Carroll C5 Corvette Supercharging Sales Guide
Carroll C5 Corvette Supercharging Sales Guide
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, or translated into any language in any form by any means, without written permission of BLOWERWORKS™ ORIGINAL PRINTING 1/00 Some parts may not be sold in U.S. EPA areas • All prices subject to change without notice • Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. BLOWERWORKS™ —2— PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack LETTER FROM GREG CARROLL FOUNDER OF BLOWERWORKS™ Dear Corvette Enthusiast, As the originators of the supercharged C4–L98 and LT1/LT4 Corvette we at Carroll have been “blowing” Vettes since 1987! That is longer than most other “Corvette” companies have been in business. We are the originators of the supercharged LS1/LS6 Corvette, as well as introducing the world's first supercharged C5 in 1997! We have had several customer vehicles on the road since 1997! Our design has been well proven. We went through a steep learning curve with the C5. However, now you can enjoy the benefits of a fully refined and tested design. There are many questions you have been asking us. We will answer most of them through this sales brochure. Whatever questions we do not answer we hope you will call us with them. Our LS1/LS6 Stage I version produces 6 to 8 pounds of boost at sea level on a 60°F day with the stock airbox and stock exhaust. The dyno proven rear wheel horsepower is in excess of 400 for the LS1 and in excess of 500 for the LS6. Please remember that peak horsepower numbers do not tell the whole story. You have to look at the total area under the horsepower and torque curves to know the whole story. So, if you are comparison shopping remember the caveat, ”Buyer Beware”. That’s why we present you with our satisfied customer letters. We ask you to remember that you get what you pay for! Our LS1 Stage II version produces 8 pounds of boost with 450 rear wheel horsepower and includes a B&B exhaust as well as a new Donaldson modified air intake system. Our LS1 Stage III version includes our Gaseous Intercooling™ System. This vehicle produces 475 rear wheel horsepower at sea level on a 60°F day with 9 pounds of boost pressure. Our LS1 Stage IV (manual trans) or Stage V (automatic trans) version produces 10 to 12 pounds of boost and a minimum of 500 rear wheel horsepower @ 6250 RPM on an otherwise stock LS1 engine! All of the above results are with an otherwise “stock” engine! We hope you will enjoy the fruits of our efforts! Respectfully, Greg Carroll President/Founder BLOWERWORKS™ —3— PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 SUPERCHARGING YOUR C5 CORVETTE: “A SEMI-WHITE PAPER”1 By GREG CARROLL of BLOWERWORKS AKA The CARROLL SUPERCHARGING Co. OK... so you are ready to supercharge your C5 Corvette. You are no longer afraid to take this huge leap of faith and spend up to $10K for a turnkey installation. The reason you are no longer afraid to spend this large amount of money on your Corvette is because so many other people have done it and reported good results on the Corvette Forum as well as elsewhere. Also, many new vehicles direct from the manufacturer are now supercharged. If GM, Ford, and Chrysler approve of supercharging it must be ok to do the same to my vehicle – right ? So how do you choose from amongst the various supercharging systems that are available? What differentiates one kit from another? What differentiates one compressor style from another, i.e. centrifugal versus Roots? Should the charger oiling system be self-contained or fed by engine oil? Do I intercool and if so what’s the difference between a mechanical air to air intercooler, a mechanical air to water intercooler, and Gaseous Intercooling™. Decisions, decisions… In choosing a supercharging system for your Corvette you must first define your needs and usage. In supercharging any vehicle there are advantages and disadvantages to each type of system. A well-engineered system minimizes the trade offs between them and optimizes the choice for the particular application. The decision you have to make is an important one. You are going to live with your decision everytime you get into your Corvette and drive it. It is unlikely, if you make the wrong decision, that you will have sufficient funds to go back and re-do it. Nor will you psychologically want to admit to yourself let alone anyone else that you screwed up and chose poorly. I am going to help you make that decision. Yes I am going to try and sell you my system (naturally I’m biased but I’ll try to be fair), but not by trying to make the shoe fit when it does not. Instead I am going to detail/define my shoe and you decide if it fits your ‘foot’. The following list is key components of supercharging a C5 Corvette and you should be aware of the difference approaches each manufacturer has taken including me, Carroll Supercharging. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BLOWERWORKS™ COMPRESSOR STYLE SUPERCHARGER LUBRICATION INTERCOOLERS SUPPLEMENTAL FUEL DELIVERY FUEL LINE SIZE SPARK PLUGS PISTONS CRANKCASE VENTILATION ENGINE COOLANT CRANK PULLEY PCM PROGRAMMING SERPENTINE BELT TENSIONER APPEARANCE, FUNCTION & FORM UPGRADEABLE/EASE OF INSTALLATION “FINISHED PRODUCT” / EXPERIENCE —4— PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack COMPRESSOR STYLE There are currently two style crank belt driven compressors to choose from that are part of complete bolt-on supercharging kits for your Corvette. The MagnaCharger kit utilizes an Eaton modified Roots style compressor. Roots style blowers by and of themselves are not very efficient (35% efficient) when compared to a centrifugal (up to 80% efficient) . However, it is reliable, reasonably quiet, and fairly fuel efficient because of the builtin by-pass valve and the millions of dollars invested by the Eaton Corporation. The by-pass valve takes the compressor out of the air loop while not in a boosted mode. Since most of your driving time is spent in a non boosted mode its’ low efficiency is not of great consequence. The Eaton modified Roots style compressor (supercharger) is the ‘blower’ choice of all the major OEM’s. The major advantage (and the reason it is the choice of the OEMs) of the Eaton supercharger is it is a positive displacement compressor. This results in instantaneous and virtually flat line boost levels equating to great off line torque and throttle response. The downside to this compressor (besides its lower efficiency as compared to a centrifugal S/C) is its limited boost potential and consequently less potential power. This should not be of concern to you if 100 to 125 extra horsepower is all you need. Some type of intercooler is essential with this style compressor because of its lower efficiency. The other style compressor currently available as a complete bolt-on kit is the centrifugal. A centrifugal compressor is a sophisticated fan. It is very efficient as compared to a Roots style compressor and has virtually no upper limits. However to maintain efficiency the compressor should be properly sized to the application. A turbocharger is a centrifugal compressor. The centrifugal supercharger is belt driven off the crank pulley. The turbocharger is exhaust gas driven by a turbine shaft coupled to the centrifugal fan. Turbochargers are very efficient because they utilize otherwise normally wasted exhaust gas heat. We will not compare turbochargers to centrifugal superchargers in this discussion. As always there are advantages and disadvantages to each. Until recently one big disadvantage to the centrifugal supercharger was gear noise. However several years ago Vortech Superchargers introduced their SQ trim blower which is virtually noiseless. Centrifugal superchargers are fans and as such build boost with RPM. This can be considered a disadvantage under certain circumstances, especially when compared with the Roots style positive displacement blower. But because it is not a positive displacement compressor it is also very forgiving if ever your engine should hiccup and backfire. Centrifugals build boost as the square root of RPM. This means the boost pressure rises rapidly as a function of engine RPM – a real advantage. Another advantage of centrifugals is the amount of power they draw from the engine as a function of engine RPM and the work done. No work done no power drawn, i.e., even at high RPM if the throttle is closed the compressor draws virtually no power (less than a fraction of 1 HP). And because the power drawn by the compressor increases as the cube root of engine RPM a centrifugal draws virtually no power at low RPMs while cruising and is incredibly efficient for a daily driver. The two major manufacturers of centrifugal compressors are Vortech and ATI (ProCharger). By the way, both companies produce excellent compressors. SUPERCHARGER LUBRICATION The Eaton and the Vortech and the ATI compressors all contain gears and require lubrication. The Eaton rotors basically spin at engine RPM. The Eaton gears are lubricated by a small self-contained reservoir. Both the Vortech and ATI compressors utilize step-up gears in the neighborhood of 3.45 to 4.6. This is required because the “fan blade” inside the blower must spin up to 50,000 or so RPM in order to produce the required boost levels. The optimum fan blade RPM is determined by blade size, desired boost level, and engine displacement. At these RPM’s the lubrication requirement is quite important. Until recently these blowers all used engine oil and pressure to deliver a spray onto the gears thru a small (typically .030 to .040”) nozzle. The oil then drained back by gravity to the engine oil pan – much the same as in a turbocharger. Recently, ATI introduced a line of compressors utilizing a self-contained oiling system. This enhancement greatly reduces the installation time of the supercharger system and hence the price you pay the installer. ATI recommends you change the oil every 6,000 miles – not bad. Some ATI kits require removing the blower to change its’ oil. Vortech continues to use engine oil for good reason. The only drawback to using engine oil is the installation time. However once installed there are two real advantages. First and foremost the engine oil removes heat from the supercharger – the oil is a coolant removing heat the same way it removes heat from the engine. Remember the blower can draw as much as 100 HP and engine oil as a coolant plays an important role. Second there is no further maintenance other than perhaps an in-line oil filter. All Carroll kits utilize an AMSOIL 1-micron in-line supercharger oil filter. Although expensive and more time consuming to install this filter guarantees the blower an ultra clean supply of engine oil. Another advantage to the AMSOIL 1 micron filter is that it continually cleans the engine oil to a much cleaner state than the stock engine filter can do which typically filters down to only 20 to 50 microns at best. In summary there are advantages and disadvantages to both style compressors. In either case both compressors can require enormous amounts of power to drive them when at peak output: easily in excess of 50 horsepower. I mention this because belt slippage can be a serious problem if not addressed properly in the overall system design. We’ll talk more about this later. BLOWERWORKS™ —5— PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 INTERCOOLERS To intercool or not to intercool that is the question. Actually it is not a question when supercharging the C5 Corvette – you must intercool! The real question is which type of intercooler is best for my application. Here-in lies a significant difference between the approach ATI, Magnuson, and Vortech take versus Carroll Supercharging. (Please note that although Carroll utilizes the Vortech SQ Quiet Trim supercharger in their C5 kit that is all these two systems share in common.) Let’s look at the different approaches each company takes. Whether you call it an intercooler or aftercooler and no matter if it is an air to air or water to air intercooler, it is still a mechanical radiator designed to dissipate the heat of compressing air by flowing ambient air over some form of extra radiator (not to be confused with the vehicle’s engine coolant radiator). No matter what style compressor you choose it will heat the air as it compresses it – fact of life. Ever touch a shop air compressor tank while it is running – warm right? So why would anyone design an automotive supercharger kit without one? Good question, but the answer may not be so obvious. The first parameter we must examine is the compressor style, i.e., centrifugal or Roots. Given their associated efficiencies using a Roots style blower almost always dictates the use of an intercooler. However when dealing with a centrifugal blower making 5 to 7 pounds of boost the answer may not be so obvious. At 5 pounds of boost pressure a well designed centrifugal will raise the ambient air temperature about 50 degrees F. In order to cool the compressed air the given heat exchanger using the same ambient air would have to be huge. Think about what I am saying. Let’s say the ambient air is 85 degrees F, a typical summer day. If the compressor adds 50 to this we are at a supercharger discharge temperature of 135 degrees F. In order to cool the 135-degree air with 85 degree we’d require a big intercooler because the difference between the heated air and the outside air is not that great. Besides thermodynamics tells you the 135-degree air can only approach 85, never get there ! Additionally, if you put a big intercooler on you will have a pressure drop thru it and consequently have to spin the compressor faster to compensate for the pressure drop and therefore you heat the air some more. Remember that the increased power the blower draws comes right off the crank pulley and increases as the cube of the RPM. The law of diminishing returns kicks in and tells us that until you get up to at least 10 pounds of boost pressure an intercooler may actually penalize performance rather than increase it !!! There must be an alternative – no? Yes there is and it is called Gaseous Intercooling™ , i.e., water injection. Carroll Supercharging pioneered water injection for the L98 Corvette in 1987. We coined the term Gaseous Intercooling™. In 1987 the only supercharger available to us was the ball drive Paxton producing 5 to 7 psig. It was impractical to couple the Paxton to a mechanical intercooler at this boost pressure, (the charge air was not that hot and the Paxton was incapable of dealing with the pressure drop thru an intercooler), however we still needed to suppress detonation3 in order to produce maximum power. Recurving the spark curve and taking out 15 degrees of timing was not acceptable – too much power loss (typically each degree of timing equates to a 1% power loss or gain). Hence we applied water injection – the same solution the Allies used on the centrifugal supercharged fighter planes. At present Carroll is the only manufacturer that incorporates Gaseous Intercooling™ as standard on all its Vette supercharging kits. Many ATI and Vortech owners have purchased and installed the Carroll the Carroll Gaseous Intercooling™ system on their mechanically intercooled Corvettes and found more power. The two types of intercooling are not mutually exclusive – rather they often compliment each other. More on Gaseous Intercooling™ later. Least we forget there are several additional things you should know about mechanical style intercoolers. First and most important remember that the intercooler cannot reject any heat unless there is air movement thru it, i.e., where does the heat go, if it goes anywhere, when stopped at a traffic light? Second, if the “radiator” (intercooler) is placed in front of the engine radiator then the heat of rejection of the intercooler may affect the operation of the A/C on a hot summer day while in stop and go traffic. Also, depending on the size and placement of the intercooler, the heat rejection of the compressor may affect the engine radiator. Last consider their complexity when doing routine servicing of your Corvette. To the die-hard racing enthusiast the above is inconsequential. For the Corvette owner who does not do his own work and simply wants a fast and reliable daily driver the above should be taken into consideration. Finally a mechanical intercooler is a hindrance when not in use, i.e., most of the time ! First and foremost is fuel efficiency. If you want to keep the awesome mileage your Vette gets on the highway under cruise control you do not want cooled air. Warm or hot air is better for fuel vaporization. If you have an air to air intercooler you are going to have to rig up some kind of by-pass valve while cruising (the normal surge valve does not bypass the intercooler). If you are running a Carroll kit with Gaseous Intercooling™ rest easy – it only operates while under boosted conditions, i.e., when the pedal is to the metal ! Is there an application where a mechanical intercooler should be used? Absolutely the answer is yes. If you plan to run boost levels in excess of 12 psig then by all means you should have one or the other of the two types of mechanical intercoolers and possibly our Gaseous Intercooling™ as well. BLOWERWORKS™ —6— PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack SUPPLEMENTAL FUEL DELIVERY We have already addressed a major difference between ‘us’ & ‘them’, i.e., Gaseous Intercooling™ for ‘us’ versus mechanical intercooling for ‘them’. Gaseous Intercooling™ or water injection contributes to the ideal air fuel ratio4 under boost. Our typical supercharging system utilizes a 15 GPH (gallons per hour) water injection nozzle. Water weighs 8.33 pounds per gallon at 60 degrees F. A rule of thumb for calculating fuel injector size at WOT (wide-open throttle) is each horsepower requires 4/10’S (.4) pound of fuel per hour5. Premium gasoline weighs 5.994 lbs./gal. Hence each gallon of gasoline can make 15 HP (5.994/. 4 = 15). Therefore our 15 gallon/hour water nozzle can contribute 225 HP (15 X 15 = 225) out of the total fuel requirement6. This is the reason we are able to utilize the stock fuel injectors on our C5 - Stage I thru III kits and obtain such great fuel efficiency even while under boost. Once again regardless of whose supercharging system you go with more power means more fuel: typically a change of injectors and fuel pump(s). This is the approach that Vortech, ProCharger, and Magnuson have taken. I also have taken this approach BUT not until I exceed about 550 crank horsepower. My solution for power levels below 550 is to stick with the stock injectors and include my SUPERPUMPER™ II as part of all kits. My philosophy is to utilize the stock injectors whenever feasible: our 2001 Z06 kit makes 517 RWHP with the STOCK injectors !!! There are several good reasons for so doing. First you should always use the smallest size injector that gets the job done – you’ll get better bottom end power with a smaller injector not to mention better gas mileage while cruising. Our supercharging kit will deliver more average power under the curve pound for pound than any competitor. Our supercharging kit will deliver more miles per gallon while cruising (if this is important to you) than any competitor because we use the stock injector AND do NOT cool the intake charge until needed. OK if your system is so good why don’t your competitors use it? The answer is simple. SUPERPUMPER™ II is very expensive as well as time consuming to install. That’s also why my kit tends to be more expensive. Anyone interested in reading about SUPERPUMPER™ II may request literature. There is also another interesting benefit from using our SUPERPUMPER™ II. No new fuel pump noise! The C5 in-tank fuel pump can deliver 80 GPH free flow. This is enough fuel to support in excess of 800 HP as long as a secondary booster pump is used in conjunction with it. We use an expensive but powerful Bosch pump as our booster. Even when running this pump is relatively quiet, however because of SUPERPUMPER™ II the Bosch pump is barely turning over at idle and light cruise and is therefore undetectable. Bottom line with our kit there is no new pump noises to live with – not true of others. Our design philosophy is to produce a supercharging system that is totally transparent until you put the pedal down. To some of you all out racing enthusiasts this is of little consequence. All of our C5 supercharging kits include a new powerful very quiet Bosch booster fuel pump. The in-tank Delco pump on the C5 can deliver 80 GPH free flow. That’s enough fuel to support in excess of 900 HP. External supplemental fuel pumps can produce an annoying “whine” that you must live with ALL the time while driving! FUEL LINE SIZE A question that is often asked of me is, “don’t I need to increase the size of the fuel line?” The answer is most often, “NO”! A 3/8”id fuel line (standard on all C5’s) can easily support 1000 HP! The key to sufficient fuel supply is pumping power. As an example let’s look at a flow of 1 gallon per minute at a required at the fuel rail pressure of 60 psig. That is enough fuel to support 720 HP. The pressure drop thru a 3/8”id line at 60 GPH is less than 1 psig7! Switching to a ½” id line would result in a pressure of about 1/10 of the 3/8” line. However, given sufficient pumping power, a 1 pound drop versus a .1 pound drop is insignificant. At 500 HP the pressure drop is even less. Much more important is fuel pump selection. A C5 fuel pump can free flow 80 GPH. That’s enough fuel to support over 900 HP. When coupled to the Ultra High Output (but QUIET) Bosch fuel pump included in all our C5 systems we can support 800 HP @ 90 psig !!! One of the reasons we use the more expensive Bosch fuel pump is that they are QUIET. I personally cannot live with fuel pump hum, whine and noise while cruising in an otherwise quiet Corvette. IGNITION Of extreme importance is spark plug selection. Stock heat range spark plugs can significantly contribute to detonation. Detonation (called ‘ping’ if slight or ‘knock’ if heavy) even for a second or two can ‘crack’ a cast piston at the higher engine RPM ranges and must be avoided at all costs! All Carroll C5 supercharging systems include Champion #7401 dual tip platinum spark plugs gapped at .040 to .045”. BLOWERWORKS™ —7— PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 PISTONS All C5 Corvettes come equipped with “hyperutectic” pistons. Hyperutectic is a fancy way of saying cast. These cast pistons are extremely strong and light: maybe half the weight of a forged piston. Light pistons reduce the rotating mass which results in more useable power. The disadvantage to cast pistons is that they are fragile and subject to cracking. Forged pistons are denser (a result of forging as opposed to casting) and consequently less subject to cracking. Engine detonation (ping or knock) results in a shock wave being sent down the cylinder while the piston is coming up the cylinder. The resulting noise you hear is the piston rattling in the cylinder. Detonation is extremely damaging. The piston rings collapse as the shock wave passes and the piston bangs against the cylinder wall creating the noise you hear. Not only is detonation damaging to the piston but it also results in pressurizing the crankcase and ultimately rod bearing and crank bearing damage. Detonation at the higher engine RPM’s can result in a cracked cast piston in less than a second. Once the piston cracks you are done. The engine will continue to run but there will be excessive blow-by even at idle. At higher power levels under boost you will typically push the oil dipstick right out of its’ dipstick tube. Tying down the dipstick will not fix the problem. It is easy to tell if you have cracked a piston(s). At idle simply remove the engine oil fill cap. Any “puffing” (even w/o smoke) is a telltale sign of a cracked piston. More than one cracked piston will usually result in a rough idle as well. Utilizing forged pistons may stop cracking them but it will not stop bearing damage and ultimately engine failure. Our experience with the C5 piston it is very strong: much stronger than the C4’s. It can easily handle 600 crank horsepower as long as there is NO detonation. Anything above 600 crank horsepower you are on borrowed time one way or another: pistons, rods, gaskets, etc. CRANKCASE VENTILATION Perhaps one of the least understood but most important aspects of a supercharged engine is the crankcase ventilation system. All engines produce crankcase pressure @ W.O.T. (Wide Open Throttle). That is because no piston ring(s) can seal the combustion pressure 100%. Some of the ‘power stroke’ combustion gases will leak by the ring(s) resulting in crankcase pressure. Any crankcase pressure results in a power loss as the piston on its’ downstroke must push against the crankcase pressure. Naturally a supercharged engine is going to produce more crankcase pressure because it is producing more power. Note how many racers actually use a ‘pump’ to evacuate the crankcase. You can actually use an electric smog pump attached to the crankcase to evacuate it and produce more power. The LS1/LS6 engine has some crankcase breathing problems even while stock. I studied the problem and came up with a simple fix that is included in all our kits yielding more horsepower per pound of boost as well as lower engine oil consumption. In fact my local Chevy dealer installed several of my fixes on stock C5’s as a solution to high oil consumption. I am not sure at this point in time if any of my competitors include such a fix in their kits. ENGINE COOLANT There are two things you should not do with a supercharged engine: use too much glycol and/or slow down the water pump. NEVER use more than 40% glycol. Pound for pound water at its’ higher specific gravity can carry away more heat (BTU’s/LB) than a water-glycol mixture. At 50/50 water-glycol you have reduced the engines’ cooling capacity 10%. A supercharged engine produces more power and hence more heat. In order to reject this heat a 60/40 mixture of waterglycol is more efficient. In fact, if you are having detonation or overheating problems try using 10% glycol (for corrosion protection). Naturally if the car is to see winter freezing weather you must use more. Also always use distilled water – never tap water full of minerals. NEVER slow down the water pump with an under drive pulley set. This is a sure formula for increasing detonation. Without going into great detail you want what is called “turbulent” flow thru the heads and radiator. Turbulent flow picks up and rejects more heat than laminar flow. Turbulent flow results from high coolant flow velocity. It is critical to suppressing detonation that there be turbulent flow thru the heads. It is the turbulent flow around the combustion chamber coolant surface that quickly recondenses the tiny boiling bubbles resulting from the high combustion chamber temperatures. Do not believe the old “wife’s tale” about the water going thru the engine or radiator too quickly and unable to transfer heat. This is a complete falsehood! The engine’s water pump is another type of “centrifugal pump”. Like the supercharger you do not want the water pump to cavitate. This is unlikely even at high engine RPM’s unless there is a restriction on the suction side of the water pump. So make sure the hose to the water pump is ‘big’ and ‘stiff’. BLOWERWORKS™ —8— PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack CRANK PULLEY The crank pulley is pressed onto the C5 crankshaft: there is no key or keyway. Under severe duty it may come loose. I found this out the hard way! I even saw the crank pulley come loose on some stock stickshift Corvettes when driven aggressively. My solution was to adapt the proven taper lock collet to the C5 crank pulley. Never again did one come loose. In fact I sold my solution to several ProCharger customers prior to ATI (the damper people not Accessible Technologies) introducing their LS1 crank pin drill fixture kit. I see nothing wrong with the ATI solution other than time & labor. I continue to use and sell my taper lock solution. It requires no modifications to your crankshaft and installs easily in a few minutes. Perhaps more importantly the crank pulley can be removed just as easily as it goes on. I am not sure how difficult it would be to remove the ATI crank pin once installed. PCM PROGRAMMING Regardless of whose supercharging system you purchase the PCM must be re-programmed. Vortech, ProCharger, & Magnuson all provide hand held units that do just that. BlowerWorks continues to re-program your PCM at its’ facility with a Z-Industries program developed by Ron Zimmer and myself for the specific stage kit. There are some advantages to this method if you need custom programming but suffice it to say BlowerWorks will shortly introduce its’ own hand held programmer. Kits sold as of this writing will be entitled to a free unit if not already included. Perhaps the most important fact though is not the hand held unit but the program itself and my ability to provide you with custom changes. At present if you choose to make your own changes you would have to invest in a program such as LS1 edit or visit a “tuner” using same. SERPENTINE BELT TENSIONER Perhaps the biggest problem that faces all owners of supercharged C5’s is a “slipping” engine serpentine belt. Any belt slippage robs you of power not to mention belt wear. The stock 6-rib belt is marginal at best and if not tensioned properly a real headache. I recognized this problem early on and developed a modified GM C5 belt tensioner assembly that works quite nicely up to 10 pounds of boost pressure. We recommend the Gates Rubber Company belt as the best. We tested the Dayco and GoodYear belts but found them inferior to the Gates with regard to grip. I also developed a custom set of varying diameter idler pulleys that can be used with our kit to assure proper belt fit. At boost levels above 10 psig I recommend the ATI SuperDamper 8-rib crank pulley. APPEARANCE FUNCTION & FORM Our design philosophy is a little different than our competitors. We believe that most Corvette owners are very picky and do not wish to trade off beauty or amenities for more power. Hence many of our engineering decisions were based upon this philosophy. We think our Professional™ C5 supercharging system has accomplished this goal. Our hardware is beautiful to look at as well as beautifully finished. Our hardware is quiet and very functional. Our supercharging system is easy to service. There are no major modifications to your Corvette that would make it difficult to return to stock. In fact it would take only a few hours to remove our hardware and return your Vette to stock. Finally we ask you to look at a photo of our installed system. If you didn’t know better you’d think you were looking at “just another C5”! UPGRADEABLE Obviously anybody’s kit can be upgraded with enough time and effort. However we are proud of the fact that we publish our formulas for more power. You are welcome to use them regardless of whose system you purchase. EASE OF INSTALLATION Manufacturers tend to drastically minimize their installation times in order to make the sale: we don’t !!! Most stated installation hours are unreal for two reasons. First the hours are based upon repetitive installs where the installer has it down to a science after doing many installs. The installer has learned all of the appropriate shortcuts and may have special tools. Second the installer is being paid and must hustle in order to stay competitive and make money. Being profitable is an essential ingredient of staying in business. Being profitable is not necessarily equated to a quality installation. A clean professional install takes time. There is nothing difficult about installing one of our kits but it does take a lot of time (typically 40 hours) to do a quality and beautiful looking installation. You can purchase one of our Installation Guides for your C5 (costs may be applied to future kit purchase). It contains well over a 100 pages. It is full of detailed photos and descriptions. It contains wiring diagrams and some OEM pages. Some people may be overwhelmed by its’ size, however it guarantees you a factory like install. Additionally we feel it is important to be honest about the install hours, particularly if you are paying for the install. If the installer quotes less hours than we state he may take short cuts when under the gun to be profitable. BLOWERWORKS™ —9— PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 WARRANTY All of our parts are unconditionally guaranteed for one year less shipping. Our warranty does not include nor cover inconsequential damage to your vehicle. If you destroy your engine you are responsible!!! Stage I kits may have the supercharger warranty extended to 3 years thru Vortech Engineering. “FINISHED PRODUCT” A “Finished Product” is a piece of hardware that has gone thru many generations of development. Remember the old adage of not buying a new car when first introduced? No matter how good the engineering there will always be bugs. It is impossible to turn out a perfect product the first time, or even the second time, or even the Nth time? When you buy a new car at the end of its’ life cycle (for instance the 1996 LT1) you are buying what GM would call a “Finished Product”. Not perhaps the most technically advanced but refined and reliable. Most if not all of the bugs have been worked out. So, does experience count? If it does Carroll has it!!! We have been building and selling these C5 kits with the Vortech blower since 1998: longer than any other manufacturer. We first started building C4 supercharging kits with the Paxton ball drive blower in 1987. That is almost 17 years ! Do you think we’ve gotten it right? DOES THE SHOE FIT THE FOOT? Your first question should be do I want a reliable daily street driver or an all out killer track vehicle. Your next choice is how much power (and be honest here) do you want to make. Next perhaps does fuel economy matter to you? Do you want the exterior of your Corvette to appear stock? Finally, is noise a deciding factor, i.e., do you want to be noticed or is it more important to you that your Corvette sound exactly like the original factory unit? In my opinion if all you need or want is an extra 100 HP and do not mind installing an aftermarket hood and want to keep the installed cost at a minimum you might look at the MagnaCharger system. It has a water to air intercooler and the “radiator” which sits in front of the vehicle engine radiator is not so large as to interfere with the required airflow for engine cooling and summer A/C operation. Part of the reason this is so is because the intercooler does not have to support more than the max 100 or so extra horsepower the compressor produces. When you open the hood there is no doubt that it is not stock. Practically all motorists today can recognize the Roots style compressor. It does require a change to larger fuel injectors and an aftermarket hood. Its major limitation is max power. However, this is not a drawback if you decided up front that another 100 HP is sufficient. By all standards the MagnaCharger system is not a bad choice. If you have decided to read on it is probably because you want “MORE POWER”. More power means you need more boost. More boost means you need to graduate to a centrifugal style compressor. DECISION MADE If an extra 100 is all you need, and a new style hood is OK, and cost is of major concern, then hands down go with the MagnaCharger. If costs is not of primary concern but noise and sex appeal are very important to you and an extra 100 is all you need then by all means go with the Carroll Stage I utilizing a Vortech SQ trim supercharger – you won’t experience buyer’s remorse! Also, it is upgradeable to any power level you may desire in the future. CARROLL vs VORTECH vs PROCHARGER Pound for pound of boost on a stock engine the CARROLL system with its’ Gaseous Intercooling™ wins hands down. Pound for pound on an otherwise stock engine it is physically impossible for my competitors to make as much rear wheel horsepower as I do; UNLESS they incorporate some form of water injection! BLOWERWORKS™ — 10 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack FOOTNOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A White Paper is supported throughout with technical engineering documentation used to prove the presented ideas and/or facts. My intent with this paper is to simplify the presentation for the average reader as well as promote my product(s) and hence I coin the term “Semi-White Paper”. I am not going to address the differences between air to air and air to water intercoolers in this paper as it is my design philosophy to use Gaseous Intercooling on a “Daily Driver”. Anyone interested in the technical differences of air to air and air to water intercoolers may request that document from me. The detonation was the result of the increased charge density and the then current combustion chamber design: not charge air heat. Ideal A/F ratio under boost for max power should be between 12.5:1 and 13.0:1. Carburetored engines require ½ pound of fuel per hour @ WOT. The High-Speed Internal Combustion Engine by H. Ricardo Cameron Hydraulic Data by Ingersoll-Rand POST NOTE Regardless of whose system you decide to go with you will have to address the transmission sooner or later. If it is an automatic you must budget to have it blueprinted unless you plan to drive ultra conservatively; but then why supercharge. If it is a manual transmission you will soon need a new heavier duty clutch. Both transmissions can be made nearly bulletproof but expect to spend some more of your hard earned dollars! BLOWERWORKS™ — 11 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 2001 C5-LS1 CORVETTE • STAGE IV • 500 REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER NOTE: DONALDSON AIR FORCE I AIR FILTER ATI 8 RIB ENGINE SERPENTINE BELT SYSTEM SEE PAGE 64 FOR DETAILS 45mm GATES KEVLAR INTERMEDIATE DRIVE BELT • STANDARD ON ALL KITS 2001 C5-LS1 CORVETTE • STAGE VI • NOTE 8 RIB SERPENTINE BELT DRIVE ON ENGINE BLOWERWORKS™ — 12 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 1998 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • AUTOMATIC WITH OUR SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM. REAR WHEEL DYNO HORSEPOWER 436 – TORQUE 488 LBS/FT. 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • STAGE I SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM • NOTE STOCK GM AIR FILTER BLOWERWORKS™ — 13 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 NOTE TWIN K&N AIR FILTER SET-UP. ANOTHER VIEW OF 1999 C5-LS1 CORVETTE WITH OUR STAGE II SYSTEM. BLOWERWORKS™ — 14 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack BASIC COMPONENTS FOR STAGE I 1997–2004 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM. NOTE: SUPERPUMPER II, ENGINE OIL, & ENGINE FILTER NOT INCLUDED IN BASE PRICE. 1997/98 LS1 KITS INCLUDE ULTRA HIGH OUTPUT BOSCH FUEL PUMP SYSTEM. 1999–2004 LS1/LS6 KITS INCLUDE RACETRONIX FUEL PUMP HARNESS SHOWN BELOW. RACETRONIX FUEL PUMP HARNESS ASSEMBLY FOR 1999–2004 CORVETTES NOTE: FUEL PUMP SHOWN NOT INCLUDED NOR REQUIRED. BLOWERWORKS™ — 15 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 LS6 VALLEY COVER LS6 INTAKE TANK OPTIONAL BASIC COMPONENTS FOR GEN IV GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™. GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ IS A SOPHISTICATED AND REFINED HIGH PRESSURE WATER/ALCOHOL INJECTION SYSTEM. GEN-IV DELUXE GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ SYSTEM (Tank Optional) BLOWERWORKS™ — 16 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 BLOWERWORKS™ C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM — 17 — Info Pack PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 STAGE I 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE THESE 3 PHOTOS ARE OF VEHICLES THAT HAVE BEEN IN SERVICE SINCE 1997. THEY REPRESENT EARLY VERSIONS OF OUR SUPERCHARGED C5–LS1 WITH GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™. BLOWERWORKS™ — 18 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack The Carroll Professional Supercharging System for 1997 thru 2004 C5-LS1/LS6 Corvettes All necessary hardware to effect a complete and operational supercharged vehicle including, but not limited to: LS1 LS6 • Recalibrated PCM. • Modified Harmonic Balancer Positively Locks Crank Pulley to Crankshaft. • Extremely Efficient High-Output Vortech V2 Satin Finish Quiet Trim Centrifugal Supercharger. Developing 7 Pounds of Manifold Pressure at Sea Level & O.A.T. of 60°F. • Amsoil 1 Micron Engine and Supercharger Oil Filtration System. • CNC Billet Gray Anodized Aluminum Supercharger Bracket. • Cam Activated and Locked Automatic Serpentine Belt Tensioner. • Gates Intermediate 45mm Power Grip Belt Drive System with High Speed ABEC 7 Bearings and Hardened Steel Jackshaft. • Hard-Coated Aluminum Drive Pulley with Taper Lock Collet. • 42 LB/HR Injectors • Customized Crankcase Breather System. • 1997–1998 C5’s Utilize an in-line Bosch Booster Pump. • 1999–2003 C5’s Utilize Racetronix Fuel Pump Wiring Harness • 2004 C5’s Utilize SUPERPUMPER-II™ NOTE: All Supercharging hardware is unconditionally guaranteed for 1 year. 49 State Legal $ 6,495 5,995 $ 7,495 $ 1999–2003 LS6 1997–2003 LS1 $ 7,995 2004 LS6 2004 LS1 We have been designing, building and selling Corvette Supercharging Systems since 1987! Longer than anyone else on planet earth! And our Gaseous Intercooling System™ is unbelievably effective! Where else can you find such a blend of power and beauty? BLOWERWORKS™ — 19 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 Recipes For Power C5-LS1 STAGE I MINIMUM 400 REAR WHEEL H.P. @ 6000 RPM WITH 7 LBS. BOOST PRESSURE1-3 STAGE I REPRESENTS OUR BASE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM FOR C5-LS1 CORVETTES ......................... • 3.25" SUPERCHARGER SERPENTINE DRIVE PULLEY w/K060849 BELT • .8 UNDERDRIVE RATIO • CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS 7401 • 42 LB/HR INJECTORS •PCM REPROGRAM 1997–2003 2004 $5,995.00 $7,495.00 C5-LS6 STAGE I MINIMUM 500 REAR WHEEL H.P. @ 6350 RPM WITH 7 LBS. BOOST PRESSURE1-2-3-6 STAGE I REPRESENTS OUR BASE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM FOR C5-LS6 CORVETTES ......................... • 3.25" SUPERCHARGER SERPENTINE DRIVE PULLEY w/K060849 BELT • .8 UNDERDRIVE RATIO • CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS 7401 • 42 LB/HR INJECTORS • PCM REPROGRAM • SUPER STANDARD PLUS GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ (add $595 to upgrade to Gen IV System)4 1997–2003 2004 $6,495.00 $7,995.00 C5-LS1 STAGE II MINIMUM 450 REAR WHEEL H.P. @ 6300 RPM WITH 8 LBS. BOOST PRESSURE1-7 • B&B STAINLESS STEEL MUFFLERS & EXHAUST • DONALDSON TPIS AIR FORCE 3 FILTER ASSEMBLY • LS6 VALVE SPRINGS & RETAINERS • .8 UNDERDRIVE RATIO ADD’L. PARTS IF DONE w/STAGE I ...................................................................................... $1,465.00 NOTES: 1 At 60°F outdoor air temperature utilizing a V-2 SQ Trim Supercharger. 2 2001 LS6. 2002 LS6 higher. 3 Please note at these horsepower levels we recommend the heavy duty clutch or if automatic transmission it MUST be blueprinted. 4 Remote 6 gallon trunk mounted reservoir is available for an additional $495 and includes hose and fittings. 5 Prices exclude misc. items such as oil, anti-freeze, etc. 6 Additional staging for LS6 engine is not available. 7 Owners of Carroll Supercharged LS1’s who wish to upgrade should call us for exact pricing on parts & labor for your particular vehicle. 8 For polished supercharger add $250. 9 PCM program includes 5800 rev limit. 10 Requires ATI Crank Drill Pin Fixture. BLOWERWORKS™ — 20 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Recipes For Power C5-LS1 STAGE III MINIMUM 475 REAR WHEEL H.P. @ 6250 RPM WITH 9 LBS. BOOST PRESSURE1-3-7 • 3.00" SERPENTINE DRIVE PULLEY w/K060845 BELT • GEN-IV DELUXE GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ SYSTEM4 • LS6/Z06 CRANKCASE BREATHER SYSTEM w/CUSTOM MADE OIL VAPOR CATCH CANS • 180° THERMOSTAT • .8 UNDERDRIVE RATIO ADD’L. PARTS IF DONE w/STAGE I & II ............................................................................... $1495.00 C5-LS1 STAGE IV MINIMUM 500 REAR WHEEL H.P. @ 6250 RPM WITH 10 LBS. BOOST PRESSURE1-3-7 • 2.75" SERPENTINE DRIVE PULLEY w/K060840 BELT • AUTOTRONICS VARIABLE VOLTAGE FUEL PUMP BOOSTERB-C • LS6 INTAKE FOR 1997–2000 C5’sA-B • LS6 VALLEY COVER & COOLANT BLEED SPIDER FOR 1997–2004 C5’sA-B-C • .8 UNDERDRIVE RATIO A B C D 1997/98 1999/00 2001/03 2004 ADD’L. PARTS IF DONE w/STAGES I thru III .....................................................$1195.00 $995.00 $495.00 $195.00 C5-LS1 STAGE V (AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY) MINIMUM 475 REAR WHEEL H.P. @ 5700 RPM WITH 10 LBS. BOOST PRESSURE1-3-7-9-10 • 3.25" SERPENTINE DRIVE PULLEY w/K060849 BELTA-B-C • AUTOTRONICS VARIABLE VOLTAGE FUEL PUMP BOOSTERB-C • LS6 INTAKE FOR 1997–2000 C5’sA-B • LS6 VALLEY COVER & COOLANT BLEED SPIDER FOR 1997–2004 C5’sA-B-C • 1.05 OVERDRIVE RATIOA-B-C • ATI 8 RIB DRIVE SYSTEMA-B-C A 1997/98 B C D 1999/00 2001/03 2004 ADD’L. PARTS IF DONE w/STAGES I–III ........................................................................$1695.00 $1995.00 $1495.00 $1195.00 C5-LS1 STAGE VI MINIMUM 525 REAR WHEEL H.P. @ 6250 RPM WITH 12 LBS. BOOST PRESSURE1-3-7-10 • 3.25" SERPENTINE DRIVE PULLEY w/K060849 BELT & “T” TRIM SUPERCHARGERA-B-C • AUTOTRONICS VARIABLE VOLTAGE FUEL PUMP BOOSTERB-C • 1.05 OVERDRIVE RATIOA-B-C • ATI 8 RIB DRIVE SYSTEMA-B-C A B C D 1997/98 1999/00 2001/03 2004 ADD’L. PARTS IF DONE w/STAGES I thru IV.................................................................................$2095.00 $2395.00 $1995.00 $1695.00 BLOWERWORKS™ — 21 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 ROD PECK 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE Warwick, NY BLOWERWORKS™ — 22 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack ROCKAWAY BORO, NJ JANUARY 7, 2005 BRUCE'S SPEED SHOP MAX POWER = 415.50 STAGE I REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER FIGURES FOR THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGED C5-LS1 CORVETTE WITHOUT GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ ROD PECK DYNO SHEET 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE BLOWERWORKS™ — 23 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 FOR ANY AND ALL POTENTIONALLY INTERESTED CUSTOMERS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO email me at DOCTORC214@AOL.COM WALTER CAMERON 2001 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Garden City, NY BLOWERWORKS™ — 24 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack STAGE I REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER FIGURES FOR THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGED C5-LS1 CORVETTE WITH GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ WALTER CAMERON DYNO SHEET 2001 C5–LS1 CORVETTE BLOWERWORKS™ — 25 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 MARK HODGES 2001 C5–LS6 CORVETTE • Madison, NJ BLOWERWORKS™ — 26 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack STAGE I REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER FIGURES FOR THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGED C5-LS6 CORVETTE WITH GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ BEFORE RWHP WAS 347 • AFTER SUPERCHARGING RWHP IS 517 MARK HODGES DYNO SHEET 2001 C5–LS6 CORVETTE BLOWERWORKS™ — 27 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 STAGE I REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER FIGURES FOR THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGED C5-LS1 CORVETTE* WITH HEADS / CAM / EXHAUST * The above numbers were established by R&D Dyno Service on his in-house Dynojet Model 248C Dynamometer. The vehicle was a 1998 Manual C5 Corvette. BLOWERWORKS™ — 28 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack STAGE I BLOWERWORKS™ — 29 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 STAGE II½ REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER AND TORQUE FIGURES FOR THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGED C5-LS1 CORVETTE* ENGINE RPM HORSEPOWER TORQUE (LB/FT) 2500 139.2 368 3000 168.1 382 3500 207.6 414 4000 272.3 442 4500 313.9 464 5000 356.1 482 5120 376.8 488 (Peak) 5500 399.1 478 6000 436.6 450 (Peak) * The above numbers were established by Steve Cole of TTS, Compton, CA on his in-house dyno while doing our computer programming. The vehicle was a 1998 Automatic C5 with stock exhaust, stock air intake and stock engine. The peak horsepower has been slightly detuned due to the limitations of the stock automatic transmission. BLOWERWORKS™ — 30 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack STAGE III REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER FIGURES FOR THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGED C5-LS1 CORVETTE* * The above numbers were established by Rally Motorsport on his in-house Dynojet Model 248H Dynamometer. The vehicle was a 1999 Manual C5 Corvette. BLOWERWORKS™ — 31 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 LARRY GREEN 2000 C5–LS1 "383" CORVETTE Las Cruces, NM LARRY GREEN, OWNER, & GREG CARROLL DISCUSS DYNO RESULTS OVER DINNER. 2000 C5-LS1 CORVETTE • "383" • BLUEPRINTED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION HIGH STALL TORQUE CONVERTOR • 3.42:1 REAR RATIO • 570 REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER BLOWERWORKS™ — 32 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack "383" REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER FIGURES FOR THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGED 2000 C5-LS1 CORVETTE WITH GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ LARRY GREEN DYNO SHEET 2000 C5–LS1 CORVETTE BLOWERWORKS™ — 33 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 STAGE IV REAR WHEEL HORSEPOWER FIGURES FOR THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGED C5-LS1 CORVETTE* * The above numbers were established by Rally Motorsport on his in-house Dynojet Model 248H Dynamometer. The vehicle was a 1999 Manual C5 Corvette with stock LS1 intake. Addition of LS6 intake increases horsepower by approximately 25. Owner: Mark Sebast. BLOWERWORKS™ — 34 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack Joel B. Feingold a.k.a. JB's Blown C5 (highly modified by owner Joel) also at Max Power = 634.99 Max Torque = 562.22 BLOWERWORKS™ — 35 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1 Owners with their Carroll Supercharged Vehicles LARRY GREEN 2000 C5–LS1 CORVETTE Las Cruces, NM MARK J. SEBAST 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Johnstown, NY BLOWERWORKS™ — 36 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack C5–LS1 Owners with their Carroll Supercharged Vehicles DEAN ARNOLD • JERRY REHN • AVELATE AUTOMOTIVE 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Edgewood, WA JOEL FEINGOLD 1998 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Los Angeles, CA BLOWERWORKS™ — 37 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1 Owners with their Carroll Supercharged Vehicles DON LEUTHKE • 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Jupiter, FL CHARLES PAGANO • 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Olyphant, PA BLOWERWORKS™ — 38 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack C5–LS1 Owners with their Carroll Supercharged Vehicles RAYMOND FREDRICK • 1997 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Stuart, FL RON INGUI • 1997 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Wayne, NJ BLOWERWORKS™ — 39 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1 Owners with their Carroll Supercharged Vehicles ROD PECK 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE Warwick, NY RICK MOROSO MOROSO PERFORMANCE 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE Guilford, CT BLOWERWORKS™ — 40 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack C5–LS1 Owners with their Carroll Supercharged Vehicles KEN KARAMANI • 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Old Greenwich, CT JOHN RUBIO • 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Toms River, NJ BLOWERWORKS™ — 41 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1 Owners with their Carroll Supercharged Vehicles MARK MIECKOWSKI 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE Mechanicsville, VA TIM REUCROFT 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE Surrey, ENGLAND BLOWERWORKS™ — 42 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack C5–LS1 Owners with their Carroll Supercharged Vehicles EVAN KNOLL • TORCO RACING FUELS 1999 C5–LS1 CORVETTE • Decatur, MI AUSTIN BRAZEE • 2000 C5–LS1 CORVETTE Lenox Dale, MA BLOWERWORKS™ — 43 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 44 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 45 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 46 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 47 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 48 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 49 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 50 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 51 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 52 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 53 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 54 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! Subject: Date: From: To: Supercharger Thu, 9 Mar 2000 11:06:24 EST Hi Greg, Just took my Corvette to the Chevy dealer for an inspection. After 45 minutes I went to the service area. It looked like they found gold. Everybody was around the car. They could not believe how well the supercharger was installed. After I showed them all the fine parts they were impressed. I gave out a couple of business cards. I thought you would like this letter. Charlie Pagano BLOWERWORKS™ — 55 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 56 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 57 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! BLOWERWORKS™ — 58 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 BLOWERWORKS™ C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM — 59 — Info Pack PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 The Carroll Supercharging Company Crew BOB JOHNSON • ENGINEER JASON CAHAYLA • NJIT STUDENT WITH OUR WORK STUDY PROGRAM SHERYL DAVIS • ADMINISTRATOR SCOTT BAKER • TECHNICIAN MICHELE VITALE • CUTE OFFICE HELPER ANDREW HINCAPIE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT & FUTURE BOSS BLOWERWORKS™ GREG CARROLL • GUESS??? — 60 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack The Carroll Supercharging Company Crew C5 WORKSHOP RANDY O’DONAHUE • THE “NEW” SMOKEY YUNICK ROLLING OUT A “383” LT1 ENGINE BOB KOVALY • CLIFTON FIREMAN FULL-TIME TECHNICIAN PAR EXCELLENCE PART-TIME C5 WORKSHOP JOE KLEINBERG • SUPER TECHNICIAN & SALES SUPPORT READYING A C5–LS1 ENGINE FOR INSTALLATION BLOWERWORKS™ JOE KLEINBERG & SCOTT BAKER • “PULLING” A C5–LS1 ENGINE — 61 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 Recommended Options To Enhance Your C5–LS1/LS6 Corvette B & B TRI-FLOW STAINLESS EXHAUST SYSTEM • FC0R-0200 FCOR-0200 > 1997–04 C5 Corvette Stainless Steel Muffler System (price includes installation) ..........................................................................$1295.00 DONALDSON TPIS AIR FORCE 3 FILTER ASSEMBLY • $180 DONALDSON TPIS AIR FORCE 3 FILTER ASSEMBLY INSTALLED BLOWERWORKS™ DONALDSON TPIS AIR FORCE 3 FILTER ASSEMBLY INSTALLED — 62 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Recommended Options To Enhance Your C5–LS1/LS6 Corvette: Water/Alcohol High Pressure Injection 6 GALLON RESERVOIR GEN-IV DELUXE GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ SYSTEM • $1,685 Gen-IV Deluxe without Tank • $1,190 HIGH PRESSURE PUMP SOLID STATE ELECTRONIC BRAIN SOLENOID ACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLY MISCELLANEOUS HARNESSES ILLUMINATED ROCKER SWITCH HORN ALARM ASSORTED HOSES & CLAMPS FUSES FILL POINT TANK HAS INTERNAL BAFFLES COLLECTION WELL REMOTE 6 GALLON TRUNK-MOUNTED RESERVOIR • $495 TANK SITS NEATLY IN WELL AT REAR OF VEHICLE. COVER STILL SNAPS IN PLACE. (Includes all fittings & hose • for use with Gen-IV Deluxe System) BLOWERWORKS™ — 63 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 Recommended Options To Enhance Your C5–LS1/LS6 Corvette “CATCH CANS” ARE FILLED WITH FINE COPPER MESH TO CATCH & CONDENSE HOT OIL VAPOR AND RETURN OIL TO CRANKCASE “CATCH CAN” FOR STAGE IV ENGINE OIL VAPOR RECOVERY CANISTERS • $50 HELPS WITH ENGINE OIL LOSS EVEN ON STOCK CORVETTES 8-RIB GROOVED IDLER POWER STEERING PULLEY 8-RIB SMOOTH IDLER SUPERCHARGER DRIVE PULLEY – TAPERLOCK STYLE TAPERLOCK ALTERNATOR PULLEY 8-RIB BELT 8-RIB HARMONIC BALANCER ATI 8-RIB SERPENTINE BELT SYSTEM • $995 ATI 8-RIB SERPENTINE BELT SYSTEM USED ON OUR STAGE VI SYSTEM. AVAILABLE FOR ALL OF OUR SUPERCHARGING SYSTEMS FOR AN ADDITIONAL $995. NOTE: REQUIRES KEYWAY IN CRANKSHAFT OR ATI CRANK PIN DRILL FIXTURE KIT. PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE SERPENTINE BELT. BLOWERWORKS™ — 64 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Recommended Options To Enhance Your C5–LS1/LS6 Corvette CHAMPION #7401 DOUBLE TIP PLATINUM SPARK PLUGS • $50 1 SET 42 LB. INJECTORS • $595 MUCH COLDER HEAT RANGE THAN STOCK & SMALLER GAP REQUIRED ON ALL SYSTEMS. STOCK LS1 VALLEY COVER P/N 12561106 LS6 VALLEY COVER. NOTE BREATHER SET-UP. P/N 12568002 VALLEY COVER INTERMEDIATE GATES BELT LS6 INTAKE MANIFOLD $490 5MR-500-50 5MR-500-45 5MR-500-25 K100852 BLOWERWORKS™ 25mm 45mm BELTS > 50mm Supercharger Belt ....................................................................................................................................................... > 45mm Supercharger Belt ....................................................................................................................................................... > 25mm Supercharger Belt ....................................................................................................................................................... > 10 Rib Gates Serpentine Belt (cut to 8 rib to match ATI 8-Rib Drive System) ..................................................................... — 65 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • $70.00 $65.00 $45.00 $70.00 FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 Recommended Options To Enhance Your C5–LS1/LS6 Corvette MC LEOD HEAVY DUTY CLUTCHES MC LEOD CLUTCH • NEW MASTER CYLINDER & PARTS KIT INCLUDED WITH ALL MC LEOD CLUTCHES GM SLAVE CYLINDER & PILOT BEARING — NOTE — OUR HOURS TO INSTALL INCLUDE REPLACING THE GM PILOT BEARING, THE GM SLAVE CYLINDER & THE McLEOD MASTER CYLINDER WHEN REPLACING THE CLUTCH. P/N 74001-07 64048-07 139000 12562765 12562767 14061685 DESCRIPTION PRICE > McLeod Single Disc Clutch, Flywheel, Pressure Plate ................................................................................ > McLeod Twin Disc Clutch, Flywheel, Pressure Plate .................................................................................. > McLeod Master Cylinder Kit ......................................................................................................................... > GM Stock Clutch Replacement (Flywheel, Clutch & Pressure Plate).......................................................... > GM Slave Cylinder with Throw Out Bearing................................................................................................ > GM Pilot Bearing.......................................................................................................................................... $880.00 $1395.00 $295.00 $436.80 $115.00 $12.00 MC LEOD CLUTCH NEW DUAL DISC CLUTCH, PRESSURE PLATE, & FLYWHEEL ON ENGINE READY TO BE INSTALLED IN VEHICLE BLOWERWORKS™ — 66 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Recommended Options To Enhance Your C5–LS1/LS6 Corvette NEW VALVE SPRING & RETAINER STOCK VALVE SPRING & RETAINER Z06 VALVE SPRINGS RETAINERS ENGRAVED “SUPERCHARGED” BADGE • $50/pr. AUTOMATIC BLUEPRINTED • $2,500 SION ISSION • 12 HOURS TRANRESPLMACISE TR ANSM REMOVE & SINGLE GAUGE POD P/N 1514-S • $20.00 (GAUGE ADDITIONAL) BLOWERWORKS™ FULL PILLAR DUAL GAUGE POD P/N 1514-D • $67.00 (GAUGES ADDITIONAL) — 67 — FULL PILLAR DUAL GAUGE POD AFTER INSTALLATION (GAUGES ADDITIONAL) PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack AUTOMETER FUEL PRESSURE GAUGE • 0–100 PSIG Black Bezel/Face, Red Pointer 2663-B • Z Series AUTOMETER FUEL PRESSURE GAUGE • 0–100 PSIG Black Bezel, White Face, Red Pointer • 5763-W • Phantom Series AUTOMETER BOOST GAUGE 0–35 PSI • 3304-B Black Bezel, Black Face, Red Pointer AUTOMETER VACUUM/BOOST GAUGE • 0–20 PSI • 2601-B Black Bezel/Face, Red Pointer Z Series AUTOMETER VACUUM/BOOST GAUGE • 0–30 PSI • 2614-B Black Bezel/Face, Red Pointer Z Series AUTOMETER VACUUM/BOOST GAUGE • 0–20 PSI • 5701-W Black Bezel, White Face, Red Pointer • Phantom Series 3/05, rev. 4 AUTOMETER VACUUM/BOOST GAUGE • 0–30 PSI • 5703-W Black Bezel, White Face, Red Pointer • Phantom Series BOSCH DAMPER BOSCH DAMPER FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR RAIL ADAPTOR UNIVERSAL VACUUM/BOOST GAUGE INSTALLATION SYSTEM • A1564 FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR w/FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT, RAIL ADAPTOR & SNUBBER SUPERPUMPER-II™ AIR CORE METER DRIVER 19032 EARL’S FUEL PRESSURE RAIL ADAPTOR • 923104 M10 BANJO BOLT WITH THICK & THIN COPPER WASHERS M10 5/16–18 1/8" FPT FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR Part No. 67CP3220 BLOWERWORKS™ GM FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT • 17110854 FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT & FUEL PRESSURE RAIL ADAPTOR • 1518 — 68 — 1/8" FPT 5/16–18 BANJO ADAPTOR FOR DAMPER PHONE AUTOMETER FUEL PRESSURE SIGNAL CONDITIONER • 2511-414 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Autometer Gauges & Accessories INSTALLATION APPROX. HRS. YOUR PRICE 2663-B 5763-W AUTOMETER ELECTRIC AIR CORE FUEL PRESSURE GAUGE PACKAGE: 2-1/16" diameter, electrical, 0–100 PSI system includes 0–100 PSIG gauge, 0–100 PSIG sender, and electric fuel pressure signal conditioner. Very fast and accurate with 270° full sweep. > Black Bezel, Black Face, Red Pointer, White Lettering (Z Series) .................................... $179.95 > Black Bezel, White Face, Red Pointer, Black Lettering (Phantom Series) ....................... $179.95 2.0 2.0 $179.95 $179.95 2663-SP 5763-SP AUTOMETER ELECTRIC AIR CORE FUEL PRESSURE GAUGE: 2-1/16" diameter, electrical, 100 PSI, “FUEL” (req. sender & signal conditioner listed below). If you have our SUPERPUMPER-II™ fuel pump controller it has an electronic output for fuel pressure. When used in conjunction with our Autometer Air Core Driver interface (a small plug-in adaptor) it will drive Autometer Air Core Fuel Pressure Gauges without additional sensors or signal conditioner. > Black Bezel, Black Face, Red Pointer, White Lettering (Z Series) ...................................... $60.00 > Black Bezel, White Face, Red Pointer, Black Lettering (Phantom Series) ......................... $65.00 2.0 2.0 $60.00 $65.00 19032 SUPERPUMPER-II™ AUTOMETER AIR CORE METER DRIVER: > Electronic board converts output from SUPERPUMPER-II™ to air core meter signal ...... $49.00 2.0 $59.00 3304-B AUTOMETER BOOST GAUGE: 2-1/16" diameter, mechanical, 35 PSI (incl. 6 ft. nylon tubing, 1/8" & 1/4" NPT fittings) Requires Universal Vacuum/Boost Gauge Installation System listed below. > Black Bezel, Black Face, Red Pointer, White Lettering ....................................................................... $45.95 4.0 $45.95 4.0 $46.95 4.0 $46.95 4.0 $46.95 4.0 $46.95 P/N DEALER PRICE DESCRIPTION AUTOMETER VACUUM / BOOST GAUGE: All vacuum / boost gauges are 2-1/16" diameter, 0–30" Hg on the vacuum side. Requires Universal Vacuum/Boost Gauge Installation System listed below. > 0–20 PSI, Black Bezel, Black Face, Red Pointer, White Lettering ....................................................... $46.95 Vacuum portion has Yellow Lettering (Z Series) > 0–20 PSI, Black Bezel, White Face, Red Pointer, Black Lettering ....................................................... $46.95 Vacuum portion has Yellow Lettering (Phantom Series) > 0–30 PSI, Black Bezel, Black Face, Red Pointer, White Lettering; Vacuum portion has Yellow Lettering (Z Series) ................................................................................ $46.95 > 0–30 PSI, Black Bezel, White Face, Red Pointer, Black Lettering; Vacuum portion has Black Lettering (Phantom Series) ..................................................................... $46.95 2601-B 5701-W 2614-B 5703-W PKG-Black PKG-White AUTOMETER GAUGE PACKAGE: Incl. Fuel Pressure & Vacuum/Boost Gauges w/Full Pillar Dual Pod & Universal Vacuum/Boost Gauge Installation System. > Black Bezel, Black Face, Red Pointer, White Lettering ........................................................................$300.00 > Black Bezel, White Face, Red Pointer, Black Lettering ........................................................................$300.00 A1564 UNIVERSAL VACUUM/BOOST GAUGE INSTALLATION SYSTEM: Includes 6 feet ridged plastic hose 1/8", 6 feet 1/8" rubber hose, “Y” connector, elbow connector, gauge adaptor 1/8" FPT x 1/8" barb hose, 1/8" plastic “Y”, 3/16 x 3/16 x 1/8" plastic tie. Rubber hose can be used to join plastic hose and vice versa ............................. $4.95 2511-414 2.0 $5.95 AUTOMETER FUEL PRESSURE SIGNAL CONDITIONER: Not req’d. if using SUPERPUMPER-II™ .... $100.00 AUTOMETER FUEL PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: > 0–100 PSIG (5 VDC in – 1/2 to 4-1/2 VDC out) ................................................................ $100.00 2246 NOTE: $300.00 $300.00 $125.00 $125.00 THE FOLLOWING ADAPTORS ARE DESIGNED TO SCREW DIRECTLY ONTO THE GM FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT (SCHRAEDER VALVE). IN ORDER TO WORK YOU MUST REMOVE THE NEEDLE VALVE. OUR ADAPTORS INCLUDE A NEW GM FPT SO YOU CAN STILL ATTACH A MECHANICAL GAUGE IN ORDER TO CHECK THE ELECTRIC GAUGE IF REQUIRED. 1518 17110854 923104 0280161212 BLOWERWORKS™ GM FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT w/RAIL ADAPTOR & OPEN 1/8" FPT PORT: ......................... $65.00 GM FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT: GM Fuel Pressure Test Port ....................................................... $35.00 EARL’S FUEL PRESSURE RAIL ADAPTOR: 90° Female #4 AN to Male Swivel 1/8" MPT ............... $19.95 BOSCH DAMPER: ............................................................................................................................ $125.00 ADAPTOR: Nickel plated brass adaptor w/2-1/8" FPT ports, 1-5/16–18 port & 1–M10 banjo. ....... $50.00 M10 BANJO BOLT: ................................................................................................................................ $5.00 M10 COPPER WASHERS: Choice of Thick or Thin ......................................................................... $1.00/ea — 69 — $75.00 $45.00 $19.95 $125.00 $55.00 $8.00 $1.00/ea PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Select Testing & Diagnostic Equipment P/N DESCRIPTION PRICE PLX DEVICES WIDE BAND A/F METER: When setting up and tuning your supercharged Corvette there are two critical issues you MUST address: DETONATION (engine ping-knock) & AIR/FUEL RATION (W.O.T. requires ≈ 12.5:1). With the PLX M-300 it is now easier than ever to assure optimum A/F ratio. No bigger than a pack of cigarettes, this monitor sits on your dashboard with a small piece of velcro and is easily stashed in your glovebox. The PLX-M300 comes with a Bosch wideband O2 sensor that you screw into the existing engine PCM O2 sensor location. The PLX-M300 has a narrow band O2 sensor output wire that you simply plug into the PCM O2 sensor connector so that the engine computer still sees the necessary narrow band signal. Once installed you now have an accurate fast response wide band A/F ration digitally displayed with bright red LEDs. See photos. This relatively inexpensive monitor is a ‘must’ for all serious tuners. At $329.00 it’s a bargain. Competitive units cost well over a thousand dollars! M-300 6890 BLOWERWORKS™ > Plug-N-Play Digital Air/Fuel Ratio Meter with Bosch Wideband Sensor and Installation Harness................................................................................................................. $329.00 COMPOUND MITYVAC™ A combination hand-held vacuum/boost pump to test for air leaks and calibrate fuel controllers, etc. .............................................................................................................. $45.00 — 70 — PHONE COMPOUND MITYVAC™ 6890 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Fuel Pressure Test Meter P/N DESCRIPTION PRICE MT300 67CP3220 MT337-110 MT337-20A MT337-30 MT300-10 > FUEL PRESSURE TEST METER .................................................................................................................. > ELECTRONIC PRESSURE SENSOR, 0-125 PSIG REPLACEMENT SENSOR ............................................. > FUEL PRESSURE HOSE WITH QUICK CONNECT ADAPTOR ..................................................................... > GM FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT ADAPTOR ............................................................................................ > FORD FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT ADAPTOR ....................................................................................... > FUEL PRESSURE HARNESS, 9 FT. TEST CORD ........................................................................................ $99.00 $195.00 $50.00 $21.00 $31.50 $5.00 MT300-PKG COMPLETE PACKAGE SYSTEM: Consisting of Digital Meter, 0–125 PSIG Sensor, 9 Foot Test Cord, Fuel Pressure Hose with Quick Connect and GM & Ford Rail Adaptors ............................................................................... $400.00 FUEL PRESSURE TEST METER OVERVIEW The Carroll Supercharging Company is proud to announce the release of its’ newest product for the Supercharger/Turbocharger tuner: The high pressure (0–125 psig) fast response digital fuel pressure gauge. This handy battery operated meter is a must for any technician or owner attempting to tune or diagnose an automotive engine with high pressure electronic fuel injectors. The typical idle fuel pressure on todays’ modern vehicles has jumped from 35 psig to 60 psig. The higher idle fuel pressures improve the injector spray pattern and thus reduce emissions. Because of the higher fuel pressures at idle a supercharged or turbocharged vehicle that utilizes some kind of fuel pressure increase to gain the added fuel for the added air may easily exceed 100 psig the typical range of most of todays’ test gauges. The Carroll Supercharging Company handles this problem with a 125 psig fuel pressure sensor. QUICK CONNECT FITTING PLUGS INTO RAIL ADAPTOR ELECTRONIC PRESSURE SENSOR 67CP3220 FUEL PRESSURE TEST METER • MT300 GM RAIL ADAPTOR MT337-20A FORD RAIL ADAPTOR MT337-30 FUEL PRESSURE HOSE WITH QUICK CONNECT ADAPTOR • MT337-110 (Rail Adaptors & Pressure Sensor sold separately) FUEL PRESSURE HARNESS MT300-10 BLOWERWORKS™ — 71 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 SUPERPUMPER-II™ System for LS1/LS6 C5 CORVETTES O R MAY NOT BE USED) 100 ES ER PO W 80 FUEL PRESSURE IN PSI SURE (MAX 100 PSIG) PR 90 (M AY MAP ZERO POINT (2-BAR MAP SENSOR) 70 60 •• • •• • • • • ••••• • 50 40 30 (MAY OR MA Y 20 D) SE EU B T NO E IDL RUNNING PRESSURE 20–76 PSIG RE SU ES PR (MIN 20 PSIG) 10 0 PSIG –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 VACUUM 2 4 6 8 10 12 PSIG PRESSURE TYPICAL VACUUM/PRESSURE FUEL CURVE USING 2-BAR MAP SENSOR BLOWERWORKS™ — 72 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack SUPERPUMPER-II™ Electronic Variable Pressure Electronic Fuel Pump Controller OVERVIEW We present SUPERPUMPER-II™ here for C5 owners who need a fuel system that can support in excess of 1000 H.P. SUPERPUMPER-II™ CONTROLLER – SPC At the heart of our system is an electronic controller whose acronym is SPC which stands for SUPERPUMPER-II™ CONTROLLER. The SPC is a 3-input controller designed to regulate the vehicle fuel pressure in response to manifold pressure, engine RPM, and fuel rail pressure. The SPC monitors engine manifold pressure via a 2-Bar MAP sensor. The SPC also monitors your settings (via the rotary hex switches) for fuel pressure along the boost curve. Perhaps you wanted 50 pounds of fuel pressure at 3 pounds of boosted manifold pressure at 3,000 RPM. The SPC sees this and then looks at the corresponding fuel pressure. If the fuel rail pressure is not correct the SPC varies the control signal to the power module that operate the fuel pump(s). The controller also provides outputs for analog fuel pressure and boost pressure gauges by Autometer. 1. The SPC is a programmable fuel curve generator capable of dividing your fuel curve into 10 distinct zones based upon your engine RPM. Within each zone you can vary the fuel system pressure from 20 to 120 psi. This permits very precise fuel delivery anywhere along your engine RPM curve. You may compare it to an audio graphic equalizer but in terms of additional fuel delivery. 2. A 2-Bar MAP Sensor senses manifold pressure. A 0 to 125 psi fuel pressure sensor senses fuel pressure. The combination of these two inputs plus engine RPM allows one to accurately and easily dial in any fuel pressure for any combination of boost pressure and engine RPM. 3. An independent switch on the SPC permits setting the main rail pressure while not in boost. 4. Independent LED’s monitor POWER, BOOST, MAX boost, and pump OUTPUT and engine RPM. 5. Consecutive LED’s, 1 thru 10, light to indicate engine RPM as well as to indicate which switch setting controls the injector rail pressure. Multi-position rotary hex switches allow you to experiment with settings and return to the one that works best. 6. The green output LED is ON when the supplemental pump is operational. A dimly lit LED indicates low fuel flow while a bright or steady LED indicates a high fuel flow rate. SUPERPUMPER-II™ POWER MODULE – SPM 1. The SPM, is a solid-state pulse width modulated direct current motor controller. It varies the current “on time” to the vehicle fuel pump(s) in response to the signal from the SPC. Essentially the vehicle fuel pump(s) become variable pressure pump(s) which equates to a variable fuel rail pressure. 2. Up to 15 amps DC per SPM can be handled. Optional 30 amp modules are available. BLOWERWORKS™ — 73 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 SUPERPUMPER-II™ Individual Components SUPERPUMPER-II™ • 20003 SPM 20A FUSE LOCK 30A RELAY GROUND FUEL SENSOR BAT CONTROLLER SPM POWER RELAY & HARNESS Part No. 24019 MAP SENSOR INTERCONNECT CONTROL HARNESS Part No. 24018 SPM – SUPERPUMPER-II™ POWER MODULE • Part No. 20004 2-BAR MAP SENSOR Part No. AS4S FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR Part No. 67CP3220 BOSCH DAMPER RAIL ADAPTOR FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR w/FUEL PRESSURE TEST PORT, RAIL ADAPTOR & SNUBBER BLOWERWORKS™ — 74 — AUTOMETER FUEL PRESSURE GAUGE • 0–100 PSIG Black Bezel/Face, Red Pointer 2663-B • Z Series (not incl. w/SUPERPUMPER-II™) PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack SUPERPUMPER-II™ P/N DESCRIPTION PRICE SUPERPUMPER-IITM FOR LS1/LS6 C5 CORVETTES: Electronic fuel pump controller automatically and electronically regulates the vehicle’s fuel pressure (from 20 psi to 100 psi) in response to manifold pressure and engine RPM. The fuel pressure curve may be adjusted by the user at ten distinct setpoints along the boost/RPM curve much like a graphic equalizer. 20003 20004-30 24019 24018 AS4S 67CP3220 0250161212 A1347 > “SPC” – SUPERPUMPER-II™ Controller Logic Module ............................................................................... > “SPM” – SUPERPUMPER-II™ Power Module ............................................................................................. > Relay Power Wiring Harness ....................................................................................................................... > Interconnect Control Harness...................................................................................................................... > Map Sensor – 2 Bar .................................................................................................................................... > Fuel Pressure Sensor, 125 PSI .................................................................................................................... > Bosch Pulsation Damper ............................................................................................................................. > #4AN Fuel Sensor Adaptor w/FPT & M10 Banjo ......................................................................................... SUPERPUMPER-II™ Base System .......................................................................................... $595.00 $350.00 $55.00 $95.00 $65.00 $95.00 $125.00 $125.00 $1505.00 NOTE: ABOVE SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUT BOSCH IN-LINE GFP-214 FUEL PUMP SYSTEM. IN CONJUNCTION WITH A KENNE BELL BOOST-A-PUMP THIS SYSTEM CAN SUPPORT IN EXCESS OF 1000+ H.P. UTILIZING THE STOCK C5 'SINGLE PIPE' FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM WITH NO RETURN FUEL LINE. BLOWERWORKS™ — 75 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Fuel Pump & Hoses P/N DESCRIPTION PRICE 30019UH-IL ULTRA HIGH-OUTPUT IN-LINE FUEL PUMP: Ultra high-output Bosch pump. Recommended to be used in conjunction with our SUPERPUMPER-II™ or FMU for all C5 Corvettes. Unit mounts neatly in cavity by driver’s door. Precision hermetic pump delivers 60 GPH @ 100 PSIG in conjunction with stock GM in-tank pump. Instructions include detailed “how to” photos. > In-Line ....................................................................................................................................................... $350.00 LS1FPI LS1 FUEL PUMP INSTALLATION KIT: Includes special banjo adaptors and GM quick connect fittings all hydraulically crimped onto Earl’s #7 stainless steel hose plus a mounting bracket that bolts to the door hinge and a heavy duty power relay and associated wiring harnesses. > ...................................................................................................................................................................... $250.00 MONSTER OUTPUT IN-TANK FUEL PUMP: This incredibly powerful Denso pump is a "Monster". Just take a look at the accompanying flow graph! This pump is also very power hungry requiring up to 20 amperes at full output. It requires a heavy duty power relay and special in-tank wiring. > In-Tank Pump Only ...................................................................................................................................... > Requires Racetronix C5 Fuel Pump Harness Assembly.............................................................................. $295.00 CALL 30019M BOSCH ULTRA HIGH-OUTPUT IN-LINE FUEL PUMP WITH LS1 MOUNTING BRACKET P/N 30019UH-IL LS1 FUEL PUMP HOSES WITH BANJO FITTINGS FOR PUMP AND GM QUICK CONNECT FITTINGS FOR THE FUEL RAIL. DENSO "MONSTER" FREE FLOWS 100+ GPH! BLOWERWORKS™ — 76 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 100 90 80 70 0 20 30 40 Flow @ 18.0v 50 Pressure (PSI) Flow @ 20.0v 60 GFP-214 AMPS @ 20v 70 80 GFP-214 AMPS @ 20v 90 DENSO IN-TANK @ CONSTANT 13.5vdc FEEDING BOSCH GFP-214 @ SHOWN vdc THRU GM C5 FUEL FILTER / REGULATOR 10 Flow @ 16.0v 100.6 100 99.5 98.4 96.3 94.7 93.3 91.8 90.4 87.8 86.5 20 15 10 5 0 100 11 11.3 11.8 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.6 14 14.3 14.7 15 Amps 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Flow @ 13.5v Supported HP @ 13.5v Supported HP @ 16.0v Supported HP @ 18.0v Supported HP @ 20.0v PSI Flow @ 13.5v Flow @ 16.0v Flow @ 18.0v Flow @ 20.0v 1009 1054 1137 1207 0 84.1 87.8 94.74 977 1033 1119 1200 10 81.45 86.1 93.26 940 1009 1102 1194 20 78.3 84.1 91.84 893 986 1091 1181 30 74.4 82.2 90.91 860 968 1069 1156 40 71.7 80.7 89.11 847 955 1054 1136 50 70.6 79.6 87.8 838 940 1028 1120 60 69.8 78.3 85.7 818 923 1014 1102 70 68.2 76.9 84.5 794 896 1000 1085 80 66.2 74.7 83.3 772 878 986 1054 90 64.3 73.2 82.2 745 868 965 1038 100 62.1 72.3 80.4 Flow ( Gallons per Hour) Info Pack AMSOIL 1 MICRON OIL FILTER • BE90 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 MOUNTING BRACKET ADAPTOR FOR AMSOIL 1 MICRON OIL FILTER • BP80 AMSOIL ENGINE OIL FILTER • SDF32 INDEPENDENT TEST FACILITY RESULTS OF FOUR BALL WEAR TEST BLOWERWORKS™ — 80 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Recommended C5–LS1/LS6 Engine Oil & Filters P/N DEALER PRICE DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION APPROX. HRS. RETAIL PRICE FILTER, ENGINE OIL TO SUPERCHARGER > Amsoil 1 Micron Spin-on Bypass Filter. Used to filter oil supply to Supercharger. .................................................................................................................................... $26.00 BP80 FILTER, MOUNTING BRACKET ADAPTOR > Used to mount BE90 Bypass filters .............................................................................................................. $30.00 SDF32 FILTER, ENGINE OIL > Amsoil Filter for Corvettes 1997–2004 ....................................................................................... $8.95 TRO-01 TRO-1G SERIES 2000 – SAE 20W-50 Synthetic Racing Oil, API SH, CD > 12 Quarts, 26 lbs. ($8.25 per quart) ............................................................................................ $99.00 > 1 Gallon ............................................................................................................................................ $31.55 $99.00 $31.55 TSO-01 SERIES 2000 – SAE 0W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil, API SH, CD > 12 Quarts, 26 lbs. ($8.25 per quart) ............................................................................................ $99.00 $99.00 AMO-01 AMO-04 AMO-05 SAE 10W-40 100% Synthetic Motor Oil, API SH, CD > 12 Quarts, 25 lbs. ($5.75 per quart) ............................................................................................ $69.00 > 4 Gallons, 32 lbs. ($22.40 per gallon) .......................................................................................... $89.60 > 2–2 ½ Gallon Containers, 39 lbs. ($54.45 per ea. 2 ½ Gallon Container) .................................. $108.90 $69.00 $89.60 $108.90 ATM-01 ATM-04 ATM-05 ATM-TP SAE 10W-30 100% Synthetic Motor Oil, API SH, CD > 12 Quarts, 25 lbs. ($5.75 per quart) ............................................................................................ $69.00 > 4 Gallons, 32 lbs. ($22.40 per gallon) .......................................................................................... $89.60 > 2–2 ½ Gallon Containers, 39 lbs. ($54.45 per ea. 2 ½ Gallon Container) .................................. $108.90 > 1–2 ½ Gallon Container ................................................................................................................ $55.45 $69.00 $89.60 $108.90 $55.45 ASL-01 ASL-04 SAE 5W-30 100% Synthetic Motor Oil, API SH, CD > 12 Quarts, 25 lbs. ($5.75 per quart) ............................................................................................ > 4 Gallons, 32 lbs. ($22.40 per gallon) .......................................................................................... $69.00 $89.60 $69.00 $89.60 ARO-01 ARO-04 ARO-05 SAE 20W-50 Synthetic Motor Oil, API SH, CD > 12 Quarts, 26 lbs. ($6.45 per quart) ............................................................................................ $77.40 > 4 Gallons, 33 lbs. ($25.00 per gallon) ........................................................................................ $100.00 > 2–2 ½ Gallon Containers, 40 lbs. ($61.30 per ea. 2 ½ Gallon Container) .................................. $122.60 $77.40 $100.00 $122.60 TGR-01 SERIES 2000 – 75W-90 Synthetic Gear Lube > 12 Quarts, 25 lbs. ($9.10 per quart) .......................................................................................... $109.20 $109.20 ATF-01 ATF-05 Synthetic Universal Automatic Transmission Fluid > 12 Quarts, 25 lbs. ($7.70 per quart) ............................................................................................ $92.40 > 2–2 ½ Gallon Containers, 38 lbs. ($73.25 per ea. 2 ½ Gallon Container) .................................. $146.50 $92.40 $146.50 ART-01 Supershift Racing Transmission Fluid > 12 Quarts, 25 lbs. ($7.20 per quart) ............................................................................................ BE90 $86.40 $86.40 NOTE: 12 Quarts = 1 Case. BLOWERWORKS™ — 81 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 Vital Statistics for a Stock C5–LS1 Corvette Engine with a Carroll Stage I Supercharging System (Note: Stock Exhaust & Stock Air Intake) > ENGINE .......................................................................... Centrifugally Supercharged Fuel Injected V8 – 346 c.i.d. > BORE X STROKE ........................................................................................................................3.898 in x 3.622 in > COMPRESSION RATIO ......................................................................................................................................10.1:1 > BPH @ RPM (STOCK 345 @ 5600) ........................................................................................................477 @ 5800 > TORQUE @ RPM, LB-FT (STOCK 350 @ 4400) ......................................................................................488 @ 5120 > SUPERCHARGER ..............................................................................Centrifugal, Gear Drive, Engine Oil Lubricated Through Amsoil 1 Micron Filter > BOOST PRESSURE ................................................7 psi @ or below 60 degrees O.A.T. @ sea level @ 5800 RPM > PERFORMANCE ¼ mile in seconds (estimated) ................................................................................................................11.95 ¼ mile – miles per hour .............................................................................................................................117 Zero to 60 mph in seconds ...................................................................................................................... 4.0 > TOP SPEED (estimated) .............................................................................................................................. 189 mph > FUEL REQUIREMENT, OCTANE ........................................................................................... Unleaded, 93 > TRANSMISSION .................................................................................................................................. 6 Speed Stick > TIRES ............................................................................................. FRONT • GOODYEAR EAGLE F1 P245/45Z, R17 REAR • GOODYEAR EAGLE F1 P275/40Z, R18 THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGING COMPANY’S MISSION TO ENGINEER AUTOMOBILE PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS THAT WILL SATISFY THE MOST DEMANDING PURIST WITH RESPECT TO: … FIT, FINISH, PERFORMANCE, RELIABILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT… BLOWERWORKS™ — 82 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack Gaseous Intercooling™ BLOWERWORKS™ GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ SYSTEMS OVERVIEW Carroll Gaseous Intercooling™ Systems are unique, highly refined high pressure water/alcohol direct injection systems. These systems may be used in conjunction with Carroll as well as other manufacturers’ super and turbocharger systems to obtain superior engine performance and safety. A Carroll Gaseous Intercooling™ System is often used in conjunction with and/or to replace bulky air-to-air intercoolers. This technology is also known as Gaseous Intercooling™. Evaporative cooling causes the compressed air temperature to be reduced by, on average, 100°F. Typical mix is 50% distilled water and 50% alcohol. A properly designed and installed Gaseous Intercooling™ system will ALWAYS produce more power than either overfueled or spark retarded engines. Additionally, an engine that uses Gaseous Intercooling™ will burn and stay cleaner, use less fuel, and run cooler under boosted conditions. Peak cylinder pressures and temperatures are reduced. Engine stress is greatly diminished; you will find no signs of hammered rod and crank bearings on engines equipped with a Carroll Gaseous Intercooling™ System. It is almost impossible to detonate an engine (and subsequently break a cast or hypereutectic piston) when using a properly designed and functioning Gaseous Intercooling™ system. A properly designed Gaseous Intercooling™ system MUST utilize a high pressure (100 psig) pump and atomizing type nozzle. Windshield washer pumps in conjunction with a “jet” will NEVER work as well: so don’t compare the two. A properly designed Gaseous Intercooling™ system MUST have some sort of safety control to prevent injecting water when the engine is not running. A properly designed Gaseous Intercooling™ system will drop the intake air temperature 50°F within 1 second after injection starts. Why is it that other manufacturers of supercharging systems do not promote Gaseous Intercooling™? There are several reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. COST DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY IN SELECTION OF COMPONENTS DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY IN ENGINEERING THE OVERALL SYSTEM BASIC KNOWLEDGE OR LACK OF MAINTENANCE The Carroll Supercharging Company has been designing, selling, and installing Gaseous Intercooling™ systems since 1972; does that say enough? CHOICES At BlowerWorks™ we have designed a number of Gaseous Intercooling™ systems to meet your needs and budget. They ALL work well and do what they are suppose to do: STOP DETONATION! All of our systems use the same high pressure diaphragm pump and stainless steel atomizing nozzle. All of the systems are fully automatic being activated by manifold pressure. What changes from system to system is the degree of complexity of the control systems. All of our systems use components made from plastic, brass or stainless steel so that they are unaffected by water and/or alcohol. STANDARD™ WATER Our simplest and least expensive system is called STANDARD™ Gaseous Intercooling™. It consists of the pump, nozzle, reservoir, adjustable boost pressure activation switch, and power relay with wiring harness. The power relay is interlocked to the vehicle’s fuel pump circuit so you cannot inject water unless the engine is running. STANDARD PLUS™ WATER This STANDARD PLUS™ System includes all of the same quality components as our STANDARD™ Gaseous Intercooling™ System. The STANDARD PLUS™ System also includes a water pressure proof switch and lighted rocker switch that allows the system to be turned ON/OFF from inside the vehicle as well as give a visual indication of when water is actually being injected. This is the system we most often recommend for our truck and SUV supercharging systems. BLOWERWORKS™ — 83 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack Gaseous Intercooling™ 3/05, rev. 4 CONTINUED DELUXE™ WATER The DELUXE™ Gaseous Intercooling™ System includes the following major components: > > > > Electronic Control Module [“Black Box”] With Trouble Alarm. Wiring Harnesses. Illuminated Rocker Control Switch. Green Remote LED for Indicating Boost, i.e. “SUPERCHARGING”. The DELUXE™ Gaseous Intercooling™ has the following controls, indicators & features: > A two 1. 2. 3. 4. > > > > position momentary rocker switch with: An amber “ON” indicator to alert the driver that the system is active and ready to inject water and A green “ON” indicator when water is being injected and An “ON/TEST” switch and An “OFF/ALARM SILENCE switch. A super brite LED for indicating “SUPERCHARGING”. An audible “ALARM” to alert the driver in case of trouble with the Gaseous Intercooling™ system such as no water. A 2-Bar MAP Sensor that senses the intake manifold pressure. A water pressure proof switch. The DELUXE™ Gaseous Intercooling™ System has the following features: > > > > > > > > > > > > The System is fully automatic, requiring no driver intervention. Automatically turns itself “ON” each time the engine is started. Allows you to “TEST” the injection system by manually injecting water. Allows you to turn “OFF” the Gaseous Intercooling™ system when not needed. Allows you to silence the trouble alarm with the “ALM. SIL.” button. Automatically saves water by varying the speed of the Gaseous Intercooling™ pump. Includes standard and optional engine protection provisions. Prevents water from being injected unless the engine is running & under boost. Constantly monitors the water pressure and sounds an alarm if low Gaseous Intercooling™ pressure occurs. Constantly monitors the manifold pressure and lights the L.E.D. in boost. Prevents going into boost if the Gaseous Intercooling™ is inoperative. Optional feature prevents going into boost if engine oil is cold. GEN-IV DELUXE™ WATER The GEN-II, GEN-III and now GEN-IV DELUXE™ System was developed in 1992 to match the performance requirements of the then new LT1 Corvette engine. The GEN-IV DELUXE™ System incorporates all of the parts and features of the DELUXE™ System as well as an electrical solenoid and unique steel accumulator tank with bladder. This system stores the energy of the Gaseous Intercooling™ pump and delivers INSTANTANEOUSLY atomized water on demand. Because the system is so fast the water/alcohol does not have to be injected in advance in anticipation of detonation. Subsequently the tuning is finer and the end result is more usable POWER! BLOWERWORKS™ — 84 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack The Following Are The Most Often Asked Questions About The Carroll Professionally ™Supercharged C5-LS1/LS6 Corvette QUESTION: ANSWER: WHY SHOULD I HAVE MY CORVETTE SUPERCHARGED BY CARROLL AS OPPOSED TO SOME OTHER MANUFACTURER OR VENDOR? That’s a real good question, especially in light of the amount of money you are considering spending. First and probably most important is to acknowledge in your own mind that experience in design, production and testing counts more than any other factor. NO one has spent anywhere near the time CARROLL has in perfecting the supercharged Corvette. Recognize that today’s supercharging systems are very sophisticated and that the blower itself is only one small ingredient of the formula for success. Your car’s performance depends on an integrated systems approach: fuel delivery, spark control, boost pressure, mechanical design, etc., etc. QUESTION: ANSWER: WILL THE SUPERCHARGER AFFECT MY EMISSIONS? WILL I PASS INSPECTION? The emissions on your car will remain unchanged. QUESTION: ANSWER: WILL MY CAR’S APPEARANCE CHANGE? No !!! The CARROLL CORVETTE system fit neatly under your hood. QUESTION: ANSWER: WILL I BE ABLE TO RESTORE MY CAR TO ITS ORIGINAL CONDITION SHOULD I SO DESIRE? Yes !!! The installation has been designed to make it easy to put your car back to stock. This is one of the advantages of our supercharging system. QUESTION: ANSWER: WILL MY CAR BE NOISIER? No!!! QUESTION: ANSWER: HOW’S THE DRIVEABILITY? Your car’s driveability may actually improve. The extra torque the supercharger produces enhances the operation of the vehicle. In all cases the engine idles as smoothly and cruises effortlessly. QUESTION: ANSWER: WILL THE RELIABILITY OF MY CAR CHANGE? Disregarding the transmission: No !!! There are no changes to your car that will alter its’ reliability. QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT DO YOU MEAN DISREGARDING THE TRANSMISSION? If manual, you will need a heavy-duty clutch; if automatic, you will need it "blueprinted". QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM STATIC COMPRESSION RATIO AT WHICH AN ENGINE CAN BE SUPERCHARGED? The answer to this question varies greatly depending on the cylinder head design, cam selection, etc. Suffice it to say that with our GEN-IV Deluxe Gaseous Intercooling System we supercharge the C5-LS6 Corvette with 10.25:1 compression ratio. QUESTION: ANSWER: HOW ABOUT THE EXTRA WEAR AND TEAR ON MY ENGINE? SURELY THE SUPERCHARGER WILL SHORTEN THE LIFE OF MY ENGINE? The life of your engine is dependent on your driving habits and maintenance schedule: PERIOD! QUESTION: ANSWER: HOW MUCH FASTER WILL I RUN THE QUARTER MILE? A Stage I supercharging system will cut about one full second off your present time. QUESTION: ANSWER: HOW MUCH WILL SUPERCHARGING INCREASE MY TOP SPEED? A Stage I supercharging system will add approximately 20 mph. BLOWERWORKS™ — 85 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack 3/05, rev. 4 (Most Often Asked Questions – continued) QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT TYPE OF CAMSHAFT SHOULD I USE WITH A SUPERCHARGER? It is not necessary to change your camshaft as the supercharger works great with the stock camshaft.. QUESTION: ANSWER: HOW DO YOU CONTROL THE SPARK CURVE? With a reprogrammed PCM. QUESTION: ANSWER: DOES IT MATTER WITH WHICH TYPE TRANSMISSION MY CAR IS EQUIPPED WITH? No, but either one requires upgrading as previously mentioned. QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT ABOUT THE LIFE OF MY TRANSMISSION? WON’T IT BE SHORTENED FOR SURE? We think that you will find that the life of either of the above will be much more dependent on your driving habits and your maintenance schedule than on the addition of the supercharger. Hole shots will eventually wear down any transmission, regardless of the torque and horsepower of the engine. Remember that all transmissions, automatic or manual have clutches in them. Clutches eventually wear out. QUESTION: ANSWER: WHY A CENTRIFUGAL SUPERCHARGER? WHY NOT A ROTARY SCREW OR ROOTS TYPE SUPERCHARGER? A centrifugal supercharger is about twice as efficient as a Roots type and about one-third more efficient than the rotary screw. That means better gasoline mileage and more usable horsepower at the wheels. Also both the Roots and the rotary screw type supercharger requires a pop-off valve to prevent destruction of the engine in case of back-fire. A centrifugal supercharger does not require a pop-off valve since it is not a positive displacement pump. QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CENTRIFUGAL SUPERCHARGER AND A TURBOCHARGER? Both increase horsepower by introducing the air/fuel mixture into the combustion chambers at higher than normal (atmospheric) pressures. Both are fans and very efficient. However, the turbocharger, because it uses the exhaust gases as a driving means, transfers an enormous amount of heat to the incoming air stream due to the common shaft between the turbine and the compressor. Thus turbochargers require intercoolers if they are to work well. Also, because the exhaust gases are funnelled through a turbine, excessive amounts of heat and back pressure are put into the engine and engine compartment. Our centrifugal supercharger is belt driven from the crankshaft and runs cool. Throttle response is instantaneous, there is no “turbo-lag”. Perhaps most important of all, there is no engine oil contamination. Neither will your feet “cook” from the tremendous heat given off by the turbo(s). QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT WILL SUPERCHARGING DO TO MY GAS MILEAGE? Our system will NOT reduce your mileage provided you drive the same way. Of course, if you drag from every stop light, your gasoline mileage will be less: with or without the supercharger. QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT MAINTENANCE IS INVOLVED WITH YOUR SUPERCHARGER? A simple change of the supercharger’s oil filter every 10,000 miles or every third engine oil change. QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT MAINTENANCE IS INVOLVED WITH YOUR GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ SYSTEM? Our Gaseous Intercooling™ System uses the windshield washer reservoir (optional rear tank available). Since the system is only operational while in boost you rarely need to fill the reservoir unless you have a really heavy foot. There is no maintenance other than to fill the windshield washer reservoir with a 50/50 mix of distilled water and alcohol. GM's windshield washer concentrate is just fine. QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT THERMOSTAT DO YOU RUN? We run the stock thermostat on Stage I. Stages III and above utilize a 10°F colder thermostat. BLOWERWORKS™ — 86 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 Info Pack (Most Often Asked Questions – continued) QUESTION: ANSWER: IS AN INTERCOOLER AVAILABLE FOR THE CARROLL CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING KIT? After extensive testing we found that air to air intercoolers actually caused a power loss when used in conjunction with an efficient supercharger and less than 8 pounds of boost pressure. Intercooling works well with turbochargers because the extra power required to push the air through the intercooler comes from the exhaust gases — not the crankshaft. The air discharge temperature from our belt driven centrifugal supercharger typically does not exceed 150° F for 5 to 6 pounds of boost pressure. Remember our Gaseous Intercooler™ (water injection) systems reduce the intake air temperature by 50° to 150° depending upon the application. QUESTION: ANSWER: WHAT INTERNAL ENGINE MODIFICATIONS ARE REQUIRED? None whatsoever for Stage I. Stage II and above require Z06 valve springs. QUESTION: ANSWER: WILL INSTALLING THE CARROLL SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM VOID MY GM WARRANTY? Technically, by the “letter of the law,” NO! However, we suggest you talk to your local GM dealer or service manager and discuss your plans with them first. See our “reprints” on Page 79 for a more detailed discussion. QUESTION: ANSWER: DO I HAVE TO TURN THE SUPERCHARGER ON OR OFF? No, the Supercharger is always working making the car much more responsive to throttle position. QUESTION: ANSWER: DOES THE SUPERCHARGER DRAW A LOT OF POWER? A Centrifugal Supercharger uses power in proportion to the amount of work it is doing. Therefore at anything less than wide open throttle the blower uses almost no power. QUESTION: ANSWER: SHOULD I DECIDE TO SELL MY CAR WHAT SHOULD I DO? We recommend you first try to sell the car with the supercharging system ON emphasizing the reliability and added performance. If you cannot sell the car with the system ON then by all means take it off! QUESTION: ANSWER: I PLAN ON MAKING SEVERAL CHANGES TO MY CAR: HEADERS, CAM INTAKE AND MUFFLERS. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND I DO THESE CHANGES BEFORE OR AFTER I SUPERCHARGE? We strongly urge and recommend that you supercharge your engine before spending time and money on other means of power increase, since we honestly feel that you will be more satisfied with the increased power and performance you will get from supercharging alone. Besides, with our kit you can put your car back to stock within a day. QUESTION: ANSWER: HOW DOES THE DRIVETRAIN HOLD UP WITH THE ADDITIONAL POWER? The drivetrain holds up just fine with street tires. Of course, if you run "slicks" anything can break! QUESTION: YOU DO NOT INTRODUCE THE GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ UNTIL STAGE III. IF I GO TO STAGE II WHICH IS 7 POUNDS OF BOOST DOESN’T IT GET TOO WARM? You can safetly run up to 8 pounds of boost on a C5 without intercooling or water injection. That’s because the engine computer is so sophisticated and the head design so awesome. Of course if you intercool you can make more boost and thus more power, however at 8 or less pounds the trade-offs in my opinion are not worth it. When we do run more boost we use what we call GASEOUS INTERCOOLING™ which for a street-driven Corvette I think is a better choise than a physical intercooler. ANSWER: Please write us with your questions and we thank you for reading all of the above. We hope you will soon join our group of elite and proud owners !!! BLOWERWORKS™ — 87 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 BLOWERWORKS™ — 88 — 1803 UNION VALLEY ROAD • WEST MILFORD, NEW JERSEY 07480 VOICE: 973–728 –9505 • FAX: 973–728 –9506 • The CARROLL SUPERCHARG ING COMPANY, IN C. The Carroll Supercharging Company expressly disclaims any liability for incidental or consequential damages caused by product defects, racing or exceeding legal speed limits. This warranty does not cover any expenses for other parts associated or not associated with our system, e.g., GM engine/drivetrain components, and/or freight charges incurred while shipping parts to and from Carroll. This warranty is limited to the original owner. This warranty does not cover racing, neglect, abuse, misuse, mishandling, improper installation, vehicle accident, vehicle towing, or the like. All warranty work must be performed by The Carroll Supercharging Company or its’ authorized representative. The Carroll Supercharging Company warranties your supercharger installation for 1 year with no mileage limitation. Parts and labor are included. Not included are any costs incurred in getting your vehicle to our shop (i.e., it is the customer’s responsibility to get the vehicle to Carroll Supercharging or the nearest authorized Carroll dealer). WARRANTY Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack GM Warranty Issues BLOWERWORKS™ — 89 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 Info Pack C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM 3/05, rev. 4 GM Warranty Issues (continued) BLOWERWORKS™ — 90 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295 3/05, rev. 4 C5–LS1/LS6 CORVETTE SUPERCHARGING SYSTEM Info Pack GM Warranty Issues (continued) BLOWERWORKS™ — 91 — PHONE 201–891–4690 • FAX 201–891–9295