WDC E-News 3 July 2011 - bg
WDC E-News 3 July 2011 - bg
WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 1 WDC E-NEWS The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation Edition 3 - July 2011 WORLD PROFESSIONAL LATIN CHAMPIONS 2010 & 2011 WDC AGM 2011 RICCARDO COCCHI & YULIA ZAGORUYCHENKO 2 World Professional Latin Championships within 7 months and the same winner emerges. See a report of the World Professional Latin Championships 2011 from Moscow in this edition of E-News See our report of the 2011 WDC Series of meetings held in Blackpool during the British Open Championship Report by the WDC PR Team The World Dance Council held their annual series of meetings during the Blackpool Dance Festival including the Annual General Meeting which took place on 2nd June, in the Spanish Hall. Winter Gardens, Blackpool. An extra meeting was scheduled this year in accordance with the wishes of the membership, and also to vote on the new Memorandum and Articles of the World Dance Council. At this Special General Meeting there were 41 Voting Countries present and there was an air of excitement as a number of extremely relevant issues were to be debated and decided. Perhaps the most important being the Agreement that had been negotiated with WADA the World Anti Doping Agency in relation to Competitive Dance. The President reminded delegates of the shock waves felt in certain quarters when the successful completion of negotiations was announced. No longer could false accusations be Continues on Page 2 IMPRSESSUM: Publisher: World Dance Council Ltd. 4 Dorset Gardens Mitcham Surrey CR4 1LX Enlgand Visit our Website: www.wdcdance.com for up-to-date News & Results WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 2 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation made against the WDC and their dancers, no longer was there a barrier to talk. The Delegates were warmly accepting of this new chapter in the long pedigree of the WDC, which throughout its history has worked with honourable intentions and the will to best serve all in dance including the Competitors. On a vote all were in favour of the implementation with only South Africa against. Undoubtedly much work will be involved in ensuring the successful implementation and management of the WADA Code and the President asked, that at the AGM 7 Vice Presidents be elected, to aid with the enormous work load. With the adoption of the new Memorandum and Articles the WDC has made another big step forward, and has ensured that not only is the history and heritage, but also the future development of the Council is guaranteed. Page 3 of €50,000 would be presented at the Championship a most generous and welcome move, which gave them the edge in another very close vote between the Ukraine and Hong Kong in the final round of voting to determine the right to host this World Championship. The very foundation of our dance world is the teacher and the Dance Teachers Committtee meeting was very well attended and many ideas, with great potential, for the future were discussed. Mr Marcel de Rijk the Chairman announced that having served the council for many years he felt it was time to step down although he had enjoyed every moment during his term of Office. Mr de Rijk had become a delegate at 28 years of age and served the council for 36 years. He Also there was an announcement that the new Presidium received a standing ovation, many grateful thanks and a will work to introduce a structure for the members of WDC special presentation was made to him on behalf of the Amateur League. This has gained greater impetus with Dance Teachers Executive Board. the amazing growth and expansion of the League. Mr. Morten Andresen was elected unopposed and unaniThe President asked delegates to show their respect and mously as the new Chairman. Whilst building on the great admiration for the delegates from Japan, whose country work of Mr De Rijk he will undoubtedly introduce his own had endured tragedy with the earthquake and tsunami. As stamp and re-shape the Teachers Committee for the fuone body the delegates rose and gave a tumultuous and ture. Under his guidance and dedication there will be conprolonged ovation. A moving moment for all and a true in- tinued strength and growth of the Dance Teachers dication of the unity within the WDC family. It was an- organisation. nounced at the AGM that the WDC were making a contribution of $10,000 to the Relief Fund, with the Japan- Mr Walter Wat was elected as Senior Vice Chairman and ese delegates receiving a Presidents award on behalf of as Vice Chairmen Mr Denis Jacquot, Mr Alain Millette and the Japanse Dancing Community for their organisations Mrs Cornelia Willius-Senzer were elected and Mr Alex Beand members of the Japanese member of the WDC. liaev was co-opted with special responsibility for Eastern Europe, and further coopted members are: Honorary AdAt the Competitive Dance Council Meeting, Mr Fred Bijster visor - Hoi Ping Wong Li (Macau), Honorary Advisor - Ping as Chairman and Mr Ferry Polai Senior Vice Chairman Zhang (China), Niki Seifert (Austria) were re-elected unopposed and unanimously. For the positions as Vice Chairman re- eleted were: Mr Jerry Abrate, Mr Karl Breuer was honoured by being appointed HonMr Steve Powell, Mr Sergey Ryupin and there were joined orary Examiner for the WDC Examination System. by newly elected Mr Gary McDonald. A strong and united team who will undoubtedly take Competitive dance to On Thursday, 2nd June the Annual General Meeting of the even greater heights and success. Council took place , and there was excellent attendance of eager delegates for the AGM. On a motion presented by the ADTV Germany the delegates voted that for newly granted Championship events Of note was that after a few years of absence, The Interfrom 2014 onwards there be “Open” Professional Cham- national Dance Organisation (IDO) was in attendance at pionships. There would be no change to the existing po- all meetings and it was an honour to have present the sition where each country nominate 2 couples to represent President Mr. Bill Fowler, who was to address the AGM them and they with qualified “Wild Cards” would dance in and give his view of future developments, especially in the 1st round proper. However all dancers would have the terms of a more close cooperation between IDO and right to enter and at their own expense compete in a qual- WDC. ifying round with a certain number being passed forward to the 1st round proper. An exciting new development. The meeting commenced with the introduction and address by the President, Mr Donnie Burns, M.B.E. with a The delegates voted also on the countries to be granted video presentation . 2 future very important 2014 World Championships. The voting was extremely close but it was announced Great With emotion and inspiration the President stated of his Britain will present the 2014 World Ballroom Champi- belief in the WDC and determination for the future. The onship and Ukraine will host the 2014 World Latin Cham- pride he had in working with people with the same dedipionship. Ukraine informed the meeting that Prize Money cation to build a strong foundation. He stated that despite The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation the great successes gained over the past few years which established the WDC as leaders in a dance world, one based on Freedom of Choice, the Freedom to Belong, many challenges still lay ahead and decisions had to be made in the best interests of all members and that there was nothing that could not be achieved as a strong united family. That under the Flag of the WDC, goals and dreams could be brought to fruition. made an Honorary Member for their outstanding services to the WDC were passed unanimously. Delegates were invited by the British Dance Council to attend a luncheon which was enjoyed by all present. After the Luncheon there was the signing ceremony for the 3 Probationary countries present, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, and Sri Lanka and the delegates were delighted to With the joining of the WADA the potential for the future welcome these new members to the WDC family. has never been brighter nor more positive. The final part of the AGM was the presentation of the 2011 After the completion of the voting on the necessary pre- Presidents Awards. liminary and standard motions the meeting immediately moved to the motion from Scotland : That no member of Those honoured this year were the WDC Presidium, the Competitive Dance Executive Akihiro Yokomichi, Chu Shinoda, Hiro Amano and their reBoard or the Dance Teachers Executive Board may be a spective organisations from Japan in recognition of the registrant of the IDSF. great work undertaken following the tragic earthquake and Tsunami, and the stoicism and courage of the dance fraThere were several people who spoke some for and some ternity of Japan who have long supported the dance world. against. The vote produced a very decisive outcome with The National Dance League of Russia for the magnificent 33 For, 4 Against and 4 Abstentions. work they have undertaken leading to the remarkable growth and expansion of the WDC Amateur League in that The Financial Report and Acceptance of the Budget were Country. passed unanimously. The General Secretary recorded that the Accounts were commended by the Auditors for Mr. Svyatoslav Vlokh for the tremendous work undertaken the exemplary manner in which they were presented and in Ukraine. Under his guidance there has been magnifioperated. cent increase in the number of dancers in the WDC Amateur League. There is now a most attractive calendar of Mr Marcel de Rijk who was standing down as Chairman events in Ukraine which will attract even more competiof the Teachers Executive, and thus relinquishing his po- tions. The future is exciting as the growth of the WDC consition on the Presidium, and Mrs Cornelia Willius-Senzer, tinues in Ukraine. who after many years of loyal service was standing down from the Presidium, received grateful thanks and a long Also honoured were the magnificent WDC Professional standing ovation. Both however will continue to serve and World Champions 2010 ,who came to the AGM despite work for the WDC in the most positive and constructive their very hectic schedules during this Blackpool week to manner, with Mrs Willius-Senzer joining the Dance Teach- receive their awards. They do so much to raise the profile ers Executive Board. and prestige of the WDC and Competitive Dance and with their great skills, the excellence of dance performance and Mr Donnie Burns MBE was re-elected as President unop- artistry, they are magnificent Ambassadors throughout the posed and unanimously. There were a total off 12 nomi- world. nees for the 7 Vice Presidents position but as 4 persons withdrew and one, not being a delegate, was ineligible World Ballroom Champions 2010 : Arunas Bizokas & Kathere remained 7 nominees. Elected unanimously, and to tusha Demidova great applause Mr Brian McDonald (USA) and Mr Rudi World Latin Champions 2010 : Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Trautz (Germany), Mr Svein Rotvold (Norway) joined the Zagoruychenko re-elected Presidium members Mr Isao Nakagawa World 10 Dance Champions 2010 : Roman Mirkin & Na(Japan), Mr Stanislav Popov (Russia), Mr Steve Powell talia Bednyagina (UK), Mr Jack Rothweiler (USA), . A strong team, expe- World Ballroom Showdance Champions 2010 : Fabrizio rienced, dedicated, determined, committed, and these & Lorena Cravero persons will serve the WDC well in the future. The delegates departed from the meeting with renewed There were 5 applications for Probationary Membership, energy, optimism for the future and a determination to Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Moldova, Serbia, Sri Lanka. These make a united effort to advance the beliefs and cause of were passed unanimously and to applause. the World Dance Council Family. The proposals that Mr Marcel de Rijk (who retired as The next Annual General Meeting of the General Council Chairman of the Dance Teachers Executive) be made an will take place Thursday 31st May, 2012. Honorary Vice President, and Mr Alan Clarke (Ireland) be WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 4 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation WDC AL OPEN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2010 DINSEYLAND, PARIS The New York Hotel, Disneyland Paris was the setting for the Championship 9th/10th/11th December and it was a winter wonderland with the snow thickly laying on the ground. On the Thursday evening as dancers from all around the world assembled for the start of 3 days of dancing one could sense the excitement. Many couples were excited at participating in their first WDC Amateur League event and becoming a part of the warm and caring World Dance Council Family. An increase in numbers of over 30% on last years record numbers is a great achievement and a tribute to the growth of the WDC AL. It was shortly before 9.30 a.m. On Friday 10th when the main ballroom,Times Square, filled to capacity was darkened with just spotlight beams highlighting the enormous dance floor and a welcome address was made to all present at one of the major dance events of the year, the WDC AL World Open Championships. Then the strains of the waltz echoed around the ballroom and on the beautifully lit competition floor this major dance games commenced with the Disney Resort Amateur Ballroom Championships. Already the audience was warm and appreciative and giving all couples maximum support. This is an ambience which cannot be organised it is something which comes from the heart and a love of dance. At 11.00a.m. the Grand Ballroom commenced its competitions for the day once again to a full ballroom and a highly appreciative audience who would enjoy every moment of the events. The Grandballroom would be in use all 3 days to cope with the additional entries. Some organisations would not be able to produce one adjudicating panel of the quality and knowledge and understanding that the WDC provides but during the day there would be many panels and each would comprise illustrious names, people who have devoted their lives to dance and dancers and are the life blood of our dance world. World Champions, British, Champions, (there were in fact a total of 89 British or World titles held) Continental Champions, National Champions all with a part to play and the competitors knew they would be fairly accessed. During each of the events from the Under 10 Juvenile upwards it was obvious that the WDC AL is already creating the future. Young champions who in turn will become the worlds best dancers and serve the dance community and pass on their experience and knowledge. The standard of the Youth Under 19 and Under 21 was outstanding and the talent breathtaking. Any person privileged to be in the ballrooms for the second day will have memories to last the rest of their lives. It was incredible the atmosphere which built during the day with the music, the audience, the competitors, the coaches all bonding and becoming one unit to create an amazing emotional experience. Did the dancers inspire the audience or did the audience inspire the dancers is an enigma but certainly some magical and spell binding performances were witnessed with feelings spilling over. The applause from, and the involvement of, the capacity audience was amazing. If this ambience could be packaged and sold other organisers would be desperate to purchase. There were cancellations from some programmed entries as the cold winter took its toll (one personality took 13 hours to travel 30 kms or approx 19 miles). However there were also many late entries which compensated and proved the lengths to which dancers will go to compete where respected. Page 5 It was just before 9.00 a.m. Saturday the second day when the ballroom was darkened with just creative lighting effects across the huge dance floor and everyone present was welcomed to the most exciting dance event in the world. The first event was the Under 14 Disneyland Resort Paris Latin Championship. Sitting in the audience at this early hour and showing their appreciation of the terrific dancing were Mr Donnie Burns, MBE, the WDC President (and what a fantastic job he is doing) and Mr Sammy Stopford the Amateur League Chairman who is leading the AL to greater strength and success. Can you imagine being 13 years of age and knowing you were being watched and applauded by two of the greatest Latin dancers in our history and how inspired you would be? Men you can look up to and respect, men who have a deep love for dance and immense knowledge and care passionately in creating a better positive future for all and working tirelessly to that end. This is one aspect which makes the WDC a truly unique organisation. The audience was reminiscent of a Hall of Fame with so many great former dancers, champions and World Champions, some only recently retired from competitions but attending to show their support for the World of Freedom of Choice, Freedom to Belong, Freedom to Compete, Freedom to be the Master of your own career. There is little doubt now as to the ever increasing momentum for Freedom and that this is the true future of dance. It was a full programme including the Professional Rising Stars Ballroom, The Disneyland Resort Professional Latin Championship which is a WDC Super Word Ranking event, plus 8 Disneyland Resort events and 15 World Championships. All through the day the excitement mounted as we watched one superb event after another until that special moment Carnival time!! The Maracas were passed out adding to the atmosphere and then after a short period of “fun” dancing the scene was set. Starting with the Professional Latin and continuing with the last 24 of the Amateur Ballroom. The appearance of Riccardo & Yulia the newly crowned WDC World Latin Champions, Sergey & Melia, Maurizio& Andra gave added impetus to the evening and what a superb competition followed. At the end of the final Paso the audience were already on their feet showing their enthusiasm for the magnificent dancing and they remained standing and applauding throughout the final jive. The Amateur Ballroom World Open Championship had many highlights with a very even standard which must have set the judges real headaches. The inspired final was eventually won by the 2010 UK Open and British Open Champions Andrea Ghigiarelli & Sara Andracchio (now Mrs Ghigiarelli) and we would like to congratulate them on their now having achieved a World Championship title. It was very clear that they enjoyed every moment whilst competing and receiving huge applause. In 2nd place was the No.1 ranked Chinese couple Yang Chao & Tan Yi Ling who also danced beautifully and received great support. The third and final day arrived and it is very safe to say that the many many people from all corners of the world who had spent these three days at the WDC AL World Open had memories to last a lifetime What an incredible experience for everyone who had taken part in any way at all. Dancers, coaches, adjudicators, the music man, the announcers, the organising team and their The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation staff who worked tirelessly, and especially the audience were unanimous this was the most exciting competition they have ever attended. The morning and afternoon were mainly devoted to the Under 12/14/16/19 age groups. The new generations, the future of the WDC AL. Those who will sparkle and become the stars of the coming years. The jewels in the dance world crown. However the Over 35/45/55 age groups were not forgotten as they are a highly valued part of our dance world and in some countries they are now the majority. The Senior 1 Ballroom had as adjudicators Vicky Barr, Caterina Arzenton, Rita Short, Kenny Welsh, Andrew Sinkinson, Mirko Saccani, Steven Hannah, Steve Powell, Massimo Girgianni, Tony Dokman. Other than Blackpool where else could such a panel be found anywhere in the world for a Senior event ? The WDC is proud of its heritage, the many years over which it has been the driving force in the development of dance in a spirit of compromise and co-operation. The WDC realises that by evolution it must pass this legacy to the younger generations through the passing years. The young will discover that knowledge and understanding is vital that there must be progress and development but this must not mean the destruction of the old. As 18.00 approached signalling the commencement of the evening session one could sense the atmosphere building and that a great night lay ahead. It had been thought that the two main highlights would be the Amateur League Latin World Open Championship and the Disney Resort Professional Ballroom Championship but a thrilling surprise lay ahead. To have a show by Sergey & Melia would be superb, To have a show by Riccardo & Yulia would also be superb but to have a show by both was spine tingling special. Both couples danced from their hearts with emotion packed performances to show their love for freedom for all and they had the crowd in a state of frenzy, and many had a lump in their throats at the superb performances. The standard in the Amateur Latin Championship was truly excellent with many tight tussles for placings. It was no surprise when at the end of the Paso in the Semi the audience rose to give a standing ovation to great young dancers giving superb performances. In he final there were 3 excellent couples and all dancing brilliantly and no wonder each had a mix of marks of 1, 2, 3,. The final was danced to a continuous clapping and maraca shaking cacophony of noise from a highly excited and enthralled audience all standing to show their appreciation to the couples for a brilliant championship. In the Professional Ballroom some of the “top names” were missing but we still had a most exciting competition and quality dancing. Domen & Monika, Warren & Kristi like all the other finalists demonstrated great artistry, musicality and control. In a day filled with wonderful moments some highlights were twin brothers dancing in the Under 19 Latin final and dancing so well with one becoming Champion. The emotion of parents and coaches when a young couple were announced as World Champions and it had not been expected. Mirko Saccani & Caterina Azenton forming a new partnership to give a demonstration of ….....................the Birdy Dance!! The WDC President being totally involved in the surroundings, the atmosphere, the sheer joy of dance and becoming the “Maraca King” to show his appreciation of the dancing we were witnessing. This close bond which is now shared by all in the WDC is proving special and unique and for young dancers to discover that great man and Champion, that big adjudicator, is human, loves to have fun and is in reality a friend is what sets the WDC apart. Towards the end of the evening, and in effect the 2010 Champi- onships a number of sincere speeches were made and tribute paid to those who work so hard to create and then keep running this magnificent Celebration of all that is good in dance. Special thanks were made to Academie des Maitres de Danse de France who made it possible for the event to take place in France and thereby that not only French dancers but dancers from around the world would have true Freedom to compete. Over and over during the festival we witnessed the beauty of movement to music. This is what our dance world is all about. There must be beautiful movement to music to have dance and this unfortunately is totally lost to some people and organisations. We witnessed calm, elegance, stylish, musical, artistic dancing with consideration for fellow competitors. The connection and body contact between the couples had been excellent as there is no desire to work only for speed and power. Faster, higher, further, stronger are not part of the sport discipline of Competitive dance vocabulary. To make the simplest elements beautiful is the greatest degree of difficulty not to set some tariff with tricks, etc., used to impress and fool those without in depth knowledge and experience. The finalists for two main Championships and Professional WDC World Series were as follows: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP AMATEUR BALLROOM Andrea & Sara Ghigiarelli (Italy) Yang Chao & Tan Yi Ling (China) Andey Sirbu & Alexander Hixson Gaetana Iavarone & Emanuele Napolitano (Italy) Fedor Isaev & Anna Zudiliha (Russia) Mark & Olga Elsbury (England) WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP AMATEUR LATIN Neil Jones & Ekaterina Sokolova (England) Kirill Belorukov & Elvira Skrylnikova (Russia) Jurij & Jagoda Batagelj (Slovenia) Anton Karpov & Natalia Rumyantseva (Russia) Dmytro Vlokh & Ekaterina Vaganova (Ukraine) Oleg Negrov & Valeriya Ryabova (Russia) WORLD SERIES PROFESSIONAL BALLROOM 1. Domen Krapez & Monica Negro (Slovenia) 2. Warren & Kristi Boyce (England) 3. Eldar Dzhafarov & Anna Sazhina (Azerbadzjan) 4. Alessio Potenziani & Veronika Vlasova (Russia) 5. Andrea Faraci & Iveta Pauryte (U.S.A.) 6. Denis Donskoy & Maria Galtseva (Russia) WORLD SERIES PROFESSIONAL LATIN 1. Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko (USA) 2. Sergey Surkov & Melia (Russia) 3. Maurizio Vescovo & Andra Vaidilaite (Canada) 4. Emanuele Soldi & Elisa Nasato (Italy) 5. Joshua Keefe & Sara Magnanelli (Italy) 6. Przemek Lowicki & Asta Sigvaldadottir (Poland) Full Results for all events : http://www.scrutelle.info/results/estelle/2010/disney_2010/index.htm MAKE A DATE NOW FOR 2011 and PLEASE TAKE SPECIAL NOTE THE EVENT WILL BE ON SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY 3rd/4th/5th DECEMBER. WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 6 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation 2011 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP PROFESSIONAL LATIN The worlds best dancers convene in the Kremlin for a World Class event The historical Grand Kremlin Palace, Moscow is the setting for one of the most eagerly anticipated events in the dance calendar. Not just afficionados of dance but all who appreciate elegance and beauty love this great competition and Gala Show. An event of the highest quality not only in terms of the couples participating, but the very special venue inside of the Kremlin, decorated and lit to create the most special of athmospheres with a scintillating orchestra to provide live music. The organiser Mr. Stanislav Popov, together with his excellent team must be congratulated for the immense contribution to the competitive calendar with this Crown Jewel of events The 2011 World Championship Professional Latin , which is along the Ballroom divisions championship the premier championship in the World of Dance , was no exception, with "spectacular" being almost an understatement. With the first time the Basic Dance was a compulsory dance in each round there was even more anticipation who would adapt best to the new format and present the best competitive interpretation of those dearly loved and so important basic elements. The difficult duty to adjudicate this event of events fell to Page 7 the following distinguished adjudicators under the chairmanship of Hannes Emrich. Mr. Luka Fanni Mrs. Vibeke Toft Mr. Marc Barbieri Mr. Akira Hojo Mr. Rudolf Trautz Mr. Wojciech Przemieniecki Mrs. Nicole Hansen-Burns Mrs. Daniela Skovic-Novak Mr. Svyatoslav Vlokh Mr. Victor Popov Mrs. Tone Nyhagen The outcome of this most exciting of finals, after 5 excellent rounds of competition is: 1.) Riccardo Cocchi - Yulia Zagoruychenko (USA) 2.) Michael Malitowski - Joanna Leunis (Poland) 3.) Sergey Surkov - Melia (Russia) 4.) Franco Formica - Oksana Lebedew (Germany) 5.) Andrej Skufca - Melinda Torokgyorgy (Slovenia) 6.) Maurizio Vescovo - Andra Vadilaite (Canada) Most sincere congratulations to Riccardo and Yulia for retaining their World Champion’s Title for 2011 and I am sure there will be most exciting battles ahead in the future. The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 8 Page 9 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation Dutch Open 2011 Assen Holland 7th-13th of November INFORMATION: Fred Bijster J.B.weg 6 7991 RG Dwingeloo Holland Tel: +31- 521- 592071 +31- 521- 593771 E-mail: info@dansinternationaal.nl @ @ info@dancemasters.nl Website: www.dansinternationaal.nl ! 7 / 2 , $ 7 )$ $ ! . # % / 2 ' ! . ) W W W F R E D A S T A IR E C " LIS S 2 O A D s , O N G M E A D O W - WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 10 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation ASIAN TOUR 2011 Long established as one of the major series of competitions for Professionals the Asian Tour in 2011 for the first time included WDC AL Championships at every venue. A sign of the continued growth of the Amateur League. Any dancer who experiences the excitement and the quality of the competitions has the desire to return again and again. 2011 commenced in Japan, Tokyo on the 20th February, with the Asian Open a major Open Championship but also including Asian National Championships then followed 23rd February, Japan and Nagoya Asian Tour Nagoya Open 28th March, Taiwan and Taipei Open March 3rd Indonesia Jakarta. Indonesian Open Concluding 5th March, Macau and Macau Open Championship. ASIAN OPEN PROFESSIONAL LATIN • • • • • • Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko (USA) Franco Formica & Oxana Lebedew (Germany) Sergey Surkov & Melia (Russia) Andrej Skufca & Melinda Torokgiorgi (Slovenia) Marcus Homm & Ksenia Kasper (Germany) Rachid Malki & Anna Suprun (Norway) The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation • • • • • Sonny Jin Zhang & Cher Wing Oing Luo (China) Joshua Keefe & Sara Magnaneli (Italy) Roman Myrkin & Natalia Byednyagina (Ukraine) Kosuice Matsumoto & Nozoni Katou (Japan) Ma Ning & Yi Sha (China) • • • • • • • Arunas Bizokas & Katusha Demudova (USA) Mirko Gozzoli &b Edita Daniute (Italy) Victor Fung & Anastasia (USA) Domen Krapez & Monica Nigro (Italy) Warren Boyce & Kristi Boyce (England) Eldar Dzhafarov & Anna Sazina (Azerbaijan) ASIAN OPEN PROFESSIONAL BALLROOM, • • • • • • Arunas Bizokas & Katusha Demidova (USA) Mirko Gozzoli & Edita Daniute (Italy) Victor Fung & Anastasia (USA) Domen Krapez & Monica Nigro (Slovenia) Sascha Karabey & Natasha Karabey (Germany) Warren Boyce & Kristi Boyce (England) Andrea Ghigiarelli & Sara Andracchio (England) Gaetano Iavarone & Emanuella Napolitano (Italy) Mikail Eremeev & Olesya Eremeeva (Russia) Sun Jua Xing & Yi Ning Xuan (China) Romeo Alfarius Queri & Triska Tan (Singapore) Maxim Antipin & Bibiana Choo (Singapore) INDONESIAN OPEN AMATEUR LATIN • • • • • • Neil Jones & Ekaterina Sokolova (England) Dmytro Vloch & Ekaterina Vaganova (Ukraine) Sarunas Greblikas & Viktoria Horeva (Latvia) Yi Long Xu & Lin Yue Shi (China) Jia Hun Ma & Qian Xu (China) Hinlon Lely & Zhao Shan Shan (China) MACAU OPEN PROFESSIONAL BALLROOM • • • • • • Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko (USA) Franco Formica & Oxana Lebedew (Germany) Andrej Skufca & Melina Torokgiorgi (Slovenia) Maurizio Vescovo & Andra Vaidilaite (Canada) Rachid Malki & Anna Suprun (Norway) Roman Kutskyy & Anna Kovolova (USA) • • • • • Arunas Bizokas & Katusha Demidova (USA) Victor Fung & Anastasia (USA) Domen Krapez & Monica Nigro (Slovenia) Warren Boyce & Kristi Boyce (England) Aleksandr Zhiratkov & Irina Novozhilova (Hong • Eldar Dzhafarov & Anna Sazina (Azebaijan) Kong) MACAU OPEN PROFESSIONAL LATIN • • • • • • ASIAN OPEN AMATEUR BALLROOM The Results for each final were. • • • • • • TAIWAN OPEN PROFESSIONAL BALLROOM The organisation of each event is exemplary and the competitors are assured of glamorous settings, an enthusiastic audience who love and appreciate good dancing and show this with their applause, the highest quality music, and Adjudicating Panels filled with deep knowledge, experience and understanding. Little wonder that the stars of dance came from so many countries to be part of this wonderful series of events. The audience were able to enjoy the performances of the top, the very best, dancers in the world. Plans are already well in hand for the 2012 tour and it promises to be even bigger, better and more spectacular. Exciting times lie ahead. INDONESIAN OPEN AMATEUR BALLROOM TAIWAN OPEN PROFESSIONAL LATIN The Prize Money for the Professionals is extremely generous and certainly ranks amongst the very top, if not the top purses. The Amateurs too were rewarded with unprecedented Prize Money. Great tribute and thanks must be given to the Organisers for offering dancers the magnificent Prize Money available. The camaraderie of the dancers as they share fun times together when travelling and relaxing even competing, is a symbol of the unity within the WDC Family. Page 11 • • • • • • MACAU OPEN AMATEUR BALLROOM Andrea Ghigiarelli & Sara Andracchio (England) Chao Yang & Yiling Tano (China) Chon He & Jing Shan (China) Gaetano Iavarone & Emmanuela Napolitano (Italy) Andrey Sirbu & Alexander Hixson (England) Rhett Salmon & Kristie Simmonds (Australia) • • • • • • ASIAN OPEN AMATEUR LATIN • • • • • • Jurij Batagelj & Jagoda Strukelj (Slovenia) Neil Jones & Ekaterina Sokolova (England) Kirill Belorukov & Elvira Skrylnikova (Russia) Mirco Risi & Maria Ermatchkova (Italy) Dorin Fecautanu & Victoria Burke (England) Smytro Vluch & Ekayerina Vaganova (Ukraine) NAGOYA OPEN PROFESSIONAL BALROOM • • • • • • • Arunas Bizokas & Katusha Demidova (USA) Mirko Gozzoli & Edita Daniute (Italy) Victor Fung & Anastasia (USA) Sascha Karabey & Natasha Karabey (Germany) Warren Boyce & Kristi Boyce (England) Anron Lebedew & Anna Borsch (Canada) Eldar Dzhafarov & Anna Sazina (Azerbaijan) NAGOYA OPEN PROFESSIONAL LATIN • • • Andrej Skufca & Melinda Torokgiorgi Slovenia) Andrei Mosiecuk & Kamila Kajak (Poland) Alessandro Camerotto & Nancy Berti (Italy) Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychecko (USA) Franco Formica & Oxana Lebedew (Germany) Andrej Sufca & Melindo Torokgiorgi (Slovenia) Maurizio Vescovo & Andra Vaidilaite (Canada) Lu Ning & Jasmine Ding Fang Zhang (China) Andrei Mosejuk & Kamila Kajak (Poland) Andrea Ghigiarelli & Sara Andracchio (England) Chao Yang & Yiling Tan (China) Gaetano Iavarone & Ammanuela Napolitano (Italy) He Tong & Dan Jing (China) Matthew Potter & Victoria Rafeiner (Australia) Wu Ke & Han Zui (China) MACAU OPEN AMATEUR LATIN INDONESIAN OPEN PROFESSIONAL BALLROOM 1.Arunas Bizokas & Katusha Demidova (USA) • Domen Krapez & onica Nigro (Slovenia) • Warren Boyce & Kristi Boyce (England) • Aleksander Zhiratkov & Irina Novozhilova (HKG) • Eldar Dzhafarov & Anna Sazina (Azerbaijan) • Matthew Rooke & Anna Longmore (Australia) INDONESIAN OPEN PROFESSIONAL LATIN • • • • • • Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychecko (USA) Frando Formica & Oxana Lebedew (Germany) Andrej Skufca & Melina Torokgiorgi (Slovenia) Maurizio Vescovo & Anda Vaidilaite (Canada) Rachid Malki & Anna Suprun (Norway) Lu Ning & Jasmine Ding Fang Zhang (China) • • • • • • Neil Jones & Ekaterina Sokolova (England) Mirco Risi & Maria Ermatchkova (Italy) Morten Lowe & Roselina Doneva (Denmark) Sarunas Greblikas & Viktoria Horeva (Latvia) Dmytro Vlok & Ekaterina Vaganova (Ukraine) Yi Long Xu & Lin Yue Shi (China) WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 12 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation DANCE MATTERS A topical discussion of what really goes on in the World of Dance DANCESPORT WILL NOT BE IN THE 2020 OLYMPICS. There can be very few people who have not read propaganda that the inclusion of Dancesport as an Olympic Medal Sport was imminent. system does not prevent corruption. The IOC President writing kind letter, impressed by a simple change of name, congratulating and saying well done at the very moment that Vision 2012 has been shattered, are polite rather than an indication of future intentions, and in reality also demonstrate a lack of knowledge on Dance and Dancesport matters. Year by year this mirage has proved to be exactly that. It remains something insubstantial and illusory. In recent months we were once again reading all the old, often reNo sooner has the rejection been announced and there peated, words about how strong a contender dancesport we have new Propaganda and hype from those conwas and this time/next time it would happen. nected to Dancesport and now 2024 is the new date we are told. This time it will happen we must believe. When it came down to the crunch Dancesport was rejected and it is not included in the 8 sports from whom Perhaps one should believe more in the reality of Father the final selection will be made. The 8 sports under Christmas (Santa Clause) living at the North Pole! consideration are Baseball and softball (who were removed after the 208 games, wakeboard, squash,sport Is it not time now to step back, consider the evidence, climbing, rollersports, karate and the martial art sport and show integrity and admit Dancesport will never be wushu. an Olympic Medal Sport, Dancesport cries out for honesty. The IOC have often stated that sports which require subjective judging will have least success when there is final consideration. Can we have it? Given the judging scandal in Italy, and under Police investigation at this moment, one can understand why they are suspicious of an International Federation no matter what judging system they produce. Changing the Page 13 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation DANCE MATTERS A topical discussion of what really goes on in the World of Dance INTERNATIONAL DANCE ORGANISATION LEAVES IDSF The IDO has long been an Associate Member of both the World Dance Council and the International Dance Sport Federation. They were one of the corner stones of the IDSF Vision 2012 . With the introduction of the World Dance Sport Federation they were required to sign their own death warrant and within 3 years (possible in special circumstances a 2 year addition) be fully absorbed into the WDSF, which is IDSF dominated. This is simply IDSF attempting to expand their control. At their June AGM the IDO delegates voted unanimously to leave the IDSF, which is a serious blow to Vision 2012. Thus a new Chapter opens for the IDO and it is hoped that this will herald a new beginning and result the future in their in working for mutual co-operation and benefit with the World Dance Council. The International Dance Organization (IDO), is a International Federation with a membership of over 90 Nations, representing more than 250,000 dancers, from six continents. ADVERTISE WITH E-NEWS FOR YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO REACH ALL DANCERS, ADJUDICATORS , ORGANISERS IN THE WDC AND WDC AL WITH YOUR ADVERT CONTACT US ON enews@wdcdance.com WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 14 Page 15 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation :::$8780167$5'$1&(58 23(1'$1&( &+$03,216+,36 2FWREHU QG :'&$/:RUOG/DWLQ&XSLQDOODJHJURXSV :'&3UR$P:RUOG&XS )ULHQGO\3UR$P7HDP0DWFK 3URIHVVLRQDO/DWLQ2SHQ&KDPSLRQVKLS Vlad V l dB lad Borodinov orodino odi v // tel.: tell.: +7 7 (903) 790 42 2 25 vladborodinov@nationaldanceleague.ru vladborodino o v@nationaldanceleague.ru . Sergey Ryupin Ryupin y tel.: +7 (925) 772 47 00 Sergey // tel.: ryup pin@nationaldanceleague.ru ryupin@nationaldanceleague.ru P olina Teplenko Teplenko plenko // ttel.: el.: +7 (985) 923 42 2 43 Polina polina tep plenko@nationaldanceleague.ru polinateplenko@nationaldanceleague.ru A lexey Zakharin Zaakharin // tel.: tel.: +7 (909) 905 05 11 Alexey ale exeyzakharin@gmail.com alexeyzakharin@gmail.com &21*5(66³$8780167$5´ &21*5 (66³$8780167$5´ 6HS 6HSWHPEHU SWHPEHU VWDUWVDW VWDUWVDW ORGANIZERS: OR GANIZERS: NATIONAL NA ATIONAL D DANCE ANCE LEAGUE LEAGUE www.nationaldanceleague.ru w ww.nationaldanceleague.ru org@nationaldanceleague.ru org@nationaldanceleague.ru VENUE: ““CSKA” CSKA” 39, LLeningradsky eningradsky pr., pr., M Moscow, oscow, Russia ssia subway subway station station A Aeroport, eroport, Dinamo mo /HFWXUHUV / W %DUEDUD0F&ROO *RUDQ1RUGLQ 0LFKDHO6W\OLDQRV WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 16 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS PROFESSIONAL BALLROOM & LATIN AMERICAN SHOWDANCE 2010 On the 6th November 2010 Bojidar Sisoev presented two WDC European Championships at the same time, which is a first in recent history. With the support of major Sponsors and a TV transmission scheduled at prime viewing time, Bojidar managed to create a first class event, and the WDC is most appreciative of his efforts. 11 Urs Geisenhainer & Agnes Kazmierczak Poland 12 Ivan Krylov & Nataliya Smirnova Russia 13-14 Veiko Ratas & Helena Liiv Estonia 13-14 Fabrizio Cravero & Lorena Cravero Italy 15 Domenico Cannizzaro & Agnese Junkure Latvia 16 Krisjan Kuusk & Anri Kokkonen Finland 17 Daniele Gallaro & Kimberly Taylor Great Britain Bulgaria and Bojidar Sisoev have sure established them- 18-19 Roman Mayer & Siret Siilak Austria selves as major organisers for future years with the 18-19 Herman Lak & Michele Lak Netherlands presentation of such a well organised and high class 20 Sergii Kravchuk & Anastasiya Fedchyshyna Ukraine event. 21 Martin Parnov Reichhardt & Maija Katrina Salminen Denmark 22 Florian Gschaider & Manuela Stoeckl Austria RESULTS EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 23 Karol Brull & Viktoria Bolender Slovakia PROFESSIONAL LATIN AMERICAN SHOWDANCE 24-25 Aleksandar Popov & Irena Dimitrova Bulgaria 2010 24-25 Paolo Di Lorenzo & Liene Darbiniece Latvia 1 Jesper Birkehoj & Anna Kravchenko Germany 2 Justas Kucinskas & Jekaterina Romankova Lithuania 3 Roman Myrkin & Natalia Biedniagina Ukraine 4 Plamen Danailov & Radostina Gerova Bulgaria 5 Lenny Gouwerok & Laura Zmajkovicova Slovakia 6 Maxim Kochura & Olga Aleshina Russia 7 Stefan Erdmann & Sarah Latton Germany 8 Dmitry Kolesnikov & Maria Keyzman Russia 9-10 Stefano Terrazzino & Paulina Biernat Poland 9-10 Ryan Hammond & Lindsey Muckle Great Britain 11-12 Vadim Volkov & Irina Rogozina Czech Republic 11-12 Pierre Vallee & Marion Duguest France 13 Boyan Kirchev & Julie Lere-Pland Netherlands 14 Wilhelm Gabalier & Christiana Leuthner Austria RESULTS EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP PROFESSIONAL BALLROOM 2010 1 Mirko Gozzoli & Edita Daniute Italy 2 Sascha Karabey & Natascha Karabey Germany 3 Domen Krapez & Monica Nigro Slovenia 4 Warren Boyce & Kristi Boyce Great Britain 5 Denis Donskoi & Maria Galtzeva Russia 6 Tomasz Papkala & Frantsiska Yordanova Poland 7 Eldar Dzhafarov & Anna Sazhina Azerbaijan 8 Rudiger Homm & Victorija Triscuka Germany 9-10 Gustaf Lundin & Valentina Oseledko Sweden 9-10 Ruslan Golovashchenko & Olena Golovashchenko Ukraine Page 17 26 Balazs Pap & Viktoria Verebelyi Hungary 27 Nickolay Jordanov & Milena Georgieva Bulgaria 28-29 Peter Ekkart & Ellen Ekkart Belgium 28-29 Ramon de Kleijn & Astrid Theelen Netherlands 30-31 Marc Hotfilder & Heike Macke Germany 30-31 Donald Young & Melanie Young Great Britain 32 Damien Jacquot & Emilie Jacquot France We would like to congratulate Jesper and Anna and Mirko & Edita to becoming European Champions. The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation WORLD PROFESSIONAL 10-DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2010 KIEV, UKRAINE On the 26th December 2010 the World Profesisonal 10Dance Championship took place in Kiev and considering that it was two days after Christmas any organiser would have had some trepidation of the couples willingness and resolve to compete at this Festive Time of the Year. But the organisers did not have to worry. They were rewarded with the biggest amount of competitors in recent history and gave the competitors the best of conditions in terms of accommodation and a great environment to compete in, as the ISDA World Championship also took place at the same time. A big thank you must go to the organiser, Irina Byednyagina , for her excellent work in her first time of organising a world championship. The panel of adjudictors in charge of determining the result of the world championship were Franz Hochegger, Austria Bojidar Boyanov Sisoev, Bulgaria Peter dan Ringgaard, Denmark Delphine Fouchet, France Michael Hull, Germany Robert Barley, Great Britain Denise Abrate, Italy Toru Futatsumori, Japan Olga Zenkevich, Russia Sergiy Marych, Ukraine Martin Lamb, USA under the chairmanship of Svyatoslav Vlokh, Ukraine: The full result of the Championship was as follows: 1 Myrkin Roman - Biedniagina Nataliia, Ukraine 2 Dzhafarov Eldar - Sazhina Anna, Azerbaijan 3 Zakharin Alexey - Novozhilova Anastasia, Russia 4 Pilipenchuk Nikolai - Skorikova Natalia, USA 5 Kharlamov Oleg - Khranovskaya Diana, Russia 6 Russ Wilder - Katusha Wilder, USA 7 Sehyong Jang Don - Adele Jang Don, Great Britain 8 Kazufumi Usui - Megumi Usui, Japan 9 Boev Igor - Schembri Karina, Australia 10 Christian Millette - Denitsa Ikonomova, Bulgaria 11 Chernenko Tymofiy - Chernenko Margaryta, Ukraine 12 Piotr Wlodarczyk - Marta Wach, Poland 13 Brull Karol - Bolander Viktoria, Slovakia 14...15 Jurij Kaiser - Aleksandra Kaiser, Germany 14...15 Siscu Perez - Larionova Maria, Spain 16 Stefan Heinrich - Manuela Brychzy, Germany 17 Pap Balazs - Vorobey Viktoria, Hungary 18 Offermans Joost - Warmer Deborah, Netherlands 19 Nakaizumi Shigeru - Nakaizumi Meri, Japan 20 Jacquot Damien - Jacquot Emilie, France 21 Eugueni Chaoulski - Sara Chilling, Canada 22 Chen Peter - Robl Ursula, Austria 23 Jason Gauci - Brioni Penrose, Australia WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 18 Page 19 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation WORLD MASTERS 2011 INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation COMPETITORS COMMISSION FUNDRAISER , MAY 2011 SPANISH HALL, WINTERGARDENS The first Thursday of Blackpool is the traditional date for the Competitors Commission Annual Fund Raiser and on 24th May, the Spanish Hall, in the Winter Gardens welcomed a large and enthusiastic audience for the 2011 event. What a treat lay in store for everyone present. The music and compering was in the very capable hands of Mark Lunn. control and slowness together with moments of great speed. The next couple were Sascha & Natasha Karabey with Sascha in a “lounge suit” style and Natasha in a cappuccino colour gown. They produced a beautiful waltz routine showing great musicality and how music can enhance the dance artistry and also demonstrated great personality and individuality. Maurizio Vescovo & Andra Vaidilaite then appeared to To start such an evening is never easy but what a wonentertain and how well they achieved that. With Andra in derful opening there was for all to enjoy. As the strains of red they produced a Rumba with emotion and style and “If I was rich man” rang out and Val Chmerkovskiy enter superb characterisation to the music “Memories” and the dance floor carrying a violin few would have realised certainly will provide many good memories for the audiwhat a virtuoso performer Val was, and he richly deence. served the applause for his playing. Then Daria Chesnokova wearing black heavily crystal encrusted and Sascha & Natasha returned with Natasha in a lovely touches of red entered and we were treated to a great white gown and the gave us a great Slow Foxtrot to “If Samba show. It ended with Val again demonstrating hi you go Away”. There was some very clever choreograskill with the violin. phy to capture the music and we saw great control both in the very slow movements and the sections of speed. This was a very special Sascha & Natasha One of the most glamorous and beautifully presented competitions in the dancing calendar The World Masters Latin is presented annually by Ferry Polai. The venue, the Congress Centre Innsbruck, is a fitting setting for one of the WDC World Super Series Events. Competitors enjoy the event as they are guaranteed good organisation, a formal Welcome Reception, a superb atmosphere but most important highly knowledgeable and experienced Adjudicators. The prize purse is generous with all couples reaching the last 24 being included. 2010 proved to be no exception and the 43 couples from all over the world report an unforgettable event. The event was also recorded for TV presentation to a world wide audience. An excellent "shop window" for competitive dance. The Finalists were 1. Riccardo COCCHI - Yulia ZAGORUYCHENKO-USA 2. Andrej SKUFCA - Melinda- SLOVENIA 3. Maurizio VESCOVO - Andra VAIDILAITE -CANADA 4. Emanuele SOLDI - Elisa NASATO- ITALY 5. Evgeniy SMAGIN - Polina KAZACHENKO - RUSSIA 6. Rachid MALKI - Anna SUPRUN- NORWAY Next to entertain were Fabrizio & Loredano Cravero. They performed their number entitled “A Funny Game” which had won them the 2010 World Classic Showdance title. Loredano wore white with black touches and Fabrizio a black sequin covered dinner jacket. They seemed to enjoy every moment of their dancing and announced that they were now retiring from the competitive dance scene receiving a warm farewell. Once again Marizio & Andra returned with Andra in white with sparkling crystals, and the audience were treated to a sparkling sizzling jive. Jive as it should be danced. Their personalities shone through in this bright performance. Now the audience were to be treated to dazzling perVal & Daria then returned with Daria changing to another formances from two reigning World Champions. A speBlack and crystal gown, and they dedicated their percial night indeed, one in which we witnessed why these formance to the people of Japan following the tragic retwo great couples are World Champions. cent events. To the music “Smile” they danced a beautiful Rumba with a very clever combination of great Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagoruychenko made their WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 20 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation entry into this wonderful night, a night showing all that is good in dance. Yulia was wearing a heavily crystal decorated black dress and to the voice of Barbara Streisand they gave a beautiful Rumba, filled with emotion and feeling and a real man/woman atmosphere, demonstrating beautiful lines and body usage. Arunas Bizokas & Katusha Demidova with Katusha in a Turquoise colour gown then gave a great show with Arunas in Fred Astaire mood! In another era they would have been stars of the Silver Screen! After an unusual intro we had a scintillating light and bright quickstep catching the essence of the dance. To the sounds of Spanish Gypsy Dance, Riccardo & Yulia, with Yulia in Black with red underskirts, gave a super Paso Doble. Great characterisation, a real Matador attitude from Riccardo and great skirt work from Yulia as she became the “cloak”. Exciting and enthralling. To conclude this wonderful cabaret Arunas returned with Katusha wearing white, and we witnessed a hauntingly beautiful waltz. Super choreography and great emotions showing artistry, musicality, class. No athletics, no gimmicks just dancing at its best. Each and every performances received much applause from the enthralled audience, and all will hope that they can return for the 2012 Fund Raiser. There is the traditional Raffle with great prizes being kindly donated by the leading names in the dance world. The Competitors Commission are deeply grateful for the generous support of Chrisanne DSI Crystal Clover FARS Page 21 Espen Salberg International Shoes Supadance Shoes Dance News - advertising the event Ron Self - Photo's Fredric Frennessen - Photo's Andrew Miller – Photo's. The raffle is normally a major part of the Competitors Commission Fund Raising. 2011 was different as it was announced that all the proceeds from the Raffle would be donated to the Fund to bring Relief and Aid to the people of Japan following the tragedy that had befallen their country. A generous act on the part of the Commission and one which demonstrates the true nature of many in our dance world, willing to offer support and encouragement to those who suffer misfortunes. A helping hand in a dark hour. The WDC Family at its best. If you were not in attendance in 2011 at this highlight in the dance year do make every effort to share in great dancing cabaret in 2012 and help the Commission in their efforts to work for, and to represent, the Competitors. The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation ITALIAN OPEN 2011 RIMINI , JULY 2011 As Italy was emerging as a leading dance nation the legendary Adalberto & Lalla Dell ‘Orto organised the first Italian Open Championship. It was quickly established as “the” international event in Italy. Leading Adjudicators, top couples all wished be part . When they decided to step aside Jerry Abrate and Caterina Arzenton took over and the Adalberto & Lalla must be delighted and proud that the great tradition continues. Italy, and the world of dance, are fortunate that they have people such as Caterina and Jerry who work tirelessly to support and promote dancing in Italy and the world. The task would be a daunting one for lesser people but Caterina and Jerry supported by the great people around them never waver in their determination. There is also unity with ANMB and the Amateur organisation FIDA supporting the event and showing what can be achieved when the best future for Competitive Dance is the com mon goal. The 28th Italian Open Championship took place 24/25/26h June at Bellaria – Rimini, its new home from 2010. The venue for the Championships is the beautiful European Congress Centre, Bellaria and it provided every possible facility. Modern, spacious, clean, good changing facilities,delicious food, great parking and with a dance floor almost the size of Blackpool, plus air conditioning, much needed in Rimini in June. Everything for a great event was on hand and it was pleasing that there was a 300% increase in entries from 2010. Jerry & Caterina planned their programme so that during the morning, Adjudicators & Competitiors would have the opportunity to spend the morning on the beach if they so desired or just “chilling out”. A perfect opportunity to have a summer break and dance. For many couples it was their first Italian Open experience and no doubt they will be back for more in 2012. In all, couples from 25 countries attended the Championships and danced before panels drawn from over 60 adjudicators from 12 countries. The standard in every event was extremely high but it was exciting to see the Under 16, Under 21 events and undoubtedly there is a wealth of talent, and there were some you felt who must develop to be in time World Champions. There was huge audience support for every event and the competitors and audience bonded to produce a wonderful and memorable championship. There is little doubt that every person present will want to be back next year to enjoy the atmosphere and the ambience Caterina and Jerry created. One of the highlights is always the International Team Match on the opening night this year between 7 teams. Both England and especially Netherlands (who had balloons, flags, maracas, and an infectious sense of fun) had brought group support and this added to the already great atmosphere. The entry of each team was a tribute to Blackpool style Team entries. Probably Italy stole the show with their team “cross dressing” the men in gowns we could all recognise, and the ladies in male costumes and they then went on to each do a short dance and it was hilarious to see this role reversal as they danced figures for which they are known. The whole event was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone in the audience and from the applause and encouragement one would have thought they were at Blackpool. It mattered not who won or who did not, this was the friendship of dance at its very best. Dance was the big winner. Just for the record Italy were announced as winners and triumphantly paraded the enormous trophy. On the final night the closing event was an International Junior Team Match and this too drew great support and enthusiasm from the audience and produced some hugely impressive dancing. It seems the infectious atmosphere captured some of the Adjudicators who during the conclusion formed “new partnerships” and showed us that they certainly can still jive with the best. Possibly a sign of the future Ukraine were the winners of the match. A richly deserved victory. On the Monday there takes place the International Football Challenge a great day of friendship and fun and a match played in good spirits although Mr Hannes Emrich the Referee had an energetic job curbing the enthusiasm and competitive instinct of the players. Ukraine gained rich revenge for their defeat in the Team Match by defeating Italy 6 – 1 in the football.. In the evening a pleasant pizza dinner was enjoyed before all headed home making plans to be sure they would be there for 29th Italian Open Rimini-Bellaria 2012. The results for the 4 main events : WDC World Series Professional Latin Finalists: 1. Emanuele Soldi & Elisa Nasato. (Italy) 2. Alessandro Camerotto & Nancy Berti (Italy) 3. Alec Ivanets & Lisa Bellinger-Ivanets (England) 4. Anton Sboev & Patrizia (England) 5. Vladislav Borodinov & Urina Garous (Russia) 6. Aleksandr Scarlato & Yulos Lesokhnina (Ukraine) WDC World Series Professional Ballroom Finalists: 1. Mirko Gozzoli & Edita Daniute (Italy) 2. Warren Boyce & Kristi Boyce (England) 3. Eldar Dzhafarov & Anna Sazina (Azerbaijan) 4. Alexandr Voskalchuk & Veronica Egorova (Russia) 5. Rudiger Homm & Viktorija Triscuka (Germany) 6. Herman Lak & Michelle Lak (Netherlands) WDC AL Amateur Ballrooom Finalists: 1. Donatas Vezelis & Linda Chatkeviciute (Lithuania) 2. Gaetano Iavarone & Emanuela Napolitano (Italy) 3. Ilia Asonov & Elena Garanina (Russia) 4. Oscar Pedrinelli & Kamila Brozovska (Italy) 5. Dennis Voermans & Samantha Kolin (Netherlands) 6. Yuriy Dodoncha & Olena Dodoncha (Ukraine) WDC AL Amateur Latin Finalists: 1. Massimo Arcolin & Lyubov Mushtuk (Italy) 2. Francesco Bertini & Sabrina Manzi (Italy) 3. Evgeny Orlov & Inga Kapkanshikova (Russia) 4. Marco Rocchini & Giula Scarpellini (Italy) 5. Anton Dyachkov & Marina Amirkhanyan (Italy) 6. Dmitro Stepaneko & Elmira Apanasova (Ukraine) 7. Lawrence James & Aimie Leak (England) WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 22 Page 23 WDC E-NEWS WDC E-NEWS Edition 3 - July 2011 Edition 3 - July 2011 The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation NEXT ON E-NEWS: COMPETITION REPORTS FROM AND RESULTS FROM: (AND IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY) 17th SEPT 2011: EUROPEAN BALLROOM CHAMPIONSHIP, STOCKHOLM SWEDEN 26.11.2011 afternoon session at 2pm evening session at 8pm OPEN TO THE WORLD! 30th SEPT - 1st OCTOBER 2011: WORLD PROFESSIONAL 10-DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP, GATINEAU, CANADA 24th - 25th SEPT 2011: WDC AL WORLD CUP AMATEUR BALLROOM & SWISS OPEN LATIN, REGENSDORF, SWITZERLAND 1st - 2nd OCT 2011: WDC AL WORLD CUP AMATEUR LATIN, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 22nd OCT 2011: KREMLIN CUP - WDC WORLD CUP LATIN, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 29th OCT 2011: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP PROFESSIONAL BALLROOM, SEOUL, KOREA 29TH OCT 2011: EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP PROFESSIONAL LATIN AMERICAN SHOWDANCE - LEIPZIG , GERMANY 7TH - 13TH NOV 2011: THE DUTCH OPEN WORLD SERIES AND WDC AL FESTIVAL, ASSEN , HOLLAND 19TH NOV 2011: EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS PROFESSIONAL LATIN BONN, GERMANY 26TH NOV 2011: WORLD MASTERS LATIN , INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA 3RD - 5TH DEC 2011: DISNEY WORLD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP WDC AL AND DISNEY CUP WORLD SERIES EVENTS EURODISNEY RESORT , PARIS 10TH DEC 2011: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WDC AL 10-DANCE, KIEV, UKRAINE 17TH DEC 2011: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS LATIN AMERICAN SHOWDANCE, KAZAN, RUSSIA www.worldmasters.at Tickets in the Danceschool Polai and at www.worldmasters.at IMPORTANT INFORMATION , NEWS AND TOPCIAL REPORTS AND DISCUSSIONS AS USUAL WDC-ENEWS 03 - July 2011 Page 24 WDC E-NEWS The Newspaper of the World’s leading Dance organisation Edition 3 - July 2011
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