Provider Directory Directorio De Proveedores Amerigroup Florida
Provider Directory Directorio De Proveedores Amerigroup Florida, Inc. FL-PD-0042-15 MMA South 12.15 Florida Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Managed Medical Assistance South Region Miami-DadeandMonroeCounties 1-800-600-4441 South Region Provider Directory FL Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Managed Medical Assistance South Región Directorio de Proveedores de FL Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Managed Medical Assistance Table of Contents/Tabla de Contenido Important Information About Your Amerigroup Health Plan.............................................................. 1 Información importante sobre su plan de salud de Amerigroup........................................................ 3 Walk‑in Clinics and Urgent Care Centers/Clínica sin cita previa y centro de atencion urgente....... 5 Hospitals/Hospitales........................................................................................................................... 6 Patient Centered Medical Homes/Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente................................ 7 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario............................................................... 14 Specialists/Especialistas.................................................................................................................... 37 Behavioral Health Providers/Proveedores de salud mental.............................................................. 70 Chiropractors/Quiroprácticos............................................................................................................. 76 Vision Care Services/Servicios del cuidado de la vista..................................................................... 77 Dental Services/Servicios dentales.................................................................................................... 82 Transportation/Transporte.................................................................................................................. 96 Laboratories/Laboratorios.................................................................................................................. 98 Drug Stores/Farmacias...................................................................................................................... 99 Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar......................................................................... 104 Foreign Languages Spoken at Provider Offices/En las oficinas de proveedores se hablan diferentes idiomas.............................................................................................................................. 115 Index of Providers/Índice de proveedores......................................................................................... 117 Call Member Services at [1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711)] to find out which hospitals your provider uses. You can also get this information on our website at []. Llame a Servicios al Miembro al [1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711)] para saber cuáles hospitales utiliza su médico. También puede obtener esta información en nuestro sitio Web en []. Some providers may not perform certain services based on religious or moral beliefs. Es probable que algunos proveedores no practican algunos servicios basados en sus creencias religiosas o morales. This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at [1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711)] Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern time. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Póngase en contacto con nuestro número de servicio al cliente al [1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711)] de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. hora del Este. Amerigroup is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid contract. Amerigroup es un Plan de Cuidado Administrado con un contrato de Medicaid de Florida. 7/8/16 Page/Página 1 1-800-600-4441 ■ Important Information about Your Amerigroup Health Plan Get the care you need when you need it We’re here to help you take care of your health and medical needs. We’ll help take care of all your health care benefits. Get all your SMMC MMA benefits We make it easy for you and your family to get the care you need and deserve. As an Amerigroup member, you get all your SMMC MMA benefits, including: A large network of nearby providers and convenient hospitals Your own provider – a primary care provider (PCP) you choose Access to a full range of specialists Hospitalizations Immunizations (shots) Wellness checkups No drug copays for children and adults Amerigroup gives you more Here are the extra benefits you get at no cost to you: $25 worth of over-the-counter medications and supplies per household per month Up to $100 in contact lens services every 12 months No-cost, unlimited home visits by a nurse for homebound members, when medically necessary All copays waived, with no limits Two meals a day for seven days after a threeday surgical hospital stay Unlimited prenatal/perinatal visits for pregnant members Free and unlimited outpatient care with participating providers FL-PD-0042-15 Rev 12.15 One dental exam and one cleaning every six months Fluoride treatments, X-rays and fillings covered Circumcision benefit for male members up to 28 days old Sixty new hearing aid batteries provided every 12 months Pneumonia, influenza and shingles vaccines Art therapy One nutritional counseling session every three months With Amerigroup, choosing a PCP is simple When you join Amerigroup, just pick a PCP for you and your children from this directory. Each eligible family member can pick his or her own PCP. Your PCP will give you all the basic health care services you need. Your PCP will also send you to other doctors or hospitals when you need special health care. To help you find providers in the Amerigroup network, look in this provider directory. To view the most up-to-date list, go to our online provider directory at To find a doctor near you, click on “Find a Doctor”. For additional help, please call Member Services at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Use this list to see if a provider is a part of our health plan. If you can’t find a certain name in the directory or you want more information about your benefits, call Member Services at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Or visit our website at Page/Página 2 How you can help your children stay healthy Babies and children need more care to get a good start in life. That’s why it’s important for children to get well-child checkups on time. These visits help providers find health problems early when it’s easiest to take care of them. During a wellness visit, your child will get things like: Height/weight checks Vision screening Hearing screening Laboratory tests Tests for TB, lead and other health problems Immunizations (shots) If you need help finding a PCP for your child, please visit Or call Member Services at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Getting pharmacy services You and your Amerigroup family members may go to any pharmacy in the Amerigroup network to have your prescriptions filled. Be sure to take your Amerigroup ID card with you when you get your prescriptions. If you’re not sure if a drugstore is in our network, ask the pharmacist. How to get behavioral health services (mental health and substance abuse) and treatment You can call Amerigroup for help with mental health care and alcohol or substance abuse treatment. Visit or call Member Services toll free at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) to get the name of a doctor, therapist or counselor who will see you. All services and treatment are strictly private. You do not need to see your PCP to get these services. We’re just a click or phone call away If you have any questions about this provider directory or any of our benefits and services, please visit Or call Member Services at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern time. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Póngase en contacto con nuestro número de servicio al cliente al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. hora del Este. Amerigroup is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid contract. Amerigroup es un Plan de Cuidado Administrado con un contrato de Medicaid de Florida. Page/Página 3 1-800-600-4441 ■ Información importante sobre su plan de salud de Amerigroup Reciba el cuidado que necesita cuando lo necesite Estamos para ayudarle a encargarse de su salud y sus necesidades médicas. Ayudaremos a atender todos sus beneficios de cuidado de la salud. Reciba todos sus beneficios de SMMC MMA Facilitamos a usted y a su familia recibir el cuidado que necesitan y merecen. Como miembro de Amerigroup, usted recibe todos sus beneficios de SMMC MMA, incluyendo: Una extensa red de proveedores cercanos y hospitales convenientes Su propio proveedor – un proveedor de cuidado primario (PCP) de su elección Acceso a una gran variedad de especialistas Hospitalizaciones Inmunizaciones (vacunas) Chequeos de bienestar Sin copagos de medicamentos para niños y adultos Amerigroup le ofrece más Estos son los beneficios adicionales que usted recibe sin costo para usted: $25 en medicamentos y suministros de venta libre por hogar por mes Hasta $100 en servicios para lentes de contacto cada 12 meses Visitas ilimitadas al hogar, sin costo, por una enfermera para miembros confinados en casa, cuando sea necesario por motivos médicos Sin copagos Dos comidas al día durante siete días después de una hospitalización quirúrgica de tres días Visitas prenatales/perinatales ilimitadas para miembros embarazadas Cuidado ambulatorio gratuito e ilimitado con proveedores participantes FL-PD-0042-15 Rev 12.15 Un examen dental y una limpieza cada seis meses Tratamientos de fluoruro, radiografías y empastes cubiertos Beneficio de circuncisión para miembros varones hasta los 28 días de nacido Sesenta nuevas baterías para prótesis auditivas cada 12 meses Vacunas contra la pneumonía, gripe y herpes Terapia artística Una sesión de consejería nutricional cada tres meses Con Amerigroup, elegir un PCP es simple Al ingresar a Amerigroup, solo tiene que escoger un PCP para usted y sus hijos de este directorio. Cada miembro elegible de la familia puede escoger su propio PCP. Su PCP le dará todos los servicios básicos de cuidado de la salud que necesita. Su PCP también lo enviará a otros doctores u hospitales cuando necesite cuidado de la salud especializado. Para ayudarle a encontrar proveedores en la red de Amerigroup, busque en este directorio de proveedores. Para ver la lista más actualizada, vaya a nuestro directorio de proveedores en línea en Para encontrar un doctor cerca de usted, haga clic en “Find a Doctor (Encontrar un doctor)”. Para obtener ayuda adicional, llame a Servicios al Miembro al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Utilice esta lista para ver si un proveedor es parte de nuestro plan de salud. Si no puede encontrar un nombre determinado en el directorio o si desea más información sobre sus beneficios, llame a Servicios al Miembro al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). O visite nuestro sitio web en Page/Página 4 Cómo puede ayudar a sus hijos a mantenerse sanos Los bebés y niños necesitan más cuidado para tener un buen inicio en la vida. Por eso, es importante que los niños se hagan chequeos de niño sano a tiempo. Estas visitas ayudan a los proveedores a encontrar problemas de salud de forma temprana cuando es más fácil atenderlos. Durante una visita de bienestar, su hijo recibirá cosas tales como: Chequeos de estatura/peso Examen de la vista Examen auditivo Análisis de laboratorio Análisis de tuberculosis, plomo y otros problemas de salud Inmunizaciones (vacunas) Si necesita ayuda para encontrar un PCP para su hijo, visite O llame a Servicios al Miembro al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Cómo recibir servicios farmacéuticos Usted y los miembros de su familia de Amerigroup pueden ir a cualquier farmacia de la red de Amerigroup para abastecer sus recetas. Asegúrese de llevar consigo su tarjeta de identificación de Amerigroup cuando reciba sus medicamentos. Si no está seguro de si una farmacia está en nuestra red, pregunte al farmacéutico. Cómo recibir servicios de salud del comportamiento (salud mental y abuso de sustancias) y tratamiento Puede llamar a Amerigroup por ayuda con cuidado de la salud mental y tratamiento para abuso de alcohol o sustancias. Visite o llame a la línea gratuita de Servicios al Miembro al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) para obtener el nombre de un doctor, terapeuta o consejero que pueda verlo. Todos los servicios y tratamientos son estrictamente privados. No necesita ver a su PCP para recibir estos servicios. Estamos a solo un clic o llamada telefónica Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este directorio de proveedores o cualquiera de nuestros beneficios y servicios, visite O llame a Servicios al Miembro al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern time. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Póngase en contacto con nuestro número de servicio al cliente al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. hora del Este. Amerigroup is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid contract. Amerigroup es un Plan de Cuidado Administrado con un contrato de Medicaid de Florida. Walk-in Clinics and Urgent Care Centers/Clínica sin cita previa y centro de atencion urgente Miami-dade County/ Condado de Miami-dade Acevedo Urgent Care 2525 NW 54th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-9090 M-F 9am-5pm Page/Página 5 Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Community Health Of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Serving all of Miami-dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (954) 885-7911 M-F 9am-5pm Community Health Of South Florida 13600 SW 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 M-F 9am-5pm 13805 SW 264th St Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-1207 M-F 9am-5pm 18255 Homestead Ave Perrine 33157 ‰ (305) 243-7676 M-F 9am-5pm 19300 SW 376th St Homestead 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 M-F 9am-5pm 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 9am-5pm Kids First Urgent Care After Hours 13550 N Kendall Dr Ste 160 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-7304 M 5pm-5pm Tu-F 9am-5pm MD Now Medical Centers 12555C Biscayne Blvd North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 379-4442 M-F 9am-5pm 1770 NE Miami Gardens Dr Ste 1 Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 949-4141 M-F 9am-5pm 9971 W Flagler St Ste B240 Miami 33174 ‰ (561) 963-9881 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Children's Hospital 13400 SW 120th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 9am-5pm 14504 Commerce Way Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 511-1550 M-F 9am-5pm 17615 SW 97th Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 674-3398 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Walk-in Clinics and Urgent Care Centers Clínica sin cita previa y centro de atencion urgente 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm Hospitals/Hospitales Page/Página 6 Miami-dade County/ Condado de Miami-dade MONROE County/ Condado de MONROE Coral Gables Hospital 1200 Kennedy Dr Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm 3100 Douglas Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-8461 M-F 9am-5pm Jackson South Community Hospital Lower Keys Medical Ctr 5900 College Rd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm 9333 SW 152nd St Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 251-2500 M-F 9am-5pm Kindred Hospital - Coral Gables 5190 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 448-1585 M-Sun - 24hours Larkin Community Hospital 1065 NE 125th St Ste 102 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-F 9am-5pm Hospitals Hospitales 7031 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Miami Children's Hospital 13400 SW 120th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 9am-5pm 14504 Commerce Way Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 511-1550 M-F 9am-5pm 17615 SW 97th Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 674-3398 M-F 9am-5pm Mount Sinai Medical Ctr & Miami Heart Institute 4300 Alton Rd Ascher Bldg 2nd Fl Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-3959 M-Sun - 24hours 4701 N Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1111 M-Sun - 24hours North Shore Medical Center 1100 NW 95th St Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Palmetto General Hospital 2001 West 68th St Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-5000 M-F 9am-5pm University Of Miami Hospital 1400 NW 12th Ave Ste 2032 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-5410 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Westchester General Hospital 2500 SW 75th Ave Miami 33155 (305) 264-5252 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Page/Página 7 Patient Centered Medical Homes The providers in this chapter have been recognized as PCMHs by national accrediting groups. These providers are PCMHs because of what they offer to our members. The groups that recognized these providers as PCMHs are: 1. The National Committee for Quality Assurance 2. Utilization Review Accreditation Commission 3. Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care 4. The Joint Commission 5. Other PCMH recognition programs like those offered through colleges To pick a PCMH,* look at this chapter. * Recognized PCMHs have a team of health experts working together for your health care needs. FL-PD-0047-16 Patient Centered Centered Medical Medical Homes Homes Patient Hogares médicos médicos centrados centrados en en el el paciente paciente Hogares The patient centered medical home (PCMH) is health care that is all about you. It is between you and your provider. Your provider leads a team of health experts in a medical office to help improve your total health and reach your health goals. Your PCMH team will have a provider that you pick. With a PCMH, you can: See your PCMH team every time you need care Get answers to your health care questions Set short- and long-term health goals Make the best choices for your health care Have more scheduling options Get great health care and meet your mental health needs Page/Página 8 Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Patient Centered Medical Homes Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente El hogar médico centrado en el paciente (PCMH) es cuidado de la salud que es todo con respecto a usted. Es entre usted y su proveedor. Su proveedor lidera un equipo de expertos de salud en un consultorio médico para ayudar a mejorar su salud total y alcanzar sus metas de salud. Su equipo de PCMH tendrá un proveedor de su elección. Con un PCMH, usted puede: Ver a su equipo de PCMH todas las veces que necesite cuidado Obtener respuestas a sus preguntas sobre cuidado de la salud Establecer metas de salud a corto y largo plazo Hacer las mejores elecciones para su cuidado de la salud Tener más opciones de programación Recibir cuidado de la salud excelente y cumplir sus necesidades de salud mental Los proveedores en este capítulo han sido reconocidos como PCMH por grupos nacionales de acreditación. Estos proveedores son PCMH debido a lo que les ofrecen a nuestros miembros. Los grupos que dieron reconocimiento a estos proveedores como PCMH son: 1. El National Committee for Quality Assurance 2. Utilization Review Accreditation Commission 3. Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care 4. The Joint Commission 5. Otros programas de reconocimiento de PCMH como los ofrecidos a través de universidades Para escoger un PCMH*, vea este capítulo. * Los PCMH reconocidos tienen un equipo de expertos de salud que trabajan en conjunto para sus necesidades de cuisdado de la salud. FL-PD-0047-16 SMMC MMA Patient Centered Medical Homes/Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Miami-dade County/ Condado de Miami-dade Amador, Maria E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 Tu 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 MW-F 8am-5pm Amofah, Saint A. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M 8:30am-5pm Tu-F 7am-8:30pm Aquino, Bienvenido MD** Aquino, Frances J. MD Languages: Spanish Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103-104 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 F 7am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 F 7am-5pm Archer, Harry MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm F 8am-4pm Th 8am-6pm Sa 8am-2pm Arguello, Aleyda MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 305 E 10th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 901 E 10th Ave Ste 39 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 M 11am-8pm Tu-F 8am-5pm Assantes, Andrea MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Bencomo, Rosabel M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 M-Sa 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 11 and Over 6020 Bird Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 222-8807 M-F 9am-8pm Sa 9am-1pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 M-Sa 8am-5pm Bertoldi, Ana M. MD** Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 4410 W 16th Ave Ste 33 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 827-2002 M-F 8am-5pm Bianchi, Ausberto MD** Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 10431 Bird Rd Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 222-2000 M-F 8am-5pm Blanco, Armando MD Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8am-5pm Borba, Luciana S. MD Languages: Spanish, Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1240 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M 8:30am-5pm Tu-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opalocka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 626-8755 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Borge, Ronald J. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 901 E 10th Ave Ste 39 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 Th 8am-7pm M 11am-8pm TuWF 8am-5pm Bridges, Quida P. MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 7200 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 694-6900 W 11am-8pm MTuThF 8am-5pm Brosco, Jeffrey P. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 711 Ste 410 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Burgos, Gloria E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Sa 8am-2pm Th 8am-6pm F 8am-4pm M-W 8am-5pm Cabral, Ricardo J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste 10 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-3429 M-F 9am-5pm Calandriello, Alexandra MD Languages: Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-3485 M-F 9am-5pm Calle, Sandy R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Road Miami Beach 33139 (305) 538-8835 M-Th 8am-5pm Canada, Fernando MD** Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 1200 SW 1st St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 324-2000 M-F 8am-5pm Carralero, Rita M. MD Languages: Spanish Community Medical Group of Miami 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 W 2pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 635-7710 F 2pm-5pm M 8am-12:30pm Community Medical Group of Miami 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 M 1:30pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Miami 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 F 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Miami 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 Th 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Miami 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 Tu 2pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Miami 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 W 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Miami 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 Th 2pm-5pm Castano, Luis C. MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Celoge, Marie Y. MD Languages: Haitian Creole, Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Chinea, Ignacio C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm * Recognized PCMHs have a team of health experts working together for your health care needs. Los PCMH reconocidos tienen un equipo de expertos de salud que trabajan en conjunto para sus necesidades de cuisdado de la salud. Patient Centered Medical Homes Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 10431 Bird Rd Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 222-2000 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Page/Página 9 Page/Página 10 Patient Centered Medical Homes/Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 652-4542 Su 11am-5pm Sa 10am-5pm M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Patient Centered Medical Homes Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Derenoncourt, Vladimir DO Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 106 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Th 2pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 209 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 1pm-5pm Drusano, Michael F. MD Languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-WF 8am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Th 8am-5pm Dufreny, Alphonse G. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Tu-F 7am-6:30pm M 8am-6:30pm Espinoza, Luis A. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 W 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 100 NE 38th St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-WF 9am-5pm Th 8am-1pm Chung, Katherine D. MD Fernandez, Noel D. MD Languages: Spanish Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 9am-5pm Constant, Scarlet MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 708 NE 125th St Miami 33161 ‰ (786) 433-8815 M 9am-5pm Tu-F 8am-5pm Coronado, Elsy M. MD Ffrench, Lesline A. MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 7200 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 696-7759 W 11am-8pm MTuThF 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 F 8am-4pm M-W 8am-5pm Th 8am-6pm Sa 8am-2pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 106 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 F 7:30am-5pm M-Th 8am-5pm Delgado, Livia A. MD Forster, Lourdes Q. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 F 8am-4pm Th 8am-6pm M-W 8am-5pm Sa 8am-2pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1150 NW 14th St Ste 711 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Fiore Urizar, Marco A. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 711 Ste 410 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Fuentes, Ileana MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 F 8am-4pm M-W 8am-5pm Sa 8am-2pm Th 7am-6pm Gambon, Thresia B. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 9am-5pm Garcia, Domingo MD Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm Th 7am-6pm F 8am-4pm Sa 8am-2pm Gardner, Laurence B. MD** Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Garsva, Allison M. DO Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 106 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 8am-12pm MTuThF 8am-5pm Gonzales-Olivares, Menayra MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103 & 104 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gonzalez- Rosado, Karen M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Francisco MD Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M 7am-11:30pm Tu-F 8:30am-5pm Gonzalez, Marco L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Gracia, Deborah DO Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Sa 8am-2pm M-W 8am-5pm Th 7am-6pm F 8am-4pm Gutierrez, Juana M. MD Languages: Creole-Criollo, Spanish Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 F 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 W 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Westchester 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 W 12pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 Tu 1pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 Sa 8am-5pm Guzman, Lilliam B. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Hershorin, Eugene R. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Hin, Michael H. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 1220 NW 95th St Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Hwang, Mihee RN Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm * Recognized PCMHs have a team of health experts working together for your health care needs. Los PCMH reconocidos tienen un equipo de expertos de salud que trabajan en conjunto para sus necesidades de cuisdado de la salud. Patient Centered Medical Homes/Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Izquierdo, Fabiana H. MD Lopez, Martha E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1100 NE 125th St Ste 101 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7am-5pm Jackson, Teresa A. ARNP Lopez, Reynaldo MD Languages: Creole-Criollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 681-8339 M-F 9am-5pm Jones, Claude L. DO Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Jones, James R. MD Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Katz, Martha M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Keller, Mark R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103-104 Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Leroy, Nathalie MD Languages: Spanish, Creole-Criollo Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103-104 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Tu 8am-11pm MW-F 8am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 1221 71 St Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Tu 12am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 267-9671 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27 Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 324-5989 M-F 9am-5pm Lopez-Andujar, Julio MD** Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 4410 W 16th Ave Ste 33 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 827-2002 M-F 8am-5pm Maragh, Jassett A. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy 3rd Fl Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-5pm Marcus, David MD Mcconnell, Catherine A. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8932 SW 97TH AVE Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Mcfarlane, Trecia E. MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins B, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 M-F 8am-5pm Mendez, Lorely E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 Tu-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 M 8am-5pm Mendez, Paul E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Morales, Cecilia V. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Martinez, Kenia MD Morency, Jacques P. MD Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 TuTh 8am-5pm Martinez, Ramon E. MD Languages: Spanish Miami Beach C H C 1100 NE 125th St Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8838 W 7am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 MWF 8am-5pm Morrison, Sarah D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Murciano, Jack MD Languages: Middle (1100-1500), Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Negrette, Jesus S. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 10528-10530 SW 8th St Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-5pm Norori, Freddy MD Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 901 E 10th Ave Ste 39 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 Tu-F 8am-5pm M 11am-5pm Nunez, Edgard A. MD Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Ojeda Gil, Serman L. MD Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins B Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 F 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 Th 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 M 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 1631 SW 107 Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 W 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Opa Locka 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 Tu 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 W 8am-12pm * Recognized PCMHs have a team of health experts working together for your health care needs. Los PCMH reconocidos tienen un equipo de expertos de salud que trabajan en conjunto para sus necesidades de cuisdado de la salud. Patient Centered Medical Homes Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 TuThF 8:30am-5pm MW 10:30am-7pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 7am-5pm Page/Página 11 Page/Página 12 Patient Centered Medical Homes/Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 F 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 Th 8am-12:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 Tu 8am-12pm Oper, Arnold MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Patient Centered Medical Homes Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Orcasita Ng, Jose A. MD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over 7000 W 12th Ave Ste 21-22 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 362-9560 MW-F 8am-4pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Palomino, Mario R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 M-F 9am-5pm Penas, Jose G. PA Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:15am-5pm Rivera-Morales, Ramon MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 18360 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 694-6270 MF 8am-4:30pm W 8am-7pm Rivo, Marc L. MD Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 Th 1pm-5pm Roa, Melba M. MD Rangel, Jorge E. MD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:15am-5pm Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 2pm-11pm San-emeterio, Elena M. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 100 NE 38th St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1675 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 MTu 8am-5pm Rodriguez, Hiram MD Saltzman, Alan N. MD Schwartz, Edward R. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7429 M-F 9am-5pm Rodriguez, Marian APNP Selem, Magali M. MD Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Under Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 14736 SW 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 387-3300 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm Saenz, Luis A. DO Rodriguez, Allan E. MD Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Price, Ndemie M. MD Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7429 M-F 9am-5pm Rodriguez-Mendez, Jorge MD** Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 4692 NW 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 623-0993 M-W 8am-5pm ThF 9am-5pm Ross, Charles A. MD Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm Sa 8am-2pm Th 8am-6pm F 8am-4pm Perez, Martha R. MD Peters, Bruce B. DO Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Homestead 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 M 12pm-5:30pm Rojas, Adriana M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 623-0994 M-Sa 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7713 Th 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 Sa 8am-5pm Severino, Loida M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm F 8am-4pm Th 7am-6pm Sa 8am-2pm Silencieux-Cineas, Marie G. MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Tu-F 7am-6:30pm M 8am-5pm Suarez, Antonio J. MD Languages: Spanish Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 9am-5pm Suarez, Carolina ARNP Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 8am-5pm Suarez, German MD** Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 975 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 819-6300 M-F 8am-5pm Suarez, Maritza M. MD** Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Suarez, Omar D. MD** Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 W 8am-6:30pm MTh 8am-3pm Tu 9am-6pm Szajnert, Carlos MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 TuW 8am-5pm Th 11am-8pm F 8am-8pm Tordi, Carol H. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-8pm Torres, Johann V. MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins,, French, Spanish, Tagalog Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 207 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Torres, Nicole S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97 Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Vuong, Lannie MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Miami Beach C H C 12340 NE 6th Ct North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7am-7pm * Recognized PCMHs have a team of health experts working together for your health care needs. Los PCMH reconocidos tienen un equipo de expertos de salud que trabajan en conjunto para sus necesidades de cuisdado de la salud. Patient Centered Medical Homes/Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Page/Página 13 Weirich, Stephen A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 MWF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 12340 NE 6th Ct North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Th 7am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 TuTh 8am-5pm Wright, Tamara S. MD Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Tu-F 8am-5pm M 8:30pm-5pm Wurm, Gwen R. MD Zafar, Fatima MD Languages: Spanish Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-Th 8am-8pm F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Zambrana, Linda D. MD Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 252-4820 M-F 8:30am-5pm Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Fields, Nicole M. DO Languages: Creole-Criollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates of South Florida 100360 Overseas Hwy Ste 4 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 245-3220 TuTh 2pm-5pm Morelli III, Joseph T. DO Community Health of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Rodriguez, Irina PA Community Health of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 M-F 9am-5pm * Recognized PCMHs have a team of health experts working together for your health care needs. Los PCMH reconocidos tienen un equipo de expertos de salud que trabajan en conjunto para sus necesidades de cuisdado de la salud. Patient Centered Medical Homes Hogares médicos centrados en el paciente Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 711 Ste 410 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Page/Página 14 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Certified Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional certificada Miami-dade County/ Condado de Miami-dade Certified Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional certificada Caballero, Lourdes ARNP Practice #: 02675279 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 3831 Grand Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (786) 245-2700 F 8:30am-12:30pm TuTh 8:30am-7pm MW 8:30am-5pm San-emeterio, Elena M. NP Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Practice #: 02034934 Languages: Spanish Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 Tu 8am-5pm 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 M 8am-5:30pm 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 Sa 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of Opa Locka 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 Th 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 MTu 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 Tu 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 W 8am-5pm Suarez, Carolina ARNP Practice #: 01370549 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 8am-5pm Yero, Celia C. BSN Practice #: 01995724 Continucare M D H C 3233 Palm Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 826-0660 M-F 8am-5pm Family Practice/ Medicina familiar Acebo, Waldo MD Practice #: 01391043 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over Acebo Health Center 9851 NW 58th St Ste 125 Miami 33178 ‰ (305) 403-1035 M-F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm Acevedo, Armando E. MD Practice #: 01240046 Languages: Spanish Acevedo Medical Practice 2525 NW 54th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-9090 M-F 9am-7pm Sa 9am-12pm Aguilar, Luz M. MD Practice #: 01470459 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 NW 25th Ave Miami 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1712 MWF 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 6601 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 466-6900 TuTh 8am-4:30pm Bencomo, Rosabel M. MD Practice #: 02687379 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 M-Sa 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 11 and Over 6020 Bird Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 222-8807 M-F 9am-8pm Sa 9am-1pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 M-Sa 8am-5pm Benjamin, Yukhanan MD Practice #: 01105916 Languages: Spanish, Russian 909 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 101 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 945-1288 TuTh 9am-12pm MWF 9am-5pm Bermudez, Jr, Roberto MD Practice #: 01423478 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins,, Spanish Roberto Bermudez MD 27104 S Dixie Hwy Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 247-0018 M-F 9am-5pm Blanco, Antonio E. MD Practice #: 01437242 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Coral Reef Med Group 11440N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-7660 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Coral Reef Med Group 30334 Old Dixie Hwy Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 243-0149 M-F 9am-5pm Braceras, Ines M. MD Practice #: 01777291 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435-43 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27 Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130 Ave 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flager St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27 Ave D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 8530 SW 8th Ste Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 455-6804 M-F 8am-5pm Brown, Thomas P. DO Practice #: 03080526 Languages: Spanish Nova Southeastern University 1750 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-4139 Tu 8am-5pm MW-F 8:30am-5pm Bryan, Anique M. MD Practice #: 01714626 Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 309 23rd St Ste 200 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 222-7927 M-F 9am-5pm Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd 300 Miami 33137 (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm Cabral, Ricardo J. MD Practice #: 01249602 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste 10 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-3429 M-F 9am-5pm Cancio Vega, Caridad M. MD Practice #: 03165420 Languages: Spanish Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 M-Sa 8am-5pm Capote Jr, Eddy MD Practice #: 02426052 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435 NE 8th St Ste 43 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15105 NW 77th Ave Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 455-2737 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave D10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 8530 SW 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 455-6804 M-F 8am-5pm Carralero, Rita M. MD Practice #: 01950624 Languages: Spanish Community Medical Group of Miami 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 Tu 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Miami 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 W 2pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 635-7710 F 2pm-5pm M 8am-12:30pm Community Medical Group of Miami 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 M 1:30pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Miami 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 F 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Miami 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 Th 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Miami 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 Tu 2pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Miami 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 W 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Miami 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 Th 2pm-5pm Castano, Luis C. MD Practice #: 01130825 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5515 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 15 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Family Practice/Medicina familiar Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 681-8339 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 267-9671 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 691-0201 M-F 8am-5pm Cherner, Rebecca M. DO Practice #: 01286743 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Fidel Cintas MD, PA 8260 W Flagler Ste Ste 2I Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 740-3540 M-F 9am-5pm Cohen, Peter M. DO Practice #: 01105906 Languages: Spanish Nova Southeastern University 1750 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-4101 M-F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm Coke, Timothy MD Practice #: 03783348 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Cuesta Torres, Maria MD Practice #: 03427982 Languages: Spanish Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 M-Sa 8am-5pm Dally, Alfredo D. MD Practice #: 01129027 Languages: Spanish Inoalda 7650 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 269-8099 M-F 9am-5pm Delima, Selma C. MD Practice #: 01167184 Nova Southeastern University 1750 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-4100 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01609872 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 9am-5pm Chipon Schoepp, Nadine B. DO Derenoncourt, Vladimir DO Practice #: 01398703 Languages: Spanish Nova Southeastern University 1750 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-4100 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01346774 Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 106 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Th 2pm-5pm Chung, Katherine D. MD Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 209 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Practice #: 01915211 Languages: Spanish Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 1pm-5pm Drusano, Michael F. MD Practice #: 01448695 Languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-WF 8am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Th 8am-5pm Dufreny, Alphonse G. MD Practice #: 01376328 Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Tu-F 7am-6:30pm M 8am-6:30pm Eloy-Rodriguez, Maria C. MD Practice #: 01424695 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15105 NW 77th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-2737 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130 th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 8530 SW 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 455-6804 M-F 8am-5pm Espinoza, Luis A. MD Practice #: 02042902 Care Resource 3510 Biscayne Blvd 3rd Fl Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1234 MTuThF 8am-5:15pm W 8am-7:15pm Fernandez, Hugo S. MD Practice #: 01111301 Languages: Spanish Primenet Medical Mgmt 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 115 Miami 33186 ‰ (954) 983-1220 M-F 9am-5pm Ffrench, Lesline A. MD Practice #: 01106466 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 7200 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 696-7759 W 11am-8pm MTuThF 8am-5pm Gershman, Klara MD Practice #: 02042880 Care Resource 3510 Biscayne Blvd 3rd Fl Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1234 W 8am-7:15pm MTuThF 8am-5:15pm Gervais, Marie D. MD** Practice #: 01307423 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish, French, Haitian Creole U M D C - Department Of Family Medicine 1247 NE 167th St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 956-5991 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Jose N. MD Practice #: 01138920 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5515 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 681-8339 M-F 9am-5pm Hoover, John W. MD Practice #: 03135153 Languages: Spanish John W Hoover III 2575 SW 67th Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 266-2424 M-F 12pm-8pm Hoover, Keila MD Practice #: 01222708 Languages: Spanish Hoover Family Medicine 7371 SW 24th St Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 265-4441 M-F 9am-5pm Hsu, Cindy C. MD Practice #: 01633638 Languages: Mandar U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste F Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-3429 M-F 9am-5pm Hurtado-Perez, Idania MD Practice #: 01981248 Languages: Spanish Community Medical Group of Florida City 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 M-F 9am-5pm Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 Th 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 Sa 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 265-9220 M-F 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 F 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 324-5989 M-F 9am-5pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 1631 SW 107 Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Roberto R. MD Practice #: 02033124 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 971 NW 2nd St Miami 33128 ‰ (305) 243-7429 M-F 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Westchester 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 Tu 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 M-F 9am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Celoge, Marie Y. MD Practice #: 01888551 Languages: Haitian Creole, Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Cintas, Fidel MD Page/Página 16 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Family Practice/Medicina familiar Community Medical Group of Florida City 3805 W 20 Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 M-F 9am-5pm Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 W 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 M 8am-5pm Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Westchester 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9000 Sa 12pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 M-F 9am-5pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 Tu-Sa 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 F 1pm-5pm Jean-Baptiste, Odiel MD Practice #: 03529076 Care Resource 3510 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1234 W 8:30am-7:15pm MTuThF 8:30am-5:15pm Jones, James R. MD Practice #: 01126102 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Joseph, MarcAntoine A. MD Practice #: 01108775 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish, French 12429 W Dixie Hwy North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 981-7657 Sa 10am-2pm M-Th 9am-5pm F 9am-2pm Juarez, Erick MD Lopez, Radames MD Practice #: 02862502 Languages: Spanish The Nova Cosmetic & Rehabilitation 1900 Coral Way Ste 200 Miami 33145 ‰ (786) 953-5805 Sa 9am-1pm M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01877168 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Katzeff, Esther J. DO Practice #: 03781721 Languages: Spanish SMC Medical Center 11373 SW 211th St Ste 16 Miami 33189 ‰ (305) 234-0009 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Sa 9am-1pm SMC Medical Center 9299 SW 152nd St Ste 200 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 969-9074 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Kinder, Clifford A. MD Practice #: 02787987 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 806 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-2171 TuTh 8:30am-4:30pm MWF 8:30am-5pm Lawrence, Joycelyn J. MD Practice #: 01212173 U M D C - Department Of Family Medicine 1075 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 944-8494 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Department Of Family Medicine 1247 NE 167th St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 956-5991 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Department Of Family Medicine 1247 NE 167th St Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 956-5991 M-F 8am-3:30pm Lopez, Wilson MD Practice #: 01163622 Languages: Spanish Family & Pediatric Medic 14850 SW 26th St Ste 108 Miami 33185 ‰ (305) 348-1586 Sa 9am-12pm M-W 9am-6pm ThF 9am-5pm Family & Pediatric Medic 4005 NW 114th Ave Ste 2 Miami 33178 ‰ (305) 591-2988 M-F 9am-8pm Sa 9am-1pm Maurice, Ketty DO Practice #: 02994864 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 NW 25th Ave Miami Gardens 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1712 M-F 8am-5pm Morono-Ponce, Idaylis MD Practice #: 02001439 Languages: Spanish Premier Value Family Medicine 8348 Bird Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 225-0707 TuTh 9am-5pm Sa 9am-2pm Nikzad, Jason DO Practice #: 01974339 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-1500 M-F 9am-5pm Nunez, Lydia A. MD Perez, Martha R. MD Practice #: 00821197 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 100 NW 170th St Ste 410 N Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-6850 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01110323 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Oper, Arnold MD Practice #: 01107367 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Oporta, Alejandro I. MD Practice #: 01422216 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 NW 25th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1712 M-F 8am-4:30pm Palmerola, Rafael A. MD Practice #: 01106793 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 9560 SW 107th Ave Ste 106 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 274-9588 M-F 9am-5pm Pardo, Adonis DO Practice #: 03783349 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Care Resource 3510 Biscayne Blvd 3rd Fl Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1234 MTuThF 8am-5:15pm W 8am-7:15pm Leroy, Nathalie MD Nunez, Edgard A. MD Practice #: 01407444 Languages: Spanish, Creole-Criollo Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103-104 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Tu 8am-11pm MW-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01116232 Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Practice #: 02994843 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 6601 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 466-6900 M-F 8am-4:30pm Miami Beach C H C 1221 71 St Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Tu 12am-5pm Nunez, Hernaldo M. MD Peralta, Maria M. MD Practice #: 01470474 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 NW 25th Ave Miami 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1712 M-F 8am-4:30pm Pedreira, Denia MD Practice #: 01444428 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 210 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-5018 M-F 8am-5pm Pico, Jose MD Practice #: 01305899 Languages: Spanish U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7429 M-F 9am-5pm Posey, Alessandra DO Practice #: 03783345 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Powell, Michelle R. MD Practice #: 02790325 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 806 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-2171 MWF 8:30am-5pm TuTh 8:30am-4:30pm Quintero, Rocio C. MD Practice #: 01394440 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6226 M-F 8am-4:30pm Radwan, Nidal B. MD Practice #: 01109063 Languages: Arabic, Creole-Criollo Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over 18100 NE 19th Ave Ste 102 Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 948-8900 M-F 9am-5pm Ramirez, Jacqueline DO** Practice #: 01383799 Languages: French, German, Spanish, Tagalog 154th St Medical Plaza 5801 Miami Lakes Dr E Oak Square Business Center Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 821-9115 MWTh 9am-5pm Rangel, Jorge E. MD Practice #: 01144886 Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:15am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:15am-5pm Rearte, Ana C. MD Practice #: 02695600 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quall Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435 NE 8th St Ste 43 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15105 NW 77th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-2737 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 17 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Family Practice Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave D10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Rivera-Morales, Ramon MD Practice #: 00807852 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 18360 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 694-6270 MF 8am-4:30pm W 8am-7pm Rivo, Marc L. MD Practice #: 01435987 Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 Th 1pm-5pm Rizo, Luis MD Practice #: 03477700 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 6601 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 466-6900 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 02004628 Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 NW 25th Ave Miami Gardens 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1718 M-F 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 6601 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 466-6900 M-F 8am-4:30pm Rodriguez-Fundora, William DO Practice #: 01112521 Languages: Spanish Rodriguez & Sixto 1100 SW 57th Ave Ste 101 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 644-1550 M-Th 8am-4pm Sa 8am-12pm F 8am-1pm Ross, Charles A. MD Practice #: 01888528 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm Sanchez, Mirel MD Practice #: 01170026 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 2pm-11pm Practice #: 01681187 Languages: Spanish Mirel Sanchez MD 11468 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-9484 Sa 10am-2pm M-F 9am-5pm Salgado, Leon MD Schaffer, Judith P. DO Practice #: 01369583 Languages: Spanish Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 MW 8am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 910-2377 M-F 8am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 265-9220 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Saltzman, Alan N. MD Practice #: 01249599 Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7429 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste 10 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01107219 Nova Southeastern University 1750 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-4100 M-F 8am-5pm Schwartz, Edward R. MD Practice #: 01249263 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7429 M-F 9am-5pm Sepe, Maurizio MD Practice #: 02761949 Languages: Italian Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1009 NW 5th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (786) 466-4083 M-F 8am-6:30pm Sixto-Rodriguez, Susana M. DO Practice #: 01097327 Languages: Spanish Rodriguez & Sixto 1100 SW 57th Ave Ste 101 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 644-1550 Sa 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-4pm F 8am-1pm Somodevilla, Guillermo MD Practice #: 01109940 Languages: Spanish 7805 Coral Way Ste 126 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 269-0385 MWF 9:30am-6pm Suarez, Antonio J. MD Practice #: 01447989 Languages: Spanish Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 9am-5pm Thorton, Darren T. MD Practice #: 02029695 Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 2520 NW 75th St Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 805-1700 M-F 8am-5pm Tyrell, Tahirah A. MD Practice #: 02881830 Languages: French Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 700 S Royal Poincian Blvd Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 805-1700 M-F 9am-5pm Viera, Amado MD Practice #: 02386959 Languages: Spanish Doctors Medical Center 777 E 25th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 835-0438 M-F 9am-5pm Wallace, Lydia V. DO** Practice #: 01646146 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Helen B Bentley F H C 3090 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 447-4950 Th 8am-8pm Tu 8am-7:30pm W 8am-5pm Walton, Erica P. MD Practice #: 01892458 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 615 Colllins Ave Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 535-5540 M-F 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 6601 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 466-6900 W 8am-12pm Weirich, Stephen A. MD Practice #: 01242086 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 MWF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 12340 NE 6th Ct North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Th 7am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 TuTh 8am-5pm Wright, Tamara S. MD Practice #: 01132289 Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Tu-F 8am-5pm M 8:30pm-5pm Zafar, Fatima MD Practice #: 01106581 Languages: Spanish Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-Th 8am-8pm F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Zambrana, Linda D. MD Practice #: 01098077 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 252-4820 M-F 8:30am-5pm Zephir, Johanne A. DO** Atilus, Rosita ARNP Practice #: 03775834 Languages: Haitian Creole, Creoles And Pidgins Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-6pm Brutus, Carla ARNP Practice #: 02881510 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 9am-5pm Duque, Julianna ARNP Practice #: 02881553 Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-5pm Fignole, Gregory ARNP Practice #: 03783344 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gadea, Maria E. NP Practice #: 02378958 Languages: French, Creole-Criollo, Spanish Seventh Avenue Medical Plaza 10071 NW 7th Ave Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 403-7777 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 03165251 Languages: Spanish Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 F 8pm-5pm M-Th 8am-5pm Family Practice Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar Glymph, Anita C. ARNP Albuja, Laura D. NP Practice #: 01761305 Languages: Spanish U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 708 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-8886 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 5807 Ponce de Leon Blvd Ste 109 Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 284-9355 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 03783358 Community Health of South Florida 810 West Mowry Dr Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Hernandez-Jorcano, Davmary NP Practice #: 01974324 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Leveille, Sarnia NP Practice #: 01974618 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Robaina, Omart S. MD Saenz, Luis A. DO Page/Página 18 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Family Practice Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar Marcelin, Margalitte APNP Practice #: 01974396 Languages: Haitian Creole, French Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Rangel, Aramy PA Practice #: 03184468 Languages: Spanish Doctors Medical Center 777 E 25th St Ste 118 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 835-0438 M-F 7am-4pm Redding-Jean, Tashara N. NP Practice #: 01974953 Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Saintil, Lisa ARNP Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Practice #: 03788749 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Thermezy Etienne, Katleen R. NP Practice #: 03343806 Community Health of South Florida 13805 SW 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 253-5100 TuThF 8:30am-5pm MW 10:30am-7pm Yero, Celia C. BSN Practice #: 01995717 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1009 NW 5th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (786) 466-4083 TuF 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 6601 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 466-6900 MWF 8am-4:30pm General Practice/ Medicina general Ables, Lilia R. MD** Practice #: 01339112 Languages: Spanish 8362 SW 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 269-6989 M-F 9am-5pm Acebo, Waldo MD Camayd, Juan G. MD Practice #: 01391043 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over Acebo Health Center 9851 NW 58th St Ste 125 Miami 33178 ‰ (305) 403-1035 M-F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm Practice #: 01968454 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Rd Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Alonso, Ivo MD Practice #: 01097670 Languages: Spanish Ivo Alonso, Md 3934 SW 8th St Ste 207 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 448-7499 M-F 9am-5pm Aquino, Frances J. MD Practice #: 01195984 Languages: Spanish Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103-104 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 F 7am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 F 7am-5pm Blanco, Armando MD Practice #: 01106583 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8am-5pm Brito, Hilda M. MD** Practice #: 01295011 Languages: Spanish 12260 SW 8th St Ste 224 Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 220-6917 M-F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-11pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 12260 SW 8th St Ste 224 Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 220-6917 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-5pm Camacho, Maelyn L. MD Practice #: 02881605 Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Caro, Pedro R. MD Practice #: 01104051 Languages: Spanish Varadero Medical Ctr 5850 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 263-9590 M-F 9am-6pm De Armas, Luis E. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01411490 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Luis E de Armas MD 11373 W Flagler St Ste 212 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 220-7730 M-F 10am-6pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 691-0201 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Luis E de Armas MD 11373 W Flagler St Ste 213 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 220-7730 M-F 10am-6pm Practice #: 01120323 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Eduardo Diaz, M D 5703 NW 7th St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 267-3462 MTu 10am-6pm WF 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm Th 9pm-5pm De Los Santos, Rosana D. MD Practice #: 01428675 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1240 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 TuW 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 Th 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 652-4542 M-F 9am-5pm Diaz, Eduardo MD Dominguez, Ricardo MD Practice #: 01103975 Languages: Spanish 777 E 25th St Ste 303 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 693-7412 TuTh 9am-5pm MWF 9am-1pm Garcia, Domingo MD Practice #: 01180337 Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm Th 7am-6pm F 8am-4pm Sa 8am-2pm Gonzalez, Francisco MD Practice #: 01315514 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M 7am-11:30pm Tu-F 8:30am-5pm Gutierrez, Juana M. MD Practice #: 01993244 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 F 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 Th 8am-12:30pm Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 W 8am-12pm Community Medical Group of Westchester 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 W 12pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Opa Locka 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 M 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 Tu 1pm-5pm Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 Sa 8am-5pm Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 955 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 Tu 8am-12pm Jackson, Conchita S. MD Practice #: 01287547 Languages: Spanish Private Medical Center 10 NW 42nd Ave Ste 300 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 774-0742 M-F 8am-4pm Jackson, John MD Practice #: 01182862 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 14 and Over John Jackson, M D 777 E 25th St Ste 212 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-3533 MTuF 8am-5pm W 10am-7pm Lara, Miriam M. MD Practice #: 01241819 Languages: Spanish Miriam Lara, MD 2100 W 68th St Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 362-3969 M-F 9am-5pm Manella, Susan G. DO Practice #: 02882191 Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm Martinez, Adolfo R. MD Practice #: 01419604 Languages: Spanish Martinez & Hernandez MD 8480 SW 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 264-1131 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-2pm Martinez-Roman, Jorge MD Practice #: 01131408 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over St John Clinic Medical 161 NW 29th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 576-0231 M-F 8:30am-4pm Sa 8am-1pm Menendez-Rivera, Jesus B. MD Practice #: 01279958 Languages: Spanish Jesus B MenendezRivera MD 2501 SW 8th St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-9992 M 8:30am-6pm Tu-F 8:30am-4:30pm Moise, Francelot MD Practice #: 01380969 Languages: Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5550 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1240 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-WF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119 St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 8am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 19 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Internal Medicine/Medicina interna Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 Tu 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Norori, Freddy MD Practice #: 01106467 Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 901 E 10th Ave Ste 39 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 Tu-F 8am-5pm M 11am-5pm Orcasita Ng, Jose A. MD Practice #: 02002037 Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over 7000 W 12th Ave Ste 21-22 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 362-9560 MW-F 8am-4pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Practice #: 01975804 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Westchester 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Florida City 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Westchester 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 FSa 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Florida City 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 FSa 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Perrine 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 FSa 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 Th 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Westchester 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 Th 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Community Medical Group of Perrine 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 Th 8am-5pm Pena, Jose MD Practice #: 01348782 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over EMD Medical Center 10000 SW 56 St Ste 29 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 455-7711 M-F 9am-9pm Radwan, Nidal B. MD Practice #: 01109063 Languages: Arabic, Creole-Criollo Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over 18100 NE 19th Ave Ste 102 Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 948-8900 M-F 9am-5pm Roa, Melba M. MD Practice #: 01270835 Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm Sa 8am-2pm Th 8am-6pm F 8am-4pm Rosales, Julio C. MD** Practice #: 01180621 Languages: Spanish Hammock Medical Ctr 11880 SW 40th St Ste 120 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 225-7330 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-5pm Hammock Medical Ctr 15122 SW 72nd St Miami 33158 ‰ (305) 383-3848 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-5pm Ruiz, Jose L. MD Practice #: 02021428 Languages: Spanish Better Living Medical Center 11140 SW 88th St Ste 100 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-1006 M-F 9am-5pm 11285 SW 211 Ste 304 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 971-6883 F 8am-12pm MTuTh 9am-5pm Santiago, Ramon MD Practice #: 01164941 Languages: Spanish Helen B Bentley F H C 3090 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 447-4950 MTh 9am-3:30pm Suarez, Omar D. MD** Practice #: 01134173 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 W 8am-6:30pm MTh 8am-3pm Tu 9am-6pm Suarez-Mederos, Francisco MD Practice #: 01870264 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over St John Clinic Medical 161 NW 29th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 576-0231 M-F 8:30am-4pm Tolon, Cristobal MD Practice #: 01416022 Languages: Spanish Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435-43 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 15105 NW 77th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-2737 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27 Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16 Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flager St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27 Ave D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 8530 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 455-6804 M-F 8am-5pm Tur, Josefina F. MD Practice #: 01943856 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of Westchester 12320 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 M-F 9am-5pm Verdecia, Luis F. MD Practice #: 01188797 Languages: Spanish Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5515 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 1240 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 W-F 8:30am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-1pm Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm HIV Specialist/ Especialista en VIH Garcia, Domingo MD Practice #: 01180337 Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm Th 7am-6pm F 8am-4pm Sa 8am-2pm Kinder, Clifford A. MD Practice #: 02787987 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 806 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-2171 TuTh 8:30am-4:30pm MWF 8:30am-5pm Powell, Michelle R. MD Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 02790325 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 806 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-2171 MWF 8:30am-5pm TuTh 8:30am-4:30pm Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 8am-5pm Internal Medicine/ Medicina interna Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 265-9220 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 267-9671 M-F 9am-5pm Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 324-5989 M-F 9am-5pm Geriatric Medicine/ Medicina geriátrica De Los Santos, Rosana D. MD Practice #: 01428675 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Abbasi, Nuzhat A. MD Practice #: 01272898 Languages: Urdu Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Nuzhat A Abbasi, MD 16401 NW 2nd Ave Ste 200 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 947-7196 M-WF 9am-5pm Th 9am-1:30pm Sa 8am-12pm Agostinelli, Cristina MD Practice #: 01856632 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quall Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435-43 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Palomino, Mario R. MD Page/Página 20 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Internal Medicine/Medicina interna Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15105 NW 77th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-2737 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flager St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 8530 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 455-6804 M-F 8am-5pm Alvarez, Raul A. MD Practice #: 02044702 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Biscayne Park Medical Ctr 11900 W Dixie Hwy Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-8899 M-F 8:30am-5pm Amble, Jayashree MD Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Practice #: 02991917 Languages: Hindi Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 100 NW 170th St Ste 410 N Miami Beach 33169 (305) 654-6850 M-F 8am-5pm 777 E 25th St Ste 509 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 696-7557 M 11am-5:30pm Amofah, Saint A. MD Practice #: 01105867 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M 8:30am-5pm Tu-F 7am-8:30pm Andux-Gonzalez, Carmen Z. MD Practice #: 01927392 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 MTuF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 TuW 8am-5pm Aquino, Bienvenido MD** Practice #: 01114894 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 10431 Bird Rd Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 222-2000 M-F 8am-5pm Archer, Harry MD Practice #: 01187268 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm F 8am-4pm Th 8am-6pm Sa 8am-2pm Baca, Jose F. MD Practice #: 01109599 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over 11760 SW 40th St Ste 323 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 696-7557 Tu 9:30am-4:30pm M 1pm-5pm Bahrami, Michael M. MD Practice #: 01257399 Languages: Urdu, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Persian, Spanish Michael M Bahrami MD 2390 NE 186th St Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 760-8400 M-F 9am-5pm Berenguer, Ramon A. MD** Practice #: 01387809 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435-43 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Bertoldi, Ana M. MD** Practice #: 01111570 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 4410 W 16th Ave Ste 33 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 827-2002 M-F 8am-5pm Bianchi, Ausberto MD** Practice #: 01114895 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 10431 Bird Rd Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 222-2000 M-F 8am-5pm Blanco, Antonio E. MD Canada, Fernando MD** Practice #: 01117930 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 1200 SW 1st St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 324-2000 M-F 8am-5pm Carballo, Pedro P. MD Practice #: 01220382 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Pedro P Carballo MD PA 8260 W Flagler St Ste 2-A Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 275-9755 M-F 9am-5pm Cardoso, Teresa MD Practice #: 01437242 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Coral Reef Med Group 11440N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-7660 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01285237 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Coral Reef Med Group 30334 Old Dixie Hwy Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 243-0149 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15105 NW 77th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 649-8100 M-F 8am-5pm Bombino, Aesthor E. MD Practice #: 01122149 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aesthor E Bombino 10651 N Kendall Dr Ste 207 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 275-7373 Sa 9am-3pm M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aesthor E Bombino 1435 W 49th Pl Ste 403 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 802-5022 WTh 9am-7:30pm M 1pm-7:30pm Bryan, Anique M. MD Practice #: 01714626 Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd 300 Miami 33137 (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm Calandriello, Alexandra MD Practice #: 01708161 Languages: Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-3485 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6226 M-F 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 444-6245 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flager St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 79th Ave D 10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 8900 N Kendall Dr Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-6743 M-F 8:30am-5pm Chi, Joseph I. MD Practice #: 01116455 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Joseph I Chi Md 1210 NW 95th St Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 691-1820 M-F 8am-5pm Chinea, Ignacio C. MD Practice #: 01679427 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 652-4542 Su 11am-5pm Sa 10am-5pm M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 21 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Internal Medicine/Medicina interna Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 W 8:30am-5pm Chiong, Rafael MD Practice #: 02076895 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 2433 SW 147th Ave Miami 33185 ‰ (305) 223-2930 M-F 9am-5pm Cobiella, Jose A. MD Practice #: 01622583 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over COLEMAN, GREGORY R. MD Practice #: 01307367 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Contreras, Jose J. MD Practice #: 01269948 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Inpatient Healthcare Grp 7100 W 20th Ave Ste G126 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 882-7747 Tu-F 8am-5pm M 8:30am-5pm Coronado, Elsy M. MD Practice #: 01181264 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 F 8am-4pm M-W 8am-5pm Th 8am-6pm Sa 8am-2pm Cuello Fuentes, Richard MD Diaz, Yvonne M. MD Practice #: 01307995 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-9599 M-F 9am-5pm Echarri, Roberto MD Practice #: 01475585 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Alma Ala Healthcare 10201 Hammocks Blvd Ste 123 Miami 33139 ‰ (305) 385-5532 F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01127286 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Alma Ala Healthcare 1225 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 532-8355 MTuTh 9am-5pm W 1pm-5pm Espinoza, Luis A. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Alma Ala Healthcare 2921 SW 8th St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 859-7719 M-F 9am-5pm De La Cruz, Alejandro E. MD Practice #: 02775203 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Florida Behavioral Center 3900 NW 79th Ave Ste 820 Doral 33166 ‰ (786) 420-5924 Tu-Th 1:30pm-8:30pm Del Toro, Yanisa MD Practice #: 01305886 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Del Valle, Felipe A. MD Practice #: 01206589 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over 7190 SW 87th Ave Ste 203 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 263-0527 M-F 8:30am-5pm 2000 SW 27th Ave Ste 203 Miami 33145 (786) 621-9333 M-Th 8am-4:30pm F 8am-12pm Practice #: 01725280 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 100 NE 38th St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-WF 9am-5pm Th 8am-1pm Eyssallenne, Antonia P. MD Practice #: 01472336 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Fenton, Kira B. DO Practice #: 03081583 Languages: Spanish Nova Southeastern University 1750 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-4139 M-F 8am-5pm Fernandez Felipe, Radames I. MD Practice #: 01436664 Languages: French, Creole-Criollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 MWF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183th St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 626-8755 TuTh 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Fernandez, Juan M. MD Practice #: 01270799 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over Juan Miguel Fernandez, MD PA 2322 NW 28th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-3667 Sa 9am-1pm M-F 9am-6pm Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over Juan Miguel Fernandez, MD PA 9600 SW 8th St Ste 30 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 633-3667 M 9am-7pm Tu-F 9am-5pm Fernandez, Noel D. MD Practice #: 01134174 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 9am-5pm Fiore Urizar, Marco A. MD Gervais, Marie D. MD** Practice #: 01883164 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 106 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 F 7:30am-5pm M-Th 8am-5pm Practice #: 01307423 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish, French, Haitian Creole U M D C - Department Of Family Medicine 1247 NE 167th St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 956-5991 M-F 9am-5pm Franco, Rigoberto MD Gonzalez Vergara, Fernando V. MD Practice #: 01108463 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Angel Medical Care 9757 E Indigo St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 255-3703 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01856665 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Garcia, Mireya MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01622371 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Mireya Garcia MD 8352 SW 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-8282 Th 8am-5pm M-WF 1pm-5pm Garcia, Roberto F. MD Practice #: 01445972 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Gardner, Laurence B. MD** Practice #: 01764462 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Gelbard, Mark A. MD Practice #: 01307315 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 652-4542 M-F 8am-5pm Su 11am-5pm Sa 10am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario 950 N Korme Ave Ste 203 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 242-0911 M-F 9am-5pm Cortes, Anais B. MD Practice #: 01254683 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Inpatient Healthcare Grp 7100 W 20th Ave G126 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 882-7747 M-F 8am-5pm Page/Página 22 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Internal Medicine/Medicina interna Gonzalez, Angela MD Practice #: 01113155 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over 13550 SW 88th St Ste 210 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 387-0020 M-F 8am-6pm Sa 8am-12pm Gonzalez, Jesus M. MD Practice #: 01605021 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 111 NW 1 St Ste 110 Miami 33128 ‰ (786) 466-7200 M-F 8am-5pm Gonzalez, Marco L. MD Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Practice #: 01307155 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Gracia, Deborah DO Practice #: 01181802 Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Sa 8am-2pm M-W 8am-5pm Th 7am-6pm F 8am-4pm Gray, Patrick A. MD Practice #: 01115108 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5515 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 652-4542 M-F 8am-5pm Su 11am-5pm Sa 10am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St 33134 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 267-9671 M-F 9am-5pm Guzman, Lilliam B. MD Practice #: 01305920 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Hin, Michael H. MD Practice #: 01109048 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 1220 NW 95th St Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Holmes, Deborah L. MD Practice #: 01228206 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 100 NW 170th St Ste 208 N Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 405-0045 M-F 8:30am-5pm Ilangovan, Kumar MD Practice #: 01720079 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5954 M-F 9am-5pm Isalguez, Elizabeth J. MD Practice #: 02392938 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Atlantic South Medical Group 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 101 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 931-7424 M-F 8am-5pm Jaraki, AbdulRahman MD Practice #: 01106900 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jaraki Medical Care 100 NW 170th St Ste 301 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-7887 W 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jaraki Medical Care 7150 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 654-7887 MTuThF 9am-5pm Jones, Claude L. DO Practice #: 01871985 Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Jorrin Simon, Alejandro D. MD Practice #: 01901350 Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435-43 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Kaushal, Himangi MD Practice #: 02676535 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 F 8am-4pm M-Th 8am-6pm Keller, Mark R. MD Practice #: 01093814 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103-104 Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Khazai, Bahram MD Practice #: 02676384 Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 9am-5pm Lopez, Reynaldo MD Practice #: 00814779 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-5688 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 681-8339 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 267-9671 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27 Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 324-5989 M-F 9am-5pm Lopez-Andujar, Julio MD** Practice #: 01116101 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 4410 W 16th Ave Ste 33 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 827-2002 M-F 8am-5pm Lugo, Luis H. MD Practice #: 01154233 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1840 W 49th St Ste 510 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 821-4555 M-F 8:30am-5pm MacWilliams, Grisel MD Practice #: 01116454 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Grisel Mac Williams MD 810 E 39th Pl Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 691-7018 M-F 9am-5pm Mcfarlane, Trecia E. MD Practice #: 01996805 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins B, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 M-F 8am-5pm Mendez, Paul E. MD Practice #: 01307159 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Mendez-Irizarry, Lesbia MD Practice #: 01130289 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Primenet Medical Mgmt 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 115 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 387-3863 M-F 9am-5pm Morency, Jacques P. MD Practice #: 01950719 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Medical Group of Opa Locka 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 TuTh 8am-5pm Morrison, Volrick D. DO Practice #: 02393101 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Atlantic South Medical Group 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 101 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 931-7424 M-F 8am-5pm Ordillas-Jorge, Lyndia MD Practice #: 01098994 Languages: Tagalog, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 54th St Medical Plaza 5385 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 756-9977 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 23 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Internal Medicine/Medicina interna Otero, Leandro L. MD Pablos, Carlos M. MD Quesada, Eduardo MD Radulescu, Dragos A. MD Practice #: 01388077 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01096696 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 154th St Medical Plaza 5801 Miami Lakes Dr E Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 821-9115 M-F 9am-5:30pm Practice #: 01385011 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01106088 Languages: Spanish, Romanian Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8:30am-5pm Practice #: 01167892 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 2601 SW 37th Ave Ste 906 Miami 33133 (305) 569-0010 MWF 9am-12pm TuTh 10am-6pm Paez, Carmen A. MD Practice #: 02042865 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Care Resource 3510 Biscayne Blvd 3rd Fl Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1234 W 8am-7:15pm MTuThF 8am-5:15pm Palmerola, Rafael A. MD Practice #: 01106793 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 9560 SW 107th Ave Ste 106 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 274-9588 M-F 9am-5pm Pancorbo, Dario MD Practice #: 01120225 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Comprehensive Healthcare of Miami 8000 SW 117th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 279-0152 M-F 9am-5pm Piperato, Joseph R. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Practice #: 02677079 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 100 Northeast 38 St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1675 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 8530 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 455-6804 M-F 8am-5pm Pita, Berta MD Practice #: 03477696 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-Th 8am-5pm F 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 8530 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 455-6804 M-F 8am-5pm Radwan, Nidal B. MD Practice #: 01109063 Languages: Arabic, Creole-Criollo Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over 18100 NE 19th Ave Ste 102 Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 948-8900 M-F 9am-5pm Ramirez Navarro, Ariel MD Practice #: 02078052 Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 10673 N Kendall Dr Miami 33172 ‰ (786) 433-8359 F 8:30am-12pm M-W 9am-3pm Th 1pm-4pm Ramirez, Ciro A. MD Practice #: 00808391 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Ciro A Ramirez Md Pa 10673 N Kendall Dr Ste 5C Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 433-8359 M-F 9am-5pm Reyes, Elisse S. NP Practice #: 01971840 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 100 NW 170th St Ste 410 N Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-6850 MW-F 8am-5pm Tu 8am-5:30pm Rios, Jose A. MD Practice #: 03798813 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Preventive & Primary Center Medical Center 10250 SW 56th St Ste C101 Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 558-8901 W 1pm-2pm Rodriguez, Allan E. MD Practice #: 01846508 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 100 NE 38th St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1675 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01249246 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Rodriguez, Joaquin MD Practice #: 01435266 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over 11880 SW 40th St Ste 410 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-8485 M-F 9am-5pm Rodriguez-Jorge, Alicia MD Practice #: 01600960 Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Alma Ala Healthcare 10201 Hammocks Blvd Ste 123 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 385-5532 TuW 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Alma Ala Healthcare 1225 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 532-9926 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Alma Ala Healthcare 2921 SW 8th St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 859-7719 MTuF 9am-5pm Rodriguez-Mendez, Jorge MD** Practice #: 01112259 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 14736 SW 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 387-3300 M-F 8am-5pm Rosen, Eric S. DO Practice #: 01963870 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Florida Institute for Cardiovascular Care 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 10 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-8813 M-F 8:30am-5pm Rozenstein, Alexander MD Practice #: 01104591 Languages: Russian, Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1380 NE Miami Gardens Dr Ste 273 Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 940-0701 M-F 10am-6pm Ruiz, Karelia MD Practice #: 01253593 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Karelia Ruiz, MD PA 7600 W 20th Ave Ste 106 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 828-9100 M-F 9am-5pm Sanchez, Yuri MD Practice #: 01945517 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Apgar Medical Center 3850 SW 87th Ste 306 A Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 953-8200 M-F 9am-6pm Sa 9am-2pm Silebi, Vanessa I. MD Practice #: 03775592 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-6pm Suarez, German MD** Practice #: 01128752 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 975 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 819-6300 M-F 8am-5pm Suarez, Maritza M. MD** Practice #: 01764510 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Tamayo, Victor I. MD Practice #: 01108949 Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Victor Tamayo MD 301 NE 167th St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-0522 F 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Padron, Jose MD 777 E 25th St Ste 518 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 696-7900 M-Th 8:30am-5pm F 8:30am-12pm Rodriguez, Hiram MD Page/Página 24 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Internal Medicine/Medicina interna Thomson, April M. DO Urday-Esslinger, Ernesto A. MD Practice #: 03073772 Languages: Spanish Nova Southeastern University 1750 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-4139 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01098995 Languages: German, Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 54th St Medical Plaza 5385 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 756-9977 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Torres, Johann V. MD Practice #: 01127945 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins,, French, Spanish, Tagalog Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Practice #: 02042886 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Care Resource 3510 Biscayne Blvd 3rd Fl Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1234 W 8am-7:15pm MTuThF 8am-5:15pm Torres-Consuegra, Aurelio MD Vazquez, Carlos A. MD Practice #: 01618280 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Practice #: 01226485 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Comprehensive Healthcare of Miami 8000 SW 117th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 279-0152 M-F 9am-5pm 3800 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 512-9002 MTuThF 1:30pm-6:30pm W 8am-2pm Trelles, Isaac E. MD Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Vazquez Rivera, Lilliana MD Practice #: 01327964 Languages: Spanish CAC Florida Medical Centers 18623 S Dixie Hwy Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 238-9111 M-Th 8am-5pm Tuda, Claudio D. MD Practice #: 01114556 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Academic & Clinical Infectious Diseases 4300 Alton Rd Ste 450 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-2121 M-F 9am-4:30pm Turcios, Janeth D. MD** Practice #: 01107339 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CAC Florida Medical Centers 10431 Bird Rd Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 222-2000 M-F 9am-5pm Tutt, Zandra B. MD Practice #: 01337093 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1009 NW 5th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 416-7149 M-F 8am-4:30pm Vladi, Ketevan MD Practice #: 02846142 Languages: Russian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Atlantic South Medical Group 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 101 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 931-7424 M-F 9am-5pm Wecker, Amy B. MD Practice #: 02866431 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 8740 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-1594 Tu-F 9am-5pm Wright, Astel B. MD Practice #: 01867882 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 11348 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-1660 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 1435-43 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3864 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15105 NW 77th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-2737 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste D-10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Interamerican Medical Center Group 8530 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 455-6804 M-F 8am-5pm Pediatric Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional pediátrica Gray-Walker, Suzette A. MD Practice #: 02849158 Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 3084 NE 41st Ter Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-8050 WF 8am-5pm Su 9am-12pm Sa 8am-12pm MTuTh 8am-8:30pm Juric, Iva NP Practice #: 01972547 Languages: Croatian Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 205 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9877 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-5pm Montero, Alberto NP Practice #: 02044270 Languages: Spanish, French, Creole-Criollo Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 Sa 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 F 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 1490 NW 27th Ave 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 MTu 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 Th 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 W 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 W 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 751 West Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 337-0120 Sa 12pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 F 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 995 N Miami Beach Bl;vd Ste 100 `Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 957-0017 Th 8am-12pm Reyes, Elisse S. NP Practice #: 01971840 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 100 NW 170th St Ste 410 N Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-6850 MW-F 8am-5pm Tu 8am-5:30pm Pediatrics/ Pediatría Abao, Anne Marie B. MD Practice #: 03367933 Languages: Visayan, Spanish, Filipino Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 1610 NE Miami Gardens Dr N Miami Beach 33179 ‰ (305) 940-6016 Sa 8am-8pm Su 9am-8pm M-F 8am-8:30pm Acevedo, Ray M. MD Practice #: 01095352 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Acosta, Jose I. MD Practice #: 01139049 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5515 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 681-8339 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M 8am-5pm Tu-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 267-9671 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 324-5989 M-F 9am-5pm Acosta, Sharon MD Practice #: 01118128 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Adler, Moshe MD Practice #: 01106175 Languages: Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Aguilar, Doris N. MD Practice #: 01657593 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-W 8am-8pm Su 9am-12pm ThF 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 25 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Ahmadi, Ramesh MD Practice #: 01444276 Languages: Persian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 205 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9877 M-F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-6pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Alamo, Lourdes MD Practice #: 01121338 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 02380338 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7456 M-F 9am-5pm Alexander, Barbara S. DO Practice #: 01114319 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Alfonzo, Carmen M. MD Practice #: 01111227 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Isidro A Lopez 1495 NW 20th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 549-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Isidro A Lopez 2830 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-1288 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 691-0201 M-F 8am-5pm Almanzar-Arcur, Maria MD Practice #: 01181692 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Alonso, Ivo MD Practice #: 01097670 Languages: Spanish Ivo Alonso, Md 3934 SW 8th St Ste 207 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 448-7499 M-F 9am-5pm Alvarez Diaz, Ramiro MD Practice #: 02072715 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 623-0994 Th 8am-8pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Homestead 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 MW 8am-5pm TuTh 8am-8pm Alvarez, Israel D. MD Practice #: 01103996 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under 18300 NW 62nd Ave Ste 230 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 623-4444 MTuF 9am-5pm Th 11am-5:30pm W 9am-2pm Alvarez-Fuentes, Jose A. MD Practice #: 01102652 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Division Of Pediatric Comprehensive 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7755 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Division Of Pediatric Comprehensive 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7755 M-F 9am-5pm Alvarez-Marinelli, Radhames R. MD Practice #: 01602985 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Amedica Children's Center 625 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 681-7770 F 7:30am-12:30pm M 7:30am-12:30am Amador, Maria E. MD Practice #: 01927103 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 Tu 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 MW-F 8am-5pm Amelinckx, Adriana MD Assantes, Andrea MD Baumgard, Jonathan MD Practice #: 03367938 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-Th 8am-8:30pm Sa 8am-12pm Su 9am-12pm F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01127973 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01235260 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 7800 SW 87th Ave #C 350 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-4711 M-F 8:30am-9pm Sa 9am-6pm Andino, Rene MD Practice #: 01112359 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under A C D Pediatric Group 3416 W 84th St Ste 100 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 826-9449 F 8am-3pm M-Th 8am-5pm Arguello, Aleyda MD Practice #: 01106970 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 305 E 10th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 901 E 10th Ave Ste 39 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 M 11am-8pm Tu-F 8am-5pm Arguello, Rocio E. DO Practice #: 01409589 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Arroyo Larrea, Daniela MD Practice #: 02055382 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 8am-8:30pm Sa 8am-12pm Ascherman, Toby MD Practice #: 01465276 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-350 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-4711 Sa 9am-6pm F 12pm-9pm M-Th 6pm-9pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Ayuso, Liza MD Practice #: 01131424 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Barbouth, Deborah S. MD Practice #: 01182213 Languages: Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 651-1100 M-W 8:30am-5pm ThF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 9am-5pm Bayes Santos, Liz Y. MD Practice #: 02380509 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Belkowitz, Julia L. MD Practice #: 02380515 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Belousov, Yekaterina N. DO Practice #: 03367939 Languages: Russian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 205 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9877 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-5pm Benavides, Oscar J. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 8:30am-5pm Practice #: 01186144 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 256-5110 M-F 8:30am-5pm Bengochea, Jose A. MD Barsky, Samuel G. DO Practice #: 01120648 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Marquez & Bengochea 152 Almeira Ave Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 446-8377 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01279153 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Alavian, Shereen MD Alix, Pierre R. MD Practice #: 01112637 Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5515 M-F 9am-5pm Page/Página 26 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Benitez, Fanny MD Practice #: 01409501 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 1610 NE Miami Gardens Dr North Miami Beach 33179 ‰ (305) 940-6016 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Bennett, Richard DO Practice #: 01117142 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Bernetti, Karina A. MD Practice #: 01949053 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 1610 NE Miami Gardens Dr Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 940-6016 M-F 8am-8:30pm Sa 8am-8pm Beveridge, George S. MD Practice #: 01130819 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Bhattacharyya, Violina MD Practice #: 03899264 Languages: Assamese, Hindi Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton RD STE 910 Miami 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-8:30pm Blanco, Luis A. MD Practice #: 01457425 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 8752 SW 8th St Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 554-0044 M-F 10am-6pm Bohorquez, Mabel D. MD** Practice #: 01116244 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under CAC Florida Medical Centers 1648 NE 163rd St N Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 949-2000 M-F 8am-5pm Bonnelly, Belkys A. MD Practice #: 01157035 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 315 W 49th St Ste B Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7374 M-F 10am-5pm Borba, Luciana S. MD Practice #: 00811656 Languages: Spanish, Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1240 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M 8:30am-5pm Tu-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opalocka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 626-8755 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Borge, Ronald J. MD Practice #: 01787467 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 821-8611 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-8:30pm Su 9am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 901 E 10th Ave Ste 39 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 Th 8am-7pm M 11am-8pm TuWF 8am-5pm Bravo, Belkys MD Practice #: 01108427 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Belkys Bravo, Md 1920 Coral Way Coral Gables 33145 ‰ (305) 250-9910 M-F 9am-5pm Bridges, Quida P. MD Practice #: 01106973 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 7200 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 694-6900 W 11am-8pm MTuThF 8am-5pm Brito, Hilda M. MD** Practice #: 01135184 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 12260 SW 8th St Ste 224 Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 220-6917 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-5pm Brookshire, Laura T. DO** Practice #: 01475460 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Brosco, Jeffrey P. MD Practice #: 01248708 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 711 Ste 410 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6831 M-F 9am-5pm Brown, Stefanie R. MD Practice #: 01764830 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-1000 M-F 9am-5pm Bullard, Ronald D. MD Practice #: 01117139 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Burgos, Gloria E. MD Practice #: 01181262 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Sa 8am-2pm Th 8am-6pm F 8am-4pm M-W 8am-5pm Bustamante, Erik J. MD Practice #: 02056376 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 3084 NE 41st Ter Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-8050 Su 9am-12pm MTuTh 8am-8:30pm Sa 8am-12pm WF 8am-5pm Cadiz, Angel R. MD Practice #: 01102960 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Carballosa, Maria A. MD Cadiz, Oneith O. MD 4395 Palm Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 821-3944 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01452240 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 410 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Calle, Sandy R. MD Practice #: 00801857 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Road Miami Beach 33139 (305) 538-8835 M-Th 8am-5pm Canel-Morera, Maria C. MD Practice #: 02059844 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Center For Pediatric Care 10040 SW 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 559-3605 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Moreh And Assoc Pa 777 E 25th St Ste 311 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-5627 MTuThF 9am-5pm Capote, Avis T. MD Practice #: 01217260 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under South Florida Pediatric Group 6222 SW 8th St West Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 221-5115 M-F 9am-5:30pm Capote, Mayra MD Practice #: 01235312 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 14400 NW 77th Ct Ste 102 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-7768 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01651767 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Castaneda, Ana M. MD Practice #: 01703321 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 9655 NW 41st St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 513-0200 M-F 8am-5pm Castro, Adriana M. MD Practice #: 01103272 Languages: French, Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 9220 SW 72nd St Ste 102 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 275-1700 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9:30am-5pm Chan, Mohamed Z. MD Practice #: 01095353 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Chang, Philip C. MD Practice #: 01133821 Languages: Chinese Cantonese Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Chen-Hynes, Tzu H. MD Practice #: 01171552 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 27 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Cintas, Maura MD Practice #: 01118111 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under My Doctors Pediatrics 14704 Miller Rd Miami 33185 ‰ (305) 383-0000 M-Th 9am-4:30pm FSa 9am-2pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under My Doctors Pediatrics 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 204 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 383-1902 M-F 9am-4:30pm Cordero, Edwin A. MD Practice #: 01673673 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 20325 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (786) 293-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Cristian, Ingrid MD** Practice #: 01475461 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 8am-8:30pm Sa 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 MW-F 8am-5pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Cotler, Alan N. MD Practice #: 01235335 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-350 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-4711 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01115634 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 6601 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 466-6908 M-F 8am-4:30pm Constant, Scarlet MD Practice #: 01607568 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 708 NE 125th St Miami 33161 ‰ (786) 433-8815 M 9am-5pm Tu-F 8am-5pm Contreras, Ana J. MD Practice #: 01235343 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 18557 S Dixie Hwy Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 293-9000 M-F 9am-5pm Cuan, Damarys MD Practice #: 03074759 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 MW-F 8am-5pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 MW-F 8am-5pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 MW-F 8am-5pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Opa Locka 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 957-0017 MW-F 8am-5pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Cunill-De Sautu, Beatriz M. MD Practice #: 01126930 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Care Ctr 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 8am-5pm Cutler, Adam R. MD Practice #: 01114621 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Da Costa Gomez, Carol A. MD Practice #: 01110097 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 15671 SW 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 752-6465 M-F 9:30am-5:30pm Dangond, Alvaro J. MD** Practice #: 01101165 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Alvaro J Dangond MD 8501 SW 124th Ave Ste 208 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 595-4478 M-F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm M-Sa 12pm-2pm Davila-Torres, Elise A. MD De La Sota, Ileana MD Delgado, Eduardo E. MD Practice #: 02677558 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates of South Florida 151 NW 11th St Ste E202 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 505-3220 M-Th 9am-7pm Sa 8am-2pm F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01097127 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01879182 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 106 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 8am-5pm Davis, Edith MD Practice #: 01429118 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 6827 NW 15th Ave Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 696-4400 M-Th 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm De Armas, Luis E. MD Practice #: 01411490 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Luis E de Armas MD 11373 W Flagler St Ste 212 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 220-7730 M-F 10am-6pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm De Los Santos, Roosevelt A. MD Practice #: 01434382 Languages: French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm De Quesada, Gonzalo MD Practice #: 01290178 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Luis E de Armas MD 11373 W Flagler St Ste 213 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 220-7730 M-F 10am-6pm 14505 Commerce Way Ste 800 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 698-0010 TuTh 10am-6pm De Diego, Jorge A. MD 9360 SW 72nd St Ste 205 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 270-5133 W 10am-1pm MF 10am-5pm Practice #: 01108738 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Medicine Assoc 10820 NW 58th St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 477-7111 M-F 9pm-7pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Medicine Assoc 3900 NW 79th Ave Ste 100 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 640-1313 Sa 8:30am-12pm M-F 9pm-5pm De La Rua, Mairim D. MD Practice #: 01358220 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Dechovitz, Arthur B. MD Practice #: 01740978 Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Dechurch, Stephanie MD Practice #: 01235351 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-350 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-4711 M-F 8:30am-9pm Sa 8:30am-6pm Delgado, Evelyn MD Practice #: 01108280 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under A C D Pediatric Group 3416 W 84th St Ste 100 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 826-9449 TuTh 8:30am-5pm MW 8:30am-6pm F 8:30am-1pm Delgado, Livia A. MD Practice #: 01181293 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 F 8am-4pm Th 8am-6pm M-W 8am-5pm Sa 8am-2pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 8550 W Flagler St Ste 109 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 222-8755 M-F 5pm-10pm Sa 9am-2pm Delgado, Marta I. MD Practice #: 01220741 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Homestead Medical Clinic 43 NE 15 St Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-1909 MTuThF 9am-4pm W 9am-1pm Delva, Gesner MD Practice #: 01108333 Languages: Spanish, French, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Good Samaritan Pediatrics 16800 NW 2nd Ave Ste 604 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 653-0013 M-F 9am-6pm Desnoyers, MarieHelene MD Practice #: 01095156 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Practice #: 01662404 Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 NW 25th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1712 MWF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 MW-Sa 8am-5pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 955 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 Tu 8:30am-5pm MW-F 8am-5pm Colon, Ennio MD Concepcion, Luis V. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 Tu 8:30am-5pm MW-F 8am-5pm Page/Página 28 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Diaz, Adelfa MD Practice #: 02002043 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 MTu 8am-4:30pm W-F 8:30am-4:30pm Diaz, Eduardo MD Practice #: 01120323 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Eduardo Diaz, M D 5703 NW 7th St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 267-3462 MTu 10am-6pm WF 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm Th 9pm-5pm Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Diaz, Margoth C. MD Practice #: 01114373 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-8:30pm Su 6am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Diaz-De La Torre, Doris MD Practice #: 01272232 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 15507-15 NW 67th Ave Miami 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-8:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Dieguez Santiesteban, Niyasdeen MD Practice #: 03225797 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 9655 NW 41st St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 436-1563 M-Th 8am-8:30pm F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Su 9am-12pm Dieguez, Enrique B. MD Practice #: 01320626 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 15507-15 NW 67th Ave Miami 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 M-F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Dunkley-Evans, Arleen MD Practice #: 01293095 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Dupuy, Sargine MD Practice #: 01110916 Languages: French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 490 Opa Locka Blvd Ste 100 Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 681-3915 M-F 8am-05pm Dweck, Merryl MD Practice #: 01241658 Languages: Spanish, Arabic Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Ruth C Schobel MD 7480 Fairway Dr Ste 202 Miami 33014 ‰ (305) 823-2222 MWF 8am-5pm Echavarria-Cano, Maria C. MD Practice #: 02676809 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 MW 8am-5pm Egusquiza, Julio C. MD Eyssallenne, Antonia P. MD Practice #: 01119933 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under West Dade Pediatrics 3220 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 551-1195 M-WF 8:30am-6pm Practice #: 01472336 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under West Dade Pediatrics 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 411 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-0901 M-WF 8:30am-6pm Egusquiza, Maria V. MD Practice #: 01096981 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under West Dade Pediatrics 3220 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 551-1195 M-WF 8:30am-6pm Th 8:30am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under West Dade Pediatrics 7100 W 20 Ave Ste 411 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-0901 M-WF 8:30am-5:30pm Th 8:30am-12pm Elisme, Junie F. MD Practice #: 01269650 Languages: French Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Estevez, Miriam MD Practice #: 01651739 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under St John Clinic Medical 161 NW 29th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 573-0100 M-F 9am-5pm Estrada-Guevar, Martha R. MD Practice #: 01109890 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under E G Pediatrics 11880 SW 40th St Ste 205 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 229-9191 Sa 10am-2pm M-F 10am-6pm Evans, Lillian MD Practice #: 01118127 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Faublas, Josiane MD Practice #: 01104729 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 5535 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Felipe, Ivette MD Ferder, Gabriela MD Practice #: 01409083 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5550 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01365198 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1240 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 W 9;00am-5pm MTuThF 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119 St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Ferder, Nadia MD** Practice #: 01740845 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Fernandez, Jose MD Practice #: 01121407 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Fernandez-Ortiz, Laura I. MD Practice #: 01270892 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Laura Fernandez-Ortiz MD 9715 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33138 ‰ (305) 757-8040 MTuThF 9am-5pm W 9am-12pm Sa 10am-1:30am Ferreira, Isabel A. MD Practice #: 01605786 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under American Care of South Florida 11255 SW 211 St Miami 33189 ‰ (305) 254-7576 M-F 9am-5pm Ferretti, Rodolfo B. MD Practice #: 01404956 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Care for Children 3228 SW 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 642-5090 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Care for Children 7765 SW 87th Ave Ste 209 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0429 M-F 8am-6pm Fields, Nicole M. DO Practice #: 03453928 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Qualified Health Solution 13032 SW 133rd Ct Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 254-8901 M-Sa 8am-8pm 10700 Caribbean Blvd Ste 108 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 251-8016 MTuThF 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm W 11am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 272-2108 M-F 8:30am-5pm Fernandez, Maria V. MD Fierro-Cobas, Victoria H. MD Practice #: 01110319 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 3750 W 16th Ave Ste 102 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 821-1600 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01703305 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 9655 NW 41st St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 513-0200 M-F 8am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 29 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Figueroa, Lediana MD Furlong, Robin S. MD Garter, Lawrence I. MD Gomez, Joaquin A. MD Practice #: 01117018 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Practice #: 01645532 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01103142 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01110784 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 12749 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 226-1008 TuW 8am-6pm MSa 8am-12pm F 8pm-6pm Th 8am-8pm Fliegenspan, Jeffrey B. MD Practice #: 01116985 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Forster, Lourdes Q. MD Practice #: 01112909 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1150 NW 14th St Ste 711 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Frontera, Laura V. MD Practice #: 01257625 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Fuentes, Ileana MD Practice #: 01181934 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 F 8am-4pm M-W 8am-5pm Sa 8am-2pm Th 7am-6pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 701 NW 57th Ave Ste 350 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 448-4858 M-F 4pm-9pm Sa 9am-2pm Practice #: 01098432 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Under 1996 SW 1st St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 541-2818 M-F 10am-4pm Galguera, Manuel A. MD Practice #: 01111811 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Premium Care Doctors 1816 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 805-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Gallego, Samuel MD Practice #: 01133819 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Gambon, Thresia B. MD Practice #: 01435997 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 9am-5pm Garcia-Chacon, Luis E. MD Practice #: 01976151 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Garsva, Allison M. DO Practice #: 01915260 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 106 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 8am-12pm MTuThF 8am-5pm Gely-Sepulveda, Rosario MD Practice #: 01099276 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 8740 N Kendall Dr Ste 212 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-5956 M-F 8am-5pm Gerhart, Erin A. DO Practice #: 01740893 Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Ginsburg, Alana M. DO Practice #: 01093119 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Goldberg, John M. MD Practice #: 01226358 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Gomez, Isabel C. MD Practice #: 01760359 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under 1840 W 49th St Ste 517 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 894-1164 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzales-Olivares, Menayra MD Practice #: 01438805 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103 & 104 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gonzalez- Rosado, Karen M. MD Practice #: 01686528 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Bismark F. MD Practice #: 01103564 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 13814 SW 152nd St Miami 33177 ‰ (305) 238-2262 W 9am-12pm MTuThF 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Francisco MD Practice #: 01315514 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M 7am-11:30pm Tu-F 8:30am-5pm Gonzalez, Raquel M. MD Practice #: 01098997 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins (Other), French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 54th St Medical Plaza 5385 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 756-9977 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Practice #: 01393788 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Healthy Kidz Pediatrics 9615 NW 41st St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 599-8022 M-F 9am-5pm Guevara, Carlos M. MD Practice #: 01115200 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under E G Pediatrics 11880 SW 40th St Ste 205 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 229-9191 Sa 10am-2pm M-F 10am-6pm Gupta, Padma MD Practice #: 01107024 Languages: Hindi Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 13500 SW 88th St Ste 181 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 752-2600 M-F 9am-5pm Gutierrez, Maria D. MD Practice #: 01933907 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Gutierrez Family Medical Center 10621 N Kendal Dr Ste 113 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 670-6006 M-F 9am-5pm Gwynn, Lisa A. DO Practice #: 01468456 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-9554 M-F 9am-5pm Handal-Saca, Carlos A. MD Practice #: 01110064 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Handal-Saca Pediatrics 4410 W 16th Ave Ste 60 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-0721 Th 10am-1pm TuW 12pm-6:30pm MF 10am-6:30pm Haratz, Moises L. MD** Practice #: 00824442 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 1801 NE 123rd St Ste 414 N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 981-0600 M-F 9am-5pm Harnisth, Maria S. MD Practice #: 01301797 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Harrison, David B. MD** Practice #: 01444319 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Hermida, Jesus G. MD Practice #: 01928237 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 WF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 TuF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 154th St Medical Plaza 5801 Miami Lakes Dr E Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 821-9115 TuThF 8:30am-5:30pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 711 Ste 410 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Galarraga-Ramirez, Yolanda A. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm 2760 SW 97th Ave Ste 105 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 228-7120 M-F 9am-5pm Granados, Maria A. MD Page/Página 30 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Hernandez-Chin, Eva MD Practice #: 01443256 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste G-101 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Herrera, Jose A. MD Practice #: 01605281 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Acevedo Medical Practice 2525 NW 54th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 633-9090 M-F 9am-7pm Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Hershorin, Eugene R. MD Practice #: 01102087 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Ilangovan, Kumar MD Practice #: 01720079 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5954 M-F 9am-5pm Izquierdo, Fabiana H. MD Practice #: 01154972 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1100 NE 125th St Ste 101 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 205 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9877 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7am-5pm Jakos, Pedro P. MD Practice #: 01103276 Languages: German Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Jayakar, Parul B. MD Practice #: 01102840 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 651-1100 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 256-5110 M-F 8:30am-5pm Johnson, Terrie MD Practice #: 01226917 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Joseph, Rose V. MD Practice #: 02377621 Languages: Italian Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Interamerican Medical Center Group 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 455-3200 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Interamerican Medical Center Group 291 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Interamerican Medical Center Group 4155 SW 130th Ave Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Interamerican Medical Center Group 5378 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-4101 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Interamerican Medical Center Group 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9696 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Interamerican Medical Center Group 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste D10 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 403-4003 M-F 8am-5pm Joseph, Rufus MD Practice #: 01113320 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrics 20338 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 770-1937 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrics 6777 NW 7th Ave Ste 2-4 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 751-2420 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-5pm Judd, Sarah A. MD Practice #: 01219462 Languages: German, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Junco-Diaz, Rosa E. MD Practice #: 01409468 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 3084 NE 41st Ter Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-8050 WF 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm MTuTh 8am-9pm Su 9am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Katz, Martha M. MD Practice #: 01111714 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Keane, Michelle A. MD** Practice #: 01633232 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Kendrick, William M. MD Practice #: 01091992 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Khan, Sofia S. MD Practice #: 01117140 Languages: Hindi, Urdu, Spanish, Panjabi Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Kiang, Eileen DO Practice #: 01111462 Languages: Chinese Cantonese Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Kienstra, Carolyn M. MD Practice #: 01886993 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Kirwan, Michelle A. MD Lamarre, Marie K. MD Practice #: 02701976 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Center For Family & Children Enrichment 1825 NW 167th Ste 108 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 474-1803 MThF 9am-5:30pm WSa 8am-12pm Tu 10:30am-7pm Practice #: 02034863 Languages: Fijian, Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 M-F 8am-5pm Konsker, Jennifer E. MD Practice #: 01093121 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Kriger, Alberto I. MD Practice #: 01116984 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Lagueruela, Clara C. MD Practice #: 01107270 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 9980 SW 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 223-2255 M-F 9am-5pm Lagueruela, Richard G. MD Practice #: 01208064 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Opa Locka 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 M-F 8am-5pm Lambert, Walter F. MD Practice #: 01112433 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pediatric Child Protection 1150 NW 14th St Ste 212 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7550 M-F 9am-5pm Laurente, Jesus MD Practice #: 01111980 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Leader-Landau, Robin DO Practice #: 01101002 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 31 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Leiman, Lori J. MD Practice #: 01132953 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Leitner, Susan A. MD Practice #: 01098625 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-8:30pm Letsky, Jeanne K. MD Practice #: 01409522 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01098327 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 12485 SW 137 Ave Ste 111 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-8344 M-F 8am-5pm Sa 9am-12pm Lirman, Dario D. MD Practice #: 01130083 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Lo Wong, Silvia C. MD Practice #: 03367932 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-Th 8am-8:30pm F 8am-5pm SaSu 8am-12pm Lofton, Antoine J. MD Practice #: 01117543 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Lopez, Isidro A. MD Practice #: 01111226 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Isidro A Lopez 1495 NW 20th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 549-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Lopez, Martha E. MD Practice #: 01613372 Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Lopez, Pedro MD Practice #: 01436834 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under 3311 Ponce de Leon Blvd Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 444-4457 M-WF 9am-5pm ThSa 9:30am-12pm Lopez, Radames MD Practice #: 01877168 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 207 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Sa 8am-5pm Lopez-Guerrero, Rene L. MD Practice #: 01113314 Languages: Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 3445 NW 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 643-0133 M-F 10am-5pm Lopez-Torres, Michelle MD Practice #: 04021148 Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 3084 NE 41st Ter Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-8050 Su 9am-12pm Sa 8am-12pm WF 8am-5pm MTuTh 8am-8:30pm Lovo, Manuel A. MD Practice #: 01095622 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Marquez-Brito, Eysa M. MD 11880 SW 40th St Ste 212 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 223-5253 Sa 9am-1pm M-F 10am-6pm Practice #: 01120647 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Marquez & Bengochea 152 Almeria Ave Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 446-8377 Sa 8:30am-12pm M-F 9am-5pm Luaces, Jorge L. MD Martinez, Kenia MD Practice #: 01222691 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under South Florida Pediatric Group 6222 SW 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 221-5115 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01646147 Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 9am-5pm Mahmood, Iftikher U. MD Practice #: 01111142 Languages: Bengali, Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under North Miami Pediatrics 16401 NW 2nd Ave Ste 202 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 947-4734 FSa 9am-1pm M-Th 9am-5pm Maragh, Jassett A. MD Practice #: 01419984 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy 3rd Fl Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-5pm Marcus, David MD Practice #: 01112005 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Mardy, Gisele V. MD Practice #: 01107328 Languages: Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Dr Giseles Mardy Ped Ctr 9299 SW 152nd St Ste 207 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-6654 Tu-Th 9am-6pm Sa 10am-1pm M 1pm-7pm F 9am-5pm Mariscal, Liuska MD Practice #: 02842108 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 12991 SW 112th St Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 298-3854 M-F 9am-5pm Martinez, Raquel MD Practice #: 01728517 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 9655 NW 41th St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 513-0200 M-F 8am-5pm Martinez-Ramos, Maria R. MD Practice #: 01099140 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Under 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 211 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-8344 M-F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-12pm Maxwell, Tamika M. DO Practice #: 01127972 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 15600 NW 67th Ave Ste 301 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Mcconnell, Catherine A. MD Practice #: 01125041 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8932 SW 97TH AVE Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Mendez, Lorely E. MD Practice #: 01979115 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 Tu-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 M 8am-5pm Menezes, Jane MD Practice #: 02676816 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-5pm Mitjans, Sandra Y. MD Practice #: 01114829 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Montano, Nazly MD Practice #: 01695882 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Florida Insitute of Pediatrics 8765 SW 165th Ave Ste 105 Miami 33193 ‰ (786) 360-2465 M-F 9am-5pm Montero, Angel R. MD Practice #: 02932378 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Citrus Health Network 705 E 26th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (786) 209-2030 M-F 8:30am-5pm Morales, Cecilia V. MD Practice #: 01307501 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Morales, Rommel R. MD 700 E 25th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 835-0700 M-Th 8am-5pm Practice #: 01104889 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Molina, Carmen A. MD 11410 N Kendall Dr Ste 210B Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 596-4123 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01099457 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Amedica Children's Center 625 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 681-7770 Tu 9am-6pm MWTh 8:30am-6pm F 8:30am-1pm Monestime, Johanne L. MD Practice #: 01218541 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrics 6777 NW 7th Ave Ste 2-4 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 751-2420 M-F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-12pm Moreira, Lucila K. MD Practice #: 02881575 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-Sa 8am-5pm Morency, Jacques P. MD Practice #: 01466466 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 TuTh 8am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Levin, Sanford L. MD Lopez, Emilio H. MD Practice #: 01124843 Languages: Abkhazian, Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Center For Pediatric Care 10040 SW 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 559-3605 M-F 8am-5pm Page/Página 32 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 MWF 8am-5pm Morera, Ismael S. MD Practice #: 01108052 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Moreh And Assoc Pa 777 E 25th St Ste 311 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-5627 MTuThF 9am-5pm Morgan-Smith, Gina E. MD Practice #: 02038385 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 8am-5pm Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Morrison, Sarah D. MD Practice #: 01888527 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Mosquera, Diana I. MD Practice #: 01131796 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Muoio, Jessica E. MD Practice #: 01301781 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Murciano, Jack MD Practice #: 01219468 Languages: Middle (1100-1500), Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Murillo Perez, Amarilys L. MD Nunez, Lazaro D. MD Ofir, Audrey MD Practice #: 01204684 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 15507-15 NW 67th Ave Miami 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01889105 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Center For Pediatric Care 10040 SW 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 559-3605 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01098518 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7456 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th Ste 100 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Negrette, Jesus S. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01307260 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 10528-10530 SW 8th St Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-5pm Nicolas-Alexandre, Marie J. MD Practice #: 01980326 Languages: Sinhalese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 Miami 33162 ‰ (786) 322-7333 M-F 9am-5pm Nodal, Teresa N. MD Practice #: 01721364 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-Th 8am-8:30pm F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Su 9am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Noel, Lenore T. MD Practice #: 01099141 Languages: Spanish, Tagalog Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under 17925 Franjo Rd Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 235-0030 M-WF 8am-5pm Novo, Robert P. MD Practice #: 01108406 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 7480 Fairway Dr Ste 208 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 558-1598 Sa 8:30am-10am M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 910-2377 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 2901 NW 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 908-1773 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 8am-5pm Nwankwo, Odinakachi O. MD Practice #: 01129039 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Division Of Pediatric Comprehensive 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 3rd Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7456 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (888) 845-0002 M-F 9am-5pm Oglesby, Malika S. MD Practice #: 01679393 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 15507-15 NW 67th Ave Miami 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 M-F 9am-5pm Ohayon, Rebecca R. MD Practice #: 01129422 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Ohring, Marshall D. MD Practice #: 01104648 Languages: Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Ojeda Gil, Serman L. MD Practice #: 01977486 Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins B Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 237-3070 F 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 14223 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-2165 Th 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 M 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 1631 SW 107 Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 W 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Opa Locka 321 Opa Locka Blvd Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 476-3333 Tu 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 W 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 F 1pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 9750 SW 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 456-9005 Th 8am-12:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of North Miami Beach 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 100 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 957-0017 Tu 8am-12pm Okonkwo, Margaret I. MD Practice #: 01102162 Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Kidstown Pediatrics 4112 NE 1st Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-5437 Sa 10am-12pm W 9am-8pm MThF 8:30am-5pm Tu 8:30am-3:30pm Olagbemi, Olakunle T. MD Practice #: 01099231 Languages: Yoruba, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Sage Pediatrics 1990 NE 163rd St Ste 101 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 949-1275 W 9:30am-1pm MTuThF 9:30am-5pm Sa 9:30am-12pm Ospina-Herrera, Lorraine MD Practice #: 01390634 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 360-C Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-4711 M-F 9am-5pm Oyadiran, Olabisi O. MD Practice #: 01112549 Languages: Spanish, Yoruba, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under B C Pediatrics 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste PH7 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 625-4100 M-F 9am-5pm Padron, Airama M. MD Practice #: 01325234 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 54th St Medical Plaza 5385 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 756-9977 ThF 8:30am-1pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 154th St Medical Plaza 5801 Miami Lakes Dr E Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 821-9115 M 8:30am-1pm W 8:30am-3pm Pages, Luz MD Practice #: 01112342 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-8:30pm Pandya, Dhruti MD Practice #: 01129037 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 33 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Papadimitriou, Vasiliki DO Practice #: 01702337 Languages: Greek, Modern (1453-), Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Paredes, Guillermo MD Practice #: 01100959 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Pelaez, Gloria C. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under My Doctors Pediatrics 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 204 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 383-1902 M-F 9am-4:30pm Penate, Rolando A. MD Practice #: 01235592 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 6963 SW 117th Ave Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 595-3225 M-F 8:30am-5pm Perez, Deborah M. MD Practice #: 01112740 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 15507-15 NW 67th Ave Miami 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Pernas, Martha B. MD** Practice #: 01118620 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Homestead Pediatric Assoc 975 Baptist Way Ste 103 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-4549 M-F 9am-5pm Peters, Bruce B. DO Practice #: 01915228 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 4692 NW 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 623-0993 M-W 8am-5pm ThF 9am-5pm Pfeiffer, Brent J. MD Practice #: 01419711 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave E Ste 6006 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Pillai, Hema R. MD Practice #: 01974442 Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 708 NE 125th St Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 433-8815 MW 8am-5pm F 8am-4pm TuTh 9am-5pm Pol-Carballo, Maria T. MD Practice #: 01103300 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Maria T Pol-Carballo MD 6450 W 21St Ct Ste 301 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 820-6999 M-Th 8am-6pm Porro, Amanda A. MD Practice #: 01211001 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Pediatric Care Ctr 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6505 M-F 9am-5pm Pra, Jose I. MD Practice #: 01622929 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Physicians Office Of Florida City 646 W Palm Dr Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 242-0883 TuTh 7am-6pm Prado, Angeline MD Practice #: 01152719 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 9980 SW 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 223-2255 M-F 9am-5pm Price, Ndemie M. MD Practice #: 01888546 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Helen B Bentley F H C 3090 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 447-4950 M-F 8:30am-5pm Puig, Glauco A. MD Practice #: 01943853 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7710 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Community Medical Group of Hialeah 3805 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2277 M-F 8am-5pm Putter, Bernard S. MD** Practice #: 01096363 Languages: Dutch, Middle (Ca.1050-1350), Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Rabin, Estela MD Practice #: 01103370 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Ramirez-Anguiano, Dana Y. MD Practice #: 03899002 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton RD STE 910 Miami 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 8am-8:30pm Sa 8am-12pm Randel, Sidney N. MD Practice #: 01115632 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Restler, Steven J. MD Practice #: 01106226 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm REYES, JUAN J. MD Practice #: 01974436 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 708 NE 125th St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M 8am-5pm Tu 9am-5pm Reynolds, Kimberly L. MD Rivero, Maria del Pilar MD Practice #: 01902941 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01964616 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 Nw 25Th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (863) 983-7813 M-F 9am-5pm Riefkohl, Gloria R. MD Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 6601 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 466-6900 MWF 8am-4:30pm Practice #: 01156019 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Care Ctr 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6505 M-F 8am-5pm Rincon, Elizabeth MD Practice #: 01639132 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 15507 15 NW 67th Ave Miami 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Rios, Marvin J. MD Practice #: 01109640 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Ped Consultants Of Kenda 11880 SW 40th St Ste 305 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 223-3131 Sa 9am-1pm M-F 9am-6pm Rivas, Agustin G. MD Practice #: 03087889 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Sol Pediatrics Llc 11010 SW 88th St Ste 104 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 615-4868 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Sol Pediatrics Llc 175 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (786) 621-9777 Sa 8:30am-12pm M-F 8:30am-3pm Rives, Elvira J. MD Practice #: 01110477 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 14505 Commerce Way Ste 800 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 821-8861 M 7:30am-5pm Tu-F 8am-5pm Rodriguez, James MD Practice #: 01441060 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Rojas, Adriana M. MD Practice #: 02395027 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Perrine 12376 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 623-0994 M-Sa 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Miami 1490 NW 27th Ave Ste 130 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 635-7713 Th 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 1610 NE Miami Gardens Dr North Miami Beach 33179 ‰ (305) 940-6016 Sa 8am-6pm M-F 8am-5pm Su 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Westchester 1631 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 422-6525 Sa 8am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Practice #: 01098911 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under My Doctors Pediatrics 14704 SW 56th St Miami 33185 ‰ (305) 383-0000 M-Th 9am-4:30pm F 9am-2pm Sa 10am-2pm Perez, Hugo N. MD Practice #: 01095610 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Perez Pediatrics 7100 W 20th Ave Ste G154 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 558-6460 M-F 8am-5pm Page/Página 34 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Medical Group of Florida City 751 W Palm Dr Homestead 33034 ‰ (786) 377-0120 M 12pm-5:30pm Ruiz-Unger, Juan M. MD Romano-Silva, Amada F. MD Practice #: 01099147 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Romero-Bolumen, Ileana MD Practice #: 01103194 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under West Hialeah Ped Assoc 344 W 65th St Ste 201 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-3930 Tu 11am-6:30pm MThF 9am-5:30pm Roque-Guerrero, Lilia R. MD Practice #: 01116209 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 13226 SW 8th St Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 554-5588 Tu 9am-4pm Th 9am-12pm MWF 9am-5pm Rosa-Olivares, Jose R. MD** Practice #: 01099928 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Care Ctr 3200 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6505 M-F 8am-5pm Rotlewicz, Mark MD Practice #: 01107376 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01104586 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 14451 Country Walk Dr Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 259-4040 MWF 1pm-6pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 8900 Coral Way Ste 204 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 554-6666 TuTh 8am-5pm MWF 8am-4pm Sa 9am-11:30pm Sacharow, Stephanie J. MD Practice #: 01187564 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 651-1100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1601 NW 12 th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 256-5110 M-F 8:30am-5pm Salazar, Jacqueline MD Practice #: 01108670 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 16241 Biscayne Blvd North Miami Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 947-5494 MWF 9am-5pm TuTh 9am-6pm Saleem, Asma MD Practice #: 10041862 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Salerno, Elizabeth H. DO Practice #: 01445993 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Sanchez, Ena I. MD Practice #: 01107860 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Sanchez-Diaz, Pedro MD Practice #: 01110939 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Midway Pediatrics 8080 W Flagler St Ste 2A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 261-8100 Th 8:30am-12pm MTuF 8:30am-5pm W 1pm-5pm Sanchez-Iglesias, Gervasio MD Practice #: 01445983 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 1610 NE Miami Gardens Dr North Miami Beach 33179 ‰ (305) 940-6016 M-F 8am-9pm Su 9am-8pm Sa 8am-8pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Santiago, Waleska MD Practice #: 01129279 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Santos, Teresa D. MD Practice #: 01115631 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Schaechter, Judith L. MD Practice #: 01106522 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Div Ped/Adolesce 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 651-1100 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Div Ped/Adolesce 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5880 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Div Ped/Adolesce 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-1111 M-F 9am-5pm Scherz, Arnold W. MD Practice #: 01347791 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Schettino, Antonieta MD Practice #: 01111989 Languages: Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under ECC Pediatrics 8335 NW 12th St Doral 33126 ‰ (786) 464-1444 M-F 9am-5pm Schobel, Ruth C. MD Sibaja, Sonia A. MD Practice #: 01096484 Languages: Arabic, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Ruth C Schobel MD 7480 Fairway Dr Ste 202 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 823-2222 M-F 8am-12pm M-F 1:30pm-5:30pm Practice #: 01438869 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Family & Pediatric Medic 14850 SW 26th St Ste 108 Miami 33185 ‰ (305) 348-1586 M-W 9am-6pm ThF 9am-5pm Sa 9am-12pm Selem, Magali M. MD Practice #: 01108285 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Under Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Seligshon, Jacob S. MD Practice #: 01131423 Languages: Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Severino, Loida M. MD Practice #: 01187184 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-W 8am-5pm F 8am-4pm Th 7am-6pm Sa 8am-2pm Shafieian, Mitra MD Practice #: 03783346 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Shulman, Peter MD Practice #: 01095354 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Family & Pediatric Medic 4005 NW 114 Ave Ste 2 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 591-2988 M-F 9am-5pm Sidron, Rodolfo MD Practice #: 01154633 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 7285 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 388-9877 MW 9am-6pm F 9am-3pm TuTh 12am-6pm Siegel, Steven MD Practice #: 01163830 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Silencieux-Cineas, Marie G. MD Practice #: 01418874 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Tu-F 7am-6:30pm M 8am-5pm Simons, Lisa A. MD Practice #: 01093123 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Slonaker, Chester M. MD Practice #: 01113633 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Page/Página 35 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Socarras, Rasciel MD Syed, Sarah MD Practice #: 01104688 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 1801 NE 123rd St Ste 414 N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 981-0600 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 03148408 Languages: Hindi, Urdu Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 15507 NW 67th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-8:30pm Sonenblum, Michael MD Tellechea, Carlos A. MD Practice #: 01121337 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01115900 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 15507-15 NW 67th Ave Miami 33014 ‰ (305) 821-8611 M-F 8am-5pm Sa 9am-12pm Spagnolo-Hye, Carol L. DO Practice #: 01447346 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Abrakidabra Pediatric Clinic 330 SW 27th Ave Ste 706 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 433-3391 TuTh 9am-8pm MWF 9am-5pm Sredni, Diana MD Strong, Michael D. MD Practice #: 01119335 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pediatric Child Protection 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 201 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 243-7550 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Tipnis, Sujata R. MD** Practice #: 02672574 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-8:30pm Tordi, Carol H. MD** Practice #: 02848369 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-8pm Torralbas, Alfredo MD Practice #: 01105106 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Practice #: 01105164 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1100 NE 125th St Ste 100 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-5515 M-F 9am-5pm 13550 N Kendall Dr Ste 160 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-7304 Th 9am-1pm M-W 9am-5pm F 9am-4pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Swartz, Alan N. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183rd St Ste Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Torres, Danette MD** Practice #: 01101272 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Homestead Pediatric Assoc 975 Baptist Way Ste 103 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-4549 M-F 9am-5pm Torres, Johann V. MD Practice #: 01127945 Languages: Creoles And Pidgins,, French, Spanish, Tagalog Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Torres, Nicole S. MD Practice #: 01475199 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6042 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97 Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-5050 M-F 9am-5pm Torres-Portalatin, Gilda V. MD Urbina, Mariela A. MD Vazquez, Antonio MD Practice #: 01105336 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Westland Pediatrics 4861 W 4th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 826-7787 W 11am-7pm ThSa 9am-1pm Practice #: 01093395 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Mariela Urbina, MD 2760 SW 97th Ave Ste 105 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 228-3714 M-F 8am-5pm Practice #: 01228181 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Travieso, Lourdes B. MD Urena, Christina M. MD Practice #: 01175735 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 Su 9am-12pm Sa 8am-12pm F 8am-5pm M-Th 8am-8:30pm Practice #: 01113522 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Vainder, Elizabeth B. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 205 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9877 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01163829 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Valdes, Jacqueline MD Trujillo, Hector J. MD Practice #: 01235632 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C350 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-4711 Sa 9am-6pm Su 12pm-6pm M-F 8:30am-9pm Tufino, Jessica M. MD Practice #: 01739714 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 20325 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (786) 293-3200 Sa 8am-12pm M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under A B C Pediatrics 695 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-1888 M-F 8am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm Practice #: 01106305 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Jacqueline Valdes Rafuls 8000 SW 117th Ave Ste 200 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 273-7950 M-F 8:30am-5pm Vargas, Jose L. MD Practice #: 01294322 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Pediatric Care Ctr 8740 N Kendal Dr Ste 210 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 630-2626 M-F 9am-5pm Vasconcello, Norma V. MD** Practice #: 01139456 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Ped Consultants Of Kenda 11880 SW 40th St Ste 305 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 223-3131 M-F 9am-6pm Sa 9am-1pm Vasconcello-cohen, Octavio MD** Practice #: 01218170 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Ped Consultants Of Kenda 11880 SW 40th St Ste 305 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 200-3992 M-F 9am-5pm Vazquez, Gladys L. MD Practice #: 01235655 Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Atlantic Pediatric Partners 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-350 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-4711 M-F 8:30am-5pm Vega, Manuel MD Practice #: 01103827 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Miami Behavioral Health 3800 W Flagler St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 398-6119 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Miami Behavioral Health 3850 W Flagler St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 644-1155 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kidz Doc 6080 SW 40th St Ste 9 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 668-2144 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Miami Behavioral Health 6100 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 400 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 757-0602 M-F 8:30am-6pm Vila-Rivas, Maritza MD Practice #: 01108204 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under A B C Pediatrics 695 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-1888 Sa 9am-1pm M-F 8am-5pm Villar, Ann M. DO Practice #: 01115018 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm You can choose to have your entire family see the same Primary Care Physician. Or each member of your family can have a different Primary Care Physician./Puede elegir que el mismo Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria atienda a toda su familia. O cada miembro de su familia puede tener un Mé dico de Atenció n Primaria distinto.. Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Practice #: 01119835 Languages: Hebrew, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 205 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9877 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M-F 9am-5pm Page/Página 36 Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatrics/Pediatría Villegas, Lilliana MD Wong, Alan MD Practice #: 01268125 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-1111 M-F 9am-5pm Practice #: 01136090 Languages: Chinese Mandarin, Chinese Cantonese Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Virdee, Satranjan S. MD Practice #: 01115633 Languages: Panjabi, German, French Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Vuong, Lannie MD Primary Care Providers Proveedores de cuidado primario Practice #: 01115305 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Miami Beach C H C 12340 NE 6th Ct North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7am-7pm Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm White, Stephanie L. MD Practice #: 00809969 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 Nw 12th Ave Ste 121 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6042 M-F 9am-5pm Wiener, Donna E. MD Practice #: 01146797 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Division Of Pediatric Comprehensive 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 3rd FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7755 M-F 8am-5pm Williams, Dianne P. MD Practice #: 01445987 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Wurm, Gwen R. MD Practice #: 01095064 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 711 Ste 410 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7570 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave W 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Zambrano, Camilo MD Practice #: 01111258 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Zambrano Pediatrics 13055 SW 42nd St Ste 104 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 221-4700 M 9am-8pm Tu-F 9am-7pm Sa 9am-1pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Zambrano Pediatrics 999 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-7080 M-F 9am-5pm Zeltsman, Marat DO Practice #: 01125771 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 21097 NE 27th St Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9877 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Zide, Stacy Z. MD** Practice #: 01877875 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 1610 NE Miami Garden Dr North Miami Beach 33179 ‰ (305) 940-6016 Su 9am-8pm M-F 8am-8:30pm Sa 8am-8pm Physician Assistant/ Asistente médico Internal Medicine/ Medicina interna Gough, Michelle K. PA Robinson, Russell L. MD Practice #: 03227818 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 9655 NW 41st St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 436-1563 M-Th 8am-8:30pm F 8am-5pm Su 9am-12pm Sa 8am-12pm Practice #: 02932379 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Community Health of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 M 9am-5pm F 8:30am-5pm Tu-Th 8:30am-7pm Penas, Jose G. PA Pediatrics/ Pediatría Practice #: 01675484 Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Verdecia, Yurima PA Practice #: 02012119 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Isidro A Lopez 1495 NW 20th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 549-6000 M-Th 7:30am-5pm F 7:30am-1pm Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Family Practice/ Medicina familiar Dell'Api, Pasquale DO Practice #: 03516796 Languages: French, Italian Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over Key West HMA Physician Management 29755 Overseas Hwy Big Pine Key 33043 ‰ (305) 872-3735 F 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-5pm Morelli III, Joseph T. DO Practice #: 01613367 Community Health of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Tingle Jr, Norman R. MD Practice #: 03516894 Key West HMA Physician Management 3428 N Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-1706 M-F 8am-5pm Davila-Torres, Elise A. MD Practice #: 02677558 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates of South Florida 100360 Overseas Hwy Ste 4 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 245-3220 TuTh 2pm-5pm Fields, Nicole M. DO Practice #: 02849325 Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates of South Florida 100360 Overseas Hwy Ste 4 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 245-3220 TuTh 2pm-5pm Katz, Martha M. MD Practice #: 01111714 Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Community Health of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 F 8:30am-5pm Lopez, Martha E. MD Practice #: 01613372 Treats Patients Ages 17 and Under Community Health of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 F 8:30am-5pm Physician Assistant/ Asistente médico Rodriguez, Irina PA Practice #: 01435751 Community Health of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 37 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Allergy/Immunology/Alergias/Inmunología Miami-dade County/ Condado de Miami-dade AIDS Specialist/ Especialista en SIDA Adolescent Medicine/ Medicina para adolescentes Languages: Spanish HearX 8947 SW 107 Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 M-F 9am-5pm Armstrong, Floyd Daniel PHD UMDC Mailman Community Mental Health 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6801 M-F 9am-5pm Betancourt, Mavie B. AUDI Alcohol/ Substance Abuse/Abuso de alcohol/ sustancias Betancourt, Mavie B. AUDI UMDC - Pedi Hema Oncol 1611 NW 12th Ave W 5th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish HearX 8947 SW 107 Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 M-F 9am-5pm Comkornruecha, Metee MD Allergy/Alergias Treats Patients Ages 10 through 18 MCH Physician Group 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 668-5525 M-F 8am-5pm Friedman, Lawrence B. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Div Ped/Adolesce 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 651-1100 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Div Ped/Adolesce 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5880 M-F 9am-5pm Siqueira, Lorena M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 through 20 MCH Physician Grp 17615 SW 97th Ave Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 624-3856 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 13 through 20 MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 668-5525 M-F 9am-5pm Allergy/ Immunology/ Alergias/ Inmunología Alvarez Reyes, Jaime MD Languages: Spanish, French, Italian 9150 SW 87th Ave Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 273-5060 TuWF 9am-6pm ThSa 9am-5pm Bonansea-Frances, Adriana M. MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 100 NE 15th St Ste 104 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-1100 TuTh 9pm-6pm F 9pm-5pm Languages: Spanish Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1580 NW 10th Ave 2nd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-9633 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9035 Sunset Dr Ste 202 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 279-3366 Sa 8pm-1:33am Tu 7:30pm-6pm MW-F 9pm-6pm Ramirez, Nina C. MD Carpio, Jose M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 MF 9am-5pm TuTh 10am-7pm Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 1045 95th St Ste 200 Bay Harbor Islands 33154 ‰ (305) 868-1700 M 9am-7pm Th 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 TuTh 9am-6pm MWF 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1:33am Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 340C Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 TuTh 9am-6:30pm W 9am-7pm Sa 9am-1pm MF 9am-6pm Rodicio, Ileana M. MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 213 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 388-0078 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 13550 SW 120th St Ste 520 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 256-1994 MF 9am-5pm TuW 9am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 F 9am-5pm MW 9am-6pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 MWF 9am-5pm TuTh 10am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7411 Miami Lakes Dr Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 Th 9am-7pm Sa 9am-1pm MWF 9am-5pm Tu 9am-6pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 925 NE 30th St Ste 306 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 595-0109 M-F 9am-5pm Chahine, Bassem G. MD Languages: Arabic, French, Spanish Allergy & Immunology Center 8740 N Kendall Dr Ste 215 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-1073 M-F 8:30am-5pm Chavarria, Vicente MD Languages: Spanish 1840 W 49th St Ste 515 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 670-7006 F 9am-4pm Th 9am-7pm W 2pm-6pm M 9am-6pm 7400 N Kendall Dr Ste 204 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-7006 F 9am-4pm M 9am-6pm Th 9am-7pm W 2pm-6pm Eisenfeld, Michelle L. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 1045 95th St Ste 200 Bay Harbor Islands 33154 ‰ (305) 868-1700 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 13550 SW 120th St Ste 520 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 256-1994 W 9am-7pm MF 9am-1pm MF 2pm-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 MWF 9am-1pm MW 2pm-6pm F 2pm-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 TuTh 10am-1pm MF 9am-1pm TuTh 2pm-7pm MF 2pm-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 M-Sa 9am-1pm MWF 2pm-5pm Tu 2pm-6pm Th 2pm-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 Sa 9am-1pm TuTh 8am-6:30pm W 7:30am-7pm MF 9am-6pm Fine, Lauren M. MD Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1580 NW 10th Ave 2nd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6641 M-F 9am-5pm Gershman, Neil H. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 MF 9am-5pm TuTh 10am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 Th 9am-7pm Sa 9am-1pm MWF 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 340C Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 W 9am-7pm MF 9am-6pm TuTh 9am-6:30pm Sa 9am-1pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 W 7:30am-7:30pm Sa 9am-1pm MThF 9am-6pm Tu 8:30am-6pm Katsoufis, Chryso P. MD Languages: Greek, Modern (1453-) U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (888) 845-0002 M-F 9am-5pm Khan, Yasmeen R. MD Asthma & Allergy Assoc 1045 95th St Ste 200 Bay Harbor Islands 33154 ‰ (305) 868-1700 Th 9am-5pm MTu 9am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 F 9am-5pm MW 9am-6pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 MWF 9am-5pm TuTh 10am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7411 Miami Lakes Dr Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 595-0109 MWF 9am-5pm Tu 9am-6pm Sa 9am-1pm Th 9am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 932-5662 Sa 9am-1pm TuTh 8am-6:30pm W 7:30am-7pm MF 9am-6pm Lamas, Ana M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 175 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 822-3761 TuThSa 9am-6pm Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 2000 SW 27th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 461-2010 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-6pm Landman, Jaime MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 408 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-3252 F 9am-4pm Sa 9am-1:33am Th 10am-7pm M-W 9am-5pm Landman, Zevy MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 11880 SW 40th St Ste 304-C Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 223-8919 TuWF 9am-5pm Mark, Barry J. MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 408 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-3252 M-F 9am-5pm Martell, Frank J. MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 348 Minorca Ave Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-9422 MTu 9am-6pm Th 8am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Div Ped/Adolesce 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5880 M-F 9am-5pm Perez, Elena E. MD Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9035 Sunset Dr Ste 202 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 279-3366 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 38 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Allergy/Immunology/Alergias/Inmunología Miller, Maureen E. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 MF 9am-5pm TuTh 10am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 340-C Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 Th 8am-6pm MF 9am-6pm Tu 8am-6:30pm W 7:30am-7pm Sa 9am-1pm Specialists Especialistas Mirmelli, Philip C. MD Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 W 7:30am-7pm MF 9am-6pm TuTh 8am-6:30pm Sa 9am-1pm Pacin, Michael P. MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 14411 S Dixie Hwy Ste 223 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 255-4868 MW 9am-6pm F 9am-5pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 16401 NW 2nd Ave Ste 204 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 945-4131 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish, Hebrew Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 400 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 504 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 538-8339 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9035 Sunset Dr Ste 202 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 279-3366 M-F 9am-6pm Moreno, Jose N. MD Padeh, Yoram C. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave C Ste 340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 1045 95th St Ste 200 Bay Harbor Islands 33154 ‰ (305) 868-1700 M-F 8:30am-5pm Nunez, Rolando A. MD Piniella, Carlos J. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 13550 SW 120th St Ste 520 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 256-1994 MF 9am-5pm W 9am-7pm Languages: Spanish 6705 S Red Rd Ste 520 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 666-0726 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd ste 308 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 MW 9am-6pm F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmoore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 MF 9am-5pm TuTh 10am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 819-8111 Sa 9am-1pm Tu 9am-6pm Th 9am-7pm MWF 9am-5pm Rodicio, Ileana M. MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 213 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 388-0078 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9035 Sunset Dr Ste 202 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 279-3366 M-F 9am-5pm Sainz, Carmen F. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 1045 95th St Ste 200 Bay Harbor Islands 33154 ‰ (305) 868-1700 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 13550 SW 120th St Ste 520 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 256-1994 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 279-5899 M-F 9am-5pm Salama, Elias MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 16401 NW 2nd Ave Ste 204 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 945-4131 M-F 9am-5pm Shookoff, Charlene S. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 F 9am-5pm MW 9am-6pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 MF 9am-5pm TuTh 10am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 Sa 9am-1pm M-WF 9am-5pm Th 9am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave C 340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 MF 9am-6pm W 7:30am-7pm TuTh 8am-6:30pm Sa 9am-1pm Sirven, Viviana MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over Sirven And Asscs Allergy 8200 SW 117th Ave Ste 302 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-4116 Tu 9am-4pm F 9am-5pm MWTh 9am-6pm Ubals, Elena M. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 MF 9am-5pm TuTh 10am-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 TuTh 9am-6pm MWF 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1:33am Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 Sa 9am-1pm MF 9am-6pm W 9am-7pm TuTh 9am-6:30pm Waxenghiser, Zurik MD Languages: Hebrew, Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 F 9am-5pm Tu 9am-6pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 TuTh 10am-7pm MF 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 M 9am-4:30pm Th 9am-7pm WF 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 340C Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 W 7:30am-6:30pm Sa 9am-12pm TuTh 8am-6pm MF 9am-5:30pm Anesthesiology/ Anestesiología Ariza, Armando J. MD Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1201 NW 16th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 575-3150 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Avramovich, Aharon MD Languages: Hebrew, Russian UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 340-C Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 F 8am-5pm Sa 9am-12:30pm MTuTh 9am-6pm W 9am-7pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Young, Mark P. MD Banks, Shawn E. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 TuTh 10am-6:30pm MF 9am-4:30pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1201 NW 16th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-1191 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Barrocas, Clara V. MD UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 324-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Barron, Michael MD UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6447 M-F 9am-5pm Bermudez, Ady MD Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Birnbach, David J. MD Languages: French, Hebrew UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Boeru, Marinela MD UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Brodt, Jessica L. MD UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5416 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 39 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Cardiology/Cardiología Del Rio, Isis MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5416 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5201 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Escudero, Adriana P. CRNA Languages: Spanish JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave C300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6586 M-F 8am-5pm Gebhard, Ralf E. MD Kates, Charles H. DDS Languages: French UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Lagueruela, Richard G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Moaveni, Daria M. MD UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5201 M-F 9am-5pm Ranasinghe, Chaturani T. MD UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1120 NW 14th St 9th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-8500 M-F 9am-5pm Anesthetist, Nurse/ Anestesista, enfermera Acevedo, Daniel CRNA Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1500 NW 12th Ave 11th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6347 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-8292 M-F 9am-5pm Bell, Valerie M. CRNA UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5416 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5511 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5201 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1500 NW 12th Ave 11th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6347 M-F 9am-5pm Rodriguez, Carla R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5416 M-F 9am-5pm Varlotta, David DO UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave, 2nd flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Bizzio, Rossanna S. CRNA Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5511 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1500 NW 12th Ave 11th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6347 M-F 9am-5pm Brown, Candace J. CRNA UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5511 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (800) 545-2292 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1500 NW 12th Ave 11th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6347 M-F 9am-5pm Cardona, Beatriz R. CRNA Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-8292 M-F 9am-5pm De Luca, Christina M. CRNA Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Escudero, Adriana P. CRNA Languages: Spanish JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave C300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6586 M-F 8am-5pm Llerena, Monica CRNA UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Otey, Gabriella CRNA Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5511 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1500 NW 12th Ave 11th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6347 M-F 9am-5pm Sonson, Susan L. CRNA UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Torres, Ayme CRNA Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Wilson, Carolina C. CRNA Languages: Spanish UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5206 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Audiologist/ Audiólogo Berman, Audra M.A., CCC-A Languages: N/A HearUSA 3121 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 446-0662 Fernandez, Gilda M.A. CCC-A Languages: N/A HearUSA 8947 S.W. 107th Ave Kendall 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 Mcinnis, Kimberly Au.D., CCC-A Languages: Spanish HearUSA 3503 Ne 163rd St. N. Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 931-8382 HearUSA 8947 S.W. 107th Ave Kendall 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 Cardiac Electrophysiolog y/ Electrofisiología cardiaca Garcia, Peter V. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Peter V Garcia MD 836 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 202 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 224-1864 M-Su 8am-5pm Rechani, Luis E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 15100 NW 67 Ave Ste 104 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 571-0671 M-F 9pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 300 Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm Tzur, Assaf MD Languages: Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 100 NW 170th St Ste 410 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-6850 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 1024 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7443 W 9am-7pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami International Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Cardiology/ Cardiología Alonso, Raul MD Languages: Spanish Raul Alonso MD, PA 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 515 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 824-5517 M-F 9am-5pm Amer, Salah A. MD Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Cardiac Diagnostic Svcs 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 559-6687 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Languages: German UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6543 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 40 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Cardiology/Cardiología Barquet, Antonio R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 351 NW Lejeune Rd Ste 105 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 649-3627 M-F 9am-5pm Bazzi, Ali A. MD Languages: Arabic, French, Spanish Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 15100 NW 67th Ave Ste 104 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 571-0671 M-F 9am-5pm Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27 Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm BERGER, LAWRENCE A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 580 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5551 M-F 9am-5pm BRAIN, MICHAEL J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Florida Institute for Cardiovascular Care 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 10 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-8813 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Bryan, Anique M. MD Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd 300 Miami 33137 (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm Buendia, Mauricio A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Israel Galtes, Md 151 NW 11th St Ste E304 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 674-3888 M-F 8am-5pm Chapunoff, Eduardo MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 1272 NW 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-5688 Tu 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 20215 NW 2nd Ave Ste 1 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 652-4542 Su 11am-5pm M-F 8am-5pm Sa 10am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 26085 S Dixie Hwy Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-4264 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4105 NW 135th St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 267-9671 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 4888 NW 183th St Ste 101 Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 685-5688 M 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 5521 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 685-5688 F 8am-1pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Doctors Medical Center 7900 NW 27th Ave Ste 150 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 685-5688 Th 8am-5pm Chua, Henry N. MD Languages: Chinese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 100 NW 170th St Ste 411 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 249-5666 W 9am-5pm MTh 8:30am-5pm TuF 9pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1295 NW 14th St Ste N Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 545-5465 W 9am-5pm M 8:30pm-5pm Th 8:30am-5pm TuF 9pm-5pm Correa, Luis F. MD Languages: Spanish Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 15100 Nw 67Th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 300 Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm Coy, Kevin M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 309 23rd St Ste 200 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 222-7927 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 309 23rd St Ste 200 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 222-7927 Escalante, Jose E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Castellanos & Escalante 777 E 25th St Ste 214 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-1997 M-F 8am-5pm Gallarello, Francesca MD Languages: Spanish, Italian Francesca Gallarello, MD, PA 4302 Alton Rd Ste 800 Miami 33140 ‰ (305) 673-6217 MW-F 9am-3:30pm Galtes, Israel I. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Israel Galtes, Md 151 NW 11th Street Ste E304 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 674-3888 M-F 8am-5pm Garcia, Peter V. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Peter V Garcia MD 836 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 202 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 224-1864 M-Su 8am-5pm Guala, Pablo M. MD Languages: Spanish Sunlite Medical Associates 4811 W 4th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 512-8330 MW 10am-5pm TuThF 9am-5pm Gutierrez, Alexis MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Inpatient Healthcare Grp 7100 W 20th Ave Ste G126 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 882-7747 M-F 8:30am-5pm Hurwit, Handre MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 15100 NW 67th Ave Ste 104 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 571-0671 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over South Florida Cardiology 15100 NW 67th Ave Ste 104 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 571-0671 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over South Florida Cardiology 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Kaplan, Neil J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Heart Ctr 9999 NE 2nd Ave Ste 100 Miami Shores 33138 ‰ (305) 754-1654 M-F 9am-5pm Linzer, Dov S. MD Languages: Hebrew, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Florida Institute for Cardiovascular Care 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 110 Aventura 33180 ‰ (954) 450-2100 M-F 9am-5pm Lister, Michelle L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27 Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Londono, Juan C. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Cardiology On Call 4300 Alton Rd Ste 2050 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 531-6967 M-F 9am-5pm Martinez-Clark, Pedro O. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 5040 NW 7th St Ste 750 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 587-1752 M-F 9am-5pm Rechani, Luis E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 15100 NW 67 Ave Ste 104 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 571-0671 M-F 9pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 300 Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm Sarria Arbocco, Alejandro P. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Israel Galtes, Md 950 N Krome Ave Ste 202 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 674-3888 M-F 8am-5pm Shaykher, Chander MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Heart Ctr 9999 NE 2nd Ave Ste 100 Miami Shores 33138 ‰ (305) 754-1654 M-F 9am-5pm Simmons, Jeffrey D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 TuTh 8am-5pm Soffer, Ariel D. MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins B, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew Soffer Heart Institute PA 21550 Biscayne Blvd Ste 133 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0555 M-F 9am-5pm Tzur, Assaf MD Languages: Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami International Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami International Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 300 Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm Zide, Kenneth M. MD Languages: Creole Criollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Cardiovascular Disease/ Enfermedad cardiovascular BRAIN, MICHAEL J. MD Languages: Spanish 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 110 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-8813 M-F 8am-5pm Ferreira, Alexandre C. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 409 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5527 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Hurwit, Handre MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 1pm-6pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 41 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Certified Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional certificada Jaraki, AbdulRahman MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jaraki Medical Care 100 NW 170th St Ste 301 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-7887 W 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jaraki Medical Care 7150 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 654-7887 MTuThF 9am-5pm Londono, Juan C. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 531-6967 M-F 8:30am-5pm Mallon, Stephen M. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 407 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5768 M-F 8am-5pm Mendoza, Cesar E. MD Mendoza, Ivan MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 Tu 1am-5pm M 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 210 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-5018 M-F 8am-5pm Rossin, Natalia ARNP** Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 413 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-8867 MTuThF 8am-5pm Sancassani, Rhea B. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 409 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5527 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Simmons, Jeffrey D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 MWF 8am-5pm Tzur, Assaf MD Languages: Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami International Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm Veerani, Anila MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8:30am-5pm Zambrano, Juan P. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 210 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-5018 M-F 8am-5pm Certified Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional certificada Atilus, Rosita NP Languages: Haitian Creole, Creoles And Pidgins Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Bailey, Anabetsy C. ARNP Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 100 NE 15th St Ste 104 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-1100 TuTh 9pm-6pm F 9pm-5pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 14411 S Dixie Hwy Ste 223 Palmetto Bay 33176 ‰ (305) 255-4868 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 348 Minorca Ave Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-9422 MTu 9am-6pm Th 8am-5pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 213 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 388-0078 F 9am-5pm M-Th 9am-6pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9035 Sunset Dr Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 279-3366 MW-F 9pm-6pm Sa 8pm-1:33am Tu 7:30pm-6pm Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 9035 Sunset Dr Ste 202 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 279-3366 Sa 8pm-12:30pm MW-F 9pm-6pm Tu 7:30pm-6pm Banas, Darlena M. NP Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish, Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-WF 8am-5pm Bassett, Patricia A. NP Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 111 NW 1st St Ste 110 Miami 33128 ‰ (786) 466-7200 M-F 8am-5pm Bennett, Ann B. ARNP Languages: Swedish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste 10 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 9am-5pm Blouin, William R. ARNP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8272 M-F 9am-5pm Bruno, Rachelle ARNP Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Metro-Miami OB/Gyn Associates 100 NW 170th St Ste 304 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 653-4105 M-F 9am-5:30pm Harley, Sylvia M. ARNP Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 12 through 21 Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5607 NW 27th Ave Ste 1 Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 805-1700 M-F 8am-5pm Hustace, Tally ARNP Languages: Creoles And Pidgins (Other), Spanish, Haitian Creole Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave, Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi Hema Oncol 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Hwang, Mihee RN Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Jackson, Teresa A. ARNP Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 TuThF 8:30am-5pm MW 10:30am-7pm Major-Wilson, Hanna ARNP Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Div Ped/Adolesce 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Maturo, Donna L. ARNP Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Div Ped/Adolesce 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3442 M-F 9am-5pm Nieves, Kristen M. ARNP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-Th 8am-5:30pm F 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 F 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Paredes, Giovanna C. NP Advanced Dermatology & Advanced Cosmetic Surgery 16100 NE 16th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 652-8600 M-F 8am-5pm Reichbach, Jennifer A. ARNP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi Hema Oncol 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi Hema Oncol 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Remilien, Luna APNP Languages: Haitian Creole Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Th 8am-6pm F 9am-5pm M-W 8am-5pm Rossin, Natalia ARNP** Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 413 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-8867 MTuThF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Bixcayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 W 8am-5pm Sinclair, Miri M. ARNP Languages: Spanish, Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Bixcayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 W 8am-5pm Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 42 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Certified Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional certificada Stroetz, Alyssa M. NP Kinder, Clifford A. MD Vardaros, Magdalene DO Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 806 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-2171 TuTh 8:30am-4:30pm MWF 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 F 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-5:30pm Loucks, Robert J. LCSW Wohlfeiler, Michael B. MD Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Here's Help 15100 NW 27th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-8201 M-Sa 12pm-8pm Su 12pm-7pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 1613 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-1400 M-F 8:30am-5pm Williams, Claudette L. ARNP Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 9950 NW 19th Ave Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 691-4547 M-F 8am-5pm Child & Adolescent Psychiatry/ Psiquiatría infantil y de adolescentes Davis, Asha S. MD Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-5535 M-F 9am-5pm CLIA Level 1/ Nivel CLIA 1 Specialists Especialistas Ashkar, Fuad S. MD Magloire, ChristAnn A. MD Languages: Haitian Creole, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Serenity Holistic OB/GYN & Wellness Spa 1880 NE 163rd St Ste 102 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 705-3377 M-F 9am-5pm Mendoza, Cesar E. MD Languages: Arabic, French, German, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 11760 SW 40th St Ste 535 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 553-6744 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Davis, Asha S. MD Rodriguez, Carlos A. MD Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-5535 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Mario Gomez MD 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 304 Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 377-2500 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Frankfurt, Seymour J. MD Sandoval, Martha Y. NP Languages: Spanish Kidney & Hypertension 1190 NW 95th St Ste 207 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-7045 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 9193 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-9377 M-F 8am-5pm Hernandez-Abril, Manuel J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over Pulmonary & Critical Care Physician of S Fl 7500 SW 8th St Ste 301 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 856-8166 M-F 9am-5pm Tzur, Assaf MD Languages: Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami International Cardiology Consultants 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 792-0012 M-F 9am-5pm CLIA Level 2/ Nivel CLIA 2 Atogho, Ata MD Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Metro-Miami OB/Gyn Associates 100 NW 170th St Ste 304 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 653-4105 M-F 9am-5pm Hoffman, David S. MD Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins B Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm Scaglione, Judith C. NP Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm CLIA Level 4/ Nivel CLIA 4 Braithwaite, Sylvester R. MD Languages: French, Spanish Women & Teens Community Healthcare Ctr 16876 NE 19th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 895-5555 M-F 8am-5pm Lamas, Ana M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 2000 SW 27th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 461-2010 Sa 9am-12pm M-F 9am-6pm CLIA Level 5/ Nivel CLIA 5 Donnellan, Sheena M. PA Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami Beach 33161 ‰ (888) 352-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Fraga-Soto, Carmen NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Hay, Arielle D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Roero, Lauren PA Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Rubin, Jamie PA Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125 St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Simmons, Jeffrey D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 TuTh 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 MWF 8am-5pm Yousef, Nabila PA Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Critical Care Medicine/ Medicina de cuidado crítico Anjum, Kamal MD Languages: Spanish, Urdu Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Pulmonary & Critical Care Consultants of South Florida 21355 E Dixie Hwy Ste 102 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-2552 M-F 9am-5pm Echarte, Luis J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 303 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 466-0030 M-F 9am-5pm Mclaughlin, Gwenn E. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1500 NW 12th St 9th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6275 M-F 8am-5pm Omenaca, Carlos L. MD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Vilmed 9715 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33138 ‰ (305) 756-6110 M-F 9am-5pm Schein, Roland M. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Division Of Medicine 1201 NW 16th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 324-4455 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Division Of Medicine 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5803 M-F 9am-5pm Soler, Manuel A. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Dermatology/ Dermatología Alonso-Llamazares, Javier MD Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 8370 W Flagler St STE 200 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 305-2250 Bridges, Khari MD Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 8950 Sw 74th Ct Ste 1413 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 305-6700 Camacho, Ivan D. MD Susana Leal-Khouri, MD 2750 Sw 37 Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 305-7747 Susana Leal-Khouri, MD 580 Crandon Blvd STE 101 Key Biscayne 33149 ‰ (305) 305-3618 Chaplik, Igor DO Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida Inc 21097 Ne 27th Court Ste 500 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 305-9316 Fernandez, Carolina PA Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc dba Avanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 1435 West 49th Place STE 702 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (407) 407-8752 Flores, Francisco MD Francisco Flores MD PA 11355 Sw 84 St Miami 33173 (954) 954-8855 Francisco Flores MD PA 1435 W 49th Pl Ste 702 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (954) 954-8858 Francisco Flores MD PA 4224 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33013 ‰ (954) 954-8855 Francisco Flores MD PA 590 E 25th STE 302 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 305-4877 Francisco Flores MD PA 8501 Sw 124 Ave STE 203 B Miami 33183 (786) 786-9538 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 43 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Family Practice Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar Leal-Khouri, Susana M MD Susana M Leal-Khori, MD, PA 2750 Sw 37 Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 305-7747 David Rodriguez, MD 8950 Sw 74th Ct STE 1706 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 305-6700 Schiffman, Lawrence DO Susana M Leal-Khori, MD, PA 580 Crandon Blvd STE 101 Key Biscayne 33149 ‰ (305) 305-3618 Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 21414 W Dixie Hwy Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 305-7359 Manlio, Ferdinand C DO Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 3650 Nw 82nd Ave Ste 306 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 305-7359 Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc dba Avanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 1435 West 49th Place STE 702 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (407) 407-8752 Mendez, Jose E. DO Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc dba Avanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 1435 West 49th Place STE 702 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (407) 407-8752 Niven, John MD John Niven, MD 2750 Sw 37 Ave Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 305-6727 John Niven, MD 333 Arthur Godfrey Rd STE 202 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 305-6727 Paredes, Giovanna ARNP Penichet, Jennifer ARNP Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 1435 West 49th Place STE 702 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (407) 407-8752 Rockley, Paul F MD Paul F Rockley, MD, PA 17101 Ne 19 Ave STE 101 North Miami Beach 33162 (305) 305-9407 Rodriguez, David A. MD David Rodriguez, MD 1301 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 (305) 305-5671 Betancourt, Mavie B. AUDI Languages: Spanish HearX 8947 SW 107 Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 M-F 9am-5pm Emergency Medicine/ Medicina de emergencia Delgado, Pilar MD Languages: Spanish NCH Miami Children's Hospital 13400 SW 120th St Ste 100 & 200 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 8:30am-5pm Skolnik, Phyllis MD Phyllis Skolnik, MD PA 7800 Sw 57 Ave STE 102 South Miami 33143 (305) 305-6618 Endocrinology and Metabolism/ Endocrinología y metabolismo Sullivan, Tory MD Ashkar, Fuad S. MD Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 16100 Ne 16 Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 305-6528 Languages: Arabic, French, German, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 11760 SW 40th St Ste 535 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 553-6744 M-F 9am-5pm Woolery-Lloyd, Heather MD Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 16100 Ne 16 Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 305-6528 Languages: Spanish 9555 SW 162nd Ave Miami 33196 ‰ (786) 467-2159 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Zegarra, Rosalva PA-C Ferreira, Jacqueline V. MD Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc dba Avanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 1435 West 49th Place STE 702 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (407) 407-8752 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 310 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5768 M-F 8am-5pm Developmental Disability Adult/ Adulto con discapacidad del desarrollo Betancourt, Mavie B. AUDI Languages: Spanish HearX 8947 SW 107 Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 M-F 9am-5pm Bravo, Marisabel DO Martinez, Ramon E. MD Languages: Spanish Miami Beach C H C 1100 NE 125th St Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8838 W 7am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 7am-5pm Sanchez, Janine E. MD Dodo, Marcia L. APNP Rhodd, Stacey-Ann C. ARNP Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 8:30pm-5pm U M D C - Department Of Family Medicine 1075 NE 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 944-8494 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Family Medicine Specialist/ Especialista en medicina familiar Philippe, Elizabeth MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm Family Practice Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar Acebal, Jose A. MSN U M D C - Department Of Family Medicine 1247 NE 167th St Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 956-5991 M-F 9am-5pm Fuentes, Vanessa I. ARNP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 9655 NW 41st St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 436-1563 M-Th 8am-8:30pm Sa 8am-12pm Su 9am-12pm F 8am-5pm Jackson, Teresa A. ARNP Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 TuThF 8:30am-5pm MW 10:30am-7pm Languages: Latin, Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 5000 University Dr Ste 3315 Miami 33146 ‰ (305) 557-4016 M-F 9am-5pm Marcia, Blanca ARNP South Florida ENT Associates 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-4016 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Banas, Darlena M. NP Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish, Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-WF 8am-5pm Brockelbank, Abby APNP Languages: CreoleCriollo Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami Gardens 33136 ‰ (305) 585-1070 M-F 8am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd North Maimi 33181 ‰ (305) 835-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Maseda, Johanna NP Olen, Melissa M. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Rastagh, Samantha L. APNP Languages: Creole Criollo, Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 882-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Compass Health Systems 1140 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Rossin, Natalia ARNP** Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 413 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-8867 MTuThF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Bixcayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 W 8am-5pm Scaglione, Judith C. NP Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 1601 NW 8th Ave Fl 2 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 662-3984 W 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm Vidaechea, Melissa M. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Williams, Marjorie APNP Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins B, French U M D C - Department Of Family Medicine 1247 NE 167th St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 956-5991 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 16100 Ne 16 Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 305-6528 Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 6140 Sw 70th St 2nd Fl South Miami 33143 (888) 888-5409 Elderly/Adultos mayores Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 44 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Gastroenter- ology/Gastro- enterología Gastroenterology/Gastroenterología Andrade, Christian M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 7500 SW 8th St Ste 309 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-6060 MTuThF 9am-6pm W 9am-9pm Avila, Mark S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Ayala, Gladys P. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-1111 M-Th 8am-4:30pm Castaneda, Jorge D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Gonzalez, Jeff O. MD Languages: Spanish Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-Th 8am-5:30pm Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Kertznus, Joel MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68 St Ste 300 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M 10am-12:30pm Th 8am-11:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 Th 1pm-5pm Tu 9am-2pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Kofman, Eduardo A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Care Center 12550 Biscayne Blvd Ste 705 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 892-3101 M-F 9am-5pm Maderal, Francisco R. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-Th 8am-5:30pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5pm Marin, Cristina S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 5101 SW 8th St Ste 200 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 953-8614 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 8525 SW 92nd St Ste D17 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 270-0402 M-F 8am-5pm Martinez, Jose L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68 St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Padilla III, Victor M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 F 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-Th 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Pina, Victor M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-Th 8am-5:30pm F 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-Th 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Ramos, Carlos P. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Carlos Ramos 7650 West Flagler Street Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 269-8099 M-F 8am-5pm Robles-Pena, Frances E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 5101 SW 8th St Ste 200 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 953-8614 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 8525 SW 92nd St Ste D17 Miami 33156 ‰ (786) 456-6285 M-F 9am-5pm Sandler, Raymond B. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 100 NW 170 St Ste 410 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-6850 M-F 8am-5pm Sobrado, Javier MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 5101 SW 8th St Ste 200 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 953-8614 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 8525 SW 92nd St Ste D17 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 270-0402 M-F 9am-5pm General Behavioral Health/Salud del comportamiento general Torres, Orlando F. MD Betancourt, Mavie B. AUDI Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Over 4791 W 4th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0500 M-F 9am-5pm Vardaros, Magdalene DO Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 F 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Vargas, Carlos A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 212 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 596-1844 M-F 9am-6pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 5101 SW 8th St Ste 200 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 953-8614 M-F 9am-5pm Veloso, Alexander MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 5101 SW 8th St Ste 200 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 262-6060 M-F 9am-5pm Veloso, Angel MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 5101 SW 8th St Ste 200 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 953-8614 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 5101 SW 8th St Ste 200 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 262-6060 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish HearX 8947 SW 107 Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 M-F 9am-5pm General Mental Health/Salud mental general Betancourt, Mavie B. AUDI Languages: Spanish HearX 8947 SW 107 Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 M-F 9am-5pm Genetics/ Genética Barbouth, Deborah S. MD Languages: Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div Of Genetic 1601 Northwest 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 9am-5pm Bauer, Mislen S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Clinical Genetics Assoc 3100 SW 62th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8595 M-F 9am-5pm Bodamer, Olaf A. MD Languages: German, French U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste C Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 9am-5pm Cristian, Ingrid MD Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Clinical Genetics Assoc 3100 SW 62th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8595 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 45 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Hematology/Oncology/Hematología/Oncología Fan, Yao-Shan MD U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 651-1100 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6870 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6870 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 256-5110 M-F 9am-5pm Jayakar, Parul B. MD Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-4717 M-F 9am-5pm Martir-Negron, Arelis E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-4717 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 8:30am-5pm Rajadhyaksha, Aparna MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-4717 M-F 8:30am-5pm Tekin, Mustafa MD Languages: Turkish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 8:30am-5pm Vance, Jeffrey M. MD U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 9am-5pm Geriatric Medicine/ Medicina geriátrica Tekin, Mustafa MD Diaz Valdes, Jesus HAS Languages: Spanish HearUSA 10701 Sw 38th Street Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 225-5471 HearUSA 3121 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 446-0662 HearUSA 350 West 49th Street Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-5561 HearUSA 8028 Nw 154th Street Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 362-9098 HearUSA 8947 S.W. 107th Ave Kendall 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 Martinez, Lisette LHAS Languages: Turkish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish HearUSA 10701 Sw 38th Street Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 225-5471 Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 8:30am-5pm HearUSA 350 West 49th Street Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-5561 Geriatric Medicine Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional de medicina geriátrica White-Gayle, Babley M. RN JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 654-6586 M-F 9am-5pm Hearing Aids/ Audífonos Benitez, Maria BCHIS Languages: N/A HearUSA 3121 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 446-0662 Bustamante, Patricia LHAS Languages: N/A HearUSA 3121 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 446-0662 HearUSA 350 West 49th Street Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-5561 HearUSA 3121 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 446-0662 HearUSA 8947 S.W. 107th Ave Kendall 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 Plasencia, Jesus BC-HIS Languages: N/A HearUSA 350 West 49th Street Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-5561 HearUSA 8028 Nw 154th Street Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 362-9098 Rodriguez, Brian HAS Languages: N/A HearUSA 8028 Nw 154th Street Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 362-9098 Suarez, Vivian LHAS Languages: N/A, N/A HearUSA 8028 Nw 154th Street Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 362-9098 Troconis, Jose LHAS Languages: N/A HearUSA 10701 Sw 38th Street Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 225-5471 HearUSA 3121 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 446-0662 HearUSA 350 West 49th Street Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-5561 HearUSA 3503 Ne 163rd St. N. Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 931-8382 Hematology/ Oncology/ Hematología/ Oncología Albrecht, Federico MD HearUSA 8947 S.W. 107th Ave Kendall 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 Languages: German Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 601 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Villarroel, Vilma BCHIS Antunez De Mayolo, Jorge V. MD Languages: N/A, N/A HearUSA 10701 Sw 38th Street Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 225-5471 Languages: Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 9350 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 594-4210 M-F 9am-5pm HearUSA 8028 Nw 154th Street Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 362-9098 HearUSA 18561 S. Dixie Highway Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 345-6018 Yac, Lillian LHAS Languages: N/A HearUSA 8947 S.W. 107th Ave Kendall 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 Hematology/ Hematología Davila, Enrique MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Cancer Healthcare Associates 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 206 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 384-6100 M-F 8am-5pm Guardiola Amado, Victor D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300 E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Larcada, Alberto F. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 601 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Aparo, Santiago MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 8am-5pm Astarita, Michele D. MD Languages: Italian, Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 9350 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 594-4210 M-F 9am-5pm Behrmann, Frances A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 601 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Braunschweig, Tomas M. MD Oncology & Radiation Associates 9350 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 594-4210 M-F 9am-5pm Citron, Peter L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 601 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Cohen, Jonathan J. MD Languages: Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 1321 NW 14th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 324-7000 M-F 9am-5pm De Zarraga, Fernando I. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Diaz-Rangel, Luis G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over 777 E 25th St Ste 411 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 693-1988 Tu 10am-4pm F 9am-3pm MWTh 9am-5pm Fein, Steven G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300 E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Garrido, Sara M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 905 E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Samuel A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Homestead Cancer Institute 925 NE 30th Terr Ste 300 Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 410-5358 M-F 8am-5pm Hansra, Damien M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Oncology & Radiation Associates 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 2001 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-8801 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Muench, Karl H. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-6006 M-F 8:30am-5pm Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 46 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Hematology/Oncology/Hematología/Oncología Kalman, Leonard A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300 E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Kaywin, Paul R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Muina, Antonio F. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 601 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Noy, Lionel I. MD Languages: Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 2003 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 285-0726 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Reale, Lisa D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Talebi, Tony N. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Miami Hematology and Oncology Associates 151 NW 11th St Ste E304 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 504-3084 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over Miami Hematology and Oncology Associates 78 SW 13th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (954) 800-0056 M-F 8am-5pm Troner, Michael B. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Ucar, Antonio MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 905-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Varki, Jolly MD Languages: Spanish Varki Cancer Care Center 1321 NW 14th St Ste 305 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 545-4545 M-F 9am-6pm Venkatappa, Siddhartha A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 905-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Vidal, Carlos A. MD Languages: Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 9350 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 594-4210 M-F 9am-5pm Villa Jr, Luis MD Languages: Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 9350 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 594-4210 M-F 9am-5pm Villar, Mary Jo DO Languages: Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 9350 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 594-4210 M-F 9am-5pm Wang, Grace MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Xiques, Sergio J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Sergio J Xiques, MD 11760 SW 40th St Ste 420 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 225-8804 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Sergio J Xiques, MD 777 E 25th St Ste 411 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-2711 Tu 8am-5pm Hepatology/ Hepatología Avila, Mark S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 3140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm HIV Specialist/ Especialista en VIH Kinder, Clifford A. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 806 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-2171 TuTh 8:30am-4:30pm MWF 8:30am-5pm Powell, Michelle R. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 806 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-2171 MWF 8:30am-5pm TuTh 8:30am-4:30pm Wohlfeiler, Michael B. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 1613 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-1400 M-F 8:30am-5pm Infectious Diseases/ Enfermedades infecciosas Campos, Jaime E. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 303 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-1544 M-F 9am-5pm CHAN, JOSEPH C. MD Languages: Chinese, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Academic & Clinical Infectious Diseases 4300 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-2766 M-F 9am-4:30pm Fertel, Debra P. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 100 NW 170th St Ste 410 Miami 33169 ‰ (605) 654-6580 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 220A Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6487 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Gomez, Isabel C. MD Languages: Spanish South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 5975 Sunset Dr Ste 103 South Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-1594 M-F 9am-5pm Kraus, Kathreen M. MD Languages: Spanish Care Resource 1901 SW 1st St FL 3 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 571-3534 M-F 8am-5:15pm Macintyre Jr, D S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 604 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-4357 M-F 9am-5pm Mejia, Jorge R. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 8740 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-1594 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 975 Baptist Way Ste 202 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-8000 Tu 9am-12pm Murillo, Jorge MD Languages: French, Spanish South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 8740 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-1594 M-WF 9am-5pm Th 9am-5:30pm Omenaca, Carlos L. MD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Vilmed 9715 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33138 ‰ (305) 756-6110 M-F 9am-5pm Perez-Tirse, Jose MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over 11760 Bird Rd Ste 502 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 226-8484 M-F 9am-5pm Ratzan, Kenneth R. MD Languages: Chinese Mandarin, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Academic & Clinical Infectious Diseases 4300 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-2121 M-F 9am-4pm Suarez, William MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over William Suarez MD 2601 SW 37th Ave Ste 806 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 648-0111 M-F 9am-5pm Torres Viera, Carlos G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 8900 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-1594 M-F 9am-5pm Torres-Madriz, Gilberto MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 8740 N Kendll Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-1594 M-F 9am-5pm Internal Medicine/ Medicina interna Ale-Castro, Maria G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Vilmed 9111 Park Dr Miami Shores 33138 ‰ (305) 756-6110 M-F 9am-5pm Armas, Eddie MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Florida Acute Care Specialists 5775 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 190 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 442-0028 M-F 9am-5pm Ayala, Gladys P. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-1111 M-Th 8am-4:30pm Brown, Stefanie R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12 Ave Central 600 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7476 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 900 NW 17th S Miami 33136 ‰ (888) 845-0002 M-F 9am-5pm Bryan, Anique M. MD Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd 300 Miami 33137 (305) 571-0620 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 47 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Licensed Master Social Worker/Trabajador social con maestría autorizado Busse, Jorge C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 9193 SW 72nd St Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-9377 MTuThF 9am-5:30pm W 9am-5pm Carmenate, Aliuska MD Languages: CreoleCriollo, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 901 E 10th Ave Ste 39 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-0004 M-F 8am-5pm Gershman, Neil H. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 W 7:30am-7:30pm Sa 9am-1pm MThF 9am-6pm Tu 8:30am-6pm GOMEZ, JORGE E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Division Of Medicine 1475 NW 12th Ave 2nd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-1000 M-F 8:30am-5pm Coy, Kevin M. MD Gonzalez, Jeff O. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 309 23rd St Ste 200 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 222-7927 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Elias, Richard A. MD Languages: Spanish Miami-dade Cardiology Consultants 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 300 Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 571-0620 M-F 8am-5pm Elsayyad, Nagy MD Fine, Lauren M. MD Umdc-Div Of Pedi Immunol 1580 NW 10th Ave 2nd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6641 M-F 9am-5pm Galvez, Oscar G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over 3006 Aviation Ave Ste 4A Miami 33133 (305) 854-1004 F 9am-12pm M-Th 9am-5pm Granja, Carlos A. MD Languages: French, Czech, Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 18940 S Dixie Hwy Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 662-3984 W 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 MTuThF 9am-5pm Guardiola Amado, Victor D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300 E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Hernandez-Abril, Manuel J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over Pulmonary & Critical Care Physician of S Fl 7500 SW 8th St Ste 301 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 856-8166 M-F 9am-5pm Jaraki, AbdulRahman MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jaraki Medical Care 100 NW 170th St Ste 301 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-7887 W 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jaraki Medical Care 7150 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 654-7887 MTuThF 9am-5pm Kraus, Kathreen M. MD Languages: Spanish Care Resource 1901 SW 1st St FL 3 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 571-3534 M-F 8am-5:15pm Mangas, Mario MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 11880 SW 40th St Ste 416 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0604 M-Th 9am-5pm F 8am-4pm Martinez, Jose L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68 St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 8am-5:30pm Mendoza, Ivan MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 Tu 1am-5pm M 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 210 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-5018 M-F 8am-5pm Mercade, Fernanda L. MD Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 700 S Royal Poincianna Blvd Ste 300 Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 805-1700 MW-F 8am-5pm Tu 9am-5pm Moreno, Jose N. MD Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave C Ste 340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 M-F 9am-5pm Redondo, Andres A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates 3181 Coral Way 2 Fl Coral Gables 33145 ‰ (305) 567-1999 M-Th 10am-6pm F 10am-3pm Rodrigues, Gotardo A. MD** Languages: Portuguese, Spanish 78 SW 13th Ave Ste 200 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-6966 M-F 9:30am-4:30pm Torres Viera, Carlos G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 8900 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-1594 M-F 9am-5pm Torres-Madriz, Gilberto MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Fl Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine Center 8740 N Kendll Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-1594 M-F 9am-5pm Vardaros, Magdalene DO Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 2140 W 68th St Ste 300 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-4107 F 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Digestive Medicine Assoc 7867 N Kendall Dr Ste 260 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-F 9am-5pm Vargas, Carlos A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 212 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 596-1844 M-F 9am-6pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over GastroMed 5101 SW 8th St Ste 200 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 953-8614 M-F 9am-5pm Wohlfeiler, Michael B. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundation 1613 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-1400 M-F 8:30am-5pm Interventional Cardiology/ Cardiología intervencionista Ferreira, Alexandre C. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 409 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5527 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Martinez-Clark, Pedro O. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 5040 NW 7th St Ste 750 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 587-1752 M-F 9am-5pm Mayor, Manuel R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 210 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 585-5321 M-F 8am-5pm Rossin, Natalia ARNP** Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 413 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-8867 MTuThF 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Bixcayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 W 8am-5pm Lic Mental Health Prof - LMHP/ Licencia profesional de la Salud Mental LMHP Ocampo, Noel LMHC Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Licensed Master Social Worker/ Trabajador social con maestría autorizado Abraira-Cahoon, Nicole MSW Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kristi House 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kristi House 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kristi House 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Languages: Arabic, French Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm Digestive Medicine Assoc 3133 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 822-4107 M-Th 8am-5:30pm Jaffe, Mark MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave E 310 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6000 Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 48 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Licensed Mental Health Counselor/Consejero de salud mental autorizado Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Aguasvivas, Angel MA Vazquez, Enrique J. LMHC Languages: Spanish Miami Behavioral Health 3850 West Flagler St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Alarcon, Vanessa MS Vogle, Rachel LMHC Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over The Chrysalis Center 1868 NE 164 St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 892-4600 M-F 9am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over The Chrysalis Center 2215 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 644-4555 M-F 9am-5:30pm Gil, Lisette LMHC Languages: Spanish Kristi House 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 4:30pm-8:30pm Sa 9am-1pm Grunglasse, Maria E. MS Specialists Especialistas Ocampo, Noel LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor/ Consejero de salud mental autorizado Languages: Creole Criollo, Dutch (Other), Spanish, Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 0 through 75 Alpha Health Care Clinic 1990 NE 163rd St Ste 102 Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 945-9906 Sa 9am-1pm M-Th 9am-6:30pm F 9am-5pm Hernandez, Michelle A. MS Languages: Spanish Kristi House 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6812 M-F 8:30am-5pm Lynne, Joe M. LMHC Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Luis Hines & Assoc 1250 SW 27th Ave Ste 402 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-5255 Sa 10am-2pm M-F 8am-8pm Luis Hines & Assoc 12550 Biscayne Blvd Ste 212 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 642-5255 Sa 9am-1pm M-F 9am-8pm Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Maternal/Fetal Medicine/ Medicina maternal/fetal Belogolovkin, Victoria MD Languages: Russian Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7461 M-W 8am-5pm Carbone-Lazarus, Jeanine F. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over South Florida Perinatal Medicine 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 301 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 8:30am-5pm Fines-Dailey, Verlee L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over South Florida Perinatal Medicine 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 301 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gomez, Jorge L. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida Perinatal Medicine 1100 NW 95 St South Lobby 1st Fl Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2180 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 11760 Bird Rd Ste 616 Miami 33175 ‰ (786) 621-5300 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 3663 S Miami Ave Ste 5335 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 403-7600 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 901-E Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 621-7770 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 4302 Alton Rd Ste 840 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 403-1234 M-F 9am-5pm Rao, Kiran P. MD South Florida Perinatal Medicine 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 301 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 777 E 25 St Ste 404 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 901E Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 621-7770 M-F 9am-5pm Lai, Anthony R. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida Perinatal Medicine 1100 NW 95 St South Lobby 1st Fl Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2180 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 11760 Bird Rd Ste 616 Miami 33175 ‰ (786) 621-5300 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 3363 S Miami Ave Ste 5335 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 403-7600 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 3663 S Miami Ave Ste 5335 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 403-7600 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 4302 Alton Rd Ste 840 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 403-1234 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 301 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida Perinatal Medicine 777 E 25 St Ste 404 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7461 ThF 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 MWF 8:30am-5pm Tudela, Carmen M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over South Florida Perinatal Medicine 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 301 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 9am-5pm Vidal, Ana M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over South Florida Perinatal Medicine 1100 NW 95th St S Robby 1st Fl Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-9521 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over South Florida Perinatal Medicine 3663 S Miami Ave Ste 5335 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 403-7600 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over South Florida Perinatal Medicine 777 E 25th St Ste 404 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over South Florida Perinatal Medicine 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 901E Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 621-7770 M-F 8:30am-5pm Midwifery/ Partería Aparicio, Suzanne M. CNM Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 9am-5pm Cuellar, Cindy J. CNM Ryder, Carina A. CNM Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Dean, Julia M. CNM Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Dormeus, Adline CNM Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-Th 8:30am-5pm Farrington, Lindsey E. CNM Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 8:30am-5pm McDonald, Laurel L. CNM Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Merwin, Melissa A. CNM Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Peroldo, Martha A. CNM Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Pompee-Synsmir, Ange M. CNM Community Health of South Florida 13805 SW 264th St Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 M 8am-6pm TuWF 8:30am-6pm Sa 8:30am-12:30pm Th 8:30am-5:30pm Santana, Juan C. NP Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Watson, Susan E. CNM Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 8am-5pm Neonatal Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional neonatal Duara, Shahnaz MD U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Neonatal/ Perinatal Medicine/ Medicina neonatal/ perinatal Aldana, Otto MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Bancalari, Eduardo MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Dept of OB/GYN 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 49 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Nephrology/Nefrología Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Bandstra, Emmalee S. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Dept of OB/GYN 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Bauer, Charles MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1601 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5808 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Dept of OB/GYN 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Buch, Maria M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Dept of OB/GYN 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Smith, Heather C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Kidz Medical Services 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Duara, Shahnaz MD U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm UMDC - Dept of OB/GYN 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Galarza, Marta G. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Miller, Susan M. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kidz Medical Services 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Miami 33146 (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Plano, Lisa R. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Rau, Brian J. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kidz Medical Services 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Sosenko, Ilene R. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Dept of OB/GYN 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Tamer, Mohammad A. MD U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1475 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7456 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Torres, Maritza MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 160 NW 170th St Fl 2 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-5612 M-F 9am-5pm Wu, Shu MD Languages: Chinese Mandarin Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central Tower 5th Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Young, Karen C. MD Patel, Jignesh B. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12TH Ave Central Tower 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Gujarati, Hindi Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 9333 SW 152ND ST Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Neonatology/ Neonatología Aldana, Otto MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Drummond, Shelley R. MD Peinado, Maria MD Languages: Spanish U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Rau, Brian J. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kidz Medical Services 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Nephrology/ Nefrología Abid, Farhan MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kidz Medical Services 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Urdu, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Greater Miami Nephrology 16501 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 354-4558 M-F 9am-5pm Floren, Angelica A. MD Barreto, Gaspar A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5143 Th 9pm-5pm M-WF 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 9193 SW 72nd St Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-9377 M-F 9am-5pm Guerra, Abel N. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kidz Medical Services 5955 Ponce de Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Lockhart, Sharie C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Busse, Jorge C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 9193 SW 72nd St Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-9377 MTuThF 9am-5:30pm W 9am-5pm Carvalho, Cristiane O. MD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Miami Kidney Group 16740 SW 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm Esquenazi, Alberto B. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 16740 Kendall Dr Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 Tu 12am-4pm Th 1am-4pm Esquenazi, Jose B. MD Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm Esquenazi, Marcos B. MD Languages: Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Miami Kidney Group 16740 Kendall Dr Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Miami Kidney Group 99 Campbell Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 662-3984 MTh 8am-5pm Farias, Antony A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 9193 Sunset Dr 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-9377 M-F 9am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 99 NE 8th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 273-9377 W 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Early Intervention program 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Del Moral, Teresa MD Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 50 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Nephrology/Nefrología Fernandez, Juan A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over Juan A Fernandez, MD 5040 NW 7 St Ste 370 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 648-1087 M-F 9am-5pm FernandezBombino, Julio A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Julio Fernandez Bombino & Reynaldo Molina 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 602 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-8300 TuF 10am-5pm Frankfurt, Seymour J. MD Languages: Spanish Kidney & Hypertension 1190 NW 95th St Ste 207 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-7045 M-F 9am-5pm Galvez, Oscar G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over 3006 Aviation Ave Ste 4A Miami 33133 (305) 854-1004 F 9am-12pm M-Th 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Garcia-Mayol, Luis MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Greater Miami Nephrology 19050 NE 29th Ave Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 354-4558 M-Th 9am-5pm F 8:30am-4:30pm Granja, Carlos A. MD Languages: French, Czech, Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 18940 S Dixie Hwy Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 662-3984 W 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 MTuThF 9am-5pm Hoffman, David S. MD Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins B Miami Kidney Group 7900 SW 57th Ave Ste 21 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 662-3984 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Kidney Group 99 Campbell Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 662-3984 MTh 1pm-4pm Lemont, Michael T. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 605 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-4535 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Kidney & Hypertension 1190 NW 95th St Ste 207 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-7045 M-F 9am-5pm GLASSER, CLIFF M. DO Miles, Anne M. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 16401 NW 2nd Ave Ste 203 Miami 33169 (305) 999-0009 Th 2pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 21110 Biscaye Blvd Ste 400 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 999-0009 Tu 1pm-5pm Goldsand, Carl S. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Greater Miami Nephrology 16501 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 354-4558 M-Th 9am-5pm F 8:30am-4:30pm Languages: Spanish Kidney & Hypertension 1190 NW 95th St Ste 207 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-7045 M-F 9am-5pm Molina, Reynaldo J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Julio Fernandez Bombino & Reynaldo Molina 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 602 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-8300 MTh 12pm-9pm Mordujovich, Jorge B. MD Schlessinger, Fabiola B. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Kidney & Hypertension 1190 NW 95th St Ste 207 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-7045 MW-F 9am-5pm Tu 9am-9pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Fabiola B Schlessinger 16401 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 999-0009 M-F 9am-5pm Nieto, Jose G. MD Languages: Spanish Greater Miami Nephrology 16501 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 354-4558 M-Th 9am-5pm F 8:30am-4:30pm Greater Miami Nephrology 19050 NE 29th Ave Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 354-4558 F 8:30am-4:30pm M-Th 9am-5pm Pena, Carlos F. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Greater Miami Nephrology 16501 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 354-4558 F 8:30am-4:30pm M-Th 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Greater Miami Nephrology 19050 NE 29th Ave Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 354-4558 M-Th 9am-5pm F 8:30am-4:30pm Pla, Alejandro MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Alejandro Pla MD 218 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (754) 263-2306 M-F 9:30am-4pm Posada, Jorge L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over Jorge L Posada MD 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 605 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-4535 M-F 9am-5pm Sanchez-Fortis, Alfredo MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 9999 NE 2nd Ave Ste 119 Miami Shores 33138 ‰ (305) 756-4400 M-F 9am-5pm Trespalacios, Fernando C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 16740 SW 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 273-3977 W 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 9193 SW 72nd St Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-9377 M-F 9am-5:30pm Trueba, David M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 9193 SW 72 St 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-9377 F 9am-4pm M-Th 9am-5pm Velar, Alexander A. MD Languages: Spanish, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Kidney & Hypertension 1190 NW 95th St Ste 207 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-7045 M-F 9am-5pm Neurology/ Neurología Borroto, Daisy MD Languages: Spanish 3850 SW 87th Ave Ste 305 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 608-0656 M-F 9am-5pm Carrasco, Angel M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Neurology & Pain Medicine 14221 SW 120 St Ste 214 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 266-0222 M-W 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Neurology & Pain Medicine 1555 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 266-0222 ThF 8am-5:30pm Corin, Morton S. MD Languages: French, Spanish 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 512 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 821-5220 M-F 9am-5pm Cruz, Gilberto M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 4160 W 16th Ave Ste 506 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 819-4432 M-F 9am-5pm Hyslop, Ann E. MD Languages: Spanish Neuro Network Partners 3200 60th Ct Ste 302 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8330 M-F 9am-5pm Kakar, Rishi MD Languages: Hindi Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 Th 10am-4pm MW 8:30am-5pm F 10am-5pm Tu 9am-5pm Landess, Carrie MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish, Russian, French Carris Landress 16855 NE 2nd Ave Ste 102 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 655-2800 M-F 9am-5pm Carris Landress 16855 NE 2nd Ave Ste 102 N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 665-2800 M-F 9am-5pm Maldonado, Anabelle MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over 209 NE 95th St Ste 3 Miami 33138 ‰ (305) 836-5053 M-F 9am-5pm Morariu Jr, Mircea A. MD Miami Beach E F L Imagin 400 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 103 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 604-9331 M-F 9am-5pm Simon Jr, Jose M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Simon MD 3850 SW 87th Ave Ste 305 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 608-0656 M-F 9am-5pm Neurotology/ Neurotología Volsky, Peter G. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 4302 Alton Rd Ste 215 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 531-7637 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 S Red Rd Ste 704 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 214 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41th St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 477-1133 M-F 9am-5pm Nuclear Medicine/ Medicina nuclear Ashkar, Fuad S. MD Languages: Arabic, French, German, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 11760 SW 40th St Ste 535 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 553-6744 M-F 9am-5pm Kuker, Russ A. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-5511 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 51 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiology 1611 NW 12th Ave W Wing Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6894 M-F 9am-5pm Nurse Practitionr Adult Health/ Enfermera certificada de salud de adultos Ruen, Mark NP Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 9am-5pm Compass Health Systems 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Sandoval, Martha Y. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Nephrology Associates of South Miami 9193 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-9377 M-F 8am-5pm Van Bourgondien, Dolores I. NP Treats Patients Ages 18 through 64 Compass Health Systems 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional de obstetricia/ ginecología Prescott, Kia N. APNP Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 1190 NW 95th St Ste 110 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-8122 M-F 8am-5pm ALLEN, NORRIS M. MD Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm Obstetrics - No Gynecology/ Obstetricia - No incluye ginecología Rodriguez, Carlos A. MD Languages: Spanish Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 8am-5pm Mario Gomez MD 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 304 Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 377-2500 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Obstetrics/ Gynecology/ Obstetricia/ Ginecología Adams III, Nelson L. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Metro-Miami OB/Gyn Associates 100 NW 170th St Ste 304 North Miami Beach 33169 (305) 653-4105 M-F 9am-5:30pm Agorvor, David N. MD Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over CareNational Health System 1190 NW 95th St Ste 306 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 693-0000 M-F 9am-5pm Ahmed, Taalibah A. MD Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9333 SW 152nd St Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 256-2150 M-F 9am-5pm Batista, Julio A. MD Crespo, Frank A. MD Fox, Susan DO Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Helen B Bentley F H C 3090 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 447-4950 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Julio A Batista Ortiz Medical Servicess 8574 SW 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 267-3415 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 NW 25th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1712 M-F 8am-4:30pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over 2801 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 805-9500 F 9am-12:30pm M-Th 9am-6pm Alvarez-Reyes, Nelson MD Belogolovkin, Victoria MD Cruz-Pachano, Francisco E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M 9am-5pm Tu-F 8am-5pm Languages: Russian Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7461 M-W 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Borinquen Health Care Ct 10528-10530 SW 8th St Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 9am-5pm Women Health Care of South Florida 777 E 25th St Ste 203 Hialeah 33013 (305) 691-2322 F 9am-4pm M-Th 9am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 `Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Daee, Hosain MD Amisial, Edy MD Languages: Spanish Center For Family & Children Enrichment 1825 NW 167th St Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 474-1713 M-F 8am-5pm Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 MW-F 8:30am-5pm Tu 10am-7pm Arronte, Julio E. MD Florida Woman Care 6200 SW 73 St Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 226-5651 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Sirven & Arronte 8200 SW 117th Ave Ste 304 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 226-5651 M-F 9am-5pm Atogho, Ata MD Languages: Creole Criollo, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Metro-Miami OB/Gyn Associates 100 NW 170th St Ste 304 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 653-4105 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 9am-5pm Braithwaite, Sylvester R. MD Languages: French, Spanish Women & Teens Community Healthcare Ctr 16876 NE 19th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 895-5555 M-F 8am-5pm Bubucea, Mariana MD Languages: Romanian, Russian, Spanish Astar Medical Group 1108 Kane Concourse Ste 302 Bay Harbor Islands 33154 ‰ (305) 864-6034 M-F 9am-5pm Cardenas, Ernesto MD Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 10528-10530 SW 8th St Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Tu 1am-5pm Castellon, Celestino P. MD Languages: Spanish 777 E 25th St Ste 507 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 693-8381 M-F 9am-5pm Charlot, JeanBaptiste L. MD Languages: French, Spanish, Cree Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Persian, Spanish 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 308 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-2768 TuTh 9am-4pm F 9am-2pm MW 9am-5pm Denis-Pradel, Taina A. DO Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Medical Care For Women 1190 NW 95th St Ste 105 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 696-9400 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over 8501 SW 124th Ave Ste 211 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 595-6488 F 9am-12:30pm M-Th 9am-6pm Friefeld, Richard S. MD Florida Woman Care 16601 NE 19th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 944-2902 M-F 9am-5pm Gabb Jr, Earl E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm Critical Care Newborn Svcs 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Dominguez Bali, Alberto MD Germain-George, Lysbeth L. DO Languages: Spanish 777 E 25th St Ste 203 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 693-3535 M-Th 8am-4pm F 8am-2pm Languages: Creoles And Pidgins B Treats Patients Ages 9 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Dupuy, Gladys DO Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-F 8am-5pm Ferreira, Jose V. MD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over J V Ferreira MD 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 801 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-1913 M-F 9am-5pm Gomez, Mario A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 9 and Over Mario Gomez MD 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 304 Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 377-2500 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Madelyn MD Languages: Spanish Florida Woman Care 15955 SW 96th St Ste 304 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 722-9656 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Woman Care 8200 SW 117th Ave Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 226-5651 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 through 64 Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Wilson, Adma G. APNP Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 52 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología Heron, Patrick H. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Patrick H Heron MD 9290 SW 72 St Ste 101 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 412-9825 M-F 9am-5:30pm Johnson, Rosanna E. DO Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 16555 NW 25th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1712 M-F 8am-4:30pm Lavado, Eduardo MD Languages: Spanish 4160 W 16th Ave Ste 406 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 822-4561 MW-F 12pm-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Liburd, MarieCarmelle MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Medical Care For Women 1190 NW 95th St Ste 105 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 696-9400 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Treats Patients Ages 14 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Th 8am-5pm Limousin, PierreRichard MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over 8950 N Kendall Dr Ste 305 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 274-2511 MTuThF 9am-5pm Sa 9am-2pm Magloire, ChristAnn A. MD Languages: Haitian Creole, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Serenity Holistic OB/GYN & Wellness Spa 1880 NE 163rd St Ste 102 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 705-3377 M-F 9am-5pm Maheswaran, Chellappah MD Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5466 M-F 8am-4:30pm Marimon, Adrian T. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over Kendall OB GYN Care 11760 SW 40th St Ste 518 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 553-2888 M-F 8:30am-5pm Marimon, Tomas I. MD Languages: Spanish 11760 Bird Rd Ste 518 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 553-2888 M-F 9am-5pm Mella, Enrique MD Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 7:30am-6pm Miraz, Maria MD Languages: Spanish Kidz Medical Services 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Nieves, Nelson A. MD Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 M-F 7:30am-6pm Owens, Dana N. MD Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 MW 8am-4pm TuTh 9am-5pm F 8am-3pm Pando, Jorge MD Rao, Kiran P. MD Starikov, Albert DO Languages: Spanish Premier OB/GYN Of South Florida 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 701 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 698-5300 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7461 ThF 8:30am-5pm Languages: Russian, Spanish Astar Medical Group 1108 Kane Concourse Ste 300-302 Bay Harbor Islands 33154 ‰ (305) 864-6034 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 MWF 8:30am-5pm Szajnert, Carlos MD Pardo, Judith G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Th 7:15am-5pm Perfetto, Patricia P. MD Languages: Spanish Florida Woman Care 15955 SW 96th St Ste 304 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 722-9656 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Woman Care 8200 SW 117th Ave Ste 304 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 226-5651 M-F 9am-5pm Pierre, Gerald P. MD Languages: Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Community Health of South Florida 3831 Grand Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (786) 245-2700 Sa 8:30am-12:30pm TuTh 8:30am-7pm MWF 8:30am-5pm Rabinowitz, Mark L. MD Languages: Spanish Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 100 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-WF 7:30am-5pm Th 7:30am-6pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Rodriguez, Carlos A. MD Languages: Spanish Citrus Health Network 4125 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 424-3120 M-F 8am-5pm Mario Gomez MD 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 304 Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 377-2500 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Rodriquez-Morales, Adalberto MD Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 1pm-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 8am-12pm MTuThF 8am-5pm Rowin, Alexandra M. MD Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd North Maimi 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Silanee, Allen H. MD Languages: Spanish Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 TuThF 7:30am-5pm MW 7:30am-6pm Sirven, Alberto MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Sirven & Arronte 8200 SW 117th Ave Ste 304 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 226-5651 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 TuW 8am-5pm Th 11am-8pm F 8am-8pm Taylor, Thomas K. MD Languages: Spanish Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 103-104 North Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 W 8am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 MTuThF 8am-5pm Tinoco, Lorena MD Languages: Spanish Florida Woman Care 15955 SW 96th St Ste 304 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 722-9656 M-F 9am-5pm Tracey, Molrine A. MD Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Community Health of South Florida 3831 Grand Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (786) 245-2700 TuTh 8:30am-7pm MWF 8:30am-5pm Sa 8:30am-12:30pm Tudela Jr, Francisco G. MD Languages: Spanish 11760 SW 40th St Ste 729 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 559-8787 W 9am-4pm Th 10am-5pm MTu 2pm-6pm F 10:30am-1pm 777 E 25th St Ste 106 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 559-8787 Tu 2pm-6pm Th 10am-5pm Tudela, Carmen M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over South Florida Perinatal Medicine 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 301 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 669-9521 M-F 9am-5pm Villegas Van Der Linde, Silvia M. MD Languages: Spanish Silvia M Villegas 777 E 25th St Ste 209 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 694-9800 M-F 9am-5pm Walker, Jamell E. MD Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Oncology/ Oncología Davila, Enrique MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Cancer Healthcare Associates 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 206 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 384-6100 M-F 8am-5pm GOMEZ, JORGE E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Division Of Medicine 1475 NW 12th Ave 2nd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-1000 M-F 8:30am-5pm Guardiola Amado, Victor D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300 E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Rodrigues, Gotardo A. MD** Languages: Portuguese, Spanish 78 SW 13th Ave Ste 200 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-6966 M-F 9:30am-4:30pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 53 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Otolaryngology/Otolaringología Orthopaedic Surgery/Cirugía ortopédica Alfonso, Daniel T. MD Languages: Spanish Miami Hand 2750 SW 37th Ave Ste 100 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 642-4263 M-F 9am-5pm Baitner, Avi C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 M-F 8am-5pm Blinn, Randall D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida International Orthopaedics 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 102 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-1701 MTh 9am-5pm Bowker, John H. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste D27 FL 3 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7275 M-F 8am-5pm Cardoso, Roy MD D'Apuzzo, Michele R. MD Languages: Spanish Advanced Multispecialty Medical Services 7000 SW 62nd Ave 601 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 917-0777 WF 9am-5pm MTu 1pm-5pm Th 9am-5am Gosthe, Raul G. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 120 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-4334 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Hommen Orthopedic Institute 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 4008 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 520-5625 F 8am-5pm M-Th 8:30am-5pm Iobst, Christopher A. MD Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 M-F 9am-5pm Lopez, Arnaldo V. MD Languages: Spanish 1545 SW 1st St Ste 200 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 541-3230 M-F 10am-5pm Martinez, Mariano M. MD Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Tu-F 9am-5pm M 8am-4pm Musa-Ris, Pedro MD Languages: Spanish 510 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-6199 WF 9am-5pm Sanchez-Medina, Rolando MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over Lejeune Orthopedics Asso 351 NW 42nd Ave Ste 205 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 649-2133 M-F 9am-5pm Shufflebarger, Harry L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 25 and Under MCH Physician Group 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 Tu 8:30am-4pm Th 8:30am-12pm Stricker, Stephen J. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 112 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5881 M-F 8am-5pm Swirsky, Stephen M. DO Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 M-F 9am-5pm Tidwell, Michael MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 M-F 9am-5pm Otolaryngology/ Otolaringología Arrieta, Agustin J. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Stes 704, 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-2722 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30 Terr Ste 214 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41st St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 822-9035 M-F 9am-5pm Brown, William J. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Stes 704, 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-2722 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41st St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 822-9035 F 9am-6:30pm M-Th 9am-5pm Bustillo-Lopez, Andres MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 151 NW 11th St Ste E102 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Ste 602 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 663-3380 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 7150 W 20th Ave Ste 312 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-9035 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 115 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm Chen Hao Chu, Alan MD Languages: Chinese, Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 9275 SW 152nd St Ste 212 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 255-5995 M-F 9am-5pm Dave, Sandeep P. MD Languages: Spanish NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 3 Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-3687 M-F 9am-5pm Dougherty, Brian E. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Stes 704, 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-2722 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41st St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 822-9035 M-F 9am-5pm Drucker, Carl MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 944-8322 M-F 9am-5pm Fernandez, Alberto D. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Ste 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 214 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-5881 F 9am-5:30pm M-Th 9am-5pm FISHKIN, SHERRY L. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 1321 NW 14th St Ste 204 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0090 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1444 Biscayne Blvd Ste 214 Miami 33132 ‰ (786) 456-8800 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1801 NE 123 St Ste 315 North Miami 33181 ‰ (786) 507-4151 South Florida ENT Associates 21097 NW 27th Ct Ste 410 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-6375 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 747 Ponce De Lon Blvd Ste 305 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-4903 M-F 9am-5pm Fletcher, Steven M. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 Th 9:30am-11:30am W 2pm-4:15pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30th Terr Ste 214 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm FOSTER, PAUL K. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 2845 Aventura Blvd Ste 248 Aventura 33180 ‰ (786) 488-6542 WF 1pm-4pm South Florida ENT Associates 4302 Alton Rd Ste 115 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 531-7637 M-F 9am-5pm Goldberg, Scott H. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 1190 NW 95th St Ste 200 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2550 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 682-8831 M-F 9am-5pm Grobman, Lawrence R. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 409 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-5971 TuF 1:30pm-4:30pm South Florida ENT Associates 4302 Alton Rd Ste 115 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 531-7637 M-F 9am-5pm Groisman, Horacio P. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 1321 NW 14th St Ste 204 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0090 M-F 8am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Miami Hand 2750 SW 37th Ave Ste 100 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 642-4263 M-F 9am-5pm Hommen, Jan P. MD Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 54 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Otolaryngology/Otolaringología South Florida ENT Associates 1444 Biscayne Blvd Ste 214 Miami 33132 ‰ (786) 456-8800 M-F 8:30am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1444 Biscayne Blvd Ste 214 Miami 33132 ‰ (786) 456-8800 M-F 8:30am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1801 NE 123 St Ste 315 Miami 33181 ‰ (786) 507-4151 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1801 NE 123 St Ste 315 North Miami 33181 ‰ (786) 507-4151 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 410 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-6375 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 410 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-6375 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 305 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-4903 M-F 8am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 305 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-4903 M 9am-12pm Helo, Jorge MD Kravecas, Morris MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 4302 Alton Rd Ste 215 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 531-7637 M-F 9am-5pm Hillman, Edward J. MD Specialists Especialistas Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 14750 NW 77th Ct Ste 200 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 558-3724 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Stes 704, 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41st St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 822-9035 M-F 9am-5pm KLEIDERMACHER, PAUL MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 1321 NW 14th St Ste 204 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0090 TuTh 9am-5pm WF 2pm-5pm Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 11760 SW 40th St Ste 743 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 225-5774 M-F 9am-5pm Kronberg, Frank G. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Stes 704, 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-2722 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm Martinez, Felipe J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over South Florida ENT Associates 1350 SW 57th Ave Ste 210 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 444-0722 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over South Florida ENT Associates 777 E 25th St Ste 320 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-2044 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over South Florida ENT Associates 8726 NW 26th St Ste 3 Miami 33172 ‰ (786) 228-3164 M-F 9am-5pm Mitrani, Moises MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 944-8322 M 8:30am-4pm Tu 9:45am-1:30pm F 10am-1pm W 2pm-4pm South Florida ENT Associates 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 400 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 558-1417 M-F 9am-5pm Molina, Rolando M. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Stes 704, 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-2722 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 F 9am-1pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30 Terr Ste 214 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41st St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 822-9035 MTu 9am-1:30pm Murray, Kim P. MD South Florida ENT Associates 1321 NW 14th St Ste 204 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0090 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1444 Biscayne Blvd Ste 214 Miami 33132 ‰ (786) 456-8800 M-F 8:30am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1801 NE 123 St Ste 315 North Miami 33181 ‰ (786) 507-4151 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 410 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-6375 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 312 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-4903 M-F 9am-5pm Owens, Michael H. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Ste 704 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Stes 704, 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-2722 M 2pm-4:15pm F 9:30am-4:30pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30 Terr Ste 214 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm Parekh, Anish Y. MD Languages: Gujarati, Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96 St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M 9am-12pm W 2pm-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 214 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 345-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41st St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 477-1133 Tu 9am-12pm Pernas, Francisco G. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 TuF 2pm-5pm Th 9am-12pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41 St Ste 220 Miami 33178 ‰ (305) 477-1133 MW 9am-12pm Th 2pm-5pm W 2pm-5pm Pullen II, Fredric W. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 409 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-5971 M 8am-2pm F 8am-12:30pm Ress, Bradford D. MD Languages: Tagalog, Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 14750 NW 77th St Ste 200 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 558-3724 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 21097 NW 27th Cr Ste 410 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 321-6375 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 747 Ponce de Leon Blvd Ste 305 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-4903 M-F 9am-5pm Rivera, Eugene A. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Road Stes 704, 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-2722 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41st St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 822-9035 M-F 9am-5pm Schell, Andrew P. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 4302 Alton Rd Ste 115 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 531-7637 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Stes 704 & 706 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 214 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41st St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 477-1133 M-F 9am-5pm Tirado, Yamilet MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-3687 M-F 8am-5pm Torres, Julio D. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 5000 University Dr Ste 3315 Miami 33146 ‰ (305) 557-4016 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 105 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-4016 M 2pm-5pm Tu-F 9am-5pm Vivero, Richard J. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 55 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatric Cardiology/Cardiología pediátrica South Florida ENT Associates 4302 Alton Rd Ste 115 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 531-7637 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Ste 704 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 214 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41th St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 477-1133 M-F 9am-5pm Volsky, Peter G. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 15955 SW 96th St Ste 303 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-6773 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 4302 Alton Rd Ste 215 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 531-7637 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 504E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6200 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 214 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9915 NW 41th St Ste 220 Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 477-1133 M-F 9am-5pm Polanco, Roberto C. MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 1321 NW 14th St Ste 204 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0090 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over 8501 SW 124th Ave Ste 102-A Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 228-4422 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1444 Biscayne Blvd Ste 214 Miami 33132 ‰ (786) 456-8800 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 1801 NE 123 St Ste 315 North Miami 33181 ‰ (786) 507-4151 M-F 9am-5pm Pathology/ Patología Ketabchi, Masoud MD Ketabchi Masoud, Md 160 NW 170th St North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-5037 M-F 9am-5pm Yu, Hon C. MD South Florida ENT Associates 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 410 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 325-0090 M-F 9am-5pm Ketabchi Masoud, Md 160 NW 170th St North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-5037 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 305 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-4903 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Allergy/ Immunology/ Alergias/ Inmunología pediátrica Zaveri, Vijay D. MD Hernandez-Trujillo, Vivian P. MD Languages: Hindi, Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 3361 S Miami Ave Ste 409 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-5971 M-F 9am-5pm Pain Management/ Control del dolor Carrasco, Angel M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Neurology & Pain Medicine 14221 SW 120 St Ste 214 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 266-0222 M-W 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Neurology & Pain Medicine 1555 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 266-0222 ThF 8am-5:30pm Marin, Daniel R. MD Languages: Spanish Daniel Marin MD PA 8600 SW 92nd St Ste 107 Miami 33156 ‰ (786) 517-4577 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8272 M-F 9am-5pm Landman, Jaime MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 408 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-3252 F 9am-4pm Sa 9am-1:33am Th 10am-7pm M-W 9am-5pm Landman, Zevy MD Languages: Spanish Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care 11880 SW 40th St Ste 304-C Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 223-8919 TuWF 9am-5pm Malka, Jonathan M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 1801 NE 123rd St Ste 414 N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (954) 965-7400 M-F 9am-5pm Sirven, Viviana MD Arce, Orlando X. MD Huhta, James C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over Sirven And Asscs Allergy 8200 SW 117th Ave Ste 302 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-4116 Tu 9am-4pm F 9am-5pm MWTh 9am-6pm Languages: Spanish Orlando Arce 11760 SW 40th St Ste 606 Miami 33175 ‰ (888) 823-3590 F 9am-4pm M-Th 9am-3:30pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical 3100 Sw 62nd Ave 2nd Fl Ambulatory Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Waxenghiser, Zurik MD Languages: Hebrew, Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 F 9am-5pm Tu 9am-6pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 TuTh 10am-7pm MF 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 M 9am-4:30pm Th 9am-7pm WF 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 340-C Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 F 8am-5pm Sa 9am-12:30pm MTuTh 9am-6pm W 9am-7pm Pediatric Cardiology/ Cardiología pediátrica Aldousany, Abdulwahab MD Languages: Arabic, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 107 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 270-1113 M 9am-11am Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 8955 SW 87th Ct Ste 110 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-1113 TuW 9pm-5pm ThF 9am-11:30am Orlando Arce 7755 NW 146 St Ste 4G Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-3590 M-F 9am-5pm Aregullin Eligio, Enrique A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Bandel, Jack W. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 50 and Under Kids Cardiac Ctr 2627 NE 203rd St Ste 215 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 933-3035 M-F 9am-5pm Dobrolet, Nancy MD Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Drossner, David M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm FISHBERGER, STEVEN B. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 104 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Flores, Leslie A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 3002 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 3002 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 3002 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3659 South Miami Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical 4300 Alton Rd Ste 2070 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-2690 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 4300 Alton Rd Ste 2070 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-2690 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 7735 NW 146th St Ste 302 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 557-7331 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical 7735 NW 146th St Ste 302 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 557-7331 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas South Florida ENT Associates 6705 S Red Rd Ste 704 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm Young, Jadrien A. MD Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 56 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatric Cardiology/Cardiología pediátrica Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical 7765 SW 87th Ave Ste 110 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-1833 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 7765 SW 87th Ave Ste 110 Fl 2 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-1833 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 8940 N Kendal Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-7502 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-7502 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical 975 Baptist Way Ste 202 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 975 Baptist Way Ste 202 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Kanter, Ronald MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8am-5pm Katz, Jason MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Khan, Danyal M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Lipshultz, Steven E. MD Pereira, Claudia V. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 3002 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Lopez, Cecilio L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Martinez, Yadira L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Mas, Madeleen M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 3001 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-8345 M-F 9am-4:30pm Muniz, Juan-Carlos MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Novero, Levi J. MD Languages: Middle (1100-1500) Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Kidz Medical Services 5955 Pounce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 662-8668 MThF 7:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Pumarino, Jose L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 11750 SW 40th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 223-3000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 3002 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7940 MW 8:30am-5pm F 8:30am-12pm TuTh 8:30am-4pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3663 S Miami Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 285-2939 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 4300 Alton Rd 2nd Fl Miami 33140 ‰ (305) 674-2194 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 6200 SW 73rd St Miami 33143 ‰ (786) 662-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 651 E 25th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 693-6100 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 7735 NW 146th St Ste 302 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 828-1247 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 7765 SW 87th Ave Ste 110 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 275-9364 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 8900 N Kendall Dr Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 592-4319 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-7502 F 8:30am-12pm TuTh 8:30am-4pm MW 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 925 NE 30th Terr Ste 202 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 9555 SW 162nd Ave Miami 33196 ‰ (786) 467-2000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 975 Baptist Way Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 779-7022 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 975 Baptist Way Ste 202 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 274-7800 M-F 9am-5pm Rhodes Jr, John F. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Rosenkranz, Eliot R. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5271 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5600 M-F 9am-5pm Rossi, Anthony F. MD Languages: Spanish NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Roth, Todd S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3100 SW 62nd Ave #2 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 3002 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 4300 Alton Rd Ste 2070 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-2690 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 7735 NW 146th St Ste 302 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 557-7331 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 7765 SW 87th Ave Ste 110 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-1833 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 975 Baptist Way Ste 202 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 858-7940 M-F 9am-5pm Rusconi, Paolo G. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1611 NW 12th Ave N Wing Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-8115 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Sandhu, Satinder K. MD Languages: Hindi, Panjabi Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 243-5430 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 57 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatric Endocrinology/Endocrinología pediátrica Sasaki, Nao MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 8:30am-5pm Serrano, Maria C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Orlando Arce 7755 NW 146th St Ste 4G Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-3590 M-F 9am-5pm Sokoloski, Mary C. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1611 NW 12th Ave N Wing 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Swaminathan, Sethuraman MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Tsounias, Emmanouil D. MD Languages: Greek, Modern (1453-), Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 5955 Ponce de Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 7:30am-5pm Vogt-Lowell, Robert W. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 7735 NW 146th St Ste 302 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 557-7331 MTh 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 7765 SW 87th Ave Ste 110 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-1833 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatrix Medical Group of Florida 975 Baptist Way Ste 200 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 595-1833 W 8am-12pm Welch, Elizabeth MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8am-5pm Wernowsky, Gil MD Languages: Spanish NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-3264 M-F 8:30am-5pm Wolff, Grace S. MD Jones, Janis MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Zakheim, Richard M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 104 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Critical Care Med/ Medicina de cuidado crítico pediátrica Alexander, Plato J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Bolivar, Juan M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Cantwell, G P. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1611 NW 12th Ave E Ste 6006 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6051 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gelman, Barry MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1611 NW 12th Ave E #6006 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6042 M-F 8:30am-5pm Katz, Jason MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Kuluz, John W. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1611 NW 12th Ave E Ste 6006 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6051 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 268-1789 M-F 8am-5pm Maccarrick, Matthew J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 5955 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-1515 M-F 9am-5pm Mclaughlin, Gwenn E. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1611 NW 12th AVE E Ste 6006 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6051 M-F 9am-5pm Meyer, George K. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Woldsdorf,Raszynski & Sussmane, Md 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 665-2046 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Nares, Michael A. MD Languages: Greek, Modern (1453-), Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1611 NW 12th Ave E Ste 6006 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6387 M-F 9am-5pm Raszynski, Andre MD Languages: French, Polish, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Woldsdorf,Raszynski & Sussmane, Md 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Sasaki, Jun MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8am-5pm Solano, Juan P. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Pedi Critical 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower 5th Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6051 M-F 9am-5pm Soler, Manuel A. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 9am-5pm Totapally, Balagangadhar MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Woldsdorf,Raszynski & Sussmane, Md 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-2639 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Pediatric Dentistry/ Odontología pediátrica Utset-Ward, Luisa DDS Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Mailman Ctr Chi 1601 NW 12th Ave 4th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Emergency Medicine/ Medicina de emergencia pediátrica Hill, Shanika L. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jessie Trice Community Health Ctr 5361 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 M-W 9am-5pm ThF 8am-5pm Pediatric Endocrinology/ Endocrinología pediátrica Bao, Yong MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 1450 NW 10th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 8:30pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 8:30am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Languages: Tamil, Malayalam Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc Div Of Ped Cardiolo 1611 NW 12th Ave N Wing 1st Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 58 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatric Endocrinology/Endocrinología pediátrica Berkovitz, Gary MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 8:30pm-5pm Carrillo Iregui, Adriana A. MD Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8398 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 8932 SW 97th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Danon, Marco MD Palau-Collazo, Miladys M. MD Caicedo Oquendo, Luis F. MD Langshaw, Amber H. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8398 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Sanchez, Janine E. MD Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under NCH Specialists 3601 NW 107th Ave Miami 33178 ‰ (305) 571-8739 M-F 9am-6pm Languages: Urdu Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 1601 NW 12th Ave Ste 3005-A Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 8:30pm-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 1611 NW 12TH Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4029 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Marco Dannon 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-350 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 270-9961 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 8932 SW 97th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 8:30am-5pm Diaz, Alejandro MD Seeherunvong, Tossaporn MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 1 through 20 NCH Specialists 13400 SW 120 St Ste 101 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 1 through 20 NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8398 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez-Mendoza, Luis E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under MCH Physician Group 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Iglesias, Lysette MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Iysette Iglesias 7761 NW 146th St Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 822-1243 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under NCH Specialists 3915 Biscayne Blvd Ste 314 Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 571-8739 M-F 9am-5pm Delgado, Aymin MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 9am-5pm Felipez, Lina M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Gastro Assoc 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 204 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 661-6110 M-F 9am-5pm Garcia, Jennifer MD Languages: Thai Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 1601 NW 12th Ave Ste 3005A Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Endocriology 1601 Northwest 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2920 M-F 9am-5pm Gomara, Roberto E. MD Pediatric Gastroenterology /Gastroenter ología pediátrica Arboleda, Richard N. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Gastro Assoc 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 204 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 661-6110 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Gastro Assoc 3200 Southwest 60 Ct Ste 204 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 661-6110 M-F 7:30am-6pm Hernandez, Erick MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Gastro Assoc 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 204 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 661-6110 M-F 9am-5pm Miller, Tracie L. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 1601 NW 12th Ave Ste 3005-A Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 8932 SW 97th Ave Ste D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Muinos, William I. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Gastro Assoc 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 204 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 661-6110 M-F 9am-5pm Reeves-Garcia, Jesse MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Pediatric Gastro Assoc 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 204 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 661-6110 M-F 9am-5pm Smith, Lesley J. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Gastro 1601 NW 12th Ave Ste 300 5A Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3166 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology/ Hematología/ Oncología pediátrica Abdella, Haneen Y. MD Languages: Arabic, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 121 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 8am-5pm Alvarez, Ofelia MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Andreansky, Martin MD Languages: Czech, French, Russian Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-6857 M-F 8am-5pm Barredo, Julio C. MD Languages: Spanish UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 8am-5pm ChristodoulouPefkarou, Athena C. MD Languages: Greek, Modern (1453-), Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 121 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 8am-5pm Daghistani, Doured MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 274-1662 M-F 9am-5pm DeAngulo, Guillermo R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 121 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 8am-5pm Eidson, Maggie C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 121 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 8am-5pm Escalon, Enrique A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 121 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 8am-5pm Fernandes, Cristina E. MD Languages: Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Goldberg, John M. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-6851 M-F 8am-5pm Khatib, Ziad MD Languages: Arabic, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 121 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 8am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 59 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatric Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional pediátrica Levy, Alejandro G. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 121 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 8am-5pm Podda, Antonello MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-6851 M-F 8am-5pm Pediatric Infectious Diseases/ Enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas Chaparro, Aida I. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1611 NW 12th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7096 M-F 9am-5pm Pahwa, Savita MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC E Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6676 M-F 9am-5pm Rivera-Hernand, Delia M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1580 NW 10th Ave 2nd Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2700 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7096 M-F 9am-5pm Sanchez-Vegas, Carolina MD Languages: Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Infectious Diseases 3200 SW 60 Ct Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8378 M-F 8am-5pm Cotilla, Manuel R. MD Scott, Gwendolyn B. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Infectious Diseases 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 206 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8378 M-Th 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Immunol 1580 NW 10th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6676 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Ivan MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1580 NW 10th Ave 2nd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6676 M-F 8:30am-5pm Mitchell, Charles D. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Pedi Immunol 1580 NW 10th Ave 2nd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC E Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6676 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7096 M-F 9am-5pm Abitbol, Carolyn F. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 243-0201 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 5B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 16800 NW 2nd Ave Ste 108 North Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Benitez, Fanny MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Fanny Benitez MD PA 2525 SW 3 Ave Ste CU-1 Miami 33129 ‰ (305) 856-7005 M-F 8am-5pm Bustamante, Martha MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 4160 W 16th Ave Ste 100 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 826-5655 M-F 9am-5pm Chandar, Jayanthi J. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-0201 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 9am-5pm Freundlich, Michael MD Languages: Spanish, Hebrew, German Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W Ste5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Paredes, Ana L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Neph Assoc Of 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 304 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8352 M-F 8:30am-5pm Kidz Medical Services 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 304 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8352 M-F 9am-5pm Ramirez-Seijas, Felix MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Neph Assoc Of 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 304 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8352 M-F 8:30am-5pm Seeherunvong, Wacharee MD Languages: Thai Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 858-6726 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 9am-5pm Zilleruelo, Gaston E. MD Languages: Spanish UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1601 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W Ste 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm UMDC Pediatric Nephrology 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 585-6726 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Pediatric Neurology/ Neurología pediátrica Alfonso, Israel MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Neuro Network Partners 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 302 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8330 M-F 9am-5pm Bustamante, Martha MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 4160 W 16th Ave Ste 100 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 826-5655 M-F 9am-5pm Butler, Kenneth A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Neuro Network Partners 9075 SW 87th Ave Ste 414 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-0803 M-F 9am-5pm Duchowny, Michael S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Neuro Network Partners 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 302 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8330 M-F 8:30am-5pm Miller, Ian O. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Neuro Network Partners 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 302 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8330 F 9am-7:30pm M-Th 9am-5pm Naqvi, Sayed Z. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Neuro Network Partners 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 302 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8330 M-F 9am-5pm Nguyen, Colin H. MD Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Neuro Network Partners 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 302 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8330 M-F 8am-5pm Papazian, Oscar MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Children's Neurology 7765 SW 87th Ave Ste 120 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 338-9381 TuTh 8am-5pm Schleifer, Paula P. MD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Neuro Network Partners 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 302 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8330 M-F 8:30am-5pm Pediatric Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional pediátrica Angel, Luisa F. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Languages: German, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of PediImmunol 1580 NW 10th Ave 2nd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 8:30am-5pm Pediatric Nephrology/ Nefrología pediátrica Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 60 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pediatric Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional pediátrica Blouin, William R. ARNP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8272 M-F 9am-5pm Bodle, Elizabeth M. MSN Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 13734 SW 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-7211 M-Th 8am-8:30pm F 8am-5pm Sa 8am-12pm Su 9am-12pm Walke, Maria I. NP Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-4717 M-W 8:30am-5pm ThF 8am-5pm Miranda, Sofia ARNP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 121 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8360 M-F 9am-5pm Rusinowski, Lynda J. NP Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Fraga-Soto, Carmen NP Salvaggio, Jane L. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gaitan, Leslie NP Specialists Especialistas Lee, Abigail R. NP Sosa, Lisa J. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8398 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Garcia, Claudia P. NP Tablante, Milagros D. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62n Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gonzalez-Nieves, Jo A. NP Velasco, Maribeth APNP White, Ellen M. APNP Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 160 NW 170th St Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 585-6683 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under UMDC - Pedi HemaOncol 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5th Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery/Cirugía ortopédica pediátrica Spurdle, Craig J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under MCH Physician Grp 13400 SW 120st Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Pulm 1580 NW 10th Ave 1st Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6641 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Otolaryngology/ Otolaringología pediátrica Green, Amanda S. NP Vidaechea, Melissa M. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Pediatric Cardiology 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8301 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 151 NW 11th St Ste E102 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm Bustillo-Lopez, Andres MD South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Ste 602 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 663-3380 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 7150 W 20th Ave Ste 312 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-9035 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 115 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Pathology/ Patología pediátrica Dickinson, Gordon M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1150 NW 14th St Ste 708 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-8747 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Pulmonology/ Neumología pediátrica Colin, Andrew R. MD Languages: Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Pulm 1580 NW 10th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6641 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Pulm 1611 NW 12th Ave W Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Pulm 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-6641 M-F 9am-5pm Della Volpe, Alicia C. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Pediatric Pulmonology Grp of South Florida 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 203 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8380 M-F 9am-5pm Diaz, Carlos E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 8740 N Kendall Dr Ste 105 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-2080 M-Th 8:30am-4pm F 9am-3pm Sa 8:30am-12pm Fernandez, Claudia MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 31 NE 10th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-9788 Th 9am-4pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under Critical Care Newborn Svcs 6280 SW 72nd St Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 668-0075 Tu 9am-1pm M 1pm-4pm Franco, Maria E. MD Languages: Spanish Pediatric Pulmonology Grp of South Florida 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 203 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8380 M-F 9am-5pm Rodriguez, Antonio M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Pulmonology Grp of South Florida 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 203 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8380 M-F 9am-5pm Rub, Mario MD Languages: Hebrew, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under 11760 Bird Rd Ste 323 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 931-1812 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under 11760 SW 40th St Ste 323 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 931-1812 Tu 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Under 20776 W Dixie Hwy North Miami Beach 33180 ‰ (305) 792-8068 W 2pm-5pm F 8am-12pm M 8am-5pm Shahzeidi, Shahriar MD Languages: Farsi, Spanish, Persian, French Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C-Div Pedi Pulm 1580 NW 10th Ave Ste 123 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6162 WTh 8am-6am F 8am-12pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Grand Health Institute 1717 N Bayshore Dr Ste 217 Miami 33132 ‰ (305) 728-0505 MTu 8am-6pm Simpser -Dubovoy, Moises MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Pulmonology Grp of South Florida 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 203 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8380 M-Th 9am-5pm F 7:30am-4pm Yousef, Shatha W. MD Languages: Arabic Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1475 NW 12th Ave C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1580 NW 10th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 243-6162 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1580 NW 10th Ave 5th Fl Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 243-1722 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 900 nw 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6162 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Rehabilitation Med/Medicina de rehabilitación pediátrica Stricker, Stephen J. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 112 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5881 M-F 8am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 61 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Physician Assistant/Asistente médico Pediatric Rheumatology/ Reumatología pediátrica Hay, Arielle D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Rafael Rivas-Chacon 3100 SW 62nd Ave Ste 105 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 MTuThF 9am-5pm Wiers, Kristina M. MD Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Pediatric Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 910 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-3378 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Surgery/Cirugía pediátrica Alkhoury, Fuad MD Languages: Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Associates in Pediatric Surgery 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 201 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8320 M-F 8:30am-5pm Burnweit, Cathy A. MD Knight, Colin G. MD Languages: Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Miami Associates in Pediatric Surgery 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 201 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8320 M-F 8:30am-5pm Malvezzi, Leopoldo MD Languages: French, Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Miami Associates in Pediatric Surgery 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 201 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8320 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 3019 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-9640 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 585-5600 M-F 9am-5pm Perez, Eduardo A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2247 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8932 SW 97th Ave Stes C & D Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-2247 M-F 9am-5pm Ragheb, John MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7096 M-F 8am-5pm Sola, Juan E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W sTE 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2247 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 585-5600 M-F 9am-5pm THALLER, SETH R. MD U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5285 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 9380 SW 150th St Ste 260 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Pediatric Urology/Urología pediátrica Gosalbez, Rafael MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Childrens Urology Assoc 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 104 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6448 M-F 8:30am-5pm Kozakowski, Kristin A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Childrens Urology Assoc 3200 SW 60 Ct Ste 104 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6448 M-F 8:30am-5pm Pediatrics, Developmental/ Pediatría para el desarrollo Betancourt, Mavie B. AUDI Languages: Spanish HearX 8947 SW 107 Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-0840 M-F 9am-5pm Londono, Ann I. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Umdc-Div Mailman Ctr Chi 1601 NW 12th Ave 4th Flr Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Division Of Pediatric Neo Child Care 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C - Division Of Neonatology 1611 NW 12th Ave E Tower Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under U M D C Division Of Pediatric Neo Child Care 9333 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 243-2424 M-F 9am-5pm Vidal-Zas, Alicia R. PSYD Languages: Spanish Alicia Vidal-Zas PsyD PA 14225 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 221-8200 M-F 9am-5pm Physical Medicine and Rehab/Medicina física y rehabilitación Alvarez-Gonzalez, Gemayaret MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over U M D C - Rehab Medicine 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6102 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over U M D C - Rehab Medicine 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6605 M-F 9am-5pm Corbett, Shaun C. MD Languages: Spanish U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6605 M-F 9am-5pm Ference, Tamar S. MD Languages: Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3887 M-F 7:30am-5:30pm Wolff, Erin T. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Rehab Medicine 1400 NW 12th Ave # 2 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6605 M-F 7:30am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Rehab Medicine 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3887 M-F 7:30am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Rehab Medicine 8932 SW 97th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-3400 M-F 7:30am-5:30pm Physician Assistant/ Asistente médico Alonso, Dayne PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Blasko, Dana PA Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 MWF 9am-1pm F 2pm-5pm MW 2pm-6pm Cherubin-Lafond, Maymone PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 11 and Over Community Health of South Florida 810 W Mowry St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M 9am-5pm Tu-F 8:30am-5pm Daghistani, Sahar I. PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 274-1662 M-F 9am-5pm De La Paz, Marilyn PA Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 TuTh 10am-1pm MF 9am-1pm MF 2pm-5pm TuTh 2pm-7pm Languages: Spanish Asthma & Allergy Assoc 13550 SW 120th St Ste 520 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 256-1994 W 9am-7pm MF 9am-1pm MF 2pm-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 M-Sa 9am-1pm MWF 2pm-5pm Tu 2pm-6pm Th 2pm-7pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 308 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-5662 MWF 9am-1pm F 2pm-5pm MW 2pm-6pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 W 7:30am-7pm TuTh 8am-6:30pm Sa 9am-1pm MF 9am-6pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 475 Biltmore Way Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9177 TuTh 10am-1pm MF 9am-1pm MF 2pm-5pm TuTh 2pm-7pm Brown, Daniel N. PA Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 823-1369 M-Sa 9am-1pm MWF 2pm-5pm Th 2pm-7pm Tu 2pm-6pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Aids Healthcare Foundations 100 NW 170th St Ste 306 North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 405-0045 M-F 9am-5pm Charles, Jennifer R. PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Specialists 13400 SW 120th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 278-5951 M-F 9am-5pm Asthma & Allergy Assoc 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste C-340 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 595-0109 MF 9am-6pm W 7:30am-7pm Sa 9am-1pm TuTh 8am-6:30pm Delgado, Anneris L. PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Ward Attndng 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (407) 343-2000 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Languages: Italian, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Miami Associates in Pediatric Surgery 3200 SW 60th Ct Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8320 M-F 8:30am-5pm Neville, Holly L. MD Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 62 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Physician Assistant/Asistente médico Umdc-Div Of Infect Disea 1800 NW 10th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3838 M-F 9am-5pm Donnellan, Sheena M. PA Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami Beach 33161 ‰ (888) 352-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Mercado, Jose C. PA Rivera, Stephanie PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 M-F 8:30am-5pm El-Daghar, Zina S. PA Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 1190 NW 95th St Ste 200 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2550 Th 8:30am-4pm TuW 1pm-4pm M 12:30pm-4pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over H Charles-Harris 1190 NW 95th St Ste 101 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2941 M-F 8am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 682-8831 M 9am-10:30pm F 12pm-3:30pm Falkon De Cababie, Gabriela D. PA Nager, Erika A. PA Rubin, Jamie PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8900 N Kendall Dr Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-6566 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125 St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Beach C H C 11645 Biscayne Blvd North Maimi 33181 ‰ (305) 835-8835 M-F 7:30am-4pm Ferron, Pansy PA Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Umdc-Div Of Ward Attndng 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Hussain, Abida PA Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Advanced Dermatology & Advanced Cosmetic Surgery 777 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 300 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-6868 M-F 9am-5pm Lopez, Robin E. PA Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4803 M-F 9am-5pm Medina, Lissette M. PA Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 M-F 9am-5pm Mendoza, Deborah PA Advanced Dermatology & Advanced Cosmetic Surgery 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 200 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 931-6661 M-F 9am-5pm Pereira, Jesus M. PA Advanced Dermatology & Advanced Cosmetic Surgery 151575 Eagle Nest Ln Ste 100 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 557-6719 M-F 9am-5pm Advanced Dermatology & Advanced Cosmetic Surgery 9000 SW 87th Ct Ste 202 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-6012 M-F 9am-5pm Persaud, Marisa PA Languages: Spanish, Hindi Compass Health Systems 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Raschio, Vanessa PA Languages: Spanish U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm Rivera, Lourdes M. PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8900 N Kendall Dr Ste 200E Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Roero, Lauren PA Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Compass Health Systems 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Compass Health Systems 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Ruiz, Luz A. PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8366 M-F 8:30am-5pm Samson, Magalie PA Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Selesky, Shari E. PA Vogel-Sperber, Estee S. PA Bermudez, Yanira M. DPM Carmel, Jerald G. DPM Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 944-8322 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Yanira M Bermudez 31 Tamiami Canal Rd Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 642-1298 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 4308 Alton Rd Ste 1005 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-2666 M-F 9am-5pm Beylin, Mark DPM Charles, Alix DPM Podiatry Foot & Ankle Surgical Group of South FL 7000 W 12th Ave Ste 1 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 558-0444 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish, German, Creole-Criollo, French 6464 N Miami Ave Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 756-8890 M-F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-12pm Welsh, Lisa J. PA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 300E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Wright, Dale C. PA U M D C Dept of Community Health Delivery Systems 1475 NW 12th Ave 3rd Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Yousef, Nabila PA Languages: Spanish Compass Health Systems 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Compass Health Systems 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Podiatry/ Podiatría Antommattei-Seda, Lydiann DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 1345 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-2226 M-F 9am-5pm Apolo, Mariaines I. DPM Languages: Swedish, Creole-Criollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over H Charles-Harris 1190 NW 95th St Ste 101 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 681-2941 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Maria Ines Apolo 475 Biltmore Way Ste 205 South Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 644-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Tapanes, Patricia PA Barreto, Oscar DPM Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 601 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 595-2141 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Borinquen Health Care Ct 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Tu-F 7am-6:30pm 7975 NW 154th St Ste 390 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 825-5633 TuTh 9am-5pm Boix, Alexander DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 11140 SW 88 St Ste 100 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 598-6848 M-F 9am-5pm Buchman, Jacqueline S. DPM Clersaint, Lucita M. DPM Miami Beach C H C 1221 71 St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 865-0880 M-F 7:30am-4pm Colon, Luz E. DPM Languages: Spanish Barry University Foot 4302 Alton Rd Ste 200 Miami 33140 ‰ (305) 691-1787 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Absolute Foot & Ankle Specialists Inc 4343 W Flagler St Ste 400 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 441-7030 M-F 9am-5pm Bustamante, Edward A. DPM Cook, Michael R. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 9035 Sunset Dr Ste 201 Miami 33149 ‰ (305) 596-9999 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 8955 W 87th Ct Ste 108 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 412-1218 M-F 8:30am-4pm Cantor, David K. DPM Cueto, Roy L. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 475 Bittmore Way Ste 102 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 442-1780 M-F 8:30am-5pm Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 8785 SW 165 Ave Ste 110 Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 385-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-12pm Cantor, Samuel N. DPM Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 601 N Flamingo Rd Ste 414 Doral 33122 ‰ (954) 443-5757 M-F 9am-5pm Carballo, Jorge L. DPM Languages: Italian, Spanish 764 SW 18th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-4777 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over Helen B Bentley F H C 3090 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 447-4950 F 8:30am-5pm Davis, Imaze M. DPM Languages: Spanish Marian Davis DPM 1190 NW 95th St Ste 108 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-8000 M-F 9am-5pm DeGirolamo, Amy M. DPM Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 1609 NW 14th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 324-0903 M-F 9am-5pm Delgado, Yanssel DPM Languages: Spanish 5590 W 20th Ave Ste 404 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 819-9240 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 63 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pulmonary Diseases/Enfermedades pulmonares Detweiler, Michelle D. DPM Gonzalez, Nelson L. DPM Lampert, Elliott S. DPM Reyes, Eduardo M. DPM Tracy, James F. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 4302 Alton Rd Ste 1005 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-2666 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Nelson L Gonzalez 764 SW 18th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-4777 M-F 8am-4pm Languages: Spanish, French Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 1437 SW 1st St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-0488 M-F 8am-4pm Languages: Spanish Bird Road Podiatry 8485 SW 40th St Ste 102 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 551-3412 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish James Tracy DPM Podiatric Medicine & Surgey 10860 SW 88th St Ste 200 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 552-5545 W 12am-6pm Th 12am-5pm F 9am-12pm MTu 9am-1pm Dorman, Laurence I. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 9570 SW 107th Ave Ste 103 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-1564 MTuThF 8am-5pm W 8am-12pm Dzikowski, Colleen M. DPM Languages: Spanish Marin Foot And Ankle 3410 W 84th St Ste 100 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 826-7774 M-F 9am-5pm Era, Elbys DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 10621 N Kendall Dr Ste 213 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 464-0631 M-F 9am-5pm Fishman, Tamara DPM Languages: Spanish Primary Foot Care Center 1100 NE 163rd St Ste 101 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 948-8496 M-Th 8:30am-4pm F 9am-12pm Languages: Spanish Hector Garcia, DPM PA 11452 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 969-3230 MWF 1pm-5pm TuTh 9am-1pm Languages: Spanish Riquel Gonzalez 613 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (786) 536-4542 M-F 8am-5pm Goykhman, Gary DPM Languages: Russian National Podiatric Network 9831 NW 58th St Ste 127 Miami 33178 ‰ (305) 221-6862 M-F 9am-5pm Hernandez, Elizabeth C. DPM Languages: Spanish Maria Ines Apolo 1325 SW 1st St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 644-4900 M-F 9am-5pm Hochman, Richard DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 475 Beltmare Way Ste 108 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-4098 M-F 8am-5pm Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 8785 SW 165 Ave Ste 110 Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 385-9494 Tu 8am-7pm MW-F 8am-5pm Sa 9am-12pm Horn, Merrick L. DPM Hector Garcia, DPM PA 2008 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-3747 M-F 9am-5pm Dr Merrick L Horn 909 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 401 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 949-4189 M-F 9am-5pm Gershbein, Daryl M. DPM Horowitz, Sam M. DPM Languages: Spanish Miami Foot Ctr 3185 SW 8th St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-4044 M-F 7am-4pm Gershbein-Pratts, Ellen H. DPM Languages: Spanish Miami Foot Ctr 3185 SW 8th St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-4044 M-F 7am-4pm Languages: Spanish Podiatry Foot & Ankle Surgical Group of South FL 7000 W 12th Ave Ste 1 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 558-0444 WF 8:30am-5pm MTuTh 8:30am-6pm Keller, Gary DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 777 E 25th St Ste 112 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 696-3444 M-F 9am-5pm Leder, Laurence S. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 8600 SW 92nd St Ste 201 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 595-3374 W 10:30am-5pm MTuF 9am-5pm Th 10am-4pm Maribona, Javier F. DPM Languages: Spanish Bird Road Podiatry 8485 SW 40th St Ste 102 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 551-3412 F 8am-12pm M-Th 8am-5pm Marin, Luis E. DPM Languages: Spanish Marin Foot And Ankle 3410 W 84th St Ste 100 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 826-7774 M-F 9am-5pm Masri, Amal A. DPM Languages: Arabic, Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 1321 NW 14th St Ste 203 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 654-7753 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 73 NW 167th St North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 654-7753 M-F 9am-2pm Nasr, Jorge F. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 11760 SW 40th St Ste 610 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 220-3636 M-F 9am-5:30pm Olacio, Marizeli A. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 1400 NE Miami Garden Dr Ste 104 N Miami Beach 33179 ‰ (305) 514-0404 MW 9am-5pm Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 9838 NE 2nd Ave Miami Shores 33138 ‰ (305) 758-7878 TuThF 9am-5pm Yanira M Bermudez 8582 Bird Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 551-3412 M-F 9am-5pm Reyes, Jennifer R. DPM Languages: Spanish Bird Road Podiatry 8485 SW 40th St Ste 102 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 551-3412 M-F 8am-5pm Ringler, Adam J. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 777 E 25th St Ste 112 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 696-3444 MTuThF 8am-5pm Sa 9am-2pm W 8am-7pm Rivera, Michael A. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 3003 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-8730 MWF 9am-5:30pm Seda, Richard L. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 1345 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-2226 F 9am-3pm M-Th 9am-5pm James Tracy DPM Podiatric Medicine & Surgey 606 W Flagler St Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 552-5545 M 1pm-5pm Warren, Lesley A. DPM Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over 333 41st St Ste 718 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 538-3636 M-F 8am-4pm Wigley, Stephen DPM Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Wigley Foot and Ankle 12605 NE 7th Ave North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 893-9883 M-F 8am-4pm Zamorano, Yasmin M. DPM Languages: Spanish Yasmin Zamorano 717 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 218 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 754-8270 MTu 9am-5pm Zwick, Thomas G. DPM Shoemaker, Melinda G. DPM Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 1321 NW 14th St Ste 103 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 326-3338 M-F 9am-4:30pm Languages: Spanish Florida Foot & Ankle Associates 1321 NW 14th St Ste 103 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 326-3338 M-Th 9am-4:30pm Pulmonary Diseases/ Enfermedades pulmonares Torregrosa, John F. DPM South Florida International Orthopaedics 9165 SW 87th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 233-0011 M-F 8:30am-5pm South Florida International Orthopaedics 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 102 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-1701 MW 8am-5pm Acevedo-Crespo, Juan C. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 500 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 648-1119 M-F 9am-5pm Anjum, Kamal MD Languages: Spanish, Urdu Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Pulmonary & Critical Care Consultants of South Florida 21355 E Dixie Hwy Ste 102 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-2552 M-F 9am-5pm Barrio, Juan L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 9495 SW 72nd St Ste B210 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 274-3322 M-W 12:30pm-5pm Castellanos, Jorge E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Jorge Castellanos 2387 W 68th St Ste 304 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 824-3604 M-F 9am-5pm Chua, Willy N. MD Languages: Chinese Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog 1321 NW 14th St Ste 602 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 545-5353 M-F 9am-5pm Costarangos, Constantino MD Languages: Spanish Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 10251 SW 72nd St Ste 101 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 274-9205 M-F 9am-5pm Echarte, Luis J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 303 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 466-0030 M-F 9am-5pm Fertel, Debra P. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 100 NW 170th St Ste 410 Miami 33169 ‰ (605) 654-6580 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Garcia, Hector DPM Gonzalez, Riquel DPM Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 747 Ponce Deleon Blvd Ste 500 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 648-1119 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 64 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Pulmonary Diseases/Enfermedades pulmonares Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 220A Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6487 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 3801 Biscayne Blvd Ste 230 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 466-8490 M-F 8am-5pm Fonts, Ernesto E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 1008 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-2284 M 11am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 777 E 25th St Ste 512 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 696-7407 W-F 11am-5pm Hernandez, Michael J. MD Specialists Especialistas Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave Ste 201B South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 M-F 9am-5pm Hernandez-Abril, Manuel J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over Pulmonary & Critical Care Physician of S Fl 7500 SW 8th St Ste 301 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 856-8166 M-F 9am-5pm Krainson, James P. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Mezey & Krainson MD 12600 SW 120th St Ste 117 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 255-0777 M-F 9am-5pm Letellier, Fabriccio M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 8750 SW 144th St Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 259-6166 M-F 9am-5pm Lopetegui, Juan A. MD Parker, Raymond L. MD Sanchez-Masiques, Jorge MD Abramowitz, Matthew C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 8750 SW 144th St Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 259-6166 WTh 2pm-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave Ste 201 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4337 M-F 9am-5pm Machuca, Jenny S. MD PENARANDA, RUBEN D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 14 and Over South Florida Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates 3181 SW 22nd St 1st Fl Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 567-1999 M-Th 8am-6pm F 8am-2pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 15955 SW 96th St Ste 306 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 408-9904 Tu 8am-5:30pm MW-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 1150 Campo Sano Ave Ste 400 Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 779-7381 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave 201 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 8600 SW 92nd St Ste 204B Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 275-7575 M-F 9am-5pm Mangas, Mario MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 11880 SW 40th St Ste 416 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0604 M-Th 9am-5pm F 8am-4pm Ocasio-Tascon, Maria E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 15955 SW 96th St Ste 306 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 408-9904 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave Ste 201 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 8600 SW 92nd St Ste 204B Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 275-7575 M-F 9am-5pm Perez-Fernandez, Javier MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave Ste 201 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 M-F 9am-5pm Ramakrishna, Ravindra K. MD Languages: Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 1008 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-0616 M-F 8am-5pm Redondo, Andres A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates 3181 Coral Way 2 Fl Coral Gables 33145 ‰ (305) 567-1999 M-Th 10am-6pm F 10am-3pm Rodriguez-Moran, Juan F. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave Ste 201 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 M-F 9am-5pm Santos, Carlos R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 16855 NE 2nd Ave Ste 302A North Miami Beach 33162 (305) 653-0425 M-F 9am-5pm Tabak, Jeremy I. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave Ste 201 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 M-F 9am-5pm Valor, Raul R. MD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave Ste 201 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 Tu 9am-4:30pm MW-F 9am-5pm Yatzkan, George D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 7000 SW 62nd Ave Ste 201 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-9404 M-F 8am-5pm Radiation Oncology/ Oncología de radiación Abitbol, Andre A. MD Languages: Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Baptist Health Medical Group Oncology 8900 N Kendall Dr Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-6566 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over U M D C - Radiation Oncology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm Elsayyad, Nagy MD Languages: Arabic, French Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm Freedman, Laura M. MD U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm Friger, Marangeli MD Languages: Spanish RADM Corporation 1100 NW 95th St Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 865-6173 M 9am-4pm RADM Corporation 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5691 Th 1pm-4pm Tu 9am-4pm RADM Corporation 14233 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (786) 439-3779 M-F 9am-5pm RADM Corporation 78 SW 13th Ave Ste 100 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-2104 M-F 8am-5pm Huang, David T. MD Languages: Chinese, Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 9350 Sunset Dr Ste 200 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 594-4210 M-F 9am-5pm Keisch, Martin E. MD Languages: Spanish Cancer Healthcare Associates 9165 Park Dr Miami 33138 ‰ (305) 545-6685 M-F 8am-5pm Lally, Brian E. MD U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6674 M-F 9am-5pm Lozano, Jaime MD Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over RADM Corporation 1100 NW 95th St Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-6173 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over RADM Corporation 2001 W 68th St Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 364-2110 M-F 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over RADM Corporation 78 SW 13th Ave Ste 100 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-2104 M-F 8am-5pm Mahmoud, Omar M. MD U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Markoe, Arnold M. MD U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 7867 N Kendall Dr Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 297-2900 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 65 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Surgery, Cardiovascular/Cirugía cardiovascular Panoff, Joseph E. MD Samuels, Michael A. MD Christie, Grazie P. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave 1st Fl Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5302 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over Helen B Bentley F H C 3090 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 447-4950 Th 8am-8pm M 7am-3pm TuW 8am-6pm F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6674 M-F 9am-5pm Pollack, Alan MD U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-1111 M-F 9am-5pm Portelance, Lorraine MD Languages: French U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm Ravelo, Raul MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Medicine 2001 W 68th St Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 364-2110 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Medicine 78 SW 13th Ave Ste 100 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 310-7969 M-F 8am-5pm Samuels, Judith R. MD U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1400 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-5691 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm Takita, Cristiane MD Languages: Chinese Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 7867 N Kendall Dr Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 297-2900 M-F 9am-5pm Tercilla, Oscar F. MD Languages: Spanish Oncology & Radiation Associates 8881 NW 18th Ter Miami 33172 ‰ (305) 704-3910 M-F 8am-5pm Wolfson, Aaron H. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4210 M-F 9am-5pm Wright, Jean L. MD U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4200 M-F 9am-5pm Radiology/ Radiología Alexander, Joseph R. DO Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7410 M-F 8am-5pm Clifford, Paul D. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiology 1115 NW 14th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-5512 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6165 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6165 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Radiology 900 NW 17th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 326-6000 M-F 9am-5pm GALUTEN, ALVIN B. MD Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm Keisch, Martin E. MD Languages: Spanish Cancer Healthcare Associates 9165 Park Dr Miami 33138 ‰ (305) 545-6685 M-F 8am-5pm Lozano, Jaime MD Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over RADM Corporation 1100 NW 95th St Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-6173 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over RADM Corporation 2001 W 68th St Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 364-2110 M-F 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over RADM Corporation 78 SW 13th Ave Ste 100 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-2104 M-F 8am-5pm Romilly, Ada P. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7410 M-F 8am-5pm Sais, Gerard J. MD Languages: Spanish Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (786) 308-2301 M-F 9am-5pm Subhawong, Ty K. MD U M D C - Radiology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-8820 M-F 9am-5pm Rheumatology/ Reumatología Acosta, Mayra MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Carlos M Alonso, MD 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 801 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 860-6260 M-F 8am-5pm Alonso, Carlos M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Carlos M Alonso, MD 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 801 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 860-6260 M-F 9am-5pm Aranguiz, Romy MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Inpatient Healthcare Grp 7100 W 20th Ave Ste G126 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 882-7747 M-F 9am-5pm Rivas-Chacon, Rafael F. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Rafael Rivas-Chacon 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 105 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8505 MTuThF 9am-5pm Spinal Cord Injury/Lesiones de la médula espinal Carrasco, Angel M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Neurology & Pain Medicine 14221 SW 120 St Ste 214 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 266-0222 M-W 8am-5:30pm Treats Patients Ages 10 and Over Neurology & Pain Medicine 1555 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 266-0222 ThF 8am-5:30pm Sports Medicine/ Medicina deportiva Hommen, Jan P. MD Languages: Spanish Hommen Orthopedic Institute 3659 S Miami Ave Ste 4008 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 520-5625 F 8am-5pm M-Th 8:30am-5pm Surgery/Cirugía Kim, David H. MD University Medical Service Assoc 20900 Biscayne Blvd Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-7000 M-F 9am-5pm Surgery, Cardiothoracic/ Cirugía cardiotorácica Moreno, Niberto L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 8950 N Kendall Dr Ste 607 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-1230 M-F 9am-5pm Rego, Alfredo N. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Heart & Lung Institute 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 370 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 935-9883 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 580 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 935-9883 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Heart & Lung Institute 3650 NW 82nd Ave Ste 208 Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 406-3596 M-F 9am-5pm Segurola, Jr, Romualdo J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Heart & Lung Institute 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 370 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 935-9883 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Heart & Lung Institute 3650 NW 82nd Ave Ste 208 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 406-3596 M-F 9am-5pm Surgery, Cardiovascular/ Cirugía cardiovascular Abdullah, Naaman MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over David L Galbut MD and Associates 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 200 Aventura 33180 ‰ (786) 268-8289 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over David L Galbut MD and Associates 4770 Biscayne Blvd Ste 880 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 268-8289 M-F 9am-5pm Buitrago, Efren MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Heart & Lung Institute 21097 NE 27th Ct St 370 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 935-9883 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Heart & Lung Institute 3650 NW 82nd Ave Ste 208 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 406-3596 M-F 8:30am-5pm Specialists Especialistas U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6674 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Radiation Oncology 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-3909 M-F 9am-5pm Paes, Fabio M. MD Community Health of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 66 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Surgery, Cardiovascular/Cirugía cardiovascular Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over South Florida Heart & Lung Institute 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 906 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 858-7505 M-F 9am-5pm Hannan, Robert L. MD Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62th Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 663-8401 M-F 8am-5pm Moreno, Niberto L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 8950 N Kendall Dr Ste 607 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-1230 M-F 9am-5pm Surgery, Colon and Rectal/ Cirugía del colon y el recto Hartmann, Rene F. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9195 Sunset Dr Ste 230 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Lujan, Henry J. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9195 Sunset Dr Ste 230 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Plasencia, Gustavo MD Languages: Spanish David L Galbut MD and Associates 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 200 Aventura 33180 ‰ (786) 268-8289 M-F 9am-5pm David L Galbut MD and Associates 4770 Biscayne Blvd Ste 860 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 268-8289 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9195 Sunset Dr Ste 230 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-0300 M-F 8am-5pm David L Galbut MD and Associates 9195 SW 72nd St Ste 230 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-0300 M-F 9am-5pm Serentill, Luis H. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Luis H Serentill MD 7811 Coral Way Ste 137 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 446-3534 M-F 9am-5pm Viamonte III, Manuel MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9195 Sunset Dr Ste 230 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Surgery, Critical Care/Cirugía de cuidados intensivos Malvezzi, Leopoldo MD Languages: French, Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Miami Associates in Pediatric Surgery 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 201 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8320 M-F 8:30am-5pm Sosa, Jorge L. MD Languages: Spanish 3499 W 4th Ave Ste 201 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-0411 M-F 8am-4pm Surgery, Endoscopic/ Cirugía endoscópica Nuwayhid, Zaher I. MD Languages: Arabic, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Zaher I Nuwayhid MD 3499 W 4th Ave Ste 201 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-0411 M 8am-12pm W 11am-4pm Surgery, General/Cirugía general Alkhoury, Fuad MD Languages: Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under Miami Associates in Pediatric Surgery 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 201 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8320 M-F 8:30am-5pm Cardoso, Eufemiano R. MD Languages: Spanish Miami Hand 2750 Douglas Rd Ste 100 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 661-3052 M-F 9am-5pm Charles-Harris, Hakan Suante MD Languages: Spanish, French, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Chinese, Swedish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over H Charles-Harris 1190 NW 95th St Ste 101 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2941 M-F 9am-5pm Comperatore, Roberto D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 110 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 558-4428 M-F 9am-5pm De Marchena, Alberto L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over CareNational Health System 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 207 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-1434 M-Th 9am-4pm F 9am-2pm Fox, Candace MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over 6090 Bird Rd Fl 2 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 661-6336 M-F 9am-5pm Glick, Gary L. MD Languages: Spanish 4308 Alton Rd Ste 410 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-6100 M-F 9am-5pm Gomez, Eddie MD Juarez, Luis MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 250 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-5030 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over 230 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-9057 M-F 9am-5pm Guerra, Matias E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1435 W 49th Pl Ste 308 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-3384 MTh 10am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over St John Clinic Medical 161 NW 29th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 573-0100 F 9am-1pm Hernandez, Mauricio T. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 11760 SW 40th St Ste 635 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 220-2121 W 8am-4pm MTuThF 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 777 E 25th St Ste 509 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 220-2121 W 8am-4pm MTuThF 9am-5pm Jacobs, Moises MD Languages: Spanish David L Galbut MD and Associates 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 200 Aventura 33180 ‰ (786) 268-8289 M-F 9am-5pm David L Galbut MD and Associates 9380 SW 150 St Ste 210 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-5030 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 250 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-5030 M-F 8am-5pm Joseph, Romane MD Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over 9415 NE 6th Ave Miami 33138 ‰ (786) 401-6455 F 9am-6pm MTuTh 9am-5pm W 10am-7pm Katzman, Howard E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Fresenius Vascular Care South Florida 8770 SW 144th St Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 252-9408 M-F 8am-5pm Lawson, Nuria M. MD Languages: Spanish Nuria M Lawson 7100 W 20th Ave Ste 110 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 558-4428 M-F 9am-5pm Lombillo, Juan M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over 11880 Bird Rd Ste 204 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 553-0554 M-F 9am-5pm Lujan, Henry J. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9195 Sunset Dr Ste 230 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Masri, Mohammad M. MD Languages: Arabic, Spanish, French 1036 NW 1st Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-4410 M-F 9am-5pm 9055 SW 87th Ave Ste 308 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 412-4474 M-F 9am-5pm Neville, Holly L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave Ste 3019 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-9640 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 585-5600 M-F 9am-5pm Nuwayhid, Zaher I. MD Languages: Arabic, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Zaher I Nuwayhid MD 3499 W 4th Ave Ste 201 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-0411 M 8am-12pm W 11am-4pm Plasencia, Gustavo MD Languages: Spanish David L Galbut MD and Associates 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 200 Aventura 33180 ‰ (786) 268-8289 M-F 9am-5pm David L Galbut MD and Associates 4770 Biscayne Blvd Ste 860 Miami 33137 ‰ (786) 268-8289 M-F 9am-5pm David L Galbut MD and Associates 9195 SW 72nd St Ste 230 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-0300 M-F 9am-5pm Ramirez Sr, Daniel N. MD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Bay Surgical Group 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 708 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-1002 M-F 9am-5pm Romero, Roderick J. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9380 SW 150th St Ste 250 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-5030 M-F 8am-5pm Serentill, Luis H. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Luis H Serentill MD 7811 Coral Way Ste 137 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 446-3534 M-F 9am-5pm Sola, Juan E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W sTE 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-2247 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 67 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Surgery, Plastic/Cirugía plástica Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 8940 N Kendall Dr Ste 603E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 585-5600 M-F 9am-5pm Sosa, Jorge L. MD Languages: Spanish 3499 W 4th Ave Ste 201 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-0411 M-F 8am-4pm THALLER, SETH R. MD U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5285 M-F 9am-5pm U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 9380 SW 150th St Ste 260 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Viamonte III, Manuel MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 9195 Sunset Dr Ste 230 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 271-0300 M-F 8am-5pm WEINGRAD, DANIEL N. MD Surgery, Hand/ Cirugía de manos Berger, Aaron J. MD Languages: Spanish NCH Specialists 13400 SW 120th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 278-5951 M-F 8am-5pm NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-4111 M-F 8am-5pm Khouri, Roger K. MD Languages: French Miami Hand 2750 SW 37th Ave Ste 100 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 642-4263 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Miami Hand 2750 SW 37th Ave Ste 100 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 642-4263 M-F 9am-5pm Surgery, Head and Neck/Cirugía de la cabeza y el cuello Bustillo-Lopez, Andres MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 151 NW 11th St Ste E102 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Ste 602 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 663-3380 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 7150 W 20th Ave Ste 312 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-9035 M-F 9am-5pm Elhammady, Mohamed Samy A. MD Languages: Arabic Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Variety Children's Hospital 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gervin, Stephen Z. MD Languages: Spanish 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 208 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9944 M-F 9am-5pm 8323 NW 12th St Doral 33126 ‰ (786) 517-6600 M-F 8am-5pm Gomez, Michael E. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Consultants in Neurological Surgery 3361 S Miami Ave Ste 401 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-4334 M 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 115 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Consultants in Neurological Surgery 777 E 25th St Ste 409 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (786) 456-4152 M-F 9am-5pm Surgery, Neurological/ Cirugía neurológica Ibars, George C. MD Acebal, Pablo J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Consultants in Neurological Surgery 11760 SW 40th St Ste 511 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 220-2455 M-F 9am-5pm Bhatia, Sanjiv MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Consultants in Neurological Surgery 6200 SW 72nd St Ste 403 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 740-8036 M-F 9am-5pm Jernigan, Sarah C. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 8:30am-5pm Jorge, Allan M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Consultants in Neurological Surgery 6705 Red Road 522 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 517-8650 M-F 9am-5pm Maliner, Lloyd I. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over Consultants in Neurological Surgery 7150 W 20th Ave Ste 313 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (954) 862-7099 Tu 1pm-4pm Niazi, Toba N. MD Languages: Farsi Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7096 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 9am-5pm Peterson, Eric C. MD Surgery, Oral/ Maxillofacial/ Cirugía oral/ maxilofacial Cardenas, Luis E. DMD Languages: Spanish Oral Facial Reconstruction & Implant Ctr of South FL 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 305 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 F 8am-4pm M-Th 9am-5pm Friedman, Kurt DDS Languages: Spanish Oral Facial Reconstruction & Implant Ctr of South FL 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 305 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 M-Th 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M-F 8:30am-5pm Oral Facial Reconstruction & Implant Ctr of South FL 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 204 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1611 MW 8am-4pm Ragheb, John MD Garri, Jose I. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-7096 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1000 5th St Ste 402 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 604-3216 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 1 through 18 NCH Specialists 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8386 M 9am-5pm Tu-F 8:30am-5pm Serentill, Luis H. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Luis H Serentill MD 7811 Coral Way Ste 137 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 446-3534 M-F 9am-5pm Traina, Joseph A. MD Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Consultants in Neurological Surgery 6200 SW 72nd St Ste 403 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 740-8036 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 402 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 665-8730 M-F 9am-5pm Kates, Charles H. DDS Languages: French UMDC-Dept of Anesthesiology 1611 NW 12th Ave Central 300 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6970 M-F 9am-5pm Payton, Kevin L. DMD Languages: Spanish Oral Facial Reconstruction & Implant Ctr of South FL 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 305 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 M-Th 9am-5pm F 8am-4pm Oral Facial Reconstruction & Implant Ctr of South FL 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 204 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1611 MW 8am-4pm Wolfe, Stephen A. MD Languages: Russian, German, Spanish, French Anthony S Wolfe 3100 SW 62nd Ave # 120 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8234 M-F 9am-5pm Anthony S Wolfe 3100 SW 62nd Ave St 2230 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-4111 M-F 9am-5pm Surgery, Plastic/Cirugía plástica Amjad, Ibrahim H. MD Languages: Vietnamese, Spanish Pulmonary Physicians of South Florida 1100 SW 57th Ave PH 1 West Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 267-8885 M-F 9am-5pm 1100 SW 57th Ave PH1 West Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 267-8885 M-F 9am-5pm Berger, Aaron J. MD Languages: Spanish NCH Specialists 13400 SW 120th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 278-5951 M-F 8am-5pm Bustillo-Lopez, Andres MD Languages: Spanish South Florida ENT Associates 151 NW 11th St Ste E102 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-5881 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 6705 Red Rd Ste 602 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 663-3380 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 7150 W 20th Ave Ste 312 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-9035 M-F 9am-5pm South Florida ENT Associates 9000 SW 137th Ave Ste 115 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 666-0203 M-F 9am-5pm Garri, Jose I. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1000 5th St Ste 402 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 604-3216 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Languages: Spanish Cancer Healthcare Associates 21150 Biscayne Blvd Ste 206 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 384-6100 M-F 8am-5pm Miki, Roberto A. MD Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 68 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Surgery, Plastic/Cirugía plástica Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 402 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 665-8730 M-F 9am-5pm Khouri, Roger K. MD Languages: French Miami Hand 2750 SW 37th Ave Ste 100 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 642-4263 M-F 9am-5pm Perlyn, Chad A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under MCH Physician Grp 13400 SW 120th St Ste 101 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 278-5951 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62th Ave Ste 2230 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 278-5951 M-F 9am-5pm THALLER, SETH R. MD U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5285 M-F 9am-5pm Specialists Especialistas U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 9380 SW 150th St Ste 260 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 243-7500 M-F 9am-5pm Wolfe, Stephen A. MD Languages: Russian, German, Spanish, French Anthony S Wolfe 3100 SW 62nd Ave # 120 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8234 M-F 9am-5pm Anthony S Wolfe 3100 SW 62nd Ave St 2230 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-4111 M-F 9am-5pm Zaydon, Jr, Thomas J. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 20800 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 935-3030 W 9am-11pm Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 509 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-3030 Sa 8am-11am M-F 8am-4:30pm Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 7400 N Kendall Dr Ste 502 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-1111 W 1pm-4pm Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 925 NE 30th Ter Ste 318 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 856-3030 M-F 9am-5pm Surgery, Thoracic/Cirugía torácica Burke, Redmond MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under MCH Physician Grp 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8301 M-F 8am-5pm Malvezzi, Leopoldo MD Languages: French, Italian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under Miami Associates in Pediatric Surgery 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 201 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8320 M-F 8:30am-5pm Moreno, Niberto L. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 8950 N Kendall Dr Ste 607 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 596-1230 M-F 9am-5pm Rosenkranz, Eliot R. MD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1475 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5271 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under U M D C - Div General Pediatrics 1611 NW 12th Ave ACC W 5-B Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5600 M-F 9am-5pm Surgery, Transplant/ Cirugía de trasplante Brockelbank, Abby APNP Languages: CreoleCriollo Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over JMG Specialty Physicians 1611 NW 12th Ave Miami Gardens 33136 ‰ (305) 585-1070 M-F 8am-5pm Surgery, Vascular/Cirugía vascular Charles-Harris, Hakan Suante MD Languages: Spanish, French, Creoles And Pidgins, French-Ba, Chinese, Swedish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over H Charles-Harris 1190 NW 95th St Ste 101 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2941 M-F 9am-5pm Fleites, Juan C. MD Languages: Spanish, Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Bay Surgical Group 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 708 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 856-1002 M-F 9am-5pm Martin, Jose A. DO Languages: Haitian Creole, Spanish, Swedish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over H Charles-Harris 1190 NW 95th St Ste 101 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2941 M-F 8am-5pm Queral, Luis A. MD Rego, Alfredo N. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 21097 NE 27th Ct Ste 580 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 935-9883 M-F 8:30am-5pm Taubman, Michele L. MD Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over Fresenius Vascular Care South Florida 8770 SW 144th St Palmetto Bay 33176 ‰ (305) 252-9408 M-F 8am-5pm Traumatic Surgery/Cirugía traumática Kim, David H. MD University Medical Service Assoc 20900 Biscayne Blvd Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-7000 M-F 9am-5pm Urology/Urología Castellan, Miguel A. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Childrens Urology Assoc 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 104 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6448 M-F 8:30am-5pm Cohen, Jacob MD Languages: Spanish 777 E 25th St Ste 418 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 531-7078 M-F 8am-5pm Dansky, Alan S. MD Languages: Spanish 6910 N Kendall Dr Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 274-7334 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Russian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Vas-Q-Lar 87 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (786) 536-5001 MTuThF 9am-6pm W 9am-1pm W 2pm-6pm Kim, Jay H. MD Ramirez, Jose A. MD Labbie, Andrew S. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over American Access Care of Miami 9200 S Dadeland Blvd Ste 101 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-1044 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Korean, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Cancer Healthcare Associates 21110 Biscayne Blvd 106 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 918-0742 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under Childrens Urology Assoc 3200 SW 60th Ct Ste 104 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6448 M-F 8:30am-5pm Montford, Barbara A. MD Languages: Spanish 1190 NW 95th St Ste106 Miami Shores 33150 (305) 696-0806 F 8am-4pm MWTh 9am-5pm Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc dba Avanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 82245 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 (305) 305-6640 Seskin, Floyd E. MD Podnos, Scott M. MD Languages: French Cancer Healthcare Associates 21097 NE 27 Ct Ste 101 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 931-6663 M-F 9am-5pm Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 10085 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 (305) 305-2890 Suarez, Juan B. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 5450 SW 8th St Ste 204 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 443-1040 TuTh 9am-6pm MW 9am-4pm Talluri, Giridhar MD Languages: Hindi, Telugu Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Cancer Healthcare Associates 21110 Biscayne Blvd Ste 106 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 918-0742 M-F 9am-5pm Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Audiologist/ Audiólogo Couture-Souvenir, Michelle Au.D. CCCA Hear 4 Kidz, Inc. 3718 N Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 247-8227 Dermatology/ Dermatología Camacho, Ivan D. MD Susana Leal-Khouri, MD 91550 Overseas Hwy STE 207 Tavernier 33070 (905) 905-3618 Leal-Khouri, Susana M MD Susana M Leal-Khori, MD, PA 91550 Overseas Hwy STE 207 Tavernier 33070 (905) 905-3618 Mendoza, Deborah PA-C Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc dba Avanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 10085 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 (305) 305-2890 Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc. 82245 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 (305) 305-6640 Schiff, Martin A. MD Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc dba Avanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 10085 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 (305) 305-2890 Leavitt Medical Associates of Florida, Inc dba Avanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery 82245 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 (305) 305-6640 Midwifery/ Partería Rodriguez, Beth S. CNM Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Key West HMA Physician Management 1111 12th St Ste 104 Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 293-1830 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Key West HMA Physician Management 29755 Overseas Hwy Big Pine Key 33043 ‰ (305) 872-3735 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over Key West HMA Physician Management 5170 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 293-1830 TuF 8am-5pm Obstetrics/ Gynecology/ Obstetricia/ Ginecología Delong, Gregory A. MD Key West HMA Physician Management 1111 12th St Ste 104 Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 293-1830 M-F 8am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fá cil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Specialists/Especialistas Page/Página 69 Monroe County/Condado de Monroe Physician Assistant/Asistente médico Physician Assistant/ Asistente médico Garcia, Tara L. PA Key West HMA Physician Management 1111 12th St Ste 201 Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 295-3477 F 8am-4:30pm M-Th 8am-5pm Specialists Especialistas Page/Página 70 Behavioral Health Providers/Proveedores de salud mental Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Certified Addiction Counselor/Consejero de adicciones certificado To get mental health/substance abuse care, please call Amerigroup toll free at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Para recibir cuidado de la salud mental/para abuso de sustancias, llame a la línea gratuita de Amerigroup al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Please check your member handbook to learn more about care that may or may not covered by Amerigroup. Consulte su manual del miembro para aprender más sobre cuidado que puede o no puede estar cubierto por Amerigroup. This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern time. Esta informació n está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Pó ngase en contacto con nuestro número de servicio al cliente al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. hora del Este. Amerigroup is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid contract. Amerigroup es un Plan de Cuidado Administrado con un contrato de Medicaid de Florida. Miami-dade County/ Condado de Miami-dade Certified Addiction Counselor/ Consejero de adicciones certificado Israel, Frona P. MSW Languages: Spanish 5951 NW 173rd Dr Ste 7 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 494-3555 M-F 8am-6pm Rose, Barbara K. MS Behavioral Health Providers Proveedores de salud mental Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 8am-7pm Certified Case Manager - BH/ Encargado de caso certificado salud del comportamiento Lagravere Vich, Rose Mary CCM Languages: Spanish 14400 NW 77th Ct Ste 202 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-8665 M-F 9am-5pm 15490 NW 7th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-8245 M-Th 8am-8pm F 8am-5pm Munoz, Asuncion M. CCM Languages: Spanish 14400 NW 77th Ct Ste 202 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-8665 M-F 9am-5pm 15490 NW 7th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-8245 M-F 8am-8pm IP Mental Hlth/ Substance Abuse/Salud mental/abuso de sustancias en hospital Lic Clinical Soc Wrkr-Adult/ Trabajador social clínico certificado adultos Bravo, Marina LCSW 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Agape Company 22790 SW 112 Ave Cutler Bay 33170 ‰ (305) 235-2616 M-F 9am-5pm Better Way of Miami 800 NW 28th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 634-3409 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Community Health Of South Florida 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 9am-5pm Here's Help 15100 NW 27th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-8201 M-F 9am-5pm Lic Clinical Social Worker/ Trabajador social clínico certificado Abraira-Cahoon, Nicole MSW Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Alonso, Cristina I. LCSW 9016 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 238-8500 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 350 Sevilla Ave Ste 100 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-1007 M-F 8am-8pm Sa 9am-5pm New Era Health Center Alonso, Maria D. LCSW 9600 SW 8th St Ste 1 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-8838 M-F 9am-5pm Southern Winds Health LLC 4225 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-9700 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 3191 Coral Way Ste 604 Coral Gables 33145 ‰ (786) 709-8556 M-F 9am-5pm Anguiano, Antonio LCSW 3090 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 447-4950 ThF 8:30am-2pm Tu 8:30am-5pm Bachay, John D. MSW 17971 Biscayne Blvd Ste 207 North Miami Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 466-1998 M-F 9am-6pm Baron, Darlise MSW Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish 18441 NW 2nd Ave Ste 116 Miami 33169 ‰ (786) 853-7192 M-Th 5am-8am Sa 9am-12pm Bell, Tiaundra E. LCSW Treats Patients Ages 3 through 18 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Bruce, Marilyn G. LCSW Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 1450 Madruga Ae Ste 306-B Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 661-8440 M-F 9am-8pm Casas-Justice, Libia T. MSW Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 9555 N Kendall Dr Ste 107 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 270-6100 M-Th 10am-7pm Sa 10am-1pm F 10am-5pm Croskey, Luvernice LCSW Treats Patients Ages 4 and Over 1175 NE 125th St Ste 205 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 825-5698 Sa 8am-2:30pm M-F 8am-6:30pm Diez de Sollano, Carina LCSW Languages: Spanish 6100 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 400 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 757-0602 M-F 9am-5pm 7575 W Flagler St Ste 200A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 377-3297 M-F 9am-5:30pm Grunglasse, Maria E. MS Languages: CreoleCriollo, Dutch (Other), Spanish, Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 0 through 75 1990 NE 163rd St Ste 102 Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 945-9906 Sa 9am-1pm M-Th 9am-6:30pm F 9am-5pm Harrington, Devon R. LCSW Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 45 NW 8th St Ste 105 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-0210 SaSu 9am-3pm M-F 9am-5pm Hernandez, Julieta P. MS Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Israel, Frona P. MSW Languages: Spanish 5951 NW 173rd Dr Ste 7 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 494-3555 M-F 8am-6pm Kaplan, Alexander MSW Languages: Spanish 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 9am-5pm Kastrinos, Marlene M. MSW Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 10300 SW 72nd St Ste 315 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 667-2430 M-F 9am-5pm Loucks, Robert J. LCSW Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over 15100 NW 27th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-8201 M-Sa 12pm-8pm Su 12pm-7pm Marquez, Noemi M. LCSW Languages: Spanish 54 E 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 401-7818 M-F 9am-5pm Martinez, Daisy LCSW Languages: Spanish 10550 NW 77th Ct Ste 313-314 Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 821-2621 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm 2050 W 56th St Ste 15 16 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-1555 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Melegi-Diaz, Soraya F. LMSW Languages: Spanish 1550 S Dixie Hwy Ste 214 Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Mitchell, Lorraine LCSW 11601 Biscayne Blvd Ste 306 Miami 33181 ‰ (786) 332-4065 M-F 9am-5pm Mosquera, Aracelis LCSW Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 8200 SW 117th Ave Ste 202 Miami 33183 ‰ (786) 498-1022 FSa 9am-12pm MTuTh 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Behavioral Health Providers/Proveedores de salud mental Page/Página 71 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Lic Professional Counselor/Consejero profesional certificado Nalls, Natasha LCSW Languages: Spanish, Creole-Criollo 2650 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 741-5628 M 8am-6pm 3485 W Flagler St Ste 500 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 443-3333 Sa 10am-3pm MTuThF 10am-8pm Roelans, Ryan C. MSW Languages: CreoleCriollo, French, Spanish, Portuguese Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 800 NW 28th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 634-3409 M-Su 6am-11pm Rubiales, Ricardo A. LCSW Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 18441 NW 2nd Ave Ste 500 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Schwartz, Elaine M. LCSW Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 through 18 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 2627 NE 203rd St Ste 214 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 542-0300 M-F 8:30am-6pm Solorzano, Wilson E. LCSW Languages: Spanish 10550 NW 77th Ct Ste 313-314 Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 821-2621 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm 2050 W 56th St Ste 15 16 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-1555 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Sosa, Theresa M. LCSW Languages: Spanish 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M 2pm-3pm Tu 8am-12pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm Valencia, Odalys A. MSW Botero, Sara M. LMFT Arreaza, Marisela LMHC Ferran, Ana M. LMHC Herrera, Lourdes L. MS Languages: Spanish 13780 SW 26th St Ste 107 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 480-7839 M-F 8:30am-4:30pm Languages: Spanish 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 12651 S Dixie Hwy Ste 324 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 903-6011 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 7100 SW 99th Ave Ste 102 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 275-0045 M-F 9am-5pm Croskey, Luvernice LCSW Batista, Maria M. LMHC Hines, Luis C. PHD Treats Patients Ages 4 and Over 1175 NE 125th St Ste 205 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 825-5698 Sa 8am-2:30pm M-F 8am-6:30pm Languages: Spanish 8100 SW 81st St Ste 276 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 595-5485 M-Th 9:30am-7:30pm F 9:30am-12:30pm 9570 SW 107th Ave Ste 202 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 391-1383 M-F 9am-5pm King, Michele MED Languages: Spanish 5979 NW 151st St Ste 230 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 362-1875 M-F 9am-5pm 9150 SW 87th Ave Ste 102 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-7450 M-F 9am-5pm Wiggins, Carter T. MSW Mas, Alexandra Y. LMFT Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 1175 NE 125th St Ste 205 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 895-3307 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 13780 SW 26th Ste 107 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 480-7839 M-F 8:30am-4:30pm Williams, Argerine LCSW Languages: Spanish 1250 SW 27th Ave Ste 404 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-7pm 12550 Biscayne Blvd N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-7pm Lic Marriage/ Family Therapist/ Terapeuta de matrimonio/ familia certificado Basulto, Julie M. MS Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 18441 NW 2nd Ave Ste 500 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 8:30am-5pm Boswell, Ronald J. MA 7685 SW 104th St Ste 100 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 666-8000 M-Th 1pm-7pm F 11am-5pm Ortega, Marlyn LMFT Languages: Spanish 54 E 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 401-7818 M-F 8am-6pm Pujula, Yolanda MS Languages: Spanish 283 Park Blvd Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 262-0099 M-F 8am-8pm 6100 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 400 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 757-0602 M-F 9am-5pm Serra, Maria T. LMFT Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 14411 Commerce Way Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 827-2822 M-F 9am-4pm Lic Professional Counselor/ Consejero profesional certificado Alayon, Carlos M. LMHC Languages: Spanish 10550 NW 77th Ct Ste 313-314 Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 821-2621 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm 2050 W 56th St Ste 15 16 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-1555 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Bloise, Gabriela M. LMHC Languages: Spanish 283 Park Blvd Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 262-0099 TuThF 8am-5pm MW 8am-8pm Cartaya, Rosa M. AM Languages: Spanish 6401 SW 87th Ave Ste 114 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 972-9530 F 9am-3pm M 4:30pm-9pm Tu 8:30am-8:30pm WTh 2pm-8pm 8200 SW 117th Ave Ste 202 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 972-9530 Th 4pm-8pm Sa 2pm-5pm Daniel, Genevieve L. LMHC Languages: French, Haitian Creole, Spanish 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Diaz, Anele LMHC Languages: Spanish 54 E 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 401-7818 M-F 8am-6pm Ernst, Nicole D. MS Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10300 SW 261th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Fernandez, Rebecca P. LMHC Languages: Spanish 419 W 49th St Ste 218 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 273-0000 MWF 9am-5pm 7100 SW 99th Ave Ste 203 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-0000 M-F 9am-5pm Forsyth-Sommer, Desiree LMHC Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gay, Ronbardo J. LMHC Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Gilot, Riclair MS 1250 SW 27th Ave Ste 402 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-5255 F 9am-5pm M-Th 9am-7pm 12550 Biscayne Blvd Ste 212 Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-5pm Kedem, Sam LMHC Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over 100 NE 38th St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1599 M 7:30am-5pm Tu-Th 8am-5pm F 9am-5pm King, Michele MED Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm 9150 SW 87th Ave Ste 102 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-7450 M-F 9am-5pm Gonzalez, Lissette L. PHD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 654 NE 9 Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-Sa 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish 6450 W 21st Ct Ste 207 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 264-5008 TuTh 4pm-8pm 7235 Coral Way Ste 212 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 264-5008 MWF 4pm-8pm Gotthold, Bessie LMHC Languages: French, Spanish 283 Park Blvd Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 262-0099 TuTh 8:30am-5pm WF 8:30am-7pm Sa 8:30am-1pm M 8:30am-9pm Hernandez, Madeline PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 2081 W 76th St Ste 101 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-6772 Sa 8am-3pm M-F 3:30pm-8:30pm Hernandez-Cuevas, Maria A. MS Languages: Spanish, French 8100 SW 81st Dr Ste 276 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 595-5485 F 9am-5pm M-Th 9am-7pm Lagravere Vich, Rose Mary LMHC Laufer, Paula MS Languages: Spanish 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 8am-7pm Lemus, Taylor D. MS Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over 9016 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 238-8500 M-Sa 12pm-8pm Su 12pm-7pm Manning, Erika M. LMHC Languages: Spanish 14225 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 221-8200 M-F 9am-7pm Medina, Maria E. LPC Languages: Russian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over 13780 SW 26th St Ste 107 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 480-7839 M-F 8:30am-4:30pm Behavioral Health Providers Proveedores de salud mental Silverman, Adria I. MSW Tretbar, Paul C. LCSW Page/Página 72 Behavioral Health Providers/Proveedores de salud mental Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Lic Professional Counselor/Consejero profesional certificado Melo, Evelyn LMHC Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 8785 SW 165th Ave Ste 200 Miami 33193 ‰ (786) 347-2713 Th 10am-6am M-W 10am-6pm F 8am-4pm Sa 9am-12pm Menendez-Martinez, Geysha M. PSYD Rodriguez, Miriam MS Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10300 SW 261th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 9570 SW 107th Ave Ste 202 C Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 391-1383 M-Th 10am-8pm F 10am-7pm Sa 10am-2pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 8am-7pm Mesch, Daniel R. LMHC Rosenberg, Mercedes E. LMHC Languages: Hebrew, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 960 W 41st St Ste 106 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-0588 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 11110 N Kendall Dr Ste 200 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 596-3335 Sa 8am-2pm M-F 9am-5pm Nay, Regina L. LPC Languages: Spanish 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 Tu 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 1550 S Dixie Hwy Ste 203 Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Olmstead, Ruth PHD 2875 NE 191th St Ste 538 Aventura 33180 ‰ (954) 296-8341 M-F 12pm-8pm Sa 9am-1pm Pena, Edda E. LMHC Behavioral Health Providers Proveedores de salud mental 2050 W 56th St Ste 15 16 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-1555 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Languages: Spanish 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-5535 M-F 8am-7pm Perez, Carlos A. LMHC Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 17 and Over 654 NE 9 Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 Sa 8:30am-3pm M-F 8:30am-5pm Raurell, Gabriela M. MS Languages: Spanish 7392 NW 35th Ter Stes 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 8:30am-6pm Rizzo, Nicole LMHC Languages: Spanish 10550 NW 77th Ct Ste 313-314 Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 821-2621 M-F 8:30am-5:30pm Rose, Barbara K. MS Ross, Arnold J. MS Schwartz, Belky P. MS Languages: Sign Languages, Spanish 283 Park Blvd Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 262-0099 MW 8am-8pm TuThF 8am-5pm Varona, Monica LMHC Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 14400 NW 77th Ct Ste 202 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-8665 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 15490 NW 7th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 685-8245 M-F 8am-8pm Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 900 W 49th St Ste 522 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 698-7525 MTuThF 9am-9pm W 4pm-9pm Vazquez, Carmene LMHC Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 9am-5pm Vazquez, Enrique J. MS Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 8am-1pm Velasco-Quintero, Dania AM Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over 10621 SW 88th St Ste 220 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 402-8282 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 and Over 7500 SW 8th St Ste 101-A Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 402-8282 M-F 9am-1pm Vidal, Rosa M. MA Languages: Spanish 6401 SW 87th Ave Ste 114 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 793-8257 Sa 9am-2pm M-F 9am-5pm Zerpa, Arelys LMHC Languages: Spanish 10637 N Kendall Dr Ste 7G Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 338-8999 F 10am-5pm M-Th 10am-7pm 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm 11401 SW 40th St Ste 335 Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 338-8999 MWTh 9:30am-6:30pm Sa 10am-12pm F 10am-3pm Tu 9:30am-7pm OP Mental Hlth/ Substance Abuse/Salud mental/abuso de sustancias ambulatorio Agape Company 22790 SW 112 Ave Cutler Bay 33170 ‰ (305) 235-2616 M-F 9am-5pm Center For Family & Child Enrichment 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Community Health Of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 9am-5pm Coral Community Mental Health Center 2141 SW 1st St Ste 103 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 644-6024 M-F 9am-5pm D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Devereux Foundation 10800 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33161 ‰ (239) 690-5200 M-F 9am-5pm Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Ctr Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1150 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 403-0654 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1680 Meridian Ave Ste 501 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 531-5341 M-F 8am-5pm Fellowship House 5711 S Dixie Hwy South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm Guided Steps Healthcare Treats Patients Ages 3 through 65 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste 310 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 206-0331 M-F 9am-5pm Healing Solutions 1312 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-0662 M-F 9am-5pm Healthy Connections CMHC 1825 NW 167th St Ste 102 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-7450 M-F 9am-5pm 2780 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 646-0112 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network Homestead Behavioral Clinic 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 654 NE 9th Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-F 9am-5pm Morning Star Centers 7811 Coral Way Ste 106 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 412-0138 M-F 9am-5pm Murray, Kim P. MD 1444 Biscayne Blvd Ste 214 Miami 33132 ‰ (786) 456-8800 M-F 8:30am-5pm New Era Health Center 9600 SW 8th St Ste 1 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-8838 M-F 9am-5pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm PsychSolutions Treats Patients Ages 64 and Under 16201 SW 95th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 668-9000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 64 and Under 700 S Royal Poinciana Blvd Ste 300 Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 668-9000 M-F 9am-5pm The Children's Home Society Of Florida Treats Patients Ages 5 through 18 800 NW 15th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 324-1262 M-F 9am-5pm Psychiatric Hospital/Hospital psiquiátrico Jackson South Community Hospital 9333 SW 152nd St Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 251-2500 M-F 9am-5pm Larkin Community Hospital 7031 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Mount Sinai Medical Center 4300 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-2110 M-F 9am-5pm North Shore Medical Center 1100 NW 95th St Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Southern Winds Health LLC 4225 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-9700 M-F 9am-5pm The Devereux Foundation 10800 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33161 ‰ (239) 690-5200 M-F 9am-5pm Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner/ Enfermera profesional psiquiátrica The Chrysalis Center Alsafeer, Dominique APNP Treats Patients Ages 12 through 17 144 NW 11th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-8502 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 5 through 64 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 through 17 14707 S Dixie Hwy Ste 403 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-7336 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 through 17 2215 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 644-4555 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 through 17 5375 NW 74th Ave Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 513-4301 M-F 8am-5pm Asensio, Richard ARNP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Burton, Lisa M. APNP 14707 S Dixie Hwy Ste 403 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-7336 M-F 9am-5pm Trinity CMHC 15325 NW 60th Ave Ste 105 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 512-5388 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Behavioral Health Providers/Proveedores de salud mental Page/Página 73 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Psychiatry, Child/Psiquiatría infantil Cioffi, George V. APNP Alonso, Leonardo MD Donghia, Beatriz H. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 15 and Over 1300 Coral Way Ste 208 Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 854-7952 TuWF 8am-6pm Th 2am-7pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 719 NW 13th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 547-2011 M-W 9am-5pm ThF 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese 10 NW 42nd Ave Ste 500 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 643-7800 M-F 8am-5pm Dellagloria, Marilyn C. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 13 and Over 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-5535 M 9am-7pm Th 8am-7pm TuWF 8:30am-7pm Foster, James NP Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 3950 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (727) 450-7269 M-F 9am-5pm Montanez, Ruben NP Languages: Spanish 6100 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 400 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 757-0602 M-F 9am-5pm Munoz, Asuncion M. NP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 777 E 25th St Ste 302 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (786) 553-0954 MTuTh 9am-5pm Peterkin, Pauline J. APNP Ripoll, Carlos ARNP Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 654 NE 9 Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-F 8:30am-5pm Sa 8:30am-3pm Psychiatry/ Psiquiatría Abreu, Alba M. MD 10720 Carribean Blvd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (786) 293-9544 M-F 8am-5pm 3850 W Flagler St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 9am-5pm 3850 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 50 and Over 14411 Commerce Way Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 827-2822 M-F 9am-4pm Borrego, Priscilla M. MD Languages: Spanish 10 NW 42nd Ave Ste 500 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 643-7800 M-F 9am-5pm 10 NW 42nd Ave Ste 500 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 643-7800 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm 3850 W Flagler St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm 3850 West Flagler St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm Davis, Asha S. MD Languages: Spanish 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-5535 M-F 9am-5pm De La Maza, Antonio MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Dhillon, Manvir S. MD Languages: Punjabi, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Diaz-Silveira, Carlos F. MD 3850 W Flagler St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: CreoleCriollo, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 4385 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 824-0637 W 9am-4pm MTuTh-Sa 9am-2pm Esquenazi, Moises MD Languages: Spanish 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Georgescu, Manuela MD 3850 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3334 M-F 8am-5pm Gomez, Edwin A. MD Languages: Spanish 3850 W Flagler St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm Gorelick, Maria A. MD Languages: Spanish 10720 Caribbean Blvd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (786) 293-9544 M-F 8am-5pm 3850 W Flagler St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm 3850 West Flagler St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm 3850 West Flagler St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm Greenstein, Yakov MD Languages: Spanish, Yiddish, Hebrew Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Hernandez, Nelson D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1300 Coral Way Ste 208 Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 854-7952 MWF 9am-5pm 3850 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3334 M-F 08am-5pm Kramer, David R. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 1175 NE 125th St Ste 400 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 892-6161 Sa 10am-2pm M-F 9am-7pm 1250 SW 27th Ave Ste 402 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-8pm 12550 Biscayne Blvd Ste 518 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-8pm Martinez-Casuso, Rosa MD Languages: Spanish 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Molina, Marino MD Languages: Spanish 625 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 681-7770 M-Th 8am-6pm Mowerman, Samuel MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 M-WF 7:30am-5pm Th 7:30am-6pm Nasserzare, Jahanbakhsh MD Languages: German, Persian Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1380 NE Miami Gardens Dr Ste 215 North Miami Beach 33179 ‰ (305) 940-0064 M-F 9am-5pm Navarro Gonzalez, Nancy N. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 16 and Over 100 NE 38th St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1599 M-W 8am-5pm Th 9am-6pm F 8am-4pm Olti, Vivian MD Languages: Spanish 1680 Meridian Ave Ste 501 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 531-5341 M-F 8:30am-5pm Padrino, Natacha M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 12260 SW 8th St Ste 232 Miami 33184 ‰ (786) 409-2683 M-F 8am-5pm Pelta, Ely MD 11645 Biscayne Blvd North Maimi 33181 ‰ (305) 424-5524 M-F 7:30am-4pm Peraza, Marilyn MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 10 NW 42nd Ave Ste 500 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 643-7800 M-F 9am-5pm 10 NW 42nd Ave Ste 500 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 643-7800 M-F 8am-5pm Perez, Miguel A. MD Languages: Spanish 777 E 25th St Ste 219 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-6805 M-F 9am-5pm Turner, Rosa F. MD Languages: Spanish 1825 NW 167th St Ste 102 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-7450 TuW 9am-5pm Urrutia, Alejandro M. MD 3850 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 8am-5pm 3850 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3300 M-F 9am-5pm WORTHALTER, PEYSAF W. MD Languages: French, Spanish 1825 NW 167th St Ste 102 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-7450 Th 9am-5pm Psychiatry, Child/Psiquiatría infantil Kramer, David R. MD Languages: Spanish 11880 SW 40th St Ste 211 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 554-0808 M 2pm-8pm Tu-F 2pm-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 1175 NE 125th St Ste 400 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 892-6161 Sa 10am-2pm M-F 9am-7pm Salgado, Carlos A. MD Martinez-Casuso, Rosa MD Pozo, Oscar D. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 928-5722 M-F 8:30am-5pm Sandoval, Carlos J. MD Languages: Italian, Spanish 283 Park Blvd Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 262-0099 Th 8am-7pm TuF 8am-5pm MW 8am-8pm Sa 9am-1pm Segal, Scott D. MD Languages: Spanish 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Tauler, Antonio E. MD Languages: Spanish 3850 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3334 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 3850 W Flagler St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 774-3334 M-F 8:30am-5pm Languages: Spanish 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Molina, Marino MD Languages: Spanish 625 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 681-7770 M-Th 8am-6pm Perez, Miguel A. MD Languages: Spanish 777 E 25th St Ste 219 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-6805 M-F 9am-5pm Segal, Scott D. MD Languages: Spanish 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (888) 852-6672 M-F 9am-5pm Tauler, Antonio E. MD Languages: Spanish 3850 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-3334 M-F 8am-5pm Vega, Maria J. MD Languages: Spanish 1951 NW 17th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 774-9570 M-F 9am-5pm Behavioral Health Providers Proveedores de salud mental 10300 SW 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm Balcazar, Sergio MD Espinosa, Hugo M. MD Kakar, Rishi MD Languages: Hindi 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 North Miami 33161 ‰ (888) 852-6672 Th 10am-4pm MW 8:30am-5pm F 10am-5pm Tu 9am-5pm Page/Página 74 Behavioral Health Providers/Proveedores de salud mental Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Psychiatry, Child/Psiquiatría infantil WORTHALTER, PEYSAF W. MD Avellaneda, Victoria B. MD Gibbs, Charles C. PHD Kastrinos, Marlene M. PHD Prado, Haydee PSYD Languages: French, Spanish 1825 NW 167th St Ste 102 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-7450 Th 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1695 NW 9th Ave Ste 1208 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 355-8085 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 7590 NW 186th St Ste 208 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 362-8326 MTuTh 9am-6pm W 9:30am-6pm F 9am-9:30pm Languages: Spanish 155 S Miami Ave Ste 400 Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 374-6006 M-F 9am-7pm Languages: Spanish 8550 W Flagler St Ste 105 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 551-5787 M-F 3pm-9pm Sa 8am-6pm Psychiatry, Geriatric/ Psiquiatría geriátrica Borrego, Priscilla M. MD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 19 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8am-5pm Jorge, Cecilia M. MD Languages: Spanish 54 E 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 401-7818 M-F 8am-6pm Sa 9am-2pm Pozo, Oscar D. MD Languages: Spanish 11880 SW 40th St Ste 211 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 554-0808 M 2pm-8pm Tu-F 2pm-5pm Psychology/ Psicología Behavioral Health Providers Proveedores de salud mental Alvarez, Eduardo G. MA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Armstrong, Floyd Daniel PHD 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6801 M-F 9am-5pm 1611 NW 12th Ave W 5th FL Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-6408 M-F 9am-5pm Berkovits, Michelle D. PHD Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under 1120 NW 14th St Ste 1212 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6857 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6848 M-F 9am-5pm Botta Jr, Rafael J. PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1901 SW 1st St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 631-8931 M-Th 9am-6pm F 9am-5pm Sa 9am-1pm Brown, Keiron PSYD 1250 SW 27th Ave Ste 402 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-5255 Su 10am-2pm M-F 8am-6:30pm Sa 8am-3pm 12550 Biscayne Blvd N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-8pm Clark Rapa, Shelia K. PHD Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 2215 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 644-4555 M-F 9am-5pm Daniel, Genevieve L. LMHC Languages: French, Haitian Creole, Spanish 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Diaz, Anele LMHC Languages: Spanish 54 E 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 401-7818 M-F 8am-6pm Gompers, Gaye J. PSYD Languages: Spanish 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-5535 M-F 8am-7pm Gonzalez, Efrain A. PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1695 NW 9th Ave Ste 2416G Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 355-8247 M-F 8am-5pm Gonzalez, Lissette L. PHD Languages: Spanish 7235 Coral Way Ste 212 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 264-5008 MWF 4pm-8pm Gonzalez, Max A. PHD Languages: Spanish 1250 SW 27th Ave Ste 404 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-7pm 12550 Biscayne Blvd Ste 500 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-7pm Hernandez, Madeline PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 2081 W 76th St Ste 101 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-6772 Sa 8am-3pm M-F 3:30pm-8:30pm Jent, Jason F. PHD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 1150 NW 14th St Ste 212 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7550 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6857 M-F 8am-5pm Karunaratne, Addys B. PHD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 8:30am-5pm Marquez, Noemi M. LCSW Languages: Spanish 54 E 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 401-7818 M-F 9am-5pm Medina, Maria E. LPC Languages: Russian, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over 13780 SW 26th St Ste 107 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 480-7839 M-F 8:30am-4:30pm Menendez-Martinez, Geysha M. PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 9570 SW 107th Ave Ste 202 C Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 391-1383 M-Th 10am-8pm F 10am-7pm Sa 10am-2pm Molinet Molina, Margie PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 1390 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1105 Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 669-2549 M-F 9am-5pm Morgan, Christina R. PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over 6401 SW 87th Ave Ste 114 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 469-8973 M-F 9am-5pm 6401 SW 87th Ave Ste 114 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 469-8973 M-Th 3:30pm-8pm Nadal, Anais PSYD Ramirez, Vanessa PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 9am-5pm Rivera, Brenda I. PSYD Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm Rosenberg, Mercedes E. LMHC Languages: Spanish 11110 N Kendall Dr Ste 200 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 596-3335 Sa 8am-2pm M-F 9am-5pm Saavedra, Leila T. PSYD Languages: Spanish 100 Northeast 38 St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1599 M 9am-6pm Tu-F 8am-6pm St Fleurose, Sheilla PSYD Languages: Haitian Creole 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 9am-5pm Valcourt-Rodriguez, Maria PSYD Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 6625 Miami Lakes Sr Ste 322 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 342-3425 ThF 10am-8pm Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 9361 SW 62nd St Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 342-3425 M-W 10am-8pm Psychology, Child/Psicología infantil Alvarez, Eduardo G. MA Languages: Spanish Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Brown, Keiron PSYD 12550 Biscayne Blvd N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 642-5255 M-F 9am-8pm Cuadra, Anai M. PHD Languages: French, Spanish Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6857 M-F 9am-5pm Dandes, Susan K. PHD Treats Patients Ages 20 and Under 1150 NW 14th St Ste 212 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-7550 M-F 9am-5pm Daniel, Genevieve L. LMHC 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 8am-5pm Languages: Spanish 2830 NE 8th St Miami Beach 33033 ‰ (305) 246-1288 MF 10am-3pm Nodar-Miller, Cristina PSYD Vidal-Zas, Alicia R. PSYD Languages: French, Spanish 6401 SW 87th Ave Ste 114 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 897-7593 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 14225 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 221-8200 M-F 9am-5pm 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Delamater, Alan M. PHD Pozo, Oscar D. MD Wilson, Woodrow PSYD Treats Patients Ages 6 and Over 13301 SW 132nd Ave Ste 102 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 342-3425 M-F 9am-5pm 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-6857 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 11880 SW 40th St Ste 211 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 554-0808 M 2pm-8pm Tu-F 2pm-5pm Languages: French, Haitian Creole, Spanish 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Días de la semana: M=L, Tu=MA, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Behavioral Health Providers/Proveedores de salud mental Page/Página 75 Monroe County/Condado de Monroe OP Mental Hlth/Substance Abuse/Salud mental/abuso de sustancias ambulatorio Dowling, Monica D. PHD Thompson, Winsome S. PSYD 1601 NW 12th Ave Ste 4046 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under 1475 NW 12th Ave Ste C130 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-7210 M-F 9am-5pm Gil, Lisette LMHC Languages: Spanish 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 4:30pm-8:30pm Sa 9am-1pm Gompers, Gaye J. PSYD Languages: Spanish 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 208 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-5535 M-F 8am-7pm Gonzalez, Lissette L. PHD Languages: Spanish 6450 W 21st Ct Ste 207 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 264-5008 TuTh 4pm-8pm Hamilton, Andrea C. MED Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm Kerdyk, Lynn F. PHD 1601 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 243-0214 M-F 9am-5pm Marquez, Noemi M. LCSW Languages: Spanish 54 E 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 401-7818 M-F 9am-5pm Nodar-Miller, Cristina PSYD Languages: French, Spanish 6401 SW 87th Ave Ste 114 Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 897-7593 M-F 9am-5pm St Fleurose, Sheilla PSYD Languages: Haitian Creole 1065 NE 125th St Ste 206 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-0050 M-F 9am-5pm Languages: Spanish 1444 Biscayne Blvd Ste 208 36-37 Miami 33132 ‰ (305) 764-0194 M-F 9am-5pm 2830 NE 8th St Miami Beach 33033 ‰ (305) 246-1288 MF 10am-3pm Vidal-Zas, Alicia R. PSYD Languages: Spanish 14225 SW 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 221-8200 M-F 9am-5pm Residential Treatment Center/Centro de tratamiento residencial Agape Company 22790 SW 112 Ave Cutler Bay 33170 ‰ (305) 235-2616 M-F 9am-5pm Better Way of Miami 800 NW 28th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 634-3409 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Here's Help 9016 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 238-8500 M-F 9am-5pm New Hope CORPS 1020 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-1003 M-F 9am-5pm The Devereux Foundation 10800 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33161 ‰ (239) 690-5200 M-F 9am-5pm The Village South 169 E Flagler St Ste 1300 Miami 33131 ‰ (305) 573-3784 M-F 9am-5pm 3180 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 341-1750 M-F 9am-5pm SubAcute/ Intermediate Care/Cuidado subagudo/ intermedio The Nursing Ctr At Mercy 3671 S Miami Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-1110 M-F 9am-5pm Substance Abuse/Abuso de sustancias Arreaza, Marisela LMHC Languages: Spanish 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Herrera, Lourdes L. MS Languages: Spanish 7100 SW 99th Ave Ste 102 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 275-0045 M-F 9am-5pm Israel, Frona P. MSW Languages: Spanish 5951 NW 173rd Dr Ste 7 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 494-3555 M-F 8am-6pm Wiggins, Carter T. MSW Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 1175 NE 125th St Ste 205 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 895-3307 M-F 9am-5pm MONROE County/ Condado de MONROE IP Mental Hlth/ Substance Abuse/Salud mental/abuso de sustancias en hospital Lower Keys Medical Ctr 1200 Kennedy Dr Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm 5900 College Rd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm Lic Clinical Social Worker/ Trabajador social clínico certificado Melegi-Diaz, Soraya F. LMSW Languages: Spanish 88005 Overseas Hwy Ste 16 Islamorada 33036 ‰ (786) 536-9714 MWF 9am-5pm Nalls, Natasha LCSW Languages: Spanish, Creole-Criollo 626 Josephine Parker Dr Ste 3 Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 741-5628 Sa 10am-2pm M-F 9am-7pm Lic Professional Counselor/ Consejero profesional certificado Nay, Regina L. LPC Languages: Spanish 88005 Overseas Hwy Ste 16 Islamorada 33036 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm OP Mental Hlth/ Substance Abuse/Salud mental/abuso de sustancias ambulatorio ABC's for Success 88005 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 ‰ (305) 396-7574 M-F 9am-5pm Guidance/Care Center 1205 4th St Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm 99198 Overseas Hwy Ste 5 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm Behavioral Health Providers Proveedores de salud mental Treats Patients Ages 18 and Under 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Valcourt-Rodriguez, Maria PSYD 400 NE 31st St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 341-1750 M-F 9am-5pm Chiropractors/Quiroprácticos Page/Página 76 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Miami-Dade County/ Condado de Miami-Dade Alvarez, Jason DC Languages: SPANISH 9950 Sw 107th Ave STE 202 Miami 33176 (305) 505-3449 Chiropractors Quiroprácticos Baum, Mark DC Languages: SPANISH 6701 Sunset Dr STE 209 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 666-6522 Garrido, Eduardo DC 755 East 8th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 884-3334 Goodrich, Aixa DC Munoz, Melissa DC Languages: DUTCH 18921 Nw 2nd Ave Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 238-4800 Greaux, Alexander DC 8380 Sw 124th St Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 238-4800 Languages: SPANISH 3201 Flagler Ave STE 509 Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 296-2663 2440 Ne Miami Gardens Dr STE 101 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 705-0777 3733 Ne 163rd St North Miami Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 940-2225 15118 Sw 72nd St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 386-9559 Daes, Erick DC Languages: SPANISH 8955 Sw 87th Ct STE 101 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-2222 Del Campillo, Maria DC 3625 Nw 82nd Ave STE 320 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 593-1555 Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Nesi, Edwin DC Guadagno, Adolfo DC 1345 Sw 87th Ave Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 262-9818 Languages: SPANISH, GERMAN 8380 Sw 124th St Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 238-4800 Languages: SPANISH 7990 Sw 117th Ave STE 205 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 271-7447 Berman, Jack DC Codinach, Gonzalo DC Nadel, Bruce DC Hidalgo, Manuel DC 9055 Sw 87th Ave STE 311 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 279-2767 Kogan, Natalia DC 909 North Miami Beach Blvd STE 403 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-3506 Levitt, Barry DC 8955 Sw 87th Court STE 101 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 233-5700 Lopate, Jason DC Page, Raymond DC Languages: SPANISH 6705 Red Rd STE 702 Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (305) 662-6433 Pepin, Mark DC Languages: FRENCH, GUJARATI 9044 Sw 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 255-2499 Reynolds, Henry DC 5801 Sw 40th St STE E Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-2071 Romero, Edgar DC Languages: SPANISH 1990 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 445-3130 Sara, Serena DC Languages: SPANISH 10531 S Dixie Hwy Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 669-3942 Schmer, Andrew DC 113 Curtiss Pkwy Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 885-4533 Languages: SPANISH 33550 South Dixie Hwy STE 132 Homestead 33034 ‰ (305) 242-6665 Languages: SPANISH 1991 West 60th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-1808 Exposito, Amaro DC Maguire, Thomas DC Steinberg, Fred DC 207 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-0056 Languages: SPANISH 2825 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 693-0033 Languages: SPANISH 13710 Sw 84th St Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 387-3896 Mair, Laurence DC Tovar, Aura DC 8056 Sw 81st Dr Maimi 33143 ‰ (305) 271-1652 Languages: SPANISH 14680 Sw 8th St STE 215 Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 221-4949 Engelmann, Eric DC Exposito, Susan DC Languages: SPANISH 960 Arthur Godfrey Rd STE 406 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-7284 Fisher, Craig DC Languages: SPANISH 11099 Sw 10th St PG6 STE 145 Miami 33199 ‰ (305) 385-7200 930 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 385-7200 Fisher, Paul DC 13710 Sw 84th St Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 385-7200 Fleischer, Neil DC Languages: SPANISH 18658 Nw 67th Ave Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 620-3500 Frankel, Gordon DC 8025 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33138 ‰ (305) 758-9500 Malavenda, Paul DC Languages: SPANISH, CREOLE 6303 Sw 40th St Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 443-1103 Mandell, Alan DC 20334 Nw 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 654-9100 Martinez, Eduardo DC 3151 Sw 27th Ave Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 443-4636 Mazure, Philippe DC Virga, John DC 489 Hialeah Dr STE 11 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 889-0889 Witherell, Charles DC Languages: SPANISH 974 Old Dixie Hwy Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-7300 Yoham, William DC Languages: SPANISH 18505 Nw 75th Place STE 117 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 556-9191 125 Ne 8th St STE 3 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-2804 Messina, Dennis DC 7221 Sw 63rd Court Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 666-7506 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Vision Care Services/Servicios del cuidado de la vista Page/Página 77 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Ophthalmology/Oftalmología Miami-Dade County/ Condado de Miami-Dade Ophthalmology/ Oftalmología Aguilera, Zenia MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 Languages: N/A, N/A 7931 Sw Bird Road Suite #37 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 262-0606 Aran, Alberto MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Aronowicz, Joel MD Languages: N/A, N/A Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 7949 Nw 2 Street Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 900 W 49th St #300 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Arosemena, Analisa MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 661-8588 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Ballen, Ann MD Languages: N/A, N/A 8501 Sw 124 Ave #109 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 271-4544 8501 Sw 124 Ave #109 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 271-4544 Baum, Robert MD 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Arroyave O'Brien, Claudia MD 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 18926 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 278-9677 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 9642 Sw 72 Street Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 274-2022 Bacallao, Jorge MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 5858 Sw 68th Street Miami 33143 (305) 661-8588 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Bawcombe, Drew MD Languages: N/A, N/A Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 Belalcazar, Rodrigo MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1840 West 49th St Suite 601 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-0201 Berrocal, Audina MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62 Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 Bhadsavie, Seema MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Bruno, Jorge MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 5858 Sw 68th Street Miami 33143 (305) 661-8588 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Caffa, Osvaldo MD Languages: N/A, N/A 7949 Nw 2 Street Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 263-9050 900 W 49th St #300 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 263-9050 9642 Sw 72 Street Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Castro, Luis MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Chua, Jonathan MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Corndorf, Max MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Cortes, Andres MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 202 East 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 442-0066 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 2441 Sw 37th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 442-0066 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Dzelzkalns, Janis MD Languages: N/A, N/A 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 5858 Sw 68th Street Miami 33143 (305) 661-8588 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Esquenazi, Solamon MD Languages: N/A, N/A 202 East 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 442-0066 2441 Sw 37th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 442-0066 Fabrega, Marco MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Gechter, Eric MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Vision Care Services Servicios del cuidado de la vista Allende, Teresa MD 9642 Sw 72 Street Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Page/Página 78 Vision Care Services/Servicios del cuidado de la vista Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Ophthalmology/Oftalmología 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Gonzalez, Ariadna MD Vision Care Services Servicios del cuidado de la vista Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 9600 Sw 8th St Suite 16 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 898-3226 Guliner, Robert MD Languages: Spanish, Portuguese 17971 Biscayne Blvd Suite 110 Aventura 33160 (305) 949-6666 Hamburger, Harry MD Languages: N/A, N/A 8501 Sw 124 Ave #109 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 271-4544 8501 Sw 124 Ave #109 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 271-4544 Hurtado, Andreina MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 2441 Sw 37th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 442-0066 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Hwang, Daniel MD Levy, Jay MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Joshi, Sunir MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Kubal, Aarup MD Languages: N/A, N/A 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Lane, Alan MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Lazcano, Gabriel MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1661 Sw 37th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 443-4733 Leon-Rosen, Jonathan MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 202 East 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 442-0066 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Lewandowska, Beata MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 422-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 3850 Sw 87 Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 476-8266 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Mansur, Arnulfo MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 18926 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 278-9677 Martin, John MD Pardon, Richard MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 1661 Sw 37th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 443-4733 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Masvidal, Raul MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 Mercado, Jennifer MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Ovodenko, Boris MD Languages: N/A, N/A 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Piniella, Alejandra MD 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 Segal, Zachary MD Languages: N/A, N/A 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Languages: N/A, N/A 3661 S Miami Ave Suite 601 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-4511 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Rakofsky, Sanford MD 5858 Sw 68th Street Miami 33143 (305) 661-8588 Languages: N/A, N/A 240 E 1st Ave Ste 109 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 885-9572 Rondon, Oswald MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 3850 Sw 87 Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 476-8266 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Selem, Joseph MD 202 East 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 442-0066 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 Ovodenko, Borris MD Rosen, Jonathan MD Languages: N/A, N/A 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Ozerov, Inna MD 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Segal, Alan MD 3850 Sw 87 Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 476-8266 2441 Sw 37th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 662-2990 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 Languages: N/A, N/A 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Languages: N/A, N/A 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Vision Care Services/Servicios del cuidado de la vista Page/Página 79 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Optometry/Optometría 814 Ponce De Leon Blvd #510 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-0211 814 Ponce De Leon Blvd #510 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-0211 Shienbaum, Gary MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Smith, Sanjay MD 5858 Sw 68th Street Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Languages: N/A, N/A 1500 Nw 12th Ave Suite 1214 West Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 545-0800 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 21150 Biscayne Blvd Suite 202 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 682-9600 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 800 S Douglas Rd Suite 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 461-0212 Wahl, Joanna MD 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Languages: N/A, N/A 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 5858 Sw 68th Street Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Taher, Rashid MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 184 Ne 168th St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 655-0411 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 Tenzel, David MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Vedula, Anil MD Languages: N/A, N/A 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Wals, Kenneth MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Warman, Roberto MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3200 Sw 60th St Ste 103 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8390 3200 Sw 60th St Ste 103 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 662-8390 Yee, Kin MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 Optometry/ Optometría Abrante, Lisbet OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 Alfonso, Martha OD Languages: N/A, N/A 118365-A Sw 26 St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-9100 11865-A Sw 26 St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-9100 366 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (954) 917-2337 366 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (954) 917-2337 Alonso, Felix OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1353 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 854-2388 Arencibia, Guillermo OD 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 3850 Sw 87 Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 476-8266 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Languages: Spanish, N/A 15105 Nw 77th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 364-3737 291 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 858-1828 4155 Sw 130 Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 455-3500 8060 Nw 155 Street Suite 201 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 364-3737 Borrego, Mayden OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Languages: N/A, N/A 8485 Sw 40th Street 103 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 223-6142 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 422-2020 Carcamo, Mario OD 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 306 41 Street Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 442-2020 3850 Sw 87 Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 476-8266 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Benitez, Jillian OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 5858 Sw 68th Street Miami 33143 (305) 661-8588 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Awad, Abraham OD Berman, Gary OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1661 Sw 37th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 443-4733 Languages: N/A, N/A 4815 Nw 183 St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 621-3830 4815 Nw 183 St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 621-3830 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Bolanos, Melody OD Barrios, Naddia OD Languages: N/A, N/A 13818 Sw 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 382-2424 13818 Sw 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 382-2424 Balius, Emilio OD 8025 Nw 36 St #300 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 717-9995 7480 Fairway Dr. #105 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 558-8630 Languages: Spanish, N/A 13852 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 662-2990 1555 Sunset Dr Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 662-2990 2441 Sw 37th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 662-2990 7500 Nw 25th Street #117 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 662-2990 7795 W Flagler St #63 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 662-2990 780 East 9th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 662-2990 Castellanos, Giannie OD Languages: Spanish, N/A Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 15105 Nw 77th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 364-3737 8060 Nw 155 Street Suite 201 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 364-3737 Castro, Oscar OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1550 W 84th St Suite #15 Hialeah 33014 (786) 558-9043 Chen, Andrew OD Languages: N/A, N/A 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 Chin, Gregory OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11423 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 551-6200 11455 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 551-6200 Coppola, Robert OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11865-A Sw 26 St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-9100 366 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-9910 Cuevas, Jesus OD Languages: N/A, N/A 7480 Fairway Dr Ste 105 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 558-8630 7480 Fairway Dr. #105 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 558-8630 Dalmazzo, Amarella OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 18600 Nw 87th Ave #124 Miami Gardens 33015 ‰ (305) 829-3937 Dasilva, Chauntel OD Languages: N/A, N/A 7949 Nw 2 Street Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 263-9050 9642 Sw 72 Street Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Dassler, Judy OD Languages: N/A, N/A 9543 Harding Ave Surfside 33154 ‰ (305) 866-7247 Delvecchio, Patrick OD Languages: Spanish, French Creole 11865 Sw 26th St C 27 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 207-5990 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-2381 Edelman, Reed OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1950 Ne 163rd St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-0037 2000 Ne 164th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-0037 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Vision Care Services Servicios del cuidado de la vista Languages: N/A, N/A 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Villate, Natalia MD Page/Página 80 Vision Care Services/Servicios del cuidado de la vista Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Optometry/Optometría Fischer, Vicky OD Languages: Spanish, N/A Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under 8220 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 225-1145 Forrest, David OD Languages: N/A, N/A 7367 Sw 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 265-7778 Vision Care Services Servicios del cuidado de la vista Forrest, Harold OD Languages: N/A, N/A 118365-A Sw 26 St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-9100 366 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-9910 366 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-9910 Friedman, Terry OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 9350 Sunset Drive #119 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 274-5070 9350 Sunset Drive #119 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 274-5070 Furnari, Gerald OD Languages: N/A, N/A 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-2381 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-2331 Fusselman, John OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 10300 Sw 216th Street Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 207 North Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 5361 N.W. 22 Avenue Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Gleiberman, Jeffrey OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 54 Curtiss Parkway Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 883-1664 54 Curtiss Parkway Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 883-1664 Gold, Aaron OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 6705 S Red Rd Ste 412 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 487-7470 Gomez, Michael OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1770 W. 32nd Pl Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 885-4477 1770 W. 32nd Pl Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 885-4477 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 Gordon, Michael OD Hayward, Jessica OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3901 Nw 79th Street Suite 105 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 717-9995 7480 Fairway Dr. #105 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 558-8630 8025 Nw 36 St #300 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 717-9995 Grindahl, Rahna OD Languages: N/A, N/A 5361 N.W. 22 Avenue Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 Grossman, Alan OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 18557 W Dixie Hy Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 466-0777 Guillory, Sheryl OD Languages: N/A, N/A 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 207 North Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Guliner, Robert OD Languages: N/A, N/A 17971 Biscayne Blvd Suite 110 Aventura 33160 (305) 949-6666 Hagen, James OD Languages: N/A, N/A 118365-A Sw 26 St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-9100 11865-A Sw 26 St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-9100 12979 S 112th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 386-3937 12979 Sw 112th St. Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 386-3937 366 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-9910 Haq, Farwah OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11865-A Sw 26 St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-9100 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Languages: N/A, N/A 16269 Sw 88 St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Masters, Salahuddin OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1353 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 854-2388 Peltzer, Bradley OD Smith, Blanc OD Languages: N/A, N/A 5952 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6946 Languages: N/A, N/A 7949 Nw 2 Street Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Pomella, Keri OD 900 W 49th St #300 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Languages: N/A, N/A 7949 Nw 2 Street Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1550 W 84th Street Suite #15 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (786) 558-9043 1550 W 84th Street Suite #15 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (786) 558-9043 900 W 49th St #300 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 263-9050 5952 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6946 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9642 Sw 72 Street Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Ponce, Roberto OD 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Moss, Marshall OD 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 Holcomb, Christopher OD Languages: N/A, N/A 8410 W Flagler St #201 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 220-7555 Houghton, Stephen OD Languages: N/A, N/A 12640 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 273-7750 3542 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 441-6233 9565 S Dixie Hwy Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 665-3275 Jean, Daniele OD Languages: N/A, N/A 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 207 North Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Laria, Lianette OD Languages: N/A, N/A 8220 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 225-1145 Treats Patients Ages 21 and Under 8220 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 225-1145 Lofton, Robert OD Languages: Spanish, French Creole 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-2331 948 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-2381 78 Nw 37 St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 576-1700 Medina, Ariel OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1644 Ne 164th St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 945-3615 1665 W 49 St Suite 1408 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-5868 Newman, Steven OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 5831 Sw 137th Ave Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 383-4211 5831 Sw 137th Ave Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 383-4211 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Ortiz, Robert OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 366 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (954) 917-2337 5858 Sw 68th Street Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 8353 Nw 36 St Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Patel, Nimisha OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1825 Ne 164th Street Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 945-7113 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1665 W 49th St #1408 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-5869 Rodriguez, Isis OD Languages: N/A, N/A 3727 Sw 8 St 103 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 446-8220 Rodriguez, Jessica OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 Schechtman, Leon OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2000 Ne 164th Street North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-0037 Schecter, Scott OD Languages: N/A, N/A 17100 Collins Ave Ste. 112 Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 661-8588 5950 Sunset Drive Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 661-8588 925 Ne 30 Terrace Ste 216 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 661-8588 9299 Sw 152 St. Ste 101 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 233-8043 Shafi, Sarah OD Languages: N/A, N/A 10300 Sw 216th Street Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 9642 Sw 72 Street Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 263-9050 Tescher, Marc OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1825 Ne 164 St Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 945-7113 1825 Ne 164 St Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 945-7113 Torres, Felix OD Languages: N/A, N/A 8870-2 Sw 40 Street Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 269-9060 8870-2 Sw 40 Street Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 207-1313 907 Sw 87th Ave Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 269-9060 907 Sw 87th Sve Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 269-9060 Valdes, Marcos OD Languages: Spanish, N/A Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 5786 Sw 8th St West Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-7273 Wenzel, Frank OD Languages: N/A, N/A 12640 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 273-7750 3542 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 441-0533 9565 S Dixie Hwy Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 665-3275 Wigdor, Steven OD Languages: N/A, N/A 17941 Biscayne Blvd Aventura 33160 ‰ (305) 931-0225 17941 Biscayne Blvd Aventura 33160 ‰ (305) 931-0225 Xuna, Jason OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 6741 Sw 24th St #54 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 717-8181 Young, Guy OD Languages: Spanish, N/A 944 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-5004 944 North Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-5004 Young, Johanna OD Languages: N/A, N/A 944 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-5004 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Vision Care Services/Servicios del cuidado de la vista Page/Página 81 Monroe County/Condado de Monroe Optometry/Optometría Zambrano, Aura OD Gonzalez, Ariadna MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 442-2020 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 442-2020 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Zubizarreta, Noemi OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 18926 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 278-9677 2140 W 68 St 405 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 823-1600 250 Sw Le Jeune Road Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-7459 290 Nw 165 St Ph2, 4Th Fl North Miami Beach 33169 ‰ (305) 949-1600 8000 Sw 117 Ave 203 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 274-2022 Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Ophthalmology/ Oftalmología Bruno, Jorge MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Dzelzkalns, Janis MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Ozerov, Inna MD 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Segal, Alan MD Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Hayward, Jessica OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Schecter, Scott OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Sheldon, John OD Languages: N/A, N/A 6400 Overseas Highway Marathon 33050 (305) 743-2020 Segal, Zachary MD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Optometry/ Optometría Chen, Andrew OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (303) 661-8588 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 99696 Overseas Highway Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 Haq, Farwah OD Languages: N/A, N/A 1708 N. Roosevelt Blvd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 661-8588 50 Barracuda Lane Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 661-8588 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Vision Care Services Servicios del cuidado de la vista Languages: Spanish, N/A 1097 Sw Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-2020 Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 82 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dental Hygiene/Higiene dental Miami-Dade County/ Condado de Miami-Dade Dental Hygiene/ Higiene dental Brumaire, Meceron RDH Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 Dental Services Servicios dentales 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Dentistry/ Odontología Abolsky, Norman DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 12534 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 595-2335 Abrahams, Howard DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3750 W 16th Ave Ste 236U Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 231-0545 Acosta, Damian DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 10717 Nw 58th St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 513-4058 13757 Sw 152nd St Miami 33177 ‰ (305) 251-5390 Acosta, Frank DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 9275 Sw 152nd St Suite 206 Village Of Palmetto 33157 ‰ (305) 233-3922 Acosta, Harold DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Adelman, David DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 16680 Ne 10th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 944-6669 Adler, Robert DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Agrawal, Ankur DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 9280 Hammocks Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 387-5700 Aguilar, Lina DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1001-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 275-8875 Alawa, Abdul DDS Languages: Arabic, Spanish 16770 Nw 67th Ave Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 558-0388 Aldama-Espinosa, Evelyn DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1250 Nw 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 677-3450 Alfonso, Jossue DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 351 Nw 42nd Ave Ste 402 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 642-4142 5171 Sw 8 Street Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 567-0236 Alfonzo, Fara DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2772 Nw 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 643-4900 432 Nw 12th Ave Miami 33128 ‰ (305) 326-7159 Alvarez, Elibeth DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 4186 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6291 4186 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6291 Angulo, Liliana DDS Avman, Selin DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 614 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 846-9126 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 Aponte-Barrios, Secil DDS 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1005-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-3001 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1350 Sw 57th Ave Ste 106 West Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 265-6120 Alvarez, Maria DDS Arenal, Franlix DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11336 Sw 184th St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 251-4262 Languages: Arabic, Creole 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Suite 401 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-8591 Arocha, Josefina DDS Alvarez, Pedro DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 610 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 885-5026 Alvarez, Rosa DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3762 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-6661 Alvo, Gary DDS Languages: Arabic, Czech 16600 Ne 8th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 944-3441 Amador, Mirtha DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 357 Almeria Ave Suite 105 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 569-9001 357 Almeria Ave Suite 105 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 458-4841 Amaya, Andres DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Amselem, Shalom DDS Languages: Hebrew, Spanish 2630 Ne 203rd St Suite101 Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 931-1888 Languages: Spanish, N/A 3945 Sw 92nd Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 220-0066 Arriola, Antonio DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1231 W 44th Pl Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-9919 Arzola, Vanessa DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 13419 Sw 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 559-2663 Aseriel, Haim DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Atkinson, William DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Ayala, Diana DDS Languages: Italian, Spanish 340 Alhambra Cir Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-6422 Baez Henry, Carlianette DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Baez, Yolanda DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 9644 Sw 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 227-0155 Balmir-Thevenin, Joelle DDS Languages: French, Croatian 10621 N Kendall Dr Suite 102 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-0510 Barber, Janetxia DMD Languages: Spanish, Vietnamese 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 Barfield, Gregory DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 1370 Washington Ave Suite 201 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-7362 Barnes, Curtis DMD 1449 W Flagler St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-3500 Barrera, Martha DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 13091 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 408-3388 Batista, Virginia DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11498 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 232-4469 Becerra, Maria DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 936 Sw 82nd Ave Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 269-1440 Benabe, Vanessa DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 1075 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 558-3811 Bergquist, Michael DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 12002 Sw 128th Ct Ste 108 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 232-0074 Berry, Wayne DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 Betancourt, Arely DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 9840 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 223-0420 Bezerra, Anthony DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Bienes, Lissette DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3411 Sw 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 221-0301 Blanco, Diana DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Languages: Creole, French 3510 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1234 Aurrecoechea, Rafael DDS Baro, Rosemarie DMD 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: Spanish, N/A 5370 Palm Ave Suite 5 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 821-9022 Languages: Spanish, N/A 10122 W Flagler St Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 226-3386 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 401 Miracle Mile Ste 209 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 456-4592 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 83 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Blanco, Farid DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 18934 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 249-3445 199 Sw 12th Ave Ste 5 Miami 33130 ‰ (786) 401-6024 199 Sw 12th Ave Ste 5 6 Miami 33130 ‰ (786) 401-6024 4765 W 8th Ave Fl 4 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-0902 7801 Coral Way Suite 100 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 262-4604 9724 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 747-7269 Blanco, Jorge DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 18934 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 249-3445 199 Sw 12th Ave Ste 5 Miami 33130 ‰ (786) 401-6024 199 Sw 12th Ave Ste 5 6 Miami 33130 ‰ (786) 401-6024 4765 W 8th Ave Fl 4 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-0902 7801 Coral Way Suite 100 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 262-4604 8500 W Flagler St Ste 107A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 551-6405 9724 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 747-7269 Blanco, Kemel DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 18934 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 249-3445 9724 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 747-7269 Blay, Marina DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 5190 Nw 167th St Ste 216 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 624-4114 Block, Robert DMD Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Boillot, Kathy DMD Languages: Creole, Hebrew 19517 Nw 57th Ave Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 621-3111 Borges, Jorge DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 8000 W Flagler St Ste 204 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 266-5222 Bretos, Alexander DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 5511 Sw 8th St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 264-1200 Bridge, Donna DMD Languages: Creole, Croatian 18360 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 694-6270 5361 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 5607 Nw 27th Ave Ste 2 Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 Brody, Robert DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 11865 Sw 26th St Suite C39 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0600 13876 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-4215 199 Sw 12th Ave Ste 5 6 Miami 33130 ‰ (786) 401-6024 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 4765 W 8th Ave Fl 4 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-0902 2501 Sw 22nd St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-2545 7801 Coral Way Suite 100 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 262-4604 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 199 Sw 12th Ave Ste 5 Miami 33130 ‰ (786) 401-6024 Cabanzon, David DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 20533 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 233-1118 Cabrera, Giselle DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Cala, Angela DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1009 Nw 5th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (786) 336-1437 4500 Nw 7th St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 443-9206 Cardenas Sarracino, Astrid DDS 5190 Nw 167th St Ste 109 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 384-6450 Languages: N/A, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 6741 Sw 24th St Ste 14 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 264-0747 8300 W Flagler St Ste 200 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 553-0270 Campbell, Lisa DDS Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 8600 Nw 17th St Ste 200 Doral 33126 ‰ (786) 845-0164 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 971 Nw 2nd St Miami 33128 ‰ (786) 336-1437 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 Calderon, Erik DMD 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1518 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-2661 9280 Hammocks Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 387-5700 Calixte, Karine DDS Languages: Cambodian, Chinese 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 Caravia, Amanda DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 11300 Northwest 87th Court Suite 141 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-8600 11300 Northwest 87th Court Suite 141 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 392-0257 20533 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 233-1118 4186 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6291 4186 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6291 Cardenas, Carlos DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 10500 W Flagler St Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 223-7766 Cardenas, Elio DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 580 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 557-6711 Carpio, Jesus DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 5632 Nw 167th St Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 625-9777 Casanova, Elena DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 615 Collins Ave Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 535-5540 Casas, Manuel DMD Languages: Creole, French 3510 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-1234 Casas, Silvia DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 951 Ne 167th St Ste 104 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 493-9371 Cascante, Oscar DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 8501 Sw 124th Ave Suite 107 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 279-9005 Casey, Barbara DDS 6600 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 821-2611 Languages: Arabic, Creole 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 5361 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 8353 Sw 124th St Suite 202 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 253-7227 CastellanosGonzalez, Madeleine DMD 5607 Nw 27th Ave Ste 2 Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1005-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-3001 Calvo, Jose DDS 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 114 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-0099 Languages: Spanish, N/A 2140 W 68th St Suite 202 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 820-4080 18360 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 694-6270 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Languages: Spanish, N/A 266 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 823-9982 Casthely, Franklin DDS Languages: Creole, French 160 Ne 82nd St Miami 33138 ‰ (305) 756-7602 Castillo, Sandra DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1490 Ne Miami Gardens Dr Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 949-5252 Cayon, Alicia DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 8370 W Flagler St Ste 150 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 227-3083 Cedeno, Rene DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 8200 Sw 117 Ave Ste 408 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 598-4885 Chase, Kelly DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Chase, Kely DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Cheng, Xiaofang DDS Languages: Arabic, Chinese 12651 S Dixie Hwy Ste 400 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-1486 Chiang, Eva DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Chin-Thompson, Angella DMD Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services Servicios dentales 8500 W Flagler St Ste 107A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 551-6405 8500 W Flagler St Ste 107A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 551-6405 Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 84 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Chiu, Gordon DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 114 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-0099 Dental Services Servicios dentales Claro, Rita DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 5771 Nw 7th St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 267-3751 Coba, Richard DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 9541 Sw 72nd St Kendall 33173 ‰ (305) 595-1239 Colaizzi, Lynda DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 38 Nw 8th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-0460 Collazo, Ralph DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 10620 Nw 19th St Doral 33172 ‰ (786) 331-7055 15502 Nw 77th Ct Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 822-7332 5511 Sw 8th St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 264-1200 Cooper, Angela DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 5589 Sw 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 266-4566 Corrales-Iglesias, Luisa DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 12001 Sw 128th Ct Ste 204 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 330-9261 4538 Nw 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 625-8272 Correa, Anelys DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 6500 Cow Pen Rd Ste 203 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 556-7595 Cortiza Sardinas, Yoan DMD Dagan, Shachar DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: N/A, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Costa, Manuel DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 791 E 48th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 769-0252 Cotelo-Pardo, Yanepsi DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 299 Alhambra Cir Ste 202 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-3074 Coulter, Mark DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 5511 Sw 8th St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 264-1200 Cruz Daleccio, Iris DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 9115 Sw 87th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-9556 Cruz, Karen DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 9950 Sw 107th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-4397 Cuenca, Annie DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11760 Sw 40th Street Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-0521 765 E 9th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 883-4880 De La Cruz, Alejandro DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 38 Nw 8th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-0460 646 W Palm Dr Suite 200 Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 242-1200 7380 Sw 40 St Ste B Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 441-2773 De La Rua, Lissette DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 11865 Sw 26th St Suite C39 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0600 13876 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-4215 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 De La Torre, Carmen DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 336 Nw 5th St Miami 33128 ‰ (305) 577-4840 De Vera, Vanessa DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Deaguirre, Elizabeth DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2750 W 68th St Suite 108 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 826-3255 806 Douglas Rd South Tower, Ste 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 446-2226 806 Douglas Rd South Tower, Ste 150 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 446-2226 Del Valle, Jose DDS Drobes, David DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3918 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-1770 Languages: Spanish, N/A 5190 Nw 167th St Ste 216 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 624-4114 Delima, Anacaona DDS Edderai, Jean DDS Languages: Arabic, Spanish 1075 Ne 125th St Suite 201 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 899-7979 Languages: French, Hebrew 17101 Ne 19th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 947-7999 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1005-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-3001 Edderai, JeanJacques DDS 975 41 Street Suite 306 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-1728 Depena, Laura DMD Languages: Creole, Hebrew 19517 Nw 57th Ave Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 621-3111 Dewitt, David DDS Languages: Hebrew, Spanish 4841 W 4th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-2261 Diaz, Farah DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 4005 Sw 152nd Ave Unit 2 Miami 33185 ‰ (786) 409-5295 Diaz, Gertrudis DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7900 Nw 27th Ave Suite 275 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 693-7988 Diaz, Vivian DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 13400 Sw 120th St Ste 310 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 255-9497 14750 Sw 26th St Ste 210 Miami 33185 ‰ (305) 400-8060 Diaz, Yanet DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3945 Sw 92nd Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 220-0066 4538 Nw 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 625-8272 Dirla, Florin DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 4201 Palm Ave Ste 2d Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 456-6474 Dorrego, Daniel DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1075 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 558-3811 Languages: French, Hebrew 17101 Ne 19th Ave Suite 104 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 947-7999 Ede-Nichols, Diane DMD Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Egusquiza, Ricardo DDS Languages: Creole, Spanish 7900 Nw 27th Ave Suite 205 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 693-8888 Ellen, Steven DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Elperin, Alexei DMD Languages: Chinese, Creole 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 Eng, Martha DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 427 Hialeah Dr Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 391-4566 Espinal, Licette DDS Languages: Chinese, Creole 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 Espinet Kusnier, Elaine DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 4186 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6291 4186 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6291 Espinosa, Ricardo DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 15724 Sw 72nd St Miami 33193 ‰ (305) 388-7900 Exposito, Ariel DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 333 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 818 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-0095 Fandino, Mayra DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 482 Fisherman St Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 687-6880 Farrokhi, Ali DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Northwest 87th Court Suite 141 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 392-0257 11300 Northwest 87th Court Suite 141 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-8600 Feoli, Carmen DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1490 Ne Miami Gardens Dr Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 949-5252 Fernandez Dominguez, Giselle DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2360 W 68th St Ste 124 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 825-7447 Fernandez, Aurelio DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 8500 W Flagler St A 101 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 552-5511 9299 Sw 152nd St Suite 204 Village Of Palmetto 33157 ‰ (305) 235-8912 Fernandez, Edith DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 8560 Sw 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-0509 Fernandez, German DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 6840 Bird Road Suite 207 A Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6111 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 85 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología Fernandez, Maria DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 4830 Sw 8th St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 446-1067 Figueredo, Maria DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 5924 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-2133 Figueroa, Celia DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 161 Nw 29th St Miami 33127 ‰ (786) 313-3330 400 W 65th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 827-0434 Fleischman, Dirk DDS Flores, Joan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11890 Sw 8th St Ste 300 Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 485-0072 Flores, Juan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7171 Coral Way Ste 401 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 264-9191 Fornos, Jorge DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Fraga, Daynet DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Franco, Elba DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2260 Sw 8th St Suite 201 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 631-1998 Friedman, Rene DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 12800 Sw 8th St Miami 33184 ‰ (786) 332-3176 15011 Sw 88th Ave Ste C101 Palmetto Bay 33176 ‰ (786) 507-1551 1935 W 60th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 821-3344 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1005-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-3001 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1001-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 275-8875 Fuller, Ellis DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Fundora, Yolaivys DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3945 Sw 92nd Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 220-0066 Garces, Carolina DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 9595 N Kendall Dr Ste 201 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-6411 Garcia, Cristina DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11400 N Kendall Dr Suite 207 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-2254 Garcia, Idalmes DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Garrastazu, Juan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 10717 Nw 58th St Doral 33178 ‰ (305) 513-4058 13757 Sw 152nd St Miami 33177 ‰ (305) 251-5390 Gay, Joseph DDS Languages: Croatian, Spanish 18063 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 625-3747 18063 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 625-3747 Gedeon, Rose DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1518 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-2661 15721 Sw 152nd St Miami 33187 ‰ (305) 233-3335 Geno, Jose DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2200 Sw 16th St Ste 202 Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 854-8707 George, Deborah DDS Languages: Creole, Croatian 18360 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 694-6270 5361 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 5607 Nw 27th Ave Ste 2 Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 Gerry, Charlotte DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Ghurani, Rami DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-5600 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1001-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 275-8875 Gil Araujo, Eduardo DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2360 W 68th St Ste 124 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 825-7447 9950 Sw 107th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-4397 Gil-Araujo, Eduardo DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2360 W 68th St Ste 124 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 825-7447 9950 Sw 107th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 595-4397 Goldstein, Alexander DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 30 Nw 15th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-9691 Gomara, Luis DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-2438 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Gonzalez, Carlos DDS Goodwin, Sharon DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11352 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 969-2651 Languages: Cambodian, Chinese 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 Gonzalez, Edek DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1518 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-2661 4410 W 16 Ave Ste 52 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-9899 9280 Hammocks Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 387-5700 Gonzalez, Hansel DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1125 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 649-6112 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Gonzalez, Kenia DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Gonzalez, Yanela DMD 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Gonzalez, Ana DMD 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Languages: Spanish, N/A 7801 Sw 24th Street Ste 122 Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 360-3694 Goodman, Richard DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 830 Washington Ave Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 531-0063 Green, Beverly DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Guerra, Daniel DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 2501 Sw 22nd St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-2545 Guilarte, Rhona DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Gutierrez, Carlos DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 151 Giralda Ave Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (786) 452-1748 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Gutierrez, Jorge DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3822 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 362-5559 Gutierrez, Marlen DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1124 W 29th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 885-7767 2060 Sw 27th Ave Coral 33145 ‰ (305) 444-4430 Guzman, Nestor DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 19084 Ne 29th Ave Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 933-4355 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1005-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-3001 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services Servicios dentales Languages: Spanish, N/A 6670 Sw 117th Ave Kendall 33183 ‰ (305) 595-3400 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 86 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología Haghighi, Azin DMD Henao, Gloria DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 Languages: Spanish, N/A 18300 Nw 62nd Ave Ste 120 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 570-1777 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 Haratz, Zina DDS Languages: Creole, French 16125 Ne 18th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 949-2766 Dental Services Servicios dentales Hart, Darlene DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Hasan-Verrett, Hajar DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3058 Nw 79th St Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 696-9999 HendersonDominguez, Gilsa DDS Hernandez Bonnet, Christina DMD 1470 Nw 107th Ave Suite F Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 594-8666 Languages: Spanish, N/A 13632 N Kendall Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-1442 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 5190 Nw 167th St Ste 216 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 624-4114 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Herrera Casas, Sunilda DDS Hernandez, Daynet DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1199 W Flagler St Ste 7 Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 324-5072 809 Ne 4th Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3961 Languages: Spanish, N/A 801 Nw 37th Ave Ste 204 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 541-5556 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Hernandez-Jerez, Gema DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 401 Coral Way Ste 305 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (786) 360-6812 Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-2438 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Hernandez, Norberto DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1235 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 642-7796 Hernandez, Francisco DDS 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 Languages: Spanish, N/A 2500 Sw 107th Ave Suite 45 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 223-5439 Languages: Arabic, Creole 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Hayate, Jessica DMD 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Hernandez, Maria DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1955 W 68th St Hialeah 33014 ‰ (786) 257-1646 Herrera, Ingrid DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Hernandez, Idalia DDS Herrera, Victoria DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 101 Westward Dr Ste A Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 885-1357 Languages: Arabic, Spanish 1399 Nw 17th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0050 1370 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-1458 Hernandez, Liliam DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2375 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2300 Hidalgo-Gonzalez, Allison DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 8585 Sw 72 St Ste 101 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 270-0171 8585 Sw 72 St Ste 101 Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 270-0171 Him Cerrud, Ginette DDS Languages: Creole, Spanish 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (786) 230-1568 Horesh, Ettie DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Hossain, Marta DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1141 Palm Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-8555 427 Hialeah Dr Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 391-4566 Hui, Harold DMD Languages: Arabic, Chinese 12651 S Dixie Hwy Ste 400 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-1486 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 Ivanier, Sandra DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 Jaramillo, Gabriel DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Khvilivitzky, Ester DDS Jenkins, Martin DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Jerome, Rodlin DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 20823 Nw 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 704-8977 Johnson, Robert DDS Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Kablawi, Fadi DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 27501 S Dixie Hwy Suite 300 Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 245-7733 888 Ne 126th St Suite 203 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 893-0902 Kalai, Ronen DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Kiani, Kamran DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 19517 Nw 57th Ave Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 621-3111 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Kinsey, Angela DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 38 Nw 8th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-0460 Kopynets, Viktor DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Krakauer, Thomas DMD Languages: Creole, Spanish 14050 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33168 ‰ (305) 688-7989 14050 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33168 ‰ (305) 688-7989 Krasnov, Rostislav DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 87 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Kunstmann, Vivian DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Lang, Tomas DDS Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Laurence, Peter DDS Languages: Creole, Spanish 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Languages: Spanish, N/A 400 W 65th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 827-0434 Lemus, Isel DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 5171 Sw 8 Street Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 567-0236 Levine, Howard DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 127 Nw 12th Ave Miami 33128 ‰ (305) 325-1771 Lizaso, Susana DMD Languages: Arabic, N/A 4999 W 8th Ave Ste 28 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6055 4999 W 8th Ave Ste 28 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 556-6055 Lleo, Pedro DDS Languages: Portuguese, Spanish 148 Hialeah Dr Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 360-6262 Lobaina, Yoan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 30 Nw 15th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-9691 8822 Sw 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 480-9838 Londono, Laura DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 11880 Sw 40th St Ste 215 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-1553 1399 Nw 17th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0050 2375 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2300 Loor, Kleber DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1450 W Flagler St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-7800 Lopez De Victoria, Millied DMD Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 Lazcano, Maritza DDS 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 Languages: Spanish, N/A 16940 Sw 94th Ct Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 219-3927 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Lopez, Alexander DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1235 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 948-8882 18140 Ne 19th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 948-8882 Lopez, Anabelle DDS Lopez, Grace DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Martin, Ciro DDS 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Languages: Spanish, N/A 8463 Bird Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 551-6714 Lopez, Manuel DDS Mares, Adolfo DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3190 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 774-7273 Languages: N/A, N/A 306 Sw 12th Ave Suite B Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 642-0535 4040 S Red Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 667-5061 Languages: Spanish, N/A 6847 W 4th Ave Hialeah 33014 ‰ (786) 431-5000 Lubin, Judith DMD 4538 Nw 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 625-8272 3945 Sw 92nd Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 220-0066 Lujan, Aldo DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 13232 Sw 8th St Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 553-9655 Languages: Spanish, N/A 8500 W Flagler St Ste B201 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 480-8353 14771 Biscayne Blvd North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 945-7745 Macagno, Jessica DMD Lopez, Fermin DDS Lopez, Gloriana DDS Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Languages: Spanish, N/A 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1005-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-3001 Languages: Spanish, N/A 20533 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 233-1118 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1125 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 649-6112 Languages: Spanish, N/A 7800 Sw 57th Ave Suite 214 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 667-1131 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Manzur, Lamya DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 2600 Nw 87th Ave Ste 29 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 225-5050 Lopez, Edgar DMD Manteiga, Frank DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3750 W 16th Ave Ste 236U Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 231-0545 Maderal-Cozad, Ana DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7725 Nw 146th St Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 827-9148 Maniglia, Marielba DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Marini, Nohelia DDS Marquez, Jaime DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Marquez-Iglesias, Felicita DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-2438 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-4954 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4890 W 3rd Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 826-0906 4890 W 3rd Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 798-7160 Marrero, Jaydee DDS Martin, Felipe DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 10550 Nw 77th Ct Ste 220 Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 556-9473 12357 W Dixie Hwy North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 696-6660 568 Hialeah Dr Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 863-8995 Martin, Rosa DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1009 Nw 5th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (786) 336-1437 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 845-0164 8600 Nw 17th St Ste 200 Doral 33126 ‰ (786) 845-0164 971 Nw 2nd St Miami 33128 ‰ (786) 336-1437 Martinez, Ernesto DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2742 Sw 8th St Ste 219 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 541-4677 Martinez, Jose DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 38 Nw 8th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-0460 Martinez, Miguel DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-2438 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: N/A, N/A 2501 Sw 22nd St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-2545 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Marshall, Kristine DDS 30 Nw 15th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-9691 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services Servicios dentales Lago-Sanchez, Idelbis DMD Lea Plaza, Rodolfo DDS Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 88 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología 8822 Sw 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 480-9838 Martinez-Pena, Jeidy DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2915 Nw 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 846-9082 Mauskar, Sagar DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 Dental Services Servicios dentales Mclean, Natoya DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 30 Nw 15th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-9691 Mejia Valencia, Ana DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7950 Nw 53rd St Ste 200 Doral 33166 ‰ (844) 304-5437 Mendez, Antonio DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2106 W 68th Street Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 827-6661 9100 Sw Coral Way Suite 9 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 227-7997 Mendez, Rosa DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3822 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 362-5559 Mendigutia, Jose DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1410 W 68th St Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 557-6968 Mendoza, Irenia DDS Menendez, Alexander DDS Miranda, Alejandra DDS Montenegro, Mauricio DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 4800 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 756-3393 Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 Languages: Spanish, N/A 922 E 25th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (786) 542-9700 Menendez, Jorge DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11395 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 226-7135 5232 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-0331 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 Menendez, Nancy DDS 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 Mentrasti, Sylvia DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 Merikas, Amanda DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Miranda, Pablo DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 11880 Sw 40th St Ste 215 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-1553 1399 Nw 17th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0050 Languages: Spanish, N/A 477 Nw 27th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 541-8884 Mierisch, Otto DDS Miller, Mitchell DDS Languages: Creole, Hebrew 19517 Nw 57th Ave Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 621-3111 Languages: Spanish, N/A 916 Sw 67th Ave Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 265-5811 Morin, Aline DMD 568 Hialeah Dr Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 863-8995 Languages: Spanish, N/A 15600 Nw 67th Ave Ste 110 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (786) 623-5820 Monterrey, Judith DDS Munguba, Bozena DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 9000 Sw 137th Ave Ste 205 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 386-4663 Mora, Eugenio DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7171 Coral Way Suite 217 ( Dr. Eugenio Mora) Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 267-1620 Mora, Yosjany DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7171 Coral Way Suite 217 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 267-1620 Morales, Enrique DDS Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 2375 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2300 Miro, Claudio DDS Morales, Maira DDS Muro, Thomas DMD Languages: Italian, Spanish 4790 Nw 7th Street Ste 210-211 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 448-2014 Languages: Spanish, N/A 13550 Sw 120th St Ste 512 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 380-7000 Morales, Ronald DMD Murphy, Candace DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11352 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 969-2651 Languages: N/A, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 Morejon, Hector DMD Mutawalli, Khalid DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 320 W 49 St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 685-7494 Languages: Spanish, N/A 13550 Sw 120th St Ste 512 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 380-7000 Languages: Spanish, N/A 477 Nw 27th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 541-8884 Morell, Nayade DMD Languages: Italian, Spanish 3009 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 691-1616 Mesa, Georgina DMD 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 2797 Ne 207th St Suite 201 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 935-1613 1878 S Red Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 262-9299 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 Languages: N/A, N/A 13550 Sw 88th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 273-4334 Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 14138 Sw 8th St Ste 1 Miami 33184 ‰ (786) 717-7779 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 Montero, Alexander DDS 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 564 Sw 42nd Ave Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-7444 Miro, Kiara DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 13550 Sw 88th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 273-4334 320 W 49 St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 685-7494 564 Sw 42nd Ave Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-7444 Molina, Rolando DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 45 Nw 8th St Ste 101 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 242-5223 5991 Sw 8th St West Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-0505 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 30 Nw 15th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-9691 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Navarro, Maria DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2438 W 60th Street Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 558-6832 Nazario Lugo, Beatriz DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 240 Crandon Blvd Ste 105 Key Biscayne 33149 ‰ (305) 361-7773 5965 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 662-7702 Nazario-Lugo, Beatriz DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 240 Crandon Blvd Ste 105 Key Biscayne 33149 ‰ (305) 361-7773 5965 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 662-7702 Nelson, John DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Noy, Isabel DDS Languages: French, Spanish 5450 Sw 8th St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 444-9951 Ospina, Carolina DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 19517 Nw 57th Ave Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 621-3111 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Palomeque, Cesar DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1111 Sw 8th St Ste 211 Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 856-9837 Papatzimas, Panayotis DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 89 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología Paya, Anabel DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1125 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 649-6112 Peguero, Oscar DMD 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 1141 Palm Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-8555 Prieto, Julio DDS Quevedo, Rachel DDS Perez, Indira DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11400 N Kendall Dr Suite 207 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-2254 Languages: Spanish, N/A 4538 Nw 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 625-8272 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-5600 Perez, Michael DMD Pena, Maria DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 333 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 818 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-0095 Languages: Creole, Croatian 18360 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 694-6270 5361 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 5607 Nw 27th Ave Ste 2 Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 Perez, Alina DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11498 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 232-4469 13550 Sw 88th St Ste 112 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 270-7444 45 Nw 8th St Ste 110 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 504-3313 930 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 247-5161 Perez, Diley DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2915 Nw 70th Ter Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 846-9082 2915 Nw 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 846-9082 Perez, Eunice DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 30 Nw 15th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-9691 8822 Sw 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 480-9838 Perez, Idalmes DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 Perez, Omar DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 9835 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 552-6446 Perrotti, Steven DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 1399 Nw 17th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0050 2375 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2300 Phanord, Roger DMD Languages: Creole, French 1245 Nw 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-7863 5337 Ne 2nd Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 758-0815 Pombo, Maria DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7900 Nw 27th Ave Suite 275 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 693-7988 Presas, Olga DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 45 Nw 8th St Ste 110 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 504-3313 Prieto, Evelyn DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 1518 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-2661 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Puente, Katia DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Northwest 87th Court Suite 141 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 392-0257 11300 Northwest 87th Court Suite 141 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-8600 11373 Sw 211th St Unit 10 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 971-9432 11373 Sw 211th St Unit 10 Miami 33189 ‰ (305) 971-9432 4999 W 8th Ave Ste 1 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (786) 238-7406 8 Palm Plz Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-7974 801 Nw 37th Ave Ste 204 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 541-5556 Puig, Liana DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Quintana, Vilma DMD 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Quevedo, Fernando DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: Spanish, N/A 646 W Palm Dr Suite 200 Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 242-1200 820 E 41st St Ste 202 Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 836-3635 Ramirez, Patricia DMD Ramos, Luis DMD 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Ramirez, Carmen DDS Pupo, Yusimy DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 Reyes, Omarys DMD 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: Spanish, N/A 6600 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 821-2611 Qadri, Subuhi DDS 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1010 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 868-8500 Languages: Spanish, N/A 5870 Sw 8th St Suite 5 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 266-0011 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1491 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-8260 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Languages: N/A, N/A 4564 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-2446 7900 Nw 27th Ave Suite 275 Miami 33147 ‰ (305) 693-7988 Ramos, Yilian DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1125 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 649-6112 Rey, Cecilia DDS Languages: Italian, Spanish 4790 Nw 7th St Suite 210-211 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 448-2014 Reyes- Canals, Osmil DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Ribas, Jose DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 730 Nw 40th Ave Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 541-7626 Ribot, Aliana DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Rios, Juan DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 9580 Bird Road Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 223-0949 Ripa, Anatoly DDS Languages: Russian, Spanish 11880 Sw 40th St Ste 215 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-1553 Rodriguez, Alejandro DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7976 Sw 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 266-4544 Rodriguez, Amaury DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3944 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-1405 Rodriguez, Esteban DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 114 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-0099 Rodriguez, Gretell DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 4150 Nw 7th St Ste 103 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 646-9222 Rodriguez, Guillermo DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3934 Sw 8th St Suite 306 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 441-7700 Rodriguez, Hernan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Sw 37th Ave Suite 702 Miami 33133 ‰ (786) 230-1568 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 710 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (786) 230-1568 Rodriguez, Ramon DMD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish 14750 Sw 26th St Ste 210 Miami 33185 ‰ (305) 400-8060 Rodriguez, Rene DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11760 Sw 40th St Ste 317 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-0521 765 E 9th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 883-4880 Rodriguez, Roxana DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 4240 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-1882 7200 Nw 7th St Ste 333 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 264-0063 7200 Nw 7th St Ste 333 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 264-0063 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services Servicios dentales Perdigon Cangahuala, Nitza DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 299 Alhambra Cir Ste 208 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-9499 299 Alhambra Cir Ste 208 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-9499 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1570 W 43rd Place Suite 38 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-5375 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 90 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología Rodriguez-Castro, Liliam DDS 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1199 W Flagler St Ste 7 Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 324-5072 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 809 Ne 4th Ave Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3961 Rojas, Raiko DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 1399 Nw 17th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0050 2375 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2300 Dental Services Servicios dentales Roman, Maximo DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Suite 301 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 448-1999 Romay, Richard DMD 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Ryan-Peterkin, Kathryn DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Rosado-Rodriguez, Roy DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11352 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 969-2651 Languages: Spanish, N/A 8150 Southwest 8th Street Suite 206 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 261-5556 Ruiz, Saili DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Ruiz, Sarabel DMD Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 Saldarriaga, Lisa DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Rosales, Salvador DDS 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 Languages: Spanish, N/A 6437 Bird Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 667-8887 Languages: Spanish, N/A 9100 Coral Way Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 227-7997 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Sague, Gustavo DDS 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 38 Nw 8th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-0460 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Salazar, Manuel DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 8346 Southwest 8th Street Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 269-0208 Salcines, Damaris DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 387-4954 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Saltz, Jamie DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Sanchez, Mayra DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 5845 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 261-8025 Sanchez, Zoraida DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1619 Ne 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-9292 Santamarina, Luis DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 330 Sw 27th Ave Suite 602 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 644-3464 Santos, Nataly DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2011 W 62nd St Hialeah 33016 ‰ (786) 558-8637 Schot, Raquel DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1518 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-2661 Schweizer, Mark DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Scott, Tessa DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 Sepulveda, Isabel DDS Languages: Arabic, Chinese 12651 S Dixie Hwy Ste 400 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-1486 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 400 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 456-8046 Sevel, Dennis DDS Languages: Creole, Hebrew 19517 Nw 57th Ave Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 621-3111 Shayan, Maria DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Shehadeh, Eyad DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Shraiteh, Jenan DMD Languages: Croatian, Spanish 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 Silvestry, Elvin DDS Suarez, Alberto DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11400 N Kendall Dr Suite 207 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-2254 Languages: Chinese, French 16200 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 760-2950 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 114 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-0099 Suarez, Tatiana DMD Smith, Edwin DDS Languages: Creole, French 16125 Ne 18th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 949-2766 Soheil, Michelle DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 3601 Federal Hwy Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 576-6611 Soler, Rosa DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1370 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-1458 285 Nw 27th Ave Ste 21 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 649-9443 4240 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-1882 4999 W 8th Ave Ste 1 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (786) 238-7406 Sosa-Abella, Nancy DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1005-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-3001 Soto, Lisbet DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 9724 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 747-7269 Souza, Rodrigo DDS Languages: Creole, Portuguese 750 E 25th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 694-5400 750 E 25th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 694-5400 Spivak, Irena DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 400 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 456-8046 564 Sw 42nd Ave Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-7444 Suate, Isabel DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 13232 Sw 8th St Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 553-9655 Subirats-Torres, Ibelys DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1009 Nw 5th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (786) 336-1437 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 845-0164 8600 Nw 17th St Ste 200 Doral 33126 ‰ (786) 845-0164 971 Nw 2nd St Miami 33128 ‰ (786) 336-1437 Swanson, Wendy DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2040 Ne 163rd St Ste 204 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (561) 257-3400 2040 Ne 163rd St Ste 204 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 760-2739 2040 Ne 163rd St Ste 206 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 760-2740 Taveras, Sonia DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7892 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 261-8608 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 91 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología Tijerino, David DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Tydir, Michelle DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11400 N Kendall Dr Suite 207 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-2254 Tobon, Elias DMD Uriarte, Gilberto DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2990 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 529-9295 Languages: Spanish, N/A 291 East 9th Street Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 885-1422 Toirac, Maria DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 166 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 364-9322 Torres, Diana DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 Trujillo, Madelene DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 18543 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-9130 2740 Sw 97 Ave Suite A-110 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 480-2789 Trujillo, Zuzel DMD Languages: French, Spanish 13323 Sw 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 223-2828 Truong, Linh DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Truong, Xen DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Valdes, Marilyn DDS Villanueva, Lourdes DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 12781 Sw 42nd St Suite D Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 226-7404 Languages: Spanish, N/A 11760 Sw 40th Street Suite 112 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-6969 Vandenedes, William DDS Villar, Tania DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 8163 Bird Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 264-4008 Vasallo, Francisco DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 8782 A Southwest 8th Street Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 552-5340 Vazana, Raphael DMD Languages: Hebrew, Spanish 4841 W 4th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-2261 Vazquez, Humberto DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 470 Biltmore Way Ste 200 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-5515 Languages: Spanish, N/A 6801 Sw 8th St Miami 33144 ‰ (786) 300-3483 Valdes, Martha DDS Vega, Sergio DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (786) 243-2438 Languages: Spanish, N/A 15802 Nw 57th Ave Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 903-7519 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Velis, Maria DDS 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Valdes, Vivian DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 6840 Bird Road Suite 207 A Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 669-6111 Valdman, Vadim DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1935 W 60th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 821-3344 Vera, Nathalie DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Vidal, Maria DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 8000 Biscayne Boulevard Miami 33138 ‰ (786) 517-6127 Viego, Rebeca DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 Languages: Spanish, N/A 11395 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 226-7135 5232 W Flagler St Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 442-0331 Villavicencio, Omar DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1410 W 68th St Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 557-6968 Vogel, Rick DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Vu, Nga DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Vucetic, Zelka DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 Wahba, Dalia DDS Woo, Kyung DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Waich, Viviana DDS Yanes, Marnie DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 4538 Nw 183rd St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 625-8272 Languages: Vietnamese, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 Watson-Hamilton, Sheri DMD Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 6350 Sunset Dr Coral Gables 33143 ‰ (786) 293-5500 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 Webb, Delroy DMD 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Languages: Spanish, N/A 1830 Nw 183rd St Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 621-1400 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Williams, Tosha DDS Vulugundam, Srividya DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Languages: Creole, French 10300 Sw 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 252-4878 13600 Sw 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 13805 Sw 264th St Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 258-6813 18255 Homestead Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 234-7676 19300 Sw 376th St Florida City 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 Yanez-Bravo, Maria DDS Languages: Creole, Spanish 995 N Miami Beach Blvd Ste 137 North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 945-9333 Yeoshoua, Oded DMD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish 100 Kings Point Dr Sunny Isles Beach 33160 ‰ (305) 949-0733 Ygarza-Pinto, Yenile DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Zamora, Lyan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 266 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 823-9982 4500 Nw 7th St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 443-9206 Zand, Maximus DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services Servicios dentales 3631 Sw 87th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 485-8427 Uzunova-Dimova, Kalina DDS Valiente, Aladino DMD Page/Página 92 Dental Services/Servicios dentales Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Dentistry/Odontología 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 Zariffard, Ehsan DMD Flax, Michael DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Dental Services Servicios dentales Zunith, Martinez DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 125 Ne 8th St Suite 1 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 888-0008 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 2900 W 12th Ave Suite 27 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 888-0008 4300 W Flagler St Suite 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 888-0008 Endodontics/ Endodoncia Cerrud, Clinio DDS Languages: Creole, Croatian 18360 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 694-6270 5361 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 5607 Nw 27th Ave Ste 2 Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 5607 Nw 27th Ave Ste 1 Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 805-1700 Comora, Robert DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-5600 Diaz, Jose DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 Fields-Heller, Rita DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Gelman, Richard DMD Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Gittess, Robert DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Herrera, Douglas DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 21110 Biscayne Blvd Suite 305 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 300-6485 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Suite 204 Miami 33140 ‰ (305) 300-6485 Knopf, Kenneth DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 13706 Sw 56th St Suite 201 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 888-0008 900 W 49th St Suite 400 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-1211 Limosani, Mark DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Mattos, Katia DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 Namerow, Kenneth DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Porras, Edgar DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 20533 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 233-1118 Posner, William DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 11880 Sw 40th St Ste 215 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-1553 1399 Nw 17th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0050 2375 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2300 333 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 818 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-0095 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 114 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-0099 Sayin, Taner DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Selman, Anas DDS Languages: Greek, Spanish 15721 Sw 152nd St Miami 33187 ‰ (305) 233-3335 16371 Sw 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-8773 19086 Ne 29th Ave Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 682-1554 20533 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 233-1118 2870 Ne 8th Street Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-5444 333 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 818 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-0095 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-5600 Oral Pathology/ Patología oral Mejia, Lina DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Oral Surgery/ Cirugía oral Arroyo, Juan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-5600 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1001-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 275-8875 Bistritz, Jerome DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 19086 Ne 29th Ave Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 682-1554 Borges, Osbel DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Cardenas, Luis DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 21110 Biscayne Blvd Suite 305 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 21110 Biscayne Blvd Suite 305 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Suite 204 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1611 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Suite 204 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1611 Eisner, Jeffrey DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 11020 Sw 88th St Suite 106 Kendall 33176 ‰ (305) 279-8600 Friedman, Kurt DDS Languages: Creole, Spanish 21110 Biscayne Blvd Suite 305 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 21110 Biscayne Blvd Suite 305 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Suite 204 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1611 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Suite 204 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1611 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Ghurani, Rami DDS Mcclure, Shawn DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-5600 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1001-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 275-8875 Gomez, Jesus DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 1611 Nw 12th Ave Ste 225 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5195 9380 Sw 150th St Suite 170 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 256-5270 9380 Sw 150th St Suite 170 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-6725 Grider, Joseph DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 19086 Ne 29th Ave Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 682-1554 333 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 818 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-0095 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 114 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-0099 Hew, Damion DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 19086 Ne 29th Ave Miami 33180 ‰ (305) 682-1554 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-5600 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 114 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-0099 Kaltman, Steven DMD Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Lopez, Eustorgio DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Lozano, Teresa DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Means, William DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Patel, Nishul DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1001-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 275-8875 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 114 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-0099 Payton, Kevin DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 21110 Biscayne Blvd Suite 305 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 21110 Biscayne Blvd Suite 305 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 932-4955 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Suite 204 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1611 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Suite 204 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1611 Perez, Ramon DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 12002 Sw 128th Ct Ste 103 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 210-6160 266 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 823-9982 4500 Nw 7th St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 443-9206 Perez-Garcia, Ramon DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 12002 Sw 128th Ct Ste 103 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 210-6160 Rand, Matthew DMD Languages: Arabic, Spanish 1399 Nw 17th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0050 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 93 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Pediatric Dentistry/Odontología pediátrica 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 2375 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2300 Saenz, Regina DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 20533 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 233-1118 333 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 818 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-0095 752 W 29th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 885-9786 8940 N Kendall Dr Suite 1001-E Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 275-8875 950 N Krome Ave Suite 204 Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-6633 Sawatari, Yoh DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 9380 Sw 150th St Suite 170 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-6725 9380 Sw 150th St Suite 170 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 256-5270 Torres, Luis DMD Languages: German, Russian 1001 Ives Dairy Rd Suite 103 Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 652-3412 11865 Sw 26th St Suite C39 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0600 13876 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-4215 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 Languages: N/A, N/A 9380 Sw 150th St Suite 170 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-6725 Wruble, Lloyd DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 8950 Sw 74 Court Suite 1610 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-7610 Orthodontics/ Ortodoncia Figueroa, Sergio DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Gittess, Laurie DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Guzman, Ulises DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Khatami, Shiva DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Lifshitz, Abraham DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Lin, Chin DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Naghavi, Nona DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Nicieza, Fausto DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 1491 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-8260 Rodriguez, Luis DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 4695 W 4th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-8888 Rose, Camille DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Rubensteen, Evan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 925 Arthur Godfrey Road Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-2260 Woolfson, Hayley DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Pediatric Dentistry/ Odontología pediátrica Abreu-Hernandez, Maigrely DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 240 Crandon Blvd Ste 105 Key Biscayne 33149 ‰ (305) 361-7773 5965 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 662-7702 Acosta, Enrique DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 Aguilar, Liza DDS Languages: N/A, N/A 11865 Sw 26th St Suite C39 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0600 13876 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-4215 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 Arevalo, Oscar DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Arnold, Patrick DMD Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Arroyo, Erin DMD Languages: Greek, Spanish 15721 Sw 152nd St Miami 33187 ‰ (305) 233-3335 16371 Sw 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-8773 2870 Ne 8th Street Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-5444 Aza, Sara DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 7950 Nw 53rd St Ste 200 Doral 33166 ‰ (844) 304-5437 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 Azar, Francisco DDS Languages: Arabic, Chinese 12651 S Dixie Hwy Ste 400 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-1486 1518 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-2661 15721 Sw 152nd St Miami 33187 ‰ (305) 233-3335 16209 Ne 13th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 940-9888 16371 Sw 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-8773 1661 Ne 163rd St N Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 866-3030 2870 Ne 8th Street Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-5444 9280 Hammocks Blvd Ste 102 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 387-5700 Baitner, Jessica DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 Berne, Jack DDS Languages: Creole, Spanish 2797 Ne 207th St Suite 201 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 935-1613 4410 W 16 Ave Ste 52 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-9899 Bob, Christopher DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 7711 Sw 62nd Ave Ste 101 South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 397-8214 Bond, Melanie DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 Brady, Tiffany DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7950 Nw 53rd St Ste 200 Doral 33166 ‰ (844) 304-5437 Cabel, Anamaria DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Cabrerizo, Ania DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 4410 W 16 Ave Ste 52 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-9899 Choice, Jeresia DDS Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Coro, Mabel DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 15600 Nw 67th Ave Ste 110 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (786) 623-5820 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 110 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-0236 Correa, Paola DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7887 N Kendall Dr Suite 200 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 275-6224 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services Servicios dentales 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-5600 Tursun, Ramzey DDS Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 94 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Pediatric Dentistry/Odontología pediátrica 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 110 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 245-0236 Cortes, Bayardo DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 10205 S Dixie Hwy Ste 200 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 279-4312 15495 Eagle Nest Lane Suite 110 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 698-7566 Cortes, Gonzalo DMD Languages: Greek, Spanish 15721 Sw 152nd St Miami 33187 ‰ (305) 233-3335 Dental Services Servicios dentales 16371 Sw 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 380-8773 2501 Sw 22nd St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-2545 2870 Ne 8th Street Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-5444 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 D'Alessandria, Nestor DMD Languages: German, Russian 1001 Ives Dairy Rd Suite 103 Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 652-3412 11865 Sw 26th St Suite C39 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0600 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 2501 Sw 22nd St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-2545 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 Drukteinis, Lesbia DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Edwards, Jenny DMD Languages: Arabic, Creole 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 Freitas, Vanessa DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Garcia, Amarfis DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 4410 W 16 Ave Ste 52 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-9899 Gedeon, Rose DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 1518 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-2661 15721 Sw 152nd St Miami 33187 ‰ (305) 233-3335 George, Sheryl DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 6670 Sw 117th Ave Kendall 33183 ‰ (305) 595-3400 Hernandez, Shana DDS Languages: German, Russian 1001 Ives Dairy Rd Suite 103 Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 652-3412 Jobson, Margot DDS Krajewski, Helena DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 333 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 818 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-0095 4308 Alton Rd Ste 930 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 921-4601 Landa, Jorge DMD Languages: Portuguese, Spanish 11790 Sw 89th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 271-1151 11790 Sw 89th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 271-1151 Le Bona, Daisy DMD Languages: German, Russian 1001 Ives Dairy Rd Suite 103 Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 652-3412 11865 Sw 26th St Suite C39 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0600 13876 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-4215 2501 Sw 22nd St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-2545 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 Liou, Shasan DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7950 Nw 53rd St Ste 200 Doral 33166 ‰ (844) 304-5437 Litman, Teddi DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7887 N Kendall Dr Suite 200 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 275-6224 Llamas, Luis DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 240 Crandon Blvd Ste 105 Key Biscayne 33149 ‰ (305) 361-7773 5965 Ponce De Leon Blvd Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (305) 662-7702 Martinez, Aicmee DMD Languages: Creole, French 1245 Nw 119th St Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 685-7863 Languages: Spanish, N/A 7150 W 20th Ave Suite 103 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 556-9020 5337 Ne 2nd Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 758-0815 Mccallum, Tamara DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 7950 Nw 53rd St Ste 200 Doral 33166 ‰ (844) 304-5437 Meincken, Melissa DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Ortega, Fabiola DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 8805 Sw 144th St Palmetto Bay 33176 ‰ (305) 253-6944 Ortiz Perez, Marta DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 13840 Sw 56th St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 380-8050 Patel, Rita DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 1045 Ne 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 800-5439 7950 Nw 53rd St Ste 200 Doral 33166 ‰ (844) 304-5437 Pellerano Szczesny, Paola DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 11865 Sw 26th St Suite C39 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0600 19084 Ne 29th Ave Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 933-4355 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 Pena, William DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7950 Nw 53rd St Ste 200 Doral 33166 ‰ (844) 304-5437 Rodriguez, Hilma DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 4410 W 16 Ave Ste 52 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-9899 Roldan, Rosie DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Rolland-Asensi, Gabriela DMD Stephens, Wayne DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3850 Bird Rd Ste 301 Miami 33146 ‰ (305) 445-9244 Languages: Creole, Croatian 18360 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 694-6270 Rosenbaum, Ashley DMD 5361 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 Languages: Spanish, N/A 8805 Sw 144th St Palmetto Bay 33176 ‰ (305) 253-6944 Rosenfeld, Dalia DDS Languages: Creole, Spanish 2797 Ne 207th St Suite 201 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 935-1613 Sirage, Mohamed DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 10205 S Dixie Hwy Ste 200 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 279-4312 11880 Sw 40th St Ste 215 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 552-1553 1399 Nw 17th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 325-0050 1455 Nw 107th Ave Suite 584 Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 597-8787 15495 Eagle Nest Lane Suite 110 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 698-7566 1665 W 49th St Ste 1484 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 828-7779 20505 S Dixie Hwy Ste 1683 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 232-3737 2375 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2300 Smitley, Michelle DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 8805 Sw 144th St Palmetto Bay 33176 ‰ (305) 253-6944 Starkman, Sharlene Mei Lan Yap DMD Languages: Vietnamese, N/A 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 5607 Nw 27th Ave Ste 2 Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-6400 Suta, Adi DMD Languages: German, Russian 1001 Ives Dairy Rd Suite 103 Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 652-3412 11865 Sw 26th St Suite C39 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 227-0600 13876 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-4215 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 20335 Old Cutler Rd Ste 200 Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 238-6777 2501 Sw 22nd St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-2545 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 Tejeda, Dayrys DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 4410 W 16 Ave Ste 52 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-9899 Trujillo, Maria DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services/Servicios dentales Page/Página 95 Monroe County/Condado de Monroe Dentistry/Odontología 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 Valiente, Lizette DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 7950 Nw 53rd St Ste 200 Doral 33166 ‰ (844) 304-5437 Webman, Mark DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3100 Sw 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 624-5876 3601 Nw 107th Ave 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 3601 Nw 107th Ave Suite 300 3Rd Floor Doral 33178 ‰ (786) 624-3368 Languages: Spanish, N/A 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Coconut Grove 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 2645 Douglas Road Suite 703 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 448-3228 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 302 Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 246-3800 Periodontics/ Periodoncia Hernandez, Maria DMD Languages: N/A, N/A 2501 Sw 22nd St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-2545 Prosthodontics/ Prostodoncia Maya, Alvaro DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 20533 Old Cutler Rd Cutler Bay 33189 ‰ (305) 233-1118 8353 Sw 124th St Suite 202 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 253-7227 Siegel, Sharon DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Dental Hygiene/ Higiene dental Brumaire, Meceron RDH Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Dentistry/ Odontología Agrawal, Ankur DMD Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Languages: Spanish, N/A 2901 Overseas Highway Suite 2 Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 289-8915 Ostroff, Leonard DDS Campbell, Lisa DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 13876 Sw 88th St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-4215 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 17301 Nw 27th Ave Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-1371 7300 N Kendall Dr Ste 110 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 670-4476 Parker, William DDS Languages: Chinese, French 1750 Ne 167th St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (954) 262-1660 Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Chin-Thompson, Angella DMD Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Johnson, Robert DDS Lopez De Victoria, Millied DMD Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Lopez, Gloriana DDS Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Miranda, Alejandra DDS Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Munguba, Bozena DMD Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Ruiz, Sarabel DMD Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Tinsley, Leanne DMD Languages: Spanish, N/A 2901 Overseas Highway Suite 2 Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 289-8915 3706 N Roosevelt Blvd Ste E Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 292-6422 Watson-Hamilton, Sheri DMD Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Weith, Carol DDS Languages: Spanish, N/A 3706 N Roosevelt Blvd Ste E Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 292-6422 Williams, Tosha DDS Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 Lang, Tomas DDS Languages: Creole, French 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Dental Services Servicios dentales Werner, Paul DDS Sani, Sasan DMD Page/Página 96 Transportation Help LogistiCare helps you get to your provider’s office for routine health care visits. To schedule a ride to or from the office, call LogistiCare toll free at 1-866-372-9794 (TTY 1-866-288-3133). Please call 48 hours before your appointment. To check on your ride, call Where’s My Ride toll free at 1-866-372-9794 (TTY 1-866-288-3133). For a health emergency, please call 911. This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern time. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Póngase en contacto con nuestro número de servicio al cliente al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. hora del Este. Amerigroup is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid contract. Transportation Transporte Amerigroup es un Plan de Cuidado Administrado con un contrato de Medicaid de Florida. FL-PD-0042-15 Rev. 12.15 Page/Página 97 Ayuda de transporte LogistiCare le ayuda a llegar al consultorio de su proveedor para visitas de cuidado de la salud de rutina. Para programar un viaje hacia o desde el consultorio, llame a la línea gratuita de LogistiCare al 1-866-372-9794 (TTY 1-866-288-3133). Llame 48 horas antes de su cita. Para consultas sobre su viaje, llame a la línea gratuita de Where’s My Ride (Dónde está mi transporte) al 1-866-372-9794 (TTY 1-866-288-3133). Para una emergencia de salud, llame al 911. This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern time. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Póngase en contacto con nuestro número de servicio al cliente al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. hora del Este. Amerigroup es un Plan de Cuidado Administrado con un contrato de Medicaid de Florida. FL-PD-0042-15 Rev. 12.15 Transportation Transporte Amerigroup is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid contract. Page/Página 98 Laboratories/Laboratorios Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Miami-dade County/ Condado de Miami-dade Ameripath Hospital Svcs Florida Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (561) 712-6200 M-F 9am-5pm Medical Diagnostic Laboratories Laboratories Laboratorios Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (877) 269-0090 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Page/Página 99 Pharmacies/Drugstores Pharmacy providers are drugstores where you can get your medicines. The Amerigroup network is made up of major drugstores, as well as many local, smaller drugstores. Below is a list of some of the larger drugstores in our network. Want a more complete list? Not sure if your drugstore is in our network? Go online to Call Member Services toll free at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Ask your pharmacist Pharmacies CVS Pharmacy Navarro Discount Pharmacy Sam’s Club Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe Walmart Pharmacy Websites This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern time. Amerigroup is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid contract. Amerigroup es un Plan de Cuidado Administrado con un contrato de Medicaid de Florida. FL-PD-0042-15 ENV2 Rev 12.15 Drug Stores Farmacias Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Póngase en contacto con nuestro número de servicio al cliente al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. hora del Este. Page/Página 100 Farmacias/droguerías Proveedores de farmacia son droguerías donde usted puede conseguir sus medicamentos. La red de Amerigroup está compuesta por droguerías grandes, al igual que muchas droguerías locales más pequeñas. A continuación hay una lista de algunas de las droguerías más grandes de nuestra red. ¿Quiere una lista más completa? ¿No está seguro de si su droguería está en nuestra red? Acceda en línea a Llame a la línea gratuita de Servicios al Miembro al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Pregunte a su farmacéutico Farmacias CVS Pharmacy Navarro Discount Pharmacy Sam’s Club Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe Walmart Pharmacy Sitios web Drug Stores Farmacias This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our customer service number at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern time. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Póngase en contacto con nuestro número de servicio al cliente al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. hora del Este. Amerigroup is a Managed Care Plan with a Florida Medicaid contract. Amerigroup es un Plan de Cuidado Administrado con un contrato de Medicaid de Florida. FL-PD-0042-15 ENV2 Rev 12.15 Drug Stores/Farmacias Page/Página 101 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Miami-Dade County/ Condado de Miami-Dade 40th Street Pharmacy Discount 9258 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 554-0438 41 St Discount Pharmacy 820 E 41st St Hialeah 33013 (305) 836-2200 Acevedo Medical Group 2525 Nw 54th St Miami 33142 (305) 633-9090 Ahf Pharmacy 100 Nw 170th St Ste 208 North Miami Beach 33169 (305) 758-1984 2900 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 (305) 764-3780 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 806 Miami 33129 (305) 534-1294 4308 Alton Rd Ste 950 Miami Beach 33140 (305) 538-5914 Allen'S My Pharmacy 4000 S Red Rd Miami 33155 (305) 666-8581 American Dollar Corp Andres Pharmacy 8300 W Flagler St Ste 165 Miami 33144 (305) 456-3670 Farmacia 2224 Centro Ideal Pharmacy Solutions 1266 W Flagler St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-2222 344 W 65th St Ste 101 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-3522 Bay Harbor Drugs Community Hlth Of Southern Fl Farmacia 22-24 Hialeah Imc- Quial Roost Jmh Highland Park Pharmacy 1015 Kane Concourse Bay Harbor Island 33154 (305) 397-8319 10300 Sw 216th St Miami 33190 ‰ (305) 254-7166 2961 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 (305) 888-2224 11348 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 (305) 253-1660 1695 Nw 9th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 355-7203 Bcms Continental Rx Farmacia Cardenas Interamerican Medical Center 383 W 34th St Hialeah 33012 (305) 884-1744 505 Sw 8th St Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 856-2211 2030 Palm Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-6189 1526 Ne 8th St Homestead 33033 (305) 246-3864 Belen Pharmacy Coto Pharmacy 1020 W 29th St Hialeah 33012 (305) 887-0284 4982 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 (305) 821-1430 Farmacia Julia Discount 15529 Bull Run Rd Miami Lakes 33014 (305) 455-3200 2875 W 2nd Ave Hialeah 33010 (305) 884-0703 Bellamar Pharmacy Dalice Pharmacy Med Equipment 291 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33135 (305) 858-1828 Key Pharmacy 8950 N Kendall Dr Ste 102 Miami 33176 (305) 273-8221 10332 W Flagler St Miami 33174 (305) 221-6060 Benzer Pharmacy 1250 Nw 7th St Miami 33125 (786) 615-8627 Beraja Pharmacy 2550 S Douglas Rd Coral Gables 33134 (786) 924-1754 Best Care Pharmacy 2657 Nw 20th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 856-0070 Black And White Pharmacy 1003 W Flagler St Miami 33130 (305) 545-2108 Blue Star Pharmacy 3009 Sw 107th Ave Miami 33165 (305) 222-1818 Btv Pharmacy 4310 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33127 (305) 751-7882 7167 Sw 8th St Miami 33144 (305) 261-2822 Cali Pharmacy And Discount Angelito Farmacia Disc 1924 W 60th St Ste 26 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-5055 3890 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 820-4010 Care Med Pharmacy Group Ann'S Pharmacy And Discount 3498 Nw 7th St Miami 33125 (305) 445-1200 Ariguanabo Pharmacy 5755 W Flagler St Ste 110 Miami 33144 (305) 264-3122 Asc Pharmacy 3416 W 84th St Ste 108 Hialeah 33018 (305) 698-5411 Comfort Pharmacy 7844 Sw 24th St Miami 33155 (305) 267-3292 Douglas Gardens Pharmacy 1680 Meridian Ave Fl 4 Miami Beach 33139 (786) 439-1167 Drug Center Pharmacy 1625 Palm Ave Hialeah 33010 (305) 887-7900 Easyscripts 7235 Nw 19th St Ste E Miami 33155 (305) 663-5400 El Jardin Pharmacy 3112 W 76th St Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 818-2214 Elsa Pharmacy 1980 East 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 691-1968 Ely'S Pharmacy And Discount 15126 Sw 56th St Miami 33185 ‰ (305) 385-7770 Ep Ltc Pharmacy 3000 Nw 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 642-6211 3197 Sw 18th St Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 448-6523 Flordia International Univ 11200 Sw 8th St Rm 173uhsc Miami 33199 (305) 348-5963 Florida Pharmacy 4633 Nw 199th St Miami Gardens 33055 ‰ (305) 620-1333 5366 W 12th Ave Hialeah 33012 (305) 556-0061 Florida Womens Healthcare 7300 Sw 62nd Pl Fl 3 South Miami 33143 (727) 755-0693 Gr21 Pharmacy Discount 5929 Sw 8th St Miami 33144 (786) 409-6908 Great Care Pharmacy 2505 Nw 54th St Miami 33142 (305) 636-2994 H E Farmacia 6440 Sw 117th Ave Fl 2 Miami 33183 (305) 630-9307 692 W 29th St Hialeah 33012 (305) 888-7554 4201 Palm Ave Ste Aa Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 200-3944 Ep Medical Equipment Pharmacy Heart Med Pharmacy Care Pharmacy 6440 Sw 117th Ave Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 630-9307 1631 Ne 8th St Homestead 33033 (305) 248-5363 Care-Med Pharmacy 15450 New Barn Rd Ste 105 Miami Lakes 33014 (305) 455-1250 Citrus Health Network Azalia'S Pharmacy 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 (305) 825-0300 428 E 49th St Hialeah 33013 (305) 685-9556 Coconut Grove Pharmacy 3001 Sw 27th Ave Coconut Grove 33133 (305) 442-0211 Evergreen Pharmacy 875 E 10th Ave Hialeah 33010 (786) 360-4945 Excellent Pharmacy 9961 Sw 142nd Ave Miami 33186 (305) 382-0116 Farmacia 22-24 10404 W Flagler St # 20-21 Miami 33174 (305) 223-2324 2351 Nw 93rd Ave Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 594-9899 Hermanas Gonzalez Pharmacy 8336 Sw 8th St Miami 33144 (305) 264-5259 Homestead Community Pharmacy 925 Ne 30th Ter Ste 200 Homestead 33030 (305) 245-1800 Icare Rx 14447 Country Walk Dr Miami 33186 (305) 251-7414 4155 Sw 130th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33175 (305) 455-3500 6401 Nw 27th Ave Miami 33147 (305) 403-4003 7101 W Flagler St Miami 33144 (786) 388-9696 International Gardens Pharmacy 12610 Sw 8th St Miami 33184 (305) 553-6327 Jackson Memorial Hospital 1611 Nw 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-5890 Jackson Memorial Ltcc Pharmacy 2500 22nd Ave Nw Miami 33142 (786) 466-3000 Jackson Pharmacy Solutions 901 Nw 17th St Ste D Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 585-3996 Jcr Medical Equipment And Phcy 9542 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 (305) 262-7004 Jenny'S Pharmacy And Discount Jlh Pharmacy 8204 Nw 103rd St Hialeah Gardens 33016 (305) 825-0015 Jorge'S Pharmacy 1701 Coral Way Miami 33145 (305) 856-1252 Julio'S Pharmacy 614 Crandon Blvd Key Biscayne 33149 (305) 361-5445 Kezit Discount Pharmacy 12813 W Dixie Hwy North Miami 33161 (305) 456-6844 La Cubana Pharmacy Discount 5965 Sw 8th St Ste A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 267-6767 La Ganga Discount Pharmacy 2975 Nw 17th Ave Miami 33142 (305) 635-5007 La Milagrosa Pharmacy And Disc 444 Sw 8th Ave Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 545-1127 Las Villas Phcy Disc And Med 716 W 29th St Hialeah 33012 (305) 883-7476 Latina Pharmacy And Discount 300 Sw 107th Ave Ste 114 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 551-4177 Lee Ann Drugs 955 Washington Ave Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 531-1256 Liberty Drugs 9709 Nw 27th Ave Miami 33147 (786) 275-4116 659 Nw 62nd St Miami 33150 (305) 759-3339 Jennys Your Friendly Pharmacy Liberty Neighborhood Pharmacy 2217 Nw 7th St # Cu-2 Miami 33125 (786) 533-8269 Jerry'S West Kendall Pharmacy 6807 Nw 7th Ave Miami 33150 (786) 360-4322 Lifesaver Pharmacy 15955 Sw 96th St Ste 105 Miami 33196 (305) 752-0080 11735 Sw 147th Ave Unit 5 Miami 33196 (305) 385-0059 Jhs Central Fill Pharmacy Live And Let Live Pharmacy 1660 Nw 7th Ct Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 355-8022 3520 Nw 17th Ave Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-5203 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Drug Stores Farmacias 5399 Nw 36th St Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 870-0118 Baptist Medical Arts Pharmacy Drug Stores/Farmacias Page/Página 102 Miami-Dade County/Condado de Miami-Dade Locatel Health And Wellness Med Health Equipment Miami Springs Pharmacy Pharm Plus Drug Store 8508 Bird Rd Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 422-8302 7205 Nw 68th St Ste 9 Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 882-8883 69 Curtiss Pkwy Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 885-7790 619 Sw 57th Ave Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-3738 Los Palacios Medical Supplies Medcare Infusion Services Midtown Pharmacy Pharmacy Care Center 4213 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 240-1183 3085 W 80th St Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 863-4277 Love Pharmacy Medciti Pharmacy 1000 E 4th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 885-3352 11373 Sw 211th St Ste 9 Miami 33189 (305) 254-5622 Madahima Pharmacy Medenvios Healthcare 8129 W 8th Ave Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 556-6060 Maggie'S Pharmacy 7590 Nw 186th St Ste 109 Hialeah 33015 (305) 818-0863 Maggy Pharmacy Discount 6627 S Dixie Hwy Miami 33143 (305) 665-4411 123 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 (305) 672-3770 Mt Sinai Pharmacy Express My Family Pharmacy And Disc Medstar Medz Direct Marco Drugs And Compounding Modern Pharmacy 944 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 (305) 247-4488 Magno Pharmacy 5966 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 (305) 558-8551 302 Sw 12th Ave Miami 33130 (305) 541-0094 Medical Arts Pharmacy 2108 W 68th St Hialeah 33016 (305) 362-5848 Malecon Pharmacy Milagros Pharmacy 4302 Alton Rd Ste 110 Miami Beach 33140 (305) 674-2518 1255 W 46th St Ste 5 And 6 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 557-2262 1609 Sw 67 Ave Miami 33155 (786) 502-4399 Drug Stores Farmacias 7415 Corporate Center Dr Miami 33126 ‰ (786) 536-5419 753 Arthur Godfrey Rd Miami Beach 33140 (305) 531-5816 1065 Ne 125th St Ste 207 North Miami 33161 (786) 347-0365 Melissa Pharmacy Discount 634 E 9th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-9591 Mercy Professional Apothecary 7295 Sw 24th St # 1 Miami 33155 (305) 262-6682 Mariposa Pharmacy And Discount 1221 71st St Miami Beach 33141 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Nu-Mart Discount Pharmacy 251 Park Blvd Miami 33126 ‰ (786) 534-9062 Miami Beach Community Health 10690 Fountainebleu Blvd Miami 33172 (305) 226-6357 Marquez Pharmacy 710 Alton Rd Miami 33139 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Martha Farmacia And Discount Miami Behavioral Hlth Ctr Phcy 9724 Sw 24th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 382-3000 Pharmco Pino Pharmacy Miami Beach Comm Hlth Clinic 5901 W 16th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-8002 Pharmag Pharmacy Naturxheal Family Pharmacy 11355 W Flagler St Miami 33174 (305) 222-8088 Miami Beach Community Hlth 18346 Nw 7th Ave Miami Gardens 33169 (305) 651-4725 7801 Nw 146th St Miami Lakes 33016 (305) 698-0021 Nova Pharmacy 11645 Biscayne Blvd Ste 102 North Miami 33181 ‰ (305) 538-8835 Pharmacy Plus 650 Palm Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 888-2889 Maria Angelica Phcy Discount 1109 Nw 22nd Ave Miami 33125 (305) 631-6602 Reliable Super Drugs Pills Plus 16555 Nw 25th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (786) 466-1735 Omega Pharmacy 9537 Sunset Dr Miami 33173 (305) 279-9999 San Lazaro Pharmacy 1777 Ne 163rd St North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 947-0433 2295 Nw 28th St Miami 33142 (305) 635-2358 President Pharmacy And Discoun 11340 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 235-8244 Presidente Phcy And Discount 285 Nw 27th Ave Miami 33125 (305) 649-0064 Price Choice Pharmacy 13931 Nw 27th Ave Opa Locka 33054 (954) 614-7879 Miami Children'S Hospital Phcy Pacific Pharmacy 8876 Sw 24th St # 11 Miami 33165 (305) 226-5464 Pro Pharmacy And Discount Pdl Pharmacy 11478 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 971-3388 7400 N Kendall Dr Ste 100 Miami 33156 (800) 797-3127 Royal Palm Drug Prescription Drug Foundation Oriente Pharmacy 7167 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 266-3705 2050 W 56th St Ste 8 Hialeah 33016 (305) 362-1515 18600 Nw 87th Ave Unit 109 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 405-3333 Martinez Drug Store Miami Executive Pharmacy Rosys Pharmacy 8901 Sw 157th Ave Unit 3 Miami 33196 (305) 385-2900 1851 Ne 2nd Ave Miami 33132 (305) 374-7072 Mayar Pharmacy 1456 Nw 17th Ave Miami 33125 (305) 549-6677 Rubio Pharmacy And Discount 3850 W Flagler St Miami 33134 (305) 442-1732 12910 Sw 133rd Ct Ste A Miami 33186 (305) 521-3635 Riverside Community Pharmacy Premium Pharmacy Discount 8381 40th St Sw Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 551-0760 6125 Sw 31st St Miami 33155 (305) 669-7155 Renal Pharmacy 19559 Ne 10th Ave Ste A North Miami Beach 33179 ‰ (305) 614-2067 806 N Krome Ave Homestead 33030 (305) 247-6949 6871 W 4th Ave Hialeah 33014 (305) 823-7887 874 E 41st St Hialeah 33013 (305) 693-0441 2168 Ne 123rd St North Miami 33181 (305) 893-5252 1350 Sw 57th Ave Ste 105 West Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-2920 10845 Sw 40th St Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 485-8888 P And P Pharmacy Regions Pharmacy 6350 Sw 40th St Miami 33155 (305) 663-6043 N And D Pharmacy North Dade Health Center Phcy 959 West Ave Ste 16 Miami Beach 33139 (305) 532-1300 1065 Sw 27th Ave Miami 33135 (305) 603-9924 901 N Miami Beach Blvd North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 919-7399 3601 Nw 107th Ave Ste 102 Doral 33178 (305) 629-9891 Pure Pharmacy Pharmacy Express And Discount 8410 W Flagler St Ste 105b Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 200-5973 3661 S Miami Ave Ste 110 Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 860-4685 Mar-Lac Pharmacy 7413 Miami Lakes Dr Miami Lakes 33014 (305) 821-4337 Prx Pharmacy 3601 Federal Hwy # 125 Miami 33137 (305) 573-3314 Professional Pharmacy Services 10993 Sw 186th St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 253-6634 South Miami Phcy Compounding 6050 S Dixie Hwy South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 740-9696 St Jesus Pharmacy 12753 Sw 42nd St Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 279-2465 St Jude Pharmacy And Discount 4822 Nw 167th St Miami Gardens 33014 ‰ (305) 621-3448 Steven'S Rx 1465 Sw 8th St Ste 102 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 961-1160 Sunset Drugs 7035 Sw 87 Ave Miami 33173 ‰ (786) 452-1276 Sweetwater Pharmacy 528 Sw 109th Ave Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 552-0166 Sylvestre Pharmacy 1268 Palm Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 885-8888 Total Rx Pharmacy And Discount 2341 Nw 27th Ave Miami 33142 (305) 637-8444 Treasure Island Pharmacy 1630 79th Street Cswy North Bay Village 33141 ‰ (305) 868-6144 Ultima Rx 3900 Nw 79th Ave Ste 216 Doral 33166 (305) 557-9512 Santos Pharmacy Union Pharmacy And Med Supply 6601 Sw 8th St Ste 4 Miami 33144 (305) 262-1145 6456 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-4646 Silver Star Pharmacy Universal Arts Pharmacy 12304 Sw 127th Ave Miami 33186 (305) 259-8767 1550 W 84th St Ste 31 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 823-3461 Sir Charles Pharmacy Universal Arts Pharmacy Hm 17560 Nw 27th Ave Ste 110 Maimi Gardens 33056 (305) 705-3415 6500 W 4th Ave Ste 1 Hialeah 33012 (305) 557-3151 Smp Pharmacy Solutions #2 6050 S Dixie Hwy South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 740-9744 South Miami Medical Arts Phcy 6200 Sunset Dr Ste 102 South Miami 33143 (305) 666-1605 University Health Care Phcy 1722 W 68th St Hialeah 33014 (786) 517-0444 University Pharmacy 217 Valencia Ave Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 448-6116 Unlimited Pharmacy 10920 W Flagler St Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 229-4051 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Drug Stores/Farmacias Page/Página 103 Monroe County/Condado de Monroe Us Med 1480 Nw 79th Ave Miami 33126 (305) 455-7219 Vh Pharmacy 1000 Sw 1st St Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 324-8777 Vida Pharmacy 7250 W 24th Ave Ste 1920 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 822-8234 Village Pharmacy 8008 Sw 81st Dr Miami 33143 (786) 512-8258 Wellness Rx 7640 Nw 25th St Ste 105 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 384-7600 Will-Care Pharmacy 9867 E Fern St Palmetto Bay 33157 (305) 253-8100 Wr Pharmacy Services 14244 Sw 8th St Miami 33184 (786) 717-5095 Xcellent Pharmacy 11880 Sw 40th St Ste 119 Miami 33175 (305) 229-1496 Yady Pharmacy 11300 Nw 87th Ct Ste 109 Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 231-0420 Antares Pharmacy Discount 103400 Overseas Hwy Ste 112 Key Largo 33037 (305) 440-3832 Dennis Pharmacy Plaza 1111 12th St Ste 101 Key West 33040 (305) 294-8422 Marathon Health Center Phcy 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-8471 ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Drug Stores Farmacias Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Page/Página 104 Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade 24hr Psych Res Trtmt Ctr-Adult/Centro de tratamiento residencial psiquiátrico de 24 horas - adultos Miami-dade County/ Condado de Miami-dade 24hr Psych Res Trtmt Ctr-Adult/ Centro de tratamiento residencial psiquiátrico de 24 horas adultos Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 24hr Psych Res Trtmt Ctr-Child/ Centro de tratamiento residencial psiquiátrico de 24 horas - niños Citrus Health Network Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 340B Provider/ Proveedor 340B Jackson South Community Hospital 9333 SW 152nd St Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 251-2500 M-F 9am-5pm Mount Sinai Medical Ctr & Miami Heart Institute 4300 Alton Rd Ascher Bldg 2nd Fl Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-3959 M-F 9am-5pm 4701 N Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1111 M-F 9am-5pm Adult Day Health Svcs- Medical/ Servicios de salud para adultos durante el día - Médico Blanca Azuzena Home Care 12414 SW 252nd Ter Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 257-4741 M-F 8am-5pm Dora Home Care 260 E 61st St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 822-2628 M-F 9am-5pm Homestead Behavioral Clinic 654 NE 9th Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-F 9am-5pm Adult Family Care Home/ Hogar para cuidado familiar de adultos Heavenly Touch Home Health Care Corp 3555 NW 79th Ave Ste 200 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 406-3648 M-F 9am-5pm Michael Bannister Adult Family Care Home 14636 SW 95th Ln Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 752-2684 M-F 9am-5pm Teresita Home Care 4840 SW 89th Pl Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 279-9196 M-F 9am-5pm ALF – Assisted Living Facility/ ALF – Centro de vida asistida Blanca Azuzena Home Care 12414 SW 252nd Ter Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 257-4741 M-F 8am-5pm Ambulatory Surgery Center/ Centro de cirugía ambulatoria B & G Diagnostic Svcs Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 444 W 51st Pl Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 818-2006 M-F 9am-5pm 3100 Douglas Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-8461 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over Serving all of Miamidade County Miami 33101 ‰ (305) 512-8220 M-F 9am-5pm Coral Gables Surgery Center The Endoscopy Center Coral Gables Hospital 2645 S Douglas Rd Ste 400 Miami 33133 (305) 461-3229 M-F 9am-5pm Coral View Surgery Center 8390 W Flagler St Ste 216 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 226-5574 M-F 9am-5pm Jackson South Community Hospital 9333 SW 152nd St Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 251-2500 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Children's Hospital 13400 SW 120th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 9am-5pm 14504 Commerce Way Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 511-1550 M-F 9am-5pm 17615 SW 97th Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 674-3398 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 5101 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 461-1881 M-F 9am-5pm The Gables Surgical Center 401 SW 42nd Ave Ste 201 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 447-0082 M-F 9am-5pm The Gastrointestinal Center Of Hialeah 135 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-1487 M-F 9am-5pm University Of Miami Hospital 1400 NW 12th Ave Ste 2032 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-5410 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Westchester General Hospital 2500 SW 75th Ave Miami 33155 (305) 264-5252 M-F 9am-5pm 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Assisted Living/ Vida asistida Mount Sinai Medical Ctr & Miami Heart Institute 1660 NW 135th St North Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 681-3137 M-Su 12am-11:59pm 4300 Alton Rd Ascher Bldg 2nd Fl Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-3959 M-F 9am-5pm 4701 N Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1111 M-F 9am-5pm North Shore Medical Center 1100 NW 95th St Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Palmetto General Hospital 2001 West 68th St Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-5000 M-F 9am-5pm Palmetto Surgery Center Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 2140 W 68th St Ste 102 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 512-8220 M-F 9am-5pm A Comfort Living Adam Home 158 W 8th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 884-1961 M-F 9am-5pm Alelise ALF Corp 6230 W 18th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (786) 464-0354 M-F 8am-5pm Alpha & Omega Residential 410 E 24th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 691-6335 M-F 8am-4:30pm Angele's Assisted Living Facility 29921 SW 151th Ave Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 234-6721 M-F 9am-3pm Assisted Living Retirement Home II 2789 SW 33rd Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 446-5076 M-F 9am-5pm Candid Home Care 7200 SW 131st Ave Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 385-8380 M-F 9am-5pm Candid Home Care II 14733 SW 113th Ln Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 385-8380 M-F 9am-5pm Candid Home Care III 10710 SW 148th Ct Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 382-8753 M-F 9am-5pm Caring For You III ALF 7080 SW 14th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-7704 M-F 8am-5pm Charity Home ALF 290 W 48th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 409-6992 M-F 8am-5pm Companion Home 1997 SW 17th Ct Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2933 M-F 8am-5pm Coral Park Senior Care of Miami 9640 SW 10th Ter Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 207-9191 M-F 7am-7pm Coral Way Senior Care 2451 SW 143rd Ct Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-1439 M-F 9am-5pm Davisito's 6524 NW 197th Ln Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 624-1995 M-F 8am-5pm Dora Home Care 260 E 61st St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 822-2628 M-F 9am-5pm East Gables Retirement Ctr 3590 SW 16th St Ste 95 Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 443-1985 M-F 8:30am-5pm Eden Gardens ALF 12221 W Dixie Hwy North Miami 33161 ‰ (786) 419-6949 M-Su 12am-11:59pm El Paraiso Home 1540 SW 7th St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-0490 M-F 9am-5pm Elena Assisted Living Facility 1731 SW 11th St Miami 33135 ‰ (786) 333-4572 M-F 8am-5pm Gables Manor Enterprises II 670 E 57th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 519-5485 M-F 9am-5pm Golden Age Assisted Living Facility 5970 NW 3rd St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 456-9538 M-F 9am-5pm Golden Palms Assisted Living Facility 7280 NW 169th St Miami 33015 ‰ (305) 826-9261 M-F 9am-5pm Hainat 2435 SW 82nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 277-5353 M-F 9am-6pm Hetery Home For The Elderly 825 SE 7th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 889-1166 M-F 7am-7pm La Estacion Dorada 1230 SW 94th Ave Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 710-4543 M-F 7am-7pm Lizi Home Care ALF 2820 SW 131st Pl Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 220-7685 M-F 9am-5pm Lizi Home Care ALF II 4521 SW 135th Ave Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 910-5950 M-F 8am-5pm Lizi Home Care III 11633 SW 133rd Ter Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 910-5950 M-F 8am-5pm M & Y Caring and Loving Alf 22712 SW 103rd Ct Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (786) 231-9146 M-F 8am-5pm Manos Amigas ALF 8510 SW 47th St Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 207-3749 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Marta Home Care 6898 W 29th Ave Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 557-7605 M-F 8am-5pm Merci's Home Corp 4291 SW 9th Ter Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 443-8294 M-F 9am-5pm Norcrist Home 542 NW 8th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 358-7610 M-F 8am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Page/Página 105 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade CLIA Level 1/Nivel CLIA 1 Nursing Love and Care Facility Tania Home Health ALF 1045 W 23rd St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 883-1915 M-F 8:30am-5pm 14255 SW 148th Ct Miami 33196 ‰ (786) 732-4508 M-F 8am-5pm Olaz Home Care Two Sisters Love & Care 4124 SW 97th Ct Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 499-6845 M-F 9am-5pm Our Dream Retirement Home 54 NW 45th Ave Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 266-0284 M-F 9am-5pm Two Sisters Place 1640 Palm Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-4141 M-F 9am-5pm 2591 SW 124th Ave Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 200-5456 M-F 8am-5pm Palmetto ALF II Villa Serena I 8933 NW 172nd Ter Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 558-6654 M-F 8:30am-5pm 1200 SW 22nd Terrace Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 206-5342 M-F 9am-5pm Precious Moments ALF Xanadu Living Facility 9480 Dana Rd Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-3958 M-Su 12am-11:59pm 840 NW 44th Ave Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 456-8787 M-F 8am-5pm Rainbow Heights Home Care 1430 NW 35th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-9988 M-F 8am-5pm Renacer ACLF 115 W 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 496-1513 M-F 9am-5pm San Cayetano Home 3525 SW 104th Ct Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 221-7733 M-F 8am-5pm 3931 W 8th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-8769 M-F 8am-5pm St Annes Nursing Center St Annes Residence 11855 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (305) 252-4000 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Star Of Mary Adult Center 6425 SW 93rd Pl Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 456-9834 M-F 9am-5pm Sun Village Homes 1350 W 31st St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-8963 M-F 8am-5pm Sweet Care 634 SW 96th Ct Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-0240 M-F 7am-7pm Talia ALF 14601 SW 50th Ter Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 207-1959 M-F 8am-5pm Behavioral Management/ Manejo de comportamiento Center For Family & Child Enrichment 1825 NW 167th St Ste 102 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-7450 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Community Health Of South Florida Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1150 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 403-0654 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1680 Meridian Ave Ste 501 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 531-5341 M-F 8am-5pm The Children's Home Society Of Florida Larkin Community Hospital Treats Patients Ages 5 through 18 800 NW 15th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 324-1262 M-F 9am-5pm The Chrysalis Center 8600 NW 36th St Ste 600 Miami 33166 ‰ (772) 595-3773 M-F 8:30am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 through 17 144 NW 11th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-8502 M-F 8am-5pm Fellowship House 5711 S Dixie Hwy South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm 9825 E Hibiscus St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm Healthy Connections CMHC 2780 SW 37th Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 646-0112 M-F 9am-5pm Institute For Child & Family Health 13200 SW 128th St Ste D1 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 235-8105 M-F 9am-5pm 430 W 66th St Ste 4 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-2480 M-F 9am-5pm 9380 SW 72nd St Ste B120 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 274-3172 M-F 9am-5pm Kristi House 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 9am-5pm 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm D & D Psych PsychSolutions 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 64 and Under 16201 SW 95th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 668-9000 M-F 9am-5pm 1951 NW 17th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 774-9570 M-F 9am-5pm Community Health Of South Florida Family Preservation Svcs of Florida 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm Dade Family Counseling C M H C Treats Patients Ages 64 and Under 700 S Royal Poinciana Blvd Ste 300 Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 668-9000 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 through 17 14707 S Dixie Hwy Ste 403 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 256-7336 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 through 17 2215 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 644-4555 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 12 through 17 5375 NW 74th Ave Miami 33166 ‰ (305) 513-4301 M-F 8am-5pm BH Crisis Respite Svcs-Child/ Servicios de relevo de crisis de salud del comportamiento – niños Miami Children's Hospital 17615 SW 97th Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 674-3398 M-F 9am-5pm BH Crisis Stablztn Svcs-Adult/ Servicios de estabilización de crisis de salud del comportamiento – adultos Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm 1065 NE 125th St Ste 102 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-F 9am-5pm 7031 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-Su 12am-11:59pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm BH Crisis Stablztn Svcs-Child/ Servicios de estabilización de crisis de salud del comportamiento – niños Case Management Services/ Servicios de manejo de caso A Plus Behavioral & Case Management Ctr Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 7811 Coral Way Ste 134 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 266-8889 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Behavioral Center 3900 NW 79th Ave Ste 820 Doral 33166 ‰ (786) 420-5924 M-F 9am-5pm Healing Solutions 1312 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-0662 M-F 9am-5pm CLIA Level 1/ Nivel CLIA 1 Alleanza Health Care Assoc 15190 SW 136th St Ste 32 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 238-1441 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network Ariza Quality Medical Services 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 11401 SW 40th St Ste 211 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 485-9558 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Children's Hospital 14504 Commerce Way Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 511-1550 M-F 9am-5pm ASA Homecare 8700 W Flagler St Ste 110 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 229-1400 M-F 8:30am-5pm BMA Of Coconut Grove 2561 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 860-8111 M-F 9am-5pm BH Crisis Svcs-Mobile-Chil d/Servicios de crisis de salud del comportamiento – móvil - niños 1651 W 37th St Ste 400 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 266-0731 M-F 8am-5pm Miami Children's Hospital Citrus Health Network 13400 SW 120th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 9am-5pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Birthing Center/ Sala de partos Birthing Center Of South Florida 646 W Palm Dr Ste 300B Homestead 33034 ‰ (305) 245-3730 M-F 9am-5pm Caring Professional Svcs Coral Gables Kidney Ctr 3280 Ponce De Leon Blvd Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 448-9888 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar San Miguel Home Care Zuni ALF 370 NW 133rd Pl Miami 33182 ‰ (786) 234-5085 M-F 8am-4:30pm Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Ctr Page/Página 106 Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade CLIA Level 1/Nivel CLIA 1 Coral Gables Surgery Center 2645 S Douglas Rd Ste 400 Miami 33133 (305) 461-3229 M-F 9am-5pm Coral View Surgery Center 8390 W Flagler St Ste 216 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 226-5574 M-F 9am-5pm D D Health Home Care Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over 4150 NW 7th St Ste 208 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 643-4747 M-F 8:30am-5pm Dadeland Dialysis 9175 SW 87th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 273-3830 M-F 9am-5pm DaVita - Miami Campus Dialysis 1951 NW 7th Ave Ste 500 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-8956 M-F 9am-5pm Doral Kidney Center 7755 NW 48th St Ste 120 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 436-5279 M-F 9am-5pm Elderly Health Home Care Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar 665 Miller Dr Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 884-6137 M-F 9am-5pm Excellent Care Home Health Services 7311 NW 12th St Ste 19 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 262-6550 M-F 9am-5pm Fair Havens Ctr 201 Curtiss Pkwy Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 887-1565 M-F 9am-5pm Faith Health Care 11401 SW 40th St Ste 250 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 228-4800 M-F 8:30am-5pm First Quality Home Care 8700 W Flagler St Ste 300 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 223-0150 M-F 8am-5pm Florida Renal Center 3500 NW 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 649-4448 M-F 9am-5pm Floridian Healthcare 47 NW 32nd Pl Miami 33125 (305) 649-2911 M-F 9am-5pm Fountain Manor Health & Rehab Center 390 NE 135th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 895-4804 M-F 9am-5pm Genesis Home Health 1195 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 757-5999 M-F 9am-5pm Golden Glades Dialysis 15600 NW 15th Ave Ste D Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 621-1328 M-F 9am-5pm Harmony Homes of Miami 2331 SW 82nd Pl Ste A Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 448-2736 M-F 9am-5pm Heartland Health Care Center - Miami Lakes 5725 NW 186th St Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 625-9857 M-F 9am-5pm Holistic Nursing Care Agency 7925 NW 12th St Ste 104 Doral 33126 ‰ (305) 265-9618 M-F 9am-5pm Homed Care 419 W 49th St Ste 200 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 769-3332 M-F 9am-5pm Kendall Kidney Ctr 8364 Mills Dr Ste 1740 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 273-3783 M-F 9am-5pm Kids First Urgent Care After Hours Treats Patients Ages 25 and Under 13550 N Kendall Dr Ste 160 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-7304 M 5pm-5pm Tu-F 9am-5pm Lesly Home Health Care 175 Fontainebleau Blvd Ste 1R6 Miami 33172 ‰ (305) 553-7727 M-F 9am-5pm Loving Heart Home Healthcare 2301 NW 93rd Ave Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 594-7200 M-F 9am-5pm Medcare Home Health Svcs Southern Winds Health LLC 760 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 102 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 883-2940 M-F 9am-5pm 4225 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-9700 M-F 9am-5pm Medi-Nurse St Annes Nursing Center St Annes Residence 6175 NW 167th St Ste G15 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 826-7127 M-F 9am-5pm 11855 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (305) 252-4000 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Neili Home Healthcare Agency The Endoscopy Center 10651 N Kendall Dr Ste 219 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 621-7946 M-F 8:30am-5pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm North Dade Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1255 NE 135th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-6850 M-F 9am-5pm Palmetto Artificial Kidney Center 7150 W 20th Ave Ste 109 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 827-8399 M-F 9am-5pm Premium Home Health Care Treats Patients Ages 35 and Over 2760 SW 97th Ave Ste 107 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 222-2260 M-F 9am-5pm PRN Nursing Services 770 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 304 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 265-4482 M-F 9am-5pm Renacer Home Health Care 14750 NW 77th Ct Ste 108 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 817-1800 M-F 9am-5pm Renovation of Life 14505 Commerce Way Ste 600 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 362-8399 M-F 9am-5pm Signature Health Care Of Brookwood Gardens 1990 S Canal Dr Homestead 33035 ‰ (305) 246-1200 M-F 9am-5pm Community Mental Health Center/Centro comunitario de salud mental A Plus Behavioral & Case Management Ctr Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 7811 Coral Way Ste 134 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 266-8889 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 5101 SW 8th St Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 461-1881 M-F 9am-5pm ABC's for Success Total Care Home Svcs Access Mental Solutions 5959 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 401 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 592-7030 M-F 9am-5pm 54 E 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (786) 401-7818 M-F 9am-5pm Treasure Isle Care Ctr 1735 N Treasure Dr North Bay Village 33141 ‰ (305) 865-2383 M-F 9am-5pm Trend Home Health Svcs 1111 Park Cente Blvd Ste 205 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 654-4090 M-F 8:30am-5pm United Home Care Svcs 8400 NW 33rd St Ste 400 Doral 33122 ‰ (305) 716-0710 M-F 8am-5pm CLIA Level 5/ Nivel CLIA 5 1550 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Advanced Mental Health Clinic 13780 SW 26th St Ste 107 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 480-7839 M-F 9am-5pm Agape Company 22790 SW 112 Ave Cutler Bay 33170 ‰ (305) 235-2616 M-F 9am-5pm Better Way of Miami 800 NW 28th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 634-3409 M-F 9am-5pm Center For Family & Child Enrichment 1825 NW 167th St Ste 102 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-7450 M-F 9am-5pm Coral Gables Hospital Citrus Health Network 3100 Douglas Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-8461 M-F 9am-5pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Mount Sinai Medical Ctr & Miami Heart Institute 4300 Alton Rd Ascher Bldg 2nd Fl Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-3959 M-F 9am-5pm North Shore Medical Center 1100 NW 95th St Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-6000 M-F 9am-5pm University Of Miami Hospital 1400 NW 12th Ave Ste 2032 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-5410 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Community Health Of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm Coral Community Mental Health Center 2141 SW 1st St Ste 103 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 644-6024 M-F 9am-5pm Dade Family Counseling C M H C 1951 NW 17th Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 774-9570 M-F 9am-5pm Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Ctr Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1150 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 403-0654 M-F 8am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1680 Meridian Ave Ste 501 Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 531-5341 M-F 8am-5pm DTT Coaching Svcs 3621 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 534-7118 M-F 9am-5pm 9245 SW 157th St Ste 209 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 701-2401 M-F 9am-5pm Family Preservation Svcs of Florida 8600 NW 36th St Ste 600 Miami 33166 ‰ (772) 595-3773 M-F 8:30am-5pm Fellowship House 5711 S Dixie Hwy South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm 9825 E Hibiscus St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Behavioral Center 3900 NW 79th Ave Ste 820 Doral 33166 ‰ (786) 420-5924 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Mentor 12955 SW 132nd St Ste 201 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 252-3328 M-F 8:30am-5pm 14400 NW 77 Ct Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-8665 M-F 9am-5pm 14400 NW 77th Ct Ste 202 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-8665 M-F 8:30am-5pm 16201 SW 95th Ave Ste 201 Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 293-3077 M-F 8:30am-5pm D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Page/Página 107 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade DME & Supplies/Equipos médicos duraderos y suministros Guided Steps Healthcare Treats Patients Ages 3 through 65 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste 310 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 206-0331 M-F 9am-5pm Healing Solutions 1312 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-0662 M-F 9am-5pm Homestead Behavioral Clinic 654 NE 9th Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-F 9am-5pm Infinite Ways Network Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 13899 Biscayne Blvd Ste 223 N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 244-0971 M-F 9am-5pm Institute For Child & Family Health 13200 SW 128th St Ste D1 Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 235-8105 M-F 9am-5pm 15490 NW 7th Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 688-3541 M-F 9am-5pm 430 W 66th St Ste 4 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-2480 M-F 9am-5pm MGM Behavioral 14411 Commerce Way Ste 320 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 827-2822 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Personal Management 7575 W Flagler St Ste 200A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 377-3297 M-F 9am-5pm Morning Star Centers 7811 Coral Way Ste 106 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 412-0138 M-F 9am-5pm New Era Health Center 9600 SW 8th St Ste 1 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-8838 M-F 9am-5pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm Nueva America Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 2682 SW 87th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 480-5680 M-F 9am-5pm NVPUSA HealthCare Kristi House PsychSolutions 1265 NW 12th Ave Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 547-6800 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 64 and Under 16201 SW 95th Ave Ste 301 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 668-9000 M-F 9am-5pm 15321 S Dixie Hwy Ste 210 Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 259-0016 M-F 8:30am-5pm 18441 NW 2nd Ave Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 249-0521 M-F 9am-5pm Lifestar Mental Wellness Center Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 10550 NW 77th Ct Ste 313-314 Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 821-2621 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 3 and Over 2050 W 56th Ste 15-16 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 557-1555 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 64 and Under 700 S Royal Poinciana Blvd Ste 300 Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 668-9000 M-F 9am-5pm Safe Future 1400 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (866) 599-2562 M-F 9am-5pm Trinity CMHC 15325 NW 60th Ave Ste 105 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 512-5388 M-F 9am-5pm Dialysis/Diálisis BMA Cutler Ridge 18942 S Dixie Hwy Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 252-7575 M-F 9am-5pm 9193 SW 72nd St Ste 100-B Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 279-2010 M-F 9am-5pm BMA Metropolitan 5550 W Flagler St Miami 33134 (786) 388-1305 M-F 9am-5pm BMA Miami 1494 NW 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 324-1727 M-F 9am-5pm BMA Of Coconut Grove 2561 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 860-8111 M-F 9am-5pm BMA of Hialeah 7170 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 825-2046 M-F 9am-5pm BMA Of South Miami 8770 SW 144th St Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 255-3100 M-F 9am-5pm DaVita Interamerican Dialysis Inst 7815 Coral Way Ste 115 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 261-4823 M-F 9am-5pm DaVita - Miami Campus Dialysis 1951 NW 7th Ave Ste 500 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 325-8956 M-F 9am-5pm DaVita - Miami East Dialysis 1250 NW 7th St Ste 106 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 547-1496 M-F 9am-5pm DaVita - Miami Gardens Dialysis 3363 NW 167th St Opa Locka 33056 ‰ (305) 627-9311 M-F 9am-5pm DaVita - Miami North Dialysis 860 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 893-7887 M-F 9am-5pm BMA West Dade DaVita - South Beach Dialysis 2791 SW 137th Ave Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 207-2388 M-F 9am-5pm 1711 Alton Rd Miami Beach 33139 ‰ (305) 695-4175 M-F 9am-5pm Center For Kidney Disease At North Shore Doral Kidney Center 1190 NW 95th St Ste 208 Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 691-2144 M-F 9am-5pm Center For Kidney Disease At Venture 1680 NE 164th St Miami 33162 ‰ (305) 787-7345 M-F 9am-5pm Coral Gables Kidney Ctr 3280 Ponce De Leon Blvd Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 448-9888 M-F 9am-5pm Dadeland Dialysis 9175 SW 87th Ave Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 273-3830 M-F 9am-5pm DaVita - Flamingo Park Kidney Ctr 901 E 10th Ave Ste 17 Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 884-5677 M-F 9am-5pm DaVita - Greater Miami Dialysis 160 NW 176th St Ste 100 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 653-6033 M-F 9am-5pm 7755 NW 48th St Ste 120 Doral 33166 ‰ (305) 436-5279 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Renal Center 3500 NW 7th St Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 649-4448 M-F 9am-5pm Kendall Kidney Ctr 8364 Mills Dr Ste 1740 Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 273-3783 M-F 9am-5pm Keys Gate Dialysis Palmetto General Hospital 1982 NE 8th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 247-3506 M-F 9am-5pm 2001 West 68th St Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-5000 M-F 9am-5pm Palmetto Artificial Kidney Center United Home Care Svcs 7150 W 20th Ave Ste 109 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 827-8399 M-F 9am-5pm 8400 NW 33rd St Ste 400 Doral 33122 ‰ (305) 716-0710 M-F 8am-5pm Renovation of Life University Of Miami Hospital 14505 Commerce Way Ste 600 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 362-8399 M-F 9am-5pm South Dade Kidney Ctr 11040 SW 184th St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-1516 M-F 9am-5pm T R C Miami Lakes Akc 14600 NW 60th Ave Hialeah 33014 ‰ (786) 639-0496 M-F 9am-5pm West Kendall Dialysis Center 12000 SW 131st Ave Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 254-4840 M-F 9am-5pm Dietitian/ Nutritional Services/ Dietista/ Servicios nutricionales Fresenius Medical Care The Glades Coral Gables Hospital 16740 SW 88th St Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 387-2667 M-F 9am-5pm 3100 Douglas Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-8461 M-F 9am-5pm Golden Glades Dialysis Miami Children's Hospital 15600 NW 15th Ave Ste D Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 621-1328 M-F 9am-5pm 13400 SW 120th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 9am-5pm Hialeah Artificial Kidney Ctr 17615 SW 97th Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 674-3398 M-F 9am-5pm 8524 NW 103rd St Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 827-0576 M-F 9am-5pm Homestead Artificial Kidney Center 99 NE 8th St Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 245-0241 M-F 9am-5pm 4701 N Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1111 M-F 9am-5pm 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Mount Sinai Medical Ctr & Miami Heart Institute 4300 Alton Rd Ascher Bldg 2nd Fl Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-3959 M-F 9am-5pm 1400 NW 12th Ave Ste 2032 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-5410 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Westchester General Hospital 2500 SW 75th Ave Miami 33155 (305) 264-5252 M-F 9am-5pm DME & Supplies/ Equipos médicos duraderos y suministros Aldo Surgical and Hospital Supply 8074 NW 103rd St Ste 21 Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 557-2835 F 9pm-6pm Sa 9am-3pm M-Th 9am-6pm All-Med Svcs Of Florida 14101 Commerce Way Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 826-0244 M-F 9am-5pm Atlantic Medical Supply 4540 SW 75th Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 269-0440 M-F 9am-5pm Cranial Technologies Treats Patients Ages 2 and Under 9035 Sunset Dr Ste 101 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 596-2744 M-F 9am-5pm Creative Medical Services 8010 W 23rd Ave Ste 1 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 820-0650 M-F 9am-5pm Health Medical Equipment 2694 SW 87th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 223-7222 M-F 9am-5:30pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar 9380 SW 72nd St Ste B120 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 274-3172 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 6 through 13 8180 NW 36th St Ste 404 Doral 33166 ‰ (866) 305-7365 M-F 9am-5pm BMA Kendall Page/Página 108 Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade DME & Supplies/Equipos médicos duraderos y suministros Life Healthcare Services 2170 W 73rd St Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 826-5757 M-F 8:30am-5pm Lincare 8220 NW 14th St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 392-3990 M-F 9am-5pm Med-Care Infusion Services 3085 W 80th St Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 863-4277 M-F 9am-5pm Medical Care Svcs 7290 SW 42nd Ter Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 264-1730 M-F 9am-5pm Medline Industries Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (800) 404-4141 M-F 9am-5pm Pedi Stat 1450 NW 159th St Miami 33169 (305) 623-1222 M-F 8am-5pm Pediatric Supplier 13482 SW 131st St Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 969-3484 M-F 9am-5pm Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar DME Medical Supplier/Equipo médico duradero Médico Proveedor Florida Shores Brace Systems 11400 N KENDALL DR MIAMI 33176 ‰ (305) 270-7426 M-F 9am-5pm Early Childhood Intervention/ Intervención a edad temprana ABC's for Success 1550 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Federally Qualified Health Center/Centro de salud calificado federalmente Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Community Health Of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm 13600 SW 312th St Homestead 33033 ‰ (305) 242-6069 M-F 9am-5pm 13805 SW 264th St Naranja 33032 ‰ (305) 258-1207 M-F 9am-5pm 18255 Homestead Ave Perrine 33157 ‰ (305) 243-7676 M-F 9am-5pm 19300 SW 376th St Homestead 33034 ‰ (305) 246-4607 M-F 9am-5pm 810 W Mowry Dr Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-4334 M-F 9am-5pm Home Delivered Meals/Comidas entregadas en el hogar Mom's Meals Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (515) 963-0641 M-Su 9am-7pm Home Health Agency/Agencia de salud en el hogar 1st Priority Home Health Care 7900 Oak Ln Ste 400 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (786) 477-0427 M-F 9am-5pm ACA Home Health 4011 West Flagler St Ste 305 Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 541-8989 M-F 9am-5pm Alere Women's & Children's Health Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (800) 999-2106 M-F 9am-5pm Alleanza Health Care Assoc Harmony Homes of Miami PlatinumOne Home Health Svcs 15190 SW 136th St Ste 32 Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 238-1441 M-F 9am-5pm 2331 SW 82nd Pl Ste A Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 448-2736 M-F 9am-5pm 5901 NW 151st Ste 107 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 362-9336 M-F 9am-5pm Ariza Quality Medical Services Heavenly Touch Home Health Care Corp Premium Home Health Care 11401 SW 40th St Ste 211 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 485-9558 M-F 9am-5pm 3555 NW 79th Ave Ste 200 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 406-3648 M-F 9am-5pm ASA Homecare Holistic Nursing Care Agency 8700 W Flagler St Ste 110 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 229-1400 M-F 8:30am-5pm Caring Professional Svcs 7925 NW 12th St Ste 104 Doral 33126 ‰ (305) 265-9618 M-F 9am-5pm Homed Care Treats Patients Ages 35 and Over 2760 SW 97th Ave Ste 107 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 222-2260 M-F 9am-5pm 5200 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 762-3883 M-F 9am-5pm CSI HealthMed Home Care Innovation Home Health 735 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 207-7383 M-F 8:30am-5pm 14628 SW 8th St Miami 33184 ‰ (305) 592-3192 M-F 9am-5pm PRN Nursing Services D D Health Home Care Lesly Home Health Care Treats Patients Ages 21 and Over 4150 NW 7th St Ste 208 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 643-4747 M-F 8:30am-5pm 175 Fontainebleau Blvd Ste 1R6 Miami 33172 ‰ (305) 553-7727 M-F 9am-5pm Excellent Care Home Health Services 7311 NW 12th St Ste 19 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 262-6550 M-F 9am-5pm Excellent Home Care Givers 1275 W 47th Pl Ste 308 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 819-2727 M-F 9am-5pm Faith Health Care 11401 SW 40th St Ste 250 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 228-4800 M-F 8:30am-5pm First Quality Home Care 8700 W Flagler St Ste 300 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 223-0150 M-F 8am-5pm Genesis Home Health 1195 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 757-5999 M-F 9am-5pm 2301 NW 93rd Ave Doral 33172 ‰ (305) 594-7200 M-F 9am-5pm Matrix Home Care 2307 S Douglas Rd Ste 502 Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 567-2614 M-F 9am-5pm Medcare Home Health Svcs 760 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 102 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 883-2940 M-F 9am-5pm Medi-Nurse 6175 NW 167th St Ste G15 Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 826-7127 M-F 9am-5pm Neili Home Healthcare Agency 10651 N Kendall Dr Ste 219 Miami 33176 ‰ (786) 621-7946 M-F 8:30am-5pm Nory's Home Services 12966 SW 133th Ct Ste A Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 255-6203 M-F 9am-5pm Hospice/Hospicio 11440 N Kendall Dr Ste 500 Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 591-7774 M-F 9am-5pm Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (305) 591-7774 M-F 9am-5pm 665 Miller Dr Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 884-6137 M-F 9am-5pm 3085 W 80th St Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 863-4277 M-F 9am-5pm Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care of Southern FL 419 W 49th St Ste 200 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 769-3332 M-F 9am-5pm Loving Heart Home Healthcare Med-Care Infusion Services Principle Health Svcs 1651 W 37th St Ste 400 Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 266-0731 M-F 8am-5pm Elderly Health Home Care Home Infusion Therapy/Terapia de infusión en el hogar 770 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 304 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 265-4482 M-F 9am-5pm Ready Care Home Health 2700 SW 3rd Ave Ste 2E Miami 33129 ‰ (305) 669-5957 M-F 9am-5pm Renacer Home Health Care 14750 NW 77th Ct Ste 108 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 817-1800 M-F 9am-5pm Total Care Home Svcs Vitas Healthcare Corporation of Florida 16800 NW 2nd Ave Ste 400 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 654-3718 M-F 9am-5pm Hospice Care Outpatient/ Cuidado de hospicio ambulatorio Catholic Hospice 14875 NW 77th Ave Ste 100 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 822-2380 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Heartland Hospice Services 8925 SW 148th St Ste 100 Palmetto Bay 33176 ‰ (305) 247-3127 M-F 9am-5pm 5959 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 401 Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 592-7030 M-F 9am-5pm Hospice Facility/Centro de hospicio Trend Home Health Svcs 14875 NW 77th Ave Ste 100 Hialeah 33014 ‰ (305) 822-2380 M-Su 12am-11:59pm 1111 Park Cente Blvd Ste 205 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 654-4090 M-F 8:30am-5pm Trinity Health Care Svcs Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (954) 986-1754 M-F 9am-5pm United Home Care Svcs 8400 NW 33rd St Ste 400 Doral 33122 ‰ (305) 716-0710 M-F 8am-5pm Catholic Hospice Heartland Hospice Services 8925 SW 148th St Ste 100 Palmetto Bay 33176 ‰ (305) 247-3127 M-F 9am-5pm Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care of Southern FL 5200 NE 2nd Ave Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 762-3883 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Page/Página 109 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade MH Case Management- Child/Manejo de casos de salud mental - niños Vitas Healthcare Corporation of Florida 16800 NW 2nd Ave Ste 400 Miami 33169 ‰ (305) 654-3718 M-F 9am-5pm Imaging Facility/Centro de diagnóstico por imágenes A1 Imaging of Aventura 20880 W Dixie Hwy Ste 111 North Miami Beach 33180 ‰ (305) 933-9565 M-F 9am-5pm Advance Cardiovascular Imaging 14504 Commerce Way Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 511-1550 M-F 9am-5pm 17615 SW 97th Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 674-3398 M-F 9am-5pm 3100 SW 62nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 666-6511 M-F 9am-5pm Mount Sinai Medical Ctr & Miami Heart Institute 4300 Alton Rd Ascher Bldg 2nd Fl Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 674-3959 M-F 9am-5pm 4701 N Meridian Ave Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-1111 M-F 9am-5pm North Shore Medical Center Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 10260 SW 56at Ste 102 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 270-7855 M-F 9am-5pm 1100 NW 95th St Miami 33150 ‰ (305) 835-6000 M-F 9am-5pm Ambulatory Diagnostic Palmetto General Hospital 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 100 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 446-7893 M-F 9am-5pm 2001 West 68th St Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 823-5000 M-F 9am-5pm B & G Diagnostic Svcs Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 444 W 51st Pl Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 818-2006 M-F 9am-5pm 3100 Douglas Rd Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 445-8461 M-F 9am-5pm Homestead Diagnostic Ctr Treats Patients Ages 1 and Over 387 S Homestead Blvd Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 246-5600 M-F 9am-5pm Jackson South Community Hospital 9333 SW 152nd St Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 251-2500 M-F 9am-5pm Lakes Radiology 15600 NW 67th Ave Stes 107/304 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 231-1115 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Children's Hospital 13400 SW 120th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 9am-5pm 297 SW 27th Ave Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 960-7050 M-F 9am-5pm Universal Imagining & Radiology 14462 Commerce Way Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 821-8585 M-F 9am-5pm University Of Miami Hospital 1400 NW 12th Ave Ste 2032 Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 689-5410 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Westchester General Hospital 2500 SW 75th Ave Miami 33155 (305) 264-5252 M-F 9am-5pm Mental Health Inten Otpt-Adult/ Ambulatorio intensivo para salud mental – adultos D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Larkin Community Hospital 1065 NE 125th St Ste 102 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-F 9am-5pm 7031 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Inpt Substance Abuse Fac-Adult/Centro de hospitalización para abuso de sustancias adultos Mental Health Inten Otpt-Child/ Ambulatorio intensivo para salud mental – niños Pinnacle Imaging Ctr Agape Company D & D Psych 2390 NW 7th St Ste 103 Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 642-7388 M-F 9am-5pm 22790 SW 112 Ave Cutler Bay 33170 ‰ (305) 235-2616 M-F 9am-5pm 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Intermittent & Skilled Nursing/ Enfermería intermitente y especializada Our Children Our Future Pro-Echo Diagnostic 2461 Coral Way Coral Gables 33145 ‰ (877) 776-3246 M-F 9am-5pm 300 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 201 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 532-7460 M-F 9am-5pm 4302 Alton Rd Ste 830 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (877) 776-3246 M-F 9am-5pm 5840 W Flagler St Miami 33144 ‰ (877) 776-3246 M-F 9am-5pm 907 Alton Rd Miami 33130 ‰ (305) 673-4247 M-F 9am-5pm South Dade Health Svcs 9765 SW 184th St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 255-3950 M-F 9am-5pm Sunset Radiology 7000 SW 97th Ave Ste 117 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-6602 M-F 9am-5pm CSI HealthMed Home Care 735 NW 22nd Ave Miami 33125 ‰ (305) 207-7383 M-F 8:30am-5pm Genesis Home Health Treats Patients Ages 3 through 21 1175 NE 125th St Ste 320 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 892-6161 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 3 through 21 1175 NE 125th St Ste 400 Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 892-6161 M-F 9am-5pm 1195 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 757-5999 M-F 9am-5pm Mental Health Prtl Hosp Adult/ Hospitalización Medical?Equipme parcial para nt and salud mental Supplies/Médica adultos ? Equipos y Larkin Community Hospital Suministros Health Medical Equipment 2694 SW 87th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 223-7222 M-F 9am-5:30pm Pedi Stat 1450 NW 159th St Miami 33169 (305) 623-1222 M-F 8am-5pm MH Case Management Adult/Manejo de casos de salud mental - adultos ABC's for Success 1550 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Agape Company 22790 SW 112 Ave Cutler Bay 33170 ‰ (305) 235-2616 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Community Health Of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm DTT Coaching Svcs 3621 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 534-7118 M-F 9am-5pm 9245 SW 157th St Ste 209 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 701-2401 M-F 9am-5pm Family Preservation Svcs of Florida 8600 NW 36th St Ste 600 Miami 33166 ‰ (772) 595-3773 M-F 8:30am-5pm Fellowship House 5711 S Dixie Hwy South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm 9825 E Hibiscus St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Behavioral Center 1065 NE 125th St Ste 102 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-F 9am-5pm 3900 NW 79th Ave Ste 820 Doral 33166 ‰ (786) 420-5924 M-F 9am-5pm 7031 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Guided Steps Healthcare Treats Patients Ages 3 through 65 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste 310 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 206-0331 M-F 9am-5pm Homestead Behavioral Clinic 654 NE 9th Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-F 9am-5pm Infinite Ways Network Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 13899 Biscayne Blvd Ste 223 N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 244-0971 M-F 9am-5pm MGM Behavioral 14411 Commerce Way Ste 320 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 827-2822 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Personal Management 7575 W Flagler St Ste 200A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 377-3297 M-F 9am-5pm New Era Health Center 9600 SW 8th St Ste 1 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-8838 M-F 9am-5pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm MH Case Management Child/Manejo de casos de salud mental niños ABC's for Success 1550 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Agape Company 22790 SW 112 Ave Cutler Bay 33170 ‰ (305) 235-2616 M-F 9am-5pm Center For Family & Child Enrichment 1825 NW 167th St Ste 102 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-7450 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Coral Gables Hospital Total Diagnostic Soltuions Page/Página 110 Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade MH Case Management- Child/Manejo de casos de salud mental - niños Community Health Of South Florida 10300 SW 216th St Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (305) 253-5100 M-F 9am-5pm D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm DTT Coaching Svcs 3621 SW 107th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 534-7118 M-F 9am-5pm 9245 SW 157th St Ste 209 Palmetto Bay 33157 ‰ (786) 701-2401 M-F 9am-5pm Family Preservation Svcs of Florida 8600 NW 36th St Ste 600 Miami 33166 ‰ (772) 595-3773 M-F 8:30am-5pm Florida Behavioral Center 3900 NW 79th Ave Ste 820 Doral 33166 ‰ (786) 420-5924 M-F 9am-5pm Guided Steps Healthcare Treats Patients Ages 3 through 65 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste 310 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 206-0331 M-F 9am-5pm Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Here's Help 9016 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 238-8500 M-F 9am-5pm Homestead Behavioral Clinic 654 NE 9th Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-F 9am-5pm Infinite Ways Network Treats Patients Ages 5 and Over 13899 Biscayne Blvd Ste 223 N Miami Beach 33181 ‰ (305) 244-0971 M-F 9am-5pm MGM Behavioral 14411 Commerce Way Ste 320 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 827-2822 M-F 9am-5pm New Era Health Center 9600 SW 8th St Ste 1 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-8838 M-F 9am-5pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Golden Glades Nursing and Rehabilation Center Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 220 Sierra Dr Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 653-8427 M-F 9am-5pm Nursing Facility Services/ Servicios de enfermería Fountain Manor Health & Rehab Center 390 NE 135th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 895-4804 M-F 9am-5pm Harmony Health Ctr 9820 N Kendall Dr Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-6311 M-F 9am-5pm North Dade Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1255 NE 135th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-6850 M-F 9am-5pm The Nursing Ctr At Mercy 3671 S Miami Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-1110 M-F 9am-5pm Treasure Isle Care Ctr 1735 N Treasure Dr North Bay Village 33141 ‰ (305) 865-2383 M-F 9am-5pm Waterford Rehabilitation & Nursing Center 8333 W Okeechobee Rd Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 556-9900 M-F 9am-5pm Nursing Home/ Asilo de ancianos Fair Havens Ctr 201 Curtiss Pkwy Miami Springs 33166 ‰ (305) 887-1565 M-F 9am-5pm Fountain Manor Health & Rehab Center 390 NE 135th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 895-4804 M-F 9am-5pm Harmony Health Ctr 9820 N Kendall Dr Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-6311 M-F 9am-5pm Heartland Health Care Center Kendall 9400 SW 137th Ave Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-8290 M-F 9am-5pm Heartland Health Care Center - Miami Lakes 5725 NW 186th St Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 625-9857 M-F 9am-5pm North Dade Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1255 NE 135th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-6850 M-F 9am-5pm Palm Garden Of Aventura Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 21251 E Dixie Hwy Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 935-4827 M-F 9am-5pm PlatinumOne Home Health Svcs 5901 NW 151st Ste 107 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 362-9336 M-F 9am-5pm Signature Health Care Of Brookwood Gardens 1990 S Canal Dr Homestead 33035 ‰ (305) 246-1200 M-F 9am-5pm St Annes Nursing Center St Annes Residence 11855 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (305) 252-4000 M-Su 12am-11:59pm The Nursing Ctr At Mercy 3671 S Miami Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 854-1110 M-F 9am-5pm Treasure Isle Care Ctr 1735 N Treasure Dr North Bay Village 33141 ‰ (305) 865-2383 M-F 9am-5pm Unity Health & Rehabilitation Ctr Morning Star Centers Dynamic Orthopedics 1404 NW 22nd St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 325-1050 M-F 9am-5pm 7811 Coral Way Ste 106 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 412-0138 M-F 9am-5pm Villa Maria Nursing Ctr New Era Health Center Serving all of Miamidade County Miami 33101 ‰ (954) 424-1168 M-F 9am-5pm 1050 NE 125th St North Miami 33161 (305) 891-8850 M-Su 12am-11:59pm 9600 SW 8th St Ste 1 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-8838 M-F 9am-5pm Waterford Rehabilitation & Nursing Center 8333 W Okeechobee Rd Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 556-9900 M-F 9am-5pm OP MH Svcs-Day Treatment/ Servicios ambulatorios de salud mental – tratamiento diurno Coral Community Mental Health Center 2141 SW 1st St Ste 103 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 644-6024 M-F 9am-5pm Fellowship House 5711 S Dixie Hwy South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm 9825 E Hibiscus St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm Guided Steps Healthcare Treats Patients Ages 3 through 65 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste 310 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 206-0331 M-F 9am-5pm Healing Solutions 1312 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-0662 M-F 9am-5pm Homestead Behavioral Clinic 654 NE 9th Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-F 9am-5pm MGM Behavioral 14411 Commerce Way Ste 320 Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 827-2822 M-F 9am-5pm Miami Personal Management Orthotics and Prosthetics/ Ortótica y prótesis Advanced Prosth/Orth Serving all of Miamidade County Miami 33166 ‰ (800) 330-8881 M-F 9am-5pm Aldo Surgical and Hospital Supply 8074 NW 103rd St Ste 21 Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 557-2835 F 9pm-6pm Sa 9am-3pm M-Th 9am-6pm Allied Orthopedics 7000 SW 97th Ave Ste 110 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 275-5656 M-F 9am-5pm Arthur Finnieston 8353 SW 124th St Ste 102 Miami 33156 ‰ (305) 233-9195 M-F 9am-5pm Avanta Orthopedics 7295 Coral Way #1 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 262-1721 M-F 9am-5pm Cranial Technologies Treats Patients Ages 2 and Under 9035 Sunset Dr Ste 101 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 596-2744 M-F 9am-5pm Dade Prosthetic Orthotic & Phys Therapy Rehab 7800 SW 87th Ave Ste 205B Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 596-9821 M-F 9am-5pm Doctor's Choice Medical Serving all of Miamidade County Miami 33101 ‰ (954) 978-8600 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Prosthetics & Orthotics Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (305) 553-1217 M-F 9am-5pm Garrisons Prosthetic 17184 NE 19th Ave North Miami Beach 33162 ‰ (305) 949-1888 M-F 9am-5pm M Quirantes Orthopedic Appliances 8485 SW 40th St Ste 101 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 552-8400 M-F 9am-5pm Mon Orthopedic 517 E 25th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 835-8600 M-F 9am-5pm Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (305) 835-8600 M-F 9am-5pm Ortho Pro Associates 9150 SW 87th Ave Ste B100 Miami 33176 (305) 598-9688 M-F 9am-5pm Quirantes Orthopedic 5840 West Flagler St Ste 1 Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 261-1382 M-F 9am-5pm South Beach Orthotics & Prosthetics 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 102 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 972-9393 M-F 9am-5pm South Beach Orthotics and Prosthetics 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 102 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-9393 M-F 9am-5pm 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 102 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 672-9393 M-F 9am-5pm 7575 W Flagler St Ste 200A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 377-3297 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Page/Página 111 Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Radiology Facility/Centro de radiología Outpt Sub Ab Trtmnt Svcs-Adult/ Servicios de tratamiento ambulatorio para abuso de sustancias adultos ABC's for Success 1550 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Better Way of Miami 800 NW 28th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 634-3409 M-F 9am-5pm Coral Community Mental Health Center 2141 SW 1st St Ste 103 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 644-6024 M-F 9am-5pm D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Fellowship House 9825 E Hibiscus St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm Guided Steps Healthcare Here's Help 15100 NW 27th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-8201 M-F 9am-5pm 9016 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 238-8500 M-F 9am-5pm 169 E Flagler St Ste 1300 Miami 33131 ‰ (305) 573-3784 M-F 9am-5pm 3180 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 341-1750 M-F 9am-5pm 400 NE 31st St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 341-1750 M-F 9am-5pm Trinity CMHC 15325 NW 60th Ave Ste 105 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 512-5388 M-F 9am-5pm Outpt Sub Ab Trtmnt Svcs-Child/ Servicios de tratamiento ambulatorio para abuso de sustancias niños ABC's for Success 1550 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Center For Family & Child Enrichment 1825 NW 167th St Ste 102 Miami Gardens 33056 ‰ (305) 624-7450 M-F 9am-5pm Coral Community Mental Health Center 2141 SW 1st St Ste 103 Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 644-6024 M-F 9am-5pm D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Guided Steps Healthcare Morning Star Centers 7811 Coral Way Ste 106 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 412-0138 M-F 9am-5pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm Nueva America Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 2682 SW 87th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 480-5680 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 3 through 65 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste 310 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 206-0331 M-F 9am-5pm Here's Help 15100 NW 27th Ave Opa Locka 33054 ‰ (305) 685-8201 M-F 9am-5pm 9016 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 238-8500 M-F 9am-5pm Morning Star Centers 7811 Coral Way Ste 106 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 412-0138 M-F 9am-5pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm Nueva America Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 2682 SW 87th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 480-5680 M-F 9am-5pm The Village South 169 E Flagler St Ste 1300 Miami 33131 ‰ (305) 573-3784 M-F 9am-5pm 3180 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 341-1750 M-F 9am-5pm 400 NE 31st St Miami 33137 ‰ (305) 341-1750 M-F 9am-5pm Personal Emergency Resp Sys/Personal de emergencia Resp Sys Fellowship House 5711 S Dixie Hwy South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm 9825 E Hibiscus St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 667-1036 M-F 9am-5pm Florida Behavioral Center 3900 NW 79th Ave Ste 820 Doral 33166 ‰ (786) 420-5924 M-F 9am-5pm Guided Steps Healthcare Treats Patients Ages 3 through 65 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste 310 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 206-0331 M-F 9am-5pm Healing Solutions 1312 Coral Way Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 858-0662 M-F 9am-5pm Homestead Behavioral Clinic Psychiatric Inpt Hosp-Adult/ Hospitalización psiquiátrica adultos Realtime Medical Imaging Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (954) 680-4445 M-F 9am-5pm Larkin Community Hospital South Dade Health Svcs 1065 NE 125th St Ste 102 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-F 9am-5pm 9765 SW 184th St Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 255-3950 M-F 9am-5pm Psychiatric Inpt Hosp-Child/ Hospitalización psiquiátrica niños Miami Children's Hospital 13400 SW 120th St Ste 100 Miami 33186 ‰ (786) 624-5363 M-F 9am-5pm 14504 Commerce Way Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (305) 511-1550 M-F 9am-5pm Radiology Facility/Centro de radiología Ambulatory Diagnostic 747 Ponce De Leon Blvd Ste 100 Coral Gables 33134 ‰ (305) 446-7893 M-F 9am-5pm Diagnostic Medical Imaging 2170 W 68th St # 1 Hialeah 33016 ‰ (305) 395-4220 M-F 9am-5pm Elite Imaging 654 NE 9th Pl Homestead 33030 ‰ (305) 248-3488 M-F 9am-5pm 17615 SW 97th Ave Miami 33157 ‰ (786) 674-3398 M-F 9am-5pm 2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 100 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 692-2222 M-F 9am-5pm VRI Miami Personal Management Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (800) 860-4230 M-F 9am-5pm 7575 W Flagler St Ste 200A Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 377-3297 M-F 9am-5pm Radiology Mobile Unit/ Radiología, unidad móvil 2999 NE 191st St Ste 103 Aventura 33180 ‰ (305) 692-2222 M-F 9am-5pm Advance Cardiovascular Imaging 400 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 104 Miami Beach 33140 ‰ (305) 692-2222 M-F 9am-5pm Psych Rehab-Psychoso cial Rehab/ Rehabilitación psiquiátrica – rehabilitación psicosocial ABC's for Success 1550 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables 33146 ‰ (786) 536-9714 M-F 9am-5pm Better Way of Miami 800 NW 28th St Miami 33127 ‰ (305) 634-3409 M-F 9am-5pm Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Morning Star Centers 7811 Coral Way Ste 106 Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 412-0138 M-F 9am-5pm New Era Health Center 9600 SW 8th St Ste 1 Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-8838 M-F 9am-5pm New Horizons Community Mental Health Treats Patients Ages 65 and Under 1469 NW 36th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 635-0366 M-F 9am-5pm Nueva America Treats Patients Ages 8 and Over 2682 SW 87th Ave Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 480-5680 M-F 9am-5pm Treats Patients Ages 2 and Over 10260 SW 56at Ste 102 Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 270-7855 M-F 9am-5pm Lifestream Mobile Diagnostic 7997 SW 76th Ave Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 264-2021 M-F 9am-5pm Mobile Quality Diagnostic 1751 W 38th Pl Ste 1003-A Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 820-8720 M-F 9am-5pm Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (305) 820-8720 M-F 9am-5pm Pds Imaging Mobile Unit Serving all of Miami dade County Miami 33101 ‰ (954) 581-8906 M-F 9am-5pm Lakes Radiology 15600 NW 67th Ave Ste 107 Miami Lakes 33014 ‰ (305) 231-1115 M-F 9am-5pm Pet CT & MRI Of Miami 12905 SW 42nd St Ste 106 Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 229-2020 M-F 12am-11:59pm Rivero Diagnostic Center 285 W 49th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 826-6040 M-F 9am-5pm Sunset Radiology 7000 SW 97th Ave Ste 117 Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 273-6602 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Treats Patients Ages 3 through 65 18425 NW 2nd Ave Ste 310 Miami Gardens 33169 ‰ (305) 206-0331 M-F 9am-5pm The Village South Page/Página 112 Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Miami-dade County/Condado de Miami-dade Residential Care/Assist Living/Cuidado residencial/vida asistida Residential Care/Assist Living/Cuidado residencial/vida asistida 9640 SW 10th Ter Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 207-9191 M-F 7am-7pm A Comfort Living Coral Way Senior Care 1660 NW 135th St North Miami 33167 ‰ (305) 681-3137 M-Su 12am-11:59pm 2451 SW 143rd Ct Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 551-1439 M-F 9am-5pm Adam Home Davisito's 158 W 8th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 884-1961 M-F 9am-5pm 6524 NW 197th Ln Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 624-1995 M-F 8am-5pm Alelise ALF Corp Dora Home Care 6230 W 18th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (786) 464-0354 M-F 8am-5pm 260 E 61st St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 822-2628 M-F 9am-5pm Alpha & Omega Residential East Gables Retirement Ctr 410 E 24th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 691-6335 M-F 8am-4:30pm 3590 SW 16th St Ste 95 Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 443-1985 M-F 8:30am-5pm Angele's Assisted Living Facility 29921 SW 151th Ave Homestead 33033 ‰ (786) 234-6721 M-F 9am-3pm Assisted Living Retirement Home II 2789 SW 33rd Ave Miami 33133 ‰ (305) 446-5076 M-F 9am-5pm Blanca Azuzena Home Care 12414 SW 252nd Ter Homestead 33032 ‰ (305) 257-4741 M-F 8am-5pm Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Coral Park Senior Care of Miami Candid Home Care 7200 SW 131st Ave Miami 33183 ‰ (305) 385-8380 M-F 9am-5pm Candid Home Care II 14733 SW 113th Ln Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 385-8380 M-F 9am-5pm Candid Home Care III 10710 SW 148th Ct Miami 33196 ‰ (305) 382-8753 M-F 9am-5pm Caring For You III ALF 7080 SW 14th St Miami 33144 ‰ (305) 262-7704 M-F 8am-5pm Charity Home ALF 290 W 48th St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 409-6992 M-F 8am-5pm Companion Home 1997 SW 17th Ct Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 856-2933 M-F 8am-5pm Eden Gardens ALF 12221 W Dixie Hwy North Miami 33161 ‰ (786) 419-6949 M-Su 12am-11:59pm El Paraiso Home 1540 SW 7th St Miami 33135 ‰ (305) 649-0490 M-F 9am-5pm Elena Assisted Living Facility 1731 SW 11th St Miami 33135 ‰ (786) 333-4572 M-F 8am-5pm Gables Manor Enterprises II 670 E 57th St Hialeah 33013 ‰ (305) 519-5485 M-F 9am-5pm Golden Age Assisted Living Facility 5970 NW 3rd St Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 456-9538 M-F 9am-5pm Golden Palms Assisted Living Facility 7280 NW 169th St Miami 33015 ‰ (305) 826-9261 M-F 9am-5pm Hainat La Estacion Dorada 1230 SW 94th Ave Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 710-4543 M-F 7am-7pm Lizi Home Care ALF 2820 SW 131st Pl Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 220-7685 M-F 9am-5pm Lizi Home Care ALF II 4521 SW 135th Ave Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 910-5950 M-F 8am-5pm Lizi Home Care III 11633 SW 133rd Ter Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 910-5950 M-F 8am-5pm M & Y Caring and Loving Alf 22712 SW 103rd Ct Cutler Bay 33190 ‰ (786) 231-9146 M-F 8am-5pm Manos Amigas ALF 8510 SW 47th St Miami 33155 ‰ (305) 207-3749 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Marta Home Care 6898 W 29th Ave Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 557-7605 M-F 8am-5pm Merci's Home Corp 4291 SW 9th Ter Miami 33134 ‰ (305) 443-8294 M-F 9am-5pm Norcrist Home 542 NW 8th St Miami 33136 ‰ (305) 358-7610 M-F 8am-5pm Nursing Love and Care Facility 1045 W 23rd St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 883-1915 M-F 8:30am-5pm Olaz Home Care 4124 SW 97th Ct Miami 33165 ‰ (786) 499-6845 M-F 9am-5pm Our Dream Retirement Home 1640 Palm Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 887-4141 M-F 9am-5pm Palmetto ALF II 2435 SW 82nd Ave Miami 33155 ‰ (786) 277-5353 M-F 9am-6pm 8933 NW 172nd Ter Hialeah 33018 ‰ (305) 558-6654 M-F 8:30am-5pm Hetery Home For The Elderly Precious Moments ALF 825 SE 7th Ave Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 889-1166 M-F 7am-7pm 9480 Dana Rd Cutler Bay 33157 ‰ (305) 259-3958 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Rainbow Heights Home Care 1430 NW 35th St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 637-9988 M-F 8am-5pm Renacer ACLF 115 W 5th St Hialeah 33010 ‰ (305) 496-1513 M-F 9am-5pm San Cayetano Home 3525 SW 104th Ct Miami 33165 ‰ (305) 221-7733 M-F 8am-5pm San Miguel Home Care 3931 W 8th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 558-8769 M-F 8am-5pm Star Of Mary Adult Center 6425 SW 93rd Pl Miami 33173 ‰ (305) 456-9834 M-F 9am-5pm Sun Village Homes 1350 W 31st St Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 823-8963 M-F 8am-5pm Sweet Care 634 SW 96th Ct Miami 33174 ‰ (305) 559-0240 M-F 7am-7pm Sweet Hope Assisted Living Corp 13551 SW 208th St Miami 33177 ‰ (786) 470-6195 M-F 9am-5pm Zuni ALF 370 NW 133rd Pl Miami 33182 ‰ (786) 234-5085 M-F 8am-4:30pm Skilled Nursing Facility/Centro de enfermería especializada Floridian Healthcare 47 NW 32nd Pl Miami 33125 (305) 649-2911 M-F 9am-5pm Fountain Manor Health & Rehab Center 390 NE 135th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 895-4804 M-F 9am-5pm Golden Glades Nursing and Rehabilation Center Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 220 Sierra Dr Miami 33179 ‰ (305) 653-8427 M-F 9am-5pm Harmony Health Ctr 9820 N Kendall Dr Miami 33176 ‰ (305) 271-6311 M-F 9am-5pm Heartland Health Care Center Kendall 9400 SW 137th Ave Miami 33186 ‰ (305) 385-8290 M-F 9am-5pm Talia ALF Heartland Health Care Center - Miami Lakes 14601 SW 50th Ter Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 207-1959 M-F 8am-5pm 5725 NW 186th St Hialeah 33015 ‰ (305) 625-9857 M-F 9am-5pm Tania Home Health ALF North Dade Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 14255 SW 148th Ct Miami 33196 ‰ (786) 732-4508 M-F 8am-5pm Two Sisters Love & Care Treats Patients Ages 18 and Over 1255 NE 135th St North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 891-6850 M-F 9am-5pm 54 NW 45th Ave Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 266-0284 M-F 9am-5pm St Annes Nursing Center St Annes Residence Two Sisters Place 2591 SW 124th Ave Miami 33175 ‰ (305) 200-5456 M-F 8am-5pm Villa Serena I 1200 SW 22nd Terrace Miami 33145 ‰ (305) 206-5342 M-F 9am-5pm 11855 Quail Roost Dr Miami 33177 ‰ (305) 252-4000 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Unity Health & Rehabilitation Ctr 1404 NW 22nd St Miami 33142 ‰ (305) 325-1050 M-F 9am-5pm Waterford Rehabilitation & Nursing Center 8333 W Okeechobee Rd Hialeah Gardens 33016 ‰ (305) 556-9900 M-F 9am-5pm Sleep Disorder Clinic/Clínica para trastornos del sueño United Health Systems 50 NW 15th St Ste 108 Homestead 33030 ‰ (954) 382-0001 M-F 9am-5pm 7745 NW 146th St Miami Lakes 33016 ‰ (954) 382-0001 M-F 9am-5pm United Sleep Diagnostics 4201 Palm Ave Ste 2E Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 403-7280 M-F 9am-5pm Sub Abuse Inten Otpt - Adult/ Ambulatorio intensivo para abuso de sustancias adultos D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Larkin Community Hospital 1065 NE 125th St Ste 102 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-F 9am-5pm 7031 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Sub Abuse Inten Otpt - Child/ Ambulatorio intensivo para abuso de sustancias niños D & D Psych 7392 NW 35th Ter Ste 201-202 Miami 33122 ‰ (305) 597-9494 M-F 9am-5pm Xanadu Living Facility 840 NW 44th Ave Miami 33126 ‰ (305) 456-8787 M-F 8am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Page/Página 113 Monroe County/Condado de Monroe Outpt Sub Ab Trtmnt Svcs-Child/Servicios de tratamiento ambulatorio para abuso de sustancias - niños Sub Abuse Partial Hosp Adult/ Hospitalización parcial para abuso de sustancias adultos Larkin Community Hospital 1065 NE 125th St Ste 102 North Miami 33161 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-F 9am-5pm 7031 SW 62nd Ave South Miami 33143 ‰ (305) 284-7623 M-Su 12am-11:59pm Substance Abuse/Abuso de sustancias Citrus Health Network 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm 4175 W 20th Ave Hialeah 33012 ‰ (305) 825-0300 M-F 7am-4pm Here's Help 9016 SW 152nd St Miami 33157 ‰ (305) 238-8500 M-F 9am-5pm NVPUSA HealthCare Telehealth/ Telesalud Mom's Meals Serving all of Miamidade County Miami 33101 ‰ (515) 963-0641 M-Su 9am-7pm Monroe County/ Condado de Monroe Assisted Living/ Vida asistida Guidance Care Ctr 67 Coco Plum Dr Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 8am-6pm Lower Keys Medical Ctr 1200 Kennedy Dr Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm 5900 College Rd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm CLIA Level 1/ Nivel CLIA 1 Key West Dialysis 1122 N Roosevelt Blvd Key Plaza Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-8453 M-F 9am-5pm Community Mental Health Center/Centro comunitario de salud mental ABC's for Success 88005 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 ‰ (305) 396-7574 M-F 9am-5pm Guidance/Care Center 1205 4th St Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm 99198 Overseas Hwy Ste 5 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm Lower Keys Medical Ctr 1200 Kennedy Dr Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm 5900 College Rd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm Dialysis/Diálisis Key West Dialysis 1122 N Roosevelt Blvd Key Plaza Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-8453 M-F 9am-5pm DME & Supplies/ Equipos médicos duraderos y suministros All Customs Corsets Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 541-5858 M-F 9am-5pm Medline Industries Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (800) 404-4141 M-F 9am-5pm Pedi Stat Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 623-1222 M-F 8am-5pm SurfMed Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 948-6429 M-F 9am-5pm Tabraue Orthopedic Medical Supply Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 649-4460 M-F 9am-5pm DME Medical Supplier/Equipo médico duradero Médico Proveedor Tabraue Orthopedic Medical Supply Home Delivered Meals/Comidas entregadas en el hogar Mom's Meals Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (515) 963-0641 M-F 9am-7pm Home Health Agency/Agencia de salud en el hogar ACA Home Health Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 541-8989 M-F 9am-5pm Faith Health Care Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 228-4800 M-F 9am-5pm Genesis Home Health Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 757-5999 M-F 9am-5pm Nory's Home Services Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 255-6203 M-F 9am-5pm Hospice/Hospicio Vitas Healthcare Corporation of Florida Medical?Equipme Nursing Home/ nt and Asilo de ancianos Supplies/Médica Key West Health and Rehabilitation ? Equipos y Center Suministros 5860 W Junior College Pedi Stat Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 623-1222 M-F 8am-5pm SurfMed Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 948-6429 M-F 9am-5pm MH Case ManagementAdult/Manejo de casos de salud mental - adultos ABC's for Success 88005 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 ‰ (305) 396-7574 M-F 9am-5pm Guidance/Care Center 1205 4th St Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm 99198 Overseas Hwy Ste 5 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm MH Case ManagementChild/Manejo de casos de salud mental niños Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 649-4460 M-F 9am-5pm Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (954) 486-4085 M-F 9am-5pm Early Childhood Intervention/ Intervención a edad temprana Hospice Facility/Centro de hospicio Guidance/Care Center Vitas Healthcare Corporation of Florida 1205 4th St Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm ABC's for Success 88005 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 ‰ (305) 396-7574 M-F 9am-5pm Federally Qualified Health Center/Centro de salud calificado federalmente Community Health Of South Florida 2855 Overseas Hwy Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 743-4000 M-F 9am-5pm Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (954) 486-4085 M-F 9am-5pm Intermittent & Skilled Nursing/ Enfermería intermitente y especializada Genesis Home Health Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (305) 757-5999 M-F 9am-5pm ABC's for Success 88005 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 ‰ (305) 396-7574 M-F 9am-5pm 99198 Overseas Hwy Ste 5 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm Nursing Facility Services/ Servicios de enfermería Key West Health and Rehabilitation Center Rd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 296-4888 M-F 9am-5pm Plantation Key Nursing Center 48 High Point Rd Tavernier 33070 ‰ (305) 853-0799 M-F 9am-5pm Outpt Sub Ab Trtmnt Svcs-Adult/ Servicios de tratamiento ambulatorio para abuso de sustancias adultos ABC's for Success 88005 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 ‰ (305) 396-7574 M-F 9am-5pm Guidance/Care Center 1205 4th St Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm 99198 Overseas Hwy Ste 5 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm Outpt Sub Ab Trtmnt Svcs-Child/ Servicios de tratamiento ambulatorio para abuso de sustancias niños ABC's for Success 88005 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 ‰ (305) 396-7574 M-F 9am-5pm Guidance/Care Center 1205 4th St Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm 99198 Overseas Hwy Ste 5 Key Largo 33037 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 9am-5pm 5860 W Junior College Rd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 296-4888 M-F 9am-5pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Treats Patients Ages 6 through 13 8180 NW 36th St Ste 404 Doral 33166 ‰ (866) 305-7365 M-F 9am-5pm BH Crisis Stablztn Svcs-Adult/ Servicios de estabilización de crisis de salud del comportamiento – adultos Page/Página 114 Ancillary Providers/Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Monroe County/Condado de Monroe Personal Emergency Resp Sys/Personal de emergencia Resp Sys Personal Emergency Resp Sys/Personal de emergencia Resp Sys VRI Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (800) 860-4230 M-F 9am-5pm Psych Rehab-Psychoso cial Rehab/ Rehabilitación psiquiátrica – rehabilitación psicosocial ABC's for Success 88005 Overseas Hwy Islamorada 33036 ‰ (305) 396-7574 M-F 9am-5pm Lower Keys Medical Ctr 1200 Kennedy Dr Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm 5900 College Rd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 294-5531 M-F 9am-5pm Residential Care/Assist Living/Cuidado residencial/vida asistida Ancillary Providers Proveedores de servicio auxiliar Guidance Care Ctr 67 Coco Plum Dr Marathon 33050 ‰ (305) 434-7660 M-F 8am-6pm Skilled Nursing Facility/Centro de enfermería especializada Key West Health and Rehabilitation Center 5860 W Junior College Rd Key West 33040 ‰ (305) 296-4888 M-F 9am-5pm Telehealth/ Telesalud Mom's Meals Serving all of Monroe County Key West 33045 ‰ (515) 963-0641 M-F 9am-7pm ‰ Accessible to people with disabilities/De fácil acceso para personas con discapacidad Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D *Practice is closed to new members/Consultorio no acepta a nuevos miembros Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades; amenos de que lo indique de otra manera Foreign Languages Spoken at Provider Offices/En las oficinas de proveedores se hablan diferentes idiomas Page/Página 115 Spanish Abkhazian Lopez, Emilio H. MD Dweck, Merryl MD Jayakar, Parul B. MD Radwan, Nidal B. MD Schobel, Ruth C. MD Gujarati Pandya, Dhruti MD Haitian; Haitian Creole Atilus, Rosita ARNP Celoge, Marie Y. MD Gervais, Marie D. MD Marcelin, Margalitte APNP Bengali Croatian Mahmood, Iftikher U. MD Juric, Iva NP Hebrew Chinese Cantonese Dutch, Middle (Ca.1050-1350) Adler, Moshe MD Barbouth, Deborah S. MD Ohring, Marshall D. MD Rozenstein, Alexander MD Seligshon, Jacob S. MD Sredni, Diana MD Chang, Philip C. MD Kiang, Eileen DO Wong, Alan MD Chinese Mandarin Wong, Alan MD Creole-Criollo Cuello Fuentes, Richard MD Davila-Torres, Elise A. MD De Los Santos, Rosana D. MD Fernandez Felipe, Radames I. MD Fields, Nicole M. DO Gutierrez, Juana M. MD Hermida, Jesus G. MD Kirwan, Michelle A. MD Leroy, Nathalie MD Lopez, Reynaldo MD Montero, Alberto NP Pedreira, Denia MD Radwan, Nidal B. MD Zephir, Johanne A. DO Creoles And Pidgins (Other) Gonzalez, Raquel M. MD Creoles And Pidgins, Bermudez, Jr, Roberto MD Lamarre, Marie K. MD Torres, Johann V. MD Creoles And Pidgins, English B Mcfarlane, Trecia E. MD Ojeda Gil, Serman L. MD Creoles And Pidgins, FrenchBa Alix, Pierre R. MD Bahrami, Michael M. MD Berenguer, Ramon A. MD Bridges, Quida P. MD Castano, Luis C. MD Delva, Gesner MD Faublas, Josiane MD Ffrench, Lesline A. MD Gervais, Marie D. MD Gracia, Deborah DO Joseph, Marc-Antoine A. MD Joseph, Rufus MD Mahmood, Iftikher U. MD Maurice, Ketty DO Monestime, Johanne L. MD Morency, Jacques P. MD Nunez, Edgard A. MD Putter, Bernard S. MD English, Middle (1100-1500) Murciano, Jack MD Hindi Abao, Anne Marie B. MD Amble, Jayashree MD Gupta, Padma MD Jayakar, Parul B. MD Khan, Sofia S. MD Pandya, Dhruti MD Syed, Sarah MD French Italian Castano, Luis C. MD Castro, Adriana M. MD De Los Santos, Roosevelt A. MD Delva, Gesner MD Drusano, Michael F. MD Dupuy, Sargine MD Elisme, Junie F. MD Faublas, Josiane MD Fernandez Felipe, Radames I. MD Gervais, Marie D. MD Gonzalez, Raquel M. MD Gracia, Deborah DO Joseph, Marc-Antoine A. MD Lopez-Guerrero, Rene L. MD Marcelin, Margalitte APNP Mardy, Gisele V. MD Moise, Francelot MD Monestime, Johanne L. MD Montero, Alberto NP Morency, Jacques P. MD Ordillas-Jorge, Lyndia MD Ramirez, Jacqueline DO Rodriguez-Jorge, Alicia MD Schobel, Ruth C. MD Silencieux-Cineas, Marie G. MD Torres, Johann V. MD Tyrell, Tahirah A. MD Urday-Esslinger, Ernesto A. MD Vazquez, Gladys L. MD Virdee, Satranjan S. MD Zephir, Johanne A. DO Calandriello, Alexandra MD Castro, Adriana M. MD De Los Santos, Roosevelt A. MD Joseph, Rose V. MD Sepe, Maurizio MD Fijian Lamarre, Marie K. MD Filipino, Pilipino German Jakos, Pedro P. MD Judd, Sarah A. MD Ramirez, Jacqueline DO Urday-Esslinger, Ernesto A. MD Virdee, Satranjan S. MD Greek, Modern (1453-) Papadimitriou, Vasiliki DO Mandar Hsu, Cindy C. MD Panjabi Khan, Sofia S. MD Virdee, Satranjan S. MD Persian Ahmadi, Ramesh MD Bahrami, Michael M. MD Portuguese Barbouth, Deborah S. MD Borba, Luciana S. MD De Los Santos, Roosevelt A. MD Drusano, Michael F. MD Jorrin Simon, Alejandro D. MD Lopez, Emilio H. MD Orcasita Ng, Jose A. MD Ramirez Navarro, Ariel MD Rangel, Jorge E. MD Tamayo, Victor I. MD Romanian Radulescu, Dragos A. MD Russian Belousov, Yekaterina N. DO Benjamin, Yukhanan MD Rozenstein, Alexander MD Vladi, Ketevan MD Sinhalese Nicolas-Alexandre, Marie J. MD Spanish Abao, Anne Marie B. MD Ables, Lilia R. MD Acebo, Waldo MD Acevedo, Armando E. MD Acevedo, Ray M. MD Acosta, Jose I. MD Acosta, Sharon MD Aguilar, Doris N. MD Ahmadi, Ramesh MD Alamo, Lourdes MD Albuja, Laura D. NP Alexander, Barbara S. DO Alfonzo, Carmen M. MD Alix, Pierre R. MD Almanzar-Arcur, Maria MD Alonso, Ivo MD Alvarez Diaz, Ramiro MD Alvarez, Israel D. MD Alvarez, Raul A. MD Alvarez-Marinelli, Radhames R. MD Amador, Maria E. MD Amble, Jayashree MD Amelinckx, Adriana MD Andino, Rene MD Andux-Gonzalez, Carmen Z. MD Aquino, Bienvenido MD Aquino, Frances J. MD Archer, Harry MD Arguello, Aleyda MD Arguello, Rocio E. DO Arroyo Larrea, Daniela MD Ascherman, Toby MD Ayuso, Liza MD Baca, Jose F. MD Bahrami, Michael M. MD Barbouth, Deborah S. MD Baumgard, Jonathan MD Belousov, Yekaterina N. DO Benavides, Oscar J. MD Bencomo, Rosabel M. MD Bengochea, Jose A. MD Benitez, Fanny MD Benjamin, Yukhanan MD Bennett, Richard DO Berenguer, Ramon A. MD Bermudez, Jr, Roberto MD Bernetti, Karina A. MD Bertoldi, Ana M. MD Bianchi, Ausberto MD Blanco, Antonio E. MD Blanco, Armando MD Blanco, Luis A. MD Bohorquez, Mabel D. MD Bombino, Aesthor E. MD Bonnelly, Belkys A. MD Borba, Luciana S. MD Braceras, Ines M. MD Bravo, Belkys MD Brito, Hilda M. MD Brown, Stefanie R. MD Brown, Thomas P. DO Burgos, Gloria E. MD Bustamante, Erik J. MD Caballero, Lourdes ARNP Cabral, Ricardo J. MD Calandriello, Alexandra MD Calle, Sandy R. MD Camacho, Maelyn L. MD Camayd, Juan G. MD Canada, Fernando MD Cancio Vega, Caridad M. MD Canel-Morera, Maria C. MD Capote Jr, Eddy MD Capote, Avis T. MD Capote, Mayra MD Carballo, Pedro P. MD Carballosa, Maria A. MD Cardoso, Teresa MD Caro, Pedro R. MD Carralero, Rita M. MD Castaneda, Ana M. MD Castano, Luis C. MD Castro, Adriana M. MD Celoge, Marie Y. MD Chi, Joseph I. MD Chinea, Ignacio C. MD Chiong, Rafael MD Chipon Schoepp, Nadine B. DO Chung, Katherine D. MD Cintas, Fidel MD Cintas, Maura MD Cobiella, Jose A. MD Cohen, Peter M. DO Colon, Ennio MD Contreras, Ana J. MD Contreras, Jose J. MD Cordero, Edwin A. MD Coronado, Elsy M. MD Cortes, Anais B. MD Cuan, Damarys MD Cuello Fuentes, Richard MD Cunill-De Sautu, Beatriz M. MD Da Costa Gomez, Carol A. MD Dally, Alfredo D. MD Dangond, Alvaro J. MD Davila-Torres, Elise A. MD De Diego, Jorge A. MD De La Cruz, Alejandro E. MD De La Rua, Mairim D. MD De La Sota, Ileana MD De Los Santos, Roosevelt A. MD De Los Santos, Rosana D. MD De Quesada, Gonzalo MD Dechurch, Stephanie MD Del Toro, Yanisa MD Del Valle, Felipe A. MD Delgado, Eduardo E. MD Delgado, Evelyn MD Delgado, Livia A. MD Delgado, Marta I. MD Delima, Selma C. MD Delva, Gesner MD Desnoyers, Marie-Helene MD Diaz, Adelfa MD Diaz, Eduardo MD Diaz, Margoth C. MD Diaz-De La Torre, Doris MD Dieguez Santiesteban, Niyasdeen MD Dieguez, Enrique B. MD Dominguez, Ricardo MD Drusano, Michael F. MD Dufreny, Alphonse G. MD Dweck, Merryl MD Echarri, Roberto MD Echavarria-Cano, Maria C. MD Egusquiza, Julio C. MD Egusquiza, Maria V. MD Eloy-Rodriguez, Maria C. MD Estevez, Miriam MD Evans, Lillian MD Felipe, Ivette MD Fenton, Kira B. DO Ferder, Gabriela MD Ferder, Nadia MD Fernandez Felipe, Radames I. MD Fernandez, Hugo S. MD Fernandez, Jose MD Fernandez, Juan M. MD Fernandez, Maria V. MD Fernandez, Noel D. MD Foreign Languages Spoken at Provider Offices En las oficinas de proveedores se hablan diferentes idiomas Arabic Okonkwo, Margaret I. MD Olagbemi, Olakunle T. MD Oper, Arnold MD Ordillas-Jorge, Lyndia MD Oyadiran, Olabisi O. MD Schobel, Ruth C. MD Silencieux-Cineas, Marie G. MD Tamayo, Victor I. MD Page/Página 116 Foreign Languages Spoken at Provider Offices/En las oficinas de proveedores se hablan diferentes idiomas Foreign Languages Spoken at Provider Offices En las oficinas de proveedores se hablan diferentes idiomas Spanish Fernandez-Ortiz, Laura I. MD Ferreira, Isabel A. MD Ferretti, Rodolfo B. MD Ffrench, Lesline A. MD Fields, Nicole M. DO Fierro-Cobas, Victoria H. MD Figueroa, Lediana MD Fiore Urizar, Marco A. MD Franco, Rigoberto MD Frontera, Laura V. MD Fuentes, Ileana MD Gadea, Maria E. NP Galarraga-Ramirez, Yolanda A. MD Galguera, Manuel A. MD Gallego, Samuel MD Garcia, Domingo MD Garcia, Mireya MD Garcia, Roberto F. MD Garsva, Allison M. DO Gely-Sepulveda, Rosario MD Gervais, Marie D. MD Ginsburg, Alana M. DO Gomez, Isabel C. MD Gomez, Joaquin A. MD Gonzales-Olivares, Menayra MD Gonzalez- Rosado, Karen M. MD Gonzalez Vergara, Fernando V. MD Gonzalez, Angela MD Gonzalez, Bismark F. MD Gonzalez, Francisco MD Gonzalez, Jesus M. MD Gonzalez, Jose N. MD Gonzalez, Marco L. MD Gonzalez, Raquel M. MD Gough, Michelle K. PA Gracia, Deborah DO Granados, Maria A. MD Gray, Patrick A. MD Guevara, Carlos M. MD Gutierrez, Juana M. MD Gutierrez, Maria D. MD Gwynn, Lisa A. DO Handal-Saca, Carlos A. MD Haratz, Moises L. MD Harnisth, Maria S. MD Hermida, Jesus G. MD Hernandez-Chin, Eva MD Hernandez-Jorcano, Davmary NP Herrera, Jose A. MD Hoover, Keila MD Hurtado-Perez, Idania MD Izquierdo, Fabiana H. MD Jackson, Conchita S. MD Jackson, John MD Jaraki, Abdul-Rahman MD Jayakar, Parul B. MD Jorrin Simon, Alejandro D. MD Joseph, Marc-Antoine A. MD Joseph, Rufus MD Juarez, Erick MD Judd, Sarah A. MD Junco-Diaz, Rosa E. MD Katz, Martha M. MD Keane, Michelle A. MD Keller, Mark R. MD Khan, Sofia S. MD Kirwan, Michelle A. MD Konsker, Jennifer E. MD Kriger, Alberto I. MD Lagueruela, Clara C. MD Lagueruela, Richard G. MD Lamarre, Marie K. MD Lambert, Walter F. MD Lara, Miriam M. MD Laurente, Jesus MD Leitner, Susan A. MD Leroy, Nathalie MD Levin, Sanford L. MD Lirman, Dario D. MD Lo Wong, Silvia C. MD Lofton, Antoine J. MD Lopez, Emilio H. MD Lopez, Pedro MD Lopez, Radames MD Lopez, Reynaldo MD Lopez, Wilson MD Lopez-Andujar, Julio MD Lopez-Guerrero, Rene L. MD Lovo, Manuel A. MD Luaces, Jorge L. MD Lugo, Luis H. MD MacWilliams, Grisel MD Mahmood, Iftikher U. MD Mardy, Gisele V. MD Mariscal, Liuska MD Marquez-Brito, Eysa M. MD Martinez, Adolfo R. MD Martinez, Raquel MD Martinez-Ramos, Maria R. MD Martinez-Roman, Jorge MD Maurice, Ketty DO Maxwell, Tamika M. DO Mcfarlane, Trecia E. MD Mendez, Lorely E. MD Mendez, Paul E. MD Mendez-Irizarry, Lesbia MD Menendez-Rivera, Jesus B. MD Mitjans, Sandra Y. MD Moise, Francelot MD Molina, Carmen A. MD Monestime, Johanne L. MD Montano, Nazly MD Montero, Alberto NP Montero, Angel R. MD Morales, Cecilia V. MD Morales, Rommel R. MD Morency, Jacques P. MD Morera, Ismael S. MD Morono-Ponce, Idaylis MD Morrison, Sarah D. MD Mosquera, Diana I. MD Murciano, Jack MD Murillo Perez, Amarilys L. MD Nicolas-Alexandre, Marie J. MD Nodal, Teresa N. MD Noel, Lenore T. MD Novo, Robert P. MD Nunez, Edgard A. MD Nunez, Hernaldo M. MD Nunez, Lazaro D. MD Ojeda Gil, Serman L. MD Okonkwo, Margaret I. MD Olagbemi, Olakunle T. MD Oper, Arnold MD Oporta, Alejandro I. MD Orcasita Ng, Jose A. MD Ordillas-Jorge, Lyndia MD Ospina-Herrera, Lorraine MD Otero, Leandro L. MD Oyadiran, Olabisi O. MD Pablos, Carlos M. MD Padron, Airama M. MD Padron, Jose MD Pages, Luz MD Palmerola, Rafael A. MD Palomino, Mario R. MD Pancorbo, Dario MD Papadimitriou, Vasiliki DO Pedreira, Denia MD Pelaez, Gloria C. MD Pena, Jose MD Penas, Jose G. PA Penate, Rolando A. MD Peralta, Maria M. MD Perez, Deborah M. MD Perez, Hugo N. MD Perez, Martha R. MD Pernas, Martha B. MD Peters, Bruce B. DO Pico, Jose MD Pol-Carballo, Maria T. MD Porro, Amanda A. MD Pra, Jose I. MD Prado, Angeline MD Puig, Glauco A. MD Putter, Bernard S. MD Quesada, Eduardo MD Rabin, Estela MD Radulescu, Dragos A. MD Ramirez Navarro, Ariel MD Ramirez, Ciro A. MD Ramirez, Jacqueline DO Rangel, Aramy PA Rangel, Jorge E. MD Rearte, Ana C. MD REYES, JUAN J. MD Rincon, Elizabeth MD Rios, Marvin J. MD Rivas, Agustin G. MD Rivero, Maria del Pilar MD Rives, Elvira J. MD Roa, Melba M. MD Rodriguez, Allan E. MD Rodriguez, James MD Rodriguez, Joaquin MD Rodriguez-Fundora, William DO Rodriguez-Jorge, Alicia MD Rodriguez-Mendez, Jorge MD Rojas, Adriana M. MD Romano-Silva, Amada F. MD Romero-Bolumen, Ileana MD Roque-Guerrero, Lilia R. MD Rosales, Julio C. MD Rosen, Eric S. DO Ross, Charles A. MD Rotlewicz, Mark MD Ruiz, Jose L. MD Ruiz, Karelia MD Ruiz-Unger, Juan M. MD Saenz, Luis A. DO Salazar, Jacqueline MD Saleem, Asma MD Salgado, Leon MD Sanchez, Ena I. MD Sanchez, Mirel MD Sanchez, Yuri MD Sanchez-Diaz, Pedro MD Sanchez-Iglesias, Gervasio MD San-emeterio, Elena M. NP Santiago, Ramon MD Santiago, Waleska MD Santos, Teresa D. MD Schaechter, Judith L. MD Schobel, Ruth C. MD Schwartz, Edward R. MD Selem, Magali M. MD Severino, Loida M. MD Shulman, Peter MD Sibaja, Sonia A. MD Sidron, Rodolfo MD Silencieux-Cineas, Marie G. MD Simons, Lisa A. MD Sixto-Rodriguez, Susana M. DO Slonaker, Chester M. MD Socarras, Rasciel MD Somodevilla, Guillermo MD Sredni, Diana MD Strong, Michael D. MD Suarez, Antonio J. MD Suarez, German MD Suarez, Omar D. MD Swartz, Alan N. MD Tamayo, Victor I. MD Tellechea, Carlos A. MD Thomson, April M. DO Tipnis, Sujata R. MD Tolon, Cristobal MD Torralbas, Alfredo MD Torres, Danette MD Torres, Johann V. MD Torres, Nicole S. MD Torres-Consuegra, Aurelio MD Torres-Portalatin, Gilda V. MD Travieso, Lourdes B. MD Trelles, Isaac E. MD Trujillo, Hector J. MD Tuda, Claudio D. MD Tufino, Jessica M. MD Tur, Josefina F. MD Turcios, Janeth D. MD Urbina, Mariela A. MD Urday-Esslinger, Ernesto A. MD Urena, Christina M. MD Valdes, Jacqueline MD Vargas, Jose L. MD Vasconcello, Norma V. MD Vazquez, Antonio MD Vazquez, Carlos A. MD Vazquez, Gladys L. MD Vega, Manuel MD Verdecia, Luis F. MD Verdecia, Yurima PA Viera, Amado MD Vila-Rivas, Maritza MD Villar, Ann M. DO Villegas, Lilliana MD Vladi, Ketevan MD Vuong, Lannie MD Wecker, Amy B. MD Weirich, Stephen A. MD Wright, Astel B. MD Zafar, Fatima MD Zambrana, Linda D. MD Zambrano, Camilo MD Zeltsman, Marat DO Zephir, Johanne A. DO Zide, Stacy Z. MD Tagalog Noel, Lenore T. MD Ordillas-Jorge, Lyndia MD Ramirez, Jacqueline DO Torres, Johann V. MD Tamil Amble, Jayashree MD Urdu Abbasi, Nuzhat A. MD Bahrami, Michael M. MD Khan, Sofia S. MD Syed, Sarah MD Visayan Abao, Anne Marie B. MD Yoruba Olagbemi, Olakunle T. MD Oyadiran, Olabisi O. MD Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 117 Amador, Mirtha ..24 Alfonso, Jossue Arevalo, Oscar DDS ... Awad, Abraham OD ... 79 115 DMD ........................82 DMD ........................82 93 1st Priority Home ... Amaya, Andres DDS ... Arguello, Aleyda MD ... Ayala, Diana DDS ...82 Acosta, Mayra MD ...65 Alfonso, Martha OD Health Care ...........108 82 79 9, 25, 115 Ayala, Gladys P. MD ... Acosta, Sharon MD ... 40th Street Amble, Jayashree 44, 46 24, 115 Alfonzo, Carmen M. Arguello, Rocio E. Pharmacy Discount ... Adam Home ...104, 112 MD ...................25, 115 MD ...........20, 115, 116 DO ...................25, 115 Ayuso, Liza MD .......25 101 Alfonzo, Fara DDS ..82 Ambulatory 115 Ariguanabo Adams III, Nelson L. 41 St Discount MD ..........................51 Alix, Pierre R. MD ....25 Diagnostic ......109, 111 Pharmacy ..............101 Aza, Sara DDS ........93 Pharmacy ..............101 115 Amelinckx, Adriana Ariza Quality Azalia'S Pharmacy 101 Adelman, David DDS ........................82 Alkhoury, Fuad MD ..61 MD ...................25, 115 Medical Services ...105 Azar, Francisco A 108 66 Amer, Salah A. MD ..39 DDS ........................93 A Comfort Living ....104 Adler, Moshe MD .....24 Ariza, Armando J. 115 All Customs Corsets ... American Dollar 112 MD ..........................38 B 113 Corp ......................101 Adler, Robert DDS ...82 A Plus Behavioral & Armas, Eddie MD ....46 B & G Diagnostic Ameripath Hospital Alleanza Health Case Management Advance Svcs ..............104, 109 Care Assoc ....105, 108 Svcs Florida ............98 Armstrong, Floyd Ctr .................105, 106 Cardiovascular Amisial, Edy MD ......51 Daniel PHD .......37, 74 Baca, Jose F. MD ....20 Imaging ..........109, 111 ALLEN, NORRIS M. A1 Imaging of 115 Arnold, Patrick DMD ... MD ..........................51 Amjad, Ibrahim H. Aventura ................109 Advanced Mental 93 Bacallao, Jorge MD ... Health Clinic ..........106 Allende, Teresa MD ... MD ..........................67 Abao, Anne Marie B. 77 Arocha, Josefina 77 Amofah, Saint A. MD ...........24, 115, 116 Advanced MD ......................9, 20 DDS ........................82 Bachay, John D. Prosth/Orth ............110 Allen'S My Abbasi, Nuzhat A. Aronowicz, Joel MD ... MSW .......................70 MD ...................19, 116 Agape Company 70, 72 Pharmacy ..............101 Amselem, Shalom 77 Baez Henry, 75, 106, 109 Allied Orthopedics .110 DDS ........................82 ABC's for Success ..75 Carlianette DMD ......82 106, 108, 109, 111, Agorvor, David N. Andino, Rene MD ....25 Arosemena, Analisa All-Med Svcs Of 113, 114 MD ..........................51 Florida ...................107 115 MD ..........................77 Baez, Yolanda DDS ... 82 Arreaza, Marisela Abdella, Haneen Y. Andrade, Christian Almanzar-Arcur, Agostinelli, Cristina MD ..........................58 MD ....................19, 20 Maria MD .........25, 115 M. MD .....................44 LMHC ................71, 75 Bahrami, Michael M. MD ...........20, 115, 116 Arrieta, Agustin J. Abdullah, Naaman Andreansky, Martin Alonso, Carlos M. Agrawal, Ankur MD ..........................65 DMD ..................82, 95 MD ..........................65 MD ..........................58 MD ..........................53 Bailey, Anabetsy C. Abid, Farhan MD .....49 Aguasvivas, Angel Andres Pharmacy ..101 Arriola, Antonio DDS ... ARNP ......................41 Alonso, Cristina I. 82 Baitner, Avi C. MD ...53 MA ..........................48 LCSW .....................70 Andux-Gonzalez, Abitbol, Andre A. MD ..........................64 Aguilar, Doris N. MD ... Alonso, Dayne PA ...61 Carmen Z. MD .20, 115 Arronte, Julio E. MD ... Baitner, Jessica 51 DMD ........................93 24, 115 Alonso, Felix OD .....79 Angel, Luisa F. NP ...59 Abitbol, Carolyn F. Arroyave O'Brien, MD ..........................59 Aguilar, Lina DDS ....82 Alonso, Ivo MD ..18, 25 Angele's Assisted Balcazar, Sergio MD ... Claudia MD .............77 73 Ables, Lilia R. MD ....18 Aguilar, Liza DDS ....93 115 Living Facility .104, 112 Arroyo Larrea, 115 Aguilar, Luz M. MD ..14 Alonso, Leonardo Balius, Emilio OD ....79 Angelito Farmacia Daniela MD ......25, 115 Ballen, Ann MD .......77 Abolsky, Norman Aguilera, Zenia MD ..77 MD ..........................73 Disc .......................101 Arroyo, Erin DMD ....93 Balmir-Thevenin, DDS ........................82 Anguiano, Antonio Ahf Pharmacy ........101 Alonso, Maria D. Abrahams, Howard LCSW .....................70 LCSW .....................70 Arroyo, Juan DMD ...92 Joelle DDS ..............82 Ahmadi, Ramesh DMD ........................82 Arthur Finnieston ...110 Banas, Darlena M. MD ...................25, 115 Alonso, Raul MD .....39 Angulo, Liliana DDS ... Abraira-Cahoon, NP .....................41, 43 82 Arzola, Vanessa Alonso-Llamazares, Ahmed, Taalibah A. Nicole MSW ......47, 70 DMD ........................82 Bancalari, Eduardo MD ..........................51 Javier MD ................42 Anjum, Kamal MD ...42 Abramowitz, 63 ASA Homecare ......105 MD ....................48, 49 Alamo, Lourdes MD ... Alpha & Omega Matthew C. MD .......64 108 Bandel, Jack W. MD ... 25, 115 Residential .....104, 112 Ann'S Pharmacy Abrante, Lisbet OD ..79 55 And Discount .........101 Asc Pharmacy .......101 Alsafeer, Dominique Alarcon, Vanessa Abreu, Alba M. MD ..73 MS ..........................48 APNP ......................72 Antares Pharmacy Bandstra, Emmalee Ascherman, Toby Discount ................103 MD ...................25, 115 S. MD ......................49 Abreu-Hernandez, Alvarez Diaz, Alavian, Shereen Maigrely DMD .........93 MD ..........................25 Ramiro MD ......25, 115 Antommattei-Seda, Banks, Shawn E. Asensio, Richard Lydiann DPM ...........62 ARNP ......................72 MD ..........................38 ACA Home Health .108 Alawa, Abdul DDS ...82 Alvarez Reyes, 113 Aseriel, Haim DDS ..82 Bao, Yong MD .........57 Jaime MD ................37 Antunez De Mayolo, Alayon, Carlos M. Jorge V. MD ............45 Ashkar, Fuad S. MD ... Baptist Medical Arts Access Mental LMHC ......................71 Alvarez, Eduardo G. Solutions ...............106 42, 43, 50 Pharmacy ..............101 MA ..........................74 Aparicio, Suzanne Albrecht, Federico M. CNM ...................48 Assantes, Andrea Acebal, Jose A. Barber, Janetxia MD ..........................45 Alvarez, Elibeth MSN ........................43 DMD ........................82 Aparo, Santiago MD ... MD ......................9, 25 DMD ........................82 Albuja, Laura D. NP ... 45 Assisted Living Acebal, Pablo J. MD ... Barbouth, Deborah 17, 115 Alvarez, Israel D. 67 Retirement Home II ... S. MD ........25, 44, 115 MD ...................25, 115 Apolo, Mariaines I. Aldama-Espinosa, 104, 112 Barfield, Gregory Acebo, Waldo MD ...14 Evelyn DDS .............82 Alvarez, Jason DC ..76 DPM ........................62 18, 115 DDS ........................82 Astarita, Michele D. ... Aponte-Barrios, Aldana, Otto MD 48, 49 Alvarez, Maria DDS Acevedo Medical 82 Secil DDS ................82 MD ..........................45 Barnes, Curtis DMD ... Aldo Surgical and Group ....................101 82 Atilus, Rosita ARNP ... Aquino, Bienvenido Hospital Supply .....107 Alvarez, Ofelia MD ..58 17, 115 Baro, Rosemarie MD ...............9, 20, 115 Acevedo Urgent 110 Alvarez, Pedro DDS ... Care ..........................5 Atilus, Rosita NP .....41 DMD ........................82 82 Aquino, Frances J. Aldousany, MD ...............9, 18, 115 Atkinson, William Acevedo, Armando Baron, Darlise MSW ... Abdulwahab MD ......55 Alvarez, Raul A. MD ... E. MD ..............14, 115 70 20, 115 Aran, Alberto MD .....77 DDS ........................82 Ale-Castro, Maria G. Acevedo, Daniel Barquet, Antonio R. ... Aranguiz, Romy MD ... Atlantic Medical MD ..........................46 Alvarez, Rosa DMD CRNA ......................39 65 Supply ...................107 MD ..........................40 82 Alelise ALF Corp ...104 Acevedo, Ray M. Atogho, Ata MD .42, 51 Barredo, Julio C. Arboleda, Richard 112 Alvarez-Fuentes, MD ...................24, 115 MD ..........................58 Jose A. MD ..............25 N. MD ......................58 Aurrecoechea, Alere Women's & Acevedo-Crespo, Rafael DDS .............82 Barrera, Martha Arce, Orlando X. Children's Health ...108 Alvarez-Gonzalez, Juan C. MD .............63 Gemayaret MD ........61 MD ..........................55 Avanta Orthopedics ... DDS ........................82 Alexander, Barbara Acosta, Damian 110 Barreto, Gaspar A. Archer, Harry MD .9, 20 S. DO ..............25, 115 Alvarez-Marinelli, DMD ........................82 MD ..........................49 115 Avellaneda, Victoria Radhames R. MD ....25 Alexander, Joseph Acosta, Enrique 115 Aregullin Eligio, B. MD ......................74 Barreto, Oscar DPM ... R. DO ......................65 DDS ........................93 62 Enrique A. MD .........55 Avila, Mark S. MD ....44 Alvarez-Reyes, Alexander, Plato J. Acosta, Frank DMD ... MD ..........................57 Nelson MD ..............51 Arenal, Franlix DMD ... 46 Barrio, Juan L. MD ..63 82 82 Avman, Selin DDS ...82 Barrios, Naddia OD ... Alvo, Gary DDS .......82 Alfonso, Daniel T. Acosta, Harold DMD ... MD ..........................53 Amador, Maria E. 79 Arencibia, Guillermo Avramovich, Aharon 82 OD ..........................79 MD ..........................38 Barrocas, Clara V. Alfonso, Israel MD ...59 MD ...............9, 25, 115 MD ..........................38 # Acosta, Jose I. MD Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 118 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Barron, Michael MD Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores ... Berkovits, Michelle Bridge, Donna DMD ... Blouin, William R. Carballo, Pedro P. C 38 D. PHD ....................74 ARNP ................41, 60 83 MD ...................20, 115 Barsky, Samuel G. Carballosa, Maria A. Berkovitz, Gary MD ... Blue Star Pharmacy ... Bridges, Khari MD ...42 CastellanosDO ..........................25 101 Bridges, Quida P. MD ...................26, 115 58 Gonzalez, .......83 Bassett, Patricia A. BMA Cutler Ridge ..107 MD ...............9, 26, 115 Carbone-Lazarus, Berman, Audra Madeleine DMD NP ...........................41 M.A., CCC-A ...........39 BMA Kendall ..........107 Brito, Hilda M. MD ...18 Jeanine F. MD .........48 Basulto, Julie M. MS ... Berman, Gary OD ....79 BMA Metropolitan ..107 26, 115 Carcamo, Mario OD ... Christodoulou71 Berman, Jack DC ....76 79 Pefkarou, ..........58 BMA Miami ............107 Brockelbank, Abby Batista, Julio A. MD ... Bermudez, Ady MD APNP ................43, 68 Athena C. MD Cardenas Sarracino, ... BMA Of Coconut 51 Astrid DDS ..............83 38 Grove ............105, 107 Brodt, Jessica L. Caballero, Lourdes Batista, Maria M. MD ..........................38 ARNP ..............14, 115 Cardenas, Carlos Bermudez, Jr, BMA of Hialeah .....107 LMHC ......................71 Roberto MD .....14, 115 DDS ........................83 Brody, Robert DMD ... Cabanzon, David BMA Of South Batista, Virginia 83 DDS ........................83 Cardenas, Elio DDS ... Bermudez, Yanira Miami ....................107 DDS ........................82 M. DPM ...................62 83 Brookshire, Laura T. Cabel, Anamaria BMA West Dade ....107 Bauer, Charles MD ..49 Berne, Jack DDS .....93 DO ..........................26 DDS ........................93 Cardenas, Ernesto Bob, Christopher MD ..........................51 Bauer, Mislen S. MD ... Bernetti, Karina A. Brosco, Jeffrey P. Cabral, Ricardo J. DMD ........................93 44 MD ...................26, 115 MD ......................9, 26 MD ...............9, 14, 115 Cardenas, Luis E. Bodamer, Olaf A. DMD ........................67 Baum, Mark DC .......76 Berrocal, Audina MD ... Brown, Candace J. Cabrera, Giselle MD ..........................44 CRNA ......................39 DDS ........................83 Cardenas, Luis Baum, Robert MD ...77 77 Bodle, Elizabeth M. DMD ........................92 Baumgard, Berry, Wayne DDS ..82 MSN ........................60 Brown, Daniel N. PA ... Cabrerizo, Ania 61 DMD ........................93 Cardona, Beatriz R. Jonathan MD ...25, 115 Bertoldi, Ana M. MD ... Boeru, Marinela MD ... CRNA ......................39 Brown, Keiron Cadiz, Angel R. MD ... Bawcombe, Drew 9, 20, 115 38 PSYD ......................74 26 Cardoso, Eufemiano MD ..........................77 Best Care Bohorquez, Mabel R. MD ......................66 Cadiz, Oneith O. Bay Harbor Drugs ..101 Pharmacy ..............101 D. MD ..............26, 115 Brown, Stefanie R. MD .............26, 46, 115 MD ..........................26 Cardoso, Roy MD ....53 Betancourt, Arely Bayes Santos, Liz Y. Boillot, Kathy DMD ..83 Brown, Thomas P. Caffa, Osvaldo MD ..77 Cardoso, Teresa MD ... MD ..........................25 DDS ........................82 Boix, Alexander DO ...................14, 115 20, 115 Caicedo Oquendo, Bazzi, Ali A. MD .......40 Betancourt, Mavie DPM ........................62 Brown, William J. Care Med Pharmacy Luis F. MD ...............58 B. AUDI .37, 43, 44, 61 Bcms .....................101 Bolanos, Melody OD ... MD ..........................53 Group ....................101 Cala, Angela DMD ...83 Becerra, Maria DMD ... Better Way of Miami ... 79 Care Pharmacy .....101 Bruce, Marilyn G. 70, 75, 106, 111 Calandriello, 82 Bolivar, Juan M. MD ... LCSW .....................70 Alexandra MD .....9, 20 Care-Med Pharmacy ... Beveridge, George Behrmann, Frances 57 101 Brumaire, Meceron 115 A. MD ......................45 S. MD ......................26 Bombino, Aesthor E. RDH ..................82, 95 Caring For You III Calderon, Erik DMD ... Beylin, Mark DPM ....62 Belalcazar, Rodrigo MD ...................20, 115 Bruno, Jorge MD .....77 83 ALF ................104, 112 MD ..........................77 Bezerra, Anthony Bonansea-Frances, 81 Caring Professional Cali Pharmacy And Belen Pharmacy ....101 DDS ........................82 Adriana M. MD ........37 Bruno, Rachelle Discount ................101 Svcs ..............105, 108 Bhadsavie, Seema Belkowitz, Julia L. Bond, Melanie DMD ... ARNP ......................41 Calixte, Karine DDS ... Carmel, Jerald G. MD ..........................25 MD ..........................77 93 Brutus, Carla ARNP ... 83 DPM ........................62 Bhatia, Sanjiv MD ....67 Bonnelly, Belkys A. Bell, Tiaundra E. 17 Calle, Sandy R. MD ... Carmenate, Aliuska LCSW .....................70 Bhattacharyya, MD ...................26, 115 Bryan, Anique M. 9, 26, 115 MD ..........................47 Violina MD ...............26 Bell, Valerie M. Borba, Luciana S. MD ........14, 20, 40, 46 Calvo, Jose DDS .....83 Caro, Pedro R. MD ..18 CRNA ......................39 Bianchi, Ausberto MD ...............9, 26, 115 115 Btv Pharmacy ........101 Camacho, Ivan D. Bellamar Pharmacy ... MD ...............9, 20, 115 Borge, Ronald J. ... Bubucea, Mariana MD ....................42, 68 Carpio, Jesus DMD 101 Bienes, Lissette MD ......................9, 26 83 MD ..........................51 Camacho, Maelyn L. DMD ........................82 Belogolovkin, Borges, Jorge DMD ... Buch, Maria M. MD ..49 MD ...................18, 115 Carpio, Jose M. MD ... Victoria MD ........48, 51 Birnbach, David J. 83 37 Camayd, Juan G. MD ..........................38 Borges, Osbel DMD ... Buchman, Belousov, Jacqueline S. DPM ..62 MD ...................18, 115 Carralero, Rita M. Yekaterina N. DO ....25 Birthing Center Of 92 MD ...............9, 14, 115 Buendia, Mauricio A. Campbell, Lisa DDS ... 115 South Florida .........105 Borrego, Mayden Carrasco, Angel M. MD ..........................40 83, 95 OD ..........................79 Bistritz, Jerome Benabe, Vanessa MD ..............50, 55, 65 Buitrago, Efren MD ..65 Campos, Jaime E. DMD ........................82 DDS ........................92 Borrego, Priscilla M. 66 MD ..........................46 Carrillo Iregui, MD ....................73, 74 Bizzio, Rossanna S. Benavides, Oscar J. Adriana A. MD .........58 Canada, Fernando MD ...................25, 115 CRNA ......................39 Borroto, Daisy MD ...50 Bullard, Ronald D. MD ..........................26 MD ...............9, 20, 115 Cartaya, Rosa M. Black And White Bencomo, Rosabel Boswell, Ronald J. AM ..........................71 Cancio Vega, M. MD ..........9, 14, 115 Pharmacy ..............101 MA ..........................71 Burgos, Gloria E. MD ...............9, 26, 115 Caridad M. MD 14, 115 Carvalho, Cristiane Blanca Azuzena Bengochea, Jose A. Botero, Sara M. O. MD .....................49 Candid Home Care 104 MD ...................25, 115 Home Care ....104, 112 LMFT .......................71 Burke, Redmond MD ..........................68 112 Casanova, Elena Benitez, Fanny MD ..26 Blanco, Antonio E. Botta Jr, Rafael J. DMD ........................83 Candid Home Care 59, 115 MD .............14, 20, 115 PSYD ......................74 Burnweit, Cathy A. MD ..........................61 II ....................104, 112 Casas, Manuel DMD ... Benitez, Jillian OD ...79 Blanco, Armando Bowker, John H. MD ... 83 Burton, Lisa M. Candid Home Care MD ...............9, 18, 115 53 Benitez, Maria APNP ......................72 III ...................104, 112 Casas, Silvia DDS ...83 ... Braceras, Ines M. BC-HIS ....................45 Blanco, Diana DMD Casas-Justice, Libia 82, 83 MD ...................14, 115 Busse, Jorge C. MD ... Canel-Morera, Maria Benjamin, Yukhanan 47, 49 C. MD ..............26, 115 T. MSW ...................70 MD ...................14, 115 Blanco, Farid DMD ..83 Brady, Tiffany DMD ..93 Cascante, Oscar Bustamante, Erik J. Cantor, David K. Blanco, Jorge DMD ... BRAIN, MICHAEL J. Bennett, Ann B. MD ...................26, 115 DPM ........................62 DMD ........................83 83 MD ..........................40 ARNP ......................41 Casey, Barbara Bustamante, Martha Cantor, Samuel N. Blanco, Kemel DMD ... Braithwaite, Bennett, Richard MD ..........................59 DPM ........................62 DDS ........................83 83 Sylvester R. MD 42, 51 DO ...................26, 115 Bustamante, Cantwell, G P. MD ...57 Castaneda, Ana M. Benzer Pharmacy ..101 Blanco, Luis A. MD ..26 Braunschweig, MD ...................26, 115 Edward A. DPM .......62 Capote Jr, Eddy MD ... 115 Tomas M. MD ..........45 Beraja Pharmacy ...101 Castaneda, Jorge D. Bustamante, 14, 115 Blasko, Dana PA .....61 Bravo, Belkys MD ....26 Berenguer, Ramon MD ..........................44 Patricia LHAS ..........45 Capote, Avis T. MD ..26 115 A. MD ..............20, 115 Blay, Marina DMD ...83 Bustillo-Lopez, 115 Castano, Luis C. Bravo, Marina Berger, Aaron J. MD ... Blinn, Randall D. Andres MD ..53, 60, 67 MD .........9, 14, 15, 115 Capote, Mayra MD ..26 67 MD ..........................53 LCSW .....................70 Butler, Kenneth A. 115 Castellan, Miguel A. Block, Robert DMD .83 Bravo, Marisabel BERGER, MD ..........................59 MD ..........................68 Caravia, Amanda DO ..........................43 LAWRENCE A. MD ... Bloise, Gabriela M. DMD ........................83 Castellanos, Jorge 40 LMHC ......................71 Bretos, Alexander E. MD ......................63 Carballo, Jorge L. DMD ........................83 Bergquist, Michael DPM ........................62 DMD ........................82 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 119 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Castellanos, Dechurch, Crespo, Frank A. Dasilva, Chauntel Chiong, Rafael MD ..21 Constant, Scarlet Giannie OD .............79 115 MD ....................10, 27 MD ..........................51 OD ..........................79 Stephanie MD ..27, 115 Castellon, Celestino Continental Rx .......101 Cristian, Ingrid MD ..27 Dassler, Judy OD ....79 DeGirolamo, Amy M. Chipon Schoepp, P. MD ......................51 Nadine B. DO ..15, 115 Contreras, Ana J. DPM ........................62 44 Dave, Sandeep P. Casthely, Franklin MD ..........................53 Del Campillo, Maria Chiu, Gordon DDS ..84 MD ...................27, 115 Croskey, Luvernice DDS ........................83 Choice, Jeresia LCSW ................70, 71 Davila, Enrique MD ... DC ...........................76 Contreras, Jose J. Castillo, Sandra 45, 52 Del Moral, Teresa DDS ........................93 MD ...................21, 115 Cruz Daleccio, Iris DDS ........................83 Christie, Grazie P. MD ..........................49 DDS ........................84 Davila-Torres, Elise Cook, Michael R. Castro, Adriana M. A. MD ........27, 36, 115 Del Rio, Isis MD ......39 MD ..........................65 DPM ........................62 Cruz, Gilberto M. MD ...................26, 115 Chua, Henry N. MD MD ..........................50 Davis, Asha S. MD ..42 Del Toro, Yanisa MD ... ... Cooper, Angela Castro, Luis MD ......77 21, 115 73 40 DDS ........................84 Cruz, Karen DMD ....84 Castro, Oscar OD ....79 Chua, Jonathan MD ... Coppola, Robert OD ... Cruz-Pachano, Davis, Edith MD ......27 Del Valle, Felipe A. MD ...................21, 115 79 Francisco E. MD ......51 Davis, Imaze M. 77 Catholic Hospice ...108 CSI HealthMed DPM ........................62 Del Valle, Jose DDS ... Cayon, Alicia DMD ..83 Chua, Willy N. MD ...63 Coral Community 84 Home Care ....108, 109 Davisito's .......104, 112 Mental Health Cedeno, Rene DMD ... Chung, Katherine D. Center ......72, 106, 110 Cuadra, Anai M. Delamater, Alan M. 83 MD .............10, 15, 115 DaVita - Flamingo 111 PHD ........................74 Park Kidney Ctr .....107 PHD ........................74 Celoge, Marie Y. MD ... Cintas, Fidel MD ......15 Coral Gables Kidney Delgado, Anneris L. Cuan, Damarys MD ... DaVita - Greater 115 9, 15, 115 Ctr .................105, 107 27, 115 Miami Dialysis .......107 PA .....................61, 62 Cintas, Maura MD ...27 Center For Family & Delgado, Aymin MD ... Cuellar, Cindy J. 115 Coral Gables Child Enrichment .....72 DaVita - Miami East Hospital .....6, 104, 106 CNM ........................48 58 105, 106, 109, 111 Cioffi, George V. Dialysis ..................107 107, 109 Delgado, Eduardo Cuello Fuentes, APNP ......................73 Center For Kidney DaVita - Miami Coral Gables Richard MD .....21, 115 Campus Dialysis ....106 E. MD ..............27, 115 Disease At North Citron, Peter L. MD ... Surgery Center ......104 Shore ....................107 Cuenca, Annie DMD ... 107 Delgado, Evelyn MD ... 45 106 27, 115 84 DaVita - Miami Center For Kidney Citrus Health Coral Park Senior Disease At Venture 107 Network .......70, 72, 75 Cuesta Torres, Gardens Dialysis ...107 Delgado, Livia A. Care of Miami 104, 112 101, 104, 105, 106, MD .............10, 27, 115 Maria MD ................15 DaVita - Miami Cerrud, Clinio DDS ..92 108, 109, 111, 113 Coral View Surgery Cueto, Roy L. DPM ... North Dialysis ........107 Delgado, Marta I. Chahine, Bassem Center ...........104, 106 MD ...................27, 115 62 DaVita - South G. MD .....................37 Clark Rapa, Shelia K. PHD ....................74 Coral Way Senior Cuevas, Jesus OD ..79 Beach Dialysis .......107 Delgado, Pilar MD ...43 CHAN, JOSEPH C. Care ..............104, 112 MD ..........................46 Claro, Rita DDS .......84 Delgado, Yanssel Cunill-De Sautu, DaVita Corbett, Shaun C. Clersaint, Lucita M. Beatriz M. MD ..27, 115 Interamerican DPM ........................62 Chan, Mohamed Z. MD ..........................61 MD ..........................26 DPM ........................62 Cutler, Adam R. MD ... Dialysis Inst ...........107 Delima, Anacaona Cordero, Edwin A. Clifford, Paul D. MD ... DDS ........................84 27 De Armas, Luis E. Chandar, Jayanthi J. MD ...................27, 115 65 MD ....................18, 27 Delima, Selma C. MD ..........................59 Corin, Morton S. MD ... D MD ...................15, 115 De Diego, Jorge A. Chang, Philip C. MD ... Coba, Richard DMD ... 50 D & D Psych ....72, 105 84 MD ...................27, 115 Della Volpe, Alicia 26, 115 Corndorf, Max MD ...77 106, 109, 110, 111, 112 Cobiella, Jose A. C. MD ......................60 De La Cruz, Chaparro, Aida I. Coro, Mabel DDS ....93 D D Health Home Alejandro DDS ........84 Dellagloria, Marilyn MD ..........................59 MD ...................21, 115 Care ..............106, 108 De La Cruz, Coronado, Elsy M. C. NP ......................73 Chaplik, Igor DO ......42 Coconut Grove Pharmacy ..............101 MD .............10, 21, 115 Da Costa Gomez, Alejandro E. MD ......21 Dell'Api, Pasquale Chapunoff, Eduardo Carol A. MD .....27, 115 115 DO ..........................36 Corrales-Iglesias, MD ..........................40 Codinach, Gonzalo DC ...........................76 Luisa DDS ...............84 Dade Family De La Maza, Delong, Gregory A. Charity Home ALF .104 Correa, Anelys DMD ... Counseling C M H C ... Antonio MD .............73 MD ..........................68 112 Cohen, Jacob MD ...68 105, 106 De La Paz, Marilyn 84 Delva, Gesner MD ...27 Charles, Alix DPM ...62 Cohen, Jonathan J. PA ...........................61 MD ..........................45 Correa, Luis F. MD ..40 Dade Prosthetic 115 Charles, Jennifer R. Orthotic & Phys De La Rua, Lissette Correa, Paola DMD ... Delvecchio, Patrick PA ...........................61 Cohen, Peter M. DO ... Therapy Rehab ......110 DDS ........................84 OD ..........................79 93, 94 15, 115 Charles-Harris, Cortes, Anais B. MD ... Dadeland Dialysis ..106 De La Rua, Mairim Denis-Pradel, Taina Hakan Suante MD ...66 Coke, Timothy MD ...15 107 D. MD ..............27, 115 21, 115 A. DO ......................51 68 Colaizzi, Lynda DDS ... Daee, Hosain MD ....51 De La Sota, Ileana 84 Cortes, Andres MD ..77 Dennis Pharmacy Charlot, Daes, Erick DC ........76 MD ...................27, 115 Plaza .....................103 Cortes, Bayardo Jean-Baptiste L. MD ... COLEMAN, De La Torre, 51 GREGORY R. MD ...21 DMD ........................94 Dagan, Shachar Depena, Laura DMD ... DMD ........................84 Carmen DDS ...........84 Cortes, Gonzalo 84 Chase, Kelly DMD ...83 Colin, Andrew R. DMD ........................94 Daghistani, Doured De Los Santos, Derenoncourt, Chase, Kely DMD ....83 MD ..........................60 MD ..........................58 Roosevelt A. MD .....27 Vladimir DO .......10, 15 Collazo, Ralph DDS ... Cortiza Sardinas, Chavarria, Vicente 115 Yoan DMD ...............84 Daghistani, Sahar I. 84 Desnoyers, MD ..........................37 PA ...........................61 De Los Santos, Costa, Manuel DDS ... Marie-Helene MD ....27 Colon, Ennio MD .....27 Chen Hao Chu, Alan Rosana D. MD ...18, 19 84 D'Alessandria, 28, 115 115 MD ..........................53 115 Nestor DMD ............94 Costarangos, Detweiler, Michelle Colon, Luz E. DPM ..62 Chen, Andrew OD ...79 De Luca, Christina Constantino MD ......63 Dalice Pharmacy D. DPM ...................63 81 Comfort Pharmacy 101 Med Equipment .....101 M. CRNA .................39 Devereux Cotelo-Pardo, Comkornruecha, Cheng, Xiaofang Yanepsi DDS ...........84 Dally, Alfredo D. MD ... De Marchena, Foundation ..............72 DDS ........................83 Metee MD ...............37 15, 115 Alberto L. MD ..........66 Dewitt, David DDS ...84 Cotilla, Manuel R. Community Health Chen-Hynes, Tzu H. De Quesada, MD ..........................59 Dalmazzo, Amarella Dhillon, Manvir S. MD ..........................26 Of South Florida ..5, 70 OD ..........................79 Gonzalo MD .....27, 115 MD ..........................73 Cotler, Alan N. MD ...27 72, 105, 106, 108, 109, Cherner, Rebecca De Vera, Vanessa 110, 113 Coto Pharmacy .....101 Dandes, Susan K. Diagnostic Medical M. DO .....................15 PHD ........................74 DMD ........................84 Imaging ..................111 Coulter, Mark DDS ..84 Community Hlth Of Cherubin-Lafond, De Zarraga, Dangond, Alvaro J. Diaz Valdes, Jesus Maymone PA ...........61 Southern Fl ...........101 Couture-Souvenir, MD ...................27, 115 Fernando I. MD .......45 HAS ........................45 Michelle Au.D. Chi, Joseph I. MD ....20 Comora, Robert Deaguirre, Elizabeth Daniel, Genevieve Diaz, Adelfa MD ......28 115 DDS ........................92 CCC-A .....................68 L. LMHC ............71, 74 DDS ........................84 115 Coy, Kevin M. MD ....40 Companion Home .104 Chiang, Eva DDS ....83 Dean, Julia M. CNM ... 47 Danon, Marco MD ...58 112 Diaz, Alejandro MD ..58 Chin, Gregory OD ....79 48 Dansky, Alan S. MD ... Cranial Comperatore, Diaz, Anele LMHC ...71 Chinea, Ignacio C. 68 DeAngulo, Guillermo Roberto D. MD ........66 Technologies ..107, 110 74 MD ...9, 10, 20, 21, 115 R. MD ......................58 D'Apuzzo, Michele Creative Medical Concepcion, Luis V. Diaz, Carlos E. MD ..60 Chin-Thompson, Dechovitz, Arthur B. MD ..........................27 Services ................107 R. MD ......................53 Angella DMD .....83, 84 MD ..........................27 Diaz, Eduardo MD ...18 28, 115 95 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 120 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Diaz, Farah DDS .....84 Dufreny, Alphonse Elsayyad, Nagy MD ... Fan, Yao-Shan MD ..45 Ferreira, Alexandre Florida Shores 47, 64 Fandino, Mayra C. MD ................40, 47 Brace Systems ......108 Diaz, Gertrudis DDS ... G. MD ........10, 15, 115 84 Dunkley-Evans, DDS ........................84 Ferreira, Isabel A. Ely'S Pharmacy And Florida Womens MD ...................28, 116 Healthcare .............101 Diaz, Jose DDS .......92 Arleen MD ...............28 Discount ................101 Farias, Antony A. Floridian Healthcare ... Dupuy, Gladys DO ...51 Eng, Martha DMD ...84 MD ..........................49 Ferreira, Jacqueline Diaz, Margoth C. 106, 112 MD ...................28, 115 Dupuy, Sargine MD ... Engelmann, Eric DC ... Farmacia 22-24 .....101 V. MD ......................43 76 Farmacia 2224 28, 115 Ferreira, Jose V. MD ... Fonts, Ernesto E. Diaz, Vivian DMD ....84 51 MD ..........................64 Ep Ltc Pharmacy ...101 Centro ...................101 Diaz, Yanet DMD .....84 Duque, Julianna Fornos, Jorge DDS .85 ARNP ......................17 Ep Medical Ferretti, Rodolfo B. Farmacia 22-24 Diaz, Yvonne M. MD ... Hialeah ..................101 MD ...................28, 116 Forrest, David OD ...80 21 Dweck, Merryl MD ...28 Equipment 115 Pharmacy ..............101 Farmacia Cardenas ... Ferron, Pansy PA ....62 Forrest, Harold OD ..80 Diaz-De La Torre, 101 Fertel, Debra P. MD ... Forster, Lourdes Q. Era, Elbys DPM .......63 Doris MD .........28, 115 Dynamic Orthopedics ...........110 Ernst, Nicole D. MS 46, 63, 64 MD ....................10, 29 ... Farmacia Julia Diaz-Rangel, Luis 71 Discount ................101 Ffrench, Lesline A. G. MD .....................45 Dzelzkalns, Janis Forsyth-Sommer, MD .....10, 15, 115, 116 Desiree LMHC .........71 MD ....................77, 81 Escalante, Jose E. Farrington, Lindsey Diaz-Silveira, Carlos MD ..........................40 E. CNM ...................48 Fields, Nicole M. DO ... Foster, James NP ....73 F. MD ......................73 Dzikowski, Colleen 13, 28, 36, 115, 116 M. DPM ...................63 Escalon, Enrique A. Farrokhi, Ali DDS .....84 Dickinson, Gordon FOSTER, PAUL K. Fields-Heller, Rita MD ..........................58 Faublas, Josiane M. MD .....................60 MD ..........................53 E DDS ........................92 MD ...................28, 115 Escudero, Adriana Dieguez Fountain Manor East Gables P. CRNA ..................39 Fein, Steven G. MD Santiesteban, ... Fierro-Cobas, Health & Rehab Retirement Ctr .......104 Niyasdeen MD .28, 115 45 Victoria H. MD .28, 116 Center ....106, 110, 112 Espinal, Licette DDS ... 112 84 Felipe, Ivette MD .....28 Fignole, Gregory Dieguez, Enrique B. Fox, Candace MD ...66 Easyscripts ............101 MD ...................28, 115 115 ARNP ......................17 Fox, Susan DO ........51 Espinet Kusnier, Echarri, Roberto MD ... Elaine DMD .............84 Diez de Sollano, Felipez, Lina M. MD ... Figueredo, Maria Fraga, Daynet DMD ... 21, 115 Carina LCSW ..........70 58 DMD ........................85 Espinosa, Hugo M. 85 Echarte, Luis J. MD ... MD ..........................73 Figueroa, Celia DDS ... Dirla, Florin DDS .....84 Fellowship House ....72 Fraga-Soto, Carmen 42, 63 85 105, 106, 109, 110, 111 Espinosa, Ricardo Dobrolet, Nancy MD ... NP .....................42, 60 Echavarria-Cano, DMD ........................84 Fenton, Kira B. DO ..21 Figueroa, Lediana 55 Franco, Elba DDS ...85 Maria C. MD ....28, 115 115 MD ...................29, 116 Espinoza, Luis A. Doctor's Choice Franco, Maria E. Edderai, Jean DDS .84 MD ..............10, 15, 21 Medical ..................110 Feoli, Carmen DDS ... Figueroa, Sergio MD ..........................60 Edderai, 84 DDS ........................93 Esquenazi, Alberto Dodo, Marcia L. Franco, Rigoberto Jean-Jacques DDS ... B. MD ......................49 Fine, Lauren M. MD ... APNP ......................43 Ferder, Gabriela MD ... MD ...................21, 116 84 37, 47 28, 115 Esquenazi, Jose B. Dominguez Bali, Frankel, Gordon DC ... Edelman, Reed OD ... MD ..........................49 Alberto MD ..............51 Ferder, Nadia MD ....28 Fines-Dailey, Verlee 76 79 115 L. MD ......................48 Esquenazi, Marcos Dominguez, Ricardo Frankfurt, Seymour Eden Gardens ALF 104 B. MD ......................49 Fiore Urizar, Marco MD ...................18, 115 Ference, Tamar S. J. MD .................42, 50 112 MD ..........................61 A. MD ........10, 21, 116 Esquenazi, Moises Donghia, Beatriz H. Freedman, Laura M. Ede-Nichols, Diane First Quality Home MD ..........................73 Fernandes, Cristina MD ..........................73 MD ..........................64 DMD ........................84 Care ..............106, 108 E. MD ......................58 Esquenazi, Solamon Donnellan, Sheena Freitas, Vanessa Edwards, Jenny Fischer, Vicky OD ....80 MD ..........................77 Fernandez Felipe, M. PA ................42, 62 DDS ........................94 DMD ........................94 Estevez, Miriam MD ... Radames I. MD 21, 115 FISHBERGER, Dora Home Care ...104 Fresenius Medical Egusquiza, Julio C. STEVEN B. MD .......55 28, 115 Fernandez 112 Care The Glades ...107 MD ...................28, 115 Fisher, Craig DC ......76 Dominguez, Giselle Estrada-Guevar, Doral Kidney Center ... Freundlich, Michael Egusquiza, Maria V. Martha R. MD ..........28 DDS ........................84 Fisher, Paul DC .......76 106, 107 MD ..........................59 MD ...................28, 115 Evans, Lillian MD .....28 Fernandez, Alberto FISHKIN, SHERRY Dorman, Laurence I. Friedman, Kurt DDS ... Egusquiza, Ricardo 115 D. MD ......................53 L. MD ......................53 DPM ........................63 67, 92 DDS ........................84 Fernandez, Aurelio Evergreen Fishman, Tamara Dormeus, Adline Friedman, Lawrence Eidson, Maggie C. Pharmacy ..............101 DMD ........................84 DPM ........................63 B. MD ......................37 CNM ........................48 MD ..........................58 Excellent Care Fernandez, Carolina Flax, Michael DDS ...92 Friedman, Rene Dorrego, Daniel Eisenfeld, Michelle Home Health PA ...........................42 DDS ........................84 Fleischer, Neil DC ...76 DDS ........................85 L. MD ......................37 Services ........106, 108 Fernandez, Claudia Dougherty, Brian E. Friedman, Terry OD ... Fleischman, Dirk Eisner, Jeffrey DMD ... Excellent Home MD ..........................60 MD ..........................53 80 DDS ........................85 92 Care Givers ...........108 Fernandez, Edith Douglas Gardens Fleites, Juan C. MD ... Friefeld, Richard S. El Jardin Pharmacy ... Excellent Pharmacy ... DMD ........................84 Community Mental 68 MD ..........................51 101 101 Fernandez, German Health Ctr 72, 105, 106 Friger, Marangeli El Paraiso Home ...104 Exposito, Amaro DC ... DMD ........................84 Fletcher, Steven M. Douglas Gardens MD ..........................53 MD ..........................64 112 76 Fernandez, Gilda Pharmacy ..............101 Frontera, Laura V. Fliegenspan, Jeffrey El-Daghar, Zina S. Exposito, Ariel DMD ... M.A. CCC-A ............39 Dowling, Monica D. B. MD ......................29 MD ...................29, 116 PA ...........................62 84 PHD ........................75 Fernandez, Hugo S. Fuentes, Ileana MD ... Flordia International Elderly Health Home Exposito, Susan DC ... MD ...................15, 115 Drobes, David DMD ... 10, 29, 116 Univ .......................101 Care ..............106, 108 76 Fernandez, Jose 84 Fuentes, Vanessa I. Floren, Angelica A. Elena Assisted Eyssallenne, MD ...................28, 115 Drossner, David M. MD ..........................49 ARNP ......................43 Living Facility .104, 112 Antonia P. MD ...21, 28 MD ..........................55 Fernandez, Juan A. Fuller, Ellis DDS ......85 Flores, Francisco Elhammady, MD ..........................50 Drucker, Carl MD .....53 MD ..........................42 Fundora, Yolaivys F Mohamed Samy A. Fernandez, Juan M. Drug Center MD ..........................67 Flores, Joan DMD ...85 DMD ........................85 MD ...................21, 115 Pharmacy ..............101 Elias, Richard A. MD ... Fernandez-Bombino, Flores, Juan DMD ...85 Furlong, Robin S. Fernandez, Maria V. Drukteinis, Lesbia 47 Julio A. MD ..............50 MD ..........................29 MD ...................28, 115 Flores, Leslie A. MD ... DDS ........................94 Elisme, Junie F. MD ... Fabrega, Marco MD ... 55 Furnari, Gerald OD ..80 Fernandez, Maria Drummond, Shelley 77 28, 115 Fusselman, John DDS ........................85 Florida Behavioral R. MD ......................49 Elite Imaging ..........111 Fair Havens Ctr .....106 Center ...105, 106, 109 OD ..........................80 Fernandez, Noel D. Drusano, Michael F. 110 110, 111 Ellen, Steven DDS ...84 MD .............10, 21, 115 MD .............10, 15, 115 G Faith Health Care ..106 Florida Mentor .......106 Eloy-Rodriguez, Fernandez, DTT Coaching Svcs ... 108, 113 Maria C. MD ....15, 115 Florida Pharmacy ..101 Gabb Jr, Earl E. MD ... Rebecca P. LMHC ...71 106, 109, 110 51 Elperin, Alexei DMD ... Falkon De Cababie, Florida Prosthetics Fernandez-Ortiz, Duara, Shahnaz MD ... 84 Gabriela D. PA ........62 Laura I. MD ......28, 116 & Orthotics ............110 Gables Manor 48, 49 Enterprises II .104, 112 Elsa Pharmacy ......101 Family Preservation Florida Renal Center ... Ferran, Ana M. Duchowny, Michael Svcs of Florida ......105 106, 107 Gadea, Maria E. NP ... LMHC ......................71 S. MD ......................59 17, 116 106, 109, 110 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 121 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Gaitan, Leslie NP ....60 Genesis Home Guillory, Sheryl OD ..80 Healthy Connections Gonzalez-Nieves, Gomez, Edwin A. Health ....106, 108, 109 MD ..........................73 Jo A. NP ..................60 Guliner, Robert MD ..78 CMHC .............72, 105 Galarraga-Ramirez, 113 Gomez, Isabel C. Yolanda A. MD .29, 116 Goodman, Richard Guliner, Robert OD ..80 Heart Med Pharmacy ..............101 Geno, Jose DMD .....85 MD .............29, 46, 116 DMD ........................85 Galarza, Marta G. Gupta, Padma MD ...29 MD ..........................49 George, Deborah Gomez, Jesus DDS ... Goodrich, Aixa DC ...76 115 Heartland Health Care Center - Miami 92 Goodwin, Sharon DDS ........................85 Galguera, Manuel A. Gutierrez, Alexis MD ... Lakes .....106, 110, 112 MD ...................29, 116 George, Sheryl DDS ... Gomez, Joaquin A. DDS ........................85 40 Heartland Health 94 MD ...................29, 116 Gordon, Michael OD ... Gallarello, Gutierrez, Carlos Francesca MD .........40 Georgescu, 80 DMD ........................85 Care Center GOMEZ, JORGE E. Kendall ...........110, 112 Gallego, Samuel MD ... Manuela MD ............73 MD ....................47, 52 Gorelick, Maria A. Gutierrez, Jorge 29, 116 Gerhart, Erin A. DO MD ..........................73 DDS ........................85 Heartland Hospice ... Gomez, Jorge L. Services ................108 29 MD ..........................48 Gosalbez, Rafael Galtes, Israel I. MD ... Gutierrez, Juana M. 40 Germain-George, MD ..........................61 MD .....10, 18, 115, 116 Heavenly Touch Gomez, Mario A. Home Health Care Lysbeth L. DO .........51 MD ..........................51 Gosthe, Raul G. MD ... GALUTEN, ALVIN Gutierrez, Maria D. Corp ..............104, 108 B. MD ......................65 Gerry, Charlotte 53 MD ...................29, 116 Gomez, Michael E. Helo, Jorge MD .......54 DMD ........................85 MD ..........................67 Gotthold, Bessie Galvez, Oscar G. Gutierrez, Marlen ... MD ....................47, 50 Gershbein, Daryl M. Gomez, Michael OD ... LMHC ......................71 DDS ........................85 Henao, Gloria DMD 86 80 Gough, Michelle K. DPM ........................63 Gambon, Thresia B. Guzman, Lilliam B. MD ....................10, 29 Gershbein-Pratts, PA ....................36, 116 MD ....................10, 22 Here's Help 70, 75, 110 Gompers, Gaye J. 111, 113 PSYD ................74, 75 Ellen H. DPM ...........63 Garces, Carolina Goykhman, Gary Guzman, Nestor DMD ........................85 Gershman, Klara DPM ........................63 DMD ........................85 Hermanas Gonzalez Gonzales-Olivares, Pharmacy ..............101 MD ..........................15 Menayra MD ......10, 29 Gr21 Pharmacy Garcia, Amarfis Guzman, Ulises Hermida, Jesus G. 116 Discount ................101 DDS ........................94 Gershman, Neil H. DDS ........................93 MD ...........29, 115, 116 MD ....................37, 47 Gonzalez- Rosado, Garcia, Claudia P. Gracia, Deborah DO ... Gwynn, Lisa A. DO ..29 Hernandez Bonnet, Karen M. MD .....10, 29 NP ...........................60 Gervais, Marie D. 10, 22, 115, 116 116 Christina DMD .........86 116 MD .....15, 21, 115, 116 Garcia, Cristina Granados, Maria A. Hernandez, Daynet Gonzalez Vergara, H DDS ........................85 Gervin, Stephen Z. MD ...................29, 116 DDS ........................86 MD ..........................67 Fernando V. MD ......21 Granja, Carlos A. Garcia, Domingo 116 Hernandez, Erick ... MD .......10, 18, 19, 116 Ghurani, Rami DDS MD ....................47, 50 Henderson85, 92 Gonzalez, Ana DMD ... Gray, Patrick A. MD ... Dominguez, ...............86 MD ..........................58 Garcia, Hector DPM ... 85 Hernandez, Idalia 63 Gibbs, Charles C. 22, 116 Gilsa DDS H E Farmacia ........101 DDS ........................86 PHD ........................74 Gonzalez, Angela Garcia, Idalmes Gray-Walker, MD ...................22, 116 DMD ........................85 Gil Araujo, Eduardo Suzette A. MD .........24 Hagen, James OD ...80 Hernandez, Julieta Gonzalez, Ariadna DMD ........................85 Haghighi, Azin DMD ... P. MS ......................70 Garcia, Jennifer MD ... Great Care MD ....................78, 81 86 Hernandez, Liliam 58 Gil, Lisette LMHC ....48 Pharmacy ..............101 75 Gonzalez, Bismark Hainat ............104, 112 DMD ........................86 Garcia, Mireya MD ..21 Greaux, Alexander F. MD ...............29, 116 Hernandez, Maria 116 Gil-Araujo, Eduardo DC ...........................76 Hamburger, Harry Gonzalez, Carlos DMD ........................85 MD ..........................78 DDS ........................86 Garcia, Peter V. MD ... Green, Amanda S. DDS ........................85 Hernandez, Maria 39, 40 Gilot, Riclair MS ......71 NP ...........................60 Hamilton, Andrea C. DMD ........................95 Gonzalez, Edek Ginsburg, Alana M. Garcia, Roberto F. Green, Beverly DDS ... MED ........................75 DDS ........................85 Hernandez, Michael MD ...................21, 116 DO ...................29, 116 85 Handal-Saca, Gonzalez, Efrain A. Carlos A. MD ...29, 116 J. MD ......................64 Garcia, Tara L. PA ...69 Gittess, Laurie DDS ... Greenstein, Yakov PSYD ......................74 Hernandez, Michelle 93 MD ..........................73 Hannan, Robert L. Garcia-Chacon, Luis A. MS ......................48 Gonzalez, Francisco E. MD ......................29 Gittess, Robert DDS ... Grider, Joseph DDS ... MD ..........................66 MD .......10, 18, 29, 116 Hernandez, Nelson 92 92 Hansra, Damien M. Garcia-Mayol, Luis D. MD ......................73 Gonzalez, Hansel MD ..........................50 GLASSER, CLIFF Grindahl, Rahna OD ... MD ..........................45 DDS ........................85 M. DO .....................50 80 Haq, Farwah OD .....80 Hernandez, Shana Gardner, Laurence Gonzalez, Ivan MD ..59 81 DDS ........................94 B. MD ................10, 21 Gleiberman, Jeffrey Grobman, Lawrence Hernandez, Gonzalez, Jeff O. OD ..........................80 R. MD ......................53 Haratz, Moises L. Garrastazu, Juan MD ....................44, 47 MD ...................29, 116 Elizabeth C. DPM ....63 DMD ........................85 Glick, Gary L. MD ....66 Groisman, Horacio Gonzalez, Jesus M. P. MD ................53, 54 Haratz, Zina DDS ....86 Hernandez, Garri, Jose I. MD .....67 Glymph, Anita C. Francisco DDS ........86 MD ...................22, 116 68 ARNP ......................17 Grossman, Alan OD ... Harley, Sylvia M. Hernandez, Gonzalez, Jose N. 80 ARNP ......................41 Gold, Aaron OD .......80 Garrido, Eduardo MD ...................15, 116 Madeline PSYD .71, 74 DC ...........................76 Goldberg, John M. Grunglasse, Maria Harmony Health Ctr ... Gonzalez, Kenia E. MS ................48, 70 110, 112 Hernandez, MD ....................29, 58 Garrido, Sara M. DMD ........................85 Mauricio T. MD ........66 MD ..........................45 Goldberg, Scott H. Guadagno, Adolfo Harmony Homes of Gonzalez, Lissette DC ...........................76 Miami .............106, 108 Hernandez, Garrisons Prosthetic ... MD ..........................53 L. PHD ........71, 74, 75 Norberto DDS ..........86 110 Golden Age Guala, Pablo M. MD ... Harnisth, Maria S. Hernandez-Abril, Gonzalez, Madelyn 40 MD ...................29, 116 Assisted Living Garsva, Allison M. Manuel J. MD ....42, 47 MD ..........................51 DO .............10, 29, 116 Facility ...........104, 112 Guardiola Amado, Harrington, Devon 64 Gonzalez, Marco L. Victor D. MD 45, 47, 52 R. LCSW .................70 Golden Glades Garter, Lawrence I. Hernandez-Chin, MD .............10, 22, 116 MD ..........................29 Dialysis ..........106, 107 Guerra, Abel N. MD ... Harrison, David B. Eva MD ............30, 116 Gonzalez, Max A. 49 MD ..........................29 Gay, Joseph DDS ....85 Golden Glades Hernandez-Cuevas, PHD ........................74 Nursing and Guerra, Daniel DMD ... Hart, Darlene DDS ..86 Gay, Ronbardo J. Maria A. MS ............71 ... Gonzalez, Nelson L. 85 Hartmann, Rene F. LMHC ......................71 Rehabilation Center Hernandez-Jerez, DPM ........................63 110, 112 Guerra, Matias E. MD ..........................66 Gema DDS ..............86 Gebhard, Ralf E. Gonzalez, Raquel MD ..........................66 Hasan-Verrett, Hajar MD ..........................39 Golden Palms Hernandez-Jorcano, M. MD ......29, 115, 116 Assisted Living Guevara, Carlos M. DDS ........................86 Davmary NP ....17, 116 Gechter, Eric MD .....77 Facility ...........104, 112 Gonzalez, Riquel MD ...................29, 116 Hay, Arielle D. MD ...42 78 Hernandez-Trujillo, DPM ........................63 Goldsand, Carl S. Guidance Care Ctr .113 61 Vivian P. MD ............55 Gedeon, Rose DDS ... MD ..........................50 Gonzalez, Roberto 114 85, 94 Hayate, Jessica Heron, Patrick H. R. MD ......................15 Goldstein, Guidance/Care DMD ........................86 MD ..........................52 Gelbard, Mark A. Alexander DDS .......85 Gonzalez, Samuel Center .............75, 113 Hayward, Jessica MD ..........................21 Herrera Casas, Gomara, Luis DMD ..85 A. MD ......................45 Guided Steps OD ....................80, 81 Sunilda DDS ............86 Gelman, Barry MD ...57 Gonzalez, Yanela Gomara, Roberto E. Healthcare .......72, 107 Healing Solutions ....72 Gelman, Richard Herrera, Douglas MD ..........................58 DMD ........................85 109, 110, 111 105, 107, 110, 111 DDS ........................92 DMD ........................92 Guilarte, Rhona Gomez, Eddie MD ...66 Gonzalez-Mendoza, Gely-Sepulveda, Herrera, Ingrid DMD ... Luis E. MD ..............58 DDS ........................85 Health Medical Equipment .....107, 109 Rosario MD .....29, 116 86 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 122 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Herrera, Jose A. MD ... Hwang, Mihee RN ...10 Jernigan, Sarah C. Katzeff, Esther J. Kogan, Natalia DC ..76 Lang, Tomas DDS ...87 30, 116 95 41 MD ..........................67 DO ..........................16 Konsker, Jennifer E. Herrera, Lourdes L. Hyslop, Ann E. MD ..50 Jerome, Rodlin DDS ... Katzman, Howard E. MD ...................30, 116 Langshaw, Amber MS ....................71, 75 86 MD ..........................66 Kopynets, Viktor H. MD ......................58 I Herrera, Victoria DMD ........................86 Lara, Miriam M. MD Kaushal, Himangi Jerry'S West ... DDS ........................86 Ibars, George C. Kendall Pharmacy .101 MD ..........................22 Kozakowski, Kristin 18, 116 MD ..........................67 Hershorin, Eugene Kaywin, Paul R. MD ... A. MD ......................61 Larcada, Alberto F. Jhs Central Fill R. MD ................10, 30 Icare Rx .................101 Pharmacy ..............101 46 Krainson, James P. MD ..........................45 Ideal Pharmacy Hetery Home For MD ..........................64 Laria, Lianette OD ...80 Jlh Pharmacy ........101 Keane, Michelle A. The Elderly ....104, 112 Solutions ...............101 Jmh Highland Park MD ...................30, 116 Krajewski, Helena Larkin Community Hew, Damion DMD ..92 Iglesias, Lysette MD ... Pharmacy ..............101 Kedem, Sam LMHC ... DDS ........................94 Hospital .......6, 72, 105 58 Jobson, Margot 71 Krakauer, Thomas 109, 111, 112, 113 Hialeah Artificial Kidney Ctr .............107 Ilangovan, Kumar DMD ........................86 Las Villas Phcy Disc DDS ........................94 Keisch, Martin E. MD ....................64, 65 Kramer, David R. And Med ................101 Hidalgo, Manuel DC ... MD ....................22, 30 Johnson, Robert 76 Imc- Quial Roost ...101 DDS ..................86, 95 Keller, Gary DPM ....63 MD ..........................73 Latina Pharmacy And Discount .........101 Infinite Ways Hidalgo-Gonzalez, Keller, Mark R. MD ..11 Krasnov, Rostislav Johnson, Rosanna Allison DDS .............86 Network .107, 109, 110 E. DO ......................52 22, 116 DDS ..................86, 87 Laufer, Paula MS .....71 Hill, Shanika L. MD ..57 Innovation Home Johnson, Terrie MD ... Kendall Kidney Ctr .106 Kraus, Kathreen M. Laurence, Peter Health ....................108 107 MD ....................46, 47 DDS ........................87 30 Hillman, Edward J. MD ..........................54 Institute For Child & Kravecas, Morris Kendrick, William M. Jones, Claude L. Laurente, Jesus MD ... Family Health 105, 107 DO .....................11, 22 MD ..........................30 MD ..........................54 30, 116 Him Cerrud, Ginette DDS ........................86 Interamerican Kriger, Alberto I. MD ... Lavado, Eduardo Kerdyk, Lynn F. Jones, James R. 30, 116 MD ..........................52 Hin, Michael H. MD ... Medical Center ......101 MD .....................11, 16 PHD ........................75 10, 22 International Jones, Janis MD ......57 Kertznus, Joel MD ...44 Kristi House ...105, 107 Lawrence, Joycelyn ... Jorge, Allan M. MD ..67 Ketabchi, Masoud J. MD ......................16 Hines, Luis C. PHD ... Gardens Pharmacy Kronberg, Frank G. 101 71 MD ..........................55 MD ..........................54 Lawson, Nuria M. Jorge, Cecilia M. Iobst, Christopher A. Hochman, Richard MD ..........................74 Key Pharmacy .......101 Kubal, Aarup MD .....78 MD ..........................66 DPM ........................63 MD ..........................53 Jorge'S Pharmacy .101 Key West Dialysis ..113 Kuker, Russ A. MD ..50 Lazcano, Gabriel Isalguez, Elizabeth Hoffman, David S. 51 MD ..........................78 Key West Health Jorrin Simon, MD ....................42, 50 J. MD ......................22 Alejandro D. MD ......22 and Rehabilitation Kuluz, John W. MD ..57 Lazcano, Maritza Israel, Frona P. DDS ........................87 Holcomb, 115, 116 Center ............113, 114 Kunstmann, Vivian Christopher OD .......80 MSW .................70, 75 Joseph, Romane Keys Gate Dialysis 107 DDS ........................87 Le Bona, Daisy Ivanier, Sandra DDS ... MD ..........................66 DMD ........................94 Holistic Nursing Kezit Discount 86 L Care Agency ..106, 108 Lea Plaza, Rodolfo Joseph, Rose V. MD ... Pharmacy ..............101 Izquierdo, Fabiana DDS ........................87 Holmes, Deborah L. 30, 115 Khan, Danyal M. MD ... La Cubana ... Leader-Landau, MD ..........................22 H. MD ........11, 30, 116 Joseph, Rufus MD ...30 56 Pharmacy Discount 101 Robin DO ................30 Homed Care ..106, 108 115, 116 Khan, Sofia S. MD ...30 J La Estacion Dorada ... Leal-Khouri, Susana Homestead Artificial 115, 116 Joseph, Jackson Memorial 104, 112 M MD ................43, 68 Kidney Center .......107 Hospital .................101 Marc-Antoine A. MD ... Khan, Yasmeen R. Leder, Laurence S. 16, 115, 116 MD ..........................37 La Ganga Discount Homestead Jackson Memorial Behavioral Clinic ......72 Ltcc Pharmacy ......101 Joshi, Sunir MD .......78 Khatami, Shiva DDS ... Pharmacy ..............101 DPM ........................63 104, 107, 109, 110, 111 Lee Ann Drugs ......101 93 La Milagrosa Juarez, Erick MD .....16 Jackson Pharmacy ... Lee, Abigail R. NP ...60 Homestead 116 Khatib, Ziad MD ......58 Pharmacy And Disc Solutions ...............101 101 Community Leiman, Lori J. MD ..31 Juarez, Luis MD ......66 Khazai, Bahram MD ... Labbie, Andrew S. Pharmacy ..............101 Jackson South 22 Leitner, Susan A. Judd, Sarah A. MD ..30 Community Hospital ... MD ..........................68 Homestead MD ...................31, 116 115, 116 Khouri, Roger K. 6, 72, 104, 109 Lago-Sanchez, Diagnostic Ctr ........109 Lemont, Michael T. Julio'S Pharmacy ...101 MD ....................67, 68 Jackson, Conchita Idelbis DMD ............87 Hommen, Jan P. MD ... S. MD ..............18, 116 MD ..........................50 Khvilivitzky, Ester Junco-Diaz, Rosa E. Lagravere Vich, 53, 65 DDS ........................86 Lemus, Isel DMD .....87 MD ...................30, 116 Jackson, John MD ...18 Rose Mary CCM ......70 Hoover, John W. MD ... 116 Juric, Iva NP ....24, 115 Kiang, Eileen DO .....30 Lemus, Taylor D. Lagravere Vich, 15 115 MS ..........................71 Jackson, Teresa A. Rose Mary LMHC ....71 Hoover, Keila MD ....15 ARNP ..........11, 41, 43 K Kiani, Kamran DMD ... Leon-Rosen, Lagueruela, Clara 116 86 Jonathan MD ...........78 Jacobs, Moises MD ... Kablawi, Fadi DMD ..86 C. MD ..............30, 116 Horesh, Ettie DMD ..86 66 Kakar, Rishi MD 50, 73 Kids First Urgent Leroy, Nathalie MD ..11 Lagueruela, Richard Horn, Merrick L. 16, 115, 116 Jaffe, Mark MD ........47 Kalai, Ronen DDS ...86 Care After Hours .......5 G. MD ........30, 39, 116 DPM ........................63 106 Lesly Home Health Jakos, Pedro P. MD ... Kalman, Leonard A. Lai, Anthony R. MD ... Horowitz, Sam M. Care ..............106, 108 30, 115 MD ..........................46 Kienstra, Carolyn M. 48 DPM ........................63 MD ..........................30 Letellier, Fabriccio Jaraki, Kaltman, Steven Lakes Radiology ....109 Hossain, Marta DDS ... Abdul-Rahman MD ..22 DMD ........................92 Kim, David H. MD ....65 M. MD .....................64 111 86 68 41, 47, 116 Kanter, Ronald MD ..56 Letsky, Jeanne K. Lally, Brian E. MD ....64 Houghton, Stephen Kim, Jay H. MD .......68 MD ..........................31 Jaramillo, Gabriel Lamarre, Marie K. OD ..........................80 DMD ........................86 Kaplan, Alexander Leveille, Sarnia NP ..17 MSW .......................70 Kinder, Clifford A. MD ...........30, 115, 116 Hsu, Cindy C. MD ....15 Jayakar, Parul B. MD ........16, 19, 42, 46 Levin, Sanford L. Kaplan, Neil J. MD ..40 Lamas, Ana M. MD ..37 115 MD .....30, 45, 115, 116 MD ...................31, 116 Kindred Hospital Karunaratne, Addys 42 Huang, David T. MD ... Jcr Medical Coral Gables .............6 Levine, Howard B. PHD ....................74 Lambert, Walter F. 64 Equipment And DDS ........................87 King, Michele MED ..71 Kastrinos, Marlene MD ...................30, 116 Huhta, James C. Phcy ......................101 Levitt, Barry DC .......76 Kinsey, Angela DDS ... M. MSW ..................70 Lampert, Elliott S. MD ....................55, 56 Jean, Daniele OD ....80 86 Kastrinos, Marlene DPM ........................63 Levy, Alejandro G. Hui, Harold DMD .....86 Jean-Baptiste, Odiel MD ..........................59 Kirwan, Michelle A. M. PHD ...................74 Landa, Jorge DMD ..94 Hurtado, Andreina MD ..........................16 MD ...........30, 115, 116 Levy, Jay MD ...........78 Kates, Charles H. Landess, Carrie MD ... MD ..........................78 Jenkins, Martin DDS ... DDS ..................39, 67 KLEIDERMACHER, 50 Lewandowska, Hurtado-Perez, 86 PAUL MD ................54 Beata MD ................78 Katsoufis, Chryso P. Landman, Jaime MD ... Idania MD ..15, 16, 116 Jenny'S Pharmacy MD ..........................37 Knight, Colin G. MD ... Liberty Drugs .........101 37, 55 Hurwit, Handre MD ..40 And Discount .........101 61 Katz, Jason MD .56, 57 Landman, Zevy MD ... Liberty Hussain, Abida PA ...62 Jennys Your Knopf, Kenneth Katz, Martha M. MD ... 37, 55 Neighborhood Hustace, Tally ARNP ... Friendly Pharmacy .101 11, 30, 36, 116 DDS ........................92 Lane, Alan MD .........78 Pharmacy ..............101 41 Jent, Jason F. PHD ... Kofman, Eduardo A. 74 Hwang, Daniel MD ..78 MD ..........................44 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 123 Liburd, Marie-Carmelle MD Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Medline Industries .108 Lopez, Emilio H. MD ... Maderal-Cozad, Ana Marin, Daniel R. MD ... Martinez-Ramos, ... 113 31, 115, 116 DDS ........................87 55 Maria R. MD ....31, 116 52 Lopez, Eustorgio Maggie'S Pharmacy ... Marin, Luis E. DPM Medstar .................102 ... Martinez-Roman, Life Healthcare 102 DDS ........................92 63 Jorge MD .........18, 116 Medz Direct ...........102 Services ................108 Lopez, Fermin DDS ... Maggy Pharmacy Marini, Nohelia DDS ... Martir-Negron, Arelis Meincken, Melissa Lifesaver Pharmacy ... 87 Discount ................102 87 E. MD ......................45 DDS ........................94 101 Lopez, Gloriana Magloire, Christ-Ann Mas, Alexandra Y. Mariposa Pharmacy Mejia Valencia, Ana Lifestar Mental DDS ..................87, 95 A. MD ................42, 52 And Discount .........102 LMFT .......................71 DDS ........................88 Wellness Center ....107 Lopez, Grace DMD ..87 Magno Pharmacy ..102 Mariscal, Liuska MD ... Mas, Madeleen M. Mejia, Jorge R. MD ..46 31, 116 MD ..........................56 Lifestream Mobile Lopez, Isidro A. MD ... Maguire, Thomas Mejia, Lina DDS ......92 Diagnostic ..............111 31 DC ...........................76 Mark, Barry J. MD ...37 Maseda, Johanna Melegi-Diaz, Soraya Lifshitz, Abraham NP ...........................43 Markoe, Arnold M. Lopez, Manuel DDS ... Maheswaran, F. LMSW ...........70, 75 DDS ........................93 87 Chellappah MD .......52 MD ..........................64 Masri, Amal A. DPM ... Melissa Pharmacy Limosani, Mark 63 Mar-Lac Pharmacy 102 Mahmood, Iftikher Lopez, Martha E. Discount ................102 DMD ........................92 MD ...............11, 31, 36 U. MD .......31, 115, 116 Masri, Mohammad Marquez Pharmacy ... Mella, Enrique MD ...52 Limousin, 102 M. MD .....................66 Lopez, Pedro MD ....31 Mahmoud, Omar M. Melo, Evelyn LMHC ... Pierre-Richard MD ...52 Masters, Salahuddin 116 MD ..........................64 Marquez, Jaime 72 Lin, Chin DDS .........93 Lopez, Radames Mair, Laurence DC ..76 DDS ........................87 OD ..........................80 Mendez, Antonio Lincare ..................108 MD .............16, 31, 116 Major-Wilson, Masvidal, Raul MD ..78 Marquez, Noemi M. DMD ........................88 Linzer, Dov S. MD ...40 Lopez, Reynaldo Hanna ARNP ...........41 LCSW ..........70, 74, 75 Matrix Home Care .108 Mendez, Jose E. Liou, Shasan DMD ..94 MD .....11, 22, 115, 116 Malavenda, Paul DC ... Marquez-Brito, Eysa Mattos, Katia DMD ..92 DO ..........................43 76 M. MD ..............31, 116 Maturo, Donna L. Lopez, Robin E. PA ... Lipshultz, Steven E. Mendez, Lorely E. 62 Maldonado, Marquez-Iglesias, MD ..........................56 ARNP ......................41 MD .............11, 31, 116 Lirman, Dario D. MD ... Lopez, Wilson MD ...16 Anabelle MD ............50 Felicita DDS ............87 Maurice, Ketty DO ...16 Mendez, Paul E. MD ... 116 Malecon Pharmacy 102 Marrero, Jaydee 31, 116 115, 116 11, 22, 116 Lopez-Andujar, Julio Lister, Michelle L. Maliner, Lloyd I. MD ... DDS ........................87 Mauskar, Sagar Mendez, Rosa DDS ... MD .............11, 22, 116 MD ..........................40 67 Marshall, Kristine DMD ........................88 88 DDS ........................87 Maxwell, Tamika M. Litman, Teddi DMD ..94 Lopez-Guerrero, Malka, Jonathan M. Mendez-Irizarry, Rene L. MD .....31, 115 MD ..........................55 Marta Home Care ..104 DO ...................31, 116 Live And Let Live Lesbia MD .......22, 116 116 112 Pharmacy ..............101 Mallon, Stephen M. Maya, Alvaro DMD ..95 Mendigutia, Jose Lopez-Torres, MD ..........................41 Martell, Frank J. MD ... Mayar Pharmacy ...102 DDS ........................88 Lizaso, Susana Michelle MD ............31 37 DMD ........................87 Malvezzi, Leopoldo Mendoza, Cesar E. Mayor, Manuel R. Los Palacios MD ..............61, 66, 68 Martha Farmacia Lizi Home Care ALF ... MD ..........................47 MD ....................41, 42 Medical Supplies ...102 104, 112 Mandell, Alan DC ....76 And Discount .........102 Mazure, Philippe DC ... Mendoza, Deborah Loucks, Robert J. Martin, Ciro DDS .....87 76 PA ...........................62 Lizi Home Care ALF Manella, Susan G. LCSW ................42, 70 II ....................104, 112 DO ..........................18 Martin, Felipe DDS ..87 Mccallum, Tamara Mendoza, Deborah Love Pharmacy .....102 Lizi Home Care III .104 Mangas, Mario MD ..47 Martin, John MD ......78 DDS ........................94 PA-C .......................68 112 Loving Heart Home 64 Martin, Jose A. DO ..68 Mcclure, Shawn Mendoza, Irenia Healthcare .....106, 108 Llamas, Luis DDS ...94 Maniglia, Marielba Martin, Rosa DMD ...87 DMD ........................92 DDS ........................88 Lovo, Manuel A. MD ... DMD ........................87 Lleo, Pedro DDS .....87 Mendoza, Ivan MD ..41 Martinez Drug Store ... Mcconnell, 31, 116 Manlio, Ferdinand C 47 102 Catherine A. MD 11, 31 Llerena, Monica Lower Keys Medical DO ..........................43 McDonald, Laurel L. CRNA ......................39 Menendez, Jorge Martinez, Adolfo R. Ctr ........6, 75, 113, 114 Manning, Erika M. MD ...................18, 116 CNM ........................48 DDS ........................88 Lo Wong, Silvia C. Lozano, Jaime MD ..64 LMHC ......................71 Mcfarlane, Trecia E. MD ...................31, 116 Menendez, Nancy Martinez, Aicmee 65 Manos Amigas ALF ... DMD ........................94 MD .....11, 22, 115, 116 DDS ........................88 Lobaina, Yoan DMD ... Lozano, Teresa DDS ... 104, 112 Mcinnis, Kimberly 87 Menendez, Martinez, Daisy 92 Mansur, Arnulfo MD ... LCSW .....................70 Au.D., CCC-A ..........39 Alexander DDS .......88 Locatel Health And Luaces, Jorge L. 78 Mclaughlin, Gwenn Wellness ...............102 Menendez-Martinez, Martinez, Eduardo MD ...................31, 116 Manteiga, Frank DC ...........................76 E. MD ................42, 57 Geysha M. PSYD ....72 Lockhart, Sharie C. Lubin, Judith DMD ...87 DMD ........................87 74 Mclean, Natoya MD ..........................49 Martinez, Ernesto Lugo, Luis H. MD ....22 Manzur, Lamya DDS ........................87 DDS ........................88 Menendez-Rivera, Lofton, Antoine J. 116 DMD ........................87 Jesus B. MD ....18, 116 MD Now Medical MD ...................31, 116 Martinez, Felipe J. Lujan, Aldo DDS ......87 Maragh, Jassett A. ... MD ..........................54 Centers .....................5 Menezes, Jane MD Lofton, Robert OD ...80 Lujan, Henry J. MD ..66 MD .....................11, 31 31 Martinez, Jose DDS ... Means, William Lombillo, Juan M. Marathon Health 87 DMD ........................92 Mentrasti, Sylvia MD ..........................66 Lynne, Joe M. LMHC ......................48 Center Phcy ..........103 DMD ........................88 Med Health Martinez, Jose L. Londono, Ann I. MD ... Equipment .............102 Mercade, Fernanda Marcelin, Margalitte MD ....................44, 47 61 M APNP ..............18, 115 L. MD ......................47 Martinez, Kenia MD ... Medcare Home Londono, Juan C. M & Y Caring and Marcia, Blanca 11, 31 Health Svcs ...106, 108 Mercado, Jennifer MD ....................40, 41 Loving Alf .......104, 112 ARNP ......................43 MD ..........................78 Medcare Infusion Martinez, Lisette Londono, Laura M Quirantes Marco Drugs And LHAS ......................45 Services ................102 Mercado, Jose C. DMD ........................87 Orthopedic PA ...........................62 Compounding ........102 Med-Care Infusion Martinez, Mariano Loor, Kleber DDS ....87 Appliances .............110 Marcus, David MD ...11 M. MD .....................53 Services ................108 Merci's Home Corp 104 Lopate, Jason DC ...76 Macagno, Jessica 112 31 Medciti Pharmacy ..102 Martinez, Miguel DMD ........................87 Lopetegui, Juan A. Mercy Professional Mardy, Gisele V. MD ... DMD ..................87, 88 Medenvios MD ..........................64 Maccarrick, Matthew 31, 115, 116 Healthcare .............102 Apothecary ............102 Martinez, Ramon E. J. MD ......................57 Lopez De Victoria, Merikas, Amanda Mares, Adolfo DDS ..87 MD .....................11, 43 Medical Arts Millied DMD .......87, 95 Machuca, Jenny S. Pharmacy ..............102 DMD ........................88 Maria Angelica Phcy Martinez, Raquel MD ..........................64 Lopez, Alexander Discount ................102 MD ...................31, 116 Medical Care Svcs 108 Merwin, Melissa A. DMD ........................87 Macintyre Jr, D S. CNM ........................48 Maribona, Javier F. Medical Diagnostic Martinez, Yadira L. MD ..........................46 Lopez, Anabelle DPM ........................63 MD ..........................56 Laboratories ............98 Mesa, Georgina DDS ........................87 MacWilliams, Grisel DMD ........................88 Marimon, Adrian T. Medina, Ariel OD .....80 Martinez-Casuso, MD ...................22, 116 Lopez, Arnaldo V. Mesch, Daniel R. MD ..........................52 Rosa MD .................73 Medina, Lissette M. MD ..........................53 Madahima LMHC ......................72 Marimon, Tomas I. PA ...........................62 Martinez-Clark, Pharmacy ..............102 Lopez, Cecilio L. Messina, Dennis DC ... MD ..........................52 Pedro O. MD .....40, 47 Medina, Maria E. MD ..........................56 Maderal, Francisco 76 Marin, Cristina S. LPC ...................71, 74 Martinez-Pena, Lopez, Edgar DMD ..87 R. MD ......................44 Meyer, George K. MD ..........................44 Jeidy DMD ...............88 Medi-Nurse ....106, 108 MD ..........................57 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 124 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores MGM Behavioral ....107 Mon Orthopedic .....110 Mount Sinai Medical Nwankwo, Neili Home Ozerov, Inna MD .....78 109, 110 Monestime, Healthcare Agency 106 Odinakachi O. MD ...32 Ctr & Miami Heart 81 108 Miami Beach Comm Johanne L. MD 31, 115 Institute .....6, 104, 106 O P 107, 109 Nelson, John DDS ...88 Hlth Clinic ..............102 116 Ocampo, Noel P And P Pharmacy 102 Mowerman, Samuel Miami Beach Nesi, Edwin DC .......76 Montanez, Ruben LMHC ................47, 48 Pablos, Carlos M. Community Health .102 NP ...........................73 MD ..........................73 Neville, Holly L. MD ... MD ...................23, 116 Miami Beach 61, 66 Ocasio-Tascon, Montano, Nazly MD ... Mt Sinai Pharmacy Maria E. MD ............64 Pacific Pharmacy ...102 Community Hlth .....102 31, 116 Express .................102 New Era Health Muench, Karl H. MD ... Center .......70, 72, 107 Ofir, Audrey MD .......32 Pacin, Michael P. Miami Behavioral Montenegro, 45 MD ..........................38 Hlth Ctr Phcy .........102 Mauricio DDS ..........88 109, 110, 111 Oglesby, Malika S. Miami Children's New Hope CORPS ..75 MD ..........................32 Padeh, Yoram C. Montero, Alberto NP ... Muina, Antonio F. MD ..........................38 Ohayon, Rebecca Hospital .5, 6, 104, 105 24, 115, 116 MD ..........................46 New Horizons R. MD ......................32 Padilla III, Victor M. 107, 109, 111 Montero, Alexander Muinos, William I. Community Mental MD ..........................44 Miami Children'S DDS ........................88 MD ..........................58 Health ......72, 105, 106 Ohring, Marshall D. Hospital Phcy ........102 Montero, Angel R. 107, 109, 110, 111 MD ...................32, 115 Padrino, Natacha M. Munguba, Bozena MD ..........................73 Ojeda Gil, Serman Miami Executive MD ...................31, 116 DMD ..................88, 95 Newman, Steven Pharmacy ..............102 Monterrey, Judith OD ..........................80 L. MD ...11, 12, 32, 115 Padron, Airama M. Muniz, Juan-Carlos 116 MD ...................32, 116 Miami Personal DDS ........................88 MD ..........................56 Nguyen, Colin H. Management .107, 109 Montford, Barbara MD ..........................59 Okonkwo, Margaret Munoz, Asuncion M. Padron, Jose MD ....23 110, 111 A. MD ......................68 CCM ........................70 Niazi, Toba N. MD ...67 I. MD ........32, 115, 116 116 Olacio, Marizeli A. Miami Springs Paes, Fabio M. MD ..65 Nicieza, Fausto Mora, Eugenio DMD ... Munoz, Asuncion M. Pharmacy ..............102 88 NP ...........................73 DMD ........................93 DPM ........................63 Paez, Carmen A. Olagbemi, Olakunle Michael Bannister ... Nicolas-Alexandre, MD ..........................23 Mora, Yosjany DDS ... Munoz, Melissa DC Adult Family Care 76 Marie J. MD .....32, 115 T. MD .......32, 115, 116 Page, Raymond DC ... 88 Home ....................104 116 Olaz Home Care ....105 Muoio, Jessica E. 76 Morales, Cecilia V. 112 Midtown Pharmacy 102 MD .............11, 31, 116 MD ..........................32 Nieto, Jose G. MD ...50 Pages, Luz MD 32, 116 Olen, Melissa M. NP ... Mierisch, Otto DDS .88 Morales, Enrique Murciano, Jack MD ..11 Nieves, Kristen M. Pahwa, Savita MD ...59 43 32, 115, 116 ARNP ......................41 Miki, Roberto A. MD ... DDS ........................88 Palau-Collazo, Olmstead, Ruth 67 Morales, Maira DDS ... Murillo Perez, Nieves, Nelson A. Miladys M. MD ........58 PHD ........................72 88 Amarilys L. MD 32, 116 MD ..........................52 Milagros Pharmacy 102 Palm Garden Of Murillo, Jorge MD ....46 Nikzad, Jason DO ...16 Olti, Vivian MD ........73 Aventura ................110 Miles, Anne M. MD ..50 Morales, Rommel R. Miller, Ian O. MD .....59 MD ...................31, 116 Muro, Thomas DMD ... Niven, John MD .......43 Omega Pharmacy .102 Palmerola, Rafael A. 88 Omenaca, Carlos L. Morales, Ronald MD .............16, 23, 116 Miller, Maureen E. Nodal, Teresa N. MD ..........................38 DMD ........................88 Murphy, Candace MD ...................32, 116 MD ....................42, 46 Palmetto ALF II ......105 DDS ........................88 Oper, Arnold MD 12, 16 112 Miller, Mitchell DDS ... Morariu Jr, Mircea A. Nodar-Miller, 115, 116 88 MD ..........................50 Murray, Kim P. MD ...54 Cristina PSYD ...74, 75 Palmetto Artificial 72 Kidney Center 106, 107 Miller, Susan M. MD ... Mordujovich, Jorge Noel, Lenore T. MD ... Oporta, Alejandro I. 49 B. MD ......................50 Musa-Ris, Pedro 32, 116 MD ...................16, 116 Palmetto General MD ..........................53 Hospital .....6, 104, 107 Miller, Tracie L. MD .58 Moreira, Lucila K. Norcrist Home 104, 112 Orcasita Ng, Jose A. MD .....12, 19, 115, 116 MD ..........................31 Mutawalli, Khalid 109 Miranda, Alejandra Norori, Freddy MD ...11 DDS ........................88 Palmetto Surgery DDS ..................88, 95 Morejon, Hector 19 Ordillas-Jorge, Lyndia MD 22, 115, 116 Center ...................104 DMD ........................88 My Family Miranda, Pablo North Dade Health Pharmacy And Disc ... DMD ........................88 Morell, Nayade Center Phcy ..........102 Oriente Pharmacy .102 Palomeque, Cesar 102 DMD ........................88 DMD ........................88 Ortega, Fabiola Miranda, Sofia North Dade Nursing DDS ........................94 Palomino, Mario R. Morelli III, Joseph T. ARNP ......................60 and Rehabilitation N DO ....................13, 36 MD .............12, 19, 116 Center ....106, 110, 112 Ortega, Marlyn Miraz, Maria MD ......52 N And D Pharmacy 102 LMFT .......................71 Pancorbo, Dario MD ... Morency, Jacques P. North Shore Medical Mirmelli, Philip C. Nadal, Anais PSYD ... MD .11, 22, 31, 32, 115 23, 116 Center .6, 72, 104, 106 Ortho Pro MD ..........................38 74 116 109 Associates .............110 Pando, Jorge MD ....52 Miro, Claudio DDS ...88 Moreno, Jose N. MD ... Nadel, Bruce DC .....76 Nory's Home Ortiz Perez, Marta Pandya, Dhruti MD ..32 Miro, Kiara DDS ......88 38, 47 Nager, Erika A. PA ...62 Services .........108, 113 DMD ........................94 115 Mitchell, Charles D. Naghavi, Nona DDS ... Nova Pharmacy .....102 Ortiz, Robert OD .....80 Moreno, Niberto L. Panoff, Joseph E. MD ..........................59 MD ..............65, 66, 68 93 MD ..........................65 Novero, Levi J. MD ..56 Ospina, Carolina Mitchell, Lorraine Nalls, Natasha Morera, Ismael S. DMD ........................88 Papadimitriou, LCSW .....................70 MD ...................32, 116 LCSW ................71, 75 Novo, Robert P. MD ... Vasiliki DO 33, 115, 116 32, 116 Ospina-Herrera, Mitjans, Sandra Y. Namerow, Kenneth Morgan, Christina R. Lorraine MD .....32, 116 Papatzimas, MD ...................31, 116 PSYD ......................74 DDS ........................92 Noy, Isabel DDS ......88 Panayotis DDS ........88 Noy, Lionel I. MD .....46 Ostroff, Leonard Mitrani, Moises MD ..54 Morgan-Smith, Gina Naqvi, Sayed Z. MD ... DDS ........................95 Papazian, Oscar Nueva America ......107 59 Moaveni, Daria M. E. MD ......................32 MD ..........................59 111 Otero, Leandro L. MD ..........................39 Morin, Aline DMD ....88 Nares, Michael A. MD ...................23, 116 Pardo, Adonis DO ...16 MD ..........................57 Nu-Mart Discount Mobile Quality Morning Star Otey, Gabriella Pardo, Judith G. MD ... Diagnostic ..............111 Centers ....72, 107, 110 Nasr, Jorge F. DPM ... Pharmacy ..............102 CRNA ......................39 52 Nunez, Edgard A. 63 Modern Pharmacy .102 111 Pardon, Richard MD ... MD .....11, 16, 115, 116 Our Children Our Nasserzare, Moise, Francelot Morono-Ponce, Future ....................109 78 MD .....18, 19, 115, 116 Idaylis MD ........16, 116 Jahanbakhsh MD ....73 Nunez, Hernaldo M. Paredes, Ana L. MD ... MD ...................16, 116 Our Dream Naturxheal Family Molina, Carmen A. Morrison, Sarah D. Retirement Home ..105 59 MD ...................31, 116 MD .............11, 32, 116 Pharmacy ..............102 Nunez, Lazaro D. 112 Paredes, Giovanna MD ...................32, 116 Navarro Gonzalez, Molina, Marino MD ..73 Morrison, Volrick D. Ovodenko, Boris MD ... ARNP ......................43 DO ..........................22 Nancy N. MD ...........73 Nunez, Lydia A. MD ... 78 Molina, Reynaldo J. Paredes, Giovanna 16 Navarro, Maria DDS ... MD ..........................50 Mosquera, Aracelis Ovodenko, Borris C. NP ......................41 Nunez, Rolando A. 88 LCSW .....................70 MD ..........................78 Molina, Rolando M. Paredes, Guillermo MD ..........................38 Nay, Regina L. LPC ... MD ..........................54 Mosquera, Diana I. Owens, Dana N. MD ... MD ..........................33 Nursing Love and 72, 75 MD ...................32, 116 52 Molina, Rolando Parekh, Anish Y. MD ... Care Facility ...105, 112 DDS ........................88 Moss, Marshall OD ..80 Nazario Lugo, Owens, Michael H. 54 Nuwayhid, Zaher I. Beatriz DMD ............88 MD ..........................54 Molinet Molina, Mount Sinai Medical Parker, Raymond L. MD ..........................66 Margie PSYD ..........74 Center .....................72 Nazario-Lugo, Oyadiran, Olabisi O. MD ..........................64 Beatriz DMD ............88 NVPUSA MD ...........32, 115, 116 Mom's Meals ..108, 113 Parker, William DDS ... HealthCare ....107, 113 Negrette, Jesus S. 114 95 MD .....................11, 32 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 125 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Patel, Jignesh B. Pupo, Yusimy DDS ..89 Raschio, Vanessa Rios, Juan DDS .......89 Perez, Omar DDS ...89 Polanco, Roberto C. MD ..........................49 Perez, Ramon DMD ... MD ..........................55 Pure Pharmacy .....102 PA ...........................62 Rios, Marvin J. MD ..33 Patel, Nimisha OD ...80 116 92 Pol-Carballo, Maria Rastagh, Samantha Putter, Bernard S. T. MD ...............33, 116 MD ...........33, 115, 116 L. APNP ..................43 Ripa, Anatoly DDS ...89 Patel, Nishul DMD ...92 Perez-Fernandez, Raszynski, Andre Patel, Rita DMD ......94 Javier MD ................64 Pollack, Alan MD .....65 Ripoll, Carlos ARNP ... Q MD ..........................57 73 Pombo, Maria DDS ... Paya, Anabel DMD ..89 Perez-Garcia, 89 Qadri, Subuhi DDS ..89 Ratzan, Kenneth R. Ramon DMD ...........92 Rivas, Agustin G. Payton, Kevin DDS ..92 Pomella, Keri OD ....80 Queral, Luis A. MD ..68 MD ..........................46 MD ...................33, 116 Perez-Tirse, Jose Payton, Kevin L. MD ..........................46 Pompee-Synsmir, Rau, Brian J. MD .....49 Rivas-Chacon, Quesada, Eduardo DMD ........................67 Rafael F. MD ...........65 Ange M. CNM ..........48 MD ...................23, 116 Raurell, Gabriela M. Perfetto, Patricia P. Pdl Pharmacy ........102 MD ..........................52 Ponce, Roberto OD MS ..........................72 Rivera, Brenda I. ... Quevedo, Fernando Pds Imaging 80 DDS ........................89 Ravelo, Raul MD .....65 PSYD ......................74 Perlyn, Chad A. MD ... Mobile Unit .............111 68 Porras, Edgar DDS .92 Quevedo, Rachel Rivera, Eugene A. Ready Care Home Pedi Stat 108, 109, 113 DDS ........................89 Health ....................108 MD ..........................54 Pernas, Francisco Porro, Amanda A. Pediatric Supplier ..108 G. MD .....................54 MD ...................33, 116 Quintana, Vilma Reale, Lisa D. MD ...46 Rivera, Lourdes M. Pedreira, Denia MD ... Pernas, Martha B. DMD ........................89 Realtime Medical PA ...........................62 Portelance, Lorraine 16, 115, 116 MD ...................33, 116 MD ..........................65 Quintero, Rocio C. Imaging ..................111 Rivera, Michael A. Peguero, Oscar MD ..........................16 Rearte, Ana C. MD ..16 DPM ........................63 Peroldo, Martha A. Posada, Jorge L. DMD ........................89 CNM ........................48 MD ..........................50 Quirantes 17, 116 Rivera, Stephanie Peinado, Maria MD ..49 Perrotti, Steven Orthopedic .............110 Rechani, Luis E. MD ... PA ...........................62 Posey, Alessandra Pelaez, Gloria C. DMD ........................89 DO ..........................16 39, 40 Rivera-Hernand, R MD ...................33, 116 Persaud, Marisa PA ... Delia M. MD ............59 Posner, William Redding-Jean, Pellerano Szczesny, 62 DMD ........................92 Rabin, Estela MD ....33 Tashara N. NP .........18 Rivera-Morales, 116 Paola DMD ..............94 Pet CT & MRI Of Ramon MD ........12, 17 Powell, Michelle R. Redondo, Andres A. Pelta, Ely MD ..........73 Miami .....................111 MD ..............16, 19, 46 Rabinowitz, Mark L. MD ....................47, 64 Rivero Diagnostic MD ..........................52 Peltzer, Bradley OD ... Peterkin, Pauline J. Center ....................111 Pozo, Oscar D. MD ... Reeves-Garcia, 80 APNP ......................73 73, 74 Radulescu, Dragos Jesse MD ................58 Rivero, Maria del Pena, Carlos F. MD ... Peters, Bruce B. DO ... Pra, Jose I. MD 33, 116 A. MD .......23, 115, 116 Regions Pharmacy 102 Pilar MD ...........33, 116 Radwan, Nidal B. 50 12, 33, 116 Prado, Angeline MD ... MD .......16, 19, 23, 115 Rego, Alfredo N. MD ... Riverside Pena, Edda E. Peterson, Eric C. 33, 116 65, 68 Community Ragheb, John MD ...61 LMHC ......................72 MD ..........................67 Pharmacy ..............102 Prado, Haydee Reichbach, Jennifer 67 Pena, Jose MD 19, 116 Pfeiffer, Brent J. MD ... PSYD ......................74 A. ARNP ..................41 Rives, Elvira J. MD ..33 Rainbow Heights 33 116 Pena, Maria DDS ....89 Precious Moments Home Care ....105, 112 Reliable Super Pena, William DMD ... Phanord, Roger ALF ................105, 112 Drugs ....................102 Rivo, Marc L. MD ....12 Rajadhyaksha, 17 94 DMD ........................89 Premium Home Aparna MD ..............45 Remilien, Luna Pharm Plus Drug PENARANDA, Health Care ...106, 108 APNP ......................41 Rizo, Luis MD ..........17 Rakofsky, Sanford RUBEN D. MD ........64 Store .....................102 Premium Pharmacy Rizzo, Nicole LMHC ... MD ..........................78 Renacer ACLF .......105 72 Penas, Jose G. PA ..12 Pharmacy Care Discount ................102 112 Ramakrishna, 36, 116 Center ...................102 Presas, Olga DDS ...89 Roa, Melba M. MD ..12 Renacer Home Ravindra K. MD .......64 Pharmacy Express 19, 116 Penate, Rolando A. Health Care ...106, 108 Prescott, Kia N. MD ...................33, 116 And Discount .........102 APNP ......................51 Ramirez Navarro, Robaina, Omart S. Renal Pharmacy ....102 Ariel MD ...23, 115, 116 Pharmacy Plus ......102 MD ..........................17 Penichet, Jennifer Prescription Drug Renovation of Life .106 ARNP ......................43 Pharmag Pharmacy ... Foundation ............102 Ramirez Sr, Daniel Robinson, Russell L. 107 N. MD ......................66 102 MD ..........................36 Pepin, Mark DC .......76 President Pharmacy Ress, Bradford D. Pharmco ................102 And Discoun ..........102 Ramirez, Carmen Robles-Pena, Peralta, Maria M. MD ..........................54 DDS ........................89 Frances E. MD ........44 MD ...................16, 116 Philippe, Elizabeth Presidente Phcy Ramirez, Ciro A. MD ... Restler, Steven J. MD ..........................43 Rockley, Paul F MD ... Peraza, Marilyn MD ... MD ..........................33 And Discount .........102 23, 116 43 73 Pico, Jose MD .16, 116 Price Choice Rey, Cecilia DDS .....89 Ramirez, Jacqueline Rodicio, Ileana M. Perdigon Pierre, Gerald P. MD ... Pharmacy ..............102 DO ...........16, 115, 116 Reyes- Canals, MD ....................37, 38 Cangahuala, Nitza 52 Price, Ndemie M. Osmil DDS ..............89 DMD ........................89 Pillai, Hema R. MD ..33 MD ....................12, 33 Ramirez, Jose A. Rodrigues, Gotardo MD ..........................68 Reyes, Eduardo M. A. MD ................47, 52 Pereira, Claudia V. DPM ........................63 Pills Plus ...............102 Prieto, Evelyn DMD ... Ramirez, Nina C. MD ..........................56 Rodriguez, Allan E. 89 Pina, Victor M. MD ..44 MD ..........................37 Reyes, Elisse S. NP ... MD .............12, 23, 116 Pereira, Jesus M. 23, 24 Prieto, Julio DDS .....89 Ramirez, Patricia Piniella, Alejandra PA ...........................62 Rodriguez, Amaury MD ..........................78 Principle Health DMD ........................89 Reyes, Jennifer R. DDS ........................89 Perez, Alina DDS ....89 Svcs ......................108 Ramirez, Vanessa DPM ........................63 Piniella, Carlos J. Rodriguez, Antonio Perez, Carlos A. MD ..........................38 PRN Nursing PSYD ......................74 REYES, JUAN J. M. MD .....................60 LMHC ......................72 Services ........106, 108 Ramirez-Anguiano, MD ...................33, 116 Pinnacle Imaging Rodriguez, Beth S. Perez, Deborah M. Ctr .........................109 Pro Pharmacy And Dana Y. MD .............33 Reyes, Omarys CNM ........................68 MD ...................33, 116 DMD ........................89 Pino Pharmacy ......102 Discount ................102 Ramirez-Seijas, Rodriguez, Brian Perez, Diley DMD ....89 Pro-Echo Diagnostic ... Reynolds, Henry DC ... Felix MD ..................59 Piperato, Joseph R. HAS ........................45 Perez, Eduardo A. 109 Ramos, Carlos P. 76 MD ..........................23 Rodriguez, Carla R. MD ..........................61 MD ..........................44 Reynolds, Kimberly Pita, Berta MD .........23 Professional MD ..........................39 Perez, Elena E. MD ... Pharmacy Services ... Ramos, Luis DMD ...89 L. MD ......................33 Pla, Alejandro MD ...50 Rodriguez, Carlos A. 37 102 Rhodd, Stacey-Ann Ramos, Yilian DMD ... Plano, Lisa R. MD ...49 MD ..............42, 51, 52 Perez, Eunice DDS ... Prx Pharmacy ........102 C. ARNP ..................43 89 Rodriguez, David A. 89 Plantation Key PsychSolutions 72, 105 Ranasinghe, Rhodes Jr, John F. Nursing Center ......113 MD ..........................43 Perez, Hugo N. MD ... 107 Chaturani T. MD ......39 MD ..........................56 Plasencia, Gustavo Rodriguez, Esteban 33, 116 Puente, Katia DMD .89 Rand, Matthew Ribas, Jose DDS .....89 MD ..........................66 DMD ........................89 Perez, Idalmes DDS ... Puig, Glauco A. MD ... DMD ..................92, 93 Ribot, Aliana DMD ...89 Rodriguez, Gretell 89 Plasencia, Jesus 33, 116 Randel, Sidney N. Riefkohl, Gloria R. BC-HIS ....................45 DDS ........................89 Perez, Indira DMD ...89 Puig, Liana DDS ......89 MD ..........................33 MD ..........................33 PlatinumOne Home Rodriguez, Hernan Perez, Martha R. ... Rangel, Aramy PA ...18 Rincon, Elizabeth Health Svcs ...108, 110 Pujula, Yolanda MS DMD ........................89 MD .............12, 16, 116 71 116 MD ...................33, 116 Rodriguez, Hilma Podda, Antonello Perez, Michael DMD ... Ringler, Adam J. Rangel, Jorge E. MD ..........................59 Pullen II, Fredric W. DDS ........................94 89 MD ..........................54 MD .....12, 16, 115, 116 DPM ........................63 Podnos, Scott M. Rodriguez, Hiram Perez, Miguel A. MD ... Rao, Kiran P. MD .....48 Rios, Jose A. MD .....23 MD ....................12, 23 MD ..........................68 Pumarino, Jose L. 73 MD ..........................56 52 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 126 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Rodriguez, Irina PA ... Rosen, Jonathan Salcines, Damaris Santos, Nataly DMD ... Sepe, Maurizio MD ..17 Sirven, Alberto MD ..52 13, 36 MD ..........................78 DMD ........................90 115 Sirven, Viviana MD ..38 90 Rodriguez, Isis OD ..80 Rosenbaum, Ashley Saldarriaga, Lisa 55 Sepulveda, Isabel Santos, Teresa D. DMD ........................94 DMD ........................90 MD ...................34, 116 DDS ........................90 Sixto-Rodriguez, Rodriguez, James MD ...................33, 116 Rosenberg, Saleem, Asma MD ...34 Sara, Serena DC .....76 Serentill, Luis H. MD ... Susana M. DO .17, 116 116 Sarria Arbocco, 66, 67 Skolnik, Phyllis MD ..43 Mercedes E. LMHC ... Rodriguez, Jessica 72, 74 Salerno, Elizabeth OD ..........................80 Alejandro P. MD ......40 Serra, Maria T. Slonaker, Chester H. DO ......................34 Sasaki, Jun MD .......57 LMFT .......................71 M. MD ..............34, 116 Rosenfeld, Dalia Rodriguez, Joaquin DDS ........................94 MD ...................23, 116 Salgado, Carlos A. Sasaki, Nao MD ......57 Serrano, Maria C. Smith, Blanc OD ......80 MD ..........................73 MD ..........................57 Rosenkranz, Eliot R. Rodriguez, Luis Sawatari, Yoh DDS ..93 Smith, Edwin DDS ...90 DMD ........................93 MD ....................56, 68 Salgado, Leon MD ...17 Seskin, Floyd E. MD ... Sayin, Taner DDS ....92 Smith, Heather C. 116 68 Ross, Arnold J. MS ..72 Rodriguez, Marian MD ..........................49 Scaglione, Judith C. APNP ......................12 Ross, Charles A. Saltz, Jamie DMD ...90 Sevel, Dennis DDS ..90 NP .....................42, 43 Smith, Lesley J. MD ... MD .............12, 17, 116 Saltzman, Alan N. Rodriguez, Miriam Severino, Loida M. 58 Schaechter, Judith MS ..........................72 Rossi, Anthony F. MD ....................12, 17 MD .............12, 34, 116 L. MD ...............34, 116 Smith, Sanjay MD ....79 MD ..........................56 Rodriguez, Ramon Salvaggio, Jane L. Shafi, Sarah OD ......80 Schaffer, Judith P. Smitley, Michelle DMD ........................89 Rossin, Natalia NP ...........................60 ... DMD ........................94 DO ..........................17 Shafieian, Mitra MD ARNP ..........41, 43, 47 Samson, Magalie Rodriguez, Rene 34 Schechtman, Leon Smp Pharmacy DMD ........................89 Rosys Pharmacy ...102 PA ...........................62 OD ..........................80 Shahzeidi, Shahriar Solutions #2 ..........102 Rodriguez, Roxana MD ..........................60 Roth, Todd S. MD ....56 Samuels, Judith R. Schecter, Scott OD ..80 Sobrado, Javier MD ... DDS ........................89 Rotlewicz, Mark MD ... MD ..........................65 81 Shayan, Maria DMD ... 44 90 Rodriguez, 34, 116 Samuels, Michael A. Schein, Roland M. Socarras, Rasciel Alejandro DDS ........89 Rowin, Alexandra M. MD ..........................65 MD ..........................42 Shaykher, Chander MD ...................35, 116 Rodriguez, MD ..........................40 MD ..........................52 San Cayetano Schell, Andrew P. Soffer, Ariel D. MD ...40 Guillermo DMD ........89 Royal Palm Drug ...102 Home .............105, 112 MD ..........................54 Shehadeh, Eyad Soheil, Michelle Rodriguez-Castro, San Lazaro DDS ........................90 Rozenstein, Scherz, Arnold W. DDS ........................90 Liliam DDS ..............90 Alexander MD ..23, 115 Pharmacy ..............102 MD ..........................34 Sheldon, John OD ...81 Sokoloski, Mary C. Rodriguez-Fundora, Rub, Mario MD ........60 San Miguel Home Shienbaum, Gary Schettino, Antonieta MD ..........................57 William DO ......17, 116 Care ..............105, 112 Rubensteen, Evan MD ..........................34 MD ..........................79 Sola, Juan E. MD ....61 Rodriguez-Jorge, DMD ........................93 Sancassani, Rhea Schiff, Martin A. MD ... Shoemaker, Melinda 66, 67 Alicia MD ..23, 115, 116 B. MD ......................41 Rubiales, Ricardo A. 68 G. DPM ...................63 Solano, Juan P. MD ... Rodriguez-Mendez, LCSW .....................71 Sanchez, Ena I. MD ... Schiffman, Shookoff, Charlene 57 Jorge MD ...12, 23, 116 34, 116 Rubin, Jamie PA 42, 62 Lawrence DO ..........43 S. MD ......................38 Soler, Manuel A. MD ... Rodriguez-Moran, Sanchez, Janine E. Shraiteh, Jenan Rubio Pharmacy Schleifer, Paula P. 42, 57 Juan F. MD ..............64 MD ....................43, 58 And Discount .........102 MD ..........................59 DMD ........................90 Soler, Rosa DDS .....90 Rodriquez-Morales, Sanchez, Mayra Shufflebarger, Harry Ruen, Mark NP ........51 Schlessinger, Solorzano, Wilson Adalberto MD ..........52 DDS ........................90 Fabiola B. MD .........50 L. MD ......................53 E. LCSW .................71 Ruiz, Jose L. MD .....19 Roelans, Ryan C. Sanchez, Mirel MD ..17 Shulman, Peter MD ... 116 Schmer, Andrew DC ... Somodevilla, MSW .......................71 116 34, 116 76 Ruiz, Karelia MD .....23 Guillermo MD ...17, 116 Roero, Lauren PA ....42 Sanchez, Yuri MD ....23 Sibaja, Sonia A. MD ... 116 Schobel, Ruth C. Sonenblum, Michael 62 116 34, 116 MD ...........34, 115, 116 Ruiz, Luz A. PA .......62 MD ..........................35 Rojas, Adriana M. Sanchez, Zoraida Sidron, Rodolfo MD ... Schot, Raquel DMD ... Sonson, Susan L. MD .......12, 33, 34, 116 Ruiz, Saili DMD .......90 DDS ........................90 34, 116 90 CRNA ......................39 Rojas, Raiko DMD ...90 Ruiz, Sarabel DMD ..90 Sanchez-Diaz, Siegel, Sharon DDS ... 95 Pedro MD ........34, 116 Schwartz, Belky P. Sosa, Jorge L. MD ..66 95 Roldan, Rosie DMD ... MS ..........................72 67 94 Ruiz-Unger, Juan M. Sanchez-Fortis, Siegel, Steven MD ...34 MD ...................34, 116 Alfredo MD ..............50 Schwartz, Edward Sosa, Lisa J. NP .....60 Rolland-Asensi, R. MD ........12, 17, 116 Signature Health Sosa, Theresa M. Gabriela DMD .........94 Rusconi, Paolo G. Sanchez-Iglesias, Care Of Brookwood MD ..........................56 Gervasio MD ....34, 116 Schwartz, Elaine M. LCSW .....................71 Roman, Maximo LCSW .....................71 Gardens .........106, 110 Sosa-Abella, Nancy DDS ........................90 Rusinowski, Lynda Sanchez-Masiques, Silanee, Allen H. MD ... J. NP .......................60 Jorge MD ................64 Schweizer, Mark DDS ........................90 52 Romano-Silva, DDS ........................90 Sosenko, Ilene R. Amada F. MD ...34, 116 Ryan-Peterkin, Sanchez-Medina, Silebi, Vanessa I. Kathryn DDS ...........90 Rolando MD ............53 Scott, Gwendolyn B. MD ..........................49 Romay, Richard MD ..........................59 MD ..........................23 Soto, Lisbet DMD ....90 DMD ........................90 Ryder, Carina A. Sanchez-Vegas, Silencieux-Cineas, CNM ........................48 Carolina MD ............59 Scott, Tessa DDS ....90 Marie G. MD ......12, 34 South Beach Romero, Edgar DC ..76 Seasons Hospice & 115, 116 Orthotics & Sandhu, Satinder K. Romero, Roderick J. S Palliative Care of Prosthetics ............110 MD ..........................56 Silver Star MD ..........................66 Saavedra, Leila T. Southern FL ..........108 South Beach Pharmacy ..............102 Sandler, Raymond Romero-Bolumen, PSYD ......................74 Seda, Richard L. Orthotics and B. MD ......................44 Ileana MD ........34, 116 Sacharow, DPM ........................63 Silverman, Adria I. Prosthetics ............110 MSW .......................71 Romilly, Ada P. MD ..65 Stephanie J. MD ......34 Sandoval, Carlos J. Seeherunvong, South Dade Health MD ..........................73 Silvestry, Elvin DDS ... Tossaporn MD .........58 Rondon, Oswald MD ... Saenz, Luis A. DO ...12 Svcs ...............109, 111 90 78 17, 116 Sandoval, Martha Y. Seeherunvong, South Dade Kidney NP .....................42, 51 Wacharee MD .........59 Simmons, Jeffrey D. Roque-Guerrero, Saenz, Regina DDS ... Ctr .........................107 MD ..............40, 41, 42 Lilia R. MD .......34, 116 93 San-emeterio, Elena Segal, Alan MD .78, 81 South Miami Phcy M. NP ........12, 14, 116 Simon Jr, Jose M. Rosado-Rodriguez, Safe Future ...........107 Compounding ........102 Segal, Scott D. MD ..73 MD ..........................50 Sani, Sasan DMD ....95 Roy DMD ................90 Sague, Gustavo South Miami Segal, Zachary MD ..78 Simons, Lisa A. MD ... Rosales, Julio C. DDS ........................90 Santamarina, Luis Medical Arts Phcy ..102 81 34, 116 MD ...................19, 116 Saintil, Lisa ARNP ...18 DMD ........................90 Southern Winds Segurola, Jr, Simpser -Dubovoy, Santana, Juan C. Rosales, Salvador Health LLC 70, 72, 106 Romualdo J. MD .....65 Sainz, Carmen F. Moises MD ..............60 DDS ........................90 MD ..........................38 NP ...........................48 Souza, Rodrigo Selem, Joseph MD ..78 Sinclair, Miri M. Santiago, Ramon Rosa-Olivares, Jose DDS ........................90 79 Sais, Gerard J. MD ..65 MD ...................19, 116 ARNP ......................41 R. MD ......................34 Spagnolo-Hye, Selem, Magali M. Salama, Elias MD ....38 Santiago, Waleska Siqueira, Lorena M. Rose, Barbara K. Carol L. DO .............35 MD .............12, 34, 116 Salazar, Jacqueline MD ..........................37 MD ...................34, 116 MS ....................70, 72 Spivak, Irena DMD ..90 MD ...................34, 116 Santos Pharmacy ..102 Selesky, Shari E. PA ... Sir Charles Rose, Camille DDS ... 62 Pharmacy ..............102 Spurdle, Craig J. Santos, Carlos R. 93 Salazar, Manuel MD ..........................60 DDS ........................90 MD ..........................64 Seligshon, Jacob S. Sirage, Mohamed Rosen, Eric S. DO ...23 MD ...................34, 115 Sredni, Diana MD ....35 DMD ........................94 116 115, 116 Selman, Anas DDS .92 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 127 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores St Annes Nursing Urday-Esslinger, Troner, Michael B. Vazquez, Humberto Sylvestre Pharmacy ... Tingle Jr, Norman R. Center St Annes 102 MD ..........................36 MD ..........................46 Ernesto A. MD .24, 115 DDS ........................91 Residence .....105, 106 Szajnert, Carlos MD ... Tinoco, Lorena MD ..52 Trueba, David M. 116 Vedula, Anil MD .......79 110, 112 MD ..........................50 Urena, Christina M. 12, 52 Tinsley, Leanne Veerani, Anila MD ....41 St Fleurose, Sheilla MD ...................35, 116 DMD ........................95 Trujillo, Hector J. Vega, Manuel MD ....35 T PSYD ................74, 75 116 Tipnis, Sujata R. MD ... MD ...................35, 116 Uriarte, Gilberto T R C Miami Lakes St Jesus Pharmacy ... DDS ........................91 35, 116 Trujillo, Madelene Vega, Maria J. MD ...73 Akc ........................107 102 Tirado, Yamilet MD ..54 DDS ........................91 Urrutia, Alejandro M. Vega, Sergio DMD ..91 Tabak, Jeremy I. MD ... St Jude Pharmacy MD ..........................73 Tobon, Elias DMD ....91 Trujillo, Maria DDS ..94 Velar, Alexander A. 64 And Discount .........102 95 Us Med ..................103 MD ..........................50 Toirac, Maria DDS ...91 Tablante, Milagros Star Of Mary Adult Trujillo, Zuzel DMD ..91 Utset-Ward, Luisa Velasco, Maribeth Center ............105, 112 D. NP ......................60 Tolon, Cristobal MD ... DDS ........................57 APNP ......................60 19, 116 Truong, Linh DMD ...91 Starikov, Albert DO ..52 Tabraue Orthopedic Uzunova-Dimova, Velasco-Quintero, Tordi, Carol H. MD ...12 Truong, Xen DDS ....91 Medical Supply ......113 Starkman, Sharlene Kalina DDS .............91 Dania AM ................72 35 Tsounias, Mei Lan Yap DMD ...94 Taher, Rashid MD ....79 Emmanouil D. MD ...57 Velis, Maria DDS .....91 Torralbas, Alfredo V Steinberg, Fred DC ... Takita, Cristiane MD ... MD ...................35, 116 Tuda, Claudio D. Veloso, Alexander Vainder, Elizabeth 65 76 MD ...................24, 116 Torregrosa, John F. B. MD ......................35 MD ..........................44 Talebi, Tony N. MD ..46 Stephens, Wayne DPM ........................63 Tudela Jr, Francisco Veloso, Angel MD ....44 Valcourt-Rodriguez, DDS ........................94 Talia ALF ........105, 112 G. MD .....................52 Torres Viera, Carlos Maria PSYD ......74, 75 Venkatappa, Steven'S Rx ...........102 Talluri, Giridhar MD ..68 G. MD ................46, 47 Tudela, Carmen M. Siddhartha A. MD ....46 Valdes, Jacqueline Stricker, Stephen J. Tamayo, Victor I. Torres, Ayme CRNA ... MD ....................48, 52 MD ...................35, 116 Vera, Nathalie DMD ... MD ....................53, 60 MD ...........23, 115, 116 39 Tufino, Jessica M. 91 Valdes, Marcos OD ... Stroetz, Alyssa M. Tamer, Mohammad Torres, Danette MD ... MD ...................35, 116 80 Verdecia, Luis F. MD ... NP ...........................42 A. MD ......................49 ... 35, 116 Tur, Josefina F. MD 19, 116 Valdes, Marilyn DDS ... Strong, Michael D. Tania Home Health 19, 116 Torres, Diana DDS ..91 91 Verdecia, Yurima PA ... MD ...................35, 116 ALF ................105, 112 36, 116 Torres, Felix OD ......80 Turcios, Janeth D. Valdes, Martha DDS ... Suarez, Alberto Tapanes, Patricia MD ...................24, 116 91 Vh Pharmacy .........103 DDS ........................90 PA ...........................62 Torres, Johann V. MD .......12, 24, 35, 115 Turner, Rosa F. MD ... Valdes, Vivian DDS ... Viamonte III, Manuel Suarez, Antonio J. Taubman, Michele L. 73 116 91 MD ....................66, 67 MD .............12, 17, 116 MD ..........................68 Torres, Julio D. MD ..54 Tursun, Ramzey Valdman, Vadim Vida Pharmacy ......103 Suarez, Carolina Tauler, Antonio E. DDS ........................93 DDS ........................91 Vidaechea, Melissa ARNP ................12, 14 MD ..........................73 Torres, Luis DMD ....93 Tutt, Zandra B. MD ..24 Valencia, Odalys A. M. NP ................43, 60 Suarez, German MD ... Taveras, Sonia DDS ... Torres, Maritza MD ..49 Two Sisters Love & MSW .......................71 Vidal, Ana M. MD ....48 12, 23, 116 90 Torres, Nicole S. MD ... Care ..............105, 112 Valiente, Aladino 12, 35, 116 Vidal, Carlos A. MD ... Suarez, Juan B. MD ... Taylor, Thomas K. Two Sisters Place ..105 DMD ........................91 46 68 MD ..........................52 Torres, Orlando F. 112 Valiente, Lizette MD ..........................44 Vidal, Maria DDS .....91 Suarez, Maritza M. Tejeda, Dayrys DMD ... Tydir, Michelle DMD ... DMD ........................95 MD ....................12, 23 94 Torres-Consuegra, Vidal, Rosa M. MA ...72 91 Valor, Raul R. MD ....64 Aurelio MD .......24, 116 Suarez, Omar D. Tekin, Mustafa MD ..45 Vidal-Zas, Alicia R. Tyrell, Tahirah A. MD ... Van Bourgondien, Torres-Madriz, MD .............12, 19, 116 Tellechea, Carlos A. PSYD ..........61, 74, 75 17, 115 Dolores I. NP ...........51 Gilberto MD .......46, 47 Suarez, Tatiana MD ...................35, 116 Viego, Rebeca DMD ... Tzur, Assaf MD ..39, 40 Vance, Jeffrey M. DMD ........................90 Tenzel, David MD ....79 Torres-Portalatin, 91 41, 42 MD ..........................45 Gilda V. MD .....35, 116 Suarez, Vivian Viera, Amado MD ....17 Tercilla, Oscar F. Vandenedes, LHAS ......................45 MD ..........................65 Total Care Home U 116 Suarez, William MD ... Teresita Home Care ... Svcs ..............106, 108 Ubals, Elena M. MD ... William DDS ............91 Vila-Rivas, Maritza Total Diagnostic 46 38 Vardaros, MD ...................35, 116 104 Magdalene DO ..42, 44 Soltuions ...............109 Suarez-Mederos, Ucar, Antonio MD ....46 Villa Jr, Luis MD ......46 Tescher, Marc OD ...80 47 Total Rx Pharmacy Francisco MD ..........19 Ultima Rx ...............102 Villa Maria Nursing THALLER, SETH R. Vargas, Carlos A. Suate, Isabel DDS ...90 MD ..............61, 67, 68 And Discount .........102 Union Pharmacy Ctr .........................110 MD ....................44, 47 Totapally, Subhawong, Ty K. And Med Supply ....102 Villa Serena I .105, 112 The Children's Vargas, Jose L. MD ... Balagangadhar MD ... MD ..........................65 Home Society Of 35, 116 Village Pharmacy ..103 57 United Health Subirats-Torres, Systems ................112 Florida .............72, 105 Varki, Jolly MD ........46 Villanueva, Lourdes Tovar, Aura DC ........76 Ibelys DMD ..............90 The Chrysalis United Home Care DMD ........................91 Varlotta, David DO ...39 Tracey, Molrine A. Sullivan, Tory MD ....43 Center .............72, 105 Svcs ......106, 107, 108 Villar, Ann M. DO .....35 MD ..........................52 Varona, Monica Sun Village Homes 105 The Devereux United Sleep 116 LMHC ......................72 112 Foundation ........72, 75 Tracy, James F. Diagnostics ............112 Villar, Mary Jo DO ...46 DPM ........................63 Vasallo, Francisco Sunset Drugs ........102 The Endoscopy Unity Health & DDS ........................91 Villar, Tania DDS .....91 Traina, Joseph A. Rehabilitation Ctr ...110 Sunset Radiology ..109 Center ...........104, 106 Villarroel, Vilma MD ..........................67 Vasconcello, Norma 112 111 The Gables Surgical V. MD ...............35, 116 BC-HIS ....................45 Travieso, Lourdes B. Universal Arts SurfMed .................113 Center ...................104 Villate, Natalia MD ...79 MD ...................35, 116 Pharmacy ..............102 Vasconcello-cohen, Suta, Adi DMD .........94 The Gastrointestinal Octavio MD .............35 Villavicencio, Omar Treasure Island Universal Arts Center Of Hialeah ..104 Swaminathan, DDS ........................91 Pharmacy ..............102 Pharmacy Hm .......102 Vazana, Raphael Sethuraman MD ......57 The Nursing Ctr At DMD ........................91 Villegas Van Der Treasure Isle Care Universal Imagining Mercy ...............75, 110 Swanson, Wendy Linde, Silvia M. MD ... Ctr .................106, 110 & Radiology ...........109 Vazquez Rivera, DDS ........................90 The Village South ....75 52 Lilliana MD ..............24 Trelles, Isaac E. MD ... University Health 111 Swartz, Alan N. MD ... Villegas, Lilliana MD ... 24, 116 Care Phcy .............102 Vazquez, Antonio 35, 116 Thermezy Etienne, 36, 116 MD ...................35, 116 Trend Home Health University Of Miami Katleen R. NP .........18 Sweet Care ....105, 112 Virdee, Satranjan S. Svcs ..............106, 108 Vazquez, Carlos A. Hospital .....6, 104, 106 Thompson, MD ...................36, 115 Sweet Hope Trespalacios, 107, 109 MD ...................24, 116 Assisted Living Corp ... Winsome S. PSYD ..75 Fernando C. MD ......50 Virga, John DC ........76 Vazquez, Carmene University Pharmacy ... 112 Thomson, April M. Tretbar, Paul C. 102 LMHC ......................72 Vitas Healthcare DO ...................24, 116 Sweetwater Corporation of LCSW .....................71 Unlimited Pharmacy ... Vazquez, Enrique J. Pharmacy ..............102 Thorton, Darren T. LMHC ......................48 Florida ....108, 109, 113 Trinity CMHC ...72, 107 102 MD ..........................17 Swirsky, Stephen M. Vivero, Richard J. 111 Vazquez, Enrique J. Urbina, Mariela A. DO ..........................53 Tidwell, Michael MD ... MD ....................54, 55 Trinity Health Care MD ...................35, 116 MS ..........................72 53 Syed, Sarah MD ......35 Vladi, Ketevan MD ...24 Svcs ......................108 Vazquez, Gladys L. ... 115, 116 Tijerino, David DDS 115, 116 MD ...........35, 115, 116 Troconis, Jose 91 Vogel, Rick DDS ......91 LHAS ......................45 Index of Providers Índice de Proveedores Page/Página 128 Index of Providers/Índice de Proveedores Vogel-Sperber, Yero, Celia C. BSN ..14 Wiers, Kristina M. Estee S. PA .............62 MD ..........................61 18 Vogle, Rachel Wigdor, Steven OD .80 Ygarza-Pinto, Yenile LMHC ......................48 Wiggins, Carter T. DDS ........................91 Vogt-Lowell, Robert MSW .................71, 75 Yoham, William DC ..76 W. MD .....................57 Wigley, Stephen Young, Guy OD .......80 Volsky, Peter G. MD ... DPM ........................63 Young, Jadrien A. 50, 55 Will-Care Pharmacy ... MD ..........................55 VRI .................111, 114 103 Young, Johanna OD ... Vu, Nga DMD ..........91 Williams, Argerine 80 Vucetic, Zelka DDS ... LCSW .....................71 Young, Karen C. MD ... 91 Williams, Claudette 49 L. ARNP ..................42 Young, Mark P. MD ..38 Vulugundam, Srividya DDS ...........91 Williams, Dianne P. Yousef, Nabila PA ....42 Vuong, Lannie MD ...12 MD ..........................36 62 36, 116 Williams, Marjorie Yousef, Shatha W. APNP ......................43 MD ..........................60 W Williams, Tosha Yu, Hon C. MD ........55 Wahba, Dalia DDS ..91 DDS ..................91, 95 Z Wahl, Joanna MD ....79 Wilson, Adma G. Waich, Viviana DDS ... APNP ......................51 Zafar, Fatima MD ....13 91 Wilson, Carolina C. 17, 116 Walke, Maria I. NP ..60 CRNA ......................39 Zakheim, Richard M. MD .....................57 Wilson, Woodrow Walker, Jamell E. MD ..........................52 PSYD ......................74 Zambrana, Linda D. MD .............13, 17, 116 Witherell, Charles Wallace, Lydia V. DO ..........................17 DC ...........................76 Zambrano, Aura OD ... 81 Wals, Kenneth MD ..79 Wohlfeiler, Michael Walton, Erica P. MD ... B. MD ..........42, 46, 47 Zambrano, Camilo MD ...................36, 116 17 Wolfe, Stephen A. Wang, Grace MD .....46 MD ....................67, 68 Zambrano, Juan P. Wolff, Erin T. MD .....61 MD ..........................41 Warman, Roberto ... ... Zamora, Lyan DMD MD ..........................79 Wolff, Grace S. MD 91 57 Warren, Lesley A. Zamorano, Yasmin DPM ........................63 Wolfson, Aaron H. MD ..........................65 M. DPM ...................63 Waterford Wong, Alan MD 36, 115 Zand, Maximus Rehabilitation & Nursing Center ......110 Woo, Kyung DDS ....91 DMD ..................91, 92 112 Woolery-Lloyd, Zariffard, Ehsan Watson, Susan E. Heather MD .............43 DMD ........................92 CNM ........................48 Woolfson, Hayley Zaveri, Vijay D. MD .55 Watson-Hamilton, DDS ........................93 Zaydon, Jr, Thomas Sheri DMD .........91, 95 WORTHALTER, J. MD ......................68 Waxenghiser, Zurik PEYSAF W. MD 73, 74 Zegarra, Rosalva MD ....................38, 55 Wr Pharmacy PA-C .......................43 Webb, Delroy DMD ... Services ................103 Zeltsman, Marat DO ... 91 Wright, Astel B. MD 36, 116 ... Webman, Mark DDS ... 24, 116 Zephir, Johanne A. 95 Wright, Dale C. PA ..62 DO ...........17, 115, 116 Wecker, Amy B. MD ... Wright, Jean L. MD .65 Zerpa, Arelys LMHC ... 24, 116 72 Wright, Tamara S. WEINGRAD, MD ....................13, 17 Zide, Kenneth M. DANIEL N. MD ........67 MD ..........................40 Wruble, Lloyd DDS ..93 Weirich, Stephen A. Zide, Stacy Z. MD ...36 Wu, Shu MD ............49 MD .............13, 17, 116 116 Wurm, Gwen R. MD ... Weith, Carol DDS ....95 Zilleruelo, Gaston E. 13, 36 MD ..........................59 Welch, Elizabeth MD ..........................57 Zubizarreta, Noemi X OD ..........................81 Wellness Rx ..........103 Xanadu Living Welsh, Lisa J. PA ....62 Facility ...........105, 112 Zuni ALF ........105, 112 Wenzel, Frank OD ...80 Xcellent Pharmacy 103 Zunith, Martinez DMD ........................92 Werner, Paul DDS ...95 Xiques, Sergio J. Zwick, Thomas G. MD ..........................46 Wernowsky, Gil MD ... DPM ........................63 57 Xuna, Jason OD ......80 West Kendall Y Dialysis Center ......107 Yac, Lillian LHAS .....45 Westchester General Hospital .......6 Yady Pharmacy .....103 104, 107, 109 Yanes, Marnie DMD ... 91 White, Ellen M. APNP ......................60 Yanez-Bravo, Maria DDS ........................91 White, Stephanie L. MD ..........................36 Yatzkan, George D. MD ..........................64 White-Gayle, Babley M. RN ......................45 Yee, Kin MD ............79 Wiener, Donna E. Yeoshoua, Oded MD ..........................36 DMD ........................91 Amerigroup follows Federal civil rights laws; We don’t discriminate against people because of their: Race Color National origin Age Disability Sex or gender identity That means we won’t exclude you or treat you differently because of these things. Communicating with you is important For people with disabilities or who speak a language other than English, we offer these services at no cost to you: Qualified sign language interpreters Written materials in large print, audio, electronic, and other formats Help from qualified interpreters in the language you speak Written materials in the language you speak To get these services, call the Member Services number on your ID card. Or you can call our Grievance Coordinator at 1-813-830-6900 Ext. 77349 (TTY 711). Your rights Do you feel you didn’t get these services or we discriminated against you for reasons listed above? If so, you can file a grievance (complaint). File by mail, email, fax, or phone: Grievance Coordinator 4200 W. Cypress St. Tampa, FL 336017 Phone: 1-813-830-6900 Ext. 77349 (TTY 711) Fax: 1-888-214-3362 Email: Need help filing? Call our Grievance Coordinator at the number above. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights: On the Web: By mail: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201 By phone: 1-800-368-1019 (TTY/TDD 1-800-537-7697) For a complaint form, visit FL-MEM-0806-16 Amerigroup Plus cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles. No discriminamos a las personas por: Raza Color Nacionalidad Edad Discapacidad Sexo o identidad de género Esto quiere decir que usted no será objeto de exclusión o trato diferente por alguno de estos motivos. La comunicación con usted es importante Ofrecemos los siguientes servicios a las personas con discapacidades o que no hablen inglés, sin costo para usted: Intérpretes calificados de lenguaje de señas Materiales por escrito en formato electrónico, letra grande, audio y otros Ayuda de intérpretes calificados en su idioma Materiales por escrito en su idioma Para obtener estos servicios, llame a Servicios al Miembro al número que aparece en su tarjeta de identificación. O bien, puede llamar a nuestro Coordinador de quejas al 1-844-533-1994 ext. 33460. Sus derechos ¿Cree que lo(la) hemos discriminado por alguno de los motivos señalados o que no recibió estos servicios? De ser así, puede presentar una queja (reclamo). Puede hacerlo por correo, correo electrónico, fax o teléfono: Grievance Coordinator 4200 W. Cypress St. Tampa, FL 336017 Phone: 1-813-830-6900 Ext. 77349 (TTY 711) Fax: 1-888-214-3362 Email: ¿Necesita ayuda para presentar una queja? Llame a nuestro Coordinador de quejas al número indicado. También puede presentar un reclamo por derechos civiles al U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights: En Internet: Por correo: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue SW Room 509F, HHH Building Por teléfono: Washington, D.C. 20201 1-800-368-1019 (TTY/TDD 1-800-537-7697) Para obtener un formulario para presentar reclamos, visite FL-MEM-0806-16
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