Oil Refinery Process
Oil Refinery Process
Oil Refinery Process Yogyakarta/ 10 November 2012 DIT. PENGOLAHAN PERTAMINA Tlp : 021-381-5481 Email : sukotjo.wakimin@pertamina.com 1 Materi Presentasi I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Gambaran umum Proses – proses utama di kilang Konfigurasi proses kilang Feed dan spesifikasi Product dan spesifikasi Tantangan ke depan 2 Gambaran umum 3 Marketable Product Crude Oil Pengolahan (Refining) SLC Duri ALC Nigeria dll LPG Gasoline Kerosene / Avtur ADO Fuel Oil C2=, C3=, C4= Wax, Asphalt, Aromatic, coke 4 Alur pengolahan minyak (oil) Downstream Upstream Trading Commercial Customer Exploration • Geophysical Evaluation & Design • Field Development • Drilling Operations Retail Customer Production Refining Primary Distribution Terminalling • Crude Oil & Gas Production • Refining of Crude • Pipeline Transportation • Inventory Management • Gathering & Processing • Product Blending • Barge & Vessel Transportation • Product Blending • Price Setting • Truck Dispatch • Customer Service • Transportation & Storage • Marketing • Demand Forecast • Demand Fulfillment Typical Crude & product Distribution 200 HOMC Import 20 Export Natural Gas Contractor 100 300 LPG Exchange Crude 100 Indonesian Crude Production 200 Export, Exchange, Repayment Fuel Product - Mogas : 190 - Kerosene : 150 - Gasoil : 250 -IDO : 8 -IFO : 67 Product 1,000.0 700 Pertamina production & Government Entlitement 7 : 30 - Aviation : 33 - Pertamax : 7 - Pertamax Plus : 3 - Pertadex 0.2 : 600 500 Petrochemical (Excl. LPG ) 400 Import Crude Unit : MBCD 400 - Total : 41 Miscellineous - Total : 120.0 Ref. Fuel & Loss - Total : 7.5 % Vol on Crude 6 Kilang Pengolahan Minyak Milik PERTAMINA I 170 253.5 II 10 VII 132.5 125 V III 348 Dalam MBPSD RU I : Pangkalan Brandan RU II : Dumai RU III : Plaju RU IV : Cilacap RU V : Balikpapan RU VI : Balongan RU VII : Kasim 7 Asia pacific major refineries Refiners Shell 1,272 Exxon Mobil Caltex (including 1,047 SK 555 14 11 285 6 1,115 Pertamina PTT Number of refineries 1,801 LG-Caltex) 2 1031 370 6 485 5 782 Nippon Mitsubishi Idemitsu 670 Cosmo Oil 599 BP 247 Petronas 298 SPC 285 Petron Influenced** capacity (KBD) Controlled* total capacity (KBD) 180 * Majority controlled and manned by company ** Minority ownership Source: Facts – EWCI; company website 4 5 285 4 3 3 1 1 Proses – proses utama di kilang 9 Proses – proses utama di Oil Refinery No Jenis Proses Unit Proses Tujuan Proses 1 Persiapan Desalter Menurunkan water, menurunkan garam 2 Pemisahan Pemisahan primer berdasar titik didih 3 Treating 4 Konversi 5 Perbaikan Kualitas Crude Distilling Unit (CDU), High Vakum Unit (HVU) Hydrotreating dan demetalisasi (HDS, ARHDM, DHDT, DHDT), Amine Absorber, Hydrocracker, Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC), RFCC, Delayed Coker, Visbreaker, Platforming, H2 Plant. Hydrotreater (HDS) 6 Prosesproses Lain Polymerisasi, Isomerisasi Penex,Totaray), MDU Polymerisasi, aromatisasi, Filtrasi Pemurnian Perengkahan, pembentukan / reforming Perbaikan kualitas 10 Konfigurasi proses kilang 11 Tipikal refinery process flow diagram 12 RU II Dumai GAS L.NAP LPG L.NAP LPG H.NAP NRU HCU 212 PL-I H.NAP L.NAP KERO BTM TO PREMIUM NHDT ADO HCU 212 HVGO EXCESS GAS HOMC L.KERO H.KERO ADO S.RES GAS TO LSWR BTM LPG SRN TO PREM. NAPHTHA CDU SPK KERO DCU ADO PL -II H.NAP LVGO HVU H.NAP LPG L.NAP H2P 701/702 LPG GAS CRUDE LPG HOMC TO LOMC CDU DMI H.KERO ADO SRN CRUDE L.KERO NAPHTHA LCGO HCGO COKE DHDT L.KERO H.KERO L.RES TO LSWR 13 TO LOMC RU III Plaju 14 RU IV Cilacap 15 RU V Balikpapan 16 RU VI Balongan 17 RU VII Kasim 18 PERBANDINGAN YIELD KILANG UNTUK MENGHASILKAN PRODUK BERNILAI JUAL TINGGI DAN KOMPETISI Nelson Complexity Index - Yield indicator (higher number, high value yields) Refinery comparison Production capacity, kbpd RU IV Cilacap RU V Balikpapan RU II Dumai RU III Plaju / Musi RU VI Balongan RU VII Kasim 348 3.5 3.3 260 170 118 125 7.9 4.9 10.6 10 1.0 Indonesia average International competitors South Korea avg Taiwan average UK average Japan average India average US average China average Reliance India** 4.7 430 305 170 152 132 128 83 5.0 5.9 9.0 7.7 3.8 10.7 3.6 580 14.0 KILANG DENGAN KOMPLEKSITAS TINGGI AKAN MENGHASILKAN FRAKSI RINGAN LEBIH BESAR DAN PRODUCT VALUE LEBIH TINGGI Simple / Hydroskimming Gas plant Distillation Reformer Crude oil Refinery configuration type Fuel Gas LPG / Propane Gasoline Kerosene / Avtur Solar / Diesel Fraksi Ringan Units present Topping 30 Hydroskimming 50 FCC 70 FCC/alky 75 Coking 85 Source: Actual yield is also dependent on the crude type/quality McKinsey Simple (%v) Coker Gas/ LPG Alky Yields FCC Complex / Cracking Reformer Distillation Residual fuel * Typical light product yield* % volume Complex (%v) 2.11 9.56 Gasoline 16.51 44.58 Kerosene / Avtur 20.22 8.95 Solar / Diesel 21.32 20.44 Residue 39.84 16.47 100.00 100.00 Total Feed dan Spesifikasi 21 Crude Oil ( minyak bumi) : Terdiri atas senyawa C (1 - 40an ) dan H Didefinisikan dengan crude assay (boiling point cut, sifat fisik) Mengandung impurities (S, N, metals) Dikategorikan sebagai : parafinik, naphthenik, aromatik. 22 Komposisi desain feed (crude) RU’s RU UNIT OPERASI JENIS CRUDE KOMPOSISI CRUDE ( % V) DUMAI SLC DURI 80% 20% RU II SUNGAI PAKNING SLC LIRIK 90% 10% RU III CDU I - VII SLC RAMBA RU IV CDU I ALC 100% CDU II ARJUNA ATTAKA 50% 50% CDU IV HANDIL BEKAPAI 60% 40% CDU V SLC WIDURI 70% 30% RU VI CDU SLC DURI 20% 80% RU VII CDU WALIO 100% RU V TABEL. SPESIFIKASI FEED PRIMARY PROCESSING NO PARAMETER UNIT UP II SPK 1 SALT CONTENT ptb 2 SULFUR % WT 3 N + 2A % vol 4 Asphalthenes % wt 5 Vanadium ppm wt max 0.5 6 Nickel ppm wt max 20 7 Mercury ppb 8 TAN mgKOH/mg max 0.1 UP III UP IV UP V UP VI max 7 max 8.7 max 7.8 max 10 max 0.1 max 0.1 max 0.1 max 0.1 max 0.71 max 0.45 min 80 max 25 max 25 max 25 max 0.7 max 0.62 Produk dan Spesifikasi 25 Marketable products : Produk No. Atom C Spesifikasi kritis LPG C3 – C4 Kadar C3&C4, RVP, bau, C2, korisifitas Gasoline C4 – C12 ON, distilasi/EP, RVP, S, aromat, korisifitas Jet Fuel / Kero C8 – C12 Freezing point, smoke point, flash point ADO/Solar C12-C18 Cetane Index, distilasi/EP, S, korosifitas Fuel Oil / Residu > C25 Viskositas, Sg 26 Spesifikasi produk LPG NO. ANALISA METODA 1. Specific Gravity at 60 / 60 °F ASTM D - 1657 2. Komposisi : ASTM D - 2163 MIN MAX To Be Reported C2 % vol - 0.8 C3 + C4 % vol 97.0 - C5 + ( C5 and heavier ) % vol - 2.0 3. R.V.P at 100 ° F psig ASTM D - 1267 - 145 4. Weathering Test at 36 °F % vol ASTM D - 1837 95 - 5. Total Sulphur grains/100 cuft ASTM D - 2784 - 15 +) 6. Copper Corrosion 1 hours/100 °F ASTM D - 1838 - No. 1 7. Ethyl or Buthyl Mercaptan Added 8. Water Content mL / 1000 AG 50 *) Visual No free water +) Sebelum ditambah ethyl atau buthyl mercaptan *) Tidak dilakukan di Laboratorium Ref. Dirjen Migas no. No. 26525.K/10/DJM.S/2009 27 Spesifikasi produk premium (hal 1 dari 2) NO. ANALISA 1. Research Octane Number 2. Colour 3. Dyes content 4. Cu. Strip Corrosion 3 hrs / 50 oC 5. Distillation : METODA MIN MAX ASTM D-2699 88.0 - Visual gr/100 L Yellow - 0.13 ASTM D-130 - No. 1 ASTM D-86 - - 10 % Vol. recovery oC - 74 50 % Vol. recovery oC 75 125 90 % Vol. recovery oC - 180 End Point oC - 215 Residue % vol - 2.0 IP-130 - Negative 6. Doctor Test or No. 9 7. Existent Gum mg/100 mL ASTM D-381 - 4.0 8. Induction Period Minutes ASTM D-525 240 - 9. Mercaptan Sulphur % wt ASTM D-3227 - 0.0020 10. Density at 15 oC Kg/m3 ASTM D-4052 715,0 780,0 11. Oksigenat content % vol Mixing - 11 12. R.V.P at 100 oF kPa ASTM D-323 - 69 13. Lead Content g/L ASTM D-5059 - 0.013 14. Total Sulphur % wt ASTM D-2622 - 0.10 28 Spesifikasi produk Solar NO. ANALISA METODA Visual MIN MAX 1. Appearance 2. Density 15 °C kg / m³ ASTM D - 1298 815 870 3. Strong Acid Number mg KOH/g ASTM D - 664 - NIL 4. Total Acid Number mg KOH/g ASTM D - 664 - 0.6 5. Ash Content % wt ASTM D - 482 - 0.01 6. Cetane Index ASTM D - 4737 48 - 7. Colour ASTM ASTM D - 1500 - 3.0 8. Cu. Strip Corrosion 3 hrs / 100 °C ASTM D - 130 - No. 1 9. Distillation, T90 °C ASTM D - 86 - 370 10. Pour Point °C ASTM D - 97 - 18 11. Sediment % wt ASTM D - 473 - 0.01 12. Visc. Kinematic at 40 °C cSt ASTM D - 445 2.000 5.000 13. Water Content mg / kg ASTM D - 1744 - 500 14. Flash Point PMcc °C ASTM D - 93 55 - 15. Total Sulphur * % wt ASTM D - 2622 - 0.35 - 0.1 No. ASTM Clear & Bright OR ASTM D - 1552 16. Conradson Carbon Residue % wt ASTM D - 4530 *) Ref. : SK Dirjen Migas No. 3675 K/24/DJM/2006. Surat dari Dir. Jen. Migas No. : 5312/14/DJM.T/2008. Surat dari Dir. Jen. Migas No. : 1470/04/DJM.0/2009. 29 Spesifikasi produk Kerosene NO. ANALISA METODA MIN MAX 1. Density 15 °C kg / m ³ ASTM D - 1298 - 835 2. Burning Test ( Dry Char ) mg / kg IP - 10 - 40 3. Cu. Strip Corrosion 3 hrs / 50 °C Class ASTM D - 130 - No. 1 4. Distilation : - 310 18 - 38.0 - ASTM D - 86 End Point °C Recovery at 200 °C % vol °C 5. Flash Point Abel IP - 170 6. Odour & Colour 7. Smoke Point mm ASTM D -1322 15 - 8. Total Sulphur % wt ASTM D -1266 - 0.20 - Marketable Ref. : Dirjen Migas No. 17K/72/DDJM/1999 Tgl. 16 April 1999 30 Tantangan ke depan 31 Tantangan ke depan Lingkungan yang berubah : 1. 2. 3. 4. Harga crude yang cenderung tinggi. Tuntutan kinerja standart global. Regulasi produk yang berubah. Tuntutan lindungan lingkungan yang semakin ketat. Tuntutan terhadap Pengolahan : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Menaikkan kehandalan kilang. Mengurangi losses dan refinery fuel. Mengoptimalkan produksi. Memenuhi regulasi pemerintah. Menurunkan biaya-biaya. 32 Tipikal Struktur Biaya Bidang Pengolahan Biaya Pengolahan; 2.4% Biaya Angkutan; 0.9% Biaya Refinery Fuel; 3.6% Biaya Depresiasi; 0.9% Biaya Interest; 0.1% Bahan Baku; 92.1% Trend Karakteristik Bisnis Pengolahan Oil & Gas Terima kasih atas perhatiannya… 36