Part_1 - South Asian Daily
Part_1 - South Asian Daily
ANNU GAIDHU CROWNED MISS INDIA-CANADA 2014 AKHILESH MISHRA, CONSUL GENERAL OF INDIA DELIVERING SPEECH DURING THE INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS IN TORONTO. I MORE PICS ON PAGE 4 CIBC POLL: HALF OF CANADIAN STUDENTS NEED TO BORROW MONEY TO PAY FOR SCHOOL Toronto - A new CIBC (TSX: CM) (NYSE: CM) poll conducted by Leger finds that half of Canadian college and university students (51 per cent) must borrow to pay for their education. Most students are optimistic that they will repay their debt within five years, yet the majority of them said they expect to graduate with debt loads of more than $10,000. Further, four in 10 expect to owe over $25,000 by the time they graduate. Key findings of the poll include: " 51 per cent of Canadian post-secondary students have or will need to borrow money to pay for their education, including tuition, books and living expenses " By the time they complete their education, 73 per cent of students expect to owe more than $10,000 " 40 per cent expect to have more than $25,000 in student debt " Two-thirds (66 per cent) expect to pay back their debt in five years or less "It's not surprising that many students need to borrow money to cover the cost of post-secondary education, particularly those living away from home or studying a specialized program," says Christina Kramer, Executive Vice President, Retail and Business Banking, CIBC. "It's important for them to take the time to review their finances and build a manageable debt repayment plan so that they won't feel so financially stressed in school and can better manage debt once they've graduated." Have a realistic plan to reduce and repay debt Most students (66 per cent) believe they can pay back their debt in five years or less, with nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of them being far more optimistic -- expecting it will take only two years or less to pay off their student loans. Just 34 per cent said they believe it will take them more than six years to wipe the slate clean. "While their intentions are admirable, they may not be realistic," says Ms. Kramer. "As students graduate and look to start their careers, they will likely be moving out on their own, saving for a car or a down payment on a home, or even starting a family. That's why it's important for students to manage the amount of debt they take on, develop a budget that helps them carefully manage their spending while in school, and have a plan to pay off debt once they graduate." A CIBC poll, released earlier this month, found that the majority of students (73 per cent) with summer jobs won't make enough money to pay for their college or university costs and will need to work during the school year to support their school expenses. Most of them (53 per cent) working this summer expect to earn between $1,001 and $5,000, with about one quarter (26 per cent) expecting to earn between $5,001 and $10,000. ISABELLA KAIF, SISTER OF FAMOUS BOLLYWOOD STAR KATRINA KAIF, HONORING YUDHVIR JASWAL, GROUP EDITOR AND CEO OF Y MEDIA. COURTESY: REENA DEON I DETAILS ON PAGE 3 I DETAILS ON PAGE 3 India cancels talks over invite to separatists, Pakistan terms it setback New Delhi, (IANS) Taking a tough stand at Pakistan's engagement with Kashmiri separatist leaders, India Monday called off the Aug 25 foreign secretary-level talks, terming unacceptable "the continued effor ts to inter fere" in its internal affairs. Pakistan described the decision as a "setback" to its effor ts to promote good neighbourly relations. External Affairs spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin conveyed the Indian government's decision following Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit's meeting with separatist Kashmiri leader Shabir Shah in the capital Monday for consultations before the foreign secretary-level talks. "Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh's visit to Islamabad for talks on Aug 25 stands cancelled," he said, adding that the talks have been called off as "no useful purpose will be served" by her visit. In its reaction, the Pakistan Foreign Office said it has been informed of India's decision to call off the talks "taking exception" to its high commissioner in New Delhi holding meetings with Kashmiri leaders but noted that it is a "long standing practice" ahead of bilateral talks to hold meetings with Kashmiri leaders in order to "facilitate meaningful discussions on the issue of Kashmir". Other Kashmiri separatist leaders asser ted they would go on to meet the Pakistani envoy Tuesday and criticised the Indian government for calling off the talks over the invitation to them. Announcing the decision in a strong statement, Akbaruddin said that the invitation to "so-called leaders of the Hurriyat does indeed raise questions about Pakistan's sincerity, and shows that its negative approaches and attempts to interfere in India's internal affairs continue unabated". Pakistan should resolve outstanding issues through peaceful bilateral dialogue within the framework and principles of the Simla Agreement and the Lahore Declaration, he added. Akbaruddin noted that that the Islambad's "negative apporach" had come at a time when serious initiatives were being undertaken by the Narendra Modi government to move bilateral ties forward, including towards the resumption of a regular dialogue process. I CONTD. FROM PAGE 5 CIRCULATED THROUGH : TORONTO, MARKHAM, SCARBOROUGH, RICHMOND HILL, VAUGHAN, WOODBRIDGE, ETOBICOKE, NORTH YORK, MALTON, REXDALE, BRAMPTON, MISSISSAUGA, OAKVILLE, HAMILTON, MILTON, STONEY CREEK, BURLINGTON 2 MidWeek MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 RUNNING SUCCESSFULLY MidWeek MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 PAGE 3 ANNU GAIDHU CROWNED MISS INDIA-CANADA 2014 DESK REPORT Toronto - It was a night of enter tainment, prestige and glamour all rolled up into one; the 24thannual Miss India-Canada Event, which was presented by Chevrolet had it all this past Saturday! The sold out show was truly a memorable experience that those present will remember for years to come. Zee TV Canada was the associate sponsor this year; and Sears the Grand Sponsor. At the end of the evening, Annu Gaidhu of Mississauga, Ontario won the esteemed title of Miss India-Canada 2014. Other sponsors included Om Financial, Lakeshore Convention Centre, Aurora Collectibles, Quality Street and Bigen Speedy Hair Colour, to name a few. This year's show will be telecasted next month on Zee TV Canada, the exclusive broadcast par tner. With a red carpet entrance, dazzling cocktail hour, and stunning stage set provided by Hidden Treasures For All Occasions, patrons were 'Wowed' right from the very beginning. The 16 delegates began the evening with a high-energy dance sequence accompanied by a solo trumpet player that captivated the audience and kept them in their seats for the remainder of the evening. Notable attendees were Senator Dr Asha Seth; Patrick Brown, MP; well-known VJ from India and past Miss India-Canada title holder, Ruby Bhatia and various dignitaries from Ontario's judicial system. Soon after, the opening host, Aashish Rajhans, introduced the emcees for the evening-Karen Johnson, on air television personality, and Francis D'Souza, Senior Manager and Editorial & Ancohor/Repor ter 3 ANNU GAIDHU CROWNED MISS INDIA-CANADA 2014 for City News. They commenced the evening by introducing the distinguished Panel of Judges: Monisha Aurora - HBA/octm.Ed Candidate (UWO); Suby Bhardwaj, Barrister & Solicitor Dr Alkarim Damji, Physician; Parveen Dhanoa, Associate Styling Manager - Sears Canada Inc.; Hossein Hassani, Director of Marketing - General Motors of Canada; Rajesh Jain, Managing Partner, CWD; Huse Madhavji, Actor/Writer - Saving Hope; Sharon Mejia, Special Projects Manager - Ethnic Channels Group; Shusmita Sharma, Candidate for Council, Ward 7-Markham. The judges were then put to the test as each delegate completed the first three segments: Evening Gown, Talent, and Indian Dress. Next, the emcees announced that Suruchi Srivastava of Toronto, ON won the Chevrolet Spark Award for Best Performance, Angel Bhathal of Winnipeg, MB won Miss Photogenic, Natasha Balakrishnan from Brampton, ON won Miss Congeniality Award, Annu Gaidhu won Sears Miss Pure NRG, and Shravya Gunda of North York, ON won the People's Choice Award. Organizers, Sanjay Agnihotri and Gautam Sharma were then called upon to say a few words and present Hollywood rising star, Isabelle Kaif with the Special Achievement Award for her contribution to independent cinema. The top 5 finalists were then announced in random order: Jasreen Cheema of Brampton, ON; Natasha Balakrishnan; Rohini Singh of Calgary, AB; Annu Gaidhu; Suruchi Srivastava. The final segment of Question & Answer involved asking each contestant a different question by the panel of judges. I CONTD. ON PAGE 6 4 MidWeek special report MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 breaking news Niagara Cricket & Bollywood Festival was an overwhelming success Smart Choice from USA won the coveted $30,000 prize money Tourism Culture & Spor t that is Canada's only stop on Cricket Council USA's (CCUSA) circuit of tournaments throughout Nor th America. Professional teams from the US and India in addition to Canada had par ticipated in this international T-20 tournament that kick star ted from August 14 and culminated on August 17. While the qualifying tournament showcased some of Canada's best domestic talent, the main draw showcased internationally-seasoned players who played in front of an overwhelming crowd who cheered some of their favorite players seating it out for the cup. The tournament was co-hosted at two venues - the Niagara Cricket Center, Canada's largest private cricket facility, and John N. Allan Park in Niagara Falls. Grounds admission for all events throughout the weekend was free with VIP seating available for purchase. The event was the brainchild of Tan Qureshi, member of the Niagara DESK REPORT Niagara - The Niagara Cricket and Bollywood Festival concluded turned out to be a huge success with Smar t Choice team of USA winning the most coveted $30,000 prize money. The event was attended by thousands of cricket enthusiasts who not only enjoyed a fabulous game of cricket but the awesome Bollywood styled show. Whereas the Broken Dance group had people tapping their feet, Jes Reign, the event MC had audiences in splits. Teji Sandhu also entertained the crowd with his melodious voice. The event also featured Happy Armaan, Rehamt and The Avengers with people savoring a large variety of Southeast Asian and Mediterranean food. Teams from all over the world had converged upon Niagara to promote cricket in Canada. The event was suppor ted by The Ministry of MidWeek 5 Cricket Club who informed that though Canada was once a cricketing nation and its roots can be traced back to 1890 while the British were still residing in the country and it remained Canada's national game but fizzling out soonest. In 2008 after the Ridley College's cricket program in the country collapsed, the club continued playing its home games for the two years in Hamilton and kept the dreams of many for the game alive. The Niagara Cricket Club has several plans for the coming seasons as the group sees a huge rise in the interest of people in the game as a large number of people are migrating from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh to Canada. Though the club does not have a kids program but intends to kickstart it by next year as it is becoming such a rage among South Asian and African youngsters settling in the country. Currently it runs Premier and First Division teams against squads from the Niagara Cricket Academy in Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Hamilton Crescent, Oakville, Mississauga, Halton, Stoney Creek and Burlington. India Cancels talks over invite to separatists, Pakistan terms it setback CONTD. FROM PAGE 1 "Indian Foreign Secretary conveyed to the Pakistan High Commissioner today, in clear and unambiguous terms, that Pakistan's continued effor ts to interfere in India's internal affairs were unacceptable. It was underlined that the High Commissioner's meetings with these so called leaders of the Hurriyat undermines the constructive diplomatic engagement initiated by Prime Minister Modi in May on his very first day in office," he said. Akbaruddin later told CNN-IBN news channel that Sujatha Singh called Abdul Basit before his meeting with Shah and explained to him that "this par t of interference in India's internal affairs was totally unacceptable".a "Yet the Pakistan high commissioner proceeded and had meeting. Therefore, it led us with no choice but to decide not have engagement when the atmosphere was vitiated," he said. The move to cancel the talks also came amid concern in the government over ceasefire violations by Pakistan over the past few days. Defence Minister Arun Jaitley, who was in Amritsar, justified the cancellation and termed the ceasefire violations as "deliberate". "With these kind of provocations like the ceasefire violations and, more seriously, invitation to separatists to meet the high commissioner, it's for Pakistan to decide what kind of relationship it wants with India," he said. The cancellation of talks marked another dramatic turn in the tumultuous relationship between the two countries which had begun to look up following Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif attending Modi's swearing in here in May. The Congress said the Modi government needs to explain why it decided to have talks with Pakistan in the first place. Par ty leader Anand Sharma said that Pakistan had not responded adequately to the issues raised by the United Progressive Alliance government and that was why the composite dialogue process between the two countries was not restored. "Why India went to the negotiating table. They (the Modi government) have been sending confused signals," he said. 6 MidWeek community MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 ICCC-BUSINESS RECEPTION FOR VISITING FKCCI DELEGATION FROM INDIA Toronto - Community leaders organised South Asian Cultural Family Picnic to celebrate Independence Days of India & Pakistan at Lake Avenue School Ground (Riverdale & Delawana Drive) in Hamilton. Families savored delicious BBQ and other dishes specially prepared for the event that culminated on cultural activities. Melbourne best place to live in the world; Three Canadian cities in top 10 Three Canadian cities are ranked in the top 10 of The Economist's annual ranking of the world's "most livable" cities. The magazine says its ranking "assesses which locations around the world provide the best or the worst living conditions" based on five categories: stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure. Melbourne, Australia, was deemed the most livable city, followed by Vienna. Vancouver and Toronto are a close third and four th, respectively, while Calgary is tied for fifth with Adelaide. Seven of the top 10 cities on the list are in Australia or Canada The top 10 cities are as follows: " Melbourne, Australia " Vienna, Austria " Vancouver " Toronto " Calgary (tied) " Adelaide, Australia (tied) " Sydney, Australia " Helsinki, Finland " Per th, Australia " Auckland, New Zealand ICCC BOARD WITH MINISTER. More Canadians traveling to US I ndo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) organized a business reception for the visiting delegation from Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FKCCI), India on 11th August, 2014 at the Cour tyard by Marriott Hotel in Brampton. S. Sampathraman, President, FKCCI led the Indian delegation comprising 28 representatives from the different industrial sectors including agro processing, diesel generator manufacturer, industrial raw material and others. In his welcome remarks, Dharma P Jain, President, ICCC, emphasized the significance of the bilateral visits of business delegations and the role ICCC has played in promoting bilateral trade and investment between Canada and India in diverse sectors. Mr. Jain, welcome the Indian government’s decision of increasing the FDI cap from 27% to 49% in defense and Insurance sector and hoped that the Indian government would also pave the way for FDI in retail sectors as well in near future. In his remarks, Mr. Sampathraman said that Karnataka Government is planning to introduce concessions for the foreign direct investment for developing industry in the state next year. Canadian companies can benefit from these concession by star ting joint venture with their Indian counterpar ts or otherwise. Hon. Bal Gosal, Federal Minister of State for Spor ts, emphasised that India is a priority market for Canada and hoped to complete the ongoing negotiations for developing high quality trade, economic growth, creating more jobs, free market access and to utilize the community network for fur ther enhancing the trade ties. Both countries are willing to work jointly in sectors such as energy, food security, aviation, infrastructure and defence. Mr. Naval Bajaj, Immediate past President ICCC lauded the ICCC initiative in starting the India Missions a couple of years back. ICCC led India Mission 2013 had a wide range of meetings with the FKCCI and the Canadian delegates explored the business opportunities in Karnataka. Mr. K Ravi, Chairman International Businesses, FKCCI appreciated the Canadian government’s decision to set up a trade office in the city which will be fully operational next month. It will help to connect the businesses of the two countries. Mr. R K Raina, Commercial Consul, Consulate General of India in Toronto, in his remarks lauded the remarkable work of ICCC in promoting bilateral trade between Canada and India. The event was attended by ICCC board members, representatives of City of Markham, City of Brampton, Brampton Board of Trades, business leaders and ICCC members. Mr. Tony Chawla, Vice President, Events, ICCC was the master of ceremony and delivered vote of thanks. ANNU GAIDHU CROWNED MISS INDIA-CANADA 2014 CONTD. FROM PAGE 3 As the anticipation of the winner grew, the audience was treated to an electrifying performance by Canadian born, international R&B artist, Raghav. Patrons waited in complete silence as Francis and Karen announced the results from the accounting firm of Kunjar Sharma and Associates. The Second Runner-up was Suruchi Srivastava, the First Runner-up was Natasha Balakrishnanand this year's MISS INDIA-CANADA 2013 was Annu Gaidhu. Annu was born and raised in the beautiful city of Mississauga, as the youngest daughter of three siblings. Dreaming big, believing in oneself and always having a positive attitude has been a philosophy of hers which has kept her to remain grounded, confident and focused for this year. Currently, Annu is in her last year completing her bachelor's degree at Ryerson University majoring in Child and Youth Care. Her ambition in becoming a child and youth care worker originates from a genuine desire she has to make a positive difference in people's lives. Annu considers one of her proudest accomplishments is becoming Toronto's youngest certified yoga instructor at the age of 23. She has an infectious passion for teaching yoga and has trained adults and children for over five years now. As a first generation Indo-Canadian, family and heritage have always been important to her. It has been a dream come true to proudly represent her Indian culture and to celebrate diversity woven into the Canadian mosaic as the new Miss India Canada 2014. After the show, Sanjay Agnihotri remarked: "This certainly was the most successful Miss IndiaCanada event to date. We were honoured to have Chevrolet back on board and Zee TV Canada with us as our television partner. And of course, the Chevrolet Spark as our Grand Prize; the various special guests and dignitaries that attended, the incredible talent that the delegates showcased on stage has made this year's show incredibly special. Moreover, we are overwhelmed with the support we received from the community this year. Since next year we are celebrating 25 years, the team and I are already planning for next year-it is going to be something special!" Canadian residents took 2.9 million overnight trips abroad in June, up 0.9% from May and the highest level since record keeping began in 1972. While overnight travel to overseas countries decreased 0.2% in June, overnight travel by Canadian residents to the United States rose 1.4% compared with May. This was almost entirely due to a 2.7% increase in overnight car travel. Overnight plane trips from Canada to the United States decreased 0.4% over the same period. Same-day car travel from Canada to the United States was up 2.2% from May as Canadian residents took 2.6 million trips. Travel to Canada by US residents rose 0.5% compared with May to 1.7 million trips. While overall overnight travel decreased 0.5%, overnight car trips by US residents reached 578,000 in June, up 1.6% from the previous month. Sameday car travel also increased 2.6% to 606,000 trips. Residents of overseas countries made 430,000 trips to Canada in June (+0.3%), the highest number since record keeping began in 1972. In June, 8 of the top 12 overseas markets recorded increases in travel to Canada compared with May. The largest percentage increase was in travel by residents of India (+5.5%), followed by a 3.2% increase in travel by residents of the United Kingdom. Australian residents took 26,000 trips to Canada (+2.4%), the highest monthly figure ever from that country. Source - MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 community Gagan Soni of Brampton wins a Free 'Air Ticket' Prize in UAE Exchange Promotion MidWeek 7 'India-born top Maths prize winner was remarkable': Teacher By Quaid Najmi / Kolhapur (IANS): Mathematics genius Subhas A. Khot who got the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize, a top Maths award in the world, has an "extraordinary academic talent and remarkable concentration power", his school teachers recall. "We are very proud of his achievement which has brought global name and fame to his alma-mater. On his next visit home to Ichalkaranji in December, we have planned a public felicitation for him," a pleased Gopal G. Kulkarni, principal Venkatrao High School, Ichalkaranji, told IANS. Khot was a student at the Marathi medium school in the secondary section between 1987-1993 - and was the brightest in all spheres of academics, Kulkarni said, adding that around half a dozen of his erstwhile teachers still teach here. Khot's maths and science teacher, Vaman G. Gogate, now 79 and retired, clearly remembers how his favourite student excelled in academics throughout his academic career. "He had a special love for maths and science, but was the best in all other subjects. He had extraordinary academic talent and remarkable concentration power. I always knew that he would some day achieve top glory and fame," Gogate told IANS. The simple, but bright and helpful boy met all expectations in 1993 when he topped the Kolhapur Division SSC Board exams with a total score of 94.57 percent, and later topped the IIT-JEE in Mumbai and did his MSc in Maths before going to Princeton University for his doctorate. Khot, 36, is now a professor in Computer Science Depar tment at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. He bagged the prestigious Nevanlinna Prize for his "prescient definition of the 'Unique Games' problem, and leading the effor t to understand its complexity and it pivotal role in the study of efficient approximation of optimization problems". Besides Khot, another Indian-origin academician Manjul Bhargava won the Fields Medal - both awarded by the International Mathematical Union at the International Congress of Mathematicians 2014, in Seoul, South Korea Wednesday. "He called me up this morning to give the news and I felt very happy that he remembered us in the midst all the international attention he is getting," Gogate said. Gogate recalled how Khot would come to his home daily for studies, along with another group of 20-25 students. "He would come with the textbooks, read the day's chapters, think, debate and discuss with his classmates, hammer out solutions and answers and go back," said Gogate, who retired in 1994 from Venkatrao High School. According to Gogate, Khot never believed in exercising options like solving any five out of 10 questions in the final exams for 100 marks. "He would solve all the 10 questions or 200 marks worth, in the same allotted time, and with complete accuracy aided by his excellent handwriting in both Marathi and English," he said with a smile. In fact, at Gogate's suggestion, the young Khot even studied all religious works in Hinduism, Islam, Christianity alongside his regular academics! UAE Exchange Canada launched a promotion wherein all participants entered a raffle to win an Air Ticket. The promotion announced its first winner for the month of June 2014- Mr. Gagan Soni. Mayor Susan Fennel was there to give away the Air Ticket prize. Mr Ajit Paul- President of UAE Exchange Canada was present on the occasion and congratulated the Winner. " We believe in rewarding and surprising our consumers!"- smiled Mr. Gurpreet Singh Bedi, Country Head for UAE Exchange Canada.. Also present were Mr. Gurpreet Singh Bedi- Country Head, UAE Exchange Canada, Mr. Rajesh P.V- VP Operations, Mr. Amarpreet Singh- VP Marketing and other key team players from UAE Exchange Canada. About the promotion: Customers of UAE Exchange living in Canada now stand a chance to win return air tickets to a country of their choice. Promotion is valid from 1stJuneto 31stAugust, 2014. So for those who wish to take a chance this promotion is still on. Three lucky customers of UAE Exchange stand a chance to travel to a country of their choice, this season. In its effor ts to get closer to its customers, UAE Exchange, the leading remittance and foreign exchange brand,launched the "Send money &win air tickets" promotion. Customers,who make a transaction between 1st June and 31st August, 2014, qualify for this promotion. A total of three draws will be held during and after the contest period and three winners will be chosen and given return air tickets to a country of their choice. During the ceremony, Mr. Ajit Paul, President - UAE ExchangeCanada said, "Our customers are the reason for our existence and success today, and every initiative of ours is taken to offer maximum value addition to them. Whether it is through our products and services or through our promotions, our aim has always been to connect our customers with their loved ones." UAE Exchange is well-known for its excellent customer service and widest network among remittance brands with over700 branches in 32 countries across five continents serving over 6.5million customers. Strong correspondent relationship with over 150 global banks fur ther adds to the might. With eightbranches in Canada, customers can walk in to the nearest one to address their multiple financial requirements viz. money transfers, currency exchange, bill payments, and more, under one roof. UAE Exchange Canada also offers online money transfer through The launch was conducted in the presence of Senior Officials of UAE Exchange, special invitees and the Media. For more information, visit To participate in our exciting contests, join us on Facebook by logging on to Twitter premieres Michael Jackson's new video New York (IANS): If you are a die-hard fan of later singer Michael Jackson, do not miss a new video that was released on microblogging site Twitter on Thursday. His Twitter account released a shor t film titled "A Place With No Home" as one of the first music videos to premiere on the social platform. The video was available for Twitter users exclusively for 12 hours, star ting 7.30am on Thursday. "Music is the No 1 most-discussed subject on Twitter in the US and 50 per cent of all of our users follow at least one musician," Shavone Charles, a Twitter spokesperson was quoted as saying. "Music fans from around the globe discover and discuss new music in the moment," she added. The video was also broadcast in the middle of New York City's Times Square. "A Place With No Name" is the first music video to launch on Twitter. Michael Jackson's Twitter account has a staggering 1.5 million followers. 8 MidWeek opinion MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 Modi's foreign policy: Good beginning in protecting core national interests BY SHIV SHANKAR MUKHERJEE Narendra Modi's visit to Nepal, the first by an Indian prime minister in 17 years, has received kudos from all stakeholders and commentators on both sides of the border and, most importantly for India, from the public in Nepal. What is far more important than the agreements signed or aid promised is the broad vision that was unfolded by the prime minister, of the commitment of his government to take India-Nepal relations to a higher plane, with respect for Nepal's sovereignty, and it's equality in partnership regardless of the asymmetry in size, to never interfere in Nepal's internal affairs, and to promote meaningful cooperation guided by trust and friendship. While two-and-a-half months into governance is admittedly too short a timeframe to make informed judgments, enough has taken place in the realm of India's international relations to try and assess what core principles guide the prime minister. At the very outset, then Prime Minister-designate Modi invited the SAARC heads of government to his swearing in ceremony. A masterstroke this; in one fell swoop he highlighted the overriding importance India gave to its neighbours, underlined his commitment to SAARC as a vehicle for regional cooperation (deliberately overlooking its woefully inadequate record so far) and brought the Pakistan prime minister here, not as a visiting superstar as was the policy of Manmohan Singh's UPA, but firmly in a regional template. Almost unnoticed but very significant were the invitations issued to the prime minister in-exile of Tibet and to Mauritius. Certainly China would have noted the first, as it was obviously meant to, and the second was a sound decision to extend a fraternal hand to a small country that is of great strategic importance to us in more ways than one. The prime minister's first foreign trip to Bhutan is equally useful in understanding his priorities. He quite correctly ignored the vociferous chants of the self-appointed foreign policy wonks who wanted him to fall in with strong Japanese signals to make that country his first port of call. The message was MidWeek Published By Asian World Today Inc. 1310, Midway Blvd, Unit # 31, Mississauga Ontario L5T 2K5 Direct Line - 647-272-8182 Tel: 905-670-3687 Fax: 905-670-5344 E-mail : For Advertising YUDHVIR JASWAL SHAZIA MALIK CHIEF EDITOR & CEO CONTRIBUTING WRITER 647-272-8182 DR. PUSHPINDER BRAR GURPREET SINGH LOONA CONTRIBUTING WRITER MEDIA COORDINATOR NAVEEN SHARMA CHETAN PATIL INDIA MARKETING HEAD MARKETING EXECUTIVE SUNIL VERMA ALI - NICE PHOTOGRAPHY GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT PHOTOGRAPHERS THAPLIYAL & RAI LAW OFFICE BASHIR NASIR PHOTOGRAPHERS LEGAL ADVISOR Newspaper MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY Published in English every Tuesday Radio SOUTHASIAN PULSE Mon to Fri; 10:00 AM to 12 Noon on AM 770 Television SOUTHASIAN 360 DEGREES On FILMYChannel Right Across North America Canada - (Rogers - Channel-830, Bell fibe TV Channel-798 ), USA - DirecTV - Channel 2008 Timings- Friday6-7 PM,Sun -1-2 PMWed - 6:307:30PM-EST Online WWW.SOUTHASIANDAILY.COM ONLY News Portal for Southasian-Canadians Cricket CANADIAN PROFESSIONAL CRICKET (CPC) 6th Annual CPC Inter-City Cricket Cup Starting June 2013 6 Months of Non-stop cricket action Events 7th Annual Midweek Southasian Awards 2013 All Rights Reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be printed without the written consent of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: Asian World Today Inc. assumes all advertisers to be reliable and responsible for any and all liability from their claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement he may see unfit for publication. The opinions expressed in Midweek may not be those of the publisher. clear: we see Japan as a key partner, especially in being a part of an IndiaJapan-US grouping to serve our security interests in the face of the aggressive policies of China to seek a virtually veto-owning dominance in Asia. But Bhutan remains an all-weather friend that has demonstrated its readiness to go the extra mile to protect India's security at considerable risk to itself, and the visit was India's tribute. Continuing with the aim of watching "what they do, not what they say" the signals to China are revealing and encouraging. China is and will remain for the foreseeable future India's most important and difficult foreign policy challenge. Even the threat posed by a terrorist nation-state like Pakistan would be reduced by multiples were it not for the oxygen it gets from China, diplomatically, politically and militarily, down to creating and nurturing it's nuclear weapons programme. China's purposeful moves to increase its own and reduce India's space in neighbouring countries of crucial importance to India's interests is a clear indicator, along with its unswerving and lethal backing of Pakistan, that China is determined to keep India's options squeezed and limited. It's a difficult tight-rope walk for India and while we engage diplomatically and commercially, (China is now our largest trading partner in goods), we must find and keep ready whatever leverages we can identify to deter a powerful neighbour from active hostility and military adventurism. The firmness displayed in insisting and getting the US to agree to a meaningful bilateral visit rather than the photo-op of a meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meet has had it's impact on its president - witness preparatory visits of its secretary of state, commerce secretary and the defence secretary with the signalling of bipartisan support thrown in earlier by the visit of Senator John McCain. Modi has shown that he is not interested in sulking over the silly American decision on denying his visa or letting irritants like the Khobragade episode and the spying brouhaha stand in the way of bringing relations back to strategic partnership levels, to which the Americans seem to have responded in good measure. In the WTO, India was right in insisting that subsidies are important for the Indian farmer and the poor, just as it is for the American or European farmer who are by far the most heavily subsidised in the world. On criticism about India's stand on the Gaza crisis, the statement by Sushma Swaraj that New Delhi does not wish to join the blame-game in this huge political and humanitarian crisis as we have friendly relations with both sides was the simple truth,and the vote in the UN Human Rights Commission offered the needed balance,and was not the u-turn alleged by tunnel-visioned critics. Modi has done well in pursuing our national interests through our foreign policy, which is the only criterion for basing judgment. He must now ensure that implementation of policies and promises made take top priority, and make clear that laziness and procrastination in government and public sector circles will not be tolerated, so that we can undo the image we have created among our friends in Africa and Asia that "India promises, but China delivers". (Shiv Shankar Mukherjee is a for mer Indian ambassador. The views expressed are personal. He can be contacted at Ipsos Reid news INDIAN PLAYERS SHOULD HAVE 20-20 VISION OF TEST CRICKET By Veturi Srivatsa Ask any player anywhere in the world and he will say Test cricket is the ultimate. But today - though he may not openly admit it - he knows in his heart that his Twenty20 performance is far more important. It may sound nonsensical yet the aspiring cricketer has started believing that the easiest way to get into the limelight is through the shortest format of the game. Mahendra Singh Dhoni and most of his teammates may not accept that Twenty20 cricket has started hurting their Test status. People will still hail Dhoni as the captain who won the inaugural Twenty20 World Cup, the 2011 World Cup and the 2013 Champions Trophy besides manipulating India to the No.1 position in Test cricket. India's Test players look like the youngsters who got hooked on junk food, not knowing the real taste of the spread of a festival feast. They have mostly been brought up on Twenty20 stuff and they are struggling to come to grips with the delicacies of Test cricket. Any diplomatic explanation for India's abysmal performance will not serve the purpose. We have to accept that this is their strength now and it is not good enough to consistently perform at least overseas. See the disparity between tough sides and the weak. England lost their first Test against India on their last tour here and bounced back to take the series 2-1 whereas India took a 1-0 lead and then disintegrated to allow England to come back with a vengeance to make it a nocontest winning 3-1. There is a message for India in the steamrolling, play your Test cricket mostly on your cart-tracks back home and be happy mauling the opposition. There was a time when Sri Lanka used to be their favourite whipping boys, arranging tours at short notice, and now they found the West Indies. The Caribbean team was here last October to celebrate Sachin Tendulkar's retirement and they will be here again in two months, this time to soothe Indian feelings and to help them forget their England nightmare and tell the world that they have recovered well enough to take on Australia. How the Indian players wish they could change their game as quickly as some of us, the media, could in hindsight with 20-20 vision. How easy it is to roll out adjectives, epithets and pour scorn at a team that shows little stomach for a fight. Victory is always historic and great and defeat is shameful. Even if one has to show some sympathy, how can the Indian think-tank explain Sri Lanka beating England on the strength of their spin just before India got there. India took two spinners whose batting credentials may have weighed in their favour and yet they didn't play their best spinner. Also how could you drop Shikhar Dhawan at Old Trafford just when he was finding his feet though scoring 31 out of an opening stand of 40 and 37 at Southampton unless for sentimental reasons to play a senior colleague Gautam Gambhir for having brought him on the tour? How can a team that depends on its bowlers to get runs and also bowl the opposition out twice prosper? Every time India visit England, Australia and South Africa hopes are raised and if the team doesn't measure up to expectations the players are panned mercilessly, perhaps, in some cases justifiably. Don't forget cricket is a team game and can't be depending on one or two batsmen to score runs and a couple of bowlers to deliver. On this tour you didn't have a Rahul Dravid to give heart to the teammates like he tried to do four years ago scoring three hundreds to give some respectability to the totals. All that we got to hear is the deficiencies in front-foot and back-foot play with temperament thrown in. Yes, you can't be experimenting with your slip catchers in England. Again in Twenty20 you have no use for slip-catchers so how do you find specialists in Tests. One thing is for sure, Gambhir's intensity is best left for Kolkata Knight Riders and Rohit Sharma continues to be exasperating. After spending almost an hour-and-half at the wicket and scoring 28 he can't be getting out the way he did, that too to Moeen Ali, England's spinning find. The sad truth is he will score so heavily on India pitches he will force his way back in. Someone should drill into him that he should go in with uncluttered mind and iron out technical glitches. That is if the selectors still have time for him. Likewise, someone should also find out what's wrong with Mohammad Shami who left the Indian shores as the leader of the Indian attack and returning anything but that. India made one point clear -- that they are a side for the shorter versions. They did not bat 50 overs in four innings and they were in such a tearing hurry to catch up with Twenty20 Champions League that they played nine overs more than 20 in their last Test innings. What is the way forward? Convert most of the players from the present Test side into India A and send them to Australia, South Africa and New Zealand and pick players who have done well on the recent India A tour of Down Under for the winter tour of Australia. Some players need to be protected for the World Cup, too. As for Dhoni, he protected himself as a batsman but not as a wicketkeeper. Once his keeping is questionable, his place as captain becomes untenable. (Veturi Srivatsa is a senior journalist. The views expressed are personal. He can be reached at DISCLAIMER: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED ON THIS PAGE ARE THE PERSONAL OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS.THE INFORMATION, FACTS OR OPINIONS APPEARING IN THE ARTICLES DO NOT REFLECT VIEWS OF MIDWEEK AND ITS MANAGEMENT AND SO THE PAPER DOES NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR THE SAME. MidWeek MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 canada Today more men and women who were born in India serving in Canada's Parliament than at any other time in our country's history: PM Harper PRIME MINISTER STEPHEN HARPER DELIVERS REMARKS AT INDIA'S NATIONAL DAY GALA. Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered the following remarks at India's National Day Gala in Brampton: "I want to thank everybody for that warm welcome and just tell you how delighted I am to be here."Thanks of course to our masters of ceremonies, to Parm Gill and Angie Seth for kicking us off tonight. "Also special greetings to all guests from all levels of government who are here with us tonight, both Canadian and international, to Consul General Mishra. "Particularly to my colleagues from the Government of Canada, and I know they've already been introduced."There are way too many for me to name but look we've got a great turn out. "I'd like them all to stand up one more time. "Give all my colleagues from the Parliament of Canada your warm greeting. "You will know ladies and gentleman that our Government has, in fact we're proud to have, eight Canadians of Indian descent serving in our caucus. "In fact, there are today more men and women who were born in India serving in Canada's Parliament than at any other time in our country's history."Let me also just recognize a few people who worked so hard to make this occasion such a tremendous success. "Obviously first, my introducer, for her leading role in helping to drive the organization of this great event - she asked me 67 times to attend - let's give her one more round of applause, my introducer, Dr. Senator Asha Seth. "Now to be fair, the Senator was working with a great team, so let's also show our appreciation once again to the other members of the Canada India Friendship Group and to members of the Advisory Board."Thank all of them for their great work in putting this tremendous event together. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, I know tonight we're a couple of days early but I would like to personally wish each of you, I would like to in fact wish all IndoCanadians a very happy India Independence Day. "In a matter of days, Prime Minister Modi will do, for the first time, what each of his predecessors have done: raise the deep saffron, white and green flag of India above the Red Fort in New Delhi. "So, on behalf of the Government of Canada and indeed, I know, all of the people of Canada, let's extend our best to Prime Minister Modi and the Indian people as they mark 67 years of independence."Now ladies and gentlemen, Canada's relationship with India is special because despite the great differences between our two countries, we have growing economic ties, we have vast people-to-people ties, and all of these things are cemented together by common values: democracy, justice, pluralism, peace, human rights, the rule of law. "And in what is a very uncertain and divided world, it is comforting to know that Canada has certain friends, like India, who share these values. "Now ladies and gentlemen, in preparation for tonight's event, I could not help but reflect on how much has changed here in Canada and around the world since my first visit to India back in 2009."Five years ago, our Government was navigating Canada through the midst of the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression. "Indeed, much has changed. "With regards to the global recession, whereas Canada was the last G-7 country to feel its impact, we have been the first country to recover from it."And today, despite challenges and uncertainties around the world - challenges and uncertainties that do continue to impact us - Canada's economy is strong, it is growing, creating good jobs and opportunities for hard-working Canadians. "There are more Canadians working today than at any time in our country's history. "Today, Canada is also widely rated as the best country in the G-20 in which to do business. "We have the soundest financial sector in the world. "And we have the most prosperous middle class, among significant developed economies."We have lowered taxes and, next year, years ahead of other countries, we are going to balance the budget here in Canada. "Now thinking again back to my trip to India in 2009, Canada then had free trade agreements with only five countries in the entire world."Since then, we have expanded that by almost 10 times."Today, we have free trade agreements, agreements in principle, with 43 countries. "Put another way, Canada has secured free trade agreements with nearly a quarter of the world's countries, and Canadian businesses are going to have tariff-free access to more than half of the total global economy, including, as you know, with the European Union and the Republic of Korea. "Now it's my hope - it's our Government's hope - that over the years to come Canada and India will continue to develop our own economic and trading relationship. "And that is, of course, another area where things have changed greatly since 2009."We can rightly say that the chill that characterized relations between Canada and India for decades is a thing of the past. "Before our Conservative Government came to office, Canada's relationship with India had been essentially frozen for most of the period since the 1970s."Since taking office our Government has worked hard to revitalize and strengthen Canada-India relations. "We have concluded a Social Security Agreement, an historic Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, and we have launched our own bilateral Canada-India free trade negotiations. "Know that our Government will continue to work to break-down barriers that hinder bilateral trade and investment, and that senior members of our Government will continue to visit India."Just a couple of years ago I had the great fortune, as the Senator mentioned, of returning to India."Because one trip was obviously not near enough to even to scratch the surface of that large, ancient and fascinating civilisation. "In fact, my second trip to India was the longest bilateral visit any Canadian Prime Minister has ever made to any country in the world."And we have been following up on that - we now have eight Canadian consular and trade promotion offices operating across the Republic of India, a number we are looking to add to. "These offices are helping to facilitate visa and immigration applications, and they're helping to create more opportunities for Canadian businesses in places such as New Delhi and Bangalore, Chandigarh in Punjab, and Ahmedabad in Gujarat. "The state of Gujarat in particular - the state where Prime Minister Modi served as chief minister for more than a decade - is home to some of the brightest and best entrepreneurial minds in the world. "Our Government sees tremendous potential for growth in collaboration with this regional economic powerhouse and we have been working hard to make this a priority for several years. "Canada was pleased to serve as an official partner for Vibrant Gujarat 2011."And two years later, at Vibrant Gujarat 2013, not only did Canada serve as an official partner, but Minister Jason Kenney travelled all the way to Gujarat to represent Canada at the summit and to address all of its attendees. 9 CANADA'S START-UP VISA - ATTRACTING ENTREPRENEURS TO CANADA IP10 "Ladies and gentlemen the bottom line is this: the bottom line is that the friendship between Canada and India is stronger, it is stronger than it has ever been and that is something that we all, in both of our countries, should be very proud of. "Now ladies and gentlemen you should also know that our Government's efforts to strengthen Canada-India relations go beyond expanding bilateral trade and investment, for example, through immigration reform. "Canada's past has been shaped by the millions who came from elsewhere and Canada's future will depend on the millions yet to come. "Yet, for far too long, previous governments, as you know, chose to ignore problems in Canada's immigration system as if they would just fix themselves. "Instead, the problems only intensified and the wait times got longer. "Back then, if you had applied to become a permanent resident from India you could expect to wait five or six years for your application to be processed. "It was that bad. "As the immigration backlog grew, so too did the irritation of those patiently waiting their turn. "Worse still, economic opportunities were denied not just to individuals from India, to immigrants, but to Canada itself. "When our Government took office, we immediately got to work and tackled those problems head on. "And I should tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that our Government's reforms have been working and they have been working well. "Today, the permanent residency approval rate for applicants from India is more than 85 per cent. "I should add that these men and women don't have to wait another four or five or six years for their residency because our Government has reduced processing times for recent applicants down to just one year. "In 2005, fewer than twenty-five hundred student visas were granted to Indian students. "Last year, our Government granted more than fourteen thousand such visas. "More Indian students than ever before are studying at Canadian universities, and because our Government has made it easier for these bright young minds to qualify for permanent residency and to work, we hope these students, many of them, will stay and put their Canadian degrees to use right here in Canada. "Our Government has also made the CAN+ program in India a permanent feature of our immigration system, meaning that persons who have travelled to Canada or the United States in the recent past can be fast-tracked for a visitor visa. "Our CAN+ program has a 95 per cent approval rate, making more Indians able to visit Canada as tourists or to do business. "By the way, did I mention ladies and gentlemen that this newest change to our immigration program was just announced by Chris Alexander last month in New Delhi, during his first trip to India as Canada's new Minister of Citizenship and Immigration - congratulations! "Look we all know that immigration enriches this country, and our Government's ongoing reforms mean that more immigrants will be able to contribute to their maximum of their capacity, and that is good for everyone. "Today, India is Canada's top source country for immigrants. "And of course, this explains why Canada's Indo-Canadian community is more than 1.2 million strong and continuing to grow. "The Indo-Canadian community has a proud and rich history in our country. "This community - the Indo-Canadian community - is comprised of ordinary people doing extraordinary things in business and in finance, in academia and medicine, in technology and agriculture, to list just a few areas. "I want to give you just one example. "Close to ten years ago, Naval Bajaj came to Canada from India with only $600 in his pocket. "But he had big dreams, and he had energy and ambition. "And ladies and gentlemen, in Canada, he also had opportunity. "With hard work and determination, Naval eventually became a business consultant with 7-Eleven Canada and he is also a business owner himself. "He has led two trade missions for Canada back to his home country. "And he was the youngest ever elected president of the Indo-Canadian Chamber of Commerce. "He also happens to be a member of the Canada India Friendship Group Advisory Board. "Now ladies and gentlemen, I tell you that in my travels across Canada I meet many people like Naval. "Men and women relentlessly pursuing their goals to build a better, more prosperous life for themselves and their families, and helping this country immensely in the process. "In fact, I know that this room is full of people just like that. "In my travels, I have also observed that wherever Indian immigrants settle, wherever they choose to put down roots, to start businesses, to raise families, be it Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal, Toronto or right here in Brampton, not by coincidence, those places thrive. "I believe this is because Indo-Canadians possess a strong ethic of work and education, and an unwavering commitment to faith and to family. "And these are the things that underlie not only the Indo-Canadian community's success, but Canada's success as a country as well. "So look, let me just conclude tonight - I know you're all anxious to get on with the meal - let me just conclude by taking this opportunity to thank each one of you. "To thank all of you for choosing Canada. "Thank you for contributing to Canada. "Thank you for loving Canada. "Because whether you've been here for one, 10 or 50 years, Canada is your country. "Again, congratulations everyone on this tremendous event, and thanks once more for the invitation." 416-907-4420 10 MidWeek canada MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 Prime Minister Stephen Harper spoke with Barack Obama, President of the United States The leaders exchanged views on the developments in Iraq and the importance of providing support to the Iraqi people, including through humanitarian assistance. They agreed on the need to confront the barbaric actions of the terrorist organization ISIS/ISIL and Prime Minister Harper expressed his strong support for U.S. air strikes against the terrorists as well as ongoing humanitarian relief efforts. Prime Minister Harper indicated Canada stands ready to offer additional help, and that Canadian officials will work with their counterparts to identify ways in which Canada can continue to support the humanitarian effort. Both leaders shared their hope that a new Iraqi government would be able to unite behind an inclusive government to counter the current crisis. They agreed to stay in close contact on this matter. Majority (53%) of Canadian Parents Believe Cruises are an Ideal Family Vacation PEOPLE AT THE 2014 YOGATHON IN VANCOUVER, CANADA. PARTICIPANTS FROM 46 CITIES AROUND THE WORLD GATHERED TO RAISE FUNDS FOR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION. (IANS) Canada's Start-up Visa - Attracting Entrepreneurs to Canada Minister Alexander meets with local business leaders in Kitchener-Waterloo Kitchener, ON - Canada's Citizenship and Immigration Minister, Chris Alexander, met with Kitchener-Waterloo-based business incubator Communitech and other business leaders to discuss the Star t-up Visa and its potential for attracting entrepreneurs to Canada who have the vision and ability to build innovative companies that can create jobs and long-term prosperity. The roundtable aimed to build on the momentum of Alexander's visit to GrowLab Ventures in Vancouver last month, where he welcomed the first two successful applicants under Canada's Star t-up Visa Program. Alexander discussed the impor tance of the program with a number of local business leaders and encouraged organizations to continue their effor ts in identifying exciting star t-up opportunities, as well as the dynamic entrepreneurs behind them, with the help of the Star t-up Visa. Launched last year, the Star t-up Visa Program brings together Canadian venture capital funds, angel investor groups and business incubators with entrepreneurs from abroad. The Star t-up Visa Program is an impor tant par t of the government's plan to build a fast and flexible economic immigration system, with a primary focus on meeting the new and emerging needs of the Canadian economy. Quick facts " The Star t-up Visa Program, the first of its kind in the world, links experienced Canadian private sector firms with innovative foreign entrepreneurs who want to launch their star t-up companies in Canada. " In July, the first successful applicants were welcomed to Canada after gaining the suppor t of GrowLab Ventures of Vancouver. " In January 2015, CIC will launch a new electronic application management system called Express Entry, which will offer a faster and more effective way to welcome economic immigrants to Canada than ever before. Quotes "Our government is focused on long-term prosperity and economic growth for all Canadians. The Star t-up Visa Program is helping to attract innovative entrepreneurs to Canada who can help create jobs and meet the needs of Canada's labour market. We will continue to work with business leaders who can suppor t creative business ideas and help Canada compete on a global scale." Chris Alexander, Canada's Citizenship and Immigration Minister "We choose the best and we want them to star t, grow and succeed here in Waterloo Region. The Star t-up Visa Program helps us attract and keep the best entrepreneurs from anywhere on the globe." Doug Cooper, Managing Director, Communitech HYPERDRIVE Seed Accelerator Toronto - With children out of school and vacation season in full swing, Canadian parents are always looking for fun family plans, while many see hopping aboard a cruise ship as a perfect plan, according to a new survey conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of Majority (53%) of Canadian parents believe a cruise would be the ideal vacation for their families, bested only by all-inclusive sun vacations (76%) and theme parks (64%) but ahead of nature vacations (52%), major city stays (49%), culture or history vacations (46%), organized tours (44%) or some other vacation (25%). Cruises get thumbs up from parents despite only a quarter (26%) of moms and one in three (31%) dads having actually taken a cruise at some point in their life. Even their children believe they can be a great vacation experience as one in ten 13-15 year olds (13%) and 16-19 year olds (12%) rate cruises as their ideal vacation. Cruises may be seen as ideal among parents because it gives all family members the freedom to spend time together or venture off on their own given general offerings on cruise ships. Four in ten (39%) moms and three in ten (30%) dads indicate that they would let their kids, aged 9-12, venture off on their own on a cruise ship, while a majority (54%) believe they would be 'comfortable' (12% very/42% somewhat) using a babysitting service for an evening, while a minority would be 'not comfortable' (18% not at all/28% not very) doing this. Source: Ipsos Reid Two-Thirds (68%) of Pre-Retired Boomers Have Not Discussed All Aspects of Retirement with Their Spouse or Partner Toronto - A new study conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of RBC and their annual Retirement Myths & Realities Poll, reveals that most Canadians aged 50 and older who are not yet retired have yet to discuss all the facets related to retirement with their significant others. Only one in three (32%) preretired boomers has discussed all of the following topics with their spouse or partner: " Travel plans " Financing retirement " Activities " Living situation " Life management in result of significant other passing away MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 india MidWeek 11 MAMATA LEAVES FOR SINGAPORE TO ROPE IN INVESTMENT IP12 Over 100 Bihar villages flooded, rivers rising Patna (IANS): Flood water has entered over 100 villages in Bihar, forcing people to abandon their homes, and rising water level in most rivers is posing a threat to many other villages, officials said Friday. All the inundated villages are in flood-prone districts of Bagha, Gopalganj, Madhubani, Sitamarhi, Supaul, Saharsa, Khagaria, Darbhanga and Madhepura. Principal secretary of state disaster management depar tment Vayasji one name) said major rivers in nor th Bihar, especially the Kosi, Gandak, Kamla Balan and Bagmati, are in spate following heavy rains in their catchment areas in Nepal. They are posing a threat of floods. "Situation may worsen in the next 24 to 48 hours. Keeping this in view we have sounded high aler t in districts of north Bihar," he said. A water resource department official said: "Water entered these villages after levels rose in all the major rivers following heavy rain in the state and the catchment areas in Nepal." An official said that standing crops worth crores of rupees have been damaged and road communication snapped at several places. However, Bihar Water Resources Development Minister Vijay Kumar Choudhary said all embankments are safe and there is no need to panic. The unemployed youth who hurled a shoe at Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal during an Independence Day function in Issru village, 20 km away from Ludhiana talks to media at Khanna on Aug 15, 2014. The shoe missed Badal. (Photo: IANS) NGO WRITES TO MAHARASHTRA CM OVER AID FOR FARMERS Nagpur (IANS): An NGO in Maharashtra Monday wrote a letter to the state government to declare aid for the farmers before the pre-election model code of conduct comes into force in the next few days. In an urgent letter to Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan, the Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti (VJAS) has urged him to immediately announce aid for the farmers, including waiver of loans and seeds for the third round of sowing in view of failed monsoon in Vidarbha and Marathwada regions. The VJAS communication came three days after over 10,000 farmers, tribals, farm-widows and youths staged a protest march for their demands in Yavatmal. "Now, farmers in each of the worst-affected 325-odd villages shall sit on indefinite hunger strike from Sep 5, at the height of the ensuing Ganeshotsav festival," VJAS chief Kishore Tiwari said. He claimed that at least 22 districts in the state, mostly in Vidarbha and Marathwada regions, have had little or no rainfall during the peak sowing season of June-August. Consequently, in most areas two rounds of seeding went waste and in other areas even third seeding was lost as rains continued to elude these regions, pushing the farmers into fur ther distress. "After the Election Commission announces the dates for the state assembly elections, maybe within the next few days, no aid will be distributed in view of the model code of conduct that will be enforced. We have requested the chief minister to act in the farmers' interest before that," Tiwari said. BJP reluctant to table women's reservation bill: AIWC New Delhi (IANS): All India Women's Congress president Shobha Oza Monday said the BJP government was reluctant to table the women's reservation bill in parliament and this was in stark contrast to its election manifesto that stressed on women's emancipation. She said the AIWC will hold a "Sankalp Diwas" August 20, the bir th anniversary of Congress leader and former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, and press for 33 percent women's reservation in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies. "The UPA government had got the women's reservation bill passed in Rajya Sabha but the Bharatiya Janata Party did not allow the then government to table the bill in Lok Sabha. They disrupted the house," Oza told the media here. She said if the BJP was serious about women's empowerment, as it had pledged during the election campaign, it should table the bill in the next session of parliament. Oza assured that the Congress would support such a move by the government. "BJP talked big on women's issues but you can see they did not do anything to that effect in parliament. We hope they table the bill in the next session of parliament. Our party will support them. The BJP cannot make any excuses in this matter as they enjoy majority in the house," she said. She added that 8,000 workers of the AIWC will form a human chain on August 20 and press for the issue. She credited Rajiv Gandhi for having conceptualised the very policy of granting reservation to women in elected bodies. "It was due to Gandhi's efforts that 33 percent seats were reserved for women in local governance which was later enhanced to 50 percent during the UPA regime," Oza noted. Reliance Digital launches dual SIM 3G handset New Delhi (IANS): Reliance Digital Thursday launched Reconnect Quad Core 4.7" dual SIM 3G smartphone, priced at Rs.12,999, a company statement said here. Reliance Digital is the consumer durables and information technology concept from Reliance Retail, a unit of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL). RIL also owns Reliance Jio Infocomm. The device ensures better power-saving through efficient media processing and has flexibility to handle the media formats of the future, thereby enhancing user interfaces. It comes with a powerful 2000 mAh Li-Ion battery that delivers better multimedia experience with music playback time of eight hours, four hours of video playback, a talk time up to six-seven hours and a standby time of 225 hours, the statement added. Rajya Sabha passes constitution amendment bill to end collegium system New Delhi (IANS): The Rajya Sabha Thursday unanimously passed the Constitution (99th Amendment) Bill to do away with collegium system of appointing Supreme Court and high court judges. The bill, and the National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill, 2014, seek to put the proposed judicial appointment commission and its entire composition in the statute. The bill got the support of 179 out of 180 MPs present in the upper house, while Ram Jethmalani (Independent) abstained. "People want talented people to become judges," Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said while winding up the debate on the bill. Speaking on the bill, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said it restores the original spirit of the constitution. "Through this bill, the government seeks to restore the spirit of the original constitution. In simple English, this means that the president and the government will appoint judges to the Supreme Court," said Jaitley. "It goes back to the constitution and Article 124 which says Supreme Court judges should be appointed by the president," he said. Passage of this bill was crucial for government's confidence as it does not have a majority in the upper house. It has only 59 MPs in the 245-member house. 12 MidWeek india MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 Shops in Delhi's walled city stop selling US-linked products New Delhi (IANS): Gaza is impacting the national capital in more ways than one. Revlon, Loreal, Garnier and other products with US brand names, which till a month ago had quite good sales, are off the shelves of Mohammad Iqbal's store in Delhi's old quar ters. Iqbal says he can't afford to incur losses, but his conscience does not allow him to make profits from the sale of products linked to the US - a country he says is "abetting Israel" in wiping out Palestinians in the Gaza strip. In the Matia Mahal area of the walled city, many shopkeepers and residents have boycotted selling and buying US-linked products to show solidarity with Gaza, where about 2,000 people have been killed in the month-long conflict with Israel. "I have stopped ordering US-linked cosmetics since I cannot feed the (US) economy which helps Israelis in killing innocents in Gaza," Iqbal, 51, told IANS. The trigger for the latest Israel-Hamas clash in Gaza was the alleged abduction and murder of three Israelis that were blamed on Hamas, with thousands of its members being rounded up. The US is a long time ally of Israel, the Jewish state carved out of Palestine in 1948. It has maintained its suppor t for Israel, which Hamas refuses to recognise. Bihar teachers get education degrees before birth! RANJEET KOHLI, DIRECTOR OPERATIONS COCA-COLA & GURDEEP SINGH KANDHARI, DIRECTOR WAVE BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. ON THE LAUNCH OF A NEW PRODUCT IN AMRITSAR. (IANS) ISL grassroots workshop to train million kids Kolkata (IANS): Aimed at scouting and nurturing a million budding footballers, the Indian Super League (ISL) Sunday kicked off its ambitious Grassroots Development Programme with a three-day workshop here. All India Football Federation's (AIFF) Technical Director of Academies and Director Coach Education Scott O'Donnell, who is supervising the programme, said the ISL will play a catalytic role in raising the sport's profile in the country. "There is no doubt the ISL and the involvement of international stars including the likes of Michael Chopra and Freddie Ljungberg will play a big role in raising the game's profile in India. Indian football is now getting into the newspapers and the media, this is what you need," said O'Donnell. "The aim at working at the grassroots is to make kids enjoy the game and its following increases. We want as many boys and girls to come forward. The programme aims to train at least a million kids." Under the programme, each of the eight ISL franchises have pooled Rs.2 crore and appointed development managers and officers entrusted with the responsibility of scouting and training budding talents. O'Donnell and Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Grassroots Working Group member Piet Hubers held a theory session Sunday with the development managers and officers as a part of the initiative. "It's not only about the basic skills of football but also about the approaches the trainers need to adopt while scouting and training the kids. The theory session involves lessons on the technical aspects of the game and scientific approaches about motivation, fitness training etc," said an ISL official. "Contribution of the franchises towards the programme was one of the basic qualifications during bidding because our aim is to take the game to every nook and corner of the country." The next workshop is expected to be held in New Delhi or Mumbai at the end of the month. MAMATA LEAVES FOR SINGAPORE TO ROPE IN INVESTMENT Kolkata (IANS): Expressing hope that talks during her Singapore visit can open new possibilities, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Sunday night urged everyone, especially the media to be positive of her trip which is aimed at roping in investment for the state. Interacting with mediapersons at the Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airpor t here, the chief minister said "talks and dialogues can open new possibilities". Asking the media to think positively, she asked them "don't you want development of Bengal?" Banerjee said she was going on tour abroad after long years. "And that too in an Asian country. Let us be positive about the visit." In a bid to tap big ticket investment for the industry-starved eastern state, Banerjee flew off on a sixday trip to the sovereign city state around midnight Sunday. Patna (IANS): Imagine getting a B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) degree before turning 21 or even before being born? Strange as it may sound, that's exactly what has happened in Bihar in at least 95 cases. The state government had appointed 34,540 trained teachers on a regular basis in 2011-12 after the Supreme Cour t ordered this in 2010. But soon after they were appointed, the education depar tment received a number of complaints that some of the teachers had used forged degrees to get jobs. "In view of this, an inquiry was ordered and, much to our surprise, it was found that 95 teachers got their B.Ed. degrees either before their bir th or much before attaining the age of 21," an official said. Take, for instance, Shivnarayan Yadav, who joined as a teacher in a school in Madhepura district. He received his B.Ed. degree five years before he was born, the dates on his bir th cer tificate and degree show. Another teacher, Priti Kumari in East Champaran, received her B.Ed. degree three years before she was born. Similarly, Indu Kumari and L.B. Singh, school teachers in Saran and Saharsa districts, received their B.Ed. degree seven years before they were born! All those who had used fake cer tificates to get jobs had been fired, R.S. Singh, joint director of Bihar's Primary Education Depar tment, told IANS. "The depar tment was shocked to find that they used forged degrees to get teacher's jobs," he added. Last month, Bihar Education Minister Brishen Patel said over 1,000 contractual teachers used fake degrees to get jobs in government schools. The state government recruited 142,000 teachers on contract basis for Classes I to 12 between 2006 and 2011. 80 PERTOSA DRIVE, UNIT 12, BRAMPTON ONT., L6X 5E9 MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 MidWeek world 13 ANTARCTIC ICE MELT MAY ACCELERATE SEA LEVEL RISE ISLAMABAD: SUPPORTERS OF PAKISTANI POLITICAL LEADER IMRAN KHAN WAVE FLAGS AS THEY TAKE PART IN A PROTEST AGAINST THE COUNTRY'S RULING PAKISTAN MUSLIM LEAGUE-NAWAZ IN ISLAMABAD, CAPITAL OF PAKISTAN. PIC: XINHUA Assange says he will leave Ecuadorian embassy London (IANS/EFE): WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange Monday said he will "soon" leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he has taken refuge over the past two years to avoid extradition to Sweden. "I am leaving the embassy soon," said Assange in a joint news conference with Ecuador's Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino here. The 43-year-old admitted the difficulties of living in a small room, without being able to go outside because he would face arrest, could affect his health. The Australian journalist dismissed that his depar ture was related to his hear t and lung problems. Assange, who is wanted in Sweden for questioning over alleged sexual assaults on two women, was granted asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in August 2012. Assange Monday regretted that there had been no advances in the Swedish investigation and repeated several times no charges had been filed against him, in Sweden or Britain, while he denied having assaulted the two women. However, his spokesman did not give much credit to the departure of Assange from the embassy. "The world is not coming to an end," Kristinn Hrafnsson, Assange's spokesman, told repor ters, adding that "the plan, as always, is to leave as soon as the British government decides to honour its obligations in relation to international agreements". For his par t, Patino said Ecuador would maintain Assange's status as a political refugee and would continue its dialogue with Britain and Sweden to find a solution. "The time has come to free Assange and for his rights to be respected," he said. Britain Monday reiterated its willingness to find a diplomatic solution to a "difficult and costly" situation, the foreign ministry spokesman said. But despite the protection of Ecuador, Britain refuses to give the journalist a safe-conduct that would allow him to travel to Ecuador. Assange feared that if he faced the Swedish justice, Stockholm would extradite him to the US, where he is wanted for the publication on Wikileaks in 2010 of diplomatic correspondence denouncing US abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sweden to increase humanitarian aid to Iraq Stockholm (IANS): The Swedish government will increase suppor t for Iraq by 50 million Swedish Krona ($7.3 million), Defence Minister Karin Enstrom said Monday. Enstrom said it is increasing its humanitarian aid to Iraq in the wake of the growing crisis in the country, Xinhua repor ted. The defence minister, along with Minister for International Development Cooperation Hillevi Engstrom, said the latest package was in addition to the 95 million Swedish Krona, the country has already spent on humanitarian aid for those under attack by the Islamic extremists. The ministers added that Sweden would send aid workers and equipment to Iraq to help those who are in refugee camps. Two staff members are also being added to the Swedish embassy in Baghdad to help monitor the situation. Engstrom said Sweden would coordinate its effor ts with the UN and the EU to reach out to those in need. Pakistan court will not intervene in present crisis Islamabad (IANS): Pakistan Supreme Cour t Monday said the ongoing political crisis in the country should be handled by the government and decided not to intervene in the matter, media repor ted. The cour t submitted that the ongoing political crisis and alleged violation of fundamental rights ensuing from the impasse between the government and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) are a matter for the government to decide, the Dawn online repor ted. "It is for the government to handle," a five-member bench headed by Chief Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk said about the ongoing sit-in. The petition was filed last week by Supreme Cour t Bar Association (SCBA) President Kamran Mur taza. During Monday's hearing, Attorney General Salman Aslam Butt had said that fundamental rights are being violated. "We are the guardians of the constitution, we have taken oath under the constitution. We cannot permit any deviation... this is our obligation," Justice Mian Saqib Nisar said. Nisar maintained that the petitioner has to submit a comprehensive statement. The petitioner argued that the current political impasse is adversely affecting all spheres of national life and such a situation may embolden some elements to take undue advantage of the situation and to resor t to unconstitutional measures. London (IANS): The ice discharge from Antarctica could become the largest contributor to sea level rise much sooner than previously thought, says a study. "If greenhouse gases continue to rise, ice discharge from Antarctica could raise the global ocean by an additional 137 centimetres in this century already," said lead author Anders Levermann, a climatologist and professor at the institute for physics and astrophysics of Potsdam University, Germany. "Now this is a big range - which is exactly why we call it a risk," he added. Antarctica currently contributes less than 10 percent to global sea level rise and is a minor contributor compared to the thermal expansion of the warming oceans and melting mountain glaciers. It is Greenland and especially the Antarctic ice sheets with their huge volume of ice that are expected to be the major contributors to future long term sea level rise, the study noted. According to the study, the computed projections for this century's sea level contribution are significantly higher than the latest projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on the upper end. "Even in a scenario of strict climate policies limiting global warming in line with the 2 degrees Celsius, the contribution of Antarctica to global sea level rise covers a range of zero to 23 cm," researchers emphasised. While the study signifies an important step towards a better understanding of Antarctica in a changing climate and its influence on sea level change within the 21st century, major challenges still remain. "Datasets of Antarctic bedrock topography, for instance, are still inadequate and some physical processes of interaction between ice and ocean cannot be sufficiently simulated yet," Levermann added. Rising sea level is widely regarded as a current and ongoing result of climate change that directly affects hundreds of millions of coastal dwellers around the world and indirectly affects billions more that share its financial costs. "Pulling together all the evidence it seems that Antarctica could become the dominant cause of sea level rise much sooner," Levermann concluded in a paper that appeared in the journal Earth System Dynamics. Middle Eastern IT companies eye new Kerala hub Kochi (IANS): The IT corridor of Kochi in Kerala is expanding to neighbouring regions with Infopark at Cherthala shaping up as a hub for IT companies from Gulf Cooperation Council and other Middle East countries. The Infopark Cherthala, about 30 from here in Kerala, which is being developed as a spoke of Infopark Kochi, has attracted mid-segment companies, mainly from Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE, by providing the best-in-class infrastructure facilities and leveraging its proximity to Kochi. "The Infopark Cherthala, designed for low-cost operations, has emerged as a much sought after destination for IT companies from the Middle East. We are developing the park to accommodate more companies for which tenders will be floated to invite private participation in developing IT campuses in the park," said Infopark CEO Hrishikesh Nair. Currently, 15 companies are operating at the sprawling park, which offers a slew of facilities and concessions to companies planning to set up their shops there. "We will be soon scaling up our operations at the park by increasing our strength from 50 to 100," said Bobby Kuriakose, director of Kuwaitbased Path Solutions, which provides financial software services like core banking and mobile and internet banking for the Islamic banking industry. The park with its current 2.4 lakh sq.feet built-up area offers plug-and-play facilities and warm shell options for companies looking for bigger space. Russia prepares 5th-generation fighter for India Moscow (IANS/ITAR -TASS): Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) has completed the front-end engineering design of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) for India's Air Force, UAC president Mikhail Pogosyan said Friday. The UAC is preparing the contract on the aircraft's full-scale development for signing, he told ArmsTass. "We have completed the front end engineering design stage," he said. "The work on the preparation of the contract on the FGFA fullscale development is now in progress," he added. The FGFA development and production is a major project of RussianIndian military-technical cooperation. The two sides signed the corresponding agreement in Moscow in October 2007. In December 2010, Russia's Rosoboronexport arms exporter, Sukhoi company and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited signed a contract on the aircraft's front end engineering design development. Since January 2012, a group of India's specialists has been working in Russia, and Russia's specialists in India. The two sides have established the required information exchange. FGFA is developed on the basis of the Russian PAK FA fifth-generation fighter project. However, it will differ from the prototype to meet Indian Air Force's specific requirements. 14 MidWeek world MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 Iranian missile programme non-negotiable: Rouhani Tehran (IANS): Iran's missile programme is non- negotiable and will not be discussed in the nuclear talks with the western powers, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said here Sunday. In a meeting with Yukiya Amano, the visiting director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rouhani said Iran's missile capability is by no means negotiable at any level of talks, Xinhua repor ted. "Iran is serious in its nuclear talks with the world powers and the IAEA, and it does not want anything beyond its right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes," he said. To be transparent over its nuclear programme, Iran has provided the means for IAEA to observe its "peaceful" nuclear activities, he said, adding that "Iran will only agree with the legal observations of the UN nuclear watchdog within the framework of the NPT directive". Amano arrived in Iran Saturday night to discuss with the Iranian officials the continuation of cooperation between Iran and the UN nuclear watchdog within the "cooperation framework" signed earlier. The IAEA chief's visit came ahead of the IAEA's Aug 25 deadline for Iran to provide the agency with a new set of information on its nuclear programme. SIERRA LEONE MEDICAL WORKERS PARTICIPATE IN A TRAINING WITH CHINESE MEDICAL TEAM IN FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE. (IANS) SAUDI ARABIA'S GRAND MUFTI CONDEMNS TERRORISM Riyadh, (IANS) Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh Tuesday termed extremist militant groups as "the first enemy of Islam" and stressed that the ideas of extremism and terrorism do not belong to Islam at all. Referring to the Islamic State Sunni extremist group and Al Qaeda-affiliated groups in a statement titled "Foresight and Remembrance", the Grand Mufti said more dangerous ideas are those ideas that are being marketed in the name of religion, the official Saudi Press Agency reported. "These foreign groups do not belong to Islam and Muslims adhering to it, but they are an extension of the Kharijites who were the first group that deviated from the religion because they accused Muslims of disbelief due to their sins and allowed killing them and taking their money," Al alSheikh said. The Grand Mufti, who is also general president for Scientific Re- searches and Fatwa, noted that the tolerance of Islam is one of the characteristics of Islamic Sharia and the largest one of its objectives. "We call in this regard to unify and coordinate educational and developmental efforts to enhance the thought of moderation stemming from our true Islamic Sharia through formulating a complete plan with clear objectives and an executive plan that achieves those goals as a concrete reality," the top cleric added. The highly influential Grand Mufti's comments come in the wake of Saudi Arabian crackdown on supporters of foreign terrorist organisations such as Syria's Al Nusra and Al Qaeda and its affiliated groups, in the country. Last week, Saudi Arabia donated $100 million to the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCTC) in its efforts to curb terrorism. WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY: UN RENEWS COMMITMENT TO RELIEF WORK United Nations (IANS/WAM): UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has renewed the world body's commitment to life-saving relief effor ts, and called for honouring the "heroic aid workers", who rush bravely to help people in need, and those who died doing so. "On World Humanitarian Day, we remember their sacrifices, and we recognise the millions of people who count on humanitarian workers for their very survival," Ban said in his message on World Humanitarian Day (WHD) being celebrated Tuesday under the theme this year of 'The World Needs More'. "Too many people have died or suffered from deliberate attacks. Humanitarian workers and their families are hit hardest by these crimes. But they are also felt by millions of others," the UN chief said. "Last year, more humanitarian workers were kidnapped, seriously injured or killed than ever before. This is an outrage" Noting that in recent weeks, dozens of humanitarian workers -- including members of the UN family -- have lost their lives in South Sudan and Gaza, the UN chief lambasted the attacks on such workers which, he said, hindered the ability of people in desperate need to receive lifesaving assistance. "Children go unvaccinated. Sick and wounded patients go untreated. Those forced from their homes are left without food, water or shelter - exposed to violence, disease or other threats," Ban stated. The World Humanitarian Day falls Aug 19, the day in 2003 when special representative of the secretary-general to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello, and 21 aid workers were killed in the bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad. Israel, Palestinians renew truce but see risk of more Gaza violence The chief Palestinian delegate to truce talks with Israel warned on Tuesday that Gaza violence could erupt anew unless progress is made toward a lasting deal ahead of a midnight deadline in Egyptian-brokered talks. After a last-minute agreement was stuck to extend by 24 hours a deadline to reach a truce, Azzam al-Ahmad, senior leader of President Mahmoud Abbas's mainstream Fatah movement, said there had been "no progress on any point" in talks aimed at resolving the Gaza conflict. "We hope that every minute of the coming 24 hours will be used to reach an agreement, and if not (successful), the circle of violence will continue," Ahmad said. He accused Israel of "manoeuvring and stalling" as gaps on key issues continued to dog effor ts to achieve a long-term deal between Israel and militant groups in the Gaza Strip, dominated by Hamas Islamists, which would allow reconstruction aid to flow in after five weeks of fighting. An Israeli government official said Israeli delegates were still in Cairo poring over details of a possible deal, although the par ties had not yet agreed a draft. "The Israeli delegation has been instructed to insist on security requirements. The moment there is an agreement, the cabinet will be called for discussions," said the official, who asked not to be identified. Senior Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk accused Israel of stalling and insisted in a post on his Twitter account that his group "will never cede any" demands for a comprehensive deal. A senior Palestinian official in Gaza said sticking points to an agreement were Hamas's demands to build a seapor t and an airpor t, which Israel wants to discuss only at a later stage. Israel, which launched its offensive on July 8 after a surge in Hamas rocket fire across the border, has shown scant interest in making sweeping concessions, and has called for the disarming of militant groups in the enclave of 1.8 million people. UN MISSION CONDEMNS CLASHES IN TRIPOLI Tripoli (IANS): The UN mission in Libya condemned Sunday the escalation in confrontations between rival militias in the capital city of Tripoli, calling on all par ties to respond positively to its ceasefire effor ts. "The United Nations Suppor t Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) condemns the grave escalation in the military confrontations in Tripoli and its suburbs," Xinhua quoted UNSMIL as saying in its statement. "The Mission strongly denounces the shelling of residential neighbourhoods, which has inflicted casualties among civilians, forced them out of their homes and caused damage to proper ty." The Mission also deeply regretted that there was no response to the repeated international appeals and its own effor ts for an immediate ceasefire. However, it still appealed to all par ties to cooperate with its effor ts to end the bloodshed and stave off further losses and to expedite tackling the current crisis, star ting with a cessation of fighting, the statement added. 24 LISTERIA CASES DETECTED IN DENMARK Copenhagen (IANS): At least 24 cases of listeria bacteria infection have been detected in Denmark, health authorities said Monday. According to the State Serum Institute (SSI), the number includes four more Danish people, who were confirmed to have been infected with listeria, Xinhua repor ted. A Hedehusene-based sausage company has proved to be the main source of the infection, the institute said. Although the company is closed and all suspected products have been recalled. SSI expects that more cases may continue to pop up in the coming weeks as it typically takes several weeks for symptoms to surface. A total of 12 people have been believed to be died as a result of the listeria outbreak so far. Some 30 products, including variations of cold cut sausages, salami and hot dogs have been withdrawn from the market. Regulatory control over listeria is now tightened, ministry of food, agriculture and fisheries said. Listeria is a bacteria found in soil, water and in the intestines of some animals. The bacteria can also live in food processing plants and unlike other germs, it can survive refrigeration. Symptoms of listeria include weakness, vomiting, diarrhoea and fever. US terms cancellation of IndiaPakistan talks 'unfortunate' As India called off foreign secretary-level talks with Pakistan over its envoy's meeting with Kashmiri separatists, the US termed the cancellation "unfortunate" and said it continued to suppor t their efforts to improve bilateral relations. "It is unfor tunate that planned talks between India and Pakistan have fallen through," State Depar tment spokesperson Marie Harf told repor ters Monday in response to a question. "We continue to suppor t effor ts by India and Pakistan to improve all aspects of their bilateral relations, and that is a position we will continue making clear to both par ties here," she said. Indian foreign secretary Sujatha Singh was to travel to Islamabad on August 25 to hold talks with her Pakistani counterpart Aizaz Chaudhry after a gap of two years, but cancelled the visit after Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit's meeting with the separatists. "I think irrespective of why either side says the talks were cancelled, or why in fact they were cancelled, what matters now is that both sides take steps to improve their bilateral relations," Harf said. MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 MidWeek 15 16 MidWeek MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 MidWeek MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 17 Upcoming star in Canadian field hockey from Brampton- Parmeet Gill DHARMENDRA AND GIPPY GREWAL IN THEIR UPCOMING PUNJABI MOVIE “DOUBLE DI TROUBLE”. CENSOR BOARD REFUSES TO REVISE MARDAANI'S A CERTIFICATE Even after Aditya Chopra allegedly spoke to officials, the board has reiterated A rating in keeping with current guidelines Did non-implementation of the new Censor Board guidelines come in the way of Mardaani getting a U/A cer tificate? It appears to be so as the Rani Mukerji-starrer has gone on to become the first film under the Yash Raj Films banner to bag A cer tification. Says a source close to the banner, `After the Central Board of Film Cer tification (CBFC) told makers the film will get an A cer tificate, Aditya Chopra had a chat with some CBFC officials before the cer tificate was issued. He wanted to know why the film couldn't get a U/A cer tificate since the subject is such that the film can be seen by children of the age of 12 years and above. But Chopra was told that it wouldn't be possible as the theme was adult and that present guidelines did not have a category for 12 years and above.'' The makers apparently tried to convince they would promote the film keeping the content in mind. Rafiq Gangjee of YRF says, `We told the Board that we would put 'Not Recommended for Children below 12' in all our publicity material and show it at the star t of the film so as to ensure that parents are sufficiently informed. However, the Censor Board explained to us that this was not legally possible, so we have accepted their decision.'' He adds that their request for a U/A cer tificate was not for just one scene or dialogue, which can be deleted or modified as required. `This request was put for th in keeping with the stipulation of the board. We want to help communicate the film's message to those Upcoming star in Canadian field hockey from Brampton- Parmeet Gill Canadian born Parmeet Gill has been chosen from Ontario in Canada Junior field hockey team par ticipating in Youth Olympic games which are being held in Ninjang, China from Aug17th to Aug 27th -2014 10 teams including Canada, Australia, Germany, Spain, South Africa, New Zealand, Zambia, Mexico, Bangladesh and Pakistan are par ticipating in Field Hockey at Youth Olympic games Parmeet star ted to play hockey at the age of 6. He has played many national and local hockey tournaments. He has won many awards including the best player award. In 2012, Parmeet played in Ontario Hockey team in BC which won the national championship of Canada. Ontario team won after 18 years in field hockey. I CONTD. ON PAGE 21 WHOA! 'SINGHAM' AJAY SLAMS 'DEVIL' SALMAN young girls who, in our opinion, are at an age where they need to be aware and be informed about this serious issue of human trafficking.'' What the proposed guidelines entail As per the proposed guidelines, films can be cer tified as being suitable for children of 12 years and above, and for people aged 15 years and above. This has been done keeping in mind the sensibilities of the viewers to different types of language, content and the extent of nudity and violence. Actors Abhishek Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Jackie Shroff, filmmaker Farah Khan, actors Boman Irani, Sonu Sood, Vivaan Shah, Shahrukh Khan, singers Shekhar Ravjiani and Vishal Dadlani during the trailer launch of film Happy New Year in Mumbai As expected, Ajay Devgn-starrer "Singham Returns" received a roaring response on its opening day, registering a collection of Rs.32.09 crore on day one. The Independence Day offering, directed by Rohit Shetty, has got a positive feedback from critics as well as audiences. It released Friday. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh confirmed the figure, and tweeted Saturday: "#SinghamReturns packs a SOLID PUNCH. Collects 32.09 cr nett on Fri. BIGGEST OPENER OF 2014 (so far). India biz." The movie is a sequel to "Singham", which turned out to be a blockbuster in 2011. It also stars Kareena Kapoor. Another trade pundit Komal Nahta tweeted upon the sequel's release: "#SinghamReturns a surefire hit. Will be Ajay's bigest hit so far. Business will be far more than 'Singham'." The film, co-produced by Ajay Devgn Films, Rohit Shetty Productions and Reliance Entertainment, features Ajay as inspector Bajirao Singham whose mission is to weed out corruption. It is catching the audiences' eye with its gripping story, high-octane action and power-packed performances backed by catchy dialogues. 18 MidWeek bollywood MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 Actress Vidya Balan distributed 'Smartcanes' to the visually challenged at St. Xavier's College. (IANS) Will Ranbir-Kat, RanveerDeepika get married this year? ARJUN KAPOOR AND DEEPIKA PADUKONE DURING THE LAUNCH OF “FANNY RE” SONG. HAIDER AND BANG BANG ARE BOTH VERY DIFFERENT FILMS: SHAHID KAPOOR Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor,whose upcoming film Haider is set to clash with superstar Hrithik Roshan's Bang Bang on October 2, feels that both the films can sustain together because they cater to different audiences. "I saw the promo of Bang Bang and I loved it and I will definitely go and see the film. I wished good luck to Hrithik. It is a fiveday weekend, the five-day holiday period is coming after a long time and I think any big holiday weekend is good enough for two films to sustain. Two big films can release (together), there is no problem," Shahid said in an interview. While Vishal Bharadwaj's Haider is a desi adaptation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet, starring Shahid, Tabu, Irrfan Khan, Kay Kay Menon and Shraddha Kapoor, Bang Bang, directed by Siddhar th Raj Anand, is a remake of the hit Hollywood movie Knight and Day, with Hrithik and Katrina Kaif in the lead. "I think if 'Haider' is black then 'Bang Bang' is white. What Haider is offering you that 'Bang Bang' can't offer and vice versa. We are confident about our film. Our film is not very expensive so we have nothing to lose. So getting a five-day weekend is fantastic for a film like ours," Shahid said. The actor feels that both the films are of different genres and will cater to audiences with different tastes. "I don't think there is going to be any confusion for people. If people want to see something edgy, different and out-of-the-box then they will see Haider and if people want to see something enter taining, fun and a potboiler then they will see 'Bang Bang'. Had there been two similar kinds of films then it would be a different scenario but that is not the case here," he added. 'MARY KOM' STRUGGLES FOR A RELEASE IN MANIPUR? In April this year, Rani Mukerji got married to producer Aditya Chopra at a private ceremony in Italy. And from the looks of it, the much-loved couple’s wedding was one of the many unions that will take place in 2014. Perhaps the nuptials between Dia Mirza and her fiancé, Sahil Sangha, will mark the next Bollywood wedding. Reportedly, the ceremony will be held in Delhi on October 18. Apparently, it will be a private affair that will be attended by the couple’s families and close friends. On July 31, Dia tweeted: “Thank you for all the good wishes. Both our families are overjoyed! A wedding that we’ve truly waited for (sic).” Also preparing to take the marital vows are long-time lovers, Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu. Last month, Soha tweeted: “It gives me great happiness to share with you all that Kunal proposed to me in Paris with the most perfect ring in the world and I said yes (sic).” Soha admits that her mother, Sharmila Tagore, has already started planning for the wedding, and is scouting for the venue and menu. Talk is rife that Bipasha Basu is also set to get married to her boyfriend, Harman Baweja, soon. Recently, Bipasha confirmed her relationship on Twitter. Apparently, her parents had their first formal meeting with Harman’s parents in January this year. And a few days ago, Harman was reportedly part of her father’s birthday celebration, and hobnobbed with her family. Also, Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif are rumoured to be readying for the nuptials. Shahid Kapoor in the Hindi remake of Magadheera? IRONICALLY, BOXER MARY KOM'S BIOPIC STARRING PRIYANKA CHOPRA MIGHT NOT RELEASE IN HER OWN STATE Five-time boxing champion Mary Kom is hopeful that the film based on her life will be screened in Manipur, her home state. She says, `We are trying very hard for this to happen, but the movies association and underground groups should allow it. It looks difficult but we will speak to the government about the same.'' In September 2000, Revolutionary Peoples Front, which has been fighting for a separate independent socialist state of Manipur, issued a ban on the use of Hindi and the screening of Hindi films and TV shows. They even conducted raids and confiscated thousands of video cassettes of Hindi films. Several cinema halls preferred to shut down rather than face attacks by the militant group for screening Hindi films. Utpal Borpujari, a filmmaker from Assam, says, `In today's globalised world, such bans have no meaning as everyone can access films through DTH networks and the internet. There's no point in banning films from a par ticular language or culture except perhaps scoring some political brownie points for the militant He is gearing up for the release of Vishal Bhardwaj's Haider and has given nod to Raj and Krishna DK's Farji, Vikas Bahl's Shandaar and Abhishek Chaubey's asyet-untitled next. And that's not all. Mirror has learnt that the actor will be stepping into Ram Charan's shoes in the Hindi remake of SS Rajamouli's 2009 Telugu hit Magadheera. Co-starring Kajal Aggarwal, the historical romance was the story of bike stuntman who recalls his previous life as a warrior in love with a princess. According to a source, Sajid Nadiadwala has bought the rights of the film and Shahid has liked the concept. "Sajid who is celebrating the super success of his directorial debut, Kick, plans to mount the film on a lavish scale," adds the source. While Sajid remained unavailable for comment, Shahid was evasive on the subject, saying he doesn't like to discuss projects till he star ts shooting for them. However, he admitted to Mirror that he has seen the original. "Yes, I have seen seen Magadheera and really loved it," he stated. Nysa Devgn turns film-maker group involved. It will be in the spirit of things if the film, Mary Kom, gets released in Manipur so that Manipuris can see how the story of one of them has been told on a large canvas. And why only Mary Kom, films from any language should be screened wherever there is a market for it. Even if one concedes, for argument's sake, that Bollywood films are a 'bad influ- ence' on Manipuris, does it mean that the rich Manipuri culture is so weak that it can get affected by such films? It's best is to let people decide about these things.` Kangana Ranaut rejects Italian film with Massimiliano Gallo The actor, it has been repor ted, is being offered many films, and is extremely choosy when it comes to selecting projects. So, although she has signed an Indo-French movie, she has opted out of an Italian film offered to her opposite actor Massimiliano Gallo. Kangana was offered the lead role while she was pursuing a film-making and screenplay-writing course in the US. "Director Edoardo De Angelis got in touch with her, but she said that she’d take a call only after returning to Mumbai," reveals a source close to the actor. Kangana, too, was initially delighted with the development. The actor, in an earlier interview, told us, "I was offered the lead role opposite Massimiliano. I am still contemplating it because I have almost six projects lined up, and that has me booked till the beginning of 2016." But now, we have come to know that she has rejected the film. "Kangana read the script, liked the subject and communicated it to the makers. However, she opted out of the project in the second week of August citing date issues. The film is to go on the floors in the next two months, and she didn’t want to disrupt her prior commitments," adds the source. When contacted, the actor’s spokesperson confirms the developments, saying, "Yes, Kangana was offered the role opposite Massimiliano in an Italian film, but had to turn it down as her dates are completely blocked." Many star kids tend to follow in the footsteps of their parents. And the latest one who seems to be doing so is Ajay Devgn and Kajol’s daughter, Nysa. The 11-year-old is already working on her maiden project — a shor t film. "It is par t of a school assignment, and has got nothing to do with the real world of films. She is quite excited about it as she will be working on it with her close friends. Like all proud parents, Ajay and Kajol are also very thrilled about it," says an insider close to the family, adding that "Ajay has only shared this news with a few close friends and family members". Ajay couldn’t be reached for a comment, but earlier this month he did reveal to us that Nysa is interested in films. "My daughter is into movies, music and gymnastics," he had said. Although Ajay’s primary interest lies in acting, he made his directorial debut with U, Me Aur Hum in 2008. He is preparing to direct his second film now. Incidentally, Nysa’s grandfather, Veeru Devgan, had also directed a film titled Hindustan Ki Kasam (1999). MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 MidWeek bollywood 19 Upcoming BOLLYWOOD Movies Kapoor areena K , n g v d jay De Dayanan Cast: A , te p u G mol meer Khan, A Kher, Sa m a p u An ssain Shetty, Zakir Hu i, r a ik h d Dharma Shetty n: Rohit io t c e ir D tars **1/2 s Rating: 'SINGHAM RETURNS' DOUBLE DI TROUBLE RELEASE DATE: August 29, 2014 STAR CAST: DHARMENDRA AND GIPPY GREWAL DIRECTOR(S): Smeep Kang GENRE: Comedy An ordinary cop saga strictly for action junkies With Independence Day falling on a Friday, probably there wouldn't have been a better day of release for the second installment of Rohit Shetty's much celebrated super-cop franchise Singham. Even from viewers' perspective what else could have been better than seeing an action packed cine saga circumscribed by the lanyard of patriotism around it. And probably this was the reason why Rohit zeroed down 15th of August to unveil this action packed cine enterprise "Singham Returns". Starring Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Amol Gupte, Dayanand Shetty, Anupam Kher, Sameer Dharmadhikari the movie opened amid a jam packed occupancy at the multiplexes. Well as far cop cape sagas are concerned then the genre has already turned into an over-exploited territory, but in-spite of that this ilk of movie making still accrues a top notch in the priority list of Bollywooders who alter it as per their need and demand of the era. And it's because of this fascination for this genus of movie making that some sail on the skiff of the remakes whereas other opt to bogey on the yacht of sequels, Rohit Shetty's 'Singham Returns" safely falls in the latter categor y. Although "Singham Retur ns" was purpor ted to be the sequel of 2011 blockbuster Singham, but in reality it has nothing in common except our very own hot headed larger-than-life super cop Baji Rao Singham. Anyhow let's have a look at the premise first. After abrogating Jaikant Shikre in Goa (obviously not depicted in the movie) now Baji Rao Sigham (Ajay Devgn) has shifted to Mumbai, where a nexus of black money, electoral skulduggery is operational under the patronage of a political leader Prakash Rao (Zakir Hussain) and Swamiji (Amole Gupte). But Singham get a sniff of this immoral yoke only when an officer of his squad is found dead in a drowned ambulance carrying a gargantuan amount of cash. So in order to prove the rectitude of his colleague and get hold of those behind this entire conspiracy Singham begins his quest for the truth. So does Singham succeeds in his mission, and what else he faces in the path? To know watch "Singham Returns". Well probably many of you (including those who are die hard fans of Rohit Shetty-ism) will agree that unveiling a sinewy story had neither been the hallmark nor the for te of Rohit Shetty, who usu- top 10 songs Film: 1 SAMJHAWAN Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania FILM SONG 2 Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania Saturday Saturday 3 Hate Story 2 Aaj Phir 4 Kick Jumme Ki Raat 5 Enter tainment Johnny Johnny 6 Kick Hangover 7 Ek Villain Galliyan 8 Enter tainment Veerey Di Wedding 9 Ek Villain Banjaara 10 Kick Yaar Naa Miley MOVIE COLLECTIONS HIT OR FLOP MIDWEEK ENTERTAINMENT SUPERHIT AA GAY MUNDE UK DE SUPERHIT SINGHAM RETURNS SUPERHIT KICK BLOCKBUSTER EK VILLAIN SUPERHIT MARDAANI ally prefer to make is cine-vessel sail either at the power of larger than life action sequences or at rib tickling potency of humor. Even with "Singham Returns", Shetty preferred to play safe by making his protagonists per form on a very basic and highly predictable script. However this time for change this time with "Sigham Returns" he somehow managed to entrench a social message while unfurling the nexus of black money, blind faith, electoral skulduggery etc in his cine plot. But in-spite of that there is no denying the fact that despite blending together some socially relevant cine flavors Rohit has failed in coming up with something which could have been far more superior in quality. Be it amalgamation of redundant romance between our super-cop Singham and his lady love Avni, or those bland humor chunks everything just diminishes the overall appeal of the movie, which could have easily turned into an explosive action saga otherwise. In-fact if we thoroughly scrutinize the entire plot of the movie, then with a few new plots embedded in it, "Singham Returns" looks like a restructured guise of its prequel, with much lower dose of enter tainment in the offering. And on the name of entertainment it only has those flying cars and scudding antagonists. In nutshell on premise front all that could be said about "Singham Returns" is that with super high degree of predictability and some obtruded cine constituents it ends up being a mossy cine chronicle. Undoubtedly so far we have seen that whenever Rohit dishes out something in the form of a movie it somehow manages to emerge as a crowd charmer, but this time the maestro of action and comedy may end up disappointing many of his admirers. That's because be it insipid drama, obtruded song sequences or those strangely feeble rhetoric chunks of Sajid Farhad everything diminishes the the benchmark which was set by the first edition of Singham. As far as flow of the narration is considered then in both the halves it looks thoroughly oxymoron with a sheer oblivion about the concept of "pace consistency". But it's that Rohit Shettyistic kind of high octane action and Ajay's onscreen presence which keeps fans gazes glued to the big screen despite so many discrepancies prevailing in the plot. On cinematographic front Rohit along with DoP Narendra Rahurikar and cinematographer Dudley has raised the bar drastically by capturing the Mumbai milieu and those death defying action sequences with utmost excellence, but that in no manner deems "Singham Returns" to be addressed as an stupendous enter tainer. Infact it would have been great, had Rohit tried to look beyond his safe zone and would have tried to have a tryst with something out of the box. Even in the editing depar tment movie's editor Steven Benard has failed in using his shears appropriately. And I am saying so because there are numerous sequences in the movie like those extended catwalks of Ajay with "Singham, Singham" running in the background and some of the overstretched action sequences RELEASE DATE: August 22, 2014 STAR CAST: Rani Mukherjee DIRECTOR(S): Pradeep Sarkar GENRE: Action / Drama RAJA NATWARLAL RELEASE DATE: August 22, 2014 STAR CAST: Emraan Hashmi, Humaima Malick,Paresh Rawal,Kay Kay Menon DIRECTOR(S): Kunal Deshmukh GENRE: Action / Drama BANG BANG RELEASE DATE: Oct 02, 2014 STAR CAST: Hrithik Roshan, Katrina Kaif, Danny Denzongpa, Javed Jaffrey, Pawan Malhotra DIRECTOR(S): Siddharth Anand PRODUCER(S): Fox Star Studios HAPPY NEW YEAR RELEASE DATE: STAR CAST: Oct 23, 2014 Shahrukh Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Sonu Sood, Boman Irani, Vivaan Shah, Jackie Shroff, Kareena Kapoor, Anurag Kashyap, Vishal Dadlani, Dino Morea DIRECTOR(S): Farah Khan PRODUCER(S): Gauri Khan, Shahrukh Khan which unnecessarily add to the length of the movie. As stated above music of "Singham Returns" is nothing more than redundant condiment incorporated in the movie merely for heck of it. And the worst part is that, it is neither appealing nor plausible. Well as far as performances are concerned then just like its so called prequel, "Singham Returns" is also an out and out Ajay Devgn cine affair in every manner. In-fact I personally feel that when it comes to playing a cop then there is no one better than Ajay, who always seizes your attention when he steps out in a Khaaki. In "Singham Returns", Ajay once again performs his part with conviction and succeeds in making viewers' go gaga over him and overlook the discrepancies prevailing in the movie. Kareena remains overshadowed by her male counterpart in whole of the movie, but in-spite of that she manages to make her presence feel. As far as antagonists' league is concerned then Amole Gupte tries his level best to fit in the shoes of poseur and immoral Swamiji, but goes overboard quite often. Zakir Hussain as Gupte's is good. Anupam Kher, in small yet important role succeeds in leaving a pleasing impact. Besides suppor ting cast comprising of Mahesh Manjrekar, Dayanand Shetty, Ganesh Yadav, Sameer Dharmadhikari, Ashwini Kalsekar, Sharat Saxena et al too succeeds in doing justice to their respective characters. 20 MidWeek MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 Gavaskar, Ganguly ask selectors to take tough decisions New Delhi (IANS): Former captains Sunil Gavaskar and Sorav Ganguly have blasted the Indian team and said it was high time for the selectors to take some tough decisions following the embarrassing 1-3 Test series loss to England. Ganguly said the team had shown "no effort, no heart, no fight." "There have to be some harsh decisions. The selectors' outlook has to change - when you pick your players, when you identify talent, these are the things you have to look for: who gets runs for you in difficult circumstances, who gets runs for you when the chips are down, who gets runs for you when you are 50-5," Ganguly told Headlines Today. Citing the example of Australia, Gavaskar said successful teams have the ability to take tough decisions when they are down in the dumps. "One of the reasons why Australia have clawed back to the top spot is that they take tough calls and that is the need of the hour for India," he said. Gavaskar was upset that the young Indian team was refusing to learn from past mistakes. "Even till two days, I was defending the team. But you see them today, they have made the same mistakes over and over again. It means the team is not learning. Do they care about it? I don't know," Gavaskar was quoted as saying by NDTV after India suffered a 1-3 Test series loss to England Sunday at The Oval in London. Gavaskar wondered how much rope could be given to young players before taking a tough decision. "Most of these players have played in South Africa, New Zealand and England. How much of a rope do you give a young player? I think somewhere down the line some firm decisions have to be taken. I don't know if they will be taken," he said. Kardec scores late winner for Sao Paulo Sao Paulo (IANS): Alan Kardec scored his fifth goal in seven matches as Sao Paulo defeated local rivals Palmeiras 21 in Brazil's Serie A football. The 25-year-old former Benfica striker netted an 89th-minute winner Sunday after Palmeiras forward Henrique had cancelled out Alexandre Pato's opener at the Pacaembu stadium. The result lifted Sao Paulo to fifth in the standings with seven wins and five draws from 15 matches. Meanwhile, much maligned striker Fred missed a penalty in Fluminense's 0-2 loss to Botafogo at the Maracana stadium. Daniel and Pablo Zeballos were on target for the Botafogo. Fred, who retired from international football after scoring just once in Brazil's disappointing 2014 World Cup campaign, sent his 88thminute spot-kick wide after Rafael Sobis was brought down by Julio Cesar. In other matches Sunday, Atletico Paranaense held Sport 1-1, Figueirense drew 2-2 with Atletico Mineiro, leaders Cruzeiro beat Santos 3-0, Gremio overcame Criciuma 2-0 and Vitoria drew 0-0 with Chapecoense. ENGLAND CELEBRATE THEIR 3-1 SERIES WIN AFTER A CRUSHING INNINGS WIN INSIDE THREE DAYS AT THE OVAL. I DETAILS ON PAGE 21 Indian batsmen were like lambs to the slaughter: Boycott London (IANS): Former England captain Geoffrey Boycott has slammed the Indian team for their pathetic display with both bat and ball in the humiliating 1-3 Test series loss to England and said the batsmen were like "lambs to the slaughter". "India were pathetic when they had to bat and bowl on two seaming, swinging pitches at Old Trafford and The Oval. Their batsmen lacked application and the technique to handle two of the best Test bowlers in the world in James Anderson and Stuar t Broad. On these sor t of pitches they are a handful for any batsmen and these talented kids had no experience of such conditions," Boycott wrote in his column in The Daily Telegraph. "The Indian batsmen were like lambs to the slaughter. Last winter England supporters did not enjoy our team getting annihilated and embarrassed by Australia with matches finishing early," he said. Boycott also doesn't like the idea of having a five-match series. "Backto-back Tests gave them no county cricket to try to find form or confidence. Cricket administrators the world over are only interested in how many international days they can cram into any summer season so that they can sell the rights for more and more television money," he said. Boycott feels one-sided series are not good advertisement for the game and he wants to see more hard-fought series. "It is not a good advert for Test cricket when series are so one-sided. We want to see a hard-fought contest, to enjoy the ebb and flow of a match, swaying from one side to the other, and hopefully England coming out on top at the end. Not just one-sided hammerings," he said. Boycott was happy with the performance of batsmen Gary Ballance and Jos Buttler, but was far from being impressed with opener Sam Robson. "The good things we have learnt are that Gary Ballance is mentally strong and up for the challenge of batting at three. Joe Root has found his per fect place at five. Jos Buttler showed some real batting composure at Old Trafford and the Oval...But Sam Robson, the opener, I am sorry, his footwork and judgement outside off stump is not good enough. We have to find someone better for the sterner Tests to come against Australia in England, Pakistan in the United Arab Emirates and South Africa away," he said. The legend doesn't believe that England would be preparing simi- lar pitches for the Ashes next summer and if they do, matches would last just two days. DHONI HINTS AT QUITTING AFTER SERIES DEFEAT London (IANS): India skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni hinted at stepping down as the captain following his team's 1-3 Test series loss to England. India lost The Oval Test by an innings and 244 runs here Sunday, triggering questions over Dhoni's future as the India captain. Asked if he has taken the team as far as he could, Dhoni said: "Maybe, yes." "You'll have to wait and watch. If I'm strong enough or not strong enough, you'll have to wait and get the news," Dhoni was quoted as saying by BBC Test Match Special. Dhoni, 33, took over the Test team in 2008 after leading India to an emphatic win in the inaugural World Twenty20 in 2007. He has led the team in 58 Tests with a record 27 wins. Under Dhoni, India topped the world Test rankings from late 2009 until the summer of 2011, a period in which he also led the team to victory in the World Cup. But India's slide started with surrendering their No.1 Test rankings with a 4-0 whitewash in England in 2011. In the current series, India took a 1-0 lead by winning the Lord's Test. But from then on things worsened for the visitors, who suffered three consecutive losses, including two innings defeats. They failed 200 in five consecutive attempts that ended with them being bowled out for 94 inside 30 overs at The Oval here Sunday. "The last three Tests, we were not up to the mark," said Dhoni, who has scored 4,808 runs in 88 Tests. "We never competed. Today's batting was a reflection of a loss of confidence. It's disappointing." "Right from the start, our batsmen haven't performed - it was the lower order. Later on in the series, when the lower order didn't perform, we saw there wasn't enough runs on the board," said Dhoni. Former India captain Sunil Gavaskar also blasted the team for the tame surrender. "I don't know what to say. What can you say? You can get angry, say harsh things, but what good will it do? If you do not want to be playing Test cricket for India, quit. Just play limited-overs cricket. You should not be embarrassing your country like that," said Gavaskar. India's last five Test series: July-August 2014: England (away) - lost 3-1 (5 Tests) February 2014: New Zealand (away) - lost 1-0 (2 Tests) December 2013: South Africa (away) - lost 1-0 (2 Tests) November 2013: West Indies (home) - won 2-0 (2 Tests) February-March 2013: Australia (home) - won 4-0 (4 Tests) Over 1,000 athletes eyeing Asian Games berth in Patiala Patiala (IANS): Fresh from their campaign in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Indian athletes are keen to grab Asian Games ber th at the Federation Cup National Athletics Championships star ting Saturday here at the National Institute of Spor ts (NIS). The four-day championships assumes a lot of significance as it will serve as the selection trials for the Indian athletics team for Asian Games 2014, to be held in South Korean city of Incheon, Sep 19-Oct 4. Traditionally, the Asian Games have been the most rewarding in- ternational competition for Indian athletics. Since 1951 when the Asian Games were launched, Indian athletes have won 219 medals out of a total of 534 medals won by Indian contingents at the mega event. There are high expectations from the Indian athletes to return with an impressive haul of medals this time around, too. This year's Federation Cup has attracted a record number of entries. Around 1007 athletes, including 733 men and 274 women, will be competing in the 2014 Championships. Two international walk race referees, from Malaysia and Indo- nesia, have been especially invited by the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) to officiate in the race walk events, where India is considered to be an emerging force. "This year's Federation Cup assumes special impor tance because the performance of the athletes here will be used as a guideline for selection to the Indian athletics team for the Incheon Asian Gam e s , " s a i d A F I p r e s i d e n t Adille Sumariwala. As expected, the competition in the throw events - especially women's discus throw - promises to create a buzz with an exciting line-up in the offing. CWG 2010 gold medallist Krishna Punia, triple medallist in the CWG (2006, '10, '14) Seema Antil and teen sensation Navjeet Kaur Dhillon, who won the bronze in the 2014 IAAF World Junior Championships, will be in the fray for the title in the women's discus. "I'm looking forward to the 2014 Asian Games and the Federation Cup should provide some exciting competition to launch the preparation," said Krishna, the first Indian women to win a gold in the Commonwealth Games. CWG 2014 bronze medallist in men's triple jump, Arpinder Singh seemed confident and raring for more. "I was aiming for the gold in the Commonwealth Games, but things didn't turn out the way I had planned. I hope to do better at the Asian Games. I've grown up as an athlete at NS Patiala and I hope to live up to the expectations at the Federation Cup." Other star athletes who will be watched closely here are 2010 Asian Games bronze medal winner Tintu Luka, who has been recently nominated for the Arjuna Award, women jumper Sahana Kumari and Mayookha Johny, among others. MidWeek MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 21 Saad Shaikh and Avy Bath gearing up for Ontario Beach Volleyball Championships Fun and football at a Live Your Goals festival in Canada. Photograph cour tesy of Canada Soccer/Tony Lewis. INDIA BEFUDDLED AS ENGLAND COMPLETE HUMILIATION “ England 486 (Root 149, Cook 79, Ballance 64) beat India 148 (Dhoni 82, Woakes 3-30) and 94 (Jordan 4-18) by an innings and 244 runs India might have been transpor ted to another world, a world so unfamiliar that their senses were befuddled, their physical prowess lost, their lifetime's knowledge entirely inadequate. One by one their batsmen came and went as they underwent the third heaviest Test defeat in their history. This is an Indian side built on immense wealth and hubris, which has become used to a feeling of power, which has come to view its early history as an aberration, yet they were pover ty stricken against an England side once again relishing perfect swing and seam bowling conditions. India batted as if they had no sense of time and place, but for the record on August 17, 2014, in south London, they foundered to 94 all out in only 29.2 overs. Against the same England side that was beaten by Sri Lanka in a two-Test series in May, India have insisted on five Tests crammed into six weeks and once the series turned they had no respite. Less than four weeks ago, India secured an historic win at Lord's to go 1-0 up in the Investec series. They have since been trounced three times: by 266 runs at the Ageas Bowl, by an innings and 54 on a relatively quick pitch at Old Trafford, and now by an innings and 244 runs. England's 3-1 series win was secured in a quite remarkable transformation. When it was indicated that Alastair Cook was a captain under pressure, it was clear that the media meant MS Dhoni; when the coaching influence of Peter Moores was questioned, obviously what should have been written was Duncan Fletcher. "We were laughing about it," Cook said. "Everything we planned went perfectly." Not since 1977 have India been dismissed for less than 200 five times in succession. Since they made 178 in the second innings in Southampton, they have been dismantled for 152, 161, 148 and, finally, for 94 by an England attack that, as well it has bowled, must have viewed the disintegration as barely credible. There were so many images that India will not want to recall, but their misery was encapsulated in the last act of the morning session when Gautam Gambhir, his Test career perhaps at an end, jogged off the outfield at The Oval in pouring rain seconds after pointlessly running himself out. Gambhir, sent back by Cheteshwar Pujara after envisaging a suicidal single to shor t midwicket, was beaten by Chris Woakes' direct hit, the last act in a shor t pre-lunch session of 6.1 overs which also saw India lose M Vijay, their staunchest batsman in the series, lbw to a lavish inswinger from James Anderson. The rain relented to allow a restar t at 2.30pm; by 4.30pm all that was left was the rigmarole of a presentation ceremony - a ceremony in which India had to watch Anderson, their bête noire, collect the Man of the Series award. India now have a week to regroup, or merely to measure out their life with coffee spoons as TS Eliot had it, before an ODI series in which they will still regard themselves as favourites, What next? MS Dhoni has a lot to think about although such is their large turnover between Test and ODI squads that about half the squad are heading home. In good times, Pujara and Virat Kohli have the talent and patience to bat for days. At The Oval, they could have fallen to vir tually any ball. Pujara's hands were strikingly low for such conditions to combat the rising ball; Kohli has looked fallible outside off stump throughout the series, a series in which India's gilded young batsman has made 134 runs at 13.4. He has the talent to conquer English conditions, but this failure will sit heavily on him. For six overs, Pujara and Kohli resisted, their stand of 21 the highest of the innings. Then Pujara pushed gravely forward at an outswinger, almost as if bowed in prayer, and edged to the keeper. Surprisingly, considering the mayhem that followed, it was Anderson's last wicket, leaving him three behind Ian Botham's England record of 383 Test wickets and no Test to make up the shor tfall until the Caribbean next April. Broad and Anderson bowled beautifully, Broad picking up Ajinkya Rahane five overs later. Gary Ballance's brilliant diving catch at third slip, springing to his left to rescue a chance that might easily have fallen shor t, exemplified another gulf between the sides: India's close catching had become increasingly atrocious. That India's candle was burning as if in pure oxygen was apparent when Dhoni followed in the next over, a push off his hip against a back-of-a-length delivery from Chris Woakes that was snaffled by Sam Robson at short leg. Cook, who has become more prone to attacking fields as England's superiority has become apparent, must now reflect that they are rather fun. UPCOMING STAR IN CANADIAN FIELD HOCKEY FROM BRAMPTON- PARMEET GILL CONTD. FROM PAGE 17 Parmeet with his hard work and dedication towards hockey got selected in the Canadian Junior field hockey team for Youth Olympics in China. The Canadian Junior Hockey team has the following players " Parmeet Gill " Liam Manning " Floyd Mascarenhas " Braedon Muldoon " Balraj Panesar " Brandon Pereira " Vikramjeet Sandhu " Amrit Sidhu " Harbir Sidhu Parmeet Gill plays with our local Canadian field hockey and Cultural club. The community is proud of the youngsters who are doing so well in at National and International level. Midweek Newspaper would also like to compliment the parents for the suppor t to young sportspersons and hope more players will join Hockey and other sports to make their parents and community proud. DESK REPORT Toronto - When you win, it makes for a phenomenal story. When you win again the story grows and it gets better. But staying undefeated for an entire year, get you noticed. The story of this year's Ontario Beach Volleyball Championships was one of the two 14-yearold middle school students. While most kids their age are gearing up for high school, Saad Shaikh and Avy Bath are busy preparing for volleyball tournaments. They spend each weekday, training in the summer. On the weekends they reap the rewards. In fact, the challenge this time around was not even the part about winning. Coach Jessy Satti says: "It was interesting to see how guys would do after all of their success. A lot of the time, especially in the younger age groups, kid's let the success get in their head. Or even worse, they get down on themselves when things change and don't go their way." Avy and Saad did just fine Due to point differential, the duo came into the tournament ranked second despite not dropping a single set the entire season. It seemed this was all set to change as Saad and Avy were down 12-18 in the first set of the provincial finals. Their opponents were coming off a close semifinal victory against Saad and Avy's Pakmen teammates and were full of confidence going into the match. Avy and Saad did not let this phase them. They pulled off seven straight points en route to a 21-19 victory. In the second set they would cruise to a 21-16 victory and keep their 2014 Beach undefeated streak alive. "The boys really stayed focused, even when they were down," says Satti. "They stuck to the basics, passing and serving, and didn't let their emotions get to them." When asked about their come back in the first set, the team is quick to divert the praise. "Our indoor coach, Smith, really taught us to fight back," says Shaikh. "With the lessons that we learned from him throughout the year, giving up was never an option." This is the second year in a row that Avy and Saad have won the prestigious event. Last year, they were the 13U provincial championships. In indoor, the duo is part of a Pakmen team that is the defending indoor provincial champions. With the win, Saad and Avy become the fifth straight Pakmen team that has won the 14U beach provincial championships. It is been quite a year for Saad Sheikh and Avy Bath. The 14 year old David Leeder Middle School students are coming off a provincial championship, and are already looking ahead to Canada's National Championships. Being motivated as ever, the team is determined to be Canada's best team. With Nationals coming up in a few weeks, it is safe to say that their volleyball story is far from over. The OVA ranks teams based on how many points they have. By competing in an older division, teams can accumulate more points. First place in 14U could be worth 100 points, while fifth place in 15U would be worth 150 points. I need more races: Bolt Rio De Jaeiro (IANS): Usain Bolt admitted he lacked sharpness after taking gold in a 100-metre race in Rio de Janeiro Sunday. The six-time Olympic champion clocked 10.06 seconds to beat Britain's Mark Lewis Francis (10.42) and Jefferson Liberato of Brazil (10.44) on the Copacabana beach track, Xinhua repor ted. "I had a poor star t but I regained some of my poise later in the race," said Bolt, who was competing in his first individual 100metre race of the year. "I felt a bit heavy. I need to compete in more races. I will be in better shape after that." The 27-year-old thanked the suppor t of thousands of locals who willed the Jamaican on to victory. "The energy here is great. Thank you everybody, it was fantastic." Brazilian Rosangela Santos won the women's event in 11.33 seconds ahead of Jamaica's Schillonie Calver t and Carmelita Jeter of the US. Visa woes for Pakistani squash players Islamabad (IANS): Pakistani players were forced to miss the Professional Squash Association's CIMB Malaysian Open Squash Championship since they were not issued visas by the Malaysian High Commission. A Pakistan Squash Federation (PSF) official said that the federation had applied for visas well in time by Aug 11 but the Malaysian High Commission, along with other foreign mission offices, were closed for the past week due the protests marches by political par ties here in the capital, repor ts Xinhua. The PSF had planned to send its three top players Nasir Iqbal, Danish Atlas and Farhan Zaman for the competition in Kuala Lumpur that star ts Monday and will end Saturday. The official said the world rankings of the Pakistani players would now take a hit by missing this tournament. Kiplagat warms up for Chicago Marathon in style Nairobi (IANS): Kenya's Commonwealth Games 10,000 metres silver medallist Florence Kiplagat warmed up in style for the 2014 Chicago Marathon slated for Oct 12 with a stunning win at the County Pensions Fund (CPF) Nairobi Diamond 10-km run. Kiplagat finished the 10-km course in a time of 31:42.0 to win prize money of $3,000 and a diamond with an undeclared value here Sunday, repor ts Xinhua. Irene Chebet was placed second in a time of 31:45.0 whereas third place went to Alice Aprot who stopped the clock in 31.46:0. "I missed competing at the African Championships in Marrakech, Morocco, because of visa problems and I was happy to have a race in Nairobi to do speed work," Kiplagat said during a postrace interview. 22 MidWeek RANDEEP HOODA: I’M NOT USED TO BEING A PART OF THE RS 100 CRORE CLUB bollywood MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 MAHESH BHATT UPSET WITH NEPHEW EMRAAN HASHMI Mahesh Bhatt upset with nephew Emraan Hashmi for choosing a rival studio's film over the one by his "parent company". When Emraan Hashmi decided to allot 10 days to promote his upcoming film Raja Natwarlal, the move did not go down well with the Bhatts-- Mahesh, Mukesh and Vikram. Reason: They wanted these dates to wrap up their supernatural thriller, Mr. X, with the actor. Now, they will have to get fresh combination dates from the rest of the cast for the shoot. When contacted, Emraan's uncle, Mahesh Bhatt, didn't mince words, saying, "He did inform me about this change in plans but he still caught me off-guard. Without taking away from his efforts, I have to say that I am the architect of Brand Emraan. We are his parent company and deserve his loyalty more than anyone else." Interestingly, Raja Natwarlal's director Kunal Deshmukh is also a Bhatt protege and this is his first film outside the camp. Emraan responded to Mahesh's outburst saying, "Bhattsaab has been and always will be my mentor. But he forgets that he was the one who told me that in the end only success matters, be it through fair or foul means. I am going all out for Raja Natwarlal as it is a good film and I want it to succeed. Bhattsaab should be happy because I am following his teachings." Ajay Devgn and Shah Rukh are like elder brothers who look out for me Its way past Cinderella hour in India, but across the globe in Canada, the day is just peaking and Randeep Hooda is busy filming Deepa Mehta's Beeba Boys, earlier titled Inland. And he's thrilled to be working with a foreign crew in a different country with an Oscar nominated director. "Deepa's a rock star, she keeps me on my toes. If any laziness has crept in over time, you gotta banish it," he laughs, longdistance from Toronto.Randeep is hoping this film will cut across borders and appeal to the Indian diaspora."It's about the journey of a man, a Jatt Sikh called Jeet Johar. It's a hero's role, larger than life, yet grounded, with hear t and soul," he says. Any other actor would have been cut up about missing the celebrations, as his latest release Kick makes box-office history back home, but Randeep reasons that the distance helps him view the film's success objectively. "I knew that given bhai's (Salman Khan) phenomenal pull and Sajid bhai (producer-director Nadiadwala) making the film with no expenses spared, it would be a blockbuster. What surprised me was Sajid bhai coming to me with such a cool role when he could have chosen any big name and bhai accepting me as a co-actor and a friend," he admits candidly. Earlier in the year, he'd watched Alia Bhatt hijack Highway. Kick comes as a bonus to balance out the disappointment. "I'm not used to being a par t of the Rs 100 crore club and I'm over the moon. But there's no doubt that it is because of bhai that so many people are watching the film and along with him, liking me too," he says, adding his biggest takeaway as an actor is that the audience has accepted him in roles as diverse as Bombay Talkies, Highway and Kick. "Now I hope that some of these people come to see my smaller films, Rang Rasiya and Main Aur Charles." Before he arrives, his team is there to check that everything is in order. A hush settles over the room when he arrives after the appointed hour. Apologising for his late-coming because he has been awake until 6 am, working on the post-production of his Independence Day release Singham Returns, he wastes no further time. As he settles down to answer queries about his latest labour of love, you find yourself getting immersed in his enthusiasm. Oblivious to the recorder that is taping him, the filmmaker holds for t on his brand of commercial cinema... something that he truly believes in. In one of your earlier interviews to Bombay Times, before Chennai Express crossed the `200 crore mark, you said your newfound hotshot status means nothing to your mother. Does she still call you to change fused bulbs, like she did earlier? Yes, my mother still asks me to change fused bulbs. That will never change because she will never change. To her, I'm her son first and everything else is secondary. Frankly, I do not want anyone around me (especially close family, friends or my team) to change their attitude towards me. It keeps me grounded. ACTORS HUMAIMA MALIK AND EMRAAN HASHMI ON THE SETS OF JHALAK DIKHHLA JAA 7 DURING THE PROMOTION OF THEIR FILM RAJA NATWARLAL IN MUMBAI. Fight over Meena Kumari The biopic of Tragedy Queen Meena Kumari has taken a sad turn. Shashilal Nair (director of the infamous Ek Choti Si Love Story) returns to the arclights with the film. But all is not well between Nair and the producer of the film, Tajdar Amrohi, the son of the late filmmaker Kamal Amrohi and Meena Kumari's stepson. Tajdar, who has re-booted his father's banner, Mahal Pictures, under a new name, Kamal Amrohi Pictures, clashed with the director over the por trayal of the actress' life. When contacted, Tajdar confirmed that Nair and he are not on the same page as yet. "He wants to take cer tain cinematic liber ties but I am not playing to the gallery. I know we are not making a documentary but we have to stick to the truth," he asser ted. To begin with, Tajdar and Nair have not agreed on the choice of actress to play the film icon onscreen. Also, the two men are on the opposite sides of the fence when it comes to zeroing in on the film's title. " Nair also wants a few song situations which I am not comfor table with," says Tajdar, adding, "Actually, besides the heroine and the title, there are several other things that need to be shown in correct perspective. Creativity doesn't mean that you tell a warped story." Mirror has it that the last argument between the filmmaker and the director happened while they were discussing a scene where Kamal Amrohi, while returning from an award ceremony with Meena Kumari, dismisses her award as a small achievement. Comedians at the sets of India's Got Talent session 5 (IANS) Actor Om Puri with wife Nandita Puri and son Ishaan during the screening of Hollywood film The Hundred-Foot Journey in Mumbai (IANS) MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 entertainment KAREENA KAPOOR GETS A COSTUME CHANGE FOR HER WAX STATUE MidWeek 23 HOLLYWOOD news Sylvester Stallone wishes luck to Indian Rambo New Delhi (IANS): Sylvester Stallone's "The Expendables 3" is set for Friday release in India and the Hollywood action star wishes "luck" to "Indian Rambo" Ajay Devgn and his new film "Singham Returns". The two films were supposed to hit the screens Aug 15, but the face off was avoided. "I think we are releasing against the Indian Rambo in India. Best of luck to 'Singham' and Ajay Devgn," the "Rambo" star said in a statement. "The Expendables 3" will release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu, other than English, in India Aug 22. "Singham Returns", on the other hand, has already minted Rs.53.14 crore in the first two days of its release. Martin fell for Lawrence's laidback personality Kareena Kapoor comes faces to face with her wax figure from 2011 after donating a new red sari with a gold trim that she wore from the film Ra.One, at Madame Tussauds in London. Back in 2011, Kareena Kapoor Khan joined an elite group of Bollywood stars when her wax statue was installed at the famous Madame Tussauds museum in London, UK. When the statue was first unveiled, it was dressed in the actor’s costume from the popular number, Mauja Hi Mauja, from Jab We Met (2007). But now, the figurine is getting a makeover. The statue will now be dressed in the sari that Kareena was seen wearing in the song Chammak Challo from RA.One (2011). "Kareena was glad when she was informed of the costume change. She also felt that it had been a while since the statue was unveiled in her Jab We Met outfit. She was happy that the Chammak challo sari was chosen for the statue’s new look," says an insider. Interestingly, Kareena had gone to London to celebrate her husband Saif Ali Khan’s bir thday on August 16. She was present at the museum when her statue’s new avatar is unveiled. When contacted, Kareena told us from London, "It’s always a pleasure to see the statue. We wanted to dress it up a bit so the red sari from Chammak Challo felt perfect." Los Angeles (IANS): Singer Chris Mar tin repor tedly got attracted to actress Jennifer Lawrence because of her laid-back personality. Friends believe she's good for him following his failed marriage with Gwyneth Paltrow, whom he split from in March, repor ts "Jennifer is loads of fun and they can't stop laughing when they are together. Chris feels he is dating someone who has everything he's been missing out on in the past 11 years," a source was quoted by The Sun newspaper as saying. Paltrow, 41, is known for her healthy diet and strict fitness routine, while Lawrence, 24, smokes and enjoys pizza. And Mar tin repor tedly feels the "Hunger Games" star has given him a "new lease of life." Lawrence and Mar tin first sparked rumours they were dating after they were spotted having deep conversation at the afterpar ty for Coldplay's Royal Alber t Hall gig in London in July and they have reportedly spent the last six weeks texting each other. Kate Moss parties with Madonna Cannes (IANS): Model Kate Moss partied with singer Madonna at her 1920s-themed bir thday par ty organised here over the weekend. The "Frozen" hitmaker turned 56 on Aug 16. Moss joined Madonna in celebrating her bir thday at a lavish par ty at a private villa here, where the two were pictured cosying up together, repor ts Madonna posted the photo of herself wearing a beaded black dress next to the model, who was clad in a strappy black gown, on her Instagram account Sunday. She captioned the image: "Bow down Bitches! #whatitfeelslikeforagirl.(sic)" Her children -- Lourdes, 17, Rocco, 14, David, 8, and Mercy, 8 - also attended the bir thday bash. Chris Brown, Karrueche Tran reunite Los Angeles (IANS): Singer Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran have fuelled speculation they are back together after being recently pictured getting affectionate. The on-and-off couple - who were believed to have ended their three-year relationship for good earlier this month - were spotted together at a charity football game here Aug 16 and seemed more in love than ever, repor ts Ahead of the game, Brown shared on Instagram: "It's going down! Team Breezy vs. Quincy (Jones') team (sic)". Tran was seen cheering on the singer from the sidelines, before they embraced on the field and were openly affectionate as they left the game. Later in the evening, Brown posed for a selfie with the model as the drove through the city. Actors Nicholas Tse (L) and Gao Yuanyuan at a press conference of the film But Always in Beijing, China (IANS) Actress Megan Fox promoting her movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Mexico. (IANS) At Courteney's wedding Ed Sheeran to be best man? Los Angeles (IANS): Singer Ed Sheeran is likely to be the best man at the wedding of actress Cour teney Cox and musician Johnny McDaid. Sheeran had introduced the two and he is expected to take on the impor tant role when the couple exchange vows later this year, repor ts "Not only is Ed great mates with Johnny, he is a close friend of Cour teney's. Ed said yes immediately when asked. Johnny's other best pal, singer Foy Vance, is also an usher," said a source. "It's between him and Ed for best man - they'll probably share it," added the source. McDaid proposed to Cox, who has 10-year-old daughter Coco with ex-husband David Arquette, in June after just six months of dating. No violence or 'dirty comedy' in Jackie Chan's film U.S. actors Cameron Diaz (R) and Jason Segel (L) pose for photographs during a red carpet event in Mexico City. (IANS) A figure of Buddha within the Baiqoi Monastery in Gyangze County, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. (IANS) Los Angeles (IANS): Actor Jackie Chan says he wants his movies to have "plenty of action, but not violence" and wants to stay away from dir ty comedy. The "Rush Hour" actor considers the films he directs to be like his children, and he has a very strict set of guidelines, repor ts "When I direct, the film is like my baby. I have to make sure there is comedy but no dir ty comedy and a positive message," he said. "I like people to believe the stunts are real - it's not like 'SpiderMan' or 'Iron Man'... I only use a tiny bit of special effects. "I want it to be believable, so where I used to do a triple kick, I now just do one. Eventually there will be no kicks. There has to be plenty of action, but not violence," he added. 24 MidWeek MIDWEEK NEWS WEEKLY TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 RUNNING SUCCESSFULLY
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