Electronic translation and dictionary software
Electronic translation and dictionary software
TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Business related to neighboring country ..........................................................................................................................................................................................3 Finnish / Russian speaking employees ..........................................................................................................................................................................................4 Interpreters and translators ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Where have interpreters and translators been used? ..................................................................................................................................................................6 Money used on interpreters and translators ................................................................................................................................................................................7 Satisfaction with interpreters and translators ..............................................................................................................................................................................8 Deficiencies in interpretations and translations ...........................................................................................................................................................................9 Translation software and electronic dictionaries............................................................................................................................................................................10 Where have translation software and electronic dictionaries been used? ................................................................................................................................11 Languages used ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Satisfaction with translation software and electronic dictionaries............................................................................................................................................. 13 Deficiencies in translation software and electronic dictionaries ................................................................................................................................................14 A high-quality Finnish – Russian electronic translator and dictionary on the Internet ..................................................................................................................15 Where would you use the high-quality Finnish – Russian electronic translator and dictionary? ...............................................................................................16 Price for mobile Finnish – Russian translator and dictionary ......................................................................................................................................................17 Voice recognition.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Free availability on the Internet during trips ..............................................................................................................................................................................19 Features .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 The most appropriate device for use ..........................................................................................................................................................................................21 1 SUMMARY INTERPRETERS AND TRANSLATORS Almost half of the interviewed Finnish companies and about every sixth of the Russian companies have used external interpreters or translators when having business with the neighboring country during the last twelve months. Finnish companies use interpreters and translators mainly in business meetings and in writing of all kinds of documents and emails. Russian companies use them for writing contracts and manuals / service guides and in business meetings. Of companies, which have used interpreters or translators during the last twelve months, on average, Finnish companies have used about 3 100 € / 120 000 rub on interpreters and about 3 200 € / 130 000 rub on translators and Russian companies have used about 2 400 € / 100 000 rub on interpreters and about 1 000 € / 40 000 rub on translators annually. Satisfaction with interpreters and translators is extremely high among Russian companies and high among Finnish companies. Overall satisfaction with interpreters is a little higher than overall satisfaction with translators. Lack of satisfaction with interpretations and translations has been mainly because of quality. TRANSLATION SOFTWARE AND ELECTRONIC DICTIONARIES Over half of Finnish respondents and over two thirds of Russian respondents have used Google translate for their work. Also Yandex Perevod, Translate.ru and ABBYY are used quite a lot by Russians. A third of Finnish and a sixth of Russian haven’t used any translation software or electronic dictionaries for their work. Translation software and electronic dictionaries are mainly used for emails. Russians use translation software or electronic dictionaries mainly for English translations. Finnish use them for Russian translations as well. A third of Finnish respondents, who have used translation software or electronic dictionaries for their work, are unsatisfied or extremely unsatisfied with them. Russians are mainly satisfied. Main reason why translation software and electronic dictionaries are not extremely satisfying is that the quality of the translations is not satisfying. A HIGH-QUALITY FINNISH – RUSSIAN ELECTRONIC TRANSLATOR AND DICTIONARY ON THE INTERNET More than four fifths of Finnish respondent’s and about a quarter of Russian respondents would quite probably use a high-quality Finnish – Russian electronic translator and dictionary, if it was available on the Internet. The electronic translator and dictionary on the internet would be mainly used at work or while traveling for business. One third of the respondents, who would surely or probably use it, would use it at home. If the price was 10 euros / 400 rubles, about half of Finnish respondents and every tenth Russian respondent would surely buy. At 50 euros / 2 000 rubles, about half of the Finns would surely or quite probably buy. Not many Russians would buy anymore at this or higher price level. Rising the price to 90 euros / 3 600 rubles would decrease the share of Finns, who would surely buy, to ten percent. Raising the price from this point on wouldn’t affect much the buying behavior. At any price level roughly four fifths of the Russians wouldn’t buy. A fourth of the Finnish respondent’s would quite probably acquire the translator and dictionary if it had voice recognition. Most of the Russians wouldn’t still acquire it just because of the additional voice recognition. Almost four fifths of the Finnish respondent’s and a fourth of the Russian respondent’s would surely or quite probably use the translator and dictionary on their trips to the neighboring country, if it was available for free on the Internet. Most important features for both Finnish and Russian respondents are logical, easy to use, intuitive and simple user interface and easy and fast navigation. Most of the Finnish respondents would like to use the software on a laptop or pc whereas most of the Russian respondents would like to use the software on mobile device. About a fifth of Russian respondents would like to use it on a compact separate device. 2 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH • A public electronic translation and dictionary software is under development. Possible main target users are Finnish and Russian companies and organizations, which have customers or business partners in the neighboring country. The purpose of the research was to find out what kind of interpretational or translational needs these companies and organizations have. IMPLEMENTATION • Finnish companies were interviewed on an Internet survey. Invitation letters were sent by email to FRCC (Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce) members and other companies and organization, which are known to have Russian contacts. • Russian companies were interviewed over telephone. • Interviews were done in April and May 2013. • A total of 204 Russian companies or organizations were interviewed. 242 Finnish companies or organizations started the survey, of which 181 finished answering. Companies and organizations that didn’t have any business with the neighboring country were abandoned. • Rsoft implemented Russian research and Promaco implemented Finnish research. The results of these two researches were combined in this report. RELIABILITY • Sample error in percentage figures in this report is no more than 7 %. STRUCTURE OF DATA Location South-Finland West-Finland East-Finland North-Finland Moscow and Moscow region St. Petersburg and Leningrad region elsewhere in Russia Finland 62 % 22 % 8% 8% Russia 29 % 57 % 14 % Number of employees 1-5 6-50 51-200 over 200 Industry products for consumers services for consumers services for business production, real estates, transportation, other Finland 20 % 34 % 16 % 30 % Finland 17 % 14 % 31 % 62 % Russia 6% 44 % 27 % 24 % Russia 16 % 20 % 28 % 41 % 3 BUSINESS RELATED TO NEIGHBORING COUNTRY Finnish companies Finnish companies: What kind of business related to Russia do you have? Russian companies: What kind of business related to Finland do you have? Russian companies 100% 90% OTHER: - consulting - subsidiaries - collaboration - investments - production 80% % of companies 70% 60% 59% 49% 50% 39% 38% 40% 32% 32% 30% 22% 20% 14% 17% 10% 2% 0% export import subcontractors customers other Of the surveyed companies, larger number of Finnish companies exports to Russia than Russian companies export to Finland. Relatively larger share of Finnish companies have subcontractors and customers in the neighboring country. Companies, which didn’t have any business related to neighboring country, were excluded from this survey. On the average, Finnish companies said that 28 % of their business is related to Russia whereas Russian companies stated that 43 % their business is related to Finland. 4 FINNISH / RUSSIAN SPEAKING EMPLOYEES Finnish companies Finnish companies: Does your company have Russian speaking empoyees, who have business with Russian? Russian companies: Does your company have Finnish speaking empoyees, who have business with Finnish? Russian companies 100% 90% 83% 80% 74% % of companies 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 26% 17% 10% 0% no yes It is much more common for Finnish companies to have Russian speaking employees than Russian companies to have Finnish speaking employees. Finnish companies have 16 such employees on the average, where Russian companies have three. Reasons why companies didn’t have this kind of employees included: communication in English, translations are outsourced, ne need of them, too expensive. 5 INTERPRETERS AND TRANSLATORS Finnish companies Russian companies During the last twelve months, has your company used external interpreters or translators when having business with Russians / Finnish? 100% 90% 84% 80% % of companies 70% 60% 46% 50% 38% 40% 30% 20% 16% 15% 10% 0% I can't say no yes Almost half of the interviewed Finnish companies and about every sixth of the Russian companies have used external interpreters or translators when having business with the neighboring country during the last twelve months. The reasons why external interpreters or translators have not been used are: there has been no need, interpretations and translations are handled internally, communication and documentation are in English and conversations are in English or Russian. 6 WHERE HAVE INTERPRETERS AND TRANSLATORS BEEN USED? % of companies, which have used interpreters or translators during the last 12 months Finnish companies Russian companies 100% OTHER: - conferences - training - marketing - websites - seminars 90% 80% 70% 60% 52% 51% 48% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 27% 26% 24% 20% 10% 27% 31% 14% 6% 3% 6% 8% 9% 0% emails contracts other paper manuals, service documents (menus guides etc.) request for offers telephone / video business meetings negotiations other Finnish companies use interpreters and translators mainly in business meetings and in writing of all kinds of documents and emails. Russian companies use them for writing contracts and manuals / service guides and in business meetings. For emails they are seldom used. 7 MONEY USED ON INTERPRETERS AND TRANSLATORS How much money does your company use annually for external interpreters and translators when having business with the neighboring country (Finland / Russia)? (companies, which have used interpreters or translators during the last twelve months) 5 000 € 4 500 € max 20 000 € / 800 000 rub max 20 000 € / 800 000 rub maximum 4 000 € percentile 75 3 500 € 3 000 € mean 2 500 € median 2 000 € 1 500 € percentile 25 1 000 € minimum 500 € - € Finnish companies Russian companies money used on interpreters Finnish companies Russian companies money used on translators Of companies, which have used interpreters or translators during the last twelve months, on average, Finnish companies have used about 3 100 € / 120 000 rubles on interpreters and about 3 200 € / 130 000 rubles on translators and Russian companies have used about 2 400 € / 100 000 rubles on interpreters and about 1 000 € / 40 000 rubles on translators annually. Even though Finnish companies have used more on interpreters on average, minimum, median, percentile 25 and percentile 75 for Russian companies are higher. This means that most of the Russian companies use more money on interpreters. 8 SATISFACTION WITH INTERPRETERS AND TRANSLATORS % of companies, which have used interpreters or translators during the last 12 months 100 % 90 % 80 % 25% 35% 5 (extremely satisfied) 70 % 4 60 % 95% 50 % 96% 51% 3 40 % 45% 30 % 2 20 % 19% 10 % 1 (extremely unsatisfied) 19% 5% 0% Finnish companies Russian companies interpreters 4% 1% Finnish companies 4% Russian companies translators Satisfaction with interpreters and translators is extremely high among Russian companies and high among Finnish companies. Overall satisfaction with interpreters is a little higher than overall satisfaction with translators. 9 DEFICIENCIES IN INTERPRETATIONS AND TRANSLATIONS Finnish companies Russian companies What kind of deficiencies have you had with interpretations and translations? 100% 100% 100% % of companies, which have not been satisfied with interpreters and translators 100% OTHER: - expertise - special vocabulary 90% 80% 71% 70% 64% 60% 50% 40% 27% 30% 26% 19% 20% 12% 12% 7% 10% 0% speed price quality interpretations other speed price quality other translations Lack of satisfaction with interpretations and translations has been mainly because of quality. Only two Russian companies answered this question, because the number of unsatisfied Russian companies was so small. Therefore the only deficiencies interviewed Russian companies had experienced were quality and speed. 10 TRANSLATION SOFTWARE AND ELECTRONIC DICTIONARIES Finnish What translation softwares or electronic dictionaries have you used for your work? Russian 100% OTHER: - Bing - Eurotranslator - ilmainensanakirja.fi - iPhone - kaantaja.fi - Lingua 5 - MOT - multitran.ru - Oxford dictionary - Poliglos - sanakirja.org 90% 80% 68% % of respondents 70% 60% 55% 50% 43% 40% 31% 27% 30% 23% 21% 17% 20% 10% 3% 2% 6% 3% 0% Google Translate Yandex Perevod Translate ru (PROMT) ABBYY Lingvo other none Over half of Finnish respondents and over two thirds of Russian respondents have used Google translate for their work. Also Yandex Perevod, Translate.ru and ABBYY are used quite a lot by Russians. A third of Finnish and a sixth of Russian haven’t used any translation software or electronic dictionaries for their work. 11 WHERE HAVE TRANSLATION SOFTWARE AND ELECTRONIC DICTIONARIES BEEN USED? Finnish Russian % of respondents, who have used translation software or electronic dictionaries for their work 100% 90% OTHER: - websites - in busy situations - short texts - spelling checks - meetings - finding single words 80% 72% 70% 68% 60% 50% 40% 31% 29% 27% 30% 24% 29% 21% 20% 15% 9% 10% 0% emails contracts manuals, service guides Translation software and electronic dictionaries are mainly used for emails. request for offers other 12 LANGUAGES USED Finnish What languages have you used translation software or electronic dictionaries for? Russian % of respondents, who have used translation software or electronic dictionaries for their work OTHER: - Swedish - Dutch - German - Italian - Japanese - Chinese - Norwegian - Polish - French - Arabic - Portugues - Estonian 97% 100% 90% 81% 80% 70% 66% 60% 50% 40% 34% 30% 20% 16% 10% 3% 0% Finnish / Russian – English Finnish – Russian other Russians use translation software or electronic dictionaries mainly for English translations. Finnish use them for Russian translations as well. 13 SATISFACTION WITH TRANSLATION SOFTWARE AND ELECTRONIC DICTIONARIES % of respondents, who have used translation software or electronic dictionaries for their work 100 % 90 % 2% 21% 5 (extremely satisfied) 80 % 70 % 64% 4 60 % 44% 50 % 3 40 % 30 % 20 % 2 30% 28% 10 % 0% 5% 1% 1% Russian companies 4% Finnish companies 1 (extremely unsatisfied) translation software and electronic dictionaries A third of Finnish respondents, who have used translation software or electronic dictionaries for their work, are unsatisfied or extremely unsatisfied with them. Russians are mainly satisfied. 14 DEFICIENCIES IN TRANSLATION SOFTWARE AND ELECTRONIC DICTIONARIES Finnish Russian 97% 100% % of respondents, who have used translation software or electronic dictionaries for their work What kind of deficiencies have you had with translation software or electronic dictionaries? 90% 80% 78% OTHER: - lack of vocabulary - wrong wording - unreliability - too slow 70% 60% 50% WHY? - bad connection - too slow - too expensive 40% 30% WHY? - time lapse - bad connection 28% 20% 7% 10% 10% 6% 0% quality is not satisfying using them abroad is too difficult when needed, using them is too complicated other Main reason why translation software and electronic dictionaries are not extremely satisfying is that the quality of the translations is not satisfying. 15 A HIGH-QUALITY FINNISH – RUSSIAN ELECTRONIC TRANSLATOR AND DICTIONARY ON THE INTERNET Finnish Russian If there was a high-quality Finnish – Russian electronic translator and dictionary on the Internet, how likely would you use it? 100% 90% 80% 74% % of respondents 70% 60% 47% 50% 40% 36% 30% 20% 16% 12% 10% 7% 5% 3% 0% I would surely use I would quite probably use I don't think that I would use I don't know More than four fifths of Finnish respondent’s and about a quarter of Russian respondents would quite probably use a high-quality Finnish – Russian electronic translator and dictionary, if it was available on the Internet. 16 WHERE WOULD YOU USE THE HIGH-QUALITY FINNISH – RUSSIAN ELECTRONIC TRANSLATOR AND DICTIONARY? Finnish % of respondents, who would surely or probably use it 100% Russian 97% 90% 85% 80% 70% 60% 47% 50% 50% 37% 40% 33% 30% OTHER: - everywhere - when needed - on mobile phone - during personal travel 20% 10% 10% 3% 0% at work while traveling for business at home other The electronic translator and dictionary on the internet would be mainly used at work or while traveling for business. One third of the respondents, who would surely or probably use it, would use it at home. 17 PRICE FOR MOBILE FINNISH – RUSSIAN TRANSLATOR AND DICTIONARY If you had a chance to buy a mobile good-quality Finnish – Russian translator and dictionary, would you buy it if the price was... 100% 90% 80% % of respondents 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 10 € / 400 rub 50 € / 2 000 rub 90 € / 3 600 rub 130 € / 5 200 rub I would surely buy (Finnish) I would probably buy (Finnish) I don't think I would buy (Finnish) I would surely buy (Russian) I would probably buy (Russian) I don't think I would buy (Russian) If the price was 10 euros / 400 rubles, about half of Finnish respondents and every tenth Russian respondent would surely buy. At 50 euros / 2 000 rubles, about half of the Finns would surely or quite probably buy. Not many Russians would buy anymore at this or higher price level. Rising the price to 90 euros / 3 600 rubles would decrease the share of Finns, who would surely buy, to ten percent. Raising the price from this point on wouldn’t affect much the buying behavior. At any price level roughly four fifths of the Russians wouldn’t buy. About one sixth of the respondents answered I don’t know. 18 VOICE RECOGNITION Finnish Would you acquire the translator and dictionary if it had voice recognition? Russian 100% 90% 77% 80% % of respondents 70% 60% 50% 41% 40% 28% 30% 23% 20% 11% 10% 8% 6% 5% 0% surely quite probably I don't think so I don't know A fourth of the Finnish respondent’s would quite probably acquire the translator and dictionary if it had voice recognition. Most of the Russians wouldn’t still acquire it just because of the additional voice recognition. 19 FREE AVAILABILITY ON THE INTERNET DURING TRIPS Finnish If the translator and dictionary was available for free on the Internet, would you use it on your trips to neighboring country (Finland / Russia)? Russian 100% 90% 80% 68% % of respondents 70% 60% 50% 40% 38% 38% 30% 18% 20% 15% 10% 10% 8% 6% 0% surely quite probably I don't think so I don't know Almost four fifths of the Finnish respondent’s and a fourth of the Russian respondent’s would surely or quite probably use the translator and dictionary on their trips to the neighboring country, if it was available for free on the Internet. 20 FEATURES less important 100% quite important 1% How important following features are? most important 2% 5% 1% 2% 6% 5% 5% 19% 90% 80% 25% 26% 39% 33% 45% 40% 70% % of respondents 22% 52% 18% 31% 60% 62% 50% 93% 82% 95% 92% 50% 54% 40% 37% 40% 30% 58% 59% 56% 50% 42% 20% 29% 24% 10% 19% 14% 0% Finnish Russian logical, easy to use and intuitive interface Finnish Russian easy and fast navigation Finnish Russian simple interface Finnish Russian scalable text size 1% Finnish Russian Finnish Russian 11% 2% Finnish 14% Russian grayscale interface user support included multicolor interface (for easier reading) Most important features for both Finnish and Russian respondents are logical, easy to use, intuitive and simple user interface and easy and fast navigation. Other features that respondents mentioned were special vocabulary, easy copy-paste function, easy updating, 24/7 helpdesk, support for all formats, offline mode, fast, clear graphics, translation by hovering cursor over words, speech recognition, pronunciation of words, show suggestions for unrecognized words, phrases, translation history, spell check, include own words, word classes, lexical categories, hyphenation, idioms, pronunciation keys, examples how to use the word, recognition of dialects. 21 THE MOST APPROPRIATE DEVICE FOR USE Finnish Which one is the most appropriate device for use? Russian 100% 90% 77% 80% % of respondents 70% 60% 50% 45% 38% 40% 30% 22% 18% 20% 10% 1% 0% software for mobile device (phone, communicator, palmtop) software for laptop or pc separate compact device (size of a mobile phone) Most of the Finnish respondents would like to use the software on a laptop or pc whereas most of the Russian respondents would like to use the software on mobile device. About a fifth of Russian respondents would like to use it on a compact separate device.