agenda - Davidson County
agenda - Davidson County
AGENDA DAVIDSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 11, 2013 7:00 PM Commissioners’ Meeting Room Governmental Center - 913 North Greensboro Street Lexington, North Carolina 27292 A. CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE D. RECOGNITION 1. Davidson County Teaching Scholarship Allyson Palmer Hege Brenna Laine Ferrell E. REGISTER FOR PUBLIC ADDRESS F. ADOPTION OF AGENDA G. PUBLIC ADDRESS H. ITEMS FOR DECISION/INFORMATION - CONSENT 1. 2. 3. I. ITEMS FOR DECISION/INFORMATION - DELIBERATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. J. Parking Deck Renovations by Dwayne Childress, Support Services Director 2013-2014 Fiscal Year Budget by Robert Hyatt, County Manager Schedule Public Hearing for the 2013 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Application by Captain Casey Tarleton Landlord Estoppel, Agreement and Consent to Leasehold Mortgage with Moran Foods, LLC by Chuck Frye, County Attorney Crisis Ministries Designate Voting and Alternate Delegate for the NACo Annual Conference CLOSED SESSION 1. K. Minutes Budget Amendments by Zeb Hanner, Assistant County Manager Appointments/Reappointments a. DCCC Board of Trustees b. Davidson County VAD Board c. DSS Board Personnel ADJOURNMENT COMMISSIONERS’ AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013 Exhibit: _________ ITEM: D. RECOGNITION – Teaching Scholarship Awards by Commissioner Larry Potts ITEM INFORMATION: Please recognize Allyson Palmer Hege, a graduate of North Davidson High School, now attending Guilford Technical Community College. Allyson is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Family and Consumer Sciences and Secondary Education. Please recognize Brenna Laine Ferrell, a graduate of South Davidson High School. Brenna is now attending North Carolina State University. She is pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Recognize and award scholarship checks. TEACHING SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS May 23, 2000 Amanda Brooks Callie Elizabeth Phillips Amy Dally Patricia Ann Burkhart Danny K. Sink, Jr. Tonya Stoker Pamela Hedrick Shytle Christopher Todd James September 12, 2000 Jason Michael Jordan Kenda Eileen Thomas Amber Kindley Shelly Forrest Laura Cloer May 22, 2001 Shiloh Janel Walser Ashley Kay Craven June 12, 2001 Steven Vance Hanner Jennifer Jean Cross June 26, 2001 Charlotte Renee Nichols August 14, 2001 Loryn Schiro August 28, 2001 Jennifer Lynn Ketner December 11, 2001 Alisa Carol Myers Constance Romaine Watson April 23, 2002 Jennifer E. Angell Laura Lynn Beck Melissa Ann Burns Ashley Dawn Carroll Keri Beth Collins Elizabeth Brene’ Duggins Kimberly Heitman Glosson Jill Gwen Hunt Nichole Bacon Leonard Patrick Kemp Smith Valorie Nicole Snider Leslie Dunn Tysinger Alicia Halker Young January 14, 2003 Laura Marie Lanier Tammy Morrison Tilly Cori Jean Walker May 13, 2003 Dana Hedrick Dishmon Matthew Joseph Dunn Brittany Lee Hartsell Suzanne Nicole Shoaf August 26, 2003 Jessica Suann Clark January 13, 2004 Brandy Patrice Bayliff April D. Kepley Paula Carol Jones-Williams Amanda Copeland Zimmerman April 27, 2004 Angelica Marie Davis Amanda Rae Essick Julie Ann Glover Meigan Sanders McMullen Misty Lee Anderson Priddy Deanna Weaver Walser January 25, 2005 Tonya Butler Younts June 28, 2005 Amanda Christine Barnes Courtney Elizabeth Black Melissa Dawn Carroll Maria Laurin Clinger Lauren Kristina Darr Kelly Lauren Hine August 1, 2006 Amanda Louise Burcham Christy Lynn Reid January 9, 2007 Randi Michelle Lanier Brittany Lewellyn Long May 22, 2007 Christina Faith Worley January 8, 2008 Arthalia Waynette Dye Lindsay Taylor Gibson Jenny Marie Hartley Charles Evan Myers Megan Leigh Rogers Tiffany Nicole Whitman June 8, 2010 Arlene Elizabeth Johnson December 14, 2010 Brandi Burns Craver January 6, 2011 Brittany Michelle Murphy May 13, 2008 Natalie Dawn Charles Katie Elizabeth Smith May 24, 2011 Kelsey Marie Hill June 24, 2008 Elizabeth Candice Hester June 14, 2011 Christopher James Rickard August 12, 2008 Brandi Lee Gallimore December 13, 2011 Erica Layne Spach January 13, 2009 Heather Elizabeth Hawks Sarah Lynne Hill Tyler Grayson Leonard Connie McLaughlin Lowman Jennifer Short Phillips Elizabeth Leann Curry Seagle Amanda Carroll Smith January 10, 2012 Lynnsey Brieanna Lollis February 24, 2009 Lauren Breann Scott May 26, 2009 Kelly Kiker Dooley Alana Brooke Lowe Stacey Elaine Michael Wende Duffey Rabon Kristina Alexandria Roberson January 12, 2010 Brandi Nicole Kirkus Leslie Kathryn Lambeth Kelli Marie Mendenhall Tonya Renee Robbins Jordan Michelle Stogner May 25, 2010 Traci Nichole Condrey Kortnie Elizabeth Curry Haley Nicole Grimsley Kristen Leigh Johnson Gabriel Adam Scott Chelsea Marie Shore Caroline Elizabeth Stalvey Laura Noel Baum Vazquez Phillip Aaron Yarbrough June 26, 2012 Shanice Brice Katie Grubb Leigha Myers Taryn Troublefield Carly Bowman December 11, 2012 Anna Marie Kennedy June 11, 2013 Allyson Palmer Hege Brenna Laine Ferrell COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013_ Exhibit: Attached _ ITEM: H.1. Minutes ITEM INFORMATION: Minutes of the Davidson County Board of Commissioners’ Meetings from May 28, 2013, are attached for your review and consideration. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: _Approve/correct and approve. FOLLOW-UP: MINUTES May 28, 2013 The Davidson County Board of Commissioners met at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, May 28, 2013, in the Commissioners Room in the Governmental Center, at 913 North Greensboro Street, in Lexington, North Carolina for a regularly scheduled meeting. PRESENT Commissioners: Chairman Fred McClure, Vice Chairman Todd Yates, Steve Jarvis, Billy Joe Kepley, Larry Potts, Don Truell and Sam Watford OTHERS PRESENT County Manager Robert Hyatt, County Attorney Chuck Frye, Assistant County Manager Zeb Hanner, Deputy Clerk to the Board Debbie Harris, Support Services Director Dwayne Childress, Planning and Zoning Director Guy Cornman, DCCC President Dr. Mary Rittling, Social Services Director Dale Moorefield, Veterans Services Director Boyd Morgan, Veterans Council Member Woody Bowman, Sue Bowman, Veterans Council Member Bob Leonard, Davidson County Master Gardeners Frankie Mefford, Carol Myers, Gayle Smerznak, Cindy Scott, Beth Leonard and Margaret Wooten, Soil and Water District Resource Specialist Lloyd Phillips, Photographer Lee Gill, Senior Services Director Thessia EverhartRoberts, Emergency Services Director Larry James, Lexington City Schools Superintendent Rick Kriesky, Finance Director Jane Kiker, Crisis Ministries Executive Director Gail Whitehead, Health Director Monecia Thomas, Sheriff David Grice, Transportation Manager Steve Swaim, Lexington Chamber President Burr Sullivan, Cooperative Extension Director Troy Coggins, 911 Emergency Communications Director Terry Bailey, Barney W. Hill, Lexington Dispatch Reporter Nash Dunn, High Point Enterprise Reporter David Nivens and DCCC students Bria Naylor, Joe Gray, Eloi Solis, Aaron Atkins, Andrew McCarn and Brittany Grice, and their Graphic Design Instructor Carl Shatley. Many clients from Crisis Ministries were also in attendance at the meeting. A. CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME Chairman Fred McClure called the meeting to order and welcomed guests. B. INVOCATION The invocation was led by Commissioner Kepley. 2 Davidson County Board of Commissioners Minutes – May 28, 2013 C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE D. RECOGNITION 1. DCCC Student Groups for Design Choices for Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker Placement Chairman McClure recognized two student groups from DCCC for their outstanding design work in creating designs to be considered for use on the Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker project, noting there were five groups who submitted designs. He then introduced members of the two groups whose designs were ultimately chosen by the group overseeing the project, and photos were taken of each group with the Memorial Marker. Group 1 (whose design was chosen for the northbound roadside rest on Interstate 85) consists of Aaron Atkins, Andrew McCarn, Deb Davis, Vicki Hill and Bethany Grice. Group 2 (whose design was chosen for the southbound roadside rest) consists of Bria Naylor, Joe Gray and Eloi Solis. One of the Blue Star Memorial Highway Markers were brought to the Commissioners’ Meeting Room earlier in the day and photos of each group were taken with the Marker to be distributed to media outlets. Chairman McClure also recognized the members of the groups whose designs were not chosen. He thanked DCCC, Dr. Rittling and Instructor Carl Shatley for their assistance in allowing the students to participate in the project. Chairman McClure thanked NCDOT for their assistance in site choice and approval and acknowledged the members of the group that have been working on the Blue Star Memorial Marker Project since its inception. (Exhibit 1) E. REGISTER FOR PUBLIC ADDRESS Chairman McClure noted the need to register to speak at public address. F. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA County Manager Robert Hyatt reported that Commissioner Kepley had requested that Crisis Ministries be added to the agenda and that Human Resources Director Jim Tysinger had requested that a reclassification of a Sheriff’s Deputy I position be added to the agenda. He also requested that a Closed Session be added to the agenda for an attorney/client matter. On a motion by Commissioner Potts and a second by Vice Chair Yates the Board voted unanimously 7-0 to adopt the amended agenda. 3 Davidson County Board of Commissioners Minutes – May 28, 2013 (Exhibit 2) G. PUBLIC ADDRESS 1) Eleanor Allen, a landowner in the proposed business park area, spoke in favor of the park, noting the land has been in her family for generations, having been acquired through a King’s Land Grant. She reported that dating back to her grandmother her family has been aware that the land was destined to be used for a greater purpose. 2) Barney Hill spoke regarding the budget and items he felt were not included in this year’s budget. An excerpt of his remarks is included with the agenda packet for this meeting. 3) Charles King spoke regarding illegal dumping and of hearing about the possibility of the elimination of the solid waste enforcement officer position. He spoke in favor of retaining this position due to its positive effects on illegal dumping. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Proposed 2013-2014 Davidson County Budget Chairman McClure declared the public hearing open to receive public input on the proposed 20132014 Davidson County budget. 1) Neil Motsinger requested that funding for the new Oak Grove High School be added to the 20132014 fiscal year budget. 2) Burr Sullivan, Director of the Lexington Chamber, spoke regarding small business and economic development; he asked that the Board of Commissioners remain committed to small business and economic development and requested continued funding for the two chambers to continue this program. 3) Barney Hill spoke regarding his recommendations for the 2013-2014 fiscal year budget. An excerpt of his comments is included in the agenda packet for this meeting for further reference. Chairman McClure declared the public hearing closed. This matter is on for a Budget Workshop on the June 6, 2013, meeting. 4 Davidson County Board of Commissioners Minutes – May 28, 2013 (Exhibit 3) I. ITEMS FOR DECISION/INFORMATION – CONSENT Commissioner Potts requested that items I.2.A, I.2.B., and I.2.C. be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. On a motion by Commissioner Watford and a second by Commissioner Truell the Board voted 6-1 to approve the amended consent agenda. Commissioner Kepley voted “no.” 1. Minutes The Board approved the Minutes of the May 14, 2013 Board of Commissioners meeting. (Exhibit 4) 2. Budget Amendments by Zeb Hanner, Assistant County Manager The Board approved budget amendments for Sheriff’s Department, Social Services and South Emmons Fire Department, as requested as set out in the Agenda Packet, with the exception of items I.2.A., I.2.B., and I.2.C.; these items are discussed further in on page 6 of these minutes. (Exhibit 5) 3. Appointments The Board approved the appointment of Jan Russell to the Community Action Board. (Exhibit 6) 4. Contract for Solid Waste Services with the Davidson County Schools The Board approved the Contract for Solid Waste Services with the Davidson County Schools. (Exhibit 7) 5. Tax Report of Refunds The Board approved the Tax Report of Refunds submitted by Tax Administrator Joe Silver. (Exhibit 8) Items I.2.A., I.2.B. and I.2.C. were tabled until later in the meeting to allow Health Director Monecia Thomas to gather notes regarding these budget amendments. J. ITEMS FOR DECISION/INFORMATION - DELIBERATION 1. Lease of One EMS Ambulance Unit 5 Davidson County Board of Commissioners Minutes – May 28, 2013 Support Services Director Dwayne Childress addressed the Board and provided information regarding the ambulance unit, reporting that this is a replacement unit for the fleet, at a cost of $132,321.00. There was a discussion about the process used for ambulance replacement, including length of use, mileage on the vehicles. Outright purchase of the vehicles versus leasing was also discussed, as was using the existing boxes from units on new chassis. Mr. Childress reported that the options discussed would be looked into for the next ambulances that are scheduled to be replaced, which would be next spring. On a motion by Commissioner Truell and a second by Commissioner Potts the Board voted unanimously 7-0 to authorize the purchase of the ambulance unit from Northwestern Emergency Vehicles in the amount of $132,321.00, from the Capital Outlay line item. (Exhibit 9) 2. Lexington Multimodal Transportation Station, TIGER V Grant Application County Manager Robert Hyatt reported that the City of Lexington had requested a letter of recommendation from Davidson County to include in a grant application they are finalizing for a TIGER V grant, and he felt that the letter may carry more weight if it came from the entire Board, versus being signed by him as County Manager. Tammy Abshire, Director or Business and Community Development for the City of Lexington, spoke regarding the process being undertaken by the City of Lexington to get passenger rail service reestablished. She reported that the TIGER V grant is a construction grant for track improvements and platform work. Lexington is one of the few larger communities along the corridor that does not have a passenger rail stop. Ms. Abshire reported that the grant application needs to be submitted by May 31, 2013, and the City of Lexington would like to have Davidson County as a partner, to show that the process is a community and collaborative effort. There was discussion about total costs for the project and about how the old depot would come into play through the process. Commissioner Kepley reported that he works Barbeque Festival day at the Depot to welcome train travelers and he has heard favorable remarks from many travelers that they would utilize rail service to travel to Lexington if a permanent stop was established. He feels that this passenger rail service would bring more tourism to Lexington. 6 Davidson County Board of Commissioners Minutes – May 28, 2013 On a motion by Commissioner Kepley and a second by Commissioner Potts the Board voted unanimously 7-0 to approve issuance of the proposed letter to Secretary LaHood at the US Department of Transportation by the entire Board in support of the TIGER V grant application to be included with the City of Lexington’s grant application. (Exhibit 10) K. ITEMS FOR DECISION/INFORMATION – CONSENT (continued) 2.A., 2.B. and 2.C. Budget Amendments for Health Department Health Director Monecia Thomas noted that items 2.A. and 2.B. were necessitated out of NorthWest Care Access taking over some of the operations within the agency and not enough money being originally appropriated to cover all of the necessary travel expenses. Item 2.C. was to move monies from salaries to contracted services to utilize a recently retired Health Department worker (with 40+ years of experience) to work as a contracted services worker instead of part-time. A portion of the funds were also to cover additional staff training. On a motion by Commissioner Potts and a second by Commissioner Truell the Board voted unanimously 7-0 to approve these budget amendments as requested. 3. Request for Funds for Renovation Work to Picket School Lexington City Schools Superintendent Rick Kriesky addressed the Board and reported on the renovation work currently needed at Pickett School which will include addressing safety issues, fire alarm work and replacing windows in the gym. He reported that the renovations are anticipated to cost approximately $750,000.00, and the school systems is requested that $600,000.00 of this amount be provided by the County, and mentioned the funds in excess of $610,000.00 that are left over from the school bonds that were earmarked for the Lexington City Schools. There was a discussion by the Board regarding the remaining bond funds and ADM funds that were pulled down for completion of the new grade school. On a motion by Commissioner Potts and a second by Vice Chair Yates the Board voted 6-1 to approve the reallocation of 2005 bond proceeds from the Charles England School Project to Picket Schohol in the approximate amount of $600,000.00, Commissioner Watford voted “No.“ 7 Davidson County Board of Commissioners Minutes – May 28, 2013 (Exhibit 11) 4. Crisis Ministries Commissioner Kepley requested that this matter be added to the agenda to provide information regarding a critical situation that exists at Crisis Ministries. He introduced Gail Whitehead, Executive Director of Crisis Ministries. She reported on the bedbug epidemic at the facility; having infested the men’s dorm, the women’s dorm, and the family unit. The only areas of the shelter not current affected are the volunteer area, the dining room, the kitchen and the locker area. She reported that she has been consulting with exterminators to obtain quotes and has obtained a greatly reduced quote from the same exterminator who handles all of the County buildings. It has been recommended for the extermination to be successful that the shelter will need to get rid of all of the existing wooden beds and mattresses before extermination. Ms. Whitehead has obtained quotes on new bedbug resistant mattresses and metal bed frames. She reported that if she is unable to acquire funding to rid the shelter of the bedbugs that she will be forced to close their doors. She requested a one-time gift from Davidson County in the amount of $70,000.00 to complete the extermination and purchase the beds and mattresses. Ms. Whitehead reported that she is going to be approaching the City of Lexington for a like request for assistance. There was a discussion among the Board regarding the proper course of action to take. It was the consensus of the Board to place this matter on for further discussion at the Budget Workshop at the June 6, 2013, Informational Meeting. L. CLOSED SESSION – Attorney/Client On a motion by Commissioner Potts and a second by Vice Chair Yates the Board voted unanimously 7-0 to go into Closed Session for matters of Attorney/Client. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION On a motion by Commissioner Potts and a second by Commissioner Truell the Board voted unanimously 7-0 to return to Open Session. County Attorney Chuck Frye reported discussion of three matters in Closed Session, with the first for information only and that instructions for further action had been provided to the County Attorney for the remaining items. M. ADJOURNMENT 8 Davidson County Board of Commissioners Minutes – May 28, 2013 On a motion by Commissioner Truell and a second by Commissioner Potts the Board voted unanimously 7-0 to adjourn. _____________________________________ Fred D. McClure, Chairman Davidson County Board of Commissioners _____________________________________ Deborah J. Harris, Deputy Clerk to the Board Davidson County Board of Commissioners Date ITEM: H.2 Amendments ITEM INFORMATION: Please the attached items for ACTION TOBETAKEN: ________._____________________________.____________ Amlen(lmE~llts for 2012-2013 in funds from gun line items in tbe sberiff and to lI\IIIF£'hiiW> tbe FBI for purposes. B. would like to do Ii line item transfer 3 rell,lacem,eut .....n .....,h"..., C. A. ~:'.~'V from various Tbis software l(nl'MlntiinD Imftw,u'p. from Salaries to to Fund Balance for additional There was but it did not iuclude the bottom olthe door. D. would like to $756.92 received from the Vobmteer Income Tax Assistance program. The money will be used to used the program at the E. F. Fire would like collections 9ninrt,nr'uu·pi1. Schools would like to do a line item transfer of unused Bond in the .:lJU;[ U.!";;l';:J'..:KJ from the Charles School to the PickeWLSHS at the 28, 2013 Board Tbese funds trausfer was me:etlD2. Tbere has to be a Budget Amendment Budget Amendment No. ------ Authorization is hereby requested to amend the 2012- 2013 budget ordinance for Davidson County in the following manner: Fund Fund or Department Increase (decrease) estimated revenue in the amount of Source of revenue: Increase (decrease) appropriation budget in the amount of Line item number Explanation: Department Head Description Appropriate $5,000 in funds from gun permit fees and transfer $35,000 from various salary line item in the sheriff and jail budgets to purchase Encryption software. This software is required by the FBI for security purposes. Zeb M. Hanner From: Sent: To: Subject: Charlene Foster Wednesday, May 22,20138:12 AM Zeb M. Hanner RE: DCI Security Authenticity Thanks Charlene Foster Adm in istrative Assistant From: Zeb M. Hanner Sent: Wednesday, May 22,2013 8:12 AM To: Charlene Foster Subject: Re: DCI Security Authenticity I am In Raleigh today. I will check when.! get back Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone. ------ Original Message -----From: Charlene Foster Subject: DCI Security Authenticity Zeb, We discussed this subject several months ago. We are needing $34,000 to bring our system up to security code. If we don't do this, they will shut us down. We discussed the possibility of finding it somewhere in our current budget. Joe! Hartley is more familiar with this area of security. If we can get this started soon, IT will be able to get on it right away. Air Cards and all will be shut down. Look at our current budget and see if we can move some money around. Thanks Charlene Foster Adm in istrative Assistant Office Fax (336)249-6968 1 Zeb M. Hanner From: To: Cc: YOLI were CDWG,com OE400SPS I 800.594.4B9 SALES QUOTATION DMHK518 BILL TO: SHIP TO: DAVIDSON COUNTY PO BOX 1067 DAVIDSON COUNTY Atlention To : JOEL HARTLEY 913 N GREENSBORO ST Accounts Payabl e LEXINGTON , NC 27293-1067 Customer Phone # 45 27332 6/3/2013 LEXINGTON . NC 27292-2699 Contact JOEL HARTLEY 336 .242 .2032 Customer P .O. # NETMOTION1YR QUOTE KYlEIR 1980890 50 1996103 1980923 50 202876 5 22 34698 NETMOTION NM MOBILITY XE 100 Mfg#: 090NMXE Contract: NC Slate and Local Government Pricing Electronic distribution · NO MEDIA NETMOTION ADD NM MOBI LITY XE 101 -250 Mfg#: 090NMXEC1 Conlract: NC Slate and Loca l Governmenl Pricing Electronic distribution· NO MEDIA NETMOTION NM NAC/MOD ADV BNDL Mfg# : 090NMBXE Contract: NC State and Local Government Pricing Electronic distribution · NO MEDIA NETMOTION ADD NM NAC/POLICY BUNDLE Mfg#: 090NMBXEC1 Contract: NC State and Local Government Pricing Electroni c distribution - NO MEDIA NETMOTIO N PREM MNT 1Y Mfg#: 090NMPRMMNT1 Contract: NC State and Local Government Pricing Electronic distribution· NO MEDIA SUBTOTAL FREIGHT TAX COW Government 230 No rth Milwaukee Ave . Vernon Hills , IL 60061 Fax: 847 .990 .8186 This quote is subject to CDW's T enns and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at For more infonnation, contact a CDW account manager. 13,96000 13,960 .00 130.00 6.500.00 6.494 .00 6 .49400 70 .00 3, 50000 9.459 .00 9.459.00 39 ,913.00 000 2,694.13 Please remit payment to: COW Government 75 Remittance Drive Su ite 1515 Chicago. IL 60675-1515 Source of Line item number Explanation: Planning would like to do a line item transfer replacement computers $2,532 from Salaries to Capital Outlay to purchase 3 Zeb M. Hanner From: To: 11:31 AM Here is or Ca E-quote Number: 1014846971273 E-quote Name Saved By: Planning E..Quote Description Planning Joel Hartley Phone Number: (336) 242-2032 joethartley@davidsoocountync~gov Purchasing Agent: Saved On: Friday, May 31. 2013 Expires On: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 NoteslComments: Additional Comments: Premier Page Name Davidson County, NC Fully Customizable OptiPlex 7010 Small Form Factor Date & Time: May 31,20133:29 PM CST New Price 7 OptiPlex SFF Price Standard No Media, 3rd Gel'! Intel® i5-3470 3~20GHz, 6MB w/HD2500 ~r<..,h!i.-.::\ at .. , or 250GB 3.5" SATA 6Gb/s with 8MB DataBurst Cache Mouse Heat Factor Speakers Imemal Dell Business Audio SPE~ak,er Power Supply 7010 SFF wI Standard Power Documentation 7010 Documentation Energy Effiicia,nclI Options Resource DVO No Resource DVD low Power Mode Setup lind Features Information Tech Sheet iOIli'-D,)W,er mode No TecI1 Sheet Small Form Factor Processor Branding intel Core is ut:,:mU,'jJ Sticker TOTAL: $797.95 Fully Customizable OptiPlex 7010 Small Form Factor Date & Time: May 31.20133:27 PM CST at .. , 2 or Fully Customizable OptiPlex 1010 Small Form Factor Catalog Number: 7010 SFF OptlPlex 1010 SFF Standard Power Operating SVSIMnM:!d Windows 7 Processors 3rd Gan Intel® Core m i5-3470 3.20GHz, 6MB w/HD2500 Keyboard Dell KB212-B USB 104 Quiet Key Monitors No Monitor Boot Hard Drives 250GB 3.5« SATA 6Gb/s with 8MB DataBurst Cache Mouse DeIlMS11 Systems Mode'lt No USB No Out-of-Band K""/ho::lm Mouse sv·"r",m", M"'n<""""n",,~t Performance/Mainstream, Small Form Thermal Heat Factor Power Supply r.~.+iOi=v 7010 SFF wi Standard Power Documentation r>"."O'~~ 7010 Documentation Efficiency Setup and Features Information at ... 3 or Tu* at Authorization is Fund Department requested to amend the 2012- 2013 budget ordinance Increase (dEicrE~a$e) estimated of Davidson County in the following manner: Fund balance Source Une item number Explanation: Department Description DCM request an appropriation of $3,000 from airport Fund Balance to adjust for error made in Door repairs quote. There was $17,500 previously approved on 04/09/2013 (14,550) and 05114/13 ($3,000) for the repair. There was some additional work found was the repair was started. Invoice Superior Grounds Management PO Box 459 Linwood, NC 27299 Date Invoice # 6/5/2013 830 Bill To Davidson County Airport Authority Attn. Zeb Hanner P.O. Box 1067 Lexington, N.C. 27293 P.O. No. Terms Project Due on receipt Quantity Description Rate Amount Labor & Materials to perform the following Hinge Repairs to all 20 doors on units A&B: i-Repaired 19 Bent Hinges 2-Welded 2 hinges that were welded to the top of the doors but never welded to the structure 3-Repaired 2 broken hinges 4-Ground away improper welds on 72 hinges & re-welded 5-Plug welded all 100 hinges 6-Painted all hinges & welds & lubricated hinges with white lithium grease 5,217.25 5,217.25 Labor & Materials to repair the heavily rusted & corroded lower left door structure on hangar A2 i-Removed the sheet metal, walk thru door & frame 2-Cut out the corroded sections of the structure 3-Fabricated new steel components and re-welded in place 4-Painted all new metal work 5-Fabricated & installed a new lower left drip cap 6-Re-installed the sheet metal siding 575.35 575.35 Thank you, we appreciate your business Total $5,792.60 COMMISSIONERS' AGENDA ITEM INFORMA nON: me p DAVIDSON COUNTY PUBUC UBRARY SYSTEM Ruth Ann Copley Director of Libraries L MEMORANDUM DATE: June 4, 2013 TO: Zeb M. Hanner, Budget Director Robert Hyatt, County Manager Board of Commissioners FROM: Ruth Ann Copley, Director of Libraries RE: Budget Amendment ~ This budget amendment is to recognize and appropriate revenue for the Library. $756.92 is reimbursement money from VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Program. This money will be appropriated to the Supply line item (110-5301-452.60-10) in order to reimburse the library for the cost of printing supplies used for the program. Davidson County Public Library· 602 South Main St .. Lexington, NC 27292 . (336) 242-2064· FAX (336) 249-8161 North Carolina's First County Public Library BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. IS HEREBY TO AMEND THE 2012-2013 BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR DAVIDSON COUNTY IN THE FUND nt....F"L>L 201212013 MANNER: - General Fund ~--------~--~~--------~~----~----~~-- ESTIMATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF OF REVENUE VITA Reimbursement INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF LINE ITEMS NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 110-5301452.60-10 Supplies $756.92 TRANSFER BUDGETED APPROPRJA TIONS BY LINE ITEM AS FOllOWS: REDUCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Zeb M. Hanner Jane Kiker From: 201 1 PM To: Subject: Their is Jane From: Zeb M. Hanner Sent: UI/".nnt:><t1:::>" 2013 11:32 AM To: Jane Kiker FW: Has the amount rn;,nal''''' since last time they Zeb M. Hanner Assistant Davidson P.O. Box 1067 NC27293 Ph. 336-242-2213 Fax 336-248-8440 Cell 336-848-2179 -----Original Message----From: Mark Reid ""':~~:cc~=:::~~~::.=.M:=.==.ML"'_=::.c=,:=~::J Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 11:07 AM To: Zeb M. Hanner Subject: Surplus Money I have """"'Fr,,,,,,, Thanks for all the amount of COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013 Exhibit: Attached ITEM: H.3.a. Appointment to DCCC Board of Trustees ITEM INFORMATION: Attached for your review and consideration please review the attached request for reappointment of Kristine Lauten to the Davidson County Community College Board of Trustees. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Approve reappointment FOLLOW-UP: None May 13, 2013 Mr. Fred McClure, Chair Davidson County Board of Commissioners PO Box 1067 Lexington, NC 27293 Dear Commissioner McClure: Ms. Kristine Lauten’s appointment to the Davidson County Community College Board of Trustees expires in July 30, 2013. She was originally appointed to the Board in 2009. She has served the College with distinction attending Board meetings regularly and serving on the Business Affairs and Audit Committee. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we would appreciate your consideration of reappointing Ms. Lauten to another four-year term. If you need other information concerning his qualifications for this appointment, please feel free to contact me at 336249-7705. Sincerely, Beth B. Parrott Chair, Board of Trustees Davidson County Community College COMMISSIONERS’ AGENDA Meeting Date: June 11, 2013 Item H.3.b. Exhibit No.: _________ ITEM: Voluntary Agricultural District Advisory Board Appointment ITEM INFORMATION: The Davidson County Voluntary Agricultural District Advisory Board is to recommend persons for appointment to the Davidson County Commissioners. The term of current Board Member, Thom Hege, expires on June 30, 2013. After consultation with the Cooperative Extension Service, Davidson Soil and Water Conservation District, and other agricultural groups the Board recommends Thom Hege for re-appointment for a term running from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016. Mr. Hege is willing to continue his service. Andy Miller will be present to answer questions. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Appoint Thom Hege to the Voluntary Agricultural District Advisory Board for a term running from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016. FOLLOW-UP: None COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013 Exhibit: Attached ITEM: H.3.c. Reappointment ITEM INFORMATION: The Department of Social Services has requested that Commissioner Larry Potts be reappointed to serve an additional three (3) year term as a Commissioners’ Appointment on the Department of Social Services Board, with the term commencing on June 30, 2013. This term will be July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Confirm appointment. FOLLOW-UP: None From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dale Moorefield Tuesday, June 04, 2013 12:54 PM Anne Burkhart; Debbie Harris Robert Hyatt DSS Board Appointment info for next Tuesday 6/11/13 BOCC mtg Board of Cmsrs memo 6-11-2013.doc Please find attached a memo requesting the Board of County Commissioners to reappoint Larry Potts to the DSS Board for another 3 year term. Mr. Potts current term ends on June 30th, 2013. This term will be July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2016. I will complete the DC Agenda net process this afternoon as well. Thank You, Dale DAVIDSON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Dale Moorefield, Director Lexington DSS Office P.O. Box 788 913 Greensboro Street Lexington, North Carolina 27293 336-242-2500 FAX: 336-249-7588 Thomasville DSS Office 211 W. Colonial Drive Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 P. O. Box 788 Lexington, North Carolina 27293 336-474-2760 FAX: 336-472-6635 Lexington Child Support Office PO Box 788 913 Greensboro Street Lexington, North Carolina 27293 336-242-2242 FAX: 336-242-1236 Thomasville Child Support Office 211 W. Colonial Drive Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 P. O. Box 788 Lexington, North Carolina 27293 336-474-2609 FAX: 336-474-2620 MEMORANDUM To: Davidson County Board of County Commissioners and Robert Hyatt, County Manager From: Dale Moorefield, Director Davidson County DSS Date: June 4, 2013 RE: Appointment to Board of Social Services As you know, the County Commissioners appoint two members of the Social Services Board on a three-year rotating basis. Mr. Larry Potts three-year term on the Board will expire at the end of June and it is time for the Board of Commissioners to make another appointment to our DSS Board. Since Mr. Potts has served on the DSS Board for several years, I would encourage the Board of Commissioners to consider reappointing Mr. Potts to the Board of Social Services for another three-year term. I have confirmed with Mr. Potts his willingness to continue serving on our DSS Board. He has become very knowledgeable about the operation and funding streams for Social Services, which has worked well for both Davidson County and the Department. In most counties, at least one county commissioner is appointed to the DSS Board with another member from the community. In some counties, two County Commissioners serve on the DSS Board, which is also within State mandates for DSS Board development. County Commissioners can be appointed without limitation on consecutive terms as long as they are serving as a commissioner at the time of reappointment. If you have any questions, please let me know. Commissioners' Agenda Request Date Received: May 30, 2013 Item I.1. Meeting Date: June 11, 2013 Deliberation Agenda Itetn Item: Parking Deck Renovations Item Information: These renovations are needed as they will. replace all seams, repaint, stop water pooling on top floor and rehab both stairwells. Cost: $300,000.00 Source of Funding: Capital Reserve by budget transfer at titne of bid award Action to be taken by Commissioners: Approve ------------------------------------ Follow-Up Required: N/A --------------------------------------------------- Additional Requirements: N/A Exhibit Material Enclosed : x Yes No TO: Robert Hyatt FROM: Dwayne Childress DATE: May 30,2013 SUBJECT: Bid 1304002 Parking Deck Renovations Dear Sir, I am writing you for conceptual approval and funding of the plan to cOlnplete needed renovations of the Parking Deck. Among the work to be completed: o Joint (Skim Coated) removal and replacelnent with caulking and filling of non-structural cracks, deviations, and joints o Removed and replaced 6,500 linear feet of silicone / elastomeric joints that are to be between pre-stressed double tee shapes. o Stop intrusion of water at all points around both stairwells and the elevator shaft o Install two new water drains o Pressure wash and repaint the complete parking deck structure o Construct three hip roofing systelns: two stairwells and one elevator shaft I realize the list above seems short; however, I have taken the liberty of attaching the complete RFP that outlines and details all of the steps. This work will be expensive; the engineer's estimate is $300,000.00. As we were lnoving along with this project I had some contractors review different parts of the work and I believe the market analysis cost will be $280,000.00. This does not include any contingency funds for unknown items that may be found once we begin the project. The engineer and/or lny staff will be reviewing all work that is completed assuring the quality of work. Just to be clear, this will be competitively bid by general contractors, so once those responses are received, I will COlne back before the Board and request the award. In addition, the Facilities Comlnittee wants this project placed on the AGC's (Association of General Contractors) website as well as the County's own website. Therefore, it is my recommendation that we accept the RFP as written and move forward with bidding these renovations. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 2422030. Respectfull y submitted, Dwayne Childress Support Services Director Davidson County COUNTY OF DAVIDSON REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP #1304002 TITLE: Parking Deck Repair Bid USING AGENCY: Support Services Department ISSUE DATE: April 22, 2013 ISSUING AGENCY: Support Services Department Sealed Proposals subject to the conditions made a part hereof will be received until 2:00 p.m., on Wednesday May 8, 2013 for furnishing services described herein. SEND ALL PROPOSALS DIRECTLY TO THE ISSUING AGENCY ADDRESS AS SHOWN BELOW: DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE RFP #1304002 County of Davidson Support Services Department PO Box 1067 Lexington NC 27293 DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS RFP #1304002 County of Davidson Support Services Department 925 North Main St Lexington NC 27292 IMPORTANT NOTE: Indicate firm natne, which is County of Davidson. The RFP number, which is above, on the front of each sealed proposal envelope or package, along with the date for receipt of proposals specified above. Direct all inquiries concerning this RFP to: Engineer David Black, P .E. (336) 309-0498 NOTE: OPTIONAL PRE-BID CONFERENCE: For all prospective bidders is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at the Support Services Department. Attendance at this conference is not a prerequisite for consideration of a bidder's proposal. Copies of the bid package will be available at the pre-bid conference. Prospective bidders are encouraged to subtnit written questions in advance. Address is listed above. The walk-throughs will be scheduled later. It is the bidders' responsibility to assure that all addenda have been reviewed. The period for questions will end on Friday May 3, 2013 at noon. Parking Deck Repair Bid General Requirements Bid #1304002 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees if this bid is accepted to enter into an agreement with Owner in the form included in the bidding documents to perform all work as specified or indicted in these documents, for prices and within the time indicated in the bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of bidding doculnents. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the RFP, including without 1ilnitation those dealing with disposition of bid security. This bid will remain subject to acceptance for 60-days after the bid is opened or such longer period of tiIne that Bidder may agree in writing upon request of the Owner. Bidder will sign and submit the Agreement and other documents required by the Bidding Documents within 10-days after the date of Owner's Notice of Award. 3. The maximum mnount of work to be sublet shall not exceed 75% of the total of work bid, in other words, the Contractor must self-perform 25% of the total mnount of work bid. 4. Bidder has exmnined and carefully studied the Bidding Documents, the other related data identified plans in the RFP all of which is hereby acknowledged the 3rd Street Parking Deck. 5. Bidder has visited the site and become fmniliar with and satisfied as to the general, local, and site conditions that may affect cost, progress and performance of the work. 6. Before the contract is awarded, the successful contractor Inust provide proof of insurance of the following minimum amounts: A General Liability B Workers Compensation $1,000,000 each occurrence Workers Compensation Statutory Limits Workers Compensation is required regardless of the number of employees or if you are selfemployed. Any questions concerning insurance requirelnents should be directed to the County's Risk Manager, Jim Price at 336-242-2917. 7. Bidder has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site, which have been identified in the RFP. 8. Bidder does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the detennination of the this bid or perfonnance of the work at the prices bid and within the times and in accordance with other terms and conditions of the RFP. 9. The RFP is generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all tenns and conditions for the performance of work for which this bid is submitted. 10. Bidder further represents that this bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed individual or entity and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to submit a false or sham bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any individual or entity to refrain from bidding and bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other bidder or over owner. 11. Bidder agrees that work will be substantially completed within 120-calandar days and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the RFP, after the commencement of contract time. 12. Davidson County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids or to waive any infonnality that may be permitted by law. 13. The bidder is required to follow Inanufacturer's guidelines for all materials including temperature limitations and best practices unless approved by the engineer. 14. Mobilization Cost can be no more than 7.50/0 of total cost. 15. Before award bidder's safety progratn Inust be sublnitted for review. 16. All bids must have attached a bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid. An acceptable bid bond is a cashier's check, certified check, money orders, and a bid bond document from a surety company licensed to do business in North Carolina. All checks and money orders must be Inade payable to County of Davidson. All other forms of bid bonds are not acceptable and will result in the rejection of bid for being non-responsive; this will include but not limited to personal checks and/or COlnpany checks. 17. Performance bonds are required for the full (100%) amount awarded to the contractor to be retained until all work is accepted. The contractor shall allow 30-days for payment of Inobilization costs and also one progress payment when 50% of work is cOlnpleted and signed by engineer. 18. Tentatively awards will be Inade on May 14,2013, which would be the next regularly scheduled Board meeting after the bid opening. 19. The Contractor will have to obtain a building permit on behalf of the County through the City of Lexington and the cost of the permit will be the responsibility of the awarded bidder. Scope of Work The Davidson County 3rd Street Parking Deck in Lexington is approxiInately 15 years old and shows signs of water leakage through the top level and subsequently has datnage to lower levels due to age and leaking. This RFP outlines the scope of services requested and partially estimated quantities. The bidder shall provide the labor, Inaterials requested and described, equiplnent and qualified supervision to complete all work described below. The bidder shall fatniliarize themselves with the work and Inake their own estimate as related to quantities of materials and all work needed to complete the project, although various quantities mayor may not be provided. Photos are only included to establish expectations of work throughout the parking deck. There is no intent to represent the quantity of work through the photos included. The intent of the RFP is to repair and reseal any and all areas needed using the methods and materials described or their equivalent based on acceptance by the engineer. In addition, the cost of using cones to separate work areas from traffic will be included. 1. Joint (Skim Coated) relnoval and replacement with caulking and filling of non-structural cracks, deviations, and joints (see photos). 3. The existing parking deck has approxiInately 6,500 linear feet of silicone / elastomeric joints are to be removed and replaced between pre-stressed double tee shapes. This will require cleaning of the joint bonding surfaces using a mechanical wire brush technique, and sandblasting, grinding and patching all surface deviations adjacent to the joint. 4. Kelly grout (two-part epoxy) mixed with mortar shall be used to repair the deviations greater than ~ inch in width along the joint, and all deteriorated or spalled concrete surfaces. Proposed zinc rich paint for "cold galvanizing" shall be sublnitted and approved by the engineer or be on the NCDOT approved list for similar applications. 5. New backer rod and Dow Coming 888 silicone shall be required to replace the joint material. 6. Below these joints are flange to flange steel connectors (approximately 1,365 each) which are to be completely cleaned of rust then cold galvanized using two coats of zinc rich paint. 7. At closure pours between the double tees, there are longitudinal cracks that need routing and sealing using 888 silicone, which are approxiInately 6-areas: the elevator entrance top level, spalled concrete shall be removed and replaced up to 2 inches in depth using high strength grout and method to be approved by the engineer. Areas if removal will be identified by sounding which is using a steel rod dropped vertically by hand to detect hollow sounds. 8. Vertical surfaces at the elevator/stairs and at spandrel to wall connections, deteriorated grout shall be repaired, caulking removed and replaced at the square connectors these steel connectors are thoroughly cleaned of rust and cold galvanized with two coats of zinc rich paint. At block to wall connections along all exterior perilneter locations, relnove existing caulking check connections and reinstall 888 silicone. Bidder shall allow tilne for the inspection of all connectors by the engineer after cleaning and relnoval of rust. 9. Guard railing at all levels Inade of steel piping: clean base plates and cold galvanize prior to repainting as described above (two coats of zinc rich paint) using like colors. Any deteriorated grout adjacent to the spandrel connections shall be patched using Kelly Grout and mortar. These areas will need to be inspected when rust and defective concrete is relnoved, and prior to covering areas. 10. Approximately 1,000 linear feet of skim coated joints shall be cleaned out, patched as needed and caulked with Die 888 silicone (areas adjacent to square connectors). This work is prep for repainting and shall be neat and of good workmanship. 11. On the first level down from the top below the northeast stairwell, thermal changes, water intrusion and possibly settling has resulted in a non-structural damage to the underside of a support area. Approximately 2 square feet of surface mortar needs repair using "Kelly Grout" and mortar as described in other area of this scope of work. Photo included in this RFP. Exposed steel is to be cleaned and cold galvanized. All loose or damaged material shall be removed and inspected prior to patching. 12. Two drains will need to be installed near Stairwell West and connected to existing drainage system (see drawings for details). In addition, for these locations as long as there is a minilnuln of 3" clear between the stems and the edge of the cores and 4" clear between the edge of plates and edge of cores. (The plates will probably be seen in the wall but there should be corresponding (hidden) plates in the double Tees.) Also, the drains should be located no closer to the walls then centered on the end of the pour strip (which is about 2' -0" away from the wall.) 13. All drainage structures and piping shall be inspected and verified to work. 14. All waste material shall be disposed of properly. I ~ II II II II II II II II 111 ;}t/ i II / I OJ / / II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II - - -l+- - - ~ / / / / / / / / / / n~ ~~ ~~ !I ~I / / / G-------- ~I ') ) -- 0512912013 ..... NTS 1~~ICIIIIalIDBY' MDR D.B. BLACK PROJEcr DAVIDSON COUN'lY PARKING DECK PROPOSED DRAIN LOCATIONS II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II -++-- II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I ~ i ~ ~ ~ S ) ii--i I I II II II II II II II I 'i i a i CUSTOMER BLACK ENGINEERING 1945 TYRO SCHOOL ROAD LEXINGTON, NC 27295 336-309-0498 Keligrout by Kelken is a high strength polyester resin anchoring material for vertical or a... Page 1 of 1 emical Structural Anchoring Systems and Accessories Phone: (732) 416-6730 • Fax: (732) 416-6733 • • Home> Catalog> Keligrout"" I Products I KELIGROUTTM IInstructions I Information • KeligrouF • Keligrout rr• 101-P Vertical application or angled down. Keligrout™ is a superior high strength polyester resin anchoring material with guaranteed pullout values exceeding ACI349-85. • Kelianchors™ • Kelipoxy IITM • Keligrit'" • Kelisliprr., Hand Mixed & Pour • Cemkel"" • PowerPush ™ The certainty of "powder" catalyst, easily stirred into reSin, then poured into hole. KeligrouF M Instructions Keligrout"" Installation Keligrout™ Volume Chart Keligrout™ Applications Superior High Strength Polyester Resin • Equipment Can be used at sub freezing temperatures or in rainy weather. Information • Applications & Technical Oata • Catalog • Where to Buy • Contact Us • Newsletter • Company Information I Sidewall Instructions KeligroutT~l M May be used under water. *Refer to Keligrout Technical and Installation Information. Keligrout™ Technical Data Color: Gray Compressive Strength: (ASTM 0695), 17,000PSI • MSOS Sheets Tensile Strength: (ASTM 0638), 5,510PSI Tensile Modulus: (ASTM 0638), 1.14 x 10 6 PSI Flexural Modulus: (ASTM 0790), 1.06 x 10 6 PSI Temperature Range Ouring Installation: 10°f to 110°f Temperature Range While in Use: -40°f to 200°f Open Time: 20 minutes at 70°f, 10 minutes at 80°f,S minutes at 90°f Keligrout™ Sizes Part Number Packaging 1 Qt. (30o/z) 1KG1Q 6 per case 1/2 QT. (16o/z) 1KG12Q 6 per case Home Page I Catalog I Where to Buy I Applications I General Info I Contact Us Phone: (732) 416-6730 • Fax: (732) 416-6733 550 Hartle Street. Suite C • Sayreville, NJ 08872 Copyright © 2001-2013 Kelken Construction Systems All Rights Reserved. http://www.kelken.comlkelken-keligrout-pol yester-resin.html 5/9/2013 Keligrout by Kelken is a high strength polyester resin anchoring material for vertical or a... Page 1 of 1 Chprf,ir.::\1 Structural Anchoring Systems and Accessories Phone: (732) 416-6730 • Fax: (732) 416-6733 • • Home> Catalog:> Keligrout"" I Products I KELIGROUTTM IInstructions / Information • Keligrout" • Keligrout rr" 101-P Vertical application or angled down. KeligroutTM is a superior high strength polyester resin anchoring material with guaranteed pullout values exceeding ACI349-85. • Kelianchors™ • Kelipoxy IIrr~ • KeligritTM Keligrout"" Instructions Keligrout HO Installation Keligrout" M Volume Chart • Kelisliprr" Hand Mixed & Pour • Cemkel™ • PowerPush rr~ The certainty of "powder" catalyst, easily stirred into resin, then poured into hole. Keligrout™ Applications Superior High Strength Polyester Resin • Equipment Can be used at sub freezing temperatures or in rainy weather. Information Applications & Technical • Data • Catalog • Where to Buy • Contact Us • Newsletter • Company Information I Keligrout™ Sidewall Instructions M May be used under water. *Refer to Keligrout Technical and Installation Information. Keligrout™ Technical Data Color: Gray Compressive Strength: (ASTM D695), 17,000PSI • MSDS Sheets Tensile Strength: (ASTM D638), 5,510PSI Tensile Modulus: (ASTM D638), 1.14 x 10 6 PSI Flexural Modulus: (ASTM D790), 1.06 x 10 6 PSI Temperature Range During Installation: 10°f to 110°f Temperature Range While in Use: -40°f to 200°f Open Time: 20 minutes at 70°f, 10 minutes at 80°f,S minutes at 90°f KeligroutTM Sizes Part Number Packaging 1 Qt. (30o/z) 1KG1Q 6 per case 1/2 QT. (16o/z) 1KG12Q 6 per case Home Page I Catalog I Where to Buy I Applications I General Info I Contact Us Phone: (732) 416-6730 • Fax: (732) 416-6733 550 Hartle Street. Suite C • Sayreville, NJ 08872 Copyright © 2001-2013 Kelken Construction Systems All Rights Reserved. http://www.kelken.comlkelken-keligrout-polyester-resin.htm1 5/9/2013 ZRC - ZRC Cold Galvanizing Compound Page 10f2 Design/Build PRODUCTS Product Finder Animated Video 11 Home i Products: ZRCCp) Cold Galvanizing Compound Product Line ZRC® Cold Galvanizing Compound ZRC® Cold Galvanizing Compound ZRC Galvilite® Galvanizing Repair ZRC® 221 Cold Galvanizing THE original cold galvanizing compound Fifty years of proven success ZRC® Zero-VOC Cold Galvanizing Find a Product " True galvanic protection Equivalent to hot-dip galvanizing The ZRC Difference Single-component - Battleship gray finish Apply by brush, roller or spray Meets VOC standards in all 50 states BATTLING RIlS' " Japanese cement plant case study. Available in clog-free aerosol form Techni£~L!?~~J MS2_~~L~J?~cification~_",___._.__ Additional Product Information The extensive use of ZRC to renovate the steel members on a large cement plant on the norttlern coast of Japan . FUll Sl'rnv. PDF documents require Adobe Acrobat. The free reader can be downloaded from the Adobe website. Specifications Characteristics Application How to Buy TYPE: Single pack, premixed, ready-to-apply, liquid organic zinc compound GENERAL PROPERTIES: ZRC® is a high-qualitycold galvanizing compound based on a trade secret organic binder which affords true galvanic anticorrosion protection to metals. The dried film of ZRC is 95~1.) metallic zinc. Because of the uniqueness of the formulation, ZRC is the only coating of its type to be recognized under the Component Program of Underwriter'S Laboratories. Inc. RECOMMENDED USES: ZRC is widely used without topcoat in place of hotdip galvanizing. Also used as a highcperformance base coat with a variety of topcoats. Used for repair of damaged hot-dip galvanizing Galvalume® and zinc metallizing, regalvanizing worn hot-dip galvanizing. repair of weldments, and repair of damaged inorganic zinc coatings. Excellent for long-term protection of structural steel, water and waste facilities, power plants, transmission towers and antennae, steel decking and bridges, and numerous OEM uses. SUBSTRATES: Apply to properly prepared carbon steel, cast iron, hot-dip galvanized, and aluminum surfaces. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Contact with potable water, strong acids or strong alkalis TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE (non-immersion): Continuous: 350 u F max!17rC max Non-Continuous: 750°F max/399°C max SALT FOG EXPOSURE: 2,852 Hours (ASTM B117) PROHESION/QUV EXPOSURE: 2,000 Hours (ASTM 05894) VOC: 3.3 Lbs/gal (385 gms/Ur) (ASTM 03960) Architectural Specifications: ~ ~ ~!p_zrc.asp iii iii iii Suggested Specification Verbiage CSI Format Specification Outline Specification 5/912013 ZRC - ZRC Cold Galvanizing Compound Page 2 of2 To the best of our knowledge the technical data contained herein are true and accurate at the date of issuance and are subject to change without prior notice. User must contact ZRC Worldwide to verify correctness before specifying or ordering. No guarantee of accuracy is given or implied. We guarantee our products to conform to ZRC Worldwide quality control. We assume no responsibility for coverage. performance, or injuries resulting from use. Liability, if any is limited to replacement of products. Prices and cost data, if shown, are subject to change without prior notice. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND is made by ZRC Worldwide, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STA TUTORY, BY OPERA TlON OF LA W, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Home I Products I Applications I Technical Data I Contact Us I Find us on Facebook Copyright @ 2011 ZRC Worldwide. All rights reserved. http://www.zrcworldwide.comlp_zrc.asp 5/912013 Product Information Silicone Sealants FEATURES • • • • • • • Can be extruded from -20 to 120°F Unprimed adhesion to Portland cement concrete May be used in joints that are not uniform in width Movement capability 100% extension and 50% compression Low modulus Weather and UV resistant Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM D5893 BENEFITS • • • • • • One component, cold applied, ready-to-use as supplied; dispensed directly from the bulk container into the joint by hand or with an air-powered pump. Unprimed adhesion - primer is not required for bonding to Portland cement concrete. For optimum adhesion, the surface must be clean, dry and frost-free. High movement capability; 100% extension and 50% compression. Low modulus. Weather and UV resistant. Cure time - typically, the sealant will have a skin-over time of one hour or less at standard conditions. Dow Corning® 888 Silicone Joint Sealant Non-sag silicone joint sealant for Portland cement concrete pavement joints. DESCRIPTION Dow Corning® 888 Silicone Joint Sealant is a one-part, non-sag silicone material that cures to a low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. Can be applied over a wide temperature range. APPLICATIONS • • Dow Corning 888 Silicone Joint Sealant can be used for concrete to concrete pavement joints. For use in new construction, repair or remedial applications. Dow Corning 888 Silicone Joint Sealant may be used to seal joints that are not uniform in width provided the movement capability of the sealant is not exceeded. May also be used injoints with minor spalling. TYPICAL PROPERTIES Specification Writers: These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please contact your local Dow Coming sales office or your Global Dow Coming Connection before writing specifications on this product. Test Property 05893 Requirement As Supplied ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM 02202 C 1183 C 679 C 792 C 661 0792 COMPOSITION • Result One-part, cold applied, non-sag silicone sealant. ASTM 0412 (Die C) ASTM 0412 (Die C) Gray Color Pass Slump Extrusion Rate, minimum 72 mL/min Pass Tack Free Time Heat Aging 3.05% 15 Ourometer Shore A-2 1.48 Specific Gravity Cure Time, 1/2" x I /2"x2" Pass (73°F, 50% R.H.) As Cured - 21 days at 25°C (77°F) and 50% RH Bond, Non-Immersed Pass <0.30 inches 20 mL/min 5 hours max 10% loss max 25 maximum 21 day Cure Bond, Water Immersed Pass Bond, Oven Aged Pass Ultimate Elongation ~IOOO% No cracks or separation No cracks or separation No cracks or separation 600% min Tensile Stress @ 150% 28 psi 45 psi max HOW TO USE TYPICAL PROPERTIES (con't) Please refer to the Dow Corning Silicone Pavement Sealants Installation Guide 61-507N-Ol Test Property Result 05893 Requirement ASTM C 793 Effects of Accelerate Weathering Resilience Joint Movement Capability, + 1001-50 percent, 10 cycles Pass 77% No failure 5,000 hours 75% min HANDLING PRECAUTIONS Caution: Before handling sealant, read product and material safety data sheets for detailed use and health information. This product contains a proprietary acetamidosilane that liberates Nethyl acetamide (N-EA) during cure. N-EA may cause birth defects based on animal data. Toxicology studies indicate that repeated, pro-longed overexposure to N-EA causes an adverse reproductive effect in lab-oratory animals. Avoid breathing vapors. Do not use in poorly ventilated spaces. Avoid prolonged skin contact. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Fully cured sealant is nonhazardous. PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. BEFORE HANDLING, READ PRODUCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEAL TH HAZARD INFORMATION. THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS AVAILABLE ON THE DOW CORNING WEB SITE AT DOWCORNING.COM, OR FROM YOUR DOW CORNING SALES APPLICATION ENGINEER, OR DISTRIBUTOR, OR BY CALLING DOW CORNING CUSTOMER SERVICE. USABLE LIFE AND STORAGE Keep stored in original, unopened containers at or below 32°C (90°F). Refer to product packaging for ASTM C719 ASTM: Amelican Society for Testing and Materials. Figure 1: Good Joint Design :-1-: I I I 1-1-1 I I I I I I I @ Shallow Cut Joint for New Construction Shmdtu'd Joint Design if Grinding is Al1.ti.cipated 1. Joint width wide enough to accommodate movement. (For additional information on joint width, see papers by Spells and Klosowski, "Silicone Sealants for Use in Concrete Construction," Vol. I, No.1, American Concrete Institute, SP-70, 1981; J.8. Cook, "Construction Sealants and Adhesives," Wiley-Interscience, 1970; and J.M. Klosowski, "Sealants in Construction," Marcel Dekker, 1989.) 2. Joint sawed deep enough to allow backer rod/sealant placement and space for pumping of old sealant compounds. NOTE: This applies to standard joints only; void space beneath backer rod in new construction is not needed. 3. Proper backer rod placement to prevent three-sided adhesion. 4. Sealant installed to proper depth and width. 5. Sealant recessed a minimum of3/8 inch to 1 /2 inch (9.53 mm to 12.7 mm) below pavement surface. 6. Depth of lowest slab detennines the amount of recess required if grinding is anticipated; once grinding is complete, the sealant will have proper recess below the pavement surface. "Use By" date. Keep containers tightly closed. PACKAGING INFORMATION Dow Corning 888 Silicone Joint Sealant is supplied in 29-fl oz (857mL) dispos-able plastic cartridges, 4.5-gal (17-L) bulk pails, and 50gal (189-L) bulk drums. LIMITATIONS Dow Corning 888 Silicone Joint Sealant is not recommended for continuous water immersion. It should not be applied in totally confined spaces where the sealant is not exposed to atmospheric moisture. Not intended for use with asphalt. The sealant should never be applied to wet or damp concrete pavements or installed during inclement weather. Dow Coming does not promote or warrant the use of Dow Corning@ brand sealants in applications Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. We help YOIl invent the/lItllre is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. «J1997-2012 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved. 2012. April 4 Ref. No. 61-40SM-O 1 2 associated with spill containment areas of any kind. This product is neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses. SHIPPING LIMITATIONS None. HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMA TION To support customers in their product safety needs, Dow Coming has an extensive Product Stewardship organization and a team of Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance (PS&RC) specialists available in each area. For further information, please see our website, or consult your local Dow Coming representati ve. LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution for customer's tests to ensure that our products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Dow Coming's sole warranty is that our products will meet the sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. DOW CORNING SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANT ABILITY. DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. We help you invent the future. ™ Table 1: Recommended Backer Rod Installation (Shallow Cut)1 Measured in Inches Joint Width >1 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 3/8 114 3/8 114 3/8 to 112 3/8 to 112 112+ Contact 114 3/8 1/2 11/8 - 11/4 5/8 11/4 -1 3/ 8 7/8 Corning Total Joint Depth 3/8 1 - 11/8 112 11/4 15/ s -1 3/ 4 i/4 - 23/S Measured in Millimeters Joint Width 6 9 13 19 25 Recessed Below Surface 9 9 9 to 13 9 to 13 13+ Sealant Thickness 6 6 6 9 13 Backer Rod Diameter 9 13 16 22 32 Total Joint Depth 25 - 29 29 - 32 32 - 35 41 - 45 57 - 60 Recessed Below Surface Sealant Thickness Backer Rod Diameter Dow 'On road surfaces where grinding is planned at a later date, the sealant and backer rod should be installed so that sealant is approximately 3/8 inch (9.35 mm) below the road sUliace after gJinding is complete. An additional small amount should be added to allow for sUliace impeJiections on the bottom and to provide room for old sealant to pump up fi'om below dUling rehabilitation work in the summer months. Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. We help YOIl inl'elll the jlllllre is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. 2012. April 4 Ref. No. 61-40SM·0 I C01997·20 12 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved. 3 e and Repair Spa lied Concrete at Elevator Top level, using an approved high strength grout and bonding agent. Areas identified with sounding. Approximate depth of patch will be 2". Remove by sawing and chipping with max 30lb air hammer. ve Caulk, cold galvanize with 2 coats of zinc rich paint and re-caulk using DIC 888 Silicone. Remove skim coating at all joints and caulk with 888. loose concrete using cold chisel squaring up edges. Fill voids with "Kelly Grout" two paJi epoxy with mortar to repair, Remove Rust, Cold Galvanize with two coats zinc rich paint. ean rust from all steel guard bases and cold galvanize with zinc rich paint, all locations. Repaint full length of guard on all levels using same color. ut cracks, clean with pressurized dry air, and seal with DIC 888 Caulk. These poured in place sections are on all levels, approximately 6 areas. Example of guard anchors and connectors needing rust removed and cold galvanizing, horizontal skim coat (rt.) at pre-cast joint to be removed and replaced with 888 caulking, concrete repair using "Kelly Grout" with m0l1ar around I tie back. Remove caulk and skim coat from connector area, remove rust and cold galvanize steel, re-install 888. Horizontal joints-remove skim coat and seal with 888 in preparation for painting. Must be neat. oute and seal cracks with 888 Remove bad concrete, repair with Kelly Gout and the replace caulking with 888 ip out bad Above, remove bad concrete, cold chisel to establish repair area, replace with Kelly Grout and Mortar, replace caulking with 888. On below photo, cold lvanize base. Remove Caul for and Replace with 888 Caulking. Saw cut to a square shape minimum of24", dowel into one side with #4 bars with epoxy adhesive connection, caulk one side to create. working joint at all locations on sidewalk where this condition exists. Remove and reseal all caulking at sidewalks with 888 silicone. All drainage structures need to be checked for cracking and bad concrete, repaired with Kelly Grout and mortar, and/or cracks sealed with low viscosity epoxy injection such as Methyl methacrylate (epoxy injection) for protection against freeze thaw. Contractor shall investigate drainage system as a whole and remove any debris, insure drainage system working. All joints between pre-stressed members to be replaced throughout parking deck. Damaged areas greater than 1;4 in. to be squared up and repaired with Kelly Grout and mortar and ground or formed to create joint. If painting option awarded, all drainage pipes that are non-PVC will be painted with zinc rich paint. Remove salts, solids deposited on structural members. This will be needed even if painting not included in the contract. Proposal Page Parking Deck Repair Bid: Joint Repair / Replacement Bid #1304002 Cost for the services requested in the tninimum specifications attached. Scope of Work: Joint Replacement Unit Pricing: Mobilizaton Cost Structural Repair Skim Coated Joints Guard Railing Longi tudinal Cracks Flange to Flange Steel Connectors Joint Retn/repl with BR and Sil. New Drains & Connections Inspection/Clean Out of Drainage System Total Cost Extended Unit Price 1 2 1000 450 400 1365 6500 2 1 EA SF LF LF LF EA LF EA EA x ----x ----x ----x ----x ----x _____ x ----x _____ x _____ lump sum per sf per ft per ft per ft perea per 1 If perea lumpsum $_---- Scope of Work 1. Pressure wash and repaint the complete parking deck structure on the inside and outside areas, excluding the pre-stressed double tee members. 2. All signs shall be removed and then replaced after painting. 3. Paint material will be Sherwin Williatns primer (or equivalent, to be detennined by engineer) and then surface coat to be submitted for approval. (Rate of Paint to be used is per Manufacturers' Infonnation) 4. Generally any and all areas previously painted shall be repainted. 5. This work will not include the interior of stairwells but does include the exterior areas on all sides and all doors, along with attendant's booth at the entrance. 6. Bidder will be required to provide man-lifts, bucket truck, or other approved Ineans to paint exterior surfaces. 7. Steel doors shall be cleaned with proper equiplnent to relnove rust, and then painted with twocoats of zinc rich paint by spraying. 8. Brush or roller painting will only be allowed on touch-up operations. 9. Approxilnately 40,000 square feet per coat. 10. The contractor shall protect all private property from accidental painting and no paint is to be left on the concrete driving areas within levels or shall be relnoved at no cost to Davidson County. 11. The contractor shall use poly or other Ineans to protect areas. 12. Top level and ramp, pressure wash exposed surfaces completely and apply "Sika Guard 701 W" at the rate of 125 square feet per gallon to all horizontal surfaces and 24 inches up on vertical walls per manufacturers' guidelines. 13. Both Inetal stairwell structures are to be sandblasted (where needed), primed and repainted. 14. The sublnitted bid Inust specify the atnount of paint needed to do the job and that Davidson County reserves the right to supply the materials and discount from the bid price the savings produced by doing so. If the contractor exceeds the requested amount in the bid, the cost of additional materials is the contractor's responsibility. Product Data Sheet Edition 7.23.2009 Identification no. 632 Sikagard 701W Sikagard® 701 W Solvent-free, siloxane emulsion concentrate Sikagard 701W is a solvent-free concentrate of silane modified siloxane emulsion. When diluted, the liquid forms a water and chloride-ion repellent impregnation specifically formulated to seal absorbent cementitious surfaces and other masonry substrates. • When diluted, use Sikagard 701W as a colorless, non-vapor-barrier, water and chloride ion-repellent impregnation for absorbent materials. • Treat concrete bridges, roadways, runways, parapet walls, precast, beams, columns, curbing, retaining walls, pavers, etc. • Treat both new and existing structures. • Treat masonry brickwork, stucco, etc. • Porous architectural curtainwall panels. • Use on steel-reinforced structures to reduce the corrosion and latent damage potential of chlorides. Sikagard 701W is both an economical and simple-to-use sealer. Because of its unique ability to decrease water and chloride intrusion, Sikagard 701W helps reduce the danger of rebar corrosion. Sikagard 701W: • Meets the standards of acceptability for concrete sealers established in NCHRP Report #244. • Enhances concrete integrity. • Reduces efflorescence. • Improves resistance to frost and deicing salts (chloride ion). • Reduces dirt penetration. • Does not act as a vapor barrier. • May be applied to alkaline substrates. • Will not degrade under UV exposure. 100-250 sq. ft./gal., (diluted concentrate) depending on porosity of substrate. For proven results against chloride-ion intrusion, 125 sq. ft./gal. is recommended. 5 gal. pail. Typical Data (Material and curing conditions @ 73°F (23°C) and 50% R.H.) .---..----..-.... --.-~--.-.--.- ..-..- ... -.--.--.---.--.--------------..---.-.-.----..-.--.--.----.--.----.- Shelf Life 1 year in original, unopened containers (undiluted). Storage Store dry at 40°-95°F (4°-35°C). Condition material to 65°-75°F (18°-24°C) before using. Protect from freezing. Color white/opaque liquid Mix Ratio 1 gal: 4 gal. tap water yields 5 gals. of sealer Viscosity Approximately 5-20 cps. % solids 50% (silane modified siloxane polymer) % Non volatiles (ASTM 0-5095) Active level: 10% Solids: 10% VOC 211 g/I 46 g/I as diluted Flash Point 212°F NCHRP244 Report Series 2 Test Reduction in Water Absorption 91 % Water Vapor Transmission 100% Reduction in CI ion intrusion 90% Federal Spec SSW -110C Water absorption 0.97% Surface Preparation Before applying Sikagard 701W, be sure surface is clean and sound. The best impregnation is achieved on a dry, very absorbent substrate. Remove all grease, curing compounds, surface treatments, coating, oils, etc. Preparation Work: Concrete and masonry surfaces, sandblast, high pressure water blast or use other mechanical means. Dilute Sikagard 701W concentrate with tap water in an appropriately sized mixing container. Mix with a low speed (400-600 rpm) drill with Sika paddle or comparable drum mixer until uniformly blended. Make sure paddle is completely covered so as not to entrain air. For best results, Sikagard 701W should be remixed if unused 24 hours after blending with water. Apply by roller, brush (horizontal surfaces), or spray. Any pooling of water repellent indicates overdosing on a dense substrate while rapid absorption indicates a porous substrate. Variations in concentration down to 8: 1 for dense substrate~ or coverage area, and/or multiple wet-on-wet applications for porous substrates may be utilized to achieve optimal substrate treatment. Preliminary site test application is recommended to determine effective coverage and performance. Maximum water repellency is generally realized in 72 hours, but may take longer depending on surface and atmospheric conditions. Limitations • Adjacent surfaces such as window frames, glass, stainless steel, aluminum, etc., must be masked before application. • Do not apply at a temperature below 40°F. • Do not apply when substrate temperature exceeds 120°F. • Material is not recommended for below-grade waterproofing. • Do not apply through standing water. • Material is not intended to seal visible cracks or crevices from moisture intrusion. • Material is not intended for waterproofing under hydrostatic pressure. • Performance and penetration depth are dependent upon the surface composition. • Do not use on green concrete. • When overcoating: an on-site adhesion test is essential to determine actual compatibility. • Sikagard 701W is not a carbonation barrier. Irritant; May cause skin/eye/respiratory irritation. Avoid prolonged contact. Use of safety goggles and chemical resistant gloves is recommended. In case of PELs are exceeded, use an appropriate, properly fitted NIOSH approved respirator. Remove contaminated clothing. In case of skin contact, wash immediately and thoroughly with soap and water. If symptoms persist, consult a physician. For respiratory problems, remove person to fresh air; if symptoms persist, contact a physician. In case of ingestion, dilute with water and consult a physician. Remove contaminated clothing. In case of spills or leaks, wear suitable protective equipment, contain spill, collect with absorbent material, and transfer to suitable container. Ventilate area. Avoid contact. Dispose of in accordance with current, applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Uncured material can be removed with water. KEEP CONTAINER TIGHTLY CLOSED· KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN· NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION· FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY All information provided by Sika Corporation ("Sika") concerning Sika products, including but not limited to, any recommendations and advice relating to the application and use of Sika products, is given in good faith based on Sika's current experience and knowledge of its products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika's instructions. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates, storage and handling conditions, actual site conditions and other factors outside of Sika's control are such that Sika assumes no liability for the provision of such information, advice, recommendations or instructions related to its products, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information, advice, recommendations or instructions related to its products. The user of the Sika product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with the full application of the product(s). Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its products without notice. All sales of Sika product(s) are subject to its current terms and conditions of sale which are available at or by calling 800-933-7452. Priorto each use of any Sika product, the user must always read and follow the warnings and instructions on the product's most current Technical Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet which are available online at www sikaconstruction com or by calling Sika's Technical Service Department at 800-933-7452. Nothing contained in any Sika materials relieves the user of the obligation to read and follow the warnings and instruction for each Sika product as set forth in the current Technical Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet prior to product use. LIMITED WARRANTY: Sika warrants this product for one year from date of installation to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Technical Data Sheet if used as directed within shelf life. User determines suitability of product for intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer's sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or cost of labor. NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED SHALLAPPLYINCLUDING ANYWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.SIKASHALLNOTBEUABLEUNDERANYLEGAL THEORYFORSPECIALORCONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES.SIKASHALLNOTBERESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF THIS PRODUCTINA MANNER TO INFRINGE ONANY PATENT ORANYOTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS HELD BY OTHERS. Visit our website at w w w . s i k a c o n s t r u c t i o n . c o m 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 3 3 - S I K A NATIONWIDE Regional Information and Sales Centers. For the location of your nearest Sika sales office, contact your regional center. Sika Corporation Sika Canada Inc. Sika Mexicana S.A. de C.V. 201 Polito Avenue 601 Delmar Avenue Carretera Libre Celaya Km. 8.5 Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Pointe Claire Fracc. Industrial Balvanera Quebec H9R 4A9 Corregidora, Queretaro Phone: 800-933-7452 Fax: 201-933-6225 Phone: 514-697-2610 C.P.76920 Fax: 514-694-2792 Phone: 52 442 2385800 Fax: 524422250537 Sika and Sikagard are registered trademarks. Made in the USA. Proposal Page Parking Deck Repair Bid: Exterior (Paint & Patchwork) Bid #1304003 Lump Sum Cost for the services requested in the miniInum specifications attached. Scope of Work: Paint, etc. 1.....-_--1, ***Choose one:*** A: Contractor supplied labor and material: Unit pricing: Mobilization (I) LS $_--- Sika Guard 701W application (45,000) X _ _ (bid per sf) = $_ _ _ _ (80,000) X _ _ (bid per sf) = $ _ _ __ Painting Labor & Material Repair of doors (5) X (bid per ea.) Door replacement (2) X (bid per ea.) = $_--- Stairwell East (1) X (bid per ea.) = $_--- Stairwell West (1) X (bid per ea.) = $_--- $_ _ __ = Total Cost: A: $- - - - - - OR 1.....-_--', B: Contractor supplied labor and County supplies material: Unit pricing: Mobilization (1) LS $_--- Sika Guard 701 W application (45000) X _ _ (bid per sf) = $_--- (80,000) X _ _ (bid per sf) = $_--- Painting Labor Only Repair of doors (5) X (bid per ea.) = $_--- Door replacetnent (2) X (bid per ea.) = $- - - - Stairwell East (1) X (bid per ea.) = $_ _ _ _ Stairwell West (1) X ( bid per ea.) = $_ _ _ _ Total Cost: Amount of County supplied tnaterial (per gallon): Sika Guarq 701 W Paint B: $- - - - - Scope of Work: Hip Roofs 1. Construct three hip roofing systems: two stairwells and one elevator shaft. 2. Hip roof construction shall include anchoring and installation of required sill plates (to meet uplift), Engineered trusses or code cOlnpliant dimensional metal framing for roof trusses, 5/8" T&G OSB sheathing (or equal), Titanium roofing underlayment, 24 gauge standing seam roofing (color to match Court House), matching guttering on the two sides over the parking deck and matching downspouts, repair any masonry prior to installing hip roof system. 3. On the southwest stairwell there are some blocklbrick that needs repair prior to installing the hip roof, this must be completed first. Proposal Page Parking Deck Repair Bid: Roof Bid #1304004 Lump Sum Cost for the services requested in the minimum specifications attached. Scope of Work: Roof Unit pricing for extra work: Block replacement (colored lTIortar) IOcf X_ _ _ per cf $_--- Roof construction, etc. LS I X - - - total for 3 = $_----- Mobilization Cost LS I X _ _ _ Lump sum = $- - - - - - Total Cost $_----- WOOD TRUSS SYSTEM ,.<-----------2I'-O"'-----------7f LOCATE GUITER ON DOOR SIDE OF BUIlDING PIPE TO GROUND MJrrAL FASCIA EXISTING FLAT ROOF ELEVATOR BUILDING I ,.<-------13'-O"'---------7f ~ ~ ~~ ~~ SECTION TIIRU EVE ~ 8~~ ~~~~ ~U 110 ".....-I Jr./l I ~ STAJRVVELLBUILDING i~ M ~ ;I i n If Summation Page For All Scopes of Work Scope of Work: Joint Replacement Total Cost $_---- Scope of Work: Paint, etc. A or B Total Cost $_---- Scope of Work: Roof Total Cost $_---- Total Cost: $_------ The undersigned certifies that their service being bid will meet or exceed the Ininitnum specifications as presented in the attached bid package. COlnpany N aIne Telephone NUlnber COlnpany Address Date Contractor's License Number License Expiration Signature of Bidder Federal Tax IDI SS# COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013 Exhibit: Attached ITEM: I.2. 2013-2014 Fiscal Year Budget ITEM INFORMATION: Attached for your review and consideration please find the requested modifications to the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year Budget. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Approve Budget Ordinance FOLLOW-UP: Davidson County Budget Adjustment Sheet 2013-2014 Budget Appropriated Fund Balance Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) $ Beginning appropriation of Fund Balance 2,930,417 Revenue: $ $ $ Expenditures: Thomasville and Lexington Chamber of Chamber of Commerce $ - (Increase) Increase Decrease (Decrease) (24,000) $ . 24,000 Add funds to the Lexington and Thomasville Commerce Chamber of Commerce for Economic Development for one year. Both Chambers will keep the money separate from their operating budgets and present a business plan on how the money will be spent. $ - Total Adjustment to Fund Balance $ 24,000 Adjusted Appropriated Fund Balance $ 2,954,417 DAVIDSON COUNTY RECOMMENDED BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Davidson County, North Carolina that the following anticipated fund revenues and departmental expenditures together with a Financial Plan for the Internal Service Funds are hereby appropriated and approved for the operation of the county government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Summary by Funds RECOMMENDED Governmental Fund Types: General Fund Mental Health Fund DavidsonWorks $122,698,888 $809,344 $1,689,861 $125,198,093 Special Revenue Funds: Fire District Fund Transportation Fund Revaluation Fund Special School District Emergency Telephone Fund Capital Improvement Project Plan School Capital Outlay Fund Total Special Revenue Funds Total Governmental Fund Types Proprietary Fund Types: Internal Service Funds: Garage Fund Insurance fund Workers Compensation fund $7,868,441 $1,416,078 $1,525,000 $527,796 $16,667 $2,064,552 $13,418,534 $138,616,627 $1,903,498 $7,186,361 $405,000 Total internal Service Funds $9,494,859 Enterprise Funds: Landfill Fund Recycling Fund Airport Fund Sewer Fund $3,492,934 $465,706 $360,317 $431,027 Total Enterprise Funds $4,749,984 Total Proprietary Fund Types Total of All Fund Types Operating Transfers: Economic Development Fund School Capital Outlay Fund Transportation Fund Mental Health Fund DavidsonWorks Sewer Fund Airport Fund County Capital Projects Plan Total Operating Transfers $14,244,843 $152,861,470 $250,000 $2,064,552 $809,344 $170,399 $80,917 $119,317 $16,667 $3,511,196 Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the operation of the government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014 in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this county. General Government: County Commissioners County Manager County Attorney Human Resources Finance Purchasing Tax Assessor & Collector Board of Elections $305,669 $527,733 $464,857 $1,024,380 $771,517 $323,260 $2,786,327 $585,170 Budget Ordinance 1 Register of Deeds State Agencies Public Works & Services Parking Deck IT Contingency Matching Grant Funds RECOMMENDED $466,671 $158,230 $3,132,056 $52,767 $726,658 $200,000 $12,500 Total General Government $11,537,795 Public Safety: Sheriff Sheriff Resource Officers Jail Emergency Communications Inspections Medical Examiner Emergency Management Fire Marshal Ambulance Contributions to National Guard Contributions to Rescue Squad $10,592,262 $456,987 $4,096,366 $1,957,925 $852,289 $65,000 $73,198 $266,051 $5,288,301 $3,000 $70,000 $23,721,379 Transportation: Financing use-transfer to airport Financing use-transfer to transportation $119,317 Total Transportation $119,317 Environmental Protection: Sanitation Soil & Water Contributions to Yadkin Pee Dee Financing use-transfer Sewer Total Environmental Protection Economic and Physical Development: Planning GIS Cooperative Extension Contribution to Economic Development Contribution to Forester Contribution to Chambers of Commerce Contribution to Piedmont Triad Partnership Contribution to Friends of North Carolina Contribution to PART Financing use-transfer DavidsonWorks Financing use-transfer Airport project Financing use-transfer Economic Development Fund Total Economic and Physical Development $1,181,175 $199,800 $80,917 $1,461,892 $507,145 $179,652 $286,752 $248,000 $82,320 $27,500 $15,994 $170,399 $16,667 $250,000 $1,784,429 Human Services: Health Social Services Public Assistance Senior Services Veterans Service Contribution to Life Center (HCCBG) Financing use-transfer to mental health $7,713,558 $9,783,842 $10,528,791 $1,916,435 $115,682 $96,726 $809,344 Total Human Services $30,964,378 Culture and Recreation: Recreation Library Museum Lake Thom-a-Lex Tourism Total Culture and Recreation $743,498 $2,971,798 $163,807 $160,602 $45,560 $4,085,265 Budget Ordinance 2 RECOMMENDED Debt Service: Principal Interest and Fiscal Charges Transfer to Debt Service QZAB Bonds Total Debt Service $7,433,407 $4,737,538 $59,926 $12,230,871 Education: School Current Expense School Capital Outlay Community College-Current Expense Community College-Capital Outlay $29,202,488 $4,184,947 $3,030,286 $375,841 Total Education $36,793,562 Total General Fund Appropriations $122,698,888 Section 2. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Taxes: Current year collections Current year discounts Tax refunds Prior year collections Tax penalties and interest 1% Local option sales tax 1/2% Local option sales tax Privilege License Gross Receipts Tax Franchise fee-cable TV $67,614,964 -$579,000 -$20,000 $2,010,000 $500,000 $6,111,014 $11,096,567 $4,500 $50,000 $900,000 Total taxes $87,688,045 Intergovernmental Revenue: National forest-timber receipt Tax commissions Court cost Davidson County Schools-SRO Officers SRO DCCC Safe road act Jail reimbursement Jail fees Restitution-vice narcotics Emergency services Soil and Water Health Social services Child support Senior Services Veterans Library Public School Lottery Funds Life Center grant (HCCBG) County Attorney County Manager (JCPC) $3,500 $186,000 $328,000 $344,436 $118,551 $10,000 $60,000 $75,000 $18,500 $35,000 $25,500 $3,783,134 $13,152,377 $899,276 $1,010,594 $1,452 $180,947 $1,649,460 $96,726 $136,054 $15,500 Total $22,130,007 Licenses and Permits: Register of Deeds Inspections fees $1,016,246 $490,000 Total licenses and permits $1,506,246 Charges for Services: County Attorney Tax assessor Tax collector Board of elections Planning Vending Machines Sheriff Jail Ambulance $350 $15,000 $41,058 $43,350 $3,500 $381,300 $45,000 $4,800,000 Health $240,544 Sheriff Services (Wallburg and Midway) $123,510 Senior services Parking deck fees $141,300 $42,966 Budget Ordinance 3 RECOMMENDED $101,000 $124,715 $70,702 $188,852 $5,000 $38,500 Library Lake Thom-a- Lex Recreation Rental income GIS Emergency services Total charges for services $6,406,647 Other Revenues: Interest Earnings Miscellaneous Indirect cost allocation-Landfill Transfer from the Landfill Transfer From Capital Reserve Fund Transfer From School Capital fund (QSCB's) Note proceeds Town of Wallburg Transfer from Airport fund QSCB Interest Subsidy Transfer From Workers Comp Fund Total other revenues $424,164 $25,000 $132,888 $604,073 $172,000 $2,013,526 Fund Balance Appropriated $2,954,417 $450,000 $70,500 $134,901 Total General Fund Revenues $122,698,888 Section 3. The appropriations to the Board of Education shall first be made from funds which have been previously dedicated to the use of the schools and then be made from other general county revenues to the extent necessary. The distribution to the various school administrative units will be as follows: School Current Expense: Davidson County Administrative Unit Lexington Administrative Unit Thomasville Administrative Unit Children's Center Teen Parenting Developmental Center Scholarships Total school current expense 20062 3156 2472 $1,089.77 $1,089.77 $1,089.77 $21,862,957 $3,439,313 $2,693,910 $387,157 $107,603 $661,548 $50,000 $29,202,488 School Capital Outlay-Category II & III Davidson County Administrative Unit Lexington Administrative Unit Thomasville Administrative Unit $1,158,699 $231,656 $305,877 Total school capital outlay-category II & III $1,696,232 School Capital Outlay-Category I Davidson County Administrative Unit Lexington Administrative Unit Thomasville Administrative Unit Unallocated reserves $1,562,505 $485,917 $440,293 Total gross school capital outlay-category I $2,488,715 Less Transfer from School Capital Outlay Fund To the General Fund (QSCB's) Davidson County Administrative Unit Lexington Administrative Unit Thomasville Administrative Unit Unallocated reserves ($220,013) ($103,835) ($100,315) Total transfer from School Capital Outlay To the General Fund (QSCB's) ($424,163) Total net school capital outlay-category I $2,064,552 Section 4. It is estimated that the total valuation of property for the purpose of taxation is $12,941,901,509 and the estimated collection rate 96.75%. There is levied a tax at the rate of fifty-four cents ($.54) per one-hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 2013 for the purpose of raising the revenue listed as "Current Year Collections" in the General Fund in Section 2 of this ordinance. Section 5. There is hereby levied a tax of twelve cents ($.12) per one-hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 2013 located within the Lexington School Administrative Unit's School District, the proceeds Budget Ordinance 4 RECOMMENDED of said tax to be used to supplement school expenditures as permitted by Chapter 115C of the North Carolina General Statutes. Section 6. There is hereby levied a tax at the below listed rates per one-hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 2013 located within each special district for the purpose of raising revenues for the following special district: Arcadia-Reedy Creek-Hampton Fire District Central Fire District Churchland Fire District Fairgrove Fire District Gumtree Fire District Healing Springs Fire District Holly Grove Fire District Linwood Fire District Midway Fire District North Lexington-Triangle Fire District Pilot Fire District Reeds Fire District Silver Valley Fire District South Emmons Fire District South Lexington Fire District Southmont Fire District Hasty Fire District Tyro Fire District Wallburg Fire District Welcome Fire District West Lexington Fire District South Davidson Fire District Horneytown Fire District Griffith Fire District Clemmons Fire District Badin Lake Fire District $0.080 $0.070 $0.070 $0.080 $0.100 $0.090 $0.080 $0.075 $0.100 $0.110 $0.085 $0.040 $0.110 $0.050 $0.110 $0.085 $0.070 $0.080 $0.100 $0.100 $0.100 $0.100 $0.110 $0.080 $0.050 $0.060 Section 7. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the Mental Health activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Mental Health $809,344 Section 8. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the Mental Health activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Intergovernmental Charges for services Financing source-transfer from General Fund Other taxes Other $809,344 $809,344 Section 9. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for DavidsonWorks for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. DavidsonWorks $1,689,861 Section 10. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for DavidsonWorks for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Intergovernmental Financing source-transfer from General Fund $1,519,462 $170,399 $1,689,861 Budget Ordinance 5 RECOMMENDED Section 11. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Special Revenue Fund for the Transportation activities fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Transportation $1,416,078 Section 12. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Special Revenue Fund for the Transportation activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Intergovernmental Charges for services Other (Sale of Fixed Assets) Financing source-transfer from General Fund Retained Earnings $688,935 $670,460 $56,683 $1,416,078 Section 13. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Special Revenue Fund for the Fire Protection Districts activities fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Arcadia-Reedy Creek-Hampton Fire District Central Fire District Churchland Fire District Fairgrove Fire District Gumtree Fire District Healing Springs Fire District Holly Grove Fire District Linwood Fire District Midway Fire District North Lexington-Triangle Fire District Pilot Fire District Reeds Fire District Silver Valley Fire District South Emmons Fire District South Lexington Fire District Southmont Fire District Hasty Fire District Tyro Fire District Wallburg Fire District Welcome Fire District West Lexington Fire District South Davidson Fire District Horneytown Fire District Griffith Fire District Clemmons Badin Lake $745,900 $245,000 $175,300 $321,848 $132,767 $285,329 $216,000 $235,188 $838,004 $204,000 $276,900 $184,318 $388,083 $60,000 $203,950 $654,483 $358,959 $321,881 $738,420 $500,453 $250,000 $103,700 $132,305 $217,781 $45,222 $32,650 $7,868,441 Section 14. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Special Revenue Fund for the Fire Protection Districts for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Property taxes State reimbursement $7,868,441 $7,868,441 Section 15. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Special Revenue Fund for the Revaluation activities fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Revaluation Section 16. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Special Revenue Fund for the Revaluation activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Fund Balance Appropriated Financing source-transfer from General Fund Revaluation Budget Ordinance 6 RECOMMENDED Section 17. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Special Revenue Fund for the Special School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Lexington School Administrative Unit $1,525,000 Section 18. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Special Revenue Fund for the Special School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Property taxes State reimbursement $1,525,000 $1,525,000 Section 19. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Special Revenue Fund for the Emergency Telephone Activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Emergency Telephone (E-911) Transfer to Capital Projects General fund Total Emergency Telephone (E-911) $527,796 $527,796 Section 20. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Special Revenue Fund for the Emergency Telephone activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Telephone customer surcharges $527,796 $527,796 Section 21. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Special Revenue Fund for the School Capital Outlay Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. School Capital Projects Financing source-transfer from School Capital Outlay fund to the General Fund for QSCB'S $2,488,714 ($424,162) $2,064,552 Section 22. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Special Revenue Fund for the School Capital Outlay Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Financing source-transfer from General Fund $2,064,552 $2,064,552 Section 23. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Capital Outlay Project Plan for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Capital Projects Airport Construction $16,667 $16,667 Section 24. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Capital Outlay Project Plan for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Financing source-transfer from Capital Reserve fund Financing source-transfer from General Fund $16,667 $16,667 Section 25. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Enterprise Fund for the Landfill operations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Landfill $3,492,934 Section 26. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Enterprise Fund for the Intergrated Solid Waste operations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Landfill Charges for services Interest Miscellaneous Retained Earnings Total Landfill $3,627,300 $26,500 ($164,366) $3,492,934 Budget Ordinance 7 RECOMMENDED Section 26. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Enterprise Fund for the recyclying operations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Recycling $465,706 Section 27. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Enterprise Fund for the Recycling operations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Recycling Intergovernmental Recycling Sales Retained Earnings Total Recycling $334,500 $202,500 -$71,294 $465,706 Section 28. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Enterprise Fund for the Airport operations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Airport $360,317 Section 29. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Enterprise Fund for the Airport operations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Charges for services Financing source-transfer from General Fund Intergovernmental $223,000 $119,317 $18,000 Airport $360,317 Section 30. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Enterprise Fund for the Sewer operations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Sewer Section 31. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Enterprise Fund for the Sewer operations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Sewer Fees Financing source-transfer from General Fund Financing source-transfer from Capital Reserve Sewer $431,027 $350,110 $80,917 $431,027 Section 32. The Finance Officer is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations within a fund as contained herein under the following conditions: A. The Finance Officer, in concurrence with the Budget Officer, is hereby authorized to transfer line item appropriations within a department during the fiscal year if they are consistent with operational needs and any Board approved goals. A report must be submitted to the Commissioners within thirty days after the transfer. B. Transfer of salary appropriations shall be approved by the Board of Commissioners. C. Revisions or transfers that alter the total expenditures of any department or fund shall be approved by the Board of Commissioners. Section 33. The operating fund encumbered on the financial records as of June 30, 2012, are hereby appropriated to this budget. Section 34. Copies of the Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the Budget Officer, Finance Officer, and the Tax Administrator for the direction in carrying out their duties. Section 35. The one and a half percent cost of living increase for employees will be effective 07/01/2013 Budget Ordinance 8 RECOMMENDED Section 36. The following are the financial plans for the Internal Service Funds. for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014. Garage Fund Expenditures-operation cost Revenues: Department charges Miscellaneous revenue Retained earnings Intergovernmental Total Revenue Garage Fund $1,903,498 $1,898,498 $5,000 $1,903,498 Insurance Fund Group Insurance Claims Dependant Life Other Expenses $6,309,629 $28,000 $848,732 Expenditures-operation cost $7,186,361 Revenues: Department charges Withholding Cobra Payments Life AD & D $6,107,961 $850,400 $200,000 $28,000 Total Revenue Insurance Fund $7,186,361 Workers Compensation Fund Workers Comp Claims Other Expenses $300,000 $105,000 Expenditures-operation cost $405,000 Revenues: Department charges $405,000 Total Revenue Workers Compensation Fund $405,000 Budget Ordinance 9 COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013 Exhibit: Attached ITEM: I.3. Schedule Public Hearing for the 2013 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Application ITEM INFORMATION: The Sheriff’s Office is requesting that a public hearing be scheduled for the June 25, 2013, meeting of the Board of Commissioners on the proposed JAG Application by the Sheriff’s Office to allow information to be presented and receive public comment. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Schedule a public hearing for June 25, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. FOLLOW-UP: Run Notice of Hearing in The Dispatch SALES QUOTE 6/6/2013 SQ-178432 *178432* Customer Contact Ship To DAVIDSON CO SHERIFF OFF. ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 513 LEXINGTON NC 27292 Tel: (336)242-2100 Fax: (704)249-6968 CUSTOMER PICK UP RALEIGH NC 27603 Account Terms Due Date Account Rep Schedule Date DAVIDS NET 15 6/21/2013 GREG PLUNKETT 6/6/2013 Quotation PO # Reference Ship VIA SQ-178432 L Item / Model / Brand Description 1 S-W311000 / 022188127294 M-P15 5.56 RIFLE, A2 POST - DUAL APERTUR TARLETON Page Printed 1 6/6/2013 11:21:43AM Qty Price UM Discount % Amount 6 $812.25 $0.00 $4,873.50 $0.00 $203.94 $0.00 $149.94 EA -PRICE PER STATE CONTRACT 680 B2 MOO52141 / 043699521418 LARGE TACTICAL RIFLE CASE 41'' 6 3 COLSP62328 / ABC154790000 AR-15 .223 30 RND MAG 6 **PLEASE VERIFY THAT THE PART NUMBERS AND DESCRIPTIONS ARE CORRECT BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR ORDER. $33.99 EA $24.99 EA Tax Details Taxable $5,227.38 NCCTY675 $352.848 **RESTOCKING FEES MAY APPLY TO RETURNED ITEMS. **FREIGHT WILL BE ADDED TO ALL INVOICES. **PRICES QUOTED ARE BASED ON PAYMENT BY CHECK OR CASH. $352.85 $0.00 Total Tax Exempt Total $5,580.23 Balance $5,580.23 **QUOTE IS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS. Debbie Harris From: Sent: To: Subject: Casey Tarleton Thursday, June 06, 2013 11:28 AM Debbie Harris FW: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS Second quote on the radios. From: [] Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 1:42 PM To: Casey Tarleton Subject: Re: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS Yes Sir, these units are the XTS2500 Model 2 with the 6 buttons on the front , below the display Model H46UCF9PW6BN THE FLASH CODE IS: 500018-000488-0 Yes, P25 for the viper system Radio, battery, antenna, charger, beltclip 1 yr warranty $1,250.00 ea ROCKY MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, INC An Authorized Full Line Motorola Dealer Since 1998 ( 800 ) 830 - 7627 Michael Piller -----Original Message----From: Casey Tarleton <> To: '' <> Sent: Wed, Jun 5, 2013 11:30 am Subject: RE: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS Mike, I believe you just spoke to Major Grubb on the phone in regards to us purchasing some radios. It looks like we will be able to purchase 5 radios at the cost you gave Major Grubb. Can I get you to send me a quote on 5 Motorola XTS 2500 radios so I can start the process. I will need the same set up as we did last time. Also they will need to be p25 compatible and preferable at least the toggle switch not the plain Jane version. Thanks for you help, once again. Capt.Casey Tarleton Davidson County Sheriff's Office Patrol Division From: [] Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 11:40 AM To: Casey Tarleton Subject: Re: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS Dear Sir: I need that PO on my desk today, if we are to proceed. I have another City Gov that wants to buy my entire inventory today. This would mean a 60 day delay before i could find another 19 portables for Davidson County. Please let me know how you want to proceed. Mike Piller 800 830 7627 ph 303 679 3555 fax 1 -----Original Message----From: Casey Tarleton <> To: '' <> Sent: Tue, Dec 14, 2010 3:16 pm Subject: RE: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS Mike, Larry Morgan is the person that has been overseeing the grant that will allow me to purchase the radios from you. He emailed me yesterday and told me that the PO was ready for the purchase of the radios. I spoke to larry last night and he advised that the PO was ready, not to worry with the additional quotes. I am suppose to meet with him tomorrow. Hope to be sending you a copy of the PO in the next couple of days. Just wanted to let you know where I was at with the purchase of the radios. Thanks. From: [] Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 3:35 PM To: Casey Tarleton Subject: Re: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS Multiply bids now in your email my fax for PO 303 679 3555 Mike Piller ROCKY MTN COMM -----Original Message----From: Casey Tarleton <> To: '' <> Sent: Thu, Dec 9, 2010 8:43 am Subject: RE: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS I am having trouble getting quotes due to the Viper issue. Go ahead and see if you can get me two more quotes. Thanks Mike. From: [] Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 9:55 AM To: Casey Tarleton Subject: Re: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS Dear Sir; I can give you the numbers of competing dealers for the needed quotes, if it will speed things up.... Hoping to get this delivered to you prior to 12/31 whats our status? Mike Piller Rocky Mtn Comm -----Original Message----From: Casey Tarleton <> 2 To: '' <> Sent: Wed, Dec 1, 2010 10:18 am Subject: RE: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS Sorry for the delay. Purchasing has now informed me that I have to get three quotes before they will give me the PO. I am handling that as we speak. Thanks for holding the walkies. Capt. Tarleton From: [] Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 2:28 AM To: Casey Tarleton Subject: Re: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS ready to ship, still haven't seen the purchase order mike rocky mtn comm -----Original Message----From: Casey Tarleton <> To: '' <> Sent: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 2:56 pm Subject: RE: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS I got it. Thanks. I spoke to Al Linker. He has told me what I need to do. I will be back in touch with you in the next few days in regards to the Flash Code. He gave me a contact person with the NC Highway Patrol. Capt. Tarleton From: [] Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:16 PM To: Casey Tarleton Subject: PRICE QUOTE, MOTOROLA PORTABLE RADIOS PRICE QUOTE FOR USED , REFURBISHED MOTOROLA DIGITAL 700/800 MHZ PORTABLE RADIOS (VIPER) MOTOROLA XTS2500 MODEL 2 H46UCF9PW1_N 700/800 MHZ PORTABLE RADIO WITH 30 DAY WARRANTY EACH RADIO INCLUDES ONE OF THE FOLLOWING NEW MOTOROLA INPRES BATTERY NEW MOTOROLA 700/800 ANTENNA NEW MOTOROLA BELT CLIP NEW MOTOROLA INPRES RAPID CHARGER (AC) $1842.00 per Package GRAND TOTAL for 19 units: $34,998.00 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS SHIPPING COST: FREE SHIPPING FAX PO# (303) 679 3555 Rocky Mountain Communication Systems, Inc. Po Box 1041 Kittredge, CO 80457 (800) 830- 7627 An Authorized Full Line Motorola Dealer Since 1998 3 If you are not the intended recipient, you must destroy this message and inform the sender immediately. This electronic mail message and any attachments, as well as any electronic mail message(s) sent in response to it may be considered public record and as such subject to request and review by anyone at any time. It also may contain information which is confidential within the meaning of applicable federal and state laws. Davidson County Government, PO Box 1067, Lexington, NC, USA, If you are not the intended recipient, you must destroy this message and inform the sender immediately. This electronic mail message and any attachments, as well as any electronic mail message(s) sent in response to it may be considered public record and as such subject to request and review by anyone at any time. It also may contain information which is confidential within the meaning of applicable federal and state laws. Davidson County Government, PO Box 1067, Lexington, NC, USA, If you are not the intended recipient, you must destroy this message and inform the sender immediately. This electronic mail message and any attachments, as well as any electronic mail message(s) sent in response to it may be considered public record and as such subject to request and review by anyone at any time. It also may contain information which is confidential within the meaning of applicable federal and state laws. Davidson County Government, PO Box 1067, Lexington, NC, USA, If you are not the intended recipient, you must destroy this message and inform the sender immediately. This electronic mail message and any attachments, as well as any electronic mail message(s) sent in response to it may be considered public record and as such subject to request and review by anyone at any time. It also may contain information which is confidential within the meaning of applicable federal and state laws. Davidson County Government, PO Box 1067, Lexington, NC, USA, If you are not the intended recipient, you must destroy this message and inform the sender immediately. This electronic mail message and any attachments, as well as any electronic mail message(s) sent in response to it may be considered public record and as such subject to request and review by anyone at any time. It also may contain information which is confidential within the meaning of applicable federal and state laws. Davidson County Government, PO Box 1067, Lexington, NC, USA, 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIDSON BEFORE THE DAVIDSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST TO SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDING On June 11, 2013, the Board of Commissioners of Davidson County approved setting a public hearing upon request of the Davidson County Sheriff’s Department to submit a grant application for eligible funds for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funding. Should the grant be awarded the funds are intended to be utilized for the purchase of six (6) S&W MP 15 Rifles, six (6) rifle cases, and twelve (12) AR-15 30 round magazines, as well as five (5) Motorola XTS radios. The total estimate for the grant purchase is $11,830.23. This is notice that the Board of Commissioners shall conduct a public hearing on the request by the Davidson County Sheriff’s Department to submit a grant application for available funds through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funding at 7:00 p.m. on June 25, 2013, at the Davidson County Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 4 th Floor, Davidson County Governmental Center, 913 North Greensboro Street, Lexington, North Carolina. All interested persons shall be heard at the public hearing. The Commissioners will consider all information that they believe to have a bearing on this grant. The Commissioners invite all interested persons to attend and present their views. The Board may adjourn the hearings from time to time. Persons with disabilities that may need special accommodations to participate in the hearing should notify the County Manager’s Office at 336-242-2200 at least 24 hours prior to the start of the hearing. This the 14th day of June, 2013. Deborah J. Harris, Deputy Clerk to the Board Davidson County Board of Commissioners Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Fact Sheet JAG Overview: The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program was created as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005, which merged the discretionary Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Program with the formula-based Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) program. The JAG Program, administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), is the leading source of federal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. The JAG Program provides states, tribes, and local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution and court, prevention and education, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, planning, evaluation, and technology improvement, and crime victim and witness initiatives. Since JAG’s inception, BJA has processed over 13,000 local and over 400 state applications totaling more than $5 billion in JAG funding (approximately $3 billion to states and territories and $1.8 billion to local units of government). In Fiscal Year (FY) 2012, BJA processed 1,128 local and 56 state applications totaling more than $287 million in JAG funding (approximately $193.8 million to states and territories and $93.6 million to local units of government.) The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, required that the 50 states, District of Columbia (DC), 5 principal territories, and some federally recognized tribes substantially implement SORNA by July 27, 2009. Two full-year deadline extensions have been provided, and a final statutory deadline of July 27, 2011 was established. SORNA mandates a 10 percent reduction in JAG funding if a state, territory, or DC failed to substantially implement SORNA by the July 27, 2011 deadline. For those jurisdictions, that penalty was first applied in FY 2012 and will continue to be applied in each subsequent year until the JAG funding recipient has substantially implemented SORNA. While the penalty may impact states, the territories, and DC, the 10 percent penalty will not be applied to the portion of the JAG award that is reserved for local or tribal jurisdictions. For additional information regarding the SORNA penalty, including implementation requirements and a list of states/territories that will be impacted in FY 2013 by the 10 percent penalty, contact the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) Policy Advisor assigned to assist your jurisdiction: Policy Advisor Contacts by Jurisdiction. Legislation: Public Law 109-162, Title XI—Department of Justice Reauthorization, Subtitle B—Improving the Department of Justice's Grant Programs, Chapter 1—Assisting Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Agencies, Sec. 1111 Merger of Byrne Grant Program and Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program. JAG Formula: The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) calculates, for each state and territory, a minimum base allocation which, based on the congressionally mandated JAG formula, can be enhanced by (1) the state’s share of the national population and (2) the state’s share of the country’s Part 1 violent crime statistics. Once the state funding is calculated, 60 percent of the allocation is awarded to the state and 40 percent to eligible units of local government. For additional details regarding the JAG formula and award calculation process, with examples, please click here: JAG Technical Report. Eligibility and Program Guidance: All 56 states and territories are eligible, as well as units of local government identified annually in the JAG allocation charts. BJA posts annual JAG program solicitations (program guidance) and allocation charts to its JAG webpage; which also contains a direct link to JAG Frequently Asked Questions , which are updated regularly. How/When to Apply: All applications must be submitted via the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Grants Management System (GMS). Once available, FY 2013 State and Local JAG solicitations and allocations can be found on the JAG webpage. Award Length: JAG awards are four years in length; extensions are at the discretion of BJA’s Director. Match Requirement: Match is not required. Reporting Requirements: JAG recipients are required to submit quarterly performance metrics reports, quarterly Federal Financial Reports (SF-425s), quarterly performance reports, and an annual programmatic performance report. Detailed reporting information can be found here: JAG Reporting Requirements. Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Frequently Asked Questions (updated May 2013) Table of Contents Page Reference Information: Authorizing Legislation for the JAG Program Awards Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number 1 1 Award Eligibility/Formula Information: Transition Rule Eligibility Formula Calculation Eligible Jurisdictions Resources if Not Eligible State Pass-Through to Non-Profits FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Website SORNA Penalty (updated May 2013) SORNA Compliance Bonus Funds (updated May 2013) 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 Application Requirements: Legal Name Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number System for Award Management (SAM) (updated May 2013) SAM Claim (updated May 2013) Who Must Apply/Application Information Award Amount and Project Period Period of Expenditure Governing Body and Governing Body Review 30-day Governing Body Review Requirement Governing Body Approval Public Comment Requirements Project Abstract Requirements Match Not Required 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 Use of Funds: Utilization and Purpose of JAG Funds Prohibited Use of JAG Funds Funds for Indigent Defense DNA Testing (updated May 2013) Body Armor Purchases (updated May 2013) Unmanned Aircraft, Aircraft System, or Aerial Vehicles (UA/UAS/UAV) (updated May 2013) Vehicle Purchases (updated May 2013) Construction and Renovation Certification process for Vehicles/Construction Caps on Overtime Pay Purchase of Buprenorphine Supplanting and Commingling Administrative Funds Confidential Funds Sole Source 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 i Disparate Information: Joint Application (Disparate) Award Amount Determining the Fiscal Agent EEOP Requirements Governing Body Review and Public Notice Disparate Project or Purpose Area Requirements Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Providing the JAG MOU to BJA Determining Split Award Amounts Cannot Agree on JAG Funds Distribution Determining a Jurisdiction’s Potential Allocation 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 Reporting and Other Requirements: Reporting Requirements Contact Information Updates Task Force Training (updated May 2013) Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) 14 15 15 15 Administration: Award Notification Post-Award Instructions Declining JAG Awards JAG Award Payments Drawdown Restriction Bank Account/Trust Fund Period of Expenditure State Administering Agency (SAA) Strategic Plan (updated May 2013) State Administering Agency (SAA) Pass-Through Waiver Budget Modification Process Closeout Policies and Procedures (updated May 2013) GMS Instructions BJA Staff Contact Information 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 ii Reference Information: What is the authorizing legislation for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program? Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program awards are authorized by the 42 U.S.C. § 3751(a). What is the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for the Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program? The CFDA number for the Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program (State and Local) is 16.738. Award Eligibility/Formula Information: What is the Transitional Rule? The JAG statute requires that local governments that have not reported at least 3 years of data (within the last 10 years for which UCR data are available) on Part I violent crimes of the UCR to the FBI are ineligible for direct JAG local formula funding. As a transition to implementing the grant program, the law permitted JAG units of local government during 2006, 2007, and 2008 to qualify for JAG formula funds based on the last three years of UCR data which they had submitted, in any prior years. That Transitional Rule, by statute, has expired. Who is eligible and where is the eligibility list located? Applicants for JAG State awards are limited to states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. Applicants for JAG Local awards are limited to units of local government appearing on the JAG Allocations List. To view the list for the current fiscal year, go to: For JAG program purposes, a unit of local government is: a town, township, village, parish, city, county, borough, or other general purpose political subdivision of a state; or, it may also be a federally recognized Indian tribe or Alaskan Native organization that performs law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior. Otherwise a unit of local government may be any law enforcement district or judicial enforcement district established under state law with authority to independently establish a budget and impose taxes. In Louisiana, a unit of local government also means the office of a district attorney or a parish sheriff. In the District of Columbia or any United States Trust Territory, a unit of local government is any agency of the District of Columbia or federal government performing law enforcement functions for the District of Columbia or Trust Territories of the United States. For a listing of eligible units of local government, go to I don't see my jurisdiction on the allocation list? Why? If your city/county is not on the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) allocation list found on the JAG web page, it does not qualify for a direct JAG award from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The JAG legislation specifies that allocations to local governments must be at least $10,000 to qualify for a direct JAG award. The Bureau of Justice Statistics Technical Report explains the JAG allocation formula that is statutorily-based. 1 How is the formula calculated? The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) calculates, for each state and territory, a minimum base allocation which, based on the statutory JAG formula, can be enhanced by (1) the state’s share of the national population and (2) the state’s share of the country’s Part 1 violent crime statistics. Once the state funding is calculated, 60 percent of the allocation is awarded to the state and 40 percent to eligible units of local government. States also have a variable percentage of the allocation that is required to “pass-through” to units of local government. This amount, also calculated by BJS, is based on each state’s crime expenditures. In addition, the formula calculates direct allocations for local governments within each state, based on their share of the total violent crime reported within the state. Local governments that are entitled to at least $10,000 awards may apply directly to BJA for local JAG funds. My city/county/parish/township/tribe is not listed as qualifying for a direct award. Is there other JAG funding available? Yes. Your state government also receives a variable percentage of the allocation that is required to be “passed-through” to units of local government. This amount, also calculated by BJS, is based on each state’s crime expenditures. In addition, the formula then calculates direct allocations for local governments within each state, based on their share of the total violent crime reported within the state. The pass-through percentage for each state government is available on the JAG web page. Eligible state/territory recipients are entitled to the state allocation determined by the above formula plus any funds designated for the state’s units of local government whose direct allocation would be less than $10,000. Funds from these “less than $10,000 jurisdictions” will be added to the state allocation and must be distributed by the state to state police departments that provide criminal justice services to units of local government, and/or to any units of local government whose allocations would be less than $10,000. Local governments that are entitled to at least $10,000 awards may apply directly to BJA for local JAG funds. Can a State Administering Agency (SAA) award JAG sub-grants to private non-profit organizations for: a. Criminal justice projects that would benefit the entire state? b. A criminal justice project that will benefit a local jurisdiction? c. A PNP that is in partnership with a local LE agency to provide criminal justice services to designated "units of local government"? As permitted by the JAG program statute, an SAA can award JAG subgrants to private non-profit neighborhood or community-based organizations (PNPs) in any of the above scenarios. If the funding being provided to the PNP represents the state's portion of its JAG award, then the intended use must fulfill the statutory purpose areas for the JAG Program. However, if the funding provided to the PNP represents the variable pass-through portion of the state's award, then additional requirements must be met. The PNP subgrant must benefit a “unit of local government” (as that term is defined at 42 U.S.C. §3791(a)(3) or 42 U.S.C. §3755(h)), and each unit of local government benefiting from the PNP subgrant must voluntarily sign a waiver as required by the solicitation. This waiver must certify that the local jurisdiction recognizes the funds in question are set aside for local government use; believes the proposed project will provide a direct local benefit; and agrees that funding the project at the state level is in the best interests of the unit of local government. 2 Where can I find Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Part I violent crime data and crime expenditure data for my city or county? Data is available on the FBI’s UCR web site. Will the 10 percent penalty for failure to substantially implement the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) apply to Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 JAG funding? The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (AWA) established a penalty for jurisdictions that failed to substantially implement the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) by July 27, 2011, and for any year thereafter. See 42 U.S.C. § 16925(a).The Attorney General has delegated the task of determining when a jurisdiction has substantially implemented SORNA’s requirements to the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART Office). For those jurisdictions that did not substantially implement SORNA by July 27, 2011, the SORNA penalty will be calculated by subtracting 10 percent from the state government’s allocation (60 percent of the total award), after deduction of the “mandatory variable pass-through” that states are required to send to local governments. The penalty does apply to the portion of JAG funding that is awarded to the state to be shared with local governments that were not eligible for a direct JAG award (“less than $10,000 jurisdictions”) because the states retain control over these funds and may award the funds to another state agency (i.e., state police) in lieu of awarding them to a local government in localities where the state provides direct services to these localities. The penalty is not assessed against the mandatory pass-through, which is the portion of JAG funds awarded directly to local law enforcement, as the state cannot retain any portion of that award. Penalizing local agencies would also seriously undermine the purpose of the statute, since doing so would be detrimental to local law enforcement efforts, which include the investigation, prosecution, and apprehension of sex offenders. Below is an illustration of how the SORNA penalty is assessed: If State X is to receive an initial state allocation of $3,000,000, the 10 percent SORNA penalty would be calculated as follows: 1. The mandatory pass-through amount of $1,200,000 (based on State X’s mandatory 40-percent pass-through) is subtracted from the $3,000,000; resulting in $1,800,000. 2. The “less than $10,000” allocation for State X, $250,000, is then added to the $1,800,000; resulting in $2,050,000. 3. The 10 percent SORNA penalty is then assessed on the $2,050,000 amount ($2,050,000 x .10); resulting in a SORNA penalty of $205,000 for State X. For the District of Columbia and the territories, the penalty will be assessed on the full allocation because the entire allocation goes to the District or territorial government. OJP strongly encourages all jurisdictions that have not yet substantially implemented SORNA to continue to work expeditiously to implement SORNA’s requirements in order to better protect their communities from sexual violence and exploitation. The SMART Office will continue to provide technical assistance and other resources to jurisdictions to support them in these efforts. 3 The penalty will be applied in FY 2013. Jurisdictions that implement SORNA have an ongoing obligation for compliance and thus, the Byrne JAG reduction penalty may be applied each year a jurisdiction is deemed non-compliant. My state has substantially implemented SORNA. Are we eligible for additional JAG funding based on that compliance status? As per 42 USC § 16925(c), any state or territory that has substantially implemented SORNA during the current Fiscal Year (FY), as determined by the SMART Office, will be eligible to receive compliant bonus funds in addition to their next FY State JAG award. This bonus allocation is calculated based on SORNA penalty funds from non-implementing states and territories during that current FY. For example, if State X substantially implemented SORNA in FY 2012, State X would have an additional bonus funds added to their FY 2013 State JAG award, which will comprise of SORNA penalty funds from nonimplementing states and territories in FY 2012. The amounts available for compliant bonus funds will vary from year to year, depending on the amount of SORNA penalty funds that are assessed. Who can I contact for more information on the SORNA penalty, SORNA compliance, or the implementation of SORNA? Contact the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) Policy Advisor assigned to assist your jurisdiction for additional information regarding SORNA compliance; the SORNA penalty, including implementation requirements; a list of states/territories that will be impacted in FY 2013 by the 10 percent reduction in JAG funding: Application Requirements: What name should be listed as the Legal Name on a JAG application? The legal name and address on the application must be a state, county (i.e. Wayne County), municipality (City of Wayne), or other eligible unit of local government. Please see 42 U.S.C. §3791(a) (3) and 42 U.S.C. §3755(h) for a listing of eligible units of local government for JAG purposes. Unless designated by statute as an eligible unit of local government, the legal name and address cannot be a sheriff or police department. In these situations, a sheriff or police department must be listed in the organization unit line if the authorized recipient is a sheriff or police department. In all cases, if the name listed on the organization line as an authorized recipient must be someone with the authority (county commissioner, mayor, city manager, or other designated official or agency) to enter the state, county, municipality, or other eligible unit of local government into a legal contract with the federal government. The same procedures apply when the authorized recipient is a police chief, law enforcement agency, or other authorized official or agency that has not been designated as an eligible unit of local government for JAG purposes. Can a Sheriff’s Office or Police Department be listed in the Legal Name section of the JAG application? / What name should be listed as the Organizational Unit on a JAG application? Unless designated by statute as an eligible unit of local government, the legal name and address cannot be that of a sheriff or police department. In a situation where the sheriff or police department is authorized to be the recipient on behalf of the county or municipality, the department should be listed in the organizational unit line of the application instead (e.g. Legal Name: City of York, Address: legal address for the City of York. Organizational Unit: City of York Police Department). 4 Who should be listed as the Authorized Representative on a JAG Application? The authorized representative must have the authority to enter the state, county, municipality, or other eligible unit of local government into a legal contract with the federal government. This person is typically a county commissioner, mayor, city manager, or other similarly designated official. A police chief or sheriff may be listed as the authorized representative if the Organizational Unit line in the application indicates Sheriff’s Office or Police Department. How do I obtain a Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number? / Why is a DUNS number needed? Ask the grant administrator, chief financial officer, or authorizing official of your organization to identify your DUNS number. If your organization does not know its DUNS number or needs to register for one, visit Dun & Bradstreet at The federal government has adopted the use of DUNS numbers to track how federal grant money is allocated. DUNS numbers identify your organization. The time it takes to request and obtain a DUNS number is approximately one day. How do I register my jurisdiction with the System for Award Management (SAM) database? Ask the grant administrator, chief financial officer, or authorizing official of your organization if your organization has registered with the SAM database. SAM replaces the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database as the repository for standard information about federal financial assistance applicants, recipients, and sub-recipients. OJP requires that all applicants (other than individuals) for federal financial assistance maintain current registrations in the SAM database. Applicants must update or renew their SAM registration annually to maintain an active status. Applicants that were previously registered in the CCR database must, at a minimum: • Create a SAM account; • Log in to SAM and migrate permissions to the SAM account (all the entity registrations and records have already been migrated). Applicants that were not previously registered in the CCR database must register in SAM prior to registering in Information about SAM registration procedures can be accessed at Please note, your SAM registration must be updated or renewed on an annual basis to maintain active status. SAM is the primary registrant database for the federal government. All grant applicants must acquire or renew registration with the SAM database in order to be awarded federal grants. How do I submit my SAM (formerly CCR) claim? Although SAM has replaced the CCR database, a claim must still be submitted in GMS in order to confirm your agency’s DUNS number is registered and active. Once you are logged in to GMS, click the SAM claim link on the bottom left side. Then hit submit and the SAM claim will automatically be submitted. There are two ways to submit a SAM claim. One is to submit the SAM claim prior to an award being made. If this claim is not submitted prior to the award being made, your award will have a SAM special 5 condition attached to it. A SAM claim must be submitted upon receipt of the award. Once submitted, a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) will automatically be created to remove this special condition. Our local jurisdiction is eligible to apply for a direct award from BJA. Who must apply, and where do I find more information on how to apply? Only a unit of local government (e.g. city, county, parish, township, or tribe) may apply to BJA for Local JAG funding. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a unit of local government is responsible for determining which government official will apply for funding, and may designate an agency head, such as a police chief or sheriff, to be the signing authority on the application. For example, if the applicant is a city and the project will be implemented by the police department, the chief of police may be designated as the CEO, and the chief would then having signing authority for the application. In this instance, the city will be listed under the “Legal Name” section of the application, and the police department will be listed as the “Organizational Unit” on the application. The Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Awards solicitation will be posted on the BJA JAG web page. Applications for funding must be submitted via the online Grants Management System (GMS) within the prescribed application period. Detailed instructions on submitting an application, as well as guidance on managing your grant award, are available in the GMS computer-based training tool. Will our city/county receive the amount listed once or for every year of the project period? The amount listed on the eligible jurisdiction list is a one-time award amount. State JAG awards are four years in length and award periods will be from October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2016. Extensions beyond this period may be approved on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of BJA and must be requested via the Grants Management System (GMS) no less than 30 days prior to the grant end date. The following applies to Local JAG recipients: Awards of at least $25,000 or more are four years in length with an award period starting October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2016. Extensions beyond a four-year period may be approved on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of BJA and must be requested via the Grants Management System (GMS) no less than 30 days prior to the grant end date. Awards that are less than $25,000 are two years in length with an award period starting October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2014. Requests for up to two additional years to complete performance of the award, will be granted automatically, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 3751(f). Extensions beyond a four- year period may be approved on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of BJA and must be requested via the Grants Management System (GMS) no less than 30 days prior to the grant end date. What is the period of expenditure? If we plan to obligate funds within the next several months, is a preagreement cost letter necessary or possible? The budget/project period is four years for all FY 2013 JAG awards that are $25,000 or more and two years for all awards that are less than $25,000. Accordingly, a project period for an award of $25,000 or more is October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2016; while a project period for an award that is less than $25,000 is October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2014. Grantees may begin to obligate (but not expend) funds retroactively to the project period start date onward for all JAG awards; absent a withholding special condition(s) in the award document that specifically prohibits this. 6 What is a “Governing Body,” and what does the “Governing Body Review” entail? Examples of governing bodies are a state commission, city council, tribal council, county commission, county board of supervisors, or other legislative body at the local level. Follow your local laws and procedures for providing the application to the governing body. For example, based on your internal procedures, you may need to provide a copy of your grant application to the administrative assistant for the city to distribute to the city council. The manner in which you notified your governing body, and the date this was completed should then be included in the Review Narrative portion of your application (along with information regarding public comment). Applicants for a JAG award must make the grant application available for review by the governing body of the state or unit of local government, or an organization designated by that governing body, not fewer than 30 days before the application is submitted to BJA. Our governing body meets only once a month. How can I meet the 30-day governing body review requirement and still submit my application before the application deadline? The application must be submitted for review by a governing body at least 30 days prior to submission to BJA. Governing body approval is not required in order to submit the application to BJA. Submit your application via GMS no later than the application deadline, regardless of whether the local review process is complete. If the application is not complete, or you do not meet the 30-day governing body review requirement, BJA will add a special condition to the award that will withholding the expenditure of grant funds until you submit documentation confirming the requirement has been met. If we have received an official document indicating “Governing Body Approval” of the application, do we still need to track the 30 days since the Governing Body received notice? If Governing Body approval has been granted, please provide the date of approval rather than the date of notification in the Review Narrative portion of the application. The 30 day notification requirement will have been satisfied at the time of approval. What is the “Public Comment” requirement? Applicants must provide an opportunity for the public to comment on their JAG application. The manner in which the public is notified and given an opportunity to comment, as well as the pertinent dates, should be included in the Review Narrative portion of the application (along with information regarding the governing body review). If the requirement is not met at the time of submission, BJA will process the application, but BJA will add a special condition to the award that will withhold the expenditure of grant funds until you submit documentation confirming the requirement has been met. Common forms of public notification include web site and newspaper postings, and city council, tribal council, and county board hearings that are open to the public. Does the public comment requirement have to be completed 30 days prior to submitting the application? No. The governing body notification must occur 30 days prior to application submission. This requirement should not be confused with the public comment requirement, which stipulates the application must be made public, with an opportunity for comment, any time prior to application submission. 7 Am I required to hold a public hearing, or can I post a notice in our local newspaper or on our department’s web site in order to satisfy the public comment requirement? The JAG statute does not specify how you notify the public. BJA recommends that you follow your local public notification process. Is there a requirement to have an advisory board review the application? No. There are no statutory requirements under the JAG Program to have an advisory board review the application. What are some examples of documenting the governing body review and public comment? Below are notification language templates that can be utilized in completing this section of the application. The (provide name of State/Territory) made its Fiscal Year 2013 JAG application available to the (provide name of governing body) for its review and comment on (provide date); or intends to do so on (provide date). The (provide name of City/County for Local JAG and name of State for State JAG) made its Fiscal Year 2013 JAG application available to citizens for comment prior to application submission by (provide means of notification); or the application has not yet been made available for public review/comment. What must be included in the project abstract? Applicants must provide an abstract that includes the applicant's name, title of the project, goals of the project, and a description of the strategies to be used. In addition, above or below the abstract narrative, State JAG applicants must identify up to 10 project identifiers (Local JAG applicants must identify up to 5 project identifiers) that would be associated with proposed project activities. The list of all identifiers can be found at The abstract should not exceed a half-page, or 400-500 words. Is match required? While match is not required under the JAG Program, match is an effective strategy for states and units of local government to expand justice funds and build buy-in for local criminal justice initiatives. Use of Funds: What can JAG funds be used for? Grantees may utilize JAG funds for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, and information systems for criminal justice, as well as research and evaluation activities that will improve or enhance law enforcement programs related to criminal justice. Some examples include: prosecution and court programs; prevention and education programs; corrections and community corrections programs; drug treatment and enforcement programs; planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs; and crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation). 8 Is there anything that JAG funds cannot be used for? Yes. JAG funds may not be expended outside of the JAG purpose areas. Even within the purpose areas, however, JAG funds may not be used directly or indirectly for security enhancements or equipment to nongovernmental entities not engaged in criminal justice or public safety. In addition, JAG funds may not be used directly or indirectly to provide for any of the following matters unless BJA certifies, in advance, that extraordinary and exigent circumstances exist, making them essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order: vehicles (excluding police cruisers); vessels (excluding police boats); aircraft (excluding police helicopters); Unmanned Aircraft, Aircraft System, or Aerial Vehicles (UA/UAS/UAV); luxury items; real estate; construction projects (other than penal or correctional institutions); and any similar matters. For information on how to request such a determination, please see the FAQ below regarding obtaining BJA certification. Do allowable Prosecution and Court Programs funded under JAG include Indigent Defense? Grantees may utilize JAG funds for a wide range of state, local, and/or tribal prosecution and court programs; including indigent defense. Are there any restrictions on JAG funds being used for DNA testing? If JAG program funds will be used for DNA testing of evidentiary materials, any resulting eligible DNA profiles must be uploaded to the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), by a government DNA lab with access to CODIS. No profiles generated with JAG funding may be entered into any other nongovernmental DNA database without prior express written approval from BJA. For more information, refer to the NIJ FY 2013 DNA Backlog Reduction Program, available at In addition, funds may not be used for purchase of DNA equipment and supplies when the resulting DNA profiles from such technology are not accepted for entry into CODIS (the National DNA Database operated by the FBI). Can JAG funds be used in conjunction with Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program funds to satisfy the 50 percent match requirement? No, matching funds may not come from another federal source; including JAG. Prior to using JAG funds to purchase ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor, a jurisdiction must certify that JAG funds will not be used to pay for the portion of a vest (50 percent) that is not covered by BVP funds. Although JAG funds may not be used as the 50 percent match for BVP purposes, they may be used to purchase vests for an agency. Are jurisdictions required to have a mandatory wear policy in place in order to purchase body armor with JAG funds? Due to the increase in the number of law enforcement officer deaths, coupled with efforts to improve officer safety, jurisdictions must certify that law enforcement agencies receiving ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchased with JAG funds have a written "mandatory wear" policy in effect. Fiscal agents and state agencies must keep signed certifications on file for any subrecipients planning to utilize JAG funds for ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor purchases. This policy must be in place for at least all uniformed officers before any FY 2013 funding can be used by the agency for ballistic-resistant and stab-resistant body armor. There are no requirements regarding the nature of the 9 policy other than it being a mandatory wear policy for all uniformed officers while on duty. For more information, please refer to the BVP mandatory wear FAQs. Where can a copy of the certification related to body armor mandatory wear requirements be found? A copy of the certification related to bulletproof vest mandatory wear requirements can be at: If my agency decides post award that it wants to use JAG funding for the purchase of body armor, what is the process to submit a mandatory wear certification? If your agency did not request and receive approval to use JAG funding for body armor at the time of application, a “Program Office Approval” Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) must be submitted with an attached signed mandatory wear certification. The certification must be signed by the agency’s authorized representative making the purchase. For step by step instructions regarding how to submit a GAN please refer to the GMS Computer-Based Training web page. Fiscal agents and state agencies must keep signed certifications on file for any subrecipients planning to utilize JAG funds for body armor purchases. Is there any particular vest that a jurisdiction must purchase to meet the JAG requirements? Yes. Vests purchased with JAG funds may be purchased at any threat level, make, or model from any distributor or manufacturer, as long as the vests have been tested and found to comply with applicable National Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards and are listed on the NIJ Compliant Body Armor Model List ( In addition, vests purchased must be American-made. The latest NIJ standard information can be found at: If an officer is injured and/or killed in line of duty and was NOT wearing a vest as required by policy, would the officer’s survivors risk losing federal benefits? No blanket policy or automatic disqualification shall be implemented regarding this policy and its effects on federal death, disability or educational benefits through the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program (PSOB). Can JAG funds be used to purchase body armor for fight fighters or Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel? Yes, JAG funds can be used for these purchases. Can JAG funds be used for Unmanned Aircraft, Aircraft System, or Aerial Vehicles (UA/UAS/UAV)? No JAG funds may be expended on these items unless the BJA Director certifies that extraordinary and exigent circumstances exist, making them essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order. As well, any grant award using funds for this purpose may be subject to additional reporting criteria, which will be spelled out in a customized special condition attached to the grant award. What types of police vehicles may be purchased? You can use JAG funds to purchase police cruisers (marked or unmarked), as well as police motorcycles and helicopters. For purposes of this grant program, a police cruiser is defined as a vehicle used in the ordinary course by police forces in the United States for law enforcement activities such as patrolling, temporarily detaining and transporting individual prisoners. Examples include sedans and sport utility vehicles (SUVs). The purchase of any other vehicle (i.e. pick-up trucks, passenger vans, command 10 centers, unmanned aircraft, aircraft system, or aerial vehicles, etc.) may be permitted if the Director of BJA determines that extraordinary and exigent circumstances exist that make the use of funds to purchase the vehicle essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order. For information on how to request such a determination, please see the FAQ below regarding obtaining BJA certification. Are Segways considered vehicles and therefore require a certification of extraordinary and exigent circumstances? As long as that mode of transportation, such as bicycles, Segways, golf carts, or ATVs, does not require licensing or registration with your state’s department of motor vehicles, JAG funds may be used for the purchase. Under these types of purchases, there is no need for a certification of extraordinary or exigent circumstances. Please note that, unlike segways, unmanned aircraft, aircraft system, or aerial vehicles require approval by the Director of BJA regardless of licensing or registration. Can JAG funds be used for construction or renovation projects? Under JAG, construction and major renovation projects are limited to penal or correctional institutions. Minor renovation of other types of facilities is allowable using JAG funds, so long as the project(s) fits within one of the JAG purpose areas. “Minor renovation” projects are those for which¸ viewing the project as a whole, none of the related work is not of a structural nature (e.g. “bricks and mortar” construction), and the renovation does not change the basic prior use or size of the facility. Use of JAG funds for projects involving construction or major renovations of facilities other than penal or correctional institutions may be permitted, if the Director of BJA determines that “extraordinary and exigent circumstances exist that make the use of such funds [for construction or major renovation of a facility other than a penal or correctional institution] essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order.” For information on how to request such a determination, see the FAQ below regarding obtaining BJA certification. In addition, any project that involves construction or major renovation will be subject to environmental analysis requirements pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). If our agency intends to request a type of vehicle, construction project, or other expenditure requiring BJA certification at the time of application, what is the process? A letter on the agency’s letterhead requesting BJA Director Certification of the proposed purchase and/or project should be included with your application. The letter must indicate the extraordinary and exigent circumstances existing that make the proposed purchase and/or project essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order. The letter must be signed by your agency’s authorized representative. If my agency decides post award that it wants to use JAG funding for the purchase of a vehicle, construction project, or other expenditure requiring BJA certification, what is the process? If your agency did not request and receive approval to use JAG funding for a vehicle, construction project, or other expenditure requiring BJA certification at the time of application, a “Program Office Approval” Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) must be submitted with an attached justification letter on agency letterhead. The letter attached to the GAN must indicate the extraordinary and exigent circumstances existing that make the proposed purchase and/or project essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order. The letter must be signed by your agency’s authorized representative. For 11 step by step instructions regarding how to submit a GAN please refer to the GMS Computer-Based Training web page. Is there a cap on the amount of overtime pay for state and local law enforcement officers? Although the JAG program does not outline a specific cap on overtime pay for law enforcement officers, federal regulations do require that personnel compensation always be reasonable in light of the services rendered. Can JAG funds be used to purchase Buprenorphine, an FDA-approved opiate drug therapy for heroin addiction (similar to methadone)? BJA is not aware of any specific restrictions regarding the purchase of Buprenorphine with JAG funding. However, as always, any JAG Program expenditure must fulfill at least one of the purpose areas specified by the JAG statute. What supplanting rules apply to JAG funding? Supplanting is prohibited under JAG. Applicants cannot replace or supplant non-federal funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose For additional guidance regarding supplanting, refer to the information provided at Can multiple federal grant awards be used to support the same project? Federal grant awards, including a JAG award, may be used in conjunction with other federal grant awards to complete a project, providing there are no prohibitions against using multiple federal awards for a project. For example, a city may utilize JAG and Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) money to fund different portions of a fusion center project. In instances where leveraging occurs, all federal grant funds must be tracked and reported on separately and may not be used to fund the same line items. Additionally, federal funds cannot be used as match for other federal awards. Who is eligible to use administrative funds? A JAG recipient may use up to 10 percent of the award, including interest, for costs associated with administering JAG funds. For local JAG recipients in disparate situations, sub-recipients can use administrative funds as well, so long as it is agreed upon in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that is attached with the application or to a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) if the decision to share administrative funds is decided upon post-award. The total administrative funds used must not exceed 10 percent of the total award, and administrative funds may also include indirect costs. Can JAG funds be used to purchase firearms and drugs during undercover operations? JAG funds may be used as confidential funds for the purchase of services (buy money), evidence (narcotics, firearms, stolen property, etc.), and specific information (informant money) for undercover purposes in accordance with 42 U.S.C 3751(d). If the activity is approved by BJA, the terms and conditions for the use of confidential funds set forth in the OJP Financial Guide (chapter 8) must be followed. In addition, prior to the expenditure of any confidential funds, the recipient and any subrecipients must agree to sign a certification indicating that they have read, understood and agree to abide by all of the conditions pertaining to confidential fund expenditures as set forth in the OJP Financial Guide 12 If my agency decides to use JAG funding to enter into a sole source contract greater than $100,000, what is the process? If your agency wishes to enter into a sole source contract greater than $100,000, a “Sole Source Approval” Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) must be submitted post-award with an attached sole source justification. The sole source justification must include the following sections: 1) Brief description of program and the product or service being contracted; 2) Explanation of why it is necessary to contract non-competitively, including the following contractor qualities: a. Organizational expertise b. Management c. Knowledge of the program d. Responsiveness e. Expertise of personnel; 3) Statement of when contractual coverage is required and, if dates are not met, what impact it will have on the program (for example, how long it would take another contractor to reach the same level of competence). Make sure to include the financial impact in dollars; 4) Outline of the unique qualities of the contractor 5) Other points to “sell the case”; 6) Declaration that this action is in the “best interest” of the grantor agency and/or the federal government; and 7) Conflict of Interest Review. For step by step instructions regarding how to submit a GAN please refer to the GMS Computer-Based Training web page. For more information on sole source justifications, please review the OJP Financial Guide. Disparate Information: My city is listed along with my county under the column “Joint Application (Disparate) Award Amount.” What does this mean? If your jurisdiction is listed with another city or county government, you are in a funding disparity. The JAG statute requires that if a city qualifies for one-and one-half times (150 percent) more funding or if multiple cities receive four times (400 percent) more funding than a qualifying county with concurrent jurisdiction, there is a funding disparity. In this situation, the units of local government must apply for an award with a single, joint application. For more information about the disparate allocation process, see the Bureau of Justice Statistics Technical Report. How do we determine which single unit of local government will be the fiscal agent responsible for applying for the funds? This is a decision to be made by the units of local government. Consider which local government is most capable of adhering to the financial and programmatic requirements according to federal guidelines governing expenditure, monitoring, and reporting for JAG funding. Who is responsible for EEOP requirements in a disparate funding situation? Is it only the fiscal agent or are the other funded partners also responsible? Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. Section 42.302, all recipients of federal funding must be in compliance with federal EEOP requirements. In addition, the grant recipient must acknowledge that all programs funded through subawards, whether at the state or local level, conform to the grant program requirements. Our jurisdiction will be submitting an application as the fiscal agent for our group of disparate jurisdictions. Do the Governing Body and Public Notice requirements apply to each disparate jurisdiction, or just the fiscal agent? The governing body and public comment requirements apply to the applicant. Each unit of local government must abide by state/local policies and procedures, but the requirements under JAG apply to the applicant. 13 Are the city and the county required to work on the same project or purpose area? No. All units of local government within the disparate jurisdiction may fund individual projects. For example, the city may choose to purchase equipment, and the county may wish to fund a drug task force. Alternatively, funds may also be combined to fund one joint project. Are disparate jurisdictions required to submit a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) even if they agree to use the entire award amount for the same purpose? Yes. A JAG MOU, signed by each jurisdiction’s authorized representative, is required from all disparate applicants, regardless of the manner in which funds will be used or distributed. As an example, the county would like to administer a drug court that would benefit all cities listed as disparate. The cities agree with this strategy, and the total allocation is awarded to the county. In this scenario, each city must be included in the JAG MOU, and indicate agreement that the county will receive the total allocation. The JAG MOU must certify that the city or county that does not receive funds: 1) recognizes the funds in question will be provided for a single project; 2) believes the proposed project will provide a direct local benefit to their city or county; and 3) agrees providing funding for a single project is in the best interest of their city/county. How do I provide the JAG MOU to BJA? When completing your application in GMS, upload the signed JAG MOU as an attachment to that application. If your JAG grant has already been awarded, fax or email the signed JAG MOU to your State Policy Advisor. Funds from your JAG award will be withheld until the JAG MOU is received and approved by BJA. How do we determine how to split the award in a disparate situation? The units of local government within the disparate jurisdiction must agree upon an allocation process. BJA is not involved in this decision process. What happens if the disparate jurisdictions cannot reach an agreement on how JAG funds will be distributed? JAG funds are withheld until a JAG MOU signed by the authorized representative of each unit of local government is submitted. How do I find out what my jurisdiction’s potential allocation is within the disparate allocation process? Each disparate jurisdiction’s eligible amount (based on the formula) is available at Reporting and Other Requirements: What are the specific reporting requirements once a JAG grant is awarded? All JAG grantees must submit quarterly Federal financial reports (FFRs) and an annual programmatic report through the OJP Grants Management System (GMS). In addition, a quarterly performance measurement tool (PMT) report must be completed. The PMT is due 30-days after the end of each quarter. On an annual basis, the data submitted in the PMT must be uploaded as an attachment to the programmatic report in GMS. 14 For additional information regarding JAG Program reporting requirements, please refer to the JAG Program solicitations or the JAG Program Reports page. What is the process for updating contact information related to my grant award? Award Recipients should regularly verify Point of Contact (POC), Financial Point of Contact (FPOC), and Authorized Representative contact information in the Grants Management System (GMS). If information is incorrect or has changed, a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) must be submitted in GMS to document the changes. Step by step instructions for submitting a GAN are available at GMS ComputerBased Training web page. If the FPOC has changed, step by step instructions on updating this can be found at In addition, all awards made during FY 10 and beyond will have the following special condition attached: “Award recipients must verify Point of Contact (POC), Financial Point of Contact (FPOC), and Authorized Representative contact information in GMS, including telephone number and e-mail address. If any information is incorrect or has changed, a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) must be submitted via the Grants Management System (GMS) to document changes.” Does BJA have additional information on the Task Force Training Special Condition? When a task force is supported in whole or in part by BJA funding, each current member of a law enforcement task force funded with these funds who is a task force commander, agency executive, task force officer, or other task force member of equivalent rank, will complete required online (internetbased) task force training. This training must be completed within 120 days of award acceptance. Additionally, all future task force members are required to complete this training once during the life of this award, or once every four years if multiple awards include this requirement. The training is provided free of charge online through BJA's Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership ( This training addresses task force effectiveness as well as other key issues including privacy and civil liberties/rights, task force performance measurement, personnel selection, and task force oversight and accountability. When BJA funding supports a task force, a task force personnel roster should be compiled and maintained, along with course completion certificates, by the grant recipient. Additional information is available regarding this required training and access methods via BJA's web site and the Center for Task Force Integrity and Leadership ( What is the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006 and how does it affect JAG recipients? Consistent with the FFATA, all direct award recipients of $25,000 or more in JAG funding, will be required to report award information on any first-tier sub-awards totaling $25,000 or more, and, in certain cases, to report information on the names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated executives of the recipient and first-tier sub-recipients. Reports regarding sub-awards must be made through the FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (FSRS), found at The prime recipient will have until the end of the month plus one additional month after an award or subaward is obligated to fulfill the reporting requirement. For example, if a subaward was made on October 15, 2013, the prime recipient has until November 30, 2013 to report the subaward information. Please note that the FFATA requirement only applies to FY 11 JAG awards and forward. Additional FFATA FAQs can be found at 15 Administration: How will I be notified when my award is made? Grantees are automatically notified by email after BJA awards your grant. Because of this, it is critical that contact information entered into your grant application is accurate. Now that I received my JAG award, are there any written post-award instructions? Yes. The online Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Post-Award Instructions includes detailed guidance. How do I decline my JAG award? If your jurisdiction does not intend to utilize the JAG award, please contact your State Policy Advisor (SPA) immediately. A declination statement on letterhead must be sent to your assigned SPA via email, fax, or mail. The declination statement must be signed by the Authorized Representative from the legal entity (City, County, or Tribe). If you are part of a disparate jurisdiction, the Authorized Representative for each jurisdiction in the group must sign the declination letter as well. A JAG award cannot be marked as declined until this letter is received by BJA. How do I receive my JAG award payments? Payment requests are made through the Grant Payment Request System (GPRS). Once you request a payment, funds are electronically deposited to your bank account. You must have an up-to-date Automated Clearing House (ACH) banking form on file with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer prior to attempting to access funds. Please see Step 5 Accessing Payment in the OJP Post Award Instructions for step-by-step guidance. Can a JAG grantee drawdown the full grant award amount in one transaction? Up front draw down of all funds is allowable under the JAG Program. However, the OJP Grant Payment Request System (GPRS) may not allow you to complete the draw down in one transaction. If GPRS denies your draw down request and there are no withholding special conditions or holds on your award funds, attempt to draw down in two separate transactions. If you still encounter issues, contact the Office of the Chief Financial Officer Customer Service at 1-800-458-0786. What type of bank account must be used for JAG funds? Per the JAG legislation, “a State or unit of local government shall establish a trust fund in which to deposit amounts.” The trust fund may be interest or non-interest bearing. For assistance with trust funds, please contact the Office of the Chief Financial Officer’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786 (option 2). This also applies to any sub-recipients that receive JAG funds from a fiscal agent. What are the obligation and expenditure rules under JAG? All JAG funds, including interest earned, must be obligated by the award end date and liquidated no later than 90 days thereafter. Any unobligated or unexpended funds, including interest earned, must be returned to the Office of Justice Programs at the time of closeout. 16 Is the State Administering Agency (SAA) required to have a strategic plan in place, and does this plan have to be attached with the State JAG application? States and Territories are strongly encouraged to use JAG funding in support of their existing statewide strategic plan. If available, attach a current version of your state’s strategic plan with this application. If such a plan does not now exist, states/territories should develop and undertake a strategic planning process, using a community engagement model, in order to guide spending under this and future fiscal year allocations. At a minimum, the program narrative should describe the state's strategic planning process that guides its priorities and funding strategy. This should include a description of how local communities are engaged in the planning process and the data and analysis utilized to support the plan; it should identify the stakeholders currently participating in the strategic planning process, the gaps in the state's needed resources for criminal justice purposes, and how JAG funds will be coordinated with state and related justice funds. If our State Administering Agency (SAA) intends to request a pass-through waiver at the time of application which requires BJA certification, what is the process? If an SAA wishes to fund a project that will be administered by the state but be counted as variable passthrough for JAG purposes, it may do so if the project will directly benefit a unit(s) of local government, and if each local jurisdiction to benefit voluntarily signs a waiver. This waiver must certify that the local jurisdiction: (1) recognizes that the funds in question are set aside for local government use; (2) believes that the proposed project will provide a direct local benefit; and, (3) agrees that funding the project at the state level is in the best interests of the unit of local government. To request a waiver, an SAA must attach a formal request on agency letterhead to the application in GMS. This request must detail how funds will be used to serve the local jurisdictions, demonstrate that the local agencies have agreed and signed on to the reduced pass through amount, and be signed by an authorized representative. If our State Administering Agency (SAA) decides post award that it wants to request a pass-through waiver which requires BJA certification, what is the process? If an SAA wishes to fund a project that will be administered by the state but be counted as variable passthrough for JAG purposes, it may do so if the project will directly benefit a unit(s) of local government, and if each local jurisdiction to benefit voluntarily signs a waiver. This waiver must certify that the local jurisdiction: (1) recognizes that the funds in question are set aside for local government use; (2) believes that the proposed project will provide a direct local benefit; and, (3) agrees that funding the project at the state level is in the best interests of the unit of local government. To request a waiver, an SAA must submit a “Program Office Approval” Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) in the Grants Management System (GMS) and attach a formal request on agency letterhead. This request must detail how funds will be used to serve the local jurisdictions, demonstrate that the local agencies have agreed and signed on to the reduced pass through amount, and be signed by an authorized representative. What is the process for modifying budgets under JAG? If your agency would like to modify its JAG budget, email your State Policy Advisor with the details of all requested changes. If a change in project scope is not occurring, email approval is sufficient. If there is a change in project scope, a Change Project Scope GAN must be submitted. Supporting justification that indicates the reason the modification is requested, as well as a breakdown of all new costs and a narrative supporting those costs, should be attached. You must be current on the reporting requirements in order for 17 the GAN to be approved. For step by step instructions on submitting a GAN, please refer to the GMS Computer-Based Training web page. Can my JAG award be closed prior to its end date and what are the advantages? JAG awards may be closed as soon as all funds have been obligated and all project activities have concluded. A final Federal financial report (FFR) and programmatic report must be submitted in GMS in order to begin the closeout process. In addition, a final performance measurement tool (PMT) report must be completed and uploaded as an attachment to the final programmatic report in GMS. Step by step closeout instructions can be found here: GMS Computer-Based Training web page. The early closure of JAG awards helps demonstrate the effectiveness/impact of JAG funding, and saves time for grantees since no additional reports are required after closeout. Where can I find instructions for submitting Federal financial reports, JAG progress reports, grant adjustment notices (GANs) and/or closeouts in GMS? Detailed training guides are available on the GMS Computer-Based Training web page. Can I speak to a live person at BJA regarding my JAG award? Please refer to the State Policy Advisor list for the appropriate contact. Each state and territory has a designated BJA State Policy Advisor. 18 COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013 Exhibit: Attached ITEM: I.4. Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent to Leasehold Mortgage with Moran Foods, LLC ITEM INFORMATION: Davidson County and the City of Lexington (landlords) entered a Ground Lease Agreement with Moran Foods, Inc. (tenant) on October 13, 2010. Supervalu Holdings, Inc., the successor-in-interest to Moran Foods, Inc., has requested that the landlords execute the attached Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent to Leasehold Mortgage in order to enable Supervalu to obtain financing, as was anticipated by the original Ground Lease Agreement. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Approve and authorize execution of Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent to Leasehold Mortgage, FOLLOW-UP: Execution of document and return to Moran Foods, LLC Debbie Harris From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Chuck Frye Thursday, June 06, 2013 3:52 PM Debbie Harris FW: Moran Foods, LLC dba Save-A-Lot - request for LL estoppel #32520 - Landlord Estoppel-v2.doc Importance: High Attach enclosed doc to agenda. From: [] Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 3:43 PM To:; Chuck Frye Subject: RE: Moran Foods, LLC dba Save-A-Lot - request for LL estoppel Ms. Penry and Mr. Frye, Per Mr. Frye’s email, attached is a proposed final document on this Landlord estoppel/waiver. We appreciate all of your efforts to get this signed early next week if possible. I understand that you are both very busy and that this timing is not ideal. Please let me know if you have any questions‐ Thanks, Colleen Colleen A. Windler Associate .............................................. WWW.DORSEY.COM :: MINNEAPOLIS :: BIO :: V-CARD .............................................. D O R S E Y & W H I T N E Y LLP Suite 1500, 50 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1498 P: 612.492.6541 F: 612.395.9137 C: 612.242.2024 .............................................. CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION E-mails from this firm normally contain confidential and privileged material, and are for the sole use of the intended recipient. Use or distribution by an unintended recipient is prohibited, and may be a violation of law. If you believe that you received this e-mail in error, please do not read this e-mail or any attached items. Please delete the e-mail and all attachments, including any copies thereof, and inform the sender that you have deleted the e-mail, all attachments and any copies thereof. Thank you. From: Phyllis Penry [] Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 11:05 AM To: Windler, Colleen Subject: Moran Foods, LLC dba Save-A-Lot - request for LL estoppel 1 I am waiting to hear from Mr. Frye as to other directors' approval. We could conceivably do it on the 10th (not probable) or on the 24th. -Phyllis S. Penry 17 East Center Street P. O. Box 626 Lexington, North Carolina 27293 (336) 248-6222 IRS CIRCULAR 230 Notice: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, we inform you that any US tax advice contained in this communication (or in any attachment) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed in this communication (or in any attachment). CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission may have been sent on behalf of a lawyer. It may contain information that is confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, print, retain copy or disseminate this message, any part of it, or any attachments. If you have received this message in error, please delete this message and any attachments from your system without reading the content and notify the sender immediately of the inadvertent transmission. There is no intent on the part of the sender to waive any privilege, including the attorney-client privilege that may attach to this communication. 2 LANDLORD ESTOPPEL, AGREEMENT, AND CONSENT TO LEASEHOLD MORTGAGE THIS LANDLORD ESTOPPEL, AGREEMENT, AND CONSENT TO LEASEHOLD MORTGAGE (the “Agreement”) is dated this ____ day of ____________, 2013 by DAVIDSON COUNTY, a body corporate and politic of North Carolina, and CITY OF LEXINGTON, a municipal corporation of the state of North Carolina (collectively, the “Landlord”), in favor, and for the benefit, of (1) GOLDMAN SACHS BANK USA, as Collateral Agent and Administrative Agent (together with its respective successors and assigns, “Term Loan Agent”) for the Term Loan Lenders from time to time party to the Term Loan Credit Agreement described below, and (2) WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Administrative Agent (together with its respective successors and assigns, “ABL Agent,” and together with Term Loan Agent, the “Agents”) for the ABL Lenders from time to time party to the Revolving Loan Credit Agreement described below. WHEREAS, Landlord has heretofore leased certain lands legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Premises”) to Supervalu Holdings, Inc., a Missouri corporation, successor-in-interest to Moran Foods, LLC, successor-in-interest to Moran Foods, Inc. (“Tenant”) which is the present tenant under that certain Ground Lease by and between Landlord and Tenant, dated as of October 13, 2010, recorded February 15, 2012 as Instrument No. 201200003435 in Book 2046, Page 1517 with the Register of Deeds, Davidson County Registry (“Register of Deeds”), as assigned by ______________ dated ____________, 2013 and recorded _______________, 2013 as Instrument No. _____________ in Book ___, Page ____ with the Register of Deeds (the “Lease”). Any capitalized term not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Lease. WHEREAS, reference is made to that certain Term Loan Credit Agreement, entered or to be entered into (as it may be amended, supplemented, amended and restated, replaced, refinanced or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Term Loan Credit Agreement”) entered into by, among other parties, SUPERVALU INC., a Delaware corporation (“Borrower”), the several banks and other financial institutions or entities from time to time parties to the Term Loan Credit Agreement (the “Term Loan Lenders”), Goldman Sachs Bank USA, as administrative agent, Term Loan Agent, and certain other parties to the agreement from time to time. WHEREAS, reference is made to that certain Revolving Loan Credit Agreement, entered or to be entered into (as it may be amended, supplemented, amended and restated, replaced, refinanced or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Revolving Loan Credit Agreement,” and together with the Term Loan Credit Agreement, the “Credit Agreements”) entered into by, among other parties, Borrower, the several banks and other financial institutions or entities from time to time parties to the Revolving Loan Credit Agreement (the “ABL Lenders,” and together with the Term Loan Lenders, the “Lenders”), ABL Agent, and certain other parties to the agreement from time to time. WHEREAS, in connection with the transactions contemplated under the Credit Agreements, Tenant desires to grant to the Agents, as security for the loans made by the Lenders Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent (Property #32520) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\2 1 pursuant thereto, among other security interests, respectively a first and second leasehold deed of trust or mortgage, as the case may be, on Tenant’s interest in the Lease (collectively, the “Leasehold Mortgages”). WHEREAS, the Lenders have required that the Landlord enter into this Agreement for the Lenders’ benefit. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord hereby certifies to and covenants to the Agents as follows: 1. The term “Lender Representative” as used herein means Term Loan Agent until such time as Term Loan Agent gives notice to Landlord that Lender Representative is Revolving Loan Agent, and from and after the giving of any such notice from Term Loan Agent to Landlord, the term “Lender Representative” will mean Revolving Loan Agent. 2. Landlord hereby consents to the granting of the Leasehold Mortgages by Tenant in favor of each Agent. Upon the recording of each Leasehold Mortgage, Landlord hereby agrees that each Agent, for its benefit and the benefit of the respective Lenders, and any further assignees, will be recognized as Tenant’s mortgagees for all purposes under the Lease, and agrees that neither the grant of each such Leasehold Mortgage nor the enforcement thereof will create a default under the Lease’s terms. Landlord confirms that Landlord is not permitted, in the absence of an uncured default of Tenant under the Lease, to disturb the possession, interest or quiet enjoyment of Tenant in a manner that would adversely affect the security provided in each Leasehold Mortgage. 3. Landlord hereby waives and relinquishes any and all landlord’s lien, rights of levy or distraint, claim, security interest or other interest that Landlord may now or hereafter have in or with respect to any of Tenant’s furniture, fixtures, equipment and other personal property now or hereafter located on the Premises (collectively, the "Personal Property"), whether for rent or otherwise. The Agents’ security interests in the Personal Property pursuant to the Credit Agreements, and all of the various agreements, instruments, and documents entered into in connection therewith, is and will be superior to any lien, right or claim of title of any nature that Landlord now has or hereafter may have or assert in or to the Personal Property by statute, the Lease, any other agreement or otherwise. The Personal Property may be installed in or located on the Premises and is not and shall not be deemed a fixture or part of the real property but shall at all times be considered personal property owned by the tenant under the Lease. 4. The Agents (and/or their designees), at their option, may enter and use the Premises for the purpose of repossessing, removing, selling (at public or private sale), assembling, appraising, or otherwise dealing with any of the Personal Property, and such license shall be irrevocable and shall continue from the date that the Agents (and/or their designees) enter the Premises pursuant to the rights granted to them herein for a period not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) days from such entry, or if continuing later, until the receipt by Lender Representative (and/or its designees) of written notice from the undersigned directing removal of the Personal Property; provided, that, (a) for each day that an Agent (or its designee) uses the Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent (Property #32520) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\2 1 Premises pursuant to the rights granted to it herein, unless the undersigned has otherwise been paid rent in respect of any of such period, such Agent (and/or its designee) shall pay the regularly scheduled rent provided under the Lease relating to the Premises between the undersigned and Borrower, prorated on a per diem basis to be determined on a thirty (30) day month, without any Agent thereby assuming the Lease or incurring any other obligations of Borrower and (b) any damage to the Premises caused by an Agent (and/or its designee) or its representatives will be repaired by such Agent (and/or its designee) (for the account of Borrower). To the extent that either or both Agents are prohibited by any process or injunction issued by any court, or by reason of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding involving Borrower, from enforcing their security interests in the Personal Property, such one hundred fifty (150) day period shall commence on the termination of such prohibition. Neither Agent will at any time have any obligation to remove the Personal Property from the Premises. 5. Landlord hereby covenants and agrees that in the event that the Lease is terminated for any reason, or the term expires at a time when either Credit Agreement is outstanding or in the event the Lease is rejected or disaffirmed pursuant to any bankruptcy, insolvency or other law affecting creditor’s rights, upon Lender Representative’s request, Landlord shall enter into a new lease with Lender Representative, for its benefit and the benefit of the Lenders, and such new lease shall be upon all the same terms and conditions of the unexpired term of the Lease immediately prior to such termination; provided that Lender Representative shall have first cured any defaults of Tenant under the Lease capable of being cured by Lender Representative. 6. Landlord hereby covenants and agrees that Lender Representative shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure any default by Tenant under the Lease and Lender Representative shall be afforded with respect to any such default the following notice and cure periods: The Landlord will give to both Agents 30 days’ written notice of any monetary default and 45 days’ written notice of any non-monetary default under the Lease, in each case in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 hereof and before proceeding to exercise any legal or contractual remedy for the enforcement of the Lease, during which period Lender Representative may (but shall not be obligated to) cure such default. Furthermore, Landlord agrees to accept cure from Lender Representative during any cure periods set forth in the Lease or herein; provided, that, any payment made or act done by Lender Representative to cure such default shall not constitute an assumption of the Lease or any of the obligations of Tenant or any other person thereunder or otherwise. 7. Landlord hereby covenants and agrees that after the commencement of a foreclosure action by Lender Representative, Lender Representative or any Lender, or any subsidiary of either, or any assignee or transferee thereof at a foreclosure sale or otherwise, may become the tenant under the Lease. 8. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Lease, Landlord acknowledges that Tenant shall have the right to assign Tenant’s interest in the Lease to Lender Representative, its successors or assigns without the consent of Landlord and in the event that Tenant’s interest under the Lease is so assigned to Lender Representative, its successor or assign, then Lender Representative, its successor or assign shall (in the event that Lender Representative acquires leasehold possession of the Premises by means of foreclosure or otherwise) have the Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent (Property #32520) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\2 1 same rights of assignment and subletting afforded Tenant under the terms of the Lease provided that any consent required from Landlord shall not be unreasonably withheld or unduly delayed. 9. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Lease, Landlord hereby covenants and agrees that Lender Representative shall be entitled to participate in any settlement regarding insurance or condemnation proceeds or awards, to collect and hold any such proceeds or awards and to determine and direct whether any such proceeds or awards are made available for the restoration of the Premises or are applied to the repayment of the loans made by the Lenders to Tenant. 10. Landlord hereby agrees that Lender Representative shall have the right to exercise any option to renew the term of the Lease or any option to purchase the Premises, if Tenant fails to exercise any option to so extend or purchase. 11. Landlord hereby certifies to each Agent and each Lender as follows: (a) Landlord is the landlord under the Lease; (b) The Lease is in full force and effect in accordance with its terms and to the best of Landlord’s knowledge, no default or event which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would constitute a default, exists on the part of Landlord or Tenant thereunder; (c) To the best of Landlord's knowledge, each of the obligations on Tenant's part to be performed to date under the Lease have been performed; (d) To the best of Landlord's knowledge, Tenant has no offsets, counterclaims, defenses, deductions or credits whatsoever with respect to the Lease other than Tenant’s prepayment of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) applicable to the last installment of rent due and payable during the last lease year pursuant to Section 5.2 of the Lease; (e) There do not exist any agreements (including Subordination, NonDisturbance and Attornment Agreements) concerning the Premises, whether oral or written between Landlord and Tenant (or its predecessors or successors) other than the Lease, except as follows: None. (f) No rent has been paid more than one month in advance other than Tenant’s prepayment of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) applicable to the last installment of rent due and payable during the last lease year pursuant to Section 5.2 of the Lease; (g) As of the date hereof, no rent is due from Tenant under the Lease. Basic Rent (not including “Additional Rent”) due under the Lease has been paid through ___________, 2013. “Additional Rent” has been paid through _____________, 2013; (h) The commencement date of the Lease was October 12, 2010, and the term of the Lease shall expire on December 31, 2022, subject to Tenant’s right to purchase as set forth in the Lease; (i) The amount of annual rent is One Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Eight Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent (Property #32520) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\2 1 Hundred Thirty-Three and 33/100 dollars ($145,833.33.00); (j) Tenant has paid to Landlord the amount of $0 as a security deposit. As of the date of this Estoppel Certificate, no portion of the security deposit has been applied to the payment of rent or any other amounts due by Tenant under the Lease; and (k) A complete and correct copy of the Lease, including all modifications and amendments thereof, is attached as Exhibit B hereto. 12. All notices, demands, requests or other communications to be sent by Landlord or either Agent to the other hereunder or required by law shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been validly given or served by delivery of the same in person to the intended addressee, or by depositing the same with Federal Express or another reputable private courier service for next business day delivery, or by depositing the same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, in any event: (a) if to Term Loan Agent, then if addressed to Goldman Sachs Bank USA, c/o Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., 6031 Connection Drive, Irving, Texas 75039, Attention: Ken Moua, Telephone: 972.368.2746, E-Mail:; (b) if to ABL Agent, then if addressed to Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Revolving Loan Agent, One Boston Place, 18th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, Attention: Portfolio Manager – Supervalu, Fax: 866.617.3988; and (c) if to Landlord, then if addressed to Landlord at the following address: Davidson County, P.O. Box 1067, Lexington, North Carolina 27293-1067, Attention: County Manager and to City of Lexington, 28 West Center Street, Lexington, North Carolina 27292, Attention: City Manager; All notices, demands and requests shall be effective upon such personal delivery, or one (1) business day after being deposited with the private courier service, or two (2) business days after being deposited in the United States mail as required above. By giving to the respective other entities at least fifteen (15) days’ prior written notice thereof in accordance with the provisions hereof, Landlord or any Agent may from time to time change its respective address and specify as its address any other address within the United States of America. 13. Landlord acknowledges the validity of each Agent’s lien on the personal property collateral of the Tenant comprised only of the improvements to the extent owned by Tenant and, until such time as the obligations of Tenant to Lenders are indefeasibly paid in full and all commitments of Lenders to make further loans have terminated. 14. This Agreement and the representations and agreements made herein are given with the understanding that this Agreement constitutes a material inducement for Lenders to make the Loan to Tenant and that Lenders shall rely hereon in making the Loan to Tenant. This Agreement and the representations and agreements made herein shall inure to the benefit of Agent, Lenders, their successors and assigns and shall be binding on Landlord, its heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent (Property #32520) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\2 1 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of 15. which shall be deemed an original and shall be taken to be one and the same instrument, for the same effect as if all parties hereto had signed the same signature page. Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent (Property #32520) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\2 1 Executed this _____ day of ___________, 2013. LANDLORD: DAVIDSON COUNTY By:_______________________________ Name: Title: CITY OF LEXINGTON By:_______________________________ Name: Title: Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent (Property #32520) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\2 1 Acknowledged by Tenant this ____ day of _______________, 2013. TENANT: SUPERVALU HOLDINGS, INC. By: _____________________________ Name: Title: Landlord Estoppel, Agreement, and Consent (Property #32520) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\2 1 Exhibit A Premises NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\1 4851-5489-2307\2 Exhibit B Copy of Lease (See following pages.) NY\5677679.14851-5489-2307\1 4851-5489-2307\2 COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013 Exhibit: None ITEM: I.5. Crisis Ministries ITEM INFORMATION: This matter has been added to the agenda for deliberation pursuant to the June 6, 2013, Informational Meeting. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: FOLLOW-UP: COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Date: June 11, 2013_ Exhibit: Attached ITEM: I.6. Designate Voting and Alternate Delegate for the NACo Annual Conference ITEM INFORMATION: Please review the attached information received from NACo regarding a Voting and Alternate Delegate to participate in the Association’s annual election of officers and policy adoption for his year’s American County Platform. ACTION TO BE TAKEN: Designate Voting and Alternate Delegate. FOLLOW-UP: Complete forms and return to NACo. Debbie Harris From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Petra Leonard Thursday, June 06, 2013 2:57 PM Debbie Harris; Anne Burkhart Robert Hyatt; Zeb M. Hanner; Chuck Frye RE: Addition to June 11th Agenda--Voting Delegate-NACo CredentialsPacket.pdf The form is on the site—I have attached it. Petra From: Petra Leonard Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 2:55 PM To: Debbie Harris; Anne Burkhart Cc: Robert Hyatt; Zeb M. Hanner; Chuck Frye Subject: Addition to June 11th Agenda--Voting Delegate-NACo Importance: High After Anne’s e-mail, thought I would check on the NACo website to see if I could find anything about the voting delegate for the upcoming conference. Based on info. I found on their site, these forms were mailed in May—I don’t recall seeing them and neither does Robert. I am going to contact NACo staff and request that they re-send these forms to me ASAP, preferably by e-mail. I checked with Robert, and he is OK with adding this to the June 11th agenda (deliberation). Petra NACo election credentials forms due June 28 CountyNews_Byline By Alex Koroknay-Palicz MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Page Content Credentials and voting information for NACo’s 2013 election were mailed May 15 to the chief elected official (CEO) of each member county. In order to vote, a county must have paid its 2013 dues before voting occurs and have at least one paid annual conference registration. The CEO must indicate the names of the voting delegate and alternate authorized to pick up a county’s voting materials on the credentials form. There can only be one alternate designated on the form. State association of counties presidents can pick up unclaimed ballots on the evening before the election unless a county’s CEO indicates on the credentials form that the state association president cannot pick up the ballot. A county may also choose not to cast its ballot. 1 Each member county must return a form signed by the chief elected official in order to vote. In addition to being mailed, the credentials form is also available via a link on the NACo website at The deadline to return the form is Friday, June 28. This year’s election will be held on Monday, July 22 at 10 a.m. during the Business Meeting at the NACo Annual Conference: County Solutions and Idea Marketplace in Tarrant County, Texas. Counties will vote on resolutions that set NACo legislation and association policy for the coming year. Delegates will also elect NACo officers for the coming year. The position of second vice president is usually contested. This year, there are four announced candidates for the position. The credentials form attests to a county’s eligibility to vote. The form contains information on the number of votes a county is eligible to cast, as well as the identity of the delegate who is authorized to cast the county’s vote. The number of votes per county is determined by the amount of dues it pays. Dues are based on population. NACo’s bylaws allot one vote per $500 in dues. Counties with dues of $400 to $499 receive one vote Counties with dues of $500 to $999 receive two votes Counties with dues of $1000 to $1,499 receive three votes, and so on. The maximum number of votes a county can receive is 112. The Credentials Committee ensures that all member counties participating in the election process, either for NACo officers or policy, are able to do so in the most efficient and fair manner. The committee confirms requests for credentials pick up, helps guarantee that the process runs smoothly, resolves credentials disputes, and assists during the election itself. 2 MEMORANDUM ELECTION OF SECOND VICE PRESIDENT To: From: Date: Subject: County Board Chairpersons, Parish Presidents, Borough Mayors, County Judges and Elected County Executives Chris Rodgers, NACo President May 20, 2013 Voting Credentials – 2013 Annual Conference NACo is preparing for the 78th Annual Conference to be held July 19-22, 2013, in Tarrant County, TX. It is important that your county participates in the association’s annual election of officers and policy adoption. In order to participate, a county must have paid its membership dues and have one paid registrant for the conference, according to NACo bylaws. Please read the enclosed information carefully. Indicate on the credentials form the name of the county voting delegate and alternate authorized to pick up your county’s voting materials. A checklist is enclosed to assist you in filling out the voting credentials form. Additionally, the chief elected official of your county must sign the form. A chief elected official may include the following: • board chair/president • mayor • county judge • elected county executive Please fill out this form in advance and mail, fax or scan and e-mail the enclosed form by FRIDAY, JUNE 28. If you are not planning to register for the conference, you do not have to turn in the credentials form. Alex Koroknay-Palicz - Fax (202) 393-2630 Credentials Committee Attn: Alex Koroknay-Palicz National Association of Counties 25 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20001 Membership Coordinator, Alex Koroknay-Palicz, can be reached at 888.407.NACo (6226) x291, his direct line at 202.942.4291 or We look forward to seeing you in Tarrant County! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES | 25 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W. SUITE 500 | WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 | 202.393.6226 | FAX 202.393.2630 | WWW.NACO.ORG FB.COM/NACODC | TWITTER.COM/NACOTWEETS | YOUTUBE.COM/NACOVIDEO | LINKEDIN.COM/IN/NACODC 2013 General Voting Frequently Asked Questions On what issues or for which candidates do counties/parishes/boroughs vote? Counties vote on resolutions that set NACo legislative and association policy for the coming year. Delegates also elect NACo officers for the coming year. The position of second vice president is usually the one position that is contested. How can my county vote? A county must be a NACo member “in good standing” in order to vote. This means your county’s dues for 2013 must be paid before the voting occurs. Also, the county must have at least one paid registration for the annual conference and have proper credentials. What are credentials? Credentials attest to a county’s eligibility to vote. Credentials contain information on the number of votes a county is eligible to cast, as well as the identity of the delegate that is authorized to cast the county’s vote. How is the credentials form distributed? The form is mailed to the chief elected official of member counties so that the county can provide the name of the voting delegate to NACo. Only counties that have paid their 2013 NACo dues will receive a credentials form. This form is mailed in May. Please return this form by Friday, June 28, 2013. My county has misplaced the credentials form. What should I do? The credentials form will be available in the Elections and Voting Credentials section of the NACo website ( shortly after it is mailed. A member login is required to download and print the form. After you download, print, and fill out the form correctly, you can return it to NACo. Please call Alex KoroknayPalicz at 888.407.NACo (6226) x291 if you need assistance. If my county is not registering for the Annual Conference, does my county have to send in the credentials form? No. Only counties who register are able to vote. Please do not return the credentials form to the NACo office if your county does not plan to register for the Annual Conference. What is a voting delegate? A voting delegate is someone authorized by your county/parish/borough board to pick up a ballot and cast your county’s votes at the annual conference. The delegate must have a paid registration to the conference. Who may be a voting delegate? Any elected or appointed official or staff member from your county/parish/borough may be a voting delegate. That decision is up to your county board. What is an alternate? An alternate is another elected or appointed official or staff member from the county delegated by the county to pick up and cast its ballot. The alternate must have a paid registration to the conference. • The delegate OR alternate listed on the credentials form may pick up your county’s ballot. My county has only one person attending the conference. Does my county have to designate an alternate? No. It is not necessary to list an alternate if a delegate is named. Whose ballots may the state associations of counties/parishes/boroughs receive? Your state association of counties/parishes/boroughs is allowed to pick up any unclaimed ballots from counties/parishes/boroughs that have registered delegates. The pick-up for state associations is Sunday afternoon during the conference. The state association may then cast those ballots in the election. My county does not want our state association to pick up our votes. How does my county go about indicating this decision? You must check the box that says “If my ballot is not picked up, I DO NOT AUTHORIZE my state association to pick up or cast my county’s vote. I understand that my county’s votes will NOT be cast if I select this option.” • Remember that your county’s votes will not be cast at all with this option if your delegate does not pick up the ballot. What does “vote by proxy” mean? A county may designate a conference attendee from another county within that state or its state association to cast its ballot as long as BOTH are registered conference attendees. Why would a county vote by proxy? Counties may vote by proxy for a number of reasons. One example would be a county official who needs to leave the conference before the vote is taken and would want another county to vote on his/her behalf. How would my county vote by proxy? In order to vote by proxy: • Your county and the county you give your vote to must have paid their 2013 dues • Your county must have at least one paid conference registration for the conference, even if no officials are attending • After your delegate picks up your county’s ballot, your delegate and the other county’s delegate must both sign the back of the ballot for the transfer to be valid If I do not get my credentials form into the NACo office by June 28, may I become credentialed on site at the conference? Yes. You must either bring the original credentials form signed by your chief elected official with you or a letter from your chief elected official designating you as his/her designee to be able to vote in the election. My county won’t be attending this year’s Annual Conference, can we still vote? Yes. Your county can still have its votes counted without attending the conference, but one person from your county still needs to register. You must have at least one person registered by 8:30 AM EDT on July 16. If you register, do not plan to attend and wish to vote, you MUST designate your state association president as your delegate on the Credentials Form. Your state association president or his/her designee will pick up and cast your ballot. How does NACo determine the number of votes each county receives? The number of votes is determined by the amount of dues a county pays. Dues are based on population. All counties are entitled to at least one vote. Members with more than $499 in dues are entitled to one additional vote for each additional $500 in dues or fraction thereof paid in the year the meeting is held. • Counties with dues of $400 to $499 receive one vote. • Counties with dues of $500 to $999 receive two votes. • Counties with dues of $1000 to $1,499 receive three votes, and so on. • The maximum number of votes a county can receive is 112. My county has 10 votes. How can our 25 commissioners divide or share the votes? That is up to your county. NACo has no rule as to how counties decide to allocate their votes. Counties may split their vote amongst the candidates running for second vice president if it is desired. I’ve heard the term “unit vote” used. What is that? Some states, by custom or policy, cast all of their votes as a block or “unit.” State associations typically have a meeting before the election to determine how they will handle the voting process. • Check with your state association regarding the time, date and location of this meeting. • NACo bylaws permit each county to cast its vote as it chooses. Your county does not have to vote with your state association should you so choose. When does the voting take place? This year’s election will be held on Monday, July 22, 2013 at 10:30 am at the NACo Annual Business Meeting. How does the voting occur? Votes are cast by state, not by state association. Counties from a state sit together as a delegation. The reading clerk will call out states at random. A state appointed representative will approach the microphone and call out that state’s vote. This will continue until one of the candidates has a majority (fifty percent plus one – 50% + 1) of the total number of votes being cast. Voting may still continue after the fifty percent plus one mark has been reached. What is a roll call? Roll call is a way of voting for NACo resolutions to be passed. If a roll call is necessary, the names of the states will be read out in alphabetical order by the reading clerk. A state appointed representative will approach the microphone and call out that state’s vote as “yes” or “no.” A weighted vote will be used. This will continue until all votes have been cast. NACo 2013 Credentials (Voting) Form Please complete and RETURN FORM BY JUNE 28, 2013 to: Credentials Committee / NACo / Attn: Alex Koroknay-Palicz 25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 500 / Washington, DC 20001 You may also fax this form to 202.393.2630 ... or scan and e-mail this form to: ... or have the voting delegate(s) carry it with him/her to the conference and present it at the Credentials Desk. If you do not plan on registering for the 2013 Annual Conference, there is no need to fill out and return this form. Your county/parish/borough MUST have at least one paid conference registration to be able to vote. If you are registering for credentials onsite, you MUST have authorization IN WRITING from your chief elected official that you are the county’s designee. If your ballot is not picked up at the 2013 Annual Conference the President of your State Association will pick up and cast your county’s votes unless you check the box below. ❑ If my ballot is not picked up, I DO NOT AUTHORIZE my state association to pick up or cast my county’s vote. I understand that my county’s votes will NOT be cast if I select this option. Please type or print in block letters. County / Parish / Borough State Name your county/parish/borough’s delegate(s) Please assign a delegate from your county/parish/borough. Designated County Delegate First Name Last Name Job Title/Position County Alternate First Name Last Name Job Title/Position Please note: This form must be signed by the CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL from your county. Submissions without an appropriate signature will not be accepted. ________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Chief Elected Official Date ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Print Name Title (Board President/Chair/elected County Executive/Judge/Mayor) _____________________________ Cell Number Credentials Checklist Please use the following checklist before returning the credentials form. YES NO Has my county/parish/borough paid its 2013 NACo dues? If no, please contact NACo’s Membership department at 888.407.NACo (6226). 2013 dues must be paid before votes may be cast. YES NO Has my county/parish/borough registered or at least one person from my county/parish/borough paid the registration fee to attend the conference? If no, STOP. The county must have at least one paid conference registrant to cast a ballot, according to NACo’s bylaws. If no one from your county is registered for the conference, your county may not vote in the election. If your county does not plan on registering for the conference, you do not need to turn this credentials form back in to the NACo office. If you have answered “YES” to both of the above questions, please continue. YES NO Has my county designated a voting delegate and alternate, if applicable? Only ONE alternate may be designated per county. If more than one alternate is designated per form, only the first will be counted as the credentialed voting alternate. YES NO Has the chief elected official of my county/parish/borough (board chair, mayor, parish president, elected county executive) signed the credentials form? If you have answered yes to all questions, please either fax, mail or e-mail a scanned letter, the credentials form by Friday, June 28, 2013 to: Alex Koroknay-Palicz Fax # (202) 393-2630 Or: Credentials Committee Attn: Alex Koroknay-Palicz National Association of Counties 25 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20001 Or: If you have questions call or e-mail Alex Koroknay-Palicz at 888.407.NACo (6226) or his direct line: (202) 942-4291. E-mail: