Concord Magazine - Parish of Morpeth


Concord Magazine - Parish of Morpeth
The Parish of Morpeth
APRIL 2015 50 pence
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Would you like a service?
A few years ago I had a bit of a surreal conversation with someone on the
telephone. I remember picking up the phone after it rang and being
asked if I could do a service. To which I replied “of course I can what
would you like?” The reply was “Oh a full
service please can you give me an idea of
“Well what sort
cost?” “Well what sort of service do you
of service do
require?” ”Just an oil change please.” To
which I couldn’t resist but to reply “Oh
you require?”
confession then” , at which the phone went
very quiet and the man on the other end
asked “Is this Willis Garage?” “Nope it’s the
”Just an oil
Rev Simon White!”
Apparently Willis and White are very close in change please.”
the phone book! It did get me thinking about
the word ‘service’. What does it really mean?
To which I
Do we go to church to get an oil change or
do we go to church in order to serve God and couldn’t resist
our fellow believers?
but to reply
When I went to my ordination retreat some
10 years ago we were greeted by Bishop
Richardson, a lovely retired bishop, who still
“Oh confession
serves in this diocese. He greeted us with a
tray filled with glasses of sherry. It was a little
odd seeing a bishop standing at the door
serving ordinands. His first words to us were
“Once a deacon always a deacon”.
As many of you know the word deacon is derived from the Greek
diakonos, which means servant, to serve, give service. When we are
priested we are deaconed and therefore called to serve, to model Jesus
who came to serve all of humanity. The final verse in one of my favourite
hymns “Servant King” goes: ‘So let us learn how to serve, And in our lives
enthrone him; Each other's needs to prefer, For it is Christ we're serving.
This is our God, the Servant King, He calls us now to follow him, To bring
our lives as a daily offering, Of worship to the Servant King. ‘
It is just such a sacrificial love that we are all called to model. And if like
me you believe in the priesthood of believers we are all called to be
deacons and priests, we are all called to be sacraments of God’s love here
on earth, and sometimes that can be hard, but that’s why it’s called
sacrificial love!
This month on Low Sunday (that’s the Sunday after Easter) we will be
celebrating all that has gone on in the parish over the last year at our
APCM. I hope you can come and listen to all the great things that are
happening and to give thanks. At that meeting two of our longstanding
Church Wardens will be standing down as they have completed the
statutory maximum of six years of service. Both Pauline Ferguson and Val
Pope have been wonderful examples of sacrificial serving and I would like
to take this opportunity to thank them on behalf of everyone in the
parish for their sterling work and all that they have given over the many
years of service. As we greet two new wardens and give thanks for our
two existing wardens, Brian and Sally, we seek to continue to serve
together not only those in the Church but the communities we live in.
As we look towards Easter, a time of
Hope and New life, we pray together
that by serving each other and our
community here in Morpeth that we
too will become that Hope and New
life that Jesus has become to us
So let us travel with purpose towards
our Easter celebrations giving thanks
for all that we have and all that have
served us and let us be open to serve
each other, not seeking just an oil
change but a full and thorough
service which will keep us on the
path to the heavenly Kingdom.
May you have a blessed Easter.
G Bless. Simon
Who is this handsome
A lot of you will know, but a number of
people won’t recognise him. However,
the scarf he’s wearing has certainly been
seen by members of the church family
at St. Mary’s and St. Aidan’s, as it’s there
that I have worn it.
And the answer to the question? Mr
Herbie Davidson, long-time lay Reader in
our parish, husband of the equally-loved
Kathleen, and father of our very own
Mary Ord.
Not long into my reader training, I had a really special surprise, when
Mary phoned me and asked if I would like her Dad’s scarf. Well, what an
honour! I had first got to know Herbie and Kathleen shortly after Brian
and I were married. Theirs was our first invitation to an evening meal- a
delicious meat loaf, as I remember. As a complete stranger, they made
me feel so welcome, and I always enjoyed visits to their home in
Crawford Terrace.
On one occasion I found out that Herbie, a keen amateur astronomer,
was in correspondence with NASA and even had a piece of Moon rock.
That was also the time he explained how to view the soon-to-occur
eclipse of the Sun safely. Apparently he had been instructing the local
lads in the same skill!
Herbie had a vast knowledge extending over many topics. He was
absolutely fluent in recording and singing tunes in tonic sol-fah, and had a
lovely tenor voice much valued in the choir. He also had a great sense of
Janet Hedley
Every year on the first Friday of March all the churches in Morpeth meet
together to celebrate Women's World Day of Prayer. On the 6th March, we all
met at St Robert's Roman Catholic Church who were the hosts this year. It was
tremendous to see such a huge congregation of both men and women in the
church taking part in a beautiful service which had been prepared by the women
of The Bahamas who took for their theme Jesus said to them: “Do you know
what I have done to you?”
A table covered in a blue cloth, reminiscent of the Bahamian turquoise seas was
positioned at the front of the worship area on which was placed brightly
coloured flowers, a Bible opened at John 13, seashells, flower petals, straw work
and tropical fruit. Members of the choir and band were dressed in bright blues,
yellows and blacks to represent the colours of the Bahamian flag. The readings
and prayers were led by members from all our churches and were thought
provoking. In the beautiful hymns and songs we expressed our praise and
thanksgiving to God. What a joyous noise we made. Our singing was led by
Shirley Foster and Harriet Gilfillan and was accompanied by the United Reform
Ceilidh Band.
During the service a dramatised reading was enacted of Jesus washing his
disciples feet. Jesus said “Do you know what I have done to you? Do as I have
done to you.” In the washing of the feet Jesus sets an example of radical love.
That means love without borders, love that crosses over borders.
And he demands the same from us. We were asked to reflect on this and share
our ideas with those sitting near us. As we closed this time of sharing we were
asked to bring our thoughts together by writing a word or phrase on paper
'footsteps' which we had been given, as to what we could do to express such
radical love in our everyday lives and offered these on the altar to God.
Following the service we adjourned to the church hall for tea which was a lovely
way to enjoy fellowship with people from our different churches as a finale act.
Next year the World Day of Prayer will be on 4th March and will be prepared by
the women of Cuba. Please make a note in your diary - it would be lovely if you
could come along to swell our numbers.
Janice Parks and Pat Shaw
Anglican representatives on the WWP committee.
This was the boys and
girls brigade sleepover
in St Mary's Church,
Friday 13th of February.
It was a fun night, where
nobody got sleep. It
should really be called a
stay awake over.
Mike Brown
The Christian Aid Spring Evening was held on Saturday 7th March in the
Methodist Church Hall to which about sixty men and women attended. These
evenings are held annually in March to showcase the work of Christian Aid in the
world. We began with a supper and, as the talk this evening was to focus on
Ethiopia, we served an Ethiopian-style meal - Doro Wat a chicken stew, Yataklete
Kilkil a vegetable stew and Meir Wat a red lentil and sweet potato dish served
with Injera flat bread (similar to chapatis), followed by all manner of cakes,
which was thoroughly enjoyed by us all. This evening raised £513 for Christian
Sarah Moon, Regional Co-ordinator for Christian Aid in Northumberland, was our
guest speaker and explained that Christian Aid with the expertise of local
partners provide food and shelter after natural disasters and tools and training
for people to make a living in the world's toughest places, provide immediate
relief to victims of brutal conflict from Syria to South Sudan; taking a stand on
sexual violence in Columbia and pushing for peaceful resolutions to conflicts
from Gaza to the Democratic Republic of Congo; help millions of people, from
Kenya to Myanmar, get the kind of life-saving care they need. In a world where
there is enough, Christian Aid are determined to keep on until everyone has their
fair share of the basics they need to build a dignified life - be that food,
education or sustainable energy.
She concentrated on the work being done in Ethiopia and told the story in
pictures of two women - Loko and Adi. Loko, 27 years of age, has a husband but
he is missing most of the time and she has six children to look after. Four times a
week Loko makes a lonely, back-breaking, eight-hour trip to gather wood.
Thorns puncture her thin plastic shoes and she fears being attacked by hyenas at
any moment. It is a task she dreads but she steels herself to do it because if she
doesn't her children will starve. Just two years ago Adi, who is a widow, 47 years
of age, and has eight children to care for, was in the same position. Now thanks
to Christian Aid, she is a thriving business women with big plans for the future.
Sarah expressed her grateful appreciation to all the Morpeth churches for their
wonderful support in raising funds for Christian Aid work and ended her talk with
a quote from Margaret Mead, Anthropologist "Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing
that ever has."
The next fund-raising event will be Christian Aid Week 10th - 16th May House to
House Collection. On Saturday 9th May there will be a book and plant stall in
Morpeth Town and an Ecumenical Service on Sunday 10th May. More details
about these events in due course. If you have two or three hours to spare during
that week to deliver and collect envelopes in various locations in Morpeth, Janice
Parks and Margaret Siggins, who are our church representatives on the Christian
Aid Committee, would be delighted to hear from you.
Janice Parks and Margaret Siggins
World Book
Day at
Morpeth All
We made models
of churches after
visiting St James’
We are now
learning about
It’s been a real privilege to have served as a parish
Churchwarden for a number of years and I’d be less
than truthful if I said I was looking forward to
stepping down this month.
In fact I’m very sad indeed, because it’s been so
much a part of my church life for so long. I know the
rules and regulations suggest that six years is long enough for anyone to
undertake the job and we’re being encouraged to make way for new people, but
it ‘s not easy to walk away when you still feel you’ve got something valuable to
I have to say some thanks now. To my brilliant husband, the lovely Dave, whose
support has never been less than total and without whom I couldn’t have
managed a fraction of what the job entails; to my fellow Churchwardens, all of
whom are totally solid and dependable and to the people of St James (you know
who you are) whose resilience is astonishing and whose faith and prayers have
been of inestimable value, especially when I’ve been under pressure, irritable or
insecure. Those who know me well, know that what’s on the face doesn’t
necessarily reflect what’s going on inside. If I looked grim, or failed to smile or
whatever, it’s because a lot of the time I was feeling that I wasn’t doing a good
job, or that I was letting people down. There’s a lesson there, somewhere.
So, hopefully we will have a new Churchwarden to look after St James after the
APCM and I’m absolutely certain that you will all show the same kindness and
offer the same wonderful support to my successor as you have shown and
offered to me.
I don’t know what the future holds ; what I’ll continue to do or not to do; what
opportunities may or may not arise. In that, I am no different from anyone else
who faces any kind of change—any adjustment from what was, to what is to be.
Yes, it’s an uncomfortable and rather frightening time, but it’s also an
opportunity to take stock; to pause and to think . Above all it’s about trusting
that God won’t let any of us down when we’re feeling vulnerable.
Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany (what a name), was
an Irish writer and dramatist, who published under the name Lord Dunsany.
This quotation of his pretty well sums it up for me at the moment.
“Everyone's future is, in reality, an urn full of unknown treasures, from which all
may draw unguessed prizes.”
So let’s see what happens next ……….
Val Pope x
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Lemon and Pistachio Easter Cake
For the cake:
175g butter, softened
175g golden caster Sugar
Finely grated zest of 2 lemons plus 3 tbs juice
3 medium eggs
225g self-raising flour + 1 tsp baking powder
For the marzipan:
100g pistachios
50g ground almonds
75g golden caster sugar
75g icing sugar
1 medium egg white, lightly beaten
For the butter icing:
75g butter, softened
75g icing sugar, plus extra for dusting
1 tbsp lemon juice
Chopped pistachios, to decorate
Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4. Grease and base line 2x20cm
sandwich tins. To make the marzipan, put the pistachios in a food
processor and blend until finely ground Add the almonds, caster sugar,
icing sugar and the egg white and blend to a paste.
For the cake, put the butter, sugar lemon zest, eggs, flour and baking
powder in a bowl and beat with a hand-held electric whisk until pale and
creamy. Beat in the lemon juice and spoon a quarter of the mixture into
each of the tins. Level the surfaces.
Halve the pistachio marzipan and roll out each piece on a surface dusted
with icing sugar until slightly smaller than the tins. Press gently over the
sponge filling and cover with the remaining mixture. Bake for 35-40
minutes or until risen and just firm to the touch.
Loosen the edges of the cakes with a knife and transfer to a wire rack to
For the icing, beat the butter with the icing sugar until light and fluffy.
Beat in the lemon juice and use to sandwich the cakes together. Transfer
to a serving plate and dust the top of the cake lightly with icing sugar and
scatter with chopped pistachios to decorate. Or make extra butter icing
and chop more pistachios and decorate the top and sides as above in the
picture. The candied lemon slices are optional.
Eat the cake. .
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This was a truly wonderful evening and raised an amazing £1036 for our young people
going to Mexico this summer as part of the M10 project.
A big thank you to all those who came, who put out publicity and sold tickets, to the Town
Council and local shops who displayed posters, to those who baked cakes, provided
refreshments or gave their time in other ways to make it happen, to those who dipped deep
into their purses, to the parish for allowing it to happen and not making a charge, and - of
course - to John and Cobie for their wonderful playing!
John’s beautiful Ramirez guitar filled the church with an amazing variety of sounds in the
first half, and one friend described it as ‘sounding like a whole orchestra’. Both the boy who
was taken home at the interval whilst demanding to stay and the girl who came to the first
half under protest but chose to remain are testament to how good it was.
The programme was Spanish and South American music from the 1600s to the 20th
century: bright melodies, courtly music, romantic pieces, driving rhythms - during which
some quiet foot tapping could be heard. In the second half, John and Cobie played together
and it was apparent that they ‘cared deeply about each sound they were making’ (to quote
another friend).
John and Cobie enjoyed themselves too, appreciating the lovely surroundings and
acoustics of St James and the warm welcome of the audience. Let’s hope they can come
Lindsay and Harriet Gilfillan
Two outstanding musicians
He found the radiator!
Surely it can’t be MORE cake?
Girls from 2nd Morpeth (All Saints) Guides have
followed a varied programme over the last few
In October we went to the Big Gig Pop concert in
London, and saw bands including Little Mixx, Stooshie
and Neon Jungle, as well as the dance group Diversity. It was amazing to see and hear so
many members of Girlguiding UK in one place!
At our weekend holiday in Powburn they achieved their Science Investigator badge.
This included fun activities based on science such as making balloon kebabs, modelling
with balloons, making magic putty, marbling, and building vehicles to transport eggs
without breaking. They also spoke to women who have science based careers to
understand the importance of science in their roles. It wasn't all science though – they also
had great fun on the adventure playground
and singing at the campfire at night. Oh, and
the midnight feast of course!
One of our members attended the Division
Rudolf Reindeer activity day where girls did
crafts and activities with a Reindeer/Christmas
theme. The decorated t-shirts were very
popular, as were the Rudolf cakes, and
making antlers from tights and balloons!
We finished the term with a night walk through
the woods, the park and ending up at the Chip
shop. Despite it being cold the weather was
lovely and the chips very welcome at the end
of the walk. In exchange for the chips the girls
donated food to a collection for the Wansbeck Food Bank, and filled a trolley with what
they collected. In return members of the food bank staff have visited the unit to talk about
their work and we are hoping to run a cooking event in the summer term linked in with the
With signs of Spring everywhere and the thought of the light nights we are looking forward
to lots more outdoor activities.
We are looking forward to more events with other units from the Morpeth area – an
incident hike, a bivvy out and a party on the beach, as well as camping at the Guide
Wellies and Wristbands festival in August.
We will be having a campfire in March when we will be toasting the first marshmallows of
the year! Unfortunately we will also be saying goodbye to our leader Sarah who is moving
to Malmesbury in the south of England. We will miss her and wish her all of the very best
for her new adventures. New members and leaders are always welcome to join us in our
activities and varied programme.
Elaine Callaghan
Unit Leader 2nd Morpeth Guides (01670 504645)
Carlotta Johnson, who many of
you will remember, founded the
Jitegemee School Building Project
with her American sister Adele to
raise funds to build a large
primary school near Dar es
Salaam in Tanzania.
Carlotta worked tirelessly to raise funds
towards the £250,000 target, but tragedy
struck in 2012 when she died after a short
illness. However, her family and friends were
determined to carry on the project and
various events have since taken place, from
sponsored swims to table-top sales.
You are cordially invited to attend the latest
event and help to realise Carlotta's dream.
will be held on
FRIDAY APRIL 17th at 7pm
Entertainment by Afro-English drumming band BOMBADINGA
and solo artists
Auction by Chris Armstrong (Hexham Mart)
ADMISSION (at the door) Adults £5.00
Children FREE
Admission includes buffet refreshments
Further information from Maura Illingworth 01670 516452
From the Parish Registers for MARCH
4th March
5th March
Ethel Collins
Phyllis May Barrie (Maisie) Polwarth
Hilda May Smith
Eric Wallace
Jean Watson
Enid Carter
Richard Clapperton
Alistair and Joyce Kidd
Peter John Turnbull
John (Jack)Tait
9th March
10th March
11th March
13th March
14th March
20th March
May their souls
and the souls
of all the faithful
departed rest in
In Memoriam
26th April 2014
James Simpson
8th March
22nd March
Ava, Felicity & Ruban Cairns at St James
Harriet Maxwell and Scarlett Jones at St Mary's
Lord of day and night,
of beginnings and endings,
we lift up our hearts to you,
and thank you for those whose lives are just beginning
and for those who have now departed to journey on with you.
May your blessing be upon us all
in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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Respice, Adspice, Prospice
"examine the past, the present and the future"
Picture kindly supplied by courtesy of Pat Baker
On Saturday July 16th 1955 Bishop Noel Hudson laid the foundation stone of St
Aidan’s Church, at Stobhill. Pictured at the ceremony, from left to right are: A
Appleby; N Wright (Churchwardens); Bishop Noel with his chaplain; the Mayor of
Morpeth, Alderman D Garry; Canon F Baker, Rector of Morpeth and R Kidd
(Churchwarden). Canon Baker’s vision was for St Aidan’s to grow!
The St Aidan’s Beacon Project, launched in 2014, will extend the existing building
to provide additional community space for the people of Stobhill. This means
much digging-out and also quite a lot of mud.….but St Aidan’s will grow
As well as the mud, there was also a huge amount of clearing out to do because
for the time being, St Aidan’s has become ‘Church in the Parish Hall’ .
Everything had to be moved, but did that dishearten St Aidan’s congregation?
Of course not. They’re resilient and look at the smiles!
And this is what the new build should look like when it’s finished. Watch this
And these gifts that God has given,
He longs for you to share
You're just as important as anyone,
So don't be in despair
We had a super International Women’s Day
service at St Mary’s on 6th March, led by
Vivienne and attended by the Civic Head of
the County Council, the Mayor, Councillors
and representatives from schools and Emily
Wilding Davison’s family. You may have
seen photos in the press.
The Bible reading was Matthew 25:31-40
and we heard about the importance for
women around the world of equality and a
sense of worth. The contributions from the
young people were excellent and helped us
to look forward as well as back.
Harriet Gilfillan
The only one who matters most
Is watching for your part,
With much anticipation
And excitement in His heart
So do not disappoint Him
By not taking your cue,
Though you think it unimportant,
This part is made for you
Don't let God walk away
With a disappointed heart
Because you felt so unworthy
Of your very special part
Harriet read this poem at the service:
Each one of God's children
Has a special part to play,
Whether it be great or small,
We are needed every day
If your part seems very small,
Don't feel you're insignificant
Don't feel that you can't offer much
And you wouldn't make a difference
Though you're tempted to give up
And let another take your place,
Remember, God gave you your gifts
And you cannot be replaced
The parts that we've been given
Isn't based on size at all,
But rather on the abilities
And the gifting of the Lord
For each part is important
To make the whole thing work,
So do your part with enthusiasm
And know that you have worth.
By M.S.Lowndes
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Daffodils and Garlic Bread
(l'incontro elite a mangiare, indeed to goodness!)
Two more parish events, both food-related, illustrate the parish passion for
pasta and pretty china plates. Below, Adrienne and Pauline are pictured at the
daffodil Tea in the parish hall with people and piles of cake On the right ,various
parents and parishioners are pictured partaking of pizza and potato skins (with
dips) at Marabini’s Pasta Parlour and that’s all the alliteration I can pack into one
The Daffodil Tea went very well and raised over £400 for the St Aidan’s Beacon
Project and the Marabini’s evening raised some more money for the M10 trip to
Mexico this summer. A jolly good time was had by all, especially because there
was wine. It was nice to win the quiz, too. Absolutely without cheating at all.
Honestly. REALLY, we didn’t cheat…..but ….no, we didn’t.
Anyway we shared the chocolates out, after we’d eaten most of the soft ones.
Val Pope
The Parish Cycle
28 of Prayer for April
Wednesday in Holy Week
Thanks for those who care for others
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Eve
Comfort for those in sorrow
Easter Day
Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia!
Monday of Easter week
Risen Lord we praise you for your victory
Tuesday of Easter week
Risen Lord we seek comfort for the bereaved
Wednesday of ester week
Thursday of Easter week
Friday of Easter Week
Saturday of Easter week
2nd Sunday of Easter
Those whose life on earth nears its end
“Is it nothing to you, all who pass by?”
Risen Lord help us to deepen our faith
Risen Lord, we thank you for your many gifts
Risen Lord, we seek peace for the world
Risen Lord, we thank you for our many blessings
Pray for the annual parochial church meeting
Pray for the parish Churchwardens
Pray for the newly baptised
Pray for the confirmation candidates
May we be generous to the less fortunate
May we put God at the centre of our lives
Thank you for the love of our families
3rd Sunday of Easter
May the church be an instrument of peace
We pray for sick people
We pray for dementia patients and carers
Pray for all our care homes
George, patron of England
Give thanks for our country
Pray for all political leaders
Mark, Evangelist
4th Sunday of Easter
Give thanks for Christ's teaching
May our lips speak your praise
May we stand up under trial and pressure
Help us to recognise the needs of others
Pray for persecuted people
May we walk in the light of your truth
Please hand your completed form in to Noel Common or give it to one of
the Churchwardens. Alternatively, you may send it to the Parish Office
(address on the back cover of the magazine) if you wish.
If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your donation, please complete the form
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I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax
for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that
all the charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that
I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes
such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p
of tax on every £1
Please complete the above form and return it to: The Parish Office, Parish Hall,
Grange Road, Morpeth, NE61 2TL or hand it to the churchwarden
POST CODE……………………………………
Please notify the church/charity if you:
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Change your name or home address
No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
Gift Aid is linked to basic rate tax which currently allows charities to reclaim 25 pence in the
Higher rate taxpayers can claim back the difference between basic rate and higher
rate or additional rate tax. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and
want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid
donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to
adjust your tax code.
April 5th
St James
St Mary
Easter Day
10.00 am
April 12th
St James
2nd of Easter
April 19th
St James
St Mary
St Aidan
April 26th
St James
St Mary
St Aidan
Holy Communion
Joint Parish Communion
Holy Communion
Joint Parish Communion
Followed by APCM (approx. 11.15)
Evening Prayer
3rd of Easter
Holy Communion
Family Communion
Family Communion
Simply Worship (Non –Eucharist)
Healing Service
4th of Easter
Holy Communion
Family Communion (First Lenten sermon)
Family Communion
Family Communion
No Evening Service on 4th & 5th Sundays
Please check the weekly pew notes for any alterations or amendments to services
BOYS BRIGADE (Manchester St. HQ)
Revd Simon White (Captain)
Mr Clive Kemp Tel: 511723 Officer
(Juniors & Anchors)
Thursdays: Anchors (6-8) & Juniors (8-11)
Tuesdays: Company (11-18)
2nd St James Monday
All Saints School
3rd St Mary's Tuesday
Abbeyfields First School
2nd St James Monday
All Saints School
St Aidan’s Wednesday
Parish Hall
3rd St Mary’s Tuesday
Abbeyfields First School
2nd St James Wednesday
All Saints School
Further information from: Elaine Callaghan
Tel 07531900936
Low Stanners HQ
4th Morpeth Beavers- Monday & Thursday
4th Morpeth Cubs - Tuesday & Thursday
4th Morpeth Scouts
Monday & Wednesday
Morpeth Methodist Church
6th Morpeth Beavers- Thursday s- Thursday
6th Morpeth Scouts- Thursday
Explorer Scouts- Friday
Further information: Clive Rich 01670 511623
Mother and Toddler Group
Every TUESDAY during term time
from 9.30 am—11 am
in St Aidan’s Church, Stobhill
Contact: Mrs Pauline Ferguson
Tel: 518642
Contact: Dr Lindsay Gilfillan
Tel: 07736108772
The Parish Office, The Parish Hall, Grange Road,
Stobhill, Morpeth NE61 2TL. Tel: 503326
Tuesday—Friday 9.30am to 1.15pm
The Office is CLOSED on MONDAY
Parish Administrator: Mrs Glynis Pardy
Mrs Val Pope Tel: 07710233251
Revd Simon White (Rector) (day off Wednesday)
The Rectory Cottingwood Lane Morpeth
Tel: 01670 517716
Revd Jeremy Cooper (OLM )13 Curlew Hill,
Lancaster Park (Tel.511593) (Mon, Fri & Sun)
Mrs Vivienne Sommerville Tel: 513181
Mrs Wendy McKenzie Tel: 510311
Mrs Harriet Gilfillan Tel: 07736 108771
Mrs Janet Hedley Tel: 514117
Mrs Val Cowan Tel: 07887594161
Mr Chris Hudson Tel: 07739348386
Mrs Muriel Harris Tel: 515579 (Reader Emeritus)
St Mary: Mr Colin Davidson Tel: 513381
St James: Mr David Pope Tel: 519520
St Aidan: Mr Roy Beasley Tel: 514149
Mrs Linda Wheatley Tel: 504655
Mr Cyril Meehan Tel: 512897
Mrs Val Pope Tel: 515806
Miss Pat Baker Tel: 503429
Miss Julia Wood Tel: 511192
Mrs Sally Keith Tel: 515098
Revd Maureen Chester Tel: 514569
Mr Eric Fisher Tel: 515401 (St. James)
Mr Noel Common Tel: 516208 (St Aidan)
Mrs Val Langston Tel: 510779 (St Mary)
Mrs Dorothy Tully Tel: 513928
LEAD CHAPLAIN: Revd Jeremy Cooper
Tel.511593) (Mon, Fri & Sun)
Mrs Sally Keith 515 098
Mr Brian Hedley 514117
Mrs Pauline Ferguson 518642
Mrs Val Pope 515806
Mr Dave Pope Tel: 519520
Gift Aid Sec.: Mrs Barbara Wheeler Tel: 519664
Planned Giving: Mr David Pope Tel: 519520
Electoral Roll: Mr Noel Common Tel: 516208
Pinewood Drive Lancaster Park
Morpeth Northumberland
NE61 3RD
Telephone : 01670 512803
Head Teacher Mrs K Halliday
Chair of Governors Mr David Simpson

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