PhD School
PhD School
fa c u lt y o f s c i e n c e university of copenhagen PhD School Annual Report 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 1 Foreword The annual report from the PhD School of SCIENCE provides an overview of the activities in 2014, including key numbers for academic activities, statistics of enrolled and graduated students, administrative initiatives, new study programmes, and collaborative initiatives with international universities. Furthermore, the report includes a list of all graduated PhD students in 2014 (enclosure 6). The PhD programme is one of the flagships of the university and at the same time an important strategic element in the departmental research strategies. The Faculty of Science will continue to allocate significant resources to the training and education of PhD students within natural and life sciences. The overall focus of the SCIENCE PhD programme continues to be training of researchers who will contribute to the further development of the general welfare and knowledge level in our society – in both the public and the private sector. The PhD School of SCIENCE strives for excellence in all elements of a PhD study including supervision, research training, educational programmes and research accomplishments. This is supported by the very large number of qualified applications from all over the world to advertised PhD positions. Over the past year, 331 new students have been enrolled at the PhD School. A total of 1162 students are currently enrolled, of whom 601 or about 52 % are foreigners. About half of the international students are Europeans and the other half come from the rest of the world. SCIENCE has students from 81 countries enrolled, representing almost half of the world’s national states so our PhD students contribute significantly to the internationalization of our faculty. The SCIENCE PhD programme has a good gender balance with 47 % female and 53 % male PhD students enrolled. We are very pleased that the 12 faculty departments have been able to recruit so many talented Danish and international students. Morten Pejrup Head of SCIENCE PhD School 22 PH PH D DS C SC HH OO O L L· ·A A NN N UU AA L LR ERPEO PO R TR T2 02 10 41 3 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E Kell Mortensen Head of SCIENCE PhD Committee 3 Important Activities in 2014 In 2014, the action plan for the PhD School 2014-16 was approved. 2014 was also the year when the PhD School formulated a new set of rules and guidelines for the PhD programme, and revised forms to be used in the daily administration were released. One of the major revisions includes a smoother and more substantial way to declare co-authorships – now only three authors have to sign the statement, whereas the contribution of the PhD student to the scientific article is described in more detail. The PhD School implemented the integrated MSc and PhD 3+5 scheme and enrolled the first PhD student on this new 5-year programme. The PhD School continued to attract double degree PhD students and increased the engagement with Brazil through the programme ‘Science without Borders’. In 2014, the PhD School started a new tradition of celebrating the graduated PhD‘s at a ceremony for all graduates of the year. On 12 September 2014, the PhD School hosted the first graduation ceremony. Supervisors and family were also invited, and more than 200 guests contributed to making the ceremony memorable. The PhD School also instituted a prize awarded to exceptionally good PhD theses. Three graduates were awarded a prize for their excellent PhD projects. The PhD Education at SCIENCE in the Year 2014 – A Global Affair PhD programmes are recognized as an excellent tool to establish, create and maintain collaborations between institutions across borders. The PhD School is pleased that the research environments at the Faculty are able to attract bright PhD students from all over the world. The vast majority of our PhD students are recruited through regular job announcements, and the students are exclusively selected on the basis of their credentials. Another group of students are recruited through national agreements between the Danish government and foreign governments. An example is Science without Borders, an agreement between the Brazilian government and various foreign institutions. Currently 11 Brazilian students are enrolled at SCIENCE, and we aim to attract more in the future. Another example of an international governmental agreement is the Sino Danish Collaboration (SDC). A handful of the faculty’s 89 Chinese PhD students are recruited via the SDC scheme, whereas the majority of the remaining are co-funded by the Chinese government (Chinese Scholarship Council). The PhD School of SCIENCE is indeed an international environment. As you can see on the map below, all continents (Antarctica not included) are represented and there are PhD students from 81 different countries. Most of the students come from Europe (73 %) and Asia (17 %) whereas Africa, North America and South America are represented by 3-4 percent each. Broadly speaking, half of the PhD students are Danes, 25 percent from the rest of Europe (especially Germany) and the remaining 25 percent are from other parts of the world. Details on the nationalities of the PhD students can be seen in enclosure 1. For many years, the Faculty of Science has been engaged in capacity building programmes in the third world, and PhD programmes are seen as a very helpful tool. Thus a lot of the African and Asian PhD students are recruited through capacity building programmes, often initiated by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida), e.g. Building Stronger Universities and FFU (part of the Danish Research Council), but also programmes initiated by the European Union. From left to right: Dean John Renner Hansen, Laura Vang Rasmussen, Lars Behrendt and Alexander Sokol. Finally, the PhD School enrolled 331 new PhD students and graduated 285 candidates. Theme 2014: 4 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E Map showing the nationalities of the PhD students enrolled at Science. 5 Double Degree Collaborations PhD Course Activities An increasing number of PhD students at SCIENCE are enrolled on a double degree scheme with a foreign institution as host institution (57 PHD students as shown in table 2, p. 12). Double degree collaborations are especially relevant if a scientific environment aims to strengthen the bond with another university. It demands a very close working relationship between the supervisors from the two institutions and also embeds the student in the research facilities at both universities. The student has to spend time at both universities, fulfil the academic standards of both universities and is subsequently awarded a PhD degree from both institutions, usually after a joint public PhD defence. Generic PhD Courses at the Faculty of SCIENCE SCIENCE hosts a number of generic courses. The courses are operated and supplied by the departments and external providers. You can see a list of courses in enclosure 3. Mandatory Courses at SCIENCE The Responsible Conduct of Research course is mandatory for all PhD students at SCIENCE. In 2014, 193 PhD students passed the course. The Responsible Conduct of Research course is also part of the Introduction Course. In 2014, 105 PhD students passed the Introduction Course. In total, 298 passed the Responsible Conduct of Research course in 2014. The double degree scheme in Denmark was initiated in 2010-11 via the EU framework Erasmus Mundus and the Faculty of Science took the opportunity to engage in syndicates with other European universities. The experience was very positive and the idea has developed from a few engagements back in 2011 to close to 60 in 2014. In enclosure 2, you will find a list of double degree partner institutions (41 in total) and it appears that most agreements are entered into with European partner institutions. It also shows that quite a few double degree arrangements are related to engagements in capacity building and the SwB scheme mentioned earlier. Introduction to University Pedagogy is mandatory for all PhD students who are going to teach at the University of Copenhagen. In 2014, 188 PhD students passed the course. Funding for International PhD Courses Each year, faculty members at the departments are given the opportunity to apply for co-funding for PhD courses for which the teachers include external experts/professors from international universities. The courses offer opportunities for students to be exposed to state–of–the-art knowledge within specific scientific disciplines. Through this, valuable contacts are established with the international experts, and the students can benefit from this in their further training and research. By having a mixture of students from different universities and countries, important social and professional networks are also established among the students who participate. The PhD School’s Annual Accounts for 2014 In 2014, the PhD School was allocated DKK 5.2 mill. to support the following activities: a) International PhD courses offered by the departments, b) Transferable skills courses, incl. the mandatory PhD courses Responsible Conduct of Research, Introduction to University Pedagogy and the Introduction Course for New PhD Students and c) Events and other operational costs. The students are generally very happy with the courses. In the assessments following the courses, the courses are generally given very fine reviews by the students. The overall expenditure (budget lines) can be found in the table below. In the section about international PhD courses and generic PhD courses on the next pages and in enclosures 3-4, you will find more information about the individual course activity. In 2014, a total of 42 courses were granted co-funding by the PhD School (enclosure 4). 6 Activity Budget lines DKK International PhD Courses 2,900,000 Transferable Skills Courses 1,650,000 Events and operational costs of the PhD School 650,000 Total 5,200,000 For further information about PhD courses provided by SCIENCE, please see the SCIENCE course database PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 7 Final Evaluation of the PhD Programme Study Statistics The PhD School evaluates the faculty’s PhD Programme by surveying the graduated PhD students. The graduates are asked questions about the PhD study programme and the environment surrounding them during the PhD. The questionnaire deals with the quality of the courses taken during the PhD, the academic and social environment and other areas relating to their experiences as PhD students at the faculty of SCIENCE. A range of questions are also directed at the experiences of the many international PhD students at SCIENCE. In January 2013, the PhD School of SCIENCE was established by a merger of the former faculties (NAT and LIFE). Due to the fact that a part of LIFE (the veterinary departments) was also divided between Faculty of Science and Faculty of Health Sciences, it has been decided to include only data from 2013 and onwards. Table 1: An overview Of the 282 graduates in the period 1 January - 31 December 2014, about 60 % replied fully or partially to the survey. The overall impression from the replies and comments is positive. The vast majority of the respondents are content with their experiences as PhD students at SCIENCE. The final evaluation report can be found on the PhD School website: PhD students at SCIENCE 2013 2014 PhD Students as of 31 December 1132 1160 Enrolments (1 January to 31 December) 332 331 PhD Degrees Awarded (1 January to 31 December) 262 282 Discontinued PhD Programmes 24 49 The PhD School of SCIENCE is the second largest PhD educational environment in Denmark and hosts almost 1,200 PhD students. Each student is enrolled at one of the twelve departments of the Faculty. The PhD School aims to attract 332 new PhD students per year, which implies that the PhD School will maintain its volume in the years to come. In 2014, 282 PhD students graduated which are twenty more than last year, and this number is expected to increase in the coming years. The number of discontinued PhD programmes appears to be rather low. The increase from 24 in 2013 to 49 in 2014 is caused by an action on the part of the PhD School which identified and discontinued PhD students who no longer wished to pursue their PhD study programmes. Thus 15 of the discontinued students were enrolled for less than three years, whereas the remaining 34 had exceeded the three-year study period at the time of the study discontinuation. The next few pages display a number of tables that present the aggregated data on population, enrolment and graduation at Faculty level. 8 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 9 TABLE 3: BASIC STATISTICS OF THE PHD STUDENTS ENROLLED IN 2013 AND 2014 Population Table 2 shows basic statistical information on the population. For details on the distribution of the PhD students at the departments, please see enclosure 5. TABLE 2: BASIC STATISTICS OF THE PHD POPULATION IN 2013 AND 2014 2013 2014 Number 1132 1160 Gender F: 544 (48 %) M: 590 (52 %) F: 547 (47 %) M: 612 (53 %) Nationality DK: 594 (52 %) Europe: 235 (21 %) Other: 303 (27 %) DK: 558 (48 %) Europe: 275 (24 %) Other: 326 (28 %) Age at enrolment Avg.: 28 Min: 21 Max: 56 Avg.: 28 Min: 21 Max: 61 MSc degree awarded at UCPH: 590 (52 %) Other DK: 90 (8 %) Other: 453 (40 %) UCPH: 580 (50 %) OtherDK: 91 (8 %) Other: 489 (42 %) Study programme 5+3: 1041 (91 %) 4+4:* 64 (6 %) Double degree**: 27 (3 %) 5+3: 1028 (89 %) 4+4:* 75 (6 %) Double degree**: 57 (5 %) * * 2013 2014 Number 332 331 Gender F: 165 (50 %) M: 167 (50 %) F: 140 (42 %) M: 191 (58 %) Nationality DK: 161 (48 %) Europe: 69 (21 %) Other: 102 (31 %) DK: 138 (42 %) Europe: 91 (28 %) Other: 102 (30 %) Age at enrolment Avg.: 28 Min: 21* Max: 53 Avg.: 28 Min: 21 Max: 61 MSc degree awarded at UCPH: 162 (50 %) Other DK: 23 (7 %) Other: 146 (44 %) UCPH: 157 (47 %) Other DK: 20 (6 %) Other: 154 (47 %) Study programme 5+3: 299 (90 %) 4+4:* 6 (2 %) Double degree**: 27 (8 %) 5+3: 282 (85 %) 3+5: 15 (5 %) Double degree**: 34 (10 %) ) The PhD student is enrolled on the 4+4 scheme (one year before graduation as an MSc candidate) ) The double degree PhD students have a foreign university as host institution ** Table 3 shows that the PhD programme at SCIENCE in 2014 attracted more males than females (58 % vs 42 %) – in 2013, the gender balance was 50/50. It also appears that 42 percent of the population is of Danish nationality, 28 percent from other EU countries whereas the remaining 30 percent are of a non-EU nationality. A typical PhD student at SCIENCE is 28 years old when commencing the PhD programme and is enrolled on the 5+3 PhD scheme. Finally, it is displayed that 47 percent is recruited from University of Copenhagen, another 6 percent from other Danish universities and the last 47 percent enter the PhD programme at SCIENCE with an MSc degree achieved from outside Denmark. ) The PhD student is enrolled on the 4+4 scheme (one year before graduation as an MSc candidate) ) The double degree PhD students have a foreign university as host institution ** Table 2 shows that the size of the population has been rather constant the past two years. The gender balance is close to being 50/50 and 48 percent of the population is of Danish nationality, 23 percent from other European countries, whereas the remaining 27 percent are of a non-European nationality. Finally, it appears that 50 percent of the population is recruited from University of Copenhagen, another 8 percent from other Danish universities and the remaining 42 percent enter the PhD programme at SCIENCE with an MSc degree achieved from outside of Denmark. TABLE 4: BASIC STATISTICS ON FUNDING SCHEMES OF PHD STUDENTS ENROLLED IN 2013 AND 2014 2013 2014 Number 332 331 Fully funded by UCPH 59 (17 %) 68 (21 %) Enrolment Co-funded by UCPH and External Bodies 149 (45 %) 165 (50 %) Fully funded by external bodies 116 (35 %) 93 (27 %) In tables 3 and 4 you will find basic statistical information of PhD students enrolled in 2013 and 2014. For details on the distribution of the PhD students at department level, please see enclosure 5. Industrial PhD Students (also fully externally funded 9 (3 %) 5 (2 %) Table 4 shows that the co-funding scheme is the most typical way of funding PhD programmes at SCIENCE. 27 percent of the PhD projects are fully financed by an external funding body, whereas 21 percent are fully funded by the University. The share of scholarships funded by the Industrial PhD scheme is 2 percent. 10 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 11 Graduation Danish students in 2014 was only 42 percent. Please read the section on internationalization to learn more about the background of this development. Table 5 shows the number of PhD graduates in 2013 and 2014 (the period from 1 January – 31 December). In enclosure 5, you will find information on the distribution of the graduates at the twelve departments at SCIENCE. In enclosure 5, you will also find information on the individual PhD graduate. Educational Background The proportion of PhD students with an MSc degree from the University of Copenhagen seems to be declining – 52 percent of the current population (table 2) holds an MSc degree from UCPH which only seems to be the case for the 47 percent of PhD students enrolled in 2014 (table 3). This might be a logical result of the increase of PhD students with a non-Danish nationality. However, the MSc programmes at SCIENCE are known to attract quite a few international students and some of them continue their education by being enrolled on the PhD programme at SCIENCE. Of the 157 PhD students enrolled in 2014 holding an MSc degree from UCPH, 37 are foreigners. TABLE 5: PHD DEGREES AWARDED IN 2013 AND 2014 (1 JANUARY – 31 DECEMBER) 2013 2014 Number 262 282 Gender F: 115 (44 %) M: 148 (56 %) F: 131 (46 %) M: 151 (54 %) Nationality DK: 164 (63 %) Europe: 42 (16 %) Other: 57 (21 %) DK: 158 (56 %) Europe: 69 (24 %) Other: 55 (20 %) Funding The funding for PhD projects comes from the university and external funding bodies, primarily Danish research councils, the European Union, other foreign universities and private trust funds and companies. Most PhD projects are co-funded and the number of fully university funded projects is rather low. This trend is expected to continue in the years to come. In 2013, 45 percent of the PhD projects were co-funded whereas the percentage in 2014 increased to 50. Trends and Observations The Future A comparison of the statistics demonstrates that almost all PhD students are enrolled in the 5+3 scheme and that the age of enrolment is close to being constant with an average of 28 years. However, it also appears that 8 percent of the students enrolled in 2013 entered on a double degree scheme and in 2014 the amount increased to 10 percent. The enrolment on the integrated 4+4 scheme is quite modest, but it is expected to increase in 2015 when the flexible 3+5 scheme is implemented. In 2015, the PhD School will focus on implementing the flexible integrated MSc and PhD scheme. The student must be accepted as an MSc student at SCIENCE. The flexible scheme can begin in the time span from the first day of the MSc programme and until the student starts writing the MSc thesis i.e. begins the thesis contract. The aim is to attract especially talented students at an early stage of their career. Gender Balance Attention will also be paid to the quality and content of PhD supervision with respect to describing the role of the supervisor in relation to the expectations of the PhD student. The tables reveal that the gender balance during the past many years has approximated 50/50 but now it appears that the balance may be changing again. If you look at the gender distribution among the graduates in 2013, it shows that 56 percent of the graduates were males. In 2014, the male proportion declined to 54 percent. In 2013, 50 percent of the new students were males, whereas the percentage of males enrolled in 2014 were 58. This finding is not easily explained. Maybe it is a result of coincidence? The gender balance of Europeans is close to equality and among students recruited from countries outside Europe, 45 percent are women and 55 percent are males. The distribution between new enrolled Danes is even more unbalanced – only 38 percent are females. Identifying career paths of PhD graduates is given very high priority in 2015. This is an important issue as almost 80 percent of PhD graduates will find their future job outside academia. Based on statistical and qualitative information collected by the University of Copenhagen, the PhD School will monitor the current job situation for our graduates. More importantly, the PhD School will facilitate and help the individual PhD student in designing a personal development plan in which the student reflects over his/her preferences, abilities, skills and possibilities with respect to the future career. The ambition is for the student to realize the broad variety of competences they hold as graduates from a PhD programme at SCIENCE. Both the competences taught directly throughout the programme and the competences picked up along the way, e.g. generic competences like project management and technical skills. Nationality Years ago, almost all PhD students enrolled at UCPH were Danes. As time went on, the PhD programme attracted more and more international students and today it is broadly recognized that knowledge and research is a global affair. The trend is uncovered in the statistics. If you take a look at the graduates from 2013 and 2014, you will see that the proportion of Danes has declined from 63 percent to 54 percent. From table 3, that reflects the annual enrolments, you can see that the trend continues. In 2013, 48 percent of the new students were Danes whereas the percentage of new 12 Finally, the PhD School will upgrade the website of the school, implement an on-line PhD course administration system that will make the administration of PhD courses smoother and convert the many forms into a web-based interface. PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 13 PhD School Structure Find out more about the PhD School of Science, University of Copenhagen on The PhD School of SCIENCE is the organizational framework for all PhD students enrolled at the Faculty of Science. The PhD School aims to secure that all PhD students across the faculty are subject to the same rights and obligations and particularly that all elements of the PhD study have a quality that meets the highest international standards. The PhD School strives for an easy, rapid and flexible administration of PhD matters in close collaboration with the PhD coordinators and PhD secretaries at the individual departments. Head of PhD School Vice Dean of Research, Professor Morten Pejrup PhD Committee 2014 Representatives of the Scientific Staff Professor Kell Mortensen, Niels Bohr Institute (Chairman) Associate professor Mette Kristensen, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (until 30 September 2014) and Jens Friis Lund, Department of Food and Resource Economics who replaced Mette Kristensen Professor Ryszard Nest, Department of Mathematical Sciences Professor Erik Dahl Kjær, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Professor David Collinge, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Representatives of the PhD Students PhD student Niek de Kleijn, Department of Mathematical Sciences PhD student Anne Mette Frejsel, Niels Bohr Institute PhD student Frederik Clauson-Kaas, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences PhD student Søren Larsen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management PhD student Klavs Martin Sørensen, Department of Food Science The PhD School Faculty of Science Bülowsvej 17 DK-1870 Frederiksberg C. 14 14 PH PH D DS C SC HH OO O L L· ·A A NN N UU AA L LR ERPEO PO R TR T2 02 10 41 4 Visit the PhD School website: FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 15 Enclosure 1: PhD students and their origin PHD STUDENTS AND THEIR ORIGIN – CONTINENTS AND COUNTRIES Africa Asia Europe North America Oceanian South America Egypt (2) Armenia (1) Albania (2) Canada (7) Australia (1) Bolivia (5) Africa Ethiopia (22) Bangladesh (7) Austria (9) Dominican Republic (1) New Zealand (1) Brazil (16) Africa Ghana (2) Cambodia (2) Belgium (2) Honduras (1) Colombia (1) Africa South Africa University of Western Cape 1 Kenya (2) China (89) Bosnien-Herz. (2) Guatemala (1) Costa Rica (1) Africa Tanzania Ardhi University 3 Madagascar (1) India (16) Bulgaria (1) Mexico (13) Cuba (1) Africa Tanzania Sokoine University of Agriculture 4 Mali (3) Indonesia (10) Czech Republic (1) USA (15) Peru (1) Africa Tanzania University of Dar es Salaam 1 Nigeria (1) Iran (17) Croatia (1) St. Luca (1) Asia China China University of Geosciences 1 Senegal (3) Israel (2) Denmark (558) Asia China Shandong University 1 South Africa (1) Japan (1) England (11) Asia Iran University of Zanjan 1 Tanzania (8) Lebanon (1) Finland (5) Asia Lebanon Lebanese University 1 Uganda (6) Malaysia (15) France (17) Asia Thailand Suranaree University of Technology 1 Zimbabwe (1) Nepal (3) Georgia (2) Australia Australia Curtin University of Technology 1 Pakistan (3) Germany (73) Australia Australia University of South Australia 4 Philippines (3) Greece (10) Europe Austria Graz University of Technology 1 Russia (8) Hungary (2) Europe Belgium KU Leuven 2 Saudi Arabia (1) Ireland (2) Europe Czech Republic Masaryk University 1 Syria (3) Iceland (4) Europe England University of East Anglia 2 Thailand (2) Italy (42) Europe France Monpellier SubAgro 1 Turkey (5) Latvia (3) Europe France University of Bologna 1 Palestine (6) Lithuania (9) Europe France University of Verseilles 1 Vietnam (3) Moldavia (1) Europe Germany Georg-August Universität Göttingen 1 In total 52 (4 %) 16 Enclosure 2: Study statistics on foreign partner institutions hosting double PhD degree programmes COLLABORATION INSTITUTIONS – HOST UNIVERSITIES In total 198 (17 %) Continent Country Institution Number of students Ethiopia Addis Ababa University 3 Ethiopia Jimma University 3 Netherlands (14) Europe Greece Democritus University of Thrace 1 Norway (10) Europe Hungary Budapest University of Technology and Economics 1 Poland (14) Europe Italy UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO 1 Portugal (8) Europe Italy University of Catania 1 Switzerland (2) Europe Italy University of Napels Federico II 1 Serbia (3) Europe Italy University of Naples 1 1 Slovakia (1) Europe Italy University of Rome Slovenia (1) Europe Lithuania Vilnius University 1 Spain (14) Europe Norway University of Stavanger 1 Sweden (18) Europe Russia Lomonosov Mocsow State University 3 Ukraine (1) Europe Sweden Lund University 1 Europe Sweden Sveriges Landbruks Universitet 2 In total 843 (73 %) In total 38 (3 %) In total 2 In total 26 (3 %) PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 17 Europe The Netherlands Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 1 Europe The Netherlands Wageningen University 1 Europe Turkey Hacettepe University 1 Europe Wales Bangor University 5 North America USA Johns Hopkins University 1 South America Brazil Federal University of Lavras 1 South America Brazil University of Brasília 2 South America Brazil University of Sao Paolo 1 Enclosure 3: Generic PhD Courses from the PhD School Course Enclosure 4: International PhD Courses Course Title Department International Guest Teachers Neutrinos Underground and in the Heavens Niels Bohr Institute Dr. Georg Raffelt, Max-Planck-Institute, Germany Professor Carlo Giunti, University of Torino, Italy Advanced Methods in Statistical Data Analysis Niels Bohr Institute Dr. Roberto Trotta, Imperial College, UK Dr. Wouter Verkerke, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands Quantum Effects in Low-Dimensional Systems Niels Bohr Institute Professor Charles Kane, University of Pennsylvania, USA Professor Amir Yacoby, Harvard University, USA Subglacial Processes and Their Importance for Ice Dynamics Niels Bohr Institute Professor Douglas I. Benn, University of St Andrews, Scotland Dr. /Postdoctoral Research Associate Marion Bougamont, Cambridge University, UK From Light to Dark – The Growing Phase of Supermassive Black Holes Niels Bohr Institute Professor Omer Blaes, University of California-Santa Barbara, USA Professor Nadia Zakamska, Johns-Hopkins University, USA Hosted by Personal Development and Career Planning Introduction Course for New PhD Students Department of Science Education Careerlab Department of Science Education Copenhagen BioSAS 2014 Niels Bohr Institute Dr. Dmitri l Svergun, EMBL, Germany Dr. Pau Bernado, The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), Spain Responsible Conduct of Research Department of Food and Resource Economics Niels Bohr Institute Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics Department of Food and Resource Economics Dr. Robert K Thomas, University of Oxford, UK Dr. Desmond Francis McMorrow, University College London, UK Dr. Stewart M. Clark, University of Cambridge, UK Dr. Michael Fitzsimmons, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Dr. Jason S. Gardner, Indiana University, USA Research Ethics Project Management Department of Food and Resource Economics Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Careers in Academia Department of Food and Resource Economics Fourth Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science: Opening a New Window into Surface Interactions by combining Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Reflectometry to Molecular Dynamics Department of Food and Resource Economics First Danish Summer School in Carbon Nanotechnology Chemistry Scholarship and Diverse Approaches: Methodological Implications for the Field of Entrepreneurship Associate Professor Takhee Lee, Seoul National University, South Korea Vincenzo Palermo, Leader National Research Council of Italy, Italy Science Education Introduction to University Pedagogy (IUP) Department of Science Education Mathematics and SCIENCE: The Relationship and Disconnects between Research and Education Associate Professor Niklas Gericke, Karlstad University, Sweden Professor Tetsuo Isozaki, Hiroshima University, Japan Academic Writing Global Denmark Mathematical Sciences Advanced Presentation Techniques Global Denmark Sage Days 61: Quaternion Orders and Brandt Modules Become a Confident Conference Speaker in English Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use (CIP) Professor David Kohel, Université d’Aix-Marseille, France. EPSRC Fellow Lassina Dembele, University of Warwick, UK Professor William Stein, University of Washington, USA. Professor John Voight, University of Vermont, USA Save time and Improve your Research – Reference Managing, Copyright and Bibliometrics for PhD students Faculty Library of Social Sciences Mathematical Sciences Professor Christopher Douglas, University of Oxford, UK André Henriques, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands The Art of Scientific Writing Department of Food and Resource Economics Topological Quantum Field Theories, Quantum Groups and 3-Manifold Invariants Presentation Techniques in English Department of Science Education/Global Denmark State Space Models and Particle Methods Mathematical Sciences Writer Development Department of Science Education Professor Omiros Papaspiliopoulos, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain Professor Nicolas Chopin, National School of Statistics and Economic Administration ENSAE, France Writing Workshop: Scientific Writing in English Department of Science Education/Global Denmark Project Management and Entrepreneurship Dissemination Courses 18 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 19 Deformation Quantization and Algebraic Index Theorems Mathematical Sciences Professor dr. Boris Tsygan, Northwestern University, USA Professor dr. Hessel, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands International Summer School on Deep Learning in Image Analysis Computer Science Associate Professor Andrew Ng, Stanford University, USA Dr. Geoffrey E. Hinton, University of Toronto, Canada. Professor Yoshua Bengio, University of Montreal, Canada. Cube Complexes and Groups Mathematical Sciences Professor Daniel Wise, McGill University, Canada Postdoctoral Mark Hagen, University of Michigan, USA Information Geometry Computer Science Functional Protein Dynamics Biology Professor Michele Vendruscolo, University of Cambridge, UK Professor Benjamin Schuler, University of Zurich, Switzerland Associate Professor Wolfgang Peti, Brown University, USA Professor Mikael Akke, Lund University, Sweden Professor Shun-íchi Amari, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan Professor Nihat Ay, University of Leipzig, Germany Research Scientist Nikolaus Hansen, Inria Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI), France Professor Jan Peters, University of Darmstadt, Germany Inverse Problems with Applications in Tomography and Imaging Computer Science Professor Kamichi Kanatani, Okayama University, Japan Professor Erkki Jaakko Somersalo, Case Western Reserve University, USA Docent Martin Lindahl, Lund University, Sweden PhotoSYNTHETICbiologi – Synthetic Biology in Photosynthetic Organisms Plant and Environmental Sciences Professor Andreas P. M. Weber, Heinrich-Heine-University, Germany. Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany Professor Stephen Mayfield, San Diego Center for Algae Biotechnology and University of California, San Diego, USA Plant Nutrients in Terrestrial Ecosystems – Acquisition and Turnover Plant and Environmental Sciences Professor Ken E. Gillar, Wageningen University, The Netherlands Associate Professor Enzo Lombi, University of South Australia, Australia Agtrain Joint Fields Course – Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Plant and Environmental Sciences Cornelia Janny Maatje Almekinders, Wageningen University, The netherlands Modelling Species Distributions under Climate Change Natural History Museum of Denmark Associate Professor Catherine Graham, Stony Brook University, USA Dr. Raquel Garcia, National Museum of Natural History, Madrid, Spain Taxonomy, Identification and Ecology of European Ants Biology Dr. Xavier Espadaler, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain Professor Michal Woyciechowski, Jagiellonian University, Poland Microbial Community Ecology Biology Professor Jari Oksanen, University of Oulu, Finland Researcher Mohammad Bahram, University of Tartu, Estonia Global Change Biology Dr. Albert Klein Tank, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Netherlands Professor Phil Ineson, University of York, UK Food Spectroscopy – Instrumental Analyses of Food Food Science Adjunct Professor Imad Farhat, Director of Business Development Firmenich Aroma Components in Food Food Science Professor Saskia van Ruth, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands Dr. ir. Jean-Paul Vincken, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands Tropical Forest Restoration – Form Theory to Practice Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Associate Professor Michiel van Breugel, Yale-NUS College, National University of Singapore, Singapore Postdoctoral Richard B. Primack, Boston University, USA Introduction to Nutritional Metabolomics Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Land Use Change in the Global South: Interactions with Local Management Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Professor Tom Rudel, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA Christine Padoch, The New York Botanical Garden, USA Dr. Martina Kutmon, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria Professor Age Smilde, University of Amsterdam, the netherlands Performance and Training of The Top Athlete Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Professor Andrew Jones, University of Exeter, UK Professor Hans-Christer Holmberg, Mid Sweden University, Sweden Advanced Seismic Imaging of the Lithosphere Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Professor Lapo Bosvhi, University of Paris 6, France Adjunct Associate Research Scientist Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Oxford University, UK Food, Medicine and Philosophy in East and West Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Professor Dr. Gerd Masselink, University of Plymouth, UK Professor Dr. Huib de Swart,Utrecht University, The Netherlands Associate Professor Jennifer Man-Fan Wan, Yhe University of Hong Kong, China Associate Professor Usha Antony, Anna University, India Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Professor Jay Coakley, University of Colorado, USA Professor Maureen Weiss, University of Minnesota, USA Assessment and Propagation of Uncertainty in Spatially Distributed Environmental Modelling Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Dr. ir. Gerard Heuvelink, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands Team Sports and Health: Psychological and Sociological Perspectives Team Sports and Health: Physiological Perspectives Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Anisotropy and Mantle Deformation Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Professor Shun-Ichiro Karato, Yale University, USA Professor David Mainprice, University of Montpellier, France Professor Tim Mayer, University College London, UK Research Professor Carlo Castagna, Universita’ Degli Studi Di Roma, Italy Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Professor dr. Maarten Hajer, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Professor Graham Shane, Columbia University, USA Spatial Econometric Analysis and Spatial Data Management Food and Resource Economics Professor Daniel James Phaneuf, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Postdoctoral Kathrine Kathrine von Graevenitz, European Economic Research (ZEW), Germany Expertise, Environment and Development Food and Resource Economics Postdoctoral Arun Agrawal, University of Michigan, USA Professor Jesse C. Ribot, University of Illinois, USA New Interfaces in Urban Planning – On Urban Theory and Methodology between Research by Design and Scientific Tradition 20 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 21 Enclosure 5: Study Statistics Population – details on the distribution of the PhD students at the departments TABLE 1A: BASIC STATISTICS ON THE POPULATION OF PHD STUDENTS AT THE DEPARTMENTS IN 2013 AND 2014 Number SCIENCE BIO DIKU IFRO FOOD IGN NEXS MATH IND PLEN CHEM NBI SNM 22 Gender Nationality F DK EUR Other M Age at enrolment MSc degree from Avg Enrolment – details on the distribution of the PhD enrolments at the departments TABLE 1B: BASIC STATISTICS ABOUT THE PHD STUDENTS ENROLLED AT THE DEPARTMENTS IN 2013 AND 2014 Study scheme Min Max UCPH Other DK Other 5+3 4+4 DD 2013 1132 544 590 594 235 303 28 21 56 590 90 453 1041 64 27 2014 1160 547 612 558 275 326 28 21 61 580 91 489 1028 75 57 2013 192 95 97 108 34 50 29 21 56 97 19 76 187 4 1 2014 184 89 95 100 38 46 29 21 56 93 19 72 178 5 1 2013 36 5 31 19 8 9 28 23 44 18 2 16 29 7 0 2014 37 4 33 21 7 9 28 21 44 24 2 11 29 8 0 2013 68 40 28 25 6 37 30 23 51 36 4 28 58 5 5 2014 65 37 28 18 11 36 30 23 51 33 4 28 53 4 8 2013 64 46 18 32 13 9 28 24 46 32 6 26 59 2 2 2014 60 42 18 21 9 30 27 23 46 21 6 33 54 2 4 2013 151 76 75 62 38 51 30 22 55 59 16 76 139 3 9 2014 161 80 81 63 38 60 31 22 61 58 16 87 136 4 21 2013 95 52 43 72 11 12 31 24 48 68 9 18 93 1 1 2014 91 52 39 68 8 15 31 24 49 65 9 17 86 1 4 2013 44 12 32 24 10 10 26 21 35 28 1 16 44 0 0 2014 45 12 33 22 17 2 26 21 35 23 2 20 43 0 2 2013 8 7 1 6 0 2 34 24 48 4 2 2 8 0 0 2014 10 9 1 8 0 2 33 24 48 5 3 2 10 0 0 2013 191 108 83 84 48 59 28 22 46 91 11 89 175 9 7 2014 196 111 85 72 59 65 28 22 46 86 9 101 176 11 9 2013 79 21 58 51 16 12 26 23 36 48 8 23 71 8 0 2014 89 29 60 55 21 13 26 23 36 53 9 27 78 10 1 2013 152 55 97 79 44 29 26 22 49 82 9 61 126 25 1 2014 154 49 105 80 51 23 26 22 49 88 9 57 125 26 3 2013 51 26 25 30 7 14 29 23 42 27 3 21 47 3 1 2014 67 33 34 30 16 21 29 23 42 31 3 33 59 4 4 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Number SCIENCE BIO DIKU IFRO FOOD IGN NEXS MATH IND PLEN CHEM NBI SNM Gender Nationality Age at enrolment MSc degree from F M DK EUR Other Avg Min Max UCPH Other DK Other 5+3 Study scheme 4+4 DD 2013 332 165 167 161 69 102 28 21 53 162 23 146 299 6 27 2014 331 140 191 138 91 102 28 21 61 157 20 154 282 15 34 2013 56 27 29 31 5 20 29 24 46 32 5 19 55 0 1 2014 52 28 24 28 14 10 28 23 41 28 6 18 47 5 0 2013 10 1 1 5 4 1 27 23 30 7 0 3 9 1 0 2014 12 9 11 8 1 3 27 21 35 9 0 3 11 1 0 2013 16 8 8 6 3 7 29 24 36 8 0 8 11 0 5 2014 17 8 9 4 4 9 30 23 48 9 1 7 14 0 3 2013 19 15 4 6 5 8 27 24 36 6 0 13 17 0 2 2014 17 8 9 2 3 12 27 23 34 2 1 14 14 0 3 2013 41 23 18 13 8 20 30 23 53 11 5 24 32 0 9 2014 39 16 23 13 5 21 33 24 61 13 1 25 26 1 12 2013 28 16 12 18 5 5 34 26 43 19 4 5 27 0 1 2014 27 17 10 20 1 6 32 24 49 20 1 6 23 0 4 2013 16 5 11 9 5 2 25 21 31 9 1 6 16 0 0 2014 16 2 14 6 8 2 26 24 31 6 1 9 14 0 2 2013 3 3 0 1 0 2 26 24 30 1 0 2 3 0 0 2014 2 2 0 2 0 0 31 30 32 1 1 0 2 0 0 2013 52 29 23 22 7 23 28 24 42 24 2 26 45 0 7 2014 50 28 22 11 19 20 27 23 34 17 2 31 45 2 3 2013 25 4 21 16 6 3 26 22 30 15 2 8 23 2 0 2014 29 13 16 15 10 4 26 24 33 17 3 9 26 2 1 2013 46 19 27 20 17 9 26 22 30 21 3 22 42 3 1 2014 45 9 36 21 16 8 26 22 33 26 2 17 39 3 3 2013 20 12 8 10 3 7 27 23 35 9 1 10 19 0 1 2014 25 12 13 7 10 8 29 23 37 9 1 15 21 1 3 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 23 Graduation – details on the distribution of the PhD graduates at the departments. TABLE 1C: PHD DEGREES AWARDED FROM THE DEPARTMENTS IN 2013 AND 2014 Number Gender Nationality F M DK EUR Other 262 115 148 164 42 57 SCIENCE 2013 2014 282 131 151 158 69 55 BIO 2013 47 22 25 34 9 4 2014 47 25 22 30 14 3 2013 5 2 3 3 0 2 2014 8 3 5 6 1 1 2013 17 10 7 9 0 8 2014 21 12 9 10 4 7 DIKU IFRO FOOD Name Department Principal Supervisor PhD Project Title Graduation Date Gitte Ehrenreich Thorup Department of Biology Stine Helene Falsig Petersen Novel roles of the Na+/H+ exchanger NHE1 and the Na+,HCO3 – cotransporter NBCn1 in cell survival, proliferation and motility 17 March 2014 Gitte Wolfsberg Haxholm Department of Biology Birthe Brandt Kragelund Structure-function Studies of the Prolactin Receptor 13 October 2014 Hanne Sørup Tastesen Department of Biology Karsten Kristiansen Dietary protein in the prevention of diet-induced obesity and co-morbidities 29 August 2014 Helena Berner Nedergaard Nielsen Department of Biology Christian Henrik Holmberg Aspects of Ribonucleotide Reductase Regulation and Genome Stability – A Study of Human Ribonucleotide Reductase Using Fission Yeast as a Model 29 April 2014 Julie Bonne Køhler Department of Biology Genevieve Josette Madeleine Thon Interplays between Sumoylation, SUMO-Targeted Ubiquitin Ligases, and the Ubiquitin-adaptor Protein UfD1 in fission Yeast 26 August 2014 Katrine Landvad Department of Biology Olaf Henning Nielsen The role of the CRL4Cdt2 target Spd1 in chromosome segregation in fission yeast 3 November 2014 Lea Benedicte Skov Hansen Department of Biology Lars Hestbjerg Hansen Exploring Microbial Communities; Composition, Interactions and Application. Bioinformatical analysis of RNA and DNA 8 May 2014 Linda Jørgensen Department of Biology Mathias Middelboe The Role of Refractory Dissolved Organic Matter in Ocean Carbon Sequestration 17 June 2014 2013 26 14 12 14 4 8 2014 21 14 7 11 8 2 IGN 2013 25 15 10 15 5 5 2014 35 21 14 15 6 14 NEXS 2013 23 17 6 20 1 2 2014 27 16 11 22 3 2 2013 9 2 7 6 3 0 2014 16 2 14 10 3 3 IND 2013 1 0 1 1 0 0 2014 1 1 0 1 0 0 PLEN 2013 34 15 19 14 6 14 2014 45 23 22 21 11 13 CHEM 2013 26 7 19 16 4 6 Lisbeth Andersen Department of Biology Kaare Teilum Dynamics of a Highly Flexible Protein 24 September 2014 2014 17 4 13 10 4 3 Lærke Rebekka Holm Department of Biology 18 November 2014 35 11 24 22 8 5 Genevieve Josette Madeleine Thon Meiosis and SUMO 2013 2014 37 13 24 18 13 6 Maren Moltke Lyngsgaard Department of Biology Michael Ejner Olesen VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF PELAGIC PHOTOSYNTHESIS – implications for marine ecosystem dynamics 20 January 2014 Mette Jørgensen Department of Biology Albin Gustav Sandelin Computational Approaches to Understand Transcriptional Regulation and Alternative Promoter Usage in Mammals 4 June 2014 Nina Molin Høyland-Kroghsbo Department of Biology Sine Lo Svenningsen Interspecies quorum sensing as a stressanticipation signal in E. coli 8 December 2014 MATH NBI SNM 24 Enclosure 6: PhD Degrees Awarded at Faculty of Science (1 January – 31 December 2014) You can find the abstracts and more details about the specific the PhD project on the PhD School website: Science PhD Theses The full list will appear, when you click on the tab “Publications”. 2013 14 4 10 10 2 2 2014 7 4 3 4 2 1 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 25 Pernille Nielsen Department of Biology Bent Vismann Future challenges and possibilities for the Danish long-line production of blue mussels, Mytilus edilus (L) – with special focus on filtration and bioenergetics 7 July 2014 Rasmus Sjørup Biensø Department of Biology Henriette Pilegaard Regulation of PDH, GS and insulin signalling in skeletal muscle; effect of physical activity level and inflammation 24 April 2014 Mathias Middelboe Jan Christiansen Methods for RNA analysis – Functional investigation of RNA by interaction proteomics and highthroughput transcription start site assessment 8 May 2014 Phage-host interactions in Flavobacterium psychrophilum and the potential for phage therapy in aquaculture 19 December 2014 Department of Biology Rói Hammershaimb Christiansen Department of Biology Signe Olivarius Ronni Sølvhøi Pedersen Department of Biology Claus Storgaard Sørensen 30 June 2014 Vocal modification abilities and brain structures in parrots – how do they correlate? 24 March 2014 Systemaic Analysis of the Crosstalk between Mitosis and DNA Damage by a Live Cell siRNA Screen Luigi Pontieri Department of Biology Jes Søe Pedersen Discrimination Behavior in the Supercolonial Pharaoh Ant 17 September 2014 Ren Dawei Department of Biology Søren Johannes Sørensen Synergistic Interactions in Multispecies Biofilms 2 April 2014 Yun Chen Department of Biology Albin Gustav Sandelin Genome-Wide Analysis of Gene Regulation 26 June 2014 Toleikis Zigmantas Department of Biology Birthe Brandt Kragelund Structure of leptin receptor related with obesity 13 October 2014 Pepijn Wilhelmus Kooij Department of Biology Jacobus Jan Boomsma, Fungal adaptations to mutualistic life with ants 23 April 2014 Lisa Kolden Midtbø Department of Biology Karsten Kristiansen Replacing fish oil with vegetable oils in salmon feed increases hepatic lipid accumulation and reduces insulin sensitivity in mice 24 April 2014 Alexander Krokedal Rønnevik Department of Biology Karsten Kristiansen Effect of Various Protein Sources on Body Weight Development 2 December 2014 Lukasz Jan Kielpinski Department of Biology Jan Christiansen High-Throughput Sequencing Based Methods of RNA Structure Investigation 14 May 2014 Raquel Videira De Amaral Nunes Garcia Department of Biology Miguel Bastos Araujo Uncertainty in projected impacts of climate change on biodiversity – A focus on African vertebrats 8 May 2014 Sonia Cristina Pinela da Silva Department of Biology Michael Lisby Regulation of Homologous Recombination by SUMOylation. SUMO, DNA Repair and New Insights into Telomere Maintenance 2 May 2014 Sämi Schär Department of Biology David Richard Nash The evolution of exploitation strategies by myrmecophiles 14 May 2014 Anna Lisa Wasserstrom Department of Biology Steen Holmberg Molecular mechanisms regulating sporulation in the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii 13 October 2014 Solveig Walløe Harpøth Torben Dabelsteen Bjørn Tirsgård Department of Biology John Fleng Steffensen The effects of temperature, hypoxia and hypercapnia on the metabolism of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. 26 February 2014 David Munch Department of Biology John Mundy Autophagy and retromer components in plant innate immunity 17 March 2014 Frederik Otzen Bagger Department of Biology Anders Stærmose Krogh Aberrant Gene Expression in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia 19 December 2014 Jonas Geldmann Department of Biology Neil David Burgess Evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas for maintaining biodiversity, securing habitats, and reducing threats 10 January 2014 Søren Johannes Sørensen Sociomicrobiology Bacterial Interactions and Biofilm Formation 2 May 2014 Jonas Stenløkke Madsen 26 Department of Biology Department of Biology Kaj Scherz Andersen Department of Biology Birgitte Regenberg Molecular basis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm development 3 April 2014 Lars Rønn Olsen Department of Biology Anders Stærmose Krogh The prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic potential of tumor antigens 7 March 2014 Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia Department of Biology Lasse Riemann The Biology of Heterotrophic N2-Fixing Bacteria in Marine and Estuarine Waters 2 May 2014 Nikolaj Sørensen Department of Biology Katherine Richardson Marine picoeukaryotes in cold water: diversity and ecology 11 November 2014 Njal Winther Jensen Department of Biology Lars Ellgaard Investigating ER-Associated Degradation with RNAi Screening – and Searching for Model Proteins to Do It with 19 December 2014 Peter Søgaard Jørgensen Department of Biology Carsten Rahbek Macroecology of Environmental Change Response 16 July 2014 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 27 28 Therése Erika Helen Oskarsson Department of Biology Steen Holmberg Filamentous growth in Eremothecium fungi – molecular characterization of the Ashbaya gossypii ARF3 module 7 July 2014 Maya Pasgaard Department of Food and Resource Economics Jens Emborg Chanllenges of ensuring equity – The study of a forest protection (REDD+) policy in Cambodia 10 March 2014 Department of Biology Morten Petersen Suppressing autoimmunity in Arabidopsis thaliana with dominant negative immune receptors 26 August 2014 Sara Kristine Gløjmar Berthou Department of Food and Resource Economics Tove Ragnhild Enggrob Boon Politics of Manageability: Ambiguities of Local Climate Change Mitigation 10 June 2014 Michael Christiaan Greef Christian Elleby Stine Helene Falsig Petersen Structual Dynamics and Function of the Na+/H+Exchanger 1 11 November 2014 Michael Roggenbuck Department of Biology Søren Johannes Sørensen The Characterization and Manipulation of the Reticulated Microbiome in Vertebrates 2 December 2014 Poverty, Policy and Price Transmission. The influence of International Commodity Price Changes on Domestic Food Inflation 23 April 2014 Department of Biology Department of Food and Resource Economics Henrik Hansen Ruth Hendus-Altenburger Klaus Dons Department of Food and Resource Economics Carsten Smith-Hall Estimation of Forest Degradation with Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis – the case of REDD+ in Tanzania 26 June 2014 Lennart Ravn Heerwagen Department of Food and Resource Economics Peter Sandøe Ethical Food Consumption. The prospect of market-driven improvements in farm animal welfare and environmental protection 27 October 2014 Dóra Borbála Huszár Department of Biology Jes Søe Pedersen The Evolutionary Ecology of Multiqueen Breeding in Ants 26 September 2014 Lene Lillemark Erleben Department of Computer Science Mads Nielsen Shapes related to longitudinal Studies of Disease 22 April 2014 Sarah Maria Niebe Abel Department of Computer Science Kenny Erleben Rigid bodies in contact 14 March 2014 Jens Petersen Department of Computer Science Marleen De Bruijne Analysis of Airways in Computed Tomography 15 May 2014 Mikkel Bojesen Department of Food and Resource Economics Jens Leth Hougaard Perspectives on spatial decision support concerning location of biogas production 27 May 2014 Lars Lau Raket Department of Computer Science Francois Bernard Lauze Functional Objects Analysis – Toward Statistical Analysis of Functional Objcts 23 June 2014 Rune Juelsborg Karsten Department of Food and Resource Economics Henrik Meilby 7 July 2014 Patrick Mercado Kierkegaard Department of Computer Science Jørgen Peter Bansler The Coordination of Care Across Borders Exchanging Patient Information across international, national and institutional Boundaries 30 October 2014 Reduced Impact Logging and Regenerative Ecology of Lesserknown Timber Species in the Peruvian Amazon Toke Emil Panduro Department of Food and Resource Economics Bo Jellesmark Thorsen The values of space. Four papers on the challenges and opportunities of the hedonic house price method. 11 February 2014 Fatemeh Bakhtiari Department of Computer Science Jakob Grue Simonsen Usability and User Experience Information in Reviews 6 November 2014 Department of Food and Resource Economics Jette Bredahl Jacobsen Adhish Prasoon Department of Computer Science Mads Nielsen Deep Feature Learning and Cascaded Classifier for Large Scale Data. Segmenting Cartilage in Knee MRIs 5 May 2014 Revealing components of the economic value for environmental goods and services from forest: An application of stated preference methods for forest valuation and conservation 8 May 2014 Steffen Hedegaard Elena Tavella Department of Food and Resource Economics Søren Marcus Pedersen Exploring the use of Systems Thinking approaches in the management of Alternative Food Networks 6 January 2014 Asja Fischer Department of Computer Science Christian Igel Training restricted Boltzmann machines 29 August 2014 Eliona Hajderllari Department of Food and Resource Economics Konstantinos Karantininis Efficiency, Innovation and Organization in the Food Industry 10 June 2014 Qian Yu Department of Food and Resource Economics Wusheng Yu Essays on China’s exports to East Africa 7 July 2014 Dorthe Christensen Department of Food and Resource Economics Nadarajah Sriskandarajah Innovating for Rural Development: The case of Danish Agricultural Extension 27 January 2014 Yuan Zheng Department of Food and Resource Economics Niels Strange Rural households adaptation to climate change and its implications for policy design in Lijiang, China 23 April 2014 Line Hillersdal Department of Food and Resource Economics Karen Lotte Holm Situating hunger and fulness through the lived body – an anthropological analysis of eating 30 October 2014 Zhen Liu Department of Food and Resource Economics Svend Rasmussen The Socioeconomic Assessment of Sloping Land Conversion Program in China 19 December 2014 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 29 Tomasz Gerard Czekaj Department of Food and Resource Economics Svend Rasmussen The Use of Nonparametric Kernel Regression Methods in Econometric Production Analysis 26 February 2014 Ezekiel Edward Mwakalukwa Department of Food and Resource Economics Thorsten Treue Management tools and potential of Dry Miombo woodland in carbon cycling 22 December 2014 Jamie Nicole Cotta Department of Food and Resource Economics Ida Theilade Livelihoods and Natural Resources: A Quantitative Assessment in the Peruvian Amazon Floodplain 20 January 2014 Rebecca Leigh Rutt Department of Food and Resource Economics Thorsten Treue Institutional choice and recognition in development 9 December 2014 Katharina Anna Pötz Department of Food and Resource Economics Carsten Nico Portefée Hjortsø The role of the founding entrepreneur in the transformation from micro enterprises to small firms: An empirical exploration of Tanzanian agribusiness and food entrepreneurs 27 March 2014 Investigations of physical-chemical and microbiological deterioration of chocolate pralines: development of predictive spoilage models 13 October 2014 Cecilie Lykke Marvig Nielsen 30 Department of Food Science Dennis Sandris Nielsen Ditte Luise Hartvig Department of Food Science Wender Laurentius Petrus Bredie Children’s Acceptance Learneng of New Nordic Components and Potential Challenges 6 February 2014 Hanne Thejl Sørensen Department of Food Science Richard Holstein Ipsen Analysis and application of whey protein depleted skim milk systems ¿ In relation to microstructure caused by microfiltration and ultra-high pressure homogenisation 12 December 2014 Heidi Blok Frandsen Department of Food Science Jens Christian Sørensen High Quality Rapeseed Products as Feed for Sensitive Monogastrics 26 June 2014 Karin Kjeldahl Department of Food Science Rasmus Bro-Jørgensen Towards improved biomarker research. Data analytical challenges of high-dimensional biological data 17 February 2014 Merete Bøgelund Munk Department of Food Science Mogens Larsen Andersen Physical stability of whippable oil-in-water emulsions. Effects of monoglyceride-based emulsifiers and other ingredients. 5 May 2014 Mette Winther Børsting Department of Food Science Ylva Margareta Ardö Proteolytic activity in reduced-fat Cheddar cheese made with lactic acid bacteria and camel chymosin 5 September 2014 Solveig Warnecke Department of Food Science Åsmund Rinnan New PAT tools for assessing content uniformity, sampling error, and degree of crystallinity in pharmaceutical tablets 10 January 2014 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Anders Hans Honoré Department of Food Science Thomas Hjort Skov Exometabolomic Profiling of Bacterial Cultures. Searching for Antifungal Metabolites from Lactic Acid Bacteria. 21 August 2014 Michael Crafack Department of Food Science Dennis Sandris Nielsen Influence of starter cultures, fermentation techniques, and acetic acid on the volatile aroma and sensory profile of cocoa liquor and chocolate 2 December 2014 Thomas Bæk Pedersen Department of Food Science Ylva Margareta Ardö Role in Cheese Flavour Formation of Heterofermentative Lactic Acid Bacteria from Mesophilic Starter Cultures 13 October 2014 Piret Raudsepp Department of Food Science Mogens Larsen Andersen Progression of radical reactions on microscopic level in food emulsions 17 January 2014 Mahsa Naghshineh Department of Food Science Karsten Olsen Evaluation of pressure tuning of enzymes 8 January 2014 Anna Greppi Department of Food Science Lene Jespersen YEASTS FOR NUTRITIONAL IMPROVEMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFRICAN FERMENTED PRODUCTS 5 May 2014 Ilaria Lauri Department of Food Science Francesco Savorani Metabolomic NMR fingerprinting: an exploratory and predictive tool 23 June 2014 Christian de Gobba Department of Food Science Jeanette Anita Held Otte Enzymatic release and characterization of novel bioactive peptides from milk proteins 23 April 2014 Guro Helgesdottir Rognså Department of Food Science Jens Risbo EMULSIONS FROM A CULINARY PERSPECTIVE ¿ The case of Hollandaise sauce and its derivatives 2 December 2014 Anna Maria Sulewska Department of Food Science Karsten Olsen Chaperone-like activity of ß-casein and its effect on residual in vitro activity of food enzymes 19 December 2014 Lukasz Krych Department of Food Science Dennis Steensgaard Nielsen Models for Correlating the Composition of the Gut Microbiota with Inflammatory Disease Parameters Using Animal Models 26 August 2014 Thilo Heinz Alexander Berg Department of Food Science Richard Holstein Ipsen Fouling and cleaning of membrane filtration systems in the dairy industry ¿ Towards optimization of micro- and ultrafiltration processes 23 June 2014 Duc Ninh Nguyen Department of Food Science Dereck Edward Winston Chatterton Bioactivity of minor milk components. Protective effects against intestinal inflammation and necrotizing enterocolitis in cell and preterm pig models. 2 December 2014 Andrew Gordon Howe Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Hans Peter Ravn Interspecific interactions between the invasive beetle Harmonia axyridis, native anthocorids and entomopathogenic fungi 23 June 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 31 32 Radoslaw Guzinski Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Inge Sandholt Advancements in Modelling of Land Surface Engergy Fluxes with Remote Sensing at Different Spatial Scales 10 July 2014 Andreas Peter Bech Mikkelsen Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Morten Pejrup Freshwater discharge and sediment transport to Kangerlussuaq Fjord, West Greenland ¿ processes, modelling and implications 27 March 2014 Moussa Quedraogo Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Erik Dahl Kjær Improving and conserving sahelian fruits trees: a case study of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth 30 June 2014 Christian Philip Kjøller Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Cecil Cornelis Konijnendijk 17 February 2014 Irene Velez Torres Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Jytte Agergaard Larsen Political geographies of displacement by dispossession in Colombia. The case of afrodescendant communities in the Alto Cauca 10 April 2014 Cemeteries – Organisation, management and innovation. Diffusion of maintenance specifications in Danish national church cemetery administrations Jannick Kolbjørn Jensen Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Peter Knudegaard Engesgaard Flow and Transport in Riparian Zones 24 April 2014 Anne Lausten Hansen Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Karsten Høgh Jensen Spatially distributed nitrate reduction potential in the saturated zone in till areas Challenges and uncertainty assessment Challenges and uncertainty assessment 30 September 2014 Jeppe Joel Larsen Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Nanna Noe-Nygård Lateglacial and Holocene tephrostratigraphy in Denmark. Volcanic ash in a palaeoenvironmental conte 27 January 2014 Jørgen Lundegaard Olsen Anne Gravsholt Busck The socila context of land management Landowners’ identity and relations in a peri-urban area 4 December 2014 Assessing Sahelian vegetation and stress from seasonal time series of polar orbiting and geostationary satellite imagery – Limitations and new potentials 12 September 2014 Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Inge Sandholt Ann-Sofie Richardt Eline Bojsen Haarder Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Karsten Høgh Jensen Hydrogeophysical investigations of unsaturated flow and transport 14 August 2014 Morten Ahlborn Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Lars Stemmerik Carboniferous-Permian Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Nordfjorden High and Loppa Spur, Arctic Norway 18 November 2014 Jana Olavsdottir Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Lars Ole Boldreel A study of the distribution, structure and seismic stratigraphy of syn-breakup and post-breakup sediments in the Faroe sector of the Faroe-Shetland Basin 8 January 2014 Rune Nørbæk Lassen Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Karsten Høgh Jensen Experimental and numerical investigations of subsurface transport of gaseous CO2 2 December 2014 27 March 2014 Cecil Cornelis Konijnendijk Parks, People and Places – placebased governance in urban green space maintenance 2 December 2014 Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Hydrological Land Surface Modelling Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Marc-Etienne Francois Ridler Inge Sandholt Julie Frøik Molin Sebastian Kepfer Rojas Anna Ulrika Karlsson Stigsdotter Health Promoting Pocket PArks in a Landscape Architectural Perspective 10 June 2014 Vegetation Dynamics and Community Assembly in PostAgricultural Heathland 12 December 2014 Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Inger Kappel Schmidt Karin Kragsig Peschardt Shimon Ginzburg Ozeri Henning Jørgensen Recycling of cellulases in a continuous process for production of bioethanol 28 March 2014 Nitrogen deposition effects on soil carbon dynamics in temperate forests 12 September 2014 Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Per Gundersen Mai Østergaard Haven Nanna Bjerregaard Pedersen Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Claus Felby Microscopic and Spectroscopic Characterisation of waterlogged archaeological Softwood from anoxic Environments 13 October 2014 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 33 David Cannella Claus Felby Implications of industrial processing design on cellulosic ethanol production at high solids concentrations. Plant cell wall enzymatic hydrolysis: Dynamics at molecular scale in planta affects the process design for cellulosic ethanol production. 3 March 2014 Chia-Wen Hsieh Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen Water availability as a measure of cellulose hydrolysis efficency 13 October 2014 Xiulan He Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Karsten Høgh Jensen Geostatistical simulation of geological architecture and uncertainty propagation in groundwater modeling 7 July 2014 Heng Zhang Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Claus Felby Biomass Deconstruction and Recalcitrance 10 June 2014 Thoumthone Vongvisouk Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Ole Mertz Land Copetition and land-use change: Consequences for rurl livelihods in northern Laos 19 December 2014 Johannes Cornelis Govinda Ransijn Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Inger Kappel Schmidt Changing heathlands in a changing climate Climate change effects on heathland plant communities 7 February 2014 Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Peter Knudegaard Engesgaard Teresa G Gomez de la Barcena Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Lars Vesterdal Alina Kristin Kabuth Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Aart Kroon David Johannes Schumacher Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Chia-Wen Carmen Hsieh Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Kinza Haider 34 Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Submarine Groundwater Discharge to a Coastal Lagoon 17 March 2014 Afforestation effects on soil carbon 14 March 2014 Parameterization of process characteristics along the Danish shores 19 March 2014 Thomas Nord-Larsen Assessing Forest Resources in Denmark Using Wall-to-Wall Remote Sensing Data 29 August 2014 Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen Water availability as a measure of cellulose hydrolysis efficiency. Studies of water-substrate interactions at low and high dry matter content 13 October 2014 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Mohammad Youssof Ahmad Soliman Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Hans Thybo Seismic Imaging of Southern African Cratons based on teleseismic receiver functions and finitefrequency tomography 25 February 2014 Jutta Kloppenborg Heick Skau Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Nanna Roos Preventing undernutrition in Cambodia Assessing the effects of improved local complementary food on growth 28 January 2014 Katrine Tschentscher Ejlerskov Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Kim Fleischer Michaelsen Body composition at 3-years of age – the influence of early growth, infant feeding and IGF-I 20 January 2014 Laurine Bente Schram Harsløf Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Lotte Lauritzen Determine of DHA status and functional effects on metabolic markers and immune modulation in early life – Use of single nucleotide polymorphisms ti support effects of n-3 LCPUFA 21 March 2014 Lena Kirchner Brahe Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Arne Vernon Astrup Obesity-related Diseases Dietary modulation of teh Gut Microbiotia 11 June 2014 Line Brinch Christensen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Kim Fleischer Michaelsen PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND HEALTH IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN THE SKOT COHORT-STUDY 25 March 2014 Linnea Gullviva Ytting Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Lone Friis Thing Når evidens møder modstand: Indkorporering af fysisk aktivitet i hjertesyges hverdagsliv 27 May 2014 Lone Brinkmann Sørensen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Arne Vernon Astrup Appetite and energy intake in humans: effect of substitution of food ingredients and foods 19 December 2014 Louise Beltoft Borup Andersen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Christian Mølgaard Dietary Patterns in Childhood Relation to Growth, Obesity & Parental Characteristics 4 November 2014 Louise Bergmann Sørensen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Kim Fleischer Michaelsen The Influence of Diet on Children’s Cognition and Performance in School – investigating the effects of healthy school meals in 8-11-year-old Danish children 26 June 2014 Lykke Sylow Hansen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Erik Richter Involvement of Rac1 and the actin cytoskeleton in insulin – and contraction – stimulated intracellular signalling and glucose uptake in mature skeletal muscle 2 April 2014 Maj-Britt Schmidt Andersen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Lars O. Dragsted Discovery of food exposure markers in urine and evaluation of dietary compliance by untargeted LC-MS metabolomics 3 February 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 35 Maria Willerslev-Olsen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Jens Bo Nielsen Spasticity in Children with Cerebral Palsy? 20 May 2014 Yanqi Li Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Per Torp Sangild Bioactive milk for intestinal maturation in preterm neonates 3 March 2014 Rikke Agnete Petersen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Christian Mølgaard Vitamin D status in Danisk children. – Determinants, effects of school meals, and associations with cardiometabolic markers 8 May 2014 Jørgen ingebrigtsen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Jens Erik Bangsbo Andersen Intermittent testing and training for high-level football players 26 August 2014 Svein Barene Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Thomas Meinert Larsen Health effects of the New Nordic Diet 15 May 2014 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Jens Erik Bangsbo Andersen Carl Frederik Hansen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Per Torp Sangild Bariatric surgery, gut morphology and enteroendocrine cells A study on the morphological adaptions after surgery 8 January 2014 Soccer and Zumba as health promotion among female hospital employees. Effects of a randomised controlled workplace intervention trial 27 October 2014 Sanne Kellebjerg Poulsen Monika Judyta Bak Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Lars O. Dragsted Determination of glucagonlike peptide-1, glucagon and oxyntomodulin in plasma 30 October 2014 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Jens Erik Bangsbo Andersen Cardiovascular adaptions to recreational football training in men with type 2 diabetes, untrained elderly men and in men with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy 13 November 2014 Alexander Sokol Department of Mathematical Sciences Niels Richard Hansen On martingales, causality, identifiability and model selection 18 February 2014 Anders Christian Jensen Department of Mathematical Sciences Susanne Ditlevsen Statistical Inference for Partially Observed Diffusion Processes 7 July 2014 Lars O. Dragsted Metabolomics investigation of whey intake: Discovery of markers and biological effects supported by a computer-assisted compound identification pipeline 26 February 2014 Flemming Brændgaard von Essen Department of Mathematical Sciences Morten Skarsholm Risager Automorphic Forms – Multiplier systems and Taylor Coefficients 1 July 2014 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Kasper Brink-Jensen Department of Mathematical Sciences Anders Tolver Integrative modeling and inference in high dimensional genomic and metabolic data 2 December 2014 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Bente Kiens Microvascular resistance in insulin resistance 23 June 2014 Kenneth Bruhn Department of Mathematical Sciences Mogens Steffensen Preferences and Design in Insurance and Pensions 6 January 2014 Kim Petersen Jan Philip Solovej Ylva Hellsten Vascular function and angiogenesis in aging and essential hypertension – adaptive response to physical activity and resveratrol supplementation 19 November 2014 The Mathematics of Charged Particles interacting with Electromagnetic Fields 2 May 2014 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Department of Mathematical Sciences Martin Wedel Jacobsen Department of Mathematical Sciences Jesper Michael Møller Block Fusion Systems and the Center of the Group Ring 26 June 2014 Morten Tolver Kronborg Anders Mikael Sjödin Movement behaviors in children and indicators of adverse health 4 April 2014 Advances in ConsumptionInvestment Problems with Applications to Pension 7 July 2014 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Department of Mathematical Sciences Mogens Steffensen Mads Fiil Hjorth Sune Nikolaj Precht Reeh Burnside Rings of Fusion Systems 14 August 2014 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Jørgen Frank Pind Wojtaszewski Regulation of metabolic signaling in human skeletal muscle – Impact of gastric bypass surgery, insulin and exercise in a muscle fiber type perspective 26 June 2014 Department of Mathematical Sciences Jesper Kragh Grodal Peter Hjorth Albers Søren Jensen Knudby Department of Mathematical Sciences Uffe Valentin Haagerup Approximation Properties for Groups and von Neumann Algebras 13 November 2014 Daniela Egas Santander Department of Mathematical Sciences Nathalie Anne-Marie Thierry Wahl Graph complexes and the moduli space of Riemann surfaces 2 May 2014 Yuwei Zhao Department of Mathematical Sciences Thomas Valentin Mikosch A Fourier Analysis of Extremal Events 15 January 2014 Nadim Rustom Department of Mathematical Sciences Ian Kiming Algebra and Arithmetic of Modular Forms 15 December 2014 Jakob Friis Schmidt Jan Stanstrup Kim Anker Sjøberg Lasse Gliemann Hybholt 36 Peter Møller Christensen Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Jens Erik Bangsbo Andersen Effects of oxygen delivery, dietary nitrate, intensified training and prior exercise on oxygen uptake kinetics and performance in humans 17 January 2014 Tsinuel Girma Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Kim Fleischer Michaelsen Bioimpedance in severely malnourished children: An emerging for monitoring hydration of children with severe malnutrition 13 October 2014 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 37 38 Kristian Jonsson Moi Department of Mathematical Sciences Ib Henning Madsen Equivariant homotopy theory and K-theory of exact categories with duality 23 October 2014 Angela Klamt Department of Mathematical Sciences Nathalie Anne-Marie Thierry Wahl The complex of looped diagrams and natural operations on Hochschild homology 24 January 2014 Rasmus Moritz Bentmann Department of Mathematical Sciences Søren Eilers Contributions to the structure theory of non-simple c*-algebras 6 January 2014 Sofie Kobayashi Department of Science Education Camilla Østerberg Rump Learning dynamics in doctoral supervision 16 July 2014 Katsiaryna Skryhan Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Per Gunnar Andreas Blennow Redox Inmpact on Starch Biosynthetic Enzymes in Arabidopsis thaliana 2 December 2014 Camilla Knudsen Baden Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Frederik Rook The Ecoultion of plant chemical Defence – new Roles for hydroxynitrile Glucosides in Lotus japonicus 24 March 2014 Esther Sørensen Boll Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Jan Henning Christensen Chemical profiling of oil and PAH polluted soil and drainage water – a step toward a novel paradigm in risk assessment. 6 January 2014 Hanne Cecilie Thomsen Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Jan Kofod Schjørring Cytosolic glutamine synthetase in barley – a target for improving nitrogen use efficiency? 17 September 2014 Kirsten Pernille S Roelsgaard Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Birger Lindberg Møller Roles of Hydroxynitrile Glucosides in Barley 20 May 2014 Lea Møller Jensen Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Barbara Ann Halkjær A regulatory RNA inducing trangenerationally inherited Phenotypes – Studies on natural Variation in glucosinolate Profiles and Flowering Time 18 March 2014 New Ways to Determine Plant Nutrient Deficiencies Using Fast Spectroscopy 13 June 2014 Marie van Maarschalkerweerd Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Søren Husted Merethe Mørch Frøsig Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Christoph Alexander Schulz Kinase-Meidated Regulation of P4-ATPases – Understanding kinasemediated regulation and designing novel tools to study regulatory proteins of P4-ATPases 15 December 2014 Mira Arpe Bendevis Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Sven-Erik Jacobsen Photoperiod adaptation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) – Physiological studies on cultivar differentiation as the basis for future selection criteria 27 May 2014 Sofie Bryndum Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Torben Andreas Flach de Neergaard Biotransformation of organic waste into high quality fertilizer 8 September 2014 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stina Christensen Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Thure Pavlo Hauser Resistances to an Insect Herbivore and a Phytopathogen in Barbarea vulgaris: Geography, Hybridisation And Hybrid Performance 22 April 2014 Tina Frisch Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Birger Lindberg Møller The complexity of bioactive natural products – On the co-occurrence of hydroxynitrile glucosides and glucosinolates 5 March 2014 Christian Berg Oehlenschlæger Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Anja Thoe Fuglsang The Plant Leucin-Rich Repeat Receptor-Like Kinase PSY1R from Head to Toe Characterization of PSY 1 Peptide Ligand Binding and Intracellular Kinase Activation Mechanism 23 June 2014 Daniel Buchvaldt Amby Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Birgit Jensen Mikkelsen Revealing the secrets of colletotrichum acutatum with special focus on secondary metabolism nad population genetics 21 November 2014 Henrik Bak Topbjerg Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Fulai Liu Evaluation of intrinsic water use efficiency and ecophysiological modelling on a potato dihaploid mapping population 14 November 2014 Jan Kjølhede Vester Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Peter Stougaard Novel Industrial Enzymes from Uncultured Arctic Microorganisms – Cold and alkaline-active enzymes of microbial origin form ikaite columns of SW Greenland 1 July 2014 Jens Frydenvang Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Søren Husted Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Chlorophyll a Fluoresence Transients: In-situ Analytical Methods of the Future 21 November 2014 Johan Andersen-Ranberg Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Björn Robert Hamberger Identification and Characterization of Biosynthetic Parts invloved in Plant Diterpenoid Biosynthesis 1 July 2014 Johan Musaeus Bruun Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Svend Christensen Vision technology for automated characterization of parasite eggs in a medicinal product 26 August 2014 Svend Roesen Madsen Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Barbara Ann Halkjær Elucidating the Roles of Transport Proceses in Glucosinolate Distribution 10 March 2014 Søren Furbo Skov Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Jan Henning Christensen Automated multivariate analysis of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograms of petroleum 3 February 2014 Tomas Laursen Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Birger Lindberg Møller Factors Stimulating Metabolon Formation From Single Molecules to Macromolecular Assemblies 3 March 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 39 Shahnoor Sultana Shaik Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Per Gunnar Andreas Blennow Starch Bioengineering in Barley: Effects on Grain Quality and Metabolism 18 March 2014 Pratik Shah Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Seong Wook Yang Rapid detection of miRNA using nucleic acids-templated AgNCs 23 June 2014 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Poul Erik Jensen Synthetic Biology with Cytochromes P450 Using Photosynthetic Chassis 22 May 2014 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Thomas Günther-Pomorski Analysis of Protein-Membrane Interactions. A Liposomal Approach. 5 March 2014 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Jan Kofod Schjørring Functions of glutamine synthetase isoforms in the nitrogen metabolism of plants 1 July 2014 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Fulai Liu Effect of root pruning and irrigation regimes on yield and physiology of pear trees 22 April 2014 Kun Zhu Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Lars Stoumann Fosgrau Jensen Nitrous oxide emissions after application of manure-derived fertiliseres 13 November 2014 Xin Zhan Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Henrik Toft Simonsen Metabolic engineering of the moss Physcomitrella patens as a green cell factory to produce terpenoids 7 July 2014 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Christina Lunde Metabolic engineerin of the diterpenoid sclareol in the moss Physcomitrella patents 26 June 2014 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Barbara Ann Halkjær Engineering and Optimization of the Chain Elongation Pathway of Glucosinolate Biosynthesis 30 October 2014 Khalid Mahmood Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Anja Thoe Fuglsang Genomic approaches towards identification of components involved in peptide based cell growth of Arabidopsis thaliana 5 February 2014 Ewelina Mnich Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Nanna Bjarnholt Degradation of ß-aryl ether bonds in transgenic plants – in planta cleavage of lignin cross-links 5 September 2014 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Renate Petra Brigitte Müller Interspecific hybridization within ornamental plants Characterzation of interspecific reproductive isolation to the development of intrageneric hybrids of teh Kalanchoë and Hibiscus genera 11 November 2014 Thiyagarajan Gnanasekaran Gerdi Christine Kemmer Miao Guan Yufei Wang Xiwu Pan Nadia Muhammad Akram Mirza Katarzyna Kuligowska 40 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Vanja Tanackovic Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Per Gunnar Andreas Blennow Brachypodium distachyon: the new cereal model plant for the characterization and biosynthesis of starch 27 May 2014 Francisco Jose Garcia Ruiz Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Jesper Rasmussen UAV based imaging for crop, weed and disease monitoring 2 December 2014 Manuel Montesino San Martin Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences John Roy Porter Uncertainties in Agricultural Impact Assessments of climate Change 11 November 2014 Nethaji Janeshawari Gallage Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Birger Lindberg Møller Elucidation of the Vanillin Biosynthetic pathway in Vanilla planifolia 23 June 2014 Hans Joel Pontus Fürstenberg Hägg Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Søren Bak Interpaly between De Novo Biosynthesis and Sequestration of Cyanogenic Glucosides in Arthropods 26 February 2014 Christine Heimes Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Thure Pavlo Hauser Origin and maintenance of resistance ploymorphism in Barbarea vulgaris – Comprehending the geographic mosaic 30 September 2014 Wibke Christel Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Lars Stoumann Fosgrau Jensen Upgrading of the Solid Fraction of Pig Slurry as Phosphorus Fertilizer. The Impact of Biological and Thermal Processing on P Availability 30 June 2014 Philipp Matthias Steffan Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Søren Kjærsgaard Rasmussen Biotechnology Assisted Wheat Breeding for Organic agriculture 25 September 2014 Stefan Pentzold Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Søren Bak Insect counter-adaptations to plant cyanogenic glucosides 7 July 2014 Duong Quynh Vu Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Lars Stoumann Fosgrau Jensen Green House Gas Emissions form Manure Management Chains on smallholder Livestock Farms with and without Biogas 27 May 2014 Anne Sørensen Department of Chemistry Theis Ivan Sølling Dynamic combinatorial chemistry with diselenides, disulfides, imines and metal coordination 7 March 2014 Anni Vibenholt Department of Chemistry Ole John Nielsen Measurements of selected air pollutants in Danish homes and ozone interaction with floor dust 28 January 2014 Ditte Linde Thomsen Department of Chemistry Henrik Grum Kjærgaard Gas-Phase Reactivity of Microsolvated Anions – Investigating the a-Effect 13 March 2014 Anders Steen Christensen Department of Chemistry Jan Halborg Jensen Protein Structure Determination Using Chemical Shifts 23 June 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 41 Jacob Lykkebo Jørgensen Department of Chemistry Kurt Valentin Mikkelsen Single-molecule electronics with cross-conjugated molecules: Quantum interference, IETS and non-equilibrium ”temperatures” 16 December 2014 Jonas Olsson Department of Chemistry Susan Louise Svane Stipp The formation of carbonate minerals and the mobility of heavy metals during water-CO2- mafic rock interactions 2 June 2014 Jonas Elm Department of Chemistry Kurt Valentin Mikkelsen Computational Approaches for Proping the Formation of Atmospheric Molecular Clusters 21 August 2014 Kasper Steen Pedersen Department of Chemistry Jesper Bendix Modular Approaches to Fluoride-Bridged Molecular Magnetic Materials Trigonal Lanthanide Single--Ion Magnets 9 December 2014 Fluorescent Peptide-Stabilized Silver-Nanoclusters A Solid-Phase Approach for High-Throughput Ligand Discovery 23 April 2014 Investigation of the effects in ß-mannosylation & easy access to L-sugars via CH activation 4 December 2014 Colloidal Toolbox Synthesis of Pt Nanoalloys: Tthe Influence of Dealoying and Structural Disordering on the Oxygen Reduction Reaction 16 December 2014 Simon Gregersen Tobias Gylling Frihed Knud Jørgen Jensen Department of Chemistry Mikael Bols Department of Chemistry Matthias Arenz Department of Chemistry Mogens Brøndsted Nielsen Synthesis and studies of SulfurContaining Heterocyclic Molecules for Molecular Electronics 6 November 2014 Alessandro Zana Department of Chemistry Matthias Arenz Pt/C fuel cell catalyst degradation phenomena and mitigation strategies 14 November 2014 Xinming Hu Department of Chemistry Bo Wegge Laursen Preparation and Gas Adsorption of Porous Materials from Molecular Precursors 22 December 2014 Zhiyu Liao Department of Chemistry Tom Vosch Single molecule study of photoconversion and spectral heterogeneities of fluorophores 16 December 2014 Denis Okhrimenko Department of Chemistry Susan Louise Svane Stipp Adsorption properties of chalk reservoir materials 21 March 2014 Marc Sigrist Department of Chemistry Jesper Bendix Magneto-structural correlations in [Mn3O]7+ core SMMs and selected 4d, 5d and 4f SMMs 21 July 2014 The Niels Bohr Institute Charlotte Fløe Kristjansen Holographic Three Point Functions 19 May 2014 Ioannis Spanos Virginia Mazzanti Ara Martyrosian 42 Department of Chemistry PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Helle Astrid Kjær The Niels Bohr Institute Anders Svensson Continuous chemistry in ice cores -Phosphorus, pH and the photolysis of humic like substances 17 September 2014 Lotte Ansgaard Thomsen The Niels Bohr Institute Stefania Xella A search for associated production of a SM Higgs decaying into tau leptons with the ATLAS experiment 15 October 2014 Pernille Yde Nielsen The Niels Bohr Institute Joachim Kaj Mathiesen Spatial structures and regulation in biological systems 6 March 2014 Pia Cordsen The Niels Bohr Institute Mogens Høgh Jensen Dynamics of fibril growth and feedback motifs 14 March 2014 Johan Georg Mulvad Samsing The Niels Bohr Institute Steen Harle Hansen Dynamics of Stars, Dark Matter and the Universe 24 August 2014 Martin Cramer Pedersen The Niels Bohr Institute Kell Mortensen Mathematical, computational and statistical aspects of model refinement from small-angle scattering data 30 June 2014 Alexander Colliander Hansen The Niels Bohr Institute Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje Pseudorapidity Dependence of Anisotropic Azimuthal Flow with the ALICE Detector 30 October 2014 Andreas Vigand Pedersen The Niels Bohr Institute Niels Anne Jacob Obers Effective gravitational theories in string theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence 25 March 2014 Hjalte Axel Frellesvig The Niels Bohr Institute Poul Henrik Damgaard Generalized Initarity Cuts and Integrand Reduction at Higher Loop Orders 27 October 2014 Jeppe Rømer Juul The Niels Bohr Institute Joachim Kaj Mathiesen Spatial models and networks of living systems 23 June 2014 Jonas Okkels Birk The Niels Bohr Institute Kim Lefmann New Techniques in Neutron Scattering 8 December 2014 Kaspar Hewitt Klenø The Niels Bohr Institute Kim Lefmann Exploration of the Challenges of Neutron Optics and Instrumentation at Long Pulsed Spallation Sources 11 April 2014 Kasper Skov Kjær The Niels Bohr Institute Martin Meedom Nielsen Filming Femtosecond Molecular Movies with X-ray Pulses 20 January 2014 Kim Georg Lind Pedersen The Niels Bohr Institute Per Hedegård Theoretical Investigations Regarding Single Molecules 27 January 2014 Morten Dam The Niels Bohr Institute Troels Christian Petersen Exotic Long-Lived Particles 29 April 2014 Stefan Lund Christensen The Niels Bohr Institute Eugene Simon Polzik Generation of exotic quantum states of a cold atomic ensemble 30 October 2014 Sune Jakobsen The Niels Bohr Institute Peter Henrik Hansen Commissioning of the Absolute luminosity for ATLAS (ALFA) Dectector at the LHC 6 February 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 43 44 Teddy Bruno Fjeldgaard-Frederiksen The Niels Bohr Institute Jens Hjorth Nurseries of Supernovae – a Study of Young High Redshift Type la Supernova Host Galaxies 7 March 2014 Ilaria Cataudella The Niels Bohr Institute Namiko Mitarai Toxin-antitoxin Battle in Bacteria 26 February 2014 Martina Falco The Niels Bohr Institute Steen Harle Hansen DYNAMICS OF GALAXY CLUSTERS AND THEIR OUTSKIRTS: beyond the virialization regime 17 January 2014 Haiyan Ma The Niels Bohr Institute Lene Broeng Oddershede Thermo-plasmonics of Irradiated Metallic Nanostructures 28 January 2014 Li Xue The Niels Bohr Institute Sune Toft Exploring Cosmology with Supernovae A study of supernovae and their applications 14 November 2014 Wing Shan Man The Niels Bohr Institute Sune Toft Galaxy Evolution Over the Past Eleven Billion Years: Mergers and Quiescence 19 December 2014 Pengfei Tian The Niels Bohr Institute Mogens Høgh Jensen Monte Carlo Methods Development and Applications in Conformational Sampling of Proteins 17 June 2014 Rijun Huang The Niels Bohr Institute Poul Henrik Damgaard Gauge and Gravity amplitudes, from trees to loops 23 June 2014 Gediminas Kirsanskas The Niels Bohr Institute Karsten Flensberg Electron Transport in Quantum Dots and Heat Transport in Molecules 12 September 2014 Nicholas Skar-Gislinge The Niels Bohr Institute Lise Arleth Developing Nanodiscs as a Tool for Low Resolution Studies of Membrane Proteins 17 September 2014 Selma Maric The Niels Bohr Institute Lise Arleth Development of a Stealth Carrier System for Structural Studies of Membrane Proteins in Solution 2 April 2014 Leif Tobias Pommer The Niels Bohr Institute Per Martin Munck af Rosenschöld Real -time motion management of prostate cancer radiotherapy 27 October 2014 Ece Kilerci Eser The Niels Bohr Institute Marianne Vestergaard Active Galaxies: A Study of Local Seyferts and Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies 20 October 2014 Tolga Bagci The Niels Bohr Institute Eugene Simon Polzik Opto-electromechical devices for low-noise detection of radio waves 28 April 2014 Antje Fitzner The Niels Bohr Institute Dorthe Dahl-Jensen Modeling the KNS glacier and the freshwater into Godthaabsfjorden 8 December 2014 Lisa Glaser The Niels Bohr Institute Nicole Maria Brisch Endeavours in Discrete Lorentzian Geometry 12 September 2014 Ernesto Kettner The Niels Bohr Institute Anders Svensson Highly resolved paleoclimatic aerosol records: continuous flow analysis and the potential of flow cytometry for the characterisation of Aeolian dust in polar ice cores 28 January 2014 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Immo Nathanael Sollner The Niels Bohr Institute Peter Lodahl Quantum Dots in Photonic Crystal Waveguides: from efficient single photon sources to deterministic photon-photon interaction 23 June 2014 Stefan Johannes Geier The Niels Bohr Institute Johan Peter Uldall Fynbo PIECES TO THE PUZZLE OF HIGHREDSHIFT GALAXIES FALLING INTO PLACE 27 January 2014 Luis Alonso Alfaro Nuñez Natural History Museum of Denmark Marcus Thomas Pius Gilbert Tracing the Co-evolutionary History of the Chelonid Fibropapillomaassociated herpesvirus and Its Host Sea Turtles 26 June 2014 Kirsten Kolbjørn Larsen Natural History Museum of Denmark Martin Bizzarro Origin and Distribution of 26Al and Mg Isotopes in the Solar Protoplanetary Disk 13 October 2014 Mia Bjørg Stolberg Olsen Natural History Museum of Denmark Martin Bizzarro Study of Meteoritic Inclusion 4 August 2014 Christian Anders Wathne Bruhn Natural History Museum of Denmark Marcus Thomas Pius Gilbert Molecular Evolution and the Natural History of the Select Virus Epidemics 23 April 2014 Kenneth Andersen Natural History Museum of Denmark Kurt Højbjerg Kjær Methods for High-througput characterisation of environmental DNA 10 April 2014 Justyna Wiewióra Natural History Museum of Denmark Minik Thorleif Rosing Global Carbon cycle of the Precambrian Earth 13 October 2014 Andrea Maria Schomann Natural History Museum of Denmark Henrik Enghoff Hyperomma of New Zealand (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) Systematics, Phylogeny, Historical Biogeography 30 September 2014 FA C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E 45 46 PHD SCHOOL · ANNUAL REPORT 2014