. - -'" :D \, b \t·.. EC, lOG-TITLE PAGE CONFIDENTIAL NAV,.EAI 117 (REV. I·'.) LOGBOOK OF THE u. s. s. SLATER _....._... __ ....... PJ~::7.Q? ........................ IDENTIFICATION NUMBER COMMANDED BY ....._ ..._... _._........................t!~)J!~n.~}.. ~.<?~n9~;r:.. M.!.. l .. !?~9g.1.. P.M.1 ......................... , U. S. N. R" .......... _.......... _.............~§gRrl ..p.~;y:;1,§;1,Q!l.J5................................................ n 1"VIS..10n, ................................................................................................................... Squadron, Attached to .....................................................................................................-.................. Flotilla, _............................. _.....u.,.. :?;;...~T.l.Am.J.c................................................... _........... Fleet, Commencing ......................L~p.~.~~.............................. _............................. , 19 45 a t ....._._.. _................. _.....................~~??~~ll:l.I...~:...'!.:.................................................................. , and ending .......:..................}9..~p~:i:;J;......................................................... __ , 19 45 a t _.__ ._. __.._._..__._.......__._..9~s!.~f!'.t ..~~~~~................. _..................................... _........... TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH CONFIDENTIAL DECK LOG-LIST OF OFFICERS LIST OF OFl'"ICERS ATTACHED TO AND ON BOARD THE U. S. BY _ _ _ SLATER (DE-766) :::::..-!...:::.::.L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • COMMANDED 6.~=:!..::::=-.1.::_ I !.ML• ....!JIt.....iBo!..Olos:an~Q~g~. -'L!:!:t~.t-.:.:C:.!::o~nrl~r.!.. L'...!D~M~.I.-._____ U 6 R.• DURING - - • • N. RD'ORTING FOR DUTY DETACH MEN T • OR DEATH. FROM 1 April THE PERIDD COVERED BY THIS LOG BOOK. WITH DATE OF .'8 • TO 30 April .'8 45 DATE 0,. REPORT. NAME AND FILE NUMBER ING ON BOARD DATE 011' RANK (Sloow 111. No. h'ow .....) DETACHMENT (Sltow J.,.cl.,. •• , J.t. "'ow ...,ort. PRIMARY DUTIES (SI.ow .JJr... • , wl.lel. BuP.....,y .011 ....,Jlly cO•• lm/c.,l. wllit .ut 0/10/11 In .11 ••• r,.lIcy) I., .I.,.) BLANCQ, M. J Lt. Cdr. - 5/1/44 POUISEN, Harold N. . Lieut. 5/1/44 Lieut. 5/1/44 Lieut. 4/l~145 Lieut. 5/1/44 Lieut. 5/1/41. T.i A11+. '5/1/1.1.. Lt(1t!) 5/1/44 Lt.(j~) 5/1/44 Lt (ht) 7/16/44 'Ensirm 219/45 En '11 on 9/10/U, - Ensifm 2/9/45 , VlATTS. Arth\.U" B. Lt.<:!~) 1/9/45 WAGNER, Colton P. BurLER, Doyle P. 5/1/44 JOHNSON, Roy E. PLUMlIlER, John F. - - - WOLTZ, Clifton W. ' , HEALEY, Lawrence P. CLUNIE, Charles R. ~GNEI'l , John P. KUNST , Lionel J." - . BLINKA, Joseph BENSON, Donald W. - NAME. RELATIONSHIP. AND ADDRESS OF NEXT OF KIN Commanding MrS. M. J Blancq 4650 DeMontluzin St. New Orleans, La. Knud Poulsen (Father) Dayton, Wash. Mr-s. ~rnee:tlr. Wagner tMother) Red Top Farm, Southampton, Gunnery Long Island, N. Y. Officer Mrs. Doyle P. Butl.er \ Mot.ner } CODlDllmication 803 Churoh Street, Marietta, Ga. Officer IMrs. -C-. A. -.ronnson \Mother} 3905 Decatur Street, EngineerRichmond, Va. Officer Mrs. J. F. Plummer '(Wife) First 608 Memorial Hwy. Lieutenant lTamna. F1a Mrs. C. W. Woltz (Wife) J\sst. Engineer 551 Virgtgt~ nAve. , Officer Mrs. D. J. Healey (Mother) Asst. Gunnery 561 Massachusetts Ave. T, ..v~ ... a+.nn MB.!!·!! Officer N. I. C1unie (Father) A.S.W. 516 E. Chestnut St. Officer ~Nt"Vrlnn Tnn Executive Officer Supply & Disb. Mrs. ,T. Lee Agnew (Mother) Ogden, Il1. Offioer Simon Kunst (Father) C.I.C. ~~~ ~~!~rs~devDrive, Officer Mrs. ANNA B1inka (Mother) Asst. Corom. '3766 E. Martin Ave. Officer w~"',.. George S. Benson (Father ) Asst. First 2 D~~r St. Lieutenant I.TJ --to N. Y. ~Tetpporary) Mrs. Arthur Watts (Mother) adieu 2530 cornwa1~A.!~e., Offioer 1'1'1;;' , 1i n ," ahA m r ! .~ ::.:" . : "~,.~:.~I. 0' u.. "" .~ &3 Cl \ - EXAM IN E 0 AND "OUNO TO BE: CORRECT. ~_.<!_L._ '~"_'_:~_=_=O:. :u1=~=s.: :en: .L. ,_'L=e:. .: Ut:. :. .;. ____ __ TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. N. R NAVIGATOR. CONFIDENTIAL PAG E -.:.:O~91~---:':.t.'t5,--_ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPERS-'S. (REV. t-.... ) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---=S::.:L~A:.:..'V::.:F.R~....;(\.!:D:..:.;F.::...-..!7~6::;:6J...)___________....:f'.:c)und=~a::.ly~__=1_ _...:A::.Jp~ro.:l:.:1==___. Ig~ (Do,) (M.~I~) (Dol.) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to berth 4, Pier Dog, navy Yard, New York, using standard moor. USS POOLE (DE-151) alongside to starboard. ComCortDiv 22 aboard. illS PEl'ERSON (DE-152) moored outboard USS POOLE (DE-151). Receiving water, telephone, power and steam from dock. SOPA in USS HOUSTON (CL-81). ~~ ~ F. Plummer 04 - 08 0400 lJoored as before. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical alarm. Satisfactory. 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0830 Quarters for muster. 0840 Following men departed ship for temporary duty at Price's Neck, Newport, R. I., in accordance with ND3/P16-4/im(2645) of 30 March, 1945: Lt. Colton P. liagner, USNR; Burka, James J., , Q.13c, USIJR; I.iurphey, JULie::: B., , Slc, USNR; Doyle, Joseph J., , RdM3c, USNR; Pierce, Robert A., , Slc, USNR; "/bitt, Vesta1,A., , Y2c, tlSNR. 0930 Vlzo1elc, J. J., S2c, USNR, AOL as of 0730 this date. 0940 Magazines inspected. Satisfactory. 1100 All clocks and chronometers wound. ~~ {) 1'. P1U!Pmer 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. No further remarks. h.~, IL..~ <r L. P. Healey 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. Eight o'clock reports; all secure. \-,1'14~ L. P. Healey' r 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. as of 0730, 1 April 1945. 2045 Wzolek, J. J., S2c, , reported aboard being AOL l.~.l~~ 1. P. Healey APPROVED: EXAMINED: \ . r ~ .~J.,~~. Lieutenant U. S. N R U. S. N. COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. COVERNWENT PRINTING OfFICE: liU O-i828ii CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 922-45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVP£RS-IS4 (REV. 1-4.t) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .:::S!:OLA~T::..:ER=.:.._>(.:D""E'_-..L7"""t6"'_L.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--,- ..DMU0'-'c:nLUd~a1j-_=,,2:""-_-JAn~r;.J1u'_ _ • 1945(Do,) (Dale) (Mof!lla) 00 - 04 OOOD Moored port side to berth 4, Pier Dog, Navy Yard, New York, using standard moor. pSS POOLE (D~15l), alongside starboard. ComCortDiv 22 aboard. USS PETERSON (DE-152) moored outboard USS POOLE (DE-15l). Receiv:1ng water, telephone, power and steam from dock. SOPA in usa HOUSTON (CL-8l). ~.p. ltL.~ L. P. Healey~ 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0750 Tested general alarm' and chemical attack alarm. satisfactorily. Worked \..~. Ii.t.~ L. P. Healey r 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Quarters for muster. No absentees. 0922 Magazines reported norul. 1050.til clocks and chronometers reportE'd wound' and set. \...~.I~ L. P. Hp.aley r 12 - 16 1200 lloored as before. 1210 COIIDIlenoed taking lube oil aboard. 1500 Completed taking aboere lube oil. Took aboard 3520 gal. 1520 Sick ca11 ~ no patients for transfer. 1535 Elkins, A. C., BlUe, USNR, aboard with following prisoners returned from Flushing Ave. Barracks, Brooklyn, H. Y.: Perieord, R. H., SIc, ~SNR, Spink, Gerald W., RdM3c, USNR. C,L.J.~~ C. W: Woltz 16 - 20 1600 1100red as before. route to drydock. 1830 USS POOLE (DE-15l) cast off from stbd. side of ship, en C.W.WoktJ C. W. Woltz 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. Received 2000 reports. (!.w.w~ C. W. Woltz APPROVED: EXAMINED, Lt. Cdr. U.S.N R COMMANDING. Lieutenant U. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. COVERKWENT PRINTING OFFICi:: 1844 0 ·HlSii CONFIDENTIAL NAV~RS-1U PAGE 093-.G5 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET (Ri:V. t-") ---'S...IAr.o..,T....ER ............(""D""EL....:-:..L7.... 6.... 6-J.)__________ --"T~l!~e'!'swd"'a~y--:-:::-3.;J..,-_-"A'::DI~r.:J1.,..1'---_. UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ (Dor) 1945- ("I.~IA) (Dolt) 00 - 04 0000 Moored as before, Pier 4, Berth Dog, port side to dock, using standard moor, New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. Receiving following services from yardl fresh water, electricity, steam telephone. SOPA in USS HOUSTON (CL-8l). c.w.w4c. W. Woltz 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. satisfactorily. 0750 Tested general alarm·and chemical attack alarm, operating (J.LJ.lJ.~ c. W. Woltz 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Mustered at quarters. Cantrell, G. E., , SIc, USNR, AOL as of 0730, April 3, 1945. 0915 Magazines inspected - conditions no~t. 0950 Sick call - no patients for transfer. 1015 Cantrell, G. E., , Slc, USNR, returned aboard by Elkins, A. C., BMlc, USNR, from Police Station, Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y.. 1054 All clocks and chronometers wound end set. ~ ~ W.14 C.YI. Woltz 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. No remarks. 16 - 20 1600 L100red as before. No remarks. 20 - 24 2000 ~oored as before. 2150 USS EARL K. OLSEN (DE-7c5) moored along starboard side. APPROVED~ n EXAMINED, ~~(-' Lt. Comdr. u. s. NR COMMANDING. Lieutenant u. s. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL. PERSONNEL AT THE ENO OF EACH MONTH u.a. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1i44 Q·68Z8H \,;UI~r IUc.NTIAL 094-45 PAGE DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ ---!S::!LA=T:.!;E~R..l.(==D~E_=-7.LE=:6':U_.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .!!YI'-'Iiedn~L!i1e;Ji!s~d"'ay;t......,"'4!L...---flA~pr~i... l~-. (D.,) (Dolt) li-.h.5. (MoIIIA) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to berth four pier 4, Navy Yard, New York, using standard moor. USS EARL K. OLSEN (DE-765) moored alongside to starboard. ReC~iving 'IV :~r~citY and telephone 1'rom dock. SOPA in USS HOUSTON (OL-8l). tJ"'"'-~-• F. Plur.lmer 04 - 08 040OMoored as before. 0730 Commenced tu.king on 'fuel oU. 0750 '1'ested general alarm and chemical attack alarm. Found satisfactory. ~~ 03 - 12 0800 Moored as oo1'ore. Quarters for muster. r'<110 Tested all maeazines satIsfactorily. 1000 R~ports. Nomen absent. Aronoff, Leonard S. , Flc, lENR, to 00 transferr~ • 1000 Finish~ taking on fuel. Rf~ceived 59,766 gallons 'aboard. 1050 All clocks and chronometers wound. 1100 Ault, K. E. J , EMlc, USN, transferrod to Rec. Sta., Brooklyn, N. Y., in accordance Ylith n"fJ6rs QBA~~letter Pers 6361d-'!m~9 of 8 Uarch 1945. Hllliard, R. D., I Gil.2c, V-6, USNR, transferred to Rec. Sta. Navy Yard, \iashington, D. C., in accordance w:ilh SerForSubCom letter NC-2¢run(B824-SC) of 23 Feb. 1945. Strauss, Y. M., , SF3c, V-6, USllR, transferred to Rec. Sta., Newport News, Virginia,' in accordance flith CSF-SC Itr. P16-3 jr.rJ.l(2)(15631-SC) of 27 March 1945. 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1330 Aronoff, Leonard S.,. F1c, , trunsferred to USNH J Brooklyn, N. Y., 1530 Leis, R. E., SoM2c, , transferred to tho IDS HAIINA (DE-J.49), for duty. \..~"L.~ L. P. Hoalefl 16 - 20 1600 L~oored as before. No further remarks. \.~. 1rL.~ L. P. lIealey G 20 - 24 2000 Moored us before. Eight 0 ' clock reports mude. All Secure. \..'.IG..~ L. P. Heuley·~ EXA"INED, Jj ,~ t:/1f. -&/IoULSEN~ Lieutena.nt U. S, N TO .£ R U. CO .... ANDING. s. N. R NAVIGATOR FORWARDED DIRECT TO TH.£ BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. S. COVERNMENT PRINTING orFICE; Ii'" 0 ~ 511882 CONFIDeNTIAL PAGE l"!')-45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVnRS-U~ (REV. 1-") UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --!::S~U:c:'l'.;,...rn~,~.l..!(D::.:E:::.;-=-7L:;6~(~))~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T ;..!.!h;o;tU~·7sd::!.a::!.'L.r__:::'5L:_-~Act:p~r.:!::i.;!:1--. (Vor) Wa/t) le.JQ. (M..14) 00 - 04 oceo Uoored as before. Pier 4, berth Dog, port side to dock, using stundard moor, Hew York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y., Receiving services from yard, fresh water, electricity, steam, telephone. SOPA in ms HOUSTON (CL-8l). No further remarks. \..~. l~o...L L. P. llealeycf 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. No further remarks. : \.. .\>. /{...~- · L. P. Heale/ 08 - 12 0800 lloored as before. 0920 Balkon, Charles B., 'Flc,(EM) , and \'Iood, E. H., , 15NR, reported aboard from 10 days confinement in the brig. 0930 Uagazinos inspectoo and found normal. 1005 Dock trials started. 1045 IIll clocks and chronometers wound and sot. 1046 Jones, VI. T., Stm2c, , IDNR, reported aboard for duty from U. S. Naval Receiving Station, Pier 92, Hew York, N. Y. 10m Completed dock trials. · \"~.IJ..a.~ · L. P. Heale~ 12 :- 16 1200 Moored as before. 1358 Commencement of Divine Services aboard ship, being conducted by Cbaplain Harbour. 1440 Divine Services completed. : ~.LJ.t,J~ · C. IV. Woltz 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1655 V/arren, J. W., GM2c, 9 days leave, 4 hours and 55 minutes late. , USNR, reported aboard from euwJ:t;c. VI. Woltz 20 - 2li 2000 Moored as before. Received 2000 reports. 2125 Mowery, J. C., GM3c, reported aboard from lp days leave, 9 ~ours und 25 min. late. , USNlt, e.~.w4c. W. Woltz APPROVED: EXAMINED: d?l;/l~~ Lieutenant U. S. N R U. s. NIt COMMANDING. NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL. PERSONNEL AT THE ENO OF EACH MONTH U. S. C<>VERNWENT PRINTING OFFICE: Ii ... 0 - UIH2 \.;UNI'" IUt:.N I tAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVJI'£l'ta-IU ("£Y. 1-«) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~S~LA~'I'z..;E~n~(~D:!!E.!.:,-~7c.::6::::6:..L)__________ ....:...F7:r=:id7a~yL--:-:?6~_-!:Il.L:p!..r=-i::.l_ _ • 19.1ti (»0,) (DaU) (M'AIA) 00 - 04 0000 Moored as before, port side to pier 4, berth Dog, Hew York Havy Yard, Brooklyn, H. Y., using standard moor. USS OLSEN (DE-765) moored to starboard side using standard moor. SOPA in USS HOUSTON (C~-81). Receiving following services from the dock: electricity, steam, fresh water and telephone. ~~ t!. W. C. W. V/oltz 04 - 08 0400 Moored properly. . 81i before. 0750 Tested general alarm and . chemical attack alarm - operuting ~.LJ./...D~ c. OB - W. l'Ioltz 12 OBOO.Moored as before. Mustered at quarters - no absentes$. 0933 Magazines inspected conditions normal. 1000 Sick call - no men for transfer. 1105 All clocks unu chronometers wound and set. ~{j.l.~~ c. VI. Woltz 12 - 16 1200 Moored as befor0. No CxJ(~ remarks. :'l:;}-t.-Pturnmer 16 - 20 lMO Moored as before. 1755 Ashley, R. L., , RdM12c, USNR, reported aboard for duty in conformance with OomSerFor verl:lal orders of 6 April 19 20 - 24 2000 Moored us before. 232B APPROVED: ~ Lt. Comdr. Sl~ter, Fred, £~;Vo~ Lieutenant U. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BuREAU OF NAVAL PERSONf"o:.IEL. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1»" 0 - 5118n L-UI"H- IU1.:.I~ I IAL (:'t/-4'5 PAGE DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPE."S-lJ4 ("rI. f-....) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....=cS-=U::..:T~ER::::' ~.)..!(D;,:.;E:!;-:..,.,~(6::.::6~)~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ !::.S~at~ur~d!.!:a~y-,,-7L--.....:A~p~rc..:!i'""'1~-. /Dille) (Do,) (Montl) 1at.L 00 - 04 moor. Yard. 0000 Moored port side to berth 4, Pier 4, Navv Yard, Brooklyn, New York, using standard illS OLSEN (DE-765) alongside to starboard. Receiving \'l , pOVier and telephone from SOPA in lEG HOUSTON (OL-81). 04 - 08 - 0400 Moorod as before. . isfactory. cal attack alarm. 0750 Tested general Found sat- 08 - 12 inspected. Found normal. chronometers wound. 0800 Moored as before. 0800 Quarters for muster.1000 Reports. No absentees. no men for transfer. 12 - 16 1200 Moor~d as before. 1300 Securee from taking aboard fresh water - 3800 gals. 1440 Knauss, G. W., TM)c, , V';'6, illNR, transferred to Fleet Service School,NSffsik , Va., authority Col!6ervLant.SubOaldCom ltr. NC-42/'MM 16868-SC of 5 April, 1945. \... ;v.lh~ L. P. Heale~ 16 20 ..... u 1600 l:1oored as before. transportation to ComDesLant. 1755 Lfeut. G. M. Byrnes, , t5NR, reported aboard for \,..~. ~~. L. P. HealeyCI 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. 2005 Weidman, Lynn J., Slc(GM) , WNR, reported aboard for duty from U. S. naval Receiving Station, Pier #92, New York. 2210 Stocksteil, C. B., RT3c (T), , USNR, reported aboard from completing temporary duty at U. S. Naval Receiving Station, Philadelphia, Pa. \. .~. ~~ L. P. Healey t EXAMINED: ,d~F~i,~~ COMMANDING. lie\lts~~rlj W~lR U.S. N. NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. 8. GOV&llHMENT PRINTING OFFICE ~ lift o· $11ii2 ./ ./ ..". :" I I I·( .. ~. " UoS .S oi SLATZR,)l!:<i766) %Fleot Post Offiuo ~, Now'Y;:.rk, No .Y~ Ql!I.Qlm 7S NEXT OF " \ KIN 8 AprU 1945 -:- . Date BLANC~, P Maroal J. Liout-Ceoor., USNR. lJrs. M. J Ble.neq 4650 Do Montluzin NoYt OrloDlls, La. Lieut., USlm. Mr •.Knud Poulson (Fathor) Dayton, Wash. ~ • •.••.•.•• ', "l" , tc st., ~IiJ*xJ. tamiJxxte\!. JOHNSON, Ray' E. Bl1rV)::R, Doyle ~. PLUftlMER, J olm F. Lieut., USNR. Mrs. F.. C. Wagner(Mothor) Rod Top Farm, Southampton, Long Isload, NOli Yerke Lieut., USNR. Mrs. C. A. Johnson(Motho~) 3905 Decater St. Richmond, Va. Lieut., USNR. Mrs. Doyle P. Butler (Mothor) 803 Church Street Mo.riotta, Ga. Lio~t., Mr. Cho.rlos P1ummor(Brothor) Groenville, Alabama. USNR. lira. U. I. lolts IOL'M, OlUtou, Vi •• 551 Vir'ginia ATe. (iUo) '. Buo)'l'US '. Oh10. • ...... .,...... .! ! . r. liFJJ..EY, Lawrenoo p. Mra. D. J. Healey (lbthor) 561 Massachusotts Avo. Loxington, Mass. '. ·1LUNIE, Charlos R. Lt.(jg) ,USNR. Mr. N. I. Clunta (Fathor) AGN3W, John p. Ensign, USNR. Mrs. T. Loe AgnoVl (Mothor) Ogdon, Illinois • BLINKA, Josoph (n) Ensign, USNR. 516 ~. Chostnut Corydon, Ind. st. . ,~_. \ II .' F IImST, Liaoell tJ'. BmSW, Donald W. . • ", r ihsign, USNR . Urs. Anna Blinka (Mother) '3766 T!:ust Martin Avo t . .Cuduhy, Vliso. 1Irs. Arthur Watts (Mother) 25.30 Cornwall Av.emle, Bellingham, Washington Simon Kunst (Father) l37 liiverside Drive, Her York, No York George S. Benson (Father) 2 Dover Street" ' Jamestown, New Y01;'k " .~ Lioutenant CoIilmandor I USNR. COMMANDING ' . U.S.S. SLATER (DE.766) c/o Fleet Post Office, New Yon:. N. Y. DE766/ OFFICER IS llE"AT OF Km Continued BYRnES, Gordon M. Lieutenant, USlffi BAKER, Carl S. Lieutenant, USNR l-lrs. Gordon Byrnes (Viife) 105 Horman Avenue Auburn, NevI York ~s. Elma B. Baker 194 Riverside Drive New York, New York . (Wife) CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 09$-45 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET ... S LAJ..A.'l'uER:.tl........I(,J..D/LE""-:.t.7o.66n.)J-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ UNITEO STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -==S':I'lID~d!oO,ay1__~8!...-_...£A;,I,p1*-r.h.il"'-_. 18.!ti. (Dar) (Molll1) (Dill.) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to Pier 114, berth Dog, New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, 11. Y., usine standard moor. res OISEN (DE-765) moored stbd. side using standard moor. SOPA on tBS HOUSTON (CL-8l). Receiving following services from the dock: electricity, steam, fresh water, and telephone. ~ \. .\'>. L. P. Heale 04- 08 0400 Moored as before. 0600 All dock servioes secured from ship. Shifted to ship I s power. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical attaok alarm - WOrked sa.tisfactorily. 0755 Docking Pilot aboard. \..~. lL.~ L. P. Healey~ 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0806 Underway from Pier 4; berth 4, Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York, enronte to Leonardo Dock, Earle, New Jersey. 0814 rr#5 alongside. 0816 Docking Pilot left .ship. rr#5 cast off. Secured special sea detail. 0933 Cleared submarine nets. 0937 Entered Chapel Hill Channel. 1023 Moored port side to Leonardo Dock, NAD, Eo.rle, Hew Jersey. 1055 Reporta. No absentees. No men for transfer. 1115 All clocks and chronometers wound. llL2 Coounenced taking on ammunition • 12 - 16 • 1200 Moored as before. 1456 Underway from Leonardo Dock, Sandy Hook, N. Y., in accQrdance with ComDesLant confidential speedletter A4-3, sere no •. Oll8 of 28 March 1945, enroute to Casco Bay, Maine, standing out into Sandy Hook Bay on various,courses and speeds conforming to channel • 1519 Entered Gedney Channel. 1552 Entered New York Oute~ swept Channel • \ . C.U. LJ) oli::; C.W.Woltz 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. Took aboard the following ammunition - 64 rds 3/50 AA, SPDU 3509; 8 rds 3/50 AA SPDN 7352; 72 rds. TNT loaded 7.2 rocket body and tail assembliesSPDH 3674; 36 rds. plaster loaded body and tail assemblies SPDN 3674; 336 tlk 136 lliod 10 fuzes; 1 depth charge marker, day Mk 1-1; 4 depth charge markers, night Mk 2; 2 SEl red signal showar tile 2; 2 SET green signal shower, Uk 2;1SEl \'ffiG signal chameloon Mk L~; 1 SET GVffi signnl chameleon, Uk 4; 5 mk 8 depth charges; 24 No.1 impulse charges; 30 No.2 impulse charges; 1080 rdsl of 20 l~~ HEl, SPDU 5563; 540 rds. of 20 lI.M, m:r SPDN 6761; 180 rds. of 20 mm, BL&P SPDN 6813; 960 rds. of 40 nun HEITSD, SPDN 8150; 160 rds. of 40 rom BL&P, SPDN 8374. 1735 Inspeot~d magazines, all reported to be normal. 1756 Took departure from point Zebna, steering 091"r & pgc, speed 16 kts (452 rpm), in company with lES BtnlliO\,IS (DE-105) and tBS EBERT (DE-?68). \..~. lli..~ L. P. Heal~~ 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. Executed speed 18 Imots. All eiGht o'clock reports made. 2038 Steering C~~lalty drill - aft s~eering took control. 2101 Resumed normal steering. 2228 Alterod course to 075°pgc & T to avoid fisherman. Sea calm. #M C.;. wa~ APPROVED: ~7 Lt. Comdr. EXAMINEO'J,. Lieutenant . U.S.N ~ .(?~ R U. COMMANDJNG. s. R N. NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. a. GOV.£RNMENT PRINTING OrFICi:: UIU 0 - i11H2 CONFIDENTIAL ..... VI'£R.-.)4 PAGE 099-45 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET (REV•• -44) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ -.:S~LA:~To..::ER~...l(~D.!.!r...:.-7.!..66::::::c.)L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:::M::::on:.::d~u::'YL--:c:,.£,9-:--_-.:A:J.p:!r~i=1_ _ • (Da,) ,a4L (M.!".) (Dolt) 00 - 04 0000 Enroute to Casco Bay, Portland~ Maine, steaming in formation Dog in company with lJSS BUli.RU/IS (DE-105) and US;' E13mlT (DE-768), IDS SLATER guide. Speed 18 Imots. Underway in accordunce with ComDesLant confidential opeed1etter A4-3, S(~l 0 8 of 28 March 191.5, on ."riou, cours.,. 000'/ R.sumed ba,. cour,. 0900". ~ 04 - 08 drill. 0400 Steamina as befm.e. 06/.0 Changed course to ooo'T. 0719 Exercised steering casualty After steering took control. 0731 Concluded drill, resumed normal steering. e,lLQ.lJ.iJI C. fl. Woltz 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before on oooDr, sPeed 18 kts •• 0817 Visibility reduced to 100 yds. Established a natch on the forecastle. 0904 Steering casualty drill. 0910 Resumed normal steering. 1021 ~~gazines reported to be in normal conditions. 1025 Goebel, C. J., Flc, on binnacle list; no men reported for transfer. 1027 Speed increased to 19 kts. 1046 Speed decreased to 18.5 kts. 1110 All clocks and chronometers wound and set. \..~. \\.L~ L. P. Hou1eyj- _ 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as hefore. ]205 Increased speed to .19 lchoi:.s. 121.4 Steerin3 casualty dril]. Aft steering took control. 1302 fiesumed normal steering .. 1305 Dase course altered to 32Sope;c & T. 1434 Decreased upeed to 18.5 knots. Visibility 101'1., sea calru. g:e.~ 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 165/. fieducod speed to 16 mot.s. /12 main engine off line .1707 fieducod speed to 14 lmots. 114 main. engine off line. 1721 Increased speed to 16 Imots. 1817 Ra.lsed sea buoy bearing 31.5Dr , dIstant e miles. 1e21 Formed in column 500 yards interval. 11.\40 Sea buoy abeam to starboard, close o.bo3.rd. Entered Casco Day swept channel. 1947 Passed through anti-submarine net. 1948 Anchored in berth eight, Casco Buy, Portland, Maine, ridinG to starboard anchor with 45 fathoms of chain on the fonowing bearings: Cow Island Ledge Lt. benrine 264'T; Little Chebeuge Lt. 06oClr; Crow IS1a.nd~' ht 213.5llr'. Depth of water 11 fathoms. SOPA in ms DEUEBOLA. . ~ • F. Plummer 20 - 2/~ 2000 Anchored as before. Reccivtld 2000- reports. 202/t Small boat left ship. 2030 Doua1d, \,11111e Lee, , SOc, UStffi, reported aboard from Rec. Stu., Casco Bay, t;ain€l, authority SOPil dispatch 091234 April 1945. 2116 Small boat returned to ship. ~. U.LJ~ A.J-C. W. Wo1t~ APPROVED: ~- EXAMINED: ull.i2.~ Lieutenant Lt. Comdr. U S. N R U. COMMANDING. s. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL. PERSONNEl. AT THE ENO OF EACH MONTH u. a. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFlct; Ill .... O~"288" CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 100-45 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:::S~U:::Tc!...!:ER:!_.,l;(D::::E::.-_7!..:66:::.:::..)~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .::..T~ue:::::sd::.:;:.=a:.z.y-7.l~O:_:_-.;:A~pr~i~l~-. lltL (lx.,) (MoAt!) (Dalt) 0000 Anchored in berth eight, Casco Day, Portland, Maine, riding to starboard anS(hor 'lith 45 fathoms of chain on the following bearings: COVI Island Ledge Light bearing 264'"'r, Little Chabeage Light 068C1r; Crow Island Light 2l3.5~. Depth of water 11 fathoms. SOPA in USS DENEBOLA. Fog is heavy. Visibility reduced to fifty (50) yards. No further remarks. L.~. ttL.~ L. P. Hea1e~ 04 - 08 0400 Anchored as before. 0718 Lt. Poulsen, Staff -ASl1 Officer, aboard. Visibility low. :~A1w~ . 6":f. Wagner ~ ~. 08 . 12 0800 Moored as before •. 0846 Magazines inspected.' . Found normal. 1000 Reports. absentees. Nomen for transfer. 1030 All clocks and chronomet wound. No 12 - 16 1200 Anchored as before. 1315 All hands' manned battle stations for damage control exerciees _ General. Quarters. 1417 Secured from General Quarters. 1523 Damage control inspection p.lrty ·left ship. ~ Cf? M c. 1': wagn~ 16 - 20 1600 Anchored as before. 1610 l~F calibration staff aboard. 1715 left ship. tWDF calibration staff Cq.v~ 20 - 24 2000 Anchored as before. 2050 Staff Comnnmication Officer auoard. tiono officer left ship. Visibi+ity low. 2245 Staff communica- c4:~~ • APPROVEO: EXAMINED: --U s. N J~ .. Ji-llJ40ULSE!1~ Lieutenant R U. COMMANDING. s. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. J. GOVPlHUEtn' PRlHTlHG orFICE: Itu o· InlOl CONFIDENTIAL PAGE ....:1:::.:O""'1"-.:·:!.4~5i--_ DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPC"S-U..c (REV. t-4fi) --"'IS.... LA!LiTJ.. .I</ERG-..IJ(DIlJEl:t;'-=-7/J6~6:l...)L_________ .lIW.t:e~dJ.JD~eJ;;s[L.l.lnU;'1'1-:1~JL.,---.lJA'f.pu::'I":.l1..1.'_ _ • 1945- UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CDIII,) (Dor) (i.lontA) 00 • 04 0000 Anchored in berth eight, Hussey S01.Uld, Casco Bay Area, Portland, Maine to starboard anchor with 45 fathoms of chain at the water's edge in 11 fathoms of water. 'SOPA is r.omm.:;!nder Destroyers, Atlantic in U3S DEN"EBOLA. In company with various destroyers and destroyer escorto of tho Atlantic Fleet. Visibility low. ~./~//~j ~ ~ . .,. V.[ ~~;r---' 04 - 08 0400 Anchorod as before. Visibility low. 08 12 08eo Anchored as before. 0830 Testod general and chemical alarm sat h;fact or ily • 0'007 Lt. Ermis, Staff ASY{ Officer, and tr.o stuff CPO.'s aboard. 0920 Magazines inspected; conditions normal. 0928 Conrlr. Powell aboard. 1010 Goebel, C. J., Flc, on sick list, and none for tnll1sfer. 1036 Whaleboat from USS EARL K OISEll (DE-765) alongside for 100 rounds of BL&r 40 lilM. AA' emmlmltion transported from NAD, E~le, NeVI Jersey, for them. 1042 Conrlr. Powell left the ship. 1050 V;haleboat from DE-765 shoved off. 1056 All chronometers wound. Visibility improved to two mill}s. Q.f~ ~.L . C. P .l((;.;::r-' 12 - 16 1200 Anchored as before. J405 Ens. Harold K. TIhite (D(L) USNR, and Ens. John L. Hunn, D(L), USNR, reported aboard for transportation pursuant to orders 11 April 1945, from SOP~, Cow~er Destroyers, Atlantic Fleet. 1500 Sic~ call; no' patients for transfer. :t!.~.W~ . C. Ii. Woltz 16 - 20 1600 Anchored as before. 1652 Underway from anchorage enrdute to L(;mg Island, t.le. ] 707 I.ioored port side to pier Fox, Long Island, lie., using standard mobr.• 1745 COlllJl'.enced taking fresh water from dock. 1830 CompJe-t;.ed taking ilresh water aboard, 7400 gal. aboard .• 1857 Com.menced taking fuel aboard. 1945 Comp1et6u fueling, 9365 gal. aboard. e.w.w4- C. Ii. Violtz 20 - 24 2000 Uoored as before" Received 2000 reports. No relll.!lrks. (!.W.W~·. C. W. Vloltz APPROVED: ~ EXAMINED: Lt. Conrlr. U.S. N R u~ s. COMMANDING. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED OIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U. I. GOVI:IUfWEtn' PRIHTlHG or,IC!: liU o· '11101 .t"- . ,t . ,, J U.s.s .. SLATER(u!i:~766) %Fleot Post .., <, Now York, N. \j.,~ ... OFFICER ts Offioe' Y• NEXT OF m 12 April 1945 .J Date i I BLANCQ, Marool J. Liout-.Q o'JIIC!.r., USNR J Mrs. lA. ,J Blancq POUlSEN, Harpld N, Lieut~; M:r ~ Knud P.u1sen (Father) Dayt.an~ Wash. . USNR. 4650 De ·Montlu~in st'., NoVl Orleans, .La. . . ,~. ~ ~ ~ Li~ut. j WAGNER, Coltcn P. YSNR. Mrs: R~ C. Wa~er(Mother) . Rod Top Farm, Southamp:t;on, Long rsload., New Y.rk. JOHNSON, Roy E. ,·Lieut., ,USNR. Mrs. C. A. JOPnson(Mothar) , 3905 Decater St. Richmond, V n. B11rLER, Doyle p. Liout .... USNR. r. Mrs. Doyle P. Butler (Mother) 803 Church Street Mariotta, Ga. Lioutl ~ USNR ~ Mr~ Charles Plummor(Brothcr} G:reenvUle, AlabWna 41 PLUWER, John I I ·";b',ri •.••. ,1fql~ •. (tlto) IOI.'M, Ol1t\OQ, W. ' 55.1·VirgiD1a .A.<re' Bucyrus, Oh10. • " ~'. . '~ I Il.UNIEj Charles R. , . _ . Lt.(jg) ,USNR. , '. Mrs. D. J,! Healey (~thor) 561 Masa adhtuio'\< ts Ayo' . Lexington, Mass. Mr. N. I. Cl~e (rathor) ,16 B. Chostnut st. Corydon, Ind. AGNmV, John P. Ensign, USNR. Mrs~ T. Loe Agnail (Mother) Ogdon; Illinois. BLlNKA,Josoph (n) Ensign; USNR. Mrs, Anna Blinks (Mother) 3766 Eust Martin Avo. Cudahy, lllsc. WATTS, Arthur B.; Lt( jg) MC USNR KUNST, Linnell J. Ensign, USI'm BENSON, Donald W. Ensign, USNR Mrs. Arthur Watts (Mother) 2530 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham, Washineton. Simon Kunst (Father) 137 Riverside Drive, Ne"T York, New York. George'S. Benson (Fa.ther) 2 Dover Street, Jamesto\'ID, New York ~~. .. Lioutenant Commander, uSNR. COMMANDING . U.S.S. SLATER (DE.766) c/o Fleet Post Office, New York, N. Y. OE7661 OJo'!<'ICmc I NT0:'r Ol~ KIN (Continued) lIm~H, YlHTI'l~, John L. Harold K. Ensign, mUR Ensign, USNR Mrs. John E. Hunn (r:'other) 4108 N. Lake Dr. Milwaukee, IV iee. Mrs. Sydney V;hite (Mother) RR #2 Connersville, Ind • . CONFIDENTIAL 102-45 PAGE DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _~S:JLAo!!UT..!,;ER!I.L.J..(DlLEl:<-=_7Ll6..1.>6~)'-- - ---- __________ -~~~....d~_;;~~--lJ~..I.J,.-- llrs BY' (Dor) April (Dot,) (Al•• t.) • liAS.. 00 - 04 0000 Y.oored as before - port side to. pier Fox, Long Island, Me., us ing standard moot'. SOPA in USS DENEBOLA. (LW.Wl4 c. 1'1. \,101tz 04 - 08 0400 Moored as beforo. 0533 Commenced taking on-fresh water. 0605 Completed taking on fresh water - 3100 gal. aboard. 0652 Quarters for muster; no absentees. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm - operating properly. 0755 Underway from Pier Fox, Long Island, Me., -in accordance with orders of 12 April 1945, from SOPA, Casco Bay, Me. Standing out into Hussey Sound on various courses and speeds conforming to' channel. _ e. LJ. t..J.~ C.W.Woltz 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0802 Exercised at goneral quarters. 0816 Passed,through ~ub marine nets. Entered Casco Bay Swept Channel. 0853 Secured from general quarters. 0854 Examination vessel abeab~o port, 800 yards. 0950 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 1000 Repot'ts. No absentees. No men for transfer. 1023 Exercised at general uarters. Commenced antiaircraft drills. ]2 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. Continuing AA firing. 1210 Coased firing. COlumenced transfer of personnel exercises with USS EBERT (DE-768), steering'various courses and speeds pursuant to same. 1240 Commenoed approach to DE-768. 1244 Line shot over. 1258 Passed Lt. Plummer safely over to DE-768. 1303 DE-768 Passed Lt.. Nixon safely over'to this ship. 1304 Lt. Nixon safely passed back to DE-768. 1306 Lt. Bummer passed safely back to this ship. 1310 Operation cOlllp1eted with no casualty. 1323 Secured from general quarters. Steering various courses and speeds to rendezvous with AT-173 and target. 1408 Sounded general quarters. 1410 All chronometers find clocks wound and set. 1420 Commenced firing on surface target. 1508 Ceased firing. 1509 Secured from general quarters. Expended folJowing ammunition in m~rnine exercises: 1072 rds. 40 1.1111 AA. 2505 rds. 20 rom AA. 115 rds. 3 11 /50 cal AA. Expended folloYling a~ition' in afternoon 11 exercises: 41 rds. 3 /50 cal. AA. '(!.lJ..LJ~ c. W. Woltz 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1745 Exercised steering casualty. 1800 Re3umed normal stearin:;. r'hool house took control. 1938 Joined up with CTG 61.2. The ships are IDS SOlIEliS (DD-3S1), illS OSWALD (DE-767), illS KlliKPURICK (DE-318), usn BUlllim'IS (DE-105), IDS EBERT (DE-?68), illS SLATER (DE-766). Changed course to 100'1'. Sounded general quarters. 1946 Commenced firing at targot sleeve. \.~.~ L. P. llea1af) " 20 - 24 :WOO Steaming as before. At General Quarters for AA dusk firing at a towed sleeve. 2005 Completed AA firing runs. Various courses and apeeds following the movements of the guide preparing for night ata'face firing. 2030 Secured from General Quarters. 201~3 CO/TlJI1enced nieht spotting practice. 2132 General Quarters. 2339 Night spotting practice completed. Secured from General Quarters. 2347 Came to course 1800 pgc &T for New York, following movements of SOPA: I CTG 61.2 in lES SortERS (DD-.381), in company with T~ KlliKPATRICK (DE-31B), I£S BURROWS (DE-lo~r;::'!ItJ"";-::;'i:'." res CSWALD (DE-767) and T5S EBERT (DE-768), in accordance with ComDesLant cinf. dispatch 1017:.' :!,,:'::';~d April. The following ammunition e~nded in dusk AA e:r.ercis8!H 40 rom AA 232 rds, 20 mrn AA 54! ~'~ ':~~ rds. 2~57 Altered base course to 2200pgc & T. 2358 Speed set at 18 lOlots. 2359 Altered cours~ ~ .:~ to 275 r & perc. ~~ .. l5 \'", ., • i Ed :;t '~ --I'? ..... C. P. Wagner I . f1: APPROVED: EXAMINED: . l; / _:J J2 , 4 7: 1{~6ULSE~F'- --U. S, N Lieutenant R COMMANDING. U, S, N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH v ... OOVElUflfttn' PRun'1NO orFlCI:: ItH 0 ~ .nlOl CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 10-4 'i DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET --..;SUU..w.T...o;El1.oLL________________ UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _.J:F-!:r~j":1d.u01f.,,--:-1-!:-3~-..j;AI.f.plIr:.li..l]--. (Do,)· 1945- 0.10"14) ([Jo/.) GO - 04 oeoo Em'outG from Casco Ib;r, if.:.1inc, to New '{ork, N. Y., on course 225Gr, :;peeJ 17 l:l1ots. In formation with ships of TF 61.2. U:;S SOh'1ErtS (DD-381), m:::; OS\'JALD (DE-767), us:::; EIlERT (DE768), illS KlliKPATRICK (DE-318), illS BURROVIS (DE-115). SOPA in lES SOMEItS. 43 Vi:Jibility decreased duo to fog. Posted fog lookout. 0255 c/c to 200or. LJ' ! •••• "'- Plununer 04 - oe 0400 Steaming as before. 0407 Base course /e to laOer. 0445 Ex~rcised steGring casualty drill - aftGr steering took control. 0448 c/c to 115or~ 0452 Concluded steering casualty drill, resumed normal steering. 0538 Baso npeed set at 19 l~ots. 0744 c/c to 163Gr. ~~.U~ C. VI. Woltz 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as beforo. Base course 163Gr, speed set at full. 0829 Tested gl:l'1Gral alarm und chemical attack alarm - both vlorked satisfactorily. 0845 All hands mustered on station. Uo absentees reported. 1043 Magazine telTJperature reported normal. 1058 Changed course to 261or. 1100 No one is on the sick list, and no OM 10 reported for transfer. 1116 All clocks and chronometo~s reported~cund and set. \"l:>. (.k~ 1,. P. I:oalor 12 - 16 1200 'SteaminG as before. Visibility low. 1236· Altered course to 231'1' and pgc to avoid 0 smull shIp and escort. 1247 Changed course to 261 pgc &. T. ~~ - -. C. P. \v~gne{J , 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1901 Exercised at steering CaSn:ll~~ steering. ~ ~.'plummer 20 - 24 2OCO Steaming as before. Received 2000 reports. 2149 Received notification of death of the President of tho United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by AIN:lV 69. 2210 Ralsed buoy liZ". 2230 Entering outer NeVi York swept chwmel. 2232 Steering variolls com'S0S and speeds . C.W.~ conforming to channel. c, EXAMINED: APPROVED: VI. Jf-- \Iolt~ ~ L{/~:q:~~ Lieutenant Lt. Comdr. U·S. N R U. COMMANDING. s. N.R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. a. OOYIRHW'wr PRJNTIHG orFlCE: Ii .. 0 •• 11101 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE J ('/,-4 'i DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVfJl:RI-1U (RItY. 1-44) -S::.;L1=\T:...;rn.::~.:.-(!,:;D:.:;E:.,.-...:.7..:;6:..;/):L)______________ UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ .::;S,.:;(\;;;t.;:.:'\T(~:l.:.:!lyoL--;J::-:4'!':--...:;A~p7r-=i:=1'---. (lhlV) 19~ (AtoniA) (Dill.) 00 - 04 0000 Enroute from Casco Bay, ~iaino, to I~ev: York, N. Y. In formation v/lth ships of CTG 61.2, illS SOI.:EHS (DD-331), illS KllUQ>ATHICK (D~-318), illS OS\7ALD (DE-767), 153 IJlIT1..1W\'JS (DE-I05) U35 EBERT (DE-768). SOPA in tE!:3 SOI,!EIl.S (DD-381). Stoering various courses and spoeds conform~ inG "nith the outer Nelv York sY/ept channel. 0015 ambrose Llr:ht abeam to port, 3000 yard:;. 0026 Pilot J: A. Melville aboard. 0033 Entering Ambrose Channel. 013/. P(:s:;ed throueh SllGmarine lle"s. 0143 Entering The llarrov/s. 0149 Posted spocial 3ea detc.ll. 0202 Entering Bay Ridee Channol. 0259 Moored starboard side to 36th St. Pier at Brooklyn, N. Y. 0321 Pilot J. 11. Uelville loft the ship. J~ To~k \...~ (ILL L. P. Hertley O/~ - OS 0400 Moored us before. 0750. 'rest.ed General alarm "nd chomical attack alarm. isfactory. ~Q-.l'''' --:tJ FIJ. ":lurnmer Found S!l.t- ·4 00 - 12 aBao Moored as before. Quarter:; for mustor. 0835. Ens. II. K. r:blte 'and Ens. HlliID detached to carry out ComDesLant orders of 11 April. 1945. 0942 ~~mn~nced taking on fresh vIator. '0944 Tested maguzlnes •. Normal. lC{)O R~ports. No abscntees •. No sick for transfer. 1022 COllil,leted tukine on water. ReMivnd :31)00 ea11ons. 1046 Transferrod the followinG men this dat,,: Petito, JuU'.CS F., , SC2c, V-6, um-m to IITS, Norfolk, Vu.·, in uccordanco with COIlCerv1D.nt ~l::::\8~ lotter PIN-l(7), serial J7154-SC of L~ April 1945. Lyons~.nobert F., ,Ttnc, v-6,.'UStm, and DeB~~f' Vernon P., , TLI)c(T), V,-6, mNR, to Rec. Stu., N. x.~, in accordancc with CornServtant speedlctter P16-1(7)1,7l.\ fl~r. 1715/.-SC of 4 Apr-il 1945. Quinn, Dale E., , GM3c(T), V-6, USNR to Rec. Sta., W!lshinGton, n. C., in accordance with ComServForSuU::om ltr. NC-2#,iM (lM45-SC) of 2 Apri1 1945.. 1058 AI] clocks and -c1u'onorneters Vlolmd. 1130 Cupt&in I s kiast held in case of Harris, Denni;:l D., , l%D.c, V-6, USNIl. Offense: Insolence to CPO; threatening to striko CPIlJ. Jq'/arded: Reduction to next inferior rate, but G()ntm1cC mit icated for probationary period of sh: (6) months. 12 - 16 1200 J,iooreti as befoN. 1340 Donald, Willie J., St3c, , USNH, transferred to 011 wrbul t1uthority Service Force Liaisoll Officer. U3S CLA.liI, (DD-JG1) ~~~\'i~4 ]6 ... 20 1600 I,loored as before. 1735 Started takinG fresh \'/uter. "later, 21)00 Gals. 2000 l.:oored as before. Reco ived 2000 reports. 18(;0 Comploted tuldng fresh ~. ~"~J.:J:s C. Ii. '.Joltz ~.~. c. APPROVED~ ~ <..J~\ Lt. Uomdr. L.J,J.:!;:- VI. 'i/ol tz EXAMINED: /}J }; _____ u. s. C?" ..2. , .~ ; 'N< 'POmSEH ~---Lieutenant N R U. S. N, COMMANDING. It NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. •. OOVIRHMItn' PfllKTlNO OFFICE: IiH 0 . 111101 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE ]('5-45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAVPERS-I" (REY. t-4t) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _-',...I..)~I ..:l.\T!..rn ...' ~.l.(DI.l..", ... 4.:.-,.,.L.6\,1.(.>J.,),J",)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:::::S7:tI~n:::d:::::0':.I.y-_;:::'!:1,.:.5----'A:.;·~or=_!!:.i1=---. lDot,) (DAr) n. 0000 l~oored as before - sthd. sIda to J6th ~t. Pier, Brooklyn, moor. It.iQ.. (AI•• IA) Y., llsing ot.andard (!.U.W....atC. W. Y/oltz 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 971.0 Tested seneral ularm·and chomica1 attack alarm - oporRtine properly. <?~.(,.Q~ C. Ii. \'Ioltz 08 - 12 0800 !Joored as bofore. Quartero; for muster - no· absenteos. 0955 I,1.'lt;azilles lnspectfJd conditions norUlal. IGOC Sick call - no men for transfer. 1Lll; Church Call - Meworiul Go:rvices for 10.te President F. D. Roosove1t. ('.LQ.l.J~ C. VI. lio1tz 12 - 16 1200 !.loored as beforo. 1215 Lieut. Doyle P. Butler, DE, roNR, left -ship for telllpor(\ry duty for course in Dama::;e Control Instruction, Philadelphia, Penn., in accordance witb seril~l 525iBA of 9 April 1945. ~ P.·~ v .... 16 - 20 16cc Moored us befo1'e. JS05 Lt. (jg) Theodore R. Arm:;tronG (CjL, USNR, reported aboaJ.'d , SM3c, V-6, mIm and Motz, Alhert A0, , :'lc, V~6, with Vly1io, W. J 0' Jr., USHh, for tl'cn::lportation outdde tho cD!1tinenta1 limits. of the U. So to tho U. So Armed 1.;·3r" cJ.unt Vessel S.S PErERSBUHG, in aecordanco wiLl! U. S. naval Armed Guunl Center orders sui' •. AGCT-3S'635 of 11. April 1945. 0 g~ 20 - 24 2000 f.1oored m:; beforo. AJl eight o'clock reports rr.ade. 2045 Fortson, E. D., GLl3c, 604 69 94 USHR and Dankulick, GeorGe (n), . , S2e(GC), V-b, lCilH, reported aboard for duty, in &.c~ordance with IT. 3. N..v.1.1 Hoceiving 3"\"£.tion, l'ior 92, orders #115 o.nd #13 of 15 April 1945, respectively. 2110 Commenced tal:ing on fresh l!ater. 2150 Completed taking on fresh watar, ;:500 gals abourd. fv...a..o~ ... .PJ. CoP • ~laL~({ - - . v d4 EXAMINED: APPROVED: --U s. -) ,/A./ }/ :/ (}'..... ~ ff ;'i'OUl.$1i;H ~ ~. Lieutenant N R U. CO ...... ANDING. s. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH "'ONTH U. I. OOVIR",,'N'T PKUn1HO OFFICI.: I... o· 111101 CONFIDENTIAL 106-45 PAGE DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVM:A5-1S4 (REV •• -....) ...lISUUo!!ll.TFlli:l l...-'(u.Du;.El!:-'..17.s<66Q.)L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....V~o~nd..,a~y~---;~16~--,A~p~r~UbL_. I~ UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ (Da,) (AI•• tl) (Da/,) 00 - 04 0000 Moored starboard side to seaward berth of 36th St. Pier, Brooklyn, N. Y., using standard moor of six lines. SOPA is CTG 61.2 in res SONERS at 34th St. Pier. In oompany with 4 units of TG 61.2. No further remarks. ~~.l..AJO . " C. P.CW;~ 04 - 08 0400 1I0ored as before. 0600 Quarters for IIIUI!Iter' ~ one absentee, OINeill, T. P •• Slo, USNR, AOLibertr. 0610 500 gals. fresh watel' aboard. 0705 OINeUl, T. P., 510, USNR, reported aboard four (4) hours and five (5) .mutes ~~e~t over l:~~Y. /.fi;:~. '. .. . 6-:"P. CWagnl~- . 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0815 Set special ••a detaH. 0828 IT Eugene .,. Meseck along port side. 0831 Pilot James Fagerstom aboard. 0832 Underway !rom New York, N. Y., 'to' United Kingdom, in oompliance with CinCLant .ecret Service Dispatoh Part Two 062053 of April. Standing out of harbor to rendezvous and act as escort of convoy CU-66, Captain at OClllD, Navigator 00 bridge, steering various courses to oonform with channel. ()847 Pilot Disembarked. 0848 IT Eugane F. Ueseok cast off. 0850 Entered Bay Ridge Channel'. 0901 Cleared The Narrows. 0916Passed through subDarine nets. 0955 Cleared Ambrose Channel •. Entered New York Outer Harbor Swept Channel. 1000 Reports. No absentees; no men for transfer. 102~8spect 'magaz1n,e8j' normal. 1054 All clocks and ohronometers wound. (. ~~ ...... i..../'- -- . .,. PIUIIIlIIer .• " 12 - 16 _ l200 Steaming as before, various courses and apee~s oonforming to'swept channel, awaiting formation of ConvOY' Cu-66. l234 Manned battle statioos. 1326 Seoured" !rom manning be..ttle stations. 1559 Point oz· abeam to stbd., 1500 )'ds., base course Om .(O.~.~~ '. c. W. Woltz I 16 - 20. " I 1600 Steaming as before, bas~ course 087~. 1617 ConvOY' speed set at 10 ~ots. 1&>6 ConvOY' speed set at 14 kts. 1900 Exeroised steering casualty drUl. Art steering took centrol. 1922 Secured !rOIl drU1, resumed normal. steering. '~ \... 71'. /tL,l. L. P. Hea1e 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. . All eight 0 I clock reports made. 2034 Steering casualty drill - art steering took centrol. 2055 Resumed normal steering. 2216 Ordered to take Day Static:m 1/2, Table #4, F1'P 223A, increased by 1000 yards. 2336 tBS SOUERS (DD-381) pulled ahead to investigate surface contact. Ship riding easily ~ . .. ~~ ' ••~"'O'~ M. Lt. COIiQr. ' EXAMlNED: U.S. N ,;0) (;..J~ ~.. ~: POUlSEN Lieutenant R u. COMMANOING. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED 01RECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL ~ERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u... QOY&JlHWEN'T PfWfTINO OFfiCE: It44 0 - 111101 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 107-45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAvn"S-I~ (REV. '-4C) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ ~S~U!!:TDt~~(!:!.D±!E:::.-7c.66:!::!.J.)~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -,T::..;u;;;e,=,sd~a'.LY--;-f:177:----=A'?pr~i~1,--_. ,g~ /Da/.) (D<lr) (AlonlA) 00 ~ 04 COOO Enroute New York, N. Y., to United Kingdom, in oomplianoe with CinCLant Secret Service Dispatoh, Part Two 062053 ot April. Proceeding to rendezvous with Boston seotion of Con"lOY Cu-66. Base course 0S'flr, speed 14 kts., our speed 16 ]mots. Patrolling station '2 as set forth in Fl'P 223.A, Table 114. Convoy Commodore in res MEIGS. ~E80ort Co odore in res SOMERS (DD-38l). Visibility decreased due to fog. '-r- 1. .-' ... " _ • F. Plummer 04 - 08 0400 Steam1:Qg as before. Convoy c:n base oourse Om, speed 14 ]mots. 0738 Convoy chllll'¢ base course to 092'if. Fog somewhat .1if'ted, viaibility 4000 yels. (!.W.l.D~ c. W. Woltz 08-l2 0800 Steaming a. before. Convoy c:n ba~e course 092~, speed 14 knot.. 0830 Tested: general alar. and ohemioa1 attack alarm, worked satisfactorily. 0847 llustered c:n station; no absentees. 1008 Spink, G. 11'., RdJl3c, and Elze, E. G., Flc, c:n sick list. No c:ne reported for transfer. 1033 Jlagazines inspeoted, temperatures reported normal. 1035 Exeroised steering casualty drUl, aft steering took oontro1. 1044 Resumed normal steering. 1112 All clocks and . chrc:noll9ters wound and set. 1125 Boston seotic:n of convoy-, cU-66, esoorted by 1lSS POOLE (D~-15l) 1lSS PETERSON (DE-l52), res BARVESON (DE-3l6), USS JOYCE (DE-317), joined up. . \...~-IL.~ L. P. Healey\f ~ l2 - 16 1200 modified to drill _ aft showers and Steaming as before.on station 112, Table 114, FTP 2231, for eight escorts 12 oolUllllls, 0000 relative fran column 114, distance increased 1000 yards. 1317 Steering oasUalty steering took oontrol. 1420 Resumed normal steering. Ship rolling moderately: Rain occasional low visibility. /~;;.I-rLo ' .J I .... _ 8:'P. ~gn~9"~ ( 16 - 20 . 1606 Ste~ming as betore c:n station 1/2 table 114, FTP 223A for eight escorts 12 oolumns. Base oourse 092"'1', speed 14 knots. 1730 Base course ohanged to lOOc;.. 1748 Exeroised after steering drill. 1810 Resumed normal steering. 1857 Exeroised after steering drill. 1914 Resumed ~~ normal steering. lJ ~. ... nummer v,~ 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. Reoeived 2000 reports. 2008 Changed base course to 120o.n, 2220 Exeroised at steering casualty drill, aft steel'ing took oontro1. 2224 Resumed normal steering. ·~~GJ~ C. W. Woltz "'~"'D~~ ~ '1:~ ... u. s. EXAMINED: J:! If.h .G/tA....~~ ~ j N R H. POULSEN Lieutenant U. COMMANDING.' s. N_ R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAl. PERSONNEl. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U, I. OOVJ:RtfWEtrT PRINTtHO orFICE; I'" 0 ~ '11101 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 108_45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAVP£RS-l)4 (REV. 1-"') UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..QS~IJtdTuER~.J(J,lD~E~-71J66;&,j)c.._________ ..:;W:..::e:;:dn"7'-e8""d...,a""y~1~S_--=A~pr~il=--_. IV~ (Do,) (MoIIIA) (Do/,) 00-04 0000 EDroute frOlll Hew York to United KingdOlll in compliance with CinClant Seoret Service Dispatch Part Two 062053 of April, escorting Convoy CU-66. Base course 120"'r, speed 14 knots. Ship's speed set at 420 rpm. Patrolling station 1/2 as set forth in FTP 2231, Table 1/4. Convoy Commodore in WS!GENERAL U. C. Ml!:IGS (APQ1l6), Escort Commodore in tBS SOUERS (DD-38l). 0035 Exercised steering oasualt,. drill. After steering took control. 0055 Secured from drill, resumed normal steering. 0100 All clocks advanoed one (1) hour to 0200 (Peter) Zone &;3 time. \...~. t~c..L....., L. P. Bea1~yt-' 04 - OS ., 0400 Steaming as before. 0449 Steering casualt,. drill .. aft steering took control. -0504 Resumed normal steering. Sbip rolling moderatel,.. ~~ &,:,'p ~ Wa~ - - OS .. 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0830 Tested general alarm and chemical alarm. Satisfactorj:. 0917 Exercised after steering drill. 0945 Resumed normal steering. 0954 llade daily test of magasines. 101'11&1. 1008 Reports. No absentees. Ho un for :transter~ 1015 Convoy exercised at emergency turns. 1100 Convoy cOlDlllenced zig zagging on zig zag d am #10. 1100 All clocks and ohronometers wound. 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1225 Convoy course changed to 132~. 1252 Con'Yo,. speed. set at 12 knots. l440 Exercised at steering oasualt,. drill, art steering took control. 1456 Cono~uded drill, resumed normal steering. . ~ U. ~ ~ . C. W. Woltz 16 - 20 . 1600 Steaming as before. 1631 Convoy ohanged course to 120~ ~18l7 Relieved 'of station 1/2 Fl'P223A by 1m CSWAW (DE-767). 'l',ook station pioket 1/1. 1825 Convo,. speed obanged.to 14 1qlots. 1843 Exercised steering oasualt,. drill. mal steering. Bridge took centrol. Aft steering took control. 1915 Resumed nor- \...~.lit~ L. P. Beale~ 20 - 24 2000 steaming as berore~ All eight o'olock reports made. 2005 Convoy altered course to 09S 0 pgc & '1'. 2146 Steering casualt,. drill - art steering took control. 2206 Resumed normal steering. 2343 Ordered by arG 0 6l.2 to execute his 181845 to proceed to point LL to intercept STK PEl'ERmJRn. Set course 083 pgc & '1', speed 18 kts. Ship riding smoothl,.. 'C«:~ APPROVED: EXAMINED: ~ Lt. Cow.· U.S.N R IJJ},V~ -'-iir. ~: POULSEN R Lieutenant U. S. N. COMMANDING. NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U... GOVIJUfUJ:HT ftllHTIHCl OffiCI: It44 0 - tnlOt CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 109-45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _--:-_ _ -Io!.Sy.tiWTu.ER;!lL..!J(DIlJEOI!-:J7~66.\l)L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... T~hur~sd-...ayl--~1~9-:--_A~pr~1... l - - , ,J.,L (Dor) (Dot.) CM•• Il) 00 - 04 0000 Underway from Nell' York, N. Y. to United Kingdom, in oompliance with CinCLant Secret Service Dispatch Part Two 062053 of April, escorting CU-66. Convoy base course 0950f speed 1.4 kts. USS<;SrllTER (DE-7Q6) temporarily detached and proceeding to rendezVous with srI PEl'ERS" BORG. On base oourse 083'\', speed lS knots. 0009 c/o towssor. 02 Exeroised after steering drill. 0123.Resumed normal .teering. ~ • F. Plummer 04 - os 0400 Steaming as before·, on oourse 08S<lr to intercept STK P~ERSBURG. 0622 c/o to ;100~. 0640 Exeroised at steering casJ,lalty drill, art .teering took control. 0709 Concluded drill; re8UJIed normal .teering. . L.Q ~ a.l.J. c. W. Woltz 0800 Steaming as before em course 1oo~, speed 18 knots. 080S Exercieed steering casualty drill, aft st~ring took cemtrol. 0813 Resumed normal steering, bridge took control. 0820 Changed course to 12S-". 08)0 Tested Genera11larm and Chemical Attack AlIl'1ll; tested satisfactorily. 0831 Effected rendezvous with STI PEl'~tIlG. 0833 Sounded Genera111arm. J.11 hands called to battle .tations. Approached STK P~ERSBURG em etarboard side, .teering 312or, in preparation for passing personnel and gear. 0851 First line. over to STK PEl'UISBURG. 0902 Commenced passing persgnnel and_gear. 0926 Secured frOil pas.ing personnel and gear. Transferred to the STK PEl'ERSBURG Lt.(jg) 1rmetrcng, USNR, 1. A. Uetll; S1I3c, USNR, -W. J. Wiley, S1I3c, USNR, ten (10) pieces ofbaggage and three (3) TBY batteries. All personnel and gear was passed to STI P~ERSBlRG without injury or damage. 0927 In company with STK ~mSBtlRG., steering 300or, speed 15 knots, .etting out to rejoin convoy CU-66. 0943 Steering various courses, speed set at standard, have. taken poaition 2000 yds. ahead of STI PETERSBURG. 1027 Made rendezvous with convoy CU-66. Convoy course 095ot, speed 14 knots. 1030 !:1ze, E. G., Flc, on Binnacle List, no Dne reported for transfer. 1032 Convoy changed course to 0860i'. 1109 All clocks and chronometers wound and set. 11.43 111 repair parties man battle stations. Looking for a noatingcorpse. \:\:>.(lutL ~ L. P.'Hea1eT 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1203,Secured ~epair parties - no objeot found. Ste~ming 2000 yards ahead of STIrPETERSBtlRG. while latter approached station "75" in convoy. 1420 STK PETERSBURG assuming station "75" in convoy. Began patrolling station #9, astern oonvoy, FrP228A, Table 5. 1517 All dgines ahead full - steering various oourses aM speeds for approaching and going alongside USS SOYmS (00-381) for mail. 1525 All hands man battle staticns. Ship riding easily. ~tI~ ~o~ c. P. W;~er"'-' 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1610 Passed line to USS SOYERS (00-3S1). 1613 Commenced receiving mail frOll lSS SOUERS. 1617 Secured trOll reoeiving mail • .;t.618 USS SOlDllS cast off all lines. 1619 Secured from General Quarters. 1619 Proceeding to station #3, PTP22.3A, Table 5. 1647 Exercised after steering drill. 1706 Resumed normal steeririg~ . . .c5or«~ @') :P1ummer 20 - 24 . I~,~,,,. 2000 Steaming as before. Received 2000 reports. 2045 EHrcised at steering casualty dr~!<~':;'JiJ aft steering 1Jook cemtro1. 2048 Concluded drill, resumed normal steering. 2204 Exeroised at I ~·ci .:.~~! steering casualty drill, aft steering took control. 221.4 Cono1uded drill, resumed normal steer-I' ~ . ::~~ t.IJ, tJ~ .~~: : C. W. W01tzlr~1 ing. \--_ . .~. ~; APPROVED: EXAMINED, ~I.t. CO!!'Xir.· u· s. N' R· COMMANDING. Lieutenant U.S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U, J. OOVUH1olEHT PftlJlTlHG O"ICE: I ... 0 ~ 111101 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 110-45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ ~S~tt!LTL!ERi!lL...1(~D~E=_-7~6~6~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -,Fr'-7.:i:,;d:",a>J-y_~270:--!A~pr~U8-_. n~ (Dor) - (M•• IA) (Dolt} 00 - 04 0000 UnderwaY' from New York, N. Y., to United Kingdom,' in compliance with CinCLant Secret Service Dispatch part two 062053 of April~ Escorting oonv0Y' Cu-66 on base course 0860f with speed set at 14 knots. llaintaining patrol in zig zag maneuver on station #3 in Fl'P 2231. Convoy- Commodore in ms GENmAL U. C. MEIGS. Escort Commander in USS SOMmS (DD-38l). 0104 Exercised at steering casualtY'. Aft steering took control. 0125 Resumed normal steering wheelhouse took control. ' \.:V, \4~ L. P. HealeY'\) 04 - os 0400 Steaming as before. ,0430 Steering casualtY' drill - aft steering took control. R••uaed normal st....ing. Ship riding •••ily. to ground ....ll.«~ 0514 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0830 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm. Found satis faotory- • 0846 Uustered on stations; no absentees. 0906 Exercised at steering casualtY' drill. 0937 Resumed normal steering. ~40 Exercised at General Quarters. Set condition Able. Carried out closure drill. ~48 /12 main engine seC'Ul'ed tor repairs'. 1028 Completed clos1.U"e drill. '1029 Commenced fire drill. S1JDulated ooming alongside port side of burning merohant vessel. Placed thirteen inch hose in operation. 1047 Secured from fire drill. 1048 Seo1.U"ed from General . Quarters. 1107 llagazines lested, normal. 11ll Sick call. No siok, mn for transfer. 1131 112 main engine back in operation. It 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1236 Commenced exeroises 'and Fleet maneuvers in accordance with orders from Escort Commander. 1400 Completed exercises and. Fleet maneuvers. 1415 Exercised atsubmarine salvage drill. 1431 Se01.U"ed from submarine salvage drill. 1500 All clocks advanced one bo1.U" to 1600 (Zone &2 time). e.LJ#~ c. W. Wbltz . 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as befsre. l63P USS PEl'msON bas sound contact, dropped depth charges. 0 1632 Convoy- executed two 45 emergencY' turns to the right. 1642 Convoy- executed another two 45 emergency turns to the 'left. 1643 Sound contact evaluated to be falee. USS PEl'msON (DE-15a) and tss BtBRCMS (DE-l05) assigned to investigate area of sound oontact tor a period of thirty (30) minutes. 1707 Investigation ot USS PEl'ERSON (DE-152 ) and USS BURROWS (DE-l05) negative. Rejoining convoy. 1727 USS BURROWS (DE-l05) on station. 1805 USS PEl'rnsON (DE-152) on station. 1858 Exercised steering casualty drill, art steering took control. 1913 Resumed normal steering, bridge took control. \.. Ii." f1 L. P. Healey .r. 1- 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. 2003 USS 801lFllS (DD-3Sl) investigating 011 slick on course 200CT. COD 22 in USS PEDI~OV1(DE-152) ordered to assume ccommand of the screen. 15S KIRKPATRICK (DE-3lS) ordered to 4nnatigate oil sUok on C01.U"se 020<>r for ten miles. 2115 Steering casualtY' drill aft steering took control. 2137 Resumed normal steering. 2138 USS KIRKPATRICK (DE-3lS) resumed station in screen. 2327 CTG 61.2 assumed oommand of the screen as USS SOliERS (DD-381) resumed station 111 in the screen. Ship riding eas11y. ~~/5~_, r.r. 'tiagn;r~ I APPROVEDl EXAMINED: " ~... ,. ~ .J./ }; '-7-~,--, ''1I~. N• ' POUlSEN Lieutenant U S. N R U. S. N, COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE ,.ORWARD£D DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEl- AT THE ENO OF EACH MONTH U. I. OOYDlHUEHT PRlHTlNG OFFICE: IiH 0 - InlOl ~ CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 111-45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET NAYnItS-U.4 (REV. 1-"") -"'S""U ...T.. .,ER!:!U..-lC.."P""E<=-.. L7-"'66::u.. )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. S... at~urd ......6liatJyt-~21oL--...oEA~plou..r...U"""-_. I9L UNITED STATES SH,P _ _ _ _ (Dor) (MonlA) (Dolt} 00 - 04 0000 Underway from Hew York to United Kingdom, in compliance with CinCLant Secret Service Despatch part two 06.2053 of April, escorting CU-66 on base course 0860X', speed 14 knots. On station 3, FTP 2231, Tabl. 115. Convoy Commodore in USS W. G. MEIGS. Escort Command.r in WS SOMERS (DD-381). 0116 Exercised after steering drill. 0143~eaumed ormal steering • ~ . , F. Plummer . 04 -- 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0520 Exercised at steering casualty drill. 0523 Concluded· drill, resumed normal steering. 0659 Convoy c/c to (!. LJ~ mar. : . . : LQ. C. W. Woltz . 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as betore. 0830 Tested general and chemical attack alarm, tested satisfactorily. 08.44 Exercised steering casualty, art steering took control. 0845 All hands mustered on station., no abs.nt•••• 0914 Resumed normal .t.ering, whe.lboua. took oontrol. 0953 Made daily inspeotion of magazines, conditions normal. 1029 Sick report, none on binnacle list, none for transter. 1055 Convoy changed course to 086~. 1113 All clocks and chronometers wound. and set. . ~ l~.( L. P. Healey 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 121~ Steering casualty drill - aft steering took control. ~54 Resumed normal steering. 1300 Held submarine boarding and. salvage drill. 1315 SL radar sec}ll"ed for repalrs. 14OO·Secured from submarine boarding and salgage drill. 1421 SL radar back ~ operation. Ship riding easily. ~~//1...A.JL ~ 1-11 ~~.~~~r-' 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1638 Sick call. Ho men for~ranSfr •. 1806 Exerc,"sed after steering drill. 1834 Resumed normal steering. ~ . • lummer 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. Received 2000 reports. 2126 Exercised at steering casualty drill, aft steering took contr~l. 2133 Concluded drill, resumed normal steering. ~ U. ~,.ffJ:C. W. Wolt;--- ~ APPROVED: EXAMINED: ~~ Lt. Comdr. . U S.N R J/)J.~~ H. N. POULSEN Lieutenant U. S. COMMANOING. N.R NAVIGATOR TO BE P"ORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH U••• OOYUNWENT PRlHTlHO orrlC.t: It44. 0 - Ilftol CONFIDENTIAL ]]2-45 PAGE DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .;. S. :o:un:;: d"-:..... ay_--,.:2-=.2__A~Pcr:..:l=1_ _ • I~~ ....ISoulJt"-I!UT...IiERIiL..l..(Dil:E!i!:-::..7~66~)!..__ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Do,) (DaI,) (M•• tA) 00 - 04 . 0000 Underway from New York to the United Kingdom in compliance with CinCLant secret service dispatch part two 062053 of April. Escorting Convoy' Cu-66 on base course 086'T with speed set at 14 knots. Maintaining zig zag patrol on station 13 in Fl'P 2231 table #5. Convoy Commodore in GEBBRAL U. C. Ml!:IGS. Escort Couunander in tlSS SOYERS (DD-381). 0041 Exercised steerin~ casualty drill, aft steering took control. 0100 All clocks advanced one (1) htmr to 0200 (&) one time, zone (nan). 0210 Resumed normal steering, bridge took control. \..-:r.I~ L. P. Healey! 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0647 Steer~g casualty drill - aft steering took control. 0709 Resumed normal steering. Ship rolling to 25 to freshening HYl S88S. 0735 Convoy' altered course to 0800 pgc & T. . ' ~. C. P. or wagrl'"er . t51? . 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0830 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm. Satisfactory. 0847 Vustered on stations. No absentees. 0849 Exarcised after steering drill. 0914 Resumed normal steering. 1045 Sick call. No patients for transfe 1130 All clocks and chronometers wQUnd. 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1420 Convoy' c/c to 0770£ .• 1436 Exercised at steering casualty drill, art steering took con~rol. 1450 Concluded drill, resumed normal steering. . : t.U~~ c. W. Woltz 16 - 20 .1600 Steaming as before~ 1702 Exeroised steering casualty, aft steering took control. 1709 Changed convoy course to 072~. 1715 Resumed normal steering, .wheelbouse took control. l8l9 Flores Island, Azores, abeam to port, 23 miles. \..:-t>. I~~_ L. P. Hea1~ 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. 2113 Steering casualty drill - art steering took control. 2139 Resumed normal steering.' Ship rolling heavily to quartering seas. Oocasional rain C/ ~ showers. C. P.' Ylagner APPROVED: ~~ EXAMINED, , Lt. Comdr. US.N R 4. ::::; Ii ))V~- ./ ~ N: POUISEN Lieutenant U. S.N. COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL. AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. I. GOVDUfWEHT PlUHTlHQ or,ICE; ItU o· 1.,101 CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 113-45 DECK lOG-REMARKS SHEET .A....Tu;F.R:.u.....-\(DlLVOc.J.......7t.t;M 1UJ.)--------- _.."U,:,o...,nd".,ai!,;XI--...,.::<2,,3,..-_aAprlloLi...l,,--_. 18~ UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'Sw.I ... ·(Do,) (AI•• ,,) (Dalc) 00 - 04 0000 Underway from Hew York, H~ I., to United Kingdom, in compliance with CinCLant secret dispatch, part two, 062053 of April. . Escorting Convoy cU-66 on base oourse 072~, speed 14 knots. Patrolling on station 113 in Fl'P 223 A, Table 115. Convoy Commodore in II. G. MEIGS.. Esoort Commander in tBS SOllERS (DD-38l). 0200 Exeroised arter steering dr 1. 0233 Resumed norlll8l. steering. 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0510 Exercised at steering casualty drill, aft steering took control. 0514 Conoluded drill, resumed nOl'll8.l steering • .e. w.t.,J,wolt;--:S U,.~I-- . C. 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0830 Tested general and chell1cal attaok alarIl; test satisfactory. 0845 All bands IlUstered on stations, no absentees. 0935 Daily ..gazine inspection, oonditions normal. 0936 Exeroised steering oasua1t7 drill, an. steering took oontrol. 0949 Resumed normal ateering, wheelhouse took control. 1035 Sick report, lIalkowski, GlI2o, on binnacle list, none for transfer. 1133 All olocks and ohronometers wound and set. ' ·l:r.~. L. P:Ueale9 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. mO General Quarters - sound contaot. 1248 Secured trom general quarters - oontaot falae. 1300 Held Submarine Boarding" Salvagg Drill. 1400 Secured .froll Submarine Boarding" Salvage Drill. l410 Convoy altered OOUl'Se to 076 pgo "T. '1446 Steedng casualt7 drill .. art steering took oontrol. 1514 Resumed normal steering. Ro1ling moderat.ely to stern seas, occasional rain squalls. . LA ~ ur If C. P. .A _ • • ~e';/'~ '16 ... 20 I 1600 Steaming as before. l~ Exercised after steering drill. 1852 Resumed normal steer- 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. Received 2000 reports. 2241 Exeroised at steering casualty drill, aft steering took control. 2258 Concluied drill, resumed normal steering. ~ lJ.lJ JI:--- c. W. Wol~ U n L?~ ~ ~ 'R ~ PO~SEH <-.-- APPROVED: EXAMINED, Lieutenant U· S. N R COMMANDING, U.S. N'R NAVIGATOR TO BE P'ORWAROEO OlRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END 0 ... EACH MONTH u ... OOV&aHWENT PlWlTfHO orFlCI: 1'44 0 - ' 'lOtI CONFIDENTIAL PAGE ---=1.:!:14~...~4:i:..5,--_ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED ST ATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -'S~IUj.AiJ'I'.:.lm:.I:L...\,{uDE.c..:::-71J6:l161.,)L________ ....T...UB _____s... d.aa~'1---12"'41o-..-AAprll (Do,) (Dol,) ,ID..A2 (AI•• IA) 0000 Enroute from New York, N. Y., to the United Kingdom, in oompliance with CinCLant secret service dispatch part two 062053 of April. Esoorting convoy cU-66 on baae oourse 0760J', with convoy speed set at 14 knots. Maintaining zig zag maneuver while patrolling on station three (3) in Fl'P 2231, table five (5), Convoy Commodore in GENERAL II. G. MEIGS, Esoort Commander in tBS SOIlmS (00-381). 0100 Exercised steering casualty drill, art steering took control. 0100 All clocks advanced one (1) hour to 0200 (~ zone) time. 0220 Resumed normal steering, wheelhouse took oontrol. ~ l.t'· l L. P. Healey 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0508 Steering casualty drill - aft steering took oontrol. Resumed normal steering. 0639 Convoy altered course to 069'"'1' & pgc. Ship riding easily. ~ fiJ..bd_ C. P. 0533 .JLh 'Waritr-' 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0830 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm. Satis0928 Exercised after steering drill. 0948 Resumed normal steering. 0950 lIustered on No absentees. 1019 Ilnspected magazines. Hen-mal. 1120 1 olocks and chronometers factory. station. wound. 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1405 Convoy c/s to 12 knots. 1556 Exercised at steering Qasualty drill, art steering took control. 1559 Concluded drill, nen-mal steering resumed. :t~-~ 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1601 Convoy speed ohanged to 14.5 knots. 1605 Held Captain's Mast; O'Neill, Thomas P., Slc, , USNR, offense! absent over liberty four. (4) hours. Awarded loss of ten (10) liberties. Nelson, Albert F., Slc(FCR), , USNR, offense: failure to man speoial sea detail, awarded deck court. Clark, George W. ,Jr., Slc, , USNE, offenses negligenoe of duty as port lookout, awarded: loss of ten (10) liberties. 1706 Exercised steering casualty drill, aft steering took control. 1718 Resumed normal steering, wheelhouse took oontrol. \..i> . ~. \~ L. P. Healey 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight 0' clock reports made. 2134 Steering casualty drill aft steering took control. 2150 Resumed normal steering. Ship riding easily. t:/?//~-,~., C. P. Wagne~ EXAMINED: APPROVED: vN.h.C?~ H. tf. POULSEN Lieutenant U. S. N. COMMANDING. R TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. I. QOVDJfUIMT PRJ.ItI'OIO orrlCI: NAVIGATOR I'" 0 - tnlOI .' J J 5-~ 5 PAGE DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAV-'Ra-lJ.4 (R£V. 1-4f) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ >l.SA!IJl~Tl.JERi!ll......l("'D~E!!:-:..L7J.!66!.1.)L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -,Wl.lie":!dUJn...e",,s.lol.d... ayl-,-:,...2Lo5,--_A2:p~r,-,i....110-_. lDkL (MoRll) /Dol,) ·(Dar) 00 - 04 0000 Enroute from New York, N. Y., to United Kingdom, in compliance with CinCLant secret service dispatoh, part two, 062053 of April. Esoorting convoy cU-66 on base oOUllse069C1r, speed 14 knots. Maintaining station #3, 8S specified in FTP 223A, table #5. Esoort Commander in USS SQA{$S (DD-381). Convoy Commodore in GEN. U. G. MEIGS. 0102 Exer ed after steering drill. 0142 Resumed normal steering. -' 0400 Steaming as before. 0545 Exeroised at steering oasualty drill, aft steering took control. 0550 Conoluded drill, resumed normal steering. (1. ~. ~ £J c. W. Woltz 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0830 Tested general and 'ohemical attack alarms, test is satisfactory. 0849 Convoy executed emergencr turn 45 0 to port. 0857 Convoy executed emergenoy turn 45 0 to starboard. 0912 Exeroised steering casualty, aft steering took control. 0934 Resumed normal steering, wheelhouse took control. 0946 Made daily inspeotion of magazines, conditions normal. 1034 Sick report; llalkowski, R. G., GM2o, USNR, 'on binnacle list, none for t;ransfer. 1045 Convoy changed. speed to 10 knots. The standard distanca of all stations of escorts from convoy was changed to 4200 yards. 1112 All clocks· and chronometers wound am set. \..,'\>.\~ L. P. Heale~ 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1323 Convoy inoreased. speed to 14.5 knots, at completion of maneuvers in conneotion with rearrangeing ships of convoy. 1330 Steering casualty drill -, aft steering took'control. 1331 Took station 5000 yards-from guide, opening range for station 800 yards, using table 5, FTP 223A, (station no. 3). 1349 Resumed normal steering. Ship riding easily. 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1726 Convoy altered base steering drill. 1940 Resumed normal steering. cO~LCIr~... ~=oised aftar 1} ~ .~lummer 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before.. Received 2000 reports. 2038 Exeroised at steering oasualty drill, aft steering took control. 2044 Conoluded drill, resumed normal steering. e.l..J.U~ : c. W. Woltz EXAMINED: APPROVED: -A.?1,(?~ H. N. POULSEN U. s. N R Lieutenant U. S. N. COMMANDING. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u... OOVDHKINT PIlQ(TIHiO orrlCI: '''4 o· tntoa .. AGE .L10-4.? DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITED STATES SHP _ _ _ _ _~S.... LAIB.T.iJmOO"..J(u,DU;Ei!::-":..l7.!.!6:ld6L)- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thursday 26 April '..u...:(~Da=r-;")~-;-;(Da/~t)--:(A~{.~nl~A)~-·,9 !t2..- 00 - 04 0000 Enroute from New York, N. Y., to United Kingdom, in compliance with CinCLant secret service dispatch, part two, 062053 of April. Escorting Convoy CU-66 on base course 055~, with convoy speed set at 14.5 knots. Uaintaining zig zag maneuver while patrolling on station #3 in FTP 223A, table #5. Convoy Commodore in USS GENERAL M. G. MEIGS, Escort Commander in USS SOMERS (DD-3S1). 0100 All clocks advanced one tl) hour to 0200 Able (-1 zone) time. 0211 Convoy executed emergency turn of 45 0 to port. 0~51 Convoy e:zecuted 45 0 turn to starboard. 0305 Exercised steering casualty drill, aft. steering took control. Oa30 Resumed normal steering, wheelhouse took control. l.\>· \~~ L. P. Heale1' 04 - os 0400 Steaming as before. 0547 Steering casualty drill - aft steering took control. 0603 Resumeg normal steering. O6OS Convoy altered course to 035 0 pgc &T. 0627 Convoy altered course to 000 pgc & T. 0659 Convoy resumed speed of 14.5 knots, with all ships again in good formation. Ship riding easily. Occasional rain showers. ~ v.-& c. p:wagn~ os - 12 osoo Steaming as before. OS30 Tested general alarm' and chemical attack alarm. tory. OS45 Mustered on stations. 0904 Exercised after steering drill. steering. 1000 Magazines tested. Normal. 1000 Reports. No absentee All clocks and chronometers wound and set. Satisfac~115 12 - 16 1200 Steaming as before. 1245 Encountering intermittent fog patches. from escort station #3. 1330 On station #2, in accordance, with FTP 223A. 1257 Proceeding eL.l~~ c. W. Woltz 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 164S Convoy split up into Irish Sea section and English Channel section, by authorization of CinCWA message 231752, part two( of CinCWA's 231804. We are 8scorting Irish Sea Section in company with USS PEl'ERSON (DE-152j, tflS JOYCE (DE-317), USS HAVERSON (DE-316), and a British support group of three (3) ships. There are twenty (20) ships in the convoy, Convoy Conunodore H/V BRmANIC. Escort Commander is CCD 22 in the tflS PEl'ERSON (DE-152). Patrolling station "Dog" !Cl, plan CCl. 1705 Convoy c/c to p3Sor. 1711 General Quarters sounded - suspicious looking object sighted on starboard beam 2500 yards. 1729 Object identified as French type buoy, sunk by gun fire using 40 mDI guns, 20 mm, and small arms. 1731 Secured from General Quarters - returning to station on course 335 Qr. 1809 Exercised steering casualty drill, aft steering took control. lS31 Resumed normal steering, wheelhouse took control. lS57 Resumed station, 1905 Following a1lllllUD.ition expended in sinking buoy: sixty-two (62) rds. of 40 mm; 530 rds of 20 mDI; 200 rds. of .45 cal; 20 rds. of .30 cal. \"~·l~ L. P. Heale~ 20 - 24 2000 Steaming as before. All eight o'clock reports made. 2015 Convoy altered course to 3450 pgo & T. 211S Bishop Rock Light raised 016.5 0 pgc &T., 11.6 miles. 2145 Steering casualty 0 drill - aft steering took control. 2200 Bishop Rock Light abeam at 075 pgc & T., distance 6.1 ',-,-:-~,",", miles. 2211 Convoy altered course to 324°pgc & T. 2217 Resumed normal steering. Ship riding !':;\.'.',.. 'I;~tl' easily. . /.A/?~~ .,;. ''<:;. r:f:'f(;.~ ~ '::~~: ,·5 . . APPROVED: EXAMINED: ~1·:~'1&:.. l}),V~ "<1r.' N.' POUlSEN Lieutenant U. S. N R COMMANDING. U. S, N. R N .. VIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u. •. OOVUNUJ:HT PRlHTlHO orrlCI: I.U 0 • Intot \'~I .l!' l,.;UNt-IUENTIAL DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAyflDtS-'u UtlEV. , ....... ) -=-Fr:o::=-id::-:a::.<Y_-,..:.2=..7!--=.:A,c:pr::..;i::.:l=--_. ,e4L .::.SU=T:.. :ER::.:. . l(::..DE.::.-=-7!.;6::.::6:.t)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·(Dor) (Doll) (M. ./l) 00 - 04 0000 Enroute from New York, N. Y., to Cardiff, Wales, escortin~ Irish Sea section of cu66. Convoy Commodore in LV'v BRrrrANIC. Escort Commander in USS PEl'ERSON lDE-152). CTG 61.2.2 in USS PEfERSON (DE-152). Four esoorts and three in support group. Base course 3241lr, speed 14.5 knots. Patrolling staticm "Dog" ACI plan CCl. 0200 suppo~ ~~ICRE. n Fr. ;lummer 04 - 08 0400 Steaming as before. 0619 Raised Old Kinsale Light, bearing 334C>r. 0700 Commenced coming right at 20 0 intervals, coming to crurse 06001'. 0758 Convoy on new course 068Gr. e.w.l.Jl~ c. W. Woltz 08 - 12 0800 Steaming as before. 0830 Tested general and chemical attack alarm - test satisfactory. 0845 All hands mustered on stations - no absentees.· 0917 Ballycottcm Light abeam to port seven(7) miles. 0927 Exercised steering casualty, shifted steering to aft steering. 0936 Resumed normal steering, steering shifted to wheelhouse. 0955 Sick report - none on binnacle list, none for transfer. 1045 Daily ma~azine temperature report - conditions found to be normal. 1052 Mine Head Light bears 323C>r, ten (10) miles. 1114 All clocks and chronometers wound and set. ll19 British support group consisting of five (5) ships joined, convoy, took stations forming outer screen. L~.~ L. P. Heal~ 12 - 16 . 1200 Steaming as before. 1325 CCD 22 in USS PETERSON (DE-152) ordered detached Bristol Channel section of convoy. 1330 Bristol Channel section of convoy broke off from bish Sea section of. convoy. Section comprised of 9 ships in two colUlIlIls, with Convoy Commodore in ship "41" STK BULK FUEL. Escort Commander in USS SLATER (DE-766), accompanied by British 8th Support Group consisting of 5 corvettes with S.O. Support Group in HMS LOCH ACH ACY b K426. Section came to course 138°pgo & T, speed 14.5 knots. 1501 Convoy altered course to 120 pgc & T. 1551 Convoy altered course to O9S 0 pgo & T. 1544 STK AMIENS, ship "52", reported engine failure. HM5 AIRE K262 ordered to investigate and screen, if necessary. 1557 STK AMIENS repaired engine casualty - resumed station. Sea calm. I~~ c. P. l Cf? WagntJ - -- 16 - 20 1600 Steaming as before. 1643 Sounded general alarm for general quarters. Sound contact. 1645 Commenced dropping charges. 1646 Ceased dropping charges •. Dropped three charges. 1648 Secured from general quarters. Contact classified as wreck. 1645 Convoy changed course to 075OT. 1659 Convoy changed course to llOor. 1700 Fire main in C203L reRorted ruptured due to concussion of charges. Main secured. 1715 Convoy changed course to 098"T. 1739 General Quarters. Sound contact. Maneuvering on various courses. 1743 Commenced dropping charges. 1744 Ceased dropping charges. Dropped five charlJls. 1751 Secured from general' quarters. Contact classified as wreck. 1831 Support group detached. 1832 Hellwick Light Vessel abeam to , 3000 yards. 1942 Sky Weather Light vessel abeam to port 2500 yards. ( 20 - 24 ~" 2000 Steaming as before. Received 2000 reports. 2035 Nash Pt. light abeam to port, 3 miles. 2101 Posted anchor detail. 2132 Cardiff Pilot vessel alongside .. 2133 Pilot T. Hallovan '~\'~" ~") aboard. 2134 Pilot vessel away from ship. 2155 Flatholo Light abeam to stbd, 3000 yds. 2206 b': ..')1, Set special sea detail. 2238 Entering Cardiff Locks. 2243 Moored port side to Cardiff Locks. ~ n :::c!; 2250 Locks closed, commenced flooding. 2253 Locks open to Roath Dock. 2309 Underway from Car- ~ .. ::~; diff Locka. 2321 Entered Roath Dock. 2335 Moored port side to Roath Dock, Cardiff, flsles, using'~ ~ ·~:I standard moor. 2355 Commenced taking fresh water aboard. A I 11 ~ 11 . <? .~,~ C. • (.c.f, Lc.¥ J::#::::, .i.!~';"C;.' C" W. Wolt-z -<:3 I APPROVED; EXAMINED'. / AI. 11 ,(;7>.uu.JL..<.......-...- L::;/H'.' 'N. POULSW Lieutenant Lt. Comdr. U. s. N R U. S. N, COMMANDING,' R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAl- PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u.•. OOVIIUQIIJfT PIIurTlNG orncl:: IH4 0 • InlOI CONFIDENTIAL PAGE UNIT~ 113-45 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET ....\<n ...-.,. (REV•• - . .) STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.!.:S~L!.!ll\~'T'..!'!ERi!._).J(D.t!E£-:.J71..!.6~6u.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S.~a~tur~d~a=.;yl-~2~8~-J.A~pu:r:Ai.. I - - . IV.J.i. (Datil -(Do,) (MoJlll) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side t.o Roath Dock, Cardiff, Wnles, using standard moor of six lines. SOPA in illS SLATER (DE-766). 0025 Completed taking fresh llater aboard 2200 gals. a~-A C. P. \Ya~~.p ~( 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0750 Tested General and Chemical Attack Alarm satisfactorily. :CtP ~~-.~~ . C. P. Wagn;;~t. 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 1000 Captain's personnel' and material inspection held. 1035 Secured from personnel inspection. 1130 Secured from materiel inspection. 111.0 All magazines inspecteq; conditions normal. 1143 All clocks and chronometers wound. 'e.~ 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. 1340 Commenced taking on furl. 1557 Completed fueling. Received 9-J_"'" .~ ~ 1.2,765 gallons. .J F. Plummer 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. No remarks. 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. No remarks. EXAMINED: APPROVED: JJ)/(/~ ~":'H: N.· POUlSEN Lieutenant U. S. N R U. S. N. COMMANDING. R TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH d.•. OOYIllHMIHT PIlDfTDtO orncE: NAVIGATOR I,.. 0 - 111101 PAGE .l.LZ-I.2 DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET UNITEO STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ _-'S,!.JLl\b!ruTUER~_(uD.!..!E£-:..7c6~6:L.)L_ ___________ ..!:S~un~d~ay.l..---.,.~2:.z9,-~A!l:p~r.:.i.:.l--. 191t2·(De,) (M•• 'l) (Dot,) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to Roath Dock, Cardiff, Wales, using standard moor. SOPA in USS SLATER (DE-766). No further remarks. . ~~a)"'''~4 J. F. Plummer 04 -r08 0400 Moored as before. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical alarm. Satisfactory. 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. 0815 Mustered at quarters~ 0820 Commenced taking on fresh water. 0851 Completed taking on water. Received 2500 gallons • .Q924 Inspected magazines. Normal. 11000 Reports. No absentees. No men for transfer. 1125 All clocks and chronometers wound. 12 - 16 1200 Moored as 'Qefore. No remarks. :~.~.~~ . C. VI. Woltz 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1705 USS OSWALD (DE-76?) moored port side to ship's stbd. side, using standard moor. :t.w.i.Q~ • C. VI. Woltz 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. Received 2000 reports. 2235 Completed taking aboard 280(1 gal. fresh water. e,l.J. Lc1 ~ /J -tC. VI. EXAMINEO, APPROVED: Woltz ~ '-41:.~~ ~.. POULSEN Lieutenant U.S. N R u. COMMANOING. S. N. R NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED DIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u.•. OOVIJUfMIHT PIUJfTINCl orrlel: 1.44 o· 111101 CONFIDENTIAL PAGc.l2.:LO..::.-L""..L5_ _ DECK LOG-REMARKS SHEET HAYPEPla-1J.f (fU;V. 1-4f) UNITED STATES SHIP _ _ _ _ _ !::S~U~TER~~(D~E~..::.7L!66~)L_____________ M,!!:o~n~d~a:!,.;yL--~3~OL---'A2:p!!!r~i!:.:1!:....--. IDol,) '(Do,) 1tA2- IM.oIl) 00 - 04 0000 Moored port side to Roath Dock, Cardiff, Wales, using standard moor, lES CSVIALD (DE-767) moored to stbd. side. SOPA in 1£s SLATElt. C,W.l..J. - niC. w. Wo1tz~ 04 - 08 0400 Moored as before. 0750 Tested general alarm and chemical attack alarm. properly. Operating C.u.li~ C. W. Woltz 08 - 12 0800 Moored as before. Quarters for muster, no absentees. 0853 Daily magazine inspection - condition normal. 1108 All clocks and chronometers wound and set. ~.U.W..a{- C. W. Woltz 12 - 16 1200 Moored as before. No further remarks. 16 - 20 1600 Moored as before. 1925 4800 gale. fresh water aboard. ~(~~ C. P. ragr;e# -- . 20 - 24 2000 Moored as before. All eight o'clock reports made. f!f~ APPROVED: EXAMINED, Corer. u. S. N R Lieutenant U. S. N. COMMANDING. :fi. NAVIGATOR TO BE FORWARDED OIRECT TO THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL AT THE END OF EACH MONTH u... OOVUJf'WIHT PR1Jn'lNO OFFICE II'U 0 - 1.,101