome is simultaneously validating many traditional botanical strategies and suggesting new herbal approaches. This presentation will explore the history and the potential of the profound therapeutic fit between medicinal plants and the human-microbe “superorganism.” Peter Conway is a herbalist trained in the UK. He is a Fellow of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and a Fellow and former President of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy. He is the author of “The Consultation in Phytotherapy,” Elsevier 2011. His background in herbal education is extensive; he is currently a Professor at Pacific Rim College. He moved to the West Coast in 2015 and is now developing his practice on Vancouver Island. CONTINUED ANM12 LECTURE PROFILES OCT 2015 MOVING BEYOND DIURNAL FREE CORTISOL TESTING —THE NEED FOR MORE COMPREHENSIVE CORTISOL TESTING Mark Newman, MS 90 ADVANCING PRIMARY CARE FOR 90 YEARS WWW.BCNA.CA Each currently available test for cortisol offers providers different pieces of the HPA-axis puzzle. Salivary testing is often favored because it has been the only way to test the diurnal pattern of free cortisol. Urine testing typically does not include this information but does add an important piece to the puzzle—cortisol metabolites. Serum testing lacks both of these pieces of information for adrenal assessment. When providers assess HPA-axis function in complex cases, a more comprehensive approach (one that includes the information available in saliva and urine testing) helps practitioners in making clinical decisions. Along with discussing the pros and cons of each available testing modality, a new model of testing adrenal hormones (employed by multiple clinical labs) will be proposed to improve the comprehensiveness of adrenal testing. Case studies that highlight the types of scenarios that may require more comprehensive testing for proper assessment will be presented. Mark is one of the foremost experts in the area of hormone testing, especially regarding monitoring HRT. Mark has educated thousands of physicians on hormone testing best practices. He received his BSc in Chemistry at Willamette in Oregon, then his MSc in Forensic Chemistry from the University of New Haven. He has held senior research positions with US Biotek, ZRT and Meridian Valley. He currently owns Precision Analytical Consulting. LDA IMMUNOTHERAPY: THE NUTS AND BOLTS W. A. Shrader, MD Building on the overview lecture he gave at ANM11, Dr. Shrader returns to discuss in more detail the uses of low dose allergens immunotherapy. He will focus on what immunotherapy does, how it works, which patients would benefit from treatment, protocols for diagnosis and treatment. He will also provide an update on LDA and autoimmune diseases, autologous vaccines, Dr. Ty Vincent’s Lyme vaccine, among other issues. Dr. Shrader completed his undergraduate degree at Purdue, his MD at University of Tennessee and his residency at Queen’s Medical Centre in Hawaii. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and a Diplomat of the International Board of Environmental Medicine. He has been a member of ACAM since 1992 and currently sits on their Board of Directors. He is the founder of the American LDA Society. He has been lecturing and presenting research papers on LDA for over twenty years. He practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico. CLINICAL ANECDOTES: WHAT WORKS Shiva Barton, ND Delegates can share in Dr. Barton’s action packed, interactive and informal session that allows NDs to discuss their successful treatment protocols as well as to ask other NDs for help with cases where guidance is needed. A long-time favorite at AANP, this is Dr. Barton’s first visit to ANM. His session is open for any topics NDs would typically encounter in general practice. In addition, he will also present his “Case of the Year” and “Research Article of the Year.” You must be on site to win his prize for the delegate who answers the mystery question during the middle of the session! Leave this lecture with at least five treatment protocols that can be learnt Saturday, put into practice Monday. Dr. Shiva Barton graduated from Bastyr University in 1983. He is the past president and co-founder of the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors. He was also the founder of the Clinical Support Network. Dr. Barton has spoken at the annual AANP conference for the last 18 years, including the yearly “Clinical Anecdotes: What Works” session, as well as presenting “Therapeutic Magnets for the Treatment of Pain.” He was awarded the AANP Physician of the Year in 2011. CONTINUED ANM12 LECTURE PROFILES OCT 2015 THE HEALTHY BRAIN: REVISITING NEUROTRANSMITTERS Marty Hinz, MD 90 ADVANCING PRIMARY CARE FOR 90 YEARS WWW.BCNA.CA In this provocative lecture, Dr. Hinz will touch on various disease states and treatment protocols relating to monoamine neurotransmitter and thiol-relative nutritional deficiency (e.g., Parkinson’s, depression) and associated relative nutritional deficiency. He will address the pros and cons of salivary and spot urine testing, options to long-term IV glutathione protocols, the negative impact of carbidopa on Parkinson’s patients, and much more. Marty Hinz, MD, received his MD from the University of Minnesota. After many years of practice in emergency medicine in Minnesota, he now resides and practices in Cape Coral, Florida. He is widely published on diseases relating to serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. Dr. Hinz has published 21 peerreviewed papers since 2009. For over 18 years he has been specifically studying, publishing on and treating conditions such as Parkinson’s and depression with relative nutritional deficiency protocols. His amino acid therapy, simple in concept but complex in application, is at the heart of his approach to restoring normal brain function, something drugs cannot do. CLOSING KEYNOTE: CREATE YOUR IDEAL CLINIC! Pamela Wible, MD Learn how to have fun at work while healing your patients, your community—and yourself! In this interactive and entertaining presentation, Dr. Wible will share the secrets of the successfully self-employed solo doctor. Learn simple tools that will improve your efficiency, your outcomes, and your income. Never have another bad day at the office. Prizes will be given to audience members. Set your alarm! Get a front row seat! You won’t want to miss this. Pamela Wible, MD, is a family physician and pioneer in the ideal medical care movement. In 2004, Dr. Wible left assembly-line medicine and held town hall meetings where she invited citizens to design their own ideal clinic. Open since 2005, Wible’s innovative practice has inspired physicians to create “ideal” clinics nationwide. Her model is now taught in medical schools, undergraduate medical humanities courses and is featured in the Harvard School of Public Health’s newest edition of Renegotiating Health Care: Resolving Conflict to Build Collaboration, a textbook examining major trends with the potential to change the dynamics of health care. Dr. Wible is author of Amazon’s top-rated Pet Goats & Pap Smears: 101 Medical Adventures to Open Your Heart & Mind. She is also coauthor of two awardwinning anthologies: Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change with Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey and other visionary women and Optimism: Cultivating the Magic Quality that Can Extend Your Lifespan, Boost Your Energy, and Make You Happy Now with Jimmy Carter, Steve Jobs and other world leaders. When not treating patients in her community clinic, Dr. Wible devotes her time to medical student and physician suicide prevention. Her articles on physician suicide have been picked up by major news outlets such as The Washington Post and her pioneering work on ideal medical care and physician suicide aired on a special 2014 prime-time segment on America Tonight. Dr. Wible has been interviewed by CNN, ABC, CBS, and she is a frequent guest on NPR. An inspiring leader and educator of the next generation of physicians, Dr. Wible has been awarded the 2015 Women Leaders in Medicine Award from the American Medical Student Association.
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